View This Issue - Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce
View This Issue - Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce
Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce your connection to the beach TDC UPDATE COMMUNITY EDUCATION WORKFORCE MEMBER NEWS GRAND OPENINGS CALENDAR OF EVENTS Resort Life in Panama City Beach THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 July/August 2009 Vol 4 Issue 4 1 2 THE CIRCUIT March/April 2009 The Cosmetic Vein & Laser Center Leads the Way to Healthier Legs NON-INVASIVE LASER TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE TREATMENT OF VARICOSE AND SPIDER VEINS RESTORE THE HEALTH, BEAUTY, AND VITALITY OF YOUR LEGS. Don’t let unsightly and uncomfortable varicose and spider veins rob you of your natural beauty. Dr. Kimberly Moskowitz is one of only 240 board– certified vein specialists (Phlebologists) in the United States. As a leading expert in the field and a member of the American College of Phlebology, she has pioneered the safest and most up-to-date treatment options for varicose and spider veins. Today, those options include state-of-the-art non-invasive technologies that allow patients to return to most normal activities the same day as treatment. Left untreated, abnormal veins can lead to serious health risks like blood clots, phlebitis (inflammation of the veins), cellulitis, and leg ulcers. Expert treatment of varicose veins dramatically improves painful symptoms and prevents complications. Dr. Moskowitz will perform a thorough ultrasound examination of the legs to accurately assess the severity and extent of vein disease. This diagnostic ultrasound is a necessary part of the initial consultation as it allows the physician to determine the most appropriate treatment plan. “I am so truly grateful that my education, experience, and technology allow me to spend every day doing exactly what I love to do. I place enormous emphasis on my relationships with my patients and do my best to help them look and feel young, natural, and healthy. I want everyone to maximize the beauty they were born with.” Dr. Moskowitz has been performing and training other physicians to perform EVLT (Endovenous Laser Treatment) since its FDA approval in 2003. During this 45-minute, safe, outpatient procedure, an ultrasound is used to guide placement of a thin laser fiber into the abnormal Saphenous vein in the leg. Heat energy from the laser causes the abnormal vein to immediately collapse and redirect blood flow to the normal healthy channels in the leg. The body reabsorbs the abnormal vein, resulting in improved circulation and symptoms. Local anesthesia is used to completely numb the area around the Kimberly Moskowitz, M.S., M.D. vein so the procedure is virtually painless. EVLT has a 99% success rate and has eliminated the need for painful surgical procedures such as vein stripping. Contrary to what many physicians are taught, spider veins can cause the same symptoms as much larger varicose veins. Also, because 25% of spider veins are associated with underlying larger vein abnormalities, it is often considered medically necessary to treat them. Sclerotherapy (tiny injections of a solution that closes the veins), is the most effective and least painful treatment for spider veins and blue veins under the skin surface called reticular veins. Skin lasers are very effective for treating small veins on the face and chest; however, for leg veins, they are less effective, more painful, and often lead to scarring and hyperpigmentation. The +/)!0%Ǝ !%*Ǝ ĔƎ /!.Ǝ !*0!. provides the most advanced nonsurgical treatments for skin, face, legs, and cellulite reduction. Dr. Moskowitz also specializes in .4!(™ '%*Ǝ!/1."%*#, +0+4™, !/05(*!™, 12! !.)™, /!.Ǝ%.Ǝ!)+2( and ! %(ƎĔƎ+/)!0%Ǝ!.)0+(+#5. BOARD CERTIFIED, PHLEBOLOGY ē BOARD CERTIFIED, INTERNAL MEDICINE ē MEDICAL DEGREE: GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY RESIDENCY: GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL ē PHLEBOLOGY/VEIN TRAINING: AMERICAN VEIN INSTITUTE AND HARVARD’S BRIGHAM & WOMEN’S HOSPITAL ē AMERICAN COLLEGE OF PHLEBOLOGY ē AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR LASER MEDICINE AND SURGERY øùùúÿƎ*)Ǝ%05Ǝ!$Ǝ'35ƎēƎ*)Ǝ%05Ǝ!$ĎƎƎúùû÷þƎēƎ!(!,$+*!ďƎĴÿü÷ĵƎùúúĨ÷ùýûƎēƎ4ďƎĴÿü÷ĵƎùúúĨúøøú 4 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 I will ... dine outdoors OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Lime’s Bar & Grill 30˚BLUE Pub & Eatery Open Daily 11 am - 9 pm Sunday is Locals’ Day $2 Draft Beer $4 Margaritas FREE chips & salsa Open Wednesday - Friday 4 - 11 pm Open Saturday - Sunday 11 am - 11 pm Closed Monday & Tuesday Happy Hour: Live Entertainment 4 - 8 pm Friday, Saturday, & Sunday Live Entertainment Wed-Sun 6 - 10 pm 4 - 6:30 pm Thursday & Friday includes 99¢ specials on adult beverages. Celebrate a perfect day or perfect sunset while dining at Lime’s at the end of the Grand Lagoon Pier. We will satisfy your summer appetite with frosty concoctions, fresh seafood, Tex-Mex cuisine and live music. Serving sauced up wings, piled high sandwiches, house-made hamburgers, and beer from around the world! Choose from outdoor patio seating overlooking the Bay Point Marina or sit at the bar with family and friends while watching your favorite sporting event. 850-236-6076 850-236-1115 Bay Point Marriott Golf Resort & Spa 4200 Marriott Drive Panama City Beach FL 32408 850-236-6000 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 5 ter he Grea Panama ache City Be s Cha ch the bea tion to ng green goiin 10 1 ec ur conn Chairman’s Message ures in Green Advent Beach Panama City Green to ys Wa 8 Up Your Life 1 New Naturey wa Center on the CENTER BANKING ATE CORNER REAL EST NINGS GRAND OPE N AROUND TOW S MEMBER NEW NTS EVE Th OF G r eAR CALeEND ater P anam a Cit y Beac hes Cham ch.o www.pcbea Vol 2 Issue 2007 City ama Bea che a s Ch IR HE C an er P Com r of 6 mer your ce CUIT mbe conn ectio COMM aITcYh WORbKFeUN e UC ORCE hED ATION t o t GO VERNMEN tion c e T n PIER PA con MEMBERRK The n NE S e GRAND OPENW Gre CA LENDAR INGS e u Iss EVENTS OF Panam Beach a City c r conne Ch me of Com amber unity h commc ce t h e b eworauckfor ation t ed tion to rnmen Septem ber/Oc tober gove park pier news ber ings mem opVolen 3 Issue 5 ts d gran ar of even calend 2008 Vol 3 /Decem ber ATION Novem KFORCE WS BER NE INGS ND OPEN OF ENDAR ber 200 www.P CBeac CBeach .org 6 Issue 8 NTS NS & EXCURSTIO RES U N E ADV Vol 4 Issue PCBeach.o merc e n to the b each Hea Wellnlteh & Issue ss rce www.P PDATE MUNITY ber o f Co m rg I include becoming more self sufficient, increasing enrollment and sustaining budget cuts. We are thankful to be keeping the branch campus, and will continue to offer our support. W met with T.K. Wetherell, Florida State We U University President, to discuss the conditions of th Panama City campus remaining open which the A dual First Friday meeting combining the Beach Chamber with the Bay County Chamber will be held July 10th at the Holiday Inn Select on Highway 77. Please join us for the big event as it will be an excellent opportunity to network with hundreds of other people throughout the community. We are excited about coming together to create a closer relationship with the Bay County Chamber, and hope to see you there! ’d like to begin by giving a warm welcome to Janet Watermeier, Executive Director for the Bay County Economic Development Alliance. We are thrilled about our relationship with the EDA, an are optimistic about what and it can do for our entire county. Th Beach Chamber recently The jo joined the EDA, along with th Bay County Chamber and the Se Senator Nelson, to discuss of offshore drilling and its effects on military training and homeland security. Anthony Dubose 3 2009 May/June Are You Connected to the Beach? Advertise your business in The Circuit! 2009 Spotlight Schedule: JAN/FEB Chamber’s Annual Report MAR/APR Dining in Panama City Beach MAY/JUN Excursions & Adventures JUL/AUG Resort Life SEP/OCT Human Performance NOV/DEC The Annual Green Issue Rates & Information: Lynn Kandler (850) 348-1137 Cyndi Ainsworth (850) 691-6259 6 President’s Message “ If you catch on fire with enthusiasm, people will travel for miles to watch you burn.” ~John Wesley, 1710 hese words struck me as important words when I heard them spoken at the Chamber Institute I recently attended in Athens, Georgia, for furthering chamber and business leadership. I am very proud of our enthusiastic staff at the Beach Chamber, and hope our good energy sparks positivity in others we come into contact with. T As summer kicks off and school lets out another successful tourist season begins! The restaurants, shopping areas and beaches are filled with both locals and visitors taking advantage of what the area has to offer. The days at the Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce have been filled with excitement as well. We continue to assist hundreds of visitors at our Business and Tourism Information Center each week. It’s a great way to reach potential customers, so contact Cyndi or Lynn for an opportunity to advertise. As a participant in this year’s Leadership Bay program, I am pleased to announce the completion of the Bay County Ecotourism Map. The map THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 displays information about 92 parks throughout the county, and the activities and amenities each offers. Over 23,000 copies were created; you can pick up one in our Business and Tourism Information Center or online at The Small Business and Minority Council launched Navigator, a program specified for small businesses offering training and professional development opportunities. Kick off for the program was held at the 6th Annual Small Business Conference with Congressman Allen Boyd on June 30th. The Beach Chamber has begun planning the 2010 Panama City Beach Official Vacation Planner in complete partnership with the Tourist Development Council. We are excited to have Rowland Publishing on board to design this planner. Past Planners have been mailed to hundreds of thousands of people and were also available to view on our website; the upcoming Planner promises to be just as successful. To view the 2009 Virtual Vacation Planner visit For questions about featuring your business call the Chamber office at (850) 235-1159. Beth Oltman Emergency? Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce 309 Richard Jackson Blvd., Panama City Beach, FL 32407 Phone: (850) 235-1159 Fax: (850) 235-2301 2009 Board of Directors Call 911 and choose Gulf Coast Medical Center Closest ER from the beach Chairman of the Board Anthony Dubose, Coastal Community Bank & Insurance Agency Past Chairman Al McCambry, Knology ER WAIT TIMES Incoming Chairman Philip Griffitts, Jr., Sugar Sands Beach Resort Treasurer Robert Carroll, McNeil Carroll Engineering Wait times are updated on our website every half hour. Secretary Paul Wohlford, Resort Collection of PCB Legal Council Steven L. Applebaum 8&45SE453&&5t1"/"."$*5:'-03*%"t 03*%" The Board Karen Blackerby, Magnum Capital Felicia Cook, Simon Property Group Pam George, Gulf World Marine Park Amy Harris, Royal American Hospitality Scott Harris, Wachovia Bank Annie Holcombe, Oaseas Resorts Terry Hook, Publix Super Markets Jayna Leach, Sterling Resorts Lee Ann Leonard, By The Sea Resorts Jim Musicaro, Carrabba’s Italian Grill Chris Pariseau, Allegra Print & Imaging Lisa Powell Ashley, Hombre Golf Club Edy Rivard, Gulf Coast Medical Center Dan Rowe, PCB Convention & Visitors Bureau Cil Schnitker, Comcast Cable Jeff Segan, Bay Point Marriott Golf Resort & Spa Russ Smith, The Towne of Seahaven Honorary Members Mayor Gayle Oberst, CFT Pyramid Dr. George DePuy, FSU PC Dr. Jim Kerley, GCCC Sue Brookhart, Naval Support Activity PC Relax. Play. Celebrate. Chamber Staff President & CEO Vice President Communications Vice President Finance Director of Sales Vice President Member Services Special Events Coordinator Systems Coordinator Information Specialist Member Services Beth Oltman Marta Rose Jena Kimmel Lynn Kandler Cyndi Ainsworth Hillary Marchman Kristopher McLane Bertie Reynolds Lindsay Dring For all the reasons to visit the beach, stay in beautiful beach condos & resorts. 800.737.2322 NORTHWEST FLORIDA’S GULF COAST THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 7 F I N D P E A C E . . . F I N D B E A U T Y. . . F I N D S E R E N I T Y Serenity Spa at Bay Point is the regions premier full-service spa, salon & fitness center. Our 12,000 square foot state-ofthe-art facility offers a total spa experience complete with private women's and men's facilities, full service beauty salon and fitness center, plus a vast array of rejuvenating treatments that will ease your body, mind and spirit. Book any 50 minute massage or facial and receive a Valid Tuesday-Saturday only. Limit 1 coupon per person. Valid through 8/31/09. Not valid with any other promotions, specials, coupons. COMPLIMENTARY SHAMPOO AND BLOW DRY when you present this card. Southern Living says, "Best Spa in Panama City Beach.” Awarded as "Best Spa" by Panama City Living Magazine. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK For Spa Appointments, Information and Gift Certificates, please call: 850.236.6028 Bay Point Marriott Golf Resort & Spa | 4200 Marriott Drive | Panama City Beach, FL 32408 | BUSINESS The inception of Hatha Yoga, or forceful yoga, happened one thousand years ago, and yoga only came to the West beginning in the 1920’s with the yogis bringing pranayama (breath of life), meditation and asana techniques to America. These days you can go to any health & wellness center or fitness club and take a yoga class. Bikram Choudhury, a yoga student from India, began yoga lessons at the age of five. As a teenager, he trained as a competitive power weight lifter. When he was twenty years old his kneecap was crushed by a three hundred pound weight and he was told that he would never walk again. Together with his teacher, Bikram developed a series of restorative postures and was able to walk again in only six months. In the 1970’s Bikram was sent by his teacher to establish a school in San Fransisco, and later settled in Los Angeles where he still teaches every Saturday morning at his school, The Yoga College of India. One Breath at a Time M usic is a universal language. It stirs our emotions and the right music can stir our souls. Chris Godber is not your typical Smooth Jazz Recording Artist; his music stands out on its own, and his message is inspirational. He is labeled by his fans as “Kenny G-like” but with a message and heart for God. Chris was born in Panama City. His father was in the US Air Force so his family moved around a bit. Thanks to that experience, Chris learned to play the saxophone in middle school while living in Charleston, SC. However, Chris has asthma and was told that playing the saxophone wouldn’t be possible because of it. Not taking no for an answer, Chris pursued it anyway. Now with his third CD about to release he travels and performs nationwide to inspire those that were told they couldn’t do something and that with God all things are possible! Chris’s new album comes out July 10th and will be performing a release concert at Family of God Baptist Church (901 E. Business 98) in Panama City that evening at 7:00 pm. For more information visit Photo above: Chris Godber’s new album, One Breath at a Time; photo by Jordan Marking. (expansion of knowledge), bhakti (devotion to God), karma (heartfelt service), and jana (wisdom and knowledge). They practiced meditation and breathing techniques in order to reach a higher state of consciousness known as nirvana, samhadi, enlightenment, emancipation or salvation. The verbiage is not what is important; they all refer to closeness or union with God. Bikram has become famous for bringing Hot Yoga to America. He was trying to simulate the environment in which he practiced in India. Climate controlled buildings are rare in Calcutta, and the temperature can get as high as 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Photos by Ken Paul The History of Hot Yoga T he origin of yoga can be traced back to 4,000 BC, although this ancient form of yoga did not have Neolithic men holding rocks in each hand as they moved from triangle pose into warrior II. The ancient yogis practiced tantra Bikram now has money and fame, and is known as the Beverly Hills Yogi. CBS correspondent Mika Brzezinski called Bikram’s brand of hot yoga “McYoga for the Masses” in a 2005 interview. With Bikram’s fame came conflict; a court case in 2005 decided that he was able to copyright his series of twenty-six postures. Some of his teachers and students, believing that yoga Continued on Page 12 Don’t Fish... Don’t Golf... What do you do? We have the perfect Hobbie! Looking to Rock your Wedding? Let us choreograph your first Dance. Looking to meet someone special? Social Mixes every Friday! FRED ASTAIRE FRANCHISED DANCE STUDIOS. 10 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 Open Monday-Friday, 12 to 9 pm & weekends by appointment 850.873.6269 2401 Ruth Hentz Avenue Thursdays on the Green The Pier Park Summer Concert Series happens every Thursday evening at the band shell on the green. Get your blankets, lawn chairs and coolers ready – this season’s lineup looks fantastic! Including: PBS on July 9, The Legendary JC’s on July 16, King Cotton Blues Band on July 23, The Donnie Sundal Project on July 30, Beachmice on August 6, Heat and the Zydeco Gents on August 13. Shopping Dillard’s JCPenney Dining Entertainment En nte e rtainment Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville Relaxation Ron Jon Surf Shop The Grand 16 Theatre Target Accessories on the Boardwalk * Aeropostale * American Eagle Outfitters * Ann Taylor Loft * Aqua Gallery * As seen on TV and More * AT&T Mobility * Ava Blue Boutique * Back Porch Seafood and Oyster House * Bath & Body Works * Beach Scene * BeBo’z * Bellies & Babies * Blender, a fusion clothing store * Bootleg Barbeque * BORDERS * Buffalo Wild Wings (BW3) * Caché * Camille’s * Candy Maker * Carlyle & Co. * Carter’s for Kids * Chico’s * Claire’s * Coldwater Creek * Cost Cutters * Counts-Oakes Resort Properties * Crocs * Deja Vu Boutique * Del Sol * Dillard’s * Famous Footwear * Feathers Shoe Boutique * Fish Tales * Five Guys Famous Hamburgers & Fries * Footprints Coastal Decor * Game Stop * GNC * Great American Cookie Co. / Pretzel Maker * Guglielmo’s Italian Grill * Guy Harvey’s Island Grill * Hana Japan * Hofbrau Beer Garden * Hollister Co. * Hy’s Toggery and Gifts * Jake at the Beach * JCPenney * Jimmy Buffett’s Margaritaville * Jos. A. Bank * Journeys * Justice * Kay Jewelers * Kilwin’s Chocolates & Ice Cream * Lane Bryant * Lids * Longhorn Steakhouse * Marble Slab Creamery * Massage Envy * Maurices * Merle Norman Cosmetics Studios * Mermaid Trading Co. * Mirror Maze & Lazer Craze * Motherhood® Maternity * Nails So Happy * New York & Company * NIKE Factory Store * Old Navy * Olive Garden * PacSun * Paint N’ Place * Panera Bread * Paradise Found * Payless ShoeSource * Peace Frogs * Perfumania * Pier Artworks * PolkaDots Toys and Gifts * Popcorn Kingdom * Rack Room Shoes * Red Brick Pizza * Red Robin Gourmet Burgers & Spirits * Reggae J’s Island Grill * Regions Bank * Regis * Ron Jon Surf Shop * Rue 21 * Runway Collections * Shimmering Seas * Smoothie King * Solace Salon and Day Spa - Aveda * Spring Ridge Welcome Center * Starbucks Coffee Company * Sunglass Hut * Sunglass World * SUNSIGHTS by Solstice * Target * tatoe tots * The Eye Gallery * The Grand Theatre * The Walking Company * Tilly’s * Tootsies Orchid Lounge * Trader Tom’s Shells & Gifts * Tran Fashion * Ulta Cosmetics * Unique Boutique by Irene & Co. * University Gifts and Apparel * Verizon * Verizon Wireless * Vice & Virtue * Victoria’s Secret * Yankee Candle * Zales Jewelers 96 STORES | 16 RESTAURANTS | 2 SPAS | 3 GALLERIES | 16-SCREEN THEATRE | CHILDREN’S TRAIN & RIDES HWY. 98 ACROSS FROM FRANK BROWN PARK | PANAMA CITY BEACH, FL | 850.236.9974 | SIMON.COM BUSINESS Spotlights Run for the Redfish postures cannot be owned, broke away and developed their own systems of hot yoga. Tony Sanchez created the Yoga Challenge system, and Jimmy Barkan created the Barkan Method of hot yoga. The most important common denominator is the heat. The heat causes your body to: 1) burn fat more effectively; 2) it allows for greater mobility in the ligaments, muscles and joints; 3) muscle fibers become more elastic allowing for greater flexibility without injury; 4) sweating detoxifies and eliminates waste through the skin; and 5) the temperature aids in the function of the immune system and the nervous system, helping your body fight infection and increase mental clarity. The Yoga Vida studio, offering hot yoga, is now open at Gold’s Gym in Panama City. Visit 12 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 On December 5, 2009 runners from across the Southeast will participate in the inaugural Run for the Redfish, a combined half marathon, 5K run and kids fun run held at Pier Park. A portion of the proceeds for the event will benefit the Coast Conservation Association (CCA). The run will begin at the Front Beach Road entrance to Pier Park and continue down Front Beach Road, looping back to end at Margaritaville, who will host the post race celebration and awards ceremony. Shotgun start to the race will be at 8:00 am for the half marathon and 8:30 am for the 5K run. All runners of the half marathon and 5K will receive a Run for the Redfish long sleeve T-shirt as part of their participation. Run for the Redfish has all the bells and whistles: a certified course, professional timing, a professional race day photographer to capture the moment, and a venue that is above all the rest. The City of Panama City Beach, Tourism Development Council, The Resort Collection, Pier Park, Margaritaville and a team of dedicated individuals have made this a true destination event. Run for the Redfish is not only a new and exciting event for Panama City Beach, but will bring awareness to the Coastal Conservation Association who works to protect our unique waterways and coastlines which are the habitat of the Redfish. For more information visit Runners can register for the race online or at local retailers; there will be no registration the day of the event. What’s New, Now Nurture your family tree in a Viking kitchen. You, too can be the type that others want to follow. An excerpt from USA Today’s There’s an art to writing on Facebook or Twitter--really by Maria Puente, June 10, 2009 N ot so long ago, people used to keep diaries to record their quotidian doings — privately, of course. Now people keep Facebook and Twitter accounts, updating their status daily, hourly, even minute-by-minute, and almost nothing is private. Worse, the modern status update is not always compelling reading. Feeding the cat Watching TV Eating a tuna sandwich To be fair, even great diarists of the past had bad days: Samuel Pepys, the Englishman whose journals clarified a big chunk of the 17th century for historians, sometimes had nothing more imaginative to say than: And so to bed. GM Appliance 1217 Harrison Avenue Panama City, FL 32401 850-769-7043 Surely we could do better 350 years later? “We all have to go to status-update charm school,” jokes Hal Niedzviecki, author of The Peep Diaries: How We’re Learning to Love Watching Ourselves and Our Neighbors, who joined a slew of online social networks to investigate how they are changing the definition of privacy. “Just one in every million status updates is worth reading, maybe one in every 5 million if you’re looking for poetics.” Never mind poetics. Coherence would be nice. HOW DO YOU MAKE YOUR STATUS UPDATES OR TWEETS MORE READABLE? HERE ARE SOME SUGGESTED DOS AND DON’TS. do: Say what you mean. Often Twitterers tend to think other people can read minds. Funny, cute, perky and zany are good, but you gotta get your point across. do: Give them a hook--a tip, a laugh, a link. On Cinco de Mayo, Sprinkles Cupcakes put out a tweet that said the first person (in the stores) to say hola! instead of hi would get a free chocolate cupcake. Brilliant. don’t: Tweet like some celebs. Reality star Khloe Kardashian recently tweeted that Continued on Page 15 Beltone TM Helping the world hear better z FREE Hearing Evaluations. z Repairs and service on almost all makes and models.. z Assistive listening devices, z hearing aid accessories and fresh batteries. Financing available (with approved credit) Sharon and Gregory Yordon, HAS, BC-HIS, MS, are Nationally Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences z Jitterbug Cell Phones sold at Beltone. Panama City Location 2633 Highway 77, Suite A Beach Location 612 Wisteria Street Corner of Hutchison Blvd., 1.4 miles west of Grand Panama Resort 10% OFF any advanced hearing system with this ad. See all the new technology Beltone has for you. Cannot combine coupons. Limited time offer. Call for appointment: 850-763-0801 or 877-608-4327 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 13 A Few MinutesWith... n r o k r e ff fe P . M a c i Jess Personnel Command (NPC) in Millington, TN. While at NPC, she worked a myriad of Navy programs including Quality of Life and Morale Welfare and Recreation. A native of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, Commander Jessica M. Pfefferkorn graduated from Villanova University with a degree in Business Administration, and was commissioned an Ensign in May 1989 through the Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps. Having grown up in a military family (her father was a Marine and attended a four-year ROTC plan; her sister a Navy Commander at Naval Hospital in Jacksonville, Florida), she was only 18 when she joined the Navy ROTC. “I started on the four-year plan,” she recalls, “But that plan kept morphing into more. Twenty years ago I had no idea I would be here today.” In the Navy the opportunities for travel are great. Commander Pfefferkorn’s first duty assignment was at Naval Facility Bermuda as an Oceanographic Watch Officer working with the Integrated Undersea Surveillance System (IUSS). In January 1992, she reported to Commander Task Force TWELVE in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii working as a Command Duty Officer and Exercise Planner monitoring the IUSS, aviation, and subsurface antisubmarine activity in the Pacific. In June 1995, she transferred to Naval Air Station, Sigonella (Sicily, Italy) and served as the base Administrative Officer. In 1998, Commander Pfefferkorn attended the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), earning a Masters in Management Science with a concentration in Shore Installation Management. Upon graduation, Commander Pfefferkorn reported to PERS-6 staff at Navy 14 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 City Beach, she responds “I love the weather. The people here are very genuine and are proud of where they live. It’s a small town feel, but there’s so much to do. I feel the community has really embraced us. We also have excellent educational choices here.” From 2002 to 2004 Commander Pfefferkorn returned to Italy, serving as the Executive Officer of Naval Support Activity (NSA) La Maddalena. “I love Italy,” she reflects. “The sense of family there, the courageous women in Italy. I named my own daughter, Giuliana, after a wonderful woman I met while there.” In the summer of 2004, she returned to Navy Personnel Command as a detailer and Branch Head for Subspecialty Management. Commmander Pfefferkorn assumed command of the NSA Panama City (NSA PC) in June 2008. NSA PC employs 3,000 people: 350 permanent party military, 300 Navy dive students, and the rest are Department of Defense civilian employees. “As the installation commander, the host, I take care of the basics – facilities, security, port operations, military housing, etc. so the tenant commands (Naval Surface Warfare Center, Navy Experimental Diving Unit, etc.) can focus on their missions. I also act as “Mayor,” representing the basee outside the fence line and ensuring g we are working with our local com-munity leaders to be good neighhbors.” She will stay in Bay County ty until June 2011, before moving onto to her next assignment. Commmander Pfefferkorn and her family (husband Andy, a freelance carpenter, son Hayden, 11 and daughter Giuliana, 4) live on base. When asked how she likes Panama C Commander Pfefferkorn has been awarded two Meritorious Service Medals, three Navy and Marine Commendation Medals and a Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal. What’s New, Now Continued from Page 13 she threw out a pitch at a baseball game; didn’t say what game, what team she cheered for, no tweetpic. Yet she has nearly 130,000 followers. don’t: Post anything you don’t want Grandma to see. do: Make unusual confessions, such as “I harbor secret fears that the Ghost Whisperer has What makes for a great bank? People like Amy. Peoples First employees, including personal banker Amy Bishop, see to it that our branches are not just transaction centers. They’re welcome centers devoted to treating each of our customers like he or she was the only one we had. some basis in fact.” do: don’t: Just give the Bible verse of the day. Those who have nothing else to say in their Be thought-provoking: “If Jesus friended you, would you friend him?” We invite you to discover the customer-oriented approach that sets Peoples First apart from our competitors. Visit us today! updates are guaranteed a low response rate from anyone other than other Bible-verse updaters. do: Include interesting detail. Post ‘watching White House’ which might be interest- Convenient locations throughout Bay County 770-7000 • ing, or ‘watching Obama in White House from crawlspace in ceiling’ which would be really interesting. don’t: Speak in code. Don’t leave people out of the loop by posting ‘now that’s what I’m talking about’ without letting us know what it is you’re talking about! don’t: Use micro blog slang. Most people don’t understand it. do: Use complete sentences with the best possible grammar. If you constantly confuse ‘your’ for ‘you are,’ then invest in an eighth-grade English textbook before posting updates. do: don’t: Share too many details, such as you are tired or constipated or angry at someone Post optimistic messages and good tips on food, sales, books, movies. Two Locations To Serve You: Body BEACH 11205 Hutchison Boulevard 850.233.2111 CITY 1344 W. 15th Street 850.872.1955 you can’t even name. don’t: Rant. Skip the profanity that would make Christian Bale blush. BY GOLD’S THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 15 Resort Life in Panama City Beach A rendering of Front Beach Road Segment 1, looking west. Improvements to Our Resort Area’s Infrastructure are on the Way wo beach areas are scheduled to begin Community Redevelopment Agency infrastructure improvements beginning on September 7th: the South Thomas Drive segment and the Front Beach Road Segment 1. T The South Thomas Drive segment runs past Royal American, Pineapple Willy’s and up to Pompano’s on Front Beach Road, then heads east on Front Beach Road just past the Middle Beach (Hutchison) intersection. This reconstruction will provide the following improvements: z Two vehicle lanes with a turn lane and landscaped median z Stormwater collection and treatment z Sidewalks z Dedicated transit and bicycle lane on the north side of the roadway z Dedicated bicycle lane on the south side of the roadway z Underground utilities 16 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 z Streetscape and landscaping z Roadway lighting The Front Beach Road Segment 1 portion begins at Circle K on Front Beach Road at the east and travels west to Richard Jackson Boulevard. This reconstruction will provide the following improvements: z Dedicated transit and bicycle lane on the south side of the roadway z Additional eastbound vehicle lane z Improve the westbound merge lane at the Hutchison/North Thomas intersection z Stormwater collection and treatment z Sidewalks z Underground utilities z Streetscape and landscaping z Roadway lighting Two stormwater retention ponds in this segment will be converted to pleasant, peoplefriendly parks, undergoing extensive landscaping, pathways, lighting and benches. Richard Jackson Boulevard, formally Beckrich Road, recently completed extensive reconstruction. The roadway was expanded from a two to four-lane divided facility with stormwater collection and treatment, sidewalks were added as well as bicycle lanes, street lighting, landscaping and undergrounding of utilities. Front Beach Road Segment 2 reconstruction is under design and expected to be completed in late 2009. Associated right of way acquisition is also underway, with one of two stormwater pond sites acquired. Pending funding, this segment will be under construction in late 2010 and include two vehicle lanes, dedicated transit and bicycle lanes on both sides of the street, landscaped median, stormwater collection and treatment, sidewalks, underground utilities, streetscape and landscaping, and roadway lighting. The west stormwater retention pond will also be converted to a people-friendly park. THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 17 HOW DO OUR CUSTOMERS MEASURE SATISFACTION? P R I N T I N G 425 East 15th Street Post Office Box 18 Panama City, FL 32402-0018 1-800-677-BOYD(2693) • 850-763-1741 Fax: 850-769-6526 Is it working with experienced professionals to create a quality product? Is it watching their ideas come together before their eyes? Or is it the bottom line, knowing they are getting the most for their hard earned money. We say it’s all these and more. From the simplest business card to a full color magazine we will work with you to achieve your printing goals, time and time again. AT BOYD BROTHERS WE DON’T WANT ORDERS, WE WANT SATISFIED CUSTOMERS t r A e Edibl take out Breathe. Balance. dine in Shan Kishi | Sushi Bar & Japanese Fusion 13800 Panama City Beach Parkway, Panama City Beach 850.249.3663 All you can eat daily specials 11 AM – 4:30 PM (except Sunday) Stretch. Repeat. Join the Hot Yoga Craze at Gold’s. Yoga Vida FITNESS STUDIO AT G O L D ’ S G Y M 1344 W. 15th Street, Panama City 850.867.2209 20 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 Shipwreck LTD & Shipwreck Shirts Since 1977... Luxury and Fun All in One under one 43,000 square foot roof. With this vision, we’ve grown with Panama City Beach from a laid back surf and gift shop to a shopping mecca! A s a local favorite for over 30 years, Shipwreck Shirts and LTD continues to evolve and set the standard for fun shopping and affordable fashion! Our legacy began in 1977 as a small 400 square foot gift shop with a big dream—to deliver more than just ordinary shopping. Instead, we wanted to create an enriching, fun-filled environment for the whole family all while offering an array of diverse goods 22 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 At Shipwreck Shirts, let the kids play in the Arcade or get henna tattoos as the best airbrush artists on the beach create a custom shirt just for you, or dress up for an Old Time Photo with the family. Take home a special gift or tee shirt that are only available here. Step into our designer department--Shipwreck LTD--and experience luxury for less with premier fashion brands such as True Religion, Miss Me and Juicy Couture, and your favorite surf lines like Billabong, O’Neill and Hurley. Outstanding service is of the utmost importance to us. Shopping is a pleasure with our helpful, local staff who have grown with us just as we have grown with the Beach! Over 100 years of combined experience just with Shipwreck means our staff is not just knowledgeable—but also love Shipwreck as much as you will and are enthusiastic to help. On your vacation, you deserve the best! With all this selection in the most sensational setting, you really haven’t experienced Panama City Beach until you’ve visited Shipwreck! Shipwreck LTD 10570 Front Beach Road Panama City Beach, FL 32407 (850) 233-6750 Gemütlichkeit atHofbrauBeerGarden! au Hofbr n is r a de Beer G ponsor of dS a Prou Park Sumer the Pi cert Series on mer C ays at 7 PM d s ine, Thur Food, W n g in ll e S Froze Beer & ks Drin A visit to Hofbräu Beer Garden will be filled with “Gemütlichkeit,” a word that has no exact translation, best described as a feeling of comfort and social belonging. A true Hofbräu experience is meeting as strangers and leaving as friends. Welcome to Hofbräu Beer Garden-Panama City Beach. We are very excited to bring the spirit of Munich’s fabled Hofbräuhaus to the Panhandle of Florida. The Hofbräu tradition is one of legends, where people of all ages and walks of life come together to enjoy good times, a hearty meal and drink great beer! The story of Hofbräu Beer Garden in Panama City began several years ago when a group of longtime friends ventured out on a trip to the Munich Oktoberfest. Their trip introduced them to the fun and festive Bavarian lifestyle at the world famous Hofbräuhaus. The group returned to Panama City Beach with countless stories about the places they visited and new friends they had made. They quickly decided that they wanted to bring the spirit of Bavarian social life to the beach. In February ‘08 the doors to Hofbräu Beer Garden in Panama City Beach opened to a crowd of hundreds of thirsty patrons. Locals and tourists alike quickly found a favorite place to meet old friends, make new ones and enjoy the greatest beer in the world. But, we didn’t stop at importing fresh beer from Munich. Our food is authentic, featuring a menu of Bavarian Specialties, developed by a Master German Chef. With genuine tables and benches from the original Münchner Hofbräuhaus, our customers will find themselves transported to legendary Munich beer hall. Outside, our beer garden entices our visitors to soak up some of that famous Florida sun all the while enjoying a crisp, cold Bavarian brew. Our Hofbräu beer is brewed using the original recipes handed down by Wilhelm V, the Duke of Bavaria (over 400 years ago) and is imported direct from the breweries in Munich, Germany. Here at Hofbräu Beer Garden-Panama City Beach, we are proud of the freshness, purity and above all the satisfying taste of the great tap beers we serve our valued guests. “Prost!” THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 23 Kia SOUL ...a new to roll. lots of technology stylish ic l r a t n e o o r i m ganic geo funct C ookie, good. Cookie cutter, bad. These days you don’t have to look far to find one car that looks exactly like another. Whatever happened to being unique? To having some personality? Enter the Kia Soul. It’s a car that looks different and moves different. Simply put, it’s a new way to roll. An SUV? A mini-van? A city runabout? Why not all in one? The all new 2010 Kia Soul urban passenger vehicle (aka the “Soul’ster”) made its world debut at the Detroit Auto Show and went on sale in February 2009. This concept car was recently named “Grooviest Interior” by MSN Autos. It all started when auto designer Mike Torpey was assigned to design a cool new car. He was flown out to Korea for the project, and while in Korea he witnessed a wild boar on a 24 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 television program late one night. He began to sketch, and a wild boar with a backpack became the inspiration behind the Soul. It’s tough, it’s rugged, and with its backpack on Pictured Top: The Kia Soul; Above: The Kia Borrego. it’s got this cool stance. It’s ready to go places! Mike is a huge fan of continuous lines, and there are only two or three major lines on the Soul. The tapered windows give the Soul drama and unexpected proportioning. The exterior is stylish but functional. The Soul’s interior has lots of technology: standard MP3 input, serious satellite radio and Bluetooth. The interior also lights up underneath with a tranquil glow. The 2010 Soul wins on styling, hands-down. The reverse boomerang of the rear end is a simple, crisp, rakish shape with just a little bit of busy detailing up front. The lofty hatchback is nearly vertical—a nice punctuation to the Soul’s casual leaning stance. Inside, it’s a refined blend of round shapes and embossed plastics—with a variety of colors and textures from red plastic on the dash to houndstoothcheck material swathing the seats. Test drive a Kia Soul at Bill Byrd Kia! 2435 E. 15th Street, Panama City, FL (850) 872-0444 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 25 The Palms Conference Center at 9201 Front Beach Road The brand new Palms Conference Center services corporate, military, wedding, retirement, seminar and business functions, and accommodates meetings, conventions and banquets for up to 350 people. What separates us from the competition? • Diversity in size and scope of the events we can accommodate • Amenities available • Super convenient location • 4,500 square feet of meeting space • Separate group registration area available • Wireless Internet • Separate phone jacks • 130” Digital Projection screen • Wireless microphone with ceiling speakers and surround sound • Overhead projector, VCR, monitor, podium, lectern • Flip charts, easels and pads, dry erase boards • Speakerphone • Video conferencing available • Staging • On site catering from sandwiches to full buffet from our own chef, Dee Brown The Palms Conference Center is located at 9201 Front Beach Road in Panama City Beach. Call (850) 249-2501 for more information. 26 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 2218 Thomas Drive (next to Half Hitch Tackle) 850-233-9514 • Carry-Out Available 15701 Panama City Beach Parkway Panama City Beach, FL 32413 • Highway 98 and Pier Park Phone: (850) 235-4225 Fax: (850) 235-8869 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 27 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 29 X Member News BRIGHT FUTURES Girlfriends Getaway on Edgewater’s New Website Edgewater Beach & Golf Resort, a property of The Resort Collection of Panama City Beach, recently unveiled their new and improved website, EdgewaterBeachResort. com including rich photography, enhanced graphics, clean design, easy navigation and a wealth of information. With over 177,000 visits since January 1, 2009, Edgewater expects the new design will attract even more attention to the already popular site. To celebrate this launch, Edgewater is offering a Girlfriends’ Getaway Giveaway as the first of a new promotional sweepstakes feature. Contestants enter to win a fabulous Girlfriends’ Getaway for four at Edgewater Beach & Golf Resort. Sweepstakes winners receive two-bedroom accommodations for four nights and a 30-minute-per-person spa treatment of their choice— a $1,500 value. Entries will be received through December 31, 2009. The winner will be selected in January 2010. Visit EdgewaterBeachResort. com for details! Chamber’s Education Fund Gary Martin, President of Vision Payment Solutions, recently made a donation to the Beach Chamber’s Education Fund. This first check is the beginning of an ongoing monthly donation plan he has set up with the Chamber, whereby 10% of the profit from proceeds of any Beach Chamber member who processes through Vision Payment Solutions is donated. During the time Gary’s daughter attended Bard College in Upstate New York he felt anxious about the expensive tuition, room and board. “Miraculously, my daughter’s roommate’s parents offered her a full scholarship to this college. When they did that for her, I vowed to give back somehow by helping other people. This is simply a way to do that, and as business increases I can put even more into it.” Gary attended the Beach Chamber After Hours in April ‘08, looked around and liked what he saw. “I joined right away, and told the Chamber this is what I wanted to do. We are currently up to 14 Beach Chamber members.”’s awesome new 20,000 square foot building on Panama City Beach Parkway, just one mile east of Pier Park, is nearing completion. This state of the art call center has full backup systems and power for 24 uninterrupted hours of service to’s customers, along with plenty of additional space to expand operations. The company plans to move in prior to year end, in time for Q1’s peak booking season. currently employs a team of 250+ and is expected to grow to nearly 300 immediately following the move, with the capacity to grow their workforce to 400. They are currently hiring Booking Agents, Customer Service and Programmers. Senior level positions will be added in Marketing, Sales and Technology. Las Vegas and Myrtle Beach have recently been added to the company’s managed portfolio of markets, and plans for opening New York City are in process. Despite economy and industry trends, is still growing in traffic and business volume – and even recently had back-to-back days with record number of bookings. 30 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 LEGACY BOATING CLUB HOSTS “BEACH CAMP” FOR INNER-CITY KIDS Legacy Boating Club hosted the Beach Camp event for Bright Futures Atlanta in late May at Bay Point Marina in Panama City Beach. Twenty-five Atlanta area children, most who have never been out of their inner-city neighborhoods, were selected to participate in Beach Camp where they enjoyed a full day of boating on St. Andrew Bay culminating with a poolside barbeque at the Bay Point Marina. Bright Futures Atlanta is an organization that provides unique educational, social, and spiritual opportunities for adolescents and their families based in inner-city Atlanta. Legacy Boating Club is a members-only club designed for people who enjoy boating but prefer not to own their own boat. “This is the third time that we’ve hosted Bright Futures at our Beach Camps for inner-city youth and we hope to make it a biannual event,” added Fletcher Shackelford, Managing Partner of Legacy Boating Club. “The kids had such a great time boating and tubing all day, and our members thoroughly enjoyed participating in the event and introducing the children to our area and the world of boating.” Beach Camp is part of Bright Futures Atlanta’s Summer Day Camp program that takes place June through August. It encompasses 10 weeks of intense interaction and discipleship through devotion, character building, field trips, swimming and overnight excursions. The goals of Summer Day Camp include daily devotion and character building discussions designed to promote strong social conscience, weekly outings to expose participants to the arts, nature and other activities, and overnight activities to promote close friendships and team cohesiveness. “Our kids had such a wonderful time,” said Philip Ross, Director of Bright Futures Atlanta. “The love and generosity shown to our kids by the folks at Legacy was amazing. We can’t wait till next year.” Pictured above left: Gary Martin of Vision Payment Solutions. Above right: Beach Camp hosted by Legacy Boating Club. Feel Like The Tides Rolling over Your Hotel? Hotel Management For more information contact Matt Griffitts at 850-258-8951 or go to www.SuiteHospitality.Net THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 31 a round Town Updates on Community, Education, Workforce & Government STEM at FSU PC Dr. George DePuy, FSU PC Dean Florida State University-Panama City (FSU PC) has collaborated with the Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division (NSWC PCD) and Bay, Gulf and Holmes School Districts on a three week science education program that was held in June at FSU PC. Grant funding for the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program came from the Department of Defense (DOD) and was valued at $240,000 to provide training, materials and required logistics for the summer program as well as classroom materials to the school districts during the 2009-2010 school year. This is the second year the specialized science education program has been conducted through the collaboration. The focus of the 2008 STEM camp was working with teachers and students from area middle schools. The 2009 camp was expanded to also include teachers and students from the high school level. From June 8 through June 12, approximately 40 science educators from the districts received intensive training on a new “hands on” science curriculum. Approximately 12 engineers and scientists from NSWC PCD also received this training. The teachers, engineers and scientists will implement the curriculum by learning to utilize LEGO MINDSTORM robots to solve a variety of problems by designing, building and programming the robots. Instruction was provided by trainers from The College of William and Mary. Approximately 120 middle school students joined the teachers, engineers and scientists from June 15 to 19 to participate in a week long day camp at the FSU Panama City campus. During the week of June 22 to 26, a camp for approximately 120 high school students was also held at FSU PC. 32 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 Utilizing the new curriculum and training, the teachers challenged teams of students to solve exciting problems in robotics, science and engineering using the LEGO MINDSTORM robots. The teams also had the chance to work with engineers and scientists from NSWC PCD. Activities included designing and programming robots to navigate The ultimate aim of the STEM Educational Alliance is to measurably invarious obstacles, con- crease the number of students pursuing college degrees in science and engineering. structing and testing electronic sensors, water rocket construction, and For the first time, our Visual & Performing environmental analysis. Arts Division offered an arts camp for middle and high school age kids. The week-long camps allowed them to explore art, dance, music, writing and theatre. Coming up in Dr. Jim Kerley, GCCC President July, our Continuing Education Division will Summer is usually host its second “Kids College.” Last summer, considered a slow the wildly popular camp let kids in grades 6 – time for colleges, 8 explore fun and exciting careers in healthbut not for a dynam- care, technology and more. This year, the foic institution like cus is on “Being Green.” It is exhilarating to Gulf Coast Com- see the connections between a summer camp munity College. and Gulf Coast Community College’s comAccording to our mitment to becoming a greener organization. most recent figures, Kids will learn to reduce their impact on the the College is post- Earth, explore alternative energy sources of ing an 8.2% overall the wind and sun, investigate “green” careers, FTE increase in enrollment for the Summer just to name a few of the activities. To register A 2009 term (as compared to the Summer A your child for “Kids College,” just call (850) 2008 term) and the Summer B preliminary 872-3823 or visit numbers are showing an overall increase We were also thrilled to partner with the of 32% (as compared to Summer B 2008). Small Business Development Center, the We are excited to report considerable activPanama City Beach Chamber, and the Bay ity across the entire college, which includes County Chamber for the 2009 Small Busicredit classes, continuing education, and ness Conference, held on June 30. This even summer camps. The large gains in our year’s conference, entitled “Survival Guide short Summer B semester are due to offerfor Businesses Today,” featured keynote ing more classes than ever before, and as the speaker Congressman Allen Boyd as well as numbers show, students are responding to workshops like “Surviving the Recession,” these flexible schedules. “Marketing in a .com World,” and the “North It has been a joy to see area kids on campus Florida Economic Outlook.” It is in our misover the last few weeks as the summer camps sion and vision to fully participate in the ecohave begun. Each summer, our Wellness & nomic development activities of this region Athletics Division holds camps for aspiring -- please to let us know what we can do for players of basketball, softball, baseball, and you as we continue to push GCCC forward. Summer at GCCC volleyball, as well as swimming lessons. Continued on Page 34 Panhandle Pediatric Dentistry Eric Berry, y DMD, PA # & $% &% $ % ★ "# $'& % ( At Panhandle Pediatric Dentistry, we specialize in dentistry for infants, children, adolescents and those with special needs. Much like a pediatrician, a pediatric dentist or pedodontist is specifically trained in all aspects of dentistry for the developing child. Our pledge is to provide all children with outstanding dentistry in a caring, efficient and enthusiastic manner. We have an open office policy, where parents are welcome to accompany their children throughout the dental experience. This allows parents a first hand look at the steps we take to ensure your child has a positive experience while visiting. We offer the latest of dental technologies and techniques, including digital radiography which exposes the child to less radiation during x-rays. When necessary, conscious sedation and hospital dentistry are available for the very young or apprehensive child. For more information about our new pediatric dental practice in Panama City, please contact us! Eric Berry, DMD, PA Panhandle Pediatric Dentistry 2406 St. Andrews Blvd. Panama City, FL 32405 (850) 481-1969 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 33 a round Town Updates on Community, Education, Workforce & Government Book alone, the Panama City Beach brand is gaining considerable traction through our social marketing programs. And, we have increased our broadcast exposure as Panama City Beach’s television commercial is being spotted throughout Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama, Tennessee, Texas, Mississippi and Kentucky. Community Update Mayor Gayle F. Oberst, City of PCB The Miracle League ballpark for challenged children was officially opened on June 11. Located near the entrance of Frank Brown Park, the specially designed ballpark has been the dream of the Panama City Beach Rotary Club for several years. The City provided the land and Rotarians raised the funds to build it. Our hats are off to the Rotary Club; what a great project for our community! Pier Park coordinated activities with the City to bring the largest ever Fourth of July celebration to Aaron Bessant Park. Bands, contests, children, pet activities and food make quite a day, and of course “fireworks on the pier” always concludes the Fourth. The newly constructed Russell/Fields Pier is open for fishing and strolling while the boardwalk area south of the Front Beach Road is under construction. The boardwalk area will host restrooms, small snack bar, tackle shop and a large open area. Completion of the Russell/ Fields Pier area is scheduled for July 2010. Since the City does not have a property tax, it relies heavily on the 1% sales tax to support the services to our citizens. Local businesses and those seeking to relocate to this area often need to know “if the beach has the possibility of year-round sales.” To the right is a table prepared by the City Manager of the Gross Sales collected by the City for 2008. This table does not include sales tax collections in Pier Park which is a designated redevelopment area. The traditional family vacation months of June and July provide 28% of the sales tax collections; however, 72% is generated during the rest of the year. The number of permanent residents in the City continues to increase with approximately 14,000 people here year-round; however, this information supports the fact that the area does have tourist/visitors throughout the year. 34 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 Project Lead the Way students from Arnold High School place third at National Robotics Competition. Front row from left to right: Mason Armstrong, Kayla Frost, Emma Clair Fontaine, Hannah Thompson and Dr. Mikel Miller. Back row from left to right: Gail Forest, Keenam McAdams, Michael Bancroft, Nyal Jennings and Dennis Bush. 2008 Gross Sales: City of Panama City Beach Month % Gross Sales Collected January 6% February 6% March 12% April 8% May 9% June 13% July 15% August 10% September 6% October 6% November 4% December 5% REAL.FUN.BEACH Dan Rowe, President & CEO, Panama City Beach Convention & Visitors Bureau The energy and excitement of summer, our peak season, resonates throughout the Convention & Visitors Bureau’s (CVB) summer marketing campaign: REAL.FUN. BEACH. We’re taking an aggressive approach to ensure travelers who want a REAL.FUN experience chose Panama City Beach. Special events are promoted weekly on radio throughout the southeast. Our interactive campaigns are seeing a spike in momentum. With over 14,000 fans on Face VisitPanamaCityBeach. com continues to grow in popularity and presence with site visitors more than tripling since its May launch. One of the many unique attributes of the site is the personalization each user will experience - customizable trip itineraries, targeted event selections, dining suggestions and more. Since launch, over 1,500 visitors have completed the “What’s your FUN sign?” interactive survey with the results identifying one of five unique vacation personalities or “FUN” sign. The CVB has launched REAL.FUN.CONTEST. where, based on your “FUN” sign, individuals can submit a video for a chance to win $10,000 in cash and prizes. Continuing through Labor Day, this one-of-a-kind competition offers five epic prize packages totaling $50,000 each tailored to the winner’s travel personality. Through a unique advertising partnership with YouTube and Google, the CVB’s REAL.FUN video contest is tapping into a cutting edge opportunity for increasing Panama City Beach’s online exposure and user interaction in a creative and innovative way. Panama City Beach continues to receive national exposure and acknowledgement as a beach of choice for summer travelers, most recently being recognized as a Travel Channel top five beach for families and a TripAdvisor® 2009 Top Three U.S. Beach. With world-class beaches and an array of exciting offerings, Panama City Beach is strategically poised for a strong season of REAL summer fun. Continued on Page 36 There’s no such thing as a healthy tan. Continued from Page 21 Treated skin becomes supple, youthful, and radiant making your skin ten years younger, on the inside and out. Fraxel allow us to tighten deep wrinkles and sagging skin preventing the need for a facelift. It provides dramatic results without the prolonged down time or complications seen with other resurfacing techniques. You can also find a bewildering array of anti-aging products and promises at makeup counters, on television, and in magazines. My advice: if you want real progress, don’t buy into these extravagant claims. There are only a few topical ingredients that have proven preventative or age-reversing benefit. Physician prescribed Retinoic acid is a must have, as it repairs DNA and softens fine lines, pores, and sunspots. Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) & E (Alpha Tocopherol) containing serums like Is Clinical’s Super Serum, scavenge free radicals to heal and protect the skin. These, along with daily glycolic acids work to slowly reduce fine lines and age spots, soften skin texture and stimulate the production of new collagen. Lastly, the single most important product available to prevent wrinkles and skin cancer is a sun block with an SPF of at least 30 containing Zinc Oxide or Titanium Dioxide. These are the only physical blocking agents that protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Sunscreen should be applied liberally enough to form a film (one ounce for the whole body) and, whether it’s water proof or water resistant, it should be reapplied every two hours or after swimming/sweating. The skin is our largest and most visible organ; cherish it and invest in it now so that you needn’t spend the rest of your life only wishing you could reverse the ravages of sun and time. Remember, there’s no such thing as a “healthy tan,” and an ounce of sunscreen is worth a pound of cure! Dr. Moskowitz is board certified in Phlebology and Internal Medicine. She received her medical degree from Georgetown University and residency from Georgetown University Hospital. She has attended the American Vein Institute, Harvard’s Brigham & Women’s Hospital, American College of Phlebology, and American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery. The Cosmetic Vein & Laser Center is located at 12238 Panama City Beach Parkway. Visit www. Remodeling Advice From The Experts. ·Carpentry ·Doors ·Exterior Trim ·Lock Sets ·Windows ·Cabinets ·Closets ·Deck Repairs ·Siding ·Tile ·Trim ·And Much More AUTO APPRAISAL & AUTOMOBILE CLASSICS APPRAISAL SERVICES LLC Insurance • Total Loss • DOV Everyday Drivers Street Rods • Muscle Cars • Antiques SINCE 1973 CERTIFIED - USPAP Serving: Florida, Georgia, North & South Carolina, Alabama JOHN FELTH 850.890.8304 Call To Schedule Your FREE CONSULTATION! Office Phone 850-215-5446 Kitchen & Bath Specialists 2-year Warranty In-house Craftsmen When Only A Professional Will Do. CBC1252542 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 35 a round Town Updates on Community, Education, Workforce & Government Arnold Students Place Third in National Competition Kim Bodine, Executive Director, Gulf Coast Workforce Board Students in the Project Lead the Way Program (PLTW) at Arnold High School placed third in the National Institute of Navigation (ION) Urban Mini-challenge in Beavertown, Ohio. AHS students competed against other teams from Ohio and Florida in designing and operating a LEGO robotic unmanned car that could accurately navigate through a LEGO® City. The Arnold High School team was made up from students in the PLTW class Principles of Engineering. Team members included Mason Armstrong, Emma Claire Fontaine, Kayla Frost, Nyal Jennings, Keenam McAdams, and Hannah Thompson. The team was lead by PLTW teacher, Dennis Bush. “I was so proud of our students. We didn’t win, but we were definitely the hit of the competition,” said Dennis Bush, Project Lead the Way teacher at Arnold High School. “Our kids were creative and able to take the programming and communication skills they’ve learned in their PLTW class and apply it. This competition and working with this group of 36 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 kids has been so rewarding.” The PTLW program as well as the trip to the National Robotics Competition was sponsored by the Gulf Coast Workforce Board. “We are so pleased to be able to partner with Florida’s Great Northwest and Workforce Florida to fund these kinds of activities. In a region with such a strong military and defense presence it is vital that we continue to engage these kids in education and training activities that promote an interest in engineering,” said Kim Bodine, Executive Director of the Gulf Coast Workforce Board. TROY University Update Lisa Kitto, Panama City Area Site Director, Troy University-PC/Tyndall AFB Troy University is pleased to announce our new Online Learning Program in Undergraduate Business Administration Degree with a major in Management, concentration in Hospitality and Tourism offered through e-Campus and serviced by the Panama City/Tyndall AFB sites. This degree is designed for those interested in pursuing a career in food service, lodging, recreation, amusements, cruise lines, meeting/event management, club management, contract management and gaming manage- ment. Fitting for this community, as Panama City and the Panama City Beach area are all about the resort life and the tourist that it brings to our community and its economic growth. The average starting salary is $28,000$45,000, beginning with entry level management positions. As more employers require a 4-year degree for management opportunities within the field of hospitality, General Managers and Senior Managers can make over $100K plus a year. Marriott, Disney, ARA Mark, Sodexho LLC, Compass Group, Hyatt, Darden Restaurant Group, and Yum! Brands Inc., are among the top companies hiring employees with an education in hospitality and tourism management. A bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a major in Management, concentration in tourism and hospitality is designed to prepare the individual for a broad range of managerial roles across the hospitality and tourism industry. The curriculum covers industry standards and practices with a focus on hospitality management; convention and meeting planning; destination services management; travel and tourism; recreation related industries; fundamentals of purchasing; or food and beverage. The course work is supplemented with classes in liberal arts, business, specialized courses in technical applications, leadership, and case analysis applied to the global industry. For more information regarding educational opportunities please call us at (850) 747-0634 or visit us online @ 30:,5)@(=, ^^^HSSLNYHWJJVT ;/:;9,,; 6 ;065 *( 5,> 3 :HTLU\TILYHUK^LIHKKYLZZ ;/:;9,,; +LSP]LYPUNKHPS`[VIV[OZPKLZVM[OLIYPKNL MYVTV\Y 5,>36*(;065 >;/:;9,,;7(5(4(*0;@-3690+( THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 37 ® i i i Ƭ i Ǧ ǡǡ ǡ i Φ i 225 R Jackson Blvd Panama City Beach P: 850-249-1234 F: 850-249-6143 40 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009 41 309 Richard Jackson Boulevard Panama City Beach, FL 32407 42 THE CIRCUIT July/August 2009