DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH Financing private investments in Latin America Berlin, 14.09.2012 Justus Vitinius DEG - Our business is developing. DEG… …is the German development finance institution (DFI) for the promotion of private companies in developing and emerging market countries; …provides long-term investment capital for private enterprises on market-oriented conditions: Equity, Mezzanine finance, Long-term Loans, Guarantees; …invests in projects that are financially sound and keep with the principles of sustainable development and are in the sectors agribusiness, processing industry, services, infrastructure, and in the financial sector; …contributes to sustainable economic growth and thus to poverty reduction. Ecological and social acceptance according to international guidelines are a vital condition. DEG – Promoter of entrepreneurial development cooperation Corporate data Founded: 1962 Employees: 457 Seat: Köln Shareholder: KfW, Frankfurt Equity 2011: Total assets 2011: EUR 1.7 billion EUR 3.9 billion New commitments in 2011: EUR 1.2 billion (supporting investments worth EUR 6.8 billion) Portfolio 2011: EUR 5.6 billion (supporting investments worth EUR 39.0 billion) 3 DEG offices abroad ● Moscow ● Beijing ● Istanbul ● New Delhi ● Bangkok ● Accra ● Nairobi ● Mexico City ● Singapore ● Jakarta ● Lima São Paulo ● ● Johannesburg Representative offices in 70 countries through KfW Bankengruppe 4 Financing criteria ● Qualified management ● Sound business plan ● Credit standing ● Investment plan ● Proven track record ● Market analysis ● Corporate Governance ● Due-diligence study ● Environmental and social standards ● Expected return ● Developmental effects ● Financing shares of owner and co-lenders 5 Long-term loans ● Amount: - Own account: between 8 - 35 mm USD - Higher amounts by club deals and/or arrangements - Max. 50% of total assets of a company - Max. 90% new investments ● Currency: USD or EUR, various local currencies, incl. MXN ● Term: generally 4-10 years, longer tenors possible (up to 15 y) ● Period of grace: Cash flow oriented, up to 3 years (in Mezz more) ● Repayment profile: Cash flow oriented ● Interest rate: Fixed or variable, market-oriented, exempt from withholding tax in Mexico & most countries in Central America ● Collateral security: mortgages, pledges etc (project-specific arrangements) ● Others: “tenor extension” of commercial banks Mezzanine Finance Realization of mezzanine instruments Expected return Equity Sub Debt + Warrants Preferred equity Sub Debt + CPU Convertible debt Sub Debt + PIK Subordinated debt Senior unsecured debt Senior secured debt Risk Mezzanine Finance: Advantages Mezzanine finance can have the following benefits: ● ● ● ● ● Cashflow-based lending vs. balance sheet/security mentality Improve equity ratio and expand debt capacity Avoid dilution from capital raising Leverage equity return, improve ROE Tax deductability of interest expense Situations: ● ● ● Growth capital Leveraged buyouts Pre-IPO Example for improving of the overall financing structure by DEG mezzanine funds: funding needs for 40mUSD of fixed assets: Assets Liabilities Fixed Current 60 40 Equity Liabilities 30 70 Total 100 Total 100 Assets Fixed Current Total Liabilities 100 40 140 Equity DEG Mezzanine Liabilities 30 15 95 Total 140 Equity: Features of a participation Structure ● Own account: between 8 - 35 mm USD (higher amounts by club deals) ● Not to exceed 30% of share capital ● Shareholder/minority rights, in some cases Board representation ● Exit strategies to be defined: trade sale, IPO, put option, tag along Why having DEG as an equity partner? ● DEG/KfW brand increases value of the company ● “DEG vs hedge funds” – long term partnership vs short term IRR expectations ● Complementary long-term funding of DEG, technical assistance Public Private Partnership / PPP Technical Assistance / TA TA PPP Partner: European companies and their subsidiaries, existing clients of DEG Objectives: Co-financing of private sector projects with high developmental effects Focus areas: Renewable Energy, environmental protection in manufacturing industry Requisites: - high developmental and economic impacts - promotes structural development, broad effect - cannot be realized without public contribution Contrib.: max. 50% of costs / max. 200.000 € Example in Mexico: Financing of Pilotplant for Biogas to avoid emission of Methane, objective: repetition of concept, contrib. 30% of 600kEUR Grants can complement financing to DEG clients. - Training and qualification measures Social and environmental measures Business consulting / studies Corporate Governance Funds provided by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and DEG own funds. Example in Mexico: Introduction of an Environmental and Social Management System for a SOFOL, costs for Consultant & Training of Management and Credit Officers shared 50 / 50 Global new business development Recent development and sectoral distribution Mio. EUR 1.226 1.223 1.206 1.225 1200 1.015 930 1000 702 800 558 600 601 464 400 200 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 New commitments by sector; as per 31 December 2011 11 New business 2011 Regions: Latin America contributes to 28% of DEG´s new business New commitments: EUR 1,223 million Of these risk capital: EUR 509 million (42%) Disbursements: EUR 1,078 million Products: ● Loans: EUR 945 million, of these mezzanine financings EUR 235 million ● Equity participations: EUR 274 million ● Guarantees: EUR 4 million New commitments by region; as per 31 December 2011 12 DEG Portfolio in Latin America Sectoral distribution and most important countries Portfolio: Sectoral distribution Portfolio: Country (EUR million) Stand: 31.05.2012 Developmental effects DEG Latin American new business 2011 With its new commitments in 2011 DEG contributes together with its partners to: ● expected government revenues EUR 40 million p.a. ● expected net foreign currency inflows of EUR 104 million p.a. ● Employment effects: creating/securing of 12,500 direct jobs; additionally 44,500 employees at suppliers/final borrowers in financial sector projects 61% of the projects contribute to at least one of the eight MDGs. In addition, the project companies have to comply with internationally acknowledged environmental and social standards. Climate Protection What DEG does Climate protection = strategic issue ● Climate protection investments since 1990s: ¾ Renewable energies (wind, water, geothermal, solar) ¾ Energy efficiency ¾ Renewable raw materials ¾ CDM/JI projects / carbon credits ● New business 2010: EUR 235 million ● New business 2011: EUR 193 million 15 Investments in renewable energy Energias Renováveis S.A., Brasilien Project partner: Brazilian providers of equity and debt capital German economy German DC Investment project: ERSA Holding [development and set-up of projects and operation of small hydro-electric, windpower and biomass plants to produce renewable energy] Equity provider: DEG [equity investment to the amount of EUR 23.2 m] Developmental contribution: The lack of equity frequently represents a bottleneck in the development of "renewable energy" projects. By providing the ERSA holding with initial capital, DEG acts as an anchor investor that is attracting further equity investors. Thus, a huge amount of projects can be developed and set up, which in turn leads to a number of positive developmental effects such as the creation of jobs, diversification of power generation as well as technology transfer. About our project partner: Next to its already mentioned role as an anchor investor, DEG brought ERSA in contact with players from the German economy and the German DC. ERSA, for example, formalised a cooperation with Siemens in order to successfully participate in a call for projects. Consultancy prior to the tendering process was provided by GIZ. The projects generate additional income through carbon certificates, which are purchased by the KfW Carbon Fund. Debt financing is generally carried out by the Brazilian development bank BNDES, which is partly refinanced by KfW Entwicklungsbank. About our commitment: ERSA is a good example of how the different instruments of KfW Bankengruppe or the German DC are interrelated in order to jointly achieve the strategic goal of the German development cooperation: Climate protection through renewable energy. PPP-project on environmental protection and resource conservation Decentralised water treatment plant designed for use in rural regions in Brazil Project partner: Project was elected as "Beacon Project 2009" by UmweltCluster Bayern (Environment Cluster Bavaria) Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH PPP project: reliable decentralised water treatment plant designed for use in peripheral regions in Brazil Developmental contribution: The introduction of the water treatment plant directly contributes to environment protection while promoting natural resources and nature conservation. In addition, the project demonstrates that a reliable and high-quality water supply is possible also in remote areas, especially for the rural population. The project helps to raise awareness of a gentle use of water resources among the population as well as among the project partners' employees. The PPP-project: The PPP project involves know-how transfer by training and further education of technicians of a Brazil water supplier in the context of a demonstration project. DEG Consulting, Structuring, Monitoring, Financing About our partner: Grünbeck Wasseraufbereitung GmbH is a German medium-sized enterprise in the water treatment business, which supplies its customers worldwide with technologically advanced special machines for, among other things, water treatment. About our commitment: By providing PPP funds, DEG supports and advises a German enterprise on opening up new markets. Selected DEG clients Central America & Caribbean Portfolio PortfolioCAC CAC USD USD430 430million million 41 companies 41 companies Ferretería EPA S.A. Ferretería EPA S.A. (Costa Rica) (Costa Rica) Building Centers Building Centers 2 Senior Loans 2 Senior Loans USD 27 million USD 27 million Banco Ficohsa Banco Ficohsa (Honduras) (Honduras) Financial Sector Financial Sector Equity Equity USD 15 million USD 15 million Polaris Energy Polaris Energy (Nicaragua) (Nicaragua) Geothermal Plant Geothermal Plant Senior Loan Senior Loan USD 19 million USD 19 million West Kingston Power West Kingston Power (Jamaica) (Jamaica) Power Plant Power Plant Senior Loan Senior Loan USD 13 million USD 13 million Focus Focusof ofNew New Business Business Agribusiness Agribusiness Manufacturing Manufacturing Services Services Caucedo Caucedo (Dominican Republic) (Dominican Republic) Container Terminal Container Terminal Senior Loan Senior Loan USD 17.5 million USD 17.5 million Bantrab Bantrab (Guatemala) (Guatemala) Financial Sector Financial Sector Senior Loan Senior Loan USD 15 million USD 15 million LAICA LAICA (Costa Rica) (Costa Rica) Sugar Sugar Senior Loan Senior Loan USD 12 million USD 12 million Scotiabank Scotiabank (Costa Rica) (Costa Rica) Financial Sector Financial Sector Senior Loan Senior Loan USD 30 million USD 30 million Financial FinancialSector Sector Infrastructure Infrastructure Get in touch! Justus Vitinius Director Latin America DEG – Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH Kämmergasse 22 50676 Köln Germany Phone: ++49 (0) 2 21 / 49 86 - 1144 Telefax: ++49 (0) 2 21 / 49 86 - 1582 E-mail: Internet: 19