177 -177 -177 Fl 77 Fl 175 FI11 Fl 175 FI11 i
177 -177 -177 Fl 77 Fl 175 FI11 Fl 175 FI11 i
Date Debit $ 2/14/2000 Method Description 1,010.00 Cashiers Check Parkwood Apartments 2/25/2000 2/25/2000 2/25/2000 $ $ $ 2/28/2000 3/5/2000 3/7/2000 $ $ $ 387.00 355.53 DC 21.95 DC Huggy Bear Insurance Target WebTV Network Services 3/22/2000 3/27/2000 4/3/2000 4/3/2000 47472000 471072000 $ 34.95 VC DC 478.00 Check 1080 104.00 Check 1080 74.00 DC 11.54 DC VMI Target Parkwood Apt, #150 Pacific Bell National Air College Inc International Groceries $ $ $ ~$ 4/12/2000 4/1 5/2000 $ 2,300.00 Check 1040 300.00 ATM 55.21 Cash 700.00 Check 1082 DC Khalid Cash withdrawal California Motor Works Language Instruction Centrum Target 4/30/2000 $ 775.00 Check 1084 Parkwood Apartments 5/4/2000 5/5/2000 5/9/2000 $ $ $ 329.45 DC 130.81 DC 8.00 Check 1085 Marv Golden Discount Sales Inc Gibbs Flying Service Parkwood Apartments 5/30/2000 $ 136.77 VC Courtyard By Marriott, New York 5/31/2000 $ 1,382.22 TC 6/2/2000 ?? 6/2/2000 $ 250.88 VC $ 110.00 Cash 6/4/2000 Cash • 6/7/2000 6/21/2000 ?? $ 6/22/2000 ?? Check ?? 99.13 Ch 101 Cash Accent on Language Czechbslovakian Airlines (6/3 CSA 52 CZ-EWR; 7/30 CSA EWR-CZ) Mohamed Atta Best Western Hotels, New York Note State Hijacker Bank Flight 7 Khalid Almidhar and Nawaf Alhazmi apartment rental, unit # 150; 4 month lease starting 2/5/00; moved out on 5/31/00 San Diego CA Khalid Almihdhar BOA Fl 77 Cashed by Khalid Almidhar; Likely used to purchase 1988 Toyota Corolla from Azeddine Abbadi; Registered on 2/28 in the name of Khalid Almidhar; Car registered on 6/2 in the name of Nawaf Alhazmi; CA BOA CA Khalid Almihdhar Khalid Almihdhar Khalid AI-Mihdhar BOA Cash FI77 FI77 FI77 CA CA CA Khalid Almihdhar Khalid Almihdhar Kh ald ATrnThd ha r BOA BOA BOA FI77 FF77 "~ FI77 Dresdner-GER-VC BOA Fl 175 FI77 FI77 -I 77 -177 -177 Payment for car repairs for 1988 Toyota Corolla City San Diego San Diego Khalid Almihdhar purchase of auto insurance for 1988 Toyota Corolla; six month policy #60475921-0 San Diego San Diego CA Marwan Alshehhi payment for adult internet services San Diego Almihdhar payment of rent for April 2000 Phone bill Introductory one hour flight lesson for Nawaf Alhazmi San Diego San Diego Payment by Khalid Almidhar for Nawaf Alhazmi's registration for beginning, intermediate and conversational English class (April 12 - May 9, 2000) San Diego San Diego Khalid Almidhar and Nawaf Alhazmi apartment rental, unit # 150; 4 month lease starting 2/5/00; moved out on 5/31/00 Purchase by Almidhar two MG-40 headsets, 1 Jeppersen Deluxe Kit, 1 Jeppersen log book and 1 San Diego terminal chart; San Diego Flying lessons for Almidhar and Alhazmi San Diego Marwan Alshehhi payrheht for hoteTstay Room ??; checked in ??; checked out ??; Marwan Atshehhi payment for "English as a Second Language" course dates 6/1 through 6/29, 9AM-1PM M-F; fees includes tuition, room (one week) and board; Mohamed Atta purchase of airline ticket; 7/30 ticket not used Marwan Alshehtii payment for hoterstay Room ??; checked in ??; checked out ??; Purchase of Motorola "flip" cell phone and $50 Omnipoint prepaid calling card; Oatavision Lufthansa Airlines (6/TO r_H 457 UAX- ~ FRA; 6/10 LH 636 FRA-Muscat,Oman ) Khalid Almihdhar Almihdhar purchase of airline ticket " ' Pacific Bell (868-2/9-5919) Marwsn Alshehhi car rental; ChewaterCavalierNY plate YRK8520; checked out on 6/22/00; returned on National Car Rental 6/24/00; 542 miles driven CA CA Marwan Alshehhi Khalid Almihdhar Khalid Almihdhar Khalid Almihdhar ~ Khalid~Almihdhar Khalid Almihdhar CA CA Khalid Almihdhar - KhaTid Almihdhar CA BOA BOA BOA BOA BOA BOA - CA CA -177 FI77 ~ - - - - - - - Khalid Almihdhar BOA FI77 Khalid Almihdhar Khalid Almihdhar Khalid Almihdhar 30A BOA BOA FI77 Fl 77 FI77 i/larwan Alshehhi Dresdner-GER-VC Fl 175 TC FI175 New York NY Marwan Alshehhi . . Prague CZ Mohamed Atta Cash FI11 Man/van Alshehhi Dresdner-GER-VC Fl 175 NY Mohamed Atta Cash FI11 CA Khalid Almihdhar 1Nawaf Alhazmi ?? FI77 FI77 Marwan Alshehhi Cash New York New York NY - BOA i Date 6/22/2000 Debit ;$ Method Description $ 6/26/2000 6/28/2000 $ $ 6/29/2000 ?? 6/29/2000 6/29/2000 7/5/2000 ?? $ $ Cash DC 136.96 Check 94 Ramp Motors Inc Florida Flight Training Center American Airlines (7/2 AA 325 LGAORD; 7/2 AA 1497 ORD-OKC; 7/7 AA 1798 OKC-DFW; 7/7 DFW-LGA) Marwan Alshehhi American Airlines (7/2 AA 325 LGAORD; 7/2 AA 1497 ORD-OKC; 7/7 AA 1798 OKC-DFW; 7/7 DFW-LGA) Mohamed Atta Best Produce Venice Flying Service 7/5/2000 7/5/2000 $ $ 136.00 Cash 14.52 Debit Charles and Drucilla Voss Check Order Fee ?? $ $ 7/10/2000 $ 7/11/2000 7/11/2000 7/12/2000 $ $ $ ^V ^ City State 62.00 6/25/2000 7/6/2000 7/6/2000 7/6/2000 Noie^ 220.00 Cash 274.99 Cash 1,000.00 Check 93 Cash 5.00 Cash ?? 400.00 Check 97 368.00 Check 96" 4,200.00 Check 166.00 Check 90.00 Check 1001 600.00 Check 1002 Sandy Renz Sarasota Auto Rentals Florida Flight Training Center Sunglass Express & RX Cash WCG Fl 175 Fl 93 Purchase of airline ticket; No show for 7/7 flights New York NY Marwan Alshehhi Cash FI175 Purchase of airline ticket; No show for 7/7 flights New York La Mesa NY Mohamed Atta Mawaf Alhazmi Ziad Jarrah Cash BOA FI11 CA Atta and Alshehhi stayed at the Voss home from 7/5/00 through 7/12/00; Voss charged $17 night rent; Venice vlohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Ziad Jarrah FL MarwanlAlshefihi and'MorJamexTAtfa cat• rental; Blue Aries; checked out on 7/6/00; returned prior to due date of 7/13/00; 1 15 miles driven Sarasota Ziad Jarrah payment for flight school Allstate Insurance Arthur R. Drbba, J.DV; M.D. Florida Flight Training Center Venice Village FL Mohamed Atta Suntrust FI11 FL Mohamed Atta Ziad Jarrah Ziad Jarrah Suntrust WCG WCG FI11 Sarasota FIT 2,000.00 Check 581 Cash " " ' 75:00 Cash Huffman Aviation Inc. Arthur R. Droba, J.D., M.D. Arthur H. Droba, J.U., M.u. Marwan Alshehhi PaymerilWrFAA Medical exam' Payment tor f-AA Medical exam; Venice Sarasota Sarasota FL FL FL 7/26/2000 $ 2,000.00 Check 585 Huffman Aviation Inc. Marwan Alshehhi Venice FL 7/27/2000 $ 250.00 Huffman Aviation Inc. Venice FL 7/28/2000 7/31/2000 $ $ 74.34 DC 198.00 Wal-Mart Supercenter South Coast Auto Insurance Venice San Diego FL CA" -- Exxon =193 =l"93 Fl 93 $ 9? $ 49.27 DC Cash WCG WCG 7/18/2000 7/2472000"" 7/24/2000 $ FI77 -I 93 Cash ?? WCG The Rental Company 8/2/2000 WCG Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Ziad' Jarrah Ziad Jarrah FL 1,690.00 Check Allstate Insurance FI77 Marwan Alshehhi Ziad Jarrah $ 188.40 Check 586 BOA Cash 7/16/2000 $ Flight Mawaf Alhazmi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Atta and Alshehhi Initial payment for rental of apartment located at 516 West Laurel Road, Venice, FL; 6 month lease 7/16/00 - 1/14/01; $550 per month 8/2/2000 Bank Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi apartment rental; stayed from 6/25 through 7/2; Brooklyn NY Marwan Alshehhi and MohamedAfia car 'rental; 1999 Blue Ford Escort NY plate Z927ZJ; checked out at 6:10 PM on 6/26/00; returned 4:08 PM on 7/1/00; 623 miles driven Port Jefferson NY Ziad Jarrah payment for flight school FL MohamedAtta; used to purchase 1989 Red Pontiac Grand Prix from Cramer Toyota, Venice, FL Mohamed Atta payment for automobile Insurance for 1989 Red Pontiac Grand Prix; policy number 661122635 effective 7/10/00 through 9/7/01; Payment for FAA Medical exam; Payment for flight training Mohamed Atta Hijacker _ MohamedAtta payment for automobile Insurance for 1989 Red Pontiac Grand Prix; policy number 661122635 effective 7/10/00 through 9/7/01; Venice -- — FL Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi tflohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta MotTaffied Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Moffamed AltaTMarwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi >lawaf Alhazmi i/lohamed Atta Mohamed Atta/Marwan 'Mshehhi FI93 FI93 Suntrust Suntrust Cash" Cash Fl 175 F111 Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust BOA Fl 77" Suntrust FI11 Suntrust Date Debit 8/2/2000 $ Method 25.11 DC Description Wal-Mart Supercenter 5000 DC Verizon Telepay 15.00 Wire Fedwire transfer fee Trn #005508 7.50 Service Charge Service Charge 8/10/2000 $ 27.71 DC DM4738.8 DM4775 Wire 8/15/2000 Wire FL Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust FL $ $ $ 8/15/2000 Venice Marwan Alshehhi 8/7/2000 8/7/2000 8/7/2000 550.00 Check 589 10.97 Bank Huffman Aviation Inc. $ $ $ Hijacker OH 8/7/2000 8/14/2000 8/14/2000" State Sporty's Catalog $ 2,000.00 Check 584 City Mohamed Atta purchase of an AOPA Time* Ironman Chronograph watch and two £68 handheld electronic flight computers Batavia 8/4/2000 201.60 DC Note Mohamed Atta Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Marwan Alshehhi Ziad Jarrah MohamedAtta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Nawaf Aihazmi Suntrust BOA Fl 77 Wire Transfer to FFTC'for night schboTiuiiion;~$2,200 USD Ramzi Binalshibh CITI-GER LINK CITI-GER LINK Possible purchase of two $20 phone cards Ramzi Binalshibh Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Exxon $ 42.80 DC Kwik Check #1 1 8/15/2000 $ 20.00 DC Mobil Oil Venice FL La Mesa CA Atta and Alshehhi rent payment for apartment located at 516 West Laurel Road, Venice, FL Florida Flight Training Center Fee for wire transfer to Florida Flight Training Center 8/15/2000 Venice TX FL The Rental Company BestfPrdduce Venice FL Venice FL FFTC Ziad Jarrah purchase of $20 phone card (Satellite Domestic and International phone card) Venice FL Huffman Aviation Inc. Marwan Alshehhi Venice FL 8/15/2000 $ 8/16/2000 $ 8/17/2000 $ 37.02 DC Wal-Mart Supercenter Venice FL 8/18/2000 $ 20.00 DC Mobil Venice FL 8/21/2000 8/21/2000 $ $ 58.24 DC 20.00 DC Wal-Mart Supercenter AAA Auto Repair Venice La Mesa FL CA 8/22/2000 $ 50.00 DC Verizon Telepay 8/23/2000 $ 8/23/2000 $ 8/24/2000 $ 8/25/2000 $ 8/28/2000 $ 43.80 DC Kwik Check #1 1 8/28/2000 $ 28.76 DC Wal-Mart Supercenter - - - -— $ 22.05 DC - Air-Cadia Inc 15.00 Wire Fedwire transfer fee 8/30/2000 8/30/2000 $ 8/31/2000 $ 20.00 Cash 2,000.00 Check 583 2,000.00 Check 591 20.00 Cash 130.00 DC 2.69 DC 240.00 DC TX Huffman Aviation Inc. Marwan Alshehhi Ziad Jarrah purchase of $20 phone card (Satellite Domestic and International phone card) FFTC Willette Auto Venice FL Venice FL Venice Island FL Piedmont Hawthorne Aviation - - -- Possible purchase of two $20 phone cards — - — Lakeland FL Venice FL Venice FL Arcadia FL Willette Auto Flight FL Venice Island FL Ziad Jarrah vToh~arnecTAHa7Marwah Alshehhi vlohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi NawafAlhazmi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi ~ MohamedAtta/Marwan Alshehhi Ziad Jarrah MoRaftied Atta/Marwan Alshehhi vlohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi MohamedAtta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan"" Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust FI11 Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust «CG - Fl 175 Fl 93 "' Suntrust j Suntrust Suntrust Cash r !93 Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust BOA FI77 Suntrust Suntrust Cash Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust FI93 -- City State Hijacker Bank Flight Mervyns San Diego CA BOA FI77 29.39 DC 14.00 DC Wal-Mart Supercenter Circuit City Venice La Mesa FL CA Suntrust 30A Fl~77 61.38 DC 14:00 DC 7.50 Debit Wal-Mart Supercenter CircuifCity Service Charge Venice La Mesa FL CA ^iawaf Alhazmi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Nawaf Alhazmi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi ^awaf Alhazmi Ziad Jarrah Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/lvlarwan Alshehhi Suntrust BOA WCG Fl 77 FT93 Debit 8/31/2000 $ 18.08 9/1/2000 9/7/2000 $ $ 9/7/2000 9/7/2000 9/8/2000 $ $ $ 9/10/2000 $ 1,000.00 Check 601 Huffman Aviation Inc. 9/12/2000 $ 550.00 Check 602 The Rental Company 9/12/2000 $ 48.70 ;DC Wal-Mart Supercenter 9/13/2000 $ 50.00 DC Verizon Telepay 9/14/2000 $ 43.80 DC Kwik Check #1 1 9/14/2000 $ 20.00 Cash FFTC 9/15/2000 $ 120.00 Check 603 I.N.S. 9/15/2000 9718/2000 $ f "" 120.00 Check 604 400:00 Check 605" I.N.S. Mohamed Atta 9/18/2000 $ 19.00 DC Chevron Rally 9/18/2000 $ 15.00 Wire Fedwire transfer fee 9/19/2000 $ 37.59 DC Wal-Mart Supercenter 9/19/2000 9/22/2000 $ $ 6.27 DC 24.37 DC Publix Nokomis Start Your Engine (Jiffy Lube) Payment for service>for 1989 Pontiac D79-DDV Venice CondofTI 0729THT23T3US-TRA; 1 0/29 DE 07178 FRA-TPA; 12/28 DE 4050 TPA-Ft. Myers; 12/28 DE 4051 Ft. Myers- Purchase of airplane tickets; the 12/28/00 tickets were FRA) Ziad Jarrah not used Bochum VemceTlyjng~Service Parking Ticket 81 3001 81 ~ " Casn withdrawal 9/25/2000 9/25/2000 9/26/2000 Method Description Date DM1429 Cash $~ 35.00 Check 1003 2,000.00 DM ATM Note Marwan Alshehhi Venice Aifa and 'Alshehhi rent payment for apartment located at 51 6 West Laurel Road, Venice, FL FL Venice FL • TX - Possible purchase of two $20 phone cards Ziad Jarrah purchase of $20 phone card (Satellite Domestic and International phone card) Venice FL Venice FL -- Sarasota FL FL Venice 9/26/2000 $ 80.42 DC Wal-Mart 9/26/2000 $ 53.76 DC Wal-Mart Supercenter 9/28/2000 $ 2,000.00 Check 597 Jones Flying Service, Inc. Sarasota 9/28/2000 $ 1,000.00 Check 596 Jones Flying Service, Inc Sarasota 9/28/2000 $ 35.00 Check 103 Parking Management Nawaf Alhazmi payment for parking violation issued on 8/29/00; Blue Toyota 4D, CA plate 3JFZZ83 9/30/2000 $ 47.34 DC Wal-Mart Supercenter Purchase of groceries; 10/2/2000 $ 6.00 DC Wal-Mart Supercenter Sarasota - -- - - -- Venice FL FL FL Ziad Jarrah vlohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi vlbhamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi vlohamed Atta UbhamecTAtfaMarwan Alshehhi vlohamed AttaTMarwari Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi MofJarfied^Atfa/Marwan Alshehhi vlohamed Atta Ziad Jarrah Ziad Jarrah vlarwan Alshehhi GER - -- Mohameastta/Marwan Alshehhi FL ""• Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi FL Wohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan FL Alshehhi FL GER Venice FL Venice FL Mawaf Alhazmi Mohamed AttaTMarwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust - - Suntrust Cash FI93 Suntrust Suntrust Sunfrusi r"'1 Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust FI11 Cash WCG " Dresdrier-GER FI93 Fl 93 Fl 175 Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust BOA Suntrust Suntrust FI77 -- bate Debit 10/4/2000 $ 50.30 DC 10/5/2000 10/9/2000 $ $ 41.44 DC 12.84 DC 10/10/2000 $ 10/10/2000 $ 10/11/2000 Method 2,000.00 Check 611 19.01 DC Check Deposit 10/11/2000 $ 550.00 Check 598 10/12/2000 ?? ?? Description Note Hawthorne Ocala (Piedmont/Hawthorne Aviation) Marwan Alshehhi purchase of 1 7. 9 gallons of airplane fuel; Ocala Wal-Mart Supercenter Island Photograph Payment for passport photograph; 3:00 PM Venice Venice FL Huffman Aviation Inc. Marwan Alshehhi Venice FL Nokomis FL Sarasota Endorsed by Mohamed Atta Atta and Alshehhi rent payment for apartment located at 516 West Laurel Road, Venice, FL FL Purchase of airline ticket by Senguen Bochum GER Ziad Jarrah Purchase of airline ticket by Senguen Bochum GER Marwan Alshehhi Sarasota FL Sarasota FL Speed/SM 8233 Jones Flying Service, Inc. The Rental Company Air France (10/14 AM 607 DUS-PAR; 10/16 PAR-DUS) Aysel Senguen Air France (10714 AF~f667 DUS-PAR; 10/16 PAR-DUS) Ziad Jarrah City3 State Hijacker Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi FL FL . Bank - -- Flight Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust FI175 Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust f??- --::- -I 93 10/12/2000 ?? 10/12/2000 $ 10/12/2000 $ 23.43 DC Sahara Cafe & MA 10/13/2000 $ 41.88 DC Wal-Mart Supercenter Purchase of groceries; Venice FL 10/18/2000 $ Huffman Aviation Inc. Venice FL 10/18/2000 $ 101.25 DC Burdines #0040 Sarasota FL Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust Fl 175 10/18/2000 $ 58.85 DC Burdines #0040 Marwan Alshehhi Marwan Alshehhi purchase of dress shirt and dress slacks; 1:05 PM Marwan Alshehhi purchase of men's fragrance; f:20 PM Ziad Jarrah Vtohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi MohamedAtta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Sarasota FL Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust " FI175 10/18/2000 $ 53.49 DC Burdines #0040 Marwan Alshehhi purchase of men's shoes; 12:50 PM Sarasota FL Suntrust Fl 175 10/21/2000 $ 40.43 DC Wal-Mart Supercenter Venice FL 10/22/2000 $ 71.30 DC Sky Harbor Corp (Exxon Airworld) Purchase of groceries; Marwan Alshehhi purchase of fuel for airplane; tail number N555HA regsitered to Huffman Aviation Jacksonville FL 10/24/2000 $ Huffman Aviation Inc. Marwan Alshehhi Venice FL 10/25/2000 $ Wal-Mart Supercenter Venice MafwarTAIsTiefih/ return of men's woven shirt; 4:22 PM Sarasota Marwan Alshehhi purchase or men 's woven shirt and item from Claiborne collection; 4:22 PM Sarasota Mohamed Atrapufchase of 26 gallons of airplane fuel; Cessna 152N554HA; 5:55 AM; Brunswick Marwan Alshehhi MoFTamedAtfaTMarwah Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi \/lohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi 10/27/2000 ?? 2,000.00 Check 610 2,000.00 Check 61 6 2,000.00 Check 614 32.44 DC Jones Aviation Service DC Burdines #0040 10/27/2000 $ 98.96 DC Burdines #0040 10/28/2000 $ 73.31 DC Glynco-Manning Aviation 10/30/2000 $ 50.00 DC Verizon Telepay 11/2/2000 $ 11/2/2000 $ 36.79 DC 11/2/2000 $ 18.33 DC 11/3/2000 $ 2,000.00 Check 61 3 77.24 DC FL FL FL "GA TX Huffman Aviation Inc. Marwan Alshehhi Venice FL Walmart Supercenter Purchase of groceries; 9:25 PM Venice FL Lakeland FL "- Brunswick GA Piedmont Hawthorne Aviation Glynco-Manning Aviation MohamecIAtta purchase of 29. 5 gallons of airplane fuel; Cessna 152 N554HA; 7:29 AM; •• i/larwan Alshehhi MoTiamea Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi = I93 Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust- t untrust untrust Suntrust Suntrust -- Suntrust Suntrust FI175 Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust -- Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Date Debit 11/3/2000 $ Method 26.57 DC Description Note Aviation Center CJty State Hijacker Bank Stuart FL Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust Venice FL Ziad Jarrah Cash FI93 Batavia OH Mohamed Atta Suntrust FI11 Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi NawarAlhazmi Ziad Jarrah Suntrust BOA i/VCG FI77 FI93 Suntrust Fl 175 1 1/3/2000 $ 11/5/2000 $ 106.90 DC 11/6/2000 11/6/2000 11/7/2000 $ $ $ 140.00 DC 23.46 DC 7.50 Debit 11/8/2000 $ 55.82 DC Ziad Jarrah purchase of $20 phone card (Satellite Domestic and International phone card) FFTC Mbfiarhed Atta purchase of Boeing 747-200 flight deck video, Boeing 757-200 flight deck video, and Sporty's Catalog book "Flying Jets-Aircraft and Simulators" MarwanAlshehhi and Mohamed ATta'payment for FAA/FCC Computer Instrument Rating Airplane Test; tested at Huffman (Computer Assistance Testing Services) Aviation; $70 per test; Papa John's Pizza Service Charge Payment for W3'gallonsdf^irplahe~fue/; Piper Sun Aviation/Vero Beach Aviation airplane tail number N555HA; 11/11/2000 $ 59.42 DC Wal-Mart Supercenter Purchase of groceries; 11/12/2000 $ 2,000.00 Check 61 2 Huffman Aviation Inc. 11/14/2000 $ 550.00 Check 620 The Rental Company 11/14/2000 11/16/2000 $ $ 130.57 Ck619 10.76 VC The Rental Company Old Navy Marwan Alshehhi Venice Atta and AlstiefihTreni paynTenrforaparimenl f located at 516 West Laurel Road, Venice, FL Atta ahd'AlsfjeKhl'paymentJdr apartment located at 516 West Laurel Road, Venice, FL San Diego 11/18/2000 $ 29.29 DC Wal-Mart (Star Purchase) Venice FL 11/20/2000 11/20/2000 $ i$ 41.85 DC 10.16 DC ; Boca Aviation Manila Seafood Oriental Market Boca Raton National City FL CA 11/21/2000 $ Venice FL 11/22/2000 $ 22.92 DC Burdines #0040 Sarasota FL 11/23/2000 $ 33.00 DC Talahassee Airfield 11/23/2000 $ 26.70 DC Hawthorne Ocala (Piedmont/Hawthorne Aviation) 11/23/2000 $ 26.00 DC Dunnellon Airport 20.00 Cash 2,000.00 Check 61 5 Huffman Aviation Inc. Mohamed Atta Marwan Alshehhi purchase of men's sweater; 4:27 PM San Diego FL CA Vero Beach FL Venice FL Purchase of airplane fuel; 3:57 PM Tallahassee Marwan Alshehhi purchase of 9. 5 gallons of airplane fuel; Cessna 150 registered to Huffman Aviation; 1:14 PM; Ocala Marwan Alshehhi purchase of 13 gallons of airplane fuel; Cessna 150 regisitered to Huffman Aviation; 5:41 PM Dunnellon Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi MToTiamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi vlohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Nawaf Aihazmi vlohamed AlfaTMafwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi MawafAlhazmi vldfiarned Atta/Marwan Alshehhi FL CA FL Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi FL Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi $ 42.83 DC Wal-Mart Supercenter 11/27/2000 $ 28.36 DC International Flight Center 11/28/2000 $ 32.33 DC International Flight Center 11/29/2000 11/29/2000 12/1/200IT T2/T/2000 $ 29.70 $ 5:00 $--—2,000700 $ 86.43 12/1/2000 $ DC DCCheck 501 DC ' •-" 50.00 ;DC Stuart Jet Center BesTProduce Huffman Aviation Inc. Start YouTEngine (Jiffy LlJDeT Primeco Telepay Purchase of groceries; 11:46PM Venice Paymenrfof1cr7gallons'aJfplane fuel; aircraft tail """ number N225HA Miami Payment for T2:2~gWons~atfpIaiie~fueTaircraft tail number N225HA Miami Marwan Alshehhi purchase of 10 gallons Avgas airplane fuel for a Cesna 150 aircraft; 4:34 PM Stuart La Mesa Venice" PaymemJorservice for 1989 Pontiac D79-DDV Venice " Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust BOA ... _ ™__ Suntrust Suntrust BOA FI77 Suntrust Fl 175 Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust FL Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi FL Mohamed Atta Suntrust FI11 FL Mohamed Atta Suntrust FI11 FL - 11/25/2000 Flight FL JCA FL FL MarwanAlshehhi NawafAIKazffli MarwafTAtshehhi Mohamed Atta Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust Suntrust Buntrust "BOA Suntfust ~ Suntfust puntrust " Fl 175 F177 "FI175 " fill • "" . .. bate Debit Method Description ?? Luftahansa (12/2 LH 4540 HAM-LON; 12/9 LH 0477 LON-HAM) Ramzi Binalshibh Note ^ City State Hijacker " 12/2/2000 77 12/3/2000 12/4/2000 $ $ 16.75 DC 106.57 ^ 12/5/2000 $ 40.79 DC Venetian Cleaner 12/5/2000 $ 32.03 DC Chevron Atlantic - - Wal-Mart Supercenter WaT-lMart (Sam's Club) 12/5/2000 12/6/2000 $ $ 20.00 Cash 36.33 DC FFTC Daytona Airfield 12/7/2000 $ 56.32 Check 1004 The Atlanta Casualty Companies 12/7/2000 12/772000 $ $ 46.54 DC 7.50 Debit Chevron Glades Service Charge 12/9/2000 $ 12/10/2000 $ 12/11/2000 12/1372000 $ $ 12/15/2000 ?? Cash 12/15/2000 $ 2,850.00 Cash 2,000.00 Check 504 Purchase of groceries; Ziad Jarrah purchase of $20 phone card (Satellite Domestic and International phone card) Purchase of airplane fuel; Tail number N225HA; Ziad Jarratrpaymeht for auto insurance; Policy 12390951; insured vehicle 1990 Red Mitsubishi Eclipse Venice San Diego FL CA Nokomis FL Melbourne FL Venice FL Daytona Bead FL Pahokee FL Huffman Aviation Inc. Marwan Alshehhi Venice FL 37.73 DC Wal-Mart Supercenter Purchase of groceries; Venice FL 76.95 DC 44.52 Sporty's Catalog Giado World 12/15/2000 $ 32.77 DC 12/15/2000 $ 16.81 DC 12/16/2000 ?? ?? 12/16/2000 ?? ?? - 12/16/2000 $ 154.05 DC 119.93 DC Holiday Inn Express Aeroservice Aviation Center, Inc Wal-Mart Supercenter Chevron Glades ContihentaTAirliries (1/5 C037 DUSEWR; 1/5 CO 561 EWR-TPA) Aysel Senguen CbnTinenfaTATrlines(T/5-CO3TD0S~EWR; 1/5 CO 561 EWR-TPA) Ziad Jarrah ._ _ Island City Flying Service 12/17/2000 $ 12/18/2000 $ 2,000.00 Ck502 Huffman Aviation Inc. 12/18/2000 $ 2,000.00 Ck503 Huffman Aviation Inc. 12/18/2000 $ 125.55 DC Waycross-Ware County Airport Waycross-Ware County Airport Ramzi Binalshibh MbTfamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Nawaf Alhazmi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Payment for airline tickets MohamedAtta purchase of Boeing 767-300ER flight deck video, Airbus A320-200 flight deck video OH Batavia Meiz(Mesa?) AZ Payment for hotel stay Room 316; checked in on 12/15/00; checked out on 12/18/00 Miami Springs FL •- • -Jarrah payment fdrflight simulator training; 12/15 2hrs 727-300; 12/16 4hrs. 727-300; 12/17 2 hrs. 727-300; 12/18 2 hrs. 737-200; Miami FL Purchase of groceries; Purchase of airline tickets by Senguen Bank F— • UNK jSuntrust jBOA FlT7~" Suntrust ' Suntrust Ziad Jarrah Mohamed Atta Cash 'Suntrust FI93 Ziad Jarrah Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Ziad Jarrah Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi WCG FI93 Suntrust WCG FI9T puntrust Mohamed Atta NawaTAIhazmi Suntrust BOA FI11 FI77 Ziad Jarrah Cash =193 Cash r !93 FL Pahokee FL Frankfurt GER Ziad Jarrah GER Ziad Jarrah •?? Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust Venice Venice Marwan Alshehhi purchase of 55.8 galtens~6f airplane fuel; tail number N769HA; 9:34 AM Waycross FI11 puntrust Venice Purchase of airline tickets by Senguen Frankfurt Marwan Alshehhi 'purchase of 51.8 gallons of airplane fuel; tail number N769HA owned by Aero Jet Service Center Key West Moham&f Atta and Marwan Alshehhi purchase of 53. 3 gallons of airplane fuel; tail number N769HA; 12:24 PM Waycross Suntrust puntrust ?? ... ;. ..._ .. FI93 FI93 FL FL vlohamed Atta MohamedVtttaVMarwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust GA Marwan Alshehhi puntrust GA FL '" '" ?? Ziad Jarrah MoTianTetf Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi . . _. Flight Suntrust j" ' " Suntrust Fl 11 Fl 175 - - Date Debit Method Description Continental Airlines (2/15 C0564 TPAEWR; 2/15 CO 36 EWR-DUS) Aysel Senguen NOT TAKEN Continental Airlines (2/15 C0564 TPAEWR; 2/15 CO 36 EWR-DUS) Ziad Jarrah NOT TAKEN ?? Note 'City State Hijacker Bank F]ight Purchase of airline tickets by Senguen; picked up in Frankfurt on 12/21 in Bochum Frankfurt GER Ziad Jarrah ?? FI93 Purchase of airline tickets by Senguen: picked up in Frankfurt on 12/21 in Bochum Frankfurt GER Ziad Jarrah ?? FI93 Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Kuntrust 12/19/2000 ?? ?? 12/19/2000 ?? ?? 12/19/2000 $ 7000 DC FAA/FCC Computer Marwan Alshehhi payment for Commercial Pilot (Computer Assistance Testing Services) Airplane Test; tested at Huffman Aviation FL 12/19/2000 $ 70.00 DC FAA/FCC Computer Mohamed Atta payment for Commercial Pilot Airplane (Computer Assistance Testing Services) Test; tested at Huffman Aviation FL 12/21/2000 $ Huffman Aviation Inc. 12/23/2000 $ 12/25/2000 $ 1,680.00 DC 12/25/2000 $ 1,680.00 DC 12/26/2000 $ 995.70 Cash 12/26/2000 $ 158.74 DC 12/27/2000 $ 50.00 DC 2,554.14 Check 509 20.00 Cash Suntrust Ziad Jarrah Cash FL FL FL Vlohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Cash FL Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Cash Tampa New York Simcenter 12/31/2000 $ Burdines 1/1/2001 DC Delta Air 1/1/2001 DC Delta Air - — Air Maroc (1/11 AM 205 JFK-CMN; 1/18 AM 204 CMN-JFK) Marwan Alshehhi Purchase of airline tickets by Marwan Alshehhi Delta Air (1/11 DL 2522 TPA-JFK; 1/18 DL 2461 JFK-TPA) Marwan Alshehhi Marwan Alshehhi purchase of airline tickets Fry's Food Store Olympic Airlines (1/4 OA 314 BEIR-ATH; OA181 ATH-DUS) Payment for airline tickets Suntrust Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi puntrust tfloRamecTAtta/Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi ^untrust •" -']- " - • Refund for tickets purchased on 12/25/00 500.00 Cash Cash Mohamed Atta FL $ ?? Ft 175 Tampa 12/30/2000 1/3/2001 Suntrust Refund for tickets purchased on 12/25/00 Simcenter 111.50 DC 12:01 DC Marwan Alshehhi Pan Am International 1,000.00 Cash $ $~ FI93 TX $ 1/2/2001 1/2/2001 bash Marwan Alshehhi purchase of woven shirt; 12:0^ Miami PM Atta and Alshehhi payment for Boeing 727 flight simulator training; $1500 total cost; training dates Opa Locka 72/29 through 12/30; booked on 72/28 Tffia and Alshehhi payment for Boeing 727 flight simulator training; $1500 total cost; training dates Opa Locka 12/29 through 12/30; booked on 12/28 Atta and Alshehhi payment for Boeing 767 flight simulator training; $2500 total cost; training date '• 12/31; booked on 12/26; Miami 12/29/2000 524.27 DC Ziad Jarrah Primeco Telepay 18.63 DC $ FL FL . $ 1/2/2001 Suntrust Marwan Alshehhi Venice ZiaHJarfaWpurchase of $26* phone card (Satellite Domestic and International phone card) Venice FFTC Delta Air (12/25 TPA-ATL; 12/25 ATL- PurcrTaseofliirirne tickets; 'nbilIsed;Jurhedln via' JFK; 12/28 JFK-ATL; 12/28 ATL-TPA) walk-in for credit on 1/1/01 at the ticket counter in Marwan Alshehhi Tampa Delta Air (i 2/25 TPA-ATL; 12/25 ATL- " Purchase of airline tickets; not used; turned in via JFK; 12/28 JFK-ATL; 1 2/28 ATL-TPA) walk-in for credit on 1/1/01 at the ticket counter in Mohamed Atta Tampa Lufthansa (12/26 NG 32 MIA-MUC; 12/27 LH 3522 MUC-IST;12/27 TA 1228 IST-BEY) Ziad Jarrah Miami Payment for airline tickets Servicing (fuel, parking and landing cfiafgesTofPrper^ Cherokee Aircraft, tail # N554HA piloted by Marwan Signature Flight Alshehhi; Miami 12/28/2000 2,500.00 DC FL Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed" Atta/Marwan Alshehhi — FI93 •• ••• FL Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Alta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust NY vlarwan Alshehhi Suntrust FI175 Venice FL Mesa" • • "• AZ Marwan Alshehhi NawafAlhazmi Suntrust BOA Fl 175 FI77 Beirut Ziad Jarrah Cash FI93 FL LB ::: Suntrust Suntrust . Date Debit Method 1/3/2001 $ 144.56 Check 506 1/4/2001 1/5/2001 1/5/2001 1/5/2001" $ $ $ $ 640.20 DC 64.08 DC 55.90 Check 51 5 9.15 DC 1/6/2001 $ 66.37 DC 1/8/2001 $ 650.00 Cash 1/8/2001 1/8/2001 $ $ 46.82 Check 1005 7.50 Debit 1/9/2001 $ 50.00 Ch128 1/15/2001 $ 182.75 Cash 1/16/2001 $ 84.53 DC 1/17/2001 Deposit Description Wore City State Hijacker Bank Huffman Aviation, Inc American Airlines (1/3 AA 5372 TPAMIA; 1/3 IB 6122 MIA-MAD; 1/10 AA 69 MAD-MIA; 1/10 AA 2104 MIA-TPA) Mohamed Atta Wal-Mart Supercenter Allstate Wai-Mart Supercenter Marwan Alshehhi Venice FL Vlohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust Mohamed Atta purchase of airline tickets Purchase of 2 head VCR Payment for car insurance; Purchase of groceries; 7. 35 PM Purchase by Mohamed Atta of a tiershirt and other mens fashion articles not further described. Jarrah payment for flight simulator training; 1/8 2 hrs. 737-200; Ziad Jarrah payment for auto insurance; Policy 12390951; insured vehicle 1990 Red Mitsubishi Eclipse Tampa Venice Venice FL FL FL FL Mohamed Atta vlarwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta Marwan^Mshehhi Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Berlin Germar Mohamed Atta Miami FL C & A Mode Co. Aeroservice Aviation Center, Inc The Atlanta Casualty Companies Service Charge Nawaf Alhazmi and Hani Hanjour payment for rental of apartment #2144;3 month lease; Alhazmi and Hanjour resided at this location from 1/10/01 through 3/31/01; Indian Springs Village Mesa Delta Airlines (1/22 DL EWR-TPA) Ziad Jarrah Ziad Jarrah purchase of airline ticket MorJafned'Atta^ayment for cellular phone service for phone number (941) 350-9792; number in service New Wave Cellular from 1/16/01-5/26/01; Sarasota Refuhdof security deposiTfd~Mohame<rAifa~arid Marwan Alshehhi for 51 6 Laurel Rd, Nokomis; The Rental Company of Venice, Inc. deposited by Atta Venice 1/19/2001 $ 19.51 DC Shell No 2762490 1/22/2001 $ 30.00 DC Primeco Telepay 1/25/2001 ?? Cash 1/26/2001 ?? ?? 1/26/2001 ?? 1/31/2001 $ 49.50 Cash 2/1/2001 2/5/2001 2/5/2001 $ $ $ 91.59 Check 1008 70.00 Cash 70.00 Cash 2/6/2001 2/6/2001 $ -$•• " ""• " ~ " " ?? 116.04 Cash 15.00 Ch108 Sarasota Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi hotel stay Room Suburban Lodge 237; checked in on 1/25; checked out on 2/1; Norcross BA (1/27 BA 937 DUS-LHR; 1/27 BA 6701 LHR-BEIR; 2/18 BA 6702 BEIRLHR; 2/18 BA 942 LHR-DUS) Ziad Jarrah Purchase of airline ticket by Senguen for Jarrah Bochum Continental Airlines (1/26 CO 1782 JAXEWR; 1/26 CO 36 EWR-DUS; 2/25 CO 37 DUS-EWR; 2/25 CO 517 EWR-JAX) Ziad Jarrah Purchase of airline ticket by Senguen for Jarrah Bochum Motiamec- Atta payment forplane~renta1 (Piper Warrior) and instructor (Laurie Anderson) checkout Advanced Aviation flight Lawrenceville zraTfJarrah-payment for auto insurance; Policy 12390951; insured vehicle 1990 Red Mitsubishi The Atlanta Casualty Companies Eclipse Decatur Even/bodies Nutrition and Fitness Marwan Alshehhi payment for gym membership Decatur Even/bodies Nutrition ancTFitness Wo/jamecTAffa payment for gym membership MoftsmeaAtts and Msmsn^Alshehhi payment for ~ Advanced Aviation plane rental and instructor (Laurie Anderson) Lawrenceville JASU (Arizona State Univ.) Flight -111 -i 175 -1 175 r !175 Suntrust Ziad Jarrah Cash -I 93 Ziad Jarrah Ziad Jarrah WCG WCG = I93 Nawaf Alhazmi BOA :I77 Ziad Jarrah Cash r !93 - - vlohamed Atta Suntrust -111 FL Suntrust FI11 TX vlohamed Atta vTbfiamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Alta/Marwah Alshehhi GA Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Cash GER Ziad Jarrah ?? FI93 GER Ziad Jarrah ?? FI93 GA Mohamed Atta Cash FI11 GA GA Ziad Jarrah h/rarwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta . ... WCG Cash bash i FI93 Fl 175" FI11 AZ FL GA Marwan Alshehhi JNawaf Alhazmi " -I93 " Suntrust Suntrust . Cash ^OA . . ....— FI175 FI77 - —- Date "Debit Method Description Note City State Hijacker Bank Flight'" Nawaf Alhazmi JBOA Fl 77 GA Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi [cash AZ AZ Hani Hanjour Nawaf Alhazmi BOA Cash 2/772001 2/8/2001 ?? Cash 2/8/2001 $ 2/13/2001"" '"'"$ 7,495.00 Cash " 5.28 DC Pan Am International (Jet Tech) SchuYran~Ga~rage~Door Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi hotel stay Room 238; checked in on 2/8; checked out on 2/15; Norcross Payment for flight training fees;737-200traiWirig; groundwork and simulator; Started course on 2/8; ended course on 3/16/01; Funds may have been paid in January; Nawaf Alhazmi purchase of citrus fruit Mesa Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi hotel stay Room ??; checked in on 2/19/01; checked out on 2/20/01 Virginia Beach VA Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi payment for mail box #C24; opened on 2/20/01; closed on 4/4/01; Virginia Beach W Mohamed Atta payment for cellular phone service for phone number (941) 350-9792; Sarasota FL Ziad Jatrah hotel stay Room 152; checked in 2/25; checked out 3/4; Jacksonville FL Grand Canyon AZ MunoTPark AZ MohamecTAtta ancTMarwarTATsheTiliiTidtel stay Room 318; checked in 3/13; checked out 3/27; Duluth GA Flagstaff AZ Ziad Jarrah hotel stay Room 219; checked in 3/15; Decatur checked out 3/29; GA Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Suburban Lodge 2/19/2001 77 ?? Colonial Inn 2/20/2001 ?? ?? Mail Depot 2/22/2001 $ 84.53 DC New Wave Cellular 2/25/2001 3/12/2001 3/12/2001"" ?? $ $ Cash 20.00 DC DC •••"" 9.04" Ramada Inn Grand Canyon National Park Chevron 3/13/2001 3/13/2001 ' ?? $ Cash 10:00 DC Suburban Lodge Exxon 3/15/2001 ?? Cash Suburban Lodge 3/19/2001 3/19/2001 3/20/2001 $ 146.90 Check 132 84.53 DC 25.40 Check 131 $ $ Sporty's Catalog - - New Wave Cellular 3/22/2001 $ 80.45 Cash Advanced Aviation 3/22/2001 $ 11.50 DC CCBill.com 3/23/2001 3/23/2001 3/23/2001 $ 107.17 DC/Cash 31.03 DC $ 23.89 DC $ - 3/27/2001 ?? - - - Popular Outdoor Outfitters Wide World of Maps Wal-Mart - Cash - Suburban Lodge Nawaf Alhazmi purchase of 1 Boeing 747-200 flight deck video, 1 Boeing 747-400 flight deck video, 1 777200 flight deck video, and video entitled "How an Airline Captain Should Look and Act"; sent via DHL to 1031 S. Stewart, 2144, Mesa, AZ; mail order; Batavia Mohamed Atta payment for cellular phone service for phone number (941) 350-9792; 350 minutes Sarasota Mohamed ftta arid Marv/an Alshehhi payment for plane rental (Piper Warrior) Marwan Alshehhi payment for subsription to www.matnmony.org; website is described as Muslim marriage dating service; Nawaf Alhazmi pufchase of two ramie military sweaters and Abercrombie casual street jacket; paid $50 cash and $57. 17 on debit card; 7:59 PM NamrAlhazmrpUKhasB~vf 4 maps; National Geographic road atlas, Unique Media map of U.S., Unique Media map of NYC and World aeronautical chart covering the northeastern portion of the U.S.; 7:38 PM OH FL Lawrenceville GA FIT? Cash Suntrust Ziad Jarrah Nawaf Alhazmi Nawaf Alhazmi vloharned~Alta7Marwari Alshehhi Nawaf WhazrnT Cash BOA BOA FI93 Fr?7~ " FI77 Cash ^OA FI77~ Ziad Jarrah Cash FI93 Nawaf Alhazmi vTofiameTAtta/Marwan Alshehhi Mawaf Alhazmi MoJiamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi BOA FI77 ^untrust BOA FT77 vlarwan Alshehhi Suntrust ~ Cash FI175 - Mesa AZ Nawaf Alhazmi BOA FI77 - t Mesa Nawaf Alhazmi purchase of Casio watch and Speidel watchband with attached compass; 2:03 PM Mesa MoharmdAtia and Marwan Alshehhi hotel stay Room 235; checked in 3X7; checked out 4/3; .ilburn AZ Nawaf Alhazmi AZ Nawaf Alhazmi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi - GA BOA - •[ FI77 - BOA ~" Cash FI77 - -- - Date 3/27/2001 3/29/2001 4/9/26bF " Method "Debit' $ "$ $ Cash ?? 4/11/2001 $ 1,015.90 Cash 4/13/2001 $ 23.47 DC 4/16/2001 4/16/2001 4/16/2001 4/16/2001" $ $ $ $ 24.94 17.88 DC 14.00 DC 3.21 DC 4/17/2001 4/17/2001 $ $ 2,511.20 Cash ""4.27 DC 4/21/2001 $ 61.30 Cash 5/3/2001 $ 1,600.00 Cash 5/3/2001 5/4/2001 5/7/2001 5/7/2001 $ — $~ S f$ 162.54 17.37 165.00 12.00 Cash DC Cash Debit GA AZ Ziad Jarrah NawafAlhazmi NawafAlhazmi Cash BOA BOA FI93 FI77 FI77 Bochum GER Ziad Jarrah Cash FI93 Hollywood FL Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Hybla Valley VA Nawaf Alhazmi BOA FI77 Alexandria VA NawafAlhazmi Falls Church JVA "•""• NawafAlhazmi Alexandria VA NawafAlhazmi Alexandria VA Nawaf Alhazmi BOA BOA BOA BOA FI77 FI77 FI77 Fl 77 Cash — Cash =193 Hollywood FL Ziad Jarrah Cash FI93 Coral Springs FL Mohamed Atta Cash FI11 Tamarac FL Cash FI93 New Wave Cellular King of Pita . .- . Crown Bernard Apartments Payment for rent Casti withdrawal Fee Fishing Island Florida~Depaftfnent of Motor Vehicles PaymenrfofTLdnvers license # J600-997-75-171-0 Fishing island Sarasota Alexandria Alexandria FL VA VA FL VA Alexandria FL VA Ziad Jarrah Mbhamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi NawaTAIhazrhi Mawaf Alhazmi Ziad Jarrah Hani Hahjbur Hani Hanjour NawaTAThazTni Ziad Jarrah NawafAlhazmi Suntrust BOA BOA Cash Citi-UAE Citf-UAE BOA Cash BOA FI77 R 77 FI93 FI77 FI77 FI77 FI93 FI77 Richard Hauser Motor Corp. Miami FL Waleed Alshehri Cash FI11 Miami Arlington FL VA FL Waleed Alshehri NawafAlhazmi ZiadJarratT ~ Nawaf Alhazmr Cash BOA Cash" BOA FI11 Fl 77 FI93 FI77 Mobil Lube Express $ Atlanta Mesa Ziad Jarrah 99.60 Cash Tamarac Postal Center ~ . FL $ DC DC DC Cash ATM Debit DC Cash 35.90 DC Flight Tamarac 4/23/2001 84.53 "12.65 17.00 165.00 60.00 27.22 35.39 Bank -1175 -I 77 Bernard Apartments $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ?? Hijacker Cash BOA 480.00 Cash 4/26/2001 4/26/2001 4/27/200r 4/30/2001 4730/2001 4/30/2001 W272001 5/2/2001 5/2/2001 State vlarwan Alshehhi 'Jawaf Alhazmi $ Cash City Coral Springs FL Falls Church VA 4/23/2001 4/24/2001 Note KL Airlines (3/30 KL 622 ATL-AMS; 3/31 KL 1855 AMS-DUS; 4/30 KL 1854 DUS- Ziad Jarrah purchase of airline ticket; 4/30 ticket AMS; 4/30 KL 621 AMS-ATL) Ziad changed on 4/12/01 for travel on 4/13 for KL 1854 Jarrah and KL 621 Target National Water and Power Purchase of International Student Identification Card (ISIC) by Sengeun on behalf of Jarrah; Valid from STA 4/10/01 - 12/31/01; Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi stay Apartment 122, stayed from 4/11/01 through no later than 5/17/01; may have left on 5/13/01 (date lease starts Tara Gardens Apartments on another apartment) Payment for "Map Compass, Pillow and Mens PVC Wal-Mart Rns" NawafAlhazmi 'purchase of shampoo, fishing kit and Wal-Mart fishing weights; 6:51 PM Sky Line Butcher Amoco Shopper Food Warehouse NortrwestAirfines (4/1 8 NW 58 MlAAMS; 4/19 AMS-CAI; 5/2 CAI-AMS; 5/2 AMS-MIA) Marwan Alshehhi Marwan Alshehhi purchase of airline tickets Sky Line Butcher Payment for rental of box 9130 4/20/0 1 through 7/20/01; $10 key deposit + 51.30 box rental fee; box Tamarac Postal Center canceled by Jarrah on 4/24/01; fee refunded; 358.90 Cash 16.07 DC" T7J1 Ch 133 4/10/2001 Description Security National Insurance Corp Exxon Mobil Bernard^Apartments InsufficienTFuhds Fee Ziad Jarrah payment for rental of Apartment 1; stayed from 4/23/01 through 6/22/01; $165 cash per week; paid $150 deposit plus first week and last week; Mohamed Atta payment foTseivice forPontiac Grand Am Refund for rental oTBbx #130 4/20/01 through 7/20/01; $10 key deposit + 51.30 box rental fee; box canceled by Jarrah on 4/24/01; fee refunded; Mohamed Atta' payment for cellular phone service for phone number (941) 350-9792 Waleed Alshehri purchase of 1993 Red Dodge Colt Waleed AlshetrrT payment of car insurance; policy in effect from 5/4/01 through cancelation on 8/13/01; 1993 Red Dodge Colt \Payment Tor rent,: 5/1-5/7 * .--... FallsChurch Alexandria "~~ VA ~ Date Debit - 5/8/2001 5/8/2001 $ '. $ 5/9/2001 $ 5/13/2001 5/14/2001 $ [$ 5/15/2001 Method Note | $ 5/16/2001 $ 5/16/2001 j $ 5/18/2001 5/18/2001 5/21/2001 $ $ 5/21/2001 Hanjour, Nawaf AI-Hazmi, Majed Moqed and Ahmed Alghamdi hotel stay room 73; two nights; checked in on 5/8/01; checked out on 5/10/0 1;EyadAlrababah drove these individuals from Virginia to Fairfield; 179.20 Cash 7,50 Debit City State 1,110.00 Cash 165.00 Cash 197.60 DC 127.18 [Cash Fl 93 Alsuqami and Alshehri purchase of airline ticket; Had Continental Airlines (5/16 CA 9273Q FLL hotel reservation for 5/16-5/19 at the Bahamas FPO; 5/1 9 CA 91 520 5/1 9 FPO-FLL) Princess Resort; Turned away by Bahamian officials Satam Alsuqami upon entry on 5/16 and forced to return on next flight; Hollywood FL Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Suntrust Fl 11 Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Suntrust =111 Ziad Jarrah Cash =193 Majed Moqed TC Fl 77 Suntrust Sunfrusf Cash ' Cash FI175 FI175 FI77 Mail Boxes Etc 41; stayed at hotel on 5/16 and 5/17; paid with Thomas Cook Mastercard travelers check # PF51 265275 in the amount of $100; check purchased by Moqed on 4/28/01 in the UAE Purchase of large short sleeved Lacoste shirt and size 38 medium Joseph Abboud slacks; 4:28 PM ^PwcfraseWblacW leather CK belt; ttTPM 'Payment for aviation groundtime Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi opening of ' mailbox #256; Jimi Nouri Rental of 3rd Floor apartment by Hani Hanjour and Ahmed Alghamdi; Nawaf Alhazmi and Salem Alhazmi also may have stayed; stayed from 5/21 through 8/31; iPaterson Cash • • " " • — - - - , - - 5/23/2001 $ 163.95 DC 5/24/2001 $ 464.00 DC ;$ 250.00 DC Delta Airlines (5/23 DL 2483U FLL-JFK; 5/28 DL JFK-FLL) Marwan Alshehhi lBefna"r(TApartments Benlleys Travelware Sears Roebuck — _ , Ramada Inn Plaza — Fl 175 Cash Cash ?? 269.50 Cash 165.00 Cash 67.08 DC 28T6"4DC Suntrust Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Ziad Jarrah ?? $ $ $ $ Marwan Alshehhi FL FL Bloomingdale's Bloommgdale's " " Aif Fleet Training Systems 5/21/2001 5/21/2001" 5/22/2001 5/22/2001 FI77 Hollywood I 191.17 DC 40.47" DC" Cash 650.00 Cash Cash WCG — JIL • Jade East Motel $ Hani Hanjour Ziad Jarrah Flight Woodale ! 100.00 TC 5/21/2001 Bank ' ;CT Alsuqami and Alshehri purchase of airline ticket; Had Continental Airlines (5/16 CA 92730 FLL hotel reservation for 5/16-5/19 at the Bahamas FPO; 5/19 CA 91 520 5/19 FPO-FLL) Princess Resort; Turned away by Bahamian officials ; Waleed Alshehri upon entry on 5/16 and forced to return on next flight; Hollywood FL Purchase of TOPP phone card; Pin # 503544322532450 and Motorola Startac cell phone Radio Shack (012) 212-2222; 4:37 PM Hollywood Hill: FL 197.60 DC Hijacker "•• -' Fairfield Fairfield Inn Service Charge United Airlines (5/24 UAFI 809 JFK-SF, UA Flight 2314 SF-LV; 5/27 - UA Fl 2307 LV-SF, UAL 844 SF-JFK) Marwan Alshehhi Purchase by Alshehhi of airline tickets Marwan Alshehhi andMohamefATtalinelfionth rental of apartment 3A; stayed from 5/13/01 through Jean-Luc Desjardins 6/13/01 Payment for rent"5/14-5/21 Bernard Apartments 3,305.00 DC $ 5/15/2001 5/24/2001 Description -- United Airlines - Enterprise Rent-a-Car - ' South Hackea ,NJ Figs A ventura Aventufa Teterboro FL FL NJ Hollywood FL Marwan Alshehhi Blarwah Alshehhi JHarii Hanjour Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi NJ Hani Hanjour Cash FI77 FL FL Marwan Alshehhi iZiad Jarrah " L Marwan Alshehhi Marwan Alshehhi . Cash faasri Sunfrust Suntrust | .. FI175 FI93 feuntrust NY i/larwan Alshehhi Moh"ame"d"Atta/Marwan Alshehhi NV I Marwan Alshehhi Marwan Alshehhi purchase of airline tickets; Hollywood ^Payment for fenrs/2 1-5/28 Vliami Purchase of Traveltote;3:44 PM Purchase'Of shirt; 4:0 TPM Miami MarwawAtsn?nnlTiote1stay~arRamaWtnn;-prep3Jff; I checked in 5/23/01; checked out 5/24/01 Jamaica Marwan Alshehhi upgrade to first class for flight looked on 5/9; Jamaica NtsrwsriAtstiehhi rental of 200 1 Red Dodge Durango;" checked out 4:50 PM on 5/24/01; returned 3:58 PM 'on 5/25/01; 34 miles driven Las Vegas FL fpL -; NY ---j Ft T75 FI175 feuntrust puntrust -- FI175 ; ! ; "" Date Debit 5/24/2001 5/25/2001 $ $ 74.50 DC 5/25/2001 5/25/2001 $ $ 68.00 DC 7.41 DC 5/27/2001 $ 169.00 DC 5/28/2001 $ 500.00 'DC 5/28/2001 5/28/2001 $ $ " 499.50 Cash 165.00 Cash $ 5/29/2001 ?? 5/29/2001 - - i $ - - 5/30/2001 ?? 57.60 IDC Cash -1765 Debit Cash 5/30/2001 $ 5/30/2001 :$ 105.99 Cash 5/30/2001 $ 105.93 Cash 239.67 DC i 5/31/2001 ?? Cash 5/31/2001 ;$ 395.00 DC 5/31/2001 $ 105.39 DC 5/31/2001 $ 74.20 DC 5/31/2001 5/3T/2001 6/1/2001 6/1/2001 6/T/2001 6/1/2001 TravelLodge Las Vegas Enterprise Rent-a-Car DC 5/28/2001 $ DMT5 60.00 ATM Debit i ?? Cash $ 330:00 Cash SAR244.71 ATM Note Marwan Alshehhi room #213; checked in 5:39 PM on 5/24/01, checked out 7:00 AM 5/25/01 Marwan Aishehhi settlement of car rental charges Marwan Alshehhi rental of Green Dodge Neon; checked out 12:52 PM on 5/25/01; returned 5:27 AM Budget Rent-A-Car \on 5/27/01; 18 miles driven ~ 'Marwan Alshehhi room #3107; checked in ~8:36~AW Extended Stay America aka St Louis Ma on 5/25/01; checked out 5/27/01 ""The'Paradise'Shop Marwan Aishehhi note/ stay at Ramada inn; prepaid; Accomodations Plus checked in 5/27/01; checked out 5/28/01 42.51 DC DC 5/25/2001 5/28/2001 Description Method !Able Car Rental Able Car Rental " Hill Motel Bernard Apartments" Hertz Rent-A-Car Air Fleet Training Systems Check Orders (Check Order) AirTIeet Training Systems Deposit for car rental refunded; 10:48 AM Deposit for car rental; after seeing automobile decided not to rent and was refunded deposit; 10:46 AM 'Mohamed AftaaM another individual, ^possibly' Marwan Alshehhi (under name Mohamed Shahri) hotel stay Room 117; checked in 5/28/01; checked out on 6/1 1/01 Payment for rent 5/28-6/4 Mohamed Atta car rental; 2002 White Ford Expforer FL Plate A34ARG; checked out 12:13 PM on 5/28/01; returned at 1:00 PM 5/29/01; 150 miles driven; also present was Alshehhi "Payment Tor TllghtWtth instructor from Teterboro, NJ up the Hudson River and return; City State Hijacker NV Marwan Alshehhi k/larwan Alshehhi Suntrust JSuntrust !NV Las Vegas NV Marwan Alshehhi feuntrust Fl 175 NV Las Vegas 'Ft. Lauderdale FL JMarwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta Suntrust jSuntrust FI175 Fl 11 Marwan Alshehhi iMohamed Atta/Marwah Alshehhi "~ Buntrust -1175 Jamaica ' NY Ft. Lauderdale FL i ' I Ft. Lauderdale FL Hollywood FI175 Fl 175 ; FL 'FL Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta Ziad"Jarrah " ~ " Suntrust '. i Suntrust Cash "Cash Fl 1 1 t1! 93 ! i " Ft. Lauderdale FL Teterboro NJ Payment forJIight with instructor; Teterboro *NJ Waleed Alshehri car rental; 1997 PlurW Chevrolet f !~~ Cavalier, GH223P; individual that drove Alshehri to . Special Cars Group location had car with plate number U29KLSL Ft. Lauderdale FL ' Purchase of TOPP Phone card; Pin # 'Radio Shack 346044399733403; 3:13 PM Hollywood Hill: FL _. Purchase of Phone card; Pin #248765444532241; Radio Shack 2:40 PM Hollywood Hill! FL Payment for aircraft rental;solo flight; accompanied by ; Air Fleet Training Systems UM; Teterboro NJ Airtran(6/2AT750FLL-PHt12:20PM; ~ Ziad Jarrah ~airfine~ticket 'purchase; No show fbt 'the' '• 6/9 AT 751 PHI-FLL) Ziad Jarrah 6ft flight Hollywood FL ~ IMohamed Atta car rental; 2001 Gold Hyundai Elantra; checked out 3:09 PM on 5/31/01; returned at 1 1:35 AM on 6/2/01; 220 miles driven; also present was Budget Rent-A-Car Alshehhi Dania FL Marwarf Alshehhi purchase of one month gym Golds Gym-Hollywood membership Hollywood FL " " ~! ~ - -~~ ~ 'Cash withdrawal FL Hollywood Interest Payment for aviation groundtime Payment for rent 6/4-6/1 8 ~ ~ f ' Flight Las Vegas Las Vegas , :JHH Special Rentals Inc Air FteetTraining Systems 1Bernam~Apartments 4CasfT withdrawal Bank Teterboro NJ FL .Mohamed Atta ''" " Hani Hanjour Ziad Jarrah HanTHanjour ISuntrust ; " Cash Suntrust "fcasfT Fl 1 1 Fl 77 Fl 93 tm .... _| Waleed Alshehri Suntrust FI11 Ziad Jarrah fcash FI93 Ziad Jarrah Cash Fl 93 f ' " i Hani Hanjour Cash pi 77 Ziad Jarrah Suntrust FI93 Mohamed Atta Suntrust Fl 1 1 Marwan Alshehhi Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Ramzi Binalshibh Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Hani Hanjour Ziad Jarrah Hani Hanjour feaudi Suntrust FI175 Suntrust CITI-GER FI11 Suntrust Cash Cash British-KSA ONK " Fl 1 1 FI77 FI^3 fT77 ~< ; ' " ~ | Date Debit 6/1/2001 6/1/2001 6/1/2001 $ $ $ 6/1/2001 6/2/2001 Method Description Note City State Hijacker Bank Fijght 240.27 DC 10063 DC 86.28 DC Lord & Taylor JJ.C. Penney i Mail Boxes Etc. Ziad Jarrah purchase of suit, shirt and alterations; 4:31 PM Purchase of Protocol luggage Waleed Alshehri rental of mail box #281; 12:56 PM Aventura Aventura Hollywood FL FL FL Suntrust "Suntrust 'Suntrust FI93 FI93 Fl 11 $ 31.75 DC Texaco, Inc. 24675 feuntrust FI11 $ 270.18 DC Best Western Hotel Pompano Bea FL Ziad Jarrah room Tcheckedln\~6n 6/2/0 1; checked out PA on 6/5/01 Philadelphia Ziad Jarrah Ziad Jarrah Waleed Alshehri Satam ATsuqarni/Waleed Alshehri Ziad Jarrah Suntrust FI93 Ziad Jarrah car rental; 2001 Biege Chevrolet Cavalier, NYADE6589; checked out 3:48 PM on 6/2/01; returned 6:34 AM on 6/7/01 at the Alamo BWI Airport location (two days late); 455 miles driven Philadelphia Suntrust FI93 Suntrust Citi-UAE Suntrust FI11 FI77 Fl 93 6/2/2001 $ 227.53 DC Alamo Rent-A-Car 6/2/2001 6/2/2001 6/3/2001 $ $ $~ 40.00 ATM 27.22 Debit 155.35 DC Cash withdrawal Fee Hortman Aviation 6/3/2001 $ 9.54 DC Kinko's #0793 6/3/2001 $ 2.00 Check 51 1 6/4/2001 6/4/2001 67472001 $ $ '$ Federal Aviation Administration United Airlines (6/7 - UA 229 BWI-LAX, 6/7 UA 2552 LAX-LV; 6/10 UA 1236 LVBWI) Ziad Jarrah Hortman Aviation AAXAffordableAuto Care ; \Ziad Jarrah airline ticket purchase Payment for 1.4 hours of flight training; Waleed A/shehri The Sports Authority Waleed Alshehri purchase of20oz. Mountain Dew soft drink, package of Bazooka gum, pair of black Micromesh shorts, white t-shirt and "fast times" t-shirt; vliami 2,260.00 DC 155.35 DC f25.U5~ TJC 6/4/2001 $ 54.27 DC 6/4/2001 $ 14.03 DC 6/4/2001 Kinko's #0793 10.81 DC 6/4/2001 $ 6/4/2001 6/5/2001 $ $ 2.00 Check 522 69.23 DC Federal Aviation Administration WatcirWorld #380 6/5/2001 6/572001 $ $ 30.04 DC 17.01 DC Publix Texaco, Inc. 6/6/2001 6/6/2001 $ $ 6/6/2001 $ 6/6/2001 $ 6/7/2001 6/7/2001 231.00 DC 100.00 Cash - 30.00 Check 51 3 16.95 Cash $ 198.46 DC AED170 Wire Kinko's #0793 j Lago Mar Hotel/Apartments Caldwell Flight Academy City of Hollywood Mobil Lube Express Alamo Rent-A-Car Darbar Charity PA Philadelphia PA Ziad Jarrah [Suntrust FI93 Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust FI175 Ziad Jarrah Ziad Jarrah Waleed Alshehri Suntrust buntrust JSunfrust FI93 Fl 93 Fill Waleed Alshehri Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri ^untrust r!11 ^Suntrust =111 Ziad Jarrah Suntrust : I93 Ziad Jarrah Suntrust r !93 Mohamed Atta Jarrah Satam AlsuqarnT/Waleed Alshehri ZFad Jarrah '" " Suntrust 'Suntrust -111 r !93 Suntrust 'Suntrust R11 r!93 Ft. Lauderdale FL Payment for 1.4 hours of flight training Ziad Jarrah use of IBM computer worKstaiion; 45 minutes purchased (3:33 PM - 4:30 PM) Note: computer failed to bill for full time used Marwan AJstiehni payment for replacement Airman Certificate Ambrada 11.24 DC $ Philadelphia Ziad Jarrah SatanTAIsuqami/Waleed Alshehri HanTHanjour ZiadTaTrah PA - Philadelphia PA Oakland ParlT FL" FL Ft. Lauderdale FL Ziad Jarrah use of IBM computerWdrkstatidn; 51 minutes purchased (4:30 PM - 5:21 PM) Ziad Jarrah use of IBM computer workstation's minutes purchased (8:03 PM - 8:51 PM) Monameo'~Atta~payment for replacement Airman Certificate Philadelphia PA • Philadelphia PA Miami FL Ft. Lauderdale FL Philadelphia PA " Waleed Alshehri arid SatarrrAtsuqamTstay in Room #11; checked in on 6/6/01; checked out on 6/15/01; charge made at 3:20 PM Paymehf foTJngTinfaTningJcheck out'flighf (passed) Lake Worth Fairfield Si 4 Ziad Satam Alsuqami/Waleed i Alshehri Suntrust ^mTlaTnjbuf "Cash Mohamed Atta/Marwan ----•—--Alshehhi Suntrust MohamedAtta payment for service for Pontiac Grand Prix; 3:45 PM Mohamed Atta Coral Springs FL Settlement of charges forZiad Jarrah car rental on 6/2/01 through 6/7/01 Ziad Jarrah Philadelphia PA RasAIKtiaifnah, UAE MarwanVMshehhi FI11 FI77" ^ash Fl 11 Suntrust ^HSBC-UAE FI93 FI175 -• — - bate 6/7/2001 Debit $ Method 104.31 Cash Description Wore City Payless Car Rental Ziad Jarrah rental of Silver Daewoo Nubira; checked out 3:13 PM on 6/7/01; returned 6:05 AM on 6/10/01; Paid Cash $280 deposit; refunded $175.69 upon return JLas Vegas State Hijacker bank Flight !NV Ziad Jarrah Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Satam Aisuqami/Waleed Alshehri Ziad Jarrah Cash i puntrust FI93 ' f\ 1 Suntrust 1 Suntrust Suntrust Fl 11 Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi puntrust i' 6/7/2001 $ 6/8/2001 $ 103.74 ! Check 94 90.00 DC 6/8/2001 6/9/2001 $ $ 90.00 DC 190.75 DC 6/10/2001 $ 163.22 DC 6/11/2001 6/11/2001 $ $ 2,818.00 Cash 200.00 Cash 6/11/2001 $ 135.00 Cash 6/11/2001 $ 6/12/2001 $ 141.50 Cash 6/13/2001 $ 3,576.25 Cash 6/13/2001 $ 139.42 DC 6/13/2001 6/14/2001 $ $ 6/14/2001 $ 30.00 :Check93 100.00 DC 273:00 Check 101 20.00 ATM Security National Insurance Company Waleed Alshehri payment for car insurance policy Purchase of one month gym membership by Satam Alsuqami |The Body Perfect Purchase of one month gym membership by Waleed Alshehri iThe Body Perfect US Airways (6/10 US BWI-FLL) Ziad Jarr Ziad Jarrah purchase of airline ticket Mohamed Atta weekly rental of 2001 Olds Alero; checked out on 6/10/01; returned 6:33 PM on 6/22/01; Alamo Rent-A-Car 1037 miles driven Apartment #A204 rental; stayed from 6/20 through 8/12; Hamlet Apartments Caldwell Flight Academy Payment for plane rental 1.4 hours; Ahmed Alnami, Marwan Alshehhi, Mohamed Atta hotel stay Rooms 102 and 103; checked in on 6/1 1/01; checked out on 6/1 4/01; Alshehhi filled out Deluxe Inn .registration forms on 6/10/01; $45 per night City of Hollywood | Cash withdrawal ?? 6/15/2001 $ 285.00 DC Lisa Apartments 6/16/2001 6/18/2001 $ $ 105.99 Cash Cash Radio Shack Caldwell Flight Academy 6/19/2001 6/19/2001 6/19/2001 $ $ '$ 163.22 DC 13.60 Debit 13.60 Debit Cash Lake Worth FL > Ft. Lauderdale FL FL NJ Marwan Alshehhi Hani Hanjbur Cash bash FI175 FI77 Dania FL Ahmed Alnami iSatam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri ?? =193 Suntrust =1 11 Nawaf Alhazmi Cash =177 Hamza Alghamdi Suntrust Alshehri Suntrust Fl 1 1 Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Fl 1 1 FF93 i Fl 1 1 Ziad Jarrah Cash FI93 Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Suntrust Fl 11 Ziad Jarrah ^nlHanjour Cash bash FI93 FI77 Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust FI11 Delray Beach JFL Lake Worth FL lake Worth FL • "~~ Satam Alsuqami/Waleed I Fl 175 ' """" r ; ' • • \ FL Lauderdale By FL * ~~" ! i ' Lake Worth ,FL 22575597966545; 12:33 PM i NJ Payment for night IralhingrHalTcTeWon account Mohamed~Atta~weekty-rentalof2001OKI$~Aterg; l checked out on 6/10/01; returned 6:33 PM on 6/22/01; 1037 miles driven; On 6/22/01 traded for Chevy Malibu; checked out 6:33 PM 6/22/01 ;retumed 16/24/01; 183 miles driven Ft. Lauderdale FL - ~ .. . : ; pi 1 1 fl 93 Fairfieid iHollywood Ziad Jan-ad and Ahmed Alhaznawi rental of apartment; stayed from 6/17/01 through 8/31/01 Waleeffrtlshehri and Satam Alsuqarhf hotel stay Rooms 208 and 308; two other unidentified individuals stayed as well; checked in on 6/15/01; checked out on 6/22/01; Charles D. Lisa Alamo Rent-A-Car JHH Check Orders (Check Order) fJHH Check Orders (Check Order) FL [Parking violation forFL plate U29LSL, Dodge Colt Continental Airlines (6/19 CO 1471 EWR: MIA; 6/25 CO MIA-EWR) Nawaf Alhazmi ,Nawaf Alhazmi purchase of airline ticket Hamza Alghamdi lease of Apartment 1504; lease was from 6/15/01 through 8/31/01; filled out application on Karol Wise and Cecil Wise 6/13/01 Waleed Alshehri and Salam 'Alsuqami stay in Room #1 1; checked in on 6/6/01; checked out on 6/15/01; Lago Mar Hotel/Apartments charge made at 12:22 PM Waleed Alshehri ana satam Alsuqami hotel stay Rooms 208 and 308; two other unidentified individuals stayed as well; checked in on 6/1 5/01 ; lisa Apartments checked out on 6/22/01; Allstate Casualty Company 6/15/2001 Lake Worth : Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Ziad Jarrah Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Mohamed Atta Alimed Alnami jviohand Alshehri FI93 Fl 175 ' Date Debit Method Description Note 6/19/2001 $ Cash Caldwell Flight Academy 6/20/2001 6/20/2001 6/21/2001 $ $ 650.00 Cash 68.90 DC Payment for flight training. Had credit on account. Fairfield 'NJ Rental of 3rd Floor apartment by Hani Hanjour and Ahmed Alghamdi: Nawaf Alhazmi and Salem Alhazmi also may have stayed: stayed from 5/21 through 8/31: Paterson NJ date is approximate Purchase of one month pass: 3:07 PM Delray Beach FL 6/22/2001 j $ 445.75 DC 6/22/2001 6/22/2001 $ $ 16.50 :DC 1M7 JVC 6/23/2001 $ 1,164.00 DC $ ?? 1,162.01 DC Cash $ 386.00 J3C 6/23/2001 6/25/2001 ! 6/25/2001 Jimi Nouri World Gym Delray ^Interest paid thru 06/22 Delta Air (DL 2598 6/27 FLL-BOST7/1 DL 6191 BOS-JFK; 7/3 DL 2361 EWRFLL) Mohamed Atta Purchase of airline ticket ~ Amoco Eppco United Air (7/1 UA 2700 LV-DEN 5:59 AM, UA 1220 DEN-BOS 10:57 AM) 'MohamedAtta United Air (6728 UAierBOS-SFO 9:05 AM; UA 955 SFO-LV 1:21 PM) Mohamed Atta Florida Department of Motor Vehicles Homing Inn i 6/26/2001 $ 153.17 DC 6/26/2001 ;$ 10.95 DC Yahoo Travel 6/27/2001 $ 800.00 !DC Select Photo 6/27/2001 $ 366.12 DC Alamo Rent-A-Car $ 137.79 DC Select Photo $ 104.87 DC JTarget 6/27/2001 Dillards Dept Stores I 6/27/2001 - 6/28/2001 $ 111.76 DC 6/28/2001 $ 87.00 DC Mail Boxes Etc. 6/28/2001 !$ 62.99 DC Sunglass Hut #34 6/28/2001 6/28/2001 $ $ 20.00 10.49 Casri iCash withdrawal Sunglass Hut #34 6/29/2001 6/29/200T ?? 6/29/2001 7/1/2001 7/2/2001 .j ?? $ 31.78 DC $ 21.28 DC $ $ 325.00 Cash 25.00 Check 102 —- - Alamo Rent-A-Car Enterprise Rent A Car Payless Shoes Champs #41 18 -- \Eppco, 102 Al-Salama: gas station Hijacker Bank Flight Hani Hanjour Cash FT7Y ";•;•; Hani Hanjour Marwan Alshehhi Hamza Alghamdi Cash Suntrust Suntrust FI77 FI175 FH75 Mohamed Atta Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi XbdurazlzAlornari Suntrust Fl 11 Suntrust AlRaj-VC -111 Mohamed Atta Buntrust pi 1 1 Mohamed Atta Nawaf Alhazmi Suntrust Cash Fl 1 1 FI77 Boynton Bead FL Waleed Alshehri Suntrust FI11 Coral Springs FL Mohamed Atta Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Blohamed AtfaTMarwan Alshehhi Suntrust ' Suntrust ------ FI11 City ; (state i Ft. Lauderdale FL Sharjah UAE Mohamed Atta purchase of airline ticket Mohamed Atta purchase of airline ticket Payment for driver license XA425-633- 76-288-0 iWa/eed7(7s7>e77ri payment for stay at Homing Inn Room # B308: checked in 6/21/01 :checked out 7/26/01 Purchase of one pair of tailored slacks and dress shirt: 8:52 PM FL 210-2583023 TX Marwan Alshehhi and Mohamed Atta Camcorder " I rental deposit 6/27/01 ,Del Ray Bead FL Mohamed Atta payment for rental of 2001 Chevy I Malibu; checked out 3:43 PM on 6/24/01: returned 3:54 PM on 7/22/01: 3100 miles driven Ft. Lauderdale FL Marwan Alshehhi Camcorder rental on 6/27/01 ^returned on 7/5/01 Del Ray Bead FL Purchase of 4 pack of Sony 8mm tapes and clothing: 3:51 PM Del Ray Bead- FL ,_.. - " ' " ' Mohamed Atta- rental of 2001 Chevy Malibu: checked' out 4:25 PM on 6/28/01: returned 5:12 AM on 7/1/01: 110 miles driven Las Vegas NV " HSffizfAlglffrndi 3 month rental of box #260 at Mail \Boxes Etc located at 1730 South Federal Highway, 'Del Ray Beach, FL Delray Beach FL MohamedAtta purchase of Guess 'rimless" Boston MA \sunglasses; 8:31 AM ~~' Boca Raton FL MA Purchase oflton goldswick care: 8:24 AM Boston PaymeTirforrentat of Silver Impalai'snecKed out on 6/29: checked in on ??; 350 miles driven: Little Falls NJ -- Hollywood FIT Purchase of one pair of black shorts and one pair of \ shorts: - .. . . — . . — . Payment for hotel stay Room 15; checked in on 7/1; Royal Park Motor Hotel checked out on 7/6; $65 per night :City of Lauderdale by the Sea ' FL Elmwood Park MJ - - - Suntrust Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Afla/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi i Suntrust Suntrust i Suntrust "| Mohamed Atta i - Euntrust j ..-.. Fl 1 1 -Hamza Alghamdi puntrust FI175 Mohamed Atta [Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri MohamedAtta puntrust ! Suntrust Cashi"' FI11 Nawaf Alhazmi Marwan~Alshehhi •larwan Alshehhi Abdulaziz Alomari Ziad Jarrarr " . ?? Suntrust " Miami Suntrust ~~ "~ Cash Suntrust FI11 ~~" Fl IT Fl 77 m?5 : I Fl 175 ! FI11 Fl 93 Date Debit 7/2/2001 $ 10.00 DC 7/3/2001 $ 550.00 Cash $ 51.41 7/3/2001 7/3/2001 $ $ 37.75 DC 19.95 DC 7/4/2001 7/4/2001 $ DC 252.17 DC 7/4/2001 7/4/2001 7/4/2001 $ $ $ 93.22 VC 79.48 DC 48.07 DC 7/4/2001 $ 14.92 DC 7/5/2001 7/5/2001 $ $ "~ 137.80 DC 27.00" Debit 7/3/2001 Method DC Cash Description ?? 7/6/2001 77672001"" $ $ 132.02 DC 32700 Debit 7/6/2001 7/6/2001 $ $ 17.25 DC Exxon Mobil 7.50" Service Charge Service Charge Allstate Overdraft Fee 7/7/2001 $ 7.61 DC Kinko'slnc. #107 7/7/200* $ 2.00 Check 104 FAA 7/8/2001 $ 7/8/2001 Cash 7/9/2001 $ 1,882.79 DC 7/9/2001 $ 286.00 DC 7/9/2001 7/9/2001 $ $ 159.50 DC 127.20 Cash" - 7/10/2001 $ 356.12 DC Tax & Duty Free Diana Cazadora Hotel Aura Rent Iberia (SIXT) Hijacker Bank Flight Ft. Lauderdale FL ZTad"Jarrah Suntrust Fl 93 Paterson Mohamed Atta Cash FI11 tity Exxon Mobil Swiss Air (7/7 SR 1 iTMIA-ZllR; 7/8"SA ZUR-MAD) Mohamed Atta Mohamed Atta purchase of airline ticket Purchase of 3 adult admissions ($15.50 each), parking ($2.00) and sales tax ($2.91) Lion Country Safari Purchase of clothing including swimwear, men's tops, activewear; 10:21 AM Bealls Outlet US 1 Hess Marwan Alshehhi Camcorder rental deposit refunded upon return on 7/5/01 Select Photo Video Outlet Commercial Purchase of pornographic videos and sex toys Khalid Almihdhar hotel stay RoomWgrchecked in on 7/4/01; checked out on 7/5/01; may have also paid cash; Quality Hotel Eastside Footlocker" Purchase of two unknown items Middle Eastern international Purchase of assorted grocery items and postcards^ Publix 1:56 PM Waleed Alshehri and Wail Alshehri purchase~dfohe month gym membership World Gym (Woolard's) Order checks from Clarke American Payment for hotel stay Room 36Y checked in on 7/6; checked out on 7/13; Jade East Motel 7/6/2001 31.84 DC Wore - State NJ FL Loxahatchee Homing Inn Southwestair (7/1 0 SW FLL-ORL; 7/1 2 ORL-FLL) Satam Alsuqami Satam Alsuqami purchase of airline ticket Y2 Fitness Purchase of 2 month gym mefnBefshTprS:47 PM Mohamed Atta payment for rental of 200 1 C/revy Malibu; checked out 3:43 PM on 6/24/01; returned Alamo Rent-A-Car 3:54 PM on 7/22/01; 3100 miles driven Suntrust Fl 11 Suntrust Suntrust Fl 11 FI93 Del Ray Beacf FL Tamarac FL WailAlshehri/WAIshehri Ziad Jarrah Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Hamza Alghamdi Suntrust Suntrust FI175 New York Lauderhill Lauderhill Khalid Almihdhar WaTAlshehfr/WAIshehri Wail Alshehri ANB-VC Suntrust Suntrust FI77 FH1 Sea Ranch La FL Ziad Jarrah Suntrust FI93 Lantana Waleed Alshehri Hani HanjouT Suntrust FI11 HUB1 PI 77 Abdulaziz Alomar! vlbham"e"d AttaTMarwan Alshehhi Hani Hanjour vTohamed Atta/Marwari Alshehhi Ziad Jarrah" Cash FI11 "•"" "" Suntrust f-lUB 1 ' Suntrust WCG -1 77 " Mohamed Atta puntrust Fl 11 Ziad Jarrah Suntrust FI93 Lantana Hollywood FL FL NY FL FL FL S. Hackensack NJ 600-255-7828 IL Ft. Lauderdale FL Mohamed Atta purchase of 31 minutes internet time and two black and white printouts; Z/ad Jarrah payment for replacement Airman Certificate Mohamed Atta purchase of 2 victorinox Swiss Army pocket knives and chocolates Mo/i^meo^Affa^fayarD/anFCazaSorsrHofe/TRoom 1 1 1; checked in on 7/8/01 at 3:48 PM local time; checked out on 7/9/01 Mohamed Atta weekry~carfenla7lsecufityclepdsit; Hyundai Accent; checked out from SIXT on 7/9/01 ;to be returned on 7/16/01 but extended rental and vehicle was returned on 7/19/01; 1908 kilometers driven Waleed Alshehri payrnenT for stay 'af Hominfrnn Room # B308; checked in 6/21/01 ''.checked out 7/26/01 WailAlshehri Boca Raton FL FI11 -["93 Zurich Switzerl Mohamed Atta Suntrust -111 Madrid Spain Mohamed Atta Cash FI11 Barajas Spain Mohamed Atta Suntrust FI11 Suntrust Fl 11 Ft. Lauderdale FL BocaRaton FL Waleed Alshehri Satam Alsuqami/Waleed" Alshehri Saeed Alghamdi Suntrust Cash FI11 Ft. Lauderdale FL Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Boynton Bead FL Suntrust Fl 93 Date Debit Method Description 7/10/2001 7/12/2001 $ $ 7/13/2001 ?? 7/13/2001 $ 7/13/2001 $ 7/16/2001 PTA23000 Cash Congress Inn Aero Lloyd YP (7/16 AL 1409 ReusHAM) Ramzi Binalshibh 7/16/2001 PTA9363 Cash Casablanca Hotel Playa 7/16/2001 $ 286.00 DC Homing Inn 7/16/2001 $ 114.00 Check 102 Borough Jeep / Eagle Inc. 325.11 DC 60.00 DC Cash 50652 DC 63.60 Cash Doubletree Hotel Winn Dixie #268 Tony Shakkour Agency Delta Airlines (7/1 9 DL 1 09 MAD-ATL; 7/1 9 DL 454 ATL-FLL) Mohamed Atta 7/16/2001 $ ... . 7/17/2001 7/17/2001 7/17/2001 7/17/2001 7/17/2001 5,000.00 pta $ 127.20 $ 60.00 ~$ 5.09 $ 1.50 7/18/2001 7/19/2001 $ $ 52.00 Check 95 119.64 DC Holy Cross Medical Group AM Affordable Auto Care 7/19/2001 $ 102.27 Check 97 Security National Insurance Company 7/19/2001 7/19/2001 7/19/2001 7/19/2001 7/19/2001 $ $ $ " $ $ 24.37 Cash 68.90 26.06 25.19 ~2:95 ""-"- Cash Cash Check 102 DC Debit DC DC DC DC ATM Hostel Residencia Montsant Y2 Fitness Kinko's KinRd's7lnc#107 ~ ATM fee 7/20/2001 ?? 7/20/2001 $ 650.00 Cash Jimi Nouri 7/20/2001 7/20/2001 $ $ 430.49 DC 52.45 DC Caldwell Flight Academy Montgomery Atrpafic 7/20/2001 7/20/2001 7/21/2001 $ $ $ 27.15 DC 2T.50 ATM 271.74"VC Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc. Cash withdrawal Computronic ?? Mohand Alshehri unknown purchase; 3:23 PM Treatmenffbr'Alhaznawi; 6/25/01 World Gym (Woolard's) Cafeteria~M6ntsant U.S: Babajaw III IbnrwwwObilT Cash withdrawal Continental Airlines (7/25 CO 650 MIAEWR; 7/25 CO 36 EWR-DUS) Ziad Jarrah Hijacker Bank Fligjit FL FL Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Hamza Alghamdi Suntrust Suntrust Fl 11 Fl 175 Cash FI77 Spain Salem Alhazmi Mohamed Atta7Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust FI11 NJ Khalid Almihdhar Cash FI77 Tarragona (Re Spain Ramzi Binalshibh Cash UNK Salou (Tarragc Spain Vlohamed Atta Cash -111 Boynton Bead FL Waleed Alshehri Suntrust -111 Nawaf Alhazmi HUB FI77 Hamza Alghamdi Cash r !175 Vlohamed Atta Hamza Alghamdi Ramza Alghamdi FL"""" Vlohahd Alshehri Spain Mohamed Atta"" Cash Cash Suntrust Sunfrust Suntrust FI11 -IT7"5" """ :l 175 -\5 -I1T Suntrust Suntrust FI93 FI11 Suntrust FI11 Tbtbwa "" Ahmed Alhaznawi WaleeTAIshehri Satarn Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Satarn Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri FL Spain Mohamed Atta Spain" Slofiarried Atta FL Hamza Alghamdi NJ Hani Hanjour Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Surilrust HUB FI11 FI11 FI11 FflTS FF77 Bochum GER Ziad Jarrah 7? FI93 Paterson NJ Hani Hanjour Cash FI77 HUB HUB" " FI77 FI77 Suntrust Citi-UAE SCB^VC FI11 FP77 UNK Satam Alsuqami hotel stay Room 519; checked in on 7/10 at 2:29 PM; checked out on 7/12 at 10:13 AM; records show two males occupied room; Lake Buena V Delray Beach Payment for rental of mailbox #1 79; Used by Paterson Salem Alhazmi, Almlhdhar and Alomari; MohamefAiia purchase of airline 'tickets for return Tarragona trip from Madrid to Ft. Lauderdale Paymehifor hoieTsiay RoonT502; Checked in on S. Hackensac 7/13; checked out on 7/14; Purchase of airline ticket MoT^imedAtta^stayarCasablancerHdtel Room 512; checked in on 7/16 at 3:48 PM local time; checked out on 7/17/01 Waleed Alshefrri payment for stay at Hdmng~lhn Room # B308; checked in 6/21/01 ;checked out 7/26/01 Nawaf Alhazmi payment for car rental; 7/16/01 to 7/1 9/01 '.Chrysler Sebring; NJ KPY98U; Payment for service for 1989 Pontiac Grand Prix D79DDV;3:06PM Mohamed Affastayai Mohtsahtl-lbterRobm 15; checked in on 7/17/01; checked out on 7/19/01?? Purchase of 2 month gym membership; 6:40'PM Mobil Lube Express State City Note Purchase of airline ticket by Senguen for Jarrah Rental of 3rd Floor apartment by Hani Hanjour and Ahmed Alghamdi; Nawaf Alhazmi and Salem Alhazmi also may have stayed; stayed from 5/21 through 8/31; date is approximate Paymerirforflfgrlt'lessowsTorHani Hanjour; Flight from Fairfield, NJ to Gaithersburg, MD; PaymenTfof airplane fuel nOOAED NJ Ft. Lauderdale FL Salou (Tarragc Spain Boca-Raton FL Boca Raton Tarragona irijurylblbwefrefTleg^Jh Waleed Alshehri payment for car insurance Satam Alsuqami purchase of one month gym membership Mbnamed Atta food purchase at hotel Gas purchase by Mohamed Atta 800307-3558 HanrHanjour^pfesent; 7:25 PM "~ Wayne NJ FL TT Lauderdale FL Lantana BaloTT™ Barajas Fairfield NJ GaltfiersbeTg" MD Nawaf Alhazmi 'Jawaf Alhazmi Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Mshehri Boynton Bead FL 1 Totowa N J - - HanTHanjour " UAE Dubai Mustafa Ahmed Alhawsawi ! Date Debit 7/22/2001 $ 226.75 DC 7/22/2001 $ 193.96 DC 7/23/2001 $ 205.50 Cash 7/23/2001 $ 7/24/2001 $ 447.01 VC 7/25/2001 $ 25.00 DC 7/25/2001 $ 9.59 7/25/2001 $ 8.00 7/26/2001 $ 2,188.25 DC 7/26/2001 $ 233.00 DC Crystal Cay Motel 7/26/2001 $ 206.70 Cash Kings Hotel 7/26/2001 $ 193.96 DC Alamo Rent-A-Car 7/26/2001 $ 185.50 Cash Borough Jeep Chrysler 7/26/2001 7/26/2001" "• 7/26/2001 7/26/2001 7/26/2001 Method 25.23 Check 461 $ 100.00 $" 37:38 $ 13.60 $ 7.99 AED0709 Description Delta Airlines (7/30 DL FLL-BOS) Waleed Alshehri Note City State Waleed Alshehri purchase of airline ticket Mohamed Atta payment for rental of 2001 Grey Mitsubishi Gallant; checked out 4:11 PM on 7/22/01; returned 4:47 PM on 8/19/01; Lauderdale Se FL Alamo Rent-A-Car Ft. Lauderdale FL Continental Airlines (7/26 CO 1032 FLLEWR 2:05 PM; 7/30 CO 1 037 EWR-FLL 8:35 PM) Mohamed Atta Boynton Bead FL Mohamed Atta airline ticket purchase Hamza Alghamdi purchase of 119 minutes of internet Boca Raton FL access Kinko's STA Travel Miami Mustafa Alhawsawi 1 month car rental; Nissan Sunny; Checked out 7/24/01 5:45 PM; returned 8/23/01 Sharjah UAE Payment for lost ticket for travel on Continental Airlines 7/25 MIA-EWR; 7/25 EWR-DUS; Coral Gables FL DC Sirgany/Century Joint Venture Jarrah purchase of FOCUS magazine at newsstand DC Miami International Airport American Airlines (AA 7/29 BOS-SFO) W Alshehri Cash DC Debit DC 410.50 DC Hertz (AI-Futtaim Sons) Crystal Cay Motel Middle Eastern International JHH Check Orders (Check Order)" Middle Easterni Inlefnatibnal ueoit Interest National Air (8/1 NA 404 SFO-LAS 10:10 AM; 8/1 NA 973 LAS-MIA 12:50 PM) Waleed Alshehri 7/27/2001 $ 7/27/2001 7/27/2001 $ 300.00 ATM $ """ 183.22 DC Cash withdrawal Video OutlerCornmercial 7/27/2001 7/27/2001 $ $ All Services Plus, Inc. Kinko's; Inc. #107 7/28/2001 $ 46.40 Cash 7/30/2001 $ 404.92 Cash Borough Jeep Chrysler 7/30/2001 $ 145.75 DC Kemper Aviation Inc 100.00 DC 13.78 DC Kemper Aviation Inc Mohamed Atta payment for parking at Miami International airport; 1 1:54 AM to 12:59 PM; 1:04 PM Waleed Alshehri purchase of airline ticket; refunded on 8/8 WaTeed Alshehri hotel stay Room 1 10; checked in on 7/26; checked out on 8/2; paid $100 cash deposit at check in; Mohamed Atta hotel stay Room 230 and 205 (changed to this room on 7/27); checked in 11:27 PM on 7/26; checked out on 7/30; Mohamed Atta payment for rental of Mitsubishi Gallant; checked out 4:11 PM on 7/22/01; returned 4:47 PM on 8/1 9/01; Car rental by Nawaf Alhazmi 7/26-8/1; Chrysler Sebring NJ KPY98U; waieed Aisnehn hotel stay Koom 110; checked in on 7/26; checked out on 8/2; paid $100 cash deposit at check in; — - Purchase of pornographic materials; 4'5S PM Payment for International Drivers License for Abdulazlz Alomari Payment for 1 hour and 40 minutes of ground time; Car rental by Hani Hajtjonr 7/30-8/3; Chrysler Voyager NJ KSH89R; PurensssHy-Ktsfieririi 54'minutes flight time, 12 minutes ground time Bank Flight ^ Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Suntrust FI11 Mohamed Atta Suntrust Fl 11 vlohamed Atta Cash FI11 Hamza Alghamdi Suntrust FI175 Mustafa Ahmed Alhawsawi SCB-VC UNK Ziad Jarrah Suntrust FI93 Miami FL Ziad Jarrah Suntrust FI93 Miami FL Mohamed Atta SatarrfATsuqarrii/Waleed Alshehri Suntrust Fl 11 Suntrust FI11 Waleed Alshehri Suntrust :\1 NJ vlohamed Atta Cash -111 Ft. Lauderdale FL Mohamed Atta Suntrust =111 Nawaf Alhazmi Cash :I77 Waleed Alshehri Wail Alshehri Ahmed Alhaznawi Wail Alshehri Marwan "Alshelihi" Cash Suntrust Sunfrust Suntrust HSBC-UAE Fl 11 Suntrust FI11 Suntrust Suntrust FI11 Deerfield Beac FL Wayne Wayne NJ Deerfield Beac FL Lauderhlll FL Laudefhill Waleed Alshehri purchase of airline ticket Hijacker FL;:;~ FI11 Fr93 FI11 FI175 Hollywood l amarac FL FL Waleed Alshehri Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri HarnzaAlghamdi Paterson Boca Raton NJ FL Mawaf Alhazmi Hamza Alghamdi HUB Suntrust FI77 FI175 Lantana FL Marwan Alshehhi Cash FI175 Wayne NJ Hani Hanjour Cash FI77 Lantana FL Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust FI175 Lauderdale Se FL Fl 175 Method City State Middle Eastern International Lauderhill FL 10.00 DC Agent Fee 8908 Lauderdale Se FL 10.00 DC Agent Fee 8908 Lauderdale Se FL Date Debit 7/30/2001 $ 39.22 DC 7/30/2001 $ 7/30/2001 $ 7/30/2001 $ 7/31/2001 $ 2,188.25 DC 7/31/2001 $ 121.27 DC 8/1/2001 8/1/2001 $ $ 8/2/2001 8/2/2001 872/2001 $ $ $ 1.50 Debit 85.00 Check 1041 15.73 DC 282.20 DC "19.65 Debit 13.60 Debit Description Note Star ATM Cash Withdrawal Fee American Air (7/31 AA 195, Seat 3B; 9:00 A.M.. 80S-SFO) Waleed Alshehri La Quinta Inns Holy Cross Hospital Middle Eastern International Panther Motel JHH Check Orders (Check Order) JHH Check~0rders (Check Order) Waleed Alshehri purchase of airline ticket Waleed Alshehri hotel stay Room 124; checked in on 7/31 at 2:35 PM: checked out on 8/1 at 10:49 AM; San Francisco Treatmeni'for Alhaznawi; injury to lower left legion 6/25/01 Lauderhill Waleed Alshehri note/stay Room ioralso present were Wail Alshehri and Satam Alsuqami; checked in 8/2; checked out on 8/10; Deerfield Beac -- •8/2/2001 $ 13.60 Debit JHH Check Orders (Check Order) 8/2/2001 8/2/2001 872/2001 $ $ $ 13.60 Debit 1.00 Debit 1.00 Debit 8/3/2001 ?? JHH Check Orders (Check Order) Service Charge Service Charge Continental Airlines (8/5 CO 37 DUSEWR; 8/5 CO 657 EWR-MIA) Ziad Jarrah ?? Boston Hijacker Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Bank Flight Suntrust FI11 Suntrust FI11 Suntrust -I 11 Suntrust -111 MA Waleed Alshehri Suntrust :I11 CA Waleed Alshehri Suntrust :I11 FL Ahmed Alhaznawi Wail Alshehri Suntrust Suntrust Fllf •" FL FL 1 Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Saeed Aighamdi Hamza Alghamdi Satam Arsuqamr/Waleecl Alshehri Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Khalid Almihdhar ;Salem Alhazmi r !93 Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust " FI11 Suntrust FI11 Suntrust HUB HUB FI11 Fl 93 FPiTjr;" " FI77 "~ FI77- — ?? Purchase of airline ticket by Sengeun for Jarrah Monamed Atta payment for rental of Mitsubishi Gallant; checked out 4:11 PM on 7/22/01; returned 4:47 PM on 8/19/01; 8/5/2001 875/2001 $ ~$ 387.92 DC 1750 Debit Alamo Rent-A-Car Cash withdrawal 8/6/2001 $ 561.00 Cash . Karol Wise and Cecil Wise 8/6/2001 $ 445.20 DC 8/6/2001 $ 217.50 Cash 8/6/2001 $ 203.00 Cash 8/6/2001 $ 203.00 Cash 8/6/2001 $ 141.51 DC 8/6/2001 $ 49.50 Cash 8/7/2001 $ 49.50 DC Borough Jeep Chrysler Spirit Airlines (877^A46(rFLL-^WR 7:05 PM| 8/9 SA 1181 EWR-FLL 6:35 Mohamed Atta purchase of airline ticket; picked up PM) Mohamed Atta tickets on 8/7; FT(879Tr57TEWR^ATnrOtrAM; 8/9 FL 2503 ATL-MIA 2:1 5 PM) Abdulaziz Nawaf Alhazmi purchase of airline ticket for Abdulaziz Alomari Alomari FL (8 /9 FL 573 EWR-ATL 11:00 AM; 8/9 FL 2503 ATL-MIA 2:1 5 PM) Ahmed Nawaf Alhazmi purchase of airline ticket for Ahmed Alghamdi Alghamdi — Mohamed AttSTiwrrenrairvVhiteford Escort FL plate D47KRK; Checked out on 8/6/01; returned on 8/13/01; Tops Rent A Car (Warrick's) Hanjour and Moqed hotel stay Roorrr#T4; checked in 8/6/01; one night charge College Park Mote! Hanjour and Moqed hotel stay Room #14; one night College Park Motel charge; checked in 8/7/01 Hamza Alghamdi lease extension for 755 Dotterel from 8/13/01 through 8/30/01 Nawaf AIKazrhicaffenlar~8/6/01 to 8/20/01; Cinnamon Chrysler Concorde; NJ KSH72R; Bochum GER FI93 Ziad Jarrah Ft. Lauderdale FL Mohamed Atta Ahmed Alhaznawi Suntrust Suntrust Fl 11 FT93 Del ray Beach FL Hamza Alghamdi Suntrust Fl 175 NJ Nawaf Alhazmi HUB FI77 Pompano Bea FL Mohamed Atta Cash FI11 Paterson NJ Nawaf Alhazmi Cash FI77 Paterson NJ r Nawaf Alhazmi Cash FI77 Mohamed Atta Suntrust Fl 11 College Park MD Hani Hanjour/Majed Moqed fcash FI77 College Park MD Majed Moqed Dime r !77 Wayne Pompano Bea - -— - Date Debit 8/7/2001 $ Method 39.62 Tbc Description Note City Middle Eastern International 3:59 PM Lauderhill 8/8/2001 8/8/2001 8/8/2001 8/8/2001 $ 258.50 DC $'• ~ " 60.42 DC" $ 51.00 DC $ 49.99 DC College Park Motel Mail Boxes Etc. Macy's Macy's 8/8/2001 8/8/2001 $ $ 49.50 DC 49.50 DC College Park Motel Macy's 8/8/2001 8/8/2001 $ "$""" 27.67 Cash 15:22 Debit Kemper Aviation Inc. Check Order from Clarke American 8/8/2001 8/8/2001 8/8/2001 $ $ "$' 11.25 DC 7.50 Debit 3.60 DC" 8/9/2001 8/9/2001 879/2001 8/9/2001 8/9/2001 879/2001 8/972001 8/9/2001 8/9/2001 8/9/2001 $ $ $ $ $ $ "$" $ " $ r $" 1,731.00 DC 125.00 Cash 104.92 DC 33.89 DC 21.19 DC 20.00" ATlvT 19.99 DC 18.00" DC 1.00 DC 100" DC Citco Service Charge DnTon"5"STO" United Air (8/13 UA 57 IAD-LAX, 8/13 UA2558 LAX-LAS) Nawaf Alhazmi Freeway Airport Macy's Target Sunglass Hut Cas"h"with"drawal Payless Shoes Source TSS"Oif Pay Net Internet Pay Net Internet UnitedTXir (8/13 UA 57 IAD-LAX, 8/13 UA 2558 LAX-LAS) Hani Hanjour America WesrAT?187f3~AW2WDullesLV 7:09 AM) Mohamed Atta 8/10/2001 $ 1,73100 DC 8/10/2001 $ 1,139.25 DC 8/10/2001 8/10/2001 8/11/2001 8/11/2001 8/11/2001 8/11/2001 8/11/2001 $ $ $ $ "$ $ $ 8/12/2001 $ 280.50 DC 8/12/2001 $ 263.75 DC 220.26 45:21 319.39 101.75 72.42 29.81 1.02 DC DC DC ATM VC VC DC $ $ $ $ 189.50 DC 20.00 DC 16.80 DC 3.98 DC Hanjour and Moqed hotel stay Room #14; 8/8/01 balance of weekly rate charge; checked out 8/16/01 Payment for reniaTofPiper :WarrJbraiiplane; accompanied by another individual; College Park Hollywood Wayne Wayne NWAAir(8/14 NW714 LV-MN 12:00 PM, 8/14 NW 1764 MN-BWI 6:35 PM) Nawaf Alhazmi Yahoo Travel Middle EasternTnternational Union Avenue SuperMarket MD FL INJ NJ College Park MD NJ Wayne Lantana FL Ft. Lauderdale FL Nawaf Alhazmi purchase of airline ticket Payment for 2 hour check out flight; 7:41 PM Nawaf Alhazmi present; 11J45 AM 877-4128324 W7-4J28324 _. __ -- Patersbri NJ Bowie Wayne Fairfield Wayne Totowa Paterson Paterson MD NJ NJ NJ NJ Payment for airline tickets; Mohamed Atta purchase of airline ticket; internet purchase Purchase by Arshehhi of 2 tires for 1989 Pdntiac Grand Am, 8/10/01 Purchase by Hamza Alghamcliof Blue Blazer Purchase by Banihammad of jewelry Purchase by Banihammad of a woven tie NJ NJ TX TX"" - Totbwa A vehtura Wayne Aventura vliarni Paterson Marwan Alshehhi and Mohamed Atta hotel stay Room Lisa Apartments 1 1 1; checked in on 8/12/01; checked out on 8/19/01 Lake Worth Continental Air (CA 1936 LV-HOU 12:50PM, CA 1858 HOU-FLL 6:58 PM) Mohamed Atta Purchase of airline tickets; mtk/*fc {8M4 JNWT14 MAMNI 12;Q9 - PH 8n,T fly* ' w4 jWHPSJfi^v T^V "^ 8/12/2001 8/12/2001 8/1272001 8/12/2001" 8/12/2001 Tire Kingdom CVS Surreys"" Cash withdrawal Piercing Pagoda #278 - Zales Corp. Lord & Taylor Collection Foodlowh Hanjour and Moqed hotel stay Room #14; 8/8/01 weekly rate charge; checked out 8/16/01 4:06 PM L State Laudeffiin Paterson Bank Flight Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust FJ175 Majed Moqed Marwan Alshehhi Nawaf Alhazmi Nawaf Alhazmi Dime Suntrust FL TX FL NJ" FI77 j [HUB HUB Fl 77 Majed Moqed Nawaf Alhazmi Dime HUB FI77 FI77 Marwan Alshehhi Abdulaziz Alomari Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi jZiad Jarrah Ahmed Alghamdi Cash HUB FI175 Fill Suntrust WCG Dime FI93 RT75 Nawaf Alhazmi Hani Hanjour NawaTAIfiazmi Abdulaziz Alomari NawaTAIhazmi Nawaf Alhazmi Nawaf Aihazmi Nawaf Alhazmi " Ziad Jarrah Ziad Jarrah Dime Cash Dime Dime HUB Suntrust Suntrust Nawaf Alhazmi Dime r !77 Mohamed Atta Suntrust FI11 Suntrust HUB Suntrust HUB SCB-VC SCB-VC HUB :l 175 Fl 77 FI175 FI77 FL Marwan Alshehhi Nawaf Alhazmi NJ" FL" Harriza"Alghamdi NJ Mawaf AlfiazW" Fayez Banihammad FL FL H -ayez Banihammad NJ " SalenTAlhazfnl Purchase of airline tickets; Purchase of airline tickets; 210/258-2023 Hijacker HUB HUB HUB FI77 " F177 " F177 Fill" FIT7" FI77 FI77 Fl 77 •res : I93 rl 175 FI77 " Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust Mohamed Atta Suntrust FI11 Nawaf Alhazmi Dime FI77 Nawaf Alhazmi vlawaf Alhazmi WailAlshehfiWAIshehri Satem Alhazmi Dime Dime Suntrust" HUB FI77 FIT? — - r- - - nn — R77 —- Date Debit 8/13/2001 8/13/2001 $ $ Method 74.02 DC 57^49 DC Description Note City State Hijacker Bank Flight Surreys Middle Eastern International Purchase by Hamza Alghamdi of dress shirt Aventura Lauderhill FL FL Hamza Alghamdi Ahmed Alhaznawi Suntrust Suntrust FI175 FI93 NV Mohamed Atta Cash Fl 11 NV Mohamed Atta Suntrust Fl 11 Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust Fl 175 Fayez Banihammad Hamza Alghamdi Nawaf Alhazmi Nawaf Alhazmi Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Suntrust Suntrust :I175 8/13/2001 $ 55.00 Cash Econolodge 8/13/2001 $ 41.35 DC — Alamo Rent-A-Car 8/13/2001 $ 37.08 DC The Sports Authority 8/13/2001 8/13/2001 8/13/2001 8/13/2001 $ $ "$" $ 16.42 4.77 1.00 1.00 DC DC Debit Debit Walmart Supercenter Winn Dixie #268 Service Fee Service Fee Mohamed Atta Room #124; checked in 2:55 PM on 8/1 3/01 Checked out between 3:30 AM and 5:12 AM on 8/14/01 Las Vegas Mohamed Atta rental of 2001 Chevy Malibu; checked out 1:46 PM on 8/13/01; returned 11:09 AM on 8/14/01; 39 miles driven Las Vegas Purchase by Alshehhi of 2 black, 4 inch pocket knives Boynton Bead FL Purchase WSianley two-piece knife snap set and grocery items Boynton Bead FL Purchase of yeast; 7:11 PM Delray Beach FL 8/14/2001 $ 8/15/2001 $ 8/15/2001 8/15/2001 8/15/2001 8/157200T 8/16/2001 8/16/2001 $ $ $ $~ $ $ 8/16/2001 $ 57.00 Cash 8/16/2001 $ 31.80 Cash 8/16/2001 $ 28.50 DC Waleed Alshehri car insurance payment; 1993 Red Dodge Colt Security National Insurance Company Marwan Alshehhi purchase of one week gym Sports Medicine Inc d/b/a/ Body Dynamic membership Mohamed Atta payment for parking ticket received on 8/3; vehicle was a 2001 Grey Mitsubushi registered to Alamo; Fl plate T27IIQ Robert E Lockwood Clerk of Courts ]Check Order from Clarke American Maintenance Fee Service Charge Payment for checkout flight; Palm Beach "Flight' Freeway Airport Payment for flight lesson; Majed Moqed payment for Hoterslay Room 203; Valencia Hotel checked in on 8/16; checked out on 8/17; Fayez'Banifiarnmad purchase ofdne week gym Sports Medicine Inc d/b/a/ Body Dynamic membership 'Payment for dry cleaning of fourJrousers'and^firee North Dixie Laundry shirts; 8/16/2001 8/16/2001 8/16/2001 $ $ "" $ 15.37 DC 13.74 DC 12.36 DC Publix Middle Eastern International Middle Eastern International 100.81 Check 102 31.80 DC 25.00 16.36 3.00 1.00 133.03 125.00 Check 523 Debit Debit Debit Cash Cash 8/17/2001 8/17/2001 8/17/2001 $ $ $ 300.00 Cash 125.00 Cash "T23T33" Cash 8/17/2001 $ 53.00 DC Mail Boxes Etc. 8/17/2001 8/17/2001 $ $ 37.10 Cash 21.64 DC Mail Boxes Etc. Publix 8/17/2001 $ 15.00 DC Winn-Dixie Stores Inc. 8/18/2001 $ 65.17 DC Airborne Systems Flight School Freeway Airport Palm Beach Flight Target Purchase of assorted grocery items; 5:19 PM Ziad Jarrah payment for check out night; deemed m to fly alone; rented airplanes 1 1 times from 8/17 though 9/5; Paid $300 cash. Payment for flight resson; PaymenlTof rental 67p/aneTCesna 172)7dr"T.5~ffdurs; Payment for rental of box #212; Salem Alhazmi added his name to box on 8/18; Payment forrenTaTottox T*T56; Almihdhar and possibly Nawaf Alhazmi present; Purchase of a Tote, briefcase, clock combo and Pepsi; 5:29 PM Lantana FL MD Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Khalid Almihdhar Hani Hanjour Salem Alhazmi Mohamad Atta Hani Hanjour MD Lantana Boca Raton $ 49.00 Cash Mailboxes Etc Suntrust -111 Suntrust r !175 Suntrust HUB HOST Cash Cash FI77 FI77 FIT?"" Fill Fl'77" Majed Moqed Cash FI77 FL rayez Cash - Fl 175 FL Suntrust Fl 175 Pompano Bea FL Lauderhill " " " FL Lauderhill FL Hamza Alghamdi Satam AlsuqamTA/Valeed Alshehri Ahmed Alhaznawi Hamza Alghamdi Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust FI11 FPS3 FTT75 Ft. Lauderdale FL Bowie MD FL Lantana' Ziad Jarrah Hani Hanjour M6hamed~AHa ?? Cash Cash FI93 1FT77 FI11 Wayne vlawaf Alhazmi HUB FI77 Cash Suntrust FI77 FI93 ' Lantana Bowie " HUB ' F NJ North Haledoi NJ Sea'Ra'hclTLk' FL " Boynton Bead FL 8/18/2001 vlarwan Alshehhi FL HUB -1175 -I 77 :I77 HUB Payment for 3 month rental, Box 433 and key deposit; Laurel MD Banihammad Khalid Almihdhar ZiacTJaffarr MohameiTAttaVMarwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi ... Hani Hanjour Suntrust Suntrust Cash FI77 — - Date Debit 8/18/2001 8/18/2001 8/19/2001 8/19/2001 $ $ $ $ $ 8/19/2001 8719/2001 8/19/2001 $ $ $ 8/19/2001 $ am/2001 Method 42.00 27.58 143.90 84.80 67.98 Cash DC ^Cash DC DC 53.00 Cash 47.69 DC 3i.80 DC 17.39 DC 8/20/2001 8/20/2001 8/20/2001 DM1238.00 Cash $ 2,800.00 VC $ i;362"00" ATM 8/20/2001 $ 371.00 DC 8/20/2001 mo/2001 $ $ 109.80 Cash 79.50 DC 8/20/2001 8/21/2001 $ ?? 53.00 Cash Cash $ "$ $ $ $" $ 159.00 DC "63:59 DC 27.40 DC 25.46 DC 23748" DC 1.00" Debit 8/21/2001 8/21/2001 8/21/2001 8/21/200T 8/21/2001 "-'" 8721/2001 8/22/2001 $ 480.00 Cash 8/22/2001 8/22/2001 $ $ 154.75 Cash 37.09 DC 8/22/2001 8/22/2001" 8/22/2001 $ $" $ 8/22/2001 8/22/2001 8/23/2001 $ $ $ 8/23/2001 8/23/2001 8/23/2001 8/23/2001 $ $" $ - $ 26.57 DC 18:80" DC 10:00 DC 9.70 DC 8.24 DC --143:90" DC 49.50 26.00 20.79 12.80 Cash DC DC DC Description Note State Hijacker Bank Flight Turf Motel Middle Eastern International Palm Beach Flight Macy's Macy's Majed Moqed and ?? Hotel stay Room 16; checked in on 8/18at 11:17 PM; checkedouton 8/19 at 11:12 AM Laurel - — --- Lauderhill Lantana Payment for rental of plane (Cessna); Wayne Wayne MD FL FL NJ NJ Majed Moqed Ziad Jarrah Mohamed Atta Salem Alhazmi Salem Alhazmi Cash Suntrust Cash HUB HUB FI77 FI93 FM1 FI77" FI77 Turf Motel Macy's Macy's Majed Moqed and ?? Hotel stay Room 5; checked in on 8/19 at 11:11 AM; checked out on 8/20 at 9:52 AM Laurel Wayne Wayne MD NJ NJ Cash HUB"" HUB FI77 FI77 FI77 Publix Purchase of assorted grocery items; 5: 1 6 PM Majed Moqed Salem Alhazmi Khaiid Almihdhar Satarn Aisuqami/Waleed Alshehri Suntrust FI11 Cash SCB-VC SCB UNK -1175 UNK' Nawaf Alhazmi HUB =177 Hani Hanjour WaTIAIshehri/WAIshehri Cash Suntrust -177 Fl 1 1 Vlajed Moqed SlajecTMbqed Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Pompano Bea FL Marwan Alshehhi Boynton BeacT FL Lauderhill FL Ziad Jarrah Boynton Bead FL"""" MarwarTAlshehhi Waleed Alshehri PbmpaWBea FL NawafAlhazmi 3ash Cash FI77 R77 Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust HUB Fl 11 Fl'175 FI93 FTT75 FTT1 FI77" vliami Cash FI93 Cash HUB Fl 11 FI77 Suntrust Suntrust HUB FI93 Fl 93 FIT7 Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust FI93 Turkish Airlines (9/3 TA 1662 HAM-IST; 9/3 TA IST-KAR; 10/30 TA 1057 KARSaid Bahaji purchase of airline ticket; did not use the IST; TA 1661 IST-HAM) Said Bahaji 10/30/01 ticket; rCash withdrawal Cash withdrawal -----5000 AEDT7T29PM Ideal time NawafAlhazmi car rental; 8/20/01 to 8/31/01; Borough Jeep Chrysler Cinnamon Chrysler Concorde; NJ KSH72R; Payment for aircraft rental ($76/hr.)and flight instruction ($30/hr.) Congressional Air Charters World Gym World Gym Target Middle Eastern International Publix Service Fee Amoco Publix Palm"Beacri Flight Budget Host Inns Baraka Halal Noun's Syrian Bakery Amana Halal Meat Purchase of "Audio CD 1167"; 6:53 PM Purchaseof assorted grocery items; 10: 13PM Oshkosh Pilot Shop SpinTAiflines (8/23 SA 460 FLL-EWR) Mohamed Atta Champs Oshkosh Pilot Shop Shell No. 2752572 " " Super Market Pompano Bea FL GER Said Bahaji Boynton Bead FL Fayez Banihammad Sharjah UA"E" Mustafa Ahmed Alhawsawi Wayne NJ Gaithersberg MD Majed Moqed and ?? Hotel stay Room 5; checked in on 8/20 at 6:09 PM; checked out on 8/21 at 1 1:23 AM Laurel MD Payment for rental of Box #126 College Park MD Turf Motel Mailboxes Etc ' City "" Ziad Jarrah purchase of Garmm HI Pilot Americas Database GPS system; 10:44AM balance paid with credit card on 8/27; FL Mohamed Atta purchase of airline ticket Ft. Lauderdale FL Purchase of two weight lining belts; Wayne NJ Zfaff JaTra/? purchase or 3 poster se? of cockpit control systems for 757 aircraft; 2:49 PM vliami FL "" Miami FL Haterson NJ " Related to plane'rental by Atta on 8/1 9 for 1. 5 hours HahtHanjour hotel stay~Room 335; checked m on 8/23/01; checked out on 8/29/01 Sea Ranch Lk FL Boynton Bead FL — Laurel Paterson 3aterson Paterson MD NJ NJ NJ Ziad Jarrah Mohamed Atta — KhalicJ Almihdhar Ziad Jarrah ' - Ziad"Jafrah Salem Alhazmi Mofiamea"Atta/Marwan Wshehhi Ziad -Jarrah MoharnedAtta " " - Hani Hanjour •Jawaf Alhazmi \lawaf Alhazmi 1NawafAlhazmi "" Cash HUB HUB HUB FI77 FI77 FI77 FI7T -" Date Method Debit Note Hani Hanjour hotel stay Room 335; checked in on 8X3/01; checked out on 8X9/01 Terminal 41 581 3 8/24/2001 8/24/2001 $ $ 49.50 DC 41.68 DC Budget Host Inns Mount of Olives 8/24/2001 8/24/2001 8/24/2001 8/24/2001 8/24/2001 $ $ $ $ $ 15.00 14.45 6M 4.90 1.00 Maintenance fee Super Market Maintenance Fee Total Items Paid Fee Service Charge Debit DC Debit Debit Debit City Description 8/26/2001 8/26/2001 $ DC 2,232125 DC Turf Motel American Air (AA 1 1) Wail Alshehri 8/26/2001 $ 2,232.25 DC 8/26/2001 $ 381.50 DC $ 190.75 DC 8/26/2001 $ 100.70 DC Sears Roebuck 99.00 DC 63.84 DC 8/27/2001 $ 2,232.25 VC Budget Host Inns Congressional Air Charters Hani Hanjour hotel stay Room 335; checked in oh 8/23/01; checked out on 8/29/01 Hani Hanjour rental of airplane United Airlines (UA 175; 9/11 BOS-LAX, \1 1 LAX-SFO) Fayez Banihammad 8/27/2001 $ 2,23225 VC •~ "• $ 1,824.00 DC 8/27/2001 $ 1,824.00 DC 8/27/2001 $ 165.99 DC 8/27/2001 $ 132.00 DC 8/27/2001 $ 73.48 DC Target 8/27/2001 8/27/2001 $ $ 65.25 DC 60.00 ATM Mail Boxes Etc. CastfwittTdrawal 27.10 DC 2542 DC Oshkosh Pilot Shop PayTessShoes $ - $~ Hani Hanjour Hani Hanjour Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri KhalidAlmihdhar Ziad Jarrah Ziad Jarrah Salem Alhazmi HUB 2 HUB 2 FI77 Fl 77 Suntrust HUB Suntrust Suntrust HUB FI11 FI77 FI93 FI93 FT 77" Ziad Jarrah WairAishehri Suntrust Suntrust -I 93 -111 Waleed Alshehri Suntrust FI11 Ziad Jarrah Suntrust FI93 E untrust FI11 Pompano Bea FL vlohamed Atta Satam AlsuqamT/Waleed Alshehri untrust FI11 Laurel MD Gaifhersberg MD Hani Hanjour Hani Hanjour HUB 2 HUB 2 FI77 Fl 77" SCB-VC FI175 SCB-VC Fl 175 Nawaf Alhazmi Dime FI77 Mawaf Alhazmi Dime FI77 Ziad Jarrah Suntrust FI93 Suntrust FI93 Laurel MD Falls Church VA ~t ' - - - - - NJ , Booking for Flight 175 Fayez Banihammad CA Fayez Banihammad Purchase by Nawaf Alhazmi of a Leatherman Wave and Optima Signature series pen and pencil set - "-- United Airlines (UA 175; 9/T1 BOS-LAX7 9/1 1 LAX-SFO) Mohand Alshehri Booking for Flight 175 Mohand Alshehri American Air (AA 77; 9/11 IAD-LAX, 9/1 1 LAX-SFO) Salem Alhazmi Booking for Flight 77 Salem Alhazmi - American Air" (AAT7; 9/1T1AD-LAX, 9/11 LAX-SFO) Nawaf Alhazmi Booking for Flight 77 Nawaf Alhazmi ~Ziad Jarrah payment for hotel stay Room 13; checked in on 8/27 and given Room 13; when Hanjour and Moqed also arrived, Jarrah told he must switch rooms; after argument, Jarrah checked out and money was refunded; Turf Motel Zfattarfah hotel 'stay Room 105; checked in 6n~8/27; checked out on 8/29; paid for three nights; refunded Pin-Del Motel one night stay; Laurel 8/27/2001 8/27/2001 8/27/2001 Flight \Ziad Jarrah refund of hotel stay Room 13; checked in 'on 8/27 and given Room 13; when Hanjour and \Moqed also arrived, Jarrah told he must switch rooms; after argument, Jarrah checked out and money was refunded; Booking for Flight 11 Wail Alshehri 8/26/2001 $ $ Bank - American Air (AA 1 1) Waleed Alshehri Booking for Flight 1 1 Waleed Alshehri US~Airwiys~(S72rUS"27'1'9~FLr-BVW;'"""" 8/30 US 2718 BWI-FLL) Ziad Jarrah Ziad Jarrah purchase of airline ticket US Airways (US 2970 8/28 BWI-FLL) Mohamed Atta Mohamed Atta purchase of airline ticket 8/26/2001 8/26/2001 Hijacker Paterson -- - State Laurel Waleed Alshehri renewal of mail box #281 in name of Waleed Alshehri and Wail Alshehri; 3 months Hollywood taud-Dy-sea Ziad Jarrarrpurchwse of antenna for GPS system; ; 10:40 AM Miami Purchase of dress sfioes^ana secfrs jPompano Bea CA rayez Banihammad MD Ziad Jarrah MD Nawaf Alhazmi HUB FI77 FL FL Waleed Alshehri Ziad Jarrah Suntrust Sunfrust FI11 FT93 FL FL Ziad Jarrah |Waleed Alshehri Suntrust SuntrDst FI93 FTTI ' "" —- Date Debit 8/27/2001 $ 8/27/2001 $ 8/27/2001 8/27/2001 8/27/2001 8/27/2001 8/27/2001 8/27/2001 $ $ $ $ $ $ " Method Description Note City 21.36 DC Banyan Air Service Ziad Jarrah purchase of 3 IFR aeronautical charts (1 entire U.S., 1 NWand NE U.S., 1 SWand SE U.S.); Ft. Lauderdale FL 19.07 DC Payless Shoes 19.00 DC 18.63 DC DC DC Debit 0.30" Debit 5:50 2.11 1.00 8/28/2001 Credit 8/28/2001 $ 2,113.00 DC 8/28/2001 $ 2,113.00 DC 8/28/2001 $ 2,000.00 Check 126 8/28/2001 8/28/2001 $ $ 1,920.25 Cash T1T72" DC 8/28/2001 $ 99.00 DC 8/28/2001 8/28/2001 $ $ 25.52 DC T574T DC 8/29/2001 $ 8/29/2001 $ 369.73 Cash 8/29/2001 8/29/2001 8/29/2001 $ $ 45.36 DC 11.44 DC 7:90 DC 8/29/2001 $ $ 8/30/2001 1,756.00 DC 1.50 Debit Deposit 8/30/2001 $ 1,756.00 DC $ 1,621.50 DC - 8/30/2001 8/30/2001 $ 350.00 Cash Oshkosh Pilot Shop Food Factory Middle Eastern International OfficeMax Service Charge Service Fee Ziad Jarrah payment of balance due for purchase of Garmin III Pilot Americas Database GPS system; 10:44AM 7:01 PM Purchase by Hamza Alghamdi of Elmer's Glue State Miami FL College Park MD Lauderhill FL Del Ray Bead FL Ziad Jarrah Hotel stay Room 105 refunded on night stay; Abdufazlz Alomari purchase of airline ticket foTFIigfir American Airlines (AA 1 1) Abdulaziz Alor 11 Pin-Del Motel American Airlines (AA 11) Mohamed Atta Mohamed Atta purchase of airline ticket for Flight 11 Cashed; Likely 'usecftopay'for Satam Afsuqami's Waleed Alshehri airline ticket for A A 1 1 American Airlines (AA 1 1) Satam Alsuqami Congressional Air Charters Hani Hanjour rental of airplane Hani Hanjour hotel stay Room 335; checked in on Budget Host Inns 8K3/01; checked out on 8/29/01 Payment for 97 minutes computer rental andTO black Kinko's and white prints; Food Factory" "" ' T9TT7 United Airlines (UA 175; 9/1 1 BOS-LAX, 9/11 LAX-SAN) Hamza Alghamdi Booking forF1 175 Hamza Alghamdi Mohamed AttacafTental; Blue Cfievfdret Corsica Fl plate D62RIE; checked out on 8/15/01; checked in on Warrick's Rent a Car (Tops) 8/29/01; 1915 miles driven Purchase of "Good News"' and "20 Pilotcase"; 7:20 Target PM BarakaHaral ""' Arriana Halal Meat KhalidAlrniHo'fiar~and Nawaf Alhazmi present; 6:08 Mini Statement Printed PM Refund of security deposit to MarwanAlsHehhrfrom rental of apartment located at 401 Greensward Lane, A204, Defray Beach, FL; lease period was 6/13/01 Jackie Allen through 8/12/01; Spindrift Motel pank Flight Ziad Jarrah Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust FI93 Suntrust Ziad Jarrah Hani Hanjour Hamza Alghamdi Hamza Alghamdi Salem Alhazmi Nawaf Aihazmi Suntrust HUB 2 Suntrust Suntrust HUB HUB FI93 FI77 FI175 Fl 175 FI77 FI77 Ziad Jarrah Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust FI93 Waleed Alshehri Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Hani Hanjour Suntrust Suntrust FI11 Hani Hanjour HUB 2 -I 77 Nawaf Alhazmi Hani Hanjour HUB HUB 2 =177 Hamza Alghamdi Suntrust FI175 Pompano Bea FL Suntrust r !11 Paterson Paterson Mohamed Atta Monamed Atta/Marwan FL Alshehhi NJ Nawaf Alhazmi NJ " ~ " Nawaf Alhazmi Suntrust HUB HUB FI77 FI77 Paterson NJ Khalid Almihdhar HUB FI77 Del Ray Beacf FL Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust FI175 Hamza Alghamdi Suntrust Fl 175 Ziad Jarrah Suntrust FI93 MD Laurel MD College Park MD Ft. Lauderdale FL Waleed Alshehri " — FI77 Laurel "| Suntrust Cash JHUB 2 Ft. Lauderdale FL Gaithersberg MD United Airlines (UA 175; 9/1 1 BOS-LAX, 9/1 1 LAX-SFO) Ahmed Alghamdi Booking for Fl 1 75 Ahmed Alghamdi United AirlinesTUA 93; 9/11 EWR-SFO; SFO-LAS) Ziad Jarrah Booking for Flight 93 Ziad Jarrah Hotel stay Room 124; one week prepaid; checked in on 8/30, checked out on 9/6; paid additional $50 on 9/5; two other individuals stayed with Alshehri; Hijacker ash FI11 • T77 FI11 ~ | Date Debit 8/30/2001 8/30/2001 8/30/2001 8/30/2001 8/31/2001 $ 157.72 DC $ 76.30 DC $ 74.18" DC $ 38.92 DC $ ~ 2,44772 Check 101 8/31/2001 $ 1,842.25 Cash 8/31/2001 $ 333.00 Cash 8/31/2001 $ 320.00 Cash 9/1/2001 9/1/2001 $ $ 116.06 DC 66.93 VC 9/1/2001 9/1/2001 $ $ 9/2/2001 $ 308.00 DC 9/2/2001 9/3/2001 $ 34.60 DC 9/3/2001 $ 130.30 DC 9/3/2001 $ 81.62 DC . Method . . 42.90 Cash 37.09 DC TDC 9/3/2001 9/3/2001 $ $ 47.68 DC 21.00 DC 9/3/2001 $ 9.61 DC 9/4/2001 ?? 9/4/2001 $ 1,721.50 DC 9/4/2001 $ 1,681.00 DC 9/4/2001 $ 26675 Cash 9/4/2001 $ 266.75 Cash 9/4/2001 $ 266.75 Cash 9/4/2001 $ 266.75 Cash 9/4/2001 $ 192.00 Cash 9/4/2001 $ 192.00 Cash ?? Description Note Hijacker Bank Flight Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Hamza Alghamdi Hamza Alghamdi Hamza Alghamdi HaniTtenjour Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust HUB2 F| 11 FI175" FM75" " Fl 175 FI77 '" Hani Hanjour Cash H77__ Hamza Alghamdi Cash FI175 Ziad Jarrah Satam Alsuqami/Waleed Alshehri Fayez Banihammad Cash FI93 Suntrust SCB-VC FI11 FT 175 NawafAlhazmi Waleed Alshehri ~" Cash Suntrust -I 77 :l 11 NawafAlhazmi IvToFarhed Atfa/Marwan Alshehhi Khalid Almihdhar HUB =177 Suntrust FUB r !77 Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust Fl 1 1 Waleed Alshehri Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi Ziad Jarrah Suntrust Fl 11 Suntrust Suntrust Fl 93 Pompano Bea FL Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust Fl 175 Baden-Baden GER Ramzi Binalshibh ?? UNK Ahmed Alhaznawi Suntrust FI93 Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust FI175 FL Wail Al Shehri Cash FI11 FL Waleed Al Shehri Cash Fl 11 Waleed Alshehri Ft. Lauderdale FL ' Ft. Lauderdale i/Valeed Alshehri *-- Cash FI11 Cash FI11 Lauderhill FL Ahmed Alghamdi Cash FI175 Lauderhill FL Hamza Alghamdi Cash FI175 City State \Purchase of one tie, 2 pairs of slacks (34W), two Sears Roebuck dress shirts and a belt Ft. Lauderdale FL Rack Room Shoes #0302 Boynton Bead FL Lowe's Home improvement Boynton Bead FL Purchase of a Leaihermanl/Vave Middle Eastern International Lauderhill FL Cash NJ Hani Hanjour; to pay for plane tickets Fl 77 American Airlines (9/1 1 AA 77 IAD-LAX) Hani Hanjour Hani Hanjour purchase of airline ticket for Flight 77 Totowa NJ Payment for hotel stay room 123; checked in 8/31/01; Crystal Cay Motel paid through 9/7/01; Deerfield Beac FL Ziad JarrafTand Ahmed AlhaznawrsTayafapartmenf; ~ Anita Brueckl-Hampel (Mona Lau condon stayed from 8/31/01 through 9/7/01 Lauderdale By FL Waleed Alshehri purchase of short sleeve silk print Burdmes #0009 shirt and size 30 khaki pants Pompano Bea FL Wal-Mart Supercenter purchase of assorted grocery items; Boynton Bead FL NawafAlhazmi hotel stay Room 7; checked in on 9/1; Pin-Del Motel checked out on 9/2; MD Laurel Payless Shoes Purchase of dress shoes Pompano Bea FL NawafAlhazmi hotel stay Room; checked in on 9/2; MD Budget Host Inns (Valencia Hotel) checked out on 9/9; Laurel Purchase ofGilette razor blades and assorted grocery Winn-Dixie #345 items; Deerfield Beac FL The Shoe Department Refund from return of Timberlahd Euro II shoes Laurel MD Purchase of notebook, "Green triple C", "Black Office Max softhyde", and "Black vinyl per"; 5:58 PM Del ray Beach FL Waleed Alshehri purchase>of 1 8" sterling silver necklace, 18" sterling silver rope necklace and men's Piercing Pagoda - Zale Corporation ring with cubic zirkonium stones Pompano Bea |FL Purchase ofKoss Stereo headphones and Sony Circuit City Walkman AM/FM cassette radio; Delray Beach FL Exxon Ft. Lauderdale FL - - - Marwan Alshehhi purchase of a toggle switch, Wal-Mart gelmate, auto tape (red) and 9 volt battery; 5:08 PM Lufthansa (9/5 LH 4398 DUS-MAD; 9/19" Purchase-of airline 'ticket; Difriot use ticket for 9/19 MAD-DUS) Ramzi Binalshibh flight United Airlines (DA 93; 9/1 1 EWR-SFO) Ahmed Alhaznawi Booking Flight 93 Ahmed Alhaznawi United Airlines (UA 175; 9/1 1 BOS-LAX, 9/1 1 LAX-SAN) Man/van Alshehhi Booking Flight 175 Marwan Alshehhi DeIfsT(975 Dr2462TLr-BOS~12:00 PM) Wail Alshehri Purchase of airline ticket for Wail Alshehri Delta (9/5DL 2462 FLL-BOS 12:00 PM) Waleed Alshehri Purchase of airline ticket for Waleed Alshehri De1ta~(976T>r2462 FEL7-BOS T2TOOTM) Purchase of plane ticket/fdr Abdulaziz Aloman; Abdulaziz Alomar! purchased by Waleed Alshehri Delta (9/6 DL~2462 Ftr-BOST2TOO-pMT Purchase of plane ticket fofSafam'Alsuqami; Satam Alsuqami purchased by Waleed Alshehri Airtran (9/7 FL 188 FLL-ATLT 977 ATLBOS) Ahmed Al Ghamdi Purchase of plane ticket for Ahmed Alghamdi Airtran (9/7 FL 188 FLL^ATL; 9/7 ATLBOS) Hamzah Al Ghamdi Purchase of plane ticket for Hamza Alghamdi — - - .. - — Date Method Debit 9/4/2001 $ 13227 9/4/2001 9/4/2001 9/4/2001 974/2001 9/4/2001 9/4/2001 9/4/2001 9/4/2001 9/4/2001 9/4/2001 9/4/2001 9/4/2001 $ $ $ ""$"" $ $ $ $ $ $ $ "$" 73.64 32.55 27:60 25.00 20.00 20.00 11.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Description The Shoe Department DC DC ATM Debit DC Debit Debit Debit Debit ATM Target Food Factory II The Shadow Gold Valley Cash withdrawal Deluxe check charge Yahoo Travel Service Charge Service Charge Service Charge Service Fee Inquiry Fee 9/5/2001 9/5/2001 $ ?? Cash 8,000.00 Wire Park Inn Fayez Banihammad 9/5/2001 $ 6,400.00 Check 222 Cash 9/5/2001 $ 3,700.00 Check 434 9/5/2001 $ 1,769.75 DC 9/5/2001 $ 1,769.75 DC 9/5/2001 $ 1,134.25 Cash Cash United Airlines (UA 93; 9/1 1 EWR-SFO) Ahmed Alnami UnTfeiTAinTries (OA"93rWl TEWR^SFOJ Saeed Alghamdi American Airlines (9/11 AA 77 IAD-LAX) Khalid Almidhar ArnericarTAirlines (g/ITAATTTATPLAX) Majed Moqed 9/5/2001 $ 1,134.25 Cash 9/5/2001 $ 573.25 DC 9/5/2001 $ 226.75 Cash 9/5/2001 $ 192.00 Cash 9/5/2001 $ 192.00 Cash 9/5/2001 $ 190.75 Cash 9/5/2001 $ 139.75 Cash 9/5/2001 9/5/2001 $ $ 139.75 Cash 124.75 Cash 9/5/2001 $ 124.75 Cash 9/5/2001 $ 50.00 Cash Alamo Delta Airlines (9/9 DL" 2462 FLL-BOS 12:00 PM) Marwan Alshehhi ATrtran (9/8 AT 188 FLL-ATL 12:05 PM; 9/8 AT 284 ATL-BOS 3:20 PM) Fayez Banihammad Airtfan (9/8 AT T88 FLL-ATL 12:05 PM; 9/8 AT 284 ATL-BOS 3:20 PM) Mohand Alshehri US Airways (9/7 US 2698 FLL-BWI 6:30 AM) Mohamed Atta Spirit Airlines (9/7NK 1460 FLL-EWR~ 6:35 PM) Ahmed Alnami Spirit Airlines (9/7 NK 1460 FLL-EWR 6:35 PM) Saeed Alghamdi Continental (9/7 CO 1500 FLL-EWRJ Ahf Contihentar(9/7CO 1500 FLL-EWR) ~~ Ziad Jarrah Spindritt Motel Note City Purchase by Khalid Almihdhar of two MUDD Ripstop cargo bags and one pair Timber/and Euro II shoes; 12:45 PM Laurel Purchase of Emerson Walkman, Philips headphones, batteries, pens, razors, a notebook, a pencil pouch and a travel accesory kit; Ft. Lauderdale 8:00 PM College Park Laurel Nawaf Alhazmi purchase of ID bracelet; 1:12 PM Laurel Deerfield Beac Laurel Waleed Alshehri hotel stay Room 433; checked in on 9/5; checked out on 9/1 1; Newton Wire WSCB-UAE'accduni ~~ Present are Mohand Alshehri, Mohamed Atta and Hamza Alghamdi Present are Hamza Alghamdi, Mohamed Atta and Ahmed Alhaznawi 'state Hijacker Bank Flight MD Khalid Almihdhar FUB FI77 FL MD MD MD FL Suntrust FUB FUB HUB Suntrust FUB Suntrust RUB HUB MD Waleed Alshehri Khalid Almihdhar Khalid Almihdhar Nawaf Alhazmi Hamza Alghamdi Hani Hanjour Ahmed Alhaznawi ^bdulaziz Alomari Abdulaziz Alomari Abdulaziz Alomari Nawaf Alhazmi Majeff Moqed bime FI11 Fl 77" FI77 FI77 Fl 175 FI77 FI93 PUT Ffii FI11 FI77 FI77 MA FL Waleed Alshehri Fayez Banihammad Cash Suntrust Fl 11 FI175 Mohand Alshehri Suntrust FI175 Hamza Alghamdi Suntrust Fl 175 huB IHUB Booking Flight 93 Ahmed Alnami Chicago IL Saeed Alghamdi Suntrust FI93 Booking Flight 93 Saeed Alghamdi Payment for AA Flight 77 ticket booked on 8/25; paid in cash; PaymehTfbTAA Flight 77 ticket booked on 8/25; paid in cash; Payment for weekly car rental; Checkout on 9/5/01 at 4:33 PM; Chicago IL Saeed Alghamdi Suntrust FI93 Baltimore MD - Khalid Almihdar -j - Cash FI77 Baltimore MD Majed Moqed Cash FI77 Boston MA Wail Alshehri Suntrust FI11 Marwan Alshehhi purchase of airline ticket Boca Raton FL Marwan Alshehhi Cash Fl 175 Fayez Banihammad purchase of airline ticket Jghthouse Po FL Fayez Banihammad Cash FI175 Vlohand Alshehri purchase of airline ticket Lighthouse Po FL Mohand Alshehri Cash FI175 Mohamed Atta purchase of airline ticket Boca Raton Mohamed Atta Cash FI11 Ahmed Alnami purchase of airline ticket Lauderdale by Ahmed Alnami Cash FI93 Saeed Alghamdi purchase of airline ticket Purchase of airline ticket for Ahmed Alhaznawi Lauderdale by FL Ft. Lauderdale FL Saeed Alghamdi fthrnedTflTiazhawi Cash Cash FI93 FI93 Ziad Jarrah purchase of airline ticket Ft. Lauderdale FL Ziad Jarrah Cash FI93 Hotel stay Room 124; one week prepaid; checked in on 8/30; checked out on 9/6; paid additional $50 on 9/5; two other individuals stayed with Alshehri; Ft. Lauderdale FL Waleed Alshehri Cash FI11 FL FL - — - - -- — -- Date 9/5/200 1" j ^ Debit $ Method 32.00 Debit I Description \Note State City Overdraft Fee Hijacker Bank plight Hani Hanjour HUB 2 FI77 Hani Hanjour Cash FI77 Ziad Jarrah Cash FI93 Waleed Alshehri Nawaf Alhazmi Cash HUB FI11 Purchase of Maryland ID Card # H526-298-757-9/5/2001 $ 15.00 Cash 9/6/200) Cash Maryland Department of Motor Vehicle 675; Proceeds from Ziad Jarrah sale of 1990 Mitsubishi Eclipse Smartway Auto Sales Proceeds from Waleed Alshehri sale of 1993 Dodge Elite Select Used Cars Colt; Date is approximate; Service Fee Abdulaziz Alomari hotel stay Room 225; checked in Park Inn on 9/6 at 5:43 PM; checked out on 9/10; J.C. Penney Purchase of pair of trousers; 5:14 PM UCFPen Cash withdrawal Massachusetts Turnpike Payment of turnpike toll 9/6/2001 9/6/2001 '$ 9/6/2001 9/6/2001 9/6/2001 976/2001" 9/6/2001 $ T $ $ $ 434.40 Cash '"31749" DC 29.00 Debit 20.00 ATM ""2:40 Cash 9/7/2001 $ 228.68 Cash Charles Hotel 9/7/2001 $ 223.88 DC Marriott 9/7/2001 9/7/2001 9/7/2001 9/7/2001 9/7/200r 9/7/2001 9/7/2001 $ $ $ "J $ | $ •"' $ 1.00 Cash Debit 50.00 36750" 34.95 7750 Wire DC " ~ DC Debit"" 5.00 DC 5.00 DC 1754 Cash Fee Sky Line Butcher Mount of Olives Service Charge Marriott Marriott CVS Pharmacy 9/8/2001 $ 469.43 VC Milner Hotel 9/8/2001 9/8/2001 $ $ 435.00 Cash 391.50 ATM 9/8/2001 9/8/2001 9/8/2001 9/872001 $ $ $ "" "$ Days Hotel CasTTwifhdrawar US Airways ( 9/9 UA 2979 BWI-BOS, 7:45 AM) Mohamed Atta Cash withdrawal Foocf Factory!! Top One Cleaners" ~ ~ 9/8/2001 9/8/2001 9/872001 9/8/2001 $ $~ $ "5 9/9/2001 244.75 201.00 "36:55 27.00 DC ATM DC DC 21.90 Cash 17.83 DC 14.06 DC 5.04 DC ?? Cash The Dry Cleaner Burlington Uoat Shoppers" Food Factory II Milner Hotel 9/9/2001 $ 570.00 VC Dollar Rent A Car 9/9/2001 $ 236.91 DC Warrick's Rent a Car (Tops) MD Ft. Lauderdale FL FL Margate Waleed Alshehri Cash HUB Suntrust Suntrust pash FI77" ~ Fl 175 FI93 Fill MA Hamza Alghamdi Cash FI175 NJ Suntrust FI93 Suntrust HUB HUB " " " '" WCG Suntrust Suntrust Cash FI77 -I 77 -I93 r !93 -r93 :IT1 Abdulaziz Alomari MA MD~~~ Nawaf Alhazmi Newton Laurel Hamza Alghamdi Lauderdale By FL MA Hamza Alghamdi and Ahmed Alghamdi hotel stay Room 536; checked in on 9/7; checked out on 9/8; Cambridge Ziad Jarrah Rooms #466 and #468; checked in 9/7/01 at 4:55 PM; pays for #468 with cash on 9/8; checked out on 9/9/01 at 2: 14PM Newark Mohamed Atta purchase of airline ticket Metrowest ATM 2:41 PM Payment for dry cleaning of three shirts, three trousers and a blazer Majed Moqed purchase of a handbag; 6:41 PM 7:37PM ?? Newark Newark Newton 'MA" Boston MA Fayez Banihammad SCB-VC =1175 Brighton Laurel MA MD Hamza Alghamdi NawarAlffazmi Cash HUB =1175 FI77 Suntrust Suntrust FUB Dime Fl 11 NJNJ Mohamed Atta OTA~ "" WailAlshehri/WAIshehri NeedharriT " CoHegeT'afR" MD — ' Khalid Almihdfiar MawaTAIhazmi MD Laurel Needham Greenbelt College Park -"" College'Park Hotel stay Room 308; checked in on 9/9; checked out on 9/10; Mohamed Atta shared room with Alshehhi Boston Fayez Banihammad car rental;Blue Hyundai Accent, MA plate 5122 NK; checked out on 9/9 at 8:42 AM; Mohamed Atta and Marwan Al Shehhl car rentalr checked in on 8/29/01; White Ford Escort FL plate D47KRK; checked out 8/29/01; returned 9/9/01 by Marwan Al Shehhi; 1035 miles driven FI11 Ziad Jarrah M6haTned7itfa7Marwan " Alshehhi Nawaf Alhazmi Nawaf Alhazmi Ziad Jarrah '~~ Ziad Jarrah Ziad Jarrah Waleed Alshehri Falls Church " VA FalFs Church W ~ Ziad Jarrah room charges " Ziad Jarrah room charges Purchase of bottle of Pepsi cola Hotel stay Room 408; cfieckedJh^nW^at"??; checked out on 9/1 1 at 6:20 AM; likely shared room with Mohand Alshehri Hamza Algfiamdi and Ahmed Alghamdi hotel stay Room 241; checked in on 9/8 at 2:00 PM; checked out on 9/11 at 5:50 AM; FI77 Boston 3ompano 1 FI11 FI77 FI77 MA MD MD MD Waleed Alshehri Majed Moqed KhancTAIfnihdhar Khalid Almihdhaf Cash Dime FUB FUB Fl 11 FI77 R77 FI77 MA Marwan Alshehhi Cash FI175 MA Fayez Banihammad SCB-VC FI175 Marwan Alshehhi Suntrust FI175 Bea FL -- " I Date Debit Method 9/9/2001 $ 158.14 DC 9/9/2001 9/9/2001 $ $ 87.00 DC 57.60 DC r Description Giant Food Inc. #216 Alamo Rent-A-Car Giant Food Inc #21 Comfort Inn Cash withdrawal Joe Fischman Sportswear and Clothing Purchase of pair of pants; $ 41.99 DC Hecht's 9/9/2001 $ 36.89 DC Days Inn 9/9/2001 9/9/2001 $ "$"~ 16.34 DC 13.13 D C " " ~ Star Market #121 Focxf Factory II 9/9/2001 $ 9/10/2001 ?? 9/10/2001 9/10/2001 $ $ 129.42 DC 100.00 ATM 9/10/2001 $ 52.00 Cash Cash Boston Logan Airport Cash Marriott Residence Inn 9/10/2001 9/1072001 $ $ 41.06 VC 37.27 DC Mailboxes Etc Wal-Mart/Sam's Club 9/10/2001 $ 22.15 DC Kinko's 9/10/2001 $ 6.74 DC Citgo Food Mart $ ~' $ 3.99 1.50 DC Debit Citgo Food Mart AIM tee 9/10/2001 $ 1.50 Debit ATM fee 9/10/2001 9/10/200T 9/10/2001 $ $ $ $ 9/10/2001 9/1 0/200 T Debit TT5CT Debit" 1.00 Debit 235,111.27 1.50 Purchase of ?? Including 6 rolls of plastic tape; 3:40 PM; Mohamed Ana car rental; Blue Nissan Altima; checked out 6:08 PM; Purchase by NawafAlhazmi of black American Tourister 300 series/Forester II tote; Ziad Jarrah Rooms #725 and #727; checked in on 9/9/01; paid in full with cash at time of check-in for two days; checked out on 9/11/01; rooms booked on 9/7/01 Purchase of $10 phone card, salad bar and juice; 4:09 PM 7:19 PM Payment for parking; entered lot at 8:27 A.M.; departed 9:13 A.M. Payment for hotel stay Room 122; checked in on 9/10 at appro*. 3:00 PM; checked out on 9/1 1; Mohamed Atta and Ab'duJazizAldmari hotel stay Room 233; checked in on 9/10/01 at 5:43 PM; checked out on 9/1 1/01 at 5:33 AM 14817 Baltimore Ave 9/9/2001 4.00 Note ATM fee ATM Cash Withdrawal Fee Service Fee City State Hijacker Bank Flight Greenbelt MD Nawaf Alhazmi Dime FI77 E. Boston Greenbelt MA Mohamed Atta Khalid Almihdhar Suntrust FI11 MD FUB FI77 Laurel MD Nawaf Alhazmi Dime — -— FI77 Newark NJ Ziad Jarrah Suntrust FI93 MA S. Brighton CoilegeTPark™MD Ahmed Alghamdi Khalid AirfiihdhaT Dime FUB -1175 -I7T- — Boston MA Waleed Alshehri Cash -111 Herndon VA NawafAlhazmi Cash r !77 Portland Laurel ME MD Mohamed Atta Khalid Almihdhar Suntrust FUB =111 Z I77 Newark NJ Ziad Jarrah Sash -I 93 MD Nawaf Alhazmi 3ime Dime FI77 FI77 Payment for the shipping of Express Mail Package to PO Box 19738, Sharjah, UAE; Package was intercepted and contained debit card for Khalid Almihdhar's First Union Bank account; 1:05 PM Laurel Laurel Payment tor use of computer internet; Video shows Saeed Alghamdi (??) and Jarrah entered at 4:04 PM, logged 58 minutes of internet time and printed seven pages; paid with Alnami's credit card at approx. 5:06 PM; Springfield Purchase of two 2 liter boftfes of soda and misc. Hillside items; Alnami and Jarrah present; 5:20 PM Purchase of magazine (People Weekly??); AJharhi 1 Hillside and Jarrah present; 5:22 PM - Needham BID" ~ | Nawaf Alhazmi NJ Ahmed Alnami Suntrust FI93 NJ Ahmed Alnami Suntrust FI93 NJ Ahmed Alnami Fayez Baniharhmad Mohamed Atta/Marwan Alshehhi SataffrAIsuqami/Waleed Alshehri WailAlshehri/WAIshehri NawafAlhazmi Suntrust Suntrust FI93 FTT75" MA Suntrust Suntrust Suntrust HUB r -• — •-•-- . _ . FI11 FIT! FT77
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