Rates 2014 - MediaWorks
Rates 2014 - MediaWorks
Rates 2014 X Népszabadság offers authentic and quality content to media consumers and plays a key role in quality Hungarian content service provision. Népszabadság is the most popular news daily in Hungary published 6 days a week as a Budapest and national edition with various thematic supplements. The newspaper has the biggest team of journalists in the Hungarian media market and its editorial is an independent intellectual workshop. With a readership of almost 200 000 and with nearly 50 000 copies, this is well over the combined readership of the rest of the news dailies. The newspaper has a quality, highly qualified readership with 40% of its readers holding higher education degrees and 69% holding a baccalaureate. Nearly half of the subscribers to national newspapers choose Népszabadság. Népszabadság represents quality both in terms of its products and services, which is why it is present in the advertising market by offering higher standard customer services and integrated services in relation to its competition. X X Source: NOK Q3 2013, Matesz Q3 2013 X X X 1 column 2 columns 3 columns 166 mm A megjelölt tartományt a logó elhelyezésénél figyelembe kell 52 mm 109venni, mm más vizuális, szöveges tartalmat nem lehet azon belül elhelyezni. Népszabadság - National Format 4 columns 223 mm Size Width Height (mm) (mm) Column mm (column = 52mm) 5 columns 280 mm Black and white 4C Price Price (€) (€) 5,5 7,4 2/1 590 430 13 267 17 850 1/1 280 430 7 800 10 500 1/2 landscape 280 201 5 542 7 458 1/2 portrait 138 407 5 542 7 458 Junior C4 185 292 9 208 12 458 Junior page 185 292 7 083 9 583 1/3 portrait 109 407 4 333 5 875 1/3 landscape 280 132 4 792 6 458 1/4 portrait 138 201 3 250 4 375 1/4 landscape 280 98 3 250 4 375 1/8 landscape 138 98 1 583 2 167 Strip 280 47 1 500 2 042 1/47 52 47 250 338 2/47 109 47 500 675 1/98 52 98 542 708 3/47 166 47 750 1 013 1/150 52 150 792 1 083 2/98 109 98 1 083 1 417 2/150 109 150 1 583 2 167 2/201 109 201 2 146 2 900 3/150 166 150 2 375 3 229 3/253 166 253 4 042 5 458 4/98 223 98 2 104 2 833 4/201 223 201 4 292 5 796 Front page strip 280 47 4 125 Back page vertical strip 52 377 3 450 Vertical strip advertisement 52 407 2 667 Strip advertisement 280 59 1 613 1 column square 43 59 323 438 1 column vertical 43 191 1 046 1 417 PROGRAMME PAGE 2 179 Prices are quoted in € exclusive of VAT Népszabadság - National Size Format Black and white 4C Widht Height Price Price (mm) (mm) (€) (€) 5,5 7,4 Column mm (column = 52mm) ADVERTISING SURFACES – ON THE FRONT PAGE Front page monocle ads 57 46 2 475 Front page 1/12 109 98 4 125 C1 280 375 C2 280 430 185 292 10 542 280 430 11 550 280 98 4 375 Half-jacket (C1 and C2 over front page) 24 583 ADVERTISING SURFACES – ON THE BACK PAGE Junior page (in the first section) X Back page (in the second section) X Double strip (in the first section) X Other creative advertisements Based on individual negotiation X X X PANORAMA ADVERTISEMENTS Columntartományt panorama a logó elhelyezésénél figyelembe kell venni, A megjelölt más vizuális, szöveges tartalmat nem lehet azon belül elhelyezni. 120 407 8 225 Maxi column 310 407 11 550 1/2 top panorama 590 201 10 500 1/2 bottom panorama 590 201 10 500 Full size 590 407 Size/column 109 407 Block Max. size 590 153 10 500 Double column Size/column 109 407 12 338 „U” panorama Other panorama formats 11 550 based on individual negotiation/depending on the surfaces used SPECIAL FORMAT SOLUTIONS Bubble advertisement Max. size Strip in the middle of the page Special shape bubble advertisement 185 150 based on individual negotiation 7 458 7 458 Max. size 185 150 Full size 280 407 Column size 109 115 Special shape – half-page vertical Max. size 166 407 7 458 Special shape – junior page format Max. size 185 300 9 583 Special shape – half-page horizontal Max. size 280 201 7 458 Special shape – half-page horizontal bubble Max. size 280 201 7 458 Negative junior page 7 458 11 550 PRINT TECHNOLOGY NOVELTIES Post-it based on individual agreement 1/2 jacket based on individual agreement 3/4 jacket based on individual agreement Prices are quoted in € exclusive of VAT Népszabadság Budapest and Pest County / Countryside Size Format Black and white 4C Price Width Height Price (mm) (mm) (€) (€) 2,7 3,7 Column mm (column = 52mm) 1/1 280 430 3 900 5 250 1/2 landscape 280 201 2 771 3 729 1/2 portrait 138 407 2 771 3 729 Junior C4 185 292 4 604 6 229 Junior page 185 292 3 542 4 792 1/3 portrait 109 407 2 167 2 938 1/3 landscape 280 132 2 396 3 229 1/4 portrait 138 201 1 625 2 188 1/4 landscape 280 98 1 625 2 188 1/8 landscape 138 98 792 1 083 Strip 280 47 750 1 021 1/47 52 47 125 169 2/47 109 47 250 338 X 1/98 X 3/47 1/150 X 2/98 X X 2/150 X 52 98 271 354 166 47 375 506 52 150 396 542 109 98 542 708 109 150 792 1 083 1 450 2/201 109 201 1 073 3/150 166 150 1 188 1 615 166 253 2 021 2 729 A megjelölt tartományt a logó elhelyezésénél figyelembe kell venni, más vizuális, 3/253 szöveges tartalmat nem lehet azon belül elhelyezni. 4/98 223 98 1 052 1 417 4/201 223 201 2 146 2 898 Front page strip 280 47 Back page vertical strip 52 377 1 725 Vertical strip advertisement 52 407 1 333 Strip advertisement 280 59 808 1 column square 43 59 163 217 1 column vertical 43 191 525 708 2 063 PROGRAMME PAGE 1 092 Prices are quoted in € exclusive of VAT DISCOUNTS Ordering deadline: 4 workdays prior to publication Quantity Submission deadline: 2 workdays prior to publication in the case of print-ready advertisements. 4 workdays prior to publication in the case of not print-ready advertisements. We accept advertisements ready for printing in the modes and formats specified in the section “Parameters for Advertisement Submission”. Prices are quoted in HUF, exclusive of VAT and are valid until cancellation. Népszabadság Zrt. has specified rules applicable to further advertising conditions in the General Terms of Contract. Published on: Number of pages: Printing: Colour: Grid: Paper: Page format: Discount (%) Number Discount 12 500—20 833 3% 3 3% 20 833—62 500 5% 6 5% 62 500—125 000 8% 13 7% 125 000—208 330 10% 26 10% 208 330—312 500 12% 52 12% 312 500—416 670 15% 65 15% 416 670—625 000 18% INSERTING EXTRA CHARGES Printing parameters: Monday-Saturday 20 rotation offset 4+4 40 (100 Ipi) Frequency PRICE BRACKET (List price in €) Placement surcharge 20% Colour surcharge 15% Technical cost 5% NB: the technical cost is 5% of the price quoted. Other extra charges and discounts do not change this amount. Weight under 20g netnet € / 1000 item 79,2 20-40g 87,5 40-60g 95,8 over 60g to be negotiated 45g standard newspaper 310 x 470 mm Type size: 280 x 407 mm Prices are quoted in €, exclusive of VAT and are valid until cancellation. ADVERTISMENT ORDERS: Népszabadság Zrt. Tel.: (1) 460 2652; Fax: (1) 460 2544; E-mail: hirdetesinfo@nepszabadsag.hu Maxi column X „U” panorama X X X X X A megjelölt tartományt a logó elhelyezésénél figyelembe kell venni, más vizuális, szöveges tartalmat nem lehet azon belül elhelyezni. Block Creative panorama Ad combined with content Double column Creative panorama Ad combined with content PARAMETERS FOR ADVERTISEMENT SUBMISSION Mode of sending ready advertisements to our publishing company: •Viae-mail,max.10MB: -Publicandbusinessmedia:nszgyartas@mediaworks.hu -Regionalmedia:megyeigyartas@mediaworks.hu -Sportandentertainmentmedia:gyartas@nemzetisport.hu -Women,gastroandyouthmedia:mgyartas@mediaworks.hu •OnCD,DVD,PENDRIVE WeacceptreadymaterialinPhotoshop(eps,tif,pdf)orIllustratorformatin300dpiimageresolutionand CMYKcolourmode. X X X Aprintingprooforchromalineneedstobesuppliedtoguaranteecolourquality.Ifthisisnotprovided, wedonotacceptanycomplaintsmadeinconnectionwithcolourquality. X X Please make sure thatX you take account of the following during planning: •Pleasetransformthetextinthefileintoanoutlineorcurve •IftheadvertisementhasbeendesignedbyusingtheInDesignprogramme,pleasemakesurethat thetextlayerisontop •InthecaseofPhotoshopeps/tif/jpgformats,weonlyacceptflattened,CMYK,min.300dpi advertisements •InthecaseofJPGcompression,pleaseusetheMaximumQualitysettingtominimisethe distortionandfragmentationofsmallerfontsandthinlines •Technologicallimitationsoftheprintingprocedureapplied(differentpaperqualities;variations infolding,cuttingandcolouralignment;thingraphicalcomponentsinnegativerotation;fontsize; makingsurethattextinblackisonablackplateandexplicitlyavoidingtheuseofdirectcolours) •WeareunabletoacceptmaterialscompiledinCorelDraw A megjelölt tartományt a logó elhelyezésénél figyelembe kell venni, más vizuális, szöveges tartalmat lehet azon belül elhelyezni. nem •Makesurethatyouusetherightoverprint,knock-outsettings Further requirements for bleed advertisements: •Werecommendnotplacinganyusefulinformationwithin5mmoftheedge •Cutandregistrationsigns,aswellaspalettesmustbeplacedatleast5mmfromtheedge, howeverdefinitelyoutsidetheadvertisement •Pleaseplacea5mmborderaroundbleedadvertisements For advertisement to be designed: •Pleasesendimagesandlogosin300dpiandthetextinWordformatinthecaseofadvertisements intendedforpublication. IF THE MATERIAL SUBMITTED FAILS TO COMPLY WITH THE ABOVE-LISTED PARAMETERS, WE ARE UNABLE TO GUARANTEE THE CORRECT PUBLICATION OF THE ADVERTISEMENT, WHICH IS WHY WE ARE UNABLE TO ACCEPT ANY COMPLAINTS.