planning and zoning commission through: chris
planning and zoning commission through: chris
Requesting Department: Development Services TO: PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION THROUGH: CHRIS ANARADIAN, DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DIRECTOR, BRETT BURNINGHAM, PRINCIPAL PLANNER FROM: SIDNEY URIAS, PLANNER RE: PUBLIC HEARING AND POSSIBLE APPROVAL OF SP14-041, “OREGANO’S PIZZA BISTRO”, a request from Robert Gutierrez (Sixty First Place Architects) for Site Plan approval for an Oregano’s Pizza Bistro. This project is located on the southeast corner of Ellsworth Loop Road and Maya Road. DATE: October 8, 2014 STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of SP14-041, “Oregano’s Pizza Bistro Site Plan,” subject to the Conditions of Approval outlined in this report. PROPOSED MOTION Move to approve SP14-041, “Oregano’s Pizza Bistro Site Plan,” subject to the Conditions of Approval outlined in this report. RELEVANT COUNCIL GOAL x KRA 8, Objective 1: Maintain a balanced community and economically diverse employment base by evaluating new economic development models focusing on fostering economic development within the community through regular monitoring of national trends. x KRA 8, Objective 8: Enhance the opportunities for Queen Creek businesses to succeed. x General Plan Growth Areas Element, Goal 5, Policy 5b: Encourage the use of available infrastructure capacity to accommodate new development consistent with the land use goals and provisions of the General Plan. SUMMARY The proposal consists of a request from Robert Gutierrez (Sixty First Architects) for Site Plan approval of an Oregano’s Pizza Bistro restaurant located at the Southeast corner of Ellsworth Loop Road and Maya Road. The development proposal is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance. HISTORY December 20, 2006: Town Council approved “Queen Creek Fiesta”, Site Plan and Conditional Use Permit (CU06-089 / SP06-043). June 20, 2007: Town Council approved “Queen Creek Fiesta” subdivision (SD06-068). August 22, 2013 The Town received 3 RFP proposals for the development of this site. September 2013 The Town engaged in negotiations with Oregano’s Bistro for the development of this property. DISCUSSION The applicant is a requesting approval of a Site Plan and building elevations for a 4,524 square foot Oregano’s Bistro restaurant with a 1,149 square foot patio, located on the southeast corner of Ellsworth Loop Road and Maya Road. This project will have direct access from Maya Road. Secondary access is provided at to the south of the site within the Queen Creek Fiesta commercial center (Discount Tire) to Ellsworth Loop Road. The site plan proposes 50 parking spaces for the site. In addition, 40 angled parking spaces will be constructed on the north side of Maya Road to be associated with this project. The proposed architectural design features include standing seam metal roofs, brick and stucco facades and varying paint colors. These materials are all used in a manner similar to the other buildings previously approved and constructed in the Queen Creek. Staff is supportive of the architecture of the proposed building. SP14-041 “Oregano’s” October 8, 2014 Planning and Zoning Commission Staff Report Page 2 of 4 Oregano’s Project Information Project Name Oregano’s Pizza Bistro Site Location Southeast corner of Ellsworth Loop Road and Maya Road Current Zoning C-2 (General Commercial District) Proposed Zoning NA General Plan Designation Commercial Surrounding Zoning Designations: North Vacant Land zoned Town Center (TC) South Discount Tire zoned General Commercial (C-2) East McDonald’s zoned General Commercial (C-2) West Queen Creek Marketplace commercial center zoned General Commercial (C-2) Gross Acreage 2.03 Acres Parking Spaces Proposed 31 (plus 40 spaces on the north side of Maya Road) Open Space Acreage: Provided 30% (11,995 square feet) Required 15% (5,997 square feet) ANALYSIS General Plan Review: The General Plan land use designation for this project is Commercial. This project is consistent with the General Plan. Zoning Review: The zoning designation of the property is C-2 (General Commercial District). The proposal is consistent with the uses allowed in the C-2 Zoning District. Engineering Review: The project has been reviewed by the Engineering Division and complies with all Engineering standards. Conditions of Approval have been added to address Engineering stipulations for this project. Site Plan Review: The Site Plan provides appropriate points of ingress and egress. Patrons will able to access the site from Maya Road or Ellsworth Road. Additional overflow parking will be provided on the north side of Maya Road to supplement peak hour demand. On-site drainage and retention, and landscaping are not affected by the proposed changes. Building Elevation Review: The proposed building elevations are in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance and will complement the existing adjacent commercial developments. Landscape / Open Space / Fence Plan Review: The overall landscaping and open space as proposed exceeds the standards set forth in the Zoning Ordinance. SP14-041 “Oregano’s” October 8, 2014 Planning and Zoning Commission Staff Report Page 3 of 4 PUBLIC COMMENTS To date, staff has not received any comments from the public. The applicant held a neighborhood meeting on September 22, 2014 at the Queen Creek Town Hall. Notification of the meeting was sent to property owners within 1,200 feet of the project. No one from the public attended the neighborhood meeting. Staff has also advertised the public hearing in the Arizona Republic, posted a public hearing sign on the property and mailed notices to all property owners within 1,200 feet of the subject property. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL 1. This project shall be developed in accordance with the plans and exhibits attached to this case and all the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance applicable to this case. 2. No roof mechanical or HVAC equipment shall be visible from any surrounding properties or the adjacent street. 3. The 40 angled parking spaces on the north side of Maya Road shall be constructed prior to any Certificate of Occupancies for this site. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Aerial Photo Exhibit Site Plan Exhibit Landscape Plan Exhibit Building Elevations Exhibit SP14-041 “Oregano’s” October 8, 2014 Planning and Zoning Commission Staff Report Page 4 of 4 ´ Project Name: Oregano's Aerial Photo Exhibit Case Number: SP14-041 Town Council Hearing Date: October 8, 2014 VICTORIA LN ELLSWORTH LOOP RD MAYA RD