“Crisis in Europe, Europe in Crisis – Financial Markets, Regions
“Crisis in Europe, Europe in Crisis – Financial Markets, Regions
“Crisis in Europe, Europe in Crisis – Financial Markets, Regions, Cities and Uneven Development in Europe” International Seminar (Hamburg, 3rd & 4th May 2012) Thursday, 03.05.12 Time Chair Registration 14:00 Welcome from the Principal of the HafenCity University Hamburg, Dr. Walter Pelka 14:15 Introduction and Welcome, Prof Dr. Gernot Grabher & Tim Heinemann 14:30 Keynote: Economic Geographies of Finance: Travels in Time and Space (Roger Lee, Queen Mary, University of London) 15:30 Intervention (Dariusz Wojcik, University of Oxford) 16:45 From bank- vs. market-based to local- vs. international-oriented financial systems: The case of German saving banks (Stefan Gärtner & Franz Floegel, IAT Gelsenkirchen) Martin Sokol 13:30 16:15 Coffee Break Dynamics of Capital Re-‐Switching within and beyond Europe (David Bassens & Michel van Meerteren , University of Ghent) 17:00 New Investment circuits as a response to the Crisis. What consideration for the territorial and sustainability issues? (Victoriya Salomon, University of Neuchatel) Keynote: Reforms of the international financial system and the role of the G20s and the IMF (Gustav Bager, Hungarian Audit Office ) Finish 17:15 18:15 19:30 Dinner at the Restaurant Warsteiner Elbspeicher, Große Elbstrasse 39, 22767 Hamburg (Ferry to the Restaurant leaves at 18:20; 18:35; 18:50 from Standtorhöft pier) Zoltan Gal 16:30 Friday, 04.05.12 Time Chair 10:00 The financialisation of urban development: Tax Increment Financing in Newcastle upon Tyne (Thomas Strickland, University of Newcastle upon Tyne) 10:30 A Fetish and Fiction of Finance: Unravelling the Sub-prime Crisis (Erica, Pani, Queen Mary, University of London) 11:00 Coffee Break 11:15 Financial FDI in Central Eastern Europe revisited (Magdolna Sass, Hungarian Academy of Science & Zoltan Gal, University of Pecs) 11:45 Spatial impacts of deposit collection and lending practices of commercial banks by the oligopol market structures in Hungary (Balázs György, Corvinius University Budapest) The role of financial services offshoring in CEE – Tackling the crisis: the cases of Czechia and Hungary (Pavel Ptacek, Palacky University & Zoltan Gal, University of Pecs) Lunch at La Baracca Restaurant (Italian Cuisine), Am Sandtorkai 44, 20457 Hamburg 12:00 12:30 How the crisis influences the uneven development of Ukrainian regions (Olga Shevchenko, National Institute of Strategic Studies) 14:15 Learning from the crisis: Is finance ready for (permanent) inter-firm collaboration? (Christian Baumeister, Catholic University, Eichstaett) 14:30 Final Discussions 16:00 End Martin Sokol 13:30 Dariusz Wojcik Keynote: The Housing Market and Urban Development after the Financial Crisis (Gary Dymski, University of California at Riverside) Tim Heinemann 09:00