NorCal Juniors Receive High Honors


NorCal Juniors Receive High Honors
The mission of USTA Northern California is to promote and develop the
growth of tennis as a lifetime activity spanning junior to senior tennis
N O .
NorCal Juniors Receive High Honors
2 0 0 9
Dolla b e r s h i p
rs at
USTA Northern California
1350 South Loop Rd., Ste. 100
Alameda, California 94502
(510) 748-7373
those kids, Chelsey Windham,
won the USTA’s annual Arthur
Ashe essay contest in the girls 16s
age group. “No child is ever
turned away and no matter their
skill level we make tennis fun for
them. I have to thank the USTA,
“Quite a few of these kids would
not have an opportunity to play
tennis if it weren’t for the USTA/NJTL program,” says Brooks.
“We have kids that started playing here and went on to play in
high school and college.” One of
“The kids just love it! Money
couldn’t buy the look
in their eyes when
they are on the court,”
exclaims Jimmie
Brooks, director of the
tennis program at
Highland Elementary
School in Seaside.
The elementary school program under Brook’s guidance
was recognized as a 2008 USTA
Section NJTL of the Year Award.
The 2008 USTA Northern California Junior Tennis Awards ceremony was recently held on May 16
at the Fremont Tennis Center. For
the second straight year over 300
people enjoyed a casual familystyle BBQ, tennis fun and games
for kids of all ages.
Brooks runs three tennis programs at Highland Elementary
that are funded by the USTA.
the City of Seaside and the teachers and Principal at Highland their assistance
has made for
great possibilities
for these kids,
both on and off
the court.”
Founded in
1969 by Arthur Ashe, Charlie
Pasarell, and Sheridan Snyder, the
USTA/NJTL seeks to develop the
character of young people
through tennis and education. Jim
Coyne, USTA NorCal Junior Tennis Manager, says, “It is important
to give kids an opportunity to
play tennis and develop their
President, Board of Directors
Executive Director
Jimmie and the Highlands Elementary NJTL kids.
Jimmie Brooks of Highlands Elementary receives the
NJTL of the Year award from USTA’s David Hong.
The NorCal Call is the official
member newsletter of the USTA Northern California Section.
Queries and comments should
be directed to Tamara Ramos
Address changes should be
reported to the USTA at
(800) 990-USTA.
Marketing and Membership
I N S I D E T E N N I S • J U LY 2 0 0 9
recognized as an NJTL of the Year,
Jean Hassoun as the Junior Referee of the year, the Junior Team
Tennis sectional winners (insert
names) and Junior Team Tennis in
general received recognition for
giving more kids the opportunity
to play. Awards were also presented to a Northern California
male and female Junior player in
each age group (10s, 12s, 14s,
16s and 18s) for sportsmanship,
for finishing the year first in
their geographic area and winning the summer Grand Prix
circuit series. Junior Team Tennis Section Champions were acknowledged for winning the
Gar Glenney Cup. A complete
list of award winners can be
found under Junior Team Tennis News at
The Northern California
section has established innovative programs geared towards
making tennis more accessible
to kids and to provide support
as they grow and develop. A
Age Means Nothing
to a Tennis Ball
The Harbor Bay Club of
Alameda, partnering with USTA
NorCal, hosted Tennis for Life, a
team tennis event for players 70
years and older. Mike Bauer,
Harbor Bay Club Tennis Director,
hosted the event and was on
hand to applaud both his father
and uncle who played for the
home team.
Thirteen teams and over 70
players participated in the round
robin event which featured men’s
6.5 and 7.5 combo flights and a
women’s 6.5 combo flight. After a
round robin of matches, a court
side lunch gave opponents the
opportunity to share tennis stories and travel plans. The awards
ceremony followed with the
Meadowbrook 6.5 Women, the
6.5 Napa Valley Winos and the 7.5
Sacramento Swingers all crowned
Many of these players have
been teammates and friends for
decades, enjoying the camaraderie of playing league tennis.
The Napa Winos had just returned from the National Super
Senior 60 League in Surprise,
Ariz. Competing against “youngsters” in their 60s, these 70+ players had won the NorCal Section
championship last fall qualifying
them for the Nationals. Captain,
Bob Walsh, is a life long tennis
player, now introducing great
grandchildren to the sport. Very
active with the Napa Valley Tennis Association, he is also a valuable and honored volunteer with-
game. Playing matches and tournaments teaches children to aspire to improve, while also having
The 2008 Daniel Scafidi
Sportsmanship Award, which is
annually presented to an exceptional Junior player for excellent
sportsmanship, went to Skyline
High’s junior Brook Workeneh.
I N S I D E T E N N I S • J U LY 2 0 0 9
National Arthur Ashe essay winner,
Chelsey Windham, represented the
Highland NJTL.
“This was an honor receiving
the award and it is also an honor being recognized for it,” says
Workeneh, whose father introduced him to tennis when he
was seven-years old. “I feel that
sportsmanship is a really big
part of the game; it really
brings out the honor in players.”
Brook Workeneh receives the Daniel Scafidi
That same sentiment was
award from USTA NorCal Board Member,
shared by Daniel Hoffman, USMark Manning.
TA NorCal’s nominee for the
Bill Talbert Award. This prestiwelcoming and easy to undergious National Award recognizes
stand ranking system and an ever
players for their outstanding efincreasing number of tournaforts both off and on the court.
ments throughout the section, esHoffman explains, “I play tennis
pecially at the beginning level,
because I like it; the game isn’t
makes it easy for NorCal juniors
just about winning and losing to participate and enjoy competiit’s important to work hard but altive tennis. The increased number
so to approach it with the attitude
of local tournaments means less
of loving to play.” A senior at
travel for the players and their
Menlo High School, where the
families, allowing them to particiteam just won the NorCal CIF
pate in a greater number throughHigh School Championships,
out the year,
Hoffman will be playing for Yale
USTA NorCal Juniors proin the fall and credits his sister for
grams also include Junior Team
getting him into the sport. “I want
Tennis Leagues for all ages and
to thank NorCal for nominating
abilities giving kids the opportume. The USTA, Junior Tennis
nity to enjoy the sport as part of a
Manager Jim Coyne and tennis
team. USTA NorCal provides suphave had a huge impact on my
port and training to schools,
coaches and parent volunteers so
Additional honors included
they can grow tennis in their comthe YTA of Oakland, which was
Harbor Bay Club’s, Mike Bauer with his dad and uncle.
Zins from Sonoma: Pat Wolfe, Judy Muller, Jeanette Barekman and Bodil Sorensen
cally active and fit. They participate in a variety of organized
sports, health club activities and
many also chase grandchildren
around the tennis court. They
were all an inspiration for the
spectators and volunteers and a
reminder that tennis is a sport for
a lifetime.
The next Tennis for Life 70+
event is planned for the South Bay
area in early October 2009. Check for details.
than us.” The Zins met through
the Sonoma Valley Tennis Association where they all belong. Both
Judy and Pat Wolfe agreed, “Tennis gives us a fun activity to do
with the grandchildren when they
visit. It’s great for them to see that
grandma is good at a sport that
they play. It bridges the generations.”
These tennis players are part
of a growing senior population
that has become far more physi-
don’t win!” said Bodil Sorensen.
Judy Muller said, “It’s nice to
play among our own age group
instead of much younger. Even
the senior league players can be as
much as twenty years younger
in the USTA.
The Zins from Sonoma were
playing in their fourth Tennis for
Life event. “It has always been
such a well run event, we always
want to come back, even if we
6.5 Meadowbrook Women: Dora MacDonald, Captain Merrilyn Mancini, Beverly
Gilfillan and Millie Artellen
6.5 Napa Valley Winos: Paul Robers, Al Facchini, Bob Walsh, captain, Lou Martin, Clair
Palmer, Ira Smith
I N S I D E T E N N I S • J U LY 2 0 0 9
7.5 Sacramento Swingers: Lee Yoder, captain, Jerry Foote, Dick Hennig, Ramey Osborne
Thirty two senior teams, over
300 players, arrived at ClubSport
Valley Vista in Walnut Creek, May
29-31, for the 2009 Senior Section Championship, each ready to
battle for the right to advance to
the USTA Senior League National
Championship in the fall.
Leading into the Section Championship, each of the men’s and
women’s teams, representing private clubs, parks and recreation
departments and community tennis associations, first dispatched
their local league competition.
They then went on to win their
flight at the USTA Northern California Senior District Championship, held in Sacramento, in early May.
team match features three doubles matches.
USTA Senior League continues
to be one of the fastest growing
leagues in the Northern California
section, with over 7,500 participants in 2009, nearly a 7 percent
increase over the previous year.
Team registration for the 2010
season opens on July 20.
3.0: Pleasant Hill/Pleasant
Hill Middle (Pleasant Hill),
Robert Young, captain and
Eddy Russell, co-captain.
Team members include Bill
Ardis, William Drysdale,
Oscar Estante, Patrick Farrell,
George Higgins, Steve
Lawrence, Alan Manewitz,
Radoslav Radev, Wolfram
Sexauer, Bill Sherrard,
Jeffrey Strathmeyer and
Patric Thomas.
3.5: Aragon HS, (San Mateo, CA)
Caroline Friedman, captain and
Sharon Marson, co-captain. Team
members include: Janet Adams,
Martha Bacon, Diane Brandt, Jan
Buchwald, Rebecca Coker, Brooke
Howie, Mary Jenney, Helen Kishi,
Dora Kreidl, Maya Leonard,
Dianna Loy, Kay Melchor, Joan
Prack, Judy Prothro, Joan
Renson, Jeannie Rudolph, Kathy
Rudovsky, Debbie Spillane, Sara
White and Marie Wong.
3.5: Hall Ranch (Union City,
CA), Hank Vu, captain and
Ray Cardenas, co-captain.
Team members include: Bill
Bennett, Duff Danilovich,
Henry Degraca, Phil Diep,
Eugenio Eusebio, Alan Hanley,
Chris Kirschenheuter, Phil
Medina Hoa Phan, Alejandro
Quillopo, Larry Rafael, Tien
Tran, Philip Wong and Ramon
4.0: Sharon Hts CC (Menlo
Park, CA), Sally Fong,
captain. Team members
include: Joni Amaroli,
Kerry Cunningham, Diane
curry, Nancy Garcia, Bobbi
Giudicelli, Wendy Haskell,
Sharilyn Mayer, Nancy
Paxton, Laurie Rose,
Gertrud Ruschoff, Nancy
Sallaberry, Maude Scott
and Yvonne Selner.
4.0: Fremont TC (Fremont, CA),
Greg Blatnik, captain and Takeo
Hirai, co-captain. Team members
include: David Campbell, Robert
ehle, bill Frank, Jerry Garcia,
Wyman Hong, James Horen, Ken
Huynh, Randy Jang, Bob
Molinari, Ken Quitoriano, Shun
Quon, Len Sanches, Greg Tiburcio,
Anthony Toy, Lance Turner, Mark
Warrender, Steve Wheeler and
Bob Whitman.
4.5: La Cantera RC (Santa
Rosa, CA), Teresa Alvarez,
captain. Team members
include: Tammi Bernd,
Terry Davis, Diane
Demartini, Barbara
Eriksson, Jeanne Olson,
Susan Smith, Shelly
Thigpen and Nancy Zirbel.
4.5: Seascape Sports Club
(Aptos, CA), K.C. Jackson,
captain and Richard Taylor, cocaptain. Team members include:
John Andrews, Paul BreslinKessler, Robert Hansen, Jeff
Gillette, Matthew Houseman,
Stephen Maruyama, Chris
Morgan, Michael Velasco and
Tony Yvanovich.
I N S I D E T E N N I S • J U LY 2 0 0 9
Congratulations to the eight
winning teams who will represent
USTA NorCal at the USTA League
National Championship events, to
be held in Tucson, Ariz. and Indian
Wells, Calif. in October.
USTA Senior League allows
men and women, 50 years and older to compete on teams in a
league among their peers. Each
3.0: Walnut Creek (Walnut
Creek, CA), Mary Waltz, captain
and Cathy Sam Vanecek, cocaptain. Team members include:
Jane Balg, Lisa bowers, Teresa
Choi, Kathleen Duane, Leslie
Finertie, Lynda Lawrence, Linda
Louie, Marie Murphy, Sherry Niu,
Jan Perez, Maureen Satcher,
Ernie Scrimshaw and Sally Van
Eight Teams Capture 2009 USTA Senior
League Section Championship Title
24-30 California State
Senior Sectionals Championships 500014809
(650) 347-1439
1-5 Santa Cruz Tennis
Academy Seniors
(831) 234-3136
10-12 McKinley Park
NTRP 500012109
(916) 808-6054
7-16 Hidden Hills Summer Classic NTRP
(510) 690-0060
31-8/2 Green Valley
NTRP Challenge
(707) 864-0660
7-9 Sierra View NTRP
Doubles 508350409
(916) 783-9887
31-8/2 Decathlon Club
NTRP Doubles
(408) 738-2582 x131
18-19 Rolling Hills Family
Doubles 508315409
(415) 444-9515
24-26 48th Annual Captain Weber Days Open
(209) 547-1522
1-2 Golden State Challenge at Santa Clara University 508308109
(408) 505-7906
Beginning level USTA Junior Team Tennis Leagues are now forming for the
fall. Players, coaches and parent volunteers wanted! To find a league or
start a league near you, visit or email
Players, it’s time to join
your Super Senior 60,
Combo Doubles and Fifty Mixed
league teams. Look for the “Players:
Join Your Team” headline link on the
NorCal homepage,
Captains, registration opens for 2010
Senior League teams. Start recruiting
your 50 years and older tennis friends.
JULY 13-19
Summer National Senior Games,
Taube Tennis Stadium, Stanford University. Volunteers wanted,
25 P.S.T./Union City One
Novice - Union City
(510) 881-2525
13-14 “Tune up for Tryouts” Girls Challenger Union City
(51) 881-2525
14-16 Alameda Tennis Jr.
Challenger & Novice Alameda (510) 333-3853
25-26 Shasta County Jr
Challenger - Redding
(530) 221-4405
15-16 Santa Cruz Academy End of Summer Jr.
Challenger & Novice Event
Aptos (831) 234-3136
25-26 Copper River Summer Jr Open - Fresno
(559) 434-8955
15-16 Sierra Jr. Novice Fresno 559-259-8189
25-26-8/1-2 Niru’s Tennis
Academy Challenger &
Novice (408) 340-0544
25-26-8/1-2 Santa Cruz
Tennis Academy Jr Open &
Novice - Aptos
(831) 234-3136
25-26-8/1-2 Hunter Gallaway’s Refuse to Lose! Jr
Open 8-18,
Challenger 10-18, Novice
10-16 - Lafayette
(925) 368-8882
27-31 Alameda Tennis Jr
Challenger & Novice Alameda (510) 333-3853
15-16 East Bay Challenger & Novice - Lafayette
(925) 368-8882
15-16 Future Stars
2000’s Sacramento Jr
Challenger & Novice Sacramento
(209) 951-3119
15-16 Santa Cruz Open Aptos (831) 234-3136
17-18, 20-21 Santa Cruz
Tennis Academy Jr Challenger & Novice - Aptos
(831) 234-3136
17-18, 20-21 Hidden Hills
Jr Challenger - Hayward
(510) 690-0060
27-31 107th Annual San
Francisco Jr Open &
Novice - San Francisco
(415) 753-7001
17-18, 20-21 Deer Valley
Challenger & Novice - Antioch (925) 852-9014
31-8/2 Peninsula Tennis
Club Challenger & Novice
Burlingame (650) 3449411
17-18, 20-21 Los Gatos
Junior Open & Novice Los Gatos (408) 3568363
1-2 Modesto Jr. Challenger & 8-10 Novice Modesto
(209) 578-5803, ext.142
1-2 2009 Foothills Junior
Singles & Doubles Challenger - Auburn
(530) 885-1602
1-2 Santa Cruz Open Aptos (831) 234-3136
1-3 San Marin Jr. Open Tiburon (415) 444-9515
3-6 Mountain View Junior
Challenger - Mountain
View (720) 217-4189
3-7 2009 Alpine Hills Junior Fall Classic Open - Portola Valley
(650) 851-8843
21-23 Modesto Summer
Junior Open - Modesto
(209) 571-2582
21-23 YTA Summer Oakland Junior Challenger &
Open - Oakland
(510) 663-6586
21-23 Banana Slug Jr.
Open - Santa Cruz
(831) 459-4694
24-28 Hunter Gallaway’s
After School Jr. Open,
Challenger & Novice Lafayette (925) 937-2582
29-30 Green Valley Jr.
Open - Fairfield
(707) 864-0660
29-30 Pam Krone Memorial Jr. Challenger Tournament (760) 580-2067
3-8 West Coast Championships - Sacramento
(916) 859-5910 ext. 3081
29-31 Seascape Labor
Day Jr. Open 18-10 &
Challenger 16-10 Novice
14-10 - Aptos
(831) 332-5296
4-7 2009 USTA G18 National Team Championship
Novato (415) 444-9543
29-31 Fresno City Junior
Open - Fresno
(559) 434-8955
7-9 Nevada State Junior
Open - Reno
(775) 827-3300
Summer camp’s not just
for kids! Cal’s historic alumni camp,
Lair of the Bear, is offering two weeks
of world-class tennis instruction in
beautiful Pinecrest. USTA NorCal has
partnered with Cal to offer USTA members a $100 discount. Space is limited,
register today at
20-24 Fremont Tennis
Center Jr Open - Fremont
(510) 790-5510
The Bank of the West
Classic, the first stop of the Olympus
US Open Series, is coming to Stanford
University. Watch the best players in
the world including 10-time Grand
Slam Champion Serena Williams,
seven-time Grand Slam Champion
Venus Williams, three-time Grand Slam
Champion Maria Sharapova, 2008
Olympic Gold Medalist Elena Dementieva and 2008 ITF World Singles
Champion Jelena Jankovic as they
battle for the championship trophy at
the longest running women-only professional tennis tournament in the
world. USTA Members receive 20 percent off on sessions 1 & 2 (Mon), and
sessions 5-8 (Wed/Thurs). Members
also receive 50 percent off sessions 3
and 4 (Tues). Visit for
more information on Bank of the West
Classic ticket promotions and events
offered exclusively to USTA Members
or call (866) WTA-TIXS with promo
code 2009USTA.
•JULY 27 USTA NorCal Kids Town Hall,
9:30-11:30 a.m.
•JULY 28 USTA NorCal Member Appreciation Party, 11 a.m.-1:30 pm
•JULY 29 YTA “For the Kids” Dinner, 57 p.m.,
Visit us at the NorCal Membership
Booth and Fast Serve Net daily.
•JULY 30 The USTA Northern California
Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and
Brunch honoring Linda Gates, Gary
Lee, Dan Goldie and Graydon Nichols
at Stanford University. Reservations required, $60 per person. Register by
July 7 by e-mailing
20-22 Konocti Jr Challenger - Kelseyville
(707) 591-6708
10-14 B.O.V. Junior
Challenger & Novice San Leandro
(510) 357-8366 xt.24
The $75,000 Comerica Bank Challenger is the longest running Challenger Tournament in the U.S. The
2009 qualifying tournament begins
Saturday, July
11. Main draw
matches, Monday, July 13- Sunday, July 19. For tickets and information call (831)
688-1993, or
•JULY 12 Pro-Am tournament and dinner
•JULY 13 Free admission to all kids
plus free lessons
•JULY 18 Wine tasting and silent auction benefit
•JULY 19 Wheelchair tennis exhibition
and clinic, Main draw
11-12, 18-19 Fremont Jr
Challenger - Fremont
(510) 657-3600
18-19, 25-26 Deer Valley
Challenger & Novice - Antioch (925) 852-9014
10-14 Buchanan North Jr.
Challenger - Clovis
(510) 299-3803
Deadline to register for the fall Contra
Costa Junior Team Tennis League.
Season runs September 14-November
22. Ages U12 and U14, intermediate
level play. Players, coaches and parent
volunteers wanted! or email
4-5 Future Stars 2000’s
Jr Challenger - Stockton
(209) 483-8430
11-12, 18-19 Walnut
Creek Northgate Jr July
Challenger & Novice Walnut Creek
(925) 212-5789
18-19 LTC Heat Wave
Open - Lafayette
(925) 368-8882
17-23 Foothills Mid
Peninsula Senior Tennis
(650) 493-32440 x13
4-5 Fremont Tennis Center Jr Novice - Fremont
(510) 790-5510
8-9, 15-16 USTA National
Championships - Berkeley
(408) 892-7273
I N S I D E T E N N I S • J U LY 2 0 0 9
The Gar Glenney Cup, St. Mary’s College, Moraga, Calif. Winners from Junior Team Tennis Section playoffs
compete in an all-state battle between
Northern California and Southern California, series is tied at 13-13.
18-19 Santa Cruz Academy Jr Challenger &
Novice Summer Series Aptos (831) 234-3136
AUGUST 15-16
15-23 Cupertino Summer
NTRP Classic- Tournament Canceled
(408) 529-2898
11-12 Sierra Jr Challenger - Fresno
(559) 259-8189
14-16 2009 Modesto
Open 500015109
(209) 571-2582
8-9, 15-16 Santa Clara
University Bronco Summer
Jr Open - Santa Clara
(408) 429-0783
NJTL Rally, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.,
Golden Gate Tennis Complex. Fun tennis, lunch, prizes, participants must be
involved with a local USTA/NJTL. or 415806-6772 by July 21st.
29-30 Pam Krone Memorial NTRP 508365009
(760) 580-2067
11-12 B.O.V. Summer
Tennis Classic Novice San Leandro
(510) 357-8366 xt.24
18-19 Cañada College Jr
Novice - Redwood City
(510) 299-3803
10-12 Tiburon Summer
Jr Open - Tiburon
(415) 789-7900 ext.130
USTA Girls 18 National Championships
hosted by the Berkeley Tennis Club
and Claremont Resort and Spa. Come
see the best players in the country
compete for the most prestigious title
in girl’s tennis! The winner receives a
wildcard into the US Open main draw.
8-9, 15-16 Walnut Creek
Northgate August Jr. Open
- Walnut Creek
(925) 212-5789
17-19 Split Step Jr July
Open - San Francisco
(510) 649-1958
6-10 Midweek Solano Jr
Open - Fairfield
(510) 430-3257
Junior Team Tennis Section Playoffs,
Clovis, Calif. Local league winners from
all over Northern California, over 600
players, more than 100 teams, compete for the right to represent Northern
California at the Gar Glenney cup.
8-9 Split Step Jr. August
Novice & Challenger - San
Francisco (510) 6491958
13-17 Ryan Meyer/ Darra
Silverman Jr Challenger Danville
(925) 735-7104
USTA Girls 18 National Team Championship at the Meridian Rolling Hills
Club, Novato. Top players, representing each of the 17 national sections,
compete in a college team format.
6-10 Mills College Jr
Open - Oakland
(510) 430-3257
Events & Dates:
29-9/7 107th Annual San
Francisco City Open and
NTRP Championships
(415) 753-7001
8-9 Future Stars 2000’s
Jr Novice - Stockton
(209) 951-3119
10-19 Mills College Summer NTRP 508322109
(510) 430-3257
31-8/2 Johnson Ranch
Round Up NTRP
(916) 782-2300
28-30 South Bay NTRP
2009 508303509
(408) 993-9515
11-12, 18-19 Twin Arbors
Jr Open - Lodi
(209) 334-2993
6-10 Alpine Hills Senior
Sectional Tournament
(650) 851-2104
17-18 2009 Eldon Rowe
Memorial Fundraiser
NTRP & $1500 Minimum
Prize Money Open Tournament 508355509
(530) 885-1602
4-9 Stead Open Tennis
(925) 376-1314
6-10 Buchanan Jr Challenger - Clovis
3-5 Santa Cruz Tennis
Academy $1500 Open
and NTRP Tournament
(831) 234-3136
16-19 Seascape 108th
Annual California Open
Women’s Championships
(831) 688-1993
24-26 Santa Clara
Bronco Men’s Open and
NTRP 508333809
(650) 863-4813
7-9 Junior Team Tennis
Section Championships Clovis (510) 748-7373
3-5 Napa Valley Tennis
Classic TOY 3.5, 4.0
(707) 481-0370
11-19 Sam Linder Monterey Bay Open, Senior
and NTRP Championships
(831) 484-1135
11-12, 18-19 Discovery
Bay Jr Challenger - Discovery Bay (209) 423-8295
View the On-line Tournament Schedules at
6-10 Hidden Hills Jr
Novice - Hayward
(510) 690-0060
Adult and Junior Tournaments
21-23 SJVTA-Future
Stars 2000’s NTRP Tournament 508316309
(209) 951-3119