Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents Introduction Preconfigured Desks and Tables Tops Desk and Table Support Power and Communications Copyright 䊚 2012 Knoll, Inc. All rights reserved. All prices effective 7/15/11. Antenna Workspaces Knoll and Sustainable Design Antenna Workspaces and Sustainable Design Using the Antenna Workspace Price List Material and Finish Options Material and Finish Matrix KnollTextiles Approved for Antenna Workspaces KnollTextiles and Spinneybeck for Antenna Workspaces Grain Direction Planning Guidelines Wall Mounting Guidelines for Cabinets Antenna Workspaces Concept Introduction of Basic Elements Planning with Antenna Workspaces Tables Antenna Tops Planning Guidelines Antenna Tops For Desks or Big Tables Antenna Hinged Access Tops for Big Tables Antenna Back Tops for Single Sided Big Tables Antenna Extension Tops for Desks and Big Tables Antenna Tops for 120° Planning Antenna Tops For C-Leg and T-Leg Tables Antenna Tops and Worksurface Shelves for Template Overlay Tops Planning Guidelines Overlay Tops for Desks Overlay Benching Tops for Desks and Big Tables Overlay Hinged Access Tops for Big Tables Overlay Extension Tops for Desks and Big Tables Desks and Tables Planning Guidelines Dual Sided Big Tables Planning Guidelines Single Sided Big Tables Planning Guidelines Desks, Tables and Big Tables Stability Guidelines Starter and Extended Rails Return and Bridge Rails Desk Connectors Desk Support Adapters Components for Reconfigurations Center Beam for Big Tables Sapper Arm, Keyboard Tray and CPU Holder Mounts Legs for Desks or Returns Legs for Table Desks Legs for Back to Back Desks Legs for Dual Sided Big Tables Legs for Single Sided Big Tables Legs for C-Leg and T-Leg Tables Modesty Panels Back Panels for Single Sided Big Tables End Panels Sales and Installation Tools Electrical Components Planning Guidelines Electrical Components for Desks and Big Tables Surface Mounted Plugmold Raceway Desktop Outlet Center Cable Management 1 3 4 5 6 7 12 13 14 16 18 19 26 27 31 33 36 38 39 40 43 45 49 50 53 55 57 58 59 60 61 64 67 70 72 76 77 79 82 84 86 88 94 97 99 102 103 111 113 117 120 122 124 PLAW0512 Antenna Workspaces Fence Components Screens Storage Components Fence Planning Guidelines Fence Structure Fence Connectors and Trim Fence Electrical Components Upper Covers Lower Covers Full Covers Desk Screens Big Table Screens Intermediate Screens Fence Screens S Screens Floorstanding Desk Screens Pedestals Laptop Drawer Suspended Storage Extension Cabinets Stanchion Mounted Wood Storage Stanchion Mounted Metal Storage Stanchion Mounted Platform Stanchion Supports Cantilever Shelves Floorstanding Personal Desk-End Cabinets Floorstanding Shared Desk-End Cabinets Floorstanding Desk-End Cabinet Accessories Floorstanding L and Wardrobe Cabinets Floorstanding File Cabinets Floorstanding Enclosed Shelf and Cabinets Floorstanding Partially Enclosed Shelf Cabinets Floorstanding Open Shelf Cabinets Wall Mounted Wood Cabinets Wall Mounted Metal Cabinets LED Task Lights Selling Policy KnollKey Lock Program General Ordering Information 2 129 131 133 136 140 145 149 153 158 161 164 167 169 171 182 184 190 198 204 208 210 212 214 217 219 220 222 224 226 228 230 232 234 242 244 245 Knoll and Sustainable Design Each year Knoll sets key initiatives in our journey to sustainability. We are members of a global consortium on energy, have adopted a scientific, metrics-based approach to sustainable product design, and maintain a leadership position in establishing universal, verifiable, sustainability standards for our industry. Knoll promotes independent third-party certification because it provides the most impartial and trustworthy foundation for industry-wide environmental compliance. Certification by established and respected third parties ensures that all manufacturers are held to the same high standards and that customers can trust a company’s declaration about the environmental benefits of its products. Knoll third-party partners include: the International Standards Organization (ISO); Forest Stewardship Council (FSC威); Rainforest Alliance; GREENGUARD威 Environmental Institute; and The Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturer’s Association (BIFMA) level威 certification from Scientific Certification Systems (SCS). In addition, Knoll is aligned with the U.S. Green Building Council and can help companies, healthcare organizations and educational institutions achieve Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED威) workplace certification. Global Climate Change • Knoll is a sponsor of the Clinton Global Initiative, which brings together a community of global leaders to devise and implement solutions to some of the world’s most pressing challenges, including environmental change. • Knoll has a comprehensive Energy Management Program to increase energy efficiency in products and processes. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Tool • Life Cycle Assessment is a science-based measurement of a product’s environmental impacts throughout its life cycle, from raw materials sourcing through manufacture, shipping, use and re-use or end-of-life. LCA enables cradle-to-cradle implementation of sustainable practices. • Knoll has partnered with The Green to develop an affordable, universal ISO-compliant computer-based LCA tool that can be used by the entire contract furniture industry and is partnering on the development of an Environmental Product Declaration System (EPDs) for Knoll products. EPDs are verified documents containing LCA results and additional environmental performance information about a product. Setting Industry Standards • Knoll partners with MTS (The Institue for Market Transformation to Sustainability) to develop the SMaRT© Consensus Sustainable Products Standards, a set of consensus-based sustainable product standards based on the LEED威 model, for all building products, fabric, apparel, flooring and carpet. MTS, the developer of SMaRT©, is an accredited American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard developer. • Knoll also partners with BIFMA (Business and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association) to promote level威 sustainability standards for the contract furniture industry. • Knoll has established FSC威 (Forest Stewardship Council) certified wood as the standard for general office open plan office systems, casegoods and tables. • Knoll has launched Full Circle, a resource recovery program developed with ANEW, to help customers extend the life cycle of surplus furniture, fixtures and equipment (FF&E) in an economically, socially and environmentally responsible manner. • Our goal is to encourage all manufacturers in the contract furniture industry and related industries to adopt standards that will lead to sustainable products and practices. For more information about Knoll and sustainable design, visit 3 Antenna Workspaces and Sustainable Design Level威 3 and GREENGUARD Indoor Air Quality Certified威 Antenna Workspaces (U[LUUH>VYRZWHJLZPZHUL^HWWYVHJO[V ^VYRWSHJLKLZPNU[OH[YLMSLJ[Z[OLMYLLKVT HUKTVIPSP[`WLVWSLZLLRPU[VKH`»ZVMMPJL (U[LUUH>VYRZWHJLZJVUZPKLYZ[OLNYV^PUN ]HYPL[`VMZL[[PUNZ^OLYL^VYR[HRLZWSHJLHUK ISLUKZKLZRZ[HISLZZ[VYHNL\UP[ZHUKZJYLLUZ [VJYLH[LPU[\P[P]LZVS\[PVUZMVYPUKP]PK\HSZ HUKNYV\WZ(UH[\YHSL_[LUZPVUVM[OL2UVSS JVTTP[TLU[[VWYV[LJ[[OLIPVZWOLYLJVUZLY]L UH[\YHSYLZV\YJLZHUKYLK\JL^HZ[L(U[LUUH >VYRZWHJLZPZLU]PYVUTLU[HSS`YLZWVUZPISL PUTHU\MHJ[\YPUNWYVJLZZHUKTH[LYPHSZ =PZP[.9,,5.<(9+VYNMVYTVYL PUMVYTH[PVUHUK[VMPUKWYPU[HISLJLY[PMPJH[LZ MVY(U[LUUH>VYRZWHJLZ[OH[JHUIL\ZLK MVY]LYPMPJH[PVUHUK3,,+Z\ITPZZPVU 4H[LYPHSJVU[LU[MVYHJVTWSL[LH]LYHNL (U[LUUH>VYRZWHJLZ^VYRZ[H[PVUPZ WVZ[JVUZ\TLYYLJ`JSLKJVU[LU[HUK WVZ[PUK\Z[YPHSYLJ`JSLKJVU[LU[ 9LJV]LYLK7HY[PJSLIVHYK (U[LUUH[VWZHUKMHIYPJZJYLLUZOH]L-:* JLY[PMPLKYLJV]LYLKWHY[PJSLIVHYKJVYLZ (U[LUUH>VYRZWHJLZLU]PYVUTLU[HSS` YLZWVUZPISLTHU\MHJ[\YPUNWYVJLZZLZ HUKTH[LYPHSZPUJS\KL! 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COM (Customer’s Own Material) COM can be applied to Antenna Workspaces product on a select basis. Pricing for COM fabrics is at Grade B. Note: Always contact your Customer Service RepresentaFve prior to sending any COM (including pre-approved KnollTexFles) to the manufacturing facility. Yardage requirements assume the fabric is 66" wide. If the COM is less than 66" wide, add 15% to the total yardage. For Customers Own Material (COM) applicaFons, specify 0.75 yards of fabric for 17” deep mobile pedestal seat cushions and 0.90 yards for 23” deep seat cushions. Grain Direction Planning Guidelines 9LJ[HUN\SHY>VYRZ\YMHJLZ Antenna Workspaces ;YHJR:OHWLK;HISLZ +LZR4V\U[LKHUK -SVVYZ[HUKPUN:JYLLUZ 4VKLZ[`HUK,UK7HULSZ )PN;HISLHUK-LUJL:JYLLUZ )PN;HISL^P[O,_[LUZPVU;VWZVY*HIPUL[Z 14 Grain Direction Planning Guidelines -LUJL*V]LYZ HUK:JYLLUZ Antenna Workspaces -SVVYZ[HUKPUN*HIPUL[Z :[HUJOPVU4V\U[LK 6WLU*HIPUL[^P[O 6WLU-YVU[^P[O ,UJSVZLK)HJR :[HUJOPVU4V\U[LK 6WLU*HIPUL[ >HSS4V\U[6WLU*HIPUL[ :[HUJOPVU4V\U[LK:OHYLK*HIPUL[ 15 Wall Mounting Guidelines for Cabinets >HSS4V\U[PUN:\NNLZ[PVUZ ;OLMVSSV^PUNPUMVYTH[PVUPZWYV]PKLKVUS` HZHN\PKLHUKYLWYLZLU[ZTPUPT\T YLJVTTLUKH[PVUZVUS`2UVSSKVLZUV[HJJLW[ YLZWVUZPIPSP[`MVY[OLH[[HJOTLU[VMHU` 2UVSSWYVK\J[[VH*\Z[VTLY»ZZP[L^HSS>HSS ZWLJPMPJH[PVUJVUZ[Y\J[PVUPZ[OLYLZWVUZPIPSP[` VM[OL*\Z[VTLYHUKP[ZZ[Y\J[\YHSLUNPULLY HYJOP[LJ[-HPS\YL[VWYVWLYS`H[[HJO2UVSS WYVK\J[Z[VHKLX\H[L^HSSZ[Y\J[\YLZJHUSLHK [VWYVWLY[`KHTHNLHUKVYWLYZVUHSPUQ\Y` @V\ZOV\SKJVUZ\S[`V\YV^UZ[Y\J[\YHS LUNPULLYZHUKVYHYJOP[LJ[ZHUKT\Z[UV[ YLS`VU[OLPUMVYTH[PVUWYV]PKLKOLYLPU 0[PZ[OLYLZWVUZPIPSP[`VM[OL*\Z[VTLYHUK P[ZZ[Y\J[\YHSLUNPULLYZHYJOP[LJ[Z[V]LYPM` [OH[[OLWLYTHULU[Z[Y\J[\YHS^HSSZZ[\KZ ISVJRZZVSPKTHZVUY`L[JVU^OPJO[OL 2UVSSWYVK\J[ZHYLPU[LUKLK[VILTV\U[LK HYLKLZPNULKHWWYVWYPH[LS`[VZ\WWVY[[OL WYVK\J[^LPNO[73<:SIZWLYSPULHY PUJOMVYLHJO\ZLHISLZOLSMSLUN[O 56;,!(JHIPUL[»Z[VWPZJVUZPKLYLKH¸\ZLHISL ZOLSM¹HUK4<:;ILPUJS\KLKPU[OLJHSJ\SH[PVU VM[OL[V[HSSVHKMVYHUV]LYOLHKJHIPUL[ 0[PZ[OLYLZWVUZPIPSP[`VM[OL*\Z[VTLYHUK P[ZZ[Y\J[\YHSLUNPULLYHYJOP[LJ[Z[VZWLJPM` [OLMHZ[LULYZHUKTL[OVKMVYH[[HJOPUN[OL 2UVSSZ\WWSPLK^HSSTV\U[PUNJSLH[IYHJRL[ MYHTLL[J[V[OLZ\WWVY[PUN^HSSHUK[V JVUMPYT[OH[[OLPUZ[HSSLYZOH]LHKOLYLK[V [OLZLZWLJPMPJH[PVUZ-VYHSSSVJHSI\PSKPUN Z[HUKHYKZHUKJVKLZHUKHKKP[PVUHS YLX\PYLTLU[ZPUJS\KPUNI\[UV[SPTP[LK[V ZLPZTPJJVUKP[PVUZ[OL*\Z[VTLYZOV\SK HS^H`ZJVUZ\S[SVJHSJVKLHNLUJPLZ 16 Antenna Workspaces Wall Mounting Guidelines for Cabinets Antenna Workspaces EXISTING CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION Cinder Block or Poured Concrete Masonry Wall Wood Stud Wall, the studs being FULL HEIGHT to the roof/floor above Wood Stud Wall, the studs being only Ceiling Height Steel Stud Wall, the studs being FULL HEIGHT to the roof/floor above Steel Stud Wall, the studs being only Ceiling Height Stud Specification Wood studs, grade #2 or better, 3 1/2" minimum width, OR Metal studs, minimum 25 gage thickness, 3 5/8" minimum width The wall must be a minimum of 6" thick, and must be full height to the roof/ floor structure above Wood studs must be Grade #2, or better, 3 1/2" minimum width Wood studs must be Grade #2, or better, 3 1/2" minimum width Metal studs must be minimum 25 gage thickness, 3 5/8" minimum width Metal studs must be minimum 25 gage thickness, 3 5/8" minimum width Stud Centers Metal and wood studs must be spaced at 16" c/c maximum N/A Wood studs must be spaced at 16" c/c maximum Wood studs must be spaced at 16"" c/c maximum" Metal studs must be spaced at 16" c/c maximum Metal studs must be spaced at 16" c/c maximum Stud Height Metal and wood studs must extend upwards, and be securely attached to the roof/ floor structure above Mounting the Knoll Supplied Cleat, Bracket, Frame, etc* Insert a 2" X 6" wood block, #2 grade or better, [or a DanbackTM flexible wood backing system] horizontally between each of the studs to accommodate the full width of the cabinet, and beyond to the next stud. Fasten the wood block to each stud using three screws at the ends of each block. (Fasten the Danback™ as directed by the manufacturer) This should be accomplished by insertion of additional 2"X 6" wood blocking between the studs as defined above Fasten the Knoll supplied wall cleat with... #10 x 2 1/2" Grabber Woodys Screws or equiv. @ 6" c/c, screwed directly into the wood blocking Affix #2 grade 'cap' across the top of the studs, then place diagonal studs from the top cap up to underside of the roof/ floor structure above Affix metal bracing 'cap' across the top of the studs, then place diagonal studs from the top cap up to underside of the roof / floor structure above In the desired location of the cabinet mounting rail, remove an 8" high section of drywall the width of the cabinet, and beyond to the next stud. Insert a 2" X 6" wood block, #2 grade or better, horizontally between each of the exposed studs. Insert a 2" X 6" wood block, #2 grade or better, [or a Danback™ flexible wood backing system] horizontally between each of the exposed studs. Insert a 2" X 6" wood block, #2 grade or better, [or a Danback™ flexible wood backing system] horizontally between each of the exposed studs. Fasten the wood block to each stud using three screws at the ends of each block. Fasten the wood block to each stud using three screws at the ends of each block. Fasten the wood block to each stud using three screws at the ends of each block. Fasten the wood block to each stud using three screws at the ends of each block. Replace the drywall and repair as desired. Replace the drywall and repair as desired. Replace the drywall and repair as desired. Replace the drywall and repair as desired. Fasten the Knoll supplied wall mounting cleat, rail, frame, etc directly to the wood block every 6" Fasten the Knoll supplied wall mounting cleat, rail, frame, etc directly to the wood block every 6" Fasten the Knoll supplied wall mounting cleat, rail, frame, etc directly to the wood block every 6" Fasten the Knoll supplied wall mounting cleat, rail, frame, etc directly to the wood block every 6" For wall mounting structures that have a rectangular frame-like configuration: fasten the top horizontal element of the frame to the wood blocking every 6", and fasten the lower horizontal element to each wall stud, using one fastener per stud. For wall mounting structures that have a rectangular frame-like configuration: fasten the top horizontal element of the frame to the wood blocking every 6", and fasten the lower horizontal element to each wall stud, using one fastener per stud. For wall mounting structures that have a rectangular frame-like configuration: fasten the top horizontal element of the frame to the wood blocking every 6", and fasten the lower horizontal element to each wall stud, using one fastener per stud. For wall mounting structures that have a rectangular frame-like configuration: fasten the top horizontal element of the frame to the wood blocking every 6", and fasten the lower horizontal element to each wall stud, using one fastener per stud. Fasten the Knoll supplied wall mounting brackets directly to the masonry wall, using the holes provided in each bracket The Graham Wall Hung Shelf Bracket (and others like it) requires full support behind the full height of the bracket The Graham Wall Hung Shelf Bracket (and others like it) requires full support behind the full height of the bracket The Graham Wall Hung Shelf Bracket (and others like it) requires full support behind the full height of the bracket The Graham Wall Hung Shelf Bracket (and others like it) requires full support behind the full height of the bracket This should be accomplished by insertion of additional 2"X 6" wood blocking between the studs as defined above This should be accomplished by insertion of additional 2"X 6" wood blocking between the studs as defined above This should be accomplished by insertion of additional 2"X 6" wood blocking between the studs as defined above This should be accomplished by insertion of additional 2"X 6" wood blocking between the studs as defined above 3/16" x 3 1/2" Tapcon Masonry Screws or equiv. @ 6" c/c with #10 x 2 1/2" Grabber Woodys Screws or equiv. @ 6" c/c, screwed directly into the wood blocking #10 x 2 1/2" Grabber Woodys Screws or equiv. @ 6" c/c, screwed directly into the wood blocking #10 x 2 1/2" Grabber Woodys Screws or equiv. @ 6" c/c, screwed directly into the wood blocking #10 x 2 1/2" Grabber Woodys Screws or equiv. @ 6" c/c, screwed directly into the wood blocking For wall mounting structures that have a rectangular frame-like configuration: fasten the top horizontal element of the frame to the wall every 6", and fasten the lower horizontal element to the wall every 16" For wall mounting structures that have a rectangular frame-like configuration: fasten the top horizontal element of the frame to the wood blocking every 6", and fasten the lower horizontal element to each wall stud, using one fastener per stud. The Graham Wall Hung Shelf Bracket (and others like it) requires full support behind the full height of the bracket Metal studs must be braced above the ceiling, and be securely attached to the roof/floor structure above In the desired location of the cabinet mounting rail, remove an 8" high section of drywall the width of the cabinet, and beyond to the next stud. Fasten the Knoll supplied cabinet wall mounting cleat, bracket, frame, etc. directly to the masonry wall every 6" Fasten the Knoll supplied wall mounting cleat, bracket, frame, etc directly to each wood block every 6" *Graham Wall Hung Shelf Wood studs must be braced above the ceiling, and be securely attached to the roof/floor structure above 1-1/4" embedment, screwed directly into the masonry wall In the desired location of the cabinet mounting rail, remove an 8" high section of drywall the width of the cabinet, and beyond to the next stud. In the desired location of the cabinet mounting rail, remove an 8" high section of drywall the width of the cabinet, and beyond to the next stud. Insert a 2" X 6" wood block, #2 grade or better, horizontally between each of the exposed studs. 17 Antenna Workspaces Concept :PTWSL6WLU(KHW[HISL (U[LUUH>VYRZWHJLZ[OLPU[LNYH[LK ZVS\[PVU[V[OLVMMPJLZ\WWVY[ZL]LY`TVKL VM^VYR·MVJ\ZLKZOHYLKHUK[LHT·HUK MHJPSP[H[LZ[OL[YHUZP[PVUZIL[^LLU[OLT2UVSS YLZLHYJOJVUMPYTZ[OH[[OLTVZ[WYVNYLZZP]L VYNHUPaH[PVUZZLLRPUUV]H[PVUHUKPUJYLHZLK WYVK\J[P]P[`[OYV\NOJVSSHIVYH[PVU!TLU[VYPUN [LHT^VYRHUK¸\UWSHUULK¹PU[LYHJ[PVU ;OLJOHSSLUNLPZ[VJYLH[LHULU]PYVUTLU[ [OH[JVTWSLTLU[ZPUKP]PK\HSMVJ\ZLK^VYR ZL[[PUNZ^P[O[OVZL[OH[Z\WWVY[JVSSHIVYH[P]L ^VYRHUKPUMVYTHSZVJPHSPU[LYHJ[PVU ;HISL (U[LUUH-LUJL (U[LUUH>VYRZWHJLZJVTWYPZLZHYHUNLVM ZVS\[PVUZ[OH[PU[LNYH[LHSS[OLZLTVKLZVM^VYR! -VJ\ZPZHUPUKP]PK\HS^VYRTVKL [OH[Z\WWVY[ZJVUJLU[YH[PVU^P[O TPUPTHSPU[LYY\W[PVUZ :OHYLPZHJVSSHIVYH[P]L^VYRTVKL[OH[ JHUVJJ\YPUPUKP]PK\HSVYNYV\WZWHJLZHUK JLU[LYZVU[OLJHZ\HSL_JOHUNLVMPKLHZ Antenna Workspaces ;OLM\UKHTLU[HSLSLTLU[ZVM(U[LUUH HYL;HISLZ+LZRZHUK)PN;HISLZM\SS` PU[LNYH[LK-LUJLZWPULWV^LYJVTWVULU[Z ;LTWSH[L:[VYHNL:`Z[LT:JYLLUZHUK JVTWSLTLU[HY`(U[LUUHZ[VYHNLJVTWVULU[Z ;VZPTWSPM`WSHUUPUNHUKZWLJPMPJH[PVUZKLZRZ [HISLZIPN[HISLHUKMLUJLHYLVYKLYHISL HZJVTWSL[LRP[ZVYHZJVTWVULU[Z ;LHTPZHNYV\W^VYRTVKL[OH[ VJJ\YZPUHYHUNLVMTLL[PUNZWHJLZ IV[OMVYTHSHUKPUMVYTHS +LZR )PN;HISL (U[LUUH*VTWVULU[ZMVY[OL ;LTWSH[L:[VYHNL:`Z[LT 18 :[VYHNL Introduction of Basic Elements Desks and Tables Tables Antenna begins with a simple structure—the Table—that is inherently collaborative. The top rests on a base composed of two steel end legs and two tubular rails that span across or between them, linked by cast aluminum cradles. The result is an extraordinarily strong table that can support tops up to 4' x 8'. Antenna tops are laminate with a 2.8mm abs, or veneer edge with a comfortable radius top and bottom and crisp corners. Also available are distinctive overlay tops, featuring full overlay top veneer or solid core laminate, with a veneer edge and larger radiused corners and underside edges. Desks The table is transformed into a Desk with the addition of storage, screens or power components that make one side the primary user edge. Desks can be linked end-to-end sharing a leg, or back to back with dual legs, or a perpendicular return desk can be attached at any point to form L-shape or U-shape desk arrangements. Desk top dimensions are 36"-96" wide, in 6" increments, and primary depths are 24, 27, 30 and 36"D. Desk supports and a full range of tops are also available in 18", 42" and 48" depths for returns and meeting tables. Table Antenna Workspaces The continuous support rails enable suspended storage or can be extended beyond the primary desk top to support desk extension cabinets or contrasting extension tops. Modular power components and cable baskets can be mounted to the rail to distribute power and communications between linked desks. Screens attach directly anywhere along the back or end of a desk to provide partial modesty and enclosure above the top to either 42" or 49" horizons. A continuous 1 ¼" cord drop between the inside of a screen and the edge of the top facilitates wire management and enables clamp on monitor arms or a convenient desktop power/ communications outlet module at any point. Desk with Extension Cabinet and Screen Table End Elevation Desk End Elevation 19 Introduction of Basic Elements Big Table )HJR[VIHJRKLZR[VWZ^P[OZOHYLKSLNZJHU ILSPURLK[VMVYT[OL)PN;HISL!HJVSSHIVYH[P]L ^VYRZL[[PUN[OH[Z\WWVY[ZNYV\WZVMHU` ZPaL;OLJLU[LYWPLJLVM[OLIPN[HISLPZ[OL JLU[LYILHT[OH[ZWHUZHJYVZZSLNZ^P[OH JVYKKYVWVULP[OLYZPKL;OLJLU[LYILHT LUHISLZ\WTV\U[LKZJYLLUZWSH[MVYTZHUK Z[VYHNLZ\ZWLUKLKWV^LYJVTWVULU[Z HUKPUKLWLUKLU[Z\WWVY[VMJHU[PSL]LYLK ZOLS]LZHUKTVUP[VYHYTZVULP[OLYZPKL )LJH\ZL[OLYHPSZ[Y\J[\YLPZ[OLZHTLHZ [OH[VMKLZRZYL[\YUZJHUILH[[HJOLK[V [OLIPN[HISLH[HU`WVPU[(Z^P[OKLZRZ L_[LUKLKYHPSZH[[OLLUKWVZP[PVUZVMHIPN [HISLZ\WWVY[L_[LUZPVU[VWZVYZ[VYHNL JHIPUL[ZHIV]LVYILSV^[OLIPN[HISL[VWZ :PUNSLZPKLKIPN[HISLZHYLHSZVH]HPSHISLMVY PUJYLHZLKIPN[HISLWSHUUPUNMSL_PIPSP[`:PUNSL ZPKLKIPN[HISLZWYV]PKL[OLPU[LSSPNLUJLVM[OL JLU[LYILHTPUHZOHSSV^LYKLW[OIPN[HISL Antenna Workspaces )PN[HISL[VWZHYLVY KLLWHUKPU^PK[OZMYVT(U[LUUH HUK6]LYSH`[VWZMVY[OLIPN[HISLHYLH]HPSHISL ^P[OHêJVU[PU\V\ZOPUNLKZ\YMHJL H[[OLIHJRMVYLHZPLYHJJLZZ[VWV^LY HUKJVTT\UPJH[PVUZV\[SL[Z0UHKKP[PVU 6]LYSH`[VWZJHUILVYKLYLKHZ¸ILUJOPUN¹ [VWZ^P[OJYPZWJVYULYZMVYHJVU[PU\V\Z MYVU[LKNL^OLYLHKQHJLU[[VWZTLL[ +\HS:PKLK)PN;HISL^P[O,_[LUZPVU ;VWZHUK:JYLLUZ :PUNSL:PKLK)PN;HISL^P[O :[HUJOPVU4V\U[LK:[VYHNL 20 Introduction of Basic Elements Fence -LUJLPZHJVTWHJ[ZWPUL[OH[JHUIL HMYLLZ[HUKPUNOV\ZPUNMVYWV^LYHUK JVTT\UPJH[PVUZKPZ[YPI\[PVUHUKJVU]LUPLU[ V\[SL[ZH[[OLJLU[LYVMHJS\Z[LYVM KLZRZVY[HISLZ-LUJLLUHISLZ[HISLZ HUKKLZRHYYHUNLTLU[Z[VILTV]LK PUKLWLUKLU[S`VM[OLZLY]PJLZWPULVYJHU IL\ZLK[VZ\WWVY[VULLUKVMHKLZR Antenna Workspaces -LUJLJHUILJVUMPN\YLKH[KLZR[VWOLPNO[VY H[OLPNO[[VHSPNU^P[OKLZRSLNZVYLUHISL [OLKLZRZ[Y\J[\YL[VZWHUV]LY[OLZWPUL ([LP[OLYOVYPaVUMLUJLJHUHSZVZ\WWVY[ ZJYLLUZVY\WTV\U[LKZ[VYHNLJVTWVULU[Z PUJS\KPUNWSH[MVYTZVWLUVYLUJSVZLK ZPUNSLZPKLKVYZOHYLKJHIPUL[Z :LY]PJLZJHUILZ\WWSPLK[V[OL\UKLYZPKL VMMLUJLHUKV\[SL[ZMVYWV^LYHUK JVTT\UPJH[PVUZJHUILWVZP[PVULKH[HU`WVPU[ ;OLPU[LYUHSMYHTLZ[Y\J[\YLLUHISLZJVU[PU\V\Z SH`PUJHISLKPZ[YPI\[PVUVULP[OLYZPKLHUK \UPX\LJHISL[YH`JV]LYZZ\WWVY[LHZ`HJJLZZ JHISLTHUHNLTLU[VU[OLL_[LYPVYZ\YMHJL 6[OLYZ\YMHJLVW[PVUZMVYMLUJLPUJS\KLPU[LNYHS ZSH[^HSSHUKWHPU[LKSHTPUH[LVY^VVKJV]LYZ /-LUJL:WPUL7SHUUPUN^P[O(U[LUUH >VYRZ\YMHJLZHUK;LTWSH[L:[VYHNL 21 Introduction of Basic Elements Power Distribution ;OYV\NOV\[SPURLKKLZRZIPN[HISLVYMLUJL WSHUUPUN(U[LUUHTVK\SHYWV^LYZ`Z[LTZJHU ILZWLJPMPLK[VKPZ[YPI\[LMV\YVYZP_JPYJ\P[ZVM WV^LYMYVTHZPUNSLWVPU[VMZ\WWS`;OLZ`Z[LT JVUZPZ[ZVMHWV^LYOHYULZZ[OH[HJJLW[Z WYLJVUMPN\YLKK\WSL_V\[SL[ZVUHU`JPYJ\P[ HZ^LSSHZ\W[VMV\YQ\TWLYJHISLZ[VSPUR WV^LY[VHUV[OLYOHYULZZ4VK\SHYVYOHYK^PYL PUMLLKZ[VZH[PZM`UH[PVUHSHUKSVJHSLSLJ[YPJHS JVKLZHSZVJVUULJ[PU[V[OLWV^LYOHYULZZ Antenna Workspaces -VYKLZRZHWV^LYOHYULZZHUKTV\U[PUN IYHJRL[HYLZ\ZWLUKLKMYVTHKLZRYHPS;^V WV^LYOHYULZZVW[PVUZHYLH]HPSHISLVUL HJJLW[PUN\W[V[^VZUHWPUK\WSL_V\[SL[Z VULHJOMHJLHUK[OLV[OLY\W[VMV\YK\WSL_ V\[SL[ZVULHJOMHJL:LWHYH[LJV]LYZLUJSVZL [OLOHYULZZ7V^LYOHYULZZTV\U[PUNIYHJRL[ JHUHSZVHJJLW[HKH[HJVTT\UPJH[PVUZIV_ HKQHJLU[[V[OLWV^LYOHYULZZ1\TWLYZ JVUULJ[MYVTVULOHYULZZ[V[OLUL_[PUSPURLK JVUMPN\YH[PVUZHUKJHUIYHUJO[VZ\WWVY[ WV^LY\UKLYYL[\YUZVYIHJR[VIHJRKLZRZ -VYIPN[HISLZ[OLZHTLWV^LY OHYULZZLZHUKQ\TWLYZHYLZ\ZWLUKLK KPYLJ[S`MYVT[OLJLU[LYILHT +LZR^P[O,SLJ[YPJHS*VTWVULU[Z 7V^LYPUMLLKZPUKLZRZHUKIPN[HISLZJHUIL THUHNLK]LY[PJHSS`PUHJOHUULSH[[HJOLK[V[OL WV^LYOHYULZZHKHW[LYIYHJRL[VYJLU[LYILHT -VYMLUJLHUV\[SL[TVK\SLTV\U[Z[VLP[OLY ZPKLVM[OLZ[\KZPU[OLMLUJLMYHTL(Z^P[O KLZRWV^LYOHYULZZLZ[OLV\[SL[TVK\SL HJJLW[Z[^VK\WSL_V\[SL[ZLHJOZPKLHUK\W [VMV\YQ\TWLYJHISLZVYPUMLLKZ6ULVY[^V HKQHJLU[V\[SL[TVK\SLZHYLLUJSVZLKI`H >V\[SL[JV]LYPU[OL\WWLY SL]LSVM[OL MLUJL7V^LYHUKJVTT\UPJH[PVUZPUMLLKZJHU LU[LYHU`^OLYLHSVUN[OLIV[[VTVM[OLMLUJL MYHTL^OLYL[OLYLPZHZWHJLIL[^LLUMLUJL JV]LYZ[V[OLMSVVYHUKHVYZWHJLMYVT [OLIV[[VTVM[OLMLUJLMYHTL[V[OLMSVVY )PN;HISL^P[O,SLJ[YPJHS*VTWVULU[Z ,SL]H[PVUVM+LZR,SLJ[YPJHS*VTWVULU[Z ,SL]H[PVUVM)PN;HISL,SLJ[YPJHS*VTWVULU[Z 22 Introduction of Basic Elements Screens (U[LUUHWYP]HJ`ZJYLLUZHYLH]HPSHISLMVY\ZL VUKLZRZIPN[HISLHUKMLUJLHUKVMMLYLK PUHYHUNLVMTH[LYPHSZPUJS\KPUN!MHIYPJ SHTPUH[LTHYRLYZ\YMHJL^VVK]LULLY HUKNSHZZ7YP]HJ`ZJYLLUZWYV]PKLWHY[PHS LUJSVZ\YLPU[^VWSHUUPUNOVYPaVUZ!/MVY ]PZ\HSHJJLZZHUK /MVYZLH[LKWYP]HJ` -VYKLZRZ(U[LUUHZJYLLUZHYLHS^H`Z VMMZL[MYVT[OLIHJRVYLUKVMHKLZR[VW I`ë^OPJOLUZ\YLZJVU[PU\V\ZJHISL THUHNLTLU[HUK[OH[WV^LYJLU[LYZTVUP[VY HYTZHUK[HZRSPNO[ZJHUILZLJ\YLK[V[OL [VW:JYLLUZJHUILZWLJPMPLK^P[OHOHSM 7HY[PHS4VKLZ[`+LZR:JYLLU Antenna Workspaces TVKLZ[`^OPJOZ[HY[ZH[HIV]L[OL MSVVY[VHSPNU^P[O[OLIV[[VTVMZ\ZWLUKLK JHIPUL[ZVY^P[OHWHY[PHSTVKLZ[`^OPJO Z[HY[ZñHIV]L[OLMSVVY:JYLLUZ HSPNU^P[O[VW^PK[OZHUKKLW[OZ :ZJYLLUZH[[HJO[V[OLIHJRVMHKLZR[VW[V WYV]PKLLUJSVZ\YLIV[OHIV]LHUKILSV^[OL KLZR[VW;OLKPZ[PUJ[P]LJ\Y]LKWYVMPSL[YHUZP[PVUZ MYVT[OLOPNO]LY[PJHSTVKLZ[`WHULS[VH OVYPaVU[HS[YHUZHJ[PVUZ\YMHJLH[[OLOVYPaVU (SZVH]HPSHISLMVYKLZRZHYLMSVVYZ[HUKPUN3 ZJYLLUZH[HVY OVYPaVUPUê[OPJR SHTPUH[LVY^VVK]LULLYZ\YMHJLZ3ZJYLLUZ ^YHWHYV\UK[OLJVYULYVMH[VWHUKT\Z[ ILZLJ\YLK[V[OL\UKLYZPKLVM[OL[VW /HSM4VKLZ[`+LZR:JYLLU ::JYLLU (U[LUUHZJYLLUZMVY[OLIPN[HISLPUñSHTPUH[L THYRLYZ\YMHJL]LULLYVYNSHZZPUJS\KLHIHZL L_[Y\ZPVU[OH[MP[ZPU[V[OL[VWVM[OLJLU[LY ILHTH[HU`WVPU[-HIYPJZJYLLUZHYLë [OPJR^P[OHWHPU[LKWLYPTL[LYTL[HSMYHTL :JYLLUZHYLH]HPSHISLPU^PK[OZMYVT> 0U[LYTLKPH[LZJYLLUZHYLKLZPNULK[VWSHU HU`^OLYLHSVUN(U[LUUHIPN[HISLZVYSPURLK KLZRJVUMPN\YH[PVUZ[VKLSPULH[LPUKP]PK\HS ^VYRZWHJLZ;OL`HYLH]HPSHISL^P[O[OL ZHTLMPUPZOVW[PVUZH[IPN[HISLZJYLLUZ :JYLLUVW[PVUZMVYMLUJLHYL[OLZHTLHZ [OVZLMVYIPN[HISLI\[[OLIHZLL_[Y\ZPVUPZ TVKPMPLK[VMP[PU[V[OLJLU[LYVM[OLJYV^U;VW JHWZHYLH]HPSHISL[VJVTWSLTLU[[OLMLUJL JYV^UVYJLU[LYILHTHKQHJLU[[VZJYLLUZ -SVVYZ[HUKPUN3:JYLLU3LM[,UKVM+LZR )PN;HISL:JYLLUZ -LUJL:JYLLU 23 Introduction of Basic Elements Template Storage (U[LUUHKLZRZHYLKLZPNULK[VILWSHUULK UL_[[VVYPU[LNYH[LK^P[O[OL;LTWSH[L :[VYHNL:`Z[LT;LTWSH[LPZIHZLKVU[OL Z[Y\J[\YLHUKKPTLUZPVUZVM+IVVRZOLS]LZ ;OLZPTWSLZ[Y\J[\YLPUJS\KLZ/IHZLZ HUK^PKLLUKHUKTPKWHULSZ[OH[ JHUZ\WWVY[WV^LYHUKJVTT\UPJH[PVUZ KPZ[YPI\[PVUH[VWHUKM\SSVYWHY[PHSZ[Y\J[\YHS IHJRWHULSZIL[^LLU]LY[PJHSWHULSZ =HYPV\ZVWLUHUKLUJSVZLKZ[VYHNLPUZLY[ZMPSS [OLZWHJLIL[^LLULUKHUKTPKWHULSZ:PUJL [OLZ[Y\J[\YLPZPKLU[PJHSVU¸MYVU[¹HUK¸IHJR¹ \UP[ZJHUILSPURLKZOHYPUNHTPKWHULS^P[O JVTWVULU[ZHYYHUNLK[VMHJLVULVYIV[O ZPKLZ7LYWLUKPJ\SHY(U[LUUHKLZRZJHUIL Z\WWVY[LKMYVTVYOPNOLY;LTWSH[LZ[VYHNL ;LTWSH[LZ[VYHNLJHUILWSHUULKVUHU`VM [LUOVYPaVUZMYVT[VPUJS\KPUNRL` OLPNO[ZVMHUK [VTH[JO (U[LUUHKLZRZ[Y\J[\YLKLZR[VWZZJYLLU HUKZ[VYHNL;LTWSH[LJHUILJVUMPN\YLKHZ HMYLLZ[HUKPUNZPUNSLZ[VYHNL\UP[PU^PK[OZ MYVTVYNHUNLKPUHU`JVTIPUH[PVU >P[OP[ZJVTWHJ[KLW[O;LTWSH[LPZHSZVPKLHS HZHZ[VYHNL^HSS[OH[KLMPULZ[OLWLYPTL[LY VMH^VYRZWHJLVYWYP]HJ`IL[^LLU(U[LUUH KLZRZVYHZ[OL¸^VYR^HSS¹VMHWYP]H[LVMMPJL Antenna Workspaces (U[LUUH[VWZHUK^VYRZ\YMHJLZOLS]LZMVY ;LTWSH[LTH[JO[OLMYVU[LKNLTH[LYPHS WYVMPSLHUK[OPJRULZZVM(U[LUUHKLZR[VWZ I\[HYLZPaLKPU^PK[O[VMP[ZWLJPMPJ;LTWSH[L JVUMPN\YH[PVUZ(U[LUUHHKHW[LYZHYLHSZV H]HPSHISL[VSPURKLZRZ[V^VYRZ\YMHJLZOLS]LZ VY[VWZMVY;LTWSH[L:WLJPM`Z[HUKHYK ;LTWSH[LJVTWVULU[ZMVYHSSV[OLYHWWSPJH[PVUZ PUJS\KPUNLUKHUKTPKWHULSZIHZLZIHJR WHULSZZOLS]LZHUKZ[VYHNLPUZLY[Z (U[LUUH+LZR:\WWVY[LKI`H ;LTWSH[L+V\ISL:[VYHNL<UP[ (U[LUUH+LZRZ^P[O;LTWSH[LZWPUL 24 Introduction of Basic Elements Antenna Storage Antenna Workspaces Antenna Storage Complementary Antenna storage components include both painted steel and laminate or wood veneer construction, freestanding, furniture-mounted and wall-mounted. Above desk and below desk open extension cabinets also correspond in size to desk and overall big table depths, supported by extended rails, with a “floor” or top flush with the adjacent desk top . Suspended storage options begin with the steel accessory drawer, with wire management features that enable it to serve as a secure storage for portable electronics. Other suspended storage units are laminate or wood veneer construction open shelves, in versions accessible from front/back or from end of desk, and suspended file drawer, with internal pencil drawer. Suspended storage sizes correspond to desk depths. Stanchion mounted wood and metal construction shelves and cabinets, available with no back, full back or shared configurations, can be mounted on center beam of big table or on the fence. Wood shared cabinets are also available with sliding door in fabric scrim or cane surface on each side. Upmounted steel construction cabinets are available with painted steel surface doors. Stanchions for each application are designed to lift the 15"H x 15"D cabinets to an overall height of 49". Metal pedestal options are 18" or 24"D mobile data/file and 18, 24, or 30"D floorstanding two box/file, and two file units, with painted, laminate, or veneer fronts. Floorstanding 18"D two file pedestals are also available in 30" and 36" widths. Floorstanding pedestals with ballast kits can be integrated into the desk structure in place of a leg. Floorstanding Pedestal Open Cabinet Wall mounted wood and metal shelves and enclosed storage units are also available, with overlapping doors in the same finish options as upmounted cabinets. Desk-end cabinets, 49"H and 27, 30 and 36" depths, occupy a narrow footprint and provide access to shelves and coat storage from front and back in open/open, open/ enclosed and enclosed/enclosed versions with hinged doors. Desk-end cabinet for 24"D applications is accessible from front only. Desk-end cabinets are floorstanding but must be secured to desk for stability. L cabinets are freestanding enclosures for coats and open shelves in a 24" x 24" L-shape that helps define the perimeter of an individual workspace. Shelf cabinets are freestanding 18"D open, enclosed or partially enclosed cabinets in laminate or veneer, that can be utilized as storage walls in open plan or private offices. Cantilever shelves for big tables, 12" and 24"W, mount to either side of a center beam, while platforms can be supported on stanchions at 34"H. Suspended Open Cabinet Suspended Wood File Mobile Pedestal Above Desk Extension Cabinet Sliding Door Cabinet Cantilver Shelf Desk end Cabinet 25 L Cabinet Enclosed Cabinet Planning with Antenna Workspaces ;OLM\UKHTLU[HSWSHUUPUN\UP[MVY(U[LUUHHUK [OLZ[HY[PUNWVPU[MVYHU`WSHUUPUNHWWYVHJOPZ [OLKLZRVY[HISL[VWZ[OH[MVYTHUPUKP]PK\HS VYNYV\W^VYRWSHJL>OH[KPMMLYZPZOV^ [OVZL[VWZHYLZ\WWVY[LKHUKJVTWSLTLU[LK ^P[OZLY]PJLZZJYLLUZHUKZ[VYHNL (U[LUUHPZTVZ[LMMPJPLU[S`WSHUULKHZNYV\WZ VM^VYRWSHJLZ-P]L\UPX\LWSHUUPUNTVKLSZ LUHISLJS\Z[LYLKKLZRZSPURLKKLZRZIPN[HISLZ KLZRZ^P[OMLUJLVY[OL;LTWSH[L:[VYHNL :`Z[LT[VZLY]LHZ[OLZOHYLKWV^LYLK¸ZWPUL¹ VMHJS\Z[LY,HJOOHZ\UPX\LHK]HU[HNLZ HYL[OLTVZ[ MSL_PISLWSHUUPUNHWWYVHJOWHY[PJ\SHYS`^OLU JV\WSLK^P[O[OLMLUJLVYHYHPZLKMSVVY Z`Z[LT+LZRZJHUILZ\WWSPLKPUKP]PK\HSS` MYVTMLUJLYHPZLKMSVVYJLPSPUNVYHKQHJLU[I\PS[ ^HSS:JYLLUZJHUILZOHYLKIL[^LLUKLZRZ I\[JS\Z[LYLKKLZRZHYLPUKLWLUKLU[ZV[OL` JHUILMYLLS`YLHYYHUNLKHZULLKZJOHUNL *S\Z[LYLK+LZRZ )PN;HISL Antenna Workspaces ! HYLTVYLLJVUVTPJHS[OHU JS\Z[LYLKKLZRZHUKPU]VS]LZOHYLKSLNZVY IHJR[VIHJRSLNZ[OH[MYLL\WMSVVYZWHJL :PUJLSPURLKKLZRZJHUKPZ[YPI\[LWV^LY [OYV\NOV\[ZLY]PJLZJHUILTVYLJVZ[ LMMLJ[P]LS`Z\WWSPLKMYVTHZPUNSLWVPU[[VLPNO[ VYTVYL^VYRWSHJLZ:JYLLUZJHUILZOHYLK IL[^LLUIHJR[VIHJRKLZRZI\[WV^LY JVTWVULU[ZTH`ULLK[VILZWLJPMPLKVUIV[O ZPKLZVMZJYLLUMVYVW[PTHSHJJLZZ[VV\[SL[Z PZ[OLTVZ[JVZ[LMMLJ[P]L WSHUUPUNHWWYVHJO^P[O(U[LUUH>VYRZWHJLZ JVTIPUPUNLMMPJPLU[K\HSZPKLKWV^LY KPZ[YPI\[PVUZJYLLUZZ[VYHNLZ\WWVY[HUK KLZRZ\WWVY[7V^LYHUKJVTT\UPJH[PVUZ V\[SL[ZHUKKPZ[YPI\[PVUHYLKPZJYLL[`L[LHZPS` HJJLZZPISL)LJH\ZLKLZRYL[\YUZJHUIL H[[HJOLKHU`^OLYL[OLIPN[HISLPZM\SS` M\UJ[PVUHSHZ[OLZWPULVMH^VYRNYV\W (U[LUUHK\HSZPKLKIPN[HISLZJHUILWSHUULK PUKLNYLLJVUMPN\YH[PVUZ^P[OKLNYLL (U[LUUH[VWZPU[LYTLKPH[LSLNZMVYKLNYLL Z[HUKHYKIPN[HISLLUKSLNZYHPSZJLU[LYILHTZ 3PURLK+LZRZ -LUJL^P[O(U[LUUH+LZRZ 26 HUKWV^LYJVTWVULU[Z>OL[OLYP[PZHIHZPJ [YPHKJVUMPN\YH[PVUVYHSHYNLYKVNIVULZP_WHJR SH`V\[KLNYLL^VYRZ\YMHJLZWYV]PKLH TVYLZWHJLLMMPJPLU[^H`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¸^P[OPU¹ ;LTWSH[L»ZJLU[LYSPULWSHUUPUNTVK\SL +LNYLL)PN;HISL (U[LUUH+LZRZ^P[O;LTWSH[L:WPUL Tables Planning Guidelines and Specifications # PUKPHTL[LYOH]LH ZX\HYLIHZLHUK[HISLZPUKPHTL[LY PUJS\KLHZX\HYLIHZL9V\UK[HISLZPU KPHTL[LYHYLH]HPSHISLPU[OYLLOLPNO[Z!ñ ññ;OLSV^LZ[OLPNO[PZJVMMLL[HISL OLPNO[Z\P[HISLMVYYLJLW[PVUVYJHZ\HSHYLHZ[OL TLKP\TOLPNO[PZKLZPNULKMVY\ZLVMWVY[HISL LSLJ[YVUPJZPUJHZ\HS^VYRHYLHZHUK[OLOPNOLZ[ PZZ[HUKHYKKLZROLPNO[9V\UK[HISLZPU KPHTL[LYHYLVUS`H]HPSHISLH[KLZROLPNO[ $ OH]L[HISLKLZRLUKSLNZH[[OL JVYULYZ:X\HYL[HISLZHYLHSZVH]HPSHISL PU[OYLLOLPNO[Z!ñññ:X\HYL HUK[HISLZHYLVUS`KLZROLPNO[ # OH]L[HISLKLZRLUK SLNZMS\ZO^P[O[OLZOVY[LUKZ9LJ[HUN\SHY [HISLZHYLH]HPSHISLPUJSHZZPJ_ WYVWVY[PVUZ____ _HSSH[Z[HUKHYKKLZROLPNO[ñ 9LJ[HUN\SHYZOHWL[HISLZV[OLY[OHU[OLZL ZPaLZJHUILHZZLTISLKMYVTJVTWVULU[Z [VWZYHPSZHUKSLNZZWLJPMPLKZLWHYH[LS` OH]LZ[HUKHYK(U[LUUH LUKSLNZPUZL[ñMYVTLHJOSVUNZPKLLKNL HKQHJLU[[V[OLZLTPJPYJ\SHYLUKZVM[OL [VW;YHJRZOHWL[HISLZHYL__VY _HSSH[Z[HUKHYKKLZROLPNO[ñ (SS[HISLSLNZPUJS\KLZ[HUKHYK(U[LUUHSL]LSLYZ ^P[Oñ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ñVY ñ/PNO :X\HYL;HISL ñVY ñ/PNO VUHSSZPKLZ;VWHUKIV[[VTLKNLZOH]L HTTYHKP\Z=LULLYNYHPUKPYLJ[PVUPZ WHYHSSLS[VMYVU[LKNLVUKLZR[VWZHUK WHYHSSLS[VLUKVUL_[LUZPVU[VWZ .SHZZ[VWZHYLñ[OPJR^P[OH ZSPNO[YHKP\ZVU[OL[VWHUKIV[[VT LKNLZHZ^LSSHZ[OLJVYULYZ 9HPSZHYLëZX\HYLZ[LLS[\IL,UK JHWZHYLKPLJHZ[HS\TPU\T9L[\YU HKHW[LYZHYLKPLJHZ[HS\TPU\T ,UKSLNZHYLZ[LLS^LSKTLU[Z^P[OZX\HYL SLNZHUKHñOVYPaVU[HSYHPS3LNZPUJS\KL ñSL]LSLYZ^P[O Z[LTZHUKJVU[PU\V\Z ñHKQ\Z[TLU[YHUNL*YHKSLZHUK JSHTWZHYLJHZ[HS\TPU\T^P[OJV\U[LYZ\UR MHZ[LULYZPU[VSLNZTH[PUNWHY[ZHUK[VW % ;HISL[VWZTH`ILZWLJPMPLKPUHU`(U[LUUH ZVSPKWH[[LYUVY^VVKNYHPUSHTPUH[L^P[O TH[JOPUNVYJVU[YHZ[PUN():LKNLPUHU` (U[LUUH;LJO^VVKVYUH[\YHS]LULLY^P[O TH[JOPUNLKNLVY^P[OHNSHZZMPUPZO .SHZZMPUPZOVW[PVUZPUJS\KL*SLHY7V^KLY :[HYMPYL*SLHY.YL`;PU[LK)HJR7HPU[LK )SHJRHUK)HJR7HPU[LK>OP[L9HPSZTH` ILZWLJPMPLKPUHU`(U[LUUHJVYLVYHJJLU[ WHPU[LKMPUPZO3LNZTH`ILZWLJPMPLKPUHU` (U[LUUHJVYLVYHJJLU[WHPU[LKMPUPZO^P[O TH[JOPUNJYHKSLMPUPZOVYPUJOYVTL^P[O HU`(U[LUUHWHPU[MPUPZOMVY[OLJYHKSLZ 9LJ[HUN\SHY;HISL7SHU=PL^ 9LJ[HUN\SHY;HISL ñ/PNO 27 ;YHJR:OHWLK;HISL7SHU=PL^ ;YHJR:OHWLK;HISL ñ/PNO Preconfigured Desks and Tables (U[LUUH;HISLZHYLH]HPSHISLHZJVTWSL[LRP[Z PUJS\KPUN[VWYHPSZHUKSLNZ7YLJVUMPN\YLK [HISLZPUJS\KLYV\UKZX\HYLYLJ[HUN\SHYHUK [YHJRZOHWLZPUZ[HUKHYK(U[LUUHSHTPUH[L ]LULLYVYNSHZZ[VWKL[HPSZ^P[OWHPU[LKVY JOYVTLMPUPZOSLNZ,UKSLNZMVYYV\UKZX\HYL HUKYLJ[HUNSLZOHWLZHYL[HISLKLZRLUKSLNZ [OH[JHW[\YL[OLLUKZVM[OLYHPSZHUKLUHISL RULLZWHJLVUHSSZPKLZVMKLZROLPNO[[HISLZ ;YHJRZOHWL[HISLZHYLZ\WWVY[LKI`Z[HUKHYK (U[LUUHLUKSLNZV]LY^OPJO[OLYHPSZL_[LUK [V[OLLUKZVM[OL[VWMVYTH_PT\TZ\WWVY[ Antenna Workspaces Tables Antenna Tops Track, Round, Square and Rectangle Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) Chrome Base Upcharge $1,339. 1,442. 1,597. $2,284. 2,617. 2,975. $2,515. 2,895. 3,299. $3,049. 3,535. 4,046. n/a n/a n/a YKTR42L( ) YKTR42M( ) YKTR42D( ) YKTR48D( ) 1,082. 1,082. 1,082. 1,185. 2,081. 2,081. 2,081. 2,194. 2,290. 2,290. 2,290. 2,418. 2,769. 2,769. 2,769. 2,933. 420. 420. 420. 428. 18 1/2⬙ 24 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ YKTS3030L( ) 932. 932. 932. 1,016. 1,114. 1,211. 1,171. 1,171. 1,171. 1,260. 1,455. 1,655. 1,241. 1,241. 1,241. 1,339. 1,567. 1,784. 1,432. 1,432. 1,432. 1,552. 1,842. 2,126. 428. 428. 428. 509. 556. 614. 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ YKTS4824D( ) YKTS5427D( ) YKTS6030D( ) YKTS7236D( ) 986. 1,086. 1,203. 1,301. 1,552. 1,222. 1,332. 1,409. 1,550. 1,736. 1,296. 1,415. 1,492. 1,671. 1,855. 1,496. 1,640. 1,757. 1,959. 2,176. 332. 420. 428. 509. 556. description w d h pattern no. Tables with Track Shaped Antenna Tops 72⬙ 84⬙ 96⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ YKTT7236D( ) Tables with Round Shaped Antenna Tops 42⬙ 42⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 42⬙ 42⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 18 1/2⬙ 24 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ Tables with Square Shaped Antenna Tops 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 84⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ Tables with Rectangle Shaped Antenna Tops Antenna Workspaces YKTT8442D( ) YKTT9648D( ) YKTS3030M( ) YKTS3030D( ) YKTS3636D( ) YKTS4242D( ) YKTS4848D( ) YKTS8442D( ) Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Tables Tables Tables Table Antenna Top (2) Rails (2) End Legs (4) Cradles (4) Leveling Glides Attachment Hardware Top Finish Options: 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) 4. Rail Paint Finish 5. Cradle Paint Finish (for chrome legs only) 6. Leg Paint Finish Example: YKTS3030DL, 118T, 118T, 118T, 118T, 118T YK TS 30 30 D L 118T 118T 118T 118T 118T Table Kit Antenna Square Top Depth Width Desk Height Laminate Bright White Top Bright White Edge Bright White Paint Bright White Paint Bright White Paint (L) = Laminate (V) = Veneer Leg Finish Options: End Legs are available in Knoll core paints, Dark Red (130) and Slate blue (131) paint finishes, as well as polished chrome (PD) finish. Add the chrome base upcharge to the table list price when the table base is specified with a chrome finish. Chrome base is not available on track shaped tables. 28 Tables Glass Tops Track, Round, Square and Rectangle description w d h Back Painted White Glass (GL45) Chrome Base Upchg. pattern no. Clear Glass (TEMP) Powder Glass (GL13) $3,520. 3,900. 4,330. $4,420. 5,120. 5,920. $4,820. 5,670. 6,650. $5,705. 6,670. 7,790. $6,660. 8,180. 9,910. $6,660. 8,180. 9,910. n/a n/a n/a 2,470. 2,470. 2,470. 2,730. 3,080. 3,080. 3,080. 3,525. 3,355. 3,355. 3,355. 3,880. 4,000. 4,000. 4,000. 4,590. 4,850. 4,850. 4,850. 5,520. 4,850. 4,850. 4,850. 5,520. 420. 420. 420. 428. 1,870. 1,870. 1,870. 2,040. 2,290. 2,495. 2,180. 2,180. 2,180. 2,490. 2,900. 3,290. 2,320. 2,320. 2,320. 2,690. 3,175. 3,650. 3,200. 3,200. 3,200. 3,600. 4,150. 4,690. 2,960. 2,960. 2,960. 3,610. 4,430. 5,290. 2,960. 2,960. 2,960. 3,610. 4,430. 5,290. 428. 428. 428. 509. 556. 614. 1,745. 2,015. 2,550. 2,865. 3,545. 2,145. 2,520. 3,170. 3,760. 4,940. 2,325. 2,750. 3,450. 4,170. 5,570. 2,575. 3,070. 3,870. 4,720. 5,870. 3,140. 3,780. 4,730. 6,000. 8,420. 3,140. 3,780. 4,730. 6,000. 8,420. 332. 420. 428. 509. 556. 72⬙ 84⬙ 96⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 28 /2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ YKTT7236DG YKTT8442DG YKTT9648DG Tables with Round Shaped Glass Tops 42⬙ 42⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 42⬙ 42⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 18 1/2⬙ 24 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ YKTR42LG YKTR42MG Tables with Square Shaped Glass Tops 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 18 1/2⬙ 24 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ YKTS3030LG Tables with Rectangle Shaped Glass Tops 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 84⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ YKTS4824DG YKTS5427DG YKTS6030DG YKTS7236DG YKTR42DG YKTR48DG YKTS3030MG YKTS3030DG YKTS3636DG YKTS4242DG YKTS4848DG YKTS8442DG Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Tables Tables Tables Table Example: YKTS4824DG, TEMP, Glass Top (2) Rails (2) End Legs (4) Cradles (4) Leveling Glides Attachment Hardware Glass Top Finish Options: 1. 2. 3. 4. Pattern Number Top Finish Rail Paint Finish Cradle Paint Finish (for chrome legs only) 5. Leg Paint Finish 118T, 118T, 118T YK TS 48 24 D G TEMP 118T 118T 118T Table Kit Antenna Square Top Depth Width Desk Height Glass Clear Glass Bright White Rails Bright White Cradles Bright White Legs Add finish option as suffix to pattern number: (TEMP) = Clear Glass (GL13) = Powder Glass (GL85) = Starfire Clear Glass (GL35) = Grey Tinted Glass (GL11) = Back Painted Black Glass (GL45) = Back Painted White Glass Leg Finish Options: End Legs are available in Knoll core paints, Dark Red (130) and Slate blue (131) paint finishes, as well as polished chrome (PD) finish. Add the chrome base upcharge to the table list price when the table base is specified with a chrome finish. Chrome base is not available on track shaped tables. 29 Preconfigured Desks and Tables Grey Glass (GL35) Back Painted Black Glass (GL11) Starfire Clear Glass (GL85) Tables with Track Shaped Glass Tops 1 Antenna Workspaces Tables Overlay Tops Square and Rectangle Antenna Workspaces description width depth height pattern number Tables with Square Shaped Overlay Tops 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 18 1/2⬙ 24 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ YKPTS3030L( ) YKPTS3030M( ) YKPTS3030D( ) YKPTS3636D( ) YKPTS4242D( ) 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 84⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ YKPTS4824D( ) YKPTS5427D( ) YKPTS6030D( ) YKPTS7236D( ) Tables with Rectangle Shaped Overlay Tops YKPTS4848D( ) YKPTS8442D( ) Color Core Laminate (C) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) Chrome Base Upcharge $2,213. 2,213. 2,213. 2,355. 2,510. 2,642. $1,713. 1,713. 1,713. 1,818. 1,938. 2,033. $1,864. 1,864. 1,864. 1,981. 2,112. 2,218. $2,213. 2,213. 2,213. 2,355. 2,510. 2,642. $428. 428. 428. 509. 556. 614. 2,274. 2,447. 2,562. 2,753. 3,037. 1,760. 1,890. 1,971. 2,109. 2,343. 1,916. 2,059. 2,151. 2,397. 2,553. 2,275. 2,447. 2,562. 2,753. 3,037. 332. 420. 428. 556. 556. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Tables Tables Tables Table Example: YKPTS3030DL, 311, Antenna Top (2) Rails (2) End Legs (4) Cradles (4) Leveling Glides Attachment Hardware Top Finish Options: 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) 4. Rail Paint Finish 5. Cradle Paint Finish (for chrome legs only) 6. Leg Paint Finish V440, 118T, 118T, 118T YK PTS 30 30 D C 311 V440 118T 118T Table Kit Overlay Square Top Depth Width Desk Height Color Core Laminate Solid Gallery White Top Natural Hemlock Edge Bright White Paint Bright White Paint (C) = Color Core Laminate (V) = Veneer Leg Finish Options: Table Desk End Legs are available in Knoll core paints, Dark Red (130) and Slate blue (131) paint finishes, as well as polished chrome (PD) finish. Add the chrome base upcharge to the table list price when the table base is specified with a chrome finish. 30 Antenna Tops Planning Guidelines (U[LUUH[VWZHYLKLZPNULKPUZ[YHPNO[MVY^HYK YLJ[HUN\SHYZOHWLZVW[PTPaLKMVYZ[HUK HSVULHWWSPJH[PVUZHZ^LSSHZSPURPUN ZPKLI`ZPKLVYH[YPNO[HUNSLZVYPUIPN [HISLZ;VWZHYL\UP]LYZHSPUHWWSPJH[PVU HZ[HISLZKLZRZYL[\YUZVYIYPKNLZ ;VWZMVYKLZRZVY[HISLZHYLM\SSKPTLUZPVU HUKKLW[OZ HUKH]HPSHISLPUL]LY`PUJYLTLU[VM ^PK[OMYVT KLLW[VWZHYLMVY YL[\YUVYIYPKNLHWWSPJH[PVUZ;VWZ KLLWPU^PK[OZMYVTJHUHSZV ILWSHUULKPUIPN[HISLHWWSPJH[PVUZ ;VWZ^P[OOPUNLKHJJLZZHYLKLKPJH[LK[V IPN[HISLHWWSPJH[PVUZ^P[OHM\SS^PK[Oê KLLWOPUNLKZLJ[PVUMVYLHZ`HJJLZZ[VV\[SL[Z HUK^PYLTHUHNLTLU[ILSV^[OLJLU[LY ILHT/PUNLKHJJLZZ[VWZHYLH]HPSHISLPU HUKV]LYHSSKLW[OZHUK ^PK[OZMYVTPUHSSPUJYLTLU[Z )HJR[VWZHYLZWLJPMPLKMVYZPUNSLZPKLKIPN [HISLZ;OL`HYLKLLWHUKTH[JOKLZR ^PK[OZPUPUJYLTLU[ZMYVT)HJR [VWZHYLZ\WWVY[LKI`HZPUNSLYHPSVU[OLV[OLY ZPKLVM[OLJLU[LYILHTMYVT[OLWYPTHY`[VW ,_[LUZPVU[VWZWSHUH[[OLLUKVMHKLZRVYIPN [HISL;OL`HYL^PKLHUKTH[JOKLZRZ VYKLLW,_[LUZPVU[VWZMVYK\HS IPN[HISLZHYL^PKLHUKTH[JOV]LYHSSK\HS IPN[HISLKLW[OZVMññ ññ HUKñ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`SVUP[YPSL )\[HKPLUL:[`YLUL():PZHWVS`TLY\ZLK HZHUHS[LYUH[P]L[V7=*HUKY\IILY0[PZ WO[OHSH[LMYLLMSHTLYL[HYKHU[OHZOPNOOLH[ HUKPTWHJ[YLZPZ[HUJLNVVKWYVJLZZHIPSP[` KPTLUZPVUHSZ[HIPSP[`HUKOPNONSVZZ ;LJO^VVKHUKUH[\YHS]LULLY[VWZOH]LH ]LULLY[VWZ\YMHJLHU-:*JLY[PMPLKWHY[PJSL IVHYKJVYLHUKHUL\[YHS[VULIHJRLYZOLL[ MVYIHSHUJLKJVUZ[Y\J[PVU=LULLY[VWZOH]L TH[JOPUNMPUPZOTTZVSPK]LULLYLKNLZ VUHSSZPKLZ;VWHUKIV[[VTLKNLZOH]L HTTYHKP\Z=LULLYNYHPUKPYLJ[PVUPZ WHYHSSLS[VMYVU[LKNLVUKLZR[VWZHUK WHYHSSLS[VLUKVUL_[LUZPVU[VWZ (SS[VWZOH]LWPSV[OVSLZMVY[OL[^VTVZ[ JVTTVUTV\U[PUNJVUKP[PVUZMVYKLZRSLNZ HUKYL[\YUJVUULJ[PVUZ!SLNZPUZL[ñ VYñMYVT[OLIV[OLUKZVM[OL[VW % ;VWZH]HPSHISLPUHU`2UVSSJVYLSHTPUH[L VY]LULLYMPUPZO-VYSHTPUH[L[VWZZWLJPM` LKNLIHUK[VTH[JOHU`2UVSSJVYLSHTPUH[L -VY]LULLY[VWZLKNLT\Z[TH[JO[VW (U[LUUH;VW,UK,SL]H[PVU (U[LUUH;VW ê/PUNLK(JJLZZ (U[LUUH;VW ,_[LUZPVU;VW )HJR;VWMVY:PUNSL:PKLK)PN;HISL (U[LUUH/PUNLK(JJLZZ;VW 31 (U[LUUH+LZR;VW^P[O,_[LUZPVU;VW Tops ;VWZMVY(U[LUUH>VYRZWHJLZHYL[OLJLU[YHS LSLTLU[PUHU`[`WLVMWSHUUPUN;VWZHYL H]HPSHISLPU[^V[`WLZ!(U[LUUH[VWZPUSHTPUH[L VY]LULLYHUK6]LYSH`[VWZPUSHTPUH[LVY ]LULLY[VWZ\YMHJL^P[OZVSPK^VVKLKNL Antenna Workspaces Antenna Tops Planning Guidelines # (U[LUUH[VWZVMHU`KLW[OJHUZLY]LHZYL[\YUZ MVYKLZRZVYIPN[HISLZH[HU`WVPU[-VYL_HTWSL VYKLLW[VWZJHUILHJVZ[ LMMLJ[P]LZOHYLKYL[\YUJLU[LYLKVUHKQHJLU[ SPURLKKLZRZVYIPN[HISL[VWZ;OLZLJHUIL Z\WWVY[LKI`HZPUNSLWHPYVMYL[\YUYHPSZHUKH KLZRLUKSLNVY[HISLKLZRLUKSLN Antenna Workspaces 0UHUV[OLY[`WLVMWSHUUPUNVY KLLW[VWZJHUILJVTLPUKP]PK\HS WYPTHY`KLZRZ\YMHJLZHZYL[\YUZVMM VMHKLLWIPN[HISL¸ZWPUL¹ 9LJ[HUN\SHY;HISL 9LJ[HUN\SHY+LZR^P[O,_[LUZPVU;VW +\HS:PKLK)PN;HISL +LLW+\HS:PKLK)PN;HISL^P[O9L[\YUZHZ:LJVUKHY`>VYRZ\YMHJLZ +\HS:PKLK)PN;HISL^P[O,_[LUZPVU;VW +\HS:PKLK)PN;HISL^P[O/PUNLK(JJLZZ;VWZ :PUNSL:PKLK)PN;HISL +LLW+\HS:PKLK)PN;HISL^P[O9L[\YUZHZ7YPTHY`>VYRZ\YMHJLZ :PUNSL:PKLK)PN;HISL^P[O,_[LUZPVU;VW 32 Antenna Tops For Desks or Big Tables 18⬙ and 24⬙ Deep Rectangular w d h pattern no. Antenna Tops, 18⬙ Deep Rectangular 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 96⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YT3018 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 96⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YT3024 YT3624 YT4224 YT4824 Antenna Tops, 24⬙ Deep Rectangular YT3618 YT4218 YT4818 YT5418 YT6018 YT6618 YT7218 YT7818 YT8418 YT9018 YT9618 YT5424 YT6024 YT6624 YT7224 YT7824 YT8424 YT9024 YT9624 Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $161. 180. 209. 232. 247. 269. 289. 306. 328. 345. 384. 425. $366. 386. 407. 422. 443. 464. 484. 505. 525. 551. 577. 597. $420. 444. 468. 486. 510. 534. 557. 581. 605. 633. 659. 685. $568. 599. 631. 656. 688. 720. 752. 784. 816. 856. 893. 924. 186. 207. 237. 265. 287. 310. 335. 349. 375. 397. 448. 487. 397. 417. 438. 458. 489. 520. 541. 561. 587. 613. 639. 664. 456. 480. 504. 527. 562. 598. 622. 646. 676. 705. 734. 764. 616. 648. 680. 712. 759. 808. 839. 871. 912. 952. 992. 1,031. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Antenna Tops Antenna Tops Antenna Tops Antenna Tops 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) Top Finish Options: Example: YT7824, 118, 118 YT Pattern Number 78 Width 24 Depth 118 Bright White Top 118 Bright White Edge Add an (L) for laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. Specify 18⬙ deep tops for return or bridge applications only. 33 Tops description Antenna Workspaces Antenna Tops For Desks or Big Tables 27⬙ and 30⬙ Deep Rectangular description w d h pattern no. Antenna Tops, 27⬙ Deep Rectangular 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 96⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YT3027 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 96⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YT3030 YT3630 YT4230 YT4830 Antenna Tops, 30⬙ Deep Rectangular YT3627 YT4227 YT4827 YT5427 YT6027 YT6627 YT7227 YT7827 YT8427 YT9027 YT9627 YT5430 YT6030 YT6630 YT7230 YT7830 YT8430 YT9030 YT9630 Antenna Workspaces Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $209. 232. 259. 287. 319. 348. 382. 399. 426. 452. 496. 536. $412. 438. 458. 484. 515. 546. 561. 582. 608. 633. 664. 690. $474. 504. 527. 557. 592. 628. 646. 670. 699. 728. 764. 794. $640. 680. 712. 752. 799. 848. 871. 903. 943. 984. 1,031. 1,071. 232. 256. 280. 310. 351. 387. 431. 448. 478. 508. 546. 585. 433. 464. 479. 515. 546. 577. 587. 608. 633. 659. 690. 716. 497. 534. 551. 592. 628. 663. 676. 699. 728. 758. 794. 823. 672. 720. 744. 799. 848. 895. 912. 943. 984. 1,024. 1,071. 1,111. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Antenna Tops Antenna Tops Antenna Tops Antenna Tops 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) Top Finish Options: Example: YT7827, 118, 118 YT Pattern Number 78 Width 27 Depth 118 Bright White Top 118 Bright White Edge Add an (L) for laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. 34 Antenna Tops For Desks or Big Tables 36⬙, 42⬙ and 48⬙ Deep Rectangular Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) YT6636 YT7236 YT7836 YT8436 YT9036 YT9636 $254. 282. 308. 340. 386. 426. 474. 492. 525. 558. 600. 644. $464. 494. 525. 556. 587. 618. 649. 680. 711. 742. 773. 798. $534. 569. 605. 640. 676. 711. 747. 782. 818. 853. 889. 918. $720. 767. 816. 863. 912. 960. 1,007. 1,056. 1,103. 1,152. 1,199. 1,239. 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YT4242 YT8442 332. 614. 564. 797. 649. 917. 876. 1,238. 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YT3048 YT3648 294. 324. 355. 408. 464. 512. 569. 591. 630. 670. 721. 773. 536. 561. 603. 639. 675. 711. 747. 782. 818. 853. 889. 918. 616. 646. 693. 734. 778. 818. 859. 899. 940. 981. 1,022. 1,056. 831. 871. 935. 992. 1,049. 1,103. 1,159. 1,214. 1,269. 1,324. 1,379. 1,426. description w d h pattern no. Antenna Tops, 36⬙ Deep Rectangular 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 96⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YT3036 Antenna Tops, 42⬙ Deep Rectangular 42⬙ 84⬙ 42⬙ 42⬙ Antenna Tops, 48⬙ Deep Rectangular 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 96⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ YT3636 YT4236 YT4836 YT5436 YT6036 YT4248 YT4848 YT5448 YT6048 YT6648 YT7248 YT7848 YT8448 YT9048 YT9648 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Antenna Tops Antenna Tops Antenna Tops Antenna Tops 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) Top Finish Options: Example: YT7836, 118, 118 YT Pattern Number 78 Width 36 Depth 118 Bright White Top 118 Bright White Edge Add an (L) for laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. 35 Tops Antenna Workspaces Antenna Hinged Access Tops for Big Tables 18⬙, 24⬙ and 27⬙ Deep Rectangular description w d h pattern no. Antenna Big Table Tops with Hinged Access, 18⬙ Deep 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTH4818 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTH4824 YTH5424 YTH6024 YTH6624 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTH4827 Antenna Big Table Tops with Hinged Access, 24⬙ Deep Antenna Big Table Tops with Hinged Access, 27⬙ Deep YTH5418 YTH6018 YTH6618 YTH7218 YTH7818 YTH8418 YTH7224 YTH7824 YTH8424 YTH5427 YTH6027 YTH6627 YTH7227 YTH7827 YTH8427 Antenna Workspaces Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $532. 547. 569. 589. 606. 628. 645. $722. 743. 764. 784. 805. 825. 851. $786. 810. 834. 857. 881. 905. 933. $956. 988. 1,020. 1,052. 1,084. 1,116. 1,156. 533. 555. 578. 603. 617. 643. 664. 726. 757. 788. 809. 829. 855. 881. 835. 870. 906. 930. 954. 984. 1,012. 1,128. 1,175. 1,224. 1,256. 1,288. 1,328. 1,367. 555. 587. 616. 650. 666. 694. 720. 752. 783. 814. 829. 850. 876. 901. 865. 900. 936. 954. 977. 1,007. 1,036. 1,167. 1,215. 1,263. 1,288. 1,319. 1,360. 1,399. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Antenna Big Table Tops Antenna Big Table Tops Antenna Big Table Tops Antenna Big Table Tops 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) 4. Paint Finish Top Finish Options: Example: YTH7827, 118, 118, Add an (L) for laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. 118T YT H 78 27 118 118 118T Pattern Number Hinged Access Width Depth Bright White Top Bright White Edge Bright White Paint 36 Antenna Hinged Access Tops for Big Tables 30⬙ and 36⬙ Deep Rectangular w d h pattern no. Antenna Big Table Tops with Hinged Access, 30⬙ Deep 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTH4830 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTH4836 YTH5436 YTH6036 YTH6636 Antenna Big Table Tops with Hinged Access, 36⬙ Deep YTH5430 YTH6030 YTH6630 YTH7230 YTH7830 YTH8430 YTH7236 YTH7836 YTH8436 Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $578. 619. 655. 698. 716. 746. 776. $783. 814. 845. 860. 876. 901. 927. $900. 936. 971. 989. 1,007. 1,036. 1,066. $1,215. 1,263. 1,311. 1,335. 1,360. 1,399. 1,439. 670. 716. 756. 804. 822. 855. 888. 886. 917. 948. 979. 1,010. 1,041. 1,072. 970. 1,006. 1,041. 1,077. 1,112. 1,148. 1,183. 1,193. 1,242. 1,290. 1,337. 1,386. 1,433. 1,482. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Antenna Tops Antenna Tops Antenna Tops Antenna Tops 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) 4. Paint Finish Top Finish Options: Example: YTH7830, 118, 118, Add an (L) for laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. 118T YT H 78 30 118 118 118T Pattern Number Hinged Access Width Depth Bright White Top Bright White Edge Bright White Paint 37 Tops description Antenna Workspaces Antenna Back Tops for Single Sided Big Tables 7.5⬙ Deep Rectangular description w d pattern no. Antenna Back Tops for Single Sided Big Tables, 7.5⬙ Deep 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 7.5⬙ 7.5⬙ 7.5⬙ 7.5⬙ 7.5⬙ 7.5⬙ 7.5⬙ YT4808 Antenna Workspaces Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $164. 173. 203. 208. 216. 221. 227. $322. 336. 367. 373. 380. 386. 420. $370. 386. 422. 429. 437. 444. 483. $481. 502. 548. 558. 568. 577. 627. YT5408 YT6008 YT6608 YT7208 YT7808 YT8408 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Antenna Tops Antenna Tops Antenna Tops Antenna Tops 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) Top Finish Options: Example: YT5408, 118, 118 YT Top 54 Width 08 Depth 118 Bright White Top 118 Bright White Edge Add an (L) for laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. 38 Antenna Extension Tops for Desks and Big Tables 15⬙ Wide Rectangular Antenna Workspaces Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) description type w d h pattern no. Antenna Desk Extension Tops, 15⬙ Wide Rectangular For use with 24⬙ deep desk tops For use with 27⬙ deep desk tops For use with 30⬙ deep desk tops For use with 36⬙ deep desk tops 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTE1524 Antenna Back to Back Desk Extension Tops, 15⬙ Wide Rectangular For use with 18⬙ deep back to back tops For use with 24⬙ deep back to back tops For use with 27⬙ deep back to back tops For use with 30⬙ deep back to back tops For use with 36⬙ deep back to back tops 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 39 3/4⬙ 51 3/4⬙ 57 3/4⬙ 63 3/4⬙ 75 3/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTE1539 YTE1552 YTE1558 YTE1564 YTE1576 240. 277. 287. 300. 310. 345. 388. 403. 419. 426. 397. 447. 464. 482. 484. 536. 603. 625. 651. 690. Antenna Dual Sided Big Table Extension Tops, For use with 18⬙ deep dual big table tops 15⬙ Wide Rectangular For use with 24⬙ deep dual big table tops For use with 27⬙ deep dual big table tops For use with 30⬙ deep dual big table tops For use with 36⬙ deep dual big table tops 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 41 1/2⬙ 53 1/2⬙ 59 1/2⬙ 65 1/2⬙ 77 1/2⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTE1541 YTE1553 YTE1559 YTE1565 YTE1577 240. 277. 287. 300. 310. 345. 388. 403. 419. 426. 397. 447. 464. 482. 484. 536. 603. 625. 651. 690. Antenna Single Sided Big Table Extension Tops, 15⬙ Wide Rectangular 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 31⬙ 37⬙ 40⬙ 43⬙ 49⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTE1531 YTE1537 YTE1540 YTE1543 160. 175. 181. 185. 214. 353. 364. 369. 403. 414. 406. 419. 425. 463. 476. 527. 544. 552. 602. 618. For use with 18⬙ deep single big table tops For use with 24⬙ deep single big table tops For use with 27⬙ deep single big table tops For use with 30⬙ deep single big table tops For use with 36⬙ deep single big table tops $151. $288. $332. $448. 156. 299. 344. 464. 161. 309. 355. 480. 180. 330. 379. 512. YTE1549 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Antenna Extension Tops Antenna Extension Tops Antenna Extension Tops Antenna Extension Tops 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) Top Finish Options: Example: YTE1559, 118, 118 YT Pattern Number E Extension 15 Width 59 Depth 118 Bright White Top 118 Bright White Edge Add an (L) for laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. 39 Tops YTE1527 YTE1530 YTE1536 Antenna Tops for 120° Planning Planning Guidelines and Specifications (U[LUUHK\HSIPN[HISLZJHUILWSHUULKPU KLNYLLJVUMPN\YH[PVUZ^P[OKLNYLL (U[LUUH[VWZPU[LYTLKPH[LSLNZMVY KLNYLLZ[HUKHYKIPN[HISLLUKSLNZYHPSZ JLU[LYILHTZHUKWV^LYJVTWVULU[Z KLNYLL(U[LUUH[VWZTH[JO[OLZ[YHPNO[ [VWLKNLKL[HPSZMVYSHTPUH[LHUK]LULLY Z\YMHJLZ;VWZOH]LHJ\Y]PSPULHYMYVU[LKNL HUKHYLH]HPSHISLPU__HUK _^PK[OZHUKKLLW KLNYLLJVYULY[VWZHYLHSZVH]HPSHISL^P[O HZ[YHPNO[MYVU[LKNL_PUKLW[O VUS`(SS[VWZHYLH]HPSHISL^P[OVY^P[OV\[H ê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`HWHPYVMZ[HY[LY YHPSZWHYHSSLS[VLHJOIHJRLKNLSLZZ^PKL [OHU[VW^PK[O)L[^LLULHJOKLNYLLKLZR [VWIHJRLKNLPZHTH[JOPUNVY JLU[LYILHT^P[O[OYLLILHTLUKJHWZH[[OL JLU[LYVM[OLJVUMPN\YH[PVUHZ^LSSHZVUV\[ZPKL JVUKP[PVUZ9HPSZHUKJLU[LYILHTHYLZ\WWVY[LK I`HULUKSLNMVYIPN[HISLH[LHJOV\[ZPKL LUKHUKI`[OYLLKLNYLLPU[LYTLKPH[L SLNZPU[OLJLU[LYVM[OLJVUMPN\YH[PVU :[HY[LY9HPSZ ,UK3LN MVY+\HS )PN;HISL ,UK3LN MVY+\HS )PN;HISL *LU[LY )LHT *LU[LY )LHT )HZPJ;YPHK^P[O+LNYLL;VWZ & (U[LUUHL_[LUZPVU[VWZJHUILHKKLKH[ [OLLUKZVMIPN[HISL[YPHKZPUKLW[OZ MVYKLLW[VWZVY KLW[OZMVY KLLW[VWZ+LZR[VWYHPSZULLK[VIL SVUNLY[VZ\WWVY[[OLL_[LUZPVU[VWZ ZVZ[HY[LYYHPSZHYLSLZZ[OHU[OL[VW ^PK[OZ-VYL_HTWSLZWLJPM`^PKLZ[HY[LY YHPSZMVYL_[LUZPVU[VWZWSHUULKV\[ZPKL[OL LUKVMH[YPHKVM^PKLKLNYLL[VWZ *LU[LYILHT^PK[OZYLTHPU[OLZHTLI\[[OL LUKZVM[OLJLU[LYILHTZUL_[[VL_[LUZPVU [VWZULLKWHY[PHSJLU[LYILHTLUKJHWZ +LNYLL*VYULY;VW :[HY[LY9HPSZ +LNYLL 0U[LYTLKPH[L3LN MVY+\HS)PN;HISL Antenna Workspaces +LNYLL;VW *LU[LY )LHT :[HY[LY9HPSZ3LZZ [OHU;VW>PK[O ,_[LUZPVU ;VW ,UK3LN MVY+\HS )PN;HISL +LNYLL 0U[LYTLKPH[L3LN MVY+\HS)PN;HISL +LNYLL 0U[LYTLKPH[L3LN MVY+\HS)PN;HISL )HZPJ;YPHK^P[O+LNYLL*VYULY;VWZ +LNYLL;VW +LNYLL *VYULY;VW +LNYLL;VW >P[O/PUNLK(JJLZZ +LNYLL *VYULY;VW>P[O /PUNLK(JJLZZ )HZPJ;YPHK^P[O+LNYLL;VWZ 40 )HZPJ;YPHK^P[O+LNYLLHUK,_[LUZPVU;VWZ # ! & # ! 9HPSHUK*LU[LY)LHT+PTLUZPVUZ MVY+LNYLL7SHUUPUN Antenna Tops for 120° Planning Planning Guidelines and Specifications >OLU[^V[YPHKZHYLSPURLK[^VLUKSLNZJHU ILYLWSHJLKI`HZPUNSLIPN[HISLPU[LYTLKPH[L SLNVYPUZL[PU[LYTLKPH[LSLN;^VWHPYZVM Z[HY[LYYHPSZMVYVULVM[OL[^V[YPHKZZOV\SKIL JOHUNLK[VL_[LUKLKYHPSZ[OH[HYLSVUNLY (SSV[OLYJVTWVULU[ZHYL\UJOHUNLK +VNIVULJVUMPN\YH[PVUZJHUHSZVILSPURLK I`Z[YHPNO[KLZR[VWZHUKTH[JOPUN^PK[O JLU[LYILHTZ0U[OPZHWWSPJH[PVU[OLZ[YHPNO[ [VWZJHUILZ\WWVY[LKI`WHPYZVML_[LUKLK YHPSZTH[JOPUNPU^PK[OL_[LUKLKYHPSZ\UKLY VULVM[OLHKQHJLU[[YPHKZHUKIPN[HISL PU[LYTLKPH[LVYPUZL[PU[LYTLKPH[LSLNZ (U[LUUH[VWZHYLUVTPUHS [OPJR^P[O HSHTPUH[LVY]LULLYZ\YMHJLMPUPZO 3HTPUH[L[VWZOH]LHSHTPUH[L[VWZ\YMHJL ^P[OHU-:*JLY[PMPLKWHY[PJSLIVHYKJVYLHUK HUL\[YHS[VULIHJRLYZOLL[MVYIHSHUJLK JVUZ[Y\J[PVU,KNLZJHUTH[JO[OL[VW VYJVU[YHZ[PUJVSVYPUTT():^P[O TTYHKP\Z[VWHUKIV[[VTLKNLZ-YVU[ HUKIHJRLKNLZV]LYSHWLUKZ^P[OH TTYHKP\ZVUV\[ZPKLJVYULYZ(JY`SVUP[YPSL )\[HKPLUL:[`YLUL():PZHWVS`TLY\ZLK HZHUHS[LYUH[P]L[V7=*HUKY\IILY0[PZ WO[OHSH[LMYLLMSHTLYL[HYKHU[OHZOPNOOLH[ HUKPTWHJ[YLZPZ[HUJLNVVKWYVJLZZHIPSP[` KPTLUZPVUHSZ[HIPSP[`HUKOPNONSVZZ TH[JOPUNMPUPZOTTZVSPK]LULLYLKNLZVU HSSZPKLZ;VWHUKIV[[VTLKNLZOH]LHTT YHKP\Z=LULLYNYHPUKPYLJ[PVUPZWHYHSSLS[VMYVU[ LKNLVUKLZR[VWZHUKWHYHSSLS[VLUKVU L_[LUZPVU[VWZ(SS[VWZOH]LWPSV[OVSLZMVY[OL [^VTVZ[JVTTVUTV\U[PUNJVUKP[PVUZMVY KLZRSLNZHUKYL[\YUJVUULJ[PVUZ!SLNZPUZL[ ñVYñMYVT[OLIV[OLUKZVM[OL[VW % ;VWZH]HPSHISLPUHU`2UVSS*VYLSHTPUH[L VY]LULLYMPUPZO-VYSHTPUH[L[VWZZWLJPM` LKNLIHUK[VTH[JOHU`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ops ' # 9LJ[HUN\SHYIPN[HISL[VWZ^P[OHJLU[LY ILHTPU[V^PK[OZJHUL_[LUKH[[OL LUKZVMIPN[HISL[YPHKZ9LJ[HUN\SHY[VWZJHU ILZ\WWVY[LKI`TH[JOPUN^PK[OL_[LUKLK YHPSZHIPN[HISLPU[LYTLKPH[LSLNVYPUZL[ PU[LYTLKPH[LSLNHUKHIPN[HISLLUKSLN Antenna Workspaces Antenna Tops for 120° Planning 24⬙ and 27⬙ Deep description w d h pattern no. 120° Top 48⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 60⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTVC24484824( ) 48⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 60⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTHVC24484824( ) YTHVC27484827( ) YTHVC24545424( ) YTHVC27545427( ) YTHVC24606024( ) 120° Corner Top 48⬙ 24⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTVS24484824( ) 120° Corner Top with Hinged Access 48⬙ 24⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTHVS24484824( ) 120° Top with Hinged Access YTVC27484827( ) YTVC24545424( ) YTVC27545427( ) YTVC24606024( ) YTVC27606027( ) YTHVC27606027( ) Antenna Workspaces Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $680. 690. 725. 803. 838. 852. $1,500. 1,525. 1,586. 1,673. 1,735. 1,764. $1,725. 1,754. 1,824. 1,924. 1,995. 2,028. $2,243. 2,280. 2,371. 2,501. 2,594. 2,637. 1,388. 1,398. 1,435. 1,448. 1,570. 1,585. 2,474. 2,502. 2,596. 2,621. 2,685. 2,713. 2,845. 2,877. 2,985. 3,014. 3,087. 3,119. 3,698. 3,740. 3,881. 3,918. 4,013. 4,055. 680. 1,465. 1,684. 2,190. 1,388. 2,536. 2,916. 3,791. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Antenna Tops Antenna Tops Antenna Tops Antenna Tops 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) Top Finish Options: Example: YTHVC27545427L, 118, (L) = Laminate (V) = Veneer 118 YT H VC 27 54 54 27 L 118 118 Antenna Top Hinged Access 120° Depth Width Width Depth Laminate Bright White Laminate Bright White Edge 42 Antenna Tops For C-Leg and T-Leg Tables Planning Guidelines and Specification 9LJ[HUN\SHY[VWZHYLM\SSKPTLUZPVU HUKKLW[OZHUKH]HPSHISLPUL]LY` PUJYLTLU[VMUVTPUHS^PK[OMYVT 9LJ[HUN\SHY[VW^PK[OZHYL\UKLYZPaLK I`ñMVYISLUKPUN^P[OV[OLYWYVK\J[Z WSHUUPUNVUHZ[HUKHYKTVK\SL (U[LUUH[VWZHYLUVTPUHS [OPJR^P[O HSHTPUH[LVY]LULLYZ\YMHJLMPUPZO 3HTPUH[L[VWZOH]LHSHTPUH[L[VWZ\YMHJL ^P[OHU-:*JLY[PMPLKWHY[PJSLIVHYKJVYL HUKHUL\[YHS[VULIHJRLYZOLL[MVYIHSHUJLK JVUZ[Y\J[PVU,KNLZJHUTH[JO[OL[VWVY JVU[YHZ[PUJVSVYPUTT():^P[OTT YHKP\Z[VWHUKIV[[VTLKNLZ-YVU[HUK IHJRLKNLZV]LYSHWLUKZ^P[OHTT YHKP\ZVUV\[ZPKLJVYULYZ(JY`SVUP[YPSL )\[HKPLUL:[`YLUL():PZHWVS`TLY\ZLK HZHUHS[LYUH[P]L[V7=*HUKY\IILY0[PZ WO[OHSH[LMYLLMSHTLYL[HYKHU[OHZOPNOOLH[ HUKPTWHJ[YLZPZ[HUJLNVVKWYVJLZZHIPSP[` KPTLUZPVUHSZ[HIPSP[`HUKOPNONSVZZ YHKP\Z=LULLYNYHPUKPYLJ[PVUPZWHYHSSLS[V MYVU[LKNLVM[VW(SS[VWZOH]LWYL KYPSSLK WPSV[OVSLZMVY\ZL^P[OJVYYLZWVUKPUNKLW[O MP_LKVYOLPNO[HKQ\Z[HISL*3LNVY;3LN IHZLZ[VJYLH[LMYLLZ[HUKPUN[HISLZ % ;VWZH]HPSHISLPUHU`2UVSSJVYLSHTPUH[L VY]LULLYMPUPZO-VYSHTPUH[L[VWZZWLJPM` LKNLIHUK[VTH[JOHUK2UVSSJVYLSHTPUH[L -VY]LULLY[VWZLKNLT\Z[TH[JO[VW ;LJO^VVKHUKUH[\YHS]LULLY[VWZOH]LH ]LULLY[VWZ\YMHJLHU-:*JLY[PMPLKWHY[PJSL IVHYKJVYLHUKHUL\[YHS[VULIHJRLYZOLL[ MVYIHSHUJLKJVUZ[Y\J[PVU=LULLY[VWZOH]L TH[JOPUNMPUPZOTTZVSPK]LULLYLKNLZ VUHSSZPKLZ;VWHUKIV[[VTLKNLZHTT (U[LUUH*3LNVY;3LN;VW +_>*3LN-P_LK/LPNO[;HISL 43 Tops (U[LUUH*3LNHUK;3LN[VWZHYLKLZPNULK MVY\ZL^P[OMP_LKOLPNO[HUKHKQ\Z[HISL OLPNO[*3LNHUK;3LNIHZLZVUS` Antenna Workspaces Antenna Tops For C-Leg and T-Leg Tables 24⬙, 30⬙ and 36⬙ Deep Rectangular Antenna Workspaces Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) YT6924( ) $207. 237. 265. 287. 310. 335. 349. $417. 438. 458. 489. 520. 541. 561. $480. 504. 527. 562. 598. 622. 646. $648. 680. 712. 759. 808. 839. 871. 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YT3330( ) YT3930( ) 256. 280. 464. 479. 534. 551. 720. 744. 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YT4530( ) YT5130( ) YT5730( ) YT6330( ) YT6930( ) 310. 351. 387. 431. 448. 515. 546. 577. 587. 608. 592. 628. 663. 676. 699. 799. 848. 895. 912. 943. 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YT4536( ) YT5136( ) YT5736( ) YT6336( ) YT6936( ) 340. 386. 426. 474. 492. 556. 587. 618. 649. 680. 640. 676. 711. 747. 782. 863. 912. 960. 1,007. 1,056. description type w* w d h pattern no. Antenna C-Leg Tops, 24⬙ Deep For use with 24⬙D C-Leg base 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 33⬙ 39⬙ 45⬙ 51⬙ 57⬙ 63⬙ 69⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YT3324( ) For use with 30⬙D C-Leg base 36⬙ 42⬙ 33⬙ 39⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ For use with 30⬙D C-Leg or T-Leg base 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 45⬙ 51⬙ 57⬙ 63⬙ 69⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 45⬙ 51⬙ 57⬙ 63⬙ 69⬙ Antenna C-Leg and T-Leg Tops, 30⬙ Deep Antenna T-Leg Tops, 36⬙ Deep For use with 30⬙D T-Leg base YT3924( ) YT4524( ) YT5124( ) YT5724( ) YT6324( ) w* = nominal width Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Antenna Tops Antenna Tops Antenna Tops Antenna Tops 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) Top Finish Options: Add an (L) for laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. Example: YT5730L, 118, 118 YT Top 57 Width 30 Depth L Laminate 118 Bright White Laminate 118 Bright White Edge 44 (U[LUUH[VWZHUK^VYRZ\YMHJLZOLS]LZMVY\ZL ^P[O[OL;LTWSH[L:[VYHNL:`Z[LTHYLKLZPNULK [VTH[JO[OLMYVU[LKNLTH[LYPHSWYVMPSLHUK [OPJRULZZVM(U[LUUHKLZRHUK[HISL[VWZ " (U[LUUH^VVK[VWZMVY;LTWSH[LHYLMHZ[LULK [V[OL[VWVMLUKHUKTPKWHULSZ;VWZ]HY` PU^PK[OMYVT IHZLKVU[OLU\TILY VMTPKWHULSZPUHSPURLKJS\Z[LYVM;LTWSH[L \UP[Z;VWZHYLHWWSPJH[PVUZWLJPMPJILJH\ZL ;LTWSH[L[VWZHYLM\SS^PK[OMVYHZPUNSL \UP[HUKHYLZOVY[LYMVYLHJOZOHYLKTPK WHULS^P[OPUT\S[PWSL\UP[JVUMPN\YH[PVUZ -\SS^PK[O[VWZHYLKLLWPU HUK^PK[OZMVYZPUNSL\UP[JHZLZ -VY[^VWVZP[PVUJHZLZ^P[OVULZOHYLKTPK WHULSM\SS^PK[O[VWZHYLH]HPSHISLSLZZ^PKL [OHUUVTPUHS^PK[OZMYVT PUL]LY` PUJYLTLU[-VY[OYLLWVZP[PVUJHZLZ^P[O[^V TPKWHULSZM\SS^PK[O[VWZHYLH]HPSHISLSLZZ [OHUUVTPUHS ^PK[OZPUPUJYLTLU[Z (U[LUUHLUKWVZP[PVU[VWZHYLH]HPSHISL MVYLUKWVZP[PVUZVMT\S[PWSL\UP[;LTWSH[L JVUMPN\YH[PVUZ,UKWVZP[PVU[VWZHYLñ SLZZ[OHUUVTPUHS^PK[OZZVVULLUKVM[OL [VWLUKZPU[OLTPKKSLVMHTPKWHULS-VY TPKWVZP[PVUHWWSPJH[PVUZ^P[OPUT\S[PWSL\UP[ JHZLZ(U[LUUH[VWZHYLH]HPSHISLSLZZ [OHUUVTPUHS^PK[OZ)V[OLUKZVMHTPKKSL WVZP[PVU[VWLUKPU[OLTPKKSLVMTPKWHULSZ Antenna Workspaces ( " >VYRZ\YMHJLZOLS]LZHYLYLX\PYLKHIV]L ;LTWSH[LIV_VYMPSLKYH^LYPUZLY[ZVY ^OLUH[[HJOPUN(U[LUUHKLZR[VWZ [V;LTWSH[LZ[VYHNL\UP[Z(U[LUUH ^VYRZ\YMHJLZOLS]LZTH[JO[OLMYVU[LKNL YHKP\ZHUKTH[LYPHSVM(U[LUUH[VWZ 3HTPUH[L[VWZOH]LHSHTPUH[L[VWZ\YMHJL ^P[OHU-:*JLY[PMPLKWHY[PJSLIVHYKJVYLHUK HUL\[YHS[VULIHJRLYZOLL[MVYIHSHUJLK JVUZ[Y\J[PVU,KNLZJHUTH[JO[OL[VW VYJVU[YHZ[PUJVSVYPUTT():^P[O TTYHKP\Z[VWHUKIV[[VTLKNLZ -YVU[HUKIHJRLKNLZV]LYSHWLUKZ^P[O HTTYHKP\ZVUV\[ZPKLJVYULYZ >VYRZ\YMHJLZOLS]LZHYLH]HPSHISLPU[^V[`WLZ! ZPUNSLZPKLKHUKK\HSZPKLK:PUNSLZPKLK ZOLS]LZHYLKL[HPSLK[VMP[MS\ZO[V[OLMYVU[LKNL VM[OLLUKVYTPKWHULSZ^P[OHIHJRLKNL KPTLUZPVULK[VWYV]PKLH^PYLKYVWVYZWHJL MVYH[HJRHISLPUZLY[PUZPKL[OLIHJRWHULS +\HSZPKLKZOLS]LZMP[MS\ZO[VIV[O[OLMYVU[ HUKIHJRLKNLZVMLUKVYTPKWHULSZ^OPJO JYLH[LZHUVWLUWHZZ[OYV\NO[OL;LTWSH[L\UP[ (JY`SVUP[YPSL)\[HKPLUL:[`YLUL(): PZHWVS`TLY\ZLKHZHUHS[LYUH[P]L[V 7=*HUKY\IILY0[PZWO[OHSH[LMYLL MSHTLYL[HYKHU[OHZOPNOOLH[HUK PTWHJ[YLZPZ[HUJLNVVKWYVJLZZHIPSP[` KPTLUZPVUHSZ[HIPSP[`HUKOPNONSVZZ >VYRZ\YMHJLZOLS]LZHYLH]HPSHISLPUL]LY` PUJYLTLU[VMUVTPUHS^PK[OMYVT WS\ZHUK^PK[OZ(J[\HSV]LYHSS KPTLUZPVUPZSLZZ[OHUUVTPUHS^PK[O -VYZ[HUKHYK;LTWSH[LZOLS]LZ^P[O ;LTWSH[LKLZPNUKL[HPSZZWLJPM`ZOLS]LZ PUTL[HSSHTPUH[LVY]LULLY (U[LUUH[VWZHYLUVTPUHS [OPJR ^P[OSHTPUH[LVY]LULLYZ\YMHJLMPUPZO -\SS>PK[O;VW ,UK;VW,UK;VW >PKL;LTWSH[L<UP[ >PKL;LTWSH[L<UP[ ;LJO^VVKHUKUH[\YHS]LULLY[VWZOH]LH ]LULLY[VWZ\YMHJL^P[OHU-:*JLY[PMPLK WHY[PJSLIVHYKJVYLHUKHUL\[YHS[VUL IHJRLYZOLL[MVYIHSHUJLKJVUZ[Y\J[PVU =LULLY[VWZOH]LTH[JOPUNMPUPZOTT ZVSPK]LULLYLKNLZVUHSSZPKLZ;VWHUK IV[[VTLKNLZOH]LHTTYHKP\Z=LULLY NYHPUKPYLJ[PVUPZWHYHSSLS[VMYVU[LKNL % ;VWZVY^VYRZ\YMHJLZOLSMZ\YMHJLZHYLH]HPSHISL PUHU`2UVSSJVYLSHTPUH[LVY]LULLY-VY SHTPUH[L[VWZHUKZOLS]LZZWLJPM`LKNLIHUK [VTH[JOHU`2UVSSJVYLSHTPUH[L-VY]LULLY [VWZHUKZOLS]LZLKNLT\Z[TH[JO[VW ,UK;VW4PK;VW,UK;VW >PKL;LTWSH[L<UP[ >VYRZ\YMHJL :OLSM ,UK7VZP[PVU(U[LUUH ;VWZMVY;LTWSH[L :\WWVY[ (KHW[LYZ -SH[ )YHJRL[Z :[HY[LY9HPSZ SVUNLY[OHU (U[LUUH[VW^PK[O (U[LUUH ;VW 45 ;LTWSH[L:WPUL:\WWVY[PUN (U[LUUH+LZRZ Tops Antenna Tops and Worksurface Shelves for Template Planning Guidelines and Specifications Antenna Tops and Worksurface Shelves for Template Full Width Tops 15⬙ Deep description type w d h pattern no. Full Width Antenna Tops for Template, Single Unit Cases 24⬙W unit 30⬙W unit 36⬙W unit 42⬙W unit 48⬙W unit 24⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTT24 Full Width Antenna Tops for Template, Double Unit Cases 48⬙W unit 54⬙W unit 60⬙W unit 66⬙W unit 72⬙W unit 78⬙W unit 84⬙W unit 90⬙W unit 96⬙W unit 47⬙ 53⬙ 59⬙ 65⬙ 71⬙ 77⬙ 83⬙ 89⬙ 95⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTT47 YTT53 YTT59 72⬙W unit 78⬙W unit 84⬙W unit 90⬙W unit 96⬙W unit 70⬙ 76⬙ 82⬙ 88⬙ 94⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTT70 YTT76 YTT82 Full Width Antenna Tops for Template, Triple Unit Cases YTT30 YTT36 YTT42 YTT48 YTT65 YTT71 YTT77 YTT83 YTT89 YTT95 YTT88 YTT94 Antenna Workspaces Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $151. 161. 180. 209. 232. $278. 294. 309. 325. 338. $320. 338. 355. 374. 388. $432. 455. 480. 506. 524. 232. 247. 269. 289. 306. 328. 345. 384. 425. 338. 371. 387. 404. 420. 441. 461. 478. 494. 388. 426. 445. 465. 483. 507. 530. 550. 569. 524. 576. 602. 627. 652. 684. 717. 742. 767. 306. 328. 345. 384. 425. 420. 441. 461. 478. 494. 483. 507. 530. 550. 569. 652. 684. 717. 742. 767. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Antenna Tops for Template Antenna Tops for Template Antenna Tops for Template Antenna Tops for Template 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) Top Finish Options: Example: YTT36, 118, 118 YTT Template Tops 36 Width 118 Bright White Top 118 Bright White Edge Add an (L) for laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. 46 Antenna Tops and Worksurface Shelves for Template End and Mid Position Tops 15⬙ Deep type w d h pattern no. End Position Antenna Tops for Single Template Units 18⬙W unit 24⬙W unit 30⬙W unit 36⬙W unit 42⬙W unit 48⬙W unit 17 1/2⬙ 23 1/2⬙ 29 1/2⬙ 35 1/2⬙ 41 1/2⬙ 47 1/2⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTTE18 End Position Antenna Tops for Multiple Template Units (2) 30⬙W units 30⬙W + 36⬙W units 36⬙W + 42⬙W units (2) 42⬙W units (3) 30⬙W units 42⬙W + 48⬙W units (2) 48⬙W units 58 1/2⬙ 64 1/2⬙ 76 1/2⬙ 82 1/2⬙ 85 1/2⬙ 88 1/2⬙ 94 1/2⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTTE60 YTTE66 YTTE78 YTTE84 24⬙W unit 30⬙W unit 36⬙W unit 42⬙W unit 48⬙W unit 23⬙ 29⬙ 35⬙ 41⬙ 47⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTTM23 Mid Position Antenna Tops for Template YTTE24 YTTE30 YTTE36 YTTE42 YTTE48 YTTE87 YTTE90 YTTE96 YTTM29 YTTM35 YTTM41 YTTM47 Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $144. 151. 161. 180. 209. 232. $263. 278. 294. 309. 325. 338. $302. 320. 338. 355. 374. 388. $408. 432. 455. 480. 506. 524. 269. 289. 328. 345. 365. 384. 425. 387. 404. 441. 461. 470. 478. 494. 445. 465. 507. 530. 540. 550. 569. 602. 627. 684. 717. 730. 742. 767. 151. 161. 180. 209. 232. 278. 294. 309. 325. 338. 320. 338. 355. 374. 388. 432. 455. 480. 506. 524. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Antenna Tops for Template Antenna Tops for Template Antenna Tops for Template Antenna Tops for Template 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) Top Finish Options: Example: YTTE36, 118, 118 YTTE Template Tops 36 Width 118 Bright White Top 118 Bright White Edge Add an (L) for laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. 47 Tops description Antenna Workspaces Antenna Tops and Worksurface Shelves for Template Worksurface Shelves Single and Dual Sided description type w d h pattern no. Antenna Worksurface Shelves for Template, Single-Sided 18⬙W unit 24⬙W unit 30⬙W unit 36⬙W unit 42⬙W unit 48⬙W unit 60⬙W unit 72⬙W unit 16⬙ 22⬙ 28⬙ 34⬙ 40⬙ 46⬙ 57⬙ 69⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTWSHK118 18⬙W unit 24⬙W unit 30⬙W unit 36⬙W unit 42⬙W unit 48⬙W unit 72⬙W unit 72⬙W unit 16⬙ 22⬙ 28⬙ 34⬙ 40⬙ 46⬙ 57⬙ 69⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YTWSHK218 YTWSHK224 YTWSHK230 Antenna Worksurface Shelves for Template, Dual-Sided YTWSHK124 YTWSHK130 YTWSHK136 YTWSHK142 YTWSHK148 YTWSHK160 YTWSHK172 YTWSHK236 YTWSHK242 YTWSHK248 YTWSHK260 YTWSHK272 Antenna Workspaces Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $206. 213. 222. 242. 271. 294. 331. 368. $335. 350. 366. 381. 398. 410. 480. 492. $385. 403. 420. 439. 457. 472. 552. 567. $520. 544. 568. 591. 617. 637. 745. 764. 206. 213. 222. 242. 271. 294. 331. 368. 335. 350. 366. 381. 398. 410. 480. 492. 385. 403. 420. 439. 457. 472. 552. 567. 520. 544. 568. 591. 617. 637. 745. 764. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Antenna Tops for Template Antenna Tops for Template Antenna Tops for Template Antenna Tops for Template 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) Top Finish Options: Example: YTWSHK136, 118, 118 YTWSHK Worksurface Shelf 36 Width 118 Bright White Top 118 Bright White Edge Add an (L) for laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. 48 Overlay Tops Planning Guidelines 6]LYSH`[VWZMVYTVZ[KLZRHUK[HISL HWWSPJH[PVUZHYLM\SSKPTLUZPVU HUKKLW[OZHUKH]HPSHISL PUL]LY`PUJYLTLU[VM^PK[OMYVT KLLW[VWZHYLMVYYL[\YUVYIYPKNL HWWSPJH[PVUZ6]LYSH`[VWZJHUILWSHUULK HZ[HISLZKLZRZYL[\YUZVYIYPKNLZ -VYILUJOPUNHUKKLZRZWSHUULKLUK[V LUKHUKIPN[HISLHWWSPJH[PVUZV]LYSH` ILUJOPUN[VWZHYLH]HPSHISLHUK KLLWHUKPU^PK[OZMYVT6]LYSH` ILUJOPUN[VWZOH]LYLJ[HUN\SHYJVYULYZ VW[PTPaLKMVYLUK[VLUKWSHUUPUN -VYIPN[HISLHWWSPJH[PVUZV]LYSH`[VWZ^P[O OPUNLKHJJLZZPUJS\KLHM\SS^PK[OêKLLW OPUNLKZLJ[PVUMVYLHZ`HJJLZZ[VV\[SL[Z HUK^PYLTHUHNLTLU[ILSV^[OLJLU[LY ILHT/PUNLKHJJLZZV]LYSH`[VWZHYL H]HPSHISLPUHUKV]LYHSSKLW[OZ HUK^PK[OZMYVTPUPUJYLTLU[Z ,_[LUZPVU[VWZWSHUH[[OLLUKVMHKLZRVY IPN[HISL6]LYSH`L_[LUZPVU[VWZHYL^PKL HUKTH[JOKLZRZVYKLLW 6]LYSH`L_[LUZPVU[VWZMVYIPN[HISLZHYL ^PKLHUKTH[JOV]LYHSSIPN[HISLKLW[OZVM ñ ñHUKñ,_[LUZPVU[VWZ JHUILWSHUULKPU[OLZHTLVYJVU[YHZ[PUN Z\YMHJLMPUPZOHZHKQHJLU[SHTPUH[LVY]LULLY [VWZ+LZRHUKIPN[HISLJVUULJ[VYRP[Z HUKYHPSZ^PKLY[OHUHKQHJLU[[VWHYL ULLKLKMVYL_[LUZPVU[VWHWWSPJH[PVUZ ;LJO^VVKHUKUH[\YHS]LULLY[VWZOH]LH ]LULLY[VWZ\YMHJLHU-:*JLY[PMPLKWHY[PJSL IVHYKJVYLHUKHUL\[YHS[VULIHJRLYZOLL[MVY IHSHUJLKJVUZ[Y\J[PVU,KNLZHYLZVSPKTT ]LULLY^P[OHTT[VWYHKP\ZHUK TT IV[[VTYHKP\Z)V[[VTYHKP\ZPZVUS`TT VULUKZVMILUJOPUNIPN[HISL[VWZHUKPUZPKL LKNLVML_[LUZPVU[VWZ6\[ZPKLJVYULYZVM 6]LYSH`[VWZOH]LHUTTYHKP\ZL_JLW[MVY JYPZWTTJVYULYZVUILUJOPUN[VWZIPN [HISL[VWZHUKPUZPKLJVYULYZVML_[LUZPVU[VWZ 6]LYSH`[VWZHYLUVTPUHS [OPJR^P[O HSHTPUH[LVY]LULLYZ\YMHJLMPUPZO =LULLYNYHPUKPYLJ[PVUPZWHYHSSLS[VMYVU[ LKNLVUKLZR[VWZHUKWHYHSSLS[V[OLLUK VUL_[LUZPVU[VWZ 3HTPUH[L[VWZOH]LHZVSPKJVYLSHTPUH[LVY ]LULLY[VWZ\YMHJLHU-:*JLY[PMPLKWHY[PJSL IVHYKJVYLHUKHUL\[YHS[VULIHJRLYZOLL[MVY IHSHUJLKJVUZ[Y\J[PVU:VSPKJVYLSHTPUH[LZ OH]LPU[LNYHSJVSVY[OYV\NOV\[[OL[OPJRULZZ VM[OLSHTPUH[L,KNLZHYLZVSPKTT ]LULLY^P[OHTT[VWYHKP\ZHUK TT IV[[VTYHKP\Z6\[ZPKLJVYULYZVM6]LYSH`[VWZ OH]LHUTTYHKP\ZL_JLW[MVYJYPZWTT JVYULYZVUILUJOPUN[VWZIPN[HISL[VWZHUK VU[OLPUZPKLJVYULYZVML_[LUZPVU[VWZ (SS[VWZOH]LWPSV[OVSLZMVY[OLTVZ[JVTTVU TV\U[PUNJVUKP[PVUZMVYKLZRSLNZHUKYL[\YU JVUULJ[PVUZ!SLNZPUZL[ñVYñMYVT [OLIV[OLUKZVM[VW 6]LYSH`;VW % ;VWZ\YMHJLPZH]HPSHISLPUHSPTP[LKYHUNLVM ZVSPKJVYLSHTPUH[LZVYPUHU`2UVSSJVYL]LULLY -VYIV[OZVSPKJVYLSHTPUH[LHUK]LULLY ZWLJPM`LKNLIHUKPUHU`2UVSSJVYL]LULLY 6]LYSH`;VW,KNL,SL]H[PVU 49 Tops 6]LYSH`[VWZHYLKLZPNULKPUYLJ[HUN\SHYZOHWLZ ^P[OZWLJPMPJKL[HPSZVW[PTPaLKMVYKLZRZ[HISLZ ILUJOPUNVYIPN[HISLHWWSPJH[PVUZ;OLSHTPUH[L VY]LULLY[VWZ\YMHJLVMV]LYSH`[VWZJV]LYZ [OLLU[PYLZ\YMHJLV]LYSHWWPUNZVSPK]LULLY LKNLZ^P[OHNLULYV\ZIV[[VTLKNLYHKP\Z Antenna Workspaces Overlay Tops for Desks 18⬙ and 24⬙ Deep Rectangular description w d h pattern no. Overlay Desk Tops, 18⬙ Deep Rectangular 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 96⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YP3018 YP3618 YP4218 YP4818 YP5418 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 96⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YP3024 YP3624 YP4224 Overlay Desk Tops, 24⬙ Deep Rectangular Antenna Workspaces Color Core Laminate (C) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $880. 921. 967. 1,020. 1,061. 1,148. 1,200. 1,241. 1,288. 1,340. 1,381. 1,433. $861. 877. 894. 920. 935. 1,002. 1,027. 1,042. 1,060. 1,084. 1,100. 1,125. $914. 936. 960. 993. 1,016. 1,088. 1,120. 1,142. 1,165. 1,197. 1,220. 1,250. $966. 1,000. 1,034. 1,078. 1,112. 1,195. 1,237. 1,271. 1,306. 1,348. 1,382. 1,424. 938. 1,005. 1,061. 1,115. 1,177. 1,274. 1,335. 1,396. 1,456. 1,512. 1,602. 1,656. 879. 906. 926. 945. 971. 1,041. 1,068. 1,088. 1,114. 1,133. 1,194. 1,213. 939. 975. 1,003. 1,030. 1,064. 1,142. 1,177. 1,205. 1,239. 1,267. 1,336. 1,363. 1,011. 1,062. 1,106. 1,147. 1,196. 1,291. 1,340. 1,384. 1,433. 1,477. 1,560. 1,604. YP6018 YP6618 YP7218 YP7818 YP8418 YP9018 YP9618 YP4824 YP5424 YP6024 YP6624 YP7224 YP7824 YP8424 YP9024 YP9624 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Overlay Desk Tops Overlay Desk Tops Overlay Desk Tops Overlay Desk Tops 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) Top Finish Options: Example: YP7824, 311, V440 YT Table 78 Width 24 Depth 311 Solid Gallery White Top V440 Natural Hemlock Edge Add a (C) for color core laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. 50 Overlay Tops for Desks 27⬙ and 30⬙ Deep Rectangular w d h pattern no. Overlay Desk Tops, 27⬙ Deep Rectangular 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 90⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YP3027 YP3627 YP4227 YP4827 YP5427 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 96⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YP3030 YP3630 YP4230 Overlay Desk Tops, 30⬙ Deep Rectangular Color Core Laminate (C) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $992. 1,052. 1,135. 1,201. 1,261. 1,354. 1,414. 1,479. 1,545. 1,610. 1,694. 1,754. $909. 930. 973. 1,001. 1,022. 1,078. 1,098. 1,119. 1,146. 1,168. 1,218. 1,238. $975. 1,004. 1,057. 1,093. 1,123. 1,188. 1,216. 1,245. 1,282. 1,312. 1,371. 1,401. $1,056. 1,103. 1,173. 1,226. 1,273. 1,357. 1,401. 1,449. 1,504. 1,552. 1,627. 1,674. 1,024. 1,102. 1,173. 1,242. 1,318. 1,406. 1,481. 1,550. 1,621. 1,690. 1,797. 1,861. 921. 954. 983. 1,004. 1,034. 1,084. 1,113. 1,135. 1,164. 1,187. 1,254. 1,275. 991. 1,034. 1,072. 1,103. 1,142. 1,201. 1,240. 1,272. 1,310. 1,342. 1,418. 1,449. 1,083. 1,145. 1,203. 1,251. 1,310. 1,388. 1,448. 1,499. 1,557. 1,609. 1,705. 1,755. YP6027 YP6627 YP7227 YP7827 YP8427 YP9027 YP9627 YP4830 YP5430 YP6030 YP6630 YP7230 YP7830 YP8430 YP9030 YP9630 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Overlay Desk Tops Overlay Desk Tops Overlay Desk Tops Overlay Desk Tops 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) Top Finish Options: Example: YP7827, 311, V440 YT Table 78 Width 27 Depth 311 Solid Gallery White Top V440 Natural Hemlock Edge Add a (C) for color core laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. 51 Tops description Antenna Workspaces Overlay Tops for Desks 36⬙, 42⬙ and 48⬙ Deep Rectangular Antenna Workspaces Color Core Laminate (C) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $954. 986. 1,009. 1,042. 1,074. 1,127. 1,159. 1,182. 1,207. 1,232. 1,290. 1,314. $1,034. 1,076. 1,111. 1,155. 1,197. 1,261. 1,304. 1,339. 1,374. 1,410. 1,478. 1,514. $1,145. 1,210. 1,268. 1,336. 1,402. 1,490. 1,556. 1,616. 1,674. 1,735. 1,826. 1,887. description w d h pattern no. Overlay Desk Tops, 36⬙ Deep Rectangular 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 96⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YP3036 YP3636 YP4236 YP4836 YP5436 YP9636 $1,102. 1,188. 1,266. 1,351. 1,436. 1,542. 1,626. 1,706. 1,784. 1,863. 1,969. 2,053. Overlay Desk Tops, 42⬙ Deep Rectangular 42⬙ 84⬙ 42⬙ 42⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YP4242 YP8442 1,368. 2,053. 1,051. 1,277. 1,164. 1,478. 1,349. 1,860. Overlay Desk Tops, 48⬙ Deep Rectangular 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 96⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YP3048 YP3648 YP4248 YP4848 YP5448 YP6048 1,251. 1,361. 1,469. 1,595. 1,697. 1,829. 1,931. 2,033. 2,135. 2,242. 2,371. 2,474. 1,016. 1,054. 1,091. 1,118. 1,146. 1,204. 1,233. 1,263. 1,292. 1,323. 1,385. 1,415. 1,114. 1,166. 1,216. 1,258. 1,300. 1,372. 1,414. 1,457. 1,501. 1,545. 1,621. 1,666. 1,263. 1,347. 1,430. 1,504. 1,578. 1,682. 1,756. 1,833. 1,908. 1,985. 2,093. 2,170. YP6036 YP6636 YP7236 YP7836 YP8436 YP9036 YP6648 YP7248 YP7848 YP8448 YP9048 YP9648 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Overlay Desk Tops Overlay Desk Tops Overlay Desk Tops Overlay Desk Tops 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) Top Finish Options: Example: YP7836, 311, V440 YT Table 78 Width 36 Depth 311 Solid Gallery White Top V440 Natural Hemlock Edge Add a (C) for color core laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. 52 Overlay Benching Tops for Desks and Big Tables 18⬙, 24⬙ and 27⬙ Deep Rectangular w d h pattern no. Overlay Benching Tops, 18⬙ Deep Rectangular 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YPB4818 YPB5418 YPB6018 YPB6618 YPB7218 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 96⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YPB3024 YPB3624 YPB4224 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 96⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YPB3027 YPB3627 YPB4227 YPB4827 YPB5427 Overlay Benching Tops, 24⬙ Deep Rectangular Overlay Benching Tops, 27⬙ Deep Rectangular YPB7818 YPB8418 YPB4824 YPB5424 YPB6024 YPB6624 YPB7224 YPB7824 YPB8424 YPB9024 YPB9624 YPB6027 YPB6627 YPB7227 YPB7827 YPB8427 YPB9027 YPB9627 Color Core Laminate (C) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $1,000. 1,050. 1,100. 1,175. 1,250. 1,325. 1,400. $771. 790. 850. 877. 897. 916. 942. $887. 909. 978. 1,008. 1,031. 1,053. 1,083. $1,064. 1,091. 1,174. 1,210. 1,237. 1,264. 1,300. 858. 926. 981. 1,036. 1,098. 1,194. 1,256. 1,315. 1,377. 1,433. 1,521. 1,577. 788. 817. 835. 855. 881. 951. 977. 997. 1,024. 1,043. 1,104. 1,123. 842. 878. 905. 932. 966. 1,044. 1,078. 1,107. 1,141. 1,169. 1,237. 1,265. 953. 1,003. 1,048. 1,089. 1,137. 1,232. 1,281. 1,326. 1,375. 1,418. 1,502. 1,546. 908. 987. 1,052. 1,118. 1,177. 1,271. 1,331. 1,396. 1,462. 1,526. 1,611. 1,671. 816. 859. 880. 907. 928. 985. 1,004. 1,025. 1,053. 1,074. 1,125. 1,144. 872. 925. 955. 991. 1,020. 1,086. 1,113. 1,143. 1,180. 1,210. 1,269. 1,298. 997. 1,067. 1,114. 1,167. 1,214. 1,298. 1,342. 1,391. 1,445. 1,492. 1,568. 1,615. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Overlay Benching Tops Overlay Benching Tops Overlay Benching Tops Overlay Benching Tops 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) Top Finish Options: Example: YPB7824, 311, V440 YPB Table 78 Width 24 Depth 311 Solid Gallery White Top V440 Natural Hemlock Edge Add a (C) for color core laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. 53 Tops description Antenna Workspaces Overlay Benching Tops for Desks and Big Tables 30⬙ and 36⬙ Deep Rectangular description w d h pattern no. Overlay Benching Tops, 30⬙ Deep Rectangular 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 96⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YPB3030 YPB3630 YPB4230 YPB4830 YPB5430 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 96⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YPB3036 YPB3636 YPB4236 Overlay Benching Tops, 36⬙ Deep Rectangular YPB6030 YPB6630 YPB7230 YPB7830 YPB8430 YPB9030 YPB9630 YPB4836 YPB5436 YPB6036 YPB6636 YPB7236 YPB7836 YPB8436 YPB9036 YPB9636 Antenna Workspaces Color Core Laminate (C) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $937. 1,016. 1,087. 1,156. 1,232. 1,318. 1,395. 1,464. 1,535. 1,604. 1,710. 1,775. $824. 857. 886. 907. 937. 987. 1,016. 1,038. 1,067. 1,089. 1,157. 1,177. $885. 927. 966. 996. 1,035. 1,094. 1,133. 1,165. 1,203. 1,235. 1,311. 1,342. $1,023. 1,086. 1,144. 1,193. 1,251. 1,330. 1,388. 1,440. 1,498. 1,549. 1,646. 1,696. 1,008. 1,094. 1,172. 1,220. 1,303. 1,406. 1,533. 1,565. 1,641. 1,717. 1,876. 1,958. 850. 882. 905. 911. 942. 993. 1,055. 1,048. 1,071. 1,095. 1,186. 1,211. 919. 961. 995. 1,009. 1,050. 1,112. 1,188. 1,188. 1,222. 1,256. 1,363. 1,399. 1,085. 1,151. 1,208. 1,239. 1,303. 1,389. 1,497. 1,511. 1,567. 1,626. 1,766. 1,827. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Overlay Benching Tops Overlay Benching Tops Overlay Benching Tops Overlay Benching Tops 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) Top Finish Options: Example: YPB7830, 311, V440 YPB Table 78 Width 30 Depth 311 Solid Gallery White Top V440 Natural Hemlock Edge Add a (C) for color core laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. 54 Overlay Hinged Access Tops for Big Tables 18⬙, 24⬙ and 27⬙ Deep Rectangular w d h pattern no. Overlay Big Table Tops, 18⬙ Deep Rectangular with Hinged Access 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YPH4818 YPH5418 YPH6018 YPH6618 YPH7218 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YPH4824 YPH5424 YPH6024 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YPH4827 YPH5427 YPH6027 YPH6627 Overlay Big Table Tops, 24⬙ Deep Rectangular with Hinged Access Overlay Big Table Tops, 27⬙ Deep Rectangular with Hinged Access YPH7818 YPH8418 YPH6624 YPH7224 YPH7824 YPH8424 YPH7227 YPH7827 YPH8427 Color Core Laminate (C) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $1,400. 1,450. 1,500. 1,575. 1,650. 1,725. 1,800. $1,071. 1,090. 1,150. 1,177. 1,197. 1,216. 1,242. $1,187. 1,209. 1,278. 1,308. 1,331. 1,353. 1,383. $1,364. 1,391. 1,474. 1,510. 1,537. 1,564. 1,600. 1,451. 1,516. 1,626. 1,686. 1,775. 1,847. 1,902. 1,170. 1,195. 1,282. 1,307. 1,357. 1,381. 1,398. 1,238. 1,269. 1,363. 1,396. 1,452. 1,483. 1,507. 1,437. 1,487. 1,602. 1,656. 1,732. 1,784. 1,829. 1,499. 1,574. 1,701. 1,770. 1,860. 1,935. 2,001. 1,201. 1,218. 1,315. 1,333. 1,384. 1,410. 1,428. 1,274. 1,299. 1,404. 1,430. 1,488. 1,522. 1,547. 1,492. 1,540. 1,668. 1,717. 1,797. 1,854. 1,900. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Overlay Big Table Tops Overlay Big Table Tops Overlay Big Table Tops Overlay Big Table Tops 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) 4. Paint Finish Top Finish Options: Example: YPH7824, 311, V440, Add a (C) for color core laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. 118T YTH 78 24 311 V440 118T Table Width Depth Solid Gallery White Top Natural Hemlock Edge Bright White Paint 55 Tops description Antenna Workspaces Overlay Hinged Access Tops for Big Tables 30⬙ and 36⬙ Deep Rectangular description w d h pattern no. Overlay Big Table Tops, 30⬙ Deep Rectangular with Hinged Access 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YPH4830 YPH5430 YPH6030 YPH6630 YPH7230 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YPH4836 YPH5436 YPH6036 Overlay Big Table Tops, 36⬙ Deep Rectangular with Hinged Access YPH7830 YPH8430 YPH6636 YPH7236 YPH7836 YPH8436 Antenna Workspaces Color Core Laminate (C) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $1,586. 1,660. 1,761. 1,835. 1,924. 2,010. 2,074. $1,235. 1,262. 1,318. 1,345. 1,398. 1,418. 1,444. $1,313. 1,349. 1,414. 1,448. 1,510. 1,539. 1,574. $1,552. 1,613. 1,703. 1,767. 1,847. 1,892. 1,961. 1,681. 1,766. 1,872. 1,956. 2,036. 2,114. 2,193. 1,372. 1,404. 1,457. 1,489. 1,512. 1,537. 1,562. 1,485. 1,527. 1,591. 1,634. 1,669. 1,704. 1,740. 1,666. 1,732. 1,820. 1,886. 1,946. 2,004. 2,065. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Overlay Big Table Tops Overlay Big Table Tops Overlay Big Table Tops Overlay Big Table Tops 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) 4. Paint Finish Top Finish Options: Example: YPH7830, 311, V440, Add a (C) for color core laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. 118T YTH 78 30 311 V440 118T Table Width Depth Solid Gallery White Top Natural Hemlock Edge Bright White Paint 56 Overlay Extension Tops for Desks and Big Tables 15⬙ Wide Rectangular description type w d h Color Core Laminate pattern no. (C) Overlay Desk Extension Tops, 15⬙ Wide Rectangular For use with 24⬙ deep desk tops For use with 27⬙ deep desk tops For use with 30⬙ deep desk tops For use with 36⬙ deep desk tops 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ Overlay Back to Back Desk Extension Tops, 15⬙ For use with 18⬙ deep back to back tops Wide Rectangular For use with 24⬙ deep back to back tops For use with 27⬙ deep back to back tops For use with 30⬙ deep back to back tops For use with 36⬙ deep back to back tops 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 39 3/4⬙ 51 3/4⬙ 57 3/4⬙ 63 3/4⬙ 75 3/4⬙ Overlay Dual Sided Big Table Extension Tops, 15⬙ Wide Rectangular 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 41 1/2⬙ 53 1/2⬙ 59 1/2⬙ 65 1/2⬙ 77 1/2⬙ For use with 18⬙ deep dual big table tops For use with 24⬙ deep dual big table tops For use with 27⬙ deep dual big table tops For use with 30⬙ deep dual big table tops For use with 36⬙ deep dual big table tops V2 (V) V3 (V) YPE1524 YPE1527 YPE1530 YPE1536 $856. $701. $741. 877. 709. 750. 901. 719. 762. 948. 731. 780. $794. 811. 829. 861. 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YPE1539 YPE1552 YPE1558 YPE1564 YPE1576 983. 1,090. 1,134. 1,174. 1,200. 750. 779. 795. 806. 829. 800. 930. 842. 960. 862. 995. 880. 1,025. 893. 1,050. 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ YPE1541 YPE1553 YPE1559 YPE1565 983. 1,090. 1,134. 1,174. 1,200. 750. 779. 795. 806. 829. 800. 930. 842. 960. 862. 995. 880. 1,025. 893. 1,050. YPE1577 V1 (V) Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Overlay Extension Tops Overlay Extension Tops Overlay Extension Tops Overlay Extension Tops 1. Pattern Number 2. Top Finish 3. Edge Finish (for laminate tops only) Top Finish Options: Example: YPE1559, 311, V440 YP Table E Extension 78 Width 30 Depth 311 Solid Gallery White Top V440 Natural Hemlock Edge Add a (C) for color core laminate or (V) for veneer suffix to pattern number. 57 Tops Antenna Workspaces Desks and Tables Planning Guidelines (U[LUUHKLZRZYL[\YUZIYPKNLZHUK[HISLZ OH]LHZPTWSLZ[Y\J[\YL![VWZHYLZ\WWVY[LK I`HJVTIPUH[PVUVMYHPSZHUKSLNZ(SS JHUILZWLJPMPLKHZJVTWSL[LRP[ZVYI` JVTIPUPUNHML^IHZPJJVTWVULU[Z +LZRZHYLHZZLTISLKMYVTH[VWZ[HY[LYYHPSZ HUK[^VJVYYLZWVUKPUNKLW[OKLZRLUKSLNZ :[HY[LYYHPSZHYLPUZL[ñMYVTLHJOLUKVM [OL[VWHUKLUKSLNZHYLPUZL[ñMYVTMYVU[ HUKIHJRLKNLZVM[VW+LZRLUKSLNZHYLHU PU]LY[LK<ZOHWL[OH[JVUULJ[Z[V[OL\UKLYZPKL VM[OLYHPSZH[HU`WVPU[^P[OPUZ[HIPSP[`N\PKLSPULZ +LZRZJHUILHZZLTISLK^P[O[VWZ\W[V KLLWZ[HY[LYYHPSZHUKKLZRLUKSLNZ+LZR LUKSLNZHYLKPMMLYLU[MYVT[HISLKLZRLUK SLNZ^OPJOHYL\ZLKMVYZ[HUKHSVUL[HISLZ <USPRLKLZRLUKSLNZ[OH[H[[HJO[V[OL \UKLYZPKLVMYHPSZ[HISLKLZRLUKSLNZJHW[\YL [OLLUKVM[OLYHPSZ:[HY[LYYHPSZ^P[OV\[LUK JHWZZOV\SKILZWLJPMPLKMVYZ[HUKHSVUL [HISLKLZRZILJH\ZL[OL[HISLKLZRSLNZ JV]LY[OLLUKZVM[OLYHPSZZVLUKJHWZHYL UV[ULLKLK;HISLKLZRLUKSLNZJHUVUS`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ntenna Workspaces Z[HY[LYYHPSZ[OH[HYL^PKLY[OHU[OL HKQHJLU[[VW9L[\YUZ^P[OL_[LUZPVU[VWZ VYJHIPUL[ZYLX\PYLYL[\YUYHPSZ^PKLY [OHUYL[\YU[VW^PK[O;OLKLZRLUKSLNPZ WVZP[PVULK^OLYL[OL[VWHUKJHIPUL[TLL[ ;VWZWSHUULKLUK[VLUKJHUZOHYLHKLZR LUKSLN^OLYL[OL[VWZTLL[I\[YLX\PYLVUL ZL[VMZ[HY[LYYHPSZHUKVULZL[VML_[LUKLK YHPSZ^OPJOHYL^PKLY[OHU[OL[VW )HJR[VIHJRKLZR[VWZJHUILZ\WWVY[LK I`[^VZL[ZVMZ[HY[LYYHPSZHUKIHJR[V IHJRLUKSLNZ+LZPNULK[VJYLH[LHê ZWHJLIL[^LLU[OLIHJR[VIHJR[VWZMVY HKLZRTV\U[LKZJYLLUHUK^PYLKYVWZVU LHJOZPKLIHJR[VIHJRLUKSLNZHYLPUZL[ ñMYVT[OLMYVU[LKNLZVM[OL[VWZ ;HISL+LZR,UK,SL]H[PVU +LZR,UK,SL]H[PVU Dual Sided Big Tables Planning Guidelines ,UK[VLUKIPN[HISL[VWZHYLZ\WWVY[LKI` [^VWHPYZVML_[LUKLKYHPSZHUHKKP[PVUHS JLU[LYILHTHUKHUHKKP[PVUHSPU[LYTLKPH[L SLNMVYLHJOHKKP[PVUHSWHPYVM[VWZ )PN[HISLZ^P[OL_[LUZPVU[VWZVYKLZRL_[LUZPVU JHIPUL[ZYLX\PYLZ[HY[LYYHPSZVYL_[LUKLKYHPSZ ^PKLY[OHU[OLHKQHJLU[[VWZ;OLLUK SLNPZWVZP[PVULK^OLYL[OL[VWHUKJHIPUL[ TLL[*LU[LYILHTTH[JOLZ[OL[VW^PK[O ,UKSLNZHUKPU[LYTLKPH[LSLNZMVYK\HSZPKLKIPN [HISLZ^P[OVYKLLW[VWZHYLHS^H`Z ñKLLW3LNZHYLPUZL[ñMYVTMYVU[LKNL VM+[VWZñMYVTMYVU[LKNLVM+ [VWZHUKñMYVTMYVU[VM+[VWZ+\HS ZPKLKIPN[HISLLUKHUKPU[LYTLKPH[LSLNZMVY KLLW[VWZHYLñKLLWHUKPUZL[ñ MYVT[OLMYVU[LKNLZVMKLLW[VWZ,UKSLNZ HUKPU[LYTLKPH[LSLNZMVYK\HSZPKLKIPN[HISLZ ^P[OKLLW[VWZHYLñKLLWHUKPUZL[ ñMYVTMYVU[LKNLZVMKLLW[VWZ-VY KLLWK\HSZPKLKIPN[HISLZ^P[O[VWZ^PKLY [OHUHUHKKP[PVUHSTPKZWHUZ\WWVY[MVY[OL JLU[LYILHTT\Z[ILZWLJPMPLKZLWHYH[LS`,UK SLNZJHUILWVZP[PVULK\W[VPUMYVTLUKZ VMHIPN[HISLHUKPU[LYTLKPH[LSLNZT\Z[IL TV\U[LKKPYLJ[S`\UKLY[OLQVPU[VM[^V[VWZ 0UZL[PU[LYTLKPH[LSLNZVMMLYTVYLRULL ZWHJL[OHUZ[HUKHYKPU[LYTLKPH[LSLNZ0UZL[ SLNZHYLVUS`ñKLLWZVHYLYLJLZZLK MYVTMYVU[LKNLVM+[VWZMYVT MYVU[LKNLVM+[VWZHUKMYVTMYVU[ VM+[VWZ0UZL[PU[LYTLKPH[LSLNZMVY KLLWK\HSZPKLKIPN[HISLZHYLñ KLLWHUKYLJLZZLKMYVTMYVU[LKNL VM[VW;OLYLHYLUVPUZL[PU[LYTLKPH[L SLNZH]HPSHISLMVYKLLWIPN[HISLZ 9L[\YUZJHUILH[[HJOLKHU`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esk and Table Support +\HSZPKLKIPN[HISLZHYLJVTWYPZLKVM IHJR[VIHJR[VWZ^P[O[^VZL[ZVMZ[HY[LY YHPSZLX\HS[V[OL^PK[OVM[OL[VWZHUKH JLU[LYILHTIL[^LLU^OPJOZWHUHJYVZZ [^VLUKSLNZMVYK\HSZPKLKIPN[HISLZ;OL JLU[LYILHTHUKZ[HY[LYYHPSZJVYYLZWVUK PU^PK[O[V[OL[VWZVULP[OLYZPKL Antenna Workspaces Single Sided Big Tables Planning Guidelines :PUNSLZPKLKM\SSIHJRIPN[HISLZPUJS\KLH [VW^P[OZ[HY[LYYHPSZHñ¹IHJR[VW^P[O Z[HY[LYYHPSHUKHJLU[LYILHTIL[^LLU^OPJO ZWHUZHJYVZZ[^VLUKSLNZ;OLJLU[LYILHT HUKZ[HY[LYYHPSZJVYYLZWVUKPU^PK[O[V[OL [VWZVULP[OLYZPKLVM[OLJLU[LYILHT (KQHJLU[IPN[HISL[VWZHYLZ\WWVY[LKI` HWHPYVML_[LUKLKYHPSZWS\ZVULZ[HY[LY YHPSMVY[OLIHJR[VWHUV[OLYJLU[LYILHT HUKHUHKKP[PVUHSPU[LYTLKPH[LSLN )PN[HISLZ^P[OL_[LUZPVU[VWZYLX\PYL Z[HY[LYYHPSZVYL_[LUKLKYHPSZ¹^PKLY [OHU[OLHKQHJLU[[VWZ;OLLUKSLNPZ WVZP[PVULK^OLYL[OL[VWHUKJHIPUL[TLL[ 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Starter Rails with End Caps (pair) For 36⬙ Wide Desk For 42⬙ Wide Desk For 48⬙ Wide Desk For 54⬙ Wide Desk For 60⬙ Wide Desk For 66⬙ Wide Desk For 72⬙ Wide Desk For 78⬙ Wide Desk For 84⬙ Wide Desk For 90⬙ Wide Desk For 96⬙ Wide Desk 33⬙ 39⬙ 45⬙ 51⬙ 57⬙ 63⬙ 69⬙ 75⬙ 81⬙ 87⬙ 93⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ YBRS33 YBRS39 For 36⬙ Wide Desk For 42⬙ Wide Desk For 48⬙ Wide Desk For 54⬙ Wide Desk For 60⬙ Wide Desk For 66⬙ Wide Desk For 72⬙ Wide Desk For 78⬙ Wide Desk For 84⬙ Wide Desk For 90⬙ Wide Desk For 96⬙ Wide Desk 33⬙ 39⬙ 45⬙ 51⬙ 57⬙ 63⬙ 69⬙ 75⬙ 81⬙ 87⬙ 93⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ YBRT33 For 36⬙ Wide Desk For 42⬙ Wide Desk For 48⬙ Wide Desk For 54⬙ Wide Desk For 60⬙ Wide Desk For 66⬙ Wide Desk For 72⬙ Wide Desk For 78⬙ Wide Desk For 84⬙ Wide Desk For 90⬙ Wide Desk For 96⬙ Wide Desk 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 96⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ YBRE36 YBRE42 YBRE48 YBRE54 Starter Rails without End Caps, For Use with Table Desks (pair) Extended Rails (pair) YBRS45 YBRS51 YBRS57 YBRS63 YBRS69 YBRS75 YBRS81 YBRS87 YBRS93 YBRT39 YBRT45 YBRT51 YBRT57 YBRT63 YBRT69 YBRT75 YBRT81 YBRT87 YBRT93 YBRE60 YBRE66 YBRE72 YBRE78 YBRE84 YBRE90 YBRE96 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Rails Rails Starter Rails Rails 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Spacers End Caps (not included with Table Desk rails) Example: YBRS63, 118T YBR Rails S Starter 63 Width 118T Bright White Paint Extended Rails Spacers Flat Brackets 65 list $95. 113. 124. 159. 162. 166. 170. 173. 269. 273. 275. 82. 90. 111. 146. 149. 153. 157. 160. 256. 260. 262. 75. 94. 136. 139. 143. 146. 150. 246. 249. 253. 258. Desk and Table Support description Starter and Extended Rails Rail Singles for Single Sided Big Tables Antenna Workspaces description type w d h pattern no. list Single Starter Rails for Single Sided Big Tables For 48⬙ Wide Desk For 54⬙ Wide Desk For 60⬙ Wide Desk For 66⬙ Wide Desk For 72⬙ Wide Desk For 78⬙ Wide Desk For 84⬙ Wide Desk For 90⬙ Wide Desk For 96⬙ Wide Desk 45⬙ 51⬙ 57⬙ 63⬙ 69⬙ 75⬙ 81⬙ 87⬙ 93⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ YBRBTS45 YBRBTS51 $65. 86. 88. 89. 91. 93. 150. 152. 153. For 48⬙ Wide Desk For 54⬙ Wide Desk For 60⬙ Wide Desk For 66⬙ Wide Desk For 72⬙ Wide Desk For 78⬙ Wide Desk For 84⬙ Wide Desk For 90⬙ Wide Desk For 96⬙ Wide Desk 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 96⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ YBRBTE48 YBRBTE54 YBRBTE60 Single Extended Rails for Single Sided Big Tables YBRBTS57 YBRBTS63 YBRBTS91 YBRBTS75 YBRBTS81 YBRBTS87 YBRBTS93 YBRBTE66 YBRBTE72 YBRBTE78 YBRBTE84 YBRBTE90 YBRBTE96 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Rails Rails Starter Rails Rails 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Spacers End Caps Example: YBRBTS57, 118T YBR Rails BTS Single Sided Big Table 57 Width 118T Bright White Paint Extended Rails Spacers Flat Brackets 66 80. 81. 83. 85. 87. 144. 145. 147. 149. Return and Bridge Rails Planning Guidelines and Specification 9HPSZHYLëZX\HYLZ[LLS[\ILZ,UK JHWZHYLKPLJHZ[HS\TPU\T9L[\YU HKHW[LYZHYLKPLJHZ[HS\TPU\T % :WLJPM`YHPSZHUKLUKJHWZPUHU`2UVSS JVYL:SH[L)S\LVY+HYR9LKWHPU[MPUPZO 9L[\YUYHPSZPUJS\KL[^VYHPSZñ^PKLY [OHUH[VWYL[\YUHKHW[LYZVULWHPYVM LUKJHWZHUKZWHJLYZ[VZ\WWVY[[OL YL[\YU[VW^OLYLP[TLL[Z[OLKLZR[VW )YPKNLYHPSZZ\WWVY[HKLZR[VWWSHUULKHZ HIYPKNLZWHUUPUNIL[^LLU[^VKLZR[VWZ )YPKNLYHPSZPUJS\KL[^VYHPSZ ^PKLY[OHUH [VW[^VWHPYZVMYL[\YUHKHW[LYZHUKZWHJLYZ )YPKNLYHPSZJHUHSZVILWSHUULKIL[^LLU IPN[HISLZ[OH[OH]LVYKLLW[VWZ -VYIYPKNLZIL[^LLUIPN[HISLZKLLW ZWLJPM`IYPKNLYHPSZ^PKLY[OHU[VWHUKMVY IYPKNLZIL[^LLUIPN[HISLZVYKLLW ZWLJPM`IYPKNLYHPSZ^PKLY[OHU[VW >PKL :[HY[LY 9HPSZ >PKL )YPKNL9HPSZ @)9) >PKL :[HY[LY9HPSZ >PKL9L[\YU9HPSZ@)99 >++LZR^P[O,_[LUZPVU ;VWHUK>PKL9L[\YU 24" VY 48" 27" 9L[\YU9HPS @)99 VY+LLW)PN;HISL ^P[O>PKL9L[\YU >PKL :[HY[LY9HPSZ >++LZR^P[O >PKL)YPKNL 30" VY 48" 9L[\YU9HPS @)99 +LLW)PN;HISL^P[O >PKL9L[\YU 67 48" 9L[\YU9HPS @)99 VY+LLW)PN;HISL ^P[O>PKL9L[\YU Desk and Table Support 9L[\YUYHPSZZ\WWVY[H[VWWSHUULKHZHYL[\YU WLYWLUKPJ\SHY[VHUV[OLYKLZR[VW9L[\YUYHPS RP[ZHSZVZ\WWVY[YL[\YUZVMMVMHIPN[HISL^P[O VY+[VWZ-VYYL[\YUZ JVUULJ[LK[VVYKLLWIPN[HISLZ ZWLJPM`YL[\YUYHPSZ^PKLY[OHU[OLYL[\YU [VW-VYYL[\YUZVMMVMKLLWIPN[HISLZ ZWLJPM`YL[\YUYHPSZ^PKLY[OHU[OLYL[\YU[VW -VYYL[\YUZVMMVMVYKLLWIPN[HISLZ ZWLJPM`YL[\YUYHPSZ ^PKLY[OHU[OLYL[\YU[VW Antenna Workspaces Return and Bridge Rails Rail Pairs For Desks, Tables or Big Tables Antenna Workspaces description type w d h pattern no. Return Rails for any Depth Desk or 24⬙ Deep Big Tables (pair) For 30⬙ Wide Return For 36⬙ Wide Return For 42⬙ Wide Return For 48⬙ Wide Return For 54⬙ Wide Return For 60⬙ Wide Return For 66⬙ Wide Return For 72⬙ Wide Return For 78⬙ Wide Return For 84⬙ Wide Return For 90⬙ Wide Return 33⬙ 39⬙ 45⬙ 51⬙ 57⬙ 63⬙ 69⬙ 75⬙ 81⬙ 87⬙ 93⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ YBRR33 YBRR39 For 30⬙ Wide Return For 36⬙ Wide Return For 42⬙ Wide Return For 48⬙ Wide Return For 54⬙ Wide Return For 60⬙ Wide Return For 66⬙ Wide Return For 72⬙ Wide Return For 78⬙ Wide Return For 84⬙ Wide Return 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 90⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ YBRR36 For 30⬙ Wide Return For 36⬙ Wide Return For 42⬙ Wide Return For 48⬙ Wide Return For 54⬙ Wide Return For 60⬙ Wide Return For 66⬙ Wide Return For 72⬙ Wide Return For 78⬙ Wide Return For 84⬙ Wide Return 39⬙ 45⬙ 51⬙ 57⬙ 63⬙ 69⬙ 75⬙ 81⬙ 87⬙ 93⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ YBRR39 YBRR45 YBRR51 YBRR57 YBRR63 Return Rails for Big Tables 27⬙ Deep (pair) Return Rails for Big Tables 30⬙ Deep (pair) YBRR45 YBRR51 YBRR57 YBRR63 YBRR69 YBRR75 YBRR81 YBRR87 YBRR93 YBRR42 YBRR48 YBRR54 YBRR60 YBRR66 YBRR72 YBRR78 YBRR84 YBRR90 YBRR69 YBRR75 YBRR81 YBRR87 YBRR93 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Rails Return Rails Return Rails Rails 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Spacers Brackets End Caps Flat Brackets Example: YBRR63, 118T YBR Rails R Return 63 Width 118T Bright White Paint Bridge Rails Brackets Spacers Flat Brackets 68 list $140. 160. 163. 199. 203. 207. 210. 214. 310. 313. 316. 142. 161. 198. 201. 205. 208. 212. 308. 311. 315. 160. 163. 199. 203. 207. 210. 214. 310. 313. 316. Return and Bridge Rails Rail Pairs For Desks, Tables or Big Tables Antenna Workspaces description type w d h pattern no. Bridge Rails (pair) For 30⬙ Wide Bridge For 36⬙ Wide Bridge For 42⬙ Wide Bridge For 48⬙ Wide Bridge For 54⬙ Wide Bridge For 60⬙ Wide Bridge For 66⬙ Wide Bridge For 72⬙ Wide Bridge For 78⬙ Wide Bridge For 84⬙ Wide Bridge 39⬙ 45⬙ 51⬙ 57⬙ 63⬙ 69⬙ 75⬙ 81⬙ 87⬙ 93⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ YBRB39 YBRB45 YBRB51 YBRB57 YBRB63 YBRB69 YBRB75 $200. 204. 240. 243. 247. 251. 254. 350. 354. 356. Desk and Table Support YBRB81 YBRB87 YBRB93 list Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Rails Return Rails Return Rails Rails 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Spacers Brackets End Caps Flat Brackets Example: YBRR63, 118T YBR Rails R Return 63 Width 118T Bright White Paint Bridge Rails Brackets Spacers Flat Brackets 69 Desk Connectors Planning Guidelines and Specifications ) +LZRZVYIPN[HISLZ^P[OL_[LUZPVU[VWZVY L_[LUZPVUJHIPUL[ZYLX\PYLSVUNLYYHPSZHUK HKKP[PVUHSJVUULJ[VYRP[Z[VZLJ\YLHUKHSPNU [OLL_[LUZPVUZ^P[O[OLHKQHJLU[[VWZ(IV]L KLZRVYIPN[HISLL_[LUZPVUJHIPUL[IV[[VTZ HUKILSV^KLZRVYIPN[HISLL_[LUZPVUJHIPUL[ [VWZHYLKL[HPSLKHZ]PZ\HSL_[LUZPVUZVM[OL HKQHJLU[KLZRVYIPN[HISLHUKHYLZ\WWVY[LK PU[OLZHTL^H`HZL_[LUZPVU[VWZ -VYHUPUKP]PK\HSKLZR^P[OL_[LUZPVU[VWVY JHIPUL[ZWLJPM`Z[HY[LYYHPSZMVY[OLUL_[ SVUNLYKLZR[VW0M[OLSLNPZWVZP[PVULKH[[OL LUKVM[OLKLZRHKKJVUULJ[VYRP[@)*+, Antenna Workspaces ;OL@)*+,RP[PUJS\KLZ[^V>IYHJRL[Z[OH[ QVPU[OL[VW[V[OLL_[LUZPVUV]LY[OLYHPSZ [^VYHPSLUKJHWZ[OH[JVUULJ[[OLLUKZVM [OLYHPSZ[V[OL\UKLYZPKLVM[OLL_[LUZPVU HUK[^VMSH[IYHJRL[Z[OH[HSPNU[OLMYVU[HUK IHJRVM[OLKLZR[VW^P[O[OLL_[LUZPVU (S[LYUH[P]LS`PM[OLSLNPZWVZP[PVULK\UKLY[OL L_[LUZPVU[VWVYHUHIV]LKLZRJHIPUL[ZWLJPM` SVUNLYYHPSZHUKHKKJVUULJ[VYRP[@:+?<7 ;OL@:+?<7RP[PUJS\KLZVUS`[OL[^V> IYHJRL[Z[OH[QVPU[OL[VW[V[OLL_[LUZPVUV]LY [OLYHPSZ^OPSL[OLKLZRSLNJYHKSLJVUULJ[Z KPYLJ[S`[V[OLL_[LUZPVU[VWVYJHIPUL[ *VUULJ[VY2P[@)*+,MVY+LZR,_[LUZPVU;VWZVY*HIPUL[Z -VYHIPN[HISL^P[OL_[LUZPVU[VWVYJHIPUL[ ZWLJPM`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`\UKLY[OL*LU[LY)LHTHUKJHUUV[IL TV]LKV\[[VILWSHJLK\UKLY[OLL_[LUZPVU[VWVYJHIPUL[ )LSV^+LZR,_[LUZPVU*HIPUL[,SL]H[PVU 70 Desk Connectors Connector Kit for Extension Tops and Cabinets Antenna Workspaces description type pattern no. Connector Kit for Desk Extension Tops 2 Brackets YBCDE Connector Kit for Big Table Extension Tops 4 Brackets YBTE 93. Connector Kit for Above Desk Extension Cabinets 2 Brackets YSDXUP 26. Connector Kit for Above or Below Desk Extension Cabinets 2 Brackets YBCDE 41. Connector Kit for Above and Below Big Table Extension Cabinets 4 Brackets YBTE 93. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Desk Connectors Desk Connectors Example: YBCDE, 118T YBC Connector Kit Desk Connectors Desk Connectors 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish DE 118T Brackets Hardware Desk Extension Bright White Paint 71 list Desk and Table Support $41. Desk Support Adapters Planning Guidelines and Specifications % & ' " %&( % ) % % % ( ) * + ', ' %) ( ' '$ ") ( ''$ ) ( -. '% ,' " %) "( , ' " % " &%'!& "%% & %% % ) %*+/ ( '' , " %) % ' ( 0% ' % % " %) % % ( ) %'" ý Antenna Workspaces %" ' % & ( ' *1 %+) % ((' ( ' " % & %((%' ($ ) % '& %((%%) % %' 2 ') ! ! "# $ 72 % 1 ' ,* +3, * 3+%% " ( % '%") ( % % ' ( " '%1) ! ,(% ' " %& % %' ' 6," ) ! ,(% ' " %& % %' ' 6," ) Antenna Workspaces ! 0%3, (%&' " % " '% ' '(& 3 % % ' ' 7, *' 8, +) % ' %((%%) % %' 2 ') 3 35,% ,% ,(4 3 35ý (! '%' 3 ,(4 73 35,(4 Desk and Table Support Desk Support Adapters Planning Guidelines and Specifications Desk Support Adapters Planning Guidelines and Specifications ( ' , ,( % ' % ')((( 93,"&% ':"( 1 )( %% ' % '() ( ' ,(%& "%(% % (( ' &"% % %() % '( "" %") Antenna Workspaces % ' %((% %% (() % %' 2 ') ( ' ,(%% ((% ' %( % % ( ) ( ",' " % ') "5, ( ", ( "( 74 Desk Support Adapters For Fence, Template, Floorstanding Cabinets and Pedestals description type Fence Desk Support Adapters (pair) w d h Antenna Workspaces pattern no. list For use with 25⬙ High Fence For use with 28 1/2⬙ High Fence 4⬙ 4⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 1 /4⬙ 3⬙ YBAFE25 YBAFE28 $103. 103. For use with 28 1/2⬙ High Case or Worksurface Shelf For use with 25⬙ High Case For use with 22 1/2⬙ High Case (credenza height) 4⬙ 3⬙ 1 3/4⬙ YBATE28 98. 4⬙ 4⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 5 1/2⬙ YBATE25 YBATE22 88. 108. YBATBT25 YBATBT22 200. 515. 3 (YBAFE25 shown) Template or Antenna Floorstanding Cabinet Desk Support Adapters (pair) Template or Antenna Floorstanding Cabinet Desk Support Adapters for Big Table For use with 25⬙ High Case For use with 22 1/2⬙ High Case (credenza height) (YBATBT25 shown) For use with Floorstanding 25⬙ High Pedestal 4⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ YBATE25 88. Double Wide Pedestal Desk Support Adapters (pair) For use with Double Wide Pedestal 4⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ YBAW25 113. Pedestal Positioning Brackets Includes 2 brackets and hardware Pedestal Desk Support Adapters (pair) (YBATE25 shown) YSFA Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Desk Support Adaptors Desk Support Adapters Example: YBAFE25, 118T YBA Adapter FE Fence Desk Support Adapters Desk Support Adapters 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish 25 118T Hardware Height Bright White Paint 75 14. Desk and Table Support (YBATE25 shown) Antenna Workspaces Components for Reconfigurations Connectors, End Caps, Worksurface Spacers and Flat Brackets description type w d h pattern no. list Return or Bridge Rail Connector Kit (pair) For Return or Bridge Connection 2⬙ 1 /4⬙ 1 /4⬙ YBCRR Rail End Caps (Set of 4) For End of Rails 1⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1⬙ YBRE 26. Rail to Worksurface Spacers Package of 10 1 3/4⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /4⬙ YBCWS 15. Flat Brackets Kit (pair) For use with Adjacent Desks linking End-to-End or Back-to-Back 3⬙ 2 3/4⬙ 1 /4⬙ YBF 12. 1 1 $57. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Components for Reconfiguration Components for Reconfiguration Example: YBCRR, 118T YBC Connector Components for Reconfiguration Components for Reconfiguration 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish RR 118T Hardware Rail to Return Rails Bright White Paint 76 Center Beam for Big Tables Planning Guidelines and Specifications (% % % ' '% '1%% % ( &% % ' %11 ( (& % (' "% ( )( (& "% '8<,%% ( " % '() (1=, %(' (93,$39," % ") ( %' % '%(" % )!( % ( %(& %% ((' ' %) '% % 1; '%()% % 1 " '%( "; %%' ')( %%%') (((; 6<, 6,) %; %) %%(() % (&% % 112 % & ? ' (%') > %% ' &%11'% ( ((%') Desk and Table Support (' ; (((" '% ') Antenna Workspaces % % > ' ( ' ( > ( > ' ( " ; ' ( ("%% " ; 77 Center Beam for Big Tables Center Beam, End Caps and Top Caps description type Center Beam Center Beam Top Caps Center Beam End Caps (Full Height Shown) Antenna Workspaces w d h pattern no. For 48⬙ Wide Big Table Top For 54⬙ Wide Big Table Top For 60⬙ Wide Big Table Top For 66⬙ Wide Big Table Top For 72⬙ Wide Big Table Top For 78⬙ Wide Big Table Top For 84⬙ Wide Big Table Top 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 1/4⬙ 3 1/4⬙ 3 1/4⬙ 3 1/4⬙ 3 1/4⬙ 3 1/4⬙ YCB48 YCB54 For 48⬙ Wide Center Beam For 54⬙ Wide Center Beam For 60⬙ Wide Center Beam For 66⬙ Wide Center Beam For 72⬙ Wide Center Beam For 78⬙ Wide Center Beam For 84⬙ Wide Center Beam 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3 1/4⬙ 3 1/4⬙ 3 1/4⬙ 3 1/4⬙ 3 1/4⬙ 3 1/4⬙ 3 1/4⬙ YCBCC48 YCBCC54 YCBCC60 YCBCC66 YCBCC72 Full Height Partial Height For Use With Extension Top or Cabinets 3⬙ 3⬙ 3 /8⬙ /8⬙ 3 1/4⬙ 2⬙ YCBE 3 1 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Center Beam Center Beam Example: YCB60, 118T YCB Center Beam 60 Width Center Beam Center Beam 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish End Caps 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Center Beam Top Caps 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish 118T Bright White Paint End Caps Example: YCBPE, 118T YCB Center Beam PE 118T Partial End Bright Whtie Paint 78 YCB60 YCB66 YCB72 YCB78 YCB84 YCBCC78 YCBCC84 YCBPE list $227. 335. 335. 335. 335. 659. 659. 46. 52. 57. 62. 67. 72. 77. 12. 12. Sapper Arm, Keyboard Tray and CPU Holder Mounts Planning Guidelines and Specifications ! %" 1 -" .( % &"%> ( %( ) $ " &> ((%% % ' "" $% %() % & "1&((( %(&% % (2 ;> ( % " ( ) %(( ( '% (& ' ( ( (' %%%% " ' ) %(%( ( % % '%(& '(' ( ( '%() ( % %%9ý '%( "%% % % ( %(( ;(()%( %( ) % ( 12 % '&? ) > ( (> " > (> > ( (> 79 Desk and Table Support * * (( ' ( ' (> ( % ( ' %()( % % 1(' ( ( % &%" $%%(& ' % ') Antenna Workspaces Sapper Arm, Keyboard Tray and CPU Holder Mounts Planning Guidelines and Specifications ) " "*) ( 2 ; "% % ' ! %& ) ( %' ( % "&" ' 0%) % 83,& (%"% "%)46@, "% "&% =, %%% " %)4A" % " "% ') 2 (%'" % ' " &% " %) ;( 9," " ( % %%% 0 "' ' " ) Antenna Workspaces +*) 4( ( 2 ;4'( ( ' ) ( %% %' ( % "&'4 %)( %" %% %' '"" $ ) 2 ;4%( ( %) 4 ( ' (&%) " 2 ;2 (> " 2 ;2 ( > 1 "2 ; 4> 1 " 2 ;4> 80 Sapper Arm, Keyboard Tray and CPU Holder Mounts For Desk and Big Tables type w d h pattern no. list Sapper Monitor Arm Center Beam Side Mount For attachment to side of center beam 2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 2 /4⬙ YCBMS $52. Sapper Monitor Arm Center Beam Center Mount For attachment to top of center beam 3⬙ 2⬙ 1⬙ YBCMT 52. KnollExtra Keyboard Tray Mount Kit For attachment to underside of top 6⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 7/8⬙ YAK 93. KnollExtra CPU Holder Mount Kit For attachment to underside of top 6⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 7/8⬙ YACPU 62. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Sapper Arm Mount Sapper Arm Mount Example: YCBMS, 118T YCBMS Sapper Arm Mount 118T Bright White Paint Keyboard Tray Mount Kit Sapper Arm Mount Example: YAK YAK Keyboard Tray Mount Attachment Hardware 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Keyboard Tray/CPU Holder Mount Kit 1. Pattern Number Attachment Hardware Keyboard Tray Mount Kit Attachment Hardware CPU Holder Mount Kit 81 1 3 Options Desk and Table Support description Antenna Workspaces Legs for Desks or Returns Planning Guidelines and Specifications 14$ ) ' 6, % &85, ' (' % ) " '% '35,)0 1' % ( 85,0 1 1)0 " '% ' (B,$6@,) 6=5ý" '%) Antenna Workspaces %" %" 1) C$% % "%( % 1 ' )D' 83, ' % ) "(" 8,:5, / ) D%5,1"6A3,( % 85,0() 05,$35, %,1" A3,( 6,% 0() "(6ý %1"85ý) %(%(( "% ' &( ) % 12 % & ? ')%' %'2 % & ? ') ? 38A, D !( A3, 8A3, D1 D " D& 1 ; % D 1 ? D !( 6=8A, 66 8A3, 6@A3, D1 D " D E D 1 82 Legs for Desks or Returns Desk, Adjustable and Standing Height Antenna Workspaces type d w h pattern no. Desk Height End Legs for Desks or Returns For 18⬙ Deep Top For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top For 36⬙ Deep Top For 42⬙ or 48⬙ Deep Top 15⬙ 21⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 33⬙ 39⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ YELD18 YELD24 YELD27 YELD30 YELD36 YELD42 $268. 278. 283. 288. 299. 319. Standing Height End Legs for Desks or Returns For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top For 36⬙ Deep Top For 42⬙ or 48⬙ Deep Top 21⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 33⬙ 39⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 35⬙ 35⬙ 35⬙ 35⬙ 35⬙ YELH24 YELH27 YELH30 YELH36 YELH42 460. 470. 480. 490. 500. Adjustable Height End Legs for Desks or Returns For 18⬙ Deep Top For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top For 36⬙ Deep Top For 42⬙ or 48⬙ Deep Top 15⬙ 21⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 33⬙ 39⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ YELA18 YELA24 YELA27 YELA30 YELA36 YELA42 299. 309. 314. 319. 330. 350. For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top For 36⬙ Deep Top 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 21⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 33⬙ 26⬙-35⬙ 26⬙-35⬙ 26⬙-35⬙ 26⬙-35⬙ YELP24 YELP27 YELP30 YELP36 492. 497. 502. 514. Pinset Desk End Legs for Desks or Returns Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options End Legs for Desks/Returns End Legs for Desks/Returns End Legs for Desks/Returns End Legs for Desks/Returns Example: YELD30, 118T, 118T YEL End Leg D Desk Height 30 Depth 118T Bright White Paint 118T Bright White Paint (2) Glides (2) Cradles Attachment Hardware 1. Pattern Number 2. Leg Paint Finish 3. Cradle Paint Finish 83 list Desk and Table Support description Legs for Table Desks Planning Guidelines and Specifications B,1 4$ )4 % '& % ') ' % ' & %' ' ) ' ( 1% ) %" %" 1) C$% % "%( % 1 ' ) ' ' '' ) " '% '35,)0 1 ' % ( 85, 0 1 1)0 " '% ' (B,$6@,)D' 83, ' % ) "(" 8,:5, / ) D%5,1" 6A3,( % 85,0() Antenna Workspaces 05,$35, %,1" A3,( 6,% 0() %(%(( "% ' &( ) % %%'% ( 2 % &?& ')%'%' 2 % &? ') 38A, B, D !( 8 9 A, D1 1 D 84 Legs for Table Desks Desk Height and Adjustable Height description type w d h pattern no. Desk Height End Legs for Table Desks For 18⬙ Deep Top For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top For 36⬙ Deep Top For 42⬙ Deep Top For 48⬙ Deep Top 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 18⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ YELSD18 YELSD24 For 18⬙ Deep Top For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top For 36⬙ Deep Top For 42⬙ Deep Top For 48⬙ Deep Top 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 18⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ YELSA18 YELSA24 YELSA27 YELSA30 YELSA36 Adjustable Height End Legs for Table Desks Painted Chrome $288. 299. 304. 309. 319. 335. 340. $453. 465. 514. 523. 574. 613. 647. 319. 330. 335. 340. 350. 366. 371. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a YELSD27 YELSD30 YELSD36 YELSD42 YELSD48 YELSA42 YELSA48 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options End Legs for Desks/Returns End Legs for Table Desks End Legs for Table Desks End Legs for Table Desks Example: YELSD30, 118T, 118T YEL End Leg S Table Desk D Desk Height 30 Depth 118T Bright White Paint 118T Bright White Paint (2) Glides (2) Cradles Attachment Hardware Finish Options: 1. Pattern Number 2. Leg Paint Finish 3. Cradle Paint Finish 85 Table Desk End Legs are available in Knoll core paints, Dard Red (130) and Slate Blue (131) paint finishes, as well as polished chrome (PD) finish. Desk and Table Support Antenna Workspaces Legs for Back to Back Desks Planning Guidelines and Specifications ' % %, 14$ )% % '% % %" 0% '% % ) %" %" 1) C$% % " %(% 1' ) %" 1) ( 85, ' ( ' &( ' ) %6F,%" %$ $% ' ( % " %& 85,' (' ' Antenna Workspaces % 1F, ( '% % % )%% % ' 6,) % %"( "8,:5, / ) D%5,1"6A3,( % 85,0() 0% % 5,$35,%,1" A3, (6,% 0() % % " '% '35,) 0% % 1' % ( 85,0 1 % % 1)0% % " '% ' (B,$6@,) % ("% %) %(%(( "% ' &( ) % % %%%' 2 % &?& ')%'%' 2 % &? ') % %"% % 38A, 8A3, A3, ? % % 1 % % D 86 D !( D1 Legs for Back to Back Desks Desk Height and Adjustable Height type Desk Height End Legs for Back to Back Desks Adjustable Height End Legs for Back to Back Desks w d h pattern no. list For 18⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops For 24⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops For 27⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops For 30⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops For 36⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 36 /4⬙ 48 3/4⬙ 54 3/4⬙ 60 3/4⬙ 72 3/4⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ YELDD18 YELDD24 $412. 433. 453. 464. 474. For 18⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops For 24⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops For 27⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops For 30⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops For 36⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 36 3/4⬙ 48 3/4⬙ 54 3/4⬙ 60 3/4⬙ 72 3/4⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ YELDA18 YELDA24 YELDA27 YELDA30 3 YELDD27 YELDD30 YELDD36 YELDA36 443. 464. 484. 494. 505. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options End Legs for Back to Back Desks End Legs for Back to Back Desks End Legs for Back to Back Desks End Legs for Back to Back Desks Example: YELDD30, 118T, 118T YEL End Leg D Back to Back Desk D Desk Height 30 Depth 118T Bright White Paint 118T Bright White Paint (2) Glides (4) Cradles Attachment Hardware 1. Pattern Number 2. Leg Paint Finish 3. Cradle Paint Finish 87 Desk and Table Support description Antenna Workspaces Legs for Dual Sided Big Tables Planning Guidelines and Specifications ' ,1 4$ ' ' % ' )% ' %& ' %( " 1)C$% % "%(% 1 ' ) G(' , "0% ) (%' %& ' %(&" %" 1) ( "@5,&' 9,&B, 6@, )85,' (' ' 9, &95,' (' 'B, Antenna Workspaces B5,' (' '6@, ) (' 83, 635,85,' (' ' ) (' 6=, =5,& B5,' (' ' ) % =,' ( '(( ( %0 '" ) G(' , "0% ) ''( % ()( %' %& ' % (&" %" 1) G( 165,&' 9,&B, 6@, )% 7,' (' '9, &8,' ( ' 'B, &8,' (' ' 6@, )G(' 6=, 9B5,& % 8,' (' ' )G( 1' 83,) !%'"6=, 9, "&( ' %((%') &( (, " '% '35,)0 &( (9, " '%' (B, 6@,) ( % ' G(D D ( % ' ( % ' D D D GG(D % C" ' "G(D ? 38A, ( D!( A3, 8A3, D1 1 C" '"> ' ( 88 Legs for Dual Sided Big Tables Planning Guidelines and Specifications Antenna Workspaces "((&%(( %& ( () (%'( ' "' 8@% ) !"8@ & (' 8@( %')1%' "' (%) ' (' 8@ (( &"" %' & " ;(%% ' %("() 8@( , " '% '35,)08@ (9, " '%' (B, 6@,) 8@( % ( % % ,( "% ( &% 05,$3 5,%,1" A3,( 6,% 0() %(%(( "% ' &( ) % &(& (8@ %%'2 & ? ')%' %'2 & ?& ') &( (8@ "("8,: 5, / )D %5,1" 6A3,( % 85,0() 8@G(D D 8@ C" '8@ B,*3 8A, " + (% 'D ( D!( 8A3, D A3, D1 8@G(D 8@ G(D 89 Desk and Table Support % 8@ &8@ (&& &%( "% ( ) Legs for Dual Sided Big Tables Desk Height description type Desk Height End Leg for Dual Big Tables Antenna Workspaces w d h pattern no. list For 18⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables For 24⬙, 27⬙ or 30⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables For 36⬙D Dual Sided Big Table 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 38 /2⬙ 50 1/2⬙ 62 1/2⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ YELDD38 YELDD50 YELDD62 $448. 489. 500. For 18⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables For 24⬙, 27⬙ or 30⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables For 36⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 38 1/2⬙ 50 1/2⬙ 62 1/2⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ YILDD38 YILDD50 YILDD62 492. 541. 545. For 24⬙, 27⬙ or 30⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables For 36⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables 1⬙ 1⬙ 35 1/2⬙ 47 1/2⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ YILDD35 YILDD48 592. 619. For 24⬙ or 27⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables 1⬙ 20⬙ 27⬙ YILDDV20 644. 1 (YELDD50 shown) Desk Height Intermediate Leg for Dual Big Tables (YILDD50 shown) Desk Height Inset Intermediate Leg for Dual Big Tables (YILDD35 shown) Desk Height 120° Intermediate Leg for Dual Big Tables Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Legs for Dual Big Tables Legs for Dual Big Tables Legs for Dual Big Tables Legs for Dual Big Tables 1. Pattern Number 2. Leg Paint Finish 3. Cradle Paint Finish (2) Glides (4) Cradles Center Beam Support Brackets Attachment Hardware Example: YELDD50, 118T, 118T YEL End Leg D Dual Big Table D Desk Height 50 Depth 118T Bright White Paint 118T Bright White Paint Mid Span Support Leg Attachment Hardware Glide 90 Legs for Dual Sided Big Tables Desk Height Antenna Workspaces type w d h pattern no. Desk Height Mid Span Support Leg for Center Beam For 36⬙D Dual and Single Sided Big Tables wider than 54⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 25⬙ YILDD1 list $85. Desk and Table Support description Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Legs for Dual Big Tables Legs for Dual Big Tables Legs for Dual Big Tables Legs for Dual Big Tables 1. Pattern Number 2. Leg Paint Finish 3. Cradle Paint Finish (2) Glides (4) Cradles Center Beam Support Brackets Attachment Hardware Example: YELDD50, 118T, 118T YEL End Leg D Dual Big Table D Desk Height 50 Depth 118T Bright White Paint 118T Bright White Paint Mid Span Support Leg Attachment Hardware Glide 91 Legs for Dual Sided Big Tables Adjustable Height description type Adjustable Height End Leg for Dual Big Tables Antenna Workspaces w d h pattern no. list For 18⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables For 24⬙, 27⬙ or 30⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables For 36⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 38 /2⬙ 50 1/2⬙ 62 1/2⬙ 25 /2⬙ - 28 /2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ YELDA38 YELDA50 $479. 520. 531. For 18⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables For 24⬙,27⬙ or 30⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables For 36⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 38 1/2⬙ 50 1/2⬙ 62 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ YILDA38 YILDA62 523. 572. 576. For 24⬙,27⬙ or 30⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables For 36⬙D Dual Sided Big Table 1⬙ 1⬙ 35 1/2⬙ 47 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ YILDA35 YILDA48 623. 650. For 24⬙ or 27⬙D Dual Sided Big Table 1⬙ 20⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ YILDAV20 675. 1 1 1 YELDA62 (YELDA50 shown) Adjustable Height Intermediate Leg for Dual Big Tables YILDA50 (YILDA50 shown) Adjustable Height Inset Intermediate Leg for Dual Big Tables (YILDA35 shown) Adjustable Height 120° Intermediate Leg for Dual Big Tables Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Legs for Dual Big Tables Legs for Dual Big Tables Legs for Dual Big Tables Legs for Dual Big Tables 1. Pattern Number 2. Leg Paint Finish 3. Cradle Paint Finish (2) Glides (4) Cradles Center Beam Support Brackets Attachment Hardware Example: YELDA50, 118T, 118T YEL End Leg D Dual Big Table A Adjustable Height 50 Depth 118T Bright White Paint 118T Bright White Paint Mid Span Support Leg Attachment Hardware Glide 92 Legs for Dual Sided Big Tables Adjustable Height description type w For 36⬙D Dual and Single Sided Big Tables wider than 54⬙ 1⬙ d h pattern no. 1⬙ 23 /2⬙ - 26 /2⬙ 1 1 YILDA1 list $101. Desk and Table Support Adjustable Height Mid Span Support Leg for Center Beam Antenna Workspaces Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Legs for Dual Big Tables Legs for Dual Big Tables Legs for Dual Big Tables Legs for Dual Big Tables 1. Pattern Number 2. Leg Paint Finish 3. Cradle Paint Finish (2) Glides (4) Cradles Center Beam Support Brackets Attachment Hardware Example: YELDA50, 118T, 118T YEL End Leg D Dual Big Table A Adjustable Height 50 Depth 118T Bright White Paint 118T Bright White Paint Mid Span Support Leg Attachment Hardware Glide 93 Legs for Single Sided Big Tables Planning Guidelines and Specifications ' . 14$ ' '% ' ) % %& ' %(" 1)C$% % "%(% 1 ' ) G(' ."0% )( %%& ' % (&" %" 1) Antenna Workspaces (' 9.&B. 6@.69. %85.' (' ' 9. &95.' (' ' B. B5.' (' '6@. ) (' 83.3. %85.' (' ' ) (' 6=.9@. %B5.' (' ' ) % =.' ( '(( ( %0 '" ) &8.' (' 'B. 8.' (' '6@. )G (' 6=. 65.& % 8.' (' '6=. ) (1 ' 83.) &( ("( "8.:5. / ) D%5.1"6A3.( % 85.0() 05.H 35.%.1" A3. (6.% 0() !%'"6=, 9, "&( ' %((%') %(%(( "% ' &( ) G( ''( %()G ' 9.&B. 6@. =5.& %7.' (' '9. % &( (%%'2 &? ') %'%'2 &?& ') "GG( D% > E (% G 'D C" '" >( D D&D' D&? (% 'D 35, ( ? D !( 8A3, A3, D1 D G(D D 1 GG(D 94 Legs for Single Sided Big Tables Desk Height Antenna Workspaces type w d h pattern no. list Desk Height End Legs for Single Sided Big Tables (Left Shown) Left support for 18⬙D single sided big table Left support for 24⬙, 27⬙ or 30⬙D single sided big table Left support for 36⬙D single sided big table Right support for 18⬙D single sided big table Right support for 24⬙, 27⬙ or 30⬙D single sided big table Right support for 36⬙D single sided big table 1⬙ 1⬙ 28⬙ 34⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ YELSSDF28L YELSSDF34L $375. 387. 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 40⬙ 28⬙ 34⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ YELSSDF40L YELSSDF28R YELSSDF34R 405. 375. 387. 1⬙ 40⬙ 25⬙ YELSSDF40R 405. Desk Height Inset Intermediate Legs for Single Sided Big Tables For 24⬙, 27⬙ or 30⬙D single sided big table For 36⬙D single sided big table 1⬙ 1⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 32 1/2⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ YILSSDF26 YILSSDF32 479. 492. Desk Height Intermediate Legs for Single Sided Big Tables For 18⬙D single sided big tables For 24⬙, 27⬙ or 30⬙D single sided big table For 36⬙D single sided big table 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 28⬙ 34⬙ 40⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ YILSSDF28 421. 433. 452. Desk Height Mid Span Support Leg for Center Beam For 36⬙D Dual and Single Sided Big Tables wider than 54⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 25⬙ YILDD1 YILSSDF34 YILSSDF40 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Legs for Single Big Tables Legs for Single Big Tables Legs for Single Big Tables Legs for Single Big Tables 1. Pattern Number 2. Leg Paint Finish 3. Cradle Paint Finish (2) Glides (4) Cradles Center Beam Support Brackets Attachment Hardware Example: YELSSDF28L, 118T, 118T YEL SS D F 28 L 118T 118T End Leg Single Sided Big Table Desk Height Full Performance Depth Left Support Bright White Paint Bright White Paint Mid Span Support Leg Attachment Hardware Glide 95 85. Desk and Table Support description Legs for Single Sided Big Tables Adjustable Height description type Adjustable Height End Legs for Single Sided Big Tables (Left Shown) Antenna Workspaces w Left support for 18⬙D single sided big table Left support for 24⬙, 27⬙ or 30⬙D single sided big table Left support for 36⬙D single sided big table Right support for 18⬙D single sided big table Right support for 24⬙, 27⬙ or 30⬙D single sided big table Right support for 36⬙D single sided big table d h pattern no. 1⬙ 1⬙ 28⬙ 34⬙ 25 /2⬙ - 28 /2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ YELSSAF28L YELSSAF34L $406. 418. 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 40⬙ 28⬙ 34⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ YELSSAF40L YELSSAF28R YELSSAF34R 436. 406. 418. 1⬙ 40⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ YELSSAF40R 436. 1 1 list Adjustable Height Inset Intermediate Legs for Single Sided Big Tables For 24⬙, 27⬙ or 30⬙D single sided big tables For 36⬙D single sided big table 1⬙ 1⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 32 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ YILSSAF26 YILSSAF32 510. 523. Adjustable Height Intermediate Legs for Single Sided Big Tables For 18⬙D single sided big tables For 24⬙, 27⬙ or 30⬙D single sided big tables For 36⬙D single sided big tables 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 28⬙ 34⬙ 40⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ - 28 1/2⬙ YILSSAF28 YILSSAF34 YILSSAF40 452. 464. 483. Adjustable Height Mid Span Support Leg for Center Beam For 36⬙D Dual and Single Sided Big Tables wider than 54⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 23 1/2⬙ - 26 1/2⬙ YILDA1 101. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Legs for Single Big Tables Legs for Single Big Tables Legs for Single Big Tables Legs for Single Big Tables 1. Pattern Number 2. Leg Paint Finish 3. Cradle Paint Finish (2) Glides (4) Cradles Center Beam Support Brackets Attachment Hardware Example: YELSSAF28L, 118T, 118T YEL SS A F 28 L 118T 118T End Leg Single Sided Big Table Adjustable Height Full Performance Depth Left Support Bright White Paint Bright White Paint Mid Span Support Leg Attachment Hardware Glide 96 Legs for C-Leg and T-Leg Tables Planning Guidelines and Specifications C-Leg and T-Leg bases are available fixed height or height adjustable. All four height adjustable options are able to be adjusted by the user. Height adjustable options include: Pin-Set, Handcrank, Electric and Advanced Electric. Pin-Set bases adjust with the placement of a pin in each leg to create the appropriate height worksurface for each individual user. Handcrank table bases have a handle on the front of the table base underneath the top that turns to adjust the height of the table. Both types of electric bases have button controls on the front edge of the base underneath the top to adjust the top up and down. 23" deep C-Leg bases support rectangular tops up to 24" deep. 29" deep C-Leg bases support rectangular tops up to 30" deep. 29" deep T-Leg bases support rectangular tops up to 36" deep when centered over feet. For power and data access, Dividends Horizon desktop power and data modules or Antenna Workspaces desktop outlet centers may be specified separately for use with C-Leg and T-Leg tables. Dividends Horizon worksurface cable management baskets may be specified separately for use with C-Leg and T-Leg tables. When privacy screens are required, Antenna Workspaces or Morrison Network privacy screens may be specified separately for use with C-Leg and T-Leg tables. When specifying Antenna Workspaces privacy screens for attachment to CLeg and T-Leg tables, metal insert kits must be specified separately. Construction C-Leg and T-Leg base feet are a two piece construction with formed top and bottom plates made from 8 gauge steel. Feet include levelers with 3/8" height adjustability. The crossbars are 14 gauge formed steel "J" channels. Top plates are 13 gauge steel. Shroud is 20 gauge formed steel. Power usage requirements for electric bases are 110 Volts, 60 Hertz. The power usage breakdown is 4 amp start-up draw, 3.5 amp running draw and zero energy shadow draw when motors not in use. Specification Options Base comes in a default (9005) black paint finish. Optional lower leg shroud and feet can be specified in Knoll Core paint finishes. Base Types Fixed Pin-Set Handcrank Electric Advanced Electric Height Range* 27" 22"-35" 22"-35" 27"-46 ½" 21"-47 ½" Adjustment N/A 1" increments "X" turns per inch 1 ½" per second 1 ½" per second Load Capacity 440 lbs. 440 lbs. 260 lbs. 300 lbs. 300 lbs. *Height ranges shown do not include top thickness 24"D x 60"W C-Leg Fixed Height Table 30"D x 60"W C-Leg Fixed Height Table 97 36"D x 60"W T-Leg Pin-Set Table Desk and Table Support C-Leg and T-Leg table bases are designed for use with corresponding Antenna tops to create freestanding tables. Antenna tops designated for use with C-Leg and T-Leg table bases must be specified separately. Bases include hardware for mounting top to base. Antenna Workspaces Legs for C-Leg and T-Leg Tables Fixed Height and Height Adjustable Antenna Workspaces Fixed (F) Pin-Set (P) Handcrank (H) Electric (E) Advanced Electric (A) $955. 955. 955. 955. 955. 977. 977. $1,273. 1,273. 1,273. 1,273. 1,273. 1,295. 1,295. $1,909. 1,909. 1,909. 1,909. 1,909. 1,932. 1,932. $3,316. 3,316. 3,316. 3,316. 3,316. 3,338. 3,338. $3,491. 3,491. 3,491. 3,491. 3,491. 3,514. 3,514. 1,318. 1,318. 1,318. 1,318. 1,318. 1,341. 1,341. 1,955. 1,955. 1,955. 1,955. 1,955. 1,977. 1,977. 3,360. 3,360. 3,360. 3,360. 3,360. 3,381. 3,381. 3,536. 3,536. 3,536. 3,536. 3,536. 3,559. 3,559. description type w* w d pattern no. 24⬙ Deep C-Leg Bases For use with 36⬙W, 24⬙D Antenna C-Leg Top For use with 42⬙W, 24⬙D Antenna C-Leg Top For use with 48⬙W, 24⬙D Antenna C-Leg Top For use with 54⬙W, 24⬙D Antenna C-Leg Top For use with 60⬙W, 24⬙D Antenna C-Leg Top For use with 66⬙W, 24⬙D Antenna C-Leg Top For use with 72⬙W, 24⬙D Antenna C-Leg Top 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 34⬙ 40⬙ 46⬙ 52⬙ 58⬙ 64⬙ 70⬙ 23⬙ 23⬙ 23⬙ 23⬙ 23⬙ 23⬙ 23⬙ YUBC3423( ) For use with 36⬙W, 30⬙D Antenna C-Leg Top For use with 42⬙W, 30⬙D Antenna C-Leg Top For use with 48⬙W, 30⬙D Antenna C-Leg Top For use with 54⬙W, 30⬙D Antenna C-Leg Top For use with 60⬙W, 30⬙D Antenna C-Leg Top For use with 66⬙W, 30⬙D Antenna C-Leg Top For use with 72⬙W, 30⬙D Antenna C-Leg Top 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 34⬙ 40⬙ 46⬙ 52⬙ 58⬙ 64⬙ 70⬙ 29⬙ 29⬙ 29⬙ 29⬙ 29⬙ 29⬙ 29⬙ YUBC3429( ) YUBC7029( ) 1,000. 1,000. 1,000. 1,000. 1,000. 1,023. 1,023. For use with 48⬙W, 30⬙ or 36⬙D Antenna T-Leg Top For use with 54⬙W, 30⬙ or 36⬙D Antenna T-Leg Top For use with 60⬙W, 30⬙ or 36⬙D Antenna T-Leg Top For use with 66⬙W, 30⬙ or 36⬙D Antenna T-Leg Top For use with 72⬙W, 30⬙ or 36⬙D Antenna T-Leg Top 48⬙ 46⬙ 29⬙ YUBT4629( ) 1,000. 1,318. 1,955. 3,360. 3,536. 54⬙ 52⬙ 29⬙ YUBT5229( ) 1,000. 1,318. 1,955. 3,360. 3,536. 60⬙ 58⬙ 29⬙ YUBT5829( ) 1,000. 1,318. 1,955. 3,360. 3,536. 66⬙ 64⬙ 29⬙ YUBT6429( ) 1,023. 1,341. 1,977. 3,381. 3,559. 72⬙ 70⬙ 29⬙ YUBT7029( ) 1,023. 1,341. 1,977. 3,381. 3,559. YUBC4023( ) YUBC4623( ) YUBC5223( ) YUBC5823( ) YUBC6423( ) YUBC7023( ) Fixed Shown 30⬙ Deep C-Leg Bases YUBC4029( ) YUBC4629( ) YUBC5229( ) YUBC5829( ) YUBC6429( ) Fixed Shown 30⬙ Deep T-Leg Bases Pin-Set Shown w* = nominal width Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options C-Leg and T-Leg Bases C-Leg and T-Leg Bases C-Leg and T-Leg Bases C-leg and T-Leg Bases Example: YUBC5829HS, 9005, Mounting hardware Shrouds (optional) Base Type Options: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pattern Number Base Type Shroud Option Base Finish Shroud/Feet Paint Finish (optional) 613 YUB C 58 29 H S 9005 613 Universal Base C-Leg Width Depth Handcrank Shroud Black Base Finish Shroud/Feet Paint Finish (F) = Fixed (27⬙ High) (P) = Pin-Set (22⬙ - 35⬙ High) (H) = Handcrank (22⬙ - 35⬙ High) (E) = Electric (27⬙ - 46 1/2⬙ High) (A) = Advanced Electric (21⬙ 47 1/2⬙ High) Shroud Option: Add an ’S’ suffix to the pattern number to specify a painted shroud for the lower leg with matching foot and add $100 to the list price. Add an ’N’ suffix to specify a leg without a shroud. 98 > '"&% '% & % % ' ")> ' ( 1 ' '1 )G & ( %%'" " 8<,% "(( %($ %% ( ( %) '( ' 8@, 1' &"') ( %% " 1=, "%(' (6=, 39,)> %" % ' ''% % ' % ' )E''%' F,%" ' % ') " > !"( '"' ' & %'&% 6, )> " % ' "' ' % ( "E1 ) !( % 6, =,' (' ' &%' % 6, =, &%=, 7, ) ;(& 6@, %%'"9, 8, ( %6, =,' (' ' ) Antenna Workspaces > % '% ( ( 1 " () > F,%1& ( " % %((%) % %'( 2 '& ( 1) *8+*86+ 1 ( )%' %% 2 ') > % ( ") "> "?% > > (( "> "> " 99 "?% > Desk and Table Support Modesty Panels For Desks or Returns Planning Guidelines and Specifications Modesty Panels Half Height for Desks or Returns Painted, Laminate or Veneer Antenna Workspaces description type w d h pattern no. Modesty Panels for Desks or Returns, Half Height For 36⬙ Wide Tops For 42⬙ Wide Tops For 48⬙ Wide Tops For 54⬙ Wide Tops For 60⬙ Wide Tops For 66⬙ Wide Tops For 72⬙ Wide Tops For 78⬙ Wide Tops For 84⬙ Wide Tops 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ YMP1736( ) For 36⬙ Wide Tops For 42⬙ Wide Tops For 48⬙ Wide Tops For 54⬙ Wide Tops For 60⬙ Wide Tops For 66⬙ Wide Tops For 72⬙ Wide Tops For 78⬙ Wide Tops For 84⬙ Wide Tops 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 15 7/8⬙ 15 7/8⬙ 15 7/8⬙ 15 7/8⬙ 15 7/8⬙ 15 7/8⬙ 15 7/8⬙ 15 7/8⬙ 15 7/8⬙ YMP1636( ) YMP1642( ) Modesty Panels for Desks or Returns, Half Height with Cord Passage 3 3 YMP1742( ) YMP1748( ) YMP1754( ) YMP1760( ) YMP1766( ) YMP1772( ) YMP1778( ) YMP1784( ) YMP1648( ) YMP1654( ) YMP1660( ) YMP1666( ) YMP1672( ) YMP1678( ) YMP1684( ) Painted (P) Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $227. 232. 237. 242. 285. 320. 325. 330. 335. $248. 253. 272. 278. 355. 391. 396. 401. 406. $541. 558. 580. 602. 645. 663. 681. 706. 723. $622. 642. 668. 692. 742. 762. 783. 812. 832. $809. 835. 868. 900. 965. 991. 1,018. 1,056. 1,082. 227. 232. 237. 242. 285. 320. 325. 330. 335. 248. 253. 272. 278. 355. 391. 396. 401. 406. 541. 558. 580. 602. 645. 663. 681. 706. 723. 622. 642. 668. 692. 742. 762. 783. 812. 832. 809. 835. 868. 900. 965. 991. 1,018. 1,056. 1,082. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Modesty Panels for Desks or Returns Modesty Panels for Desks or Returns Example: YMP1748P, 118T, 118T Modesty Panels for Desks or Returns Modesty Panels for Desks or Returns Attachment brackets Hardware Finish Options: 1. Pattern Number 2. Surface Finish 3. Bracket Paint Finish YMP 17 48 P 118T 118T Modesty Panel Height Width Paint Bright White Paint Bright White Paint 100 (P) = Painted (L) = Laminate (V) = Veneer Modesty Panels Full Height for Desks or Returns Painted, Laminate or Veneer description type w d h pattern no. Modesty Panels for Desks or Returns, Full Height For 36⬙ Wide Tops For 42⬙ Wide Tops For 48⬙ Wide Tops For 54⬙ Wide Tops For 60⬙ Wide Tops For 66⬙ Wide Tops For 72⬙ Wide Tops For 78⬙ Wide Tops For 84⬙ Wide Tops 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ YMP2736( ) For 36⬙ Wide Tops For 42⬙ Wide Tops For 48⬙ Wide Tops For 54⬙ Wide Tops For 60⬙ Wide Tops For 66⬙ Wide Tops For 72⬙ Wide Tops For 78⬙ Wide Tops For 84⬙ Wide Tops 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ YMP2636( ) YMP2642( ) Modesty Panels for Desks or Returns, Full Height with Cord Passage 3 3 YMP2742( ) YMP2748( ) YMP2754( ) YMP2760( ) YMP2766( ) YMP2772( ) YMP2778( ) YMP2784( ) YMP2648( ) YMP2654( ) YMP2660( ) YMP2666( ) YMP2672( ) YMP2678( ) YMP2684( ) Painted (P) Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $244. 252. 260. 268. 313. 351. 360. 368. 375. $208. 315. 322. 329. 445. 483. 490. 497. 504. $605. 630. 663. 689. 748. 775. 800. 833. 859. $695. 724. 763. 792. 861. 891. 920. 958. 988. $904. 941. 992. 1,030. 1,119. 1,158. 1,196. 1,246. 1,284. 244. 252. 260. 268. 313. 351. 360. 368. 375. 208. 315. 322. 329. 445. 483. 490. 497. 504. 605. 630. 663. 689. 748. 775. 800. 833. 859. 695. 724. 763. 792. 861. 891. 920. 958. 988. 904. 941. 992. 1,030. 1,119. 1,158. 1,196. 1,246. 1,284. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Modesty Panels for Desks or Returns Modesty Panels for Desks or Returns Example: YMP2748P, 118T, 118T Modesty Panels for Desks or Returns Modesty Panels for Desks or Returns Attachment brackets Hardware Finish Options: 1. Pattern Number 2. Surface Finish 3. Bracket Paint Finish YMP 27 48 P 118T 118T Modesty Panel Height Width Paint Bright White Paint Bright White Paint 101 (P) = Painted (L) = Laminate (V) = Veneer Desk and Table Support Antenna Workspaces Back Panels for Single Sided Big Tables Full Performance Painted, Laminate or Veneer description type w d h pattern no. Back Panels for Single Sided Big Table, Full Performance For 48⬙ Wide Tops For 54⬙ Wide Tops For 60⬙ Wide Tops For 66⬙ Wide Tops For 72⬙ Wide Tops For 78⬙ Wide Tops For 84⬙ Wide Tops 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 78⬙ 84⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ 27⬙ YBPSSF2748( ) YBPSSF2754( ) YBPSSF2760( ) YBPSSF2766( ) YBPSSF2772( ) YBPSSF2778( ) YBPSSF2784( ) Antenna Workspaces Painted (P) Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $260. 268. 313. 351. 360. 368. 375. $322. 329. 445. 483. 490. 497. 504. $663. 689. 748. 775. 800. 833. 859. $763. 792. 861. 891. 920. 958. 988. $992. 1,030. 1,119. 1,158. 1,196. 1,246. 1,284. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Back Panels for Single Sided Big Tables Back Panels for Single Sided Tables Back Panels for Single Sided Big Tables Back Panels for Single Sided Big Tables 1. Pattern Number 2. Surface Finish 3. Bracket Paint Finish Example: YBPSSF2748P, 118T, Attachment brackets Hardware Finish Options: 118T YBP SS F 27 48 P 118T 118T Back Panel Single Sided Big Table Full Performance Height Width Paint Bright White Paint Bright White Paint 102 (P) = Painted (L) = Laminate (V) = Veneer End Panels For Desks or Returns Planning Guidelines and Specifications '1 8@, 1' & "')G & %%'" " 8<,% "(( %($ %% ( ( "%) ..!%.%)/! %.!0%##%12+%#3 &" ( &' (% 83,&9,&B,&6@, 6=,) ' "( % '% ( "( ) ' % ( " 1( 85, ) ' "' ' "% ') Desk and Table Support ' %" ( % " ) % %' ) 1' '1 ) Antenna Workspaces " " " > " 1 103 " > " " > " 1 End Panels For Desks or Returns Planning Guidelines and Specifications %" % 1 '0% ''% % ' ')E''%'F,% " ' )! F,1" '( ) : 85,' ( ' ' ) " " Antenna Workspaces % '%& % ( " % E1 &% "%% ,%,E1 ) F,%1& (& " % %((%) % ( ") % %'2 '& ( 1)*8+ *86+ 1 =@,") &%'% % 2 ') % '% ( ( 1 " () " > " 1 104 " > " " > " 1 End Panels Half Height for Desks or Returns Painted, Laminate or Veneer Painted (P) Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $163. 168. 170. 173. 178. $160. 169. 171. 186. 199. $475. 500. 515. 523. 540. $546. 575. 592. 601. 621. $710. 748. 770. 781. 807. YEP1735( ) 163. 168. 171. 173. 178. 160. 169. 172. 174. 188. 481. 498. 516. 529. 546. 553. 573. 593. 608. 628. 719. 745. 771. 791. 816. 15 7/8⬙ 15 7/8⬙ 15 7/8⬙ 15 7/8⬙ 15 7/8⬙ YEP1618( ) YEP1624( ) YEP1627( ) YEP1630( ) YEP1636( ) 163. 168. 170. 173. 178. 160. 169. 171. 186. 199. 475. 500. 515. 523. 540. 546. 575. 592. 601. 621. 710. 748. 770. 781. 807. 15 7/8⬙ 15 7/8⬙ 15 7/8⬙ 15 7/8⬙ 15 7/8⬙ YEP1617( ) YEP1623( ) YEP1626( ) YEP1629( ) YEP1635( ) 163. 168. 171. 173. 178. 160. 169. 172. 174. 188. 481. 498. 516. 529. 546. 553. 573. 593. 608. 628. 719. 745. 771. 791. 816. description type w d h pattern no. End Panels for Desks or Returns, Half Height For 18⬙ Deep Tops For 24⬙ Deep Tops For 27⬙ Deep Tops For 30⬙ Deep Tops For 36⬙ Deep Tops 18⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ YEP1718( ) End Panels for Desks or Returns, Half Height for use with Modesty Panels For 18⬙ Deep Tops For 24⬙ Deep Tops For 27⬙ Deep Tops For 30⬙ Deep Tops For 36⬙ Deep Tops 16 1/2⬙ 22 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 34 1/2⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ YEP1717( ) YEP1723( ) YEP1726( ) YEP1729( ) End Panels for Desks or Returns, Half Height with Cord Passage For 18⬙ Deep Tops For 24⬙ Deep Tops For 27⬙ Deep Tops For 30⬙ Deep Tops For 36⬙ Deep Tops 18⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ End Panels for Desks or Returns, Half Height with Cord Passage for use with Modesty Panels For 18⬙ Deep Tops For 24⬙ Deep Tops For 27⬙ Deep Tops For 30⬙ Deep Tops For 36⬙ Deep Tops 16 1/2⬙ 22 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 34 1/2⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 3 3 3 YEP1724( ) YEP1727( ) YEP1730( ) YEP1736( ) Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options End Panels for Desks or Returns End Panels for Desks or Returns Example: YEP1724P, 118T, 118T End Panels for Desks or Returns End Panels for Desks or Returns Attachment brackets Hardware Finish Options: 1. Pattern Number 2. Surface Finish 3. Bracket Paint Finish YEP 17 24 P 118T 118T End Panel Height Width Paint Bright White Paint Bright White Paint 105 (P) = Painted (L) = Laminate (V) = Veneer Desk and Table Support Antenna Workspaces End Panels Full Height for Desks or Returns Painted, Laminate or Veneer Antenna Workspaces description type w d h pattern no. End Panels for Desks or Returns, Full Height For 18⬙ Deep Tops For 24⬙ Deep Tops For 27⬙ Deep Tops For 30⬙ Deep Tops For 36⬙ Deep Tops 18⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 7/8⬙ 26 1/2⬙ YEP2718( ) End Panels for Desks or Returns, Full Height for use with Modesty Panels For 18⬙ Deep Tops For 24⬙ Deep Tops For 27⬙ Deep Tops For 30⬙ Deep Tops For 36⬙ Deep Tops 16 1/2⬙ 22 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 34 1/2⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ 26 1/2⬙ YEP2717( ) YEP2723( ) YEP2726( ) For 18⬙ Deep Tops For 24⬙ Deep Tops For 27⬙ Deep Tops For 30⬙ Deep Tops For 36⬙ Deep Tops 18⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 25 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ YEP2618( ) YEP2624( ) YEP2627( ) For 18⬙ Deep Tops For 24⬙ Deep Tops For 27⬙ Deep Tops For 29⬙ Deep Tops For 36⬙ Deep Tops 16 1/2⬙ 22 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 34 1/2⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 25 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ YEP2617( ) YEP2623( ) End Panels for Desks or Returns, Full Height with Cord Passage End Panels for Desks or Returns, Full Height with Cord Passage for use with Modesty Panels 3 3 3 3 YEP2724( ) YEP2727( ) YEP2730( ) YEP2736( ) YEP2729( ) YEP2735( ) YEP2630( ) YEP2636( ) YEP2626( ) YEP2629( ) YEP2635( ) Painted (P) Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $171. 179. 183. 187. 195. $184. 198. 202. 221. 228. $509. 543. 555. 578. 603. $586. 625. 639. 665. 694. $762. 813. 831. 865. 902. 171. 179. 183. 187. 195. 184. 191. 202. 205. 245. 514. 539. 560. 573. 601. 591. 620. 645. 659. 691. 768. 806. 839. 857. 898. 171. 179. 183. 187. 195. 184. 198. 202. 221. 228. 509. 543. 555. 578. 603. 586. 625. 639. 665. 694. 762. 813. 831. 865. 902. 171. 179. 183. 187. 195. 184. 191. 202. 205. 245. 514. 539. 560. 573. 601. 591. 620. 645. 659. 691. 768. 806. 839. 857. 898. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options End Panels for Desks or Returns End Panels for Desks or Returns Example: YEP2724P, 118T, 118T End Panels for Desks or Returns End Panels for Desks or Returns Attachment brackets Hardware Finish Options: 1. Pattern Number 2. Surface Finish 3. Bracket Paint Finish YEP 27 24 P 118T 118T End Panel Height Width Paint Bright White Paint Bright White Paint 106 (P) = Painted (L) = Laminate (V) = Veneer End Panels For Back to Back Desks Planning Guidelines and Specifications Antenna Workspaces %" % 1 '0% ''% % ' ' )E''%'F,%" ') ..!%.%)/! %.!0%##%12+%#3 :%$ $% 85, ' ( ' ' ) 1' ' 1 )'1 8@, 1' &"') ' (%%$ $% 83,&9,&B,&6@, 6=, ) E1:9@,&,&3,=9,) % '%& % ( " % E1 &% "%% ,%,E1 ) % '% ( ( 1 " () F,%1& (& " % %((%) % %'2 '& ( 1)*8+ *86+ 1 =@,") &%'% % 2 ') %$ $%" %$ $%" %$ $%" 1 %$ $%" 1 %$ $%" 107 Desk and Table Support 1" % '%$ $%&"% "' ' ) % %' ) End Panels For Back to Back Desks Painted, Laminate or Veneer Antenna Workspaces description type w d h pattern no. End Panels for Back to Back Desks, Half Height For 18⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops For 24⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops For 27⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops For 30⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops For 36⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops 39 3/4⬙ 51 3/4⬙ 57 3/4⬙ 63 3/4⬙ 75 3/4⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ 16 7/8⬙ YEP1740( ) End Panels for Back to Back Desks, Full Height For 18⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops For 24⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops For 27⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops For 30⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops For 36⬙ Deep Back to Back Tops 39 3/4⬙ 51 3/4⬙ 57 3/4⬙ 63 3/4⬙ 75 3/4⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 25 7/8⬙ 25 7/8⬙ 25 7/8⬙ 25 7/8⬙ 25 7/8⬙ YEP2640( ) YEP2652( ) YEP2658( ) 3 3 YEP1752( ) YEP1758( ) YEP1764( ) YEP1776( ) Painted (P) Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $232. 242. 247. 252. 262. $232. 256. 261. 328. 339. $563. 605. 623. 666. 700. $648. 696. 716. 766. 805. $842. 905. 931. 995. 1,046. 251. 267. 275. 283. 299. 280. 307. 315. 340. 430. 630. 689. 715. 766. 825. 724. 793. 822. 881. 949. 941. 1,030. 1,069. 1,146. 1,233. YEP2664( ) YEP2676( ) Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options End Panels for Back to Back Desks End Panels for Back to Back Desks Example: YEP1752P, 118T, 118T End Panels for Back to Back Desks End Panels for Back to Back Desks Attachment brackets Hardware Finish Options: 1. Pattern Number 2. Surface Finish 3. Bracket Paint Finish YEP 17 52 P 118T 118T End Panel Height Width Paint Bright White Paint Bright White Paint 108 (P) = Painted (L) = Laminate (V) = Veneer End Panels For Dual and Single Sided Big Tables Planning Guidelines and Specifications ..!%.%)/!% .!0%##%12!+%#3 ' % ' &' (' ' %() % ' 1 (% ') 1 ( %(%& % %') ' (% 83,&9,&B,&6@, 6=, '% ()%' 83,&9,&B,&6@, 6=, ( '%( B5, % '% () 1' (% ') 35,& ''" ) %" 1 %' %( 0% )" %' %( 1 ' 0% ''% % ' ') : 85,' ( ' ' ) " 1 % '%& % ( " % E1 &% "%% -%.E1 ) % '% ( ( 1 " () F,%1&( " % %((%) % %'2 '& ( 1) *8+*86+ 1 =@,") & %'%2 ') " 1 " " " " 109 Desk and Table Support 1" % ' &"%" ' ' ' ) %&"%85, 1" ') Antenna Workspaces End Panels For Dual and Single Sided Big Tables Painted, Laminate or Veneer Antenna Workspaces description type w d h pattern no. End Panels for Dual Sided Big Tables, Full Height For 18⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables For 24⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables For 27⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables For 30⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables For 36⬙D Dual Sided Big Tables 41 1/2⬙ 53 1/2⬙ 59 1/2⬙ 65 1/2⬙ 77 1/2⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ YEP2841 End Panels for Single Sided Big Tables, For 18⬙D Single Sided Big Tables Left Hand For 24⬙D Single Sided Big Tables For 27⬙D Single Sided Big Tables For 30⬙D Single Sided Big Tables For 36⬙D Single Sided Big Tables 31⬙ 37⬙ 40⬙ 43⬙ 49⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ YEPSSF2831L YEPSSF2837L YEPSSF2840L End Panels for Single Sided Big Tables, For 18⬙D Single Sided Big Tables Right Hand For 24⬙D Single Sided Big Tables For 27⬙D Single Sided Big Tables For 30⬙D Single Sided Big Tables For 36⬙D Single Sided Big Tables 31⬙ 37⬙ 40⬙ 43⬙ 49⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ YEP2853 YEP2859 YEP2865 YEP2877 Painted Laminate (P) (L) $337. 381. 395. 410. 442. V1 (V) V2 (V) $340. $650. $748. $972. 388. 763. 877. 1,140. 416. 792. 910. 1,183. 426. 830. 954. 1,240. 532. 850. 978. 1,320. YEPSSF2843L YEPSSF2849L 317. 332. 339. 346. 361. 320. 339. 344. 348. 372. 628. 658. 672. 688. 726. 722. 939. 756. 983. 773. 1,004. 791. 1,028. 835. 1,085. YEPSSF2831R YEPSSF2837R YEPSSF2840R YEPSSF2843R YEPSSF2849R 317. 332. 339. 346. 361. 320. 339. 344. 348. 372. 628. 658. 672. 688. 726. 722. 939. 756. 983. 773. 1,004. 791. 1,028. 835. 1,085. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options End Panels For Big Tables End Panels For Big Tables End Panels For Big Tables End Panels For Big Tables Example: YEP2853P, 118T, 118T YEP End Panel 28 Height 53 Width 118T Bright White Paint 118T Bright White Paint Attachment brackets Hardware Finish Options: 1. Pattern Number 2. Surface Finish 3. Bracket Finish 110 V3 (V) (P) = Painted (L) = Laminate (V) = Veneer 20 %%%&% ! % ) % ' ''"" ! % )*" "+ 45 ( % (( % ' ' " 1)C% ' &" ' "' ' ) %' (' ' % '=A3,) ' % 1 "% % %) 46 % ( % % % ' ) 5,' ( ' )G % &% ' '*" " %+ ' '%)% ' % " ; % %') Antenna Workspaces 47 % ' % ;(8A8=,& '85,' ( ' ) %%% ' % '%) ("%85,' ( ' &%" % % %(' ) 48 % % % 1" ' )" 1 85,%" '*" %+ ' ) % 8 % 6 G % % 9 111 Desk and Table Support Sales and Installation Tools Planning Guidelines and Specifications Sales and Installation Tools Installation Gauge Antenna Workspaces description type pattern no. Installation Gauge Package of 5 YBIG Ordering Information Order Code Legs for Dual Big Tables Installation Gauge Example: YBIG 1. Pattern Number YB IG Included With Antenna Installation Gauge 112 list $21. Options Electrical Components Planning Guidelines For Desks and Big Tables % "( ( '2 66$ $" "() ( '% % "& %"%' ; @$(%%) %%%% &% '%% &%%%( (8@ ( ; ) "%%$; %'%&% %"% 1&%') % ' ' " 0(%& "'0(%) "'% % "' ( 0% ;&0(% % "' ( &% ) "1" / 8,"&"" ; % %'%&9,"&"' % %'%); ( %' %% ' ' ;%%)E' %% %%'%"" '%%)E' %%&& 1 "% & %" %%%) Power and Communications %% ( "& "%%( %( '& %% ") 4 ' ( "( % % ' % '&%=,' (% )%' "( % (%" ' % 1& 8," %% A% ((% ;) 4&% %' (%() Antenna Workspaces ? " > % " %% ( G' " ?%" 1 ; E ( ?" %% ( C%!> 113 Electrical Components Planning Guidelines For Desks and Big Tables %"% 1' 8, 83,"% 1' 9, 6@,")?%"% 1% %" % 1" % 1" ) (%11 B, "") %%0(": 0 "% (" & "%") "; % & "((0%%"% 1& %% %"B,0() 1 ( ' ; ) (%% ' " 1 '" " %1 '") "% % & 1 ' "& %1 '"& '( ) "0(% ( %%' *?8& '@+) Antenna Workspaces '4D 1& " 0((% % (%%'&% &% % $ $ %) " ' "'1 % %%"' ( ")( ' ( % % ";' % %' (0% ; ' " ") "' ;&:#" &( % (%% % ";' % % % ") ( C%G'> G' " ?%" 1 " %% ( ; E ( ?%" (" %% ( C%!> 114 Electrical Components Planning Guidelines For Desks and Big Tables % ((% '% % ((% ( ;' (; "( % ' " %( ') ( ; % $/ &)==,"8)6=, "@)@79,% &' '% '& ' %) ( ; ' % % % ((% ( ; % % 1 0%" ( 5,"' ('% ' ; % 1)%%%' % ((% % % % %( ; %)G %"% %% ((% '%6, ( ;& 6 BA3,%% ) ; 2%%( &% $ /% ((% '%)( ; 0% ( %%) ?"*+ ((% > ; Antenna Workspaces E' '%' '; % %"% 1& % ((% ( ;& % % 1)G% 1 % ((%% '0% " )%0% ( %) (" 8,! " ((% > ; ?"9,! " ?"8,! " ((% > ; Power and Communications (" 9,! " ((% > ; ?"9,! " ((% > ; ((% > ; ((% '% ' ? C%! > 115 Electrical Components Planning Guidelines For Desks and Big Tables Antenna Workspaces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lectrical Components for Desks and Big Tables 2 + 2 and 3 + 3 Electrical Systems Antenna Workspaces type width depth height pattern number Power Harnesses 2+2, (2) Duplex Outlets per Side 2+2, (4) Duplex Outlets per Side 3+3, (2) Duplex Outlets per Side 3+3, (4) Duplex Outlets per Side 12⬙ 24⬙ 12⬙ 24⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ YRPHE12 YRPHE24 For desk mounted 12⬙ wide power harness For desk mounted 12⬙ wide power harness and communications mounting box For desk mounted 24⬙ wide power harness For desk mounted 24⬙ wide power harness and communications mounting box 18⬙ 30⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3 30⬙ 42⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3 Power Harness Mounting Brackets for Desks list YRPHT12 YRPHT24 $161. 291. 183. 350. /4⬙ /4⬙ YRPHA18 YRPHA30 62. 82. /4⬙ /4⬙ YRPHA30 YRPHA42 82. 103. YR1CMB 36. 3 3 Communications Mounting Box Below Desk or Big Table Duplex Receptacles Circuit A, black Circuit B, black Circuit C, black Circuit X, black Circuit X, black with orange triangle Circuit X, orange Circuit Y, black Circuit Y, black with orange triangle Circuit Y, orange Circuit Z, black Circuit Z, black with orange triangle Circuit Z, orange 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ YR1DA YR1DB YR1DC YR1DX YR1DXT YR1DZT YR1DZO 37. 37. 37. 37. 37. 37. 37. 37. 37. 37. 37. 37. Package of 10 1 1/4⬙ 1 /4⬙ 2 1/2⬙ YROF 31. Outlet Fillers YR1DXO YR1DY YR1DYT YR1DYO YR1DZ Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Electrical Components Electrical Components Power Harness Electrical Components 1. Pattern Number Mounting Brackets 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Raceway Covers/End Caps 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Communication Mounting Box 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Center Beam Attachment Example: YRPHT12 YRPHT Power Harness 12 Width Mounting Brackets Example: YRPHA18, 118T YBR Rails 18 Width 118T Bright White Paint Mounting Brackets Attachment Hardware Communication Mounting Box Attachment Hardware Raceway Covers Example: YRC18D, 118T YRC Raceway Covers 18 Width D Outlets Both Sides 118T Bright White Paint 117 Power and Communications description Electrical Components for Desks and Big Tables 2 + 2 and 3 + 3 Electrical Systems width depth Antenna Workspaces description type height pattern number PDC Module Extension Kit Package of 10 Raceway Covers (pair) For 12⬙ wide power harness, outlets both sides For 12⬙ wide power harness, outlets one side For 24⬙ wide power harness, outlets both sides For 24⬙ wide power harness, outlets one side 18⬙ 18⬙ 30⬙ 30⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ YRC18D YRC18S YRC30D YRC30S Raceway End Cap Package of 2 3 /8⬙ 3⬙ 3⬙ YRCE 15. Covers for Exposed End of Power Harness Package of 10 1⬙ 1⬙ 2⬙ YR1CP 165. Infeeds 2+2 Hardwire Infeed for New York City 2+2 Modular Base Infeed 3+3 Hardwire Infeed for New York City 3+3 Modular Base Infeed 85⬙ 85⬙ 85⬙ 85⬙ 2 1/8⬙ 2 1/8⬙ 2 1/8⬙ 2 1/8⬙ 2 3/8⬙ 2 3/8⬙ 2 3/8⬙ 2 3/8⬙ YR1EPNY YR1EDPI YR1TPNY YR1TDPI 391. 177. 412. 205. YR1PDCX Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Electrical Components Electrical Components Power Harness Electrical Components 1. Pattern Number Mounting Brackets 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Raceway Covers/End Caps 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Communication Mounting Box 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Center Beam Attachment Example: YRPHT12 YRPHT Power Harness 12 Width Mounting Brackets Example: YRPHA18, 118T YBR Rails 18 Width 118T Bright White Paint Mounting Brackets Attachment Hardware Communication Mounting Box Attachment Hardware Raceway Covers Example: YRC18D, 118T YRC Raceway Covers 18 Width D Outlets Both Sides 118T Bright White Paint 118 list $127. 88. 88. 103. 103. Electrical Components for Desks and Big Tables 2 + 2 and 3 + 3 Electrical Systems Antenna Workspaces description type w d h pattern no. list Jumper Cable, 2+2 For 12⬙ between power harnesses For 18⬙ between power harnesses For 24⬙ between power harnesses For 30⬙ between power harnesses For 36⬙ between power harnesses For 42⬙ between power harnesses For 48⬙ between power harnesses For 54⬙ between power harnesses For 60⬙ between power harnesses For 66⬙ between power harnesses For 72⬙ between power harnesses 12⬙ 18⬙ 24⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ YR1EJ12 YR1EJ18 $93. 101. 107. 114. 121. 133. 139. 145. 153. 161. 168. For 12⬙ between power harnesses For 18⬙ between power harnesses For 24⬙ between power harnesses For 30⬙ between power harnesses For 36⬙ between power harnesses For 42⬙ between power harnesses For 48⬙ between power harnesses For 54⬙ between power harnesses For 60⬙ between power harnesses For 66⬙ between power harnesses For 72⬙ between power harnesses For adjacent power harnesses 12⬙ 18⬙ 24⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 7⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ YR1TJ12 YR1EJ54 YR1EJ60 YR1EJ66 YR1EJ72 YR1TJ18 YR1TJ24 YR1TJ30 YR1TJ36 YR1TJ42 YR1TJ48 YR1TJ54 YR1TJ60 YR1TJ66 YR1TJ72 YR1TJ7 121. 131. 139. 148. 157. 173. 181. 188. 200. 209. 218. 160. Power and Communications Jumper Cable, 3+3 YR1EJ24 YR1EJ30 YR1EJ36 YR1EJ42 YR1EJ48 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Electrical Components Electrical Components Power Harness Electrical Components 1. Pattern Number Mounting Brackets 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Raceway Covers/End Caps 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Communication Mounting Box 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Center Beam Attachment Example: YRPHT12 YRPHT Power Harness 12 Width Mounting Brackets Example: YRPHA18, 118T YBR Rails 18 Width 118T Bright White Paint Mounting Brackets Attachment Hardware Communication Mouting Box Attachment Hardware Raceway Covers Example: YRC18D, 118T YRC Raceway Covers 18 Width D Outlets Both Sides 118T Bright White Paint 119 Surface Mounted Plugmold Raceway Planning Guidelines and Specifications Plugmold raceway for Antenna Workspaces is a hardwired raceway solution for linked desk and big table planning applications. Plugmold houses six simplex outlets on one face and is available in either one circuit (3-wire) or two circuit (4-wire) configurations. Plugmold with one circuit may be appropriate for one or two linked desks; Plugmold with two circuits is appropriate for multiple desks or Big Table applications. Plugmold is a two part channel, including an extruded aluminum back that screws to a mounting bracket that is suspended from a center beam or power harness mounting bracket. The snap on face cover has an anodized aluminum finish with cutouts to accommodate eight simplex outlets. The plugmold raceway is 36" wide, 1 ½" high and 1 1/8" deep. It includes blank ends and ends with fittings to link power to additional raceways or building power supply. The mounting bracket is 36 ½" wide U-shape folded steel that attaches to the underside of a big table center beam or power harness mounting bracket to support Plugmold on one or both faces. The hollow inside bracket conceals sheet metal screw fasteners for Plugmold on either side. Antenna Workspaces Plugmold raceway is a UL-listed surface mounted Wiremold 2000 raceway and when installed and configured by a licensed electrician it meets the requirements for City of Chicago. Construction Plugmold raceway is extruded aluminum back plate and cover, steel end covers and extruded aluminum cable exits. Mounting bracket is painted steel. Specification Options Plugmold raceways have a clear anodized aluminum finish. Mounting brackets are painted in any Core paint finish. Center Beam Big Table with Surface Mounted Plugmold Raceway Mounting Kit for Plugmold 120 Plugmold Raceway Surface Mounted Plugmold Raceway For Desks and Big Tables description type Antenna Workspaces w d pattern no. list 1 h 1 3-Wire, Grey Outlets 36⬙ 1 /8⬙ 1 /2⬙ YRPM361 $625. Plugmold, Two Circuit 4-Wire, Grey Outlets 36⬙ 1 1/8⬙ 1 1/2⬙ YRPM362 735. Mounting Kit for Plugmold For Desks and Big Tables YRPMK 110. Power and Communications Plugmold, Single Circuit Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Electrical Components Plugmold Plug Mold Electrical Components Example: YRPM361 YR Electrical Component PM Plug Mold 38 Width 1 Single Circuit Mounting Kit 1. Pattern Number Attachment brackets Hardware Mounting Kit Example: YRPMK YR Electrical Component PM Plug Mold K Kit 121 Desktop Outlet Center Planning Guidelines and Specifications The Antenna Desktop Power Center combines desktop outlets for power data and communications in any Antenna plan and is the ideal solution for independent desks. The desk mount bracket conceals cables behind and below the desk and incorporates a shelf for small electronics above. Desktop Power Center is available with four simplex outlet positions (two power and two datacom) or six outlets (three and three, or two power and four datacom). The hardwire desktop outlet center is UL listed and meets the requirements of the City of Chicago if installed by a licensed electrician. Antenna Workspaces be hardwired to building power junction box. Power center includes adapters for various common communication outlets by others. Rectangular opening in base of power center enables cables to supply outlets from cable tray or cable clips under desktop. Desktop Power Center is powered by a 6’ or 10’ cordset that can connect to an Antenna raceway outlet or directly to a building outlet, or may Desktop Power Shroud Desktop Outlet Center Antenna Desk with Desktop Outlet Center with Power Shroud Power Harness Cable Wire Basket Desktop Outlet Center with Power Shroud Back Detail Desktop Outlet Center with Power Shroud Elevation Detail Desktop Outlet Center with Power Shroud 122 Desktop Outlet Center Four or Six Positions description Desktop Outlet Center type w d 4 Positions (2 Data and 2 Power), 10’ Cordset 4 Positions (2 Data and 2 Power), 6⬘ Cordset 4 Positions (2 Data and 2 Power), 6⬘ Hardwire 6 Positions (3 Data and 3 Power), 10’ Cordset 6 Positions (3 Data and 3 Power), 6⬘ Cordset 6 Positions (3 Data and 3 Power), 6⬘ Hardwire 6 Positions (4 Data and 2 Power), 10’ Cordset 6 Positions (4 Data and 2 Power), 6⬘ Cordset 6 Positions (4 Data and 2 Power), 6⬘ Hardwire 6 /2⬙ 6 1/2⬙ 6 1/2⬙ 9 1/2⬙ 9 1/2⬙ 9 1/2⬙ 9 1/2⬙ 9 1/2⬙ 9 1/2⬙ For 4 Position Desktop Outlet Center For 6 Position Desktop Outlet Center 8⬙ 11⬙ 1 h pattern no. 2 /2⬙ 2 1/2⬙ 2 1/2⬙ 2 1/2⬙ 2 1/2⬙ 2 1/2⬙ 2 1/2⬙ 2 1/2⬙ 2 1/2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ YR1DOC422C10N YR1DOC422C6N 3⬙ 3⬙ 6⬙ 6⬙ YR1DM4 YR1DM6 1 YR1DOC422H6N YR1DOC633C10N YR1DOC633C6N YR1DOC633H6N YR1DOC642C10N YR1DOC642C6N YR1DOC642H6N list $433. 402. 443. 541. 510. 551. 520. 489. 530. 196. 206. Power and Communications Desk Mount Outlet Center Shroud Antenna Workspaces Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Desktop Outlet Center Desktop Outlet Center Example: YR1DOC422C10N YR1DOC Desktop Outlet Center 4 Positions 2 Data 2 Power C10 10’ Cordset Desktop Outlet Center Desktop Outlet Center Desk Mount Shroud Desk Mount Shroud 1. Pattern Number Desk Mount Shroud 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Attachment Hardware N No finish Desk Mount Shroud Example: YR1DM4, 118T YR1DM Desk Shroud 4 118T Positions Bright White Paint 123 Cable Management Cable Clips and Vertical Wire Manager Planning Guidelines and Specifications # *HISLTHUHNLTLU[PZH]HPSHISLMVYKPYLJ[S` \UKLY[OL[VWVMHKLZRVYIPN[HISLI`\ZPUN HTVSKLKWSHZ[PJJSPW[OH[ZUHWZVU[VHYHPS ;OPZJSPWWYV]PKLZTHUHNLTLU[MVYVULVY [^VJHISLZ[VRLLW[OLTMYVTOHUNPUNILSV^ [OL[VW*HISLJSPWZMVYYHPSZHYL\ZLM\SMVY THUHNPUNWV^LYJVYKZMVYLSLJ[YVUPJKL]PJLZ *HISLJSPWZMVY)PN;HISLJLU[LYILHTZUHWPU[V \UKLYZPKLVM[OLILHT[VTHUHNLWV^LYJHISLZ VYZTHSSI\UKSLZVMJVTT\UPJH[PVUZJHISLZ *HISLJSPWZMVYJLU[LYILHTJV\SKIL\ZLM\SMVY THUHNPUNHQ\TWLYJHISL¸WHZZPUN[OYV\NO¹H IPN[HISLWVZP[PVU^P[OV\[HWV^LYOHYULZZ *HISL*SPWZMVY-LUJLZUHWPU[V[OLMHJL VMZ[\KZPU[OL-LUJLMYHTL[VTHUHNL ZTHSSI\UKSLZVMJHISLZPU[OL\UVIZ[Y\J[LK ^PKL_ñOPNOSH`PUJHISPUNZWHJL =LY[PJHS>PYL4HUHNLY ,_WSVKLK+L[HPS Antenna Workspaces IL[^LLUZ[\KZHUK[OLPUZPKLZ\YMHJLVM-LUJL JV]LYZ-V\YJHISLJSPWZLHJOOVSKPUN\W[V 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SVUNHUKLP[OLYVYKLLWTHUHNLKH[H JVTT\UPJH[PVUZKPZ[YPI\[PVUMVY[OL^PK[OVM[OL Antenna Workspaces IPN[HISL(SSJHISLIHZRL[ZPUJS\KLHWWYVWYPH[L TV\U[PUNOHYK^HYL*HISLIHZRL[ZJHUIL [YPTTLK[V[OLHWWYVWYPH[LSLUN[OVUZP[L *HISLIHZRL[ZHYLWHPU[LK^PYL % *HISLIHZRL[ZHYLWHPU[LKTLKP\TNYL` *LU[LY)LHT 7V^LY /HYULZZ HUK*V]LYZ *LU[LY)LHTVM)PN;HISL 7V^LY/HYULZZHUK*V]LYZ )PN;HISL^P[O<WWLY*HISL)HZRL[ ([[HJOLK[V*LU[LY)LHT <WWLY*HISL)HZRL[+ 3V^LY*HISL)HZRL[+ )PN;HISL^P[O*HISL)HZRL[Z,UK,SL]H[PVU+L[HPS 7V^LY/HYULZZ 4V\U[PUN )YHJRL[ 7V^LY /HYULZZ 4V\U[PUN )YHJRL[ 7V^LY/HYULZZ HUK*V]LYZ 7V^LY /HYULZZ HUK*V]LYZ <WWLY*HISL )HZRL[+ 3V^LY*HISL )HZRL[+ <WWLY*HISL )HZRL[+ +LZR^P[O<WWLY*HISL)HZRL[H[[HJOLK[V7V^LY /HYULZZ4V\U[PUN)YHJRL[^P[O3V^LY*HISL)HZRL[ +LZR^P[O<WWLY*HISL)HZRL[H[[HJOLK [V7V^LY/HYULZZ4V\U[PUN)YHJRL[ 125 Power and Communications <WWLY*HISL )HZRL[+ Cable Management Cable Basket Attachment Kits Planning Guidelines and Specifications & ) *HISLIHZRL[L_[LUZPVURP[ZJHUIL\ZLK [VPUJYLHZL[OLZWHJLHIV]LVYIL[^LLU 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ntenna Workspaces Cable Management For Desks and Big Tables Cable Clips, Cable Baskets and Vertical Infeed/Wire Manager type w d Cable Clips for Desk and Big Table Rails Package of 10 3 /4⬙ 1 /2⬙ Cable Clips for Big Table Center Beam Package of 50 Cable Clips for Wall Studs Package of 100 1 1 /2⬙ Upper Cable Baskets (12⬙ D Shown) 27⬙ Wide and 12⬙ Deep 39⬙ Wide and 12⬙ Deep 69⬙ Wide and 12⬙ Deep 69⬙ Wide and 6⬙ Deep 27⬙ 39⬙ 69⬙ 69⬙ Attaches Below Upper Cable Basket Attaches Below Upper Cable Basket 69⬙ 69⬙ Lower Cable Baskets (6⬙ D Shown) /4⬙ h pattern no. 1⬙ YR1CC $52. YR1BCC50 243. 1 1/2⬙ YR1PCC100 75. 12⬙ 12⬙ 12⬙ 6⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ YR1CB2712B 6⬙ 12⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ YR1CB6906H 1 YR1CB3912B YR1CB6912B YR1CB6906B YR1CB6912H list 118. 139. 210. 144. 129. 195. Lower Cable Basket Mount Kit Used to Attach Lower Cable Basket to Upper Cable Basket YR1CBH 47. Cable Basket Extra Mount Kit Used to Attach Second Basket When Basket is Cut in Half YR1CBB4 62. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Cable Clips Cable Clips Cable Clips Cable Clips 1. Pattern Number Example: YR1CC YR1CC Cable Clips Cable Basket Cable Basket Vertical Infeed/Wire Manager Example: YR1VWM, 323 YR1VWM Vertical Infeed/Wire Cable Basket Extension Mount KitRods Cable Basket 1. Pattern Number Vertical Infeed/Wire Manager 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish 118T Manager Bright White Paint Attachment Hardware Attachment Hardware Cable Basket Extra Mount Kit Attachment Hardware Plates Vertical Infeed/Wire Manager Attachment Hardware 127 Vertical Infeed/Wire Manager Power and Communications description Antenna Workspaces Cable Management For Desks and Big Tables Cable Clips, Cable Baskets and Vertical Infeed/Wire Manager description type w Cable Basket Extension Kit Used to Extend Hang of Cable Basket Vertical Infeed/Wire Manager Attaches to Underside of Worksurface 3⬙ d 2 1/2⬙ h 23⬙ pattern no. list YR1CBX2 $16. YR1VWM323 343. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Cable Clips Cable Clips Cable Clips Cable Clips 1. Pattern Number Example: YR1CC YR1CC Cable Clips Cable Basket Cable Basket Vertical Infeed/Wire Manager Example: YR1VWM, 323 YR1VWM Vertical Infeed/Wire Cable Basket Extension Mount KitRods Cable Basket 1. Pattern Number Vertical Infeed/Wire Manager 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish 118T Manager Bright White Paint Attachment Hardware Attachment Hardware Cable Basket Extra Mount Kit Attachment Hardware Plates Vertical Infeed/Wire Manager Attachment Hardware 128 Vertical Infeed/Wire Manager Fence Planning Guidelines Fence can be specified at either 25" or 28 ½" high. The 25" horizon aligns with the top of Antenna desk legs, enabling desk support rails to extend above the Fence crown top cap. The 28 ½" horizon aligns with the top of a standard desk height top. The crown top cap corresponds in thickness and edge radius to an Antenna desk top. Full or segmented covers to enclose the Fence structure are available with a painted, laminate or veneer surface. Full covers conceal the entire Fence structure, ending at the underside of the crown. Segmented Fence covers are available as 9" high upper covers and 14" or 17" high lower covers. Fence covers are available in 12" width increments up to 72" and may span across straight frame-to-frame connections. Fence can be configured in freestanding straight runs in any combination of 4', 5', or 6' widths, or in L, T, X, V or 120-degree Y connections. Modular power systems available for Fence connect to the building at any point under the base and distribute either Knoll 2+2 or 3+3 electrical components up to six circuits from a single infeed. The unique profile of the frame and covers enables hundreds of cables to be “laid in” across multiple frames. Screens for Fence are available in heights that create a horizon of 42" for seated visual access or 49" for seated visual privacy attaching to either 25" or 28 ½" high Fence. Stanchion Mounted cabinets are able to attach to Fence using stanchion brackets, creating a 49" high horizon. A Fence configuration consists of frames, legs, stabilizer feet, crown top caps, end covers, connectors, covers and power components. The recommended planning sequence is: 1. Determine the overall length and height of Fence frames and add legs/stabilizer feet where required (see stability guidelines). 2. Specify crown top caps to trim the top of the frame, flat ends for the ends of the frame and connectors for frame-to-frame connections. 3. Position outlet covers, cable tray and slatwall in desired location. 4. Fill in remaining frame openings with upper, lower and/or full covers. 5. Complete power specifications with outlet modules, duplex receptacles, infeeds and jumper cables. 25 ½" 25" 25"H Fence Elevations 28 ½"H Fence Elevations 25"H Fence 28 ½"H Fence 129 Fence Components Fence Planning Guidelines Fence is an independent 5" thick service wall intended to define the center of a cluster or the perimeter of a team space. Fence distributes and manages power, data and communications for a group of workspaces through the use of convenient outlets, accessible cable trays and slatwall. The unique Fence crown supports the end of a desk, screens and storage cabinets on stanchions in the center. Antenna Workspaces Fence Planning Guidelines Fence Stability Guidelines Fence can be planned in straight runs or connected in L, T, X, V or Y configurations. Legs are required 1' from any connector and a stabilizer foot should also be added 8' or less from an L, T or V connector. Two Fence legs are recommended for each frame when a desk Antenna Workspaces end support or upmounted storage cabinet application is planned. In addition to legs, a stabilizer foot should be added at each end and every 8' along a straight run. If storage or desk supports are not planned, Fence legs are required at each end of straight runs and every 4' or 5' with at least one per Fence frame. When supporting overhead storage, fence must be stabilized by attachment to an adjacent desk. = Leg = Stabilizer Foot Leg and Stabilizer Foot Required at Ends of Frame Run There Must Be at least 1 Leg per Frame Legs Required 1' from any Connector Straight Run Configurations using 48"W Frames Straight Run Configurations using 60"W Frames Stabilizer Foot Required at Least Every 8' Legs Required Every 4'-5' of a Straight Run Straight Run Configurations using 72"W Frames 2 Legs Required per Frame when Upmounting Storage Straight 12' Run with Upmounted Storage 130 Fence Structure Planning Guidelines and Specifications Fence Structure Fence frames are the base structure of a Fence application. Frames are designed with 1" x 2" vertical studs every 12". Half-width vertical studs at each end are welded to a 1" high horizontal crown and bottom channel that are the full width of the frame. Frames are 21" high and available in 4', 5' and 6' widths. Frames include one set of connectors to join to the next frame in a straight line. The top of the frame crown has features that enable desk support brackets to attach to either side of the Fence frame, as well as screen and storage stanchions in the center of the crown. Fence is available in two heights: 25" and 28 ½". The height of fence is determined by the height of the leg, specify 4" high legs for 25" high Fence or 7" high legs for 28 ½" high Fence. Legs attach to the frame bottom channel 1' from each end. Legs are required 1' from any connector and a stabilizer foot should also be added 8' or less from an L, T or V connector. Two Fence legs are recommended for each frame when a desk end support or upmounted storage cabinet application is planned. If storage or desk supports are not planned, Fence legs are required at each end of straight runs and every 4' or 5' with at least one per Fence frame. The bottom channel of the frame has ports to enable vertical cable feeds between studs. Studs have two ports that allow lateral distribution of power jumper cables. Steel clips are welded to both faces of the studs to support the attachment of Fence covers. Covers are offset 1" to enable lay-in cable management across the face of any length of interconnected frames. Cable clips can be specified separately to manage bundles of communication cables. A stabilizer foot is a heavy gauge steel foot that attaches to a Fence leg and extends 6" on either side of the frame. In addition to legs, a stabilizer foot should be added at each end and every 8' along a straight run. Construction Frames are 21" high steel weldments available in 48", 60", and 72" widths. Frames are composed of a 1" high crown, bottom rail, ½" wide roll formed studs at ends and 1" wide roll formed studs on 12" centers between the ends. Formed steel clips welded at the top, center and bottom of each stud enable covers to mount and snap into position without tools. Legs are extruded aluminum with steel top and bottom plates to connect to the bottom of the frame 12" from either end and accept 3" high leveling glides with 2" adjustable height. Stabilizer feet are an inverted T-shape constructed of welded steel that rests directly on the floor below the leveling glide. Cable clips are molded black plastic, approximately 1 ½"H x ¾"D, and each can manage 10 or more CAT5 cables. Antenna Fence frame is essentially similar to Currents Fence, but has a different bottom channel to enable the covers to extend to the floor. Legs and feet are unique to Antenna Fence. Crown Top Caps Full Cover Upper Covers Fence Frame Flat End Leg Stabilizer Foot Fence Assembly 131 Fence Components Specification Options Frames have a black paint finish. The legs and stabilizer foot are available in any core paint finish. Cable clips (AR1PCC100) must be specified separately and are available in packages of 100. Fence Screen Lower Covers Antenna Workspaces Fence Structure Frames, Legs and Stabilizer Foot Antenna Workspaces description type w d h pattern no. Frames 48⬙ Wide 60⬙ Wide 72⬙ Wide 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 5⬙ 5⬙ 5⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ YFF2148 YFF2160 Individual Legs For sue with 25⬙ High Fence For use with 28 1/2⬙ High Fence 3 1/2⬙ 3 1/2⬙ 4⬙ 4⬙ 4⬙ 7⬙ YFL25 YFL28 31. 41. Stabilizer Foot For use with individual leg 4⬙ 16⬙ 1 YFLSF 82. /4⬙ YFF2172 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Frame/Legs Frame/Legs Example: YFF2148 YFF Fence Frame Frame/Legs Frame/Legs Stabilizer Foot Stabilizer Foot 1. Pattern Number Stabilizer Foot 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Attachment Hardware 21 Height 48 Width Stabilizer Foot Example: YFLSF, 118T YFLSF 118T Stabilizer Foot Bright White Paint 132 list $453. 536. 597. Fence Connectors and Trim Planning Guidelines and Specifications *YV^UJLU[LYJOHUULSJHUILMPSSLK^P[O HJYV^U[VWJHWJLU[LYJOHUULS*LU[LY JYV^U[VWJHWZJHUIL[YPTTLKVUZP[L[VMP[ HYV\UKZ[HUJOPVUZVYVMMTVK\SLZJYLLUZ -LUJLMSH[LUKZH[[HJOKPYLJ[S`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`JVYLWHPU[ MPUPZO-SH[LUKZHUKJVUULJ[VYJV]LYZJHUIL ZWLJPMPLKPUHU`JVYLWHPU[MPUPZO-VY3;HUK= JVUKP[PVUZZWLJPM`JVUULJ[VY[VWJHWHUKJYV^U LUKJHWZ^OPJOHYLPUJS\KLKPUJVUULJ[VYRP[Z PUHU`JVYLWHPU[MPUPZO-VY?HUK@JVUKP[PVUZ ZWLJPM`JYV^ULUKJHWZPUHU`JVYLWHPU[MPUPZO *YV^U;VW*HW*LU[LY*OHUULS 3*VUULJ[VY ;*VUULJ[VY *YV^U;VW*HWZ -SH[,UK ?*VUULJ[VY *VUULJ[VYHUK;YPT(ZZLTIS`+L[HPS =*VUULJ[VY -LUJL*VUULJ[VY(WWSPJH[PVUZ 133 @*VUULJ[VY Fence Components ,HJOMLUJLMYHTLYLX\PYLZHWHPYVMTH[JOPUN ^PK[OJYV^U[VWJHWZ*YV^U[VWJHWZTH[JO [OLWYVMPSLVMHU(U[LUUHKLZR[VWHUKZUHW VU[VLP[OLYZPKLVM[OLMYHTLJYV^USLH]PUN HJLU[LYJOHUULSHJJLZZPISLMVYTV\U[PUN ZJYLLUZVYV]LYOLHKZ\WWVY[Z[HUJOPVUZ Antenna Workspaces Fence Connectors and Trim Antenna Crown Top Caps and Flat Ends description type Flat Ends For 28 /2⬙ High Fence For use with 25⬙ High Fence 5⬙ 1 For use with 48⬙ wide frame For use with 60⬙ wide frame For use with 72⬙ wide frame 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 3 For use with 48⬙ wide crown top caps For use with 60⬙ wide crown top caps For use with 72⬙ wide crown top caps 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 1 3/4⬙ 1 3/4⬙ 1 3/4⬙ 3 Crown Top Caps (pair) Crown Top Cap Center Channel w Antenna Workspaces 1 d h /4⬙ /4⬙ 28 /2⬙ 25⬙ YFJE28 YFJE25 $93. 93. /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ YFTC48 YFTC60 YFTC72 52. 72. 82. /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ YFCC48 YFCC60 YFCC72 26. 36. 41. 1 pattern no. 1 3 3 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Crown Covers/Flat Ends Crown Covers/Flat Ends Example: YFJE25, 118T YFJE Flat End Crown Covers/Flat Ends Crown Covers/Flat Ends 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish 25 118T Height Bright White Paint 134 list Fence Connectors and Trim Antenna Connectors Antenna Workspaces description type w d h pattern no. L Connectors (Two-Way) For use with 25⬙ High Fence For use with 28 1/2⬙ High Fence 5⬙ 5⬙ 5⬙ 5⬙ 25⬙ 28 1/2⬙ YFJL25 YFJL28 $464. 464. T Connectors (Three-Way) For use with 25⬙ High Fence For use with 28 1/2⬙ High Fence 5⬙ 5⬙ 5⬙ 5⬙ 25⬙ 28 1/2⬙ YFJT25 546. 546. For use with 25⬙ High Fence For use with 28 1/2⬙ High Fence 5⬙ 5⬙ 5⬙ 5⬙ 25⬙ 28 1/2⬙ YFJX25 YFJX28 587. 587. V Connectors (Two-Way 120 degree) For use with 25⬙ High Fence For use with 28 1/2⬙ High Fence 5⬙ 5⬙ 5⬙ 5⬙ 25⬙ 28 1/2⬙ YFJV25 YFJV28 747. 747. Y Connector (Three-Way 120 Degree) For use with 25⬙ High Fence For use with 28 1/2⬙ High Fence 5⬙ 5⬙ 5⬙ 5⬙ 25⬙ 28 1/2⬙ YFJY25 YFJY28 453. 453. Fence Components X Connectors (Four-Way) YFJT28 list Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Connectors Connectors Example: YFJT25, 118T, 118T, 118T YFJT Fence T Connector 25 Height 118T Bright White Paint Connectors Connectors 1. Pattern Number 2.Vertical Paint Finish (except for X and Y connector) 3. Top Cap Paint Finish 4. Crown End Cover Finish 118T 118T Attachment Hardware Connectors Trim Bright White Paint Bright White Paint 135 Fence Electrical Components Planning Guidelines and Specifications Antenna Workspaces -LUJLPZWV^LYLKI`H\UPX\LWVPU[[V WVPU[JVUMPN\YH[PVUVMZ[HUKHYK2UVSSVY TVK\SHYYHJL^H`Z;OLJLU[YHSWV^LY JVTWVULU[PZ[OLV\[SL[TVK\SL^OPJOOHZ PU[LNYHSOVVRZ[VOHUNMYVT[OL[VWZ[\K JSPWZVU[OLMYHTL;OLV\[SL[TVK\SLPZSLZZ [OHU^PKLZV[^VV\[SL[TVK\SLZJHU MP[ZPKLI`ZPKLIL[^LLUHU`[^VZ[\KZ QVPULKI`HUQ\TWLYV\[SL[TVK\SLZ ILOPUKHKQHJLU[V\[SL[JV]LYZZOV\SKIL QVPULKI`HQ\TWLY-VYV[OLYWSHUUPUN JVUKP[PVUZMLUJLQ\TWLYZULLK[VILH[SLHZ[ ^PKLY[OHU[OL^PK[OVM[OLMLUJLJV]LY IL[^LLUV\[SL[JV]LYZ-VYL_HTWSLPMV\[SL[ TVK\SLZHYLWVZP[PVULKILOPUKV\[SL[JV]LYZ ZLWHYH[LKI`H^PKLMLUJLJV]LY[OL` ZOV\SKILQVPULKI`HVY^PKLYQ\TWLY ,HJOMHJLVM[OLV\[SL[TVK\SLHJJLW[Z[^V K\WSL_V\[SL[Z\UPX\L[V(U[LUUH-LUJL [OH[L_[LUK[VWYV[Y\KL[OYV\NO[OLV\[SL[ JV]LYVWLUPUNZ+\WSL_YLJLW[HJSLZT\Z[ ILZWLJPMPLK[VHJJLZZVULVM[OLMV\YVY ZP_JPYJ\P[Z;OLMV\YWVY[ZH[[OLIV[[VTVM HUV\[SL[TVK\SLHJJLW[Q\TWLYJHISLZVY HUPUMLLK^P[O\W[V[OYLLQ\TWLYJHISLZ 2 ;^V[`WLZVMWV^LYPUMLLKZTVK\SHYHUK OHYK^PYLHYLH]HPSHISL[VJVUULJ[[OLYHJL^H` [V[OLI\PSKPUNWV^LYZ\WWS`;OLTVK\SHY PUMLLKOHZHTVK\SHYJVUULJ[VY^P[OHZP_MVV[ WPN[HPS[OH[JVUULJ[ZHQ\UJ[PVUIV_KPYLJ[S` [V-LUJL[OYV\NOHWVY[PU[OLIV[[VTVM [OLMYHTL[VHUV\[SL[TVK\SL*SHKPUTL[HS JVUK\P[[OLTVK\SHYPUMLLKPZJVTWSPHU[^P[O :HU-YHUJPZJVLSLJ[YPJHSJVKLZ(OHYK^PYL PUMLLKYLX\PYLKPU5L^@VYR*P[`TV\U[Z[V [OLMYHTLHUKPUJS\KLZHJVUULJ[VY^P[OZP_ MVV[WPN[HPS[OH[JVUULJ[Z[VHUV\[SL[TVK\SL : 1\TWLYJHISLZHYLH]HPSHISLPU]HYPV\Z SLUN[OZ\W[V[VSPURWV^LYIL[^LLU V\[SL[TVK\SLZ:PKLI`ZPKLV\[SL[TVK\SLZ ILOPUKHZPUNSLV\[SL[JV]LYZOV\SKIL 6\[SL[*V]LYHUK 9LJLW[HJSLZ >PKL 1\TWLY >PKL*V]LY >PKL 1\TWLY 7V^LY4VK\SL 0UMLLK 0UMLLKJHISLZMVYIV[OWV^LYHUK JVTT\UPJH[PVUZLU[LY[OL-LUJLMYHTL [OYV\NO[OLZWHJLH[[OLIHZLVMM\SSVY SV^LYJV]LYZHUK[OL^P[OOPNO-LUJL VY^P[OñOPNO-LUJLZWHJLIL[^LLU [OLIV[[VTVM[OLMYHTLHUK[OLMSVVY ;OL7+*TVK\SLL_[LUZPVURP[PZHZL[VM[LU JVSSHYZ[OH[ZUHWZLJ\YLS`PU[VHUV\[SL[VWLUPUN PU(U[LUUHJVTT\UPJH[PVUZTV\U[PUNIV_VY -LUJLV\[SL[ZJV]LY[VWYVQLJ[HUL^V\[SL[ TV\U[PUNWVZP[PVUñH^H`MYVT[OLMHJLVM[OL IV_VYJV]LY;OPZHKKLKKLW[OJHUILJY\JPHSPM JVTT\UPJH[PVUZJVUULJ[VYZHYL\U\Z\HSS`KLLW HUKHYLHYYH`LKIHJR[VIHJRPU[OLTV\U[PUN IV_VY-LUJL0U[LYPVYZWHJLIL[^LLUIHJR [VIHJRJVTT\UPJH[PVUZMHJLWSH[LZPZPU TV\U[PUNIV_VY PU-LUJLHWWSPJH[PVUZ ,_[LUZPVURP[HJJLW[ZTVZ[Z[HUKHYKKLJVYH ZPaLJVTT\UPJH[PVUZMHJLWSH[LZ7+*TVK\SL L_[LUZPVURP[PZPUQLJ[PVUTVSKLKISHJRWSHZ[PJ 6\[SL[MPSSLYZHYLHRP[VM[LUWSHZ[PJMPSSLYWSH[LZ [OH[MSL_[VZUHWZLJ\YLS`PU[VHU`\U\ZLK V\[SL[VWLUPUNPU(U[LUUHYHJL^H`JV]LYZ JVTT\UPJH[PVUZTV\U[PUNIV_VY-LUJLV\[SL[Z JV]LY0UZ[HSSLKJV]LYZHYLKLZPNULK[VJSVZLS` TPTPJ[OLHWWLHYHUJLVMHKQHJLU[WV^LY V\[SL[Z-PSSLYZHYLISHJPUQLJ[PVUTVSKLKWSHZ[PJ -LUJL,SLJ[YPJHS,SL]H[PVU 0UMLLKMYVT -SVVY 7V^LY4VK\SL ^P[O9LJLW[HJSLZ 1\TWLY -LUJL,SLJ[YPJHS+L[HPS 136 Fence Electrical Components Planning Guidelines and Specifications % -VYV\[SL[TVK\SLZQ\TWLYZHUKPUMLLKZ ZWLJPM`LP[OLY[OLVYLSLJ[YPJHSZ`Z[LT >OLU\ZPUN[OLLSLJ[YPJHSZ`Z[LTZWLJPM` K\WSL_YLJLW[HJSLZMVYJPYJ\P[Z()?VY @>OLU\ZPUN[OLLSLJ[YPJHSZ`Z[LT ZWLJPM`K\WSL_YLJLW[HJSLZMVYJPYJ\P[Z() *?@VYA+\WSL_YLJLW[HJSLZMVYHSSJPYJ\P[Z HYLH]HPSHISL^P[OHISHJRMHJL?@HUKA JPYJ\P[ZHYLHSZVH]HPSHISL^P[OHUVYHUNLMHJL VYHISHJRMHJL^P[OHUVYHUNL[YPHUNSL Fence Components ;OLLSLJ[YPJHSZ`Z[LTKPZ[YPI\[LZMV\Y HTWJPYJ\P[ZPULPNO[^PYLZZ\P[HISLMVY \UPU[LYY\W[LKWV^LYZ\WWS`HWWSPJH[PVUZ LSLJ[YPJHSPZJVUMPN\YLK^P[O[^VOV[^PYLZ[OH[ OH]LHZOHYLKNYV\UKHUKUL\[YHSHUK[^V V[OLYOV[^PYLZ[OH[OH]LZLWHYH[LZOHYLK NYV\UKHUKUL\[YHSZ;OLLSLJ[YPJHS Z`Z[LTKPZ[YPI\[LZZP_HTWJPYJ\P[ZPU[LU ^PYLZZ\P[HISLMVY\UPU[LYY\W[LKWV^LYZ\WWS` HWWSPJH[PVUZLSLJ[YPJHSPZJVUMPN\YLK^P[O [OYLLOV[^PYLZ^P[OHZOHYLKNYV\UKHUK UL\[YHSHUK[OYLLV[OLYOV[^PYLZ[OH[OH]L ZLWHYH[LZOHYLKNYV\UKHUKUL\[YHSZ Antenna Workspaces Fence Power/Data Example Communication faceplate by others Blank Wire Manager Clips Cable Tray Cover 137 Outlet Covers Fence Electrical Components 2+2 and 3+3 Electrical Systems description type Antenna Workspaces w d h pattern no. list Outlet Modules 2+2, Upper Level 3+3, Upper Level 6⬙ 6⬙ 3 /2⬙ 3 1/2⬙ 8 /2⬙ 8 1/2⬙ YR1EOM YR1TOM $152. 177. Infeeds 2+2 Hardwire Infeed for New York City 2+2 Modular Base Infeed 3+3 Hardwire Infeed for New York City 3+3 Modular Base Infeed 85⬙ 85⬙ 85⬙ 85⬙ 2 1/8⬙ 2 1/8⬙ 2 1/8⬙ 2 1/8⬙ 2 3/8⬙ 2 3/8⬙ 2 3/8⬙ 2 3/8⬙ YR1EPNY 391. 177. 412. 205. Circuit A, black Circuit B, black Circuit C, black Circuit X, black Circuit X, black with orange triangle Circuit X, orange Circuit Y, black Circuit Y, black with orange triangle Circuit Y, orange Circuit Z, black Circuit Z, black with orange triangle Circuit Z, orange 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 1 1/2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ 4 1/2⬙ YR1XDA YR1XDZT YR1XDZO 41. 41. 41. 41. 41. 41. 41. 41. 41. 41. 41. 41. Outlet Fillers Package of 10 1 1/4⬙ 1 /4⬙ 2 1/2⬙ YROF 31. PDC Module Extension Kit Package of 10 Cable Clips for Wall Studs Package of 100 Duplex Receptacles, Extended Face For Use With Fence 1 1 YR1EDPI YR1TPNY YR1TDPI YR1XDB YR1XDC YR1XDX YR1XDXT YR1XDXO YR1XDY YR1XDYT YR1XDYO YR1XDZ YR1PDCX /4⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 1 1/2⬙ YR1PCC100 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Electrical Components Electrical Components Example: YR1EOM12 Electrical Components Electrical Components 1. Pattern Number YR1EOM Outlet Module 12 Width 138 127. 75. Fence Electrical Components 2+2 and 3+3 Electrical Systems Antenna Workspaces description type w d h pattern no. Jumper Cable, 2+2 For adjacent outlet modules behind one cover For outlets behind adjacent outlet covers For 24⬙ between outlet covers For 36⬙ between outlet covers For 48⬙ between outlet covers For 60⬙ between outlet covers For 72⬙ between outlet covers For 84⬙ between outlet covers For 96⬙ between outlet covers 18⬙ 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 84⬙ 96⬙ 108⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ YR1EJ18 YR1EJ24 For adjacent outlet modules behind one cover For outlets behind adjacent outlet covers For 24⬙ between outlet covers For 36⬙ between outlet covers For 48⬙ between outlet covers For 60⬙ between outlet covers For 72⬙ between outlet covers For 84⬙ between outlet covers For 96⬙ between outlet covers 18⬙ 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 84⬙ 96⬙ 108⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ YR1TJ18 YR1TJ24 YR1TJ36 YR1EJ96 YR1EJ108 YR1TJ48 YR1TJ60 YR1TJ72 YR1TJ84 YR1TJ96 YR1TJ108 $101. 107. 121. 139. 153. 168. 186. 200. 207. 131. 139. 157. 181. 200. 218. 242. 260. 269. Fence Components Jumper Cable, 3+3 YR1EJ36 YR1EJ48 YR1EJ60 YR1EJ72 YR1EJ84 list Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Electrical Components Electrical Components Example: YR1TJ36 Electrical Components Electrical Components 1. Pattern Number YR1TJ 36 Jumper Cable Width 139 Upper Covers Planning Guidelines and Specifications + ( <WWLYJV]LYZHYLUVTPUHS /HUKTV\U[ VUS`PU[OL\WWLYWVZP[PVUVMLHJOMHJLVM[OL MYHTLñILSV^HUKMS\ZO^P[O[OLJYV^U JV]LYZ:WLJPM`PUN[OLZ\YMHJLJV]LYZVM[OL MLUJLZOV\SKILNPUI`SVJH[PUNV\[SL[ZJV]LYZ HUKHU`M\UJ[PVUHSZ\YMHJLJV]LYZ·PU[LNYHS JHISL[YH`VYZSH[^HSS6[OLYZ\YMHJLJV]LYZ JHUILWHPU[LK^VVKSHTPUH[LVY]LULLY *V]LYZH[[HJO\ZPUNM\SS^PK[OL_[Y\ZPVUZ [OH[OHUNMYVT[OL[VWZ[\KJSPWZHUKZUHW VU[V[OLTPKKSLJSPWZVU[OLZ[\KZ 6\[SL[ZJV]LYZHYL^PKL^P[OHñKLLW YLJLZZLKZ\YMHJLHUKMV\YZ[HUKHYKK\WSL_ V\[SL[VWLUPUNZ,HJOV\[SL[VWLUPUNPZVYPLU[LK ]LY[PJHSS`HUKPZZPaLK[VMP[HYV\UKHWV^LY V\[SL[VYZ[HUKHYK+LJVYHZPaLZUHWPUKH[H JVTT\UPJH[PVUZV\[SL[/HYK^PYLKV\[SL[JV]LYZ HYLHSZVH]HPSHISL^OLUYLX\PYLKI`JVKL *HISL[YH`JV]LYZHYLKLZPNULK[VLUHISL \ZLYHJJLZZPISLJHISLTHUHNLTLU[^P[OPU [OLZ\YMHJLVM[OL-LUJLIL[^LLUV\[SL[ JV]LYZ:SH[^HSSOHZPU[LNYHSZSV[ZMYVT^OPJO 2UVSS,_[YHHJJLZZVYPLZJHUILO\UNMYVT[OL Z\YMHJLVM[OL-LUJL*HISL[YH`HUKZSH[^HSS JV]LYZHYLH]HPSHISLPU^PK[OZ\W[V <WWLYJV]LYZHYLHSZVH]HPSHISL^P[OH WHPU[LKVYSHTPUH[LMPUPZOPU^PK[OZMYVT VY^P[OH;LJO^VVKVYUH[\YHS ]LULLYMPUPZOPU^PK[OZMYVT;OL NYHPUKPYLJ[PVUPZ]LY[PJHSMVY]LULLYJV]LYZ Antenna Workspaces % 6\[SL[JV]LYZJHISL[YH`ZSH[^HSSHUKWHPU[LK \WWLYJV]LYZHYLH]HPSHISLPUHU`2UVSSJVYLWHPU[ MPUPZO3HTPUH[LJV]LYZHYLH]HPSHISLPUHU`2UVSS JVYLSHTPUH[LMPUPZO=LULLYJV]LYZHYLH]HPSHISL PUHU`2UVSSJVYL;LJO^VVKVYUH[\YHS]LULLY MPUPZO=LULLYHUKWH[[LYULKSHTPUH[L\WWLY JV]LYZHYLVUS`H]HPSHISLPU^PK[OZ\W[V 4VK\SHYV\[SL[JV]LYZHYLJVUZ[Y\J[LKVM PUQLJ[PVUTVSKLKWSHZ[PJHUKOHYK^PYLV\[SL[ JV]LYZHYLMVYTLKZ[LLS*HISL[YH`ZHUK ZSH[^HSSHYLL_[Y\KLKHS\TPU\T^P[OPU[LNYHS [VWHUKIV[[VTOVVRKL[HPSZ7HPU[LKSHTPUH[L HUK]LULLY\WWLYJV]LYZOH]LHñ[OPJR ^VVKJVYL^P[O[VWHUKIV[[VTHS\TPU\T L_[Y\ZPVUZ[VLUNHNL[V[OLZ[\KJSPWZ ,SL]H[PVUVM<WWLY*V]LYZMVYHUKñ/PNO-LUJL ñ/ / / *HISL;YH` 6\[SL[*V]LY :SH[^HSS*V]LY 140 7HPU[3HTPUH[L =LULLY*V]LY Upper Covers Outlet, Cable Tray and Slatwall Covers For 25⬙ or 28⬙ High Fence Antenna Workspaces description type w d h pattern no. list Upper Outlet Covers Modular Hardwire 12⬙ 12⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ YFCOC YFCHOC $41. 103. Upper Cable Tray Covers 12⬙ 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ YFC0912C YFC0924C YFC0936C YFC0948C YFC0960C YFC0972C 41. 72. 103. 144. 175. 206. Upper Slatwall Covers 12⬙ 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ YFC0912S YFC0924S YFC0936S 36. 62. 93. 124. 155. 185. Fence Components YFC0948S YFC0960S YFC0972S Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Upper Covers Upper Covers Example: YFCOC, 118T Upper Covers Upper Covers 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish YFCOC 118T Outlet Cover Bright White Paint 141 Upper Covers Painted For 25⬙ or 28⬙ High Fence description Upper Painted Covers Antenna Workspaces w d h pattern no. list 12⬙ 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ YFC0912P YFC0924P $134. 144. 155. 165. 196. 216. 3 YFC0936P YFC0948P YFC0960P YFC0972P Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Painted Covers Painted Covers Example: YFCO936P, 118T YFC Fence Cover 09 Height 36 Width Painted Covers Painted Covers 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish P 118T Painted Bright White Paint 142 Upper Covers Laminate For 25⬙ or 28⬙ High Fence description w d h pattern no. list 12⬙ 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ YFC0912L YFC0924L $144. 165. 185. 206. 268. 288. 3 YFC0936L YFC0948L YFC0960L YFC0972L Fence Components Upper Laminate Covers Antenna Workspaces Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Laminate Covers Laminate Covers Example: YFCO936L, 118 YFC Fence Cover 09 Height 36 Width Laminate Covers Laminate Covers 1. Pattern Number 2. Laminate Finish L 118 Laminate Bright White Laminate 143 Upper Covers Veneer For 25⬙ or 28⬙ High Fence description Upper Veneer Covers Antenna Workspaces w d h pattern no. V1 V2 V3 12⬙ 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ 9⬙ YFC0912V YFC0924V $403. 449. 518. 568. $464. 516. 595. 653. $626. 696. 803. 882. 3 YFC0936V YFC0948V Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Veneer Covers Veneer Covers Example: YFCO936V, Y316 YFC Fence Cover 09 Height 36 Width Veneer Covers Veneer Covers 1. Pattern Number 2. Veneer Finish V Y316 Veneer Maple 144 Lower Covers Planning Guidelines and Specifications ! ( 3V^LYJV]LYZMPSS[OLZWHJLILSV^\WWLYJV]LYZ VU-LUJLKV^U[VHIV]L[OLMSVVYSL]LS ^OPJOHSSV^ZJVU[PU\V\ZJHISLLU[Y`L_P[3V^LY JV]LYZHYLWSHUULKPU[OLSV^LYZLJ[PVUVM-LUJL ILSV^\WWLYJV]LYZHUKJHUILJVTIPULK^P[O HKQHJLU[M\SSJV]LYZVU[OL-LUJL3V^LYJV]LYZ H[[HJO\ZPUNM\SS^PK[OL_[Y\ZPVUZ[OH[OHUN MYVT[OLTPKKSLWVZP[PVUZ[\KJSPWZHUKZUHW VU[V[OLIV[[VTWVZP[PVUJSPWZVU[OLZ[\KZ :WLJPM`OPNOSV^LYJV]LYZMVY\ZL ^P[OOPNO-LUJLHUKOPNOSV^LY JV]LYZMVY\ZL^P[OñOPNO-LUJL Antenna Workspaces 7HPU[LKSHTPUH[LHUK]LULLY\WWLYJV]LYZ OH]LHñ[OPJR^VVKJVYL^P[O[VWHUKIV[[VT HS\TPU\TL_[Y\ZPVUZ[VLUNHNL[V[OLZ[\KJSPWZ % 7HPU[LK\WWLYJV]LYZHYLH]HPSHISLPUHU` 2UVSSJVYLWHPU[MPUPZO3HTPUH[LJV]LYZHYL H]HPSHISLPUHU`2UVSSJVYLSHTPUH[LMPUPZO =LULLYJV]LYZHYLH]HPSHISLPUHU`2UVSS JVYL;LJO^VVKVYUH[\YHS]LULLYMPUPZO;OL NYPUKPYLJ[PVUPZ]LY[PJHSMVY]LULLYJV]LYZ =LULLYHUKWH[[LYULKSHTPUH[L\WWLYJV]LYZ HYLVUS`H]HPSHISLPU^PK[OZ\W[V ,SL]H[PVUVM3V^LY*V]LYZMVYHUKñ/PNO-LUJL ñ/ Fence Components / / / 7HPU[3HTPUH[L=LULLY*V]LY 7HPU[3HTPUH[L=LULLY*V]LY 145 Lower Covers Painted For 25⬙ or 28⬙ High Fence description Lower Painted Covers for 25⬙ High Fence Lower Painted Covers for 28⬙ High Fence Antenna Workspaces w d h pattern no. list 12⬙ 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ YFC1412P YFC1424P $134. 144. 155. 165. 196. 216. 12⬙ 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ YFC1712P YFC1724P YFC1736P YFC1748P YFC1760P 3 3 YFC1436P YFC1448P YFC1460P YFC1472P YFC1772P Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Painted Covers Painted Covers Example: YFC1736P, 118T YFC Fence Cover 17 Height 36 Width Painted Covers Painted Covers 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish P 118T Painted Bright White Paint 146 134. 144. 155. 165. 196. 216. Lower Covers Laminate For 25⬙ or 28⬙ High Fence description Lower Laminate Covers for 25⬙ High Fence w d h pattern no. list 12⬙ 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ YFC1412L YFC1424L $144. 165. 185. 206. 268. 288. 12⬙ 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ YFC1712L YFC1724L YFC1736L YFC1748L YFC1760L 3 3 YFC1436L YFC1448L YFC1460L YFC1472L YFC1772L 144. 180. 201. 221. 319. 335. Fence Components Lower Laminate Covers for 28⬙ High Fence Antenna Workspaces Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Laminate Covers Laminate Covers Example: YFC1736L, 118 YFC Fence Cover 17 Height 36 Width Laminate Covers Laminate Covers 1. Pattern Number 2. Laminate Finish L 118 Laminate Bright White Laminate 147 Lower Covers Veneer For 25⬙ or 28⬙ High Fence description Lower Veneer Covers for 25⬙ High Fence Lower Veneer Covers for 28⬙ High Fence Antenna Workspaces w d h pattern no. V1 V2 V3 12⬙ 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ YFC1412V YFC1424V YFC1436V YFC1448V $419. 477. 552. 603. $482. 548. 634. 693. $651. 740. 857. 936. 12⬙ 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ YFC1712V YFC1724V YFC1736V YFC1748V 424. 485. 563. 623. 488. 558. 648. 717. 659. 754. 874. 968. 3 3 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Veneer Covers Veneer Covers Example: YFCO936V, Y316 YFC Fence Cover 09 Height 36 Width Veneer Covers Veneer Covers 1. Pattern Number 2. Veneer Finish V Y316 Veneer Maple 148 Full Covers Planning Guidelines and Specifications ( -\SSJV]LYZMPSS[OLLU[PYLZPKLVM-LUJLMYVT [OLZWHJLILSV^[OLJYV^UKV^U[VHIV]L [OLMSVVYHSSV^PUNJVU[PU\V\ZJHISLLU[Y` L_P[-\SSJV]LYZJHUILWSHUULKHKQHJLU[[V HU`JVTIPUH[PVUVM\WWLYHUKSV^LYJV]LYZ VU-LUJL-\SSJV]LYZH[[HJO\ZPUNM\SS^PK[O L_[Y\ZPVUZ[OH[OHUNMYVT[OL[VWWVZP[PVUZ[\K JSPWZHUKZUHWVU[V[OLIV[[VTZ[\KJSPWZ :WLJPM`OPNOM\SSJV]LYZMVY\ZL^P[O OPNO-LUJLHUKOPNOM\SSJV]LYZ MVY\ZL^P[OñOPNO-LUJL Antenna Workspaces 7HPU[LKSHTPUH[LHUK]LULLYM\SSJV]LYZOH]L Hñ[OPJR^VVKJVYL^P[O[VWHUKIV[[VT HS\TPU\TL_[Y\ZPVUZ[VLUNHNL[V[OLZ[\KJSPWZ % 7HPU[LKM\SSJV]LYZHYLH]HPSHISLPUHU`2UVSS JVYLWHPU[MPUPZO3HTPUH[LM\SSJV]LYZHYL H]HPSHISLPUHU`2UVSSJVYLSHTPUH[LMPUPZO =LULLYM\SSJV]LYZHYLH]HPSHISLPUHU`2UVSS JVYL;LJO^VVKVYUH[\YHS]LULLYMPUPZO;OL NYHPUKPYLJ[PVUPZ]LY[PJHSMVY]LULLYJV]LYZ =LULLYHUKWH[[LYULKSHTPUH[L\WWLYJV]LYZ HYLVUS`H]HPSHISLPU^PK[OZ\W[V ,SL]H[PVUVM-\SS*V]LYZMVYHUKñ/PNO-LUJL ñ/ Fence Components / / / 7HPU[3HTPUH[L=LULLY*V]LY 7HPU[3HTPUH[L=LULLY*V]LY 149 Full Covers Painted For 25⬙ or 28⬙ High Fence description Full Painted Covers for 25⬙ High Fence Full Painted Covers for 28⬙ High Fence Antenna Workspaces w d h pattern no. 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 23⬙ 23⬙ 23⬙ 23⬙ 23⬙ YFC2324NP YFC2336NP 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ YFC2624NP YFC2636NP YFC2648NP YFC2660NP 3 3 YFC2348NP YFC2360NP YFC2372NP YFC2672NP Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Painted Covers Painted Covers Example: YFC2636NP, 118T Painted Covers Painted Covers 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish YFC2 26 36 N P 118T Fence Cover Height Width No outlets Painted Bright White Paint 150 list $149. 160. 170. 206. 227. 149. 160. 170. 206. 227. Full Covers Laminate For 25⬙ or 28⬙ High Fence description Full Laminate Covers for 25⬙ High Fence w d h pattern no. 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 23⬙ 23⬙ 23⬙ 23⬙ 23⬙ YFC2324NL YFC2336NL 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ YFC2624NL YFC2636NL YFC2648NL YFC2660NL 3 3 YFC2348NL YFC2360NL YFC2372NL YFC2672NL list $216. 237. 268. 340. 371. 216. 237. 268. 340. 412. Fence Components Full Laminate Covers for 28⬙ High Fence Antenna Workspaces Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Laminate Covers Laminate Covers Example: YFC2636NL, 118 Laminate Covers Laminate Covers 1. Pattern Number 2. Laminate Finish YFC2 26 36 N L 118 Fence Cover Height Width No outlets Laminate Bright White Laminate 151 Full Covers Veneer For 25⬙ or 28⬙ High Fence description Full Veneer Covers for 25⬙ High Fence Full Veneer Covers for 28⬙ High Fence Antenna Workspaces w d h pattern no. 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 23⬙ 23⬙ 23⬙ YFC2324NV YFC2336NV 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 3 3 V1 V2 V3 YFC2348NV $504. 588. 653. $579. 677. 751. $782. 914. 1,014. YFC2624NV YFC2636NV YFC2648NV 512. 604. 668. 589. 694. 768. 816. 937. 1,037. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Veneer Covers Veneer Covers Example: YFC2636NV, Y316 Veneer Covers Veneer Covers 1. Pattern Number 2. Veneer Finish YFC2 26 36 N V Y316 Fence Cover Height Width No outlets Veneer Maple 152 Desk Screens Planning Guidelines and Specifications (U[LUUHZJYLLUZWYV]PKLWHY[PHSLUJSVZ\YLMVY ^VYRZWHJLZ[VHOVYPaVUVM·ZLH[LK]PZ\HS HJJLZZ·VY ·ZLH[LK]PZ\HSWYP]HJ`PUMV\Y HWWSPJH[PVUZ!KLZRTV\U[LKMSVVYZ[HUKPUN KLZRTV\U[LKIPN[HISLTV\U[LKHUK MLUJLTV\U[LK0ULHJOHWWSPJH[PVUZJYLLUZ HYLH]HPSHISLPUH]HYPL[`VMZ\YMHJLMPUPZOLZMVY HLZ[OL[PJZWLYMVYTHUJLHUKWYPJLWVPU[ +LZRTV\U[LKZJYLLUZWYV]PKLLUJSVZ\YL IV[OHIV]LHUKILSV^[OL[VWZ[HY[PUN MYVTLP[OLYñVYñHIV]L[OLMSVVY ;OLñZ[HY[PUNWVPU[HSPNUZ^P[O[OL IV[[VTVMZ\ZWLUKLKMPSLZVYJHIPUL[Z;OL ñZ[HY[PUNWVPU[HSPNUZ^P[O[OLIV[[VT VM[OLOVYPaVU[HSLSLTLU[VMHZ[HUKHYKKLZR SLN+LZRTV\U[LKZJYLLUZH[[HJOKPYLJ[S` [V[OLIHJRVYLUKVMHKLZR[VW^P[O[^V IYHJRL[Z[OH[HSZVKLMPULHëVMMZL[MVY ^PYLTHUHNLTLU[HUKJSHTWVUHJJLZZVYPLZ )YHJRL[ZHYLSVJH[LKñMYVTLHJOLUKVM ZJYLLUZ^PKLHUKMYVTLHJO LUKVMZJYLLUZHUK^PKLY)YHJRL[Z^PSS UV[PU[LYMLYL^P[OZ[HUKHYKSLNJYHKSLZVY YHPSZI\[ZJYLLUZJHUUV[ILTV\U[LKH[[OL LUKVMKLZRZ^P[O[HISLKLZRLUKSLNZ+LZR TV\U[LKZJYLLUZJHUUV[ILTV\U[LKKPYLJ[S` ILOPUKM\SSKLW[OMSVVYZ[HUKPUNWLKLZ[HSZ +LZRTV\U[LKZJYLLUZHYLUV[JVTWH[PISL ^P[OZPUNSLZPKLKIPN[HISLZ :JYLLUZHYLH]HPSHISLPU^PK[OZJVYYLZWVUKPUN [VZ[HUKHYK[VWKLW[OZ HUKKLZR^PK[OZMYVT^PKLPU PUJYLTLU[Z0UTVZ[HWWSPJH[PVUZZJYLLUZJHU ILTV\U[LK[VTH[JOPUN^PK[OVY^PKLY[VWZ 0UIHJR[VIHJRKLZRJVUMPN\YH[PVUZZJYLLUZ JHUUV[V]LYSHWIHJR[VIHJRKLZRLUKSLNZ " ( ; >-YHTLSLZZSHTPUH[LTHYRLYZ\YMHJLVY ]LULLYZJYLLUZHYLê[OPJR^P[OTH[JOPUN LKNLHUKJYPZWLHZLKJVYULYZ Antenna Workspaces -YHTLSLZZZJYLLUZHYLê4+-JVUZ[Y\J[PVU ^P[O[OYLHKLKPUZLY[ZH[IYHJRL[SVJH[PVUZ -HIYPJZJYLLUZOH]LHñ4+-JVYL^P[O [OPJR[HJRHISL7,;TH[LYPHSPUZLY[ZVULHJO ZPKL^YHWWLKPUMHIYPJHUKHS\TPU\TWLYPTL[LY MYHTL^P[OZLHTSLZZJVYULYZ-HIYPJZJYLLUZ OH]L[OYLHKLKTL[HSPUZLY[ZH[IYHJRL[SVJH[PVUZ % -VYMYHTLSLZZZJYLLUZZWLJPM`Z\YMHJL[`WL! SHTPUH[L3VY]LULLY="MPUPZOHU`JVYL SHTPUH[LVYKY`LYHZLTHYRLYZ\YMHJL4VY HU`JVYL;LJO^VVKVYUH[\YHS]LULLY)Y\ZOLK :HUKHUK)Y\ZOLK.YL`HYLUV[ H]HPSHISLVUSHTPUH[LZJYLLUZ(SZVZWLJPM` IYHJRL[JVSVYPUHU`JVYLWHPU[MPUPZO -VYMHIYPJZJYLLUZZWLJPM`MHIYPJWLYPTL[LY MYHTLHUKIYHJRL[ZWHPU[LKMPUPZOLZ -HIYPJZJYLLUZHYLë[OPJR^P[O WHPU[LKWLYPTL[LYMYHTLJHW[\YPUNH ^VVKZ[Y\J[\YHSJVYLHUK[HJRHISL MHIYPJ^YHWWLKPUZLY[ZVULHJOMHJL ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ ñ 7HY[PHS4VKLZ[`:JYLLU 7HY[PHS4VKLZ[`:JYLLU /HSM4VKLZ[`:JYLLU ñ /HSM4VKLZ[`:JYLLU Screens )\PS[PUë>PYLKYVW ;HISL^P[O:JYLLUH[)HJR +LZR^P[O:JYLLUH[)HJR 153 +LZR^P[O:JYLLUH[,UK Desk Screens Fabric For 42⬙ High Horizon description Fabric Screens with Partial Modesty For Desks, 42⬙ High Horizon Fabric Screens with Half Modesty For Desks, 42⬙ High Horizon w d 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ Antenna Workspaces h pattern no. 1 /4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 20⬙ 20⬙ 20⬙ 20⬙ 20⬙ 20⬙ 20⬙ 20⬙ 20⬙ 20⬙ YPSB2024F YPSB2027F 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 32⬙ 32⬙ 32⬙ 32⬙ 32⬙ 32⬙ 32⬙ 32⬙ 32⬙ 32⬙ YPSB3224F YPSB3227F 1 YPSB2030F YPSB2036F YPSB2042F YPSB2048F YPSB2054F YPSB2060F YPSB2066FRR YPSB2072FRR YPSB3230F YPSB3236F YPSB3242F YPSB3248F YPSB3254F YPSB3260F YPSB3266FRR YPSB3272FRR 10 20 30 40 45 $556. 572. 587. 654. 680. 700. 752. 798. 834. 860. $584. 600. 617. 687. 714. 735. 790. 838. 877. 903. $612. 629. 646. 720. 748. 770. 827. 879. 918. 947. $640. 657. 676. 752. 782. 805. 865. 918. 960. 989. $667. 686. 705. 785. 816. 840. 902. 958. 1,001. 1,032. 644. 690. 711. 803. 850. 855. 927. 1,004. 1,143. 1,205. 676. 725. 747. 844. 892. 898. 973. 1,055. 1,201. 1,266. 709. 759. 782. 884. 935. 940. 1,020. 1,105. 1,258. 1,326. 741. 794. 818. 924. 977. 984. 1,066. 1,155. 1,315. 1,386. 773. 828. 853. 964. 1,020. 1,026. 1,112. 1,205. 1,372. 1,446. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Desk Screens Desk Screens Example: YPSB2048F, W351, W351, 118T, 118T YPSB Desk Screen 20 Height Desk Screens Desk Screens 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pattern Number Inside Fabric Finish Outside Fabric Finish Frame Paint Finish Bracket Paint Finish 48 F W351 W351 118T 118T Brackets Hardware Width Fabric Foundation Foundation Bright White Paint Bright White Paint 154 The price of screens specified with a combination of fabrics is the higher of the two fabric grades. Desk Screens Fabric For 49⬙ High Horizon Fabric Screens with Partial Modesty For Desks, 49⬙ High Horizon Fabric Screens with Half Modesty For Desks, 49⬙ High Horizon w d h pattern no. 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 1 /4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ YPSB2624F YPSB2627F 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 38⬙ 38⬙ 38⬙ 38⬙ 38⬙ 38⬙ 38⬙ 38⬙ 38⬙ 38⬙ YPSB3824F YPSB3827F 1 YPSB2630F YPSB2636F YPSB2642F YPSB2648F YPSB2654F YPSB2660F YPSB2666FRR YPSB2672FRR YPSB3830F YPSB3836F YPSB3842F YPSB3848F YPSB3854F YPSB3860F YPSB3866FRR YPSB3872FRR 10 20 30 40 45 $608. 633. 649. 726. 762. 819. 876. 912. 953. 994. $639. 665. 682. 762. 800. 860. 920. 957. 1,000. 1,043. $668. 697. 714. 799. 838. 901. 963. 1,003. 1,049. 1,094. $699. 728. 747. 835. 877. 941. 1,007. 1,049. 1,096. 1,143. $729. 760. 779. 871. 915. 983. 1,051. 1,094. 1,143. 1,193. 695. 747. 767. 876. 927. 999. 1,051. 1,107. 1,241. 1,308. 730. 784. 805. 920. 973. 1,050. 1,103. 1,163. 1,303. 1,374. 765. 822. 845. 963. 1,020. 1,099. 1,156. 1,218. 1,366. 1,439. 799. 859. 883. 1,007. 1,066. 1,149. 1,208. 1,273. 1,428. 1,505. 834. 896. 921. 1,051. 1,112. 1,199. 1,261. 1,329. 1,489. 1,570. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Desk Screens Desk Screens Example: YPSB2648F, W351, W351, 118T,118T YPSB Desk Screen 26 Height Desk Screens Desk Screens 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pattern Number Inside Fabric Finish Outside Fabric Finish Frame Paint Finish Bracket Paint Finish 48 F W351 W351 118T 118T Brackets Hardware Width Fabric Foundation Foundation Bright White Paint Bright White Paint 155 The price of screens specified with a combination of fabrics is the higher of the two fabric grades. Screens description Antenna Workspaces Desk Screens Laminate, Markerboard or Veneer For 42⬙ High Horizon description w d h pattern no. Screens with Partial Modesty For Desks, 42⬙ High Horizon 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 20⬙ 20⬙ 20⬙ 20⬙ 20⬙ 20⬙ 20⬙ 20⬙ 20⬙ 20⬙ YPSB2024( ) 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 32⬙ 32⬙ 32⬙ 32⬙ 32⬙ 32⬙ 32⬙ 32⬙ 32⬙ 32⬙ YPSB3224( ) Screens with Half Modesty For Desks, 42⬙ High Horizon 3 3 Antenna Workspaces Laminate (L) Markerboard (LM) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $228. 231. 233. 262. 268. 346. 352. 357. 364. 369. $393. 397. 399. 504. 509. 815. 821. 826. 831. 837. $436. 445. 455. 475. 510. 533. 553. 598. 625. 645. $502. 512. 524. 546. 586. 613. 637. 688. 719. 742. $652. 666. 681. 711. 762. 796. 827. 895. 934. 963. 255. 260. 296. 349. 357. 376. 384. 524. 533. 541. 604. 608. 612. 818. 826. 1,431. 1,439. 1,445. 1,453. 1,463. 507. 529. 545. 577. 632. 663. 700. 773. 810. 840. 583. 609. 627. 663. 727. 762. 805. 888. 931. 966. 758. 792. 815. 862. 946. 992. 1,048. 1,155. 1,210. 1,257. YPSB2027( ) YPSB2030( ) YPSB2036( ) YPSB2042( ) YPSB2048( ) YPSB2054( ) YPSB2060( ) YPSB2066( ) YPSB2072( ) YPSB3227( ) YPSB3230( ) YPSB3236( ) YPSB3242( ) YPSB3248( ) YPSB3254( ) YPSB3260( ) YPSB3266( ) YPSB3272( ) Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Desk Screens Desk Screens Example: YPSB2048V, V316, 118T YPSB Desk Screen 20 Height 48 Width V Veneer Desk Screens Desk Screens Brackets Hardware Finish Options: 1. Pattern Number 2. Surface Finish 3. Bracket Paint Finish V316 118T Maple Bright White Paint 156 (L)= Laminate (LM)= Markerboard (V)= Veneer Desk Screens Laminate, Markerboard or Veneer For 49⬙ High Horizon w d h pattern no. Screens with Partial Modesty For Desks, 49⬙ High Horizon 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ 26⬙ YPSB2624( ) 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 38⬙ 38⬙ 38⬙ 38⬙ 38⬙ 38⬙ 38⬙ 38⬙ 38⬙ 38⬙ YPSB3824( ) Screens with Half Modesty For Desks, 49⬙ High Horizon 3 3 Laminate (L) Markerboard (LM) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $249. 252. 256. 263. 302. 330. 337. 355. 363. 465. $597. 602. 605. 612. 619. 1,420. 1,428. 1,432. 1,441. 1,446. $484. 496. 517. 543. 588. 620. 646. 719. 745. 770. $557. 571. 595. 624. 676. 714. 742. 827. 856. 886. $724. 743. 774. 812. 879. 928. 965. 1,074. 1,113. 1,152. 295. 300. 304. 359. 370. 460. 471. 541. 550. 560. 612. 616. 621. 827. 837. 1,442. 1,452. 1,463. 1,473. 1,483. 541. 559. 578. 622. 684. 721. 764. 862. 905. 942. 622. 644. 664. 715. 787. 829. 879. 991. 1,041. 1,084. 809. 836. 863. 930. 1,023. 1,077. 1,142. 1,289. 1,353. 1,409. YPSB2627( ) YPSB2630( ) YPSB2636( ) YPSB2642( ) YPSB2648( ) YPSB2654( ) YPSB2660( ) YPSB2666( ) YPSB2672( ) YPSB3827( ) YPSB3830( ) YPSB3836( ) YPSB3842( ) YPSB3848( ) YPSB3854( ) YPSB3860( ) YPSB3866( ) YPSB3872( ) Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Desk Screens Desk Screens Example: YPSB2648V, V316, 118T YPSB Desk Screen 26 Height 48 Width V Veneer Desk Screens Desk Screens Brackets Hardware Finish Options: 1. Pattern Number 2. Surface Finish 3. Bracket Paint Finish V316 118T Maple Bright White Paint 157 (L)= Laminate (LM)= Markerboard (V)= Veneer Screens description Antenna Workspaces Big Table Screens Planning Guidelines and Specifications )PN[HISLJLU[LYZJYLLUZWYV]PKLLUJSVZ\YL HIV]L[OLJLU[LYVMHK\HSVYZPUNSLZPKLKIPN [HISL[VHOVYPaVUVMVY ^OPJOHSPNUZ ^P[O\WTV\U[LKZ[VYHNLJHIPUL[Z)PN[HISL TV\U[LKZJYLLUZOH]L^LKNLZOHWLIYHJRL[Z [VMYPJ[PVUMP[PU[V[OLJLU[LYILHTH[HU`WVPU[ :JYLLUZHYLH]HPSHISLMYVT ^PKLPUPUJYLTLU[ZWS\Z^PK[O -YHTLSLZZSHTPUH[LVY]LULLYZJYLLUZHYLñ 4+-JVUZ[Y\J[PVU-YHTLSLZZNSHZZZJYLLUZ HYLñ[LTWLYLKNSHZZ^P[OWVSPZOLKLKNLZ -HIYPJZJYLLUZOH]LHñ4+-JVYL^P[O [OPJR[HJRHISL7,;TH[LYPHSPUZLY[ZVU LHJOZPKL^YHWWLKPUMHIYPJHUKHS\TPU\T WLYPTL[LYMYHTL^P[OZLHTSLZZJVYULYZ Antenna Workspaces % -VYMYHTLSLZZZJYLLUZZWLJPM`Z\YMHJL[`WL! SHTPUH[L3VY]LULLY=VYNSHZZ."MPUPZOHU` JVYLSHTPUH[LVYKY`LYHZLTHYRLYZ\YMHJL4 HU`JVYL;LJO^VVKVYUH[\YHS]LULLYVYJVYL NSHZZMPUPZOLZ)Y\ZOLK:HUKHUK)Y\ZOLK .YL`HYLUV[H]HPSHISLVUSHTPUH[LZJYLLUZ (SZVZWLJPM`IHZLJVSVYPUHU`JVYLWHPU[MPUPZO -VYMHIYPJZJYLLUZZWLJPM`MHIYPJWLYPTL[LY MYHTLHUKIYHJRL[ZWHPU[LKMPUPZOLZ " ( ; -YHTLSLZZSHTPUH[LTHYRLYZ\YMHJL ]LULLYVYNSHZZZJYLLUZHYLñ[OPJR^P[O TH[JOPUNLKNLHUKJYPZWLHZLKJVYULYZ )HZLMP[ZMS\ZO^P[O[VWVMJLU[LYILHT -HIYPJZJYLLUZHYLë[OPJR^P[O WHPU[LKWLYPTL[LYMYHTLJHW[\YPUNH ^VVKZ[Y\J[\YHSJVYLHUK[HJRHISL MHIYPJ^YHWWLKPUZLY[ZVULHJOMHJL 49" )PN;HISL^P[O /:JYLLUZ ,UK,SL]H[PVU )PN;HISL^P[O /:JYLLUZHUK :[HUJOPVU4V\U[LK*HIPUL[Z 42" )PN;HISL^P[O/:JYLLUZHUK (IV]L)PN;HISL,_[LUZPVU*HIPUL[Z )PN;HISL^P[O/:JYLLUZ ,UK,SL]H[PVU 158 Big Table Screens Fabric For 42⬙ or 49⬙ High Horizon Fabric Screens For Big Table Center Beam, 42⬙ High Horizon Fabric Screens For Big Table Center Beam, 49⬙ High Horizon w d h pattern no. 24⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 1 /4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ YPSC1424F YPSC1430F 24⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 66⬙ 72⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ YPSC2124F YPSC2130F YPSC2136F 1 YPSC1436F YPSC1442F YPSC1448F YPSC1454F YPSC1460F YPSC1466FRR YPSC1472FRR YPSC2142F YPSC2148F YPSC2154F YPSC2160F YPSC2166FRR YPSC2172FRR 10 20 30 40 45 $484. 505. 546. 567. 603. 623. 639. 675. 711. $509. 530. 574. 595. 632. 654. 671. 709. 747. $533. 555. 600. 623. 663. 686. 702. 743. 782. $557. 581. 628. 652. 693. 717. 734. 776. 818. $581. 606. 655. 680. 723. 748. 766. 810. 853. 536. 561. 639. 670. 690. 721. 752. 814. 855. 562. 589. 671. 703. 725. 757. 790. 855. 898. 589. 618. 702. 736. 759. 793. 827. 895. 940. 616. 646. 734. 770. 794. 829. 865. 936. 984. 643. 674. 766. 803. 828. 865. 902. 976. 1,026. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Big Table Screens Big Table Screens Example: YPSC1448F, W351, 118T YPSC Big Table Center Screen 14 Height 48 Width F Fabric Big Table Screens Big Table Screens 1. Pattern Number 2. Fabric Finish 3. Frame Paint Finish W351 118T Brackets Hardware Foundation Bright White Paint 159 The price of screens specified with a combination of fabrics is the higher of the two fabric grades. Screens description Antenna Workspaces Big Table Screens Laminate, Markerboard, Veneer or Glass For 42⬙ or 49⬙ High Horizon description w d h pattern no. Screens For Big Table Center Beam, 42⬙ High Horizon 24⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 1 /2⬙ /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ YPSC1424( ) YPSC1430( ) YPSC1436( ) YPSC1442( ) 24⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 54⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 1 /2⬙ /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ YPSC2124( ) Screens For Big Table Center Beam, 49⬙ High Horizon 1 1 Antenna Workspaces Powder Glass (GGL13) Grey Tinted Glass (GGL35) Laminate (L) Markerboard (LM) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) Clear Glass (GTEMP) $175. 192. 175. 238. 302. 317. 331. 361. $241. 256. 328. 341. 555. 569. 582. 599. $451. 485. 502. 536. 552. 591. 630. 680. $540. 587. 615. 661. 691. 743. 795. 869. $702. 789. 853. 939. 1,007. 1,098. 1,189. 1,337. $263. 315. 358. 419. 464. 515. 565. 670. $402. 489. 568. 663. 742. 828. 914. 1,087. $506. 621. 726. 850. 955. 1,075. 1,182. 1,406. 197. 213. 244. 269. 306. 347. 387. 419. 312. 328. 433. 447. 762. 776. 790. 811. 484. 515. 538. 591. 614. 651. 688. 762. 595. 644. 686. 757. 798. 852. 909. 1,020. 826. 929. 1,026. 1,152. 1,250. 1,361. 1,471. 1,687. 317. 381. 436. 507. 561. 624. 686. 811. 509. 620. 723. 842. 943. 1,054. 1,164. 1,385. 690. 845. 990. 1,156. 1,305. 1,465. 1,615. 1,925. YPSC1448( ) YPSC1454( ) YPSC1460( ) YPSC1472( ) YPSC2130( ) YPSC2136( ) YPSC2142( ) YPSC2148( ) YPSC2154( ) YPSC2160( ) YPSC2172( ) Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Big Table Screens Big Table Screens Big Table Screens Big Table Screens 1. Pattern Number 2. Surface Finish 3. Bracket Paint Finish Example: YPSC1448V, V316, Brackets Hardware Finish Options: 118T YPSC 14 48 V V316 118T Big Table Center Screen Height Width Veneer Maple Bright White Paint 160 (L) (LM) (V) (GTEMP) (GGL13) (GGL35) = Laminate = Markerboard = Veneer = Clear Glass = Powder Glass = Grey Tinted Glass Intermediate Screens Planning and Specification Guidelines 0U[LYTLKPH[LZJYLLUZHYLKLZPNULK [VWSHUHU`^OLYLHSVUN(U[LUUHIPN [HISLZVYSPURLKKLZRJVUMPN\YH[PVUZ[V KLSPULH[LPUKP]PK\HS^VYRZWHJLZ -\SSKLW[OPU[LYTLKPH[LZJYLLUZJVYYLZWVUK [V(U[LUUH[VWKLW[OZ HUKH[[HJO^P[OHJSHTWIYHJRL[HYV\UK [OLMYVU[HUKIHJRLKNLZVM[OL[VW 0U[LYTLKPH[LZJYLLUZPUJS\KLHWHPU[LK HS\TPU\TKLZR[VWTV\U[PUNIYHJRL[ [OH[Z\WWVY[ZMYHTLK[HJRHISLMHIYPJVY MYHTLSLZZNSHZZ]LULLYSHTPUH[LVYTHYRLY Z\YMHJL[VHOVYPaVUVMVY 0U[LYTLKPH[LZJYLLUZMVYOPUNLKHJJLZZ[VWZ HYLSLZZKLLW[OHUOPUNLK [VWZ[VLUHISLM\SS\ZLVMOPUNLMLH[\YL;OL` H[[HJO^P[OHJSHTWIYHJRL[HYV\UK[OLMYVU[ LKNLVM[OL[VWHUKHUVUZRPKWHKVU[OL[VW 0U[LYTLKPH[LZJYLLUZHYLH]HPSHISL MVY[^VWSHUUPUNHWWSPJH[PVUZ!M\SS KLW[OHUKOPUNLKHJJLZZKLW[O -HIYPJZJYLLUZHYLë[OPJR^P[OWLYPTL[LY L_[Y\KLKHS\TPU\TMYHTLL_[Y\KLKHS\TPU\T IHZLMYHTLJHZ[HS\TPU\TJSHTWIYHJRL[Z HUKJHZ[HS\TPU\TIH`VUL[Z;HJRHISL MHIYPJZ\YMHJLZHYL[OPJR7,;JVYLVU Antenna Workspaces LP[OLYZPKLVMñ[OPJRWHY[PJSLIVHYK 3HTPUH[L]LULLYHUKNSHZZZJYLLUZHYL ñ[OPJRMYHTLSLZZ^P[OHëOPNO_ ë^PKLL_[Y\KLKHS\TPU\TIHZLMYHTL HUKJHZ[HS\TPU\TJSHTWIYHJRL[Z % -VYMHIYPJZJYLLUZZWLJPM`^P[OHU(U[LUUH HWWYV]LK[L_[PSL:WLJPM`WLYPTL[LY MYHTLPUHU`2UVSS*VYLWHPU[MPUPZO -VYMYHTLSLZZZJYLLUZZWLJPM`Z\YMHJL [`WL!SHTPUH[L3VY]LULLY=VYNSHZZ .MPUPZOPUHU`2UVSS*VYLSHTPUH[LVY THYRLYZ\YMHJL4HU`*VYL;LJO^VVKVY UH[\YHS]LULLYVY*VYLNSHZZMPUPZOLZ :WLJPM`IYHJRL[PUHU`2UVSS*VYLWHPU[MPUPZO 7HY[PHS+LW[O0U[LYTLKPH[L :JYLLUMVY<ZL^P[O /0UNLK(JJLZZ;VWZ )PN;HISL^P[O/PUNLK(JJLZZ;VWZHUK 7HY[PHS+LW[O0U[LYTLKPH[L:JYLLUZ Screens EUDFNHWGHWDLO -\SS+LW[O0U[LYTLKPH[L :JYLLUMVY<ZL^P[O;VWZ >P[OV\[/0UNLK(JJLZZ 3PURLK+LZRZ-\SS+LW[O 0U[LYTLKPH[L:JYLLUZ 161 EUDFNHWGHWDLO Intermediate Screens Fabric For 42⬙ or 49⬙ High Horizon description Full Depth Intermediate Screen, 42⬙ High Horizon Full Depth Intermediate Screen, 49⬙ High Horizon Partial Depth Intermediate Screen, 42⬙ High Horizon Partial Depth Intermediate Screen, 49⬙ High Horizon Antenna Workspaces type w d h pattern no. For 18⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access For 24⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access For 27⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access For 30⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access For 36⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access 1 /4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 18⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ YPSI1418F YPSI1424F For 18⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access For 24⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access For 27⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access For 30⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access For 36⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 19⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ YPSI2118F YPSI2124F YPSI2127F YPSI2130F For 24⬙D Tops wtih Hinged Access For 27⬙D Tops with Hinged Access For 30⬙D Tops wtih Hinged Access For 36⬙D Tops wtih Hinged Access 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 16⬙ 19⬙ 22⬙ 28⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ YPSI1416F YPSI1419F YPSI1422F For 24⬙D Tops wtih Hinged Access For 27⬙D Tops wtih Hinged Access For 30⬙D Tops wtih Hinged Access For 36⬙D Tops wtih Hinged Access 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 16⬙ 19⬙ 22⬙ 28⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 1 10 20 30 40 45 $516. 541. 558. 570. 604. $542. 568. 586. 599. 634. $568. 595. 614. 627. 664. $593. 622. 642. 656. 695. $619. 649. 670. 684. 725. 533. 567. 579. 594. 664. 560. 595. 608. 624. 697. 586. 624. 637. 653. 730. 613. 652. 666. 683. 764. 640. 680. 695. 713. 797. YPSI1428F 506. 524. 533. 555. 531. 550. 560. 583. 557. 576. 586. 611. 582. 603. 613. 638. 607. 629. 640. 666. YPSI2116F YPSI2119F YPSI2122F YPSI2128F 521. 534. 557. 577. 547. 561. 585. 606. 573. 587. 613. 635. 599. 614. 641. 664. 625. 641. 668. 692. YPSI1427F YPSI1430F YPSI1436F YPSI2136F Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Intermediate Screens Intermediate Screens Example: YPSI2124F, Y351 Intermediate Screens Intermediate Screens 1. Pattern Number 2. Fabric Finish 3. Bracket Paint Finish YPS I 21 24 F Y351 Screen Intermediate Height Depth Fabric Foundation Brackets Hardware 162 The price of screens specified with a combination of fabrics is the higher of the two fabric grades. Intermediate Screens Laminate, Markerboard, Veneer or Glass For 42⬙ or 49⬙ High Horizon type w d h pattern no. /2⬙ /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 18⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ YPSI1418( ) YPSI1424( ) YPSI1427( ) YPSI1430( ) /2⬙ /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 18⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ YPSI2118( ) /2⬙ /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 16⬙ 19⬙ 22⬙ 28⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ YPSI1416( ) /2⬙ /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 16⬙ 19⬙ 22⬙ 28⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ YPSI2116( ) YPSI2119( ) Full Depth Intermediate For 18⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access Screens, 42⬙ High Horizon For 24⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access For 27⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access For 30⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access For 36⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access 1 For 18⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access Full Depth Intermediate Screens, 49⬙ High Horizon For 24⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access For 27⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access For 30⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access For 36⬙D Tops w/o Hinged Access 1 Partial Depth Intermediate For 18⬙D Tops w/ Hinged Access Screens, 42⬙ High Horizon For 27⬙D Tops w/ Hinged Access For 30⬙D Tops w/ Hinged Access For 36⬙D Tops w/ Hinged Access 1 Partial Depth Intermediate For 24⬙D Tops w/ Hinged Access Screens, 49⬙ High Horizon For 27⬙D Tops w/ Hinged Access For 30⬙D Tops w/ Hinged Access For 36⬙D Tops w/ Hinged Access 1 1 1 1 1 MarkerLaminate board (L) (LM) YPSI1436( ) YPSI2124( ) YPSI2127( ) YPSI2130( ) YPSI2136( ) YPSI1419( ) YPSI1422( ) YPSI1428( ) YPSI2122( ) YPSI2128( ) $184. 210. 220. 231. 348. V1 (V) V2 (V) Grey Tinted Power Clear Glass Glass Glass V3 (V) (GTEMP) (GGL13) (GGL35) $241. $464. $535. $617. 306. 508. 574. 681. 315. 504. 589. 704. 327. 521. 613. 745. 370. 547. 650. 807. $239. 291. 319. 348. 394. $324. 404. 447. 490. 565. $411. 520. 577. 636. 739. 198. 230. 240. 252. 271. 284. 374. 383. 395. 443. 484. 505. 536. 554. 575. 569. 590. 644. 668. 705. 685. 705. 810. 851. 922. 287. 351. 384. 420. 478. 409. 513. 567. 624. 721. 532. 676. 752. 828. 966. 173. 186. 194. 214. 230. 258. 266. 310. 450. 468. 482. 524. 517. 540. 561. 634. 590. 627. 665. 806. 216. 243. 269. 319. 292. 333. 374. 452. 371. 427. 482. 588. 186. 202. 210. 235. 272. 310. 318. 378. 468. 483. 498. 533. 548. 570. 593. 643. 650. 690. 730. 815. 260. 293. 326. 387. 368. 422. 475. 577. 479. 553. 627. 770. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Intermediate Screens Intermediate Screens Intermediate Screens Intermediate Screens Brackets Hardware Finish Options 1. Pattern Number 2. Surface Finish 3. Bracket Paint Finish Example: YPSI2124L, 118, 118T YPS Screen I Intermediate 21 Height 24 Depth L Laminate 118 Bright White Laminate 118T Bright White Paint 163 (L) = Laminate (LM) = Markerboard (V) = Veneer (CTEMP) = Clear Glass (GGL13) = Powder Glass (GGL35) = Grey Tinted Glass Screens description Antenna Workspaces Fence Screens Planning Guidelines and Specifications -LUJLZJYLLUZWYV]PKLLUJSVZ\YLHIV]L LP[OLYOLPNO[MLUJL[VHOVYPaVUVMVY ^OPJOHSPNUZ^P[O\WTV\U[LKZ[VYHNL JHIPUL[Z-LUJLTV\U[LKZJYLLUZOH]L ^LKNLZOHWLIHZLHUKJHUILZLJ\YLK[V [OLMLUJL^P[OIVS[ZPU[VTV\U[PUNSVJH[PVUZ L]LY`HSVUN[OLJLU[LYVM[OLJYV^U Antenna Workspaces -YHTLSLZZSHTPUH[LVY]LULLYZJYLLUZHYLñ 4+-JVUZ[Y\J[PVU-YHTLSLZZNSHZZZJYLLUZ HYLñ[LTWLYLKNSHZZ^P[OWVSPZOLKLKNLZ % ;VZWLJPM`MLUJLZJYLLUZPKLU[PM` MLUJLOLPNO[VYHUKKLZPYLK OVYPaVUVY OPNO -HIYPJZJYLLUZOH]LHñ4+-JVYL^P[O [OPJR[HJRHISL7,;TH[LYPHSPUZLY[ZVULHJO ZPKL^YHWWLKPUMHIYPJHUKHS\TPU\TWLYPTL[LY MYHTL^P[OZLHTSLZZJVYULYZ -VYMYHTLSLZZZJYLLUZZWLJPM`Z\YMHJL[`WL! SHTPUH[L3VY]LULLY=VYNSHZZ."MPUPZOHU` JVYLSHTPUH[LVYKY`LYHZLTHYRLYZ\YMHJL4 HU`JVYL;LJO^VVKVYUH[\YHS]LULLYVYJVYL NSHZZMPUPZOLZ)Y\ZOLK:HUKHUK)Y\ZOLK .YL`HYLUV[H]HPSHISLVUSHTPUH[LZJYLLUZ (SZVZWLJPM`IHZLJVSVYPUHU`JVYLWHPU[MPUPZO :JYLLUZHYLH]HPSHISLMYVT^PKLPU PUJYLTLU[ZWS\ZHUK^PK[OZ " ( ; >-YHTLSLZZSHTPUH[LTHYRLYZ\YMHJL ]LULLYVYNSHZZZJYLLUZHYLñ[OPJR^P[O TH[JOPUNLKNLHUKJYPZWLHZLKJVYULYZ )HZLMP[ZMS\ZO^P[O[VWVMMLUJLJYV^U -VYMHIYPJZJYLLUZZWLJPM`MHIYPJWLYPTL[LY MYHTLHUKIYHJRL[WHPU[LKMPUPZOLZ -HIYPJZJYLLUZHYLë[OPJR^P[O WHPU[LKWLYPTL[LYMYHTLJHW[\YPUNH ^VVKZ[Y\J[\YHSJVYLHUK[HJRHISL MHIYPJ^YHWWLKPUZLY[ZVULHJOMHJL ñ ñ ñ -LUJL^P[O:JYLLUZ/PNO/VYPaVU ñ -LUJL^P[O:JYLLUZ /PNO/VYPaVU :JYLLUHUK*HIPUL[(SPNUH[ / 164 Fence Screens Fabric For 25⬙ and 28⬙ High Fence, 42⬙ and 49⬙ High Horizon w d h pattern no. list 10 20 30 40 45 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 1 /4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ YPSF1724F YPSF1736F YPSF1748F YPSF1760F YPSF1772FRR n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $511. 582. 644. 680. 762. $537. 611. 676. 714. 800. $562. 641. 709. 748. 838. $587. 670. 741. 782. 877. $613. 698. 773. 816. 915. Fabric Screens for 25⬙ High Fence, 49⬙ High Horizon 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ YPSF2424F YPSF2436F YPSF2448F YPSF2460F YPSF2472FRR n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 557. 675. 736. 803. 896. 585. 709. 774. 844. 941. 613. 743. 811. 884. 986. 641. 776. 847. 924. 1,031. 668. 810. 884. 964. 1,075. Fabric Screens for 28⬙ High Fence, 42⬙ High Horizon 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ YPSF1424F YPSF1436F YPSF1448F YPSF1460F YPSF1472FRR n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 489. 551. 608. 644. 711. 514. 579. 639. 676. 747. 539. 607. 668. 709. 782. 562. 633. 699. 741. 818. 587. 661. 729. 773. 853. Fabric Screens for 28⬙ High Fence, 49⬙ High Horizon 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ YPSF2124F YPSF2136F YPSF2148F YPSF2160F YPSF2172FRR n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 536. 644. 695. 757. 860. 562. 676. 730. 795. 903. 589. 709. 765. 833. 947. 616. 741. 799. 870. 989. 643. 773. 834. 908. 1,032. Fabric Screen Fillers for Fence 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 52. 72. 93. 113. 134. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Fabric Screens for 25⬙ High Fence, 42⬙ High Horizon 1 YPSFF24 YPSFF36 YPSFF48 YPSFF60 YPSFF72 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Big Table Screens Big Table Screenss Example: YPSC1448F, W351, 118T YPSC Big Table Center Screen 14 Height 48 Width F Fabric Big Table Screens Big Table Screens 1. Pattern Number 2. Fabric Finish 3. Frame Paint Finish W351 118T Brackets Hardware Foundation Bright White Paint 165 The price of screens specified with a combination of fabrics is the higher of the two fabric grades. Screens description Antenna Workspaces Fence Screens Laminate, Markerboard, Veneer or Glass For 25⬙ and 28⬙ High Fence, 42⬙ and 49⬙ High Horizon description w d h pattern no. Screens for 25⬙ High Fence, 42⬙ High Horizon 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 1 /2⬙ /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ 17⬙ YPSF1724( ) YPSF1736( ) YPSF1748( ) YPSF1760( ) Screens for 25⬙ High Fence, 49⬙ High Horizon 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 1 /2⬙ /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ 24⬙ YPSF2424( ) Screens for 28⬙ High Fence, 42⬙ High Horizon 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 1 /2⬙ /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ 14⬙ YPSF1424( ) YPSF1436( ) 24⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 1 /2⬙ /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ 21⬙ YPSF2124( ) YPSF2136( ) YPSF2148( ) YPSF2160( ) Screens for 28⬙ High Fence, 49⬙ High Horizon 1 1 1 1 YPSF1772( ) YPSF2436( ) YPSF2448( ) YPSF2460( ) YPSF2472( ) YPSF1448( ) YPSF1460( ) YPSF1472( ) YPSF2172( ) Antenna Workspaces Powder Glass (GL13) Grey Tinted Glass (GGL35) Laminate (L) Markerboard (LM) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) Clear Glass (GTEMP) $234. 285. 413. 453. 494. $349. 475. 818. 856. 886. $501. 562. 643. 728. 793. $599. 692. 803. 917. 1,014. $793. 979. 1,180. 1,386. 1,572. $320. 430. 557. 678. 798. $477. 664. 870. 1,069. 1,269. $605. 868. 1,142. 1,418. 1,685. 253. 316. 397. 451. 589. 550. 580. 1,421. 1,463. 1,494. 554. 633. 715. 819. 908. 672. 791. 914. 1,061. 1,190. 935. 1,176. 1,423. 1,695. 1,952. 394. 531. 688. 836. 987. 620. 870. 1,139. 1,401. 1,664. 788. 1,135. 1,490. 1,850. 2,200. 215. 259. 362. 402. 442. 281. 373. 616. 654. 681. 489. 546. 610. 699. 760. 578. 658. 747. 861. 948. 737. 894. 1,059. 1,246. 1,411. 302. 404. 524. 638. 752. 441. 613. 801. 985. 1,169. 527. 755. 992. 1,232. 1,460. 236. 289. 417. 458. 502. 351. 371. 822. 861. 891. 522. 582. 674. 757. 842. 633. 728. 855. 976. 1,096. 861. 1,066. 1,300. 1,529. 1,759. 357. 481. 622. 757. 892. 548. 767. 1,004. 1,236. 1,468. 710. 1,020. 1,342. 1,665. 1,980. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Fence Screens Fence Screens Fence Screens Fence Screens 1. Pattern Number 2. Surface Finish 3. Bracket Paint Finish Example: YPSF1448V, V316, 118T YPSF Fence Screen 14 Height 48 Width V Veneer V316 Maple 118T Bright White Paint Brackets Hardware Finish Options: 166 (L) (LM) (V) (GTEMP) (GGL13) (GGL35) = Laminate = Markerboard = Veneer = Clear Glass = Powder Glass = Grey Tinted Glass S Screens Planning Guidelines and Specifications :ZJYLLUZH[[HJO[V[OLIHJRVMHKLZR[VW[V WYV]PKLLUJSVZ\YLIV[OHIV]LHUKILSV^[OL KLZR[VW;OLKPZ[PUJ[P]LJ\Y]LKWYVMPSL[YHUZP[PVUZ MYVT[OLOPNO]LY[PJHSTVKLZ[`WHULS[VH OVYPaVU[HS[YHUZHJ[PVUZ\YMHJLH[[OLOVYPaVU :ZJYLLUZHYLñ[OPJRMVYTLK-PILY?JVYL ^P[OHWWSPLKSHTPUH[LVY]LULLYVUIV[O MHJLZHUKJSLHYMPUPZOVUZPKLLKNLZ Antenna Workspaces % :ZJYLLUZHYLH]HPSHISLPU>OP[LVY -VSRZ[VULSHTPUH[L5H[\YHS.YPNPVVY 0JLK:`JHTVYL;LJO^VVKHUK5H[\YHS /LTSVJRVY5H[\YHS*OLZ[U\[]LULLY :WLJPM`TV\U[PUNIYHJRL[ZPUHU` 2UVSS*VYLWHPU[MPUPZO ;OLZJYLLUKLZRTV\U[IYHJRL[ZLUHISLH M\SSëJVYKKYVWZWHJLIL[^LLU[OLIHJR LKNLVM[OL[VWHUK[OLPUZPKLVM[OLZJYLLU +LZR^P[O::JYLLU Screens ::JYLLU +LZR^P[O::JYLLU,UK,SL]H[PVU 167 S Screens Laminate or Veneer For 42⬙ High Horizon Antenna Workspaces description type w d h pattern no. S Screen For Attachment to Desk 48⬙ 7 1/2⬙ 32⬙ YPSS3248( ) Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $1,150. $1,300. $1,500. $1,950. Ordering Information Order Code Included With S Screens S Screens S Screens S Screen 1. Pattern Number 2. Surface Finish 3. Bracket Paint Finish Example: YPSS3248 YPS Screen S S Shape 32 Height 48 Width Y811 Natural Techwood 118T Bright White Paint Attachment brackets Hardware Material Finish Options: (L) = Laminate (V) = Veneer S Screens are available in the following finishes: (118) Bright White Laminate (114) Folkstone Grey Laminate (Y811) Natural Techwood Veneer (Y861) Grigio Techwood Veneer (Y871) Iced Sycamore Techwood Veneer (Y440) Natural Hemlock Veneer (Y518) Natural Chestnut Veneer 168 Floorstanding Desk Screens Planning Guidelines and Specifications Antenna Workspaces * -SVVYZ[HUKPUNKLZRTV\U[LK3ZJYLLUZ HYLH]HPSHISLPUHUK OPNOOVYPaVUZ JYLH[PUN[^VKPMMLYLU[WYP]HJ`SL]LSVW[PVUZ [OL^PKLWHULSVU[OLYPNO[MYVTHZLH[LK WVZP[PVUH[[OLKLZR9PNO[OHUK]LYZPVUOHZ [OL^PKLWHULSVU[OLYPNO[HUK[OL ^PKLWHULSVU[OLSLM[MYVTHZLH[LKWVZP[PVU 3[V[OLIHJRZPKLVM[OL[VW;OLIYHJRL[ PZMVY[OLTVZ[WHY[JVUJLHSLKI`[OL[VW [OV\NO]PZPISLQ\Z[ILSV^[OLëKLLWJVYK KYVWHYV\UK[OLJVYULYVM[OLKLZR[VW 3ZJYLLUZHYLKLZPNULK[V^YHWHYV\UKH JVYULYVMHKLZR^P[OHVY>WHULS NLULYHSS`HSVUN[OLIHJRLKNLVM[OLKLZR HUKHVY>WHULSHSVUNWHY[VM[OL ZPKLVM[OLKLZR[VW)V[OZPKLZHYLIYHJRL[LK [V[OL\UKLYZPKLVM[OL[VWHUKHYLHSZV Z\WWVY[LKI`HKQ\Z[HISLSL]LSLYZH[[OLMSVVY +LZRTV\U[IYHJRL[ZHYLPUJS\KLKMVYZ[HIPSP[` ;OL3ZJYLLUJVYULYIYHJRL[ZOV\SKIL ZWLJPMPLK^OLUWSHUUPUNHU3ZJYLLU[V Z\YYV\UKHWLKLZ[HSZ\WWVY[LKKLZR[VW( MSVVYZ[HUKPUNWLKLZ[HSJHUISVJRHJJLZZ[V [OLZ[HUKHYKZJYLLUIYHJRL[H[[OLLUKVM [OL[VW;OLIYHJLPZPUZ[HSSLKëHIV]L [OLMSVVYPTTLKPH[LS`HIV]LMSVVYZ[HUKPUN WLKLZ[HSOLPNO[[VQVPU[OL[^VWHULSZVM[OL 3[VNL[OLY;OLU[OL[^VZJYLLUIYHJRL[Z [OH[UVYTHSS`JVUULJ[LHJOVM[OLWHULSZUV^ HYLIV[OPUZ[HSSLKVU[OLSVUNZPKLVM[OL -SVVYZ[HUKPUNZJYLLUZHYLê4+-JVUZ[Y\J[PVU ^P[OZ\YMHJLSHTPUH[LVY]LULLYVUHSSMHJLZ HUKKPHTL[LYSL]LSLYZ^P[Oñ[YH]LS;OL 3ZJYLLUJVYULYIYHJRL[PZKPLJHZ[HS\TPU\T 3ZJYLLUZHYLOHUKLKZVMVYL_HTWSL[OL SLM[OHUK]LYZPVUVMH^PKLI`KLLW ZJYLLUOHZ[OL^PKLWHULSVU[OLSLM[HUK /PNO>PKL+LLW 3:JYLLU3LM[,UKVM+LZR Screens /PNO>PKL+LLW 3:JYLLU3LM[,UKVM+LZR % -VY3ZJYLLUZWLJPM`]LY[PJHSZ\YMHJL[`WL 3VY=HUKMPUPZOPUHU`JVYLSHTPUH[LVY ]LULLYHUKIYHJRL[MPUPZOPUHU`JVYLWHPU[ MPUPZO;OL3ZJYLLUJVYULYIYHJRL[JHU ILZWLJPMPLKPUHU`*VYLWHPU[MPUPZO /PNO>PKL+LLW 3:JYLLU3LM[,UKVM+LZR /PNO>PKL+LLW 3:JYLLU3LM[,UKVM+LZR 169 Floorstanding Desk Screens L Laminate and Veneer Screens 42⬙ and 49⬙ High Antenna Workspaces description type w d h pattern no. list Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) 42⬙ High L Screens Left End of Desk Left End of Desk Left End of Desk Left End of Desk Right End of Desk Right End of Desk Right End of Desk Right End of Desk 36⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 12⬙ 18⬙ 12⬙ 18⬙ 12⬙ 18⬙ 12⬙ 18⬙ 42⬙ 42⬙ 42⬙ 42⬙ 42⬙ 42⬙ 42⬙ 42⬙ YSFSL423612( ) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $515. 515. 618. 618. 515. 515. 618. 618. $927. 927. 1,112. 1,112. 927. 927. 1,112. 1,112. $1,066. 1,066. 1,279. 1,279. 1,066. 1,066. 1,279. 1,279. $1,439. 1,439. 1,727. 1,727. 1,439. 1,439. 1,727. 1,727. Left End of Desk Left End of Desk Left End of Desk Left End of Desk Right End of Desk Right End of Desk Right End of Desk Right End of Desk 36⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 48⬙ 12⬙ 18⬙ 12⬙ 18⬙ 12⬙ 18⬙ 12⬙ 18⬙ 49⬙ 49⬙ 49⬙ 49⬙ 49⬙ 49⬙ 49⬙ 49⬙ YSFSL493612( ) YSFSR494818( ) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 618. 618. 742. 742. 618. 618. 742. 742. 1,112. 1,112. 1,339. 1,339. 1,112. 1,112. 1,339. 1,339. 1,279. 1,279. 1,540. 1,540. 1,279. 1,279. 1,540. 1,540. 1,727. 1,727. 2,079. 2,079. 1,727. 1,727. 2,079. 2,079. YSFSB 32. n/a n/a n/a n/a YSFSL423618( ) YSFSL424812( ) YSFSL424818( ) YSFSR423612( ) YSFSR423618( ) YSFSR424812( ) YSFSR424818( ) Left Shown 49⬙ High L Screens YSFSL493618( ) YSFSL494812( ) YSFSL494818( ) YSFSR493612( ) YSFSR493618( ) YSFSR494812( ) Left Shown L Screen Corner Bracket For L Screen Applications wtih Pedestals Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options L Screen L Screens Floorstanding Screens 1. Pattern Number 2. Vertical Surface Finish 3. Bracket Paint Finish Example: YSFSL423618L, 118, Brackets Hardware Floorstanding Screens Finish Options: 118T YSFS L 42 36 18 L 118 118T L Screen Left Hand Height Width Depth Laminate Bright White Laminate Bright White Paint 170 (L)=Laminate (V)=Veneer Pedestals Floorstanding Planning Guidelines and Specifications (U[LUUHZ[VYHNLJVTWYPZLZHIYVHKZJVWLVM Z[VYHNLVW[PVUZMVYZ\ZWLUKLKMPSLZIVVRZHUK IPUKLYZJVH[ZHUKZLJ\YLZ[VYHNLVMWLYZVUHS P[LTZHUKLSLJ[YVUPJZ;OLZJVWLPUJS\KLZ IV[OTL[HSHUK^VVKJVUZ[Y\J[PVUKLZR TV\U[LKZ[HUJOPVUZ\WWVY[LK^HSSTV\U[LK HUKMSVVYZ[HUKPUNJVTWVULU[Z(U[LUUH Z[VYHNLPZMPUPZOLKVUHSSZPKLZ[VKLMPUL^VYR HYLHZJVTWSLTLU[PUKP]PK\HS^VYRZWHJLZ HUKHY[PJ\SH[LNYV\W^VYRHUKHJ[P]P[`HYLHZ :[VYHNLMVYKLZRZPUJS\KLZWLKLZ[HSZ SHW[VWKYH^LYZZ\ZWLUKLKKLZROLPNO[ HUKMSVVYZ[HUKPUNL_[LUZPVUJHIPUL[Z +LZRL_[LUZPVUJHIPUL[ZHYLHSZV H]HPSHISLMVY[OLLUKZVMHIPN[HISL Antenna Workspaces -VYIPN[HISLZHUK-LUJLZ[VYHNLVW[PVUZ HSZVPUJS\KLZ[HUJOPVUTV\U[LKWSH[MVYT ZOLS]LZHUKZ[VYHNLJHIPUL[Z 7LKLZ[HSZHUKZ\ZWLUKLKMPSLHUKOPUNLKKVVY MYVU[ZHYLH]HPSHISL^P[O[OYLLW\SSWYVMPSLZ! -VYVMMPJLZHUK[LHTZWHJLZ(U[LUUH Z[VYHNLJHIPUL[ZHUKZOLS]LZJHUIL ^HSSTV\U[LKVYMSVVYZ[HUKPUN ,KNLW\SSHKPZJYLL[YLJLZZPUSLM[HUK YPNO[OHUKLKNLZVMKYH^LYZHUK[VW LKNLVMKVVYZPZH]HPSHISLPUJOYVTL7+ MPUPZOVYPUHU`2UVSSJVYLWHPU[MPUPZO +HYR9LKVY:SH[L)S\L -VYNYV\WTLL[PUNVYHJ[P]P[`ZWHJLZ ZOLSMJHIPUL[ZJHUILMYLLZ[HUKPUNZ[VYHNL ^HSSZMVYWYP]HJ`VYZWHJLKLMPUP[PVU % (U[LUUHZ[VYHNLJVTWVULU[ZTH`IL MPUPZOLKPUHTVUVSP[OPJWHPU[LKSHTPUH[LVY ]LULLYZ\YMHJL:\ZWLUKLKHUKZ[HUJOPVU TV\U[LKVWLUZ[VYHNLJHIPUL[ZJHUHSZV ILZWLJPMPLKPUHJVU[YHZ[PUNPU[LYPVYJVSVY SHTPUH[L0U[LYPVYSHTPUH[LVW[PVUZPUJS\KL JVYLSHTPUH[LZHUKMP]LHJJLU[SHTPUH[L JVSVYZ:[VYHNL^P[OLUJSVZLKMYVU[ZJHUIL ZWLJPMPLK^P[OWHPU[LKVYSHTPUH[LJHZLHUK ^VVKVYJVU[YHZ[PUNJVYLSHTPUH[LMYVU[ 0UZLY[W\SSHMPUNLY[PWOPUNLK[HIMS\ZO^P[O [OLMYVU[PZH]HPSHISLPUHJOYVTL7+MPUPZO 3VVWW\SSHZTHSSVWLUZX\HYLSVVWVU[OL Z\YMHJLVM[OLMYVU[PZH]HPSHISLPUHJOYVTL 7+MPUPZOVYPUHU`2UVSSJVYLWHPU[MPUPZO +HYR9LKVY:SH[L)S\L :SPKPUNKVVYMYVU[ZPUJS\KLHKPZJYLL[ ]LY[PJHSW\SSPUHU`2UVSSJVYLWHPU[MPUPZO 0UZLY[7\SS +L[HPS 0UZLY[7\SS 7\SS6W[PVUZ VU7LKLZ[HSZ 3VVW7\SS ,KNL7\SS 3VVW7\SS ,KNL7\SS 171 Storage Components 0UZLY[7\SS Pedestals Floorstanding Planning Guidelines and Specifications -SVVYZ[HUKPUNWLKLZ[HSZWYV]PKLMP_LK SVJH[PVUZ[VYHNL\UKLYHKLZRVYYL[\YU 7LKLZ[HSZHYLOPNOZ[LLSJHIPUL[ZPUMPSL MPSLVYIV_IV_MPSLJVUMPN\YH[PVUZ[OH[HYL ZPaLK[VMP[ILSV^HUKJVUULJ[[VKLZRYHPSZ -SVVYZ[HUKPUNWLKLZ[HSZJHU[HRL[OLWSHJL VMHSLNPUJVTIPUH[PVU^P[O@)(;, WLKLZ[HSHKHW[LYRP[HUKHWWYVWYPH[LIHSSHZ[ [VZ\WWVY[VULLUKVMHKLZR[VW)HSSHZ[RP[Z HYLYLX\PYLKMVYZ[HIPSP[`VMMYLLZ[HUKPUNKLZR HWWSPJH[PVUZI\[TH`UV[ILYLX\PYLK^OLYL V[OLYLUKVMKLZRPZJVUULJ[LK[V-LUJLVY WLYWLUKPJ\SHYKLZR)HSSHZ[RP[ZHYLH]HPSHISL PUZWLJPMPJ^LPNO[ZMVYLHJOWLKLZ[HSKLW[O 7VZP[PVUPUNIYHJRL[Z@:-(Z[HIPSPaLHUKTHPU [HPUWVZP[PVUVMMSVVYZ[HUKPUNOPNOWLKLZ[HSZ \UKLYKLZRVYIPN[HISLYHPSZ^OLU[OLWLK LZ[HSPZUV[PU[LNYH[LKPU[V[OLKLZRZ[Y\J[\YL 7VZP[PVUPUNIYHJRL[ZLUHISLMSVVYZ[HUKPUNWLK LZ[HSZ[VTV\U[HKQHJLU[[VLUKSLNZVYV[OLY MSVVYZ[HUKPUNWLKLZ[HSZ[OH[HYLJVUULJ[LK[V [OLKLZR^P[O@)(;,IYHJRL[Z;OL`HYLHSZV HWWSPJHISL\UKLYIYPKNL[VWZVY[VWZZ\WWVY[LK I`-LUJLVY;LTWSH[LZ[VYHNL7VZP[PVUPUN IYHJRL[ZMHZ[LU^P[OZJYL^ZPU[V[OLOVSLZPU [OL[VWVM[OLWLKLZ[HSJVYYLZWVUKPUN[VKLZR Z\WWVY[YHPSZVY[OL`TH`ILHKOLYLKPUWVZP [PVU\UKLY[OLYHPSZVMHIPN[HISLHKOLZP]LUV[ PUJS\KLKPURP[ Antenna Workspaces )HSSHZ[RP[ZHYLZ[PSSYLJVTTLUKLKMVYTVZ[ MSVVYZ[HUKPUNWLKLZ[HSI\[WVZP[PVUPUNIYHJRL[Z TH`THRLIHSSHZ[\UULJLZZHY`MVYWLKLZ[HSZPU T\S[PWSLWVZP[PVUIPN[HISLZ 4L[HSWLKLZ[HSZHYLH]HPSHISLPUWHPU[LK Z[LLSJHZL^P[OWHPU[LK^VVKSHTPUH[L VY]LULLYMYVU[Z 7LUJPS[YH`ZJHUILZWLJPMPLKHSVUN^P[OWLKLZ [HSZ;OLMP]LZLJ[PVUWLUJPS[YH`YPKLZVUKYH^LY ZPKLZVMIV_VYMPSLKYH^LYZ -SVVYZ[HUKPUNWLKLZ[HSZPUJS\KLM\SSWHPU[LKZ[LLS Z\YYV\UK^P[OUVZLHTZH[IHJRJVYULYZMSH[ Z[LLS[VWM\SSL_[LUZPVUKYH^LYZSPKLZHUKSL]LS PUNNSPKLZ^P[OYHUNL:[LLS[VWPZZWLJPMPLK[V OH]LTV\U[PUNOVSLZMVYHKHW[LYRP[VUYPNO[VY SLM[ZPKL(J[\HSJHZLOLPNO[PZHUKZ[HUKZ HIV]L[OLMSVVY(J[\HSJHZL^PK[OPZHUK KLW[OZHYLññHUK ñ -PSLKYH^LYZVU+JHIPUL[ZHYL>_ +HUKZ\WWVY[SL[[LYVYSLNHSZ\ZWLUKLK MPSLMVSKLYZ-PSLKYH^LYZVU+HUK+ JHIPUL[ZHYL>_+HUKPUJS\KL HKP]PKLY[VLUHISLM\SSKLW[OSL[[LYVY ZPKL[VZPKLSLNHSZ\ZWLUKLKMPSPUN 7LUJPS[YH`ZHYLWSHZ[PJPUQLJ[PVU TVSKLKJVUZ[Y\J[PVUë^PKL KLLWHUKOPNO % :WLJPM`LP[OLYHSLM[VYYPNO[TV\U[PUNWVZP[PVU MVYJVYYLJ[SVJH[PVUVMOVSLZPU[OL[VWVM [OLWLKLZ[HSMVYJVUULJ[PVU[VKLZRZ\WWVY[ HKHW[LYIYHJRL[Z-YVU[PZH]HPSHISLLP[OLY WHPU[LK7SHTPUH[L3VY]LULLY=7LKLZ[HSZ JHUILSVJRPUN3VYUVUSVJRPUN5 *HZLPZH]HPSHISLPUHU`2UVSS*VYLWHPU[ MPUPZO+YH^LYMYVU[ZTH`ILZWLJPMPLKPUHU` 2UVSS*VYLWHPU[SHTPUH[LVY]LULLYMPUPZO :WLJPM`W\SS[`WL!,KNL,0UZLY[0VY3VVW 6,KNLW\SSZHYLH]HPSHISLPUHU`2UVSS *VYLWHPU[MPUPZO+HYR9LK:SH[L)S\LVYPU *OYVTL7+3VVWW\SSZHYLH]HPSHISLPUHU` 2UVSS*VYLWHPU[MPUPZO+HYR9LKVY:SH[L)S\L 0UZLY[W\SSZHYLH]HPSHISLPU*OYVTL7+ +LZRZ\WWVY[HKHW[LYZHUKWLKLZ[HS WVZP[PVUPUNIYHJRL[ZHYLH]HPSHISLPUHU`2UVSS *VYLWHPU[MPUPZO+HYR9LKVY:SH[L)S\L 7LUJPS[YH`ZHYLH]HPSHISLPULP[OLY HISHJRVYJSLHYMPUPZO )V_KYH^LYZHYL/_>_VY +HUKJHUZ\WWVY[2UVSS\UP]LYZHS WLUJPS[YH`ZWLJPMPLKZLWHYH[LS` VID (U[LUUH+LZR^P[O9PNO[OHUKLK -SVVYZ[HUKPUN7LKLZ[HS +LZR:\WWVY[LKI` -SVVYZ[HUKPUN7LKLZ[HSZ )PN;HISL^P[O5VU:\WWVY[PUN -SVVYZ[HUKPUN7LKLZ[HSZ ë ë 9PNO[OHUKLK-SVVYZ[HUKPUN7LKLZ[HS,SL]H[PVU 9PNO[OHUKLK-SVVYZ[HUKPUN7LKLZ[HSPU7SHU 172 Pedestals Floorstanding Applications +WLKLZ[HSZJHUIL\ZLK\UKLYHU+ YL[\YUVY\UKLYH+KLZR[VWVYYL[\YU^P[O ñPUZL[PUMYVU[HUKZWHJLH[IHJR Antenna Workspaces +WLKLZ[HSZJHUIL\ZLK\UKLY+[VWZ MS\ZO^P[OMYVU[HUKIHJR\UKLY+[VWZ^P[O HñPUZL[MYVU[HUKHPUZL[IHJRVY\UKLY +[VWZ^P[OHñPUZL[MYVU[HUKPUIHJR 5?@ +WLKLZ[HSZJHUIL\ZLK\UKLY+ [VWZMS\ZO^P[OMYVU[HUKIHJRVY\UKLY+ [VWZ^P[OñPUMYVU[HUKPUIHJR 7D@ +7LKLZ[HS^P[O +;VWPU7SHU +7LKLZ[HS^P[O +;VWPU7SHU +7LKLZ[HS^P[O+ ;VW,UK,SL]H[PVU +7LKLZ[HS^P[O+ ;VW,UK,SL]H[PVU +7LKLZ[HS^P[O +;VWPU7SHU +7LKLZ[HS^P[O +;VWPU7SHU +7LKLZ[HS^P[O+ ;VW,UK,SL]H[PVU +7LKLZ[HS^P[O+ ;VW,UK,SL]H[PVU 68@ +7LKLZ[HS^P[O+ ;VW,UK,SL]H[PVU +7LKLZ[HS^P[O +;VWPU7SHU +7LKLZ[HS^P[O +;VWPU7SHU +7LKLZ[HS^P[O+ ;VW,UK,SL]H[PVU +7LKLZ[HS^P[O+ ;VW,UK,SL]H[PVU 173 Storage Components +7LKLZ[HS^P[O +;VWPU7SHU Pedestals Floorstanding 18⬙, 24⬙ and 30⬙ Deep Antenna Workspaces description type w d h pattern no. Floorstanding Desk Support Box/Box/File Pedestals For Left 18⬙ Deep Desk Mount For Left 24⬙ Deep Desk Mount For Left 30⬙ Deep Desk Mount For Right 18⬙ Deep Desk Mount For Right 24⬙ Deep Desk Mount For Right 30⬙ Deep Desk Mount 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 17 1/2⬙ 23 1/2⬙ 29 1/2⬙ 17 1/2⬙ 23 1/2⬙ 29 1/2⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ YSFBBF18L( )L YSFBBF24L( )L YSFBBF30L( )L YSFBBF18R( )L YSFBBF24R( )L Floorstanding Desk Support File/File Pedestals For Left 18⬙ Deep Desk Mount For Left 24⬙ Deep Desk Mount For Left 30⬙ Deep Desk Mount For Right 18⬙ Deep Desk Mount For Right 24⬙ Deep Desk Mount For Right 30⬙ Deep Desk Mount 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 17 1/2⬙ 23 1/2⬙ 29 1/2⬙ 17 1/2⬙ 23 1/2⬙ 29 1/2⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ YSFFF18L( )L Floorstanding Pedestal Ballast/ Counterweight For 18⬙ or 30⬙ Deep Pedestal For 24⬙ Deep Pedestal Pedestal Desk Support Adapters (pair) For use with 25⬙ High Pedestal YSFBBF30R( )L 3⬙ 3⬙ n/a $1,196. n/a 1,297. n/a 1,323. n/a 1,196. n/a 1,297. n/a 1,323. V1 Fronts (V) V2 Fronts (V) V3 Fronts (V) $1,286. $1,327. $1,394. $1,514. 1,346. 1,384. 1,452. 1,578. 1,372. 1,410. 1,478. 1,604. 1,286. 1,327. 1,394. 1,514. 1,346. 1,384. 1,452. 1,578. 1,372. 1,410. 1,478. 1,604. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,024. 1,109. 1,135. 1,024. 1,109. 1,135. 1,126. 1,173. 1,199. 1,126. 1,173. 1,199. 1,153. 1,205. 1,379. 1,153. 1,205. 1,379. 1,242. 1,299. 1,439. 1,242. 1,299. 1,439. 1,363. 1,421. 1,499. 1,363. 1,421. 1,499. 113. 179. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a YBATE25 88. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a YSFA 14. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a YSFFF24L( )L YSFFF30L( )L YSFFF18R( )L YSFFF24R( )L YSFFF30R( )L YSFB18 YSFB24 4⬙ Painted Laminate Fronts Fronts list (P) (L) (YBATE25 shown) Pedestal Positioning Brackets Includes 2 brackets and hardware Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Floorstanding Pedestal Floorstanding Pedestal Floorstanding Pedestal Floorstanding Glides File Rails (24⬙ and 30⬙ Deep Only) Drawer Front Finish Options: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pattern Number Case Finish Front Finish Pull Type Pull Finish Pedestal Desk Support Adapters 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Example: YSFBBF24LPL, 118T, 118T, E, 118T YPFBBF Box/Box/File Pedestal 24 Depth L Left Mount P Painted Front L Lock 118T Bright White Case 118T Bright White Front E Edge Pull 118T Bright White Pull Desk adapter brackets and pencil trays sold separately. Pedestal Desk Support Adapters Hardware Lock Options: To specify a floorstanding pedestal without a lock, replace the ‘‘L’’ suffix in the pattern number with an ‘‘N’’. 174 (P)=Painted (L)=Laminate (V)=Veneer Drawer Front Pull Options: (E)=Edge Pull (I)=Insert Pull (O)=Loop Pull Add $40 to the list price when a pull is specified with a painted finish. See planning guide page for drawer pull finish options. Pedestals Floorstanding 18⬙, 24⬙ and 30⬙ Deep type w d h Pencil Tray Black Finish Clear Finish 13 1/4⬙ 13 1/4⬙ 5 7/8⬙ 5 7/8⬙ 7 /8⬙ /8⬙ 7 list Painted Fronts (P) Laminate Fronts (L) V1 Fronts (V) V2 Fronts (V) V3 Fronts (V) $37. 44. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a pattern no. YAPTN YAPTC Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Floorstanding Pedestal Floorstanding Pedestal Floorstanding Pedestal Floorstanding Glides File Rails (24⬙ and 30⬙ Deep Only) Drawer Front Finish Options: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pattern Number Case Finish Front Finish Pull Type Pull Finish Pedestal Desk Support Adapters 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Example: YSFBBF24LPL, 118T, 118T, E, 118T YPFBBF Box/Box/File Pedestal 24 Depth L Left Mount P Painted Front L Lock 118T Bright White Case 118T Bright White Front E Edge Pull 118T Bright White Pull Desk adapter brackets and pencil trays sold separately. Pedestal Desk Support Adapters Hardware Lock Options: To specify a floorstanding pedestal without a lock, replace the ‘‘L’’ suffix in the pattern number with an ‘‘N’’. 175 (P)=Painted (L)=Laminate (V)=Veneer Drawer Front Pull Options: (E)=Edge Pull (I)=Insert Pull (O)=Loop Pull Add $40 to the list price when a pull is specified with a painted finish. See planning guide page for drawer pull finish options. Storage Components description Antenna Workspaces Pedestals Floorstanding and Freestanding Double Wide Planning Guidelines and Specifications +V\ISL^PKLWLKLZ[HSZHYLOPNOZ[LLS JHIPUL[ZPU>VY>MPSLMPSLJVUMPN\YH[PVUZ [OH[HYLZPaLK[VMP[ILSV^HUKJVUULJ[[VKLZR YHPSZ>PKLWLKLZ[HSZJHU[HRL[OLWSHJLVMH SLNI`\ZPUN@)(>HUKHWWYVWYPH[LIHSSHZ[ [VZ\WWVY[VULLUKVMHKLZR[VW+V\ISL^PKL WLKLZ[HSZJHUHSZVILLU[PYLS`MYLLZ[HUKPUN >PKLWLKLZ[HSZPUJS\KLHUPU[LYSVJR[VWYL]LU[ IV[OKYH^LYZMYVTVWLUPUNH[[OLZHTL[PTL )HSSHZ[RP[ZHYLYLX\PYLKMVYZ[HIPSP[`VM MYLLZ[HUKPUNJYLKLUaHHWWSPJH[PVUZI\[ TH`UV[ILYLX\PYLK^OLYLV[OLYLUKVM [VWPZJVUULJ[LK[V-LUJLVYWLYWLUKPJ\SHY KLZR)HSSHZ[RP[ZHYLH]HPSHISLPUZWLJPMPJ ^LPNO[ZMVYLHJOWLKLZ[HS^PK[O +V\ISL^PKLWLKLZ[HSZHYL+HUK JHUIL\ZLK\UKLYHU+YL[\YUVY \UKLYH+[VW^P[OñZL[IHJR PUMYVU[HUKñZWHJLH[IHJR 4L[HSWLKLZ[HSZHYLH]HPSHISLPU WHPU[LKZ[LLSJHZL^P[OWHPU[LK ^VVKSHTPUH[LVY]LULLYMYVU[Z -SVVYZ[HUKPUNWLKLZ[HSZPUJS\KLM\SSWHPU[LK Z[LLSZ\YYV\UK^P[OUVZLHTZH[IHJR JVYULYZMSH[Z[LLS[VWM\SSL_[LUZPVUKYH^LY ZSPKLZHUKSL]LSPUNNSPKLZ^P[OYHUNL :[LLS[VWPZZWLJPMPLK[VOH]LTV\U[PUN OVSLZMVYHKHW[LYRP[[VZWLJPM`[VKLW[OVM VYKLLWVYUVOVSLZMVYMYLLZ[HUKPUN HWWSPJH[PVUZ(J[\HSJHZLOLPNO[PZHUK Z[HUKZHIV]L[OLMSVVY(J[\HSJHZL^PK[O PZVYHUKKLW[OZHYLñ -PSLKYH^LYZVU+JHIPUL[ZHYLVY >_+HUKPUJS\KLMPSLZ\WWVY[YHPS MVYSL[[LYVYSLNHSZ\ZWLUKLKMPSLMVSKLYZ (U[LUUH+LZR9L[\YU:\WWVY[LK I`+V\ISL>PKL7LKLZ[HS Antenna Workspaces % :WLJPM`WSHUUPUNHWWSPJH[PVUMVY H[[HJOTLU[[VVYKLLW[VW VYVYMVYMYLLZ[HUKPUN5-YVU[ PZH]HPSHISLLP[OLYWHPU[LK7SHTPUH[L 3VY]LULLY=7LKLZ[HSZJHUIL SVJRPUN3VYUVUSVJRPUN5 *HZLPZH]HPSHISLPUHU`2UVSS*VYLWHPU[ MPUPZO+YH^LYMYVU[ZTH`ILZWLJPMPLKPUHU` 2UVSS*VYLWHPU[SHTPUH[LVY]LULLYMPUPZO :WLJPM`W\SS[`WL!,KNL,0UZLY[0VY3VVW 6,KNLW\SSZHYLH]HPSHISLPUHU`K2UVSS *VYLWHPU[MPUPZO+HYR9LK:SH[L)S\LVYPU *OYVTL7+3VVWW\SSZHYLH]HPSHISLPUHU` 2UVSS*VYLWHPU[MPUPZO+HYR9LKVY:SH[L)S\L 0UZLY[W\SSZHYLH]HPSHISLPU*OYVTL7+ +LZRZ\WWVY[HKHW[LYZHUKWLKLZ[HS WVZP[PVUPUNIYHJRL[ZHYLH]HPSHISLPUHU`2UVSS *VYLWHPU[MPUPZO+HYR9LKVY:SH[L)S\L +V\ISL>PKL7LKLZ[HS -YVU[,SL]H[PVU (U[LUUH+LZR^P[O+V\ISL >PKL7LKLZ[HS ++V\ISL>PKL7LKLZ[HS ^P[O+;VW,UK,SL]H[PVU ++V\ISL>PKL7LKLZ[HS ^P[O+;VW,UK,SL]H[PVU ++V\ISL>PKL7LKLZ[HS ^P[O+;VWPU7SHU ++V\ISL>PKL7LKLZ[HS ^P[O+;VWPU7SHU 176 Pedestals Floorstanding and Freestanding Double Wide 30⬙ or 36⬙ Wide type w d h pattern no. Freestanding File/File Double Wide Pedestals For use with Counterweight For use with Counterweight 30⬙ 17 1/2⬙ 25⬙ YSFWFF30N( )L 36⬙ 17 1/2⬙ 25⬙ YSFWFF36N( )L Double Wide Pedestal Ballast/Counterweight For 30⬙ Wide Pedestal Floorstanding Desk Support File/File Double Wide Pedestals 30⬙W For use with 18⬙ Deep Top 30⬙W For use with 24⬙ Deep Top 36⬙W For use with 18⬙ Deep Top 36⬙W For use with 24⬙ Deep Top Double Wide Pedestal Desk Support Adapters (pair) For use with Double Wide Pedestals 4⬙ YSFWB30 30⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 17 1/2⬙ 17 1/2⬙ 17 1/2⬙ 17 1/2⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ 25⬙ YSFWFF3018( )L YSFWFF3024( )L 3⬙ 3⬙ YBAW25 Pedestal Positioning Brackets Includes 2 brackets and hardware YSFWFF3618( )L YSFWFF3624( )L YSFA Painted Laminate Fronts Fronts list (P) (L) n/a $1,648. n/a 1,854. V1 Fronts (V) V2 Fronts (V) $1,777. $1,906. $2,086. $2,369. 2,009. 2,163. 2,379. 2,719. 287. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,648. 1,648. 1,854. 1,854. 1,777. 1,777. 2,009. 2,009. 1,906. 1,906. 2,163. 2,163. 2,086. 2,086. 2,379. 2,379. 2,369. 2,369. 2,719. 2,719. 113. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 14. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Floorstanding Pedestal Floorstanding Pedestal Floorstanding Pedestal Floorstanding 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Example: YSFWFF3018PL, 118T, 118T, E, 118T YSFWFF File/File Double Wide Pedestal 30 Width 18 Top Depth P Painted Front L Lock 118T Bright White Case 118T Bright White Front E Edge Pull 118T Bright White Pull Glides File Rails Drawer Front Finish Options: Pattern Number Case Finish Front Finish Pull Type Pull Finish Doubel Wide Pedestal Desk Support Adapters 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Desk adapter brackets and pencil trays sold separately. Doubel Wide Pedestal Desk Support Adapters Hardware Lock Options: To specify a floorstanding pedestal without a lock, replace the ‘‘L’’ suffix in the pattern number with an ‘‘N’’. 177 V3 Fronts (V) (P)=Painted (L)=Laminate (V)=Veneer Drawer Front Pull Options: (E)=Edge Pull (I)=Insert Pull (O)=Loop Pull Add $40 to the list price when a pull is specified with a painted finish. See planning guide page for drawer pull finish options. Storage Components description Antenna Workspaces Pedestals Floorstanding and Freestanding Double Wide 30⬙ or 36⬙ Wide description type w File Cabinet Ballast/Counterweight For 36⬙ Wide Pedestal d h pattern no. list Painted Fronts (P) YSFWB36 $346. n/a Antenna Workspaces Laminate Fronts (L) V1 Fronts (V) V2 Fronts (V) V3 Fronts (V) n/a n/a n/a n/a Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Floorstanding Pedestal Floorstanding Pedestal Floorstanding Pedestal Floorstanding 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Example: YSFWFF3018PL, 118T, 118T, E, 118T YSFWFF File/File Double Wide Pedestal 30 Width 18 Top Depth P Painted Front L Lock 118T Bright White Case 118T Bright White Front E Edge Pull 118T Bright White Pull Glides File Rails Drawer Front Finish Options: Pattern Number Case Finish Front Finish Pull Type Pull Finish Doubel Wide Pedestal Desk Support Adapters 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Desk adapter brackets and pencil trays sold separately. Doubel Wide Pedestal Desk Support Adapters Hardware Lock Options: To specify a floorstanding pedestal without a lock, replace the ‘‘L’’ suffix in the pattern number with an ‘‘N’’. 178 (P)=Painted (L)=Laminate (V)=Veneer Drawer Front Pull Options: (E)=Edge Pull (I)=Insert Pull (O)=Loop Pull Add $40 to the list price when a pull is specified with a painted finish. See planning guide page for drawer pull finish options. Pedestals Mobile Planning Guidelines and Specifications * 4VIPSLWLKLZ[HSZVMMLYMSL_PIPSP[`PUSVJH[PVU HUKPUJS\KLSVJRPUNJHZ[LYZMVYZ[HIPSP[` ^OLYLSVJH[LK4L[HSWLKLZ[HSZHYLH]HPSHISL PUWHPU[LKZ[LLSJHZL^P[OWHPU[LK^VVK SHTPUH[LVY]LULLYMYVU[Z4VIPSLWLKLZ[HSZ TH`ILZWLJPMPLK^P[OMSH[Z[LLS[VWVY^P[OV\[ H[VWMVY\ZL^P[OVW[PVUHSZLH[WHK[VWZ 4VIPSLWLKLZ[HSZHYLH]HPSHISLPUJVTIPUH[PVUVM VUL/KH[HMPSLKYH^LYHUKVUL/Z[HUKHYK Z\ZWLUKLKMPSLKYH^LY^P[OH¸MPM[O^OLLS¹MVY Z[HIPSP[`+H[HKYH^LYJHUZ\WWVY[2UVSS\UP]LYZHS WLUJPS[YH`ZWLJPMPLKZLWHYH[LS`HUKPZ[HSS LUV\NO[VJVU[HPU+=+¸QL^LS¹JHZLZ]LY[PJHSS` 7LUJPS[YH`ZJHUILZWLJPMPLKHSVUN^P[O WLKLZ[HSZ;OLMP]LZLJ[PVUWLUJPS[YH`YPKLZ VUKYH^LYZPKLZVMIV_VYMPSLKYH^LYZ 4VIPSLWLKLZ[HSZPUJS\KLM\SSWHPU[LKZ[LLS Z\YYV\UK^P[OUVZLHTZH[IHJRJVYULYZM\SS L_[LUZPVUMPSLKYH^LYZSPKLZHUKêL_[LUZPVU KH[HKYH^LYZSPKLZ[^VSVJRPUNHUK[^VUVU SVJRPUNñKPHTL[LYJHZ[LYZWS\ZJHZ[LY \UKLYMPSLKYH^LY(J[\HSJHZLOLPNO[PZ HUKZ[HUKZHIV]L[OLMSVVY(J[\HSJHZL ^PK[OPZHUKKLW[OZHYLñVYñ -PSLKYH^LYVU+TVIPSLWLKLZ[HSZ HYL>_+HUKZ\WWVY[SL[[LY VYSLNHSZ\ZWLUKLKMPSLMVSKLYZ -PSLKYH^LYVU+TVIPSLWLKLZ[HSZHYL> _+HUKPUJS\KLHKP]PKLY[VLUHISLM\SSKLW[O SL[[LYVYZPKL[VZPKLSLNHSZ\ZWLUKLKMPSPUN +H[HKYH^LYZHYL/_>_VY+ 7LUJPS[YH`ZHYLWSHZ[PJPUQLJ[PVU TVSKLKJVUZ[Y\J[PVUë^PKL KLLWHUKOPNO :LH[J\ZOPVUZHYLZWLJPMPLKZLWHYH[LS`MVY TVIPSLWLKLZ[HSZ^P[OHUVWLU[VW:LH[ J\ZOPVUZHYL\WOVSZ[LYLKMYVT[OLMYVU[ [V[OLIHJRVM[OLWLKLZ[HS^P[O[OLMHIYPJ KPYLJ[PVUTH[JOPUN[OL[L_[PSLZHTWSL Antenna Workspaces % -YVU[PZH]HPSHISLLP[OLYWHPU[LK7 SHTPUH[L3VY]LULLY=7LKLZ[HSZ PUJS\KLSVJR3VU\WWLYSLM[JVYULYVM WLKLZ[HS[VMHJPSP[H[LTV]PUNWLKLZ[HS *HZLPZH]HPSHISLPUHU`2UVSS*VYLWHPU[ MPUPZO+YH^LYMYVU[ZTH`ILZWLJPMPLKPUHU` 2UVSS*VYLWHPU[SHTPUH[LVY]LULLYMPUPZO :WLJPM`W\SS[`WL!,KNL,0UZLY[0VY3VVW 6,KNLW\SSZHYLH]HPSHISLPUHU`2UVSS *VYLWHPU[MPUPZO+HYR9LK:SH[L)S\LVYPU *OYVTL7+3VVWW\SSZHYLH]HPSHISLPUHU` 2UVSS*VYLWHPU[MPUPZO+HYR9LKVY:SH[L)S\L 0UZLY[W\SSZHYLH]HPSHISLPU*OYVTL7+ :LH[J\ZOPVUZTH`ILZWLJPMPLKPUHU`(U[LUUH HWWYV]LK[L_[PSL-VY*\Z[VTLYZ6^U4H[LYPHS *64HWWSPJH[PVUZZWLJPM``HYKZVMMHIYPJ MVYKLLWTVIPSLWLKLZ[HSZLH[J\ZOPVU HUK `HYKZMVYKLLWZLH[J\ZOPVU 7LUJPS[YH`ZHYLH]HPSHISLPULP[OLY HISHJRVYJSLHYMPUPZO :LH[*\ZOPVUZ :[LLS;VWZ (U[LUUH+LZR^P[O4VIPSL7LKLZ[HS,SL]H[PVU 4VIPSL7LKLZ[HS6W[PVUZ 179 Storage Components Pedestals Mobile 18⬙ and 24⬙ Deep Antenna Workspaces description type w d h pattern no. list Painted Fronts (P) Mobile Personal/File Pedestals, Full Top 18⬙ Deep Pedestal 24⬙ Deep Pedestal 15⬙ 15⬙ 18⬙ 24⬙ 22⬙ 22⬙ YSMPDF18( )L YSMPDF24( )L n/a n/a $1,008. 1,143. $1,124. 1,173. $1,168. 1,339. $1,271. 1,451. $1,324. 1,506. Mobile Personal/File Pedestals, Open Top for Seat Pad 18⬙ Deep Pedestal 24⬙ Deep Pedestal 15⬙ 15⬙ 18⬙ 24⬙ 22⬙ 22⬙ YSMOPDF18( )L YSMOPDF24( )L n/a n/a 956. 1,076. 1,071. 1,106. 1,134. 1,299. 1,240. 1,408. 1,289. 1,465. Pencil Tray Black Finish Clear Finish 13 1/4⬙ 13 1/4⬙ 5 7/8⬙ 5 7/8⬙ 7 YAPTN 7 YAPTC 37. 44. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a /8⬙ /8⬙ Laminate Fronts (L) V1 Fronts (V) V2 Fronts (V) V3 Fronts (V) Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Mobile Pedestal Mobile Pedestal Mobile Pedestal Mobile Pedestal (5) Casters File Rails (24⬙ and 30⬙ Deep Only) Drawer Front Finish Options: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pattern Number Case Finish Front Finish Pull Type Pull Finish Example: YSMPDF18PL, 118T, 118T, E, 118T YSMPDF Personal/File Pedestal 18 Depth P Painted Front L Lock 118T Bright White Painted Case 118T Bright White Painted Front E Edge Pull 118T Bright White Painted Pull Specify seat pad for open top mobile pedestal separately Pencil trays sold separately. (P)=Painted (L)=Laminate (V)=Veneer Drawer Front Pull Options: (E)=Edge Pull (I)=Insert Pull (O)=Loop Pull Add $40 to the list price when a pull is specified with a painted finish. See planning guide page for drawer pull finish options. Lock Options: To specify a floorstanding pedestal without a lock, replace the ‘‘L’’ suffix in the pattern number with an ‘‘N’’. 180 Pedestals Seat Cushions 18⬙ and 24⬙ Deep description type w d h pattern no. Seat Cushions For 18⬙ Deep Mobile Pedestal For 24⬙ Deep Mobile Pedestal 15⬙ 15⬙ 17⬙ 23⬙ 1⬙ 1⬙ YSSPAD YSDPAD A B C D E F G H I $183. 226. $211. 253. $240. 296. $253. 310. $268. 339. $296. 368. $324. 409. $368. 451. $381. 467. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Seat Cushions Seat Cushions Example: YSSPAD, Y351 YS Storage S 18⬙ Deep Seat Cushions Seat Cushions 1. Pattern Number 2. Fabric Finish PAD Y351 For CAL133 backing on the cushion, add $77 to the list price. Cushion Foundation 181 Storage Components Antenna Workspaces Laptop Drawer Planning Guidelines and Specifications An optional drawer pad is available for the bottom of the drawer, providing a quiet, resilient surface for stored electronics. The recycled leather pad may be specified with grommets that correspond to the grommets in the drawer bottom or without grommets to cover the grommets in the drawer bottom. The laptop drawer is a 2 ½" high secure storage drawer for laptops, small personal items or electronics. It is 15" wide and either 21" deep for use under 24" or 27" deep tops or 27" deep for use under 30" deep tops. It includes brackets for suspension from desk top rails. The drawer interior is 12 3/8" wide x 16 ¾" deep x 2 3/8" high and features two 2" diameter, lined cable grommets in the drawer bottom. Laptop drawers have a lock. An optional cable net is recommended to manage power cords from the drawer bottom to the back of a laptop drawer case. The net is a flexible open weave construction with a perimeter elastic cord to maintain the shape. The net is fastened to the underside of the laptop drawer case with screws. Laptop drawers can be mounted anywhere under desk rails, as close as 3" to the inside face of a leg or directly adjacent to the outside face of a leg. 24"D Desk with 21"D Laptop Drawer Plan View 27"D Desk with 21"D Laptop Drawer Plan View Antenna Workspaces Pencil trays can be specified separately for use in a laptop drawer. The five section pencil tray rides on the sides of a laptop drawer. Construction The laptop drawer has a steel top enclosure 21" or 27" deep and full extension 19"D drawer slides. The cable net is made of Polypropylene Net with Nylon. The drawer pad is 1.15mm thick Novous recycled leather. Pencil trays are plastic injection molded construction, 13 ¼" wide, 5 7/16" deep and 7/8" high. Specification Options Specify laptop drawer in any Knoll Core paint finish. Drawer pad and net are black. Pencil trays are available in a black or clear finish. 27"D Desk with 27"D Laptop Drawer Plan View 30"D Desk with 27"D Laptop Drawer Plan View Laptop Drawer Bracket to Rail Attachment Detail iso Antenna Desk with Laptop Drawer Antenna Desk with Laptop Drawer Front Elevation View 182 Laptop Drawer 15⬙ Wide description Antenna Workspaces type w d h 21⬙ 27⬙ 3 /2⬙ 3 1/2⬙ 1 pattern no. list YSAD21G YSAD27G $860. 900. Laptop Drawer For Use With 24⬙ or 27⬙ Deep Desk or Big Table For Use With 30⬙ Deep Desk Drawer Pad (with grommet shown) For Use With a Laptop Drawer w/o a Grommet For Use With a Laptop Drawer With a Grommet YSADPADN Cable Net For Use With 21⬙ Deep Laptop Drawer For Use With 27⬙ Deep Laptop Drawer YSAD21NET Pencil Tray 15⬙ 15⬙ YSADPADG 13 1/4⬙ 13 1/4⬙ Black Finish Clear Finish 5 7/8⬙ 5 7/8⬙ /8⬙ /8⬙ 7 7 YSAD27NET 40. 50. YAPTN YAPTC 37. 44. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Laptop Drawer Laptop Drawer Laptop Drawer Laptop Drawer Drawer Pad/Cable Net 1. Pattern Number Example: YSAD21, 118T YS Storage AD Drawer 21 Depth 118T Bright White Paint Brackets Hardware Drawer pad, cable net and pencil tray are specified separately from laptop drawer. Drawer Pad Example: YSADPADG YS Storage AD Drawer PAD Pad G Laptop drawers have grommets in the bottom of the drawer and are always locking. Storage Components 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish 75. 75. With Grommet 183 Suspended Storage Wood Files Planning Guidelines and Specifications ! # # $ %&'%& ' % (( ' )*+, # *, - %. # - ( $(%/ %5!5 65 %&5 8 # * , # %& 9 $ 8 # # # 5# ( $:-;5< # # - =# > > % $?@C*' ,> ( ?GC(?HCI ( #?@C>#?JC E %55 %5 55 %%.5 55 %5 5!5 %!5 Antenna Workspaces -'($K -(I ' #($K- MIM ' I' $ $K-?@C(?HC $$)< ?<C+?+C@ ?NC< ($K -5#O ; -?Q5C@($ K-5#O ; +(-?Q5C #$ $ K-5#O ; Q 5 I 88H I 8;#H %T %& 15 % 1 S 10 % / 5# I 88<( 5# I 8QH 5# I 8 184 ; I 8 Suspended Storage Laminate Wood File 15⬙ Wide Antenna Workspaces All Same Laminate (Core Lam.) (L) description type w d h pattern no. Suspended Laminate Wood Files For Use With Desks For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top For 36⬙ Deep Top 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 21⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 33⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSSPF21( )L YSSPF24( )L YSSPF27( )L Suspended Laminate Wood Files For 24⬙ Deep Top For Use With Big Tables For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top For 36⬙ Deep Top 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 21⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 33⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSSPF21( )L YSSPF24B( )L YSSPF27B( )L YSSPF33( )L YSSPF33B( )L Different Different Laminate Laminate Case/ Laminate Laminate Laminate Case/ Interior/Front Interior/Front Case w/ Case w/ Case w/ (Core Lam.) (Accent Lam.) V1 Front V2 Front V3 Front (M) (M) (M) (L) (L) $1,339. 1,391. 1,442. 1,494. n/a 1,530. 1,586. 1,643. n/a 1,808. 1,875. 1,942. $1,473. 1,530. 1,586. 1,643. $1,540. 1,600. 1,658. 1,718. $1,607. 1,669. 1,730. 1,792. 1,339. 1,391. 1,442. 1,494. n/a 1,530. 1,586. 1,643. n/a 1,808. 1,875. 1,942. 1,473. 1,530. 1,586. 1,643. 1,540. 1,600. 1,658. 1,718. 1,607. 1,669. 1,730. 1,792. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Suspended Wood File Suspended Wood File Example: YSSPF24LL, 118, 118, 118, E, 118T, 118T YSSPF Suspended Wood File 24 Depth L Laminate L Lock 118 Bright White Laminate Suspended Wood File Suspended Wood File Brackets Hardware Case and Front Finish Options: 118 118 E 118T 118T (L) = All the same laminate or different laminates for the exterior case, interior case and/or drawer front (M) = Laminate case with a veneer front Drawer Front Pull Options: Exterior Bright White Laminate Interior Bright White Laminate Front Edge Pull Bright White Painted Pull Bright White Painted Brackets (E) = Edge Pull (I) = Insert Pull (O) = Loop Pull See planning guide page for drawer pull finish options. Lock Options: To specify a suspended wood file cabinet without a lock, replace the ‘‘L’’ suffix in the pattern number with an ‘‘N’’. 185 Storage Components 1. Pattern Number 2. Exterior Case Finish 3. Interior Case Finish (Laminate only) 4. Drawer Front Finish 5. Pull Type 6. Pull Finish 7. Bracket Paint Finish Suspended Storage Veneer Wood File 15⬙ Wide Antenna Workspaces description type w d h pattern no. Suspended Veneer Wood Files For Use With Desks For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top For 36⬙ Deep Top 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 21⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 33⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSSPF21VL YSSPF24VL For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top For 36⬙ Deep Top 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 21⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 33⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSSPF21VL YSSPF24BVL YSSPF27BVL YSSPF33BVL Suspended Veneer Wood Files For Use With Big Tables YSSPF27VL YSSPF33VL All V1 All V2 All V3 $2,009. 2,086. 2,163. 2,189. $2,310. 2,399. 2,487. 2,517. $3,002. 3,118. 3,234. 3,272. 2,009. 2,086. 2,163. 2,189. 2,310. 2,399. 2,487. 2,517. 3,002. 3,118. 3,234. 3,272. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Suspended Wood File Suspended Wood File Example: YSSPF24VL, Y316, E, 118T, 118T YSSPF Suspended Wood File 24 Depth Suspended Wood File Suspended Wood File Brackets Hardware Drawer Front Pull Options: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pattern Number Case and Drawer Front Finish Pull Type Pull Finish Bracket Paint Finish V L Y316 E 118T 118T Veneer Lock Maple Veneer Edge Pull Bright White Painted Pull Bright White Painted Brackets (E) = Edge Pull (I) = Insert Pull (O) = Loop Pull See planning guide page for drawer pull finish options. Lock Options: To specify a suspended wood file cabinet without a lock, replace the ‘‘L’’ suffix in the pattern number with an ‘‘N’’. 186 Suspended Storage Wood Open Cabinets Planning Guidelines and Specifications % (# #8 $ %/ !5 # 5 # # $ (' )*+, 89 %&U %&I %. # Antenna Workspaces - # ( $ ( %.U *#, 9 ( *, - -%&5# *',#Q % *, 8 #- # - ( %.U'%5 #8 #%&'%&' * ,%5 -'($ K-(I ' #($K -MIM ' # - # * , # %& 9 $ E %&5%/5 %5 ( %55 %5 ( %5 %5 55 %%.5 ( %%.5 %5 55 %5 ( %5 %5 5!5 %!5 ( %!5 JSM - =# > > % $?@C*' ,> ?GC(?HC #$ $ K-5#O ; MN- N 8M- 5# 8 MN- ; MN- ; 8 MN- 187 Storage Components 8 5# MN- Suspended Storage Laminate Open Cabinets 15⬙ Wide Antenna Workspaces All Same Laminates (Core Lam.) Different Laminate Case/ Interior (Core Lam.) Different Laminate Case/ Interior (Accent Lam.) $1,020. 1,133. 1,190. 1,246. 1,360. $1,205. 1,339. 1,406. 1,473. 1,607. description type w d h pattern no. Suspended Laminate Open Cabinets with Front and Back Access For Use With Desks For 18⬙ Deep Top For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top For 36⬙ Deep Top 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 21⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 33⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSSOF15L YSSOF21L YSSOF24L YSSOF27L YSSOF33L $927. 1,030. 1,082. 1,133. 1,236. Suspended Laminate Open Cabinets with Side Access For Use With Desks For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 21⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSSOS21L YSSOS24L YSSOS27L 1,030. 1,082. 1,133. 1,133. 1,190. 1,246. 1,339. 1,406. 1,473. Suspended Laminate Open Cabinets with Front and Back Access For Use With Big Tables For 18⬙ Deep Top For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top For 36⬙ Deep Top 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 21⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 33⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSSOF15L YSSOF21L YSSOF24BL YSSOF27BL YSSOF33BL 927. 1,030. 1,082. 1,133. 1,236. 1,020. 1,133. 1,190. 1,246. 1,360. 1,205. 1,339. 1,406. 1,473. 1,607. For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 21⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSSOS21L YSSOS24BL YSSOS27BL 1,030. 1,082. 1,133. 1,133. 1,190. 1,246. 1,339. 1,406. 1,473. Suspended Laminate Open Cabinets with Side Access For Use With Big Tables Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Suspended Open Cabinet Suspended Open Cabinet Suspended Open Cabinet Suspended Open Cabinet Example: YSSOF24L, 118, 118, Brackets Hardware 1. Pattern Number 2. Exterior Case Finish 3. Interior Case Finish (Laminate only) 4. Bracket Paint Finish 118T YSSOF L 118 118 118T Suspended Open Cabinet Laminate Case Bright White Exterior Bright White Interior Bright White Brackets 188 Suspended Storage Veneer Open Cabinets 15⬙ Wide description type w d h pattern no. All V1 All V2 All V3 Suspended Veneer Open Cabinets with Front and Back Access For Use With Desks For 18⬙ Deep Top For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top For 36⬙ Deep Top 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 21⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 33⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSSOF15V YSSOF21V YSSOF24V YSSOF27V YSSOF33V $1,254. 1,433. 1,478. 1,522. 1,612. $1,442. 1,648. 1,700. 1,751. 1,854. $1,875. 2,142. 2,209. 2,276. 2,410. Suspended Veneer Open Cabinets with Side Access For Use With Desks For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 21⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSSOS21V YSSOS24V YSSOS27V 1,433. 1,478. 1,522. 1,648. 1,700. 1,751. 2,142. 2,209. 2,276. Suspended Veneer Open Cabinets with Front and Back Access For Use With Big Tables For 18⬙ Deep Top For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top For 36⬙ Deep Top 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 21⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 33⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSSOF15V YSSOF21V YSSOF24BV YSSOF27BV YSSOF33BV 1,254. 1,433. 1,478. 1,522. 1,612. 1,442. 1,648. 1,700. 1,751. 1,854. 1,875. 2,142. 2,209. 2,276. 2,410. Suspended Veneer Open Cabinets with Side Access For Use With Big Tables For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 21⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSSOS21V YSSOS24BV YSSOS27BV 1,433. 1,478. 1,522. 1,648. 1,700. 1,751. 2,142. 2,209. 2,276. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Suspended Open Cabinet Suspended Open Cabinet Example: YSSOF24V, Y316, 118T YSSOF Suspended Open Suspended Open Cabinet Suspended Open Cabinet 1. Pattern Number 2. Exterior Case Finish 3. Bracket Paint Finish V Y316 118T Brackets Hardware Cabinet Veneer Case Maple Exterior Bright White Painted Brackets 189 Storage Components Antenna Workspaces Extension Cabinets For Desks Planning Guidelines and Specifications ( & M( #' ( ($9 #; W #;#. ( - (' ) *+, *,+# Antenna Workspaces -9 %&U %&5 )%/! + % H 9 #( @ 5#' # %$X $:5YZQ:;-5<' #$ $ M( #' #' - % S%!# ? #C =# # > > ! ( % $?@C*' ,> ?GC(?HC -'($ K-(I ' #($K -MIM ' $#$ :;-5<;# # M(5#<'-<( @Z I# M(5#<'-8 :5YZQ;# M(5#<'-<( @Z - M(5#<'-;# 190 Extension Cabinets For Desks Planning Guidelines and Specifications & ; #' ( #;# #' ; $# - (' ) *+, *,N # ' -9 %&.U %&5 )!+ % 5#' # % $X$:;-5< '#$ M( #' #' - % S%!# ? #C =# # > > ! ( Antenna Workspaces H 9 #( @#' % $?@C*' ,> ?GC(?HC -'($K -(I '( $K-MI M ' $#$ ;5#<'-8 ;5#<'-<( ;5#<'-;# 191 Storage Components :;-5<;# Extension Cabinets For Desks Above and Below Tops Antenna Workspaces All Same Laminate (Core Lam.) (L) list description type width depth height pattern number Above Desk Extension Cabinets For 18⬙ Deep Top For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top For 36⬙ Deep Top 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 18⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 14 3/4⬙ 14 3/4⬙ 14 3/4⬙ 14 3/4⬙ 14 3/4⬙ YSDXOS1815( ) n/a YSDXOS2415( ) n/a YSDXOS2715( ) n/a For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top For 36⬙ Deep Top 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 14 3/4⬙ 14 3/4⬙ 14 3/4⬙ 14 3/4⬙ YSDXSS2415( ) n/a YSDXSS2715( ) n/a YSDXSS3015( ) n/a Below Desk Extension Cabinets Connector Kit for Above Desk Extension Cabinets 2 Brackets Connector Kit for Above 2 Brackets or Below Desk Extension Cabinets Different Different Laminate Laminate Case/ Case/ Interior Interior (Core Lam.) (Accent Lam.) (L) (L) All V1 (V) $1,076. 1,133. 1,190. 1,246. 1,303. YSDXSS3615( ) n/a 1,030. 1,082. 1,133. 1,236. 1,133. 1,190. 1,246. 1,360. 1,339. 1,406. 1,473. 1,607. 1,433. 1,478. 1,522. 1,612. 1,648. 1,700. 1,751. 1,854. 2,142. 2,205. 2,276. 2,410. YSDXUP 26. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a YBCDE 41. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a YSDXOS3015( ) n/a YSDXOS3615( ) n/a $1,272. $1,343. $1,545. $2,009. 1,339. 1,433. 1,648. 2,142. 1,406. 1,478. 1,700. 2,205. 1,473. 1,522. 1,751. 2,276. 1,540. 1,612. 1,854. 2,410. Order Code Included With Options Extension Cabinets Extension Cabinets Example: YSDXSS2415L, 118, 118 YSDXSS Below Desk Extension Extension Cabinets Extension Cabinets Specify extension cabinet mounting brackets separately. Case Finish Options: Mounting Brackets 24 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish 15 L 118 118 Cabinets Depth Width Laminate Bright White Laminate Bright White Laminate Specify rails 12⬙ longer than required top when specifying extension cabinets. Mounting Brackets Hardware Mounting Brackets Example: YBCDE, 118T YBCDE 118T All V3 (V) $979. 1,030. 1,082. 1,133. 1,236. Ordering Information 1. Pattern Number 2. Exterior Case Finish 3. Interior Case Finish (Laminate only) All V2 (V) Mounting Brackets Bright White Paint 192 (L) = All the same or different laminates for the exterior and interior case (V) = All the same veneer for the exterior and interior case Extension Cabinets For Dual Sided Big Tables Planning Guidelines and Specifications ( & M( #' ( ($9 ; W #;#. ( - (' ) *+, *,+# -9 %&U %&5 ( ) [&. [&6. [!&. [. ! Antenna Workspaces M( . . ! ( + % % $?@C*' ,> ( ?GC(?HC ;' # % $X$:;< '#$ -'($ K-(I ' #($K -MIM ' M( #' #' - % S%!# ? #C =# # > > ! ( $#$ H 9 #( @ :;<;# \< @$ -; ( ' 193 Storage Components M(5#<'- ;<( M(5#<'-; Extension Cabinets For Dual Sided Big Tables Planning Guidelines and Specifications & ; #' ( ;# #' ; $# - (' ) *+, *,N # ' Antenna Workspaces -9 %&.U %&5 ( ) - % S%!# ? #C =# # > > ! ( [&. [&6. [!&. [. ! M( . . ! ( + % 5#' # % $X$:;< '#$ M( #' #' H 9 #( @#' % $?@C*' ,> ?GC(?HC -'($K -(I '( $K-MI M ' $#$ :;<;# ;5#<'-; ;5#<'- ;<( \< @$ -; ( ' 194 Extension Cabinets For Dual Sided Big Tables Above and Below Tops Antenna Workspaces All Same Laminate (Core Lam.) (L) Paint description type w d h pattern no. Above Big Table Extension Cabinets For 24⬙ D Big Table For 27⬙ D Big Table For 30⬙ D Big Table For 36⬙ D Big Table 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 53 1/2⬙ 59 1/2⬙ 65 1/2⬙ 77 1/2⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSDXOS5315( ) YSDXOS5915( ) YSDXOS6515( ) Below Big Table Extension Cabinets For 24⬙ D Big Table For 27⬙ D Big Table For 30⬙ D Big Table For 36⬙ D Big Table 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 53 1/2⬙ 59 1/2⬙ 65 1/2⬙ 77 1/2⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSDXSS5315( ) Connector Kit for Above and Below Big Table Extension Cabinets 4 Brackets Different Different Laminate Laminate Case/ Case/ Interior Interior (Core Lam.) (Accent Lam.) (L) (L) All V1 (V) $1,545. 1,648. 1,751. 1,854. $1,700. 1,813. 1,926. 2,039. YSDXSS5915( ) YSDXSS6515( ) YSDXSS7715( ) n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,545. 1,648. 1,751. 1,906. 1,700. 1,813. 1,926. 2,096. 2,009. 2,142. 2,276. 2,477. 2,016. 2,150. 2,239. 2,508. 2,318. 2,472. 2,575. 2,884. 3,013. 3,214. 3,348. 3,749. YBTE 93. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a YSDXOS7715( ) $2,009. $2,016. $2,318. $3,013. 2,142. 2,150. 2,472. 3,214. 2,276. 2,239. 2,575. 3,348. 2,410. 2,472. 2,843. 3,696. Order Code Included With Options Extension Cabinets Extension Cabinets Example: YSDXSS5915L, 118, 118 YSDXSS Below Desk Extension Extension Cabinets Extension Cabinets Specify extension cabinet mounting brackets separately. Case Finish Options: 59 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish 15 L 118 118 Cabinets Depth Width Laminate Bright White Laminate Bright White Laminate Specify rails 12⬙ longer than required top when specifying extension cabinets. Mounting Brackets Hardware Mounting Brackets Example: YBTE, 118T YBTE 118T (L) = All the same or different laminates for the exterior and interior case (V) = All the same veneer for the exterior and interior case Storage Components Mounting Brackets All V3 (V) n/a n/a n/a n/a Ordering Information 1. Pattern Number 2. Exterior Case Finish 3. Interior Case Finish (Laminate only) All V2 (V) Mounting Brackets Bright White Paint 195 Extension Cabinets Fabric Inserts Planning Guidelines and Specifications 2 ( & 8## .# #( # '8# %. 8# #' 8#.# ' 8 > ( ' % 8$ $ M( '8- NG?-NGC $ Q@ 8++ ;#M( 5#;<'- 196 Antenna Workspaces Extension Cabinets Fabric Inserts For Desk and Big Table Cabinets type w d Fabric Inserts for Above Desk Extension Cabinets For 18⬙ Deep Top For 24⬙ Deep Top For 27⬙ Deep Top For 30⬙ Deep Top For 36⬙ Deep Top 1 /2⬙ /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ Fabric Inserts for Above Big Table Extension Cabinets For 24⬙ Deep Dual Big Table For 27⬙ Deep Dual Big Table For 30⬙ Deep Dual Big Table For 36⬙ Deep Dual Big Table 1 /2⬙ /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 /2⬙ 1 1 grade 10 20 30 40 45 YSDXFB24 YSDXFB27 YSDXFB30 YSDXFB36 $155. 155. 155. 155. 165. $161. 161. 161. 161. 171. $167. 167. 167. 167. 178. $173. 173. 173. 173. 184. $179. 179. 179. 179. 192. YSDXFB53 YSDXFB59 YSDXFB65 YSDXFB77 196. 196. 216. 216. 204. 204. 225. 225. 211. 211. 234. 234. 219. 219. 242. 242. 227. 227. 251. 251. h pattern no. 16 /2⬙ 22 1/2⬙ 25 1/2⬙ 28 1/2⬙ 34 1/2⬙ 13⬙ 13⬙ 13⬙ 13⬙ 13⬙ YSDXFB18 52⬙ 28⬙ 64⬙ 76⬙ 13⬙ 13⬙ 13⬙ 13⬙ 1 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Fabric Inserts Extension Cabinets Example: YSDXFB30, W351 YSDXFB Fabric Insert Fabric Inserts Fabric Inserts 1. Pattern Number 2. Fabric Finish 30 W351 Width Foundation 197 Storage Components description Antenna Workspaces Stanchion Mounted Wood Storage For Big Table and Fence Planning Guidelines and Specifications * % ( $ - () #> # - 8 $ N #( !/! M #( ( -!I( %& 6 ! (% ' < #( ! / < # # . $ ; # $ > M %&U '%&5%. - =# ( %& &. Antenna Workspaces - =# > > % $?@C*' ,> ?GC(?HC -'($ K-(I ' #($K -MIM ' $$ %& &. %T & /. &U8G NI -<( &%S/ /.U8 G N I -<( &U8 G NI - ;G NI -<( ;G N I - 198 Stanchion Mounted Wood Storage For Big Table and Fence Planning Guidelines and Specifications < ( !/! < ( # - (' ) *+, *, Q # M %&U '%&5%. - =#( - =# > > - % $?@C*' ,> ?GC(?HC< ># -'($ K-(I ' #($K -MIM ' 5 $ $ $ $ K-?@C(?HC Q($K- 5#O ; $$ ;G 5-N@ 199 Storage Components * ( $ - - 8 $ Antenna Workspaces Stanchion Mounted Wood Storage For Big Table and Fence Open Cabinets Antenna Workspaces All Same Laminate (Core Lam.) (L) Different Laminate Case/ Interior (Core Lam.) (L) Different Laminate Case/ Interior (Accent lam.) (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $1,020. 1,076. 1,133. 1,416. 1,530. $1,343. 1,388. 1,433. 1,791. 1,926. $1,343. 1,388. 1,433. 1,791. 1,926. $1,545. 1,597. 1,648. 2,060. 2,215. $2,009. 2,075. 2,142. 2,369. 2,879. description w d h pattern no. Stanchion Mounted Cabinet, Open Front and Back 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSUOS3615( ) YSUOS4215( ) YSUOS4815( ) YSUOS6015( ) YSUOS7215( ) $927. 979. 1,030. 1,288. 1,391. 36⬙ 48⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSUES3615( ) YSUES4815( ) 1,082. 1,236. 1,190. 1,360. 1,478. 1,702. 1,478. 1,702. 1,700. 1,957. 2,209. 2,544. 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSUSNDL3615( ) YSUSNDL4215( ) YSUSNDL4815( ) YSUSNDL6015( ) YSUSNDL7215( ) 1,236. 1,262. 1,288. 1,339. 1,442. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 1,907. 1,950. 1,992. 2,116. 2,202. 2,193. 2,242. 2,291. 2,433. 2,532. 2,850. 2,915. 2,978. 3,162. 3,292. Stanchion Mounted Cabinet, Open Front and Enclosed Back (48⬙ wide cabinet with septum shown) Stanchion Mounted Shared Cabinet, Open Front and Enclosed Back Opening on Left Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Example: YSUOS6015L, 118, 118 Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Specify stanchion brackets for attachment to big table and fence separately Case Finish Options: 1. Pattern Number 2. Exterior Case Finish 3. Interior Case Finish (Laminate only) YSUOS 60 15 L 118 118 Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Width Depth Laminate Bright White Laminate Bright White Laminate 200 (L) = All the same or different laminates for the exterior and interior case (V) = All the same veneer for the exterior and interior case Stanchion Mounted Wood Storage For Big Table and Fence Open Cabinets w d h pattern no. Stanchion Mounted Shared Cabinet, Open Front and Enclosed Back Opening on Right 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSUSNDR3615( ) YSUSNDR4215( ) YSUSNDR4815( ) All Same Laminate (Core Lam.) (L) Different Laminate Case/ Interior (Core Lam.) (L) Different Laminate Case/ Interior (Accent lam.) (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $1,236. 1,262. 1,288. 1,339. 1,442. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $1,907. 1,950. 1,992. 2,116. 2,202. $2,193. 2,242. 2,291. 2,433. 2,532. $2,850. 2,915. 2,978. 3,162. 3,292. YSUSNDR6015( ) YSUSNDR7215( ) Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Example: YSUOS6015L, 118, 118 Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Specify stanchion brackets for attachment to big table and fence separately Case Finish Options: 1. Pattern Number 2. Exterior Case Finish 3. Interior Case Finish (Laminate only) YSUOS 60 15 L 118 118 Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Width Depth Laminate Bright White Laminate Bright White Laminate 201 (L) = All the same or different laminates for the exterior and interior case (V) = All the same veneer for the exterior and interior case Storage Components description Antenna Workspaces Stanchion Mounted Wood Storage For Big Table and Fence Shared Sliding Door Cabinets with Opening on Left description w d h pattern no. Stanchion Mounted Shared Sliding Door Cabinet Case, Opening on Left 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSUSDL3615( ) YSUSDL4215( ) YSUSDL4815( ) 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSSDL3615( ) YSSDL4215( ) Sliding Doors Kit for Stanchion Mounted Shared Sliding Door Cabinet Case, Opening on Left 3 YSUSDL6015( ) YSUSDL7215( ) YSSDL4815( ) YSSDL6015( ) YSSDL7215( ) Antenna Workspaces All Same Laminate (Core Lam.) (L) Different Laminate Case/ Interior (Core Lam.) (L) Different Laminate Case/ Interior (Accent Lam.) (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $1,442. 1,494. 1,545. 1,957. 2,060. $1,586. 1,643. 1,643. 2,153. 2,266. $2,369. 2,421. 2,472. 2,781. 2,987. $2,369. 2,421. 2,472. 2,781. 2,987. $2,724. 2,784. 2,843. 3,198. 3,435. $3,542. 3,618. 3,696. 4,156. 4,465. 567. 592. 618. 644. 695. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 798. 824. 850. 901. 979. 918. 948. 977. 1,040. 1,123. 1,194. 1,232. 1,270. 1,354. 1,463. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Example: YSUSDL6015L, 118, Specify stanchion brackets for attachment to big table and fence separately Case Finish Options: 1. Pattern Number 2. Exterior Case Finish 3. Interior Case Finish (Laminate only) Sliding Doors 1. Pattern Number 2. Door Finish 3. Pull Finish 118 YSUSDL 60 15 L 118 118 Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Width Depth Laminate Bright White Laminate Bright White Laminate Sliding Doors Hardware (L) = All the same or different laminates for the exterior and interior case (V) = All the same veneer for the exterior and interior case Sliding Doors Door Finish Options: (L) = Laminate (V) = Veneer Door pulls are available in Knoll core paints, Dark Red (130) and Slate Blue (131) paint finishes. Sliding Doors Example: YSSDL6015L, 118 YSSD Sliding Doors L Left 60 Width 15 Depth L Laminate 118 Bright White Laminate 202 Stanchion Mounted Wood Storage For Big Table and Fence Shared Sliding Door Cabinets with Opening on Right description w d h pattern no. Stanchion Mounted Shared Sliding Door Cabinet Case Opening on Right 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSUSDR3615( ) YSUSDR4215( ) YSUSDR4815( ) 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSSDR3615( ) YSSDR4215( ) Sliding Doors Kit for Stanchion Mounted Shared Sliding Door Cabinet Case, Opening on Right 3 Antenna Workspaces All Same Laminate (Core Lam.) (L) Different Laminate Case/ Interior (Accent Lam.) (L) Different Laminate Case/ Interior (Accent Lam.) (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $1,442. 1,494. 1,545. 1,957. 2,060. $1,586. 1,643. 1,643. 2,153. 2,266. $2,369. 2,421. 2,472. 2,781. 2,987. $2,369. 2,421. 2,472. 2,781. 2,987. $2,724. 2,784. 2,843. 3,198. 3,435. $3,542. 3,618. 3,696. 4,156. 4,465. 567. 592. 618. 644. 695. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 798. 824. 850. 901. 979. 918. 948. 977. 1,040. 1,123. 1,194. 1,232. 1,270. 1,354. 1,463. YSUSDR6015( ) YSUSDR7215( ) YSSDR4815( ) YSSDR6015( ) YSSDR7215( ) Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Stanchion Mounted Cabinets Example: YSUSDR6015L, 118, Specify stanchion brackets for attachment to big table and fence separately Case Finish Options: Sliding Doors 1. 2. 3. 4. Pattern Number Door Finish Pull Type Pull Finish 118 YSUSDR Stanchion Mounted 60 15 L 118 118 Cabinets Width Depth Laminate Bright White Laminate Bright White Laminate Sliding Doors Hardware (L) = All the same or different laminates for the exterior and interior case (V) = All the same veneer for the exterior and interior case Sliding Doors Door Finish Options: (L) = Laminate (V) = Veneer Door pulls are available in Knoll core paints, Dark Red (130) and Slate Blue (131) paint finishes. Sliding Doors Example: YSSDR6015L, 118 YSSD Sliding Doors R Right 60 Width 15 Depth L Laminate 118 Bright White Laminate Storage Components 1. Pattern Number 2. Exterior Case Finish 3. Interior Case Finish (Laminate only) 203 Stanchion Mounted Metal Storage For Big Table and Fence Planning Guidelines and Specifications Stanchion Mounted Metal Open Cabinets Stanchion mounted metal open cabinets provide binder storage within easy reach from a seated position. Cabinets are open both front and back for shared use. Cabinets mount on big table center beam or on Fence, with storage stanchion supports, specified separately. Antenna Workspaces Open front and back cabinets are available in 36", 42", 48", 60" and 72" widths. A center panel parallel to the open front and back provides structural support, and serves to filter sightlines through the cabinet. Cabinets 36"W have a 6" wide center panel, cabinets 48" and wider have a 12" wide center panel. Enclosed back cabinets are available in 36", 42", 48", 60" and 72" widths. Enclosed back cabinet has a full back, recessed ½" for optional fabric insert, specified separately. All stanchion mounted cabinets are 15"H x 15"D, with 13 ½" clear interior height for binder storage. Cabinet sides, top and bottom are painted steel finish. Construction Cabinet top and bottom are formed to ¾" thick, and sides are flat, heavy gauge steel. Specification Options Specify case in any Knoll Core paint finish. Specify stanchions separately. 49" High Horizon 15" 9" 15" 5 ½" 1 ¼" 25" 25"H Fence with Stanchion Mounted Metal Open Cabinet Elevation 15" 5 ½" 28 ½" 2 1/8" 25 1/8" 28 ½"H Fence with Stanchion Mounted Metal Open Cabinet Elevation Big Table with Stanchion Mounted Metal Open Cabinet and Sapper Monitor Arms 204 Big Table with Stanchion Mounted Metal Open Cabinet Elevation Stanchion Mounted Metal Storage For Big Table and Fence Planning Guidelines and Specifications Stanchion Mounted Shared Metal Cabinets Stanchion mounted shared metal cabinets provide binder storage within easy reach from a seated position. Cabinets are split with a center partition and available open or with a sliding door front on each face. Cabinets mount on big table center beam or on Fence, with a pair of storage stanchion supports, specified separately. Shared cabinets are available in 36", 42", 48", 60" and 72" widths. Each face of cabinet has a sliding door overlapping the recessed back of the cabinet facing the other side. Cabinets can be specified with both openings on the left or both on the right side. Antenna Workspaces Cabinets can be specified in all painted finish case and interior, with matching or contrasting doors finish. Specification Options Specify locking (L) or non-locking (N). When different paint finishes are being selected for the case, doors or pulls, add a (Y) suffix to the pattern number. If a single paint finish is being specified for all components add an (S). All stanchion mounted cabinets are 15"H x 15"D, with 13 ½" clear interior height for binder storage. Construction Cabinet top and bottom are formed to ¾" thick, and sides are flat, heavy gauge steel. Specify case, doors and pulls in any Knoll Core paint finish. Specify stanchions separately. 49" High Horizon 9" 15" 5 ½" 1 ¼" 25" 25"H Fence with Stanchion Mounted Shared Metal Cabinet Elevation 15" 5 ½" 28 ½" 2 1/8" 25 1/8" 28 ½"H Fence with Stanchion Mounted Shared Metal Cabinet Elevation 28 ½"H Fence with Stanchion Mounted Shared Metal Cabinet and Antenna Desks 205 Big Table with Stanchion Mounted Shared Metal Cabinet Elevation Storage Components 15" Stanchion Mounted Metal Storage For Big Table and Fence Open and Shared Cabinets Antenna Workspaces description w d h pattern no. Stanchion Mounted Cabinets, Open Front and Back 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSMUOS36 YSMUOS42 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSMUSOL36 YSMUSOL42 YSMUSOL48 YSMUSOL60 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSMUSOR36 YSMUSOR42 YSMUSOR48 Stanchion Mounted Shared Cabinets, with Enclosed Back and Open Front, Opening on Left Stanchion Mounted Shared Cabinets, with Enclosed Back and Open Front, Opening on Right YSMUOS48 YSMUOS60 YSMUOS72 YSMUSOL72 YSMUSOR60 YSMUSOR72 list P2 P3 $651. 673. 697. 850. 907. $714. 737. 765. 932. 996. $746. 769. 799. 973. 1,040. 761. 792. 827. 998. 1,062. 837. 871. 909. 1,098. 1,168. 876. 912. 951. 1,148. 1,222. 761. 792. 827. 998. 1,062. 837. 871. 909. 1,098. 1,168. 876. 912. 951. 1,148. 1,222. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Stanchion Mounted Open Cabinets Stanchion Mounted Open Cabinets Stanchion Mounted Open Cabinets Stanchion Mounted Open Cabinets Example: YSMUOS48, 118T YSMUOS Stanchion Mounted Cabinets 48 Width 118T Bright White Paint Stanchion Mounted Shared Cabinets with Sliding Doors Stanchion Mounted Shared Cabinets with Sliding Doors Sliding Doors with Pulls Hardware Lock Options: 1. Pattern Number 2. Case Paint Finish Stanchion Mounted Cabinets with Sliding Doors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pattern Number Paint Configuration Case Paint Finish Door Paint Finish Pull Finish Stanchion Mounted Cabinets with Sliding Doors Specify stanchion brackets for attachment to big table and fence separately. Example: YSMUSDR48LY, 118T, 613, 118T YSMUSDR Stanchion Mounted Cabinets 48 Width L Lock Y Different Paint Finishes 118T Bright White Paint 613 Silver Paint 118T Bright White Paint To specify a stanchion mounted shared cabinet with sliding doors without a lock, replace the ‘‘L’’ suffix in the pattern number with an ‘‘N’’. Paint Configuration Options: (S) = Same paint finish on case and sliding door (Y) = Different paint finish on case and sliding door Sliding Door Pull Finish Options: Door pulls are available in Knoll core paints, Dark Red (130) and Slate Blue (131) paint finishes. Add $40 to the list price for painted door pulls. 206 Stanchion Mounted Metal Storage For Big Table and Fence Open and Shared Cabinets Antenna Workspaces description w d h pattern no. Stanchion Mounted Shared Cabinets, with Sliding Doors, Opening On Left 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSMUSDL36L( ) YSMUSDL42L( ) 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ P2 P3 YSMUSDL48L( ) YSMUSDL60L( ) YSMUSDL72L( ) $950. 984. 1,017. 1,199. 1,291. $1,040. 1,078. 1,113. 1,314. 1,415. $1,086. 1,126. 1,163. 1,372. 1,478. YSMUSDR36L( ) YSMUSDR42L( ) YSMUSDR48L( ) YSMUSDR60L( ) YSMUSDR72L( ) 950. 984. 1,017. 1,199. 1,291. 1,040. 1,078. 1,113. 1,314. 1,415. 1,086. 1,126. 1,163. 1,372. 1,478. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Stanchion Mounted Open Cabinets Stanchion Mounted Open Cabinets Stanchion Mounted Open Cabinets Stanchion Mounted Open Cabinets Example: YSMUOS48, 118T YSMUOS Stanchion Mounted Cabinets 48 Width 118T Bright White Paint Stanchion Mounted Shared Cabinets with Sliding Doors Stanchion Mounted Shared Cabinets with Sliding Doors Sliding Doors with Pulls Hardware Lock Options: 1. Pattern Number 2. Case Paint Finish Stanchion Mounted Cabinets with Sliding Doors 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pattern Number Paint Configuration Case Paint Finish Door Paint Finish Pull Finish Stanchion Mounted Cabinets with Sliding Doors Specify stanchion brackets for attachment to big table and fence separately. Example: YSMUSDR48LY, 118T, 613, 118T YSMUSDR Stanchion Mounted Cabinets 48 Width L Lock Y Different Paint Finishes 118T Bright White Paint 613 Silver Paint 118T Bright White Paint To specify a stanchion mounted shared cabinet with sliding doors without a lock, replace the ‘‘L’’ suffix in the pattern number with an ‘‘N’’. Paint Configuration Options: (S) = Same paint finish on case and sliding door (Y) = Different paint finish on case and sliding door Sliding Door Pull Finish Options: Door pulls are available in Knoll core paints, Dark Red (130) and Slate Blue (131) paint finishes. Add $40 to the list price for painted door pulls. 207 Storage Components Stanchion Mounted Shared Cabinets, with Sliding Doors, Opening On Right list Stanchion Mounted Platform For Big Table and Fence Planning Guidelines and Specifications Stanchion Mounted Platforms Platforms are a rectangular laminate or veneer surface that mounts on stanchions on the center beam of a big table or on the crown of either height Fence. Specify a pair of storage support stanchions separately. Platforms are 15"D, and centered over the stanchions, in widths from 24"-72" in 6" increments. Construction Platforms are ¾" thick particle MDF with high pressure laminate surface or veneer. Threaded inserts are positioned over stanchion locations. Specification Options Specify either a laminate (L) or veneer (V) surface. Surface finish is available in any Knoll Core laminate or veneer finish. Specify stanchions separately. ¾" 3/4" 9" 9" 25" 25" 25"H Fence with Stanchion Mounted Platform Elevation 3¾" /4" 553¾" /4" 281½" /2" 28 28 ½"H Fence with Stanchion Mounted Platform Elevation 25"H Fence with Stanchion Mounted Platforms and Antenna Desks 208 Antenna Workspaces Stanchion Mounted Platform For Big Table and Fence 15⬙ Deep description w d h pattern no. Platform 24⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ YSUOP24( ) 3 YSUOP30( ) YSUOP36( ) YSUOP48( ) YSUOP60( ) YSUOP72( ) Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $144. 155. 175. 216. 247. 258. $345. 359. 369. 386. 424. 443. $397. 413. 423. 444. 488. 510. $536. 558. 572. 599. 659. 688. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Platform Platform Platform Platform 1. Pattern Number 2. Suface Finish Hardware Example: YSUOP48L, 118 YSUOP Platform 48 Width L Laminate Specify stanchion brackets for attachment to big table and fence separately 209 Surface Finish Options (L) = Laminate (V) = Veneer Storage Components Antenna Workspaces Stanchion Supports Planning Guidelines and Specifications Supports for Stanchion Mounted Cabinets and Platforms Storage support stanchions lift underside of platforms or stanchion mounted wood or metal storage cabinets to 34" above the floor. Top of open or enclosed storage cabinets on stanchions align with Antenna 49" horizon. Antenna Workspaces Supports are available in sets of two for platforms or storage units up to 60" wide. Specify set of three stanchions for cabinets wider than 60". Construction Stanchions are extruded aluminum, with cast adapters specific to center beam or Fence. Top plate connector to storage is steel. Select supports kit according to application on Big Table center beam, 25"H Fence, or 28"H Fence. Specification Options Stanchions are available in any Knoll Core paint finish, Dark Red or Slate Blue. 7¼ 6½ Platforms up to 60" wide require 2 stanchions Stanchion 6½ Platforms wider than 60" require 3 stanchions Stanchion Planning Guidelines 210 Stanchion Supports For Big Table and Fence Stanchions for Big Table Stanchions for 25⬙ High Fence Stanchions for 28 1/2⬙ High Fence type (2) stanchions for cabinets/platforms up to 60⬙ wide (3) stanchions for cabinets/platforms wider than 60⬙ (2) stanchions for cabinets/platforms up to 60⬙ wide (3) stanchions for cabinets/platforms wider than 60⬙ (2) stanchions for cabinets/platforms up to 60⬙ wide (3) stanchions for cabinets/platforms wider than 60⬙ w d h pattern no. list 3⬙ 1 1 /4⬙ 5⬙ YSUS2BT $103. 3⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 5⬙ YSUS3BT 155. 3⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 8⬙ YSUS2F25 113. 3⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 8⬙ YSUS3F25 170. 3⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 5⬙ YSUS2F28 103. 3⬙ 1 1/4⬙ 5⬙ YSUS3F28 155. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Stanchions Stanchions Stanchions Stanchions 1. Pattern Number 2. Paint Finish Hardware Example: YSUS2BT, 118T YSUS Stanchions 2 Quantity BT Big Table 118T Bright White Paint 211 Storage Components description Antenna Workspaces Cantilever Shelves Planning Guidelines and Specifications ( ( -((( ( #!(;-( ( $$ ; -(((%5'% (=# G'%'% &/ %'6 -(( G58 ( % $?@C(?HC ($ K-( -(#($ K-5#O ; ;>G GM -( ;M 212 Antenna Workspaces Cantilever Shelves 12⬙ and 24⬙ Wide description w d h pattern no. Flat Shelf for Big Table, attaches to center beam 12⬙ 24⬙ 12⬙ 12⬙ 12⬙ 12⬙ YSCS1212( ) YSCS2412( ) Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $258. 278. $361. 391. $412. 484. $556. 721. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Flat Shelf Flat Shelf Flat Shelf Flat Shelf 1. Pattern Number 2. Shelf Finish 3. Support/Bracket Paint Finish Example: YSCS2412L, 118, 118T YSCS Flat Shelf 24 Width 12 Depth L Laminate 118 Bright White Laminate 118T Bright White Paint Support column Hardware Finish Options: (L) = Laminate (V) = Veneer 213 Storage Components Antenna Workspaces Floorstanding Personal Desk-End Cabinets Planning Guidelines and Specifications I 5#> > ( #Q #> # W #$ Q #> 6U%I ( ! Q #> >!5 ( W%.5( # # Q #> 5 ' # W %.5( ( # $ #> $ (( < #> ( 5#> =G58W > > 5%& $ 5#> (%.( Antenna Workspaces % $?@C*' ,> ( ?GC(?HC-( #?@C>#?JC -'($K -(I' $ $K-?@C(?HC $$)< ?<C+?+C@ ?NC< ($K -5#O ; -?Q5C@($ K-5#O ; +(-?Q5C ;#$ $K -5#O ; Q5#< - M5# Q5#< - 214 Floorstanding Personal Desk-End Cabinets 49⬙ High, Hinged on Left type Personal Desk-End Cabinets, For 24⬙ Deep Desks Open Front with Shelves and For 27⬙ Deep Desks Hinged Door Back (Hinged on Left) For 30⬙ Deep Desks For 36⬙ Deep Desks Personal Desk-End Cabinets, with Hinged Door (Hinged on Left) w d h pattern no. 12⬙ 12⬙ 12⬙ 12⬙ 24 7/8⬙ 27 7/8⬙ 29 7/8⬙ 35 7/8⬙ 49⬙ 49⬙ 49⬙ 49⬙ YSFCDL4924( )L YSFCDL4927( )L YSFCDL4930( )L YSFCDL4936( )L For 24⬙ Deep Desks 12⬙ 24 7/8⬙ 49⬙ YSFCDEL4924( )L Laminate Laminate Laminate Case w/ Case w/ Case w/ All Same Laminate V1 Fronts V2 Fronts V3 Fronts (M) (M) (M) (L) $2,163. 2,215. 2,266. 2,318. $2,379. 2,436. 2,493. 2,549. $2,487. 2,547. 2,606. 2,666. 2,243. 2,468. 2,580. All V1 (V) 2,692. 3,881. Order Code Included With Options Personal Desk-End Cabinets Personal Desk-End Cabinets Personal Desk-End Cabinets with Shelves and Door Personal Desk-End Cabinets Example: YSFCDEL4924LL, 118, Hardware (3) Adjustable Shelves Coat Hooks Pattern Number Case/Shelves Finish Door Finish Pull Type Pull Finish Bracket Paint Finish 118, E, 118T, 118T YSFCDE L 49 24 L L 118 118 E 118T 118T Personal Desk-End Cabinets Left Hinged Door Height Depth Laminate Lock Bright White Laminate Bright White Laminate Edge Pull Bright White Paint Bright White Paint Personal Desk-End Cabinets with Hinged Door Hardware (3) Adjustable Shelves 4,463. 5,802. Case Finish Options: (L) = All the same laminate for the exterior case/shelves and door front (M) = Laminate exterior case/shelves and veneer door front (V) = All the same veneer for the exterior case/shelves and door front Lock Options: To specify a personal desk-end cabinet without a lock, replace the ‘‘L’’ suffix in the pattern number with an ‘‘N’’. Door Pull Options: (E) = Edge Pull (I) = Insert Pull (O) = Loop Pull See planning guide page for door pull finish options. 215 All V3 (V) $2,596. $3,717. $4,275. $5,557. 2,657. 3,807. 4,378. 5,690. 2,719. 3,896. 4,481. 5,825. 2,781. 3,986. 4,584. 5,959. Ordering Information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All V2 (V) Storage Components description Antenna Workspaces Floorstanding Personal Desk-End Cabinets 49⬙ High, Hinged on Right description type Personal Desk-End Cabinets, For 24⬙ Deep Desks Open Front with Shelves and For 27⬙ Deep Desks Hinged Door Back (Hinged on Right) For 30⬙ Deep Desks For 36⬙ Deep Desks Personal Desk-End Cabinets, with Hinged Door (Hinged on Right) w d h pattern no. 12⬙ 12⬙ 12⬙ 12⬙ 24 7/8⬙ 27 7/8⬙ 29 7/8⬙ 35 7/8⬙ 49⬙ 49⬙ 49⬙ 49⬙ YSFCDR4924( )L YSFCDR4927( )L YSFCDR4930( )L YSFCDR4936( )L For 24⬙ Deep Desks 12⬙ 24 7/8⬙ 49⬙ YSFCDER4924( )L Antenna Workspaces Laminate Laminate Laminate Case w/ Case w/ Case w/ All Same Laminate V1 Fronts V2 Fronts V3 Fronts (M) (M) (M) (L) $2,163. 2,215. 2,266. 2,318. $2,379. 2,436. 2,493. 2,549. $2,487. 2,547. 2,606. 2,666. 2,243. 2,468. 2,580. All V1 (V) 2,692. 3,881. Order Code Included With Options Personal Desk-End Cabinets Personal Desk-End Cabinets Personal Desk-End Cabinets with Shelves and Door Personal Desk-End Cabinets Example: YSFCDEL4924LL, 118, Hardware (3) Adjustable Shelves Coat Hooks Pattern Number Case/Shelves Finish Door Finish Pull Type Pull Finish Bracket Paint Finish 118, E, 118T, 118T YSFCDE L 49 24 L L 118 118 E 118T 118T Personal Desk-End Cabinets Left Hinged Door Height Depth Laminate Lock Bright White Laminate Bright White Laminate Edge Pull Bright White Paint Bright White Paint Personal Desk-End Cabinets with Hinged Door Hardware (3) Adjustable Shelves 4,463. Case Finish Options: (L) = All the same laminate for the exterior case/shelves and door front (M) = Laminate exterior case/shelves and veneer door front (V) = All the same veneer for the exterior case/shelves and door front Lock Options: To specify a personal desk-end cabinet without a lock, replace the ‘‘L’’ suffix in the pattern number with an ‘‘N’’. Door Pull Options: (E) = Edge Pull (I) = Insert Pull (O) = Loop Pull See planning guide page for door pull finish options. 216 All V3 (V) $2,596. $3,717. $4,275. $5,557. 2,657. 3,807. 4,378. 5,691. 2,719. 3,896. 4,481. 5,825. 2,781. 3,893. 4,584. 5,959. Ordering Information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All V2 (V) 5,802. Floorstanding Shared Desk-End Cabinets Planning Guidelines and Specifications M W( I 5#> > ( # #> # W #$ < #> 6U %I ( ! #> $ (( #> ( # N W( N #> 6U%I ( ! 5#> =G58W > > % $?@C*' ,> ( ?GC(?HC-( #?@C>#?JC -'($K -(I' $ $K-?@C(?HC $$)< ?<C+?+C@ ?NC< ($K -5#O ; -?Q5C@($ K-5#O ; +(-?Q5C ;#$ $K -5#O ; N5#< - M5# 5#< - 217 Storage Components < #> ( # $ ( $ < #> ( Antenna Workspaces Floorstanding Shared Desk-End Cabinets 49⬙ High description type Laminate Laminate Laminate Case w/ Case w/ Case w/ All Same Laminate V1 Fronts V2 Fronts V3 Fronts (M) (M) (M) (L) w d h pattern no. 12⬙ 12⬙ 12⬙ 12⬙ 24⬙ 27⬙ 30⬙ 36⬙ 49⬙ 49⬙ 49⬙ 49⬙ YSFCDO4924( )L YSFCDO4927( )L YSFCDO4930( )L YSFCDO4936( )L $1,906. 1,957. 2,009. 2,060. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a For 27⬙ Deep Desks 12⬙ 28 7/8⬙ 49⬙ YSFCDE4927( )L For 30⬙ Deep Desks 12⬙ 31 7/8⬙ 49⬙ YSFCDE4930( )L For 36⬙ Deep Desks 12⬙ 37 7/8⬙ 49⬙ YSFCDE4936( )L 2,229. 2,260. 2,337. 2,451. 2,485. 2,571. 2,563. 2,599. 2,687. Shared Desk-End Cabinets, For 24⬙ Deep Desks Open Front and Back with Shelves For 27⬙ Deep Desks For 30⬙ Deep Desks For 36⬙ Deep Desks Shared Desk-End Cabinets, Enclosed Hinged Door Front and Back Antenna Workspaces All V1 (V) 2,675. 2,712. 2,805. 3,677. 3,729. 3,855. Order Code Included With Options Shared Desk-End Cabinets Shared Desk-End Cabinets Shared Desk-End Cabinets, Open Front and Back Shared Desk-End Cabinets Example: YSFCDE4930LL, 118, Hardware (6) Adjustable Shelves Pattern Number Case/Shelves Finish Door Finish Pull Type Pull Finish Bracket Paint FInish 118, E, 118T, 118T YSFCDE 49 30 L L 118 118 E 118T 118T Shared Desk-End Cabinets Height Depth Laminate Lock Bright White Laminate Bright White Laminate Edge Pull Bright White Paint Bright White Paint Shared Desk-End Cabinets, Enclosed Hinged Door Front and Back Hardware (2) Coat Hooks Shelves for one or both sides are specified separately Shelves (3) Shelves Hardware 4,229. 4,288. 4,434. Case/Shelf Finish Options: (L) = All the same laminate for the exterior case/shelves and door front (M) = Laminate exterior case/shelves and veneer door front (V) = All the same veneer for the exterior case/shelves and door front Lock Options: To specify a shared desk-end cabinet without a lock, replace the ‘‘L’’ suffix in the pattern number with an ‘‘N’’. Door Pull Options: (E) = Edge Pull (I) = Insert Pull (O) = Loop Pull See planning guide page for door pull finish options. 218 All V3 (V) n/a $3,134. $3,605. $4,687. n/a 3,224. 3,708. 4,820. n/a 3,314. 3,811. 4,954. n/a 3,403. 3,914. 5,088. Ordering Information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. All V2 (V) 5,498. 5,574. 5,765. Floorstanding Desk-End Cabinet Accessories Adjustable Shelf Set and Coat Hook type w d Adjustable Shelf Set for Shared For 27⬙ Deep Desks 10⬙ 12 1/2⬙ Desk-End Cabinets, Enclosed For 30⬙ Deep Desks 10⬙ 13⬙ Hinged Door Front and Back For 36⬙ Deep Desks 10⬙ 16⬙ Coat hook h pattern no. Laminate Laminate Laminate Case w/ Case w/ Case w/ All Same Laminate V1 Fronts V2 Fronts V3 Fronts All V1 All V2 (M) (V) (V) (M) (M) list (L) /4⬙ YSFCDASK27( ) n/a /4⬙ YSFCDASK30( ) n/a 3 /4⬙ YSFCDASK36( ) n/a $420. 423. 432. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a $816. 821. 836. 20. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 3 3 YSCH Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Shelves Shelves Shelves Shelves (3) Shelves Hardware Coat Hook 1. Pattern Number 2. Surface Finish Coat Hook 1. Pattern Number Example: YSFCDASK30L, 118 YSFCDA Shelves SK 30 Depth L Laminate 118 Bright White Laminate Coat Hook Example: YSCH YSCH All V3 (V) $938. $1,220. 943. 1,227. 962. 1,250. n/a n/a Coat Hook Hardware Coat Hook 219 Storage Components description Antenna Workspaces Floorstanding L and Wardrobe Cabinets Planning Guidelines and Specifications Floorstanding L cabinets L cabinets are unique L-shape storage designed to provide definition and privacy for the individual workspace. L cabinets are freestanding. L cabinets are 49"H, 24"W x 24"D, overall with a 12" wide, 12"D surround for shelves opening to the inside of the L, and a 12"W, 24"D coat storage area with a coat bar and door. L cabinets can be specified in any core laminate or veneer for case, shelves and door. L cabinets can also be specified in laminate with contrasting laminate or veneer doors. Cabinets with wardrobe and door hinge on left are considered left handed; those with wardrobe and door hinge on right are considered right handed. Wardrobes Wardrobes are available for personal coat storage within a workspace. Single door 18" wide wardrobes come with a coat hook and 36" wide double door units come with a coat rod. Wardrobes are 24" deep and 67" high. Wardrobes can be specified in any core laminate or veneer for case, shelves and door. Wardrobes can also be specified in laminate with contrasting laminate or veneer doors. 36" wide wardrobes open using a touch latch. Construction Floorstanding L cabinets and wardrobes cabinets are composed of ¾" MDF panels joined in discreet, glue-and-dowel construction. Antenna Workspaces Doors open 135 degrees for easy access. Cabinets include levelers with 1 ½" travel. Specification Options Specify laminate (L), “mixed” two-tone laminate or laminate case with veneer front (M) or veneer (V) case. Cabinets are available either locking (L) or non-locking (N). Case finish exterior is available in any Knoll Core laminate or veneer. When case exterior is specified laminate, specify drawer front finish in any Knoll Core laminate (L) or veneer (V). Specify pull type: Edge (E), Insert (I) or Loop (O). Edge pulls are available in any Knoll Core paint finish, Dark Red, Slate Blue or in Chrome (PD). Loop pulls are available in any Knoll Core paint finish, Dark Red or Slate Blue. Insert pulls are available in Chrome (PD). Left-handed Floorstanding L cabinet Right-handed Floorstanding L cabinet Coathook 18" Wide Wardrobe Elevation Plan View of 18" Wide Wardrobe, Hinged on Left 36" Wide Wardrobe Elevation 18" Wide Wardrobe Plan View of 36" Wide Wardrobe 220 36" Wide Wardrobe Floorstanding L and Wardrobe Cabinets 49⬙ and 67⬙ High d h Antenna Workspaces Laminate Laminate Laminate Case w/ Case w/ Case w/ All Same Laminate V1 Fronts V2 Fronts V3 Fronts (M) (M) (M) (L) pattern no. All V1 (V) All V2 (V) All V3 (V) description type w L Cabinet Door on Left Door on Right 12⬙ 23 3/4⬙ 49⬙ YSFCWL4924( )L 12⬙ 23 3/4⬙ 49⬙ YSFCWR4924( )L $2,833. 2,833. $3,116. 3,116. $3,258. 3,258. 18⬙ 18 7/8⬙ 67⬙ YSFCWL6718( )L 18⬙ Wide Wardrobe Hinged on Left Hinged on Right 18⬙ 18 7/8⬙ 67⬙ YSFCWR6718( )L 2,009. 2,009. 2,209. 2,209. 2,310. 2,310. 2,410. 2,410. 3,224. 3,224. 3,708. 3,708. 4,820. 4,820. 36⬙ 18 7/8⬙ 67⬙ YSFCWD6736( )L 2,575. 2,833. 2,961. 3,090. 4,299. 4,944. 6,427. $3,399. $4,800. $5,520. $7,176. 3,399. 4,800. 5,520. 7,176. (Left Shown) Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options L Cabinets L Cabinets L Cabinets L Cabinets and Wardrobes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pattern Number Case/Shelves Finish Door Finish Pull Type Pull Finish Wardrobes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pattern Number Case Finish Door Finish Pull Type Pull Finish Coat bar Example: YSFCWL4924LL, 118, 118, E, 118T YSFCW L Cabinets L Door on Left 49 Height 24 Depth L Laminate L Lock 118 Bright White Laminate 118 Bright White Laminate E Edge Pull 118T Bright White Paint 18ⴖ Wide Wardrobes Coat Hook 36ⴖ Wide Wardrobes Coat Rod Finish Options: (L) = All the same laminate for the exterior case/shelves and door front (M) = Laminate exterior case/shelves and veneer door front (V) = All the same veneer for the exterior case/shelves and door front Lock Options: To specify an L cabinet without a lock, replace the ‘‘L’’ suffix in the pattern number with an ‘‘N’’. Door Pull Options: (E) = Edge Pull (I) = Insert Pull (O) = Loop Pull See planning guide page for door pull finish options. 221 Storage Components 36⬙ Wide Wardrobe Double Doors Floorstanding File Cabinets 25⬙, 28⬙, 42⬙, 49⬙, 56⬙ and 67⬙ High description w d Partially Enclosed Shelf Cabinets with Open 36⬙ 18 7/8⬙ Shelves Above and Drawers Below 36⬙ 18 7/8⬙ (56⬙ high shown) 36⬙ 18 7/8⬙ 36⬙ 18 7/8⬙ Antenna Workspaces h pattern no. Laminate Laminate Laminate Case w/ Case w/ Case w/ All Same Laminate V1 Fronts V2 Fronts V3 Fronts (M) (M) (M) list (L) 42⬙ 49⬙ 56⬙ 67⬙ YSFCOFF4236( )L YSFCOFF4936( )L YSFCOFF5636( )L YSFCOFF6736( )L n/a n/a n/a n/a $2,833. 2,987. 3,142. 3,296. $3,116. 3,286. 3,456. 3,626. $3,258. 3,435. 3,613. 3,790. All V1 (V) All V2 (V) All V3 (V) $3,399. $4,210. $4,841. $6,293. 3,584. 4,478. 5,150. 6,695. 3,770. 4,747. 5,459. 7,097. 3,955. 5,016. 5,768. 7,498. Enclosed Box/File Cabinet 36⬙ 18 7/8⬙ 25⬙ YSFCBF2536( )L n/a 2,318. 2,549. 2,666. 2,781. 3,403. 3,914. 5,088. Enclosed File/File Cabinet 36⬙ 18 7/8⬙ 28⬙ YSFCFF2836( )L n/a 2,369. 2,606. 2,724. 2,843. 3,493. 4,017. 5,222. Partially Enclosed File Cabinet (25⬙ high shown) 36⬙ 18 7/8⬙ 25⬙ YSFCOF2536( )L 36⬙ 18 7/8⬙ 28⬙ YSFCOF2836( )L n/a n/a 2,163. 2,215. 2,379. 2,436. 2,487. 2,547. 2,596. 2,657. 3,134. 3,224. 3,605. 3,708. 4,687. 4,820. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Floorstanding File Cabinets Floorstanding File Cabinets Floorstanding File Cabinets Floorstanding File Cabinets Levelling glides File bars Finish Options: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pattern Number Case Finish Door Finish Pull Type Pull Finish Example: YSFCFF2836LL, 118, 118, E, 118T YSFCFF Enclosed File Cabinets 28 Height 36 Width L Laminate L Lock 118 Bright White Laminate 118 Bright White Laminate E Edge Pull 118T Bright White Paint (L) = All the same laminate for the exterior case/shelves and door front (M) = Laminate exterior case/shelves and veneer door front (V) = All the same veneer for the exterior case/shelves and door front Lock Options: To specify an enclosed shelf cabinet without a lock, replace the ‘‘L’’ suffix in the pattern number with an ‘‘N’’. Door Pull Options: (E) = Edge Pull (I) = Insert Pull (O) = Loop Pull See planning guide page for door pull finish options. 222 Floorstanding File Cabinets 25⬙, 28⬙, 42⬙, 49⬙, 56⬙ and 67⬙ High w File Cabinet Ballast/Counterweight d h pattern no. list YSFWB36 $346. n/a Laminate Case w/ V1 Fronts (M) Laminate Case w/ V2 Fronts (M) Laminate Case w/ V3 Fronts (M) All V1 (V) All V2 (V) All V3 (V) n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Floorstanding File Cabinets Floorstanding File Cabinets Floorstanding File Cabinets Floorstanding File Cabinets Levelling glides File bars Finish Options: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pattern Number Case Finish Door Finish Pull Type Pull Finish Example: YSFCFF2836LL, 118, 118, E, 118T YSFCFF Enclosed File Cabinets 28 Height 36 Width L Laminate L Lock 118 Bright White Laminate 118 Bright White Laminate E Edge Pull 118T Bright White Paint (L) = All the same laminate for the exterior case/shelves and door front (M) = Laminate exterior case/shelves and veneer door front (V) = All the same veneer for the exterior case/shelves and door front Lock Options: To specify an enclosed shelf cabinet without a lock, replace the ‘‘L’’ suffix in the pattern number with an ‘‘N’’. Door Pull Options: (E) = Edge Pull (I) = Insert Pull (O) = Loop Pull See planning guide page for door pull finish options. 223 Storage Components description All Same Laminate (L) Antenna Workspaces Floorstanding Enclosed Shelf and Cabinets Planning Guidelines and Specifications 8 ( ($# ( 9 <! %/ ( (& /6 &!9 M(> &!U ( W/U # $ (( ( 8 $ ( 8+( ( #8 ( 9 8 ( 8! %/ ( (& /& ( / ( & M #/ M #5# $ -S# # 8 Q(N 8-I Q$< - IG - &U &U &U /U /U /U U < 8-U 224 Antenna Workspaces 8 = G58W > > %TU$ U %& $ 8 (%.( % $?@C*' ,> ( ?GC(?HC- (#?@C># ?JC8$# -'($K -(I' $ $K-?@C(?HC $$)< ?<C+?+C@ ?NC< ($K -5#O ; -?Q5C@($ K-5#O ; +(-?Q5C 6U &!U &!U Floorstanding Enclosed Shelf and Cabinets 25⬙, 28⬙, 42⬙, 49⬙ and 56⬙ High description w Enclosed Shelf Cabinet with Four Doors 36⬙ 18 7/8⬙ 56⬙ YSFC4D5636( )L n/a Enclosed Shelf Cabinets with Two Doors (56⬙ high shown) 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 18 7/8⬙ 18 7/8⬙ 18 7/8⬙ 18 7/8⬙ 18 7/8⬙ h Laminate Laminate Laminate Case w/ Case w/ Case w/ All Same Laminate V1 Fronts V2 Fronts V3 Fronts (M) (M) (M) list (L) 25⬙ 28⬙ 42⬙ 49⬙ 56⬙ pattern no. YSFC2D2536( )L n/a YSFC2D2836( )L n/a YSFC2D4236( )L n/a YSFC2D4936( )L n/a YSFC2D5636( )L n/a Enclosed Shelf Cabinets with Two Doors and 36⬙ 18 7/8⬙ 25⬙ YSFC2DO2536( ) n/a Partially Open Back 36⬙ 18 7/8⬙ 28⬙ YSFC2DO2836( ) n/a (28⬙ high shown) All V1 (V) All V2 (V) $3,090. $3,399. $3,554. $3,708. $5,463. $6,283. $8,168. 1,854. 1,906. 2,163. 2,524. 2,781. 2,039. 2,096. 2,379. 2,776. 3,059. 2,132. 2,192. 2,487. 2,903. 3,198. 2,225. 2,287. 2,596. 3,028. 3,337. 3,314. 3,403. 3,941. 4,568. 5,016. 3,811. 3,914. 4,532. 5,253. 5,768. 4,954. 5,088. 5,892. 6,829. 7,498. 1,854. 1,906. 2,039. 2,096. 2,132. 2,192. 2,225. 2,287. 3,314. 3,403. 3,811. 3,914. 4,954. 5,088. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Enclosed Shelf Cabinets Enclosed Shelf Cabinets Enclosed Shelf Cabinets Enclosed Shelf Cabinets Shelves Levelling glides Finish Options: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pattern Number Case/Shelves Finish Door Finish Pull Type Pull Finish Example: YSFC2D4936LL, 118, 118, 118, E, 118T YSFC Enclosed Shelf Cabinets 2D Two Doors 49 Height 36 Width L Laminate L Lock 118 Bright White Laminate 118 Bright White Laminate E Edge Pull 118T Bright White Paint All V3 (V) (L) = All the same laminate for the exterior case/shelves and door front (M) = Laminate exterior case/shelves and veneer door front (V) = All the same veneer for the exterior case/shelves and door front Lock Options: To specify an enclosed shelf cabinet without a lock, replace the ‘‘L’’ suffix in the pattern number with an ‘‘N’’. Door Pull Options: (E) = Edge Pull (I) = Insert Pull (O) = Loop Pull See planning guide page for door pull finish options. 225 Storage Components d Antenna Workspaces Floorstanding Partially Enclosed Shelf Cabinets Planning Guidelines and Specifications " Q$ # ( 9 #( Q$ % S/U ( 8 9 >> > > Q$ (M (@ (8 Q$ ! %6 (' 9 M) [&U!U( M # M # [/U%U( M # [U%U( MU 8 = G58W > > %TU$ 8 X #$ U %& $ 5 # I'%!5' < >> I >>#> > 8 (%.( [6U! %U( (6U [&!U%U (( [!U%%.U %U( > ( # 6U &!U (!U W Q$ ! %6 &!5$ ( ' ( ( ' (( Q$ (M (@ ( Q$ $ # &!U Antenna Workspaces % $?@C*' ,> ( ?GC(?HC- (#?@C># ?JC8$# -'($K -(I' $ $K-?@C(?HC $$)< ?<C+?+C@ ?NC< ($K -5#O ; -?Q5C@($ K-5#O ; +(-?Q5C &!U &!U Q$< -U 8 Q(NQ$< - < - IG - 226 !U Floorstanding Partially Enclosed Shelf Cabinets 42⬙, 49⬙, 56⬙ and 67⬙ High h Laminate Laminate Laminate Case w/ Case w/ Case w/ All Same Laminate V1 Fronts V2 Fronts V3 Fronts (M) (M) (M) (L) description w pattern no. Partially Enclosed Shelf Cabinet with Open Shelves Above and Enclosed Shelves Below 36⬙ 18 7/8⬙ 56⬙ YSFCO2D5636( )L $2,678. $2,946. $3,080. Partially Enclosed Shelf Cabinet with Enclosed 36⬙ 18 7/8⬙ 56⬙ YSFC2DO5636( )L Shelves Above and Open Shelves Below 2,678. 2,946. 3,080. All V1 (V) All V2 (V) All V3 (V) $3,214. $4,728. $5,437. $7,069. 3,214. 4,728. 5,437. 7,069. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Partially Enclosed Shelf Cabinets Partially Enclosed Shelf Cabinets Partially Enclosed Shelf Cabinets Partially Enclosed Shelf Cabinets Shelves Levelling glides Finish Options: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pattern Number Case/Shelves Finish Door Finish Pull Type Pull Finish Example: YSFC2D4936LL, 118, 118, 118, E, 118T YSFC Enclosed Shelf Cabinets 2D Two Doors 49 Height 36 Width L Laminate L Lock 118 Bright White Laminate 118 Bright White Laminate E Edge Pull 118T Bright White Paint Partially Enclosed Shelf Cabinet with Drawers Levelling glides Filing bars (L) = All the same laminate for the exterior case/shelves and door fronts (M) = Laminate exterior case/shelves and veneer door fronts (V) = All the same veneer for the exterior case/shelves and door fronts Lock Options: To specify a partially enclosed shelf cabinet without a lock, replace the ‘‘L’’ suffix in the pattern number with an ‘‘N’’. Door Pull Options: (E) = Edge Pull (I) = Insert Pull (O) = Loop Pull See planning guide page for door pull finish options. 227 Storage Components d Antenna Workspaces Floorstanding Open Shelf Cabinets Planning Guidelines and Specifications Open shelf cabinets have fixed height shelves. Open Shelf Cabinets Floorstanding shelf cabinets are designed to provide space definition and privacy for group workspaces. Shelf cabinets are finished on all sides. Shelf cabinets can be specified in any core laminate or veneer for case and shelves. Shelf cabinets are freestanding and applicable in private offices as credenza or storage wall. Each shelf cabinet is 36" wide and 18" deep overall , and available in 25", 28", 42", 49" and 56" horizons. Antenna Workspaces Shelf cabinets can also be specified in laminate with contrasting laminate shelves. Specification Options Specify laminate (L) or veneer (V) case. Case finish is available in any Knoll Core laminate or veneer. When a laminate case is specified, shelves may be specified in any Knoll Core laminate (L) or veneer (V). Construction Floorstanding cabinets are composed of ¾" MDF panels joined in discreet, glue-and-dowel construction, with a 1 ¼"H base for stability. Floorstanding cabinets include levelers with 1 ½" travel. Antenna Desk Supported by Open Shelf Cabinet 25"H 28"H 42"H 49"H Open Shelf Cabinet Configurations 228 56"H Floorstanding Open Shelf Cabinets 25⬙, 28⬙, 42⬙, 49⬙ and 56⬙ High w d h pattern no. Open Shelf Cabinets (56⬙ high shown) 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 36⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 25⬙ 28⬙ 42⬙ 49⬙ 56⬙ YSFCOS2536( ) Open Shelf Cabinets with Partially Open Back (28⬙ high shown) 36⬙ 36⬙ 18⬙ 18⬙ 25⬙ 28⬙ YSFCOSO2536( ) YSFCOSO2836( ) YSFCOS2836( ) YSFCOS4236( ) YSFCOS4936( ) YSFCOS5636( ) Laminate (L) V1 (V) V2 (V) V3 (V) $1,442. 1,494. 1,751. 1,854. 1,957. $2,472. 2,575. 2,987. 3,296. 3,502. $2,843. 2,961. 3,476. 3,790. 4,027. $3,698. 3,852. 4,465. 4,929. 5,238. 1,442. 1,494. 2,472. 2,575. 2,843. 2,961. 3,698. 3,852. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Open Shelf Cabinets Open Shelf Cabinets Open Shelf Cabinets Open Shelf Cabinets Fixed height shelves Levelling glides Finish Options: 1. Pattern Number 2. Case Finish 3. Shelf Finish (Laminate Only) Example: YSFCOS4936L, 118, 118 YSFCOS Open Shelf Cabinets 49 Height 36 Width L Laminate 118 Bright White Laminate 118 Bright White Laminate 229 (L) = Laminate (V) = Veneer Storage Components description Antenna Workspaces Wall Mounted Wood Cabinets Open and Sliding Doors Planning Guidelines and Specifications * I ( ( #-( ) # $ ( - N ( !/! < (> ( M %&U'%&5 %. - (N *, - =# > > Antenna Workspaces % $?@C(?HC -'($K -(I '( $K-MI M ' 5 $ $ $ $ K-?@C(?HC Q($K- 5#O ; !IN-<( IN-<( !IN-Q IN-Q !I 5 -<( I 5 -<( !I 5-Q I 5-Q Q(NMIG -I 8- 230 Wall Mounted Wood Cabinets Laminate or Veneer Case 36⬙, 42⬙, 48⬙, 60⬙ or 72⬙ Wide description w d h pattern no. Wall Mounted Wood Cabinets, Open Front and Enclosed Back 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSWMO3615( ) YSWMO4215( ) YSWMO4815( ) 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSWMS3615( ) YSWMS4215( ) YSWMS4815( ) 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 3 /4⬙ /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 3 /4⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSSD3615( ) YSSD4215( ) YSSD4815( ) YSSD6015( ) Wall Mounted Wood Cabinets, Sliding Door Cabinet Case Sliding Door Set for Wall Mounted Wood Cabinets 3 Antenna Workspaces All Same Laminate (L) Different Laminate Case/ Interior (Core Lam.) (L) Different Laminate Case/ Interior (Accent Lam.) (L) V1 V2 V3 $1,250. 1,300. 1,350. 1,442. 1,545. $1,375. 1,430. 1,485. 1,586. 1,700. $1,750. 1,820. 1,890. 2,060. 2,318. $1,826. 1,913. 2,000. 2,060. 2,318. $2,100. 2,200. 2,300. 2,369. 2,666. $2,625. 2,750. 2,875. 3,080. 3,465. 1,500. 1,550. 1,600. 1,700. 1,803. 1,650. 1,705. 1,760. 1,869. 1,983. 2,100. 2,170. 2,240. 2,472. 2,730. 2,174. 2,261. 2,348. 2,472. 2,730. 2,500. 2,600. 2,700. 2,781. 3,078. 3,125. 3,250. 3,375. 3,492. 3,877. 505. 550. 595. 644. 695. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 792. 817. 833. 901. 979. 911. 940. 958. 1,040. 1,123. 1,139. 1,175. 1,198. 1,354. 1,463. YSWMO6015( ) YSWMO7215( ) YSWMS6015( ) YSWMS7215( ) YSSD7215( ) Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Wall Mounted Wood Cabinets Wall Mounted Wood Cabinets Wall Mounted Wood Cabinets Wall Mounted Wood Cabinets Example: YSWMO6015L, 118, 118 YSWMO Wall Mounted Wood Cabinets 60 Width 15 Depth L Laminate 118 Bright White Laminate Exterior 118 Bright White Laminate Interior Sliding Doors Case Finish Options: Hardware (L) = All the same or different laminates for the exterior and interior case (V) = All the same veneer for the exterior and interior case Sliding Door 1. Pattern Number 2. Door Finish 3. Pull Finish Sliding Doors Door Finish Options: (L) = Laminate (V) = Veneer Door pulls are available in Knoll core paints, Dark Red (130) and Slate Blue (131) paint finishes. Sliding Doors Example: YSSD6015L, 118, E, 118T YSSD Sliding Door 60 Width 15 Depth L Laminate 118 Bright White Laminate 118T Bright White Paint Storage Components 1. Pattern Number 2. Exterior Case Finish 3. Interior Case Finish (Laminate only) 231 Wall Mounted Metal Cabinets Open and Sliding Doors Planning Guidelines and Specifications * * I ( ( #-( ) # $ ( - N ( !/! ! ( < ( (> M %&U' %&5%. - G # Antenna Workspaces % 8$ $K- 8 $ #?@C>#?JC - = # ($ I ?:C' + ?C $ $K- N-<( N-Q 5-<( Q(NM IG G- 5-Q 232 Wall Mounted Metal Cabinets Open and Sliding Doors 36⬙, 42⬙, 48⬙, 60⬙ or 72⬙ Wide Antenna Workspaces description w d h pattern no. Wall Mounted Metal Cabinets, Open Front and Enclosed Back 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSMWMO36 YSMWMO42 36⬙ 42⬙ 48⬙ 60⬙ 72⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ 15⬙ YSMWMS36L YSMWMS42L YSMWMS48L YSMWMS60L YSMWMS72L P2 P3 $709. 743. 789. 1,015. 1,109. $779. 817. 868. 1,115. 1,221. $815. 854. 907. 1,166. 1,275. 860. 899. 949. 1,185. 1,291. 945. 987. 1,041. 1,301. 1,417. 987. 1,031. 1,088. 1,359. 1,480. Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options Wall Mounted Metal Cabinets, Open Front Wall Mounted Open Front Metal Cabinets Wall Mounted Metal Cabinets, Open Front Wall Mounted Metal Cabinets, Open Front 1. Pattern Number 2. Case Finish Wall Mounted Metal Cabinets with Sliding Door 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pattern Number Paint Configuration Case Finish Door Finish Pull Finish Example: YSMWMO60, 118T YSMWMO Wall Mounted Metal Cabinets 60 Width 118T Bright White Paint Full width interlocking wall mount cleats Wall Mounted Metal Cabinets with Sliding Doors Full width interlocking wall mount cleats Wall Mounted Metal Cabinets with Sliding Door Wall Mounted Metal Cabinets with Sliding Doors Paint Configuration Options: Add (S) or (Y) at the end of the pattern number to specify the paint configuration. (S) = Same paint finish on case and sliding door Example: YSMWMS60LY, 118T, 613,118T YYSMW Wall Mounted Metal Cabinet MS 60 Width L Lock Y Different Paint Finishes 118T Bright White Painted Case 613 Silver Painted Door 118T Bright White Painted Pull (Y) = Different paint finish on case and sliding door Lock Option: To specify a wall mounted metal cabinet with sliding doors without a lock replace the ‘‘L’’ suffix in the pattern number with an ‘‘N’’. Pull Finish Options: Door pulls are available in Knoll core paints, Dark Red (130) and Slate Blue (131) paint finishes. Add $40 to the list price for painted door pulls. 233 Storage Components Wall Mounted Metal Cabinets, with Sliding Doors YSMWMO48 YSMWMO60 YSMWMO72 P1 LED Task Lights Planning Guidelines and Specifications !! @<5# ( & # @<5# $ Antenna Workspaces @<5# @<5 $% $ ' ( ' @<5#-@Q X- #( J:#-$ U 9 $ > % $#!6% %/@<5M$ ( * . & ! !! ! 2 :@@%6 %6 %/ 6 &&/ :@@%6! %6 %/ 6/ %6& :@@%66 %6 %/ % %! :@@! !! 6/ %%% :@@% !! %6! %6 :@@%/ !! 6 ! @<5#@ IG N( @<5#@ 234 LED Task Lights 19⬙ or 37⬙ Wide LED Task Light for Attachment to Wood Cabinets LED Task Light for Attachment to Metal Cabinets type w d h pattern no. list /8⬙ /8⬙ 5 /8⬙ 5 /8⬙ 5 /8⬙ YL3L193W YL3L196W YL3L199W YL3L276W YL3L2712W $301. 380. 517. 607. 686. /8⬙ YL3L2718W 850. /8⬙ /8⬙ 5 /8⬙ 5 /8⬙ 5 /8⬙ YL3L193M YL3L196M YL3L199M YL3L276M YL3L2712M 301. 380. 517. 607. 686. /8⬙ YL3L2718M 850. For use with 24⬙ and wider overheads (3 LED’s) For use with 24⬙ and wider overheads (6 LED’s) For use with 24⬙ and wider overheads (9 LED’s) For use with 42⬙ and wider overheads (6 LED’s) For use with 42⬙ and wider overheads (12 LED’s) For use with 42⬙ and wider overheads (18 LED’s) 19⬙ 19⬙ 19⬙ 37⬙ 37⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 5 37⬙ 2⬙ 5 For use with 24⬙ and wider overheads (3 LED’s) For use with 24⬙ and wider overheads (6 LED’s) For use with 24⬙ and wider overheads (9 LED’s) For use with 42⬙ and wider overheads (6 LED’s) For use with 42⬙ and wider overheads (12 LED’s) For use with 42⬙ and wider overheads (18 LED’s) 19⬙ 19⬙ 19⬙ 37⬙ 37⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 2⬙ 5 37⬙ 2⬙ 5 5 5 Ordering Information Order Code Included With Options LED Task Lights LED Task Lights Example: YL3L196M YL3 Task Light L LED 19 Width 6 # of LED’s LED Task Lights LED Task Lights LED’s Power Supply with 12’ cord Mounting Hardware Housings are clear anodized aluminum with grey color end-caps. 1. Pattern Number M Power cord is able to attach to either end of fixture. Metal Overhead Attachment 235 Storage Components description Antenna Workspaces Alpha-Numeric Index pattern no. page pattern no. page pattern no. page pattern no. page YACPU 81 YBRE78 65 YCBCC84 78 YELSSDF28L YAK 81 YBRE84 65 YCBE 78 YELSSDF28R 95 95 YAPTC 175, 180, 183 YBRE90 65 YCBMS 81 YELSSDF34L 95 YAPTN 175, 180, 183 YBRE96 65 YCBPE 78 YELSSDF34R 95 YBAFE25 75 YBRR33 68 YELA18 83 YELSSDF40L 95 YBAFE28 75 YBRR36 68 YELA24 83 YELSSDF40R 95 YBATBT22 75 YBRR39 68 YELA27 83 YEP1617 105 YBATBT25 75 YBRR42 68 YELA30 83 YEP1618 105 YBATE22 75 YBRR45 68 YELA36 83 YEP1623 105 YBATE25 75, 174 YBRR48 68 YELA42 83 YEP1624 105 YBATE28 75 YBRR51 68 YELD18 83 YEP1626 105 YBAW25 75, 177 YBRR54 68 YELD24 83 YEP1627 105 YBCDE 71, 192 YBRR57 68 YELD27 83 YEP1629 105 YBCMT 81 YBRR60 68 YELD30 83 YEP1630 105 YBCRR 76 YBRR63 68 YELD36 83 YEP1635 105 YBCWS 76 YBRR66 68 YELD42 83 YEP1636 105 YBF 76 YBRR69 68 YELDA18 87 YEP1717 105 YBIG 112 YBRR72 68 YELDA24 87 YEP1718 105 YBPSSF2748 102 YBRR75 68 YELDA27 87 YEP1723 105 YBPSSF2754 102 YBRR78 68 YELDA30 87 YEP1724 105 YBPSSF2760 102 YBRR81 68 YELDA36 87 YEP1726 105 YBPSSF2766 102 YBRR84 68 YELDA38 92 YEP1727 105 YBPSSF2772 102 YBRR87 68 YELDA50 92 YEP1729 105 YBPSSF2778 102 YBRR90 68 YELDA62 92 YEP1730 105 YBPSSF2784 102 YBRR93 68 YELDD18 87 YEP1735 105 YBRB39 69 YBRS33 65 YELDD24 87 YEP1736 105 YBRB45 69 YBRS39 65 YELDD27 87 YEP1740 108 YBRB51 69 YBRS45 65 YELDD30 87 YEP1752 108 YBRB57 69 YBRS51 65 YELDD36 87 YEP1758 108 YBRB63 69 YBRS57 65 YELDD38 90 YEP1764 108 YBRB69 69 YBRS63 65 YELDD50 90 YEP1776 108 YBRB75 69 YBRS69 65 YELDD62 90 YEP2617 106 YBRB81 69 YBRS75 65 YELH24 83 YEP2618 106 YBRB87 69 YBRS81 65 YELH27 83 YEP2623 106 YBRB93 69 YBRS87 65 YELH30 83 YEP2624 106 YBRBTE48 66 YBRS93 65 YELH36 83 YEP2626 106 YBRBTE54 66 YBRT33 65 YELH42 83 YEP2627 106 YBRBTE60 66 YBRT39 65 YELP24 83 YEP2629 106 YBRBTE66 66 YBRT45 65 YELP27 83 YEP2630 106 YBRBTE72 66 YBRT51 65 YELP30 83 YEP2635 106 YBRBTE78 66 YBRT57 65 YELP36 83 YEP2636 106 YBRBTE84 66 YBRT63 65 YELSA18 85 YEP2640 108 YBRBTE90 66 YBRT69 65 YELSA24 85 YEP2652 108 YBRBTE96 66 YBRT75 65 YELSA27 85 YEP2658 108 YBRBTS45 66 YBRT81 65 YELSA30 85 YEP2664 108 YBRBTS51 66 YBRT87 65 YELSA36 85 YEP2676 108 YBRBTS57 66 YBRT93 65 YELSA42 85 YEP2717 106 YBRBTS63 66 YBTE 71, 195 YELSA48 85 YEP2718 106 YBRBTS75 66 YCB48 78 YELSD18 85 YEP2723 106 YBRBTS81 66 YCB54 78 YELSD24 85 YEP2724 106 YBRBTS87 66 YCB60 78 YELSD27 85 YEP2726 106 YBRBTS91 66 YCB66 78 YELSD30 85 YEP2727 106 YBRBTS93 66 YCB72 78 YELSD36 85 YEP2729 106 YBRE 76 YCB78 78 YELSD42 85 YEP2730 106 YBRE36 65 YCB84 78 YELSD48 85 YEP2735 106 YBRE42 65 YCBCC48 78 YELSSAF28L 96 YEP2736 106 YBRE48 65 YCBCC54 78 YELSSAF28R 96 YEP2841 110 YBRE54 65 YCBCC60 78 YELSSAF34L 96 YEP2853 110 YBRE60 65 YCBCC66 78 YELSSAF34R 96 YEP2859 110 YBRE66 65 YCBCC72 78 YELSSAF40L 96 YEP2865 110 YBRE72 65 YCBCC78 78 YELSSAF40R 96 YEP2877 110 236 Antenna Workspaces pattern no. page pattern no. page pattern no. page pattern no. page YEPSSF2831L 110 YFC1748V 148 YILDD35 90 YL3L196M YEPSSF2831R 110 YFC1760L 147 YILDD38 90 YL3L196W 235 YEPSSF2837L 110 YFC1760P 146 YILDD48 90 YL3L199M 235 YEPSSF2837R 110 YFC1772L 147 YILDD50 90 YL3L199W 235 YEPSSF2840L 110 YFC1772P 146 YILDD62 90 YL3L2712M 235 YEPSSF2840R 110 YFC2324NL 151 YILDDV20 90 YL3L2712W 235 YEPSSF2843L 110 YFC2324NP 150 YILSSAF26 96 YL3L2718M 235 YEPSSF2843R 110 YFC2324NV 152 YILSSAF28 96 YL3L2718W 235 YEPSSF2849L 110 YFC2336NL 151 YILSSAF32 96 YL3L276M 235 YEPSSF2849R 110 YFC2336NP 150 YILSSAF34 96 YL3L276W 235 YFC0912C 141 YFC2336NV 152 YILSSAF40 96 YMP1636 100 YFC0912L 143 YFC2348NL 151 YILSSDF26 95 YMP1642 100 YFC0912P 142 YFC2348NP 150 YILSSDF28 95 YMP1648 100 YFC0912S 141 YFC2348NV 152 YILSSDF32 95 YMP1654 100 YFC0912V 144 YFC2360NL 151 YILSSDF34 95 YMP1660 100 YFC0924C 141 YFC2360NP 150 YILSSDF40 95 YMP1666 100 YFC0924L 143 YFC2372NL 151 YKPTS3030D 30 YMP1672 100 YFC0924P 142 YFC2372NP 150 YKPTS3030L 30 YMP1678 100 YFC0924S 141 YFC2624NL 151 YKPTS3030M 30 YMP1684 100 YFC0924V 144 YFC2624NP 150 YKPTS3636D 30 YMP1736 100 YFC0936C 141 YFC2624NV 152 YKPTS4242D 30 YMP1742 100 YFC0936L 143 YFC2636NL 151 YKPTS4824D 30 YMP1748 100 YFC0936P 142 YFC2636NP 150 YKPTS4848D 30 YMP1754 100 YFC0936S 141 YFC2636NV 152 YKPTS5427D 30 YMP1760 100 YFC0936V 144 YFC2648NL 151 YKPTS6030D 30 YMP1766 100 YFC0948C 141 YFC2648NP 150 YKPTS7236D 30 YMP1772 100 YFC0948L 143 YFC2648NV 152 YKPTS8442D 30 YMP1778 100 YFC0948P 142 YFC2660NL 151 YKTR42D 28 YMP1784 100 YFC0948S 141 YFC2660NP 150 YKTR42DG 29 YMP2636 101 YFC0948V 144 YFC2672NL 151 YKTR42L 28 YMP2642 101 YFC0960C 141 YFC2672NP 150 YKTR42LG 29 YMP2648 101 YFC0960L 143 YFCC48 134 YKTR42M 28 YMP2654 101 YFC0960P 142 YFCC60 134 YKTR42MG 29 YMP2660 101 YFC0960S 141 YFCC72 134 YKTR48D 28 YMP2666 101 YFC0972C 141 YFCHOC 141 YKTR48DG 29 YMP2672 101 YFC0972L 143 YFCOC 141 YKTS3030D 28 YMP2678 101 YFC0972P 142 YFF2148 132 YKTS3030DG 29 YMP2684 101 YFC0972S 141 YFF2160 132 YKTS3030L 28 YMP2736 101 YFC1412L 147 YFF2172 132 YKTS3030LG 29 YMP2742 101 YFC1412P 146 YFJE25 134 YKTS3030M 28 YMP2748 101 YFC1412V 148 YFJE28 134 YKTS3030MG 29 YMP2754 101 YFC1424L 147 YFJL25 135 YKTS3636D 28 YMP2760 101 YFC1424P 146 YFJL28 135 YKTS3636DG 29 YMP2766 101 YFC1424V 148 YFJT25 135 YKTS4242D 28 YMP2772 101 YFC1436L 147 YFJT28 135 YKTS4242DG 29 YMP2778 101 YFC1436P 146 YFJV25 135 YKTS4824D 28 YMP2784 101 YFC1436V 148 YFJV28 135 YKTS4824DG 29 YP3018 50 YFC1448L 147 YFJX25 135 YKTS4848D 28 YP3024 50 YFC1448P 146 YFJX28 135 YKTS4848DG 29 YP3027 51 YFC1448V 148 YFJY25 135 YKTS5427D 28 YP3030 51 YFC1460L 147 YFJY28 135 YKTS5427DG 29 YP3036 52 YFC1460P 146 YFL25 132 YKTS6030D 28 YP3048 52 YFC1472L 147 YFL28 132 YKTS6030DG 29 YP3618 50 YFC1472P 146 YFLSF 132 YKTS7236D 28 YP3624 50 YFC1712L 147 YFTC48 134 YKTS7236DG 29 YP3627 51 YFC1712P 146 YFTC60 134 YKTS8442D 28 YP3630 51 YFC1712V 148 YFTC72 134 YKTS8442DG 29 YP3636 52 YFC1724L 147 YILDA1 93, 96 YKTT7236D 28 YP3648 52 YFC1724P 146 YILDA35 92 YKTT7236DG 29 YP4218 50 YFC1724V 148 YILDA38 92 YKTT8442D 28 YP4224 50 YFC1736L 147 YILDA48 92 YKTT8442DG 29 YP4227 51 YFC1736P 146 YILDA50 92 YKTT9648D 28 YP4230 51 YFC1736V 148 YILDA62 92 YKTT9648DG 29 YP4236 52 YFC1748L 147 YILDAV20 92 YL3L193M 235 YP4242 52 YFC1748P 146 YILDD1 91, 95 YL3L193W 235 YP4248 52 237 235 Antenna Workspaces pattern no. page pattern no. page pattern no. page pattern no. page YP4818 50 YPB4230 54 YPH5424 55 YPSB2666 YP4824 50 YPB4236 54 YPH5427 55 YPSB2666FRR 155 YP4827 51 YPB4818 53 YPH5430 56 YPSB2672 157 YP4830 51 YPB4824 53 YPH5436 56 YPSB2672FRR 155 YP4836 52 YPB4827 53 YPH6018 55 YPSB3224 156 YP4848 52 YPB4830 54 YPH6024 55 YPSB3224F 154 YP5418 50 YPB4836 54 YPH6027 55 YPSB3227 156 YP5424 50 YPB5418 53 YPH6030 56 YPSB3227F 154 YP5427 51 YPB5424 53 YPH6036 56 YPSB3230 156 YP5430 51 YPB5427 53 YPH6618 55 YPSB3230F 154 YP5436 52 YPB5430 54 YPH6624 55 YPSB3236 156 YP5448 52 YPB5436 54 YPH6627 55 YPSB3236F 154 YP6018 50 YPB6018 53 YPH6630 56 YPSB3242 156 YP6024 50 YPB6024 53 YPH6636 56 YPSB3242F 154 YP6027 51 YPB6027 53 YPH7218 55 YPSB3248 156 YP6030 51 YPB6030 54 YPH7224 55 YPSB3248F 154 YP6036 52 YPB6036 54 YPH7227 55 YPSB3254 156 YP6048 52 YPB6618 53 YPH7230 56 YPSB3254F 154 YP6618 50 YPB6624 53 YPH7236 56 YPSB3260 156 YP6624 50 YPB6627 53 YPH7818 55 YPSB3260F 154 YP6627 51 YPB6630 54 YPH7824 55 YPSB3266 156 YP6630 51 YPB6636 54 YPH7827 55 YPSB3266FRR 154 YP6636 52 YPB7218 53 YPH7830 56 YPSB3272 156 YP6648 52 YPB7224 53 YPH7836 56 YPSB3272FRR 154 YP7218 50 YPB7227 53 YPH8418 55 YPSB3824 157 YP7224 50 YPB7230 54 YPH8424 55 YPSB3824F 155 YP7227 51 YPB7236 54 YPH8427 55 YPSB3827 157 YP7230 51 YPB7818 53 YPH8430 56 YPSB3827F 155 YP7236 52 YPB7824 53 YPH8436 56 YPSB3830 157 YP7248 52 YPB7827 53 YPSB2024 156 YPSB3830F 155 YP7818 50 YPB7830 54 YPSB2024F 154 YPSB3836 157 YP7824 50 YPB7836 54 YPSB2027 156 YPSB3836F 155 YP7827 51 YPB8418 53 YPSB2027F 154 YPSB3842 157 YP7830 51 YPB8424 53 YPSB2030 156 YPSB3842F 155 YP7836 52 YPB8427 53 YPSB2030F 154 YPSB3848 157 YP7848 52 YPB8430 54 YPSB2036 156 YPSB3848F 155 YP8418 50 YPB8436 54 YPSB2036F 154 YPSB3854 157 YP8424 50 YPB9024 53 YPSB2042 156 YPSB3854F 155 YP8427 51 YPB9027 53 YPSB2042F 154 YPSB3860 157 YP8430 51 YPB9030 54 YPSB2048 156 YPSB3860F 155 YP8436 52 YPB9036 54 YPSB2048F 154 YPSB3866 157 YP8442 52 YPB9624 53 YPSB2054 156 YPSB3866FRR 155 YP8448 52 YPB9627 53 YPSB2054F 154 YPSB3872 157 YP9018 50 YPB9630 54 YPSB2060 156 YPSB3872FRR 155 YP9024 50 YPB9636 54 YPSB2060F 154 YPSC1424 160 YP9027 51 YPE1524 57 YPSB2066 156 YPSC1424F 159 YP9030 51 YPE1527 57 YPSB2066FRR 154 YPSC1430 160 YP9036 52 YPE1530 57 YPSB2072 156 YPSC1430F 159 YP9048 52 YPE1536 57 YPSB2072FRR 154 YPSC1436 160 YP9618 50 YPE1539 57 YPSB2624 157 YPSC1436F 159 YP9624 50 YPE1541 57 YPSB2624F 155 YPSC1442 160 YP9627 51 YPE1552 57 YPSB2627 157 YPSC1442F 159 YP9630 51 YPE1553 57 YPSB2627F 155 YPSC1448 160 YP9636 52 YPE1558 57 YPSB2630 157 YPSC1448F 159 YP9648 52 YPE1559 57 YPSB2630F 155 YPSC1454 160 YPB3024 53 YPE1564 57 YPSB2636 157 YPSC1454F 159 YPB3027 53 YPE1565 57 YPSB2636F 155 YPSC1460 160 YPB3030 54 YPE1576 57 YPSB2642 157 YPSC1460F 159 YPB3036 54 YPE1577 57 YPSB2642F 155 YPSC1466FRR 159 YPB3624 53 YPH4818 55 YPSB2648 157 YPSC1472 160 YPB3627 53 YPH4824 55 YPSB2648F 155 YPSC1472FRR 159 YPB3630 54 YPH4827 55 YPSB2654 157 YPSC2124 160 YPB3636 54 YPH4830 56 YPSB2654F 155 YPSC2124F 159 YPB4224 53 YPH4836 56 YPSB2660 157 YPSC2130 160 YPB4227 53 YPH5418 55 YPSB2660F 155 YPSC2130F 159 238 157 Antenna Workspaces pattern no. page pattern no. page YPSC2136 160 YPSI1422F 162 pattern no. YR1DZT YPSC2136F 159 YPSI1424 163 YR1EDPI YPSC2142 160 YPSI1424F 162 YR1EJ108 YPSC2142F 159 YPSI1427 163 YPSC2148 160 YPSI1427F 162 YPSC2148F 159 YPSI1428 YPSC2154 160 YPSI1428F YPSC2154F 159 YPSC2160 page 117 118, 138 pattern no. YRPM362 page 121 YRPMK 121 139 YSAD21G 183 YR1EJ12 119 YSAD21NET 183 YR1EJ18 119, 139 YSAD27G 183 163 YR1EJ24 119, 139 YSAD27NET 183 162 YR1EJ30 119 YSADPADG 183 YPSI1430 163 YR1EJ36 119, 139 YSADPADN 183 160 YPSI1430F 162 YR1EJ42 119 YSCH 219 YPSC2160F 159 YPSI1436 163 YR1EJ48 119, 139 YSCS1212 213 YPSC2166FRR 159 YPSI1436F 162 YR1EJ54 119 YSCS2412 213 YPSC2172 160 YPSI2116 163 YR1EJ60 119, 139 YPSC2172FRR 159 YPSI2116F 162 YR1EJ66 YPSF1424 166 YPSI2118 163 YPSF1424F 165 YPSI2118F 162 YPSF1436 166 YPSI2119 YPSF1436F 165 YPSF1448 YSDPAD 181 119 YSDXFB18 197 YR1EJ72 119, 139 YSDXFB24 197 YR1EJ84 139 YSDXFB27 197 163 YR1EJ96 139 YSDXFB30 197 YPSI2119F 162 YR1EOM 138 YSDXFB36 197 166 YPSI2122 163 YR1EPNY 118, 138 YSDXFB53 197 YPSF1448F 165 YPSI2122F 162 YR1PCC100 127, 138 YSDXFB59 197 YPSF1460 166 YPSI2124 163 YR1PDCX 118, 138 YSDXFB65 197 YPSF1460F 165 YPSI2124F 162 YR1TDPI 118, 138 YSDXFB77 197 YPSF1472 166 YPSI2127 163 YR1TJ108 139 YSDXOS1815 192 YPSF1472FRR 165 YPSI2127F 162 YR1TJ12 119 YSDXOS2415 192 YPSF1724 166 YPSI2128 163 YR1TJ18 119, 139 YSDXOS2715 192 YPSF1724F 165 YPSI2128F 162 YR1TJ24 119, 139 YSDXOS3015 192 YPSF1736 166 YPSI2130 163 YR1TJ30 119 YSDXOS3615 192 YPSF1736F 165 YPSI2130F 162 YR1TJ36 119, 139 YSDXOS5315 195 YPSF1748 166 YPSI2136 163 YR1TJ42 119 YSDXOS5915 195 YPSF1748F 165 YPSI2136F 162 YR1TJ48 119, 139 YSDXOS6515 195 YPSF1760 166 YPSS3248 168 YR1TJ54 119 YSDXOS7715 195 YPSF1760F 165 YR1BCC50 127 YR1TJ60 119, 139 YSDXSS2415 192 YPSF1772 166 YR1CB2712B 127 YR1TJ66 119 YSDXSS2715 192 YPSF1772FRR 165 YR1CB3912B 127 YR1TJ7 119 YSDXSS3015 192 YPSF2124 166 YR1CB6906B 127 YR1TJ72 119, 139 YSDXSS3615 192 YPSF2124F 165 YR1CB6906H 127 YR1TJ84 139 YSDXSS5315 195 YPSF2136 166 YR1CB6912B 127 YR1TJ96 139 YSDXSS5915 195 YPSF2136F 165 YR1CB6912H 127 YR1TOM 138 YSDXSS6515 195 YPSF2148 166 YR1CBB4 127 YR1TPNY 118, 138 YSDXSS7715 YPSF2148F 165 YR1CBH 127 YR1VWM323 128 YSDXUP YPSF2160 166 YR1CBX2 128 YR1XDA 138 YSFA YPSF2160F 165 YR1CC 127 YR1XDB 138 YSFB18 174 YPSF2172 166 YR1CMB 117 YR1XDC 138 YSFB24 174 YPSF2172FRR 165 YR1CP 118 YR1XDX 138 YSFBBF18L 174 YPSF2424 166 YR1DA 117 YR1XDXO 138 YSFBBF18R 174 YPSF2424F 165 YR1DB 117 YR1XDXT 138 YSFBBF24L 174 YPSF2436 166 YR1DC 117 YR1XDY 138 YSFBBF24R 174 YPSF2436F 165 YR1DM4 123 YR1XDYO 138 YSFBBF30L 174 YPSF2448 166 YR1DM6 123 YR1XDYT 138 YSFBBF30R 174 YPSF2448F 165 YR1DOC422C10N 123 YR1XDZ 138 YSFC2D2536 225 YPSF2460 166 YR1DOC422C6N 123 YR1XDZO 138 YSFC2D2836 225 YPSF2460F 165 YR1DOC422H6N 123 YR1XDZT 138 YSFC2D4236 225 YPSF2472 166 YR1DOC633C10N 123 YRC18D 118 YSFC2D4936 225 YPSF2472FRR 165 YR1DOC633C6N 123 YRC18S 118 YSFC2D5636 225 YPSFF24 165 YR1DOC633H6N 123 YRC30D 118 YSFC2DO2536 225 YPSFF36 165 YR1DOC642C10N 123 YRC30S 118 YSFC2DO2836 225 YPSFF48 165 YR1DOC642C6N 123 YRCE 118 YSFC2DO5636 227 YPSFF60 165 YR1DOC642H6N 123 YROF 117, 138 YSFC4D5636 225 YPSFF72 165 YR1DX 117 YRPHA18 117 YSFCBF2536 222 YPSI1416 163 YR1DXO 117 YRPHA30 117 YSFCDASK27 219 YPSI1416F 162 YR1DXT 117 YRPHA42 117 YSFCDASK30 219 YPSI1418 163 YR1DY 117 YRPHE12 117 YSFCDASK36 219 YPSI1418F 162 YR1DYO 117 YRPHE24 117 YSFCDE4927 218 YPSI1419 163 YR1DYT 117 YRPHT12 117 YSFCDE4930 218 YPSI1419F 162 YR1DZ 117 YRPHT24 117 YSFCDE4936 218 YPSI1422 163 YR1DZO 117 YRPM361 121 YSFCDEL4924 215 239 195 71, 192 75, 174, 177 Antenna Workspaces pattern no. page pattern no. page YSFCDER4924 page 216 pattern no. YSMOPDF24 180 YSSOF33BL 188 YSUSNDR4815 201 YSFCDL4924 215 YSMPDF18 180 YSSOF33BV 189 YSUSNDR6015 201 YSFCDL4927 215 YSMPDF24 180 YSSOF33L 188 YSUSNDR7215 201 YSFCDL4930 215 YSMUOS36 206 YSSOF33V 189 YSWMO3615 231 YSFCDL4936 215 YSMUOS42 206 YSSOS21L 188 YSWMO4215 231 YSFCDO4924 218 YSMUOS48 206 YSSOS21V 189 YSWMO4815 231 YSFCDO4927 218 YSMUOS60 206 YSSOS24BL 188 YSWMO6015 231 YSFCDO4930 218 YSMUOS72 206 YSSOS24BV 189 YSWMO7215 231 YSFCDO4936 218 YSMUSDL36L 207 YSSOS24L 188 YSWMS3615 231 YSFCDR4924 216 YSMUSDL42L 207 YSSOS24V 189 YSWMS4215 231 YSFCDR4927 216 YSMUSDL48L 207 YSSOS27BL 188 YSWMS4815 231 YSFCDR4930 216 YSMUSDL60L 207 YSSOS27BV 189 YSWMS6015 231 YSFCDR4936 216 YSMUSDL72L 207 YSSOS27L 188 YSWMS7215 231 YSFCFF2836 222 YSMUSDR36L 207 YSSOS27V 189 YT3018 33 YSFCO2D5636 227 YSMUSDR42L 207 YSSPAD 181 YT3024 33 YSFCOF2536 222 YSMUSDR48L 207 YSSPF21 185 YT3027 34 YSFCOF2836 222 YSMUSDR60L 207 YSSPF21VL 186 YT3030 34 YSFCOFF4236 222 YSMUSDR72L 207 YSSPF24 185 YT3036 35 YSFCOFF4936 222 YSMUSOL36 206 YSSPF24B 185 YT3048 35 YSFCOFF5636 222 YSMUSOL42 206 YSSPF24BVL 186 YT3324 44 YSFCOFF6736 222 YSMUSOL48 206 YSSPF24VL 186 YT3330 44 YSFCOS2536 229 YSMUSOL60 206 YSSPF27 185 YT3618 33 YSFCOS2836 229 YSMUSOL72 206 YSSPF27B 185 YT3624 33 YSFCOS4236 229 YSMUSOR36 206 YSSPF27BVL 186 YT3627 34 YSFCOS4936 229 YSMUSOR42 206 YSSPF27VL 186 YT3630 34 YSFCOS5636 229 YSMUSOR48 206 YSSPF33 185 YT3636 35 YSFCOSO2536 229 YSMUSOR60 206 YSSPF33B 185 YT3648 35 YSFCOSO2836 229 YSMUSOR72 206 YSSPF33BVL 186 YT3924 44 YSFCWD6736 221 YSMWMO36 233 YSSPF33VL 186 YT3930 44 YSFCWL4924 221 YSMWMO42 233 YSUES3615 200 YT4218 33 YSFCWL6718 221 YSMWMO48 233 YSUES4815 200 YT4224 33 YSFCWR4924 221 YSMWMO60 233 YSUOP24 209 YT4227 34 YSFCWR6718 221 YSMWMO72 233 YSUOP30 209 YT4230 34 YSFFF18L 174 YSMWMS36L 233 YSUOP36 209 YT4236 35 YSFFF18R 174 YSMWMS42L 233 YSUOP48 209 YT4242 35 YSFFF24L 174 YSMWMS48L 233 YSUOP60 209 YT4248 35 YSFFF24R 174 YSMWMS60L 233 YSUOP72 209 YT4524 44 YSFFF30L 174 YSMWMS72L 233 YSUOS3615 200 YT4530 44 YSFFF30R 174 YSSD3615 231 YSUOS4215 200 YT4536 44 YSFSB 170 YSSD4215 231 YSUOS4815 200 YT4808 38 YSFSL423612 170 YSSD4815 231 YSUOS6015 200 YT4818 33 YSFSL423618 170 YSSD6015 231 YSUOS7215 200 YT4824 33 YSFSL424812 170 YSSD7215 231 YSUS2BT 211 YT4827 34 YSFSL424818 170 YSSDL3615 202 YSUS2F25 211 YT4830 34 YSFSL493612 170 YSSDL4215 202 YSUS2F28 211 YT4836 35 YSFSL493618 170 YSSDL4815 202 YSUS3BT 211 YT4848 35 YSFSL494812 170 YSSDL6015 202 YSUS3F25 211 YT5124 44 YSFSL494818 170 YSSDL7215 202 YSUS3F28 211 YT5130 44 YSFSR423612 170 YSSDR3615 203 YSUSDL3615 202 YT5136 44 YSFSR423618 170 YSSDR4215 203 YSUSDL4215 202 YT5408 38 YSFSR424812 170 YSSDR4815 203 YSUSDL4815 202 YT5418 33 YSFSR424818 170 YSSDR6015 203 YSUSDL6015 202 YT5424 33 YSFSR493612 170 YSSDR7215 203 YSUSDL7215 202 YT5427 34 YSFSR493618 170 YSSOF15L 188 YSUSDR3615 203 YT5430 34 YSFSR494812 170 YSSOF15V 189 YSUSDR4215 203 YT5436 35 YSFSR494818 170 YSSOF21L 188 YSUSDR4815 203 YT5448 35 YSFWB30 177 YSSOF21V 189 YSUSDR6015 203 YT5724 44 YSFWB36 178, 223 YSSOF24BL 188 YSUSDR7215 203 YT5730 44 YSFWFF3018 177 YSSOF24BV 189 YSUSNDL3615 200 YT5736 44 YSFWFF3024 177 YSSOF24L 188 YSUSNDL4215 200 YT6008 38 YSFWFF30N 177 YSSOF24V 189 YSUSNDL4815 200 YT6018 33 YSFWFF3618 177 YSSOF27BL 188 YSUSNDL6015 200 YT6024 33 YSFWFF3624 177 YSSOF27BV 189 YSUSNDL7215 200 YT6027 34 YSFWFF36N 177 YSSOF27L 188 YSUSNDR3615 201 YT6030 34 YSMOPDF18 180 YSSOF27V 189 YSUSNDR4215 201 YT6036 35 240 pattern no. page Antenna Workspaces pattern no. page pattern no. page pattern no. page YT6048 35 YTE1576 39 YTTE30 47 YT6324 44 YTE1577 39 YTTE36 47 YT6330 44 YTH4818 36 YTTE42 47 YT6336 44 YTH4824 36 YTTE48 47 YT6608 38 YTH4827 36 YTTE60 47 YT6618 33 YTH4830 37 YTTE66 47 YT6624 33 YTH4836 37 YTTE78 47 YT6627 34 YTH5418 36 YTTE84 47 YT6630 34 YTH5424 36 YTTE87 47 YT6636 35 YTH5427 36 YTTE90 47 YT6648 35 YTH5430 37 YTTE96 47 YT6924 44 YTH5436 37 YTTM23 47 YT6930 44 YTH6018 36 YTTM29 47 YT6936 44 YTH6024 36 YTTM35 47 YT7208 38 YTH6027 36 YTTM41 47 YT7218 33 YTH6030 37 YTTM47 47 YT7224 33 YTH6036 37 YTVC24484824 42 YT7227 34 YTH6618 36 YTVC24545424 42 YT7230 34 YTH6624 36 YTVC24606024 42 YT7236 35 YTH6627 36 YTVC27484827 42 YT7248 35 YTH6630 37 YTVC27545427 42 YT7808 38 YTH6636 37 YTVC27606027 42 YT7818 33 YTH7218 36 YTVS24484824 42 YT7824 33 YTH7224 36 YTWSHK118 48 YT7827 34 YTH7227 36 YTWSHK124 48 YT7830 34 YTH7230 37 YTWSHK130 48 YT7836 35 YTH7236 37 YTWSHK136 48 YT7848 35 YTH7818 36 YTWSHK142 48 YT8408 38 YTH7824 36 YTWSHK148 48 YT8418 33 YTH7827 36 YTWSHK160 48 YT8424 33 YTH7830 37 YTWSHK172 48 YT8427 34 YTH7836 37 YTWSHK218 48 YT8430 34 YTH8418 36 YTWSHK224 48 YT8436 35 YTH8424 36 YTWSHK230 48 YT8442 35 YTH8427 36 YTWSHK236 48 YT8448 35 YTH8430 37 YTWSHK242 48 YT9018 33 YTH8436 37 YTWSHK248 48 YT9024 33 YTHVC24484824 42 YTWSHK260 48 YT9027 34 YTHVC24545424 42 YTWSHK272 48 YT9030 34 YTHVC24606024 42 YUBC3423 98 YT9036 35 YTHVC27484827 42 YUBC3429 98 YT9048 35 YTHVC27545427 42 YUBC4023 98 YT9618 33 YTHVC27606027 42 YUBC4029 98 YT9624 33 YTHVS24484824 42 YUBC4623 98 YT9627 34 YTT24 46 YUBC4629 98 YT9630 34 YTT30 46 YUBC5223 98 YT9636 35 YTT36 46 YUBC5229 98 YT9648 35 YTT42 46 YUBC5823 98 YTE1524 39 YTT47 46 YUBC5829 98 YTE1527 39 YTT48 46 YUBC6423 98 YTE1530 39 YTT53 46 YUBC6429 98 YTE1531 39 YTT59 46 YUBC7023 98 YTE1536 39 YTT65 46 YUBC7029 98 YTE1537 39 YTT70 46 YUBT4629 98 YTE1539 39 YTT71 46 YUBT5229 98 YTE1540 39 YTT76 46 YUBT5829 98 YTE1541 39 YTT77 46 YUBT6429 98 YTE1543 39 YTT82 46 YUBT7029 98 YTE1549 39 YTT83 46 YTE1552 39 YTT88 46 YTE1553 39 YTT89 46 YTE1558 39 YTT94 46 YTE1559 39 YTT95 46 YTE1564 39 YTTE18 47 YTE1565 39 YTTE24 47 241 Selling Policy This . . . . .Selling . . . . . . Policy . . . . . . supercedes . . . . . . . . . . .all. . previous . . . . . . . . selling . . . . . . policies. . . . . . . . . Prices, . . . . . . .discounts . . . . . . . . .and . . . product . . . . . . . .offerings . . . . . . . .are . . .subject . . . . . . .to. .change . . . . . . without . . . . . . . notice. ...................... Terms & Conditions Sales by Knoll, Inc. or Knoll North America Corp. (‘‘Seller’’) of Knoll Product Lines (hereinafter ‘‘Products’’) within the United States and Canada are of Sales made only on the terms which are contained in this Selling Policy. Seller hereby gives notice of its objection to any different or additional terms and Ordering Information Order Confirmation Pricing Policies Taxes Terms of Payment Changes and Cancellation Freight Prepaid Delivery/Freight Charges Claims Seller’s Security Interest Returns Held Orders/Storage February 24, 2012 conditions. This sale is expressly conditional upon Purchaser’s assent to the terms and conditions set forth below. Additional terms and conditions may apply to KnollStudio and KnollTextiles orders. These terms and conditions may be modified or supplemented only by a written document signed by an authorized representative of Seller. These terms and conditions supercede any prior and/or contemporaneous agreements or correspondence between Purchaser and Seller. Written quotations expire thirty (30) days from the date of issuance and can be withdrawn by written notice anytime during that period. Where Purchaser and Seller have entered into the Knoll Electronic Terms and Conditions, all orders, acknowledgements, invoices and other business communications placed or transmitted in accordance with the Knoll Electronic Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to be in writing and signed and . . . .shall . . . . .be . . valid . . . . . for . . .all . . .purposes . . . . . . . . as . . .if. they . . . . .were . . . .originated . . . . . . . . . and . . . .maintained . . . . . . . . . . in . . .documentary . . . . . . . . . . . form. ...................................................... All orders must be in writing. The product pattern number(s) contained on Seller’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .order . . . . .acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .shall . . . . .be . . the . . . .final . . . .expression . . . . . . . . . .of. .the . . . order. ........... A purchase order is not binding on Seller until Purchaser has received Seller’s order confirmation or acknowledgment. ...................................................................................................................................... List prices are subject to change without notice. List prices shall be those prices in effect on the date of receipt of a complete purchase order unless shipment is requested more than ninety (90) days after order entry in which case prices in effect on the date of shipment apply. List prices include specified freight costs. Unless specified in writing by Seller, no other . . . . . charges . . . . . . . .are . . .included . . . . . . . .in. . Seller’s . . . . . . .list . . . prices. .................................................................................................. All sales, use, excise and other taxes applicable to the sale of the Products shall be paid by Purchaser. If Purchaser claims an exemption from any tax, Purchaser . . . . . . . . . .shall . . . . submit . . . . . . .to. .Seller . . . . . .the . . .appropriate . . . . . . . . . . exemption . . . . . . . . . .certificates. .................................................................................. Payment for one hundred percent (100%) of the net order amount is due within thirty (30) days of the date of invoice, which is generally issued upon shipment. In case of any discrepancies, such as shortages, and Seller is notified in writing within ten (10) days of receipt of Product, only that portion may be deducted and the balance paid. For orders greater than $100,000 net, a fifty percent (50%) deposit is due at the time of order placement, with the remainder due within thirty (30) days of the date of invoice. KnollStudio orders less than $2,000 require payment for one hundred percent (100%) of the net order amount (including any applicable sales tax and charges for inside delivery, special packaging, etc.), due at time of order placement. For KnollStudio orders greater than $2,000, a one-half (50%) deposit is due at time of order placement with the remainder (including any applicable sales tax and charges for inside delivery, special packaging, etc.) due prior to shipment. If, in the judgment of Seller, Purchaser’s financial condition does not justify the terms of the payment, Seller may require full or partial payment in advance. Past due accounts shall be charged one and one-half percent (1.5%) per month, or the highest rate permitted by law, whichever is less, and will be added to the outstanding balance. In the event Purchaser defaults on payment, Purchaser shall be liable for all collection costs, including reasonable attorney’s fees . . . . and . . . .costs. .............................................................................................................................. Purchase orders may not be changed or cancelled, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of Seller. Changes may effect delivery dates. Expenses incurred because of changes shall be charged to Purchaser. In the event of cancellations, Purchaser will be liable for reasonable cancellation charges established by Seller. Orders for special Product, orders including ‘‘COM’’ (hereinafter defined) material and orders pursuant to expedited delivery programs, . . . . . . . . . may . . . . .not . . .be . . canceled. ................................................................................................................... Freight is prepaid and included in the price of all Products, except KnollTextiles, within the 48 contiguous United States for orders placed with Knoll, Inc. and within Canada, excluding the Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut and Newfoundland for orders placed with Knoll North America Corp. Packing is tested for rigorous motion and transportation but is not guaranteed to protect furniture from all conditions. If special packaging is required for any reason, please consult with your sales representative or dealer. Seller shall select the method of shipment and routing. All shipments shall be tailgate deliveries. Freight . . . . . . . for . . .all . . .KnollTextiles . . . . . . . . . . . .orders . . . . . .is. .prepaid . . . . . . .and . . . .added . . . . . .to. .the . . .invoice. ............................................................................... Shipments outside the contiguous 48 United States and Canada shall be shipped F.O.B. Origin. For shipments outside the contiguous United States and Canada, Purchaser is responsible for the cost of freight from point of embarkation, including any handling and transportation charges incidental to loading at the point of departure and unloading at the final destination. Conditions beyond the control of Seller, including weather, available facilities and traffic conditions, may affect exact time of delivery. Seller shall not be responsible for specific carrier delivery date or time unless it has made a specific delivery commitment, in writing. Nonstandard methods of shipment and/or additional services are available upon request. Purchaser will be billed for the differential cost of any special services in excess of standard surface carrier freight costs. Premium charges, at Purchaser’s request, will be added for airfreight, exclusive use of vehicle and extra, export or special packaging. Accessorial charges will be added for inside delivery, extra labor, reconsignment and redelivery. Partial . . . . . . .shipments . . . . . . . . .may . . . . be . . .made . . . . .and . . . .invoiced . . . . . . . .by. . Seller. ............................................................................................ All shipments for Knoll Products within the contiguous United States and Canada are F.O.B. Origin. All risk of loss passes to Purchaser at time of delivery to carrier. Purchaser shall inspect all Products upon receipt and notify Seller within ten (10) working days after receipt of any damage or defects which are, or should be, apparent from an inspection of the Product and its packaging. Failure of Purchaser to notify Seller during the ten (10) working day period shall constitute acceptance of the Products and waiver of any apparent defects, errors or shortages. For all claims relating to Product damaged in transit or for any other claims relating to or arising out of the transportation of the Product, Purchaser must seek recovery from the carrier and Seller has no liability to Purchaser for such claims. Seller may, upon request, assist Purchaser with filing of such claims with the carrier, but Seller will not be liable for any of these . . . . . transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . .related . . . . . . .claims. ............................................................................................................. Until Seller receives the full payment for the Product, Seller shall have a security interest in the Product. Purchaser agrees to perform all acts, including but . . . .not . . .limited . . . . . . .to. .the . . .execution . . . . . . . . .and . . . .filing . . . . .of. .documentation, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .which . . . . . may . . . . .be. . necessary . . . . . . . . . to . . perfect . . . . . . .and . . . .assure . . . . . .the . . .security . . . . . . . interest . . . . . . . of . . .Seller. ..................... The return of Products without a written authorization by Seller shall not be accepted. To receive authorization for Product return, please call Customer Service. All Products that are returned pursuant to a valid authorization shall be subject to a twenty-five percent (25%) of list restocking charge. Products not currently offered for sale by Seller (including COM) shall not be authorized for return. All returned Products must be unused, in original condition and in . . .the . . .original . . . . . . .Seller . . . . . .packing . . . . . . .cartons. . . . . . . . No . . . refund . . . . . . .or. .credit . . . . . shall . . . . .be . . .given . . . . .for . . .damaged . . . . . . . .Products. ............................................................ If Purchaser requests that an order be held or delayed, prices and terms and conditions in effect at the time of shipment shall apply. If Purchaser requests a delay after the time when Seller can defer production, Purchaser will be invoiced for the Product, payable in accordance with standard terms, when the order is ready for shipment. Seller may transfer the Product to storage, in which case all expenses incurred in connection with storage, including demurrage, preparation for storage, storage charges and handling shall be payable by Purchaser upon submission of invoices by Seller. Risk of loss to the Product shall pass to the Purchaser upon delivery of the Product into storage. 242 Selling Policy Customer’s Own Material A Purchaser who requests a fabric or other surface material not standard to Seller’s line of Products (‘‘COM’’) must submit samples of the requested Warranty Delay/Force Majeure Compliance with Law Patents Limitations of Liability February 24, 2012 material to Seller prior to entry of a purchaser order. Seller shall determine if the material is suitable to its manufacturing processes and meets any requirements of Underwriters Laboratories. If the COM is acceptable, Seller will then establish a price for using the COM or the Product in question. For a description of the procedures for submitting samples and testing, contact customer resources or your sales representative. Seller shall have no responsibility for the appearance, condition, performance, durability, colorfastness or any other physical attribute of the COM. Purchaser shall indemnify and . . . .hold . . . . Seller . . . . . .harmless . . . . . . . . for . . . any . . . .damages, . . . . . . . . injuries . . . . . . . .or. .losses . . . . . .arising . . . . . .out . . . of. . or . . .related . . . . . .to. . use . . . .of. .the . . .COM . . . . . on . . .the . . .Product. ....................................... Seller warrants to the original Purchaser only that the Products Seller manufactures and sells to Purchaser are free of defects in workmanship and materials, during the applicable warranty period set forth below. Warranty period set forth below is for 24-hour, 7 days a week, multi shift use (includes parts and labor to repair). Should any failure to conform with this limited warranty appear to a Product listed below during the applicable warranty period from the date of shipment, Seller shall, upon prompt written notice, repair or replace, at its option and costs, the affected part or parts. Product and Period of Warranty Lifetime: Antenna Workspaces, AutoStrada, Calibre, Crinion Open Table, Currents, Dividends Horizon, Equity, Morrison, Reff Profiles laminate, Series 2 Storage, Template and other non-wood components (except cascade edge worksurfaces, operational parts, controls, electrical, Lighting, Series 2 Veneer Front Storage, special or custom products, see below) 12 Years: Chadwick, Essentials Work Chairs, Generation by Knoll, Life, Moment, MultiGeneration by Knoll, ReGeneration by Knoll, RPM and Sapper seating (except seating upholstery, textiles, leathers and finishes, see below). 10 Years: Antenna Workspaces, AutoStrada, Crinion Open Table, Reff Profiles wood components, Series 2 Veneer Front Storage, cascade edge worksurfaces, Wood Casegoods (Magnusson, The Graham Collection) (except wood casegoods upholstered surfaces, see below), Interaction tables (except height adjustment mechanisms for Counterforce, crank-adjustable, and split-top tables and worksurfaces, see below), Reuter overheads, Reuter vertical storage, KnollExtra Sapper Monitor Arm Collection, Adjustable keyboard mechanisms and platforms, Communication Boards (except fabric board textiles, see below), Smokador collection (except leathers, see below), and Orchestra Universal Systems Accessories. 5 Years: Operational parts, controls, electrical, Lighting (except light ballasts, bulbs and power supply, see below), special or custom product, wood veneer products, Currents handcrank, Interaction Counterforce, Interaction crank-adjustable, and split-top mechanisms, KnollStudio, CPU storage and all universal storage drawers. 3 Years: Seating upholstery, textiles, leathers and finishes. Fabric boards textiles and Smokador Collection leathers. 2 Years: All other KnollExtra product 1 Year: Light ballasts, bulbs and power supply, seating upholstered armpads and soft armpads, wood casegoods upholstered surfaces. This warranty does not apply to: • Damage caused by a carrier other than the Seller. • Normal wear and tear or acts or omissions of parties other than Seller (including user modification, improper use or installation of Products). • COM or other third party materials applied to Products. • Products not installed by or under the auspices of a Knoll Dealer. • Dramatic temperature variations or exposure to unusual conditions. • Changes in surface finishes, including colorfastness due to aging or exposure to light. • Except as specifically noted above, textiles and upholstery supplied by KnollTextiles (consult current KnollTextiles price list for applicable warranty). Natural variations occurring in wood, marble, and leather shall not be considered defects, and the Seller does not guarantee the colorfastness or matching of the colors, grains or textures, or surface hardness of such materials. The Seller also does not guarantee the colorfastness of fiberglass panel surfaces. THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES CONTAINED HEREIN ARE IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ALL OTHER WARRANTIES ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE. The remedies provided above are the Purchaser’s sole remedies for any failure of Seller to comply with its obligations regarding the workmanship of its Products. Correction of any nonconformity in the manner and for the period of time provided shall constitute complete fulfillment of all liabilities of Seller, with . . . . .respect . . . . . . to . . .or. .arising . . . . . . out . . . of . . .the . . .Product . . . . . . .furnished . . . . . . . . .hereunder. ....................................................................................... Seller shall not be liable for failure to perform or for delay in performance due to fire, flood, strike or other labor difficulty, act of God, act of any governmental authority or of the Purchaser, riot, embargo, fuel or energy shortage, wrecks or delay in transportation, inability to obtain necessary labor, materials or manufacturing facilities from usual sources or failure of suppliers to meet their contractual obligations, or due to any cause beyond its reasonable control. If any such event occurs, Seller may extend delivery dates by a period of time necessary to overcome the effect of such delay, allocate available . . . . . . . . .Product . . . . . . .or . . cancel . . . . . . .any . . . purchase . . . . . . . . .order. ................................................................................................. PURCHASER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS, ORDINANCES, REGULATIONS, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .RULES . . . . . . .AND . . . . .STANDARDS . . . . . . . . . . . . .RELATING . . . . . . . . . . .TO . . .THE . . . . .INSTALLATION, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAINTENANCE, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .USE . . . .AND . . . . .OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . OF . . . .THE . . . . PRODUCTS. ............. Subject to the following provisions, Seller shall, at its own expense, defend or, at its option, settle any claim, suit or proceeding brought against the Purchaser, and/or its vendees, mediate and immediate, so far as based on an allegation that any Product or any part thereof furnished hereunder constitutes a direct or a contributory infringement of any claim of any patent of the United States or Canada. This obligation shall be effective only if Purchaser shall have made all payments then due hereunder and if Seller is notified promptly in writing and given authority, information and assistance for the defense of said claim, suit or proceeding. Seller shall pay all damages and costs awarded in such suit or proceedings so defended. The foregoing indemnity does not apply to the following: • Products supplied according to a design other than that of Seller, and which is required by the Purchaser. • Combination of the Product with another product not furnished hereunder unless Seller is a contributory infringer. •. . .Any . . . .settlements . . . . . . . . . .of. . a. .suit . . . or . . .proceeding . . . . . . . . . .made . . . . .without . . . . . . .Seller’s . . . . . . .written . . . . . . consent. ........................................................................ SELLER, ITS CONTRACTORS, AUTHORIZED DEALERS AND SUBCONTRACTORS OR SUPPLIERS OF ANY TIER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO PURCHASER FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING FROM A BREACH OF THIS AGREEMENT. Purchaser’s remedies set forth herein are exclusive and the liability of Seller with respect to the breach of this agreement or any contract entered into between the parties pursuant hereto shall not exceed the price of the Product or part on which such liability is based. 243 KnollKey Lock Program KnollKey Lock Program General Information How to Specify Key-Alike Following is an example of how to specify key-alike for a cluster of 10 workstations. Following is the KnollKey lock policy, applicable to all products. Step 1 - Using the project floorplan, count the number of locks in each Knoll furniture can be ordered keyed-alike or random keyed. Key-alike and random keying instructions cannot be mixed on any single order. Only one of the two instructions can be used on an individual order. When an order is submitted with mixed (key-alike and random) instructions, Knoll will release the order as key-alike only and lock cores will have to be specified separately. workstation. Key-alike For the convenience of the user, furniture may be keyed alike at no charge. Write ‘‘Key-alike’’ in the description of your purchase order for any pedestal, overhead, file or other item you wish to have keyed alike. Using the key-alike instructions, order cores and keys as line items on your purchase order. Do NOT submit a key-alike form. The Knoll East Greenville Lock Center will select key numbers from the standard range of K 001 - K 250. Key numbers will not be repeated unless over 250 sets are ordered. Lock cores keyed-alike will ship separately from the product, ready for field installation. There is no charge for key-alike orders if placed with the furniture order. Step 2 - Count the number of workstations with the same quantity of locks. Group together the workstations with a like number of locks. 5 workstations with 2 locks per station 3 workstations with 4 locks per station 2 workstations with 5 locks per station IF THE KEY-ALIKE ORDER IS NOT PLACED AT LEAST TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE FURNITURE SHIP DATE, A $50 HANDLING CHARGE AND AIR FREIGHT CHARGES WILL APPLY. Step 3 - For the first group (5 sets of 2 locks), enter the number of workstations in the quantity column. Qty If product is ordered and shipped random-keyed, additional lock cores for key-alike are billable. Pattern # Description Unit List Ext. List 5 Random-Keying To specify product keyed-random, write ‘‘key-random’’ in the product description. Random-keyed product is shipped with the lock core factory installed. A shrouded key is included. Random means no effort has been made to match key numbers, or to make them different. Step 4 - Then enter the pattern number ‘‘KSPEC_ _’’ and add a suffix for the number of locks for that group (i.e., for 2 locks per station, add the suffix ‘‘2’’). Up to 30 lock cores are available in a set (i.e., KSPEC 30). Qty Pattern # Description Unit List Ext. List Keys A Knoll shrouded key is shipped with every lock core. 250 Key numbers are available. For numbers above 250, contact Custom Product Development. Additional keys and key blanks are available. See service parts for more information. 5 KSPEC 2 Set of 2 cores/keys N/C N/C Qty Pattern # Description Unit List Ext. List Master Keying Knoll locks can be controlled by means of a master key. There is no additional per-lock charge for master keying. A letter of approval from the client must accompany orders for master keys. 5 KSPEC 2 Set of 2 cores/keys N/C N/C 3 KSPEC 4 Set of 4 cores/keys N/C N/C 2 KSPEC 5 Set of 5 cores/keys N/C N/C Step 5 - Repeat for other groups. Installing Lock Cores Lock cores can be installed or removed in the field by using a change key. Cores must be in the unlocked position to be removed. See service parts for change key pattern number and pricing. Your Key instructions are complete. Knoll will select key numbers for each set from 250 available numbers. Additional key numbers are available through Custom Product Development. Lock Distribution All orders for key-alike lock cores/keys are packaged and shipped from the East Greenville Lock Center, regardless of where the pedestals, overhead, or other units are produced. Random keyed product will have cores factory-installed. For additions to existing installations, specify desired key numbers in the description. Service Parts Pattern # Description List Price KKEY_ _ _ Shrouded Key Specify key number desired $10 KBLANK Shrouded Key Blank $10 KSPECB_ _ _ Retrofit Universal Core/Key Specify key number desired $22 KCHANGE Change Key $10 HLKRKMASTER* Master Key $10 *Note: A letter of approval on company letterhead from the client must accompany all orders for master keys. 244 General Ordering Information The Products This guide encompasses all standard products for this product group. Sizes Dimensions listed in this guide are indicated as: H = height W = width D = depth Dia. = diameter Rad. = radius Pricing All prices shown are list. How to Order Select pattern numbers and quantities required for your complete installation. Product questions can be addressed in the specific sections of this guide or by contacting your sales representative or customer resource representative at 1-800-343-5665. Next, select options (if required), along with colors and finishes appropriate to each product. Reference the Finishes and Fabrics pages for color designations. On large installations, an item’s ‘‘designated area’’ can be specified to assist in product organization and handling. To expedite complete / correct entry of your order, be certain all pattern numbers, quantities, colors and area identifications are completely specified. Also, include complete purchase order numbers, bill-to and ship-to addresses, a contact name and specific factory shipping dates required. Mail all orders to: Knoll, Inc. 1235 Water Street P.O. Box 157 East Greenville, PA 18041 Attention: Order Entry Once your order is entered at Knoll, an acknowledgment will be mailed to you. You will be advised of your scheduled shipping date within five days of the original acknowledgment. If it is necessary to revise your order, please contact your customer resource representative. Sustainability Statement Sustainable design is a key component of Knoll’s environmental focus. Our commitment to social responsibility and a healthy environment has prompted us to further articulate our longstanding environmental programs and, with encouragement and support from our colleagues in the industry, we have re-energized our focus on such ‘‘green’’ initiatives as life cycle analysis and LEED™ certification. Knoll is proud to have contributed to projects that have received LEED certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. For the latest information on Knoll products that help our customers achieve LEED certification, log on to, click on ‘‘About Knoll’’ and then ‘‘Environmental Focus.’’ 245
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