July 2015 - South Texas Chapter
July 2015 - South Texas Chapter
A BIG COUNTRY REGIONAL CHAPTER OF THE HUDSON ESSEX TERRAPLANE CLUB Visit us on the Web @ http://south-texas-hudson.org V O L U M E GOD BLESS AMERICA INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Rodney’s Notes Last Meeting Chapter Chatter Membership Wanted & For Sale Dave Nault Calendar 1 1 3 4 4 5 6 2016 Big 7‐8‐9 Country Reg‐ 5 I S S U E 7‐25‐15 meeting in Lorena‐ North South meeting was attended by 13 members, thanks to all for you who at‐ tended .We had a private room to hold this meeting in and everyone was able to hear one another as we con‐ ducted the meeting. Old Business: At our previous meeting we tabled a discussion on reducing our meetings to every other month. This suggestion was readdressed at this meeting and a compromise was reached to suspend next month’s meeting in August. Planned meetings scheduled for September, October and November will take place as planned. We do not have a scheduled December meet‐ ing at this time. We will revisit this issue as time moves forward to conform to the wants and needs of members of our Chapter. New Business: I am very pleased to let all member know that Dave Nault was nominated by Ken Cates to become are Chapters third life time member. Motion was sec‐ onded and passed. Also of note was a group of young guys driving up with a trailer full of pieces of a 1954 Hud‐ son super Wasp. The father and sons had just rescued the car and parts from a nearby town. I am optimistic that they will become members of the South Chapter. Also of note Paul Thomas emailed to say he has found time to pull the engine out of his Stepdown and is mov‐ ing forward with its rebuild. Hudsoning in Texas is alive and well and growing! 2016 Big Country Regional : At this meeting, Mark Brains displayed a Hudson Sales and Service clock he created as an auction item to raise chapter funds during the 2016 Big Country Regional. Turns out it was well received and sold on its first viewing to a member of the North Texas Chapter who drove in from Abilene Texas to attend our meeting. Our chapter treasury welcomes Marks efforts and the buyer’s generosity in the purchase of the clock. 2015 Big Country Regional: For all the HET members of other Chapters across the nation that will be reading this news letter Joe Clark and I will be manning the 2016 Big Country registration desk at the Colorado Regional. Come by, pickup a registration packet and please register for our upcoming meeting. Our thanks to Mark Brians for assuring we have plenty of registration forms, brochures and a very nice sign to call you to our registra‐ tion table. In closing as this will be the very first National. I am look‐ ing forward to meeting the folks who attend and putting faces to the names learned as I purchased parts. I am excited to be at this meeting as all HETers I know have told me National meets the BEST of All HET meetings! Rodney Lemmon, President J U L Y 7 2 0 1 5 President Rodney’s Notes Rodney Lemmon—President 813A West Street Elmo Road Austin, Texas 78745‐1154 Email:hotrodman2010@hotmail.com Phone: 512‐964‐0361 South Texas Chapter Officers 2015 HET NATIONAL MEETING AND BIG COUNTRY REGIOANL COLORADO SPRINGS South Texas HET News Mark Brians — Vice President 7156 W. FM 436, Belton, TX 76513 Email: lmbrians@hughes.net Phone: 254‐939‐3011 Steve Brookins – Treasurer 6401 Rusty Ridge Dr. Austin, TX 78731 Email: sdbhudson52@aol.com Phone: 512‐750‐1620 Membership VOLUNTEER NEEDED Joe Clark‐Tour/Meeting Chairman 1182 PR 6030 Cameron, TX 76520 Email: clarkansasjk@yahoo.com Phone: 254‐760‐3293 Ken Cates – Secretary /Newsletter editor/ Webmaster 4813 Lake Hurst Drive Waco, Texas 76710‐2949 Email: hothudsons@gmail.com Phone: 254‐744‐0985 PAGE 2 VOLUME 5 ISSUE Meeting Notes - July 2015 July 2015 Lorena ,Texas SOUTH TEXAS July 25th promised to be a scorcher in Texas and by the time 11 am had arrived the temperature was flirting with 95 degrees. Four Hudson automobiles were assembled in the parking lot of Raymond’s SOUTHERN KITCHEN. In addition to the Hudsons driven to the meet there was a surprise addition of a pickup truck and trailer loaded with the remaining body and mechanical pieces belonging to a recently acquired 1954 Super Wasp Sedan. The new owners a father and his two sons were grinning from ear to ear knowing that they were about to embark on a new adventure to restore this car. These new Hudson owners had followed Joe Clark into the parking lot after seeing him driving “Pinky” His 1940 Hudson Sedan into the parking lot. Eagar to return home the three declined our invitation to share a meal and attend our meet. With contact information in hand and a promise to join the chapter and national club they departed. Our group also left the parking lot but our destination was Harold’s Buffet for a meal of Home style cooking. After our lunch Rodney Lemmon called out meeting to order the details of that meeting other than the following appear within his monthly notes on the first page of this newsletter. A request for dispensing the reading of last months minutes was made and unanimously approved. Our treas‐ urer Steve Brookings responding to a call for a Chapter treasury report, our checking account has a balance of $1549.67 and that Roberta Dennis has not spent any of the $1001.00 placed in the 2016 Big Country regional account. Rodney noted a new mem‐ ber of the Chapter Paul Hast‐ ings , who owns a Country Club Nash Rambler that was present at the June meeting. He also shared with the membership that a 1916 Hudson Speedster won the 2015 Great Race. Mark Brians brought a big selection of HUDSON theme ball caps that are available for sale now as a fund raiser for the 2016 Regional . Regional themed tee shirts are selling at a brisk pace and the purchase of additional shirts is planned. Joe Clark and Rodney Lemmon are convoying to the nationals. Both will share duty at the Big Country Regional registration table during the meet. Hope that the readers who will plan on being in Waco in 2016 will stop by and pickup a registration packet and sign up with our meet registrar. Russell Chilton has plans to drive his newly completed 52 Hornet Convertible to the meeting too. Finally, the weather and summer activities really diminished the attendance at our joint meeting. We thank Bob and Bobbi Johnson and Dwain Epting who represented the North Texas Chapter. Approved By, Respectfully Submitted by Kenneth Cates, Secretary Rodney Lemmon, President HET NEWS 7 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 7 PAGE 3 Chapter Chatter: South Texas Chapter on Facebook https:www.facebook.com/STHETCLUB Mark Brians: Busy as always created a Hudson Clock to bring some monies into the treasury was pleasantly surprised to sell it at it’s first showing . Joe Clark has the 1950 Brougham on the road again. Recently he had a new exhaust system installed to quiet that 8 cylinder under the hood. The 1950 will be attending the 2015 National and Big Country meetings. Rodney Lemmon : is attending his first HET national. He has been counting the days till he will convoy with Joe to the mountains of Colo‐ rado. Ken and Yolanda before attending the joint NORTH SOUTH HET Chapter meeting drove to Lorena’s old town and visited the shops there. The Hudson got lots of at‐ tention with several folks stopping and taking pictures of the car. Russell Chilton is busy working off his punch list to ready his newly restored and back on the road for the first time in decades 1952 Hornet Convertible. Un‐ doubtedly a BIG SMILE is on his face each time this beauty hits the streets! Three car guys who have purchased a 1954 Hudson Super Wasp visited our meeting too. SOUTH TEXAS HET NEWS PAGE 4 PAGE VOLUME 5 ISSUE VOLUME 5 ISSUE 7 4 7 WANTED AND FOR SALE Send your ad submissions to the editor @ hothudsons@gmail.com Wanted: for 1946 Hudson Pickup, tail lamp, seat, seat tracks & associated hardware. Contact Rick, 308hornet@gmail.com For Sale: 1954 Hornet 4Door Sedan, Numbers matching Twin H308 turns over, Drove highway speeds very well before parked, Smooth shifting Hydramatic. Car is complete no missing trim/etc. all glass/windshield are crack and free of delaminating. Original interior complete but rough. Rust in rocker panels, Unibody frame solid, checked by club members. Car is in central Texas $6900.00 Email if questions Jim Petersen 512 393-4655 (cell) jpetersen@austin.rr.com For Sale: 1949 Super 6 Sedan This car has had a complete mechanical rebuild. Engine transmission, clutch system and brakes. The car is also has air conditioning, electric power steering and electronic controlled fuel injection. You can find out more about this car from chapter member Don Brown 979-345-3982 email: houbrown@yahoo.com For Sale: 1954 Super Wasp Hollywood 262 w Power Steering and Brakes, Borg Warner Automatic. Hollywood has significant rust but is repairable. New floor panels, rocker panels and used Hudson rust free metal frame replacement pieces included with car. A 1954 Super Wasp 4door Parts car is included. Located in Waco Texas Ken Cates 254-744-0985.- $4000 - Might Trade for driving Hudson or cash and car trailer SOUTH TEXAS HET CHAPTER MEMBERSHIP FORM Name________________________________ Spouse ________________________________________ Street Address_______________________________ Phone ___________________________________ City ________________________________________ State___________ Zip Code _________________ HET Membership No. _________________________ (found on the White Triangle News Label) NEW _______ RENEWAL _________ Email Address ______________________________________ Hudson Cars Owned: Year_________ Model __________ Serial No _________ Engine No.___________ Mail check for $15 Payable to South Texas HET Club to: STEVE BROOKINS, 6401 Rusty Ridge Drive, Austin, Texas 78731-3927 SOUTH TEXAS HET NEWS PAGE 5 VOLUME 5 ISSUE Member Profile— Dave Nault Recently Dave Nault, one of our members informed the chapter membership his participation in chapter outings and meetings was to end. In doing so, he was honest to a fault, as is his normal demeanor, and offered complica‐ tions in his life were making participation hard to impossible. Knowing Dave’s love for Hudsons was strong we of‐ fered that on occasion we could and would hold our meetings in the vicinity of his home in Dripping Springs Texas. Our goal is to honor this statement within our meet schedule. Dave has been a core member of our small band of Hudsonites. An Octogenarian, Dave is still a spry guy when it comes to anything Hudson. His 54 Hornet Coupe has had a top to bottom—inside –Out rehabilitation. Now a far cry from the forlorn vehicle that arrived from Fontana California aboard a hot shot trailer. The Hornet is now carefully cared for by Dave and his car buddy Robert Court‐ ney. We will miss Dave’s monthly attendance, but with that we also honor his past membership and meet partici‐ pation with a LIFE TIME MEMBERSHIP to the South Texas Chapter of the HUDSON ESSEX TERRAPLANE CLUB. Mem‐ bers like Dave are the reason there is a Hudson club, a special affection for an auto marquee, gone now but not for‐ gotten. Thank you Dave SOUTH TEXAS HET NEWS 7 PAGE 6 VOLUME 5 ISSUE 7 CHAPTER , REGIONAL and NATIONAL MEET INFORMATION The South Texas Chapter of the HET CLUB will hold all it's monthly meetings on the 1st Saturday of each month. All meetings are planned to begin AFTER Lunch. We will start lunch at 12 Noon. Arrive early and share yourself and care with those less fortunate (those who do not own an HUDSON!) Joe Clark Chapter Meet Coordinator... please contact him about our current schedule NO MEETING IN AUGUST September 5 Temple, Texas ‐ Oscar Store Oct 3 Burnet, Texas– Highlander, 401 Buckingham Street Nov 7 Caldwell, Texas Surrey Inn Buffett ‐ Highway 36/21 Dec To be announced A Cure for Vapor Lock? While traveling in New York in June 2015, we utilized a gas station (Stewarts was be Brand) that offered NO CORN GAS! Recent problems with Vapor Lock have gotten your newsletter editor on the trail of all the actions a HUDSON OWNER can take to prevent Vapor Lock. What is Fact and What is FICTION. You can share the actions you have taken to prevent or stop vapor lock in your personal Hudson. Just those that you know from personal experience cured your vapor locking prob‐ lems. Send your input to Hothudsons@gmail.com I will publish a combined summary in a future newsletter. SOUTH TEXAS HET NEWS PAGE 7 VOLUME SOUTH TEXAS 5 ISSUE HET 7 NEWS PAGE 8 VOLUME SOUTH TEXAS 5 ISSUE HET 7 NEWS PAGE 9 VOLUME SOUTH TEXAS 5 ISSUE HET 7 NEWS PAGE 10 VOLUME SOUTH TEXAS 5 ISSUE HET 7 NEWS
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