BRIDGES Magazine Volume 20, Number 1 the ISSSEEM magazine, explores leading ideas in the fields of subtle energies and energy healing. Its interdisciplinary focus creates an open forum for healers, teachers, researchers, pioneers and all interested and involved – within the ISSSEEM membership and the world at large – to exchange information and discuss new discoveries. Published and delivered to subscribers in digital format three times a year , Bridges Magazine presents articles, reports, reviews, and interviews with a personal, clinical or experiential perspective in order to further our understanding of the great range of human capacities and to expand our inquiry into the subtle realms of existence. Visit to submit relevant (500 to 2500 words) written pieces to be considered for publication. Past issues and subscriptions can be purchased on our online store at Editor Associate Editor Managing Editor Design Editor Celia Coates, Lucia Thornton, Denise Lewis Premschak Justin Block The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine is a non-profit public benefit corporation based in Colorado. © 2010 by The International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine, all rights reserved. No reproduction or other use without the permission of the publisher. Mailing Address: 2770 Arapaho Rd, Suite 132 Lafayette, CO 80026 Phone: (303) 425-4625 Email: THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE STUDY OF SUBTLE ENERGIES AND ENERGY MEDICINE Bridging Science and Spirit As a member you assist ISSSEEM to continue to be the leader in the field of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine. You can support discovery and application in the increasing body of knowledge about consciousness, healing and the subtle levels of reality, not only through your membership dollars, but also by contributing your own participation. Members receive: • A discounted general admission to the Annual Conference where you can network with other pioneers in this field • Bridges Magazine, published electronically three times a year • Online access to: – Bridges Magazine – eSeem, our electronic newsletter – member profiles • A reduced rate for Subtle Energies, our peer-reviewed scientific journal • The opportunity to present in the “Member's Choice Forum” at the annual Conference • And the opportunity to start or to join an Independent Exploration Group either on line, or in your own neighborhood Basic ISSSEEM membership is $75 per year, and the International rate is $84. Telephone or visit our website to join or to renew your membership. An annual subscription for Bridges can be purchased separately for $25. ISSSEEM BOARD OF DIRECTORS Charles Tart, Ph.D., President, Berkeley, CA Chris Hibbard, Ph.D., Treasurer, Boulder, CO Patricia A. Norris, Ph.D., Vice Chair of the Board, Willits, CA Lilly Coniglio, M.A., Director, Kansas City, MO, Gilah Yelin Hirsch, Director, Venice, CA Jim Oschman, Ph.D., Past President, Dover, NH Kate Hastings, Th.M., Chair of the Board, Phoenix, AZ Karen Malik, M.A., Director, Sausalito, CA Beverly Rubik, Ph.D., Oakland, CA Claude Swanson, Ph.D., Director, Loveland, CO Lynn Van Buren, Director, Topeka, KS, Bernard O. Williams, Ph.D., Editor, Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine Lawrence, KS, MESSAGE FROM THE EDITORS from Celia Lucia and I have heard many times that reading an article in Bridges Magazine has helped someone confirm their own subtle energy experiences and encouraged them to keep on exploring. Every issue is designed to present articles that expand our understanding of consciousness, healing, and subtle energies. In five very different ways the articles included this time discuss what might be called “information and transformation.” The authors write about light, frequencies, seeing and not seeing, spiritual bodies, and healing ourselves or healing the earth. Bridges Magazine welcomes what you have to say about your own personal or professional experiences of subtle energies. You may submit an article to be considered for a future issue, or join the on-line discussion to add your own perspective and commentary. Mind-body medicine is becoming mind-body-spirit medicine (or, mind-body-subtle energies medicine) and we are discovering a great deal about how disease begins and what can be done to end it. Surprising and wonderful recoveries from advanced cancer have been carefully documented. They are real. But we do not know enough yet about healing to be able to tell everybody exactly what they should do to become well. Along the way to fully understanding healing, our incomplete knowledge has caused some harm, especially for people diagnosed with cancer. I’d like to tell you what happened to a dear friend who developed cancer several years ago. She was told that she had to have a positive attitude in order to heal herself. Although she did her very best to be optimistic and to develop an upbeat approach to life, her disease continued to advance. She felt as though she had failed. Some well-meaning people also advised that she ask herself, “What did I do to cause my cancer?” Her suffering was increased. She had to struggle with a sense that she had caused her own illness and then had been unable to cure it. She had been given some early clues to the path for healing, but she did not have the whole map. We have discovered that emotions do have a role in causing illness – and in recovering from it. But we do not know enough yet about how to work with the many levels of subtle energies that are involved. We also assume that curing an illness is always the best outcome and that death is a defeat. How often do we hear that someone has “lost their battle” with cancer? It may be, at the spiritual level, that death is a healing. As we continue to make discoveries about the complex nature of healing, we will be able to combine our knowledge of physical reality with what we learn from our explorations of subtle energies and energy medicine in ways that can truly help people. But until we know more, we would be wise to avoid advice based on premature conclusions. from Lucia The article by Dr. Deepak Chopra was excerpted from his community address given at ISSSEEM's 2009 annual conference. In introducing Deepak to the audience, Jim Oschman, the immediate past president of ISSSEEM, recognized the contributions that Dr. Chopra has made as the "poet prophet" of alternative medicine and how his pioneering efforts have been a gift to ISSSEEM and its members. While Dr. Chopra's article represents only a portion of his presentation on "Explorations in Consciousness," it is a very useful article in helping us to explain many of the phenomena associated with subtle energies and healing. We are delighted to share Deepak's original thinking and spiritual knowingness with you. Enjoy! EXPLORATIONS IN CONSCIOUSNESS AND HEALING Deepak Chopra “I’m not in the world, the world is in me. I am not in the body, the body is in me. I’m not in the mind, the mind is in me. The body, the mind, and the world, they happen to me as I curve back within myself and I create again and again. I create the mind. I create the body. I create the world. I create the universe. And everything comes and goes. I’m always there.” - The Upanishads As scientific evidence emerges, it becomes very apparent that our consciousness is not created by our bodies. It’s the other way around. Our bodies are created by our consciousness, and consciousness is the ground of being that conceives, constructs, governs and becomes everything that we call physical. EVERYTHING – including clusters of nebulas and starscapes and all that you see out there as the universe. And when we examine it a little bit everything that we call a structure – particularly a biological structure – ultimately turns out to be a process. My physical body appears to you, to your senses, as a structure. But if we look a little deeper, we’ll see that it is a very dynamic process that’s part of the universe. What is the real nature of the universe? The real nature of the universe is that it’s a vibration. It’s vibrating energy. And if we really get to the bottom of it, it’s the energy we call light, electromagnetic energy. Of course, there are other forces that are part of that – the strong interactions, the weak interactions and, hopefully, one of these days the equations will include gravity. But according to all the mathematics we have, the forces of the universe will ultimately be the vibration of light. Light goes on and off at the speed of 186,000 miles per second. This on/off phenomenon, at the most fundamental levels of the universe, is called a discontinuity – as opposed to a continuity. My experience of the universe is that it’s “on” all the time. When I see you, you are there all the time. But actually, if I could pierce through the mask of my perception and see you as you really are, I would first of all see that you are proportionately as void as intergalactic space and secondly, I would experience you going on and off at the speed of light, a huge emptiness We appreciate Deepak Chopra's permission to publish this extract from his community address at the 2009 ISSSEEM Conference. BRIDGES Magazine 2010 Issue 1 (volume 20 number 1) Page 4 E XPLORATIONS IN C ONSCIOUSNESS with a few scattered dots and spots and some random electrical discharges. This is not speculation – this is our science today. Everything that you take for granted (radio, television, or e-mail) is based on a very fundamental premise of science and that is that the essential nature of the material world is not material. The essential nature of the physical world is not physical. The essential stuff of the universe is non-stuff. And the word for this vibrating non-stuff (or energy, if you will) is discontinuity. Our perception relies on discontinuity even though we have the experience of continuity. When you go to see a movie, for example, it is a series of still images that go on and off at 24 frames per second so that you cannot see the “off ” and you believe that you are seeing a continuous picture. Right now photons are going into your eyes on and off. Air molecules are bumping into your eardrums on and off. Our senses do not perceive the “off.” It is the same as when you go to the movies and you think you are perceiving something that is continuous, that is just “on.” The question in science is not what’s in the “on.” Everybody knows that it’s energy and information. That is the basis of all our technology. The question is what is in the “off.” Between every on, there’s an off. Many years ago we had a conference at the Chopra Center on science and consciousness, and Rustum Roy, my friend and teacher, was there with other extraordinary scientists. At the end of it we spoke about the “off ” – discontinuity. There are five things that everybody agrees that we know about discontinuity: The first thing that we know about discontinuity is that there’s no energy, there’s no information, there’s no spacetime, and there are no objects. So what is there in discontinuity? The most palatable answer coming from brilliant scientists like Amit Goswami, is there are infinite possibilities and that BRIDGES Magazine AND H EALING BY D EEPAK C HOPRA discontinuity is a field of pure potentiality. It is the immeasurable potential of all that was, all that is, and all that ever will be. The second attribute of discontinuity is that it is a realm where there is non-local correlation (not non-local communication) non-local correlation, which means that everything is correlated with everything else, and this correlation is unmediated, unmitigated, and instantaneous. Unmediated means “...the essential nature of the material world is not material.” there’s no signal that is responsible for the correlation. Unmitigated means that the robustness, the strength of the correlation, does not diminish with distance in space or time. The correlation is therefore instantaneous. When you look at biological organisms it becomes obvious that our bodies behave locally and non-locally at the same time. A human body, for example, has one hundred trillion cells which is more than all the stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. Every cell in your body is doing a hundred thousand activities every second and every cell instantly knows what the other cells are doing and instantly correlates its activity with every other cell without sending a message. How does the human body think thoughts, play a piano and remove toxins all at the same time? And while it can do that, it can track the movements of stars and planets because your biological rhythms are part of the symphony of the whole universe. We are now discovering rhythms upon rhythms upon rhythms so that your body is non-locally correlated with everything that is happening in the universe – instantly. Let’s say you go outside and you look at some star that’s fifty million light years 2010 Issue 1 (volume 20 number 1) away. That means it takes fifty million years for light to come from there to your eyes, so when you are looking at that star, you’re looking not at the star as it is now, but as it was fifty million years ago. Maybe the star exhausted its thermonuclear energy and disappeared into the heat death of absolute zero twenty-five million years ago. We on planet earth will continue to see it for another twenty-five million years, but we are seeing the past. When you are looking at me, you are also looking at the past because by the time you’ve looked at me and interpreted who is there, I’ve gone on and off a few million times. So our perception never allows us to see things as they are. We see, through the filter of memory, things as they were. If this correlation is across space-time, it means that at this level past, present, and future are infinitely correlated. By knowing any one point in this continuum, you can know all the other points because it is all correlated. If we were not using mathematical terms, we wouldn’t call it non-local correlation, we would call it omnipresence, omnipotence and omniscience. That is the second attribute of discontinuity. The third attribute of discontinuity is that it proliferates with uncertainty. The more you begin to understand it, the more uncertain it becomes. I won’t go into detail about this here, but it was originally described as Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Whether it is a wave or a particle depends on how it is observed. That’s the basis of Einstein’s famous remark, “God doesn’t play dice with the universe.” Recently Stephen Hawking said, “Not only does God definitely play dice, but He sometimes confuses us by throwing them where they can’t be seen.” So it’s a realm that proliferates with uncertainty. The fourth attribute of discontinuity is what I call quantum leaps of space-time events. A quantum leap is when a subatomic particle moves from one location to a new location without Page 5 E XPLORATIONS IN C ONSCIOUSNESS AND H EALING BY D EEPAK C HOPRA outside. We are members of one breath. We are members of one energy field. We are members of one information field. We are members of one matter field, if you will, because we are members of the same body – we intimately “Everything that we call separation in share molecules with each other. Everything that we call space or time or between objects is a separation in space or time or perceptual artifact. It is not reality. between objects is a perceptual And healing is the return of the artifact. It is not reality. And healing is the return of the memory of this wholeness.” memory of wholeness. going through the space in between. So it is here, then it is there. In between it was nowhere – like when Captain Kirk says in Star Trek “Beam me up, Scotty,” and he goes from the planet to the spaceship without going from here to there. The fifth attribute is something attributed to John Wheeler – the observer effect, which basically says that before you look at the universe, it does not exist. Before a conscious being looks at the universe, it remains a continuum of possibilities. As soon as you observe it, through the filter of memory, then you create a space-time event and it appears. Just as you cannot have an electrical current unless both a positive and a negative terminal are in place, you cannot have a physical universe unless on one side there are these possibility waves and on the other side there’s a conscious observer to collapse those possibility waves into what we call space-time events. These events are thoughts in our mind and objects in the universe. Here is what I was getting to: these five attributes of discontinuity are the five qualities of your own consciousness. Your consciousness is not a thing, nor is it information or energy. Your consciousness is the field of potential from which energy, information, objects, and space-time arise. That is the first thing to understand. The second thing is that your consciousness is right now non-locally correlated. The third thing is that while your mind craves certainty, your consciousness recognizes that it is in the proliferation of uncertainty that there are quantum leaps of creativity, because all creativity is quantum in character. You cannot program creativity into a computer. You can simulate creativity with computer programs, but it is not real creativity. Real creativity means you take information and you create new contexts and new meanings. And that a computer cannot do. A computer is B RIDGES Magazine based on algorithms which are mathematical formulas of mathematical logic. True creativity is not based on logic. If mathematical logic is punctuated by quantum leaps of creativity, that completely alters our whole idea of biological Darwinian evolution. Darwinian evolution is based on random mutations and natural selection, but there is no room for creativity. If you understand that quantum creativity is an expression of the laws of nature itself, then you might conclude that nature is imbued with creativity, and that nature takes leaps of creativity – that the transition from amphibians to birds was a creative leap. The transition from primates to humans was a creative leap. And when we transit to angels – that will be a creative leap. As when Rumi says, “When I die, I will soar with angels, and when I die to the angels, what I shall become you cannot imagine.” You would need the imagination of an angel to do that - quantum creativity, quantum leaps of imagination. These are the five attributes of your own consciousness. Your consciousness is a field of infinite possibilities. Your consciousness is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. Your consciousness embraces uncertainty. Your consciousness proliferates in uncertainty and constantly takes quantum leaps of creativity, and your consciousness cocreates the entire universe with that mystery that we call God. We are all contained in that one consciousness. We are not outside it. The fatal flaw of science is that it is looking at the universe as if from the 2009 Issue 3 (volume 20 number 1) To return to the Upanishads, “Everything comes and goes. I’m always there.” It is all a whole. This is also the nature of healing. We need to remember our wholeness, to know that we exist in a state of being that includes all that comes and goes, that is on and off, and we are in the whole field of potential that is consciousness. Deepak Chopra is the author of more than fifty books translated into over thirtyfive languages, including numerous New York Times bestsellers in both the fiction and nonfiction categories. Dr. Chopra is a fellow of the American College of Physicians, a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, Adjunct Professor at Kellogg School of Management and Senior Scientist with The Gallup Organization. He is founder and president of the Alliance for a New Humanity. Time magazine heralds Deepak Chopra as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century and credits him as "the poetprophet of alternative medicine. Deepak Chopra’s newest book on the nature of healing is Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul: How to Create a New You. Page 6 watching my funeral from the ceiling. Many people were there to see me off. Just before the lid of the coffin was closed I yelled, “No! I am still alive!” Then I woke up. It was a very strange dream, unlike any I had ever had before, and I think it was the beginning of my spiritual journey. The next day I told my wife what I had dreamed. Although she understood that my life would last no more than a few months because other tumors had already been found and I was almost unable to walk since my legs were just skin and bones, she cried and said, “It must be a good dream.” Right after the dream, my sense of smell increased dramatically. I could not bear to stay in my hospital room because of the smell of other people’s bodies. It was as though I had become a wolf or some kind of wild animal. I needed to find a place where I could avoid the terrible smells, and finally I found it. It was on the open rooftop of the hospital. MY STORY OF HEALING FROM CANCER Shin-ichiro Terayama IN 1985 EVEN THOUGH I HAD RECEIVED THE FULL RANGE OF CONVENTIONAL MEDICAL TREATMENT, I WAS IN THE TERMINAL STAGE OF KIDNEY CANCER AND I LEFT THE HOSPITAL TO DIE AT HOME. BRIDGES Magazine Three and a half years later the cancer had disappeared. A natural, and surprising, process of healing had taken place. I was a solid state physicist by training and had been working as a professional management consultant when I was diagnosed with cancer in the spring of 1984. Four months after being treated with surger y, chemotherapy, and radiation I was getting weaker day by day, and six months later I reached the final stages of illness. One night while I was sleeping in my hospital bed, I had a strange dream. In it my body was lying in a coffin and I was 2010 Issue 1 (volume 20 number 1) One cold night at the beginning of March, just after the door was closed at nine o’clock, I escaped to the rooftop carrying my blanket. It was routine for the night nurse to check on the seriously ill patients like me. She could not find me in my bed at midnight, and a search was begun. Finally she and another nurse reached the roof and saw me lying there. They thought that I was going to jump off the roof and kill myself to end the suffering of my terminal cancer. I did not want to return to my room, so finally five nurses had to come and take me back. Early the next morning a very angry doctor arrived at my bedside. He did not prevent me from discharging myself from the hospital even though my white blood cell count was only 1000 and my immune system was very weak. I thought I was only going home to die, but I preferred that to being in the hospital. I also felt as though I had been saved. The conventional medical treatment was wrong for me and I believed that the strong side-effects of Page 7 M Y S TORY OF H EALING radiation and chemotherapy had harmed my body. I was discharged from the hospital only with some painkillers, but I did not want to use them because they kept my mind from being clear and I felt that they disturbed my immune system. Instead I placed my hand on my chest above the part of my lung where the pain came from and I said to my cancer, “I created this cancer by myself and I am sorry, but this is still part of my body.” I said, “It was my mistake, so please forgive me.” I said, “You are like my baby, so I love you.” I sent deep love to my cancer and the pain decreased so I could sleep at night. FROM C ANCER BY S HIN - ICHIRO T ERAYAMA was still alive. Then, it turned out that it was not my last day after all! I began to watch the sunrise – even when it was cloudy – as a way to start each new day. Because of my experience of the healing power of these treatments I founded the Japan Holistic Medical Society along with several medical doctors whom I had met at a holistic health center in 1987. I began to work as its executive director. In October 1988 although my tumor was still there, I was invited to Findhorn to present at a conference. My family was worried about my travelling to Scotland because it was so far away from Japan, and the climate was so much colder. However, I knew intuitively that I should go there. Visiting Findhorn was another turning point in my healing, and it directed my life even more toward spirituality. During my visit, from morning to night, many, many people gave me hugs. That had a wonderful effect on my emotions and spirit. After my trip to Findhorn, I returned to the hospital for a CT scan, and was told that my cancer had disappeared. “...he noticed a light in the audience and saw that it was coming from me....” I was very thirsty but I had developed another problem with the way something smelled: tap water had a very strong and unpleasant odor of chlorine. I tried to find water that I could drink and eventually found some good mineral water. In the hospital I had been unable to eat and was sustained with intravenous injections. At home, without those injections, I could only take in the mineral water so it meant that I was fasting. It was a surprise to find in a few days that I was beginning to recover without any medical treatment. That was my first experience of the healing power in my body. Then I realized that since I had created the cancer I needed to do something about that. I had worked very hard from morning until night at my job and I ate too much meat and drank more than ten cups of coffee a day. I worked until midnight and had very little time to sleep. I felt a great deal of stress from my job. The day that I thought was my last day on earth I wanted to be the whole person I really was. I wanted to watch the sunrise and to say to the sun that I BRIDGES Magazine While I watched the sunrise I knew that I was still breathing, and if I stopped breathing, of course, I would die. Then I realized that death is natural – that we are all going to die someday. So I stopped worrying about dying. I began to change my way of being alive, and I started to enjoy living each moment. It was very different from the way I had been living. A few months later I started to practice the cello again. I had played the cello when I was a child and I loved it, but I had stopped playing twenty-five years earlier because I did not have time to practice once I began my professional career. Once I started to practice again, I enjoyed playing every day, and I still do. The cello was a perfect healer for me because of the beauty of its sound, and because of the vibrations. The music was so beautiful and the sound activated all of my body. I felt that every cell was detoxified by the vibrations. I felt that it was a beautiful massage of every cell in my body. After practicing the cello I felt refreshed. I was using my own intuition to choose energy medicine methods such as acupuncture, shiatsu, massage, and healing hot springs. My recovery continued and the natural treatments had no bad side-effects. 2010 Issue 1 (volume 20 number 1) In March of 1989 I attended the American Holistic Medical Association’s conference in Seattle as a representative of the Japan Holistic Medical Society. One of the keynote speakers was Dr. Andrew Weil. Even though my English was not very good at that time, I found myself understanding what he was saying and nodding at many of his remarks. After his speech, Dr. Weil found me and asked me to have lunch with him. He told me that while he was speaking he noticed a light in the audience and saw that it was coming from me, and so he had wanted to meet me. He listened to my story of recovering from cancer, and since then we have been good friends. Five years after we met he published his book, Spontaneous Healing, which includes the story of my recovery from cancer. In 1995 I went on to found the Subtle Energy Association of Japan because I had come to know the importance of subtle energy in my own life. Page 8 M Y S TORY OF H EALING I believe that I was able to recover from cancer because I took responsibility for having lived in such a way that I created cancer in my body, I paid attention to what my body needed, and I began to live in a new way. I became more aware of the present moment and I was filled with joy. I had faced the need to change, and also many fortunate things happened. The dream of my funeral began to give me the chance to live in a new way. The holistic approach to illness is very different from conventional medicine, and it was right for me and my body. I did not want to kill my cancer with chemotherapy or attack it with radiation. My experience with healing from so much illness made me realize that consciousness exists at many levels. This led me to explore deeply those many levels – body, emotion, mind, spirit, God, FROM C ANCER BY S HIN - ICHIRO T ERAYAMA and the universe. In 2005 I established The Beyond Consciousness Research Institute which teaches people to develop their own enlightened awareness. Love, Shin Shin-ichiro Terayama is a holistic management consultant, physicist, cellist and writer. He delivers healing workshops and counsels clients in private practice. Shin is Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Subtle Energy Association of Japan, Vice-President of the Weller Than Well Association of Japan for cancer patients, and a fellow of Findhorn Foundation in Scotland since in 1988. 2009 was the 12th annual ISSSEEM conference Shin has attended at which he received the Doug Boyd Wisdom Keeper Award. Shin can be contacted at Photo of Shin by Masao Kumano Shin will be playing his cello at the ISSSEEM Conference in June. BRIDGES Magazine 2010 Issue 1 (volume 20 number 1) Page 9 SEEING THROUGH DEVOUT MATERIALISM Anne Wotring MY FIRST UNUSUAL ENCOUNTER CAME OUT OF NOWHERE, UNBIDDEN, AND SCARED ME TO MY CORE. One morning in April, in 1996, I was taking a break from my work and meditating when suddenly the full-sized BRIDGES Magazine face of a man materialized a few inches directly in front of me. I recognized him as Ron Brown, the U.S. Commerce Secretary under President Clinton, who had been killed in a plane crash in Sarajevo one or two days earlier. Staring into my face with wide eyes, he implored, “Help me, I don’t know what to do. Help me I don’t know what to do.” I held his gaze with effort and concentration, and without a clue about what to say or do, I just said: “Let go and trust. Let go and trust.” He said again, “Help me I don’t know what to do.” I repeated, “Let go…and trust.” This exchange continued for about 90 seconds and took on a cadence as we repeated these refrains to each other. Then gradually his face faded and he was gone. 2010 Issue 1 (volume 20 number 1) I quickly ended my meditation and sat in wonder, and fear. I knew from studying wisdom teachings that the spirits of people killed suddenly have no time to prepare and can become disoriented. Had Ron Brown’s disoriented spirit found its way back from Bosnia to his hometown of Washington, D.C. where I live, and locked in on me, the only person attuned to that plane of consciousness at 11 o’clock in the morning? What had I done to make this possible? What could I do so that it would never happen again! Did this really happen or did I imagine it after reading about the tragedy in the morning paper? Did I conjure him up? The more I thought about it, the more afraid I became. I did not meditate alone for the next six months. Page 10 S EEING T HROUGH D EVOUT M ATERIALISM BY A NNE W OTRING Before that morning I had been a devout overactive imagination. I did not know anyone materialist although I was fascinated with the I respected who had experienced this, and that occult. Ten years earlier, in 1986, I had taken a made it easier to dismiss it all as fiction. One chance and scheduled an expensive reading thing I couldn’t dismiss as easily was that when with a psychic who seemed legitimate since I I looked at digital clocks or highway exit signs knew she worked with the local police they would often read 143, the time of my department on difficult cases. Three minutes birth, and I entertained myself thinking that into the session she told me that someone this was my mother’s way of reminding me of her presence. Otherwise, I named Ellen or Ellie lived a very busy “normal” wanted to be known to life in the “real” world me. I was dumbfounded “I started to laugh while occasionally - my mother’s name was because it seemed so exploring the metaphysical Eleanor and sometimes one. I visited psychics and she was called Ellie. I had crazy on the material took trainings to develop not expected that I level to be talking to my own psychic ability. I would encounter anyone found I could receive that day, and certainly someone who was accurate information in not my mother who had invisible.” answer to other peoples’ died in 1975. I firmly questions about their lives believed my mother was but I continued to be dead and gone, wasn’t that what death meant? Tears welled up in my skeptical and assumed that it was mainly my eyes when I heard the psychic say her name. mind’s imaginative construction. How could she know? (My husband decided, when I told him what had happened, “She In the spring of 2009 I had a chance to must have researched you before your session.” experience something extraordinary that This would have been quite a feat in 1986 in challenged my disbelief. I had a session with Jack Stucki, a music therapist and biofeedback the days before Google and web searches.) practitioner who takes photographs of people Then the psychic went on to ask what was while a device called the Luminator is running. causing Ellie’s throat to restrict her breathing It changes the resonance of the area around it and speaking. I told her my mother had died in a way that allows various anomalies to from multiple sclerosis and in her last years appear on Polaroid prints. Sometimes faces she had been unable to speak. The psychic show up that can be seen around the person began to relay many things that my mother being photographed, and that’s what happened wanted me to know, such as why she had to me. One picture revealed the face of a been in a coma for sixteen months before she kindly woman with a pug nose and spectacles, died and how sorry she was for the stress that and although I did not recognize her I could her illness had caused our whole family. As definitely see her image. There were other faces the psychic spoke, so much information came too, more difficult to see, including one that so fast it seemed as though my mother was caused me to feel a jolt in my upper body very excited that I had finally visited a when I held it in focus for the split second medium and she could communicate with before his eyes merged back into my own in me. It all made sense given what the situation the photograph. Seeing the pictures Jack took had been. Could it be that she was “alive” in of me as well as those he took the same another dimension of reality and that she weekend for some of my friends, brought me wasn’t dead and gone as I believed? Could it another experience of something that is be, as she told me through the psychic, that beyond what I thought could be real. The she and her own mother actually had watched photos allowed me to see another dimension. over me and my children for many years? I was also deeply impressed last spring by I liked the idea but I did not really believe it, Lucia Thornton’s Bridges Magazine article and the information went to sleep in me. about her son, “David’s Story.” After his Sometimes I would think of my mother and death she demanded that he manifest himself then feel her presence, and although it was to her so that she could actually hug him. Just comforting, I thought it must be a trick of my feeling his presence when water droplets fell BRIDGES Magazine 2010 Issue 1 (volume 20 number 1) Page 11 S EEING T HROUGH D EVOUT M ATERIALISM BY A NNE W OTRING “I am so grateful that now I am able to have encounters with the invisible realms. I am grateful for my new understanding of what really is real.” on her arm while she was hiking his favorite trail hadn’t been enough for her. So, I did what Lucia had described - I insisted that my mother appear. Even now it seems crazy, incredible, and difficult to explain - but my mother did appear. It was in a much more embodied way than my previous sensing of her had been. I did not see her with my physical eyes but with my mind’s eye – in the same way I “saw” my “imaginary playmates” when I was six years old. These friends were twins, a boy and girl. I still remember the girl’s name - Jeanine. We pushed each other on my backyard swings, and when I told my mom about them, she told me they were imaginary, and other children my age had them too. Fast forward and there I was having lunch at my kitchen counter with my mother after she had been invisible to me for thirty-five years. How grateful I was to Lucia for her article because otherwise I would never have demanded that my mother show up. As we shared the meal my mother and I laughed about how amazing it was that we were actually together after all these years. She too recognized that this was different from our previous encounters. After we talked for a while about the kinds of things that mothers and daughters talk about, we decided to take a walk down the slope to what appeared to be a lovely garden. It turned out to be a labyrinth, a natural place outlined in stones, shrubs and wild flowers. I walked in first and after twenty steps or so I glanced back at my mother who had followed me and, “Lo and behold!” behind her were my grandmothers – her mother, Myrtle, followed by Elsie, my father’s mother. I had not thought of them at all, and there they were. It was so sweet. I was elated. I walked on and we talked. They shared difficulties they had had in their lives that I hadn’t heard about before. I am not a devout materialist now and, playing off the word “matter,” earthly life does not seem so material, it doesn’t matter so much, it isn’t so heavy and it doesn’t carry so much “gravity.” My old sense of the world was narrower and more concrete. Beginning with that frightening experience in 1996, my materialistic view has expanded to include new dimensions. I am so grateful that now I am able to have encounters with the invisible realms. I am grateful for my new understanding of what really is real. Anne Wotring, Ph.D., is a leadership and life coach, group facilitator, speaker, and writer. She loves tennis, animals, her friends and family, and peanut M & Ms. The more I work with realizing that dead people are with me, the more experiences I have. A few days ago my mom joined me as I was sitting on a bench overlooking a hillside and a lake. I greeted her out loud. No one was around and I realized I wouldn’t care if they were. I started to laugh because it seemed so crazy on the material level to be talking to someone who was invisible. It was just completely wonderful to be sitting there with her. She laughed too about how funny it must look - we seem to laugh a lot when we are together. BRIDGES Magazine 2010 Issue 1 (volume 20 number 1) Page 12 is sanity.” She had a heartfelt recognition that this held knowledge that the world needed. The light and energy Elizabeth became aware of that day she later discovered was related to Light Beings. Their incredible, refined energy has a luminous quality and carries the consciousness of absolute peace, absolute safety, and of beauty. She has since visited with powerful healers, who also work with Light Beings, and the energy is of similar quality and light. LIVING IN LIGHT A Conversation with Elizabeth Frediani M any of us recognize that energy and consciousness are inseparable. Elizabeth Frediani first learned this through her interaction with Light Beings. Through their presence she was introduced to expanded states of consciousness in which she came to know that the physical world is not the only reality. One afternoon as Elizabeth was walking near a lake, she fluidly passed from the material world into an ocean BRIDGES Magazine of light that was filled with a refined, vitalizing energy. What happened that day was profound for her: something had changed and she knew she would never go back to her former way of seeing things. She had experienced a total awakening of mind, body, and soul. While she was walking her eyes were open, she was not trying to meditate, nor was she trying to have a special focus. It was an absolutely fluid and natural transition into a light space and a new awareness. When Elizabeth came out of that dimension, she felt tremendous peace. She thought, ”This 2010 Issue 1 (volume 20 number 1) What Elizabeth experienced long ago was connected to the simplicity and beauty of her life in British Columbia. In the 1970’s she was living close to nature on land where First Nations people once lived and in a community that included spiritually aware people. The postmaster, who also worked at the fire lookout station for many summers, told her amazing stories about being up on the mountain. He once shared with her that he had seen a cougar sleeping next to deer. When he told her about his many experiences of the mountain, Elizabeth would just nod, understanding that this was a blessed and rare place. That natural environment provided a container for Elizabeth’s experiences. It was womb-like and protective: it held her and made what she was discovering safe. For many people, these experiences open up in an environment that does not support them, in communities with others who are not open to new ways of perceiving what surrounds us. This is so unfortunate. Many feel threatened by what is happening to them. And once they become frightened and anxious, they often shut down or try to block learning more. Elizabeth recognizes that the universe is ultimately consciousness in and of itself. She says that when we talk about Light Beings, we are talking about different dimensions of consciousness. Even though there are differences between their consciousness and ours, interactions are possible. The most Page 13 L IVING IN L IGHT A C ONVERSATION distinctive of these differences is that humanity does not reflect a singular, recognizable intention or focus. Light Beings are more unified in terms of their collective awareness. Each community of Beings shares a common, coherent focus, which we feel as clarity of consciousness and we experience through their higherfrequency energies. It is also important to know that there are different types of Light Beings and each community has its own intentions. The Light Beings Elizabeth works with explained to her that other Beings often focus on specific aspects of human experience. There are some that are very driven by science, unlike the ones she works with who are heart-centered and concerned with the growth and evolution of consciousness. Light Beings that operate on a more intellectual and experimental level want to learn about humanity from a scientific perspective. We often experience these Beings as cold or intrusive. WITH E LIZABETH F REDIANI maintain this new way while she was peacefully settled with like-minded people in British Columbia. However, it was harder to feel as whole and connected in the more densely populated places she lived in later. One of the ways that Elizabeth helped herself was to become a teacher of what she had been discovering about energy. After spending 10 years studying to gain an understanding and transcendent states of awareness. Using the heart chakra also awakens an individual’s ability to be present, to evolve, and to heal – and to become a committed spiritual steward of their own lives. Although Elizabeth no longer asks the Beings questions, she did at first and she was shown many things. Part of what they showed her was the energy field of the Earth. She saw that it has become energetically mired in our belief structure. The image revealed a dense, low frequency surrounding our planet that blocks the Earth’s field. The Beings conveyed that this is also true for individuals - that our fields often become dense, weighed down by limiting beliefs and unresolved life experiences. The Light Beings told her that they were here to help us clear this congestion and to re-awaken our higher vibratory rate. They shared that they, and others, value the Earth and are particularly focused on supporting humanity’s transformation. Elizabeth says that since that time their consistent message has been that an on-going transformational process is taking place. We now see this intensifying at a global level through a process of breakdown, clearing, and recreating. Our consciousness is transforming, our frequency changing. Long ago the Light Beings provided a view of what all the healing efforts would ultimately bring about: we will raise our collective frequency for the sake of the Earth. “...their (the Light Beings’) consistent message has been that an on-going transformational process is taking place.We now see this intensifying at a global level through a process of breakdown, clearing, and recreating. Our consciousness is transforming, our frequency changing.” Beginning with that first encounter information passed back and forth between Elizabeth and the Light Beings, but not in the way that you might expect. It was neither channeling nor any ordinary kind of communication. Information came through energetic contact and telepathic transmission. Through these experiences she became aware of subtle energies, of the life force that is in us, beyond us, and connects everything. Everyone has the capacity to sense this. It is an experience of fluidity, of a very subtle movement that can feel almost wavelike at times. It is as though we are in a very gentle ocean, a kind of flow within the body, around other things, around everything. In the days, months and years that followed, Elizabeth discovered a more integrated way of being as a result of her energy awareness. It was easy to BRIDGES Magazine context for her experiences in British Columbia, she turned her attention inward to bring what she knew to the surface. In doing that she not only strengthened herself, she also found deeper clarity and a tremendous new grounding that became the foundation of the healing work she continues to practice and teach today. Drawing from the sense of unity Elizabeth gained through her contact with the Light Beings, she developed exercises and healing techniques that are heart-centered and integrative. They not only serve to strengthen our physical bodies, but also profoundly and gracefully transform our consciousness. Many of these practices focus on using the energy system, and especially the heart chakra, to awaken 2010 Issue 1 (volume 20 number 1) About this Elizabeth once wrote, “In a profound way, and at an accelerated rate, we are now fulfilling this purpose. We are aiding one another and being aided in realigning to an original universal consciousness. We are not only opening to our true human potential, but to sources of Page 14 L IVING IN L IGHT A C ONVERSATION WITH E LIZABETH F REDIANI “As we evolve, we are establishing a clearer relationship with these dimensions of intelligence.” consciousness that exist far beyond our planet. These constellations of beings and energies have protected the Earth and have been part of her evolutionary journey. As we evolve, we are establishing a clearer relationship with these dimensions of intelligence. We are energetically and spiritually opening to the universal heart and consciousness.” “Our energy systems serve as receivers and transmitters to all levels of this current planetary process. Our thoughts, emotions, and ways of being reflect this for us. As part of this adjustment to a higher frequency, we are discovering that our daily activities must be modified to accommodate the energetic shifts that are now occurring. Rest is critically important – as is turning inward. Inner awareness reveals now that past wounds and karmic patterns are emerging to seek resolution. We have work to do and new choices to make…. Collectively and individually we are being called to grow and evolve. It may be very difficult to go through this process, but this is a time of hope. The present and the future beckon us to rediscover our true nature and the commonality we share with all Life.” BRIDGES Magazine We need to re-orient ourselves to know that we are, in fact, transformational beings, that energy is a transformational medium, and that consciousness is, by its very nature, fluid. This is what the Light Beings conveyed to Elizabeth a long time ago. They told her, “You do not need to channel our words – others do not need information. You only need to bring our energy through. It is the frequency of the energy that awakens healing.” And this is the direction Elizabeth has always followed. She has also discovered that it is not the energy of the Beings that has the greatest impact on our experience. It is how we focus, use, and care for our own personal energy that tr uly awakens, transforms, and empowers us. Once we become aware and awake to the fluidity of our own consciousness, we step into our true spiritual potential. Elizabeth wrote about her experiences during the 1970's in Bridges Magazine, Issue 2, 2009. Elizabeth Frediani is an author, teacher, and practitioner, whose work with subtle energy spans three decades. Her book, Where Body Meets Soul: Subtle Energy Healing Practices for Physical and Spiritual Self-Care, presents the energetic exercises described in this article and offers extensive support for integrating this transformational work into daily life. Elizabeth lives on Whidbey Island in Washington and works with individuals nationwide. She can be reached at This article was drawn from a conversation Elizabeth had with Celia. 2010 Issue 1 (volume 20 number 1) Page 15 one and a half years I was healed of most inflammatory processes and the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. It may be helpful to describe some of what I had studied for many, many years before I met Nicolai. My uncle was a bohemian artist who lived in Greenwich Village where he was friends with people like the cartoonist William Steig. The whole group was very taken with the work of Wilhelm Reich, and when my uncle came to live with my family after the war, he brought books by Reich with him. STUDIES WITH NICOLAI LEVASHOV Richard A. Blasband I first consulted the healer Nicolai Levashov in 1992 for chronic fatigue syndrome which had already been diagnosed by two skilled homeopathic physicians. Although I told Nicolai only of my fatigue, he made the same diagnosis within ten minutes, and he BRIDGES Magazine named the same specific areas of pathology as had my medical colleagues. Then, with the first healing session, I knew that Nicolai possessed remarkable abilities to move energy. I experienced currents running like electricity through my body, followed by a sense of being heavy as my body took on the healing “load” that Nicolai placed upon it. Within six months, with sessions two to three times a week, I was healed of the frequent, intermittent cardiac palpitations from which I had suffered for the previous three years, and within 2010 Issue 1 (volume 20 number 1) In time he also brought in an orgone accumulator which is a box-like enclosure invented by Reich. It is constructed of alternating layers of metallic and nonmetallic materials with the metal on the inside. (See Figure 1) Through experimentation Reich had found that a kind of energy he called orgone was absorbed from the atmosphere by the outer, non-metallic layer. The energy was then attracted to the metal layer, then instantly repelled from it to be absorbed by the next non-metallic layer. When someone is in the accumulator the energetic charge that has been established also involves the body. I didn’t read the books, but I tried sitting in the accumulator because it looked interesting. I felt the kinds of sensations that Reich described - prickling and tingling sensations, feelings of relaxation and then, after emerging from the accumulator, a sense of well-being. After trying it, I took the directions for constructing an accumulator in to my high school biology class. My teacher enjoyed laughing at Reich, and at me by association, ridiculing the accumulator as quackery. After the class I went up to him and said, “You know, Mr. Lance, when we started this class you said a true scientist keeps an open mind until proven otherwise. I don’t think you are a true scientist.” He paused for a moment and then he said, “You know, Blasband, you are right.” I’ve had experiences like that related to Reich many times over the years. I didn’t think much more about Reich and orgonomy until I was attending Page 16 S TUDIES WITH N ICOLAI L EVASHOV BY R ICHARD A. B LASBAND my residency in psychiatry at Yale, I taught there for a year and also established a practice in New Haven using psychiatric orgone therapy, as Reich named his therapeutic discipline. Since Reich was no longer training psychiatrists, I studied with Elsworth Baker who had been appointed by Reich to train psychiatrists. Along with a few other students and colleagues of Dr. Baker’s I helped him found the American College of Orgonomy and The Journal of Orgonomy. Following Dr. Baker’s death I became president of the College and editor of The Journal. Figure 1. Orgone Accumulator: ORAC Schematic (DeMeo 1989) Cornell University. I first studied civil engineering and found that was not really what I wanted to be doing. Then I tried psychology for a while and it was really dull – I had no interest in running mice through mazes. So there I was, floundering. I spent some time at home after my sophomore year and I found Reich’s books, still on the shelves. So I picked one out at random (it was The Cancer Biopathy) and started reading. Here was someone writing about life energy and the origin of life and backing it up with experiments that anyone with a scientific inclination and training could do. I was fascinated. I decided that I would become a research biologist and work with Reich. Then I heard that he would only train doctors. So I said to myself, “Well, OK, I’ll be a doctor then.” Psychiatric orgone therapy is a treatment for emotional disorders that is a functional integration of the analysis of a patient’s chronic “character” – how he walks, talks and presents himself – and manual, physical softening through deep massage of the patient’s chronic muscular tensions. The character and the muscular tensions are complimentary systems that form an “armoring” that protects the patient but at the same time blocks spontaneous natural expression. The goal of the therapy is to remove the armoring so that the patient recovers choice in his expression. (Reich 1949) It was in California, where I have been in practice for many years, that I met Nicolai. I had known several worldclass healers through my friend Bernard Grad who had also studied with Reich and with whom I shared an interest in healing and healers. Nicolai was a force beyond anything I had known before, and he was a theoretical physicist who knew what he was doing as a healer and could explain it to others. Nicolai and I became friends and scientific associates, and I wrote the foreword to his first book. I referred some of my clients with severe health problems to Nicolai and found that they improved rapidly under his care. They also began to move through their orgone therapy more quickly than they had before. It was as if their organisms had become “lubricated,” so that their bodily movements were far more facile and less armored. Not only that, they began to develop a blue glow around their bodies which I could see in my dimly lit therapy office. I thought, “This healing is a great help, and I want to add it to my therapeutic abilities.” I was accepted as a student in the next class, and I have now been studying with Levashov for eighteen years. My experience of “life energy” with patients and in my research was not all that I brought to my work with Nicolai. For several years I had been active in experimental investigations in the then nascent discipline of consciousness research (Jahn and Dunne 1987) and I had learned of the extraordinary power of mental intention in manifesting objective changes in physical reality (Blasband 2000). Nicolai’s method of healing depends in large part on the use The formal, initial six-week training period was the most intensive, exciting time in my entire professional life. Our group of twenty students – physicians, psychologists, business people and others – met five times a week for three hours. Nicolai lectured for the first 2 When I went back to Cornell I enrolled and ¾ hours on his findings about the in pre-med and then finished medical nature of man and the universe. The school at the University of final fifteen minutes was devoted to Pennsylvania. One summer during that Nicolai’s “transformation” of our brains time I worked in Reich’s laboratory in and spiritual bodies Maine and had the through the use of his chance to meet him and conscious intention on see what kind of research “...I had learned of the extraordinary power each of us individually he was doing. I also did some experiments of my of mental intention in manifesting objective and as a group. One’s spiritual body, according own. When I realized changes in physical reality.” to Levashov, is made up that nobody would ever of one’s etheric, astral, fund the kind of research and in some cases one or that I wanted to do, I went to Yale to become a psychiatrist of heightened mental intention to more mental bodies. (Levashov 1997, with the thought that I would finance diagnose and effect changes in human 2000) Within six weeks of beginning training I could heal people in a my own experiments. After finishing cellular structure and physiology. rudimentary fashion. That is, when I BRIDGES Magazine 2010 Issue 1 (volume 20 number 1) Page 17 S TUDIES WITH N ICOLAI L EVASHOV intended specific, simple changes in a patient’s anatomy or physiology, these changes would take place sometimes right away and sometimes within hours or days. I had not expected this. Nicolai was teaching a new, exciting, coherent paradigm. The didactic material, derived from his knowledge as both scientist and clairvoyant, included information from physics, biology and his own understanding of the role of the spirit in its interaction with the physical world. His concept of a “vital energy” as the basis of life functions and as operative in the healing process readily resonated with my personal belief system, professional training and practice. Despite my mechanistic, reductionist, traditional medical education I learned that subtle energies were real. The transformational work was hard to objectify when I first experienced it. I perceived a marked increase in sensations of energetic currents throughout the body which felt like electricity, especially in the brain. At the end of each class I felt light-headed, and while driving home my focus was sharper and I could see greater distances into the night. Other students described what sounded like out-ofbody experiences and altered states of consciousness. In time, as the transformation continued and we became capable of manifesting certain anomalous abilities, it seemed as though Nicolai had inserted a bundle of paranormal abilities into each of us “To Reich, blue was the color of orgone energy which he described as an energy field around the body. You can see this at times for yourself with the energy exercise of putting your hands together and moving them apart. In certain lighting you can see a bluish glimmer between your hands. Although it can manifest at the physical level, orgone energy, according to Reich, is a mass-free energy called prana or chi in other traditions. It exists in an “intangible physical domain.” (Jahn & Dunne 2001) BRIDGES Magazine BY R ICHARD A. B LASBAND from which we could choose what we wanted to use when in the healing mode. We could turn this mode on and off at will. In the process of transformation Nicolai advances the student’s brain and spiritual bodies so that they have new “qualities.” Students acquire the ability to detect information that was previously not available through the ordinary senses, and they also become able to influence and change the physical and spiritual bodies of others both while near them and at a distance (non-locally). When seeing in this way, it appears to me to take place on a screen that is located somewhere in the forebrain. It is the same place where we “imagine” – but this is not mere imagination. Initially, however, it was difficult to distinguish between ordinary imagination and the newly acquired ability to see inside the body. After all, I was a physician and knew what livers, bones, and thyroid organs should look like. In time, however, I began to trust what I was seeing in my mind’s eye, recognizing how it corresponded to objective reality. By the end of the formal training, I found that I had developed several new capabilities. One of these was the ability to see pathology in cells and organs inside a person’s body. I learned to send out a signal from my mind to a target within the patient’s organism and then wait for information to return. I also became able to “program” myself for what I wished to see. For example, I could program myself (or ask) to see the heart either as static or beating, with the pathology revealed as it is either in the present or as it was at a prior time when the disease process was just beginning. I can now even program the inner screen to see the coronary arteries as prominent, or cholesterol plaques as yellow, or electrical impulses stimulating the heart muscles as green and also to see their electrical integration with subbrain structures, and so forth. It is also possible to fast-forward the screen to check the possible result of a healing intervention in advance. In this way one can “try out” possible healing programs 2010 Issue 1 (volume 20 number 1) without actually putting them into action to find out whether they will work. In the first few years after the formal course, my “seeing” was weak in color intensity, two-dimensional, and fuzzy. After utilizing Nicolai’s method for a couple of years, I found that I was seeing more three-dimensionally, in more vivid color, with spontaneous movement appearing in the organ systems. I could see “subtle energy” (“primary matters” according to Levashov) moving from my hand to the organ system in question. I could “feel” a resistance to my hand as I moved it near the body (or a holographic image of the patient’s body in non-local work) in sensing various components of the physical and/or spiritual body of the patient. All of these qualities fortified my impression of a multi-dimensional, solid structure of the spiritual aspect of the organism working in unity with its physical component. I can, at will, open or close down the healing apparatus in my brain and spiritual bodies. When it is open, the apparatus feels like I am wearing a large cap of weighted energy and it appears in my mind’s eye like a large, rainbowcolored, three-dimensional “crown” of intertwined bands of glowing energy. In making a diagnosis and following the progression of a patient’s healing I pass my hand over the body without touching it while asking to see various organ systems that lie beneath my hand. Having obtained a diagnosis, I can then ask for the kinds and quantities of primary matters that I need to project to that aspect of the cellular pathology as it exists on the spiritual level. I then ask whether I have the capability to initiate this projection. If not, I then have to search for alternative methods to correct the problem. Once a solution is found, my projection of the correct qualities and quantities of primary matters to manifest my intention will, in time, bring about changes on the physical level. For example, given a sensitive patient with a Page 18 S TUDIES WITH N ICOLAI L EVASHOV BY R ICHARD A. B LASBAND “...spontaneous remission often occurs in people who change their lives dramatically. The remissions occur because of changes made at the spiritual level.” heart problem and the correct program, it is possible to remove scarring or plaque throughout the coronary arterial system, rebuild or regenerate infarcted coronary muscle, or return a disorder of rhythm to normal. Having effected the desired changes, it is then necessary to balance out the brain and any other organ systems physiologically associated with the “healed” organ. If this is not done, the organism, which always functions as a unity, will revert to its previous pathological state. From a review of the literature on healing it appears that most healers work by giving energy and assume that the patient’s organism knows what to do with that energy. I think this is a questionable assumption. There is evidence that healing changes may be made for a while, but since the energy input can cause an imbalance, the organism will compensate in ways that result in other kinds of illness. Also, after childhood, the organism likes to remain unchanged. Homeostasis rules, so there can be a return to the previous, familiar state. It is absolutely necessary, in my opinion and experience, to balance the changes induced in one organ system with changes in other organ systems, the brain, and the spiritual bodies. Using Levashov’s method the healer effects change on many levels simultaneously so that the organism is completely balanced and the tendency to relapse is at a minimum. Spiritual phenomena definitely affect health. They first come in on the mental and astral levels, and if they persist they begin to work their way down to the etheric level which is a blueprint for the physical level. Once cells begin to reproduce at the physical level, they are informed by the etheric level and distortions will appear. Trauma and toxins which affect the physical level also appear on the etheric level, and that BRIDGES Magazine is one reason chronic diseases can be so hard to cure using traditional methods like biochemicals, antibiotics or surgery. When you effect a change on the physical level but no change has been made on the subtle body level, there is a tendency to relapse. We can see this, for example, with cell reproduction in cancer: processes on the physical level follow the informational blueprint that exists on the etheric level. This is the reason that cancer can come back around the time that cells normally reproduce which averages between five to seven years. The corollary to this is that spontaneous remission often occurs in people who change their lives dramatically. The remissions occur because of changes made at the spiritual level. So change goes both ways – from the astral to the physical via the etheric and directly from the physical to the etheric level. Two disorders that I will not treat until I have further developed my healing potential are most cancers and extremely virulent infections such as AIDS. One reason for this is that I do not have a strong enough “shield” to protect myself from acquiring these diseases from the patient if I open myself up to them as a healer. We all have shields made of circulating primary matters that serve as a buffer between the outside world and ourselves. In chronic illness our shield weakens, permitting the entry of a variety of physical and non-physical agents and agencies into our system. In turn, these can cause havoc with our energy metabolism, further draining us of vital energy. In healing it is of critical importance to sustain one’s shield as a protection against the patient’s disease. It is of more than passing interest that healers often succumb to the combined effects of their treatments of others, and 2010 Issue 1 (volume 20 number 1) that some physicians, such as oncologists, have an unusually high incidence of cancer. Levashov has returned to Moscow, and as far as I know, is no longer teaching his healing methods. While it is hard, tiring work, using what I learned with him is very satisfying. I am effecting changes in patients on a far deeper level than can be obtained with the usual methods of allopathic medicine, and without subjecting patients to the deleterious toxic by-products and side effects of most drugs. Richard Blasband, M.D. practices in Sausalito, California. He also conducts research in consciousness and life energy at his Center for Functional Research ( With Dr. Dominique Surel he has established the Institute for Transformational Integration which integrates the practical applications of Hermetic Science and radiesthesia with orgone therapy and healing. REFERENCES: 1. Blasband, R., The Ordering of Random Events by Emotional Expression, Journal of Scientific Exploration, 14:2 summer, 2000. 2. DemMeo, J. The Orgone Accumulator Handbook, Natural Energyworks Handbook, 1989. 3. Jahn, R. and Dunne, B., Margins of Reality, NY: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich 1987. 4. Jahn, R. and Dunne, B., The M5 Model of Consciousness, J of Scientific Exploration, V.15, 3, 2001. 5. Levashov, N., The Final Appeal to Mankind, Volumes 1 and 2, Privately published, San Francisco 1997). 6. Levashov, N., Spirit and Mind, Privately published, San Francisco 2000. 7. Reich, W., Character Analysis, 3rd Edition, NY: Orgone Institute Press 1949. Page 19 Healing Touch Program, Leader in Energy Medicine presents the 2010 Healing Touch Worldwide Conference. e INSTITUTE INSTITUT TE for f APPLIED MEDIT MEDITATION TATI TION presents pr esents UNIVERSITY of f HEART Healing Touch Worldwide Conference 2010 Founded by y Susann na Bair Puran & Susanna August 5 - 8, 2010 Crowne Plaza, Denver, Colorado Celebrated speakers in include: nclude: – Cyndi Dale, Author Author, r, Healer Hea aling With Joy Celebrating! Healing – Janet Quinn, PhD, RN, F FAAN A AAN The (other) Joy o off Healing: Dancing at the Edge E of Evolutionary T r ransformation Transformation Scandrett-Hibdon, – Sharon ScandrettHibdon, RN, PhD,C, HTP/I and an nd Carol Komitor, Komitorr, CMT CMT, T, HTCP/I, CHBMT, CHBMT T, HTACP, HT TACP A P, ESMT ES SMT Being the Sleuth: Detecting Culprits in gy Disturbances Disturban nces Energy You Y o ou are In Invited vited to Join Us! Registration Registr ation Details: Details: www.HeaalingTouchP o or 210-497-5529 210-4997-5529 A two-year two-year, r, postgraduate training g in all thee tools and teac teachings chings needed for attainment spiritual nment of the sp piritual Incorporating spiritual ideal of illumination. Inc corporating an authentic sp piritual studies, creative group process, lineage, scientific studies s, cr eative writing, gr oup pr rocess, indiv private rretreats etreats and individual vidual spiritual guidance, IAM-U IAM-U energies delivers direct, direct, mystical experience of the subtle en nergies presence the class and divine pr esence in th he human heart. Join the cl lass of prepare leadership from 2012 and pr epare for lea adership in the global shift fr om mind to heart. To To learn more m e about becoming a stud mor dent at student IAM-U, Visit Visit us online at or call us att (520) 299-2170 www.IAM-U. .orrg CE contact hours available available for nurses and massage therapists. therapists. 101 San Antonio Rd. Petaluma, CA 94952 707-775-3500 ǫ ϐ ϐ ǡ ǡ ʹͲͳͲ ǡ Ǥ Ǥ ǣ ǤȀ ȀǤ New website coming in May! BRIDGES Magazine 2010 Issue 1 Page 20
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