Spring 2012 CON ApHC Newsletter


Spring 2012 CON ApHC Newsletter
Center of the Nation ApHC
Spring 2012 Newsletter
As you might know, the Center of the Nation ApHC is not sponsoring the Spring Spotacular Show this year. Instead we are focusing our attention on offering new options to get more
people involved.
One way is have a Steer Daubing Clinic which is open to all breeds and all ages. Make
sure to check out the flyer inside…however, please note that we were rained out in May and
will be rescheduling later this Summer!
The Center of the Nation ApHC will also be encouraging exhibitors to attend the Sioux
Empire Fair Appaloosa show and the CON ApHC Special Event show. The Special Event
show will be held at the Doblar Arena near Madison, SD, the day before the Sioux Empire Fair
show. If you want to stall, there will be stalls available at the Sioux Empire Fairgrounds. This
is a great opportunity to show in two different shows within a short time and short drive!
Check out the Special Event showbill inside...we hope to see you there!
Youth Award
Remember, this is a new year. Time to start thinking about the CON ApHC
Youth Award. You do not need to show a horse. Just show your love of
the appaloosa horse and be active in clubs and school. If you are interested or know of a youth that would like to get started, contact Terri McCarty
at mcmurf2@hotmail.com. This is a great way to get involved with horses
even if you are unable to own one.
We received a nice message from Carly Wettlaufer:
“Thank you to the CON ApHC for the $100 Award for
being the top placing Appaloosa in this year's
Horseman's Challenge at the South Dakota Horse
Fair. Sonic and I are very proud to help represent
a great breed and club.”
(See more about the SD Horse Fair inside this newsletter.)
Postponed due
to weather —
Watch for a new
Member News
Jay Stewart and Heza Fancy
Milhouse compete at a Cowboy
Mounted Shooting Association
competition in Des Moines, IA
Congratulations to Gene and
Carrie Carr on their 50th wedding
anniversary!! What a special
The Bennett family leased their
2-year old gelding, Hollywood
Andy (aka Flynn), to Jenna
Trumble of Nebraska for her 4-H
project. Good luck to Jenna and
Congratulations to Shae Lynn Johnson
on her science fair awards —
Outstanding 8th grade project and
Overall Ag project. For the project,
she fed cows different feeds (beets
and pellets and just straight hay) and
collected manure to see the difference
in fertilizer value. Smart girl!!
Congrats to Terri McCarty on selling two yearling stallions to Mexico!
Love these 2012 babies!!
Photo by Terri McCarty
Photo by Stephanie Johnson
Sioux Empire Fair Appaloosa Horse Show
August 10, 2012 — Sioux Falls, SD
This show will have two judges, double pointed by the ApHC. Health papers will be required. Pre-entries or
calls for the cattle classes will be appreciated. For questions or more information contact Doug Nickel at
dnickelapps@unitelsd.com or 605-296-3040.
Spotlight on New Generation Riders
Another new generation rider is Rayven
Dutenhoffer. Rayven participated in
local horse shows in Aberdeen, SD,
riding two different appaloosas. She
rode her mom’s horse, All About
Pretty (Big Guy or Stanley), and
One Last Look (Willie). Rayven ended up winning High Point Beginner’s Keyhole and tied for High
Point Beginner for the July show.
She is excited for the upcoming year.
Look for her and Big Guy or Willie!!!
Rayven and Willie heading home
during the Beginner Keyhole Race
Rayven leading Big Guy during Beginner’s
Showmanship. I think she needs a little
more work!!
with her
from her
first horse
Attention 4-H Youth!!
The CON ApHC wants to congratulate and encourage all of the youth showing and competing in the 4-H horse and rodeo projects. Best of luck to each of you!!
We’d like to recognize the appaloosa horses being used for the SD State 4-H Horse Show
and the SD State 4-H Rodeo by giving a special award. Please let us know that your horse is
registered with the ApHC and what classes or events you are entered in at the state competitions. Your name will be put into a drawing for two monetary prizes.
South Dakota Horse Fair
As usual, the Center of the Nation
ApHC booth at SD Horse Fair had
many people stopping by to visit or
ask questions.
This year, Lori Richards rode her horse, I’m
Your Dreamfinder, in the Breed Parade in her
Heritage outfit. Joining her for the Breed Parade were Danny Bennett on Clearly Uncommon and Carly Wettlaufer on Ima Zip Code
Two appaloosas were represented in
the Horseman’s Challenge competing
for the SD Horse Fair award, as well
as a $100 bonus supplied by the CON
ApHC for the highest placing registered appaloosa. These competitors
were Jim Jirkovsky on Clearly Uncommon (JP) and Carly Wettlaufer on Ima
Zip Code Too (Sonic). Congratulations
to both of them for a job well done!
For more pictures, visit the CON
ApHC on Facebook
When a rope isn’t a rope…new uses for old lariats
Whether braided to make halters, ropes or hobbles, woven to make baskets, or wrapped to
make pots, frames, or birdhouses…you can reuse those worn-out ropes.
Just imagine…it’s late on a Sunday afternoon and you’re miles from home at a horse
show, a rodeo, a trail ride, or any fun horse event, and you’re in an accident…rushed to the
emergency room and the questions start…”What meds do you take? Do you have allergies?
When was your last tetanus shot? Any history of heart problems? Respiratory problems? Have
you ever had any surgery?” …you don’t remember the answers and your doctor’s office is
closed…no one to call, no way to get the answers…
This is no situation that anyone wants to be in, and, hopefully, it will never happen to
you. But if it does happen, having a personal health record with you can help. A personal
health record, or PHR, is a tool that you personally use to document and maintain information
about your own health care. It is different from a medical record that is created and maintained by health care providers. For a PHR, you chose what information you want to keep
track of and have accessible to you at any time you need it. It might be as basic as a problem
list of your current diagnoses and past surgeries or pertinent conditions, an allergy list, and
medication list. It could include contact information for your medical providers and insurance
information. PHRs can be kept on paper or electronically. Electronic records can be kept via a
software application on a personal computer or through an Internet-based service. For more
information about PHR’s, visit http://www.myphr.com
What about a PHR for your horses? The medical emergency might involve a horse that
is colicing or that has been injured. The questions might be about the horse’s immunizations or
the deworming history. Will you have the answers? You can adapt the benefits of a PHR to
help care for your equine friends too.
You’ve been spotted…members submitted pictures of appaloosa
horses they’ve seen around town...
Drill team member, SD Horse Fair
Shrine Circus, Aberdeen, SD
Director’s Corner
Lori Richards, ApHC Director
Territory 1, Zone C
What are you plans for enjoying your Appaloosa
this summer? Trail riding? Showing? Attending
a clinic or other event? Your Regional
Club is a great source of information on upcoming
events and a wonderful way to meet people who share
your interests.
National ApHC Directors, Jim Jirkovsky
and Lori Richards, attended the SD
Horse Fair
Did you know that you can earn prizes for doing what you love-riding your Appaloosa??? By enrolling in
the ApHC Saddlelog program you log the time you spend in the saddle. To qualify for the Saddlelog program
you must be a current ApHC member, and ride an ApHC registered horse; however there are no restrictions
in regards to age, registration type or ownership. For adults there is a $15 annual enrollment fee, and for
youth a one-time enrollment fee that enables the youth to participate from the date the application is received in the ApHC office through and including the year the youth turns 19. Hours may be logged on an official saddlelog form or logged on line. Upon reaching hour plateaus saddlelog members will receive chevron
bars and awards. I have reached my 100 & 200 hour awards and am now working towards my 500 hour plateau! If you would like to find out more information on the Saddlelog program go to Appaloosa.com, click on
Trail and Distance and then Saddlelog Program. I signed up my granddaughter in the saddlelog program and
she enjoys keeping track of her time. When she received her packet in the mail with the enrollment sheet
she asked me since hers said “youth saddlelog” on the top of the form did mine say “old saddlelog?”……Gotta
love those grandkids!!! Awards are subject to change but in the past have included bridle bags, hat cans, and
other useful items, enroll in the saddlelog program and start logging your hours!!!!
Respectfully yours,
Lori Richards
Happy trails to you….several CON ApHC members enjoy trail riding with their appaloosa horses, whether in an ApHC trail ride
such as the Chief Joseph Ride, or in a competitive trail ride, or in
a club-sponsored ride such as we’ve held at Turkey Creek Ranch.
Websites of interest:
Plans are underway for the 2012 CON ApHC trail ride.
Your suggestions and ideas are welcomed!
Lori Richards enjoying trail riding with her
grandchildren, Dustin and Holly
Congratulations to our CON ApHC members who did well at ApHC shows in 2011, earning enough points to win a
place in the National Top Ten Year End Award standings! You should all be proud of your accomplishments!
Camas Prairie Stump Race 12 & Under — Shae Roberts
Camas Prairie Stump Race 13-15 — Austin Roberts
Junior Judged Heading — Hollywood Darlene
Keyhole Race 13 & Under — Austin Roberts
Nez Perce Stake Race 12 & Under — Shae Roberts
Non-Pro Breakaway Calf Roping — Carly Wettlaufer
Non-Pro Masters Hunt Seat Equitation — Alice Stewart
Non-Pro Steer Daubing — Carly Wettlaufer
Non-Pro Timed Heading and Heeling — Danny Bennett
Non-Pro Working Cowhorse — Jay Stewart
Novice Non-Pro Reining — Carly Wettlaufer
Rope Race — The Pindedust Kid
Heritage 18 & Under — Shae Roberts
Junior Working Cowhorse — Hollywood Darlene
Nez Perce Stake Race 13-15 — Austin Roberts
Non-Pro Judged Heading — Carly Wettlaufer
Non-Pro Judged Heeling — Carly Wettlaufer
Non-Pro Judged Tie-down Calf Roping — Carly Wettlaufer
Non-Pro Masters Western Riding — Alice Stewart
Steer Daubing — Ima Zip Code Too
3rd (tie) Junior Reining — Hollywood Darlene
3rd (tie) Non-Pro Timed Heading and Heeling — Carly Wettlaufer
3rd (tie) Timed Heading and Heeling — Icons Tequila Mama
3rd Non-Pro 35 & Over Hunt Seat Equitation — Alice Stewart
3rd Non-Pro Judged Heading — Danny Bennett
3rd Rope Race — Sues Red Bandit
3rd Senior Judged Heading — Ima Zip Code Too
3rd Yearling Geldings — Ima Double Cool
4th (tie) Men’s Heritage — Deloway Grand Star
4th (tie) Non-Pro Judged Heading — Jay Stewart
4th Heritage 18 & Under — Shae Lynn Johnson
4th Junior Judged Tie-down Calf Roping — Hollywood Darlene
4th Non-Pro Breakaway Calf Roping — Danny Bennett
4th Non-Pro Timed Tie-down Calf Roping — Carly Wettlaufer
5th (tie) Non-Pro Judged Tie-down Calf Roping — Danny Bennett
5th (tie) Non-Pro Timed Tie-down Calf Roping — Danny Bennett
5th Heritage 18 & Under — Austin Roberts
5th Keyhole Race 13 & Under — Shae Roberts
5th Non-Pro Masters Western Pleasure — Alice Stewart
5th Senior Trail — Applaud for Me
5th Yearling Fillies — Ima Double Skip
6th Junior Judged Heeling — Hollywood Darlene
6th Non-Pro Judged Heading — Jay Stewart
6th Non-Pro Judged Heeling — Danny Bennett
6th Non-Pro Masters Hunter Under Saddle — Alice Stewart
6th Non-Pro Reining — Jay Stewart
7th (tie) Walk-Trot Keyhole Race 10 & Under — Emily Joenks
2012 CON Board of Directors
CON ApHC email: conappclub@hotmail.com
Lori Richards
45276 281st Street
Parker, SD 57053
Phone: 605-413-8919
Email: r_dreamappys@hotmail.com
Vice President:
Penny Petersen
25410 405th Avenue
Mitchell, SD 57301
Phone: 605-999-4274
Email: pen57301@yahoo.com
Carly Wettlaufer
44395 224th Street
Ramona, SD 57054
Phone: 605-485-2286
Email: carly.wettlaufer@gmail.com
Dorine Bennett
23496 454th Avenue
Madison, SD 57042
Phone: 605-256-4983
Email: dbennett@svtv.com
Doug Nickel (12-13)
44544 261st Street
Canistota, SD 57012
Phone: 605-296-3040
Email: dnickelapps@unitelsd.com
Terri McCarty (12-14)
22831 447th Avenue
Ramona, SD 57054
Phone: 605-482-8151
Email: mcmurf2@hotmail.com
Billie Rederth (12)
47288 227th Street
Flandreau, SD 57028
Phone: 605-864-0332
Email: brederth@yahoo.com
open for volunteer
Newsletter Editor:
Denise Dutenhoffer
39238 131st Street
Aberdeen, SD 57401
Phone: 605-622-7780
Email: cdute@nrctv.com
Dorine Bennett
23496 454th Avenue
Madison, SD 57042
Phone: 605-256-4983
Email: dbennett@svtv.com
Youth Director:
Terri McCarty (12-14)
22831 447th Avenue
Ramona, SD 57054
Phone: 605-482-8151
Email: mcmurf2@hotmail.com
Don’t forget to check out our website
for more information.
To join the Center of the Nation Appaloosa Horse Club, send the following information and payment to the
treasurer (Dorine Bennett, 23496 454th Avenue, Madison, SD 57042).
Dues are $10 for Associate Membership, $20 for Single Club Membership, or $30 for Family Club Membership. Associate Memberships may earn club points, but are not eligible for year-end awards. All memberships
will include newsletters, email announcements, free posting to CON ApHC website for foal announcements,
homepage links and classified ads. Single Club Memberships will have one voting privilege and Family Club
Membership will have one voting privilege per adult.
List the name and ApHC Number (#) for each member of the family joining. Include birthdate for youth members and indicate if adults are Non-Pro ApHC members. Include birthdate for NonPro members (needed for
limited/masters classes.)
(Youth are included in family membership if 18 or under as of 01-01-12)
Address ______________________________________________________
Phone ________________________________________________________
Fax ___________________________________________________________
Email _________________________________________________________
Website _______________________________________________________
Name _________________________ApHC # _________________
Youth BD ____________NonPro? (yes/no) NonPro BD _________
Name _________________________ApHC # _________________
Youth BD ____________NonPro? (yes/no) NonPro BD _________
Name _________________________ApHC # _________________
Youth BD ____________NonPro? (yes/no) NonPro BD _________
Name _________________________ApHC # _________________
Youth BD ____________NonPro? (yes/no) NonPro BD _________
Name _________________________ApHC # _________________
Youth BD ____________NonPro? (yes/no) NonPro BD _________