the document
the document
ECARDA Sample Box A collection of performance reports This collection of reports on pupil achievement includes selections from Foundation Stage through to post-16 settings. It is no more than illustrative but gives a clue to the sort of work we do. ECARDA March 2014 INTRODUCTION This is no more than a sample of reports produced over 2012 and 2013. The variables variously selected in these reports include: Attainment and progress Individual pupil, groups of pupils and all pupils Individual subjects, groups of subjects and all subjects School averages and national averages Single years and key stages At a point in time, over the short run, and over the long run Most templates that produce these reports ‘sit on top of’ and draw from the records that schools already keep. ECARDA has designed pupil-level class record sheets that automatically produce these reports – especially for Foundation Stage and Key Stages 1, 2 and 3. Translating data into pictures and tables enables schools to ‘see’ the achievement picture, readily draw inferences and move quickly to put in place whatever strategies may be needed to drive further improvement. Schools that use ECARDA to help produce these reports also use our range of surveys to elicit stakeholder feedback. They combine this with the information that they collect on quality of teaching, marking and feedback, and pupil behaviour to build a rich evidence base that underpins a valid and accurate self evaluation. See our folio of services on this website to see how we might be able to help you with this. Get in touch with us if you want to see more examples or find out more. CONTENTS Page Description 1 FS1 progress chart: a nine-point scale breaks the three broad descriptions of ‘emerging, expected, exceeding’ into three parts each. Being FS1 this relates to the 30-50 months descriptions in ‘Development Matters’. See the Early Years Roadmap. This report is automatically generated from the teacher’s ECARDA record book. 2 Using a similar finely differentiated scale for FS2 (See the Early Years Roadmap), a simple button press produces an individual report for any child in the group. The progress star refers back to the October start date so progress by Christmas is visible. This report is automatically generated from the teacher’s ECARDA record book. 3 This ‘baseline’ position for FS2 uses the IMD ‘marker’. Other markers include gender, FSM, ethnicity, previous provision etc. This report is automatically generated from the teacher’s ECARDA record book. 4 This school’s FS2 attainment is set alongside the national datasets so any gaps can be compared. This report is automatically generated school’s FS2 report. 5 Using the language of proportions of children at ‘at least expected’ levels of development, the baseline position for FS2 is established and progress thereafter is tracked. This is useful for discussion with inspection teams. A similar chart exists for FS1. This report is automatically generated from the teacher’s ECARDA record book. 6 The school’s KS1 results sheet feeds into these ‘subject templates’ which link to the national results reports. Any gender differences are clearly revealed. 7 Though the FS2 scale is different to the KS1 points scale a subtraction indicates rather than defines a sense of progress. The table hints at the relative progress of groups of children. This report simple draws on the schools existing records. 8 This report is automatically generated from the teacher’s ECARDA record book with a single button press to call up the individual pupil. It records where the Y4 pupil is by Christmas, calculates the rate of progress (points per year) from the Key Stage start and uses this to project attainment to the key stage end. This is compared with the nationally expected two-level (12 points) projection. These reports are available for Y1 through to Y9 (end of KS3). 9 This KS2 subject attainment sheet is a similar template to page 6 and generates an end-ofkey stage subject level report alongside national comparators. It is produced from the school’s pupil-level end of key stage 2 results sheet. 10 This report shows whether or not the attainment gap at the end of KS2 is closing over time 11 I find the ‘two-level’ expected progress over KS2 a blunt instrument. I prefer using points because I believe that progress from, say, 2a to 4c is not the same as progress from 2c to 4a. The current overall progress rate through KS2 is 3.25 points per year. This graph shows school progress set alongside national. Inferences are simple to draw. 12 Sticking with the language of points, these KS1 and KS2 reports, which are automatically generated from the teacher’s ECARDA record book, give a clear picture of term by term attainment and progress of different groups in the three subjects. This example is Year 5 term 2. They are helpful for informing interventions and showing their impact over time. 13 This KS3 subject attainment sheet is a similar template to pages 6 and 9 and generates an end-of-key stage subject level report alongside national comparators. It is produced from the school’s pupil-level end of key stage 3 results sheet. 14 & 15 Taken directly from the school’s end-of-key-stage 3 pupil-level records these two reports show respectively gaps in attainment (average points score) and progress (points per year) 16 This KS4 subject attainment sheets is a similar template to pages 6, 9 and 13 and generates an end-of-key stage subject level report alongside national comparators. It is produced from the school’s pupil-level end of key stage 4 results sheet. 17 Calculated from the school’s pupil-level KS4 results sheet, this report compares attainment across subjects and references onto the national outcome. 18 As on page 11, I prefer to use points rather than levels as a measure of progress (average points per year giving the rate of progress). This picture compares the school rate over KS3 + KS4 with the national rate over time. The distance between is analogous to valueadded. 19 Whilst page 18 gave the overall progress this table shows the same measure applied to different groups and is useful in detecting the degree of ‘gap closing’. 20 This KS5 subject attainment sheets is a similar template to pages 6, 9,13 and 16 and generates an end-of-key stage subject level report alongside national comparators. It is produced from the school’s pupil-level end of key stage 5 results sheet. 21 Similarly to page 18, and calculated from the school’s pupil-level KS5 results sheet, this report compares attainment across subjects and references onto the national outcome. 22 Moving from micro-edumetrics to macro edumetrics, this graphs shows the school’s position within a family of other schools. It could be a multi-academy trust or a geographic or administrative region. Tracking this position over time has proved useful to schools as evidence of direction of travel. For more about this measure look at Macroedumetrics. Similar pictures have been used for primary schools. 24 Proving value for money can be challenging. This last example considers the relationship between ‘grant funding in’ and ‘pupil progress out’. Whilst a school’s own position is a useful indicator of comparative efficiency, the map as a whole is of interest to those responsible for organising all the schools in the set. . For more about this measure look at Macro-edumetrics. Similar pictures have been used for primary schools. Page 1 FS1 2013 progress over term 1 (all) Listening and attention Being imaginative Understanding 8.00 Exploring and using media and materials Speaking 6.00 4.00 Technology Moving and handling 2.00 0.00 The world Health and self-care -2.00 October December People and communities Self-confidence and self-awareness Shape, space and measures Managing feelings and behaviour Numbers Making relationships Writing Reading ECARDA 2013 Page 2 St George's Academy Foundation Stage 2 Record: Child Level 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Ref: Age related standard Dec-13 Date Communication & Language Prime Areas of Learning Physical Development Personal, Social & Emotional Development Literacy Mathematics Specific Areas of Learning Understanding the World Expressive Arts & Design My Progress Star: 30-50 em 30-50 exp -2 -1 0 1 14 2 3 4 5 6 Exceeding expectation Well above expectation 7 8 9 X X Understanding X Speaking X X Moving and handling Health and self-care X X Self-confidence and self-awareness Managing feelings and behaviour X X X X X X Making relationships Reading Writing Numbers Shape, space and measures People and communities X X The world Technology X Exploring and using media and materials X Being imaginative 7 10 1 3 4 11 1 2 7 12 1 3 4 13 1 2 4 14 1 2 7 15 4 3 7 16 1 3 4 17 1 2 4 18 1 2 4 19 1 2 4 20 4 2 4 21 1 2 4 22 4 2 1 23 0 1 1 24 1 1 4 25 1 2 1 26 1 1 35 32.8 Comments 1 15 At expected Just above expected Point score: National END of FS2 average: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 16 emerging Confidently at expected Listening and attention Dec-13 17 EXCEEDING Just at expected 3-point scale below 30 EXPECTED Just below expected October scores EMERGING only just emerging Index reference ELG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 FS 2 When your child's development is compared with the END of Foundation Stage national standard your child is assessed as ………. EARLIER PHASE AoL 18 40 - 60 months December scores Farr, Jennie F 07 March 2009 n n F12 n n Name Gender Date of Birth FSM eligibility Additional needs Group 2 Child conversion lookup -2 0 3 -1 0 0 0 4 1 1 Teacher 2 1 3 1 5 4 2 5 2 6 2 13 7 3 6 Parents 8 3 9 3 12 7 11 8 10 9 ECARDA 2013 Page 3 any Reynolds Primary School School FS2: Index of Multiple Deprivation comparison (at or above expected) Listening and attention 100 Being imaginative Understanding 90 Exploring and using media and 80 Speaking materials 70 60 50 40 Technology Moving and handling 30 20 10 0 The World Health and self-care top 30% deprived not top 30% deprived People and communities Self-confidence and self-awareness Shape, space and measures Managing feelings and behaviour Numbers Making relationships Writing Reading ECARDA 2013 Page 4 FS2 Attainment of groups (summary) Mean scores N School National All 43 1.95 1.93 Males 19 1.74 1.86 Females 24 2.13 2.01 FSM 8 1.85 1.76 not FSM 35 1.98 1.97 IMD highest deprivation 28 1.87 awaiting IMD not highest deprivation 15 2.11 awaiting Older 24 2.10 awaiting Younger 19 1.77 awaiting N School National All 43 47% 52% Males 19 21% 44% Females 24 67% 60% FSM 8 38% 35% not FSM 35 49% 35% IMD highest deprivation 28 39% awaiting IMD not highest deprivation 15 60% awaiting % Good level of Development (GLD) ECARDA 2013 Page 5 Someplace Academy FS2 Overall termly progress map FS2 Baseline at start of Term 1 mean scores 40 to 60 months October (base) development level EMERGING EARLIER DEVELOPMENT PHASE EXPECTED Just below expected Just at expected EXCEEDING Confidently at expected Just above expected Exceeding expectation Well above expectation 30-50 em "9-point" scale -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 number of children 2 8 15 15 8 6 5 1 0 0 0 0 60 3% 13% 25% 25% 13% 10% 8% 2% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% percentage 30-50 exp only just emerging below 30 emerging At expected 83% of children start FS2 with at least expected development in relation to 30-50 months 10% of children start FS2 with at least expected development in relation to 40-60 months 16% of children start FS2 below expected development for 30-50 months December development level EMERGING EARLIER DEVELOPMENT PHASE only just emerging EXPECTED Just below expected Just at expected EXCEEDING Confidently at expected Just above expected Exceeding expectation Well above expectation below 30 30-50 em 30-50 exp "9-point" scale -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 number of children 0 5 9 15 10 8 6 5 2 0 0 0 60 0% 8% 15% 25% 17% 13% 10% 8% 3% 0% 0% 0% 100% percentage emerging At expected 92% of children by December are at least expected development in relation to 30-50 months 22% of children by December are at at least expected development in relation to 40-60 months 8% of children by December are at below expected development for 30-50 months March development level "9-point" scale EMERGING EARLIER DEVELOPMENT PHASE below 30 30-50 em 30-50 exp only just emerging -2 -1 0 1 EXPECTED emerging Just below expected Just at expected 2 3 4 EXCEEDING At expected Confidently at expected Just above expected Exceeding expectation Well above expectation 5 6 7 8 9 Just above expected Exceeding expectation Well above expectation 7 8 9 number of children percentage % of children by March are at least expected development in relation to 30-50 months % of children by March are at at least expected development in relation to 40-60 months % of children by March are at below expected development for 30-50 months June development level "9-point" scale EMERGING EARLIER DEVELOPMENT PHASE below 30 30-50 em 30-50 exp only just emerging -2 -1 0 1 EXPECTED EXCEEDING emerging Just below expected Just at expected At expected Confidently at expected 2 3 4 5 6 number of children percentage % of children by June are at least expected development in relation to 30-50 months % of children by June are at at least expected development in relation to 40-60 months % of children by June are at below expected development for 30-50 months ECARDA 2014 Page 6 St Swithen's Primary School "managing performance to improve outcomes for young people" Analysis of Key Stage 1 results (subject level report) SUBJECT: English - Writing L4 L3 L2A L2B/2 L2C L1 W Dis A FEMALES Input your female student numbers here school % outcomes: National % outcomes: 0.0 0 9 37.5 20 6 25.0 26 8 33.3 30 0 0.0 15 1 4.2 8 0 0.0 2 0.0 0 0.0 0 MALES Input your male student numbers here school % outcomes: National % outcomes: 0.0 0 0 0.0 10 8 21.6 19 24 64.9 30 2 5.4 21 2 5.4 16 1 2.7 4 0.0 0 0.0 0 ALL school outcomes: school % outcomes: National % outcomes: 0 0.0 0 9 14.8 15 14 23.0 22 32 52.5 30 2 3.3 18 3 4.9 12 1 1.6 3 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 YEAR: 2013 L2+ L2B+ L3+ 24 23 95.8 91 23 95.8 76 9 37.5 20 37 34 91.9 80 32 86.5 59 0 0.0 10 61 57 93.4 85 55 90.2 67 9 14.8 15 females males all 4.8 11.9 8.4 19.8 27.5 23.2 17.5 -10.0 -0.2 school national diff -9.3 -17.0 -7.7 No. of entries school / National differences: Total QCA points: Average QCA points per entry: sch nat 963 1490 15.8 14.9 diff 0.9 Gender difference (M-F) for 2B+: National data is taken from DfE SFR37/2013 table 13 Report designed by ECARDA Ltd 2005 Page 7 St SWITHEN'S SCHOOL PROGRESS THROUGH KEY STAGE 1 2011 - 2013 "DISTANCE" (KS1 APS - FS2 ASPS) ALL 9.5 FEMALES 10.1 MALES 9.0 FSM 9.4 FSM' 9.5 LAE (<6 ASPS) 7.5 MAE (=6 ASPS) 9.3 HAE (>7 ASPS) 10.4 National "distance" 8.8 ECARDA 2012 Page 8 AUTUMN TERM REPORT First name Surname Date of birth Gender Year group Class Carrie Burden 26/06/2005 F 4 4B Pupil ref: 413 Current achievement Reading Writing Mathematics Attainment (level) 3a 3b 3c Overall Attainment (points) 23.0 21.0 19.0 Nationally expected attainment 19 19 19 21.0 19 Annual progress rate over the key stage 4.50 4.50 1.50 KS1 levels 2a 2b 2a End of Key Stage 2 Reading Writing Mathematics 1 Projected at current rate 5a 5b 3a Two-level projection 4a 4b 4a ECARDA 2013 Page 9 St Swithen's School "managing performance to improve outcomes for young people" Analysis of Key Stage 2 results (subject level report) SUBJECT: Grammar & Spelling No. of entries 2013 L3- L4+ L5+ B A 0 0.0 2 0 0.0 2 0 0.0 0 20 6 30.0 21 14 70.0 79 11 55.0 54 0 0.0 1 4.8 4 0 0.0 4 0 0.0 0 21 6 28.6 31 15 71.4 69 9 42.9 42 0 0.0 1 2.4 3 0 0.0 3 0 0.0 0 41 12 29.3 26 29 70.7 74 20 48.8 48 females males all 9.0 -2.4 3.3 -9.0 2.4 -3.3 1.0 0.9 0.8 Gender difference (M-F) for 4+: school national diff 1.4 -10.0 -11.4 L6 L5 L4 L3 L2 FEMALES Input your female student numbers here school % outcomes: National % outcomes: 0 0.0 2 11 55.0 52 3 15.0 25 6 30.0 17 0 0.0 MALES Input your male student numbers here school % outcomes: National % outcomes: 0 0.0 1 9 42.9 41 6 28.6 27 5 23.8 23 ALL school outcomes: school % outcomes: National % outcomes: 0 0.0 2 20 48.8 46 9 22.0 26 11 26.8 20 N YEAR: school / National differences: sch nat Total QCA points: 1149 2808 Average QCA points per entry: 28.0 28.08 diff -0.1 2013 National data is taken from DfE SFR34-2013 table 3 Report designed by ECARDA Ltd 2005 Page 10 ATTAINMENT GAP ANALYSIS: KEY STAGE 2 READ WRITE MATHS ALL 2013 FSM 25.0 25.0 25.7 25.2 FSM' 28.7 26.4 27.2 27.4 GAP -3.7 -1.4 -1.5 -2.2 NATIONAL -2.3 -2.3 -2.5 -2.4 2012 FSM 24.7 24.3 23.2 24.1 FSM' 27.9 27.0 27.0 27.3 GAP -3.2 -2.7 -3.8 -3.2 CHANGE -0.5 1.3 2.3 1.0 ECARDA 2013 Page 11 Absolute progress rates over KS2 3.80 3.65 3.60 3.58 3.40 3.38 NC points per year 3.35 3.28 3.25 3.23 3.20 3.23 3.25 3.18 3.13 3.08 3.10 3.13 school 3.13 national 3.08 3.00 3.00 3.03 2.80 2.60 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Year of exit 2010 2011 2012 2013 Page 12 End of Y4 Current APS APS In-year progress Y5 N KS1 APS Maths All 41 13.88 21.05 23.49 2.44 YEAR 5 Maths boys 20 13.10 20.26 22.80 2.54 TERM 2 Maths girls 21 14.62 21.76 24.14 2.38 Maths FSM 4 7.50 15.00 17.50 2.50 Group attainment & progress report Maths SENA 4 10.50 18.00 21.50 3.50 Maths SENP 5 8.60 17.00 17.80 0.80 Maths SENS 3 9.67 18.33 20.22 1.89 Maths Gypsy Roma 2 6.00 14.00 16.00 2.00 Maths EAL 1 3.00 21.00 23.00 2.00 Maths EM 6 12.00 21.00 23.67 2.67 Maths G&T 0 Reading all 41 14.12 21.39 23.29 1.90 Reading boys 20 13.40 20.20 22.30 2.10 Reading girls 21 14.81 22.52 24.24 1.72 Expected progress Reading FSM 4 7.00 13.50 16.00 2.50 over 2 terms Readin SEN A 4 12.00 19.00 21.00 2.00 is 2 points Reading SENP 5 6.60 13.40 15.80 2.40 Reading SENS 3 9.67 17.00 18.33 1.33 Reading Gypsy Roma 2 6.00 13.00 14.00 1.00 Reading EAL 1 3.00 19.00 21.00 2.00 Reading EM 6 13.33 21.67 24.00 2.33 Reading G&T 2 20.00 27.00 31.00 4.00 Writing all 41 13.00 19.34 21.39 2.05 Writing boys 20 12.10 17.70 20.00 2.30 Writing girls 21 13.86 20.90 22.71 1.81 Writing FSM 4 6.00 11.50 13.50 2.00 Writing SENA 4 10.50 16.50 19.00 2.50 Writing SENP 5 6.60 11.00 13.80 2.80 Writing SENS 3 8.33 13.67 15.00 1.33 Writing Gypsy Roma 2 6.00 10.00 11.00 1.00 Writing EAL 1 3.00 19.00 23.00 4.00 Writing EM 6 11.67 20.00 22.67 2.67 Writing G&T 3 20.00 28.00 30.00 2.00 >25 <21 ≥2.3 <1.7 Page 13 Archimedes Academy "managing performance to improve outcomes for young people" Analysis of Key Stage 3 results (subject level report) SUBJECT: NATIONAL YEAR: ACADEMY YEAR: Mathematics TA 2008 2013 L8 L7 L6 L5 L4 L3 L2 L1 W A Number eligible L5+ L6+ L7+ FEMALES Input your female student numbers here Academy % outcomes: National % outcomes: 0 0.0 8 0 0.0 23 49 65.3 31 26 34.7 22 0 0.0 11 0 0.0 4 0 0.0 1 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 75 100.0 101 75 100.0 84 49 65.3 62 0 0.0 31 MALES Input your male student numbers here Academy % outcomes: National % outcomes: 1 1.1 9 0 0.0 23 53 57.0 29 35 37.6 22 3 3.2 11 0 0.0 4 0 0.0 1 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 1 1.1 1 93 100.0 100 89 95.7 83 54 58.1 61 1 1.1 32 ALL Academy outcomes: Academy % outcomes: National % outcomes: 1 0.6 8 0 0.0 23 102 60.7 30 61 36.3 22 3 1.8 11 0 0.0 4 0 0.0 1 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 1 0.6 1 168 100.0 100 164 97.6 83 103 61.3 61 1 0.6 31 females males all 16.0 12.7 14.6 3.3 -2.9 0.3 -31.0 -30.9 -30.4 Gender difference (M-F) for 6+: Academy national -7.3 -1.0 Academy / National differences: sch nat Total QCA points: 6123 3735 Average QCA points per entry: 36.4 37.4 2012 National data is taken from DfE SFR25/2012 table 1 Report designed by ECARDA Ltd 2005 Page 14 KS3 ATTAINMENT OF GROUPS N Group APS All 35.83 75 Females 36.01 92 Males 35.67 67 FSM 34.82 100 FSM' 36.50 167 Page 15 PROGRESS (POINTS PER YEAR) THROUGH KS3 (YEARS 7 AND 8) N 167 Group Progress All 4.28 75 Females 4.33 92 Males 4.24 67 FSM 4.22 100 FSM' 4.33 24 LAE 5.24 101 MAE 4.24 42 HAE 3.83 10 SEN(A) 5.17 0 SEN(P) N/A The national progress rate through Key Stage 3 (Y7 - Y9) = 2.85 points per year Page 16 Archimedes Academy "managing performance to improve outcomes for young people" Analysis of GCSE results (subject level report) SUBJECT: Mathematics Number of entries YEAR: 2013 A* - G A* - C A* - A A* A B C D E F G Other FEMALES Input your female student numbers here School % outcomes: National % outcomes: 0 -4.7 2 2.4 9.3 17 20.0 16.0 34 40.0 27.3 11 12.9 18.6 9 10.6 10.1 6 7.1 6.9 3 3.5 4.5 3 3.5 2.6 85 82 96.5 97.4 53 62.4 57.3 2 2.4 14.0 MALES Input your male student numbers here School % outcomes: National % outcomes: 0 -5.2 2 2.9 9.4 12 17.1 16.3 36 51.4 27.1 10 14.3 17.6 3 4.3 9.7 6 8.6 7.0 1 1.4 4.8 0 -2.9 70 70 100.0 97.1 50 71.4 58.0 2 2.9 14.6 ALL School outcomes: School % outcomes: National % outcomes: 0 -4.9 4 2.6 9.4 29 18.7 16.2 70 45.2 27.1 21 13.5 18.1 12 7.7 10.0 12 7.7 6.9 4 2.6 4.7 3 1.9 2.7 155 152 98.1 97.3 103 66.5 57.6 4 2.6 14.3 school nat diff 4.6 -0.1 -0.9 2.9 0.8 5.1 13.4 8.9 -11.6 -11.7 -11.7 37.5 -0.4 0 Total GCSE points: 700 Average GCSE points per entry: 4.5 Total QCA points: 5750 Average QCA points per entry: 37.1 VA: National data is taken from JCQ tables School / National differences: females males all Gender difference (M-F) for A*school to C grades:9.1 national 0.7 diff 8.4 Report designed by ECARDA Ltd 2005 Page 17 ..Cleethorpes Academy Archimedes Academy GCSE % A*- C variation from national Religious Studies Short French Short Statistics Science Religious Studies Physical Education Performing / Expressive Arts Music Media / Film / TV Studies (1) Mathematics History Geography French English Literature English Design & Technology Business Studies Additional Science Art and Design subjects (1) Performing Arts Double -60.0 -50.0 -40.0 -30.0 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 ECARDA 2013 Page 18 Student progress rates from Y7 start to Y11 end 4.50 4.00 4.0 3.9 average progress rate in points per year 3.8 3.9 3.7 3.50 3.5 3.4 3.2 3.2 3.1 3.00 3.0 academy 2.9 2.8 national 2.8 2.50 2.0 2.00 2.1 1.9 1.9 1.6 1.50 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Year of exit 2010 2011 2012 2013 Page 19 .. Cleethorpes Academy KS4 Progress from KS2 by group (points per year) 2012 2013 Overall 3.94 3.87 Females 4.01 4.04 Males 3.86 3.66 FSM 3.69 3.55 FSM' 4.01 4.03 EAL 5.38 4.97 SEN (A) 3.72 3.96 SEN (P) 0.76 3.44 LAE 4.23 4.18 MAE 3.70 3.74 HAE 4.08 4.05 Gap -0.32 -0.48 ECARDA 2013 Page 20 Redworth Sixth Form Centre "managing performance to improve outcomes for young people" Analysis of A level results (subject level report) SUBJECT: English A* A B C D E U FEMALES Input your female student numbers here College % outcomes: National % outcomes: 0.0 6.1 1 5.9 14.8 8 47.1 28.8 4 23.5 31.0 4 23.5 15.6 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.4 MALES Input your male student numbers here College % outcomes: National % outcomes: 0.0 6.3 0.0 13.7 2 66.7 26.0 1 33.3 30.2 0.0 18.5 0.0 4.6 0.0 0.7 ALL College outcomes: College % outcomes: National % outcomes: 0 0.0 6.2 1 5.0 14.5 10 50.0 27.9 5 25.0 30.8 4 20.0 16.4 0 0.0 3.7 0 0.0 0.5 Total college QCA points: Average college QCA points per entry: Average national QCA points per entry: Difference: 4440 222.0 224.5 -2.5 APS start VA YEAR: 2013 A* - E A* - C A* - B 17 17 100.0 99.6 13 76.5 80.7 9 52.9 49.7 3 3 100.0 99.3 3 100.0 76.2 2 66.7 46.0 20 20 100.0 99.5 16 80.0 79.4 11 55.0 48.6 0.4 0.7 0.5 -4.2 23.8 0.6 3.2 20.7 6.4 college national 23.5 -4.5 No of entries College / national diffs: females males all Gender difference (M-F) for A to C grades: National data is taken from JCQ all UK 2013 Report designed by ECARDA Ltd 2005 Page 21 Redworth: A level subject A* - B variance from national Physical Education (11) Music (1) Religious Studies (4) Spanish (4) French (3) English (20) Art and Design subjects (3) Psychology (18) History (15) Geography (14) Economics (11) Business Studies (19) ICT (8) Mathematics (12) Physics (3) Chemistry (11) Biology (14) -50.0 -40.0 -30.0 -20.0 -10.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 Percentage points distance from national ECARDA 2013 Page 22 1060.0 Productivity: Eastshire Secondary Schools 2013 1040.0 your academy 1020.0 Attainment: percent 5A*-C with En+Ma 2013 30% 40% 50% 70% 80% 90% 100% 980.0 960.0 940.0 Progress: value added 2013 20% 1000.0 60% 920.0 ECARDA 2014 Page 23 1060.0 Efficiency: Eastshire Secondary Schools 2013 1040.0 your academy 1020.0 £ Grant funding per pupil 2011-12 1000.0 8000 7500 7000 6500 6000 5500 5000 4500 4000 980.0 Progress: value added 2013 8500 960.0 940.0 920.0 ECARDA 2014