IAM Leadership - journalmedia.ca
IAM Leadership - journalmedia.ca
J our n a l V o l u m e 1 5 , N u m b e r 1 ~ S p e c i a l E l e c t i o n Iss u e ~ S p r i n g 2 0 0 9 ~ IAM Leadership ELECTION REPORT IAM members elect new international leaders Mail Publication Agreement #40006466 w w w . i a m a w. c a I A M AW E x e c u t i v e B o a r d E l e c t i o n s IAM Members elect new international leaders IAM members in the United States and Canada have reelected international leaders to four-year terms commencing on July 1, 2009. The IAM Constitution requires members to nominate their international officers every four years at the last (or only) regular Local Lodge meeting during the month of January. Members in Local Lodges in the United States and Canada participated in this quadrennial process to nominate candidates for the office of International President, General Secretary-Treasurer, seven General Vice-Presidents, five members of the Committee on Law, three delegates to the AFL-CIO and one delegate to the Canadian Labour Congress. To be officially nominated under the provisions of the IAM Constitution, a candidate for office must receive endorsements from at least 25 Local Lodges (20 for the General Vice-President and delegate to the Canadian Labour Congress nominated by Local Lodges in Canada). The candidates below received the required number of Local Lodge endorsements and because no other candidates received the minimum number of endorsements, they are thus elected to their respective offices. Officers nominated and elected are: General Vice-Presidents Dave Ritchie, Local Lodge 235; Robert Roach, Jr., Local Lodge 1445; Lynn D. Tucker, Jr., Local Lodge 1838; Robert Martinez, Jr., Local Lodge 776A; Richard P. Michalski, Local Lodge 1916; Philip J. Gruber, Local Lodge 688 and Gary Allen, Local Lodge 794. Dave Ritchie, Robert Roach, Jr., Lynn D. Tucker, Jr. and Robert Martinez, Jr. were reelected as General Vice-Presidents. Richard Michalski and Philip Gruber were nominated and elected after being appointed General Vice-Presidents in 2006 and Gary Allen was nominated and elected for the first time. Members of the Committee on Law Incumbent Philip Zannella, Jr., Local Lodge 1363 is joined by newly nominated and elected members James Beno, Local Lodge 2182 and Stan Pickthall, Local Lodge 692, who were appointed in 2007 and new members Ellen Arbogast, Local Lodge 1345 and Jeffery Goen, Local Lodge 709. Delegates to the AFL-CIO Incumbents James Conigliaro, Local Lodge 447 and Shelley Kessler, Local Lodge 1414 were reelected. Stephen Gordon, Local Lodge 141 was nominated and elected for the first time. Delegate to the Canadian Labour Congress International President Incumbent Angela Schira, Local Lodge 764, was reelected. R. Thomas Buffenbarger, Local Lodge 912, reelected. This special edition of the IAM Journal reports the full Localby-Local tabulation of nominations received for each office. It also introduces your new Executive Council with biographical sketches of each officer. General Secretary-Treasurer Warren L. Mart, Local Lodge 153, reelected. The JOURNAL of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. Published by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. Affiliated with the Canadian Labour Congress. Dave Ritchie 15 Gervais Drive, Suite 707 Toronto, ON M3C 1Y8 Robert Roach Jr. 9000 Machinists Place Upper Marlboro, MD 20772–2687 Editor: Bill Trbovich IAM Communications Department 15 Gervais Drive, Suite 707 Toronto, ON M3C 1Y8 Translation: Les Traductions St-François Published quarterly and mailed to every member of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers of Canada. Subscription price to non-members: $4 per year. Printed in Canada Moving? When you move, please advise your IAM Local Lodge Financial Officer. Also, tear off the address label on the cover of this magazine and attach it to a sheet of paper with your new correct address and mail it to: J our n a l International President R. Thomas Buffenbarger 9000 Machinists Place Upper Marlboro, MD 20772–2687 General Secretary-Treasurer Warren Mart 9000 Machinists Place Upper Marlboro, MD 20772–2687 General Vice-Presidents Lee Pearson 620 Coolidge Drive, Suite 130 Folsom, CA 95630 2 Lynn D. Tucker Executive Plaza III 135 Merchant Street, Suite 265 Cincinnati, OH 45246-3730 Robert Martinez Jr. 1111 West Mockingbird Lane, Suite 1357 Dallas, TX 75247 Richard Michalski 9000 Machinists Place Upper Marlboro, MD 20772-2687 Phillip J. Gruber 5 Westbrook Corporate Center 11301 Cermack Road, Suite 100 Westchester, IL 60154 Mail Publication Agreement #40006466 RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: IAMAW Journal 15 Gervais Drive, Suite 707 TORONTO, ON M3C 1Y8 IAMAW Journal, 15 Gervais Drive, Suite 707 Toronto, ON M3C 1Y8. Members can now request a change of address for the IAMAW Journal online at: www.iamaw.ca/change. Members then have the option of sending their old and new information in English or French. Members can also subscribe to the Canadian Machinists’ weekly electronic newsletter, The Weekly / L’Hebdo at: www.iamaw.ca/lists I A M AW E x e c u t i v e B o a r d i n t e r n at i o n a l p r e s i d e n t R. Thomas Buffenbarger R. Thomas Buffenbarger is the 13th International President in the IAM’s 120-year history. He was first elected International President in 1997. The son of an IAM member, Buffenbarger assumed his first IAM leadership post in 1970, at age 20, when he was elected Shop Steward of his apprenticeship group at General Electric Jet Engines, IAM Local Lodge 912, Evendale, OH. He was elected Business Representative for IAM District 34, Cincinnati, OH, in 1977. In 1980 he became an IAM Special Representative and in 1983 became Administrative Assistant to the General Vice-President for the Great Lakes Territory. Buffenbarger came to IAM Headquarters in December 1986 in the Organizing Department. In January 1988 he was appointed Executive Assistant to the International President. Buffenbarger became General Vice-President at Headquarters in 1991, functioning as chief of staff of all Headquarters operations, including the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center. As International President, Buffenbarger is a member of the AFL-CIO Executive Council and serves on the International Metalworkers Federation’s Executive Committee as President of its Aerospace Department. g e n e ra l s e c r e ta ry - t r e a s u r e r Warren L. Mart Warren L. Mart has served as the IAM General Secretary-Treasurer since 2003. As General Secretary-Treasurer he is responsible for directing the finances of the International Union, ensuring the IAM stays financially strong. As General-Secretary-Treasurer, Mart serves as Co-Chairperson of the IAM National Pension Fund and the IAM Health and Benefit Trust Fund. Mart first joined the IAM in 1966, as a member of Local Lodge 1900, when he hired on as a welder at Arkla Air Conditioning in Evansville, Indiana. He served the local as a Shop Steward and as President, then later transferred to Local Lodge 1955 which became Local Lodge 2186 and then Local Lodge 153. In 1980, he was elected Directing Business Representative of IAM District Lodge 153, Evansville, IN. Mart also served on the Mayor’s Labor Advisory Board; the United Way of Southwestern Indiana and the Evansville Leadership Board. In 1988, Mart was elected as a Vice-President of the Indiana State AFL-CIO. He also served as Vice-President of the Southern Indiana Central Labor Council, and Secretary- Treasurer and President of the Indiana State Council of Machinists. Mart was appointed as a Special Representative in 1987 and a Grand Lodge Representative in 1989. His assignments included servicing and organizing members and handling national coordinated bargaining with the Square D Company and with Rockwell. He was elected General Vice-President in 1997 and assigned to direct IAM programs and activities in the union’s Eastern Territory, headquartered in Cincinnati, OH. In August 2003, he was appointed IAM General Secretary-Treasurer and was re-elected as General Secretary-Treasurer in 2005. 3 I A M AW E x e c u t i v e b o a r d g e n e ra l v i c e - p r e s i d e n t Dave Ritchie Dave Ritchie has served as the IAM General Vice-President for Canada since 1995. Ritchie coordinates the administration of services for some 50,000 Canadian IAM members and leads the IAM’s legislative fight and organizing campaigns in all of the Canadian provinces which include: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland-Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec and Saskatchewan, as well as the Yukon, Northwest and Nunavut Territories. As the senior officer of the IAM in Canada, Ritchie serves as a Vice-President on the Executive Council of the Canadian Labour Congress. He is also the Co-Chair of the IAM Labour Management Pension Fund. Ritchie served as Directing Business Representative for District 78 from 1986 to 1995 where he administered the activities of one of the largest IAM Districts in Canada whose members are employed in manufacturing and office work. Elected Business Representative in October 1978, Ritchie performed a wide variety of duties including District 78 Vice-President and President. He was also a founding member of the Canadian Conference of Machinists and Vice-President of the Ontario Provincial Council of Machinists. Ritchie joined Toronto IAM Local Lodge 1755 in 1973 after being hired by Sangamo Electric where he worked as an electric meter repairman. He is now a member of Local Lodge 235 following its merger with Local Lodge 1755 in January 1995. On joining the IAM, Ritchie immediately became active in the union and held numerous positions at the local level, including Shop Steward, Chief Steward, Shop Committee Chairperson, Vice-President and Negotiating Committee Chairperson. Ritchie is the past Chairperson of the Ontario Newspaper Council of Unions. His interest in apprenticeship programs led him to membership on the Ontario Premier’s Council for Apprenticeships. He also served as an executive board member for Electronic Sectoral Skills Ontario and the position of Co-Chair of the Apprenticeship Committee Sectoral Skills. g e n e ra l v i c e - p r e s i d e n t Robert Roach, Jr. Robert Roach, Jr., has served as the IAM General Vice-President assigned to Transportation since 1999. The Transportation Department operates from IAM Headquarters and administers contracts in the railroad and air transport sectors in the United States Robert Roach, Jr., started in the IAM in 1975 as a Ramp Serviceman for TWA and a member of Local Lodge 1056 in New York. Soon after, he transferred to Local Lodge 1445 in Newark, NJ. He was elected as a Shop Steward in 1976 and served as Grievance Committee Chairman from 1979 through 1992. Roach held other offices in Local Lodge 1445, including Trustee, Vice-President and President. In 1984, Roach was elected District Lodge 142 Trustee and also served as Coordinator for the District’s Human Rights Committee. He became a District 142 General Chairman in 1992. In 1994, Roach was appointed Transportation Department Special Representative and a Grand 44 Lodge Representative in 1996. In 1997, he was appointed by International President George J. Kourpias to be a Trustee of the IAM/TWA Annuity Pension Plan. On June 1, 1999, Roach became General VicePresident of the Transportation Department. He is also a member of the Executive Committee of the AFL-CIO’s Transportation Trades Department and a member of the International Transport Workers’ Federation Executive Board and Management Committees. Roach earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Labor and Management Relations at the Empire State Labor College and is a graduate of the Labor Studies program at the Cornell School of Labor. I A M AW E x e c u t i v e b o a r d g e n e ra l v i c e - p r e s i d e n t Lynn D. Tucker, Jr. Lynn D. Tucker, Jr., has served as the IAM General Vice-President assigned to the Eastern Territory since 2003. The Eastern Territory includes the District of Columbia and fourteen states: Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, West Virginia and Vermont. Tucker began his career with the Machinists Union in 1976 working for Miller Brewery in Fulton, New York. He has held a variety of elected offices in the IAM including Shop Steward, Senior Steward, Local Lodge Vice-President and President. Tucker also served on the Oswego New York Labor Council, the Greater Syracuse New York Labor Council and was Vice-President of the New York State Council of Machinists. He has served as Director of the United Way in Fulton, New York and as President of the Industrial Relations Research Association, Central New York Chapter, in Syracuse, New York. Tucker is also a member of the Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW), the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and the A. Philip Randolph Institute (APRI). In 1986, Tucker was elected as a Business Representative for District Lodge 137 in Watertown, New York. In 1989, Tucker was appointed by International President George Kourpias as a Special Representative for the Eastern Territory and advanced to the position of Grand Lodge Representative. In 1992, Eastern Territory General Vice-President George J. Poulin selected Tucker to serve as his Administrative Assistant. When Poulin retired in 1997, newly-elected General VicePresident Warren Mart selected Tucker to continue as the Eastern Territory Administrative Assistant. Tucker served as Administrative Assistant until 2003 when he became the General Vice-President for the Eastern Territory. g e n e ra l v i c e - p r e s i d e n t Robert Martinez, Jr. Robert Martinez has served as the General Vice-President assigned to the Southern Territory since 2003. The Southern Territory includes fourteen states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Martinez joined the IAM as an Aircraft Assembler in 1980 with Local Lodge 776A, Aeronautical Industrial District Lodge 776, in Fort Worth, Texas. He served on many committees and in various positions with his Local Lodge throughout his employment at Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Fort Worth Division. In 1994, Martinez was assigned to the International Chemical Workers Union Center for Worker Safety and Health Education in Cincinnati, Ohio, as the liaison to the Federal Consortium of Education. He was assigned in 1995 to serve in the Safety and Health Department. He also served as a Project Coordinator for the Corporation for Re-Employment and Safety Training (IAM CREST) and for the Center for Administering Rehabilitation and Employment Services (IAM CARES). In 1999, with the addition of the Territorial Education Representatives, Martinez was assigned by International President Tom Buffenbarger to serve as the Education Representative of the Southern Territory on General Vice-President George Hooper’s staff in Dallas, Texas. In April 2002, he was re-assigned as a Special Representative and served in that capacity until assuming the office of General Vice-President of the Southern Territory in July 2003. Martinez currently serves on the Board of Directors for Guide Dogs of America and is a National VicePresident on the Executive Board with the Labor Council for Latin American Advancement and serves on the Board of the Texas Labor Management Conference. He is also a member of the National Board of the Democratic National Committee serving on the Hispanic Caucus and Southern Caucus. He also serves as a Trustee on the Board of the IAM Pension Fund. 5 I A M AW E x e c u t i v e b o a r d g e n e ra l v i c e - p r e s i d e n t Richard Michalski Richard Michalski has served as the IAM General VicePresident assigned to IAM Headquarters since 2006. As Headquarters General Vice-President, Michalski is the chief of staff of IAM Headquarters operations, including the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center, has jurisdiction for Woodworkers and Government Employees and chairs the Aerospace Conference. Michalski initiated into IAM Local Lodge 1916 in 1968 and worked as a welder at General Electric in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He held several positions in his local lodge, including Shop Steward, Chairman of the Bargaining Committee and President. Michalski has always been politically involved at the grass roots level, volunteering many hours campaigning for candidates promoting workers’ issues. He was the Democratic Committeeman for his precinct for 12 years, and was an elected delegate to the 1980 and 1984 Democratic National Conventions. Michalski became Director of the IAM’s Legislative and Political Action Department in 1992. Working with the AFL-CIO and its affiliates, Michalski advocated with members of Congress and legislators at the state and local level for legislation to improve the lives of working men and women. While he served as the IAM’s Legislative Director, Michalski was also Director of Political Action for the Machinists Non-Partisan Political League (MNPL), one of the top ten political action committees in America. Michalski has been a longstanding member of the Democratic National Committee and has attended every Democratic National Convention since 1992. g e n e ra l v i c e - p r e s i d e n t Philip J. Gruber Philip J. Gruber has served as the IAM General Vice-President of the Midwest Territory since 2006. The Midwest Territory is comprised of nine states: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Gruber has been a member of the Machinists Union since his initiation into Local Lodge 688 in 1972. It was then that he began his apprenticeship. He became a Journeyman Tool & Die Maker in 1976. He served as Steward, Chief Steward, Treasurer and President of Lodge 688. He was elected as a delegate to the St. Louis Labor Council, the Missouri State Council of Machinists and the IAM National Tool & Die Conference. In 1976, Gruber taught the Apprenticeship Program for Belleville Area College and in 1977, he taught the Apprenticeship Program for Lewis and Clark College. In 1978, he helped rewrite and update the Apprenticeship Program that is still being used today. Gruber has served as Secretary-Treasurer, then President of the District 9/PAC and the Missouri State Council of Machinists. He also has served as 6 Secretary-Treasurer of the Midwest States Conference of Machinists, the National Tool and Die Conference and as Chairman of the District 9 Joint Apprenticeship Committee. Gruber was a member of the National Planning Committee, the IAM Law Committee, the Board of Directors of United Way of St. Louis, and still serves on the Board of Directors for Guide Dogs of America. He has been a Delegate to every Grand Lodge Convention since 1980. In 1984, Gruber was part of an IAM delegation that traveled to Japan to study and compare the culture of the Asian workforce and their labor organizations to the American system. In 1987, Gruber joined the staff of District Lodge 9 in St. Louis, MO as a Business Representative. In 1996, he was appointed the Assistant Directing Business Representative of District 9. He became the Directing Business Representative in 2003. In 2004, Midwest Territory General Vice-President James E. Brown appointed Gruber as Administrative Assistant. In 2006, Gruber succeeded Brown as the General Vice-President of the Midwest Territory. I A M AW E x e c u t i v e b o a r d g e n e ra l v i c e - p r e s i d e n t Gary Allen Gary Allen joins the Executive Council as the General VicePresident assigned to the Western Territory. The Western Territory includes thirteen states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. Allen, a native of New Mexico, initiated into IAM Local Lodge 794 in 1979 when he was hired at the General Electric Aircraft Engine Plant, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Following his father’s example, Allen involved himself in the IAM early on. He was elected as an IAM Area Steward in 1981. One year later, he was elected First Shift Steward, responsible for handling grievances and directing the activities of all stewards on first shift. The following year he was elected Chief Steward, overseeing the activities of all shop stewards on all shifts. He also served as a Local Lodge Auditor, a member of the Labor Relations Negotiating Committee, the Organizing Committee and as a delegate to then District Lodge 183, the AFLCIO and IAM Grand Lodge Conventions. In 1985, Allen became one of the youngest-ever elected President and Directing Business Representatives of Local Lodge 794, representing IAM members at shops including General Electric, Greyhound, Fruehauf Trailers and Arkansas Best Freight. He held both positions until 1989, when he was appointed Special Representative for the IAM’s Western Territory. He became a Grand Lodge Representative in 1991 and in 1996 was appointed the Territorial Organizing Leader for the Western Territory. Allen moved to IAM Headquarters in 1997 as a Coordinator for Collective Bargaining and later that year was appointed Aerospace Coordinator in the newlyformed IAM Aerospace Department. In 2003, General Vice-President Lee Pearson selected Allen to serve as the Western Territory’s Administrative Assistant. Allen brings a broad depth and breadth of experience in numerous industries, from aerospace to transportation, as well as his endeavors in organizing, servicing and representation, to his new position on the Executive Council. c o m m i t t e e o n l aw Ellen Arbogast James Beno d e l e gat e s t o a f l - c i o James Conigliaro Stephen Gordon Shelly Kessler Jeffrey Goen Stanley Pickthall Philip Zanella, Jr. delegate to canadian labour congress Angela Schira 7 N o mi n at i o n s b y l o d g e s Nominations by Lodges for Grand Lodge Office, Delegates and Committee on Law international president general secretary - treasurer Buffenbarger, R.T. Mart, W.L. Card No. AP94685 Total: 393 Lodges Card No. AK75211 Total: 394 Lodges 3 41 78 124 192 313 447 554 656 710 735 764 822 851 948 1030 1123 1211 1284 1367 1498 1564 1632 1728 1815 1869 1951 2024 2125 2231 2328 2424 2560 2727 2798 DS140 8 4 46 79 126 193 315 459 561 660 712 737 771 830 862 949 1037 1125 1217 1293 1377 1501 1569 1635 1735 1826 1871 1956 2034 2135 2235 2332 2458 2569 2768 2799 S7 10 16 47 48 86 88 135 147 212 218 330 360 463 480 585 588 684 688 714 717T 741 742 773 776A 831 834 873 879 964 971 1044 1045 1133 1148 1227 1234 1295 1299 1391 1420 1502 1516 1575 1581 1639 1653 1745 1759 1829 1830 1885 1886 1957 1971 2050 2052 2159 2189 2251 2269 2336 2339C 2468 2515 2574 2575 2771 2777 2903 2905 S25 S76 20 49 90 153 225 368 486 598 692 720E 751A 776B 835 901 993 1060 1165 1238 1322 1426 1528 1584 1660 1763 1832 1894 1976 2053 2191 2276 2339H 2525 2584 2779 2906 S89 21 52 93 154 235 378 510 602 695 720J 751C 778 836 912 1000 1073 1173 1239 1329 1432 1529 1595 1671 1771 1833 1904 1980 2054 2202 2293 2341 2531 2654 2780 2909 W157 23 54 97 166 243 423 511 612 696 726 751E 794 837A 914 1010 1101 1180 1242 1333 1441 1538 1596 1689 1776 1842 1905 1998 2058 2203 2296 2357 2535 2671 2781 2910 W303 24 55 99 175 254 427 516 621 698 727N 751F 798 837B 917 1017 1106 1191 1255 1338 1445 1546 1602 1691 1781 1845 1922 1999 2061 2208 2297 2363 2541 2707 2782 2913 WW1 31 63 100 176 260 434 519 641 700 727P 755 804 839 924 1018 1115 1202 1260 1345 1484 1555 1613 1711 1782 1848 1930 2003 2069 2210 2301 2401 2552 2708 2786 2916 36 66 112 180 291 435 523 648 701 731 760 818 845 933 1019 1118 1203 1270 1346 1486 1557 1623 1722 1784 1849 1933 2006 2082 2212 2317 2418 2555 2711 2794 2918 40 70 121 186 311 439 543 653 709 733 761 821 846 946 1027 1120 1209 1280 1351 1487 1562 1628 1726 1793 1862 1943 2008 2105 2228 2319 2421 2559 2723 2797 DS110 3 41 78 124 192 313 447 554 653 709 733 761 821 846 946 1027 1120 1209 1280 1351 1487 1562 1628 1726 1793 1862 1943 2008 2105 2228 2319 2421 2559 2723 2797 DS110 4 46 79 126 193 315 459 561 656 710 735 764 822 851 948 1030 1123 1211 1284 1367 1498 1564 1632 1728 1815 1869 1951 2024 2125 2231 2328 2424 2560 2727 2798 DS140 10 47 86 135 212 330 463 585 660 712 737 771 830 862 949 1037 1125 1217 1293 1377 1501 1569 1635 1735 1826 1871 1956 2034 2135 2235 2332 2458 2569 2768 2799 S7 16 48 88 147 218 360 480 588 684 714 741 773 831 873 964 1044 1133 1227 1295 1391 1502 1575 1639 1745 1829 1885 1957 2050 2159 2251 2336 2468 2574 2771 2903 S25 20 49 90 153 225 368 486 598 688 717T 742 776A 834 879 971 1045 1148 1234 1299 1420 1516 1581 1653 1759 1830 1886 1971 2052 2189 2269 2339C 2515 2575 2777 2905 S76 21 52 93 154 235 378 510 602 692 720E 751A 776B 835 901 993 1060 1165 1238 1322 1426 1528 1584 1660 1763 1832 1894 1976 2053 2191 2276 2339H 2525 2584 2779 2906 S89 23 54 97 166 243 423 511 612 695 720J 751C 778 836 912 1000 1073 1173 1239 1329 1432 1529 1595 1671 1771 1833 1904 1980 2054 2202 2293 2341 2531 2654 2780 2909 W157 24 55 99 175 254 427 516 621 696 726 751E 794 837A 914 1010 1101 1180 1242 1333 1441 1538 1596 1689 1776 1842 1905 1998 2058 2203 2296 2357 2535 2671 2781 2910 W303 31 63 100 176 260 434 519 623 698 727N 751F 798 837B 917 1017 1106 1191 1255 1338 1445 1546 1602 1691 1781 1845 1922 1999 2061 2208 2297 2363 2541 2707 2782 2913 WW1 36 66 112 180 291 435 523 641 700 727P 755 804 839 924 1018 1115 1202 1260 1345 1484 1555 1613 1711 1782 1848 1930 2003 2069 2210 2301 2401 2552 2708 2786 2916 40 70 121 186 311 439 543 648 701 731 760 818 845 933 1019 1118 1203 1270 1346 1486 1557 1623 1722 1784 1849 1933 2006 2082 2212 2317 2418 2555 2711 2794 2918 N o mi n at i o n s b y l o d g e s general vice - president general vice - president Allen, G.R. Gruber, P.J. Card No. BJ88401 Total: 361 Lodges Card No. AK71328 Total: 361 Lodges 3 4 10 20 21 23 24 31 36 40 41 3 4 10 20 21 23 24 31 36 40 41 46 47 48 49 52 55 63 66 70 78 79 46 47 48 49 52 55 63 66 70 78 79 86 88 90 93 97 100 112 121 124 126 135 86 88 90 93 97 100 112 121 124 126 135 147 153 154 166 175 176 180 186 192 193 212 147 153 154 166 175 176 180 186 192 193 212 218 225 243 254 260 291 311 313 315 330 360 218 225 243 254 260 291 311 313 315 330 360 368 378 427 434 435 439 447 459 463 480 486 368 378 427 434 435 439 447 459 463 480 486 510 511 516 519 523 543 554 561 585 588 598 510 511 516 519 523 543 554 561 585 588 598 602 612 621 623 641 648 653 656 660 688 695 602 612 621 623 641 648 653 656 660 688 695 696 698 700 701 709 710 720E 720J 726 727N 727P 696 698 700 701 709 710 720E 720J 731 733 735 737 742 751A 751C 751E 751F 755 760 731 733 735 737 742 751A 751C 751E 751F 755 760 761 773 776A 776B 778 778 830 831 873 879 971 794 798 804 818 821 822 761 773 776A 776B 834 836 837A 837B 839 845 846 851 862 830 831 912 914 933 946 948 949 964 873 879 993 1000 1010 1017 1018 1019 1027 1030 1037 1044 971 993 1000 1010 1017 1018 1019 1027 1030 1037 1044 1165 1045 1060 1073 1101 1106 917 1045 1060 1073 1101 1106 726 727N 727P 1173 1180 924 1115 1118 1123 1125 1133 1191 1202 1203 1209 1211 1217 1227 1234 1238 1173 1180 794 798 804 818 821 822 834 836 837A 837B 839 845 846 851 862 912 914 933 946 948 949 964 917 924 1115 1118 1123 1125 1133 1165 1191 1202 1203 1209 1211 1217 1227 1234 1238 1239 1242 1255 1260 1270 1280 1284 1293 1299 1322 1329 1239 1242 1255 1260 1270 1280 1284 1293 1299 1322 1329 1333 1338 1345 1346 1351 1367 1377 1391 1420 1426 1432 1333 1338 1345 1346 1351 1367 1377 1391 1420 1426 1432 1441 1445 1484 1486 1487 1498 1501 1502 1516 1528 1441 1445 1484 1486 1487 1498 1501 1502 1516 1528 1529 1529 1538 1546 1555 1557 1562 1564 1569 1575 1581 1584 1595 1538 1546 1555 1557 1562 1564 1569 1575 1581 1584 1595 1596 1602 1613 1623 1628 1632 1635 1639 1653 1671 1689 1596 1602 1613 1623 1628 1632 1635 1639 1653 1671 1689 1691 1691 1711 1726 1728 1735 1745 1759 1771 1776 1781 1782 1711 1726 1728 1735 1745 1759 1771 1776 1781 1782 1784 1793 1815 1826 1829 1830 1832 1833 1842 1845 1849 1784 1793 1815 1826 1829 1830 1832 1833 1842 1845 1849 1862 1869 1871 1885 1886 1894 1904 1905 1930 1933 1862 1869 1871 1885 1886 1894 1904 1905 1930 1933 1943 1943 1951 1956 1957 1971 1976 1980 1998 1999 2003 2006 2008 1951 1956 1957 1971 1976 1980 1998 1999 2003 2006 2008 2024 2034 2050 2052 2053 2054 2058 2061 2069 2082 2105 2024 2034 2050 2052 2053 2054 2058 2061 2069 2082 2105 2125 2135 2159 2189 2191 2202 2203 2208 2210 2212 2228 2125 2135 2159 2189 2191 2202 2203 2208 2210 2212 2228 2231 2251 2269 2276 2293 2296 2297 2317 2319 2328 2336 2231 2251 2269 2276 2293 2296 2297 2317 2319 2328 2336 2339C 2339H 2341 2357 2363 2401 2421 2424 2458 2515 2525 2339C 2339H 2341 2357 2363 2401 2421 2424 2458 2515 2525 2531 2535 2541 2552 2555 2559 2560 2569 2574 2575 2584 2531 2535 2541 2552 2555 2559 2560 2569 2574 2575 2584 2654 2671 2708 2723 2768 2771 2777 2779 2780 2781 2782 2654 2671 2708 2723 2768 2771 2777 2779 2780 2781 2782 2786 2794 2798 2799 2903 2905 2906 2909 2910 2916 2786 2794 2798 2799 2903 2905 2906 2909 2910 2916 DS110 DS140 S7 S25 S76 S89 W157 W303 WW1 2918 DS110 DS140 S7 S25 S76 2918 S89 W157 W303 WW1 9 N o mi n at i o n s b y l o d g e s general vice - president general vice - president Martinez, R. Jr. Michalski, R.P. Card No. BM20891 Total: 361 Lodges Card No. AP18757 Total: 361 Lodges 3 4 10 20 21 23 24 31 36 40 41 46 47 48 49 52 55 63 66 70 78 79 86 88 90 93 97 100 112 121 124 126 135 147 153 154 166 175 176 180 186 192 193 212 218 225 243 254 260 291 311 313 315 330 360 368 378 427 434 435 439 447 459 463 480 486 510 511 516 519 523 543 554 561 585 588 598 602 612 621 623 641 648 653 656 660 688 695 696 698 700 701 709 710 720E 720J 731 733 735 737 742 751A 751C 751E 751F 755 760 761 773 776A 776B 778 830 831 873 879 971 794 798 804 818 821 822 834 836 837A 837B 839 845 846 851 862 912 914 933 946 948 949 964 993 1000 1010 1017 1018 1019 1027 1030 1037 1044 917 1045 1060 1073 1101 1106 726 727N 727P 1173 1180 924 1115 1118 1123 1125 1133 1165 1191 1202 1203 1209 1211 1217 1227 1234 1238 1239 1242 1255 1260 1270 1280 1284 1293 1299 1322 1329 1333 1338 1345 1346 1351 1367 1377 1391 1420 1426 1432 1441 1445 1484 1486 1487 1498 1501 1502 1516 1528 1529 1538 1546 1555 1557 1562 1564 1569 1575 1581 1584 1595 1596 1602 1613 1623 1628 1632 1635 1639 1653 1671 1689 1691 1711 1726 1728 1735 1745 1759 1771 1776 1781 1782 1784 1793 1815 1826 1829 1830 1832 1833 1842 1845 1849 1862 1869 1871 1885 1886 1894 1904 1905 1930 1933 1943 1951 1956 1957 1971 1976 1980 1998 1999 2003 2006 2008 2024 2034 2050 2052 2053 2054 2058 2061 2069 2082 2105 2125 2135 2159 2189 2191 2202 2203 2208 2210 2212 2228 2231 2251 2269 2276 2293 2296 2297 2317 2319 2328 2336 2339C 2339H 2341 2357 2363 2401 2421 2424 2458 2515 2525 2531 2535 2541 2552 2555 2559 2560 2569 2574 2575 2584 2654 2671 2708 2723 2768 2771 2777 2779 2780 2781 2782 2786 2794 2798 2799 2903 2905 2906 2909 2910 2916 DS110 DS140 10 S7 S25 S76 S89 W157 W303 WW1 3 46 86 147 218 368 510 602 696 731 761 830 873 971 1045 1173 1239 1333 1441 1538 1596 1691 1784 1862 1951 2024 2125 2231 2339C 2531 2654 2786 DS110 4 47 88 153 225 378 511 612 698 733 773 831 879 993 1060 1180 1242 1338 1445 1546 1602 1711 1793 1869 1956 2034 2135 2251 2339H 2535 2671 2794 DS140 10 48 90 154 243 427 516 621 700 735 776A 834 912 1000 1073 1191 1255 1345 1484 1555 1613 1726 1815 1871 1957 2050 2159 2269 2341 2541 2708 2798 S7 20 49 93 166 254 434 519 623 701 737 776B 836 914 1010 1101 1202 1260 1346 1486 1557 1623 1728 1826 1885 1971 2052 2189 2276 2357 2552 2723 2799 S25 21 52 97 175 260 435 523 641 709 742 778 837A 917 1017 1106 1203 1270 1351 1487 1562 1628 1735 1829 1886 1976 2053 2191 2293 2363 2555 2768 2903 S76 23 55 100 176 291 439 543 648 710 751A 794 837B 924 1018 1115 1209 1280 1367 1498 1564 1632 1745 1830 1894 1980 2054 2202 2296 2401 2559 2771 2905 S89 24 63 112 180 311 447 554 653 720E 751C 798 839 933 1019 1118 1211 1284 1377 1501 1569 1635 1759 1832 1904 1998 2058 2203 2297 2421 2560 2777 2906 W157 31 66 121 186 313 459 561 656 720J 751E 804 845 946 1027 1123 1217 1293 1391 1502 1575 1639 1771 1833 1905 1999 2061 2208 2317 2424 2569 2779 2909 W303 36 70 124 192 315 463 585 660 726 751F 818 846 948 1030 1125 1227 1299 1420 1516 1581 1653 1776 1842 1930 2003 2069 2210 2319 2458 2574 2780 2910 WW1 40 78 126 193 330 480 588 688 727N 755 821 851 949 1037 1133 1234 1322 1426 1528 1584 1671 1781 1845 1933 2006 2082 2212 2328 2515 2575 2781 2916 41 79 135 212 360 486 598 695 727P 760 822 862 964 1044 1165 1238 1329 1432 1529 1595 1689 1782 1849 1943 2008 2105 2228 2336 2525 2584 2782 2918 general vice - president Ritchie, D. Card No. BD50502 Total: 33 Lodges 2918 16 54 99 235 423 684 692 712 714 717T 741 764 771 835 901 1120 1148 1295 1660 1722 1763 1848 1922 2235 2301 2332 2418 2468 2707 2711 2727 2797 2913 N o mi n at i o n s b y l o d g e s general vice - president general vice - president Roach, R. Jr. Tucker, L.D. Jr. Card No. BE67752 Total: 361 Lodges Card No. BH54203 Total: 361 Lodges 3 4 10 20 21 23 24 31 36 40 41 3 4 10 20 21 23 24 31 36 40 41 46 47 48 49 52 55 63 66 70 78 79 46 47 48 49 52 55 63 66 70 78 79 86 88 90 93 97 100 112 121 124 126 135 86 88 90 93 97 100 112 121 124 126 135 147 153 154 166 175 176 180 186 192 193 212 147 153 154 166 175 176 180 186 192 193 212 218 225 243 254 260 291 311 313 315 330 360 218 225 243 254 260 291 311 313 315 330 360 368 378 427 434 435 439 447 459 463 480 486 368 378 427 434 435 439 447 459 463 480 486 510 511 516 519 523 543 554 561 585 588 598 510 511 516 519 523 543 554 561 585 588 598 602 612 621 623 641 648 653 656 660 688 695 602 612 621 623 641 648 653 656 660 688 695 696 698 700 701 709 710 720E 720J 726 727N 727P 696 698 700 701 709 710 720E 720J 731 733 735 737 742 751A 751C 751E 751F 755 760 731 733 735 737 742 751A 751C 751E 751F 755 760 761 773 776A 776B 778 778 830 831 873 879 971 794 798 804 818 821 822 761 773 776A 776B 834 836 837A 837B 839 845 846 851 862 830 831 912 914 933 946 948 949 964 873 879 993 1000 1010 1017 1018 1019 1027 1030 1037 1044 971 993 1000 1010 1017 1018 1019 1027 1030 1037 1044 1165 1045 1060 1073 1101 1106 917 1045 1060 1073 1101 1106 726 727N 727P 1173 1180 924 1115 1118 1123 1125 1133 1191 1202 1203 1209 1211 1217 1227 1234 1238 1173 1180 794 798 804 818 821 822 834 836 837A 837B 839 845 846 851 862 912 914 933 946 948 949 964 917 924 1115 1118 1123 1125 1133 1165 1191 1202 1203 1209 1211 1217 1227 1234 1238 1239 1242 1255 1260 1270 1280 1284 1293 1299 1322 1329 1239 1242 1255 1260 1270 1280 1284 1293 1299 1322 1329 1333 1338 1345 1346 1351 1367 1377 1391 1420 1426 1432 1333 1338 1345 1346 1351 1367 1377 1391 1420 1426 1432 1441 1445 1484 1486 1487 1498 1501 1502 1516 1528 1441 1445 1484 1486 1487 1498 1501 1502 1516 1528 1529 1529 1538 1546 1555 1557 1562 1564 1569 1575 1581 1584 1595 1538 1546 1555 1557 1562 1564 1569 1575 1581 1584 1595 1596 1602 1613 1623 1628 1632 1635 1639 1653 1671 1689 1596 1602 1613 1623 1628 1632 1635 1639 1653 1671 1689 1691 1691 1711 1726 1728 1735 1745 1759 1771 1776 1781 1782 1711 1726 1728 1735 1745 1759 1771 1776 1781 1782 1784 1793 1815 1826 1829 1830 1832 1833 1842 1845 1849 1784 1793 1815 1826 1829 1830 1832 1833 1842 1845 1849 1862 1869 1871 1885 1886 1894 1904 1905 1930 1933 1862 1869 1871 1885 1886 1894 1904 1905 1930 1933 1943 1943 1951 1956 1957 1971 1976 1980 1998 1999 2003 2006 2008 1951 1956 1957 1971 1976 1980 1998 1999 2003 2006 2008 2024 2034 2050 2052 2053 2054 2058 2061 2069 2082 2105 2024 2034 2050 2052 2053 2054 2058 2061 2069 2082 2105 2125 2135 2159 2189 2191 2202 2203 2208 2210 2212 2228 2125 2135 2159 2189 2191 2202 2203 2208 2210 2212 2228 2231 2251 2269 2276 2293 2296 2297 2317 2319 2328 2336 2231 2251 2269 2276 2293 2296 2297 2317 2319 2328 2336 2339C 2339H 2341 2357 2363 2401 2421 2424 2458 2515 2525 2339C 2339H 2341 2357 2363 2401 2421 2424 2458 2515 2525 2531 2535 2541 2552 2555 2559 2560 2569 2574 2575 2584 2531 2535 2541 2552 2555 2559 2560 2569 2574 2575 2584 2654 2671 2708 2723 2768 2771 2777 2779 2780 2781 2782 2654 2671 2708 2723 2768 2771 2777 2779 2780 2781 2782 2786 2794 2798 2799 2903 2905 2906 2909 2910 2916 2786 2794 2798 2799 2903 2905 2906 2909 2910 2916 DS110 DS140 S7 S25 S76 S89 W157 W303 WW1 2918 DS110 DS140 S7 S25 S76 2918 S89 W157 W303 WW1 11 N o mi n at i o n s b y l o d g e s committee on law committee on law Arbogast, E.M. Beno, J.H. Card No. BI69453 Total: 394 Lodges Card No. BG26928 Total: 394 Lodges 3 4 10 16 41 46 47 48 78 79 86 88 124 126 135 147 192 193 212 313 315 447 20 21 23 24 31 49 52 54 55 63 90 93 97 99 100 153 154 166 175 176 218 225 235 243 254 330 360 368 378 423 459 463 480 486 510 554 561 585 588 598 653 656 660 684 688 709 710 712 714 717T 720E 720J 733 735 737 741 40 3 4 21 23 66 70 41 46 47 48 112 121 78 79 86 88 49 52 54 55 63 66 70 90 93 97 99 100 112 121 180 186 124 126 135 147 153 154 166 175 176 180 186 260 291 311 192 193 212 218 225 235 243 254 260 291 311 427 434 435 439 313 315 330 360 368 378 423 427 434 435 439 511 516 519 523 543 447 459 463 480 486 510 511 516 519 523 543 602 612 621 623 641 648 554 561 585 588 598 602 612 621 623 641 648 692 695 696 698 700 701 653 656 660 684 688 692 695 696 698 700 701 726 727N 727P 731 709 710 712 714 717T 720E 720J 726 727N 727P 731 755 760 733 735 737 741 761 764 771 773 776A 776B 778 798 804 818 761 764 771 773 776A 776B 778 821 822 830 831 834 835 836 837A 837B 839 845 821 822 830 831 834 846 851 862 873 879 901 912 924 933 846 851 862 873 946 948 949 964 971 993 1000 1010 1017 1018 1019 946 948 949 964 1118 1027 1030 1037 1044 1045 1060 1073 742 751A 751C 751E 751F 1027 1030 1037 1044 1045 1060 1073 1120 1123 1125 1133 1148 1165 794 914 917 1101 1106 1173 1180 36 1115 1191 1202 1203 10 16 20 24 31 742 751A 751C 751E 751F 36 40 755 760 798 804 818 835 836 837A 837B 839 845 879 901 912 924 933 971 993 1000 1010 1017 1018 1019 1120 1123 1125 1133 1148 1165 794 914 917 1101 1106 1173 1180 1115 1118 1191 1202 1203 1209 1211 1217 1227 1234 1238 1239 1242 1255 1260 1270 1209 1211 1217 1227 1234 1238 1239 1242 1255 1260 1270 1280 1284 1293 1295 1299 1322 1329 1333 1338 1345 1346 1280 1284 1293 1295 1299 1322 1329 1333 1338 1345 1346 1351 1367 1377 1391 1420 1426 1432 1441 1445 1484 1486 1351 1367 1377 1391 1420 1426 1432 1441 1445 1484 1486 1487 1498 1501 1502 1516 1528 1529 1538 1546 1555 1557 1487 1498 1501 1502 1516 1528 1529 1538 1546 1555 1557 1562 1564 1569 1575 1581 1584 1595 1596 1602 1613 1623 1562 1564 1569 1575 1581 1584 1595 1596 1602 1613 1623 1628 1632 1635 1639 1653 1660 1671 1689 1691 1711 1722 1628 1632 1635 1639 1653 1660 1671 1689 1691 1711 1722 1726 1728 1735 1745 1759 1763 1771 1776 1781 1782 1784 1726 1728 1735 1745 1759 1763 1771 1776 1781 1782 1784 1793 1815 1826 1829 1830 1832 1833 1842 1845 1848 1849 1793 1815 1826 1829 1830 1832 1833 1842 1845 1848 1849 1862 1869 1871 1885 1886 1894 1904 1905 1922 1930 1862 1869 1871 1885 1886 1894 1904 1905 1922 1930 1933 1933 1943 1951 1956 1957 1971 1976 1980 1998 1999 2003 2006 1943 1951 1956 1957 1971 1976 1980 1998 1999 2003 2006 2008 2024 2034 2050 2052 2053 2054 2058 2061 2069 2082 2008 2024 2034 2050 2052 2053 2054 2058 2061 2069 2082 2105 2125 2135 2159 2189 2191 2202 2203 2208 2210 2212 2105 2125 2135 2159 2189 2191 2202 2203 2208 2210 2212 2228 2231 2235 2251 2269 2276 2293 2296 2297 2301 2228 2231 2235 2251 2269 2276 2293 2296 2297 2301 2317 2317 2319 2328 2332 2336 2339C 2339H 2341 2357 2363 2401 2418 2319 2328 2332 2336 2339C 2339H 2341 2357 2363 2401 2418 2421 2424 2458 2468 2515 2525 2531 2535 2541 2552 2555 2421 2424 2458 2468 2515 2525 2531 2535 2541 2552 2555 2559 2560 2569 2574 2575 2584 2654 2671 2707 2708 2559 2560 2569 2574 2575 2584 2654 2671 2707 2708 2711 2711 2723 2727 2768 2771 2777 2779 2780 2781 2782 2786 2794 2723 2727 2768 2771 2777 2779 2780 2781 2782 2786 2794 2797 2798 2799 2903 2905 2906 2909 2910 2913 2916 2797 2798 2799 2903 2905 2906 2909 2910 2913 2916 DS110 DS140 12 S7 S25 S76 S89 W157 W303 WW1 2918 DS110 DS140 S7 S25 S76 S89 W157 W303 WW1 2918 N o mi n at i o n s b y l o d g e s committee on law committee on law Goen, J.T. Pickthall, S.J. Card No. BG56603 Total: 394 Lodges Card No. BM85903 Total: 394 Lodges 3 4 10 16 41 46 47 48 78 79 86 88 124 126 135 147 192 193 212 313 315 447 20 21 23 24 31 49 52 54 55 63 90 93 97 99 100 153 154 166 175 176 218 225 235 243 254 330 360 368 378 423 459 463 480 486 510 554 561 585 588 598 653 656 660 684 688 709 710 712 714 717T 720E 720J 733 735 737 741 40 3 4 21 23 66 70 41 46 47 48 112 121 78 79 86 88 49 52 54 55 63 66 70 90 93 97 99 100 112 121 180 186 124 126 135 147 153 154 166 175 176 180 186 260 291 311 192 193 212 218 225 235 243 254 260 291 311 427 434 435 439 313 315 330 360 368 378 423 427 434 435 439 511 516 519 523 543 447 459 463 480 486 510 511 516 519 523 543 602 612 621 623 641 648 554 561 585 588 598 602 612 621 623 641 648 692 695 696 698 700 701 653 656 660 684 688 692 695 696 698 700 701 726 727N 727P 731 709 710 712 714 717T 720E 720J 726 727N 727P 731 755 760 733 735 737 741 761 764 771 773 776A 776B 778 798 804 818 761 764 771 773 776A 776B 778 821 822 830 831 834 835 836 837A 837B 839 845 821 822 830 831 834 846 851 862 873 879 901 912 924 933 846 851 862 873 946 948 949 964 971 993 1000 1010 1017 1018 1019 946 948 949 964 1118 1027 1030 1037 1044 1045 1060 1073 742 751A 751C 751E 751F 1027 1030 1037 1044 1045 1060 1073 1120 1123 1125 1133 1148 1165 794 914 917 1101 1106 1173 1180 36 1115 1191 1202 1203 10 16 20 24 31 742 751A 751C 751E 751F 36 40 755 760 798 804 818 835 836 837A 837B 839 845 879 901 912 924 933 971 993 1000 1010 1017 1018 1019 1120 1123 1125 1133 1148 1165 794 914 917 1101 1106 1173 1180 1115 1118 1191 1202 1203 1209 1211 1217 1227 1234 1238 1239 1242 1255 1260 1270 1209 1211 1217 1227 1234 1238 1239 1242 1255 1260 1270 1280 1284 1293 1295 1299 1322 1329 1333 1338 1345 1346 1280 1284 1293 1295 1299 1322 1329 1333 1338 1345 1346 1351 1367 1377 1391 1420 1426 1432 1441 1445 1484 1486 1351 1367 1377 1391 1420 1426 1432 1441 1445 1484 1486 1487 1498 1501 1502 1516 1528 1529 1538 1546 1555 1557 1487 1498 1501 1502 1516 1528 1529 1538 1546 1555 1557 1562 1564 1569 1575 1581 1584 1595 1596 1602 1613 1623 1562 1564 1569 1575 1581 1584 1595 1596 1602 1613 1623 1628 1632 1635 1639 1653 1660 1671 1689 1691 1711 1722 1628 1632 1635 1639 1653 1660 1671 1689 1691 1711 1722 1726 1728 1735 1745 1759 1763 1771 1776 1781 1782 1784 1726 1728 1735 1745 1759 1763 1771 1776 1781 1782 1784 1793 1815 1826 1829 1830 1832 1833 1842 1845 1848 1849 1793 1815 1826 1829 1830 1832 1833 1842 1845 1848 1849 1862 1869 1871 1885 1886 1894 1904 1905 1922 1930 1862 1869 1871 1885 1886 1894 1904 1905 1922 1930 1933 1933 1943 1951 1956 1957 1971 1976 1980 1998 1999 2003 2006 1943 1951 1956 1957 1971 1976 1980 1998 1999 2003 2006 2008 2024 2034 2050 2052 2053 2054 2058 2061 2069 2082 2008 2024 2034 2050 2052 2053 2054 2058 2061 2069 2082 2105 2125 2135 2159 2189 2191 2202 2203 2208 2210 2212 2105 2125 2135 2159 2189 2191 2202 2203 2208 2210 2212 2228 2231 2235 2251 2269 2276 2293 2296 2297 2301 2228 2231 2235 2251 2269 2276 2293 2296 2297 2301 2317 2317 2319 2328 2332 2336 2339C 2339H 2341 2357 2363 2401 2418 2319 2328 2332 2336 2339C 2339H 2341 2357 2363 2401 2418 2421 2424 2458 2468 2515 2525 2531 2535 2541 2552 2555 2421 2424 2458 2468 2515 2525 2531 2535 2541 2552 2555 2559 2560 2569 2574 2575 2584 2654 2671 2707 2708 2559 2560 2569 2574 2575 2584 2654 2671 2707 2708 2711 2711 2723 2727 2768 2771 2777 2779 2780 2781 2782 2786 2794 2723 2727 2768 2771 2777 2779 2780 2781 2782 2786 2794 2797 2798 2799 2903 2905 2906 2909 2910 2913 2916 2797 2798 2799 2903 2905 2906 2909 2910 2913 2916 DS110 DS140 S7 S25 S76 S89 W157 W303 WW1 2918 DS110 DS140 S7 S25 S76 2918 S89 W157 W303 WW1 13 N o mi n at i o n s b y l o d g e s committee on law delegate to afl - cio Zannella, P. Jr. Conigliaro, J. Card No. AX10332 Total: 394 Lodges Card No. AP18757 Total: 361 Lodges 3 4 10 16 41 46 47 48 78 79 86 88 124 126 135 147 192 193 212 313 315 447 20 21 23 24 31 49 52 54 55 63 90 93 97 99 100 153 154 166 175 176 218 225 235 243 254 330 360 368 378 423 459 463 480 486 510 554 561 585 588 598 653 656 660 684 688 709 710 712 714 717T 720E 720J 733 735 737 741 40 3 4 10 20 21 23 24 31 36 40 41 66 70 46 47 48 49 52 55 63 66 70 78 79 112 121 86 88 90 93 97 100 112 121 124 126 135 180 186 147 153 154 166 175 176 180 186 192 193 212 260 291 311 218 225 243 254 260 291 311 313 315 330 360 427 434 435 439 368 378 427 434 435 439 447 459 463 480 486 511 516 519 523 543 602 612 621 623 641 648 510 511 516 519 523 543 554 561 585 588 598 692 695 696 698 700 701 602 612 621 623 641 648 653 656 660 688 695 726 727N 727P 731 696 698 700 701 709 710 720E 720J 731 733 735 737 742 751A 751C 751E 751F 755 760 761 764 771 773 776A 776B 778 761 773 776A 776B 778 821 822 830 831 834 830 831 846 851 862 873 946 948 949 964 742 751A 751C 751E 751F 36 726 727N 727P 755 760 798 804 818 835 836 837A 837B 839 845 879 901 912 924 933 873 879 971 993 1000 1010 1017 1018 1019 971 993 1000 1010 1017 1018 1019 1027 1030 1037 1044 1118 1045 1060 1073 1101 1106 1027 1030 1037 1044 1045 1060 1073 1120 1123 1125 1133 1148 1165 794 914 917 1101 1106 1173 1180 1115 1191 1202 1203 1173 1180 794 798 804 818 821 822 834 836 837A 837B 839 845 846 851 862 912 914 933 946 948 949 964 917 924 1115 1118 1123 1125 1133 1165 1191 1202 1203 1209 1211 1217 1227 1234 1238 1209 1211 1217 1227 1234 1238 1239 1242 1255 1260 1270 1239 1242 1255 1260 1270 1280 1284 1293 1299 1322 1329 1280 1284 1293 1295 1299 1322 1329 1333 1338 1345 1346 1333 1338 1345 1346 1351 1367 1377 1391 1420 1426 1432 1351 1367 1377 1391 1420 1426 1432 1441 1445 1484 1486 1441 1445 1484 1486 1487 1498 1501 1502 1516 1528 1487 1498 1501 1502 1516 1528 1529 1538 1546 1555 1557 1538 1546 1555 1557 1562 1564 1569 1575 1581 1584 1595 1562 1564 1569 1575 1581 1584 1595 1596 1602 1613 1623 1596 1602 1613 1623 1628 1632 1635 1639 1653 1671 1689 1628 1632 1635 1639 1653 1660 1671 1689 1691 1711 1722 1726 1728 1735 1745 1759 1763 1771 1776 1781 1782 1784 1793 1815 1826 1829 1830 1832 1833 1842 1845 1848 1849 1862 1869 1871 1885 1886 1894 1904 1905 1922 1930 1933 1943 1951 1956 1957 1971 1976 1980 1998 1999 2003 2006 2008 2024 2034 2050 2052 2053 2054 2058 2061 2069 2082 2105 2125 2135 2159 2189 2191 2202 2203 2208 2210 2212 2228 2231 2235 2251 2269 2276 2293 2296 2297 2301 2317 1691 1711 1726 1728 1735 1745 1759 1771 1776 1781 1529 1782 1784 1793 1815 1826 1829 1830 1832 1833 1842 1845 1849 1862 1869 1871 1885 1886 1894 1904 1905 1930 1933 1943 1951 1956 1957 1971 1976 1980 1998 1999 2003 2006 2008 2024 2034 2050 2052 2053 2054 2058 2061 2069 2082 2105 2125 2135 2159 2189 2191 2202 2203 2208 2210 2212 2228 2231 2251 2269 2276 2293 2296 2297 2317 2319 2328 2336 2319 2328 2332 2336 2339C 2339H 2341 2357 2363 2401 2418 2339C 2339H 2341 2357 2363 2401 2421 2424 2458 2515 2525 2421 2424 2458 2468 2515 2525 2531 2535 2541 2552 2555 2531 2535 2541 2552 2555 2559 2560 2569 2574 2575 2584 2559 2560 2569 2574 2575 2584 2654 2671 2707 2708 2654 2671 2708 2723 2768 2771 2777 2779 2780 2781 2782 2711 2723 2727 2768 2771 2777 2779 2780 2781 2782 2786 2794 2786 2794 2798 2799 2903 2905 2906 2909 2910 2916 2797 2798 2799 2903 2905 2906 2909 2910 2913 2916 DS110 DS140 DS110 DS140 14 S7 S25 S76 S89 W157 W303 WW1 2918 S7 S25 S76 S89 W157 W303 WW1 2918 N o mi n at i o n s b y l o d g e s delegate to afl - cio delegate to afl - cio Gordon, S.M. Kessler, S. Card No. BU27527 Total: 361 Lodges Card No. BM63785 Total: 361 Lodges 3 46 86 147 218 368 510 602 696 731 761 830 873 971 1045 1173 1239 1333 1441 1538 1596 1691 1784 1862 1951 2024 2125 2231 2339C 2531 2654 2786 DS110 4 47 88 153 225 378 511 612 698 733 773 831 879 993 1060 1180 1242 1338 1445 1546 1602 1711 1793 1869 1956 2034 2135 2251 2339H 2535 2671 2794 DS140 10 48 90 154 243 427 516 621 700 735 776A 834 912 1000 1073 1191 1255 1345 1484 1555 1613 1726 1815 1871 1957 2050 2159 2269 2341 2541 2708 2798 S7 20 49 93 166 254 434 519 623 701 737 776B 836 914 1010 1101 1202 1260 1346 1486 1557 1623 1728 1826 1885 1971 2052 2189 2276 2357 2552 2723 2799 S25 21 52 97 175 260 435 523 641 709 742 778 837A 917 1017 1106 1203 1270 1351 1487 1562 1628 1735 1829 1886 1976 2053 2191 2293 2363 2555 2768 2903 S76 23 55 100 176 291 439 543 648 710 751A 794 837B 924 1018 1115 1209 1280 1367 1498 1564 1632 1745 1830 1894 1980 2054 2202 2296 2401 2559 2771 2905 S89 24 63 112 180 311 447 554 653 720E 751C 798 839 933 1019 1118 1211 1284 1377 1501 1569 1635 1759 1832 1904 1998 2058 2203 2297 2421 2560 2777 2906 W157 31 66 121 186 313 459 561 656 720J 751E 804 845 946 1027 1123 1217 1293 1391 1502 1575 1639 1771 1833 1905 1999 2061 2208 2317 2424 2569 2779 2909 W303 36 70 124 192 315 463 585 660 726 751F 818 846 948 1030 1125 1227 1299 1420 1516 1581 1653 1776 1842 1930 2003 2069 2210 2319 2458 2574 2780 2910 WW1 40 78 126 193 330 480 588 688 727N 755 821 851 949 1037 1133 1234 1322 1426 1528 1584 1671 1781 1845 1933 2006 2082 2212 2328 2515 2575 2781 2916 41 79 135 212 360 486 598 695 727P 760 822 862 964 1044 1165 1238 1329 1432 1529 1595 1689 1782 1849 1943 2008 2105 2228 2336 2525 2584 2782 2918 delegate to canadian labour congress Schira, A. Card No. AR03094 Total: 31 Lodges 16 54 99 235 423 684 692 712 717T 741 764 771 835 901 1120 1148 1295 1660 1722 1848 1922 2235 2301 2332 2418 2468 2707 2711 2727 2797 2913 3 46 86 147 218 368 510 602 696 731 761 830 873 971 1045 1173 1239 1333 1441 1538 1596 1691 1784 1862 1951 2024 2125 2231 2339C 2531 2654 2786 DS110 4 47 88 153 225 378 511 612 698 733 773 831 879 993 1060 1180 1242 1338 1445 1546 1602 1711 1793 1869 1956 2034 2135 2251 2339H 2535 2671 2794 DS140 10 48 90 154 243 427 516 621 700 735 776A 834 912 1000 1073 1191 1255 1345 1484 1555 1613 1726 1815 1871 1957 2050 2159 2269 2341 2541 2708 2798 S7 20 49 93 166 254 434 519 623 701 737 776B 836 914 1010 1101 1202 1260 1346 1486 1557 1623 1728 1826 1885 1971 2052 2189 2276 2357 2552 2723 2799 S25 21 52 97 175 260 435 523 641 709 742 778 837A 917 1017 1106 1203 1270 1351 1487 1562 1628 1735 1829 1886 1976 2053 2191 2293 2363 2555 2768 2903 S76 23 55 100 176 291 439 543 648 710 751A 794 837B 924 1018 1115 1209 1280 1367 1498 1564 1632 1745 1830 1894 1980 2054 2202 2296 2401 2559 2771 2905 S89 24 63 112 180 311 447 554 653 720E 751C 798 839 933 1019 1118 1211 1284 1377 1501 1569 1635 1759 1832 1904 1998 2058 2203 2297 2421 2560 2777 2906 W157 31 66 121 186 313 459 561 656 720J 751E 804 845 946 1027 1123 1217 1293 1391 1502 1575 1639 1771 1833 1905 1999 2061 2208 2317 2424 2569 2779 2909 W303 36 70 124 192 315 463 585 660 726 751F 818 846 948 1030 1125 1227 1299 1420 1516 1581 1653 1776 1842 1930 2003 2069 2210 2319 2458 2574 2780 2910 WW1 40 78 126 193 330 480 588 688 727N 755 821 851 949 1037 1133 1234 1322 1426 1528 1584 1671 1781 1845 1933 2006 2082 2212 2328 2515 2575 2781 2916 41 79 135 212 360 486 598 695 727P 760 822 862 964 1044 1165 1238 1329 1432 1529 1595 1689 1782 1849 1943 2008 2105 2228 2336 2525 2584 2782 2918 Coller, J.A. Card No. BD16023 Total: 1 Lodge 1763 Lefebvre, P.R. Card No. BG75475 Total: 1 Lodge 714 15 S u mma r y Summary of Nominations Local Lodges not included in count For the following reasons international president Candidates not specified 18 Buffenbarger, R.T. Total Lodges 754 1098 1126 2430 2518 2699 Meeting date of nominations not furnished 456 general secretary - treasurer 608 1640 2348 2462 Meeting not held on proper date as reflected in Local Lodge by-laws Mart, W.L. Total Lodges 18 37 44 56 197 263 318 321 359 388 457 559 587 620 639 1098 1126 1137 1285 1362 1497 1526 1542 1857 1863 1918 1992 2049 2110 2171 2200 2325 2430 2597 2600 2902 CE1 No Quorum at January 2009 meeting 1414 1690 Nominations did not have local lodge seal affixed 15 774 1126 1490 Nominations not reported on proper form Nominee for International President position only, not counted due to Article VII, Section 5 of IAM Constitution 623 Nominations postmarked after January 31, 2009 587 869 898 1471 2334 2503 2699 2783 W38 75 389 956 1471 1969 2413 2766 108 475 1005 1681 1975 2460 DS30 141 568 1034 1720 2067 2507 S43 171 264 266 282 681 743 754 777 1151 1174 1189 1271 1725 1731 1746A 1747 2068 2182 2287 2330 2508 2533 2656 2665 W246 297 801 1296 1778 2334 2704 356 847 1297 1821 2339N 2738 general vice - president Allen, G.R. Gruber, P.J. Martinez, R. Jr. Michalski, R.P. Ritchie, D. Roach, R. Jr. Tucker, L.D. Jr. Total Lodges 361 361 361 361 33 361 361 2199 Arbogast, E.M. Beno, J.H. Goen, J.T. Pickthall, S.J. Zannella, P. Jr. Total Lodges 394 394 394 394 394 1970 delegate to afl - cio Not sent by certified or registered mail 394 394 committee on law 2902 393 393 362 906 1356 1916 2385 2740 386 922 1363 1968 2409 2763 Supplement to Official Circular 835/836 was not signed by Recording Secretary 18 271 526 639 759 776C 792 812 975 985 1092 1300 1387 1400 1433 1490 1499 1717 1947 1989 2036 2121 2334 2340 2367 2427 2439 2483 2513 2518 2544 2583PM2848 Conigliaro, J. Gordon, S.M. Kessler, S. Total Lodges 361 361 361 1083 delegate to canadian labour congress Coller, J.A. Lefebvre, P.R. Schira, A. Total Lodges 1 1 31 33