dash for interconnection
dash for interconnection
FEBRUARY 2016 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET FOREWORD The analysis in this report reflects Aurora’s independent perspective as a leading energy market modelling and analytics company. The analysis was originally prepared for Aurora’s subscriber group in October 2015. The subsequent publication of the analysis in this report has been supported by: ABOUT AURORA ENERGY RESEARCH Aurora Energy Research is an independent energy market analytics firm, providing data, forecasts and insights on UK, European and global energy markets. We specialize in understanding the industry-shaping issues over the medium to long run, focusing on market fundamentals and regulatory context, and abstracting from short-term noise. With rigorous economic modelling rooted in robust theory and supported by detailed data, we are able to provide unique and powerful insights to our clients and subscribers who include generators, developers, banks, regulators and NGOs. Front cover image credit: NASA Earth Observatory DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 INTRODUCTION 2 10 C Policy context.............................................................................................................................. 10 Existing interconnection capacity...................................................................................... 13 Proposed interconnection capacity.................................................................................. 14 Aurora’s modelling approach................................................................................................ 16 2 IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON GB GENERATORS 18 Interconnector flows............................................................................................................... 18 Wholesale prices ...................................................................................................................... 18 Generation................................................................................................................................... 20 Electricity and capacity market revenues...................................................................... 22 Investment in new GB generation capacity................................................................... 24 3 AN UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD FOR GB GENERATORS 25 EU support................................................................................................................................... 25 UK support................................................................................................................................... 27 Network charges exemption................................................................................................ 28 Carbon tax exemption............................................................................................................. 29 4 IMPACT OF NEW INTERCONNECTION CAPACITY ON CONSUMER INTEREST 31 Impact of new interconnection on consumer interest..................................................................................................................... 31 Higher costs under CfDs ...................................................................................................... 31 Security of supply in GB......................................................................................................... 32 Carbon emissions in Europe . .............................................................................................. 34 Net welfare impacts of interconnectors vary by connected market ............... 35 APPENDIX41 Aurora’s models.......................................................................................................................... 41 Fuel and carbon price assumptions...................................................................................44 Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY E E.1 Aurora Energy Research has undertaken an investigation to assess the impact that a buildout of interconnection capacity would have on the Great Britain (“GB”) power market. This report documents the main findings to emerge from the analysis. While not conclusively endorsing or rejecting the ‘dash for interconnection’ that now characterises much of European energy policy, it highlights three key drawbacks of more interconnection that we believe have received inadequate attention in the GB debate so far. 1. Consumers incur significant costs, as interconnector subsidies and charge exemptions need to be financed through taxes and electricity bills. We estimate that these costs are big enough to make the net GB welfare impact of most new interconnector projects negative. 2. Total European CO2 emissions increase as gas-fired generation in the GB market is undercut by dirtier coal-fired generation in mainland Europe, which faces a lower carbon price. 3. More interconnection does not provide additional security of supply, as it displaces an equivalent amount of domestic baseload capacity which is at least as reliable as interconnection and potentially more so. E.2 These findings should not be taken to imply that domestic generation is always a better option for the GB market than interconnection. Given the right policy and market conditions, interconnection has the capacity to contribute towards the three principal objectives of energy policy: affordability, decarbonisation and energy security. Yet, Aurora’s analysis shows that the disadvantages can be substantial too, and excessive interconnection buildout can in fact detract from affordability, decarbonisation and energy security. CONSUMERS INCUR SIGNIFICANT COSTS 2 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET Prepared by Aurora Energy Research E.3 The expected growth in interconnection capacity is largely driven by a range of policy advantages that they enjoy over domestic generation. At both EU and GB levels, an assortment of subsidies and charge exemptions have created a highly favourable environment for new interconnectors. These include the following. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Subsidies and financial support available to interconnectors. Substantial support is available to interconnector projects through Ofgem’s cap-and-floor regime at the domestic level, in addition to financial support offered to Projects of Common Interest through the €5.85 billion Connecting Europe Facility at the EU level. These subsidies for interconnectors constitute a significant public cost that should be weighed against their perceived benefits. E • Exemption of interconnectors from GB network charges. The EU Third Package exempts interconnectors from GB network charges. These charges include Transmission Network Use of System (“TNUoS”) and Balancing Services Use of System (“BSUoS”) and transmission losses, which are paid by domestic generators. • Exemption of interconnectors from Carbon Price Support: Generators in the UK are subject to higher carbon emission costs than their counterparts elsewhere in Europe. In addition to the EU Emissions Trading Scheme Allowance price, domestic generators are also required to pay the Carbon Price Support (“CPS”) – an additional tax on fossil fuels used in electricity generation. However, generators located in interconnected markets supplying electricity to the GB market through interconnectors are not liable for the CPS, which represents an additional cost burden on domestic generators. E.4 We estimate that the CPS and network charge exemptions alone create an advantage for interconnectors over domestic generators equivalent to approximately £10/MWh, or more than 20% of the baseload electricity price. If EU subsidies and cap-and-floor pay-outs are also taken into account, it could be even larger. This creates an uneven playing field for domestic generators and introduces market distortions with both short and long-term effects on efficiency and social welfare in GB. Prepared by Aurora Energy Research E.5 In order to capture the full impact that these distortions have on GB consumers and generators, we deployed Aurora’s market-leading dynamic dispatch models for the GB and Europe electricity systems in a comparison of two interconnection buildout scenarios. The “Current IC” scenario assumes the 4 GW of currently installed interconnection capacity to remain constant. The “EC targets” scenario introduces 10 GW of additional interconnection capacity by 2030 (in line with European Commission targets). DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY E E.6 We concluded that the introduction of 10 GW of additional interconnection to an already uneven playing field could negatively affect both consumers and generators in a number of important ways. While the buildout of interconnector capacity would help lower wholesale prices and thereby induce a transfer from producer to consumer surplus, the net impact on GB and European consumers could be negative when benefits are weighed against the total cost of supporting new interconnection. Our analysis found that additional interconnection could destroy value in the GB market in the following ways. • Negative net GB welfare impacts for most interconnected markets. From a net welfare perspective, as shown in Exhibit 1, Aurora’s analysis finds that only an interconnection with Norway increases GB welfare, while interconnection with other countries decreases GB welfare. Additionally, feasible combinations of domestic generation options are found to out-perform interconnection with Denmark, Ireland, France and Belgium (Norway being the sole exception.) • Up to 10% reductions in revenue to domestic electricity generators from the electricity and capacity market. • Significant reductions in annual load factor of domestic CCGTs, and in captured prices for both CCGTs and peakers. Our analysis shows a relatively lower impact on load factors of peakers, with interconnection competing more with baseload and mid-merit generators rather than flexibility providers (Exhibit 2). Low-efficiency CCGTs are more significantly impacted by increased interconnection than any other technology, potentially seeing their valuation decrease by more than 50% in a high interconnection scenario. 4 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET Prepared by Aurora Energy Research • Higher costs under Contracts for Differences (“CfDs”). Lower wholesale prices will increase the payments made to CfD holders, who are granted a fixed strike price and paid the difference between the strike price and the wholesale price. Given the constraint posed by the Levy Control Framework, a perverse effect of lower wholesale prices is the ability to support less renewable resources. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Exhibit 1 Welfare impact of an additional 1 GW interconnector added to the “Current IC” scenario in 2020 (PV2020 £bn at discount rate of 3.5%, 2014) Consumers Producers Other interconnectors Proposed interconnector Network charges exemption CPS exemption E Cap-and-floor Total GB 6 4 2 0 0.1 -0.7 -0.9 -2 -0.8 -0.2 -4 -6 FRA DEN NOR IRE BEL Exhibit 1 Notes: 1. Includes TNUoS, BSUoS and losses exemptions. 2. Assumes all projects are delivered under the cap-and-floor regime, with cost structures, caps, and floors broadly corresponding to the actual projects of the corresponding countries approved for cap-and-floor by Ofgem. 3. Interconnector welfare is assumed to be split on a 50-50 basis between GB and the interconnected market. Notes: 1. Includes TNUoS, BSUoS and losses exemptions. 2. Assumes all projects are delivered under the cap-and-floor 18 Sources: Ofgem, AER, regime, with cost structures, caps, and floors broadly corresponding to the actual projects of the corresponding countries approved for cap-and-floor by Ofgem. 3. Interconnector welfare is assumed to be split on a 50-50 basis between GB and the interconnected Exhibit 2 market. Sources: Ofgem, AER Capacity displaced by new ICs in the “EC targets” scenario (de-rated1 GW) New CCGT Existing CCGT Existing coal Others CCGT Coal Interconnection New peakers Total 10 8 6 4 2 Generation displaced by imports through the new ICs in the “EC targets” scenario (TWh) +6.6 (10.2 nonde-rated) 0 -10 -20 -7.1 Prepared by Aurora Energy Research -2 -4 -6 -8 (-7.2 nonde-rated) 2020 2025 2030 -30 -40 -50 2020 2025 2030 Exhibit 2 Notes: 1. De-rating factors applied to interconnectors are in line with DECC’s values announced ahead of the 2016 T-4 Capacity Market auction. Project’s for which DECC’s de-rating factors are unavailable are instead de-rated at the mid-point values from ranges proposed by Ofgem. Notes: De-rating factors applied to interconnectors are in line with DECC’s values announced ahead of the 2016 T-4 Capacity Market auction. Project’s for which DECC’s de-rating factors are unavailable are instead de-rated at the mid-point values from ranges proposed by Ofgem. Sources: AER, DECC, National Grid Sources: AER, DECC, National Grid 10 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY E E.7 Our welfare analysis included only the seven main welfare categories listed in Exhibit 1. There are other possible costs and benefits of interconnection that were not considered. An exhaustive exploration of these would be essential to a final appraisal of particular interconnector projects. This would likely involve comparing the expected system operability benefits of additional interconnectors with the foregone system benefits of the dispatchable thermal plants that are displaced by them. E.8 Interconnectors could potentially provide new types of ancillary services in the future, as well as other system operability benefits associated with linking interconnectors to particularly underserved parts of the GB network 1 . National Grid has estimated the net present value of these benefits at over £600 million for a new 1 GW interconnector with France (IFA2), which is also the number that Ofgem applied in the initial assessment of the project 2 . However, National Grid’s methodology did not fully account for the foregone system benefits of displaced domestic generation, which can also provide a range of important balancing and ancillary services that improve system operability. There is not yet any convincing evidence to suggest that the value of these lost benefits is any smaller than what interconnectors can provide, especially given that interconnectors are not expected to participate in the balancing market. TOTAL EUROPEAN CO2 EMISSIONS INCREASE 1 Benefits of Interconnectors to GB Transmission System, December 2014, National Grid Electricity Transmission. 2 SO Submission to Cap and Floor, December 2014, National Grid Electricity Transmission. Also quoted in Cap and floor regime: Initial Project Assessment of the FAB Link, IFA2, Viking Link and Greenlink interconnectors, March 2015, Ofgem. 6 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET Prepared by Aurora Energy Research E.9 As long as interconnectors remain exempt from paying CPS, additional interconnection favours fossil-fuelled generation in continental Europe. Coal plants in Europe face a lower CO2 price than their counterparts in the GB market and can therefore produce electricity more cheaply, but they generally also fetch lower wholesale prices in their home markets. Interconnectors that give them access to higher wholesale prices in the GB market incentivize them to ramp up generation and also enable them to displace British low-carbon alternatives, with perverse effects on total emissions. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Exhibit 3 Change in European emissions from 1 GW of IC capacity with France (cumulative MtCO2) Change in European emissions per 1 GW of IC capacity (2020-30 cumulative MtCO2) …increases total emissions by… 1 GW additional IC between GB and… 1. France 7 2. Belgium By technology 8 2 3 1 (1) 4 2020 By country 4. Denmark 3 5. Norway 3 Exhibit 3 7 4 (4) (7) 2025 2030 9 5 3. The Netherlands 6. Ireland 7 5 2 4 (6) 2020 1 (4) E CCGT Coal Lignite Other 7 6 8 5 19 23 (17) (23) 2025 2030 France GB Others Notes: Assumes no change in CO2 prices as a result of additional interconnection. Sources: AER • Interconnectors with continental Europe increase total emissions. Even though9 carbon emissions from domestic GB producers are sure to fall as domestic fossil-fueled generation is displaced by imports, total European emissions increase with interconnection capacity as coal and lignite-fired plants around Europe ramp up their production and start exporting to GB (Exhibit 3). The overall increase in emissions is most pronounced in the case of additional interconnection between GB and France. Even though GB emissions fall by 23 MtCO2 relative to “Current IC”, this is more than offset by emissions increases in France, as well as substantial increases in other markets with a high marginal carbon intensity, such as Germany, Italy and The Netherlands. Close to 80% of the increase in emissions is attributable to increased coal and lignite burn in these four countries. Sources: AER Prepared by Aurora Energy Research • Interconnectors reward high-emitting generators outside of GB. The uneven playing field in favour of interconnectors provides the ability for high-emitting generators located outside of GB to take advantage of interconnector arbitrage (price difference between GB and the connected market). As many of these operate on the margin in their home markets, they are the main beneficiaries of increased interconnection outside GB, in contrast to cleaner GB generators who are the main losers. This goes against the overarching objective of decarbonisation. DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY E E.10 These negative effects could be dampened if more countries in continental Europe introduced similar policies to the CPS, thereby bringing the effective carbon price faced by generators in continental markets more in line with the GB price. Indeed, France announced its intentions to do exactly this through its Energy Transition Act passed in July 2015, which included a Senate amendment to increase the carbon tax to €56/tCO2 by 2020 3 . However, unless all the main European markets harmonise their CO2 prices, there will continue to be an incentive to shift production to where carbon-intensive generation is relatively less penalised, and more interconnection is likely to aggravate this. MORE INTERCONNECTION DOES NOT PROVIDE ADDITIONAL SECURITY OF SUPPLY E.11 While interconnection capacity can serve as an additional source of supply for the GB market, Aurora’s analysis found that high levels of interconnection capacity will have an uncertain impact on the security of supply. Under the current Capacity Market design, interconnectors that secure capacity contracts effectively displace domestic alternatives. They therefore replace one form of ‘insurance’ with another, rather than adding an additional layer of security. Given that the availability of interconnectors is influenced by very different factors than domestic generation, it is even possible that this replacement reduces overall system resilience. Our analysis found that 10 GW of interconnection buildout by 2030 could affect GB security of supply in the following ways. • Displacement of 7 GW of domestic capacity and up to 43 TWh of domestic generation each year. Almost 80% of electricity imported on the new interconnection capacity would have otherwise been produced by domestic CCGTs (Exhibit 2). New interconnector capacity will trigger early retirement of coal and CCGTs, and lower the amount of new capacity delivered by the Capacity Market. 8 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 3 The Energy Transition for the Green Growth, July 2015, Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (France). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Near complete displacement of investments in new CCGTs over the next two decades. Investments in interconnection occur in lieu of investments in alternatives to interconnection (generation, electricity storage and demand side response) that can also provide flexibility and security of supply at competitive levels of efficiency and cost. Unlike these alternatives, the benefits of interconnectors can be quite dependent on the similarity in generation capacity mix of the markets being interconnected. That is, the expected benefit of additional interconnection is lower the more similar the power markets being interconnected are. E • A potential decrease in energy security. There is a credible argument that a derated GW of interconnection is less secure than a derated GW of domestic generation given the possibility that during a stress event in the GB market, interconnected markets are also experiencing a stress event (for example, due to cold, still weather) and that no power can then be imported at the time it is most needed. Prepared by Aurora Energy Research DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 9 INTRODUCTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1 POLICY CONTEXT 1.1 In recent years, the buildout of interconnection capacity4 has become a critical policy consideration for the Great Britain (“GB”) power market. While interconnection capacity has the potential to contribute to the UK government’s three priorities for the GB power sector – energy security, affordability, and decarbonisation – it also has the potential to distort existing power market dynamics and disadvantage GB generators and consumers if the incentives and policy support driving new interconnection are not fully understood. 1.2 Over the next decade, decarbonisation and market integration policies supported by an assortment of European Union (“EU”) and GB subsidies and tariff exemptions available to interconnectors are expected to drive a surge in available interconnection capacity. There is a potential for nearly 10 gigawatts (“GW”) of new interconnection capacity to come online, more than tripling the installed capacity (4 GW) currently in place in GB (Exhibit 4). 1.3 While it is unlikely that all proposed interconnector projects will materialize, the existing pipeline of projects currently in place is indicative of the support available for interconnectors both at the UK and EU level. 4 For the purpose of this report, the term “interconnection” refers to a cross-border transmission line by which cross-border or inter-market trade can take place across two electricity transmission systems. A critical distinction needs to be made between linkage of cross-border transmission systems and transmission projects used to connect generation sites located outside of GB directly and exclusively to the GB grid. While such generation-specific transmission projects are likely to require an interconnector licence, they are principally about intra-market electricity flows and are therefore not considered in this report. 10 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 1.4 In the UK, support for more interconnection is motivated by a growing perception of interconnected capacity as a means of ensuring security of supply while keeping energy costs low for consumers. At the EU level, higher levels of interconnected capacity are needed for the realization of a fully integrated and interconnected European electricity market. While there is considerable uncertainty about the amount of interconnection that has the potential to come online over the next decade, there is general consensus that interconnection capacity in GB is expected to grow at a historically unprecedented rate (Exhibit 5). These developments warrant careful consideration of how increased levels of interconnected capacity can alter the existing dynamics of the GB power market. This issue is the subject of this report. INTRODUCTION Exhibit 4 Existing and proposed IC projects Iceland Interconnector 11 Norway 0.5 GW 2.0 GW Existing 12 9 Denmark 2 4 10 GB 13 6 7 Existing IC Proposed IC The 3 Netherlands 5 1 8 Belgium Proposed Ireland Germany France Exhibit 4 Capacity (GW) 1. IFA 2.0 2. Moyle1 0.5 3. BritNed 1.0 4. East-West 0.5 5. ElecLink 1.0 6. FAB 1.4 7. IFA2 1.0 8. Nemo 1.0 9. NSN 1.4 10. Viking Link 1.0-1.4 11. Ice Link 0.7-1.0 12. North Connect 1.4 13. Greenlink 0.5 1 Notes: 1. The Moyle interconnector is undergoing repair and is operating at reduced capacity of 250 MW. It is expected to reach full capacity by 2017. Notes: The Moyle interconnector is undergoing repair and is operating at reduced capacity of 250 MW. It is 4 Sources: Ofgem, to Project websites, AERcapacity by 2017. Sources: Ofgem, Project websites, AER Exhibit 5reach expected full Existing and future GB interconnector capacity (GW) 20 Historical NG Gone Green NG Slow Progression NG No Progression NG Consumer Power DECC 2030 target 15 10 2020 target 5 Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 0 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Exhibit 5 Notes: 1. The exact target expressed in GW will largely depend on the treatment of embedded generation. In this slide we assume that embedded generation is counted towards the target, i.e. interconnection must be equal to 10% or 15% of total installed generation, including embedded generation. Notes: The exact target expressed in GW will largely depend on the treatment of embedded generation. In this 3 Sources: National Grid Future Energy Scenarios 2015, DECC Energy and Emission Projections 2014, European Commission, AER slide we assume that embedded generation is counted towards the target, i.e. interconnection must be equal to 10% or 15% of total installed generation, including embedded generation. Sources: National Grid Future Energy Scenarios 2015, DECC Energy and Emission Projections 2014, European Commission, AER DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 11 INTRODUCTION 1 1.5 The introduction of more interconnection between GB and other countries affects a wide range of stakeholders, from consumers at home and abroad to the owners of new and existing interconnectors and generation. 1.6 Interconnection capacity has the potential to accrue significant benefits to the GB market by driving wholesale competition and improving price efficiency by creating larger markets. Increased trade of electricity in a larger, well-connected market can induce better utilisation of the most efficient or “cost-optimal” generation source in the interconnected region electricity to flow from one country or region (where prices are lower) to another (where prices are higher). A more diversified pool of generating resources can help reduce price volatility by more readily absorbing demand- and supply-side shocks, facilitate decreased reliance on fossil fuels and help integrate intermittent renewable energy sources. 1.7 In theory, GB consumers could enjoy significant benefits because increased crossborder trade reduces the total cost of production, resulting in lower electricity prices in GB. At the same time, in a low price environment in GB, domestic generators may struggle to compete with producers in mainland Europe that face lower carbon prices and can export to the GB market without incurring the comparatively high GB network charges. These domestic producers could see their profits fall sufficiently to facilitate early retirement of their generating sources. Meanwhile, high-emitting coal and gas plants outside of GB may be incentivized to take advantage of the price difference between GB and the interconnected market, displacing more efficient domestic generators that face higher carbon costs and resulting in a net increase in carbon emissions at the European level. 12 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 1.8 Ultimately, some stakeholders will stand to gain from increased interconnection, while others will be negatively impacted. To consider the overall welfare effect, it is imperative to capture all relevant costs and benefits as fully as possible by measuring the net benefit (benefits less costs) of increased interconnection capacity. INTRODUCTION 1.9 In this report, we set out to assess the impact that such interconnection buildout can be expected to have on the GB power market, addressing impacts on wholesale electricity and capacity price levels, average load factors, and captured prices by plant type. Next, we look into the second-order impacts of changing price and dispatch dynamics on the electricity and capacity market revenue streams available for domestic generators, plant retirements resulting from reduced profitability, and impacts on future investments in new generation. Third, we look into the policies driving the growth of new interconnection projects to understand how they result in an uneven playing field that disfavours domestic generation. We conclude by looking at the impact of new interconnection from the consumer perspective, assessing the net benefit of interconnection capacity by capturing the full range of welfare impacts across the four key stakeholder groups that operate within the GB market: GB consumers, GB producers, the proposed interconnectors, and existing interconnectors. 1 EXISTING INTERCONNECTION CAPACITY 1.10 Currently, the GB power market has 4 gigawatts (“GW”) of interconnection capacity through four interconnectors providing approximately 4% of GB’s electricity supply. It has a 2 GW interconnection with France (Interconnexion France Angleterre (“IFA”)), 1 GW with the Netherlands (BritNed), and two links with a combined 1 GW capacity to Ireland (Exhibit 6). The Moyle interconnector is undergoing repair and is operating at reduced capacity of 250 MW. Planned repair works are estimated to be completed by 2016, after which it can resume its full capacity of 500 MW. Prepared by Aurora Energy Research INTERCONNECTOR COUNTRY CAPACITY (GW) YEAR OF COMMISSION IFA France 2.0 1986 Moyle Northern Ireland 0.5 2001 BritNed The Netherlands 1.0 2011 East-West Ireland 0.5 2012 Exhibit 6 Sources: House of Commons Library (Carbon Price Floor), AER DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 13 INTRODUCTION 1 1.11 All but one of the existing interconnectors have been developed under a regulated approach, whereby the investment is made by the market regulator or transmission system operator (“TSO”) and underwritten by consumers. IFA was the first interconnector project in the GB market developed in the mid-1980s by the Central Electricity Generating Board in GB and its French counterpart, Électricité de France. Since its privatisation, the GB portion of IFA operates on a merchant basis. The Moyle interconnector between Scotland and Northern Ireland began operation in 2002 and is controlled by Mutual Energy Limited, which is wholly owned by Northern Irish consumers. The East-West Interconnector between Wales and Ireland is the most recent interconnector developed in 2012 by the Irish TSO EirGrid and is wholly underwritten by Irish consumers. 1.12 BritNed is the only project developed on a merchant basis jointly between National Grid Interconnectors Limited5 and TenneT, the Dutch TSO. Unlike the other interconnectors that were built and owned as regulated transmission assets, BritNed was developed by private investment and provides its developers the full up- and downside on their investment, in addition to exemptions from regulatory requirements on transmission projects 6 . In approving BritNed’s exemption application, the European Commission capped the returns for the project to reflect its view on the risk of the investment7. PROPOSED INTERCONNECTION CAPACITY 1.13 There are nine new interconnector projects being considered at present – three with France, two with Norway, and one each with Denmark, Belgium, Iceland, and Ireland (Exhibit 7). Collectively, these projects can be expected to deliver sufficient capacity for meeting the European Commission’s 2020 and 2030 country-level targets for interconnector capacity at 10% and 15% of total installed capacity, respectively8 . 6 Merchant projects seek exemptions from various aspects of EU legislation, in particular around the use of revenues from the interconnector. See Article 17 of Regulation (EC) no. 714/2009 View PDF Document. 7 Exemption decision on the BritNed interconnector, 2007, European Commission 8 In GW terms, the exact target will largely depend on the treatment of embedded generation. Aurora has assumed that embedded generation will be counted towards the target, i.e., interconnection will equal 10% or 15% of total installed capacity, including embedded generation. 14 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 5 Commercial arm of National Grid, plc. INTRODUCTION INTERCONNECTOR COUNTRY CAPACITY (GW) YEAR OF COMMISSION ElecLink France 1.0 2018E IFA 2 France 1.0 2021E FAB France 1.4 2024E Viking Link Denmark 1.0-1.4 2022E NEMO Belgium 1.0 2019E IceLink Iceland 0.7-1.0 TBD NSN Norway 1.4 2021E NorthConnect Norway 1.4 TBD Greenlink Ireland 0.5 TBD Exhibit 7 1 Sources: House of Commons Library (Carbon Price Floor), AER 1.14 Three of these projects – ElecLink, Nemo, and NSN – received final investment decision in 2015. Six new interconnector projects – FAB, IFA2, Nemo, NSN, Viking Link, and Greenlink – were granted “cap-and-floor” by Ofgem, which sets upper and lower bounds on annual net revenue allowances to reduce the downside risk to interconnector owners while capping excessive profits (Exhibit 8 – note that target commissioning dates differ from Aurora’s expectations on actual commissioning dates). Only one of these projects, ElecLink, is being developed on a merchant basis similar to the existing BritNed interconnector. Prepared by Aurora Energy Research DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 15 INTRODUCTION 1 AURORA’S MODELLING APPROACH 1.15 Aurora has deployed its GB and European market models to assess the impact that introduction of approximately 10 GW of additional interconnection capacity by 2030 would have on GB power market dynamics. We compare the expected outlook for the GB power market under two extreme scenarios of interconnection capacity buildout (see Exhibit 9) to capture the impact of new interconnection capacity. • Scenario 1 – “EC targets”: Assuming 8.4 GW and 14.2 GW of additional interconnection capacity build-out by 2020 and 2030, respectively, in line with European Commission targets. • Scenario 2 – “Current IC”: Assuming 4 GW of currently installed capacity to remain constant. 1.16 Aurora’s models dynamically estimate expected interconnector flows and their impacts on regional electricity prices. They estimate the flow of electricity on the interconnector based on the expected half-hourly price differential between GB and the interconnected market. In addition to these two scenarios, Aurora has modelled an incremental 1 GW increase in interconnector capacity (assumed to be built in 2020) separately for every foreign market that is expected to build out interconnection with GB in the near future. This allows us to predict how each new interconnector would affect prices and quantities in both interconnected markets, but, importantly, also to compare interconnector projects on a like-for-like basis. 1.17 The models contain a fully specified Capacity Market module that iteratively finds the economically consistent capacity contract allocations throughout the coming decades and the capacity prices needed to trigger the required investments in generation capacity, subject to the level of supply security defined by DECC’s three-hour loss of load target. Further details on modelling methodology and technical assumptions underlying the Aurora analysis can be found in the Appendix. Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 16 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET INTRODUCTION Exhibit 8 Capacity of existing and proposed IC projects at their target commissioning dates, GW 1 14 12 10 +9.9 8 6 4 Final investment decision Cap and floor granted 2 0 2015 2015 Existing IFA Moyle BritNed 2016 2016 East-West 2017 2017 France Eleclink IFA2 Fab 2018 2018 Belgium 2020 2020 Ireland NEMO Greenlink1 2021 2021 Norway NSN North Connect 2022 2022 2023 2023 Denmark Viking Link Iceland Ice Link Exhibit 8 Notes: 1. Following initial rejection for the cap-and-floor regime, Greenlink has been reevaluated and granted support in September 2015. This initial rejection will likely impact the target commissioning date; the date presented here is the original target comissioning date. Notes: Following initial rejection for the cap-and-floor regime, Greenlink has been reevaluated and granted support in September 2015. This initial rejection will likely impact the target commissioning date; the date presented here Exhibit 9 is the original target comissioning date. Sources: Ofgem, project websites, AER 5 Sources: Ofgem, project websites, AER Installed interconnector capacity, “EC targets” scenario (GW) Iceland1 Denmark Norway Belgium The Netherlands Ireland 10 France 14.2 15 12.2 +10.2 2015 The Netherlands Ireland France 15 10 8.4 5 3.8 0 Installed interconnector capacity, “Current IC” scenario2 (GW) 5 3.8 2020 2025 2030 0 2015 4.0 4.0 4.0 2020 2025 2030 Exhibit 9 Prepared by Aurora Energy Research Notes: 1. Due to the lack of wholesale power exchange in Iceland, we do not model the Icelandic market explicitly and use Norwegian prices as a proxy instead. This is largely justified since both countries have similar cost structures. 2. Assumes Moyle returns to full-operation by 2017. Notes: 1. Due to the lack of wholesale power exchange in Iceland, we do not model the Icelandic market explicitly and use Norwegian prices as a proxy instead. This is largely justified since both countries have similar cost structures. 2. Assumes Moyle returns to full-operation by 2017. Sources: National Grid, AER Sources: National Grid, AER 9 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 17 IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON GB MARKET 2 IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON GB GENERATORS 2 INTERCONNECTOR FLOWS 2.1 Aurora’s analysis finds that under the “EC targets” scenario, the 10 GW of additional interconnector capacity between GB and markets in mainland Europe will principally be used for imports into the GB market rather than exports from it, particularly in the near term. This is driven by the relative price of electricity between GB and European markets. 2.2 Interconnector links are bidirectional – electricity can be transmitted through them in either direction between two interconnected markets. Whenever there exist large enough differences in the wholesale price of electricity between two interconnected markets, there are opportunities for arbitrage, and electricity can be exported from the market where the price is low to the market where the price is higher. Thus, relative prices dictate the direction of interconnector flows. 2.3 Aurora’s model simulates the expected power flows on the interconnectors based on the expected half-hourly price difference between GB and the interconnected market, with power assumed to be flowing in the direction of the market with higher prices. Decarbonisation measures and support for renewable energy sources in the UK result in higher GB wholesale prices compared to other European markets. Hence, power flows on the interconnectors are predominantly in the direction of GB, i.e., from the interconnected market into the GB market. The fundamental economics of interconnection dictate that GB is likely to be a net importer of electricity from European markets (Exhibit 10). WHOLESALE PRICES 18 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 2.4 Higher levels of interconnection capacity under the EC Targets scenario results in extra imports into the GB power market. With demand remaining constant, the additional supply of electricity from additional imports places a downward pressure on expected future GB wholesale prices. Aurora’s analysis finds that under the EC Targets scenario, extra imports on the 10 GW of additional interconnection capacity depresses wholesale prices by 3% in 2020 and 7% in 2030 relative to the Current IC scenario (Exhibit 11). IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON GB MARKET Exhibit 10 2 Imports and exports in “EC targets” scenario (TWh) Denmark France Norway1 Ireland Belgium The Netherlands Net import 90 Import to GB 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 Export from GB 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 Notes: 1. Includes Iceland. Exhibit 10 Notes: 1. Includes Exhibit 11 Iceland. Sources: AER Source: AER GB electricity prices (£/MWh, 2014) GB "Current IC" GB "EC targets" Average interconnected market price 55 50 45 -7% -3% 40 35 30 Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 25 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Note: 1. Average price of markets interconnected with GB, namely Denmark, France, Norway, Ireland, Belgium and Netherlands. Exhibit 11 Notes: Average price of markets interconnected with GB, namely Denmark, France, Norway, Ireland, Belgium and Netherlands. Sources: AER Source: AER DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 11 19 IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON GB MARKET 2 GENERATION 2.5 The average annual load factor and captured prices for combined-cycle gas turbine (“CCGT”), coal plants and peaking plants decrease in the EC Targets scenario relative to the Current IC scenario. Additional interconnection capacity in the EC Targets scenario displaces not just flexible generation sources (peakers), but also significantly impacts baseload generation (CCGT and coal). 2.6 Additional imports on the new interconnectors decrease utilization of CCGT, coal, and peaking plants and lowers their average annual load factor because interconnection capacity is dispatched in preference to these plants (Exhibit 12). For CCGT and peakers, we observe lower captured prices over the modelling horizon in the EC Targets scenario consistent with the general depression in wholesale prices discussed in the previous sub-section. For coal plants, captured prices are seen to increase in the EC Targets scenario leading up to their assumed retirement in the mid-2020s as these plants shift to more marginal operation compared to the Current IC scenario. 2.7 These trends in load factors and captured prices have a significant impact on the future generation mix (Exhibit 13). In the “EC targets” scenario, 10 GW of additional interconnection displaces 7 GW of domestic generation capacity, most of which is baseload capacity. New interconnectors trigger early retirement of coal and CCGTs and lower the amount of new capacity delivered by the capacity market. We find that CCGT is the technology most significantly impacted because coal plants are already being forced into early retirement by decarbonisation policy initiatives. We estimate that approximately 9 medium-sized CCGT plants would be displaced by the additional interconnection. 20 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 2.8 The finding that interconnection capacity displaces domestic baseload capacity stands in marked contrast to the commonly held perception that new interconnectors will serve primarily as a flexible generation resource in the GB market, offering power to the GB market only when the system is tight and prices are high. In fact, when looking at the expected total generation in the GB market, we find that nearly 80% of electricity imported in the 2020s would have otherwise been produced by domestic CCGTs (right-hand side of Exhibit 13). IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON GB MARKET Electricity Market Exhibit 12 Average annual load factor (%) CCGT1 Current IC EC targets Coal2 Current IC EC targets 2 Captured prices (£/MWh, 2014) Peaker3 Current IC EC targets CCGT1 Current IC EC targets Coal2 Current IC EC targets Peaker3 Current IC EC targets 140 80 120 60 100 80 40 60 40 20 20 0 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 0 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Notes: 1. Represents a 54% HHV efficiency plant. 2. Represents a 35% HHV efficiency plant 3. Represents a 35% HHV efficiency OCGT plant. Exhibit 12 13 Notes: 1. Represents a 54% HHV efficiency plant. 2. Represents a 35% HHV efficiency plant 3. Represents a 35% HHV efficiency OCGT plant. Sources: AER Exhibit 13 Source: AER Capacity displaced by new ICs in the “EC targets” scenario (de-rated1 GW) New CCGT Existing CCGT Existing coal Others CCGT Coal Interconnection New peakers Total 10 8 6 4 2 Generation displaced by imports through the new ICs in the “EC targets” scenario (TWh) +6.6 (10.2 nonde-rated) 0 -10 -20 -7.1 -2 -4 -6 -8 (-7.2 nonde-rated) Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 2020 2025 2030 -30 -40 -50 2020 2025 2030 Notes: 1. De-rating factors applied to interconnectors are in line with DECC’s values announced ahead of the 2016 T-4 Capacity Market auction. Project’s for which DECC’s de-rating factors are unavailable are instead de-rated at the mid-point values from ranges proposed by Ofgem. Exhibit 13 Notes: 1. De-rating factors applied to interconnectors are in line with DECC’s values announced ahead of the 2016 T-4 Capacity Market auction. Project’s for which DECC’s de-rating factors are unavailable are instead de-rated at the mid-point values from ranges proposed by Ofgem. Sources: AER, DECC, National Grid Sources: AER, DECC, National Grid 10 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 21 IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON GB MARKET 2 ELECTRICITY AND CAPACITY MARKET REVENUES 2.9 Additional interconnection capacity reduces revenue streams available to domestic generators in both the electricity and capacity markets (left-hand side of Exhibit 14). Total revenue streams available to domestic generators from the electricity and capacity markets over 2015-2040 on a present value (“PV”) basis shrink by 10%. We find that while the impact of additional interconnector capacity on the electricity market is persistently negative, the effect on capacity market is negative in the short term and positive in the long term. 2.10 The negative impact on electricity market revenue streams is due to a combination of lower electricity prices and reduced load factors. In the capacity market, the presence of new interconnectors reduces the need for new thermal plants in the 2020s, placing a downward pressure on capacity prices in that period. The positive impact on the capacity market in the longer term results from the fact that lower revenue potential in the electricity market incentivizes generators to increase their bids in future capacity market auctions, resulting in higher long-term capacity prices and hence higher capacity market revenues. 2.11 By generation technology, CCGTs are most disadvantaged by increased interconnection capacity. While we observe a decrease in total revenue for all plant types, we note that low-efficiency CCGTs lose 61% of their value to interconnection, followed by coal (-36%), higher-efficiency CCGTs (-29%), and peakers (-21%). Nuclear and intermittent generation with low marginal cost are the least significantly impacted (Exhibit 15). Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 22 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON GB MARKET Exhibit 14 Difference in total market revenue between “Current IC” and “EC targets” scenarios (£bn, 2014) Electricity market Total market revenue 2015-2030 (PV £bn at 10% discount rate, 2014) Capacity market Electricity Market 0.5 2 Capacity Market 140 0.0 126 -0.5 -10% -1.0 -1.5 132 -2.0 119 -2.5 -3.0 -3.5 201 5 202 0 202 5 203 0 203 5 204 0 7 6 ’Current IC’ ’EC Targets’ Sources: AER Exhibit 14 Exhibit 15 NPV of expected revenue streams1 (£/kW, at 10% discount rate, 2014) "Current IC" NPV EM gross margin CM revenue "EC targets" NPV 12 Source: AER Mid-efficiency CCGT2 High-efficiency CCGT2 159 354 94 3 105 Peaker 19 3 141 100 -61% 63 Coal3 3 251 -29% Nuclear 83 1,811 -21% 74 2 1,735 -4% 48 2 91 ROC-based onshore wind 1,284 1,207 76 0 -36% -6% Notes: 1. Excludes balancing and ancillary revenues. The impact of interconnection on balancing revenues depends on whether markets can be successfully coupled on the balancing market level. If balancing markets are indeed coupled, the resulting decrease in balancing and ancillary revenues available to domestic producers can be significant. 2. 52.5% and 54% HHV efficiency, respectively. 3. 38% HHV efficiency. Exhibit 15 Prepared by Aurora Energy Research Notes: 1. Excludes balancing and ancillary revenues. The impact of interconnection on balancing revenues 15 Source: AER depends on whether markets can be successfully coupled on the balancing market level. If balancing markets are indeed coupled, the resulting decrease in balancing and ancillary revenues available to domestic producers can be significant. 2. 52.5% and 54% HHV efficiency, respectively. 3. 38% HHV efficiency. Sources: AER DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 23 IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON GB MARKET 2 INVESTMENT IN NEW GB GENERATION CAPACITY 2.12 The reduction in expected revenue streams for domestic generators in the EC Targets scenario has a significant adverse impact on new generation investment in the GB power market, with lower energy and capacity prices lowering returns beyond the required hurdle rate. Under the Current IC scenario, we expect £7.7 billion to be invested in new peakers (£3.6 billion, 46%) and CCGT (£4.1 billion, 54%) over the 2016-2035 period (Exhibit 16). Under the EC Targets scenario, we note that approximately £2 billion of investment in new interconnection lowers the total expected investment by nearly one-fifth (to £6.2 billion) and almost entirely displaces investment in new CCGT (which falls to £0.4 billion) over the same period. Exhibit 16 Uncommitted generation capex1, excluding nuclear and renewables, £bn ‘Current IC’ 6 Peaking plant CCGT Interconnectors 5 4 3 2 “Current IC” “EC targets” Total 2016- Total 20162035, £bn: 2035, £bn: 1 0 2016-2020 2021-2025 2026-2030 2031-2035 ‘EC Targets’ 2.5 2.0 1.5 3.6 (46%) 3.8 (61%) 4.1 (54%) 0.4 (7%) 1.0 2.0 (33%) 0.5 0.0 2016-2020 2021-2025 2026-2030 2031-2035 Notes: 1. Investment required to deliver anticipated generation mix that is not already post-FID. Capex for interconnectors are assumed to be split 50-50 between GB and the interconnected market. Exhibit 16 16 Sources: Aurora Energy Research, DECC Notes: Investment required to deliver anticipated generation mix that is not already post-FID. Capex for interconnectors are assumed to be split 50-50 between GB and the interconnected market. Sources: AER, DECC Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 24 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET AN UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD FOR GB GENERATORS 3 AN UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD FOR GB GENERATORS 3.1 Economic theory is clear that trading power across countries, like any other form of trade, can bring benefits to both countries. But this result requires that certain assumptions to hold true, notably an efficient market and a level playing field between producers in each region. 3 3.2 In the market for power within the EU, the playing field is not level. Interconnectors receive a number of benefits and subsidies not available to GB generators, including an assortment of subsidies at the EU and UK level, exemptions from network charges and carbon costs, and mechanisms providing financial support and revenue certainty for developers. We estimate that the carbon cost and network charge exemptions alone create an advantage for interconnectors over domestic generators equivalent to approximately £10/MWh. If EU subsidies and cap-and-floor pay-outs are also taken into account, it could be even larger. It is this imbalance that is driving the growth in interconnection capacity to a level that we will conclude in the next section of this report is not optimal from a GB welfare perspective. EU SUPPORT 3.3 At the EU level, developments of new interconnectors continue to be driven by the recently adopted framework strategy for the Energy Union Package, which places significant emphasis on greater interconnection between member states9. In the agreement, the European Commission stressed the importance of its newly agreed target of making 10% of member states’ national generation capacity available to other members via interconnectors by 2020, with an eye towards 15% by 2030. Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 3.4 In addition, the TEN-E Regulation outlines a process for identifying priority cross-border projects every two years to support a well-interconnected energy infrastructure. These so-called “Projects of Common Interest” (“PCI”) consist of energy infrastructure projects that are necessary for the implementation of the nine priority corridors and the three thematic areas identified in the TEN-E Regulation10 . 9 European Council Conclusions on the Energy Union, 19 March 2015, European Council. 10 Regulation (EU) No 347/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2013 on guidelines for trans-European energy infrastructure (OJ L 115, 25.4.2013, p.39). DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 25 AN UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD FOR GB GENERATORS Exhibit 17 3 Sources of support for interconnectors Domestic generators Exhibit 17 Interconnectors Sources: AER 3.5 Almost all planned interconnector projects to the UK have been granted PCI28 status, enabling them to benefit from faster planning and permitting procedures, regulatory incentives, and possible access to financial support from the €5.85 billion Connecting Europe Facility (“CEF”)11 . On 4 March 2015, the Commission opened a call for proposals to access €650m worth of CEF grants for supporting the PCI12 . Two GB interconnector projects – ElecLink and Greenlink – were successful in the first round of allocations and have been awarded grant agreements for EU funds to finance development studies under the CEF. The Commission’s second call for proposals to access CEF funds was launched on 30 June 2015, with a decision expected in early 2016. Source: AER 12 CEF Energy: First Call for Proposals 2015, 4 March 2015, European Commission. 26 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 11 Connecting Europe Facility View Article Online AN UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD FOR GB GENERATORS UK SUPPORT 3.6 On the domestic end, Ofgem’s “cap-and-floor” scheme has been launched to provide revenue certainty for merchant interconnector projects. The cap-and-floor framework will provide revenue protection up to the level of the floor, in exchange for any revenues above the cap. As such, when revenue earned by interconnector owners exceeds the cap level, money is transferred to consumers (via network tariffs). On the flip side, when revenue earned is below the floor, there will be a transfer from consumers to interconnector owners. Ofgem’s cap-and-floor scheme thus reduces investment risk and amounts to a reduction in the cost of capital for new investment that is not enjoyed by investors in GB generation, who also face merchant risk. 3 3.7 On 16 October 2014, Ofgem published a shortlist of five new interconnectors that meet eligibility criteria: FAB and IFA2 (France), Greenlink (Ireland), NSN (Norway), and Viking Link (Denmark). Together with the ElecLink (France) and Nemo (Belgium) projects already assessed, these seven projects could provide up to 7.5 GW of additional interconnection capacity. The five new projects have now successfully completed the Initial Project Assessment phase of the process, in which Ofgem assessed the impact of the projects and whether they can deliver value for money. On 2 December 2014, Ofgem decided to apply the new cap-and-floor regime for the interconnector between GB and Belgium (Nemo), and throughout 2015, the same decision was made with regards to all new projects that can connect to the network by 2020. Greenlink, FAB, IFA 2, NSN, and Viking Link must now submit detailed cost information to Ofgem for the Final Project Assessment stage to determine provisional cap and floor levels. Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 3.8 Furthermore, following up on its earlier favourable stance on developing interconnector capacity 13 , DECC announced on 2 December 2014 that interconnectors could participate in the second four-year-ahead Capacity Market auction held in December 2015 to secure energy supply for the winter of 2019-20. All the interconnectors applying for prequalification – IFA, BritNed, and Nemo – were accepted to participate in the auction. Both existing Irish interconnectors declined to apply for prequalification, which was expected based on their low de-rating factors. ElecLink also did not apply for prequalification. In the 13 More interconnection: improving energy security and lowering bills, December 2013, DECC. DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 27 AN UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD FOR GB GENERATORS 3 December 2015 auction, 2.4 GW of interconnector capacity participated, of which 1.9 GW of existing interconnection capacity (BritNed: 828 MW; IFA: 1,034 MW) were awarded a one-year contract, while Nemo’s 0.5 GW of qualifying capacity missed out14 . Unlike new-build domestic generators, new interconnector projects are not eligible for 15-year capacity contracts. The option of participating in the Capacity Market therefore does not offer the same benefits to interconnectors in terms of merchant risk reductions and potential capital cost advantages. Yet, Aurora’s analysis shows that interconnectors mainly compete with existing generators (Exhibit 13) that are also not eligible for 15-year contracts. NETWORK CHARGES EXEMPTION 3.9 In the GB power market, transmission and balancing charges – Transmission Network Use of System (“TNUoS”), Balancing Services Use of System (“BSUoS”) and transmission losses – represent an additional cost burden on domestic generators relative to their continental counterparts. While domestic generators pay nearly 27% of TNUoS and 50% of BSUoS charges in the GB market15 , generators’ shares of equivalent charges are close to zero in many other European member states. 3.10 TNUoS charges recover the cost of installing and maintaining the transmission system in England, Wales, Scotland, and offshore. Costs are split between the generators and suppliers of electricity and recovered through a tariff based on which geographical zone they are in, whether they are generators or suppliers, and the size of their generation or supply16 . BSUoS charges recover the cost of the day-to-day operation of the transmission system’s transmission losses of around 2%17. Generators and suppliers are liable for these balancing charges, which are calculated daily as a flat tariff across all users18 . 14 Provisional auction results: T-4 Capacity Market auction for 2019/20, December 2015, National Grid. 15 Overview of transmission tariffs in Europe: Annex 1, June 2014, ENTSO-E. 16 Transmission Network Use of System charges, National Grid website. 17 Transmission losses, November 2013, Elexon. 18 Balancing Services Use of System charges, National Grid website. 28 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 3.11 Both TNUoS and BSUoS charges are cost recovering tariffs, and as such, the amount of the tariff depends not only on the costs over a particular period, but also on the customer base from which the costs are being recovered. Transmission AN UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD FOR GB GENERATORS and balancing costs are more likely to be ‘fixed’ than ‘variable’ and hence are not dependent on the number of transmission system users. 3 3.12 The EU Third Energy Package completely exempts interconnectors from paying TNUoS, BSUoS, and cost of transmission losses. Even though foreign generators normally pay some network charges in their home markets, these are neither on a par with those charged from GB generators nor reflective of the costs imposed by interconnectors on the GB network, and this lack of network charge harmonisation creates potential for wide-reaching market distortions19. Aurora’s analysis shows that, together, the comparatively low network charges faced by many European generators and the charge exemptions for interconnectors imply higher energy production costs for domestic generators compared to interconnection capacity and results in interconnectors’ under-pricing, and therefore displacing, domestic generators in the GB wholesale market. 3.13 The situation will be further aggravated if increased interconnection capacity leads to earlier retirement of domestic generators and transmission and balancing costs have to be recovered over a smaller customer base, resulting in higher TNUoS and BSUoS charges for remaining domestic generators. 3.14 Additionally, Ofgem’s cap-and-floor scheme has the potential of increasing domestic generators’ share of network charges in a low wholesale price environment to cover the losses incurred by interconnectors, should their revenues fall below the floor. CARBON TAX EXEMPTION 3.15 Generators in the UK are subject to higher carbon emission costs than their counterparts elsewhere in Europe. In addition to the EU Emissions Trading Scheme Allowance (“EUA”) price, GB generators are also required to pay the Carbon Price Support (“CPS”), an additional tax on fossil fuels used in electricity generation. Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 3.16 In the March 2011 Budget, the government committed to introducing a carbon price floor (“CPF”) price starting in April 2013. Since its implementation, supplies of coal, gas and LPG used in most forms of electricity generation have become liable to newly created CPS rates of the Climate Change Levy. In Budget 2011, it 19 Scoping towards potential harmonisation of electricity transmission tariff structures: conclusions and next steps, December 2015, Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators. DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 29 AN UNEVEN PLAYING FIELD FOR GB GENERATORS 3 was announced that the carbon price floor would start at around £16 per tonne of carbon dioxide (“tCO2”) and increase linearly to the target £30/tCO2 in 2020, ultimately rising to approximate the social appraisal cost of carbon at £70/tCO2 by 2030 (in 2009 prices)20 . In Budget 2014, the trajectory to 2020 was changed by flat-lining the top-up payment on the EU-ETS (the carbon price support level) to £18/tCO221 . Under the CPF the price for carbon paid by UK generators consists of the EUA price plus the CPS rate. 3.17 The CPS constitutes 83% of the carbon costs for domestic generators (Exhibit 18). Because interconnection capacity is not liable to pay the CPS, the price of carbon faced by electricity generators in the UK is effectively four times higher than in the rest of Europe when accounting for the combined effect of CPS and EUA prices. This implies higher input costs faced by UK-based generators, which is another Exhibit 18 comparative advantage to interconnection capacity in the GB power market. UK carbon price (£/tonne) 30 25 Total carbon price (Carbon Price Floor) Carbon Price Support EU ETS allowance 20 15 83% 10 5 0 Exhibit 18 59% 73% 41% 27% 17% 2013 2014 2015 Sources: AER Source: AER 20 Carbon price floor consultation: The Government response, March 2011, HM Revenue and Customs. 21 Carbon price floor: reform and other technical amendments, March 2014, HM Revenue and Customs. 22 The Energy Transition for the Green Growth, July 2015, Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (France). 30 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 3.18 This imbalance could be reduced if more countries in continental Europe introduced similar policies to the CPS, thereby bringing the effective carbon price faced by generators in continental markets more in line with the GB price. Indeed, France provisionally announced its intentions to do exactly this through its Energy Transition Act passed in July 2015, which included a Senate amendment to increase the carbon tax to €56/tCO2 by 2020 22 . However, unless all the main European 28 markets harmonise their carbon prices, there will continue to be an incentive to shift production to places where carbon-intensive generation is relatively less penalised. IMPACT OF NEW INTERCONNECTION ON CONSUMER INTEREST 4 IMPACT OF NEW INTERCONNECTION CAPACITY ON CONSUMER INTEREST IMPACT OF NEW INTERCONNECTION ON CONSUMER INTEREST 4 4.1 The main argument for interconnection is that it can support consumer interests by contributing positively to energy security, affordability, and decarbonisation. 4.2 Aurora’s analysis finds that interconnectors do lead to lower wholesale electricity prices in a state of the world in which 10 GW of interconnector capacity is built by 2030. Yet, while lower wholesale prices knock on to lower retail prices and improved affordability, we find that the net impact on GB consumers is not positive when these benefits are weighed against the total cost of supporting new interconnection from the public purse. 4.3 Moreover, the benefits of lower wholesale prices also need to be evaluated in light of the higher costs that they contribute to under Contracts for Differences (“CfDs”), the retirements of power plants (mostly CCGT) that they induce, and the increase in carbon emissions that result as carbon-intensive generators are allowed to exploit interconnector arbitrage in the context of the uneven playing field for domestic generators. HIGHER COSTS UNDER CFDS 4.4 Under the Electricity Market Reform in the UK, CfDs have emerged as the primary framework to support low carbon generation beyond 2017, replacing the Renewables Obligations Certificates system previously in place. Under a CfD, the government contracts with low-carbon generators to supply electricity at a fixed price (a strike price that varies by technology and is established through an auction process) for 15 years. The CfD mandates that generators receive the difference between the market wholesale price of electricity and the strike price when wholesale prices are lower than the strike price. Conversely, generators pay back the difference when wholesale prices are higher than the strike price. Prepared by Aurora Energy Research DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 31 IMPACT OF NEW INTERCONNECTION ON CONSUMER INTEREST Exhibit 19 4 Changes in total CfD payments resulting from additional 1 GW interconnector added to the “Current IC” scenario in 2020 (PV2020 £million at discount rate of 3.5%, 2014) 2,447 1,446 1,406 The Netherlands Ireland 1,251 1,149 France Belgium -217 Norway Exhibit 19 Denmark Sources: AER 4.5 The subsidization of CfD holders by consumers will increase in a low wholesale price environment in which the market price is consistently below the CfD strike price for the technology in question. Aurora’s analysis finds that 1 GW of additional interconnection capacity added in 2020 above the Current IC scenario may increase the present value of total CfD payments (which are borne by 9 consumers) over 2020-2040 by as much as £2.4 billion in the case of Norwegian interconnection as a result of lower wholesale electricity prices (Exhibit 19). Given the constraint posed by the Levy Control Framework – a cap on total annual spending on support for low-carbon generation (including renewables, nuclear and CCS) – higher payments under CfDs will imply that fewer renewable resources can be supported. Sources: AER SECURITY OF SUPPLY IN GB 4.6 Interconnectors will import power into the GB market when price differentials make it profitable to do so, but unlike domestic supply, they do not actually generate any power. As such, the amount of ‘credit’ interconnectors should be given in the GB capacity market towards securing sufficient supply to meet a 3-hour loss of load target is difficult to define. 32 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 4.7 In the 2015 capacity market auction, the derating factors applied to interconnectors (that is, the amount of credit they are given towards secure GB supply) were in the range of 52-69% for continental interconnection (Exhibit 20), reflecting DECC’s view on the amount of power they are likely to import as a percentage of the theoretical maximum. IMPACT OF NEW INTERCONNECTION ON CONSUMER INTEREST INTERCONNECTOR COUNTRY DECC23 4 Existing interconnector derating factors IFA France 52% BritNed The Netherlands 69% Moyle/East-West Ireland 6% Proposed projects derating factors ElecLink France 56% Nemo Belgium 54% Exhibit 20 Sources: House of Commons Library (Carbon Price Floor), AER 4.8 But security of supply is notoriously hard to quantify, and the extent to which interconnection could be relied upon in a GB stress event is statistically far more complex to calculate than for domestic generators, for which historic data gives a relatively reliable indication of availability. If, for example, a GB stress event was triggered by cold weather and low wind speed, there is a higher than average probability that Western Europe would also be experiencing cold weather and low wind speed, potentially leading to higher prices on the continent and no interconnector flows to GB at the time they were most needed. 4.9 Over the longer term, if changes in energy policy at the European level were to result in GB electricity prices equalizing with mainland Europe, GB could stop being a net importer of electricity and would need to rapidly replace domestic capacity as the derating factors applied to interconnection are revised downwards. Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 4.10 While none of these events can be predicted with any certainty, it is the mere possibility of their occurrence that makes the estimation of interconnector derating factors a difficult and risky endeavour in a way that is not the case for domestic generation. 23 Confirmation of Capacity Auction Parameters, 29 June 2015, DECC. DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 33 IMPACT OF NEW INTERCONNECTION ON CONSUMER INTEREST 4 CARBON EMISSIONS IN EUROPE 4.11 The uneven playing field caused by CPS exemptions for interconnectors provides the ability for high-emitting plants outside GB to take advantage of interconnector arbitrage (due to the price difference between GB and the connected market). This means that even though carbon emissions from domestic GB producers are sure to fall as domestic fossil-fueled generation is displaced by imports. Total European emissions could increase as coal-and lignite-fired plants around Europe ramp up their production and start exporting to GB. This goes against the overarching objective of decarbonisation. 4.12 Aurora’s modelling shows that the extent to which domestic decarbonisation is offset by emissions increases elsewhere varies substantially, depending on the interconnected market. For example, 1 GW of additional interconnection between GB and Ireland is actually likely to decrease total emissions as relatively dirty coalfired generation in GB is replaced by relatively clean CCGTs in Ireland, with limited effects on markets in mainland Europe. In contrast, an incremental increase in the interconnector capacity with one of the continental markets in France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, or Norway is likely to increase total European emissions21 by some 3-7 MtCO2 over the 2020-2030 period (Exhibit 21). Exhibit Change in European emissions from 1 GW of IC capacity with France (cumulative MtCO2) Change in European emissions per 1 GW of IC capacity (2020-30 cumulative MtCO2) …increases total emissions by… 1 GW additional IC between GB and… 1. France 7 2. Belgium By technology 8 2 3 1 (1) 7 4 (4) (7) 2025 2030 9 5 4 3. The Netherlands 2020 By country 3 5. Norway 3 2 4 (6) 2020 1 (4) CCGT Coal Lignite Other 7 6 8 5 19 23 (17) (23) 2025 2030 France GB Others Exhibit 21 Notes: Assumes no change in CO2 prices as a result of additional interconnection. Sources: AER Sources: AER 34 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 9 Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 4. Denmark 6. Ireland 7 5 IMPACT OF NEW INTERCONNECTION ON CONSUMER INTEREST 4.13 The overall increase in emissions is most pronounced in the case of additional interconnection between GB and France. Even though GB emissions fall by 23 MtCO2 relative to “Current IC”, this is more than offset by emissions increases in France, as well as substantial increases in Germany, Italy, and The Netherlands. Close to 80% of the increase in emissions is attributable to increased coal and lignite burn in these four countries. Overall, the effect is approximately equivalent to extending the life of a major coal plant by 3 years. 4 4.14 Even with greater interconnection between GB and Norway – which is mainly hydro-powered and therefore low-carbon – we estimate total European emissions will increase by 3 MtCO2 over the 2020-2030 period. This is not due to increased emissions in either GB or Norway, but rather to an exploitation of new arbitrage opportunities by producers in other European countries, most notably by lignite-fired generators in Germany. 4.15 This highlights that European electricity markets are interconnected through a complex network of links between many countries, and no interconnector is therefore truly bilateral. As long as the playing field remains uneven, increased interconnection creates opportunities for high-emitting producers in mainland Europe to displace low-carbon alternatives in GB. NET WELFARE IMPACTS OF INTERCONNECTORS VARY BY CONNECTED MARKET 4.16 The introduction of more interconnection between GB and other countries affects a wide range of stakeholders, from consumers at home and abroad to the owners of new and existing interconnectors. Ultimately, some stakeholders will stand to gain from increased interconnection, while others will be negatively impacted. To consider the overall welfare effect, Aurora has estimated the most relevant costs and benefits as fully as possible and used their unweighted sum (benefits minus costs) as a measure of the net benefit. Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 4.17 Since the objective of this study is to assess the overall impact of increased interconnection on the GB market, this does not include consumers and producers in the interconnected markets. Instead, this study focuses on the four key stakeholder groups that operate within the GB market: GB consumers, GB generators, owners of proposed interconnectors, and owners of existing interconnectors. DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 35 IMPACT OF NEW INTERCONNECTION ON CONSUMER INTEREST 4 4.18 Exhibit 22 illustrates the welfare effects associated with increased interconnection in the stylized case in which GB acts as a pure importer of electricity from an interconnected market with consistently lower electricity prices (France, in this example). The main driver of welfare creation in this case is the reallocation of electricity generation away from the home market (GB) and towards the lower-cost market (France), which allows GB consumers to consume the same amount of electricity at lower cost. The main welfare categories in this example are the following . • Consumer surplus (orange area). For a given market, this is the total quantity of electricity demanded by consumers times the difference between the price of electricity and the value of lost load (“VoLL”). At a constant quantity demanded, a fall in the price of electricity (resulting from extra imports on new interconnectors) increases consumer surplus in the importing market (areas A+B in the GB market), while an increase in the price of electricity decreases consumer surplus in the exporting market (area D in the French market). Notably, area A represents a direct transfer from producer to consumer surplus, while area B represents a welfare creation for consumers due to lower wholesale electricity Exhibit 22 prices in the importing market (GB). Welfare effects of increased interconnection (example with GB as pure importer) Consumer surplus Price Great Britain (importer) Price Transfer Interconnector rent Producer surplus France (exporter) DemandGB DemandFR DemandFR+I/C SupplyGB SupplyGB+I/C VoLL VoLL SupplyFR PGB A B P’GB Remaining price difference C PFR QGB . Exhibit 22 Quantity D E QFR Q’FR Quantity Sources: AER Sources: Ofgem, project websites, AER 36 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 5 Prepared by Aurora Energy Research P’FR IMPACT OF NEW INTERCONNECTION ON CONSUMER INTEREST • Producer surplus (blue area). For a given market, this is the total quantity of electricity supplied by domestic producers times the difference between the price of electricity and the marginal cost of producing that electricity, as represented by the domestic supply curve. At a constant quantity of domestic supply, a fall in electricity price decreases producer surplus in the importing market (area A in the GB market), while an increase in electricity price increases it (area D in the French market). At a constant electricity price, an increase in the quantity of domestic supply (due to increased exports to an interconnected market) results in welfare creation for producers (area E in the French market). Note that area D is a direct transfer of welfare from consumers to producers, while area E represents a welfare creation for producers. 4 • Interconnector rent (red area). For a given amount of interconnection capacity, this is the total quantity of electricity supplied through the interconnector (interconnector flow) times the remaining electricity price differential across the two interconnected markets. This is illustrated by area C in the GB market. Since an increase in interconnector capacity is normally expected to increase the interconnector flow but to decrease the price differential, the effects of an incremental increase in capacity on total interconnector rent can be ambiguous. It is therefore useful to separate the rent captured by the additional interconnector (which normally accounts for all the additional interconnector flow) from that of pre-existing interconnectors (which normally only experience a fall in the price differential). Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 4.19 To credibly assess the effects of increased interconnection on the three welfare categories described above, it is necessary to abstract from the simplified view where interconnector flows are unidirectional and the effect on prices and quantities are the same in every time period. In addition, a complete assessment of the costs and benefits of interconnection must also consider the sizeable subsidy costs to GB consumers and producers associated with increasing interconnector capacity. The full range of costs and benefits considered in our analysis can thus be summarised under seven key welfare categories. • GB consumer cost savings. This is the reduction (or increase) in cost to GB consumers due to changes in the domestic wholesale electricity price that result from the introduction of a new interconnector (corresponding to areas A and B in Exhibit 22). This category also includes changes in total consumer expenditure under CfD and the Capacity Mechanism (“CM”). DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 37 IMPACT OF NEW INTERCONNECTION ON CONSUMER INTEREST 4 • GB producer profit reductions. This is the reduction (or increase) in total profits earned by GB electricity generators measured by the change in electricity revenue that results from a new interconnector addition minus the change in operating costs (corresponding to area A in Exhibit 22). This category also includes changes in total revenue under CfD and CM. • Proposed interconnector profits. This is the revenue that the proposed interconnector is expected to earn through subsidies and the sale of electricity less construction and operating costs. It includes both the direct rent that the interconnector can capture from arbitraging between markets (corresponding to area C in Exhibit 22) and any payments received (or made) under Ofgem’s dedicated cap-and-floor regime for interconnectors, as well as CM revenues. Interconnector profits are accounted for at 50% of their full value to reflect the sharing of costs and revenues across the two interconnected markets. • Other interconnector profit cannibalisation. This is the reduction in arbitrage rent and subsidy receipts that pre-existing interconnectors suffer as a result of increased competition with the new interconnector and a smaller price difference between the interconnected markets. • Network charges exemption. This is the impact on GB welfare of exempting interconnectors from the network charges (TNUoS, BSUoS, and transmission losses) that domestic generators have to pay. It is estimated as the sum of the network charges that the proposed interconnector would pay if it were treated as a generator. Hence, it represents the welfare lost as a result of the proposed interconnector replacing marginal generators that are liable for these charges. • CPS exemption. This is the welfare impact of exempting interconnectors from paying CPS charges. It is estimated as the sum of the foregone CPS revenue that the proposed interconnector would pay if it were not thus exempt plus the carbon impact of increased interconnector flows, valued at the carbon price faced by domestic generators. 38 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET Prepared by Aurora Energy Research • Cap-and-floor expenditure. This is the value of the total expected expenditure by GB consumers on Ofgem’s dedicated cap-and-floor regime for interconnectors. Depending on whether interconnectors pay more than they receive under this scheme, this value can be either positive or negative. IMPACT OF NEW INTERCONNECTION ON CONSUMER INTEREST 4.20 In addition to these seven welfare categories, there are other possible costs and benefits of interconnection that were not considered. An exhaustive exploration of these would be essential to a final appraisal of particular interconnector projects. This would likely involve comparing the expected system operability benefits of additional interconnectors with the foregone system benefits of the dispatchable thermal plants that are displaced by them. Interconnectors could potentially provide new types of ancillary services in the future, as well as other system operability benefits associated with linking interconnectors to particularly underserved parts of the GB network24 . National Grid has estimated the net present value of these benefits at over £600 million for a new 1 GW interconnector with France (IFA2), which is also the number that Ofgem applied in the relevant IPA 25 . However, National Grid’s methodology did not account for the foregone system benefits of displaced domestic generation, which can also provide a range of important balancing and ancillary services that improve system operability. There is not yet any convincing evidence to suggest that the value of these lost benefits is any smaller than what interconnectors can provide, especially given that interconnectors are not expected to participate in the balancing market. 4 4.21 Aurora’s analysis shows that the first two of the seven assessed welfare categories – consumer cost savings and producer profit reductions – are most affected by additional interconnection between GB and each candidate interconnected market. Each 1 GW of interconnection capacity induces a significant welfare transfer from domestic producers to domestic consumers, and this effect is particularly pronounced in the case of additional interconnection with Norway, France, and Belgium (Exhibit 23). Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 4.22 This is principally due to the downward pressure on GB wholesale prices that increased interconnection with these countries would cause. Lower prices also result in additional welfare creation for consumers (area B in Exhibit 22), which leads to the increase in total consumer surplus being greater than the decrease in total producer surplus in the GB market. 24 Benefits of Interconnectors to GB Transmission System, December 2014, National Grid Electricity Transmission. 25 SO Submission to Cap and Floor, December 2014, National Grid Electricity Transmission. Also quoted in Cap and floor regime: Initial Project Assessment of the FAB Link, IFA2, Viking Link and Greenlink interconnectors, March 2015, Ofgem. DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 39 IMPACT OF NEW INTERCONNECTION ON CONSUMER INTEREST Exhibit 23 4 Welfare impact of an additional 1 GW interconnector added to the “Current IC” scenario in 2020 (PV2020 £bn at discount rate of 3.5%, 2014) Excluding costs of subsidies Including costs of subsidies 6 6 4 4 2 0 0.2 1.1 0.5 0.8 0.2 2 0 -2 -2 -4 -4 -6 FRA NOR Consumers Producers DEN BEL IRE Other interconnectors Proposed interconnector -6 -0.9 FRA 0.1 NOR -0.7 DEN Network charges exemption CPS exemption -0.2 BEL -0.8 IRE Cap-and-floor Total GB Exhibit 23 Notes: 1. Includes TNUoS, BSUoS and losses exemptions. 2. Assumes all projects are delivered under the capand-floor regime, with cost structures, caps, and floors broadly corresponding to the actual projects of the corresponding for cap-and-floor by Ofgem. 3. Interconnector welfare assumed to be tosplit Notes: 1. Includes TNUoS,countries BSUoS and lossesapproved exemptions. 2. Assumes all projects are delivered under the cap-and-floor regime, with cost structures, caps, and is floors broadly corresponding the actual projects of the corresponding countries approved for cap-and-floor by Ofgem. 3. Interconnector welfare is assumed to be split on a 50-50 basis between GB and the interconnected market. on a 50-50 basis between GB and the interconnected market. Sources: Ofgem, AER Sources: Ofgem, AER, 18 4.23 In addition, the profit for proposed interconnectors is estimated to outweigh the profit reductions for existing interconnectors in every case that Aurora has modelled. On the basis of these two findings alone, additional interconnection can be expected to increase overall net welfare in the GB market, as illustrated on the left-hand side of Exhibit 23. 4.25 From the consumers’ point of view, the remaining interconnector projects that fail to increase net welfare may still look attractive in that they redistribute welfare from producers to consumers, but the large subsidy costs mean that they are inefficient compared to alternative redistributive mechanisms that could achieve the same welfare transfer at lower cost. 40 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 4.24 Giving equal consideration to each of the seven welfare categories, including subsidy costs, Aurora’s analysis finds that only an interconnection with Norway increases GB net welfare, while interconnection with other countries decreases GB welfare (right-hand side of Exhibit 23). This result is driven principally by the large welfare cost associated with network charge exemptions for interconnectors, which accounts for more than half the total subsidy cost of all projects. The overall subsidy costs are similar for all projects, but despite this, the expected profits for the Norwegian interconnector are large enough to make the project positive in net welfare terms. APPENDIX AAPPENDIX AURORA’S MODELS A.1 The analysis for this report is underpinned by the Aurora Energy Research Electricity System models for Great Britain (“AER-ES GB”) and Europe (“AERES EU”). These models, which were independently developed by Aurora Energy Research, are market-leading dispatch models used by many major private and public sector participants in the GB and European power markets to address strategy, policy, and finance issues. A A.2 Given a set of assumptions around interconnector buildout, Aurora’s models dynamically estimate expected interconnector flows and their impacts on regional electricity prices. They estimate the flow of electricity on the interconnector based on the expected half-hourly price differential between GB and the interconnected market. AER-ES GB description A.3 AER-ES GB is a dynamic dispatch model built to emulate the GB power sector in half-hourly granularity. The model contains a fully specified Capacity Market module that iteratively finds the economically consistent capacity contract allocations throughout the coming decades, and the Capacity Market prices needed to trigger the required investments in generation capacity, subject to an exogenously given level of supply security. A.4 Key structural features of the AER-ES GB model include: • dynamic dispatch of plant, considering ramping costs and rate restrictions, and stochastic availability of plants and individual generators; • emulating the entire GB grid, simulating more than 100 plants at an individual level at half-hourly granularity; Prepared by Aurora Energy Research • detailed modelling of Capacity Market mechanism from 2018 onwards, replicating the market policies as they currently stand; • financial module to capture investment decisions. Plant mothball, de-mothball, retire and are built endogenously according to their short- and longer-run economic prospects in terms of NPV financial returns or direct government contracting; • endogenous interconnector flows according to estimated gradient between domestic and foreign electricity spot prices; DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 41 APPENDIX A • endogenous demand adapting to both economic growth and electricity prices. In scenarios with higher electricity prices, demand tends to be lower; higher GDP growth tends to increase power consumption; and • spatial aspects of the transmission grid and fuel transport costs. A.5 Key elements of the AER-ES GB parameterisation include: • plant characteristics such as efficiencies, ramping costs, and rate restrictions calibrated using historic data since 2005; • while we draw on historical consumption outturn data to reflect demand patterns, demand projections incorporate future behavioural change and load shifting as a consequence of the adoption of new technologies; • input fuel price projections based on forecasts from the AER-GLO model, a fully specified global computational general equilibrium model developed by Aurora Energy Research; • econometrically estimated uplift function, calibrated based on four years’ worth of generation and spot price data; and • stochastic wind calibrated to historic output both across and within plant to get an accurate picture of performance characteristics of the entire GB wind fleet. A.6 Furthermore , the medium-term outlook presented here relies on a fully specified set of policies. The central policy views adopted are developed by Aurora experts with the engagement of group members. For the purpose of this report, the model is run in a rational expectations mode, resulting in internally consistent views and decisions by all actors of the market. AER-ES EU description A.8 The Aurora baseline parameterisation relies on a fully specified set of policies. The central policy views adopted for continental Europe are developed with our advisors and board members such as Professor Andreas Loeschel and Professor Dieter Helm and with the engagement of Aurora’s subscription group members. 42 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET Prepared by Aurora Energy Research A.7 AER-ES EU is a dynamic dispatch model built to emulate the European power sectors in hourly granularity. Key features include endogenous capacity additions, including fully specified scarcity value, endogenous interconnector flows, detailed country-level power system modules, and integration with AER-ES GB. APPENDIX A.9 The modelling framework and parameterisation are described in detail below. A.10 Key structural features of AER-ES EU include: A • dynamic dispatch of plant, considering ramping costs and rate restrictions, and stochastic availability of plants and individual generators; • endogenous interconnector flows according to estimated gradient between domestic and foreign electricity spot prices; • endogenous demand adapting to both economic growth and electricity prices. In scenarios with higher electricity prices, demand tends to be lower; higher GDP growth tends to increase power consumption; • complete plant-level emulation of selected grids, simulating plants at an individual level at hourly granularity, including spot and day-ahead prices; • financial module to capture investment decisions. Plant mothballing, de-mothballing, retirements, and refurbishments are determined endogenously according to their short- and longer-run economic prospects in terms of NPV financial returns; • industry and district heat demand driven load profiles of heat- and electricityled CHP plants; and • spatial aspects of the transmission grid and fuel transport costs. A.11 Key elements of the AER-ES EU baseline parameterisation are: • plant characteristics such as efficiencies, ramping costs, and rate restrictions calibrated using historic data since 2005; • while we draw on historical consumption outturn data to reflect demand patterns, demand projections incorporate future behavioural change and load shifting as a consequence of the adoption of new technologies; Prepared by Aurora Energy Research • econometrically estimated uplift function, calibrated based on two years’ worth of generation and spot price data; and • stochastic wind calibrated to historic output both across and within plant to get an accurate picture of performance characteristics. DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 43 APPENDIX A FUEL AND CARBON PRICE ASSUMPTIONS A.12 The assumptions that underpin the analysis presented in this report are consistent with Aurora’s quarterly Power Market Forecast for the GB market (October 2015). For a detailed and exhaustive overview of these assumptions, please contact Aurora at sales@auroraer.com to obtain a copy of the latest forecast report. Carbon price assumptions Assumption 1. GB carbon price trajectory A.13 In our modelling, we assume that the Carbon Price Support (“CPS”) freeze will last until 2019/20, as currently legislated. Beyond 2020, we assume that the CPS will be adjusted year by year to achieve the government’s target carbon price trajectory (Carbon Price Floor – “CPF”), taking into account the evolution of the European price of carbon – the EU ETS allowance (“EUA”). During this period, we assume the carbon price trajectory will rise from the level of £22/tonne in 2020 to £40/tonne in 2040 26 . A.14 Exhibit 26 summarises our carbon price assumptions. With weak EUA prices and the UK’s ambition to lead the EU’s decarbonisation effort, we forecast a policydriven GB carbon price that is above the price of European emission allowances. However, we also disaggregate our overall carbon price into EUA and CPS outlooks and report our official EUA forecast separately (see below). 44 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 26 We do not specify the measure of these values contributed by the CPS because we assume that it is adjusted accordingly to adhere to these targets. Our implicit assumption is that the EUAs prices do not exceed this trajectory. APPENDIX Exhibit 26 A AER carbon price (£/tonne, 2014) Total carbon price (Carbon Price Floor) 50 Carbon Price Support EU ETS allowance 45 40 35 30 25 20 36 34 35 32 33 31 30 28 29 27 28 26 25 23 23 23 22 22 23 24 21 15 10 5 0 2015 Exhibit 26 Source: AER 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Source: AER Assumption 2. EU ETS allowance price trajectory 28 A.15 In our modelling of the EUA prices, we account for recent policy developments, including 2030 targets for decarbonisation, renewables deployment, and efficiency improvements, as well as tightening of emission caps under Phase IV of the ETS and the introduction of the Market Stability Reserve. Prepared by Aurora Energy Research A.16 To produce our internal EUA forecast, we employ a hybrid modelling approach that links our European power dispatch model AER-ES EU and our global general equilibrium model AER-GLO. The hybrid model solves for the price of carbon required to achieve a given carbon emissions cap in each year. The combination of a general equilibrium model that captures all economic activity and a power dispatch model captures the detailed mechanics of fuel substitution in the power sector at an hourly resolution, which is critically important for the carbon price trajectory. For details on this approach, please refer to the Appendix of our report Coal-to-gas switching in Europe27. 27 Coal-to-gas switching in Europe: Policy levers, winners and losers, global impact, July 2015, Aurora Energy Research. DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 45 APPENDIX A A.17 Broadly, our ETS forecast is based on modelling the carbon price required to reach the 2030 EU emissions target (40% carbon reduction relative to 1990 levels) in combination with other carbon reduction policies. A.18 First, to establish a benchmark, we model the carbon price that would result if it were the only policy instrument employed in the ETS sectors to reach the 2030 target. A.19 Second, we assume non-price policies (most notably mandated coal closures, efficiency standards, and renewable subsidies) to share the load of carbon reductions, as practised in recent years by EU member states. This lowers the ETS price required for the 2030 target. A.20 Third, due to uncertainty about the contribution from non-price policies within the ETS sectors, we allow the EU to breach its cap by 1-2% in 2030. Based on our research and market consultations, we view this as a more realistic outcome than a very steep increase in the carbon price in the late 2020s. A.21 Fourth, post-2030, we assume emission caps continue decreasing at the Phase IV pace of 2.2% per annum, with efficiency improvements and renewable deployment achieving their pre-2030 rate. A.22 The resulting ETS allowance price forecast is broadly flat until 2020 and then increases steeply during Phase IV, reaching €29/tCO2 in 2030 and €39/tCO2 in 2035. We expect relatively little impact from “back-loading” in Phase III of the EU-ETS – the postponement of the auction of 900 million allowances until 2019/2020. Fuel prices assumptions A.24 The Global Energy Markets Modelling team at Aurora produces regular baseline fuel prices forecasts, using our global general equilibrium model (“AER-GLO”). The model represents the economies of 129 countries, each broken down into 57 sectors. By using a general equilibrium model, which describes the interactions between sectors and countries in great detail, we capture the structural evolution 46 DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET Prepared by Aurora Energy Research A.23 Fuel prices are the single most important driver of electricity market outcomes. Accurate forecasts for trends in fuel prices are therefore of paramount importance for electricity market modelling. APPENDIX of the economy in response to changes in demand. A general equilibrium approach offers a substantial advantage over partial equilibrium approaches, which tend to rely on exogenous growth patterns, locking the structure of the economy into past trends. On the supply side, we adopt a detailed dynamic resource extraction module, which is calibrated to our global extraction cost database. Aurora’s long-term commodity price forecasts are explained in substantial detail in our annual Global Energy Market Forecast (December 2015). A A.25 The fuel price forecast used for this report includes the following key projections (all in real 2014 terms): • The natural gas price in Europe remains broadly flat over the next 10 years at an average level of £4.9/MMBtu, driven by steadily increasing global LNG availability mainly from the US and Australia; after that, prices return to their long-term upward trajectory, reaching £5.9/MMBtu by 2040. The upward trend is a result of the decline in quality of gas fields more than offsetting technological improvements in extraction – a historically observed relationship • The coal price increases slightly over the next 15 years and plateaus afterwards at long-term value of approximately £42/tonne; the initial increase is mainly driven by the return to Aurora’s view on the current levelised cost of extraction. This follows a period of low prices caused by oversupply following China’s demand boom and subsequent slowdown in consumption A.26 We use the gas and coal price forecast produced by AER-GLO throughout this report, which are illustrated in Exhibit 27 and A.27 Exhibit 28. However, in the initial periods our assumed prices follow the latest available forward curves and over time converge to trajectories defined by the market fundamentals captured by AER-GLO. Prepared by Aurora Energy Research DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 47 APPENDIX Exhibit 27 A AER gas price (£/MMBtu, 2014) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 2015 Exhibit 27 28 Exhibit Source: 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Source: AER 26 AER AER coal price (£/tonne, 2014) 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 0 2015 Exhibit 28 Source: 48 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 Source: AER AER DASH FOR INTERCONNECTION | THE IMPACT OF INTERCONNECTORS ON THE GB MARKET 27 Prepared by Aurora Energy Research 5 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION... The analysis in this report is based on Aurora’s standard market forecast and set of assumptions. For a complete description of the input assumptions and other aspects of the market forecast not included here, please contact Aurora at sales@auroraer.com to obtain a copy of our latest GB Power Market Forecast report. AURORA ENERGY RESEARCH ONE ST ALDATE’S OXFORD OX1 1DE UNITED KINGDOM +44 (0)845 299 3569 contact@auroraer.com www.auroraer.com GENERAL DISCLAIMER This document is provided “as is” for your information only, and no representation or warranty, express or implied, is given by Aurora Energy Research Limited (“Aurora”), its directors, employees, agents or affiliates (together its “Associates”) as to its accuracy, reliability, or completeness. Aurora and its Associates assume no responsibility, and accept no liability for, any loss arising out of your use of this document. This document is not to be relied upon for any purpose or used in substitution for your own independent investigations and sound judgement. The information contained in this document reflects our beliefs, assumptions, intentions, and expectations as of the date of this document and is subject to change. 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FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS COPYRIGHT This document contains forward-looking statements and information that reflect Aurora’s current view about future events and financial performance. When used in this document, the words “believes”, “expects”, “plans”, “may”, “will”, “would”, “could”, “should”, “anticipates”, “estimates”, “project”, “intend”, or “outlook” or other This document and its content (including, but not limited to, the text, images, graphics, and illustrations) is the copyrighted material of Aurora [unless otherwise stated]. No part of this document may be copied, reproduced, distributed, or in any way used for commercial purposes without the prior written consent of Aurora. © 2016 AURORA ENERGY RESEARCH LIMITED. REF: DIRV1-0216