Annual Report 14-15 - Sukalyan Welfare Society
Annual Report 14-15 - Sukalyan Welfare Society
Annual Report 2014-2015 Sukalyan Welfare Society 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. About Us, Mission, Vision Foreword- By The Hon. Secretary From the President’s Desk Our Governing Body Members Our Team Our Working Domains Our Programmes i. Healthcare a. Rural Health Checkup Camp b. Community Health Awareness Campaigns c. Global Fund Round 9 TB Project, West Bengal d. Support to the Interns of GNM Nursing course through Capacity Building Program on Tuberculosis. e. Sputum Collection, Pickup & Transportation Scheme f. Training on Mother & Child Care ii. Innovative Education a. Kamalkali- Urban Slum Children Education Project b. Adult Education Programme iii. Sustainable Livelihood a. Swanirbhar Livelihood Development Project b. Self Help Group Formation Programme c. Handicrafts Fair 2015 iv. Information & Communication Technology a. eNGO Programme b. .NGO Top Level Domain Sub- Resellership c. Access 2 Apex Programme d. ‘Yogayog’ Initiative e. Awareness, Survey & Video usage for Sanitation Improvement f. Digital Community Information Resource Centre g. eASHA: Capacity Building of ASHA workers with modern ICT tools h. Sukalyan Barta- eNews of Non- Profits v. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Contents Other Miscellaneous Activities during 2014-15 a. MSME Capacity Building Workshop b. Workshop on RTI, Social Media and Cyber Laws & Crimes for Non- Profits c. Consultation on Climate Change & Environment d. Street Drama (Fundraising Event) e. Blood Donation Camp f. Book Distribution Programme g. Daan Utsav 2015 (Joy of Giving Week) h. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan at a Slum of Kolkata Internship at Sukalyan Welfare Society Life at Sukalyan Welfare Society New Website of Sukalyan Welfare Society Our Associates Auditors Report & Accounts Donors List & Contributors Future Plans I. Future Programme Plans II. Future Internal Plans 15. Registration & Empanelment, Auditor’s Details 16. Our Working Area 17. Contact Information & Addresses About Us: Sukalyan Welfare society is a Non- Profit Organization mainly aims to treating health problems, enhance innovative education and promote digital literacy. Mission: ‘Healthy community, healthy environment and healthy World’, following this mission we are going to establish our voluntary organization in the way of humanitarian appeal and performing some activities by our possible efforts and accessibilities. Vision: In view of this mission we start our organization with some educational and health related activities taking few downtrodden persons. Prior to this initiation which experiences inspired us that the sufferings of those downtrodden persons belongs to our known circle. They have no compass of their livelihood to fulfill their basic need. Whatever we think, whatever we do, if we don’t forward to the upliftment of their poor and unhealthy act of living all dreams of good World would be failure. We shall reach into our goal by way of real perspective- fighting against hunger, illness, poverty , unemployment, pollution. Taking by those protective measures against the above social illness we can accelerate the social motivation of community trust in the fields– health and hygiene, education, employment generation, and pollution. Foreword Greetings from Sukalyan Welfare Society! It is a pleasure to bring out the Annual Report for the year 2014-15. This report brings out the aims and features of the programs as well as our achievements and challenges. This year most of our programs did reasonably well and some could have done better. More than five new programs were added, perhaps we have added a new thematic area of work i.e. Information & Communication Technology for Development. In West Bengal we have first ever started the eNGO International Programme. To scale up the work we propose to collaborate with like-minded organizations. We also plan to bring in like-minded individuals who can ‘move’ our programs and nurture them. We continue to be inspired by the Gandhian ideals of social and economic change. We cherish the values of 'Seva', 'Sadhana' and 'Kranti'. We endeavour for transparency and accountability in our work; always aligned to our mission of helping the poorest of the poor. We are happy to say that our funding crossed thirty Lakhs this year, most of which came from individual donors. We are grateful that they have continued to repose their trust in us. We present the Annual Report for 2014-2015 and hope you will enjoy reading it. Thank you very much for engaging with us. KAMAL KARMAKAR SECRETARY SUKALYAN WELFARE SOCIETY From the President’s Desk ‘SUKALYAN WELFARE SOCIETY’ was registered in Kolkata under the Societies Registration Act on 8th March’2005, by a group of professionals who shared a common dream and had come together to work on a people-centric model of development in areas like public health, education, community development and social welfare. Inspired by Gandhian ideals of social change, what guides the group is the Gandhian talisman – “Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man (woman) whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be any use to him (her). Will he (she) gain anything by it? Will it restore him (her) to a control over his (her) own life and destiny? In other words, will it lead to Swaraj (freedom) for the hungry and starving millions? Then you will find your doubts and yourself melt away.” From very beginning, we, at SUKALYAN WELFARE SOCIETY, believe that development has to be holistic if we wish to break the vicious cycle of poverty and to bring real fruits to the most needy. Public health, education, women empowerment, ICT for development and community development continue to be our prime areas of work. We wish to bring a substantial change on the ground by focusing our energies in these sectors as well as building our understanding about related issues. We, at SUKALYAN WELFARE SOCIETY, firmly believe that a conducive and productive environment cannot be achieved unless all parameters of the development equation are adequately addressed. Thanking You, BIRENDRA CHANDRA GAUTAM PRESIDENT SUKALYAN WELFARE SOCIETY Our Governing Body Members Birendra Chandra Gautam Industrialist President Shanti Aich Teacher Executive Member Kamal Karmakar Social Worker Secretary Sumita Guha Mustafi Social Worker Executive Member Sonali Nath Teacher Treasurer Swapna Nath Social Worker/ Teacher Executive Member Tapash Sikdar Social Worker Executive Member Our Team Name Project KAMAL Karmakar Designation Secretary TAPASH Sikdar INDRANEEL Karmakar All SABIR Ali Sahaji RNTCP-PP Scheme MOFIJUL Islam ABDUL Halim LAKSHMI Roy UTPAL Dutta SAMSUR Alam Sarkar RNTCP-PP Scheme RNTCP-PP Scheme RNTCP-PP Scheme RNTCP-PP Scheme RNTCP-PP Scheme Programme Director Manager- Partnerships & Collaboration Sputum Collector/ Project Assistant Sputum Collector Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant TAPASH Sikdar MASUD Ali Sahaji RINA Roy GFR9- TB Project, West Bengal GFR9- TB Project, West Bengal GFR9- TB Project, West Bengal Project Manager Coordinator/ TBCV Coordinator/ TBCV SUFAL Das Urban Slum Children Education Project (KAMALKALI) Urban Slum Children Education Project (KAMALKALI) Urban Slum Children Education Project (KAMALKALI) Swanirbhar: Livelihood Development Programme Swanirbhar: Livelihood Development Programme Swanirbhar: Livelihood Development Programme Swanirbhar: Livelihood Development Programme eNGO Programme/ .NGO Resellership eNGO Programme/ .NGO Resellership Access 2 Apex/ ICT Programmes Access 2 Apex/ ICT Programmes Access 2 Apex/ ICT Programmes Project Manager All All All All Accountant Office Admin. Graphic Designer Resource Person Sweeper Driver SIKHA Das PRASANTA Das SHANTI Aich JHARNA Dutta SHUKLA Sikdar SUNITA Pramanik INDRANEEL Karmakar SANJOY Das SERINA Bibi SAIDUL Islam MOSTAFA Bin Kasem RUHI Das Banik NANDITA Dutta Sikdar RAJIB Ghosh MAMUD Ali Sahaji RAMA BHOLA Teacher Assistant Project Coordinator Trainer Trainer Training Assistant Project Manager Coordinator Coordinator Trainer Trainer Our Programmes 2014-2015 Rural Health Checkup Camp Various health camps are organized at regular intervals which are seasonal/need-based to meet the specific needs of the community and to deliver medical services to remote areas. These camps also ensure provision for timely referral services to the patients for further or specialized care. This year we have successfully conducted 3 health checkup camps in the district of North 24 Parganas, West Bengal where more than 300 general community members/ villagers get them thoroughly checked-up. No. 1 2 3 Venue/ Location Rajarhat, North 24 Parganas Hura, Purulia Nakashipara, Nadia Registered Beneficiaries 178 67 89 Community Health Awareness Campaigns The community outreach programmes are undertaken by conducting health awareness campaigns to make people aware about their role in prevention of several diseases and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Sl. No. Name of the program 1 HIV/ AIDS Awareness Camp 2 Leprosy Control Program 3 Japanese Encephalitis Prevention Awareness Camp 4 Japanese Encephalitis Prevention Awareness Camp 5 Diabetes Control Programme Date Venue/ Location 13.06.14 04.17.14 08.07.14 Dakshineshwar Rajarhat Basudevpur 11.07.14 Deganga 27.09.14 Berachampa Children 0 4 25 Beneficiaries Youths Men &Women 27 30 70 54 45 21 Elders 14 20 5 47 57 38 18 8 65 34 27 6 Japanese Encephalitis Prevention Awareness Camp 7 HIV/ AIDS Awareness Camp 8 Dengue Awareness Camp 9 Dengue Awareness Camp 10 Dengue Awareness Camp 11 Dengue Awareness Camp 18.08.14 Ranaghat 15 58 27 28 13.10.14 18.10.14 19.10.14 21.10.14 04.01.15 5 54 14 5 0 41 182 24 38 122 27 140 26 31 4 10 38 22 29 0 12 Dengue & Malaria Awareness Camp 11.02.15 0 189 8 0 13 Dengue & TB Awareness Program 14 HIV/ AIDS Awareness Camp 24.03.15 14.03.15 Sagardutta Kamarhati Bazar Baguiati Jyotinagar Chanchalkumari Balika Vidyalaya Jyangra Adarsha Vidyalaya Derozio College APC College 0 0 284 124 13 0 0 0 Global Fund Round 9 TB Project, West Bengal Sukalyan Welfare Society is member of the RNTCP, West Bengal from 2008 onwards and has successfully completed ТВ- ACSM Project funded by USAID in year 2010. Now Sukalyan has been implementing the Global Fund Round-9 Project, West Bengal named as AXSHYA INDIA ТВ PROJECT in three TU’s of West Bengal ( Reckjoani BPHC TU, Panihati SGH TU & Sagardutta MCH TU) as FNGO in collaboration with Naihati Prolife, SSR The Objectives of the project are: Improve the reach, visibility and effectiveness of RNTCP through Civil society Support. Engage communities and community-based Care Providers to improve ТВ Care and Control especially for marginalized and Vulnerable Population including TB-HIV patients. This year we have reached more than 3000 beneficiaries through many community & patient mobilization & counseling program. Awareness Programs/ Camps Patient Counseling Tuberculosis Unit General Community Meeting Gaon Kalyan Samity Meeting (GKS) Patient Provider Meeting Rural Health Care Provider Training Reckjoani B.P.H.C TU 18 6 4 0 Sagardutta M.C.H TU 24 0 4 0 Panihati S.G.H TU 15 9 4 1 Tuberculosis Unit Reckjoani B.P.H.C TU Sagardutta M.C.H TU Panihati S.G.H TU Counseling Done 36 52 48 Patient Referred by TBCVs for Sputum Collection Tuberculosis Unit Reckjoani B.P.H.C TU Sagardutta M.C.H TU Panihati S.G.H TU Patients Referred 116 69 96 Support to the Interns of GNM nursing course through Capacity Building Training on Tuberculosis. This year we have successfully conducted 3 capacity building trainings on TB as the ‘Training Facilitation Organization’ in collaboration with Reckjoani B.P.H.C to support the interns of GNM Nursing Course at Reckjoani B.P.H.C of two reputed Institutions. Conducted Training’s details Institutions Date th Apollo Gleneagles 8 January’ Nursing Training 2015 Institute, Narayanpur (Rajarhat) Apollo Gleneagles 20th January’ Nursing Training 2015 Institute, Narayanpur (Rajarhat) Charnock Hospitals 9th February’ Nursing Institute, 2015 Newtown (Kolkata) Venue Reckjoani Hospital Internees 42 Reckjoani Hospital 38 Reckjoani Hospital 45 Sputum Collection Pickup & Transportation Scheme (in PPP model with Govt. of West Bengal) Since Dec’ 2008, Sukalyan Welfare Society is implementing the ‘Sputum Collection Pickup & Transportation Scheme’ in PPP (Public Private Partnership) model with Dept. of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of West Bengal. Presently we are working in two DMC’s (Designated Microscopic Centres) of North 24 Parganas District, from which 1 DMC has already achieved the ‘Highest Performance Record’ among all 5 DMC’s in this district. Designated Microscopic Centre (DMC) Reckjoani B.P.H.C TU Panihati S.G.H TU Sputum Collected & Transferred to DMC for diagnosis (Units) No. of Sputum Units found +ve Sputum Collected & transferred to DMC for follow-up examination 171 178 24 4 133 25 Training on Mother & Child Care On 27.03.2015 we have conducted a training session on ‘Mother & Child Care’ for the women’s where an extensive training has given to the women’s about the proper Immunization Cycle, how to maintain the immunization card, scheduled polio feeding & proper vaccination. This was held at Jyangra- Hatiara G.P-II. Here more than 40 women were present. ‘Kamalkali’- Urban Slum Children Education Project, Kolkata ‘Kamalkali’ is a Bengali word literally means ‘Rising stars from the dirty mud’ in English. It is a city based education programme managed, implemented, funded by Sukalyan Welfare Society. This project mainly aims to mainstream and rehabilitate the underprivileged children who are either the drug consumers or smokers. We do rehabilitation by counseling them and provide the elementary education and send them into the formal school recognized by the state board. For details please visit: Location of School DakshineshwarColony Male Nivedita 27 Kamarhati- Islamia Colony 17 Students Rehabilitees Female 31 23 11 8 Adult Education Programme With a vision to literate the Adults we have started the Adult Education class at our ‘Kamalkali’- Dakshineshwar Venue which is coordinated thrice in a week. Here we have 27 adults who regularly attend the class. Swanirbhar Livelihood Development Project We facilitate employment and income generation programmes through various skill-based trainings are for rural men and women. This includes training for rural entrepreneurship and small-scale business and encouraging women to become selfdependent. Sukalyan organizes various skill-based trainings for the rural youth and women to facilitate employment and generate income. Training for garment-making, Handicraft Products, Beautician Course, Pickle Making, Haldi Packaging, ‘Kantha’ Stich, Inclusion of Fabric designs at the Indian ‘Tanth’ (Cotton) Sarees work etc. are few examples. This year we have successfully conducted different trainings under our self- funded Swanirbhar Livelihood Development Project. Trainings & Workshops Conducted: Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Training Name Venue/ Location Duration Trainees Handicrafts Training for women Readymade Garments Making Traing Handicrafts Training for women Beautician Course Pickle Making Workshop Haldi Grinding & Packaging Workshop Kantha Stich & Fabric Design Training Santoshpur Deganga 1 Month 15 Days 15 25 Hura, Purulia Hatiara Hatiara Rajarhat 1 Month 2 Months 3 Days 1 Day 8 8 13 24 Hatiara 7 Days 18 Self Help Groups Formation Programme We continue to promote, nurture and capacitate a number of SHGs for organizing Women/Youth/Senior citizen and inculcate a savings habit. Continuous efforts are undertaken for the capacity building of these SHGs, to increase their ability to function independently with minimum support from outside. These SHGs are formed with the objective of empowering local communities which will enable them to take decisions concerning their own economic development. The groups are trained on planning, book keeping, financial management and conflict management. Regular trainings and exposure visits to other SHG initiatives are undertaken to encourage self-reliance and sustainability. We have in total 8 SHG Groups at different areas of the North 24 Parganas district. We have also coordinated more than 25 meetings with local villagers in Nadia, Howrah, Hooghly, Murshidabad, Bardhaman districts to motivate & engage more and more women towards making a self- dependent society. Sl. No. Group Name Location Members 1 Suchetana Hatiara 11 2 Swanirbhar Hatiara 9 3 Ujjiban Deganga 9 4 Asha Jagatpur 7 5 Sumangalam Jyangra 7 6 Anandadhara Deganga 7 7 Sancharini Subhashpally 9 8 Silpi Jyangra Dakshin Manth 7 Handicrafts Fair ‘Hast Silp Mela’ 2015 We have organized a Handicrafts Fair with duration of 1 week at Baguiati, Kolkata for the Socio Economic Development of our local SHG groups, our trainees under ‘Swanirbhar’ project. More than 30 stalls have been given by our beneficiaries. This stalls in the fair has been supported and sponsored by many renowned local personnel, clubs & car showrooms. Beside the fair every evening there were different cultural functions to attract the local citizens towards the fair. eNGO Programme The eNGO programme, a national movement, is a joint effort of Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) and Public Interest Registry (PIR) to make grassroots organizations ICT enabled by providing a webenabled platform through free website, .org domain name, and providing capacity building through the eNGO training programme. The eNGO programme strives to empower more than 3.3 million NGOs and Self Help Groups to create a virtual identity and increase their visibility for national and global outreach. eNGO programme offers websites in any local Indian language. We are working as a state partner of DEF for digitally empowering the grassroots organizations of West Bengal. We have already coordinated 6 workshops at West Bengal. Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Workshop Venue District Kolkata Seva Kendra North 24 Parganas Basirhat Town Hall East Midnapore Tamluk Malda Englishbazar Bardhaman Town Hall North 24 Parganas Proggaloy Bhawan Date 3rd May’ 2014 14th September’ 2014 NGO’s Website Participated Built 120 58 70 39 16th September’ 2014 16th November’ 2014 18th November’ 2014 1st February’ 2015 70 50 90 120 34 30 52 57 .NGO Top Level Domain Sub- Resellership The .NGO domain is launched by The Public Interest Registry (The .org domain seller) exclusively for the Global NGO community. In India, it has been launched by DEF & INOMY as the supporting reseller. We as a state sub- reseller have introduced & promoting this .NGO TLD in the state of West Bengal and have already approached more than 5000 NGOs in West Bengal. Access 2 Apex Programme This programme is a self funded programme of Sukalyan Welfare Society, which mainly aims to digitally empower the rural youths through the ICT tools like Laptop & Tablet. This programme is based partially on the curriculum of NDLM (Only Level 1). In 2014-15 we have organized 6 training camps and digitally empowered more than 100 youths in several districts of West Bengal. Camps held at Sl. No. Location 1 English Bazar 2 Lalgola 3 Ranaghat 4 Nabadwip 5 Basudevpur 6 Chakla District Malda Murshidabad Nadia Nadia North 24 Parganas North 24 Parganas Date 28th April’ 2014 8th May’ 2014 10th May’ 2014 2nd July’ 2014 8th August’ 2014 17th August’ 2014 Youths Attended 18 15 25 20 30 18 ‘Yogayog’ Initiative We are scouting, recognizing those parents and guardians whose wards live abroad and can’t have any kind of communication with them for the lacking of communication media & minimum digital literacy. We help them to communicate through Skype. This Initiative is enabled at Deganga, Sandeshkhali- I Block and Rajarhat Block of North 24 Parganas. Awareness, Survey & Video usage for sanitation improvement: We do survey at the slums and villages and show them the videos for habituating the proper sanitation methods, the 7 steps of hand washing are the highest priorities among all. We have conducted surveys at: Dakshineshwar (Nivedita Colony) Kamarhati (Islamia Colony) Deganga Block (Basudevpur Village) Rajarhat Block (Patharghata Village) Rajarhat Block (Hatiara Village) Digital Community Information Resource Centre Digital Community Information Resource Centres (CIRCs) are Community- driven, bottom up public spaces that seek to bridge the information and access divide and transform under-served communities into information-empowered communities. A typical CIRC is enabled with computers, cameras, printers, projectors, scanners, internet, WiFi and broadband. They are run by enthusiastic, young and passionate community members who understand the meaning of information and how it can empower communitiesof all class and cadre through all possible means like digital literacy, ICT skills, employable skills, English, Entertainment, Health, Agriculture, Entrepreunership, RTI, e-Gov services, digital services and so on. We have established such a centre at Mankara Village of Murshidabad District in collaboration with DEF & supported by Vodafone Foundation under its Red Rickshaw Revolution. eASHA: Capacity Building of ASHA workers with modern ICT tools Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) are the workers under NRHM project of MOHFW, Govt. of India. ASHA workers are mainly the multipurpose staffs and primarily help the Vaccination & Immunization Programme. This year we have organized 3 capacity building trainings with ASHAs and facilitated Location them with the primary Rajarhat (1st Shift) knowledge on ICT nd tools (such as Rajarhat (2 Shift) Mobiles, Tablets Panihati & Laptops) how to use them for the methods of communication. Sukalyan Barta- eNews of Non- Profits This is an online portal based initiative in a pilot state and this mainly aims to outreach the activities done by the grassroots NGOs in rural Bengal who are Not-Online. The Logo of this Initiative has been launched on 1st February. Attended ASHA workers 55 40 25 time consuming Other Miscellaneous activities during 2014-2015 Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Capacity Building Workshop Sukalyan Welfare Society has successfully conducted the Capacity Building workshop for the local MSMEs in Kolkata on 14th December’ 2014 to 16th December’ 2014. The purpose of the program is to build the capacity of BDS providers with the aim of building a BDS market especially for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). The training is in three phases: classroom – practical (on site) – classroom, and is based on the alternation of theory and practice (learning by doing). The programme encompasses: needs assessment, action planning and business service delivery. The participants were trained in their future function as on-the-spot, hand-holding BDS providers, and in how to give support to MSMEs. Workshop on RTI, Social Media and Cyber Laws & Crimes for Non- Profits This year we have successfully organized a workshop on RTI, Social Media and Cyber Laws & Crimes for Non-Profits at Kolkata on 21st September’ 2014 to 22nd September’ 2014, here the NPOs/ NGOs were trained about how to use the Social Media (Facebook, Twitter & YouTube) tools for their fundraising and outreaching purposes. Here a session on RTI (Right to Information Act) was also there where it has been discussed that how NPOs/ NGOs can use the RTI Act to change lives in terms of Human Rights & Information for All. The session has been followed by a light on Cyber Laws & Crimes which can be useful and prevented respectively by the NPOs. 40 representatives from different NGOs were participated in this workshop. Consultation on Climate Change & Environment This year we have organized a Consultation on Climate Change & Environment on 22nd February’ 2015 at Kolkata with an objective of Explore ways to institutionalize a platform for sharing knowhow on climate change-related policy, research, and practice in West Bengal; Create opportunities for networking and engagement with policymakers to support informed decision making Share information and knowledge about climate change adaptation in the state. There has been an extensive sharing of knowledge on ‘Sundarbans’ (A mangrove forest in West Bengal). Street Drama (Fundraising Event) The team of Sukalyan Welfare Society has organized a fundraising event through the street drama at Newtown, through this we have got many donations for our activities and meet many silent philanthropists of Kolkata. Blood Donation Camp There has always been a substantial gap between the demand and availability of blood at various blood banks in West Bengal. This scarcity intensifies during summer months. In view of this gap between demand and availability, Sukalyan Welfare Society organized blood donation camp on 8 th May’ 2015 on the occasion of World Thallassamea Day 2014 at Helabattala. This camp has collected 55 units of blood and is supported by The Association of Voluntary Blood Donors, West Bengal. Book Distribution Program The Book Distribution Program (BDP) helps underprivileged children to continue their education, by reducing the financial burden of purchasing books. More than 150 children from rural schools in and around Kolkata have been given notebooks and other stationery through the initiative since 2009. Volunteers visit schools to motivate children to pursue education and build a good career. Daan Utsav 2015 (Joy of Giving Week) From this year Sukalyan Welfare Society has joined hands with the Daan Utsav Team (Volunteers) in Kolkata and celebrated the Daan Utsav which was prior known as Joy of Giving Week from 2nd October’ 2014 to 8th October’ 2015. This voluntary event was organized through the distribution of clothes to the children on occasion of the Durga Puja. We have distributed more than 250 dresses to the children. Swachh Bharat Abhiyan at a slum of Kolkata With a vision to clean India, our team has organized an awareness cum cleaning slum campaign at Dakshineshwar (Nivedita Pally) on 21st March’ 2015. An awareness program was also organized where the citizens of the slum participated and said that they will keep their slum clean forever. The program was followed by the distribution of dustbins at the locality. Internship at Sukalyan Welfare Society This year few students of M.S.W course from Netaji Subhas Open University came at our organization to do their 1 month long internship. They have been poured with the knowledge about our activities. They performed various activities such as, Theory & Practical lesson on Tubersulosis Theory & Practical lesson on Mother & Child Care Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Teaching & Learning with ‘Kamalkali’Dakshineshwar students. HIV/ AIDS Awareness Camp Observation of World TB Day. Training on ICT tools & Social Media usage by the NPOs Life at Sukalyan Welfare Society This year has been a revolutionary year for our organization because we have recruited 15 new members into our team. Some policies has been developed and strictly instructed to our team members to follow it. The policies are: Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) & AntiDiscrimination Policy. Anti Corruption & Anti Bribery Policy Gender Policy Ethics & Code of Conduct Policy New Website of Sukalyan Welfare Society This year we have got the new website for our organization i.e. The website is with great dynamic theme, linked with all social media channels and with the facility of Online Donation (Powered by Instamojo) Our Associates Funding/ Supporting Partners Dept. of Health & family Welfare, Govt. of West Bengal GLRA- India Central Social Welfare Board West Bengal Social Welfare Board RNTCP, North 24 Parganas Digital Empowerment Foundation INOMY Media Pvt. Ltd. World Association for Small and Medium Enterprises Naihati Prolife Stop TB Partnership North Indian Educational Trust, Lucknow NASSCOM Foundation ECOSOC (United Nations) World Association of Non Government Organizations Daan Utsav Association of Voluntary Blood Donors, West Bengal Brands & Fakes Social Cops, New Delhi Somondo Greenwill Ultimate News Banking Partners Axis Bank Pvt. Ltd. United Commercial Bank (UCO Bank) Online Database Partners Google Plus NGONAMA Ecoswarm NGO portal OnGood (Global NGO Directory for .NGO domain holders) Velmoc Just Wikipedia Local NGO Partners Panitar Pally Unnayan Samity GRAM Bira Angikaar Welfare Society Give India NGO Partnership System Auditor’s Report & Accounts Donors & Contributors List Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 Donors Name Jharna Bhattacharjee Goutam Das Abhijeet Biswas Ranjan Roy Manindra Bagui Mihir Basak Asit Kr. Singha Farukuddin Molla Bappaditya Ghosh Narayan Ch. Pai Dipanwita Ganguly Sabita Chakraborty Mithun Sen Sanatan Das Pashaful Sheikh Debashis Jawr Biswajit Roy Nitish Debnath Shyamal Mondal Debu Mondal Ashim Sen Sib Sankar Sarkar Biswanath Singha Chabi Sarkar Sib Sankar Roy Chowdhury Sumanta Nandi Angana Mukherjee Ranajit Mukherjee Swati Banerjee Dr. Atindra Pathak Sayan Paul Sourya Bhattacharjee Pritam Dutta Sarfaraz Islam Suraj De Subham Hazarika Aftabuddin Ahmed Baduruddin Mondal Sankar Das Sourav Paul Pradipta Saha Kaushik Pain Shyamal Nath Gouranga Dutta Sanjit Pal Swati Paul Kabita Das Arati Basak Sankar Kundu Rekha Mitra Sisir Bandhu Das Purpose General General Kamalkali Kamalkali Kamalkali General Kamalkali Kamalkali Kamalkali General Kamalkali General General General General General General General General General General General General General General General Kamalkali General Kamalkali General (Donated 3 Times) General General General General General General Kamalkali General General General General General General Kamalkali General General General General General General General Amount 18,000 8,500 13,000 4,500 14,000 10,000 14,000 16,000 15,500 11,000 10,000 5,000 6,500 8,000 12,000 13,000 1,000 6,000 11,000 7,500 10,000 10,000 8,000 12,000 15,000 16,000 3,500 15,000 18,000 50,000 10,000 8,000 13,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 18,000 6,000 12,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 18,000 20,000 10,000 6,000 10,000 7,000 Total 6,00,000 Future Plans I. Future Programme Plans In pursuance of our endeavor to diversify in multiple fields and geographical areas rather than just restrict our activities in the field of Healthcare, Innovative Education, Sustainable Livelihood, Information & Communication Technology that too in a single location, Sukalyan Welfare Society plans to undertake multiple projects across a wide geographical area. Some of the programmes have been planned for 2015-16 are mentioned below. II. Establish Digital Seva Kendra’s in different locations (ICT resource center for rural community) Establish a One Stop Crisis Centre for women. Develop a News portal for the Non-Profits of West Bengal Extend the awareness activities into infrastructural development under the Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. To conduct several series of Capacity Building Trainings for the Non Profits & MSMEs Extend our activities and projects in almost all parts of West Bengal. Future Internal Plans Accreditation with Credibility Alliance and CAF for transparency and accountability. Further strengthen dialogues with Board Members, Team Members and Volunteers Focus on mobilizing young locals and involve them into volunteerism. Develop strong partnership with Corporate Sector (CSR), local CBOs & NGOs. Registration and Empanelment West Bengal Societies Registration Act 1961 Registration Number S/1L/27823 of 2004-2005 Dated 8th March, 2005 Section 12A of Income Tax Act 1961 Registration Number DIT (E)/8E/371/2013-13/S-207/3062-64 Dated 9th January, 2013 Section 80G of Income Tax Act 1961 Registration Number DIT (E)/8E/371/2013-13/G-362/3065-67 Dated 9th January, 2013 Permanent Account Number (PAN) AAGAS9685N Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN) CALS35793C Auditor A.K Panda & Co. 8/2 Kiran Sankar Roy Road, Kolkata- 700 001 Our Working Area Our Branches & offices Barasat: Sukalyan Welfare Society 5 No. Pannajhill, Sreepally, Barasat, Kolkata-700124 P.O: Barasat, P.S: Barasat, District: North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India Contact No. +91-9231561299 Deganga: Sukalyan Welfare Society Vill: Basudevpur, P.O: Chowrashi, Block: Deganga, Pincode- 743424 District: North 24 Parganas, West Bengal, India. Contact No. +91-9062675112 Purulia: Sukalyan Welfare Society Vill+Post: Khairipihira, G.P: Lakhanpur, Block+P.S: Hura, Dist: Purulia, Pin: 723101, West Bengal Our team looks forward to helping all your direct communications and Queries at our Registered & Corporate office: Sukalyan Welfare Society Baguiati, Hatiara Road, Helabattala, Near Indian Overseas Bank (Helabattala Branch) Kolkata- 700157, P.O: Hatiara, P.S: Newtown, District: North 24 Parganas, West Bengal India. Telephone: +91-033-25720131 Mobile: +91 99038 49625 +91 98046 97395 Email:, For Partnerships & Collaboration, please contact: Indraneel Karmakar Manager- Partnerships & Collaboration Mobile: +91 90626 75112 Email: Keep yourself updated with latest news of our activity by: Visiting our website