sdm - MIT SDM – System Design and Management
sdm - MIT SDM – System Design and Management
The newsletter of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology System Design and Management Program vol. 9, no. 2 sdmpulse SDM Evolution in Its 19th Year in this issue 1 New SDM Curriculum By Pat Hale, Executive Director, MIT SDM Fellows Program 2 Welcome Letter 3 Director Named for New IDM Track 4 STAMP for USCG Accident Analysis 8 Solar Energy Startup 10 Product Design/Development Competition 12 SDM 2015: Entering Class • SDM’s first fall start date, designed to enable master’s and certificate students to matriculate together in August of each year. • A robust number of students in each program—the MIT S.M. in engineering and management and the SDM Graduate Certificate Program in Systems and Product Development. 13 Employment Report 14 Tech Trek Report 16 SDM Conference • The inaugural offering of SDM’s three-semester core course, which will provide an integrated view of architecting, engineering, and managing the development of complex systems (see page 6 for details). Because students in each program will attend these together, the opportunities for mutual learning and enrichment from classmates (who are experienced professionals—a hallmark of SDM) will deepen significantly. 20 Calendar > As MIT System Design and Management (SDM) marks its 19th year, all of us involved in the program are proud to announce several important milestones. These include: on the web > Move Over, Big Data! How Small, Simple Models Can Yield Big Insights > System Architecture for Corporate Innovation: How to Run a Successful Initiative and Deliver Tangible Results • Additional flexible master’s options that will enable selfsponsored students to choose program length and coursework based on their professional obligations, goals, and interests—while enabling company-sponsored students to make choices that also meet their employer’s needs. • Development of a new specialization track called Integrated Design & Managemet, which is scheduled to begin in August 2015 spearheaded by Matthew S. Kressy, director and senior lecturer. (See page 3 for more information.) Program details will be formally announced this fall. > Hacking Medicine and the Rx It Offers for Innovation in All Industries > Visit • More women enrolled than ever before. http:// > Watch for the red dot indicating expanded stories online at We are extremely grateful for the efforts of the SDM family—faculty, company partners, alumni, students, and staff—in designing this new core and supporting us in achieving all of the above. We want to express special thanks to Professor Olivier de Weck, who led the core and curriculum development team. Please visit pages 6-7 to explore the new SDM options—and do let us know your thoughts and suggestions! fall 2014 sdmpulse fall 2014 2 3 Welcome This edition of the SDM Pulse is a prime example of systems thinking at work within MIT, across industry, at all organizational levels, and around the world. sdmpulse Vol. 9 No. 2 Fall 2014 Copyright MIT, all rights reserved. Publisher: Joan S. Rubin, MIT SDM Industry Codirector Editor: Lois Slavin, MIT SDM Communications Director Contributors: Joan Aguilar Fargas, Sean Gilliland, Pat Hale, Qi Van Eikema Hommes, Steven F. Osgood, Erica Pernice, Alex Piña, Jonathan Pratt, Jan-Cor Roos, Dave Schultz, Tobias Walters Photography: John Parrillo, Bridget Queiroz, Alex Sanchez, Dave Schultz In these pages you will find: • An overview of SDM’s new core curriculum and examples of how it can be customized to suit individual students’ interests and industry’s evolving needs; • A brief announcement of the recent appointment of Matthew S. Kressy as director and senior lecturer of SDM’s Integrated Design & Management track. Matt will develop, manage, and teach the new track, which will launch in August 2015. Check the SDM website ( for updates or contact; • Detailed overviews of how systems thinking has been employed by a startup specializing in solar energy product design and by the US Coast Guard to help understand what caused a fatal accident at sea; • A report on the spring 2014 SDM Tech Trek that demonstrates the mutual value received by participating companies and students, as well as information on how your company can get involved in future treks; • An introduction to the 2015 SDM cohort, the first SDM class to matriculate in the fall semester and to participate in the inaugural offering of the new SDM core; Layout: Janice Hall, TTF Design Copy editor: Kathryn O’Neill Printer: Puritan Press MIT’s System Design and Management program is jointly offered by the MIT School of Engineering and the MIT Sloan School of Management. For further information, visit • Highlights of the most recent SDM Employment Report, along with a link to the full report on the SDM website; • A list of upcoming SDM events, such as this year’s SDM conference and back-to-the-classroom sessions; an alumni-student networking evening; live and virtual information events for prospective applicants; webinars on applying systems thinking to various complex challenges; and more. We hope you enjoy this edition of the Pulse. As always, we welcome your feedback and suggestions. Kressy Joins SDM to Create New Product Design Track By Lois Slavin, MIT SDM Communications Director The MIT System Design and Management (SDM) program is pleased to announce that Matthew S. Kressy has been named director and senior lecturer of Integrated Design & Management to develop, manage, and teach in SDM’s new master’s track. Kressy, founder of Designturn, brings to SDM extensive experience in globally distributed, interdisciplinary product development, from research and concept generation to prototype iteration, risk reduction, and volume manufacturing. His firm has developed and manufactured numerous successful products for a wide range of industries, among them high tech, healthcare, and sporting goods. His experience in academia includes co-teaching Product Design and Development (both 15.783 and ESD.40) at MIT since 1999. He has also taught at the Harvard Business School, Babson College, and the Rhode Island School of Design (from which he holds a BFA in industrial design). Sincerely, Pat Hale, executive director of the SDM Fellows Program, said, “Matt is a thought leader in industrial design and interdisciplinary product development and a widely acclaimed hands-on industrial designer. He receives accolades for his teaching from SDM students and faculty and we are thrilled that he has joined SDM.” Joan S. Rubin Industry Codirector MIT System Design and Management Companies interested in learning about SDM’s new product development track may contact Kressy at design + engineering + management About the Author Applying Systems Theory to Analyze Failed Coast Guard Rescue The challenge: In 1997, a sailing vessel sank outside Charleston Harbor, SC, killing all four passengers aboard. An investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) identified two probable causes: • the operator’s inability to adequately assess, prepare for, and respond to the known risks; and • the substandard performance of US Coast Guard (USCG) Group Charleston in initiating a search and rescue (SAR) response. Steven (Sid) F. Osgood, is a captain in the US Coast Guard. This article is an excerpt from his thesis, System Theoretic Value Analysis of the United States Coast Guard Search and Rescue Communication System, which was a finalist in SDM’s Best 5 sdmpulse fall 2014 4 The tools: To understand how system interfaces interact with control elements, a safety control structure was drawn to model the hierarchy of organization levels within the system. This allows the system to be evaluated as a whole rather than by its individual parts. The control structure starts at the physical or operating process level where the hazardous process or activity occurs and where human controllers are typically involved. Figure 2 shows the operating process safety control structure at the controller level. Figure 2 also displays how the operating process level is linked to the hierarchical safety control structure, including the applicable control action and feedback loops. Moving up the safety control structure enables us to see the whole system boundary with the key entities involved. The NTSB also provided recommendations subsequently implemented by the USCG, including a major upgrade to the National Distress Response System (NDRS) developed and deployed through the Rescue 21 project. continued on page 18 For four years I was responsible for deploying this system to USCG Sector Command Centers. Though I believe that Rescue 21 was a success in terms of delivering value, I am equally interested in determining what can be done to further improve policies and capabilities. To do this, I applied System Theoretic Accident Model and Processes (STAMP), developed by MIT Professor Nancy Leveson, along with its causal analysis based on STAMP (CAST) investigation component. Human Controller Communications Watchstander Using STAMP and CAST enabled: Response Action Thesis Competition. Thesis advisor: Qi Van Eikema Hommes, PhD, lecturer, Engineering Systems Division, MIT. To view the complete thesis, please contact Joan S. Rubin, SDM industry codirector, or 617.253.2081. -Supervisor Direction -Policy Guidance -Training, Tactics, Protocols • a comprehensive comparison of NTSB-generated recommendations to new findings and insights, enabling us to assess actual implemented solutions; and Location Interpretation Distress Interpretation Model of NDRS Automation Model of SAR Communications • a way to take contextual and environmental factors into account. This analysis of system safety constraints and hazards against controls in the system’s hierarchical control structure made it possible to identify weaknesses and recommend solutions to the full range of causal and systemic factors, including humans. The approach: When using system theory to assess accidents, a clear definition of system hazards relative to the accident is essential. In this case, the relevant hazard was the USCG’s failure to respond to a distressed mariner. Figure 1 shows that what was needed was a safety requirement designed to ensure that the USCG would respond. Response/Acknowledgment Record/Replay Search Commands Search Patterns Actuator Response Assets HAZARD SAFETY DESIGN CONSTRAINTS/REQUIREMENTS The USCG does not respond to a mariner who is in distress. The USCG must respond to a mariner who is in distress, therefore: a. The USCG shall have the ability to receive/hear distress notifications within the system boundary; b. The USCG shall have the ability to understand/interpret distress notifications received within the system boundary; c. The USCG shall have the ability to respond to distress notifications received within the system boundary; and d. The USCG shall have the capability to communicate and coordinate with other first responders within the system boundary. Displays Automated Controller Command Execution Data Recovery Geographic Feedback Signal Clarity System Co n t r o l Commands Recorded & Processed Signals NDRS System Control Algorithm Search Criteria Feedback Model of SAR Communications Signal Processing Signal Frequency, Clarity, Location, Range Search Time Communications Actuator Other Response Assets Search Time Communications Controlled Process Distressed Mariner Call for Assistance Acknowledgment Conflicting Control Actions Rescue Execution Conditions of Distress Disturbances (e.g. Weather) Figure 2: US Coast Guard search and rescue communications operating process control structure. Figure 1: Safety constraints and design requirements necessary to address system safety hazards. System Accuracy Sensors 7 sdmpulse fall 2014 6 continued from page 1 Distance Option Aug SDM Unveils New Program Options, Core Curriculum Y1 Sep Orientation Y2 Oct 16 Core (Distance) Overview for All Options • 38-unit unified systems core curriculum is spread evenly throughout the fall semester (16 units), January Independent Activities Period (6 units), and spring semester (16 units) Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Feb 6 Core Mar Apr May Jun 16 Core (Distance) Jul Aug Sep Thesis Degree List Thesis Orientation 16 Core (Distance) 6 Core Thesis 16 Core (Distance) Thesis 24 Required + 30 Elective (on campus) Degree List Distance students join the cohort for the initial two-week August orientation, then return to their full-time jobs. During the first year, this group attends the core course at a distance using MIT’s state-of-the-art web technology to participate remotely in live classes. In January the cohort continues the core course sequence primarily at a distance, but returns to campus for one intensive week of classes and workshops. All distance students are required to spend one semester in residence at MIT and may chose either the fall or spring of their second year to finish their required and elective courses. The other semester of the second year is spent at a distance, working on and completing the thesis. The degree is granted in June of the second year. • Intense two-week orientation begins in mid-August, prior to the start of fall classes Sep Jan 24 Required + 30 Elective (on campus) Y2 Aug Dec or Y1 Full-Time On-Campus Option Nov 21-Month Program 12-Month Program Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Commuter, RA/TA, or Full-Time on Campus with Internship Sep 21-Month Program Orientation 16 Core + 27 Required/Elective 6 Core 16 Core + 27 Required/Elective Thesis Degree List Aug Y1 SDM’s intensive 12-month option minimizes students’ time away from the workforce. Core, required, and elective courses are concentrated in the fall, January, and spring terms. In the spring and fall, students carry a minimum of 43 credit units split between the Sloan School and the School of Engineering. Thesis work is scoped out and begun in parallel with classwork during the academic year and finished during the summer. The SDM degree is awarded upon completion of thesis work in September. Orientation Y2 Sep Oct Nov Dec 16 Core + 12 Required + RA/TA 15 Elective + RA/TA+ 12 Thesis Jan 6 Core Thesis Feb Mar Apr May Jun 16 Core + 12 Required + RA/TA 15 Elective + RA/TA+ Finish Thesis Jul Aug Sep Internship Degree List Students who are working locally, participating in a research or teaching assistantship (RA or TA) on campus, or including an internship with their course of study may spread out the course load evenly over their 21 months at MIT. All students in this category attend the mandatory two-week August orientation, then typically add one additional course to the required core in both the spring and fall of their first year. The summer between terms is generally reserved for work, either an internship or a continuation of the student’s regular, full-time position. In the second year this group completes required and elective courses while allocating time during both semesters to thesis work. Students receive their degrees in June of the second year. Sample coursework could include: SDM Core: Foundations of Systems Design and Management (38 units) Full-Time on Campus with Internship Management Foundations: 16-Month Program Management Accounting and Control (9 units) Strategic Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (6 units) Management Electives: Operations Strategy (9 units) Manufacturing System and Supply Chain Design (6 units) Engineering Foundations: Engineering Systems Analysis for Design (12 units) Engineering Electives: Product Design and Development (12 units) Integrating the Lean Enterprise (12 units) Aug Y1 Y2 Orientation Sep Oct Nov Dec 16 Core + 27 Required/Elective Thesis Jan 6 Core Feb Mar Apr May 16 Core + 27 Required/Elective Jun Jul Aug Sep Internship Degree List While some students join SDM planning to minimize time outside of work, many want to incorporate an internship into their education. Internships offer students the chance to apply the theory they have learned to the workplace and potentially test and explore new career directions. The 16-month option allows integration of coursework with an internship in a compressed time period. Using this option, students complete all course requirements in their first year, similar to the fulltime on-campus students. During the summer they undertake an internship, returning to complete the thesis in the fall. Students in this group finish in the fall and receive their degrees in February. 9 sdmpulse fall 2014 8 About the Authors SDMs Launch Solar Energy Startup System architecture: Use of diagramming techniques from the object process methodology helped determine the system’s architecture. This was employed as the basis for an alpha prototype design. The challenge: Enabling middle-class homeowners to affordably and cost-effectively participate in the solar energy revolution. The approach: Conversations with potential purchasers helped AE identify three key deterrents to "going solar”: Concept Water • significant upfront costs, approximately $20,000 to acquire and install a solar system that can generate and store enough energy for daily use; Operating Beneficial Attribute • long payback periods for return on investment; and Alex Piña • the need for large arrays of solar panels, which can mar a home’s aesthetics. The team created a detailed profile of target customers for solar power that focused on incentives, expectations, and frustrations with existing products. AE sought to develop a modular solution that would address each key point and chose California as an initial test market because the state provides significant incentives for purchasing and installing solar energy systems. The tools: SDM’s emphasis on systems thinking and systems engineering provided an excellent foundation for creating the final product, a patent-pending solar hot water collector. The team’s overall vision is based on real-world requirements analysis, and the group used problem decomposition to further refine their product and create a working prototype. Sean Gilliland System engineering: The team performed a series of analyses that included design structure matrices, quality function deployment, and a problem-solving methodology called TRIZ. The result was a sound architectural framework (see Figure 1). Alex Piña ’13 and Sean Gilliland ’13 cofounded that solar energy should be accessible to everyone, 1 2 3 PV Array 1 1 1 1 Heat exchanger 2 1 2 1 Turbine 3 1 1 3 1 1 everywhere. The company Condenser 4 won first prize in the 2013 Generator 5 Charger 6 Boston Lean Startup Challenge, Battery 7 was a semifinalist in both the Inverter 8 AC Switch 9 MIT $100K Pitch and Accelerate DC Isolation Switch 10 contests, and is currently Generation Meter 13 Breaker Box 11 4 5 7 8 9 10 13 11 14 Level 1 Collector Heat Water Solar Thermal Energy Sustainably Heating Focused STE Continuous Water Heating Ground Support, Solar Energy, Domestic Water System Captured STE Unheated Water Heated Water Pressurized Heated Water Delivered Heated Water Intent 15 12 Supporting Structural Body Heat Focusing Parabolic Dish Heat Capturing Glass Lens Heat Transferring Heat Exchanger Liquid Moving Pump Liquid Delivering Copper pipe Operands + Processes Support External Energy Interface and Energy Transfer Domestic Water System Interface Instrument Objects 1 1 Figure 2. This object process methodology diagram shows a residential solar thermal water heating system, demonstrating the function of each system component. 4 1 1 5 1 1 6 1 1 7 1 1 8 1 1 9 1 1 6 Heating Heat Liquid Switching System is dedicated to the vision Support, Heat Source, Water System Level 0 Energy Generation and Conversion Avalanche Energy (AE), which Operator 1 1 Grid Isolation 1 1 The results: AE team members used the information from their SDM coursework over six months to design a patent-pending double reflector solar thermal collector that: 10 1 13 1 1 11 1 14 a semifinalist in the 2014 AC Supply (Consumer) 14 1 Cleantech Open Accelerator. Electricity Meter 15 1 Mains Supply (Grid) 12 • is roughly twice the size of a satellite dish; 1 • provides the equivalent of 7 kilowatt-hours of energy per day in the southwestern United States; 15 1 1 12 Main Grid and Metering Figure 1. This design structure matrix represents the general architecture AE used for its solar hot water and electricity generation system. • reduces roof-mounted weight through the use of two reflectors instead of the traditional single-reflector system; and • simplifies the installation process by utilizing the homeowners’ existing hot water tank. The team is now manufacturing a second-generation, full-scale prototype. Functionality testing of the alpha prototype of their low-profile solar thermal collector was completed during January 2014 at a home in San Jose, CA. continued on page 17 11 sdmpulse fall 2014 10 Urban Chariot Races to First Place in Product Design Competition Second Place GetNeat—Zen and the Art of Photography Our team was asked to tackle “terrible vacation photos.” Practicing the methods learned in PDD, such as user-centric product development, we: Editor’s note: Each year, in one of MIT’s most popular classes, ESD.40 Product Design and Development (PDD), SDM fellows convene with MIT peers and others from the Rhode Island School of Design to gain hands-on experience applying systems thinking to innovation. The students work together in multidisciplinary teams to practice best-inclass methodologies to conceive, design, and prototype new products while honing their skills in leadership and teamwork. All teams are charged with: • identifying customer needs; • conducted interviews to discover how users define a “good photo”; • identified a latent user need—organized storage that enables rapid image retrieval; • brainstormed on the above, finding inspiration from Facebook’s use of a plain English search function, existing tags, and data to return results; GetNeat team (left to right): SDM students Olivia Gao, Victor Rojas Gomez, Ari Liberman, Jillian Wisniewski, and Sabin Mamen Thomas. • refined this process by making tagging as simple as possible through learning user behaviors, integrating existing smartphone functionality, and designing a simple, intuitive user interface; and • generating and selecting concepts; and IDM Director Matthew S. Kressy and SDM Codirector Steven Eppinger examine a student project—an innovative bicycle lock—in an MIT-RISD product design and development class. • applied this to smartphone photos, using existing metadata, location, color, origin/medium, etc., to aid the organization and search process; • developing product architectures, industrial designs, concept designs, and designs for manufacturing. • sketched a variety of initial concepts, diagramming functionality, composing screenshots for each unique feature, and attempting to tell the story of what the product should do. At semester’s end, each team participates in the annual PDD competition, presenting design concepts and prototypes to a panel of judges comprising MIT faculty and industry experts. The following profiles highlight this year’s winners and some of the tools they applied. We also learned a lot about what individual traits are important to creating a successful team. These include: • patience; • openness to critical feedback; • willingness to learn from others’ unique backgrounds and skill sets; and First Place The Urban Chariot—Improving Bicycle Functionality Bike riding has become increasingly popular among those who want to improve their health and minimize their carbon footprint—particularly in traffic-heavy urban areas. However, an ordinary bike’s design can present many challenges and, with them, opportunities for designing and developing new products. • receptivity to learning about new fields, such as industrial design, application building, databases, and photography. We ultimately developed a prototype quite close to meeting our goals for functionality and aesthetics. However, we feel a few more iterations will need to be completed before we go to market. Third Place ComfortZone—For Different Degrees of Sleep Preferences We first studied the range of problems in depth. Our process included: Urban Chariot team (left to right): SDM students Ankur Kumar, Gaurav Khanna, Joseph Stanford, Tobias Walters, and Zak Bright (Course 2). Individuals have varying preferences for sleep temperatures, and this can be tricky for couples sharing the same bed. Our team used the following SDM tools to address this challenge: • conducting extensive surveys and in-depth user interviews; • applying system architecture principles and concepts to our idea-generation process for one major bike shortcoming—the difficulty of transporting bundles; • ethnographic research; • products as platforms; • choosing one architecture to pursue; and • modular design; and • focusing relentlessly on user needs. We developed two variants, then built a prototype for each potential model. These designs: ComfortZone team (left to right): SDM students Douglas Hamilton, Alfredo Guerero Ortiz, an unidentified fan, James Franklin, Ilias Hamdouch, and Wei Wei • parallel and iterative product development. The resulting product, ComfortZone, features: • preserve the normal feel—and enjoyment—of bike riding; • a customizable, modular design of interchangeable insulation panels, each with its own heat retention capacity; • enable riders to easily transport up to 50 pounds of cargo, such as groceries; and • the capability for electric heaters to be added if desired; • allow the use of an ordinary bicycle with little or no modification. User and observer feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and we are now in the process of submitting a provisional patent application. We intend to submit a full patent in the coming months. • panels that can be attached to customize comforter warmth laterally and longitudinally across a bed; and • a seamless fit into a duvet cover, ensuring an aesthetic consistent with other comforters. Although the course has ended, we are now looking into a patent for our design. 13 sdmpulse fall 2014 12 Snapshot: SDM Class of AY15 On August 18, 61 early to mid-career technical professionals became the first SDM cohort to matriculate in the fall, the traditional start of the academic year for most, if not all, MIT students. (SDM previously started in January.) As in the past, fellows in the newest SDM cohort come from a wide range of industries, including energy, healthcare, software, defense, information technology, consulting, automotive, aerospace, and several branches of the US military. This year’s cohort also contains the highest number of women in SDM’s history. Employment Report: SDM Graduating Class of 2013 SDM prepares graduates to lead effectively and creatively by using systems thinking to solve large-scale, complex challenges in product design, development, and innovation. The SDM program is committed to working closely with self-sponsored students to ensure they find career roles that both challenge them and enable them to help companies achieve key goals and missions. Citizenship Demographics • Algeria, Canada, Chile, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Thailand, Turkey, United States • 44 men / 17 women Sponsorship • 17 company-sponsored / 44 self-sponsored As in prior years, SDM’s 2013 graduates were hired into top-level technical and managerial positions across a wide range of industries. Employers recognize that these individuals bring a unique and powerful combination of attributes to the workplace, including: • an average of 10 years prior work experience; Average age / average previous work experience • a rigorous academic education from SDM, including coursework from MIT’s School of Engineering and Sloan School of Management; and • 33 / 8 years Program option • 26 local commuter students • 4 distance students Ephraim Chen Sarah Nolet Former Product Manager, Charles River Analytics Delph Mak Former Industry Development Executive, Singapore Public Utilities Board Satellite Design Engineer, US Air Force Dual-degree MIT SDM and SUTD “The SDM educational experience will enhance my effectiveness in overcoming technical challenges in highly complex systems.” “SDM is ideal for someone like me who has interests across both engineering and management disciplines.” Highlights of this year’s report include: • 100 percent employment of SDM graduates who responded to the survey; • Average base salary of $112,500—an increase of 55 percent over base salaries reported prior to entering SDM; • The top job functions selected by the 2013 graduates were product design/management (26 percent) and consulting/strategy (17 percent). Hiring employers included Amazon Web Services, Apple, Chrysler, MKThink, MIT, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Oliver Wyman, Oracle, Procter & Gamble, SanDisk, and VMware. For additional information, please contact Jonathan Pratt, director of recruiting and career development, > To view the complete report, visit employment_ report_2013 http:// Ryan Seekins SDM annually surveys graduates of the previous year’s class to produce an employment report. This document provides an overview of the program’s self-sponsored students and the world-class corporations that hired them. “SDM’s customizable curriculum and its diverse, brilliant cohort will enable me to cultivate the network and strategies to help change the world for the better.” Aerospace Engineer, Flight Controls and Flying Qualities, The Boeing Company “My SDM education will equip me to synthesize various engineering disciplines for technically feasible systems and enable marketing and execution of these systems as viable, real-world customer solutions.” • leadership and teamwork skills that equip them to appreciate and cultivate the diversity of thought necessary to solve complex problems throughout business and technical domains. sdm • 31 full-time, on-campus students, including three in the dual master’s program with the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) 15 sdmpulse fall 2014 14 2014 SDM Tech Trek Report Each year, the SDM program runs two tech treks—one in California’s Silicon Valley and the other in the Greater Boston area— to offer SDM fellows opportunities to engage with, and learn from, executives at best-in-class companies. Designed to build upon students’ classwork at MIT, the treks give fellows an opportunity to tour a wide range of facilities, view product demonstrations, and engage in lively question-and-answer sessions with industry leaders. They learn about companies’ strategic, operational, and tactical challenges, as well as how they are being addressed from both technical and business perspectives. The spring 2014 SDM Tech Trek to Silicon Valley exposed fellows to eight companies from multiple industries in less than one week. The trek was led by SDM ’14s Jan-Cor Roos and Tobias Walters with organizational assistance from all the participants. Goals: • Expand students’ knowledge of complex challenges across several industries; and • Establish and/or strengthen relationships between SDM and companies’ senior leaders and recruitment professionals. Companies visited: • Google Ventures • AppDynamics • • Intuit • Palantir Technologies • Yelp • Tesla Motors • SanDisk Corporation Trip highlights: • At Google Ventures, product partners Ken Norton and Rick Klau covened with SDM fellows for a three-hour meeting. They began by giving an overview of Google Ventures and detailing the company’s mission and successful investments such as Uber and Nest. They noted that their operational independence from Google allows them the flexibility to pursue funding the best startup companies, independent of Google’s target markets. A lively question-and-answer session followed the presentation. • SDM fellows gained a multifaceted understanding of AppDynamics’ business thanks to presentations and interactions with several of its C-suite executives. CEO Jyoti Bansal delivered a company overview, which was followed by deep dives into specific product features presented by Vice President of Product Management Bhaskar Sunkara and Product Manager Adam Leftik. Chief Marketing Officer Steven Wastie detailed AppDynamics’ go-to-market strategy and the director of the customer success team, Anna Mikhailova, explained how the company drives adoption in the broader market. Students also had an opportunity to interact directly with staff to learn more about AppDynamics’ working environment. •’s director of academic programs, Lisa Tenorio, welcomed the group and Vice President of Platform Development Marketing Adam Seligman followed with a corporate overview. Senior Director Sarah Franklin gave a live demonstration of the Salesforce platform. To test the system thinking design approach, the host team had developed an interactive session that highlighted the challenges of thinking creatively in an environment that is sustaining 30 percent to 40 percent annual growth rates. SDM fellows were divided into groups of four and given 30 minutes to come up with a solution to a design problem. Each team proposed a unique approach and presented its solution to an audience of employees. • Thanks to Intuit’s Vice President of Financial Services Olivier Hellebold, Vice President and General Manager Robert Lips, and Vice President of Intuit Labs Incubator Hugh Molotsi, SDM fellows received a company overview that included a deep dive into current challenges with MINT, the company’s personal money organization and management product. They also received a brief introduction to Intuit’s “Design for Delight” process, then broke into teams to tackle a challenge: designing ways to persuade Millennials to use MINT to address their growing need to save money. The teams presented their ideas and discussed how they would rapidly develop prototypes to obtain immediate feedback. • At software data analytics firm Palantir, employees gave a company overview, facilities tour, and product demonstration. Product development staff delved into some of the real problems they have faced and solved through software design and analytics. Dinesh Shenoy, SDM ’04, a Palantir staff member, participated in all activities. • Fellows toured Yelp headquarters, focusing on the sales, product, and engineering areas. They learned about Yelp’s internal hackathon events in which engineers are encouraged to work on nontraditional, fun, and interesting projects, then saw some of the results. Vice President of Consumer and Mobile Products Eric Singley provided an overview of product management at Yelp, followed by a talk by Product Manager Stephanie Teng, who discussed several challenges in building global software and how Yelp addresses them. A question-and-answer session followed. • SDM students visited the headquarters of Tesla Motors to learn more about how the company approached launching a new category of vehicles into an established market. Following a tour, fellows met with Robert Aguirre, North America fleet development manager, for an interactive session on breaking traditional sales model approaches with new technology. Google Ventures • SanDisk Corporation brought in a large team of senior executives, including John Scaramuzzo, senior vice president and general manager of enterprise storage solutions; Gursharan Singh, senior vice president of global manufacturing and supply chain operations; and Tom Baker, senior vice president of human resources, for an interactive panel discussion. The team shared the company’s growth story and emphasized the need for strong crossfunctional teamwork to tackle rapid changes in industry. The full panel stayed for lunch with the fellows to allow continued small group discussions. Key takeaways: • Visiting companies in rapid succession provided valuable insight into the different cultures, strategic approaches, and challenges of each business, as well as a real-time opportunity to contrast and compare them. • Interactive team-based design exercises developed by various companies gave SDM fellows an opportunity to apply systems thinking to specific challenges, demonstrate their high level of technical expertise, and rapidly develop prototype solutions. It also provided company leaders with a first-hand view of systems thinking in action and how it could be applied within their organizations. Tesla Motors • Meeting and engaging with SDM fellows enabled company executives, hiring managers, and recruiting personnel to experience the unique perspectives and skills SDMs acquire at MIT and to identify future graduates to recruit. • SDM fellows acquired an expanded sense of the versatility and applicability of their SDM education across industries. Upcoming Tech Treks Each year, MIT SDM fellows, faculty, and staff visit best-in-class companies to discuss global business challenges and to learn various ways of addressing them directly from business leaders. In the 2015 academic year, SDM will hold two treks: Fall 2014 October 14: SDM fellows will visit top technology-based companies in the Greater Boston area, including The MITRE Corporation. Spring 2015 March 23-27: This five-day trek to California’s Silicon Valley will feature visits to companies in a wide variety of industries. If your company would like to participate, please contact Joan S. Rubin, SDM industry codirector, at, 617.253.2081, or Jonathan Pratt, director of SDM recruitment and career development, at, 617.327.7106. 17 sdmpulse fall 2014 16 continued from page 9 SDM Conference Centers on Emerging, Evolving, Established Leaders sdm Conference The MIT System Design and Management (SDM) program’s annual Conference on Systems Thinking for Contemporary Challenges provides practical information for technical professionals on how to apply systems thinking to their most complex and pressing challenges. Each year’s event focuses on a single area, such as big data, healthcare, energy, finance, sustainability, or services. The theme for the October 8, 2014, conference is systems thinking for emerging, evolving, and established leaders. “Systems thinking is increasingly a competitive imperative for leaders at all stages of their careers,” said Joan S. Rubin, SDM industry codirector and conference convener. “Not only must they understand how to apply systems thinking to address complex challenges, but their companies must be able to apply this approach to develop the systems-based thinkers that will become their future leaders.” To help organizations succeed, the conference will focus on best practices for leaders at all levels. Speakers will include emerging, evolving, and established leaders (many of whom are SDM alumni) from a range of industry and government sectors. Companies represented include Intuitive Surgical, The MITRE Corporation, NASA, MIT Hacking Medicine, the US Air Force, Endeavour Partners, and more. Speakers will discuss: • How to use systems thinking to align and lead functionally and geographically dispersed teams that are tackling complex challenges; • Ways to monitor progress and results; Alpha prototype of the patent-pending solar hot water collector that was tested in San Jose, CA. Photo courtesy of Avalanche Energy • Benefits achieved, lessons learned, and next steps for developing leadership within organizations and individuals; and • How systems thinking has advanced their organization’s objectives and benefited their personal careers. In addition, Matthew S. Kressy, director of SDM’s new Integrated Design & Management (IDM) track, will give a brief overview of this new offering, which will admit its first cohort in 2015. The conference will include ample time for question-and-answer sessions following presentations as well as for networking with fellow attendees at a special reception that will take place immediately following the formal event. Attendees are also invited to the SDM Information Evening scheduled after the conference to learn more about SDM and IDM. Details can be found at During the test, the system demonstrated nearly 50 percent end-to-end energy transfer efficiency (i.e. amount of energy collected by the system that raised the water temperature divided by the theoretical maximum of energy available from the sun). The team was able to identify areas of further improvement to help the system move closer to the theoretical maximum efficiency of 92 percent. (Current marketed products for heating hot water using solar energy are about 60 percent efficient. Solar photovoltaics are only about 20 percent efficient.) The AE team plans to offer a low-profile solar thermal collector that: • lowers the barriers for entry to solar power use; • immediately provides homeowners with savings on hot water heating bills; Head Back to the Classroom! This year, SDM will offer preconference back-to-the-classroom sessions delivered by two of SDM’s best and brightest faculty members. This event, slated for the afternoon of October 7, will include: • A New Era in Project Management: Viewing Projects as Systems, presented by Bryan R. Moser, Ph.D., lecturer, System Design and Management, MIT: researcher, Design Engineering Laboratory, University of Tokyo; president and CEO, Global Product Design. For details, please visit or contact Joan S. Rubin, SDM industry codirector, • offers a platform that will be able to grow as the homeowner’s needs increase and change. On top of all this, AE’s system, when installed in place of an electric water heater, will displace 3 tons of CO2 from the Earth’s atmosphere over 10 years. Avalanche Energy believes that combining all these benefits into one product will change the landscape of sustainable energy for this generation and empower homeowners to achieve the solar future today. For additional information visit AE’s website at > To read a more detailed version of this article, visit http:// • What is Systems Thinking and Why Is It Important? presented by Qi Van Eikema Hommes, lecturer, Engineering Systems Division, MIT; senior staff engineer, Volpe National Transportation Systems Center. • provides a maximum energy benefit using a minimum of space; and news/avalanche 19 sdmpulse fall 2014 18 continued from page 5 Recommendation System Development D e p u t y Co m m a n d a n t f o r Mission Support (DCMS) C4IT Acquisition D e p u t y Co m m a n d a n t f o r Operations (DCO) Capability Response Policy Operational Command (Area) SAR Coordinator (District) Ensure full NDRS radio coverage within system boundary ✔ x Provide continuous monitoring of VHF CH-16 ✔ x ✔ Provide continuous NDRS operational availability ✔ x ✔ ✔ ✔ x Provide capability to receive non-radio distress notifications ✔ x Provide rapid and seamless record/replay/enhance capability ✔ ✔ ✔ Provide distress call location-finding capability ✔ ✔ ✔ Improve command center watch-stander ergonomics ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Provide remote sensor status indicator capability Fund and implement NDRS system upgrades Group Commander RCC Fund and implement maintenance program based on operational availability requirement Provide remote sensor fault detection/notification capability Conduct a human factors review of command center watch-stander responsibilities Program Executive Officer C4 & Sensors Capabilities Search & Rescue Policy SMC Review command center staffing standards Review policy on handling of unclear or nonresponsive calls Review policy on required radio log entries CDO Project Execution Implement policy for use of Incident Control System in SAR operations Review watch-stander qualification requirements with an emphasis on decision-making capabilities Improve feedback loops between policy developers and end users NDRS Operating Process Improve feedback loops between training developers and end users Improve feedback loops between capability developers and end users Develop a command center user forum Notes: 1) Solid connector lines indicate formal hierarchical relationships 2) Dashed connector lines indicate ad-hoc or informal relationships 3) The box entitled “NDRS Operating Process” is represented in Figure 2 Acronyms: C4 – Command, Control, Communications, and Computers C4IT – Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Information Technology CDO – Command Duty Officer NDRS – National Distress Response System RCC – Rescue Coordination Center SAR – Search and Rescue SMC – Search and Rescue Mission Coordinator Figure 3: US Coast Guard search and rescue hierarchical system control structure. Improve coordination between various system development offices Assess and address impacts from streamlining initiative on system development processes Review watch-stander qualifications and experience when developing watch schedules Review policies and procedures for training new watch-standers Review policies and procedures for staffing command center watch positions Review procedures for relieving command center watches Enhance/reinforce watch-stander training and emphasis on decision-making capabilities Develop and execute periodic training exercises/evaluations Develop agreements with local response agencies The results: By using a CAST analysis to assess the accident at both the physical and hierarchical control structure levels, while considering coordination and communication contributors as well as dynamics in the control structure over time, the following findings were generated that considered the full system impacts. ✔ Provide increased radio signal clarity Provide inter-agency interoperability capability Shore Forces Rescue 21 NTSB System Operations USCG Commandant USCG Policy CAST Develop and execute ICS training with local response agencies Establish procedures for testing watch-standers for alcohol and drugs after an incident occurs x Review the navigation aids marking the intracoastal waterway at Winyah Bay x x x ✔ x ✔ x ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ x x x x ✔ ✔ x x x ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Figure 4: Comparison of CAST and NTSB recommendations with implemented solutions. • Initial determination that human error caused the USCG’s lack of response to a distress call was likely based on hindsight bias and missed many other systemic factors involved. Improvements to NDRS implemented by the USCG, both through policy changes and capability upgrades via Rescue 21, helped correct many of these deficiencies. However, several feedback loop gaps noted in this CAST analysis still remain, warranting further investigation. Most notable are gaps between end users and system developers. The results of these findings are presented in Figure 4. In summary, CAST is an extremely valuable tool for examining the ways that an entire system contributed to an accident. This form of analysis helps to identify and correct deficiencies and may therefore prevent similar accidents from occurring in the future. It can be very useful in determining sound technology and policy improvements in a constrained budget environment. > A more detailed article can be accessed on the SDM website at http:// • Although the NTSB provided a detailed list of findings and recommendations that proved useful in guiding the USCG’s policy and capability changes in SAR communications, it did not take into account some of the higher level systemic factors that contributed to the day’s events, such as identifying gaps in feedback control structures inherent to the system and between those who developed USCG policies, training, and other capabilities and the end users of the system. 20 fall 2014 sdmcalendar Annual MIT SDM Conference on Systems Thinking for Contemporary Challenges and Related Events October 7-8 Systems Thinking for Emerging, Evolving, and Established Leaders Wong Auditorium, MIT Details: See page 16 MIT SDM Information Sessions Learn about the MIT master’s of science degree in engineering and management, the new Integrated Design & Management track, and the MIT-SUTD dual master’s degree program. Discuss career opportunities and network with SDM alumni, faculty, students, and staff. Details/registration: October 8 MIT SDM Information Evening Bush Room, Building 10, Room 105, MIT November 19, 2014; January 14, 2015; February 25, 2015 Live Virtual SDM Information Sessions (Recordings will be available on demand.) Details/registration: MIT SDM Systems Thinking Webinar Series This series features research conducted by members of the SDM community. All webinars are held on Mondays from noon to 1 p.m. and are free and open to all. Details/registration: I L A B L E > on demand Prerecorded webinars: /webinars.html October 20 The 2014 Midterm Elections: Voting to Surmount Financial/Political Barriers and Achieve Systemwide Change Nicholas Ashford, Ph.D., J.D., professor of technology and policy, MIT November 3 When Bad Designs Happen in Good Companies: A New Approach to Product Success Matthew S. Kressy, director and senior lecturer, Integrated Design & Management, MIT SDM November 17 The 2014 Midterm Election Results: A Systems Approach to Effective Collaboration Nicholas Ashford, Ph.D., J.D., professor of technology and policy, MIT Videos: /videos.html December 1 System Theoretic Value Analysis of the US Coast Guard Search and Rescue Communication System Steven F. Osgood, captain, US Coast Guard and SDM alumnus. Details: See page 4 February 9, 2015 Conceptual Modeling of Cyber-Physical Systems: Risk Management, Decision Making, and the Physical-Informatical Gap Dov Dori, Ph.D., professor of information and systems engineering, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology; visiting professor, Engineering Systems Division, MIT February 23, 2015 The Era of Makers: Why Gatekeepers Are No Longer Necessary for Creative and Financial Success Ali Almossawi, data visualization engineer, Mozilla, and SDM alumnus Event information contains all details available at press time. Final details are available at two weeks prior to each event. A V A