Statement of Net Postion Detail
Statement of Net Postion Detail
UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 15H461 15H603 15H611 1AU106 1U0ADJ 1UA000 1UAPPD 1UB000 1UB022 1UB025 1UB100 1UBPPD 1UBSEQ 1UC000 1UC001 1UC002 1UC101 1UC102 1UC103 1UCPPD 1UCS00 1UCSBA 1UCSBE 1UCSBF 1UCSBL 1UCSBU 1UCSCA 1UCSCH 1UCSCR 1UCSDI 1UCSGH 1UCSGR 1UCSIT 1UCSLE 1UCSLO 1UCSLT 1UCSME 1UCSMO 1UCSMQ 1UCSPD 1UCSRO 1UD000 1UDPPD 1UE000 1UE001 1UEPPD 1UESBP 1UESCM 1UESDR 1UESFR 1UESIT 1UF000 1UF001 1UF002 1UFPPD 1UFSSW 1UG001 1UG002 1UGPPD 1UJ000 1UK000 GENERAL OPERATING & OTHER UNRESTRICTED FUNDS Cultural Factors-Trees&Shrubs-Match Ecological and genetic diversity Conservation Plant Resources UNH - GASB 45 UNH Unrestricted Adjustments Acad Affairs Educational & General Acad Affairs Prepaids COLSA General Fund State AES Funds COLSA Farms COLSA General Fund -Pre FY2014 COLSA General Prepaids Ecoquest COLA Educational and General CPS Education Program CPS MPA Program Scholars as Educators Program English as a Second Language NH Literacy Institute COLA General Prepaids Study Away Administration Budapest Fld Studies-Art & Culture Belize Teacher Program Archeology Field School -Belize Berlin Study Abroad Budapest Justice Studies Program Cambridge Univ in England China Study Abroad Costa Rica Study Away Dijon Study Away Ghana Study Away Granada Study Abroad Italy Study Abroad London Experience Study Away UNH London Program London Travel Writing Program Mexico Summer Study Away Moscow Study Abroad Montreal Study Abroad COLA Study Away Prepaid Expenses Rome Study Abroad Program CEPS Educational and General CEPS General Prepaids PAUL Education and General PAUL E&G - CPS General Prepaid Study Abroad - Budapest Study Abroad - Cruise Management Study Abrd Dominican Republic Study Abroad - France Study Abroad - Italy HHS Educational and General HHS E&G - MPH Program HHS - E&G MSW at UNH-M HHS General Prepaids Social Work Study Away Central Admin VPFA Ed & General Office of the President VPFA General Prepaids VPSA Educational and General CIS Educational and General Cash and Investments $ Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets 666 2,134 2,134 Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income (2,134) (2,134) (4,484,246) (1,773,797) 11,342,235 (155,557) 122,661 1,765,204 (17,179) (13,318,232) (163,349) 77,402 3,751,261 408,327 274,555 30,512 383,002 258,770 (341,618) 3,142 18,418 14,517 3,811 10,389 121,513 108,579 15,713 1,760 145,930 52,801 155,881 195,632 20,734 368,573 8,973 32,824 14,588 251 (328,185) 3,119 11,478,980 (120,177) 2,068,794 2,472,432 (106,265) 8,380 32,987 15,257 (8,658) (2,085) 12,372,430 808,637 1,436,398 (431,828) (27,874) 24,193 44,394 (36,318) 769,167 901,372 156,368 35,584 (16,156) (811) (17,339) (12,850) (13,345) 1,773,797 (9,533,622) (7,760) (5,060) 163,349 354,486 (27,447) (96) (12,868) (31,820) (1) (2,600) 328,685 (500) (25,323) 120,177 (42,357) 106,265 (2,707) (30,194) 431,828 (1,662) 56,918 5,513 (20,600) (2,789) (47,525) (16,750) Total Net Position 666 (4,484,246) 1,792,457 97,562 1,752,354 (13,318,232) 77,402 3,723,718 408,327 274,555 30,512 383,002 226,950 (1) 3,142 18,418 14,517 3,811 10,389 121,513 108,579 13,113 1,760 145,930 52,801 155,881 195,632 20,734 368,573 8,973 32,824 14,588 251 3,119 11,453,657 2,026,437 2,472,432 8,380 32,987 15,257 (8,658) (2,085) 12,322,779 808,637 1,436,398 (27,874) 22,531 44,394 771,891 853,847 267 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1UK001 1UKPPD 1UL000 1UR000 1UR001 1UR020 1US000 1UT000 1UT001 1UU000 1UURCM 1UX026 1UX028 1UZ000 1UZ024 1UZ030 1WU106 1Z0ADJ 1ZJ004 1ZJ007 1ZJ008 1ZJ011 1ZJ012 Student Technology Fee CIS General Prepaids Library Educational and General VPRPS Educational and General VPRPS E&G - Centers Consulting Center PAU Athletics Education&General-RCM Facilities Educational and General Energy and Campus Development Institutional Educational & General Institutional RCM Fund CE State PAU CE County PAU EOS Educational and General Marine Sciences & Ocean Engineering Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping UNH - GASB 45 Agency Funds Year End Adjustment Swing Club Irish Student Organization Campus Ministry MUB Ticket Office -Outside Sales NH Coll Pers Assoc TOTAL GENERAL OPERATING & OTHER UNRESTRICTED FUNDS 1DA001 1DA005 1DA006 1DA008 1DA009 1DA013 1DA016 1DA017 1DA019 1DA021 1DA026 1DA027 1DA029 1DA030 1DA032 1DA033 1DA035 1DA038 1DA401 1DA422 1DA425 1DA460 1DA463 1DA479 1DA480 1DA482 1DAADV 1DAAFD 1DAASP 1DACON 1DADG1 1DADM1 1DAECI 1DAFAS 1DAFEL 1DAFOR INTERNALLY DESIGNATED DCE Special Programs NEBHE Dissertation Scholar NSF Cost of Educ Distribution Spaulding Faculty Fellowship Hortense Sheppard Bequest VPAA Discretionary Exchange Programs Washington Internship Foreign Study Unrest Bequest - Carpenter Faculty Development Award Spaulding/Sidore Lecture Series Intl Educ Faculty Development McNair Matching Funds Faculty Summer Institute Evaluation Expertise Robert G Wakefield Quasi Endow NH Statewide Summit Program Reviews Elliot - AA Strategic Initiatives Elliot- Diversity Initiatives VP Instructional Teaching Excellence Award Provost's Office Undesignated Funds Honors Discovery Program Honors Community at UNH UNH Pre-ADVANCE Affirmative Action Diversity Fund Advancing Science Program Connect Book Fund PI Daniel Gordon Debora McCann PI AA Electronic Campus Initiatives Faculty Scholars Program Fellowships Office Unrest Bequest Des - Forest Park Cash and Investments 207,463 (179,863) 2,415,173 2,370,262 1,848,471 266,615 10,450 1,179,951 6,062,136 16,721,491 (13,407,335) (1,123,855) 1,448,720 2,838,492 (2,296) 1,140 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable (357) (68,451) (20,031) (40,249) 248,314 3,552,056 (231,527) (572,783) (2,459,953) 37,984 (1,146) Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income 16 (5,467,409) (12,269,223) 2,247 (33,880,968) (4,799) 20 28 247 3,287 1,217 57,753,921 175,285 60,007 1,940 3,539 19,813 93,802 9,650 44,584 4,896 39,029 251,696 16,761 8,046 166,250 45,798 430 607 119 198,883 2,234,112 33,474 154,391 4,193 295,449 25 2,291 96,945 453 6,635 23 2,110 2,898 112,104 68,444 4,944 567 1,854,633 1,966,390 - - (3,670,884) (41,965) (795) (42) (13,293,504) (12,269,223) - - (38,365,214) Total Net Position 207,106 2,395,158 2,330,013 1,848,471 266,615 10,450 948,424 5,489,353 76,962 (13,407,335) (1,087,017) 1,448,720 2,838,492 (49) 1,140 (33,880,968) (4,799) 20 28 247 3,287 1,217 (6,023,881) 175,285 60,007 1,940 3,539 19,813 93,802 9,650 2,619 4,896 39,029 250,901 16,761 8,046 166,250 45,798 430 607 119 198,841 2,234,112 33,474 154,391 4,193 295,449 25 2,291 96,945 453 6,635 23 2,110 2,898 112,104 68,444 4,944 567 268 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1DAFRE 1DAGNR 1DAIES 1DAINX 1DAKG0 1DAKM0 1DALCT 1DALDR 1DALL1 1DAMCN 1DAMJ1 1DANAV 1DANPR 1DAOSP 1DAOTP 1DAPOW 1DARM1 1DASCO 1DASTR 1DASUS 1DASZN 1DATHE 1DATK0 1DAURC 1DB007 1DB009 1DB021 1DB024 1DB027 1DB033 1DB035 1DB036 1DB037 1DB039 1DB043 1DB045 1DB046 1DB048 1DB050 1DB051 1DB052 1DB053 1DB058 1DB059 1DB060 1DB062 1DB064 1DB065 1DB066 1DB068 1DB069 1DB070 1DB071 1DB073 1DB076 1DB077 1DB079 1DB080 1DB083 1DB085 1DB086 1DB087 Faculty Research Engagement Academy NRESS Grad Educ Award NH Stwd Inclusive Excel Spkr Series Inclusive Excellence and Advance IT PI Karen Graham - Leitzel Ctr PI Keller Magenau Leitzel Center Leadership Training PI Leonard Lamberti PI McNair Program PI Marsha Johns Navitas & Internationalization VPAA Provost Transtion Fund Outreach Scholars Program Outreach Institutional Partnerships Powwow Fund PI Robert McCaffery Foreign Scholars in Residence Student/Enrmt. Services Integration Sustainability Conferences Safe Zones Grad Thesis/Diss Costs PI Thomas Kelly Undergrad Research Conference Farm Residences TSAS Greenhouse Nr Woodlands Program Undergrad Research Conference Diagnostic Services-insects Ts Equine Events CaMIS Ctr Adv Molecular Sci As UNH Horsemans Club Project Smart Career Mobility - med Tech Water Quality Analysis Lab Therapeutic Riding Program Animal Control/Humane Academy NH Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory Jones Sample Analysis Cream Progam Seagrass Lab Information Technology Award Hubbard Genomics Center NREN Organizations & Events COLSA Contingency Genomics Service Center HGC Salary Fund Center for Freshwater Biology Minocha Lab Fund Woodlands Contingency Fund Vehicle Replacement - Nat. Resource Vehicle Replacement - Thompson Sch Farm Vehicle&Equipment Replacement AES Graduate Student Support Phi Sigma Honor Society BITC Seminar Dietetic Program Fund Nutrition Lab Equip Replacement UNH Equestrian Teams Culinary Arts Program Biological Sciences Equipment Fund MCBS Equipment Fund Cash and Investments 383,368 1 910 53,442 279 1,794 54,957 54,861 154 866 2,493 1,616,267 4,470 37,464 55,137 36 271 11,834 119,385 3,735 2,773 49,095 3,434 3,840 25,981 76,973 10,766 5,914 5,751 3,217 27 2,770 56,013 4,113 61,686 822 3,020 98,507 4,632 4,140 8,173 829 140,554 1,168 62,531 (98,432) 2,752 2,736 10,614 31,289 2,330 9,417 716 60,459 1,202 248 17,430 1,700 12,016 2,503 127,657 152,553 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable (500) (56) (15) (1,222) (44,111) 132,696 Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 383,368 1 910 53,442 279 1,794 54,457 54,861 154 866 2,493 1,616,267 4,470 37,464 55,137 36 271 11,834 119,385 3,679 2,773 49,095 3,434 3,840 25,966 76,973 10,766 5,914 5,751 3,217 27 2,770 56,013 4,113 61,686 822 3,020 97,285 4,632 4,140 8,173 829 96,443 1,168 62,531 34,264 2,752 2,736 10,614 31,289 2,330 9,417 716 60,459 1,202 248 17,430 1,700 12,016 2,503 127,657 152,553 269 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1DB088 1DB090 1DB091 1DB092 1DB093 1DB095 1DB098 1DB100 1DB102 1DB404 1DB405 1DB408 1DB409 1DB412 1DB418 1DB419 1DB421 1DB422 1DB425 1DB426 1DB427 1DB428 1DB500 1DB550 1DB600 1DBAB0 1DBAB1 1DBAK0 1DBAK1 1DBAL0 1DBAM0 1DBAM1 1DBAM2 1DBBL1 1DBCD0 1DBCN0 1DBCS0 1DBCW0 1DBCW2 1DBDB0 1DBDB1 1DBDB2 1DBDC0 1DBDIS 1DBDM0 1DBDP0 1DBDT0 1DBEF0 1DBEH0 1DBES0 1DBFC1 1DBFR0 1DBFS0 1DBGC0 1DBGM0 1DBHA0 1DBIH0 1DBJA1 1DBJB0 1DBJB3 1DBJC0 1DBJC2 Nat Resource & Env Equip Fund BIOL Overhead Return Funds NREN Overhead Return Funds MCBS Overhead Return Funds TSAS Overhead Return Funds McDowell Vehicle Fund Thompson School Equip Replacement Dean's Discretionary Fund - COLSA Women & STEM BINAX/REM PROJECTS Carroll Book Fund MICR Food Testing Lab Bio Informatics - Cooper Thompson School Summer Camp VPR Grad Ed Award-Bioinformatics Bilateral Escape Workshop NHDVL Equipment Fund Small Livestock Account North American Moose Up 2 NIH Program - Carey Up 2 NIH Program - Culligan Analytical Services Faculty Development Fund AES Dean's Discretionary STEM Initiatives PI Alan Baker PI Andre Brito PI Anita KLEIN PI Adrienne Kovach PI Andrew LAUDANO PI Aaron MARGOLIN PI Arthur MATHIESON PI Alberto MANALO PI Bruce LINDSAY PI Clyde DENIS PI Christopher NEEFUS PI Charles SCHWAB PI Charles Walker PI Cheryl Whistler PI Dennis BOBILYA PI David BURDICk PI David Berlinsky PI Don CHANDLER COLSA Discovery/Inquiry Dev Fund PI Dennis MATHEWS PI David Plachetzki PI David TOWNSON PI Elizabeth Fairchild PI Estelle HRABAK PI Elise Sullivan PI Feixia Chu PI Frank RODGERS PI Frederick SHORT PI Gale CAREY PI Gregg Moore PI Heide ASBJORNSEN PI Iago Hale PI John Aber PI Jessica BOLKER PI Joanne Burke PI Joanne CURRAN-CELENTANO PI John CARROLL Cash and Investments 101,787 15,602 20,594 12,201 1,099 9,845 93,855 165,653 1,323 5,104 9,479 14 2,794 7,261 18 1,000 543 362 7,964 1,129 5,259 33,351 1,018,987 703,659 190,156 1,115 23,729 869 4,391 121 12 14,353 1,778 99 6,810 952 1,738 2,485 14,140 5 909 3,011 285 27,795 5,232 65,170 18,732 9,207 23,310 6,201 3,029 289 5,206 3 791 153 3,128 2,602 159 10,977 494 1 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable (1,311) (33) (63) (153) Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 101,787 15,602 20,594 12,201 1,099 9,845 93,855 165,653 1,323 5,104 8,168 14 2,794 7,261 18 1,000 543 362 7,964 1,129 5,259 33,351 1,018,987 703,659 190,156 1,115 23,729 869 4,391 121 12 14,353 1,778 99 6,810 952 1,738 2,485 14,140 5 909 3,011 285 27,795 5,232 65,170 18,699 9,207 23,310 6,201 3,029 289 5,206 3 728 3,128 2,602 159 10,977 494 1 270 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1DBJF0 1DBJH1 1DBJH2 1DBJH3 1DBJL0 1DBJL1 1DBJT0 1DBKB0 1DBKC1 1DBKG0 1DBKL0 1DBLH0 1DBLS0 1DBLT0 1DBLT1 1DBMD0 1DBML0 1DBML1 1DBML2 1DBMM0 1DBMM1 1DBNW0 1DBPE0 1DBPP0 1DBPPD 1DBPT0 1DBRC0 1DBRC1 1DBRE1 1DBRG0 1DBRM0 1DBRR0 1DBRR1 1DBRR2 1DBRS0 1DBRS1 1DBRT0 1DBRW0 1DBRZ0 1DBSE0 1DBSF0 1DBSG0 1DBSJ0 1DBSM0 1DBSR0 1DBSS1 1DBTD0 1DBTF0 1DBTH0 1DBTL0 1DBTL1 1DBTP0 1DBVC0 1DBVR0 1DBWF0 1DBWH0 1DBWM0 1DBWT0 1DBWW0 1DBWW1 1DC007 1DC014 PI Jeffrey T Foster PI John HALSTEAD PI James HANEY PI John Hart PI John LITVAITIS PI J. Brent LOY PI James Taylor PI Kimberly BABBITT PI Kevin Culligan PI Kelly Giraud PI Katherine Lockwood PI Larry HARRIS PI COLSA Dean's Office PI Louis TISA PI Lisa Tiemann PI Mark DUCEY PI Mimi BECKER PI Marianne LITVAITIS PI Michael LESSER PI Maryellen Lutcavage PI Matthew MacManes PI Nancy Whitehouse PI Peter Erickson PI Peter PEKINS Colsa Prepaid - Intern. Desig. PI Paul TSANG PI Richard COTE PI Russell CONGALTON PI Robert ECKERT PI Raymond Grizzle PI Robert Mooney PI Robert ROBERTSON PI Ruth Reilly PI Rebecca Rowe PI Regina SMICK-ATTISANO PI Richard SMITH PI Robert Taylor PI Roger WELLS PI Robert ZSIGRAY PI Stephen Eisenhaure PI Serita Frey PI Stuart GRANDY PI Stephen JONES PI Subhash MINOCHA PI Sandra Rehan PI Stacia SOWER PI Thomas DAVIS PI Thomas FOXALL PI Theodore HOWARD PI Thomas LAUE PI Thomas LEE PI Thomas PISTOLE PI Vaughn Cooper PI Vernon Reinhold PI Wayne FAGERBERG PI W. Hunting HOWELL PI William MCDOWELL PI W Kelly Thomas PI Winsor WATSON PI Will WOLLHEIM Project Search Family Violence Research Confe Cash and Investments 38,531 711 2,404 211 4,081 67 1,179 28,035 885 155 20,860 157 11,076 25,728 704 546 10,367 25,761 698 5,536 93,483 1,182 39 8,274 (90,190) 13,799 28,236 17,084 243 2,906 1,076 209 8,618 203,499 1,619 1,755 106 432 112 79 2,700 1,876 3,778 4,627 211,696 16,336 3,173 1,553 5,193 1,918 1,221 2,100 207,666 1,506 604 2,523 81,594 4,437 4,753 13,059 1,722 50,233 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accounts Payable Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 38,531 711 2,404 211 4,081 67 1,179 28,035 885 155 20,860 157 11,076 25,693 704 546 10,367 25,761 698 5,536 93,393 1,182 7 8,274 13,799 28,236 17,084 243 2,906 1,076 209 8,618 203,499 1,619 1,755 106 432 112 79 2,700 1,876 3,778 4,627 211,696 16,336 3,173 1,553 5,193 1,918 1,221 2,100 207,666 1,506 597 2,523 81,521 4,437 4,753 13,059 1,222 50,233 (35) (90) (32) 90,190 (7) (73) (500) 271 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1DC020 1DC021 1DC028 1DC033 1DC035 1DC044 1DC045 1DC046 1DC054 1DC055 1DC058 1DC061 1DC063 1DC064 1DC065 1DC066 1DC067 1DC068 1DC069 1DC070 1DC073 1DC074 1DC075 1DC076 1DC077 1DC078 1DC079 1DC420 1DC5SO 1DCABC 1DCAC1 1DCAL3 1DCAM1 1DCAS1 1DCBB2 1DCBF1 1DCBG1 1DCBM1 1DCBW1 1DCCF1 1DCCG1 1DCCM1 1DCCP1 1DCCR1 1DCCV1 1DCDB2 1DCDF1 1DCDK2 1DCDP1 1DCDP2 1DCDP3 1DCDP4 1DCDW2 1DCEA1 1DCEC1 1DCED1 1DCEH3 1DCEH4 1DCER1 1DCEVW 1DCEW1 1DCFA1 Replication Study On Violence UNH Survey Center Spaulding Fund Cultural Events Hire Faculty for Underrep Group Literacy Lab Summer Youth Music School Clark Terry/UNH Festival Theater Resources for Youth Piano Extension Program Image Making Writing Project Family Research Lab Music String Education Project COLA Non-Cap Small Projects Composition Pgm Royalties Fund Stonyfield Entrepreneurship Inst Carsey Center Operations The Democracy Imperative The Confucius Institute Sustainable Microenterprise Dev Fun Psychology Research Support Fund Int'l Conference on Social Stress NH Listens Facilitator Training McConnell Fund Cert in Community Development Finan NECoPA Conference Future Leaders Institute Camp Power Play Interactive Theatre Elliot - Center for NE Culture Graduate Education Award Alt Break Challenge - AMST 444 PI Andrew Christie PI Alynna Lyon PI Andrew MacPherson PI Andrew Smith PI Benjamin Cliff Brown PI Burt Feintuch PI Brett Gibson PI Bruce Mallory PI Barbara Wauchope PI Cathy Frierson PI Curt Grimm PI Clair Malarte-Feldman PI Charles Putnam PI Cesar Rebellon PI Cynthia Van Zandt PI Dennis Britton PI David Finkelhor PI Delia Konzett PI David Pillemer PI Donna Perkins PI Danielle Pillet-Shore PI Diane Pimentel PI David Watters PI ELEANOR ABRAMS PI Ellen Cohn PI Eun Kyeong Cho PI Eleanor Harrison-Buck PI Elyse Hambacher PI Emilie Reagan Ending Violence/Women on Campus PI Ethel Wolper PI Funso Afolayan Cash and Investments 754 21,771 901 5 22,380 158,474 2,125 189,664 3,762 (5,202) 105 303 4,454 30,310 194 (731) 10 14,214 (86,483) 13,729 14,596 210 15,773 5,352 1,776 10,700 (157) 4,849 20 981 87 1,855 1 19,314 2,934 2,756 6,265 133 2,635 504 11,366 1 2,637 42,480 131 2,364 264,338 1,281 18,949 330 11,700 5,000 6,997 39,124 9,353 91 482 2,000 3,000 25,874 17 417 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accounts Payable Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 754 110,888 151 5 22,380 7,397 2,125 131,224 3,762 36,848 105 303 4,454 30,310 194 3,004 10 14,214 4,851 13,729 14,530 210 15,773 3,200 426 2,579 4,849 20 981 87 1,855 1 19,314 2,934 2,756 6,231 133 2,635 504 11,366 1 2,637 42,480 131 2,364 264,338 1,281 18,949 330 11,700 5,000 6,997 39,124 9,353 91 482 2,000 3,000 25,874 17 417 89,117 (750) (202) (150,875) (1,492) (56,948) 42,055 (5) 4,167 (432) 93,936 (2,602) (66) (2,152) (1,350) (10,700) 2,736 (34) 272 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1DCFDR 1DCFVT 1DCHC1 1DCHT1 1DCJB2 1DCJC2 1DCJG2 1DCJH1 1DCJH3 1DCJK2 1DCJLB 1DCJM1 1DCJM2 1DCJN2 1DCJO1 1DCJR2 1DCJR3 1DCJS1 1DCJV1 1DCJW2 1DCKD1 1DCKE2 1DCKH1 1DCKJ1 1DCKL1 1DCKS1 1DCKV1 1DCLC1 1DCLH1 1DCLJ1 1DCLL1 1DCLP1 1DCLS1 1DCMB1 1DCMD1 1DCMD3 1DCMD4 1DCMD5 1DCMER 1DCMF1 1DCMH1 1DCMK1 1DCML1 1DCML2 1DCMM1 1DCMM2 1DCMR1 1DCMS3 1DCMTR 1DCND1 1DCNJ1 1DCNP1 1DCPC1 1DCPG1 1DCPSP 1DCPU1 1DCPUN 1DCRD2 1DCRG1 1DCRM1 1DCRR1 1DCRS1 COLA Faculty Desktop Fox Valley Technical College PI Holly Cashman PI Heather Turner PI William J Bolster PI Jade Caines PI Jan Golinski PI William Harris PI Joel Hartter PI John Kirkpatrick Journalism Lab Fund PI Jill A McGaughy PI Judith Moyer PI John (Tony) Nevin PI Joseph Onosko PI Judith Robb PI Julia Rodriguez PI Judy Sharkey PI James Varn PI Janis Wolak PI Kurk Dorsey PI Katie Edwards PI Kevin Healey PI Kenneth Johnson PI Kimberly Lema PI Kristin E Smith PI Karen Van Gundy PI Leslie Couse PI Lawrence Hamilton PI Lisa Jones PI Lina Lee PI Lawrence Prelli PI Lucy Salyer PI Marla Brettschneider PI Melissa Deem PI Marion Girard Dorsey PI Marco Dofsman PI Marcos Del Hierro Music Equipment Replacement PI Michael Ferber PI Meghan Howey PI Mardi Kidwell PI Michelle Leichtman PI Mary Stampone PI Marybeth Mattingly PI Michael Middleton PI Maya Ravindranath PI Michael Swack Mock Trial Justice Studies Experien PI Nora Addario Draper PI Nathan Jorgensen PI Natalie Porter PI Pablo Chavajay PI Piero Garofalo School of Public Service & Policy PI Peter Urquhart Project United Nations PI Robert Drugan PI Rebecca Glauber PI Robert Mair PI Robert Ross PI Robin Sheriff Cash and Investments 56,342 (46,595) 263 32,873 2,540 18,996 1,091 26 8 30 12,678 328 163 3,604 66 15 1,881 110 443 3,972 8 15,339 1,489 1,198 1 539 3,081 2,390 653 6,368 19 567 434 1,073 300 200 83 3,500 51,727 13,537 9,551 1,924 2 3,495 4,278 145 2,775 20 4,475 8,000 2,000 16,000 525 458 1 242 3,426 31 437 10,273 102,754 4,198 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 56,342 6,989 263 32,873 2,540 18,996 26 8 30 12,678 328 163 3,604 66 15 1,881 110 443 3,972 8 15,339 1,489 1,198 1 539 3,081 2,390 653 6,368 19 567 434 1,073 300 200 83 3,500 51,727 13,537 9,551 823 2 3,495 4,278 145 2,775 20 4,475 8,000 2,000 16,000 525 458 1 242 3,426 31 437 10,273 102,754 4,198 53,584 (1,091) (1,101) 273 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1DCSG1 1DCSH1 1DCSP1 1DCSP2 1DCSS1 1DCSV1 1DCSW1 1DCTD1 1DCTIX 1DCTN1 1DCTS2 1DCVB1 1DCVG1 1DCWD1 1DCWM1 1DCWS1 1DCWT1 1DCWW2 1DD010 1DD013 1DD020 1DD027 1DD033 1DD036 1DD037 1DD038 1DD039 1DD041 1DD043 1DD044 1DD046 1DD047 1DD048 1DD053 1DD058 1DD061 1DD062 1DD063 1DD064 1DD066 1DD068 1DD069 1DD071 1DD072 1DD073 1DD314 1DD404 1DD405 1DD406 1DD407 1DDAD0 1DDAK0 1DDAL1 1DDAW0 1DDBC0 1DDBC1 1DDBF0 1DDBK0 1DDCA0 1DDCB0 1DDCEI 1DDCG0 PI Suzanne Graham PI Sameer Honwad PI Sharyn Potter PI Svetlana Peshkova PI Scott Schnepf PI Stacy VanDeveer PI Sally Ward PI Todd DeMitchell Performing Arts Box Office PI THOMAS NEWKIRK PI Thomas Safford PI Victoria Banyard PI Virginia Garland PI Willem deVries PI William Maddocks PI William Stine PI Winston Thompson PI Wendy Walsh Oil Spill Response Short Course Well Screens-Ballestero Sculp Surf Machining Conference WERC Contest Earth Science Club Ctr for Spills in the Environment Shallow Water Survey Conferenc CEPS Career Counseling & Outreach Engineers without Borders - UNH Paleomagnetism Analysis (W.Clyde) Organic Syntheses Int'l Hydrographic Charting Website Stormwater Demonstrations ICP Instrument Computational Mechanics Lab Project54 Software AttoM Lab Sedimentology Lab Cosmogenic Isotope Lab UNH Civil Engineer Alumni Astronomy Festival Tech Camp CEPS Alumni Society AUI 2012 UP-2-NIH 2013-14 Award A-Lot Monitoring - Stormwater Nanostructured Polymers Res Ctr PI Internal Research Support Parsons Rededication Fund Turbulence Workshop - Fall 2013 EPIC Summer Camp MDPI Travel Fund PI Allen Drake PI Andrew Kun PI Anne Lightbody PI Alison Watts PI Barbaros Celikkol PI Brian Calder PI Barry Fussell PI Brad Kinsey PI C. Amato-Wierda PI Christopher Bauer Civil Engr. Internally Designated PI Charles Goodspeed Cash and Investments 588 6,500 46 73 13 4,580 76 204 1,751 14 20,903 1,585 346 241 1,413 200 5,000 2,644 37 6,338 68 4,039 446 3,763 18,138 988 5,406 88 5,049 207 13,411 23,088 1,358 746 228,334 479 22,260 15,122 4,808 109,792 10,608 12,810 6,000 23,257 5,316 2,690,748 1,343 1,206 22,631 2,225 10 45,174 59,652 8,234 8,234 2,639 13,076 4,555 1,217 185 1,773 14,706 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accounts Payable (321) (9) (61) (315) (401) (185) Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 588 6,500 46 73 13 4,580 76 204 1,430 14 20,894 1,585 346 241 1,413 200 5,000 2,644 37 6,338 68 4,039 446 3,763 18,138 988 5,406 88 5,049 207 13,350 23,088 1,358 746 228,334 479 22,260 15,122 4,808 109,792 10,608 12,810 6,000 23,257 5,316 2,690,748 1,343 1,206 22,631 2,225 10 45,174 59,652 8,234 8,234 2,639 12,761 4,154 1,217 1,773 14,706 274 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1DDCHI 1DDCSI 1DDCW0 1DDCW1 1DDCZ0 1DDDB0 1DDDB1 1DDDC0 1DDDF0 1DDDF2 1DDDG0 1DDDH0 1DDDL0 1DDDM1 1DDDM2 1DDDS0 1DDEB0 1DDEB1 1DDEH0 1DDEL0 1DDENV 1DDERG 1DDEV0 1DDEW0 1DDFH0 1DDGC0 1DDGL0 1DDGM0 1DDGS0 1DDGW0 1DDHM0 1DDHV0 1DDHW0 1DDIK0 1DDINT 1DDIT0 1DDJB0 1DDJB1 1DDJC0 1DDJD0 1DDJD1 1DDJD4 1DDJG3 1DDJH0 1DDJH2 1DDJJ0 1DDJJ3 1DDJK0 1DDJK1 1DDJL0 1DDJL1 1DDJL2 1DDJM2 1DDJS0 1DDJT1 1DDJW1 1DDKB2 1DDKC0 1DDKEI 1DDKG0 1DDKG1 1DDKG2 Chemistry Internally Designated Comp Science Internally Designated PI Colin Ware PI Christopher White PI Charles Zercher PI RD Bergeron PI Dale Barkey PI Dennis Chasteen PI David Feldman PI Diane Foster PI David Gress PI Donald Hadwin PI David Lashmore PI Dawn Meredith #2 PI David Monahan PI Don Sundberg PI Erin Santini Bell PI Erik Berda PI Edward Hinson PI Ernst Linder CEPS Environmental Engineering Environment Research Group PI Elizabeth Varki PI Edward Wong PI FW Hersman PI Gregory Chini PI Gonghu Li PI Glenn Miller PI Glenn Shwaery PI Gary Weisman PI Howard Mayne PI Harish Vashisth PI HaiYing Wang PI Ioannis Korkolis CEPS Departmental Incentive PI Igor Tsukrov PI Jean Benoit PI Julia Bryce PI John Calarco PI JM Davis PI Jo Daniel PI Judson DeCew PI John F. Gibson PI Jochen Heisenberg PI James Houle PI Jennifer Jacobs PI Joel E. Johnson PI James Krzanowski PI Jospeh Klewicki PI John Lacourse PI Jo Laird PI Joseph M. Liccardi PI James Malley PI Junhao Shen PI John Tsavalas PI James Weiner PI Kenneth Baldwin PI Kent Chamberlin Chemical Engr Internally Designated PI Karen Graham PI Kevin Gardner PI Kai Germaschewski Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable 1,099 317 112 7,989 19,397 16,842 1,123 76 300 68,611 108 2,200 10,375 692 8,512 6,153 1,567 6,686 464 443 43,765 118,243 33,707 6,697 494 36,207 3,082 21,586 3,975 3,413 5,666 291,619 41,926 44,477 1,327,426 18,257 298 1,259 996 1,067 13 6,582 12,498 6,176 11,983 31,631 445 2,078 1,624 323 832 886 1,325 17,407 910 17 8,239 3,203 Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable (740) (2,603) (411) 17,000 25,605 16,427 9,325 Prepaid and Other Assets Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 1,099 317 112 7,989 19,397 16,842 1,123 76 300 68,611 108 2,200 10,375 692 8,512 6,153 1,567 6,686 464 443 43,765 118,243 33,707 6,697 494 36,207 3,082 21,586 3,975 3,413 5,666 291,619 41,926 44,477 1,326,686 18,257 298 1,259 996 1,067 13 6,582 9,895 6,176 11,572 31,631 445 2,078 1,624 323 832 886 1,325 17,407 910 17 8,239 3,203 17,000 25,605 16,427 9,325 275 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1DDKJ0 1DDKP0 1DDKS0 1DDKS2 1DDKS3 1DDKW0 1DDLG0 1DDLK1 1DDLL0 1DDLM0 1DDLW0 1DDMAI 1DDMB1 1DDMC1 1DDMC2 1DDMEI 1DDMG1 1DDMG2 1DDMH0 1DDMK0 1DDML2 1DDMS0 1DDMT0 1DDMW0 1DDNG0 1DDNK0 1DDNK1 1DDOE0 1DDOM0 1DDPB0 1DDPH0 1DDPHI 1DDPJ0 1DDPM0 1DDPO0 1DDPS0 1DDPV0 1DDQY0 1DDRB0 1DDRC0 1DDRC2 1DDRC3 1DDRH0 1DDRJ0 1DDRJ1 1DDRK0 1DDRM0 1DDRM1 1DDRP0 1DDRR1 1DDSA1 1DDSD0 1DDSM0 1DDSM1 1DDSP1 1DDST0 1DDSV0 1DDTB0 1DDTF1 1DDTG0 1DDTL1 1DDTS0 PI Kyung Jae Jeong PI Karsten Pohl PI Kevin Short PI Kurt D. Schwehr PI Karl Slifer PI Kang Wu PI Ge PI Linda Kalnejais PI LINYUAN LI PI Larry Mayer PI Lawrence Ward Math Internally Designated PI Margaret Boettcher PI Michael Carter PI MR Collins Mech Engr Internally Designated PI Margaret Greenslade PI Majid Ghayoomi PI Maurik Holtrop PI Marko Knezevic PI Mark Lyon PI Marianna Shubov PI May-Win Thein PI Martin Wosnik PI NIVEDITA GUPTA PI Nancy Kinner PI Nicholas Kirsch PI Olof Echt Center for Coastal & Ocean Mapping PI Berglund Internally Designated PI Phillip Hatcher Physics Internally Designated PI Paul D. Johnson PI Paula McWilliam PI Paul J. Ossenbruggen PI Patricia Solvignon PI PT Vasudevan PI Qiaoyan Yu PI Radim Bartos PI Raymond Cook PI Russell Carr PI Rosemary Came PI Robert Henry PI Richard Johnson PI Robert Jerard PI Richard Kaufmann PI Richard Messner PI Ricardo Medina PI Roy Planalp PI Robert Russell #2 PI MR Swift PI Semme Dijkstra PI Sharon McCrone PI Samuel B. Mukasa PI Samuel Pazicni PI Sterling Tomellini PI Scott Valcourt PI Thomas Ballestero PI Tat Fu PI Todd Gross PI Thomas Lippmann PI Tedd Sparr Cash and Investments 224,134 12,288 47 752 5,660 121,642 233 21,161 154 1,116,881 123 10,908 40,972 82 50 1,331 81,407 182,247 32,947 101,979 3,918 5,859 1,900 2,604 4,654 3,968 36,017 6,129 1,182,712 4,365 101 1,097 2,626 7,200 526 61,102 28,353 82,619 278 379 1,476 74,647 13,965 2,200 1,899 6,393 586 387 2,297 2,188 16,844 112 2,535 575,126 17,109 537 2,781 2,530 113,171 4,423 16,721 145 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable (1,468) (11) (413) (16) (93) Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 224,134 12,288 47 752 5,660 121,642 233 21,161 154 1,115,413 123 10,908 40,961 82 50 1,331 81,407 182,247 32,947 101,979 3,918 5,859 1,900 2,604 4,654 3,968 36,017 6,129 1,182,712 4,365 101 1,097 2,626 7,200 526 61,102 28,353 82,619 278 379 1,476 74,647 13,965 2,200 1,899 6,393 586 387 2,297 2,188 16,844 112 2,535 574,713 17,109 537 2,781 2,530 113,155 4,423 16,628 145 276 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1DDTW0 1DDVM0 1DDWC0 1DDWKS 1DDWM0 1DDWR0 1DDWS0 1DDXT0 1DDYL1 1DDYR0 1DE001 1DE002 1DE003 1DE004 1DE005 1DE336 1DE337 1DE357 1DE3FP 1DE500 1DE600 1DEAE2 1DEAP1 1DEAV1 1DEAV2 1DEBA1 1DEBP1 1DECB1 1DECB2 1DECS1 1DECW2 1DEDD1 1DEES1 1DEES2 1DEEX1 1DEFK1 1DEFW1 1DEGY1 1DEHA1 1DEHSP 1DEJF1 1DEJH1 1DEJH3 1DEJH4 1DEJL1 1DEJS1 1DEKC1 1DEKC2 1DELB1 1DELB2 1DELG1 1DELR1 1DELW1 1DEMB1 1DEMB2 1DEMC1 1DEMG1 1DEMM1 1DEMO1 1DENB1 1DENN1 1DERB1 PI Thomas Weber PI VK Mathur PI William Clyde CCOM/JHS Workshops PI WT Miller PI Wheeler Ruml PI William Seitz PI Xiaowei Teng PI Yaning Li PI - Yuri Rzhanov Gittell IT Faculty Development Gran Marketing Projects Dec Science IS Projects Decision Science Entrepreneur Intrn Post Tenure Fac Development Rosenberg Faculty Chair Rosenberg Franchise Center Gourmet Dinner Executive Programs Liquor Inquiry Course Program Up 2 NIH - Reagan Bauhgman Earle, Andrew - Internal Support Pescosolido, A Tuck - Internal Supp PI A.R.Venkatachalam Internal Support-Venky Venkatachala Akdeniz, Billur - Internal Support Internal Support-Bruce Pfeiffer Internal Support Carole Barnett Internal Support C Barrows Internal Support Christine Shea Internal Support-Craig Wood Internal Support Devkamel Dutta PI Eleanne Solorzano Internal Support-Evangelos Simos Internal Support Emily Xu Internal Support Fred Kaen Wilson, Fiona - Internal Support Internal Support Goksel Yalcinkaya Internal Support Hachemi Aliouche Hospitality Sponsorship Fund Franczak, Jennifer - Internal Suprt PI Ju-Chin Huang Ju-Chin Huang-Internal Support Hasseldine, John - Internal Support Internal Support Jun Li PI Jeff Sohl PI Karen Smith Conway Karen Conway-Internal Support Bstieler - Internal Support Fund Ludwig Bstieler - PI Help Fund Guo, Lin - Internal Support Ragland, Linda - Internal Support Internal Support-LeWang Internal Support-Melissa Bishop Internal Support - Mostafa Beshkar PI Mary Collins Internal Support-Michael Goldberg Internal Support Michael Merenda Ozlanski, Michael - Internal Supprt Barber, Nelson - Internal Support Internal Support Neil Niman PI Reagan Baughman Cash and Investments 246 1,321 3,153 1,442 47,752 60,481 293 673 98,221 3,138 3,075 (500) 570 9,930 18,560 34,164 7,896 753 1,952 58,143 2,860 17,408 500 120,306 706 916 801 2,555 4,586 4,520 2,137 3,378 221 1,200 1,840 585 12,449 8,667 4,836 36,883 908 1,615 6,436 589 2,052 78,621 1 323 590 2,525 2,980 7,954 2 569 527 83,149 109 1,034 7,954 39 694 284 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 246 1,321 3,153 1,442 47,752 60,481 293 673 98,221 3,138 3,075 570 9,930 18,560 34,164 7,896 753 1,952 58,143 2,860 17,408 500 120,306 706 916 801 2,555 4,586 4,520 2,137 3,378 221 1,200 1,840 585 12,449 8,667 4,836 36,883 908 1,615 6,436 589 2,052 78,621 1 323 590 2,525 2,980 7,954 2 569 527 83,149 109 1,034 7,954 39 694 284 500 277 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1DERE1 1DERG1 1DERG2 1DERM2 1DESD1 1DESJ1 1DETA1 1DETG1 1DETS2 1DEUS1 1DEVD1 1DEVK1 1DEWN1 1DEWX1 1DEYL1 1DF001 1DF002 1DF004 1DF009 1DF011 1DF012 1DF016 1DF017 1DF018 1DF019 1DF020 1DF021 1DF022 1DF023 1DF025 1DF026 1DF027 1DF029 1DF031 1DF032 1DF033 1DF034 1DF035 1DF036 1DF037 1DF038 1DF039 1DF040 1DF041 1DF042 1DF043 1DF044 1DF050 1DF056 1DFAB1 1DFAC1 1DFAD2 1DFAH1 1DFAS1 1DFAT1 1DFAW1 1DFBB1 1DFBH1 1DFBN1 1DFBW1 1DFCD1 1DFCH1 Internal Support Richard England PI Ross Gittell Internal Support-Ross Gittell Robert Mohr-Internal Support Du, Shuili - Internal Support Jha, Sanjeev - Internal Support Internal Support - Tevfik Aktekin Gruen, Thomas - Internal Support Internal Support-Torsten Schmidt Internal Support Udo Schlentrich Internal Support Vanessa Druskat Kalargyrou, Valentini Internal Support-William Naumes Internal Support-Wenjuan Xie Internal Support Yixin Liu Cardiac Rehab Outdoor Pursuits Scuba Program Community Testing Fireside Program Sports Studies Kinesiology Workshop/Conf Social Work Workshop/Conf Occupational Therapy Workshop RMP Workshop/Conference CD Workshop/Conference Nursing Workshop/Conference Family Studies Conference/Workshop HMP Workshop/Conferences Fac/Staff fitness Behavioral Healthcare IOD Training Workshops Northeast Passage Fee Income NHIHPP Healthy UNH Medicaid Claiming HHS Strategic Initiatives START Center on Aging & Community Living Center for Inclusive Education Up 2 NIH - Semra Aytur RENEW CSDC Conferences and Workshops UP 2 NIH - Erik Swartz UP 2 NIH - Kerryellen & Sajay Up 2 NIH - JoAnne Malloy Assistive Technology Seacoast Clinic IOD - reserves PI Anne Broussard PI Amy Costello PI Ann Dillon PI Andrew Houtenville PI Lee Seidel PI Anita Tucker PI Allison Wilder PI Brent Bell PI Boyd Hegarty PI Bryan Ness PI Barbara White PI Charles Drum PI Chris Harrist Cash and Investments 21 45,083 2,545 3,709 7,073 208 3,900 737 2,731 750 750 1,705 1,908 5,520 1,346 9,975 3,108 115 9,914 634 204 72,530 79,411 42,554 76,173 95,850 74,437 98,203 46,949 14,999 10,780 1,629 36,036 184,379 156,060 373,825 267,865 (130,364) 2,692 6,289 14,349 5,192 1,836 2,615 4,107 4,110 6,534 1,473 67,898 338 9,467 151 17,923 944 112 8,415 3,341 3,214 1,196 1,163 24,685 6,375 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 21 45,083 2,545 3,709 7,073 208 3,900 737 2,731 750 750 1,705 1,908 5,520 1,346 9,975 3,108 115 9,914 634 204 72,530 79,389 42,554 76,173 95,850 74,275 98,203 46,791 14,999 10,780 64,147 184,341 156,060 373,711 267,735 25,227 5,600 9,681 14,349 8,258 1,836 2,615 4,107 4,110 6,534 2,757 62,039 338 9,467 151 17,923 944 112 8,415 3,341 3,214 1,196 1,163 24,685 6,375 (22) (162) (158) (629) 28,111 (1,000) (38) 184,323 3,216 3,392 5,241 (114) (130) (28,072) (308) (659) (660) (1,516) 1,284 (5,859) 278 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1DFCT1 1DFDB1 1DFDH1 1DFDH2 1DFDL1 1DFDL2 1DFDM1 1DFEH1 1DFEH2 1DFES1 1DFES2 1DFFSS 1DFG20 1DFGB1 1DFGH1 1DFHB1 1DFHD1 1DFJC2 1DFJG1 1DFJH1 1DFJL1 1DFJM1 1DFJM2 1DFJP3 1DFJR1 1DFJS1 1DFJS5 1DFJS6 1DFKC2 1DFKK1 1DFKV1 1DFLB1 1DFLD1 1DFLG1 1DFLK1 1DFLM1 1DFLZ1 1DFMB1 1DFMG1 1DFMM2 1DFMM3 1DFMS2 1DFMW1 1DFNT1 1DFNV1 1DFPA1 1DFPC1 1DFPD1 1DFPS1 1DFRC1 1DFRC2 1DFRK2 1DFRM1 1DFRW1 1DFSA1 1DFSA2 1DFSB1 1DFSC1 1DFSD1 1DFSF1 1DFSF2 1DFSH1 PI Corinne Tucker PI Debra Brucker PI David Hagner PI Dan Habib PI Dain LaRoche PI David Laflamme PI Dana Moser PI Ned Helms PI Elizabeth Humphreys PI Erik Swartz PI Erin Sharp Technology development grant Occ Therapy Student Clinical Reasng PI Gretchen Bean PI Gene Harkless PI Heather Barber PI Holly DeBlois PI Joyce Cappiello PI Jill Gravink PI Joan Hahn PI James Lewis PI Joanne Malloy PI Jerry Marx PI Josephine Porter PI Jeanne Ryer PI Janet Sable PI Jayson Seaman PI Joanne Samuels PI Karen Collins PI Kerry Kazura PI Kerryellen Vroman PI Linda Bimbo PI Laura Davie PI Lou Anne Griswold PI Lisa Kuh PI Les MacLeod PI Leigh Zoellick PI Mary Banach PI Michael Gass PI Michael McSheehan PI Monica McClain PI Mary Schuh PI Melissa Wells PI Nate Trauntvein PI Neil Vroman PI Peter Antal PI Patti Craig PI Pam Dinapoli PI Patrick Shannon PI Ronald Croce PI Rosemary Caron PI Ralph Klotzbaugh PI Robert McGrath PI Robert Woodward PI Sajay Arthanat PI Semra Aytur PI Steven Bornstein PI Summer Cook PI Sonke Dornblut PI Susan Fetzer PI Susan Fox PI Stephen Hardy Cash and Investments 538 1,500 8,823 249 448 610 47,161 8,325 1,383 316 3,785 7,373 5,712 1,374 10,012 2,245 81 10,000 493 11 2,697 16,531 28,007 4,015 367 8,647 3,418 586 765 12 6,368 6,534 11 7,838 8,992 4,800 785 7,088 44 1,880 22,248 8,505 5,299 4,295 3,029 952 5,638 432 2,931 11 6,761 10,000 2,033 47,788 8,285 13,890 9 16,413 1,348 31 59,789 4,142 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 538 1,500 8,823 249 448 610 47,161 7,966 1,383 316 3,785 7,373 5,712 1,374 10,012 2,245 81 10,000 493 11 2,697 16,531 28,007 4,015 367 8,647 3,418 586 423 12 6,368 6,534 11 4,496 8,992 4,800 785 7,088 44 1,880 22,248 8,505 5,299 4,295 3,029 952 5,638 432 2,931 11 6,761 10,000 2,033 47,788 8,285 13,890 9 16,413 1,348 31 59,789 4,142 (359) (342) (3,342) 279 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1DFSL1 1DFSM2 1DFSM3 1DFTP1 1DFTQ1 1DFTW1 1DFVS1 1DG006 1DG008 1DG010 1DG018 1DG021 1DG024 1DG3BW 1DG403 1DG404 1DG420 1DG430 1DG435 1DG436 1DG437 1DG438 1DG440 1DG442 1DG443 1DG445 1DG447 1DG448 1DGPPD 1DJ001 1DJ003 1DJ005 1DJ006 1DJ104 1DJ114 1DJ115 1DJ116 1DJ117 1DJ118 1DJ120 1DJ121 1DJ122 1DJ123 1DJ124 1DJ125 1DJ126 1DJ128 1DJ131 1DJ132 1DJ133 1DJ135 1DJ138 1DJ139 1DJ140 1DJ141 1DJ144 1DJ145 1DJ146 1DJ147 1DJ148 1DJ149 1DJ150 PI Susan Lord PI Shelley Mulligan PI Sharon Murphy PI Tobey Partch-Davies PI Timothy Quinn PI Therese Willkomm PI Vidya Sundar Paul & Dorothy T Hobbs Fund Presidents Discretionary UNH Fund - Unrestricted Council of Presidents Durham - It is Where You Live! Business Services Equip Replacement Venture Capital Endowment VPFA Discretionary Fund University Advancement John S. Elliott Trust Escrow Thompson Trust Escrow Whidden Trust Escrow Elizabeth Farmer McIninch Fund Edward & Diane Federman Endowment Bequests-Unrestricted to UNH Yakovakis Family Fund Univ Comm. Strategic Initiatives Alumni Strategic Initiatives Enrollment Management Initiative UNH Communications Summit Advancement Strategic Initiatives Advancement ID Prepaids VP Student Affairs Discretionary Safe Zone Program Police Drug Forfeiture Student to Student Dialogue Alabaster Blue NH Gentlemen NH Notables UNH Mock Trial Club Sigma Alpha Lambda Model United Nations SIGNAL NSSLHA Maiden Harmony Traveling Wildcats Improv Anonymous SMART Club UNH Italian Club Marketing & Advertising Club ISPE UNH Students for Life UNH Salsa Club Sisters in Step Student Nutrition Association UNH College Democrats UNH Order of Omega UNH Cooking Club UNH for One UNH INterfraternity Council Panhellenic Council French Club Delta Xi Phi UNH Wildlife Society Ecological Advocates Cash and Investments 1 420 1,750 14,077 809 18,015 4,411 7,906 242,933 1,529,921 142,690 5,731 30,519 8,618 2,129 1,200,157 580,408 31,889 17,099 3,065 68,232 58,870 3,215 17,047 66,407 13,615 1,630 225,000 (16,480) 5,992 256 33,511 6 686 2,154 1,911 27 150 243 1,021 990 1,420 1,013 468 100 727 626 43 262 34 2,159 1,114 421 7,307 238 102 11,506 1,260 696 4,507 257 110 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets 18,092 Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable (175,597) (17,047) 16,530 (50) Deposits and Unearned Revenues (128,833) Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 1 420 1,750 14,077 809 18,015 4,411 7,906 242,933 1,529,921 142,690 5,731 30,519 8,618 2,129 913,819 580,408 31,889 17,099 3,065 68,232 58,870 3,215 66,407 13,615 1,630 225,000 5,992 256 33,511 6 686 2,154 1,911 27 150 243 1,021 990 1,420 1,013 468 100 727 626 43 262 34 2,159 1,114 421 7,307 238 102 11,506 1,260 696 4,507 257 110 280 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1DJ151 1DJ152 1DJ153 1DJ155 1DJ156 1DJ157 1DJ159 1DJ160 1DJ161 1DJ162 1DJ163 1DJ164 1DJ168 1DJ169 1DJ172 1DJ174 1DJ175 1DJ176 1DJ177 1DJ178 1DJ179 1DJ180 1DJ181 1DJ182 1DJ183 1DJ184 1DJ186 1DJ187 1DJ188 1DJ189 1DJ190 1DJ191 1DJ193 1DJ196 1DJ197 1DJ198 1DJ199 1DJ200 1DJ201 1DJ202 1DJ203 1DJ205 1DJ208 1DJ209 1DJ210 1DJ211 1DJ212 1DJ213 1DJ214 1DJ215 1DJ217 1DJ219 1DJ220 1DJ221 1DJ222 1DJ223 1DJ224 1DJ225 1DJ227 1DJ228 1DJ229 1DJ231 Sigma Alpha Sorority Assoc of Exercise Science Students SHARPP STAND Health Outreach Club Recreation Society Sigma Phi Epsilon Greek Independent Board Alternative Break Challenge Golden Key Int'l Honour Society Dairy Club Not Too Sharp Freshman Camp Habitat for Humanity-UNH Alpha Delta Phi Society Oxfam UNH Psychology Club Nat'l Society of Leadership/Success Pre Vet Club Pre Dental Society Society of Women Engineers UNH Energy Club Hospitality Sales and Marketing Student Nursing Organization Kappa Kappa Psi Alpha Kappa Psi Alpha Chi Sigma Stonewall Grads Hillel Amer Society for Microbiology Students for Liberty CommUNHiversity Business Starters PAWS Program Club Managers Assc of America American Sign Language Club Pi Kappa Phi UNH Slow Food Nat'l Society of Black Engineers Phi Alpha Honor Society Chess Club Waysmeet Student Association Assoc of Students United by Music Active Minds UNH NORML Best Buddies UNH Eta Sigma Delta Off the clef Leadership Program Owr Wirdz Sigma Alpha epsilon Alpha Phi Omega Sigma Chi - Upsilon Anime Club Society of Physics Students Paranormal Club Eta Sigma Phi Red Cross Club Aspiring Hands Hospitality Financial and Tech Pros American Society of Civil Engineers ChildVoice UNH Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 20,792 3,147 15,250 264 14 404 20 783 5,183 576 1,099 252 6,182 369 899 224 164 3,004 839 223 964 246 437 555 473 1,731 427 798 3,066 1,925 9 404 40 46,889 526 10 63 175 688 1,629 102 259 16 2,187 15 702 1,885 1,317 375 230 772 9,160 906 67 962 183 1,882 593 446 164 9,016 318 20,792 3,147 15,250 264 14 404 20 783 5,183 576 1,099 252 6,182 369 899 224 164 3,004 839 223 964 246 437 555 473 1,731 427 798 3,066 1,925 9 404 40 46,889 526 10 63 175 688 1,629 102 259 16 2,187 15 702 1,885 1,317 375 230 772 9,160 906 67 962 183 1,882 593 446 164 9,016 318 281 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1DJ232 1DJ233 1DJ235 1DJ238 1DJ239 1DJ240 1DJ245 1DJ247 1DJ248 1DJ249 1DJ250 1DJ251 1DJ252 1DJ253 1DJ254 1DJ256 1DJ260 1DJ261 1DJ262 1DJ264 1DJ266 1DJCLB 1DJCTE 1DJJUD 1DJPD0 1DJRHC 1DJSAF 1DJSAU 1DK042 1DK047 1DK051 1DK052 1DK053 1DK054 1DK055 1DK056 1DK057 1DKBCE 1DL001 1DL002 1DL003 1DL004 1DLG01 1DLMUS 1DLSTE 1DLWR1 1DQTRN 1DR001 1DR002 1DR003 1DR004 1DR005 1DR007 1DREHM 1DREHS 1DREPS 1DRIOL 1DRIRC 1DRJN0 1DRMP0 1DRNIH 1DRNSF Indian Subcontinent Students' Assoc Silver Wings-Cunningham Chapter UNH Freestyle Figure Skating Club Support for Support UNH Yellow Ribbon Club Phi Mu Delta Alpha Epsilon Delta UNH Birding Club UNH Relay for Life UNH VOX (Voices Planned Parenthood) National Assoc. for Music Education AIChE Women in Business Sigma Tau Delta Kappa Sigma Students for St. Jude German Club Sandpaper Student Occ. Therapy Assoc. Animal Welfare Alliance Teachers of Tomorrow Student club on campus activity Counseling Center Case Mgmt. Community Standards PI Paul Dean Residence Hall Council UNH Student Activity Fee Sexual Assault in Crim Just Sys CIS USNH External Training Program Student SSN Repl Project CPE Learning Mgt Sys - AT Central IT Projects TCS System-wide Projects Academic Tech Initiative Projects Project Management Initiative Online Program Support Broadband Center of Exellence Helena M. Milne Endowed Fund Bookstore Inventory Fund Small Workshops Bookstore URI Library School Account Museum Surplus Fund STEM Backfile PI William Ross Transportation F&A Revenue VP Research Discretionary Indirect Cost Reserve VPR Royalties Inventor Royalty Share Patent Support Costs Royalties Receipts EH&S Emergency Mitigation Fund Environmental Legal Settlements PI NH EPSCoR PI InterOperability Laboratory NHIRC Administrative Fees PI Jan Nisbet Marine Program Structure Exploratio Up2NIH Research Development Program Making Your NSF-Forts Count Cash and Investments 86 54 1,214 25 65 151 67 148 92 80 92 47 384 539 701 132 7 324 1,061 478 34 14,891 180,000 31,156 93 28,039 291,715 3,248 1,311,143 13,278 202,006 50,820 1,468,460 694,771 679,504 706,925 521,630 51,125 2,407 13,525 19,949 117,454 17,145 350 1,840 98 115,251 4 148,459 544,096 3,725 435,976 4,280 39,229 53,918 17,353 1,638,022 171,475 30,476 5,863 4,711 2,597 Accounts & Notes Receivable 4,835 Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable (3,067) (152,109) (4,815) (77,205) (29,383) (11,825) (2,550) (10,563) (279) (4,424) Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 86 54 1,214 25 65 151 67 148 92 80 92 47 384 539 701 132 7 324 1,061 478 34 14,891 180,000 31,156 93 28,039 293,483 3,248 1,159,034 13,278 202,006 50,820 1,463,645 617,566 679,504 706,925 521,630 21,742 2,407 1,700 19,949 117,454 17,145 350 1,840 98 115,251 4 148,459 544,096 1,175 435,976 4,280 28,666 53,918 17,353 1,638,022 171,196 30,476 5,863 287 2,597 282 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1DRPM0 1DRRPC 1DRVPR 1DSDIS 1DSHOC 1DTCIP 1DTECD 1DTFCM 1DU004 1DU005 1DU007 1DUHIF 1DUINV 1DUPSG 1DUPSI 1DUPSQ 1DUSAC 1DUSTF 1DX2AD 1DX2AM 1DX2AP 1DX2AQ 1DX2AT 1DX2BI 1DX2CC 1DX2CO 1DX2CP 1DX2CS 1DX2DG 1DX2EG 1DX2FD 1DX2FE 1DX2FS 1DX2FT 1DX2GB 1DX2HM 1DX2IP 1DX2LL 1DX2ME 1DX2NT 1DX2OT 1DX2PB 1DX2PC 1DX2PT 1DX2SA 1DX2SP 1DX2TA 1DX2XQ 1DXAE1 1DXAS1 1DXBD1 1DXBK1 1DXCAN 1DXCB1 1DXCC1 1DXCED 1DXCET 1DXCF1 1DXCN1 1DXCS1 1DXCV1 1DXCYF PI Patrick Messer - IDC Return PI ORPC SVPR Strategic Initiatives Athletic Dir Discretionary Fnd Hockey Discretionary Fund Durham Capital Improvement Projects ECD Designated Energy Forward Capacity Mkt Spaulding Memorial Fund Executive Search Funds Endowment Management Fee UNH Health Initiatives Fund Inventories- UNH President's Strat Fund- Fringe FY14 President's Strategic Initiatives Strategic Fund-USNH Quasi Payoout Student Awards Compensation Fund UNH Separation Fund Coop Ex Administration America On the Move APR Kits Extnesion Fisheries Training Agriculture Training Natural Resources Business Institut Community Conservation Prgm Computer Maintenance Extension Community Profiles 4-H Camp Scholarships Extension Diagnostic Services e-GRO Program 4-H Youth Programs Bullying & Civility Food Safety Program Forestry Training Coastal Research Volunteer Program Holistic Management Program IPM News Lakes Lay Monitoring Prog Marine Education Programs Coop Ext-Nutrition Training Ornamental Team Programs CE Publication Center Peterson Cruise Pesticide Applicator Training Soil Analysis Information System Supportive Connections Operation Militiary Kids Programs Water Quality Training PI Alan Eaton PI Amanda Stone PI Brain Doyle PI Brian Krug Agriculture & Natural Res Business PI Charlene Baxter PI Charlotte Cross Community Development Economic Development PI Charles French PI Catherine Neal PI Cheryl Smith PI Catherine Violette Youth Families & Communities Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets 49,050 650 1,008,567 60 14,164 2,499,608 1,231,437 1,283,056 16,138 100,000 416 145,246 Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income (120,441) 1,425,380 3,255,000 868,247 349,000 525 5,435,476 120,555 8,902 2,480 27,840 34,845 4,720 30,422 475 14,562 9,029 23,732 1 64,340 7,094 86,809 40,795 2,524 8,579 2,516 16,436 14,205 10,424 (115) 19,286 5,325 62,513 16,576 5,983 295 31,449 1,880 5,073 2,398 113 2,170 1,673 4,234 10,470 2,500 4,706 1,846 490 4,584 1,300 (5,195,598) (284) (154) (11) (892) (367) (1,210) (116) (634) (417) (1,496) (390) (245,425) Total Net Position 49,050 650 1,008,567 60 14,164 2,379,167 1,231,437 1,283,056 16,138 100,000 416 145,246 1,425,380 3,255,000 868,247 349,000 525 (5,547) 120,271 8,902 2,480 27,840 34,691 4,720 30,411 475 14,562 9,029 23,732 1 63,448 7,094 86,442 39,585 2,408 8,579 2,516 15,802 13,788 10,424 (115) 19,286 5,325 62,513 16,576 5,983 295 29,953 1,880 5,073 2,008 113 2,170 1,673 4,234 10,470 2,500 4,706 1,846 490 4,584 1,300 283 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1DXDC1 1DXDL1 1DXDR1 1DXEC1 1DXFAH 1DXFFV 1DXFJE 1DXFLG 1DXFM1 1DXFMA 1DXFMG 1DXGH1 1DXJM1 1DXJS1 1DXKB1 1DXKL1 1DXME1 1DXMK1 1DXMM1 1DXMS1 1DXMT1 1DXMW1 1DXNCN 1DXNFR 1DXNWF 1DXPC1 1DXRG1 1DXSA1 1DXSB1 1DXSC1 1DXSCC 1DXSJ1 1DXSK1 1DXYFH 1DXYPL 1DXYTA 1DXYTP 1DZ360 1DZABC 1DZAGA 1DZAMB 1DZAMC 1DZAPA 1DZAPB 1DZARC 1DZASA 1DZASB 1DZBCA 1DZBMA 1DZBRA 1DZCFA 1DZCGA 1DZCHA 1DZCJA 1DZCLA 1DZCLB 1DZCN1 1DZCN2 1DZCNA 1DZCNF 1DZCSA 1DZCSR PI Darrel Covell PI Deborah Luppold PI Daniel Reidy PI Erik Chapman Animal Husbandry & Forage Crops Fruit & Vegetable Crop Production NRS & MG Joint Cont Ed Committee Landscape & Greenhouse Horticulture PI Frank Mitchell PI Matthew Tarr NH Master Gardener Association PI George Hamilton PI Julia Steed Mawson PI Jeffrey Schloss PI Karen Bennett PI Kenneth LeValley PI Mary Tebo PI Michael Koski PI Malcolm Smith PI Micheal Sciabarrasi PI Mary Temke PI Mark Wiley Communities & Natural Resources Forest Resources Wildlife & Fisheries PI Julia Peterson PI Rebecca Grube PI Sarah Smith PI Shane Bradt PI Sharon Cowen SC DOC Second Chance PI Stephen Judd PI Suzanne Knight 4-H Youth Development Positive Learning Enviroments Youth Rockingham County WS Afterschool Programs Marine Program Pier PI Amitava Bhattacharjee PI Antoinette Galvin Coastal & Ocean Technology Programs AMAC Service Center PI Alexander Pszenny PI Alexander Prusevich Geographic Information Systems(GIS) PI Annette Schloss IPY Outreach PI Ben Chandran PI Robert McKibben PI Barry Rock PI Charles Farrugia PI Christopher Glass PI Chia-Lin Huang PI Carolyn Jordan PI Changsheng Li PI Clifford Lopate 1DZCN1-UZSP00 Conference 1DZCN2-UZSP00 Conference 2 PI Chung-Sang Ng SSC Conferences PI Charles Smith, III CSRC Meetings Cash and Investments 1,464 33,535 131 691 2,473 4,824 1,530 22,967 1,898 70 594 749 391 6,564 912 7,798 541 99 5,718 820 6,305 2,221 117 87 89 31,354 1,901 1,566 1,526 84 7,001 199 188 3,773 4,255 269 5,045 21,875 6,152 181,693 238 72,882 2,601 5,277 7,730 687 155 85,853 15,190 4,129 2,393 26,000 28 6,828 28,063 141,110 151 1,088 39,311 1,705 25,603 39,373 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 1,464 33,535 131 691 2,473 4,824 1,530 22,967 1,868 70 594 749 391 6,564 912 7,798 541 99 5,718 820 6,305 2,221 117 87 89 31,354 1,901 594 1,526 84 7,001 199 188 3,773 4,255 269 5,045 21,875 6,152 181,583 238 72,882 2,601 5,277 7,714 687 155 85,853 14,540 4,129 2,393 26,000 28 6,828 28,063 141,110 151 1,088 39,311 1,705 25,603 39,373 (30) (972) (110) (16) (650) 284 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1DZCVA 1DZCWA 1DZCWB 1DZCXA 1DZDBB 1DZDBC 1DZDIS 1DZDVA 1DZECA 1DZEHA 1DZEHB 1DZELA 1DZEMA 1DZFEA 1DZFRA 1DZFRM 1DZFWW 1DZHFA 1DZHKA 1DZHSA 1DZJBA 1DZJCB 1DZJD0 1DZJDC 1DZJPA 1DZJPC 1DZJPD 1DZJRA 1DZJRM 1DZJRR 1DZJSA 1DZJSB 1DZJXA 1DZJZA 1DZLCA 1DZLKA 1DZLKB 1DZMAC 1DZMCA 1DZMCB 1DZMFA 1DZMHA 1DZMLA 1DZMMA 1DZMMB 1DZMPB 1DZMPC 1DZMRA 1DZMSA 1DZMSB 1DZMSC 1DZMSD 1DZMSG 1DZMSL 1DZMSV 1DZMTB 1DZNBA 1DZNLA 1DZNMA 1DZNSA 1DZPBA 1DZPCB PI Charles Vorosmarty PI Cameron Wake Cameron Wake GIS Lab Internal EOS Out EOS Coop Program EOS Discretionary PI Doug Vandemark PI Edward Chupp PI Erick Hobbie Mass Spec Sample Analysis PI Eric Lund Help Account PI Eberhard Mobius PI Fatemeh Ebrahimi PI Fay Rubin EOS Freezer Repair and Maintenance Forest Watch Workshops Hui Feng Help Account PI Harold Kucharek PI Harlan Spence PI John Bucci PI James Connell PI Jennifer Dijkstra Jack Dibb PI James Pringle PI Jonathan Pennock PI Jonathan Pennock - Sea Grant PI James Ryan PI John Ru Morrison PI Joachim Raeder PI Joseph Salisbury PI - Joseph Souney Jingfeng Xiao PI Jichun Zhang PI Li-Jen Chen PI Lynn Kistler PI Help Account - Linda Kaljanais SSC Machine Shop PI Michael Chambers SUGAR KELP - MICHAEL CHAMBERS PI Mark Fahnestock PI Matthew Huber PI Mark Lessard PI Mary Martin PI Mark McConnell PI Michael Palace PI Mark Popecki PI Michael Routhier Marine School Administration Small Boat Repair and Replacement Coastal Marine Laboratory SMSOE Diving Program Gulf Challenger Operations Shoals Marine Lab Director SMSOE Vehicles Mark Twickler PI Naoki Bessho PI Noe Lugaz PI Nelson Maynard PI Nathan Schwadran PI Peter Bloser Paul Chair Account Cash and Investments 8,860 24,405 9,867 35,896 7,780 2,015 1,035 81,688 92 719 8,171 562 38,801 3,613 73,404 18 59 9,274 5,952 90,925 278 30,155 719 106,983 5,149 1,616 6,626 6,888 2,678 9,024 42,287 695 12,196 3,487 7,075 144,798 18,480 5,435 322 58 11,391 179,770 1 41,130 11,080 29,855 14,396 69 529,566 11,592 13,629 6,892 89,665 7,346 171 49,214 3,661 1,170 930 68,341 12,118 28,415 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 8,860 24,405 9,867 35,896 7,780 2,015 1,035 81,688 92 8,171 562 38,801 3,613 73,404 18 59 9,274 5,952 90,925 278 30,155 719 106,983 5,149 1,616 6,626 6,888 2,678 9,024 42,287 695 12,196 3,487 7,075 144,798 18,480 5,435 322 58 11,391 179,770 1 41,130 11,080 29,841 14,396 69 524,276 11,400 13,629 6,892 89,665 7,346 86 49,214 3,661 1,170 930 68,341 12,118 28,415 (719) (14) (5,290) (192) (85) 285 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1DZPKA 1DZPQA 1DZPRE 1DZRAA 1DZRLA 1DZRLB 1DZRTB 1DZRTC 1DZRVA 1DZRVB 1DZSAA 1DZSAB 1DZSFA 1DZSOA 1DZSSA 1DZSTM 1DZTFA 1DZTL1 1DZTMA 1DZTMB 1DZTVF 1DZUBA 1DZWFA 1DZWVT 1DZWWA PI Paul Kirshen PI Pamela Puhl-Quinn PI PREP PI Roger Arnoldy PI Richard Lammers PI Richard Langan PI Roy Torbert PI Robert Talbot Climate Change PI Ruth Varner PI Ruth Varner PI Stephen Adams Sea Grant Publication Activity PI Steve Frolking PI Scott Olinger PI A Shiklomanov STEM Initiative PI Terry Forbes PI Thomas Lippmann Timothy Moore Help Account PI Thomas Milliman Thermal Vac Facility PI Ulisse Bravar Help Account PI William Fox Wave Tank PI Wilfred Wollheim TOTAL INTERNALLY DESIGNATED 1AD002 1AE265 1AE267 1AECFB 1AF001 1AJCCT 1AJHBP 1AJHSC 1AJMUB 1AJREC 1AJRES 1AJWHT 1AKBCE 1AKNET 1AKSTR 1AKTEL 1ALLNG 1AQCNF 1AQDDM 1AQHOS 1AQHOU 1AQMLS 1AQOBA 1AQPPD 1AQPRN 1AQTRN 1ARANM 1ARIO2 1ARIOL 1ARRCC 1ARUIC 1ASATH 1ASPPD 1AT001 AUXILIARY Environmental Research Grp 2232 SBDC Programs Center For Venture Research Center for Family Business Action Learning Center Counseling Center UNH Student Health Benefit Plan UNH Health Services UNH Memorial Union Campus Recreation Residential Life Whittemore Center Broadband Center of Excellence ConnectNH Computer Store Telecommunications Faculty Lounge UNH Conference Center Discretionary Fund for Business Aff UNH Dining Services UNH Housing Mail Services Business Affairs Bus Affairs Auxiliary Prepaid Printing Services Transportation Services Animal Care MIPI Sales InterOperability Laboratory Reserve Research Computing Operating Instrumentation Center UNH Intercollegiate Athletics Athletics General Prepaids Ecoline Cash and Investments 14,257 1,443 15,943 13,857 32,914 428,866 644,616 97,265 35,432 5,947 6,190 4,528 43,087 524,064 22,018 50,000 73,604 240 4,017 769 1,263 3,077 191 15,514 43,144 61,608,911 34,192 40,756 15,287 112,214 317,252 299,024 5,375,015 3,222,842 492,866 744,353 46 55,747 5,589 40,275 357,628 1,053,362 4,522 120,075 484 2,682,824 8,092,386 (12,539) 303,048 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income (303) (15) 683,656 1,532,100 254,126 - - (771,264) (13,111) (1,337) (565,202) (17,630) (250) 91,081 (351,882) (4,746) (3,120) (192,396) 78,132 (390,247) (8,963) (120,075) (1,122) 53,333 (114,441) (216,156) (20,687) (573,055) (2,819,997) (132,833) 4,980 106,266 1,103,735 29,144 11,879 2,059,247 290,052 27,257 (2,574,200) (75,674) 2,007,982 Property, Plant & Equipment Deposits and Unearned Revenues (30) 102,543 5,778 132,798 (4,980) (7,399) (23,191) (368) (64,871) (57,124) (749,778) (229,247) (755,567) (5,195,598) - - (245,425) Total Net Position 14,257 1,443 15,943 13,857 32,914 428,866 644,313 97,265 35,432 5,932 6,190 4,528 43,087 524,064 22,018 50,000 73,604 240 4,017 769 1,263 3,077 191 15,514 43,144 57,260,498 34,192 40,756 15,287 112,214 553,521 297,687 4,809,813 3,293,173 492,616 551,957 46 55,747 5,589 40,275 45,513 1,044,399 4,522 484 1,994,206 5,056,233 20,107 170,215 98,837 953,840 29,144 11,879 2,059,247 290,052 26,889 (3,388,860) 1,258,204 286 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Cash and Investments Fund Fund Name 1ATRNT 1ATSPC 1ATTOW Facilities Rental Properties Small Projects Construction Team Telecommunication Towers TOTAL AUXILIARY 76,471 533,560 127,354 27,080,321 RESTRICTED GIFTS & ENDOWMENT INCOME UNH Restricted Gift Adjustments Annual Gifts Grad School Class of 1954 Endowed Fund Honors Program Gifts Faculty Development Fund Saul O Sidore Lectures Acad Affairs Discretion Gifts Visiting Professors Fund Arthur K Withcomb Profess Jean Brierly Annual Award 1941 Education Enhancement End O'neal Professorship Parents Assoc Acad Enrichment Class of 40 Professorship Ray Macdonald Endowed Schol James J Brunelli Memorial Fund Honors Program/UROP Acct Charles A. Hopkins Family Fund Class of 1944 Professorship Class of 1938 Professorship Upward Bound Student Supp Gift Ctr International Educ Gifts Internal Research Opportunity The Writing Fellows Program Class of 1959 Fund for Excellence Learning Lab Development Fund Teaching Excellence Yale-Maria Endowed Fund Elizabeth L Knowles UROP/Honors Donald J Wilcox Fellowship Fund Dorothy P Oneil 42 Endowed Fund UNH Parents Assn UROP Endowmen Class 0f 57 CIE Endowment Samuels Fund For Diversity K.v. Dey Family Fund 1949 Fund for Student Support Gerald & Jane Ellsworth Fund Next Horizon Faculty Support Next Horizon Learning Tools Next Horizon Academic Programs Tyco Fellowship/Ocean Mapping Robert J Connors Memorial Fund Mckerley Chair in Health Econ Media Resources Fund Orientation Husch International Scholarship Rogers Family Undergrad Research Karen Harrower Undergrad Rsrch Paul International Research Endow for Internatl Studies Glenice Dearborn Scholarship 1952 Internat'l Research Fund David Long Memorial Scholarship Educational Talent Search Gifts Noonan International Research Fund David and Marion Ellis Fund (2,563,181) 3,159 19,203 8,174 7,805 27,731 1,718 1,392 29,332 47,947 42,264 73,740 1,307 77,445 4,706 1,000 26,024 508 36,609 47,516 2,846 2,224 1,621 363 3,330 60 2,074 9,032 4,269 915 663 1,403 7,194 8,571 25,148 4,054 13,238 21,202 21,156 26,787 108,655 160 57,703 34 655 12,347 4,982 728 1,095 7,411 108 3,155 137 1,853 18,468 495 1G0ADJ 1GA005 1GA006 1GA009 1GA010 1GA012 1GA014 1GA015 1GA016 1GA017 1GA019 1GA021 1GA023 1GA024 1GA025 1GA026 1GA028 1GA029 1GA030 1GA031 1GA032 1GA033 1GA035 1GA036 1GA037 1GA038 1GA040 1GA041 1GA042 1GA043 1GA044 1GA045 1GA046 1GA047 1GA048 1GA049 1GA050 1GA051 1GA052 1GA053 1GA054 1GA055 1GA057 1GA058 1GA059 1GA061 1GA062 1GA065 1GA066 1GA067 1GA068 1GA069 1GA070 1GA071 1GA076 1GA078 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income (1,950) (2,550) 530,508 191,111 - - (2,258,285) (4,832,986) - - - - Total Net Position 74,521 531,010 127,354 20,710,669 2,563,181 3,159 19,203 8,174 7,805 27,731 1,718 1,392 29,332 47,947 42,264 73,740 1,307 77,445 4,706 1,000 26,024 508 36,609 47,516 2,846 2,224 1,621 363 3,330 60 2,074 9,032 4,269 915 663 1,403 7,194 8,571 25,148 4,054 13,238 21,202 21,156 26,787 108,655 160 57,703 34 655 12,347 4,982 728 1,095 7,411 108 3,155 137 1,853 18,468 495 287 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GA079 1GA080 1GA081 1GA084 1GA085 1GA086 1GA087 1GA088 1GA089 1GA091 1GA093 1GA095 1GA097 1GA139 1GA140 1GA141 1GA142 1GA144 1GA146 1GA147 1GA148 1GA149 1GA150 1GA151 1GA152 1GA153 1GA154 1GA155 1GA156 1GA157 1GA158 1GA159 1GA160 1GA161 1GA162 1GA163 1GA164 1GA165 1GA166 1GA167 1GA168 1GA169 1GA170 1GA171 1GA172 1GA173 1GA174 1GA175 1GA176 1GA177 1GA178 1GA179 1GA181 1GA182 1GA183 1GA184 1GA185 1GA188 1GA189 1GA190 1GAADV 1GADSS Robert LeBlanc Memorial Fund Leitzel Center for Math, Sci, & Eng Rand Undergraduate Research Fund Hills Memorial Science Scholarship Scott Chadwick Memorial Scholarship Carl M. Gahan '53 Scholarship Fund HCUR (Cogswell) Endowment p/o Fund Nursing Lev Loan Scholarsip Fund Beaupre Entrepreneurial Scholarship Jackson Endowed Scholarship Fund Hamel Center for Undergraduate Rese Diversity Initiatives Gift Fund 1985 & 1986 Leadership Scholarship UNH Tolerance Programming Fund Ann W Hart Fund for Internat'l Stud Diversity Network Program Gift Fund Atkinson-Woodbury Family Scholarshi McNair Program Gift Fund Holly Peterson Breeden '73 Scholars Danielle M Thompson Memorial Fund The Hamel Scholars Program Fund for African Development Gerald & Dorothy Smith ROTC Schol Earl & Ethel Handly Faculty Endowmn UNH-Prudential Inclusive Robert & Ann Chase Faculty Fund Class of '49 CIE Award-Lamson UNH Undergraduate Book Fund CIE 25th Anniversay Fund OISS Gift Fund Patricia M. Flowers '45 Scholarship Pillsbury Study-in Dijon Scholarshp URC Gift Fund URC Gifts: Parents Grants-Other Cole Neurosci -Behavior Fac. Resrch Fish'58 Student Opportunities Schol Robert Mennel Univ. Honors Program Lamprey Fellows - Climate & Sustain Hamel Ctr Undergrad Research Gifts R. Spencer Potts '92 Scholarship Sustainable Learning Community Prog Bill & Becky McGee Scholarship Steigerwald Hospitality Mgnt Schol. Ken & Laurie Wilson Hospitality Sch Haas Prof-Sustainable Food Systems NH Farm to School Program Class of 1962 Student Enrichment Varley Hospitality Management Schol Kevin Knarr '91 Scholarship Fund George Walker Jaffurs Scholarship Kendall Region - Food Solutions NE UNH Sustainability Institute Carsey School for Public Policy Janes Trust for NH Food Strategy Pierce Food Solutions New England Sand Dollar - Food Solutions N.E. SI Climate Fellows Program Merck-Food Solutions New England Emeriti Council Student Initiative MFF - Food Solutions New England UACC Misc Gifts Disability Srvcs for Students Gifts Cash and Investments 5,066 417,021 87 417 148 5,838 16,575 2,950 1,652 8,917 144,030 2,268 3,163 26,202 4,242 7,524 3,751 10,420 1,243 2,592 373,894 6,563 1,742 21,696 2,525 12,836 5,000 1,888 3,215 681 1,454 100 1,786 29,643 3,998 494 5,965 42,277 2,683 32,000 11,707 1,654 25,000 14,985 22,780 10,142 968 20,000 2,000 1,183 207,532 775 703,536 67,924 10,000 50,000 70,804 91,475 50,000 7,418 6,450 2,665 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 5,066 417,021 87 417 148 5,838 16,575 2,950 1,652 8,917 144,030 2,268 3,163 26,202 4,242 7,524 3,751 10,420 1,243 2,592 373,894 6,563 1,742 21,696 2,525 12,836 5,000 1,888 3,215 681 1,454 100 1,786 29,643 3,998 494 5,965 42,277 2,683 32,000 11,707 1,654 25,000 14,985 22,780 10,142 968 20,000 2,000 1,183 205,617 775 688,494 67,924 10,000 50,000 70,804 91,475 50,000 7,141 6,450 2,665 (1,915) (15,042) (277) 288 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GAFSF 1GAGFL 1GALEX 1GAROT 1GASAN 1GASUS 1GAWCT 1GAWOM 1GB000 1GB001 1GB002 1GB004 1GB005 1GB006 1GB007 1GB008 1GB009 1GB010 1GB011 1GB012 1GB013 1GB014 1GB015 1GB016 1GB017 1GB018 1GB019 1GB020 1GB021 1GB023 1GB024 1GB025 1GB026 1GB027 1GB028 1GB029 1GB030 1GB031 1GB032 1GB033 1GB034 1GB035 1GB036 1GB037 1GB038 1GB039 1GB040 1GB041 1GB044 1GB046 1GB047 1GB048 1GB049 1GB050 1GB055 1GB056 1GB058 1GB059 1GB063 1GB064 1GB066 1GB068 NH Ctr for a Food Secure Future Graduate Fellowships Dr Alexander Teaching Exc Fund Air Force ROTC Booster Club Fund Smith Sanborn Lecture Series Office of Sustainable Living Educ Writing Center Misc. Gifts Women's Commission Gift Fund Agricultural Alumni Associatio Robert P Ahern Memorial Schola Edward Cass Adams Fund Burnham Homestead Maint Conant Scholarship Fund David W Drew Memorial Scholars Clyde & Isabelle Eaton Scholar Andrew L Felker Scholarship Paul Gilman Memorial Scholarsh Stephen W & Helen H Dyer Schlr Kenneth R Fowler Scholarship Hubbard Poultry Fellow As H194 Kenneth L Issacs Scholarship Norman Hubbard Scholarship Norma Ikawa Scholarship Fund Thomas W Keller Memorial Schol Lord Scholarship Basil H. & Alice V. Johnson En Barbara M. Lucier Endowed Memo Fred W Menns Scholarship Fund Kenneth S Morrow Scholarship Plant Science-ford Scholarship James A Purington Scholarship Clark L Stevens Scholarship In Charles A & Florence Weast Sto Loring V Cy Tirrell Scholar Wachowdon Farm Scholarship Gunnar B Olsson Endowed Schola TJ DAVIS PRIZE Charles Harvey Hood Prize C Hilton Boynton Fund Albert H Brown Student Loan Fu Crop Protection Institute Fund Ruth E Farrington Fund Albian R Hodgon Mem Fund Oliver J Hubbard Fund industrial Education Fund Richard A. Andrews Memorial Aw R B Johnston Forestry Memorial Lilac Endowment Fund Daniel M Heath Memorial Schola George M Moore Scholarship Ne Farm & Gardens Dinty Moore Memorial Fund New London Garden Club Scholar Lawrence W Slanetz Scholarship Rollins Fund in Microbiology TSAS Ben Thompson Student Fund UNH Fund - COLSA Natural Resources Gift Account Sam Dumais Memorial Schol S W Cole Enwd Schol Fund Dunlop, William R L W Hawkensen Forestry Sc Cash and Investments 63,634 4,677 253,398 1,461 20,393 364,564 1,999 380 872 2,102 1,104 67,702 4,860 5,870 287 45 40 156 2,672 42,432 61 316 1,034 4,404 44,454 308 95 1,033 1,677 35 10,068 86 207 102 1,061 979 70 1,042 3,340 1,039 9,651 18,261 8,009 124,929 2,615 2,467 3,574 6,479 133 736 7,600 1,022 2,500 3,880 17,953 31,419 110,110 3,852 2,203 608 1,043 1,866 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 63,634 4,677 253,398 1,461 20,393 363,909 1,999 380 872 2,102 1,104 67,366 4,860 5,870 287 45 40 156 2,672 42,432 61 316 1,034 4,404 44,454 308 95 1,033 1,677 35 10,068 86 207 102 1,061 979 70 1,042 3,340 1,039 9,651 17,774 8,009 124,929 2,615 2,467 3,574 6,479 133 736 7,600 1,022 2,500 3,380 17,953 31,419 109,610 3,852 2,203 608 1,043 1,866 (655) (336) (487) (500) (500) 289 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GB069 1GB070 1GB073 1GB076 1GB077 1GB078 1GB081 1GB083 1GB085 1GB088 1GB089 1GB090 1GB091 1GB095 1GB096 1GB097 1GB103 1GB104 1GB105 1GB107 1GB108 1GB110 1GB111 1GB112 1GB113 1GB114 1GB116 1GB117 1GB118 1GB119 1GB120 1GB121 1GB122 1GB123 1GB124 1GB133 1GB135 1GB136 1GB138 1GB146 1GB149 1GB150 1GB151 1GB154 1GB155 1GB157 1GB158 1GB161 1GB162 1GB163 1GB164 1GB168 1GB170 1GB171 1GB172 1GB173 1GB176 1GB178 1GB179 1GB182 1GB183 1GB184 Hubbard Family Endw Chair Weeks Family Fund Ls&a Martha & Theodore Frizzell Fnd Marty Mitchell Scholar Fund Conrad Award TSAS Alumni Association Fund Forest Tech/Clark Donnelley Eric Wilkes Bell Memorial Award Caroline Wooster Scholarship TSAS Centennial Fund John E Bachelder Family Scholarship AS O. Hubbard Scholarship Fund DO Elinor Dodge Fund TSAS Ecological Garden Keener Scholarship Tuttle Enviromental Horticul Thompsons Marketing Scholars Do Blue Seal Feeds Scholarshp Putnam Memorial Scholarship Fd Colsa Undergrad Scholarships COLSA Graduate Fellowships CAMIS Fund Microbiology Grad Fellowships Edward F. Landry Memorial Schol J Raymond Hepler Endowed Fund Callahan Family Scholarship Foster Scholarship/COLSA FR Parsons/boutwell Fund Avery & Erma Rich Memorial Schol Lou & Lutza Smith Scholarship Grange-Webster Scholarship Dickie Family Scholarship Fund Oliver Hubbard Biology Endow Herbert Soule Scholarship Fund Bearcamp Valley Garden Scholarship Dr E Elizabeth French Memorial Evelyn Jardine Scholarship Pamela Low Scholarship Fund David Berlinsky Start Up Fund Pest Management Gift Fund Fair Winds Farm Equine Sclrshp Animal Sci. Dairy Protein Gift Fund Paine Fund for Freshwater Research Joy Dokos Diagnostic Research Fund Maurice Hatch Scholarship Fund College Woods Scholarship Fund Zsigray Academic Enrichment Fund Thomas Fairchild Fund for Animal Sc Bluefin Tuna Research - Lutcavage Brown Cedar Research Marietta & Jane Carr Endowed Fund Dairy Calf Research Gift Fund Young Plant Center Gift Fund Project SMART Gift Fund Sawmill Renovation Fund COLSA Entrepreneurial Faculty Dev. Woodlands Gift Fund UNH Organic Dairy Development Fund UNH Seagrass Gift Fund College Woods Coalition NH Veterinary Diagnostic Lab Gifts Charles Schwab's Dairy Nutr Fund Cash and Investments 52 55,467 1,365 1,076 11,103 5,062 15,804 635 14,663 18,618 23,016 117,423 24,137 117 8,262 5,504 1,300 250 151 176 1,779 627 2,575 4,701 3,116 965 465 28,249 114 10,052 20,579 33 265,487 944 3,375 80 14 2,597 1,004 1,531 481 8 36,716 34,621 29 2,219 23,484 3,975 10 1,196 31,738 8,784 1,843 32,104 557 8,241 1,703 9,634 8,476 1,156 20,225 25,287 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 52 55,467 1,365 1,076 11,103 5,062 15,804 635 14,663 18,618 23,016 117,423 24,137 117 8,262 4,756 1,300 250 151 176 1,779 627 2,575 4,701 3,116 965 465 28,249 114 10,052 20,579 33 265,487 944 3,375 80 14 2,597 1,004 208 481 8 36,716 34,621 29 2,219 23,484 3,975 10 1,196 31,738 8,579 1,843 32,104 557 8,241 1,703 9,634 8,476 1,156 20,225 25,287 (748) (1,323) (205) 290 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GB185 1GB186 1GB187 1GB188 1GB189 1GB191 1GB192 1GB194 1GB195 1GB196 1GB197 1GB198 1GB200 1GB201 1GB202 1GB203 1GB204 1GB206 1GB207 1GB208 1GB209 1GB211 1GB212 1GB213 1GB215 1GB216 1GB217 1GB218 1GB219 1GB220 1GB221 1GB222 1GB223 1GB224 1GB225 1GB226 1GB227 1GB228 1GB229 1GB230 1GB231 1GB233 1GB234 1GB235 1GB236 1GB239 1GC001 1GC002 1GC003 1GC004 1GC005 1GC006 1GC007 1GC008 1GC009 1GC010 1GC011 1GC014 1GC015 1GC016 1GC018 1GC019 Mendum Pond Scholarship Fund Equine Center Stalls Gift Fund Edith & Allen Neff Forestry Schlrsh James Byer's 1927 Professorship Awr Environmental Sciences Program Fund Wildlife Ecology Gift Fund George Frick Fellowship-Res Econom Karabelas Faculty Development Fund Charles E. Warren Memorial Fund Drs Lorus & Margery Milne Scholrshp Horticulture Gift Fund Spider Research Miscellaneous Gifts Development of Instr Materials-Biol Carberry '82 Fund- Biological Scien Therapeutic Riding Program Gift Fnd Dairy Center Gift Fund Equine Science Program Gifts Lamprey River Watershed Project Civil Technology Equipment Fund Huntington Family Scholarship Fund Thompson Forestry Scholarship MCBS - Nutrition Gifts Lawrence K Smith Natural Res Schol Warmth for the Millyard Project Hubbard Perkins Livestock Education Phelan Family Fund Sudhakar McDevitt-McCann Scholarshp Plant Sciences Scholarship Fund Nutrition Scholarship Fund Friblet Marine Research Fund Cole Kitchen Equipment Fund Cucurbit Breeding Gift Fund Maddock Gift Fund Gladys Brooks Scholarship Fund Biomedical Science Scholarship Fund Shirley & Bob Lake Scholarship Lloyd & Edna Heidgerd Endowed Schol David Burdick's '37 Professorship David Berlinsky '37 Professorship Atlantic Cod Project Charles F. Marble Scholarship Fund Biological Sciences Gift Fund NE Cottontail Conservation Project Vet Tech Program Samuel Smith Lectures-Molecular Med Padi Fndtn-Watson Lobster Research Dept of the Arts Alumni Schol Sally Pike Edelman Memorial Aw German Society of Manch. Schol Gunst Fund for the Graduate Hi Foreign Language Study Abroad Thomas O Marshall Fund Jean Mattox Memorial Scholarsh Richard A Morse Scholarship Gary R O'Neal Musical Thea Sch Adaline W Paul Scholarship Fun Jani Smith Memorial Scholarshi Alice M Mitchell English Acct Excellence in Teaching Scholar Traditional Jazz Programming F Russell C Wheeler Internationa Presser Scholarship Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 500 450 2,942 2,472 5,294 75 12,621 29,792 6,350 1,328 2,229 6,821 4,420 4,498 2,012 9,847 9,900 2,178 3,638 3,007 2,316 1,535 3,043 152 4,991 3,808 4,000 5,000 6,008 192 1,415 2,225 25,000 47 2,530 44 3,566 6,699 7,024 929 8,759 12,210 7 4,782 5,050 4,797 10,596 77 138 2,075 9,983 8,579 346 1,975 370 547 509 21,827 53,652 16,526 2,610 4,550 500 450 2,942 2,472 5,294 75 12,621 29,792 6,350 1,328 2,229 6,821 4,420 4,498 2,012 9,847 9,900 2,178 3,638 3,007 2,316 1,535 3,043 152 4,991 3,808 4,000 5,000 6,008 192 1,415 2,225 25,000 47 2,530 44 3,566 6,699 7,024 929 8,759 12,210 7 4,782 5,050 4,797 10,596 77 138 2,075 9,983 8,579 346 1,975 370 547 509 21,827 53,652 16,526 2,610 4,550 291 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GC020 1GC021 1GC023 1GC024 1GC027 1GC028 1GC030 1GC031 1GC032 1GC033 1GC035 1GC037 1GC038 1GC040 1GC042 1GC044 1GC045 1GC046 1GC048 1GC050 1GC051 1GC052 1GC054 1GC057 1GC058 1GC061 1GC064 1GC065 1GC066 1GC068 1GC069 1GC070 1GC071 1GC072 1GC073 1GC074 1GC076 1GC077 1GC078 1GC079 1GC080 1GC081 1GC082 1GC084 1GC086 1GC087 1GC088 1GC089 1GC090 1GC091 1GC094 1GC096 1GC097 1GC099 1GC101 1GC103 1GC106 1GC107 1GC108 1GC109 1GC111 1GC116 Annual Counselor Education Pro Margaret Carson Hubbard Africa Winthrop L Carter Gift History Dept Gift Account Educ Chair Discretionary Gifts Friends of the Museum of Art Grant Cioffi Memorial Fund Macarthur/simic Writer's Serie William Nicol Psychology Department Gifts Donald Steele Classical Music Women's Study Special Fund Sheila Clary Memorial Fund Museum of Art Advisory Board UNH Fund - COLA Lindberg Memorial Scholarship Signal/Religious Studies Signal/History RJ Bernier Scenic Arts Sc Conover Endowed Fund Try Special Gifts Haaland Gift Fund in Education Whitlock Music Scholarship Clarence H Gustafson Fund Friends/Performing Arts Friends/Musical Theater Humanties Challenge 1990 Smyth Gifts Gross Prize in Political Scie Theater Misc Gifts Music Misc Gifts The Arts Misc Gifts Classics Misc Gifts English Misc Gifts French & Italian Misc Gifts German Misc Gifts Political Science Misc Gifts Russian Misc Gifts Sociology Misc Gifts Anthropology Misc Gifts Spanish Misc Gifts Gifts-geography Ann Pazo Mayberry Fund Rm Ford End Writing Award Grant Carlson Endow Prize Fund Thomas Williams Memorial Fund Study of Music J H Hanhisalo Music Scholar Hanhisalo Contemporary Music Louise Harwell Rogers Piano Sc Lucha-Burns Musical Theatre Endowmn John D. Batcheller Mem Fund Theater Educational Endowment Humanities Center Gifts Elizabeth N Ladd Fund for Musi Journalism Computer Gift Fund Winchester Wood Mem Schol Musi Communications Dept Gifts Lucinda & Melvin Smith English Humanities Program Gifts Image Making Within Writing Pr Donald Graves Fellowship Fund Cash and Investments 2,968 2,512 29,650 10,354 3,220 185,271 37,579 6,825 234 2,107 549 29,583 2,032 22,583 163,415 8,990 10,120 10,076 273 25,854 14,243 10,575 302 1,363 4,214 425 196,453 16,530 850 15,823 28,060 7,665 2,680 46,734 4,766 135 2,960 4,936 7,300 100 4,117 15 11,360 207 21 567 476 3,754 2,229 569 5,463 433 13,064 9,264 228 475 6,350 2,023 2,554 2,194 144 4,835 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 2,968 2,512 29,650 10,354 3,220 164,226 37,579 6,825 234 2,107 549 29,583 2,032 22,583 161,415 8,990 10,120 10,076 273 25,854 14,243 10,575 302 1,363 4,214 425 196,453 16,530 850 15,823 27,844 7,665 2,680 46,734 4,766 135 2,960 4,936 7,300 100 4,117 15 11,360 207 21 567 476 3,754 2,229 569 4,443 433 13,064 9,264 228 475 6,350 2,023 2,554 2,194 144 4,835 (21,045) (2,000) (216) (1,020) 292 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GC117 1GC124 1GC125 1GC126 1GC127 1GC128 1GC130 1GC131 1GC133 1GC138 1GC139 1GC140 1GC141 1GC142 1GC143 1GC144 1GC145 1GC146 1GC147 1GC149 1GC150 1GC151 1GC152 1GC153 1GC154 1GC155 1GC156 1GC158 1GC159 1GC160 1GC161 1GC162 1GC163 1GC164 1GC165 1GC166 1GC169 1GC170 1GC171 1GC172 1GC173 1GC174 1GC176 1GC177 1GC178 1GC179 1GC180 1GC183 1GC184 1GC185 1GC186 1GC188 1GC189 1GC190 1GC191 1GC192 1GC193 1GC194 1GC195 1GC196 1GC197 1GC198 Arnold S Linsky Graduate Fund Rudy Dusek Philosophy Prize Cola Undergrad Scholarships Cola Graduate Fellowships Shatterly Fund for Education Shatterly Fund for Poli Sci JW Hatch Art Faculty Dev Fund Rutman Grad Fellows-history Pitavy Scholarship Fund William L Dunfey History Prof Z.dorson Endowed Fund-humaniti Theodore "Tad" Ackman Jr Scholorshi Jessie Potter Beck End Schl Peterson Carsey Theatre/dance RB and CB Kimball Fac Fellowsh Edmund G Miller Fund-English Miller Phi Bta Kappa Award John Hatch Fellowship Fund Jack Richardson Fund Stuart Palmer Book Fund Tad Akman Jr-Communication Sch John C Rouman Classical Lectur Arthur J Mirabile Scholarship Class of 1958 Music Fund Raitt-Wilson Music Scholarship Tommy Gallant Scholarship Fund John Rouman Scholarship Fund Terry-Seiler-Verrette Fund Timothy Rogers Scholarship Coe-Hall Deans Scholarship Lubow Memorial Scholarship Leland Fund for Performing Art Miriam Carlson Memorial Fund John T Holden Memorial Fund Journalism Prize Gift Rines Art Exhibition Fund Edmund Miller Art Collection Killam Humanities Scholarship Mary H Blum End Lecture Series Cleveland Howard Choral Music Endowed Fund for Holocaust Educatio Jeanne Brandon Fund for Music William Annis Fund for Occup Educ Endowed Fund for Holocaust Educatio Michael Kelly Journalism Scholarshi Paul Chair in Psychology Michael DePorte Eng Dept Book Fnd Carsey Fnd/Effective Families & Com Lamberton Social Justice Prof Donald Murray Visiting Journalist P Center for New England Culture End Carsey Institute - Misc Gifts William Wallace Memorial Fund Dawkins Prize in Creative Writing Gilberg Davenport Theatre Scholarsh Sargent Endowed History Scholarship Patricia Woodbury Memorial Fund Katharine C & Charles H Sawyer Quas John C Edwards Theatre Scholarship John Hanlon Memorial Scholarship Dion Janetos '39 Fund-Hellenic Stud Hoffenberg Fund for Liberal Arts Cash and Investments 1,095 15 49,942 12,820 8,233 4,313 4,700 6,055 1,881 84,972 3,812 479 1,338 6,453 9,539 24,160 2,085 9,708 4,015 868 522 23,842 1,347 14,204 3,685 3,085 2,366 109,655 15,049 5,898 1,530 6,439 502 15,074 620 4,078 86,574 7,178 13,092 4,584 19,647 52,406 2,587 2,965 3,016 910 516 300,361 16,265 10,105 14,215 1,092 1,738 2,302 977 2,223 3,130 7,825 471 201 14,531 8,507 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 1,095 15 49,942 12,820 8,233 4,313 4,700 6,055 1,881 84,972 3,812 479 1,338 453 9,539 24,160 2,085 9,708 4,015 868 522 23,842 1,347 14,204 3,685 3,085 2,366 109,655 15,049 5,898 1,530 6,439 502 15,074 620 4,078 86,574 7,178 13,092 4,584 19,647 52,406 2,587 2,965 3,016 910 516 297,880 16,265 10,105 14,215 1,092 1,738 2,302 977 2,223 3,130 7,825 471 201 11,895 8,507 (6,000) (1,671) (810) (2,636) 293 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GC199 1GC200 1GC201 1GC202 1GC203 1GC204 1GC206 1GC207 1GC208 1GC210 1GC211 1GC212 1GC213 1GC214 1GC215 1GC216 1GC217 1GC218 1GC219 1GC220 1GC221 1GC222 1GC223 1GC224 1GC225 1GC226 1GC227 1GC228 1GC230 1GC231 1GC232 1GC233 1GC234 1GC235 1GC236 1GC237 1GC238 1GC240 1GC241 1GC242 1GC243 1GC244 1GC245 1GC246 1GC247 1GC248 1GC250 1GC251 1GD001 1GD002 1GD003 1GD004 1GD005 1GD007 1GD008 1GD009 1GD010 1GD011 1GD012 1GD013 1GD014 1GD015 William & Laura Hooper Endowed Fnd Project Search Alberta Johnson '32 Dance Endowment Steelman History Fellowship Fund Rebecca Jane Lang '04 Frederick Gates Music Scholarship Youth Internet Safety Rsrch Fellows Carsey Institute Summer Fellowship Summer Youth Music School Gifts Rae Martin Emmett Scholarship Natalie S Jacobson Journalism Schol Dr Samuel Hughes '68 Scholarship Carney Resrch-Literacy & Childr Lit Edwin and Mary Scheier Fund Mock Trial Program Gift Fund Carsey-Financial Innov Roundtable Capt Benjamin Keating Memorial Fund Hyde Hibberd English Department Fnd Frederick Hyde Hibberd 88 Scholrshp Stonyfield Entrepreneurship Institu Hayes Professorship Mary Petrella '57 Schol-English Lit Blanche C Bailey Fund Ursula Daley '93 Women's Studies Sc Don Murray Memorial Scholarship Carsey Institute MADPP Scholarship Daniel Heartz '50 Endowed Fund Woodward Internat'l Drama & Dance Angelo Kontarinis History Fund Carsey Social Enterprise Impact Fnd Italian Studies Quasi Endowment Family Research Lab Project Fund Humanities Program Scholarship Fund Balderacchi Study of Art in Italy John Edwards University Prize Plays NH Civic Health Index Fund UNH Music Scholarship Fund Confucius Institute Gift Fund McLean Fund - Journalism Excellence NH Listens - Carsey Institute RGSCP Fund Peters Professorship in Education MFA Program Gift Fund Rutman Distinguished Lecture Series Carsey-Sustainable Microenterprise UNH Arts Initiative Fund B. Thomas Trout Scholarship Fund Daniel Valenza Art Scholarhsip Fund W Edwards Deming Scholarship Howard Cope Memor. Scholarship Albert W Diniak Memorial Fund Edward Donovan Mem Scholarship Farnham Memorial Scholarship Herman C Fogg Scholarship Fund W. Knox Endowed Scholarship S. Morris Locke Scholarship Dr Ruth Peters Memorial Award Lester Pratt Grad Scholarship Herbert A Scruton Scholarship Lucin/Melvin Smith Scholarship Winchester Wood Mem Schol CEPS Bailey Prize in Chem Cash and Investments 9,975 23,234 22,607 11,604 1,551 711 48,070 3,187 216 32,000 1,104 42,958 11,714 229,647 14,008 1,339 3,145 1,500 15,434 5,023 326,520 5,767 1,430 2,790 710 16,134 763 2,023 3,304 487 5,308 4 5,000 40 1,215 12,500 3,000 250 10,459 3,967 202,541 713 8,664 35,000 97,154 21,661 5,000 2,500 34 31 273 8 34 45 16 429 23 4,395 14,453 603 32 3,528 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 9,975 23,234 22,607 11,604 1,551 711 48,070 3,187 216 32,000 1,104 42,958 11,714 229,647 14,008 25 3,145 1,500 15,434 5,023 326,520 5,767 1,430 2,790 710 16,134 763 2,023 3,304 487 5,308 4 5,000 40 1,215 12,500 3,000 250 10,459 3,967 194,701 713 8,664 35,000 93,079 21,661 5,000 2,500 34 31 273 8 34 45 16 429 23 4,395 14,453 603 32 3,528 (1,314) (7,840) (4,075) 294 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GD016 1GD017 1GD018 1GD019 1GD020 1GD021 1GD022 1GD023 1GD024 1GD025 1GD026 1GD027 1GD028 1GD029 1GD030 1GD031 1GD033 1GD034 1GD038 1GD039 1GD040 1GD041 1GD042 1GD044 1GD045 1GD046 1GD047 1GD048 1GD049 1GD052 1GD054 1GD056 1GD057 1GD058 1GD059 1GD060 1GD061 1GD062 1GD064 1GD066 1GD067 1GD068 1GD069 1GD070 1GD071 1GD072 1GD073 1GD074 1GD075 1GD076 1GD077 1GD078 1GD084 1GD086 1GD089 1GD091 1GD092 1GD093 1GD094 1GD096 1GD097 1GD100 Kingsbury Memorial Award Vernon Lerch Scholarship H M Haendler Org Chemist Award Seymour Chemistry Prize Fund Bacon Award in Chemical Eng Gordon Bassett Scholarship Alice M Mitchell - Marine Science The Stolworthy Endowment Fund Chapman Lecture Fund- Earth Science Champlin Scholarship Fund R M Ford Endowed Memorial Fund Harold A Iddles Lecture Fund David Owen Libby Memorial Scho Donald Fox Memorial Scholarshi UNH Fund - CEPS Tech Fund Tappi Scholarship Fund Leon W Hitchcock Award Kauppinen Student Fund Amax Summer Field Scholarship Earth Sciences Gift Account Amer Society of Mechanical Eng Computer Science Gift Account Chemical Engineering Gifts Chemistry Library Gift Account Civil Eng Gift Acct Downer Book Fund For Chemistry Dupont Science and Engineering Engineering Design Electrical Engineering Gifts N H Chapt of American Society Marion Mitchell Cutts (payout) Ml Langelier Schol Fund Frank Block Fund Mathematics Fund Leroy F Johnson Schol Fund Balomenos Memorial Fund Earth Sciences Scholarship Fund GSAIPE Annual Scholarship Women in Construction Schlrshp Donald G O'Brien Fund Thomas Anderton Fund Materials Lab Gift Acct Non Linear Dynamics Group R Davison Professorship J&RM Kurtz Scholarship Waite Professorship Waite Class of 1927 Scholarship Langelier Loan Fund Hart Scholarships Chemistry Fund R C Kimball Endowed Scholarship Math Misc Gifts Physics Dept Gifts Mavis Howard Foster Scholarship International Coil Winders Equ ASCE Special Activities Fund Frederick N Walker Jr EE Schol Kenneth J Higson Scholarship Mech Eng Gift Acct - General Craig A West Memorial Fund Bauer Lindsy Parent Fund Me Sae Mini Baja Team Harold M Landers Class of 24 Schol Cash and Investments 49 1,211 1,020 200 60 859 35 64 3,037 3 752 17,168 10,859 13 244,347 97 62 6,397 352 41,496 135 15 108,954 1,488 37,667 551 32 47 6,730 100 34,801 257 497 897 2,908 12,339 7,199 25 500 1,834 9,916 1 929 22,987 99 26,328 1,300 34,608 61 15 9,157 31,593 4,000 13,469 320 62 12 31,799 627 390 15,806 463 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 49 1,211 1,020 200 60 859 35 64 3,037 3 752 17,168 10,859 13 244,347 97 62 6,397 352 41,229 135 15 108,954 1,488 37,667 551 32 47 6,730 100 34,801 257 197 897 2,908 12,339 7,199 25 500 1,834 9,916 1 929 22,987 99 26,328 1,300 34,608 61 15 9,157 31,593 4,000 13,469 320 62 12 31,799 627 390 13,074 463 (267) (300) (2,732) 295 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GD101 1GD102 1GD104 1GD105 1GD106 1GD107 1GD109 1GD110 1GD112 1GD113 1GD114 1GD116 1GD117 1GD118 1GD119 1GD120 1GD121 1GD122 1GD123 1GD124 1GD125 1GD126 1GD127 1GD128 1GD131 1GD132 1GD134 1GD135 1GD137 1GD138 1GD140 1GD141 1GD143 1GD144 1GD145 1GD146 1GD147 1GD148 1GD149 1GD150 1GD151 1GD152 1GD153 1GD157 1GD158 1GD160 1GD163 1GD164 1GD165 1GD166 1GD168 1GD169 1GD170 1GD171 1GD172 1GD173 1GD174 1GD175 1GD176 1GD177 1GD178 1GD179 Center for Coastal Mapping (CCOM) Me Moon Buggy Team Clarence&Eleanor Shuttleworth CEPS Undergraduate Scholarship CEPS Graduate Fellowships Shatterly Fund For Engineering Lyle Equipment Fund Jere Chase Ocean Eng Lab Fund Gloria & Robert Lyle Professor Robert E Houston Jr Physics Aw Barbara G Houston Math Educ Aw George & Lina Fisher Endowed F Alexander & Allison Amell Mem Jon W.Herndon Grad Scholarship Douglas R Woodward Endowment Edward & Alice Getchell Schol Nat'l Prime Users End Scholr Howell Student Fund Fred Gert James Leitzel Scholarship Fund Zocchi Scholars Fund John Smith 50 Scholarship Fund Dr A.f. Daggett Endowed Fund Ming/Chen Student Support Mike & Bea Dalton Scholarship George Taft Memorial Fund Richard St Onge Mem Scholarship Clarence & Helen Grant Fellow PSNH Scholarship Program Fund Morrison Chemistry Dissertation Fnd Granite State Roost Scholarship Fun Tenho S Kauppinen Scholarship Fund Endowed Fund for Mech Engineering Kenneth A Andersen Award GEBCO Program Gift Fund Craig West Undergrad. Prof. Dev. Chemistry Department Misc Gifts Weston - SAME Endowed Scholarship Norman Grover '35 End. Scholarship SAE Gift Fund ENE Undergraduate Degree Program Norbert Valverde Memorial Scholarsh Whelen Engineering Co. Scholarship Roland Burlingame Scholarship Fund Phillips Family Fund for Engineerin Theodore Meinelt Scholarship Fund Cmdr & Katherine Martyn End. Fund Mechanical Eng. Senior Projects George&Dorothy Galanes Scholarship Philip L Hall Endowed Fund Dr. Feng-Sheng Yan Memorial Award Chemistry Undrgrad. Research Fellow Peter G. Markos Chemistry Endowment LaMattina Organic Chem Rsrch Fellow LaMattina Family Graduate Lecturesh Harold Warren Quasi-Endow/Chemistry Hamel Construction Group Scholarshi Herbert M Wuth Scholarship Fund Hach Chemistry Teacher Scholarship ECE Energy Lab Fund FIRST Scholarship Prof Nordgren Research Fellowship Engineers without Borders - UNH Cash and Investments 20,001 16,200 11,746 11,517 5,352 1,000 6,508 82 6,083 35 34 42 9,752 1,000 95 38 1,034 80 6,786 127 107 1,944 2,741 162 15 94 2,318 500 1,873 1,000 10 27,030 1,750 20,688 3,098 31,339 66 557 4,688 6,065 15,004 264,974 43,666 6,933 94 2,091 6,119 4,282 1,420 109 859 1,517 44,239 10,022 9,225 63 1 6,000 134 5,313 20,891 13,492 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 20,001 16,200 11,746 11,517 5,352 1,000 6,508 82 6,083 35 34 42 9,752 1,000 95 38 1,034 80 6,786 127 107 1,944 2,741 162 15 94 2,318 500 1,873 1,000 10 27,030 1,750 20,688 3,098 31,339 66 557 2,688 6,065 15,004 264,974 43,666 6,933 94 2,091 4,975 4,282 1,420 109 859 1,517 44,239 10,022 9,225 63 1 6,000 134 5,313 20,891 13,492 (2,000) (1,144) 296 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GD180 1GD181 1GD182 1GD183 1GD184 1GD185 1GD187 1GD188 1GD189 1GD190 1GD191 1GD192 1GD193 1GD195 1GD196 1GD197 1GD198 1GD199 1GD200 1GD201 1GD202 1GD203 1GD204 1GD205 1GD206 1GD207 1GD209 1GD211 1GD214 1GD215 1GD216 1GD217 1GD218 1GD220 1GE001 1GE002 1GE003 1GE004 1GE005 1GE007 1GE008 1GE009 1GE010 1GE011 1GE012 1GE015 1GE017 1GE018 1GE020 1GE022 1GE023 1GE025 1GE026 1GE027 1GE028 1GE029 1GE031 1GE032 1GE033 1GE034 1GE035 1GE036 Karen Von Damm Memorial Scholarship Computer Science Undergrad Research CEPS Student Project Fund M Evans Munroe Lecture/Math WERC Contest Gift Fund Ctr for Spills in the Environment James D Morrison Early Career Award Gregory Jansen '81 Field Studies Fn Bothner Earth Sciences Field Trips Mary Papastavros '60 Chemistry Fund Charles M:son Gewertz Scholarship Cole '76 & Bemis '79, '89G Schol Pedro A. de Alba Scholarship Fund Karen Von Damm Student Research Fnd Marty Richmond Lecture Series Fund Dr. George Wildman '57 Scholarship Peter & Paula Vosotas Family Schol Barry A. Billings E.E. Scholarship Prof. James M.E. Harper Fellowship Advanced Manufacturing Center Fund Society of Women Engineers Gifts Karen Von Damm Faculty Excellence Northrop Grumman -Grad Student Fund Construction & Project Mgmnt Fund Civil-Environmental Eng Scholarship Joe & Nancy Paterno Endowed Schol. Tech Camp Gift Fund Kingsbury Hall Equipment Fund II Christopher Kelley Memorial Schol. NHCF CEPS Summer Fellowships Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry Lab Organic Syntheses Gift Fund New England Fall Astronomy Festival Padi Fdn- Foster, Wengrove Research William Cushing Memorial Schol John A. Beckett Writing Prize James R Carter Professorship Carroll M Degler Endowed Lecture Hollis E Harrington Sr Fund Jan Clee Gift Fund W Patrick Carlson Memorial Fund Hotel Administration Fund UNH Fund - PAUL Associates Fund Vinnicombe Endowed Fund Paul Holloway Prize Fund Va Paul Dee Professorship Ellen Mae Greenaway Scholarship Assn Students Econ & Business Elizabeth Bogan Prize North Country SBDC Wildcat MBA Investment Fund Albin Entrepreneurship Fund C Donald Mckelvie Econ Schship Small Business Development Gift Entrepreneurial Leadership Undergraduate Scholarship Graduate Fellowships Mel Sandler Recognition Award Harrington Jr Scholarship Charles F Johnson Fund S Melvin Rines Advised Fund Cash and Investments 2,463 13,000 9,702 6,422 100 100 1,996 9,132 21,977 3,399 64 39 14,450 13,446 11 70 100 150 183 50,000 3,578 8,607 50,000 25,000 4,000 48 28,568 63,303 2,000 9,834 10,000 15,360 4,105 10,375 126 7,623 227,309 46,114 3,592 12,491 34 63,987 111,807 6,058 9,608 38,409 44,808 85 150 575 2,600 201,615 123,993 167 129,480 5,690 21,470 16,835 507 1,338 5,025 124,475 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 2,463 13,000 9,702 6,422 100 100 1,996 9,132 21,977 3,399 64 39 14,450 13,446 11 70 100 150 183 50,000 3,578 8,607 50,000 25,000 4,000 48 28,568 63,303 2,000 9,834 10,000 15,360 4,105 10,375 126 7,623 227,309 46,114 3,592 12,491 34 63,987 111,807 6,058 9,608 38,409 44,808 85 150 575 2,600 201,615 123,993 167 128,254 5,690 21,470 16,835 507 1,338 5,025 124,475 (1,226) 297 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GE037 1GE040 1GE041 1GE043 1GE044 1GE045 1GE046 1GE048 1GE050 1GE051 1GE053 1GE054 1GE056 1GE058 1GE059 1GE060 1GE061 1GE062 1GE064 1GE065 1GE066 1GE067 1GE068 1GE069 1GE070 1GE071 1GE072 1GE073 1GE074 1GE075 1GE076 1GE077 1GE078 1GE080 1GE081 1GE082 1GE083 1GE084 1GE085 1GE086 1GE087 1GE088 1GE089 1GE090 1GE091 1GE093 1GE094 1GE096 1GE097 1GE098 1GE099 1GE100 1GE101 1GE102 1GF001 1GF002 1GF003 1GF005 1GF006 1GF007 1GF008 1GF009 Reginald F Atkins Chair Gardner Wales Scholarship Fund J. Bonnie Newman Endowed Schol. Nelson Fund for Business Innovation Serve-A-Thon Gift Fund Rosenberg Ctr - Internat'l Franchis Corporate Roundtable Program Sandy Crimmins Memorial Fund Grad Bus Club Discretionary Fn Banfi Vintners Gift Fund Donovan Family Scholarship Fund Edward & Selma Bacon Simon Fund Accounting & Finance Gift Fund Ocean Properties Hospitality Mgmnt Center for Venture Research Gft Fnd Dwayne Wrightsman Prof./Finance Hospitality Mgmt Student Developmnt Gillespie '77G Graduate Jude Blake '77 Schol-Business Admin Club Managers Association Gift Fund Nassikas Fund-Hospitality Education JA Hogan Distinquished Visiting Pro MSA Scholarship Fund Marketing Department Gift Fund UNH Hospitality Mgmnt Faculty Dev. UNH Hospitality Mgmnt Initiatives Rhoda Hogan Endowed Scholarship Roberta Bartlett Scholarship Quasi Paul Research Development Fund The Paul Scholars Program Joseph '79 & Marcia H Carter Schol Alan M. Freedman Gfit Fund Friends of MSA Program UNH Hosp Mgt Int'l Stud Diversty Scott Dionne Grad Fellowship/Acctng Gift Fund-Hospitality Gourmt Dinner EcoGastronomy Program Gift Fund MBA Program Gift Fund Todd Huntington Crockett Scholarshp Lai Family Foundation Scholarship Carlton L. Reed Scholarship Fund James E. Freeman Scholarship Fund Kirwin Hospitality Mgmnt Schol. Horizon Beverage Co Scholarship Starwood Hospitality Mgmnt Scholars Todd Crockett Professorship - Econ. Catherine Sparks '88 Scholarship UNH Sales Club Stebbins Family Hospitality Fund Mtn View Grand Resort & Spa Schol. Paul Fund for Innovation Center for Family Business Daniel A. Raizes Scholarship Fund UNH Sales Center of Excellence Gerald L Smith Scholarship Fund Robert James Mitchell & Mary E Rand-Stearns Professorship Recreation Management &Policy Gifts Occupational Therapy Gifts UNH Fund - CHHS Hamilton Putnam Scholarship Health Studies Scholarships Cash and Investments 127,277 29 79 8,601 880 140,695 548 1,105 966 1,059 2 82 8,874 1,983 7,000 26,648 18,916 125 2,566 300 5,385 57,243 8,750 4,037 345 7,789 215 128 66 2,171 113 4,713 13,691 7,576 1,442 3,930 1,000 100 86 1,108 1,006 106 10,000 3,300 10,000 1 40,000 20,422 24,790 10,000 462,223 4,342 2,000 5,000 503 1,313 38,973 4,921 22,644 39,606 5,949 4,557 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 127,277 29 79 8,601 880 131,541 64 1,105 966 1,059 2 82 8,874 1,983 7,000 26,648 18,916 125 2,566 300 5,385 57,243 8,750 4,037 345 7,789 215 128 66 2,171 113 4,713 13,691 7,576 1,442 3,930 1,000 100 86 1,108 1,006 106 10,000 3,300 10,000 1 40,000 20,422 24,790 10,000 462,223 4,342 2,000 5,000 503 1,313 38,973 4,921 22,644 39,606 5,949 4,557 (9,154) (484) 298 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GF010 1GF011 1GF012 1GF013 1GF015 1GF016 1GF018 1GF019 1GF020 1GF021 1GF023 1GF024 1GF025 1GF028 1GF029 1GF030 1GF031 1GF036 1GF037 1GF041 1GF042 1GF044 1GF045 1GF048 1GF050 1GF051 1GF052 1GF053 1GF057 1GF058 1GF060 1GF061 1GF062 1GF063 1GF065 1GF066 1GF067 1GF068 1GF069 1GF070 1GF073 1GF075 1GF076 1GF079 1GF080 1GF081 1GF083 1GF084 1GF085 1GF086 1GF087 1GF088 1GF089 1GF090 1GF091 1GF092 1GF093 1GF094 1GF095 1GF099 1GF100 1GF101 Child/Family Center Fund Nursing Gifts Marriage/Family Therapy Clinic Gifts & Social Work Daniel B & Beatrice N Rogers Timber Theatrical Production James V Derby 41 Mem Fund Marion Beckwith Fund Kinesiology Gift Account Playground Virginia and David Steelman Fund Health&Human Services Scholarship Marc Hillers Ethics Fund The Northeast Passage Fund The McKerley Hi-Tech Classroom The Leap Program Fund HHS Graduate Fellowships Robin D Gorsky Scholarship Fund Sackett Professorship Goroff Social Work Payout Fund Dean Roger A Ritvo Award Fund JV Hiller Kinesiology Scholarship Grimes Family Fund Family Studies Student Org Fund Nathan J Loomis Endowed Fund Maureen Neistadt Scholarship Browne Center Misc Gift Acct Browne Center PED club Fluency Programs Gift Fund Health Mgmnt & Policy Gift Fund Family Studies Gift Fund Communication Sciences & Disorders England Family Fund IOD Leadership Series Gift Fund NEP/Martin's Point Gift Fund Pauline Soukaris Memorial Scholarsh IOD Research Center for Autism Institute on Disability General Fun Brooks - Lord Nursing Scholarship NEP Rugby Team Ann Manchester Kelley Schol-Nursing Kennett & Patricia Kendall Endowmen NH Inst for Health Policy&Practice IOD -Inclusive Communities Projects Northeast Passage Sled Hockey SATO Gift Fund Jeffrey C Salloway Award Athletic Training Lab Gift Fund HMP Student Advancement Fund Graduate Social Work Program O.T. Faculty Support Fund Chace '11 Fund for Athlete Develpmt NH Citizens Health Initiative Family Connections Centers NE Passage Athlete Opportunity Fund Operational Learning Network - APCD Accountable Care Project Fund Center for Professional Excellence Hardy Undergraduate Research Award NEP - Power Soccer Program Robert Jolley Scholarship Fund Cash and Investments 19,222 17,418 136 27,795 18,426 5 685 970 12,598 696 802 313 163 43,212 13,335 1,184 1,875 2,783 23,986 18,787 1,663 7,174 8,067 199 18 561 28,633 71 2,146 5 47,391 6,780 5,861 27,049 27 7 62 1,629 3,543 336 486 2,337 12,598 1,153 2,258 31 1,260 500 992 548 10,000 2,000 1,388 47,191 3,902 550 19,389 11,721 10,013 4,145 11,503 8,903 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 19,222 17,418 136 27,795 18,426 5 685 970 12,598 696 802 313 163 43,212 13,335 1,184 1,875 2,783 23,986 18,787 1,663 7,174 8,067 199 18 561 28,633 71 2,146 5 47,391 6,780 5,861 27,049 27 7 62 1,088 3,409 336 486 2,337 12,598 1,153 2,258 31 1,260 500 992 548 10,000 2,000 1,388 47,163 3,902 550 19,389 11,683 10,013 4,145 11,503 8,903 (541) (134) (28) (38) 299 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GG002 1GG008 1GG010 1GG013 1GG018 1GG021 1GG028 1GG036 1GG039 1GG040 1GG042 1GG044 1GG047 1GG048 1GG049 1GG052 1GG063 1GG074 1GG075 1GG077 1GG078 1GG079 1GG080 1GG083 1GG086 1GG091 1GG095 1GG096 1GG098 1GG099 1GG100 1GG101 1GG102 1GG104 1GG105 1GG107 1GG109 1GG110 1GG113 1GG115 1GG117 1GG118 1GG119 1GG122 1GG123 1GG124 1GG125 1GG126 1GG127 1GG128 1GG129 1GG130 1GG131 1GG141 1GG142 1GG144 1GG145 1GG147 1GG149 1GG150 1GG151 1GG152 Class of 1929 Alumni Visitors Fund Coe-Hall Fund Class 1936 End/Cult Enrich UNH - Wildcat Santa Womens Com Books on Diversity Alumni Center Annual Gifts Mai Governors Succes Grant H T Heath Endow - Ben Thompson Campus Beautification Amsaa Prize Class 1941 Junior Class Award UNH Alumni Assn Enrichmnt Fund AMSAA Discretionary Fund Rotc Chapter Fund UNH Alumni Scholars Fund Class of 1927 Class of 1938 Class of 1939 Class of 1941 Class of 1942 Class of 1943 Class of 1944 Class of 1947 Class of 1950 Class of 1956 Class of 1960 Class of 1961 Class of 1963 Class of 1964 Class of 1965 Treasury Fund Class of 1966 Class of 1967 Class of 1969 Class of 1970 Class of 1972 Class of 1974 Class of 1975 Class of 1978 Class of 1980 Class of 1982 Class of 1983 Class of 1984 Class of 1987 Class of 1988 Class of 1989 Class of 1990 Class of 1991 Class of 1992 Class of 1993 Class of 1994 Class of 1995 Class of 1996 Seacoast Chapter Scholarship Fund Speaker's Bureau Gift Fund UNH Alumni Atlanta Chapter Fund Class of 2005 Reunion Fund Class of 1945 Fund Durham: It's Where U Live Scholarsh Class of 1949 Fund Commencement Fair Class of 2006 Reunion Fund Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 3,236 307 10 55,064 1,083 206 35,141 228,687 14,689 194 4,372 1,236 16,027 782 252 28,425 30,180 11 11,997 43,279 12,749 756 7,684 1,166 407 14,678 696 9,554 666 4,388 14,877 7,538 518 11,986 9,777 4,705 437 895 9,661 6,691 158 368 397 6 1,986 609 807 11,473 6,645 7,878 9,172 7,155 5,920 2,529 16 569 3,846 8,390 16,171 2,565 2,446 3,962 3,236 307 10 55,064 1,083 206 35,141 228,687 14,689 194 4,372 1,236 16,027 782 252 28,425 30,180 11 11,997 43,279 12,749 756 7,684 1,166 407 14,678 696 9,554 666 4,388 14,877 7,538 518 11,986 9,777 4,705 437 895 9,661 6,691 158 368 397 6 1,986 609 807 11,473 6,645 7,878 9,172 7,155 5,920 2,529 16 569 3,846 8,390 16,171 2,565 2,446 3,962 300 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GG154 1GG155 1GG156 1GG157 1GG158 1GG160 1GG162 1GG164 1GG165 1GG166 1GG167 1GG168 1GG169 1GG170 1GG171 1GG172 1GG173 1GG174 1GG175 1GG176 1GG177 1GG178 1GG179 1GG180 1GJ002 1GJ003 1GJ005 1GJ006 1GJ007 1GJ008 1GJ009 1GJ010 1GJ011 1GJ012 1GJ013 1GJ014 1GJ016 1GJ018 1GJ019 1GJ021 1GJ023 1GJ024 1GJ029 1GJ030 1GJ032 1GJ034 1GJ035 1GJ038 1GJ040 1GJ041 1GJ042 1GJ043 1GJ044 1GJ046 1GJ047 1GJ048 1GJ049 1GJ050 1GJ051 1GJ052 1GJ053 1GJ054 Class of 1942 Treasury Fund Class of 1948 Fund Class of 1953 Treasury Fund Class of 1964 Treasury Fund Class of 2007 Reunion Fund Class of 1975 Treasury Fund Class of 2008 Reunion Challenge Fun Winch Fund for the Alumni Assoc Class of 2009 Reunion Fund Class of 1957 Treasury Fund Class of 1984 Treasury Fund Class of 1959 Treasury Fund Class of 1954 Treasury Fund Class of 1971 Treasury Fund Class of 2010 Reunion Fund Class of 1960 Treasury Fund Pease Greeter Scholarship David Ellsworth Davis-NH Scholarshp Class of 1962 Fund Gregg Sanborn Alumni Golf Schol. UNH Alumni Association Program Fund Parent's Association Fund Parents Assoc. Student Enrichment Class of 1963 Fund SAFO Miscellaneous Gifts WUNH Marathon Commentary Student Life Gift Fund Patricia Wilkie Memorial Fund Steven Swan Fund Student Career Assistance Emergency Student Loan UNH Multi-Cultural Center Career Services Field Exp Womens Greek Awards Mens Greek Awards SHARRP Gifts UNH Police Gift Volunteer Gifts Assessment Gift Safety Services Support Fund Parents Association Gifts Residential Life Gifts January Jump MUB Fund Raising/gift Account Class of 29 Mub Living Room MUB Gifts Education Programming Student Orgnization Furn-MUB Student Affairs Programming Recreation Development Fund Friends of N. Hamp. Crew Frederick C Walker Fund Badminton Club Cycling Club Fencing Club Judo Club Karate Club Sailing Club Triathlon Club Volleyball Club Men Volleyball Club Women Cash and Investments 16 9,815 5,424 9,410 3,174 2,463 6,886 7,334 4,983 12,747 341 4,055 3,107 2,587 2,132 3,771 2,635 2,921 841 18,000 250,693 66,823 4,615 2,041 4,524 1,358 63 139 300 420 9 3,147 206 10,504 46 16 178,417 2,652 959 376 860 12,589 1,805 125 276 377 1,381 147 21 1,291 6,364 1,258 6,353 30 6,007 48,775 25,340 8,513 49,237 211 2,027 1,234 Accounts & Notes Receivable 6,290 Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 16 9,815 5,424 9,410 3,174 2,463 6,886 7,334 4,983 12,747 341 4,055 3,107 2,587 2,132 3,771 2,635 2,921 841 18,000 243,889 66,823 4,615 2,041 4,524 1,358 63 139 300 1,170 9 7,877 206 10,504 46 16 178,417 2,652 959 376 860 12,589 1,805 125 276 377 1,381 147 21 1,291 6,364 1,258 6,353 30 6,007 48,775 25,340 8,513 49,237 211 2,027 1,234 (13,094) 750 4,730 301 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GJ055 1GJ056 1GJ057 1GJ058 1GJ059 1GJ060 1GJ061 1GJ062 1GJ063 1GJ064 1GJ065 1GJ066 1GJ067 1GJ068 1GJ069 1GJ070 1GJ071 1GJ072 1GJ073 1GJ074 1GJ075 1GJ077 1GJ080 1GJ081 1GJ083 1GJ085 1GJ087 1GJ088 1GJ091 1GJ092 1GJ093 1GJ094 1GJ095 1GJ097 1GJ098 1GJ099 1GJ100 1GJ101 1GJ103 1GJ104 1GJ105 1GJ106 1GJ107 1GJ110 1GJ111 1GJ112 1GJ113 1GJ116 1GJ119 1GJ121 1GJ122 1GJ123 1GJ124 1GJ125 1GJ126 1GJ127 1GJ128 1GJ129 1GJ131 1GJ132 1GJ143 1GJ145 Woodmens Club Tae Kwon Do Club Billiards Club Friends of UNH Men's Crew Rugby Club The Darling Fund Women's Golf Friends of UNH Sailing Aikido Sports Club Figure Skating Club Women's Rugby Club UNH Dance Club Skate Boarding Club Men's Lacrosse Friends of Golf Snowboarding Club Archery Club UNH Homecoming Road Race Surf Club Wrestling Club Baseball Club Charles Harvey Hood Maintenance Health Ed Miscellaneous Gifts Counseling Center Gift Wellness & Sustainability Women's Softball Greek Philanthropy Fest Wildacts Theatre MUB Programming Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship Tim Stout Boat Fund UNH Rifle Club IFC Council Donald F Harley Scholarship Fund Men's Ice Hockey Club Students for Choice Fund The Ken Pope Scholarship Fund Nat'l Society for Collegiate Schola Not Too Sharp Acappella Club Gifts Alabaster Blue Acapella Gift Fund Project Sunshine Fund Organic Garden Club Fund New Hampshire Outing Club Animal Rights Assoc. Gift Fund Accounting Students Assoc Gifts Student to Student Dialogue Fund SAGE Gift Fund UNH College Republicans Gift Fund Robotics Cub Gift Fund UNH Campus Ministry Gifts UNH Women's Crew Club-Misc. Gifts Friends of UNH Tennis UNH Nordic Ski Club-Misc. Gifts Film Underground Gift Fund Kelly Quinn Gode Fund for Crew UNH Climbers Club UNH Energy Club Gift Fund Peace and Justice League Gift Fund Men's Ultimate Frisbee Club Women's Ultimate Frisbee Club UNH Campus Crime Prevention CommUNHiversity Gift fund Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 8,392 4,291 72 4,622 16,216 2,112 2,394 5,607 7,848 8,123 10,852 3,887 756 19,996 3,927 18,472 9,408 13,981 173 363 15,676 101,874 248 5,623 395 9,911 2,005 378 19,238 147 6,840 2,214 10 24,303 15,838 664 5,916 385 169 139 1,301 95 377 236 2,496 59 279 2,546 2,513 250 23,099 4,416 160 57 1,977 7,758 116 324 5,511 10,797 450 50 8,392 4,291 72 4,622 16,216 2,112 2,394 5,607 7,848 8,123 10,852 3,887 756 19,996 3,927 18,472 9,408 13,981 173 363 15,676 101,874 248 5,623 395 9,911 2,005 378 19,238 147 6,840 2,214 10 24,303 15,838 664 5,916 385 169 139 1,301 95 377 236 2,496 59 279 2,546 2,513 250 23,099 4,416 160 57 1,977 7,758 116 324 5,511 10,797 450 50 302 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GJ146 1GJ147 1GJ149 1GJ151 1GJ153 1GJ154 1GK003 1GK004 1GK005 1GL001 1GL002 1GL003 1GL004 1GL005 1GL006 1GL007 1GL009 1GL015 1GL016 1GL017 1GL021 1GL024 1GL026 1GL027 1GL028 1GL030 1GL031 1GL032 1GL033 1GL036 1GL038 1GL042 1GL043 1GL044 1GL046 1GL047 1GL048 1GL053 1GL054 1GL055 1GL057 1GL058 1GL059 1GL060 1GL063 1GL064 1GL065 1GL066 1GL067 1GL068 1GL069 1GQ004 1GQ005 1GQ006 1GR022 1GR026 1GR029 1GR034 1GRECO 1GS001 1GS006 1GS009 Wildcat Marching Band Color Guard SEAC Gift Fund Class of 2012 Gift for Wellness Native American Cultural Assoc. Campus Rec Student Development Alpha Phi Omega Gift Cyber Security Awareness Parent Assn Safety & Security Edu IT Audio & Video Equipment Roland Douglas Sawyer Scholarship G Brooks Books & Pers/Humanities Consolidated Library Fund Edward H Downing Library Book Fund Lillian Duncan Book Fund Marion E Nash Fund Douglas M Milne Endowment Miscellaneous Library Gifts Friends of UNH Library University Museum Special Collections Shoals Barnacle Fund Douglas/Helena Mcelwain Milne Walter & Dorothy Peterson Library Traditional Jazz Collection Library Campaign Gifts Parents Bookplate Program Library Parents Fund Books Library Parents' Fund Awards The Library Commemorative Fund Rogers Mountaineering Books Blanche Foye Nash Library Fund Class of 1947 Library Fund Class of 1955 Dimond Library End E Ruth Buxton Stephenson Fund Addison Fund for the Library Dunleavy Library Fund Edmund G Miller Library Fund Charlotte K. Anderson Endowed Fund Collins Fund for Digital Collection Philip J Sawyer Quasi End Fund Prescott Family Fund Lorus and Margery Milne Gift Fund Murray Library Collections Endowmnt James D. Merritt Memorial Book Fund NEIGC Scanning Project Gift Fund Rasmussen W European Art Book Fund Rasmussen(Chamber) Music Scores Fnd Hood '56 & '59 Endowed Fnd-Library Collins' Fund for Library Support Cohen Endow.-Collection Development Dimond Library Humanities Collectio Hospitality Students Spec Projects UNH Dining Services Nutrition Prgrm UHS Scholarship Fund Northrop Grumman Patents Gift Fund Compliance Assist. Outrch Program UNH InterOperability Lab Gift Fund IOL Scholarship Fund Res Part Econ Dev Discretionary Warren Brown Memorial Scholars Philip C Jones Class of 1913 Wc And Cd Skoglund Scholarship Cash and Investments 18 21,704 2,448 75 3,530 649 98 1,735 1,309 28,595 3,977 1 658 7,864 3,688 17,259 305 29,486 4,115 64 516 12,630 6,181 19,598 374,260 8 156 58 847 536 885 17,527 26,646 2,535 141,660 2,324 17,351 3,453 21,086 4 10,279 22,310 6,564 13,066 124 10,949 1,000 122 47,368 6,559 5,164 346 3,500 2,507 12,000 10,468 29,000 577 505 1 1 1 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 18 21,704 2,448 75 3,530 649 98 1,735 1,309 28,595 3,977 1 658 17,259 305 29,486 4,115 64 516 12,630 6,181 19,598 374,260 8 156 58 847 536 885 17,527 26,646 2,535 141,660 2,324 17,351 3,453 21,086 4 10,279 22,310 6,564 7,177 124 10,949 1,000 122 47,368 6,559 5,164 346 3,500 2,507 12,000 10,468 29,000 577 505 1 1 1 (7,864) (3,688) (5,889) 303 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GS010 1GS015 1GS018 1GS023 1GS024 1GS025 1GS028 1GS029 1GS031 1GS032 1GS035 1GS039 1GS042 1GS045 1GS046 1GS047 1GS048 1GS049 1GS050 1GS051 1GS054 1GS057 1GS061 1GS062 1GS066 1GS067 1GS068 1GS069 1GS075 1GS076 1GS078 1GS080 1GS082 1GS084 1GS086 1GS087 1GS088 1GS089 1GS090 1GS091 1GS092 1GS093 1GS095 1GS099 1GS100 1GS101 1GS102 1GS105 1GS106 1GS109 1GS110 1GS111 1GS112 1GS113 1GS114 1GS116 1GS118 1GS119 1GS121 1GS122 1GS123 1GS125 A Barr Whoop Snively Scholarsh 'Cats Care Cheerleaders Annual Fundraising Friends of Skiing Friends of Men's Soccer Friends of Swimming & Diving UNH Men's Hockey Cat Club Friends of Men's Basketball UNH Ski Teams Endowed Fund Friends of Men's CC/Track Academic/Athletic Support Fund Bernice Hill Class of 1923 End Friends of Women's Ice Hockey Friends of Women's CC/Track Athletic Training Friends of Women's Soccer Friends of Women's Lacrosse Friends of Women's Basketball Friends of Women's Field Hockey Friends of Women's Gymnastics Friends of Women's Volleyball Ac-Athl Achievement Reception Arden Atkins Endowed Scholarsh Wildcat Fund Friends of Men's Hockey Edward Fish 58 Football Fund Mooradian Football Scholarship 9.5 Gymnastic Award (houston) Reggie Atkins Scholarship Robert A Kullen Memorial Fund Jane Blalock athletic Scholar James H "Red" Hayes Scholarship Dickson Scholarship & Spirit Award Friends of UNH Mens Hockey Fish 58 Football Scholarship JV Hiller Athletic Scholarship Gordon K Hill Athletics Fund UNH Ski Team Alpine Scholarship Bill Knight Scholarship Fund K Beckingham Scholarship Fund Guy Leslie Smith Scholarship Dorothy T Hobbs Endowed Fund Kenneth & Mary Grant Scholarship Bellavance Hockey Scholarship Bellavance Football Scholarship 98-99 Mens Hockey Champions Dutch Knox Football Program Bill Hinman Scholarship Fund Tina True Memorial Fund Athletic Director's Excellence Fund Strength & Conditioning Training Student-Athlete Opportunity Fund Conrad Endowed Football Scholarship Endowed Fund for Football Francis McGrail Endowed Scholarship Norma O'Dowd Hartnett Award UNH Men's Basketball Excellence Fnd James H Boulanger Endowed Fund UNH Ski Team Endowment Chandler & Ann Sanborn Football Sch Wohlfarth Football Scholarship Cash and Investments 1 483 12,436 51,948 18,453 44,965 88,976 58,083 13,627 26,190 24,646 78,233 1 5,772 15,624 6,419 23,076 13,606 6,495 13,589 55,742 9,114 383 4,713 21,214 50,528 352 1 5,328 7,399 1 1 1 12,807 9,376 1 3,104 1 6,877 1 2 1 1,270 1 1 1 1 3,586 1 1,419 54,066 533 160,688 1 2 1 1,441 26 4,774 177,749 1 1 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 1 483 12,436 51,926 17,854 44,965 88,976 58,083 13,417 26,190 24,646 78,233 1 5,772 15,624 6,419 19,473 13,479 6,495 13,589 55,742 9,114 383 4,713 21,214 50,379 352 1 5,328 7,399 1 1 1 12,807 9,376 1 3,104 1 6,877 1 2 1 1,270 1 1 1 1 3,586 1 1,419 54,066 304 160,688 1 2 1 1,441 26 4,774 177,749 1 1 (22) (599) (210) (3,603) (127) (149) (229) 304 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GS128 1GS131 1GS134 1GS136 1GS137 1GS138 1GS139 1GS140 1GS143 1GS144 1GS145 1GS148 1GS149 1GS154 1GS161 1GT002 1GU001 1GU002 1GU008 1GU009 1GU010 1GU011 1GU015 1GU016 1GU017 1GU018 1GU019 1GU020 1GU021 1GU022 1GU023 1GU024 1GU025 1GU026 1GU027 1GU028 1GU029 1GU030 1GU031 1GU032 1GU033 1GU034 1GU035 1GU036 1GU037 1GU038 1GU039 1GU040 1GU041 1GU042 1GU043 1GU044 1GU045 1GU046 1GU048 1GU049 1GU050 1GU051 1GU052 1GU053 1GU054 1GU055 Winslow & June Macdonald Football S Dr William '35 McLaughlin Hockey Sc Col John Howard Blewett Scholarship Donna Lynne '74 Scholarship Fund Paul E. Berton Scholarship Fund Franklin Taylor '52 Athletic Schol Franklin Taylor '52 Athletic Schol Franklin Taylor '52 Athletic Schol UNH Nordic Ski Team Scholarship Bertsch Family Scholarship Fund John & Catherine Goegel Scholarship Men's Soccer Need-Based Scholarship Barbara B. Peyser '50 Athletic Scho UNH Wildcat Hockey Alumni Scholars. Stuart Cohen UNH Hockey Enhancement Facilities Chair Fund Winfred E Chesley Fund Concord Chapter Alumni Scholar Alvin R Ingram Fellowship Marcia McCann Scholarship Petmezas Scholarship Irving Ausman Mem Fellowship Graduate School Scholarships UNH Graduate Fellowship Fund Winnie R Allen Scholarship Abbiati Memorial Scholarship Forrest Eugene Adams Memorial Alpha Tau Omega - Albert A Bro Governor John H Bartlett Fund Frank Booma Memorial Scholarship The Bunny Bryant Class of 1927 Louis P Bourgoin Scholarship Harvey L Boutwell Scholarship Edmund L Brigham Scholarship O B Brown Scholarship Fund Edna O Brown Scholarship Cartlands of Lee Scholarship James R. Carter Memorial Schola Frank B Clark Fund Stephen Decesare Memorial Schol Class of 1898 Scholarship Ben & Zelma Dorson Endowed Sch Class of 1916 Scholarship William S Sayward Class of 192 Class of 1928 Scholarship Class of 1922 Scholarship Class of 1931 Alumni Memorial Bank Meridian Scholarship Class of 1938 Memorial Scholar Clarence E Clement Scholarship Corrine H Coburn Fund Katharine Demeritt Memorial Sc Melbourne W. Cummings Endowed Paul Edward Corriveau Memorial Currier Fisher Scholarship Fund G Harris Daggett Memorial Schol Alexander DanOff Endowed Schol Robert L Deming Scholarship Fund Kenneth E Denham Memorial Schol Harry W Evans Scholarship Sylvester M Foster Fund Fred Englehart Scholarship Fun Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 1,162 1 1 752 5,457 1,635 1,635 1,635 2,841 1 1 10,000 2,820 1 20,000 230 928 3,701 1 7,528 65,856 1,500 8,061 9,244 877 56 2,203 3,422 1,707 415 8,035 255 873 200 90 902 273 68 27,995 21 8,353 956 439 47 3,911 10,053 2,355 41,952 112 273 1,372 499 17,600 947 73 142 95 327 78 1,205 232 7,232 1,162 1 1 752 5,457 1,635 1,635 1,635 2,841 1 1 10,000 2,820 1 20,000 230 928 3,701 1 7,528 65,856 1,500 8,061 9,244 877 56 2,203 3,422 1,707 415 8,035 255 873 200 90 902 273 68 27,995 21 8,353 956 439 47 3,911 10,053 2,355 41,952 112 273 1,372 499 17,600 947 73 142 95 327 78 1,205 232 7,232 305 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GU056 1GU057 1GU058 1GU059 1GU060 1GU061 1GU062 1GU063 1GU064 1GU065 1GU066 1GU067 1GU068 1GU069 1GU071 1GU072 1GU073 1GU074 1GU075 1GU076 1GU077 1GU078 1GU079 1GU080 1GU081 1GU082 1GU083 1GU084 1GU085 1GU086 1GU087 1GU088 1GU089 1GU090 1GU091 1GU092 1GU093 1GU094 1GU095 1GU096 1GU097 1GU098 1GU099 1GU100 1GU101 1GU102 1GU103 1GU104 1GU105 1GU106 1GU107 1GU108 1GU110 1GU111 1GU112 1GU113 1GU114 1GU115 1GU116 1GU117 1GU118 1GU119 Adelaide M Gooding Fund John W Haines Scholarship Willis DF Hayden Scholarship Helen E Hayes Scholarship Fund Henderson Memorial Scholarship Larry Hogan Scholarship Fund Hennessey Scholarship Dorice & Richard Horan Scholarship Edgar C Hirst Scholarship Fund H A Holbrook Scholarship Michael J and Nellie M Houriha Cyril Thomas Hunt Memorial Schol John S Holland Memorial Schol Miriam Jackson Memorial Schol Lillian Johnson Scholarship Richard Bruce Johnston Scholar Elizabeth Jones Class of 1922 Ilmari Kainu Memorial Scholars Hannaford Bros. Endowed Schol Donald Whitney Libby Memorial Mildred B Lionstone Scholarship Janet Clark '42 Memorial Endow Nancy E Lougee Memorial Schol Harry Macleod Memorial Schol Berry-Mattoon Fund J Herbert Marceau Scholarship Philip M Marston Scholarship William F Marsh Fund Howard E Mclane Memorial Schol Jw Mcconnell Scholarship Fund Elinor Metcalf Scholarship E Roger Montgomery Memorial Schol Mortarboard Scholarship Maurice E Herbonne Scholarship Barbara King Newman Scholarship NH Branch National Civic Fed The Ordway Fund Albert N Otis Scholarship Fund George Downes Parnell Memorial Nettie M & Charles Parker Mem Isabel Paul Scholarships Robert G Perrault Memorial Schol Luella Pettee Fund Physical Plant O & M Public Sa Rosencrans W Pillsbury Phi Mu Delta Scholarship Fund Barbara Russell Frank Randall Scholarship Fund Alfred Ernest Richards Scholar Lena Snow Sargent Scholarship Charles H Sanders Fund Walter N Shipley Fund Mary F Simpson Scholarship Fun J Guy Smart Scholarship Fund Roderick W Smith Scholarship Valentine Smith Scholarship Frederick Smyth Book Fund E.F. & M.M. Cutts 1916 Scholar Victor & Mabel Smith Scholarship Paul Spilios Memorial Fund William C. + Doris E. Sterling Charles Stillings Fund Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 183 55 722 105 95 1,028 433 1,445 124 106 3,259 190 395 105 3,096 1,326 22,257 2,176 44 483 200 84 729 19 60 1,016 12,162 314 326 96 525 500 9,796 188 4,499 47 318 27,146 279 124 974 1,530 693 22 94 22,920 67 11,990 1,140 6,234 891 324 235 319 489 5,625 11 236 44 1,708 27 10,709 183 55 722 105 95 1,028 433 1,445 124 106 3,259 190 395 105 3,096 1,326 22,257 2,176 44 483 200 84 729 19 60 1,016 12,162 314 326 96 525 500 9,796 188 4,499 47 318 27,146 279 124 974 1,530 693 22 94 22,920 67 11,990 1,140 6,234 891 324 235 319 489 5,625 11 236 44 1,708 27 10,709 306 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GU120 1GU121 1GU122 1GU123 1GU124 1GU125 1GU126 1GU127 1GU128 1GU129 1GU130 1GU131 1GU132 1GU134 1GU135 1GU136 1GU137 1GU138 1GU139 1GU140 1GU142 1GU144 1GU145 1GU146 1GU147 1GU148 1GU150 1GU151 1GU152 1GU153 1GU155 1GU156 1GU157 1GU158 1GU160 1GU161 1GU162 1GU163 1GU164 1GU165 1GU167 1GU168 1GU169 1GU172 1GU181 1GU191 1GU192 1GU193 1GU196 1GU199 1GU201 1GU202 1GU203 1GU207 1GU208 1GU209 1GU210 1GU211 1GU213 1GU214 1GU215 1GU216 Fred Weare Stone Memorial Colonel Samuel J Sutherland Sc Corinne Trippetti Art Scholars Alberta Curry Virgil Memorial Theron A Thorp Memorial Schol James A Wellman Memorial Schol Earle A Welch Scholarship Bertha I Norton George T. Gilman Fund For Inte The Blanche Dimond White and G Avrum Gudelsky Endowed Schol Charles H Wiggin Scholarship Walter M Wiggin Scholarship John G. Winant Memorial Schol George H Williams Fund George P. Wood Shoals Marine L Austin Nickerson Memorial Fund Gladys Wheeler Simeroth Endow William H Yale Scholarship Fund Paul M. Barlow Memorial Prize Class of 1899 Prize Helen Duncan Jones Prize Mr & Mrs S Morris Locke Prize Mask And Dagger Achievement Award Erskine Mason Memorial Prize Leonard P Novak Memorial Award Smyth Memorial Prize Anna Zornio Memorial Fund Raymond E Bassett Memorial Pri Burlingame Senior Student Loan Class of 1948 Trust Fund Carol Korzeniewski Endowed Fun Diettrich Memorial Cup Fund The Ben Bronstein Endowed Schol Fuller Foundation Endowed Fund Sam Rosen Endowment Scholarship General Melvin Zais Endowed Schol The Frances Kling 1920 Schol Arthur E Clapp Memorial Schol S Judson Dunaway Fund American Hotel Foundation Schol Peter Lino Barili Mem Schol Gertrude Phelps Carlson Memorial W T Grant Scholarship Governor Wesley Powell Scholar UNH Memorial Scholarship Fund UNH Fund - Scholarships WHEB - Annual Scholarship Booth Foundation Intrnl House Scholarships Peter & Francis Martin Granger Scholarship Endow Class 33 End For Honors Martha Hopkins Award J C Irving Memorial Schol Paul A Cote Scholarship Penney Family Scholarship Honors Research Support Fund Class of 51 Endow Schol Ruth Cheney Streeter Schol Fnd Col John & Helena Ayotte Temple Beth Israel Scholarship Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 11,780 287 51 13,545 54 3,727 57 361 108 263 274 599 106 16,855 1,500 17,426 131 441 8,981 5,463 12 176 2,788 1,822 3 53 11,846 797 304 41,097 263 90 874 347 4,390 15 2,004 3,573 24 141 1,000 12,237 650 1,028 18 145 106,067 1,162 528 10 451 1 6,062 50,118 723 341 431 88 128 1,564 254 2,096 11,780 287 51 13,545 54 3,727 57 361 108 263 274 599 106 16,855 1,500 17,426 131 441 8,981 5,463 12 176 2,788 1,822 3 53 11,846 797 304 41,097 263 90 874 347 4,390 15 2,004 3,573 24 141 1,000 12,237 650 1,028 18 145 106,067 1,162 528 10 451 1 6,062 50,118 723 341 431 88 128 1,564 254 2,096 307 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GU217 1GU218 1GU219 1GU220 1GU221 1GU222 1GU223 1GU225 1GU226 1GU227 1GU230 1GU231 1GU232 1GU233 1GU235 1GU239 1GU240 1GU241 1GU242 1GU244 1GU245 1GU246 1GU247 1GU248 1GU249 1GU250 1GU251 1GU252 1GU253 1GU254 1GU255 1GU256 1GU257 1GU258 1GU259 1GU260 1GU261 1GU262 1GU263 1GU264 1GU265 1GU266 1GU267 1GU268 1GU269 1GU270 1GU272 1GU273 1GU274 1GU275 1GU276 1GU277 1GU278 1GU279 1GU280 1GU282 1GU283 1GU284 1GU285 1GU286 1GU287 1GU288 Ruth Taber Morrell Scholar Bernice Gray Hanhisalo Art Sch Mcininch Foundation Scholarship CEPS Engineering Scholarship Norma V And John W Spaven Forrest S Smith Fund Christopher F Weinheimer Schol Stella Pinska Keene Polish Stu Seron Bailey Hotel Admin Schol Lola M Preston Endowed Scholar Multiculture Recruitment Fund Class of 1944 Endowed Scholar Elizabeth Murdoch Fisher 29 Sc Class of 1961 Endowed Scholars William Law Scholarship Fund Andrew & Jean Young Scholarship Peterson Carsey Minority Schol Ruth Woodruff Scholarship Fund Austin & Winona Hubbard Schol Class of 1950 Endowed Schol University Community Scholars Hutchins Family Fund Scholarship Ingeborg Lock Endowed Scholar Marvin A Levins Scholarship Class of 1948 Scholarship Fund Kate Harvey Burns Scholarship 1929 Lewis Stark Scholarship Ralph & Aline Parker Endowment George Bergeron Scholarship Paul Caswell & Family Fund Brownell Family Scholarship Next Horizon Scholarship Fund Minigan Family Scholarship Robert & Bertha Laplante Schol Beverly Hoover Scholarship Fund Norman Gagnon Scholarship Fund Class of 1960 Scholarship Fund Tyco Scholars Fund Dean C Smith Whittemore Scholarship UNH Parents Assoc Endowed Scholrshp Robert & Linda Spear Scholarship Michael Berry Scholarship Fund Joseph Zock Liberal Arts Scholarshp Gullotti MBA Scholarship Fund Tracy Family Scholarship Fund Ernest Easter Scholarship Fund Edmund Miller Scholarship Fund Kyle Frey Endowed Scholarship Dean C Smith Thompson Schol Mid-Atlantic Chapters Schlrshp Levine/Benson Technology Schol Nassikas Scholarship Fund Class of 1953 Endowed Scholarship The Joy Student Scholarship Fund Granite State Scholars Quasi Endow Maurice C Paige Scholarship Fund Lost Boys Scholarship Fund John & Katharyn Williams Scholarshi Barrows/Bogart Cycling Scholarship Hanson Endowed Scholarship Fund Arthur H Carter Andrea VanGilder Scholarship Fund Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 3,064 2,004 3,281 346 1,316 3,162 2,250 304 6,185 23,634 41,752 5,134 1,905 4 498 26,525 848 129 223 1,493 856 2,328 153 661 9 353 107 2,877 7,262 4,468 2,698 9,382 143 1,124 83 1,187 637 66,803 64 14,811 99 1,087 296 239 233 593 74 100 123 276 39 7,738 4,629 8,929 474,919 20,789 4,870 1,575 3,762 209,555 33,977 445 3,064 2,004 3,281 346 1,316 3,162 2,250 304 6,185 23,634 41,752 5,134 1,905 4 498 26,525 848 129 223 1,493 856 2,328 153 661 9 353 107 2,877 7,262 4,468 2,698 9,382 143 1,124 83 1,187 637 66,803 64 14,811 99 1,087 296 239 233 593 74 100 123 276 39 7,738 4,629 8,929 474,919 20,789 4,870 1,575 3,762 209,555 33,977 445 308 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GU290 1GU291 1GU292 1GU293 1GU294 1GU296 1GU297 1GU298 1GU299 1GU300 1GU301 1GU302 1GU303 1GU305 1GU306 1GU307 1GU308 1GU309 1GU310 1GU311 1GU312 1GU313 1GU314 1GU315 1GU317 1GU318 1GU319 1GU320 1GU321 1GU322 1GU323 1GU324 1GU325 1GU326 1GU327 1GU328 1GU329 1GU330 1GU331 1GU332 1GU333 1GU334 1GU335 1GU336 1GU337 1GU338 1GU339 1GU340 1GU341 1GU342 1GU343 1GU344 1GU345 1GU346 1GU347 1GU348 1GU350 1GU351 1GU352 1GU353 1GU354 1GU355 Heath "Grumblenot" Scholarship Fund Pickett Family Scholarship Fund James H Trainor Memorial Scholarshp Gray-White-Shields Scholarship Fund Class of 1956 Endowed Scholarship Unique Endowment Allocation Plan McCaffrey Endowed Scholarship Fund William Sanderson Endowed Scholarsh Terragni Family Scholarship Fund Wyman Endowed Scholarship Fund Class of 1957 Endowed Scholarship Ormond A Roberts Scholarship Fund Weglarz Memorial Scholarship Fund Libbey '79 Fund-Science Diversity Roger Bougie '56 Scholarship Fund Rydin Family Scholarship Fund UNH Rollinsford Area Scholarship Selma Naccach-Hoff Schol-Liberal Ar Takeuchi '48 & Rantala '44 Edith M Blake Scholarship Fund Paul Shea '51 Memorial Scholarship Harvey Bergeron Sr Scholarship Fund William Heywood '60 Endowed Schol Fred J Bennett '54 70's Decade Alumni Scholarship Fund Claycomb '75 Environmental Sciences Class of 1958 Endowed Scholarship Andrew Janetos Scholarship Endowmnt William Wade Perkins Quasi Endow Ambrose Occupational Therapy Schol UNH Nursing Alumni Scholarship Muriel Weissman Student Scholarship Christopher Arre MSW Scholarship Col John Howard Blewett Scholarship UNH Foreign Language Scholarship UNH Engineering Scholarship John '54 & Anne '56 Boehle Scholrsh J Todd Minor '76 Schol/Life Science PB Allen '58 Tau Kappa Epsilon Scho Claire & Henry Grady Northeast Passage Athletic Excellen Dr JR & Veronica Bowen Scholarshp Jay McSharry '90 Diversity Schlrshp Hannaway '58 Scholarship Fund Robert & Tina Dudley Scholarship Fn Verne & Kay Brown Elec & Comp Scho Stephany M Lavallee Nursing Schol Occupational Therapy Scholarship Walter A. Calderwood Jr. '34 Schol. T. Ralph & Isabelle Meyers Fund UNH Foundation Scholarship Patricia M. Flowers '45 Scholarship Muriel M. Barr Nursing Scholarship Alice Freeman Reed Scholarship Fund Lakes Region Chapter Scholarship Jane & Lincoln Colby Scholarship Blake Family Scholarship Fund Steelman Athletics Scholarship Fund Paul & Ann Stewart Memorial Schol. Doug & Stella Scamman Scholarship James Page & Amy Sherman Endowment Edward J. Flynn Scholarship Fund Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 52 86,370 1,623 10,057 121 1 1,616 1,773 3 298 2,022 119 141 569 4,353 7,840 38,803 1,240 4 17,925 5 1,598 94 957 3,578 367 6,343 180 8,144 506 245 36,915 4,470 3 393 108 12 258 17,359 341 5,692 4,352 741 234 146 1,207 667 125 266 2,938 6,674 134 1,973 1,506 4,100 1,115 1,000 1,000 2,000 134 1,000 4,534 52 86,370 1,623 10,057 121 1 1,616 1,773 3 298 2,022 119 141 569 4,353 7,840 38,803 1,240 4 17,925 5 1,598 94 957 3,578 367 6,343 180 8,144 506 245 36,915 4,470 3 393 108 12 258 17,359 341 5,692 4,352 741 234 146 1,207 667 125 266 2,938 6,674 134 1,973 1,506 4,100 1,115 1,000 1,000 2,000 134 1,000 4,534 309 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GU356 1GU357 1GU358 1GU359 1GU360 1GU361 1GU362 1GU363 1GU364 1GU365 1GU366 1GU367 1GU368 1GU369 1GU370 1GU373 1GU375 1GU376 1GU377 1GU378 1GU380 1GU381 1GU382 1GU383 1GU384 1GU385 1GU386 1GU387 1GU388 1GU389 1GU390 1GU391 1GU392 1GU393 1GU394 1GU395 1GU396 1GU397 1GU398 1GU405 1GU406 1GX002 1GX003 1GX006 1GX007 1GX008 1GX009 1GX010 1GX011 1GX012 1GX014 1GX015 1GX016 1GX018 1GX019 1GX020 1GX021 1GX022 1GX023 1GX024 1GX025 1GX026 Gay Brookes '61 Scholarship Fund The Patrick Family Scholarship Fund John D. DuRie Family Scholarship The Zissi Family Scholarship Fund A. Storace, DMD Family Scholarship Hitchiner Manufacturing Scholarship Dupont Family Scholarship Fund Deborah Ann Lada '78 Scholarship Martha R. Stebbins Scholarship Fund Thomas E. Callahan '62 Family Fund Virginia F. Small Scholarship Fund Cheryl Dickson '63 Athletics Schol. The Carver Scholarship Fund K. McKinnon '62 Athletics Schol. Michael Riley Memorial Scholarship J. Morgan & Tara Rutman Scholarship Bradley & Judith Aiken Scholarship Barbara Rose Noonan Scholarship Joseph L. Robinson Scholarship Fund Richard E. Galway '66 Scholarship NH Resident Scholarship Appeal Class of 1970 Scholarship Fund Lloyd & Beverley Jordan Scholarship Craig & Linda Rydin Scholarship 'Navy' Labnon Hospitality Schol. Richard & Carol Trombly Scholarshp Iola & Leslie Hubbard Scholarship Dr. Filson H Glanz Scholarship-CEPS Cl' of '64 Endowed Scholarship Fund MBA Class of 1987 Scholarhip Fund Leon Kenison Civil Engineering Schl Eugene A. Savage Scholarship Fund McDevitt Family Scholarship Fund Judith Anne Hill '48 Scholarship Class of 1962 Student Enrichment Class of 1963 Scholarship Fund Joseph & Susan Garofoli Scholarship UNH Term Scholarship Charron Class of 1964 Scholarship The Clark Family Scholarship Fund Edmund C. Tarbell II Family Schol. 4-H Camps Gifts Marine Docent Endowed Fund CE Gifts-Sea Grant&Water Res Community & Economic Development CE Gifts-Family Development Food & Agriculture Gift Fund CE Gifts 4-H Foundation Youth & Family Gift Fund CE Natural Resources Gift Fund 4-H Sheep Program Fund Coos County 4-H Youth Dev Fund Ruth Kimball 4-H Endowed Fund Carl Hess 4-H Memorial Fund NH 4-H Milk Dealers Fund George D Kidder 4-H Fund Carroll T Stoddard 4-H Fund Tom Fairchild 4-HDairy Fund Pual Carbino 4-H Scholarship Lucile Poland 4-H Teen Conference NH 4-H Horse Program Fund NH 4-H Poultry Growers Fund Cash and Investments 163 1,000 1,000 173 750 1,126 1,000 181 480 1,055 1,701 1,000 2,000 3,154 74 247 2,000 87 1,315 1,000 59,208 287 1,100 79,905 19,820 251 23,440 290 15,157 4,430 571 73 2,000 290 18 1,581 2,000 30,000 2,000 2,000 25,251 12,023 17,681 35 9,461 3,664 16,024 114,093 2,964 23,041 1,683 3,397 6,093 77 284 775 3,417 265 1,246 740 54 1,959 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 163 1,000 1,000 173 750 1,126 1,000 181 480 1,055 1,701 1,000 2,000 3,154 74 247 2,000 87 1,315 1,000 59,208 287 1,100 79,905 19,820 251 23,440 290 15,157 4,430 571 73 2,000 290 18 1,581 2,000 30,000 2,000 2,000 25,251 12,023 17,681 35 8,711 3,664 16,024 113,213 2,964 23,041 1,683 3,397 5,941 77 284 775 3,417 265 1,246 740 54 1,959 (750) (880) (152) 310 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GX027 1GX028 1GX029 1GX031 1GX033 1GX034 1GX035 1GX036 1GX037 1GX038 1GX039 1GX040 1GX041 1GX042 1GX043 1GX044 1GX045 1GX046 1GX047 1GX048 1GX049 1GX050 1GX051 1GX052 1GX053 1GX054 1GX055 1GX056 1GX057 1GZ000 1GZ002 1GZ003 1GZ005 1GZ006 1GZ007 1GZ009 1GZ010 1GZ011 1GZ012 1GZ013 1GZ014 1GZ015 1GZ016 1GZ017 1GZ018 1GZ019 1GZ020 1GZ021 1GZ022 1GZ023 1GZ024 1GZ025 1GZ026 1GZ027 1GZ028 1GZ031 1GZ032 1GZ033 1GZH21 1GZH35 1GZH36 1GZH40 Internat'l 4-H Youth Exchange NH 4-H Alliance Endowed Fund Anna Mosher Boardman 4-H Fund Grube Other Research Neal Other Research New England Agriculture Eng Heckel Ext Educator Fellowship Caswell Fund-Resrch Teaching Outrch Ruth Stimson Community Outreach Fnd Roy Foundation Conservation Fund 4-H Centennial Fund Marshall 4-H Youth Opportunities Fn Dalrymple Community Outreach Fund Extension Volunteers in Conservatio Cooperative Extension Gift Fund Master Gardener Program Gift Fund PB Smith - Other Research William Spaulding Sea Grant Endowme CE Lakes Lay Monitoring Friends of 4-H Camps 4-H Urban Programming-Hillsborough William J Cowie 4-H Fund Saving Special Places Conference Fn Briggs NH Land & Water Education Greenhouse and Floriculture Gifts Pesticide safety Education Program CE Fund for Excellence Community Development Academy Fund 4-H Healthy Living Fund Peter Paul Chair in Space Science Hubbard and Bloomfield Iola Hubbard Climate Change Endowmt Milton Bloomfield Fund Huisking Foundation Gift Fund Space Science Educ & Outreach Gifts Carbon Neutral New England 2020 LM RRS & Climate Change Forest Watch Current Use SMI SCHOLARSHIPS MAR SCIENCE SCHOLAR-BICKFORD DR. MARJORIE A PARSONS FUND DORIS CHILD RENEY ARMBRUST FUND MARINE PROGRAM ENDOWMENT SHOALS MARINE LAB ENDOWMENT JEAN & CARMEN RAGONESE FUND CLASS OF 1937 PROFESSORSHIP SHOALS MARINE LAB GIFTS JEL ANNUAL GIFTS W P MOORE MAR SCI LECTURE ROBERT & DORIS TUTTLE ENDOWED FUND NEW HAMPSHIRE ESTUARIES PROJECT FUN UNH MARINE PROGRAM GIFT FUND C.F.JACKSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND SPAULDING SHOALS LABORATORY ENDOW SPAULDING JACKSON ESTUARINE LAB CHASE '58 EXCELLENCE IN MARINE SCIE ANDERSON FAMILY FUND-MARINE PROGRAM PREP GIFT FUND CMB FACULTY SUPPORT CEPS FACULTY SUPPORT COS FAC SUPPORT RESEARCH VESSEL Cash and Investments 2,915 382 640 12,408 11,505 3,126 7,858 20,324 3,898 74,798 12,570 5,046 3,337 17,868 14,190 8,756 2,206 3,330 9,120 3,462 1,791 6,106 9,389 29,425 25,740 22,251 8,895 6,543 2,665 165,000 3,789 167,711 12,443 1,500 4,738 1 6,532 5,077 1,076 1 2,340 22,733 14,362 29,844 11,084 15,657 19,577 6,151 10,000 70,333 59,884 15,789 1,859 3,267 1,575 5,460 960 41,226 7 11,524 6 554 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 2,915 382 535 12,408 11,505 2,965 7,858 19,645 3,898 74,613 11,422 5,046 3,337 17,868 14,190 8,756 2,206 3,330 9,120 3,462 1,791 6,106 9,358 29,425 25,740 22,251 8,895 6,543 2,665 165,000 3,789 167,513 12,443 1,500 4,738 1 6,532 5,077 1,076 1 2,340 22,733 14,362 29,844 11,084 15,657 19,577 6,151 10,000 70,333 59,884 15,789 1,859 3,267 1,575 5,460 960 41,226 7 11,524 6 554 (105) (161) (679) (185) (1,148) (31) (198) 311 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GZH45 1GZH46 1GZH47 1GZH53 1GZH74 1GZH76 1GZH78 1GZH79 1GZH80 1GZHUB MARINE BIOLOGY PROGRAM OCEAN ENGINEERING PROGRAM OCEANOGRAPHY PROGRAM MARINE PROGRAM HUBBARD SEA GRANT SUPPORT CHASE OCEAN ENGINEERING LAB SUPPORT SHOALS MARINE LAB SUPPORT START UP FUNDS FOR J. PRINGLE MP - RESEARCH & TRAVEL SPPT PAYOUT HUBBARD MARINE PROGRAM FUND TOTAL RESTRICTED GIFTS & ENDOWMENT INCOME 110184 110186 110188 110193 110194 110198 110201 110203 110204 110205 110206 110207 110209 110216 110220 110221 110222 110224 110225 110227 110228 110229 110235 110236 110240 110241 110243 110244 110245 110246 110247 110248 110249 110256 112102 112114 112119 112122 112128 112129 112130 112131 112132 112136 112137 112138 112139 112140 112141 SPONSORED RESEARCH & PROGRAMS USDA NSRC - Subawards Manipulating Host & Mate-Findg Field Office Grad & Undergrad Tropical Peatlands Carbon Community Resilience in Oregon GBE Contribution Agreement Dairy Farming Gas Emissions USDA NSRC - Admin Fund USDA NSRC - Subaward Fund Molecular & Biochemical Signal Resource Management and 2010 TEUs on the WMNF Assisting Dairy Producers Using Groups to Reduce Invasiv Habitat Evaluation of NEC USDA NSRC Admin NSRC Subaward Fund Evapotranspiration Declines Landscape Carbon Lidar Northern Forest Ecosystems Belowground Competition Forest Structure Forest Carbon Isotope Studies White Pine Needle Damage NH Stewardship Network Forage-Cover Crop Demos ERK Signaling in Ovarian Cells Greenhouse Heat-Pump Smart Forest Uncovering the Belowground DRI NH Crop Ins Risk Mgt. Ed. Microbial Physiology Soil C Nitrogen Synchrony Multinational Ag GHG Emissions In-Situ Wetland Treatment CSSP Phase II Modeling Statistics of Fish ISCO Metals Release Global vs Local Energy Deposit Mitigation-Adaption Nexus USACE Mitigation IPA Large Scale Tensor Categories Gas Circulator DPAL Ductile Damage of Titanium Operation Military Kids Numerical Simulations DPAL Delivering Enhanced Currents Enahncements to a Mission Cash and Investments 966 5,836 22,516 435 10 59 47,764 495 5,297 414,560 19,479,580 (3,029) (432) (39) (14,022) (3,413) (9,389) (1,377) (785) (598) (2,848) (15,967) (9,614) (1,312) (17,325) (1,317) (11) (1,737) (3,492) (805) (910) (24,427) (200) (741) (3,774) (9,633) (2,904) (3,820) (5,692) (1,453) (28,435) (2,634) (428) (430) (1,389) 937 (19,190) (75,064) (38,127) (26,630) (4,004) (526) (21,762) (128,387) (9,301) 18,851 (58,196) 9,812 (29,704) Accounts & Notes Receivable 11,770 3,029 432 39 14,022 8,413 9,389 1,377 785 467 598 2,866 16,268 26,277 1,312 17,325 1,317 52 1,820 4,065 805 5,650 24,427 200 1,101 4,602 9,633 2,904 3,820 5,692 4,512 28,830 5,378 428 430 1,853 (937) 19,190 75,064 38,127 26,630 4,004 526 21,762 128,387 (5,366) 16,351 58,196 (9,812) 30,177 Prepaid and Other Assets - Property, Plant & Equipment - Deferred Outflows - Accounts Payable 2,456,610 Deposits and Unearned Revenues (21,855) Accrued Employee Benefits - Refundable Government Advances - Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income - - Total Net Position 966 5,836 22,516 435 10 59 47,764 495 5,297 414,560 21,926,105 - (5,000) (467) (18) (302) (16,662) (1) 1 - (41) (84) (573) (1) - (4,740) (359) (827) 1 1 - (3,059) (394) (2,745) 1 (1) - (464) (128) 14,667 (35,074) (473) 312 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 112143 112144 112145 112146 112147 112148 115090 115094 115096 115097 115105 115106 115107 115108 115109 115110 115112 116106 116109 116112 116114 116115 120012 120064 120066 120071 143301 143302 143304 143311 143316 143321 143323 143324 143327 143328 143329 143332 143333 143335 143336 143337 143339 143343 143345 143346 143347 143348 143351 143352 143353 143355 143356 143357 143358 143359 143360 143361 143362 143366 143367 143368 Synthesis of Boron Nitri Yarn Chinese Language Camp 2014 Origami of Single Chains GAS CIRC DPAL II TrackPlot Enhancement Large Sclae Observation Mosaiking Water Quality Arsenic Groundwater Dynamics EPA TIME LTM Sparrow Genetics - USFWS NE Cottontail Monitoring-CESU Global Cropland Area Database NICL-SMO Subcontract to USGS Fault Zone Damage Width Nutrient Uptake in Coastal NE Innovative March Restoration Consolidated Advaned Technolog NATSCEV Trend Survey Family Violence Online Harassment IPA-OVW Banyard UNH Recycled Materials Center Wildcat Transit Route NH DOT Bay Bridge Service Flooded Pavement Assessment No. High Lat. Wetlands Dissolved Organic Carbon Applying EOS Development-Testing of PICAP NASA MMS Sensors and Booms Space Grant 2010-2015 Forest Watch Science-Teacher Training Wind Stress Accuracy Wind Tropical Forest Structure EPSCoR NASA CAN Reconnection in Magnetotail Engaging Students-Climate Chng Nitrogen-Albedo in Forests CLUSTER-CODIF MO & DA CRaTer Science Mission Phase CLUSTER EDI MO-DA Optical Water Uncertainties Ionospheric Feedback Rocket Turbulence and Kinetic Plasma Inner Magnetosphere Ion NASA LWS TR&T-EMIC Waves CRaTER EPO Alpha Particle Beams SEAC4RS Leadership SEAC4RS EPSCoR CAN EPSCoR CAN-J.Jacobs Variability of Lg Grad SEP Solar Compton Telescope Magnetopause Reconnection Interplanetary Discontinuities Interaction EP with Solar Wind Constraining Solar Particles Tropical MoistForest Structure Cash and Investments 66,000 (41,162) (12,862) (16,346) (1,869) (3,632) (814) (1,637) (128) (3,620) (5,044) (4,217) (2,333) (1,870) (2,701) (1,404) (2,376) (56,782) (122,302) (21,736) (23,807) (24,320) (809) (18,897) (26,806) (31,134) (2,093) (13,481) (189) (1,539) (4,619) (50,746) 250 (250) (5,516) (713) (1,003) (90,012) (11,914) (1,079) (3,103) (4,543) (380,445) (8,615) (987) (3,476) (8,461) (2,356) (1,701) (324) (5,881) (516) (2,185) (1,382) (5,151) (3,226) (6,840) (2,819) (2,715) (1,218) (3,867) (6,465) Accounts & Notes Receivable (66,000) 41,162 12,862 16,346 2,380 3,712 814 1,637 128 8,120 5,044 4,217 4,833 1,870 2,701 1,404 2,376 56,782 325,522 21,736 23,807 24,320 809 18,897 26,806 31,134 2,093 15,426 189 1,539 6,376 57,858 (250) 250 17,038 713 1,003 90,012 11,914 1,079 3,103 4,543 380,445 8,615 987 3,476 8,461 2,751 1,701 324 5,881 516 2,185 1,382 5,151 6,251 6,840 2,819 2,715 1,218 3,867 6,465 Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position - (511) (80) (4,500) (2,500) (203,220) (1,945) (1,757) (7,112) (11,522) (395) (3,025) 313 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 143369 143371 143372 143373 143374 143375 143376 143377 143379 143380 143381 143383 143384 143385 143386 143387 143388 143389 143390 143391 143392 143393 143394 143395 143396 143397 143398 143399 143400 147449 147462 147489 147498 147499 147506 147518 147521 147527 147529 147531 147533 147538 147541 147544 147545 147547 147549 147550 147552 147554 147561 147568 147570 147578 147579 147581 147583 147585 147591 147592 147593 147595 North American Ecosystems NASA-NIP GRAPE GRBs DoSEN Barrier Layer Dynamics Exploiting Ocean Synergies NASA G-GIP: Ion Spectra NASA IPA SW Effect on MPS Stochastic Heating in CH Escape of Solar Energetic Ions RENU 2 CME Evolution in the Corona C-SWEPA 2013 In situ Aerosol Sampling Enhanced Sea State Bias MHD & Kinetic Effect Integrat. Langrangian Studies GEO-CAPE STEREO-PLASTIC Outer Radiation Belt Dynamics EPSCoR RID Lessard Wind and Geospace Ring Current Acceleration Ring Current Pressure Amazonian Forests Drought Beaufort Sea Riverine Fluxes Greenland Ice Sheet Black CO2 DREAM 2 Soft Gamma-Ray Optics Drilling Support Office CAREER: Liquefied Biomass Flow Force Model Uncertainty CNC Emerging Issues Nat'l Energy GEM: Plasma Sheet Instability Multiscale Ocean Mixed Layer Ablation by Turbulent Flow Fitness and Competitiveness Analysis of Seismic Processes WSD-UNH-SCO Wear Resistant Nitride Strained Ultrathin Interfaces Legal Moral Reasoning Behavior Fluvial Feedbacks Climate Change and Soil Fungi Interactive Causal Networks Noyce Scholarship Program NSF WSC3: Earth's Third Pole BBCP Drilling Ratiometric-Florsct Cu Indicrs Geochemistry and Geochronology Studies of 3D Dynamics Woven Composites Solar Physics with PAMELA Fluids for Life Scientists Phenological Responses NA Ecosystem Carbon Dynamics Glacier Fluctuations in Peru RET Site: RISE through Inquiry Tsunami Induced Coherent Struc Mycorrhizal Fungi-Soil Carbon Coming Out Bilingual Cloud Forest Ecohydrology Cash and Investments (7,484) (1,337) (19,241) (498) (719) (1,685) (3,851) (46,053) (1,703) (3,994) (5,057) 662 (1,497) (5,032) (2,323) (39,565) (2,870) (2,069) (13,006) (245) (2,366) (731) (4,488) (4,359) (13,354) (810) (1,449) (16) (7,113) (854) (8,079) (1,978) (2,574) (2,543) (570) (15) (1,251) (1,171) (3,136) (703) (765) (3,628) (2,811) (3,446) (4,672) (7,421) (1,351) (58) (5,168) (4,381) (3,640) (9,410) (5,095) (1,069) (148) (295) (1,225) 480 (480) (3,943) (958) (367) Accounts & Notes Receivable 7,484 1,337 20,093 498 719 1,685 3,851 46,053 1,703 3,994 5,057 (662) 1,497 5,032 2,323 39,565 2,870 2,069 13,006 245 2,366 731 4,488 4,359 13,354 1,061 1,449 16 9,424 854 8,079 1,978 4,416 2,543 1,838 15 1,251 1,171 3,136 703 765 3,628 2,811 3,446 4,672 8,093 1,351 58 5,411 4,381 3,640 9,410 5,095 1,069 148 295 1,225 (480) 3,817 3,943 958 367 Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position - (852) (251) (2,311) (1,842) (1,267) 1 - (671) 1 - (243) (3,337) 314 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 147598 147599 147600 147601 147602 147603 147604 147605 147607 147609 147610 147611 147612 147613 147614 147615 147616 147617 147618 147619 147620 147622 147625 147626 147628 147629 147631 147633 147634 147635 147637 147640 147641 147643 147644 147646 147647 147648 147650 147652 147654 147655 147656 147657 147658 147659 147662 147663 147665 147666 147667 147668 147669 147672 147679 147681 147682 147683 147686 147687 147688 147690 Datacenter Networking REU: Northern Ecosystems Participant Stipends Sun to Ice Summit SCO CNH-Analyzing Agents & Aqua SCALER SCALER EPSCorR Participant Support Subawards Frey-Terrestrial Rubin-Cyber Lammers & Wollheim-Aquatic Ollinger-Terrestrial McDowell-Aquatic Dibb-Terrestrial Wake-Climate Collab Valcourt-Cyber Leitzel-OEDW NH EPSCOR-Curt Grimm New Paradigm for DOM CAREER Time-Aware Planning Microbial Control Litter CAREER: MHK Turbulence CI-TEAM Demo-CIDER Integration and Aspirations CME-CME Interaction NSF SHINE Learning Math Through Teaching NSF GFRP-Angela Cicia Asymmetric Mag Reconnection String Compactifications Alaskan Precip-Past Millennium CNH Herbarium Digitization ULF Next Generation Sequencing Soil and Population, Uganda NSF GFRP - Laura Diemer Silver Nanoparticle Synthesis RCN SEES: Infrastructure BRIGE: Structural Control DSF Catalyst for Ethanol Oxidation Flutter Analysis & Control Fuel Cell Nanocatalysts Community Workshop Eurasion Permafrost-Hydrology FACE Organic Nitrogen Use Greenland Chemical Species South Pole Computer Cluster for Heliophys Sustainability Knowledge UNH ADVANCE IT Microsystis Bloom Algorithms Northern Peatland Methane Delta-47 Foram Calibration IPA Year 3 Fellow Amanda Daly Fellow Nancy Fernandes GOALI: CBT ABR: Novel Glycoprotein Cash and Investments (2,261) (15,646) (7,000) (21,857) (691) (1,398) (821) (2,374) (29,732) 175 (33,346) (10,971) (10,967) (5,816) (7,404) (10,766) (5,966) (223) (197) (3,896) (4,457) (828) (3,031) (6,116) (2,935) (12,628) (511) (4,457) (616) (2,919) (545) (2,885) (7,180) (2,138) (509) (3,737) (8,200) (1,510) (3,275) (9,651) (14,444) (3,195) (3,238) (6,758) (7,104) (1,761) (1,087) (148) (2,365) (3,223) (827) (1,276) (10,451) (26,528) (1,201) (12,555) (2,717) (12,268) (5,301) (6,836) (7,715) (8,572) Accounts & Notes Receivable 2,261 15,646 7,000 21,857 691 1,398 821 2,374 64,978 1,003 49,315 11,184 10,967 5,816 7,676 10,766 6,039 223 197 5,775 4,457 828 3,031 6,116 11,381 14,254 511 4,457 616 2,919 545 2,885 7,180 2,138 509 4,886 8,272 1,510 3,275 9,651 14,444 3,504 3,238 6,758 7,104 1,761 1,087 148 2,374 9,246 827 1,276 10,451 26,528 8,048 19,677 2,717 12,268 5,301 6,836 8,955 8,572 Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position - (35,246) (1,178) (15,969) (213) (272) (73) (1,879) (8,445) (1,626) 1 - (1,149) (73) (1) - (309) (9) (6,023) (6,847) (7,122) (1,240) 315 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 147691 147692 147693 147694 147695 147696 147697 147699 147700 147701 147702 147705 147706 147707 147708 147709 147710 147711 147712 147713 147714 147715 147716 147717 147721 147723 147724 147725 147727 147728 147729 147730 147731 147732 147736 147737 147738 147739 147742 147743 147746 147748 147750 147751 147752 147753 147754 159052 166160 166201 166206 166208 166209 166211 166214 166217 166219 181042 181044 181050 181056 181057 Macroalgal Digitzation TCN NSF GFRP-Danielle Grogan Cottontail Geospatial MS Analysis of PDE6 NSF GFRP-Lauren Koenig NSF GFRP-Patrick MaCarthur Plasma Sheet Precondition Collaborative Research: TC3 Seismic Site Response Analysis Doctoral Dissertation Cohn Collaborative Res. Off Campus 147705-EPSCoR Trk II Part Sppt 147706-EPSCoR Trk II-Subawards EPSCoR Track II-Daley EPSCoR Track II-Jones EPSCoR Track II-Cooper EPSCoR Track II-Wollheim EPSCoR Track II-Safford EPSCoR Track II-Grimm EPSCoR Track II-Rubin EPSCoR Track II-Clyde EPSCoR Track II-Hale 147716-EPSCoR Trk II-Mgmt 3D RMHD Turbulence External Engagement Exper Evolution in Symbiosis NSF-DOE: Engine Heat Transfer Plum Island Erosion Study RCN: EukHiTs ArcSEES: Water, Energy & Food Collaborative Res:Geospace Ecosystem Computing Challenge NSF IPA Ecosystems NH EPSCoR-Huber Hydrologic Service Payments Luquillo CZO STEM Inquiry Course Video Occupancy Detection SHINE Workshop Coordination CAREER: RTF Eartquakes REU Site Supplement Mapping and Quantifying Magnetic Helicity Cenozoic Sierra Nevada Mt. Washington Monitor SHINE: Cyclotron Heating in SW IRES: HCI in Ubicomp 2014 SBDC Mercury Monitoring Rain Garden Capacity PREP Year 17 2013 Tidal Tributary Sampling UNHSC EPA RARE 2013 NPS Pollutant Loads PREP Year 18 Taking it to the Streets TNC-PREP Oyster Restoration CORE Infrastructure Extended MHD DoE HEDLP Spinel-CAREER PALEO-SMT Cascadia-Supplement Cash and Investments (17,116) (5,792) (1,182) (6,372) (5,308) (5,792) (4,331) (2,191) (1,806) (106) (1,227) (32,618) (3,976) (5,650) (4,606) (1,167) (3,517) (1,062) (1,023) (1,170) (270) (2,033) (8,764) (34) (9,313) (4,140) (4,422) (12,586) (708) (9,360) (2,248) (2,098) (1,574) (1,836) (9,910) (1,150) (4,324) (47,371) (1,623) (2,757) (33,792) (2,927) (77,301) (258) (1,331) (13,109) (106,482) 4,465 (247) (3) (117) (27,834) (294) (5,059) (2,593) (36) (15) (5,545) (16,617) (8,414) (754) Accounts & Notes Receivable 31,544 5,792 1,182 6,859 5,308 5,792 6,192 2,191 1,806 106 2,223 2,333 32,618 22,716 5,650 4,606 1,167 3,941 1,170 1,023 1,170 270 2,399 8,764 34 9,313 4,140 4,422 18,856 708 9,360 4,248 2,098 1,574 12,729 18,915 1,150 4,324 47,371 1,623 2,757 84,816 2,927 77,851 258 4,133 13,109 106,498 Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position (14,428) - (487) (1,861) (996) (2,333) (18,740) (424) (108) (366) (6,270) (2,000) (10,893) (9,004) 1 - (51,024) (550) (2,802) 16 - (4,465) 247 3 117 27,834 294 5,059 2,593 36 15 5,545 16,617 13,402 754 (4,989) (1) 316 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 181058 181059 181060 184140 184168 184169 184170 184174 184175 184179 184181 184182 184183 184186 184187 184191 184192 184193 184194 184195 184196 184197 184198 193178 193194 193217 193223 193247 193250 193256 193258 193259 193261 193262 193263 193264 193265 193266 193268 193269 193270 193271 193272 193273 197004 197005 111ADJ 111B70 111C37 111C38 111C50 111C55 111C56 111C62 111C63 111C64 111C65 111C66 111C71 111C74 111C78 111C80 Plasma Spectrometer Electromagnetic Studies Materials Modeling Pers Prep Low Incidence Public Internet Site Workplace Culture Employment Policy RRTC DRRP TRIO Upward Bound YR04 FCTP Implementation EL CO-OP Assistive Technology-Leadershp GATE CITY TRIO SSS Year 03 EarlyChildhood SpED AT Project Upward Bound YR2 TRIO: Talent Search YR3 AT Leadership AT State Level StatsRRTC Student Support Services McNair Scholars Program Upward Bound Year 3 Yersinia Pestis Radiopharmaceuticals Yeast PUF3 Control of mRNA Breastfeeding Data Quality Behavioral Persistence UDEC HXe Technology Optimization UCEDD FY13-FY17 Elderly Resistance Training Micro-cystis Blooms Closed-Loop Structure CCHD Newborn Screening NEGC UCEDD FY14 NH Disability & Public Health Understanding Family Stability Component A: Year 2 Mortalin & AML cGMP Photoreceptor Function CCHD Newborn Screening Yr 3 NECG Year 3 Coastal Basin DFIRMS NH Coastal Risk Map DOC LOC Adjustment Stereo Image Measurement Technology Transfer - Whiting Design and Test of Squid Trawl SG Extension Program Topless Shrimp Trawls Continuation of the NOAA JHC SG Climate Initiative 2010 Competitive Research Yr 2 Program Mgt Yr2 Tides Yr 2 Transfer Yr 2 JHC Other Sponsored Activities AIRMAP 10 Great Bay Hotspots 2010 Aquaculture Ext Enhance Cash and Investments (8,458) (13,676) (6,480) (1,110) (2,888) (1,793) (9,623) (12,977) 84 (11,607) (528) 333 (4,273) (1,404) (3,511) (111) (4,985) (5,275) (9,516) (55,653) (5,537) (25,876) (28,462) 43 (31) (64) 16 (7,549) (31) (6,053) 1,049 (9,106) (460) (3,716) (1,834) (15,691) (25,588) (11,908) 16,793 (3,884) (9,454) (10,596) (7,987) (32,339) (26,189) (1,088) (14) 192 (80,089) (1) (122) (6,806) (114,260) 77 (228,817) (11,456) (10,663) (3,996) (30,324) (164) (2,134) (702) Accounts & Notes Receivable 8,458 14,202 6,480 1,110 2,888 1,793 15,620 13,498 (84) 12,210 528 (333) 4,273 1,404 4,379 111 5,081 5,372 44,684 74,814 5,537 25,909 29,452 Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position - (526) (5,997) (521) (603) (867) 1 - (97) (97) (35,169) (19,161) (1) (1) - (32) (990) 1 - (43) 31 64 (16) 7,549 31 6,053 (1,049) 9,506 1,950 3,716 9,720 23,963 26,508 12,026 (16,793) 3,884 9,454 10,661 8,025 36,314 26,189 1,088 (400) (1,489) 1 - (7,886) (8,273) (920) (119) (1) (1) - (65) (39) (3,975) (1) - 14 (192) 80,089 1 122 6,806 116,439 (77) 256,389 12,587 10,663 6,105 30,324 237 2,146 702 (2,178) 1 - (27,572) (1,130) 1 - (2,109) (73) (12) 317 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 111C89 111C90 111C91 111C96 111D14 111D17 111D22 111D24 111D25 111D26 111D30 111D37 111D42 111D45 111D46 111D47 111D48 111D49 111D50 111D51 111D53 111D57 111D58 111D59 111D60 111D61 111D62 111D63 111D65 111D66 111D67 111D68 111D73 111D75 111D76 111D83 111D86 111D89 111D91 111D92 111Z01 111Z02 111Z03 111Z04 115GAD 116ADJ 120LOC 13A067 13A070 13A071 13A072 13A074 13A075 13A077 13D063 13D065 13D068 13D069 13D070 13F004 13F056 13F085 SG Ext Education YR 2 SE Extension Program YR 2 Seaweed Culture Systems Yr 2 Public Perceptions Puget Sound Hydrographic Training Putting Mittens on a Crab Estuarine Lobsters Climate Adaptation 2012-13 SG Extension 2012-2013 Sea Grant Education 2012-13 Alewife Culture Brian Doyle Fellowship 2012-13 Public Perceptions Puget Sound Coastal Volunteer Minibus Regional Catch Planning for Climate Change 2012-2017 CRRC Admin Arctic Communities Workshop Erma 2012-2017 Green Infrastructure Modernize Shellfish Aquacultur NH Seafood Alternative YR2 Estuarine Lobsters YR 2 Lamprey Nutrient Sensors YR2 SG Extension 2012-2013 YR2 Coastal Communities Yr2 Climate Adaptation Yr2 Sea Grant Extension Ed Yr2 Brian Doyle Fellowship 2013yr2 Communications Program 2013yr2 Program Mgt. Year 2 Development 2012-2013 YR2 Seattle Tech Tools Wokshop 2013-2014 Great Bat SWMP Support of Super Storm Sandy 2014-17 NHSG Extension Clam Leukemia Transcriptomes Great Bay Sediment Nutrients 2014-17 NHSG Communications 2014-17 NHSG Ocean Projects Mapping Rubin Mapping 2 Valcourt Non Mapping 2 Foote Non Mapping 2 Dept of Interior Geol Survey LOC Ad Dept of Justice LOC Adjustment DOT FTA LOC Specialty Crop IPads 2013 IPM for Vegetables in NH 2013 IPM for SWD in NH Forest Pest Outreach FY2013 2014 IPM for Vegetables 2014 IPM For SWD in NH NHFTS 2014 UNH Upward Bound 2012 NH AAC Initiative SPDG NH Family Leadership Summer Food Service Program Us Doi Fish & Wildlife Service Ecology of NH Bobcats NE Cottontail Tech Guidance Cash and Investments (220) (291) (44) 4 773 (4,946) (18) (734) (911) (192) (1,106) (826) (20) (609) (1,078) (13,966) (2,789) (4,818) (26,355) (4,393) (372) (803) (1,648) (162) (2,909) 9,273 (515) (6,334) (2,085) (826) (24) (947) (656) (3,488) (12,587) (415) (2,274) (1,253) (2,705) (153) (4) 99 (7,954) (26,897) (1) 1,156 2 (50) 668 2,974 (5,919) 23,325 20,450 (650) 96 (18,222) (7,298) (2,475) 1,221 15 (9,891) (1,786) Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 220 291 44 - (4) (773) 5,905 18 1,125 911 192 1,106 826 (959) (391) 20 609 2,666 24,142 2,789 4,818 26,355 4,393 372 803 1,648 162 2,909 (9,115) 515 6,334 2,085 826 24 947 656 3,488 12,587 663 2,274 1,253 2,705 153 4 6,365 32,944 41,897 (1,588) (10,176) (158) (248) (6,464) (24,990) (15,000) 1 (1,156) (2) 50 13,242 18,636 5,919 26,165 23,471 672 18,260 8,336 2,475 (362) (223) (13,548) (21,387) (1,533) (843) (47,957) (43,077) (22) (96) 1 15 - (38) (1,038) (1,221) 9,891 1,786 318 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 13F086 13F087 13F089 13F090 13F092 13G091 13G092 13GFN0 13GFN9 13H148 13H162 13H163 13H164 13H165 13H166 13H169 13H170 13H171 13H172 13H173 13H174 13H175 13H176 13H178 13H179 13H180 13H181 13J057 13R182 13R185 13R198 13R199 13R201 13R203 13R204 13R206 13R207 13R210 13R212 13S013 13S015 13S016 13T051 13T052 13T054 13T058 13T059 13T060 13T061 13T062 13T063 13T064 13V113 13V122 13V127 13V134 13V138 13V143 13V145 13V146 13V148 13V150 Taking Action for Wildlife Ext Wildlife Tech Training Moose Population Dynamics Regional Tern Research Deer Wintering Areas GRANIT FY14 Risk MAP 13 2009-2010 NH State Grant 2008-2009 NH State Grant SNAP-Ed MIECHV CLIA Semi Annually Surveys BIP Ctr for Prof Excellence FY14 Ctr Prof Excellence FY14 OMBP-CORE Medicaid HIT-HER Adult Medicaid Quality DCBCS Data Analysis Money Follows the Person PD Fast Forward CORE FY14 MCH Epidemiologist ADRC TA EOC Child Welfare Tuition Partners BIP RENEW Project NH SNAP-Ed NH Cybercrime Survey 2008 Stormwater Treatment with Tree NHIRC:Dartmouth-Design Mentor 2012 Forest Stewardship 2012 Urban & Community Forestr NHIRC: Plymouth, Airmar Tech. 2013-15 SBDC 2013-15 SBDC FY14 Innovation Grants FY14 Admin and SBIR-STTR NHIRC Photoluminescent Coating NHIRC Remote Health Mon ILO Officer Grant Impaired Driving Campaign 2014 NH Seat Belt Observation NHDOT High RAP Mixtures NE High RAP Pooled Fund Instrumentation,Implementation NH DOT Bay Bridge Service Higher RAP RAS Spec Gravel Wetlands T2 Center 2014-2015 T2 GIS ABC Alternatives IC Loading Chloride Mitigation Salmon Falls Watershed Project Upper Oyster River Restoration NHDES Technical Assistance Upper Oyster River Restoration Municipal Bioretention Program SUGEO-Phase VII UNH-Durham Salt Reduction NROC Coordination & Delivery Wetland Assessment Training Cash and Investments (13,860) (39,101) (23,785) (812) (11,638) (34,281) (16,343) 250 500 99 (4,178) 198 (187,778) (13,348) (43,851) (16,295) (112,980) (126,638) (4,320) (65,272) (138,995) (50,344) (30,810) (45,495) (9,300) (96,010) (293,346) 1,679 (9,279) 4,388 (12,035) (4,952) (9,645) (68,299) (242) 238,237 (9,209) (28,457) (11,901) (7,564) (17,456) (18,652) (44,927) (68) (13,084) (27,993) (2,494) (86,568) (43,207) (16,995) (1,765) (39,366) 435 (2,947) (5,783) (69,401) (480) 88 (4,992) (6,985) Accounts & Notes Receivable 14,164 40,250 24,212 812 12,057 34,281 16,343 (99) 4,296 Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position (304) (1,149) (427) 250 500 331 (1) 1 - (419) (118) (198) 189,328 13,348 51,352 16,295 112,980 126,795 4,320 71,857 141,995 50,344 30,810 45,533 9,300 108,068 303,350 (1,550) (7,501) (157) (6,585) (3,000) (38) (12,058) (10,004) (1,679) 9,279 4,388 12,035 4,952 9,645 68,299 242 (4,388) (238,237) (10,225) 19,434 28,457 11,901 34,728 17,456 18,652 44,927 68 13,415 9,630 2,494 86,764 44,810 16,247 1,765 39,366 4,423 5,760 1,360 50,171 480 11,669 4,992 8,815 (4,388) 7,564 (34,728) 18,363 (197) (1,603) 748 (435) (4,423) (2,813) 4,423 19,231 (11,757) (1,830) 319 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 13V151 13V153 13V155 13V158 13V160 13Z098 13Z100 13Z119 13Z122 13Z124 13Z125 13Z126 13Z127 13Z129 13Z130 13Z133 13Z134 13ZU10 143ADJ 143C18 14707Z 147LOC 14B028 14B038 14B188 14B191 14B192 14B203 14B206 14B213 14B214 14B215 14B266 14B267 14B347 14B348 14B358 14B369 14B377 14B393 14B402 14B403 14B411 14B490 14B503 14B535 14B539 14B542 14B570 14B604 14B615 14B618 14B655 14B676 14B677 14B686 14B707 14B709 14B711 14B731 14B753 14B755 NH Listens Facilitation NROC Project of Special Merit Task 4 for Resilient H-S BMP's for Biosolids UNH A-Lot Retrofit DDC Leadership 2010-2011 College Students Undrage Drink QA Testing of NHCHIS NH Health Cost DD Council Evaluation FY14 NH Purchasers Municipal Services E-File Mosaic Parcel Map Project Healthcost SAS Programming Fade to Black Documentary Support of Public Engagement DD Council Leadership FY14 2009-2010 UNIQUE Grant NASA LOC Adjustment STEREO Magnetic Field, Ions Quantifying Pleiotropy National Science Foundation LOC Justice Works Miscellaneous Projects - Dlg Nir Analysis Fast Ethernet InterOperability Lab Fibre Channel Wireless Networks Gigabit Ethernet Adsl Bridge Functions I-Scsi 10 Gigabit Ethernet IPv6 Power over DTE Ethernet First Mile Serial Attached SCSI USB-Universal Serial Bus SATA - Serial ATA Fecal Contamination Samples Miscellaneous Account UV Disinfection of Water Validation Polymer Research Consortium NH Dept of Safety CAD-LRMS System EHIS Management EHIS I and T EHIS Ground Processing Algs Solubility, Nonideality, Charg MIPI Back Plane Ethernet NH IRC:IVS Multi-Beam Reproductive Technology AVB-Audio Video Bridging Evaluation of Grub Insecticide GPON 1588 - Precision Clock 40-100 Gigabit Ethernet Rastech Shingles Evaluation Polymer Workshop NISMART-2 Small Satellite Project Cash and Investments (4,620) (14,778) (3,939) (1,105) (338) (5) 1,219 (18,996) 19,520 (880) (8,202) (8,279) (61,205) (13,678) 3,434 (6,733) 1,373 (1) (3) (119,052) (8,729) 366 46 55 493 108,000 602,430 43,889 64,748 165,375 176,125 123,000 45,124 137,500 345,871 32,812 3,608 41,999 41,132 29,689 (3,618) (336) 15,471 18,984 (144,512) (366) (37) (156) 6,052 70,830 63,000 64 (80) 36,562 7 1,125 30,375 82,500 534 11,857 (36,221) (7,461) Accounts & Notes Receivable 4,658 19,734 3,939 2,355 338 (20,031) Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position (38) (4,956) - (1,250) 20,036 (1,219) 18,996 (27,742) 880 4,615 8,279 61,205 13,678 8,222 3,586 (1) 382 1,751 - (3,434) 6,809 8,627 119,052 14,623 (76) (10,000) 1 3 (5,894) (366) (46) (389) (820) 66,089 (55) (493) (108,000) (602,430) (43,500) (64,748) (165,375) (176,125) (123,000) (45,124) (137,500) (345,871) (32,812) (3,608) (41,999) (40,312) (29,689) 4,000 336 (15,471) (85,073) 144,512 366 37 156 (6,052) (3,330) 1,711 36,221 7,461 (67,500) (63,000) (64) 80 (36,562) (7) (1,125) (30,375) (82,500) (534) (11,817) 320 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 14B756 14B757 14B762 14B765 14B769 14B772 14B776 14B779 14B780 14B784 14B785 14B786 14B787 14B794 14B797 14B802 14B809 14B810 14B813 14B814 14B815 14B816 14B817 14B818 14B819 14B820 14B822 14B826 14B827 14B828 14B832 14B833 14B838 14B839 14B840 14B841 14B842 14B844 14B845 14B848 14B850 14B853 14B859 14B864 14B865 14B867 14B868 14B870 14B871 14B872 14B873 14B874 14B875 14B876 14B877 14B878 14B879 14B880 14B881 14B883 14B884 14B885 RRSW Space Weather Insects, Birds and Powerlines NVMe Latex Binding Efficiency 3 Operation of Vibrac Test Equip Lightweight Composites Measuring N Removal by Oysters NHLBI Cooper2B Wave-Particle Int in SW Miscellaneous Business Fish Farm in Turkey Baker Company Cell Culture Home Networking Consortium Turning on the Light CH2M Hill-Capping Eval Mission Assurance FM3 Mission Assurance FM4 Program Management FM4 Fab & Assembly FM2 Fab & Assembly FM3 Fab & Assembly FM4 Integration & Test FM2 Integration & Test FM3 Integration & Test FM4 Electrosurgical Surface Photoluminescent Powder Coat Niacin Supplementation Geotechnical Test Embankment BITC Miscellaneous Projects PK of Oral CoQ10 in SW OP SBIR Phase 2 3He Neutron Circulator Ph2 DOE Task Order 0011 Aquamantys Cost-Effectiveness BWSS WWFP Tsk G Climate Change Operational Testing of Barrier NH IRC: Argen Tech Solutions Marine Barrier Analysis NH IRC: Obliterase Inc. Cambridge Vulnerability PC Connection Device Survey StormTreat Phase II PCIe Stantec Column Study Hybrid Processing Squash Protein Interaction Modeling 2 Latex Binding Efficiency 5 JLab Bridged Appointment Aquamantys Cost-Effectiveness AT&T Foundation Grant Numerical Modeling CH2M Hill Lysine in MetaboLys Visualization, Human Systems Mussel Raft Drop Blast Turbulence Massport Disaster NSRC Wood Resources DARPA Active Authentication Breeding Striped Pumpkins Arcadis-AquaGate Geotech Manufactured Alloy 718 Cash and Investments (39,725) (203) 1,524 119,063 (112) (1) 2,637 (365) (1,328) (16,443) 3,200 2,025 31,662 (5,853) 1 (138) (1,119) (1,992) (30) (251) (12,295) (268) (18) (29,944) (1,744) 202 28,867 (5,515) 194,213 698 (89,387) (102) (5,280) (2,500) (11,297) 455 (4,463) (3,898) 3 (12,040) (22,476) 10,554 6,759 2,646 3,374 (4,813) (17,073) (93) 9 (3,999) (17,028) (2,585) 11,533 (10,479) (6,830) (6,418) (2,827) 5,000 (15,608) 8,663 Accounts & Notes Receivable 43,076 203 Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position (3,351) - (1,524) (119,063) 112 1 (2,637) 365 1,328 16,443 9,979 (10,000) (395) 14,712 3,000 138 1,119 1,992 30 251 12,295 268 18 29,944 9,045 (760) 1,388 5,515 (13,179) 10,000 (2,025) (31,267) (8,860) (3,001) (1) - (6,541) (202) (30,255) (194,213) (698) 89,547 102 5,282 41,699 (455) 7,767 27,804 (160) (2) 2,500 (30,402) (157) 12,040 2,950 22,476 (2,950) (10,554) (23,302) (8,646) (3,374) (26,132) 2,655 93 (9) 771 (4,323) 16,543 6,000 30,945 14,419 3,228 21,351 2,761 18,341 10,479 6,830 6,418 23,827 15,608 6,251 (3,304) (23,749) (3) 1 - (176) (29,874) 1 1 - (21,000) (5,000) (14,914) 321 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 14B886 14B887 14B888 14B889 14B892 14B893 14B894 14F044 14F065 14F066 14F076 14F080 14F086 14F087 14F095 14F096 14F097 14F106 14F107 14F109 14F111 14F113 14F114 14F115 14F116 14F117 14F119 14F120 14F122 14F123 14F124 14F125 14F126 14F127 14F128 14F129 14F130 14G00Z 14G190 14G194 14G201 14G214 14G220 14G221 14G222 14G223 14G224 14G225 14G226 14G227 14G228 14G230 14G231 14G233 14GFV4 14N05Z 14N476 14N642 14N658 14N706 14N724 14N739 Bioavailability of Lysine Herring River Restoration Mode LIG Sciences SBIR Phase 2 Cal-FM2 Transparent Mesh Networks Forect Carbon Monitoring Marsh Creation NMP Portsmouth Gebco Training Project Bangladesh Desktop Study Gebco Training Project Protein-Protein Interactions Gravitational Wave Filtering Confucius Institute GEBCO Training Year 7 PhD Support Agnes Mortensen Gebco - Year 8 Travel MCF Arusha Savings Conference Indian Ocean Indian Ocean Air-Sea Gas Exchange Breeding Hybrid Squash Jamaica PATH Travel Low Sexual Abuse Rates Funding Guidelines and Tips GEBCO Training Project Year 9 GEBCO Travel Year 9 SMDP 2013 Closed Flexible Cages GEBCO Training Project Year 10 GEBCO Travel Year 10 Rural Finance Centre Latex Film Formation NTT Project-Home Network Bioavailability of Methionine SMDP MasterCard Foundation Seagrass Blue Carbon Blue Carbon in Marshes NIDS Development (ARRA) CA Agriculture Greenhouse Gas Adsorption Assessment-Chester Sustainable Communities Cottontail Connecticut Berry Brook III Northeast Wood Pellet Storage Coastal Tourism Inventory 2013-14 Rochester CDBG Roadmaps to Health Initiative RIDOT PRS Water Transparency Field Study 2013-14 Grafton CEDC MHCC Roadmaps to Health Inititative Rare Plants at Odiorne Bacteria at York Beaches 2013-2014 VT Dtate Grant NH Leadership Series FY10 Investor Education Poverty Comm Environ Rural Amer Beyond the Medical Home Earned income Tax Credit Coastal Floating Lab Support Programs Evaluation Cash and Investments (67,979) (18,626) (26,035) (29,088) (17,494) (18,372) (1,352) 1,420 17 28,781 (17,724) 799 47,500 114 (205) 7,452 33 53,791 (37,914) (5,668) 2,242 (20) 6,350 14,904 6,586 4,832 (4,989) 22,978 76,620 26,581 149 2,597 6,865 (21,097) 77,185 (436) (11,243) 1 (2,100) (99) 8,581 (11,539) (13,314) (9,368) (3,000) (8,977) (58,854) (2,418) (11,417) (10,909) (766) (646) (1,455) 158 30,965 (48) 27 (3,748) 1,926 51 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable 43,058 21,273 26,035 29,088 17,494 18,372 1,352 (1,420) 5,353 17,830 Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 24,921 (2,647) (264) (8,486) - (17) (33,870) (105) (799) (39,014) 1 - (114) 5,616 5,312 3,474 85,231 21,098 (2,500) 19,300 436 11,243 205 (7,452) (33) (59,407) 32,602 5,668 (5,715) 20 (6,350) (14,904) (6,586) (4,832) 4,989 (108,209) (76,620) (26,581) (149) (2,597) (6,865) (1) (74,685) (19,300) 1 - (1) 2,100 99 4,640 11,539 13,314 9,368 3,784 8,977 33,724 1,333 12,627 10,909 2,786 646 1,455 (13,222) (1) - (784) 25,130 2,418 (1,333) (1,210) (20) (2,000) (158) (30,965) 48 (27) 3,748 (1,926) (51) 322 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 14N779 14N808 14N809 14N810 14N811 14N813 14N815 14N816 14N817 14N819 14N838 14N841 14N865 14N904 14N921 14N924 14N954 14N956 14N961 14N991 14N997 14NA16 14NA22 14NA36 14NA38 14NA39 14NA65 14NA77 14NB06 14NB22 14NB55 14NB57 14NB72 14NB76 14NB94 14NC11 14NC17 14NC23 14NC24 14NC33 14NC40 14NC45 14NC46 14NC53 14NC57 14NC58 14NC59 14NC61 14NC62 14NC65 14NC66 14NC69 14NC70 14NC71 14NC72 14NC82 14NC83 14NC92 14NC97 14ND04 14ND06 14ND07 UNH String Project MMS - Project Management MMS- Instrument Science MMS - Systems Engineering MMS - Product Assurance MMS - EDI - Elec. Drift Instr. MMS - AFG - Analog Flux Gate MMS - ADP - Axial Double Probe MMS - Instrument I & T MMS - Post Delivery Support Operation Purple Camp 2008 Winter Visitors Acadia Natl Pk Eval of Linear Alg and Geo Cognition ToolBox NH Farm to School IBEX MO-DA Phase E Malnutrition and Mental Health NBS Expansion Workforce Analys EPO for MMS HIS-SOLO SDP-Spinplane Double Probe Gaming as a Source of Revenue Re-visioning Rural America Performance Indicators IBEX SOC Policy and Applied Research Cognition ToolBox Gun-EDI Glacier-Ocean Interactions CHI Improving Health Policy and Applied Research ACMG FY11 Continuation Cognition ToolBox Phytoplankton Biomass Fisheries Innovation Fund Growing a Green Generation Stellwagen Bank NERACOOS Health Disparities RRTC Milk and Colostrum Care Work and Wages Mussell Long-line Aquaculture Evaluation and Assessment Web-Based Bullying Prevention Solar Orbiter Project Mgmt Solar Orbiter-Science Solar Orbiter-Sys. Engineer Solar Orbiter-Protoflight Mod Solar Orbiter-Quality Assuranc Development of an Ecologically GEO-Chem in HS Classrooms FTS Regional Lead Agency MOU Recovery After Kaatsu Exercise NH Listens Transparency & Informed Design Multimedia Learning CMH Compentencies-III More Than Wheels 2012 IODP Short Cruise Phase B NERACOOS 26 NERACOOS-Supplement Cash and Investments (583) (40,883) (31,210) (18,925) (38,758) (210,400) (86,430) (56,361) (3,058) (69,092) (32) (881) (13,989) 122,307 709 (95,047) 25,000 26,972 (51) (112,770) (91,381) 31 (20,787) (30,076) (36,509) (37) (57,165) (113,914) 2,488 28 (71) (25,797) (63,235) (2,277) (24,640) 1,468 5 (567) (17,475) 3,158 1 (3,965) (25) 352 (10,211) (3,252) (6,434) (114,047) (21,292) 1,250 13,707 1,009 8,676 328 (19,327) 110,597 1,233 (9,259) (1,909) (1,477) (83,114) (8,030) Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 583 40,883 31,210 18,925 38,758 300,645 86,430 56,361 3,058 69,092 - (90,245) 32 881 13,989 (122,307) (709) 95,047 (25,000) 5,380 (32,353) 51 (1) - 112,770 91,381 (31) 20,787 30,076 36,509 37 57,165 113,914 (2,488) (28) 71 12,150 63,235 13,647 2,277 24,640 (1,468) (5) 567 17,475 (3,158) (1) 3,965 25 (352) 10,211 3,252 6,434 114,047 21,292 (1,250) (13,707) (1,009) (8,676) (328) 19,327 (110,597) (1,233) 9,259 1,909 1,477 83,142 8,030 (28) 323 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 14ND11 14ND17 14ND24 14ND25 14ND26 14ND27 14ND28 14ND29 14ND31 14ND34 14ND35 14ND36 14ND37 14ND39 14ND40 14ND45 14ND50 14ND53 14ND54 14ND58 14ND60 14ND62 14ND66 14ND69 14ND71 14ND79 14ND80 14ND81 14ND82 14ND84 14ND88 14ND89 14ND90 14ND91 14ND92 14ND93 14ND94 14ND95 14ND96 14ND97 14ND99 14NE02 14NE04 14NE06 14NE10 14NE11 14NE14 14NE16 14NE19 14NE20 14NE21 14NE22 14NE24 14NE25 14NE26 14NE27 14NE28 14NE29 14NE30 14NE31 14NE32 14NE33 Football Helmet Design RENEW III Reconstructing Methane Flux STATS RRTC IC RRTC AICPA Code-Reporting Decisions Policy and Applied Research Bronx Oyster Restoration 2012 PIE-LTER Enhancing Calf Starter Intake SWIFT Univ of Kansas OJJDP 4-H Mentoring Program NH 4-H Teaching Garden NH Listens Changes in the North Country Consumer Focused Videos SOI R-V Falkor DOL-GJIF Monitoring-Evaluation Manure-DNDC for US Dairy Policy Research to Support Bet Policy and Applied Research to Link Foundation Fellowship Problems in Operator Theory Phase II Steedman Restoration New Hampshire Roadmap RWJ PHPBRN RWJ PHPBRN-Contractual Oyster & Eelgrass Restoration Tar Sands Pipeline Parent-Teacher Conf Interact SwRI Subcontract SEPs ESPs Programs in Glycosciences YR3 IODP Exp. 337-Shipboard NH Roadmap for Health Project SPIRDV 2013-2014 DVPP Grant SVP Grant Policy and Applied Research Yr HSC-Indusive Communities Tillotson Targeted Investment 2013-14 Belknap EDC Public Health Program Support Research Fellow Services NorthCountry Legislators Forum EFH Operating Grant FY14 Greater Colebrook Listens Proj VOCA Grant 2013 Performance Indicators Southern New England JSHS Northern New England JSHS Tillotson Targeted Investment Salinity Mapping Great Marsh Racetrack Magnetometer Pittsfield Listens Million Hearts State Learning Exploring Alternative Methods AWE EBA Solutions, GND SVG Photo Exhibit of New Orleans 2014 Linden Foundation NH Food System Network Dispersants Workshop Session Care Work, Job Flex and Wages Cash and Investments (60,516) 222 46,726 (1,269) (43,133) 1,824 (29) (27) (33,531) 8 (75,189) 28 4,618 5,636 12,645 1,639 (1,493) (7,084) (11,081) 181,915 23,019 (9) 5,190 (1,068) 78 26,094 (5,518) (20,146) 2,000 2,198 (15,518) (55,528) (356) 384 (9,671) (14,140) (4,849) 55,099 12 4,932 (9,086) (19,053) 1,709 12 24,609 2,265 (8,837) (49,839) (4,460) (4,731) (16,574) (18,377) (4,902) (7,613) (48,341) (959) (23,597) 12,449 25,000 (5,027) 22,073 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 60,516 (222) (46,726) - 1,269 43,133 (36) 19,580 33,531 (1,788) 29 (19,553) (8) 75,600 (411) (28) (435) (4,183) (5,636) (12,645) (1,639) 1,493 7,084 (805) 11,081 (181,110) (23,019) 9 (5,190) 1,068 (78) (26,094) 5,518 20,146 (1,678) 15,518 55,528 3,011 (8,428) 9,671 14,140 4,849 (2,000) (521) (1) - (2,654) 8,044 1 - (55,099) (12) (4,932) 9,086 19,053 2,588 (1,633) (137) (77) 8,837 49,839 13,210 13,481 23,197 4,902 7,613 48,458 1,014 23,597 1,000 (2,664) (12) (24,472) (2,187) 1 (8,750) (8,750) 16,574 (4,820) - (1,000) (12,449) (25,000) - (118) (55) (1) 5,027 (22,073) 324 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 14NE34 14NE35 14NE36 14NE37 14NE38 14NE39 14NE40 14NE41 14NE42 14NE43 14NE44 14NE45 14NE46 14NE47 14NE48 14NE50 14NE51 14NE52 14NE54 14NE55 14NE57 14NE58 14NE59 14NE60 14NE62 14NE66 14NE67 14NE68 14NE69 14NE70 14NE71 14NE72 14NE73 14NE74 14NE80 14U579 14U609 14U633 14U708 14U709 14U721 14U807 14U824 14U871 14U874 14U877 14U884 14U890 14U899 14U911 14U912 14U926 14U927 14U932 14U938 14U939 14U941 14U947 14U948 14U953 14U962 14U964 Maine's Low Income Seniors STP Partnership Grant Fade to Black Documentary UNH-Climate Counts 2014 Mooring Design for Healy Tobacco Quitline Tracking Change-North Country ASIRI-Bay of Bengal IS SE Test Support Lead Program for Paralympics 4-H NMP 4 NHView 2013 and 2014 Circles of Safety Evaluation State Innovation Model Grant 2014 Nor'easter Bowl Community Forest Fund Strategy FIR Belize River East Archaeology Urban Institute-MMC Evaluation Overbuilt Facemasks MEAF-WCAK NH PIP 2 Refining Freshwater Management Coos Coalition Data System NH Kids Count Ocean Temperature and Fishing Sextortion Research APCD Development Manual IODP Expedition 351 NEC Monitoring for Shrubbirds Berlin-Gorham Health Wellness Support Public Engagement Arctic-GRO Vulnerable Families Program NEGC Fragile X Model UNH NEAGEP Project THEMIS U.C. Berkley Joint Dev of Reversi Barriers EMFISIS Operations EMFISIS Post-Launch Science Magnetometer Studies RosBREED Phase E - Early Ops MMS (EPD) Arabidopsis 2010 Renewal Teach the Teachers Woody Biofuel in Montana 2011 OMK 4-H Military Partners Dissecting Methane Flux Precision Zonal Management No East Corridor 21st Century Climate Change-Northern Ecosys SARE Agroecosystem project RUI: Ombrotrophic Bog Rotational Diversity Food Safety Farm to Preschool Mountain Glaciers & Ice Caps IGCCE RPT Project Hubbard Brook Coastal EnvJustice Communities NEPDN Network Facility Cash and Investments 29 152 18,000 (8,852) (1,279) (6,186) 60,862 (20,609) (21,139) 48,741 (5,697) 14,655 6,790 (30,486) 1,473 (26,162) 5 45,449 (46) 1,503 5,000 49,123 600 (1,446) (326) (256) 5,457 (4,934) (6,243) (804) 17,146 (11,131) 122,265 (4,005) (19,082) (33,186) 1,652 (36,743) (6,054) (30,274) (6,773) (383,020) (3,098) (18,001) (2,121) (7,964) 6,148 (10,570) (26,878) (42,734) (11,125) (21,572) (3,470) (23,954) (1,965) (76,561) (7,520) (9,686) (8,514) (21,309) (1,233) Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position (29) (152) (18,000) - 8,852 1,279 6,186 (60,862) 20,609 21,139 (48,741) 5,716 9,018 (6,790) 30,486 3,527 (19) (23,673) (5,000) 26,162 (5) (66,148) (5,954) (1,503) (5,000) (50,000) (600) 20,699 6,000 877 1,446 10,619 8,343 1,291 30,000 17,230 19,243 804 (10,293) (8,087) (6,748) (30,000) (12,296) (13,000) (273) (16,873) 11,131 (122,265) 4,005 19,082 33,186 (1,652) 36,743 6,054 30,274 6,773 390,830 3,098 18,001 2,121 7,964 (6,148) 10,570 26,878 42,734 11,125 21,705 3,470 23,946 2,015 76,561 7,520 9,686 8,514 21,409 1,304 (7,810) (133) 8 (50) (100) (71) 325 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 14U967 14U971 14U972 14U977 14U986 14U989 14U991 14U994 14U997 14U998 14UA01 14UA03 14UA08 14UA09 14UA12 14UA13 14UA14 14UA16 14UA18 14UA19 14UA20 14UA22 14UA23 14UA25 14UA26 14UA27 14UA28 14UA30 14UA31 14UA33 14UA35 14UA36 14UA38 14UA40 14UA41 14UA42 14UA43 14UA44 14UA45 14UA47 14UA48 14UA49 14UA50 14UA51 14UA52 14UA53 14UA54 14UA55 14UA56 14UA57 14UA59 14UA61 14UA62 14UA65 14ZAD3 14ZU10 14ZU21 14ZUNH 14ZW09 14ZW34 15C145 15C162 Berberis spp. in East Africa Supplement-On Supplement-Off Beacon Feasibility of Intercropping IceBridge Science Team Project Precision Zonal Management PoLAR II In-Stream Nitrogen Processing Microbial Ecology Sustainable Disease Management LTER V: New Science Microbial Function on DOD Land Ecosystem Services & Bioenergy Map@Syst 2013 Leadership Funds Network Literacy CoP 2013 Coastal Ocean Circulation Teen Adventure Camp 2013 Striped Bass Selection ACE-MAG Renewal MCH LEND FY14 Circadian Rhythms NETC 07-1 Nano-Center Year 10 Forage-Based Approaches Lutein Esters and Vision Pohl-CHNY 10 Ocean Color Merged ESDRs Rewiring the Network: Structur SARE 2013-14 INBRE-Bioinfomatics Selling Successfully at Farmer Carl Perkins FY14 VA Shellfish Aquaculture Integrated Assessment Model Obesity DRRP Year 4 Fate of Methane Teen Adventure Camp 2014 & 15 Structural Integrity Assessmnt Ice Drilling Program Office Rare Conditions Surveillance Rodent Model of FASD Carbon Liberation Pathways Establishment of Set in Maine 2014 4-H Military Partnership UUV and ASV Autonomy GeoCamera Software DOD: Biological Invasion Hurricane Sandy - DOI- Part I Pollinator WG University Partnership Soil C in Biofuel Systems IceBridge Science Team Project TAACCCT-2 UNH P1 Adjustments CWS Town of Durham CWS Growing Places Restricted Rev Adjustment- UNH McGregor Memorial Ambulance ORIS Future Psychology Faculty -Cost Sh UNH Undistributed Salaries Cash and Investments (11,098) (5,887) (13,358) (31,086) (5,688) (2,717) (17,516) (7,770) (2,499) (17,398) (579) (21,677) (1,913) (10,881) (93) (12,141) (47,628) (13,681) (25,200) (28,171) (125,946) (58,295) (40,800) (117,306) (3,793) (13,235) (8,071) (5,948) (292) 373 (23,867) (1,162) (614) (441) (14,325) (436) (12,910) (439) (11,464) (37,565) (33,672) (11,594) (71,056) (2,518) (8) (37,218) (1,646) (41,280) (3,864) (914) (7,364) (51,618) (8,438) (3,165) (290) (902) 144,290 (195) (220) 241 (2,127) Accounts & Notes Receivable 11,098 5,887 13,358 31,086 5,688 2,717 17,516 7,770 2,499 18,666 579 21,677 1,913 10,881 93 12,878 47,628 13,681 25,829 28,171 125,966 59,139 40,800 117,306 7,197 13,235 8,071 5,948 292 (230) 23,867 1,379 614 441 14,325 436 12,910 439 11,464 37,565 33,672 11,594 71,678 2,694 8 37,606 1,646 41,280 4,266 1,870 7,364 51,618 8,438 3,165 11,161 290 902 (100,158) 195 220 Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position - (1,268) (737) (629) (20) (844) (3,404) (143) (217) (621) 1 44,130 241 - (176) (388) (402) (956) (11,161) (2) 2,127 326 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 15C233 15C254 15C392 15C393 15C482 15C491 15C499 15C509 15C520 15C541 15C546 15C597 15C661 15C710 15C712 15C729 15C735 15C749 15C750 15C764 15C803 15C804 15C810 15C811 15C813 15C820 15C821 15C844 15C851 15C853 15C855 15C860 15C862 15C871 15C878 15C881 15C893 15C894 15C903 15C904 15C910 15C916 15C919 15C925 15C926 15C927 15C931 15C932 15C933 15C938 15C939 15C942 15C950 15C953 15CAUS 15CCUS 15CEUS 15CFUS 15CRUS 15CX00 15CZCU 15CZSU New Hampshire Teachers as Scholars Bedrock Geologic Mapping Beowulf Cluster Cost Share CS State Wide Monitoring Pgrm 2006-11 Student Support Serv - CS 2003-07 McNair Graduate Prgm Web-based Electronic Portfolio - CS RMRC - CS VOCA Grant - CS Natl Citizen Technology Forum Atlantic White Dolphin Bycatch 2008-09 TRIO McNair Program - CS McNair Year 2 (2010) - CS Confucius Institute - CS Space Grant 2010-2015 - CS TRIO Year 03 - CS Scaleup - Copper 2 Seagrant Microbe YR 2 - CS Resuspension in GB YR 2 - CS Foote Non Mapping 2 CS TRIO Yr 4 - CS SARE Agroecosystem project - CS McDowell-Aquatic - CS Management OEDW-CS Management-CS EPSCoR CAN-J.Jacobs - CS Leitzel-OEDW - CS Sustainable Communities - CS 2012 Estuarine Monitoring JP - CS FEE Network Meeting - CS MRI: HiSeq 2000 - CS AVL - GPS (ReaTime Transit) - CS Wildcat Transit Route - CS Computer Cluster for Heliophys - CS OP SBIR Phase 2 - CS NH Housing Community Planning - CS SG Extension 2012-2013 YR2 - CS Sea Grant Extension Ed Yr2 - CS PALEO-SMT Cascadia-Supplement - CS Higher RAP RAS Spec - CS Forage-Cover Crop Demos - CS MRI-SEM Acquisition - CS Education for Peacebuilding CS PLACE-CS Student Support Services - CS NSF IPA Ecosystems cost Share Southern New England JSHS - CS Northern New England JSHS - CS Huber Cost Share NHIRC-Cost Sharing 2014 SBDC - CS NHIRC Remote Health Mon - CS 2014-17 NHSG Communications - CS PLACE - CS Undistributed Sals for Acad Affairs Undistributed Salaries for COLA Undistributed Salaries PAUL Undistributed Salaries for SHHS Undistributed Sal for Research & PS Undistributed Forestry Salarie Undistributed Salaries for EOS-CSRC Undistributed Salaries for EOS-SSC Cash and Investments 11,957 2,242 45 206 7,815 605 7 256 4,535 36 837 3,082 101 64,406 6 10 584 1 1 52 683 9 245 10,000 289,804 409 11,668 80 1 150 753 28,878 37,167 62,009 9,334 26 43 11 910 21,335 12 65,428 82 6,777 10,476 1 1,000 1,000 2 1,309 8 873 76 12 23 16 242 10 15 7 5,182 4,344 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 11,957 2,242 45 206 7,815 605 7 256 4,535 36 837 3,082 101 64,406 6 10 584 1 1 52 683 9 245 10,000 289,606 409 11,668 80 1 150 753 28,878 37,167 62,009 9,334 26 43 11 910 21,335 12 65,428 82 6,777 10,476 1 1,000 1,000 2 1,309 8 799 76 12 23 16 242 10 15 7 5,182 4,344 (198) (74) 327 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 15P025 15P033 15P037 15P057 15P079 15P097 15P113 15P120 15P123 15P124 15P125 15P129 15P134 15P139 15P141 15P144 15P146 15P151 15P152 15P155 15P160 15Z000 15Z012 15Z014 15Z030 184FC4 184FD4 184FJ4 184FW2 184FW3 184FW4 184FWA 184LOC 193ADJ 19Z014 19Z015 19Z016 Biomolecular Interaction Tech University Centers for Excellence Library Portal Development Rope Seporator Trawl Cost Share Marine Animal Population IV NH Center for Prof Excellence - PI UDEC-Program Income Assistive Technology-Leadershp - PI Barry Conservation Camp MOU - PI Barry Conservation Camp YR3 Barry Conservation Camp YR4 Program Income NH DOT Bay Bridge Service - PI UCEDD FY13-FY17 - PI AT Leadership - PI Wildcat Transit Route-Prog Inc NH DOT Bay Bridge Service - PI UCEDD FY14 - PI AT Leadership - PI T2 Center 2014-2015-PI Program Income UNH Grant Holding Fund UNH Grant Holding - 2012 UNH Grant Holding - 2014 Grant Refund Clearing Fund CWS Community Dev. 2013-2014 Direct Loan Problem CWS Job Locator 2011-2012 College Work Study 2012-2013 Federal Work Study 2013-2014 Federal Work Study 2014-2015 Federal Work Study UNH Dept of Education LOC DHHS LOC Adjustment Education for Peacebuilding PLACE PLACE TOTAL SPONSORED RESEARCH & PROGRAMS 11A807 11A907 11H112 11HB00 11HB13 11HC00 11HC07 11HC09 11HC11 11HC16 11HC20 11HC22 11HC23 11HC24 11HC25 11HC26 11HC27 11HC28 11HC29 11HC30 11HC31 11HC32 SPONSORED PROGRAM APPROPRIATIONS Bacterial-induced tissue resp 2008 Bacterial-induced tissue resp 2009 Protein Phosphatase 2A 2011 Hatch Administration 2013 Sunflower Leaves Stress Resp. 2013 Hatch Administration 2014 Climate Chg, Carbon Cycling, LU2014 Exploratory Research 2014 NW Atlantic Porphyra 2014 Obesity & The Environment 2014 Expression of the RAP70 Gene Family Aquaculture Methods 2014 Finfish Prod Recirculating Sys 2014 Sustainable Plant Nutrition 2014 Endocrine Control of Repro 2014 Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors 2014 Pathways of Microcystin Exp 2014 Improving Fertility of Cattle 2014 Epigenetic Regulation 2014 Evaluation Web-Based Tools 2014 Pasture vs Concentrate-Fed Cow2014 Triploid Green Sea Urchins 2014 Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable 60,127 4,680 406 17,831 649 675 5 34,970 19,205 35,565 75,348 2,482 1,365 24,817 14,075 1,677 6,197 26,855 4,403 24,984 1,000 (2,502) 1,000 604,107 38,030 (375) (21,493) (627) 181 58 (51,939) (70) (34) (10) 250 (7,631) (1,717) (4,689,471) 7,631 1,717 11,837,180 (1,251) (3,289) (10,422) (52,233) (24) (101,161) (44,485) (3,435) (11,428) (3,523) (4,822) (41,799) (15,517) (5,236) (6,884) (6,526) (13,373) (2,094) (9,092) (1,627) (4,501) (5,326) 1,251 3,289 10,422 52,233 24 101,161 44,546 3,435 11,428 3,523 4,822 41,799 15,517 5,236 6,884 6,526 13,373 2,094 9,092 1,627 4,501 5,326 Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income (150) 1,375 (4,530) 3,339 (837) (1,000) (604,107) (38,030) 375 21,493 627 51,939 70 34 10 (250) - - - (922,317) (5,156,599) - - - - Total Net Position 60,127 4,680 406 17,831 649 675 5 34,970 19,205 35,565 75,198 2,482 1,365 24,817 14,075 1,677 6,197 23,700 4,403 24,984 1,000 181 58 1,068,793 - (61) 328 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 11HC33 11HC34 11HC35 11HC37 11HC38 11HC39 11HC40 11HC41 11HC42 11HC43 11HC44 11HC45 11MB00 11MB01 11MB02 11MB03 11MB04 11MB06 11MB08 11MB09 11MB10 11MC00 11MC02 11MC03 11MC04 11MC05 11MC06 11MC07 11MC08 11MC09 11MC10 11MC11 11MC12 11MC13 11RC00 11RC02 11RC07 11RC14 11RC15 11RC16 11RC17 11RC18 11RC19 11RC20 11RC21 11RC22 11RC23 11RC24 11X533 11X536 11X538 11X564 11X565 11X566 11X567 11X568 11X569 11X570 11X571 11X572 11X573 11X574 Alternative Host Models Oysters2014 Agricultural Act Water Quality 2014 Mechanisms Biofilm Adaptation2014 Linking Soil Carbon Inputs 2014 Frankia-Actinorhizal Plant 2014 NH Veg & Small Fruit Prod. 2014 Applies Agricultual Genomics 2014 Reg. of translational complex. 2014 Harvest Shellfish Safety 2014 Interspecies Hybrids Squash 2014 Root Cold Tol & Plant Perform 2014 Exp Aerobic Composting System 2014 McIntire-Stennis Admin 2013 Polyamine Metab & Stress Res 2013 Amphibians Ecosystem Function2013 Remotely Sensed Change Det 2013 Complex Forests 2013 Impact Invasive Shrubs 2013 Tree Species Ecohydrological2013 Species & Environmental Chg 2013 Sustainable Production of Wood Shav McIntire-Stennis Admin 2014 Amphibians Ecosystem Function2014 Remotely Sensed Change Det 2014 Complex Forests 2014 Landscape Genetics Wildlife 2014 Impact Invasive Shrubs 2014 Water Quality Frag Forested 2014 Tree Species Ecohydrological2014 Species & Environmental Chg 2014 Sustainable Prod of Wood Shav2014 Emerald Ash Borer 2014 Effects of Historic and Recent Land Nitrogen & Carbon Assimilation 2014 Hatch Regional Administration 2014 Health Trajectory Older Adults 2014 Conservation Plant Resources 2014 Ecological & Genetic Diversity 2014 Sustainable Weed Mngmt 2014 Population Dynamics and Change 2014 Ovarian Influences on Embryon 2014 Comm Health & Resilience 2014 Managing Systems to Improve 2014 Gene Expression in Chicken 2014 Ovarian influences Ruminants 2014 Managing Systems to Improve 2014 Conservation Plant Resources 2014 Solutions to Bee Health 2014 FY 2011&2012 IPM Support Program FY 2011&2012 IPM SUPPORT PRGM YR 2 SL Administration SL Expanded Food and Nutrition SL Renewable Resources Smith Lever FY 13 IPM SL Administration SL ITDE SL Communications SL Interdisciplinary Programs SL Natural Resources PTL SL Natural Resources Personnel SL Natural Resources Support SL Food & Agriculture PTL Cash and Investments (19,727) (37,107) (11,577) (6,901) (15,662) (9,878) (11,818) (8,894) (12,211) (32,130) (9,826) (7,529) (7,609) (4,700) (4,845) (2,302) (2,048) (2,151) (2,072) (1,400) (3,954) (79,939) (27,250) (16,952) (22,417) (16,997) (18,350) (3,781) (30,938) (23,408) (4,433) (13,029) (22,804) (26,848) (6,818) (510) (1,085) (2,589) (4,832) (1,489) (2,870) (1,004) (1,530) (1,241) (1,650) (5,399) (8,466) (7,382) (561) (4,931) (642) (2,985) (198,238) (41,146) (11,014) (20,873) (2,042) (27,656) (19,200) (32,307) Accounts & Notes Receivable 19,727 37,107 11,577 9,517 15,662 9,878 11,818 8,894 12,211 32,130 9,826 7,529 7,609 4,700 4,845 2,302 2,048 2,151 2,072 1,400 3,954 79,939 27,250 16,952 22,417 16,997 18,350 3,781 30,938 23,408 4,433 13,029 22,804 26,848 6,818 1,762 1,092 4,012 4,832 1,688 2,870 1,004 1,530 1,241 1,650 5,399 9,894 7,382 1,366 164 561 6,092 642 2,985 198,697 41,807 11,544 20,873 3,578 27,656 21,326 32,307 Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position - (2,616) (1,251) (7) (1,422) 1 1 - (199) (1,429) (1) - (1,366) (164) (1,160) 1 - (459) (661) (531) (1) - (1,536) (2,127) (1) 329 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 11X575 11X576 11X577 11X578 11X579 11X580 11X581 11X582 11X583 11X584 11X585 11X586 11X587 11X588 11X589 11X590 11X592 13RX14 14GX00 14GX21 14GX22 14GX23 14GX24 14GX26 14GX27 14GX28 14GX29 14GX30 14GX38 14ZAD2 15CAES 15GX21 15GX22 15GX23 15GX24 15GX25 15GX26 15GX27 15GX29 15GX30 15GX38 SL Food & Agriculture Personnel SL Food & Agriculture Support SL Youth & Family PTL SL Youth & Family Personnel SL Youth & Family Support SL Community & Economic Develop PTL SL Community & Economic Personnel SL Community & Economic Support SL Belknap County SL Carrol County SL Cheshire Coounty SL Coos County SL Grafton County SL Hillsborough County SL Merrimack County SL Rockingham Ciounty SL Sullivan County FY 2014 State Forestry Support Forestry-Cty Reimbursal Belknap County FY 14 Carroll County FY 14 Cheshire County FY 14 Coos County FY 14 Hillsborough County FY '14 Merrimack County FY '14 Rockingham County FY '13 Strafford County FY 14 Sullivan County FY '13 Rockingham County FY 14 UNH P2 Adjustments AES Undistributed Salaries Belknap County State FY 14 Carroll County State FY 14 Cheshire County State FY 14 Coos County State FY 14 Grafton County FY 14 Hillsborough County FY 14 Merrimack County State FY 14 Strafford County State FY 14 Sullivan County FY 14 Rockingham County State FY 14 TOTAL SPONSORED PROGRAM APPROPRIATIONS 1LLIAB 1LU001 1LU002 1LU003 1LU005 1LU006 1LU007 1LU008 1LU009 1LU010 1LU011 1LU012 1LU013 1LU014 1LU015 1LU016 1LU017 1LU018 LOAN FUNDS Federal Perkins liability UNH Perkins Student Loan Fund UNH Perkins Federal Contrib UNH Perkins Univ Contribution Fed Reimb Dir Teach/Milit Can UNH Perkins Investment Income UNH Perkins Admin Expenses UNH Perkins - Other Expenses UNH Perkins Prov/Doubtful Acct UNH Perkins Collection Costs Loan Writeoff Teacher Cancel - Defense Loans Teacher Cancel - Direct 30% UNH Perkins Death Cancellation UNH Perkins Disability Canel Ndsl Cancel Bankrupt Dur Military Cancel - Defense Loan Defaulted Loans Assigned to Us Cash and Investments (135,541) (12,014) (16,262) (220,959) (17,671) (5,341) (66,080) (13,082) (3,760) (29,703) (9,112) (33,470) (69,599) (46,749) (36,678) (45,213) (36,009) (76) 78,799 1,078 (1,205) (313) (5,656) 4,145 7,958 (314) (1,698) 2,419 (2,942) 429 12,414 23,522 15,122 17,542 14,158 45,935 27,830 15,504 1,225 36,406 (1,782,956) Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows 135,541 14,824 16,262 220,959 18,274 5,583 66,080 16,018 3,760 29,703 9,112 33,470 69,599 46,749 36,678 45,213 36,009 37,975 Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Total Net Position - (2,810) (603) (243) (1) 78,799 7,047 429 12,414 20,351 14,648 13,291 11,546 42,296 25,564 15,279 (1,104) 34,273 274,832 (2,936) (37,899) 242 2,428 483 5,656 (1,320) (1,223) (170) (4,145) (911) 314 1,932 (234) (2,419) (44) 2,986 (37,899) 2,110,935 37,899 - - - (3,171) (474) (4,251) (2,612) (3,639) (2,266) (225) (2,329) (2,133) (53,147) - - - (12,678,437) (16,722,265) 13,666,696 2,140,737 1,418,090 77,185 (2,921,995) (2,059) (1,036,371) (3,038,834) (137,406) (541,508) (127,590) (262,226) (161,596) (134,793) (73,669) (268,976) Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income 16,722,265 - - (12,678,437) 13,666,696 2,140,737 1,418,090 77,185 (2,921,995) (2,059) (1,036,371) (3,038,834) (137,406) (541,508) (127,590) (262,226) (161,596) (134,793) (73,669) (268,976) 330 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Cash and Investments Fund Fund Name 1LU019 1LU020 1LU021 1LU023 1LU024 1LU025 1LU026 1LU027 1LU029 1LU035 1LU036 1LU037 1LU038 1LU039 1LU040 1LU041 1LU042 1LU043 1LU044 1LU045 1LU046 1LU061 1LU065 1LU066 1LU067 1LU068 UNH Perkins Interest Income UNH Perkins Late Fees Teacher Cancel-Direct 15% Student Nurses Federal Contrib Nursing Loan-Repay to Fed Govt Snlf Univ Contribution-Durham Nursing Loan - Repay to Univ Snlf-Xfer To/From Nurs Schol F Nursing Loan Investment Income Snlf Cost Collect Doubt Acct Stdnt Nurses Loans/Int Cancel Snlf Interest Income - Durham Snlf Late Charges University Loan Fund Military Cancel-Direct Loans Teacher Cancel-Direct 20% Volunteer Cancel-15% Rate Repayment Prev Write-Off Med Tech Cancellation Intervention/Services Cancel Certain Teachers Cancellations Samuel P Hunt Foundation Slfd Speech-Language Pathology Cancel Public Defender 15prct Cancellation Fire Fighter Service 15 pct Cancel Teaching Service Pre-K Cancel TOTAL LOAN FUNDS 9,620,113 306,140 (470,727) 207,341 (127,901) 21,562 (13,569) (13,285) 1,469 118 (109,903) 31,893 2,275 80,882 (1,949) (297,534) (49,859) 12,591 (809,924) (214,719) (135,236) 164,782 (5,202) (205) (5,234) (3,845) 63,494 ENDOWMENT & SIMILAR FUNDS Pooled Life Income Winnie R. Allen Fund Rosamond L. Granger S. Judson Dunaway Carpenter Quasi Endowment Harold Mckinley Lander Clof24 Excellence in Teaching Robert G Wakefield Quasi Endow Carl M Gahan '53 Scholarship Maurice C Paige Endow Schol Fund Arthur H Carter Scholarship Fund Albion R Hodgon Memorial Dean C Smith Thompson School Elinor Dodge Quasi Dunlop Fund Putnam Memorial Scholarship Fd Nancy Coutu Memorial Quasi Endow Thomas Fairchild Fund-Animal Scienc Alfred & Sallie Lamberton Quasi College of Liberal Arts Endow Theater Resources for Youth Signal Corp Religious Studies Gunst/Wilcox History Grad Prog Winthrop L Carter Art Exhibits Mcarthur/Simic Writers Series University Art Gallery The Signal History Fund Thomas Williams Memorial Fund Russell Wheeler Fund William Nicol Memorial Pitavy Schol Quasi-Endow Fund Arnold S Linksky Quasi Endow Katharine C & Charles H Sawyer Quas 10,601 1,199,451 130,867 85,449 279,120 104,070 32,198 36,280 2,647,170 72,449 578,891 9,574 24,754 72,989 208,541 33,864 11,970 37,014 214,957 121,756 58,902 52,135 23,963 57,555 133,407 93,123 98,546 13,938 25,849 9,574 12,051 10,154 51,848 1M0002 1QA001 1QA002 1QA003 1QA004 1QA005 1QA006 1QA007 1QA008 1QA009 1QA010 1QB001 1QB002 1QB003 1QB004 1QB005 1QB006 1QB007 1QC001 1QC002 1QC003 1QC004 1QC005 1QC006 1QC007 1QC008 1QC009 1QC010 1QC011 1QC012 1QC013 1QC014 1QC015 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income 1,363 1,026 16,724,654 - - - - - - (12,678,437) - - Total Net Position 9,620,113 306,140 (470,727) 207,341 (127,901) 21,562 (13,569) (13,285) 1,469 118 (109,903) 31,893 2,275 82,245 (1,949) (297,534) (49,859) 12,591 (809,924) (214,719) (135,236) 165,808 (5,202) (205) (5,234) (3,845) 4,109,711 10,601 1,199,451 130,867 85,449 279,120 104,070 32,198 36,280 2,647,170 72,449 578,891 9,574 24,754 72,989 208,541 33,864 11,970 37,014 214,957 121,756 58,902 52,135 23,963 57,555 133,407 93,123 98,546 13,938 25,849 9,574 12,051 10,154 51,848 331 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1QC016 1QC017 1QC018 1QC019 1QC020 1QC021 1QD001 1QD002 1QD003 1QD004 1QD005 1QD006 1QD007 1QD008 1QE001 1QE002 1QE003 1QE004 1QE005 1QE007 1QF001 1QG001 1QG002 1QG003 1QG500 1QJ001 1QJ002 1QJ003 1QL001 1QL002 1QL003 1QL004 1QL005 1QL006 1QR001 1QR002 1QS001 1QS002 1QS003 1QU001 1QU002 1QU003 1QU004 1QU005 1QU006 1QU007 1QU008 1QU009 1QU010 1QU011 1QU012 1QU013 1QU014 1QU015 1QU016 1QU017 1QU018 1QU019 1TA002 1TA003 1TA004 1TA005 Dion Janetos 39 Fnd0Hellenic Studie John Hanlon Memorial Scholarship COLA Undergrad Annual Appeal Schol Alberta Johnson Quasi Endowment Frederick Gates Music Schol. -quasi Italian Studies Chemical Engineering Quasi Thomas R. Anderton Marion Mitchell Cutts Electrical & Computer Eng Earth Sciences Memorial Fund Donald G Obrien Fund Gordon H Bassett Endow Scholar Harold H Warren Quasi Endowment Dean C Smith Whittemore School Rosenberg Quasi Endowment C Donald Mckelvie Econ-Scholar Sam Rosen Quasi-Endowment Fund Undergraduate Scholarships Qua Roberta T Bartlett Scholarship Quas School of HHS Endowed Scholar Paul W & Dorothy T Hobbs Fund UNH Alumni Assn Endowment UNH Alumni Scholars Fund UNHL Operations Quasi Endowment Fd Charles Harvey Hood House Main Parents Assn Student Enrichmnt Class of 29 Mub Living Room Lillian P. Duncan UNH Bookstore Inventory Fund University Museum Fund Milne Special Collections Endo Walter & Dorothy Peterson Lib Phillip J. Sawyer Quasi Endowment Kenneth Norris Class of 1937 IOL Scholarship Fund Edward A. Necker Jane Blalock Athletic Scholar George H Batchelder Scholar Shirley F. Barker Fund Edward F. Cate Fund Barbara Sands Emery Fund Simes T. Hoyt Fund Cyrus F. & Dorothy H. Jenness Fund J. O. Lyford Fund Theodora Lyman Fund Helen Mclaughlin Fund Isabel Harriet A. Paul Ruth E. Rumery Fund Victor P. Sanborn Fund Chester A. Scammon Fund Alice Hamilton Smith Fund Morris A. Stewart Fund General Unrestricted Endowment Ormond A Roberts Scholarship Fund Edith M. Blake Scholarship Fund William Wade Perkins Quasi Endowmen UNH ECOLine Quasi Endowment Putnam Memorial Scholarship Fd Furio A Abbiatti, Cl' of 1927 Ben Bronstein Endowed Scholars Jean Brierly Fund Cash and Investments 99,189 10,948 98,913 33,788 24,706 115,341 98,929 147,191 256,795 26,423 15,227 87,671 16,112 179,165 23,630 1,006,617 135,919 18,004 43,123 116,715 47,086 586,431 172,751 398,951 938,055 330,582 326,905 55,320 118,422 738,780 121,247 2,538,699 37,424 46,742 9,114 292,501 243,319 97,117 443,868 1,124 22,266 50,323 37,285 30,483 466 92,601 54,821 2,426,812 48,122 196,502 14,757 597,043 4,245 2,697 101,483 517,683 149,664 911,412 55,876 26,644 25,693 365,766 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 99,189 10,948 98,913 33,788 24,706 115,341 98,929 147,191 256,795 26,423 15,227 87,671 16,112 179,165 23,630 1,006,617 135,919 18,004 43,123 116,715 47,086 586,431 172,751 398,951 938,055 330,582 326,905 55,320 118,422 738,780 121,247 2,538,699 37,424 46,742 9,114 292,501 243,319 97,117 443,868 1,124 22,266 50,323 37,285 30,483 466 92,601 54,821 2,426,812 48,122 196,502 14,757 597,043 4,245 2,697 101,483 517,683 149,664 911,412 55,876 26,644 25,693 365,766 332 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1TA006 1TA007 1TA008 1TA009 1TA010 1TA011 1TA012 1TA013 1TA014 1TA015 1TA016 1TA017 1TA018 1TA019 1TA020 1TA021 1TA022 1TA023 1TA024 1TA025 1TA026 1TA027 1TA028 1TA029 1TA030 1TA031 1TA032 1TA033 1TA034 1TA035 1TA036 1TA037 1TA038 1TA039 1TA040 1TA041 1TA042 1TA043 1TA044 1TA045 1TA046 1TA047 1TA048 1TA049 1TA050 1TA051 1TA052 1TA053 1TA054 1TA055 1TA056 1TA057 1TA058 1TA059 1TA060 1TA061 1TA062 1TA063 1TA064 1TA065 1TA066 1TA067 Janet Clark Class of '42 Class of 1922 Golden Anniv Gif Mr. & Mrs. Robert Davison Class of 1928 Scholarship Fund Class of 1933 Honors Class of 1954 Endowment Fund Concord Alumni Scholarship Fun Paul A. Cote Melbourne W. Cummings End. Fun Elmer F. & Marion M.cutts Gwynne Harris Daggett Mem. Sch Alexander P. Danoff Endowed Sc Robert L. Deming Mem. Scholars Ben & Zelma Dorson Scholarship Forrest Smith Fund Fred Engelhardt Fund Avrum Gudelsky Bank Meridian Hannaford Brothers Endowment William C. Hennessy Scholarshi George T. Gilman Larry Hogan Scholarship Fund Harold A. Holbrook Memorial S John S.holland Mem. Scholarshi Dorice & Richard Horan End Schol Cyril Thomas Hunt Mem. Sch. Fu Miriam Jackson Mem Scholarship Elizabeth Jones Class 1922 Sch Helen Duncan Jones Prize Frances Kling Peter & Francis Martin Schol Fund Marcia Mccann John W. Mcconnell Scholarship Howard E. Mclane Scholarship Elinor Metcalf Scholarship Barbara King Newman Sch. Fund Nickerson Scholarship Fund Bertha I. Norton Endowment Sch Leonard P. Novak Albert N. Otis Scholarship Fun Nettie M. & Charles Parker Mem Robert G. Perrault Mem.scholar Constantine A. Petmezas Schola 'bunny' Bryant Band Scholarshi Paul Barlow Peter Lino Barili O. B. Brown Endowed Scholarshi K. Denham Arthur E. Clapp Memorial Schol Fuller Foundation Endowed Fund Alvin R. Ingram Graduate Fello Carol Koreniewski Endowed Fund Mortar Board Phi Mu Dellta Scholarship Fund Facilities Services Governor Wesley Powell Barbara M. Russell Mem'l Sch Earle A.welch Scholarship Governor John H. Bartlett Fund Thomas J. Davis Prize Award V Hamilton Smith Trust Frank W. Randall Scholarship F Cash and Investments 57,002 130,730 198,130 315,240 170,700 409,369 12,756 196,265 2,284,894 211,739 35,367 29,203 10,310 232,461 1,026,352 179,860 49,750 59,134 14,430 33,234 86,425 312,067 36,431 21,822 37,940 28,416 45,762 805,031 5,489 22,649 202,546 32,740 51,782 57,129 15,332 49,816 90,270 43,290 23,441 121,129 3,437 33,738 107,706 102,858 9,224 67,260 20,287 11,186 17,346 26,565 8,453 16,986 7,447 133,672 26,230 35,118 45,154 20,287 25,359 1,748 10,000 543,084 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 57,002 130,730 198,130 315,240 170,700 409,369 12,756 196,265 2,284,894 211,739 35,367 29,203 10,310 232,461 1,026,352 179,860 49,750 59,134 14,430 33,234 86,425 312,067 36,431 21,822 37,940 28,416 45,762 805,031 5,489 22,649 202,546 32,740 51,782 57,129 15,332 49,816 90,270 43,290 23,441 121,129 3,437 33,738 107,706 102,858 9,224 67,260 20,287 11,186 17,346 26,565 8,453 16,986 7,447 133,672 26,230 35,118 45,154 20,287 25,359 1,748 10,000 543,084 333 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1TA068 1TA069 1TA070 1TA071 1TA072 1TA073 1TA074 1TA075 1TA076 1TA077 1TA078 1TA079 1TA080 1TA081 1TA082 1TA083 1TA084 1TA085 1TA086 1TA087 1TA088 1TA089 1TA090 1TA091 1TA092 1TA093 1TA094 1TA095 1TA096 1TA097 1TA098 1TA099 1TA100 1TA101 1TA102 1TA103 1TA104 1TA105 1TA106 1TA107 1TA108 1TA109 1TA110 1TA111 1TA112 1TA113 1TA114 1TA115 1TA116 1TA117 1TA118 1TA119 1TA120 1TA121 1TA122 1TA123 1TA124 1TA125 1TA126 1TA127 1TA128 1TA129 Gladys Wheeler Simeroth Schol Victor M.& Mabel Foster Smith Frederick Smyth Book Fund Paul Spilios Memorial Award Fu Corinne Tripetti Art Scholars Alberta C. Virgil William & Doris Sterling Blanche D. & George L. White John G. Winant Arthur Whitcomb George P. Wood Shoals Marine Melvin Zais Anna Zornio Ato Alfred H. Brown Scholarshi Richard Bruce Johnston Scholar Roland H. O'Neal, Professorship Raymond E. Bassett Memorial Fu Frank Booma Memorial Fund Louis P. Bourgoin Scholarship H. L. Boutwell Scholarship Fun Edmund L. Brigham Scholarship Edna O. Brown Scholarship Fund Philip R Burlingame Sr St Loan Cartlands-Of-lee Scholarship F Lt. Albert A. Chariat Fund Winifred E. Chesley Fund Frank B. Clark Fund Class of 1916 Sch. Fund Forrest E Adams Mem. Sch. Berry-Mattoon Fund Cl'22 Philip M. Marston Scholarship Class of 1925 Wm. S. Sayward F Class of 1938 Memorial Scholar Class of 1948 Trust Fund Class of 1898 Scholarship Fund Class of 1899 Prize Clarence E. Clement Sch. Fund Corinne H. Coburn Fund Arthur W. Colburn St. Loan F Paul Edward Corriveau Mem. Sc Fisher Currier Scholarship Fu Diettrich, Memorial Cup Fund Harry W. Evans Sch. Fund Sylvester M. Foster Fund Adelaide M. Godding Fund John Haines Scholarship Fund Willis D. F. Hayden Sch. Fund Helen E. Hayes Sch. Fund Henderson Memorial Sch. Fund Edgar C. Hirst Scholarship Fu Michael J. & Nellie Hourihan Hubbard Family Endowed Chair Lillian M. Johnson Fund Ilmari Kainu Mem. Sch. Fund Donald Whitney Libby Memorial Mildred B. Lionstone Scholars Locke Prize Fund Nancy E. Lougee Memorial Fund Harry Macleod Memorial Schol J. Herbert Marceau Scholarshi William F. Marsh Scholarship Mask & Dagger Fund Cash and Investments 25,693 15,033 9,097 5,856 43,259 60,445 61,516 7,192 439,228 241,671 507,090 36,780 5,419 15,294 10,757 316,510 1,631 9,022 7,523 12,562 21,198 86,744 32,486 29,008 4,405 20,153 46,134 13,171 11,671 121,636 14,392 158,831 35,505 14,924 835,459 3,671 5,142 42,513 17,199 12,562 37,361 608 22,530 4,405 140,547 10,895 20,149 56,687 26,070 56,917 90,071 2,780,726 881,134 276,867 13,992 4,901 13,843 22,659 10,792 44,134 8,807 21,864 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 25,693 15,033 9,097 5,856 43,259 60,445 61,516 7,192 439,228 241,671 507,090 36,780 5,419 15,294 10,757 316,510 1,631 9,022 7,523 12,562 21,198 86,744 32,486 29,008 4,405 20,153 46,134 13,171 11,671 121,636 14,392 158,831 35,505 14,924 835,459 3,671 5,142 42,513 17,199 12,562 37,361 608 22,530 4,405 140,547 10,895 20,149 56,687 26,070 56,917 90,071 2,780,726 881,134 276,867 13,992 4,901 13,843 22,659 10,792 44,134 8,807 21,864 334 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1TA130 1TA131 1TA132 1TA133 1TA134 1TA135 1TA136 1TA137 1TA138 1TA139 1TA140 1TA141 1TA142 1TA143 1TA144 1TA145 1TA146 1TA147 1TA148 1TA149 1TA150 1TA151 1TA152 1TA153 1TA154 1TA155 1TA156 1TA157 1TA158 1TA159 1TA160 1TA161 1TA162 1TA163 1TA164 1TA165 1TA166 1TA167 1TA168 1TA169 1TA170 1TA171 1TA172 1TA173 1TA174 1TA175 1TA176 1TA177 1TA178 1TA179 1TA181 1TA182 1TA183 1TB001 1TB002 1TB003 1TB004 1TB005 1TB006 1TB007 1TB008 1TB009 Erskine Mason Memorial Prize Roger E. Montgomery Mem. Sch. N.h. Branch Nat'l Civic Fdn. Maurice E. Nerbonne Sch. Fund Ordway Fund George Downes Parnell Mem. Sc Paul Scholarship Fund Luella Pettee Fund Roecrans W. Pillsbury Fund Alfred Ernest Richards Mem. S Charles H. Sanders Fund Lena Snow Sargent Fund Walter M. Shipley Scholarship Mary F. Simpson Sch. Fund J. Guy Smart Scholarship Fund Roderick W. Smith Scholarship Smyth, Memorial Fund James Carter Col. Samuel J. Sutherland Theron A. Thorp Mem. Sch. Fun James A. Wellman Mem. Sch. Charles H. Wiggin Sch. Fund Walter M. Wiggin Scholarship George H. Williams Fund Richard J. Shea Memorial Award William H. Yale Sch. Fund Class of 1931 Alumni Mem. Scho Fred Weare Stone Mem. Sch. Fun Stephen D. Decesare Memorial S Penny Family School Ruth Cheney Streeter Shcol Katherine Demerritt Memorial Col John & Helena Ayotte Ray Macdonald End Scholarship Gertrude Phelps Carlson Mem Class of 51 Endowed Scholarshi Norma V and John Spaven Lola M Preston Endowed Scholar Class of 38 Professorship Endo Class of 41 Educational Endow CEPS Endowed Scholar Class of 1964 Endowed Scholarship Class of 40 Professorship Class of 44 Endowed Professor Class of 1944 Endowed Scholar Charles A. Hopkins Family Fund Class 1961 Endowed Scholarship 1959 Fund for Excellence William S Law Scholarship Fund Frank A Joy Endowed Fund Ernest Easter Scholarship Fund Scott Chadwick Memorial Scholarship Earl & Ethel Handly Faculty Endwmnt Edward Cass Adams Robert P. Ahern Mem. Fund Albert H. Brown Student Loan Thomas W. Keller Mem. Scholars C. Hilton Boynton Gertrude Burnham Fund Conant Scholarship Fund Crop Protection Institute David W. Drew Memorial Scholar Cash and Investments 3,565 12,984 4,839 5,470 9,100 7,723 220,224 8,311 2,198 22,025 13,218 198,327 8,807 295,943 515,608 4,405 11,531 51,170 8,630 36,811 110,120 50,586 22,019 46,613 7,889 300,574 175,210 839,934 18,117 48,156 27,753 14,814 475,097 668,817 19,713 207,802 173,058 71,387 223,428 242,601 205,016 142,621 314,366 214,738 71,115 48,558 151,553 101,827 60,595 1,235,716 202,168 41,708 988,683 30,778 97,885 222,306 28,118 86,199 597,216 235,179 29,696 40,537 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 3,565 12,984 4,839 5,470 9,100 7,723 220,224 8,311 2,198 22,025 13,218 198,327 8,807 295,943 515,608 4,405 11,531 51,170 8,630 36,811 110,120 50,586 22,019 46,613 7,889 300,574 175,210 839,934 18,117 48,156 27,753 14,814 475,097 668,817 19,713 207,802 173,058 71,387 223,428 242,601 205,016 142,621 314,366 214,738 71,115 48,558 151,553 101,827 60,595 1,235,716 202,168 41,708 988,683 30,778 97,885 222,306 28,118 86,199 597,216 235,179 29,696 40,537 335 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1TB010 1TB011 1TB012 1TB013 1TB014 1TB015 1TB016 1TB017 1TB018 1TB019 1TB020 1TB021 1TB022 1TB023 1TB024 1TB026 1TB027 1TB028 1TB029 1TB030 1TB031 1TB032 1TB033 1TB034 1TB035 1TB036 1TB037 1TB038 1TB039 1TB040 1TB041 1TB042 1TB043 1TB044 1TB045 1TB046 1TB047 1TB048 1TB049 1TB050 1TB051 1TC001 1TC002 1TC003 1TC004 1TC005 1TC006 1TC007 1TC008 1TC009 1TC010 1TC011 1TC013 1TC014 1TC015 1TC016 1TC017 1TC018 1TC019 1TC020 1TC021 1TC022 Clyde & Isabel Eaton Kenneth Fowler Norman Hubbard Scholarship Oliver J. Hubbard Fund Basil & Alice Johnson Gunnar B. Olsson Fund Dan Heath Memorial Richard A. Andrews Mem'l Award Paul Gilman Albio Hodgdon Mem'l Schol Barbara M. Lucier Endowed Mem George M. Moore Scholarship Constance L. Rollins Memorial Plant Science Scholarship Fund James A. Purington Scholarship Laurence W. Slantez Memorial Clark L. Stevens Sch. in Fore Charles A. & F. W. Stone Schol L.v. "cy" Tirrell Prof. Sch. Agricultural Alumni Associatio Richard B. Johnston Mem. Schol Stephen W & Helen H Dyer Schlr Ruth E. Farrington Fund Andrew L. Felker Sch. Fund Hood Prize Fund Hubbard Farms Grad. Fellow/Pou Norma Ikawa Scholarship Fund Industrial Education Fund Kenneth L. Isaacs Sch. Fnd. Lilac Endowment Fund Lord Scholarship Fund Fred W. Menns Scholarship Fun Kenneth S. Morrow Scholarship Walhowdon Farm Scholarship Martha & Theodore Frizzell Stacey Cole Lloyd Hawkensen Fund Marty Mitchell Scholarship Virginia M & William L Conrad Eric Wilkes Bell Mem End Award Drs. Lorus & Margery Milne John D. Batcheller Memorial Foreign Language Study Gary Lindberg Raymond J. Bernier Scholarship S. P. Edelman Excellence in Teaching Scholar Jean Mattox Richard A. Morse Scholarship Gary R. O'neal Musical Theater William H Annis Occupation Edu Jani Smith Donald E. Steele Arts Dept Scholarship Fund German Soc. of Manchester, NH Adaline W. Paul Sch. Fund Thomas O Marshall Fund NH Library of Traditional Jazz Seiler, Study of Music Ann Pazo Mayberry Fund Grant Carlson Fund Humanities Challenge Cash and Investments 52,899 66,612 7,210 1,195,458 56,425 25,777 11,957 64,140 10,262 11,977 23,715 12,612 122,506 9,732 53,679 38,764 12,479 132,279 64,234 27,827 27,976 98,883 1,521,739 14,573 26,427 184,544 28,917 2,295 35,292 27,108 1,717,649 10,339 32,630 5,386 42,268 75,840 23,282 22,743 48,021 22,222 519,930 43,482 26,600 42,382 13,111 2,975 81,677 56,627 186,227 38,948 7,993 19,377 18,367 19,810 4,410 28,760 11,004 2,369,868 13,549 48,135 20,450 885,826 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 52,899 66,612 7,210 1,195,458 56,425 25,777 11,957 64,140 10,262 11,977 23,715 12,612 122,506 9,732 53,679 38,764 12,479 132,279 64,234 27,827 27,976 98,883 1,521,739 14,573 26,427 184,544 28,917 2,295 35,292 27,108 1,717,649 10,339 32,630 5,386 42,268 75,840 23,282 22,743 48,021 22,222 519,930 43,482 26,600 42,382 13,111 2,975 81,677 56,627 186,227 38,948 7,993 19,377 18,367 19,810 4,410 28,760 11,004 2,369,868 13,549 48,135 20,450 885,826 336 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1TC023 1TC024 1TC025 1TC026 1TC027 1TC028 1TC029 1TC030 1TC031 1TC032 1TD001 1TD002 1TD003 1TD004 1TD005 1TD006 1TD007 1TD008 1TD009 1TD010 1TD011 1TD012 1TD013 1TD014 1TD015 1TD016 1TD017 1TD018 1TD019 1TD020 1TD021 1TD022 1TD023 1TD024 1TD025 1TD026 1TD027 1TD028 1TD029 1TD030 1TD031 1TD032 1TD033 1TD034 1TD035 1TD036 1TD037 1TD038 1TD039 1TD040 1TD041 1TD042 1TD043 1TD044 1TD045 1TD046 1TD047 1TE001 1TE002 1TE003 1TE004 1TE005 Louise Harwell Rogers Endowmen Malcolm & Virginia Smith Endow Theater Education Endowed Fund Lucha-Burns Musical Theatre Endowmt Whitlock Music Education Schol Shatterly Fund for Education Shatterly Fund for Poli Sci Conover Endowed Fund Edwin and Mary Scheier Fund Blanche C Bailey Fund Gordon H. Bassett Champlin Scholarship Fund Howard W. Cope Mem Scholarship Edward T. Donovan Scholarship Donald Fox Mem Scholarship Harry L. Farnham Scholarship Joseph L Fearer Scholar Fund Harold A. Iddles Lecture Fund William Knox Endowed Fund Marie L. Langelier Vernon Lerch David Owen Libby Frank Block Fund Randolph W. Chapman Lecture Fu W. Edwards Deming Dr. Ruth Peters Memorial Award Stolworthy Fund Richard & Georgia Balomenos Bacon Award Velma W. Scruton Fund Raymond B. Seymour Chem. Tappi Endowed Fund Winchester R. Wood Fund Leroy Johnson J & Rm Kurtz Endowed Fund Bailey Prize Fund Albert W. Diniak Memorial Fun Heman Charles Fogg Sch. Fund Kingsbury Memorial Award Locke Scholarship Fund Lester A. Pratt Grad. Prize Lucinda & Melvin Smith Sch. F Waite Professorship Fred Waite Class of 1927 R C Kimball Scholar Robert T. Hart Leon W Hitchcock Award Olivette Dussault Hemon Schola Kenneth J Higson Endowed Schol Helmut M Haendler Endowed Fund Frederick N Walker Jr Ee Schol Craig A West Memorial Endow Harold M Lander Cl of 24 Fund Clarence & Eleanor Shuttlewort Shatterly Fund for Engineering Tenho S Kauppinen Scholarship Fund Roland S. Burlingame Scholarship John A. Beckett Writing Prize Patrick Carlson Memorial Schol Jan E. Clee Fellowship Fund Carroll M. Degler Fund James R. Carter Professorship Cash and Investments 23,445 19,826 79,675 124,303 14,176 68,029 134,529 59,795 2,620,732 47,836 27,309 341,389 55,795 35,861 54,823 15,220 71,829 117,205 14,538 341,818 27,341 47,872 26,148 16,906 16,870 6,902 8,453 26,948 1,919 307,490 5,695 43,746 683,594 393,542 266,071 1,104 4,302 14,814 71,458 13,215 116,115 36,511 198,449 485,700 21,245 48,036 120,892 18,871 430,792 30,491 276,601 19,730 14,579 603,564 140,737 6,168 617,078 17,251 33,046 27,185 71,938 751,645 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 23,445 19,826 79,675 124,303 14,176 68,029 134,529 59,795 2,620,732 47,836 27,309 341,389 55,795 35,861 54,823 15,220 71,829 117,205 14,538 341,818 27,341 47,872 26,148 16,906 16,870 6,902 8,453 26,948 1,919 307,490 5,695 43,746 683,594 393,542 266,071 1,104 4,302 14,814 71,458 13,215 116,115 36,511 198,449 485,700 21,245 48,036 120,892 18,871 430,792 30,491 276,601 19,730 14,579 603,564 140,737 6,168 617,078 17,251 33,046 27,185 71,938 751,645 337 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1TE006 1TE007 1TE008 1TE009 1TE010 1TE011 1TE012 1TF001 1TF002 1TF004 1TF005 1TF006 1TF007 1TF008 1TG002 1TG003 1TG004 1TG005 1TG006 1TG007 1TG008 1TG009 1TG010 1TG011 1TG012 1TG013 1TG014 1TG015 1TG016 1TG017 1TG018 1TG020 1TG021 1TG022 1TJ001 1TJ003 1TL001 1TL002 1TL003 1TL004 1TL005 1TL006 1TL007 1TL008 1TR001 1TR002 1TR003 1TR004 1TS001 1TS002 1TS003 1TS004 1TS005 1TS006 1TS007 1TS008 1TS009 1TS010 1TS011 1TS012 1TS013 1TS014 William T. Cushing Memorial Sc Patricia Vinnicombe Endow Fund Hollis Harrington Virginia Paul Dee Professorshi Ellen Mae Greenaway Scholar Albin Entrepreneurship Fund JA Hogan Distinguished Visiting Pro Dr E Elizabeth French Mem Fund Gerald L & Dorothy K Smith Fun Elizabeth Rand Hamilton Putnam Robert J. & Mary E. Mitchell Daniel Beatrice Rogers Schl Marion Beckwith Endowed Fund UNH Venture Capital Endowment Alumni Merit Serv Award Assn Honors Program/Urop Endowment Class of 1953 Dr. Phyllis Lucasse Avis Perkins Smart '42' Fund John S. Elliott Fund Smith Sanborn Lecture Fund President's Discretionary Fund Nash - President's Disc. Fund Class of 36 Cultural Enrichmnt Louis B. Hoffman Endowment Alumni Center Endowment Fund Class of 1929 Dad Henderson Henderson Mem. Carillon Maint. A.E. Kenison, Jr./D.L. Kenison Endo Granite State Scholars Endowment Elizabeth Farmer McIninch Fund Esther Eastman Endowment Warren H. Hay Endowment Frederick Walker Morris F Darling Memorial Fund Gladys Brooks Endowment Fund Douglas M. Milne Roland Douglas Sawyer Consolidated Library Fund Edward H. Downing Fund Marion E. Nash Fund Helena M Milne Endowment Blanche Foye Nash Library Fund Prof. & Mrs. F. Jackson Leslie S. Hubbard Marine Pgm Shoals Marine Scholarship Fund Class of 1937 Professorship Charles H. Stillings Trust Warren Brown Memorial Scholars Carl & Ada Lundholm Mem Scholr Peter G Markos Chemistry Endowment Carlton E. Meader, Jr. Mem. Sc Donald Melville W. C. & Clara D. Skoglund Suzanne Urban Fund P. Wageman Ski Team UNH Paul C. Sweet Scholarship Fund A. Barr "whoops" Snively Schol Jere A. Chase Scholarship Frederick A. Johnson Mem. Sch Cash and Investments 104,519 38,713 117,506 288,264 51,435 171,643 909,837 48,286 89,088 227,336 41,544 203,373 40,453 11,480 275,466 43,576 258,998 55,850 1,730,125 25,863 13,551,198 28,538 46,192 48,929 178,186 239,413 43,097 211,262 14,166 126,603 2,035,283 36,505 23,430 303,379 24,559 166,257 144,300 280,636 71,773 45,550 3,007 48,929 1,467,004 27,143 54,431 1,865,011 4,252 258,503 1,275,240 19,246 52,609 72,208 18,627 338,587 139,549 66,326 8,548 183,162 62,526 31,954 4,688 26,224 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 104,519 38,713 117,506 288,264 51,435 171,643 909,837 48,286 89,088 227,336 41,544 203,373 40,453 11,480 275,466 43,576 258,998 55,850 1,730,125 25,863 13,551,198 28,538 46,192 48,929 178,186 239,413 43,097 211,262 14,166 126,603 2,035,283 36,505 23,430 303,379 24,559 166,257 144,300 280,636 71,773 45,550 3,007 48,929 1,467,004 27,143 54,431 1,865,011 4,252 258,503 1,275,240 19,246 52,609 72,208 18,627 338,587 139,549 66,326 8,548 183,162 62,526 31,954 4,688 26,224 338 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1TS015 1TS016 1TS017 1TS018 1TS019 1TS020 1TS021 1TS022 1TS023 1TU001 1TU002 1TU003 1TU004 1TU005 1TU006 1TU007 1TU008 1TU009 1TU010 1TU013 1TU014 1TU015 1TU016 1TU020 1TX001 Philip C. Jones/1913 Trust UNH 100 Club / General Award Creeley S. Buchanan Football Craig Scholarship Fund Andrew Mooradian Endowed Schol Bernice Hill Class of 23 Endow Arden G. Atkins Scholarship Ken Pope Endowed Scholarship Holt Endowed Fund Walter W. Lucasse Alice M. Mitchell Scholarship Edward and Selma Bacon Simon Fund Richard M. Ford Endowed Mem Agnes & M Jane Linen Scholarsh Ben Thompson Trust Whidden Trust Spaulding Memorial Fund Paul J Holloway Endowment Fund Gray-White-Shields Scholarship Fund UNH Foreign Language Scholarship UNH Engineering Scholarship T. Ralph & Isabelle Meyers Fund Joseph L. Robinson Scholarship Fund UNIQUE Endowment Alloc Plan-UNH Marine Docent Endowment Fund TOTAL ENDOWMENT & SIMILAR FUNDS 1N0ADJ 1NU001 1NU002 1NU006 1NU008 1NU011 1NU013 1NU015 1NU023 1NU024 1NU09A 1NUIFB 1X2018 1X2019 1X2020 1X5C18 1X5C19 1X5C20 1XA001 1XA003 1XA035 1XB002 1XB003 1XB005 1XB015 1XB017 1XB018 1XB022 1XB025 1XB033 1XB036 1XB040 1XB048 1XB049 PLANT FUNDS UNH Net Invested in Plant Adjustmen UNH Net Invested UNH Equipment 2001 HEFA DEBT 2001R HEFA DEBT 2002 HEFA Refunding Debt 2006B-2 HEFA DEBT 2005A HEFA DEBT 2006 HEFA Debt Ecoline HEFA 2007 Debt 2009A HEFA DEBT UNH Internal Borrowings Morse Circle Bike-Transit Hub Main St. West Bus Pullouts Intermodal Transit Facility Morse Circle Bike Cost Share Main St West Bus Pullout Cost Share Intermodal Transit Cost Share VPAA R&R Electronic Campus VPAA Grad School R&R Electronic Cmp Career Services Computer COLSA Green House Facilities COLSA Misc R&R COLSA TS Facilities Maint/Repairs COLSA TSAS Computer Replacement COLSA Food Service R&R COLSA TSAS Ag Mech Equip Replace COLSA NR Dept Equipment Fund COLSA TSAS Vehicle Replacement COLSA TS Logging Equip R&R AES R&R Cooper/Whistler Startup Funds Whidden Trust Projects Oyster Riv-Quant Non-point N Fluxes Cash and Investments 34,256 405,450 13,654 136,443 43,534 81,201 193,064 17,655 159,427 1,014,973 203,373 105,504 29,755 7,379 2,040,717 235,893 2,136,430 271,698 2,725,105 107,491 107,491 32,104 21,449 19,444,763 140,598 128,496,697 Accounts & Notes Receivable - Prepaid and Other Assets - Property, Plant & Equipment - (3,000,000) 622,916,651 31,087,272 (3,141,164) (77,469) Deferred Outflows - Accounts Payable - 4,492 21,344 8,970 219,546 2 202 1,624 959,675 31,867 19,604 8,994 2,886 4,906 91,471 871 1,643,414 5,885 (27,889) 122,946 70 3,567 1,630 - Accrued Employee Benefits - Refundable Government Advances - Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income - - (38,442) (12,638,956) (55,299,064) (15,917,723) (11,665,188) (25,214,927) (26,206,908) (38,523,224) (21,949,720) (4,771,855) (31,068,139) (70) (3,567) Deposits and Unearned Revenues (1,630) (408) (12,847) Total Net Position 34,256 405,450 13,654 136,443 43,534 81,201 193,064 17,655 159,427 1,014,973 203,373 105,504 29,755 7,379 2,040,717 235,893 2,136,430 271,698 2,725,105 107,491 107,491 32,104 21,449 19,444,763 140,598 128,496,697 (3,000,000) 619,737,045 18,370,847 (55,299,064) (15,917,723) (11,665,188) (25,214,927) (26,206,908) (38,523,224) (21,949,720) (4,771,855) (31,068,139) 4,492 21,344 8,562 219,546 2 202 1,624 959,675 31,867 19,604 8,994 2,886 4,906 91,471 871 1,643,414 5,885 (27,889) 110,099 339 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1XB050 1XC001 1XC007 1XD001 1XE005 1XF003 1XF004 1XG002 1XG004 1XG020 1XG021 1XG023 1XG024 1XJ002 1XJ003 1XJ004 1XJ005 1XJ009 1XJ012 1XJ015 1XJ016 1XJ019 1XJ020 1XJ021 1XJ022 1XJ023 1XJ024 1XJ025 1XJ026 1XJ027 1XJ028 1XJ029 1XJ032 1XJ036 1XJ040 1XJ043 1XJ044 1XJ045 1XJ046 1XJ048 1XJ049 1XJ050 1XJ051 1XJ052 1XJ056 1XJ058 1XJ059 1XJ060 1XJ062 1XJ063 1XJ066 1XJ067 1XJ068 1XJ071 1XJ171 1XJ172 1XJEMR 1XJTRF 1XJTRM 1XK001 1XK003 1XK007 Oyster Rv Wtrshed Data Set Analysis COLA Misc R&R COLA Theater Resources Youth Sculpt CEPS Earth Science Van Fund Paul College Technology R&R Fund SHHS miscellaneous R&R Browne Center R&R Alumni EAC Capital Fund Class of 42 Cent Admin BSC Equipmnt Replacement Phonathon Program Automation Photo and Video Services Equip Repl Advancement Equipment Replacement Human Resources Equip Replacement Durham Dispatch Equipment Police Vehicle Replacement VPSA Health Services R&R VPSA Health Services Computer Syst MUB elect circuit/receptcle upgrade VPSA MUB Std Org Office R&R MUB Games Room Renovation VPSA MUB Granite Room Lighting 01 VPSA MUB Unexpended R&R VPSA Recreation R&R VPSA Student Rec Field VPSA Recreation Mendums Pond VPSA Recreation Vehicle VPSA Recreation Pool R&R VPSA Recreation Sailing VPSA Recreation Building Renovat VPSA Recreation Equipment VPSA Recreation Tech Upgrades VPSA Recreation Crew Dispatch Equipment VPSA Technology Upgrade VPSA MUB Strafford Room VPSA MUB Theater VPSA MUB College Brook Deck VPSA MUB HVAC Project MUB Seminar/Mtg Room Projection VPSA MUB Mighty-Lite Replacement VPSA Health Services Equip Replace VPSA Counseling Center VPSA MUB Technology Infrastructure Granite Square Station Upgrade Mub Memorial Room Plaque Mub Exterior Signage SAF Equipment Replacement SAF Computer Replacement MUB Aesthetics MUB Professional Development MUB Foodcourt/Balcony Renovation Whittemore Center R&R Reserves Ice Plant/Equipment Sinking Fund VPSA MUB Bathroom Renovations VPSA Recreation Womens Crew VPSA MUB Exterior Emergency Management Plant Fund Turf Field Operations Turf Field Major Repairs HelpDesk Repl Sft Plant Bb Portal Project CIS Computer Store Cash and Investments 4,111 3,332 611 5,499 250,000 2,200,000 4,245 199,513 16,783 45,516 88,522 21,713 20,742 6,681 12,769 3,971,277 224,250 59,832 170,131 11,562 696 96,146 1,899 348,861 3,500 52,862 23,341 16,454 132,612 158,855 6,968 600 11,056 32 1,424 22,885 5,243 68,129 15,000 52,329 97,194 49,948 15,212 999 7,389 94 120,420 7,177 5,256 17,656 15,965 61,138 94,199 2,000 4,724 6,406 168,789 1,262 31,842 100,372 83,598 30,189 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable (21,713) (31,284) (15,375) Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 4,111 3,332 611 5,499 250,000 2,200,000 4,245 199,513 16,783 45,516 88,522 20,742 6,681 12,769 3,971,277 224,250 59,832 170,131 11,562 696 96,146 1,899 348,861 3,500 52,862 23,341 16,454 132,612 158,855 6,968 600 11,056 32 1,424 22,885 5,243 68,129 15,000 21,045 97,194 49,948 15,212 999 7,389 94 120,420 7,177 5,256 17,656 15,965 61,138 94,199 2,000 4,724 6,406 153,414 1,262 31,842 100,372 83,598 30,189 340 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1XK008 1XK009 1XK011 1XK014 1XK015 1XK016 1XK020 1XL001 1XL002 1XQ022 1XQ024 1XQ105 1XQ128 1XQ151 1XQ163 1XQ164 1XQ171 1XQ174 1XQ303 1XQ330 1XQ331 1XQ332 1XQ333 1XQ345 1XQ350 1XQ356 1XQ358 1XQ360 1XQ361 1XQ363 1XQ366 1XQ370 1XQ371 1XQ372 1XQ374 1XQ377 1XR005 1XRIO2 1XRIOL 1XROSR 1XRRCI 1XS003 1XT012 1XT014 1XT025 1XT038 1XT041 1XT069 1XT119 1XT218 1XT399 1XT497 1XT543 1XT708 1XT720 1XT784 1XT785 1XT786 1XT787 1XT788 1XT789 1XT790 CIS Central Replacement Acct CIS Equipment Replacement CIS Telecom R&R CIS Technology Fee - Plant Academic Plan Plant Academic Technology Plant GSDLN Replacement Plant Library Equip & Physical Plant Fund Library Repair & Replacement UNH Dining R&R Reserves UNH Housing R&R Reserves Business Affairs BSC R & R Reserve Transportation R & R Reserve Family Housing R & R Reserve Printing R & R Reserve Mail Svcs NHCUC Vehicle Replmnt TRA Grant Matching Funds-Bus Procur Mail Services R & R Reserve CNG Fueling Station Maint & Repair Garage Equipment Replacement A&E Gables Apt Renovation FY13 Dining A&E FY13 (for FY14 projects) Stillings Dining Hall HVAC FY13 Forest Park Repairs -Summer 2013 UTS Visitor Center Bldg RenovatFY14 Holloway Compressor Repairs Printing Svcs Air Quality StudyFY14 Housing Lounge Upgrades-Multi Bldgs Huddleston Hall Carpet Replmnt Woodside Bathroom Renovations FY14 Stoke Hall Furnishings FY15 Housing Carpet Replacement FY15 Lower Quad Kitchens 14 Hetzel Hall Exterior UTS Parking Meter Pay & Display Hetzel Hall Flooring UIC Equipment Replacement Fund IOL Plant Fund for New Building IOL Plant Fund for 121 Tech Drive OSR Equipment Replacement Fund RCI Equipment Replacement Athletic Dept R & R UNH R&R Campus Lighting UNH R&R Elliott Alumni Ctr Priority UNH R&R Emergency Repairs UNH R&R Campus Pavement UNH R&R Utility Tunnel Repairs UNH R&R Fire Station Repair&Upgrade UNH R&R Exterior Stairs UNH R&R Water System Repairs Public Safety Building Amtrack Ticket Sewer System Upgrades Memorials and Tributes SARRC Institutional R&R "Low Hanging Fruit" Projects SARRC Discretionary Funds SARRC-President Unexpended SARRC-VPAA Unexpended SARRC-VPFA Unexpended SARRC-VPR&PS Unexpended SARRC-VPS&AS Unexpended Cash and Investments 652,301 3,327,327 5,716,955 794,628 114,661 425,512 9,890 1,090,659 110,847 1,796,333 3,029,872 15,000 264,288 62,663 211,492 28,830 423,094 73,752 26,973 6,325 70,200 16,758 28,144 9,618 5 1,709 10,721 274,948 30,000 26,850 (4,650) Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable (4,485) (242,017) (253,795) 9,870 (3,263) (2,600) (50,000) 59,336 94,000 151,200 30 4,956 1,230,235 130,674 67,363 326,420 29,983 3,613 45,819 83,840 1,806 71,380 4,699 43,812 45,876 5,924 9,690 90,633 5,978 340 69 1,286,973 43,828 342,195 69,142 45,954 38,686 (16,370) Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 647,816 3,085,310 5,463,160 804,498 114,661 422,249 9,890 1,090,659 110,847 1,796,333 3,029,872 15,000 264,288 62,663 211,492 28,830 423,094 73,752 26,973 6,325 70,200 14,158 28,144 9,618 5 1,709 10,721 274,948 30,000 26,850 (4,650) (50,000) 59,336 94,000 151,200 30 4,956 1,230,235 130,674 67,363 326,420 29,983 3,613 29,449 83,840 1,806 71,380 4,699 43,812 45,876 5,924 9,690 90,633 5,978 340 69 1,286,973 43,828 342,195 69,142 45,954 38,686 341 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1XT791 1XT793 1XT802 1XT811 1XT826 1XT854 1XT863 1XT877 1XT907 1XT912 1XT945 1XT947 1XT955 1XT958 1XT959 1XT965 1XT967 1XT978 1XT989 1XT994 1XTA25 1XTA59 1XTA60 1XTA63 1XTA64 1XTA66 1XTA67 1XTA68 1XTA69 1XTB03 1XTB12 1XTB31 1XTB43 1XTB50 1XTB83 1XTB87 1XTB88 1XTB98 1XTB99 1XTC00 1XTC05 1XTC07 1XTC13 1XTC15 1XTC26 1XTC29 1XTC33 1XTC49 1XTC51 1XTC56 1XTC58 1XTC73 1XTC83 1XTC99 1XTD04 1XTD10 1XTD11 1XTD19 1XTD22 1XTD23 1XTD30 1XTD31 SARRC-VP Comm Unexpended Campus Beautification Gift Fund Carpet Replacements Water Supply Study Design Funds for FY07 Projects Water System Improvements Parsons Programming/Renov Emcor Contracted Utility Repairs Energy Efficiency Projects West Campus Sewer Interceptor Turbulence Research Facility UNH/Durham Traffic Model Paul College Construction ADA Projects Co-Gen BOP Enhancements UNH Manchester Expansion Presidents House Improvements Kingsbury Modifications Co-Gen/Utility System Repairs Storm Drain Repair & Replace Asset Management/Maintenance Solar Major Overhaul Solar Recuperator Nesmith - Misc Repairs T-Hall - Misc Repairs SARRC - Athletics Discretionary Power Distribution Systems Rail Corridor Safety Protection Rail Platform/Transit Station Maint Campus Tree Planting/Repl Ecoline R&R Rudman Hall - Condenser Units Kingsbury - ECE Tower Support IH Project Assessment High Voltage Electr Distribution AV - Electrical Projects Elliott Alumni Ctr Interior Improv Ham-Smith Renovation Programming Kendall Hall Renovation Programming Campus Master Plan Update Rudman-Spaulding Connector Ext Wall Classroom White Board Replacements Chilled Water Distr System Upgrades Landscape Repairs & Renovations 1 LL Data Center Transfer Switch UNH Manchester-Organic Chem Lab Water Main Repl-Main Street (155A) Gregg Hall Re-commissioning (EEP) Ballard Street Road Repair Rudman Hall-Autoclave Replacements NEC Conference Rm D112A Renov Dairy Nutrition Ctr Re-commiss(EEP) Christensen Hall Roof Replacement Bike Rack Installations Janetos and Rice Houses Demolition Rudman HVAC - Mechanical Repl-Rep MUB South Deck Huddleston - Misc Repairs Memorial Field Turf Replacement Huddleston-Sewer Drain Line Repair McConnell Hall Repurpose - Renov Rudman Hall Re-commissioning (EEP) Cash and Investments 17,500 2,465 4,689 36,460 1,396 91,940 293,266 408,231 367,360 2,425 40,418 6,793 322,808 220,901 7,156 28,911 2,413 30,489 1,418,969 57,007 308,187 5,523 133,743 121 763 30,000 20,287 1,980 2,502 6,518 850,000 23,447 6,163 2,638 17,309 6,906 28,011 287,884 123,965 21,846 10,623 835 35,442 10,011 11,189 10,436 8,274 14,517 3,066 9,219 10,662 7,350 40,000 1,583 8,461 9,985 24,790 605 150,000 4,837 652,164 176,209 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable (152,243) (7,156) (7,123) (2,800) (27,566) (671) (24,790) (1,250) (652,164) Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 17,500 2,465 4,689 36,460 1,396 91,940 293,266 408,231 367,360 2,425 40,418 6,793 170,565 220,901 28,911 2,413 23,366 1,418,969 57,007 305,387 5,523 133,743 121 763 30,000 20,287 1,980 2,502 6,518 850,000 23,447 6,163 2,638 17,309 6,906 28,011 287,884 123,965 21,846 10,623 835 7,876 10,011 11,189 10,436 7,603 14,517 3,066 9,219 10,662 7,350 40,000 1,583 8,461 9,985 605 150,000 3,587 176,209 342 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1XTD35 1XTD41 1XTD44 1XTD47 1XTD48 1XTD50 1XTD52 1XTD53 1XTD54 1XTD55 1XTD56 1XTD57 1XTD59 1XTD68 1XTD70 1XTD71 1XTD75 1XTD78 1XTD79 1XTD82 1XTD83 1XTD84 1XTD85 1XTD87 1XTD90 1XTD91 1XTD92 1XTD93 1XTDMA 1XTE01 1XTE02 1XTE03 1XTE04 1XTE05 1XTE07 1XTE08 1XTE09 1XTE10 1XTE14 1XTE17 1XTE24 1XTE30 1XTE31 1XTE32 1XTE37 1XTE38 1XTE40 1XTE43 1XTE46 1XTE48 1XTE49 1XTE51 1XTE53 1XTE56 1XTE60 1XTE62 1XTE64 1XTE66 1XTE67 1XTE70 1XTE72 1XTE73 UNH Stadium Complex Morse - RCC Mech FP Improvements Spaulding Rm 138 - Sea Water Lab Hamel Recreation Renov-Expansion Roof Safety Restraint Systems Rudman Hall - Middle Roof Repl Service Building Roof Replacement College Rd Repair and Water Main Campus Wayfinding & Safety Signs Horton Hall-4 Classroom Renovations Field House Main Entrance Vestibule Pettee Brook Dredging-Erosion Cntrl NEC - Mechanical VAV Rm 170 Accesss South Drive Design Advancement PCAC Sprinkler Installation Dimond Library - Fire Alarm Interior Heating Pipe Test & Flush Central Plant Boiler Rep-Fuel Conv Replace Obsolete BAS Controllers 1 Leavitt Lane - Misc Rep & Electr Morse Hall 104 Lab Upgrade TEAL Classroom SAARC - Strategic Improvements College Brook Ravine Restoration Walkway - Main St to Demeritt Hall Conant Square Reconstruction-Improv MUB Ravine Walkway Replacement Academic Way Sidewalk Installation UNH Deferred Maint Assessments Kingsbury-Add Rm Conn to Generator Gregg Hall - Autoclave Replacement Parsons Hall Rm 222 Lab Renovation Field House Front Entry Paving Parking Lot C-Mill Rd Entrance Impr UNH Campus Exterior Lighting Improv Signs - Campus Wayfinding and Bldg Site Stair-Morse Pkg Lot to S Drive Kingsbury Courtyard Improvements Dimond Library Space Repurposing Organic Dairy Facility Feeding Ctr AST Tank Registration & Upgrades MUB Restroom Renovations Cowell Stadium Repairs New England Center Card Access Hewitt Annex - Relocate NHVDL Whittemore Ctr-Code Compliance Proj Stadium Lighting Spaulding - RM G18 AC Install 1 Leavitt Lane - HVAC Modifications Huddleston Hall Water Infiltration CHP - Hot Water Side Stream Filter MUB - Minor Repairs and Upgrades Holloway Expansion and Renovations Woodman Farm - Entr Gate Power Utility Pit-Academic Way-McConnell MUB - Replace AC Unit in Room 18 Parsons Hall - Electron Microscope McDaniel Drive Steam Vault Repairs Gables A, B, C Renovations Student-Athlete Cntr for Excellence Memorial Field - Fiber Conduit Inst Rudman Hall Classroom Mods - STEM Cash and Investments 52,066 15,296 5,624 1,416,528 129,138 40,973 7,895 87,275 13,281 2,539 18,524 172,149 68,901 650 75,000 287,000 17,675 31,809 17,562 4,761 659,431 200,000 6,930 67,719 10,000 224,668 71,373 67,475 333,702 6,239 4,762 13,780 44,185 35,000 45,402 40,000 42,985 95,884 200,000 9,881 5,842 10,367 64,590 2,232 3,981 250 (433,326) 784 3,945 4,242 35,500 8,359 292,700 1,500 114,464 48,401 1,011,564 221,335 1,739,027 693,156 1,589 9,914 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable (45,135) (30,486) (900) (80,133) (169,040) (8,458) (10,900) (970) (1,293) (94,398) (813) (10,000) (84,318) (84,209) (300) (3,981) 737,338 (303,385) (35,500) (3,400) (81,539) (20,521) (109,440) (221,048) (1,739,027) (134,578) Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 6,931 15,296 5,624 1,416,528 129,138 10,487 6,995 7,142 13,281 2,539 18,524 3,109 68,901 650 66,542 287,000 6,775 30,839 16,269 4,761 565,033 200,000 6,930 66,906 140,350 71,373 67,475 333,702 6,239 4,762 13,780 44,185 35,000 45,402 40,000 42,985 11,675 200,000 9,581 5,842 10,367 64,590 2,232 250 627 784 3,945 4,242 8,359 289,300 1,500 32,925 27,880 902,124 287 558,578 1,589 9,914 343 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1XTE74 1XTE75 1XTE76 1XTE77 1XTE80 1XTE81 1XTE82 1XTE84 1XTE85 1XTE87 1XTE88 1XTE90 1XTE94 1XTE95 1XTE96 1XTE97 1XTE98 1XTECO 1XTF00 1XTF03 1XTF04 1XTF05 1XTF11 1XTF12 1XTF14 1XTF15 1XTF16 1XTF17 1XTF18 1XTF19 1XTF22 1XTF23 1XTF24 1XTF25 1XTF26 1XTF27 1XTF28 1XTF29 1XTF30 1XTF31 1XTF32 1XTF34 1XTF35 1XTF36 1XTF37 1XTF39 1XTF40 1XTF41 1XTF42 1XTF43 1XTF44 1XTF45 1XTF46 1XTF47 1XTF48 1XTF50 1XTF54 1XTF55 1XTF56 1XTF59 1XTGEN 1XTOMR Dimond Libr Level G AV Space Renov Smith Hall - Misc Repairs Dimond Libr Room 131 Reconfig Rudman-Desert Mice Environ Chamber Service Bldg Rm 109 Reconfigure Chase Ocean Eng - Repl HVAC Units Kingsbury - Chilled Water Coil Repl Stillings Mechanical System Upgrade James Hall Sprinkler Flood Repairs Jackson Lab Lower Roof-Chimney COLA-COLSA Science Labs Study Outdoor Pool James Hall Rm 140 Pipe & Flood Rep Spaulding 160 Pipe & Interior Rep Quad Way Heating Line Replacement Main St Utility Tunnel Concrete Rep PCAC Rear Foundation Drainage Rep Ecoline Renwal and Replacement Spaulding VAT Abatement G07 & G27 Smith Hall Front Door Repair-Repl Horton Classrooms 304 & 307 Renov Road Repair-Stillings & Adams West NH Veterinary Diagnostic Lab Elliott Alumni Center - Card Access Dimond Collection Reorg-Kendall Mv Kingsbury 2nd Fl N Wing CS-IT Space Ham-Smith Writing Ctr Suite Renov Horton Hall Office Renovations Hamel Rec Sauna Fire Rep & Replace Gregg Hall 447G Glass Washer Perpetuity Hall HVAC Syst Balancing Dimond Library Exterior Repairs Horton Hall Water Damage Repairs Holloway Food Station Improvements Hewitt Hall Room 220 Modifications Police Station Carport Heat Install Spaulding Hall AHU Steam Coil Repl MUB South Deck Awning Kingsbury Hall - Card Access Leavitt Ctr Entrance Culvert Repl Morse RCC Redundant Chiller Flow Physics Fac Acoustic Study NEC - Relocate Photo-Video Services Repl Interior Room Signs-Mult Bldgs Campus Fire Alarm Infrastructure Hood House - Interior Renov & Modif Dimond Libr - Rm 312 Modifications Dimond Libr-Add Lighting Level III Ham-Smith SFMO Life Safety Review Dimond Libr 360A Minor Renovations CSDC Replacement Building Telecom AC Infrastructure Study PCAC Art Gallery Work Area Hewitt-Reconfig Offices 190 & 306 Demeritt Rm 217 Safety Improvements Barton-Cole - Misc Repairs & Upgr COE - Misc Repairs & Upgrades MUB Lactation Room - Floor 3 Security Camera Installations Barton Hall - B119 Renovation University Operations Equipment 09 Operations &Maintenance R&R Reserve Cash and Investments 67,309 353 15 131,664 1,145 14,679 400 1,021,143 3,400 6,000 42,084 38,958 1,185 1,750 163,500 2,000 3,032 800,000 5,207 6,000 77,827 13,671 237,359 5,610 138,946 1,040 2,364 627,333 104 473 16,072 3,696 423 85,500 3,737 859 5,000 9,632 25,561 46,084 150,000 14,300 750,000 38,901 218,530 9,515 1,366 4,964 9,000 5,971 18,040 9,800 5,455 36,135 3,743 2,611 497 7,600 2,404 10,000 1,505,797 774,883 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable (2,250) (125,961) (128) (937,591) (4,298) (38,958) (162,203) (1,620) (2,828) (2,816) (73,359) (12,962) 1,861 (67,818) (64,802) (9,139) (5,000) (7,500) (117,595) (976) (3,430) Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 65,059 353 15 5,703 1,145 14,551 400 83,552 3,400 6,000 37,786 1,185 1,750 1,297 380 204 800,000 2,391 6,000 4,468 709 239,220 5,610 71,128 1,040 2,364 562,531 104 473 6,933 3,696 423 85,500 3,737 859 9,632 25,561 46,084 150,000 6,800 750,000 38,901 100,935 9,515 1,366 4,964 9,000 5,971 17,064 6,370 5,455 36,135 3,743 2,611 497 7,600 2,404 10,000 1,505,797 774,883 344 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1XU013 UNH 66 Main Street ATO Purchase TOTAL PLANT FUNDS TOTAL UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE - DURHAM Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable 30,000 54,281,262 744,466 30,000 (31,038,139) 651,003,923 - (6,475,128) $ 342,291,759 34,497,802 (27,348,538) 651,003,923 - (11,694,415) Deposits and Unearned Revenues (23,656,826) Accrued Employee Benefits (17,464,821) Refundable Government Advances (12,678,437) Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position - (212,187,565) 60,000 456,328,819 - (250,798,204) 684,152,243 345 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE AT MANCHESTER DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1UM050 1UMPPD 1WM106 GENERAL OPERATING & OTHER UNRESTRICTED FUNDS UNHM Education and General UNHM General Prepaid UNHM - GASB 45 TOTAL GENERAL OPERATING & OTHER UNRESTRICTED FUNDS 1DM3EE 1DM3FX 1DM3MD 1DMDEV 1DMDSC 1DMETC 1DMGPO 1DMINT 1DMJC1 1DMJK1 1DMJS1 1DMKK1 1DMOUT 1DMRM1 1DMSPR 1DMSTP 1GM002 1GM003 1GM004 1GM005 1GM006 1GM008 1GM009 1GM010 1GM011 1GM012 1GM013 1GM014 1GM015 1GM016 1GM017 1GM018 1GM020 1GM022 1GM023 1GM024 1GM025 1GM026 1GM027 1GM028 1GM029 1GM130 1GMWIT 13R211 14N621 Cash and Investments $ Accounts & Notes Receivable (1,458,975) (118,327) (1,577,302) INTERNALLY DESIGNATED UNHM Student Activities Alumni Dean's Discretionary Fund Developmental Education Fund Discovery Dialog Emerging Technology Center UNHM Quasi Endowment Payout Fund Sign Lang Club PI John Cerullo PI Fund - J Klenotic PI John Sparrow PI Fund Kelly Kilcrease Outreach Scholarship Grants PI Robert Macieski PI Fund Sarah Prescott UNHM Strategic Planning (Huron) TOTAL INTERNALLY DESIGNATED 6,904 291 3,166 2,406 5,289 18,015 68,677 729 1 401 61 3,000 683 3,045 1,210 223,635 337,513 RESTRICTED GIFTS & ENDOWMENT INCOME Friendship Fund NH INS Womens Leag Scholarship Makris Memorial Scholarship Norma Ouden's Memorial Fund UNHM Contributions Eaton Fdn End For Comms UNHM Smyth Inst Award UNHM Scholarship Fund UMNM Library Gift Account UNHM Library and Technical Fund UNHM Scholarship Fund Lewis Knight Scholarship Fund Eng Tech STEM Gift Fund Syrian Lebanese Collection Sidore Lecture Series Sign Lang & Interpreting Gift Fund Illumination Engineering Gifts Psychology Dept Gift Fund - UNHM The Karol LaCroix Award Richard Freed Student Enrichment Fu Study Away Scholarship Fund EXCELL Program Gift Fund Emerging Technology Center Fund Engineering Tech. Capstone Project Cadence World Wide Program Fund Women in Information Technology TOTAL RESTRICTED GIFTS & ENDOWMENT INCOME 767 2,011 2,399 822 8,184 36,284 18,702 17,977 4,979 180 503 3,469 6,889 44,735 4,479 3,286 1,398 2,779 125 2,415 21,000 20,500 1,889 36,863 25,708 12,000 3,394 283,737 SPONSORED RESEARCH & PROGRAMS NHIRC: Rooftop Snow Measure College Trans Latino Students (16,196) (277) Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows 119,245 - - 119,245 - - - - - Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits (40,667) (868) (69,334) (50) (257,286) (41,535) (69,384) (257,286) (300) 914 (17,115) (17,415) 914 - Refundable Government Advances - - Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income - - (823,195) (823,195) Total Net Position (1,826,262) (823,195) (2,649,457) - 7,518 291 3,166 2,406 5,289 18,015 68,677 729 1 401 61 3,000 683 3,045 1,210 206,520 321,012 - 767 2,011 2,399 822 8,184 36,284 18,380 17,977 4,979 180 503 3,469 6,889 44,735 4,479 3,286 1,398 2,779 125 2,415 21,000 20,500 1,889 36,863 25,708 12,000 3,394 283,415 (322) - - - - (322) - - - - 16,196 - 277 346 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE AT MANCHESTER DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 14NE17 15C941 Massabesic Aquatic Profiling P NHIRC: Rooftop Snow Measure - CS TOTAL SPONSORED RESEARCH & PROGRAMS 1QM001 1QM002 1QM003 1TM001 1TM002 1TM003 1NM001 1NM002 1XM002 1XM005 1XM006 1XM007 1XM008 1XM011 Cash and Investments 3,145 2,500 (10,828) ENDOWMENT & SIMILAR FUNDS UNHM Scholarship Fund UNHM Quasi Endowment Fund Lewis Knight Scholarship fund Richard Eaton Foundation H. P.makris Mvc Scholarship TOTAL ENDOWMENT & SIMILAR FUNDS 19,349 1,764,049 24,573 50,718 11,605 1,286 1,871,580 PLANT FUNDS UNHM Net Invested in Plant UNHM Equipment UNHM IT R & R Comm Arts Equipment Reserve Library Equipment Reservet UNHM Unexpended R&R General UNHM Computer Lab Equip Replac UNHM STEM Expansion- Pandora TOTAL PLANT FUNDS TOTAL UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE AT MANCHESTER Accounts & Notes Receivable 16,196 - Prepaid and Other Assets - - (326,979) $ Property, Plant & Equipment - - Deferred Outflows - - Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues (550) (2,595) (550) (2,318) - - Accrued Employee Benefits - - Refundable Government Advances - - Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income - - - 2,500 2,500 - 19,349 1,764,049 24,573 50,718 11,605 1,286 1,871,580 - 2,936,725 38,549 10,423 7,910 129 8,923 41,892 79,226 3,123,777 3,263,704 38,549 10,423 7,910 129 9,690 41,892 79,226 (177,709) - 726,991 16,196 (767) 119,245 3,302,253 - (767) 3,302,253 - (60,589) (70,788) (257,286) - - - - Total Net Position (823,195) 2,952,827 347 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE SCHOOL OF LAW DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1UH000 1UHPPD GENERAL OPERATING & OTHER UNRESTRICTED FUNDS UNH Law Educational & General UNH Law General Prepaids TOTAL GENERAL OPERATING & OTHER UNRESTRICTED FUNDS 1DH310 1DH321 1DH810 1DH814 1DH815 1DH816 1DH817 1DH819 1DH822 1DH823 1DH824 1DH825 1DH826 1DH827 1DH828 1DH830 1DH832 1DH834 1DH835 1DH836 1DH837 1DH838 1DH840 1DH842 1DH843 1DH844 1DH845 1DH846 1DH847 1DH911 1DH921 1DHHLE 1AH300 1AH301 1GH100 1GH101 1GH201 1GH202 1GH203 1GH204 1GH205 1GH206 1GH208 1GH209 1GH20A 1GH20B 1GH20C 1GH20F 1GH20G 1GH212 INTERNALLY DESIGNATED UNHL Dean's Discretionary Fund UNHL Strategic Reserve Allotments UNHL Clinic Client Funds UNHL Barrister's Ball UNHL Black Law Students Assoc UNHL SELS UNHL Federalist Society UNHL Hillel UNHL J. Reuben Clark Law Society UNHL Lambda Law UNHL Law Students for Human Rights UNHL LES UNHL SALSA UNHL Patent Law Forum UNHL PAD UNHL Restorative Justice Stdnt Assn UNHL SBA UNHL SIPLA UNHL Sports Club UNHL Spouses Club CTSA UNHL UNH Golf Club UNHL WLSA UNHL Public Interest Coalition UNHL Student Wellness Initiative UNHL Muslim Law Student Assn. The National Lawyers Guild The Chamber Music Society Student Democrats UNHL LT Investment Pool Fund UNHL Employee Benefits Pool Fund Inst. of Health Law and Ethics TOTAL INTERNALLY DESIGNATED Cash and Investments $ (5,622,880) (10,771) (5,633,651) 84 1,176,317 8,635 153 363 618 760 573 483 323 191 339 463 366 114 256 11,347 1,251 356 573 172 449 510 249 160 300 50 100 10 (53,435) 605,453 383 1,757,966 AUXILIARY UNHL Auxiliary Operations Funds UNHL Auxiliary Rental Operations TOTAL AUXILIARY 8,090 104,752 112,842 RESTRICTED GIFTS & ENDOWMENT INCOME Rudman Lecture Series Robert J. Dole Veteran Fellowship Daniel Webster Scholars Program F. Pierce Ctr for Intel Prop Gifts UNHL Library Operating Gift Fund Social Justice Institute Gift Fund Clinics Operating Gift Fund PIC Fellowships Operating Gift Fund UNH Law School Annual Fund UNHL Distinguished Alum Schol Fund JD Instruction Program Gifts UNHL Financial Aid Gifts UNHL Facilities Gifts UNHL Executive Education Gifts UNHL Financial Aid Committee Gifts Justice and Journalism Fund 10,000 130,000 19,770 431,955 5,875 1,243 20,789 22,140 140,875 2,500 390 100 1,475 500 2,000 18,764 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows (18,142) (18,142) 14,191 14,191 - - Accounts Payable (79,162) (3,420) (82,582) Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income (69,884) (69,884) - - - - (5,790,068) (5,790,068) - 1,176,317 153 363 618 760 573 483 323 191 339 463 366 114 256 11,347 1,251 356 573 172 449 510 249 160 300 50 100 10 591,580 383 1,788,809 - 104,752 104,752 (84) (8,635) 53,435 7,900 53,435 7,900 (21,773) - - (21,857) 62 62 (8,635) - - - Total Net Position (8,152) - - - - (8,152) - - - 348 10,000 130,000 19,770 431,955 5,875 1,243 20,789 22,140 140,875 2,500 390 100 1,475 500 2,000 18,764 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE SCHOOL OF LAW DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1GH213 1GH249 1GH411 1GH412 1GH414 1GH415 1GH417 1GH418 1GH419 1GH422 1GH423 1GH442 1GH443 1GH461 1GH462 1GH475 1GH481 1GH500 1GH511 1GH520 Sports & Entertainment Gift Fund UNHL Restricted Gift Holding Fund UNHL General Schol Payout Fund Baer Family Patent Schol Payout Fd UNHL Fac & Staff Schol Payout Fund Bruce E. Friedman Schol Payout Fund UNHL Sch for Minorities Payout Fund Robert J. O'Connell Sch Payout Fund Doris Monroe Rapee Sch Payout Fund Slutsky Family Schol Payout Fund Gordon & Nancy Smith Sch Payout Fd Elder Law&Patient Rights Fellowship Robert M. Viles Fellowshp Payout Fd Nedved Commence Award Payout Fund Yacos Prize Payout Fund Wayne B. Hersher Graduation Award Goulder Endowed Chair Payout Fund UNHL Operations Quasi Payout Fund Rudman Center Payout Fund UNHL Operations Endowment Payout TOTAL RESTRICTED GIFTS & ENDOWMENT INCOME 14NE23 184FDL 184FWL 1LH070 1LH071 1LH072 1LH073 1LH074 1LH100 1LH401 1LH402 1LH403 1LH405 1LH407 1LH409 1LH410 1LH412 1LH414 1LH415 1LH416 1LH421 1LH430 1LH432 1LH434 1LH435 1LH436 1LH437 1LH438 1LHLIA 1NH001 SPONSORED RESEARCH & PROGRAMS Peterson Grant UNH Law Direct Loan Fund 2013-2014 Fed. Work Study-UNH Law TOTAL SPONSORED RESEARCH & PROGRAMS LOAN FUNDS UNHL Loan Repayment Assistance LRAP-Alison Howland Curelop Hayward LRAP-Fleisher Family Endowment LRAP-Phillips Green Defender LRAP-Bill Phinney Endowment UNHL Insitutional Loan Funds UNHL Perkins Student Loan Fund UNHL Perkins Federal Contribution UNHL Perkins Univ Contribution UNHL Defaulted Loans Assigned to Us UNHL Perkins Admin Expenses UNHL Perkins Prov For Doubtful Acct UNHL Perkins Collection Costs UNHL Perkins Death Cancellation UNHL Ndsl Cancel Bankrupt Dur UNHL Perkins Interest Income UNHL Perkins Late Fees UNHL Fed Reimb Dir Teach&Milit Can UNHL Perk Publ Defender 15 Pct Canc UNHL Perk Family Services Cancelatn UNHL Perkins Loans: Principal Adj UNHL Perkins Law Enforc Cancel UNHL Perkins Military Duty Cancel UNHL Perkins Other Income UNHL Perkins Interest Cancel Federal Perkins Liability TOTAL LOAN FUNDS PLANT FUNDS UNHL Net Invested in Plant Cash and Investments 27,581 20,605 14 71 18 273 2,269 2,333 46 815 538 5,036 6,442 458 2,116 350 18,127 1,293,732 80,232 1,175 2,270,607 921,149 (50,000) (16,315) 854,834 627 29,509 1,177 4,337 (1,442) 130,771 (1,202,581) 906,405 148,066 (35,729) (128,366) 48,254 (17,756) (12,322) (7,132) 420,018 260 26,335 (2,999) (3,276) (488) (27,999) (481) 36,423 6,918 318,529 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income (19,943) - - - - (19,943) - - - - - Total Net Position 27,581 20,605 14 71 18 273 2,269 2,333 46 815 538 5,036 6,442 458 2,116 350 18,127 1,293,732 60,289 1,175 2,250,664 (921,149) 50,000 16,408 66,408 - - - - (93) (921,242) - - - - 4,736 104,724 1,202,581 1,312,041 - - 12,018,193 - - - - (1,125,052) (1,125,052) - - - 5,363 29,509 1,177 4,337 (1,442) 235,495 906,405 148,066 (35,729) (128,366) 48,254 (17,756) (12,322) (7,132) 420,018 260 26,335 (2,999) (3,276) (488) (27,999) (481) 36,423 6,918 (1,125,052) 505,518 12,018,193 349 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE SCHOOL OF LAW DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 1NH002 1XH710 UNHL Equipment UNHL Unexpended Plant Funds TOTAL PLANT FUNDS TOTAL UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE SCHOOL OF LAW Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income 561,703 58,828 58,828 $ (260,045) 1,413,804 - 12,579,896 22,091 12,579,896 - - (124,382) (1,007,913) - - (1,125,052) - 561,703 58,828 12,638,724 - Total Net Position - 11,498,399 350 UNH FOUNDATION DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 4DG070 4DG170 INTERNALLY DESIGNATED UNH Foundation/Fundraising UNHF Internally Designated TOTAL INTERNALLY DESIGNATED 4GFADJ 4GG016 4GG047 4GG050 4GG087 4GG092 4GG103 4GG125 4MG001 4MG004 4MG006 4MG007 4MG009 4MG010 4MG012 4MG014 4MG015 4MG018 4MG026 4MG027 4MG029 4MG034 4MG035 4MG038 4MG040 4MG041 4MG043 4MG044 4MG045 4MG047 4MG048 4MG049 4MG050 4MG051 4MG052 4MG053 4MG054 4MG057 4MG059 4MG060 4MG061 4MG066 4MG067 4MG068 4MG070 4MG073 4MG075 4MG076 4MG077 4MG080 4MG081 4MG083 4MG084 RESTRICTED GIFTS & ENDOWMENT INCOME UNHF Restricted Gift Adjustments UNH Fund - Parents Temple Beth Scholarship UNHF Gifts Holding Engagement Fundraising Katie Baldwin Scholarship Fund Dr Robert Kertzer Scholarship UNH Stadium Project Fund TOTAL RESTRICTED GIFTS & ENDOWMENT INCOME ENDOWMENT & SIMILAR FUNDS UNHF Life Income Pool Ahti E Autio Pooled Income Fn Frank W. Brown Richard P Brouillard Fund Barry Cohen Leo Corrigan Annuity Robert & Ann Chase Annuity Kv Dey Unitrust Dickie Family Unitrust George and Lina Fisher Trust Jean V. Korpela Knee Charitable Remainder Trus Philip E. Lord William Machell Annuity Donald O'brien Roger Putnam Pooled Income Fnd Herbert Stebbins Philip J Stack Unitrust Priscilla R. Turner Roger Wood Pooled Income Fund Zottu Annuity Paul/Sylvia Zottu Annuity Paul, John Zottu Annuity Paul, Margaret David Ellis Gift Annuity John E Garnsey Unitrust Joyce Hiller Annuity Account Harry & Marian Bickford Gift Annuit Thomas & Susan Crowther Gift Annuit A Deale & K Hunter Gift Annuity Helen D Gawron Gift Annuity Norman & Sarah Sutherland PIF Daniel McPherson PIF David & Constance Chase Gift Annuit Theodore Vogel Gift Annuity Fund Joyce Hiller Gift Annuity III Dr. William Zimmerman Gift Annuity Howard & Barbara Ross Gift Annuity John O. Everson Gift Annuity Fund John W. Dodge Gift Annuity Robert S. Parker Gift Annuity Richard & Eliza Stark Gift Annuity Peter & Cynthia Baute Gift Annuity Robert E. Herriott Gift Annuity Donald McLeod Gift Annuity Robert Ilgenfritz Gift Annuity Cash and Investments $ 2,680,309 128,169 2,808,478 2,563,180 279,812 32 280,150 1,088 15,259 15,789 1,183,754 4,339,064 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable 379,297 36,382 745,491 10,655 21,216 20,894 5,181 101,195 7,851 56,451 214,265 21,725 16,644 12,446 12,446 12,446 42,033 21,775 25,776 7,960 9,632 37,001 7,036 5,956 11,911 69,990 56,787 9,530 12,665 8,695 8,868 21,219 5,572 705,316 8,817 142,576 80,459 7,627 Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances (57,011) - - - - (57,011) - - - - - - (1) 279,812 32 7,378,983 15,259 15,789 1,183,754 8,873,628 7,098,833 (1,088) 7,098,833 - - - (2,564,269) - - - - Total Net Position 2,623,298 128,169 2,751,467 (2,563,181) (285,370) 11,069 17,614 12,943 135,526 48,821 Deposits and Unearned Revenues Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income 285,370 11,069 17,614 12,943 135,526 42,597 (357) 221,806 25,005 531,089 10,655 13,286 20,894 5,181 101,195 7,851 56,451 113,621 21,725 16,644 6,594 5,670 3,623 (20,785) 11,014 13,077 4,164 1,859 13,719 2,736 5,956 11,911 24,153 13,292 (8,328) 2,036 820 1,082 1,755 1,314 184,312 (1,064) 46,260 (25,516) (192) (6,224) (357) (157,491) (11,377) (214,402) (7,930) (100,644) (5,852) (6,776) (8,823) (62,818) (10,761) (12,699) (3,796) (7,773) (23,282) (4,300) (45,837) (43,495) (17,858) (10,629) (7,875) (7,786) (19,464) (4,258) (521,004) (9,881) (96,316) (105,975) (7,819) 351 UNH FOUNDATION DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 4MG085 4MG086 4MG087 4MG088 4MG089 4MG090 4MG091 4MG092 4MG093 4MG094 4MG095 4MG097 4MG098 4MG099 4MG100 4MG102 4MG103 4MG104 4MG105 4MG106 4MG107 4MG108 4MG109 4MG110 4MG111 4MG112 4MG113 4MG114 4MG115 4QA001 4QA002 4QB001 4QC001 4QC002 4QC003 4QE002 4QG001 4QG002 4QG003 4QG004 4QG005 4QG006 4QH500 4QH511 4QS001 4QU001 4QU002 4QU003 4QU004 4QZ001 4QZ002 4TA001 4TA002 4TA003 4TA004 4TA005 4TA006 4TA007 4TA008 4TA009 4TA010 4TA011 Sarah & Samuel Paul Gift Annuity-I Sarah & Samuel Paul Gift Annuity-II Sarah & Samuel Paul Annuity-III James&Dorothy Yakovakis Gift Annui Susan Young Gaudiello Gift Annuity Helen L Bruni Gift Annuity Douglas Blampied Gift Annuity Helen B Bruni Gift Annuity II Helen Gawron Gift Annuity Isobel Parke Gift Annuity Richard Aronson Gift Annuity John C DeWitt Pooled Income Fund Col Stanley L King Jr Gift Annuity Pauline Calderwood Gift Annuity Margo I Jones Gift Annuity Martha L Taylor Gift Annuity Howard & Beatrice Brown Gift Annuit Susan Y. Gaudiello Gift Annuity Helen D. Gawron Gift Annuity David Ellis Gift Annuity II Pauline Calderwood Gift Annuity II Margery Byers Gift Annuity Peter Garry Gift Annuity Richard Brouillard Gift Annuity Jeffrey Diefendorf Gift Annuity John & Leita Everson Gift Annuity Harry & Elinor Lott Gift Annuity Thomas & Hanna Chace Gift Annuity Jonathan Herndon Gift Annuity UNH Parents Assoc Quasi Endow UNH Parrents Assn UROP John H. Parsons Fund The William L. Dunfey Endow John Hatch Fellowship Fund Jeanne Brandon Fund for Music Paul Fund for Innovation Centennial Fund J. S. Elliott Alumni Center Helen Thompson Heath Endowment Parent Assn Student Enrichment Honors Program UNH Foundation Unrestricted Quasi UNHL Operations Quasi Endow Fund Rudman Center Quasi Endowment Fund Friends of UNH Hockey Endowmnt Muriel Weissman Scholarship Quasi Unr Bequest-Class of 1944 Scholarsh Edward J. Flynn Scholarship Fund Henry & Estelle Hunt Scholarship Milton Bloomfield Fund Rutman Shoals Marine Lab Scholars Baker Fund for Graduate Fellowships Brownell Family Scholarship George Bergeron Scholarship Class of 1948 50th Endowment Class of 1960 Scholarship Fund Paul Caswell & Family Fund Class of 1950 Endowed Scholars Class of 1957 Cie Endowment Burns, Kathy H Scholarship Fnd University Community Scholars Class of 49 Reunion Endowment Cash and Investments 105,590 44,871 81,322 82,303 28,736 10,534 6,856 12,791 6,706 21,354 9,665 5,821 35,868 147,364 14,619 11,572 44,449 69,792 203,916 122,949 115,429 57,517 11,595 10,630 104,064 10,347 101,576 52,384 300,259 91,645 74,966 129,128 621,216 22,277 173,680 7,248,719 22,105 135,199 89,312 366,505 125,981 513,238 9,146,637 833,259 260,511 614,231 43,600 88,168 55,004 56,044 382,328 109,210 267,541 213,867 126,824 154,062 312,703 511,093 56,658 792,427 136,263 259,298 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income (121,654) (51,328) (92,128) (82,368) (37,459) (10,977) (6,706) (10,977) (4,843) (15,075) (9,166) (15,200) (51,407) (6,872) (7,226) (15,390) (61,289) (92,958) (79,584) (56,186) (25,178) (8,321) (5,227) (76,993) (6,528) (58,124) (33,608) (223,292) Total Net Position (16,064) (6,457) (10,806) (65) (8,723) (443) 150 1,814 1,863 6,279 499 5,821 20,668 95,957 7,747 4,346 29,059 8,503 110,958 43,365 59,243 32,339 3,274 5,403 27,071 3,819 43,452 18,776 76,967 91,645 74,966 129,128 621,216 22,277 173,680 7,248,719 22,105 135,199 89,312 366,505 125,981 513,238 9,146,637 833,259 260,511 614,231 43,600 88,168 55,004 56,044 382,328 109,210 267,541 213,867 126,824 154,062 312,703 511,093 56,658 792,427 136,263 259,298 352 UNH FOUNDATION DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 4TA012 4TA013 4TA014 4TA015 4TA016 4TA017 4TA018 4TA019 4TA020 4TA021 4TA022 4TA023 4TA024 4TA025 4TA026 4TA027 4TA028 4TA029 4TA030 4TA031 4TA032 4TA033 4TA034 4TA035 4TA036 4TA037 4TA038 4TA039 4TA040 4TA041 4TA042 4TA043 4TA044 4TA045 4TA046 4TA047 4TA048 4TA049 4TA051 4TA052 4TA053 4TA054 4TA055 4TA056 4TA057 4TA060 4TA061 4TA062 4TA063 4TA064 4TA065 4TA066 4TA067 4TA068 4TA069 4TA070 4TA071 4TA072 4TA073 4TA074 4TA075 4TA076 Gerald & Jane Ellsworth Fund Kyle Frey Endowed Scholarship Norman Gagnon Scholarship Fund Husch International Scholarshp Honors Program Chair in Humanities Austin/Winona Hubbard Scholar Hutchins Family Fund Endowment Beverly Hoover Schlrship Fund Elizabeth Lunt Knowles Fund Marvin A Levins 54 Schlrshp Ingeborg Lock Endowed Scholars Robert & Bertha Laplante Schol Edmund G. Miller Endowed Fund Ruth Taber Morrell Scholarship Edmund Miller Scholarship Fund Samuels Fund for Diversity Next Horizon Scholarship Fund Next Horizon Faculty Support Next Horizon Learning Tools Next Horizon Academic Programs Dorothy P Oneil Endowed Fund Peterson Carsey Endow Scholar Ralph & Aline Parker Endowment Rogers Family Undergr Resrch 1929 Lewis Stark Scholarship The Temple Beth Israel Scholar Tyco Fellowship/Ocean Mapping Tyco Scholars Fund Ruth Woodruff Scholarship Fund Donald James Wilcox Fund Yale-Maria Endowed Fund Endow for Internatl Studies Beaupre Entrepreneurial Schol Michael Berry Scholarship Fund Glenice Dearborn Scholarship F Gullotti Mba Scholarship Fund Karen Harrower Undergrad Rsrch Robert & Linda Spear Schlrship William Sanderson Jr Scholrshp Tracy Family Scholarship Fund Joseph Zock Liberal Arts Schol David Long Memorial Scholarshp 1952 Internat'l Research Fund Galanes Endowed Scholarship Nassikas Schol. in Mem. of Christn Terragni Family Scholarship Fund Carsey Instit/Families&Communities Rand Undergraduate Research Fund David and Marion Ellis Fund Robert G. LeBlanc Memorial Fund Leitzel Center for Math, Sci & Eng. Hanson Endowed Scholarship Fund UNH Parents Assoc Endow Scho Heath 'Grumblenot' Scholarship Fund Hills Memorial Science Scholarship Jackson Endowed Scholarship Fund Beyersdorf Fund for Internat'l Rsrc '85&'86 Leadership Scholarship End Ann W Hart Schol-Internat'l Study Danielle M Thompson Memorial Fund Atkinson-Woodbury Family Scholarshi Cash and Investments 177,202 107,557 63,059 84,096 611,685 1,820,239 4,226,971 45,768 126,492 221,684 100,971 49,003 45,446 55,102 376,602 136,200 37,136 147,488 65,883 56,384 72,331 46,000 156,631 21,809 302,166 26,819 115,776 1,261,043 2,726,999 49,299 48,844 40,952 114,038 193,452 96,018 918,832 71,704 41,742 82,317 33,794 35,169 111,232 105,231 206,982 95,605 137,386 51,118 8,457,922 56,685 28,251 49,232 2,673,005 2,422,870 649,280 37,905 549,511 227,763 87,196 28,029 39,180 29,281 58,650 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 177,202 107,557 63,059 84,096 611,685 1,820,239 4,226,971 45,768 126,492 221,684 100,971 49,003 45,446 55,102 376,602 136,200 37,136 147,488 65,883 56,384 72,331 46,000 156,631 21,809 302,166 26,819 115,776 1,261,043 2,726,999 49,299 48,844 40,952 114,038 193,452 96,018 918,832 71,704 41,742 82,317 33,794 35,169 111,232 105,231 206,982 95,605 137,386 51,118 8,457,922 56,685 28,251 49,232 2,673,005 2,422,870 649,280 37,905 549,511 227,763 87,196 28,029 39,180 29,281 58,650 353 UNH FOUNDATION DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 4TA077 4TA078 4TA079 4TA081 4TA082 4TA083 4TA084 4TA085 4TA086 4TA087 4TA088 4TA089 4TA091 4TA092 4TB001 4TB002 4TB003 4TB004 4TB005 4TB006 4TB007 4TB008 4TB009 4TB010 4TB011 4TB012 4TB013 4TB014 4TB015 4TB017 4TB018 4TB019 4TB020 4TB021 4TB022 4TB023 4TB024 4TB025 4TB026 4TB027 4TB028 4TB029 4TB030 4TB031 4TB032 4TB033 4TB034 4TB035 4TB036 4TB037 4TC001 4TC002 4TC003 4TC005 4TC006 4TC007 4TC008 4TC009 4TC010 4TC011 4TC012 4TC013 Shulman Prof - European & Holocaust Class of 1959 Fund for Excellence Holly Peterson Breeden '73 Scholars The Hamel Scholars Program Fund for African Development Gerald & Dorothy Smith ROTC Schol Patricia M Flowers '45 Scholarship Fish '58 Student Opportunities Scho Cole Neurosci -Behavior Fac. Resrch Class of 1962 Student Enrichment The Thomas W. Haas Professorship Bill & Becky McGee Scholarship George Walker Jaffurs Scholarship The Laurhammer Family Scholarship Clark-Donnelley Endowment Fund Callahan Family Scholarship Foster Class '44 Scholarship Frizzell Scholarship, Tj & Mm Grange-Webster Scholarship J. Raymond Hepler Endowed Fund Sustainable Living Fund Hubbard Bros Chair in Biology Oliver Hubbard Biology Endow Edward F. Landry Memorial Herbert C. "dinty" Moore Fund Avery & Erma Rich Memorial Scholshp Lou & Lutza Smith Endowed Fund Herbert Soule Scholarship Fund Jack and Pat Weeks Fund Zsigray Academic Enrichment Keener Family Scholarship Fair Winds Farm Equine Schol Paine Fund for Freshwater Research College Woods Scholarship Fund Marietta & Jane Carr Endowed Fund Edith & Allen Neff Forestry Schlrsh Dickie Family Endowed Scholarship Thompson Forestry Scholarship Carberry '82 fund for Biological Sc George Frick Fellow for Resource Ec Charles E. Warren Memorial Fund Perkins '26 Memorial Livestock Educ Huntington Family Scholarship Fund Lawrence K Smith Natural Res Schol Gladys Brooks Scholarship Fund Shirley & Bob Lake Endowed Schol. Charles F. Marble Scholarship Fund The Bean Endowed Fund Anna Catherine Clark Schol - TSAS Fred Schmidt '52 Scholarship Fund Edmund Miller Art Collection COLSA New Idea Endowment Jessie Potter Beck Fund Class of 58 Endowed Music Fnd John C Rouman Classical Lectur Miriam Carlson Memorial Fund Dey Family Fund Zelma Dorson Endow Fund Tommy Gallant Scholarship Fund Ole E. Haaland Endowment Fund John T Holden Memorial Fund Coe-Hall Deans Scholarship Cash and Investments 116,595 96,457 32,973 7,184,807 32,817 48,916 235,053 60,629 221,014 121,527 1,186,964 270,069 15,896 215,392 49,515 99,399 37,853 88,691 110,309 218,660 14,474,104 3,121,853 3,121,853 17,082 30,920 45,406 574,602 25,864 287,464 153,351 35,762 51,652 134,211 54,844 156,739 36,570 648,382 33,095 83,198 63,550 32,703 37,303 166,212 30,632 123,437 61,719 1,289,290 10,194 26,206 94,461 370,067 6,248 31,068 93,176 202,142 12,460 159,410 739,927 127,431 19,617 69,599 64,242 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 116,595 96,457 32,973 7,184,807 32,817 48,916 235,053 60,629 221,014 121,527 1,186,964 270,069 15,896 215,392 49,515 99,399 37,853 88,691 110,309 218,660 14,474,104 3,121,853 3,121,853 17,082 30,920 45,406 574,602 25,864 287,464 153,351 35,762 51,652 134,211 54,844 156,739 36,570 648,382 33,095 83,198 63,550 32,703 37,303 166,212 30,632 123,437 61,719 1,289,290 10,194 26,206 94,461 370,067 6,248 31,068 93,176 202,142 12,460 159,410 739,927 127,431 19,617 69,599 64,242 354 UNH FOUNDATION DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 4TC014 4TC015 4TC016 4TC017 4TC018 4TC019 4TC020 4TC021 4TC022 4TC023 4TC024 4TC025 4TC026 4TC027 4TC028 4TC029 4TC030 4TC031 4TC032 4TC033 4TC034 4TC035 4TC036 4TC037 4TC038 4TC039 4TC040 4TC041 4TC042 4TC043 4TC045 4TC046 4TC047 4TC049 4TC050 4TC051 4TC052 4TC053 4TC054 4TC055 4TC056 4TC059 4TC061 4TC062 4TC064 4TC069 4TC070 4TD002 4TD003 4TD004 4TD005 4TD006 4TD007 4TD008 4TD009 4TD010 4TD011 4TD012 4TD013 4TD014 4TD015 4TD016 Roland and Charlotte Kimball Leland Fund for Performing Art Lubow Memorial Scholarship Edmund G. Miller Fund Dept Eng Arthur J Mirable Scholarship Peterson Carsey Theater Endow Timothy Rogers Scholarship John Rouman Scholarship Fund Raitt-Wilson Music Scholarship Terry-Seiler-Verrette Fund Mary H Blum End Lecture Series Cleveland Howard Choral Music Killam Humanities Scholarship Rines Art Exhibition Fund Endowed Fund for Holocaust Educatio Endowed Fund for Holocaust Center for New England Culture Endo Michael Kelly Journalism Scholarshi Gilbert B Davenport Theatre Schol Donald Murray Visiting Journalist P Sargent Endowed History Scholarship Michael DePorte Eng Dept Book Fund Michael DePorte Memorial Schol Dawkins Prize in Creative Writing Hoffenberg End. Fund - Liberal Arts Rebecca Jane Lang '04 Memorial Fund John C. Edwards Theatre Scholarship Patricia F. Woodbury Memorial Fund William & Laura Hooper Endowed Fund Steelman History Fellowship Fund Natalie S Jacobson Journalism Schol Dr Samuel Hughes '68 Scholarship Carney Resrch-Literacy & Childr Lit Frederick Hyde Hibberd '88 Scholrsh Capt Benjamin Keating Memorial Fnd Music Initiatives Fund Daniel Heartz '50 Endowed Fund Mary Petrella '57 Schol-English Lit Ursula Daley '93 Women's Studies Sc Don Murray Memorial Scholarship Richard & Miriam Cook Family Schol. Balderacchi Study of Art in Italy Peters Professorship in Education McLean Fund - Journalism Excellence RGSCP Fund Daniel Valenza Art Scholarship Fund Koch Family Schol. - Humanities Clarence & Helen Grant Schol Robert E. Houston Jr. Fund George Taft Memorial Fund Alexander & Allison Amell Mem Michael + Bea Dalton Scholar Dr A.f. Daggett Endowed Fund George F. & Lina C. Fisher Getchell, Edward + Alice Schol Fred Gertrude Howell Student Dr. Gloria & Dr. Robert Lyle James Leitzel Scholarship Fund Ming/Chen Student Support National Prime Users End Schol John Smith 50 Scholarship Fund Woodward Endowment (CEPS) Cash and Investments 58,165 76,265 13,963 244,573 34,672 202,282 78,177 33,497 97,967 1,413,418 57,706 26,600 57,072 65,691 173,359 35,515 49,766 43,561 34,081 87,743 94,066 30,987 31,572 41,764 66,515 41,164 64,285 30,833 77,376 111,041 22,502 433,792 85,280 137,920 36,278 34,820 61,148 62,480 30,791 44,325 24,789 113,684 802,691 86,417 5,544,694 10,196 103,307 159,489 44,094 33,291 72,654 150,650 111,709 281,880 20,407 175,438 352,259 35,676 55,892 37,401 557,161 344,262 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 58,165 76,265 13,963 244,573 34,672 202,282 78,177 33,497 97,967 1,413,418 57,706 26,600 57,072 65,691 173,359 35,515 49,766 43,561 34,081 87,743 94,066 30,987 31,572 41,764 66,515 41,164 64,285 30,833 77,376 111,041 22,502 433,792 85,280 137,920 36,278 34,820 61,148 62,480 30,791 44,325 24,789 113,684 802,691 86,417 5,544,694 10,196 103,307 159,489 44,094 33,291 72,654 150,650 111,709 281,880 20,407 175,438 352,259 35,676 55,892 37,401 557,161 344,262 355 UNH FOUNDATION DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 4TD017 4TD018 4TD019 4TD020 4TD021 4TD022 4TD023 4TD024 4TD025 4TD026 4TD027 4TD028 4TD029 4TD030 4TD031 4TD032 4TD034 4TD035 4TD036 4TD037 4TD038 4TD039 4TD040 4TD041 4TD042 4TD043 4TD044 4TD045 4TD046 4TD047 4TD048 4TD049 4TD050 4TD051 4TD052 4TD053 4TD054 4TD055 4TE001 4TE002 4TE003 4TE004 4TE005 4TE006 4TE007 4TE008 4TE009 4TE010 4TE011 4TE012 4TE013 4TE014 4TE015 4TE016 4TE017 4TE018 4TE019 4TE020 4TE021 4TE022 4TE023 4TE024 Zocchi, John Endowment Richard St Onge Mem Schol Fund Levine/Benson Technology Schol Morrison Chemistry Dissertation End Endowed Fund for Mech Engineering Craig West Undergraduate Prof. Dev. Ogden & Katherine Martyn Endwomnt Weston - SAME Endowed Scholarship Norman Grover '35 End. Scholarship Whelen Engineering Co. Scholarship Theodore E Meinelt Sr Scholarship Phillips Family Fund for Engineerin Philip L Hall Endowed Fund Chemistry Undergrad Research Fellow LaMattina Family Graduate Lecturesh Hamel Construction Group Scholarshi Michael S. Blanchette Karen Von Damm Memorial Scholarship CEPS Student Project Fund M Evans Munroe Lecture Endow/Math Dorothy Kittredge Memorial Fund James D Morrison Early Career Award Mary Papastavros '60 Chem Fund Cole '76 & Bemis '79 '89 Scholarshp Gregory Jansen '81 Field Studies Fn K.Von Damm Student Research Oppor. Charles M:son Gewertz Scholarship Karen Von Damm Faculty Excellence Dr. George Wildman '57 Scholarship Peter & Paula Vosotas Family Schol Prof. James M.E. Harper Fellowship Joe & Nancy Paterno Endowed Schol. J Smith '50 CEPS Student Project Fu Lambert Chemistry Fellowship Fund Dinesh Thakur Schol-Bioengineering Christopher Kelley Memorial Schol. Diamond Casting & Machine Scholsh Anderson '56 Chemical Eng. Schol. Hamel Center for Undergraduate Rese Reginald Atkins Chair Mckerley Chair Health Economic S. Melvin Rines Fund Gardner Wales Scholarship Fund Nelson Fund for Business Innovation Jeffrey Castro Memorial Mary Gillespie Graduate Scholarship UNH Hospitality Mgmnt Student Dev Dwayne Wrightsman Prof. / Finance UNH Hospitality Mgmnt Faculty Dev. UNH Hosp Mgmt Int Stud Diversity UNH Hospitality InitiativesFund Albin Entrepreneurship Fund Jude Blake '77 Schol-Business Admin Nassikas Fund for Hospitality Educ Rhoda Hogan Endowed Scholarship Fun J Bonnie Newman Endowed Scholarship Lai Family Foundation Scholarship Joseph '79 & Marcia H Carter Schol Scott Dionne Grad Fellowship/Acctng Carlton L. Reed Scholarship Fund James E. Freeman Scholarship Fund Todd Huntington Crockett Scholarshp Cash and Investments 230,564 136,210 170,318 49,087 69,544 48,382 37,352 30,584 79,215 2,795,446 92,060 111,071 26,579 82,632 54,604 284,900 16,432 133,751 93,823 34,618 26,915 751,208 32,814 91,588 47,926 126,806 61,573 116,149 133,789 62,214 249,926 177,747 265,226 103,023 104,824 34,794 102,199 50,969 9,297,456 3,022,407 1,984,882 296,485 12,423 101,709 13,068 65,052 138,253 323,227 97,445 65,040 99,749 760,317 56,093 29,812 259,862 45,394 49,025 31,211 38,923 49,520 49,520 111,339 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 230,564 136,210 170,318 49,087 69,544 48,382 37,352 30,584 79,215 2,795,446 92,060 111,071 26,579 82,632 54,604 284,900 16,432 133,751 93,823 34,618 26,915 751,208 32,814 91,588 47,926 126,806 61,573 116,149 133,789 62,214 249,926 177,747 265,226 103,023 104,824 34,794 102,199 50,969 9,297,456 3,022,407 1,984,882 296,485 12,423 101,709 13,068 65,052 138,253 323,227 97,445 65,040 99,749 760,317 56,093 29,812 259,862 45,394 49,025 31,211 38,923 49,520 49,520 111,339 356 UNH FOUNDATION DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 4TE025 4TE027 4TE028 4TF001 4TF002 4TF003 4TF004 4TF005 4TF006 4TF008 4TF009 4TF010 4TF011 4TF012 4TF013 4TF015 4TF016 4TF017 4TF018 4TF019 4TF020 4TF021 4TF022 4TF023 4TF025 4TF026 4TG001 4TG003 4TG006 4TG007 4TG008 4TG011 4TG013 4TG017 4TG018 4TG019 4TG020 4TG021 4TG022 4TG023 4TG024 4TG025 4TG026 4TG027 4TH411 4TH412 4TH413 4TH414 4TH415 4TH416 4TH417 4TH418 4TH419 4TH422 4TH423 4TH424 4TH442 4TH443 4TH461 4TH462 4TH471 4TH472 J. Durocher Hosp. Mgmnt Scholarship Dougherty Lectures in Hospitality Daniel A. Raizes Scholarship Fund Marianna R. and John A. Grimes Dakin Family Scholarship Fund Norman Goroff Social Work Fund England Endowed Fund Steelman Public Svc Program Evelyn N Jardine Endowed Schol Pamela Low Scholarship Fund Occupational Therapy Endowment Dean Roger A Ritvo Award Fund Sackett Professorship Nathan J Loomis Endowed Fund Kendall Endowed Fund Keough Northeast Passage Fund Maureen Neistadt Scholarship Fund Pauline Soukaris Memorial Scholarsh Stephany Marchut Lavallee Nursing S Brooks-Lord Nursing Scholarship Fun Claire & Henry Grady Schol-Diversit Ann Manchester Kelley Schol-Nursing Chace '11 Fund for Athlete Develpmt John Smith '50 Northeast Passage Fn Anna Catherine Clark Schol - CHHS Dinesh Thakur Schl-Health Analytics Dr Alexander Teaching Exc Fund UNH Tolerance Program Fund Dr. Robert A. & Ann P. Chase Class of 1953 Endowed Scholarship Charles and Nancy Clough Fund Joseph Phalen Fund Paul International Research Fund Foundation Endowment Fund Herman & Lily Kurtz Endowed Robert Warren Perkins Fund Noonan International Research Fund Edward & Diane Federman End Fund Jean A. Woodworth Fund William Spaulding Endowed Fund Winch Endowed Fund-Alumni Assoc Yakovakis Family Fund David Ellsworth Davis NH Scholarshp RGSCP Fund for St. Anselm College UNHL General Scholarship Endowmt Fd Baer Family Patent Schol Endowmt Fd Stanley M. Brown Scholarship Fund UNHL Fac & Staff Scholarship Fund Bruce E. Friedman Scholarship Fund Winnie McLaughlin Scholarship Fund UNH Law Scholarship for Minorities Robert J. O'Connell Scholarship Fd Doris M. Rapee Memorial Schol Fund Slutsky Family Scholarship Endow Fd Gordon & Nancy Smith Scholarship Fd Douglas Wood Chairman's Schol Fund Elder Law&Patient Rights Endowmt Fd Robert M. Viles Fellowship Endow Fd Nedved Commencement Award Endow Fd The Yacos Prize Endowment Fund Alison Howland Curelop Hayward Fund Fleisher Family Endowment Fund Cash and Investments 47,064 14,712 35,827 189,744 16,842 91,850 413,799 158,048 15,371 157,959 24,306 21,427 152,216 3,152 59,234 60,605 76,295 32,183 55,124 82,498 36,263 55,820 77,463 371,385 26,206 104,824 793,605 282,667 126,613 327,718 41,135 35,073 59,019 169,325 176,688 275,261 684,545 1,154,619 337,340 124,500 56,814 51,519 59,665 2,358,221 72,258 34,532 48,519 33,099 65,105 107,106 193,486 73,915 28,561 9,099 56,228 856,513 56,677 140,676 41,107 45,938 478,028 19,072 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 47,064 14,712 35,827 189,744 16,842 91,850 413,799 158,048 15,371 157,959 24,306 21,427 152,216 3,152 59,234 60,605 76,295 32,183 55,124 82,498 36,263 55,820 77,463 371,385 26,206 104,824 793,605 282,667 126,613 327,718 41,135 35,073 59,019 169,325 176,688 275,261 684,545 1,154,619 337,340 124,500 56,814 51,519 59,665 2,358,221 72,258 34,532 48,519 33,099 65,105 107,106 193,486 73,915 28,561 9,099 56,228 856,513 56,677 140,676 41,107 45,938 478,028 19,072 357 UNH FOUNDATION DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 4TH473 4TH474 4TH475 4TH481 4TH520 4TJ001 4TL001 4TL002 4TL003 4TL004 4TL005 4TL006 4TL007 4TL008 4TL009 4TL010 4TL012 4TL013 4TR001 4TR002 4TR003 4TR004 4TR005 4TR006 4TR007 4TR008 4TR011 4TR012 4TS001 4TS002 4TS003 4TS004 4TS005 4TS006 4TS007 4TS008 4TS009 4TS010 4TS011 4TS012 4TS013 4TS014 4TS015 4TS016 4TS017 4TS018 4TS019 4TS020 4TS021 4TS022 4TS023 4TS024 4TS026 4TS027 4TS028 4TS029 4TS031 4TS032 4TS033 4TS034 4TS035 4TS036 Phillips Green Defender Endowmnt Fd Bill Phinney Endowment Fund Wayne B. Hersher Graduation Award Morton E. Goulder Endowed Chair Fd UNHL Operations True Endowment Fund Donald F Harley Scholarship Fund Edmund Miller Library Fund Class of '47 Endowed Fund Class of 1955 Dimond Library Endow E Ruth Buxton Stephenson Fund Charlotte K. Anderson Endowment Collins Fund for Digital Collection Prescott Family Fund Dunleavy Fund / Special Collections Hood '56 & '59 Endowed Fnd-Library Murray Library Collections Endowmen Cohen Fund for Collection Develpmnt Proper Fund for Special Collections Doris Child Reney Armbrust Fun Hubbard Marine Program Endowed Marine Program Endowment Dr. Marjorie A. Parsons Fund Jean + Carmen Ragonese Fund Shoals Marine Lab Endowment John & Katharyn Williams Scholarshi Robert & Doris Tuttle Endowed Fund Anderson Family Fund-Marine Progrm Chase '58-Excellence in Marine Scie Bellevance Hockey Scholarship Bellevance Football Scholarshi Kenneth & Mary Grant Scholarsh Reginald F. Atkins Scholarship Jane Blalock Athletic Scholar K Beckingham Scholarship Fund Dickson Scholarship & Spirit Award UNH Ski Team Alpine Scholarship Fish 58 Football Scholarship Kelly Quinn Gode Fund for Crew Robert E. Houston Sr. Fund Red Hayes Memorial Scholarship William Holleman Football Sch Gordon K Hill Endowment Paul Hobbs Endowed Scholarship Dorothy Hobbs Endowed Fund Robert A. Kullen Memorial Fund Bill Knight Endowed Scholarship Fun Howard Donald Penley Fund Sullivan Football Scholarship Guy Smith Memorial Scholarship Robert Towse Scholarship Fund '98-'99 Men's Hockey Champions End Bill Hinman Endowed Scholarshp Dutch Knox Football Scholarshi Dutch Knox Football Program James & Elsa Callahan Schlrshp Joyce Hiller Athletic Scholarship Timothy & Edwin Dugal Hockey Schol Robert Conrad Football Scholarship Tina True Memorial Fund Endowed Fund for Football Herbert Gold Athletic Scholarship F Pizzano Football Scholarship Fund Cash and Investments 71,035 271,539 15,062 1,197,176 50,502 170,967 360,894 137,728 148,350 19,262 34,056 93,540 39,562 117,042 63,219 47,849 178,046 140,674 45,975 12,266,875 22,580 43,893 48,546 216,641 41,173 785,374 26,835 55,771 175,849 175,873 61,360 5,873,917 47,952 132,413 159,777 25,851 116,342 26,729 115,790 154,560 112,889 43,015 31,056 31,056 42,037 70,672 84,959 33,858 112,149 186,517 157,279 67,510 2,072,260 973,057 127,397 43,866 45,081 84,910 48,417 34,554 34,258 14,988 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 71,035 271,539 15,062 1,197,176 50,502 170,967 360,894 137,728 148,350 19,262 34,056 93,540 39,562 117,042 63,219 47,849 178,046 140,674 45,975 12,266,875 22,580 43,893 48,546 216,641 41,173 785,374 26,835 55,771 175,849 175,873 61,360 5,873,917 47,952 132,413 159,777 25,851 116,342 26,729 115,790 154,560 112,889 43,015 31,056 31,056 42,037 70,672 84,959 33,858 112,149 186,517 157,279 67,510 2,072,260 973,057 127,397 43,866 45,081 84,910 48,417 34,554 34,258 14,988 358 UNH FOUNDATION DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 4TS037 4TS038 4TS039 4TS040 4TS041 4TS042 4TS043 4TS044 4TS045 4TS046 4TS047 4TS048 4TS049 4TS050 4TS051 4TS052 4TS053 4TS054 4TS055 4TS056 4TS057 4TS058 4TS059 4TS060 4TS061 4TS062 4TS063 4TS065 4TS067 4TS068 4TS069 4TS070 4TS072 4TS073 4TS074 4TS075 4TU001 4TU002 4TU003 4TU004 4TU005 4TU006 4TU007 4TU008 4TU009 4TU010 4TU011 4TU012 4TU013 4TU014 4TU015 4TU016 4TU017 4TU018 4TU019 4TU020 4TU021 4TU022 4TU023 4TU024 4TU025 4TU026 Francis McGrail Endowed Scholarship David Sheen Endowed Hockey Schol Chief Boston Football Scholarship Wohlfarth Football Scholarship McLaughlin '35 Hockey Scholarship James Boulanger Endowed Fund UNH Ski Team Endowment Robert Trouville '59 Athletic Schol Chandler & Ann Sanborn Football Sch First 500 UNH Football Athletic Fun Winslow & June Macdonald Football S Coach Gerry Friel Basketball Schola Garron '84 Football Diversity Schol Mike Frigard '60 Athletic Scholrshp Joan & Douglas Murphy Football Scho Tim Churchard '67 Athletic Scholrsh Bertsch Family Scholarship Fund Paul E. Berton Scholarship Fund Donna Lynne '74 Scholarship Fund William F. Degan Jr. Football Schol Franklin Taylor '52 Athletic Schol Norris A. Browne '55 Football Schol UNH Wildcat Hockey Alumni Scholarsh Wildcat Fan Gratitude Fund UNH Nordic Ski Team Scholarship John & Catherine Goegel Scholarship Jim & Julie Hatch Basketball Schol. David M. Paul Family Scholarship Barbara B. Peyser '50 Athletic Scho UNH Women's Lacrosse Scholarship John Smith'50 Endowed Fund - Hockey Otis Family Athletic Scholarship K & R Sandler Athletic Scholarship Service Credit Union Wildcat Schol Fitzgerald & Gross Academic Excell. Matthew J. Witkos '89 Soccer Schol. Tad Ackman & Robin Gorsky Schl Joyce Hiller Kinesiology Scholarshi Coe-Hall Fund Mid-Atlantic Region Chapter Sc Minigan Family Scholarship James Trainor Memorial Scholarship Pickett Family Scholarship Fund Class of 1958 Endowed Scholarship Roger Bougie '56 Scholarship Fund Class of 1956 Endowed Scholarship McCaffrey Endowed Scholarship Fund Wyman Endowed Scholarship Fund Class of 1957 Endowed Scholarship Weglarz Memorial Scholarship Fund Lloyd & Edna Heidgerd Endowed Schol Libbey '79 End. Fund-Sci. Diversity Rydin Family Scholarship Fund UNH Rollinsford Area Scholarship Selma Naccach-Hoff Schol-Liberal Ar Takeuchi '48 & Rantala '44 Schlrshp Harvey E. Bergeron, Sr. Scholarship 70's Decade Alumni Scholarship Fund William H Heywood '60 Scholarship Paul Shea '51 Memorial Scholarship Fred J Bennett '54 Scholarship Fund Claycomb '75 Environmental Sciences Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 13,159 53,941 68,848 32,474 93,287 45,549 785,659 111,015 64,218 342,577 63,891 72,198 36,023 35,168 87,883 30,411 67,459 60,851 24,915 34,008 132,419 38,105 76,993 62,540 34,339 62,419 37,859 65,123 313,940 131,267 424,465 62,550 11,072 53,848 52,412 15,958 22,821 57,152 188,827 48,372 42,833 69,646 722,321 93,043 148,358 159,983 121,565 148,119 339,062 69,893 229,022 130,727 123,244 336,921 33,178 69,465 76,576 39,478 36,445 25,987 71,026 63,836 13,159 53,941 68,848 32,474 93,287 45,549 785,659 111,015 64,218 342,577 63,891 72,198 36,023 35,168 87,883 30,411 67,459 60,851 24,915 34,008 132,419 38,105 76,993 62,540 34,339 62,419 37,859 65,123 313,940 131,267 424,465 62,550 11,072 53,848 52,412 15,958 22,821 57,152 188,827 48,372 42,833 69,646 722,321 93,043 148,358 159,983 121,565 148,119 339,062 69,893 229,022 130,727 123,244 336,921 33,178 69,465 76,576 39,478 36,445 25,987 71,026 63,836 359 UNH FOUNDATION DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 4TU027 4TU028 4TU029 4TU030 4TU031 4TU033 4TU035 4TU036 4TU037 4TU038 4TU039 4TU040 4TU041 4TU042 4TU043 4TU044 4TU045 4TU046 4TU047 4TU048 4TU049 4TU050 4TU051 4TU052 4TU053 4TU054 4TU055 4TU056 4TU057 4TU058 4TU059 4TU060 4TU061 4TU062 4TU063 4TU064 4TU065 4TU066 4TU067 4TU068 4TU069 4TU070 4TU071 4TU072 4TU073 4TU074 4TU075 4TU076 4TU077 4TU078 4TU079 4TU080 4TU081 4TU082 4TU083 4TU084 4TU086 4TU087 4TU088 4TU090 4TU094 4TU095 Andrew Janetos Scholarship Endowmen Verne & Kay Brown Elec & Comp Scho John '54 & Anne '56 Boehle Schlrshp PBAllen '58 Tau Kappa Epsilon Schol Col John Howard Blewett Scholarship J Todd Minor '76 Schol/Life Science Northeast Passage Athletic Excellen Jay McSharry '90 Diversity Schlrshp Robert & Tina Dudley Scholarship Fn Ambrose Occupational Therapy Schol Hannaway '58 Scholarship Fund Carol & Richard Trombly Scholarship Alice Freeman Reed Scholarship Fund Muriel M. Barr Nursing Scholarship Walter Calderwood, Jr. '34 Schol. UNH Foundation Scholarship Fund Jane & Lincoln Colby Scholarship Kerry Duncan Forbes Scholarship Blake Family Scholarship Fund Steelman Athletics Scholarship Fund Paul & Ann Stewart Memorial Schol. Doug & Stella Scamman Scholarship James Page & Amy Sherman Endowment The Patrick Family Scholarship Fund Gay Brookes '61 Scholarship Fund John D. DuRie Family Scholarship The Zissi Family Scholarship Fund A. Storace DMD, Family Scholarship Hitchiner Manufacturing Scholarship Dupont Family Scholarship Fund Deborah Ann Lada '78 Scholarship Martha R. Stebbins Scholarship Fund Thomas E. Callahan '62 Family Fund Virginia F. Small Scholarship Fund Cheryl Dickson'63 Athletics Schol. The Carver Scholarship Fund K. McKinnon '62 Athletics Schol. Michael Riley Memorial Scholarship M. Christine Dwyer '72G Scholarship Todd W. Hansen '86 Memorial Schol. J. Morgan & Tara Rutman Scholarship Harry A. Schult Scholarship Fund Bradley & Judith Aiken Scholarship Barbara Rose Noonan Scholarship Richard E. Galway '66 Scholarship Sharyn Zunz Scholarship Fund Class of 1970 Scholarship Fund Lloyd & Beverley Jordan Scholarship Judith Anne Hill '48 Scholarship Dr. Filson H Glanz Scholarship-CEPS MBA Class of 1987 Scholarship Fund Ellis-Armstrong Family Scholarship Charles & Miriam Nelson Scholarship Hitchiner Mfg Schol. for Business Eugene A. Savage Scholarship Fund McDevitt Family Scholarship Fund Class of 1963 Scholarship Fund Joseph & Susan Garofoli Scholarship Carl Sherman Batchelder Scholarship Jeannette & Cedric Ruiter Schlarshp Matthew J. Witkos '89 Scholarship Charron Class of 1964 Scholarship Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 25,372 63,738 34,639 282,256 55,702 65,813 51,120 32,946 30,908 65,741 43,716 30,710 49,520 200,666 51,122 60,017 62,583 40,265 25,228 31,606 30,402 30,603 24,279 23,785 36,423 29,748 35,048 23,278 30,409 23,860 57,845 35,648 24,026 57,981 24,074 30,959 31,317 29,000 18,785 22,079 30,321 14,037 29,713 28,169 23,849 77,929 30,859 176,941 61,809 61,809 75,454 43,524 86,803 59,054 30,664 22,619 92,023 110,149 268,325 107,765 15,958 51,694 25,372 63,738 34,639 282,256 55,702 65,813 51,120 32,946 30,908 65,741 43,716 30,710 49,520 200,666 51,122 60,017 62,583 40,265 25,228 31,606 30,402 30,603 24,279 23,785 36,423 29,748 35,048 23,278 30,409 23,860 57,845 35,648 24,026 57,981 24,074 30,959 31,317 29,000 18,785 22,079 30,321 14,037 29,713 28,169 23,849 77,929 30,859 176,941 61,809 61,809 75,454 43,524 86,803 59,054 30,664 22,619 92,023 110,149 268,325 107,765 15,958 51,694 360 UNH FOUNDATION DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 4TU096 4TU097 4TX001 4TX002 4TX003 4TX004 4TX005 4TX006 4TX007 4TX008 4TX009 4TX010 4TX011 4TX012 4TX013 4TX014 4TX015 4TX016 4TX017 4TX018 4TX019 4TX020 4TX021 4TX022 4TZ001 Angelo & Stewart Volpe Scholarship Ernest J Clarke '59 Art Scholarship Heckel Ext Educator Fellowship NH 4-H Alliance Endowed Fund Anna Mosher Boardman 4-H Fund Coos County 4h Youth Dev Fund Paul Carbino 4-H Scholarship Tom Fairchild 4-H Dairy Fund Carl Hess 4-H Memorial Fund Internat'l 4h Youth Exchange Ruth Kimball 4-H Endowed Fund George D Kidder Fund NH 4-H Milk Dealers Fund NH 4-H Poultry Endowment NH 4-H Horse Endowment Lucile Poland Teen Conference Skoglund Endowed 4-H Fund Carroll T Stoddard Fund Caswell-Research, Teaching, Outreac Ruth Stimson Community Outreach Fun Marshall 4-H Youth Opportunities Fn Dalrymple Community Outreach Fund William Spaulding Sea Grant Endowmn Briggs NH Land & Water Education Fn Iona Hubbard Climate Change Ed TOTAL ENDOWMENT & SIMILAR FUNDS TOTAL UNH FOUNDATION Cash and Investments 101,938 181,955 45,082 31,200 37,921 13,226 3,908 82,426 68,260 13,219 149,578 18,645 33,610 5,198 7,160 2,938 60,938 14,848 251,156 54,504 35,746 34,654 15,241 343,232 2,395,430 189,877,331 $ 197,024,873 Accounts & Notes Receivable 7,098,833 Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position - - - (285,370) - - - - (2,524,196) 101,938 181,955 45,082 31,200 37,921 13,226 3,908 82,426 68,260 13,219 149,578 18,645 33,610 5,198 7,160 2,938 60,938 14,848 251,156 54,504 35,746 34,654 15,241 343,232 2,395,430 187,067,765 - - - (2,906,650) - - - - (2,524,196) 198,692,860 361 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 6AG106 6DADEF 6DAPPD 6DCPPD 6DFPPD 6DHDEF 6DHPPD 6DSPPD 6U0000 6U0ADJ 6U0DEF 6U0PPD 6U1000 6U1DEF 6U1PPD 6U3000 6U3PPD 6WG106 6Z0ADJ 6ZT915 6ZT917 6ZT918 GENERAL OPERATING & OTHER UNRESTRICTED FUNDS PSU - GASB 45 Academic-Deferred Revenue Academic Prepaid Expense Alumni Prepaid Expense Finance-Prepaid Expense Deferred Revenue-Sports Camp Prepaid Expense-Sports Camp Student Affairs-Prepaid Expense PSU Educational & General PSU Unrestricted Adjustments PSU General Deferred Revenue General Prepaid Expenses Grad Studies & Comm Outreach E&G Grad Studies E&G Deferred Revenue Grad Studies E&G Prepaid Expense Technology Fee Technology Fee Prepaid Expense PSU - GASB 45 Agency Funds Year End Adjustment Pat Cookie Jar NH Student Intern Program Operating Staff Senate TOTAL GENERAL OPERATING & OTHER UNRESTRICTED FUNDS 6D0ADJ 6DA2GA 6DA2SA 6DAADV 6DAAHP 6DAANE 6DAART 6DAASC 6DAATE 6DAATP 6DABAP 6DABCC 6DABIO 6DABPP 6DABSM 6DACAS 6DACBA 6DACBI 6DACCD 6DACCS 6DACDP 6DACEC 6DACFD 6DACFE 6DACFF 6DACFG 6DACFN 6DACFR 6DACHI 6DACHT INTERNALLY DESIGNATED PSU Int Desig Adjustments Grad School Trip #2 Model UN Class Trip HPER-Adventure Education AAHPERD Anthology English Dept Art Dept Fund Raising INDC-Dept-ASC Athletic Training Education Italy Trip Account MTD Dept Course Fees INDC-Biology-Chabot INDC-Dept Biological Sciences Sally Boland Poetry Publication INDC-Biology - Son, Mike White Mountains Institute CoBA Course Fees CoBa Innovations Academic Accreditation Study Abroad Child Dev Family Cntr Projects Continuing Ed Course Fees INDC-CFE-L Doner INDC-Dept-CFE INDC-CFE-D Earick INDC-CFE-M Green CFE-Conferences Career Fair-CoBa Chi Sigma Iota-NHS for Counselors Choral Tour Cash and Investments $ 16,887 (8,282) (3,258) (25,870) 8,270 (21) (17,500) 11,002,507 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income (352,024) (16,887) 8,282 3,258 25,870 (8,270) 21 17,500 1,450,706 (1,130,856) 45,731 (110,507) 1,774,988 3,008 (31,564) 579,966 (551,939) (410) (9,216) (17,797) 119,724 (3,947,382) 1,130,856 (45,322) (2,318,606) (3,008) 31,564 34,670 (34,670) (6,433,918) (10,219) 909 7,743 1,567 13,244,574 319,850 240,889 - - (614,032) (2,900,232) (2,318,606) - - (6,785,942) Total Net Position (352,024) 5,635,286 (1) 1 1,757,191 579,966 (6,433,918) (10,219) 909 7,743 1,567 1,186,501 75,418 5 962 1,198 25,179 8,360 10,844 74 1,035 500 125 18,150 9,851 880 454 166,036 1,590 49,802 15,962 376 21,966 420 18,601 20,768 785 5,969 3,073 2,912 1,535 28,060 75,418 5 962 1,198 25,179 8,360 10,844 74 535 500 125 18,150 9,851 880 454 166,036 1,590 49,802 15,962 376 21,966 420 18,224 20,768 785 5,969 3,073 2,912 1,535 28,060 (500) (377) 362 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 6DACJB 6DACNF 6DACRD 6DACRP 6DACRW 6DACSK 6DADEP 6DADMD 6DADPS 6DAE4C 6DAECO 6DAEEB 6DAEHH 6DAEMK 6DAEPM 6DAEQU 6DAF00 6DAF01 6DAF02 6DAF03 6DAF04 6DAF07 6DAF08 6DAF09 6DAF10 6DAF12 6DAFRF 6DAGLI 6DAGPL 6DAHAT 6DAHDM 6DAHEM 6DAHHP 6DAHJD 6DAHPC 6DAHPK 6DAINB 6DAIND 6DAINT 6DAIPC 6DALIM 6DALSP 6DAMIN 6DAMPS 6DAMTD 6DAMTH 6DANHD 6DANUR 6DAOWL 6DAPAT 6DAPER 6DAPLN 6DAPMN 6DAPOL 6DAPRF 6DAPRG INDC-CFE J Boyer Academic Conferences ICE-Course Redesign INDC-Dept-Ctr Rural Partnerships The Bagley Center Wrkshps INDC-CFE-Kahl Drerup Exhibt Project Delta Mu Delta Honor Society Dance Premier Series E4 Coalition ICE-ECO House INDC-Cntr for Env-Eisenhauer College of Ed, H & HS Innovations INDC-CFE-Bourgeron INDC-Cntr for Env-Pruyn, M Academic Equipment Holding-Faculty Research Grants Bush Fac. Research Grant Doherty Fac Research Grant Norris Fac Research Grant Hammond-Rowan Fac Research Grant Anneser Fac Research Grant Upham-Borenstein Fac Research Grant Son Fac Research Grant FY15 Coker Faculty Research Grant Reitsma Fac Research Grant Mt Washington Observatory Position Gilder-Lehrman Inst-NH Hist Teacher Graduate Planning HHP Adventure Expeditions D&M Collection HHP Equipment & Maintenance INDC-Dept-HHP Center for Active Living HPER Dept Course Fees INDC-HHP-M King INDC-INBRE Admin INDC-Provost Office Academic Initiatives Bagley-Intn'l Photo Contest Limerick Program-Study Abroad Library Special Projects Musical Instrument Purch Replcmnt MFOS Program Support Music Theatre Dance Spec Projs Math Department - Misc National History Day Nursing Course Fees USNH Dir Organizational Wellness Pi Gamma Mu Percussion Ensemble Planetarium Piano Monster Pollyanna Royalties University Professorship Awards Program Development Cash and Investments 303 1,196 4,249 30,634 4,120 53 513 281 8,977 680 39,472 1,697 34,000 145 2,300 11,541 22,966 3,575 469 3,253 51 1,647 2,046 3 570 509 3,680 685 117,704 1,056 4,604 26,260 1,298 4,071 4,447 3,948 6,909 102,118 280,902 950 8,214 1,537 25,471 809 3,369 4,112 5,003 3,789 31 87 1,883 4,472 18,872 400 819 2,792 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 303 4,249 30,634 4,120 53 513 281 8,977 680 39,472 1,697 34,000 145 2,300 11,541 22,966 3,380 46 3,253 51 537 2,046 3 158 509 3,680 685 117,704 1,056 4,604 26,260 1,298 4,071 4,447 3,948 6,909 102,118 280,902 950 8,214 1,537 25,471 809 3,369 4,112 5,003 3,789 31 87 1,883 4,472 16,947 400 819 2,792 (1,196) (195) (423) (1,110) (412) (1,925) 363 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 6DARAB 6DAREG 6DAREN 6DARGT 6DARTC 6DARTG 6DARUR 6DASAI 6DASCC 6DASCS 6DASS2 6DASST 6DASTD 6DATAF 6DATIL 6DATNM 6DATPR 6DATRM 6DATSW 6DAWAT 6DAWCJ 6DBCMP 6DBNHA 6DBSPC 6DBTRV 6DCADD 6DCADS 6DCAFU 6DCAIN 6DCASP 6DCCAM 6DCCDV 6DCCLS 6DCDAY 6DCDMC 6DCE44 6DCE59 6DCGCO 6DCIAD 6DCIMG 6DCIMS 6DCPAR 6DCPIN 6DCSAD 6DFCAR 6DFCSH 6DFECM 6DFEMR 6DFENI 6DFINT 6DFITP 6DFMAL 6DFMP1 6DFREC 6DFSAT 6DFSAW INDC-CRP-Benoni Amsden Reggae-Equal Rights/Soc Chng Provost-Rental INDC-CRP-Guldbrandson T Art Dept Course Fees Art Gallery Sales Center for Rural Partnerships Study Abroad Italy-Sorrento ASC Dept Course Fees College Arts & Sciences Innovations Social Science-Events 2 Social Science Trips Sigma Tau Delta Honor Society India Trip HPER Tilton School Grad Assistant DOCS Trips #1 Ecuador Trip-Reitsma Scotland-Starbuck Dominican Republic-M Toms Community Programming Writing Center Journal College Camp NH Interscholastic Athl Assoc Space Inventory PSU Travel Bureau Alumni Director Discretionary Fund Alumni Board Discretionary Fund Annual Fund Unrestricted Developmnt Initiatives/Discretionar Alum-Spec Events Discretionary Advancement Initiatives Funding Alumni Chp Dev-Discretionary 2011 Campus Community Leader Schl Alumni Day Discretionary D&M Capital Campaign PSUAA Scholarship-Unrestrict Funds William C & Helen C Gray Fund Graduating Class Trip-Odd Year Discretionary-VP Instit Advancement Imagine A Way Unrestricted Gifts Imagine A Way Designated for Schol Parents Fund President's Initiative Fund Search-Exec Dir of Advancement Carbon Commission Cost Share Funding Source Ecommerce Emergency Planning Energy Initiatives VPFA Initiatives ITS Equipment PSU Mail Services Special Projects Surplus Recycling Trip-Nursing Study Away Programs Cash and Investments 7,389 3,523 21,521 377 31,708 3,364 6,773 2 5 36,475 852 3,787 409 252 7,989 1,702 1,051 517 1,060 472 218 16,633 2,136 5 41,488 738 2 2,300 3,787 3,713 605,416 1,422 4,285 5,043 10 5,184 4,363 969 11 3,183 2,465 250 5,850 43,100 8,128 16,364 11,195 11,987 64,273 43,730 27,434 16,504 5,487,115 16,316 11 100 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable (360) (743) (216) (157) (4,938) (11) (2,750) 153 19,533 Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 7,389 3,523 21,521 377 31,708 3,364 6,773 2 5 36,475 852 3,787 409 252 7,989 1,702 1,051 517 1,060 472 218 16,273 2,136 5 40,745 522 2 2,300 3,630 3,713 605,416 1,422 4,285 105 10 5,184 4,363 969 3,183 2,465 250 5,850 40,350 8,128 16,364 11,195 11,987 64,273 43,730 27,434 36,190 5,487,115 16,316 11 100 364 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 6DFSEC 6DFTSM 6DFWEB 6DGBIF 6DGELS 6DGHIF 6DGHIG 6DGINV 6DGOCF 6DGONE 6DGSTF 6DH140 6DH145 6DHABB 6DHAMB 6DHAMS 6DHAVB 6DHAWB 6DHAWL 6DHAWR 6DHAWS 6DHCAL 6DHEQU 6DHERP 6DHIHM 6DHIHW 6DHSPT 6DPDES 6DPDNC 6DPRBA 6DSADP 6DSHSR 6DSJAF 6DSPSP 6DSSCH 6DSSDS 6DT120 6DTADP 6DTAPS 6DTAPT 6DTBEL 6DTBLA 6DTCAN 6DTCDV 6DTCFE 6DTCSH 6DTDIV 6DTGAZ 6DTGRA 6DTGTU 6DTICS 6DTIFS 6DTLAN 6DTMLH 6DTOSS 6DTPAT ITS Security Tourism PSU Web Redesign Project Bookstore Initiative Funding English Language School PSU Health Initiatives Fund 20 Highland St PSU Inventories One-time Carry Forwards One-time Expenses PSU Separation Athletics Athletics Post Season Baseball Sport Camps Men's Basketball-Sports Camps Men's Soccer-Camps Volleyball-Sports Camps Women's Basketball-Sports Camps Womens Lacrosse-Sports Camp Wrestling Sports Camps Women's Soccer Sports Camps Athletics Calendar Project Athletic Equipment-unreturned Athl Equip Replacmnt (Laundry) Affiliate-Men's Ice Hockey Team Affliliated Women's Ice Hockey PE Center Outreach Programs President Discretionary Fund President-Donor Cultivation PSU Retiree Book Awards Admission Publication Design Health Services Student Conduct Police Special Projects Student Senate Scholarship INDC-Sage Center-D Smith PSU Student Activites Accounting Kappa Delta Pi Alpha Phi Sigma Student Apts Belknap Blair Hall Canadian Studies Commission on Diversity Four Corners Trip - McGarry Costume Shop Diversity Programming-Res Life EtaSigmaGamma/Eating Disorder Conf Grafton Hall Gamma Theta Upsilon Honor Society Internationl Trip-Community Service International Film Series Langdon Woods Apts Mary Lyon Hall OS Senate Meeting Support PAT-Meeting Support Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets 49,030 49 1,276 55,000 73,794 178,045 201,151 Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position (49,030) 49 1,276 55,000 73,794 178,045 201,151 249,783 30,000 17,645 85,698 39,617 2,119 4,268 5,776 1,297 5,923 3,190 1,993 545 104 460 6,439 30,000 3,831 139 6,210 1,016 6,125 3,002 129,151 112,822 37,422 2,062 15,090 2,677 342,647 1,435 2,082 16,517 3,281 936 473 1,791 102 957 1,060 30,879 4,423 37 11,764 291 4,435 2,214 382 249,783 30,000 122,250 1,009,703 50,622 2,119 4,268 5,776 1,297 5,923 3,190 1,993 545 104 460 6,439 30,000 3,831 139 6,210 1,016 6,125 3,002 129,151 112,822 37,721 2,062 15,090 2,677 357,187 1,435 2,082 16,517 3,281 936 473 1,791 102 957 1,060 30,879 4,423 37 11,764 291 4,435 2,214 55 382 (104,605) (822,012) 6,500 (101,993) (17,505) (299) (14,540) (55) 365 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 6DTPCH 6DTPEK 6DTPEM 6DTPKP 6DTRHA 6DTRHL 6DTSA2 6DTSCD 6DTSMT 6DTWOM 6DTWPC Psi Chi Phi Epsilon Kappa Honor Society Pemi Dorm Phi Kappa Phi Resident Housing Association Hall Dorm Sustainability #2-Acad Trips Society Scholarly Dialogue Smith Dorm Comm on the Stat of Women WPCR - NHPR TOTAL INTERNALLY DESIGNATED 6A0PRJ 6AADEF 6AAENT 6AAREN 6AB240 6AB260 6AB262 6ABDEF 6AC230 6AF250 6AS210 6AS215 6AS220 6AS280 6ASDEF 6ASPPD 6GAAAB 6GAART 6GAASG 6GABAR 6GABTS 6GABUS 6GABVP 6GACDF 6GACGS 6GACHR 6GACJP 6GACMA 6GACMS 6GACOG 6GACOM 6GACRE 6GACSD 6GADAN 6GAENG 6GAENP 6GAENS 6GAENV 6GAESP AUXILIARY Auxliary Projections Ice Arena Deferred Revenue Enterprise Center @ Plymouth Ice Arena Conference Service Parking Enforcement Shuttle PSU Auxiliary Deferred Revenue Copying Distribution Telecommunications Residential Life Dining Services Hartman Union Building Health & Wellness Services Student Affairs Auxiliary Def. Rev Student Affair Prepaid Expense TOTAL AUXILIARY RESTRICTED GIFTS & ENDOWMENT INCOME Anonymous Annual Band Schol Art Dept General Gifts Student Art Gallery Gifts Baroni Family Dance Scholarship Business Technology Schol Business Dept Gifts Baroni Visiting Prof of Dance Childrens Center Gifts CAGS Scholarships Choral Gift Acct Criminal Justice Program Gifts COBA Common Man Apprentice Schol Communication & Media Studies Gifts General Grad Program Gifts Commencement Gifts Center Real Estate Education Computer Science Dept Gifts Dance Program Gifts Alumni Gifts-English Dept Plymouth Writing Project Gifts English Dept-Schol + Awards Center for the Environment Environmental Sci & Pol Gifts Cash and Investments 982 484 5,188 2,630 231 1,011 793 7,624 4,302 918 10,805 10,444,119 1,447 13,155 400 12,704 53,959 148,570 17,066 12,092 243,245 996,993 694,321 1,094,204 1,744,776 389,690 13,163 (430) 5,435,355 Accounts & Notes Receivable 82,071 Prepaid and Other Assets 269,316 Property, Plant & Equipment - Deferred Outflows - Accounts Payable (201,347) Deposits and Unearned Revenues - Accrued Employee Benefits (822,012) Refundable Government Advances - Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income - (101,993) (13,155) (8,180) (22,514) (421) (61) 16,659 (510) (12,092) (4,928) (120,503) (60,363) (1,342) (19,473) (13,163) 16,659 430 430 - - (218,312) (58,393) - - - - Total Net Position 982 484 5,188 2,630 231 1,011 793 7,624 4,302 918 10,805 9,670,154 1,447 400 4,014 48,104 148,149 17,005 243,245 996,993 689,393 954,228 1,684,413 388,348 5,175,739 500 956 1,300 500 337 20,972 123 528 180 310 175 1,500 50 650 150 3,003 1,956 2,736 1,023 2,880 71 15,227 1,046 500 956 1,300 500 337 20,972 123 528 180 310 175 1,500 50 650 150 3,003 1,956 2,736 1,023 2,880 71 15,227 1,046 366 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 6GAETC 6GAFRG 6GAFSI 6GAFST 6GAGGS 6GAHAT 6GAHAV 6GAHIS 6GAHPB 6GAHPD 6GAHUT 6GAIMP 6GAJAZ 6GALIB 6GAMBA 6GAMBS 6GAMDS 6GAMED 6GAMES 6GAMET 6GAMGC 6GAMHS 6GAMMM 6GAMP1 6GAMPR 6GAMPT 6GAMRC 6GAMRE 6GAMSB 6GAMTD 6GAMUS 6GAMW2 6GAMWM 6GANCT 6GANHD 6GANP2 6GANPC 6GANSB 6GANSC 6GANSD 6GANSM 6GANSP 6GANUR 6GAORG 6GAPAS 6GAPHD 6GAPHT 6GAPMG 6GAPNF 6GAPSD 6GAPSY 6GAPTP 6GAREG 6GARFF 6GARMC 6GARTG Ed Theatre Collaborative Gifts Languages & Linguistics Gifts Fred Smyth Inst-Music Gift Frost Teaching & Learning Center General Graduate Scholarships Athl Training Student Prof Dev Fund Haverhill Civic Engagement Project Artelia & Olan Ray Gift Fund Alumni Gifts-Health & Pe Dept HPER Club Scholarship Gifts Hutchins Children & the Arts Fund NH-Impact Center Gifts Jazz Scholarship Fund Library Gifts MBA Program Gifts MBA Scholarships Music Dept-Dance Scholarship M Ed Program Gifts MED Scholarships Ruth W Metcalfe Scholarship Marion G Callender '47 Music Schol M.Ed. Heritage Studies Workshop Museum of Wht Mtns Membership Gifts Museum of the Wht Mnts: Exhibitions Musical Instr Purch Replcmnt Passing Through:AllureWhteMtns-NHCF Math Dept-Resource Cntr Math Recovery Program Gifts Symphonic Band Gifts Music Theatre & Dance Campaign Music Department Scholarship MWM Restor & Collect Care Gifts Museum of the White Mtns Gifts No Country Teacher Cert Prg Gift National History Day N.H. Painters Dictionary Fund Non-Profit Curriculum Dev Gifts Biology Gifts Chemistry Gifts CEAPS Gifts Meteorology Gifts Planetarium Gifts Nursing Program Gifts Music Organ Fund Pass Gifts Alumni Gifts-Philosophy Dept Photography Program Gifts Piano Monster Gifts Piano Fund Professional Sales Leadership Prg Psychology Gifts Pakistani Teachers Proj Gifts Alumni Gifts-Registrars Office Rosenblum Fac Fellowship of Busines Cntr Rural Partnership Gifts Art Gallery Gifts Cash and Investments 3,158 1,847 593 418 375 550 53,901 5,775 3,311 4,690 275 1,750 2,590 671 514 120 2,217 57 10 4,500 973 1,500 7,525 25,391 761 3,806 1,365 1,744 564 1,480 2,783 1,500 3,064 4,531 250 550 42 3,835 882 1,983 5,602 1,467 775 12 150 1,248 2,175 1,412 8,731 24,617 1,170 95 215 1,419 1,140 4,833 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 3,158 1,847 593 418 375 99 53,901 5,775 3,311 4,690 275 1,750 2,590 671 514 120 2,217 57 10 4,500 973 1,500 7,525 25,391 761 3,806 1,365 1,744 564 1,480 2,783 1,500 3,064 4,531 250 550 42 3,835 882 1,983 5,587 1,467 775 12 150 1,248 2,175 1,412 8,731 24,282 1,170 95 215 1,419 1,140 4,833 (451) (15) (335) 367 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 6GASBW 6GASGE 6GASHI 6GASNH 6GASPS 6GASSC 6GASSL 6GASWK 6GATDG 6GATHE 6GATIG 6GAWGF 6GAWTG 6GBCAC 6GBLAN 6GBLAT 6GC000 6GC912 6GC942 6GC946 6GC947 6GC948 6GC950 6GC953 6GC956 6GC957 6GC958 6GC959 6GC960 6GC961 6GC963 6GC965 6GC966 6GC968 6GC969 6GC970 6GC973 6GC975 6GC999 6GCALL 6GCALT 6GCANS 6GCARP 6GCAW2 6GCAW3 6GCBWS 6GCDEV 6GCDGC 6GCE01 6GCE02 6GCE03 6GCE05 6GCE06 6GCE07 6GCE08 6GCE09 Studies Business Workshop & Co Alumni Gifts - Geography Alumni Gifts - History Soc Sci: Institute for NH Studies Alumni Gifts - Political Science Alumni Gifts Social Sci Dept Saul O Sidore Lectureship Soc Sci Social Work Gifts Theatre Dept. Gifts PSU Theatre Arts Scholarship TIGER Theatre Program Gifts Gail & Joe White Grad Fellwshp PSU Writers' Talent Grant Silver Center Gifts Landscaping Gifts Lights-Athletic Fields-PSU Class of 00 Gifts Class of 2012 Scholarship Class of 42 Reunion Class of 46 Reunion Class of 47 Reunion Gifts Class of 48 Reunion Gifts Class of 50 Gifts Class of 53 Gifts Class of 1956 Gifts Class 1957 Reunion Gifts-Unend Class of 1958 Gifts Class of 1959 Gifts Class of 1960 Class of 1961 Gifts Class of '63 Gifts Class of 65 Reunion Gifts Class of 1966 Gifts Class of 68 Reunion Gift Class of 69 Reunion Gifts Class of 70 Reunion Gift Class of 73 Reunion Class of 1975 Gifts Class of 99 Gifts ALLWell Center Gifts Agnes M Lindsay Trst Schol Barbara Andresen Nursing-holding Archives Project Gifts AllWell North Phase II Gifts AllWell III-Health Sciences Bldg Bo Wiblyi Scholarship Tower Fund Events Gifts Barbara Dearborn Golf Classic Elaine Gail Vaillant Brown Schl Fnd Class of 62 Scholarship Morgridge Family Internship Fund Larry K & Dawn Ray Haynes Schol Fun Grad Student Research Gifts Raise the Curtain Gifts Barry M Ross '73 Scholarship Fund Class of 1951 Scholarship Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 2,386 2,756 2,882 1,210 100 3,712 8,231 90 3,761 2,671 5,656 250 1,588 10,932 8,155 3,605 200 4,606 125 50 755 8,342 795 3,458 50 1 470 2,210 1,534 350 3,143 950 1,250 72 5,025 2,447 200 6,573 260 27,904 500 1,050 1,213 21,908 408 1,963 1,302 600 1,941 1,703 2,629 1,125 683 1,040 1,000 430 2,386 2,756 2,882 1,210 100 3,712 8,231 90 3,761 2,671 5,656 250 1,588 10,932 8,155 3,605 200 4,606 125 50 755 8,342 795 3,458 50 1 470 2,210 1,534 350 3,143 950 1,250 72 5,025 2,447 200 6,573 260 27,904 500 1,050 1,213 21,908 408 1,963 1,302 600 1,941 1,703 2,629 1,125 683 1,040 1,000 430 368 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 6GCE10 6GCE11 6GCE12 6GCE13 6GCE14 6GCE15 6GCE16 6GCE17 6GCE18 6GCE19 6GCE1A 6GCE1B 6GCE1C 6GCE1E 6GCE1F 6GCE1G 6GCE1J 6GCE1K 6GCE1L 6GCE1M 6GCE1N 6GCE1P 6GCE1Q 6GCE1R 6GCE1S 6GCE1T 6GCE1U 6GCE1W 6GCE1X 6GCE1Y 6GCE1Z 6GCE20 6GCE21 6GCE22 6GCE23 6GCE24 6GCE25 6GCE26 6GCE27 6GCE28 6GCE29 6GCE2A 6GCE2B 6GCE2C 6GCE2D 6GCE2E 6GCE2F 6GCE2G 6GCE2H 6GCE2J 6GCE2K 6GCE2L 6GCE2M 6GCE2N 6GCE2P 6GCE2Q Class of 2004 Endowment Doris Dean Palmer '30 Endowed Schol Harold C & Martha Zehr Schol Endowm Switzer Fund History Prize Student Affairs Scholarship Endowmt Jane E. Babin Scholarship Fund Trevorrow Fund for Library Interns Heritage Society Endowment Morgridge Opportunity Scholarship Operating Staff Endowed Scholarship Michelle Morse Memorial Schol Kent Criminal Justice Spirit Award UNIQUE Endowment Allocation Plan B Dearborn Endowed Art Schol Professorship Gifts Ruth Birch Marzec '48 Schl End James W Tethers Endowed Schol J Philip & Eva M Duguay Schol Forrest M & Opal M Steen Scholl Stevens-Bristow Professorship Imagine A Way Schol Endowment Wixson Endowed Prof of Math Eugene & Joan Savage Edu Award Patricia Stips Lamson Library End Patricia Stips Scholarship Endowmnt PSU PAT Scholarship Endowment Roberta T Bartlett Art Scholarship Roberta T Bartlett Music Schol Eastman-PMK/TKE Schol Endmt Gary K Richey Endowed Schol McCabe Leadership Scholarship Fund Merilee Phillips Accounting Schol Donald P. Wharton Endowment P E Arold Memorial Fund Class of 1937 Fund Irwin Willard Jones Scholarship Barbara Boyce Oakes Schol Citizens Bank Endowed Schol Beatrice Hodgdon Award (Class Donna Ford Memorial Fund Myrtle L Grover Schol Fund George & Helen Koehler Endowed Fund Janet Sanford Kelliher Endowed Schl Wiggett Family Student Support Dennise Maslakowski Grad Ed Schol Lovett Fund for Ctr for the Envir Mary Rita Hyde '62 Mem Schol Meg Petersen Endowed Scholarship Hage-Diversity & Intern'l Initiativ Trimpi Endwmnt-Perf Study Talent Gr Matthew S Budrow '06 Mem End Schol Anonymous-ES&P Schol Endowment Thurston-Cheney Performing Arts Supporting Our Stdnts Faculty Schol Small Business & Entreprenrshp Schl Mary E Campbell '91 Schol Endwmnt Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 1,222 794 594 42 582 671 3,952 2,514 12,287 7,424 845 500 7,958 1,096 500 1,849 527 500 500 5,418 1,912 5,770 2,106 9,993 5,135 6,821 1,846 1,846 1,418 483 1,859 376 3,502 2,867 2,003 3,181 5,858 1,377 1,435 274 4,188 1,018 940 368 5,000 966 580 1,027 5,578 4,892 1,009 4,750 12,000 8,342 2,965 3,920 1,222 794 594 42 582 671 3,952 2,514 12,287 7,424 845 500 7,958 1,096 500 1,849 527 500 500 5,418 1,912 5,770 2,106 9,993 5,135 6,821 1,846 1,846 1,418 483 1,859 376 3,502 2,867 2,003 3,181 5,858 1,377 1,435 274 4,188 1,018 940 368 5,000 966 580 1,027 5,578 4,892 1,009 4,750 12,000 8,342 2,965 3,920 369 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 6GCE2R 6GCE2S 6GCE2T 6GCE2U 6GCE2V 6GCE2W 6GCE2X 6GCE2Y 6GCE2Z 6GCE30 6GCE31 6GCE32 6GCE33 6GCE34 6GCE35 6GCE36 6GCE37 6GCE39 6GCE3B 6GCE3C 6GCE3D 6GCE3G 6GCE3H 6GCE3J 6GCE3K 6GCE40 6GCE41 6GCE42 6GCE43 6GCE44 6GCE45 6GCE46 6GCE47 6GCE48 6GCE49 6GCE50 6GCE51 6GCE52 6GCE53 6GCE55 6GCE56 6GCE58 6GCE60 6GCE61 6GCE62 6GCE63 6GCE64 6GCE65 6GCE66 6GCE67 6GCE68 6GCE69 6GCE70 6GCE71 6GCE72 6GCE73 Helen Abbott '39 Prfshp Envir Stud Pamela Marrapese-Keep NH LakesClear John P& June Estelle Ryan Lewis '44 Norman '37 & Cecile Demers Schol Schlesinger Mem Schol in Poli Sci Sharon R Parish Mem Schol Bernier Athletic Training Scholrshp Dearborn-May Psychology Scholarship Robert & Margot Swift Endowed Schol Gary David Johnson Scholarship Harry Prebble Swett Fund Lillian Groux Matton Scholarsh Bernice Goodwin Spaulding Scho Scott Descoteaux Memorial Scho Art Dept. Endowment Fund Blanche Colby Stacy Class of 1941 Class of 1946 Fund Mark E. Bates '75 Meml Schol Estes German Study Abroad Schol Burton '62 Public Service Schol PSU Nursing Scholarship Plant Nursing Schol Endowmt Holding J Loughlin Schol Endowment Holding N Snyder Sem-at-Sea Endowmt Holding Class of 1957 Fund Charles L Currier Memorial Fun John F. Ozog Memorial Fund PSU Mathematics Department Fun PSU AA Endowment Schol Fund Dorothy Whiting Scholarshiip Hartman/Kelly Endowment Schol Brennan Hart Scholarship Madie Barrett Scholarship Marie Connelly Endowment Schol M."Rock" Kenyon Alumni Roi White Memorial Schol Jessie Barnes Metcalf School James J Hogan Mem Fund Isabelle Murray Scholarship Geneva M Smith Scholarship Hazel Balch Moore '26 Scholars Emma Paulsen Knapp '17 Scholar Clarice Clark Parker Award Ann L Wharton Scholarship David Grierson Memorial Robert J Doherty 86 Schol AAUW Non Traditional Stud Schl John Defortis Scholarship Fund James Hamilton Memorial Ola A Hubbard Scholarship Ella O Keene Scholarship Fund William L Taylor Memorial Fund Emma Yeaton Wheeler School Lydia Briggs Endowment John V Miller Mem Sbi-Endowed Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 3,390 917 1,977 1,977 1,600 1,927 1,899 9,000 2,002 1,585 19 3,554 585 1,579 503 2,912 8,077 2,434 3,043 3,001 13,578 5,000 5,000 3,650 915 542 949 577 337 3,783 473 288 2,834 4,755 873 776 1,438 906 2,512 304 5,461 2,595 446 834 1,124 6,030 488 881 541 1,272 34,011 7,955 661 1,161 1,709 7,536 3,390 917 1,977 1,977 1,600 1,927 1,899 9,000 2,002 1,585 19 3,554 585 1,579 503 2,912 8,077 2,434 3,043 3,001 13,578 5,000 5,000 3,650 915 542 949 577 337 3,783 473 288 2,834 4,755 873 776 1,438 906 2,512 304 5,461 2,595 446 834 1,124 6,030 488 881 541 1,272 34,011 7,955 661 1,161 1,709 7,536 370 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 6GCE74 6GCE76 6GCE77 6GCE78 6GCE79 6GCE80 6GCE81 6GCE82 6GCE83 6GCE84 6GCE85 6GCE86 6GCE88 6GCE91 6GCE93 6GCE94 6GCE95 6GCE96 6GCE97 6GCE98 6GCE99 6GCEM1 6GCEM2 6GCJCH 6GCJLC 6GCJLM 6GCMLR 6GCMPN 6GCNPS 6GCOKR 6GCPGN 6GCPMG 6GCPNS 6GCRFL 6GCRHR 6GCS67 6GCSIS 6GCSKD 6GCSPC 6GCSSS 6GCTMP 6GCVET 6GCWAB 6GCWDP 6GFALM 6GHABB 6GHACR 6GHAD1 6GHAD2 6GHAFB 6GHAFH 6GHAIH 6GHAMB 6GHAML 6GHAMS 6GHASB Jeanette + Richard Collins End Maureen Shine Bateman Mem Schl Regina Thorton Mem Schol Carol Anne Soucie Mem Schol Karl Drerup Art Scholarship Norton R Bagley Scholarship H B Barton Endowed Schol Catherine & Kirk Middlekauff Sally Boland Memorial Schol Barbara Dearborn Math Scholars Collins Discretionary Challenge En C E Brown-Applied Comp Sci Sch Harold E Hyde Endowed Schol Wm S Belvin Schol-Endowment John K Walsh John L Daly Scholarship Fund HPER Alumni Merit Scholarship Fund Cindy Kilzen Award Class Of 1952 Scholarship Grappone Granite State Scholars Barbara Willey '37 Bertha Fauver Char Gift Annity Wm&Christy Belvin Char Gft Annuity Jonathan '79 & Cornelia Hall Schol Joseph L Clark Fund John M Loughlin '86 Mem Schol Mary Lyon Restoration Alumni Madeline Plant Nursing Scholarship Necchi '77 Prof Sales Annual Schol Okrant Family Schol-Tourism Studies Peace Garden Gifts OPR Publications/marketing Gifts PSU Nursing Scholarship-Holding Robert Frost Letters-Gifts Russell House Restoration Alum Class of '67 Scholarship Student Involvement Schol Sigma Kappa Delta Phi Alumni F Alumni Special Programs-Gifts Snyder '63 Sem at Sea Annual Schol Advancement Gift Holding-Restricted Veterans Scholarship Gifts Wiggett Annual Schlrshp in Business Walter & Dorothy Peterson Schol Alumni Gifts ITS PSU Dug Out Club Cross Country Running Gifts Athletics-General Alumni Fund Women's Athletics Alumni Fund Football Field Hockey Ice Hockey Basketball Mens Lacrosse M Soccer Mens Softball, Women Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 1,941 1,352 395 610 2,774 4,427 1,152 1,231 608 1,519 1,649 930 2,415 1,367 670 768 546 466 1,340 3,005 5,103 30 7,762 5,000 15,195 1,850 3,120 2,125 1,000 2,958 5,000 251 10,250 1,000 25 1,000 645 68 7,722 1,020 2,015 255 2,100 4,000 1,485 450 1,058 60,766 2,884 21,955 1,784 3,392 927 10,826 3,912 438 1,941 1,352 395 610 2,774 4,427 1,152 1,231 608 1,519 1,649 930 2,415 1,367 670 768 546 466 1,340 3,005 5,103 30 7,762 5,000 15,195 1,850 3,120 2,125 1,000 2,958 5,000 251 10,250 1,000 25 1,000 645 68 7,722 1,020 2,015 255 2,100 4,000 1,485 450 1,058 60,766 2,884 21,955 1,784 3,392 927 10,826 3,912 438 371 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 6GHASK 6GHASW 6GHATR 6GHAVB 6GHAWB 6GHAWL 6GHAWR 6GHAWS 6GHAWT 6GHWRM 6GS220 6GS221 6GS222 6GSCDV 6GSCMG 6GSPCC 6GSPED 6GSSAF 6GSUPD 6GSWCN 6GTALS 6GTCHE 6GTGEN 6GTGRK 6GTJTS 6GTKNM 6GTLPE 6GTMET 6GTMRG 6GTOUT 6GTRFD 6GTSAT 6GTSFS 6GTSLD 6GTSSF 6GTWHO 6GTWRG PSU Ski Team Swimming Athletics Traing Gifts Women'S Volleyball Team Gifts Basketball Women Lacrosse W Wrestling Women's Soccer Women's Tennis Athletic's Weight Room Gifts CSLC-Alternative Spring Break Community Service Angel Tree Comunity Service Learning Center The Bagley Center Gifts Crawford-Martin Opportunity Grants Counseling Ctr Hagedorn Lib PEEPS Gifts Student Affairs Gifts University Police Dept Gifts Alumni Gifts Women's Center ALSO Gifts Cheerleader Gifts Ending Genocide Around the World Greek Council Gfits Jason Tuscano Annual Scholarship Kelly Nester Memorial Gifts Lambda Pi Eta Honor Society American Meteorological Soc Gifts Men's Rugby Gifts Outing Club Alumni Fund Robert Frost Speech & Debate Gifts Student Athletic Trainers Club NH Transfer Student Fund Student Senate Leadership Awrd PSU Student Support Fund Women's Ice Hockey Gifts Women's Rugby Gifts TOTAL RESTRICTED GIFTS & ENDOWMENT INCOME 610006 610007 610009 612001 615000 63A002 63E118 63E123 63E124 63E126 63E128 63R133 63R155 63R157 63R159 63R160 SPONSORED RESEARCH & PROGRAMS Hubbard Brook JVA II Ore Hill II CERCLA site WMNF Trailhead Stewardship Intern Shannon Rogers USACE IPA NSRC Carbon Flux Processor Assessment, Farm Survey Quantitative Literacy PreK-16 Partnership for Science Inquiry SAHE Title IIA MSP Teacher as Researcher SAHE FY13 FY10 Misc Special Projects FY13 Return on Investment FY13 Travel Volume Evaluation FY13 Forecasts FY13 Tourism Satellite Account Cash and Investments 19,477 2,763 2,139 6,283 2,189 10,187 1,521 3,064 419 5,945 3,576 585 50 608 6,446 1,110 100 4,185 100 115 650 213 8 605 1,500 30 1,054 1,875 2,275 218 1,450 426 3,427 115 16,022 942 416 1,093,515 (343) (7,760) (893) (11,017) 2,400 (5,048) 13,178 (3,331) 981 (6) (75,616) (580) (1,312) (6,701) (282) (7,594) Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income (57) - - - - (858) - - - - - Total Net Position 19,477 2,763 2,139 6,283 2,189 10,187 1,464 3,064 419 5,945 3,576 585 50 608 6,446 1,110 100 4,185 100 115 650 213 8 605 1,500 30 1,054 1,875 2,275 218 1,450 426 3,427 115 16,022 942 416 1,092,657 343 7,760 893 11,017 - (2,400) 5,048 (13,178) 3,331 (981) 6 104,891 580 1,312 6,701 282 7,594 (29,276) (1) 372 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 63R161 63R164 63R166 63R167 63R168 63R169 63R170 63R171 63R172 63R173 63R174 63R178 63Z041 63Z049 63Z050 63Z053 647007 647009 647014 647015 647016 647017 647018 647LOC 64B007 64B008 64B045 64B049 64B050 64B051 64F000 64G050 64G082 64G083 64G084 64N040 64N061 64N084 64N085 64N094 64N099 64N100 64N108 64N111 64N112 64N114 64N117 64N120 64N121 64N125 64N129 64N133 64N136 64N137 64N138 64N139 FY13 Conversion Studies FY13 Tourism as Economic Dev Tool FY13 Administration of Contract FY14 Return on Investment FY14 Joint Promotional Program FY14 Travel Volume Evaluation FY14 Visitor Estimates FY14 Forecast FY14 Visitor Profiles FY14 Canadian Travelers FY14 NH Tourism Industry Survey FY14 Admin Research Contract Enhancing N Country Vol Monitoring CY11 VAWA FY12 Enforcing Underage Drinking CY2014 VAWA Mechanisms Underlying Limulus Beh Decadal cyclicity-NW Iceland lake Summer Research Exp. @ Hubbard Brk Enhancing Climate Change Comm. Limulus behavior Molecules Movement RUI Supplem't Mech.Underlyg.Limulu Iceland REU Supplemental PSU NSF LOC Integrated Cur Educ Technology Program Income/Math Dept RGGI Community Roadmap Climatological record low-level PSNH Weather Var. & Power Outages AIRMAR Advanced Portable Lightning Food on the Border FY11-12 Social Work Educ. Prtnshp FY14 Social Work Educ. Partnership FEMA N. River Street Hazard Mit. Nutrient Loading Study Moultonbo PSU National Writing Project National Writing Project FY05 National Writing Project 2006-2007 New Hampton Natural Resources Inv 2007-2008 National Writing Project Newfound Lake Region Watershed Grantham Critical Conservation Land Coos County Outreach Initiative 08-09 National Writing Project 08-09 National Writing Project Three Mile Island Sustainability HBRF REU Campus Compact Engaged Dept (ART) Mt Tecumseh Altitudinal Transect Coos seed grant Howarth,May Coos seed grant Amidon Amidon - Eco Art seed grant 09-10 Plymouth Writing Project 09-10 PWP - Mini grant Early Childhood Provider Network Canaan Street Lake Water Protection Cash and Investments (11,446) (1,035) (58) (21) (2,144) (9,173) (631) (1,865) (24,568) (2,144) (1,865) (3,925) (860) (201) (12,640) 854 (549) 10,067 (3,677) (1,425) 1,328 (1,339) (20) (252) 4,334 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable 11,446 1,035 58 21 2,144 9,173 631 1,865 24,568 2,144 1,865 3,925 860 5,899 201 12,640 Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 4,334 (1) 6,931 9,533 - (5,899) (854) 549 1,933 3,677 1,425 (12,000) (1,328) 1,339 20 252 49 90 4,523 263 4,884 (7,817) (2,258) 7,763 4 301 1,466 6,931 (1,061) 7,186 1,751 42 35,750 (842) (2,282) 10 692 395 7,748 (352) (76) (467) 1,627 1,291 264 (917) Deposits and Unearned Revenues (49) (90) (5,322) (263) (8,417) 798 3,533 7,817 2,258 (7,763) (4) (474) (1,466) 173 2,354 2,986 (1,139) 1,061 2,347 (1,751) (42) (35,750) 842 2,282 (10) (692) (395) (8,963) 352 76 467 (1,627) (1,291) (264) (2,069) 373 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 64N144 64N149 64N152 64N153 64N154 64N155 64N156 64N158 64N160 64N161 64N162 64N164 64N165 64N166 64N167 64N169 64N171 64N172 64N176 64N177 64N178 64N179 64N182 64N183 64N184 64N188 64N189 64N191 64N192 64N193 64N194 64N195 64N197 64N199 64N200 64N201 64N202 64N203 64N204 64N205 64N206 64N207 64N208 64N209 64N210 64N212 64N213 64N214 64U012 64U021 64U035 64U038 64U039 64U040 64U041 64U042 Engaged Dept Envir Science Weeks Act Coos seed grant Green Coos seed grant Lee & Lelas Coos seed grant Burckes MIller Coos seed grant Okrant FY10 Coos seed grant Pruyn NAEYA Professional Dev Inst Grafton Cnty Labor Market Assessmnt 10-11 Plymouth Writing Project Early Childhood Learn & Educ. YRII Implementation of Every Acre Counts Transpiration Response Fertilizatio Volunteer Surface Water Monitoring French Film Festival 2011 AMC - The Weeks Act FY11 Coos County Outreach Init. NWP NEWP retreat spring 2011 NH Writing Project Manchester Con. NWP Writing Across the Curriculum NWP 2011-2012 YR3 Early Childhood Learning & Educ INTEL Math - Rochester Math Teachers Circles Squam Lake Recreation Mgt AHEAD Market Research Rural Health Worforce FY13 N. Country Teacher Cert FY13 Coos Early Childhood Scholarsh SEED Bakersville Prof. Dev. Passing Through: Allure Wht Mtns YR4 Early Childhood Learning & Educ Young Feminists Leadership Conf. From Volunteers to STEM Careers Early Childhood YR5 Economic Impact:NH Lodging & Rest. Partnerships Project Grant Coos Cnty Outreach Init. phase III SEED McLaughlin Middle School Plymouth Service Learning Initiativ "Dottie" Performance FY14 Young Feminist Leadership Conf Goldberg Foundation funding NH Eating Disorders Conf, Prof. Dev NH Holocaust Educators 2014-2016 SEED Teacher Leadership D Economic Impact Study NH Timber Own AMC Economic Impact Study Update NASA Space Grant Fy02 NASA Workforce Development Summer Sustaining Ecosystem Health in N Fo NASA Space Grant 2010-2015 Risk Management II - Food Safety Ed Icing Assessments Cold & Alpine En NH INBRE Administrative INBRE - Chabot Cash and Investments 820 (2,416) (5,605) (5,626) (5,389) (3,497) (4,585) 3 20 560 36,775 12 (782) 2,540 60 (22) 416 (217) 777 618 (19,406) 19 5,809 248 2,000 (4,190) 839 5,406 (1) 668 2 903 (182) 2,332 78,070 (3,032) 664 25,231 10,003 (20,125) 554 (64) (100) 10,906 3,021 10,000 (4,029) (1,324) 352 (4,773) 227 (253) (3,457) (9,943) 514 906 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position (820) 2,416 5,605 5,626 5,389 3,497 4,585 (3) (20) (560) (36,775) (12) 352 227 - 782 (2,540) (60) 22 (416) 217 (11,052) (618) 19,406 (19) (5,809) (248) (6,000) 4,190 (839) (5,406) 1 (668) (2) (903) 182 (2,332) (78,070) 10,275 4,000 3,032 (664) (25,231) (10,003) 20,125 (554) 64 100 (10,906) (3,021) (10,000) 4,029 1,324 4,773 253 3,457 12,135 (514) (2,192) (906) 374 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 64U044 64U045 64U046 64U047 64U048 64U049 64U051 64U056 64U058 64U059 64U062 64U063 64U064 64U065 64U066 64ZPSC 65C000 65C010 65C024 65P000 65P001 65P002 65P003 65Z000 684101 684116 684121 684122 684124 684125 684127 693001 INBRE - King EPSCoR WATER Risk Mgt III EPSCoR Water - New Hire EPSCoR Water - Workforce EPSCoR Water - External Engagement INBRE Admin-Training FY13 FL Keys Nat'l Marine Sanctury FY14 INBRE - King INBRE - FY14 - Son FY14 INBRE Research Admin INBRE - FY14 Chabot EPSCoR Track II Bush Mini Grant IHE Program Crosswalk Restricted Rev Adjustment- PSU PSU Undistributed Salaries Freshwater Studies Costshare PELI Costshare '10-11 Program Income/Math Dept NH Impact Program Income Plymouth Writers Group Prgm Income ESST Program Income- Turski Grant Holding Account FY11 Direct Loan Program FY13 Federal Workstudy FY14 Direct Loan Program FY14 Federal Workstudy FY14 PELL PASS AY13-14 FY15 Federal Workstudy SAMHSA Suicide Prevention TOTAL SPONSORED RESEARCH & PROGRAMS 6LF610 6LF611 6LF612 6LF614 6LF615 6LF616 6LF617 6LF618 6LF619 6LF620 6LF621 6LF623 6LF624 6LF625 6LF626 6LF627 6LF631 6LF641 6LF661 6LLIAB LOAN FUNDS PSU Perkins Student Loan Fund PSU Perkins Federal Cont PSU Perkins Univ Contribution PSU Perkins Federal Reimburse PSU Perkins Admin Expenses PSU Perkins Prov/Doubtful Acct PSU Perkins Collection Costs PSU Perkins Teaching Cancel PSU Perkins Death Cancellation PSU Perkins Disability Cancel PSU Perkins Bankruptcy Cancell PSU Perkins Military Cancell PSU Perkins Mfa/Now Acct Check PSU Perkins Interest Income PSU Perkins Late Fees PSU Perkins Loans Assigned PSU Student Loan Fund PSU Faculty Loan Fund Lillian G Worcester Loan Federal Perkins liability TOTAL LOAN FUNDS Cash and Investments 206 (27,545) 5,906 (9,532) 899 2,952 (189) (10,556) (27,077) (12,666) (26,524) (31,851) (3,715) (1,085) (8) 11,631 12 10,406 449 620 2,011 59,005 44 7,133 (2,438) 98 8,678 160 (773) (6,815) (3,680) (13,099) (65,356) (2,219,998) 2,158,649 508,790 232,366 (1,089,706) (381,570) (97,150) (587,322) (42,401) (8,457) (20,283) (1,279) 137,606 1,669,879 108,006 (53,155) 16,435 12,378 60,502 403,290 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position (206) 5,906 899 2,952 11,631 12 10,406 449 620 2,011 59,005 44 897 98 160 116,465 27,545 9,532 189 10,556 31,577 12,666 26,608 32,351 3,715 1,085 93 23,504 (4,500) (84) (500) (85) (23,504) (7,236) 2,438 1,000 (8,678) 773 6,815 3,680 13,365 502,651 - - - (266) (52,224) (268,606) - - - - 2,219,998 8,800 2,228,798 - - - - - - (1,654,774) (1,654,774) - - 2,158,649 508,790 232,366 (1,089,706) (381,570) (97,150) (587,322) (42,401) (8,457) (20,283) (1,279) 137,606 1,669,879 108,006 (53,155) 16,435 12,378 69,302 (1,654,774) 977,314 375 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 6M0001 6M0002 6QC001 6QC002 6QC003 6QC004 6QC005 6QC006 6QC007 6QC008 6QC009 6TC001 6TC002 6TC003 6TC004 6TC005 6TC006 6TC007 6TC008 6TC010 6TC011 6TC012 6TC013 6TC014 6TC015 6TC016 6TC017 6TC018 6TC019 6TC020 6TC021 6TC022 6TC023 6TC024 6TC025 6TC026 6TC027 6TC028 6TC029 6TC030 6TC031 6TC032 6TC033 6TC034 6TC035 6TC036 6TC037 6TC038 6TC039 6TC040 6TC041 6TC042 6TC043 6TC044 6TC045 ENDOWMENT & SIMILAR FUNDS Bertha H. Fauver Char Gift Annuity Wm&Christy Belvin Char Gft Annuity PSU Student Activity Endowment HPER Alumni Merit Scholarship Cindy Kilzen Award New Hampshire Transfer Student Fund Roberta T Bartlett Art Scholarship Roberta T Bartlett Music Schol AllWell Ice Arena Quasi-endmt Fund 2011 Campus Community Leader Schl John P& June Estelle Ryan Lewis '44 Ann L Wharton Scholar Endow Bea Hodgon Paul E Arold Mem Scholar PSU Class of 1937 Class of 1941 Scott Descoteaux Scholr Fund Donna Ford Fund Lillian Groux Mattoon Memorial Art Dept (PSU) Madie W. Barrett Robert L. Boyd Class of 1946 (PSU) Class of 1957 (PSU) Citizens Bank Endowed Scholars Marie Connelly Charles L. Currier Mememorial William C. & Helen C. Gray Myrtle Grover Endowment Hartman/Kelly Scholarship James J. Hogan Gary David Johnson Mem. Sch. Irving Willard Jones Mem Fund Margaret 'Peg' Rock Kenyon Emma Paulsen Knapp '17 Schola Hazel Balch Moore Isabelle Murray Scholarship Barbara Boyce Oaks John F. Ozog Mem. PSU AA Scholarship Fund PSU Math Dept. Fund Bernice Goodwin Spaulding Blanche Colby Stacy Fund Harry Preble Swett Roi M White Dorothy E. Whiting Clarice Clark Parker Award Aauw Non-Traditional Student Robert J. Doherty '86 Scholars David 'Tuck' Grierson Memorial John V. Defortis '77 Schshp Barbara S Dearborn Brennan Hart Memorial Fund Hamilton, James Scholarship Ella O Keene Scholarship Fund Cash and Investments 5,603 20,073 576,235 16,341 7,253 48,436 57,366 57,366 3,819,102 136,544 61,603 34,904 44,877 66,173 62,072 37,511 32,759 7,692 38,839 19,783 70,554 3,006 73,186 16,872 43,154 25,900 27,880 47,678 126,346 8,894 43,920 31,812 90,606 23,042 12,958 71,307 9,303 112,346 41,848 115,388 8,204 17,240 87,744 45,158 45,508 12,540 2,278 21,348 12,171 14,570 15,993 46,793 93,185 1,969 186,725 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues (890) (661) Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income (1,974) (19,675) (636,577) Total Net Position 2,739 (263) 576,235 16,341 7,253 48,436 57,366 57,366 3,182,525 136,544 61,603 34,904 44,877 66,173 62,072 37,511 32,759 7,692 38,839 19,783 70,554 3,006 73,186 16,872 43,154 25,900 27,880 47,678 126,346 8,894 43,920 31,812 90,606 23,042 12,958 71,307 9,303 112,346 41,848 115,388 8,204 17,240 87,744 45,158 45,508 12,540 2,278 21,348 12,171 14,570 15,993 46,793 93,185 1,969 186,725 376 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 6TC046 6TC047 6TC048 6TC049 6TC050 6TC051 6TC052 6TC053 6TC054 6TC055 6TC056 6TC057 6TC058 6TC059 6TC060 6TC062 6TC063 6TC064 6TC065 6TC066 6TC067 6TC068 6TC071 6TC072 6TC073 6TC074 6TC075 6TC076 6TC078 6TC079 6TC080 6TC081 6TC082 6TC084 6TC085 6TC086 6TC087 6TC088 6TC089 6TC090 6TC091 6TC092 6TC093 6TC094 6TC095 6TC096 6TC098 6TC099 6TC100 6TC101 6TC102 6TC103 6TC104 6TC105 6TC106 6TC107 Catherine & Kirk Middlekauf Emma Yeaton Wheeler Scholarship Lydia Briggs Endowment Geneva M Smith Endowed Schol Ola Hubbard Scholarship Jessie Barnes Metcalf Endowmen William L Taylor Memorial Fund Jeanette & Richard Collins End John V Miller SBI Endow Fund Carole Anne Soucie Mem Endow M Shine Bateman Mem Schlrshp Regina Thornton Mem Schol Karl Drerup Art Scholarship Norton R Bagley Scholarship H B Barton Memorial Scholarsh Sally Boland Memorial Schol John L Daly Scholarship Fund Harold E Hyde Endowed Schol C E Brown-Applied Comp Sci Sch John K Walsh Scholarship Fund Collins Challenge Endowment William S Belvin Endow Schol Class of 1952 Gifts Grappone Granite State Scholars Elaine Gail Vaillant Brown Schl-End Morgridge Family Internship Fund Barbara Willey '37 Endowment Fund N Hopkins '37 & M Hopkins '37 Scho Larry K & Dawn Ray Haynes Schol Fun Class of 1962 Scholarship Endowment Raise the Curtain Endowment Fund Barry M Ross '73 Scholarship Fund Class of 1951 Endowment Doris Dean Palmer '30 Endowed Schol Switzer Fund History Prize Endowmen Student Affairs Scholarship Endowmt Harold C & Martha Zehr Endowment Graduate Research Fund Endowment Jane E. Babin Scholarship Fund Trevorrow Fund for Library Interns Heritage Society Endowment Morgridge Opportunity Scholarship Operating Staff Endowed Scholarship Merilee Phillips Accounting Endowme Donald P. Wharton Endowment Michelle Morse Mem Schol Endowmnt Hanaway Endowmnt for the Perf Arts Mehmet Canlar Endowed Schol Eastman-PMK/TKE Schol Endmt Ruth Birch Marzec '48 Schl End James W Tethers Endowed Schol J Philip & Eva M Duguay Schol Stevens-Bristow Professorship Imagine A Way Schol Endowment Wixson Endowed Prof of Math Eugene & Joan Savage Edu Award Cash and Investments 18,921 34,984 10,198 139,710 691,413 27,934 20,997 151,411 20,094 11,765 41,913 10,570 64,510 134,066 10,957 16,285 22,419 68,994 60,876 21,386 18,017 40,699 45,824 78,083 63,250 74,011 163,130 21,338 31,786 55,158 33,860 34,359 13,247 17,236 34,797 18,168 18,956 19,297 19,237 92,634 56,727 1,020,029 40,938 9,896 44,429 32,585 101,605 7,756 32,385 27,125 16,052 13,557 103,057 53,701 45,702 61,368 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 18,921 34,984 10,198 139,710 691,413 27,934 20,997 151,411 20,094 11,765 41,913 10,570 64,510 134,066 10,957 16,285 22,419 68,994 60,876 21,386 18,017 40,699 45,824 78,083 63,250 74,011 163,130 21,338 31,786 55,158 33,860 34,359 13,247 17,236 34,797 18,168 18,956 19,297 19,237 92,634 56,727 1,020,029 40,938 9,896 44,429 32,585 101,605 7,756 32,385 27,125 16,052 13,557 103,057 53,701 45,702 61,368 377 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 6TC108 6TC109 6TC110 6TC111 6TC112 6TC115 6TC116 6TC117 6TC118 6TC119 6TC120 6TC121 6TC122 6TC123 6TC124 6TC125 6TC126 6TC127 6TC128 6TC129 6TC130 6TC131 6TC132 6TC133 6TC134 6TC135 6TC136 6TC137 6TC138 6TC140 Patricia Stips Lamson Library End Patricia Stips Scholarship Endowmnt Forrest M & Opal M Steen Schol B Dearborn Endowed Art Schol PSU PAT Scholarship Endowment Gary K Richey Endowed Schol George & Helen Koehler Endowed Fund Janet Sanford Kelliher Endowed Schl Kent Criminal Justice Spirit Award Lovett Fund for Ctr for the Envir Dennise Maslakowski Grad Ed Schol Mary Rita Hyde '62 Mem Schol Meg Petersen Endowed Scholarship Hage-Diversity & Intern'l Initiativ Trimpi Endwmnt-Perf Study Talent Gr Matthew S Budrow '06 Mem End Schol Small Business & Entreprenrshp Schl Helen Abbott '39 Prfshp Envir Stud Norman '37 & Cecile Demers Schol Supporting Our Stdnts Faculty Schol Pamela Marrapese-Keep NHLakesClear Sharon R Parish Mem Schol Bernier Athletic Training Scholrshp Schlesinger Mem Schol in Poli Sci Mark E. Bates '75 Meml Schol McCabe Leadership Scholarship Fund Robert & Margot Swift Endowed Schol Wiggett Family Student Support Endw Estes German Study Abroad Schol UNIQUE Endowment Alloc Plan-PSU TOTAL ENDOWMENT & SIMILAR FUNDS 6N0ADJ 6NG001 6NG002 6NG007 6NG009 6NG011 6NG013 6NG015 6NG023 6NG09A 6NGIFB 6X4G00 6XB021 6XB023 6XB032 6XB039 6XB050 6XB053 6XB054 6XB076 6XB088 6XB092 PLANT FUNDS PSU Net Invested in Plant Adjust PSU Net Invested in Plant PSU Equipment 2001 HEFA DEBT 2001R HEFA DEBT 2002 HEFA Refunding Debt 2006B-2 HEFA DEBT 2005A HEFA DEBT 2006 HEFA Debt 2009A HEFA DEBT PSU Internal Borrowings FEMA North River St., Hazard Mit Memorial Place 91 10 School Street CAB Project Support Campus Shuttle Facilities Services Building Physical Plant Vehicles Travel Bureau Campus Carpeting & Flooring Campus Signage Equipment Cash and Investments 89,111 177,287 12,868 21,348 39,195 11,666 29,979 35,715 12,385 21,307 85,253 14,508 34,891 38,598 144,577 41,955 92,404 73,477 61,603 30,242 29,308 61,594 15,960 34,065 110,997 14,951 38,681 11,773 27,461 5,703,297 18,013,816 Accounts & Notes Receivable - Prepaid and Other Assets - Property, Plant & Equipment - (500,000) 126,921,046 3,414,739 35,232 Deferred Outflows - Accounts Payable (1,551) Deposits and Unearned Revenues (636,577) Accrued Employee Benefits - Refundable Government Advances - Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income - (21,649) (49,500) (7,566,643) (5,325,821) (4,268,806) (11,787,500) (12,293,455) (17,395,960) (15,899,712) (254,219) 2,575 54,756 953,706 40,077 10,151 76,858 153,906 26,843 121,340 66,519 256,355 (3,223,252) 750 (2,886) Total Net Position 89,111 177,287 12,868 21,348 39,195 11,666 29,979 35,715 12,385 21,307 85,253 14,508 34,891 38,598 144,577 41,955 92,404 73,477 61,603 30,242 29,308 61,594 15,960 34,065 110,997 14,951 38,681 11,773 27,461 5,703,297 17,354,039 (500,000) 126,906,778 3,414,739 (7,566,643) (5,325,821) (4,268,806) (11,787,500) (12,293,455) (17,395,960) (15,899,712) (3,223,252) 2,575 54,756 953,706 40,077 10,151 76,858 153,906 26,843 121,340 66,519 378 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 6XB094 6XB095 6XB105 6XB113 6XB117 6XB121 6XB126 6XB131 6XB134 6XB141 6XB150 6XB157 6XB168 6XB170 6XB171 6XB172 6XB176 6XB177 6XB178 6XB179 6XB180 6XB181 6XB183 6XB184 6XB211 6XB213 6XB240 6XB246 6XB248 6XB251 6XB254 6XB278 6XB279 6XB291 6XB292 6XB294 6XB296 6XB297 6XB299 6XB300 6XB301 6XB302 6XB305 6XB306 6XB307 6XB308 6XB309 6XB310 6XB311 6XB312 6XB313 6XB317 6XB318 6XB319 6XB320 6XC001 Computerized Management/FFI Emergency-Bldg/Grnds/Infrastructure PE Pool Balancing Tank Parking Lot Upgrades Parking Lot Signs Recycling/Compactor PE Ctr Exterior Bleachers PE Ctr Gym Floor/Bleachers Energy Mgmt/Metering Roofing Repair Asbestos Tile Removal Campus Storage Campus Ext Lighting Retros Energy Management Upgrade Tobey Road Steam Campus Gates Office Relocations Workstations ADA Requirements Safety/Environmental Major Repairs Classroom Furniture Steam Line Repairs Campus Planning Roof Reserves Energy Projects Hyde 439 Adjunct Electrical Distribution PE Resurface Gym Floor Methodist Church Construction Contingency Hyde Math Dept Classroom Upg Lamson -Group Study Room Deferred Maintenance Assessment Heritage Upgrade Card Access & Combo Locks Silver Hall Upgrade Water Quality Issues D&M Upgrade PE Center Upgrade Rounds Hall Upgrade Small Misc Deferred Projects Speare Upgrades Child Dev Ctr Misc Upgrades Memorial Upgrades Hyde Hall Upgrades PSU All Well North Samuel Read Hall Upgrades Russell House Upgrades Highland Hall Upgrades PSU Samuel Read Project Boyd Upgrades Mary Lyon Upgrades Ice Arena Upgrades Steamline Phase I - COGEN Heritage Commons Cash and Investments 24,437 70,051 52,797 27,270 43,056 52,514 26,581 26,958 131,489 40,335 135,433 123,680 138,952 55,441 430,303 64,095 93,686 39,976 112,330 88,702 81,802 109,251 81,588 112,886 263,268 62,444 46,855 89,671 15,509 12,714 53,038 37,283 16,376 541,195 38,441 126,762 39,937 14,291 79,389 20,954 66,130 9,697 116,193 18,820 24,263 136,271 1,545,223 81,900 19,633 14,630 67,140 10,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 750 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 24,437 64,396 52,797 27,270 43,056 27,891 26,581 26,958 131,489 37,380 134,637 123,680 138,952 55,441 398,803 64,095 90,461 39,976 112,330 80,589 76,972 109,251 43,576 111,536 263,268 62,444 46,855 89,671 15,509 12,714 53,038 37,283 16,376 534,220 38,441 83,168 39,937 14,291 79,389 20,954 66,130 9,697 116,193 18,820 24,263 136,271 707,481 81,900 19,633 14,630 10,000 5,000 5,000 750 (5,655) (24,623) (2,955) (796) (31,500) (3,225) (8,113) (4,830) (38,012) (1,350) (6,975) (43,594) (837,742) (67,140) (15,000) 379 PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 6XC002 6XF001 6XF003 6XF004 6XF006 6XF009 6XF019 6XF022 6XF024 6XF025 6XF026 6XF027 6XF029 6XF030 6XF031 6XF033 6XF034 6XF035 6XF036 6XF037 6XF038 6XF039 6XF040 6XS004 6XS006 6XS007 6XS021 6XS037 6XS038 6XS041 6XS042 6XS050 6XS053 6XS057 6XS058 6XS059 6XS060 6XS066 6XS067 6XS069 6XS070 6XS072 6XS075 6XS076 6XS077 CAC Equipment Upgrade & Replacement Energy Conservation Projects Cogen Building Campus Services Equipment Repl Purchase Of Property - PSU Telecom Projects ITS Systems Projects CIO Equipment Projects ITS Networking Projects 20 Highland Street Infrastructure IFB Highland Hall Debt Service ITS Vehicle Replacement VOIP (Voice over Internet Project) Ice Arena Repair & Renovation Innovation Technology Fund Classroom Technologies University Technology Projects Museum of the White Mtns IFB Master Planning PSU CNG Project Academic Technologies Samuel Read IFB Campus Carpeting '00 Prospect Dining Remodeling Res Life Furniture Hartman Union Repairs Res Life Unexpended Plant Fund Res Life Major Repairs White Mtn Apt Complex HUB Recreation 04 Res Life Truck Hartman Union Roof Lamson Library Cafe PSU Snack Bar Equipment Langdon Woods Cafe University Police Vehicles Health & Wellness R&R Res Life Energy Projects HUB Dining Ice Rink Food Service Equipment Blair Hall Renovations Langdon Woods Rekeying Res Life Buildings Smith Hall Security TOTAL PLANT FUNDS TOTAL PLYMOUTH STATE UNIVERSITY Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable 9,000 39,568 2,591 8,609 278,996 667,317 519,574 124,029 899,350 2,670 2 1 34,467 40,000 900,400 15,165 206,756 520,794 1 50,240 126,343 320,656 372,000 47,843 183,672 15,302 1,419,266 483,749 18,673 7,983 806,892 902 217,165 985 343,923 1,813 14,387 272,591 3,051 225,968 554 300 15,065 44,519 10,000 16,318,266 256,355 (3,222,252) 129,835,785 - (1,318,030) $ 64,887,579 3,406,384 (2,711,617) 129,835,785 - (2,406,354) 250 Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income - (74,537,897) 9,000 39,568 2,591 8,609 277,593 667,317 519,574 124,029 753,014 2,670 2 1 34,467 40,000 900,400 15,165 206,756 520,794 1 50,240 125,385 320,656 372,000 33,281 183,672 13,787 1,419,266 483,749 17,573 7,983 806,892 902 217,165 985 337,163 1,813 14,387 271,341 3,051 225,968 554 300 15,065 44,519 10,000 67,332,227 - (81,447,481) 102,905,096 (1,653) (146,336) (958) (14,562) (1,515) (1,100) (6,760) (1,250) (3,863,808) (3,140,618) (1,654,774) Total Net Position 380 KEENE STATE COLLEGE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 5A0PPD 5AG106 5DJPPD 5U0000 5U0PPD 5UA000 5UC000 5UD000 5UD001 5UE000 5UF000 5UG000 5UH000 5UL000 5UP000 5UR000 5US000 5UT000 5WG106 GENERAL OPERATING & OTHER UNRESTRICTED FUNDS Keene Auxiliary Prepaid Expenses KSC - GASB 45 Keene Sports Camps Prepaid Keene General Operating Keene General Prepaid Expenses Academic-Gen Op Executive Division-Gen Op Financial Aid-Gen Op Fin Aid Honors Program Scholarship Advancement Div-Gen Op Finance & Planning-Gen Op General Institutional-Gen Op Arts & Humanities-Gen Op Library Gen Op Professional Studies-Gen Op Student Affairs-Gen Op Sciences-Gen Op Physical Plant-Gen Op KSC - GASB 45 TOTAL GENERAL OPERATING & OTHER UNRESTRICTED FUNDS 5D0ADJ 5DA101 5DA103 5DA104 5DA105 5DA107 5DA108 5DA110 5DA111 5DA112 5DA113 5DA114 5DA115 5DA116 5DA117 5DA118 5DA119 5DE101 5DE102 5DE103 5DE106 5DE200 5DE201 5DE202 5DE203 5DE205 5DE207 5DE208 5DE209 5DF100 5DF101 5DF102 5DF104 5DF105 5DF106 5DF108 5DF109 5DF110 5DF111 INTERNALLY DESIGNATED KSC Int Desig Adjustments VPAA Indirect Academic Affairs Symposia Fund Faculty Development Student Development Writing Task Force Academic Enrichment Program Global Education Office (GEO) Ecuadorian Wolverhaven Exchange Program Continuing Ed Designated National Science Foundation Cost Resource25 Event Honor's Program Trip - A Honor's Program Trip - B Grants Office Indirect Recoveries NH DOE Statewide Educators Conf President Support Commission on Status of Women Hazel S. Hamilton Endow Payout COPLAC Conference Campaign Support Fund Advancement Unrestricted Gifts Alumni Designated Fund Alumni Center Facility Centennial Campus Community Development-Secure Financial Future Esther A Moreau '32 Memorial Alum KSC Parent & Family Services Finance & Planning Internally Desig Faculty Enrichment NE Association of A.P.P.A. Student Union Accounting Project FRESH External Admin Charges Utility Contingency Training and Professional Developme Council on Sustainable Futures IT Replacement Equipment Cash and Investments $ Accounts & Notes Receivable (53,737) Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows 95,420 Accounts Payable (40,433) Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income (1,250) (368,271) (28,482) 9,635,400 (626,528) 80,000 1,530,065 939,792 100,000 50,000 84,800 4,331,878 12,673 25,333 26,079 52,500 5,000 456,100 (1) 16,620,872 (3,469) 250,420 4,551 53,185 12,440 4,162 51,783 463,668 841 4,028 292,844 8,480 3,838 1,195 403 27,133 24,579 1,757 7,071 198 496 1,115 155,929 78,601 12,008 17 259,721 22,239 22,588 334 10,170 21 538 20,386 68,352 200,000 11,910 15,402 387,626 28,587 (105) (937,907) (50,398) 262,392 676,926 262,392 800,933 - - (1,028,843) (1,367,072) (1,368,322) (2,013,167) (2,013,167) - - (6,276,861) (6,645,132) Total Net Position (368,271) 5,579,646 80,000 1,530,065 939,792 100,000 50,000 84,800 4,331,878 12,673 25,333 26,079 52,500 5,000 456,100 (6,276,862) 6,628,733 (7,975) (11,444) 250,420 4,464 53,001 12,440 4,162 51,041 289,306 841 4,028 253,309 8,480 3,838 1,195 403 27,133 24,325 1,757 7,071 198 496 1,115 155,929 72,754 12,008 17 239,235 22,239 22,588 334 10,170 21 538 20,386 68,352 200,000 11,910 15,402 249,758 (87) (184) (742) (10,117) (164,245) (1,210) (38,325) (254) (5,847) (20,486) (137,868) 381 KEENE STATE COLLEGE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 5DF112 5DF114 5DF115 5DG100 5DG101 5DGCNT 5DGEMC 5DGHIF 5DGINV 5DGSTF 5DH100 5DH101 5DH102 5DH104 5DH105 5DH107 5DH108 5DH109 5DH111 5DH112 5DH113 5DH115 5DH117 5DH118 5DH119 5DJ101 5DJ104 5DJ105 5DJ106 5DJ107 5DJ108 5DJ109 5DJ110 5DJ111 5DJ112 5DJ113 5DJ116 5DJ117 5DJ120 5DJ121 5DJ122 5DJ123 5DJ125 5DL100 5DL115 5DP100 5DP101 5DP102 5DP104 5DP105 5DP109 5DP110 5DP111 5DP113 5DP114 5DP115 5DP116 5DP117 5DP118 5DP119 5DP121 5DP122 Print and Mail Services Institutional Research Canvas Migration General Institutional-Int Designate KSC Savings Incentives KSC Contingency Reserve Enrollment Management KSC Health Initiatives Fund KSC Inventories Designated KSF Separation Fund (CUFS=15SF) Theatre & Dance Designated Fund Arts & Humanities Indirect Cost Music Performance Arts Center Presenting Series Elderhostel Jonathan Daniels KSC Film Thorne Art Gallery Designated Summer Reading Program Holocaust Studies Field Trips New England ACDFA Regional Conf Professional Enhance Carry Fwd-A&H Film Studies Production Class 2 Film Studies Production Class 3 Musical Instrument Replacement Fund NCAA Athletics/Recreation Athletics Fundraising Generic Fundraising-swim team Fundraising-mens basketball Fundraising-mens baseball Fundraising-mens soccer Fundraising-womens basketball Fundraising-field hockey Fundraising-womens soccer Fundraising-womens softball Fundraising mens cross country Fundraising-men's lacrosse Fundraising-women's volleyball Athletics Sports Camps Camp-Basketball Sports Camp-Cross Country Women's Basketball Camp Fundraising-cheerleading Library Ind. Cost Distrib Int. Desi Professional Enhance Carry Fwd-Lib Professional Studies-Int Designated Professional Studies Indirect Cost Manufacturing Enterprise Class Diet Internship OSHA Allocation Safety Program Children's Literature Festival Story Telling Conference Summer Institutes (CUFS 1573) Diverse Voices Biodiesel Study Project Professional Enhance Carry Fwd-PGS Safety Indirect Recoveries Biodiesel Operations SouthWest Center at KSC KSC Nursing Program Regional Ctr for Adv Manufacturing Early Sprouts Garden Nutrition Prog Cash and Investments (26,111) 4,404 177,678 766,310 500,000 997,085 263,847 48,474 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets 40,886 Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits (193) (146) (145) 402,489 2,075,452 22,188 10,411 3,249 8,036 121,001 1,096 9 92 15,091 819 8,399 58,856 60 93 3,946 202,821 95,362 7,528 2,638 15,801 185 1,985 1,611 157 251 2 1,317 934 275,287 34,324 7,320 19,185 557 2,500 3,595 30 54,154 358 63,667 23 34,730 1,006 1,565 12,569 5,435 32,244 2,645 100,540 59,152 36,950 72,523 11,763 (672,556) 244 (92) (1,650) (60) (90) (158) (359) (25) (1,895) (105) (1,171) (586) (539) (275,262) (34,254) (1,690) (14,560) Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 14,582 4,258 177,678 766,310 500,000 997,085 263,847 48,329 402,489 1,402,896 22,188 10,411 3,249 8,280 121,001 1,096 9 15,091 819 8,399 57,206 3 3,946 202,663 95,362 7,528 2,279 15,801 185 1,985 1,611 157 251 2 1,317 934 70 5,630 4,625 557 2,500 1,700 30 54,049 358 63,667 23 34,730 1,006 1,565 11,398 5,435 31,658 2,645 100,540 58,613 36,950 72,523 11,763 382 KEENE STATE COLLEGE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 5DP123 5DR100 5DR101 5DR103 5DR104 5DR201 5DR302 5DR303 5DR304 5DR401 5DR403 5DR404 5DR405 5DR406 5DR407 5DR408 5DR409 5DR411 5DR412 5DR413 5DR415 5DR416 5DR417 5DR418 5DR419 5DR420 5DR421 5DR422 5DR423 5DR425 5DR426 5DR427 5DR428 5DS100 5DS101 5DS103 5DS105 5DS108 5DS110 5DS111 5DS112 5DS113 5DS114 5DS115 5DS116 5DT100 NH Workwise OSHA NON-21(d) Student Affairs-Int Designated Pepsi Partnership Enrollment Planning KSC Support Network HMS & Judicial System Project KSC Student Activity Fee KSC Class Dues CUFS 1513 Student Activities-Equinox Delta Mu Delta Gamma Theta Upsilon Kappa Delta Pi Kappa Mu Epsilon Omicron Delta Epsilon Phi Alpha Theta Sigma Delta Pi Phi Delta Phi Phi Sigma Iota Psi Chi Rho Sigma Kappa Sigma Tau Delta Inter-Fraternity Council Panhellenic Comm Service Int'l Service Programs KSC Operating Staff Council Nat'l Society of Collegiate Scholar Lambda Pi Eta Upsilon Pi Epsilon Alpha Kappa Delta Order of Omega Pi Sigma Alpha - Poli Sci Honor Soc Zeta Chi Rho Alpha Psi Omega Sciences-Int Designated Sciences Indirect Cost Cartography Small Business Institute CUFS 1577 Geographic Alliance Stable Isotope and Spectromety Rwanda Trip Geography - Peru Trip Sciences Start-Up Fund Biology Field Trips Professional Enhance Carry Fwd-Sci NE Intercollegiate Geological Conf Central Stores-Designated TOTAL INTERNALLY DESIGNATED 5A0ADJ 5AA101 5AA102 5AA103 5AA104 5AA105 5AF103 5AF104 5AF105 5AJ100 5AJ101 5AR101 5AR102 AUXILIARY KSC Auxiliary Adjustments SPUR Continuing Ed-OSHA Small Business Link Program Arts Center Facility Bookstore Telecom Owl Card Operations Intramural Recreation Gym/Pool Use Parking & Shuttle Services Student Center Cash and Investments 8,042 110,067 335,568 4,644 12,449 28,182 505,586 33,361 85,488 203 648 449 712 208 10 165 300 132 305 98 689 2,655 1,229 323 454 515 1 269 176 531 275 409 593 32,166 67,185 9,548 9,408 56,670 20,873 3,284 298 76,512 1,476 53,087 3,725 22,527 10,191,254 (9,777) 91,464 600,946 76 139,867 44,121 1,419,188 1,135,146 62,302 1,292,409 26,718 27,172 1,546,949 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income (1,550) (4,341) (12,000) (3,657) - 443,375 - - (201,532) (540,092) (22,475) 5,995 (7,850) 1,503 (10,907) 97,941 (1,540) (10,530) (62,367) (116,969) (19,992) (11,051) 3,884 (867) (1,551) (10,278) (6,968) (672,556) - - - Total Net Position 8,042 108,517 335,568 4,644 12,449 28,182 505,586 33,361 81,147 203 648 449 712 208 10 165 300 132 305 98 689 2,655 1,229 323 454 515 1 269 176 531 275 409 593 20,166 67,185 9,548 9,408 56,670 20,873 3,284 298 76,512 1,476 49,430 3,725 22,527 9,220,449 (32,252) 80,934 536,724 76 22,898 33,214 1,498,640 1,133,606 51,251 1,291,542 25,167 20,778 1,539,981 383 KEENE STATE COLLEGE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 5AR103 5AR104 5AR105 5AR200 5AR201 5AR203 5AR204 5AR205 5AR206 5AR207 5AR208 5AR209 5AR210 5AR211 5AR214 5AR215 5AR216 5AR217 5AR300 5AR301 Food Court Facility Use College Camp Operations Facility Rental (Non-Gym) Residence Life Carle Hall Prog Residence Hall Organization East Halls Programming Huntress/Fiske Prog Holloway Hall Prog Randall/Monadnock Programs Owls Nest/1 Butler Ct Programs The Apartments Resident Asst Organization Hall Council Carle Hall Summer Concession Res Life Student Services Living Learning Community Programs Dining Center for Health and Wellness Counseling Center TOTAL AUXILIARY 5G0HST 5GA101 5GA102 5GA103 5GA105 5GA106 5GA107 5GA109 5GA112 5GA113 5GA114 5GA115 5GA116 5GA117 5GA118 5GA119 5GA120 5GA121 5GA122 5GC101 5GD001 5GD002 5GD003 5GD004 5GD006 5GD007 5GD009 5GD010 5GD011 5GD012 5GD013 5GD014 5GD015 5GD016 5GD017 5GD018 5GD020 5GD022 5GD025 RESTRICTED GIFTS & ENDOWMENT INCOME Old Gifts--Convert Only Academic Affairs Generic Gifts Sidore Series Kristallnacht Gift Career Service Coop Gift Nat'l and Internat'l Exchange Gift Ewing World Affairs Payout Adult Learners Services Gift Fund White/von Sell Fellowshp for Clergy Student Conference Fund CCHS Holocaust Museum Trip Gift Fun Academic Service-Learning Initiativ Honors Study Abroad Program Honors Program Gift Fund Bruce LeVine Mellion Stdn Rsrch Flw American Democracy Project Gift Fnd KSC Undergraduate Research Fund Clarke Summer Research Fellowship CALL Pragram Gift Fund Office of Diversity/Multiculturalis Ruth Burnham Paige Schol Payout Music Dept Scholarship Payout Granite State Scholars Schol Payout Menard, Kendall & Carlene Schol Pay Ann Waling-Women's Studies Recog Aw Morgan, Deb Mem Scholarship payout Nutrition Comm Serv Schol -Payout Anita Nestor Nutrition Schol-Payout Class of 54 Education Schol-payout Nelson Outstanding Band Member Awar Dr Y Scholarship Endow - Payout Matt Paul RA Meml Awd - Payout F. Burton Nelson Holocaust Annl Awd Faust Annual Geology Award Sandra Ellison Mem'l Schol Endow Olive F Jennison Award Endow-Curr UNIQUE Endowment Allocation Plan Yarosewick Family Education Award-P Morris Foundation Annual Scholarshi Cash and Investments 4,670 85,480 17,086 3,167,001 2,660 16,565 6,712 5,146 2,648 3,375 10,491 3,852 57,488 3,944 6,425 10,681 6,381 898,761 190,994 312,856 11,189,797 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable (12,975) Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income (754,037) (2,800) (3,525) 11,382 - - - (820) (279,705) (75) (228) (264,623) (184) (975,130) - - - - Total Net Position 4,670 85,480 17,086 2,399,989 2,660 13,765 6,712 5,146 2,648 3,375 10,491 3,852 53,963 3,944 6,425 10,681 5,561 618,872 190,919 312,628 9,961,426 25 1,103 2,295 509 1,270 256 4,569 2,295 5,633 3,698 2,426 33,094 2,520 6,067 6,649 4,335 2,775 5,000 100 171 933 3,954 10,017 1,535 58 33 12 96 4,060 525 25 678 6,520 100 2,281 3 5,688 7,414 256,310 25 1,103 2,295 509 1,270 256 4,569 2,295 5,633 3,698 2,426 33,094 2,520 6,067 6,649 4,335 2,775 5,000 100 171 933 3,954 10,017 1,535 58 33 12 96 4,060 525 25 678 6,520 100 2,281 3 5,688 7,414 256,310 384 KEENE STATE COLLEGE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 5GD026 5GD027 5GD028 5GD029 5GD030 5GD031 5GD032 5GD033 5GD034 5GD035 5GD036 5GD037 5GD038 5GD039 5GD040 5GD041 5GD042 5GD043 5GD044 5GD045 5GD046 5GD047 5GD048 5GD049 5GD050 5GD051 5GD052 5GD055 5GD056 5GD059 5GD060 5GD064 5GD067 5GD069 5GD070 5GE102 5GE200 5GE201 5GE202 5GE203 5GE204 5GE205 5GE206 5GE207 5GE208 5GE210 5GE212 5GE213 5GE214 5GE215 5GE216 5GE217 5GE218 5GE219 5GE220 5GE221 5GE222 5GE223 5GE224 5GE227 5GE229 5GE232 Class 90-91 Lessard Mem Scholarship Emerson & Ruth McCourt '35 Scholsp Special Financial Aid Scholarship Peter H. Batchelder Scholarship Fd Bureau Education Schol Payout Eder Creative Writing Schol Payout Morris Financial Aid Need John Michael Delehanty Arts Schol Fred Fosher Excellence in Writing A Cornelius R Lyle II Scholarship Op Staff Dpndnts Schlrshp - payout Maynard Waltz Memorial Awd Payout Monadnock Nonprofit Employees Schol Envirnmntl Stdy & Chem Annual Awd Cheshire Kennel Club Vet Awd Payout Ruth Berman Mellion Music Schlrshp Gilbert LeVine Mellion Chmstry Schl Bruce LeVine Mellion Film Stdy Schl Bruce LeVine Mellion Hlcst&Gen Schl Brackett, Teacher Ed Scholarship Tyler Smith Memorial Schlrsp-Payout Class of 1961 Scholarship - Payout Bruce LeVine Mellion Hnrs Prgrm Awd Mary Yelda Music Schlrshp-Payout Waterhouse, John Schol-payout Markem-Imaje Schol-Chem TDS Bruce LeVine Mellion TDS Award Carroll Lehman Award - Music Adams, William Geography End Schol Judith G & John H Moody Schl-Cur First Generation Student Schl Fund LeVine Mellion Nurse of the Future Carl Granquist History Award Hrynowski Memorial Award Business Partners' Scholarship Fund Ann Peters Endow Payout KSC College Gift Holding Fund Faculty Program Development Gift General Scholarship Payout Fund Van Rossum Scholarship Payout Travis-Grace Scholarship Payout Hubbard Scholarship Fund Ketcham Scholarship Fund Volunteer Service Payout Fund Women's Educ Opp Grant AAUW Graduate Scholarship Thomas Alfred Scholarship Payout People's United Bank Schlrshp Cur J. Kontinos Scholarship Payout L.S. Hubbard Scholarship Payout Paul J Holloway Scholarship Payout Class of '39 Intl Educ Fund Parent Assn Scholarship Payout Anna I Rausch Scholarship Payout Filomena Romano Raich Schol Payout Christine Young Chadwick Schol Agnes Lindsay Trust Class of 1940 Gift Class of 1949 Gift Class of 1952 Gift Class of 1959 Gift Class of 1971 Gift Cash and Investments 914 34,608 10,596 5,328 1 7,473 2,250 250 323 2 500 16 4,210 1,600 943 1,235 1,235 485 1,735 2,500 203 1,278 235 790 1,000 30,000 3,705 660 500 1,000 2,315 318 2,648 975 10,000 6,795 22,149 25,333 4,836 16 16 32,594 49 622 8,793 2,000 16 547 12 3,392 9,317 2,032 583 2,114 1,079 21 4,000 792 985 716 6,117 230 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 914 34,608 10,596 5,328 1 7,473 2,250 250 323 2 500 16 4,210 1,600 943 1,235 1,235 485 1,735 2,500 203 1,278 235 790 1,000 30,000 3,705 660 500 1,000 2,315 318 2,648 975 10,000 6,795 25,333 4,836 16 16 32,594 49 622 8,793 2,000 16 547 12 3,392 9,317 2,032 583 2,114 1,079 21 4,000 792 985 716 6,117 230 (22,149) 385 KEENE STATE COLLEGE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 5GE234 5GE235 5GE236 5GE237 5GE238 5GE239 5GE240 5GE241 5GE242 5GE243 5GE246 5GE247 5GE248 5GE249 5GE250 5GE251 5GE252 5GE253 5GE254 5GE256 5GE257 5GE259 5GE260 5GE261 5GE262 5GE263 5GE264 5GE265 5GE266 5GE267 5GE268 5GE271 5GE273 5GE274 5GE275 5GE276 5GE277 5GE279 5GE280 5GE281 5GE282 5GE283 5GE284 5GE285 5GE289 5GE290 5GE291 5GE292 5GE293 5GE294 5GE295 5GE297 5GE299 5GE300 5GE301 5GE302 5GE303 5GE304 5GE305 5GE306 5GE307 5GE308 Class of 1993 Gift Class of 1995 Gift Class of 1996 Gift Class of 1997 Gift Class of 1998 Gift Class of 1999 Gift A & S Thomas Jr Gift Jesse Davis '37 Schol Payout Lucille Davis '38 Schol Payout Student Emergency Assistance Fund Adv of Interdiscipline Studies Alta Townes Mem Dance Payout Annual Cash Awards-to be broken out Francis Oliver Campus Improve Stephanie & Joseph Baute Schol. CFNH Leadership Award Clarke Dist Safety Sch Payout College Camp Endow Payout D Hickey-D Andrews Payout Resident Assistant Award Payout William D Eppes Gift Fund J H Grilli-Apt Mem Payout Hollis B Robbins Mem Payout Hildebrandt Holocaust Payout Danny Paul Hunter Mem Payout Joseph Grilli Scholarship Payout Kalich Family Dietetics Payout KEA Gift Mary/Erik Hamilton Sch Payout Marjorie Paulsen Hilton Sch Payout Peerless Math Endow Payout Class of 1956 Gift Fund 911 Scholarship Gift Fund Bricks for Books Project Class of 2001 Class Gift Class of 1987 Class Gift Veterans Monument Fund Class of 1957 Gift Class of 1955 Gift Endowed Music Schol-Fundraiser Class of 1988 Gift Fund Class of 1963 Gift Fund Class of 1973 Gift Fund Class of 1953 Gift Fund Class of 2003 Gift Fund Golden Circle Alumni Gift Fund Class of 2004 Gift Fund KSC Special Project Gift Fund Class of 2005 Gift Fund AAUW - Undergrad Diversity Annual Class of 2006 Gift Fund Kaddish Project Alumni Department Gift Fund Alumni Center Facility Enhancement Class of 1966 Gift Fund Class of 2007 Gift Fund Class of 2008 Gift Fund Class of 2009 Gift Fund Class of 1985 Gift Fund Class of 2000 Gift Fund Class of 2010 Gift Fund Class of 1986 Gift Fund Cash and Investments 4,096 4,418 2,697 9,117 867 1,134 350 147 6 1,940 1,437 34 1,319 515 26,572 65 436 3,035 440 1,437 25 6,308 3,371 4,218 1,140 351 54 1,162 10 91 74 725 606 672 20 245 485 500 2,057 210 564 1,185 490 793 454 2,737 15,376 2,510 8,684 1,500 3,452 63 93,021 287 150 7,536 485 5,159 4,841 1,142 2,783 1,924 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 4,096 4,418 2,697 9,117 867 1,134 350 147 6 1,940 1,437 34 1,319 515 26,572 65 436 3,035 440 1,437 25 6,308 3,371 4,218 1,140 351 54 1,162 10 91 74 725 606 672 20 245 485 500 2,057 210 564 1,185 490 793 454 2,737 15,376 2,510 8,684 1,500 3,452 63 87,342 287 150 7,536 485 5,159 4,841 1,142 2,783 1,924 (5,679) 386 KEENE STATE COLLEGE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 5GE309 5GE311 5GE312 5GE313 5GE314 5GE315 5GE316 5GE318 5GE320 5GE400 5GEZ16 5GEZ21 5GEZ23 5GEZ24 5GEZ25 5GEZ26 5GEZ29 5GEZ30 5GEZ33 5GEZ37 5GEZ45 5GEZ46 5GEZ55 5GF101 5GH101 5GH103 5GH104 5GH105 5GH106 5GH107 5GH108 5GH109 5GH110 5GH111 5GH112 5GH113 5GH115 5GH116 5GH117 5GH118 5GH119 5GH120 5GH121 5GH122 5GH123 5GH124 5GH126 5GH127 5GH128 5GH129 5GH130 5GH132 5GH133 5GH134 5GH135 5GH137 5GH138 5GH141 5GJ301 5GJ302 5GJ303 5GJ304 Spaulding Gym Bleachers Fund Class of 2011 Gift Fund Class of 2012 Gift Fund Class of 1965 Class Gift Legislative Initiatives Class of 2013 Gift Fund Class of 1968 Gift Fund Class of 1964 Gift fund Class of 2014 Gift Fund Online Gift Clearing Fund David Hatch Battenfeld Mem. Award LeVine-Mellion Parent of Year Award Marion Frost Hudson '53 Book Endow Bernice D Turner '16 Mem Book Fund Harry Preston Book Fund Endowment Franklyn C Redfern Mem Book Fund Marion Wood 26 Room Endowment Barbara J Seelye Memorial Endow KEA Class of 1939 International Edu Phi Lambda Chi Scholarship Endow Francis Oliver Campus Beautificatio Fred L Barry 36 Graduate Fellowship Class of 1957 Teacher Ed. Schl Finance & Planning Generic Gifts A&H Division Gift Art Gift Dance Gift English Gift Film Gift Martha S Cogen Mem Film Fund KSC Film Program Endow Payout Graphic Design Gift History Gift Journalism Gift Modern Language Gift Music Gift Theatre Gift Arts Center Gift Redfern USNH Endowment Payout Thorne Gallery Gift Thorne Permanent Collection Gift Thorne Endow Payout Jonathan Daniels Film Gifts Communications Dept Gifts American Studies Gift Thorne - Dublin Art Coll Gift Roos Art Lecture - Payout Thorne/Art Fellowship-Payout Media Art Center Fund Centennial Documentary Film Genocide/Holocaust Studies Acad Pro Cohen Endowed Chair Payout Susan Herman Award H&G Aware - Cur Meiszner Cohen Center End-payout Lewy Family Fund Landau Gift Fund Vaughn West Theatre and Dance Fund VMAC Capital Project Gift Fund KSC Owls Athletic Endowment Rec Sports Gift Athletic Development Generic Gift Baseball Team Gift Cash and Investments 495 7,554 2,995 3,120 3,750 1,274 410 8,195 3,273 78 151 100 29 1 110 451 1,100 1,185 785 800 1,500 3,500 1,619 3,455 4,301 130 607 1,149 479 214 2,608 120 674 3,272 510 7,471 967 22,484 15,256 7,218 16,793 2,014 104 6,976 2,732 13,626 3,255 1,330 2,045 160 3,951 170 2,019 685 6,584 4,000 2,818 250 4,783 1,600 7,347 13,139 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 495 7,554 2,995 3,120 3,750 1,274 410 8,195 3,273 3 151 100 29 1 110 451 1,100 1,185 785 800 1,500 3,500 1,619 3,455 4,301 130 607 1,149 479 214 2,608 120 674 3,272 510 7,471 967 22,484 15,256 7,218 16,793 2,014 104 6,976 2,732 13,626 3,255 1,330 2,045 160 3,951 170 2,019 685 6,584 4,000 2,818 250 4,783 1,600 7,347 13,139 (75) 387 KEENE STATE COLLEGE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 5GJ305 5GJ306 5GJ307 5GJ308 5GJ309 5GJ310 5GJ311 5GJ312 5GJ313 5GJ314 5GJ315 5GL101 5GL102 5GL103 5GL105 5GL106 5GL107 5GL110 5GL111 5GL112 5GP100 5GP102 5GP103 5GP105 5GP106 5GP107 5GP108 5GP109 5GP110 5GP111 5GP112 5GP113 5GP116 5GP120 5GP122 5GP123 5GP124 5GP125 5GP126 5GP127 5GP128 5GP129 5GP130 5GP131 5GP132 5GP133 5GP134 5GP135 5GP136 5GR101 5GR102 5GR104 5GR105 5GR107 5GR109 5GR110 5GR111 5GR112 5GR113 5GS101 5GS102 5GS103 Cross Country Track Gift Men's Basketball Gift Men's Lacrosse Gift Men's Soccer Gift Women's Softball Gift Swimming Gift Volleyball Gift Women's Basketball Gift Women's Field Hockey Gift Women's Lacrosse Gift Women's Soccer Gift Cohen Center General Gift Holocaust Survivors Doc Proj Gift Holocaust Lecture Series Payout Mason Library Gen Gift E Jenkins '27 Mem Book Payout Keddy House Envir Library Gift Cohen Educational Outreach Holocaust Summer Institute Mason Library Special Collection Professional Studies Gifts Thomas J Crowley Award Elem Ed Gift Special Ed Gift Child Development Center Gift Health Sciences Gift Health Fitness/Health Sciences Gift Nutrition/Health Sciences Gift Jane & James Batts Prof St Payout Athletic Training/Academic Gift Physical Education/Academic Gift Children's Literature Gallery Gift Safety Center Facility Safety Studies Program Endow-Payout Safety Academic Dept Gifts Technology/Product Design Dept Gift Diverse Voices from the Field Nutrition-Taste of Keene Architecture Dept Gift Fund Early Sprouts Garden Nutrition Prog Child Dev Center Facility Enhanceme Biodiesel Project Science Out Of The Box Project Meiszner Early Sprouts Endw-payout CATCH - Early Sprouts Combined Fund Nursing Program Gift Fund KSC RCAM Gift Fund KSC - Marlborough School Fund SPDI Gift Fund Student Affairs Generic Gifts Alternative Spring Break Gift AIDS-HIV Education Fund Student Center Generic Gift Campus Crusade for Christ Gift Counseling Center Gifts Habitat for Humanity-KSC Chapter Community Service Prog Initiatives Comm Srvc Int'l Service Programs KSC ODS - Chakalos Gift Science Generic Gift Biology Gifts Chemistry Dept Gifts Cash and Investments 2,488 1,491 11,169 5,349 4,916 1,493 2,231 404 4,798 28 7,988 124,100 950 3,452 3,085 1,672 456 17,080 15,517 79,949 258 34 9,020 550 521 116 40 1,800 2,411 1,102 1,448 849 56,554 2,659 3,048 1 95 46 8 5,324 2,313 200 99 680 35 27,615 20,383 29,184 100 325 1,493 293 1,347 6,857 601 4,456 2,636 2,142 17,368 2,727 19,341 230 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 2,488 1,491 11,169 5,349 4,916 1,493 2,231 404 4,798 28 7,988 122,836 950 3,452 3,085 1,672 456 17,080 15,517 78,879 258 34 9,020 550 521 116 40 1,800 2,411 1,102 1,448 849 56,554 2,659 3,048 1 95 46 8 4,324 2,313 200 99 680 35 27,615 20,383 29,184 100 325 1,493 293 1,347 6,857 601 4,456 2,636 2,142 17,368 2,727 19,341 230 (1,264) (1,070) (1,000) 388 KEENE STATE COLLEGE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 5GS104 5GS105 5GS106 5GS107 5GS108 5GS109 5GS110 5GS111 5GS112 5GS113 5GS115 5GS116 5GS117 5GS118 5GS119 5GS120 5GS121 5GS122 5GS124 5GT101 Computer Science Dept Gifts Economics Gifts Environmental Studies Gifts Geography Gift KEA Payout Geology Dept Gift Mathematics Dept Gift Management Dept Gift ORANG ASLI Archive Payout Physics Dept Gift Political Science Dept Gift Psychology Dept Gift Sociology Dept Gift Aspergers Resource Group Gift Partners in Education Gift Small Business Institute Gift Science Center Enhancement Gift Math & Science Wkshop Gift Fund Science Academic Program Putnam Chemistry Chair - Payout Memorial Trees Benches Plaques TOTAL RESTRICTED GIFTS & ENDOWMENT INCOME 517003 53A001 53D019 53D020 543002 543005 54N062 54N063 54N232 54N233 54N245 54N251 54N252 54N258 54N259 54N261 54N262 54N264 54N265 54N266 54N267 54U016 54U041 54U047 54U048 54U049 54U050 54U051 54U052 54U053 54ZKSC 55C083 55C096 55C097 55C099 55C100 55C102 55C103 584122 SPONSORED RESEARCH & PROGRAMS OSHA Consult 10-13 to 9-14 IPM Practices & the Apple Growing NH SPDG 2012, Yr 2, 7-13 to 6-14 NPA Assessment, Yr 2, 3-14 to 6-14 Snow Measurements 03 Pasterze Satellite Imag 8-13 - 8-14 American Design/American Culture ABLEworks:Access to Better Living YMCA Family Be Fit 7-12 to 6-14 2012-2013 NHGA 9-12 to 11-14 Childhood Obesity Onlin 6-13 - 5-14 Family Be Fit Two 7-13 to 6-14 Gas Hydrat Inhibitr, Yr1, 9-13-8-15 NH 2013-2014 Alliance 9-13 to 11-14 Prevention Partners 11-13 to 6-14 Thriving Livble Com 12-13 to 11-14 Nat'l Young Conference 12-13to12-14 Farm to Preschool Cert 3-14 to 1-15 Thinking in Australia 3-14 to 3-15 Olive: Tree to Table 3-14 to 7-15 Austrian Film Museum 3-14 to 4-15 Res Eff of Airborne Parti 7/07-6/08 SAHE III 11-14-12 to 6-30-14 INBRE Leversee 7-13 to 6-14 INBRE Pellettieri, Yr 1, 7-13-6-14 INBRE Whittemore 2, Yr 1, 7-13-6-14 EPSCoR, Track 1, Yr 3, 9-13 to 8-14 SBDC 1-1-14 to 12-31-14 NH WRRC, Yr. 1, 3-1-14 to 2-28-15 INBRE Pellettieri-Yr 2, 7-14 - 6-15 Restricted Rev Adjustment- KSC Cost Share - General Undistributed CS - Aspire 09-13 to 08-14 CS-OSHA Consult 10-13 to 9-14 CS-EPSCoR,Track1,Yr 3, 9-13 to 8-14 CS-Prevention Partner 11-13 to 6-14 CS-SBDC 1-1-14 to 12-31-14 CS-NH WRRC, Yr. 1, 3-14 to 2-15 Pell 07-13 to 06-14 Cash and Investments 1,977 250 3,827 1,197 2,751 3,633 3,990 6,251 303 86 642 60 1,981 2,715 783 7,679 9,010 1,890 23,594 43,136 1,729,992 (11,599) 91 (11,902) (46,770) (403) Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable 20,191 22,869 13,495 18,829 29 6,681 5,000 (5,869) Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income (630) (80) - 12,617 - - - (9,723) (22,224) - - - - Total Net Position 1,977 250 3,197 1,197 2,751 3,633 3,990 6,171 303 86 642 60 1,981 2,715 783 7,679 9,010 1,890 23,594 43,136 1,698,045 (1,017) 1 (91) 11,902 46,770 24 1,263 5 1,492 208 3,889 595 15,424 3,581 14,188 300 301 4 12,028 32,298 17,906 14,319 18,943 16,284 4,588 245 (25,816) - (24) (859) 1 (5) (316) (1,492) (252) (9,782) (5,000) (21,842) (24,135) 316 44 5,893 4,405 6,418 20,554 (11,068) 11,166 1,265 9,995 4,976 5,924 5,640 (4) (9,233) (32,298) (17,821) (14,319) (18,896) (16,284) (4,588) (245) Deposits and Unearned Revenues - (3,120) (11,466) (1,566) (9,995) (4,976) (5,924) (5,640) (2,796) (1) 20,191 22,869 13,495 18,829 29 6,681 5,000 - (85) (47) 25,816 5,869 389 KEENE STATE COLLEGE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 584124 584127 584128 584129 584136 593004 593005 CWS 07-13 to 06-14 Direct Loans 7-13 to 6-14 Upward Bound, Yr. 2, 6-13 to 5-14 Aspire 09-13 to 08-14 Upward Bound, Yr. 3, 6-14 to 5-15 Biodiesel PM Exposure 9-13 to 8-15 RNA Polymerase V 8-13 to 11-14 TOTAL SPONSORED RESEARCH & PROGRAMS 5LD001 5LD002 5LD003 5LD004 5LD005 5LD006 5LD007 5LD008 5LD009 5LD010 5LD011 5LD012 5LD013 5LD014 5LD015 5LD016 5LD018 5LD019 5LD020 5LD022 5LD023 5LD024 5LD025 5LLIAB 5M0003 5M0004 5M0005 5QD001 5QD002 5QD003 5QE001 5QE002 5QE003 5QE004 5QE005 5TD001 5TD002 5TD003 5TD004 5TD005 5TD006 5TD008 5TD009 5TD010 5TD011 5TD012 5TD013 5TD014 5TD015 LOAN FUNDS KSC Perkins Student Loan Fund KSC Perkins Federal Contrib KSC Perkins Univ Contribution KSC Perkins Accum Earnings Fed Reimb Dir Teach/Milit Can KSC Perkins Admin Expenses KSC Perkins Prov/Doubtful Acct KSC Perkins Collection Costs KSC Perkins Teacher Cancel Teacher Cancel-Direct Loans KSC Perkins Death Cancellation KSC Perkins Bankruptcy Cancel KSC Perkins Loans Assigned KSC Perkins Interest Income KSC Perkins Investment Income Other Cost KSC Perkins Loans Late Fees KSC-Perkins Law Enforce Cancel KSC Student Loan Fund Tuition Loan Fund II - KSC KSC Huntley-Spaulding Loan Fd Institutional L/T Loan Funds Keene Endow Assoc Loan Fund Federal Perkins liability TOTAL LOAN FUNDS ENDOWMENT & SIMILAR FUNDS KSC Swett Char Gift Annuity KSC-Vincent Char Gift Annuity KSC-Kalich Charitiable Gift Annuity Peter H. Batchelder Scholarship Fd Class of 1961 Scholarship Quasi-End Barbara Kirstein Nursing Schl Endow Camp on Wilson Pond Endowment Alumni Program Quasi-Endowment Goodell, Ida '47 Quasi Endowment Morris August Honors Prog Quasi End Calhoun, R & J Thorne-Sagendorf Gal Class of 1939 International Ed Paul J. Holloway Leslie S Hubbard Scholarship Winona Vincent Hubbard Charlotte Ketcham John Kontinos KSC - General Scholarship KSC - Owls Athletic KSC - Parents Assoc Scholarshi People's United Bank Schlrshp End Filomena R. Raich Anna I. Rausch Scholar Fund Alfred & Elizabeth Thomas Travis-Grace Fund Cash and Investments (42,678) (79,147) 646 (7,102) (17,352) (21,770) 3 (204,918) (2,766,554) 3,532,749 667,972 278,467 773,695 (1,872,798) (385,000) (97,511) (1,221,168) 247,634 (52,136) (37,221) (488,609) 1,424,237 76,087 (39,844) 59,133 (13,277) 86,835 (49,043) 60,567 75,369 67,556 327,140 30,378 22,914 67,134 495,553 15,125 34,236 26,362 155,837 384,221 243,804 32,836 76,594 83,630 175,867 2,742,248 38,001 23,149 346,484 41,865 68,887 65,141 203,154 22,949 24,877 32,897 Accounts & Notes Receivable 42,678 79,147 (646) 7,102 18,625 21,770 (3) 377,900 Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income 87,095 (1,273) - - - (9,197) (76,690) - - - - 2,766,554 1,182,059 3,948,613 Total Net Position - - - - (3,239) (4,431) (1,629) - - (1,450,367) (1,450,367) - - (17,110) (1,473) (60,622) 3,532,749 667,972 278,467 773,695 (1,872,798) (385,000) (97,511) (1,221,168) 247,634 (52,136) (37,221) (488,609) 1,424,237 76,087 (39,844) 59,133 (13,277) 86,835 1,133,016 60,567 75,369 67,556 (1,450,367) 2,825,386 10,029 17,010 4,883 495,553 15,125 34,236 26,362 155,837 384,221 243,804 32,836 76,594 83,630 175,867 2,742,248 38,001 23,149 346,484 41,865 68,887 65,141 203,154 22,949 24,877 32,897 390 KEENE STATE COLLEGE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 5TD016 5TD017 5TD018 5TD019 5TD020 5TD021 5TD022 5TD023 5TD024 5TD025 5TD026 5TD027 5TD028 5TD029 5TD031 5TD032 5TD033 5TD034 5TD035 5TD036 5TD038 5TD040 5TD041 5TD042 5TD043 5TD044 5TD045 5TD046 5TD047 5TD048 5TD049 5TD050 5TD051 5TD052 5TD053 5TE001 5TE002 5TE003 5TE004 5TE005 5TE007 5TE008 5TE009 5TE010 5TE011 5TE012 5TE013 5TE014 5TE015 5TE016 5TE019 5TE020 5TE021 5TG001 5TG002 5TG003 5TG004 5TG005 5TG006 5TH002 5TH003 5TH004 Van Rossum Fund Christine Young Chadwick Schol Jesse F Davis 37 Fund Lucille Plant Davis 38 Fund Clarke Dist Safety Studies End Marjorie Paulsen Hilton Sch-Cu Joseph Grilli Scholarship Endo Mary/Erik Hamilton Schol Endow Granite State Scholars Schol Endow Ruth Burnham Paige '45 Education Sc Music Dept Endowed Scholarship Menard, Kendall & Carlene Schol End Morgan, Deb Mem Scholarship Endowmt Waltz Memorial Award Endowment Nutrition, Comm Serv Scholar - Endo Anita R Nestor Nutrition Schol-Endo Dr. Y Scholarship Endowment Matt Paul RA Mem'l Endow Awd Sandra Ellison Mem'l Schol-Endow Olive F. Jennison Award Endowment Eder Creative Writing Scholarship E Bureau Education Scholarship Endowm Cheshire Kennel Club Vet Award Endo Cornelius R Lyle II Operating Staff Dependents Schlrshp Tyler Smith Memorial Schlrshp-Endow Class of 1961 Endowed Scholarship Mary Yelda Music Schlrshp-Endowment John Waterhouse Schol-endow Barbara & Richard Peterson Schlrshp Adams, William Geography End Schol Class of 1963 Teacher Ed Schl End UNIQUE Endowment Alloc Plan-KSC Sherry Bovinet Schl Fund Rene Lachapelle Endowed Schl Fund Ann C. Peters The Hazel S Hamilton Endowment Aubrey & Satako Thomas Jr Scho KSC - Faculty & Program Endowm KSC - Volunteer Scholarship Hollis B Robbins Mem Endow Alta Townes Mem Dance Endow Cfnh Safety Studies Ldsp Award Hildebrandt Holocaust Award Jh Grilli Apt Memorial Fund Resident Assisstant Award Endo Kalich Family Nutrition Endow D Hickey-D Andrews Fund Peerless Math Endowed Award Danny Paul Hunter Mem Sch End Ewing World Affairs Endowment Roos Art Lecture Endowment Putnam Chair for Chemistry Endowmnt Stephanie & Joseph Baute Sch Safety Studies Program-Endow Class 90-91 Lessard Mem Sch-c Class of 54 Educ Schol Endow Thorne/art Dept Fellow Endow Cohen Center for Holocaust Studies KSC Film Program Endowment-Cur KSC - Arts Endowment Thorne Sagendorph Art Gallery Cash and Investments 16,076 22,450 35,036 32,544 13,912 467,510 37,718 49,418 78,856 75,738 31,753 32,216 48,983 26,448 34,077 32,912 42,815 18,996 317,604 34,039 124,854 54,360 27,792 52,593 38,718 29,761 43,708 25,265 250,079 59,995 1,052 22,242 5,839,871 15,557 10,215 19,851 135,480 22,341 60,242 18,512 26,555 29,913 13,662 36,252 22,925 23,292 14,472 15,143 25,223 27,758 177,829 128,098 2,896,964 195,862 16,574 22,742 34,926 69,841 1,152,128 31,264 88,660 210,397 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position 16,076 22,450 35,036 32,544 13,912 467,510 37,718 49,418 78,856 75,738 31,753 32,216 48,983 26,448 34,077 32,912 42,815 18,996 317,604 34,039 124,854 54,360 27,792 52,593 38,718 29,761 43,708 25,265 250,079 59,995 1,052 22,242 5,839,871 15,557 10,215 19,851 135,480 22,341 60,242 18,512 26,555 29,913 13,662 36,252 22,925 23,292 14,472 15,143 25,223 27,758 177,829 128,098 2,896,964 195,862 16,574 22,742 34,926 69,841 1,152,128 31,264 88,660 210,397 391 KEENE STATE COLLEGE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 5TH005 5TH006 5TH007 5TL001 5TL002 5TP001 5TP002 5TP003 5TS001 5TS002 Cohen Chair for Genocide Studies En Susan Herman Award H&G Aware - End Meiszner Cohen Center Endowment Holocaust Lecture Series Earle F Jenkins '27 Mem Book Jane & James Batts Prof St End Thomas J Crowley Endowed Award Meiszner Early Sprouts Endowment Orang Asli Archive Endowment Gianno Orang Asli Archive Travel En TOTAL ENDOWMENT & SIMILAR FUNDS 5N0ADJ 5NG003 5NG004 5NG007 5NG009 5NG011 5NG013 5NG015 5NG023 5NG09A 5NGIFB 5XG001 5XG002 5XG003 5XG004 5XG006 5XG007 5XG015 5XG024 5XG028 5XG047 5XG053 5XG054 5XG060 5XG069 5XG073 5XG082 5XG084 5XG086 5XG087 5XG089 5XG090 5XG092 5XT009 5XT010 5XT011 5XT025 5XT057 5XT060 5XT070 5XT071 5XT077 5XT080 5XT081 5XT082 5XT088 5XT094 5XT098 5XT099 PLANT FUNDS KSC Net Invested in Plant Adjust KSC Net Invested in Plant KSC Equipment 2001 HEFA DEBT 2001R HEFA DEBT 2002 HEFA Refunding Debt 2006B-2 HEFA DEBT 2005A HEFA DEBT 2006 HEFA Debt 2009A HEFA DEBT KSC Internal Borrowings Unexp. R&R - General Funds CUFS 625 Unexp. R&R - Housing CUFS 6252 Unexp. R&R - Dining CUFS 6253 Unexp. R&R - Student Ctr CUFS 6254 Printing Equip. Replacemt CUFS 6270 Equip. Replacemt Reserve CUFS 6073 Madison Street Parking KSC - Academic Buildings CUFS 6211 Furniture Replacement LRTP - Network Management System Unexp R&R - Recreation Center Dining Commons - New infra ksc heating plant KSC Heating Plant Upgrade KSC IFB Payments Campus Safety Vehicle Replacement KSC Huntress Hall Phase 2 KSC Alumni Center IFB KSC Visual & Media Arts Center KSC TDS Building Capital Project KSC Recreation and Civic Center KSC TDS Pv Array Capital Project Professional Studies Projects Arts & Humanities Projects Sciences Projects Classroom Equip and Tech Upgrades Morrison Renovation 99 Energy Conservation Projects Safety & Accessibility Improvements Recreational Sports Improvemen KSC IT Small Projects Food Court Renovations RLO Furniture Student Ctr Small Projects-KSC Spaulding Renovations Property Acquisition Media Arts Building Alumni Center - 232 Main Street Cash and Investments 3,000,158 41,551 25,036 53,350 51,574 15,652 16,690 24,859 33,648 17,889 22,296,619 Accounts & Notes Receivable - Prepaid and Other Assets - Property, Plant & Equipment - Deferred Outflows - Accounts Payable (9,299) (500,000) 176,903,890 3,546,113 (203,066) (23,468) Deposits and Unearned Revenues - Accrued Employee Benefits - Refundable Government Advances - Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income - (79,205) (360,285) (16,175,648) (8,626,456) (3,674,662) (14,247,573) (14,809,670) (20,692,421) (2,627,775) (15,510,485) 3,286,501 1,430,647 775,268 238,705 5,138 2,241 9,480 83 314 521 61,165 (28,303) 70 183,815 2 5,017 34,280 367,000 24,298 58,909 349,658 4 144,269 68,718 66,552 283,982 5,396 84,033 50,590 278,523 31,485 758 146,987 156,862 5,584 6,173 4,343 46,363 (24,298) (3,040) (13,722) (35,244) (5,000) (4,344) Total Net Position 3,000,158 41,551 25,036 53,350 51,574 15,652 16,690 24,859 33,648 17,889 22,208,115 (500,000) 176,340,539 3,522,645 (16,175,648) (8,626,456) (3,674,662) (14,247,573) (14,809,670) (20,692,421) (2,627,775) (15,510,485) 3,286,501 1,430,647 775,268 238,705 5,138 2,241 9,480 83 314 521 61,165 (28,303) 70 183,815 2 5,017 34,280 367,000 55,869 349,658 4 144,269 54,996 66,552 283,982 5,396 48,789 45,590 278,523 31,485 758 146,987 156,862 1,240 6,173 4,343 46,363 392 KEENE STATE COLLEGE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 5XT104 5XT105 5XT108 5XT109 5XT110 5XT111 5XT113 5XT118 5XT119 5XT121 5XT124 5XT125 5XT127 5XT128 5XT131 5XT133 5XT134 5XT135 5XT136 5XT139 5XT141 5XT144 5XT146 5XT147 5XT148 5XT152 5XT153 5XT154 5XT156 5XT157 5XT158 5XT160 5XT161 5XT162 Campus Signage President's Residence Cable Plant Infrastructure Net Connectivity & Transport Equip Voice Telephony Infrastructure Net Services & Support Equipment Deferred Maintenance Projects Adams, Butterfield, Blake Space Stu Campus Safety Relocation Elliot Hall 2nd Floor Renovation Expo Center Feasibility Study Hale Building Renovations Bike Path Bookstore Renovations Server Room Code Improvements Dining R&R Small Projects Huntress Hall Basement Classroom Landscape Master Plan Ceramics Studio Wyman Way Lib Archives & Spec Collect Stacks KSC LED Site Lighting Sci Ctr Greenhouse RLO Small Projects KSC E&G Small Projects Energy Submetering Project Mason Library Athenaeum Redfern NASM Project Master Plan Update FY13 Mason Library Projects Nursing Lab and Sim Spaces TDS A&P Lab Oil Tank Replacement Access Control Project TOTAL PLANT FUNDS TOTAL KEENE STATE COLLEGE Cash and Investments Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment 5,107 9,961 216,378 402,493 173,841 249,473 35,935 10,737 5,887 6,512 130 89,819 775 1,765 12,158 65,833 1 1,293 4,031 406 3,662 109,122 328 138,771 109,466 218,385 150,000 491,000 94,382 20,000 354,435 53,612 333,086 412,412 11,715,795 24,298 (15,510,485) 179,950,003 $ 73,866,551 4,624,585 (14,266,177) 179,950,003 Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Instruments Long-term Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income - (80,854,205) 5,107 9,961 216,378 402,493 173,841 244,437 30,739 10,737 5,887 6,512 130 89,819 775 1,765 12,158 65,833 1 493 4,031 406 3,662 109,122 328 38,639 103,261 218,385 150,000 489,440 94,382 20,000 277,479 53,612 239,227 411,879 94,589,196 - (87,578,542) 147,218,445 (5,036) (5,196) (800) (100,132) (6,205) (1,560) (76,956) - (93,859) (533) (375,925) (360,285) - (1,899,142) (3,342,743) (2,685,723) (1,450,367) Total Net Position 393 KEENE ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name Cash and Investments 5DEZ40 INTERNALLY DESIGNATED $ 5TEZ01 5TEZ02 5TEZ03 5TEZ04 5TEZ05 5TEZ06 5TEZ07 5TEZ08 5TEZ09 5TEZ10 5TEZ11 5TEZ12 5TEZ13 5TEZ14 5TEZ15 5TEZ16 5TEZ17 5TEZ18 5TEZ19 5TEZ20 5TEZ21 5TEZ22 5TEZ23 5TEZ24 5TEZ25 5TEZ26 5TEZ27 5TEZ29 5TEZ30 5TEZ31 5TEZ33 5TEZ34 5TEZ37 5TEZ38 5TEZ41 5TEZ44 5TEZ45 5TEZ46 5TEZ48 5TEZ49 5TEZ50 5TEZ51 5TEZ52 5TEZ53 5TEZ54 5TEZ55 5TEZ56 5TZADJ ENDOWMENT & SIMILAR FUNDS Maxfield L Young Mem Schol Endow Harry C Tebbetts Scholarhip Endow Marion Frost Hudson '53 Mem. Schol Frank H Blackington Jr Mem Schol Dorothy E Potter '45 Mem Schol KSC Student Memorial Schol Endow Fred Simmons Memorial Schol Endow KSC Family Assistance Schol Endow KSC Alumni Association Schol Endow David C Staples Memorial Schol Margaret E Siegert '84 Mem Schol Teacher Education Scholarship Giovannangeli Family Schol Endow Lydia Pellerin Tolman '47 Mem Schol Leona Day Henderson '18 Schol David Hatch Battenfeld Mem Award Capt Michael J Watters 86 Mem Schol Peter Jenkins Memorial Schol Endow Frank Blackington Jr Language Award Julia McHale Redfern Memorial Prize LeVine-Mellion Parent of Year Award Aubrey Thomas '62 Biology Award Marion Frost Hudson '53 Book Endow Bernice D Turner '16 Mem Book Fund Harry Preston Book Fund Endowment Franklyn C Redfern Mem Book Fund KEA Thorne-Sagendorph Art Gallery Marion Wood '26 Room Endowment Barbara J Seelye Memorial Endow Franklin Roberts '24 Geography Fund KEA Class of 1939 International Edu Rosensaft Scholarship Endowment Phi Lambda Chi Scholarship Endow Michael D Keller Memorial Endowment Costin Family Scholarship Endowment KEA Redfern Arts Center Endowment Francis Oliver Campus Beautificatio Fred L Barry 36 Graduate Fellowship Norma W Walker '51 Schol Endow Ann C Peters Scholarship Endowmnt Class of 1958 Schol for Teacher Ed Dorothea Kitlan Scholarship Endow Class of 1960 Endowed Scholarship Staples, David C. Nusing Schol-End Class of 1962 Scholarship - Endow Class of 1957 Endowed Sch Teach Ed Megna Family Endowed Scholarship KEA True Endowment Adjustments TOTAL ENDOWMENT & SIMILAR FUNDS TOTAL KEENE ENDOWMENT ASSOCIATION $ 12,303 Accounts & Notes Receivable - Prepaid and Other Assets - Property, Plant & Equipment - Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable - - Deposits and Unearned Revenues - Accrued Employee Benefits - Refundable Government Advances - Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income - Total Net Position - 12,303 179,508 1,541,867 48,755 37,235 29,740 242,646 60,120 64,610 395,583 557,625 52,020 197,662 55,973 50,222 149,421 10,359 104,128 27,692 13,255 22,848 9,057 17,729 32,823 15,227 15,134 17,765 786,346 31,434 17,945 37,993 22,556 35,558 23,351 37,144 52,810 49,870 48,492 125,806 28,645 32,007 51,618 1,160,282 69,957 117,262 44,399 27,043 26,015 307,132 7,082,669 - - - - - - - - - - 179,508 1,541,867 48,755 37,235 29,740 242,646 60,120 64,610 395,583 557,625 52,020 197,662 55,973 50,222 149,421 10,359 104,128 27,692 13,255 22,848 9,057 17,729 32,823 15,227 15,134 17,765 786,346 31,434 17,945 37,993 22,556 35,558 23,351 37,144 52,810 49,870 48,492 125,806 28,645 32,007 51,618 1,160,282 69,957 117,262 44,399 27,043 26,015 307,132 7,082,669 7,094,972 - - - - - - - - - - 7,094,972 394 GRANITE STATE COLLEGE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 7U0000 7U0ADJ 7U0PPD 7WG106 GENERAL OPERATING & OTHER UNRESTRICTED FUNDS GSC Education and General CLL Unrestricted Adjustments GSC General Prepaid Expenses GSC - GASB 45 TOTAL GENERAL OPERATING & OTHER UNRESTRICTED FUNDS 7D1720 7D1722 7D1724 7D1725 7D1726 7D1727 7D1728 7D1729 7D1731 7D1733 7D1734 7D1735 7D1736 7D1738 7D1739 7D1CNT 7D1HIF 7DRSTF INTERNALLY DESIGNATED GSC Statewide Alumni Assn Fund GSC Conn Valley Region GSC Annual Fund Undesignated GSC Accreditation Compliance GSC Name Change Bookstore Commissions GSC Merchandise GSC Unrestricted Gifts GSC Fundraising GSC President Search GSC Research & Development GSC Strategic Initiatives Program Development Innovations Group DVA Annual Reporting Fees GSC Contingency Funds GSC Health Initiatives Fund GSC Separation Fund TOTAL INTERNALLY DESIGNATED Cash and Investments $ 4,372,756 4,175,848 17,192 382 989 225,000 2,662 40,921 4,432 1,600 157,430 72,218 50,000 1,679,156 400,000 (2,756) 2,669 25,992 6,702 692,818 3,377,407 AUXILIARY 204,840 7G0001 7G0002 7G0003 7G0004 7G0005 7G0006 7G0007 7G0008 7G0009 7G0010 7G0012 7G0015 7G0017 7G0018 7G0020 7G0021 RESTRICTED GIFTS & ENDOWMENT INCOME GSC - Friendship Fund GSC North Country Computer Lab GSC Discretionary Fund-undes GSC Annual Fund/Scholar Des. John Brubaker Mem Scholarship M Horton/V Montana Schol Fund OLLI Exeter Scholarships OLLI/Osher Donations BPWG Gift Fund NHCF CVR Gift Fund Newport/Claremont Computer Lab Emergency Textbook Fund OLLI/OSHER Endowment Payout OSHER Reentry Scholarship Endow PO OLLI Volunteer Development Pres Transformation Opp Scholarship TOTAL RESTRICTED GIFTS & ENDOWMENT INCOME 4,204 6 5,904 4,266 990 5,497 645 13,219 571 1,000 14 90 154,396 13,988 489 1,867 207,146 SPONSORED RESEARCH & PROGRAMS Early Care Tuition Assistance FY14 Early Care Tuition Assistance FY14 ECTA 1-1 to 6-30 FY08 Education & Trng Partnership FY10 Education & Trng Partnership FY11 Education & Trng Partnership FY12 Education & Trng Partnership FY14 Ed & Trng Partnership 1-1-6-30 FY06 PSTC Distance Training & Tech FY08 NH PSTC Distance Trng & Tech FY09 PSTC Distance Trng & Tech FY10 PSTC Distance Trng & Tech 2,267,338 (2,041,982) (196,908) 7A2770 73D001 73H010 73H011 74G011 74G013 74G014 74G015 74G018 74N003 74N006 74N007 74N008 Accounts & Notes Receivable 200 420 (42,168) (29) (29) (80) (48) (161,501) 675 (646) 325 175 Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows 46,069 Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits (182,032) (2,898,638) 2,041,982 (408,001) (182,032) (856,656) (408,001) (19) (1,120) Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income 196,908 225,356 242,977 - - - - (590,317) (590,317) Total Net Position 3,197,492 (590,317) 2,607,175 3,058 - - - (1,288) (1,120) - - - - 16,053 382 84 225,000 2,662 40,921 4,432 1,600 157,430 72,218 50,000 1,679,094 400,000 2,669 25,992 6,702 692,818 3,378,057 - - - - - - - - - - 204,840 - 4,204 6 5,904 4,266 990 5,497 645 13,219 571 1,000 14 90 141,724 13,988 489 1,867 194,474 (905) (62) 3,058 - (302) - - - (3,512) (9,160) (3,512) (9,160) - - - (200) (420) 123,268 29 29 80 48 163,599 6,655 1,890 - (74,445) (208) (675) 646 (325) (175) 395 GRANITE STATE COLLEGE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 74N016 74N018 75C037 75CSHR 784067 784068 784069 784070 784072 FY14 PSTC Distance Trng & Tech Osher Foundation Operarting Grant New Hampshire Transfers GSC Cost Share Clearing 2013-2014 Federal Work Study 2013-2014 Pell Grant 2013-2014 SEOG Grant FY14 Direct Loan Program 2014-2015 Pell Grant TOTAL SPONSORED RESEARCH & PROGRAMS 7Q0001 7T0001 7T0003 7T0004 7T0005 7T0006 7T0007 7T0008 7N6675 7N6676 7X6691 7X6699 7X6700 7X6705 7X6711 7XC002 7XC003 7XC007 7XC009 Cash and Investments (10,629) 18,963 201 4,761 (13,718) (20,000) (6,336) (39,762) (366,389) (635,615) ENDOWMENT & SIMILAR FUNDS M Horton/V Montana Schol Fund GSC Endow Collector Osher/OLLI Endowment OSHER Reentry Scholarship Endowment President's Opportunity Scholarship UNIQUE Endowment Alloc Plan-GSC Shaheen N. Michaels Scholarship McDonnell Family Scholarship TOTAL ENDOWMENT & SIMILAR FUNDS 15,180 2,844 942,458 1,410,785 60,899 1,738,810 9,092 5,035 4,185,103 PLANT FUNDS GSC Net Invested in Plant GSC Equipment New GSC Academic/Admin Center GSC Lebanon Move Tech Village R&R Conway Center Repairs Gateway Project GSC Vehicle Replacement Fund GSC Major Equipment & Renovations GSC Classroom Upgrades Phone System Upgrades TOTAL PLANT FUNDS 45,996 2,866,464 100,556 180,000 25,959 729,021 30,000 23,693 82,584 40,287 4,124,560 TOTAL GRANITE STATE COLLEGE $ 15,639,289 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows 10,921 Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income Total Net Position (292) - 4,761 13,306 - 15,180 2,844 942,458 1,410,785 60,899 1,738,810 9,092 5,035 4,185,103 - 2,361,485 231,713 2,866,464 100,556 180,000 25,959 955,511 30,000 23,693 82,584 40,287 6,898,252 (18,963) (201) 13,718 20,000 6,336 39,762 366,389 743,759 - - - - - - - (75,146) - (19,692) - - - - - - - 2,361,485 185,717 241,417 972,173 (14,927) 241,417 2,547,202 - (14,927) 484,394 2,547,202 - (276,905) (886,628) (408,001) - - - - (590,317) 17,481,207 396 TRUSTEES/CHANCELLOR'S OFFICE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 9U0000 9U0APR 9U0DEF 9U0PPD 9UG000 9WG106 9Z0001 9Z0002 9Z0ADJ GENERAL OPERATING & OTHER UNRESTRICTED FUNDS University System E&G USNH Accrued Payroll USNH General Deferred USNH General Prepaid Expenses University System E&G System - GASB 45 NH Women in High Ed Leadership Northern NE Chapter of EACUBO Agency Funds Year End Adjustment TOTAL GENERAL OPERATING & OTHER UNRESTRICTED FUNDS 9D0002 9D0008 9D0009 9D0012 9D0018 9D0023 9D0037 9D0038 9D0039 9D0040 9D0041 9D0042 9D0043 9D0046 9D0047 9D00C1 9D00D2 9D011A 9D0HIF 9D0INS 9D0ITV 9DB000 9DBHRA 9DBSTF 9DCFSI 9DGCNT 9DGFSI 9DKFSI 9DPFSI 9DUFSI 9G0001 9G0002 9G0003 9G0006 9G0009 9G0010 9G0011 9G0015 9G00D2 94N001 95ZPPB INTERNALLY DESIGNATED Systemwide Innovation Initiatives ARC Accrual Actuarial Plan Valuation STII Core Cash Investment Workers Compensation Long Term Disability Defd Maintenance Review USNH Consulting Initiatives NHPTV Transition Transfer Student Initiative Treasurer Transition Fund Chancellor's Strategic Initiatives Treasurer's Strategic Initiatives Info Tech Strategic Funds USNH CampusGuard PCI DSS Clerk of the Works Board of Trustee DiscretionaryAcct Bond Series 2011A Repayment System Health Initiatives Funding USNH Insurance Allocation Instructional Television Hub Fringe Benefit Reserve Health Reimbursement Benefit System Separation Fund Chanc Strategic Initiatives Funding Cash Used for Internal Borrowing GSC Financial Strategic Initiatives KSC Financial Strategic Initiatives PSU Strategic Initiatives Funding UNH Strategic Initiatives Funding TOTAL INTERNALLY DESIGNATED RESTRICTED GIFTS & ENDOWMENT INCOME Spaulding Potter Charitable Trust Visiting Professors Fund Squires Prize Project Keep Contributions Spaulding Investment Mgmnt & Rsrch Spaulding Chartered Financial Analy Spaulding Investment Analysis Educ. Walter Peterson Gift Fund John S Elliott Treasurer's Finance TOTAL RESTRICTED GIFTS & ENDOWMENT INCOME SPONSORED RESEARCH & PROGRAMS USNH Development of Website USNH Personnel Suspense TOTAL SPONSORED RESEARCH & PROGRAMS Cash and Investments $ 13,613,606 5,552,187 2,104,238 (75,706) 1,716,053 Accounts & Notes Receivable 322,407 Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows 291,777 Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income (13,313,647) (5,552,187) (2,104,238) 75,706 (282,408) (727,340) 2,096,504 13,584 3,887 22,927,849 356,200 3,377,001 23,020 10,333,026 4,500,000 3,434,980 31,906 322,381 15,963 21,126 325,000 1,508,648 460,275 93,449 28,800 6,868 5,966 5,877,290 173,662 (513,727) 282 31,196,448 612,726 585,476 400,000 (49,801,877) 203,474 2,000,767 1,615,612 5,118,332 22,313,074 5,066 5,108 61 500 3,535 3,535 3,535 1,200 1,249 23,789 376 862 1,238 322,407 367,483 - - (21,252,480) (17,471) (17,471) (727,340) - - 2,096,504 (3,377,001) (1,533) 36 (4,500,000) (3,138,700) (31,906) (15,963) (28,800) 584,736 (180) 1,704,185 57,727 (7,127,549) (580,375) (2,138,333) (1,249) - - 2,346,648 - - - - - (7,786,270) - - - (13,155,283) - - - - - - Total Net Position 914,143 706,305 2,096,504 13,584 3,887 (17,471) 3,716,952 356,200 21,487 10,333,062 296,280 322,381 21,126 325,000 1,508,648 460,275 93,449 6,868 5,966 5,877,290 173,662 70,829 282 23,634,751 90,078 584,227 400,000 (49,801,877) 203,474 2,000,767 1,615,612 5,118,332 3,718,169 - 5,066 5,108 61 500 3,535 3,535 3,535 1,200 1,249 23,789 - 862 862 (376) - - - - - (376) - - - 397 TRUSTEES/CHANCELLOR'S OFFICE DETAILED SCHEDULE OF ASSETS, DEFERRED OUTFLOWS, LIABILITIES, AND NET POSITION BALANCE AT JUNE 30, 2014 Fund Fund Name 9QG001 9QG002 9QG003 9QG004 9QG09A 9QGBND 9QGECO 9QU001 9TG001 ENDOWMENT & SIMILAR FUNDS USNH LT Contingency Fund Bradford K Perry Memorial Fund Long-Term Treasury Investments Quas Health Ben Cost Containment Quasi Series 2009A Bonds Quasi-endowment LTDRM Ecoline Bonds Quasi Operating Staff Retirement Dr. J. Duane Squires TOTAL ENDOWMENT & SIMILAR FUNDS 9NY001 9NY002 9NY003 9NY006 9NY007 9NY008 9NY009 9NY011 9NY013 9NY014 9NY024 9NY09A 9NY11A 9NY11B 9NY12A 9NY14A 9NYIFB 9X0001 9X0002 9X0037 9X0038 9X0039 9X0042 9X0048 9X0050 9X0051 9X0054 9X0067 9X0074 9X0077 9X0078 9X0083 9X0087 9X0088 9X0089 9X0090 9X0091 9X0095 PLANT FUNDS 2001 Bonds SYS Net Invested in Plant SYS Equipment SYS HEFA 01-92 Refunding Issue Cost SYS - HEFA 02 - 92 Refunding SYS 2005A HEFA Debt SYS 2005B HEFA Debt 2006 HEFA Debt 2006B-2 HEFA Debt Series 2001 Swaption Issuance HEFA 2007 Debt Series 2009A Bonds Series 2011A Bonds Series 2011B Bonds Series 2012 Bonds Series 2014 Bonds Internal Borrowing Funding SYS Repair & Replacement SYS R&R Financial Technology Fund SYS Copy Machine Fund SYS Asbestos Programs SYS Vehicle Replacement Fund SYS Chancellor Cap Planning Funds SYS R&R Myers and Dunlap SYS Repair & Replacement SYS FS New Building Reserve LRTP3 - Version 3.0 Master Fund LRTP3 - IdM Infrastructure Plan LRTP3 Enhancing USNH Courses LRTP4 Program Management Office LRTP4 Innovation Fund LRTP4 Customer Relationship Mgmt LRTP4 Degree Works-Student Planning LRTP4 Academic Tech Inst ATI LRTP4 Placeholdr LRTP and Licensing USNH I-BEAM Development Fund LRTP4 FY14 LRTP Master Fund LR5 Customer Relationship Mgt-CRM TOTAL PLANT FUNDS TOTAL TRUSTEES/CHANCELLOR'S OFFICE Cash and Investments 6,070,829 11,940 30,617,278 16,440,594 15,609,358 19,315,345 29,267,780 6,627,613 26,313 123,987,050 Accounts & Notes Receivable Prepaid and Other Assets Property, Plant & Equipment Deferred Outflows Accounts Payable Deposits and Unearned Revenues Accrued Employee Benefits Refundable Government Advances Derivative Long-term Instruments Interest Rate Debt Including Swaps Life Income (5,811,279) - - 6,599,136 300,484 (24,734) 3,885,901 3,862,988 2,114,636 (2,861,041) 1,405,989 2,690,629 1,909,411 1,340,545 (16,347,586) 103,046 (2,856,980) 686,817 21,611,080 - - - - (5,811,279) - - - 79,041,354 (14,010) (17,218) (29,828,365) (62,988,763) (29,828,365) (60,892,259) 146,314,631 (10,521,222) (9,622,844) (1,315,627) (1,265,778) 10,606,216 (1,204,126) (1,158,433) (2,632,841) (150,000) (3,808) (386,150) (100) (9,684,299) 29,870,000 19,608,657 (1,495,367) (85,895,000) 76,611,605 (4,305,199) (1,909,411) (24,558,691) (61,387,865) (6,703,846) (39,450,000) (20,655,000) (21,760,000) 49,801,877 159,090 440,309 26,666 34,942 25,240 900,619 663,082 75,532 370,000 113,600 996,211 70,712 (101,172) (54) (810,693) (461,490) (98,056) (260,916) 396,008 4,000,000 30,959,951 $ 200,212,951 (27,230) (41) (3,167) (11,903) 322,407 49,801,877 3,056,784 35,400,532 (2,400) (5,722,928) - 52,516,008 3,056,784 35,400,532 (34,761,678) (17,847) (19,693,902) - 6,070,829 11,940 30,617,278 16,440,594 15,609,358 19,315,345 29,267,780 816,334 26,313 118,175,771 85,640,490 1,859,003 1,473,531 33,755,901 23,471,645 605,259 (81,653,105) 78,017,594 (2,930,197) (24,376,579) (81,634,070) (6,750,800) (41,388,871) (21,558,459) (149,020) 49,801,877 159,090 440,309 26,666 34,942 25,240 900,619 663,082 75,532 370,000 113,600 968,981 70,712 (101,213) (54) (813,860) (473,393) (98,056) (260,916) 396,008 4,000,000 (2,400) 20,679,088 1,558,519 1,498,265 10,521,222 16,742,998 Total Net Position 398
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