Mamaroneck Public Schools
Mamaroneck Public Schools
Matt Fishman, Alex Kaufman, Luke Schanz-Garbassi, Grace Trueman, digital video Mamaroneck Public Schools 2010-2011 Megan Ettenger, stoneware Calendar Zoë Schmitt, pencil on paper WelCome To The mamaroneCK Union Free SChool diSTriCT DISTRICT MISSION STATEMENT: It is the mission of the Mamaroneck School District to promote intellectual engagement and an appreciation of learning as an inherently rewarding activity, to prepare students to function as responsible citizens, and to prepare students to live in a multi-cultural world. diSTriCT direCTory Main District number 220-3000 If an extension in the district begins with a “3” it may be dialed directly from the outside using the 220 exchange. CenTral adminiSTraTion Administration Offices are located in the Post Road building of the High School. Superintendent of Schools Robert I. Shaps, Ed.D. 220-3005 Assistant Superintendent for Student Support Services, Personnel and Administration Anthony T. Minotti, Ed.D. 220-3060 Assistant Superintendent for Business Operations Meryl Rubinstein 220-3040 Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction Annie Ward 220-3032 Board oF edUCaTion 220-3007 You can also reach Board members by email at SChoolS Mamaroneck high School hommocks Middle School Central School Chatsworth Avenue School Mamaroneck Avenue School Murray Avenue School Mamaroneck Avenue Pre K diSTriCT SerViCeS Director of Facilities Director of health, Physical Education & Athletics Director of Instructional Technology Director of Public Information Director Special Education, PreK–5 Director Special Education, Secondary Coordinator of Music, K-12 Purchasing Agent Teacher Institute Coordinator Technology Coordinator Transportation Department District Clerk District Treasurer 220-3100 220-3300 220-3400 220-3500 220-3601 220-3700 220-3630 Visit the Mamaroneck Schools on the web at To email staff members use first initial then last name SChool hoUrS Elementary Schools ................ 8:40 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Kindergarten dismissal on half days .............11:40 a.m. Dismissal for all elementary students on Wednesdays ............................................. 2:30 p.m. Hommocks Middle School ....... 8:10 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. Mamaroneck High School........ 8:10 a.m. – 2:46 p.m. Board oF edUCaTion The district is governed by a seven-member Board of Education. Board members are district residents, each elected to serve a three-year term without pay. The Board’s primary responsibility is to establish policies for the educational program and the management of the school district. The Superintendent and the administration are responsible for the execution of these policies. Board memBerS 2010-2011: Richard Marsico, President ............................. 777-0804 Robin nichinsky, Vice President ...................... 834-7317 harriet Barish................................................... 698-5550 Anant nambiar................................................. 834-4995 nancy Pierson ................................................. 834-2449 Matt Schoengood ............................................ 834-2565 Linnet Tse ........................................................ 833-2871 George Mcnally 220-3080 Bari Suman Michael Kollmer Debbie Manetta Roni Kramer Karen Gatto Dina Madden Ronni hunter Denise DeSimone Ed Cofino Tim Fitzgerald Joanne Rice Adalina Eilbacher 220-3160 220-3076 220-3070 220-3062 220-3063 220-3140 220-3035 220-3012 220-3332 220-3390 220-3007 220-3046 Note: Anyone wishing to receive the Spanish version of the calendar can pick up a copy at the main office at their child’s school. AVISo: Este año, hemos traducido el calendario al español. Quien quiera recibir la versión en español, puede recoger una copia en la oficina principal de la escuela de su niño/a. ¡Gracias! In Mamaroneck School District’s efforts to “go green”, we have added some notices to the calendar that are required by State Education Law and have traditionally been sent home to you via a printed letter. In some instances, this will be the only vehicle in which you will receive this information. no SChool-delayed opening-or emergenCieS In an emergency, school closing or delayed opening, the district will contact you through our automated phone messaging system and post information on the website at Please do not call the local schools or the police. In the event of bad weather, the fire whistle blows 2-22-2 blasts at 7:30am. Local radio stations including WVOX (1460AM), WFAS (1230FM) and cable TV carry cancellation notices. When weather is uncertain, the opening of school may be delayed by two hours. There will be no fire whistle but the website, local radio and cable TV will carry this information and you should receive an automated phone message. Please make contingency plans for your children, as they cannot be left at school. Teachers and administrators will not be arriving until the delayed opening time. STudENT ImagES/PHOTOS The Mamaroneck School District takes pictures and videos of students involved in school activities throughout the year for submission to local newspapers and other media, including LMC-TV, and for use in its own publications and on the website. In addition, the local news media (both print and website publications) take their own pictures when they are invited into our school to cover school events. Information released with these pictures may include: student’s name, grade in school, awards and participation in officially recognized activities and sports. If, for any reason, you do not want to have your child included in pictures used in any of the district’s communications materials, in other media or on LMC-TV, please notify the Office of the Superintendent in writing by Friday, September 17, 2010. WEbSITE Visit regularly for information about Mamaroneck School District, including News & Announcements, our calendar, special events and up-to-date information on school closings in inclement weather. K-12 aLERTS Mamaroneck Schools works with a company called K-12 Alerts, which gives us the capability to communicate important District information through an automated phone message, as well as through mass e-mail. This is our primary source of communication in the event of emergency and/or upon unanticipated school closure or early dismissal. The system also enables parents/guardians to electronically access and update vital information about their children at any point throughout the year. Each family has its own ID and password to gain access. Select Emergency Contact log on on homepage of District Website to log on. E-mail emergencycontact@ or call 220-3076 with any questions. STudENT abSENCE CaLL-IN PROCEduRES If your child is absent, please call the nurse at your child’s school or: for Elementary students, the District’s Attendance Office at 220-3250 for Hommocks, 220-3350 for MHS, 220-3150 CafETERIa SERvICES The Mamaroneck schools are pleased to offer a breakfast program for students at Mamaroneck Avenue School, Hommocks Middle School and Mamaroneck High School. The full price will be $1.00. Children entitled to free lunch are also entitled to free breakfast. Children entitled to reduced-price lunch will be charged 25 cents for breakfast. The Mamaroneck schools are proud to offer a healthful and nutritious lunch program in cooperation with Whitsons Culinary Group. These choices are printed on the monthly menu, a copy of which is on our website: Lunch prices for 20102011 will be $2.50, and reduced-price lunch will be 25 cents. All students are entitled to apply to participate in our free and reduced-price lunch programs. Eligibility is based on family income. Applications and information will be distributed during SCHOOL NOTICES the the first week of school. Applications (which must be completed each year) are due by September 30. No free or reduced-price lunches will be provided after that date without an approved application on file. STudENT RECORdS/INfORmaTION The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible student”) certain rights with respect to the student’s education records. It covers the following: 1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of the day the school receives a request for access in writing to the Superintendent of Schools. 2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate or misleading. 3. All student education records are confidential and may not be released or made available to persons other than parent(s) or guardian(s) or students without the written consent of such parent(s) or guardian(s) or student. FERPA authorizes the disclosure of personal information without consent in limited circumstances, such as criminal investigations. 4. Parents have the opportunity to object in writing to the release of student information (e.g., name, address, phone number for use in school directory). 5. Parents have the opportunity to prohibit their child’s participation in any survey that reveals personal information or political beliefs. A parent/guardian can also exclude a child from any activities in which information will be gathered for marketing purposes. 6. In accordance with No Child Left Behind, upon request, the Mamaroneck School District must disclose a high school student’s name, address and telephone number to military recruiters and institutions of higher learning unless the parent/guardian or student 18 years of age or older prohibits release of this information. If you wish to exercise your option to withhold the release of this information, contact Gina Tarascio at 220-3102. TRaNSPORTaTION The District provides transportation to students residing within the district who are attending public, private or parochial schools within certain limits: For children in grades K-8, the distance between the child’s residence and the school of choice must be more than two but less than fifteen miles. For children in grades 9-12, the distance between the child’s residence and the school of choice must be more than three but less than fifteen miles. State law requires that applications for transportation for the 2011-12 school year to private and parochial schools be received by the Transportation Department by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, April 1, 2011. Call the Transportation Department at 914-220-3390 for more information. NONdISCRImINaTION POLICy The Board affirms its commitment to nondiscrimination and equal educational and employment opportunities in all of its decisions, programs and activities to ensure the following: 1. Residents of legal school age have equal access to educational programs, classes, extracurricular activities and services without regard to race, color, creed, sex, national origin, religion or handicapping conditions. 2. Equal employment opportunities are extended to all persons without regard to race, sex, age, color, creed, a disability unrelated to performing tasks of the position, national origin, religious or political affiliation or beliefs. The Board of Education of the Mamaroneck School District is committed to providing to its students and employees an environment free from all forms of unlawful harassment, including sexual harassment. Any student or employee who believes that he or she has been subjected to unlawful harassment should report the alleged misconduct so that appropriate corrective action may be taken. The Board of Education’s Sexual Harassment Policy is available at the District Office. The Assistant Superintendent for Student Support Services, Personnel and Administration, Dr. Anthony Minotti, and Staff Assistant to Personnel, Janet Childs, serve as District Compliance Coordinators for this policy. PROHIbITION Of SmOKINg ON SCHOOL PROPERTy In accordance with state and federal laws, smoking is prohibited in all school buildings and on school property during school hours, including all school-sponsored events. The law bans smoking, not only during regular school hours and in all school buildings, but also during times when schoolsponsored events take place anywhere on school property. This includes outdoor as well as indoor sporting events, PTA functions, school concerts, etc. The law pertains to everyone, not just students. PESTICIdE aPPLICaTION NOTICE New York State Education Law, Section 409-H, requires all public and non-public elementary and secondary schools to provide written notification to all persons in parental relation, faculty and staff regarding the potential use of pesticides periodically throughout the school year. Individuals may register to receive a written notice at least 48 hours prior to any pesticide application. Additionally, you may request information about the products that are applied, including any warnings that may appear on the pesticide label that pertains to the protection of humans, animals or the environment. Please contact Director of Facilities George McNally at 2203081 for additional information. SCHOOL NOTICES CHILd fINd Child Find refers to activities undertaken by public education agencies to identify, locate, and evaluate children residing in the State, including children attending private schools, who are suspected of having disabilities, regardless of the severity of their disability, and determine the child's need for special education and related services. The purpose is to locate these children so that a free appropriate public education can be made available. The types of disabilities that, if found, may cause a child to need services are: autism, deaf-blindness, deafness, emotional disturbance, hearing impairment, mental retardation, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment due to chronic or acute health problems, specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury and visual impairment including blindness. Parents who believe their child has a disability may request in writing, that an evaluation be conducted to determine if the child is eligible to receive special education services. Written requests should be sent to the Office of Student Support Services. Children placed by their parents in private schools located within the geographic boundaries of other public school districts should refer their children to the special education offices of the public school district in which the school is located. Children enrolled in private kindergarten and/or private school may also be referred by calling the Office at 220-3060. Children ages birth to 3 can access a variety of services to meet their individual needs through Westchester County Department of Health’s Early Intervention Program. Call 914-813-5094 for further information. RadaR Larchmont-Mamaroneck RADAR (Responsible Action: A Drug and Alcohol Resource) is a community coalition devoted to reducing underage drinking and drug use. RADAR initiatives are designed around helping youth make safe and healthy choices; they are built on the premise that it is the collective responsibility of our entire community to help reduce substance use/abuse among our youth. The Mamaroneck School District works as a partner with RADAR in its efforts to educate our children and parents on the issues surrounding drug and alcohol use. For more information, visit or call 834-6041. SCHOOL budgET vOTE INfORmaTION THE budgET PROCESS The development of the school budget begins in the fall with the formulation of goals and objectives by the Board of Education. These goals provide the parameters for the instructional staff that determine classroom needs for the following year. The Superintendent reviews their requests and works to make sure the requests support the goals of the district. The superintendent will also seek input from parents and members of the community. By February the Superintendent will present a proposed budget to the Board of Education. At public study sessions, the Board of Education shapes a final spending plan which will ensure high quality educational programs for students while recognizing the financial constraints of the taxpayer. The final budget is required by the New York State Education Department to be submitted to the community for its approval on the third Tuesday in May. Community residents are urged to attend budget study sessions and share their ideas and concerns with the Board of Education and the administration. Information about the final budget is distributed through a mailing to all residents before the vote day and on the district website. Board of Education elections take place at the same time as the budget vote. Candidates seeking election must file petitions 30 days prior to the vote. For more information about school board elections or voting, call the District Clerk at 220-3007. fOR INfORmaTION abOuT THE budgET: The district strives to provide residents with information about the proposed and final budget in several ways: • The schedule of budget study sessions are listed in this calendar and posted on the district website calendar. • Budget meetings are televised on local cable television, LMC-TV. • Copies of the proposed and final budget may be obtained in the schools or from the office of the Assistant Superintendent for Business Operations. • Information about the budget, budget meetings and the final budget will be included on the district website and included in a budget newsletter mailed to all district residents. vOTER REgISTRaTION: To vote on the budget and in the school board election, you must be: A United States citizen; A resident of the district for 30 days or more At least 18 years old; A registered voter with the County Board of Elections of the School District. You are registered if you have voted at least once during the past four years or if you have personally registered with the District Clerk of the School District. If you are not registered, you may obtain registration forms from the District Clerk in the office of the Superintendent. There is one district wide registration day in May. TaX SavINgS fOR HOmEOWNERS All primary residence owners are eligible for the Basic STAR Program that provides savings on school property taxes. New homeowners must apply to the Town Assessor’s Office located in the Town Center, (381-7820). Senior citizens 65 years and older may be eligible for additional savings depending upon their income. abSENTEE baLLOTS Absentee ballots are available in the District Clerk’s office or on the website. For more information call 220-3007. September SUNDAY MONDAY PTA Council meetings are open to the public and held monthly in a variety of locations throughout the six district schools. Check the PT Council website at http:// for scheduled locations or for more information. MaS ongoing Weekly Education/ Parent Support Groups Tuesdays 9:15-10:45am Wednedays 1-2:30pm (Hablemos MAS) Thursdays 9:15-10:45am (Special Needs) 2010 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 5 6 MaS K Dismissal 9/8-9/22: 11:45am Labor Day 12 HoM Sports Certification 9/13: 11am-3:15pm 9/14: 2:45-3:15pm 9/15: 2:45-3:15pm Superintendent’s Conference Day STuDENTS Do NoT aTTEND 19 7 FIrST Day oF SCHooL all Elem Schls, Gr 6 & Gr 9 Modified Sports Begin 8:05am-12:30pm MHS Freshmen orntn/Palmer Gym 8:40-11:45am all Elem Schls 9 & 10:45am Mur Kdgn/New Parents Coffees 9am CEN Parent Welcome 9:15am MaS K New Parent bkfst 9 & 10am CHaT Kdgn Coffee 10am CEN Latino Parent Welcome 10:30am MaS K Dismissal 12-2:45pm HoM Gr 6 orntn 6-7pm CEN Slice of Summer 7:30pm Schl bd Study Session/ MHS Lib Clsm 13 20 9:15 am PTa Council Mur back-to-Schl Night 6:30pm Gr 3 & Gr 4 7:15pm Presentation/Aud 7:45pm Gr 5 7pm MHS Gr 12 Parents Meet w/Counselors 26 27 MaS back-to-Schl Night 6pm Gr 3 & Am Pre-K 6:30pm Gr 4 7pm Gr 5 & PM Pre-K 2 Superintendent’s Conference Day STuDENTS Do NoT aTTEND SATURDAY 3 4 SCHooLS CLoSED 7pm MHS Parent Sports Info Mtg/Post Aud KEEPS opens & Children’s Corner begins all Programs HoM Sports Phys Boys 8:30am Girls 9:45am 2:45pm HoM Sports Interest Mtg for Students/Gym 3 & 7pm MaS Theatre Parent Mtg 7pm HoM Sports Info Mtg for Parents/Aud Mur back-to-Schl Night 6:30pm Gr K - 1 7:15pm Presentation 7:45pm Gr 2 FRIDAY 1 amanda Giddon, pencil on paper HoM Sports Certification 9/7: 2:45-3:15pm 9/8: 2:45-3:15pm THURSDAY 14 9am MaS Gr Level reps 2-2:55pm Mur rm reps Gr 3-5 7pm MHS Gr 9 Parents Meet w/Counselors 7:30pm District 504 Mtg/ MHS Rm N104 21 MHS Seniors Meet w/Counselors at Lunch 9:15am MaS K/Pre-K Gr Level/Mtg 2:30-3:30pm MaS Class Parent/ Teacher Mtg 7pm HoM Gr 7 orntn to Sharpe overnight/Aud 7:30pm HoM Gr 7 & 8 back-to-Schl Night/Aud 7:30pm Schl bd Mtg/MHS Rm N104 CEN back-to-Schl Night 6:30pm Gr 1 7:15pm Gr 2 8pm K MaS back-to-Schl Night 6pm K 6:30pm Gr 1 7pm Gr 2 CHaT back-to-Schl Night 6:30pm Gr K 7:15pm Gr 1 8pm Gr 2 28 8 9 10 aCT Tests 11 FIrST FuLL Day oF SCHooL aLL STuDENTS (Kdgn – Morning Only) 9:15-10am Mur rm reps Gr K-2 Rosh hashanah 15 HoM Sports Phys Boys 8:30am Girls 9:45am 8:45-10:15am SEPTa Welcome back bkfst/HOM Caf 7pm MaS Parent Theatre Mtg 7:30pm MHS Coffee & Conversation/ Meet the Principal/Lib 22 Rosh hashanah 16 17 3pm K-12 Staff art Show: “Mamaronart”/MHS Palmer Gallery (Open schl hours to 10/22) 6:30pm HoM Gr 6 Latino Parent Coffee/Lib 7pm HoM Meet your Counselor HoM Gr 6 Fun Friday & Club Fair 7:30pm HoM Gr 6 back-to-Schl/ 9am CEN Gr Level reps 3pm CHaT Ice Cream Social Aud 23 FuLL Day KINDErGarTEN bEGINS 24 18 Yom KippuR 25 - - - - -MuR Photos - - - - - 7:30am CEN Faculty bkfst MaS Pre-K Parent orntn 9am aM Session 12:30pm PM Session 9am CEN Gr Level reps 6:30pm CEN Latino Parents Mtg 29 7:30am MHS Parent/Faculty bkfst/Concourse 6:15pm MHS Pre-Mtg back-to-Schl Latino Parents/Faculty Lounge 7pm MHS back-to-Schl Night all Grades CEN Photos 8:30-9:15am Mur PTa Vol Fair 9:15-10:30am Mur PTa Mtg 9:15am CHaT PTa Mtg/PTa budget 9:15am CEN PTa Mtg 2:45pm HoM Gr 7 bake Sale 3:30-4:30pm Mur Fall Social (rain date 10/1) 7:30am Mamaroneck Schools Foundation Jr. Triathlon 30 9:15am CHaT Library Vol orntn CHaT back-to-Schl Night 6:30pm Gr 3 7:15pm Gr 4 8pm Gr 5 CEN back-to-Schl Night 6:30pm Gr 4 7:15pm Gr 5 8pm Gr 3 7pm HoM Latino Workshops for academic Success/Lib Christina bishop, tempera paint 2010 October SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 John-Luke Valdez, stoneware 3 Jessica Corbin, tempera paint 4 5 - - - - - - - CHAT Photos - - - - - - - all Elem Walk to Schl Wk 10/4-10/8 CHaT & HoM Coat Drive 10/12-10/15 17 6 11 12 9am MaS Gr Level reps 7:30pm MHS Music Parents Mtg/ Band Rm 7:30pm District Presents response To InterventionInstructional Support Teams/ MHS Rm N104 CoLuMbuS Day 18 24 3-4:30pm CHaT Fall book Fair opening Party 25 HOM Photos 8 19 13 14 15 16 Hom Gr 7 Sharpe Overnight 9am CEN Gr Level reps 7:30pm MHS Info Session Pre-College Testing/Lib 7:30pm MHS Intro to Science research Mtg for Parents & Students/Rm N104 20 21 9:15am PTa Council 6:30pm CEN Kdgn Square Dance 22 aCT Tests 23 8pm MHS PaCE Fall Play/PACE Theatre 9:15am CEN Perks 9:15am MaS K/Pre-K Gr Level Mtg 9-10:30am Staying Connected with your Child presented by 7-9pm District/SEPTa Jed baker District Psychologists Series “Preventing 6-8pm CHaT book Fair Meltdowns, Part I”/MHS Lib Evening Hours 7:30pm Schl bd Mtg/MHS Rm N104 26 31 7pm MHS Financial aid Workshop/MHS Rm N104 9 8-8:35am Mur rm rep & Teacher Coffee 27 9am & 6:30pm MaS Principal’s View of MaS 6:45pm HoM Gr 6 Community Dinner/Lib 28 29 CEN Scare Fair 12-4pm HaLLoWEEN SaT Tests - - - - - - - MHS Photos - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MAS Photos - - - - - - - CHaT Fall book Fair 10/18-10/21 7 10am MHS Sp Ed Parents Coffee/ 7:30pm Schl bd Study Session/ 10am HoM Parents Sp Ed Coffee/ Rm A200 Lib MHS Lib Clsm 7:30pm PTa Council 7:30-9pm SEPTa Elem Networking 7:30pm MHS PTSa Mtg 6pm MaS Fall Picnic Workshops/HOM Lib “MHS 101”/Lib Mtg/HOM Lib 6:30pm CHaT Latino Parent Mtg 10 2 7pm “race to Nowhere” Film Screening/HOM Aud 7:30pm CHaT String Learn to Play Night 7:30pm SEPTa: road to College/ MHS Lib 7pm MHS Latino Financial aid Night/Lib Clsm 7:30pm HoM PTa Mtg/Lib 7:30pm Mur String Learn to Play Night 9:15am CHaT PTa Mtg 1:15pm CHaT Halloween Parade 1:45pm MaS Halloween Parade 7:30-9pm HoM Six Mix 30 November SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 MHS Sports Certification Wk 11/1-11/5 MaS book Fair 11/2-11/4 First Marking Period Ends: HOM: 11/9 MHS: 11/12 7 2010 3 Mur bake Sale 8:40-11:30am Elem Schl Visiting Morning 7:30pm MHS 9th Gr Parent Connections/Lib 7:30pm Schl bd Study Session/ MHS Lib Clsm MaS bake Sale 9-11am MHS Sports Phys 6pm MaS Family book Night 7pm HoM Latino Parents “Drugs, alcohol and adolescents, Part I” (Spanish) 9 Mur ParP begins 11/9-11/23 HoM Sports Certification for Ice Hockey & Fencing only 11/10: 11-12:30pm 11/12: 11-12:30pm MHS Sports Certification Wk 11/17-11/2 9am MaS Gr Level reps 7pm Gr 11 Parents & Students Meet w/Counselors 7:30pm HoM Gr 6 Parent Network/Lib 7:30pm HoM Gr 7 Parent Network/Lib 14 Modified Ice Hockey Begins All Other Varsity & JV Sports Begin 15 MHS Sports Certification Wk 11/14-11/19 HoM Sports Certification 11/16: 2:45-3:15pm 11/18: 2:45-3:15pm Mur book Fair 11/15-11/18 MHS Sports Certification 11/22 & 11/23 21 16 HOM Photo Retakes 11:30am Elem Dismissal: Conferences MHS Photo Retakes 4 6:30pm CHaT & CEN Latino Parents’ Evening/CEN 7:30-9pm SEPTa HoM/MHS Networking Mtg/HOM Lib 8pm area all State Concert/ SuNY Purchase 10 7:30pm CHaT Gr 5 Square Dance FRIDAY 11 5 22 23 18 24 SaT Tests 6 9:15am PTa Council all Elem 6:30pm CHaT Kdgn Square Dance 12 13 9:15am CHaT Principal’s Coffee 7:30-9:30pm HoM Gr 7 Dance VETEraN’S Day 17 SATURDAY 19 HoM Sports Phys Boys 8:30am Girls 9:45am 2:30-5:15pm Elem Parent Teacher MaS Coat Exchange 12pm HoM Senior Citizen Conferences 9:15am & 7:15pm HoM Gr 6 7:30pm District/raDar Present Luncheon/Lib Conversation w/Principal/Lib Teen alcohol & Drug use 6:45pm HoM Gr 8 Community 6-8pm Mur book Fair Evening Hrs Dinner/Lib 7:30pm Schl bd Mtg/MHS Rm N104 Survey results/HOM Aud 9:15am PTa Council HoM Sports Info Mtg/Aud 2:45pm Students 7pm Parents Freshmen Sports Begins THURSDAY 2 11:30am Elem Dismissal: Conferences 8 Varsity Ice Hockey Begins WEDNESDAY 25 20 CEN Play Performance 11:30am Cast B 2pm Cast A 26 27 HoM Sports Certification 11/22: 2:45-3:15pm CEN Play Performance 1pm Cast A 3:30pm Cast B 28 HoM Sports Certification 11/29: 11am-3:15pm 11/30: 2:45-3:15pm 7pm HoM Variety Show/Aud 7pm MHS Parent Sports Info Mtg/Post Aud All Other Modified Sports Begin 29 9:15am MaS K/PreK Gr Level Mtg MAS Concert Rhsl THaNKSGIVING rECESS No SCHooL THaNKSGIVING 30 1:45pm MaS Concert for K/PreK 2pm MaS Principal’s Coffee 7:30pm Schl bd Study Session/ MHS Lib Clsm Daniel bracho, stoneware Elizabeth Del rio, photograph December SUNDAY MONDAY 2010 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Mamaroneck Schools Foundation Grant Application Deadline 5 6 9:15am PTa Council 7:30pm-9pm SEPTa Program/ HOM Lib CEN book Fair 12/7-12/9 12 13 CHAT Gr 4 Band Showcase HaNuKKaH bEGINS 7 9:15am CEN Perks 9:30am Mur Winter Concert 7:30pm MHS Vocal/band Ensemble Concert/Post Aud CEN Concert Rhsl 14 8 9:30am & 7:30pm Mur Winter Concert 6-8pm CEN book Fair Evening Hrs 15 1:45pm CEN Winter Concert 7pm District/SEPTa Jed baker Series “Preventing Meltdowns, Part II”/MHS Lib 7:30pm HoM Chorus Concert/Aud 10:30am & 7:30pm CEN Winter Concert 7:30pm Schl bd Mtg/MHS Rm N104 19 20 21 22 SATURDAY 2 3 SaT Tests 4 10 aCT Tests 11 8pm MHS PaCE Kinesthesia/PACE Theatre 9:30am & 7:30pm CHaT Winter Concert 6pm MaS Pre-K/K Potluck Dinner/auction 7-9pm MHS all-Media Student art Show/Palmer Gallery (Open schl hours to 1/7/11) 7:30pm HoM Gr 6, 7, 8 orch Concert/Aud 9am CEN Gr Level reps 9:30am CHaT Winter Concert 10am & 7:30pm MaS Winter Concert Julie Vanderperre, ink on paper HoM book Fair 12/1-12/3 1 FRIDAY 9 8:10-11am HoM Visiting Day 11am-1pm HoM Parent/ Teacher brunch/Lib MuR Gr 4 Band Showcase 7:30pm HoM Gr 6, 7 & 8 band Concert/Aud 16 7:30pm MHS Winter Concert/ Post Aud 17 18 9:30am & 1:30pm MaS Pre-K Sing-a-Long 23 24 25 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – SCHooLS CLoSED - recess– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 12:30pm MHS Homecoming brunch for Class of 2010/Cafe 1:45pm MaS Holiday Sing-a-Long, Grades K-5 26 27 28 CHrISTMaS 29 30 31 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – SCHooLS CLoSED - recess – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Dylan Spangle, tempera paint January SUNDAY Second Marking Period Ends: MHS 1/28 HOM 1/28 MHS regents Exams & Midterms 1/24-1/28 (regular schl hours may not apply) 2011 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY MaS ongoing Weekly Education/ Parent Support Groups Tuesdays 9:15-10:45am Wednedays 1-2:30pm (Hablemos MAS) Thursdays 9:15-10:45am (Special Needs) 1 Josefina Bräuning, pencil on paper Joseph bernstein, pencil on paper 2 SATURDAY 3 SCHooLS rEoPEN 4 5 9 10 11 6 9am CEN Latino Parents Mtg 7:30pm MHS Honors recital/ Tri-M Inductions/Post Aud 7:30pm Schl bd Study Session/ MHS Lib Clsm 12 NEW yEar’S Day 13 7 9:15am CHaT Principal’s Coffee 8 All County Jazz Auditions at MHS (snow date: 1/10) 14 15 8pm MHS PaCE Soundscapes/PACE Theatre 9am MaS Principal’s Coffee 7:30pm MHS Principal’s Coffee & Conversation – academic Pathways/Lib 9:15am PTa Council 16 17 18 9am MaS Gr Level rep Mtg 19 20 21 23 12 Noon & 3:30pm Mur Musical 30 24 22 12 Noon & 3:30pm Mur Musical MHS Day oF SErVICE MarTIN LuTHEr KING, Jr.’S bIrTHDay obSErVED SaT Tests 9:15am MaS Pre-K Gr Level Mtg 7:30pm Schl bd Mtg/MHS 7:30pm MHS Transition for Rm N104 Incoming Gr 9 Sp Ed/MHS Lib 25 26 6:30pm MaS Musical 6:45pm HoM Gr 7 Community Dinner/Lib 27 10am-12Noon SpEd Parent Mtg: “The CSE and annual review Process”/MHS Lib 6:30-8pm CHaT bingo Night 7pm MaS Musical 28 1 & 7pm MaS Musical 7pm CEN Parents Night out 29 7:30pm Transition for Incoming K Sp Ed 31 9:15am CEN Perks 7pm District/SEPTa Jed baker Series “Preventing Meltdowns, Part III”/MHS Lib 7pm College acceptance Process for Latino Middle & High Schl Parents/MHS Lib Clsrm 9:15-10:30am Mur PTa Mtg 7:30pm HoM PTa Mtg/Lib 7:30-9:30pm HoM Gr 8 Dance 7pm Mur Winter Whirl February SUNDAY 2011 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 7:30pm Schl bd Study Session/ MHS Lib Clsm 7 9am CEN Gr Level Mtg 7:30pm MHS PTSa Mtg/Lib 7:30pm HoM Transition for Incoming Gr 6 SpEd/HOM Lib 8 9 9-10:30am District Presents: “Word retrieval and its Impact on Learning” a Parent Workshop 7:30pm MHS Gr 12 Parent 7:30pm District String Festival Connections/Lib (snow date 2/10) CEN building bridges 2/7-2/11 13 14 15 16 7pm MHS Incoming Gr 9 orntn for Parents & Students/ 9:15am MaS Pre-K Gr Level Mtg Post Aud (snow date 2/28) 7:30pm Schl bd Mtg/MHS Rm N104 20 3 4 21 22 23 8:10-11:05am HoM real Work/ 9am CHaT Latino Parents Mtg School Work 7:30-9pm SEPTa Program/HOM Lib 10 11 5 17 12 18 19 25 26 7pm HoM Latino Parents “Drugs, alcohol and adolescents, Part II” (Spanish) 8pm PaCE 1 Show/PACE Theatre 24 28 Josephine Crochon, photograph 2 & 7pm HoM Musical/Aud 7-9pm MHS aP Student art Show: 9:15am PTa Council “Concentration”/Palmer Gallery 7:30-9:30pm HoM International (Open schl hours to 3/11) Dinner/Gym – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – SCHooLS CLoSED — recess – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – 27 SATURDAY 7pm HoM Musical/Aud (snow: 2/6 2pm) Kindergarten registration begins for September 2011. Call your local elementary school for more information. 6 2 FRIDAY Margo Schneider, marker and collage 2011 March SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY 1 FRIDAY 2 3 SATURDAY 4 5 8pm MHS PaCE New Plays 2011/PACE Theatre rayna Wachs, digital video 9:15am CEN Perks 7:30pm MHS Gr 10 Parent Connections/Lib 7:30pm Schl bd Study Session/ MHS Rm N104 7 8 6 9:15am & 6:30pm MaS Mid-year Discussion 6:30-9:30pm all County Jazz rhsl #1/MHS (snow date 3/3) 9 9-11am MHS Sports Phys 6:30pm CEN Latino Parents’ Evening 7pm CEN Jazz band 7:30pm CEN Circus arts 9:15am PTa Council all Elem 7:30-9:30pm Mur Gr 5 Square Dance/MHS Palmer Gym 10 11 12 SaT Tests (No Subject Tests) SHaKESPEarE FESTIVaL/HOM Aud (3/8-3/13) (snow date 3/14) MHS Sports Certification Wk 3/7-3/11 7pm MHS College Night/Post Aud 13 SHaKESPEarE FESTIVaL/ HOM Aud (3/8-3/13) (snow date 3/14) MHS Varsity & JV Sports begin 4:30pm Mamaroneck Schools Foundation Grants awards Ceremony/MHS Lib (snow date 3/15) 7pm MaS Gr 5 Square Dance 14 MHS Sports Certification Wk 3/14-3/18 All Elem Nutrition Wk 3/21-3/25 20 9:15am PTa Council 2:45pm HoM Sports Interest Mtg for Students/Aud 7pm HoM Sports Info Mtg for Parents/Aud MHS Freshmen Sports begin Mur building bridges 3/21-3/25 21 MHS Sports Certification Wk 3/21-3/25 HoM Sports Certification 3/22: 2:45-3:15pm 3/23: 2:45-3:15pm 3/24: 11am-3:15pm 27 HoM Sports Certification 3/28: 2:45-3:15pm 7pm MHS Parent Sports Info Mtg/Post Aud Modified Sports Begin 28 10am MaS orchestra Concert 7:30pm HoM Incoming Gr 6 Parent orntn/HOM Aud Mamaroneck Schools Foundation antique Fair/ MHS Post Road Gym 7:30-9pm SEPTa ELEM Networking Mtg/HOM Lib 15 Elem & Int All County Concert/SuNY Purchase Mamaroneck Schls Foundation antique Fair/ MHS Post Road Gym Elem & Int All County Concert/SuNY Purchase 16 Supt’s Conference Day STuDENTS Do NoT aTTEND 9am MaS Gr Level reps 6-9:30pm all County Jazz rhsl #2/MHS 7:30pm Schl bd Mtg/MHS Rm N104 6-9:30pm all County Jazz rhsl #3/MHS 22 9:15am & 7:15pm HoM Gr 8 Conversation w/Principal/Lib 7:30pm MHS Symphony & Chamber orch Concert/ Post Aud 23 6:30pm MaS Nutrition Night 7:30pm HoM “Pops” Concert 29 10am & 7:30pm MaS orch Concert 7:30pm MHS Gr 11 Parent 10am Mur orch Concert Connections/Lib 30 17 18 HoM Sports Phys Boys 8:30am Girls 9:45am 7:30pm MHS Principal’s Coffee & Conversation/Lib 7:30pm CHaT Gr 5 Play 8pm all County Jazz Concert at MHS/Post Aud (snow date 3/21) 24 25 7pm CHaT Parents’ Night out (snow date 3/31) 7-8pm CEN Family Math Night 7:30pm MHS PTSa Mtg & budget Disc/Lib 19 9am Schl bd Mtg/ MHS Rm N104 11am - 4pm MaS Int’l Fair 26 7:30pm HoM “HMX roX” 31 CHaT Int’l Day 10am & 7:30pm Mur orch Concert 7pm HoM Incoming Gr 6 orntn for Latino Families/Lib Melanie Keating, charcoal 2011 April SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 Third Marking Period Ends: MHS 4/8 HOM 4/8 rebecca Harman, tempera paint 3 Morgan MacDonald, stoneware 4 5 11:30am Elem Dismissal: Conferences 6 7 8 HoM Gr 8 overnight Trip to Washington DC (Bengal Tiger Teams 2 & 4) 8pm MHS PaCE Musical Collage/PACE Theatre 7:30 Schl bd Study Session/ MHS Lib Clsm 9:15am PTa Council 10 11 2 12 10am CHaT orchestra Concert 11:30am Elem Dismissal: Conferences aCT Tests 9 MHS Senior Musical/Post Aud Friday@8pm and Saturday@ 2pm & 8pm 10am & 7:30pm CHaT orch Concert 6:30pm CHaT Latino Parents Mtg 10:15am HoM Gr 8 Late Start for Students returning from 7pm HoM Latino Panel for academic Success D.C. Trip 13 14 15 16 HoM Gr 8 overnight Trip to Washington DC (Javan and Bali Tiger Teams 1 & 3) all Elem TurN oFF TV WEEK 4/11 – 4/15 CHaT Spring book Fair 4/11-14 9:15am & 7:15pm HoM Gr 6 Conversation w/Principal/Lib 10am CEN orch Concert 6:30-8:30pm CHaT Everybody reads & book Fair 17 18 11:45am CEN Faculty 9:15am CEN Perks appreciation Lunch 9:15am MaS Pre-K Gr Level Mtg 10am & 7:30pm CEN orch Concert 4pm MaS Turn off TV Event 7:30pm MHS Vocal/band 6:30pm MaS Turn off TV Event Ensemble Concert/Post Aud 7:30pm Schl bd Mtg/MHS Rm N104 19 10:15am HoM Gr 8 Late Start for Students returning from D.C. Trip 9am MaS Gr Level reps 6:30pm MaS Jr Theatre Company Performance 20 21 22 23 28 29 30 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – SCHooLS CLoSED — recess – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – PaSSoVEr bEGINS 24 25 Snow Make up or School Holiday If there have been 3 school closings, then school is in session EaSTEr 26 9:15-10:30am District Social Workers Present “From Toddlers To Teens: Talking With your Child about Sex” 7:30pm HoM Gr 8 Parent Network/ Lib 27 9am CEN Gr Level reps 2:30-5:15pm Elem Parent Conferences 7 & 8pm PaCE 3 Presents/ PACE Theatre 6pm MaS Gr 3 Family Event 7:30pm HoM, MHS & SEPTa PTa Elctns, budget Disc & Vote/MHS Lib 9:15am PTa Council May SUNDAY 1 MHS: aP Exams 5/2-5/13 HoM book Fair 5/4-5/6 Gr 3-8 English Language arts (ELa) assessment Tests 5/4-5/6 2011 MONDAY TUESDAY 8 SATURDAY 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 16 all Elem Walk to School Week 5/16-5/20 MaS book Fair 5/17-5/19 CEN book Fair 5/16-5/18 22 23 9:15am PTa Council 7pm MHS original Science research Symposium/Lib 29 Gr 4 Science Performing Test 5/31-6/3 FRIDAY 2 MHS aP biology in am MHS aP Physics b, C in pm 7pm MHS Gr 9 Parents “rising Junior Mtg” 15 CHaT Carnival 12pm-5pm THURSDAY 7 SaT Tests 8am-3pm MHS Mother’s Day Sale/Concourse MHS aP English Literature in am 7:30-10am HoM Staff & Vol 11am–4pm appreciation bkfst/Caf Mur Spring Fair 9:15am CHaT Principal’s Coffee MHS aP Spanish Language in am MHS aP Calculus ab and bC in am 7pm CEN PTa Elctns, budget MHS aP Environmental Science 7:30pm Schl bd Study Session/ 9:15am & 7:15pm HoM Gr 7 Disc & Vote MHS aP u.S. History in am 6:30pm Mamaroneck 7:30pm CHaT PTa Elctns, in am MHS Lib Clsm Conversation w/Principal MHS aP European History in pm Schools Foundation budget Disc & Vote 7:30pm Mur PTa Elctns, budget 7:30pm HoM Gr 6, 7, 8 7pm MaS PTa Elctns, budget MHS aP Studio art in pm Spring Gala, 7:30-9:30pm HoM rock out/ 15th anniversary 9:15am PTa Council Disc & Vote Chorus Concert Disc & Vote reach out/Aud Extended Voter registration Hours at MHS 5/11: 7-10am & 4-9pm Check website for more information Grades 3-8 Math assessment Test 5/11-5/13 WEDNESDAY 30 MEMorIaL Day MHS aP u.S. Gov’t & Politics in am MHS aP French language in pm 9am MaS Gr Level reps 7:30pm HoM Gr 6-8 band Concert 7:30pm Schl bd Mtg/MHS Rm N104 MHS aP Macroeconomics in am MHS aP Microeconomics in pm MHS aP Spanish Literature in am 10am-Noon 7:30pm MHS awards assembly/ MHS Junior Prom 3pm MUR Beautification Day CEN bike rodeo Post Aud 7:30-9pm SEPTa Program/ HOM Lib SCHooL buDGET VoTE MAS Concert Rhsl (at your elementary school) 7am -9pm MaS bake Sale 10am CHaT Chorus/band Concert 6-8pm CEN book Fair/ Evening Hours 7pm Incoming K orntn at all Elem Schls 1:45pm MaS Concert for K/Pre-K 7:30pm HoM Gr 6, 7 & 8 orch 10am & 7:30pm CHaT Chorus/ Concert band Concert 7:30pm Schl bd Mtg/MHS Rm N104 17 CEN Concert Rhsl 24 14 18 19 8pm MHS PaCE Dance/Theatre Workshop/PACE Theatre 10am & 7:30pm MaS Chorus/ band Concert MaS bike rally 3-3:30pm Pre-K-2 3:30-4:30pm Gr 3-5 6:30pm CEN & CHaT Latino Parents’ Evening/CHAT 7-9pm MHS all-Media Student art Show/Palmer Gallery (Open schl hours to 6/1) 25 26 10am & 7:30pm Mur Chorus/band Concert 10am & 7:30pm CEN Chorus band 9:15am MaS Principal Coffee Concert 10am Mur Chorus/band Concert 5:30pm MaS Gr 4 Family Event MAS Beautification Day 7:30pm MHS Spring Concert 6:30pm Mur arts Festival 20 21 9am-1pm CEN Spruce up Central Day 27 28 Snow Make up or School Holiday If there have been 4 school closings, then school is in session 31 9:15am CEN Perks, PTa Instl & State of the Schl 9:15am MaS Pre-K Gr Level Mtg rhona McGill, watercolor Haim Choung, watercolor June SUNDAY 2011 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY MHS In-Class Final Exams 6/6-6/14 THURSDAY 1 Sarah Fedorchick, pencil 5 6 7 8am-12pm Mur String Solo Concert Dress rhsl 5:30, 6:30, 7:45pm Mur String Solo/Ensemble Concert 6:30pm MaS Solo/Ensemble Concert 3:15pm HoM Gr 6 String recital 8pm PaCE Two Show/PACE Theatre 7:30pm Schl bd Study Session/ MHS Lib Clsm Senior athlete Dinner 12 13 8 8-8:45am Mur band Solo Concert Dress rhsl 7:30pm Mur band Solo Concert 8pm PaCE Senior recital/ PACE Theatre 14 15 MHS-Last Day of Classes 20 8-8:45am CHaT band Solo Concert Dress rhsl 8:30am MHS Senior Seminar Day 9:15am Mur PTa Vol Coffee, Instl & State of Schl 6pm MaS Imagination Celebration 7:30pm CHaT band Solo & Gr 3 recorder Concert 10 4 SaT Tests 10am – 3pm HoM Gr 6 Car Wash aCT Tests 11 9:15am PTa Council annual Mtg 6:30pm CEN Int’l Family Picnic 7:30-10pm HoM Gr 8 Graduation Party MHS Senior Prom 16 17 18 21 22 9-11am HoM Final Exams 24 25 6-8:30pm CEN Gr 5 Celebration 23 Last Day of School for Students Final Day HoM 6 & 7 11:45am CHaT Staff 9am CEN Gr 5 Graduation appreciation Lunch 9:15am Mur Gr 5 Graduation 10am CHaT Gr 5 Graduation 11:45am MaS Staff 9-11am HoM Finals review Day 6-8pm CHaT Gr 5 Graduation Party 11:30am Mur Staff appreciation appreciation Lunch Children’s Corner last day of 6:30pm MaS Gr 5 Graduation Lunch all programs 7pm MHS Senior Student Dinner/Cafe 7:30pm Schl bd Mtg/MHS Rm N104 6pm MHS Graduation (rain date 6/23) 27 9:15am PTa Council Calendar Mtg 9 11:30am Elem Dismissal 26 3 9-11am HoM Final Exams 6pm MaS Vol Dinner & PTa Instl 19 SATURDAY 2 8am-12pm CHaT String Solo Concert Dress rhsl 9:15am CHaT PTa Mtg, Vol bkfst, bd Instl, State of Schl 5:30, 6:30, 7:45pm CHaT String Solo/Ensemble Concert 10am & 7:30pm CEN Gr 3 recorder 6:30pm CEN Solo/Ensemble Concert Concert 6:30-8pm Mur Science Fair 6-7pm MaS Pre-K Father/Child 7:30pm MHS Senior Honors Night reception 6:30pm HoM Gr 7 & 8 String recital regents & Final Exams 6/15-6/24 MHS book Fair 6/2-6/3 FRIDAY 28 29 9:15am Elem Dismissal 10am HoM Gr 8 Graduation 30 HaVE a NICE SuMMEr! rosalynd Cabaleiro, stoneware July SUNDAY 2011 MONDAY 3 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 10 Shem Tane, digital video Shana Jacobson, photograph August SUNDAY all Varsity & JV athletic Team Try-outs begin around 8/22 2011 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 26 27 yohan Park, pencil 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 31 Matt Finer and ben Tugendstein, digital video mamaRONECK-LaRCHmONT COuNCIL Of PaRENT-TEaCHER aSSOCIaTIONS 2010-2011 ■ Executive board President President-Elect Past President Secretary Treasurer Melany Gray Jennifer Malherbe Cindy Habig Lori Herbsman Kristine Budill 834-5732 381-1771 834-1174 833-5831 833-1243 ■ PTa Presidents and Special Representatives MHS Hommocks Central Chatsworth Mamaroneck Avenue Murray SEPTA Special Representatives Communications District Calendar Diversity Legislation Technology Sherri Rozansky Amy Rothman Rina Beder Rachel Goldman Pam Buchmueller Barbara Lambert Laura Livaccari-Herzig Lisa Samson Lisa Boren Tina Maresca Ann LoBue Liz Paras Cecilia Absher Sam Jensen 834-7591 833-2407 833-9837 833-2889 630-2330 834-3726 834-4810 834-8658 834-3919 602-1614 833-1216 834-0787 833-3109 630-1816 TBD Kate Beeby Debbie Trepanier TBD Laurie Lee TBD 833-3237 834-9666 TBD 833-1277 The PTA Council acts as the coordinating body to promote communication and cooperation among the schools. Special Education PTa (SEPTa) ■ Executive board and Chairs Co-President Sam Jensen Cecilia Absher Amy Lieberman Kathi Campbell Debbie Ezbitski Patti Wolff Linda Banta Barbara Lambert Phyllis Raja Leslie Josel TBD Marianne Hoffman Denise Gleason 630-1816 833-3109 630-4443 834-2933 216-3694 698-8882 834-7488 834-3726 834-8467 833-0705 Laurie Lee Lynn Maffei 833-1277 834-5299 Lauren Grossman 833-1610 Jill Gressin Amy Kass Parent Network Chairs MHS Susan Malamed Karen Norman Parent Network Chair HMX Leslie Josel Faculty Grants Co-Chairs Liz Paras Barbara Mehlman Special Edition Newsletter Suzanne Prigoda Cecilia Absher Parent Member Coordinator Sandi Rosenbaum Liaisons / Reps School Reps School Rep / Liaison Chair Jill Gressin Murray Ave Suzanne Raved Jill Gressin Betsy Frank Chatsworth Ave Dawn Johanson Jodi Jamieson Mamk Ave Kathleen Reale TBD Central Suzanne Prigoda Beth Feldman Hommocks Michelle Gavens Leslie Garfield MHS Amy Lieberman Germaine Cuff PreK- CPSE TBD Reps / Liaisons to Groups Transition Liaisons Amy Lieberman Beth Mullaney Fathers’ Club Rep Sam Jensen Latino Parents Liaison Michael Jaramillo Out of District Parent Reps Karina Fitzpatrick Teacher Reps Murray Rebekha Spano MAS Denise Pagliaro Kerri Fay Central Christine Sullivan Liz Giacomo Chatsworth TBD Hommocks TBD MHS Taryn Delaney Marni Ross 834-1054 834-3752 381-9172 833-8696 833-0705 834-0787 833-8905 Past President VP Communications VP Law & Policy VP Programs VP Membership VP Ways & Means VP Diversity Secretary Treasurer Website Coordinator/Manager Hospitality Parent Network Chair (overall) Parent Network Chair– Elem. 834-8078 833-3230 833-1950 833-3109 834-2275 834-1054 834-4343 834-1054 833-9790 833-7387 833-5059 777 2907 833-1950 833-2097 833-3908 833-3117 630-4443 834-9032 630-4443 834-0453 630-1816 833-2615 777-3075 220-3600 220-3400 220-3100 CENTRaL 1100 Palmer avenue, Larchmont, Ny 10538 220-3401 ■ PTa Executive Committee & Chairs Co-Presidents Secretary Treasurer Faculty Representatives VP – Communications Central Calling Newsletter Publicity C-Mail Blast Website Literary Magazine Yearbook 630-2330 834-3726 834-8233 630-2806 Susan McLaren Cindy Dircks Pam Buchmueller Andrea Fagon Anastasi Orfanos Andrea Fagon Diana Biasotti Allison Nachtigal Sophia Maki Andrea Fagon 341-1336 834-1128 630-2330 481-1029 833-7618 481-1029 917-807-6146 835-0343 834-2068 481-1029 Wendy Zoland Karen Ronan After School Clubs Karen Ronan Beautification Karen Robb Child Study Room Kim Nicastri Photos Cathy Bizzard Lorena Minnerly Lunchtime Language Club Angela Holton Library Volunteers Lisa Bhalla Library Author Liaison Lisa Bhalla Healthy Hair Selvi Rudge Recess Equipment Theresa Vozza Lost and Found Phyllis Raja VP – Parent Services Directory Grade Level Coord. Grants Liaison Latino Liaison Incoming K Orientation Membership SEPTA Liaison Central Perks CATS New Parent Liaison Working Parent Liaison Hospitality VP – Faculty/Community Outreach Central Cares Faculty Breakfast International Picnic Staff Appr. Lunch Wellness Committee 777-0306 630-4061 630-4061 834-6928 834-5561 630-4596 953-9955 834-6687 630-4686 630-4686 833-9182 834-1527 834-8467 Keiko Tannenbaum 834-4591 Alexandra Leach 834-9426 Diana Bravo 381-0933 Shelly Antinelli 381-0378 Sarah D’Ercole 777-1157 Cordelia Derhammer-Hill 630-1922 Denise Mathieson 630-2456 Kristin Morris 834-5115 Jackie Sheppard 834-9086 Jenny Siegel 630-1387 Suzanne Prigoda 833-1950 Beth Feldman 833-2097 Selvi Rudge 833-9182 Julie McMullen 834-1203 Susan Myers 833-1155 Gretchen Eisele-Eaton 833-0447 Selvi Rudge 833-9182 Anneliese Peters 834-4905 Christina Patierno-Fainke 267-971-6481 Susan Epstein Kim Nicastri Linda Latona To report absence: 220-3250 or on website CORE Liaisons Pam Buchmueller Barbara Lambert Laura Jofre Debra Goundrey Renee Coscia Anna Newman Cathy Gabel VP – School Services fax 220-3415 835-4266 834-5561 381-0699 Green Committee School/District Relations Gifts VP – Programs Cultural Arts Classical Café Theater Arts K-Square Dance Building Bridges/ Breaking Barriers VP – Fundraising Apparel Book Fair-Fall Book Fair-Spring Box Top Collection Scare Fair Parents Night Out Evening Auction Square Art Project Wrapping Paper School Supplies Coord. Jayne Lipman Kim Larsen Karen Spiridellis Chrissi Adamo Debra Goundrey Helen Chun Adriana Zajac Kim Larsen Jen Dorf Jenny Moskowitz Emily Hoffner Marie-Josee Brill 698-8601 833-8663 834-7622 834-0446 630-2806 630-4512 630-4915 833-8663 698-2929 670-5706 833-1703 833-9450 Laura Wechsler Jennifer Malherbe Wendy Zoland Melissa Aversa Karen Spiridellis Chrissi Adamo Susan McLaren Staci Grodin Stephanie Lazarus Debbie Bunder Patty Wolff Julie McMullen 834-0059 381-1771 777-0306 305-1413 834-7622 834-0446 341-1336 315-6080 698-1677 381-7317 698-8882 834-1203 Tracey Robbins Beth Feldman Raquel Marra Deborah Novick Ellen Silver Sally Cantwell Kathy Bunta Kimberly Huang Danielle Langhoff Lara Freedman Shelly Antinelli Keiko Tannenbaum Mary Conway Erika Fitzgerald Jennifer Anvar Melissa Perez Amy Jaswal Chris Montgomery Kristina Carrier Elizabeth Leifert 833-2141 833-2097 834-7151 834-1772 381-3502 834-0133 833-3172 670-5740 630-0324 630-4611 381-0378 834-4591 630-0067 217-4595 630-0806 777-3289 630-2421 630-1251 833-1171 834-6633 ■ grade Level Chairs Coordinators Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade Shelly Antinelli Sarah D’Ercole Sharyn Boswell Tricia Leicht Krista Williams Cathy Bizzard Rachel Erfe Jennifer Malherbe Linda Latona Joanna Wolff Wanda Witherspoon 381-0378 777-1157 834-0132 698-1613 777-8252 630-4596 834-5379 381-1771 381-0699 698-3439 610-0060 Central School Staff Principal, 220-3401 Assistant Principal Carol Priore Joanne Hindley ■ Central School faculty Kindergarten Grade 4 Gloria Casiano Cathy Gabel Renee Coscia Michele Seda Donna Russell Anna Newman/ Mary Ann Walkin Jennifer Wiesner Grade 1 Grade 5 Maggie Hoddinott Marilu Ragno/ Susan Dinelli Helena Silverman Kelly Ann Trombley Lucille Plati Ellen Wollner Ed Urso Grade 2 Stefan Kuczinksi Maria Catalano Special Education Brooke Knight Mary Lou Ventarola - Gr 2 Jeanette Larva Lori Dressler - Gr 3 Grade 3 Chris Sullivan - Gr 4 Christine Del Negro Alexis Longhitano - Gr 5 Jean James Matthew Poricelli Sabra Rivel/Elizabeth Giacomo ■ Support Services Art Psychologist Michelle Burton Jacqueline Fonseca-Elias Computer Patricia Bevilacqua Henry Smith Reading ESL Susan Herron Patricia Griffin Stephanie Saia Kristine Mariano Suzanne Weaver Health Resource Room Kathleen Degnan Mary Conroy Library/Media Social Worker Anne Corsetti Laura Brundage Emerald Mandracchia-typist Speech Literacy Coach Lisa Kovac Allyson Daley Karen Manchester Music Carol Telzak Nanette Jordan (band) Office Kayo Matsushita (choir/gen. music) Robin Prete Katherine Sinsabaugh (orch) Rosemary Westermann Nurse, 220-3410 Custodians Gay Harmon Patrick Leonard Physical Education Leam McEvoy Joan George Victor Quinones John Savage CHaTSWORTH forest Park avenue, Larchmont, Ny 10538 ■ PTa Executive Committee & Chairs Co-Presidents Secretary Treasurers SEPTA Representative Teacher Representative VP, Enrichment After School Clubs Art Appreciation Chess Cultural Arts MSF Grant Liaison World Language Program VP, Fundraising Book Fair - Fall Book Fair - Spring Carnival Gift Wrap Loyalty Programs Parents Night Out Advisor Photos Pizza School Merchandise VP, Parent/School Services Incoming K 220-3500 Laura Livaccari-Herzig Lisa Samson Laurie Shapiro Kristen Fernandez Karen Epstein Dawn Johanson Jodi Jamieson Stacy Howryletz Alex Glass 834-4810 834-8658 834-4409 833-7505 833-2766 833-7387 833-5059 220-3500 Abby Showers David Seigerman Risa Crandall Jenny Webb Mauri Tamarin Allison Gottsegen Ari Perkins Jodi Jamieson Dami Burckin Julia Steinmetz Julie Zilberberg Jo Rein Carrie Kaplan 833-9485 834-3261 834-9099 834-6740 834-4140 315-6199 630-1500 833-5059 861-6821 834-0541 834-8020 834-6948 834-1959 Valerie Mouracade Nina Daum Caitlin Israel Patty Weston Barbara George Sheila Walsh Bonni Kingsley Ilene Gadick Barbara George Helene Weinberger Theresa Finck Erin Fuller Karen Regan Kate Verni Dani Zucker Odelya Vivolo Beth Metzendorf 833-0791 834-5215 834-4087 630-0105 833-3348 834-0790 834-4304 834-4525 833-3348 833-8987 833-7797 834-1495 834-2756 834-0546 833-7309 834-9468 833-1262 Ann Lefever 833-3272 Tess Resman James 833-2446 Ellida McMillan 834-0163 International Parents Asha Thadani 833-7642 Kimi Quinn 834-6414 Library Volunteer Coordinator Jane Symington 834-5076 Parent Education - Speakers Dawn Johanson 833-7387 Spanish Language Liaison Rebeca Guzman 917-428-1946 Joe Pantigoso 917-699-6883 Staff Events/Hospitality Sherry Thaler 834-8602 Carol Holtby 833-9308 Susie Quoss 833-9662 School Tours Nora McMillan 834-1754 Megan Graham 834-9097 Welcome New Families Rachael Grimm 834-0772 Karen Payne 630-2170 Wellness and Nutrition Liv Grey 630-2608 Stephanie MacKendree 834-1914 Working Parents Risa Crandall 834-9099 Ruth Bradley 834-5179 fax 220-3515 To report absence: 220-3250 or on website VP, Room Reps/ Communications Directory Friday Sheet Public Relations School Budget Website/Technology VP, Room Reps/ Programs Graduation Rebecca Charles 834-1145 Annie O’Connor 834-5545 Juliet Lesser 629-5719 Laurie Wolk Rosenblatt 917-648-1061 Maura Herman 834-3458 Ellida McMillan 834-0163 Susan Lavinger 630-4401 Theresa Finck Juliet Lesser Amy Albert Cheryl Brause 833-7797 834-0909 834-3755 654-0217 Yearbook Sales Erin Fuller Lisa Chase Juliet Lesser Patty Weston Robin Golden Barbara Liptack Laura Siegel Kate Anderson Maureen Moriarity Valerie Mouracde Julia Steinmetz Holly Moskow Ann Lefever Cathy Wilson Tami Burks Laurie Shapiro Lynda Fisher Michelle Doherty Jennifer Abreu Loureiro Sonita Bennitt 834-1495 834-8296 629-5719 630-0105 833-0542 834-2131 833-8923 834-7342 834-3182 833-0791 834-0541 630-1230 833-3272 833-8673 834-2848 834-4409 630-1351 235-4961 834-0209 834-6497 Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5 Kelli Wise Kristin Briotte Jane Symington Kristin Patrick Karen Regan Jo Brody 834-6021 833-3549 834-5076 630-2289 834-2756 834-4213 Healthy Hair VP, School Community Programs Beautification Chat Literary Magazine Planning Council Community Donations Everybody Reads Planet Chat Family Fun Night Radar Liaison Safe Routes to School Turn Off TV Week Yearbook ■ grade Level Chairs Chatsworth School Staff Principal, 220-3501 Assistant Principal Gail Boyle Katie Andersen-Twomey ■ Chatsworth School faculty Kindergarten Darlene Adams Erin Colagiovanni Tara Graham-Turner Bina Shevin Jennifer Solomon Grade 1 Genine DiFalco Sima Friedman Nell Plunkett Nancy Stamegna Bernadette Tyler Kate Wynne Grade 2 Francine Gerace Alex Glass Mary Kate Glennon Stacy Howryletz Elizabeth Slade Grade 3 Janet Acobes/Terry Donnellon Noreen Borom Janis Clery Janna Masella Grade 4 Dana Hill Maggie Nolan Jodie Scozzafava/Rachel Morse Sharon Stogner Grade 5 Carolyn Clyne Kimberly England Allen Falber Danielle Palumbo/Gina Loughran ■ Support Services Art Dawn Arkontaky Aaron Stone ESL Ruth Layne Computer Lab Terrance Custer Family Life Kathleen Degnan Library Laura Brune Music Denise Ruchala (band) Erica Zimmerman (choir/gen. music) MaryAnn Raph (orch) Amy Rosen (orch) Nurse: 220-3510 Terese Carey Physical Education Pat Romano Renee Glickman Karl Zenie Psychologist Barbara Merling Reading Roberta Sanders Diana Barbieri AIS Lisa Kmetz Social Worker Laura Brundage Speech Alice Cohen Clerical Antoinette Sarfaty Eileen Tobias Donna Williams Custodians Frank Lopes, Head Mike Cotroneo Steve DiPalma Kevin Kittle mamaRONECK avENuE mamaroneck avenue, mamaroneck, Ny 10543 220-3601 fax 220-3615 To report absence: 220-3250 or on website Crafts Games Prizes Food Court Theme Baskets Staff Raffle VP – School Play House Manager MAS Junior Company VP – Parent Services Hospitality ■ PTa Executive Committee & Chairs Co-Presidents Secretary Bylaws/Legislation Grants Treasurer Membership Bank Savings Program Lisa Boren Tina Maresca Grace Perri Grace Perri Grace Perri Kathleen Gallaher Debbie Trepanier Heidi Sanger 834-3919 602-1614 777-1625 777-1625 777-1625 381-6280 834-9666 777-1234 VP – Communications Class Parent Coordinator Planning Council Liaison SEPTA Liaison Voter Registration/Budget Website Publicity Directory Youngest Sibling List Home Language Rep/ Translation Alli May-Margoshes Jeanne Spano Jennifer Vaccaro Kathleen Reale Janine Montoni Kristin Gorski Alli May-Margoshes Eileen Onelli Caroline Leira Lynita Reid Linda Cutler 777-6777 630-2000 381-3043 777-2907 315-1103 777-2824 777-6777 381-0916 777-1931 473-0611 630-4364 VP – School Committees Accelerated Reader After School Clubs Maria Regan Tania McMenamin Susanne Vasquez Stephanie Liverzani Maria Garofalo Nicole Povemba Carolyn Day Jane Murray Maritza Tribuzio Maria Regan Gabriella Lourenco Lauren Freifeld 698-0938 381-2584 834-2089 698-2474 698-3602 315-1469 457-0848 670-0470 381-3093 698-0938 777-5003 834-1789 Jen Mitchell Michelle Goodman Eileen Onelli Gloria Lopez Terri Prenty 630-4588 381-0916 698-0254 698-8211 Pictures Student Work Celebration Yearbook Summer Reading Challenge Co-VPs – International Fair Silent Auction Volunteers Snack Shack Sunshine Special Relatives’ Day Newcomers/Tours Library Volunteers Publishing Room Family Picnic Beautification Staff Recognition Day Volunteer Appreciation Fifth Grade Graduation Incoming K-Orientation Gabriella Lourenco Lauren Freifeld Deborah Nesser Karina Bass Joan Madalone Alli May-Margoshes Tania McMenamin 777-5003 834-1789 835-3432 630-1416 777-1935 777-6777 381-2584 Jennifer Hofstetter Bernadette Tyler Laura Conlon Maria Regan 584-5838 831-9799 777-1335 698-0938 Maia Matthews Theresa Sullivan Cheila Fortes Terry Vitetta Laura Conlon Debbie Trepanier Jenny Ransom Martha Alfred Cheila Fortes Amelia Spano Laurette Costa Mary Vozza Terri Prenty Laurette Costa Maria Garofalo Michelle Ballantyne 315-6626 630-1488 777-1211 698-2474 777-1335 834-9666 698-4960 698-8211 777-1211 777-0557 381-4367 630-0623 698-8211 381-4367 698-3602 630-1184 VP – Cultural Arts Heritage Month Shonna Tantillo Maria Duran Ninfa Monges Student Cultural Arts Programs Shonna Tantillo Hilde Fredrichs VP – Fundraising Book Fair Bake Sales PreK/K Dinner/Auction School Supplies Spirit Store Square One Art Bricks VP – Safety and Wellness Turn Off Your TV Week Walk to School Week Nutrition Week Bike Rally Green Committee K/1 Drop Off Program Pick Up Line Teacher/Staff Communications 481-6194 835-3037 777-0624 481-6194 671-9428 Karina Bass Valarie DeLucia Lori Faicco Jenny Ransom Jeanne Spano Lynita Reid Lisa Boren Michelle Ballantyne Jeanne Spano Karina Bass Jennifer Trucchio 630-1416 381-6013 630-4653 698-4960 630-2000 473-0611 834-3919 630-1184 630-2000 630-1416 381-2629 Sue Odierna Jennifer Trucchio Nicole Povemba Nicole Povemba Tania McMenamin Hilde Fredrichs Gabriella Lourenco Cristina Diaz Kristie Almeyda Lena Wicker 777-1437 381-2629 315-1469 315-1469 381-2584 671-9428 777-5003 381-1154 Mamaroneck Avenue School Staff Principal, 220-3601 Assistant Principal Carrie Amon Alice Borsella ■ grade Level Chairs Pre-K Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Michelle Ballantyne Maia Matthews Maria Regan Jennifer Trucchio Jennifer Vaccaro Eileen Onelli Jennifer Trucchio ■ mamaroneck avenue School faculty Small Treasures Kristie Almeyda Pre-Kindergarten Lynne Dearwester Ellen Katz Susan Longo Jeanette Riccobono Kathy Rie Kindergarten Audrey Bruno Janet Knight Bess Rathbone Suzanne Rich Barbara Wang TBD Grade 1 Danielle Beshar Meryl Elkin Mary Davidson Juliana Sage/Kerri Fay Grade 2 Kelly Brennan Carolyn Day Michelle Desjardin Jeannine Miller/Dorene Hoyt Gloria Jordan TBD 630-1184 315-6626 698-0938 381-2629 381-3043 381-0916 381-2629 Grade 3 Jennifer Cereola Januari Pakrul Mickey Mariash/Cathy Mangieri Jennifer Saul Brett Sussman Grade 4 Iris Hernandez Alison Ivler/Christine Kavanagh Debra Schrank/Jamie Perrotta Lena Wicker Grade 5 Gordon Brune Lucille DeFrancesco Alison Kelly/Stacey Magrone Ken Taylor Special Education Jessica Johnson Janice Lancia Denise Pagliaro Antonia Sgueglia ■ Support Services Art Michelle Burton Kirsten Porto Aaron Stone ESL Heather Regan Ruth Layne Ana Vidal-Montes Health Kathleen Degnan Library/Media Madeline Gilbert/Anne Corsetti Math Donna Schore Music Steph Chinn (choir/gen. music) Nanette Jordan (band) Katherine Sinsabaugh (orch) Nurse, 220-3610 Madeline Lukas Joy Overzat Physical Education Kari Cooke Jim Monaco Karl Zenie Psychologist Patricia Bevilacqua Joan Chess Reading Brenda Guber Barry Koski Susan MacMurdy Social Worker Dina Reynoso Meryl Schaffer Speech Donna Carella Angela Fazzolari Susanna Franco Michelle Pinkas Clerical Theresa Giallorenzo Patricia Campbell Carol Santini Pre-K Clerical Deana Colon Custodians Valentine Allen Nicholas Fiorino Robert Hook Mark Ianerelli, Head Custodian muRRay murray avenue, Larchmont, Ny 10538 220-3700 ■ PTa Executive Committee & Chairs Co-President Ann LoBue Liz Paras Treasurer Abby Katz Secretary Jill Miller SEPTA Representatives Suzanne Raved Betsy Frank Teacher Representatives Jacqueline Oliver Audrey Goldenberg VP – Communications Directory Murray Minute Tiger Talk Tiger Talk in Depth Website Publicity Chris Hofstedt Sophie Cowles Patty Ramsay Chris Hofstedt Pam Anselmo Suzanne Anderson Andrew Howse Eva Ostafin Rachel Goldman VP – Faculty Relations Fall Social Martha Sundin Mary Ellen Morelli Karen Astorina Grade Level Martha Sundin Mamk Schls/Grants Liaison Anne Randall Jackie Emmet Oral History Lauri Feldman Corinne Zola Kathleen Banks Parent/Faculty Programs Ellen Howse Marie Matthews Publishing Center Becky Robinson Julie Konvisser Room Rep. Coordinators Judy Casey Melissa Keras-Donaghy Staff Luncheon Curbie Cohen Gail Brussel VP – Fundraising Bake Sale Book Fair Box Tops School Spirit Spring Fair Winter Whirl VP – Parent Services Building Bridges 833-1216 834-0787 834-2856 833-9770 834-4343 833-9790 834-7212 833-5011 834-2834 834-7212 833-0614 630-2158 834-4712 630-4409 833-2889 834-0702 834-6243 833-8646 834-0702 630-1729 834-4711 834-5905 834-0110 833-7991 834-4712 833-1977 834-3352 834-4610 833-0394 834-6631 834-7737 833-0621 Yvette Hammel Lynn Zerbib Donna Indellicate Danielle Linkas Robin Plonsker Lauren Renner Clare McIntyre Patricia Dsupin Julie Leonard Ellen Howse Ilene Gropper Shari Levine Jennifer Nabi Yvette Hammel Tara Pisani Gina Fonti Beth Greaney Bill Ryan 833-9536 833-7071 630-2179 833-7740 834-2930 833-7398 833-2556 833-9813 630-4205 834-4712 834-2215 833-1861 833-2916 833-9536 834-5557 630-1199 630-0136 834-1974 Vicki Alcott Jill Gressin Barbara Mehlman Sarah Dillon 833-2159 834-1054 833-8905 834-1196 fax 220-3715 To report absence: 220-3250 or on website Class Photos Incoming Kindergarten Lost and Found Membership Murray Memories Student School Supplies Volunteer Coordinator Welcome VP – Student Programs After School Clubs Art Appreciation Cultural Arts Murray Arts Festival Science Fair Theatre Arts Pam Washington Jane Evans Kim Tucker Karen Strating Judy Caputo Kristen Fleming Jill Stafford Rachel Goldman Jackie Emmet Katie Sawyer Allison Stahl Suzy Huang Nazanine Scheuer Ana Snyder Vicki Alcott Sunny Suh 834-5936 630-1253 630-4516 833-7025 833-5085 834-5523 833-7759 833-2889 833-4711 833-7739 834-6377 834-6760 834-4966 834-7487 833-2159 833-5139 Julie Konvisser Cathy Melamed Margarita Barrera Effie Han Claudia Kandel Suzanne Jacoby Chrystal Chambers Julie Konvisser Debra Whitman Chrystal Chambers Klaudia Raab TBD Mark Lane Amy Psaila 834-4610 833-5126 834-5204 834-5121 834-4504 834-8616 834-1121 834-4610 834-2256 834-1121 834-0380 VP – Traffic, Healthy & Safety, RADAR Liason Gail Julie Beautification/Garden Debbie Harwin Stacey Creem Community Outreach Stephanie Basta Elissa Bard Green Tigers Nazanine Scheuer Eva Ostafin Healthy Hair Alex Bohn Kara Vicinelli Lunchtime Activities TBD Nutrition & Wellness TBD Traffic/Drop off Duty Gail Julie Turn off the TV Week TBD Walk to School Shannon Powell Marie Sullivan Meg Keane ■ grade Level Chairs Special Education Kindergarten First Grade Second Grade Third Grade Fourth Grade Fifth Grade Jill Gressin Meg Bausano Melissa Shokrian Robin Gensburg Donna Indellicate Dana Roffman Allison Stahl Sarah Coady Danielle Linkas 708-9538 833-0945 833-9848 833-2221 834-2399 934-3760 834-0499 834-4966 630-4409 834-2945 630-4895 833-9848 834-4547 630-1464 315-6694 834-1054 834-6956 315-1149 381-8011 630-2179 834-9507 834-6377 630-2217 833-7740 Murray Avenue School Staff Principal, 220-3701 Assistant Principal Jennifer Monaco Cruz Soler ■ murray avenue School faculty Kindergarten Christine Dizenzo Linda Finn George Hebron Patrice Schwartz Rebekah Spano Grade 1 AnnMarie Cerbone Elizabeth Dillon Betsy Nolan Jacqueline Oliver Jennifer Opas Laura Santavicca Grade 2 Helen Marble Barbara Marchewka Joan Mazo Joan Stern Arelys Vieira ■ Support Services Art Nancy Revich Aaron Stone ESL Patricia Griffin Health Kathleen Degnan Library/Media Pam Tanenbaum AIS Eileen Delalla Nurse: 220-3710 Eileen Fitzgerald Music Joseph Brady (gen. music/chorus) Denise Ruchala (band) Amy Rosen (orch) Physical Education Craig Butler Kathleen Dwyer Karl Zenie Grade 3 Melanie Arminio Denise Geertgens Audrey Goldenberg Anna Grippo Bernadette Mannion Christine Mozian Grade 4 Karin Harris Colleen Melnyk Maureen Montone Carol Moroney Joan Staudinger Grade 5 Tina Dolan Andrew Figueroa Leigh-Ann Pieragostini Ethan Rivel Lauren Tufano Psychologist Dara Lepofsky Reading Linda DeLasho Special Education Linda Baker Eileen Delalla Kimberly Hickey Chris Kenny Maryalice Pietropaolo Speech Marge Gasthalter Leslie Goldschmid Clerical Deborah Garriola - Office Sue Sparacino - Office Janice Gherardi - Library Custodians Vinny Lyons, Head Custodian Donald Micalizzi Bruno Minasi Rajmond Sejko HOmmOCKS 130 Hommocks Road, Larchmont, Ny 10538 ■ PTa Executive Committee and Chairs President President-Elect Secretary Treasurer Faculty Rep Administration SEPTA Reps Rina Beder Rachel Goldman Lisa Sommer Tracy Owen Margy Gross Seth Weitzman Leslie Garfield Michelle Gavens 220-3300 833-9837 833-2889 834-7618 834-1925 220-3300 220-3300 833-3117 833-3908 VP – Parent Communications Kyle Greenberg Linda Ryan Directory Padraic Boyle 777-1752 833-8375 834-0258 VP – Elec. Communications & HMXpress Editors Website Barrie Sacks Maria Regan Andrew Howse Laurie Lee 629-1921 698-0938 834-4712 833-1277 VP – Cultural Arts HMX ROX Variety Show Sue Odierna Joy Jacobson 777-1437 698-1036 VP – Diversity Kathryn Colson Gustavo Lopez Aicha Dieck 381-3402 217-0981 834-4056 Lori Dente Leah Epstein Janine Steely Lorraine Walsh Sue Romagnoli Joann Cotter Susie Yamaguchi Ellen Howse 833-3715 834-2875 834-2301 834-8335 834-7337 833-3269 834-662 834-4712 Judy Santamaria 833-5174 Jean Marie Stein Melissa Young Tania McMenamin Cate Jarrett Jocelyn Kelly Diane Andersen Susan Brown Patricia Loria Nancy Barzain Kathleen O'Connell 381-0483 833-9203 381-2584 834-2587 630-1758 833-7755 834-1467 834-4041 834-1651 834-0932 Susan Fiore 833-0605 Rachel Erfe Selvi Rudge Roseanne Amoils Rina Beder Liz Newman Rory Ellis Eydie Kahan Susan Fiore Aicha Dieck Phyllis Doherty 834-5379 833-9182 834-1680 833-9837 698-5175 833-8308 633-9167 833-0605 834-4056 630-4717 International Dinner VP – Fundraising Book Fair School Photos Stop & Shop A+ Pgm School Clothing VP – Parent Events 6th Gr. Comm. Dinner & Fun Day Central Chatsworth Mam’k Ave Murray 7th Gr. Comm. Dinner 8th Gr. Comm. Dinner 8th Gr. Graduation Ceremony Reception VP – Parent Services Budget Vote Real Work/School Work Parent Network (6) Parent Network (7) Parent Network (8) Programs Staff/Vol Appreciation fax 220-3315 Visiting Day/ Back to School Night Welcome Committee/Tours VP – Student Services Hommocks Cares Lunchtime Activities Student Council Six Mix 7th Grade Dance 8th Grade Dance 6th Grade Car Wash 7th Grade Bake Sale 8th Grade Pizza Sale Yearbook 8th Gr. Editors 7th Gr. Editors 6th Gr. Editors Sales School Supplies To report absence: 220-3350 Lorraine Walsh Julie Kinch Tunguz Tracy Owen 834-8335 469-5211 834-1925 Karen Regan Laura Siegel Sally Maca Millie Magraw Ellen Martin 834-2756 833-8923 834-5552 834-8979 834-3625 Karen Regan TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD Tracy Owen Susie Yamaguchi Susan Feitler Manami Ono Jenny Ransom Barbra Waldfogel Rachel Erfe Lyerly Tuck Karen Breuer Ellen Martin Tracy Owen Brigid Brennan Jennifer Deans-Zinghini Dani Zucker 834-2756 ■ Special and Support Services Reading Christine Manzi Martha Upton Guidance, x 3320 Timothy Nelson, x 3324 Daneen Payne, x 3322 Evan Stern, x 3323 Stacie Tramontozzi, x 3321 Librarian Kelsey Nugent Literacy Coach Lisa Ramos-Hillegers Nurse: 220-3310 Beth Patrizio Lori Toppi Psychologist, x 3316 Celia Anon Jolita Gudaitis Social Worker Adonis Calderon Speech Nancy Albertson Special Education Kathleen Pilla, Dept Chair Maria Albano Jeff Barnard Kathryn Heyde Nicholas LaRosa Elizabeth Lynch 834-1925 834-6620 381-1019 835-7548 698-4960 834-3422 834-5379 834-4252 833-3839 834-3625 834-1925 834-7336 834-9160 833-7309 Jennifer Martinez Barbara Montalto Maura Morello Linkowski Betsy Nunez Robyn Occhiogrosso Kathleen O’Rourke Jane Piscitelli Colleen Sheridan Haley Weber Lauren Swick Clerical Suzanne Glavan Kathleen Gryzlo Barbara Paonessa Bette Pollak Teresa Silver Carline Smith Margaret Vivolo Custodians Mike Gajda, Head Bernardino Caquis Hector Cornier Ermengildo Daniele Alban Dreni Thomas Fazzino Jerry Gelardo Charles Hopkins Max Peña José Sanchez Hommocks Middle School Staff Principal, 220-3301 Assistant Principal, 220-3305 Assistant Principal Seth Weitzman, PhD Nora Mazzone, PhD TBD ■ Hommocks middle School faculty Art Karen Fletcher Adam Rizzuti ESL Ann Mosquera Foreign Languages Lori Perretto, Dept Chair Patricia Ball Olivia Bridges Andrew Chabot Gloria Chuang Deirdre Halliday Paula Jacoby Anne Kimball Chia Wei Huang Home and Career Skills Betty Comerford Diane Nelson Language Arts Raymond Betti, Dept Chair Deanna Chorman Emily Craig Susan Hein Janet Lepre Loraine McCurdy-Little Sarah Malgiolio Lisa Manheim Aaron Montgomery Laura Murphy Mathematics Shalini Sudarsanan, Dept. Chair Jeffrey Bahr Carly Byrne Katie Coords Barbara Dean Julie Duignan Lisa Gluckson Marjorie Gross Blake Jacoby Judith Keneally Julianne Laverty Joanne Mellia Media Pedro Johnson Music Janine de Nigris (orch) William Derby (chorus) Tom Jordan (band) James Mullen (band) Morgan Russel Andrew Sussman (orch) Physical Education/Health Rich Becker William Byron Cathleen Ferguson Erika Krokus Lauren Meyer Harry Peterson Julie Santoiemma Dave Warren Science Pauline Cardillo, Dept Chair Vasiliy Frantzis Erin Gajda Steven Goldstein Shea MacDonald Deidre McManus Erika Metkiff Lawrence Perretto Michael Sammartano Anthony Vitti Michael Wing Social Studies Joan Iarocci, Dept Chair Peter Burnash Susan Chester Jesse Dancy Richard Darcy Susan Douglas Brian Duignan Kim Leary John McCormick Ann Savage Lea Schnetzer Pedro Vega Technology Education Grace Iarocci-Brew Ronald Nobles mHS mamaRONECK HIgH SCHOOL 1000 W. boston Post Road, mamaroneck, Ny 10543 220-3100 ■ mamaroneck High School faculty Art, x 3225 Jon Murray, Dept Chair Gwynne Betancourt (photo) Michael Dollar Don Keene Kevin Klein Jill Shoffiett English, x 3175 Linda Sherwood, Dept Chair Jennifer Altman Darren Bosch Haley Childs Kate Devlin Maria Fairbairn Margaret Groninger Katy Lopez Jeffery Queen Janet Rogow Aaron Shansky James Short Mairead Treacy ESL Mary Diffley, Coordinator Ruth Layne Foreign Languages, x 3145 Lori Irizarry, Dept Chair Carolina Acevedo-Rackoff John Antosca Andrew Chabot Denise DeSimone Antoinette Diaz Rong Rong Le Michelle Liu Doly Lugo Karin Preisel Ana Maria Rua Kahn Monica Silva-Lisa Health Kathleen Degnan Vincent Minotti Mathematics, x 3155 Maria Michelsson, Dept Chair Susan Allen Heather Rinaldi Taryn Delaney Anthony DeRosa Lona Greenhouse Kathleen Henry Regina Marrero Tiffany Murnan Therese Valdez Heather Whalen James T. Zervas Music, x 3140 Dina Madden, K-12 Director & Choir Tim Hooker (band) Alexander Romanov (orch) PACE (Performing Arts Curriculum Experience) John Fredricksen (drama), x 3235 Martha Barylick (dance), x 3225 William Derby (music), x 3225 Physical Education, x 3160 Michael Chiapparelli Gale Crowley Christopher Kumrow Rob Rainaldi Joe Toombs Erin Zegel Science, x 3170 Edmundo Nunes, PhD, Dept Chair Alice Browne Chris Burns Laurie DeRosa Karina Fabbie Susan Feinstein Elena Filippova, PhD Guido Garbarino Ann Kang Miriam Murphy Cathy O’Reilly Vibha Palekar Barbara Paonessa Jerome Schmidt Amary Seck Derek Srygley Social Studies, x 3180 Elizabeth Clain, Dept Chair Jill Ammerata Mary Cronin Kathy Donnison Craig Goldberg Melissa Katz Caren Lee Joseph Liberti David Lindeman Caroline Scudder Adam Sobel Shannon Turner-Porter TV & Video Production, x 3220 Emily Dombroff Home and Career Skills, x 3220 Kim D'Auria Diane Nelson Technology Education Craig Romanek Myron Tannenbaum, EdD Special Education, x 3185 Catherine Bean, Dept Chair Ron Blain Danielle Cimaglia Danielle DeLeo Susanne Flatley Lindsay Foster Mara McGowan Sara Montanez Marianne Morris Marni Ross Cara Viggiano Michele Viviano APPLE (A Place People Learn Excellence), x 3240 Nick Cucchiarella, Coordinator Kimberley Caporaso, Science Theodore J. Hild, Math Erin Berg, English Jesse Dancy, Social Studies To report absence: 220-3150 Athletic Office: 220-3160 fax 220-3115 ■ PTSa Executive Committee & Chairs Secretary By-Laws/Legislation Treasurer Membership Student Representatives Teacher Representatives SEPTA Representatives VP-Diversity VP-Event Coordinator 9th Grade First Day Parent/Faculty Coffee Homecoming Brunch Senior Seminar Bkfst Senior Dinner VP-Fundraising Apparel Retail Fundraiser Mother’s Day Sale Photos Book Fair VP-Liaison to School Orgs. & Parent Committees Tiger Bytes Website VP-Parent Networks Grade Level Reps: Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth VP-Programs VP-Publicity Directory Sherri Rozansky Amy Rothman Sheryl McSherry Anthony Harwood Elyse Karow Kristen Axelrad Sam Schneider Joanne DiBuono Jerome Schmidt Joseph Liberti Amy Lieberman Germaine Cuff Mariana Boneo Jean Meyerowitz Karen Gottdiener Beth Bienstock Jennifer Hirschhorn Diane Goodman Julie Tunguz Jackie Pawloff Adrienne Skinner Lauren Gottfried Irene Glauber Susan Joyce Jeryl Hofmann Patty Horing Laura Strumwasser Danielle Zucker Lori Herbsman Wendy Zoland Elese Silverman Joy Zelin Angie Leissl Pam Anselmo Ellen McEvily Joyce Callahan Amy Guenzl Karen Gerringer Lisa Marr 834-7591 833-2407 834-7567 212-867-6820 698-0975 834-6729 834-6681 834-7674 220-3100 220-3100 630-4443 834-9032 777-8223 834-5813 833-1315 834-2153 833-9808 834-6913 833-9617 834-9230 833-0899 833-3978 834-7078 833-1159 834-7807 833-1244 833-1984 833-7309 833-5831 777-0306 834-9550 834-1828 833-3830 833-0614 834-0729 834-0952 698-2610 698-3725 834-8846 Caren Geszberg Tami Burks Jayne Lipman Elise Silvestri Sally Maca Margaret Burke Catherine Carney Rebecca Sheehan Sondra Levy Colette Rodbell Frieda Kraft Juliette Lesser-Roy 833-3074 698-8601 834-2565 834-5552 834-7858 834-0445 833-7876 833-1568 834-5631 833-0218 834-0909 Sabrina Fiddelman Janet Buchbinder 834-5562 834-6041 Maria Liuzzo Dorothy Dalbon Carmen Martinez Janet Presley 220-3188 834-0960 630-2461 833-0354 ■ Other School Organizations/Committees College Info Center R.A.D.A.R. Youth Employment Service (YES) APPLE Program Tiger Learning Lounge Principal, x 3105 Assistant Principal, x 3211 Assistant Principal, x 3213 Assistant Principal, x 3215 TBD Mario Washington Gail Kleiner Stephen J. Frasene ■ Special and Support Services If an extension begins with a "3" you may call it directly using "220" exchange. Otherwise call 220-3100. Co-Presidents Mamaroneck High School Staff Drug and Alcohol/Social Worker Helene Fremder, x 3189 Zoe Ruiz Financial Aid Marcia Burkett, x 3200 Guidance Counselors Nick Kourabas, x 3123 Coordinator Kristin Macaluso (transition counselor) x 3130 Gregory Cuddy, x3126 Marcia Genwright Jaime Holzer Laura Kearon Lainie Lichtenstein Robert Sweeney, x 3125 Peter Williams, x 3127 Andrea Yizar, x 3132 College Info Center, x 3201 Library/Media, x 3195 Kristina Pantginis Nurses, x 3110 Karen Cofino Vicky Ruggiero Psychologist Kelly Carrillo Lilia Ramos-Dries Reading Robert Marantz Speech Marge Gasthalter, x 4105 Coordinator of Student Activities Carol Scheffler, x 3141 Youth Services Keith Yizar, x 4107 Custodians Debbie Scales, Head, Palmer Daniel Genova, Head, Post Michael Cotroneo Timothy Earl Joseph Fortuna Ruben Gonzalez Custodians cont. Antonio Hernandez Renford McIntosh Matthew Micalizzi Dominick Palermiti Fred Reale Michael Sacerdote Len Torstensson Michael Turturro Clerical Apple: Virginia Petrillo Art Susan Valenti Athletic Office: Daniela Gerardi AttendAnce: Carol Aloise Linda Bouchard cOunseling dept: Janine LaGamma Michele Alfano Lisa Ferraro Suzanne Kaider librAry: Ann Kittle Eileen Mann Maria Phillips MAth/science: Carol Carbone sOciAl studies: Susan Valenti speciAl ed: Caterina Di Benedetto principAl: Christine Coppola Gina Tarascio Asst principAls: Joanne Casterella Giovanna Mascoli Board meeTingS 2010-2011 Calendar Key Board of Education meetings, with the exception of executive sessions, are open to the public. The Board meets in regular sessions on the first and third Tuesdays of the month with a few exceptions. The first meeting of the month is usually a work session. The second monthly meeting, the official business meeting, is held on the third Tuesday of the month. The community is invited to sign up to address the Board at this time. Specific agendas are posted on the website or available from the district clerk at 220-3007. All meetings begin at 7:30pm and are in the high school’s Tiered Classroom (n104). Regularly scheduled meetings are listed in this calendar. Individuals may make an appointment to talk informally with board members during board office hours, held before Board meetings by appointment. Just call the district clerk, 220-3007, for an appointment. Additionally feel free to write or call any board member. oTher imporTanT nUmBerS Food Service Company Center for Continuing Education KEEPS The Children’s Corner YES (Youth Employment Service) Mamaroneck Schools Foundation R.A.D.A.R. 220-4390 698-9126 698-5632 834-0022 220-3188 698-9079 834-6041 CommUniCaTion BeTWeen home and SChool Ongoing communication between parent and the schools often helps to solve problems before they become serious, and to validate or dispel rumors. Please do not hesitate to call! Whenever possible, speak first to the person closest to the situation. If unable to help you, that person will refer you to the correct individual. If you have a general question and don’t know who to ask: Call the public information office at 220-3070. If your child has a problem in class: As much as possible, let your child handle it. 1. If necessary, first speak to the teacher. 2. If necessary, in high school, speak to the department chair, then guidance counselor. If the problem is not resolved, speak to the administrator (principal or assistant principal), who oversees the subject area. In elementary and middle school, speak to the principal. 3. Speak to the Assistant Superintendent most directly involved in overseeing the particular issue. 4. As a last step, contact the Superintendent. If you wonder about instruction, materials, program, operations: 1. Speak to the teacher. 2. If unresolved, speak to the principal. 3. If necessary, write to the superintendent. If you have a question about transportation, call the bus garage at 220-3390. These abbreviations have been used in the calendar: Central School CEn Chatsworth School ChAT Mamaroneck Avenue School MAS Murray Avenue School MUR hommocks School hOM Mamaroneck high School MhS Post Road Building Post Palmer Avenue Building Palmer Tiered Classroom in new Addition n104 & n204 Auditorium Aud Breakfast Bkfst Cafeteria Caf Classroom Clsm Discussion Disc Elections Elctns Elementary Elem Grade Gr Installation Instl International Int’l Junior Jun Kindergarten Kdgn Library Lib Meeting Mtg nominations noms Orchestra Orch Orientation Orntn Parent Teacher Association PTA Registration Reg Rehearsal Rhsl Room Rm School Schl School Board Bd Session Sess Superintendent Supt Special Education Sp Ed Special Education Parent Teacher Association SEPTA Volunteers Vols maKe-Up dayS If one or two snow days/emergency closings occur during the school year, the two designated make-up days will not be utilized. If three snow days/emergency closings occur during the school year, one designated make-up day (April 25, 2011) will be utilized. If four snow days/emergency closings occur during the school year, two designated make up days (April 25 and May 27, 2011) will be utilized. If five or more snow days/emergency closings occur during the school year, vacation/holiday periods will be rescheduled. Calendar published and mailed in partnership with Mamaroneck School District and all school PTA’s. Elaine Kung, photograph Board of Education Office Post Road Building of High School Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Elvina Kocan, tempera paint ECRWSS NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID WHITE PLAINS, NY PERMIT NO. 4352 Olivia Cipriano, pencil on paper Mamaroneck Public Schools Artwork throughout calendar by MHS students Adina Bauman, ink on paper