June 2016 - Golden Grove Baptist Church
June 2016 - Golden Grove Baptist Church
‘… go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’ Matthew 28:19 G’day folks – Narelle Ball, our amazing children’s pastor, took me to a special event last week hosted by the Baptist Churches of South Australia. The speaker was a Canadian pastor named Carey Niewhof, and his presentation was especially for lead pastors. I’m SO glad Narelle made me go! There was so much that was helpful and valuable – but it was Carey’s description of the church’s MISSION that really made me sit up and pay attention. He pointed out that if you think about it – in roughly 2000 years of church history – the fundamental MISSION of the local church really hasn’t changed all that much! Think about it! Followers of Jesus, in general, have believed and still believe that it’s a good idea to introduce people to Jesus that don’t know Him! They have believed and still believe that as His followers, life is better lived in a gathered community of some sort. And they have believed, and still believe – that as His called people, His followers are called to all sorts of tasks that speak of, and practice the values of the Kingdom of God. Carey pointed out that when local churches keep their MISSION front and center of their collective life together – they thrive! And they thrive because this is what they are meant to be doing! Unfortunately churches all too often forget all about their MISSION, and instead become distracted and disrupted and hung up on all sorts of things related not to MISSION, but about the MODEL of church – and all the particulars of all the things that people so frequently disagree about, all the things that separate one MODEL of church from another MODEL of church. At the base level he said, 99 percent of church issues boil down to disagreements that relate to the model in some way and ultimately – it’s the church that suffers, as well as the local community. The bottom line of Carey’s message was that at least one of a senior pastor’s main jobs is to go to whatever lengths are necessary to keep the MISSION of the local church at the front and center of the church’s imagination – and to allow the model of the church to bend and flex in whatever way is necessary to best facilitate the MISSION! At the end of the day - whatever a church does should be an expression of it’s MISSION, and this folks, this is why we are doing some of the things we are doing at the moment: • This is why we are running the Alpha course – it’s a great way to introduce, or reintroduce people to the person of Jesus, the MISSION of the church, and the basics of the Christian faith! • This is why we had an amazing church camp this last weekend – it was a chance for Jesus’ followers from this local community to come together and to pay attention to what God was doing in us through a focused time of teaching and practice of prayer! People were healed and baptized and all sorts of fun was had as well – the MISSION of the church is fun! • This is why I spoke a couple of weeks ago about why carrying on the story of our church’s special relationship with King’s Baptist Grammar School is actually a really big deal! The whole reason this church actually moved from Tea Tree Gully over a decade ago was to place itself “on campus” with the school that it as a church began! To be “on MISSION” to and with the school community – and right now this is a big consideration of the GGBC Board – how can we can best reach out to and announce the gospel in word and action to the wider school community – many of whom don’t know Jesus – so please pray for the leadership of the church and continue to watch this space! Folks – it’s an exciting time to be part of this church community! God is up to a great work amongst us, calling us together to be on about the MISSION He has been calling His followers to for a fair while now. Let’s keep joining in! “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:18-20) Mike Bartlett A.C.T.S of Prayer The following four aspects of prayer can help our prayer focus: [A] Adoration: Taking time to express our adoration and praise for the love, grace, power, majesty, justice, presence, comfort etc of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This is a good way to start your time of prayer. [C] Confession: A time to confess to God our sins of attitude, words, actions, neglect etc claiming and receiving his forgiveness, victory over sin and his power to change. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9 NIV [T] Thanksgiving: An attitude and expression of thanks to God for his faithfulness, patience, for what he doing your life and the lives of others, for the death and resurrection of Jesus and that you are a child of God and can know the victory over sin. [S] Supplication: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 NIV. This is a time to pray for yourself, for one another, our Church ministries, God’s work in our neighbourhood and globally, for our Pastors and Board and whatever God brings to your attention. Why not use the Church Directory as a prompt to pray for each other. Dare we dream of the impact this could have. Prayer Prompts for June I encourage you to use the following for prayer during June focussing on one category for each day of the week. I believe that as we humble ourselves before God and pray for one another, for our pastors and leaders and for those who don’t know Him then we will grow in our faith and in our commitment and effectiveness in sharing God’s Good News. Alpha: That through the Alpha presentations and small groups we will grow as faithful followers of Jesus and that we will see others come to know Him. It has been encouraging to hear positive feedback from the small groups. The people who come into our building: Continue to pray for those who come into the Café. Pray for Meredith and Jo as they lead the Café ministry and the team of volunteers. Why not make a visit to the Café sit awhile and ask God to show you how to pray for this front of house ministry. Also ask Narelle and her Play Group team how you can pray or maybe help this ministry. Outreach for God into our local neighbourhood: Pray that God will give you the courage to share his love with others through your words and actions. Pray for Carelink and Come to the Table. Pray for those who teach and work in King’s and other schools that they will reflect God’s love to students, parents and other staff. The Board, Pastors, Ministry Leaders and Staff: Take time to pray for our Pastors that they may know God’s heart as they lead, inspire and equip us to be God’s people in a hurting lost world. Children & Youth: Praise God for those children and youth that have chosen to be baptised. Pray for Brianna Stanley as she prepares and raises funds to join the King’s team visiting the King’s Friendship Centre (KFC) Cambodia in early July. Ruth Denton will be leading this team of King’s Baptist Grammar School students, pray for Ruth, Brianna and the other students. Sunday Evening Gathering: Pray for Jason Lippitt and the team that lead the Sunday Evening part of our Church community. Praying for one another: Pray for those who are grieving, those who are facing or recovering from surgery and for those who are struggling with health, depression, financial or relationship issues. Ross Britton SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE June 5th 10am TITLE: Alpha 3 - Why did Jesus Die? (Communion Service) SPEAKER: Rev. Mike Bartlett June 12th 10am TITLE: Alpha 4 - Faith? How? SPEAKER: Pastor Jason Lippitt June 19th 10am TITLE: Alpha 5 - Prayer, Why and How? GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Mike Bartlett June 26th 10am TITLE: Alpha 6 - The Bible and God’s Guidance GUEST SPEAKER: Rev. Mike Bartlett SUNDAY EVENING GATHERING June 5th 6.30pm TOPIC: Alpha 3 - Why did Jesus die? SPEAKER: Jason Lippitt June 12th 6.30pm TOPIC: Alpha 4 - How can we have faith? SPEAKER: Jason Lippitt June 19th 6.30pm TOPIC: Alpha 5 - Why and how do I pray? SPEAKER: Mike Bartlett June 26th 6.30pm TOPIC: Alpha 6 - Why and how should I read my Bible? SPEAKER: Jason Lippitt PERMISSION TO MARRY T R I S H CO O P ER Joe and I met in May 1955. He was 19 and I was 17. A year later he was called up for National Service. With the permission of our parents we became engaged. After managing to stay in England for 9 months, Joe was posted to Benghazi in North Africa. He asked me to marry him before he went. The problem was it was just two weeks before he had to leave. Firstly, we had to have our parents’ permission, especially me, as by law, marrying under 21 required written parental consent. My father wasn’t sure, but agreed to abide by Joe’s Dad’s decision and he gave his consent. Next, we had a problem with the church. We had to have Banns said for 6 weeks at the Sunday service and we had no time for that. I had to go to a solicitor and swear on the Bible that neither Joe nor I were already married to someone else. I was issued with a special licence that cost £2/12/6 instead of the usual 7/6. We were married on a Thursday afternoon, March 15th, 1956 at 3:30pm. We have been blessed with 60 happy years together during which God has given us 3 wonderful sons, 3 beautiful daughters-in-law and 5 precious grandchildren. To God be the glory. A COUNTRY GIRL M A RGA R ET L EI T H I was born in Gumeracha in 1932. As office girl for my Father’s trucking business my job was versatile and lots of fun. In 1950 I started nursing at the Children’s Hospital, but contracted Tuberculosis which set me back 2 years. The irony of that was that I met and married David and had a busy life with 5 boys arriving in quick succession. Praise God the T.B. never returned. I grew up with my extrovert and quirky brother which meant I learned to understand my David, as you know he is a little quirky too, and we have had 59 wonderful years together. It’s impossible to raise 5 sons without traumas, accidents, worries and lots of fun. My boys grew up without computers, mobile phones or iPads, replacing them with picnics, sports, and bike rides everywhere. Our boys are now in their 50’s with families of their own, and have computers, mobiles and iPads, and we are very proud of them all and their life’s achievements. Life is challenging and God has been there for me, to lift me above the circumstances and set my feet on the Rock. My future hope is based on the promises of God. Church Noticeboard NEW PERSONS LUNCH Sunday June 19th following the morning service. If you are new or relatively new, this is a great opportunity to get to know some people in our church family and for us to get to you. We’d love to see you there! Please see one of our Pastors if you would like to come to this. COMBINED WORSHIP TEAM MEETING This meeting is for all those who are part of our wonderful worship team. Come along to the church on Wednesday 19th June at 7:30pm. Sermon series and small groups. If you would like to be a part of a small group of are able to run one, please contact Jason Lippitt or the church office. Jason Lippitt 0422 456 647 lippit.j@ggbc.org.au CAMP REFLECTIONS Adrian McDonald was determined to bring us Church Family Camp 2016 on the back of the successful 2015 camp, so he gathered his Camp Committee and plans were made. It all came together on Friday 27th May, as cars loaded with sleeping bags, warm clothes, heaters and of course cold campers rolled into Woodhouse Activity Centre. It was raining and cold but we gathered together, hot drinks in hand ready to see what the weekend had to offer. We were blessed to have Scott Hawkins along for the weekend as a guest speaker. Family Camp kicked off with the Youth leading us in worship and Scott bringing us some practical and challenging ideas on prayer, relevant for us individuals and as a community. As we woke on Saturday morning, God certainly showcased his awesome creation. The sun shone brightly through clearing rain clouds, the birds sang their little songs, the creek babbled quietly through the campsite. The fresh hills air could be breathed deeply, enough to refresh one’s soul. Across the weekend we were invited as a group to put into practice the teachings that Jesus gives us on prayer from His word. What an amazing sight to behold as young gathered with old(er) to pray for and with each other. We got to know new families and had the opportunity to develop new and deeper friendships. It was a blessing to see people crossing the generational lines and engaging with one another. Our youngest looking up to and being looked out for by our youth kids and those youth kids looking up to the older and definitely wiser campers. The most stand out time of camp though would have to be our Sunday morning service out in the open. We gathered for an amazing gourmet breakfast, followed by a time of worship. There’s nothing quite like hearing voices being lifted up to God in unison out in His wonderful creation. Five of our young people then shared with us their journey of faith so far and how they had come to the point of deciding to be baptised. They then braved the cold water and professed this faith by going through the waters of baptism…dead to sin ….ALIVE in CAMP REFLECTIONS Christ! Three of these kids have spent their whole lives at GGBC as close mates; Bailey Austin, Zac McDonald and Lachie McDonald and what a privilege to witness them take this step together. Emma McCarthy, a relatively new and softly spoken member of our Youth leadership team, shared with us her life story and how she came to be here at GGBC and more specifically to this point of baptism. She is sure of her faith and salvation through Christ and a real inspiration to our young girls! And then Zach Bartlett stepped into the waters with his Dad. In the words of his mum, ‘Zach may be young, but a lot of thought, prayer and questions went into his decision, and we are so very proud of him.’ It’s a special moment when you witness a father baptise his own son. And so, camp was over. Adrian closed GGBC Family Camp by encouraging us to keep doing life together, intentionally looking out for one another, praying for and with each other. leaning on each other in times when it seems life is just getting a bit tough, to continue putting into practice the things we had been challenged with on camp. Thank you to all those who made camp possible, Thanks to those who worked hard to get the weekend up and running, those who baked up a storm to keep us well fed and those who hauled up all sorts of equipment. And a final ‘thank you’ to our wider GGBC community who were unable to join us on camp. We recognise that as a group we have experienced a time together away from what our normal ‘church’ looks like and we want to say thank you for allowing us to get away and have this time together, thank you for keeping us all in your thoughts and prayers. GGBC HYMN SERVICE 29/5/16 Reflections from Dean Wood ‘Twas as though the Pied Piper had passed through With the only youngsters present, the Priest children A silent prayer that families were coping with the elements at Woodhouse Old voices singing beautiful old hymns to fine piano accompaniment by Colleen Spence Young John Shriver related well to his elders, but don’t ask them, they won’t remember. Geoff Warner preached from Philipians, with plenty of anecdotes Giving great credence to the adage that wisdom comes with age. Or is that any age? FOLLOWING JESUS TO THE GLOBAL NEIGHBOURHOOD Tax Deductions & Ministries of Compassion The end of the tax financial year is a time when many of us look at opportunities to reduce our tax payments. This is also a time when you can join with others to reveal God’s love to people across the world trapped in poverty. Gifts to Christian organisations like Baptist World Aid Australia and SIMaid (SIM Australia) can help individuals, families and communities break free from the chains of poverty. Here are three opportunities to help and also reduce your tax bill: • Baptist World Aid Australia www.baptistworldaid.org.au Phone: 1300 789 991 – a range of projects and activities addressing poverty • SIMaid (SIM Australia) www.sim.org.au Phone: 1300 746 580 – contributing to employment cost of Ross Britton as he oversees SIMaid projects and workers from Australia • SIMaid projects such as Girls off the Streets details as above. Out of GGBC and into Cambodia Two of our GGBC people will be heading to Cambodia and the King’s Friendship Centre (KFC) next month. The team will be led by Ruth Denton and King’s student and member of GGBC youth group, Brianna Stanley will also be part of the team. What an exciting opportunity for them both to represent King’s and GGBC. They would value your prayers as they prepare, raise funds, travel and visit with the children and staff at KFC. Why not take time to chat with Ruth and Brianna as they get ready to go to Cambodia. Ross Britton childreny’s ministr @ ggbc Cubby: 0-3 yrs Billabong: 3-5 yrs Oasis: Yrs 1,2,3 The Shak: Yrs 4,5,6 M&M Camp There are a number of young people attending M&M camp over the June long weekend either as campers (year 3-7) or junior leaders (year 8-12). Please pray for their experience as they make new friends, explore faith in God and grow in passion for people in the world. Youth Alpha guide Narelle has a number of copies of the Alpha Guide for Younger Youth available for families to purchase at the cost of $8. It’s a great resource that covers the basis of Christian faith with an attractive and easy to follow presentation. It particularly complements the material we are covering in Shak (years 4, 5 and 6) this term. Year 6 transition to riot This term the year 6s start their transition into RIOT youth with an invitation to a couple of Friday night events. Keep this group of kids in your prayers as they make this transition and as they invite their friends to come along too. CAREY NIEUWHOF On Thursday 26th May Mike and Narelle heard Carey Nieuwhof speak on generational leadership. Carey is a highly reputable Christian leadership author and blogger as well as founding pastor of a mulit campus church in Toronto. During the two morning sessions he covered 10 predictions for the future church as well as 4 phases of family ministry. Some great material that will be mulled over as we continue to set vision and strategy for ministry at GGBC. Nine leaders from the children’s ministry team attended the evening session and heard Carey speak on Team Alignment across the church and Just a Phase, looking at a timeframe of a kid’s life (0-18) and how we can leverage distinctive opportunities to influence their future. GGBC is a church blessed with a large number of families consisting of pre-schooler, primary and high school students. As well as being next door to two schools. May God continue to guide and equip us a church – leadership, members and volunteers as we endeavour to effectively minister in this place He has put us. SYG/M&M Camp Riotrave Friday June 10 Friday July 1 No program this week Dance Party at the church. SplitNight Friday June 17 Year 6-7 Glow in the dark mini golf. Year 8+ contact your small group leader. Sellout Friday July 8 Join Caleb and Chelsea’s group for a night of community and worship. Cambodiafundraiser Friday June 24 Sleep over and pizza masterchef. Mike Stevens guest speaker. 8-9 pm 4th Tuesday of each month at GGBC starting in June This happy group continues to meet for craft and companionship each week during school terms. Currently we have a number of our members on our weekly prayer list who are sick themselves or have family who are not well - two of whom are our teachers. Trish is being kept busy contacting those who are sick or attending funerals – but we find this a very rewarding part of our ministry in being able to support our members during illness or times of grief and being able to share God’s love for all in this way. We were sad to farewell our busy secretary, Jean, for 5 weeks while she enjoyed a cruising holiday, and we were sadder still to have her prematurely back amongst us after falling on that cruise and breaking her elbow. We pray God’s blessing on her as she copes with the difficulties of healing after surgery and recuperation. Our treasurer, John Moore has been busy doing some calculations and he has ascertained that the Triple T trading table has raised $18,669.45 [his bookkeeping is fastidious – down to the last cent] over the last 5 years. During that same period we have donated $42,678.45 to a variety of charities [as I said John is very thorough with his records]. Currently the Triple T ministry is supporting 5 boys. 4 boys - [Reaksa, Visal, Samnang and Sokhacandy]- are at the Friendship Centre in Cambodia and we are looking forward to seeing video of these boys which was taken when the team visited in February. We have also supported Nantu in Bangladesh through Baptist World Aid for approximately 10 years. Nantu has reached the age of 18, has finished school and is looking forward to doing further education. We received a letter from Nantu nominating Shibab [aged 8] to take his place in our sponsorship and thanking us for the support given him. It has been a privilege to support Nantu and pray he will continue to be a good witness for God in his future career. Janette Brimblecombe MINISTRIES C ome to the T able Mt Breaderest was created last Monday night as Year 10 students cut and piled bread onto platters for our Come to the Table meal. A few weeks earlier, students created a lotus flower as they placed cut sweet buns on a platter for dessert. And Year 10 boys are very pedantic it seems about how a table is set! There always seems to be creativity and laughter as we prepare the space for our guests. Last Monday night, 33 people gathered to share food in community ... Thank you to Alan Saundry who picks up and delivers to us bread, buns, pasties, pies and sausage rolls from Prices Bakery. Everyone goes home with full tummies, food for the week and love we have shared in community. M oving with V ijay ! Thursday morning I popped in to check on Vijay's 'movement' class and loved seeing him gently guiding the group through their moves. This group meets every Thursday, 11-12 and cost $8. Plenty of space for new people who want to get themselves moving a little more easily. N ew C are L ink V olunteer Elmo has decided to join the wonderful Volunteers at CareLink! Alison said he has been pulling his weight!! PANTRY ITEMS 2016 375g Weetbix 420g Peas & Carrots 425gTuna 500g Raguletto Sauce 500gPasta 1lt UHT Milk 500gRice 50g Nescafe coffee 420g Can Spaghetti 50g Tea bags x 25 420g Can baked Beans 825g Can of Fruit 440g Tomato soup 425g Harvest Meat/Veg Please contact Jodie at the church office on 8289 1866. CHURCH ROSTERS JUNE 5th Welcome Team Coffee Morning Tea Communion Offering B Mason K Girvan C Birch N Austin M Jolly S Jolly L & Tunn G Ewens B Crouch D Boyce JUNE 12th Welcome Team Coffee Morning Tea Offering M & S Jolly J Lippitt G Lean T Marks J Lean G Ewens S Brown T Ambrose Welcome Team Coffee Morning Tea Offering P & B Hughes B Mason D Wood G Lean K & R Britton L Wood J Gronow L Skeklios Welcome Team Coffee Morning Tea Offering R Hammat H Einthal K Girvan L Thornton N Austin B Brimblecombe B Anderson J Skeklios K Churchett K & C Holman JUNE 19th JUNE 26th lookout cafe’ May was “Biggest Morning Tea” month to raise funds and awareness for the Cancer Council. The café hosted our “Biggest Morning Tea” over four days, Monday 16th – Thursday 19th May. Our volunteers baked up a storm of yummy mini desserts, with Wolf adding his expertise to make them look and taste delicious, which many of our customers indulged in. In addition, we served scones for morning tea to our “crafty” TTT ladies with a portion of the cost going towards the cancer council. In total, we managed to raise $400, with a good portion of this given as donations from the ladies at TTT. Thank you to all who came along to support us, support the Cancer Council. Jo and Meredith NOTES “A community of faith, following Jesus into the neighborhood” Whether this is your first service or you have been attending Golden Grove Baptist for years, we pray that today you will receive encouragement from the service and experience the presence of God. If you are just visiting or searching for a church home, we invite you to fill in a blue Welcome Card and place it in the offering bag during the service. If you are a first time visitor, go to the cafe after the service where you will receive a free hot drink of your choice. Senior Pastor Mike Bartlett 0447 710 414 Associate Pastor Jason Lippitt 0422 456 647 Children’s Pastor Narelle Ball 0412 603 028 Youth Pastor Jason McPhee 0430 446 131 Church Office Jodie Aldis/Ben Goode 8289 1866 CareLink Office 8289 5822 The Lookout Cafe Jo Reid/Meredith Tilley 8289 1866 Worship & Creative Arts Lisa McPhee 0403 670 387 www.ggbc.org.au Offerings May - Actual May - Budget YTD - Actual YTD - Budget Direct Debit Details $25,288.81 $25,000.00 $234,497.02 $240,000.00 Golden Grove Baptist Church Inc Main Account BSB: 704 922 Account: 100 006 138 93 Wynn Vale Drive Wynn Vale SA 5127 PO Box 1382, Golden Grove Village SA 5125 Phone: (08) 8289 1866 Fax: (08) 8289 1788 office@ggbc.org.au