WrapUpOC2015(2) - Preventing Abuse Conference


WrapUpOC2015(2) - Preventing Abuse Conference
Preventing Abuse
Santa Ana, California
March 20, 21, 2015
Educate – Motivate – Activate
Identify the Problems and
Focusing on the Solutions
A Message from Tony Nassif
On behalf of the Preventing Abuse Foundation, I wish to welcome all
the attendees to The 16 Preventing Abuse Conference on human trafficking, child abduction,
pornography and the cartels.
Human trafficking and exploitation is not a political issue. Many hold various political
positions. Yet, they come together to protect and defend the most vulnerable and bring justice
Human trafficking and child abduction is an insidious cancer devouring the body, mind,
and soul of its victims, their families, and even their community, and nation thus, testifying to
the reality of evil.
There are many elements to human trafficking. One of the most important is the
“demand.” If there are no buyers, the business shuts down. The next question is: What fuels
the buyers to “buy” women and children, and the most effective way to deal with it?
This problem cannot be effectively dealt with unless one realizes that a moral breakdown
and degeneration of society in America, and throughout the world, is at the root of such
insidious exploitation.
Human trafficking and child abduction not only affects the direct victim and their
families, it affects their community and even the nation. Nevertheless, together we can make a
difference. Together, we can free the captives and protect those who are yet to be.
Someone once asked: “Where is God in all this?” Another responded: “God is asking us
where are we?” God gave us everything we need to fight this fight, and to win it. He calls us to
set the captive free (Isaiah 58:6).
The question remains: “What will we do with what we have?” As we hear the great
speakers today, and read the literature, as others are busy at work or going to their kid’s ball
game, as normal life goes on, women and children are crying for deliverance. If these victims
were members of our family, what would we want people to do? Will we hear? Will we act?
"To remain silent/inactive in the face of abuse against women and children makes one complicit
with the abuse."
Tony Nassif
Tony Nassif, President/founder
Preventing Abuse Foundation, Inc.
Cedars Cultural and Educational Foundation, Inc.
About the
Preventing Abuse
The Preventing Abuse Foundation, under
the leadership of Founder/President Tony Nassif has been involved in the fight to help protect
women, children and families for over fifteen years. Our efforts include the following:
Produced the Preventing Abuse Conferences on human trafficking, child abduction, Internet
safety, drug cartels and pornography. These conferences have acquired support and speakers
of some of the most prominent leaders in the nation and world such as:
President Bush - Signing of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, witnessed by Tony
We were guests of The Obama White House regarding our work
U.S. Senator Charles Grassley, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, Iowa Governor Terry Branstad
Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Undercover law enforcement
Entertainer Pat Boone, Media expert, Dr. Ted Baehr, Founder/Publisher of MovieGuide
Dignitaries such as the Consul General of Lebanon, Shelley Lubben, former porn victim
Dr. Judith Riesman world expert on the impact of pornography on the brain
Parents of abducted and rescued children, various human trafficking task forces
Survivors of human trafficking and internet predators
Los Angeles City Attorney, Latino Police Officers’ Association, Experts on drug cartel
operations, U.S. State Department office to combat and monitor human trafficking,
Youth With a Mission, Salvation Army, Donna Rice Hughes President of Enough is
Enough Internet safety expert, World Vision International, Dr. Jack Hayford (support),
United Methodist Women, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, International Justice
Mission, Shared Hope International, Concerned Women for America, U.S. Defense
Department, former C.I.A., National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
The Preventing Abuse Conferences serve as a media event. In many conferences, we get local
and national news coverage. Tony Nassif appears on talk shows throughout the country as well
as the print media. Our conferences have reached millions.
On numerous occasions, we receive calls for help from individuals and organizations to which
we respond with great success. Our work is to set the captives free and bring justice to the
Preventing Abuse Foundation • email: President@preventingabuse.org • 323-851-3872
About Tony Nassif
Lebanese immigrants who set a standard of helping the poor
and needy. Tony’s work dealing with human trafficking started
fifteen years ago, when after writing a script on exploitation of
children, he realized the importance of recognizing the signs of a
He created the Preventing Abuse Conferences
understanding that there is a moral mandate from God to act.
Nassif sets forth that the key to the solution is grass roots
activism. The activation of the Church is key to the solution,
because the Church is the largest grassroots movement we will
ever know.
CONFERENCES: Tony has produced many conferences and planning more nationally. Speakers
included celebrities, government officials, authorities in their field, former victims, and more.
The goal and focus is to educate the public about the problem, motivate them to act, and then
point the way to approved organizations with whom to act.
MEDIA: Tony has produced television talk shows on public policy and the Preventing Abuse
Conferences. He’s written and distributed numerous articles and books, nationally and globally.
He was interviewed on hundreds of radio and television programs discussing public policy,
human trafficking and more. Some include Family News in Focus from Focus on the Family,
Today’s Issues from American Family Association, Trinity Broadcasting Network, Cornerstone
Television Network, , FOX News, Voice of America International, and more.
SERVICE: Tony has represented the organization serving on the Los Angeles Metropolitan Task
Force on Human Trafficking and Child Prostitution, the Los Angeles County Unity Coalition, the
Los Angeles Metropolitan Task Force on Human Trafficking. He also serves on the Advisory
Board of the Enough is Enough Campaign to protect children and families from online
pornography. Nassif worked with U.S. State Department personnel on human trafficking and
was a guest at the White House when President George W. Bush signed the Trafficking Victims
Protection Act Reauthorization, and he attended the Obama White House recently regarding
his work on human trafficking.
Tony Nassif has successfully bridged the political, religious and social barriers to help protect
women & children.
Preventing Abuse Foundation • email: President@preventingabuse.org • 323-851-3872
Brenda Epperson–Moore, Suzi Wehba, Heather, Annie Lobert
Welcome from Founder and President Tony Nassif
The Preventing Abuse Conferences are held across the country achieving great success. Mr.
Nassif originated the conferences when he realized he didn’t know the signs of a victim or
predator, and if he did, he might be able help save a victim or warn against a predator.
To date we have held over 16 Preventing Abuse Conferences from Florida to Iowa to California.
The success rates continue to climb exponentially. We are endorsed by celebrities to
government officials including President Bush 43, U.S. Senator Grassley, U.S. Senator Marco
Rubio, Los Angeles City Attorney, Dr. Jack Hayford, The Johnny Gosch Foundation, MovieGuide,
Parents Television Council, and many more, as well as various law enforcement organizations
and prominent pro family organizations such as American Family Association, Timothy Partners,
A21, Salt and Light Council, Fr. Michael Manning, Donna Rice Hughes, Salvation Army, Girls
Against Porn, Concerned Women for America and others.
Our work is involved in many rescues and raising awareness of the problems of human
trafficking, drug cartels, Internet Safety, Pornography, Moral collapse and more. For example,
in the last couple months, Tony Nassif was personally involved in the rescue of a young girl
reportedly from Asia. Security told him she could not speak or hear and could communicate in
writing. He was told she looks like she had been raped. Tony made the connections and got
the young girl secured from danger.
For more examples of our successes please email: president@preventingabuse.org
The Preventing Abuse Foundation has established the Family Protection Award for those
organizations and individuals showing exemplary work to help protect the family and culture
from elements related to human trafficking and its fuel of the demand.
We have initiated the Family Protection Award which was presented to Dran Reese from The
Salt & Light Council, Brad Dacus, Attorney and President from the Pacific Justice Institute, Tim
Winter, President of the Parents Television Council, and the Salvation Army who are
celebrating thier 150 year anniversary.
Over the years Tony Nassif has been interviewed on hundreds of national and local radio and
television programs. As a result of the conference, Tony was invited by Father Michael Manning
to appear on his show talking about faith and human trafficking.
Father Michael Manning is a Catholic priest whose unique ministry is television. His television
program The Word in the World airs weekly on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, The Church
Channel, Catholic diocesan networks, and the American Forces Network, putting the Gospel
into over 200,000 households across the country and on U.S. bases and ships around the world.
In recent months, we held the Preventing Abuse Conference in Southern California and Mt.
Pleasant Iowa. We are planning more conferences in Florida, Texas, California, Iowa, Arizona
and other areas as requests continue.
If you would like to have a conference in your area, please contact us:
Preventing Abuse Foundation • email: President@preventingabuse.org • 323-851-3872
The success of our recent conferences can be seen by the following comments from attendees.
“Tony, I would like to sincerely thank you for all that you do!!!!
In my 15 years addressing human trafficking, I have attended many
conferences but very rarely one that resonates in my mind.
I firmly believe that everything we do, everyone we meet is for a reason.
This has always been my saying in life. At your conference, I so felt the
passion, the commitment, but most of all the the heart of addressing
this horrific issue. As always, I walk away and say LORD , lead me, guide
me to my path in what I shall do for bringing me here today.” Estella
“…I wanted to let you know personally how much your Conferences in
Tampa have meant to me; how much they have contributed to the tools
that we can use in our Campaign against Human Trafficking here in Sun
City Center, FL (South Hillsborough County – Tampa Bay). As we head
toward National Human Trafficking Awareness Month, I once again got
out the Preventing Abuse file and found the tools we needed and the
valuable contacts provided. Thank You and God Bless You! June”
June W
“…Preventing Abuse’ Conferences … focus on Americans who were
abducted and trafficked in the U.S. or relatives of victims who were
forced into prostitution or pornography within the United States or
transported to foreign countries--and others who are actively involved
in some aspect of counteracting this lucrative, depraved industry…”
Human Trafficking: ‘Preventing Abuse’ Exposes the American SexTrafficking Industry (Part 1)By Phyllis M Daugherty
Preventing Abuse Foundation • email: President@preventingabuse.org • 323-851-3872
Alphabetical Order by Speaker first Name or Organization
A-21 Campaign.
Founded by Christine Cain, Rescuing women and
children from Human trafficking. Kayla works in the
Partner Relations department to help bring together
the individuals who are supporting A21 financially with
the mission of fight human trafficking they are helping
to make possible. Katrina also works in Partner
Relations, building bridges and relationships with
people who contribute financially to the work of
ending human trafficking.
Annie Lobert
Annie founded Hookers for Jesus in 2005 after
surviving more than a decade of sex trafficking. She
continues her mission on reaching out to women
whom have been abused as well and trains and
educates leaders, organizations, police, governments
and churches to effectively help minister to sex
workers and sex trafficking victims. In February of
2014 Annie opened a brand new Destiny House Estate
for sex trafficking victims to recover from the sex
industry with a focused holistic healing approach,
centered on a Christ's love. Annie is currently writing a
book about her personal life story which will be out in
the spring of 2015.
When Annie is taking time off of her busy schedule, she spends time with her husband,
founding member and current guitarist and vocalist for the heavy metal band Stryper, Oz Fox.”
Alicia Kozakiewicz
A victim who lives to tell how she was lured on the Internet and
held captive for four days. She shares information to help protect
others from Internet predators. She founded The Alicia Project
has its roots in tragedy, but has grown to become a voice for
exploited children. she came to realize that other children need
not suffer her traumatic experiences. She joined her local
Pittsburgh, PA Air Search and Rescue group, and created an
Internet Safety Program, the Alicia Project, which she presented
first in cooperation with the FBI Adopt-A-School program, the
COPC Program of her University, and now independently, to
schools and organizations. Alicia came to realize that other
children need not suffer her traumatic experiences. She joined her local Pittsburgh, PA Air
Search and Rescue group, and created an Internet Safety Program, the Alicia Project, which she
presented first in cooperation with the FBI Adopt-A-School program, the COPC Program of her
University, and now independently, to schools and organizations.
Former C.I.A. officer, clandestinely rescues those missing children... He has long operated in the
shadows and dubbed The Patron Saint of Missing Children by journalist Diane Dimond and is
the founder of The Association For The Recovery of Children. The Association for the Recovery
of Children (ARC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization comprised of former and active
Intelligence, Military, and Law Enforcement personnel, dedicated to the recovery of missing
and exploited children,
foreign and domestic. In
recent years that has
included the fight to stop
human trafficking.
Baz is a former CIA officer
who takes on the most
impossible cases. With
volunteer help from other
officers, Baz travels all
over America and the
world, covertly getting in and out of countries some of us can’t even pronounce. His goal is
getting children back to where they belong. Baz has a 100% success rate. He will present
current and important information .
Preventing Abuse Foundation • email: President@preventingabuse.org • 323-851-3872
Brad Dacus, Attorney and
President of the Pacific
Justice Institute
Spoke about the abuses of the government
affecting families and children. Defending
liberties of families and faith.
A wife, mother (of 2), and grandmother
(of 2) who grew up in Glendale, CA, the
proud daughter of a Glendale Firefighter.
Like many women today, Debi never
pictured herself being an activist. Debi
joined the Advisory Board of The
Preventing Abuse Foundation after
attending the Los Angeles Conference.
Her blog article- “Human Trafficking,
Pornography, and Child Abduction – The
Dirty (and Sad) Truth” – resonated with
readers worldwide. – Debi is a Professional Blogger. She carries a nationally recognized press
credential (member of the National Bloggers Club). She has worked in the Entertainment
Industry as an Actress, Casting Assistant, and with the Stage Department at NBC Burbank
Studios. As founder of several women-owned companies since the early 1990’s, Debi currently
heads up her own media production company (Everlasting Media Group, LLC) and has her first
film, “Soul Commander” in pre-production. Similar to her Christian rebirth years earlier, 2009
started her patriotic rebirth with the rise of the Tea Party, and she has never looked back. Debi
is a member of several prominent Conservative groups throughout Southern California, as well
as founding and organizing two Tea Party groups: Glendale Patriots and the Beverly Hills Tea
Party (with Pat Boone).
Brenda Epperson
Brenda is key leader with Ascend Women’s Group.
America is a free nation, but across this country, millions
of women are slaves to addiction, shame, anxiety,
insecurity, fear of failure, and more. We all dream of
independence, but the price of personal freedom is
costly. How about you? What’s keeping you in bondage
or holding your back from fulfilling your purpose and
destiny? “Forever Free” is about breaking chains. It’s
about discovering the keys that can set you free. Join us
for the ASCEND 2014 Conference and engage with other
women who have experienced that freedom and can
help you break through.
Brenda began her film career, starring in the HBO,
romantic comedy, AMORE, where she portrayed a singer
and performed songs on the soundtrack. Then, she co
starred with SWOOZIE KURTZ in the children’s movie
“STORYBOOK.” Brenda then starred with TED McGINLEY
and LEAH REMINI in the “LIFETIME” romantic comedy
“FOLLOW YOUR HEART,” Where Brenda also performed two songs on the soundtrack along
with ANITA POINTER, (Pointer Sisters) and PHILLIP INGRAM. Brenda also won the coveted
“ANGEL AWARD” for best song, “IF YOU BELIEVE.”
Cory Nickols
Destiny Rescue
Cory Nickols works for Destiny Rescue – an international faith-based nonprofit
organization dedicated to rescuing and restoring children enslaved in the sex trade. He has
recently returned from the front lines of the child sex trade in Southeast Asia. He literally went
to the red light districts to find children who were trapped to offer them a way out. He has seen
the horror of the child sex industry firsthand, and has seen many children liberated from this
abuse. He has now returned to the United States to tell their stories.
Cory is a dynamic speaker who carries the message of these child victims. He has a
passion to inform, educate and motivate people to take their place in the battle against the
exploitation and slavery of children. His desire to see enslaved children experience true
freedom and restoration stems from his own personal experience with sexual abuse as a young
teen, and the restorative hand of God on his own life.
Cory became the Senior Copy Writer for Destiny Rescue where he lived and worked in
Chiang Rai, Thailand, Destiny Rescue’s international headquarters. His role eventually grew to
become the Media Director worldwide for the organization. In this capacity, he oversaw the
global marketing plan for Destiny Rescue. He traveled throughout Southeast Asia, visiting
remote villages to understand the type of poverty that would cause parents to resort to selling
their children into the sex industry. He has also assisted with identifying victims in brothels and
their rescue. He has seen victims come into the Destiny Rescue program as damaged
individuals, and leave restored with a hope and a future.
Cory is now the Destiny Rescue Regional Manager for the Greater Los Angeles area and
West Coast, traveling and speaking to bring greater awareness to the pandemic of human
trafficking - inspiring people to action and to generate support for the ongoing
work of Destiny Rescue.
Dran Reese
The Salt &Light Council
President and Founder of The Salt & Light Council
(SLC), a non-profit, non-partisan ministry that works
to activate churches nationwide in the mission fields
of government, media and education. Churches in
America have been depicted as “a sleeping giant”
that could be the catalyst for great change in
The Salt & Light Council offers “a turnkey ministry”
that trains and equips churches to preserve our
culture through prayer, education and action with no
added burden to pastors. Dran Reese and her team
provide legally-and scripturally-vetted monthly
materials emailed to pastor-approved leaders who
engage the congregation in a variety of actions
including postcard writing campaigns and petition
drives on policy and legislation.
SLC activates biblical advocates on issues such as Human Trafficking, Parental Rights, Natural
Marriage, Life and Religious Liberty promoting legal and social options that strengthen and
preserve our religious and historical foundations in America.
Preventing Abuse Foundation • email: President@preventingabuse.org • 323-851-3872
Father Michael Manning
Father Michael Manning is a Catholic priest whose unique ministry is television. His television
program The Word in the World airs weekly on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, The Church
Channel, Catholic diocesan networks, and the American Forces Network, putting the Gospel
into over 200,000 households across the country and on U.S. bases and ships around the world.
The programs can be streamed any time from archives at www.wordnet.tv/videos.htm.
In 1972 Father Manning began his ministry by hosting and producing the program “Run for
Daylight” on a cable system in San Bernardino, Ca. In 1978 he initiated his nationally syndicated
weekly program.
Father Manning has made guest appearances on the Jay Leno show, Larry King Live, The
Tonight Show, Doctor Laura, The Leeza Show, The Montel Williams Show, The Phil Donahue
Show, Hard Copy, Helpline, Real People, The 700 Club, and Today’s Religion. On radio he’s
been a guest on Religious Seekers with Michael Levine and Clergy on Call. He was a regular
guest on the popular radio program Religion on the Line with Dennis Pragor. He appeared with
Robert De Niro in the film “Guilt by Suspicion.”
Preventing Abuse Foundation • email: President@preventingabuse.org • 323-851-3872
Lauren Taylor Dixon
Lauren is a campaign leader and blogger for Girls Against Porn and Human Trafficking. She
herself has come first hand with the effects of pornography after being addicted to it for three
years. She is now fighting against pornography on the Internet and helping other women break
free of their addictions.
Lisa Musil
Lisa Musil is the wife of a pastor and the Executive
Director of Breaking Through Ministries. Breaking
Through ministries helps to expose the issues that our
young women struggle with in today’s world. Such
issues would include self-injury, abortion, suicidal
tendencies, self-image issues and sexual violations. The
Breaking Through Young Women’s conference is
simulcast live across the country.
Mindy Fitzgerald
Beauty from Ashes
Beauty for Ashes is a 501(c)3 non profit in the U.S., which provides job skill training and
education grants to hurting and exploited women around the world. When you purchase our
jewelry and other gift items, you are helping to break the cycle of poverty that fuels human
trafficking, and making a lasting difference in a woman’s life, giving her dignity, and a
meaningful way of supporting herself and her family.
Beauty for Ashes is a 501(c)3 non profit in the U.S., which provides job skill training and
education grants to hurting and exploited women around the world. When you purchase our
jewelry and other gift items, you are helping to break the cycle of poverty that fuels human
trafficking, and making a lasting difference in a woman’s life, giving her dignity, and a
meaningful way of supporting herself and her family. Mindy Fitzgerald Beauty from Ashes
Beauty for Ashes is a 501(c)3 non profit in the U.S., which provides job skill training and
education grants to hurting and exploited women around the world. When you purchase our
jewelry and other gift items, you are helping to break the cycle of poverty that fuels human
trafficking, and making a lasting difference in a woman’s life, giving her dignity, and a
meaningful way of supporting herself and her family.
National Center for Missing and Exploited Children
Kelly Long
has been a Case Manager for the National Center for Missing and Exploited
children (NCMEC) for 2 ½ years. Prior to joining NCMEC, Kelly worked for fifteen years in the
Department of Justice as an Investigator and then as an Educator in the State of Colorado. She
holds advanced degrees in Criminal Justice, Education and Psychology.
Monica Chavez-Perez is an Assistant Case Manager for the National Center for Missing
& Exploited Children (NCMEC) in Tustin, CA. Monica has worked for NCMEC for 14 years. Prior
to Monica’s employment with NCMEC, she worked for Ventura County Superior Courts-Family
Mediation Department and was a Victim Advocate for the Ventura County District Attorney’s
Office. Monica also worked for the Coalition for Domestic & Sexual Violence in Ventura, CA.
Noreen Gosch
Noreen Gosch
Mother of kidnap victim Johnny Gosch (Discovered human trafficking of children before it had a
name and uncovered massive pedophile ring). Her story has appeared on America's Most
Wanted numerous times and in many documentaries.
Her story will astound you as she
faced death threats, assassination attempts and yet was helped by C.I.A. asset, media, and the
"family" to search for her son who escaped 15 years after his kidnapping. She will tell a story
that few have heard. She will tell the incredible story how she helped found the National Center
for Missing and Exploited Children, changed laws, and in 2006 a dramatic and life changing
experience happened that caused repercussions in Washington, the Kremlin and in other global
governments. That is just the beginning of what she will share.
Sam Sorbo
Sam is radio host of nationally syndicated The Sam
Sorbo Show, speaks publically around the country on a
variety of current public policy issues facing America
and is an avid supporter of the work of the Preventing
Abuse Conferences addressing human trafficking and
exploitation. Tony Nassif, President of the Preventing
Abuse Foundation has been a guest on her talk show
addressing these issues and more.
Sam is the wife of actor Kevin Sorbo who is now
filming a project on human trafficking. Sam will appear
in the movies Letting Go with Ian Cusick and Hope
Bridge with Kevin Sorbo and Boo Boo Stewart in spring
of 2015. The Sorbos home school their three children.
After high school in Pittsburg, PA, Sam (Jenkins) Sorbo
studied biomedical engineering at Duke University
before pursuing a career in modeling. Modeling offered her the chance to travel and learn
languages; she is fluent in five. Sam moved to Los Angeles for acting, where dedication and
perseverance gained her roles in several films (Bonfire of the Vanities and Twenty Bucks) and TV
shows, including Chicago Hope and Hercules: The Legendary Journeys. Hercules introduced her
to Kevin Sorbo, who swept her off her feet. They married in 1998 and she moved to New
Zealand. While living in Auckland, Sam created and published a humorous and educational
photo-book, Gizmoe: The Legendary Journeys, Auckland. Sam’s most recent book, with coauthor Marius Forté, is The Answer: Proof of God in Heaven.
to Tim
Winter by
Tim Winter
Tim Winter joined the Parents Television Council in
2003 as executive director, and he became president in
2007. Prior to the PTC, Tim spent 15 years at the
National Broadcasting Company where he was involved
in the financial oversight of the network’s broadcast
operations; program production; international and
domestic cable; and digital media. At Metro-GoldwynMayer he led the studio’s Interactive Division and
online and video game publishing ventures. He also
spent several years leading streaming media
technology companies. He earned s Bachelor’s Degree
in Business Administration from Principia College; and
his JD from Loyola Law School in Los Angeles.
The sexualization of the culture through media is an
element fueling the demand for human trafficking. Tim
Winter’s leadership of The Parents Television Council is
on the forefront defending families. He joined the
Parents Television Council in 2003 as executive
director, and he became president in 2007. Prior to the
PTC, Tim spent 15 years at the National Broadcasting
Company where he was involved in the financial oversight of the network’s broadcast
operations; program production; international and domestic cable; and digital media. At MetroGoldwyn-Mayer he led the studio’s Interactive Division and online and video game publishing
ventures. He also spent several years leading streaming media technology companies. He
earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Principia College; and his JD from
Loyola Law School in Los Angeles.
Todd Spitzer
Chairman, Third District Supervisor
Orange County Board Of Supervisors
Todd Spitzer has been an Assistant District
Attorney, Los Angeles Police Officer, Orange County
Board of Supervisors Member (1997-2002, 2012present), and a State Assemblyman. Todd was also a
high school English teacher in the Los Angeles Unified
School District at the beginning of his career, reaching
out to many at risk youth in a positive way.
Supervisor Spitzer is also one of the leading crime
victims’ advocate attorneys in the nation. He has
worked tirelessly for victims’ rights. Todd Spitzer was
the co-author of Marsy’s Law, and the Campaign
Manager for this successful measure that the voters
passed in 2008. Marsy’s Law now is the Victims Bill of
Rights in California and serves as the vehicle for all
victims’ rights. Currently, Supervisor Spitzer is leading
the effort to construct the Crime Victim’s Monument in Mason Regional Park, which will
provide a place for healing, reflection and contemplation for those that have been affected by
Todd Spitzer has consistently worked hard to maintain public safety and improve accountability
in government spending. In addition, Todd Spitzer has made our communities safer by
authoring the bill that made Megan’s law viewable by all on the internet when he was in the
State Assembly. This important law has made it possible for anyone to search for the location of
sex offenders’ residences through a database on the internet.
Supervisor Spitzer is also a leader in OC’s fight against human trafficking. As a County
Supervisor and OCTA Board Member and Vice Chair of the OCTA Safety Committee, Todd is
leading OCTA’s efforts against human trafficking. Todd has led the charge with his active role at
events such as the launch of the “Be The One” OCTA bus campaign which trained over 500
coach operators on how to identify potential victims of Human Trafficking. This program also
encourages riders to be proactive, to look out for one another, and to look out for victims of
human trafficking. OCTA buses now have cameras and the drivers are trained to recognize and
report signs of human trafficking.
Wendy L. Patrick, JD, Ph.D.
Deputy District Attorney
Sex Crimes and Human Trafficking Division, San Diego, California
The following is a very brief biography of Dr. Wendy Patrick
Wendy L. Patrick is a San Diego County Deputy District Attorney, recently named the 2014
Ronald M. George Public Lawyer of the Year by the California State Bar’s Public Law Section.
She has also been recognized by her peers as one of the Top Ten criminal attorneys in San
Diego by the San Diego Daily Transcript. She has completed over 150 trials ranging from hate
crimes, to domestic violence, to first-degree murder.
In her current assignment in the Sex Crimes and
Human Trafficking Division of the San Diego
County District Attorney’s Office, Dr. Patrick
prosecutes sexually violent predators, human
traffickers, stalkers, rapists, and child molesters.
She is the team leader in charge of the sexually
violent predator cases her office handles, and
Co-Chair of the statewide California District
Attorneys Association Sexually Violent Predator
Committee and the Human Trafficking
Dr. Patrick has lectured nationally and
internationally on the topics of sexual abuse,
human trafficking, domestic violence, and child
molestation. She has taught human trafficking
within the United States, as well as in Hong Kong
and South Korea. She has been involved locally
with the San Diego Domestic Violence Council,
the San Diego Child Protection Team, and the Sexual Assault Response Team, from whom she
received the SART Response with a Heart Award based on her significant contribution to the
professional field of sexual assault prosecution.
Dr. Patrick shares her knowledge publicly on a regular basis.
She has over 250 media
Among her numerous credentials Dr. Patrick is published on a regular basis. She is co-author of
the revised version of the New York Times bestseller Reading People (Random House 2008), and
author of Red Flags: How to Spot Frenemies, Underminers, and Other Toxic People in Every Area
of Your Life (St. Martin´s Press, upcoming, May 2015). She is also author of Using the
Psychology of Attraction in Christian Outreach: Lessons from the Dark Side (Peter Lang 2013).
Dr. Patrick received the Sexual Assault Response Team Response With a Heart Award in 2011,
the Service to the San Diego County Bar Association award in 2005, the Friend of the Community
Award from the Tom Homann Law Association in 2003 for her work prosecuting hate crimes,
and was recognized as one of San Diego Metropolitan Magazine’s 40 under 40 honorees in
Conference Successes
1. RESCUED DAUGHTER: A man attending our conference received help to rescue his daughter
who was being trafficked. He was distraught and asked one of our speakers if she could
help. She said “yes. ” Shortly, thereafter he wrote her and said “don’t stop talking about
human trafficking…I got my daughter.”
3. RESCUED FROM CARTEL TERRITORY: In 2012 we held a conference in Des Moines, Iowa
which you supported. At that conference I presented a former intelligence officer who spoke
about his work rescuing victims.
A friend of mine from Iowa was there. Two years later she was contacted by an undercover
agent about an 11 year old taken to Mexico - time was of the essence. My speaker was
contacted and the rescue succeeded. The rescue occurred within about a day of her being sold
into Mexican cartels for trafficking.
4. INTERNET SAFETY: After our Tampa Conference, I had a call from a mother asking my help
for her 11 year old daughter who was involved in risky and potentially dangerous Internet
communications. I had a good visit explaining the dangers.
5. DRUG CARTELS: Tony Nassif was invited by Family Research Council to make a presentation
on the drug cartels in America to an Hispanic pastors meeting. See attached.
7. LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE ON PORNOGRAPHY: Tony Nassif was invited to speak at the
Morality in Media national leadership conference in Washington, DC on pornography's link to
human trafficking. One focus of the presentation was God's mandate for the Church to act.
8. THE FIRESTORM: Our conferences have ignited a firestorm of action to help stop human
trafficking. Coalitions and associations formed. Others come to our conference to learn how to
do conferences and have successfully completed.
9. THE RECENT RESCUE: Recently we were contacted by law enforcement to help with a
potential trafficking victim and we successfully helped secure the young lady.
In Tribute
Elias J. (Tony) Nassif Sr. and Adele H. Nassif
For their tireless work and generosity to their nation, community, their
home town of Cedar Rapids Iowa, their family, mankind, and their commitment
to help the helpless and vulnerable, I desire to give honor to my parents.
As an immigrant and descendant from Lebanon, they lived the American
dream. Always proclaiming their love for America, their devotion to family, their
heritage and the eternal lesson that we have a moral, religious and civic
obligation to feed the hungry, cloth the naked, visit the sick, and honor all
mankind as creations of God, they would say to us today, “press on with the
mission you have been given to free the captives and bring justice to their
Defending the Defenseless
A Spiritual Perspective
In the 4th century A.D. in the city of Myra in Lycia, Turkey, a man was going
to sell his children into slavery to pay an obligation. He was proud and would not
take charity.
In the city, was a Christian Bishop who heard of the children’s plight. He
also knew of the children father whose pride prevented him from receiving help.
The Bishop considered how he might provide the money to the Father, without it
being rejected.
One evening,, the Bishop walked by the father’s house and threw the
money into the window. The next morning the father saw the money, but had no
one to return it to. Consequently, the debt was paid, and the children saved.
The Bishop later became known as the patron saint of children. Some
know him as St. Nicholas. Many others know him as …Santa Claus.
* *
Conference Comments
--------------------------------------------------“I have both spoken at and attended conferences around the globe and after the Des Moines
conference I can say that my eyes were opened wider than ever before and it was a wealth of
knowledge. By far the best conference I have attended as of yet. I endorse Tony Nassif and The
Preventing Abuse Foundation and all that it represents.”
From Tania
--------------------------------------------------“The conference opened our eyes.”
From B.D.
7th Preventing Abuse Conference
“Thank you Tony for your passion and commitment to bring attention such an under aware and
critical situation. There are many battered women's programs that would gain great
information [from the 7th Preventing Abuse Conference] for their clients.”
From Pastor C.G.
Wonderful conference…I came to get information on how to get involved. To make contacts and
try to understand why this is happening. The conference addressed all of this and more. It truly
softened my heart and allowed an overwhelming empathy to flood my soul…
I am a different man for having attended…I am resolved to be a part of the movement”
From J. S.
-----------------------------------------------------“This was not a “media” event or a political event…I feel empowered and aware…I want to
thank you for making this conference available. I am forever grateful. My life has been
changed. Please keep me on your email list for future conferences.”
From Joyce B
------------------------------------------------------“I have worked for 30 years with abused women and children; sexual perpetrators…I found the
conference to be… educational and intense…It was clear that …we must design a paradigm
responsive to the specialized dynamics and needs of those who are victims of human
From R. G.-- Senior Social Services Supervisor
Dear Tony Nassif,
Evil is an undeniable reality in our world. As followers of Jesus, we are called
to battle this evil. We followed theexample of Christ as he fought for justice
and dignity for victims. Living under the threat of being murdered, He cared
for the hungry, the thirsty, the naked, the sick, theimprisoned, and the
stranger. He embraced with loving acceptance and salvation the people that
the world wanted to throw away.
Today evil continues to raise its ugly head in the sin ofhuman trafficking,
abuse of children, and drug cartels that hold sway over hundreds of
thousands of people.
As Christians, we believe that good is more powerful than bad. Love is more
powerful than hate.We come together at this conference to show the way of
Christ's victory over seemingly insurmountable evil.
Father Michael Manning
SVD Catholic Priest
August 3, 2012
I am writing to express my support for the upcoming Preventing Abuse Conference
on child abduction, and human trafficking designed to help protect children women
and families.
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the kidnapping of my son Johnny Gosch. As
you can imagine, it has been very difficult, but through it we, working with Governor
Branstad, passed the Johnny Gosch bill and much more.
At a previous Preventing Abuse Conference, Governor Branstad was honored with
the Family Protection Award for his support of the Johnny Gosch Bill and much more.
For the last several years, I have been working with Tony Nassif and the Preventing
Abuse Conferences which serve to educate the public on the reality of child
abduction exploitation and what can be done to help protect children and families.
They are doing a great work and I am pleased to support their work.
I fully endorse the Preventing Abuse Conference and encourage everyone to support
their efforts and the upcoming conference.
Noreen Gosch