WA G t iK] ffi ,V T(0IJGU 6. ffi ffi'.1ys WOODSIDEIS ?FFICIAL ?L|BLICATION 0F T,{r COUNTRY GERiUAN SfIEPIiERD JULY 1989 MUSIC 00G CIUS 0F ST. LOtlIS, INC. WOODSIDE' S COUNTRY MUSIC I'WILLIEII llIF b. Southwestern Region Irrecl Schrnidtke BOF Western B.egion E Canada Marfon Lawrence !{D 5 Point l"lajor F GSDC of Brf Lish Columbia Sarn Lawrence. Ch Heart Breaker of Bob-Llm Ror'! s€l ch woodacre's Dakota ROll (Litt€r of 5 chanPlons! ch Glngcr Afe of Bob-LYn ROU ctr cow ruck€r Hill's alght stuff (Lltter of tl ctranplons) covy Tucker HIll'B sinderella s€l ch Stuttgrrt'3 RoM ch cow-fuckcr Hlll'8 Hot Legg Gv Ch Rlo Atnlcan vall.'s Nestla'a crunch Rol{, RoMc s€I ch wood8lde'a Neetle Qulk v llerwratyn ll'yllne,s Alisa v Woodside (Sister to ch Drren & can Can Ch Woodside Ch Asia) can ctr Woodalde'a Indigo sundancc Kld Roll Chclscy v Windlglll scl can ch vloodsld.'g Che chl v Wlndigall shar Mac's DaPPle v Pronren Hlll Thanks to Caren Walters - Cedar Kennels of Canada, Frank Douwes - Omega Kennels of Washington, and Joyce Gray = Grauenhof Kennels of Illinois for havLng faith in this excltlng young dogl I OI^INER: Karen l{ynek P.O. Box 125 Florissant, 314-s2t-7 27 MO 6 STUD FEE: $:OO 63032 BC and Culture Requlred Rot'lc THE !'AG-NrT0NGUE Is rHE ?FFtcrAL puBLrcATrlN 0F THE 9ER1\IAiIJ SffEPHERD D)c C|UB 0F ST. Lt)ilIS, INC. EDITIR: ?A?HNF. SZCZUKA The- 7:unpo69 o-{, the e.&tb od punebned Gennan tha!,(- be.to encounaqe 'a,t(.ancl pnomate..the brce6ingt D.oqt avld to do ltot'ai.b.(.e to bitng t|te.Li .Shephend c1.ua-(Lt-Le's.to .to .Lulge membent anct- bneectei-tZ aeeep.t ry*u^+t .pot(ee.tion, .tlrc ttandand ol..the bnee.d cu adop.ted bit tlti cun^o" slrcnli,zi OoJ ctit-'06 appnov.ed bq .the ^and bt1 wtuiett-the AnreiLean Kennz(- ciia a,s tie ii,t i.'tanctcncl zxee!-(.ence Ga'ma.n s.trcphencl Doj .thiu-b; To rro a'LL in i-t^,s pouten to ptto.tee,t ancl arlva.nei it u-intuttz6t olirr{i"i. .tlrc bneert-- bt1enectunag.(ng1 ,sponttmanahiyt. eo.mpe.tiLion at dogl ,show, obeiienie }tt.tats', 'ry:l:n9.,.!qu to aLd wLth evenl podtibie- means in d.emotu.Ltwrincr if* Gutnan Shenhznd Dogt' ectvttrsieuou,s' a-bili.tieA aa eompawLon, Rectthe Cio,so, ooel, anct-aid;-i;;i;; ttri su'i,i,--t;' cinctuct lf.?.:", fe4{ns, \q"*6 6ltot06, obedLenee-.t'tia.Ls, demoratlta.tiont, -eti. unden the'nu(-e,s-ri ii; Ameniean Kennel Chtb, _to pubLi,sh tttenitwru-nni penLodieiLi-7n- tlrc intene's't o{ .the- Gs,nnan Shenlrcnd 0og. Th,Ls clttb itrntt na.t be eoncluctec[ o.n- o.peza'tzd (on ytrc(i,t on rcnainclot on n-etidue {nom a"J ii'-LonaLLou. _a to the c-Lub ahat(. irune to trte bene{Lt o6 inu ien6on" oi inuviauat. *******************************************i*********rr**************** AmenLea o{ hzld zvetttl month on the tbUtc{ FnLclatt, exeelt.t and Deeenbett lAniu.rt- ct*ini^ iiiiLi The meating yttage i,s the wei*,"uooi-ReurcaLton cewilJ-,^tz50s cLub meet'i-t!9a an9 leS$a, (Annua.(. in iieruLel -Attgu,s.t 8:00 P.M. South Bnenfrvood, unleJl' otheruai-te notecl. ********************************************************************** OFFICERS ANO Bi0ARD OF OIRECTORS OF THE CLLIB PRESTDENT. .... o..... . .. .Bttd Lgirstngn VICE-PRESIOENT. RECOROTNG SECR ETARY . TREASIIRER. C()RRESPO/\/'IAIG S ECR EIAR ::::: Y. :'.'.'{#,,1%trtt :::::::::::: nci on 38 E. Rona,Lne "?,0htr;n3ii*^ ImpznLql,,tlO 6SASZ 31 B0ARO A,IEI,IBERS. . ,lletto.Ld Bcckltont Judu 0eane Laaq Ouettbeeh liancia HadLeq &LU Hanpen A,Uee Knuegen Lannq SiA,son Ken Oieelzmann **************x****i**************************-**ifg* .'.**^.t**KI***** Tlrc opitio-nt o{ wnLtous on aclventLtens in th.i,s rtubtiectti-otr clo not neeeusanLLti eont-tLt.ute.tlrc. v.tewt o( tlte Genmant she.ythincl Ooq tIuL o6 S.t. LouL.t, Ine. TABLE OF CO}ITEIrIS 2 rie Table of Contents 3 -- Regular lfeeting lvlinutes 5 -- Plan to Attend 6 -- Parent Club Reports I -- Ad -- Teiberhaus 9 -- GSDCA NationaL Video Tape Info:matLon -- Royal Hecht Awards 15 -- "The Joys of Spring" by llelene Bridges* 11 15 -- Ad -- L7 -- "My Mother-Ln-Law 18 -- I,lin-P1ace-Show In The Back: Andaka Kennels Is A Dog Show Exhibitors by Tony Szczuka* Stud Dog Directory Ad Rates 'Breeders Page **********************:t************************************************** NEED A PREI'IIW LIST? THO}fAS JACK CROT^IE ONOFRTO JAI'IES RAU KENNEIE SEND A. POSTCAPJ T^ITTH YOUR llAl4E Al{D ADDP'ESS TO: P,O. Box 22LA7 Greensboro, NC 27420 P . O. Bo:( 257 64 Oklahsma City I P.O. Box 6898 SLEEPER p.O. Aco. gZg OK 7 3L25 Reading, PA 19610 Auburu, IN 46706 ,A^ l, nMrf ,)t I uT R+ gu'i s.r' l.J l'1* * . -i-iE.r- { .L t i n * I'i ; rr u i b fi",',oltT a'=. t-' tlt 'at i ?':'r I lt l I lj. :=. L-i.l:: . r:,+ *nt Elr-r,j Le'i=. 5t. Lc'uiE, il_ i.-.I E.-. I,-. ,3, ,-r -. | .=. r- r tt E I d-.-r L-- Eiii i-Ei'r i, .3n'j il;.r-'il* L:- "'-r- r'-.rl-: r l-i il'-iEii =. ,l!=lts.:- i Jr& :_:.j.1':_: J tJ -, .3. i.r.rtii !ii-i i-; it l-,: ';'" i: I J I l-j .LL - !i i il.{ i-ril.j. i i .J. t-.---: i.i rliiiii l.l.! t : 'lFt i:- :....Ltf -n - i r'3.. -t rJ fr-il.Fi r:tn fiiJ * ;,;j L. LJ r_r iJ i: r- iJ r-l--:-t,--JL--j ir.j.i..,f L;g.6.!! -..- 'lr. i: -i-:1,- i i 1i .i.'r. =' i1.:.1' t; I U * j i r: p ;-i;.'= tinl=.n*''f i r'i : -L f Irr t r_r !_i .J i €tJ i il;-ql I .J.u i -l-l l |f r i i' -i. I i ;, l l tJ ; L Lr.3.F, +. i ._: , J i-,.i-. r-; e ii il * - .J. i .l.L I r;-a I-Hi-; F' i ing H.-i j i r - i I H'=.ili.It!t-iJ J: n'j *F * l'i I It i-liJi' fi!-,::f: t al t tt lt'-{ ! I ll I - ? e l'_,ilr_ti.r.J , I'f TL I itq. , .: $ 'r'.'o i f f il f i-; ij t i-r ,: - r:.J.- t :I r:iti r'- -.. isiu iilu i--l-: r i .-l I uit :l r -J -- i-t tt ='=. 6. U r rjp i{ 5; c = u !1.3. r *irr i n.jE,j * u * i- i'r:n 6'' i,:, F,'3..:'' t h * i i-' 1i:i- *+,j*i- '' '{*.$,IJI i aC=.. ::;*r.,.:g. i 3.i iJ E UFt i '= =. .l.r:riTrB rIiI:'.,:*;-=. i- * in tf-:;, *t ilrl:,..:.-:p=.., iUi -3. E E: t- ,..,jlIn ii ..: -Frl't1l'=.tsii I b,e tL I- i i Y T i 'i_,lli : i-t- ..ttf i.li ! !l,J -E:::= .-. .-, t-t :i I1 -. .,: :-: .a );. i-t'-r .1f.., ' t ? t '-r =-. .l r i I rt tr 'r i"'f r'.-.' ;i +:- -:. r_: ._! .j ..' i i r.iJ...' I t * f ;-':,m pi r-'i-.r-! t 1 : r.'i il..t =.rj = t :- .dtill tr.-'-. r..--L- i ...'l-.t t'.- + i ri *, il lI'l JJ i I i-.j l.llF ;J *':tiJi-'A l.r.iF ri t: t E. ,- :-r t-r ;t E :,n -il.ir i :'; t:lr : i lr'=.Ltil J :-. -. ?- .-., t .-. :.j I Ft I' I i_;..j' E r -5'. '= I i.-.,-. l_il T i-i ;l I lr I A i'}J.-ail H illl=.ts, i_ llitj : 11..: i i 1,. i ii- =.t-iil n I l: tJai I |l { i".. i l.J.iil .3.t-i i'i i' r Li,-'f ifil t'i,: * i i- ts' ii t h;. t Tl-. - + i ll.-r t + l-. a l ^l- .-. ':-? i .3. =. FuF,F, =.9 i' '=. td g i-' I i-i ttr 'f, 1 i-i 'J i n'isi-' *.tr' tsn F'JFF,i*=. in': ':1h,=:.,.r: La.i-'r'y. !:'r".lerL,*ci.: annlunre'j that he i.'tilu'l C h*q.rr* a iuil r'*frcir't at the r;+xt m**ting. H* th.r.ril,:*d all u'.rh+ ha.t h;iF*d r..;iih the ;h':i,.i, He ;.!'3* .3.nnsunr*i th-e.t tlher',:'H*e Fhoto h-+'i la=i -rrll the f il:rr fr-rr ths Eperiiit:". Fr'eEident Lei=.tnei lll ih* ub' d ihat tr.3fi Ei'rrrF-1.iih i ie i.* i th the i r pr'*-hl em ' =a: E-nr i-{-1;: $:r'i.n Ha.r'per' r.ep,ar t*C ':iln th* !';-?- ar*ar'C=. ,itn,J i te. functi*nE. $h* pre'=;ntad a.n ha.nd,=ut that the ,:'f,mmitt** He I ent Ei- i dE*'=. m-r.d* * mat i ,:rr th.3.t t'JE tabi F,u t toge ther ' had e l:h = * C + C,:ti-r i'=.':'i Ceij i,:n =. =. i.i-_ I'i! :I L:F ._-r::._ :-. t-.i =. r F...-. I I I E ! .=.c'n _ _L:_- ts rL.--& r riH ,- irirti illl-, i- .rL i ilH r | r_r iI r.r.J .J. :. mrft i,-'rFr i{et. '=. Fl .::. =.C J t-.i .-r Fr .i:..9, .r{ rrl tl t l,,l.3,i' f. F f: !rlLli ;-, unF.il.3.nt .3.n'j l"'f i,:h.i.*1 EuF,F;-.*,:hi i.'J*i-.* a Uil .=. : r t l. I.-i-,-t3.! I-i-i_l l-Li.il.3 l-r-..: .ail ,*'!fti.jr - _ =. =. !! t;r .';; r._ H.i. i- r. r.,.rg h.=d Erct:hem. --. rlriTrerj .3.:. fi*f.rJ mart i ,: l.i i' i i ! .-a '-; I :.J J rr.re..=. fri i e. f:* ; i.l h .i.m, t: i I 1..,.j*i'.1 i ,_hi' He.f.,l, I ,j Th* Gr:*=.t li.it =l Un t :-.:' ._-' .J ! r....- _ =. i ir *.f. E. ii,:ir;iiEt*d fr,r f,,t,i'i f,ti-.m;.ti,:;r l-r.+th.o'i.;.=.t*;i L,:u Eunit', L.!j d-ll S tur'I i .i udli; i.1iEi*: p:.lgh F;,:bE,r-t.= EC Eariit tn th* Fll.fnitri,l!,:;-,=. te iJ,:,;e,j. The r,;titn t,l. i.J.t;-. i l .;n E;.j.=.n;.n *.ir': p.ii:.*.J. =.*c':n,jed ;'.j,:mi rra.te,i t'c,r ab*di *nce juJge i.{*i-B : i.'Jilli;.m Eur.g*r. [:*n Y,=ul-rg Pai Higi*.n.:. -lri'Cg tir.-:.:':iiliU*d tiie n,:;i;n.=.ti,:n=. tp C;,:=*,j. Th* mAti,:ir ;,r.r8.3 t'i' D.:.phn* 5;i=ui.i-r. a.nd pa:=.;..j. =.ecr'ndeC : t r..r.r.3.E ;.nn'fUnC*d th;.t r,,:,t inr_l ,ln .; ui._:l*E irinU ?,i t,* ir*:,; t r;ii: th. -'iaF,hr; :l:C;1.1 i.1 .3. 1';;qr,..,;,j r.:,i!.J. Fi-*=.ic*nt !-e i ;'tn*r' th;.ni.;e,i L.:trr'i, [.,uei-bsrl.:] t*r. thF meirrl: in :iE =.hCr,r; Caiel,:gu*. il* .:.n;-,,.unC:d iii*re i.l,:,Ul,J t,* e Filr,'i* r.r.f*la a.t the picnic, -i.nd nE.3.r Th.:.nh: E,;i'..ring r,,.i* r.*r,ful,j;-+{fl* '3. ra=.!+et *f I iquor'. A b,*til* i.,ic,ui,j li' t,= r,,.rh,--r*?*ithe niet t i':l'l*t': anc t'= the .,n* c.dhi, .=.e l i rr,rinn int =.*ll=. the t ici;*t, Ticksi.:. i.ril j ts.*.i.itlt c,r. i f*r..+.8.t-trj.=..; Har',:i'j Becliham r.ep+rt,:d f,r-i ihe pubi icit;, the.t the Elub ,-relp*,:j i.,+ith ;.t th+ rlh*.-:t+i'.ti*id rha-::.tre. H* thr.nke,J ;.1j th':ae l.rha ha.d t.rl.i*n their. ,J*ge. t,: t** th*a.tie, *a.r'h Fr'nn=,rn thanlt*d the f,l uh' f oi-. 'i * t t i ng hs.r. h.r.r.rF ._i. bc.ath i,:i'' ih* L'Ja.r. 3':gs at thr =.hiu, Th* tl,.r,f Futur'iti'i,.rinrr*r'.=. rrjer.g r.+tr{,'jni:ed. Fr.*Ei,Jent l-p i :.tn*r' Eugge.3ted r.,;,i F.iu t s. congj- atu j.it,f r.i, _r.,j i n th* Ld;.;. ?re'zi dent L*i-=.tne;-' s.=.i.isd if ther* i.trs.a.lir int*r'*=.t in h-=.r.rip1g a f,hri=.tma.=. p.:.arii' the 3r.,j i,;;ei,i*n,J in f,,*c+nt,er. at tir* !:,3,f 1"1,.:;u*nr. He ;rl go .i.nn,:,un;*d the i*nt at Fr.*ntr,rrc,r,c i,.;cul d bE g*ing uF: ire ael.;Ed f':i.i-ir*;riber:. tc l.**lt ftir. a. nei/.i rir**ti:ig - t - -.-:, i-r l.aLE. *e.i-b Srr,n'=.,:n m*ntian*,i th*r'* ,:,i-r iUii'Er:7rlS. L,.Jrrul,J h,* .3. l.,J.f.r' Ths tl:r'e=.tr.,.1c,*d 5ch':i':'l Fa.r.ade t'Jill fra.FF,ingt'tn H':u=.s at 1!:ilt1 , i{ar',: 1 C Ee c l.; h a;ii iTi':'u * d t h * f.rr.3.E'=.8 COndE'J t'i' H* I En* E:i.=.d..i,=u r' ir e d a. t i ll : I"ip . ffi . '1,='=.F, P tr t,* 'Irir t.u b,nr ' F, i'' F':.E ntat i,:n -.$ Th* iir'Irt i,:n rl t t-'-' '1l 3.n,J i t r-.i'! J i' [r':'f meet in'l r.,.J.t!. i i t E 'j, ;n PLAN TO ATTEND Saturday - July 22 SundAy July 23 Iulixed Breed ,Dog Club of St. Louis All-Breed Fun Match. North County Reereation Complex CONTACT: Ginger Kinion 928-8750 or Phillis Iulassa 878-8497 or Nancy Kearney I+27-0470. Purebred Dog Rescue All-Breed Fun Match (Same location) CONTACT: Barb Cole 7 2t+-234L Grnuen SHrpusno Doc Cr.us or AuERIcA, INc. MEMBER OF AMERICAN KENNBL CLUB MISS BLANCHE L. BEISS!?ENCER R'elease #LgA May 1, 1989 FIRST WUSV (annuaLr cont. WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP TNIAL . l? Vast lvt Lexr, Exorawooo, Nrw Jrnser 07631 Anne Due, Foreign & WUSV Liaison ) fmany the EUSV in 1968,8 European German Shepherd Dog clubs founded goal to coordinate the with Clubs bgg European Union for Glrr.n Shepherd the|reedingandtrainingofdermanShepherdDogs,.they.9id World Union that this voluntary a11iInc" woulrl grow lnl,o todayrs WUSV member c1ubs. with 51 Countrles 44 for German Shepheri Dog Clubs utttIlng Due ro the worldwide lnterest 1n the EUSV, lt waB J.n t974 that the EUSV del-egates voted unanimously to expand the EUSV thereby becoming the WUSV. Under the umbrella of the l,lUSV; tltose I European ltlTJSV member clubs made ir possibl.e thar for the first tlme 1rl L975 an EUSV-Championship Trial could be held in Salzburg, Austritr. This was al-so the year when the GSDCA 1 wl.th our past President, Roabert E. Hamilton at the helm, applied for membershlp into the WUSV and was accepted to represent ttre United Statae of America in the World Union. Two years 1ater, in I977, wlth the asnl6t6nce and suPport of the GSDCA' the ii-r=t United Schutzhund Cl-ub of Amerlca team was allowed to comPete as a guest Leam, r€presenting the WUSV member club the GSDAT sL the third I|Jusv-European Trial in Amernfoort, Notherland. Due to the high performance 1eve1r anrl lncredlble 1dea1lsm of the compering teams ir the EUSV trlalB 1t was [,9"qi!19 that after 13 years, in igee, rhe FIRST ttlusv-WORLD CIIAMPI0NSHIP TRIAI,- would be held in Germany, hosted by the WUSV member c1ttb, bhe SV. The f ollowin g 23 Nationas attended th:l.s f lrst l,r|USV-t^lor1d trial- sending t.heir teams with a total of 95 doga, comps[1ng ln Ehe Schutzhund III competition, making this event 1llce an 0I.YMPIC FOR THE WORKING DOG SP0itT AusEria, A-fgium, Braz111 Chltta, Cnsta Rlcar Canada, Czechoslovakia' Denmark, France., Finland, Germany, HUltBafyr Ireland, Ita1y, Japan' Lichtenstein, Luxembourg, Mexlcop Netlrerlandr SwlEzerlands Spain, Uni t.ed States of America , YugoeLavla r From one of the smallest coutttrlee in the WUSV, the WUSV mernber club of When Belgium, came the First WUSV-WorLd Schutzhund III Champion, HASSAN VOM HAUS M00NS (score 98-94-100) The placings of the 1988 team competition are as follows: 872 Points 1. GerrnanY rr 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 7. 8' g. Bel-gium Uniied States (U.S.C.A.) Austria Swi Ezer l-and Netherl-and Italy Denmark United States (GSDA) 860 859 859 858 849 847 84L Aga 'r 't 'r 'r rt I' GSDCA I S CHAIRMEN 832 poinEs 10. Yugoslavia 11. France 925 rrtr g10 LZi: Czechoslovakia hosLed by the- foLlowing Futuie WUSV-Wor1d Trials will- beMaribor' Ylegslavia 1989 9,22-24, g, L4-16, Waremne, Belgium 1990 1991 9r20-22, Haguenau, France Lg92 g, 18-20, Linz, Austria 1993 no dat,e YeL, Netherland L994 no date Yet r Dennark 1995 no date Yet, HungarY * * * * * lr * lr * * lF P.2 REPORTS FOR BEGIONAL CLUBS--MAY 1 ' 1989 * * * * * * * * * * lt * * * * * ir * * * * * * * * * * lltJusv menber : I t INVITATION OF SV BREED AND TRIAL JUDGES April 1989 EePort procedure of rh'tt tq ['Ler r rn regard to the ANNC like to clubs: DUC recomnend that \ a Beisswenger' is letter from the GSDCA Corre.potd'ine Sscrg!11{'..llunthe GSDC[-WDA renindins evervone to senr ro att 6SDCA membe, "i;l;;;";;A the SV' for fo1low the long establlshed sgfer11ents beiween the CSDCA and the of 8V Judges. L-- l^ aanras-4Y' be sent' to L^ lnvtte an nv Jqrlge, a 19-E-!9-t-h?" l. rf a cLub wanle -1. topu", ConnitEee Delegate !';rltf In L1;i c6n and WUSV ' as possible ;;; X'Mf' trial j.nvllqtlon;i:-SV and/or hreed i9de", requesting rhe addreFB is giott"iiiund"traese 24, s138 Heinsberg-Drenmen' iN;;;;--;;r;ig West Germany.) the release of this judge' 2. Th€or I wrlLe a leEt,er t'u tlre SV gcklng for accept relBaEg ito,n-tn" SV io SV judge is permiuted to Without the official i: ffi:itl':ll;r."" r,he releare frum t,lfs sv for this assignnenL r notirv the host c1ub. correspond4. From here on the host club hes !o [ake care of allsonecessary on' arrangements.and ence between ttt" -ii;-.v6onformaE1ol..]uae"}?iil'::1^lo:,.ll"i# Judge, hls.---travsl time Lr -.- {.,,{^^-.i o i n'i rad f or the f irst the release an AKC eanctioped bI-eqd thoY Eo ev Judge Jee! g c88u 11 In also. AKC must contact the .and Ler' ltt the llr l'l's LeEter. Itrls Ltlf,Fl lnclude rncfustt should snoulo clubs clubs'-and sLsbee ro rhe Unirea ii"t"" Lhe host club gnlighten the 6. rnvitins "-t"tei .i".r'u,rr!lu'.J.\ jjl-g$e-no contac: :ith-:1"^ll:,-':,.':;:::::t' ;i.;;;;;i..it,i"ffiffiro'rnqny,I::I:,^:l"*::l:-:.:l,'.:,:''l::i". neceBSnrI to l;':;;f:'tlli!rl;i;;'iu["]'ru avord ?Yi ::'::: sv ror the "nitgi't""calrs ro rhe :]"::-":i:' any raeL mrnuies :: ;i:;"ri=ii!';l,;;;"*i*lln release of conf ornatlon of Lf 1a1 J ud;1oe . Aeenda - WUSV meeFinq. {al lurtrEP , i ting items- to be placed uPon the eor subml WUSV member agLnda of the WUSV meetlngp Karlaruhe, SepLember 18' 1989 by . clubs ' **tr*.,tttttitttt**n**,* tttlttJitttt files for future Attent.ion Club Secretarieel Please put 1n your,p-erBanent jY9q"1 to-officiate at foi tnviCing SV secreraries the above regulat,fone -iou ghould contaci the AKC far in advance your club specialty showi' wilL telL you if the judge of your regular shov judge"t,;ppt"Ygl;. AKC to get be necessary for the AKC is already in AKC fi1;s or lf it vt1l tine' takes This credentials or other data from the forelgn rgglstiies' Ifyouarecontemp1atinge;eu;rng1foreignj;9g:'s!artafu11yearin you submit advance; firsr, for SV reteisE, ind thencE ti AKC--even before show date and show Judgest aPpllcatlons' giving FURTHER TO CLUB SECRETARIES: If you have a nelrsletter, before records' permanent your this page to the ediLor, nake a coPy for fuftnftr'* 7h ' 4wUfu I 3M Sntr 0,8 n, 4, (tt - erssgrs?m-r) ArTd- geur fl@f f 4a'nt*' z,ffiD f* Aoxzr y fulz. -eltfur4"rtJrf aa.tV *a f4tern alrAf:f '-t ut4-a*z ry Zut<-, tt't*/1, ^aa-f!,+* ?W O d^? {V*t, r ^hr*ry% Md"-tu%( guJ-aUzt etr/ 4aa+ -i tt 4.-. ' Ber(.r*rq-u* ., ? GSDCA INC. NATIONALS VIDEO TAPES A treasure that grows in value with every passing year. Your own personal library of the breed. Great a thoughtful gift. past and present. A valued possession dogs . . . . . - - down and back. See them as the Judges saw them. Sidegaiting An invaluable tool for the serious breeder. Study motion and gait at slow speed. A living record of genetic strength and weakness. Generations deep. - Know the bloodlines as only an eye-witness can. lt's the best seat at the show. Avoid costly mistakes. Match sires and dams correctly. Each NATIONAL tape is two (2) hours long and includes: Futurity-Maturity finals, al.l class winners, Passing Parade of Greats, Stud Dog-Brood Bitch Presentation, Best of Breed Competition, allthe-Selects and other special events. Each dog is identified by name on the.screen. The sound track includes Judges' critiques and other items of special interest. All tapes are in color starting with 1979. ORDER FORM - CIRCLE VHS oT BETA II SHOW ........$120 85 86 87 88 ................ .-...... circte one .......,.................:........$120 CURRENT PROGRAMS 85 86 87 88 ................ ..circle two or more....................each,$tOO LIBFARY MEMBERS * 988 National Speciatty Show............ -........$1 GOLDEN OLDIES circle 75n6 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 .......($50 each) Any three for 9100 COMPETITION OUTTAKES ol 1988 onty - circle each class at $50 each DOGS 6-9 9-12 12-18 Novice Bred By Amer. Open Ver WD 1988 NATTONAL SPECTALTY CURRENT PROGRAMS 1 OO BITCHES 6-9 9-12 12-18 Novice Bred By Amer. Open Vet WB FUTURITY/MATURITY PARADE OF GREATS STUD DOG/BROOD BITCH BEST OF BREED COMPETITION (finals) (Specily DOGS or BITCHES) ........,each ctass $50 Georgia Residenls Add 4% Sales Tax (OUTSIDE U.S. ONLY) Shipping $3.00 TOTAL Make checks payable to GSDCA, tnc. Send order lo Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia, 3280 Turner Hill Road, Lithonia, GA 30039 N AMERICAN EXPRESS N VISA i MASTER CARD I CHECK Card Number Expiration Date Ship tapes to: Name (PLEASE PRTNT) . Address City State Zip $_ THE OFFICIAL NATIONAL SPECIALTY YIDEO TAPES FEATURE THE KEY EVENTS AT EACH YEARS NATIONAL SHOW. READ THIS FOR A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF HOW TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE MANY FEATURES AVAILABLE TO THE MEMBERSHIP . . . . OUT-TAKES ' In order to make the final program of each years National Show it is necessary to video tape more dogs ttran are needed to make the two hour finished program. The out-takes are those shots of dogs in competition which are not used in the official tape. Most of the out-takei occur atihe end of each class when competition is at its best. We do not guarantee e.xtended coverage of any dog, but you will get all the excitemeniand sounds of the event as it happened. we keep the original footage for one year, and then erase the tapes for use in the next year's show. Out-1akes are availabie for the current year only. GOLDEN OLDIES are the officiai video tapes of the Nationals that took place more than four years ago. They are the iavorite of novices, and the new members who haven't yet learned to identify the pillars of the breed - the Stud Dogs, RoMs, and the Futurity and Maturity winners. They are offered at a much reduced rate to encourage historical interest in the bieed, and to make them available to those who would find it a hardship to acquire the library at regular prices. LIBRARY MEMBERS are subscribers who have purchased ten or more National (2 hour) video tapes. Library members cin purchase the current years National tape at a $20.00 discount. This special group was formed in recognition of their continued support for the video project. THE NATIONAL SPECIALTYvIDEo rApE LIBRARY is the only one of its ki_n! along ali national dog clubs. It serves as an ongoing educational project of the German Shepherd Dog Club of America, Inclas i source of reference for its members, and for those interested in the history and development of the German Shepherd dog. ID Royal Hecht Awards (Revised lU18l88) T!" Royal Hecht Awards were initiated several years ago in honor g Past meqber. The initial awards have beeir expantea upon to 9f include a wide variety of titles and/or achierr"*"rr^t". Rules and Regulations following are the requirements musE be met to Th. tor and/or be awarded a Royar Hechtwhich as set forth by the -Shepherd Dog Club I. of St. t 6uis , frr". compete German GENERAL A. owner: rn order to be awarded a Royal Hecht plaque, a q""iiri"ations-which would enable eiecrion oi oiii""i" i"-J;";;t-' (i. e.-, attendance requirements, work hour requirements , and financial requirenents as i".ilr,.C"a i' Article v, 9-"". 4 (a) of rtre GSOCSL Consriturion-and gy:i.r"- Ojntg6)) These requirements could be met uy-an Associate Member as y:_11 as a Regular Member. under i"""""r ."a/o. L;;;;"ror-nary crrcunstances, a Eember may petition the appointed cormittee to waive any of the aboire'r-quirenenrs. memS€r musE meec -the them to vore in the C. D. Your dog must be an AKC registered, German shepherd, Pggt Dog and musE be si.x monrhs of .gE oi-;iJ";:Titles from nationally and internationarl_y organizacions (e . g, ,- AKC, c{q, csuce, - eitb ,recognized sv, "uaA; DvG, etc.) will be coniidered. (sie a;al'rii berow'ror--ip"cific titles) Titles will be recognized if Ehe owner r.ras a member of the GSDCSL II ac rhe ciue Itre rirf SPECIAI. ACHIEVEMENT A. . ,". "ii""a. AWARDS ROYAL HECHT BRED By ExHrBrroR AWARD: you musr be rhe breeder and owner or co-owner. you or a member of your imnediare faurily or co-owner musr tranare t[;-J;g-onry. crrrmediare faoiiy t"i[ei, urorher, sisiEr, brorher, wife' husband, son,incrudes or. daughi;;:i ioints'ror"ia-rhe Royal Hechr Bred By Award will tE arar&ea- in pro;;;;i;" ro rhe l\ competition entered in each individual class. There is no rescriction as to the nr:mber of dogs. NOTE: Alt entries count, not just those who show. musr be the olrner or co-owner of the dog. Points tonard the Royal Hecht Best Puppy Award will be awarded in proportion to rhe competition entered in each individual cliss (i.e., The puppy classes only) . There is no restriction as to the niriber of dogs. NOTE: A11 entries counE, not jusE those who ROYAL HECHT BEST PUPPY AWARD: You show. C. ROYAL HECHT OBEDIENCE AWARDS: NovrcE OBEDTENCE AWARD: This award will be to the dog with the highest combination of scores from the three official legs for Ehe companion Dog title. ROYAL HECHT ADVANCED 0BEDTENCE AWARD: This award will be awarded to the dog with the highest combinarion of three scores in the open and/or utility classes in a calendar year - - rf the scores from only the three official legs of a newly earned advanced title (i.e., cDX or uD) are [sed for this award, five (5) poinri wiLl be added to rheir total and the calendar year restriction is waived. ROYAL HECHT awarded D. ROYAL HECHT DUAL ACHTEVEMENT AWARD: The Royal Hechr Dual Achievement Award will be awarded to the do! with the highest score. The score will be based on Ehe number of dogs_defeated while placing in any regular class (as in the Bred By Award),pius Eh; roral'of Ehree qualifying scores in any regular obedience class in a ialendir year. E. ROYAL HECHT JUNTOR HANDLER AWARD: Junior Handlers are eligible whose parent(s) meet the membership requirements as delineaced above ( sec. r, A) . poinrs cbwarci thts award will be awarded in proportion to the competition entered in each individual crass (Junior Handllr classes Only). F. III ROYAL HECHT sERvrcE Doc will given to a member who is the breeder of An a dog who enters service during Ehe calendar year (e. g. , K-9, -Guide Dog, military, support Dog, etc.). The d5e-musr-be considEred in full time service-to be eligible f6r rhis award. BREEDER AWARD: award be RECoGNIZED TTTLES AND PI"A,QUES Tt-r" following_ are guidelines for the standardizacion of praque size fof specific titles/awards: Four sized of plaques have been awarded (surall, medium, large and extra large). ---- la Smal TT I Plaques /TC will be awarded for the following: BH/I'IH/AD service HIC (when approved) TD wi CDX SchH Dog Breeder Award ccc CD I FH Herding TiCles (when approved) 11 be awarded for the fo l lowing Bred By Exhibiror Best Puppy Award : Award Novice Obedience Award Advance Obedience Award Dual Achievement Award Junior Handler Award Futurit y -Maturity victo r /victrix Large Plqques will be awarded f or the fo l lowing CH Selecr CH Top Winning Dog , Review Sys tem UD SchH II & III International CH TDX Hero Dog Placement in interrrational schH : compecitions I I Extra Large PLasues will be awarded for the following: ROM OTCH Grand Victor/Victrix Obedience Vicror/Vicrrix Schutzhund Victor/Victrix The club reserves the riglrt to make special awards and achievements nor usulffy to unusual cases "o"ria.i!a. rv. REsP0NsrBrLrrY: rr is the responsibitity of rhe dog's owner Lo contact thg Person responsiLle for nov"f-n"cht Awards -;;;!il-rt. and_provide rhe- eorrecr nlme, rirlei;) ttr6 the Eitle was officially awarded, ."oi"i i-t-"pp-ri;J1;, dare oi-""yother necessary information. The chairperson is not required to make calls and inquiries about a.gr.!",-iitf"S, achievements, etc' ********** NOTE: The exist,i.ng- Royal Hecht Rules and Regularions lrere ied at the. regular monrhly meering on November rb, rgggl- after modif the revi sions had been presented duriig ir,"-o"iou", zi, iga6 regular monthlygggle1ship. meering and hrere p"Eri"t"a-i" the-wit-;;; Tongue (Nov. 1988 issue). l3 ri.OYAL HECIIT AND GSDC OF ST. TOUIS AI{NUAL AI{ARDS OWNER: FORM TOR TNE YEAR 1989 BREEDBR: NAI'{E OF DOG: TITLE EARNED IN 1989: OBEDIENCE SCORES IF APPLICABLE: TOIAL DoGs DEFEATED (ToR BEST PUPPY oR BRED BY DffiIBIToR) I .SIRE: DAI{: PLEASE INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING INFOR},IATION FOR OUR *"0*'. HAVE YOU ATTENDED THREE IIEETINGS HAVE YOU PUT IN IN 1989? FOUR HOURS OF SERVICE TIME IN I9B9? IF SO, WITII WHICH COIO{ITTEE? ARE ALL YOUR CLUB DEBTS PAID? SEND COMPLETED FORII TO CHAIRMAN 0F AWARDS COIIMITTEB I FRAN FOSTER L944 WILLIAI'{S CREEK ROAD HrcH RrDGE, . l,1O 63049 ALL INFOR}IA]IION MUST BE IN TIIE HANDS 0F THE ,lq COMMITTEE CIIAIRMAI{ Bf, JANUARY. lst! TI{E JOYS OF SPRING BY HELENE BRIDGES'f well, the grass is growing, we I re planLing 11:$1?"1""1 and tomatoes and what ever. I lcnow bhe doqs are happy Lhat bhe brees are in bloorn, iL means shade for them. It also means baby birds, baby squirrels, baby everything. The other day the boys were in the bacl< yard and we were all out in front just, puttering around and my daughler, Sonyar started yelling at llercules and Ace, you boys are gross, discusting, so we ran to see what was so gross. Well Hercules had this baby squirrel in his mouth and Ace wanted it, so they were playing keep away. I yelled drop it, and Herk did, then Ace would grab it, I yelled again, he dropped it, but it squealed, and }Ierk grabbed it, again, so I called them to the fence as Don wenL over the fence to get it. Would you believe it was not dead but, the rear leg was injured so we took care of it. I guess Herk thought it was a toyr ib squeaked Not two days later I look out the kitchen window and Tish, Dinah, Ace and Herk kept going over to a rotl of wire and they would sniff and jump back, sniff and jump back, so knowing we do have snakes in the yard, I made Don go out l,o scc whL iL hras. Only a baby robin inside the ro11 of wire, he must have just left t,he nestr so Don Shooed it away and the dogs watched as it flew to the top of the kennels. I remember years d9o, Shep would catch birds and throw them up in t,he air and sometimes he would put them in the pool for me, or bring a dead squirrel or rabbit and leave them on the back porch for me to find. Only once was I so mad at Sheba for bringing me a"field mouse' she had it in her mouth, and when I held out my hand, she gave iL t,o me, I was not real happy that day. I guess they figure, t,heir toys. if itrs in their yard itrs One comment on leaving you r remember the beers and the poison plants are out therer so watch what your dog comes in contact wi th. NIGHTSHADE, (Bittersweet) is DEADLy, You can call Shaw's Garden for a list may do harm to you or your dogs. . HAVE A NICE SUMMER ....From the t5 so are a few others of plants that, BRIDGENHAUS GANG Andaka's Kahla of Zederlarrd WINNERS BITCII 3 Polnt MaJ or Edwardsville Kennel Club iltrank You, l"Ir . A1 Lubin ) also, to the ringside for your tremendous support ! This wln gives Kahla a total of Lz p()lnts -. looklng for _one more major to finlsh. Thanks OWNIIR,i NGITN'I'S: An(leka Kennels Ii'ran Inoster Daph'e & 'l'o'y szc z,Lt k' l45fr7 li'oxfol.rl Ct. Dephne Szcztrka Iillorissnlll,, MO (3141 356-6 45f, 6J0J4 tb O'OW N I' R,/B ITITN D EI I,: Zerl e rkur (l Sh eplrei:ds Iletty & Wnr Sheesl*y C 7250 Cedar nd Mernphis, 'fN g8136 (901I 386-4 130 MY MOTHER-IN-LAW IS A DOG More Clues or Show Exhibitor that I Married Into A Dog Show Family by Tony Szczuka* :koriginal Article would have I guess that I should have know what kind of a life I just f igured I B9! in-Iaws. my at, af [er r goL rnarried by ]ooking (like Mothermost jus[ strange kind-of was that my frother-In-Law fn-f,awi). Now I find that-there is a conspiiacy between ny wife and my I'lother-In-Law to make me just as strange. Here are a few of things that has happened to me: 1. When we vrere dating, my lvlother-In-Law called me ilLong tegs It Szczuka" and commented-on my potential 'athletic abili!y1. was only later that I learned- her idea of 'athletic abilit'y' is the iUifity to run around a LARGE ring trying to cont,rol a 500 pound locomotive on four legs. 2. My Mother-In-Law asked me to run to the corner to pick up a few things for her. The corner turned out to be her wholesaler-who lived 5 niles away and a few things included ten 50 pound bags of dry dog food and eleven cases of canned dog foodl (She asked what took me so long). 3. It's always easy to tell whether my Mother-In-Law or Father present. Last -In-Law picked out a particular Christmas Christmai I got a tool box, screwdriver set and an ACME silent dog whistle.- (Can you figure out who picked what?) 4. One time when we were at my in-Iaws, company was coming over and my Mother-In-taw asked-me to help her 'pick uP'- in the. yard.- r said "Sure, be happy to he1b", and proceeded to pick up the garden hose, toys, the barbecue tongs, gtc- I was no I6nger io happy to help when she informed me that pick up in the-yard was a nice way of saying'shovel the dog poop'. 5. As long as I have known my I'tother-In-Law, the furniture in her house 6as never been moved; but let us 90 to a dog show with a over here"i few crates and I hear: "The shade is better rrl it would be think ring"; the closer to the crates "Move better if Kyle's crate was next to Lyssa's"1 _"Can you-find a spot closer to the car" l "Tony, whY you do always look so tlred?". gollg 6. When my Mother-fn-Law tells me "Go get dressed. We aregrubby your get it. as I friends." translate "Go to visit some clothes on. We are going to visit some friends and I want you to gaiL the dogs, stick ttre dogs, help brush them and pick up ( that te rm again ! ) in thei r runs . " 1. At least it makes her easy to shop for: we just grab something for her at a show with a dog on it and tell her how we hunted for months for 'just the right thing'. l1 PJIS BLACK SHEBA OF JUDEEN Orrner: Paul & Janet ,Sire: Wood Caral-onts Samuarai of WIN PLACE Judeen Dam: Caralonrs Marmi Beth Ann, CD Show: EdwardsvilLe KC 6-3-89 CLass: Novice B Judge: Mrs. B. Goebel sHow Class: Arnbred Bitch Judge: l1r. A Lubin Placing: 2nd T1OP\ Score: 186 lst leg D@& Show: Mississippi Valley KC 6-4-89 Class: Arnbred Bltch Judge: l1r. L. Pagliero Placing: 2nd *** ** tt*****?t*rk ***rt:t:trk?ttcjk tkt(t(*fr**:t***rk**rt?t:t?t?t*** *rtJr*:k:t*Jr*Jttct(trrt tk* rt*r(?t*t(*** BLACK OAK|S DEMONFIRE SATANA, T.C. Owner: l{arcla Hadley Sire: Arn/Can Ch. Parkerhaus Arby Dam: I.Iitthaus Flrst Lady, T.C. Show: GSDC of the Qrrad ClLles 5-7-89 Cl-ass: Novice A Judge: Dorls Froman Score z I77 3rd Place lst l-eg Class: Open Juniors With Gina Black Placing: 2nd Judge: Col. T,Irn. Gish *J<Jc:t*Jr:tfr**?t*tttk*ttt(*?k?trctttkt(t(*t(*Jkrkt(?tikt(trrt*frrt?t*?trttrrrftrt:trkrtrk.,t*Jct(t(*tr?tik*?t*r!**f(t tr?ttc BLACK OAK'S DEIJBDDAH JUDEEN Owner: Marcia H.adley & Judy Deane Sire: Ch. Caralonrs Nlcholas of Judeen, CD Dam: Bl-ack Oakts Demonfire Satana, TC Show: GSDC of the Quad Cities 5-7-89 Class: 6-9 puppy dogs Judge: CoL. I,lm. Glsh Placlng: lst Show: GSDC OF St. Louis 5-13-89 Class: Open .Irrnl-ors Juclge: Alan Placing: lst Show: GSDC of St . Louis Match CONGRATULATIONS, CtNel 5-14=.89 Classz 6-9 puppy dogs Judge: Irls Placing: 3rd * Stone and BEST JUNIOR HANDLER: Grlmes tt:t*** tk**?trrtct(tktrtr*?k*frfc*Jt ik:tfr:k*rk* *rt**tr?tJ<Jh***Jcrt*ikiktr*tr**** **?t** *rctr** BLACK OAK'S SYNDAR OF JUDEEN Ovmer: Marcia Hadley & Judy Deane Sire: Ch. Caralonrs Nicholas of Judeen, CD Dam: Black Oakfs Demonfire Satana, TC Show: GSDC of St. Louis Matth 5-14-89 Classz 6-9 puppy bitches Judge: Iris Grimes Placi-ng: 4th [? ?ttrt(?t*?ktrrt STUD DOG DIRBCTORY CH BREMARIL'S CARALON GRAYSON Slre: SeI Ch Stuttgart's Sundance OFA Kid, ROM Dam: Ch * GS-18743G24M Stonekroft,s Josie, ROM Large substantial black and red-gold, nasculine dog vith beautiful strong head, dark eyes, ideal feet and pasterns, suspendlng gait, balanced structure, very heavy bone, and flrm ears Ovners: Caralon Kennels / Pat Parsons, Helen Scherlock, and Gertrude Kessler Rt. 1 Box 69-E Labadie, M0 63055 (314) 742-5432 CH CARALON'S BEAU OF JUDBEN Sire: Ch Caralon's Nlcholas OFA of Judeen, CD * GS- L9443G36M Dam: Sel Ch Caralonrs Thistle, TT, CD ls a beautlful mascullne stalllon type, vlth a perfect male Shepherd head and expresslon. He has full dentition, excellent feet and pasterns, and a correct angle and layback of shoulder. Beau has a strong, sound temperament, very dark eyes, and a plush coat, and frTHE L00K OF EAGLESITI Beau 0wner: Janls Dietrich 18 Daryl Lane Ladue, cH CARALON' Sire: Fores S M0 63124 (314)993-1055 (314)464-1084 NTCHOLAS OF JUDEEN, CD t Knoll's OFA Dam: Ter-Cy' TNT s Jasrnine , # GS-L2403-T nc00Dil CD, TT, VB r Sch H I Nick is a medium sized black and tan, vith good angulation, fluid suspension, and is clean comlng and going. Domlnant for producing overall soundness, good feet and pasternsr good backs, and vorking ability in A.K.C. obedience, Schutzhund, Police work, tracking, herding, and conformation. Domlnant for produclng solid blacks. Rd. Imperial, M0 63052 (314) 464-L084 us & cAl{ cH CARALON'S TREFFERAmTD JIDEEN, CD oFA # cS-15019-T "c00D" sire: ch caralon's Nicholas of Judeen, cD Dam: Hund Morgan Deirberg Treff ls a large boned, dark black and tan, vho is very sound comlng and golng, vlth excellent shoulder suspenslon. He produces good feet and pasterns, good backs and masculine characteristlcs in hls sons. Treff is producing velI with both German and Amerlcan bloodLines, and is dominant for producing solid blacks. Ovner: Judy A. Deane 5201 lltndmilt Rd. Imperial, M0 63052 (314) 464-1084 Owner: Judy A. Deane 5201 lltndmill BIH CH JAHN-D' S BRONSON V OFA I,AIIGBNAU Sire: SeI Ch Langenau's Beau of Jeanden, Bronson's record tells it all. majors and ls bred to produce. He Owners: Cloudsvay / Tom and 6445 N. -llagon ROM # cs-23402840M Dam: Brasban's Fame v Langenau, ls a specialty shov dog, finished with all Rlchard Cloud Columbia, M0 Trail Road 65202 (314) 442-0078 (continued. . . ) ROM STUD DOG DTRBC1TORT OFA CAPTATN ZACK VOH TTCHBRU, TT * GS- L8499-T IIGOODII Caralon's Trefferhund Judeen, CD Dam: Caralon's Phantom Image Zach is a masculine solld black, vith full dentition, beautiful suspended sidegaitl and ls very clean coming and going. He ls being campaigned and is major pointed. Slre: US & Can Ch Zach ls also ln training for his C.D. He produces his excellent movement and temperament in his offspring....Elegence in both body and spirit. Ovners: Rufhaus Shepherds 3619 Blackberry Ln Fran & llally Ruo f Imperial, M0 f (3r4) 63052 2e6-3L26 OFA KYT,E OF ZEDBRI,AT.ID * GS-22586G24M H&E OFA Dam: Caralon's Bo Derek of Harmonyr OFA Kyle is a large, dark black and tan from a solid OFA background. He has a strong back, high vlther, and a vell-angulated rear. His out-going tenperament and high energy level make him a pleasure to shov and train. Slre: 4x Sel Ch Stuttgart,s Sundance Kid, ROM Ovner: Zederland Kennels / Betty J & llm B Sheesley 7250 Cedar Rd Barttett, TN 38135 (901) 386-4130 (314) RIO VALLB' S 355-5455 * GS-19966G29M Kid, R0l{ Dam: Dolnar's Megan of Sprlngrockr OFA DISCOVERY Sire: SeI Ch Stuttgart's Sundance ROM Younger fuII brother to US GV Ch Rio Va1le's Nestle's Crunch. Large muscular black and gold vith a high vither, iron topline'and strong driving rear' long upper arm, and poverful sidegait. (Clean for coat factor) 0wner: Caralon/Lockenheim Kennels Ralph & Mary Smith and Helen rrscootiert Sherlock #5 Favn Creek Rd. 0'Fallon, M0 63366 (314) 281-1863 (314) 742-5432 voNsaoRB' Sire: s FRrsco Ch Vonshorers OFA Arrov # GS- 2L355G24r'l Dan: Vonshorets Larceny Large, Bl-Color, vell angulated front and rear with a firm back, and excellent tallset. A GV Sukee's Hannix, ROM grandson. Linebred Phantom and Hein. "roup.and Qwners: Caralon Kennels / Latty Duerbeck and Betty Jean Lemler Rt. 1 Box 69-E Labadie, M0 63055 (314) 742-5432 gooDsrDE,s colrNl3,r llusrc Sire: Ch Covy-Tucker IIiIl,s Right Stuff II Dam: Hyline's Alisa v Woodside lli}lie is a large, plush, black and red dog with a very masculine head and full bite. Ile is ve[-angulated front and rear, has a strong back, and an out-going attitude. He is line bred Hazarati and Sundance Kid, vith lines to Quik and Heartbreaker. 0wner: Karen Hynek P.0. Box 125 Florissant' MO 63Q32 (314) 52L-7276 PAID ADVERTISEMENT U] AG - N -T L)NGUE MV ERTIS lNG RAIES qAGE $o.oo srul DlG lrREcrlRV $ts.oo/an C)VER $zS.Oo BREE ER'S pAGE +'Z'.-Oo'titi urr-pLAcl-sr0(,, .$o.oo FREE }Yf99vE^ry _ft _n-asel BA:K covER ITSIpE $to.oo **************x****************l*************x******************************,*** FULL FROA/T (UI N _P LACE- SHOU] FORM 0fi,NER'S OOG'S NA,rl,lE NAME SlRE DAI't sH}(il JLIDGE DATE CTASS ENTEREO OBEOTENCE SCORE P LACING TTT LE C)l,,lP LETEO T0: Daphne Szezulza, 14557 Foxdond Ct.,, FLonUtantr' M0 63054 *************************lr************************rr****************************** Att APS MUST BE PA|D IN ADVANCE. HE DO I'JO 81 LLING. A'S S,HOI,ILD BE CAMTRA RFAOV. AN Ao0rrr0NAt AMclUNr MAv BE cHARGED F\RM LAy-lLtr. BtAcK 6 atlrrF. prcilRrs REPR)0LrIE BEsr 0N .0,q4 c:o?rER, ALTH}UaH Lrcur c0L0R sftoTs ltdv nie sATIsFAcr0Ry. ****{t**********************x**************t***ii**********************t********** MAv BE ?BrArNE? Ar $to.oo pER IEAR r0 N0A/-MEMBERS. nps--$r2.00. SqESqRIPrlONs **************x**qtx**********itx****************x*******ttit****************it*rt****r MAIL API'LTCATTON FOB MIqIIrTNNBITIP (ONT AI'PLI,CATION PEB PNIISON) GDRMAN SHDPTIDRD DOG CLTIB OF AMDRICA, INC. fnll to! Mombcrthtp Chtrl"man. lE"i. tt6tGn trhhcr. ttgo ftth gt., La,&c [lmo, iflnncrolr !!Olt Ann. I)ueg $20.00 plue $15.00 initiation fee per person must occompany oppllcation Name (ltr.) (It{rs.1 (Mtss) ( l'lcnse Print) Area Address Code Tel. No. City tate Zip Oceupation P.H.A. n Handler: A.P.G.S.ilH. tr Code -Age AKC Conf. n Judge: Obed. E Kennel Name: - Regional Club Affiliation: I.lntlorsetl By Ilndorsetl By To the Treasurer, German Shepherd Dog Club of America, fnc. I. h-ereby_ make nppllenilon ln ilre above crur)_ nn(l l.!rn:e to-be govornetl by lts Uy-IJartrE tf eleeted and also the- ByLawB of the AKC. Slgned G. ALDON SHEPHERD S.D.C. OF ST. LOUTS BREEDERS LISTING (P, S, 0B.T) LAUGUIN SHBPHHRDS Don and Alice Krueger 2639 Farber Drive St . Louis, M0 63L36 (3r4) 74L-263e L25 (314) 773-73ls KBNNBLS AT.IDAKA ( 631L8 ( P, S, A, H) ( 314 Don and Helene Bridges (p, S, 0B.T) 3656 Stelns St. Louis, M0 63LL6 ( 314 ) KENNELS (P, S, A) Helen Sherlock, Pat Parsons, Larry Duerbeck Box 69-E Labadie, M0 63055 (314) 742-5432 KENNELS Joyce Gray 6004 Peirce Lane (P, (P, S, 0B.T) Bud and Louise Leistner 9L01 Arvin Place oRl,Ac KENNBL and (P, S, H) RLFHAUS SHEPHERDS S) Imperial, M0 ( 3 14 Judy 62035 466-83s1 (A, P, S) ) CLUB IIEIIBERS * ADVERTISE YOUR 520L I{indmi 11 Road ( 314) * KENNEL 63052 HERE 464-1084 A=ADULTS B=HANDLING P=PUPPIES S=STUD OB.T.=0BEDIENCE 63052 296-7 r04 ,t )t ATTEMfQN Deane Imperial, M0 (P, S) Fran and Wally Ruoff 36L9 Blackberry Lane ( 618 JIIDEEN SHEPHERDS 63L23 Rosiland North 5428 Liberty School Drive Hillsboro r M0 63050 (314) sB6-6040 Godfrey, IL ) S) 343-7 s7 4 RR BAR RAI{CH CARALON GRAUENHOF ) St. Louis, M0 ( 314 ) 631-7355 3s3-044s Rt. 1- KBMIEIS (A, P, Nick Mondelli and Charles l{olford #1 1 Saline Lane P. 0. Box 631 Fenton, M0 63026 63034 BRIDGENHAUS SHEPHERDS 63088 HARr-FrORr SHBPHBRDS (P) Mari lee If i lkinson 3138 East Romaine Creek Road fmperial, M0 63052 (314) 826-3207 t{oNFoRD Daphne and Tony Szczuka 14557 Foxford Court Florissan t, M0 ( 314) 3ss-s4ss Patricia Hill Drive Twin Oaks, l[0 (314) 22s-e457 2842 lfinabago St. Louis, M0 0B.T) Laura Shearln P, S, A) Elizabeth Edvards and Al Bounds ALLBZ SHBPHBRDS (P, S, TMINING * ! ! CO-T.=C0NFORMATI0N TMINING B.K.=BOARDING KENNEL PAID ADVERTISEMBNT * DO YOU NEED TO KNOW. If a Juclge lihes Blachs or Sables ? If your dog has a chance to take points from the Bred-By Class ? ? MAYBE I CAN I{ELP I I have cornpiled the results of hundreds of dog shows* from across gre country. All of the results are compiled based upon the judge. For two dollars, you can geb the results of all the aog strows a cerbaip person has judged (since March lg8?). For eacn luage requesr;ed, you will receive the nalrle of the Show, the date, Major Awards a'd the class frolrr which thay callle, if the show helcl a ilajor, ancl a cornrno't oll arly lllachs/Sables which tooh Major Awards. niajor Awards include Winrters Dog & Reserve, Winners Biich & Reserve, Best of Breed, and Best Opposite. . ' - Show reeults lncludo epaclall,y antl All.Breed showo (GSD only) whlch htd of loost 16 tlogo e6owrr The following is an exanlple of a dog sSow result: JUDGE SHOW DATE WD R WB n BB BO CONIMENTS Doe, Mrs J Anytown USA Kennel Club B/S/SB Good Dog v Flundhaus (g- LZI Rover of Clover Lawn (Open) Daisy's f)uchess (Anr RrecU (nw) Windy of Danka (Bred-By) Ch Lady v Hundhaus WD Black for wD; sable for BII; b pt *ajor r.'on MORD INTORMATION coNTAc'r: ANDAI(A KENNELS I)aphne & Tony Szczuka 14667 troxford Ct. Florissant, MO Og0g4 {3141 365-6466 GrRi,lAN c LUIS Ht[K s,lrnffR? vuc 0F Sr. L()U IS, I NC . RATr I't0RIssANr, M0 63034 s. PoSTAGE. PAl? sr. L0UIS, MISS()URI' r0Rru^Rut NG AND t,tRMIr MilutttR 0hP,fNE szcZUKA I 4557 l:|OXrAR? , il. E0r1'0R CT . 39 l7 RTTilRN I'O.SIAGE GIIARANTEEO h?D(rs.s c()RnrcrloN REqilISTrD il ee i" liqensoll ''i). F.*rnaine 3 i 3S Lmper iai. o M0 6 305 2 l'{a r 1,1 FOSTER AL L-BREED HANO LING FRAN 19 44 WT LLIAMS CREEK RO AD HIGH RTDGE, I,IO 63049 (31 4) 677-32e8 @SiEi rttF@@@tE@Ig F@{3ti6t@gg'(e, :i try Uigru€ry AE