New Look
New Look
Chemicals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - 6 Lab Supplies/Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Feed/Feeders ...............................................8 - 10 Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Test Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Predator Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Nets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Cleaning Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Paint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Tanks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Aeration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Pumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20- New Look We are always striving to make better than it was the last time you visited. This year we have a new layout and navigational system designed to take you right where you want to go quickly. Finding a product shouldn’t be more than two clicks away. The use of our resource center has also been extended to include questionnaires on recirculation design and biofiltration, as well as newly-penned Tech Talks by our staff of technical experts. You can both learn from our web site and order your supplies - 24 hours a day. 24 Filtration/Filter Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 - 30 UV Sterilizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Check our ever-changing classified ads. Find blowers, pumps, classroom projects, fish for sale, employment opportunities, and even businesses for sale. More and more, the AES classified ads are becoming a popular place for people to buy, sell or trade. The best thing is ... it’s free! Place your ad where thousands of like-minded people browse each and everyday - 1) Phone 407-886-3939 (Local) 877-347-4788 (Toll Free) Call From 8:00AM - 7:00PM Monday to Thursday, 8:00AM - 5:00PM Friday, 10:00AM - 2:00PM Saturday. In stock orders placed on Saturday will be shipped the next business day. 2) Fax 407-886-6787 3) E-Mail Splash! Monthly Newsletter Each month, publishes Splash!, our online newsletter. Splash! is both informative and entertaining. Every issue contains Tech Talks - technical information on a variety of topics - and an ever-changing section of trivia, interesting facts and funny tidbits. You will get a first-hand chance at our overstocked and behind-the-scenes specials, plus money-saving discounts and coupons. There is no cost for a subscription to Splash! You can sign-up on our home page and unsubscribe at any time. 4) Internet This Catalog Enjoy the convenience of online shopping on our secure website. This pond catalog is a snapshot of the thousands of products we carry for koi pond hobbyists and professionals. If you would like to see our complete selection of aquatic products, call us and ask for the 2004 AES Master Catalog - or - visit us on the web at 5) Mail Mail your orders to: Aquatic Eco-Systems, Inc. 1767 Benbow Court Apopka, FL 32703 Important For International orders We have tried to make this catalog as comprehensive and factual as possible. However, we reserve the right to make changes without notice. Manufacturers' specifications may have changed since the date of publication. Mail your order to the address above or Phone: 407-886-3939 Fax: 407-886-4884 Big Enough to Serve You ... Small Enough to Know You. © 2004 Aquatic Eco-Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this catalog may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. Order Online Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Tech Support 407-886-3939 Blue Vail™ Super Concentrated Blue Colorant Baraclear™ Pond and Lake Clarifier BARACLEAR™ P80 is a convenient, phosphorus removal and water clarification solution for murky waters. It can be used in lakes, ponds and reservoirs, golf courses, commercial decorative ponds, earthen ponds or canals, irrigation ditches, etc. to clarify water that is enriched with phosphorus and suspended sediment (turbidity). Harmless to animals and fish. Use only one-fourth as much Blue Vail™ as any other dye! That's right use only one quart per 1,000,000 gallons of pond water. We recommend Blue Vail™ for use in controlled water ways like private ponds, lakes, and fountains. Blue Vail™ will turn water an attractive blue color and is harmless to animals and fish when used as directed. Lasts up to 4 months. Sold in quart containers (equal to one gallon of other brands), and by the case of 12. OWD5 $ 29.90 26.90/12+ BARACLEAR™ is so convenient that we expect it will revolutionize pond management! Simply scoop up the BARACLEAR™ pellets and scatter them over the surface of the water. They will sink, mostly intact, to the bottom. BARACLEAR™ P80 can be used in waterways from one hundred to TEN MILLION gallons. Barley Straw Pellets Barley Straw Pellets are made from concentrated natural organic barley straw enriched with peat and humate. A 2.2 lb bag will treat 150 gallons for up to one year or 400 gallons for up to four months. For 150 gallons of clear water – apply four ounces every six weeks. For 150 gallons of turbid water – apply nine ounces every six weeks. Each bag includes a graduated measuring cup. BSP4 4.4 lb $ 18 16/4+ / BSP10 10.5 lb 29 26/4+ The typical application rate for PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL in municipal lakes, golf courses and farm ponds is 15-20 pounds per acre foot (one acre pond 5' deep = 75-100 lbs). Garden ponds and small decorative water features that are less than 5,000 gallons can have a dosage rate as low as two tablets per 100 gallons of water. If you have a steady influx of nutrients or extremely turbid water, you can use up to 18 BARACLEAR™ tablets per 100 gallons once a week. Note: The pH should be between 5.5 and 8.0, alkalinity between 50 and 200 ppm, and salinity below 3 ppt. Large quantities are shipped from the factory. Call for a quotation. Made in USA. BAR1 BAR5 BAR15 BAR40 1 lb 5 lb 15 lb 50 lb Each 5+ 20+ $ 4.95 17.50 49.50 120.00 4.20 16.25 46.00 111.00 3.90 15.40 43.00 105.00 Mosquito Dunks® and Mosquito Bits™ Used by professionals for more than a decade, Mosquito Dunks ® kill mosquito larvae before they mature. They are all-natural, environmentally safe and easy-to-use. Simply place the Mosquito Dunks® in a pond, water garden or standing water. Works for more than 30 days! Each dunk will treat up to 100 sq.ft. of surface area, regardless of depth. Mosquito Bits™ kill fast - within 24 hours - and are environmentally sound for biological mosquito control. Simply sprinkle in any standing water or water gardens. Lasts 24-48 hours. One tablespoon treats up to 75 sq.ft. Both are EPA-registered in all states. Made in USA. Concentrated Barley Straw Xtract Super-concentrated – 1 gallon treats over 10,000 gallons! This new patented formula of barley extract works very well at clearing pond water. Derived from barley straw, it replaces the unsightly bundles of straw in your pond. The most effective method is to apply the liquid directly and evenly into the pond at a rate of 16 oz. per 2,500 gallons of pond water. It is completely harmless to fish, plants and all wildlife. BE100 BE102 8 oz. $ 14.80 / BE101 32 oz. 56.00 / BE103 16 oz. 28.80 1 gal. 185.00 BE100 MOS36 DK2 Dunks, 2/Pk. $ 5.85 / DK6 Dunks, 6/Pk. 9.90 MOS8 Bits, 8 oz. 7.60 / MOS36 Bits, 36 oz. 11.80 Barley Straw Year after year, we hear good comments from barley straw users. A natural and ecologically sound method to clear water. Use one 1/2-lb bag per 1,000 gallons Works for up to 6 months. Choose the prebagged 1/2-lb bags, designed for easy placement directly in your pond, sump or filter; the box of six 1/2-lb bags; or the 11-lb box of loose straw you can bundle yourself. BST5 1/2 lb bag $ 7 6/4+ / BST6 Six 1/2 lb bags 30 27/4+ / BST11 11lb box 48 44/4+ MOS8 DK2 Accu-Clear Accu-Clear causes dirt particles, debris, and bacteria blooms to clump together and settle to the bottom to be either vacuumed up or picked up by the filter. Safe for use with all fish and plants. 16 ounces treats 4,800 gallons. AC16 AC128 16 oz. 1 gal. Each 6+ $ 10.90 55.90 10.35 52.55 Clarity Max Plus This product combines activated barley, bacteria and 6 different enzymes into a single, dry packaged product for the improvement and maintenance of garden ponds. It helps to break down organic materials and improves the natural nutrient cycling rate resulting in clearer water with less muck build up. 1698 Pond Care AlgaeFix™ • Effectively controls “green water” in ponds. • EPA-registered herbicide. AlgaeFix™ effectively controls many types of green water algae (Chlorella), blue-green algae (Aphanizomenon), string and hair algae (Cladophora), and blanketweed (Oedogonium). Formulated to keep ornamental ponds and water gardens clean and clear, it can be safely used with aquatic plants and will not harm fish. Dosage is one teaspoon (5 ml) per 50 gallons. 1698 8 oz. $ 6 / 16916 16 oz. 10 / 16964 64 oz. 30 Order Online Designed for ponds from 500 to 8,000 gallons, but can be used on larger ponds. Sprinkle over the surface or around the perimeter, taking care not to dust the plants (it won’t work if it’s not in the water)! The pond may become cloudy but should clear within 24 - 48 hours. Treat pond every 10 - 14 days until problem has been resolved; for severe problems double the dosage. Safe for all pond fish and plants, 6 oz. treats 4,000 gallons. CCM9 9 oz. $ 14.80 13.32/3+ / CCM25 40 oz. 38.00 34.20/3+ Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Tech Support 407-886-3939 3 Activated Carbon Amquel Plus A superior, high-purity, lignite-based activated carbon designed for water purification. Preferred by public aquariums, research centers, and government fisheries. The small particle size (approximately 1/16" to 1/8") provides a large surface area for rapid uptake and reduces water travel distances to interior absorption surfaces. Keeps water crystal clear. Absorbs full range of organic contaminants, pesticides, odors, colors, chlorine, dissolved organics, ozone and many heavy metals. Carbon is dry packed. Can be retained using window screen size mesh. The 15-pound plastic bucket has a resealable lid. Approximately .625 m2 of surface area per gram. Bulk density is approximately 24 lbs/ft3. No air shipping. Considered to be one of the most effective dechlorinators on the market, Amquel instantly removes all forms of ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, chlorine and chloramine from both fresh and saltwater. The active ingredient in Amquel Plus reacts with nitrogen compounds like ammonia and nitrite to form a non-toxic, stable substance that does not interfere with beneficial bacteria and can be oxidizedby nitrifying bacteria in the biofilter. Amquel Plus uses no sodium thiosulfate, contains no formaldehyde, and is non-toxic to all fish and invertebrates. Water treated with Amquel Plus cannot be accurately tested using Nessler’s type ammonia tests or Winkler type D.O. kits. The amounts of toxic components removed by Amquel Plus vary depending on water conditions. Recommended dosage is 1 teaspoon (5 ml) for each 10 gallons. This dose will remove chlorine, 1.2 ppm of ammonia, 2 ppm of nitrite, 13 ppm of nitrate. One 16-ounce bottle treats 960 gallons. AC412A AC412 AC412B 1.5 lb 15 lb 40 lb Each 3+ $ 9.25 58.00 107.00 8.40 52.15 96.30 AC412A Dechlorinator, Sodium Thiosulfate AM16P AM64P Sodium thiosulfate is the main compound in most chlorine neutrailizers. Any time municipal water must be used for aquaculture, use sodium thiosulfate (or our other dechlorinating formula) for instant neutralization of chlorine. Dosage rates vary with the pH of the water, but rates between 1.6 to 2.6 parts sodium thiosulfate per one part chlorine should be adequate. (Excess levels of sodium thiosulfate up to 100 ppm will not harm fish.) Made in USA. ST1A 5 lb $ 12.99 12/3+ / ST1 50 lb 64 59/3+ 16 oz. 1 gal. $ 8.90 46 8/12+ 41/4+ AM64P AM16P Pond Ammo-Lock 2 Pond Ammo-Lock 2 instantly detoxifies ammonia produced by fish waste and un-eaten food. It is also effective at removing chlorine and chloramines from tap water. Dosage rate: 16 ounces treats 1,920 gal. 166B 16 oz. $ 8.75 7.75/6+ ST1A Zeolite Ammonia Remover Stress Coat Fresh water only. Clinoptilolite filter media, otherwise known as zeolite, is an effective means of removing ammonia. It also provides a large surface area for nitrifying bacteria in recirculating systems. ProLine high performance zeolite may be regenerated several times by overnight immersion in a salt solution and/or oven drying. (Not effective in saltwater.) Slime coat replacement. Stress Coat replaces a fish's natural slime coat with a synthetic one, preventing loss of body fluids and electrolytes. This is very useful when hauling, handling or medicating fish. In addition, Stress Coat acts as a water conditioner, neutralizing chlorine and, when used during shipping, is an economical form of protection for your investment. Not FDA approved. Use one teaspoon (5 ml) per 10 gallons for chlorine neutralization; double for fin/scale damage. Does not neutralize chloramines. EASY TO USE: Use 1 gram Zeolite for every 1.5 mg of ammonia to be removed. For example, to remove 1 ppm (1mg/L) ammonia from 10 gallons (38 liters) of water, use a minimum of 25 grams (0.13 lbs) zeolite (38 mg ÷ 1.5 = 25). Made in USA. ZAR12 ZAR5 1.5 lb 50 lb $ 8.95 34.35 ZAR12 7.85/4+ 29.85/4+ SC1 SC2 SC5 16 oz. 1 gal. 5 gal. $ 7.50 36.95 128.00 7.02/4+ 34.74/2+ 118.00/2+ SC2 SC1 ProLine Aqua-Coat Neutralizes chlorine and chloramines. This superconcentrated formula removes chlorine and chloramines, while also detoxifying heavy metals commonly found in tap and well water. It greatly accelerates the attachment of nitrifying bacteria to the biomedia, maximizing cycling speed. Natural ingredients help damaged scales and fins on fish. It is effective in both fresh and saltwater. It even adds a protective slime coat to the fish’s body, preventing future damage and reducing the risk of external parasites. Will not alter pH and contains no phosphates or formaldehydes. Dosage: 2 ounces treats 240 gallons. Not FDA-approved. 239600 239601 239602 4 16 oz. 1 gal. 5 gal. Each 4+ $ 4.60 27.10 95.30 4.20 24.00 88.00 239601 Order Online Filter Media Bags These polyester monofilament filter bags are excellent for retaining carbon, zeolite and other media. They are perfect for placing in sumps, trickle filters, pond filters, and many other uses. Bags feature drawstring closing tops. Select 250 or 800 micron mesh size. MB1 MB2 MB3 MB4 MB5 MB6 MB7 MB8 Each 10+ 250 Micron, 6" x 10" $ 1.65 800 Micron, 6" x 10" 1.65 250 Micron, 8" x 12" 1.95 800 Micron, 8" x 12" 1.95 250 Micron, 12" x 15" 2.40 800 Micron, 12" x 15" 2.40 250 Micron, 12" x 18" 2.60 800 Micron, 12" x 18" 2.60 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 2.28 2.28 2.28 2.28 Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Tech Support 407-886-3939 MB1 ProLine Pond Bacteria In a Bag BactaPur ® Klear ProLine “Bacteria In a Bag” is a good product for elimination of pond sludge and odors. It utilizes natural bacteria and enzymes to biodegrade bottom sludge in ponds. Comes in handy-to-use water-soluble bags. Simply calculate water volume and dispense at the rate of one 1-oz. bag per 400 gallons of water or one 8-oz. bag per 4,800 gallons in ornamental ponds, biofilters or raceways. When treating large ponds/lakes, dose one pound per acre foot of water every two weeks while temperatures are above 50°F, double dose on the first application of the season. Scientifically cultured to produce a powerful team of beneficial bacteria that improve water quality, Bacta-Pur ® Klear attacks both the solid and soluble organic pollution in ponds. These micro-organisms use these wastes as food for their growth. The by-products of this natural water cleaning process are water, carbon dioxide, and bacterial biomass, which is rich in protein. In a pond with koi, goldfish, or snails, there is very little accumulation of bacteria, because these animals eat it. Thus, waste is channeled into the animal side of the food chain. BX1 1L $ 13 12/12+ / BX1A 4L 38 36/4+ 239400 239410 239425 Six 1 oz. Bags 8 oz. Bag 25 lb Bag $ 11.92 8.60 295.00 BactaPur ® NutriPaK We recommend that a one-time application of Bacta-Pur® NutriPaK be applied to ensure that all of the essential nutrients for healthy bacteria growth are present in the pond. These nutrient growth enhancers should not be required again unless water changes greater than 30 percent are done. NK34 1L $ 13 12/12+ / NK135 4L 38 36/4+ EcoFix EcoFix is formulated to make pond water clean and clear. It contains highly active strains of bacteria that break down dead algae and help increase the concentration of dissolved oxygen in pond water. Safe for all fish and plants, it helps create a healthy ecosystem and can be used in ponds containing salt. A 16 ounce bottle treats up to 4,000 gallons. 147B 16 oz. $ 8.95 / 147D 64 oz. 29.75 This product contains 12 strains of bacteria to maintain water clarity, solubilize organic deposits and break down sludge and waste products into natural fish food. Recommended for bodies of water 8,000 gals - 24 acres. The use of Bacta-Pur® assures the presence of the appropriate strains of beneficial microorganisms for fast and efficient nitrification (oxidation of ammonia and nitrite) and reduction of BOD, phosphorus, and organic sludge. BX3 4L $ 38 36/4+ For over 20 years, MICROBE-LIFT® PL has been unique in the marketplace. It is specifically formulated for fish ponds, decorative ponds and lagoons. It is a mixture of beneficial bacteria, including nitrifiers and photosynthetic bacteria, that reduces ammonia levels, eliminates noxious odors and reduces the buildup of wastes. MICROBE-LIFT® PL is completely safe and will help to maintain a balanced pond environment. Recommended dosage is 1 quart per 18,000 gallons for a first time application or 1 quart per 40,000 gallons monthly for maintenance. For larger applications, 1 gallon treats up to 70,000 gallons for startup, or up to 160,000 gallons for maintenance. ML6 1 qt $ 19 / ML7 1 gal. 65 Ponds less than 4000 L (1000 gallons): Add weekly: (When starting new system, double doses for two weeks): 100 mL Bacta-Pur® KLEAR & 100 mL Bacta-Pur® NutriPak/1000 L pond water. (1.0 oz./100 gallons pond water) Ponds more than 4000 L (1000 gallons): Add weekly: (When starting new system, double doses for two weeks): 100 mL Bacta-Pur® KLEAR & 100 mL Bacta-Pur® NutriPAK/4000 L pond water. (4 oz./1000 gallons pond water) ProLine Bacteria SeaChem Buffers P2247 P2237 Pond pH Buffer is a non-phosphate buffer that will not promote algae growth and maintains a pond pH of 7.4-7.6. Pond Acid Buffer is designed to lower pH and is especially useful in concrete ponds. P2237 P2247 BX3 BactaPur ® Pond MICROBE-LIFT® PL These high-grade water buffers can be used to regulate and control pH levels in aquatic systems. BX1A pH Buffer, 1 kg $ 12.69 Acid Buffer, 1 kg 12.69 Order Online ProLine Nitrifying Bacteria can be used to rapidly seed biological filters and correct ammonia and nitrite imbalances. Treatment rates are 4 ounces per 10 gallons for freshwater systems (use freshwater for salinity of 7 ppt or lower). For garden pond applications (less than 1,000 gallons), add four ounces per 20 gallons of water. For lightly loaded ponds or lakes, add two gallons per surface acre of water. For older or heavily loaded lakes, call an AES technician. 239210 239211 16 oz. 1 gal. Order by Phone 877-347-4788 $ 8.95 37.15 Tech Support 407-886-3939 5 Binox™ This symbol designates those products that require a completed Chemical Waiver Form before purchase. Aquatic Eco-Systems, Inc. will only sell medications to those customers who certify that they will control the usage of these products. Medications are for use with ornamental fish only and are not for use with food fish or for human consumption. A broad range product that clears severe fungus and bacteriarelated problems, including cotton fungus, gray slime, scratching, open sores, bloody spots and streaks, fin/tail/mouth rot, swim bladder disease, dropsy and cloudy eyes. One teaspoon (5 ml) treats 25 gallons. Not FDA-approved. NJ010 2 oz. $ 3.20 2.80/4+ / NJ010-20 18 oz. 17.50 15.80/4+ NJ1010 Debride Medicated Ointment Debride is a medicated ointment that promotes prompt and complete healing of ulcers, mouth rot, fin rot and tail rot, all symptoms of Aeromonas and Pseudomonas. It is safe to apply to the mouths of fish and will not harm the gills. Debride contains corticosteroid and topical anesthetic in a butyl ester copolymer petroleum distillate carrier. Each tube contains 12 grams, which will allow approximately 20 applications. For use with koi only, not for use with food fish. DB1 $ 24.90 Anchors Away For the treatment of anchor worms, fish lice, and copepods that commonly afflict koi. Recommended dosage is one teaspoon (5 ml) per 50 gallons (190 L). One 18 ounce bottle treats 5400 gallons. 3922 $ 12.60 11.60/4+ Pond Melafix Pond Fungus Eliminator Safe, natural treatment. Antibacterial remedy for the treatment of koi and goldfish diseases. Derived from the leaves of the tea tree (Melaleuca), this antibacterial remedy will treat ulcers, open wounds, fin & tail rot, and rapidly repair damaged fins. Ideal for the treatment of fungus and bacterial-related diseases in koi. It is highly effective against Columnaris, grey slime (Costiasis), blood spots and streaks (hemorrhagic septicemia), open sores (furunculosis), fin and tail rot, mouth rot, cotton mouth disease, swim bladder disease, dropsy and scratching. One 20 ounce (0.59 L) bottle treats 600 gallons (2.2 cubic meters). 3923 20 oz. $ 11.55 / 3924 7.5 lb 44.55 3924 It has powerful antibacterial properties that treat wounds and promote rapid tissue growth. Melafix will not harm biological filters, plants, snails or other invertebrates. Not FDA-approved. 1768 8 oz. $ 5.47 17616 16 oz. 9.80 17664 64 oz. 29.25 KZ16 This patented blend of non-pathogenic bacteria, enzymes and micronutrients works on the established principle of competitive exclusion. When used as directed, KoiZyme will reduce the bacterial count of Aeromonas, Pseudomonas and other pathogenic bacteria to such low levels that they will not have an affect on koi. KoiZyme will not harm biofilters and has a 4-6 month shelf life (18 months if kept refrigerated). Use weekly at 4 teaspoons per 1000 gallons. KZ16 16 oz. $ 32 28/4+ / KZ32 32 oz. 60 55/4+ Fluke -Tabs FT11 Highly effective treatment for tapeworms, parasitic copepods, Lernaea (anchor worms), Gyrodactylus (body flukes), Dactylogyrus (gill flukes), Argulus (fish lice), Capillaria and other trematodes. Safe for fresh and saltwater tropical fish. One tablet treats 10 gallons. Not FDA-approved. FT11 10 Tablets $ 2.40 / FT2 100 Tablets 18.30 Tricide-Neo Goodbye to bacterial ulcers! Tricide-Neo is a patented dip to aid in the treatment of superficial bacterial infections such as ulcer disease. It breaks the bacteria's resistant outer layer to allow the antibiotic to stop the bacteria. The product is shipped dry and mixed with distilled water. Fish can be dipped every other day for one week. Healed ulcers can typically be seen within 15 days. Also used as a prophylactic dip prior to introducing new fish. Ineffective against Mycobacterium spp. For external use on non-food fish only! Try it! It works great! TN22 (22 grams) makes one gallon, TN110 (110 grams) makes 5 gallons. TN22 1 gal. $ 27.80 / TN110 5 gal. 62.40 KoiZyme Dimilin Very effective against anchor worm infestations that can infest entire koi ponds. Dimilin interrupts the parasites reproductive processes and life cycle, preventing future infection. Does not affect biological filters. 8 ounces treats 960 gallons. For koi ponds only. Not for use with fish for human consumption. 177A 8 oz. $ 7.65 / 177B 16 oz. 11.95 177B 10J PimaFix Antifungal Treatment A natural botanical remedy made from West Indian Bay oil, Pimafix rapidly treats fungal infections on fish bodies and fins, and also treats internal and external bacterial infections. Works in both fresh and saltwater, will not discolor water. Dosage rate is 16 ounces per 960 gallons. Not FDA-approved for use with food fish. 10J 16 oz. $ 7.25 6.52/4+ / 10K 64 oz. 26.95 24.25/4+ Potassium Permanganate Technical grade KMnO4, 97 percent minimum potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizer that works by oxidizing organic and inorganic materials that are major consumers of oxygen. (Does not add oxygen to the water.) Sold in 5 lb plastic jars only. We cannot ship more than six jars per carton. Must ship with Hazardous label. Ships by RPS. PTP5 $27 25/3+ ProForm-C CHT1 Chloramine-T CHT1 1 lb $ 13.35 / CHT5 5 lb CHT30 30 lb 189.00 / CHT275 275 lb 6 Order Online 53.25 1,509.00 P1002 ProForm-C is a broad spectrum treatment that is safe and effective for the control of diseases caused by Ichthyophthirius (ich), Costia, Trichodina, Chilodonella, Oodinium and fungal infections. It is a malachite green and formalin combination that is considerably less toxic to koi and goldfish than other similar products in the market. Required treatment time is generally 3 days and bypassing of the biofilter is not required. One quart treats a 3,200-gallon system three times and one gallon treats a 12,800-gallon system three times. For use only with koi, not for use with food fish. P1002 1 qt $ 19.80 / P1003 1 gal. 62.60 Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Tech Support 407-886-3939 Economy Dissecting Kit Advanced Dissection Kit Sturdy Academic Microscope This low cost dissecting kit contains scalpel, dissecting scissors, forceps, dropper with rubber bulb, 2 straight teasing needles with plastic handles, 6" ruler with inch and metric scales, and six 2" T-pins. Comes in a vinyl case with six loops and a pocket. M40 $ 24 22/3+ High-quality stainless steel instruments in a zippered case. Kit includes three scissors: straight fine point, Mayo straight, and straight blunt point; five forceps: straight fine point, curved fine point, tissue forceps, mosquito forceps, and bone forceps; scalpel handle with four #22 blades and four #25 blades; dissecting needles both straight and curved; mall probe and seeker; double-ended probe; six dissecting T-pins; and a transparent 6" ruler. M1485 $ 73 69/3+ 65/12+ The Van Guard line of microscopes were chosen by AES because they are such a good value. They carry a 5-year warranty! High quality optics with sturdy metal construction provide student-proof performance and are an excellent value. Inclined monocular eye tube features 10X wide field view piece with pointer. Revolving triple turret has fully-coated achromatic 4X,10X and 40X objectives. Large stage with spring clips. Built-in 10W 115V light with condenser (N.A. 0.65), and 5 aperture sub-stage rotary diaphragm. Single adjustment knob with slip clutch protection to provide accurate focusing. Includes dust cover. Ship weight 8 lb. M12 Cover Slides M8 Plain glass surface is free from irregularities. Choose from two sizes, M26 - 40 mm x 24 mm (1.5" x 0.9") with thickness 0.13 to 0.17 mm (.005 to .007"); or M27 - 22 mm x 22 mm with thickness 0.13 to 0.17 mm (.005 to .007"). 100 per box. M26 $ 4.25 3.83/4+ / M27 2.75 2.48/4+ M40 M1485 M8 M8B Microscope $ 169 164/3+ Replacement Bulb, 10W 6 5/6+ Binocular Microscope This binocular microscope offers high performance and durability at an excellent price. Features 10X wide field eyepieces on a 360° rotating head, 4X, 10X, 40X and 100X (oil-immersed) achromatic DIN objectives. Large 110 mm x 115 mm mechanical stage with iris diaphragm, N.A. 1.25 Abbe condenser and coarse and fine focusing with a slip-clutch mechanism. Built-in 20W incandescent lamp (115V). Makes a great educational laboratory microscope from middle school to the university level. 8"L x 6"W x 14"H, ship weight 19 lb. Five-year warranty. M12 $ 549 494/3+ Glass Slides M24 Clear glass slides with ground edges. Slides are 25 mm x 75 mm x 1.2 mm thick (1" x 3" x 0.05"). 72 slides per box. M24 $ 3.95/box 3.50/4+ M26 WQB200 WQB34 WQB98 WQB17 WQB64 WQB31 WQB18 CD17 Diseases of Carp and Other Cyprinid Fishes The Completely Illustrated Guide to Koi for Your Pond Cyprinids rank as one of the most commercially imported groups of freshwater fish, and include carp, baitfish, aquarium fish and even zebrafish used in genetic research. This comprehensive guidebook includes many chapters on disease diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Includes numerous illustrations and color photographs. Hoole, Buck, Burgess and Welby, 2000. Hardcover. 288 pages. WQB98 $ 98 One of the most comprehensive koi books published. It covers a variety of areas such as filtration, history, koi varieties, set-up and care. Contains pictures from the 1995 All Japan Nishikigoi Competition in Tokyo. Herbet R. Axelrod, 1996. 312 pages. WQB34 $ 48 Pocket Reference A complete, water-resistant, soft cover reference guide for the aquaculturist. Includes many conversion and formula tables, medication doses, feed contents and recipes, fish shipping densities and oxygen absorption charts, etc. Very useful and complete. R. LeRoy Creswell. 1993, 222 pages. WQB18 $ 45 A valuable pocket-sized reference book including topics ranging from water friction tables to the phone number of your favorite airline. A must for everybody. Thomas J. Glover, Reprint 2002, 2nd Edition. Soft cover, 480 pages. WQB17 $ 11 The Pond Doctor This is an excellent book for serious water gardeners. Information on plant care and maintenance, recommended depths for water plants, water quality maintenance, filtration, and construction. It also contains helpful conversion factors that will be used frequently. Helen Nash, 1994. Soft cover, 160 pages. WQB64 $ 18 Koi Health and Disease Every koi/goldfish hobbyist should have this book. It talks about symptoms of diseases, how to treat diseases, and preventative measures that can be taken to prevent the diseases from recurring. It also covers topics on water quality and chemical therapy. A video is also available (VHS20) that shows how to do fish autopsies and what certain diseases look like. We recommend both book and video to add to your library. Dr. Erik Johnson, 1997. WQB31 $ 39.50 Order Online Aquaculture Desk Reference Advanced Koi Care - For Veterinarians and Professional Koi Keepers A very comprehensive koi reference book, detailed with many charts and color photographs. Chapters include clinical procedures, disease diagnostics, injections, infectious diseases, water quality, disease prevention, bacterial and parasite infections, medicating and breeding. Nicholas Saint-Erne, DVM, 2003. 194 pages, softcover. WQB200 $ 65 Water Gardening CD-ROM This comprehensive CD is an interactive guide to designing, building and maintaining a garden pond. Sections include water garden construction, maintenance, water quality guidelines, and an aquatic plant section. Aquatic animals, various types of fish, and an introduction to koi are also profiled. Minimum requirements: Windows 95, 486 processor and 4x CD-ROM. CD17 $ 38 Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Tech Support 407-886-3939 7 AZOO Koi Foods • Formulated with Beta Glucan. • Excellent for boosting the immune systems of koi. AZ80143 Produced in the Orient, AZOO koi foods are formulated with extremely high-quality ingredients, including the powerful, immunity-enhancing Beta Glucan. Extracted from the cell wall of the mushroom Ganodermia lucidum, Beta Glucan enhances the immune system in koi and successfully strengthens their resistance to infection from bacteria, viruses and parasites. Formulated with over 40 selected ingredients including mysid, fish meal, digestive enzymes, spirulina, sea-weed power, multi-vitamins and minerals. AZ80138 AZ80139 AZOO foods are available in three sizes: 2.5 mm pellets for koi up to 9", and 6.5 mm and 8.0 mm pellets for larger fish. Wheat Germ – An easily digestable food for the colder months. Recommended for temperatures under 50°F. 32% protein. Growth – A premium food that produces rapid growth rates and enhances coloration. A balanced diet of vitamins, proteins and minerals. 35% protein. Color Enhancing – Contains high amounts of protein, vitamins and color enhancers that bring out the natural red and black colors in koi. 35% protein. Pellet Size/mm AZ80136 AZ80142 80063 AZ80146 AZ80143 AZ80135 AZ80140 AZ80138 AZ80141 AZ80137 AZ80144 AZ80139 AZ80145 Wheat Germ, 1 kg (2.2 lb) Wheat Germ, 20 kg (44 lb) Wheat Germ, 650 g (1.4 lb) Wheat Germ, 5 kg (11 lb) Wheat Germ, 20 kg (44 lb) Growth, 1 kg (2.2 lb) Growth, 20 kg (44 lb) Growth, 5 kg (11 lb) Growth, 20 kg (44 lb) Color, 1 kg (2.2 lb) Color, 20 kg (44 lb) Color, 5 kg (11 lb) Color, 20 kg (44 lb) 2.5 mm 2.5 mm 6.5 mm 6.5 mm 6.5 mm 2.5 mm 2.5 mm 6.5 mm 6.5 mm 2.5 mm 2.5 mm 6.5 mm 6.5 mm Each 3+ $ 10.50 110.00 9.00 42.00 110.00 9.00 80.00 37.00 80.00 13.00 190.00 55.00 180.00 7 74 6 37 74 6 54 25 54 9 130 37 120 Growth Wheat Germ Color Koi Foods by Ziegler Baby Koi Starter Pack Nutritionally complete diets for Koi and Goldfish. These high quality diets have marine proteins to increase palatability, digestibility, and reduces waste. These nutrient dense pellets contain stable vitamin C and brewers yeast for healthy gill, fin, and tissue development. Koi Fancier is a 4 mm pellet formulated for color enhancing, Koi Grower is a 3 mm pellet formulated for promoting both color and maximum growth of smaller fish. Pond Fancier is a 6 mm pellet for an overall nutrient dense diet for all pond fish and is the choice diet fro koi during colder weather. Sold in 20 oz. canisters and 5 lb bags, all are nitrogen flushed K103 K105 K101 to preserve freshness. We get numerous calls regarding what to feed newly hatched baby koi. We asked our resident expert for his custom blends and put together a group of foods designed to help these babies flourish during the critical period. The kit contains enough foods to grow approximately 1,000 fish up to 2" in size. Detailed instructions and secrets included. You will need a small aquarium air pump for the live food portion. 6339 $ 45 41/6+ K100 K101 K102 K103 K104 K105 Koi Fancier, 5 lb Koi Fancier, 20 oz. Koi Grower, 5 lb Koi Grower, 20 oz. Pond Fancier, 5 lb Pond Fancier, 20 oz. HK170 Each 3+ $ 8.00 3.50 9.00 3.65 6.90 2.80 7.50 3.25 8.60 3.45 6.55 2.65 A policy of continuous improvement is followed and the right to alter published data is reserved. Hikari Plankton Ideal for feeding fish fry, this plankton-based food hangs suspended in the water column where fry can readily feed. It is processed with a unique low-heat reduction method that eliminates nutrient loss. Vacuum-packed for freshness, it will help fry grow strong and healthy without defects or deformities. Sold in 4.4 lb bags, minimum 48 percent protein. Larval Stage HK170 HK270 HK370 8 Early Middle Late Size (mm) Mesh 0.2 mm 80-180 $ 44.85 0.2-0.37 mm 60-80 44.85 0.37-0.61 30-60 44.85 Order Online Order by Phone 877-347-4788 6441 Medicated Koi/Goldfish Food This food contains all the nutrients needed to help ornamental fish heal quickly. Contains four antibiotics and may help heal ulcers. Available in 1, 5 and 10 lb bags. Must be fed continuously for 10 days. For use on ornamental and non-food fish, not intended for human consumption. Chemical waiver form required. 6441 1 lb $ 9 / 6445 5 lb 29 / 6449 10 lb 40 Tech Support 407-886-3939 HK18 HK342 HK13 HK5 HK3 HK224 HK624 Hikari Koi Foods Love Star Koi Feed We believe Hikari is one of the best names in the business. Koi have been eating Hikari for over 100 years! We buy direct and cold-store our food to give you the freshest food at the best price. Made in Japan. Wheat germ is 30% protein. Staple Diet - Good for all around general feeding. Floating wheat germ for excellent nutrition during the colder season – HK9 is floating, HK10 is sinking. 35% protein. Wheat Germ - For feeding koi in cooler temperatures, easily digestable. Excel - A new, very specially prepared color enhancer, floating. A mixture of highly nutritious wheat germ and pure cultured spirulina. 35% protein. Hi-Growth - Promotes fast and healthy koi growth, floating. 34% protein. Gold - A daily diet developed to meet the nutritional needs of koi, while providing outstanding color enhancement. 40% protein. Spirulina - A superior color-enhancing formula. 35% protein. Exceptional quality describes this feed. It can be used by itself for a short time, but should not be sole source of nutrition. Available in sinking and floating pellets, this 100 percent natural feed is made of lobster, cuttlefish and crab. Love Star contains no plant additives and is high in alpha and beta chitin. Imported. Pellet Size HK242 HK11 HK282 HK289 HK342 HK12 HK1 HK442 HK13 HK14 HK489 HK624 HK8 HK634 HK16 HK10 HK17 HK9 HK3 HK4 HK5 HK224 HK228 HK6 HK234 HK7 HK244 HK15 HK248 HK732 HK18 Staple Diet, 17.6 oz. Staple Diet, 4.4 lb Staple Diet, 11 lb Staple Diet, 22 lb Staple Diet, 17.6 oz. Staple Diet, 6.6 lb Staple Diet, 22 lb Staple Diet, 17.6 oz. Staple Diet, 4.4 lb Staple Diet, 11 lb Staple Diet, 22 lb Wheat Germ, 17.6 oz. Wheat Germ, 4.4 lb Wheat Germ, 17.6 oz. Wheat Germ, 4.4 lb Wheat Germ, 11 lb Wheat Germ, 11 lb Wheat Germ, 33 lb Excel, 11 lb Hi-Growth, 4.4 lb Economy, 11 lb Gold, 17.6 oz. Gold, 11 lb Gold, 22 lb Gold, 17.6 oz. Gold, 22 lb Gold, 17.6 oz. Gold, 11 lb Gold, 22 lb Spirulina, 15.8 oz. Spirulina, 11 lb 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 3/16" 3/16" 3/16" 3/16" 5/16" 5/16" 5/16" 1/8" 1/8" 3/16" 3/16" 3/16" 5/16" 5/16" 5/16" 5/16" 5/16" 1/8" 1/8" 1/8" 3/16" 3/16" 5/16" 5/16" 5/16" 1/8" 5/16" Each 4+ $ 6.95 22.85 49.25 88.65 6.95 24.00 83.90 6.95 22.85 48.15 88.65 8.35 23.85 8.35 24.50 64.00 58.90 132.00 116.40 31.45 35.80 9.65 80.95 139.00 9.65 139.00 9.65 89.40 147.65 11.65 89.70 6.55 21.70 46.30 83.35 6.55 22.78 79.50 6.55 21.70 45.70 83.35 7.85 22.65 7.85 23.25 60.00 55.95 125.00 110.00 29.75 34.05 9.10 76.10 132.00 9.10 132.00 9.10 85.45 138.80 10.95 85.40 Order Online LSF11 LSF12 LSF13 LSF14 LSF15 LSF16 Floating 3/16" Pellet, 4 lb $ 47 Floating 3/16" Pellet, 8.8 lb 94 Floating 5/16" Pellet, 4 lb 47 Floating 5/16" Pellet, 8.8 lb 94 Sinking 5/16" Pellet, 4.4 lb 46 Sinking 5/16" Pellet, 11 lb 98 Order by Phone 877-347-4788 LSF11 Kani Ichiban Similar to the Love Star brand, this feed is used primarily for color enhancement. It should not be used as the sole source of nutrition for koi. Feed is manufactured from crab powder. Imported. KCF11 KCF12 KCF13 KCF14 Floating Powder, 4 lb Floating 1/4" Pellet, 8.8 lb Sinking Powder, 5.5 lb Sinking 1/4" Pellet, 11 lb $ 21 40 48 39 KCF11 Tech Support 407-886-3939 9 Automatic Fish Feder The Sweeney Koi Café This feeder was designed for feeding pond fish, but it also works great indoors, on tanks, etc. The feeder has a volume of 2.5 liters and accepts pelleted food to 6 mm (1/4"). Its digital timer can be programmed to feed up to 6 times per day, 1-30 seconds per feeding. Each feeder includes a mounting bracket and a digital timer with a 115V/12V transformer. Cable length from timer to feeder is 15', feeder measures 6"H x 41/2"W x 21/2"D. V100 $ 130 123/4+ 117/12+ Choose from 3 colors, all with 2-year warranty. This attractive product provides automated feeding, using Sweeney’s proven timer and vibrating feeding technology. A great way to have consistent feeding. Complete with timer capable of feeding up to 8 times per day. Hanako Koi Feeder by Special design inhibits moisture from getting into the primary food supply and the 6.5 pound hopper allows for long refill intervals. Two-year warranty. Available in champagne (C), red (R) or green (G). Add the color letter after the part number. Weighs 10 lb. 6V battery included (1 lb). Optional solar charger available for each model, weighs 11 lb. Stren ® The Stren ® Hanako koi feeder is designed with quality and functionality in mind. It is completely automated and uses a unique baffle feed disbursement technology that almost eliminates any annoying noise typically inherent to vibratory feeders. The feeders come with electronic timers capable of feeding up to 8 times per day, programmable up to 90 seconds per feeding. A side panel slides open to provide easy access to the timer and battery. Feeders hold approximately 10 lbs of feed in a moisture-resistant hopper. Hanging cable included, available in green (G) or khaki (K). Add the color letter after the part number (i.e, SHK-G). Uses six volt battery (not included). Four year warranty. SHK 1809 1808 Hanako Koi Feeder Battery 6V/8A Battery Charger Each 3+ $ 169 20 16 155 18 15 SF36 BT626 SX61 Koi Café Feeder 6V Battery Solar Charger Each 3+ $ 225 25 80 213 22 75 SF36 Pond Feeder Once-a-day feeder for small ponds. Flake food or pellets are dispensed slowly over several hours each day (adjustable quantity and feeding time.) This feeder can hold close to 2 cups (approximately 200 grams) of food. Fully weatherproof, it can be mounted on a pole by the edge of the water or suspended over the water. One “AA” battery (not included) required for quartz timed motor. Measures 7" x 7" x 3.5". Three-year warranty. PF21 $ 42 38.60/4+ SHK-G San Francisco Bay Freeze Dried Foods Plankton (Euphasia pacifica) contains the highest natural source of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids essential for health and growth. Minimum level of protein is 70 percent, approximate size is 12 mm long and 2 mm wide. Krill (Euphasia superba) contains 60 percent protein, has high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids and is very rich in astaxanthin (a carotenoid pigment that improves flesh and external fish coloration.) Brine Shrimp (Artemia salina) is an excellent protein source (minimum 56 percent) and is readily digestible. Gammarus shrimp are dried white shrimp that provide fish a good source of pigment and protein. Blood Worms and Tubifex Worms are processed to ensure they are free from contamination and pathogens. SB122 SB124 SB950 SB132 SB134 SB850 ee 11-lb Get a Frf AZOO bag o oi Food K Growth purchase e with th y Stren ® of an eder Koi Fe Terra Pond $ 6.95 12.95 48.50 7.95 12.95 68.00 6.65/6+ 12.30/6+ 46.08/4+ 7.55/6+ 12.30/6+ 64.60/4+ SB124 FK16 Sun-Dried Plankton High in carotenoid pigments (astaxanthin), sun-dried ocean plankton is great for enhancing colors in koi, tropical fish and marine fish. Excellent as a feed additive to pellets, flakes, gels, etc., or it can be used as a stand-alone diet. FK8 8 oz. $ 9.25 8.75/6+ / FK16 16 oz. 17.95 17.25/6+ 8602 A must for all lined ponds. TerraPond is all-natural and recognized by most Japanese koi breeders as the foremost product to introduce nutrients and minerals to koi. This introduction can be done through pond water, as koi will absorb the minerals and nutrients through their skin (TerraPond dissolves to microfine size particles) and through their gills, as well as ingesting it directly. TerraPond is the purest form of calcium montmorillonite clay in the world. It is mined from a unique deposit in the United States. 8602 2 lb $ 14.90 / 8604 4 lb 27.85 10 Plankton, 2 oz. Plankton, 4 oz. Plankton, 1 kg Krill, 2 oz. Krill, 4 oz. Krill, 1 kg SB134 Order Online AZOO Freeze Dried Krill 80110 Produced from fresh selected ingredients, the AZOO line of freeze dried foods are processed with advanced sterilization techniques and are free from contamination and pathogens. Krill (Euphasia superba) is extremely high in Omega-3 fatty acids (HUFA) and contains over 60 percent protein. Krill size is approximately 35-50 mm long and 6-10 mm wide, the high carotenoid pigment level improves flesh and external fish coloration. 80109 33g $ 4.95 4.00/6+ / 80110 100g 12.95 12.00/6+ Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Tech Support 407-886-3939 Plant Baskets Aquatic Plant Food Tablets These plant baskets can be used as vegetable filters, hydroponic containers, pump strainers, and of course, plant baskets. These tablets are specifically formulated to encourage blooms in water garden plants. They strengthen plant stems and leaves, promote growth, and provide necessary trace elements, without adding excess nutrients to the pond water. Excellent for water garden lilies. PBK73 PBK95 PBK11 PBK14 PBK5 PBK9 Square Basket, Small, 7" x 7" x 3" Square Basket, Medium, 9" x 9" x 5" Square Basket, Large, 11" x 11" x 7" Square Basket, X-Large, 14" x 14" x 10" Round Basket, Small, 5"D x 4"H Round Basket, Medium, 9"D x 5"H Each 12+ $ 1.20 1.40 2.40 4.30 .90 1.60 .90 1.20 2.10 3.70 .70 1.35 18525 18560 Each 4+ 25 count, 4.2 oz. $ 4.95 60 count, 9.8 oz. 8.95 4.45 7.90 18525 Crystal Stone Lights Round Style PBK5, PBK9 Square Style PBK735, PBK95, PBK11, PBK14 Great for accenting paths, waterfalls, gardens or pond features. Each kit includes three crystal glass stones, a 12V UL-listed transformer, 29' of connection cable, and three replacement lamps. 100 percent waterproof, rated for outdoor use. (Not designed for underwater use.) 8026 $ 49 39/8+ Large Underwater Lights These commercial-quality 115V, 250W underwater lights are great for ponds, small lakes, and spotlighting fountains. Featuring a bright 250W tungsten halogen bulb, they will operate in water as shallow as 6" deep. The lamp is mounted in a stainless steel case and has a heavy cast brass grill that acts as a rock guard, swivel stand allows for easy positioning. They are UL-listed, thermally protected, and include a clear lens and power cord. Optional colored lens available. For use underwater only. 90 day warranty on light fixtures, no warranty on bulbs. Lights are 5" high. Made in USA. UL2520 UL2530 UL25B UL25G UL25R UL25Y UL25RB 250W Light, 20' cord 250W Light, 30' cord Blue Colored Lens Green Colored Lens Red Colored Lens Yellow Colored Lens 250W Replacement Bulb Each 4+ $ 268 284 29 29 29 29 29 250.00 263.00 26.10 26.10 26.10 26.10 26.10 Waterlily Pond Lights Rated for outdoor use, these floating pond lilies are 100 percent waterproof and totally safe because they are 12VDC. Each 8025 includes 3 sizes of lily lights, 30' of connection cable, 12V UL-listed transformer, 3 spare bulbs and 3 spare glass tubes. 8025 $ 39 31/8+ Underwater Lights, 18 Watt The perfect pond lights! You can operate up to four 18W lights from its standard 88W transformer! The two-light kit includes the transformer, two underwater lights with bases, and 15' of cord each. The transformer has 3 settings: on/off; on at dusk; and off 4-6 hours later. It brings your 115VAC down to a safe 12VDC. PT1555 PT1570 PT1598 PT1590 PT1581 PT1582 PT1583 PT1584 Each 3+ 2-Light Kit $ 112 One Light Kit 26 Replacement Transformer 64 2 Replacement Bulbs 3 Red Lens (1) 5 Blue Lens (1) 5 Green Lens (1) 4 Ambver Lens (1) 4 106 24 60 2 4 4 3 3 Order Online PT1570 Crystal Globe Lights Crystal glass globe lights are 12V and completely safe for use in ponds and water gardens. Each 8027 includes three floating globe lights, 30' of connection cable, 12V UL listed transformer, and three spare bulbs. 8027 $ 68 52/8+ Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Tech Support 407-886-3939 11 Test Kits Professional Test Kit LaMotte brand water test kits have been in use for over 50 years. They are accurate, inexpensive and suitable for both fresh and saltwater testing (except when noted). Each kit (and replacement reagent) contains enough reagent to run between 50 and 200 tests, depending upon the amount of reagent used to reach the end point. All replacement reagents are sold with “RP” after the part number; e.g., LM4456RP. All single kits are approximately 2 lb. Made in USA. Alkalinity Alkalinity refers to the quantity and type of compounds present in the water that shift the pH above 7.0. Water with high alkalinity tends to be more strongly buffered. Buffering will reduce the tendency of the pH to shift. Add sodium bicarbonate to increase alkalinity (buffering capacity) and calcium chloride for hardness. Testing takes 2 minutes. 0 to 200 mg/liter. LM4491 $ 22.95 / LM4491RP 10.10 Ammonia To know how toxic ammonia is to your fish, you must know the ammonia level, the pH level and the temperature. A total ammonia level of 10 mg/L may not be harmful to trout at a pH of 6.0, but it would be deadly if the pH were 7.0. The test kits measure total ammonia. Total ammonia consists of both non-toxic NH4 (ionized) and toxic NH3 (un-ionized) forms. The proportion of one to the other is variable. The toxic form increases in proportion as the pH and/or temperature increases. Ammonia builds up in the water primarily by the metabolism of protein (nitrogen). About 10 percent of the protein fed to fish will show up as ammonia in the water. Testing takes 5 minutes. 1 to 8 mg/L. Note: Water containing Ammo-Lock and other ammonia-removing chemicals should be tested using an ammonia kit (LM3304) that uses the salicylate method (0.0 to 2.0 mg/L). LM4795 $ 62.80 / LM4795RP 14.70 / LM3304 52.45 / LM3304RP 24.10 For the koi keeper who demands the most accurate tests! We co-developed this test kit for the professional koi keeper. The kit utilizes LaMotte spectrophotometric tablets individually foil-wrapped. It measures for dissolved oxygen, nitrite, ammonia, pH and salinity. The kit has reagents for 50 tests each, four 10 ml sample vials with lids, a 100 ml sample vial, a stir rod, complete instructions. Ships via UPS. PK94 3968-H 3969-H 6459-H 3976-H 3885-H 3920-H 3886-H Test Kit $ 84.50 Ammonia #1 Reagents, 50 7.75 Ammonia #2 Reagents, 50 6.80 pH Refill, 50 7.90 Dissolved Oxygen Reagents, 100 9.75 Chloride Reagents, 50 12.00 Alkalinity Reagents, 50 5.95 Nitrate Reagents, 50 12.00 PK94 AquaChek Pond Test Strips No tablets or liquids. Test ponds the easy way! Simply dip a test strip into the pond and compare the color of the pads to the color chart provided. Each bottle contains 25 tests. Pads on the strips test pH, alkalinity, nitrite and nitrate. The total ammonia strips test for ammonia only and include 25 test strips per bottle. 11252 Pond Test Strips $ 14.95 11253 Total Ammonia Test Strips 12.00 LM4795 Tetra Koi Test Kit This master test kit was designed for koi pond owners. It contains tests for the following parameters: 100 Nitrite, 40 Nitrate, 50 pH, 55 Ammonia, 60 Oxygen and up to 30 Carbonate Hardness. Ships via UPS ground. Weighs 2 lb. 16828 $ 44.95 Chloride Chloride is one of the major anions found in water. When using salt, be careful where discharge occurs. Saltwater is about 16,000 ppm chloride, it takes only about 500 ppm chloride to kill some plants, shrubs and trees. For freshwater use only. Takes two minutes. 0 to 200 mg/L. LM4503 $ 31.45 / LM4503RP 17.80 Dissolved Oxygen This kit provides an inexpensive alternative to a dissolved oxygen meter. Testing takes 5 minutes. 0 to 10 mg/L. Note: These tests may not give accurate results when used with ammonia-reducing chemicals. LM7414 $ 39.95 / LM7414RP 26.85 Hardness The total hardness of water generally represents the total concentration of dissolved calcium and magnesium ions. Although closely related to alkalinity and the buffering capacity of water, high alkalinity may not always indicate high hardness. Hard waters (above 150 mg/L) are generally more productive for fish than soft waters. The typical range for aquaculture is 50 to 200 mg/L. Testing takes 2 minutes. 0 to 200 mg/L. LM4482 $ 29 / LM4482RP 11.95 Salinity Titration For measuring both low and high salinity levels in ponds, recirculating systems, brackish waters, etc. Testing takes 5 minutes. 0 to 40 ppt (parts per thousand). LM7459 $ 41.95 / LM7459RP 21.20 Pond Salt Level Kit This kit measures the percentage of salt from 0 to 3 ppt. Use for fish ponds and other low level saline applications. It is a helpful tool when medicating a pond or a tank of fish. Enough reagent for approximately 75 tests. Weighs 6 oz. 163 $ 4.80 Pond Care ® Master Test Kit This is a complete kit for testing pond water. Tests include pH, ammonia, nitrite, and salt. Kit contains instruction book, improved color cards for easy reading, 4 test tubes, holding spray and enough reagents for 50 tests each. 164M $ 15.80 LM4503 12 Order Online Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Tech Support 407-886-3939 pH/ORP Monitor by Vital Sine Pinpoint ORP Meter Completely Waterproof. This rugged, waterproof meter is low in price but packed with features. It is a high-quality pH meter that converts to an ORP meter with a $59 probe! The large LCD simultaneously shows pH or ORP and temperature in °F or °C. The internal microprocessor automatically recognizes buffer solutions when calibrating, has auto power off, and a low battery indicator. The rubber boot protects the meter in the field, or it can be used to mount the monitor onto a wall |either thru screw hole on top or the magnet on the back). Each monitor includes a meter, pH probe (either cable or direct connect), rubber protective boot, 9V battery and instructions. ORP electrodes sold separately below. Probes are 12mm in diameter, have built-in automatic temperature compensation; cabled probes have a 39" cable. Meter measures 4.4" x 3.1" x 1.5", weighs 9 oz. (260 g). One-year warranty on meter only. This little meter offers ORP data at a very affordable price. Detachable probe with 10' cable uses BNC connectors and is accurate to ±1 mV. Epoxy-covered electrode with a platinum band and silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl) tip. For calibration, it has an easy-to-use offset screw. Liquid crystal display. Powered by single 9V battery (included). Can be used in both fresh and saltwater. Six month warranty. Probe included. VS99 VS100 VSPC VSCE VSPW VSDC Meter w/Cable pH Electrode Meter w/ Direct Connect pH Electrode Probe w/Cable, pH Direct Connect, pH Probe w/Cable, ORP Direct Connect, ORP VS99 ORP3 ORP3R Each 4+ $ 110 98 39 38 59 59 104 93 37 36 56 56 Pressure and salinity compensated. The YSI DO200 is an economical version of the quality and results expected from YSI. The rugged housing is IP65 splash-resistant and the large LCD simultaneously displays ppm or percent saturation and temperature (°C only). Easy-to-replace screw-on cap membranes have a fast response time and are low-stirring dependent. Typical battery life is 1000 hours, Indicator warns when battery level is low. Probe, cable, electrolyte solution and membranes sold separately. One-year warranty on meter, six-month warranty on probes. Range: 0-20 mg/L, -6 to 46°C, 0-200%; Resolution: 0.1 mg/L. YDO200 DO200 Meter Only $ 240 Y2004 4 Meter Cable w/Probe Only 247 Y20010 10 Meter Cable w/Probe Only 280 Y5908 Replacement Membranes, 6/pk 45 Easy to use and simple to operate, this ORP monitoring system is perfect for small applications where long-term monitoring is desired. Monitor features a bright red LED display, mounting eyelets, and pushbutton calibration. Monitor includes a double junction ORP electrode with 3' cable. Range 0 to 995 mV, resolution 5 mV, accuracy ±5 mV. A 115V AC power adapter included. Measures 3.4"L x 3.4"W x 11/4"H. Three-month warranty on meter; six-month warranty on probe. M35649 $ 159 O2 Sat. Temp. ... and they float! These pH testers are completely waterproof to a depth of 3 feet. Perfect for field work, hydroponics, aquaculture applications, or anywhere frequent pH testing is required. All four models have replaceable electrodes. PW4 and PW7 feature a double junction electrode and increased reference gel volume for significantly longer electrode life. PW3 and PW7 have automatic temperature compensation (ATC). All measure pH from 0-14. Uses three 1.5V batteries (included). Measures 11/2" dia. x 7" long, weighs only six ounces. Testers have 12-month warranty; six-month warranty on electrodes. PW1 Mini pH Checker by Hanna Range Resolution Accuracy 0-20 mg/L 0-200% -6 to 46°C 0.1 mg/L 0.1% 0.1°C ±0.2% ±0.2% ±0.3°C YDO200 Vital Sine pH Calibration Solutions Waterproof pH Testers pH Tester pH Tester w/ATC Double Junction pH Tester Double Junction pH Tester w/ATC Replacement Electrode for PW1 Replacement Electrode for PW3 Replacement Electrode for PW4 Replacement Electrode for PW7 Batteries, six 1.5 Volt Button Cell ORP3 YSI Model 200 Dissolved Oxygen Meter ORP Monitor PW1 PW3 PW4 PW7 PW1R PW3R PW4R PW7R TRB ORP Meter $ 99 ORP Replacement Probe 51 $ 59.50 76.00 69.95 87.00 32.00 41.00 38.50 50.00 12.50 98103 VS45 VS41 VS75 VS71 VS105 VS101 pH 4.01, 500 ml $ 10.00 pH 4.01, 1gal. 26.95 pH 7.01, 500 ml 10.00 pH 7.01, 1gal. 26.95 pH 10.01, 500 ml 10.00 pH 10.01, 1gal. 26.95 8.49/12+ 23.02/4+ 8.49/12+ 23.02/4+ 8.49/12+ 23.02/4+ Waterproof Salt Tester VS45 VS41 Great for measuring salt levels in koi ponds. This low-range tester is specifically designed for measuring those difficult low-salt concentrations in koi ponds. The tester is completely waterproof and measures salt levels between 0.1-10.00 ppt (g/L). Easy calibration trimmer is isolated inside the battery compartment to prevent accidental tampering. Sensor element is 316 SS and replaceable. Includes protective case and batteries. Uses 4 button cell batteries, 7"L x 11/2" dia., weighs 6 oz. Six month warranty. SWT2 $ 69 65/3+ Low Cost Salinity Refractometer alue Great V$ Only 19 Very inexpensive, yet accurate. This small pH is microprocessor-based. Use it in fresh and saltwater aquariums, garden ponds, hydroponics, aquaculture, etc. Of course the pH electrode is included. At this price, you can buy several. Measures pH from 0.4 to 10.0, .01 resolution. Not designed for high temperatures. Uses two 1.4V batteries (included). Weighs only 3 oz, measures 2"W x 7"L. Six-month warranty. 98103 Mini pH Checker $ 19 / 1270 Replacement pH Electrode 17 Order Online These pH calibration solutions are standardized according to NIST-certified references. Bottles feature a pH vs temperature table to quickly adjust pH readings for accurate calibration. Shelf life is 6 months. Save nearly 50 percent by buying the gallon size (8 lb). 500 ml is 12 per case. Gallons are 4 to the case. Here's a low-cost, automatic, temperature compensated salinity refractometer. It has automatic temperature correction from 50 - 86°F (10 - 30°C) and a dual scale reading 0-100 ppt and 1.000-1.070 specific gravity. Each refractometer is tested to ensure an accurate instrument, even at this low price. Six-month warranty. Weighs 10 oz. Made in China. SR5 $ 42 39/6+ Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Tech Support 407-886-3939 13 That 'Gator is Moving Black Plastic Netting That's right. It opens its mouth, shows its teeth, and the jaws slam shut! It is fun to watch and it scares predators. IKE is an incredibly realistic looking and acting alligator. He is made from structural foam and stainless hardware, with a UVprotected, hand-painted finish. His rubber feet dangle as he keeps a leisurely guard over your fish. Predator Barriers Predator control can be a significant problem for outdoor fish farmers. After years of experimenting for long term solutions, the industry has determined that only a physical barrier can guarantee that predators are kept out. That is why we offer a wide selection of animal barrier netting. IKE is 36" long with a jointed tail that moves with the slightest breeze or wave. The best part is his mouth action! A small air pump (included), which is connected by aquarium tubing, rests on shore. Air power slowly raises IKE's head up from the surface and exposes his teeth. Then, after a moment’s pause, his jaw slaps down on the water, mimicking a very irritated reptile. Plug the air pump into a timer for intermittent operation. One person has even tied his 'gator to a swimming pool’s automatic cleaner for a “gator on the move.” Even if you are not concerned with predators, IKE is a real crowd pleaser! 115V/60 Hz. Uses only 8 watts of power, costing less than $1 per month! IKE $ 99 94/4+ These nets are UV-inhibited, solid plastic, combining long life with light weight. Average strand diameter in inches is shown (ASD). Only $ Square Mesh Lightweight, black plastic netting, is easily supported by plastic wire forming a low-cost bird and small animal barrier (the larger the mesh the lower the wind load.) UV-inhibited to last at least four years in the tropics. Select from 3 mesh sizes. Diamond Mesh (N4) More light weight than square mesh netting, the diamond netting collapses into the form of a rope for easier handling. N22 N22L N1677 N1678 N33 N33L 99 Square, 1/2" x 1/2", 14' x 50' Square, 1/2" x 1/2", 14' x 100' Square, 5/8" x 3/4", 14' x 50' Square, 5/8" x 3/4", 17' x 100' Square, 11/4" x 11/2", 17'4" x 50' Square, 11/4" x 11/2", 17'4" x 100' N22 $ 61.85 113.45 24.25 46.15 26.85 46.45 N33 58.75/4+ 106.60/4+ 23.00/4+ 43.85/4+ 24.70/4+ 42.75/4+ N1677/N1678 Gator Guard This life-size replica of an alligator head is what every pond owner needs to keep geese, ducks and fish-eating birds away. It is made from a ealistically colored resin, floats completely on top of the water and has mirror-backed eyes that flash in the sun. Can be free floating |or tethered (cord not included). Measures 25" long. 2214G $ 68 62/4+ 2214G Horned Owls Here is a low cost deterrent for birds. Made of sturdy weather-resistant plastic and hand-painted. Weighs 4 lb. H017 H021 17" Owl 21" Owl Each 4+ $ 17.45 23.40 15.40 20.50 Netting for Garden Ponds This lightweight netting is designed to protect ponds from leaves, debris and small animals. Includes ground fastening pegs. 3/8" mesh. Average strand diameter is 0.01". 02307 7' x 10' $ 9.95 / 02314 14' x 14' 15.95 / 02328 28' x 28' 47.95 02307 Premium Prerdator Netting This 2" x 2" square bird netting is truly top shelf. Its woven nylon material is easier to work with than solid strand materials. Orders larger than 2,000 ft2 are custom cut to your exact specifications so you won’t buy what you don’t need - please call No. 12 knotted nylon, dyed black. for pricing. It’s rated at approximately 100 lbs of For custom sizes, allow two tensile strength and can last five years or more! weeks for delivery. Ship weight 9 lb. Average strand diameter is 0.05". Made in USA. NP1 14' x 50' $ 78.00 NP2 2,000 ft2 plus .18/ft2 NP2L 10,000 ft2 plus .13/ft2 14 72.55/4+ .14/5,000+ .11/15,000+ Order Online Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Tech Support 407-886-3939 Small Koi Nets Deluxe Koi Net with Telescopic Handle These small nets are designed for catching small and medium size koi and goldfish. The nets have wooden handles, soft black nylon 1/4" netting with 6" bag depth. Skimmer net has black micron netting with extra deep bag. This 25" diameter net (K08) has 3/8" black polyester mesh coated to resist barb penetration and scaling. Shallow bag depth of 6" allows easy access. A net guard surrounds the aluminum frame to prevent fish abrasion. The 6" stub handle accepts the 4' to 8' telescopic aluminum handle (included). Made in USA. KO8 25", 6" Deep, 4'-8' Handle $ 71.40 64.25/4+ PT811 PT812 Fish Net, 12" x 8" Skimmer Net, 10" Diameter Handle Length Each 4+ 12" 33" $ 10 10 9 9 PT812 PT811 Dip Nets with Telescopic Handles Economy Koi Nets We have two short-handled, economy koi nets. The KO15 is 12" in diameter, has an aluminum frame and 12" long wooden handle. The net is a soft, fine, black mesh with a 3" deep bag. We call it a racket net for obvious reasons. It is made in China. Extendable handles take up less storage space, while still allowing a long reach. The aluminum handles extend from 24" to 60", the black net is 1/4" soft polyester mesh. KO30 KO50 12" Diameter, 5" deep 20" Diameter, 8" deep Each 4+ 12+ $ 35 44 32 41 29 39 Our KO9 is a 15" diameter, round net with aluminum frame and 18" long aluminum handle, with a bag depth of 5". Made in USA. KO9 $ 22.50 20.25/4+ / KO15 18 15/4+ KO30 K09 KO15 KO50 Koi Sock Net Sock nets are a “must have” net for koi keepers. We have both the net sock and the water-holding sock. Both have a 12" diameter aluminum frame and 12" long wooden handle. Their socks are black and 40" long. The KS44 has a very fine mesh that will allow water to pass through. The KS45 is a much tighter weave, very soft, but will not allow water to pass through, so fish are held within a sock of water, which is much easier on them. KS44 $ 42 39/3+ / KS45 42 39/3+ Collapsible Pond Nets We offer four collapsing pond nets for those with little storage space. Our pond net and skimmer net have a collapsing frame that folds back over the telescoping handle for a very compact package for travel and storage. The frame is 18" wide and triangular in shape. The pond net has 1/8" soft, black mesh with a 12" deep bag. The skimmer net has a fine, white mesh and shallow bag for use with small fish or skimming debris. The handles telescope from 20"-34". Our 12" and 20" diameter, telescoping handle, aluminum koi nets are a real value. The frame is 5/16" diameter aluminum with 1/16" soft, black mesh. The 12" model has a 5" deep bag and the 20" has an 8" deep bag. Handles telescope from 20" - 60". These are lighter-duty versions of our KO8 deluxe koi net. Their long-reach handles are perfect for herding and catching fish up to 3 lb, when fully extended to 5'. These are a good-quality, lightweight net at a very good price. Imported. PT818 Pond Net $ 14.85 / PT817 Skimmer Net 14.85 KS45 PT818 Folds up for shipping, travel and storage Order Online Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Tech Support 407-886-3939 15 Muck-Vac Mini-Vac Pond Vacuum Vacuums muck, fish waste, etc. from ponds and fountains and discharges the waste water to a garden area or lawn, making an excellent fertilizer. Built with no moving parts, each system includes a Muck-Vac head vacuum, extendable (3' to 6') telescopic pole, waste hose (81/2' long), garden hose adapter and brush. Requires a hose pressure of 50 psi to operate. MV25 $ 65 61/4+ Small jobs don't need a pump - just a garden hose. Designed for use with a garden hose, this mini-vacuum is a great gadget for cleaning koi ponds and small tanks. The vacuum comes with a silt bag/leaf trap, hose adapter, shutoff valve and Snap-Adapt handle. Includes a brush attachment for soft surfaces like liners and a nozzle/wheel attachment for rougher surfaces. Fits any of our Snap-Adapt poles sold below (pole not included). Ship weight 2 lb. VAC4 $ 22.50 20.96/4+ Will lift 3' high once a siphon is established. Rake out leaves first then clean up with a Muck-Vac Vacuum Heads Constructed of polyethylene with lead weights molded in, these flexible vacuum heads are ideal for bottom cleaning of koi ponds, tanks, raceways and swimming pools. The suction chamber converges the suction velocity equally from both ends. The heads have adjustable wheels VAC12 to control vacuum velocity and include a Snap-Adapt handle to fit our poles sold below and 11/2" vacuum hose swivel connection. VAC12 VAC14 VAC22 VAC11 Vacuum Head 12" $ 36.85 Vacuum Head 14" 63.00 Vacuum Head 22" 52.00 Replacement Wheels 6.55 Inline Leaf Trap Designed for in-line applications, this leaf trap will catch debris when vacuuming the bottom of ponds and/or siphoning, etc. The housing is clear plastic. The screw off lid and internal bag are easily removed for cleaning. An internal strainer basket supports the 1/16" mesh bag (included). Fits standard 11/2" pool hose. LT6 $ 39.95 37.15/6+ Snap-Adapt Poles Designed for use with pond and tank vacuums, scrub brushes and other attachments with plastic locking bi-pins. Telescopic poles are made of high-quality drawn aluminum tubing and are 11/4" O.D. PVC poles are three-piece, 11/4" O.D. in size, so you can make a 2', 4', 6', 8' or 10' pole. Made in USA. BH7 BH8 BH10 Each 4+ Telescopic Pole, 11.5' $ 23.85 Telescopic Pole, 15.5' 33.00 PVC Pole, 2' - 10' 14.00 21.50 30.70 12.50 Leaf Eater The Pond Leaf Eater removes leaves and other debris from ponds with power provided by a garden hose! Swivel wheels for easy turning. Filter bags slip on and off quickly. Standard bag (included) is for leaves and detritus, sand/silt bag is a finer mesh bag for smaller particulates. LF1 LF2 LF3 LF4 Pond Leaf Eater Sand/Silt Bag Replacement Bag, Standard Replacement Wheels for LF1 $ 33.20 6.05 7.85 4.15 31.20/4+ 5.46/6+ 7.25/6+ 3.83/6+ Aqua Gloves Designed to keep arms and hands completely dry when working inside tanks and aquariums. Has elastic bands to hold them snugly on the upper arm. Flexible PVC with fiber reinforced sleeves. Full arm length, measures 28" total. AG2 $ 15.60 13.90/12+ Automatic Water Shutoff Did you ever forget to turn off the hose? This handy meter measures the water in gallons desired from 50 to 1,600 gallons, then shuts itself off. Perfect for filling garden ponds, tanks, swimming pools, etc. Has garden hose connections, maximum flow rate of 6 gpm. May also be set for continuous flow. Delivers the desired amount of water regardless of the pressure. One-year warranty. WMA $ 22 17/3+ Little Pond Vacuum Algae Twister This gadget conveniently removes filamentous algae (string and blanket algae) from around koi ponds. Simply rotate the circular head in a twisting motion to scrape algae from rocks and liners. The aluminum head is 3.5" in diameter and has ridged teeth. Plastic handle is 24" and is adjustable up to 43". ATW100 $ 15 14/4+ 16 Order Online For quick little clean-ups. This little vacuum is simple and inexpensive. It needs no pump and no water hook-ups. Simply place your thumb over the end cap hole, place the vac into the water, release your thumb, and watch the sand, pennies, and even small pebbles float into the 31/4" diameter clear polycarbonate chamber. Remove the lower cup assembly to empty the contents and rinse. It’s that easy! The overall length is 57", which extends to 90" with an anodized aluminum pole (included). The vacuum inlet is 3" x 1/4". Ship weight 2 lb. PV03 $ 47 Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Tech Support 407-886-3939 Epoxy Paints by Sweetwater ® Epoxy Gel by Sweetwater ® Epoxy paint is recognized by the EPA as non-toxic (after curing), is extremely durable and has excellent adhesion to a wide variety of materials. Whether coating fiberglass, wood, steel, concrete, or even galvanized surfaces, you won’t find a better paint for aquaculture. Simply clean and dry the surface (acid-etch concrete and steel and use PT20 Concrete Sealer; prime steel and galvanized surfaces). Then mix epoxy paint parts A and B, wait 30-60 minutes and spray, brush or roll on. Re-coat after about four hours, if desired. The curing temperature range is 55°-125°F. Before adding live organisms, let cure for seven days, then rinse with one cup non-sudsing ammonia per gallon of water. Excellent for drinking water, ozone contact, fresh and saltwater aquaculture, etc. A one gallon kit will cover 250 ft2 of smooth surface with a thickness of 4 mils (.004 inch). Sweetwater® epoxy is 65 to 72 percent solids (depending on color) and has a two year shelf life. (After long exposure to UV, it typically develops a chalky surface.) Potable water approved. Sold in one-gallon kits only (a kit is 3 parts paint and 1 part activator) in the following colors: A great adhesive for crack repair that works on wet or dry surfaces. An epoxy gel that is not sensitive to moisture (may not be applied underwater, however). This is great stuff for patching, gap filling, joining dissimilar materials and overhead work. It doesn’t sag, run or drain into cracks. Excellent for use on concrete, wood, fiberglass and steel. When mixed, this two part epoxy (1:1) is a gray-colored heavy paste. For the best adhesion to concrete, the PT20 Epoxy Sealer should be applied prior to epoxy gel. The pot life is only about 20 minutes, it hardens in six hours, can be painted over after six hours but before 48 hours, and reaches its final cure after 72 hours at room temperature. If not painting over, wash surface thoroughly with soap and water (after 72 hours) before adding fish. Acceptable for aquatic containment under USDA guidelines. Sold in two gallon kits. Two year shelf life. Weighs 22 lb. Made in USA. PT98 $ 102 92/4+ PT98 PT2 PT3 PT1 Clear PT5 Light Blue PT10 Black PT4 PT5 PT6 PT2 White PT6 Dark Blue $ 46.45 41.89/4+ PT8 PT9 PT3 Light Green PT8 Light Gray 37.70/12+ PT10 PT4 Dark Green PT9 Dark Gray Epoxy Thinner, Cleaner and Activator To thin epoxy for spraying, use PT18. Use PT16 cleaner for washing out spray equipment after painting. Sweetwater ® primer (PT17) should always be used first on galvanized and bare steel surfaces (after HCL acid etching). PT15 Activator is included with the Epoxy Paint. It is also available separately. Made in USA. PT15 Activator, Qt $ 13.90 12.51/4+ / PT16 Cleaner, Qt PT17 Primer, Steel, Gal. 41.65 37.52/4+ / PT18 Thinner, Qt 7.95 7.16/4+ 9.85 8.86/4+ Epoxy Concrete Sealer by Sweetwater® A high performance epoxy sealer and coating for concrete (more than 20 days old). Deep penetrating properties provide pore filling and strengthening of the concrete top layer, forming a strong adhesive base for surface coating. This is an excellent sealer for Sweetwater ® Epoxy Paint (will not fill large pores of cinder blocks), but cannot be used over an existing paint coating. It may also be used on damp (not wet) concrete. For best results, acid etch and pressure wash before application. The Sweetwater® sealer is clear (with the consistency of water) with a pot life of 8 - 10 hours after mixing. One gallon will cover approximately 180 ft2 with a 3 - 3.5 mil layer. One year shelf life. Sold in 2-gallon kit only. Weighs 20 lb. Made in USA. PT20 $ 73.65 66/4+ PT20 Handi-Foam™ PT15 PT18 PT16 Fish Pond Coating, Herco H55 New concrete leaches alkali, creating pH and water chemistry problems for fish. With Herco H55 you can instantly seal and leakproof new and old concrete, block and brick. Offered in white, gray and black, H55 can be brushed, rolled, or sprayed with an airless gun in two or more coats (one hour apart). One gallon covers approximately 100 square feet. After a 72-hour cure period, fill with water and stock with fish. Herco thinner is required for clean up and/or product thinning. Primer is suggested, but not necessary. Herco caulk crack filler is another excellent concrete product (white or clear) that comes in a 12 oz. tube. Made in USA. H55B H55G H55W H700 H55P H12W H12C Neoprene Coating/Black/Gallon $ 93.90 Neoprene Coating/Gray/Gallon 105.65 Neoprene Coating/White/Gallon 105.65 Thinner/Clear/Gallon 46.85 Primer, Gallon 55.00 Crack Filler/White/12 oz. tube 19.50 Crack Filler/Clear/12 oz. tube 19.50 This expandable, black foam is great for securing rockwork around ponds and waterfalls. It can be used for filling gaps and sealing rocks so that water falls over them, not between them. It is tack-free in less then 10 minutes, is semi-solid in one hour and typically cures in 24 hours above 680°F (200°C). Handi-Foam™ is applied with a one-piece straw applicator (included) and is designed for one time use only. 12 oz. P10053 $ 7.50 Handi-Foam™ Gun Foam H55W H12W 88.25/4+ 99.30/4+ 99.30/4+ 44.00/4+ 49.00/4+ 18.35/6+ 18.35/6+ Order Online The same black Handi-Foam™ as above, but designed to work with dispensing guns (listed below). Gun foam cans screw onto the gun, allowing for high flow and easy placement of foam. They can be used multiple times, as long as the can stays attached to the gun. The rugged, steel dispensing gun will withstand the rigors of pond construction. The plastic dispensing gun is lower in cost and intended for limited reuse. Handi-Foam™ polyurethane cleaner screws on like the foam cans and should be used to keep units clean. P10295 P10083 F61030 F61400 Gun Foam, 31 oz. Handi-Foam Cleaner, 12 oz. Steel Dispensing Gun Plastic Dispensing Gun Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Each 6+ $ 19 12 69 44 17 11 — — Tech Support 407-886-3939 17 Ten Minute Tanks Koi Show Bowls These imported bathing pools make very good fish tanks for koi shows, aquatic plant sales, medicating and quarantine. The octagon shape is more convenient than a round tank. We include a modified net cover that keeps fish in and predators out. The canopy hoops are strong enough to throw a tarp over if you really want to shade it. Maximum water depth is approximately 16". They take only 10 minutes to set up. These low-cost, polyethylene koi bowls come in three styles: light-duty (191/2 gallons) for the koi hobbyist, medium-duty (23 gallons) for serious hobbyists or small farmers, and heavy-duty (23 gallons) for the commercial farmer. The royal blue color is excellent for showing koi to make their colors stand out. Ships by UPS oversize. TM260 TM330 KB4 KB7 KB9 Dimensions Each 4+ 21" Dia. x 11" 27" x 12" MD 27" x 12" HD $ 35 51 59 31 45 53 KB4 Portable Tanks Liner Thickness Each 3+ .012" .016" $ 139 194 124 174 260 gal., 35" x 70" x 55" 330 gal., 39" x 100" x 70" Round portable tanks are suitable for many permanent tank uses. These high-quality tanks are designed for showing koi, so they set-up quickly. The top support is rigid. They feature 22 mil Hypalon™ vinyl-coated industrial fabric liners carrying a 30-day replacement warranty. Side height is 30" (90 cm), 6' and 8' diameter. Choose dark blue or black. Includes supports and 11/2" FNPT side drain with inside cap. Made in USA. Heavy Duty Liners by Sweetwater® Each Sweetwater® liners are made of fish-grade synthetic rubber (ethylene propylene diene monomer). When used as a liner for tanks or ponds, their stretchability will be appreciated. They are heavier and more user-friendly than either PVC or polyethylene liners. Vulcanized seams are guaranteed for the life of the liner. Sold in flat sheets only. The surface of the liner has been dusted with talc to improve handling and storage, so be sure to rinse thoroughly before adding fish. The actual weight is approximately 30 lbs per 100 ft2. If needed, repair kits (shown below) are available. All liners shipped direct from the factory. We offer two roll lengths: 50' (priced below), and 100' (priced per ft2). The roll widths are 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, and 50'. All dimensions ±4". For pricing of larger rolls, multiply the length times width of the roll and multiply the result times the price per ft2. All dimensions in feet. Made in USA. SZ13 SZ14 SZ15 SZ16 SZ17 SZ18 SZ19 10' x 50' Roll 15' x 50' Roll 20' x 50' Roll 25' x 50' Roll 30' x 50' Roll 40' x 50' Roll 50' x 50' Roll Ship Wt Each 3+ 150 lb 225 lb 300 lb 375 lb 450 lb 600 lb 750 lb $ 309 455 600 747 892 1,184 1,600 285 419 552 688 821 1,090 1,472 QT502 6', Dk Blue, 450 gal. $ 398 QT902 8', Dk Blue, 750 gal. 459 3+ 358 / QT503 6', Black, 450 gal. 413 / QT903 8', Black, 750 gal. Each 3+ 398 459 358 413 QT902 Generation II Sweetwater® Diffusers Perfect for custom manufacturing. Sweetwater® diffusers manufactured by AES quickly became and still remain the standard of the aquaculture industry for diffused air aeration. The Generation II series is the same glass-bonded diffuser that is so resistant to clogging. Generation II diffusers give the added flexibility of changing the air diffuser fittings in the field. ll diffusers have 1/8" FNPT threads that accept MNPT fittings, either straight or elbows. Use tubing with a smaller I.D. to act as a valve, restricting the volume of air delivered to the diffuser. Use a larger I.D. tubing in applications where the tubing is long and/or too restrictive. To make the diffuser lay flat in deep water, use an elbow fitting and put a weight on the tubing to counteract its buoyancy. Dimensions Avg CFM EPDM Liners Ideal for most backyard ponds, the Firestone PondGard 45 mil ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) liner is the liner of choice. Extremely flexible, it is easy to work with and will stretch to conform to a pond’s features. It is completely UVresistant and will hold up well in direct sunlight. Carries a Firestone 20-year warranty. Liners ship FOB Oklahoma. SZ22 SZ23 SZ24 SZ31 SZ32 SZ33 SZ34 SZ35 20' x 30' Liner 25' x 30' Liner 30' x 30' Liner 8' x 10' Liner 10' x 15' Liner 10' x 20' Liner 15' x 20' Liner 20' x 25' Liner Each 3+ $ 407 505 602 69 115 147 212 342 375 465 554 58 108 139 200 325 tures a Liner fea tancy c life expe st 20 of at lea an d years an rice! tp excellen Our black, 45-mil thick “rubber-like” liner with excellent weatherability has unsurpassed puncture and abrasion resistance. 18 Order Online Each 20+ 100+ ASI-3 2" X 1" 0.2 $ 2.00 1.80 1.50 ASI-5 3" X 1" 0.3 2.75 2.45 2.05 ASI-8 3" X 11/2" 0.35 3.80 3.55 3.20 ASI-15 6" X 11/2" .5 6.95 6.65 5.90 ASI-23 9" X 11/2" .75 10.00 9.45 8.55 ASI-30 12" X 11/2" 1.0 14.35 13.35 12.95 All above do not include air supply connections, which must be ordered separately. Air Supply Connectors Male Adapters, Straight, 2-Barb 62001-2 NPT x barb 62001-2 62007-2 62009-2 1/8" x 3/16" 1/8" x 1/4" 1/8" x 3/8" $ .20 .18 .19 62001L Elbows, 4-Barb NPT x barb 62001L 62007L 62009L 1/8" x 3/16" 1/8" x 1/4" 1/8" x 3/8" Order by Phone 877-347-4788 $ .56 .57 .56 Tech Support 407-886-3939 Sweetwater® Linear Piston Air Pumps • Extremely quiet • Outdoor rated housing • Our best air pump in this class • True linear piston • Exceptionally long service life • Outstanding energy efficiency Aquatic Eco-Systems always strives to deliver the best possible product at an excellent price. With that concept in mind, we offer our Sweetwater® Linear Piston Air Pumps. These are not linear “diaphragm,” but true linear “piston” type pumps. Since the only moving part - the piston - floats on a bed of air, a exceptionally long service life can be expected (8 years of continuous life is not uncommon). You will experience exceptionally quiet, energy-efficient operation and clean, oil-free air. An outdoor-rated housing, a grounded power cord, 3/4" hose barb flex outlet and 115V/60 Hz are all standard (add “H” after part number for 220V/50 Hz). UL-listed, 3-year warranty. “So silent, you can’t hear them running!” SL88 SL44 Dimensions LxWxH Running Watts 4 Ship Wt Each 3+ 3 S ISO 9001 2 SL2 2 SL22 8 L8 4 SL4 SL22 Pump, Outdoor 81" 7" x 7" x 8" 48 8 lb $ 245 233 SL44 Pump, Outdoor 100" 11" x 8" x 8" 92 15 lb 325 309 SL88 Pump, Outdoor 100" 15" x 8" x 9" 130 22 lb 449 427 SL22RK Repair Kit 1 lb 40 38 SL44RK Repair Kit 1 lb 66 63 SL88RK Repair Kit 2 lb 116 110 SL22RK, SL44RK, SL88RK repair kits include air filter, piston, spring w/seat and gaskets. PSI Max. Depth 1 CFM 1 3 2 4 5 A-2042 Certified JQ 6 Sweetwater® Linear II Air Pumps Sweetwater® has done it again! They have used the highly efficient linear technology for this new high-pressure line of Sweetwater® Linear Double Diaphragm air pumps. You will see many similar-looking air pumps on the market, imported from Asia, but these are significantly different. First of all, they are designed for use in North America, where we use 60 Hz instead of the 50 Hz used in Asia. The air volume and pressure output is about 25 percent greater than others of comparable size and power consumption! Use them in applications where continuous oil-free air is needed. They are super-quiet, housed within a heavy cast-aluminum, drip-proof housing. They are super-efficient and maintenance-free. The air they provide is clean and without pulsations. Diaphragms last at least two years and replacement is easy. Lubrication is never needed. All are 115V/60 Hz with 6' power cords. UL-listed and CE-approved. Two-year warranty (does not include air filter or diaphragms). 9 15 50 90 140 3/8" 3/8" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" SL14/SL24 3+ SL56 SL CFM 1 17 0 94 SL142RK, SL56RK, SL94RK and SL170RK repair kits include diaphragms, heads and valves. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 SL 156 196 272 360 575 30 57 71 140 4 10 6 40 $ 164 40 206 40 286 50 380 60 595 32 60 75 148 5 11 SL5 Pump, Indoor 85" 6" x 5" x 5" Pump, Indoor 120" 6" x 5" x 5" Pump, Outdoor 150" 8" x 5" x 9" Pump, Outdoor 190" 8" x 5" x 9" Pump, Outdoor 180" 13" x 9" x 8" Repair Kit for SL14 and SL24 Repair Kit for SL56 Repair Kit for SL94 Repair Kit for SL170 Air Filter Kit for SL56 and SL94 Air Filter Kit for SL170 S L24 SL14 SL14 SL24 SL56 SL94 SL170 SL1424RK SL56RK SL94RK SL170RK SL5694A SL170A Dimensions Running Sound LxWxH Watts Outlet dB Each PSI Max. Depth SL170 2 3 4 5 6 7 Outdoor Air Pumps Luft Pump These large-size air pumps have aluminum covers and internal noise-absorbers. Although the pump housings are waterproof and designed for outdoor use, the pump is not UL-listed. Pumps include 6' power cord, 1/4" hose barb, flexible outlet adapter, and outlet adapter to aquarium tubing (3/16"). Six-month warranty, 115V/60 Hz. Imported. Designed for higher pressure applications, this small air pump can deliver enough air for an aquarium airstone at a 7' depth. Safe for outdoor use, it works great for aerating small fish ponds, deep aquariums, foam fractionators, etc. It features a heavy rubber diaphragm and adjustable air output. Outlets are 3/16" barb fittings, pump is 115V/60 Hz, weighs 3 lb. TL5 $ 47.99 45.55/6+ 9720 9730 w/6 outlet adapter, 25W, 1/4" Barb w/10 outlet adapter, 50W, 1/2" Barb Each 3+ $ 55 79 50 72 Automatic Backup Air Pump We recommend this air pump for emergency back-up air in aquariums, small tanks, and even for transporting fish, as it has its own battery. The pump is designed to run continuously on 115V power. When the power shuts off, the pump automatically switches over to its battery back-up and continues to run for 28 hours or until power is restored. It features two modes of back-up operation: Hi - runs 14 hours continuously on full battery mode; Low - runs 28 hours on intermittent mode, where the pump automatically is on for 50 seconds, then off for 50 seconds. Utilizes a 6V rechargeable battery (included and replaceable) that is easily accessible. Two 3/16" outlets provide 0.07 cfm each of air at 30" of water depth! One-year warranty. Measures 91/4" x 61/4" x 31/4", weighs 5 lb. AZ1532 $ 90 82/3+ Order Online Order by Phone 877-347-4788 AZ1532 9720 TL5 Tech Support 407-886-3939 19 Quiet One Pump Inlet Strainers • Quiet operation • Energy-efficient • Small footprint, high flow rate • Magnetic drive • External or submersible Need a quiet water pump for your aquarium or research system? These Quiet One pumps have a noise level less than 45 decibels and can be used in either above-water or submersible applications. A patented uni-directional impeller with ceramic bearing ensures longer life. Fins provide air cooling and/or water cooling. QP11 and QP12 have an adjustable flow-control dial. QP15, QP16 and QP17 have built-in handles. The 6' power cord pumps are excellent for aquariums and fountains close to a receptacle. Pond pumps include a spray nozzle assortment and have a 20' power cord. Add “P” after the part number to designate pond models. All pumps are 115V/60 Hz (available in 230V/50 Hz in quantity by special order). UL, cUL, CE, TUV-GS listed. 15 These pump inlet strainers have 3/16" (5 mm) openings and 80 of surface screen for pumping rates of up to 20 gpm. Each strainer is 12" long, and 21/2" diameter. Use two or four singles on a PVC manifold painted black with FPT and a hose barb fitting of the same size. The more inlet area there is, the slower the water velocity and the less clogging. Made in USA. QP1 QP3 QP4 QP6 QP7 QP8 QP9 Each 4+ Single Strainer, 1" FPT $ 8.35 Double Strainer, 1" FPT 19.05 Double Strainer, 11/4" FPT 19.55 Double Strainer, 11/2" FPT 19.75 Quad Strainer, 1" FPT 30.55 Quad Strainer, 11/4" FPT 30.85 Quad Strainer, 11/2" FPT 30.85 7.50 17.15 17.60 17.80 27.50 27.80 27.80 QP1 QP7 60Hz 10 QP12 1 QP1 5 GPM QP17 QP11 Bottom Drain 5 10 Mfr# QP11 QP12 QP13 QP14 QP15 QP16 QP17 QP3 7 P1 P15 Q 16 14 QP QP 13 QP HEAD (FEET) Q 15 Watts 20 25 Amps In/Out .24 .47 .60 .75 2.8 2.5 3.2 1/2" Barb 1/2" MNPT 800 14 1200 26 3000 40 4000 50 4000HH 120 5000 110 6000 140 1" MNPT 1" MNPT 3/4" MNPT 1" MNPT 1" MNPT Each 4+ “P” Each 4+ $ 19.90 24.40 49.90 64.45 96.40 99.90 104.20 17.91 21.96 44.91 58.00 86.76 89.91 93.78 28.29 37.23 58.98 104.30 NA NA NA 25.46 33.50 53.08 93.87 — — — This bottom drain has a 12" diameter dome anti-vortex fish barrier and slip PVC pipe connection for low restriction drainage. It also features ABS construction and can be used with concrete, fiberglass or liners in fresh or saltwater. Total height is 6". D3 3" Slip D4 4" Slip Each 4+ $ 66 119 59 107 3/4" Liner 2" Diffuser Dome Bottom Drain This drain works very well in fish and koi ponds, as it provides aeration while improving the bottom-cleaning action of the drain. Induced current from rising bubbles draws sediment into the drain. It has a 3/4" FNPT air supply connection and the CFM range is 0.5 to 1.5. It is an adaptation of our D3 drain. FD3 $ 129 109/4+ Submersible Fountain Kits These complete fountain kits combine all the great features of our super efficient submersible pumps with fountain attachments. Each kit contains a removable riser stem, a fountain flow control valve and a submersible pump. 110V/50-60Hz. CE/LVD-approved. Six month warranty. Trumpet Liner Two-Tier Foam Jet Tetra Vacuum Bottom Drain Single Tier WP1K WP2K WP3K WP4K WP5K 20 Volume (GPH) Inlet/ Outlet 70 200 350 950 1,125 3/8" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" 1/2" Type Heads w/Each Kit Foam Single Two Jet Tier Tier Trumpet — — — — — — — Order Online Opening Each 6+ $ 16.95 29.95 43.95 69.95 84.95 15.25 26.95 39.55 62.95 76.45 This unique vacuum drain removes debris that settles at the lowest point in the pond. It can be retrofitted into existing ponds with ease, requiring no excavation. Connects to a pump via 2" PVC or 2" swimming pool flex hose not included. 16361 $ 39 35/4+ Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Tech Support 407-886-3939 High Volume, Low Cost, Medium Head Pumps Supreme Mag Drive Pumps from Danner These submersible pumps have been designed for high flow garden pond applications like tall waterfalls. The pumps are epoxy-encapsulated instead of oil-filled, completely fish safe, and built with ceramic bearing surfaces. The intake can pass up to 1/4" solids. Discharge is 11/4" FNPT and includes a 11/4" barb adapter. WF2000 is 1" MPT outlet with a 1" to 5/8" hose adapter. Pumps are 115V/60 Hz with 16' power cord. One year warranty. Low maintenance. Energy efficient These robust, epoxy-sealed, low-head, magnetic-drive pumps can be used either in-line (above water) or submersed! Designed for fresh and saltwater. The outlet can be rotated to different positions for vertical or horizontal discharge. A foam prefilter is included with pumps MD2-MD18 only. A 10' power cord is standard; 18' is available (see note under price block). UL-listed, MD2-MD7 1/2" FIPT inlet/MNPT outlet; MD12-MD18 3/4" FIPT inlet/MNPT outlet; MD24 and MD36 1" FIPT inlet/MNPT outlet. 115V/60 Hz (will operate ±25 percent less flow with 50 Hz). Three-year limited warranty. WF2000 29 gpm WF4000 66 gpm WF5000 88 gpm Max Head Amps 25' 33' 41' 2.7 7.0 10.2 Ship Wt Each 3+ 13 lb $ 129 14 lb 162 15 lb 205 118 155 200 WF2000 WF4000 MD12 MD3 w/ filter Mag-Drive Fountain Heads The three-way and bell fountain head kits fit MD2 to MD7. Each kit includes an adjustable fountain head, pump adapter and two 7" extensions. The three-way fountain has three distinct patterns: high & low, fleur-de-lis and lotus. Adjustable bell fountain is a mushroom pattern. Three-Way Fountain Head Adjustable Bell Fountain Head 20 18 $ 14.85 15.25 16 GFI Power Cords 2' 25' 50' 100' $ 27 65 85 129 24 58 76 116 10 6 4 2 GPM Portable protection against hazardous shock. We highly recommend this GFI for anyplace that electrical equipment is used near a wet area. It is rated for 15A@115V and has four outlets with covers for outdoor protection. The on/off power switch is lighted and it has a 15 amp circuit breaker reset button. Right angle GFI plug with 6' of 12/3 gauge cord. UL/CSA-listed. 34052 $ 70 64/3+ 12 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 Watts 34008 GFCI Protected Quad Outlet Box MD 8 9 MD 34008 34304 34305 34311 3+ MD MD 24 18 12 7 MD 5 MD MD3 2 MD These heavy-duty, right-angle GFIprotected power cords have a triple tap female end for powering up to three pieces of equipment. Cord sets are rated at 15A/115V and have 12/3 gauge wires. Front pane has a lighted LED indicator light. UL-, CSA-listed. Each M D3 6 14 HEAD (FEET) FH207 FH208 MD3 34052 Right Angle GFCI Pigtail Make your own GFI protected extension cord. Bright yellow in color, indicator light on front of GFI, measures 9" long, 12/3 AWG and is rated at maximum 15A/115V. UL-listed. Class A Rainproof, meets OSHA construction site usage. 34007 $ 25 22/4+ Order Online 28 32 Ship Wt 36 Each 40 6+ MD2* Mag Drive Pump, 250 gph 24W 4 lb $ 40.75 38.30 MD3* Mag Drive Pump, 350 gph 35W 5 lb 48.95 46.00 MD5* Mag Drive Pump, 500 gph 45W 6 lb 58.10 54.60 MD7* Mag Drive Pump, 700 gph 60W 3.5 lb 63.70 59.85 MD9* Mag Drive Pump, 950 gph 93W 7 lb 84.50 76.05 MD12* Mag Drive Pump, 1200 gph 110W 9 lb 108.00 101.00 MD18* Mag Drive Pump, 1800 gph 145W 11 lb 125.00 115.00 MD24* Mag Drive Pump, 2400 gph 265W 15 lb 137.95 129.90 MD36 Mag Drive Pump, 3600 gph 380W 20 lb 189.00 170.10 Foam Prefilter for MD2-MD9 4.35 FRP2 FRP12 Foam Prefilter for MD12-MD18 5.65 MD24PF Strainer for MD24-36 6.05 Replacement Impeller for MD2 6.65 IMD2 IMD3 Replacement Impeller for MD3 & MD5 6.65 IMD4 Replacement Impeller for MD7 6.75 12746 Replacement Impeller for MD9 10.75 IMD5 Replacement Impeller for MD12 12.45 IMD6 Replacement Impeller for MD18 18.95 12780 Replacement Impeller for MD24 23.50 VOL2 Volute for MD2 & MD3 4.35 VOL3 Volute for MD5 & MD7 4.35 VOL4 Volute for MD9, MD12 & MD18 5.20 VOL5 Volute for MD24 & MD36 6.10 * 10' power cord is standard. To order an 18' power cord add “2” to the part no. (e.g. MD2 = MD22), then add $4.50 to the price (e.g., $40.75 = $45.25). Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Tech Support 407-886-3939 21 Submersible Pumps, Medium Head This pump features a 304 stainless steel motor housing and reinforced plastic pump casing. It has a vortex design allowing for passage of solids up to 1". Motor is thermally protected, draws only 2.3 amps, comes with a 20' power cord. Maximum diameter is 9", 2" FNPT outlet. No screen on inlet. (See Pump Bags on this page.) Weighs 17 lb. POMUA2 has its own automatic float switch, 115V/60 Hz. Two year conditional warranty. These top discharge pumps are built for long life and high performance - uses only 4.8 amps but it's rated up to 6.2! The highly efficient PLB2400 60 has a special urethane rubber impeller, aluminum motor 50 frame and synthetic rubber 40 casing, suction cover and wearing ring. The PLB2750 30 has a galvanized steel housing 20 and a cast iron impeller. Outlets are 2" MPT. Both are 10 thermally protected, 115V/60 Hz and have 32' power cords. GPM 20 40 60 80 100 Two year conditional warranty. POMU2 POMUA2 3+ 172 195 HEAD (FEET) Each Stainless Steel Pump $ 180 SS Pump w/Switch 200 25 20 Amps Diameter Ship Wt POM 15 PLB2400 PLB2750 U2 2/3 71/2" 81/2" hp 6.2 1 hp 11.5 Each 3+ 25 lb $ 299 39 lb 499 269 449 10 PLB2750 5 GPM Submersible Pump, Low Head 10 20 30 40 POMUA2 50 Submersible Pump, High Head 0 HEAD (FEET) A multi-purpose pump designed for use where high pressure is needed. Manufactured with non-corrosive and rust proof materials. Ceramic shaft sleeve for long life and sand resistance. Energy-efficient motor with double ball bearing construction, stainless steel shaft and motor housing, and built-in m3/h 0.6 1.8 3.0 4.2 5.4 overload protection. 150 Environmentally safe, 120 oil-free. Multi-hose adapter SP 12 for 3/4" garden thread and 0 SP 90 1" thread or clamp version. 10 00 One-year warranty. Pumps 60 SP75 are 6"W x 14", 15", and 0 16"H. 115V/60 Hz, 30 with 16' power cord. One year warranty. GPM 5 10 15 20 25 Ship Wt SP750 SP1000 SP1200 1/2 3/4 hp, 650W hp, 900W 1 hp, 1100W 5.5A 8.4A 9.9A Each 15 lb 17 lb 18 lb 3+ HEAD (FEET) Volts Outlet 6 3 m3/h SP52 9 12 0 SP5 10 10 GPM 20 30 40 50 60 Submersible Pump Filter Bags Type -Pump Dia. PFB101 PFB102 PB1A PB2A PB38 Full Load Dia x Height Amps Wt PAB4 115 4" MPT 10" x 19" PAB5 1, 3-Phase 208/230/440 5" FPT 10" x 19" PAB6 2, 3-Phase 208/230/440 6" FPT 11" x 23" 22 0 30 25 20 15 10 5 3+ 8 lb $ 172 154 11 lb 224 201 hp 330W 3.0A hp 650W 6.5A LtWt - 10" LtWt - 10" MedWt - 7" HvyWt - 12" HvyWt - 12" Openings Flat Dimensions WxL Color 1/32" 1/8" 1/16" 3/16" 3/8" 15" x 24" 15" x 24" 12" x 22" 20" x 39" 17" x 39" Green Blue Black Black Black Each 4+ $ 9.00 9.00 18.29 15.35 14.35 8.00 8.00 17.29 14.35 13.35 B6 PA PAB5 4 PAB This pump can't be beat for low head, high-flow, continuous-duty applications. Yes, it's true ... the PAB4 can provide 200 gpm at 7.7 amps. You could pump out a standard-size swimming pool in 11/2 hours for about 10¢ in power cost! The exterior housing is stainless steel, the top and inside portions are cast iron. They have double mechanical seals with silicon carbide faces and high temperature C3 m3/h bearings rated for 11.3 22.7 34.1 45.5 60,000 hours. To 14 make installation 12 and removal easier, use our “Quick 10 Disconnect Fittings” to connect the outlet 8 piping. All pumps 5 / will handle 16" 6 solids and have 32' power cords. 60 Hz, 4 not UL-listed, two-year warranty. 2 GPM 200 400 600 HP Ship Wt Each 1/3 1/2 SP510 SP520 SP510 Submersible pump intake screens are typically quite small and be blocked with just a little debris. In 1995, while looking for a solution, it dawned on us that we could put the pump into a filter bag, so we created the Pump Bag™. We now have five sizes. Place your submersible pump, its power cord and outlet hose right in the bag, tie the top closed, and you have a large surface area, long-life inlet strainer. Select a bag larger in diameter than your pump, with a mesh opening smaller than the pump's inlet strainer, but not so fine that the bag requires frequent cleaning. We have three types: lightweight, medium and heavyweight. The lightweight are fine mesh, ideal for pumps up to 15 gpm. They have a bottom stiffener ring and about 2 sq.ft. of surface area with a drawstring closure, fitting pumps up to 10" in diameter. Our popular medium weight bag fits pumps up to 7" in diameter and has about 2 sq.ft. of surface area. The heavyweight bags handle up to 12" in diameter and offer about 6 sq.ft. of surface area. The heavyweight bags use a stiff, semi-rigid, polyethylene mesh for flows to 60 gpm. The medium and heavyweight bags use a tie-wrap closure. Made in USA. $ 245 220 279 251 322 289 Propeller Pump 1/2 Low Head. Safe, reliable, and high quality submersible pump that can also handle dirty water and solids up to 1" in diameter. Manufactured with non-corrosive and rust-proof material. Oil-free. Diameter is 51/2" (plus outlet) x 12"H. 115V/60 Hz, with 16' power cord. One year warranty. HEAD ( FEET ) HEAD (FEET) 0 75 B2 0 PL 40 B2 PL High Efficiency Pump, Low Head Each 7.9 40 lb 5.7 42 lb 10.7 97 lb Order Online 3+ $ 594 570 670 650 1,175 1,100 PFB101 Order by Phone 877-347-4788 PFB102 PB1A Tech Support 407-886-3939 PB2A Sweetwater® High Efficiency Pumps Wave Pond Pumps Penny pinchers on electricity with all the premium features you expect from the Sweetwater® brand. These high-efficiency pumps have stainless steel motor shafts with saltwater compatible shaft sleeve |and seal; ODP 1725 rpm, thermally-protected motors; glass-filled polypropylene pump bodies; 6' power cords; 11/2" FNPT inlet/outlet. The 3.0 has 2" FNPT inlet/outlet. The SHE3.0 has a 2" in/out with slip unions. One-year warranty. Made in USA. These energy efficient water pumps are low cost, low pressure, energy efficient and whisper quiet! They have an ABS glass-filled housing and 24-hour run-dry capability. Two-year warranty f the card is sent in; one-year warranty if it is not. Pumps are 115V/60Hz, 3' cord, 2" in/out with slip unions. Made in USA. Watts @ 10' Head Amps @ 115V Ship Wt Each 3+ 170 220 340 1.5 @ 115V 1.9 @ 115/230V 3.0 @ 115/230V 24 lb 28 lb 31 lb $ 295 372 387 277 349 364 4.5 m3/h 25 20 HEAD (FEET) 13.6 9.1 2.4 18.2 3 .0 15 3 2.4 10 5 3.0 GPM 10 1 1.7 1 .7 2 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 AVERAGE AMPS SHE1.7 SHE2.4 SHE3.0 Amps @ 3 psi Max. Head Ship Wt Each 3+ 1.2 2.5 13' 16' 17 lb 24 lb 9 lb $ 335 359 47 308 330 43 1/8 1/4 WLP1 WLP2 WLS2 WLP1 hp hp Strainer Basket, 2" Wave Pump, 2-Speed A two-speed pump has the ability to produce moderate flows at low pressures with good electrical efficiency and then, with the flip of a pump-mounted switch, the pressures can be tripled and the flow can be doubled. Just WLP3 what you need for backwashing sand filters. This 11/2 hp pump features a 2" union inlet/outlet, 24-hour run dry capacity and glass-filled ABS housing. Two-year warranty if the card is sent in; one-year warranty if it is not. Motor is ODP, 115V/60 Hz, with 3' cord and not recommended for saltwater. Ships UPS. Made in USA. WLP3 11/2 hp Amps @ 3 psi Ship Wt Each 3+ 3.8/13.8 30 lb $ 415 373 SHE1.7 HEAD FEET 60 50 40 WLP3 30 20 10 0 GPM WLP2 WLP1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 SHE3.0 Pumps by Wave II Low to Medium Head The Wave line has given us some very efficient pumps over the years and their new Wave II pumps are no exception. These 3450 RPM models give exceptional flow rates at both high and low heads, making them well-suited for use where clogging presents a low-pressure problem, like sand filters. These Wave II Pumps feature Baldor premium motors, saltwater seals, 2" in/out with built in unions, 50/60 Hz capability, 6' power cords and a 3-year warranty. A strainer basket (P7) is optional (see page 24). Made in USA. 60 HSW1 SHE2.4 Typical Pump GPM @10 psi Watts Cost/Yr 70 70 300 900 $262 $788 20 10 GPM 40 120 200 Manufacturer # The AES pump cost about $80 more but saved $526/year. Which one is the bargain? Order Online 30 W3 HS 2 HSW 5 1 HSW Brand 40 W1 HS At AES we constantly preach energy conservation because it saves money. An aquaculture business cannot afford big monthly power bills nor should the hobbyist. Compare our SHE2.4 to a typical hardware store water pump when run continuously. HEAD (FEET) 50 HSW1 HSW15 HSW2 HSW3 HW11 1.0 HW11 1.5 HW11 2.0 HW11 3.0 Order by Phone 877-347-4788 280 Amps @ 230 V Volts Ship Wt Each 3+ 4.9 7.7 9.4 12.5 115/230 115/230 115/230 230 48 lb 53 lb 59 lb 70 lb $ 499 589 699 799 449 530 629 719 Tech Support 407-886-3939 23 Artesian Water Pumps, Low Head Dragon Pumps Artesian water pumps are an excellent choice for energy efficient, reliable performance in applications without flooded suction. They are self-priming and ideally suited for ponds, water features, fountains and aquaculture. They produce excellent flow rates, at sufficient pressures to get the job done. Molded of polypropylene. A see-through Lexan lid provides access to the large strainer basket. Stainless steel shaft, totally enclosed. TEFC Baldor motors are 1725 rpm, 115V/230V 60Hz, 8' power cords, 2" FNPT inlet/outlet connections. Three-year warranty. Made in USA. Our customers find these pumps to be extremely reliable and energy efficient. They have self-priming capability and include large, integrated leaf traps with easy-open cam-lock lids. The industrial TEFC Baldor motor is extremely quiet. Easy to service and include 2" union inlet/outlets. Available in 115V or 230V 50/60 Hz (add 230 after part number). Only 115V models include 6' power cord. One-year warranty. Made in USA. 1/8 1/4 1/3 PQ5 PQ7 PQ8 hp hp hp 1.6A @ 5psi 2.7A @ 5psi 3.7A @ 5 psi Ship Wt Each 3+ 41 lb 42 lb 44 lb $ 479 509 539 431 458 485 5100D 6036 7700 3040 3050 HP Amps @ 115V Suction Lift Ship Wt Each 3+ 1/4 1/3 3/4 2.8 3.8 6.2 8.7 12.8 21/2' 4' 4' 6' 8' 42 lb 45 lb 50 lb 82 lb 82 lb $ 559 569 665 797 850 503 512 598 717 765 1 11/2 30 HEAD (FEET) 20 P PQ 8 PQ 7 Q5 10 0 GPM 20 40 60 80 100 40 Sequence Pumps, Low Head 2.8A 2.1A 2.8A HEAD (FEET) 20 30 304 0 770 603 0 6 51 0 10 GPM SQ1 Ship Wt Each 3+ 28 lb 24 lb 36 lb $ 260 390 445 234 351 396 50 500, 1/6 hp 1000, 1/8 hp 1000, 1/4 hp SQ1 SQ2 SQ3 30 0D New and improved sequence pumps now feature an even lower amp draw than before! They are a dependable, efficient, continuous-duty pump, great for koi ponds and general aquaculture duty. SQ1, SQ2 are 115V only. SQ3 is 115/230V. Please specify voltage when ordering. SQ2 and SQ3 have a 11/2" FNPT inlet and outlet. The SQ1 has 1" slip inlet/outlet. (We supply tubing adapters with clamps for attachment to 1" PVC pipe.) One-year warranty. 33 67 100 133 167 Pump Trap This trap features a clear lid and removable strainer basket. Trap has 11/2" slip inlet, 11/4" slip outlet. Weighs 4 lb. Measures 11"H x 5"D x 71/2"L. P4 $ 65 59/3+ SQ2 P4 Pump Trap 45 Here is a pump trap (also known as priming pot) at a very reasonable price. Ideal for garden ponds, recirculating systems, swimming pools, etc. These all-plastic traps have a 11/2" FNPT inlet, 11/2" MNPT outlet and weigh 2 lb. One year warranty. Measures 11"H x 7"D x 71/2"L. P5 $ 40 37/2+ HEAD (FEET) 35 25 SQ2 SQ1 15 S Q3 5 GPM 20 40 60 P5 80 Watt Meter Will pay for itself many times over. Electricity bills mean loss of profit. Now you can learn what the power for your equipment is actually costing. Simply connect the equipment to the Kill A Watt™ and it will display how many kilowatts are being consumed. It will also check the quality of the power by monitoring Voltage, Line Frequency and Power Factor! 115V/60 Hz, max. 10 amps, weighs 1 lb. KW4 $ 39 36/3+ 24 Order Online Strainer Basket, Jumbo Most standard strainer baskets only have about 30 square inches of filter area, so a few leaves can stop the flow of water. This strainer has 200 square inches! Its see-through lid is easily removed with a stainless steel clamp. Weighs 13 lb. 2" slip inlet/outlet. Measures 14"H x 11"D x 17"L. P7 $ 190 180/2+ Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Tech Support 407-886-3939 P7 Nexus Filter • Greatly simplifies construction. • Excellent performance in a small footprint. • Robust single-piece mold. • Highly efficient biofilter. • Eliminates multiple filter tanks. This one vessel can be your complete filtration, aeration and biofiltration system. The Nexus Filter is a combined mechanical and biological filter designed for ponds from 500 to 9,000 gallons in size. Its small footprint makes it easy to install and it can be either pumped to or gravity fed. The good looking roto-molded tank is built to last for many years. The standard Nexus Filter consists of a primary settlement vortex clarifier that upflows through a special filter block before entering the biofilter. The filter block is a high grade foam media. The upgraded versions include “The Answer” mechanical filter unit (#410 or #325) with orifice plate for easy attachment. “The Answer” is a self-backwashing fine screen filter that requires very little maintenance and includes removable screens in 100 micron (#410) and 150 micron (#325) size. “The Answer” Mechanical Filter Amount of K1 Media The biofilter utilizes the Kaldnes Moving Bed™ Process and Kaldnes K1 media that has become one of the most efficient forms of biofiltration on the market today. The K1 media is a polyethylene biomedia with a large surface area for the attachment of microorganisms which remove ammonia and nitrite. An air pump (sold separately) continuously circulates the elements, while simultaneously oxygenating the water and stripping carbon dioxide. Its self-cleaning action allows for the exfoliation of the older, less active bacterial layer and eliminates maintenance. Nexus Filters are rated conservatively at 1.1 lbs of feed per 3.5 cu.ft. of K1 media; however, Kaldnes K1 media has proven in aquaculture applications to handle up to 4 times that amount. 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 16" 20" 24" 13 g 46 g 110 g 210 g 370 g 890 g 1,750 g 3,050 g This guide illustrates the approximate relationship between average length and average weight of koi. 1% Maximum Fish Stocking Weight Depending on Percentage of Body Weight Fed Daily 1.5% 2% 73.3 lb (33.3 kg) 55 lb (25 kg) Maximum Daily Feed Rate 3.5 ft3 1.1 lb (500g) 5.0 ft3 1.65 lb (750g) 165 lb (75 kg) 110 lb (49.9 kg) 82.5 lb (37.5 kg) 7.0 ft3 2.2 lb (1 kg) 220 lb (100 kg) 146.7 lb (66.5 kg) 110 lb (50 kg) Use the above table to calculate the amount of K1 media required for maximum stocking densities. Max Flow Rate Ship Wt NX2 NX21 NX1 NX410 NX325 NXL BF150 SL44 The NX1 filter includes 3.5 cu.ft. of K1 media and all valves and fittings. An additional 3.5 cu.ft. (7 cu.ft. total) of K1 media can be added to increase biological performance. The NX2 filter includes 1.75 cu.ft. of Kaldnes K1 media and all valves and fittings. The biofilter chamber requires the use of an air pump (sold separately), we recommend using the Sweetwater® SL44 air pump. Average Weight of Fish 110 lb (50 kg) The NX2 filter measures 34" in diameter (50" in width at inlet/putlet) and 33" high. It has a 4" flexible coupling inlet/outlet and independent drain valves for the sludge filter and biofilter. The NX1 filter measures 50" in diameter (59" in width at inlet/outlet) and 50" high. It has a 4" flexible coupling inlet/outlet and independent drain valves for the sludge filter and biofilter. Average Length of Fish Clarifier/Biofilter Combo (Baby) Filter w/Answer #325 (Baby) Clarifier/Biofilter Combo Filter w/Answer #410 and Orifice Plate Filter w/Answer #325 and Orifice Plate Optional Lid Kaldnes K1 Media per cubic foot Sweetwater Air Pump, 3.0 cfm 44 gpm 44 gpm 54 gpm 54 gpm 43 gpm 150 lb 172 lb 187 lb 218 lb 209 lb 7 lb 4 lb 15 lb $ 1,095.00 2,623.00 1,648.00 3,176.00 2,790.00 195.00 34.50 325.00 NX410 NX2 Standard Nexus Filter Order Online Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Tech Support 407-886-3939 25 Parabolic Screen Filters These semi-self-cleaning filters are designed to remove solids from water with only occasional cleaning attention. They use a wedge wire, stainless steel screen set in a parabolic shape to take advantage of the “coanda effect.” This shape encourages solidsfree water to drop between the screens and solids to be left on the surface of the screen. The solids are then pushed toward the waste trough and easily washed into a waste tank. This filter is ideally suited for a gravity-flow system, as it will only cause about 2' of head loss. It has a 200-micron, removable screen. All ports are 4", except the inlet port on the larger filter, which is 6". Rubber couplings with clamps are included. Made in Germany. 2875 2873 LxWxH Max Flow Rate 25" x 10" x 32" + Fittings 25" x 20" x 32" + Fittings 70 gpm 150 gpm Stainless Steel Screen Each 4+ $ 1,099 1,299 989 1169 Liquid Waste Stream Headbox Inlet Solids Liquids Inlet Filtered Water Filtered Water Operation - Slurry is gravity fed or pumped into headbox. It overflows weir, starts downward on screen. Most free fluid is stripped from bottom of stream on the 25° slope. More fluid is removed on the 35° slope and solids roll downward stopping on the 45° slope. With free draining material, practically all free fluid is removed in one pass. As the solids build up water pushes them into the waste channel. Waste Port Liquids Solids Wedge bar shape promotes “Coanda” effect, stripping liquid from bottom of stream. Inside of 2873 Filtering out algae ™ Commercial Filtration Packages AquaDyne Bead Filtration Systems These prepackaged filtration systems are perfect for koi ponds, water gardens and multi-tank fish culture systems. They are self-contained filtration units that provide everything needed for a complete life support system. Each provides mechanical and biological filtration, as well as UV sterilization for crystal clear water. Made in USA. These specialized bead filters have been engineered specifically for koi ponds and water gardens. Available in five sizes, they feature a central diffuser column that reduces internal friction loss. Standard features of these systems include: • Full Rinse Cycle: Pre-rinses the floating media in its normal filter cycle just after a backwash and BF60 discharges the rinse water to the waste line. Package includes: • Every component is saltwater compatible. • No hassle installation; simply plumb the inlet, outlet and backwash. • AquaDyne Bead Filter provides mechanical and biological filtration. • Emperor Aquatics UV sterilizer. Mounted vertically for easy lamp replacement. • Energy-efficient centrifugal pump with strainer basket. • Each component is properly sized, eliminating guesswork. • All equipment is pre-mounted on a plastic base plate. • Fits in a small footprint. All are 115V/60 Hz, with UL-listed components, and ship via motor freight. Flow Rate (GPM) CSK1 CSK2 CSK3 30 60 90 Filter Size UV (ft3) Watts) .6 2.2 4.4 Pond Size (gal.) Lb of Inlet/ Fish Outlet 40 1,200 30 1.5" 120 5,000 120 1.5" 150 10,000 240 2.0" te, Comple ed ntain Self-Co ion Filtrat s System Ship Wt (lb) LxWxH 80 36" x 24" x 33" $ 2,675 265 48" x 36" x 42" 3,895 420 48" x 36" x 46" 4,765 Emperor Aquatics UV Sterilizer • Bottom Sludge Drain: Allows heavy sludge and settled waste to be discharged from the bottom of the filter without disturbing the media. • Complete Filter By-Pass: Allows complete isolation of the filter media from the pond without disturbing the normal water flow. Ideal for medicating the pond without killing the beneficial bacteria. • Part numbers that end in B and BL use a blower for air-assisted backwashing. This reduces the amount of water needed for backwashing and improves biological filtration capacity by approximately 30 percent. • Maximum 50 psi for all filters. 115V 50/60 Hz. Systems ship in multiple boxes via UPS and have a one-year warranty; BF22, BF22B, BF44B & BF88B ship by motor freight. Backwash Energy-efficient Centrifugal Pump AquaDyne Bead Filter Outlet to Tank Inlet 26 CSK1 Corrosion-resistant skid Order Online Max. Lbs Bead Inlet/ System Fish Media Dimen. Outlet Size (gal.) Supt'd Capacity (Dia x Ht) BF60 BF60BL BF11 BF11B BF22 BF22B BF44B BF88B 11/2" 11/2" 11/2" 11/2" 11/2" 11/2" 2" 2" 1,200 1,200 2,500 2,500 5,000 5,000 10,000 20,000 Order by Phone 877-347-4788 30 30 55 55 120 120 240 480 .60 ft3 .60 ft3 1.1 ft3 1.1 ft3 2.2 ft3 2.2 ft3 4.4 ft3 8.8 ft3 16" x 33" 16" x 33" 18" x 34" 18" x 34" 24" x 42" 24" x 42" 30" x 46" 36" x 48" Flow Rate (gpm) Ship Wt (lb) 35 30+20 35 30+25 50 40+45 50 40+50 50-65 50,50+50 50-65 50,50+65 50-100 80,55,55,55,50 50-100 108,(6)55,22,12,11,8 Tech Support 407-886-3939 $ 675 950 849 1,135 1,140 1,540 2,040 3,525 Vortex Microstrainer by Sweetwater® Rotary Disc Microstrainer No more messy filter pads! • This is the high volume filter you’ve been waiting for! • Self-cleaning filter for use in round sump tanks. • Uses no additional pumps and no electricity in the water. • Filters up to 125 gallons per minute! • U.S. Patented. Self-cleaning? You read right – it is self-cleaning! Garden pond and koi pond owners no longer have to do frequent filter cleaning. After a vortex microstrainer (VMS) kit has been installed, you can simply open one waste dump valve once a week (typical). It is super simple and virtually maintenance-free. Here is how it works: Finally, a filter that cleans itself! Have you been waiting for a reasonably priced, reliable microstrainer? Your wait is over! Here’s a simple, high-volume, rotary screen filter for recirculating aquaculture, flow-through aquaculture, wastewater, and many industrial applications. This is an improved design of the popular drum-style rotary screen filters. It is a much simpler filter, made in America from 316L stainless steel. It can handle up to 150 gallons per minute! The rotating screen is powered by a 115V/60 Hz, 1.1-amp motor. A vacuum nozzle picks particulates from the 23" diameter rotating disc that is approximately 50 percent submerged at maximum. (Use the vacuum from your own blower, or order a blower with the filter and use its outlet air for aeration, airlifting, degassing, etc.) Adjustable legs set the height easily for gravity-flow applications. The filter is only 24" x 24" x 36" with 4" in/out fittings and the legs adjust from 12" - 24" by 2" increments. A clear, Lexan lid, additional microscreen discs, vacuum blower and spray system sold separately. Keep an extra screen on hand and swap it when maintenance is required, it takes only a few minutes. 115V/60 Hz. Ships by motor freight, FOB Apopka. One year warranty. Made in USA. 1. Water flows by gravity into a vortex-style sump (or it can be pumped in and drained out by gravity-flow), where it is directed at the VMS, causeing it to rotate. 2. The VMS floats, so it is self-adjusting with the water level. 3. Pump or gravity-flow filtered water from the bottom center of the VMS. 4. The pump returns a small amount of water (about one gpm) back to the spray bar of the VMS. 5. Heavy material drops to the bottom of the sump and suspended material sticks to the strainer mesh until it is sprayed off. All of the solid waste, either from the bottom or from the pond’s skimmers, is handled by a single, simple, low maintenance device. What you need: A round, sump tank, at least 28" I.D. and 28" deep (not included); a sump inlet pipe that directs to the VMS; a sump outlet pipe that can be located vertically in the center of the sump, at least 16" below the normal water level; a pumping rate or gravity flow rate between 20-125 gpm; a water line from the pump to the spray bar. The sump needs a drain valve, so the waste can be easily dumped. Plus, a shut-off valve should be installed on the inlet pipe so you can completely empty the sump when needed in gravity flow applications. The VMS assemblies below include: one VMS floating microstrainer with adapters for 2" and 3" PVC outlet pipes; one 4" water director for connection to your sump inlet pipe; a spray bar assembly that includes 3/4" PVC pipe, a globe valve and adapters. Ships by UPS. Made in USA. VMS250 250 micron (20-80 gpm) VMS500 500 micron (20-125 gpm) Each 3+ $ 749 749 725 725 VMS-36 Pressurized Vortex Microstrainer • Self-cleaning Microstrainer in a Vortex Settlement Vessel. • Filters up to 150 gallons per minute. • Water Powered – Uses No Electricity. • The Highest Volume Pressurized Microstrainer on the Market. Ships by motor freight from factory. Made in USA. *Not recommended for recirculating aquaculture as screen fouling, due to high organics, will increase maintenance. VMS-36 VMS-42 VMS-48 Volume 36" 42" 48" 36 sq. ft. 42 sq. ft. 48 sq. ft. Disc Microstrainer Regenerative Blower Spray Unit Complete with Pump Replacement Discs (100, 125, 150 or 200 micron) Lexan Lid 100 lb 23 lb 10 lb 5 lb $ 3,043 378 549 199 65 Wave Vortex Filter For the sump you can use your existing vortex type tank (sold by various manufacturers) or our WLF36. Height ADDF S11 SRM RDAL DFLID $ 1,288 1,388 1,488 Order Online VMS250 Vortex swirl separators are popular solids filters for use with koi ponds and fish tanks. They are very good at removing heavy particles and wastes. You can gravity flow water from a bottom drain or pump it to the vortex filter. These filters stand about 51/2 ft high with the 2 ft high base. • Sturdy double-wall base support. • Three outlet ports allow body to be connected in any direction. • Domed lid keeps it cleaned. • Coned bottom allows complete drainage. • Rubber connections eliminate the need to precisely align filter with pipes. • Comes with drain valve, rubber couplings, bulkhead, lid, body and base. We recommend using the WLS2 pump trap listed below if pumping to the filter. Ships motor freight or UPS (at 70-lb rate each) in two packages from factory. WLF24 WLF36 WLF36F WLS2 WLF24 Vortex Filter, 24" Vortex Filter, 36" Vortex Filter, 36" (Body & Lid Only) Pump Trap Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Ship Wt Each 3+ 130 lb 140 lb 120 lb 9 lb $ 305 745 478 47 290 720 460 43 Tech Support 407-886-3939 27 Sweetwater® Pond Filter Bio-Glass Filter Media Engineered by pond experts for small ponds flowing up to 5 gpm! Much like the Siporax™ but not as fine. This media has pores ranging from 60-300 µ, making it optimal for bacteria colonization. Its highly penetrative, hydrophylic structure allows bacteria to colonize deep within the media, allowing both aerobic nitrification and anaerobic denitrification. We have estimated the surface area at 24% that of Siporax™. Good mechanical filtration is strongly recommended when using fine-pore media. Sold in 1 and 3 liter mesh bags. Cover included AZ16019 AZ16020 Heavy-duty w/lid • Particle and biofiltration High surface area • Easy-to-clean • Only 33" x 20" This filter is so simple, you'll have to think twice about it being “engineered.” • Pump up to 5 gpm into it. • Water flows through an easy-to-clean pre-filter pad. • Water flows down through finer filter pads. • Water flows up through biofilter media. • Water gravity flows back to the pond or through a UV light. Should you neglect to clean the pre-filter when fouled, the water will simply bypass through the overflow feature. Cleaning is simple. Each compartment has layers of easily-removed media and at the bottom of each is a 11/2" quick drain (can be fitted with an optional valve). The biofilter media is 1 ft3 of Bio-fill™. Inlet is 1" FNPT, outlet is 11/2" FNPT. A heavy black molded lid is included. For the do-it-yourselfer, we sell the Sweetwater® Pond Filter without filter material. Made in USA. Sweetwater Pond Filter w/o Media Sweetwater Pond Filter w/Media See our e lin complete ers of skimm eb on the w Each 2+ 6+ $ 185 289 169 265 160 251 PSK12 4500 Surface Skimmer We always recommend a skimmer. This skimmer provides a simple method of removing leaves, scum and other surface debris while reducing surface tension. The skimmer inlet weir always floats just below the surface, so fluctuating water levels of up to 5" will not affect its performance. The skimmer is made from either black or white ABS plastic. The internal catch basket (white in color) will hold about two handfuls of leaves and lifts out easily for cleaning. The skimmer only works between 20 and 55 gpm. A 11/2" female pipe thread in the base (shown with elbow, not included) allows for easy installation either when building or retrofitting. 81/2" diameter x 10" high. Great for ornamental ponds. Made in USA. Each 4+ S750B Black S750W White S750RB Repl Basket $ 44.75 33.00 11.95 41.15 30.35 11.15 28 Order Online Bag Size 20,000/1,000 20,000/1,000 1L 3L $ 13/liter 28/liter 11.65/6+ 25.15/6+ Siporax™ A number of simple design principles make this filter very effective and simple to clean. It is a rugged, two-compartment, molded, black polyethylene tank with cover. It is only rated for 5 gpm, but you can use two or three in parallel for higher flows. FBX FBX1 7/16" 7/16" Surface Area ft2/ft3 A high-performance, fine-pore biofilter media with unbelievably high surface area (82,000 ft2/ft3) and the ability to perform both nitrification and denitrification under certain conditions. Siporax™ works best with well-filtered, clear water (otherwise heterotrophic bacteria will cover the surface). Conveniently packaged in one-liter mesh bags. Made in Germany. BF820 7/16" Surface Area ft2/ft3 Bag Size 82,000/4,100 1L $ 21.95/liter 19.90/6+ Only 22" Tall Pressurized Pond FIlters by TMC These Clear Stream filter systems are very versatile because they can be pressurized. They can be placed below water level and can even be partially buried in the ground for minimal visual impact (not submersibles). The large inlet and outlet connectors fit 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1 1/4" flexible hose. Each filter includes media for mechanical and biological filtration and an integrated UV light to increase water clarity. Multiple units can be linked together to increase filtration capacity. Units are 115V/60 Hz and include a 15' power cord. T4002 is for ponds up to 600 gallons (maximum flow rate is 5 gpm), T4003 is for ponds up to 1200 gallons (maximum flow rate is 10 gpm). Maximum pressure is 5 psi. Two year warranty on filters, six month warranty on UV lamps. T4002 T4003 600 w/5 Watt UV, 11" X 18" 1200 w/9 Watt UV, 11" X 22" T4003 11" Each 2+ 6+ $ 169 189 160 179 152 170 Pond Edging The Edg-Keeper will hold a pond liner in place and allow plants or turf to grow up to the pond’s edge. It will also stop bricks and stones from falling/sliding into the pond. Just place a stake through the edging and the liner is held in place! Black vinyl will match the liner’s color and protect it from sun damage. Each piece is 71/2', including four steel stakes and one connecting clip. Dimensions of T-shaped pieces are 8" x 4". Can make curves in any shape! Ships oversize at 70 lbs. (Ship up to six 71/2' pieces by UPS for the price of one. Or, we will cut them in half at no charge to avoid the oversize fee.) PE75 $ 27 23/6+ Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Tech Support 407-886-3939 Matala Filtration Mats Brush, 4" Round This filtration media is expensive, but definitely worth it for some applications! Made of rigid fiber compounds, it is used in many applications in the aquaculture and koi pond market. It is excellent for removing solid wastes and, unlike other filter padding, totally resists compression! The solid fibers are very resistant to sludge build-up and clogging, making cleaning easy. It also features a lot of surface area, so it is very good for biological filtration. Great for low pressure, gravity-fed filters and skimmers, Matala is positively buoyant and may require anchoring in submersed applications. Matala is sold in 391/2" x 24" x 11/2" sheets only, ships via UPS. Used in the ornamental pond industry for particulate filtration, biofiltration and even as substrate for egg laying. The black plastic bristles are attached to the stainless steel wire core, creating a 4" diameter brush with a 7/8" diameter wire loop at one end for hanging. A brush filter media is desirable because it is easy to clean and the plastic bristles attract solids. FM96 FM97 FM98 FM99 Matala, Green Matala, Black Matala, Blue Matala, Grey Surface Area Sq.ft/Cu.ft. Fiber Dia. (mm) Each 4+ 48 31 62 85 0.18 0.09 0.06 0.045 $ 31 33 32 35 29 31 30 33 Brush Length BP12 AZ16026 AZ16027 AZ16028 AZ16029 AZ16030 12" 18" 24" 30" 36" 48" Each 4+ 24+ $ 4.80 6.15 7.25 8.25 10.50 15.50 4.36 5.55 6.55 7.45 9.45 13.95 3.92 4.99 5.89 6.71 8.50 12.55 Bio-Fill™ FM92 (Medium Density) A PVC ribbon with a high surface area, Bio-Fill™ is our lowest cost media. It is white in color, negatively buoyant and very easy to clean. Gross fouling heterotrophs can be rinsed off with a little squeezing. Sold in 1 ft3 bags (BF250) and 12 ft3 (BF250B) boxes only. Made in USA. FM93 (Low Density) Surface Area (ft2/ft3) BF250 BF250B FM94 (High Density) FM95 (Super High Density) Rolled Matala Cartridges for Round Tanks R-Matala® is the perfect “drop in” media for vortex filters and barrel filters. It has the same qualities as flat sheets of Matala, but in a rolled, pre-cut, 6" thick disc. Wedge it into a round filter without need for support. Available in green (96 sq.ft./cu.ft.) and blue (124 sq.ft./cu.ft.). Add letter to end of part number to designate color; e.g., RM27G. Diameter RM24 RM27 RM30 RM36 24" 27" 30" 36" Green (G) 4+ Blue (B) 4+ $ 65 82 101 146 58 73 90 131 67 85 104 150 60 76 93 135 Bio-Fill™ Bio-Fill™ 250 250 Ship Wt Minimum Order 4 lb/ft3 1 ft3 35 lb/12 ft3 12 ft3 box $ 29.70/ft3 26.90/6+ 312.00/box 280.00/2+ Bio Balls A compact polyethylene media. Select either 98 ft2 (BF98) or 160 ft2 (BF160) of surface area per ft3. Round shape, blue color with positive buoyancy. These balls with their small void spaces are popular for clean water applications like tropical fish aquariums. Made in USA. BF160 BF98 Surface Area (ft2/ft3) Ship Wt Minimum Order 160 98 12 lb/ft3 12 lb/ft3 1 ft3 1 ft3 Bio Ball, 1" Bio Ball, 11/2" 4+ $ 40.80/ft3 37.90/ft3 34.90 34.10 Biofilter Media Bags You will learn to appreciate media bags after you have had to clean or relocate your biofilter! Just pour loose biofilter media into the bag and tie it off. When it is time to clean, just lift them all out at once. Large bag has drawstring and measures 35"L x 23"W when flat. Small bag measures 18" x 12". Both are 1/4" mesh nylon. Made in USA. BF165 BF167 Media Bags, 1/4 ft3 Media Bags, 1 ft3 Each 4+ $ 3.50 8.50 3.15 7.65 Kaldnes K1 Biofilm Carrier Elements A policy of continuous improvement is followed and the right to alter published data is reserved. Order Online These patented biofilm carrier elements are made by Kaldnes. They are ideal for moving bed biofilter applications. With an unbelievable surface area of 259 ft2/ft3, this polyethylene biomedia is positively buoyant and self-cleaning. In nitrifying applications, use a blower to continuously circulate the elements, while simultaneously oxygenating the water and stripping the CO2. The self-cleaning action allows for the exfoliation of the older, less active bacterial layer and eliminates the need for backwashing. The elements are 7 mm (5/16") long, 10 mm (7/16") in diameter and natural in color. Sold by the cubic foot. Ship weight is 10 lb/cu.ft. BF150 $ 34.50 32/5+ 29/25+ Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Tech Support 407-886-3939 29 Washable Filter Material (PF11/PF17/PF2/PF16) Blue Bonded Filter Pads Replace your worn out material with one of these. They are made of polyester and are washable for repeated use. Measured by the yard (91.4 cm). Please note width and length of each part number. Precut for small trickle filters, plate filters or for use in canister filters. Each pad measures 13" x 24" x 1" thick. BBFP $ 3.69 3.29/6+ 2" 11/2" Blocksom Filter Material 1" This high quality 1" thick filter material is constructed of all natural coconut fibers and a latex binder (green) on a polyester net backing. Its durability allows for frequent cleaning. Often used in garden pond filters. Sold in 24" widths by the linear yard (2 lb) or in full rolls of 12 yd (30 lb). Made in USA. .6" SM1 SM1R Carbon Filter Material (PF3) Enkamat® The PF3 filter material features polyester fibers heavily coated with activated carbon to provide an ideal mechanical, chemical, and biological filtering media. It's a fine pore material suitable for clear water applications. Enkamat® is a matrix of semi-rigid nylon monofilaments fused at their intersections. This product is the best reusable egg laying material. Also useful for filter media support, biofiltration material, soil erosion control, etc. PF4 has .020" dia. fibers, PF5 has .025" dia. fibers. Nylon (PF4/PF5) Disposable Filter Media (PF8) Enkamat ®, Poly (PF12/PF13) This fine polyester fiber material offers high quality at a low price. It will sustain one or two cleanings before disposal. With no fire retardants or dyes, it is safe for fish. Don’t let the price fool you, it’s good stuff. Very similar to our PF4 and PF5, but this product is made of polyethylene fibers so it costs less. It can be used to construct DLS media for biofiltration, for soil erosion control, splash control, etc. PF12 has .025" diameter fibers bonded to a felt underlay. PF13 has .030" diameter fibers and is 1" thick. Not UV-inhibited. Just ask … and we will include a small sample along with your next order. 24" x 36" 24" x 12-Yd Roll $ 6.95 62.00 6.55/5+ 58.00/2+ Spawntex Spawning Mat This unique product is asked for specifically by breeders of shiners, goldfish, and similar shore-spawning fish. Spawntex is one of the finest reusable spawning mat materials on the market today. Constructed of all natural coconut fibers with a latex binder (black) on a polyester net backing. Its 11/2" thickness ensures more strength for easy cleaning and exceptional durability. Pond installation is easy. Cut the media to size, attach a wire mesh backing and place in the pond. Another method is to simply stake the mats along the pond bank. Spawntex is sold in 24" widths (SM2) and 18" widths (SM3) by the linear yard, or in full rolls 11 yards long. Made in USA. SM2 SM2R SM3 SM3R Thickness Width PF11A Fine .60" 29" PF11C Fine .60" 29" PF17A Medium 1" 28" PF17C Medium 1" 28" Coarse 1.5" 28" PF2A PF2C Coarse 1.5" 28" Coarse 2" 28" PF16 PF16C Coarse 2" 28" PF8A Fine DSP 1" 36" PF8C Fine DSP 1" 36" PF3 Carbon .40" 29" PF3C Carbon .40" 29" PF4A Enkamat® .25" 39" PF4C Enkamat® .25" 39" PF5A Enkamat® .50" 39" PF5C Enkamat® .50" 39" PF12A Enkamat® .40" 39" PF12C Enkamat® .40" 39" PF13 Enkamat® 1" 39" PF13C Enkamat® 1" 39" * This box is oversized and ships UPS at 30 lb rate by ground. 30 Order Online Length Ship Wt. Each 4+ 2 yd 11 yd 2 yd 4 yd 2 yd 7 yd 2 yd 4 yd 2 yd 10 yd 2 yd 8 yd 2 yd 8 yd 2 yd 5 yd 2 yd 6 yd 2 yd 7 yd 4 lb 11 lb 4 lb 5 lb 4 lb 10 lb* 4 lb 7 lb** 3 lb 11 lb* 4 lb 10 lb 4 lb 6 lb 4 lb 6 lb 4 lb 7 lb 4 lb 11 lb* $ 15.90 77.00 21.80 38.20 24.99 86.80 30.00 53.60 13.70 55.00 27.00 86.40 19.70 69.70 26.00 53.80 16.90 43.60 21.00 58.00 14.90 70.00 20.10 34.20 23.00 77.00 27.00 49.60 12.50 50.00 25.00 80.00 18.30 64.70 24.00 49.50 15.80 40.50 19.00 53.00 Order by Phone 877-347-4788 3 lb 30 lb 3 lb 30 lb $ 8.30/Linear Yd 63.35/Roll 6.90/Linear Yd 51.45/Roll 7.55/5+ 59.55/2+ 6.35/5+ 48.90/2+ Filter Foam, Reticulated A Great Biofilter Media! This 1" thick foam is true “fish grade,” long-life, reticulated foam with a pore size of 20 ppi (pores per inch). It contains no fire retardants or germicides. (Be careful with low cost air filter foam, as it can be toxic.) Cream color. Sold in 2' x 6' sheets (rolled) only (equals 1 cu.ft.). Weighs 5 lb. Made in USA. PF7 $ 34.50 32.79/4+ Tech Support 407-886-3939 SMART UV Sterilizers by Emperor Aquatics Indoors or Outdoors These high-quality ultraviolet sterilizers feature a watertight sealed design and can be used safely both indoors and outdoors. They are UL-listed and compact, making them an excellent choice for everything from small koi ponds to large recirculating systems. Units can be operated in any position and feature GPH/T5 lamps with 9,000 hours (375 days) of effective life. These SMART UV units feature remote-style ballasts with 16' power cords. Units are 115V/60Hz, with a one-year warranty on ballasts, lifetime warranty on the housing and 90 days on lamps. CU/UL-listed. Made in USA. EU130P EU40 EU25-U EU65P GPM @ 30,000 µws* Watts/# Lamps Max. Size Aquarium Max. Size Pond Inlet/Outlet Overall Size Actual Wt Each 3+ EU25-U 13/7.8 25/1 125 gal. 4,600 gal. 11/2" Slip Union 30" 14 lb $ 267 246 EU40 26.2/15.7 40/1 200 gal. 9,000 gal. 11/2" Slip Union 44" 22 lb 335 314 47.5/28.5 65/1 400 gal. 17,000 gal. 11/2" Slip Union 525 498 EU65P*** 71" 28 lb EU80P*** 52.4/31.4 80/2(40W) 400 gal. 19,000 gal. 11/2" Slip Union 729 696 45" 56 lb EU130P** 95.1/57 130/2(65W) 700 gal. 35,000 gal. 11/2" Slip Union 907 868 73" 72 lb * Water flow rates are based on the lamp’s performance. Maximum flow rate is based on new lamp performance at 100 percent. Suggested flow rate is based on lamp’s performance at the end of its useful 9,000 hours life at 65 percent efficiency. Maximum pond recommendation is based on the total volume of water passing through the unit once every 4 hours @ 22,000 µWs. Maximum aquarium recommendation is based on the total volume of water passing through the unit at least one time per hour at 90,000 µWS for protozoa. ** Ships motor freight; *** Ships oversize by UPS at 30lb rate. ProClear Pond Clarifier This UV sterilizer uses a 30 watt UV lamp. It can be mounted either on its base on a flat surface, or attached horizontally to a vertical surface using the brackets provided. Universal barb fittings are included to take 1", 11/4", and 11/2" flexible hose. ProClear clarifiers require virtually no maintenance other than the normal annual lamp replacement, and these 30 Watt lamps are very inexpensive. Translucent hose Emperor Replacement Parts connectors glow to show that the UV lamp is working. Suitable for ponds up to 6,000 Black plastic body Smart UV gallons, maximum flow rate 20 gpm. Not UL-listed. Quartz Seal Power 4 pin Lamp UV30 Clarifier, 30W $ 190 175/3+ / U5253 Repl lamp 18.50 17.40 Watts Lamp Each 4+ Sleeve Kit Supply Connector 12 EB12 $ 52 47 EQ128 31 20375 17 EB25B 18 EB18 54 49 EQ188 42 20375 17 EB25B 25 EB25 59 53 EQ258 47 20375 17 EB25B 40 EB40 63 57 EQ408 55 20375 17 20240 65 ***EB65 98 88 ***EQ658 109 20375 17 EB65B 80 EB40(2) 63 57 EQ408(2) 55 20376 17 20280 130 EB65(2) 98 88 EQ658(2) 109 20376 17 202130 * SmartUV "Lites" use the same parts except use seal kit #20264. *** Ships oversize by UPS at 30 lb rate. 75 75 75 105 167 229 229 20078 11 20078 11 20078 11 20077 5 20077 5 20077(2) 5 20077(2) 5 TetraPond GreenFree UV Sterilzers SMART UV Lite The new SMART UV Lite features the same durable “UV-resistant” construction as the SMART UVs, but utilizes a smaller (2") diameter body. They are watertight and can be used indoors or outdoors in any position. Units include standard GPH/T5 style UV lamps, remote power supply and instructions. All UV lights have 11/2" slip inlets/outlets. Units are 115V/60 Hz and have a one-year warranty on ballasts, lifetime warranty on the housing and 90-day warranty on the lamps. CU/UL-listed. Made in USA. EU18-2 GPM @ 30,000 µws EU18-2 6 / 3.6 EU25-2 9.2 / 5.5 EU40-2 16.3 / 9.8 EU80-2* 32 / 19.6 * Ships oversize. Watts/ # Lamps Max.Size Aquarium Overall Length Ship Wt Each 3+ 18/1 25/1 40/1 80/2 75 gal. 110 gal. 200 gal. 350 gal. 211/2" 291/2" 441/2" 441/2" 8 lb 14 lb 22 lb 56 lb $ 197 214 307 475 184 203 292 451 Order Online UV30 These small sterilizers are completely weatherproof and easy to install. For use on smaller ponds, the sterilizers use a high efficiency UV-C lamp that controls freefloating algae and helps destroy diseases. Units are 3" in diameter, have 1/2" barb inlets/outlets and are 115V/60 Hz. Six month warranty. Max Flow 16795 Mini 5W 330 gph 16788 UV1 9W 900 gph 16789 UV2 18W 2200 gph 16790 UV3 36W 4400 gph Replacement Lamps 25074 Mini 5W 16791 UV1 9W 16792 UV2 18W 16793 UV3 36W Replacement Quartz Sleeves 29540 UV1 29541 UV2 29542 UV3 Order by Phone 877-347-4788 Pond Size Length Each 3+ 660 gal. 1,800 gal. 4,400 gal. 8,800 gal. 8" 11" 13" 19" $ 88 127 183 248 81 117 169 228 27 27 45 58 24 24 41 53 29 46 61 26 42 56 16795 16790 Tech Support 407-886-3939 31 YSI 5200 Water Quality Monitor Koi Pond Aeration Systems • Fish Ponds • Zoological Exhibits/Aquariums • Environmental Monitoring Perfect for koi ponds. • Silent • Low, Low Power • Research and Laboratory Systems • Recirculating Aquaculture Systems • Remote Cage Monitoring The YSI 5200 RSM has set new standards for versatility and reliability. Designed for applications that require real time monitoring, the 5200 monitors dissolved oxygen, pH, ORP, conductivity, salinity and temperature! It is internet-ready to send e-mail datagrams or text. This sophisticated monitor is also a controller and an alarm system. It will even network with other 5200's. Y5200 Y55624 Y556210 Y556220 Y55614 Y556110 Y556120 Y5564 Y5565 Y5560 Monitoring Assembly w/Wall Mount & 115V PS 4M Cable with DO/Temp/Conductivity 10M Cable w/ DO/Temp/Cond 20M Cable with DO/Temp/Conductivity 4M Cable with DO/Temp 10M Cable with DO/Temp 20M Cable with DO/Temp pH Kit pH/ORP Kit Conductivity & Temperature Probe 10 lb 4 lb 5 lb 4 lb 2 lb 3 lb 1 lb 2 lb 2 lb 2 lb $ 1,675 950 1,050 1,150 475 495 550 180 290 410 The compressors are UL-listed, all weather linear compressors that deliver air via self-weighted tubing to the ALP4 small pond diffuser. Each system is complete with the appropriate couplings, valves (on larger system), self-weighted tubing (dark blue for low visibility), and diffuser(s). Just plug into a 115V power source. Two sizes of complete systems are available: The small system will provide oxygen for up to 100 pounds of fish (when diffuser is at a 48" water depth, less fish at a shallower depth) and circulate water in ponds of up to 8,000 gallons while using only 28 watts! The large system will handle up to 200 pounds of fish (when diffuser is at a 48" water depth, less fish at a shallower depth) and circulate water in ponds of up to 16,000 gallons while using only 65 watts! They are very easy to install and come equipped with tubing, 20' for the small and 40' for the large system. Compressors have a three year warranty, air diffusers have a two year warranty. In place of running electricity to the pond, P200 tubing up to 1,000' from the compressor may be used. KPA1 KPA2 ALP4 1767 Benbow Court • Apopka, FL • 32703-9951 • Efficient • No Electricity in Water Small Pond System, to 100 lb Large Pond System, to 200 lb Pond Diffuser Assembly $ 359 449 37 KPA2
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