October, 2015 - Hantsport School
October, 2015 - Hantsport School
HANTSPORT Connection Welcome to Hantsport School visit us at h p://hantsport.ednet.ns.ca/ Report absences to 902-684-4000 11 School Street, P.O. Box 392 Hantsport, NS B0P 1P0 OCTOBER 2015 Hantsport School Middle Level (6-8) Chromebook Initiative Some Common Questions and Answers At Hantsport School we believe that it is very important to provide the opportunity to include technology to enhance instruction, assessment, and student engagement. The integration of technology is not something that can be dictated and there is no magic formula. Students and staff simply need access to digital tools that add to existing class-room tools used to support productivity, assessment, communication, and classroom management. It will look different in every classroom and with every student, but that is the idea. Students need an environment where productive and ethical use of technology can be modelled and incorporated within the curriculum. As with a growing number of schools around the world, in our school board it is possible to provide students with a device that is more personal to them and available in both home and school. All Hantsport Middle School students will be issued a Chromebook that they can use during the school year as a way to develop 21st Century skills and support their education. Students have already had an information session with Mr. Ryan Hainstock regarding what it means to be a good ‘Digital Citizen’ in preparation for the roll-out of the student Chromebooks. How does a Chromebook work? A Chromebook is a small laptop that runs on Google Chrome, the same Internet browser that you may have installed on your own computer. All students and staff in Nova Scotia will be using Google Apps for Education GAfE, which means their files and tools (apps and software) are hosted in an account. The Chrome-book is just a way to access that account, so very little is stored on the actual device. Why is this going to help? Research shows that when technology is integrated with good teaching practice, that students are more engaged and achievement levels increase. Having a device where students can customize their learning tools and Con%nued on page 2 Hantsport School Middle Level (6-8) Chromebook Initiative (continued) not have to worry about access provides more opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of the curriculum. In addition, Nova Scotia has Information Communication Technology outcomes that all students are expected to cover from grades P-12—including digital citizenship, communication, productivity, problem solving, and operations. How do you manage a large number of Chromebooks? The devices and GAfE accounts are managed by the school board. We can remotely set permissions and restrictions, install apps/software, and troubleshoot. As these are educational tools, they fall under school policies, AVRSB policies in the use of technology, and the Student Code of Conduct. In terms of management, these devices are no different than the computers sitting in our schools. What is the expectation for the use of the Chromebook? Students are expected to have their Chromebooks at school and available as needed. Students are permitted to take the Chrome-books home, understanding that the devices are still a school computer—even outside the school walls. For a full list of expectations and responsibilities, please refer to the Chromebook Policies and Procedures document. Are we responsible if it breaks or is stolen? Under regular and reasonable use, students are not responsible for theft or damage. However, the school will determine on a case-by-case basis whether restrictions need to be imposed. I’m worried about the amount of screen time and social use? We all are. We live in a digital society and the use of technology is something that needs to be modelled both at home and in school. These tools are encouraged to be used in situations when it enhances teacher instruction and assessment. There will be many times that the Chromebook is not the best option and students will be asked to put them away. Under digital citizenship outcomes, students will see the use of technology through a ethical and critical lens so they can learn how to balance their digital identity into the future. Boys Soccer The boys team kicked off another soccer season during a busy week playing three games on September 23rd against Pine Ridge Middle School, on the 24th at Coldbrook School and on the 25th in Mt. Uniacke. They will play their final two regular season games on the 30th in Hantsport at Foundry Field against Mt. Uniacke and on October 2nd against Coldbrook. The playoff schedule is set to begin on October 5th and will finish up on October 22nd. The boys will play three playoff games on October 5th, 7th and 13th with the possibility of three more games depending on the result of these playoff games. Students and parents/guardians are encouraged to come out and support the boys over the next few weeks as they a empt to capture the middle school soccer championship. Hope to see everyone at the field!! Good luck boys! Mr. B & Mr. Z Girls Volleyball begins next week...stay tuned for details Physical Educa on Notes This month the students in the Hantsport Physical Educa%on program have been having their classes outside and at the Bap%st Church gym while renova%ons are taking place. All students are par%cipa%ng in an Ac%ve for Life fitness unit where they are learning to set goals for their own personal fitness. The younger grades have been doing movement educa%on and enjoying their nature hikes, the Gr. 3's are playing soccer baseball, Gr. 4/5 are learning the sport of cricket, Gr. 6-7 classes are playing tennis and the Gr. 8 class is playing rugby. The new Physical Educa%on curriculum also focuses on coopera%on, conflict resolu%on, considera%on of others, coping strategies and communica%on with classmates. These aspects of the Physical Educa%on are called Life Skills and they are an important part of the program. The weather has cooperated for the month of September and allowed the students to have a number of classes outdoors. We would like to thank Pastor Mark Hunter for the use of the Bap%st Church on days when we cannot be outside. Both the middle school and elementary cross country teams have competed in a few meets this month. The results have been good with a few students geCng in the top 10. Most of these races have 30 or more runners in them. Schedules have been sent home with the students. Another meet has been added for middle school students on Oct. 13th at Lockhart Ryan Park in New Minas. We will need cars to take the students to the meets and if you can drive please contact one of the coaches. Office Notes ♦ Please report absences to 902-684-4000 ♦ School supply fees ($35 for Grades P-5) and student fees ($25) for middle level that are outstanding should be paid as soon as possible to the office. Cash or cheques payable to Hantsport School are acceptable. ♦ The office is temporarily located two doors down the hallway to the leI of the lobby as you enter the school. ♦ Students arriving late to school (past 8:15 am) are to report to the office as they will be marked absent if not in their home room for accouchements. ♦ Picture Retake day is Thursday, October 15 Home & School Update Norcard Fundraisers were sent home earlier this week - please ensure all order forms (completed/not) are returned no later than Wednesday, October 14th. 2nd Annual Pumpkin Fundraiser - order forms are due back by Friday, October 9th. Reminder: Pick Up for these will take place during the Harvest Cra Fair, Saturday October 17th between 9am-2pm. Hantsport Blend T.A.N. Coffee Fundraiser - monthly gourmet coffee orders - regular/decaf, whole beans/ground - $13/ bag. Orders due Wednesday, October 14th and will go home with students the following week. ***ATTENTION STUDENTS: STAY TUNED FOR NEXT MONTH'S COFFEE CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT!!*** Harvest Fest CraI Fair & Chili Lunch - Saturday, October 17th. If you'd like to book a table for the craI/vendor fair, contact hantsporthomeandschool@hotmail.com or 902-691-6841. We will be looking for dona%ons for the lunch, as well as volunteers. Please let us know if you're available to help! 2016 Hantsport Calendars - We are looking for photo submissions for the 2016 Hantsport & Area Calendar. We had an overwhelming success with this fundraiser last year! Entries can be submi ed to hantsporthomeandschool@hotmail.com. Deadline for entries is Friday, October 30th. Pictures should be landscape (rather than portrait), not edited using any online programs, of places rather than people (due to privacy laws), new prints or a photo from a previous collec%on, any season. This is not a student limited project, community members can submit as well. Our next monthly mee%ng will take place Wednesday, October 14th at 7pm. See you there! Ms. B’s Corner School has been off to a busy start! It has been great to have our students return with such posi%ve aCtudes and excitement over our wonderful renova%ons and upgrades! Things seem to be shaping up for a successful year for all. We celebrated Whirled Peace by the whole school making pinwheels. Thank you to the girls in Grade 6 for their presenta%on! This month we will be busy taking part in the We Scare Hunger campaign; collec%ng non -perishable food items for our local food bank. Our students will collect items at both a middle school and elementary dance this month, as well as, fanning out around our town for an aIernoon town-wide collec%on! A no%ce will be sent home outlining these upcoming events. This campaign helps to earn our way to We Day, held on November 27th! Members of our Ci%zenship Commi ee will be assis%ng with the jewelry sale at our Harvest Fes+val here in town. If there is gently used jewelry to be donated, please drop off at our office. This sale benefits the KingsKikima Grandmothers that work together to support the orphans of the village, Kikima in Kenya. September brought us the 250th Anniversary for the Hants County Exhibi%on!!! 4H weekend was a huge success. Our local 4-H club, the Border Riders will be star%ng up a new year at the end of this month; a selected date will be posted in the school lobby this month with more details. This is an amazing organiza%on and valuable opportunity for youth to learn life skills, be crea%ve, prac%ce leadership, to learn about agriculture, livestock and down-home values, as well as, build new rela%onships! The Border Riders meet at the Mount Denson Hall. Fee is $30.00 for the year, and there is a monthly mee%ng collec%on fee of $1.00. Parents are encouraged to a end the mee%ng. Goldie McDow is a contact, if more informa%on is required. She may reached at 684-9324. Our Family Studies students have been brainstorming and discussing possibili%es for healthy cold lunches packed at home, in light of our renova%ons and as part of a school-wide effort to have our students make responsible, healthy food choices. They have put a lot of thought into this, having had classroom discussions and brainstorming sessions. Magazines are s+ll needed! If you have extras, it would be great if you would like to donate them to our school; just drop off at the office for Ms Brothers! Packing lunches can be difficult for some students and their families, so in an a empt to help with the monotony, here are some sugges%ons that our students came up with! J ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Cold toasted or fresh bagel with cream cheese Crackers, cheese, yogurt and fruit Subs%tute nut bu er, such as ‘WOW Bu er’…try it, tastes like the real thing! Meat sandwich and cheese Cold pizza Ms. B’s Corner (con nued) ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ A submarine sandwich…try different buns, like cheese bins or onion rolls Taco salad made from leIover tacos! Egg salad in a container with veggie s%cks and or pita bread Devilled eggs, nuts and some cold meat and cheese Green salads, Caesar salad cups, dressing on the side Pasta salad, tradi%onal or leIover s%r fry mixed into pasta with Italian dressing or Asian dressing Fruit kebabs and cheese and crackers Veggies and dip (homemade, salad dressing, tzatziki, baba ganouj Hummus and pitas Fruit salsa and pitas and trail mix! Wraps: leIover chicken, hot sauce, ranch, le uce and cuke! Wraps: pizza sauce, cold cuts, cheese, green pepper! Wrap: Wow bu er and banana Fruit salad Yogurt and fruit and granola cup Sushi Sandwich Rolls Lunch Fun-due: Cubed ham, chicken, cheese to dip into mixture of salsa and sour cream, crackers on the side Tos%tos and cold salsa dip: layer sour cream, salsa and grated cheddar cheese, top with diced peppers Container of cereal with a container of milk, and a side of half a sandwich Try something different! Hope this helps! J A bo2le drive will take place in early November to raise money for our end of year trips in the middle school. Parent/student %me and volunteering is needed to raise the funds necessary for such ou%ngs. Look for no%ces to go home towards the end of October. J We are entering into a busy %me of year, with celebra%ons, fundraising, prepara%on for days of remembrance and acts of ci%zenship in the upcoming weeks and month. This is all in addi%on to daily rou%nes, extra -curricular ac%vi%es and homework. It is important to know that all middle level students are expected to carry their agenda and homework folders to each and every class, every day. Agendas are checked every morning in my class for a parent/guardian signature. It is the student’s responsibility to get his or her agenda checked and signed. The purpose of this is to ensure communica%on between the student, parent/guardian and their teachers. Each student has a yellow homework folder that should contain no%ces, forms, and homework to be completed at home. Consistent check-ins at home, as well as, at school help to set our students up for success. Many students need to be ‘taught’ how to be organized, with consistent expecta%ons. Your assistance with this would be super! Happy Fall everyone! Ms B October is Mi’Kmaq History Month October 2015 Sun 4 Mon 5 Boys Soccer Playoff HOME Gane vs. EMS Tue Wed 6 RESCHEDULED 7 Elementary CC meet @ Gaspereau 4:00 pm CC Jr High @ Horton Thu Fri 8 3:30 pm CC ementary @ Williams 9 Sat 10 El- Pumpkin Port orders due Girls Soccer Playoff 11:30 am EARLY HOME Game vs.WH DISMISSAL 11 12 13 THANKSGIVING 3:00 pm CC JrH meet @ Lockhart Ryan New Minas 3:30 pm CC Elementary @ KCA Boys Soccer Playoff HOME Game vs. Coldbrook PICTURE RETAKES NO SCHOOL 18 19 20 26 Jr. High CC Provincials @ Northunberland 21 Home & School 15 27 28 Heritage Fair 16 17 Home & School Craft Sale and Chili Lunch 9 am—2 pm 22 23 Provincial Conference Day NO SCHOOL 24 29 30 Pictures due for Home & School calendar project 31 7:00 pm JR High CC Regionals @ Lockhart Ryan 25 14 Pinwheels for Peace Terry Fox Walk 2015