RADIO - Broadcast Dialogue


RADIO - Broadcast Dialogue
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Volume 14, Number 30
Page One of Five
HIS JUST IN: CanWest Global Communications and Goldman
Sachs Capital Partners have just announced agreement in acquiring
Alliance Atlantis Communications. A new acquisition company has
entered into an agreement with AA to acquire all of its outstanding
Howard Christensen, Publisher
A voting and Class B non-voting shares at a purchase price of $53.00
Broadcast Dialogue
per share (Cdn) in cash for an aggregate price of approximately $2.3 billion.
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
The deal is to be carried out by way of a statutory Plan of Arrangement. The
(705) 484-0752
newly formed acquisition company is an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary
of CanWest. The
Arrangement requires a
vote by Alliance Atlantis’
Class A voting and Class B non-voting shareholders at a
meeting of shareholders, which is expected to be held in the
spring. The arrangement is subject to court and regulatory
approvals. Pending CRTC approval, the securities will be
deposited with a trustee pursuant to a voting trust agreement
approved by the Commission.
EVOLVING DOOR: Michel Arpin has been appointed
acting Chair of the CRTC, stepping in on a temporary
basis until a successor to Charles Dalfen is
appointed. Arpin is the Vice-Chair, Broadcasting at the
Commission... Tom Manton, ex GSM for Maritime
Broadcasting in Atlantic Canada and based in Halifax, has
moved to Rock 95/107.5 KOOL FM Barrie as GSM. He
began Monday (Jan. 8) and succeeds the recently retired
Jim Cowden... At Sonic FM (CHDI-FM)/World FM (CKER)
Edmonton, the stations recently acquired by Rogers, the
new GM is Tom Bedore, ex of SUN FM (CFGP-FM) Grande
Prairie... GSM Murray Driver succeeds Bedore as GM at
SUN-FM Grande Prairie and will hold both titles –
GM/GSM... David Heath has been promoted to VP of
Program Sales, Canada in Toronto for Twentieth Century
Fox/Incendo Television Distribution. Heath had been
Exec. Director of Program Sales... Hugh Syrja, the longtime GM at the Fawcett Broadcast Group’s CJRL Kenora,
has retired. He began his career as an Announcer at CFPA
Port Arthur and since has managed CKDR Dryden, CFOB
Fort Frances and 89.5 Mix FM (CJRL) Kenora. His
successor has yet to be announced... Global Toronto News
Anchor Leslie Roberts joined CFRB Toronto Monday as
the new Talk host of the 10 a.m. to Noon time slot. He
continues anchoring Global’s News Hour at 6... New GSM at
the just-launched X92.9 FM (CFEX-FM) Calgary is Gary
Brasil, ex of imsradio in Toronto. He begins Monday... Jon
Arklay of CTV has been appointed to the new position of
VP, Creative Services and Brand. He’ll oversee the creative
brand development of CTV's 21 stations and 15 specialty
Every day, Canada's only all-business
network provides viewers with up-to-theminute market news and analysis, as well as
comprehensive coverage of the business
stories that matter to Canadians.
Report on Business Television has built an
outstanding team of business anchors,
reporters and analysts. Many had successful
careers in the markets or financial
community prior to entering television. If
you are an experienced business reporter or
a business graduate with stock market
knowledge, apply today!
Television experience is secondary. We can
teach that. But a passion for and
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essential. Send a letter of introduction and
resume referencing "ROBTv Opportunities"
We thank applicants for their interest,
however, only those selected for an
interview will be contacted.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Page Two of Five
channels. Arklay had been Director of Creative Services... Michael Fulmes, ex ND at Global Maritimes, is
now in place as Managing Editor at Global Edmonton... CKRV-FM Kamloops PD Murray Redman’s last day
on that job happened yesterday (Wednesday). So far, no successor has been found. Redman is pursuing
career options outside of broadcasting... At FRED-FM (CFRK-FM) Fredericton, Brad Muir adds Ops Mgr to
his PD responsibilities... A couple of changes at Rogers Radio Toronto. Veteran Newsie Larry Silver joins
JACK FM’s new morning show while Peter Gross – the original 680News Sportscaster – re-joins that station
and THE FAN 590... Standard Interactive, the online division of Standard Radio, has appointed Karen
Huschilt as its VP of Sales. She had been with Transcontinental Media as National SM, New Media and was
formerly Director of Online Sales at Alliance Atlantis... New ND at Global Winnipeg is Jon Lovlin. He
succeeds the retiring Al Bleichert... Lisa J. Lima is the new Marketing and Promotion Director at Newcap’s
90.3Fm Calgary. She arrives from the West Edmonton Mall where she was Director of Marketing... Sarah
Stewart is new Promotions Manager at JAZZ.FM91 (CJRT-FM) Toronto, succeeding Lisa Hogan. Previous
broadcast experience was earned at CBC Radio Communications.
New Year - New Career?
V/FILM: At the Consumer
Electronics Show in Las
Our client is restructuring to take advantage of the
Vegas, DirecTV has unveiled
synergies of radio, TV, on-line and print media holdings in
the Sat-Go, a mobile satellite
a mid-sized Ontario market, creating a unique opportunity
for you as our
and TV system in a portable box
that weighs about 25 pounds will
sell for $1,000 to $1,300. DirecTV
hopes that the Sat-Go will help
differentiate the company from its
You are a proven performer who is ready for a new challenge and some
cable competition and attract a
upward mobility. You will manage a dedicated account executive team for
four radio stations, two TV stations as well as a multi-media sales team.
different type of customer... By
Your strong leadership skills will enable you to implement innovative new
2011, the number of broadbandplans and directions for a family owned and operated company. You are also
enabled TVs -- those capable of
driven to be a leader in the local business community.
directly or indirectly receiving
Ideally, you will have a business degree with a marketing focus, have
broadband video content – is
superior analytical skills and be driven to succeed for both the customers
expected to exceed 162 million
and the company.
households globally. And, according
Your enthusiasm for winning in a dramatically-changing media landscape will
to Broadband Video: Redefining the
help you to demonstrate new and exciting revenue opportunities to a team
Television Experience, The
of seasoned sales executives.
You will enjoy a superior outdoor life-style community, a very competitive
Diffusion Group's latest report on
compensation plan and have the opportunity to work with one of North
IP media: "As the Internet finds its
America’s most respected media sales consulting companies.
way to the primary home TV - and it
Apply via e-mail – in strictest confidence – with your resume, along with a
will - incumbent PayTV operators
cover letter outlining why you would be the best choice to lead our client to
and established broadcasters will
new sales heights.
gradually lose control over the types
of video consumers can watch.”
Colin Dixon, Senior Analyst and
Author of the report, says there are
five factors which in combination are
creating a “tipping point” for broadband TV: (1) The widespread adoption of broadband Internet service; (2) the
expanding variety of video content available on the Internet; (3) the introduction and push of solutions intended
to enable Internet video viewing on the TV (such as Microsoft's Xbox/IPTV platform and Apple's pending iTV
adapter); (4) the entry of top-tier content producers into the Internet marketplace, many of which are now
pushing high-value franchise content onto the web; and, (5) the move from short-form 'snack' Internet video
content to full-length TV programming and movies. “While the subject of Internet video is on everyone's
tongue,” says Dixon, “very few have a full understanding of how Internet-based video will impact the traditional
TV business.” As well, the Internet video space is undergoing a shift away from short 'video snacks' and toward
longer form narrative content more characteristic of TV in terms of production quality, video quality, and
length... TSN, beginning in 2008 and for the next five seasons, will air every CFL game played – including the
Grey Cup. After the 2007 event in Toronto, the plug will be pulled on CBC after more than a half century
telecasting what annually has been the country's most-watched sports program. CTV President Rick Brace
calls the deal “... absolutely a landmark achievement in the history of our service"... The 2007 Canadian Digital
Sales Manager
Thursday, January 11, 2007
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Broadcasting Summit (Canadian Satellite Users Association) goes Jan. 29-30 at the Toronto Marriott
Downtown Eaton Centre. Topics include broadcast delivery capacity, HD studio conversion, how the last mile
(consumer premises) affects HD rollout, IP delivery of broadcasting, IT infrastructure, the recent trend towards
the consumer as broadcaster, and subscriber rates... TSN has launched a fully-programmed all-sports
broadband channel featuring short-form and full-length TSN programming on-demand at broadband speeds
with enhanced resolution... Astral Media's The Movie Network launched Mpix OnDemand, a subscription
video (SVOD) service offering programming from its classic movie channels Mpix and Mescape... Corus
Entertainment launched SCREAM Extreme on Demand, a range of horror, suspense and thriller
programming... The Cable Telecommunications Association for Marketing of Canada (CTAM) has
announced its 2007 Officers and Board members. They are: (Officers) President: Domenic Vivolo, Senior VP
Marketing and Sales, Astral Television Networks; VP: Mike Lee, Chief Strategy Officer, Rogers
Communications; VP: John Piercy, President, Mountain Cablevision; Secretary: Jean-Pierre Caveen,
Director - Affiliate Relations, Cogeco Cable; Treasurer: and, Chris Fuoco, VP - Affiliate Marketing, Alliance
Atlantis Broadcasting. (Board members) Harris Boyd, Harris Boyd Consulting; Manon Brouillette, VP
Market Development, Consumer Division, Videotron; Hawley Chester, Director - Canadian Sales & Marketing,
Speed Channel; Andrea Gagliardi, Director, Consumer Marketing and PR, Rogers Media; Walter Levitt,
Senior VP, Marketing, CanWest MediaWorks; Sean Luxton, VP Content Distribution, Insight Sports; Greg
O'Brien, Editor & Publisher,; David Purdy, VP/GM, Television, Rogers Cable; Susan Schaefer, VP
Marketing, Corus Entertainment; and, Mark Waschulzik, Manager - Affiliate Insights & Analysis Astral
Television Networks.
ENERAL: No new talks are scheduled in the strike by 21-thousand members ACTRA (Canadian film,
TV and radio workers). Members in Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan and Manitoba walked off the job
at midnight Sunday. ACTRA is opposed to having their work distributed on new media, such as in
promotional materials, without being paid more... The Ontario Association of Broadcasters has
broken from joint annual conventioneering with Canadian Music Week. The first event for OAB is its Second
Annual Career Development Day to be held Monday, March 5 at the Rogers Theatre in Toronto... CanWest
Global Communications’ first-quarter profit more than doubled to $66 million from the year-earlier’s $30
million. Earnings for the quarter ended Nov. 30 amounted to 37 cents a share, compared with 17 cents a year
ago. Revenue rose to $860.4 million from $847.8 million... Corus Entertainment says its first-quarter profit
rose to $36.7 million, from a year-earlier $31.4 million. Earnings for the quarter ended Nov. 30 were 85-cents
a diluted share, compared with 72-cents a year ago. Revenue rose 7% to $209.2 million, with combined radio
and TV revenue up 8%... The Gallup Poll’s most recent study of media news sources in the US shows that
55% of all Americans check in with their favorite local TV news program every day. And another 14% view it
several times a week. The percentage of respondents who said they never watch a local TV news program
is just 8% while 23% said they tune in occasionally. Local newspapers trail in both the daily and frequent
categories with 44%/13% shares respectively. Talk radio continued a slight downtrend to 20%/9% for this
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Page Four of Five
study. Talk radio, however, remains almost double its level in 1998. The trajectory of growth for Internet news
flattened considerably. Daily users went from 20% to 22% over a two-year period. The number of respondents
who said they never use Internet news it declined from 49% to 43%... Jim Pattison, the Vancouver-based
entrepreneur whose companies cover a wide spectrum of interests, including The Jim Pattison Broadcast
Group, says he will match, dollar for dollar up to $1-million, the amount donated by British Columbians to help
restore Stanley Park. He says he practically grew up in the park now nearly flattened by a series of storms...
Staying Tuned 2007: Back to the Future of Audience Measurement is on Jan. 23 at the Regency Ballroom
in Toronto’s downtown Holiday Inn (370 King St W). Confirmed speakers include Futurist Richard Worzel,
Joan FitzGerald of Arbitron, George Shababb of TNS, Earl J. Wilkinson from the International Newspaper
Marketing Association, and Mike Farrell of Youthography... The NAB is seeking entries for the 2007
International Broadcasting Excellence Awards. The awards recognize international NAB member broadcast
stations, channels or groups that have demonstrated exceptional leadership and uniqueness in successfully
serving their listening or viewing audiences through broadcast innovation or commitment to community. The
awards will be presented during NAB2007 April 14-19 in Las Vegas. Deadline for entries is Feb. 16. For info,
click The Canadian Association of Broadcasters has issued a call for
applications in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Newfoundland and Labrador for new
members in the Half Century Club and the Quarter Century Club. Applications are due Friday, Jan. 26 and a
copy of the form my be had by clicking: Three weeks remain for entries in the RTNDA Awards competition. The deadline is Jan.
31. Download an entry form at The Republican
Senator from New Hampshire, John Sununu, says the FCC shouldn’t mandate electronics manufacturers to
include broadcast or audio flags to prevent unauthorized copies of digital movies and music. He says he’ll block
any legislation requiring them. “Whether well-intentioned or not,” he says, “the FCC has no business interfering
in private industry to satisfy select special interests or to impose its own views.”
ADIO: Standard Radio has won approval to acquire Silk-FM (CILK) Kelowna. The $9.25-million sale
leaves two broadcasters in Kelowna – Standard (Sun FM, Oldies 1150 and Silk) and The Jim Pattison
Group’s CKOV and Power 104. Silk FM was established in 1986 by Nick Frost... Nielsen
Entertainment and SOCAN have a new data and information services agreement, effective immediately.
Nielsen Broadcast Data Systems data has been integrated into SOCAN’s performance analysis system “to
enhance the scope of SOCAN’s radio airplay royalty distributions.” The news release says also that Nielsen
BDS census data will increase SOCAN’s efficiency in copyright administration... CHYR-FM Leamington, after
51 years on the same transmitter site, completed a move early this year that allows upwards of 120,000 more
people in Windsor and Essex County to tune in. CHYR, a HOT AC station owned by Blackburn Radio,
remains at its Leamington studio address... Meanwhile, another Blackburn station – 95.1 The Rock (CKUEFM) Windsor/Essex – changed frequencies last week, moving to 100.7. Effective Radiated Power (ERP) goes
to 9,000 watts from 6,000. By switching to 100.7 in Windsor, 95.1 at the “mother” station in Chatham will be
increased to a maximum ERP of 42,000 Watts and will thus eliminate an interference zone... Comedian Tim
Steeves will host this year’s Radio Marketing Bureau Crystal Awards March 9 at Toronto’s Fairmont Royal
York... X92.9 (CFEX-FM) Calgary, Harvard Broadcasting’s new station, launched Jan. 1. X92.9 targets men
18-34 with Alternative New Rock... In Winnipeg, Newcap’s Café 100.7 (CKFE-FM) has seen a format switch
to Country. HANK-FM (CHNK-FM) Winnipeg did the switchover Dec. 28 using 48 hours to repeat one song
on the now announcerless station. The song? Going Country by Alan Jackson... CJWW/CFQC-FM/CJMK-FM
Saskatoon are moving tomorrow (Friday) to new digs and new equipment. The address change is: 366 3rd
Avenue S., Saskatoon SK S7K 1M5. Phone numbers remain the same.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Page Five of Five
IGN-OFFS: Frank DeNardis, 74, in Hamilton of a blood disorder. He started work as a Cameraman at
CHCH-TV Hamilton when it went on the air in 1954. After rising through the ranks, DeNardis ended his
career at the station in 1987 holding the title of Vice President and Station Manager. He’s given credit
for helping to build CHCH-TV into a popular and well-respected independent channel. (It is now owned
by CanWest and ID’ed as CHTV). His funeral is scheduled for tomorrow (Friday), 10 a.m. at the Cathedral of
Christ the King in Hamilton... David Isaac, 57, in New York City after complications from surgery. Isaac began
his broadcast journalism career at CHOO Ajax over 30 years ago, moved to freelancing material for CHUM
Toronto, shot video for CBC-TV then rose through the ranks, working as a Field Producer, Cameraman, Desk
Editor and Producer for Newsworld. He had also spent some years at Broadcast News Toronto as a
Reporter/Editor... Bruce Smith, 87, in Toronto of cancer. The CBC Toronto radio legend, whose deep
voice was heard on Toronto air for more than 30 years, became host of the morning show in 1947 and stayed
at it until 1972 when Metro Morning was conceived. He then went on to host The Bruce Smith Show in the
afternoons until he retired in 1978... Frank Stanton, 98, in Boston. Stanton, a broadcasting pioneer, helped
build CBS into what was called, “the Tiffany network”, helped CBS evolve from a modest chain of radio
affiliates to a media powerhouse, and helped craft CBS-TV news into a respected and influential information
source. Stanton started at CBS in 1934 and became President in 1946... Harry Boon in Kelowna, age not
provided. He began a career in radio in 1948 when he joined CJCA Edmonton as MD. In 1960, he was
appointed PD and held that spot through 1974 when he moved to CJVI Victoria, also as PD. In 1979, he
became PD at CJAZ-FM Vancouver.
OOKING: Report on Business Television (ROBTv) in Toronto is looking for a Business Reporter or
a recent business graduate with stock market experience. See the ad on Page 1... A Sales Manager is
sought by a lindependent broadcaster in Ontario. See the ad on Page 2... Other jobs we’ve heard about
incluce: CKX-TV Brandon - Sports Anchor/Reporter and a part-time News Photographer; Global
Maritimes (Saint John) – Reporter; Southwest TV News Swift Current - Video Journalist/TV Reporter; CBCRadio Canada - Technical Analyst/application Systems -- Information Technology; Standard Radio Kelowna Senior and Intermediate Sales Professionals; Rogers Radio Vancouver - Broadcast Technician, Senior and
a Broadcast Technician, Junior; CITL-TV/CKSA-TV Lloydminster – Senior Regional and Retail Marketing
Consultant; (see web posting); Corus Television Toronto - Director, New Platform Development; Oldies 960
(CFFX) Kingston - Morning Show Host; 630 CHED/COOL 880 Edmonton - Promotion Coordinator; Rogers
Radio Calgary – Morning Show Announcer; Rogers Radio Vancouver – Creative Writer; CJOK-FM/CKYXFM Fort McMurray – Promotions Director; Alliance Atlantis Toronto – Web Designer, Interactive; Teletoon
Toronto – Publicist; CTV Toronto - Engineering Technician; CTV Specialty Toronto – Sr. Manager,
Research; Global Television Toronto – Administrative Assistant, News; CBC Montreal – Director, External
Drama Programming; CBC Edmonton – Senior English Communications Officer; CBC Winnipeg – Senior
English Communications Officer; CBC Vancouver – Supervisor, Transmission Operations; CH Red Deer –
Maintenance Technician; SUN TV Toronto – IT Manager; and, CHEX-TV Peterborough - Broadcast
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Volume 14, Number 31
Page One of Three
ENERAL: Next week in Gatineau, the CRTC will be meeting with
selected members of the broadcast and telecommunications
industries for what’s been described as “an annual consultation”.
Taking part will be Acting Chairman Michel Arpin, along with senior
Howard Christensen, Publisher
staff. The invitation says information gathered during the
Broadcast Dialogue
period Jan. 24-26 will form “an integral component” of the CRTC’s three18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
year plan, which will be issued early in the government’s next fiscal year...
(705) 484-0752
Private broadcasters, through the Canadian Association of
Broadcasters, have asked the Federal Court of Appeal to order recovery
of over $790 million in what the Federal Court’s Justice Michel J. Shore
called “an unlawful tax”. In a Dec. 14 decision, the Court ruled that Part II
Licence Fees collected by the CRTC weren’t legitimate, but didn’t order the repayment of these fees. In his
decision, Judge Shore recognized that the current legislative framework does not empower the CRTC to levy
taxes... With changes to Canada's copyright laws expected as early as next month, mundane activities such
as taping, PVRing and ripping could theoretically be open to prosecution unless the government steps in with
expanded “fair use”' or “fair dealing”' protections for consumers. Observers say all signs point to improved
safeguards for major music, film and media companies and artists for unpaid use of their material, but neglect
to make exemptions for personal use... A coalition of educators and parents (the Ontario Public School
Boards' Association, Canadian Centre for Abuse Awareness, Elementary Teachers' Federation of
Ontario, Ontario Catholic School Trustees' Association, Ontario English Catholic Teachers'
Association, Ontario Federation of Home & School Associations, Ontario Principals' Association,
Ontario Provincial Police, Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation, and Ontario Student
Trustees' Association) is calling for changes to the Criminal Code and the Broadcasting Act. The coalition
wants limits on children's exposure to violence. Further, it wants the provinces to introduce an age-based
classification system for music similar to the one that exists for films and video games. The teachers, trustees
and parent groups say radio and TV stations should have to limit broadcasts of violent, adult-oriented programs
until after 9:00 p.m. They also want the federal government to amend the Criminal Code to give women and
girls protection under the public incitement of hatred law. The group of organizations claims it has three
decades of research indicating media violence has lasting effects on children... Canadian newspaper revenues
in 2005 reveal that more than two-thirds was derived from commercial and classified ads. Statistics Canada
says the rest of newspaper industry revenues came from circulation, distribution of flyers and inserts, and
custom printing. Overall reliance on vulnerable revenue sources, says StatsCan, was forcing publishers to find
new ways to compete with TV and the Internet... If you’re anywhere near Sudbury Friday, Jan. 26, think about
getting a $30 ticket for Gary Duguay’s goodbye dinner and roast. Duguay is pulling the plug at Rogers Radio
Ontario North after 43 years in radio. Claudette Myre has tickets at 705-525-7280.
ADIO: CBC's Classical Radio Two will revamp evening and late-night programming in a move
programmers hope will attract younger listeners. CBC Radio VP Jane Chalmers says half the Radio
Two audience is over 65 and that she wants 40+. The change is set for March 19... CHOK Sarnia has
switched format, moving to Country from News/Talk/Sports/Oldies. The change to the Blackburn Radio
property was made Friday morning. The new Website is set to be launched tomorrow (Friday) at
The Canadian Association of Broadcasters says Canada’s hottest new music stars will be honoured at the
10th Annual Canadian Radio Music Awards (CRMA) Sat., March 10 in Toronto as part of Canadian Music
Week... The US National Association of Broadcasters is urging the Federal Communications
Commission to maintain the “vibrancy of America’s radio stations” by backing off proposed rule-making for
local broadcast ownership. NAB says the FCC must have fair and rational rules so that local broadcasters can
continue to provide vital and free services. Part of the FCC’s consideration, says NAB, is technological change:
“Because current ownership limits inhibit broadcasters’ ability to respond to changing market forces by creating
January 18, 2007
Page Two of Three
more effective ownership structures, many stations (especially those in smaller markets) are today facing grave
economic conditions”... CanWest Global Communications has been awarded a licence to launch a third FM
radio station in northern Scotland. The new station, Original FM Aberdeen, is in a region of about 300,000.
V/FILM: The WIFT (Women in Film & Television) International Summit will take place in Toronto July
16-19, with WIFT-Toronto playing host. WIFTI is a global network comprised of more than 10,000
members dedicated to advancing professional development and achievement for women working in
screen-based (TV, film, new media) media... It’s been years in the making but it now appears that
cameras in the courtrooms of Ontario may soon become the real thing. Attorney General Michael Bryant says
Ontario is putting cameras in the Court of Appeal as a test although the province hasn't yet worked out when
the cameras will be up and running. Bryant says the cameras will help shine a new light on the justice system
by bringing the public directly into the courtroom but don’t be looking for witness testimony. That’s not going
to happen... CHBC-TV Kelowna was fined $2,000 after admitting it breached a court order protecting the
identity of a witness at a murder trial. Video was shown that was taken from behind of an undercover police
constable. While it didn't show a face, the video violated the ban barring the reporting of anything that might
publicly identify the policeman. CHBC ND Derek Hinchcliffe says station news staff thought they were
complying with the court order by shooting the witness from behind... David Asper wants to own the Winnipeg
Blue Bombers and he’s proposing to help finance a new stadium in exchange for control of the CFL franchise.
The Exec. VP of CanWest Global Communications and a former Blue Bombers board member, would
contribute $65 million, including $40 million toward building a $120-million new stadium. Asper would also
commit to spending $25 million to develop retail projects near the facility.
EVOLVING DOOR: Victor Giacomelli has been appointed VP, Sales, Corus Radio, succeeding Chris
Sisam who was promoted to GM of Corus Radio Toronto last year. Giacomelli, who moves up from
GSM or Corus Radio Toronto, begins his new job Feb. 5... At the Jim Pattison Broadcast Group, Rob
Bye moves from his GM duties at Country 95 (CHLB)/B93 (CJBZ) Lethbridge to become GM/GSM for the
recently-acquired Island Radio group, based at Nanaimo. Bye begins Feb. 19. Rod Schween, based now at
Cranbrook/Fernie for the Pattison stations, moves to Lethbridge to become GM/GSM of the newly created
South Western Alberta/South Eastern BC radio cluster. Schween’s appointment is also effective Feb. 19...
Paul Larsen, who won a licence in Lethbridge, becomes a Pattison competitor after staying on at Island Radio
until the appointments of Bye and Schween were sorted out... Succeeding Kelly Boyd as GM/GSM at Rogers
Radio Fort McMurray (CJOK/KYX 98) is James Schneider. He had been Ass’t GM/GSM. Boyd moved to
Sonic/CKER Edmonton as GM... Clyde Ross, most recently GM at Dave FM (CJDV) Cambridge, is new
GM/GSM at CKWR-FM Waterloo. He begins Monday, Jan. 22... Erica Benson has joined Corus
Entertainment as Director Programming for pay TV services Movie Central and Encore. She had been
Director, Canadian Independent Production at The Movie Network and, before that, was VP Programming,
Life Network and Discovery Health with Alliance Atlantis... Jean Lapierre, who resigned as a Liberal MP
last week, returns to Quebec television next month when he goes to air with co-Host Paul Larocque for a show
to be called Larocque/Lapierre. In 1992, Lapierre quit politics to join CKAC Montreal as co-Host of a talk
show. He was also host of the TQS program Le grand journal from 2001 to 2004... Jeff Lumby is new morning
co-Host at Dave FM (CJDV-FM) Cambridge, partnering with Gayle O'Brien. Lumby is best known for his eight
years as Y95 Hamilton morning Host during the ‘90s... At APTN (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network),
two recent appointments. Peter Strutt becomes Director of Programming effective Feb. 19 and (Mr.) Sky
Bridges became Director of Marketing on Tuesday. Both are/will be based in Winnipeg. At APTN for one year,
Strutt arrived from Telefilm. Bridges was most recently with CBC... Dave Capling is the new Manager of
Program Acquisitions and Sales for TSN. He was bumped up from Media Strategist for TSN, NHL Network
and ESPN Classic.
IGN-OFFS: Percy Saltzman, 91, in Toronto. Saltzman, Canada's first TV Weatherman – the first
meteorologist employed by the CBC – began his on-air career with CBC in 1952. He was known for his
high energy broadcasts, slightly off-colour puns and trademark chalk-toss at the end of each forecast.
His grandson, Aaron – a CBC Calgary Reporter – says Saltzman’s intelligence was part of what made
him such a beloved figure to the Canadian public, since he refused to ''dumb down'' his broadcasts and held
his audience to his own high intellectual standards. After 20 years with CBC, he spent the final decade of his
career at Global, Citytv, and CTV (all in Toronto).... Bill Sturrup, 68, in Hamilton from cancer. Sturrup began
his career at CJOY Guelph in 1961. Shortly afterward, he joined CHCH-TV Hamilton, and then moved to
January 18, 2007
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CHML Hamilton where he stayed in his Reporter/Anchor roles for 45 years. During his retirement years,
Sturrup continued to work weekend news shifts at CHML up to a week before his death.
OOKING: CHTV Red Deer - News Anchor and an Art Director; Alliance Atlantis Toronto - Manager,; MCR Manager--Digital; Teletoon Toronto – Publicist; CTV Toronto – Manager, Application
Services-Information Technology; Video Editor; Story Editor, Sportscentre; Communications Coordinator;
TSM Promotion Scheduler; CTV Digital Media Toronto - Content Producer, Database developer; Flash
Designer, Programming Coordinator; Promo Producer; Sales Account Executive; Sales Coordinator; Web
Designer; Web Developer; Web Producer; Writer/Producer; CTV Winnipeg – Weekend Anchor/Reporter; CBC
Montreal – Director, Copyright Management; CBC Toronto – Director, Interactive Content; Channel m
Vancouver - Multilingual Account Manager; Rogers Sportsnet Toronto – Managing Editor, Digital; Rogers
Broadcasting Toronto – Manager, Affiliate Sales; 102.1 the Edge Toronto - Promotions Assistant; CHML
Hamilton – Part-time News Anchor; Corus Radio Cornwall – Creative Writer; Corus Radio Edmonton Junior Account Manager; and, CJOK-FM/CKYX-FM Fort McMurray - Promotions Director
UPPLYLINES: New President/GM at White Radio LP in Toronto is Jack Van Kessel. He succeeds
John Milne at the Cygnal Technologies-owned supplier... Broadband equipment maker Arris will
acquire video technology firm Tandberg Television for $1.2 billion in cash and stock. Analysts say the
combined company will emerge as a competitor to Cisco and Motorola in cable and video technology.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Volume 14, Number 32
Page One of Three
EVOLVING DOOR: Pat Donelan retires from full time employment
at Newcap Radio in April but will stay on in a part-time capacity
assisting head office with CRTC and human resource projects.
Donelan, now GM at FRED-FM (CFRK-FM) Fredericton, began his
Howard Christensen, Publisher
Newcap career as GM of Rock 103 (CJMO-FM) Moncton, moved
Broadcast Dialogue
to Calgary to launch and manage The Breeze (CIQX), and then back to the
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
Atlantic provinces and Fredericton where he put Newcap’s new station on
(705) 484-0752
the air in 2005... Hilary Montbourquette, GM of Newcap’s C103
(CJMO)/XL 96 (CJXL) Moncton, has been tasked with also being GM at
FRED-FM Fredericton after Pat Donelan’s departure. Based in Moncton,
Montbourquette be assisted by FRED Ops. Mgr. Brad Muir... Allan Roe
has been appointed ND at Global Maritimes. Roe, who’s been Senior Anchor/Producer, succeeds Michael
Fulmes who went to Global Edmonton as Managing Editor. Roe will continue anchoring until a successor is
determined... Dave Reynolds who many will remember for his national TV appearances in sports programming
– notably hockey - is the new Ops Mgr at CFBC/CJYC-FM/CIOK-FM Saint John. Reynolds moved from
Montreal and began the new MBS job last Wednesday... Gone from KOOL-FM (CHBE-FM) Victoria is PD
Brad Edwards. Succeeding him is long-time Standard Radio stalwart Curtis Strange. Strange, who’s been
with Z95 Vancouver and Standard Winnipeg over his 17 years with the company, begins Feb. 12. Most
recently, he was APD/MD/Announcer at Z95... Two appointments at Edmonton’s CHUM/Milestone station,
The Bounce (CHBN-FM). In as GSM/ Ass’t GM is Gesele Sowa. She has been with the station since its
inception, leading the sales team.
Meanwhile, new PD at The Bounce
is Dan Tucek, stepping up from his
Olympic Broadcasting Services Vancouver (OBSV)
Imaging Director gig at CHUM-FM
OBSV is the host broadcaster for the 2010 Olympics responsible for producing and distributing
Toronto. He begins the new job
radio and TV coverage, and providing facilities/services to international broadcasting
March 5... CHUM Radio Calgary,
the new licence at 101.5 FM, has
You will be responsible for providing services to network broadcasters that support the
begun the process of staffing. GSM
requirements of the Games broadcast operation. Key responsibilities include:
is Gavin Mortimer, moving from his
National Account Representative
* Building and managing the Broadcasting Telecommunications Department
* Developing a robust and reliable contribution network to transmit and receive broadcast
position at CHUM Radio Sales in
signals between venues and the International Broadcasting Centre
Toronto. He begins Feb. 19. The
* Providing services related to transmissions to/from non official Olympic sites, international
transmission requirements, and satellite farm and SNG reception
Promotion and Marketing Director,
* Communicating with VANOC, national and international broadcast telecommunications
beginning Feb. 1, is Khazma
equipment suppliers, regulatory bodies and necessary authorities regarding all aspects related
Tichon. Tichon was part of The
to broadcasting requirements
* Representing Broadcast Telecommunications at stakeholder meetings
Bounce Edmonton’s launch two
years. Also having moved from
Candidate Profile
* At least 3 years senior engineering management experience with an international
Edmonton is Rob Mise. He became
telecommunications carrier, senior management experience in a Broadcasting organization,
PD this week. Mise was most
and exposure to large-scale international sporting projects (e.g. Olympics, World Cup)
recently at Newcap Alberta... After
* Detailed knowledge of Broadcast technology and telecommunications, including in-depth
knowledge of fibre networks, satellite systems, microwave systems, analog and digital
a year with Newcap, Greg Cooper
technology, RF technology and distribution methods, data networks, servers, distribution
is back with Corus’ 92.5 Joe FM
systems, MPEG technologies, SMPTE standards, and HDTV
* Excellent communication, planning and budgeting skills
Edmonton as Director of Marketing
* A proven track record for being a self-driven team player and leader, respected by all levels
& Promotions... Classic Rock 101.9
of the organization
(CJSS-FM) Cornwall PD/Morning
This is a three-year full-time position, with a competitive salary and benefits package.
Host Mike Rose is no longer with
To be considered for this immediate vacancy, please e-mail your resume by clicking
the Corus station... Jason Dolynny Speedy replies are appreciated.
Please note only short listed candidates will be contacted.
is the new Business Manager for
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Page Two of Three
the Rogers Radio Alberta North Cluster. Dolynny arrived from the forestry industry and will be based in
Edmonton... Angela Kelly has joined Z103.5 (CKHZ-FM) Halifax as Promotions Manager... Denis Duchesne,
PD/MD at ARC du Canada Ottawa, moves to become new morning Host at the French arm of CBC Radio
Charlottetown, beginning Feb. 5.
IGN-OFF: John Majhor, 53, of cancer in Minnesota. Majhor was a staple of Toronto radio and TV in the
1970s and '80s. He started at CHUM Toronto in 1975 and was later on Citytv Toronto with two rock
shows. He moved to Los Angeles in 1986 but returned to Toronto in 1990 for close to three more years
of broadcasting (CJEZ-FM, CFRB, Citytv).
OPS: Correcting an error made last week: Kelly Boyd retired from his position as GM at CJOK/KYX
98 Fort McMurray. The new GM at Sonic/CKER Edmonton is Tom Bedore.
V/FILM: Vidéotron has pulled its support from the Canadian Television Fund after a similar move by
Shaw Communications. The two cable giants are demanding a federal review into how millions of their
dollars are being spent. Vidéotron, which suspended CTF payments Tuesday, is also asking Heritage
Minister Bev Oda to launch a “thorough review” of the CTF management and membership structure. Both
Shaw and Vidéotron say their primary complaint is that they don't get to see how the money is spent by the
production community. A secondary concern is that they don’t have input on where investments are made...
The Canadian Association of Broadcasters is opposing an application by Craig Media’s Only Imagine Inc.
for a licence to sell national advertising in the local avails of US satellite services. In a submission, CAB argues
that the CRTC rejected a similar proposal from Kevin Shea. Approval of the application, says CAB, would
change the role of foreign services in the broadcasting system from packaging partners to national advertising
competitors. Further, says the Association, because of flawed methodology, the application underestimates
the impact of the proposed service on the Canadian broadcasting system... CH Vancouver Island (CHEK-TV
Victoria) is dropping its Noon news programming effective Feb. 2. GM Ron Eberle says 12 people will be
affected, five losing their jobs outright. Eberle says that ending the Noon package will put more resources into
the 5, 6 and 11 p.m. shows... The Canadian Renewable Fuels Association had a field day this week, beating
up Telecaster for not approving spots critical of Prime Minister Harper for not following through on promises
related to the addition of ethanol. TVB’s Telecaster had said that any use of Harper video (from the stump last
year) needed his approval. There followed a significant amount of vitriol and accusations of partisan politics.
TVB President/CEO Jim Patterson issued this statement: “TVB, through our Telecaster Clearance
procedures, acts to ensure that news media footage is used appropriately in television commercials within
copyright law. We have never intended to have this pre-clearance requirement extend to personalities included
in the footage. An error was made within our Telecaster Clearance group, by an individual analyst, in asking
for copyright compliance beyond our stated mandate. This error was corrected, and the commercials in
question were approved Monday afternoon after some required revisions (not affecting copyright) were made.
It is never our intention to impede the ability of advertisers to reach interested Canadians with the full
communications power of the television medium”... Mike Duffy returns to CTV Newsnet on Monday. He had
open heart surgery in Ottawa six months ago... CBC-TV has pulled the plug on On The Road Again, the
Gemini-award-winning show that’s been on the air for 20-years. The program, with Host Wayne Rostad, once
had a million viewers weekly but CBC says that’s slipped to 300,000. The last show is tonight (Thursday).
ADIO: SUN FM (CFGP-FM) Grande Prairie has moved from Hot AC to Rock. The new ID is Rock 97.7
and the sell line is “Today’s Best Rock and Killer Classics”... The Radio Marketing Bureau’s Crystal
Awards are set for March 9 in Toronto. The Crystals is Canada’s only awards show dedicated to
outstanding work in radio creative. Get ticket info at For over 60 years, broadcasters have
used magnetic tape – most often Ampex products – for professional video, professional audio, and
instrumentation telemetry recording. This week comes word that it’s all over, that it’s just too expensive to run
production facilities for so few orders. In a note to customers, Quantegy / Ampex Recording Media said, in
part: The same technological forces that brought us magnetic tape have in turn brought us new technologies
that have supplanted many of the markets Quantegy Recording Solutions once served. The net result of this
technology shift is the decline in the demand for magnetic tape in these professional markets. Quantegy
Recording Solutions' tape manufacturing facility is a large, complex operation that requires certain minimum
volumes of production to cover the day-to-day operating costs. The company has set Feb. 28 as the last day
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Page Three of Three
it will accept orders for tape... Research reveals that listeners are more likely to respond to a radio ad with a
vanity 800 phone number than one with just numbers. Creative Broadcast Concepts (CBC) tested 800TRADE-NOW for a car dealer vs. 800-954-2828 in ads. The difference for TRADE-NOW was 58% over the
number. CBC Inc.’s Bill Park was quoted as saying that "... businesses are missing out on potential sales
when they advertise with a straight numeric phone number”... An attorney wants KDND Sacramento’s
broadcast licence revoked by the FCC because of the death of 28-year-old Jennifer Strange who was a
contestant in a water-drinking contest sponsored by the station. He says even a cursory inquiry would have
revealed the life threatening risks of the contest. Last week, KDND fired 10 people and suspended the morning
ENERAL: An Ontario Superior Court Justice says she will rule next week on whether members of
ACTRA are on an illegal strike. Producers argue the strike by 21,000 film, TV and radio ACTRA
members is against the law and want an arbitrator appointed. They also want the court to suspend
special agreements that allow ACTRA members to keep working despite the strike. At the heart of the
dispute is compensation for performances broadcast over the Internet and on cellular phones.
OOKING: Olympic Broadcasting Services in Vancouver is searching for a Director, Broadcast
Telecommunications. See the ad on Page 1 or get more details from the larger display ad in the
CLASSIFIED section of Other jobs we’ve heard about include Q91
Drumheller - Senior Sales Rep; Q14 Stettler - Senior Sales Rep; CJDC TV Dawson Creek Videographer; The Edge Toronto - GSM; AM640 Toronto - Morning Show Producer; B101FM (CIQB FM)
Barrie - Account Executive Sales; Corus Radio Vancouver - Account Manager; CHED Edmonton – News
Swing Announcer and a Collections Manager; Corus Entertainment Toronto - Assistant Credit Manager;
Rogers Radio Ottawa – Afternoon Drive News Anchor; Rogers Radio Timmins – Morning News Co-Host;
Z95.3 Vancouver – Music Director; CISQ-FM Squamish – APD/Announcer/MD; TSN Toronto – Marketing
Manager; CTV Digital Media Toronto – Director of Sales; CTV Interactive Toronto – Associate Project
Manager; CBC Toronto – E-Commerce Manager and an Associate Director; Corus Television Toronto General Accountant, an Intermediate Accountant and a Manager – Special Projects; Alliance Atlantis
Toronto – Digital Media Strategist-Online Planner; Global Television Toronto – Assignment Editor, Chase
Producer, Field Producer, EFP Operator all for Entertainment Tonight Canada and a Junior Publicist and a
Packaging Editor; CH Television Hamilton – Transmitter and Maintenance Technician; CBC Montreal –
Strategic Sourcing Officer Finance & Administration; and, CPAC Ottawa – Master Control Operator.
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magazine is just days
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own copy, e-mail me.
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Thursday, February 1, 2007
Volume 14, Number 33
Page One of Three
V/FILM: The Television Board (TVB) Executive Committee has
formed a search committee to find a successor for President/CEO
Jim Patterson. TVB Executive Committee Chair Rita Fabian (CTV)
advised the Board that Patterson will retire this summer. Today,
Howard Christensen, Publisher
Feb. 1, marks Patterson’s 10th anniversary with TVB, a position
Broadcast Dialogue
he says is “... the best job I have had since leaving the farm in 1965."
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
Joining Fabian on the search committee are David Kirkwood of CHUM
(705) 484-0752
Television (Vice-Chair), Brett Manlove of CanWest MediaWorks
(Treasurer), and Guy Meunier of TQS (Secretary)... Douglas Barrett, the
Chairman of the Canadian Television Fund (CTF), says Videotron's
decision to stop making monthly payments makes planning impossible.
Further, he says the contribution suspensions by both Videotron and Shaw Communications could put
thousands of jobs at risk even as the Canadian TV production industry becomes “chaotic” over the impending
$63-million budget shortfall. Quebecor, which controls Videotron, is demanding that Heritage Minister Bev Oda
launch a review of the fund’s management, which is coming up for renewal in March. For its part, CTF wants
the CRTC to take legal action against Shaw and Videotron... CTAM Canada research suggests that when
Canadians are made aware of the simplicity of watching their programs on their own schedule, interest in PVRs
grows and the likelihood of buying one goes up. Canadian adoption of the technology, however, is far behind
the US but TiVo and other Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) have been south of the border since 1997. Five percent of Canadians own a PVR compared to 15% in the US. Similarly, only 38% of Canadians are aware of the
devices versus 65% of Americans... In a memo to CBC-TV employees, Exec. VP Richard Stursberg lashed
out at critics who describe the Corporation as struggling for success. As Stursberg sees it, the future is rosy
although acknowledging that ad revenues are expected to stay soft through 2007. He didn’t mention the loss
of the broadcast rights to the Grey Cup and the 2010 and 2012 Olympic Games - and the looming threat over
NHL hockey. In 2008, CBC could lose Hockey Night in Canada to CTV, although negotiations with the NHL
are ongoing. On Tuesday, a CBC official said the public broadcaster is focused on the current season, and not
interested in speculating about the future of Hockey Night in Canada. Stursberg reiterated that CBC is a
content company and no longer just TV and radio. He said CBC is building a multi-platform strategy that will
allow the network to offer Canadians an "enriched, on-demand and interactive relationship with the CBC. We
want,” he said, “to ... [provide] our audiences with the ability to comment on items, rate them, link to them from
their blog or website, subscribe to specific types of content, search for specific video content and to submit
user-generated content"... A new report from Nielsen Analytics shows that advertisers and TV programmers
are finding new and lucrative ad opportunities with broadband video. The study also determined that broadband
video extends traditional TV’s reach. The report, entitled Whatever, Whenever, Wherever: How Broadband is
Redefining the Economics of Television, was written by the Sr. VP/GM of Nielsen Analytics, Larry Gerbrandt,
and completed in partnership with Scarborough Research. Despite growing numbers of prime time TV shows
being streamed (or pre-viewed) on network websites, or the increasing popularity of user generated content
(UGC), there has been no measurable negative impact on traditional TV viewing. Video on PCs and iPods is
expanding the audience of traditional TV programs, says Gerbrandt, supported by the fact that total TV usage
was at a record high in US households at 8 hours, 14 minutes a day during the 2005-2006 TV season... A
Muskego, Wisconsin, TV news crew doing a story about the dangers of thin ice went through. Their truck was
partly submerged on Big Muskego Lake near Milwaukee after the driver said she mistook the snow-covered
lake for a road.
ENERAL: New CRTC Chairman Konrad von Finckenstein, 61, is expected by industry executives to
have a tough administrative style. von Finckenstein, most recently a Federal Court judge, was
Commissioner of the Competition Bureau from 1997 to 2003. Observers also say that with upwards
of six potential new CRTC Commissioners to be appointed over the course of 2007, they could
Thursday, February 1, 2007
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constitute a new quorum at the CRTC... Kathy Gardner of CanWest MediaWorks has been elected Chair of
the BBM Canada Board of Directors. Gardner, the Sr. VP of Integrated Media Research and Corporate
Promotions at CanWest, has the distinction of being the first female BBM Chair. She has also served as
President of the Broadcast Research Council and as Chair of the TVB... RTNDA Canada has unveiled a
comprehensive Diversity Toolkit to assist in diversifying broadcast newsrooms. Consisting of a DVD guide and
accompanying reference booklet, the toolkit – representing the latest phase in RTNDA’s multimedia diversity
initiative – is being distributed to 400 Canadian newsrooms. It gives news professionals specific ways to ensure
cultural and societal diversity in hiring, on-air language, story choices and interaction with viewers and listeners.
RTNDA's diversity project complements efforts made by other organizations, e.g. the Canadian Association
of Broadcasters. CAB conducted a study of cultural diversity on Canadian TV and published recommended
terminology and language guidelines regarding persons with disabilities... Meanwhile, Rogers OMNI.10/BC
and Aboriginal Peoples Television Network (APTN) have partnered to jointly fund what’s described as the
“first Aboriginal talk show in Canada”. First Talk with Tamara Bull made its broadcast debut earlier this year
on both channels. With its airing, the show became an industry milestone for both being the first Aboriginal talk
show in Canada and for being the first jointly funded project between the two broadcasters... Still with diversity,
MuchMusic and MuchMoreMusic are honouring two broadcast students (Calgary’s Candace Backfat and
Toronto’s Andre Garber) with the 2006 MuchMusic
Aboriginal Youth Scholarship and the 2006
MuchMoreMusic AccessAbility Scholarship... Renato
Zane, the VP News at OMNI Television Toronto, will be
the recipient of the 2007 RTNDA Distinguished Service
Award. The award will be presented during the 2007
RTNDA National Conference in Vancouver June 23...
The British Columbia Institute of Technology's
Broadcast and Media Communications department plays
host to its bi-annual All Years Reunion on Friday, April
13. For info, click Ron
Suter, the Sr. VP/GM of NBC Universal Television
Canada, addresses the Broadcast Executives Society
in Toronto Wed., Feb. 14 about how NBC Universal
views the intersection of broadcast and broadband. He’ll
also discuss how NBC Universal has moved to re-invent
TV for its digital future, address the challenges of the
broadcast landscape’s disruption and how it is affecting
every link in the chain. For information or to buy tickets,
contact Cheray Corrado at 416/413-3870.
EVOLVING DOOR: Murray Driver, who had been
promoted to GM at CFGP-FM Grande Prairie,
has decided not to stay with the now Rogersowned station. He’s moved out of the broadcast
business... Gordena Kraut is new Manager, Advertising
& Promotion Strategy at Global Television Specialty
Networks in Winnipeg. She arrived from Citytv
Winnipeg where she was Producer/Director for
Breakfast Television. Kraut succeeds Susan Wood who
moved to CBC British Columbia as Promotions
Manager... Telefilm Canada has tapped board member
Felix Fraser as its interim Chair, filling in for outgoing
Charles Bélanger, whose five-year term comes to an
end Feb. 18. Telefilm is searching for a successor...
Michael Claydon has been named Area Executive
Producer of independent documentaries for CBC
Television. He succeeds Jerry McIntosh as the overall
person in charge of relations with Canada’’s independent
documentary community... Liza Frulla, the former Liberal
Thursday, February 1, 2007
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Heritage Minister, is now President of Canal Évasion, the independently-owned travel and leisure channel in
Quebec... The morning show at HAL FM (CHNS-FM) Halifax is gone, first Crash Carter last week and now
Mars McDonald resigning this week. New morning Host is Joe Leary... Rena Journault has been bumped
up to MD/Mornings at CHLW St. Paul. She had been doing afternoons at her hometown station... Cool FM
(CJZZ-FM) Winnipeg Production/Technical Operations Manager Gerhard Peters has left, moving to Regina.
Peters says he followed his wife and her job this time but says he intends to stay in broadcasting.
ADIO: Silk FM Kelowna’s acquisition by Standard Radio became a done deal this past Monday when
the deal closed, making it Standard’s 52nd radio station. The former stand-alone FM’er joins with Sun
FM and Oldies 1150 Kelowna... There is new evidence that Canadians still spend 1/3 of their daily
media time with radio. Further, Foundation Research President Chris Bandak says Canadians count
on radio to keep in touch with daily life. The national study of 1,007 people found that radio reaches 93% of
Canadian adults 18+ every week and is the top-ranked media for daily and weekly reach with adults 18+who
work, who have children and who earn $50K and more. The full study may be found at Air
America Radio, the liberal network that filed for bankruptcy in October, says it has reached a tentative
agreement with Stephen L. Green, Chairman of a New York office real estate investment trust, for Green to
purchase the net. But Air America’s most famous personality, Al Franken, won’t be there. He’s considering
running for the United States Senate in Minnesota and will broadcast his last Air America show Feb. 14... The
New York Festivals is accepting entries for the 2007 International Radio Programming & Promotion
Competition. Final deadline is March 30. For information, Talk Host Andrew
Krystal is off the air at News 95.7 Halifax and at Rogers stations in Moncton and Saint John. He’s been
charged with assault and mischief in a case Halifax police describe as a domestic dispute. Krystal, who moved
to the Maritimes in 2005 and who once worked on Toronto and St. Catharines radio, is scheduled to be back
in court Feb. 20 to enter a plea... FCC Chairman Kevin Martin has ordered the Enforcement Division to look
into the death of a 28-year-old woman who died of water intoxication after competing in a KDND-FM
Sacremento contest. The object was to drink the most water without urinating. Station owner Entercom says
it will cooperate with the FCC. Meantime, the lawyer for the woman’s family has filed a wrongful death lawsuit
against the station, Entercom and station employees... The City of Oshawa, the Oshawa Generals of the
Ontario Hockey League, and KX96 Oshawa got some nifty recognition over the past few days from Stephen
Colbert of the Comedy Network. A grudge match between Oshawa and Colbert’s favorite team in Saginaw,
MI, only added more PR when Colbert went to air again to lord it over Oshawa because the game went 5-4
for Saginaw. KX96 chartered a bus for the game and took a load of people up to Saginaw for the big event.
Sportsnet, Rogers TV and Sun TV Toronto were all at the station rolling video.
UPPLYLINES: Clear Channel, the owner of technology units RCS and Prophet Systems, has merged
the two companies. Retaining the name, RCS, the merged company will be headquartered at White
Plains, NY... Jerry Brown has been promoted to President of Greenville, NC-based LBA Technology,
Inc. He had been VP of Sales.
OOKING: Specialty Data Systems, Toronto – Director of Sales and Marketing; CTV Toronto – Head
of Entertainment,; Motion Graphic Artist; Director Marketing CTV Digital Media Group; and Creative
Director, CTV Digital Media Group; Knowledge Network Burnaby - Post-Production Supervisor; Global
Television Toronto – Writer/Producer and a Chase Producer; CBC Ottawa – Managing Editor,
Employee Portal and a News Editor, French Regional Services; Rogers Cable Moncton - Bilingual Station
Manager; CBC Montreal – Administrative Officer, Technical Production; Alliance Atlantis Toronto – Financial
Analyst; Teletoon Toronto – Writer/Producer French Network and a Junior Producer; Corus Custom
Networks Calgary – Marketing Manager; Maritime Broadcasting System Halifax – GSM; Rogers Radio
Victoria – Creative Writer; Rogers Radio Calgary – Sales Assistant; and, BBM Canada Toronto –
Membership Services Representative.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Volume 14, Number 34
Page One of Two
V/FILM: Parliament’s Heritage committee hears from both the
Canadian Television Fund and from CBC beginning today
(Thursday). NDP Heritage critic Charlie Angus says although
separate, “... there's not much point talking about CBC's mandate if you
Howard Christensen, Publisher
don't know what's happening with CTF . . . What comes out of the CTF
Broadcast Dialogue
hearings will play into the overall picture of CBC and its future"...
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
Meanwhile, Quebec Actors and TV producers are calling on Ottawa to
(705) 484-0752
subsidize money being withheld by Vidéotron and Shaw Cable to the
Canadian Television Fund. The cable companies’ actions result in a $
million CTF shortfall every month. The union representing producers in
Quebec (APFTQ) is upset that the cablecos haven’t been forced to pay.
Further, says the union, the CRTC should examine whether the two companies are in breach of rules that
could lead to their licences being revoked. Vidéotron and Shaw want more say in how CTF money is
distributed. They also don't want to subsidize programs that air on publicly-funded CBC-TV... The CFTPA and
ACTRA are meeting in Toronto with mediator Elizabeth MacPherson, director general of the Federal
Mediation and Conciliation Services. Federal Minister of Labor Jean-Pierre Blackburn, in a statement, said,
"In my view, the continued production of Canadian films and television programs is too important to Canada
and to the Canadian economy to be jeopardized by your current dispute." The Toronto talks also include
American producers and Quebec producers represented by the APFTQ. The actors want the issue of new
media compensation pushed to a joint committee for separate discussion while CFTPA says it has to be part
of an overall deal. Producers need digital rights to performances before screening or selling Canadian product
on the world market... Former Liberal Party President Stephen LeDrew has joined ichannel for a twiceweekly, 30-minute all-issues TV show... NBC-TV’s Tim Russert – Managing Editor in Washington and Host
of Meet The Press – says it “would be impossible” for him to share the name of Valerie Plame, a CIA
operative, with a top White House aide before he knew it himself. His assertion is crucial to the US
government's case that former vice-presidential aide Lewis Libby lied about his role in leaking her name.
Russert testified yesterday (Wednesday) about a 2003 phone call in which Libby says Russert revealed the
wife of an outspoken Iraq war critic worked for the CIA. The government's top prosecutor believes Libby gave
reporters information he first heard from US VP Dick Cheney, then concocted the Russert story to cover it up.
ADIO: CHQR Calgary’s traffic helicopter has been grounded for a few days after a crash near Toronto
last week of AM640 Toronto’s chopper. The pilot and an aviation mechanical engineer remain in
hospital. CHQR PD John Vos says the two helicopters are from the same manufacturer and while
there’s no concern in Calgary, he is quoted as saying, “We believe our chopper is safe, but let's be prudent.”
Both machines are owned by the Canadian Traffic Network and both serve the Calgary and Toronto Corus
stations... C.J.S.D. Inc., owner of CKPR Thunder Bay, has won CRTC approval to flip the station to FM.
CKPR will maintain its AC format and broadcast at 91.5 (100,000 watts)... CFXE Edson, majority-owned by
Newcap (Standard Radio has a 23.66% interest) has also won Commission approval for an FM conversion.
Format will be Classic Hits at 94.3 and power of 11,000 watts... Andrew Krystal is back as Host of his News
95.7 (CJNI-FM) Halifax-based morning talk show. The Rogers-owned station took Krystal off the air last week
after he informed management that he faces charges of assault and mischief. Police describe it as a domestic
incident. The program is simulcast on two other Rogers Maritimes stations, 91.9 News (CKNI-FM) Moncton
and News 88.9 (CHNI-FM) Saint John... Rock 101.9 (CJSS-FM) Cornwall launched with it’s new format Feb.
1 under new PD Ross MacLeod, formerly a co-Host with Derringer in the Morning at Q107 Toronto. The
makeover was minor, moving from Classic Rock to Rock... The first station we’ve heard of that’s jumping onto
the ecological bandwagon with a Rock format that speaks directly to “going green” is WARW-FM Washington.
The CBS station, now ID’ed as 94.7 The Globe, will use renewable energy (wind) to power its 50,000 watt
signal. Station cruisers will be hybrid models. The station says it will promote ways – on- and off-air – for
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Page Two of Two
listeners to live an eco-friendly lifestyle... 105.7 myFM (CJMI-FM) Strathroy launched Tuesday, programming
AC. GM/GSM is Jeff Degraw. myFM is the first radio service for that Southwestern Ontario area... A new
Country French-language format in New Brunswick. Maritime Broadcasting’s CHOY-FM/Choix 99 Moncton,
under new PD Jason Ouellette, moved from Les Hits Classiques to Country on Monday morning... The New
York Market Radio Association (NYMRAD) is campaigning to increase radio usage in its metro area through
an outdoor campaign advertising the value and power radio has to reach individuals. Taglines tout We Wake
Up 93% of New Yorkers Every Morning and We Reach 2.4 Million New Yorkers Every 15 Minutes. (Ed’s note:
This market association idea has long been espoused for Canadian cities, selling radio as a whole, but so far
as I know, it hasn’t been done. Has it?)... American Talker Rush Limbaugh has been nominated for the 2007
Nobel Peace Prize. An outfit called the Landmark Legal Foundation makes the pitch based on what its
president, Mark, R. Levin, says is “nearly two decades of tireless efforts to promote liberty, equality and
opportunity for all humankind, regardless of race, creed, economic stratum or national origin”... A station has
begun broadcasting a 50,000 watt signal at 860. KTRB San Francisco is said to be the first new AM radio
station to broadcast in the Bay Area in 50 years.
ENERAL: Canadian Women in Communications winners of its CWC Annual Awards for 2006 are:
CWC Woman of the Year: Karen Radford, Executive Vice-President and President, TELUS Quebec
and Partner Solutions, TELUS
CWC Trailblazer of the Year: Cynthia Reyes, Vice-President, DiversiPro Inc.
CWC Mentor of the Year: Barbara Williams, Senior Vice-President, Programming and Production, CanWest
CWC Employer of the Year: CanWest MediaWorks Inc.
CWC Chapter Leader of the Year: Christiane Vaillancourt, Manager, Government, Industry & Community
Affairs, Atlantic Canada, Rogers Cable.
The awards presentation takes place at the CWC Annual Awards Gala Feb. 27 at the Ottawa Congress Centre.
Reception at 5 p.m. Dinner and the awards presentation begins at 6 p.m... Videotron is about to take Canada
back to the head of the line as the leader in high-speed Internet. The cable company will roll out the world's
fastest broadband service – 100 megabits per second – by the spring. That, say industry analysts, matches
speeds available only in South Korea. Most high-speed Internet connections max out at about six megabits,
though some go as high as 20... A fire in the basement of the CBC Fredericton forced cancellation of the local
morning radio show and damaged TV operations. There were no injuries in the blaze that occurred in the NB
capitol late last week. CBC Saint John provided morning programming.
EVOLVING DOOR: Kevin Klein, GM at Newcap stations CKJS/CHNK-FM (HANK-FM) Winnipeg, is
no longer in that position. Klein left at January’s end. Meanwhile, moving to Winnipeg from their 97.3
K-Rock (CIRK-FM) Edmonton to become APD is Jay Lawrence. He starts Feb. 26... Ceara K joins
Standard Radio Vancouver Feb. 22 as MD/APD at Z95-3. Most recently, she was MD/APD at The Bounce
Edmonton... Anne Graham is new GSM at Big Country 93.1 (CJXX-FM) Grande Prairie. She had been
Sales Supervisor... New ND at CKWS-TV Kingston is Jay Westman. He’s been with the station since 2003,
working as a Videographer... Warren Beck, who may best be remembered for his ND days at CHML
Hamilton, then as a Professor at Mohawk College in Burlington, is now ND at CKPC Brantford.
OOKING: Jobs we’ve heard about this week include: CTV Toronto – Technical Director, On-Air Master
Control; Manager, Graphic Production; and a Unit
Manager, E-Talk; Alliance Atlantis Toronto –
Production Exec, Life Network and National Geographic
Channel; Junior/Intermediate Broadcast Technician,
Post and Studio Engineering Services; and, an
Intermediate Promo Editor; Rogers Sportsnet Toronto
- Engineering Technician; CH Television Hamilton –
Transmitter and Maintenance Technician; CBC
Montreal – Chief Editor, French Television; Supervising
Technician, ENG; Rogers Grande Prairie – General
Sales Manager; CFOX-FM Vancouver – Local Sales
Manager; and, CHMJ Vancouver – Assistant Program
Director. For complete job postings, click HERE.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Volume 14, Number 35
Page One of Three
IGN-OFFS: Julie Crocker, 33, suddenly at Markham, ON. Crocker
had been an Account Manager at CHFI-FM Toronto. She and
another female – Paula Menendez – were found dead in Crocker’s
home Monday. Christopher Little, Ms. Crocker’s estranged husband, is
Howard Christensen, Publisher
charged with two counts of first-degree murder. Their two daughters, aged
Broadcast Dialogue
three and four, were unharmed. Crocker was allegedly dating Menendez's
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
estranged husband, Rick Ralph, a Sportscaster at The Fan 590 (CJCL)
(705) 484-0752
Toronto... Jim Paulson, 67, in Mississauga of heart failure. Paulson, of
AM740 (CHWO) Toronto, was getting set for his first cut-in at a remote
when he collapsed. He was rushed to Credit Valley Hospital, just across
the street from the remote location, where he was pronounced. Jim Paulson
began his career in the West, serving at CJCA Edmonton, CFUN Vancouver and at CKRC Winnipeg. In the
mid to late 70s, he moved East and worked at CKEY Toronto and CHFI-FM Toronto before moving to CINGFM Burlington and then to CHWO in 1991.
V/FILM: Vidéotron Ltée owner Quebecor Media says it’s prepared to resume payments to the
Canadian Television Fund. This position follows new CRTC Chair Konrad von Finckenstein's threat
to rewrite the rules so that CTF contributions become a condition of licence. All firms, he said, "must play
by the rules and operate within the context of the regulatory system.” von Finckenstein acknowledged,
however, that Vidéotron and Shaw Cable had raised serious issues that need to be resolved by the CTF
board. Quebecor CEO Pierre Karl Péladeau, noting the conciliatory tone from the CRTC Chair, said his
company was prepared, “... in good faith and as quickly as possible, to undertake discussions with the federal
authorities. We are committed to acting in a way that will sustain the production of Canadian content by an
industry that is strong, creative and able to take its place in the competitive environment established by the
largest players in the world." To re-cap the dispute, the two giant cablecos say the CTF is inefficient, wastes
money on programs that viewers don't watch, and shouldn't be providing 37% of its budget for independent
productions that end up on CBC-TV. The cable industry, which kicks in $150-million a year to the CTF's $250million budget, wants a review... There appears to be evidence surfacing that contradicts the perceived loss
of children from TV to the Internet. A report by Magna Global analyzing Nielsen Media Research data shows
that average 24-hour TV viewing by tweens 9-14 and teens 12-17 was stable in 2006 compared to the previous
year. Further, that TV viewing by kids 2-11 for the total day also was no different than a year ago. TV viewing
by 2-11s was higher than it was five years ago. Kids 2-17, during 2006's fourth quarter, watched more TV in
just about every daypart... The Miracle Channel, based in Lethbridge and carried on cable across the country,
is taking some regulatory heat in Calgary for its fundraising methods. In one controversial example, a host told
viewers in 2004 to cash in their RRSPs for donations: “... God's speaking to you to cash those in.” The channel
could lose its broadcast licence if it doesn't follow new rules on how donations are solicited. In Calgary Monday,
the CRTC told The Miracle channel that it, the Commission, is considering a rare step that would see the
religious channel’s right to broadcast linked to how well it abides by its own internal standards. Meanwhile, the
Miracle Channel Association wants permission for transmitters in Calgary and Edmonton... Sun TV (CKXTTV) Toronto wants permission to extend its coverage to Ottawa and to London and has asked the CRTC to
approve a transmitter for each of those cities. In its application, Sun argued it needed the added range to
become more competitive for national advertising dollars. It said, too, that London and Ottawa viewers would
gain access to additional Canadian programming... American HD set owners are finding that the clearest,
crispest signal comes via use of old-fashioned antennas. The newfound popularity of HD in the US is creating
a boom in sales for the marketers of TV antennas, particularly in urban areas... Another watershed hour
violation has been cited by the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council. Global Television, at 10:00 a.m.,
aired an episode fatbluesky which included the f-word and scenes of a man drinking beer while driving a
speedboat... Smokey and the Bandit had some instances of coarse language but the
Thursday, February 15, 2007
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CBSC says Prime’s airing of the movie at mid-day didn’t violate any broadcaster codes. The specialty channel
(now known as Tvtropolis) provided advisories alerting viewers to the language content and rated the
broadcast PG... And, excessive repetition of violent content on Entertainment Tonight, on Global Television,
breached the Canadian Association of Broadcasters’ Voluntary Code regarding Violence in Television
Programming provision relating to news. The subject was dysfunctional step-families and included footage of
parents and step-parents verbally and physically abusing their children. Details on any of these most recent
CBSC decisions may be found by clicking HERE... For almost 20 years, Reporter Peter Silverman at Citytv
Toronto has been doing a regular feature called, Silverman Helps – a service for viewers who say they can’t
get satisfaction from suppliers of services or products on their own. And over those years, the 75-year-old has
been punched, kicked, cursed, shoved, threatened and even chased with a bulldozer. But last week, he was
attacked by an enraged optician in downtown Toronto. The story began when Adam Plimmer, the 33-year-old
owner of King West Opticians, suddenly bolted from his store, smashed the door into Silverman as he was
about to enter, and sarcastically yelled, “Oh, oh, I'm sorry! Did I hit you? Get the f–k out of here.” From that
point on, it was meltdown extremis – grabs and slaps, expletive-laced threats, face spitting, hurled snowballs
and, finally, the city’s ETF team. The whole scene was caught on tape. Click HERE.
ENERAL: The Competition Bureau has launched a probe to determine if CTV's proposed $1.4 billion
purchase of CHUM would lead to undue hikes in ad rates and the ability to block firms from promoting
their wares. The watchdog had production orders – similar to subpoenas for their legal clout – issued
to 34 companies encompassing a range of players, including dozens of advertisers, ad agencies and
broadcasters. All were ordered to produce data on how TV spots are bought and sold. Data being sought
includes confidential details about how ad rates are negotiated with Canadian TV networks, which people are
involved in the negotiations and how much each side is willing to bend in the talks... CBC Fredericton is
closed indefinitely after a second fire in one week. Flames were contained to the electrical-service room in the
basement – the same section as the first fire – but the cause has not been determined. CBC Halifax and CBC
Saint John will help carry the broadcast load... Quebec broadcaster TVA Group – part of Quebecor Media
– saw fourth-quarter losses hit $13 million as operating expenses in the TV group mounted and advertising
revenues slipped. For the period ended Dec. 31, the loss was equal to 48 cents per share, from a profit of $8.7
million, or 32 cents per share, in the same quarter the year before. Revenues stayed relatively flat, reaching
$119.9 million from $119.5 million. TVA’s operating income dropped by 32.9% as advertising revenue fell 3.7
per cent and operating expenses climbed 10.7 per cent. Specialty channels showed a growth of 34 per cent.
For the full-year, TVA's net loss was $3.1 million from a profit of $28.4 million last year... If you or any of your
colleagues have actively served the broadcasting industry for 25 years or for 50 years, and are now working
or living in Ontario, the Canadian Association of Broadcasters invites you to join the CAB Half Century or
Quarter Century Club. Applications should be in Feb. 23, 2007. Download a copy of the application by clicking
ADIO: Corus Quebec President Pierre Arcand says he’ll be running for the provincial Liberals in the
next election. Although one hasn’t yet been declared, the various parties are getting their candidates
in place. Arcand will be running in the Mount Royal riding... Dave FM (CJDV) Cambridge is asking the
Commission for a change to its authorized contours and for a power boost, from 2,500- to 6,800-watts.
Authorized contours would be significantly increased with a power hike... SOCAN (The Society of
Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada) has won an award from the Conference Board of
Canada in the not-for-profit sector – a Spencer Stuart 2007 National Award in Governance. The award
recognizes excellence in corporate governance... The fourth annual Standard Radio Have A Heart Radiothon
has raised $337,331 (and still counting) for hospital foundations in the Okanagan valley, Salmon Arm and the
Kootenays. This money was raised over a two-day campaign Feb. 8-9 in the Okanagan on Sun FM, Oldies
and EZ Rock, Feb. 9 on KBS in the Kootenays and Feb. 3-4 on EZ Rock Salmon Arm. All monies raised will
go toward life-saving equipment for local paediatrics wards and to upgrade neo-natal intensive care units...
Halifax Talk Host Andrew Krystal has returned to the air on Rogers News/Talk stations at Halifax,
Moncton and Saint John. On Tuesday, he missed a shift because he’d been arrested for breaching
an undertaking forbidding him from possessing or consuming alcohol. It's the second time Krystal has
been charged with breaching the undertaking and relates to an incident last month in which he
allegedly assaulted a woman and damaged her property. Station management says only that Krystal
deserves his day in court – that any further comment would come once the legal process is over...
The President of the National Association of Broadcasters is calling on the Federal Communications
Thursday, February 15, 2007
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Commission to recall satellite radio devices that interfere with over-the-air radio frequencies. NAB
President/CEO David K. Rehr, in a letter to FCC Chairman Kevin Martin, noted that over-the-air listeners are
routinely subjected to explicit and undesired programming from satellite radio companies, notably Howard
Stern. A study last year found that 13 of 17 wireless devices used to transmit audio signals from satellite radio
devices and MP3 players to in-dash car exceeded FCC interference limits...
EVOLVING DOOR: Aliya Jiwan rejoins CTV Ottawa in the news department after stints in South Africa
and with CBC in London, Halifax and Edmonton. She had been a student reporter at CTV Ottawa in
2002... Rene Ross has been promoted to Ass’t GM at CHDR–FM/CHBZ–FM Cranbrook and
CJDR–FM/CFBZ–FM Fernie. He takes on the new position March 1. (Mr.) Ross has been Morning Host, PD
and MD at the Jim Pattison broadcast properties... Édith Perreault has been promoted to VP, Sales and
Marketing of Réseau TVA and its specialty channels LCN, Mystère, Argent and Prise 2. She had been GM
of National Sales for Montreal and Toronto... Gord Craig, ND at Rogers’ recently-acquired 101.7 WORLD FM
(CKER)/SONIC (CHDI-FM) Edmonton has gone across the street. Craig joined Touch Canada’s
CJCA/CJRY-FM Edmonton, also as ND... Rob Arnold leaves his Creative Director’s Job at Island Radio
Nanaimo, bound for Standard Radio Kelowna. He begins as Senior Writer Feb. 26.
UPPLYLINES: Andrew Mulrooney of Davicom in Quebec City – “No, not that Mulroney,” he often says
– is recovering from quadruple heart bypass surgery. He's expected to be off work for about three
months... Power & Telephone Supply moves from two locations to one this weekend. The head office
in Hamilton and the warehouse facility in Markham will be co-habiting, effective Monday morning, at:
1141 King Rd., Unit 1, Burlington ON L7R 3X5. The 1-800-369-5086 remains as is but the local number
changes to 289-288-3260...
OOKING: Jobs we’ve heard about this week include: Alliance Atlantis Toronto – Manager, Internal
Production; Family Channel Toronto – Marketing Specialist; CBC Toronto – Supervisor, Transmission
Operations Southern Ontario; CBC Quebec City – Regional Manager Communications; Sirius Canada
Toronto – National Account Manager; Rogers Radio Vancouver – Promotions Co-ordinator; The Zone
Victoria - Evening Show Host; CHUM Brockville - All positions; KEY 83 Wainwright - Morning Show Host;
CHUM Television Toronto - Broadcast Engineering Technologist/Avid; Rogers Sportsnet Toronto –
Engineering Technician; SUN TV Toronto – Switcher, Audio and Studio assistants and an IT Manager; KIX
FM/YL Country Peace River - News Director and a Creative Writer; Big Country 93.1 FM Grande Prairie
– Broadcast Technician; and, Island Radio Nanaimo - Creative Director.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Volume 14, Number 36
Page One of Three
ADIO: FCC Chairman Kevin Martin, on the matter of the Sirius/XM
Satellite deal, says the two must show that listeners would be better
off – better choices and more affordable prices. While Martin
appears ready to hear the arguments, one observer noted that his
Howard Christensen, Publisher
seemed to erect a roadblock. That opinion, however, isn’t holding
Broadcast Dialogue
any sway with Sirius CEO Mel Karmazin and XM Chairman Gary Parsons.
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
Both, they say, are confident that the proposed merger will make it through
(705) 484-0752
the US regulatory process. In a joint news conference, representatives from
both satellite radio companies said that their platforms would have to
continue for an extensive period of time, and maintain operations
independently while the transition is made. One big consumer problem is
creating and then manufacturing radios that can access both services. Meanwhile, here at home, both Sirius
Canada and XM Canada expressed approval of the decision. The proposed $13 billion merger would create
a combined company headed by Sirius CEO Mel Karmazin, with XM's Gary Parsons serving as chairman.
The deal faces serious regulatory hurdles because of a 1997 FCC rule that prohibits one company from holding
both satellite licenses. The deal also faces opposition from the National Association of Broadcasters. The
combination creates a US satellite radio provider with approximately 14 million combined subscribers and 2006
revenues of approximately $1.5 billion US. XM shareholders will receive 4.6 shares of SIRIUS common stock
for each share of XM they own. XM and SIRIUS shareholders will each own approximately 50% of the
combined company... Bayshore Broadcasting, based at Owen Sound, has won CRTC approval for an FM
licence in Goderich at 104.9 with power of 5,330 watts. The format will be Classic Adult Contemporary.
Bayshore has stations at Owen Sound, Port Elgin and Wasaga Beach... Q104 Halifax/Dartmouth aired an
East Coast Music Awards special this past weekend, playing down home rock music in a feature called the
“East Coast Top 104”. Over one-thousand listeners voted on their all-time regional favourites in late Jan./early
Feb. Q104 saw balloting that included hits dating back to the early ‘60s and from nearly 150 artists. The
countdown of the top 104 vote-getters was aired three times over ECMA Weekend... CFAM Altona, the first
station in the Golden West Broadcasting chain, will be celebrating its 50th anniversary March 13. Elmer
Hildebrand, now President/CEO of the company, began with CFAM just one week before it went to air in 1957.
He went to work as a Copywriter... Andrew Krystal, the News 95.7 Halifax Talker, has pled not guilty to four
charges related to the assault of a woman and damaging her property. A trial has been set for May 15... There
are Sirius customers at Inuvik who’re unhappy with the signal. The salesman in Edmonton said it’d work
everywhere in Canada but, says Ray Suchodolski, he’s getting reception about 30% of the time. Another
Inuvik resident says Suchodolski is lucky – he only gets a signal about 10% of the time. But when Richard
Gordon complained, he was told to buy a bigger antenna. $150 later, he said, no difference. A local
communications company expert says the Sirius spot beam is simply too far south but Sirius spokesperson
Jeff Roman denies that.
EVOLVING DOOR: PD Darren Stevens of Corus Radio Barrie is gone. He left CHAY/CIQB/CKCB
Barrie on Monday... Corus Radio Network Ops. Mgr./APD/ Production 5 Manager/Remote
Supervisor/Host Al Krueger has left those positions after 10 years with Corus Radio Vancouver. He
may be reached at 604-512-1161... Ian McNeil, after 12 years as Host of CBC Cape Breton’s Information
Morning, is leaving that post in early March. McNeil says his daily 300 km commute has become too much.
Instead, he’ll devote his time to being an independent journalist, facilitator and media trainer... Ed Yiu has
joined Olympic Broadcast Services Vancouver – the broadcast operation of the 2010 Olympic Winter
Games -- as Director of Broadcast Telecommunications. He begins March 5. Yiu served as Director of
Technology & Engineering for the Global Television Network and as Regional Director of Technology &
Operations for CHUM British Columbia... Brad Hulme moves from PD/Morning Host at Haliburton
Broadcasting’s CKLP-FM Parry Sound to PD/Morning Host at K-95 (CJTK-FM) Sudbury. His move is
Thursday, Feb. 22, 2007
Page Two of Three
effective March 1.
IGN-OFF: Collin Smith, 45, in Calgary of leukemia. Smith, the Global Calgary Sportscaster who used
the on-air name "Joe Sports", had been off the air since September 2005. Smith also worked at CJAY92 Calgary and the FAN 960 Calgary.
ENERAL: Retail sales posted their biggest monthly gain in nine years in December, more than doubling
expectations, pushing sales for all of last year to their strongest annual growth rate since 1997. The
Statistics Canada report comes amid a string of stronger-than-expected data which suggest the
economy improved at the end of last year as trade swelled and consumer spending rose... CBC has
gone after Friends of Canadian Broadcasting, accusing the advocacy group of taking personal potshots
against President Robert Rabinovitch and other executives. Over the past few years, Friends has issued
critical performance appraisals, slamming Rabinovitch for various programming and corporate decisions. In
the last fundraising letter, Friends president Ian Morrison wrote of the “incompetence, neglect and
recklessness” of the CBC management, as well as the “outright hostility” of the Conservative government
toward the CBC. “From dumbed-down news reporting to Hollywood imports to decimated local programming,
this is not the CBC that our country badly expects right now,” he wrote... The Ontario Association of
Broadcasters’ Second Annual Career Development Day is set for Monday, March 5 (from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.)
at the Velma Graham Rogers Theatre in Toronto (333 Bloor St E). Toronto. Keynote speaker is David Kines,
VP of CHUM specialty channels MuchMusic, MuchMoreMusic and Razor. Students will be given the
opportunity to speak with seasoned professionals in the various areas of radio and TV responsibilities,
including news, sales, promotions, production and programming... Issue #3 of CBC Technology Review
Magazine is out. See it at
V/FILM: Drew Craig didn’t get a free ride at a CRTC hearing in Calgary. Craig, who once headed AChannel Calgary, A-Channel Edmonton and
Toronto 1, wants to sell Canadian ads on the
cable feeds of popular American cable channels.
Craig’s Only Imagine Inc. took some heavy hits from
the CRTC and from Rogers. Communications.
Rogers says the new company wants to “confiscate”
spot time that belongs to cable and satellite distributors
(Broadcast Distribution Undertakings or BDUs). Rogers
Vice-Chairman Phil Lind called Craig’s company a
“third-party middleman” looking “to pocket over $60million in profit.” The BDUs have long wanted the right
to sell commercial time during those two minutes.
Rogers was turned down in 1996, while a joint industry
pitch was blocked in 2002. Lind said that if the rules are
now to be changed on the local avails, Rogers wants to
sell the ads itself... Shaw Communications has
agreed to resume its monthly payments to the
Canadian Television Fund. CEO Jim Shaw says he
feels assured that the government will examine the
CTF’s structure and accountability. During a Heritage
Committee appearance Tuesday, Shaw urged
producers to create more programming that appeals to
Canadian viewers. “It's a challenge to the industry to be
successful,” he said. “You can't be successful if you
don't produce anything that Canadians want to watch."
Later in the day, the CRTC said it had set up a task
force headed by Vice-Chair Michel Arpin to look at the
most effective use of CTF money, the size and
structure of the fund's ruling board, and appropriate
ways to deal with real or perceived CTF conflicts. The
task force will release a final report and make
Thursday, Feb. 22, 2007
Page Three of Three
recommendations to the Commission before the end of August. Shaw Communications and Vidéotron had
suspended payments to the CTF in protest over the way the fund is run. The two complained about the high
number of CTF-funded productions that ended up being broadcast by CBC/SRC and said the fund's managers
do not support newer technologies such as video-on-demand... CFJC-TV Kamloops, celebrating it’s 50th
anniversary this year, is asking that all former employees and anyone who has a memory of the station to get
in touch. Photos, film, video, or text is welcome, too. Contact is CFJC-TV Ops. Mgr. Dave Somerton at either or (250) 372-3322... Canadian actors have reached a tentative deal with North
American producers to end their strike, apparently ending the country's six-week old actors' strike. ACTRA
represents 21,000 actors... CTS Television’s Faith Journal, for the third time, has been presented with the
Crystal Award of Excellence. CTS-TV picked it up at the 13th Annual Communicator Awards in West
Hollywood... Television’s Valerie Pringle is among the latest citizens to be named to the Order of Canada.
Pringle, best known for her work as a Host on CTV’s Canada AM, and the 86 other inductees will receive their
insignia from Governor General Michaëlle Jean at a Rideau Hall ceremony later this year.
OOKING: Report on Business Television Toronto – Anchor/Reporter; Corus Radio Barrie - Program
Director: CFCO Chatham - Program Director; Alliance Atlantis Toronto – Production Executive, Food;
Production Executive HGTV; CTV Toronto – Production Supervisor; Manager IT Support Services;
Media Services Supervisor; and, 3 Production Assistants; Dome Productions (CTV) Toronto – Mobile
Engineering Technician; CTV Specialty Toronto – Manager, Research; CBC Toronto – Program Assistant
Television; CBC Montreal – Manager, Unit Production (Culture and Variety); Ross Video, Iroquois - Software
Developer, Video Production Switcher Development Team and a Technical Support Specialist; Z103.5 Toronto
- Traffic Co-Ordinator; Confederation College, Thunder Bay - Broadcast/Media Technologist; Rogers Radio
Calgary - Broadcast Technician; Standard Radio Toronto - Broadcast Technician; Rawlco Radio Saskatoon
- Advertising Consultants; and, Radio NL 610AM/The River 97.5/COUNTRY 103 Kamloops - Advertising
Sales Representative.
The March Edition of
Broadcast Dialogue
Has a Wealth of
Information for
Look for it
To Arrive Soon!
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Volume 14, No. 37
Page One of Three
ADIO: The family is “pleased to see our legacy live on with a
company such as Astral that has such a strong track record and
commitment to its employees and to the Canadian radio and
television industries.”
Howard Christensen, Publisher
– Gary Slaight, CEO of Standard Radio.
Broadcast Dialogue
Radio, Astral Media will not only be
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
acquiring the best-performing radio stations in the country; we will at the
(705) 484-0752
same time acquire a company with similar values and culture. Over the past
E-Mail, click HERE
four decades, the Slaight family has built a remarkable collection of strong
Broadcast Dialogue Website
radio brands and has contributed meaningfully in shaping the Canadian
radio industry as we know it today. We are delighted with the prospect of
welcoming Standard Radio's employees into our team.''
– Ian Greenberg, Astral Media CEO.
While a firm deal is not expected until the end of March, the quotes from Slaight and Greenberg appear to slam
the door on any further speculation. The purchase is for Standard Radio, not Standard Broadcasting. The
latter is said to be retaining its stake in Sirius Canada, the interests in e-commerce and videotape and DVD
distribution, and Internet portal Iceberg Radio. At least one prominent financial analyst has serious doubts
about the proposed purchase. BMO Capital Markets’ Tim Casey said that because Standard is already known
as a leader on margins and on cost containment, adding Standard to Astral is not such a good idea. Soon after
the markets opened Monday, Astral's
shares registered their biggest drop in
four years. Over the weekend,
speculation that the Montreal
broadcaster could end up paying too
rich a price provoked the shivers of
investors. Analysts said the
evaporation of a merger premium that
had buoyed Astral's stock also
contributed to the drop... The Beat
(CFBT-FM) Vancouver has been
sold to CHUM Ltd. and CHUM says
it’s looking to do more radio deals.
That despite the fact that the CRTC is
likely to take a close look at this one
coming as it does while CHUM is in
the hands of trustee management
while it awaits regulatory approvals of
CTV’s purchase. CHUM says it’ll
keep on looking for acquisitions. The
company already owns QMFM/CFUN/TEAM 1040 in the
Vancouver market... Whether or not
American regulatory bodies allow XM
Satellite Radio and Sirius to merge
seems beside the point, say
observers. Even if they get the nod,
there's no guarantee the six-year-old
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Page Two of Three
business model will survive. With each having yet to earn a
profit, combined losses in the US are expected to be $1.7
billion for 2006. Here at home, the status quo remains. Sirius
Canada and XM Canada say they’ll spend the next year
attacking each other's market share.
While the US
consolidation plan is being sold as a “merger or equals”, that’s
not the case here. XM Canada and Sirius Canada are each
expected to argue for the bigger piece of the pie. But, until that
time comes, the two will aggressive try adding new customers
to bolster their market share and negotiate clout. Sirius argues
that with roughly 300,000 paying customers, it has about three
times that of XM Canada. XM Canada retaliates with their
exclusive agreements with major car makers. In Washington
yesterday (Wednesday), Sirius CEO Mel Karmazin, was
expected to explain “the realities of the marketplace” when he
testified before the House Judiciary Committee's antitrust
task force... Q107 Toronto’s John Derringer and his
employer, Corus Entertainment are being sued by former
Toronto Maple Leaf Tie Domi for defamation. The $950,000
suit alleges that the morning show Host falsely alleged that
Domi charged fees to appear for charities. Further, the lawsuit
claims Derringer led listeners to believe that Domi is a morally
flawed personality who misleads the public about his
philanthropic contributions. The former Maple Leaf claims a
damaged reputation, embarrassment, humiliation and other
damages. Derringer denies the assertion about compensation
for Domi’s participation at charity events... Jane Hawtin is the
winner of this year’s Rosalie Award, named after Rosalie
Tremblay, the MD at CKLW Windsor from 1967-1984.Hawtin
will be recognized and honoured for her achievements at the
3rd Annual Women in Broadcasting Breakfast, March 9, in Toronto.
V/FILM: Canadian broadcasters, who want to charge cable companies carriage fees, may be getting help
from out-of-area programming and time-shifting. While the CRTC says fees may not be charged for local
signals, the likes of CTV and CanWest Global can charge BTUs for out-of-region programming. Already,
a number of Canadian cablecos are paying these fees because, as they highlight digital set-top boxes,
their removal would be a negative... Meantime, Stateside, CBS has announced that it had concluded a series
of agreements with cable operators that would generate a new stream of revenue. CBS CEO Les Moonves
calls the deals “a major milestone” that could result in broadcasters’ achieving a long-held goal of creating a
regular source of revenue beyond advertising. The precautionary note in this, though, is that the deals were
cut with smaller cable systems. The crucial test of whether a big cableco will pay to carry the stations’ content
has not yet been faced... CRTC Chairman Konrad von Finckenstein told the House of Commons heritage
committee that he’s inherited a “crisis” at the Canadian Television Fund. He said he plans to resolve it
through co-operation but put CTF management on notice. It, he said, must work toward addressing the
concerns expressed by Shaw Communications and Quebecor because, to date, CTF hasn’t addressed the
issues. The two had put a stop to their contributions -- about $75-million per year. von Finckenstein and
Heritage Minister Bev Oda issued ultimatums to the companies to pay up or face consequences. The two both
agreed to restore payments after which the CRTC said it would strike a task force to review how the fund is
managed... Ontario’s three political parties are shying away from any talk of privatizing TVOntario, despite a
significant drop in membership at Ontario's public broadcaster. TVO memberships are said to have dropped
to 65-thousand - down more than a third - in the past two years. Blamed are significant programming changes
made last year. TVO execs are said to be making major changes to the membership program, including
eliminating on-air membership drives and the monthly magazine... CKY-TV (CTV) Winnipeg and CKND-TV
(Global) Winnipeg were judicially granted permission to air video of a convenience store killing after the man
convicted of the crime claimed self-defence. The video shows the clerk removing money from the cash register
with one hand, while using the other to press a button that electronically locked the exits. He continues to
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Page Three of Three
remove money from the cash register, using his free hand to grip the end of a baseball bat under the counter.
His swings of the bat provoked the man to shoot, once in the arm and twice in the head. Justice Brenda
Keyser rejected the self-defence argument, saying there was no evidence the man knew he was trapped until
after he shot the clerk. Global and CTV argued that broadcasting portions of the video would allow for public
scrutiny of the self-defence claim... CHAT TV Medicine Hat will celebrate its 50th birthday in September. Past
employees are asked to make contact with PD Gary Rathwell at CHAT TV, either by phone (403-548-8282)
or e-mail:
ENERAL: The Radio-Television News Directors Association of Canada will honour nine Canadian
broadcasters with the 2007 Lifetime Achievement Awards. They are: Gord Martineau, Citytv Toronto;
John McKay, recently retired from Broadcast News and The Canadian Press in Toronto; the late Bill
Sturrup, CHML Hamilton; Elmer Harris, VOCM St. John's.; Paddy Gregg of Rusagonis, NB; Bob Ridley,
CHAT Medicine Hat.; Wayne Mantyka, CTV (CKCK) Regina; Gary Hanney, Global TV (CHAN) Vancouver;
and Ben Meisner of Prince George. The awards will be presented between April 28 and June 21 at events
across the country... A line from Jay Leno’s monologue this past week tickled my cynical side: “Well, the big
story in the news is that Britney Spears shaved her head. Can you believe it? Legitimate news organizations
are actually breaking into their Anna Nicole Smith coverage to tell you this.”
EVOLVING DOOR: Randy Skulsky is new GM at Newcap’s HANK-FM (CHNK-FM)/CKJS Winnipeg.
Skulsky had been RSM at CFRW Winnipeg... Ian Kent moves into the GSM’s chair at Maritime
Broadcasting in Halifax. He’s been promoted from his Senior Account Exec position... Breanne
Cancade of Rogers Winnipeg moves to Fort McMurray to become Promotions Director at CJOK-FM/CKYXFM... Brian Adam, Announcer/Creative Services Writer at CHAY-FM/B101 (CIQB-FM) Barrie moves to JACK
FM (CHTT)/Ocean (CIOC) Victoria to become a Creative Writer. Adam begins March 12... After three months
at CHRY-FM Toronto as Program Coordinator, Adam Fox is returning to CJAM-FM Windsor as Station
Manager. He begins March 12. Meantime, the Interim Program Coordinator at CHRY-FM is Robin Alam...
Steve Young has become A-Channel London’s new Managing Editor, succeeding Andy Paterson who
moved to a PR position at Canada Post. Young had been Managing Editor at A-Channel Windsor... May Lam
adds APD duties at JACK-FM Vancouver to her responsibilities as Marketing and Promotions Director for the
Rogers Radio Vancouver cluster. Lam gets a break come the end of April when her attention will be devoted
exclusively as to being APD/Marketing and Promotions Director at JACK... Paula Todd joins CTV News today
(Thursday) in an as yet unspecified role. The Journalist/Lawyer moves from TVO Toronto where she was a
Host and Co-Producer of her show, Person 2 Person with Paula Todd... Jonny Staub is new MD at The
Bounce (CHBN-FM) Edmonton, succeeding Ceara K. Staub has been afternoon Announcer since the station
was launched... Roy Green, the veteran CHML Hamilton morning Talker, says he’ll be retiring March 30.
Green started at CHML 34 years ago, in 1973. He is the winner of three CAB Gold Ribbons: 1994 for Best
News, Public Affairs and Documentaries; 1993 for Best Community Service; and, 1992 for Best Public Affairs
and Documentaries. Corus Radio is talking with him about sticking around for special assignments.
OOKING: A-Channel Windsor - Managing Editor; Newcap Radio Thunder Bay - Producer; The
Comedy Network, Toronto - Manager, Communications; Standard Radio Kelowna - Radio Traffic
Coordinator; Teletoon Toronto – Director, Programming; Family Toronto – Production
Coordinator/Junior Producer; CTV Toronto – MTV Brand Partnership Manager; Producer CTV News;
Global Ontario Toronto – Human Resources Manager; Human Resources Representative; Global Television
Regina – Sales Coordinator; CBC Montreal – Sales and Marketing Officer; and, TVOntario Toronto - Director
of Revenue.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Volume 14, No. 38
Page One of Three
ADIO: The latest Katz Media Group US Radio National Format
Averages report for Arbitron Fall 2006 markets shows more
stability among broad-based formats, particularly those targeting
25-54s, including AC, Soft AC, Country, News and News/Talk.
Howard Christensen, Publisher
They appeal to a wider spectrum of demographics and, as a result, seem
Broadcast Dialogue
18 Turtle Path
to see fewer peaks and valleys than more targeted formats. On the flip
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
side, formats for highly targeted audiences, e.g. Big Band or Adult
(705) 484-0752
Standards on the older demo end, and CHR and Alternative Rock on the
E-Mail, click HERE
Broadcast Dialogue Website
younger end, all showed declines. Over the past five years, these
formats have shown more inconsistency - either up or down - than the
broad-based ones. Formats programming Oldies, 80s or Classic Rock
all show instability over time. They are more likely to show inconsistencies because they’re reliant on a
specific age group. The report says there could be a number of factors causing these patterns, including
sub-par survey sampling within specific demos, changing lifestyles among young adults, changing music
tastes, the availability of a wider variety of media options, and increased multi-tasking or simultaneous
usage of media. Further, it says, “we do know that some overall radio listening patterns have been less
stable in 12-24 and 55+ age cells, which can affect relative 12+ share performance. We also suspect that
changes in unidentified radio listening, which can include unlisted stations, non-commercial stations,
Internet radio streams and satellite radio, can affect the shares of listed stations in the local market report.
Any combination of these factors could cause changes within specific demos from year to year.” The
exception to the demographic trends happens with Urban Adult Contemporary and Rhythmic CHR. Both
see a significant increase since last year. Shares for each are at the highest level in ten years. Country
remains the most popular, posting a significant advantage over the number two format (Hispanic). Country
continues to stand out as the one broad format that hasn’t branched out into significant younger- or olderskewing variations... Tim Hortons has launched a lawsuit for $105 million in damages from Standard
Radio, CanWest Global and CFRB Toronto Talk-show host Bill Carroll. Tim Hortons alleges that all
three are liable for Carroll’s assertions made on both the radio station and on Global Television Ontario
that the federal government paid for a franchise serving Canadian soldiers in Kandahar. Nothing has been
proven in court and Standard Radio has filed notice of intent to defend the lawsuit. CanWest has referred
the matter to its lawyers... Former US Attorney General John Ashcroft has told his successor – Alberto
Gonzales – that in giving both XM and Sirius their licences, the FCC clearly banned the two from
combining efforts in a single company. Further, Ashcroft says, “XM and Sirius promised to work toward
the creation of a single inter-operable receiver –– a technology the availability of which would be in the
conceded best interest of consumers and the companies. A decade later, no such receiver exists. Had
either pursued the promise to reality, they both would have enjoyed broader acceptance”... XM Satellite
Radio, in an open letter published in USA Today, reassured customers that (so long as they subscribe)
their XM radios will continue receiving XM programming and, further, that following the merger XM expects
that existing radios will be able to receive programming from both services... Satellite Radio, which has
long professed that it doesn’t compete with traditional radio, saw that position go down the tubes during
Mel Karmazin’s appearance before the US House Judiciary Committee Antitrust Task Force last
week. Karmazin, the CEO of Sirius Satellite Radio, was asked how the XM-Sirius plan was any different
than a proposed merger between EchoStar Communications' Dish Network and Hughes Electronics'
DirectTV (the FCC blocked that deal on the grounds that it amounted to a "regulated monopoly").
Karmazin replied that his companies' situation was different because the satellite TV business competes
with cable and not with free services like terrestrial and Internet radio. Sirius and XM argue that their union
won’t amount to a monopoly. Instead, they say, the deal will instead allow them to compete more
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Page Two of Three
effectively with traditional broadcast radio and Internet radio... Moving to IBOC, the US version of digital
radio – marketed there as HD Radio, Wal-Mart and the HD Digital Radio Alliance say HD digital radio
receivers are launching at 1,989 Wal-Mart stores in 85 American markets. Initially, they’ll be JVC mobile
radios retailing for about $190. The Wal-Mart move is being heavily hyped on Alliance-member radio
EVOLVING DOOR: Pamela Wallin has been chosen as the University of Guelph's new
Chancellor. The former Broadcast Journalist at CTV and CBC and, most recently, Consul General
of Canada in New York, succeeds former Ontario Lieutenant-Governor Lincoln Alexander in that
position. Wallin is now Senior Adviser to the President of the Americas Society and the Council of the
Americas in New York. She will be installed during convocation ceremonies at Guelph in June. Alexander,
Canada's first black MP, was elected as chancellor in 1991 and served an unprecedented five terms in the
role... Scott Moore is now Executive Director of CBC Sports based in Toronto. He succeeds Nancy Lee
who now directs the broadcast operation for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Moore had owned
a production company in Vancouver and was involved in the Athens and Turin Olympics, the Melbourne
Commonwealth Games, the Grand Prix of Edmonton, the Asian Games and other projects... Steve
Cassar, the Managing Editor and Assistant ND at CTV (CFTO-TV) Toronto, has been appointed News
Director... New GSM at Rock 97.7 (CFGP-FM) Grande Prairie is Dave Reid. The former Accounts
Manager was promoted March 5... Deborah Spillman becomes SM at Newcap Radio’s FRED-FM
(CFRK-FM) Fredericton. Spillman has been in a sales capacity with the station since it launched... Gord
Gauvin is the first GM/SM of Vista Broadcasting’s new CFRI-FM Grande Prairie. Most recently, he
worked in the insurance industry but had been in broadcast sales in the Okanagan and at Prince George.
During the new FM licence process for Grande Prairie, Gauvin had been an applicant... Chris Taylor is
TSN’s new Marketing Manager. Taylor arrives after five years with MacLaren McCann as Account
Supervisor... New Senior English Communications Officer at CBC Edmonton is Melanie Houley. She had
been Touring Publicist and Marketing Agent - North America and Assistant Marketing Manager Asia-Pacific
with Cirque du Soleil... Carla Johnson has been promoted to Creative Director for Island Radio in
Nanaimo. She takes over from Rob Arnold who went to Standard Radio Kelowna... Dave Sawchuk
becomes PD at Ken Truhn’s new CIKT-FM Grande Prairie, which is expected to launch this spring.
Sawchuk’s experience includes The Q/The Zone Victoria and at the Sun FM Grande Prairie... Jeff
Walker, at K-ROCK (CIRK) Edmonton as a Swing Announcer and who had been MD at Z99 Regina, is
now the new MD. He succeeds Jay Lawrence who moved to Newcap Winnipeg... Kate Dickson, the
former Communications Coordinator for the Toronto International Film Festival Group, has been
appointed Publicist for Teletoon Canada... At STAR FM (CKSR-FM) Chilliwack/Country 107.1 FM
(CKQC-FM) Abbotsford, Charlene Groome moves up to Promotions Director from Promotions
Coordinator. The promotion takes effect April 15.
IGN-OFF: Rick Pyman, 49, in a traffic accident near Oakville. He was the founder of Pyman
Productions, Pyman Studios, Tri-Lite TV and the Bite TV channel. Pyman was killed March 5
while trying to help the victims of a traffic mishap.
ENERAL: With CRTC hearings to study the CTV-CHUM deal set to begin April 30 - with new
Commission Chair Konrad von Finckenstein chairing the hearing - the CRTC is now saying that
it could be persuaded to revamp the policy of restricting ownership to just one TV station per market
(CanWest Global won dispensation in the Toronto and Vancouver markets with their CH Victoria
and CH Hamilton). In its notice, the Commission said that "in light of this proposed transaction, the
commission considers that this is the appropriate time to seek public comment on the effectiveness of the
current policy." CTV wants to keep the Citytv stations in Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg and
Toronto. It also wants the CHUM radio stations. But, as a condition of acquisition, CTV agreed to sell the
A-Channels in Barrie, Ottawa, London, Windsor, Wingham and Victoria. Whatever happens with this deal,
a bigger debate about consolidation is likely on the way because the CRTC notice almost assures that a
new federal policy could be created. Coming on the heels of the CTV-CHUM hearing will be hearings for
the proposed $2.3-billion purchase by CanWest Global and Goldman Sachs Capital Partners of
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Page Three of Three
Alliance Atlantis and Astral Media’s proposed takeover of Standard Radio... Alliance Atlantis
Communications reports a fourth-quarter loss of $16.6-million after a big tax hit, contrasting with a yearago profit of $24.8-million. The loss was 40-cents a diluted share, compared with a profit of 56-cents a
share a year ago. The income tax provision for 2006's fourth quarter increased by $28.6-million to $43.8million. Alliance Atlantis awaits regulatory approvals for CanWest Global’s $2.3-billion takeover... New
members on the Canadian Association of Broadcast Representatives Board of Directors for calendar
year 2007 are Target Broadcast Sales (Toronto) President Stephen Sienko and SunTV Toronto GSM
Sindy Preger.
V/FILM: CTV News Anchor Lloyd Robertson is the first journalist to be honoured with a position
on Canada’s Walk of Fame. He joins Alberta rockers Nickelback, Actress Catherine O'Hara,
Toronto Maple Leafs Goaltender Johnny Bower, “Man in Motion” Rick Hansen, Actor Gordon
Pinsent and TV star Jill Hennessy for this year's inductions to the sidewalk slabs in Toronto's
entertainment district... The federal Competition Bureau has cleared CTVglobemedia's $1.4-billion
takeover of CHUM Ltd., saying that it doesn’t have grounds to challenge the deal... Planete, the Parisbased French-language documentary specialty channel, has been dropped by Bell ExpressVu, partly
because the BDU is making room for more HD services. And to do so requires bandwidth. Satellite has
limited space on each transponder so it’s a safe bet that HD channels will, over time, push low audience
standard-def channels out of the way. An HD channel needs at least four times the bandwidth of a
standard-def signal but both satellite and cable companies are facing a bandwidth crunch. Meanwhile,
Rogers Communications has invested in technology that allows the streaming of one HD signal to a
house on demand, rather than delivering dozens at a time. Rogers expects to begin that application
sometime next year... CHUM Television has announced that it will partner with Joost, the first global TV
distribution platform, to provide CHUM programming to an international audience. The deal will deliver
samplings of programming from MuchMusic, SPACE, FashionTelevision, and CityLine – through Joost’s
video platform that delivers video content on secure streaming technology... Telelatino Network (TLN)
says tlñ en español, the first Canadian-made all Hispanic channel, is now operational. The new channel,
says TLN, responds to the emerging needs of one of the country’s fastest growing third language
communities. In 2006, almost one-million Spanish speakers lived in Canada... The BBC has signed a deal
with YouTube that will allow it to show excerpts of the Beeb's news and entertainment programs. BBC will
offer branded channels on YouTube and, under the deal, YouTube will create channels called BBC
Worldwide that will show clips from hit BBC shows and BBC World to show news clips.
OOKING: CTV Saskatoon - Writer/Producer; Alliance Atlantis Toronto – Manager, Legal Services;
CTV Toronto – Research Manager, Digital Media; Production Manager, CTV Newsnet; CBC
Toronto – Manager, Business Rights and Content Management; Research Officer; and, Corus
Quebec Montreal – Directeur general des ventes.
TO DECEMBER OF 1998 . . .
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Volume 14, No. 39
Page One of Three
ENERAL: The CRTC will hold a public hearing in the fall to review
the diversity of voices in Canadian broadcasting. Exempt from any
new rules will be those transactions already announced – CanWest
MediaWorks and Alliance Atlantis Communications, Astral
Howard Christensen, Publisher
Media and Standard Radio, and CTVglobemedia and CHUM Limited.
Broadcast Dialogue
Commission Chairman Konrad vo Finckenstein, commenting on matters
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
related to diversity of voices, said: “Holding a public hearing in the fall will
(705) 484-0752
allow us to give these issues the thorough and in-depth study they deserve.
E-Mail, click HERE
This exercise will result in clearly articulated policy guidelines that will
Broadcast Dialogue Website
further the evolution of the Canadian broadcasting system from that point
forward.” In a separate matter, the CRTC has decided to withdraw any
review of its common ownership policy from the April 30 public hearing on the CTVglobemedia/CHUM
transaction... Peter Mansbridge will be the recipient of the 2007 President's Award from RTNDA Canada. The
award is presented annually to an individual with a record of distinguished service to the broadcast news
industry and who promotes excellence in broadcast journalism. It will be formally presented to the long-time
CBC News Anchor on June 22 at the 2007 RTNDA National Conference in Vancouver.
V/FILM: Viacom, the owner of MTV, has sued YouTube and parent, Google, for copyright infringement.
Viacom is looking for more
than $1 billion in damages on
claims that YouTube has
A Great Job… at a Great Station… in a Great City
shown nearly 160,000 unauthorized
Do you enjoy helping clients succeed?
video clips. Viacom is, as are other
Are you a creative writer with lots of experience in video production?
traditional broadcasters, at risk of
Will you enjoy working with a team of experienced professionals?
lost ad revenues. In Viacom’s case
Are you an organized and versatile communicator?
, because many of its programs
We’re now accepting applications for the position of Writer/Producer in the PGTV
(The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,
Creative Department.
The Colbert Report and South Park)
Reporting to the Television Program Director and stationed in our Prince George
are aimed at younger audiences
Broadcast Centre, you’ll be responsible for developing successful campaigns and
who also extensively use the
commercials for the retail clients of our stations, as well as handling other types of video
Internet. The legal action was begun
production. Our writers are expected to be strong team players, committed to working with
about six weeks after Viacom
account executives, videographers, editors, announcers and other station personnel to
effectively service our clients in a competitive retail environment.
demanded that YouTube remove
more than 100,000 unauthorized
Applicants should possess:
clips. YouTube agreed, but since
Excellent creative writing skills
Superior communications skills
then Viacom says it has identified
A broad general base of knowledge
more than 50,000 additional
Marketing and customer service skills
unauthorized clips...
Computer literacy, and the knowledge of current broadcast applications
Graduation from a recognized broadcast education facility
MediaWorks has signed on as the
Familiarity with digital video editing.
lead sponsor for this year's National
Advertising Awards (NAA),
Please forward your resume and supporting materials by Friday March 30, 2007 to:
succeeding the Globe & Mail in that
Dave Sherwood – Program Director, PGTV
spot. Winners will be announced
2nd Floor – 1810 3rd Avenue
May 2 in Toronto and will receive
Prince George, B.C. V2M 1G4
cash awards from CanWest to cover
Fax (250) 562-8768 – e-mail:
travel and registration expenses to
No telephone calls, please. We thank all who apply; however, only those being considered for the
attend the Cannes Advertising
position will be contacted. CKPG Television follows the principles of Employment Equity.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Page Two of Three
Festival in June... BNN - Business News Network succeeded Report on Business Television this past
Monday. The name change reflects a brand associated with the Globe and Mail. ROBTv borrowed its name
from the newspaper’s Report on Business brand when it first launched. BNN operates as a separate newsroom
under the CTV News Division... MuchMusic, in concert with Mastercard, sees the launch of a prepaid credit
card in Canada. The card comes with 10 free music downloads on sign-up and 15% discounts on purchases
from MuchMusic. Teens 16+ are targeted, but 13-15s can get their hands on one with permission from parents
or legal guardians... Astral Media Integrated Solutions, a new division of Astral Television Networks, has
been established to consolidate and expand operations in licensing, merchandising, online advertising and
promotional sponsorships for its English-language channels; The Movie Network; Viewers Choice; and,
Family Channel... The Writers Guild of Canada (WGC) celebrates outstanding TV, film and radio scripts April
23 at the 2007 Canadian Screenwriting Awards. To be held in Toronto, the guest Host is Gavin Crawford who
writes/acts for This Hour Has 22 Minutes. For information, 800-567-9974.
EVOLVING DOOR: Serge Bellerose has been appointed VP, New Media and Corporate Affairs at TQS
in Montreal. Most recently, he was Sr. VP of Specialty Channels and Commercial Development for TVA
Group... CKSQ Stettler Station Manager Gloria Evans leaves that post at month’s end... S-VOX
COO/GM Mark Prasuhn assumes programming responsibilities for the short term after Sr. VP, Programming
Chris Johnson retired. Johnson had been head of programming for VisionTV and its sister digital services,
One: the Body, Mind & Spirit Channel and The Christian Channel... Allen Knudtson, Technical Manager
at Global Calgary, is about to retire. Knudtson, with that TV station since 1973, leaves at month’s end.
IGN-OFF: Allen Farrell, 70, in Toronto after a heart attack. Farrell was among the originals who had a
huge hand in shaping the 1050 CHUM Toronto mythology from the early Top 50 days. Farrell, who
joined the station a year after its launch as its Creative Writer/Promotion Director, went on to become
the third Al – after founder Allan Waters and PD Allan Slaight. More recently, Allen Farrell wrote The
CHUM Story, a book about the broadcast icon’s early days.
ADIO: The only place you can get Fuel at 90.3 is Calgary! Newcap’s newest radio station, Fuel 90.3
(CFUL) Calgary launched Monday with an Adult Album Alternative format. Ops. Mgr./PD Murray
Brookshaw says with music from five decades, the station will be playing a broader variety of music
and artists than are now available in the market... “Across the street” at 101.5 Calgary, the new CHUM station,
PD Rob Mise has found a morning show. They are Freeway Frank and Meg Tucker – FREEWAY and MEG
in the morning. Both arrive from Toronto where Frank did evenings at Mix 99.9 and Tucker was the
Entertainment Correspondent on the CHUM-FM morning show. ND Melody Strano moved from CFRA
Ottawa. Not on air yet, expectations are for a station launch later this spring... Classical 96.3FM (CFMX-FM)
Toronto has moved national sales representation to imsradio... The Radio Marketing Bureau’s 2007 Crystal
Awards, held in Toronto last Friday, saw these winners:
Platinum: Sobey’s
Dory Advertising, St. John’s
Gold: Sobey’s
Dory Advertising, St. John’s
Silver: Bellissima
Dory Advertising, St. John’s
Bronze: Subaru Canada
DDB Canada, Toronto
Gold: Brant Florist
AM 740 Toronto
Silver: Double Decker Tavern
Standard Radio Manitoba
Bronze: Serious Coffee
OK Radio Group Victoria
Gold: Vancouver Aquarium
DDB Canada, Vancouver
Silver: Staples Business Depot
MacLaren McCann, Toronto
Bronze: “Spa Bêtes”
SVY&R, Montreal
Gold: Family Fitness
Rogers Radio Kitchener
Silver: Sound Obsessions A.v.u.
Border Rock/The Goat Lloydminster
Bronze: BC One Call
Rogers Radio Vancouver
Gold: The Beat 94.5
The Beat, Vancouver
Silver: CHOM-FM
Standard Radio Montreal
Bronze: Dave FM
Corus Entertainment Cambridge
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Page Three of Three
Gold: Quebec Coalition
Against Aids
Silver: Insurance Corporation of
British Columbia
Bronze: United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees
Markétel, Montréal
BBDO Canada, Toronto
Gold: Science Alberta
MacLaren McCann, Calgary
DDB Canada, Vancouver
Silver: 11th Hour Clothing
Bronze: IKEA Canada
Gold: Maple Leaf Foods Ltd.
Rogers Radio Kitchener
zig, Toronto
Target Marketing &
Communications Inc., St. John’s
Silver: Faveri’s Unpainted Furniture Rogers Broadcasting Calgary
Bronze: Firkin Pubs
MJM Productions, Hamilton
To listen to the winners’ spots, click In Toronto on the weekend, Canada’s hottest new music
stars were honoured at the 10th Annual Canadian Radio Music Awards. Winners in the nine categories
honouring emerging radio music stars as presented by the Canadian Association of Broadcasters are:
Best New Group or Solo Artist (Mainstream A/C) of the Year: Tomi Swick
Best New Group (Rock) of the Year: Neverending White Lights
Best New Solo Artist (Rock) of the Year: City and Colour
Best New Group or Solo Artist (Dance/Urban/Rhythmic) of the Year: George
Best New Group (CHR) of the Year: Mobile
Best Solo Artist (Hot A/C) of the Year: Tomi Swick
Best New Group (Hot A/C) of the Year: Mobile
Best New Solo Artist (CHR) of the Year: Rex Goudie
Fans' Choice Award: Daniel Powter
In previous years, the CRMAs introduced new talent such as Avril Lavigne, Sam Roberts, Arcade Fire and
Michael Bublé... Clear Channel Communications has delayed the buyout vote for a month amid increasing
indications that the proposed $26.7 billion deal with Thomas H. Lee Partners and Bain Capital Partners
won’t win the required two-thirds support from shareholders. The vote had been set for March 21. Officially,
CC says that the independent directors on its board determined that because so many shares have changed
owners it’s important that current shareholders be given an opportunity to review the offer... The Bone 89.1
Orillia, which had been operating as a full-service broadcast undertaking, is off the air. Seems that owner Nick
Montague came to terms with a federal regulatory requirement that over-the-air broadcasters must first be
licenced... The CRTC has issued calls for radio licences at Owen Sound and at Kelowna, both going out after
separate applications were filed for new services at the two centres. Those who are interested must ensure
that their formal application reaches the CRTC no later than June 4.
OOKING: Applied Electronics Edmonton - Senior Broadcast Sales Representative; CTV Toronto –
Director of Engineering, Dome Productions; Assignment Editor/Producer ETalk (contract); and, Senior
Story Editor, Sportscentre; Global Television Toronto – VTR Operator, Entertainment Tonight Canada;
Channel m Vancouver - Senior Editor; CBC Toronto – Senior Technical Analyst; Software Developer;
Business Analyst; and, National Account Manager; CH Red Deer – Assistant Director; CBC Calgary –
Regional Controller; CKWS-TV Kingston – Assignment Editor; Teletoon Toronto - Junior Producer and a
Writer/Producer, French Network; Rogers Radio Fort McMurray – Production Director; CKSQ Stettler –
Station Manager; CFPL/CFPL- FM/CFHK-FM/CKDK-FM London – Intermediate Broadcast Engineer; CFPL
FM London – Senior Account Manager; Y108/CHML Hamilton – Account Manager; and, The Fox Vancouver
– Account Manager.
UPPLYLINES: New Ross Video Regional Sales Manager for Eastern Canada is Denis Cyr. Based in
Montreal, Cyr was most recently Director of Sales for Sono Video Inc.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Volume 14, No. 40
Page One of Three
V/FILM: CanWest Mediaworks is calling for a judicial review into the
lack of federal prosecution of American media for breaching Canada's
strict prescription drug advertisement laws. In its application, CanWest
alleges the Minister of Health and the Attorney General have not
Howard Christensen, Publisher
down on the American ads being shown here via the Internet, print
Broadcast Dialogue
TV. The US and New Zealand are the only countries to
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
allow direct-to-consumer advertising. Canadian broadcasters, however, also
(705) 484-0752
want a piece of the action. In the States, the consumer ads - in all media E-Mail, click HERE
amount to more than $4-billion. Critics say such ads create an artificial need
Broadcast Dialogue Website
for expensive name-brand drugs which, along with hiking health-care costs,
could expose Canadians to undue risk from side effects. Back in December
of 2005, media outlets, advertisers and brand-name drug manufacturers launched a legal challenge over the
regulations. David Gollob, VP of the Canadian Newspaper Association, says “it's futile to put handcuffs on
information in an information society”... The Federal Communications Commission has been asked by an
Internet TV company to keep clear of any attempts to regulate video on the Internet. Network2 wants a
declaration from the American regulatory body that it, the FCC, has no authority over the Web. Jeff Pulver,
the honcho at Network2, argues that for a society valuing open expression, Internet video promises public
interest benefits that exceed all prior goals. Opposing that viewpoint is Jeff Chester, the Exec Director of the
American Center for Digital
Democracy. He argues, among
other things, that rules are needed
to protect news and public affairs
and that advertising safeguards will
be needed, including protecting
children... Here at home, Telus has
joined with Broadbandtv in an
attempt to beef up content on its
Internet-based Telus TV. Telus will
pick up movies and other
The Television Bureau of Canada is looking for a successor for Jim
programming from the BC-based
Patterson, who is retiring after 10 years at the helm of the company.
distributor, starting with The
Owned by its members, who represent the vast majority of Canadian
Hollywood Reporter. Telus launched
television stations and specialty services, TVB compiles an extensive
the IPTV outlet in late 2005, and
research library on the effectiveness of television compared to other media,
now reaches neighborhoods in
operates Telecaster to review commercials for adherence to industry and
Calgary, Edmonton and BC's Lower
government codes, and manages the Bessies. TVB works with their
Mainland... Peter Kent of Global
members, agencies and advertisers to sustain TV’s position as the mostTelevision, who ran in mid-town
used and most effective communications medium in Canada.
Toronto (St. Paul’s) in the last
The successful applicant will have had extensive experience with
federal election for the
broadcasters, agencies and/or advertisers, will be conversant with new
Conservatives, has been nominated
media technologies and be capable of running a successful business.
to run again – this time in the riding
of Thornhill (just north of Toronto).
Send your resume to or to:
Kent, winner of last year’s RTNDA
President’s Award and a member of
TVB Search Committee
the Canadian Broadcasting Hall of
Fame, was formally nominated this
160 Bloor St E - Suite 1005
past Sunday.
Toronto ON M4W 1B9
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Page Two of Three
ADIO: CHUM’s new Alberta station, 101.5FM (CKCE-FM) Calgary, launches today (Thursday) at a time
consistent with their frequency: 1:01 p.m. On-air testing the past week or so included a liner asking
Calgarians to check the station website and then give input on how they want the new station to sound...
The growth of satellite radio has stalled amongst Rock listeners. A Jacobs Media survey shows
subscribership hasn’t changed since a similar survey last year; that despite extensive satellite radio marketing
throughout 2006. About 12% of rockers subscribe to XM, Sirius, or both while men and 30-39 year-olds are
most likely to be satellite radio customers. Just 9% say they will likely buy XM or Sirius service this year but
that’s down from the 12% who said the same thing last year. “... growth for both XM and Sirius appears to have
greatly slowed,” said Jacobs Media President Fred Jacobs... Canadian Broadcast Sales says radio produced
a 6.8% increase in sales over the first two quarters of 2007, without the benefit of last year’s federal election
spending. With a 40.9% share, Adults 25-54 continues to outpace other demos, the next closest being Adults
18-49 at 15.5%... The deadline for the New York Festivals Radio Broadcast Awards is next Friday (March
30). Awards will be presented in New York June 28. Info at What began as a
joke on KX96 Oshawa’s morning show about two Ontario Hockey League competitors blossomed into an
international promotion for the city of Oshawa. Tuesday, you may have heard, was Stephen Colbert Day in
the Motor City. Over 2,000 people turned up at the GM
Centre to see the live entertainment, hear Don Cherry, watch
the Colbert Lookalike Contest, and hear from the man
himself, Stephen Colbert. While he wasn’t there in person, he
did appear on a big-screen. This terrific publicity thing,
initiated by KX96 Morning Show Co-Host Jerry Archer, can
be seen in a clip from the Colbert Report (on the Comedy
N e t w o r k )
b y
c l i c k i n g :
ENERAL: The Supreme Court of Canada has
upheld the Canada Elections Act which prohibits the
reporting of early federal election results before polls
close in the rest of Canada. The ban applies to all
media, including websites. Private broadcasters and the
CBC had intervened to explain the crucial role broadcasters
have in disseminating election information, and to
demonstrate the harm caused by the prohibition... This year's
Loyalist College (Belleville) Broadcast Journalism
graduating class will mark be the 25th since the program
began. To recognize the quarter-century mark, a reunion
celebration will be held Friday evening, June 8. Grads,
alumni, faculty, parents, spouses and kids are invited to the
Banquet Centre in Belleville. If you’re one of the more than
500 graduates of Loyalist’s Broadcast Journalism Program,
get in touch with Len Arminio at 613-969-1913 Ext.2115 or
e-mail him at: for details...
Business Weekly quotes a venture capitalist who says
there’s a ton of money out there for the person who comes
up with a way to create an Internet gathering place aimed at
local businesses and their surrounding neighbourhoods.
Private broadcasters can take some solace from this
because, if anyone actually does figure it out, broadcasting’s
mantra of “local, local, local” would be kaput...
EVOLVING DOOR: Ted Silver is the new PD at
Corus stations CHAY-FM/B101 (CIQB) Barrie. Silver,
who many will remember for his years in the Quebec
English radio market, moves from sister operation
Q92 (CFQR-FM) Montreal. Silver begins April 10 and
The legendary CHUM FM/Toronto has a rare
opportunity to be a part of the “Roger, Rick and
Marilyn” show.
Job Description: recruit and schedule guests for
show, screen callers during show, coordinate and
brainstorm ideas with show hosts and/or program
director, participate in show’s planning process
daily. We are also looking for a personality to add
some “flavor” to the show via creative ideas and
personal experiences that turn into show topics.
This person will also be a part of the daily
“entertainment reports.”
Please be a “pop culture” fanatic, and know the
city of Toronto well. Your ideas for the show must
be able to relate to a 29-40/female audience.
Please send resume and cover letter to:
David Corey at
No calls please!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Page Three of Three
succeeds former PD Darren Stevens... Mora Austin has been promoted to VP of Larche Communications,
owners of KICX 106 (CIKZ-FM) Waterloo-Kitchener and KICX 104 (CICZ-FM) Midland. Austin, for the past
five years, has been GM of the Midland station... At SUN TV (CKXT-TV) Toronto, Paul Schmidt is new
Manager of In-House Productions, a promotion from Senior Producer; Dave Roberts becomes a
Host/Producer, up from a Segment Producer; Candice Smith, a back-up Director, has been promoted to
Director; and, SUN TV’s Director of Technical Operations – Mike Nesbitt – moves to become the General
Manager of New Media at the Toronto Sun. No word of a successor at SUN TV for Nesbitt... Rob White,
Promotions Director at Standard Radio Hamilton, is no longer with the cluster... Julie Miville-Dechêne has
been appointed as CBC/Radio-Canada’s French Services Ombudsman for a five-year term. The Ombudsman
reports directly to the President and CEO, and through him, to the Board of Directors.
OOKING: The Television Bureau is in search mode for a new President to succeed Jim Patterson, who
retires this summer. See the ad on Page 1... CHUM-FM Toronto is looking for a Morning Show Producer.
See the ad on Page 2... Other jobs we’ve heard about include: SUN TV Toronto – Director of Technical
Operations; CHML Hamilton – News/Talk Morning Show Host; CKRV-FM Kamloops – Program
Director; CTV Toronto – Manager, Accounts Payable; Client Service Representative; Global Television
Vancouver – Research Analyst; CBC Toronto – Broadcast Technologist; Producer; Senior Network Analyst;
Interface Engineer-Programmer; CBC Moncton – Manager Human Resources; CBC Kelowna – Senior
Remote Area Transmitter Technologist; Rogers Sportsnet – Producer, Hockeycentral; Global Television
Saskatoon – Sales Co-ordinator; OMNI Television Toronto - Reporter - South Asian News; News 1130
Vancouver – Anchor/Reporter; News Anchor; Editor; Corus Radio Toronto – Interactive Account Manager;
Standard Radio Hamilton – Promotions Director; and,. CJOY Guelph – Newscaster.
UPPLYLINES: Skywords Traffic Network has launched a web-based traffic information service that
provides real-time traffic incident information along with alternate routing, time delays and live camera
locations for instant viewing of the incident... Also from Skywords is a partnership with Mark Philbin of
Starboard Communications (and PD/Morningman at CJOJ-FM Belleville) to syndicate a national back
to the 80s show.
Whatever your view, consolidation happens.
On the positive side, it:
* builds stronger Canadian companies, which can better contend for
expensive programming especially American,
* provides deeper pockets to spend on high-end Canadian
* provides benefits packages to advance Canadian programming,
* creates better ROI, thus encouraging investment,
* builds strong companies that can compete internationally and can
extend their ownership in other countries.
On the negative side, consolidation:
* lessens the number of news outlets that are independent of each
* results in layoffs as various jobs are consolidated,
* results in less diversity of opinions and programming being aired,
* results in fewer windows for Canadian productions and journalistic
opinion that is independent of each other (if you run afoul of one
program- or news director, you lose access to more services).
So what’s to be done?
Read Andrew Cardozo in the April
edition of Broadcast Dialogue . . . due
on your desk April 1.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Volume 14, No. 41
Page One of Three
V/FILM: Canada’s private, conventional TV revenues, expenditures
and profitability – from 2002 to 2006 – saw station revenues hold
steady, expenditures rise by 7.8%, which reduced profits before
interest and taxes (PBIT) from $242.2 million in 2005 to $91 million in
Howard Christensen, Publisher
The PBIT margin also decreased from 11.02% in 2005 to 4.14% in
Broadcast Dialogue
says the CRTC in its statistical and financial summaries release
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
for private conventional television. From 2005 to 2006, revenues from local
(705) 484-0752
advertising grew 3.4% to $375.4 million, while national sales stayed the
E-Mail, click HERE
same, at $1.5 billion. In 2006, conventional TV stations generated $2.2
Broadcast Dialogue Website
billion in revenue. Expenses were up, from $1.9 billion in 2005 to $2 billion
in 2006, mainly due to a 10% increase in total expenditures on Canadian
and foreign programming. Spending on foreign programming increased 12.2% in one year, climbing from
$613.2 million in 2005 to $688.3 million in 2006. Canadian programming expenditures saw an increase of
6.3%, from $587 million in 2005 to $623.7 million in 2006. Of this, $144.7 million went to independent
producers for Canadian programming, an increase from the $138.5 million in 2005. In 2006, the private
conventional TV industry employed 8,197 people and paid a total of $593.6 million in salaries... CBC says it’s
pleased that the Feds have confirmed additional funding of $60 million for Canadian programming for each of
the next two years. A news release says the funding had, up until now, been received on a one-time yearly
basis. CBC/Radio-Canada describes the new two-year plan as *encouraging”... Alliance Atlantis and
CanWest Global Communications say they expect to conclude the acquisition of all AA outstanding shares
for $53.00 cash per share by July or early August... CBC
Television has signed the richest deal in the history of
Hockey Night in Canada to renew its partnership with the
league for another six years. There’s no official price tag but
some estimates put the fee at nearly $100-million a season,
$40 million higher than six years ago. The NHL says the rights
for digital content made the difference. Six years ago, they
were a “throw-in”, says NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman.
This time they weren’t... There wasn’t much hoopla here in
Canada about last week’s Apple TV launch, which allows
users to buy and store TV shows and movies from iTunes and
beam them wirelessly to their TV sets. Why? Because
Canadians can’t buy video content from iTunes. And neither
will they be able to buy from the new NBC Universal/News
Corp. website when it launches in a couple of months.
Canadian broadcasters that own the rights to American shows
want ad participation, something they’re not likely to get
because American broadcasters don’t want to deal rights
away to other countries. And that means geo-blocking
(blocking content on the web based on IP addresses) aimed
at Canadians... Meantime, YouTube’s threat to the TV
industry pushed NBC and Fox into what – not so long ago –
would have been an unheard-of Internet alliance; competitors
joining forces to beat back the Internet interloper. In only two
short years, YouTube’s video-posting site has risen to the top
of the online heap. Also on board with NBC and Fox are MSN,
AOL and Yahoo as distribution portals... ABC's World News
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Page Two of Three
Tonight with Charles Gibson will gain extra minutes of news time because of single-sponsor deals scheduled
for Mondays in April. The arrangement is said to represent an additional five minutes of news content to each
broadcast... It’s just short of two years before the Americans pull the plug on analog TV. Analog gets turned
off Feb. 17, 2009 and US politicians are uneasy with assurances that owners of analog sets and roof-top
antennas or rabbit ears won't be left in the dark. When the move to digital happens, millions of analog
households will need to have purchased and installed digital converter boxes costing a minimum of $60 each.
Consumers for the most part don’t have a clue that they’ll need to buy and install one. Congress has set aside
$1.5-billion to subsidize converter box purchases. Every household, regardless of whether it needs a box, will
be eligible to receive two coupons, each worth $40, that can be used to buy two converter boxes.
ADIO: The radio station (CFYZ) serving travellers at Toronto’s Pearson International Airport with
carrier and terminal information is getting a programming makeover. 1280AM CFBN Toronto is about
to adopt a business news/talk format. Newsroom Productions Inc., contracted by the Greater Toronto
Airports Authority, will get the new format underway April 9. Newsroom Productions is a division of
Toronto-based CBN (Canada's Business Network), the syndication company that produces "The Fred
Ketchen Report" and "Weekends with Sheila Copps"... CFUN Vancouver was knocked off the air after thieves
raided the transmitter site, stealing copper and other metal. PD Stu Ferguson says the bad guys also cut
some lines and stole a generator. The backup system didn't work, he says, because of the damage to the
transmitter. CFUN was off-air for over six hours... Late word suggests that AM730 (CHMJ) Vancouver -- a
Corus station – may also be the victim of copper thieves... FREE-FM (CFRI-FM) Grande Prairie officially
launches tomorrow (Friday) from its temporary studio in a travel trailer. The Vista station is awaiting completion
of permanent facilities. FREE-FM’s format is Classic Rock, Newer Rock and Country Rock. Yesterday
(Wednesday), the station – still in testing – went to air with a live morning show. Pete Montana is PD/morning
Host. Vista Group’s Paul Mann says it took just 91 days from confirmation of licence to on-air testing which
may, he says, be a speed record... CKPT Peterborough, which also owns CKQM-FM Peterborough, has won
CRTC approval for a flip to FM. The CHUM-owned AM station will move to 99.3 at power of 5,700 watts and
continue its Soft Oldies format. Corus Radio, one of the intervenors, expressing concern for the viability of its
CKRU Peterborough – the only AM station left in the market. Corus is of the view that if the Commission
approved CHUM’s application it would only be fair for it to grant the same approval to CKRU without issuing
a call... Shares of XM Satellite Radio and Sirius Satellite Radio have taken a hit. Wall Street appears to be
betting that their merger plans won’t
get approved. Shares of both are
trading lower than they were before
they announced their marriage
intentions, and one New York analyst
is quoted as saying that skepticism is
running so high that fewer than 30%
give it any kind of chance of winning
FCC approval, nevermind the Justice
Department’s looksee to ensure that
antitrust laws haven’t been violated.
On the other side of the coin, another
analyst says it makes sense to
approve the deal. He says that it’s a
different era from the day when both
Sirius and XM were licenced, that
there are now a wider array of audio
choices for consumers. Plus, say
other observers, since neither
company is profitable, that could
bolster their argument that a merger
would be in the best interests of
consumers... A group of music
publishers has filed a lawsuit against
the XM Satellite Radio alleging
infringement on copyrights through
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Page Three of Three
XM radios that allow consumers to record songs. The suit, filed in New York by the National Music
Publishers' Association (NMPA), alleges that giving people the ability to make digital copies of songs means
that XM is operating an "unauthorized digital download service" to compete with Apple's iPod... Standard
Radio Hamilton has raised over $260,000 during its three-day radiothon in support of McMaster Children’s
Hospital. K-Lite FM (CKLH-FM)/Oldies 1150 (CKOC)/820 CHAM Hamilton joined forces with Foresters and
the Children’s Miracle Network to broadcast the fourth annual Radiothon.
ENERAL: CBC President/CEO Robert Rabinovitch has called on the federal government to come up
with a long-term strategy for the Corporation, including how it would be funded. He said such a strategy
should be enshrined in a formal contract, as is the case in Ireland, South Africa and Hong Kong.
Speaking before the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage, he said that a concrete contract is
needed given the widening gap between the CBC’s funding and what’s expected of it. While demand for both
the quality and diversity of product has skyrocketed, he said, CBC hasn’t received a permanent increase in
public funding the past 33 years... RTNDA International has honoured 15 Canadian radio and TV stations with
26 regional Edward R. Murrow Awards. Global (CHAN) BC won four while other large market TV winners were
Citytv (CITY) Toronto and CTV (CIVT) Vancouver with two each, CTV (CFTO) Toronto and Global (CIII)
Ontario, each with one. Small market TV winners are A-Channel (CIVI) Vancouver Island with two, CTV
(CJCH) Atlantic with a pair, A-Channel (CKVR) Barrie, CH Vancouver (CHEK) Island and CFJC-TV
Kamloops with one each. In the large market radio category, 680News (CFTR) Toronto led with three,
Newstalk 1010 CFRB Toronto won two, and CHUM/CHUM-FM Toronto won one. Small market radio winners
are: 570News (CKGL) Kitchener with two and VOCM St. John's with one. These awards will be presented
at the RTNDA Canada national conference in Vancouver June 23.
EVOLVING DOOR: PD at Harvard Broadcasting’s new MIX 103.7 Fort McMurray is Craig Picton,
now at a local college. Before that, he’d been a PD with OK Radio’s former Fort McMurray property...
New PD at SUN FM (CJSU) Duncan, beginning in May, is “Gentleman” Jim Jackson. Jackson’s
recent career activities saw him as a Programming Consultant the past nine years while maintaining
responsibilities as the signature voice at six stations western stations. Prior to this, he held a number of roles
at stations across Canada, most notably 630 CHED Edmonton, CKLW Windsor/Detroit, CKY Winnipeg and
CKXL Calgary... New Station Manager/RSM at Q14 (CKSQ) Stettler is Vicki Leuck, promoted from Retail
Sales Rep at The Fox(CIXF-FM)/Q13 (CIBQ) Brooks. She succeeds Gloria Evans May 1.
OOKING: Q13 (CIBQ) Brooks - Morning Host; CTV (CFQC) Saskatoon - Creative Services Writer/Producer; Alliance Atlantis Toronto – Production Manager, Creative Services and a Production
Executive; Global Television Toronto – Reporter, a Supervising Producer (ET Canada) and a VTR
Operator; CHAN-TV Vancouver – Producer, Global National News; CBC Toronto – Manager of Post
Production and Graphic Design, a Senior Web Designer, a Creative Head for Interactive Content, a Director
of Network Programming and a Post Production Supervisor; CBC Vancouver - Meteorologist/On-air Host; TLN
Toronto - Broadcast Technician; CJOB/POWER 97 Winnipeg – Broadcast/IT Engineer; Rock 101 Vancouver
– APD; The Hawk Woodstock/London – MD/Afternoon Drive Host; Standard Radio Terrace – Creative
Writer; and, JACK FM Calgary – MD.
UPPLYLINES: Ross Video has appointed Brad Fisher as its new Regional Sales Manager - Western
Canada and Northwest United States Region. He had been a Broadcast Sales Rep for Professional
Video and Tape.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Volume 14, No. 42
Page One of Three
ADIO: Standard Radio Toronto raised $3.7 million, an
unprecedented amount, for Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children.
Newstalk 1010 CFRB, 97.3 EZ Rock (CJEZ) and 99.9 MIX FM
(CKFM) broadcast the 21st annual Sick Kids Radiothon March 28Howard Christensen, Publisher
Hospital’s atrium. More than 120 families, patients and staff
Broadcast Dialogue
stories over those three days through 112 live broadcast hours.
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
Again this year, Foresters, the life insurance organization, underwrote the
(705) 484-0752
costs of every Children's Miracle Network Radiothon across North America.
E-Mail, click HERE
With Foresters’ support, every dollar raised by Standard Radio Toronto
Broadcast Dialogue Website
went directly to the hospital... Again this year, Q104 (CFRQ-FM) Halifax
put itself up for sale beginning Friday afternoon, selling off the Q one song
at a time – and did so all weekend long. At the end, $16,681 had been raised for the Q104 Children’s Trust
Fund. The 50-hour marathon of listener requests cost listeners $25 cash for each song, with a six-pack of tunes
going for $104... CKVN-FM Lethbridge, a Golden West Broadcasting station, launched Tuesday at 98.1.
The new station’s format is Contemporary Christian. Station Manager is Keith Leask... Corus Entertainment,
after boosting its annual dividend on second-quarter profit of $19.5 million, is setting its sights on radio in
Quebec – aiming to compete with Astral Media and Cogeco. CEO John Cassaday says Corus is creating
a regional network in Quebec that will take advantage of the recently-completed centralization of operations
in Montreal where six radio stations now operate in one location. This Montreal news/talk hub will have
tentacles to Quebec City, Gatineau, Sherbrooke, Trois-Rivieres and Saguenay thus allowing Corus to access
more regional dollars. On Tuesday, Corus announced a 16% dividend increase after beating analysts
estimates to post earnings of 46 cents for the quarter ended Feb. 28, compared with a year-ago loss of $1.54
per share or $65.7 million... CKAC Montreal, originally launched Oct. 2, 1922, was re-launched on Monday
(April 2). CKAC, owned by Corus, moved from News/Talk to CKAC Sports 730 AM... The deal that would see
Astral Media’s purchase of Standard Radio is expected shortly, possibly before the release of Astral's
second-quarter earnings next Thursday. Astral signed a letter of
intent to buy Standard for $1.1 billion back in February... Rock
radio consultants Jacobs Media, in a new web poll, has found
that iPod/personal mp3 player growth continues unabated. But
iPod owners want an FM radio in their next Nano or Shuffle. The
study was conducted in late February through early March, and
consisted of more than 25,000 respondents from over 69 Rockformatted US stations. The study, among many other questions,
asked about the most important new feature that consumers
desire in their next personal mp3 player. Respondents (33%)
said they wanted an FM tuner, outpacing their desire for
increased capacity, a larger screen, and video playback.
Meantime, says company President Fred Jacobs, “iPods are
showing no signs of stopping.” The study asked those who still
don't own an iPod or mp3 if they intend to buy this year. Nearly
half (45%) said they’re likely to do so... XM Canada and Rogers
Communications have a deal that will see XM Canada content
distributed through Rogers' wireless, cable and Internet
products. Rogers is offering wireless customers up to 25
channels of XM music, comedy, sports, entertainment and talk
programming... Analysis by The Carmel Group – done on
behalf of the National Association of Broadcasters – says an
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Page Two of Three
XM-Sirius merger would result in less service, less affordability, less diversity and less choice in content and
hardware, words that go to the extreme opposite of what Sirius CEO Mel Karmazin has told American
legislators in Washington. The Carmel Group’s position, by the way, shouldn’t come as a surprise. It was that
organization that helped convince the FCC to turn thumbs down on a merger of TV satellite companies
DirecTV and EchoStar a few years ago... CKEY FM Fort Erie, which had been ID’ed as Wild 101, is now The
new Z101. Format is Today’s Hit Music, a move from CHR/Mainstream Top 40. While licenced for Fort Erie,
the station is based at Niagara Falls... Radio-Canada, the French-language arm of CBC, has apologized to
Quebec Premier Jean Charest for declaring him defeated as the provincial MNA in his Sherbrooke riding on
the night of the recent provincial election. In a letter to Charest, VP of French Services Sylvain Lafrance said
Radio-Canada’s credibility was tainted by the broadcast. Charest, of course, was re-elected – by about 1,300
votes... California prosecutors in Sacramento say they won’t file criminal charges in the death of a 28-year-old
woman who took part in KDND-FM’s water-drinking contest. Station staff behaviour, says the DA, didn’t rise
to the level of criminal activity, that there were no signs that Jennifer Strange was experiencing a serious
medical emergency. The coroner's office ruled that Strange died of water intoxication on Jan. 12. Her family
has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against KDND, which fired 10 employees as a result of the death.
V/FILM: The Canadian Television Fund says it will spend $265 million on production of Canadian
programming over the next 12 months, a slight increase in its annual budget. CTF says $167.7 million
will go to English-language programming and $74.5 million to French-language programming in Quebec.
The rest goes to specialty areas such as aboriginal programming and French production outside Quebec.
Meantime, a review of the CTF by a panel from the CRTC takes place behind closed doors this month...
Google plans to see if its auction-based ad buying system on the Web – that has made it billions – can work
as well for TV. Google has partnered with Echostar to broker ads for the satellite provider that will, it says,
bring online measurability and accountability to TV ads for the first time. Under Google TV Ads, the advertiser
pays Google and Google shares the revenue with the operator. The advertiser pays only for impressions
delivered. Google declined to specify when the trial would start... Nelvana Enterprises, a division of Corus
Entertainment, says it will team with children media companies Sparrowhawk Media and DIC Entertainment
to launch KidsCo, a multi-platform global TV channel for children and families. It will begin rolling out this fall
in Central and Eastern Europe and, in 2008/09, with premieres in about 40 territories across Europe, Latin
America and Asia Pacific... NBC Universal plans to launch 20 TV channels across Europe, Asia and Latin
America in a drive to more than double broadcasting revenue over the next couple of years outside of its US
base. The move follows a recent pledge from NBC Universal CEO Jeff Zucker to make global expansion a
top priority along with new programming and digital initiatives... Web TV will find it difficult to challenge the
economics of mass broadcasting, argues a report from Convergence Consulting Group Ltd. Right now,
claims the report, the cost for watching conventional TV is about 20-cents an hour (including subscription to
cable or satellite or telco). On the other hand, a hit show drawing 20-million viewers and generating roughly
$10-million (US) in ad revenues per episode would need to be priced at $1 each for 10-million Web viewers,
or $2 for five-million viewers. The big audiences may prefer conventional TV, thus eliminating the profit motive
for networks and producers. It’s hard to make streaming and downloads as cheap for the broadcast viewer.
And that’s the rub: the struggle to pull dollars from the Web is contributing to the slow development of online
streaming and downloads. Convergence Consulting President Brahm Eiley says the number of people
downloading or streaming shows from official US network sites are at about five per cent of their broadcast
audience. Until the Americans find the right model, networks and producers will likely hold off on opening-up
Web deals with Canada. For the time being, says Eiley, “... TV isn't going away"... The Canadian Broadcast
Standards Council says program segments about virtual sex had dialogue too explicit for daytime TV. A
repeat episode of MTV Canada’s magazine/talk program MTV Live, says CBSC, went over the line because
while some segments featured only vague or mild references to sex, others provided more detailed
descriptions of sexual activity. The decision may be found by clicking CTV will join
broadcasters from around the world on July 1 in telecasting a concert celebrating the life of Diana, Princess
of Wales. The day-long concert will originate at London's Wembley Stadium on Canada Day, the date that
would also have been the late princess' 46th birthday. Organized by Prince William and Prince Harry,
Concert for Diana will feature a mix of their mother's and their own favourite artists, including Sir Elton John,
Joss Stone, Pharrell Williams, Bryan Ferry, Duran Duran and The English National Ballet... APTN
Camera Editor/Operator Luke Smith has been named by the Canadian Society of Cinematographers as
the 2007 recipient of the Stan Clinton Award for News Essay and Cinematography. Smith, who is a Métis and
is based at the APTN Whitehorse Bureau, received the award during a ceremony in Toronto... While the
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Page Three of Three
average American home now receives 104.2 TV channels, a new report from NielsenMedia concludes that
just 15.7 of them are being watched for at least 10 minutes a week... A-Channel (CKVR-TV) Barrie is having
an Open House April 18 to celebrate (former) GM Doug Garraway’s retirement. The Open House goes
between 7:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. at A-Channel, 33 Beacon Road in Barrie. Questions may be directed to
Jackie Rohner at 705/734-3300.
ENERAL: A new study shows that 82% of the 40+ American demo is more interested in online research
or news/information than they are in watching videos, writing blogs, playing games or downloading
music. The study, by ThirdAge Inc. and JWT BOOM, found that over 72% of ThirdAgers (baby
boomers and mid-lifers generally in their early 40s through mid 60s) access the Internet from
Broadband in their homes – significantly more than the US national average across all age groups... CBC
Television has agreed to an Ontario government request to close a smoking lounge at its Toronto
headquarters. The province, however, is upset that the public broadcaster will still allow smoking in the room
until September. Federally regulated buildings are exempt from Ontario's province-wide smoking ban... The
Western Association of Broadcasters has extended its Call for Nominations to the end of April as they seek
input on those deserving of WAB Gold Medal Awards (outstanding contribution in community service – both
radio & TV), the WAB Broadcaster of the Year Award and the WAB Honourary Life Membership Award. Send
nominations before April 30 to Awards Committee Chair Lyndon Friesen at
or call him for details (204 326 3737).
EVOLVING DOOR: Mix 97 (CIGL)/CJBQ Belleville and Lite 107 (CJTN) Trenton President/GM Bill
Morton has become CEO of Quinte Broadcasting in Belleville, succeeding his father, Myles Morton.
Quinte Broadcasting has been serving that region since 1946, and Bill Morton is the fourth generation
Morton to lead the company as CEO... John Roberts and Kiran Chetry have been named the Anchors
at CNN’s American Morning, succeeding Soledad O'Brien and Miles O'Brien. Roberts, the former
CHUM/Citytv/CTV DJ/TV Reporter, is a former CBS Anchor/Correspondent while Chetry recently jumped to
CNN from Fox News.
IGN-OFF: Tom Moore, 88, near his home in Palm Springs. Moore was President of the ABC Television
Network in the 1960s. Later, he won several Emmys for shows produced through his own company.
OOKING: A-Channel Victoria – Reporter/Anchor at Nanaimo; Alliance Atlantis Toronto – Senior
Financial Analyst; CTV Toronto – Senior Systems Administrator, UNIX and a Sportscentre Story Editor;
Global Television Toronto - Photo Journalist; CBC Toronto – Manager of Post Production and Graphic
Design and a Director, Network Programming (Creative); TVOntario Toronto – Promo Producer/Director;
Corus Entertainment Toronto – a Network Engineer,
a Supervisor Technical Development and a Systems
Administrator; Rogers Radio Sudbury – Senior
Account Manager; Rogers Radio Vancouver –
Account Manager; Teletoon Toronto – Manager,
Teletoon Interactive; and, Astral Media Montreal –
Directeur Communications Corporatives.
UPPLYLINES: Novanet MSC and Novanet
have begun streamlining their corporate
identities, re-branding the two under the ATX
banner. Both are now a division of ATX
Systems Limited... The Weather Network’s launch
of Mobile Weather on Rogers Wireless cell phones is
due in large part to the Anystream software engine,
which is behind the creation of the clip videos for
Mobile Weather. Toronto-based Broadcast Systems
& Equipment (BSE) is the Canadian rep.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Volume 14, No. 43
Page One of Five
V/FILM: Rogers Broadcasting is putting out $137.5 million to pick up
the A-Channel stations from CTVglobemedia, along with a few
others. Rogers gets the former CHUM A-Channel properties at Barrie
(CKVR), London (CFPL), Wingham (CKNX), Windsor (CHWI),
Howard Christensen, Publisher
(CHRO) and Victoria (CIVI) plus CKX-TV Brandon, ACCESS
Broadcast Dialogue
Alberta, Canadian Learning Television and SexTV: The Channel. The
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
CRTC begins hearings April 30 on the CHUM/CTVglobemedia deal...
(705) 484-0752
Alliance Atlantis (AA) shareholders, 99.7% of Class A and 99.9% of Class
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Broadcast Dialogue Website
B shareholders, approved the $2.3 billion takeover bid from CanWest
Global Communications and investment bank Goldman Sachs (of New
York). Stockholders laughed when AA Executive Chairman Michael
MacMillan quipped, “That was a squeaker!” AA and CanWest say the takeover remains on track despite a veto
bid by Movie Distribution Income Fund (MDIF), which says it is going to court to seek a veto. MDIF, 51%
owned by AA, wants the court to rule that any deal cannot be completed without its consent... Toronto’s
Humber College Film and Television Production program will commemorate its 40th year May 10 in the film
studios at the North Campus, 205 Humber College Blvd. The film and TV production program was launched
in September of 1968 as the creative photography and cinematography program. For information, contact
Fiona Hirst at 416 832-9457...
ADIO: The BBM Canada
numbers for S1, released
Tuesday morning, are
reproduced on the back
pages... There is mounting
speculation that US webcasters
might be thinking of setting up shop
in Canada to evade retroactive and
substantial fee hikes mandated by
the US Copyright Royalty Board
for streaming music online. AOL, for
example, which averages more than
200,000 listeners per hour, would
have to pay millions of dollars each
year in royalty fees while smaller
webcasters, such as Radio
Paradise, may find themselves
liable for royalties that exceed their
total revenues. At least one
American outfit – Mercora – is
already here. Their Canadian site
falls outside US regulatory and
royalty rules. But it won’t be long
before Canadian webcasters find
themselves under the copyright gun.
The Copyright Board of Canada
begins hearings in a few days on a
tariff proposed by SOCAN to cover
Based in Toronto, CNW Group has an exciting opportunity for a proven
sales professional responsible for direct selling of our Multimedia services,
including video and/or audio production and distribution, Webcasting,
Podcasting, stills and more. This individual would work in conjunction with
a generalist sales force across Canada, as well as on their own, to influence
buying decisions of existing clients and new business development. CNW's
Multi-Media division offers a variety of tools to assist the communications
professional. The focus of this position includes being our in-house expert
on selling audio clips, PSAs, video (corporate, training, b-rolls) production
and distribution, satellite media tours, staging, multimedia news releases,
webinars, webcasts and photo services.
• Two to four years of audio visual industry or related experience
• Two to four years experience either managing, producing and/or selling
industry related accounts
• 5 years of full sales cycle experience
• Must have B2B sales experience in related industry or competitive industry
• Proven success in prospecting and developing a territory
Interested parties should forward their resume and an accompanying letter
with salary expectations to the attention of Human Resources, or fax 416-863-4829.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Page Two of Five
the performance of music online. SOCAN has asked the Copyright Board to grant a tariff that features a
minimum monthly fee of $200 and establishes a royalty rate that runs as high as 16.7% of gross revenues (or
gross operating expenses if those are higher) for on-demand streaming. The webcast rates vary from 3% to
9% of gross revenues, depending on the type of webcaster. Several groups are challenging the SOCAN tariff
request and a final decision from the Copyright Board isn’t expected for months. Two other potential licences
are proposed; by the Canadian Musical Reproduction Rights Agency (CMRRA) and the Audio-Visual
Licensing Agency (AVLA). Bottom line: Webcasting in Canada isn’t a “gimme”. It, too, could get expensive...
Listener-supported LIFE 100.3 (CJLF-FM) Barrie raised $361,097 through its annual "Sharathon" fundraiser.
Station Manager Scott Jackson says listener donations went beyond the financial goal that had been targeted.
A local business owner offered a $10,000 match in fund-raising efforts on the first day of the three-day
Sharathon (which was easily met)... A joint teleconference of the Canadian Association of Broadcasters’
Small Market Advisory Council (SMAC) and the Independant Radio Caucus takes place this afternoon
(Thursday) beginning at 2:00 ET. CAB members operating in small markets are encouraged to take part. Joint
Chairs are Dwaine Dietrich of The Jim Pattison Broadcast Group and Paul Larche of Larche
Communications. Interested CAB members should confirm their attendance to Marye Ménard-Bos at Canadian Traffic Network, owned by Delaware-based Global Traffic Network (GTN),
says it will buy Toronto-based Wise Broadcasting Network. GTN operates seven traffic reporting networks
in Canada and the largest traffic and news network in Australia. Wise Broadcasting provides traffic information
to 40 radio stations in Canada, as well as weather, sports, and business news updates. Bart Murphy, CEO
of Wise, says he’s planning to stay with the company... 103-9 PROUD FM (CIRR-FM) Toronto launches
Monday, April 16. President is Carmela Laurignano and PD/Ops Mgr is Rob Basile. The new station is billed
as “The world's first commercial radio station to cater exclusively to the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and
transgendered community.” Music includes hits as well as anthems from the 70s, 80s and 90s... Q99 FM
(CIKT-FM) Grande Prairie launched on Monday, positioned as offering “Quality Music – True Variety.”
President/GM is Ken Truhn and Dave Sawchuk is PD... While Don Imus, the US icon who’s best known for
his syndicated WFAN New York morning radio show, Imus in the Morning, may have apologized for a racist
comment made last week, he’s still in deep do-do with critics who want him off the air. While on a rant about
the Rutgers University women's basketball team, Imus called them "nappy headed hos." The Rev. Al
Sharpton called for his resignation last week as did Bryan Monroe, President of the National Association
of Black Journalists. Imus appeared on Sharpton’s radio show on Monday to again apologize but Sharpton
called for Imus to be fired, asserting that the comment was racist and abominable. NBC is suspending Imus
from its MSNBC-TV lineup for two weeks... CKOC Hamilton will celebrate its 85th anniversary at the city’s
Copps Coliseum May 19. Birthday Bash with Bowzer's Doo
Wop Party will include dancing the night away, prizes and
seeing the station’s “2007 Classic Car”.
EVOLVING DOOR: A former CRTC Chair, Françoise
Bertrand, has been named as Canada’s Member to
the Board of Directors of TV5 Quebec Canada. It is
the first French-language international TV network, and is
managed by two operators: TV5 in Montreal and
TV5MONDE in Paris... Marty Cej, who’d been doing double
duty as both a morning co-Host at BNN (Business News
Network), the former ROBTv, and as the Globe & Mail’s
Investment Editor, has made the full-time move to BNN as its
Managing Editor. The appointment is effective April 30...
New Managing Editor, News at Global Calgary is David
Moretta. Moretta’s time with the company goes back to 1989
when he began at Global Vancouver. He was bumped up
into the job from his position as News Writer/Producer... Bill
Kelly launched his new mid-morning show on CHML
Hamilton Tuesday. Kelly had been Host of a daily political
talk at CHTV (CHCH-TV) Hamilton for five years, was with
CHML between 1988 and 1997, and was a stadium
announcer for the Hamilton Tiger-Cats for 13 seasons...
Matthew Bradford of Newcap Radio Red Deer has been
Thursday, April 12, 2007
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promoted to Assistant Creative Director for CKGY/ ZED-99 and the Alberta Radio Group South. A Bradford
spot was a finalist at the 2007 RMB Crystal Awards... CKER-FM Edmonton Retail SM Margaret Charest
has resigned. GSM Mike Bowman takes over her responsibilities... At POWER 97 (CJKR-FM) Winnipeg, Jay
Richardson and Dave Lewis will become the new PM Drive duo. Lewis had been Morning Host at Freq 107
(CFEQ-FM) Winnipeg while Richardson has been POWER 97's Imaging Director since 2001.
IGN-OFFS: Harry Rasky, 78, in Toronto of an apparent blood clot. It was Rasky who reported the first
CBC-TV news story in 1952. He co-founded the CBC news documentary department and worked there
as a Reporter/Producer in the 1950s and '60s. Rasky was honoured with over 200 international prizes
and citations for his features and TV movies, including the Venice Film Award, the Golden Eagle,
several Peabody awards and Emmys... William (Bill) Ford, 54, in Saskatoon of liver and kidney failure. Ford
had been an ENG Cam Op and Assistant Studio Director at CFQC-TV (CTV Saskatoon) since 1975... Stefan
Ellis, the Founder and President of Burli Software Inc., in Vancouver. He had been sick for some time but
had kept his illness private. Burli Software says it will continue to develop, sell and support their newsroom
computer systems... Denis Faucon, 45, at Ucluelet, BC, where his body was found floating in the Pacific. A
freelance TV Cameraman, Faucon – who lived in Canmore – had earned his “stripes” at such stops in his
career as CKCO-TV Kitchener, CFCF-TV Montreal, Global Toronto, and then moving on to freelancing for
such events as the Olympic and Pan Am Games and shooting for CBC's Hockey Night in Canada and
Rogers Sportsnet...
ENERAL: Moses Znaimer, the Founder of Citytv Toronto and MuchMusic, has won the Jane Jacobs
Lifetime Achievement Award. This annual award is given to an "individual who has made an
extraordinary contribution to the public realm over many years." Znaimer will receive his prize June 14
at a Toronto banquet where the institute will also recognize CBC Radio One morning Host Andy Barrie
and others for "urban leadership"...
UPPLYLINES: Fred Fox, the GM of Sony of Canada’s Systems Integration Group, will retire May 31.
Fox, who has been with Sony for 10 years, spent 30 years at CBC Engineering before that, his last post
with the Corporation as Director of Engineering for the Toronto Broadcast Centre project (responsible
for the design and implementation of the TV and radio technical facilities). His successor will be Tony
Louis, the present Manager, Systems Integration...
Toronto-based Broadview Software has brought its global
broadcast system to Los Angeles. LATV, the American
bilingual music/entertainment network distributed via digital
multicast, uses the system to manage its programming and
traffic software needs...
OOKING: CNW Group, based in Toronto, is looking
for an experienced Sales Professional. See the
details in the ad on Page 1... Other jobs we’ve heard
about this week include: CTV Vancouver – Senior
Promotions Producer; CTV Toronto – Writer-CTV News;
Reporter/Writer; and an Engineering Technician; Global
Regina – Promotions Producer/Co-ordinator and a General
Operator; Channel 12 Durham/Oshawa – Account
Executive; APTN Ottawa – Manager of Research and a
Promotions Producer; CBC Sydney – Reporter/Editor; CBC
Montreal – Technology Manager (New Media, French
Services); CBC Thunder Bay – Senior Remote Area
Transmitter Technologist; Classic Rock 101 Vancouver –
Retail Sales Manager; News1130 (CKWX) Vancouver –
News Anchor; and, CKCL Vancouver – Promotions
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Page Four of Five
HE NUMBERS: From east to west, Canada’s large markets – as measured in BBM Canada’s S1 2001
survey (Jan 8-March 4) – scored as follows (12+). For comparable results in S2 2006 and S1 2006, click
Halifax Ctrl
Ctrl Reach
FC Reach
Hamilton Ctrl
London Ctrl
Montreal Anglo Ctrl
Ctrl Reach
Toronto Ctrl
Winnipeg Ctrl
FC Reach
10.4 1
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Calgary Ctr
Ctrl Reach
FC Reach
Vancouver Ctrl
Edmonton Ctrl
Page Five of Five
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Volume 14, No. 44
Page One of Three
RADIO: Gary Slaight will not be a part of day-to-day, hands-on
management after Astral Media swallows Standard Broadcasting,
expected to happen early next year. Purchase price revealed late last week
is $1.08 billion, of which $800 million is cash and the remainder is in nonHoward Christensen, Publisher
voting shares. Instead, Slaight will become an Astral Media Board member
Broadcast Dialogue
while also moving toward more Internet-related business activities.
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
Standard Broadcasting retains its share of the CBC/Standard partnership
(705) 484-0752
Sirius Canada, holds on to minority positions in Haliburton
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Broadcasting, in Newcap Alberta stations and in its interest in FLOW 95.3
Broadcast Dialogue Website
(CFXJ-FM) Toronto. It also wholly owns and will retain Iceberg Media, a
sampling business and minority interests in several Internet businesses.
After the deal leaps the regulatory hurdles and closes, Astral will become Canada's largest radio broadcaster,
adding Standard’s 52 stations to its 29. The deal also includes imsradio (Integrated Media Sales), Sound
Source, and two TV stations: CJDC Dawson Creek and CFTK Terrace. Astral CEO Ian Greenberg says
there will be no lay-offs among the more than 1,000 Standard employees moving under the Astral umbrella...
MacEachern Broadcasting of Port Hawkesbury (CIGO-FM) and Coast Broadcasting of St. John’s won’t be
partners in an application for a Sydney, NS, FM licence. Bob MacEachern says the two couldn’t agree on a
structure. Coast was to proceed on the application alone at this week’s hearing in Sydney... Clear Channel
and Google have a multi-year deal
allowing Google to sell a guaranteed
portion of 30-second ad inventory on
more than 675 Clear Channel AM/FM
stations. Google Audio Ads will,
says CC, open an additional sales
channel while making inventory
available to advertisers who hadn’t
previously used radio. Google CEO
Eric Schmidt said that the pact
represents a new avenue for radio
revenue, and shouldn’t be viewed as
a threat to radio's traditional sales
model... XM Canada needs financial
help from its big brother in the US to
help it combat Sirius Canada’s lead
in attracting new subscribers and in
the sales of XM radios. Each new XM
customer costs $53 in marketing and
incentives. The move by XM to dip
into a $45-million credit line from its
Washington-based parent, XM
Satellite Radio Holdings, shows how
much cash the industry is burning as
it tries to put together a base of
paying customers. XM Canada had
more than $45-million in cash last
August but, with the rising marketing
costs, that number has dwindled to
Thursday, April 19, 2007
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less than $18.5-million... Standard Radio's CJAD, Mix 96 (CJFM) and CHOM 97.7 Montreal raised $2.41
million during the fourth annual Caring For Kids Radiothon, broadcast live from The Montreal Children's
Hospital of the McGill University Health Centre. The total this year surpassed last year's $2.2 million... C100
FM/CJCH Halifax raised $401,632.96 during its sixth annual radiothon – 100 Hours for the Kids -- benefiting
the IWK Health Centre, the tertiary care centre for children’s pediatrics in Atlantic Canada. The amount brings
to $2.2 million the monies raised by CHUM Halifax since 2001... The CKNW Vancouver morning show began
simulcasting – 6 to 9 a.m. – on Shaw TV (Cable 4 Vancouver) Monday... The Canadian Broadcast
Standards Council has released three decisions concerning different episodes of a CKAC Montreal open-line
show. In each, the CBSC Quebec Regional Panel concluded that the shows violated the Canadian
Association of Broadcasters’ Code of Ethics. For details, click Terry O’Reilly of Pirate Radio is
holding the Pirate Creative Radio Seminar April 24 at Toronto’s Eglinton Grand Theatre. It’s a great day for
anyone who loves radio, he says. The seminar is dedicated to making participants better writers, producers
and radio presenters. For info, click
GENERAL: NAB2007 in Las Vegas, wrapping up this week, saw registered attendance up a bit – from 105,046
last year to 108,232 this year... The CRTC has launched a public proceeding to review issues related to the
ownership of broadcasting companies. Commission Chair Konrad von Finckenstein says the goal is the
development of “a clear and predictable policy that will ensure a diversity of voices, including editorial voices.”
The public hearing will begin at Gatineau Sept. 17 after an appropriate intervention period... BCE Inc. brands
& interests are: Bell Canada phone service; Sympatico; Bell Mobility; Bell ExpressVu; 44.7% of Bell Aliant;
and, 15% of CTVglobemedia. In December, it sold the Telesat Canada division for $3.2 billion. Now,
confirming the rumours, BCE says it’s talking to three pension funds and a US private-equity firm about a
possible sale. But the sides say there is no guarantee of a deal... Dave McLeod, GM of Native
Communication Inc. (NCI) in Manitoba, says CBC needs to better reflect aboriginals' lives. It should, he told
the House of Commons standing committee on Canadian Heritage, increase partnerships with aboriginal
broadcasters and re-commit itself to a national radio show on aboriginal affairs. NCI operates stations in
Winnipeg and near Brandon and has 57 transmitters in Manitoba... At Fanshawe College School of
Contemporary Media in London last weekend, three new members were inducted to their Wall of Fame: The
late Jim Morris of 680News Toronto; Dana Lewis, most recently with NBC News, Fox News and, in Canada,
with CTV; and, Sharon Taylor, VP/GM of Standard Radio Winnipeg. All are Fanshawe College graduates...
Coming up April 30 in Gatineau is – among other items – the CRTC hearing on CTVglobemedia’s application
to acquire CHUM Ltd... RCI viva, Radio Canada International’s Web service for new and aspiring
immigrants, has launched DIGITAL DIVERSITY, a creative
media competition on the theme of immigration and cultural
diversity. Radio podcast or short film submissions will be
accepted from 18-35s up until June 29. For details, click
REVOLVING DOOR: Robert Morin is the new SecretaryGeneral of the CRTC: It’s a period of up to three years,
effective April 23. Morin had been Deputy Commissioner of
Competition Compliance and Operations Branch at the
Competition Bureau. Current Secretary-General Diane
Rhéaume will stay with the Commission through March of next
year, serving in other capacities which include the
development of a succession plan... Tanya Smith moves back
into the job she left in 2002, returning to become CH TV
(CHEK) Victoria’s new Community Relations Coordinator.
Smith had operated ECHO Media Promotions... Don Imus,
fired from CBS Radio in New York after a racial slur. The
outrage over his remark revived a raucus debate in the US
about how far is too far and censorship of the public airwaves.
His show - Imus in the Morning - was worth about $15million
a year to CBS... Caroline Tyre is the Director, Programming
at Teletoon, a newly-created position. She had been on
contract with Teletoon, filling in for the Manager, Acquisitions.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Page Three of Three
Also at Teletoon, Michael Goldsmith, the former Director of Canadian Broadcast Sales & Programming at
Nelvana, is now Director of Original Content.
SIGN-OFFS: June Callwood, 82, in Toronto of cancer. Callwood was an author, social activist, journalist, and
broadcaster. She appeared often on CBC-TV but also had a show of her own – In Touch – from 1975 through
‘78 and, more recently, was an interviewer for the VisionTV program, National Treasures. Callwood was the
recipient of numerous honours, including more than 15 honorary doctorates, the Order of Canada, Officer
(1985), the Order of Ontario (1988), the Canadian News Hall of Fame (1984) and the Toronto Arts Foundation
Lifetime Achievement Award (1990)... Rodger (Alfred) Hone, 62, in his sleep at Toronto’s Baycrest Hospital.
Hone, in 1995, retired as VP- Marketing at Global Television.
LOOKING: SUN TV (CKXT-TV) Toronto - Retail Sales-Coordinator; CTV Toronto - Director of Marketing and
Brand Partnerships, MTV; Global Television Regina - TV Promotions Producer/Coordinator; CBC Toronto Associate Business Manager English Radio; CBC Vancouver - Senior Remote Area Transmitter Technologist;
CBC Montreal - Manager Creative Advertising, Communications Officer; Supervising Technician; Global
Calgary - Creative Services Promotions Writer/Producer; CHEX TV Peterborough - Evening News Anchor;
CKWS TV Kingston - Account Executive; Bell ExpressVu Toronto - Graphic Designer; and, QR 77/Country
105/Q107 Calgary - Creative Writer.
TV/FILM: The definition of I-Reporters, according to CNN, is people who are eyewitnesses to breaking news.
Thus Virginia Tech student Jamal Albarghouti has so been dubbed because of his camera-phone video, a
success in news gathering for CNN. Cellphone and webcam footage shot by eyewitnesses became the
backbone of CNN's broadcast coverage. Streaming video clips on were accessed 9.2 million times
on Tuesday, a record for the website. A CNN source said that the fact that the first video to come out came
from an eyewitness shaped the story in a human way versus their just reporting the tragedy and the stats...
CanWest Global swung to a second-quarter profit of $7 million from the year-earlier loss of $19 million, thanks
to Global TV operations increasing by eight per cent (to $166 million). Earnings for the quarter ended Feb. 28
was four cents a share, versus a loss of 11 cents a share a year ago. Overall revenue rose seven per cent to
$692 million... Meanwhile, CanWest's application to acquire Alliance Atlantis has been delayed due to the
preparation of audited financial statements. CEO Leonard Asper says CanWest “eagerly” anticipates the
closing... CBS shows could be streaming online by this summer, according to VP Communications Shannon
Jacobs. CBS has on-line video-distribution partnerships with Joost, AOL, Microsoft and others. The CBS
Interactive Audience Network was created late last week, promising to deliver a "TV-like experience" along
with such features as instant messaging, message boards and news feeds... After a seven-year hiatus, NBC
Universal has announced that it will rejoin the National Association of Broadcasters... CFTO-TV (CTV
Toronto) has had its fingers slapped by the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council for broadcasting the
street addresses of 10 adults charged with terrorism-related offences. A complainant wrote that the display of
the full home addresses was unreasonable and held no
public value except to create fear and paranoia among local
residents. The decision in its entirety may be read by
SUPPLYLINES: Peter Foulger, President of Rohde &
Schwarz Canada, steps down from that position June 30.
He will remain with the company on a half-time basis for
another two years while also holding a seat on the
company’s Board of Directors. Jack Cowper, a VP in the
US offices of R&S, will become Foulger’s successor but will
retain his US VP’s position. A general manager for the
Canadian operation is expected to be named soon... Gord
Ballantyne of Applied Electronics had open-heart surgery
three weeks ago. John Stechly says Ballantyne is
“chomping at the bit” and wants to be back at work in
another three weeks. Gord Ballantyne and his wife, Edie,
have long been the organizers of the Canadian Suite in
Las Vegas during NAB conventions.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Volume 14, No. 45
Page One of Four
V/FILM: CanWest Global’s five CH Canadian stations – CHCA Red
Deer, CHEK Victoria, CHCH Hamilton, CJNT Montreal and CHBC
Kelowna, and CFJC Kamloops, owned by The Jim Pattison Group
-- will become re-identified as E! effective Sept. 1. CanWest
Howard Christensen, Publisher
(CWMW) says it has a deal with Los Angeles-based E!
Broadcast Dialogue
Networks to make the entertainment channel a multi-platform brand
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
encompassing broadcast, online, mobile, video-on-demand and satellite
(705) 484-0752
radio. CWMW’s President of Canadian Television, Kathleen Dore, says E!
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Broadcast Dialogue Website
in Canada will be CanWest's “second conventional television network”. The
network’s program schedule will be revealed at the CWMW fall launch in
June. Each station’s local content will re-launch under the banner of their
historical call letters (see above). Owner of E! Entertainment Television is Comcast Entertainment Group,
which will not have an ownership stake... The Competition Bureau has given the all-clear to CanWest Global
and US investment bank Goldman
Sachs for their $2.3 billion buyout of
Alliance Atlantis. But the deal still has
more hurdles, among them the CRTC
where foreign ownership will be the key
issue, and a legal challenge from Movie
Distribution Income Fund. It jointly
owns a motion-picture distribution
business with Alliance and claims that
the takeover can't be completed without
its approval... Meanwhile, on Monday,
the CRTC begins the first set of reviews
of consolidation but analysts believe the
Commission will easily approve all of
the proposed deals, beginning with the
$1.4-billion buyout of CHUM Ltd. by
CTVglobemedia. The side deal on that
one is the sale of the A-Channel
stations to Rogers Communications
for $137.5 million. The third major sale
for the CRTC’s consideration is Astral
Media's takeover of privately-held
Standard Radio... MuchMusic and the
Citytv stations across Canada are the
exclusive broadcasters of FLICK OFF,
a national movement to fight global
warming. The campaign challenges
Canadians to take simple steps to
conserve energy and eliminate carbon
emissions. But, there’s trouble in at
least one provincial legislature. The
edgy campaign, launched by Ontario
Environment Minister Laurel Broten
and billionaire Richard Branson,
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Page Two of Four
showed the slogan’s font configured to make flick look like a four-letter word. Conservative Leader John Tory
says it shows a serious lack of judgment and says this isn't the way to educate young people about energy
conservation... Mississauga-based BITE Television has won an Emmy in the Interactive Channel category.
Presented by The International Academy of Television Arts & Sciences in Cannes, it’s the first award in
that category presented to a Canadian company... Allowing American-style pharmaceutical drug ads in Canada
would spark a $10 billion drug spending increase while threatening our health-care system, according to a
study. It’s author is Steve Morgan, a University of British Columbia health economist at UBC’s Centre for
Health Services and Policy Research. Morgan’s paper forms the basis of an affidavit into a case where a
private broadcaster is challenging the fed bans on prescription ads. He expects to be called as a witness when
the trial begins, probably next spring. CanWest Global asked the Ontario Superior Court of Justice, back
in Dec. of ‘05, to strike down federal laws banning such ads because such bans are a violation of free
expression under the Charter of Rights. Morgan says a higher consumer demand for prescription drugs that
would come after ads are aired or published would put both employer-supported and provincially sponsored
health plans at risk... Telefilm Canada, CBC-TV, The Rogers Group of Funds and the National Film Board
of Canada have announced the one-year renewal of the Theatrical Documentary Pilot Program. Funds in
excess of $2 million have been made available for the production and completion of feature-length
documentaries intended for Canadian theatrical release... Clear Channel has sold its TV group for $1.2 billion
to Providence Equity Partners. The deal includes 56 TV stations in 24 markets and their associated Web
sites. CC expects the sale to generate proceeds of $1.1 billion and to close in the fourth quarter... At the 2007
Canadian Screenwriting Awards held in Toronto on the weekend, Brad Wright became the first recipient of
the (Writers Guild of Canada) WGC Showrunner Award for outstanding creative vision as Writer/Producer
of Stargate Atlantis and Stargate SG-1. Other winners are: CHILDREN & PRESCHOOL (If the World Were
a Village) – Kate Barris; COMEDY & VARIETY (Corner Gas - Episode: “Outside Joke”) – Brent Butt & Kevin
White; DOCUMENTARY (The Bomber’s Dream) – Barry Stevens; YOUTH (Naturally Sadie - Episode:
“Rashomon”) – Brent Piaskoski; DRAMA SERIES (Naked Josh - “Beating the Rap”) – Laura Kosterski;
DRAMA SERIES (1 hour) (Slings & Arrows - Episode: “That Way Madness Lies”) – Susan Coyne, Bob
Martin, Mark McKinney; FEATURE FILM (Away From Her) – Sarah Polley; MOW & MINISERIES (Above
and Beyond) – John W. Doyle & Lisa Porter; RADIO DRAMA (Afghanada - Episode: “Episode 4”) – Andrew
Moodie, Greg Nelson, Adam Pettle, Jason Sherman; and, Alex Barris Mentorship Award – Ilana Frank...
Women in Film and TelevisionToronto (WIFT-T) has launched
online registration for the WIFT
International Summit, to be held in
Toronto July 16-19. Held every two
years in a different country, 2007
marks the first year that the WIFT-I
event will be held in Canada. To
register online, for a schedule of
events and for information on hotel
accommodations, click
ADIO: Rock and Country
hybrid, Lone Star (KZPS)
Dallas, has dropped 30- and
60-second spots. The Clear
Channel station is instead weaving
in mentions of sponsors, no more
than fifteen seconds at a time. The
setup goes beyond CC’s “Less is
More” campaign – a radical
extension, according to some... The
CRTC has approved the flip to FM
of Jim Pattison Broadcast
Group’s CKOV Kelowna. CKOV
will move to 103.1 with average
radiated power of 11,000 watts...
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Page Three of Four
Neeti P. Ray has won the 1650 AM frequency in Mississauga for ethnic programming. Power will be 1,000
watts days and 680 watts at night... XM Satellite Radio Holdings became the largest satellite broadcaster in
the US with at least one-third of their 800 antennas built and operated in violation of FCC rules – put in
unapproved locations or emitted signals that were too strong. That’s not an assertion but rather XM’s own
admission to the FCC. Some US lawmakers say that the regulators should take the violations into account
when they consider XM's plan to combine with Sirius Satellite Radio. XM uses the unapproved repeaters in
59 markets where satellite signals are blocked, including Los Angeles, New York and Chicago. Further, it says
turning them off in L.A. would have a drastic impact on reception while in New York such a shutdown, they say,
would be devastating. Examples of violations include antennas erected thousands of feet from approved
locations (one in Chicago more than 11 miles from the authorized spot) and, in Texas, a repeater approved
for 490 feet instead built 900 feet high... Meanwhile, Bank of America Securities Analyst Jonathan Jacoby
says current stock prices for both satellite companies might suggest that the probability of a merger gaining
regulatory approval is roughly 35-40%. But, he says, FCC contacts believe that the percentage is trending
lower... Season One of WKRP in Cincinnati, which ran on CBS-TV beginning in 1978, has arrived on DVD but
without the original music. Copyright issues got in the way of the Rock tunes used in the shows being included.
Instead, there’s generic stuff. Extras include deleted bits, behind-the-scenes features, commentary from cast
members and the classic Turkeys Away episode... The BC Court of Appeal has quashed the 2003 firing of
CBC Radio Reporter Bob Keating, who sent a box of contaminated chocolates to an activist who questioned
his journalistic integrity. Keating was working for CBC Radio in Nelson when he became upset that Earl
Hamilton, who headed a health-care lobby group, had apparently referred to him as a “toady of the
government” who wasn't to be trusted... Humber College in Toronto saw the first five members of its new
Radio Humber Hall of Fame inducted this week. They are: Rob Farina, CHUM Radio VP of Program
Development/PD at CHUM-FM Toronto; Billie Holiday, Morning Co-Host at Mix 99.9 (CKFM) Toronto;
Colleen Rusholme, Morning Co-Host at EZ Rock (CJEZ) Toronto; George Stroumboulopoulos, Host of
the nightly The Hour on CBC-TV; and, Joe Andrews, the former Co-ordinator of the Radio Certificate Program.
Andrews also receives the first Lifetime Achievement award from the Radio Humber Hall of Fame... From the
Holy-Crap!-How-Far-Do-You-Take-Partisan-Politics department, Rush Limbaugh, discussing the Virginia
Tech shootings, says: "If this Virginia Tech shooter had an ideology, what do you think it was? This guy had
to be a liberal. You start railing against the rich and all this other –– this guy's a liberal. He was turned into a
liberal somewhere along the line. So it's a liberal that committed this act.”
ENERAL: Corus Entertainment has signed a deal with the City of Toronto to become the first tenant
in Project Symphony, a new building on the city’s lakeshore (east of Jarvis Street). Occupancy by Corus
is aimed to take place in 2009 and would bring together the company’s 1,300 radio, specialty channel,
pay TV, advertising, digital audio services, children's book publishing and children's animation
employees in one location... Barbara Coloroso, an international expert on bullying, says there's a poisonous
atmosphere on TV and in the movies that's fueling events such as the Virginia Tech shootings. Speaking at
a workshop in Black Diamond, Alberta, Coloroso called it the “culture of mean” and blames a shift in attitude
to shows like American Idol, Survivor and even talk radio. Today’s youth, she says, are being conditioned to
laugh at other people's pain -- and that has allowed bullying and school violence to flourish... The Canadian
Association of Broadcasters seeks nominations for induction into the CAB Broadcast Hall of Fame, which
recognizes Canadians who have achieved outstanding success in helping raise private broadcasting industry
standards from a material or humanitarian standpoint. Nominations for prospective members should be
submitted by Friday, May 11. For the nomination document, click HERE.
EVOLVING DOOR: Former Radio-Canada TV Journalist Christine Saint-Pierre, elected as a Liberal
MNA in last month's Quebec election, has joined the cabinet of Premier Jean Charest. She takes over
responsibility for Culture and Communications, as well as the Status of Women... Brian Young
becomes PD at Country 105 (CKQM-FM)/CKPT Peterborough, while Ray Hebert becomes Music
Director/APD for Country 105... Mary Quinn has been appointed Executive in Charge of Development &
Production for CBC-TV Arts & Entertainment. She is based in Vancouver. Prior to her hiring, Quinn had been
Director of Development at Brightlight Pictures in Vancouver... (Ms.) Sandy Whitwham becomes GSM at
CIRX-FM/CJCI-FM/CIVH-AM/CIRX-FM1 Prince George/Smithers on May 22. She joins the Vista Broadcast
Group’s North Team in Prince George after three years as Executive Director of Big Brothers/Big Sisters
in Prince George. Most recent prior broadcast experience was as GSM at PGTV Prince George... ND Bill
Kingston moved from Haliburton Broadcasting’s MOOSE FM (CKLP) Parry Sound to Corus Radio
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Page Four of Four
Cornwall where he became Assistant ND. Succeeding him at Parry Sound is Jennifer Ashawasegai, who
also become Morning Show Co-Host... At Rogers Radio Fort McMurray (CJOK/CKYX), new Production
Director is Ian Seggie, ex of the Nanaimo Jim Pattison Broadcast Group stations... Steve Schippanoski,
the imaging guy at Sonic 102.9 (CHDI-FM) Edmonton, has a new set of duties added to what he’s already
doing. Beginning May 1, Schippanoski becomes Production Manager for Rogers Alberta North...
CKNL/CHRX Fort St. John Ops. Mgr. Kevin Larkens has left the Standard Radio stations... Rosie
O'Donnell ends her The View Co-Host/Moderator gig in June, less than a year since she joined the ABC chat
show. O'Donnell said she was unable to come to a contract agreement with ABC.
IGN-OFFS: Lundy Sanderson, 77, in Nanaimo of respiratory failure. In 1964, he was one of the original
faculty members in BCIT's Broadcast Communications department and, in 1974, became the
department head, holding that position until retirement in 1985. Sanderson was also the founding
President of the Broadcast Education Association of Canada, an Anglican priest, and a broadcast
journalist at Kamloops, Victoria, and Vancouver... Mark Haywood, 51, suddenly in Winnipeg. Haywood was
with APTN (Aboriginal Peoples Television Network) as Master Control Supervisor. Before that, he’d been
with Oakwood Audio, CKND-TV (Global), CKY-TV (CTV) and WAN – all in Winnipeg... John Crawley, 54,
of complications due to a 1994 car crash in which he was paralyzed. Crawley had been the Sports Director at
CHAY FM Barrie – indeed, was one of the original station staffers when it went on air in 1977. Crawley
continued to broadcast a daily sports commentary from his home.
OOKING: CJOH-TV Ottawa - Producer/Director; Rock 95 (CFJB-FM) Barrie – Promotions Director;
Standard Radio Fort St. John (Energy FM/The Bear) - Operations Manager; AM640 Toronto –
Afternoon News Anchor; OMNI Television Surrey – Program Host; APTN Winnipeg – National
Assignment Editor; Rogers Radio Sault St. Marie – News Anchor/Reporter; Alliance Atlantis Toronto
– Production Executive for Food Network and Fine Living; CTV Toronto – On-Air Master Control; Video Editor,
Operations Division; On Air Promo Producer, MTV; Studio Technician; Presentation Coordinator, TSN;
Producer, and an On Air Promotions Outdoor for Life Network; Global Television Toronto – Supervising
Producer, Entertainment Tonight Canada; Global Television Regina – General Operator; Global BC
Vancouver – Community Relations Supervisor; CBC Toronto – Manager, Integrated Sales & Business
Development; Senior Manager, Brand Development; Senior Manager, Media Research; and, Senior Manager,
Brand Activation; CH Red Deer – Account Executive; TVOntario Toronto – Senior Systems Analyst; Durham
Radio Oshawa – Sales Promotions Coordinator; CKNW Vancouver – Account Manager; and, Corus Radio
Calgary – Account Manager.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Volume 14, No. 46
Page One of Four
ENERAL: By Tuesday, despite the rough ride Commissioners gave
CTV President Ivan Fecan and senior CTV execs on Monday, it
was clear that CTVglobemedia’s purchase of CHUM Ltd., wouldn’t
face CRTC obstructionism. At the opening bell Monday, though, the
Howard Christensen, Publisher
company faced five Commissioners wanting to know what was best for the
Broadcast Dialogue
country and for diversity. CTV’s Fecan also had to deal with new Chair
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
Konrad von Finckenstein’s questions regarding twin sticks. Why, asked
(705) 484-0752
von Finckenstein, should the regulator discard its policy against one
E-Mail, click HERE
Broadcast Dialogue Website
network owning two conventional stations in any one market, e.g. CTV
Toronto-Citytv Toronto, CTV Winnipeg-Citytv Winnipeg, and ditto in
Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver.? “I can see why it's in your interest,” he
told Fecan. “I'm not sure why it's in the public
interest.” But on Tuesday, von Finckenstein told
intervening opponents that the CRTC is “not in the
business of killing deals." Instead, the
Commission’s role now is to determine what
conditions to put on approval. The biggest concern
of competitors is the combined size. As one holding,
the CTV and Citytv stations (plus their specialties)
would encompass over 50% of the Canadian TV
broadcast market. Should CTV find objection to a
CRTC ruling that imposes anything other than
complete approval, it can walk away from the deal.
If that were the case, a trustee administering the
CHUM assets would be in charge of selling them
off. Ditto if the Commission rejects the takeover.
Look to at least September – but more likely
November – before we hear a decision... Online
advertising in Canada broke the $1-billion mark
in 2006. The Interactive Advertising Bureau
of Canada, representing advertisers, agencies
and websites, said online advertising spending
totalled $1.01-billion in 2006, up 80% from
$562-million in 2005. For this year, Internet ad
spending in Canada is expected to grow
another 32%... RTNDA Canada’s Central Region
(Ontario/Anglo Quebec), meeting in Toronto for its
annual convention on the weekend, honoured
2006's best in electronic journalism. Winners are:
Bert Cannings Award - Best Newscast
Charlie Edwards Award - Spot News
Dan McArthur Award - In-depth/Investigative
Dave Rogers Award - Short Feature
Dave Rogers Award - Long Feature
Gord Sinclair Award - Special Events
– A-Channel London (Medium Market) & Citytv Toronto (Large
– Global Quebec
– CTV Montreal
– CTV Southwestern Ontario & CTV Toronto (Large Market)
– A-Channel Barrie (Medium Market) & CBC Toronto (Large Market)
– Citytv Toronto
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Ron Laidlaw Award - Continuing Coverage
Sam Ross Award - Editorial/Commentary
Best Videography Award
News Information Program Award
Best Use of New Media Award
Diversity Award
Page Two of Four
– CTV Toronto
– Global News Ontario (Bill Carroll)
– Global News Ontario
– CTV Montreal
– CTV Toronto
– A-Channel Barrie
Byron MacGregor Award - Best Newscast
Charlie Edwards Award - Spot News
Dan McArthur Award - In-depth/Investigative
Dave Rogers Award - Short Feature
Dave Rogers Award - Long Feature
Gord Sinclair Award - Live Special Events
Ron Laidlaw Award - Continuing Coverage
Sam Ross Award - Editorial/Commentary
Best Use of Sound Award
Information Program Award
Best Use of New Media Award
Diversity Award
– Mix 106 Owen Sound (Small Market); CKLW Windsor (Medium
Market); and, CJAD Montreal (Large Market)
– CKLW Windsor
– CBC Toronto
– The Moose North Bay (Small Market); CKNX Wingham (Medium
Market) and CBC Toronto (Large Market)
– EZ Rock Timmins (Small Market); CKTB St. Catharines (Medium
Market); and, CBC Montreal (Large Market)
– CBC Montreal
– CJAD Montreal
– AM 640 Toronto
– CFRB Toronto
– CBC Montreal
– CBC Toronto
– CBC Toronto
RTNDA Canada - The Association of Electronic Journalists - has formed the Media Ethics and
Communications Committee. Former RTNDA Canada President Gerry Phelan, ND at VOCM St. John’s, is
the Chair while CTV News President Robert Hurst and 680 News Toronto VP/GM John Hinnen serve as
committee members... Rogers Communications boosted first-quarter net income to $170 million, beating
analysts’ estimates. And Rogers Media (conventional radio and TV, Sportsnet and the Shopping Channel, as
well as magazines) was up 10.8%. Rogers Wireless led the way, contributing $1.2 billion (up 22.5% from last
year and roughly half of the corporate total).
ADIO: Acadia Broadcasting, owned by K.C. Irving and based in Saint John, has purchased the
Northwestern Ontario properties of Fawcett Broadcasting. Fawcett has three primary stations – CFOB
Fort Frances, CKDR Dryden and CJRL Kenora. Its six repeaters are in Red Lake, Ear Falls, Sioux
Lookout, Hudson, Atikokan and Ignace. Acadia Broadcasting owns Country 94.1 (CHSJ)/98.1 The Tide
(CHTD) Saint John, The Wave (CHWV) St. Stephen and 98.1 CKBW Bridgewater... There is word from
Vancouver that CBC has applied for the 104.1 frequency for use as a repeater for CBC Victoria’s FM station
to service Nanaimo. In an application filed Tuesday for that same frequency, but to be used for full service in
Vancouver, Jim McLaughlin and his partner, Suki
Badh, say they’ve found another signal for CBC to
use... Rogers Communications may soon find out if
the CRTC will go along with its application for a pay
audio service aimed at listeners on cellphones and on
automobile Internet receivers. Rogers wants to create
a 30-channel pay audio network, with music and talk
formats... The Canadian Recording Industry
Association (CRIA) says Canada’s music sales fell
35% in the first quarter. Further, says CRIA, the
decline compounds a 12% drop in 2006 which, says
the association, makes this the largest year-over-year
decrease in Canada since the 1999 advent of fileswapping. CRIA says it an other business groups are
stepping up their calls for government action against
piracy... CHRB High River has been cited for making
unfair and improper comments targeting a private
individual. The Canadian Broadcast Standards
Council says the infraction – on an episode of
Freedom Radio Network – breached the CAB’s Code
of Ethics. Details of the complaint and the decision
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Page Three of Four
may be found by clicking The Rogers Radio stations in Victoria have been honoured by the city’s
Chamber of Commerce. The Ocean (CIOC-FM)/Jack FM (CHTT-FM) Victoria were presented with the
Business of the Year Award in the category of 26 to 75 employees for demonstrating continual business
excellence through positive business growth, exemplifying superior customer service, and embracing an
outstanding commitment to quality... CKOC Hamilton celebrates 85 years of service this month while relative
newcomer CFRA Ottawa celebrates its 60th anniversary. In its formative years, CKOC operations has only
5 watts of power and just two hours of programming a day. From May 1 through 19, listeners will have daily
memory hits. On the evening of May 19, at Copps Coliseum in downtown Hamilton, CKOC’s 85th Birthday
Bash with Bowzer’s Doo Wop Party, featuring Gene Chandler, The Edsels and Bowzer. In Ottawa tonight
(Thursday), 580 CFRA will recreate the original broadcast live from the Fairmont Chateau Laurier. Steve
Madely and Lowell Green will anchor the milestone show and play host to such legendary Ottawa radio
names as Terry Kielty, Ken “The General” Grant, Don Leger, and Bill Drake. The broadcast will be carried
live on
/FILM: The FCC has urged American lawmakers – in an effort to avert the eyes of young children
from violent TV programming – to restrict such shows to late evenings. The V-chip and program
ratings system, says the commission, don’t work. At the same time, the American regulatory body
suggested that Congress adopt legislation that would give consumers the option to buy cable
channels à la carte so could reject channels they don’t want. The American Civil Liberties Union is having
none of it, saying “government should not parent the parents.” On the cable front, not surprisingly, the US
National Cable and Telecommunications Association doesn’t like the idea of à la carte regulation of cable
TV packages... Vancouver-based Global BC Cameraman Tony Clark is being credited for preventing a
minivan with a little boy inside from going over a cliff. Clark and Reporter/Weekend Anchor Chris Gailus were
at Trail, BC, shooting/reporting the aftermath of a fatal CP train wreck. Also having a look at the wreck were
a mother and her twin sons, one of whom was still in their van. As it began rolling toward an embankment –
and a 100-foot drop – Clark grabbed the steering wheel, wrenching it over so that the van hit a wooden piling...
Coming up in the next few weeks, the upfront presentations of fall schedules on the six US national networks
– Fox and the new MyNetwork TV, ABC, NBC, CBS and the CW. Last year, that grouping took in about $9
billion in upfront ad sales, down $100 million from 2005. The biggest year for the American upfront market was
2003 with $9.3 billion in advance sales... The Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern
California says DVRs are not the end of TV advertising as we know it. USC marketing professor Dr. Kenneth
C. Wilbur says his research shows a complex yet still lucrative future for advertisers. Recent data indicates
that the conventional wisdom of DVRs’ reducing ad effectiveness isn’t nearly nuanced enough for current
realities, e.g. traditional TV viewing has risen every year since 1995, and the average US household watches
more than eight hours a day. The new data suggests some shows add as many as two million more viewers
thanks to DVR watching... Canadian
Martin Burke, who produced “Islam vs.
Islamists: Voices from the Muslim Centre”
for PBS, says he wants the US public
broadcaster to air the film as is or give
back the rights. Right now, he says, the
movie is on WETA-TV Washington’s
cutting room floor because, he says, ”it
became apparent that what they wanted
was one long apology for the Islamists.” He
said PBS officials argued that moderate
Muslims featured in the documentary, like
Tarek Fatah who hosts the Toronto-based
current affairs program Muslim Chronicle,
are not true Muslims... The CRTC says
Canada’s specialty, pay, pay-per-view TV
and video-on-demand services have had
the highest growth in revenues in the past
five years. Revenues last year rose by
12.4% to $2.5 billion, compared with $2.2
billion in 2005. Revenues from cable
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Page Four of Four
distribution services increased by 10.5% from 2005 to 2006, reaching $1.1 billion, while those from direct-tohome satellite distribution services grew by 13% to $520.8 million. The rest of the $2.5 billion in total revenues
includes $48 million from local advertising, $834 million from national advertising and $35 million from other
revenues. The largest share of the revenues, $2 billion, was earned by the 136 specialty TV services operating
in 2006, while the remaining $482 million was earned by pay, pay-per-view and VOD services. Of the $2 billion,
$1.8 billion came from the 49 analog specialty services, $69.7 million from the 17 Category 1 digital services
and $123.3 million from the 70 Category 2 digital services. Canadian specialty, pay, pay-per-view television
and VOD services employed 5,264 people in 2006, and paid $374.6 million in salaries.
EVOLVING DOOR: Chris Kennedy is the new PD at Q92 Montreal, the Corus station. He succeeds
Ted Silver who moved to sister stations CHAY-FM/CIQB-FM Barrie and CKCB-FM Collingwood.
Kennedy, a Canadian, has, for the last 15 years, been an international media strategist/consultant at
Joint Communications of Westport, Connecticut... Adrian Bateman becomes the Managing Editor
at A-Channel (CIWI) Windsor June 4. Bateman moves east from his ND position at CHAT-TV Medicine Hat,
a position he’s held for five years, and succeeds Steve Young who recently assumed ME duties at A-Channel
(CFPL) London... Kevin Wood, ex of Corus Radio Calgary, takes over responsibility for operations at the
Corus Radio Network in Vancouver. He succeeds Al Krueger... The Canadian Independent Record
Production Association (CIRPA) has a new President/Executive Director after the appointment of Duncan
McKie. Ex Vice Chairman at Pollara (public affairs and marketing research), McKie begins June 4. Before
Pollara, McKie was Senior VP of Client Services and Operations at BBM... Montreal-born Chartered
Accountant Timothy Casgrain has been appointed to chair the CBC/Radio-Canada. Most recently, he was
Chairman of aviation firm Skyservice Investments. He’s also President of Canada's Sports Hall of Fame.
Casgrain has no broadcasting, media nor arts experience. He succeeds CBC President/CEO Robert
Rabinovitch, who’s been serving as Acting Chair since the departure of the previous Chairman, Guy
Fournier... Arlene Patterson has assumed direction of VoicePrint's day-to-day operations. Her assignment
as Managing Director is the latest in a series of challenges she has accepted since joining VoicePrint Toronto
in Nov. ‘93... Michele Peng, ex of CBC and IPSOS Reid, has joined CTV in Toronto as the new Research
Manager for Digital Media... Karin Koppitz is the new ND at CKYL/CKKX-FM Peace River. It’s a bump up
from her previous position as Reporter... The launch of The Lounge (CJOC) Lethbridge is expected toward
the middle of next month. Joining President/GM Paul Larsen on staff to date are GSM Casey Wilson, ex of
Newcap Red Deer, PD Rick Volpatti, who had been with Silk-FM Kelowna and Office Mgr Lorene Halseth...
At the Island Radio division of Jim Pattison Broadcast Group, long-time MD Kent Wilson is now PD at The
Wolf (CHWF-FM)/The Wave (CKWV-FM) Nanaimo, The Peak (CJAV) Port Alberni and at The Beach
(CIBH-FM) Parksville. The new Producer at the Nanaimo stations is Greg Lowe, ex of Newcap Winnipeg...
Jay Richards is now MD/Mid-day Announce at CJWW Saskatoon... Dan Borden, Morning Host at FOX-FM
(CFXE) Edson and SM Rob O'Malley have left the Newcap station, to form Peaks Entertainment (voiceover
and entertainment consulting services).
IGN-OFFS: Keith Bradbury, of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), at his home on the Sunshine Coast north
of Vancouver. Bradbury, a former lawyer, was a long-time Broadcast Journalist at BCTV Vancouver
(now Global BC). He was honoured with a lifetime achievement award from the Radio-Television News
Directors Association of Canada in 2004... Rene Mailhot, 64, of pneumonia at Longueuil, a suburb
of Montreal. Over his 40-year Radio-Canada career, listeners came to know him for his deep voice and
confident tone. Mailhot also presided over Quebec's federation of professional journalists and was co-founder
of the province's press council.
OOKING: FRED-FM (CFRK-FM) Fredericton - a Promotions Director and a Sales Reps; C103 (CJMOFM)/XL96 (CJXL-FM) Moncton - Creative Writer; CTV Toronto – Senior Publicist, Digital Media; CH TV
Hamilton – News Reporter or Videographer; Global Vancouver – Writer/Producer for Global National;
CBC Vancouver – News Director and a Supervisor-Transmission Operations; CBC Calgary – News
Director; Corus Radio Quebec – General Manager for Trois-Rivières; Rogers Radio Fraser Valley –
Afternoon Announcer; and, CHNI-FM Saint John - Afternoon News Anchor.
UPPLYLINES: Larry Bleau has been promoted to President of Burlington-based New Revenue
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Volume 14, No. 47
Page One of Three
ADIO: The Jim Pattison Broadcast Group will acquire CKIZ-FM
(KISS-FM) Vernon from Rogers Broadcasting. Assuming CRTC
approval, says JPBG President Rick Arnish, GM Patrick Nicol will
continue in that role and all CKIZ staffers will be invited to stay on... Radio
Howard Christensen, Publisher
Shalom (CJRS) Montreal – a mix of music and talk in English, French and
Broadcast Dialogue
Hebrew – is on the air. At 1650, the AM station launched this past weekend.
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
It’s a not-for-profit and run by volunteers... An Edmonton listener stunned
(705) 484-0752
station folk by paying $10,000 for a K-Rock T-shirt. K-Rock’s (CIRK-FM)
E-Mail, click HERE
Broadcast Dialogue Website
evening Announcer, Mike Diesel, got the deal – provided the money went
to the Kids With Cancer Society. It did... CBS Radio says it went by the
terms of its contract with Don Imus when it fired the controversial morning
man. Imus says he was controversial because CBS wanted it that way. He says CBS violated a clause that
encouraged him to be “irreverent and outrageous.” CBS says it had the right to terminate if there was “any onair use by artist of any distasteful or offensive words or phrases, the broadcast of which company believes
would not be in the public interest or may jeopardize company’s federal license to operate station.” Imus is
suing for $120-million. CBS says the firing was appropriate. Looks like a courtroom is next... myFM (CIMY-FM)
Pembroke has moved to new facilities: 84 Isabella Street Pembroke ON K8A 5S5... Also moved is STAR-FM
(CKSR) Chilliwack. New address is #309 - 46167 Yale Rd, Chilliwack BC V2P 2P2.
Pierre Dion says the
company is looking
expand beyond its
provincial base; that its TV and
magazine properties have just
about reached the saturation point
in Quebec. Dion’s comment came
as TVA Group announced earnings
of $936,000 in the first quarter of
2007, compared with a year-ago
loss of $2.7 million. TVA, the
Montreal-based company owned by
Quebecor Media, said improved
results were attributable primarily to
a 52.6% growth in specialty
services operating income, a $2.6million income gain in the TV
sector, a 21% increase in TVA
Network income and improvement
in the publishing sector. The
company owns one broadcaster in
Ontario – SUN TV (CKXT-TV)
Toronto... American researchers, in
a study of more than 1,000 families,
have found that 40% of threemonth-olds and about 90% of
children two and under watch TV,
The Annual Broadcast Dialogue Directory
of Canada’s broadcast community is
coming out shortly . . . and we want to be
sure that your listing is
Kindly check your listing in the Directory at and send any
updates or corrections to
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Page Two of Three
DVDs or videos. Infants and toddlers were found to be
spending up to 1.5 hours a day watching. Study co-author
Dr. Dimitri Christakis says the best available evidence
suggests that watching a lot of TV before reaching two
Broadcast Dialogue is about to present the
years of age is harmful to cognitive development and the
story behind the sale of Standard Radio to
ability to pay attention later in life. Even Sesame Street,
Astral Media – the stuff that wasn’t in the
which is beneficial for learning number and letter
mainline media.
recognition among three-to five-year-olds, is “associated
If you have a question for either of the
with language delays” when viewed by younger children,
Slaights that relate to the sale, send
he said. The study was published in the Archives of
it to me by clicking
Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine... channel m
Vancouver has 23 nominations in the 2007 Promax/BDA
Anonymity, should you request it, is assured.
awards competitions, the most nominations ever received
Idea for your questions suggested by Gary Slaight
by an independent Canadian broadcaster. Winners will be
determined at New York City in early June... Little Mosque
on the Prairie has its first international customer – Parisbased Canal Plus, a French pay-TV service. And other broadcasters in the US and Europe are said to be
looking at the CBC-TV sitcom. Mary Darling of Westwind Pictures, the show's producer, says Canal Plus
will begin airing the show in July in France and French-speaking regions of Switzerland and Africa... Corus
Television Interactive (CTI) is streaming ads with its broadband programming for kids, upwards of 1,200
videos. CTI VP/GM Lucie Lalumiere says the digital line-up has had about five million views since
September, and the ads are streamed pre- or mid-roll... In what is said to be TV's worst spring in recent
memory, more than 2.5 million fewer Americans were watching ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox than at the same
time last year. Among theories for the viewer loss are early Daylight Savings Time, more reruns, bad shows,
and more shows being recorded or downloaded or streamed. The Nielsen Media Research numbers show
that in the six weeks after Daylight Savings Time started in early March, prime-time viewership for the four
biggest US broadcast networks was down to 37.6 million people, from 40.3 million during the same period in
2006. Next week, the networks will showcase their fall schedules in the annual "up front" presentations. They
argue that viewership is changing, not necessarily declining. But some advertisers are saying they aren’t willing
to pay full price up-front to reach viewers that may not tune in later... At the Women in Film and TelevisionToronto Annual General Meeting held
Tuesday, its 2007 Board of Directors
was announced. New Directors are:
New Directors elected to the Board
are: Wanda Bradley – Manager,
Sales Operation, NBC/Universal and
Michelle Marion – Director, Canadian
Independent Production, Astral
Television Networks. Board
Members continuing for the 2007 term
are: Karen King –
MediaWorks; Kirstine Layfield –
CBC Television; Leesa Levinson –
Actress and Disabilities Advocate;
Wendy MacKeigan – SK Films;
Marcia Martin – CHUM Television;
Gabriella Martinelli – Capri Films;
Sara Moore – Alliance Atlantis
Broadcasting; Margaret O’Brien –
Barna-Alper Productions; Cynthia
Reyes – DiversiPro; Susan Ross –
Corus Entertainment; Dianne
Schwalm – Warner Bros. Canada;
Jane Tattersall – Tattersall Sound
and Picture; and, Sadia Zaman –
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Page Three of Three
ENERAL: CanWest Global Communications has agreed to sell its stake in CanWest MediaWorks
(NZ) Limited. CanWest says it expects gross proceeds of approximately NZ$386 million (C$314
million). President/CEO Leonard Asper says the deal conforms with CanWest’s objective of reducing
debt and redeploying capital consistent with corporate strategy... Auditor-General Sheila Fraser, speaking to
the House of Commons standing committee on Canadian heritage in Ottawa Tuesday, said CBC/RadioCanada needs to work on measuring its performance and in setting targets. The Committee is in the midst of
evaluating the role of Canada’s public broadcaster. Fraser and two colleagues from her office said those two
goals are necessary because of the constant emergence of new technologies, the fragmentation of traditional
markets and the many other issues that affect such large entities... Dartmouth-based Newcap saw a $7.4
million first-quarter profit thanks to the sale of Hallterm Income Fund. Newcap’s January-March revenue rose
5% over the same period last year to $19.5 million from $18.6 million, thanks, it said, to growth in broadcasting
operations. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization fell by $3.1 million to $108,000. But
after a $10.8-million gain on the disposal of Halterm, Newcap had net income of $7.4 million or 64 cents per
diluted share, up from $1.2 million or 10 cents per share... Dan Burnett of Vancouver law firm Owen Bird is
this year’s RTNDA Canada recipient of the Friend of RTNDA Award. It will be presented at the association's
national conference June 21-23 in Vancouver. This award, says the Association, is presented to individuals
or organizations which have shown a true commitment to RTNDA and the betterment of broadcast journalism
in Canada. Previous winners are Broadcast Dialogue, Broadcast News, Canada NewsWire, CNN
Newsource Sales, CTV, Golden West Radio, Taylor Enterprises, VOCM Radio and WIC... In Las Vegas
at the 56th annual National Cable & Telecommunications Association conference, leading media execs
– during a panel discussion – took a combative tone against Internet companies. The discussion focused on
(1) shooting down the notion that traditional media businesses are dead and (2) on rampant copyright offences
enabled by new digital technologies. MTV and Comedy Central owner, Viacom, is seeking more than $1
billion from Google and its YouTube site, accusing them of massive intentional copyright infringement. But
despite the attention from big business and the media, the Execs said the percentage of overall sales
contributed by digital businesses remains small.
EVOLVING DOOR: Daniel Dubois is new VP, Sales at Corus Québec. The ex-GM of Radio Sales at
Astral Media, joins Corus in Montreal June 1... New GSM at AM730 (CHMJ) Vancouver is Devon
Tschritter. He had been an Account Manager at sister Corus station CFOX Vancouver... Gone from
All Hits KBS 95.7 (CJAT-FM) Trail is Ops. Mgr. Kevin Einarson. The Standard station is looking for a
successor... Marja Van Dyke is the new Promotions Director Clear FM (CKCL-FM) Vancouver, effective May
16. Van Dyke moves to Vancouver after five years as Promotions Director at sister Rogers station Lite 96
(CHFM-FM) Calgary... Rogers Radio Timmins Promotions Director Dave McLaughlin – after 19 years with
the operation – is pulling the plug. He leaves May 18 for long distance carrier Northern Tel, also in Timmins...
HANK-FM (CHNK) Winnipeg sees a flip of job responsibilities where Jay Lawrence trades places with Julien
Tuck to become PD. Tuck is now APD/MD and afternoon drive Host...
IGN-OFFS: Jim O'Connell, 48, in Toronto of colon cancer. TV Journalist O'Connell, one of the
Business News Network channel's key hosts, helped launch Report on Business Television, now
BNN, in 1999. Before that, he spent more than two decades with CTV News and also served as a
Host/Correspondent for CTV's W-Five... Neil Henderson, 80, at Peace Arch Hospital in White Rock, BC.
Henderson, worked as a National Rep at All Canada, and retired from Western Broadcast Sales in 1986...
OOKING: Rogers Radio Timmins - Promotions Director; Rogers Broadcasting Sudbury – Broadcast
Technician; CHAT-FM/CFMY-FM/CHAT-TV Medicine Hat - News Director; CJOB/CJKR-FM Winnipeg
– Retail Sales Manager; KAOS 91.1 (CKOS-FM) Fort McMurray – Morning Host; Humber College,
Toronto - Broadcast Technician; Rogers Radio Ottawa – Account Manager; Rogers Radio Fraser
Valley – Account Manager; Standard Radio Trail – GM/GSM; Blackburn Radio Chatham – Creative
Director; Global Calgary – Weather Anchor and a Newswriter/Producer; CBC Toronto – Business Analyst,
Product Development; CBC Saint John – Researcher; CBC Ottawa – Associate Producer for English
Regional Radio and a Producer for CBC At Six, English Regional Television; and, Astral Media Radio
Montreal - Directeur(rice), affaires juridiques et réglementaires.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Volume 14, No. 48
Page One of Five
ADIO: National radio sales were up 9% in 2006, total revenues were
up by 5.7% and local was up 4.6%. The dollar numbers: National
from $322.6 million (2005) to $351.5 million (2006), total revenues
from $1.3 billion to $1.4 billion and local sales from $990.9 million up
Howard Christensen, Publisher
billion. Profits before interest and taxes (PBIT) increased by 2.7%
Broadcast Dialogue
million in 2006. The PBIT margin remained steady at 20% in 2005
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
and 2006. Total spending by radio stations rose by 6.1% in one year, up to
(705) 484-0752
$1.1 billion in 2006. AM radio revenues – as a whole across Canada – rose
E-Mail, click HERE
by 4.6%, from $306 million to $320 million (the average revenue growth
Broadcast Dialogue Website
between 2002 and 2006 was 1.9%). PBIT also increased, going from $13.3
million to $17.8 million, an increase of 33.7%. In English Canada, however,
the 155 AM stations’ increase in revenues was even more pronounced. Revenues rose by 5.3% to $280.4
million in 2006, while PBIT came in at $23 million, an increase of 33.4% over 2005. The 14 French-language
AM radio stations had revenue growth of 1.4%, from $17.9 million to $18.2 million. On the FM side, revenues
reached $1.1 billion in 2006, a growth of 6% over the $1.03 billion in 2005. PBIT remained stable at $266.7
million in 2006 compared with $263.7 million in 2005. The 331 English-language FM radio stations posted total
revenues of $877.3 million in 2006, up 6.1%, and PBIT held steady at $232.9 million. Canadian radio employed
9,763 people in 2006 and paid $577.8 million in salaries. The numbers were released by the CRTC yesterday
(Wednesday)... 97-7 The Beach (CHGB-FM) Wasaga Beach launches tomorrow (Friday) night at 7 p.m. from
a “Live Beach Party” at the town’s Rec Plex. This new Bayshore Broadcasting station will have a Classic AC
format and be GM’ed by Deb Shaw... Corus Entertainment and Cogeco have joined forces to create a new
company that combines their national
radio sales teams. Groupe Force
Radio will represent 30 stations in
Quebec – five belonging to Cogeco,
13 Corus Quebec stations and 12
Radio-Nord (its first client) stations...
The CRTC has denied separate
applications from Canadian Satellite
Radio (XM) and SIRIUS Radio to
amend the conditions of licence that
stipulates both of their required
contributions to Canadian talent
development (CTD). At their initial
licensing, the Commission imposed
the condition that each contribute a
minimum of 5% of gross revenues
during each broadcast year. Both
wanted the reference to each
broadcast year dropped from their
conditions of licence. The CRTC said
approval would result in a reduction of
contributions to CTD and wouldn’t
serve the needs of Canadian artists...
News 95.7 (CJNI-FM) Halifax Talker
Andrew Krystal plead guilty on
Tuesday to mischief and for breach of
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Page Two of Five
an undertaking. A charge of assault was dropped. Krystal reversed his earlier pleas of not guilty after consulting
with Crown Attorney Rick Woodburn. Woodburn agreed to drop the assault charge after discussing the case
with the alleged victim. She, apparently, wanted to put an end to the matter rather than have to testify. The
Crown says he’ll ask for a sentence of 18 months probation... Preston Manning, the former Reform Party
leader, has a radio gig on CBC Radio One. He’ll be Host of a new show exploring Canadians' beliefs,
perspectives and values. This I Believe airs weekdays for the next 12 weeks on CBC Radio 1... XM Radio has
suspended Opie & Anthony and stopped the broadcast of their show for 30 days. XM chastised them for
comments made last week, for which they apologized. But XM says they did it again on Monday. In XM’s
words, “Comments made by Opie and Anthony on yesterday's broadcast put into question whether they
appreciate the seriousness of the matter.” A guest of the show known as Homeless Charlie said he'd like to
have sex with Condoleezza Rice, Laura Bush and Queen Elizabeth, and the comments got more outrageous
from there... Bridge Ratings’ latest study of cell phone use finds that more radio listeners are getting
information from their cell phones and less from their radios. The study of 3506 Americans 13+ was conducted
between Feb. 28 and April 30 and, among other findings, were: 70% of the US population owns at least one
cell phone (210 million people); and, text messaging still dominates as the preferred cell phone service followed
by traffic reports and news/sports updates which have shown significant growth in the last year. The study is
available at The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada has selected a Humber
School of Media Studies & Information Technology Radio Broadcasting student’s PSA as the key to its
summer 2007 campaign. The MS Society chose from a selection of nationally-submitted scripts, deciding on
first year student Jim Moore’s 60-second effort... Paul Shaffer, leader of the CBS Orchestra and David
Letterman sidekick – not to mention a Canadian boy from Thunder Bay, will host Paul Shaffer’s Day in Rock.
The daily 60-second feature, says distributer Envision Radio Networks, “... draws on Shaffer’s vast musical
knowledge and ability to comment on the history of Rock from his unique perspective.”
EVOLVING DOOR: Theresa Treutler, Sr. VP Media Director at Doner Canada, will become the new
President of the Television Bureau (TVB). She succeeds Jim Patterson who retires this summer after
10 years of TVB leadership. He’ll overlap for a month with Treutler, who begins June 11... Johnny
Michel, most recently VP of Programming and Production at channel m Vancouver, has been appointed by
the CBC to the newly created position of Regional Director for the British Columbia region. He takes on that
job July 3. CBC says, “Michel will set the strategic direction and objectives for radio, television and digital
platforms, including the news innovation project known as MyCBC. He will ensure the station continues to
thrive as an integral network production centre and will direct and oversee all regional operations”... Dick Gray,
President of Crossroads Television – CTS TV (CITS-TV) Burlington – will retire at the end of June. So far,
no successor has been revealed but it’s believed that will await a final determination on whether or not
Crossroads wins approval for two new licences in Alberta... Jason Huschi, SM at The Wolf (CFWF-FM)
Regina, moves to new sister station Mix 103.7 (CFVR-FM) Fort McMurray. His move is effective July 1 when
he joins PD Craig Picton... Edward Ylanen, the GM/GSM at CHIN 97.9FM (CJLL-FM) Ottawa, begins June
4 at A-Channel Windsor in an as-yet undefined position but “working with sales”... Steve Jones moves up
from APD to becomes PD at LIFE 100.3 (CJLF-FM) Barrie. Jones begins May 31... Dennis Landriault, who
had been at Thunder Bay, is the new GSM for Maritime
Broadcasting's CFCY-FM/CHLQ-FM Charlottetown, CJRWFM Summerside, CKNB Campbellton, CFAN-FM Miramachi
and CKDH Amherst. Landriault is based in Charlottetown...
Rick Ringer, ex of CHUM Peterborough/Lindsay, becomes
Ops. Mgr. at Bayshore Broadcasting’s new 97.7 The Beach
(CHGB-FM) Wasaga Beach. Joe Cahill, ex of HITS (CHTZFM) St. Catharines and Mariane McLeod, whose last radio
job was at 680 News (CFTR) Toronto, share morning co-Host
Serge Parent, ex PD/MD at CKLE-FM
Bathurst/Caraquet, moves to Rogers Television New
Brunswick in Moncton as Station Manager... New MD at
JACK-FM (CKIS-FM) Calgary is Tim Schutz, ex of Cool 880
(CHQT) Edmonton. Schutz begins June 5... Michelle
Williams, ex Assistant Promotions Director at EZ Rock
(CJEZ-FM) Toronto, is now the Promotions Director at sister
Standard station K-Lite FM (CKLH-FM) Hamilton. She began
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Page Three of Five
May 14. Also at K-Lite FM Hamilton, Michelle Quinn is the new MD and afternoon Traffic Announcer... James
Creasey is the new Production Director at HANK FM (CHNK-FM) Winnipeg. Creasey, from Rogers Radio
Winnipeg, began May 7... WMXJ Miami morning man Rick Shaw retired Friday after 46 years in South Florida
IGN-OFF: Bob Carr, 65, in Toronto of heart failure. Carr operated an independent news gathering
company called Newsroom 2 and reported from the Ontario Legislature to as many as 40 radio stations.
He had been suffering from high blood pressure and a serious heart attack a few years back.
/FILM: Global TV/BCTV Vancouver Anchor Tony Parsons is about to begin winding back his
work hours to two days a week (Tuesdays & Wednesdays). In September, weekend News Hour
Anchor Chris Gailus is slated to take over for the other three days. Parsons, 68, says he’ll retire
to Kelowna after the 2010 Olympics... CTVglobemedia, in an effort to assuage CRTC concerns
about consolidation, offered to sell CHUM’s Citytv (CHMI-TV) Winnipeg, and possibly the Citytv-branded
stations in Calgary (CKAL-TV) and Edmonton (CKEM-TV). The Commission, however, turned it back. CTV’s
proviso on the sale of the Alberta properties was a CRTC rejection of CanWest's secondary network, CH
(CHCA-TV Red Deer), being allowed to expand its reach into Calgary or Edmonton. Not surprisingly, CanWest
objected because CTV made the request after the fact. Commission Senior Counsel John Keogh returned
CTVglobemedia's revised proposal along with a letter stating that the material hadn’t been requested... CBS
is said to be ready to syndicate its entertainment, news and sports video to as much of Web as possible. A
greater choice of CBS video content will be available this week - at no charge - on 10 different Web sites,
including AOL and Joost... Meantime, Joost, the Internet-based TV service being launched by the creators
of Skype and Kazaa, has raised $US45-million from five investors including CBS and Viacom. Joost, which
recently expanded a trial of its TV service to more users, transmits video with peer-to-peer technology. P2P
relies on the shared computing power and bandwidth of users to transmit data, rather than serving it all directly
to each user from a central data centre. The more people using the system, the better quality the transmission
will be... At JumpTV Inc.’s first annual meeting as a public company in Toronto this week, Standard Radio
President Gary Slaight and eBay
Canada Managing Director Jordan
Banks were elected to the Board of
Directors... MySpace is launching
news and lifestyle channels featuring
video from partners such as the New
Y o r k T i m e s and National
Geographic. The branded channels
come as MySpace rapidly expands
video offerings, seen as an important
driver of traffic... And, MySpace has
targeted growth here with its decision
to launch a Canadian version – on
Monday at (after
four months of testing). comScore
Canada, which measures Internet
traffic, says that about 5.9 million
Canadians spent an average of 83
minutes each on MySpace in March.
John Ruffolo, national leader of the
technology, media and telecom
practice at Deloitte & Touche,
questions how such massive
audiences can be turned into profits.
“My big issue is –– similar to in the
late 1990s –– you talk about all these
eyeballs,” he said, “but the jury is still
out on whether any of it can make any
money”... But on another video front,
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Page Four of Five
Forrester Research says the paid video download market is at a dead end. Forrester estimates paid video
downloads will peak this year, generating $279 million, up from $98 million last year. While this growth, if it
happens, sounds fantastic, Forrester predicts that it’s all over. Advertising models, it says, will now drive the
online video market. Another survey showed just 9% of online adults have ever paid to download a movie or
TV show – and they are a niche of media junkies willing to spend heavily on such content. But, they aren’t
mainstream viewers and, without them, the video download market won’t grow... Billed as “the first
personalized online local weather service of its kind in Canada,” CanWest MediaWorks is ballyhooing its
Forecast 4 Me – customized reports from Global News Meteorologists. A national roll-out will occur in the next
few months, following its debut in the Ontario region. Targeted by postal code and delivered directly to
subscribers via e-mail and online, the service ( is a partnership with MyWeather
LLC, majority-owned by Weather Central, Madison, WI...
ENERAL: Konrad von Finckenstein, the former federal court judge who now heads the CRTC, told
delegates to the BCAB annual convention at Penticton that a review of the CRTC itself is upcoming.
von Finckenstein said plans to rework broadcast regulations will be completed over the next four
months by communications lawyers Laurence Dunbar and Christian Leblanc. "We have a
government,” he said, “that is very keen on less regulation, and that has directed us to accept market forces
as the default and regulation as the exception." A key condition to the process, he said, is that any changes
must fit within the Broadcasting Act, e.g. continued support for domestic programming and access by all
Canadians... Don Bastien, Senior VP/GM at CTV (CFCF-TV) Montreal, has won the 2007 Paul
Mulvihill/NABS Humanitarian Award, presented annually to honour those from the advertising and media
industries who have given of themselves to better the lives of others... Alliance Atlantis Communications
says its first-quarter profit almost doubled to $41.2 million from the year-ago $21.5 million. AA attributes the
growth to broadcast advertising and worldwide sales of its CSI TV series. With a $2.3-billion CanWest
MediaWorks takeover pending, AA’s earnings for the three months ended March 31 amounted to 98 cents
a diluted share, compared with 49 cents a share in the same quarter last year... CanWest Global has
withdrawn the listing of its non-voting shares from The New York Stock Exchange following a management
review of the cost/benefits... At the British Columbia Association of Broadcasters annual convention in
Penticton on the weekend, Awards of Excellence were presented during the President’s Dinner. Winners are:
Best Creative (Small/Medium Market)
Best Creative (Large Market)
Community Service (Small/Medium Market)
Community Service (Large Market)
Excellence in News Reporting (Small/Medium Market)
Excellence in News Reporting (Large Market)
Station IDs (Small/Medium Market)
Station IDs (Large Market)
Best Creative (Small/Medium Market)
Best Creative (Large Market)
Community Service (Small/Medium Market)
Community Service (Large Market)
Excellence in News Reporting (Small/Medium Market)
Excellence in News Reporting (Large Market)
Station IDs (Small/Medium Market)
Station IDs (Large Market)
Broadcaster of the Year
Performer of the Year
Broadcaster Performer of Tomorrow
CKDV Prince George
CHUM Radio Vancouver
CKBZ-FM Kamloops
Z95.3 Vancouver
CFAX Victoria
CKNW Vancouver
The Bear Fort St. John
Z95.3 Vancouver
A-Channel Vancouver Island
Citytv Vancouver & CTV British Columbia
A-Channel Vancouver Island
CTV British Columbia
CHBC Kelowna
CTV British Columbia
CH Victoria
channel m Vancouver
Rod Schween, General Manager
Jeff O’Neil, CFOX Vancouver
Tasha Chiu, Citytv Vancouver
Broadcast winners at the Atlantic Journalism Awards, presented in Halifax on the weekend, were: Spot
news radio - CBC Newfoundland; Spot news TV - Robert Jones, CBC Fredericton; Enterprise reporting
radio - Connell Smith, CBC Radio Saint John; Enterprise reporting TV - Chris O'Neill-Yates, CBC TV St.
John's; Continuing coverage radio: CBC Fredericton; Continuing coverage TV - Jacqueline Foster, Global
Maritimes; Feature writing radio - Peter Anawati and Shaun Waters, CBC Radio Fredericton; Feature
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Page Five of Five
writing TV - Norma Lee MacLeod, CBC Halifax; Sports reporting - Deanne Fleet, CBC TV St. John's; Video
journalist - Paul Palmeter, Global Maritimes; Spot news photojournalism TV - Denis Butler and Roger
Cosman, CBC TV Fredericton; and, Feature photojournalism TV - Kevin Barnett, CBC TV Halifax...
Winners at the Prairie Region annual convention of RTNDA Canada held in Regina on the weekend were:
Bert Cannings Award - Best Newscast
Charlie Edwards Award - Spot News
Dan McArthur Award - In-depth/Investigative
Dave Rogers Award - Short Feature
Dave Rogers Award - Long Feature
Gord Sinclair Award - Special Events
Ron Laidlaw Award - Continuing Coverage
Sam Ross Award - Editorial/Commentary
Best Videography Award
News Information Program Award
Best Use of New Media Award
Diversity Award
Byron MacGregor Award - Best Newscast
Charlie Edwards Award - Spot News
Dan McArthur Award - In-depth/Investigative
Dave Rogers Award - Short Feature
Dave Rogers Award - Long Feature
Ron Laidlaw Award - Continuing Coverage
Sam Ross Award - Editorial/Commentary
Best Use of Sound Award
Information Program Award
Best Use of New Media Award
Diversity Award
CBC North Yellowknife (Small Market), Global (CFSK-TV) Saskatoon
(Medium Market) and Global (CKND-TV) Winnipeg (Large Market)
CTV (CFCN-TV) Calgary
CTV (CFRN-TV) Edmonton
CHAT-TV Medicine Hat (Small Market), CTV (CKCK-TV) Regina and
Citytv (CKAL-TV) Calgary (Large Market)
CBC North Yellowknife (Small Market), CBC Saskatchewan (Medium
Market) and Global Television (CKND-TV) Winnipeg (Large Market)
Global (CICT-TV) Calgary
CBC Saskatchewan
Citytv (CKAL-TV) Calgary
Global (CFRE-TV) Regina
CTV (CKCK-TV) Regina
Southwest TV News, Swift Current
Global (CICT-TV) Calgary
Zed 99 (CIZZ-FM) Red Deer (Small Market), CBC Radio
Saskatchewan (Medium Market) and 660 News (CFFR) Calgary
(Large Market)
News Talk 650 (CKOM) Saskatoon
630 CHED Edmonton
CBC Radio Edmonton
CBC North Radio One Yellowknife (Small Market), CBC Radio
Saskatchewan (Medium Market) and CBC Edmonton (Large Market)
News Talk 980 CJME Regina
News Talk 980 CJME Regina
CBC North Radio One Yellowknife
CBC Radio Saskatchewan Regina
CBC Saskatchewan
CBC Radio Saskatchewan
OOKING: Vista Broadcasting seeks a General Sales Manager to be based in Castlegar. See the ad
on Page 1... Other jobs we’ve heard about include CBC Montreal – Sales and Marketing Officer and a
Director, Spectrum Engineering and Broadcast Coverage; MBS Radio Kentville – Morning Show Host;
Rogers Radio Lethbridge – Promotions Director; CBC Toronto – Trade Marketing & Events Manager;
Rogers Sportsnet Toronto – Team Leader, Client Services; TVOntario Toronto – Sales Executive,
Corporate Sponsorship; CTS-TV Burlington - Graphic/Animation Designer; Astral Media Toronto –
Consumer Marketing Manager; and, Rogers Radio Edmonton – Senior Creative Writer.
UBLISHER’S NOTE: I have no idea where the time has gone but, if you take a look atop Page 1 this
week you’ll see that this is Volume 14, Number 48. With next week’s Volume 15, Number 1, the
Broadcast Dialogue brand turns 15. Many of you on this paid distribution list have been with us since
Volume 1, Number 1 and I owe you my profound thanks. Without your continued patronage, the
Broadcast Dialogue magazine could not have been launched and sustained during those first lean years.
EW SUBSCRIBERS THIS WEEK INCLUDE: Dennis Landriault, Maritime Broadcast Systems,
Charlottetown. Welcome!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Volume 15, No. 1
Page One of Four
/FILM: The CRTC will increase the number of ad minutes overthe-air stations may broadcast beginning in September. The 12minute per hour limit on traditional advertising goes up to 14
minutes an hour at peak times (7 p.m. to 11 p.m.) effective
Howard Christensen, Publisher
limit increases by a minute one year later, Sept. 1/08, and
Broadcast Dialogue
limits effective Sept. 1, 2009. CRTC Chair Konrad von
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
Finckenstein says “... Canadians viewers will ultimately decide what is
(705) 484-0752
acceptable." The Commission has also decided that Aug. 31, 2011, is the
E-Mail, click HERE
final implementation date when TV licensees will broadcast only in digital.
Broadcast Dialogue Website
The other decisions in how conventional TV broadcasters are regulated
include a requirement that both English- and French-language stations
caption 100% of their programs over the 18-hour broadcast day (excepting advertising and promotions), and
a denial of subscriber fees for the carriage of local conventional TV stations on cable and satellite. In rejecting
the fees, the CRTC said the large networks hadn’t presented compelling evidence of struggling business. With
just one year of data showing financial difficulties, von Finckenstein said “we don't know whether that's a trend
or a blip"... Both CTV and Rogers have announced three-year deals with the National Football League to
begin this season. Out after years of providing NFL coverage is Global Television which, it says, both couldn’t
and wouldn’t match the money from the other two. Speculation about what CTV and Rogers paid for the rights
goes as high as $15-million a year,
about half-again the amount Global
was paying... Jonathan L.
Freeman, of the University of
Toronto, says a lot of influential
people want the rest of us to believe
there is overwhelming evidence that
exposure to violence on television
causes aggression..., that there is
no longer any legitimate debate
about this, and that the effect is as
strong as the effect on smoking and
cancer. That simply is not true, he
asserts. Short-term aggression, yes,
Temporary Full Time
but TV violence has little or no role
1/07 – Sep. 15/08
in causing real violence. Freeman
said the FCC, in its report to the US
This position works with both internal and external clients to
Congress – without providing
ensure that TV and New Media production projects are properly
evidence or an explanation – simply
budgeted, scheduled, planned and executed.
declares it believes there is a
relationship. "This,” he argues, “is
Qualified candidates must be adept at budget mgmt using MS
not the way science should work . .
productivity tools, have a minimum of 3 yrs’ exp in TV, and
. It is not a matter of consensus. It is
completed a bus. acctg., TV or journalism degree.
or should be the research findings
that matter....” Meanwhile, in a Wall
For more information, please visit our website at
Street Journal interview, Law &
Order Exec. Producer Rene Balcer
and former FCC Commissioner
Gloria Tristani agreed on very little
Applications must be received by June 15, 2007.
Business Unit Manager
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Page Two of Four
– she in favour of curbs, he not. Both, however, said that while there have been studies vaguely linking
broadcast violence and aggressive behavior, there is no study which shows broadcast violence as a cause...
And, sticking with the violence and content theme, Pope Benedict XVI is now in on it, saying that programs
and videos that in the name of entertainment “exalt violence and portray anti-social behavior or the trivialization
of human sexuality is a perversion” are repulsive – moreso when they’re directed at children... The NAB,
American media trade associations and the major US broadcast networks have formed an ad hoc coalition to
oppose threatened congressional regulation of televised violence. The coalition has hired First Amendment
scholar and attorney Laurence Tribe as counsel. NAB spokesman Dennis Wharton said, "Our position
remains that responsible self-regulation is far preferable to government regulation in areas of programming
content”... An open-line program on TQS Television in Montreal which included verbal attacks on an appeal
court justice was, according to the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council, inappropriate. The issue was
a reduced sentence for a pedophile after a decision from the Quebec Court of Appeal. Hosts and callers
criticized Justice Lise Côté who had written the majority decision. Show Hosts said Justice Côté’s decision
was incorrect and suggested that she resign or be forced to step down. They and callers referred to her as
“crazy”, “dishonourable”, “a disgrace” and suggested that she endure a similar sexual assault. The complete
decision may be found by clicking
ADIO: In a USA Today interview, Google CEO Eric Schmidt called US radio “greatly
undermonetaized.” He says the figures are out of whack, that radio can be very much stronger. RAB
numbers for March seem to back up Schmidt’s remarks. Local revenues were down 3%, national was
off 2% and the combined spot sales total for local and national was down 2%. Total radio revenues were
down 2% for March, following gains in January and February... Newcap has acquired Standard Radio's
23.66% minority interest in some of its Alberta radio licences. The price was $11 million. The original 76.34%
was acquired in April, 2002. Newcap has 32 Alberta stations... Mexico’s equivalent of the CRTC, Cofetel, has
a proposal that, when approved, will allow Mexican radio stations within 200 miles of the US border to
voluntarily begin broadcasting with IBOC technology in the transition from analog to digital... CJOC Lethbridge
was a heritage station until it was flipped to FM and new call letters were acquired. For years, the calls
languished until Paul Larsen won an application for a new FM licence. The Lounge (CJOC-FM) Lethbridge
is set to launch next month . . . and it will have two “old-timers” in the breakfast spot: Mark Campbell as Host
and Veryl Todd anchoring news and information. Campbell had been a broadcast “legend” in Lethbridge but
had been away from radio for about
15 years. Ditto for Veryl Todd...
CJTN-FM ( LITE 107) Trenton is in
the midst of being jockless while the
Quinte Broadcasting-owned
station reworks its format. Effective
June 1, it becomes Rock 107,
Quinte's Classic Rock... Some XM
listeners in the US were outraged
that the company suspended shock
jocks Opie and Anthony for 30
days for crude sexual comments.
Hundreds of angry subscribers
flooded XM's operators with calls to
cancel and about 60 listeners
smashed their XM receivers outside
WFNY-FM New York, where the
two morningmen continue to air their
tamer, over-the-air broadcast. The
angry XM listeners seem united in
their desire for unregulated content
but insiders think XM is more
concerned about upsetting the FCC.
It, after all, has the power to block
the merger with Sirius... For Arbor
Day (May 17) in New Brunswick,
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Page Three of Four
the provincial Department of Natural Resources gave XL 96 (CJXL-FM) Moncton 700 Christmas tree
seedlings to give away. Despite freezing rain and ice pellets, all 700 were gone by mid-morning... A software
glitch at XM Satellite Radio crashed the system on Monday. Transmission was either lost or degraded through
much of the 24 hours from Noon Monday... Canadian radioheads will likely remember WLS Chicago
Superjocks Larry Lujack, Fred Winston, John Landecker, Jeff Davis, Chris Shebel and Tom Kent. They’ll
all be back on WLS-AM Monday, May 28 (Memorial Day in the US) for what’s being called The Big 89 Rewind.
It’ll be on from 5 a.m. through Midnight – flashing back to the glory days of Top 40. WABC-AM New York will
be doing the same thing, on the same day, as it has for the past nine years. Both will be Internet streamed.
ENERAL: Rogers Broadcasting has CRTC approval for a licence to operate national pay audio, with
35% CanCon on the Canadian-produced pay audio channels... New York-based Cerberus Capital
Management LP is talking to Shaw Communications and CanWest Global Communications about
joining a possible buying group for BCE. Cerberus needs to recruit Canadian partners because of
foreign ownership limits. Were such a partnership to proceed, it’d be up against New York-based private equity
firm Kohlberg Kravis and Roberts & Co./Ontario Teachers Pension Plan (which also includes Canada
Pension Plan Investment Board and Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec), seen to be the odds-on
favourites... The 2007 CAB Gold Ribbon Awards package is now available, with this year’s competition
package updated to better reflect the body of work being produced, e.g. Aboriginal Programming and Diversity
in News and Information Programming. Click HERE for more information...
EVOLVING DOOR: Brent Preston succeeds the recently-retired Hugh Syrja as GM/GSM at MIX FM
(CJRL) Kenora. Preston, who’s been out of the broadcasting business for the past couple of years, had
been with CFAN-FM Miramichi for 15 years in Sales and, for four years, as GM. Preston will also be
GSM at sister stations CFOB-FM Fort Frances and CKDR-FM Dryden... Dick Dewert resigned
Tuesday from the Miracle Channel in Lethbridge after admitting to an extra-marital affair. Ray Block, a
longtime Miracle Channel Exec, is Dewert’s successor. Joan Dewart has also resigned saying she did so to
“stand with her husband”... The 15th Government Film Commissioner and Chair of the National Film Board
is Tom Perlmutter. He joined the NFB
in 2001 as Director General, English
Program and, before that, was the
founding head of documentaries at
Barna-Alper Productions, one of
Canada's top production houses.
Perlmutter’s appointment is effective
June 11... Sam Goodwin is the new
Assignment Editor at CKWS-TV
Kingston, arriving from Channel 6
(cable) Hanover... A while back, Jody
Brooker was promoted to Retail Sales
Manager at Quinte Broadcasting.
Quinte owns and operates CJBQ./MIX
97 Belleville and ROCK 107
IGN-OFFS: Scott Chafe, just a
week shy of his 62nd birthday,
in St. John’s after a brief illness.
The VOCM St. John’s veteran
covered Newfoundland and Labrador
provincial politics under all nine
premiers, starting in 1963 with Joey
Smallwood. Members of the House of
Assembly paid tribute Tuesday night
to Chafe, the dean of provincial
parliamentary reporters. Premier
Danny Williams said Chafe was loved
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Page Four of Four
and respected. Opposition leader Gerry Reid said Chafe was not only fair and balanced reporter, he was also
a joy to get to know on a personal level... Bob (Sparky) Sherwin, 52, at Hamilton General Hospital after
suffering a severe heart attack a week earlier. Sherwin, a fixture on Hamilton radio since the early 1970s, most
recently worked as Morning Host at Mix 92.9 (CKNS-FM) Caledonia. He is best remembered for his 25 years
at CKOC Hamilton... Bobby Ash, 82, at Elliot Lake, Ontario, of a heart attack. Ash was known to children and
their parents as the character, Uncle Bobby, on the long- running CFTO-TV Toronto kids’ program, The Uncle
Bobby Show. It was broadcast between 1964 and 1979 and was carried on the full CTV network for two
OOKING: Knowledge Network in Burnaby seeks a Business Unit Manager. See the ad on Page 1 and
check the details at the Broadcast Dialogue Classified section on the Web. Click HERE... Other jobs
we’ve heard about include the North American Broadcasters Association (NABA) Toronto Executive Assistant; CJDC-TV
Dawson Creek - Videographer; Centennial College School of
Communications, Media and Design, Toronto - Broadcasting and Film Technologist; Alliance Atlantis
Toronto – French National Account Executive; Teletoon Toronto – Designer, Teletoon Interactive; CTV
Toronto – Executive Assistant, CTV Digital Media; CTV Edmonton – ENG Camera/Editor part-time; CH
Hamilton – ENG Camera/Editor; CBC Calgary – News Director; CBC Toronto – a National Account Manager;
a Radio news Producer; a Network Control Centre Technician, English Radio; and a News Editor/Presenter;
Rogers Sportsnet – Executive Producer-Events; The New Country 95.3 Hamilton – Promotions Director;
Rogers Radio Timmins – Morning Show Host and Promotions Director; and, Rogers Radio Vancouver –
Traffic Reporter.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Volume 15, No. 2
Page One of Three
ENERAL: Jim Macdonald has been named as the trustee who will
oversee the regulated parts of Alliance Atlantis as the process
moves toward a $2.3-billion takeover by CanWest Global
Communications. Specifically, Macdonald will be in control of the
Howard Christensen, Publisher
channels. His broadcast background includes WIC, Rogers
Broadcast Dialogue
and BCE Media where he was a VP and Chief Media Services Officer.
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
Right now, his consulting practice deals primarily with clients in
(705) 484-0752
broadcasting and communications. The CRTC’s action in appointing
E-Mail, click HERE
Broadcast Dialogue Website
Macdonald effectively clears the way for completing CanWest's takeover of
the unregulated portion of Alliance Atlantis but the Commission still has to
review CanWest's application on the regulated properties. Expect the
hearing towards the end of this summer. Meanwhile, the Movie Distribution Income Fund (MDIF) says the
Ontario Superior Court has scheduled a fairness hearing June 28 on the Alliance Atlantis takeover by
CanWest and Goldman Sachs. The $2.3-billion deal was approved by shareholders in April, but still faces this
legal challenge by the MDIF, which jointly owns the Motion Picture Distribution business with Alliance. Alliance
Atlantis intends to complete the deal in July or early August... Ted Rogers says his company’s rivals, who are
calling for a special wireless space auction that would shut out major wireless providers, are looking to “rip off
the system. at half cost and have taxpayers pay for them.” Requests have been filed with federal regulators
by MTS Allstream and Quebecor
asking for approval of dedicated
bandwidth for new players on the
national market. They want to bid on
wireless spectrum without the three
big providers – Rogers, Telus and
BCE – getting their hands into the
process when it unfolds next year...
M e a n w h i l e ,
R o g e r s
Communications has more than
tripled its annual dividend. The
company raised the annual dividend
to 50-cents a share from 16- cents,
effective this past Monday... Toronto’s
city council has decided that municipal
taxpayers will contribute most of the
financing for a $160-million office and
studio building on the Lake Ontario
waterfront that will become Corus
Entertainment’s headquarters. Mayor
David Miller says the Toronto
Economic Development Corp.
(TEDCO) project will consolidate
1,300 jobs and be a catalyst for future
development... By introducing the
Advanced Information and
Communications Technology
Research Act, US Senators Ted
Stevens and Daniel Inouye hope to
Thursday, May 30, 2007
Page Two of Three
help their country regain its competitive edge in communications research and development. Stevens (RAlaska) is Vice Chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee while Inouye (DHawaii) is the Senate Commerce Committee Chairman. The measure establishes a communications research
and development program within the National Science Foundation (NSF) to focus on affordable advanced
communications services. It also requires the National Telecommunications and Information Association
(NTIA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to initiate a spectrum pilot program... Ted
Rogers has donated $15-million to Ryerson University’s Business School. The money will be sent in
several directions – $8-million toward establishing 52 awards and scholarships, including eight Master's of
Business; $2 million to establishing a new research chair; and, $5-million will be used against the capital cost
of Ryerson's new business building, which will be named the Ted Rogers School of Management... The late
Bill Hewitt, son of legendary hockey announcer Foster Hewitt, will be honoured at the Hockey Hall of Fame
later this year with an award named after his father. Bill Hewitt was the voice of Hockey Night in Canada from
the late 1950s until the early '80s. Hewitt's family will be presented with the Foster Hewitt Memorial Award Nov.
12. Bill Hewitt died in 1996.
ADIO: In Regina, the CRTC has given the nod to Standard Radio and to Aboriginal Voices Radio for
new FM licences. At the same time, the Commission also approved Natotawin Broadcasting’s
application to add a CJLR-FM La Ronge transmitter in Regina. Applicants that didn’t make the cut were
Newcap, Radio CJVR, and Touch Canada Broadcasting. Standard Radio gets 92.7 at 100,000 watts
for a New Country format while AVR gets 96.1 at 100,000 for programming originating at CKAV-FM Toronto...
In Saskatoon, Harvard Broadcasting and Aboriginal Voices Radio won new FM licences. Applications from
Radio CJVR, Newcap, Saskatoon Radio Broadcasting, Standard Radio, Jim Pattison Broadcast Group
Limited Partnership, and Touch Canada Broadcasting were turned down. Harvard gets 92.3 at 100,000
watts and will program Youth Contemporary (Pop, Urban and Alternative Rock). AVR gets 102.9 at 100,000
watts. Most of the station’s programming will originate at CKAV-FM Toronto... In Medicine Hat, the CRTC
granted two applications for new FM licences to Rogers Broadcasting and Clear Sky Radio. It also approved
Lighthouse Broadcasting’s application for a frequency change and a bump in power for its CJLT-FM
Medicine Hat. The station moves from 99.5 to 93.7 and from 48 watts to 2,300 watts. Turned down were
Newcap, Golden West Broadcasting, Radio CJVR, Vista Radio, Harvard Broadcasting, and Pat Lough,
on behalf of a corporation to be incorporated. Clear Sky gets 102.1 at 100,000 watts programming Adult
Standards/Modern Nostalgia while Rogers gets 105.3 at 77,900 watts and programming a blend of modern
rock, album-oriented rock, classic rock and adult rock music... 580 CKPR Thunder Bay is expected to
complete its flip to FM on Monday, moving to 91.5 FM... Personal People Meter (PPM) ratings impact in
Philadelphia is being noticed, primarily for the real possibility that radio may have to rethink how it sells itself.
Victor Mills, an analyst at Bear Stearns, says radio will need to emphasize the greater audience reach than
was ever reported by diaries. Mills says, for example, that the City of Brotherly Love’s Clear Channel cluster
fell from #1 to #3 in ratings under
PPM, but was still #1 in total cume.
And that was a similar story
throughout the Philadelphia market:
Ratings down, cume up. In fact,
cume for Philly was up an average
of 82%, with one station (WJBRFM) seeing a jump of 384%, and
two others (WBEB-FM and WISXFM) each up 193%. Advertisers
have been undersold reach while
diary-keepers had over-reported
Time Spent Listening (TSL)... Sony
in the US has introduced HD radios
for both cars and homes and, at the
beginning of July, will kick off what
it describes as a long-term
commitment to offering a range of
HD radio-enabled products over the
next several years. The tabletop
Thursday, May 30, 2007
Page Three of Three
XDR-S3HD will retail for about $200 and its XT-100HD car tuner will be priced at about $100... April was the
eighth straight month of double digit percentage declines in satellite radio receiver sales at US retail outlets.
Morgan Stanley analyst Benjamin Swinburne says April started the quarter off with a combined 24% drop
for XM and Sirius. He did note, however, that Sirius showed its first material market share improvement in April
since December, with 55.5% of the retail sales reported, compared to a 44.5% market share for XM... During
Sirius Satellite Radio’s annual company meeting last week in Manhattan, CEO Mel Karmazin told
stockholders he was just as disappointed as fellow investors in Sirius' lagging stock price. But compared to XM,
he added, "We suck less." Sirius stock has dropped consistently since the start of 2006, when it opened the
year trading at $6.70. It’s been below $3 since early May. But Karmazin noted that wasn't nearly as bad as the
61% decline over the same period posted by the shares of XM... The National Association of Broadcasters
wants to see filings from XM Satellite Radio and Sirius Satellite Radio concerning terrestrial repeaters not
built as licenced. NAB also wants paper concerning satellite receivers not built to specification and has
requested the info from the Enforcement Bureau under the Freedom of Information Act. The satcasters have
objected to the request, but NAB argues that it is in the "compelling public interest" as XM and Sirius pursue
a proposed merger. The NAB argues that even if the merger overcomes significant antitrust hurdles, the two
companies seem to have engaged in "...a persistent corporate (if not industry) circumvention of the FCC's
regulations." NAB President/CEO David Rehr says it calls into question how the two would behave as a single
merged entity... Sam the Record Man will close its flagship Toronto store at the end of June. The shop, on
downtown Yonge Street, opened in 1961. Shortly after the announcement came calls for saving Sam’s flashy
neon sign and/or turning the existing store space into a music museum.
EVOLVING DOOR: Tom Hastings, ex of Alliance Atlantis, is the new Executive in Charge of
Production for TV Drama, Arts & Entertainment at the CBC. At AA, Hastings was responsible for a
number of programs on both HGTV and the Food Network... Lucy Silva, ex of Citytv Winnipeg, is the
new CH (CHCA) Red Deer Assistant Director... NBC Entertainment President Kevin Reilly is out while
Producer Ben Silverman and veteran NBC Universal Executive Marc Graboff are in as Co-Chairmen of NBC
Universal, NBC Entertainment and the NBC Universal Television Studio. The two will take responsibility for
programming, including digital efforts, and NBC's business and marketing components... John Knox has been
promoted to Promo/Marketing Director at FRED-FM (CFRK) Fredericton. Knox had been the station’s
producer and an on-air talent... Randy Turner, Retail Sales Manager at Newcap rocker 96.7 The RIG (CFXW)
Whitecourt, has added duties. He’s taken on RSM chores for sister stations in the FOX RADIO GROUP West
(Edson-Hinton)... Josée Ann McDuff has been appointed Director of Media Creativity at Corus Quebec while
Suzanne Thibeault becomes the Director of National Sales. Both appointments, described as “corner stones
for the setting-up of Group Forces Radio”, are effective immediately. The Quebec sales arm begins activities
June 4.
/FILM: While an erotic movie on Telelatino didn’t degrade women, the Canadian Broadcast
Standards Council says the 18+ ratings icon wasn’t on-screen long enough. The CBSC panel
observed that “sexually explicit content is not inevitably equivalent to exploitation.” The full decision
may be found by clicking Joost, the online TV service, says it will go to consumer
electronics makers in the coming months to make deals that would install Joost technology in TV sets. The
ambition of Joost founders Niklas Zennströöm and Janus Friis to invade living rooms via TV sets constitutes
one of the clearest signs yet that Joost wants to be more than just the next YouTube or iTunes – it aims to
be a global, Web-based TV pipeline. Joost is among scores of companies staking claims in convergence, but
there are problems, notably technical and business obstacles. A company executive, meanwhile, says those
technical glitches are being overcome, that investors of product and money remain happy.
OOKING: Vista Broadcasting is looking for a General Sales Manager for its Kootenay stations in British
Columbia. See the ad on Page 1... Other jobs we’ve heard about include: CAB Ottawa - Vice-President,
Government Relations; CH Television Hamilton – Manager Broadcast Operations and a News Reporter
or Videographer; CTV Toronto - a Video Editor II, Avid, a Producer, Outdoor Life Network, a Motion
Graphic Artist, MTV, a Studio Technician, Business News Network, and a Schedule Analyst (MTV); Global
Television Toronto - Writer/E.A; CBC Montreal - Production Manager TV Drama and Feature Films; CBC Washington Correspondent; CBC Toronto - National Reporter (Information-Radio French Network); Rogers
Sportsnet - Associate Producer; and, Rogers Radio Vernon - Morning Show Announcer.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Volume 15, No. 4
Page One of Four
ADIO: Larche Communications, owner of Country-formatted
stations KICX (CICZ-FM) Midland and KICX 106 (CIKZ FM)
Kitchener, has a deal in place with Rogers Broadcasting stations.
Rogers gets Larche’s Kitchener operation in exchange for JACK FM
Howard Christensen, Publisher
Orillia. Paul Larche says the swap makes strategic sense in
Broadcast Dialogue
that “it will allow us to better compete and consolidate our efforts in central
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
Ontario...” CIKZ-FM Kitchener would, with the CRTC’s approval, join the
(705) 484-0752
two other Rogers
E-Mail, click HERE
stations in the market,
Broadcast Dialogue Website
Kitchener... Z95
Vancouver has re-launched as CRAVE FM, Music That
Moves You... CAB-K Broadcasting, owner of CKLJ-FM
Olds, has just won CRTC approval for another FM licence
in that Alberta town. The existing station programs Country.
The new one – Rock/Pop (current as well as songs from the
A unique opening in
60s, 70s, 80s, 90s) – will air at 104.5 with power of 12,000
one of the most beautiful cities in Canada.
watts... EBay is teaming with Bid4Spots to auction unsold
CJCS/MIX FM Stratford is looking for an
radio ads from 2,300 terrestrial and Internet stations in the
experienced broadcast journalist to head up the
top 300 US markets. The ads are available in eBay's Media
news department.
If you're the type that just reads wire copy and
Marketplace. Google already offers a similar service,
isn't interested in finding local stories, the
created through its acquisition of dMarc Broadcasting in
isn't for you. However, if you're an
2006. The online auction leader is trying to expand into
writer, have a conversational
offline ads. The auctions - mostly for last-minute spots - will
presentation, a genuine curiosity for local news
take place on eBay Media Marketplace, which also brokers
along with a sense of teamwork, then this is an
cable-TV ads... The Digital Media Association has formally
ideal opportunity.
requested the U.S. Court of Appeals court to delay the
Duties of the successful candidate will include
implementation of what it calls a "radical and arbitrary"
news gathering, interviewing, writing, editing,
recording royalty rate increase. Imposed by the Copyright
presentation of newscasts and co-hosting
duties on the morning show. Candidates
Royalty Board, the first payments by Internet radio stations
should be able to generate story ideas and
are to kick-in July 15. Legislation that would repeal the rate
direct the news department. We pride
increase is pending in the US Senate and the House, but
on the quality and quantity of our
may not be brought to a vote in either chamber before that
community-based news.
/FILM: A new report on the Canadian TV sector
suggests that the Internet and network television
are destined to live side by side, though likely
not the best of neighbours. With the lines
between the two continuing to blur, Nordicity Group’s
report -- The Future of Television in Canada – suggests that
traditional broadcasters may be forced to change the types
of programs they air. Further, it describes a future of difficult
programming decisions for networks – and even moreso as
shows become available on the Internet through on-demand
services. But while those with negative attitudes predict TV
as a dead duck, Nordicity’s report says that’s not going to
We are looking for motivated individuals who
like a fun, challenging environment.
Please send your resume and demo to:
1240 CJCS & 107.7 MIX FM
or click
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Page Two of Four
happen – just as TV didn’t kill radio. There may be audience splintering but mass broadcasting won’t be
squeezed out... Jim Shaw, CEO of Shaw Communications is demanding “radical change” to the Canadian
Television Fund (CTF). He says CTF Execs want to take a tighter hold on the hundreds of millions of dollars
paid out by taxpayers and consumers for funding of domestic TV shows. Shaw accuses the execs of pursuing
"an aggressive and purposeful agenda" and of misspending the money given to it by government and industry.
His accusations come a week before the CTF's 20-member board convenes for its annual meeting at the Banff
TV festival. The fund is under review by the CRTC. The fund supports 65 broadcasters, including Country
Music Television, Movie Central, Food Network, Discovery Channel, Slice and YTV Canada... Global
Television’s national supper hour newscast, now originating from Vancouver, will move to a new digital media
centre in Ottawa early next year. CanWest MediaWorks says that by putting Anchor/Exec Producer Kevin
Newman close to the biggest stories/newsmakers it will also position him as being at the forefront of the
country's most advanced news gathering facility. The multi-million dollar project now being built in Ottawa will
integrate the company’s broadcast, print and online products. Global National’s main production and editorial
hub remains in Vancouver... Canadian TV networks, specifically CTV and Global, have been watching the
American online numbers closely and the data are telling them not to break the bank for digital rights to popular
TV programming. Although a year has passed since Web video was described as the “next great thing”,
negotiations might as well be at a standstill between the Canadian and US players to secure digital rights. The
Americans want premium money for Web rights to their big-numbers shows but the Canadians, hard as they
try, can’t justify balancing the books (never mind turning a profit) through online ads... Just short of a year after
Solutions Research Group’s last survey of Personal Video Recorder (PVR) homes in Canada, the numbers
indicate a 43% increase – from 700,000 last fall to just over a million now. Most (over 60%) regular definition
units. But despite that, Canadian growth is well behind the numbers in the US. There, there are more than
twice (per capita) as many households with a TiVo or DVR... Meantime, Nielsen began offering the first
standardized ratings of TV spots, giving clients a way to measure the impact on commercial viewing of DVRs.
Because of DVRs’ increasing use in the US, clients asked Nielsen last year to provide a closer measure of the
audience for spots, not only when programs are viewed live but also when played back... At the Alliance for
Children and Television (ACT) 2007 Awards of Excellence Gala in Toronto, award winners were:
Grand Prize for Best Program – All Categories - Poko produced by Halifax Films
Award of Excellence, All Genres, Ages 3–5 category - This is Emily Yeung produced by
marblemedia/Sinking Ship Entertainment
Award of Excellence, All Genres 9–12 - The Snow Queen produced by Amberwood Entertainment
Award of Excellence, All Genres Teens - “The Rez” produced by Vérité Films
Award of Excellence, Animation, Ages 3–5 category - Poko produced by Halifax Films.
Award of Excellence, Animation, Ages 6–8 category - If the World Were a Village produced by 9 Story
Award of Excellence, Animation Ages 9–14 category - 6Teen produced by Nelvana
Award of Excellence, Interstitials All Ages - Roll Play produced by Sinking Ship Entertainment
Award of Excellence, Best Website or Original New-Platform Content Tied Into a Children’s Program
ENERAL: A panel of the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit in New York has ruled against
the FCC's policy of fining stations and networks for airing profanities. The decision, that calls into
question the commission's authority to govern what is fit for broadcast, is being hailed by networks and
free speech advocates. The FCC, however, is considering an appeal to the US Supreme Court. FCC
Chairman Kevin Martin issued a statement using the nasty words under review that was an apparent effort
to underscore the impact of such language. Meantime, US Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Daniel
Inouye (D-Hawaii) called the court’s decision “disappointing”. Inouye has backed a bill, expected to be
introduced any day by Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) that would extend the FCC's indecency definition
to include violent content... The community-based, global, music discovery network – – has been
acquired by the CBS Corporation for $280-million. The online social platform has more than 15 million active
users in more than 200 countries. The CBS purchase of is the latest in a long string of similar buys,
including, investments in Joost and Spot Runner and the recent expansion of the CBS
Audience Network to include 25 online partners. CBS Honcho Les Moonves said’s “demographics
also play perfectly to CBS’s goal to attract younger viewers and listeners across our businesses.” is
the 11th ranked music site and 34th ranked social network, globally, according to Bank of America Equity
Research... Viacom has sold its Famous Music LLC to Sony/ATV Music Publishing, co-owned by Sony
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Page Three of Four
and trusts formed by Michael Jackson. The Wall Street Journal says purchase price was about $370 million.
Sony/ATV already owns or administers over a half million music copyrights, including The Beatles catalogue.
Famous Music adds another 125,000 songs and sound cues... RTNDA Canada - The Association of
Electronic Journalists honoured the best in electronic journalism in the Atlantic region this past weekend in
Halifax. Winners are:
Bert Cannings Award - Best Newscast: CTV Atlantic
Charlie Edwards Award - Spot News: CBC Television New Brunswick
Dan McArthur Award - In-depth/Investigative: Global News Maritimes
Dave Rogers Award - Short Feature: CBC TV Newfoundland & Labrador
Dave Rogers Award - Long Feature: CBC TV Nova Scotia
Ron Laidlaw Award - Continuing Coverage: Global News Maritimes
Sam Ross Award - Editorial/Commentary - CBC TV Nova Scotia
Best Videography Award - CTV Atlantic
Byron MacGregor Award - Best Newscast: KHJ Fredericton (Small Market) and VOCM St. John's (Medium
Charlie Edwards Award - Spot News: CBC Cape Breton
Dan McArthur Award - In-depth/Investigative: CBC Radio Maritimes
Dave Rogers Award - Long Feature: CJLS-FM Yarmouth (Small Market) and CBC Maritimes (Medium
Gord Sinclair Award - Live Special Events: News 95.7 (CJNI-FM) Halifax
Ron Laidlaw Award - Continuing Coverage: VOCM St. John's
Sam Ross Award - Editorial/Commentary: KHJ Fredericton
Best Use of Sound Award: CJLS-FM Yarmouth
Information Program Award: News 88.9 (CHNI-FM) Saint John
Diversity Award: CBC Radio
The Atlantic Regional winners go on
to compete for the RTNDA National
Awards to be presented at the
RTNDA National Conference in
Vancouver June 23... The
Communications Research
Centre Canada (CRC) has been
Telecommunications Hall of Fame
with the Special Recognition Award.
Given to one recipient annually, the
award acknowledges the
achievements of an organization,
group, location, event or technology
of special significance to the
success and legacy of Canadian
telecom. Veena Rawat, President of
CRC, said, "We are thrilled to be
Telecommunications Hall of Fame...
as Canada's leading research
agency in telecommunications for
more than half a century, the CRC
has continually defined the cutting
edge of this technology sector."
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Page Four of Four
EVOLVING DOOR: New Ops Mgr at Global Edmonton is Peter Wugalter. He succeeds the retired
Garth Wilson... Peter Chura, formerly of A-Channel Ottawa, is the new Supervising Producer/Evening
News Anchor at Global Winnipeg... CJCS/MIX FM Stratford ND Kirk Dickson moves to television in
Toronto, heading to Business News Network (BNN) as Writer/Line-up Editor... At CHIN Radio (CJLL-FM)
Ottawa, Gary Michaels adds Ops Mgr to his PD duties... Corus Québec has appointed Lucie Brodeur as
Marketing Director. She had been Director of Development for the Sainte-Justine Hospital Foundation in
Montreal... Rebecca West, who left her job at CH (CHCH-TV) Hamilton to become Director, Communications
and Sales for an organization outside of broadcasting, returns to CH-TV in her old role as Promotions
Director... ND Heather Mousseau of The Jim Pattison Island Radio stations (Nanaimo and Parksville) has
resigned. She leaves the stations next week to devote more time to family and business interests... Ian
Morrison of A-Channel (CFPL-TV) London retires July 6 after almost 40 years in broadcasting. He spent
more than half of his career with ATV Halifax. Morrison and his wife will return to Halifax to be closer to their
children and grandchildren.
IGN-OFFS: Peter Simpson, 64, of cancer in Toronto. Simpson founded Media Buying Services which,
at one point, had offices in Montreal, London, Paris, Frankfurt, New York and Los Angeles. He also
produced 35 feature films as well as miniseries and documentaries. He was probably best known for the
1980 horror classic Prom Night... Ken Ash, 44, in St. John's of cancer. Ash had been Ops Mgr at VOCM
St. John’s/CHVO Carbonnear (Steele Communications) the past five years. He began his broadcast career
with CHUM Limited when it owned the Q-Radio Network in Newfoundland.
OOKING: CJCS/MIX FM Stratford is looking for a News Director. See the ad on Page 1... Other jobs
we’ve heard about include: EZ Rock (CKXR-FM) Salmon Arm - Assistant PD; GX94 Yorkton Announcer; Fan 960 Calgary – Afternoon Host; CISN FM Edmonton – Sales Account Manager;
Standard Radio Fort St. John - Radio News Anchor/Reporter; CKMF-FM/CITE-FM Montreal - GSM;
CBC Toronto – Senior Manager, Brand Activation (CBC Sports); CBC Montreal – Director, Radio Operations
(Technical Production Radio-Canada); CJDC-TV Dawson Creek - Videographer/Reporter for TV and radio;
Tiessen Media (CFIT-FM) Airdrie - Traffic co-ordinator/Executive Assistant; Alliance Atlantis Toronto –
Account Executive; Business News Network Toronto - Producer; CBC Quebec City – Chief Technician; and,
CBC Ottawa – Manager, Records and Information Management.
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Thursday, June 14, 2007
Volume 15, No. 5
Page One of Three
ENERAL: The CRTC and the Competition Bureau willing, CHUM’s
five Citytv stations in Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton and
Vancouver will become the property Rogers Media. The
Commission is expected to rule before the end of this year.
Howard Christensen, Publisher
(CGM), ordered by the CRTC to sell them, accepted an
Broadcast Dialogue
at roughly $375 million. Rogers will step back from
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
their deal to buy the A-Channels (CHRO-TV Ottawa, CKVR-TV Barrie,
(705) 484-0752
London, CKNX-TV Wingham, CHWI-TV Windsor and CIVI-TV
E-Mail, click HERE
Broadcast Dialogue Website
Victoria). Instead, those stations will be added to CGM’s 21 conventional
CTV stations. Mary Powers, the Sr. VP Corporate Communications, says
the A-Channel stations “will retain a brand of their own as a separate
network and will not be branded CTV.” The for-the-moment A-Channels give CGM secondary coverage in BC,
Alberta and Ontario – in the same markets where CanWest Global enjoys that situation. With the possible
exceptions of CKX-TV Brandon and CLT (Canadian Learning Channel), CGM says it’ll keep all other CHUM
specialty TV and radio assets. As with the CHUM-City building in downtown Toronto – owned now by
CTVglobemedia but about to be occupied by Rogers – there are other former CHUM assets needing tinkering,
e.g. CP24 (the local Toronto & area news channel). It’s dependent on Citytv Toronto for programming but now
owned by CGM). The former CHUM assets are under the control of a trustee, lawyer John McKellar, and will
remain so until the regulatory bodies
are satisfied with the deal(s) as a
whole... Meanwhile, at the Banff
World Television Festival Monday,
CRTC Chair Konrad von
Finckenstein sent a blunt message
to the industry: You should have seen
this [decision] coming.“ Further, he
said, don’t be surprised when the
Commission sticks to a working
premise of the rules being the rules.
“Approving the whole deal,” he said,
“no doubt would have led to a
perception that any rule of the CRTC
can be overcome if enough benefits
are offered”... Media buyers seem
happy with the Rogers/Citytv
prospect. At Genesis Media, CEO
Bruce Claasen is quoted as saying
he doesn’t believe there's a media
buyer in the country who doesn't think
this is a good outcome. MBS
President David Campbell told an
interviewer that the deal creates
another strong broadcasting presence
in the country, one that’s sorely
needed. And Hugh Dow, the
President of M2 Universal, said that
it’s important that the Citytv stations’
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Page Two of Three
culture be maintained; that they keep their personality... A new report from Dallas-based The Diffusion Group
(TDG) says that while the podcasting audience continues to grow, the medium is poorly-defined by marketers.
The research indicates that 11% of US adult broadband users (about 12 million people) listen to podcasts at
least once a month. TDG identifies two factors keeping a lid on usage: (1) podcasting continues to be
perceived as too complex for average consumers, and (2) they remain unaware of the quantity and quality of
content available for podcast consumption... RTNDA Canada, the Canadian Media Lawyers Association
and the Canadian Newspaper Association are part of a broad-based group of media organizations seeking
to intervene in a Supreme Court of Canada case regarding the ”fair comment” defence for libel. The case
being intervened originated with an editorial aired by Rafe Mair on CKNW Vancouver. RTNDA Canada
President Bob McLaughlin (ND at A-Channel (CKVR-TV) Barrie) says RTNDA wants to ensure that fair
comment “... is what it should be, not an excuse, but a reasonable standard by which our work is protected”...
The RTNDA Canada national conference set for June 22-23 in Vancouver is a sell-out – the first time in the
association’s history. Some extra seating has been added, however, for the National Awards Gala Saturday
night... The federal government will spend $29 million over the next two years to renew a program aimed at
helping the development of Canadian new media products, including streaming audio and video, websites,
digital cameras and DVD and CD-ROM media. Heritage Minister Bev Oda says the Canada New Media Fund
will continue to support the creation of Canadian digital interactive content in both official languages... At the
Western Association of Broadcasters annual convention in Kananaskis on the weekend, WAB Gold Medal
Award winners were: C95 (CFMC-FM) Saskatoon for radio and Citytv (CKAL-TV) Calgary for television. The
Association’s Honourary Life Membership was presented to retiring Manitoba/Saskatchewan CRTC Regional
Commissioner Barbara Cram and the WAB Broadcaster of the Year went posthumously to Harry Dekker of
CJNB North Battleford. Accepting the award was his son, David (current GM of CJNB/CJCQ-FM North
Battleford)... US citizens still say TV is their Number One source for news, but a new Harris Poll survey
shows that #2 with a bullet is online. The differentiation is 25%-18% in favour of TV but this same group of
respondents expects the pecking order to be flipped within five years – online with 26% to TV’s 22%. Cable
is expected to show a 14%-15% increase over the same period, with a 12%-11% drop-off for radio and 12%10% drop-off for major dailies.
EVOLVING DOOR: Stephen Tapp, President/CEO of XM Canada, leaves the company tomorrow (June
15) to, as the news release said, “pursue other opportunities”. John Bitove continues his operational
leadership as CEO of Canadian Satellite Radio Holdings... CHUM Winnipeg VP/GM Bryan Stone
is no longer with the three stations – CFRW/CHIQ-FM/CFWM-FM. Supervising the Manitoba stations until a
successor can for found for Stone is Star-FM (CHST-FM) London VP/GM Jim Blundell... Sandra Collins
joins the Canadian Television Fund (CTF) as VP of Corporate Services and Administration. Collins begins
June 25... Rhonda Carlson has been promoted to News Manager for the three Jim Pattison Broadcast
stations in Medicine Hat – CHAT-FM/CHAT-TV/CFMY-FM. She succeeds Adrian Bateman who moved to AChannel Windsor as Managing Editor. Carlson has been the CHAT-TV News Anchor for the last three years...
Vanessa Dewson, the Canadian Association of Broadcasters Special Events & Projects Coordinator, has
left the association. She decided to start a business involving photographic/graphic design... Mike Ebbeling
has been appointed ND at CKDR-FM Dryden... Michael Godfrey is new Marketing Director at Newcap’s
california 103 (CIQX-FM)/FUEL 90.3 (CFUL-FM) Calgary. He’s been with the company since california 103’s
predecessor, The Breeze, launched five years ago... New Promotions Director at Rock 95 (CFJB-FM) Barrie
is Todd Palmer, in from Reef Marketing where his background was marketing and advertising.
/FILM: Rogers Communications has won CRTC approval for two OMNI-branded ethnic TV
stations in Alberta, one in Edmonton, one in Calgary... Also in Alberta’s two largest cities,
Crossroads Television System (CTS) won out over The Miracle Channel Association for new
licences... CH (CHCA-TV) Red Deer, soon to be re-branded, has Commission approval to build
new transmitters in Calgary and Edmonton. The station, however, must maintain current levels of local
programming and is prohibited from soliciting local advertising in either of the cities... The CRTC has denied
a proposal to sell local avails on 10 US cable channels distributed here via cable and satellite. The proposal
by Only Imagine Inc., headed by Drew Craig, would require the Commission to impose intrusive regulatory
measures and wouldn’t provide enough benefits to justify such a fundamental change in current policy. Further,
said the CRTC, any benefits that might have resulted could just as easily be realized in the existing regulatory
approach... The CAB has filed another complaint (it’s second) with the CRTC against Shaw Cable’s
community channels’ “continuing non-compliance” regarding the airing of spots that contravene a section of
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Page Three of Three
the Broadcasting Distribution Regulations. The Association wants the Commission to ensure that Shaw
immediately comes into compliance. Further, CAB asked the CRTC to require that Shaw file regular detailed
reports for each of its cable systems to demonstrate compliance – and it wants that in effect for the balance
of Shaw’s current licence term... In Quebec, the CRTC recently approved an application by TQS to amend
CFJP-TV Montréal’s licence by deleting its CJPC-TV transmitter at Rimouski. At the same time, it approved
the application by Télévision MBS to amend its CFTF-TV Rivière-du-Loup licence by adding this same
transmitter (at Rimouski). Télévision MBS also won approval to solicit local advertising in Rimouski and
surrounding areas.
ADIO: CHER Sydney flipped to FM Monday. The Maritime Broadcasting System station is now ID’ed
as MAX 98.3... Political comments on AM 640 (CFMJ) Toronto about the war in Iraq were not abusive
towards Muslims as a whole. The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council has concluded – despite
a complaint to the contrary – that the US syndicated show, Coast to Coast AM, distinguished between
Muslim terrorists and peaceful Muslims. Details at The New Brunswick Transportation
Department has a series of radio ads running that advise motorists to watch out for moose. Collisions with
moose, the ads say, change the lives of over 300 New Brunswick families each year. Moose weigh about 450
kilograms, stand two metres tall and, when struck by a car, they often fall on their windshields and roofs... The
Lounge (CJOC-FM) Lethbridge has struck a deal with the Lethbridge Hurricanes of the Western Hockey
League for broadcast rights. Beginning this fall, The Lounge will broadcast all 72 home and away games, plus
any playoff games. The station will be holding auditions for the play-by-play position... Reporter Jeff Williams
of the Sudbury Rogers Radio cluster had to decide between a labour of love and a labour of love. Would he
stick it out with his wife who was induced into labour or would he report on the fire going on in Sudbury
General Hospital? The electrical room blaze shut down all power and forced the transfer of patients to other
facilities. Because his wife couldn’t be moved, Williams reported live from the hospital as police and firefighters
shone flashlights so the doctor could see what he was doing.
OOKING: Newcap Thunder Bay - Producer; Rawlco Radio - Sales Manager; Knowledge Network
Burnaby - President/CEO; Rogers Radio Edmonton – a Promotions Director, a Program Director and
an Engineering Manager; Rogers Radio Victoria – Account Manager; Rogers Radio Vancouver –
News Anchor; Rogers Radio Vernon – Morning Show Announcer; CTV Toronto – Engineering
Technician; CBC Toronto – Senior Manager, Brand Activation at CBC Sports and a Manager, Digital
Programming; CBC Montreal – News Director; Alliance Atlantis Toronto – Manager, Digital Media Systems;
and, CPAC Ottawa – Communications Coordinator.
UPPLYLINES: Wicks Broadcast Solutions (WBS) has merged with Marketron International. Pete
D’Acosta, the CEO of WBS, remains as CEO of the new company, operating under the name of
Marketron Broadcast Solutions.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Volume 15, No. 6
Page One of Seven
ADIO: The Supreme Court of Canada refused to hear an appeal by
CHOI-FM Quebec City to overturn a 2004 CRTC ruling not to renew
its licence. The Commission declined to renew after multiple
incidences of racist and offensive comment by on-air personnel,
Howard Christensen, Publisher
several by Hosts Jeff Fillion and Andre Arthur. Some of those
Broadcast Dialogue
said the CRTC, likely caused “hatred or contempt on the basis
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
of mental disability, race, ethnic origin, religion, colour or sex.” CHOI has
(705) 484-0752
remained on the air and Radio-Nord Communications, which put in an
E-Mail, click HERE
offer to buy last fall, said it will make all efforts to ensure the station
Broadcast Dialogue Website
continues broadcasting... Corus Entertainment has bought Génération
Rock (CIGR-FM) Sherbrooke for roughly $1.1-million. As with all such
announcements, the CRTC has the final say... Vista Broadcast Group has acquired the shares of CJCD
Radio Ltd., owner of MIX 100 (CJCD-FM) Yellowknife. Eileen and Stuart Dent have operated the independent
for years. Vista operates 20 stations in Alberta and BC... The Beat 94.5 (CFBT-FM) Vancouver moves
tomorrow (Friday) to its new home at CHUM Vancouver. While it physically joins CFUN/CHQM-FM/CKST, the
paper work isn’t done at the CRTC. It has yet to decide on CHUM’s purchase of the independent... Z95.3
(CKZZ-FM) Vancouver morning show hosts Nat Hunter and Drew Savage were fired a couple of weeks back
when the station moved to a new sound and a new ID – 95 Crave. But in a news release, the station says the
outpouring of public feedback has shown them that they were wrong. Thus, the new morning Hosts at 95 Crave
are Nat and Drew, who got back on-air yesterday (Wednesday)... Canadian radio and TV stations may soon
be hearing from power-generating
wind companies that are applying to
operate facilities near their transmitter
sites, a guideline put in place by the
Radio Advisory Board of Canada
(RABC) and the Canadian Wind
Energy Association. Stations may
wish to ask their consulting engineers
to determine if the rotating turbine
blades might affect the quality of their
signal. FM is in the clear but AM
stations might feel the impact of reradiation from turbine support
structures which can distort AM
antenna patterns and throw the
station out of compliance with
Industry Canada rules... Internet
radio is on its way to motor vehicles.
At the annual Consumer Electronics
Show, Slacker Inc.'s 36-year-old
founder (Celite Milbrandt)
demonstrated his mobile service.
Slacker and competitor Pandora say
they're talking to Detroit car makers...
The National Association of
Broadcasters will fight efforts by
musicFIRST, a new coalition of
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Page Two of Seven
recording artists demanding performance royalties. Said Association Exec VP Dennis Wharton: "Congress
has long recognized that radio airplay of music generates millions of dollars in revenue for record labels and
artists. Were it not for radio's free promotional airplay of music on stations all over America, most successful
recording artists would still be playing in a garage." Comprised of performing and recording musicians,
musicFIRST wants compensation whenever one of their performances is played over the air. Celine Dion,
Wyclef Jean, Don Henley, Patti LaBelle, Jimmy Buffett, Toby Keith, John Legend, Jennifer Lopez and
Christina Aguilera are among those in the coalition. They’re calling for payments for everyone heard on a
recording, including instrumentalists... Former US Federal Communications Commission Chief Economist
Thomas Hazlett says a merger between XM and Sirius would be food for competition. The National
Association of Broadcasters fires back with the equivalent of “are you nuts?”. Actual wording is that Hazlett’s
study “defies logic.” Hazlett’s paper, prepared for XM and Sirius, concludes that the merger “offers the potential
to yield substantial efficiencies, benefit consumers and enhance the dynamics of competition within the audio
entertainment marketplace.” NAB Exec VP Dennis Wharton replies, “... The study's contention that consumers
would benefit from a monopoly merger of the only two satellite radio services is laughable...”.
ENERAL: RTNDA Canada has named its new diversity award after former Governor General Adrienne
Clarkson. It will be awarded annually for the news story, feature or series on TV or radio that best
exemplifies or explores an issue of diversity. Clarkson will present the first awards at RTNDA Canada's
national conference this weekend in Vancouver (at the Sutton Place hotel)... Three Canadian broadcast
operations which have won US RTNDA 2007 Edward R. Murrow National Awards are CBC National Radio
News, Global Television Ontario and CKGL-AM Kitchener. The Murrow winners were announced in
Washington this week. The awards will be presented Oct. 15 at the RTNDA Awards Dinner in New York...
Astral Media Executive VP/GM John Eddy of 1260 AM (CKHJ)/The Fox 105.3 (CFXY-FM)/106.9 Capital FM
CIBX-FM Fredericton is on leave from his duties. Eddy is dealing with a serious illness... The 2007 Canadian
Association of Broadcasters’ Gold Ribbon Awards package may be downloaded by clicking HERE. This
year’s competition package has been updated, says CAB, to better reflect the body of work being produced
by CAB members.
EVOLVING DOOR: CBC News, Current Affairs and Newsworld Editor in Chief Tony Burman has
resigned. His last day will be July 13. In his 35 years with the Corporation, the 59-year-old has held a
number of roles, including as a news and documentary Producer. Esther Enkin will serve as acting
Editor in Chief and Don Knox will oversee Television News and Newsworld as a search is conducted
for Burman’s successor... Fin Paterson, ex of CHUM Winnipeg, is the new RSM at CJOB/CJKR-FM
Winnipeg. Paterson was National Sales Manager and Agency Liaison at the CHUM stations...
Reporter/Anchor Paul Godkin of CTV Northern Ontario in Sudbury moves to Conestoga College
Kitchener's broadcast journalism program as its Co-ordinator, beginning Aug. 7. After 10 years with the CTV
operation, Godkin departs July 25... Jay Terrence, the morning Host at Energy FM (CHRX-FM), has been
appointed Program Manager at Standard Radio Fort St. John. He’ll keep doing the morning show until a
successor is found... Greg Laing has been appointed Assistant Program Manager at CJDC Dawson Creek...
Darren Puffer is the new Community Relations Supervisor at Global BC (CHAN-TV) Vancouver. He had
been Sales Promo Coordinator at CKVU-TV/Citytv Vancouver... Paul M’Keown is the new Creative Director
at Blackburn Radio Chatham. His immediate past saw 20 years with NL Broadcasting Kamloops.
IGN-OFF: Longtime BC broadcaster Stu Blakely, 69, has died in an extended care hospital in Kamloops
– eight years after suffering a massive stroke. Throughout the 1960s and early ‘70s, Blakely worked in
radio and TV at Victoria, Vancouver and Vernon before arriving at CHNL Kamloops in the mid-1970s.
In 1978, he went across the street to CFJC where he worked both mediums and was the CFJC-TV News
Anchor for 17 years.
OOKING: See the ad on Page 1 for Vista Broadcast Group seeking a Sales Professional in BC... Other
jobs we’ve heard about include: Ryerson University’s School of Radio and Television Arts in Toronto
– a Faculty member; Big Country 93.1 FM (CJXX) Grande Prairie – Broadcast Technician; 101.5 The
Hawk (CIGO) Port Hawkesbury – Broadcast Journalist; CTV Toronto – Production Manager, CTV
News; CBC Toronto – Chief of Staff, CBC Television Network; Rogers Radio Edmonton – Producer; Rogers
Radio Timmins – Afternoon Drive Announcer; Rogers Radio Fraser Valley – Sales Manager; CKER-FM
Edmonton – Morning Show Host; CBC Halifax – Business Manager; CBC Ottawa – Corporate Manager,
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Page Three of Seven
Financial Systems; and, CBC Yellowknife – Sr Communications Officer.
UPPLYLINES: Glenn Tracy, a native of Halifax, has been appointed VP of Production at LBA
Technology, Inc. In Greenville, NC.
EW SUBSCRIBERS THIS WEEK INCLUDE: Ginette Sowerby, X92.9 (CFEX-FM) Calgary and
Catharine Hancock, Marketwire Toronto. Welcome!
/FILM: CanWest Global Communications intends to maintain its 56% stake in Ten, Australia’s
third largest TV network. Trade in shares of The Ten Network Holdings was halted in Sydney
Monday following reports that CanWest’s planned sale of the network had failed. Meanwhile, .The
Ten Group pty Ltd. has reported a 14% jump in revenues in the third quarter... Global News
Edmonton says it has launched “the first and only television news and traffic helicopter in the city”... The
Media Technology Monitor (MTM), marketed in Canada by BBM Analytics, says that while Canadians are
adopting personal TV technologies, they haven’t kept that to just one technology. Rather, consumers have
bought a number of competing items. MTM says PVR consumption is minimal and that consumer intentions
to buy them continues to be soft; that DVD recorders outsell PVRs by a factor of three; and, that content
availability is driving video-on-demand, particularly in the French-market... The 2007 Promax and BDA North
America Awards competition was held in New York last weekend. Again this year, there was an amazing
number of Canadian winners, up from 255 awards last year to 392 in 2007. Detailed information follows further
Alliance Atlantis
Astral Media
Bell ExpressVu
CanWest MediaWorks
CBC English
channel m
Corus Entertainment
Groupe TVA
Leafs TV
Rogers Cable
Rogers Media TV
Rogers Sportsnet
North America
Alliance Atlantis
CN11 Cable Channels & Networks, Entertainment Program Promotion Olympic Sex
CN33 Cable Channels & Networks, Radio Promotion # 1 Single - PSA GOLD
CN34 Cable Channels & Networks, Radio Promotion Campaign # 1 Single GOLD
CN37 Cable Channels & Networks, Outdoor/Environmental/Transit Advertisement
Ancestors in the Attic GOLD
CN39 Cable Channels & Networks, Promotional Animation Campaign Food ID's
CN42 Cable Channels & Networks, Marketing Presentation - Print or Specialty BBCK:
Rated K Moment Picture Frame GOLD
CN52 Cable Channels & Networks, Editing The Texas Chainsaw Massacre# GOLD
CN02 Cable Channels & Networks, Branding/Image Campaign Using One or More
Media Showcase at 10 - Unmissable SILVER
CN15 Cable Channels & Networks, Reality Program Promotion Project Runway Catfight SILVER
CN33 Cable Channels & Networks, Radio Promotion How Not to Decorate SILVER
CN36 Cable Channels & Networks, Consumer or Trade Print Campaign The Big Flip#
CN52 Cable Channels & Networks, Editing Apocalypse Now Redux SILVER
CN53 Cable Channels & Networks, Copywriting 2001: A Space Odyssey# SILVER
CN55 Cable Channels & Networks, Sound Design When Disaster Strikes SILVER
CN58 Cable Channels & Networks, Use of Library Music for a Promo 2001: A Space
Odyssey## SILVER
CN02 Cable Channels & Networks, Branding/Image Campaign Using One or More
Media Thanks Showcase: BRONZE
CN12 Cable Channels & Networks, Holiday/Seasonal Program Promotion No Holidays
in the Wild 4 BRONZE
CN21 Cable Channels & Networks, Program Promotion Campaign - Using More Than
One Media # 1 Single BRONZE
CN23 Cable Channels & Networks, Stunt Promotion Battlefield Detectives Sunday
CN25 Cable Channels & Networks, Promotion for Theatrical Films Shown on
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Television 2001: A Space Odyssey BRONZE
CN33 Cable Channels & Networks, Radio Promotion Worst Jobs 2 BRONZE
CN35 Cable Channels & Networks, Consumer or Trade Print Ad More Movies
CN36 Cable Channels & Networks, Consumer or Trade Print Campaign HGTV Fall
Campaign BRONZE
CN37 Cable Channels & Networks, Outdoor/Environmental/Transit Advertisement The
Big Flip## BRONZE
CN52 Cable Channels & Networks, Editing The Somme BRONZE
CN53 Cable Channels & Networks, Copywriting More Movies## BRONZE
CN55 Cable Channels & Networks, Sound Design The Texas Chainsaw Massacre##
CN56 Cable Channels & Networks, Use of Original Music Composition for a Promo
Camp Hollywood# BRONZE
BN51 Broadcast Networks, Editing Tank Week SILVER
CS16 Cable & Satellite Systems, Editing Dig SILVER
BN51 Broadcast Networks, Editing Ali G Block Party BRONZE
BN32 Broadcast Networks, Radio Promotion Worst Jobs GOLD
CN49 Cable Channels & Networks, Consumer Promotion Campaign Guinness spots
Astral Media - Cinépop
CN48 Cable Channels & Networks, Consumer Promotion Cinépop Freak 30s GOLD
Astral Media - Family Channel
CN03 Cable Channels & Networks, ID Mad Dash - Remote Control Cars GOLD
BN04 Broadcast Networks, ID Campaign Mad Dash BRONZE
CN27 Cable Channels & Networks, Public Service Announcement (PSA) Stand Up
Style "Cuff" BRONZE
Astral Media - Mpix
CN03 Cable Channels & Networks, ID Mpix/Escape High Definition GOLD
CN23 Cable Channels & Networks, Stunt Promotion Reel Rocky GOLD
CN23 Cable Channels & Networks, Stunt Promotion Reel Batman SILVER
CN30 Cable Channels & Networks, Interstitial/Promotainment - Movies Moviehead
"Batman" SILVER
CN23 Cable Channels & Networks, Stunt Promotion Kong-A-Thon BRONZE
Astral Media - The Movie Network
CN01 Cable Channels & Networks, Branding/Image M Excess Hero GOLD
CN04 Cable Channels & Networks, ID Campaign Laughter Bumpers GOLD
CN12 Cable Channels & Networks, Holiday/Seasonal Program Promotion The Movie
Network Winter 2006 GOLD
CN13 Cable Channels & Networks, Drama Program Promotion ReGenesis "Apple"
CN17 Cable Channels & Networks, Special Event Program Promotion Free Preview
Tease GOLD
CN20 Cable Channels & Networks, Program Promotion Campaign ReGenesis "Apple
& Egg" GOLD
CN52 Cable Channels & Networks, Editing Winter 2006 Image GOLD
CN03 Cable Channels & Networks, ID Amazement SILVER
CN05 Cable Channels & Networks, Holiday Image Campaign The Movie Network
Seasonal Campaign 2006 SILVER
CN38 Cable Channels & Networks, Promotional Animation Fear ID SILVER
CN39 Cable Channels & Networks, Promotional Animation Campaign Emotion
Campaign SILVER
CN13 Cable Channels & Networks, Drama Program Promotion The Sopranos
"Surveillance" BRONZE
CN25 Cable Channels & Networks, Promotion for Theatrical Films Shown on
Television Comeback Season BRONZE
CN39 Cable Channels & Networks, Promotional Animation Campaign Adrenaline &
Laughter Campaign BRONZE
CN48 Cable Channels & Networks, Consumer Promotion Movie Entertainment
Magazine BRONZE
Astral Media- Cinépop
CN17 Cable Channels & Networks, Special Event Program Promotion Special 2 for
1- Cinépop 50s SILVER
CN48 Cable Channels & Networks, Consumer Promotion Cinépop subscribe (casino)
Astral Media- Family Channel
I1 Website - Branding/Image SILVER
Astral Media- The Movie Network
I1 Website - Branding/Image BRONZE
I2 Website - Program, Entertainment/Special Event The Movie Network's The
Sopranos minisite BRONZE
Astral Media-Super Écran
CN17 Cable Channels & Networks, Special Event Program Promotion The Oscars
2005-Super Écran BRONZE
Bell ExpressVu
CS04 Cable & Satellite Systems, Promotion Campaign Using More Than One Media
Vu! Pay-Per-View Entertainment Capsules GOLD
CS07 Cable & Satellite Systems, Multi Genre Promotion Fighting in November GOLD
CS17 Cable & Satellite Systems, Copywriting The Kevin Smith Triple Bill GOLD
BN21 Broadcast Networks, Funniest Promotion Scrabble Scramble SILVER
BN51 Broadcast Networks, Editing Cowboys SILVER
BN52 Broadcast Networks, Copywriting The Cowboys SILVER
CS01 Cable & Satellite Systems, Local/Regional TV Promotion La Job SILVER
CS07 Cable & Satellite Systems, Multi Genre Promotion Super Hero Triple Bill
Page Four of Seven
CS12 Cable & Satellite Systems, Theatrical Movies Released To Television Promotion
Kevin Smith Triple Bill SILVER
BN21 Broadcast Networks, Funniest Promotion Sudoku BRONZE
CS02 Cable & Satellite Systems, Branding/Image Colour Television! BRONZE
CS12 Cable & Satellite Systems, Theatrical Movies Released To Television Promotion
Belluci/Marceau BRONZE
CS17 Cable & Satellite Systems, Copywriting Vu! December Superhero's Capsule
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
R3 Radio Station, Print Piece Sounds Like Summer Poster GOLD
Canal Vie, a station of Astral Media
BN16 Broadcast Networks, Special Event Program Promotion 10th anniversary
campaign GOLD
BN26 Broadcast Networks, Public Service Announcement (PSA) Organ donation
CanWest Media Works Inc.
BN45 Broadcast Networks, Marketing Presentation External (Multiple Products) Video Global Television: Fall Upfront Presentation BRONZE
BN06 Broadcast Networks, News Program Promotion Global National - News
Understood - Aristotle/Jung/Kravitz GOLD
BN07 Broadcast Networks, News Program Campaign Using One or More Media
Global National - News Understood GOLD
BN17 Broadcast Networks, In-House Program Promotion Global National - News
Understood - Diefenbaker/Rowling/Collins GOLD
BN20 Broadcast Networks, Program Promotion Campaign - Using One or More Media
Global National - News Understood - On-air & Print GOLD
T11 Broadcast Television Station, Program Promotion Global Calgary - The Hospital
You Built GOLD
BN10 Broadcast Networks, Comedy Program Promotion CH Television: Two and a
Half Men - Rock Star SILVER
BN19 Broadcast Networks, Program Promotion Campaign Global National - News
Understood Campaign SILVER
BN21 Broadcast Networks, Funniest Promotion CH Television: Boston Legal - Brilliant
Legal Minds & Denny Crane SILVER
BN24 Broadcast Networks, Promotion for Theatrical Films Shown on Television CH
Television: CH Movies SILVER
BN36 Broadcast Networks, Outdoor/Environmental/Transit Advertisement Global
Television: Simpsons SILVER
BN55 Broadcast Networks, Use of an Original Music Composition in a Promo Global
National - News Understood Music SILVER
CN06 Cable Channels & Networks, News Program Promotion Global Quebec - FAME
CN28 Cable Channels & Networks, Interstitial/Promotainment - Network or Block
Mystery new brand SILVER
CN29 Cable Channels & Networks, Interstitial/Promotainment - General Programming
Mystery brand interstitial SILVER
T08 Broadcast Television Station, Sports Program Promotion Global Calgary - Not just
a Rodeo SILVER
T29 Broadcast Television Station, Non-Promotional Animation Global Calgary Children's Hospital Animation SILVER
BN11 Broadcast Networks, Entertainment Program Promotion Global Television: The
Apprentice LA BRONZE
BN15 Broadcast Networks, Reality Program Promotion CH Television: Big Brother Duplicity BRONZE
BN15 Broadcast Networks, Reality Program Promotion Global Television: The
Apprentice LA 2 BRONZE
BN19 Broadcast Networks, Program Promotion Campaign CH Television: Movies
BN22 Broadcast Networks, Stunt Promotion CH Television: Extreme Makeover: Home
Edition - Gold Medal Episodes BRONZE
CN04 Cable Channels & Networks, ID Campaign TVtropolis ID launch campaign
CN22 Cable Channels & Networks, Funniest Promotion Deja View All in the Family
CN42 Cable Channels & Networks, Marketing Presentation - Print or Specialty
Sales/Affiliate Presentation Folder BRONZE
T18 Broadcast Television Station, Public Service Announcement (PSA) Global
Calgary - Smoke Free Calgary A BRONZE
T32 Broadcast Television Station, On-Air Sales Promotion Global Edmonton - Global
Kidtropolis News Team Contest BRONZE
T34 Broadcast Television Station, Consumer Promotion Campaign Global Calgary Home Showcase BRONZE
CanWest MediaWorks Inc. - Global Calgary
T34 Broadcast Television Station, Consumer Promotion Campaign Global Calgary Air Canada to New York GOLD
CanWest MediaWorks Inc. Global Winnipeg
BN07 Broadcast Networks, News Program Campaign Using One or More Media
Global Winnipeg News Image Promos "News
you talk about" SILVER
BN11 Broadcast Networks, Entertainment Program Promotion The Hour - Bush GOLD
CN06 Cable Channels & Networks, News Program Promotion Falling Man GOLD
BN09 Broadcast Networks, Sports Program Campaign Using One or More Media
Stanley Cup Playoffs Campaign SILVER
T11 Broadcast Television Station, Program Promotion Montreal Matters SILVER
BN41 Broadcast Networks, Marketing Presentation - Print or Specialty Toliet Paper
Thursday, June 21, 2007
channel m
T01 Broadcast Television Station, Branding/Image channel m - Diversity Lives Here South Asian Harley GOLD
T03 Broadcast Television Station, ID channel m - Diversity Lives Here - South Asian
Harley GOLD
T04 Broadcast Television Station, ID Campaign channel m - Diversity Lives Here Station ID Campaign # 3 GOLD
T05 Broadcast Television Station, Holiday Image Campaign channel m - 2006 Lunar
New Year - Station ID Campaign GOLD
T21 Broadcast Television Station, Daypart Packaging Promotion channel m Mandarin Cinema - A Film For Every Season GOLD
T27 Broadcast Television Station, Promotional Animation channel m - Cantonese
Cinema - Live Your Fantasy GOLD
T31 Broadcast Television Station, Sales Presentation - Video channel m - 2006 Fall
Presentation - Diversity Lives Here GOLD
T40 Broadcast Television Station, Sound Design channel m - 24: Season 3 - Take 24
Seconds GOLD
T02 Broadcast Television Station, Branding/Image Campaign Using One or More
Media channel m - Diversity Lives Here - Station ID Campaign # 1 SILVER
T03 Broadcast Television Station, ID channel m - Diversity Lives Here - Chinese
Opera Boogaloo SILVER
T04 Broadcast Television Station, ID Campaign channel m - Diversity Lives Here Station ID Campaign # 4 SILVER
T05 Broadcast Television Station, Holiday Image Campaign channel m - Christmas
2006 - Station ID Campaign (Happy Holidays) SILVER
T21 Broadcast Television Station, Daypart Packaging Promotion channel m Cantonese Cinema - Live Your Fantasy SILVER
T28 Broadcast Television Station, Promotional Animation Campaign channel m Diversity Lives Here - Station ID Campaign # 5 SILVER
T37 Broadcast Television Station, Editing channel m - Law & Order: C I - Killer TV
T02 Broadcast Television Station, Branding/Image Campaign Using One or More
Media channel m - Diversity Lives Here - Station ID Campaign # 2 BRONZE
T03 Broadcast Television Station, ID channel m - Diversity Lives Here - Modern Art
Calligrapher BRONZE
T11 Broadcast Television Station, Program Promotion channel m - Law & Order: C I Killer TV BRONZE
T12 Broadcast Television Station, Program Promotion Campaign channel m - South
Park - Best We Can Do, Free Hat, Now In Canada, Friends BRONZE
T13 Broadcast Television Station, Funniest Promotion channel m - South Park - Best
T27 Broadcast Television Station, Promotional Animation channel m - Law & Order:
C I - Killer TV BRONZE
T28 Broadcast Television Station, Promotional Animation Campaign channel m Christmas 2006 - Station ID Campaign (Happy Holidays) BRONZE
T33 Broadcast Television Station, Consumer Promotion White Spot Whistler Getaway
CHUM Television
BN26 Broadcast Networks, Public Service Announcement (PSA) First Time GOLD
CN12 Cable Channels & Networks, Holiday/Seasonal Program Promotion 2006
Holiday Wrap GOLD
CN16 Cable Channels & Networks, Adult Program Promotion Friday Frightmare
CN22 Cable Channels & Networks, Funniest Promotion J. Hasbein Talent Agency
CN40 Cable Channels & Networks, Non-Promotional Animation Star! - "This is..."
Show Opening GOLD
CN54 Cable Channels & Networks, Directing Sci-Fi Talent Agency GOLD
CN57 Cable Channels & Networks, Music Package/Post Score or Instrumental Theme
With or Without Vocals 2006 VJ Search Theme Song "What Would You Do" GOLD
T12 Broadcast Television Station, Program Promotion Campaign BT - Everyone's
Talking Campaign GOLD
T13 Broadcast Television Station, Funniest Promotion Citytv The Bachelor Finale
T16 Broadcast Television Station, Promotion for Theatrical Films Shown on Television
Citytv The Sixth Sense GOLD
T23 Broadcast Television Station, Radio Promotion Blade 2 GOLD
T37 Broadcast Television Station, Editing Citytv Adaptation GOLD
I1 Website - Branding/Image GOLD
SP1 Something For Nothing MuchVIBE 'Grillz' Generic GOLD
BN26 Broadcast Networks, Public Service Announcement (PSA) Adopt a Village
CN12 Cable Channels & Networks, Holiday/Seasonal Program Promotion TrekMas
Day Movie Marathon SILVER
CN23 Cable Channels & Networks, Stunt Promotion BookTelevision - Salute to
Canadian Music Week SILVER
CN32 Cable Channels & Networks, Daypart Packaging Promotion Campaign Bravo! Weekend Movie Getaway SILVER
CN33 Cable Channels & Networks, Radio Promotion Razer Animal Test (Radio Spot)
CN42 Cable Channels & Networks, Marketing Presentation - Print or Specialty "Jaws"
Mobile Poster Ad - CHUM International SILVER
CN48 Cable Channels & Networks, Consumer Promotion Nintendo Bounty Hunter
Contest SILVER
CN52 Cable Channels & Networks, Editing PunchMuch ID: "Dirty Dozen" SILVER
CN56 Cable Channels & Networks, Use of Original Music Composition for a Promo
TrekMas Day Marathon SILVER
T12 Broadcast Television Station, Program Promotion Campaign Everyday People
Page Five of Seven
Talk About TV SILVER
T13 Broadcast Television Station, Funniest Promotion Citytv Perfect Storm SILVER
T14 Broadcast Television Station, Stunt Promotion Citytv The Bachelor Finale SILVER
T16 Broadcast Television Station, Promotion for Theatrical Films Shown on Television
The Italian Job SILVER
T16 Broadcast Television Station, Promotion for Theatrical Films Shown on Television
A-Channel "Erin Brockovich" SILVER
T20 Broadcast Television Station, Interstitial/Promotainment - Movies Citytv The Italian
T26 Broadcast Television Station, Outdoor/Environmental/Transit Advertisement
Always Fresh SILVER
T35 Broadcast Television Station, Promotional Item Canada's Next Top Model Meal
T37 Broadcast Television Station, Editing Citytv The Sixth Sense SILVER
T38 Broadcast Television Station, Copywriting Lonely Nights SILVER
T38 Broadcast Television Station, Copywriting Citytv Perfect Storm SILVER
T40 Broadcast Television Station, Sound Design Citytv The Sixth Sense SILVER
T43 Broadcast Television Station, Use of Library Music for a Promo Citytv The Sixth
R1 Radio Station, TV Promotion CHUM FM - Toronto's #1 Station SILVER
CN01 Cable Channels & Networks, Branding/Image MuchVIBE 'Grillz' GN BRONZE
CN32 Cable Channels & Networks, Daypart Packaging Promotion Campaign
Kamikaze Campaign BRONZE
CN32 Cable Channels & Networks, Daypart Packaging Promotion Campaign Bravo! Award Winning Drama in the Afternoon BRONZE
CN60 Cable Channels & Networks, Promotion - Website BRONZE
T11 Broadcast Television Station, Program Promotion Citytv The Bachelor Finale
T12 Broadcast Television Station, Program Promotion Campaign A-Channel "Jericho
Premiere Campaign" BRONZE
T14 Broadcast Television Station, Stunt Promotion Citytv S.W.A.T. BRONZE
T16 Broadcast Television Station, Promotion for Theatrical Films Shown on Television
A-Channel "One Hour Photo" BRONZE
T20 Broadcast Television Station, Interstitial/Promotainment - Movies Citytv Bad Boys
T23 Broadcast Television Station, Radio Promotion Hell's Kitchen BRONZE
T29 Broadcast Television Station, Non-Promotional Animation The Citytv Award
T31 Broadcast Television Station, Sales Presentation - Video 2006 Citytv Sales Tape
T37 Broadcast Television Station, Editing The Italian Job BRONZE
T37 Broadcast Television Station, Editing Citytv S.W.A.T. BRONZE
I1 Website - Branding/Image BRONZE
CHUM Television - A-Channel Vancouver Island
T35 Broadcast Television Station, Promotional Item HUDSON MACK LUNCH BOX
T18 Broadcast Television Station, Public Service Announcement (PSA) DVBA
"Graffiti" SILVER
T32 Broadcast Television Station, On-Air Sales Promotion Royal BC Museum
"Serious Fun" SILVER
T33 Broadcast Television Station, Consumer Promotion TV WEEK SILVER
T36 Broadcast Television Station, Promotional Items Campaign A-Channel Premium
T39 Broadcast Television Station, Directing IMPROV FESTIVAL SILVER
Corus Entertainment - Scream
CS12 Cable & Satellite Systems, Theatrical Movies Released To Television Promotion
Species - Double Trouble Promo GOLD
CS11 Cable & Satellite Systems, Event Program Promotion Triple Thrill Promo
Corus Entertainment - YTV
CN14 Cable Channels & Networks, Children's Program Promotion Monster Warriors
Promo GOLD
CN17 Cable Channels & Networks, Special Event Program Promotion Fall Teaser
Promo GOLD
CN18 Cable Channels & Networks, In-House Program Promotion Thumbwrestling
Federation Promo GOLD
CN31 Cable Channels & Networks, Daypart Packaging Promotion The Zone Promo
CN04 Cable Channels & Networks, ID Campaign Burp/Adrenaline/YoYo Ids SILVER
CN05 Cable Channels & Networks, Holiday Image Campaign Big BBQ Blowout Image
Package SILVER
CN14 Cable Channels & Networks, Children's Program Promotion Amazing Adrenalini
Brothers Promo SILVER
CN17 Cable Channels & Networks, Special Event Program Promotion Spongeodd
Squareparents Day Promo SILVER
CN04 Cable Channels & Networks, ID Campaign Zombie Frisbee/Zombie Dogs/Fetch
CN14 Cable Channels & Networks, Children's Program Promotion Weird Years Promo
CN31 Cable Channels & Networks, Daypart Packaging Promotion Crunch Pre Launch
Corus Entertainment -Documentary Channel
CS10 Cable & Satellite Systems, Adult Program Promotion Death in Gaza Promo
T42 Broadcast Television Station, Music Package/Post Score or Instrumental Theme
With or Without Vocals When We Believe - Music Video SILVER
Thursday, June 21, 2007
CTV British Columbia
T01 Broadcast Television Station, Branding/Image Your Home Your News - Pamela
T18 Broadcast Television Station, Public Service Announcement (PSA) Operation
Rednose PSA GOLD
T38 Broadcast Television Station, Copywriting Operation Rednose - Copywriting
T01 Broadcast Television Station, Branding/Image Your Home, Your News - Helens
T04 Broadcast Television Station, ID Campaign Vancouver's Watching IDs SILVER
T13 Broadcast Television Station, Funniest Promotion Operation Rednose SILVER
T02 Broadcast Television Station, Branding/Image Campaign Using One or More
Media Your Home, Your News Brand BRONZE
T06 Broadcast Television Station, News Program Promotion Pamela's Arrival
T07 Broadcast Television Station, News Program Campaign Using One or More
Media Your Home, Your News BRONZE
T08 Broadcast Television Station, Sports Program Promotion Perry's Tryout BRONZE
CTV Edmonton
T33 Broadcast Television Station, Consumer Promotion CTV Renovation Rescue
Hero Returns ! GOLD
CTV Globemedia Inc.
BN11 Broadcast Networks, Entertainment Program Promotion 'I Blame My Parents'
Alice, I Think - tease promo SILVER
BN16 Broadcast Networks, Special Event Program Promotion 'I Love Musicians' 2006
Juno Awards Host Promo BRONZE
CTV Inc.
BN23 Broadcast Networks, Promotion for Madefor-TV" Movies" Shades of Black
BN23 Broadcast Networks, Promotion for Madefor-TV" Movies" Doomstown BRONZE
CTV Montreal
T26 Broadcast Television Station, Outdoor/Environmental/Transit Advertisement CTV
Montreal Outdoor 2006 GOLD
T34 Broadcast Television Station, Consumer Promotion Campaign Beached in
Barbados 2006 SILVER
T44 Broadcast Television Station, Special Project CTV Spirit of Giving 2006 SILVER
CTV Television Inc.
CN05 Cable Channels & Networks, Holiday Image Campaign Canadian Flower (MTV)
CN50 Cable Channels & Networks, Promotional Item MTV/West 49 Skate Deck (MTV)
CN60 Cable Channels & Networks, Promotion - Website Overdrive on (MTV)
CN37 Cable Channels & Networks, Outdoor/Environmental/Transit Advertisement
Launch Transit (MTV) SILVER
CTV Toronto
T05 Broadcast Television Station, Holiday Image Campaign Many Happy ReturnsKen, Dave, Lance, Bill GOLD
T06 Broadcast Television Station, News Program Promotion 60 Second Image Spot
T07 Broadcast Television Station, News Program Campaign Using One or More
Media Connected Campaign - Alicia Father, Desmond Taxi, Lance Dad GOLD
T11 Broadcast Television Station, Program Promotion Health Spot GOLD
T12 Broadcast Television Station, Program Promotion Campaign 60 Second Image
spot/30 Second Image GOLD
T32 Broadcast Television Station, On-Air Sales Promotion Weather From Your Home
with sponsor GOLD
T33 Broadcast Television Station, Consumer Promotion Weather from Your Home no sponsor GOLD
T38 Broadcast Television Station, Copywriting 60 Second Image Spot GOLD
T39 Broadcast Television Station, Directing Weather from Your Home - no sponsor
T43 Broadcast Television Station, Use of Library Music for a Promo 60 Second Image
T01 Broadcast Television Station, Branding/Image 60 Second Image Spot SILVER
T06 Broadcast Television Station, News Program Promotion Health Spot SILVER
T11 Broadcast Television Station, Program Promotion 60 Second Image Spot SILVER
T33 Broadcast Television Station, Consumer Promotion Boss' Leaf Tickets SILVER
T08 Broadcast Television Station, Sports Program Promotion How To Score BRONZE
T13 Broadcast Television Station, Funniest Promotion How To Score BRONZE
Discovery Channel (Canada)
BN36 Broadcast Networks, Outdoor/Environmental/Transit Advertisement Canada's
Worst Handyman Super Board SILVER
Groupe TVA
BN07 Broadcast Networks, News Program Campaign Using One or More Media
Campagne Information GOLD
BN24 Broadcast Networks, Promotion for Theatrical Films Shown on Television
Retour vers le futur III GOLD
BN01 Broadcast Networks, Branding/Image TVA, c'est vrai (Lancement automne
2006) SILVER
BN11 Broadcast Networks, Entertainment Program Promotion Lancement Sucré Salé
BN19 Broadcast Networks, Program Promotion Campaign Campagne Le Négociateur
BN24 Broadcast Networks, Promotion for Theatrical Films Shown on Television
Page Six of Seven
L'Inconnu de Las Vegas BRONZE
CN06 Cable Channels & Networks, News Program Promotion Denis Lévesque
CN13 Cable Channels & Networks, Drama Program Promotion Columbo BRONZE
CN01 Cable Channels & Networks, Branding/Image Mystère - Forecast films GOLD
IFC Canada
CN31 Cable Channels & Networks, Daypart Packaging Promotion IFC Doc Block
CN02 Cable Channels & Networks, Branding/Image Campaign Using One or More
Media RDI Source d'information (RDI: A SOURCE OF INFORMATION) GOLD
R1 Radio Station, TV Promotion Espace musique Jazz-Chanson-Classique-Musique
du Monde GOLD
CN12 Cable Channels & Networks, Holiday/Seasonal Program Promotion RDI
R1 Radio Station, TV Promotion La Première Chaîne's Week-End SILVER
R3 Radio Station, Print Piece La Première Chaïne Voeux des Fêtes SILVER
BN13 Broadcast Networks, Drama Program Promotion Les Invincibles (The Invicibles)
R1 Radio Station, TV Promotion La Première Chaîne's Information BRONZE
R4 Radio Station, Promotion Campaign Using More Than One Media La Première
ChaÎne's Christiane Charette campaign BRONZE
RDS - Le Reseau des Sports
CN55 Cable Channels & Networks, Sound Design The Sounds of The Crusade GOLD
CN54 Cable Channels & Networks, Directing Mad Hockey Night SILVER
CN60 Cable Channels & Networks, Promotion - Website Flying Sports Mouse SILVER
CN09 Cable Channels & Networks, Sports Program Campaign Using One or More
Media The Crusade Campaign BRONZE
Rogers Cable
CS03 Cable & Satellite Systems, Branding/Image Campaign Rogers On Demand
CS04 Cable & Satellite Systems, Promotion Campaign Using More Than One Media
Rogers Move GOLD
CS12 Cable & Satellite Systems, Theatrical Movies Released To Television Promotion
Personal TV/Turner Classic Movies - Free Preview BRONZE
Rogers Media Television
T22 Broadcast Television Station, Daypart Packaging Promotion Campaign Law &
Order Block - OMNI.2 SILVER
T32 Broadcast Television Station, On-Air Sales Promotion Fabulous Fun Friday, OMNI
T33 Broadcast Television Station, Consumer Promotion OMNI VIP Loyalty Program
BN01 Broadcast Networks, Branding/Image TORONTO CONNECTED GOLD
CN38 Cable Channels & Networks, Promotional Animation NBA ON ROGERS
CN55 Cable Channels & Networks, Sound Design NBA Alley GOLD
CN38 Cable Channels & Networks, Promotional Animation SPORTSNET
Alliance Atlantis
3 Total Package Design: Topical Print HGTV - Holmes on Homes GOLD
6 Total Package Design: Image All Inclusive Combination BBCK - Rated K Campaign
6 Total Package Design: Image All Inclusive Combination Thanks Showcase 2
45 Folded Piece Slice Trade Folder SILVER 78 Art Direction & Design: PSA (Public
Service Announcement) Evergreen SILVER
3 Total Package Design: Topical Print HGTV - The Big Flip BRONZE
5 Total Package Design: Topical On-Air And Print Combination HGTV - How Not to
Decorate - Wallpaper BRONZE
6 Total Package Design: Image All Inclusive Combination Showcase at 10 Unmissable BRONZE
19 Art Direction & Design: Informational Graphics HGTV - Tonight Menus BRONZE
Astral Media - Family Channel
25 Art Direction & Design: Image Campaign Get Schooled BRONZE
73 Interactive Applications Promotion Family's Life with Derek Podcast BRONZE
Astral Media - The Movie Network
12 Art Direction & Design: Topical Campaign ReGenesis GOLD
14 Art Direction & Design: Image Campaign Anger & Amazement GOLD
15 Art Direction & Design: Special Events Promo Winter 2006 GOLD
11 Art Direction & Design: Topical Promo ReGenesis "Egg" SILVER
13 Art Direction & Design: Image Promo M Fun Hero SILVER
11 Art Direction & Design: Topical Promo ReGenesis "Apple" BRONZE
14 Art Direction & Design: Image Campaign Fear & Romance BRONZE
18 Art Direction & Design: ID Anger ID BRONZE
Canal Vie, a station of Astral Media
78 Art Direction & Design: PSA (Public Service Announcement) Organ donation
CanWest MediaWorks Inc.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
22 Art Direction & Design: Topical Promo Global Quebec - Fame Game SILVER
21 Art Direction & Design: Logo TVtropolis Logo GOLD
5 Total Package Design: Topical On-Air And Print Combination Little Mosque On The
Prairie Campaign GOLD
29 Art Direction & Design: Topical Promo Stanley Cup Playoffs GOLD
4 Total Package Design: Image On-Air And Print Combination Newsworld Campaign
7 Total Package Design: Topical All Inclusive Combination What It's Like Being Alone
- Campaign SILVER
26 Art Direction & Design: Special Events Promo Federal Election SILVER
22 Art Direction & Design: Topical Promo Falling Man BRONZE
24 Art Direction & Design: Image Promo Newsworld "Nothing stays the same..."
25 Art Direction & Design: Image Campaign CBC News Branding SILVER
45 Folded Piece Nature of Things (Nature in focus invitation) SILVER
94 News - Open The National SILVER
97 News - Bumper The National (Bumper) SILVER
2 Total Package Design: Topical On-Air CBC News: The Big Picture with Avi Lewis
channel m
14 Art Direction & Design: Image Campaign channel m station IDs SILVER
CHUM Television
78 Art Direction & Design: PSA (Public Service Announcement) First Time SILVER
96 General Entertainment - Bumper Star! - "Behind the Movies" Bumper SILVER
6 Total Package Design: Image All Inclusive Combination BRONZE
17 Art Direction & Design: Interstitial Campaign MMM Wind UP IDs BRONZE
54 Logo Rebellious Logo BRONZE
59 Website - News BRONZE
78 Art Direction & Design: PSA (Public Service Announcement) Alone In A Crowd
CHUM Television - A-Channel Vancouver Island
20 Art Direction & Design: On-Air Illustration TV WEEK SILVER
Page Seven of Seven
CTV Television Inc,
17 Art Direction & Design: Interstitial Campaign Canadian Blood (MTV) SILVER
16 Art Direction & Design: Interstitial Hinteruptions - Canoe (MTV) GOLD
20 Art Direction & Design: On-Air Illustration Travel & Escape - Butterfly GOLD
71 Promo For Website Overdrive on (MTV) GOLD
96 General Entertainment - Bumper Live At The Concert Hall GOLD
13 Art Direction & Design: Image Promo Overdrive on (MTV) SILVER
36 Set Design TSN - Sportscentre Set SILVER
53 Outdoor - Static Campaign Patient Admittance SILVER
77 Promotional Items Campaign China Week Campaign SILVER
98 Sports - Bumper TSN - International Hockey SILVER
43 Stationery Stationary (MTV) BRONZE
44 Invitation Or Card Christmas At Tiffany's BRONZE
86 Salon De Refus Are You Sleeping With Matt? (MTV) BRONZE
98 Sports - Bumper NHL On TSN BRONZE
Leafs TV
32 Art Direction & Design: Image Campaign Leafs TV - Network Relaunch BRONZE
24 Art Direction & Design: Image Promo ICI NOS CORRESPONDANTS (HERE
29 Art Direction & Design: Topical Promo The Crusade BRONZE
Reseau de l'Information - SRC
97 News - Bumper 1916 La Somme, hommage à nos soldats (1916 La Somme,
Tribute to our Soldiers) GOLD
Rogers Cable
63 Flash Site Rogers Video Direct BRONZE
Société Radio- Canada
23 Art Direction & Design: Topical Campaign La Facture (The Bill) GOLD
13 Art Direction & Design: Image Promo Espace musique Jazz-Chanson - Classique
Musique du monde BRONZE
30 Art Direction & Design: Topical Campaign Jeux olympiques de Turin - complet
(Torino olympic's games - whole) GOLD
36 Set Design Zenon le petit cochon (Zenon the Little Pig) GOLD
95 Sports - Open Jeux olympiques de Turin -ouverture (Torino olympic's games open) GOLD
98 Sports - Bumper Jeux Olympiques de Turin - transitions (Torino olympic's games bumpers) GOLD
27 Art Direction & Design: Informational Graphics Television mecanique (Mechanical
television) SILVER
23 Art Direction & Design: Topical Campaign Zone Libre (The Free Zone) BRONZE
27 Art Direction & Design: Informational Graphics SIDA (AIDS) BRONZE
It’s a wrap!
YOUR 2007
will be arriving at your
address early in July.
As usual, Broadcast Dialogue
is leaps and bounds ahead of
other directories for its attention
to detail and, of course,
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Volume 15, No. 7
Page One of Three
/FILM: The Alliance Atlantis sale to Goldman Sachs & Co.
and CanWest Global has cleared one hurdle; a deal struck to
buy out minority unit holders for $193M. The arrangement by
Goldman would see Canadian private equity firm EdgeStone
Howard Christensen, Publisher
buy a 49% interest in Alliance's movie distribution
Broadcast Dialogue
unit holders... Shares in Score Media surged 40% on
18 Turtle Path
Lagoon City ON L0K 1B0
the news last week that the controlling Levy family would sell its major stake
(705) 484-0752
if Alliance Atlantis Communications agreed to pay $2.90 a share. It had
E-Mail, click HERE
Broadcast Dialogue Website
traded between .75 cents and $2.25. Score Media owns The Score
specialty channel and other media properties... CTVglobemedia, saying
it has met all CRTC conditions, has closed its $1.4-billion transaction to buy
CHUM Limited, all except the five Citytv-branded stations. Rogers, if the CRTC approves, will get those
stations for $375-million cash. CTVglobemedia will keep the A-Channels in Ontario and BC and will sell to
Astral Media CHUM's 50% interest in MusiquePlus and MusiMax... An online experiment involving CBC and
Facebook has become dominated by debates over abortion and same-sex marriage. The Great Canadian
Wish List comes to a close this weekend with a call to ban abortion as the No. 1 entry as of yesterday
(Wednesday). The outcome has observers pointing to the sophisticated ways that lobby groups are infiltrating
and taking advantage of social networking sites, and CBC fans questioning the public broadcaster's judgment.
Said one: “It's made the CBC look
like they did something without being
able to anticipate how easily a
blatantly populist scheme could be
perverted or hijacked or whatever
Reporting to the General Manager/COO, the Manager,
Distribution Services will lead the Distribution (Master Control
you want to call it by special interest
and Ingest, Dubbing, Web Encode); Media Services; and
Transmitter Maintenance teams.
PriceWaterhouseCoopers suggests
that VOD (video-on-demand) will
Key components of the position include:
· Ensuring the reliable carriage of the TVO broadcast signal through Master Control
grow nearly 20% per year in the US
(via satellite, cable and over the air transmission), maintenance of the external
to become a $4.2 billion annual
transmission network and the implementation / conversion of TVO’’s signal to HD.
business by 2011. The study predicts
· Developing and managing the plan for capital upgrading, replacement and
that the entire US TV distribution
maintenance of the transmitter network, as well as the cost effective development
business will experience 5.4% growth
and implementation of a HD compliant distribution system.
in the next four years, with
Candidates will be results oriented, broadcast distribution industry leaders with
subscription TV leading the way.
ADIO: Teens and young adults
are said to be spending less
time than ever listening to
radio. Statistics Canada said
that in 2006, 12-17s and 18-24s
appeared to be switching to digital
music players and online music
services. On average, though,
Canadians listened 18.6 hours during
“measurement week” (fall, 1996),
down from 19.1 hours a week the
proven over the air distribution experience, extremely high standards for
maintenance and customer service and, ideally, a Broadcast Maintenance /
Engineering degree.
Compensation includes a competitive base salary, a vehicle and a comprehensive
benefits package.
Please reply to this excellent career opportunity in strict confidence, by emailing your
resumé to:
Joe Praskey at
Fax: 416-753-7205
Phone: 416-481-5548 Ext 222
While all replies are appreciated, only qualified candidates will be contacted. For
additional information, please visit TVOntario’s website at
Our firm’s website is
Thursday, June 28, 2007
year before. Teens listened 7.6 hours a week – down
from 8.6 hours in 2005. Young adult men listened for
13.7 hours, down from 15.1 the year before, while
young adult females listened 14.6 hours in 2006, down
from 15.4 in 2005. The most ardent listeners are
senior men and women... Ottawa Media Inc. has
been approved by the CRTC for an FM station at
Hawkesbury, Ont. The New Easy Listening format –
with 40% Cancon – will operate at 107.7 with power of
875 watts... CKNS-FM Haldimand, having adopted
the Jayne-FM format, has changed its call letters to
CKJN-FM. The adult variety format targets women 2549.
Page Two of Three
PROUD-FM Toronto
seeks an
... for a full-time, immediate position located in Toronto's
Gay Village. Radio experience and knowledge of CBSI
System is a definite asset.
Please send your resume in confidence to:
EVOLVING DOOR: After 24 years at CHAT-TV/CHAT-FM/CFMY-FM Medicine Hat, GM Dwaine
Dietrich has pulled the plug. He’s retiring/resigning at the end of next month to, as he said, “take care
of all the chores in his odd job jar”... Jay Switzer, the President/CEO of CHUM Ltd., says he’ll step
down in a week or two. In a memo to staff, Switzer – who’s been with the company almost 24 years – said he’s
sad to be leaving but happy and optimistic that CHUM is beginning a new chapter... Steve Jones becomes
VP Programming at Newcap Sept. 1. Jones, who was with Newcap in Edmonton before moving south, will be
located at the company’s head office in Dartmouth. Howard Kroeger will continue as Newcap’s Program
Consultant... Sara Morton has become CEO of The Academy of Canadian Cinema and Television (ACCT).
She succeeds Maria Topolovich who had held the position for over 25 years. Morton’s background includes
15 years experience in both the public and private sectors in the film and television industry, plus degrees in
business and law... Ron Prochner, General Manager of Key 83 Cat Country (CKKY)/Wayne FM (CKWY-FM)
Wainwright leaves tomorrow (Friday). He’s joining the Rogers station, 106.5 Mountain FM (CHMN-FM)
Canmore as SM July 3... 99.9 MIX FM (CKFM) Toronto Promotions Director Sarah Cummings moves to
sister Standard stations CHRE-FM/CHTZ-FM/CKTB St. Catharines, also as Promotions Director... Rock
101.9 (CJSS) Cornwall PD/Morning Host Ross MacLeod has resigned. He leaves in two weeks.
IGN-OFFS: Peter Liba, 67, of a heart attack at Clearwater Bay on Lake of the Woods. Liba, the Chair
of CanWest MediaWorks Income Fund and Manitoba’s former Lieutenant-Governor, was one of the
architects of the CanWest Global Communications empire. Some weeks back, Liba had knee surgery
and suffered a heart attack while recovering in hospital. He was inducted into the Canadian Broadcast
Hall of Fame in 1998 and, prior to that, had been a Chairman of the CAB... Perc Allen, 81, of lung cancer in
Hamilton. Allen had been a broadcasting legend in Hamilton for four decades, working for both CKOC and
ENERAL: At Vancouver on the weekend, RTNDA Canada’s annual national convention honoured
stations winning 2006 National and Network Awards. They are:
Byron MacGregor Award - Best Newscast
Charlie Edwards Award - Spot News
Dan McArthur Award - In-depth/Investigative
Dave Rogers Award –– Short Feature
Dave Rogers Award –– Long Feature
Gord Sinclair Award –– Live Special Events
Ron Laidlaw Award - Continuing Coverage
Sam Ross Award –– Editorial/Commentary
Best Use of New Media Award
Best Use of Sound Award
Information Program Award
Mix 106 (CIXK-FM) Owen Sound for The 7 AM News –– (Small Market)
CKOV Kelowna for 6:30 AM News –– (Medium Market)
CJAD 800 Montreal for Dawson College Shooting –– (Large Market)
AM 800 CKLW Windsor for Officer Down
630 CHED Edmonton for The Inside Story with Michelle Boden
CBC Radio 99.1 FM Toronto for Should You Help? The Death of Omar
Wellington –– (Large Market)
CJLS-FM Yarmouth for Sacrifice at the Somme –– (Small Market)
CBC Radio Montreal for High Notes –– (Large Market)
CBC Radio Montreal for Dawson - Live
CJAD 800 Montreal for Dawson College Shooting
AM 640 (CFMJ) Toronto Radio for Dirty Carols
CBC Radio 99.1 FM Toronto for A Wounded Soldier
CJLS-FM Yarmouth for A Nova Scotia Christmas in Boston
CBC Radio Saskatchewan for Morning Edition –– Dagenais Arrest
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Diversity Award
Page Three of Three
CBC Radio 99.1 FM Toronto for From Both Sides: Domestic Violence in
Toronto’s Tamil Community
Bert Cannings Award - Best Newscast
Gord Sinclair Award –– Special Events
Ron Laidlaw Award - Continuing Coverage
Sam Ross Award –– Editorial/Commentary
Best Use of New Media Award
Best Videography Award
News Information Program Award
Diversity Award
CBC North Yellowknife for CBC North, Northbeat –– (Small Market)
A-Channel London for Bandidos Mass Murder –– (Medium Market)
Global BC for News Hour November 15, 2006 –– (Large Market)
Global BC for Queen of the North Sinks
CTV British Columbia for Filthy Foster Home
CHAT-TV Redcliff for Newswatch –– (Small Market)
CHBC TV Kelowna for From the Okanagan to Ethiopia –– (Medium Market)
CTV British Columbia for Nagasaki Vet –– (Large Market)
CBC North Yellowknife for CBC Northbeat Gerry’s Grad –– (Small Market)
CBC Saskatchewan for Miracles for Sale –– (Medium Market)
Global Television Winnipeg for Saving Grace The Harry Lehotsky Story ––
(Large Market)
City TV Toronto for City Vote 2006
CTV Toronto for The Bail System
CityTV Calgary for Get Over It “Leadership Contenders”
CBC News British Columbia for
CBC News: Canada Now Vancouver for “SweatLodge”
CTV Regina for Calling Home
Global Calgary for Racism at the Door
Byron MacGregor Award - Best Newscast
Charlie Edwards Award - Spot News
Dan McArthur –– In-depth/Investigative
Dave Rogers Award –– Short Feature
Dave Rogers Award –– Long Feature
Gord Sinclair Award –– Live Special Events
Ron Laidlaw Award --- Continuing Coverage
Best Use of Sound Award
Information Program Award
Diversity Award
CBC National Radio News for “The World at Six in Shanghai”
CBC National Radio News for Tobacco Smuggling
CBC National Radio News for A North Korea Border Story
CBC Radio Fredericton for The Two Lives of Denise
News Talk Radio 980 CJME Regina for Taking Robin Home
Broadcast News for Terror on Campus –– Dawson College Shooting
CBC National Radio News for World This Hour –– March 7, 2006
CBC Radio One –– The Current for The Car on Trial
CBC National Radio News for Search for Security
Charlie Edwards Award - Spot News
Dan McArthur Award - In-depth/Investigative
Dave Rogers Award –– Short Feature
Dave Rogers Award –– Long Feature
Bert Cannings Award - Best Newscast
Charlie Edwards Award - Spot News
Dan McArthur Award - In-depth/Investigative
Dave Rogers Award –– Short Feature
Dave Rogers Award –– Long Feature
Gord Sinclair Award –– Special Events
Ron Laidlaw Award - Continuing Coverage
Best Use of New Media
Best Videography Award
News Information Program Award
Diversity Award
CTV News for CTV News With Lloyd Robertson
CTV News for Shelling at Beit Hanoun
CTV –– W5 for Dr. Hope
CTV News for Life on the Run
CBC –– The National for “7” Prince Rupert School
CBC for Liberal Leadership Convention
CBC –– The National for Toronto Bomb Plot
CBC for
CTV News for Canadian Evacuees
CTV - W5 for Danger on the Road / Woodlands
The Weather Network –– Black History Series for Pit Houses/Black Loyalist
Burial Site
OOKING: TVO Toronto seeks a Manager, Distribution Services. See the ad on Page 1... PROUD-FM
is looking for an Accountant at its downtown Toronto location. See the ad on Page 2... Other jobs we’ve
heard about this week include MIX 99.9 Toronto - Promotion Director; Newcap Wainwright - GM;
Teletoon Toronto – Manager Acquisitions; CH Television Hamilton – News Videographer; CBC
Toronto -Director, Business, Rights and Content Management and a Supervising Technician; Rogers Radio
Fort McMurray – Afternoon Drive Announcer; and, Rogers Radio Halifax – Talk Show Producer.
will be on your desk soon.
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Canadian stations you’ll find ANYWHERE!