Volume 5, Issue 1
Volume 5, Issue 1
Special points of interest: Volume 5, Issue 1 • Minutes of 2004 State Meeting August, 2004 • JO updates, forms, safety info, mobility info, new elements • Features—Gym, Coaches, Athlete, Coaching Tips, and TOPs • Notes from the State Office Silver Quill & Magic Mouse Mississippi was honored not once, but TWICE at the 2004 USAG National Congress. For the second year in a row, Leaps and Bounds received the Silver Quill award for the best newsletter published by USAG State Committees. To add to the surprise, the first “Magic Mouse Award” was given for the best state web site. Leaps and Bounds MS USAG Nancy Hawkins, National Silver Quill Award and Deb Walls, Region 8 Silver Quill Award Inside this issue: John Williams and TG Hawkins—webmasters of www.msusag.org TOPs 2 Front Handspring Drills 3 Support Judges’ Cup September 10-11 Member Services Update 7 Judging Updates 8 MS USAG Server 9 Featured Gym 10 Fall is quickly approaching and we all know what that means! It’s time to register your gymnasts for the 2004 Judges’ Cup! Featured Gymnast 11 Notes from the State Office 11 Featured Coaches 13 SAC Minutes/State Meeting 14 Revised State Calendar 19 USAG Women’s Adm. Comm. Minutes 21 “What’s New for JO—2004-05” 23 JO Proposed Elements—2005/13 28 Mobility Rules 31 National & State Safety Updates 32 The Judges’ Cup will be held at Courthouse Gymnastics in Flowood the weekend of September 10. This is an excellent time for your new gymnasts to get rid of any preseason jitters and your seasoned gymnast to get evaluated on the new skills they have worked during the summer. We, as judges, look forward to this informal preseason “meet/clinic” as a time to become acquainted with the gymnasts and critique the individual routines before competition season begins. (continued on pg. 12) The second Naperia Johnson Award of Valor will be presented to a deserving gym- Page 2 L E A P S A ND B O U N D S TOPs Elite Gymnastics II hosted a testing on July 11 with Kristie Phillips organizing. Teams representing Mississippi for the 2004 Tops season are Elite Gymnastics II and TAG Twisters, both from Tupelo, MS. Elite Gymnastics II tested in Baton Rouge, LA and Tupelo, MS. Representing Elite II were : 7y/o- Bailey Malvano, 8y/oKaty McAuley, Ali Warren & Carlie Mapp, 9 y/o- Kourtney Koehn, Lacey Reed, Ranna Dubose, Megan French, Anna Wing & Anna-Clar Wooley, 10y/o- Emily Stewart, and 11 y/ o- Erica Garner, Addison Maxcy, Ryle Holmes & Anne Marie Holley. TAG tested in Atlanta, GA, Little Rock, AR, Tupelo, MS, Oklahoma City, OK, and Chattanooga, TN. Gymnasts testing for TAG were: 7y/o Brianna Holt, 8 y/o Haley Lackey, and 9y/o- Memory Shettles, Elizabeth Skelton, & Ragen Loden. Tamara Collins Elite Gymnastics II hosted a testing on July 11 with Kristie Phillips organizing. Teams from Mississippi, Tennessee, and South Carolina were represented at this testing. Elite did a great job with this testing and we were very excited to have a gym in MS hosting this year. We would love to see more gyms in MS begin to participate in this wonderful program. gymnastics.org Women's Program-TOPS, or you may contact Tamara Collins, MS State TOPS representative at tagtwisters@aol.com Regional TOPs clinic is scheduled for Sept. 11-12, 2004 in Atlanta, GA. This clinic is to help prepare the region 8 gymnast's qualified to National TOPS Testing. National Testing for any of our 9,10, & 11 year olds who qualify will be held Oct. 1-3, 2004 at the National Team Training Center- Karolyi Ranch, in Houston, TX. For more information on the TOPs program go to www.usa- Back Row: Lacey Reed, Ryle Holmes, Erica Garner, Ranna Dubose, Anne Marie Holley, Addison Maxcy, Emily Stewart, Megan French, Ali Warren & Kourtney Koehn Middle Row: Hayley Elliott, Anna-Clar Wooley, Anna Wing, Carlie Mapp, Katy McAuley & Bailey Malvano Front Row: Elizabeth Skelton, Ragen Loden, Brianna Holt, and Memory Shettles not pictured: Haley Lackey VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 Page 3 Front Handspring Cindy Wallace Drills Good front tumbling is important and To develop good front handsprings and front tumbling, your gymnast needs to have good body alignment and blocking skills. First the gymnast needs to have a good long lunge into the front handspring. There should be no diving to the hands which will not allow the gymnast to have a good powerful block. Make sure that in the lunge, the gymnast has their head neutral, chest is hollow, and there is not a shoulder angle when reaching for the floor. needed for the optional levels…. After developing the long lunge, the gymnast needs to have good blocking abilities. Here are a few good drills for blocking: → handstand blocks on the floor with long lunge in to the handstand. When the gymnast has mastered this on the floor, let them start blocking up to a mat. → handstand block from a board to land in a handstand on a mat higher than the board. You can also use the board to block off of and let them land the front handspring on their feet. → front handsprings from the floor and landing on a higher surface so the gymnast learns to block and rise in the front handspring. → handstands against the wall with belly towards the wall. Make sure shoulders are tall, tight and open with no shoulder angle. The gymnast should be able to do these well in order to feel this position in the front handspring. opening in the hips. Bottom must be squeezed tight and hips pressed forward. If the gymnast lands squatted or piked, the skill following will cut under or will be low. Good front tumbling is important and needed for the optional levels, so take time to develop these skills correctly. It will pay off in the long run. The position the gymnast lands the front handspring in is also very important to develop correctly as this is where other front tumbling will come from. To have a good front salto or flyspring from the front handspring, the front handspring should finish in a tall, tight position with the eyes on the hands. There should be a slight arch or Region 8 Congress and USAG National Congress If you did not attend either Region 8 Congress or USAG National Congress you did not afford yourself the chance for a great educational experience. Both had the most diversified clinics that I have seen in all my years of attending clinics. Region 8 Congress was held in Nashville, TN at the Music City Sheraton. The accommodations were excellent—from parking, which was free, to convenience of meeting rooms. Out hosts, Marian Dykes and Sheila Ragle did a superb job of providing the best of everything—neat credentials, superb coffee breaks, a grand banquet, and excellent clinicians. The Silent Auction was a huge success. Mississippi attained its goal of $1000.00. Many thanks to Fico Gonzalez of Courthouse Gymnastics, Dawn Messer of Madison County Gymnastics, and TG Hawkins of Starkville Gymnastics for donating $200.00 meet entries and TG Hawkins for a weekend of Meet Control. Those attending from Mississippi were: Glynn Hankins, Mary Thacker, Mary Moore, Bobbye Strickland, Wei Huang, Nancy Hawkins, TG Hawkins, Sandy Lay, Emily Mayer, Pat Gray, Jennifer Crunk, Richelle Gray, Mary Jane McDaniel, Laurie Moore, Keith Bounds, Teri Jenkins, Terina Downs, Reg Shurden, Metry McGaughy, Mabel Miller, Annerin Long, Amy Longwill, and Brittany Breazeale. Sorry if I omitted anyone. I’m depending on memory! Page 4 L E A P S A ND B O U N D S Congress—continued from page 3 Mabel Miller holding Region 8 handmade quilt made by Barbara Percer, Nancy Hawkins mother, for the Silent Auction USAG University … new project for continuing education... My traveling companion, Deb Walls, Alabama State Chair, and I met in Birmingham, AL to fly to Anaheim, CA for National Congress. Upon arriving at John Wayne Airport, we got our rental car and made our way to what we thought was our hotel. When one has reservations for a year, one does not worry about a room. WRONG. Deb Kornegay informs us before arriving at “our” hotel that we have been relocated to another hotel. It seems an unnamed political candidate has booked the hotel and the hotel had overbooked to boot! So, we move to a hotel down the street and the Hilton pays for our room for four nights. Not bad! ing from others, plus mixing business with a little pleasure is what it’s all about. . We attended the yearly state chair meeting, dinner, and several excellent classes. USAG University is presented on page 5. Member Services has initiated this new project for continuing education and it is excellent. Region 8 is a close knit group of state chairs and regional officers that work for the betterment of USAG. Sharing ideas and learn- Jennie Adams, NC State Chair, Debby Kornegay, Region 8 Chair, Deb Walls, AL State Chair, and Marian Dykes, Region 8 Technical Chair VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 Page 5 Jennie, Nancy, Marian, and Debby Debby and Deb USAG University In an effort to provide professional development for gymnastics professionals, USA Gymnastics will begin offering online courses under the name of USA Gymnastics University. The classes will be conducted by field experts and will include general studies. The courses will include a large variety of courses including coaching certification. Women’s Program Recreational Pre-School Competitive/ Coaching Page 6 L E A P S A ND B O U N D S USAG University—continued from page 5 Benefits • Better insurance rates • An avenue of recognition of professional development and life long learning • Continual educational growth is the means by which qualified professionals maintain their skills and knowledge necessary to provide high standards of service • Participants will learn new developments in the coaching field or in areas of gymnastics specialties • Participation in continuing education is an important ac- tivity that contributes to high standards of excellence in our field • Documents the wide variety of coaching related courses completed • Provides present or potential employers with an official re- cord of learning relevant for job maintenance, career advancement or job applications • Provides official documentation that could be used for sal- ary scale based on training experience • Provides documentation of training or learning required for coach’s certification that could lead to a Masters of Sports Certificate VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 Page 7 USAG Member Services Update Important Reminders: Getting Ready for the 2004-05 Season • Club packets with forms will be delayed this year. We must wait for completion of the insurance coverage contract for the 2004-2005season. This is expected to be done by May 31, 2004. We are sorry for the inconvenience however the membership fees may be affected if there is a significant increase with the insurance. Packets will be mailed to clubs at the end of June. • Membership fees will increase a minimum of $ 1.00 per person for Professional Members, Athlete Members and Instructor Members. Any other increase will be driven by the insurance policy. • The on-line registration for the athlete 2004-2005 season will open July 1, 2004. Forms will be available to download online by mid June. • All membership increases will be effective August 1, 2004. Athletes are increased for the 2004-2005 season begin with the new year registration July 1, 2004. • Remember you are to have a signed, completed athlete form on file at your club from anyone who registers online. This is one of the most important elements of your proper Risk Management program. You must have this form available for any and all insurance or legal applications. You also must keep a copy of the form in your files for any athlete form you send to the national office for processing. It is YOUR responsibility to produce the form when requested. • Keep all athlete forms for a very, very, very long time. Please consult your insurance person and/or attorney for the best guidance on time lines. • Spring Cleaning Time – Club Owners/directors – this is a good time to check your records online. Make sure to update the information for your coaches and athletes. Make sure addresses, emails, names are correct. Read the "How to…"page for assistance with the procedures. This is also a good time to call Member Services for assistance in this area at 1-800-345-4719. • Very important reminder: All memberships belong to the individual. If the person moves to another club, the membership goes with them. If you pay for your coaches and instructors you are giving them a work benefit, a gift. Athlete memberships remain valid from time of receipt until July 31 of the following year. An athlete also takes their number with them. • Please do not hold onto money collected from the parents for the athlete’s membership. It is important to register your athletes in a timely manner. The parents expect the benefits such as the magazine and the apparel discounts. We can not send back copies of magazines when the athlete is not registered. • Please be communicative with regards to the additional fees you charge for team participation. Please do not tell the parents the fees are from USA Gymnastics, when they are not. When a parent calls us, and they do, we can not support or justify the fees. We tell them what the membership fees are and that they must discuss this with the club. Please set and follow best business practices in your club. • When registering your athletes online in a group, remember to go from step 2 to step 4 and check the renew box. This applies to all athletes, new and renewed. This step must be completed for the registration to be valid. • Online listing of your athletes will only show 5 names per page. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click next to go to the next page. Continue until you view all of your athletes. Page 8 L E A P S A ND B O U N D S JUDGING UPDATES Mary Thacker INQUIRIES??????? COMPULSORY????? OPTIONALS??????? It is that time of year again!!!! Judges Cup (Love Meet) will be held at Courthouse Gymnastics in Flowood, Mississippi, September 10-12. We are asking for all of you to support us this year especially. This is our one chance to fund our educational program for the year. Further, this year, we will be sending a Level 7 Team to the National Judges Cup that will be held in New Orleans, LA. For a gymnast to be eligible for the Level 7 Team, she must have competed at some level in the 2004 Mississippi Judges Cup. Hope to see you at Courthouse! COMPULSORY CHANGE This change effects gymnasts Levels 1-6 and is effective 8/1/04. If a JO athlete omits a major element in a compulsory exercise and then performs it later (out of order) or at the completion of the routine, the deduction for deliberate omission will be applied. The element will not be evaluated, except in the case of a fall, for which a -00.50 deduction will be taken. Clarification: This means if a gymnast leaves out an element and realizes at some later time, does that element out of place and falls the deduction will be deliberate omission of 1.00 + the value of the element + the fall 0.50. No execution will be taken when an element is done out of place. OPTIONAL CHANGES Bonus on Balance Beam 2 Acrobatic Flight Elements (including mount/excluding dismount) C + C now +0.20 3 Acrobatic Flight Elements (including mount and dismount) B + C + C now +0.20 VAULTING CHANGES If 1/2 the panel sees an one arm vault the deduction of 1.00 is taken by the Chief Judge. Remember the Level 4 Vault philosophy is an emphasis on developing a good running speed and maintaining straight body position, not on repulsion. REMINDERS FOR THE UPCOMING SEASON If you fell that an equipment or technical failure has occurred you may approach the Chief Judge before any score is flashed and without knowledge of the score and ask for repetition of the routine. The repetition of the routine may be from the point of technical failure or in its entirety. The Chief Judge in consultation with the Meet Ref will make the decision if a technical failure has occurred. Repetition may take place immediately or at the end of the rotation. INQUIRIES Please write legibly. You may ask the following: COMPULSORIES 1. Incorrect Elements 2. An evaluation of Major Elements 3. Falls 4. Neutral Deductions 5. Unusual occurrences OPTIONALS 1. Awarding of Start Value (Value Parts/Special Requirements/Additive Value 2. Falls 3. Neutral Deductions 4. Unusual Occurrences You are entitled to see all scores and the Start Value for Optionals awarded by each judge. These inquiries must be submitted within 5 minutes of the completion of an event to the Meet Director or Meet Ref. Keep in mind that on second evaluation the results may be: 1. No change in score 2. The score being raised 3. The score being lowered. Coaches are NOT allowed to approach a judge regarding an inquiry during the competition. If, after you have received the inquiry back and have further questions, the Meet Ref may return to the panel one more time for further clarification. I’m really looking forward to a great season!! VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 Page 9 MS USAG Server Located in the small town of Ripley, MS, MS USAG owns a web server. MS USAG is a large organization which needs the ability to manage large amounts of important information which is distributed to its members. Previously, www.msusag.org was hosted by a computer that is 2,000 miles away. Access to the machine to manage problems and general administrative tasks are now minutes away instead of days away. Web sites are the cheapest and best form of advertisement in today’s market. Www.msusag received over two million hits the previous year. With the ability now to host multiple web sites, we are encouraging all gyms to centralize and be hosted by our web server. A centralized location enables less viruses, a reduction of spam, easier data transfer, and a better over-all appearance for our state and region. Included with this mailing is your assigned msusag.org email address. Pertinent information for email set-up or viewing is included with the new email address. Page 10 L E A P S A ND B O U N D S Dawn Messer is to We have watched our own daughter grow into such a fine young woman, ConXion, pronounced “connection”, is part of a larger indoor sports training facility. We are located in the not so sleepy town of Hernando. Hernando is situated in the northwest section of Mississippi in Desoto County. The overall sports training facility offers baseball, softball, soccer, and individual instruction as well as our gymnastics program. The goal of the entire facility is to provide a place for young people to gain new skills and enhance current skills all under the guidance of instructors who care about their sport and want to pass that on. ConXion Gymnastics joined the indoor sports training facility and we credit much of this to the sport of gymnastics. last year. We are a new gym but we have a lot of seasoned talent among our coaches and students. We were very proud to have had Charita Harris qualify for Level 8 Regionals last year. Charita was coached by Dawn “B” Evans and Emily Mayer. Currently our program competes gymnasts through Level 8 and we have a whole host of new gymnasts in our recreational program. Doug and Laura Jenkins are the owners of ConXion Gymnastics. While we have no gymnastics background we do have a true love for the sport because of the by-products it offers. We have watched our own daughter Rachel grow into such a fine young woman, and we credit much of this to the sport of gymnastics. Our goal is to foster among all of our girls the belief that they can face new challenges, overcome fears, reach new goals and better themselves. We encourage our girls to do and be their best. We try to offer a wholesome, Christian environment of love and caring for our students and coaches. Our gym holds a Saturday Parent’s Night Out Program and last year we contributed just shy of $1000.00 to missions and even supported mission teams traveling to Russia through monies raised by this program. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those who have been a part of ConXion Gymnastics at one time or another. We thank you for all you have done and for all of your support. Thanks to our parents for their support and encouragement. Thanks to our coaches, past and present; Dawn “B” Evans, Emily Mayer, Nathan Ashby, Cindy Newman, Christianne Harris, Candie Garrison, Rhonda Kimbrel, Freddie Burke, Shannon Foster, and Linda Lobb. The future of ConXion Gymnastics is promising. We have stayed hard at work during the summer months and we look forward to seeing all of you throughout the upcoming sea- son. Y’all come see us now. Douglas and Laura Jenkins ConXion Gymnastics 662429-5958 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 Page 11 Abby McMillan Mabel Miller Gymnastics is Abby’s first love having taken since age 3. Abby McMillan, known as “Wild Abby” by coaches and judges alike, is the fourteen year old daughter of Will and Jan McMillan of Newton. Abby is a freshman at Newton county Academy and is a member of Miller Gymnastics team. She spends countless hours at the gym working on routines as a Level 8 and assists coaching levels 1-4 team. Gymnastics is Abby’s first love having taken since age 3, but she also pays basketball, tennis and is captain of the cheerleader squad. This summer, Abby made UCA All Star cheerleader for the second year in a row. Last basketball season, she received Best Offensive player and in tennis was district runner-up in girls doubles. Abby is active with her youth group at First Baptist Church in Newton and in spite of all activities, maintains all “A’s” in her school work. Abby is well-rounded and strives for excellence in all endeavors. Notes from the State Office Where does one start!!!!!!! The Book will be mailed on CD in mid August. Included with this newsletter are the updated Prep Op cards. The Quick Fix card and bound calendar will be sent with the handbook. Please take time to communicate, adhere to deadlines and requests, and at the same time enjoy what “spare time” you have. Athlete registration fees are due to the state office by September 15, 2004. REMEMBER—The fee has changed to $25.00 per athlete and an athlete cannot qualify until the fee has been paid. You can register on-line. Please, please make a habit of checking your email. All notices that I receive are immediately forwarded to all that I have email addresses for. If I do not have a current address for you, I will email to the msusag.org address which has been assigned to you. (See enclosure) The structure of the MS USAG State Committee will be reorganized this year. State Committee elections will be held in the spring and voting will be done on-line. The next issue of Leaps and Bounds will include the re-organization and nomination information. If you are planning on attending one of the Master Compulsory Workshops in the summer of 2005 and would like to apply for funds to defray costs of your trip in exchange for bringing your knowledge ‘back home’ for a state clinic, watch for the application in the next Leaps and Bounds. Please return by the deadline (TBA). Before the next issue of Leaps and Bounds, you will receive an (continued on page 12) email giving you the option of receiving the newsletter by snail mail or email. Only those requesting the newsletter by email will receive it in this manner. You must have Adobe PDF to receive by email. Such a busy year ahead of us. None Page 12 L E A P S A ND B O U N D S Judge’s Cup—continued from page 1 The second Naperia Johnson Award of Valor will be nast this weekend. We hope to use this award to remind all our gymnasts of the good qualities found in gymnasts, be it a six-year-old Level 2 or an accomplished 16 year old competing this year in Athens. We firmly believe so many positive life skills are learned through gymnastics that anyone who competes in an organized program is always a better person and citizen for doing so. presented to a deserving gymnast this weekend. This year, NAWGJ is excited about our plans to sponsor a Level 7 Mississippi Team to go to New Orleans, in January, 2005, to compete in the National Judges, Cup. We see this as a good opportunity to promote and support our Mississippi gymnasts since they do not have the advantage of recognition and exposure through our high schools and universities. This is a significant financial commitment for our organization, but we feel that this is an important endeavor and are confident that we can raise the funds necessary to do this. ENTRY FEE: $45 DEADLINE: AUGUST 28 Submitted by Mary Jane McDaniel, Judges’ Cup Chairman As you already know, our organization carries a 501c3 designation and all money that we raise goes directly to the support of the gymnastics program here in Mississippi. Our funds are used to supplement our judges in obtaining their required training each year and for the NAWGJ operating budges. No salaries are paid from these funds. For additional information about NAWGJ or gymnastics judging, contact Mary Thacker (662.746.5639). Notes from State Office—continued from page 11 of us have the “time”, but we must make time to do those all important things that make our lives less hectic and more prosperous. Please take time to communicate, adhere to deadlines and requests, and at the same time, enjoy what “spare” time you have. VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 Page 13 Old Faces—New Positions Emily Mayer and Sandy Lay are the new “co-head” coaches at Starkville Gymnastics. Former head coach Jennifer Crunk is now the program director at Starkville Gymnastics. Emily and Sandy are excited about coaching the level ones and up. Emily, a native of Memphis, TN, has a BA degree in psychology from the University of Memphis. Emily received her gymnastics training at River City Gymnastics in Memphis and competed as a Level 9 and placed fourth all-around at regionals. At the conclusion of her competitive career, she began coaching at her home gym and has also coached at ConXion Sports Center. Emily plans National Gymnastics Day proclaimed by Mayor Mack Rutledge of Starkville, MS Pictured—members of the Starkville Gymnastics team, Emily, and Sandy to attend Mississippi State University in 2005 pursuing a masters degree Emily, Sandy, Teri Jenkins, Stuart Ausborn—Sprit of Courage Meet TG Hawkins. in psychology. Sandy has been assistant coach, recreational, and pre-school instructor for two years. Having been raised in a gym, Sandy was a competitive gymnast at a young age. Sandy attended East Mississippi Community College before deciding to pursue a coaching career in his mother’s business. He has attended numerous regional and national clinics pursuing new educational opportunities whenever possible. His future plans include the pursuit of a degree in physical education at Mississippi State University beginning in 2005. Sandy is the son of Nancy S. Hawkins and the step-son of Emily and Sandy are excited about coaching the level ones and up. They are also the instructors of the new “Tumble Tots” program which is a mobile gymnastics program serving day care centers in the Golden Triangle area. Page 14 L E A P S A ND B O U N D S MS USAG SAC MEETING JULY 9, 2004 Meeting called to order at: 7:00 Present: Mary Thacker Nancy Hawkins Absent: Richelle Gray Dawn Messer Mabel Miller Tamara Collins Glynn Hankins Cindy Wallace Ellie Counseller Nancy gave the committee confidentiality forms to sign and discussed the importance of the forms. Nancy announced that the TOPs position must be an appointed position, non-voting per USAG guidelines. Tamara had previously been notified and agreed to remain in a non-voting capacity. Award announcements – Magic Mouse and Silver Quill were presented to Mississippi at USAG National Congress The contracting organization for state is NAWGJ Motion: Glynn Hankins Second: Ellie Counseller Unanimous Nancy presented the yearly financial report and the state meet financial report. NAWGJ Updates MS USAG gives $100.00 to each judge that attends a national or brevet judging course Motion: Dawn Second: Glynn Unanimous Nancy announced that Nationals Judges Cup will be held in New Orleans, LA – January 7-9, 2005 at the Convention Center (information received just before meeting convened via Brenda Eberhart). Mary Thacker reported that the NAWGJ board would be meeting the following week and sponsorship of a team was on the agenda. Nancy expressed concern that all Level 10 judges in the state do not make themselves eligible for regional judging assignments. Nancy stated that she and the state judging director, Mary Thacker would pursue this issue and encourage our level 10 judges to meet eligibility requirements. At present, only three judges meet requirements each year – Teri Jenkins, Wei Huang, and Mary Thacker State Championships 2005, March 18-21, Jackson Coliseum 1. Will include levels 1-10 2. Jennifer Calhoun the contracted photographer for all state meets Motion: Cindy Second: Dawn Unanimous 3. Duties and responsibilities A. Corporate sponsorships – Dawn Messer B. Contracting vendors and collections – Ellie Counsellor C. Food and decorations – Glynn Hankins/Cindy Wallace/Mary Jane McDaniel D. Publicity – Annerin Long/Glynn Hankins E. Per guidelines set forth by the SAC, a parent’s club in the state will be hired to oversee the facilitation of the meet. A deadline date will be set for any parents club that wants to be considered. VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 Page 15 F. Work force for set-up of equipment – Bobby Strickland G. Optional work-out time will not be offered H. Program costs will be re-vamped and put out for bid Regional Qualifier concern – If a gymnast that qualifies to regionals and knows prior to the announcement of awards that she is not going to attend regionals, it is the responsibility of the coach or club director to inform the state committee chair of her intentions. The gymnast will be announced as a qualifier, but will not receive a plaque and the next gymnast in line will receive the plaque and will be announced as a qualifier. SAC responsibilities: 1. Newsletter article assignments A. NAWGJ – Mary Thacker B. Featured coach – Richelle Gray C. Featured gym – Dawn Messer D. Featured athlete – Mabel Miller E. TOP’s – Tamara Collins F. Safety – Ellie Counseller G. Coaching tips – Cindy Wallace 2. Article deadlines A. July 25, 2004 B. October 15, 2004 C. January 25, 2005 D. April 15, 2005 3. Check email daily and respond in a timely manner. Email addresses will be assigned if a committee member does not have a current email address. 4. Re-structuring of the MS USAG SAC before elections in spring of 2005 A. Discussion of seven positions elected, TOP’s rep appointed B. No districting C. Positions appointed after elections D. Nominations will begin in November E. Voting will be done on-line Qualifying scores will remain the same Motion: Ellie Second: Glynn Unanimous Expert divisions scores raised to 35.00 AA – average – 8.75 on each event Motion: Mary Second: Cindy Unanimous Athlete fees raised to $25.00 per athlete – due September 15, 2004 Motion: Mary Second: Glynn Unanimous Suggested revisions to the prep op levels were discussed and are reflected in the errata and new Prep Op cards. Page 16 L E A P S A ND B O U N D S 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Announcements and discussion: The Book will be on CD, the calendar will be printed, Prep Op cards printed and Quick Fix printed USAG Congress in Indianapolis August 11-13, 2005 Region 8 Congress held in conjunction with Level 9/10 training camp in October, 2005 Master Clinic – Louisville, KY and Reno, NV the first two weeks of June, 2005 I will be attending the clinic in Reno in conjunction with a Region 8 board meeting. July 29-31, 2005, in conjunction with Alabama USAG at Tuscaloosa Tumbling Tides, Tom Koll will present a compulsory clinic. Richelle Gray is doing the music for Level 3 USAG University – what it means to our gyms TG Hawkins explained the new MS USAG server and what it means to the state A. Easier access B. Reliability C. More options D. E-mail addresses assigned to all professionals members in the state Motion to adjourn at 10:10 PM INCOME EXPENSES Entries Door $33,693.20 $7,219.00 Vendors $1,726.00 Food Programs $8,901.00 Awards $7,388.12 Convention $3,000.00 Facility rental $8,548.00 Lodging $3,446.55 Re-imbursements $171.24 Judges Equipment Insurance $54,710.44 Sound Receipts on site Spring State Meet $10,828.00 $4,500.00 $364.10 $886.13 $2,096.73 $600.00 Decorations/Supplies $4,473.62 Security $2,776.25 Signs $431.21 Sanction $200.00 Support Staff $625.00 Program $6,663.81 Spotlight $160.00 Computer Maintenance $1,536.00 $100.30 $55,623.82 April 1, 2004June 16, 2004 INCOME EXPENSES Athlete - Pro Rebates Athlete Fees Awards and Apparel Bank Charge $191.65 $19.12 Competition Fees Interest Inc $2,010.00 $11.54 Promo Refund Reimbursements Ret check Ret check Fee $1,182.00 $10.00 $585.51 $221.00 $4.00 TOTAL INCOME $4,234.82 Communications Competition Dues and Subscriptions Equipment Gifts Promotional Returned Check Returned check fee Secretarial - Stats Travel $8,003.93 $15.72 $948.90 $17,687.73 $85.00 $5,115.30 $213.93 $6,282.89 $221.00 $4.00 $716.00 $2,098.23 TOTAL EXPENSES $41,392.63 OVERALL TOTAL -$37,157.81 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 Page 17 MS USAG State Meeting, Starkville Gymnastics, July 10, 2004 Attending: Jennifer Crunk Terry Kruchowsky Dee Shettles Megan Ewing Teresa Mayo Ellie Counseller Glynn Hankins TG Hawkins Bobbye Strickland Duane Meilstrup Courtney Smith Doug Jenkins Tina Smith Tamara Collins Mary Thacker Kristin Bialis Sandy Lay Cynthis Dedeaux Karen Skow Angie Garner Lisa Pruden Cindy Wallace Mabel Miller Patricia Morris Emily Mayer Annerin Long Kristian Skow Lisa Hardin Haley Hardin Dawn Messer Nancy Hawkins Tricia Morris Lunch was provided at 12:00 Meeting called to order at 12:45 PM Prayer – Ellie Counseller Team Unity—The Road to Athens (video received at National Congress) presented NAWGJ is the official contracting organization for MS meets. A. $100.00 per judge attending a national or brevet course B. National Judge’s Cup will be in New Orleans, LA January 7-9, 2005 C. Encouraging all level 10 judges to become eligible for regional assignment Qualifying scores for all levels remain the same Expert level scores raised from 33.00 to 35.00 – Average 8.75 on each event Athlete fees - $25.00 Prep Op revisions – changes made will be summarized on an errata sheet and new cards printed State Meet 2005, March 18-21 A. Will include levels 1-10 B. Jennifer Calhoun the contracted photographer C. Corporate sponsorships – Dawn Messer D. Contracting vendors and collections – Ellie Counseller E. Food and decorations – Glynn Hankins/Cindy Wallace/Mary Jane McDaniel F. Publicity – Annerin Long/Glynn Hankins G. Per guidelines set forth by the SAC, a parent’s club in the state will be hired to oversee the facilitation of the meet. A deadline date will be set for any parent’s club that wants to be considered. H. Optional work-out will not be offered I. Program costs will be re-vamped and put out for bid SAC responsibilities A. Required to attend state committee meetings B. Newsletter article assignments NAWGJ – Mary Thacker Featured coach – Richelle Gray Featured gym – Dawn Messer Featured athlete – Mabel Miller TOP’s – Tamara Collins Safety – Ellie Counseller Page 18 L E A P S A ND B O U N D S Coaching tips – Cindy Wallace C. Article deadlines July 25, 2004 October 15, 2004 January 15, 2005 April 15, 2005 Announcements and updates A. Re-structuring the MS USAG SAC Seven positions elected, TOP’s rep appointed No districting Voting on-line Info on The Book, Quick Fix, calendar and R & P USAG Congress in Indianapolis August 11-13, 2005 Region 8 Congress 2005 will be held in conjunction with Level 9/10 training camp - TBA Master workshops will be held the first two weeks of June, 2005 in Louisville, KY and Reno, NV July 29-31, 2005, in conjunction with Alabama USAG at Tuscaloosa Tumbling Tides, Tom Koll will present a compulsory clinic - $10.00 Richelle Gray is finalizing music for Level 3 Safety cert update—Ellie Counseller Address for sending cards to USAG team in Athens, Greece (Athlete or Official's Name or USAG Gymnasts) USA Delegation Olympic Village Athens, Greece $ .80 to send a card The team leaves August 5 and return August 23 USAG University presented MS USAG server – TG Hawkins A. Easier access B. Reliability C. More options D. E-mail addresses VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 Page 19 REVISED MISSISSIPPI COMPETITIVE CALENDAR Date Event Location Levels Deadline Qualifier September 10-12 Judge’s Cup Courthouse MRGA 1/2 USAG 3-10 & PO August 28, 2004 No October 15-17 SEC Invitational Starkville MRGA 1/2 USAG 3-8, & PO September 13, 2004 Yes October 22-24 Latinfest Courthouse MRGA 1/2 USAG 3-10 & PO November 5-7 No Fear Madison County MRGA 1/2 USAG 3-10 & PO October 1, 2004 Yes November 19-21 Heartbeat KIPS MRGA 1/2 USAG 3-10 & PO October, 13, 2004 Yes Yes Level Designation Date for USAG Levels 3-6 DECEMBER 1, 2004 December 12-14 Tis the Split Season Starkville Invitational - MRGA 1/2, USAG Level 7, 8 & PO State Championships- USAG 3-6 State and Invitational November 15, 2004 7, 8, PO Yes January 21-23 Winter Invitational Courthouse MRGA 1/2 USAG 3-10 & PO Yes January 28-30 All American Classic Tupelo MRGA 1/2 USAG 3-10 & PO Yes February 4-5 Touch of Country Newton MRGA 1/2 USAG 3-7 & PO January 10, 2005 Yes February 18-20 Luney Toons MRGA 1/2 USAG 3-10 & PO January 10, 2005 Yes January 28, 2005 Yes Clas- Starkville Level Designation Date for USAG Levels 3—10 MARCH 1, 2005 March 5-6 Spring Fling Madison County March 18-20 State Championships & Jackson MRGA 1/2 USAG 3-10 & PO Coli- MRGA 1-2, USAG 3-10, & PO February 21, 2005 ONLY MEETS LISTED ABOVE ARE MS QUALIFYING MEETS. Levels 4-7 & PO must qualify at a MS qualifier. Levels 4-6 have two seasons and must qualify during the fall and spring season. Qualifying scores cannot be carried over from fall to spring season. Levels 7 & PO have one season and may qualify September thru March. Level 8’s may qualify at any USAG sanctioned meet but must attend two meets within the state to receive apparel. Level 9/10 may qualify at any USAG sanctioned meet but must attend one meet within the state to receive apparel. Tom Koll—July 29-31, 2005 AL USAG & MS USAG Tuscaloosa, AL Master Compulsory Workshop Women’s Administrative Committee April 29-30, 2004 Page 21 Kissimmee, FL The meeting was called to order at 12:30 p.m. by Chairman Jan Greenhawk. I. Roll Call Region 1 Robbie Sumpter Region 5 Kathy Shufflin ECC Gary Anderson Region 2 Ruth Sandoz Region 6 Kathy Ostberg JOPM Connie Maloney Region 3 Cori Rizzo Region 7 Lynn Perrott JOCC Tom Koll Region 4 Jim Schlott Region 8 Deb Kornegay SDWP Kathy Kelly Guest Kathy Feldmann, VP-Membership II. Welcome Greenhawk welcomed the committee and thanked them for the work they do on a daily basis. III. Elite Committee Report Gary Anderson thanked the Administrative Committee for the support and work which ultimately has helped to support the Elite development program. Gary explained that his committee now deals with the “Pre-Elite program“. GOALS: Communications: Developed an Elite newsletter to help with the communications. Simplify things. Fewer changes with the compulsories and only one change with the Physical Abilities test. Cooperation: Between committees and among the coaches and judges. The international level is having tremendous success. Depth of the team is unparalleled. Coaches are better educated. The TOPs program has made a great contribution to the development of the coaches and athletes. Little/mild growth in this program. Testing about 2300 kids regionally. The standards have risen and coaches are being more selective as to who participates, so although the numbers are not increasing much, but the quality of those involved has increased tremendously. The TOPs position is an appointed position because it is still ultimately the responsible of the Regional Elite Committee Chair. Anderson also commended the work of Tom Koll as the Vice-Chair for Women on the Board of Directors. IV. J.O. Competitions Connie discussed the procedures for Regional meet in terms of results/scoring and procedures for entry forms and fees. The committee discussed the problem of clubs not being prepared to pay the entry fee for Regionals or Nationals at their respective State and/or Regional meets. A form will be sent to the RTCCs and the RACCs for the alternates to East/West and JO Nationals for use next year. Connie will finalize regional expenses for the athlete’s jackets and report to the RACCs. Recommendation that, if an athlete who is qualified to Level 9 East/West and JO Nationals is unable to compete due to an injury/illness and is replaced by the alternate, the Meet Director will refund the injured athlete’s entry fee. If no replacement is made, there will be no refund. Motion: J. Schlott Second: R. Sandoz PASSED V. Financial Reporting State Chairmen are reminded that timely financial reporting is very critical and one of the most important responsibilities of the State Chairman. Repeated failure to meet the reporting deadlines can result in negative consequences for the State (including – holding of rebates and/or removal of State Chairman). VI. Election Guidelines Jan distributed a rough draft for election procedures for National, Regional, State officers and State Administrative Committee members in order to make recommendations to the Women’s Program Committee for changes/additions to the Operating Code. The official procedures for all elections will be updated in the Women’s Operating Code. Ballots go to the head of the election committee. Recommendation to add the word “WOMEN” to Professional Members to the Operating Code in the election procedures section. Motion: C. Rizzo Second: R. Sumpter PASSED Recommendation to the Women’s Program Committee to extend the terms of office of the Regional Administrative Committee Chairmen and the Regional Pre-Elite Committee Chairmen by two years until 2007 to ensure the continuity of the committee structure. Motion: K. Shufflin Second: R. Sumpter PASSED Kathy Kelly announced that there is only one candidate for the Administrative Committee Chairman and therefore Jan Greenhawk is elected by acclamation to a four year term. VII. Board of Directors The committee presented the names of the regional nominations for the Women’s Program Representatives to the USA Gymnastics Board of Directors. The office will verify the nominations and collect resume for submission to the Women’s Program Committee. VIII. JO Program Report Tom Koll reported to the committee that the development of the new compulsories (music, film, text) is ahead of schedule. The JO Committee will meet with the Technical Committee to clarify the expectations and deductions for the elements. IX. Program Growth Tom Koll reported to the committee of the directive that all programs have been given to address the issue of building our athlete base at the lower levels. The committee will address the issue including cost reduction (entry fees, judging costs) at the State Chairman Workshops. X. Petition Procedures Recommendation to the Jr. Olympic Committee that the following clarification be added to the Rules and Policies: if a gymnast completes all four events in a qualifying meet, she is not eligible to petition and advance to the next competition. Motion: L. Perrott Second: D. Kornegay PASSED XI. Regional Congress The committee discussed Regional Congresses and coordination of those events with the national office and the advantages that would be available. Regions who are using outside sources to conduct their regional congress will submit a contract and budget to the national office. XII. State Chairmen’s Workshops The committee drafted the Agenda for the Workshop to be conducted prior to the National Congress in Anaheim on Wed. June 23. The agenda and the timelines will be sent along with the invitations to the Women’s Program Summit. XIII. 2005 Compulsory Workshops & Technical Symposiums The workshops are scheduled as follows: June 2-5, 2005 Louisville, Kentucky June 9-12, 2005 Reno, Nevada Regional Compulsory Workshops will be conducted by the national office and the RACC’s. Region II June 17 - 18 Oregon Region VI& VII July 9-10 TBD Region III June 17-18 Texas Region VIII June 24-26 Florida XIV. Calendar The committee discussed the calendar and made the following recommendation: Recommendation to the Jr. Olympic Committee to adjust the calendar for JO regional meets to avoid conflicts with the Collegiate Meets. Motion: C. Rizzo Second: K. Shufflin PASSED Calendar as approved by the JO Committee: 2005 State Meets Regional Regional East/West JO Nationals Level 9 & 10 Level 9 & 10 Level 10 Level 9 Level 10 March 19 &20 April 15 - 17 April 23 - 24 May 6 -8 May 13 -15 2006 State Meets Regional Regional East/West JO Nationals Level 9 & 10 Level 9 & 10 Level 10 Level 9 Level 10 March 11 - 12 March 31 – April 2 April 8 & 9 April 21 - 23 April 28 -29 XV. Rules and Policies Jan will assign sections of the R&P to the RC’s for proofing the document. Connie will update the document from the actions of the various committees this year and send the section to the appropriate RC’s by May 15th. Return proofed copies by June 1. Region IV & VIII Region II & VII Jan Page 33 - 46 Region VI & I Page 47 - 51 Page 17 to 32 Region III & V Page 53 – 60 Forms on the internet. XVI. Education Kathy Feldmann distributed information on various upcoming USA Gymnastics events, and the many educational activities and opportunities that are available through the Membership Department for the states and regions. Recommendation to the JO Committee that for the safety concern of the athlete during competitions, cells phones be put on “silent mode” for all meet personnel, meet participants and the spectators. Motion: R. Sandoz Second: K. Ostberg PASSED Recommendation to adjourn at 3:20 p.m. Motion: J. Schlott Second: D. Kornegay Approved by USA Gymnastics President Robert V. Colarossi PASSED May 14, 2004 VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 Page 23 “What’s New for the Women’s Jr. Olympic Program in 2004-2005” Connie Maloney, USA Gymnastics Women’s Jr. Olympic Program Manager May 2004 All of the following changes/clarifications are recorded in Administrative, Technical and JO Committee minutes from August 1, 2003 through May 2004 and are EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 2004. I. PROGRAM UPDATES A. J. O. LEVEL 9/10 CALENDAR FOR 2005 Preferred date for Level 9/10 State March 19-20 Last date for Level 9/10 State Meets April 2-3 (with approval of RACC) Level 9/10 Regionals April 15-17 Level 10 only Regionals April 23-24 Level 9 East/West May 6-8 East-Palmetto, FL/West-TBD Level 10 Jr. Olympic Nationals May 13-15 Ontario, CA B. APPARATUS 1. MATTING/MOUNT clarifications: JO gymnasts may STAND on one or two competition landing mats (12 cm) or one 20 cm competition landing mat. In addition, they can also stand on up to 8” of skill cushion (sting, throw or 8” skill cushion). When mounting from a board, the board may NOT be placed on an 8” skill cushion. • Compulsory gymnasts (Level 1-6) may use any manufactured mat, spotting block or board for mounting purposes. 2. VAULT: The MAXIMUM height of the vault table is now 135 cm. for all levels and age groups in the Jr. Olympic Program. 3. BARS: If the bars have a slider mechanism on both bars, it is strongly suggested that the coaches keep the low bar slider all the way up and only make adjustments with the high bar slider to expedite changes in bar settings. 4. FLOOR EXERCISE: If the Floor Exercise mat has two colors to distinguish the border rather than a solid color with taped boundary lines, it is permissible to place small pieces of tape (of the same color as the floor area carpet) at the inside corners of the boundary to assist the gymnast’s awareness of the actual boundary. C. MINIMUM AGE FOR COMPETITION A gymnast must have had her: - 4th birthday to participate in a Level 2 USAG-sanctioned competition. - 5th birthday to participate in a Level 3 USAG-sanctioned competition. All other age minimums for Levels 4-10 remain as listed in the Rules and Policies. D. LEVEL 9 AGE DIVISIONS There are now eight (8) age divisions for Level 9 (Jr. A-D and Sr. A-D). Level 9 East/West Championships will now have 384 athletes each, with competition conducted on Page 24 L E A P S A ND B O U N D S Friday morning/afternoon for the Jr. A & Jr. B divisions; Jr. C/D and Sr. A compete on Saturday and Sr. B-D compete on Sunday. E. ALTERNATES TO LEVEL 9 EAST/WEST AND JO NATIONALS If a qualifier is injured/ill within 48 hours of the start of competition for her specific age division, the first alternate from the same region will be contacted. If the 1st alternate is not present at the meet site and is unable to participate, the second alternate, if in attendance, may be called upon to replace the injured/ill athlete. F. PROCEDURES FOR INJURY PETITIONS If a gymnast completes all four events at the qualifying meet, she is not eligible to petition and advance to the next competition. G. TIMED WARM-UPS For meet formats that provide only one Floor Exercise mat (or one FX mat and a tumbling strip), the Meet Director is allowed to use any of the following timed/touch warm-up procedures: 1. Squad of 8 or fewer gymnasts – warm-up all 8, then compete. 2. Squads of 9 or more gymnasts – warm-up half the squad, then compete; warm-up second half of squad, then compete. 3. Any size squad - warm up athletes between competitive routines. • When using this option, an adult monitor (not the judges) must be assigned to regulate the number of athletes on the floor at onetime and to keep track of the competitive order. • A gymnast is allowed to start warming up when there are only five more competitors ahead of her. Each athlete will be allowed five turns on the Floor Exercise mat prior to her time to compete. • See the 2005-06 Women’s Rules & Policies for specific examples. H. LEVEL 5 ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS The distribution of achievement awards for Level 5 competitions is at the discretion of the State Administra- tive Committee. I. USE OF CELL PHONES All individuals involved in the competition “field of play” are required to either turn off their cell phone or set it at vibrate mode during competition.. Any calls should be made outside the field of play. J. LEVEL 1-4 JUDGES Any USA Gymnastics Professional or Jr. Professional Member is allowed to judge at USAG-sanctioned Level 1-4 competitions. The State Administrative Committee may decide the specific requirements for judges at those levels. K. EMERGENCY CANCELLATION BY A JUDGE As a professional courtesy, if a judge has to come off a meet due to personal emergency and he/she has an airline ticket, he/she should work with the airlines to try to recoup the airfare either through a refund or paying a change fee to use the ticket for themselves at a later date. If any money is recouped, the Meet Director should be refunded. L. 2005 BREVET/NATIONAL/LEVEL 10 RECERTIFICATION COURSES January 15-22 Intercontinental Course – Osaka, Japan Brevet Courses: February 2-5 Continental Brevet Coarse – Indianapolis, IN February 6-9 USAG Brevet Course – Indianapolis, IN In June of 2005, new compulsory routines as well as new Optional rules for the next cycle will be presented VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 Page 25 at the Master Compulsory Workshops and Technical Symposiums. The present Compulsory rating is valid through December 31, 2005. All judges will be required to re-certify for the new Compulsories (for the 2006-2013 cycle) by passing a written exam. Level 10 Re-certification Courses: June 4-5 at Technical Symposium - Louisville, KY (Held a Level 10 rating in 2 cycles June 11-12 at Technical Symposium - Reno, NV 1997-2001 & 2001-2005) July 14-17 at NAWGJ Symposium - Portland, OR August 11-13 at National Congress - Indianapolis, IN National Courses: 1st course-for current National-rated officials August 14-17 - Indianapolis, IN 2nd course-first time invitees August 18-21 - Indianapolis, IN (Held a Level 10 rating since at least Dec. 31, 1997) II. TECHNICAL UPDATES A. COMPULSORY If a JO athlete omits a major element in a compulsory exercise and then performs it later (out of order) or at the completion of the routine, the deduction for deliberate omission will be applied. The element is not be evaluated, except in the case of a fall, for which a 0.50 deduction will be applied. B. OPTIONAL VAULT 1. A Level 9 Vault Chart will be developed (and posted on the USAG web site and in Technique magazine) to avoid confusion as to which Groups 4 and 5 vaults are presently allowed at this Level. 2. DETERMINING VAULT VALUES a. Group 3: ½ on - ½ off, front salto vaults may also be performed with a ¼ on - ¾ off using the same number and start value. No deduction for incomplete ½ turn will be applied. b. Group 3: If a gymnast announces /attempts a ¼ on - ¾ off (or ½ on - ½ off) front salto vault, but performs a ¼ on - ¼ off (twisting in opposite directions) to a front salto vault, it will be considered the same as a Handspring front salto vault and appropriate deductions will be taken. 3. CHIEF JUDGE DEDUCTION: The Chief Judge takes the 1.00 deduction for performance of a one arm vault from the average score, if at least half of the vault panel saw that only one hand touched the vault table. C. OPTIONAL UNEVEN BARS 1. Clarification of when to resume judging after the gymnast falls: a. Compulsory – judging resumes from the point of interruption. b. Optional – judging resumes with the performance of an element that is listed in the FIG Code of Points or the JO Element Supplement. • Note: Level 10’s are allowed only one cast to squat-on without penalty. Therefore, after a fall, the gymnast should not use a glide kip-cast squat-on to remount unless there are no other squat-ons in the exercise. 2. Stalder circle clarification: #6.204 Stalder circle backward to clear support is a “B” element and should show an opening of the shoulder angle on the upward part of the circle. #6.104 Clear straddle circle backward to clear support is an “A” element and appears as a straddle seat circle to a straddle “L” position, with no opening of the shoulder angle. 3. Clarification of #3.304 - Back Uprise immediate Clear Hip Circle: For Levels that are allowed to perform “C” elements (Levels 8-10), one C” value part will be awarded if an uprise backward to immediate clear hip circle to handstand finishes within 10° of vertical. Page 26 L E A P S A ND B O U N D S - If the clear hip does not attain the handstand phase, the skill will be evaluated as two “B” elements (back uprise and clear hip circle.) - Since Level 7 gymnasts are not allowed to perform “C”s, if this element was performed, it will still be recognized as a two “B” elements, regardless of whether or not the clear hip circle attained the handstand phase. D. OPTIONAL BEAM 1. Simple mounts such as jump to front support (or anything comparable) will be valued at “A” for the counting of value parts. 2. Clarification regarding completion of turns (also applies to Floor Exercise): Once the heel drops onto the beam (or floor) during a turn, it is considered complete. Appropriate value part credit is awarded for the degree of turn completed prior to the heel drop. 3. CONNECTION VALUE CHANGES a. Principle 10.4.1 – Connections of two (2) Acrobatic flight elements (excluding dismounts): C + C now receives +0.20 b. Principle 10.4.2 – Connections of at least three (3) Acrobatic flight elements (applies to mount, dismount and connections within the exercise): B + C + C (in any order of VP) now receives +0.20 E. NEW OPTIONAL ELEMENT VALUES FOR THE JO ELEMENT SUPPLEMENT The following NEW ELEMENTS WERE PERFORMED AT THE 2004 JR. OLYMPIC NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS: VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 Event Description and (name of athlete) Page 27 Number JO Value Vault Front Handspring onto board – Handspring front salto tucked with ½ twist (Mantle) S2.410 10.00 Counterswing to front salto straddled to catch same bar (Bullock) S2.406 D Weiler kip with 1/1 pirouette (Healy) after handstand (McCallister) S3.507 E Circle swing forward in L-grip with ½ turn and straddle flight over the HB to hang on HB (Khorkina from L-grip) (Perret) S5.506 E From a cast, uprise or backswing, straddle cut to salto backward tucked or stretched with 2/1 twist or more on LB or HB (Bounce-back/Tanac 2/1) (Bronson) S8.410 D Mount: from a side stand facing away from the beam, jump with ½ turn to chest stand S1.208 B From a side stand, take off from 1 foot, swing free leg forward to minimum of 45°, then swing the leg backward to show 180° split in the air in a double stag-ring position to land on 1 or 2 feet (Concannon) S2.505 E Split leap with leg change to cross split (over 180° split) and backward bending (arch) of upper body with head release (Switch-leg Yang Bo) S2.505 E Bars: Beam NEWS FOR THE 2005 – 2006 SEASON: Page 28 L E A P S A ND B O U N D S JR. OLYMPIC COMPULSORY EXERCISES PROPOSED ELEMENTS FOR THE 2005-2013 CYCLE Revised 6/03-tlk VAULT LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 Straight jump onto min 8” mat Handstand block off board LEVEL 3 Forward roll onto waist high mats Supplementary Skills Supplementary Skills Supplementary Skills -Running form -Additional running form -Additional running form -Handstand hops on the floor -Dive roll onto 8” mat -Handstand holds VAULT LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 Handspring onto mat stack Handspring LEVEL 6 Handspring Supplementary Skills Supplementary Skills -Handspring over stacked skill cushion turned sideward. -Handspring Over Table to stacked Mats (back lying position) -Handspring from elevated surface. -Handspring Over Table to stacked Mats ( repulsion drill) BARS LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 Pullover, cast, back hip circle, cast push away. Pullover, cast, back hip circle, cast Pullover, cast, back hip circle, single leg cut forward, forward stride circle, straddle on sole circle dismount. single leg cut backward, cast squat on, piked sole circle dismount. Supplementary Skills Supplementary Skills Supplementary Skills -Floor Bar Squat On -Floor Bar Single Leg Cuts -Glide Swings -Floor Bar Recovery Roll -Single Knee Uprise -Floor Bar Single Leg Squat through -Floor Bar Straddle Sole Circle -Wrist Shifts -Inverted Hollow Holds LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 LEVEL 6 Glide swing out (straddle or pike) and return to stand with feet together Glide Kip (straddle or pike) Glide Kip (straddle or pike) Pullover Front hip Circle Cast to 30º above horizontal Front hip circle, small cast Cast to horizontal and return to support Clear hip circle to 30º above horizontal Cast, single leg shoot thru Cast squat or pike on Glide kip (straddle or pike) cast squat or pike on back tuck sole circle jump to high bar OR squat on jump to high bar Stride circle forward Long hang kip Long hang kip, Cast to 30º above horizontal Single leg cut the leg backward Cast to horizontal, back hip circle Long hang pullover, Cast Underswing Underswing Back hip circle Counter swing to 30º below horizontal Counter swing to 15º below horizontal Underswing dismount Tap Swing forward Tap Swing forward Counter swing to 15º below horizontal Counter swing to horizontal Tap swing forward with ½ turn dismount Tap swing forward to flyaway in tuck, pike, or layout Supplementary Skills TBA Supplementary Skills -Strap giants -Cast Clear Pullovers (baby giants) Supplementary Skills -Rock kips -Hollow Rolls -Hanging Arch to Hollow Drills BARS VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 Page 29 BEAM LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 Jump to front support Jump to front support Jump to front support Tuck sit Tuck sit V sit Tuck sit V sit whip to push up- jump to tuck stand Roll back to candlestick Hold 2 seconds Forward roll to stand Kick to partial Handstand step down Arabesque (show) Arabesque (hold 1 second) Arabesque (hold 1 second) Step coupé press to relevé Right and Left Step kick Right and Left 3 running steps finish in relevé balance position Relevé walks Step Relevé balance (Hold 2 seconds) Pivot turn Stretch Jump Tuck Jump Split Jump (60º) Stretch Jump dismount Tuck Jump dismount Cartwheel to Handstand lower to stand dismount Supplementary Skills Supplementary Skills Supplementary Skills -Arabesque both legs -Backward leg swing from cross support tapping ankles -Introduce all arm techniques for leaps and jumps -Single leg squat to stand -Levering to needle, return to stand -Cartwheel to handstand on LB, over- bal- -Tuck jumps off a springboard -Handstands held in cross and side on low beam lance to ¼ turn, land in pushup position on 8” mat. -Sets of 3 coupé relevé holds BEAM LEVEL 4 LEVEL 5 LEVEL 6 Leg swing mount Leg swing mount Leg swing mount “V” sit whip to tuck stand “V” sit “V” sit Coupé walk, Heel snap turn Coupé dévelopé 45º off the beam hold 1 sec. step coupé Heel snap turn Coupé dévelopé side slightly off the beam, ronde de jambe to 45º off the beam forward hold 1 sec. pull to coupé Heel snap turn Straight leg leap (60º) Arms…one of the 3 tech- Straight leg leap (90º) Arms…one of the 3 Straight leg leap (120º) Arms…one of the 3 techniques in ¾ Cross Handstand Cross Handstand hold 1 second Back walkover or Back extension Half turn—leg position forward coupé, arms same 2 Pivot turns as present cycle 2 Pivot turns Stretch jump, tuck jump… arms lower after each jump Half turn—leg position forward coupé arms same as present cycle. Full turn— leg position forward passé. Arms in crown Arabesque (45º) below hor., Scale (horizontal), Cartwheel Pivot turn Stretch jump, split jump(90º) arms lower after Tuck jump, split jump (120º) arms lower after each jump Arabesque (>45º) below hor. Scale (above horizontal), Arabesque (>45º) below hor. Scale (45º above horizontal), Cartwheel to side handstand, (hold 1 second) ¼ turn dismount Cartwheel to side handstand, (hold 2 seconds) ¼ turn dismount Cross Handstand (hold 2 seconds) ¼ turn to side handstand (hold 2 seconds), ¼ turn dismount Supplementary Skills Supplementary Skills Supplementary Skills -Multiple split jumps on a spring surface -Backward roll step out on LB -Standing flic-flac - two feet and step out -Pivot turn drill -Sets of 3 passé relevé holds with heel -Cartwheel/round-off to stretch jump off the end of a low -Handstand forward roll on LB snap turn Handstand walks on beam beam onto mat -Combination of two jumps or leaps Page 30 L E A P S A ND B O U N D S FLOOR LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 LEVEL 3 Forward roll tuck Forward roll straddle stand Handstand forward roll (arms straight or bent) Backward roll tuck Headstand lower to kneel 1-3 steps hurdle round off Side Cartwheel Arch back Candlestick Side Cartwheel ¼ turn in Backward roll tuck to pike stand with straight arms Bridge Backward roll tuck to pike stand with bent arms Back bend kick over Front leg balance Straight lying side log roll, push up, tuck stand, straight stand Handstand Forward chassé Coupé walks Right and Left Split jump(no specific degree required) Coupé heel snap ½ turn Tuck jump Step Lock pivot turn Stretch jump Forward chassé pose Plié finish Plié finish Plié finish Supplementary Skills Supplementary Skills Supplementary Skills -Tripod balance -Back Handspring using an incline mat. -Straddle presses -Straight arm backward rolls using an incline mat. -Handstand against the wall -Bridge kick over from an elevated surface -Round off rebound onto an elevated surface -Walking with feet turned out -Hurdle step Cartwheel -Back bend FLOOR LEVEL 4 Stretch jump LEVEL 5 Straddle jump( 120º) Tuck jump LEVEL 6 Straddle jump( 150º) , stretch jump w/ ½ turn Back handspring step out Handstand forward roll—straight arms Dive forward roll Forward salto tuck Side chassé w/ ¼ turn, passé hop Side chassé w/ ¼ turn, passé hop with ¼ turn Side chassé w/ ¼ turn, passé hop with ½ turn Handstand Bridge Back Kickover Front handspring rebound Front handspring step out, front handspring 2 feet rebound Straight leg leap (90º) step leg swing forward Straight leg leap (120º) step leg swing forward Straight leg leap (150º) Side leap(150º) Forward splits Forward splits Forward splits Backward roll tuck to push up position with Backward roll to Handstand with straight arms Backward roll to Handstand with straight arms Half turn…leg position in forward coupé… arms same as present cycle Full turn…leg position in forward coupé… arms same as present cycle Full turn leg position in forward passé… arms in crown. Round off Hitchkick Hitchkick Flic-flac rebound Back walkover Back walkover Round off 2 flip flops R. off flip flop back salto tuck Supplementary Skills Supplementary Skills Supplementary Skills -Dive roll onto elevated mats -Front salto onto elevated mats -Front handspring, front flyspring -Front handspring off a folded panel mat -Handstand snap-down to back handspring series -Front salto pike on trampoline -Back extension to handstand on an -Back salto tuck and front salto tuck on trampoline -Back salto Layout on trampoline incline mat VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 Page 31 Mobility Rules for the Women's Junior Olympic Posted: 03-FEB-99 Program (Levels 1-10) The USA Gymnastics Jr. Olympic Program Committee has established MINIMUM standards for upward mobility in the Jr. Olympic program for Levels 1-10. Ultimately, each individual gym and/or coach will determine any additional standards for their own program, since the ability to achieve the minimum score does not necessarily insure that the athlete is capable of mastering the skills at the next level. Many gyms have a higher score standard, or require that the athlete score the minimum score more than just once, while some programs require mastery of specific skills which would make the athlete capable of successfully competing at the next higher level. Clubs that have a large optional (Levels 7-10) program may have higher standards for moving compulsory athletes up in order to maintain a smaller and safer athlete to coach ratio for their optional gymnasts, due to the complexity of the skills required at those levels. Competitors in Levels 5 through 10 may advance ONE LEVEL AT A TIME by scoring the minimum All-Around mobility score (or by meeting their club's criteria for advancement). No athlete is allowed to "skip" a level. MANDATE SCORES are not permitted in the Jr. Olympic program; that is to say, no athlete is required to move up to the next level based upon achieving a certain score. There are many factors to be considered when moving up to a higher level, and the ability to score high at one level does not necessarily indicate readiness to move to the next. Some of the factors which would indicate that an athlete should stay at their present level despite their score achievement at their present level are: fear of performing skills required at the next level, the inability or lack of desire to commit to more training hours and/or higher costs as a result of increased hours of training and possibly the inability of the club to provide a knowledgeable and experienced coaching staff for the higher levels. Since there are no mandate scores, it often appears that some clubs are holding athletes back with the prime intent to win the state's team championships. It sometimes appears unjust (especially to those programs that use the "minimum" standards) that a first-year competitor has to compete against athletes who have competed at that level for more than one year and are scoring 36.00 or better in the AllAround. The fallacy in that line of thinking is that all athletes have an equal right to receive an award. While many athletes may be able to successfully compete one season at a level and be ready to move up, the reality is that most athletes spend more than one year at a level. Perhaps the first year competing at a specific level will bring success at the smaller local meets, but no awards at the State meet. This is not a bad thing; it only means that the athlete must continue training and perfecting her routines. By the second season, the athlete may be capable of placing at the State meet and will be rewarded for her perseverance and higher level of ability. If a state has a large number of competitors at a specific level, the USAG State Boards are allowed to sub-divide levels into first-year competitors (Novice) and veteran competitors. This allows those new competitors a more even playing field and, therefore, a better chance at placing high enough for an award. The minimum USA Gymnastics standards are as follows: Present Level Advance to Minimum Standard Level 1 - 4 Level 5 Must pass with 75% proficiency on the sequences at each level; 100% flexibility and 5 out of 6 conditioning exercises. A coach who is certified as a Skill Evaluator must sign the Level 5 registration form verifying that the athlete has successfully completed the Level 1 - 4 developmental program. Level 5 Level 6 31.00 AA one time at a USAG-sanctioned competition Level 6 Level 7 31.00 AA one time at a USAG-sanctioned competition Level 7 Level 8 31.00 AA one time at a USAG-sanctioned competition Level 8 Level 9 34.00 AA one time at a USAG-sanctioned competition Level 9 to Level 10 34.00 AA one time at a USAG-sanctioned competition Level 9 to Elite Qualifiers to Level 9 Regionals or East/West Championships may enter either the National or International level at the Regional Elite meet, without petitioning. Level 10 Elite Qualifiers to Level 10 Regionals or Nationals may enter either the National or International level at the Regional Elite meet, without petitioning. Page 32 L E A P S A ND B O U N D S Women's Program 2004-2005 Rules and Policies Women's Professional members may request a bound copy of the Women's R&P from Member Services via the ONLINE REQUEST FORM. Fill out the required information on the linked form and then click the button at the bottom to submit your request for the copy of 2004-2005 Women's Rules and Policies. You can also print out this form and mail it to: USA Gymnastics Member Services, Pan American Plaza, 201 S. Capitol Ave, Suite 300, Indianapolis, IN, 46225. Safety and Education Safety Certification Information You now have two alternatives to take the USA Gymnastics Safety Course! 1. Online Course - Part of the USA Gymnastics University •Minimum age for Safety Certification is 16 years. •Must be a current Instructor, Professional, or Pending Professional to take the online course. •Cost for the Online Course is $65 for all members — this includes those taking the course for the first time or if recertifying. 2. Face-to-Face Course Desired Action Description... Instructions You Will Need... Register for the Permits you to register for and take ONLINE SAFETY the e-learning online Safety Course. GO TO ONLINE SAFETY COURSE You will be asked to log in with your COURSE Professional or Instructor Member LOG-ON / REGISTRATION number and a personal password. PAGE Remember, you must have a current membership to register for a • You MUST login with the user ID and password of the person who will be attending the safety course. • Your Individual USER ID (your current 6 digit USA Gymnastics membership number) and password (initially set to your birthdate in MMDDYYYY format). Valid credit card. Continue Taking Permits you to continue taking the the Online Online Safety Course after a timeSafety Course out period. You will again be asked to log in with your Professional or Instructor Member number and a personal password. • You MUST login with the user ID and password of the person who had registered for this online course. • Your Individual USER ID (your current 6 digit USA Gymnastics membership number) and password (initially set to your birthdate in MMDDYYYY format). COURSE CONTINUATION LINK These face-to-face courses are conducted at various locations around the country by a National Safety Instructor. •Dates and events subject to change or cancellation. •The registration deadline is two weeks prior to the course. •Registrations received less than two weeks prior to the Course or on site will be charged an additional $25 and will not be processed prior to the course. •Late registrations are not guaranteed a book or a spot on the list. •Minimum age for Safety Certification is 16 years. •Safety Certification Course Attendance Verification forms are good for 60 days. Please keep your verification form with you to present at USA Gymnastics' sanctioned events. Face-to-Face Course Registration Form [Use this form if you want to FAX in your course registration to 317-692-5212] VOLUME 5, ISSUE 1 Page 33 Safety Registration Fees For those taking the Online Safety Course: • The course fee is $65 for everyone taking the Online Safety Course. NOTE: Online participant must be a current Instructor, Professional, Pending Professional, Junior Professional, or Pending Junior Professional member to take the online course. For those taking a Face-to-Face live Safety Course: •Pro-member with current Safety Certification wishing to recertify at a face-to-face course... no charge •Pro-member or Junior Pro-member with expired or new Safety Certification... $65 •Instructor member... $65 •Non-member or any other USA Gymnastics Athlete or A-Club memberships... $115 Notice regarding safety expiration dates USA Gymnastics no longer aligns the safety expiration month with the month of membership expiration for professional members. Safety expiration dates are now four years from the month the course is taken. For those recertifying prior to their expiration date, four years will be added on to their current expiration date. Safety expiration dates are always the last day of the month. Desired Action Description... Register for a Faceto-Face Safety Course Permits you to register for a faceto-face safety course via the Internet. You will be asked to log in with your Professional or Instructor Member number and a personal password. Remember, you must have a current membership to register for a safety course Instructions 2004 FACE-TO-FACE SAFETY COURSE REGISTRATION You Will Need... • You MUST login with the user ID and password of the person who will be attending the safety course. • Your Individual USER ID (your current 6 digit USA Gymnastics membership number) and password (initially set to your birthdate in MMDDYYYY format). Valid credit card. MS USAG 101 Miley Drive Starkville, MS 39759 Phone: 662-615-5533 Fax: 662-323-9795 E-mail: nancy@msusag.org MS USAG State Administrative Committee Nancy S. Hawkins—Chair Mabel Miller—Secretary Ellie Counseller—Northern Rep Richelle Gray—Central Rep Cindy Wallace—Southern Rep Dawn Messer—Rep at Large Mary Thacker—NAWGJ Rep Glynn Hankins—Publicity Tamara Collins—TOPs sag.org u s m . www Safety At the Mississippi USA Gymnastics State meeting, I addressed the changes that USA Gymnastics have initiated for the safety certification process. You now have two options. 1. The major change is that you can now test on line for a cost of $65.00 which requires you to take a test Or 2. You may continue to choose to have a face to face course, which is free if your safety certification is current and no test. You have up to Ellie Counseller one year to re-certify prior to the expiration date. After polling the members, most agreed that they would still prefer to have the face to face safety course especially for new members. Also some of the gym owners prefer to send their staff to the free clinic rather than pay for the on line course. A Safety Certification Clinic will be held at Desoto Elite in Hernando August 7, 2004 from 9:00—1:00. Preregistration is required. Also a clinic will be announced soon for the Fall season. Watch the Mississippi USAG web site for the date. Good Luck to all gyms this season! Work Hard, Train Hard, Put Safety First. (See related information page 25)