Danish Pipe Shop


Danish Pipe Shop
Danish Pipe Shop
- since 1969
Newsletter no. 3 2012 spring/summer
from the Danish Pipe Shop
Dear friends of the Danish Pipe Shop
Welcome to the third newsletter from our little shop. A new year has hit us and after one of our best years ever in 2011 we
look forward to 2012. On the pipe front it has been a fantastic year where we have reintroduced pipe makers like Eltang, Tao,
and Manduela in the shop with great success. As a new
thing, we introduced Peder Jeppesen and his Neerup pipes
in 2011 and the response has been awesome. We have
without any doubt the widest selection in pipes in Northern
Funny facts from The Danish Pipe Shop…
Europe and we intend to keep the pace. At this moment we
In the autumn and winter 2011/2012 The Danish Pipe
are negotiating with two-three other Danish pipemakers
Shop had by far the largest collection of exclusive handand we will keep you posted on this through our Facebook
made pipes in the world from Manduela, Tom Eltang, Tao,
profile, electronic news, and this newsletter.
Poul Winsløw and Erik Nørding
Focus: Mr. Poul Winsløw
Mr. Poul Winsløw
It’s not a secret that it’s hard to be a production company in Denmark due
to the high living cost and salaries. Never the less we have several local
pipe makers around us here in Copenhagen and they are doing very well.
One of them is Poul Winsløw who produces his pipes in a town just 25 minutes away from us. So it can’t be more local than this.
You can get two types of pipes from Poul: His handmade pipes in different
groups and his Crown pipes. We think the Crown pipes are some of the best
you can get for the price. A well-known fact about Poul’s pipes is that he
never uses a copy mill. That means that all his pipes are unique pieces of
work – even the € 65 pipes which is unusual.
When Poul Winsløw was seventeen he was apprenticed to Preben Holm
who was one of the leading pipe makers of that time. We consider Poul
Winsløw as one of the most successful pipe makers for the time being. He
is not only popular in Denmark, but also successful in many countries all
over the world. We like his balance between unique freehand pipes, style,
and fair pricing.
Winsløw 9 mm. pipes
Winsløw handmade classic
Stanwell, Pipe of the year 2012
Stanwell 2012 Pipe of the year is again designed by the famous Danish pipe maker Tom Eltang. It’s a very nice classic billard
with the significant round end of the shank. The pipe is launched in three different versions. The smooth one in a limited number
of 200 pipes, and two versions of sandblast. One with a polished rim and one without.
The best selection of pipe and tobacco pouches and bags in Scandinavia
For many years we have imported the Martin Wess ourselves and we have just received a wide selection of their products. We
consider Martin Wess to be the best because of a high leather quality, design, and inner rubber which keeps the tobacco fresh.
Some of the new ones are ELK which is real Scandinavian Elk leather and another line called FAT leather made from the finest
cowhide leather which gets a unique ‘fatty finish’ during a special tanning process.
Martin Wess
Martin Wess
Martin Wess
Besides from Martin Wess we have imported the best flake tobacco case you can get form Klaus Ueberholz, KU Design. It is of
course made from real leather and the inner from strong English rubber. It is available in black or brown in the shop or web shop.
Tobacco prices will increase
The new Danish government has decided to
increase the tobacco taxes once again. This
means that from April 2012 Danish tobaccos
will increase around DKK 15 (€ 2) per 100
grams and imported tobacco around DKK 25
(€ 3,5) per 100 grams. We will sell to the old
prices as long as we have stock.
As a consequence of this we have decided to
offer some pipe tobaccos in pouches through
our web shop.
Klaus Ueberholz, KU Design
Klaus Ueberholz, KU Design
Tobacco News
My Own Blend has launched two new blends: Naranja
and Mr. Nielsen.
Naranja is an aromatic dark kentucky tobacco with ‘cool
smoking’ burley and light Virginia tobacco. This is a delicious mixture with sweet orange flavour (naranja dulce)
and a pinch of honey. It is marked with two stars for its
strength, so it is a mild/medium tobacco.
Mr. Nielsen is a special blend for The Danish Pipe Shop.
Steffen Nielsen was the founder of the shop and the tobacco blender has made this blend in honor of him. Steffen loved red wine, coffee, truffle chocolate, and when
he smoked pipe he liked a little latakia and oriental. So
this is a pretty sweet tobacco with a spicy twist which is
well hidden in the excellent aroma. The blend is made
with mild Virginias, Cavendish Oriental, and a pinch of
Latakia. It has a wonderful aroma of vanilla, chocolate,
and almond. The strength is medium and according to
the tobacco blender it is quite similar to another of My
Own Blend mixtures called Spitfire.
Another new blend is the 2012 Edition from W. Ø. Larsen.
This year W. Ø. Larsen gives you a balanced mixture of
round black Cavendish with a touch of fine golden lose
cut Virginia tobacco. The tobacco has a pleasant fruity
flavor and room note.
Funny facts from The Danish Pipe Shop…
Scandinavian customers are very valuable for us. Due to
the high prices on pipe tobacco we are sometimes invaded by Swedish, Norwegians and Finnish people. Without
warning they empty the shop for particular brands and
our stock manager gets a headache.
Funny facts from The Danish Pipe Shop…
Nikolaj (manager) was interviewed by NRK (Norwegian
Television) about tobacco regulations and the pipe shop.
See link on web.
Obsidian Pipe Stem Oil
As the first in Europe we are proud to present a great success from USA. Many of you know how it is with some mouthpieces.
Over time they get grey or green and not very nice to look at. Obsidian is a new solution to this problem.
Obsidian Pipe Stem Oil isn’t a wax or a cleaner. Obsidian Pipe Stem Oil is specifically designed to help keep your vulcanite, ebonite or Cumberland stems from oxidizing and help keep them looking newer for longer. In addition to conditioning and sealing
the pores of the vulcanite, this resulting in much less oxidation, Obsidian also contains small amounts of organic quality UVA/
UVB protection.
Try it and see why it should become a permanent part of your pipe collection! It’s also great for new pipes.
Other product news since last newsletter
Nørding Freehand
Manduela Pipes
Tom Eltang poker
Nørding Giant
Dupont L 8
TDPS pipe tool
Peder Jeppesen,
IDA pipe
Funny facts from The Danish Pipe Shop…
See you in the shop, on Facebook or on our new website!
Daniel, Arko, Niels and Nikolaj
The Danish Pipe Shop
The Danish Pipe Shop - Poul Hansen Company
Frederiksberggade 36
DK-1459 Copenhagen K
Telefon: (+45) 33 12 36 51
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Did you know that there is a pipe day?
Every year the 20th of February is IPSD = International Pipe Smoking Day.
To celebrate we had a 24 hour campaign on www.danishpipeshop.com.
Read more about IPSD on www.ipsd.eu