ceresota flour - Dwight Historical Society
ceresota flour - Dwight Historical Society
0000 0000,000000 0000 Sirs. Wile Cusick went to Kankakee to, ette.t• Mrs. L. P. Halm was a Joliet visitor last Friday. Mrs. Johnson, of Odell, spent lion000000000000- 0 00000 day here with friends. Carl Tock for lumber and coal.—Adv. In Omaha, Neb., after spending two W. 0. Cook visited in Union Hill weeks here with Dwight relatives. Sunday. Best value for the right price, The Miss Llillau Kline visited In KanNobler & Campbell Piano, at Bakers'. kakee Sunday. Adv. sonny, but those shoes were awOh, Mrs. Ellen Sparks returned Friday fully warm, Tuesday, weren't they? from a ten days' visit spent in ChiBuy Marigold Oleomargarine at cago. Drew's and save on your butter bill.— Modern cottage, 6 rooms with bath, Adv. hot water heat and all modern conand Sirs. F. J. llohenshell visMr. veniences for sale. Inquire of Anited over Sunday wills relatives near drew Neilson. Adv. 33-tf. Streator. During the hot weather -my photo The oil mop that gets In the corners, gallery will be closed every second Wizard." Act now, and get a The and fourth Sunday of the month. quart can of oil for $1.50, the regular There is a photographer in your town. price of the mop alone, at C. Si. Baker L. Dierks.—Adv. 25-tf Son's.—Adv. & *DWIGHT NOTES * Must Suit You L. C. Nichols was In Momence over Miss Mabel Ifolder was in ReddIck Sunday. Tuesday. went to Nangasee P. Mittens. Mr. Harold C. Barr returned to ChiTuesday. cago Monday evening. A. G. Potter and wife were In KanMisses Jane Carthy and Elsie Bush. ler were Reddick visitors Sunday. kakee Tuesday. in Mrs. K. J. Slow and children spent P. E. Trainor, of Budd, was Dwight Wednesday. Sunday in Gardner visiting friends. Wm. Burkhardt returned Tuesday Mr. and Sirs. L. F. Bomberger attended the celebration in Streator La- irons a trip in Nebraska. M iss Mildred Giles spent Sunday bor Day. Janes Ketcham spent Labor Day In with relatives in Chicago. Sirs. Roger Mills went to Peoria Streator, where ho attended the celeThursday for a short visit. bration. Mrs, Henry Wilson visited with rel A Ward Triangle oil mop and a Dollar can of 'oil for $1.50. If you haven't one, you ought to order one today, of C. M. Baker & Son. Adv. Sirs. A. W. Armstrong and children, of Pontiac, returned -home Sunday evening after spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. C. Co. Barr and Mrs. Myers. You will never know the meaning of real engine economy and efficiency until you study the quiet, smooth, easy running features of Lauson Frost King Gasoline and Oil Engines There are more drop forged and case hardened parts on Lauson Frost King engines accurate in adjustment, and therefore as than any other. This means an engine as The Lauson Frost King is built up to a stand- economical, after five years' use, as when Dew. a little more than some others to start with, hot a great ard, not down to a price. They cost a warranty of long, deal less in the long ma. The Frost King trade-mark on an engine is satisfactory service. Guaranteed—The manufacturers absolutely guarantee Lauson Frost King engines to make good on every claim they make for them; also as to workmanship and material 111 1 1 1 And our guarantee stands back of them, too. The "Frost King" is so dependable we have no hesitation is recommending it to everyone. so many Come in and see the "Frost King'—learn why up-to-date farmers think is's the best engine on earth. Ask yes about Lauson Service to users, too. We can supply P. any style or size "Frost King" from a to so H. 'on C. S. ANDERSON Dwight. Illinois Adam Comer, of Union HIM spent k a few days hero with friends. d t Chicago Mire. Conrn I Friday after a week's visit 'here. Max Miller spent Wednesday in Chi- I -business pertaining to thesago on store of Sillier Bros. & Sons. Our next excursion to Judith Basin: Tuesday, Sept. 16. Slake your reservations now. Weary & Snyder.—Adv. Ask R. Mills, Ed. Chalmers. J. Hahn. Adolph Struts at Grand Central 1.411EABCELECTR Hotel, and many others SY' ALTORF "snrdco ern Sold eselasirelY:hY FARE REFUNDED Round trip on a $20 purchase; one way on a $10 purchase. Christopher Bros. HEENAN'S Streator, III. PHONE ORDERS Reeeive prompt and careful attention. Phone in all depart. ments. A SPECIAL SALE OF CERESOTA FLOUR 49 lb. Sack of Ceresota Flour $1.40 98 lb. Sack of Ceresota Flour $2.80 500 lb. Lots Ceresota Flour $13.50 These prices are F. 0. B. Streator. III . Don't Miss This Sale. The Regular Price on Ceresota Flour Has Been $1.60 Per Sack NA wt ∎ osr IMETgla It makes a full, rich • drink — positively unmatchabid at the price. Its purity and qu ality assure a satisfying. w hole. dd ..O nk-ja Is delivered to '''Ileex The Mn, Qua ch''e Cents Pound ARBUCKLE BROS. pica-O-Ja Sales D.. 30-465 East Illinois Sweet Cekao, 6;getBest Results Grinclyoutfofeeathame, Tuesday the board and asked that he be as a marriage license. In a class by itself—the Hastings sessed, as the assessor had entirely Cabinet—let as prove it, West Side overlooked him in making the rounds. This man was Rev. George H. McFurniture Co. —Adv. Mrs. Emma Barr Watkins returned Clung, pastor of the Methodist Episto Chicago Monday, having spent two copal Church at Dwight. lie scheduled nearly $1,500 in personal property weeks with relatives. Fred Sodini spent Thursday after- and said he wanted to pay the taxes the noon in Pontiac, where he attended to on it. His some was placed on assessor's books.—Pontiac Leader. some business affairs. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hahn returned home Monday evening after a few 000000000000 990 000 O Operated by either motor or gasoline engine--most perfect machine made Mex-O-Ja is an unique blend of our selection of berries from the world-famous coffee growing countries of Sao Paulo and Die mountain districts of Mexico. as far as Chicago. Tuesday. Word was received here of the death Sir. and Mrs. Harry Haynes and I. Lowe in Montana, where daughter spent Wednesday in Wile of Mrs. P. she has been living. She was hurt in mington. a runaway accident and died from the Mrs. James Bagnell and son are visresults. She and Mr. Lowe lived here iting her folks in Wilmette a few days for a number of years and will be rethis week. Mrs. James West left Thursday for membered by mane. Misses Mildred and Corrine Maupla a few days' visit with her daughter in who have spent the past five weeks Lexington. here the guests of friends, left WedGarland Stoves and Ranges always please. Sold by The West Side Furni- nesday for their home in Salt Lake City. They will stop off at St. Louis. tore Co.—Adv. Mrs. Irving Eames and Miss Edith Shelbina, Mo., and Denver, Col., for Nelson visited with relatives in Pon. short visits while on their way back. The board of review finishes its tica Wednesday. 'Safford Wright went to Pontiac on work on Saturday. On Tuesday of this week a man came voluntarily before afternoon, where he secured days' visit In Chicago. O Miss Marie Sinen left Monday for her home in Chicago after a week's O The A. B. C. POWER WASHER The Coffee You Want at the Price You Want To Pay Orr Brothers recently furnished rued I Irk light fixtures for the residence of John Stewart, W. R. Drew, George Chase and John Finnegan.—Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Steven Skidmore and. Mrs.Boutet arrived here last Friday atives in Lexington Sunday. Arthur Brubaker, of Chicago, was a from Cincinnati, Ohio, for a visit with the fortner's daughter, Mrs, Edward home visitor a few days this week. Hoffman. Mr. Skidmore returned home Mr. and Mrs. L. Knudsen and two sons left last Saturday for their home Monday and the latter two remained until Thursday. Graymont, Miss Florence Eisele, of Miss Anna and Frieda Teitleman respent Sunday here the guest of friends. turned to their home in Gary, Ind.. Tuesday for Miss Clara Johnson left Tuesday morning after spending La two weeks' visit with her folks in a bor Day here the guests of Mr. and Gardner. Sirs. A. B. Epstein and family. They Mr. and Mrs. Henry Siedentop, of Ransom,. were visitors in this city were accompanied by Nathan Epstein visit here with friends. Mr. and Sirs. William Scott and two daughters, Hazel and Gladys, spent 0 SCHOOL NEWS a 0 0***00000000000000 Your Money Should Work The Dwight schools opened Tuesday for you as hard as you work for it. with a very good enrollment. The The question is—how to make it work, Labor Day in Streator. enrollment by grades is as follows: The best way, in fact about the only Burton Orr was in Pontiac a portion EAST SIDE. safe way is to of Wednesday attending to some mat"23 First Grade Iron in the county court. 23 INVEST IT JUDICIOUSLY IN LAND Second Grade Miss Larsen, of Chicago, arrived 53 Third Grade in Illinois and Iowa. The land will last week to take up her duties as 46 Fourth Grade produce crops which can be exchanged liner for Miss Lucy Rhinehart. 40 Fifth Grade Clarence Clover autoed here from for gold and every year it will be in30 Sixth Grade Bloomington Saturday evening and 32 • creasing in value. Your money inSeventh Grade spent -Sunday here with friends. vested here will surely grow. You Eighth Grade Charlie McWilliams was in Pontiac and NOT your banker will reap the wEsT SIDE. a portion of Wednesday attending to harvest. 32 First Grade some matters in the county court. 31 Second Grade FRANK L. SMITH Easy to sing with, the Price & Tee75 High School LAND NAN ple Player Piano. Come in and hear The new departments of Manual it. The West Side Furniture Co.— Training and Domestic Science are Law, Loam., Land and 1:11•9114110. Adv. =SIN= both full. There are eighteen boys in DWIGHT Levi Reeder has resigned his posithe High School in the Manual Traintion as clerk at the grocery store of ing and sixteen High School girls in P. D. Kern. William Scott has aci Science the Domestic c ence cours e. espied the position. The Seventh grade has Manual Mr. and Sirs. Storey Matteson, Jr., Training and Domestic Science on and son. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker, of Monday and Wednesday afternoon, Morris, spent several hours with Mrs. from 2:35 to 3:50. In these courses C. NV. Myers Sanday. there are fourteen boys and eighteen Come into our office and inspect girls. The Eighth grade has its work some grain samples fresh from the famous and reliable Judith Basin. Tuesdays and Thursdays. In these Snyder.—Adv. classes are twenty girls and fourteen Weary & Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kirkendall return- b"'' ed home from Aurora last Sunday after a visit of a week with their daughter, Mrs. A. R. Keck. Sir. and Mrs. Dawson (nee Miss Dolly West), of Lexington, are the proud parents of a nine pound baby - boy born the first of the week. Orr Brothers recently rented one of 0000000000000000-00 0 O O O RAILROAD NEWS Sunday Excursions Every Sunday During Sept. 0 000000000* 61 00000* The intense heat of Tuesday caused one of the main tracks of the Alton through Cayuga to buckle so that it the front windows of the Park News was impossible to run trains over it. Depot and have on display a complete Section gangs were rushed to the line of electrical supplies.—Adv. scene and the damaged rails replaced Mr. and Mrs. John P. McWilliams by others. left last Sunday for the east. They The Alton has a gang of linemen shipped their automobile and will moworking out of Pontiac engaged in I tor through the White Mountains. stringing copper wires to be used by! The village properties belonging to the telephone system for operating the Geo. Z. Flagler estate located in trains, which is soon to supplant the different parts of the town are to be old style telegraph instrument. The sold at public sale. See the sale notice new system is expected to be in workthis issue.—Adv. ing order in a short while. This sysA musical service will be given Sun- tem is being used for the operation of day evening, Sept. 14, by the choir of trains on the southern and western the Methodist Church, under the di- divisions of the road. rection of Mrs. von Dahlen. A silver A large steel cabinet containing' offering will be taken. lockers, having automatic key locks, Mr. Bernard Swift, who has been has been installed in the waiting visiting relatives here for the past room at the Alton station here. By three weeks, left Friday for Conton, dropping a dime in a slot a person is Mo., where he will atend school in the given the use of one of the lockers in Christian University in that city. which to leave his baggage and at the Mr. and Mrs. William Giles came same time a key is released for the down from Chicago Wednesday even- use of the person using the locker that ing for a short visit with relatives. they may lock the door and thus safeThe former returned home Thursday guard their grips and packages. and the latter will remain for a few The Alton has supplied its baggageman, Mr. J. P. MtKee, at the station days. Now is the in this city, with a standard measurAttention every-body. time to put In your winter's coal. ing stick graduated up to seventy-two Carl Tock can take care of your or- inches. This stick will be used by ders, any sloe. Place that order now him on and after Sept. 15 for measurand be safe. Phone 46, Dwight, Ills. ing all baggage brought to him for checking. The standard size for a adv. Clarence Boyer and father, of trunk is forty-five inches each dimenDwight; Rudolph Eisele and family, sion. All trunks over that will be Messrs. David Weber, Charles Weig- assessed so much excess per inch beguile and Glenn Turphs, of Graymont, sides the usual excess for weight. This took a pleasure trip to Peoria Sunday I is In accordance with a new interstate int their autos. — Pontiac Leader. 'commerce ruling. to South Bend via CHICAGO, INDIANA & SOUTHERN R. R. To SOUTH BEND Roun d $ Trip 1_ • 50 7:40 Train Lv. Dwight Ar. South Bend 11: 45 a.m. ReturningLv. SouthBend 6:32 p. m. For particulars consult C. I. & S. TICKET AGENT Make Your Flashlight Good as New All it needs is an E'vereatlY Tungsten Battery and Mazda Bulb. FLASHLIGHTS, BULBS. BATTERIES In stock at Public Service Co., Dwight. Mail orders filled prepaid. for catalogue to HENRY Pontiac Write C. BULAND - • Illinois in■1110111011111,