Training Plan - Bio-Gro
Training Plan - Bio-Gro
Bigger MUSCLES. Start With Bigger IDEAS. iSatori has custom engineered and patented the first ever Bio-Active Peptides (BAP’s) to help you develop muscle faster, and they’re only found in Bio-Gro. TM “Bio-Gro is the #1 muscle product of 2013!” —Jeff Everson, Ph.D., Editor-in-Chief, Planet Muscle Bio-GroTM contains the first ever Bio-Active Peptides (BAP's), extracted from the highest grade bovine colostrum and concentrated into low-molecular weight, highly bioavailable micro-fractions. One small scoop of this flavorless powder creates a supra-physiological effect to amplify the body’s signal (“call for”) and acceleration of protein synthesis—more than your body can on its own and no matter how much protein or aminos you consume—to help you develop new lean muscle faster‡. That's why so many experts are calling Bio-Gro “fertilizer for your muscles.” Because it works! To Learn More and Read Reviews, visit BULK UP, TRIM DOWN, BE STRONG, LOOK GOOD. I bet you and I are a lot alike, and you want to do all of these things. Well, my friend, the smell of victory is in the air and the realization of it could be yours in just 28 days with iSatori’s new Bio-Gro™ Hyper-Growth Training Plan. The past 50 years or so of research has revealed some pretty cool stuff about training for strength and power. But we are not here to complicate your training. We went ahead and did the research, testing, and practice to find the best methods for training. We’re here to help you change your life, your body, and your confidence in the gym or on the field, by meeting and exceeding even your highest expectations. Even if you classify yourself as a “hardgainer” (like so many of us); you’re a beginner to the gym; or you’ve been weight training for quite some time. I’m absolutely certain we’ve got a few tricks we can share that will help you achieve unbelievable strength gains. By following our 28-day plan, combined with using Bio-Gro™ Bio-Active Peptides before and after each workout, you can improve your bench press by 25 or more pounds and your squat by 50 pounds. The trick: you follow this training program, rigorously for the entire number of workouts prescribed. The upside: you gain more new strength than you ever imagined, along with harder, more dense muscle. The downside: well, we don’t see any. One final word before you embark on your iron-crushing journey—my dad used to always tell me, “you can’t soar with the eagles if you’re running with the chickens.” Suck it up, let’s get down to business in the gym, and work your butt off, for those impressive, head-turning results you deserve. 3 4 The 10 Tips for Correct Bench Pressing SECRETS The Surefire Way to Improve Your Chest Strength (Injury free) 1 STAY ON THE BENCH. Despite popular gym belief, this is not a hamstring exercise! Keep your head and buttocks in contact with the bench throughout the exercise. 2 BAR PATH. Push in a straight line. Popular theory shows to send the bar in an arced movement. Physics says force is greater in a straight line. This will ensure a smooth, more defined force output. The next few points show you how to achieve this. and overall muscle activation by 3 MECHANICAL ADVANTAGE.o Improveo force output o o keeping your elbows at 90 and 90 . That is, 90 arm to side of body (armpit) and 90 elbow when bar is at chest. To SUCCESSFUL Bench Pressing. “Attack the bench with a can-do attitude.” S ure, it’s a difficult exercise, but you’re powered by iSatori—and nowhere do we say “for the weak and delicate.” There is nothing like a strong chest. I can tell you from personal experience, as a natural national bench press champion, nothing feels better than sporting a big, powerful set of pectoral muscles. When you are bench pressing, each rep should focus on driving your body away from the bar, keeping a smooth, even press. Whether the exercise uses a barbell or dumbbells or a flat or inclined bench, keep your shoulders tight, legs firm, and body rigid. Have your rep target in check, tell yourself you need to perform two more reps than required, rehearse the steps in your mind, and go to work. Don’t doubt yourself or your strength. You can power through your reps. Be sure to lift with a spotter or in a safety rack. Whether or not you force out a few helper reps, you still want to push yourself past your normal comfort zone. 5 4 LOCK YOUR WRISTS. The bar line of force will transcend directly down your forearm. If your wrists are back, the bar’s line of force is parallel to the muscle force line, creating shear forces that reduce overall pushing strength. 5 USE A “THUMB-LOCK GRIP.” In addition to creating a better force line, as you struggle under the weight, often your wrists will extend (roll forward) making the bar teeter on the edge of disaster. Trust me, bar falling on chest—very bad! 6 VARY YOUR GRIP. Evidence does support varying grips for increasing and decreasing emphasis on different body parts, but overall you will develop more muscle size and strength. 7 TOUCH YOUR CHEST. DON’T BOUNCE THE WEIGHT. Besides the fact that you reduce muscle involvement, the chance of injury increases significantly. Give a slight pause at the bottom. 8 USE YOUR LEGS. Elite bench pressers rely heavily on their legs. It is a good idea to have a nice, stable environment, so press them into the floor. Have your feet beside the bench, not on or in front of it. 9 PROGRESS PROPERLY. Use small increments in weight. Don’t go too heavy, too fast. 10 AVOID SUPPORT. Don’t use belts, wraps, and other tools to help you lift. Focus on increasing your strength without help, and you will develop a much stronger base. Visit our YouTube channel at for a complete step-by-step instructional video, from David Sandler, on how to perform the perfect bench press. 6 The 10 Tips for Correct Squats SECRETS The Surefire Way to Improve Your Leg Strength (Injury free) 1 BODY ALIGNMENT. Keep your chest out, head up, and upper torso erect. This helps keep the body in line. 2 PROPER MECHANICS. Start the descent by thrusting your buttocks backwards. Do not begin by bending at the knees. Begin the ascent by driving the hips back in and up. 3 CONTROL MOVEMENT. Descend slowly, pause at the bottom, and then ascend rapidly. Using momentum will take emphasis away from the quads and glutes and could increase your potential for injury. 4 BAR PLACEMENT. Place the bar across your traps rather than up on your neck. This takes pressure off the cervical spine and keeps the body properly aligned. 5 BAR PATH (TRAJECTORY). The bar should travel in a vertical line. Excessive movement forward, backward, or side to side will cause shear forces, placing greater stress on your knees and lower back. 6 DEPTH. It is not as important as quality. If you do the movement properly, depth will come with time. 7 ithout a doubt, squats are the most demanding, yet rewarding, of all weighttraining exercises. Frankly, squats are what separate the boys from the men. Interesting, though, the squat exercise (specifically, the barbell squat) is the single most effective lift for improving literally all aspects of your physique, not just your quads, because it involves so many additional muscles to perform. HEEL SUPPORT. Do not put blocks under your heels. If you feel you need to, it is due to poor calf (Achilles tendon) flexibility. Work on improving flexibility by stretching regularly instead. 8 VARY STANCE. Changing foot position will help activate all the musculature in the glutes and legs, increasing overall strength over time. 9 When you’re squatting, the feeling of nausea and lightheadedness are a part of lifting big and heavy—when you basically load your system with weight, scrunch it up tight, and then try to spring it apart, all while holding some serious weight on your back. BREATH HOLDING. While no doubt, holding your breath stabilizes your core and increases your strength output, blood pressure increases proportionately and lightheadedness ensues. Proper breathing is encouraged. 10 USING A BELT. Don’t use a belt unless you are lifting very heavy. Train your body to control the load and reap additional benefits of increased core strength. To SUCCESSFUL Squatting. “Squats are what separate the boys from the men.” W Don’t be afraid to stop during a set for a moment to reset your body and take a deep breath before beginning the next rep. Control the speed of your descent. The number one reason for rep failure (or worse, injury) is being out of position for the drive up. Thrust your hips inward at the bottom of your rep and imagine the power needed to launch a rocket while you power your way up. Keep in mind that a tight core (midsection, from the abdominals to the lower erectors in your back) is a must, and the same position you use in the squat should be used for all of your lower body exercises. 7 Visit our YouTube channel at for a complete step-by-step instructional video, from David Sandler, on how to perform the perfect squat. 8 THE “EXTRAS” THEY WON’T TELL YOU It would be great if all you had to do was squat and bench, but alas, that would make everyone a world-class lifter. In reality, the “extras,” when it comes to weight training, may be just as important to up your poundage. Bodybuilders call them shapers and builders; powerlifters call them assistors or auxiliaries. In either case, performing specific additional exercises to support your strength efforts is as much a part of your success as the big, compound lifts themselves. On some exercises, you will vary your stance or your grip; in others, you will perform a movement that works a segment of the lifts themselves (such as increasing pectoral power). Unlike regular training programs, to truly improve your bench and squat, all of your exercises need to be thought of as bench or squat accelerators, rather than pec or quad developers. We also want you to get started immediately, so rather than try to calculate maxes and decipher hard-to-follow percentage charts, we ask you to warm up with a light set or two and then select the weight you last used, add 5-10 pounds, and nail it for at least 6 reps. Finally, to further enhance your muscle-building Bio-Gro™ Hyper-Growth Training routines, it is vital you complement all “push” exercises with “pull” exercises and attack the stabilizing muscles. So in addition to your bench and squat routines, you will need to exercise the rest of your body (e.g., muscles). But don’t worry, we’ve done the mental work for you and built your five-day weekly workout program to allow for rest, recovery, and sanity to set in—just for a moment though, and then you start it all over again, the following week. 9 Bio-Gro™ 28-Day Hyper-Growth Bench and Squat Training Program Name: Month: Start Date: Start Bench Press 1RM: (lbs) Start Squat 1RM: (lbs) Total Bench Increase: SUN MON DATE: Big Chest Push Routine Completion Date: Complete Bench Press 1RM: (lbs) Complete Squat 1RM: (lbs) Total Squat Increase: TUE WED THU FRI SAT DATE: DATE: DATE: Punishing Pull Routine Monster Squat Routine Ab-Busting Routine DATE: DATE: DATE: Bench Assistor Routine Squat Assistor Routine Ab-Busting Routine Workout #1 Workout #2 Workout #3 Workout #4 Workout #5 Workout #6 Workout #7 DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: Big Chest Push Routine Punishing Pull Routine Monster Squat Routine Ab-Busting Routine Bench Assistor Routine Squat Assistor Routine Ab-Busting Routine Workout #8 Workout #9 Workout #10 Workout #11 Workout #12 Workout #13 Workout #14 DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: Big Chest Push Routine Punishing Pull Routine Monster Squat Routine Ab-Busting Routine Bench Assistor Routine Squat Assistor Routine Ab-Busting Routine Workout #15 Workout #16 Workout #17 Workout #18 Workout #19 Workout #20 Workout #21 DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: DATE: Big Chest Push Routine Punishing Pull Routine Monster Squat Routine Ab-Busting Routine Bench Assistor Routine Squat Assistor Routine Ab-Busting Routine Workout #22 Workout #23 Workout #24 Workout #25 Workout #26 Workout #27 Workout #28 PLATEAUS Plateaus occur because your body wants normalcy. The neuromuscular network is designed to find the most optimal way to perform a movement. Once this occurs, progress is halted, and you are no longer able to recruit more muscle fibers to get involved in the movement. The only way around a plateau is to change your training and shock the body by altering the stimulus. But don’t worry, you can go back to your same program, if it was successful, after just a few short workouts. STICKING POINTS Sticking points are just that. You will inevitably find a precarious position during any weight-training movement that affords much frustration. No, you are doing nothing wrong—it is simply unavoidable, as we humans have some limitations. Simply put, your body is a complex mechanical system. Each muscle in a movement has a different function, unique shape and size, and different lines of pull across the joint it covers. The coordination of muscles acting together to produce movement forms a lever system of varying forces. At some point during any movement, the transfer of forces across the system will find a weak point, where leverage is at its least effective point. Of course, the more complicated a lift and more joints/muscle groups involved, the more likely a sticking point is to occur (even multiple sticking points may occur). You cannot combat it, but you can power through with disciplined training. WEIGHT CALCULATOR There are many different calculators for estimating your 1-rep max (1RM). The following formulas are for the bench (1) and squat (2). Suffice it to say, though, if you were to increase your 6-rep max by 15 pounds, your 1RM would increase by as much as 45 to 50 pounds (or more if the person started with a 300-pound 1RM or more). 1 Weight X 1 (1 – (Reps X .0245)) = 1RM 2 Weight X 1 (1 – (Reps X .0345)) = 1RM 10 Bio-Gro™ 28-Day Hyper-Growth Bench and Squat Training Program The final rep of each set should be a struggle to complete and even require a spot. If the final rep is easy, increase the weight on the subsequent set but do NOT do more reps per set than what is suggested in the Bio-Gro Plan. For exercises 1 thru 4, take a full 3-minute rest between sets. For all other exercises, rest 90 to 120 seconds. For exercise 3 in Workouts 1 and 3, you should increase the weight from exercise 2 and then for exercise 4, decrease the weight back down to the weight used in exercise 2. WEEK 1 WEEK 2 Exercise 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Exercise 3 WEEK 4 Exercise Workout #3 Workout #4 Workout #5 Workout #6 Workout #7 Big Chest Push Routine Punishing Pull Routine Monster Squat Routine Ab-Busting Routine Bench Assistor Routine Squat Assistor Routine Ab-Busting Routine Warm-up Bench Press 1 x 8 Barbell Flat Bench Press 1 x 6 Barbell Flat Bench Press 1 x 3 (+ 20lbs) Barbell Flat Bench Press 3 x 6 (-20lbs) Wide-Grip Bench Press 2 x 8 Close-Grip Bench Press 2 x 8 Incline DB Bench Press 4 x 8 Deep Weighted Dip 4 x 8 Skull Crusher 4 x 8 Triceps Pushdown 3 x 10 Chin Up 4 x 8 Lat Pulldown 4 x 8 Seated Cable Low Row 4 x 8 Rear Delt Fly 4 x 8 Biceps Barbell Curl 4 x 8 Biceps Preacher Curl 4 x 8 Seated Alternate DB Curl 3 x 10 Warm-up Squat 1 x 8 Barbell Squat 1 x 6 Barbell Squat 1 x 3 (+40lbs) Barbell Squat 3 x 6 (-40lbs) Wide-Stance Squat 2 x 8 Narrow-Stance Squat 2 x 8 Leg Press 4 x 8 Leg Extension 4 x 8 Leg Curl 4 x 8 Standing Heel Raise 4 x 8 Weighted Sit Up 4 x 10-15 (performed on decline bench) Hanging leg raise 4 x 12-15 ** In between each set, perform some form of active rest cardio, like jump rope, step ups, or burpees, for 60 seconds Warm-up DB Flat Bench Press 1 x 10 DB Flat Bench Press 3 x 10 Incline Barbell Bench Press 3 x 10 DB Pec Fly 3 x 10 DB Triceps Extension 3 x 10 Lat Pulldown Wide Grip 3 x 10 Lat Pulldown Reverse Narrow Grip 3 x 10 Biceps Barbell Curl 3 x 10 Warm-up Squat 1 x 10 Barbell Squat 3 x 10 Stationary DB Lunge 3 x 10 Low Back Extension 3 x 10 Leg Curl 3 x 10 Seated Heel Raise 3 x 10 Weighted Sit Up 4 x 10-15 (performed on decline bench) Hanging leg raise 4 x 12-15 ** In between each set, perform some form of active rest cardio, like jump rope, step ups, or burpees, for 60 seconds Workout #8 Workout #9 Workout #10 Workout #11 Workout #12 Workout #13 Workout #14 Big Chest Push Routine Punishing Pull Routine Monster Squat Routine Ab-Busting Routine Bench Assistor Routine Squat Assistor Routine Ab-Busting Routine Warm-up Bench Press 1 x 8 Barbell Flat Bench Press 1 x 6 Barbell Flat Bench Press 1 x 3 (+ 20lbs) Barbell Flat Bench Press 3 x 6 (-20lbs) Wide-Grip Bench Press 2 x 8 Close-Grip Bench Press 2 x 8 Incline DB Bench Press 4 x 8 Deep Weighted Dip 4 x 8 Skull Crusher 4 x 8 Triceps Pushdown 3 x 10 Chin Up 4 x 8 Lat Pulldown 4 x 8 Seated Cable Low Row 4 x 8 Rear Delt Fly 4 x 8 Biceps Barbell Curl 4 x 8 Biceps Preacher Curl 4 x 8 Seated Alternate DB Curl 3 x 10 Warm-up Squat 1 x 8 Barbell Squat 1 x 6 Barbell Squat 1 x 3 (+40lbs) Barbell Squat 3 x 6 (-40lbs) Wide-Stance Squat 2 x 8 Narrow-Stance Squat 2 x 8 Leg Press 4 x 8 Leg Extension 4 x 8 Leg Curl 4 x 8 Standing Heel Raise 4 x 8 Weighted Sit Up 4 x 10-15 (performed on decline bench) Hanging leg raise 4 x 12-15 ** In between each set, perform some form of active rest cardio, like jump rope, step ups, or burpees, for 60 seconds Warm-up DB Flat Bench Press 1 x 10 DB Flat Bench Press 3 x 10 Incline Barbell Bench Press 3 x 10 DB Pec Fly 3 x 10 DB Triceps Extension 3 x 10 Lat Pulldown Wide Grip 3 x 10 Lat Pulldown Reverse Narrow Grip 3 x 10 Biceps Barbell Curl 3 x 10 Warm-up Squat 1 x 10 Barbell Squat 3 x 10 Stationary DB Lunge 3 x 10 Low Back Extension 3 x 10 Leg Curl 3 x 10 Seated Heel Raise 3 x 10 Weighted Sit Up 4 x 10-15 (performed on decline bench) Hanging leg raise 4 x 12-15 ** In between each set, perform some form of active rest cardio, like jump rope, step ups, or burpees, for 60 seconds Workout #15 Workout #16 Workout #17 Workout #18 Workout #19 Workout #20 Workout #21 IMPORTANT: This week add 5lbs to your bench press weight and 10lbs for your squat weight for exercises 2 through 4. For all other exercises, increase or decrease weight accordingly to ensure that rep and set goals are reached. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Exercise Big Chest Push Routine Punishing Pull Routine Monster Squat Routine Ab-Busting Routine Bench Assistor Routine Squat Assistor Routine Ab-Busting Routine Warm-up Bench Press 1 x 8 Barbell Flat Bench Press 1 x 6 Barbell Flat Bench Press 1 x 3 (+ 20lbs) Barbell Flat Bench Press 3 x 6 (-20lbs) Wide-Grip Bench Press 2 x 8 Close-Grip Bench Press 2 x 8 Incline DB Bench Press 4 x 8 Deep Weighted Dip 4 x 8 Skull Crusher 4 x 8 Triceps Pushdown 3 x 10 Chin Up 4 x 8 Lat Pulldown 4 x 8 Seated Cable Low Row 4 x 8 Rear Delt Fly 4 x 8 Biceps Barbell Curl 4 x 8 Biceps Preacher Curl 4 x 8 Seated Alternate DB Curl 3 x 10 Warm-up Squat 1 x 8 Barbell Squat 1 x 6 Barbell Squat 1 x 3 (+40lbs) Barbell Squat 3 x 6 (-40lbs) Wide-Stance Squat 2 x 8 Narrow-Stance Squat 2 x 8 Leg Press 4 x 8 Leg Extension 4 x 8 Leg Curl 4 x 8 Standing Heel Raise 4 x 8 Weighted Sit Up 4 x 10-15 (performed on decline bench) Hanging leg raise 4 x 12-15 ** In between each set, perform some form of active rest cardio, like jump rope, step ups, or burpees, for 60 seconds Warm-up DB Flat Bench Press 1 x 10 DB Flat Bench Press 3 x 10 Incline Barbell Bench Press 3 x 10 DB Pec Fly 3 x 10 DB Triceps Extension 3 x 10 Lat Pulldown Wide Grip 3 x 10 Lat Pulldown Reverse Narrow Grip 3 x 10 Biceps Barbell Curl 3 x 10 Warm-up Squat 1 x 10 Barbell Squat 3 x 10 Stationary DB Lunge 3 x 10 Low Back Extension 3 x 10 Leg Curl 3 x 10 Seated Heel Raise 3 x 10 Weighted Sit Up 4 x 10-15 (performed on decline bench) Hanging leg raise 4 x 12-15 ** In between each set, perform some form of active rest cardio, like jump rope, step ups, or burpees, for 60 seconds Workout #22 Workout #23 Workout #24 Workout #25 Workout #26 Workout #27 Workout #28 IMPORTANT: This week add 5lbs to your bench press weight and 10lbs for your squat weight for exercises 2 through 4. For all other exercises, increase or decrease weight accordingly to ensure that rep and set goals are reached. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Workout #2 IMPORTANT: This week add 5lbs to your bench press weight and 10lbs for your squat weight for exercises 2 through 4. For all other exercises, increase or decrease weight accordingly to ensure that rep and set goals are reached. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WEEK Workout #1 Big Chest Push Routine Punishing Pull Routine Monster Squat Routine Ab-Busting Routine Bench Assistor Routine Squat Assistor Routine Ab-Busting Routine Warm-up Bench Press 1 x 8 Barbell Flat Bench Press 1 x 6 Barbell Flat Bench Press 1 x 3 (+ 20lbs) Barbell Flat Bench Press 3 x 6 (-20lbs) Wide-Grip Bench Press 2 x 8 Close-Grip Bench Press 2 x 8 Incline DB Bench Press 4 x 8 Deep Weighted Dip 4 x 8 Skull Crusher 4 x 8 Triceps Pushdown 3 x 10 Chin Up 4 x 8 Lat Pulldown 4 x 8 Seated Cable Low Row 4 x 8 Rear Delt Fly 4 x 8 Biceps Barbell Curl 4 x 8 Biceps Preacher Curl 4 x 8 Seated Alternate DB Curl 3 x 10 Warm-up Squat 1 x 8 Barbell Squat 1 x 6 Barbell Squat 1 x 3 (+40lbs) Barbell Squat 3 x 6 (-40lbs) Wide-Stance Squat 2 x 8 Narrow-Stance Squat 2 x 8 Leg Press 4 x 8 Leg Extension 4 x 8 Leg Curl 4 x 8 Standing Heel Raise 4 x 8 Weighted Sit Up 4 x 10-15 (performed on decline bench) Hanging leg raise 4 x 12-15 ** In between each set, perform some form of active rest cardio, like jump rope, step ups, or burpees, for 60 seconds Warm-up DB Flat Bench Press 1 x 10 DB Flat Bench Press 3 x 10 Incline Barbell Bench Press 3 x 10 DB Pec Fly 3 x 10 DB Triceps Extension 3 x 10 Lat Pulldown Wide Grip 3 x 10 Lat Pulldown Reverse Narrow Grip 3 x 10 Biceps Barbell Curl 3 x 10 Warm-up Squat 1 x 10 Barbell Squat 3 x 10 Stationary DB Lunge 3 x 10 Low Back Extension 3 x 10 Leg Curl 3 x 10 Seated Heel Raise 3 x 10 Weighted Sit Up 4 x 10-15 (performed on decline bench) Hanging leg raise 4 x 12-15 ** In between each set, perform some form of active rest cardio, like jump rope, step ups, or burpees, for 60 seconds Download daily workout wigets at and 12 Bio-Gro™ 28-Day Hyper-Growth Bench and Squat Training Journal The final rep of each set should be a struggle to complete and even require a spot. If the final rep is easy, increase the weight on the subsequent set but do NOT do more reps per set than that which is suggested in the Bio-Gro Plan. For exercise 1 thru 4, take a full 3-minute rest between sets. For all other exercises, rest 90 to 120 seconds. For exercise 3 in Workouts 1 and 3, you should increase the weight from exercise 2 and then for exercise 4, decrease the weight back down to the weight used in exercise 2. WEEK 1 WEEK 2 FILL IN YOUR WEIGHT (POUNDS/KILOS) USED, FOR EACH EXERCISE, TO TRACK YOUR PROGRESS. Exercise 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Exercise 3 WEEK 4 Exercise Workout #3 Workout #4 Workout #5 Workout #6 Workout #7 Big Chest Push Routine Punishing Pull Routine Monster Squat Routine Ab-Busting Routine Bench Assistor Routine Squat Assistor Routine Ab-Busting Routine _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. Workout #8 Workout #9 Workout #10 Workout #11 Workout #12 Workout #13 Workout #14 Big Chest Push Routine Punishing Pull Routine Monster Squat Routine Ab-Busting Routine Bench Assistor Routine Squat Assistor Routine Ab-Busting Routine _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. Workout #15 Workout #16 Workout #17 Workout #18 Workout #19 Workout #20 Workout #21 IMPORTANT: This week add 5lbs to your bench press weight and 10lbs for your squat weight for exercises 2 through 4. For all other exercises, increase or decrease weight accordingly to ensure that rep and set goals are reached. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Exercise Big Chest Push Routine Punishing Pull Routine Monster Squat Routine Ab-Busting Routine Bench Assistor Routine Squat Assistor Routine Ab-Busting Routine _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. Workout #22 Workout #23 Workout #24 Workout #25 Workout #26 Workout #27 Workout #28 IMPORTANT: This week add 5lbs to your bench press weight and 10lbs for your squat weight for exercises 2 through 4. For all other exercises, increase or decrease weight accordingly to ensure that rep and set goals are reached. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 Workout #2 IMPORTANT: This week add 5lbs to your bench press weight and 10lbs for your squat weight for exercises 2 through 4. For all other exercises, increase or decrease weight accordingly to ensure that rep and set goals are reached. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 WEEK Workout #1 Big Chest Push Routine Punishing Pull Routine Monster Squat Routine Ab-Busting Routine Bench Assistor Routine Squat Assistor Routine Ab-Busting Routine _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. _________________lbs. Download daily workout wigets at and 14 SCIENTIFIC UPDATE: BREAKING NEWS! The “Game-Changer” Is Here! It’s called Bio-Gro and it’s about to change EVERYTHING you thought you knew about protein use and synthesis and its role in your ability to develop new muscle. your body will use to amplify protein synthesis. How do we use Bio-Gro? ™ A scientific Q&A review with David Sandler, Director of Science & Education David, you have an impressive resume of accomplishments and scientific community involvement in strength training and nutrition. What has you so excited about this new scientific breakthrough in muscle-building technology. And, what is it? David Sandler [DS]: Thank you for the kind words. I’ve devoted myself to this industry for over 20 years and am proud of my involvement. Our newest contribution in nutritional sciences is a product called Bio-Gro—it is a true “game-changer” from iSatori, the company I work for, and is the first to introduce a new breed of designer supplementation called Bio-Active Peptides. Basically, you can think of Bio-Gro as “fertilizer for your muscles.” Very interesting, please tell us more—how does it work? DS: The technology in Bio-Gro is indeed very interesting and very different from anything our industry has ever seen before. We, at iSatori, have custom engineered and patented the first and most technically advanced, low molecular weight, microconcentrated form of Bio-Active Peptides (BAP’s) found only in Bio-Gro. These custom BAP’s are designed to provide a supra-physiological 15 effect that, once consumed, signal the body to amplify its natural protein synthesis process, helping you develop lean muscle and recover faster from intense workouts, much more so than on your own. Ok, we’re loving this new idea, but can you explain what exactly are the Bio-Active Peptides inside Bio-Gro? DS: Sure. Bio-Active Peptides (or BAP’s) are an entirely new category of sports nutrition; something I feel is desperately needed by our industry. BAP’s are engineered using a patented manufacturing method, whereby cleaved protein fragments are extracted from the highest grade bovine colostrums, which are then centrifugated and micro-concentrated to form a low molecular weight, highly bioavailable powder, yielding an exact concentration of bioactive: • Proline-Rich Peptides (PRP’s) • Growth Factors (IgF, TGF beta-2, EGF, PDGF) • Immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA) • Lactoferrin • Fibroblast-GF These are the essential BAP’s needed to cause the body to send a stronger signal, from the muscle cell, to “call for” protein synthesis and then enable the muscle cell to accelerate, or amplify, its rate of protein synthesis, thereby helping us build new lean muscle, and recover faster, after intense weight-training workouts. DS: Bio-Gro is pretty simple to use and should almost be thought of as “concentrated food.” Bio-Gro is an unflavored powder. All you do is simply mix two to three scoops (3-4.5 grams), two times a day, in liquid such as a protein shake, pre-workout, or amino drink, etc., and thoroughly agitate or blend. Although clumping is likely if stirred in plain water, you can also mix Bio-Gro into your favorite soft foods like yogurt, cereal, oatmeal, etc. Bio-Gro can be taken with or without food. The great part is, from what we can tell preliminarily, the more Bio-Gro you use, the more profound its results. So, David, we have to ask the obvious question; are there any scientific studies to support Bio-Gro? We’re even more impressed and intrigued now! So, who should use Bio-Gro? DS: Honestly, Bio-Gro should be used by anyone—male and female—who is interested in developing or maintaining more lean body mass and enhancing recovery from exercise or sport. This would include bodybuilders, fitness, figure, or physique competitors; and athletes competing in sports, whether collegiate, professional, or recreational. Or, anyone who finds it difficult (or too costly) to consume higher amounts of protein in a day and would rather rely on a more concentrated form of the bioactives DS: Absolutely. That’s one of our company’s core values. To date, there are over 32 clinical studies, conducted from 1990-2011, which demonstrate the positive effects of the primary ingredient inside Bio-Gro, including improvements in lean body mass, performance, recovery, strength, and immune function, and more are currently underway. Equally important, these studies were done primarily on “well-trained” athletes, who showed marked improvements. You can check out the complete list of studies on Very cool. For our tested athletes out there, are there any banned substances in Bio-Gro? DS: None whatsoever. Bio-Gro’s primary ingredient is sourced locally (in the USA), produced in a GMP-certified facility, and every batch is tested and certified free of any banned substance. These tests are available upon request and performed by Informed Choice.™ Can you explain why someone would want to use the Bio-Active Peptides inside Bio-Gro? DS: Absolutely. Actually, there are five primary reasons anyone should want to use Bio-Gro: 1. Bio-Gro is more concentrated. A more concentrated form of Bio-Active Peptides means less out-of-pocket expense for you, compared to regular protein powders. This is a big deal if you think about. That's because one small scoop (1.5 grams) of Bio-Gro contains the equivalent bio-actives as 25 grams of whey protein concen- drink, and even in soft foods like yogurt, cereal, oatmeal, and more. 3. Bio-Gro has more scientific research. There are over 32 published clinical studies that back up the demonstrated benefits of the primary ingredient used to develop Bio-Gro. And more importantly, these studies were conducted mostly on well-trained athletes, participants who traditionally show less positive effects compared to untrained individuals. And, we have more studies underway, right now, on the use of Bio-Gro in athletes and experienced weight trainers. 4. Bio-Gro has more expert opinions. There hasn’t been a supplement we can think of, to date, that has had more PhD-sports nutrition experts who independently support and validate the science and “One small scoop (1.5g) of Bio-Gro contains the equivalent bio-actives as 25g of whey protein.” trate. That makes Bio-Gro nearly half the cost, on a serving-per-serving basis, of regular whey protein powders. 2. Bio-Gro is more convenient. Unlike bulky tablets and flavored powders, Bio-Gro is an unflavored powder in its raw form that is virtually tasteless. Though [laughing] it doesn’t mix well in plain water, it does mix easily into almost everything else—from your protein shake to pre-workout to amino effects supporting the primary ingredient in Bio-Gro. Including such highly reputable names as Chris Lockwood, PhD; Darryn Willoughby, PhD; Jay Hoffman, PhD; and even myself, the supplement skeptic extraordinaire, David Sandler. 5. Bio-Gro is developed using only the highest quality ingredient and is banned-substance tested. Because iSatori controls the (continued on the next page...) 16 domestic source of the ingredient in Bio-Gro and has engineered the first microconcentrated, low molecular weight Bio-Active Peptides found in Bio-Gro, you can trust and count on every batch being of the highest quality and consistency. And what’s more, each batch is tested and certified free of any banned substances (via Informed Choice™), and is GRAS certified, HALAL, Kosher, and produced in a certified GMP (good manufacturing practice) facility right here in the USA. Very cool. What can someone expect from using Bio-Gro, as far as benefits? DS: I thought you’d never ask [laughing]. Bio-Gro was designed to augment an important physiological function to a greater capacity than it can on its own—no matter how much protein or aminos you consume. Remember, our bodies can use only about 10 grams of protein per hour. That’s based on science. But, with Bio-Gro, you can actually “use” more, or all, of the protein you consume by assisting your body to signal and accelerate the rate at which it processes the building and re-building of muscle tissue, called protein synthesis. By doing so, over time with continued use of Bio-Gro, you can develop lean body mass at a faster rate, more efficiently. help the grass grow faster… Your muscles need weight training, plenty of protein, and if Bio-Gro is added, it can help them grow faster than they can on their own. That makes sense. Now, for us laymen, can you help explain exactly how Bio-Gro works? DS: Here’s a good example of how Bio-Gro works… Imagine you’re building a house (your muscle), and you have only five workers (protein synthesis). Well, no matter how hard those five guys work, they can only build so much, right? And no one can hear them (in other words, your muscle cell’s signal is not loud enough, nor can it get any help, because it can’t use any additional protein). Now, give those workers a mega-phone and make their call for help louder, and you get ten more workers; now, you can build the house much faster! That’s essentially what Bio-Gro does… it amplifies the signal and accelerates the rate of protein synthesis, so you can develop muscle faster than you can just by consuming protein or aminos on their own. 17 DS: Well, right away, after using Bio-Gro, you should notice a reduction in recovery time after bouts of intense exercise or weight training; and within a week or two, you will undoubtedly notice an increase in your strength, as long as you are training hard and heavy. And by doing so, with continued use of Bio-Gro over time, you can develop lean body mass at a faster rate. Now, keep in mind, DS: I thought you’d never ask. Bio-Gro is an unflavored powder that’s easy to use. You simply take one to two scoops (1.5-3.0 grams), two times a day if you’re under 200 pounds, and two to three scoops (3.0-4.5 grams), two times a day if you're over 200 pounds. It’s best to mix Bio-Gro into liquid (such as your protein shake, pre-workout, or amino drink), and make sure you thoroughly agitate or blend it. It doesn’t mix well in plain water, but you can also mix Bio-Gro into your favorite soft foods like yogurt, cereal, or oatmeal. Some guys just put a scoop in their “Basically, you can think of Bio-Gro as ‘fertilizer for your muscles.’” Micheal Alexander, Team iSatori, Bio-Gro user. we are not suggesting that if you take it today, you’ll turn into the incredible Hulk tomorrow (nothing can do that). What we are saying is Bio-Gro should be used daily and consistently, just as you would food or other sources of protein, and you will experience greater gains in lean body mass over time. And the good news is, so far as the anecdotal reports suggest, the more you use, the better and more profound its effects! (We all love to hear "more is better," right!?) You said Bio-Gro was like “fertilizer for your muscles”; can you explain this further? DS: Sure [laughing]. I love that analogy. Just like your lawn needs water and sun to grow, once you add fertilizer, you can That was a simple but great example on how it works. What can we expect from using Bio-Gro? Tell us about the benefits… Joel Griffin, Team iSatori, Bio-Gro user. worse, despite their call for help, © Brett Seeley Photo So, the next obvious question is how do we use Bio-Gro to really optimize the results? © Brett Seeley Photo mouths and chase it with water. However you take it is fine, just as long as you take one serving in the AM and the other in the PM for best results—trying to get at least one serving during your training session. results… In fact, my arms have increased by a solid inch in the last month. And what’s cool is that even after 20 years of training, I’ve still been able to put on new muscle size without changing anything else in my diet or training, after adding Bio-Gro. This stuff is the real deal. Wow, that’s impressive. I know Jeff Everson said “Bio-Gro was the #1 muscle product of 2013” in the April issue of Planet Muscle, so he definitely believes in it too. What other type of feedback have you heard so far from those using Bio-Gro? DS: Honestly, we have had an enormous amount of feedback on Bio-Gro over the past months. Almost too much to keep up with. Starting from our original beta-testers, to those first to try it (once it became available in May), and right now I’m looking on the Internet and there are over 200 reviews on various e-tailer websites. The majority of them are positive, though not all supplements will work for all people, so there are few reviews that aren’t positive. But overall, the ratings are very high. People are really enjoying the benefits they are experiencing from using Bio-Gro. (continued on the next page...) Right now, I like to mix Bio-Gro in my oatmeal (it mixes in well, and it’s pretty much tasteless) in the mornmorn ing. Then I mix another serving either into my RestorAid® amino drink and drink it on days during my workouts, or if I’m not training, then I mix my second serving in the evening, before bed, in my Eat-Smart® protein shake. I am loving the 18 “You might think this is just for men, but you’re dead wrong! “I’ve been involved in women’s fitness and figure competitions for over 10 years, and now I work as a personal trainer to over 25 clients in the Dallas area. I understand, for me and my clients, how important it is as a competitor, or someone trying to alter their body composition, to improve lean body mass favorably compared to fat mass, and Bio-Gro did just that. © Brett Seeley Photo “You might think this is just for men, but you’re dead wrong.” Rather than self-profess, I’ll share with you a small sample of the feedback we’ve gotten on Bio-Gro: “Bio-Gro is now part of our strict regimen of supplementation for all of our elite athletes. “When we undertook the task of evaluating Bio-Gro, we were skeptical but, not only did we see an improvement in our [athlete’s] performance, we also saw reduced recovery time using 19 a natural product that is free of any banned substances. We were thrilled! We have, to date, trained 135 elite athletes on Bio-Gro, including several Olympic hopefuls and over 134 All-Americans at the high school and collegiate level. Bio-Gro is now part of our strict regimen of supplementation for all of our elite athletes.” —Jude Massillon, Owner, Sports Performance Group, Rockville Centre, NY “What drew me to Bio-Gro was the convenience, because I don’t always like consuming a giant protein shake, especially when I’m not hungry, and it normally leaves me with gas or bloating, which I hate. With Bio-Gro, you only have to take one tiny scoop. What’s more, I liked that Bio-Gro didn’t contain any calories, sugar, or fat, which is great when you are dieting or trying to be mindful of your calories or sugar. And best of all, I was impressed by the amount of science behind it. I use Bio-Gro every day, twice a day, and recommend that all of my clients use it.” —Krista Gibson, Pharmaceutical Sales Rep & Certified Personal Trainer (Age 34) “Everything I eat seems to turn to muscle! “I’m what you would call your typical ‘hard-gainer.’ No matter what I ate, or how much protein I consumed, I just have never been able to pack on any respectable amount of bodyweight and keep it on. “That all changed when I was introduced to Bio-Gro during their beta-test phase of development. I happen to work out at a gym in Colorado, where they were soliciting for participants in their pilot studies. I volunteered, and man, am I glad I did. Over the last three months of using Bio-Gro, two sometimes three times daily, I have gained over 15 pounds of muscle mass. “It just seemed like everything I ate turned to muscle. I have to say that without a reason of doubt, Bio-Gro was the answer to unlocking my natural ability to put on muscle mass as a true hard-gainer. This stuff is the real deal, and like they told me when they gave it to me, it’s a real ‘game-changer.’” —Scott Charles Bell, Construction Foreman (Age 41) If our readers have more questions, who can they contact, and where can they get their hands on some Bio-Gro? DS: If you have any questions about Bio-Gro or your nutrition or training in general, please don’t hesitate to contact one of our expert advisors directly at iSatori by calling 1-866688-7679 or emailing us at As for finding Bio-Gro, it’s going to be hard to find for awhile because it’s being produced in very limited runs as it’s so complex to manufacture. Those lucky readers who act fast might get access to Bio-Gro if they visit one of our authorized retailers like or VitaminShoppe. For retailers that want to carry it, our exclusive wholesale distributor is Europa Sports. i Scientific References: 1 Adams GR, Haddad F. “The relationships among IGF-1, DNA content, and protein accumulation during skeletal muscle hypertrophy,” J Appl Physiol, 1996; 81:2509–2516. 2 Adams GR, McCue SA, “Localized infusion of IGF-I results in skeletal muscle hypertrophy in rats,” J Appl Physiol, 1998; 84:1716–1722. 3 Antonio, J, Sanders, MS, and Darin, VG, “The effects of bovine colostrum supplementation on body composition and exercise performance in active men and women,” Nutrition, 2001, 243-247. 4 Appukutty, et al., “Modulation of interferon gamma response through orally administered bovine colostrum in active adolescent boys,” Biomedical Research, 2011, 18-22. 5 Bolster, DR, et al., “Regulation of protein synthesis associated with skeletal muscle hypertrophy by insulin-like growth factors, amino acid- and exercise-induced signaling,” Proc Nutr Soc, 2004; 63:351–356. 6 Brinkworth, GD, et al., “Concentrated bovine colostrum protein supplementation reduces the incidence of self-reported symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection in adult males,” EuropeanJournal of Nutrition, 2003, 228-232. 7 Brinkworth, GD, et al., “Oral bovine colostrum supplementation enhances buffer capacity but not rowing performance in elite female rowers,” International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2002, 349-365. 8 Brinkworth, GD, et al., “Effect of bovine colostrum supplementation on the composition of resistance trained and untrained limbs in health young men,” European Journal Applied Physiology, 2004, 53-60. 9 Buckley, JD, et al., “Bovine colostrum supplementation during endurance running training improves recovery, but not performance,” Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 2002, 65-79. 10 Buckley, JD, Brinkworth, GD, and Abbott, MJ, “Effect of bovine colostrum on anaerobic exercise performance and plasma insulin-like growth factor 1, ”Journal of Sports Sciences, 2003, 577-588. 11 Christiansen, Scott, et al., “Chemical composition and nutrient profile of low molecular weight fraction of bovine colostrums,” Int Dairy Journal, 2010, September 20.8.630-636. 12 Coombes, JS, et al., “Dose effects of oral bovine colostrum on physical work capacity in cyclists,” Medicine and Science in Sports & Exercise, 2002, 1184-1188. 13 Crooks, CV, et al., “The effect of bovine colostrum supplementation on salivary IgA in distance runners,” Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab, 2004, 47-64. 14 Crooks, C, et al., “Effect of bovine colostrum supplementation on respiratory tract mucosal defenses in swimmers,” International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2010, 224-235. 15 Davison, G, et al., “Bovine colostrum supplementation attenuates the decrease of salivary lysozyme and enhances the recovery of neutrophil function after prolonged exercise,” British Journal of Nutrition, 2010, 1425-1432. 16 Doillon, Charles J, et al., “Modulatory effect of a complex fraction derived from colostrums on fibroblast contractibility and consequence on repair tissue,” Int Wound Journal, 2011: 8:280-290. 17 Fryburg, DA, et al., “Insulin and insulin-like growth factor-I enhance human skeletal muscle protein anabolism during hyperaminoacidemia by different mechanisms,” J Clin Invest, 1995; 96:1722–1729. 18 Gostelli-Peter, M, et al., “Expression and regulation of insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) and IGF binding protein messenger ribonucleic acid levels in tissues of hypophysectomized rats infused with IGF-I and growth hormone,” Endocrinology, 1994; 135:2558–2567. 19 Hofman, Z, et al., “The effect of bovine colostrum supplementation on exercise performance in elite field hockey players,” Int J Sport Nutri Exerc Metab, 2002, 461-469. 20 Kerksick, CM, et al., “Impact of differing protein sources and a creatine containing nutritional formula after 12 weeks of resistance training,” Nutrition, 2007, 647-656. 21 Kerksick, CM, et al., “Effects of bovine colostrum supplementation on training adaptations II: performance,” 85th Annual Experimental Biology, 2001 (p. 15:LB58). 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TM Reviews as of August 1, 2013. “It’s Like Fertilizer for Your Muscles!” —Darryn Willoughby, Ph.D., Biomedical Science Institute, Baylor University “Bio-Gro is like adding gasoline to a fire!” —Anthony Ricciuto, Science Editor, Muscular Development “I've been taking Bio-Gro for a couple of months. Despite strict dieting, I have been maintaining more muscle mass and getting stronger!” —Jim Stoppani, Ph.D., via Facebook, July 19, 2013 “Within two weeks, I had put on 10 pounds of muscle and am getting bigger every day. I highly recommend Bio-Gro. For me, it was the 'game changer' I needed.” —Alexx Leyva, Sparks, NV, via To Read More Rave Reviews, visit © 2013 iSatori, Inc. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. For scientific references, visit