May - August - Reiyukai India, Activities


May - August - Reiyukai India, Activities
For Private
Circulation Only
Editorial (p..2)
Calendar of Events (p..2)
The World of Reiyukai (p..3)
Musings of Kimi Kotani (p..4–5)
Mrs. Maekawa – A Tribute (p..7–12)
Reiyukai News (p..7–12)
Experience from Overseas (p..13–14)
What Makes Reiyukai Unique (p..14)
Let’s Learn Japanese (p..15)
Declaration of Reiyukai Practices (p..16)
Let’s Handover A Better Society To Our Descendants !
Calender of Events
easons greetings to all in Adhyatmic
Sahcharya Sanstha & Reiyukai India from
every member on the editorial staff of ‘We
Are One’.
Next four months at Delhi Office :
The last few months have been very
active for us at the office in Delhi. Some
significant developments have taken place.
16 May 2010 – 3rd Sunday General Gathering for
But first a reflection on a life gone on;
Mrs. Maekawa, mother to our own Hiroshi
Maekawa, passed on to the spiritual world.
On behalf of all the members in India we
extend our heartfelt condolences to the
20 June 2010 – 3rd Sunday General Gathering for
members at Delhi Office.
members at Delhi Office.
18 July 2010 – 3rd Sunday General Gathering for
members at Delhi Office.
22 August 2010 – Homyo Ceremony for
Finally we have been allowed to
henceforth write the Homyos and Sokaimyos
in Hindi. For this a special participation
ceremony will be held on the 22nd of August.
For more details contact the office in Delhi. I
invite all Hozashu and above to make good
this opportunity. In a year this will be
mandatory for all applicants who want to
be Hozashu, Jun Shibucho and Shibucho.
members at Delhi Office.
Next four months at Bokaro Office :
2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 May 2010 – Sunday General
Gathering for members at Bokaro Office.
6, 13, 20 and 27 June 2010 – Sunday General
Gathering for members at Bokaro Office.
From this year, ‘We Are One’ now has a
Bangla version called ‘Aamra Shobai Aik’. I
hope our Bengali members are enjoying this.
We will appreciate any feedback from you
out there.
4, 11, 18 and 25 July 2010 – Sunday General
Gathering for members at Bokaro Office.
1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 August 2010 – Sunday
You can download the Bangla version
from our website as well.
General Gathering for members at Bokaro Office.
There will surely be a lot of you who
remember Mr. Hirotaka Nakajima, popularly
known as “Chhote Nakajima Sahib”. Well... he
is the new Resident Director for India. We
welcome him and reaffirm that under his
guidance we will put our efforts to ensure
that we practice well.
Next four months at Farrukhabad Office :
I greet all members again for the
coming months. Do stay with your
commitments and let us all reaffirm our
pledge to make this a better world for our
4 and 25 July 2010 – Sunday General Gathering
2 and 30 May 2010 – Sunday General Gathering
for members at Farrukhabad Office.
6 and 27 June 2010 – Sunday General Gathering
for members at Farrukhabad Office.
for members at Farrukhabad Office.
1 and 29 August 2010 – Sunday General
Gathering for members at Farrukhabad Office.
The World of Reiyukai
The spell-binding aerial view of Shakaden
Musings of
adies and Gentlemen,
I would like to say thank you very
much for so many of you came and
visited Mirokusan today.
Mr. Kakutaro Kubo, who was the
founder of Reiyukai, said that every
human being who was born in this
world has a Karmic relationship with
his or her ancestors and with this
relationship our human flesh and
bones are connected. Nobody was
born from a crutch of a tree. With
Karmic connection which is taught
in the Lotus Sutra, human beings are
born in each respective era;
therefore, Mr. Kubo said, “I will be a
good example of being the most
devoted person who practices filial
piety to my mother.” Mr. Kubo
taught: As for the filial piety, when
your parent becomes sick and you
bring a box of cake and enquire your
parent’s health is the cheapest and
lowest level of filial piety.
Mr. Kubo tought us further:
Suppose your parents were sick in
bed now. When your parents were
troubled and worried in bed, when
you do Nengan in the unseen place
and try to resolve those troubles,
sufferings, and worries. Wishing for
your parent’s prolonging of the
longevities, your parents become
healthy, blessed with good health,
and with happiness, they live their
lives to the fullest.
They practice the teachings of the
Lotus Sutra in the spiritual world.
This is the finest filial piety in the
world. So saying Mr. Kubo showed
us by his own actions the good
example of filial piety. He always
said, “Kubo will show the finest
example of filial piety in Japan.”
And today, all of you have the
Blue Sutra in your hands. You also
hold prayer beads in your hands and
recite, “The recitation of this Sutra is
under the protection of all the
Buddhas of the past, present, and
future.” You are so used to do the
recitation that you take the value of
this recitation very lightly. However,
to be able to offer Kuyo for your
own ancestors by reciting the Blue
Sutra under the protection of all the
Buddhas of the past, present, and
future: means that you encountered
this Sutra in this present age, after
myriads of Kalpas have passed, a
time inconceivable. It’s such a
fortunate and rare occasion to be
able to encounter the Sutra, so you
should be more thankful for your
fortunate opportunity of the Sutra
This world of ours is controlled
by the virtue and the evil. Evil must
be extinguished. Reiyukai teachings,
the Treasured Lore of the Buddhas,
are calling for doing Kuyo for your
ancestors and are trying to lead
people to the path of virtue. It is a
wrong idea if you think that you are
living your own way with your own
power without the protection of the
spiritual world, and if you have selfcentered egoistic thought.
There are our ancestors in the
spiritual world. There is a spiritual
world, and we, each and every one of
us, were born in this world so we are
connected with the spiritual world.
We keep the teachings of the
Buddhas so that we can make our
parents happy, we can make our
ancestors pleased, and we can create
a happy family. I believe at this
present new age all civilized people
should put the teachings of the
Buddhas into practice which make
everyone and every family happy.
Ladies and gentlemen, you must
have visited various temples and
shrines so far. But you have never
seen such a fine and grand image of
Miroku Bodhisattva enshrined in
such a fine pagoda, and he is ready
to offer a handful of virtuous merits
to all of you. You can never find such
a Dojo (training place) anywhere
else in the world. This is the only
one that we, Reiyukais, have.
So, all of you here have met
Miroku Bodhisattva who had never
appeared in this world for the long
period of 56 billions and 70 millions
years. Since its image of the
Bodhisattva, it does not speak, but
the fact that being able to meet the
figure of this Bodhisattva makes us
think, and we must consider that we
all have great virtuous merits.
And when a certain age comes,
after myriads of Kalpas have passed,
a time inconceivable, when the age
comes in this world, the spiritual
world tells me that the Buddhas
expound the Lotus Sutra, and they
expound about Miroku Bodhisattva.
This is a part of my Shugyo and I
disclosed the following for the first
time today. In the spiritual world,
Shugyo and I disclose the following
for the first time today: In the
Bodhisattva asks Miroku (Maitreya)
Bodhisattva a question, “What sort
Musings of Mrs. Kimi Kotani
of the Sutra are you going to
expound?” In their conversation in
the spiritual world, I’ve heard that
when a certain time comes the Lotus
Sutra would be expounded. It would
be expounded only to those who
would get together there, the
language that would be used could
not be expressed in words. I could
not hear it clearly, it sounded like it
was not Japanese words. I was told
from the spiritual world that Miroku
Sutra should be taken into account
when the time comes and it should
be expounded together with the
Lotus Sutra. Both Bodhisattva
studied Miroku Sutra, other various
Sutras and the Lotus Sutra. The
Miroku Sutra cannot be found at
any temple or anywhere else but
Reiyukai has Miroku Sutra.
It is very timely to be able to have
Miroku Sutra at this present age.
This Sutra makes evil spirits of
present age attain Buddhahood. This
Sutra saves human beings of the
present age. The Sutra makes the
families of present age prosper.
During the long period of 56
billions and 70 millions years, the
teaching of Miroku Sutra has never
appeared in this world.
Holding Miroku Sutra means
that you are hearing the preaching of
encountered this Miroku Sutra in
order to encounter the virtuous
merits of Miroku Bodhisattva. So I
would like to say that although you
can visit Mt. Miroku after your
death, but I believe those of you who
can visit this Miroku Bodhisattva
while you are living is the happiest
thing in life. Therefore, those of you
who recite the Miroku Sutra, those
of you who have encountered
contribute to the prosperity of the
world. You must try to create the
prosperity of the world.
This should be done by the Youth
Group members, it should also be
done by Reiyukai general members.
All members must make good use of
the guidance of the spiritual world.
We all must utilize the virtuous
merits of Miroku Sutra. Doing
Michibiki means to declare to work
for this purpose. So do not love
yourself alone, but perform
Bodhisattva-practice, as the Miroku
Sutra teaches you. Those who apply
Bodhisattva-practice are connected
with the spiritual world by a thick
strong rope.
And when you try to save the
unhappiness of other people, you
may be able to help them with
money to some extent, but to save
unhappiness of others forever, do
Michibiki them, with the teaching
which you cannot see with your
naked eyes. Let them practice (do
Shugyo) with invisible teaching,
then you will be able to save them
from unhappiness forever.
First of all, you must do the
Shugyo of the Lotus Sutra
steadfastly. The Shugyo of the Lotus
Sutra cannot be done, if you are a
kind of person who is easily deceived
by others. I was taught that those
who practice the Lotus Sutra must,
first of all, do Kuyo for your
ancestors by your own hand. Once
you make up your mind to do so,
you must have a strong faith that no
matter whatever evil spirits tempt
you into evil doing, you will not be
seduced. This is called Bodhisattvapractice.
I would like to ask you to have a
spirit of alms giving (charity) and to
have consideration for others. When
you get together here today, I wish
the weak can visit here safe and
sound. I wish the old can do the
same safe and sound. The young
must have the spirits of loving
kindness (Jihi), and spirit of service
for the old. This is a part of Shugyo
for the young. And even though the
aged are at the end of their life, and
they are old, their Bodhisattva-mind
(Bodaishin) has not changed.
When the young members give
warm loving words to the old
people, they are happy to hear such
considerate warm words, they
become healthy. I hope they can visit
here again. For the young members,
I would like you to do Shugyo as the
youth, and no matter what evil spirit
may come and fight against you, no
evil spirit can enter into the teaching
of the Lotus Sutra.
At the end of my speech, I would
like all Reiyukai members make
further efforts and accumulate your
Shugyo, and with strong faith,
contribute to create the Realization
of the Buddha’s World.
Thank you,
A digest recorded revision originally
delivered at 24th Mirokusan
Gathering on March 6, 1970.
Translated by: Seizure Kawabata
Mrs. Maekawa
(12 August 1921 – 16 April 2010)
Mrs. Maekawa, mother to Mr. Hiroshi Maekawa; Mrs. Maekawa, aunt to my
Michibiki Oya and Grandmother to, oh so many members in Japan and Mrs.
Maekawa mentor, guide, inspiration and an idol to all the fourth branch
members in India – moved on to the spiritual world on the 16th of April, 2010,
leaving behind a vacuum in our lives and an indelible imprint of a selfless life on
our hearts.
I first met, Obaachan, way back in the middle nineties. I had only recently
begun to grasp the meaning of being a Reiyukai member, when she visited us in
New Delhi. At the time, with only a couple of years of practice behind me, I had
several questions regarding, life, death and the hereafter. I was at a stage in life
when I needed to go out in to the world and find myself and to decide what was
my own role to be in this beautiful world.
She came to us as a beacon of hope and a source of answers. I recall, with
fondness, her telling me to have faith in what she said in response to my
questions; and when I challenged her as to why I should she said because she had
more experiences in life. In this simple answer she had touched upon the
fundamental truth and since then I have had the ability to base all my decisions
on experience, both from within and from without.
She taught me to experience life at two levels, the physical and the spiritual.
She believed that a smooth relation between the two would ensure a satisfying
journey through life. As a Reiyukai teacher she always highlighted the faith in the
practice. She always told me that some things we should accept because our
seniors have experienced them and some things we must wait for till we have
experienced them our own selves.
Her kindness of heart was amply exhibited when she visited me once in my
small 1DK apartment in Waragi, Saitama-ken, when I was living there. I had just
lost my job and had been ill for some time, as an after effect, and had very little
money. She came to see me, bringing along some food, a room heater and an
electric blanket. She stayed and told me that I will be able to carry on, and that I
will find yet another job and fulfill my role in life, and encouraged by her I found
my feet again.
She had this uncanny way to communicate with us. We did not know how to
speak Japanese, nor she English, and yet she would communicate without effort.
India is full of members from Bokaro to Gaya, from Delhi to Garhwal, from
Aligarh to Farrukhabad, who have been touched by her personality.
On behalf of all the members in India, I pledge to carry on my efforts to
spread the message of Reiyukai and the methods of Mrs. Maekawa. We wish her
family in Japan, well.
We in India will miss you, Mrs. Maekawa.
– Sushil Dahiya
Reiyukai News
Kolkata gets Reiyukai
Centre on Family Day
ith much enthusiasm, the Kolkata centre was inaugurated on
7th February, 2010 in presence of Mr. Masaru Miyachi of
Reiyukai International, Japan and Mr. Arun Bannerjee of A.S.S., New
Delhi. Mr. Miyachi installed the Gohonzon in presence of a host of
local members and renowned personalities from Bangladesh, Bhutan
as well as cultural personalities, singers, journalists, doctors, teachers
and members of Kolkata and suburbs.
The celebrations began with a prayer in the name of Buddha,
listening to His words and chanting hymns in the prayer room. The
whole atmosphere was filled with the smell of incense, with chanting
of hymns and the thought of togetherness. The members assembled in
the new Gohoza Hall and participated in the recitation of Lotus Sutra.
Mr. Amalesh Dasgupta recited the Lotus Sutra along with the gathered
members. Mrs. Ashish Goswami was the Master of Ceremony and
conducted the proceedings. Mr. Amalesh Dasgupta stated the
Reiyukai activities taken in the recent past and narrated the
transformation it has brought amongst the members, for which they
are contributing more and more for the upliftment of Inner-self
Development process. Mr. Miyachi reiterated the importance of
sincere practice and encouraged the members to continue the good
work. The construction of a new office has become necessary taking
into account the fact that Reiyukai 8th Branch was spreading its roots
in and around Kolkata.
After the inauguration, Family Day was organized in the same
premises in the Kolkata centre at Nature’s Nest-1, Block A, Flat 3A,
1419, Picnic Garden Road, Kolkata 700039 with much pomp and
grandeur. More than 100 members were present with their family
members. The programme began with folk and spiritual songs by Mr.
Abhijit Basu, Mr. Nazmul Haque, Mr. Salil Chatterjee and others.
Everyone joined in the songs like a whole family. New contacts were
made and old ones renewed. Together it was an atmosphere of
happiness and re-union. So on the occasion of Family Day, it was the
celebration of the religion of human race. Mr. Arun Bannerjee
explained to the members the teachings he derived from Reiyukai and
appealed to the members to spread the teachings to more and more
people with a view to serve the society better. Messers Ranadhish
Chowdhuri, Krishna Roy, Soma Ghose, Sibabrata Basu, Ashish
Goswami, Pradip Ray, Chhadashik Guha, Sunil Kr. Biswas, Ajoy De,
Dr. Swapan Kr. Saha, Dr. Prabhati Das, Mrs. Songay and others
addressed the gathering. The programme was successful due to active
involvement of Messers Satyajit Mondal, Sumitra Chatterjee, P.K. Ray,
Kabita Chowdhury, Somen Dutta and others.
There were also discussions on the plans for the settlement of the
projects undertaken by the Reiyukai 8th Branch on how to improve
them, because only collective opinion can help us to proceed. The ray
of hope was that many members of the Gen Next participated in this
celebration, which is a positive sign, as they are the torchbearers of a
new India.
After the programme, the participants were offered lunch.
– Report: P.K. Ray / Pritha Mondal
Reiyukai News
Family Day Celebrated
at Jahanabad (Bihar)
n the onset of spring, on 26/03/2010, Family Day was
celebrated by the local branch of Reiyukai with unbridled
gaiety at Jahanabad (Bihar). Retired principal Shri Modnarayan
Singh inaugurated the programme by cutting the ribbon.
On this occasion Shibucho R.P. Sinha, Hozashu Jitendra Kumar,
Hozashu Dr. Sanjay Kumar and local social worker Shri Lallan Singh
were present. The programme on stage was hosted by Shri Pankaj
Kumar. More than 60 men, women and children participated in the
programme. Old and new members of Adhyatmik Sahcharya
Sanstha Mo. Bistaul, 4th chapter, celebrated the programme. A few
new members were also inducted on the occasion.
Shri Modnarayan Singh, who inaugurated the programme, said
on the occasion that in the present scenario, each and every family
was facing the peril of disintegration. There was an urgent need to
unite disintegrating families and mend breaking relationships. There
is utter chaos all over the world. Backwardness, starvation, epidemics
and terrorism have destroyed peace world over. Man himself is to be
blamed for all this. All individuals should make a concerted effort to
find a solution to this menace.
Hozashu Jitendra Kumar said that people should inculcate good
intentions and simultaneously shun bad intentions. That the pace of
progress may always be fast. Conservation of society and individual
is prime. Installing the Sokaimyo and paying homage to ancestors in
its presence is of prime importance. By this exercise, all bad habits
will be vanquished. Dr. Sanjay Kumar
observed that today joint families could
seldom be seen. There is no such thing as
love, humanity and compassion. So as to
have a clean and pure family, it is essential to
adopt these qualities, and with this view this
Sanstha conducts such programmes every
Shibucho R.P. Sinha said in his speech
that all of us are the descendants of our
ancestors and that we are indebted to them
through our entire life. By following the path
laid down by the Sanstha, the development
of family and its conservation is made
possible. We need to bring about realistic and
good intentions. Every individual’s thoughts
and actions are guided by their ancestors
which they are unable to fathom. Evil actions
and thoughts are first cursed by our inner
emotions. We are all passing through difficult times… Dire straits…
These problems are being solved by our ancestors invisibly.
Disrespect of our ancestors will bring upon us intolerable
consequences. Further, he also reiterated the Sanstha’s rules and
objectives. Local people appreciated the program the like of which
they had never witnessed.
On this occasion, the participants of the cultural program
presented dance and one act plays, thereby creating an atmosphere of
joy and happiness. Successful participants were awarded
encouragement prizes. Among the notable participants of the show
were Neetu Kumari, Ruby Kumari, Shweta Kumari, Rajiv Ranjan,
Mukesh Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar, Geeta Kumari, Anupriya Kumari,
Dayanand Kumar and Pankaj Kumar. In the end Shri Lallan Singh
expressed the vote of thanks and announced the culmination of the
– Report: Shibucho R.P. Sinha
Reiyukai News
Muzaffarpur has Leader
Practice Programme
n 6th December 2009, a ‘Leader Practice Programme’ was organized at
the Muzaffarpur office of Adhyatmik Sahcharya Sanstha (Reiyukai India).
In the programme, under the Leadership Practice Programme, members were
enlightened about teachings of Reiyukai.
Jun Shibucho of the Sanstha Shyamal Kumar, while speaking about
Reiyukai teachings, said that expression of respect, honour and complete
surrender to our ancestors is the chief objective of Reiyukai teachings. In
today’s changing environment where each individual is busy in his personal
work, they do not find the time to remember their ancestors. Under these
circumstances, somewhere or the other we tend to forget our heritage.
Preservation of our heritage by constant practice of Reiyukai teachings is our
prime objective.
Jun Shibucho Amit Kumar said that the character and culture of an
individual, his education and life are the result of the karma of his ancestors.
Therefore, we can nurture a cultured future generation only if we respect our
Hozashu Satish Kumar guided the new members to practice Reiyukai
teachings through properly pronounced recital of Sutras and urged them to
increase the membership base.
Hozashu Prof. Pankaj Karn professed in his address about the value of social
and moral education for overall development of children in Reiyukai teachings.
Also, he expounded that loss of faith in our ancestors is the adversity of time.
Among other members present during the programme were members of
the level of Hozashu, like Sanjeev Kumar, Sujeet Kumar Bharati, Avinash
Bihari. Among other members, Pawan Kumar, Shekhar Suman, Raja Kumar,
Deepak Kumar, Sonu Kumar, Rakesh Kumar, etc., were present.
– Report: Jun Shibucho Shyamal Kumar
Free Eye Testing Camp
organised at Balidad
free eye testing camp was conducted under the aegis of Adhyatmik
Sahcharya Sanstha at Balidad near Arwal District Market Committee
(Bihar). The Free eye testing camp was organized due to the supreme effort
of Dr. B.N. Prasad, who is a humanitarian in his own rights and in whose
clinic poor patients are always provided medical treatment and medicines
free of cost. More than 200 patients were examined in the camp. Sufficient
medicines were also distributed as required by these patients.
Since this region is extremely backward, the number of people living
below the poverty line in this region is also substantial. Under severe
financial strain, these people are unable to seek medical care in nearby
metropolitan cities and therefore conducting such free camps comes as a
great relief to them.
These people always remember the Sanstha. The people frequently
telephone Dr. Sanjay and keep enquiring as to when the next such camp
is likely to be organized.
Mr Jitendra Kumar, Mr Ramji Prasad, Mr Anil Singh and Mr Jitendra
Prasad heartily assisted Dr. Sanjay in this momentous task. On such
occasions, a few members are also inducted into the Sanstha.
– Report: Jitendra Kumar, Jahanabad
Reiyukai News
Inner-self Development
Camp organised at Puri
embers of the Fourth Chapter (Bokaro) of Adhyatmik
Sahcharya Sanstha (Reiyukai) visited Puri. A group consisting
of 29 members participated in an Inner-self Development Camp
from 25/12/2009 to 27/12/2009. The members practiced recital of
Sutras and chanting under clear blue skies at the sea beach. There
were mutual introductions, discussions about the growing strength
of membership and exchange of personal experiences among the
members. Shri S.N. Singh expressed his personal opinions about the
fundamental objectives of Adhyatmik Sahcharya Sanstha and
stressed about the importance of Michibiki. Shri Kali Pad Rajak
expounded that it is the era of competition and that we can reach our
destination only if our beliefs are realistic and selfless.
During question-answer session, Shibucho V.N. Mehta said that
so far as humanity was concerned, Adhyatmik Sahcharya Sanstha
(Reiyukai) represents the awakening of the humanity and practice of
Bodhisatva. This Sanstha strives towards sustained development of
humanity, spreading the message of peace and mutual acceptance.
The Sanstha is also the well-wisher of the community, society, family,
nation and welfare of the world. Sustained practice of Reiyukai
enables a person to attain self-competence and self-reliance.
The practice of Reiyukai seems to be uniting and brings
happiness among disintegrated families. The need of the hour is to
live by the ideals of Reiyukai. The two-day programme of chanting
“Namo-Myo-Ho-Ren-Ge-Kyo” at the beach during wee hours till
sunrise by the group of members and the Sun rising from the horizon
of the sea was the most captivating sight, which generated a great
amount of enthusiasm and encouragement.
A senior member of Reiyukai, Shibucho R.P. Sinha said that
existence of life on earth was dependent upon the Sun. He also
revealed about the expansive reach of Reiyukai and its objectives. He
also drew attention of the members towards the need of Michibiki,
Sokaimyo and regular recital of sutras for attaining permanent
membership. While describing each of us as the offspring of our
ancestors, he laid stress upon the need of paying homage to our
ancestors. All members took oath to strive towards augmentation of
membership-base as well as for renewing the ties. At the end, Smt.
Shanti Kumari expressed her vote of thanks to all present members.
– Report: Shibucho V.N. Mehta
Family day programme
at Jabalpur (M.P.)
amily day celebration is an important event which all
‘Reiyukai’ members celebrate every year to mark the
importance of family in a society in promoting cordial relations
among then and thus makes society peaceful and active towards
development of all.
Jabalpur members celebrated this event on 17th January
2010 at Raria Patherm Buddh Vihar, where more than 100
people participated. The programme was organized by Jun
Shibucho Shri D.K. Panchbhai, Chief Guest Smt. Sunanda
Patil, Dy. Collector inaugurated the function and threw some
light on importance of family in a society. Later Mr. Dilip Sum
Kumar and Mr. D.K. Panchbhai informed the gathering about
Reiyukai and its association with family day programme. All
members were given lunch at the end of programme.
– Report: D.K. Panchbhai
鵽 10 鵾
Reiyukai News
Medical Camp organised Eye Check-up Camp at
in Belghoria, Kolkata Phulia, West Bengal
Medical Camp was organized on 6th November 2009 in the courtyard
of the Dew Drop K.G. & Primary School, Belghoria, Kolkata under
the aegis of Reiyukai 8th Branch, Kolkata. Oya Chandana Bandyopadhyay,
Principal of Dew Drop, conducted the whole programme. Oyas of
Reiyukai 8th Branch, Kolkata, Amalesh Dasgupta, Sibabrata Basu, Ashish
Goswami and Mousami Kar Chatterjee played a crucial role in the success
of this camp.
In this Medical Camp, General Check-up and Blood Grouping of
approximately 45 children of the locality was carried out. A medical team
comprising of Dr. Siddhartha Bandyopadhyay and Dr. Subir Roy, Director
of ‘Doyen’ - A clinical research laboratory, took active part in the success of
this camp. Doyen arranged the Blood Grouping with their medical team.
The programme started at 9.00 a.m. and continued up to 2.30 p.m. In
this programme, Mr. Masaru Miyachi of Reiyukai, Japan was also present.
The meeting was addressed by Mr. Masaru Miyachi. In his valuable speech,
Mr. Miyachi explained the importance of Reiyukai philosophy. He also
stated about Reiyukai Practice and emphasized that the prime objectives of
the Reiyukai Philosophy is the welfare of human beings. As the health
check-up was continuing Mr. Amalesh Dasgupta took initiative to run a
cultural programme with a performance by children. In this part of the
medical camp programme, the children staged magnificent presentations of
song, dance and recitation.
A campaign on ‘Global Warming’ was also organised during the camp
in the school premises. Some attractive posters were displayed regarding the
activities which we can perform in our daily life to combat Global
Warming. The posters were drawn by the young children.
At the end of the camp the Principal of Dew Drop, Oya Chandana
Bandyopadhyay expressed her gratitude to everybody and assured the
continuance of the activities of Reiyukai with the co-operation of all
– Report: Chandana Bandyopadhyay (Bose)
ike in the last year, this year on 17.4.2010 an eye check-up camp
was organised with the initiative of the Phulia branch of
Adhyatmik Sahcharya Sanstha and in co-operation with Lion's Club.
At the camp, two hundred fifty three poor people underwent eye
check-up free of cost. One hundred forty-nine poor people were
served with spectacles, twenty seven were helped by ECG and blood
test for all at free of cost by the Adhyatmik Sahcharya Sanstha and
twenty seven poor people underwent cataract operation free of cost;
and all this was done with the help of Lion's Club branch of Phulia.
On that day, the camp was jointly conducted by the honourable
members of Adhyatmik Sahcharya Sanstha Smt. Rikta Kundu, Mr.
Kalidas Roy, Mr. Biswajit Sarkar, Mr. Nirmal Roy, Mr. Bachu Basak,
Smt. Champa Roy. Also present on the occasion along with them
were honourable Shri Arun Kumar Banerjee from the Delhi office of
Adhyatmik Sahcharya Sanstha, honourable president of Lion's Club
Phulia branch Dr. Sajal Sarkar and other special members of the club
- Shri Arun Bhowmik, Kartik Basak, Zed Rahman and Nitya
Karmakar. The centre was specially conducted by the special people
on that day. And with the earnest co-operation of all of them the
programme got over with great success.
– Report: Rikta Kundu
鵽 11 鵾
Reiyukai News
Kavita Basant organised
at Muzaffarpur
poetry forum “Kavita Basant – 2010” was conducted under
the aegis of Reiyukai India Muzaffarpur chapter. The poetry
forum was invoking the Vishubh Basant at the Muzaffarpur
chapter at the same place where Earth, Jupiter and the Sun were
visible in a straight line formation. On this historic occasion,
Reiyukai India bid farewell to the spring season by way of poetry.
Welcome address was delivered by Shyamal Kumar. Senior
member and famous singer, Dr. Sanjay Pankaj, who was the
designated speaker on the occasion, spoke about his spiritual beliefs
on human consciousness and its effect on mindset of youth in
Reiyukai education. He also enlightened everybody about the all
encompassing ideals of Reiyukai. On the occasion, senior officer of
police, Shri Alok Mohit also acknowledged the significance of
Reiyukai education in contemporary times while congratulating
everybody and also urged them to associate themselves and others
with this cause. On the same dais, Dr. Rajiv Kumar spoke about
overall development of children’s faculties and the importance of
elders in family. Prof. Pankaj Karn said that Reiyukai was dedicated
to the ideal of respect towards family and ancestors and is
constantly striving to preserve these values in these changing times.
The energy generated by the rendition of poems by the esteemed
invitees through the medium of “Kavita Basant” will provide
strength to us for many years
On this occasion, the invited
poets gave renditions of poems
from their initial forays into this
art form.
On the occasion of Vishubh
Basant, the veteran poets made a
critical appraisal of the poems
composed by the relatively new
breed of poets and offered their
valuable guidance on the aptitude
for composing poems as well as
the right frame of mind needed for
composition of poems.
During the course of the
“Kavita Basant” symposium, a
member of the Reiyukai family,
who is a resident of Dumri region
of Muzaffarpur, attended the
forum despite the fact that his
home was completely destroyed by fire. The members of Reiyukai
family, with the guidance of senior members, tried to alleviate his
misery. In their effort, the victim’s family members (both men and
women) were given clothing and monetary assistance. This
assistance came both by way of personal contributions as well as
through the Sanstha. The affected member Shri Sumeet Kumar
“Sawan” expressed his gratitude in an emotionally charged
The vote of thanks was expressed by Amit Kumar and notable
among the present members were Shri Rajkumar, Suraj Kumar
Sinha, Chandan Kumar Rai, Raviraj, Kumar Shanu, Sanjay Kumar,
Sanjeet Kumar, Rajiv Ranjan, Pran, Santosh, Sujeet, Chandan,
Prof. Pankaj Karn, Satish Kumar, Ramayan Kumar, Sanjeev Kumar,
Adhyanand Chaudhary and Ranjeet Kumar.
– Report: Jun Shibucho Shyamal Kumar
鵽 12 鵾
Depending on what you think today, you can
change your future for the better.
development of my country; and,
if I gained virtuous merits through
my practice of the teachings of the
Lotus Sutra, then I wished the
merits to be transferred to my
Branch Leader (Shibucho) mother so that she can live longer.
TakashiH ibiki,isoneofthem
However, I did not do Michibiki
and he spoke at a youth until I was in my sophomore year
gathering held at the at university because, at first, I
Shakaden in Tokyo on June 8, didn’t want anyone to think that I
2000.H etalked abouthow he was strange.”
“Why can he stand out
so firm? There must be
others around who are
also full of energy.”
started to putthe teachingsof
Reiyukai into practice; and
through his own experiences,
he told us about how he
applies the teachings into his
daily life. M r. H ibiki is an
assistant professor at Kyoto
U niversity.
y mother developed a
form of cancer about
twenty years ago. Ever since I was
a small child, I saw my mother
earnestly practicing the teachings
of Reiyukai. I’d thought that I
would also practice the teachings
like my mother. I wasn’t really
making a vow, but more of
making a wish. I wanted to work
Have I been
egocentric in doing
the Shugyo
practice? And then
I thought, I’ve got
to show some
“When I was twenty years old,
I had an opportunity to visit
Mexico as a representative of the
8th branch Youth Group Society
(YGS). While in Mexico, I saw
fellow YGS members wanting to
contribute to the development of
鵽 13 鵾
their country. I reflected upon
myself, “What have I been doing
so far? Have I been egocentric in
doing the Shugyo practice? And
then I thought, I’ve got to show
some nerve!” From then on, I
decided to change my mind for
the better.”
“After coming home from
Mexico, I wanted to be a fresh and
new person. I began to recite the
Sutra earnestly and did the Shugyo
cold water practice. I also started
to do Michibiki. With a burst of
energy and courage, I appealed to
my friends, “I had such a good
experience in Mexico. The youth
over there contributed to the
betterment of their society. In
order to do that, we all have to
grow up and be better people. It is
also important for us to develop
good spirits.” For the past 2 years,
I had tried to convince my friends
to join Reiyukai; but no matter
how much I tried, they all said,
“No, thank you.” But this time
around they were touched by my
enthusiasm, and they joined
Reiyukai. I succeeded in doing
Michibiki by attracting 10 people
Personal Experience from Overseas
to join within one hundred days.
These 10 people became core
members and we were able to hold
Tsudoi gatherings. I not only
talked to my friends about
Reiyukai, but I went through the
Shugyo practice, earnestly recited
the Sutra, and continued to do
“In 1991, my mother came
very close to death from natural
suffocation after catching a bad
cold that made her windpipe
clogged. A doctor suggested that
she undergo a bronchial throat
operation. But she flatly refused
because she was afraid that it
would affect her duties as a
Shibucho. She just went home
after her visit to the hospital. Then
I saw her incredulously doing
Shugyo at the risk of her own life!
She was in a very desperate
condition at that time.”
“At the main hall of
determination, for the first time,
in front of the audience and said,
“I haven’t paid back the debt of
gratitude I owe to my mother for
her bringing me up. I am
determined to become a Shibucho
and I will contribute to my
country. May my mother’s life be
prolonged!” I became a Shibucho
the following year.”
After this experience,
I believe that, we, the
members of Reiyukai,
have these wonderful
teachings where they
can be applied into
our daily lives.
“My mother’s health seemed to
improve as well. The previous ten
years were very difficult for her.
She could not even lie down or
sleep on a futon without enduring
pain. If she strengthened her body
then she could not breath.
Doctors even said that it would
not be strange if my mother
suddenly stopped breathing for a
short period. She eventually had
an operation and as a result she
regained her health. After this
experience, I believe that, we, the
members of Reiyukai, have these
wonderful teachings where they
can be applied into our daily lives.
I have also been doing Nengan
and vowed to be a person who can
contribute to my country, as well
establishment of a peaceful
“Now at the age of thirty-seven,
I can go out into the world and
realize what I am capable of doing.
One reason why I have this firm
belief is that. I have seen how my
mother overcame her physical
hardships. I have also listened to
the personal experiences of senior
members at Mirokusan and such
gatherings. I also try to
incorporate their lessons into my
own daily practices. I think wishes
are not merely things we think
about, but they are things that can
be fulfilled and realized. So in
believing this, I will continue to
do Shugyo for many years to
– Shibucho Takashi Hibiki
What Makes Reiyukai Unique ?
ome people think it is a good idea to make a fine Buddhist altar for their deceased family members, or pay a
priest a lot of money to have him assign a posthumous name made up of a lot of Chinese characters, or have
him perform a long-term memorial service. They seem to think that the more money they spend, the happier
they can make their ancestors.
This kind of attitude results from the idea that remembering one’s ancestors is not something that is part of
daily life.
As Reiyukai members, we sincerely do honor our ancestors everyday by doing Sutra recitation for them in our
homes. We do that because our lives cannot be separated from our ancestors; they are the source of our lives.
We can come to know our own selves better by looking at our source of lives.
By leading a life that makes good use of the teachings, we can nurture ourselves, and we can experience
fulfillment that cannot be purchased with money.
鵽 14 鵾
Let’s Learn Japanese – 24
General Conversation
Ginkoo o sagashimasho (Looking for a bank)
Ginkoo wa doko desu ka ............................................................................................Where is a bank?
Ichiban chikai ginkoo wa doko desu ka ......................................................Where is the nearest bank?
Ginkoo wa nanji ni hirakimasu ka ...............................................................What time do banks open?
Ginkoo wa doyoobi mo aite imasu ka .............................................Are banks open on Saturdays, too.
Ginkoo ............................................................Bank
Ichiban chikai .............................................Nearest
Nanji ni .............................................At what time?
Hirakimasu .....................................................Open
Doyoobi ....................................................Saturday
Aite imasu ......................................................Open
Let’s Learn Japanese – 25
Kauntaa ni (At the bank counter)
Kooza ga hirakitai desu ..............................................................................I want to open an account.
Ryokoo kogitte ga tsukuritai desu...............................................I want to get traveler’s checks made.
Kono yooshi no kakikata o oshiete itadakemasu ka .......................Please tell me how to fill this form.
Kakunin shite kudasai ................................................................................Please make sure it’s right.
Kogitte o motte imasu ................................................................................................I have a cheque.
Kurejitto kaado ga arimasu....................................................................................I have a credit card.
Genkin wa motte imasen ..........................................................................................I don’t have cash.
Pasupooto o omise shi nakereba ikemasen ka ....................................Do I have to show my passport?
Kore wa fumikomi no yooshi desu ka ..........Is this the form to transfer money to a person’s account?
Kooza ........................................................Account
Hirakitai desu.....................................Want to open
Ryokoo kogitte ...........................Traveler’s Cheque
Tsukuritai desu................................I want to make
Kono yooshi ............................................This form
Kakikata ................................................How to fill?
Oshiete itadakemasu ka ....................Please tell me
Koko ni .......................................In this place, here
Kakunin ..................................................Make sure
Motte imasu ....................................................Have
Kurejitto kaado .....................................Credit Card
Arimasu ..........................................................Have
Genkin ............................................................Cash
Motte imasen .........................................Don’t have
Pasupooto .................................................Passport
Omise .................................................To show you
Shi nakereba ikemasen ...................................Must
Fumikomi...................................To transfer money
鵽 15 鵾
r. Kakutaro Kubo, the founder of Reiyukai, formulated teachings, enabling
people throughout the world to carry out Bodhisattva practices based on
the Lotus Sutra. He advocated ways of improving and cultivating society, saying,
“With these merits and virtues, may the Law reach far and wide. May we and all
living beings attain the enlightenment of the Buddha”.
Mrs. Kimi Kotani, the first Reiyukai president promoted commitment to
realizing the ‘Buddha’s World’, stating, “If all members of a family practice the
Reiyukai teachings, then their descendants will be blessed as fine people and they
will be able to live a peaceful and harmonious life. If this happens in each and
every family, then the ‘Buddha’s World’ will be attained”.
There is nothing better than contributing to world peace by responding to the
four debts of gratitude we all owe: gratitude towards our parents and ancestors,
other sentient beings, our nation, and our principles. Following on the great
achievement of our founders and seniors, we, Reiyukai members, are aware of the
tasks before us and will strive to work for world peace with the ‘collected merits’
achieved through our actions.
For this purpose we vow:
1. To do Ancestral Remembrance and practice Michibiki.
2. To emphasize the importance of creating a happy family and home, and to
try to carry out good examples of these.
3. To put the teachings into practice and carry out activities those benefit our
community and society.
Thus, we will endeavor to establish world peace as we are developing ourselves,
enlightening others and bettering the nation.
Adhyatmic Sahcharya Sanstha (Reiyukai)
C-2/3, Safdarjung Development Area, New Delhi 110016 (India)
Telephone : (+91-11) 26522039 • Telefax : (+91-11) 26522040
E-mail: • Website:
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Declaration of
Reiyukai Practices