March, 2002
March, 2002
FORIVI ULA FORUM THE IF1 JOURNAL ED!TION FORMULA FORUM For rules, send a check for $7.50, payable to IF1 to cover cost of printing and mailing. lFl tNc. COMMITTEE International Formula One Pylon Air Racing, Inc. All DAVID HOOVER rights reserved. FormulaForum is the official publication of International President Formula One Pylon Air Racing, Inc., A Texas Non- 650/573-1323 107 Williams Lane Foster City, CA 94044 Profit Corporation. Member of the Air Racing Council of SCOTT CRANDLEMIRE the United States. Vice President 3810 W. Park Creek Dr. Meridian, D 83642 Website: http:/furrrw. DISCLAIMER Articles appearing herein are the opinion ofthe authors and not necessarily the opinion of 2081371-7s30 WILL DENMS IF1,Inc.. Secretary Conkibutions should be sent Willits, CA 95490 to the Editor, Bill Rogers at 't07/456-0s76 926 Rawhide 110 Main Street, Suite B CONTRIBUTIONS PIace, CA Newbury Parb 91320. Phone/FAX: 805/498 -0846, milward@ Text on Zip or ANITA INFANTE PC floppies in WP,Word or Promotions Director MEMBERSHIP 9729F.300fth St L Kewanee, 61443 3091853-5328 Membership in IF1 is open to pilots, owners, crews, and technical people active in Formula One Air Racing. Members $50, Non-voting Associate Members $25. Rules package and application available from the Secretary, Will Dennis. COVER PHOTO As the European edition of Formula Forum, it seems appropriate to feature Dan Borgstrom from Sweden and his Shoestring "Half Fast" John Garrett photo FORMUI-+ FORAM, MARCH 2OO2 909/734-292s TOM DeHART Technical Director P.O.Box 1431. Klamath Falls, OR 97601 541/883-3320 DANGILBERT Pilot Committee 12508 Jewell Street, MI 4811I 734/699-5649 Bellville, GARY HUBLER Technical Committee 50ll HublerLane Caldwell,ID 83605 20814s4-9s85 ghubler@mindspring. com DIRECTORS email text to .rtf. Photos remain property of Formula Forum. JEFF GT]NN Operations Director 866 Santa Cruz St. Corona, CA 92882 EXECUTTVE Formula Forum @2002 VOLUME XIII NUMBER 2 BILL ROGERS Procedure Committee 926 Rawhide Place Newbury Park, CA 91320 805/498-0846 CONTENTS David Hoover 3. President's Page Scotty Crandlemire 4. VP Page Bill Rogers 5. 5tr Column - Editorial 6. Les formules de la France 8. Marketing and Promotions Anita Infante Bill Rogers 9. Procedure Rules Report 10. Odds and _ I 1. For Sale President's Page David Hoover We held up this issue to allow the results of the Presidents meeting with the Reno Air Racing Association to be included. Will Dennis and I attended the Fourth Annual Class Presidents meeting in Reno on March 6tr and 7tr. We got the State of RARA report, which detailed the actual 2001 losses, andthe year2002 projections. Here are some of the highlights. The actual cash loss from 2001 was $1.2 million dollars. RARA was expecting profits of roughly $300,000+. 2001 was to set records in all areas: attendance for the week 200,000+. Community impact $40 to S50 million, and a total purse of 5875,000. We were told that if this had happened in 1997,we would not be racing this year. It takes about $2 million dollars in up front costs to host the event. This year their profit goals are $210,000. The total purse will be $748,000, the same as the year 2000. Formula One's purse amount will be S70,000.00. Cannon Insurance will again donate $1000 to the fastest qualifier in each class. RARA will add $52,000.000 to the total purse as a bonus if they meet their projected goal of $1 million dollars in ticket sales by July 3l't. Formula One will get an additional $2000 added to our purse if this happens. Everything else this year should be business as usual for all the classes. The meeting was very upbeat and positive. The future of Air Racing looks healthy. that your name has been omitted in error let me know right away, otherwise you will be required to attend the PRS this year. Also, if you attended the PRS last year and paid the full amount of $500 did not bring your Formula One, you will be credited or refunded the $200 you overpaid. Your actual cost should have been $300, so contact me so I can pass this information along to RARA. The only students that need to pay the full amount for the school are the ones that will be bringing their Formula One planes up to the school and flying on the race course. Otherwise, you will only need to pay the lesser amount for the ground school. Scotty Crandlemire and I both plan on bringing our two-seaters again this year to the school. We will be taking those students out on the race course that do not have their own planes up there. From early projections it looks like we should fill the field again. We might have an additional two or three rookies this year. Remember, only the top 24 planes that qualify get to race. For those of you that think that you will be "on the bubble" it's time to start thinking about what it will take to make your plane faster. 2002 may be a banner year for RARA and Formula One. David Pilots currently eligible for Reno 2002: Information about the Pylon Racing All pilots Seminar was discussed as well. The dates axe June2Tn through the 30tr. If you plan to attend, please let me know as soon as possible or call the Air Maynard Crosby Ray Debs for this year Race office at775-972-6663 to get an entry packet. You will see below a list of all the eligible Formula One pilots who can race at Reno this year. If you think entered at Reno 2001 plus: Larry Hardy Roger Keeney Flip Miller Birch Entriken Tom Hallendorf Ib Hanson FORMUI"A FORUM, MARCH Scoff Sexton Joe Young 2OO2 VP Page Scoffy Crandlemire I had this page composed, and it became a casualry somewhere in cyber space. As I recall, my main topic was talking about the up-coming "PRS" (Pylon Racing Seminar) slated for mid-June. Now is a great time to contact either David or myself to give us an early indication who will be attending so we can gauge how large the class may be. There is a fair amount of preparation that goes into the event, and any "heads up" from you or someone you know that is planning to attend would be well appreciated. So far, Formula One has had the largest pilot participation over all other class's. This has certainly been noteworthy to our group, and we are sure to RARA as well. At any rate, it is an excellent program hosted by RARA, extremely valuable and incidentally, mandatory if you are a rookie or a retuming veteran race pilot who has let his or her race pilots license expire. Not much else to report here, really been busy on the race plane however. I was able to corral two eastern block countries' finest aeronautical engineers. With their help we have developed a piston with a unique "power slide" mechanism that lengthens the piston at 4200 RPM to imitate 1 1:1 compression. So far in the early flight test phase we are experiencing mind blowing results. It takes a mere 2 minute cool down for the piston to re-collapse back to 135cc cylinder volume for tech purposes. The only negative encountered thus far has been some slight pre-detonation, an interior fuel cell (which presently is in design) fabricated to accommodate 30 ounces of an ADI mix should cure the problem. Hope to hear from any ofyou reference "PRS". My cell phone is 208-371-7530, or email at Blue Skies from Idaho, s6*: Scotly l frat* HL o Where are they now? This pretty yellow Cassutt, owned by Canadian Eric Matheson, last raced in 1999 (Eric has been busy flying water bombers) FORMALA FORAM, MARCH 2OO2 5*n column Bill Rogers Editorial For the first time in a long time, rules changes have been approved that can make a physical difference to the aircraft configuration. The numbers rule will require a few people to do some masking and a little spray painting, but so long as you clean off the wax, and pick the right paint system, it should not be much more than a nuisance. The above does not apply to those ofyou with art directors. The change that can really have a significant impact is, of course, the smaller tire. It is lighter and of smaller diameter, permitting a reduced height on the wheel pants. The width is still fixed but new pants should weigh less, and have less frontal & wetted areas. Given the similar performance of the top airplanes, any racer who is serious cannot ignore these advantages, and has no choice but to make the changes. There is obviously cost and time affected. There are a few middle of the field racers that are not Cassutts and would stay with the Pro series. They would probably fall farther behind the pack if they did not pay the price of these upgrades. Surely one of the strengths of Formula One is the fact that it is a Spec. Class with all racers using as an identical engine as possible, and airframes restricted in a similar way. Lets face it, this is actually a pretty low cost way to race compared to other motorsports, although complaints about the cost are cofirmon. Aircraft qualified, flightrated, FAA certified engine components are, of necessity, expensive. Any requirement to incorporate these upgrades could well drive out some less well-heeled competitors. Of course you do not HAVE to install newer components, but closer racing is a goal of the organization. involved in implementing this change. Most will not worry about this, of course, and slower planes will not notice much improvement an).,way. Scotty Crandlemire in the last issue of the Forum proposed consideration of In my view, the focus at present should be on building better airframes. There are several people capable of building top of the line engines, so a winning package must include a new airframe. This is difficult, but several people are stepping up to the challenge incorporating technology more recent than 1935, like fuel injection, electronic If in the future, as the 0-200 and OEM parts start to became unavailable, then ignition and trick high-compression pistons, into our engines. Each of these would be the time to evaluate are doable at some (possibly quite large) cost and with some effort. One would assume some performance advantage, so once again all the racers would have to a upgrade whether they wanted to of not. thriving Cassutt Sport Racing feeder series would make this easier, since clearly they would not want to be Certainly whole new engine package, notjust a few bolton hot rod parts. a FORMUL,A FORAM, MARCH 2OO2 Bill Les Formules de la France Pierre Franck - CP80 F-PYBP William Lobet, French Champion until 1998 and in 2000 - Cassutt Special F-PYIY "Largardo Xavier Beck - PiloUConstructor of BKSUT, F-PXAV FORMUL,A FORUM, MARCH 2OO2 Chambley 2A01 1999 French Champion, Vincent Martinez - Cassutt 1 1 1M F-PCMV Martinez' Cassutt at the demo at Chambley 2001 i o o cl 0 Beck's highly modified Cassutt also at Chambley FORMULA FORUM, MARCH 2OO2 Marketin Anita lnfante & Promotions New IFI Logo Contest: The press releases have been sent out to the aviation Media and the information on the contest has been posted on the IFI Web site. Since many of the April issues of the monthly aviation publications were closing the end of February as the releases were going out, I have extended the entry deadline until May 31,2002. Phoenix Regional Airport: The site at Phoenix Regional Airport still looks good for arace. Theyhavejust finished getting things in order for the Copperstate Fly-in which has moved to their site. They are continuing to build the airport infrastructure. As soon as the first building phase is done they want to begin an event program and IFl is first on their list. IFI Race Demonstration at Nellis Air Force Base: Plans are still going forward for IFl to provide a race demonstration at the Nellis 2002 Air Show (Las Vegas) on October 5th and 6th,2002.I will be in Las Vegas next week for meetings with the Air Force. As I have mentioned, there is a restriction that prohibits competition at Air Force Bases so we will only be able to demonstrate a race. My thought is to introduce IF1, talk about its history, pilot requirements, safety, and perhaps recreate some of the more exciting races. We will probably have about l0 -15 air minutes on each day. We will also have the opportunity to sell IF1 merchandise to an expected crowd of about 350,000 people. The Air Force will cover expenses (travel rate and hotel) for the IF1 teams. I would like to have eight race planes that represent a variety ofracecraft, from the standard Cassutt to the newer, original designs. Please contact me for more information if you are interested in participating. Little tr'alls, MN: I am still waiting to hear back from the organizer in Little Falls, MN about their Lindbergh Celebration in August. They were checking with the military at Camp Ripley. NM: I have had a couple of conversations with the organizer of the Deming Duck Race (real ducks that race). He also does air shows and would like to add a different flavor of racing to their event, so they are looking Deming, at IF1. Aviation World's Fair: We have a request to participate in the Aviation World's Fair in April2003 in Virginia. We are currently putting together a package for participation. If you know of any events that might be interested in staging an IFl race, please contact one of the IF1 Board. Anita Other Possible Races: Deke Slayton Airfest. I am sorry to report that the Deke Slayton Airfest has been postponed until 2003, but the organizers would like to see if they can support a race next year. FORMULA FORUM, MARCH 2OO2 rei hffid Bill Rogers I mentioned last issue that my goal for the year was to combine the Bylaws and Or garrizational Procedures Rules, which have similar functions, into one document. Sections in those rules are similar and have different wording, but I do not believe they conflict. In fact, you need to refer to both for any subject, because they were written to capfure any rules that the Texan lawyers chose not to cover in the Bylaws. My guidelines were to not change any rules but to eliminate the duplication. As I got into this, I found as others have, that it is not that simple and a host of other issues arose, not the least of which is "What is the latest set of rules?". There are many different formats; rules are clearly in the wrong place; the Design Guide (a very useful document containing data unavailable elsewhere, some of which used to be in the Technical rules) has fallen into disuse; Tech Inspection Procedures were never really distributed; etc. etc. My new self imposed guidelines: Redo ALL the rules in a new consistent format so that it is obvious to everyone that they are looking at the current rules. The Technical Rules cover everything you need to take an airplane from the drawing board to the hangar door at Reno. They are identical to the current rules (Dec.200l changes included) but have the new race number dimensions added since this info is needed to prepaf,e the airplane. The Design Guide has been updated and added as an Appendix. The current Appendix C, the Pilot Qual Checklist remains, but as Reference only. This package can then be distributed to new people. hangar door to the Prize Giving. This is a larger revision and eliminates anything to do with organization of the Corporation; it clarifies the job descriptions of the Operations and Tech Directors at the race site; it incorporates the protest and violation procedures from the Organizational Procedures and adds the Tech Inspection Procedures as a.n Appendix. The Dec.2001 changes to pilot certification are included and the Pilot Checklist is again included as Appendix C . The Bylaws and Or gatizational Procedure Rules are merged into one document, maintaining all current procedures and as much wording as possible. They cover all the processes needed to run the Organization Members, Directors, Offi cers, Exec. Committee, Rules Committee, elections, voting, etc., but eliminate anything about the Technical side or running races. This is a major redo. I am glad to report that this task is progressing well and a first draft has been completed. The process to approval will obviously be fairly complex so I felt it important to do the initial work early so as to leave time for review by the Procedure Rules Committee, the Technical & Operations Directors, and the Secretary. These folks will make sure nothing has been left out or changed, and the rules will be passed to the Exec. Committee and Directors. If this works smoothly, I hope to obtain approval to make a distribution to all Members by 12 August 2002, so that we all can vote to approve them at the Reno AGM. Any changes will be very limited since we are not modifying any rules. Real "new" rules changes will have to be sent back through the Committees. The Race Procedure Rules cover everything needed to get you from the FORMULA FORUM, MARCH 2002 BiI Odds and In the spirit of this International edition of the Forum, here is the schedule for the The Brits have some handicap pylon races but not Fl as far as I can tell. French APAF racing season: Entrainement APAF i St Flour (base permanente d'entrainement) : -27 et28 avrl20A2, - 18 et 19 mai2002, - I et2 juin2002 report en cas de probldme mdt6o sur les pr6c6dents. Courses APAF : - 18 au 2i juillet 2002 Chamblay - 27 et 28 juillet 2002 St Flour - 01 septembre2002 Chateauroux 14 et I 5 septembre 2002 Peruga,,Italie - For the non-French speakers, the first part lists training dates and the others are races. Fit one into your holiday schedule and tell them you are from Formula One in the US - you will have a great time. THANKS to our SPONSORS The 18rt Annual Air Racing History Symposium will be held May 3-4,2002 at the Holiday Inn - Airport (216-2527700),2 miles NE of Cleveland Hopkins Airport. The Symposium feature speaker will be the first winner of an International Formula One race Bill Sullivan. For further info contact Herman Schaub (440) 234-2301 or Don Berliner at (7 03) 54 8-0405. The IFl website is generating considerable interest. Check out the News section and the Guestbook. I am sure that some of t}te correspondents from all over the world would welcome contacts from current members. Several people are looking for information which I am sur some ofyou have. The provider of the cable to Bill Rogers and Formula Forum has decided to sell out, so the new email address for Bill and FF has become: Paul Royko Equilon Enterprises LLC Tim Bovee bought a Cassutt last week in Northern CA and flew it home to Washington. It will be at Reno this year, and has never raced before. My apologies in advance to France for my French. [;-:,--.^; Warning Warning rning Warning Peter Bacon & Jim Melvin Unison lndustries This is your last Forum if you have not renewed your membership for 2002. Application forms are available from the website. ifl I l 10 FORMULA FORUM, MARCH 2OO2 For Sale Ads are free as a service to members. AIRCRAFT #2 NSEW Wagner "Okie Swinger" Beautiful Gold Racer Prior to purchase afany Contact: George Budde: Nice Cassutt 80 hrs on O-200 a (405) 733-1449 L/01 aircraft, please contact the Technical See home. /cassutthome.htrnl Contact: Art a (303-887-3997) 12/01 #4 N1VD Owl OR71 "Alley Cat" Reno Champion with 2race engines, 3 Directorfor any graphite props, and customized 2 axle trailer IFI rules Contact: Ray Cote: * (619)442-1056 10/01 compliance F lraygladyscote@aol. com items that may National Aeronautics has Cassutt parts including Al and Steel landing gear legs. qpply. Teledyne Continental Parts at Racer prices - Mattituck Aviation. Mention IF1 Contact: Phil Haponic: a (1800) 624-6680 #14 N414M Miller JM-2 "Pushy Cat, Reno Winner with Trailer, Drawings and Tooling to build kits. Contact: Jim Miller: (210-493-7516) 7tal I #42 N4zKKKelly F-lD ooBarbara Jeano' do engine, with prop, spinner, mount, cooler. Includes flatbed trailer, spares and support equipment. In very good shape. Contact: Kevin Keily a $6D723-2142 Contact: Ib or Sue Hansen: a (303) 940-8442 Graphite Race Props - Run One or Follaw One. Owens Composites Contact: Steve Hill: a (505) 832-1148 Aircraft Design and Analysis Services: Everything from comput erized airfoil 5lOI design to complete aircraft drawings and CFD analysis using NASA's Pmarc-12 #57 N603R Cassutt 11lM'oAggressor" Contact: Gary James: e (817) 596-3278 Gold racer, new Grove wing, new motor, GSJAMES @ix. netcom. com great trailer, exfra canopy, props etc. 10/01 Contact: Robert Jones: I (5 59)432-3041 Custom Embroidery: Team shirts, hats, jackets, etc. at racer rates for 12 pcs & up. Contact: #96 N687RB Grove/Boyd "Mac Daddy" 2nd fastest qualifier in 2000 @245.676 mlh 2 hr Ly-Con engine, spares, enclosed trailer. Contact: David Hoover * (510)786-3422 8101 & 'ARTS SinVlCiS Cassutt * Sale or Trade. Complete with 0-200, was flying with thin wing, now disassembled to install thick wing. Make CT Contact: John Chmura I All Stff Warbirds, Sharon Sandberg: a (763)856-3148 Raceplane Books by R.S.Hirsch Wedell-Williams Air Service by Bob Hirsch and Barbara Schultz, $19.95 plus $2.00 S&H from: Raceplanes by Hirsch 8439 Dale St. Buena Park, Ca. 90520 4l0l aQu)828-7369 offer. Southbury, Q03)264-8697 Cassutt Project. Fuselage complete ready to cover, tail, wheels, brakes, ciiltopy, cowl, but no wing. S1250, Greenwich, RI 4lat Contact: Paul Merriam: n (401)885-8080 InJbrmation on things of IFI interest for sale or wanted should be sent to the Editor, or IFI W Scotty Crandlemiye 2 0B/BB 4-0 4 48 or airrac er@qwest. net FORMULA FORAM, MARCH 2OO2 11 After 4 days of work - no place to go for 'GPN - Stephen Alexander's Jam Sandwich John Garrett photo PYLON AIR RACING . THE WORLD'S F'ASTEST ENGINBSPORT r lffiffiI*l[[-1ffi INTEHNATIONAL FORMULA FORUM 926 Rawhide Place, Newbury Park, CA 9{320