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There are still feelings of openness and images
of space in my memory when I let pass the time
of the last FEPTO Conference and the Annual
Meeting. The experienced readiness for meeting
neighbours and the space for encounter, joy and
intensive work on chosen topics impressed me
Beside these memories there is one main
thought that occurred during the meeting and
stayed in my mind which I want to share with
In the workshop on research in supervision
which was part of the pre-conference a symbol
emerged during our group work. It was the magic
treasure chest of a group participant where all
the psychodramatic tools, ideas and warm ups,
interventions and closure techniques were stored
that had been developed in his psychodrama life
and work.
We all have our own treasure
chests. In there are our children of
mind, nourished and brought up
with care. In the play it turned out
that in the moment when opening
the chest and showing the content
to others it immediately becomes
a property of them. And worse
than that, these magic things,
ideas, children are changing when
they are used by others and at the
end no one knows whom they
originally belonged to. On one
hand the owner of the magic
treasure chest enjoys that his
treasury is appreciated by so many
people but on the other hand he is
sad because they are in a way lost.
How to deal with this problem: to
keep the box closed in order to have all own
ideas save, renouncing the appreciation of others
or to share and lose them.
During the conference and the meeting we saw
many who opened there treasure chests and
showed what they had developed. I took a lot of
little and big things with me eager to use them in
my groups. Having talked with my neighbours I
learned that they all did the same.
Moreno once accused Friedrich Kiesler the
director of “The International Exhibition of New
Theatre Techniques” 1924 in Vienna to be a thief
of his idea after he had created a new stage
without audience and Kiesler presented a similar
model. The quarrel ended at court where
Moreno held a remarkable speech to defend
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I have given away my ideas to the community,
to all its parts for free perusal; with this
I have given everyone the right to consider my
ideas common property, to take them over to
the letter, and to use and distribute them in a
manner, in printed form or by mouth, provided it is
accomplished without reference to their names
or any other name. But it was not my idea to
leave my contributions to a single individual for
the purpose of bringing to that person a
proprietary relationship towards my ideas, of
linking my contributions to someone’s family
name for the purpose of enriching him...
René F. Marineau: Jacob Levy Moreno 18891974. Routledge, London. 1989. pp. 85
We all know that many of Moreno’s ideas
have been used by others for their own success
without mentioning the inventor. That psychodrama nowadays has not that recognition than
other psychotherapeutic approaches may have
its origin in Moreno’s grateful and open attitude.
What can we, as his ideological ancestors, learn?
The Council meets usually twice
a year: In November and again
before the Annual Meeting. In
between all discussions and
decisions are either made by e-mail
or Skype, sometimes by phone.
This year we met in Middelkerke
a village on the Belgian coast where
Pierre Fontaine offered us the use
of his apartments.
The working and living together
reminded me of a students
FEPTO meetings create an atmosphere where
all of us are happy to share openly our way of
practising psychodrama. We all can contribute in
order to avoid that the original owner of the magic treasure chest will feel exploited after showing
his or her treasury. The psychodramatists
themselves who have invented something should
take care of their children of mind and tell their
colleagues to be aware that they received a
present. We as the receiver of these gifts should
be mindful that we got something precious from
someone we appreciate for his or her idea. When
applying it in groups with our students we can
tell them from whom we got the idea for a warm
up, a special intervention or a closure technique.
Our students will learn to be careful not only
with their protagonists but also with the tools
someone has developed. They will love to read
the articles and books of these interesting
psychodramatists who have contributed a lot to
the development of psychodrama.
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community where all the daily duties are done together. Chantal and her husband prepared the meals
for us and helped again to keep the costs low.
The beautiful view over the sea which was always changing due to the weather seemed to me a
metaphor for the changing situations we have to face in life and FEPTO.
The atmosphere was warm and enriching and we shared a lot of ideas. I would like to inform you
about the decision we made there and we all appreciate if there are some contributions of you as
representatives of our member organisation.
♦ The letterhead of FEPTO should be only used for correspondence in the name of and signed
by a council member.
♦ The budget for EAP is for registration, travel and hotel room for 1 person.
♦ Chair is the person who would normally attend or an individual delegated by the chair.
♦ No decision to attend a European committee with the resultant expense should be made
without the decision of the council in a formal meeting.
♦ Budget set at €1000 per year.
♦ This could be used for scholarship. Any subcommittee should make any request for
expenses to the chair of the committee.
♦ Any research tool that is used in the name of FEPTO must be legal.
♦ The chair will have personal discussions with those who appear to not have achieved the
♦ We suggest instigating a system of updating every 5 years from the point of joining. To start
this project we will ask 20% of institutes in the first year, another 20% in second and so on.
♦ Only international and national psychodrama events should be announced on the FEPTO
website and no private workshops
♦ Reports from psychodrama events which have taken place will be collected will be available
on the web.
♦ The current budget of €200 will be utilised for room hire for network group meetings.
♦ Criteria for proposals for an award will be written and an award document created.
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♦ There should always be a council member in touch with the LOC to be a mediator and to
support and to carry the link between the past experiences and current meeting.
♦ A working party will draft a proposal form for applicants to run the annual meeting.
♦ The experiences of the organization of the Ghent meeting will be evaluated to know if we
should move forward in this way
♦ For economical reasons the next FEPTO AM will take place in Serbia although we had also an
invitation from Israel.
♦ The chair of membership will ask a new applicant if their code of ethic is in agreement with
those of FEPTO or if they accept the FEPTO code of Ethics.
♦ In future institutes that have been accepted during an AM will pay the membership fee
portion of the year remaining.
♦ The profit from last year was €5700. We have €8000 on an account giving 1%. The money will
be removed to a better interest account which also gives security.
♦ Applicants should attend firstly as a guest for us to get to know each other.
♦ If they decide to continue with their application then the documents must be submitted with
adequate time to process this (End September).
♦ The presentation of the Institute by the membership committee will be published in the FN.
♦ At the next Annual meeting they will then present their institute on a poster and a brief action
portrayal of their organisation. The vote will take place in the same meeting to make a
decision for the members easier.
♦ If further clarity is required the GA can propose to postpone until the next year.
The next council meeting will be in Dave (Belgium), the 6th to the 8th of November 2009. Thanks to
the hospitality of Chantal and Pierre, her husband. We would have liked also to meet the local
organizers in Serbia, but the costs to go and stay there would have been much higher.
Looking forward to meeting you all in Serbia
Jutta Fürst
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We all agree that supervision is an important part of psychodrama training. But there is only little
research done on this subject. For this reason Pierre Fontaine started a project 2006 to investigate
different styles, theories and techniques of supervision in psychodrama training.
Every year since the Post conference in Cluj (Romania) there is one group at the FEPTO conference
dealing with this topic.
This year I was honoured that
Pierre Fontaine asked me to support
his work. The title of our workshop
was: “Supervision research group”:
Experienced trainers and psychodrama
supervisors share their way of doing
supervision and explore the role of
“Tele” in it.
The group work was recorded by
Pierre Fontaine. I took the role of a
facilitator and started by showing one
of my ways to do supervision with a
training group.
The participants agreed to take
the role of trainees to get a feeling for
the process. Other group members
continued showing their way of supervision in psychodrama training. We would have needed more
time for discussion and to find out how to get knowledge of the learning and reflection process of the
trainees helped by supervision.
Pierre and I would like to invite all trainers to describe their way of supervision in training and to
send their contributions to us.
I participated in the Deinze Conference and give you some of my reactions.
At first, I wish to thank the Dutch psychodramatists. We know the Dutch people as good organizers
and I wish to say them how much this quality helped me to enjoy plainly this colloquium.
The International character of the meeting was determinant for me. I was attracted by the
proximity in spite of my very poor English, but especially by the international aspect.
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All these different countries bring a great richness. Each psychodramatist works with the colour of
his own culture and all these colours together give these meetings such an exceptional openness.
When I applied to the conference, it was without knowing its theme. The word ‘tele’ was unknown
for me. At the beginning, I thought I did not understood exactly the significance of the word because
of language problems. Progressively I learned that its significance is not simple and that it was not
only a language question.
During the all meeting, I was inhabited by this question “What is tele exactly?” - “Tele is a two-way
empathy; like a telephone it has two ends”.
I don’t answer personally the question, but I belief the presence of ‘tele’ is fundamental in human
relations and even more in psychodrama and every therapy.
I hope that in other meetings and places the same theme will be discussed. I thank the organisers
for the choice of this so interesting and fundamental theme.
Finally I wish to say some words about the workshop of Judith Teszáry, I was lucky to participate in.
There I was interested and followed the psychodramatic work of Pierre de Laat and got impressed by
the way ‘tele’ was present during the all session.
Thanks to you all present these three days … I perceived many little moments of ‘tele’. See you
again soon for new experiences. By that time I will have improved my English.
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Sexuality Group was constituted, as part of
the Network Committee chaired by Yaacov Naor,
during the 17th FEPTO annual meeting held in
Ghent, Belgium in April 2009.
The Sexuality Group, facilitated by Stylianos
Lagarakis, worked as an intervision group which
turned out to be a very successful modality. A
discussion list was also formed in which to
brainstorm and support each other via mail with
our own personal expertise.
The participating members of the FEPTO
Sexuality Group are Einya Artzi, Maria Joao Brito,
Gheorgios Chaniotis, Roberto De Inocencio, Ivan
Fossati, Jutta Fürst, Arsaluys Kayir, Hannes Krall,
Stylianos Lagarakis, Kostas Letsios, Jose Luis
Mesquita, Gabriela Moita, Leandra Perrotta,
Anett Richter, Rosa Shemesh, Peter John
Schouten, Sophia Simeonidou. Michael Wieser.
The emotional sociometric election of people
sharing a common interest allowed profound
and productive work on clinical cases as well as
deep levels of personal sharing of experiences
and feelings. The group started off with sexuality
as the theme and it slowly evolved and
transformed to include the broader issue of
intimacy. The group was perceived as a safe
place to discuss the clinical, theoretical and
ethical issues facing a therapist in psychodrama.
Our strategies for identifying distress in
sexuality-related issues, treating patients with
sexual dysfunction, uncovering unresolved
conflicts and understanding current
interpersonal interactions differed according to
the model behind our therapeutic approach. The
distinctive richness of the group derived from
the heterogeneous training and transcultural
background of the members.
Many colleagues shared psychodramatic
theories and techniques related to their work.
We decided to systematize our contributions to
build a strong theoretical foundation and
implement psychodramatic techniques designed
to improve or restore sexuality to a healthier
level of functioning and assist patients with
complaints of intimacy, sexual, and
communication difficulties.
1) Theoretical guidelines.
The complexities of Sexual Identity, such as
the differences between Biological Identity,
Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, Sexual-Social
Roles and Sexual Preference were explained.
2) Psychodramatic techniques for warming up
or playing intimate or sexual scenes.
Empty chair techniques were demonstrated
on how to deal with family or societal
expectations of compliance to cultural norms,
issues of rejection, non-acceptance, insecurity,
and internalized accusing attitudes, and
techniques used for vaginismus or sexual
impotence. Techniques used for increasing
intimacy, for playing explicitly sexual scenes, for
working with sexually addicted or abused
patients and dealing with sexuality as a power
issue were demonstrated.
3) Transcultural issues.
The group discussed the difference between
Mediterranean and Northern cultures and the
experience of working with Orthodox Jewish
women. Our colleagues lead groups in different
countries and we agreed that we are involved in
a "learning process" even when we work within
our own country.
4) Ethical norms and Common sense rules for
dealing with physical contact in groups.
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We agreed that a fundamental guideline
when working on sexuality or intimacy in a
group is to communicate that it is not
compulsory to have physical contact during
The Sexuality Group has decided to find the
necessary resources, time and energy to meet at
least once a year apart from the time at FEPTO
annual meetings to continue our intervision
group together.
It was my first FEPTO MEETING; and I want to thanks specially MARCIA KARP because she invited
me to participate at this moment. I want to emphasize THIS MOMENT because
I'm making a big change on my life; in the professional and personal life. I start from "0" in Paris,
France. Is really a big challenge! But a challenge that I wanted to take and to make. I feel ready to do
it and I feel also with the energy that requires this kind of challenge. I want... after this statement that
comes from my soul to share with all of you this FIRST EXPERIENCE IN GHENT WITH FEPTO PEOPLE...
I confirm once again that the PSYCHODRAMA MEETINGS. WITH PSYCHODRAMATISTS from all over
the world - in this case from "European world" are very, but... REALLY VERY DIFFERENT from other
meetings in my professional fields.
I'm also psychoanalyst; so you can imagine...what I want to tell about these differences!!!???
In Ghent I participated on the PERFORMANCE THEATER conducted by Eva Fahlström: I run; I
laughed, I teach, I played. So ... I had really a very good moment doing that; and is very familiar for me
too. I felt HAPPY, SPONTANEOUS AND CREATIVE organizing something with A GROUPE.
At the beginning I was also amazed about the amount of people in the big auditorium we were
more than 70th!!! Participating in the sociometry to know each other and of course promoting the
I participated also in a group during the -time work- about the "therapeutic factor of
psychodrama". I could also choose another important matter for me - in the psychodrama practice it was the "Research Committee" conducted by Gabriela Moita.
And in the middle of all that; I knew a lot of new colleagues; I said hello to old colleagues from all
my life specially ROBERTO DE INOCENCIO. I made a lot of emotional connections in different
moments all along the meeting.
So, I came to Paris with a lot of good feelings; most of all THAT I TAKE PART OF A BIG COMMUNITY,
Because, you know...being in my origin country Mexico I had a lot of colleagues,
I took part all the time at the -Iberoamericain congress of psychodrama-. I had my groups of
patients but also my groups of trainees, students in Mexico, city, Acapulco and Morelia.
I had my - play back theatre troupe - etc...
And I changed all this - little; but - big world - for me coming to France.
And I'M HERE...ready to follow...and happy to make links with you.
"Psychodrama needs to work harder to justify its existence" (Adam Blatner). And I'm ready to do it!
Thank you and see you in Belgrade!
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Name: Helsingin psykodraamainstituutti, Helsinki Psychodrama Institute
Address: Kuortaneenkatu 7, 00520 Helsinki, Finland
Phone: +35 898 770 670
E-mail: toimisto@ihmis.fi
Website: www.ihmis.fi
Director: Sirkku Aitolehti, Master of Theology, Psychodrama Trainer TEP
Representatives in FEPTO: Sirkku Aitolehti and Kirsti Silvola, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, TEP
1. Formal Structure: Official trademark of Ihmissuhdetyö ry (Association)
2. History: The Helsinki training started as part of the Finnish Moreno Institute and became an
independent institute in 1996. Founder Sirkku Aitolehti (CP in 1988). First primary trainers
were Sirkku Aitolehti and Harri Stenberg (CP in 1992); Kirsti Silvola (CP in 1991) joined in 2002.
All have had Marcia Karp as primary trainer for CP and have got their TEP diplomas from the
Nordic Board (Sirkku 1995, Harri 1997, Kirsti 1999). Important other trainers have been Zerka
Moreno, Anne Ancelin Schützenberger (France), Ella Mae Sharon (Germany), Riitta HiillosVuorinen (Finland), Warren Parry (Australia), Jonathan Fox (USA).
The institute has started a leader training
group every year. The largest group has
been 22 and smallest will be this year
with less than 10 students. The institute
gives out two diplomas: psychodrama
leader (toiminnallisen ryhmätyön ohjaaja
TRO) and psychodrama director CP
(psykodraamaohjaaja). CP training
groups have also started yearly since
1998 with 8-10 students. The Institute is
a member of the Nordic Board of
Examiners and thus gives also trainer
training. The trainers are members of Mopsi.
In 2008 the institute made a decision to create two separate training programs for clinical and
non- clinical orientations. The non-clinical started in 2009 both as basic training and as director
training. The clinical will start in 2011. Earlier the director training was psychotherapy oriented
and leader training was open to all applications.
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Students have always studied in ongoing training groups. Besides these the institute arranges
open workshops and seminars to all students: Summer seminar (many trainers, 40-50
students) and Moreno Days yearly together with Mopsi, Institute Day and Studia Generalia
also yearly, special seminars (2009 Moreno Seminar, bibliodrama seminar, trauma seminar).
3. Training curriculum
Psychodrama leader (Toiminnallisen
Ryhmätyön Ohjaaja, TRO)
Admission: University or other higher
level studies, two years practice in own
profession. Group interview.
200 hours self experience
500 hours in training group including
theory and method
100 hours supervised practice
13 psychodrama and group
psychotherapy books
Examination: 5 essays, a group
discussion with board of examiners
Hours: 800 hours + reading + examination
Psychodrama director CP
Admission: psychodrama leader diploma, application, individual interview
170 hours of self experience
170 hours of method
160 hours of theoretical seminars
12 psychodrama books
400 hours of practice
120 hours supervision
Examination: written test, thesis, two practical demonstrations
Hours: 1020+reading+examination
4. List of training staff
Primary trainers: Sirkku Aitolehti, master of theology, psychodrama trainer TEP
Kirsti Silvola, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, TEP
Other trainers: Henna Merikivi, psychologist, psychotherapist, TEP, Mari Rautiainen,
psychologist in doctor program, TEP, Reijo Rautiainen, social worker, CP
Matti-Pekka Virtaniemi, theologian in doctor program, psychodrama director CP
Assistant: Sinikka Korpiniitty, psychiatric nurse, CP
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5. Number of training groups in last 3 years
We have started 3 new leader training groups and 3 new director training groups within the
three last years. Thus we have had 3 leader groups and 4 director groups running each year.
6. Number of psychodramatists certified by the organization
The institute has certified 100 leaders and 24 directors. In the certification procedure we co
work with Mopsi.
7. Recommended by: We are recommended by Marcia Karp and Eduardo Verdu.*
8. Code of Ethics
We abide by the code of ethics of the Ethical Board of Psychodrama in Finland. The Ethical
Board is run by Mopsi, the Finnish Psychodrama Association and the Finnish Association of
Psychodrama Directors. The present chair person is Henna Merikivi.
* Letters of recommendation will be published in FEPTO Newsletter 10.1 February/March 2010
APRIL THE 5th 2009
There were some misunderstandings and questions on GA in Deinze about the work of Training
Committee of FEPTO. On the meeting of this Committee in Deinze the members of the Committee
started to clear up some of the questions and misunderstandings.
The important issue is that this work is not perceived as an individual than the group one. The idea is
to develop our thoughts on training and trainers through sharing and dialog. We are open for contributions of all who are interested in this topic.
Some people who were interested in work of this Committee joined the work in Deinze, some others
did not.
The meeting took place in Deinze/Ghent on April 5th 2009 with Zoran Djuric (chair), Einya Artzi, Anna
Chesner, Chantal Nève-Hanquet, Jana Segula and Sirkku Aitolehti (secretary).
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Here are the minutes recorded by Sirkku Aitolehti:
1. Zoran opened the meeting and stated that FEPTO´s concern in relation to training is moving
from minimal quantative training standards to quality of training.
2. Participants told the reason for attending the training committee meeting. The reasons were:
to acquaint with training of other institutes and FEPTO standards, to work on standards of
trainers, to share expertise and learn from each other, risking basic questions of training.
3. The frames of discussing quality were talked about. It was thought that quality of training can
be viewed at least from following angles:
♦ Content of training
♦ Trainer qualities and qualifications
♦ Didactics (including attention paid to individual, group and systems levels in training group)
1. We decided to start with discussion on the content and beginning from theory.
2. We agreed that
♦ The student needs to learn the basic concepts of Morenian philosophy and theories and
she/he needs to show evidence that he has started critically to engage with them and to
relate them to the psychodrama method.
♦ In the philosophy we included at least the concepts of the universals, Godhead, tele,
encounter and action.
♦ The theories include at least the theory on spontaneity and creativity, role theory and
3. We started to discuss sociometric skills. We agreed that sociometry needs to be introduced in
training both in theory and in practice. We did not yet agree at what level students need to
learn to use sociometric techniques.
4. We decided of the near future work of the committee:
♦ The communication of the committee takes place via email.
♦ There might be one committee meeting before next Fepto meeting.
♦ We continue to communicate with each other via mail on, what needs to be learned about
other theoretical frameworks and about the method.
To add that we are in email communication with others in FEPTO interested in training. The results of
this exchanging the information will be included in some future report.
Зоран Ђурић
(Serbian Cyrillic)
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The assembly has to decide on the issue: Minimal Training Standards.
A discussion about numbers and amounts of hours, wherever, resulted hardly in a satisfying decision.
Simply because of the neglecting of the only thing that counts:
That is: What is behind the numbers to which one dedicates his energy.
What is the quality of the required content?
So we propose to postpone a final discussion on quantity. Let us try firstly to find ways of getting
acquainted with the several possibilities of the filling in of the numbers. We give examples:
To compare with MTS criteria of FEPTO, there are in our institute 235 hours of self experience, 135 hours of
theory and techniques, 210 hours of training in conducting inside an advanced training group, 100 hours of
supervision, 108 hours of free choice, 355 hours of won supervise practice. Grand total is 1050 hours.
We filled in for supervision: 100 hours. The amount is correct. And still you know nothing. Please ask us:
what are you doing exactly?
We filled in: 135 hours of theory and techniques. Accepted; but what do you know?
Please ask us to explain: which theory? Which techniques? How long for each technique? How do you
teach and train them? Classic techniques and new ones?
How great would it be if we were able to develop a picture of what is going on in our institutes and
particularly how we can learn together.
Therefore we have two proposals:
1. Let us use this time now for an exchange in five groups about what we really do:
1st group: Self experience
2nd group: Theory and techniques
3rd group: Training in conducting
4th group: Supervision
5th group: Free choice
2. Let us commit ourselves to a deal
Once a year we will look over the hedge of one neighbour institute in a neighbouring country.
A kind of visitation, not to criticize but to levelling up both institutes by talking with each other, seeing one
another’s work and exchanging written materials. In the slipstream of the visit we hope there will be an
email contact until next FEPTO Assembly. There we make new deals with another neighbour.
In this way we start a process of continuing monitoring and heightening quality.
We think watching over quality is FEPTO´s main aim and responsibility. The numbers have only secondary
We can accept them temporary and after a few years we take the time to reconsider the numbers and the
quantitative formulated standards, enriched with some knowledge about the substance behind them.
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APRIL 5th 2009
The meeting took place in Deinze/Ghent on April 5th 2009 with Victor Debats, Stefan Flegelskamp,
Hilde Gött, Ina Hogenboom, Zoran Ilic, Ildikó Mävers and Hannah Salomé; Agnes Dudler could not
participate; minutes were taken by Hilde who stood in for Agnes.
Main topics: Evaluation of the LOC for 2009 and proposals for Belgrade 2010
The experience of the Local Organization Committee (LOC) from B and NL of this year's Meeting
and Conference was collected and gathered by Zoran. The LOC did a good job and tried to develop the
communicative structure between LOC and council. It was the first time in 2009 that not only the
formal organisation but also content and structure of the Annual Meeting was to be decided mainly
by the LOC in cooperation with the annual meeting chair/ council. The LOC of B and NL will give their
contracts and their communication forms to the new organizing committee from Belgrade.
The experience of the Dutch/Belgium Local Organising Committee from 2009:
♦ The organising committee was a large group of 10 people which sometimes was not so easy.
♦ The timetable they developed was important and will be translated from Dutch into English
during the next three weeks.
♦ Important is to fix a schedule with deadlines for special organizational tasks.
♦ It is good to choose a speaker and a secretary at the beginning.
♦ Two different subgroups were responsible for conference and meeting, and among them
♦ Responsibility was divided between those for the content and those for the frame
(accommodation, registration etc.)
♦ Successful was the correspondence through website and emails
Roles and functions of the members in the LOC were:
1. chairman – he kept close contact to the board – and signed the contract for the conference
and for the meeting
2. secretary – (3 persons) they were responsible for the timetable
3. the financer - did the budget and was in close cooperation with Chantal, the treasurer of
4. the PR group – they prepared everything for publishing on the website and did the
5. organiser of the social event
6. the programme planner
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The LOC experienced as helpful and positive:
♦ Making a reservation of the meeting place in advance
♦ Registration for early birds which started in October and ended January 15th (60% by then
registered) and no last minute reduction.
♦ Clear appointments with the management of De Cedar in written form.
♦ Meetings every month
♦ Communication with Jutta through Skype and Agnes came twice to NL.
♦ The board remains responsible for who is allowed to come as a guest, and the regulation
for who can be participant of the members.
There were some suggestions for the
next meeting in Belgrade*:
To leave more free time for encounter
especially to have no program in the
evening sessions.
To have topics like:
– Working with colleagues
– Contamination of small groups,
– Ethical questions
– Psychodrama in times of crisis
– Who shall survive?
– You can’t dim the darkness, but you
can turn on the light.
It was a good work in this group and all whished Zoran as the representative of the new LOC an
easy going organisation for our next conference and meeting in 2010 in Belgrade.
We will be happy to meet you next year in Belgrade.
* For more feedback and further suggestions see the evaluation of the Voices of Ghent (pp. 19)
Mansfeld-Löbbecke Stiftung. The organisation
will be a “gemeinnützige GmbH” (charitable
limited liability company). The directors will be
Werner Laufhütte and Jürgen Rabold and Helmut
Schwehm. They will continue the previous work
of the Moreno Institut Überlingen
The flourishing Mansfeld-Loebbecke Stiftung, which
is 175 years old will take over the Moreno Institut
Überlingen on 01.01.2010 The organization have
a Moreno Schule since several years, both
directors, three board members and many of the
educator-therapists being graduates of Moreno
Institut. While 175 years ago Dr. Med. Mansfeld
and Mrs. Löbbecke, wife of banker, started out to
relieve material needs of underprivileged
children, they now have houses in 11 towns
where children and adolescents with
mental, psychological, behavioural problems are
taken care of...
Grete Leutz
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1. It is a FEPTO member organisation (or a temporary organizing committee of member
organizations) that invites. It is not a person who invites. But what we call the "local"
organization delegates some persons, forming a local committee.
2. When the local organization invites FEPTO, they take the responsibility (work, manpower,
finances) to invite inside an in FEPTO usual maximum for hotel costs and registration fee and
to offer the needed facilities.
3. The local organization and FEPTO organize or better co-create the meeting together, but there
are differences in responsibility, the local organization being mostly the host for the event
during one week (but prepared during more than one year) and FEPTO being mostly in charge
of the professional, scientific and associational aspects of the meeting and the continuity.
4. As host, the local organization has the responsibility but asks the approval from FEPTO for:
♦ Conference Center with the needed conference rooms with the needed material for
presentation and an office with possibility of telephone, photocopy, PC for redaction and
printing, e-mail, and so on.
♦ Hotel, B&B, Catering Coffee or tea, biscuits, fruit juice.
♦ Social program, excursion, special dinner with local atmosphere, meeting of local
psychodrama societies. Also a social program for accompanying persons. Tours before or
after the meeting.
♦ A documentation file for each participant with the agenda of the meeting, list of
participants with their addresses, documentation about the country, the place and
neighbourhood, psychodrama in the country, the more scientific and organizational
documents given by FEPTO, tickets for meals, invitation for a reception. Also some paper
and a ball-point.
5. The local organizing committee is (since 2009) also in charge of the programme and the
organisation of the professional, scientific and associational meetings, which is to be
discussed with FEPTO (especially the AM-chair and -committee). The FEPTO-Council is in
charge of the GA and the voting with the help of the local organizing committee.
Guest persons at the meetings are invited by FEPTO. Scholarships are decided by FEPTO
and given from the 10% of the present registration fees and from the profit of previous
6. The necessary announcements are made by the host organization, but FEPTO gives advice and
reviews before printing. In the first announcement the local organization has to tell about the
country, the place (photo), environment, travel possibilities (train, taxi,.. from airport ) to
reach the place, conference and hotel facilities and about costs, inscription forms, modes of
payment, visas, ... to attract, tempt people to come to a foreign place
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FEPTO tells about the program, the theme of the meeting, the goals ... also to attract
The costs of the announcements have to be in the conference budget. Announcements in
FEPTO News are paid by FEPTO.
7. Finance. They are mostly about the host function, so the local organizing committee is responsible
to make the budget and the accounts. FEPTO has to introduce his planned costs (photocopies)
and 10% for scholarships in the registration budget. The profit goes for more scholarships the
next year.
Due to the limited numbers of participants and in respect of FEPTO Annual Meeting spirit and goals
we are proposing:
Each training institute can send 2 representatives and 1 more affiliates.
Each accrediting institute can send 1 representative and 1 more affiliate.
The local organizers can send two more participants.
The institutes/organizations decide who will be their representative for the FEPTO Annual
Meeting. To ensure a continuity of work and exchange it is advisable to have the same
representatives for some years.
♦ Psychodramatists who want to register for the FEPTO meeting, even if they have been
participant in previous meetings, have to be delegated by their institute/organization as
representative or as affiliate.
♦ The local organizers take it for granted that someone who registers is authorized by the
psychodrama training institute or accrediting organization she/he belongs to.
♦ The local organizers accept only the first four people of a training institute or the first two of
an accrediting institute. In case they receive more registrations than allowed by the
regulations, they notify the institute in order to get a decision.
The local organizers inform the FEPTO members of this procedure and announce that the participants
should be trainers or practitioners. This procedure will also be published in the next FEPTO News.
Students, practitioners and trainers are welcome to register for the FEPTO Post- or Pre-MeetingConference.
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♦ A guest is a participant of the FEPTO Annual Meeting who is invited by the Council to
represent an institute that is not yet a member of FEPTO or for another special purpose
(e.g. lecture).
♦ Representatives of candidate members or interested psychodrama training or accrediting
organizations can be invited by the council. According to the guidelines they need a
member of FEPTO being their “godfather” who introduces them as guests at the annual
♦ The local organizers have to check the invitation of a guest with the registration,
♦ The council has to give a copy of each invitation or a list of invited guests to the LOC
(Local Organizing Committee).
♦ And a guest has to send a copy of the invitation with the registration.
So if the LOC receives a registration of someone who is neither a representative nor an affiliate of a
member institute nor a founding member and has no invitation they have to refer the guest to the
council/AM chair for clarification.
GHENT 2009
Participants come for
Professional exchange of thoughts, questions, knowledge, ideas: 26. To meet friends, colleagues, to
strengthen and clear relations, for personal work, encounter with other institutes: 26. Represent my
institute: 13. To promote PD in Europe, participate in European and psychodramatic thinking, meet
international PD-people and be inspired by them, to understand psychodrama in Europe: 10. To build
up networks, to increase cooperation: 6. To become a member: 4. To experience and discover FEPTO:
3. Out of nostalgic feelings, because I enjoyed last one, to implement research, to go on and develop
the organization. (88 % have been more than satisfied; see table below)
Of the program there was/were specially appreciated
Neighbourgroups and working at least one whole day in the same group, which made deep work
possible and intensified exchange. That there came up many different important topics, to have the
possibility to work in a parallel working group: 22. That it was built from our needs, very well balanced
and organized, good rhythm through good combination of neighbour groups and large groups: 14.
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Warm up: Very good and respectful warm up – welcome ritual makes everybody visible as a person
with its own needs. Open space, building and rebuilding Tele in the large group, meeting of
neighbours, sociometrically chosen topics and groups and to have time to work in those groups. 15.
Group leading without competition. Especially mentioned: Large group led by Jan Lap, “death as a
teacher/ counsellor”, "PD-work with managers", “old age and death”, "PD-master course in
universities", "Research and Psychotherapy", "Peace and conflict resolution": 5. The social program
(excursion to Gent): 4. FEPTO theatre: 2. (92% were more than satisfied)
The pre-conference was very good, great lecture, intensive work on the issue of TELE: 4
"Extraordinary – almost best
experienced." More than 93% of
the participants appreciated the
atmosphere as: very very good,
loving, careful, helpful, friendly,
happy and calm, constructively,
"neighbourhoodly" and open,
loved the familiarity, Tele,
warmth, creativity, spontaneity,
the understanding and
peacefulness, that people were
interested in each other, the good
mixture of serious work and fun,
leisure time and meeting time in a
perfect mix. "Thanks! I felt that
always somebody cared for us."
"Perfect – what else you need?" "Lovely flowers in all rooms." Cordial as usual in FEPTO. "Laughter,
communication, wonderful." The dance gives a beautiful atmosphere and space of co-creation. Above
expectation: open, without competition. It made possible a lot of exchange, personal and
professional. The LOC contained and gave a good frame, which supported a very good atmosphere,
people felt welcome with friendliness and warmth.
The Accommodation
was not appreciated by few participants: 3., but 86 % were more than satisfied, especially that it was
a good price, had comfortable, large and clean rooms with bathrooms, liked the large meeting room
and that everything took place in one building: 21. Also the service was experienced as friendly,
warm, calm, helpful: 9. Critical voices: It was too far from the airport/ station/ city, the beds
uncomfortable, a bit chilly, missing a place for sitting together and be noisy after midnight. The food
was not appreciated by everyone; some missed vegetables, salad and fruits. Also more places with
access to the internet should be there: 7. The fresh air, the garden, a lot of space and good
surrounding was mentioned by 5. To accept each country possibility was asked for.
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The General Assembly
Less members were enthusiastic about this year's GA, but still there was a lot of appreciation for the
good preparation of the board with a clear agenda, that it was well structured (most of the assembly)
and the voting very well organized; members liked the transparency, clarity, efficiency, simplicity of
procedures and the committees reports, sitting in semicircles and that there was a team of
facilitators. Everybody was listened to, trying to find solutions instead of arguing dogmatically, a
democratic atmosphere of working together constructively, with honesty and openness: 6.
Many members missed a break, became tired, found it too many topics, too many committees. Some
would prefer to have the GA in the morning, some to have it shorter, others longer. There were
suggestions to divide the GA into 2 or 3 parts, "1 hour each morning": 1. new institutes, 2.
committee’s reports, 3. by-laws voting. More time for discussion of proposals in small groups and of
the committee work was missed. Some had difficulties to identify the Board and its information. The
Committee meetings must be before the GA.
The Information before and during
the Meeting
Especially the new website ("fantastic!")
was appreciated very much. Few people
were not content with the information
before the meeting, but almost all were
very satisfied or even enthusiastic about the
work done by the LOC during the meeting:
Outstanding – transparent. The LOC did an
excellent work, friendly and efficient. The
bellman, which helped to keep the time
structure, the announcements, welcoming
of new people, programs hanging on the
walls and a lot more.
With the program book
96 % were more than satisfied, thought it very helpful and professionally made, humorous and
colourful, liked the introduction of the LOC-members also by photos and the complete list of the
What would you do differently?
9 members answered: Nothing, it was good, great, no change. 7 want to finish not so late in the
evening to have more time for encounter. As usual many suggestions contradict each other: to have
longer breaks at lunchtime and have more time for work, to have more time in small groups and for
committee work and in the plenary, f.e. to have a large group three times a day, to make the AM a
day longer or shorter (Sunday free). Some wish the large group and the warm up to be led by more
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different people and the large group in a more open process. There was a warning not too have so
many new groups instead of more intervision; more theoretical, methodical and didactical topics.
Many suggestions were made to change the GA or concerning the meeting place, see above.
Suggestions for Topics
Psychodramatic work with political questions like crisis and financial crash, developing hope and
peace: 8. Training in psychodrama: quality more than MTS, special developments in training, teaching
theory, settings, dealing with clients, diagnostic, exchange how to train students to become
psychodramatists for clinical, pedagogical, organisation, theatre work, etc.: 6. Ethics, prepare and
work with the proposal from the Ethical Committee 3. Research, introduction of the research
program: 3. “market of different styles + techniques”, methodology and techniques 2. Psychodrama –
sociodrama: differences and common aspects. Creative experiences in new fields of psychodrama.
Psychodrama with children in a group. Working with managers. PR for psychodrama. Art and PD.
Between spontaneity and creativity and concept. Isotimia, how to make our envy creative. More
about transcultural work. Therapeutic process in PD. Let it come out of the warm up. To connect the
past in Belgrade to the present. There was a warning not to become a "workshop conference with
themes, as we have our FEPTO Charta".
Further requests
What would you like to happen or do yourself in the next meeting?
The same structure is perfect. Continue this process of group work – maybe some new topics,
possibility to participate in 2 different groups in sequence. Go on with sharing of thoughts and
experiences and networking in small groups. 7. A structure for education of us trainers, where “we”
can share how we have worked up to now. Sharing, hearing experiences about training. 2. More
large groups. Space and time to discuss proposals before the GA. Go on with this year groups: a)
universities and masters b) management/organisations: 2, PD in psychotherapy. Demonstrate
directing styles in different fields. Task force for peace program, more intervision, Social Dreaming
Matrix. Written reports from committees and small groups organized around that. Continue the
process and than it might be possible to write articles. Taking more care for each other. Continuous
presence of the participants.
Real endless dancing nights.
Quality and price of the Annual Meeting
The fee should not rise. Only 14 people would accept a higher fee, others: I don’t want a higher price,
with 800-1000 € per year for FEPTO it is high enough. No higher fee! FEPTO has money enough! As
long as there are enough people (89) we need not to raise the fee. Keep it cheap and simple! Maybe
we need to talk open about how it is not to have money.
Quality: Accept each countries possibility. De Cedar quality was good enough! 3. Single room with a
WC. Equal rooms for everyone, clean, warm water, shower ensuit, heating when necessary; clean,
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quiet and a place where we will not bother others at night. 2. Food: More salads. Simple is good
enough, but breakfast, lunch and light dinner, please. This is the only one that could be better.
Was OK 2. Vegetarian 3. Local, eatable - for vegetarians and others; more vegetables, fruit and light
food; real food and not sandwiches at lunchtime.
Meeting rooms: 1 large room and 3 to 5 small rooms with light and window 2, large enough for
movement, beamer, flip charts; a good microphone system for large groups. Enough places with
access to internet.
Table of values from the VOICES given by participants of the
Annual Meeting in Ghent 2009
more than satisfied
above expectation
no. of
1. Reason to come
2. Content of the
3. Program- book
4. Accommodation
5. General
6. Information
before the meeting
7. Information
during the meeting
more than satisfied: above expectation
fulfilled: 271
8. Atmosphere
Total number of
Number of
answers per group
0.7 %
1 - 4: 35 = 8.6%
1 - 5: 55 = 13.6%
Agnes Dudler May 25th 2009
5 - 10: 370 = 91.4 %
6 - 10: 350 = 86.4 %
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2012 OR 2013
Considerations to help finding a decision
It has long been the spirit in FEPTO to encourage member organisations to host the annual
meeting. As FEPTO continues to evolve so the task of hosting the meeting has also expanded. We
thought that it might be helpful to share some experiences of former organization committees to give
an idea, what the organisation of our annual meeting is like.
From our early beginning of informal meetings of the small group of founding members we now
have each spring: 2 days of Council meeting, 5 days of the Annual Meeting and a 2 day post
conference. And the number of participants keeps growing, which is a great success but means more
work for the hosts.
So please take some time to consider if your organisation / country is ready to volunteer. There is
much work for no pay but potentially great satisfaction.
Institutes who would like to submit a proposal for years 2011, 2012 or 2013 can do it directly to
Agnes Dudler, Chair of Annual Meeting Committee: agnes@dudler.org
The following criteria are what we have collected from former experiences in our Council to be
helpful for the decision and preparation to host an annual meeting.
Previous experience at organising conferences or professional events
Opportunity to co-operate with other local institutes
Possibility for a good venue
Cost considerations
♦ Flights
♦ Accommodation
♦ Excursion
5. Awareness of the need to work together with FEPTO council representative
6. Good English skill (the accepted language of FEPTO)
7. Awareness of the financial risk for both FEPTO and Local Organisation Committee (LOC)
8. Ability to provide a provisional budget
9. Accepting of FEPTO guidelines to host this event
10. Acceptance of Ethical Guidelines of FEPTO
11. Time for the communication tasks
12. Be prepared to write a report of the experience for FN
13. Awareness that this task is voluntary
These surely are many points and some of them may seem obvious, but after evaluating the
experience of last year's hosts it may be helpful to have an impression what is needed.
We will be happy to receive your proposal to host FEPTO one of the next years.
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I was just at the 2nd International Sociodrama Conference
entitled The Shadows of Society. There were about 130 of us. It
was organised by Swedish Monica Westberg and Kirstein and
team. They did a fine job. We took a ship from Stockholm to
Helsinki, Finland. There was cracked ice on the water all the
way, glistening in the sun or in the moonlight, as the
archipelagos sailed by. Quite magical to see. Before the
conference about 20 of us went to dinner at a wonderful fish
restaurant in Stockholm. Peter Kellermann was there and for a
peace meeting of FEPTO. He just lost his mother in Jerusalem.
He was in Stockholm to see us and to see his brother to settle
the estate of his mother. He didn't feel like a conference so
didn't come on the boat with us but returned Israel the next
day. He told me about a TV show he did on Israeli - TV working
with three generations of Holocaust survivors. It was very
touching. He used psychodrama to have the generations
express to each other what has been hidden for years. They were all up for it. He didn’t like the stress
of putting it together, so he says he won't do it again for that reason. Even though, it got good
My roommate on the ship and in Helsinki hotel, where we had two more days of sociodrama with
the Finns, was Monica Zuretti from Argentina. The last time we roomed together was in Cattolica,
Italy at a conference called Psychodrama: one Method, Many Styles. 22 years before. She couldn't
sleep. Kept talking. I suggested, get o from our beds, reverse roles and she go to sleep in my role, and
bed, and I in hers. It worked. She went to sleep. But I laid up hours, worrying! The memory made us
laugh. We had seen each other many times since, but not been able to spend so much time together
as 5 days. It was delightful. She, like me, was trained by the Moreno’s in Beacon and we always have a
lot to catch up on and laugh about.
We worked together as co-directors for a workshop at the Institute of Group Analysis, London with
Freud's oil painting in the 80's. It was with a big group. Good memory of trust and camaraderie in our
co-direction. Our two countries had been at war just months before.
At the sociodrama conference, it included people from South Africa, Manuela Maciel and others from
Portugal; Jorge Burmeister and Natacha Navarro from Granada; Mauricio Gasseau and son David from
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Italy; Judith Teszáry and Eva Fahlström from Sweden; as were many others, Jutta Fürst and Dr.
Suzanne (Kunz) and Johannes (Krall) from Austria, and from all over the world.
My contribution was a workshop entitled, "Am I Nothing or Am I God? Choose Universality and
Responsibility - But at What Price? The Therapy of Relationships and Moreno's Moral Philosophy
including time, space, reality, surplus reality, cosmos and the concept of the Godhead. “We worked
between sociodrama and psychodrama. From one to the other. Exciting.
Marie Bergman, from Stockholm, a psychodramatist, sang wonderful, free and powerful songs to us
and showed us physically, and emotionally, how to release our voices.
During the conference from March 6-8 we heard sociodramatic statements from various people.
Statements like:
"If we don't live like brothers and sisters, we will die like idiots." D. Tutu
Moreno's statement, "The true subject of sociodrama is the group."
"In reconciliation work we don't ask the reason why."
"There has to be emotional appraisal and cognitive recognition of each situation."
"Imagination is a dream-like statement, thinking without structure and allowing yourself to dream."
“Conflict management is an outdated term. Conflict can't be managed. It can be transformed;
therefore Conflict Transformation is a better title for the work."
"The spontaneity level is a good way to get through the resistance or block."
There were workshops and plenaries including the following:
– Sociatry and the Art of Reconciliation;
– How Do We Create Enemies?
– Socio-psychodrama: The Social Matrix and Role Theory; Dynamic Theater – the Drama of Life
and Community;
– Sociodrama of the Aged and Process of Growing Older;
– Cross Cultural Encounter: The Use of Sociodrama in Employment Centers;
– Restorative Dialogues and Sociodrama;
– Social Dreaming Matrix;
– The Sociodrama of Friendship;
– Moreno's Theories and Conflict Resolution: The Third Place and many more interesting workshops.
It was a great conference. Eero, Jarmo and others organised the Helsinki part of the conference. We
had Playback Theater from the Finnish Playback Group conducted by Paiivi Ketonen. Jeanne Berger
was the only American participant and presented a sociodrama workshop which included the Triangle
of the Victim, Perpetrator and Onlooker. She then went on to Romania to do a workshop.
The next morning, after the conference, about 20 of us went to the Grande Hotel in Stockholm. On its
sunny Veranda, we had coffee and drinks. It is an elegant, old- world environment. With reverent
tones by a hotel employee from Copenhagen, with only a few at a time, we were shown the suites of
the Nobel Prize winners, who reside at the Hotel each year when the prizes are given out at the
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Stockholm City Hall. They used to be given at the Grande Hotel. Former winners' photos decorate the
walls and halls of the suites. Some winners get one million dollars to continue their work in research
or their special projects. The Nobel Peace Prize is given in Oslo. Both are given in December each year.
It was a nice way to end a sociodrama experience, to honor those who have given to the community
and to society, in one way or another.
I wish you all could have been there.
Marcia Karp
"I have to leave all of a sudden and am not prepared."
Organized by SZENEN- Institut für Psychodrama, Bonn took place from May 8th -9th 2009 in RemagenRolandseck (near Bonn, Germany). Goal was to use and experience with sociodrama to explore actual
social and political questions. As the ecological and financial crisis arouses a lot of fear and resignation
we put the social dreaming into the centre of the conference to give our co-unconscious and vision a
good chance, with Maurizio Gasseau as special guest.
We started after a first warm-up with the question: "In what did I engage with enthusiasm?” which
brought a lot of personal and political engagements up on stage, was joyful and inspired to go on. A
vivid open space followed collecting, "What makes me suffer at the moment" and sociometrically
formed groups with the topics:
– Alienation through growing bureaucracy even for little everyday things
– Growing insecurity of roles and choices
– Money and cole: politicians decide against the necessity of people and nature
– No time for growth and ripening, everything has to be ready at once
– Schools as places of crime against education and children.
After exploring and sharing personal and professional experiences the groups created a scene and
brought it on stage: A kaleidoscope of what makes us suffer, how we are part of this, and what
happens if we stop and do something else.
To "Stand up and lift your voice" needs empowerment: after dinner there was some time to work
with breath, movement and the voice, and finally we learned two songs, a traditional political song of
the democratic movement of 1848 in Germany, and a peace roundabout to be sung at the end of the
Saturday morning we started with the Social Dreaming Matrix, which was run by Maurizio Gasseau
and afterwards the dreams were enacted on stage, which helped to understand the social
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implications very immediately: Being left alone; having to part and to say good bye; waiting for
examination without being prepared; a light meant to help turns into a destructive ghost; holding on
to a machinery which leads to deathly exhaustion; letting go leads into light and liberation; feeling
guilty for having given up (religious) traditions; wishes for mother or grandmother to help and protect
us, to forgive us, to show us, what to do.
To most participants it was new to work with the social and collective meaning of dreams. It helped to
understand a lot, how we experience the momentary situation of the world, which led to a clearer
view, feeling connected and encouraged. 40 psychotherapists, teachers, counsellors, pastors, social
workers, mothers and fathers, men and women, young (27) and old (73) got in contact with
themselves and each other and were inspired and encouraged to go on. A good and confirming
experience. Thanks to all.
The St. Louis Conference was intimate but
small. The new Executive Council is working very
hard and the management team hired by the
ASGPP was stellar in offering recommendations
for the resolution of ASGPP organizational issues.
The status reminds me of the presence of Shiva,
the deity in the Hindu tradition that represents
both the force of creation and the force of
destruction. Shiva is that aspect of the Godhead
that represents a coming apart and something
new emerging. The autumn follows the summer;
spring follows the winter. A relationship ends and
something new emerges in one’s life. Sickness
and death happens and a new birth begins. And
so it might be with the ASGPP. With a declining
membership and attendance at conferences, Life
is showing the ASGPP, the conserve, a mirror - a
reflection of what it has become. Our capacity to
look and see that mirror in a way that evokes the
force of creativity is an opportunity arising.
We know from Moreno there are two sociatric
forces at play and being revealed: the
sociodynamic effect and the social-organic unity
of humankind. This is our task: the renewal of the
social-organic unity and the reversal of the
sociodynamic effect. This reflects humanity’s
awakening to and a dedication toward the
Intelligence that animates all life and form,
rather than to an attachment to form itself.
Behind the clinical method we know of, there is a
modern day Mystery School no longer a mystery,
with Sociatry realized as codes and formulas for
humanity’s regeneration and renewal. The IAGP
Granada Summer Academy, a model for deep
learning, and our European colleagues, have
much to share with us in the creation, rebuilding
and renewal of our organization. We are
pioneers as Moreneans, for the benefit of all of
humankind, at this critical time in human history.
I welcome hearing from you!
This organizational moment reflects a similar
time in American life as well, a sociatric
microcosm of the process of a regeneration of
Edward Schreiber, TEP, Director Zerka T.
Moreno Foundation for Training, Research &
Education Amherst, Massachusetts USA
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Dear FEPTO Friends
It's a good pleasure for me to present you shortly...a wonderful "FEPTO result”: The Symposium on
Myths, Fairy tales, Legends and Dreams, that I' coordinate in the Rome IAGP Conference 2009 for 4
As you can see a lot of historical FEPTO friends...are present...and they gave me a really deep
inspiration and support in preparing the Symposium...coming from my experience as FEPTO Founding
Member, past Member of the Board and Editor of the FEPTO Newsletter...
I take this wonderful opportunity that my warm friend Horatiu gave me through FEPTO Newsletter to
say "Thanks a lot from the deep of my hearth…to you all and to the "Psychodramatic Vitamins"...we
shared in all these years…”
Wilma Scategni
Myths, Fairy tales, Legends, Dreams…Bridges behind the conflicts - the work in groups through
images, symbolic paths and sharing stories
The cadenced, repetitive and periodic rhythm that marks the holding of individual analysis and the
a group session evokes an image of the cyclical nature of ritual experience. Rituals often serve to relate
the sacred mythical world of the Gods, of the origins to the world of everyday experience.
Rituals recreate short time - the connection between earth and heaven and between the gods and
the people, in other words the feeling of the deep meaning of our own existence. The passage from
one type of reality to another is extremely delicate and has all the features of an initiatory experience.
Something similar it happens in every “initiatory passage” of the life, connected with birth, growing,
pregnancy, death.
On the other hand, initiation sanctions the entrance of an individual into the social group to which
he or she belongs. In these time easily fosters the blooming of initiatory images in dreams, in
material belonging to the everyday life. These “initiatory symbolical images” are the same that we
can frequently find in Myths, legends, fairy tales and dreams.
In the 3 days Symposium the “Lectures “ of the participants, will examine the interaction of
individual analysis and group work, as well as the group process in the social group, regarding
these themes.
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Could this give us a good possibility for managing the conflicts in groups? Can the expression of
images and archetypal transcultural symbols help us to contain and limit the destructive power of
the conflicts? In which ways we can use them as “instruments of work”? What are the experiences
in progress in an international environment?
Will we be able to found flexible theoretical resources to work in transcultural contexts and train
operators for the conflict areas in the world?
Short curriculum vitae: Wilma Scategni, Psychiatrist,
IAGP Individual Member. Staff Member Granada IAGP
Academy, Founding Member FEPTO, IAAP (Int. Ass for
Analytical Psychology). Member and Training Analyst,
AGAP Zurich), Member and Docent IAGP Member:
COIRAG, Found. Member and past President APRAGI,
APRAGIP, Pres. GAJAP. Past Responsible Public.
Psychiatric Unit in National Health Service. Individual
and Groups Analyst. Group trainer in transcultural
context in different European Country and in
Argentina. Editor of the review “Anamorphosis –
Group Analytical Psychology and Psychodrama”.
Books, essays and articles published in many different countries. wilma.scategni@fastwebnet.it
Connections in Roma IAGP Conference 2009:
Presentation in the Panel of Social Dreaming coordinated by Maurizio Gasseau
Gong Shu (USA/China)
Yi Shu: Psychodrama Encountering Chinese
Mela Catherine, M D (Athens, Greece)
The “Theogony” of Group Models in Greek
Mythology: Their discrimination (nuclear, small,
median, large) and their dynamic interaction
Rosalia Billeci (Catania, Italy)
Di Donne...di Dee…un incontro di teatro di Psicosociodramma...
Gods and women: a psychosociodramma Theatre
Enrico Reo (Verona, Italy)
Jason and Medea The alien who lies within us The social conflict against the diversity
Terenzio Formenti (Brescia, Italy)
A new clepsydra of the life between past, present
and future and the harmonization of the conflicts
between rational consciousness and cosmic
Marie Louise Mitterer-Gerche (Munich,
“I am longing for a happy return home“(Odyssey,
Homer). Large group processes – a journey into
the unknown: Large groups from a group
dynamics’ perspective
Phyllis F. Cohen (New York, USA)
The Value of Fantasies and Myths in the Therapy
Galabina Tarashoeva (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Orpheus and Dionysus – The impossible harmony
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Fairy tales, Legends
Maria Pezone-Maddalena Cinque (Napoli, Italy)
L'asino d'oro
The Donkey of Gold
Nellie Visantiadou-Parintas (Tessaloniki, Greece)
The dream of becoming a good enough
negotiator in everyday life situations
Horatiu Nil Albini (Cluj-Napoca, Romania),
Jutta Fürst (Hall, Austria)
On the top of the tower - upon the grave of life
Donata Miglietta (Alessandria, Italy)
Il sogno nelle cose ultime
Irene Henche Zabala (Madrid, Spain)
Los Cuentos Clásicos. El conflito y la lucha contra
los adversarios. (Desde Los Siete Cabritillos y el
Lobo a la Bella y la Bestia.)
Stefano Maria Cavalitto (Torino, Italy)
The dream of a communication besides the
conflicts: the publishing experience as a bridge
Il sogno della comunicazione al di là dei conflitti:
l’ editoria come ponte
Maite Pi (Gerona, Spain)
Nightmares, “walking with wolves”
Psychotherapeutic work with children
Marcia Karp (London, United Kingdom)
The fantasies of the personality disordered and
borderline patient, discovered in psychodramatic
Jean Burger (USA)
The Courage to Dream Again
Il coraggio di sognare di nuovo
Chiara Palazzo De Marino (Italy)
“Panta Rei”. Psicodramma nell’aqcua
“Panta Rei” Water Psychodrama
Psychodramatist, Psychotherapist, Trainer COIRAG. Professor of Group Dynamics, University of Aosta.
Co-coordinator FEPTO Task Force for Peace and Conflict Resolution. Co-chair 17th IAGP Congress.
Build IAGP Psychodrama Section World Committee with Manuela
Maciel, Sue Daniel, Judith Teszáry, Michael Wieser and others
from different continents.
Regional Congress
Psychodrama Network
Research in Psychodrama
Discussion list
IAGP Projects with UN and NGO’s
Maurizio Gasseau CV in FEPTO Newsletter 9.2 supplement, pp. 9.
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Jan. 22-26 Australian and New Zeeland Psychodrama Association (ANZPA)
Dunedin, New Zeeland: Social Atom Repair in Ourselves and Social Repair in our
Feb. 20-22 Swedish Moreno Insitute - Stockholm, Sweden
A New Day Begins!
March 5-8
Local sociodramatists from Sweden and Finland - Boat on the Baltic Sea
II. International Congress of Sociodrama Conference: Shadows of Society
March 14
Instituto de Relationes Humanas Vitoria Gasteiz, Escuela de Psicodrama
Sociodrama y Dinámica de Grupo “Z.T. Moreno” - Vitoria Gasteiz, Spain
Siguiendo a Momo…la creatividad del caos
March 26-30 American Society for Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama (ASGPP)
St. Louis, Missouri: 67th Annual Conference
Invitation to Encounter - Meet me in St. Louis
March 30-31 FEPTO - Ghent, Netherlands: 4th FEPTO Conference
Tele in Psychodrama
April 1-5
FEPTO - Ghent, Belgium: 17th FEPTO Annual Meeting
Working with your Neighbours
April 30
May 3
Ecuadorian Association of Psychodrama and Sociometry/ Venezuelan
School of Psychodrama - Quito, Ecuador
VII. Ibero-American Congress of Psychodrama/IV. Ecuadorian Congress of Psychodrama Gathering in the Center of the World
May 8-9
Szenen - Rolandseck, Germany: Szenen von Krieg und Frieden
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Jun. 26-28 British Psychodrama Association - Glasgow, Scotland
Dreams, Myths and Reality: Psychotherapy and Social Change
Aug. 24-29 IAGP together with COIRAG (Italy) - Rome, Italy
17th Congress of the International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group
Processes: Groups in a Time of Conflict
Sept. 10-13 Institute for Psychodrama - Fruška Gora, Serbia
The 8th Cross-Cultural Psychodrama Training Days
Sept. 10-13 Psychodrama Insitut für Europa (PIfE) - Vilnius, Lithuania
10th International Conference: Boundless Dimensions
Oct. 15-17 Asociación Española de Psicodrama (AEP) - Bilbao, Spain
24th National Meeting of AEP: The Psychodrama as Catalyzer of Conflicts
Oct. 30
Nov. 1
Romanian Association of Classical Psychodrama (ARPsiC)
Psychodrama Society “J.L. Moreno” (SPJLM) - Brasov, Romania
2nd Psychodrama National Conference: Psychodrama in the Society. From Conflict to
As poet said: “Ima nešto u tom što me nećeš... “
“There is something in that you don’t want me…”
In prehistoric times, Celts gave to Belgrade name “Singidunum”, means white stone. Looked from far,
Singidunum is whitening the eye of spectator: white sandstone hills under rivers Danube and Sava.
During the Roman Empire, Singidunum was an important station on Via Egnatia, the ancient highway
between Rome and Black Sea.
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When Slavs came to Balkan in the 7th century, they made war with the Celts and with the Romans.
After they reversed roles with them, different others, they stayed together. Slavs gave Singidunum
the name Beograd, means White Town.
Beograd on Danube and Sava was always on the border.
In the Roman times, river Danube and Beograd were on the border line between Roman Civilization
and Wildness.
In the Christian times, Beograd was on the border line between Catholic West and Orthodox East.
During centuries of Ottoman domination, Beograd was on the border line between Muslim and
Christian world.
When Ottoman Muslims had gone, Beograd took the position on border line between Orthodox Serbs
and Catholic Austro-Hungarians.
These are the reasons you can find different layers of cultural and psychological influences people in
Beograd had taken over during history.
When you come to Beograd, you can see East
and West, North and South, something on the
border line. On the crossroad of cultures,
religions and nations, you can see people
from the border line, not borderlines, but
border liners. If you are German, Hungarian,
Romanian, Bulgarian, Russian or Turk, you
can find your people and culture in Beograd.
If you are from former Yugoslavia, you can
find your near past and family you (don’t)
want, but don’t be afraid, relax, history is
going in different course this time.
When you see people, men and women of Belgrade and Serbia, they would look like you, no matter
where you come from. They look like some of you and also like people who are different from you,
sometimes strange. This is an Encounter on the Border line, Beograd is once a clear mirror, sometimes
mirror that gives distorted reflection.
Geographically, Beograd is not on the border any more. Culturally, the borders are still in people,
between Orthodox and Catholic world, regular Mittel Europe and irregular Serbs and Balkans.
And a little change in Edie Grant’s song:
“O mamma mamma you got me, living on the border line…”
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What would you do if I sang out of tune?
Would you stand up and walk out on me?
Lend me your ears and I'll sing you a song
And I'll try not to sing out of key.
Oh, I get by with a little help from my friends.
Mm, I get high with a little help from my friends.
Mm, I'm gonna try with a little help from my friends.
First Call for a
FEPTO Songbook
Dear neighbours, singers, listeners,
songbirds and join in singers!
As we could experience again in
Ghent, there is a great treasure of
songs and a great interest and joy
to sing together. Talking about this
topic with Loes and Hannah (of the
LOC) arose the idea to create a
FEPTO Songbook...
This can be done only with your
So please send your favourite
song(s) or those which might be
good to sing together with text and
notes to
Agnes Dudler either by mail to: agnes@dudler.org or traditionally to
Meckenheimer Allee 131, D-53115 Bonn.
If possible we will also try to have them on CD.
Looking forward to receive your songs
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Content for FEPTO Newsletter 9.3
 Classical psychodrama in French-speaking
 First time in a FEPTO meeting
 Belgrade Conference and AM program
 Presentation of Belgrade Psychodrama Center
 Psychodrama in Serbia
 Institutes to be voted in Belgrade
 Psychodrama events in Europe
 New books of psychodrama
 10 years ago, information, photos
The Magic Treasure Chests
Middelkerke report
Committee chairs reports
Ghent FEPTO Conference
Ghent Voices
Provisory minutes of GA
FEPTO Newsletter 9.2
Many thanks to all those who have contributed to this
Newsletter: Jutta Fürst, Agnes Dudler, Pierre Fontaine, Marie
Madeleine Nyssens, Leandra Perrotta, Hilde Gött, Carolina
Becerril Maillefer, Celia Scanlan, Jan Lap, Marjorie Streur,
Peter John Shouten, Loes Stolker, Sirkku Aitolehti, Zoran
Djuric, Yaacov Naor, Grete Leutz, Marcia Karp, Edward
Schreiber, Wilma Scategni, Maurizio Gasseau, Gabriela
Moita, Pierre Nève, Chantal Nève Hanquet, Adam Blatner,
Dana Dragoteanu, Göran Högberg, Norbert Apter.
Registration procedure
Psychodrama Events
Invitation for Belgrade
FEPTO Songbook
Members of the Newsletter Committee:
ELISABETH LOISON APTER (Switzerland), elisabeth.loisonapter@odef.ch
NORBERT APTER (Switzerland), norbert.apter@odef.ch
HILDE GÖTT (Germany), hildegoett@t‐online.de
WILMA SCATEGNI (Italy), wilma.scategni@fastwebnet.it
PETER JOHN SCHOUTEN (Netherlands), peterjohn@psychodrama.nu
Chair: HORATIU NIL ALBINI (Romania), horatiu.albini@live.com
Photos: courtesy of PIERRE NÈVE, and HORATIU NIL ALBINI