r e snubs regulators
r e snubs regulators
I MONEY 2 CAREERS I A55 r e snubs regulators -and Pavs WATCH GllGOFF t a t e r r y l a t a r ~ray that. like consumers and health gct timciy or adequate responscs when they asked Cigns Health Care ofNewYork to amwar questions about complaints, so they fined the health insurer S150.000. organization ma ofcignaadmitted violations ofNewYorklaw from 1999 through last year. One infnftion mas Ci&s failure to r c s ~ o n dto t h c d e o m e n t prGmptiy. Cima has done oooilv bv mpiamti upheld by the department, and also in evalua- evento regu1atonl"That's tions by private organizations. chutzpah, or dumb." raid Invin "We're confident the problems Mala. a Longlrlanderwho aJe behiod us? Cigno spokesE e W e s h a nonprofit'r prowoman Patricia Caballero said tohelp consumers resolve last week healthimwmce disputes, when A n m o w c e m e n t by the he ww told of the fine. In an interview department when the apcement 1 s t week Salvawassilsignedso~s Since admitting toreCasti&on+ thnt state law chiefof the lnnurequires H M O ~ delays and being ance Depmand insurers to ment's Consumr-pondwithinlfi fined, 'they've erServicesBuhappen. 7%; result was the business days rrnu. said he was Pl50.000 fine." when the lnrurimproved "surprised" D:p.mment findings uf rhc ance Department Cignalct the ramsor similar violrtiom by h?a.'h miurcrs 3 1 not ~ anore;. dramatically.' problem continsendsthemconsumer complaitx% ue so long. But he edcnted, but they are un&ual %deadline Cigna added. "Since - t h e deosrtment cited comoa- Salvatore Cartiglione tlvzysipcd the repcatedlyfded to meet." of the state Insurance rtipulatioaInrurancc Department on thry'veimproved Superintendent Cigna Health Care dramatical1y"in replatory action of this nature Howard Mills said theirdeal'ingr goes beyond the small fine. in thestatement at with the bureau. Castiglione said, by genemting the time:"Wewill not d o r v a Before the agreement. "they adverrcpublicity and camcompany to dngitr feet to the didn't give us all the informamanding the attentionoftop detriment of its customern: tian that we asked for ;md rhe company executive. Not respondmgproprrly tnfomatron thai was n e c e s s ~ CabdIero, the Cigm spokes- 'I have rights,' a consumer learns, and now he helps others primarily as the father o f a sonwho wasdiagnored as having Crohn'a disease, an illness involving the gastrointestinal tract, at the age of12.The son is 23 now. Maltr has had disputes about which doctors and treatments would he covered He prevailed insome clasher,ioet inathers, but along the way. Moltr said. "I learned I have rights, and I could ftghtmy insurer." As one of the owners of a family business. he's still active in four shoe stores on Long Islmd aperating under the Stkide Rite name, and his service in the codition's program is just one of his voiunterr iletivities. "It's very rewarding knowing you can do some good for people who are just trying to get by: he said. T o contact that program call 36-6163345 and leave a message. or send e-mail to mccapii@hotmail.com To 1e.m more, go to www.lipc.org, click an "projects" and then on ..MCCAP" under .wealth woman, raid thecampany "takes rcguiatory~ompliance a d our members' concerns venr seriouslv." and she noted Consumer Watch would apprcciote hearing about your erpcricnce ingetting heolth imancenflwyou left ajob, whrthmvou obtained thecovw age youieededsimpiy ond ouickiv with o ch~~meofemnlov- 1 cess to the latest guide to health insurers in the state, jointly issued by the lnsurance Department and Health Department. It includes rankings based on complaints upheld by the Insurance Department per $1 million in premiums. The guide is also available by calling the Insurance Department's phone number for complaints and asking far a free copy of publication No. 3 when requested by recorded prompts. The state attorney general's office offers areiswnce through its Aenlth Care Bureau and a Helpline (800-771-7755, choosing option three and then one. 830 a.m. to 430 p.m. weekdays) and a section forhealthcare onww.oagstatr.ny.ur.According to spokeswoman Christine Pritchard, the bureau can give consumers information on how to obtain health care to ,.:w;u,~, ~~~~nr~l~b~t~~Ak~cw,,, which they are entitled under their coverage and state l u ~ e s and , take comp~sintr Irwin Malt2 of Bellmore, who fought battles over health insurance for -HENRY GILGOFF his son, volunteers with a free consumer-assistance program. far investigation.