Bonnells Bay Progress Association Inc.
Bonnells Bay Progress Association Inc.
Bonnells Bay Progress Association Inc. Phone: 4973 4571 Your Community Working Together Morisset Police: 4973 1444 PAL: 131 444 Crime Stoppers: 1800 333 000 NEWSLETTER NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the Bonnells Bay Progress Association Inc. will be held on Wednesday 1st June 2016 at the Bonnells Bay Community Centre, Fishery Point Road, Bonnells Bay commencing at 7:30pm. The Community Centre is located opposite the Bonnells Bay Shopping Centre and interested Southlake residents are most welcome to attend this meeting. The Centre is Air Conditioned. GUEST SPEAKER The Guest Speaker for our June Meeting will be Kerry Morrissey. Kerry has been a member of the Rotary Club of Morisset for almost 26 years and is currently a Club Director. She has been President of the Club for 4 terms, being one of the first women to join Rotary. The Rotary Club of Morisset has served the community for almost 50 years, supporting local, national and international programmes. The club is made up of men and women from the area who have a common interest in making the world a better place. Rotary is the vehicle for doing that through a range of established programmes. An internationally recognised organisation, Rotary is at the forefront of world health programmes having worked for 30 years to eliminate Polio from the world. Kerry will give an outline of Rotary in the local area and how the Club responds to need, from small local projects including local facilities to international disasters and needs, such as earthquakes, water and literacy programmes. At the conclusion of Kerry’s Presentation there will be time for questions and answers. BONNELLS BAY PROGRESS ASSOCIATION INC. Jeanette E. Cartwright Civil Marriage Celebrant At a Special Association Members Meeting held on Wednesday 13th April 2016 an Election of Office Bearers was conducted to select a Committee to take over from the four (4) retiring members of the Executive. Members welcomed the incoming Committee. President: Dave Wood. Vice President/Secretary: Cheryl Buerckner. Treasurer: Yolande Bull. Committee Member: David Jones. A further Committee member would be most helpful. Retiring President Col Roach congratulated the incoming executive and reiterated that the Association is committed to assisting not only those residents living in Bonnells Bay but those living elsewhere on the Morisset Peninsula and the wider Southlake area. Weddings, Vow Renewals, Baby Namings and Funerals Ph: 02 4977 2576 Mob: 0413 542 646 Email: “Precious Moments” AUSTRALIAN RED CROSS BLOOD BANK The Australian Red Cross Mobile Donor Vehicle’s next visit to the Southlake area will be between Tuesday 19th July and Friday 22nd July at the Morisset Multi Purpose Centre. Hours Tuesday to Thursday 1-00pm to 550pm. Friday 10-00am to 2-50pm. To find out more about the Blood Bank and becoming a Donor Telephone 131495. Remember that one in three Australians will need Donated blood during their lifetime. As a Donor, the life you save may be your own. DJ McLEAN Lic. No. 26791C Hot & Cold Water Blocked Drains Gas Fitting Sewerage Problems Storm Water Products Leaking Taps & Toilets Guttering & Roofing Professional Service PLUMBING Call Doug 0417 249 954 AH: 4973 6956 Domestic Industrial Commercial JOKE OF THE MONTH While on holiday Fred bought the local paper. Browsing through the death notices he was intrigued to see that everyone had died in alphabetical order. ***** Gourmet Fine Meats June 2016 “Hey Mum, how did dad know the exact date he was going to die?” “The Judge told him Son.” The Bay Centre Phone: 02 4973 1633 Authentic IT Solutions Home and Small Business Computing Consultant New Computer Systems - Hardware - Software Networks, NBN Phone & Data Cabling, Repairs, Data Recovery, Remote Assistance Update your old XP system now Call Len 0407 736 168 or 4977 3568 MEDITATION AND PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINARS Feeling stressed, tired, depleted, unfulfilled? Do you want good health, more happiness and better relationships? SHANTI MISSION 4977 3047 0431 044 176 Mon-Fri 8am—6pm Sat 8am—1pm Mangia Bene Wood fired Italian Restaurant & Café Find our menu at Shop 5a 330 Fishery Point Rd, Bonnells Bay Ph. 49733098 Dine in, Take away and Home Delivery Indoor and Outdoor seating ticularly enjoy the Roast Lamb and are look- NEWSLETTER DELIVERERS ing forward to the new menu available in Our Association relies on a group of volunMay. For around $32 a week for six meals, teers to deliver our Quarterly Newsletters into they are happy customers. Recently they the homes in Bonnells Bay, Windermere Park Phone: 4973 4571 We are pleased to welcome Meals on have attended small group outings with Meals and Morisset Park. Some of these volunteers Wheels Flexible Food Group. These social have been doing this important job for over YouronCommunity Working Together Wheels as an advertiser in our Newsletter. outings have created a whole new network Detailed below is theMorisset story of Doug and Ruth 20 years.1800 Two 333 of these Police: 4973 1444 PAL: 131 444 CrimeofStoppers: 000volunteers are reloHay who are recent converts to the Meals on friends and they are excited about attending cating and we desperately require volunteers more outings. We thank them for sharing to cover their areas. Wheels Family. June 2016 Doug, 91, a Scot, then a Yorkshireman and their story. Area 1 covers Regent St. Wood St. and Ruth, 88, from Northern England settled in Harbord St. east of Moran St., as well as the Australia with their family in 1957. Doug FIRST TUESDAY CHAT Estate with the bird names behind Harbord was a boilermaker at Carrington Slipway. He and Pearson Sts. and cross streets Creer and assisted with the building of HMAS Tobruk CLUB Brook. approximately 215 Newsletters. Several years ago some Bonnells Bay Prowhich had a long history of supporting MorisArea 2 covers the Yeramba Estate behind set & Toronto Meals on Wheels until its re- gress Association Committee members and the Shopping Centre with the wine names as cent decommissioning. The crew presented friends started the First Tuesday Chat Club. well as Bailey St. Doyle Place. Brightwaters Doug with a Tobruk cap and badge in recog- The club members meet at the Community Close. Kalaroo Rd. Asquith Ave and Churchnition of his efforts. Ruth was a registered Centre on the First Tuesday morning of the ill Cres. approximately 250 newsletters. nurse and retired in 1989. Happily married month except during school holidays. Originally the club was designed to attract with five children, five grandchildren and four great grandchildren, they live in newly arrived people to the area, to assist Balcolyn. They have recently been finding it them with local information etc. The club difficult to prepare nourishing meals and to now boasts some 50 members. For a $4 dobe socially active. Meals on Wheels stepped nation coffee and tea is provided and the chat in to assist them remain in their own home. part is free. There are occasional outings alThey look forward to their meal delivery and so. love a chat with the volunteer deliverers. BeFor more details contact Brian Rabjohn on ing able to trust the people that come to their 4973 4553. house is “More than just a Meal.” They par- MEALS ON WHEELS – MEET DOUG & RUTH HAY “THE PEOPLE NEXT DOOR” Bonnells Bay Progress Association Inc. NEWSLETTER No cost initial consultation Fixed Price Conveyancing incl. Partnered Wills Family Law matters after hours consultations Wills and Estate Planning Let us maximise your financial future. Accounting & Tax, Business Advice, Tax Consulting Advice, Property Investment Advice, Superannuation, Company, Trust & Self Managed Superannuation Fund Set Up. P: 4973 2846 W: E: A: 8/29-31 Yambo St. Morisset 02 4959 8447 Email: Address: 5a/33 The Boulevard, Toronto NSW 2283 Happy Hippo TOY LIBRARY Morisset Multi Purpose Centre Open Monday to Friday 9am—4pm Party Packs Available 02 4973 7000 Satellite TV Services AZUREUS COMPUTER REPAIRS BONNELLS BAY NEWSAGENCY Upgrades, New & Used Systems Mobile Service—Reasonable Rates Call Vince on 4970 5272 — 0403 087 741 Email: BAY HOTEL/MOTEL 35 Years Local Experience Fishery Point Rd, Morisset East Phone Steve 4973 3177 4973 1197 BACK MAGIC “THE BOATSHED” RESTAURANT BOWEN & NEURALIGN THERAPY Gentle, effective treatment for Back, Neck, Shoulder pain Open 7 days Lunch 12 to 2pm Dinner 6 to 9pm By appointment only ~ phone Cheryl 4973 6382 Bookings would be appreciated Large selection of gifts for all occasions 4973 2333 PENDLETONS Lawns and Gardens + Car Care Prompt Reliable Service Free Quotes Fully Insured PHONE 0439 474 131 or 0413 177 992 Wednesday, 1st June at 7:30 p.m. in the Meeting Room, YACC, Fishery Point Road. All Morisset Peninsular residents are cordially invited. Printed by ART ‘N’ PRINT—BONNELLS BAY Email: Phone: 02 49726767
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