Order of Daedalians - flight
Order of Daedalians - flight
Order of Daedalians Frank P. Lahm, Flight 9 January 2016 JANUARY MEETING: WRIGHT-PATT CLUB Third Tuesday, 19 JANUARY, 1800 Social, 1900 Dinner Our January meeting will be at the Wright-Patt. Club at our normal time (Social starting at 1800, Meal at 1900). Menu: The menu will consist of Baked Herb Chicken; Swiss Steak; 7-Layer Salad; Wild Rice Pilaf; Stir Fry Fresh Vegetables; Buttered Corn; assorted Pies and Carrot Cake; and wine for toasting. Reservations: Call our Provost Marshall, Ed Mentzer (937-426-8807) by COB, 14 Jan,, as the Club requires an initial count on Friday, 15 Jan. If you cannot call by Thursday, Ed will still accept reservations through Monday, 18 Jan. For those who prefer e-mail, Ed will take e-mail reservations at: reservations@flight9.org. You may also make a reservation via the Apollo system. Cancellations must be made by Monday, 18 Jan., to avoid being billed for the price of the meal. FROM THE COCKPIT (FLT CAPTAIN'S LOG: 1 - 16): Happy New Year to all! For our next meeting on January 19th, Flight-9 member, Jay Strayer, will talk about the Son Tay POW Rescue Attempt. Jay’s talk is titled, “Luck, Skill or Divine Intervention?” He will share some of his experiences flying helicopters, including his participation in the attempt to rescue POWs in the middle of the night 45 years ago from the Son Tay Prison Camp, a mere 21 miles from the NVN capital of Hanoi during the Vietnam War. STANDARD DEBRIEF ITEMS: PREVIOUS FLIGHT LEG (15 Dec 2015): Last month we celebrated the holidays with a wonderful sit-down meal complete with entertainment by the Shakertown Stompers. Following dinner, DJ Greg Garrett played dancing music. All had a jolly time. FLIGHT PLANNING (MISSION, PLANNED ROUTE OF FLIGHT, STANDARD ROUTE FIXES AND WAYPOINTS): APPROACH TO A FULL STOP: We are still in the process of confirming and lining up speakers for the remainder of 2016. Please let us know if you want to do a presentation or know of someone willing to come speak to us. NOTAMS: This is a reminder for you to get your new Daedalian business cards. Please use these as a recruiting tool to pass out to prospective new members. See Ed Mentzer if you still need cards. The card has our meeting and website info on it. I challenge all of you to bring in a new member this year. Please be sure to mail back your ballot and dues envelope. Don’t forget that National has separate dues that also must be paid. Please consider making a donation to our Airpower Promotion Fund (APF) this year so we may continue to expand our Flight-9 scholarship initiatives and further enhance our Daedalian objectives. For the year 2015 the following members are Air Power Promotion Champions and have contributed $100 or more to our Air Power Promotion Fund: Janet Golart Roger McClure Michael Nowak Bill Schaff Larry Bogemann Kathy Staiger Ed Hosbach Ed Mentzer Jim Verstreat Wayne Gamble Don Stroud Denny Crouch Colin Kowalski Thank you for your generosity! NEXT FLIGHT-9 EXECUTIVE COUNCIL MEETING (TOUCH-N-GO): The next meeting of the Executive Council will be at 1130, Tuesday the 26th of January at the Hope Hotel – Packy’s. All members are invited to attend. 2 Volabamus...Volamus (We Flew...We Fly) – Kathy Staiger Frank P. Lahm, Flight-9 Web Page: http://Flight-9.org/ OR https://apollo.daedalians.org/site Officers Chairs, Committees Membership Jim VerStreate (937) 542-1654 Membership@Flight-9.org (937) 429-2240 Captain@Flight-9.org Scholarships Bernie Fullenkamp (937) 848-5951 Scholarship@Flight-9.org Ed Conant (937) 706-1302 FltDeputy@Flight-9.org Programs Steve Goeman (937) 306-8156 Programs@Flight-9.org Provost Marshall Ed Mentzer (937) 426-8807 Reservations@Flight-9.org Junior ROTC Jack Morris 937-427-1547 Ltcmorris@aol.com Treasurer Curt Nelson (937) 372-7050 Treasurer@Flight-9.org Publicity Janet Golart (937) 429-1718 Publicity@Flight-9.org Adjutant Bob Shaw (937) 429-0997 Adjutant@Flight-9.org Flight Chaplain Lee Smith (937) 435-3000 Chaplain@Flight-9.org Honorary Flight Captain Maj Gen Thomas J. Masiello Flight Captain Kathy Staiger Deputy Flt Captain 3
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Order of Daedalians - flight
Executive Council will be at 1130, Tuesday May 24th at the Hope Hotel – Packy’s. All members are invited to