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C ONTENT O4 Forwar d by Minister , Ministry of Culture O6 Forwar d by Director 18 24 Solitude-Joy – Brahms-Wagner Fabian Müller's Taiwan Images O8 Wen-Pin Chien, Artistic Advisor 1O National Taiwan Symphony Or chestra 12 2014/15 2014/15 Season Concerts 16 20 The T urn of the Screw by Benjamin Britten Madama Butterfly by Giacomo Puccini 22 Lan Shui's Song without Words 26 Un ballo in maschera by Giuseppe Verdi 42 ܪߌڒůԆБంϑপˬ Mostly Mozart By Cho-Liang Lin III 28 44 ̫ѝԧ֕࿅ϣů ઙ۞ˠᓏॠ Gustav Mahler's Vocal Journey ڱᜋҘ۞ႝᄃО෪ Romantic Impressions of the French Music 34 46 30 ଐບ̂ঔů ͪᖡ۞ˠϠ̝ႇ Lan Shui's Song of Life 32 ̋߹ͪܜϖ̙ொů ᜋؑऋąາ͵ࠧ The Maiden of Malan – New World Symphony ႝႇෝů Օ۞ᓏଐϹᜩ Symphony of Voice and Sentiment 38 ճሤҘͰ Olé, España! Δለࢲଐ൪ Nordic Imageries 48 ۞ྻཙՎ Footsteps of Fate 50 40 ٛރႬ۞ளຐ͵ࠧ Fantastic World of Maurice Ravel ܻᘲࢰሄλˠ The Giants of Russian Music 52 58 ႝࠁ۞͑ຐ Romanticism Fantasies ᖎჅܦLadies' Night Pi-Chin Chien: Ladies' Night 54 ᇇႬ۞ࢰሄ৵ೡ Musical Sketches by Mendelssohn 57 ܪߌڒCosplay Mozart Cho-Liang Lin: Cosplaying Mozart 59 ٛᄿڒFascinating The Fascinating and Rachlin 62 NTSOဥᇉࢰሄົů็ᄃ็ٚ NTSO Anniversary ConcertTraditions & Transition 63 2014໐ϐࢰሄົůճᝌᔙШ2015 2014 End of Year ConcertCarnival Night: Hello 2015! 64 NTSOᏐ̄ࢰሄົůဂᜲݱ͘ NTSO Family ConcertPied Piper in the City of Rats 67 61 NTSOᏐ̄ࢰሄົůࢨճຐ NTSO Family ConcertImaginationąź ֍ᄂ៉۞ᓏࢰĪາሄąߐī 2014ܦѐࢰሄ౹үᚮᔈՙᔈࢰሄົ Voice of the New and BrilliantFinal Concert of the Composition Competition 2014 ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥࢰሄ౹үࢍထ 68 ሄဥበטᄃNTSOႊҖְፌ 81 Open Houseࢰሄྼົ 70 ࢰሄछ̬ 87 ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥܢనგሄဥ 72 ઼ᄂϹxڱฮމx๔࡚ྕݡāࢰሄᓾૅ 104 NTSO઼ᅫ͌ܦѐგؽሄᒉ 74 2014/15ؠഇࢰሄົրЕइை९ 105 NTSO͌ܦѐგሄᒉ 76 VIPᔉை͞९ 106 ઐᅈጯ७७γᘹ͛ିጯ 77 ˘ਠᔉைྤੈ 107 103ѐޘNTSOरϠሄТҖ 78 ̚ᎸૅळҜဦ 108 ႊݶះ۞̬ 80 3 2011 2011/12 2013/14 004 2012/13 Cultivating Local Appreciation of The Arts with Abundant Musical Energy NTSO has long been devoted to promoting music and arts in Central Taiwan. In addition to their busy touring schedules, the musicians also visit rural areas and correction centers, and introduce the children there to their very first musical instruments. Last year, NTSO organized a series of large-scale concerts, titled B lue skies, open fields, under the banyan trees , to spread music and joy at various venues, including the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall Plaza in Taipei, the Wei-W u-Ying Center for the Arts in Kaohsiung, Longtan Township in Taoyuan, and Puli Township in Nantou. Locals flocked to the concerts and thoroughly enjoyed the performances, proving NTSO, with its bountiful music ener gy, has indeed successfully encouraged more people to engage in artistic and musical events. Since 2011, NTSO has been organizing concerts by musical season under the leadership of Artistic Advisor Mr. Lan Shui, and all have been well-received. Looking back to the 2011/12, 2012/13, and 2013/14 seasons, NTSO has presented wondrous classics and fantastic legends with themes such as Salute to the Masters and the Love and Death Series . Every season, NTSO tours the region and initiates dialogues with locals via music. Classic yet innovative music presentations lead to inclusive and meaningful conversations and attract mor e residents to come and participate. NTSO has impressed the public with its numerous collaborations with internationally-acclaimed maestr os, continuous improvement of skills and artistry, and active renewal of the brand. The orchestra simultaneously launches various promotion campaigns such as visiting rural areas to offer opportunities for the residents to appr eciate and enjoy music. I joined the masses of fans in the open plazas when NTSO performed outdoors in Taipei and Kaohsiung. I remember being surrounded by cheerful elderly ladies in colorful shirts, elementary school students with their teachers there for an outdoor music class , and grandpar ents with grandchildr en standing next to their bicycles right under distant banyan trees. Each and every one of them immersed in this pure, spiritual exchange linked together by the magic of music. For this new season, NTSO presents Symphony of Voice and Sentiment . The season offers various large-scale opera concerts under the guidance of Artistic Advisor and well-known composer W enPin Chien. The Weekend Concert Breaks series showcase different aspects of classical music by including works from composers such as Ravel and Mendelssohn, and from diverse countries and cultures such as Russia and France. Wi th sophisticated skill and artistry , NTSO brings forth a multitude of emotions and styles this season. And we cordially invite you to join us and enjoy the beauty of music. Minister of the Ministry of Cultur e Ying-Tai Lung 005 ႊᘯຏજ āā౹ౄጸ ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥߏ઼̰።Ϋଊ˳۞ϹᜩሄဥĂ၆˘࣎ጾѣ። ΫĂܜഇ˧Οࢰሄଯᇃ۞ሄဥ҃֏Ăтңдன̫۞ᒖဩ̚Ă ̙ኢߏሄဥԛ෪۞ГౄăΟࢰሄ۞ଯणă៍ி۞ૈዳĂைٗ۞ јᒻඈඈଯજ࠰ߏ̙גटቤ۞ЇચĄ࿅ΝΗѐֽĂдՏ˘ಞႊ ̚Ă࠻઼זᄂϹဥࣶ၆ሄѡ˧ՐĶৌķ۞ܑனĂ၆މयࢰሄछ Ķචķ۞ၗޘĂ၌݈၌ޢТ̥ጬ˧̙ጻĶ࡚ķ۞ჟৠĂ࣎ຽ ᄃҖ߆ЪүมĂࢬ၆ሄဥଊ˳።Ϋ҃ဥࣶπӮѐ᛬࠹ݒ၆ѐᅅ ۞ሄဥĂ၆Οࢰሄѣࢨ۞ሤଐĂдՏ࣎࠹ົ۞ॡגĂ࿅ࢰ ሄĂ็ᅍ̙Т۞ຏજᄃԼតĄ າ۞ሄ؞Ăሄဥޝၷضᔛኛ઼זᅫۢЩ೭छᖎ͛૽АϠፉЇᘹ ఙᜪયĄᖎ೭ߏ઼̰ࢵࢰ۞˘ئሄछĂᖳಱ۞གྷ።ᄃᎫ ۞ޥჯĂͽາ۞ෛᅳ઼ᄂϹ֕ซΩ˘֧࣎༫Ąдᖎᜪ ય۞ඉထ˭Ă2014/15ሄ઼؞ᄂϹͽĪᓏāଐāϹᜩīүࠎ ᗟĂ࿅ࢰሄົ۞ӔனĂᅳ៍ி൴னΟࢰሄ̝࡚Ą ࠎஎਆдг៍ிăଯणώဥ۞ຽᄃ٤णᛈ֎Ă઼ᄂϹдώሄ؞ дՏ؞ᓝᏱĶOPEN HOUSEķࢰሄྼົĂͽᅅᗫ۞͞ёĂ ඕЪሄࢰ؞ሄົ̰टĂΐૻଯᇃ߿જćඕЪᄂ̚ξ઼ϔ̈ጯᏱந ĶरϠሄТҖķĂឰ઼̈ጯϠдሕொᐵ̼̚ତܕΟࢰሄćੵ̏ ѣ۞ᓾळγĂᄃᄂ̚ڱฮމă๔࡚ྕݡЪүĂؠഇᓝᏱࢰሄᓾ ૅĂ᎕ໂᔛࡗ઼̰ыࢰሄˠ̖̚זᄂ៉ซҖᘹఙଯᇃć҃ᄃᄂ ៉ᜠЪүइைᐹĂٕᄃЧ৺ጯ७۞Ъүඈ͞९ĂГГពϯሄ ဥͽк̮۞͞ёĂซҖࢰሄଯᇃĄ2014/15ሄ؞Ă઼ᄂϹд ࿅Ν۞ૄᖂ˯Ăႊᘯຏજ۞ࢰĂࠎϔி౹ౄ࡚р۞ጸĂᔛኛ ଋ˘Т֍ᙋ઼ᄂϹ࡚ᚊ۞ེតĄ ဥܜāเ৵ 006 Interpreting Emotions Creating Memories NTSO is the oldest symphony orchestra in Taiwan, and throughout the years, we have dedicated ourselves to the promotion of classical music. We make it our utmost mission to constantly reinvent NTSO's image, promote classical music, discover new audiences, and promote ticket sales in today's environment. In the past six months, during every concert, we see our musicians devote themselves to seeking the truest form of interpretation, treat other guest artists with kindness, and collaborate smoothly with one another. This is an orchestra with an old history and a group of relatively young members, with endless passion for classical music, and where artists and those behind the curtains cooperate in perfect harmony. This is an orchestra that turns every encounter into a different musical conversation on emotion and change. NTSO is honored to have internationally-acclaimed conductor Mr. Wen-Pin Chien as our Artistic Advisor for this new season. Mr. Chien is one of the best musicians in Taiwan, and will undoubtedly lead NTSO towards a new milestone with his vast experience and comprehensive vision. The theme of the 2014/15 Season isņSymphony of Voice and SentimentŇ, and aims to present the beauty of classical music to the audience through a series of concerts. Moreover, this season NTSO will organize and host various events to further promote our profession and introduce ourselves to additional local audiences.ņOPEN HOUSEŇ Music Fairs will introduce concert pieces in a fun and playful way, and various projects with elementary schools in Taichung can acquaint young children with classical music. In addition to the lectures already scheduled, NTSO, in collaboration with Taichung FNAC and Park Lane/Eslite Bookstore, will host regular music lectures and invite top musicians in Taiwan to share and promote their arts here in Central Taiwan. NTSO also teams up with Taiwan High Speed Rail to offer special transportation & concert ticket packages. And these are just some of the methods NTSO employs to actively promote classical music. In the 2014/15 Season, NTSO carries on with our journey. Starting out from the foundations laid in the past, we invite you to walk with us and witness NTSO's transformation and beauty. Director Su-Jen Huang 007 ᘹఙᜪય/ᖎ͛૽ ᖎ͛૽ϠٺᄂΔĂ઼ϲᘹĞன઼ϲᄂ៉ᘹఙ̂ጯğᔣሹலຽĂ1990ѐᾯгӀ ˢ઼ϲჯ˵ৼࢰሄੰĞன઼ϲჯ˵ৼࢰሄၱܑႊᘹఙ̂ጯğ២ࡁ೭Ă1994ѐפჇ ̀ጯҜĄд७ഇมĂഅٺཌྷ̂Ӏ઼̈́ڱඈг઼ᅫ೭̂ᔈ̚ᒔረĄ1995ѐͽٺҒЕ ၷᒔࢵبұा೭̂ᔈপҾረĄ1996ѐፉЇᇇ઼ႇᆐੰĞDeutsche Oper am Rhienğዸੰ೭̫֞Ă֭ٺ1998Ҍ2004ѐፉЇ͟ώ͉π߶ࢰሄ༼ĞPacific Music Festivalğ૱Ї೭Ą1999Ҍ2001ѐᖎ͛૽ᒔᔛፉЇ઼छϹᜩሄဥĞNSOğࢵयމळ ೭Ă2001Ҍ2007ѐፉЇࢰሄᓁႾĄፉЇNSOࢰሄᓁႾഇมĂᖎ͛૽ͽ౹າޥჯఢထ ሄ༼؞ϫĄĮ൴னրЕįؠഇࢰሄົĂѣրͽҘ͞གྷүѡछࠎᗟĂລ੨ᓾळă ३ăࢰሄົ݈̈́ᇃᇫ۩̚ጱ௮Ăឰࢰሄົଂಏ৷۞௮ካ٤णࠎপ۞វរᄃጯ௫གྷ រĂјΑૈዳϹᜩሄڟካˠ˾Ąͽྭࠧໄهଯ۞ĮႇᆐրЕįăĮϖᅈ۞ආྖįĂ ᇃᔛᆐಞЩछ̈́ဥវЪүĂјΑᕖणາ៍ிཏĂТॡщଵ઼γछֽᄂૈĂࠎ઼ ̰ѐᅅᓏሄछχౄრٸЍ૾̝ᄅᄂćᖎ͛૽˵᎕ໂ؎઼ˠүѡछ౹үĂ๊Ϡᄂ៉Ϲ ᜩሄາүݡĂ֭೭NSOซҖ઼ˠүݡᏭᐂࢰĄ2006ѐᅳNSO߄ጼරॾৼБώ ĮᒖįĂ౹ֲ߷гડҋᄦྍᆐࢵּĂᒔ઼ᅫຽಫវ̂ቔ಼ಡጱᄃָෞĄ2007 ѐ͉צπ߶ࢰሄ༼̝ᔛĂதᅳNSOјΑفጼ͟ώϑຄĂߏࢵ͚ᒔྍࢰሄ༼ᔛኛ̝ ֲ߷ᖚຽሄဥĄᖎ͛૽ੵͽႇᆐ೭̶֗ĂצᔛٺгӀăఈᜋăᇇ઼̈́༄̀ඈгᆐ ੰ೭ႊĂ˵މय೭Β߁гӀăཌྷ̂Ӏăଥҹă઼ܻă઼ڱă͟ώăࢶപăᇇ ઼ă઼̈́̚ࡻ઼ඈгϹᜩሄဥĄ1998ѐதᅳᇇ઼ႇᆐੰࢵѨٺĶჯ˵ৼᘹఙ ༼ķĞWiener FestwochenğႊĂࠎྍᆐੰͽ̈́ԧ઼೭छᆷ˭˘ࢱາࡔᐂĄ2007 ѐᅳNSOᄃᇇ઼ႇᆐੰࢵ઼ྭޘЪүĂ઼̰ٺႊБώநߤąΫপ౻Įۘ Ⴔᗨ̀įĄТѐதᇇ઼ႇᆐੰٺ༄̀Ķ˝͡ࢰሄ༼ķĞSeptembre musicalğႊ Įˬፗ̝įĄ2009ѐᖎ͛૽ᄃጱႊChristoph NelЪүଯਰϨҹႇᆐĮᇝҘᄃ ֲࣖįາᄦүĂజᇇ઼ࢦࢋಫវ̈́ෞኢࠎྍᆐੰ˩ܕѐֽјΑ۞ᄦүĄฎಡ ៙Ķᖎ͛૽âҜೠଠБԊ۞̂रĄ၆ٙѣႊ۰҃֏Ăಶည˘ొజڦˢϠ۞ ጱਝጡĂሄဥ˵дᅳ˭Ӕன݈ٙϏѣ۞ቜĄķĶдᖎ͛૽۞೭˭ĂĮᇝҘ ᄃֲࣖįრன࡚҃ᐹள۞БາᇹᄻĂࠤҌឰிԆБԞ၁ߏ˘ొኑᗔ۞ĺ 008 Wen-Pin Chien Artistic Advisor 2010 2010 Eur opean Capital of Cultur e Hans W erner Henze P haedra NSO 2007 2008 2009 2013 5 2014/15 NSO 2007 2014/15 10 Wen-Pin Chien – Kapellmeister of the Deutsche Oper am Rhein (since 1996/1997 season), Resident Conductor of the Pacific Music Festival in Japan (1998-2004) and Music Director of the National Symphony Or chestra of Taiwan (2001-2007) – was born in Taipei in 1967. He graduated from the National Taiwan Academy of Arts summa cum laude (1988) with major in piano, and gained his master's degr ee in conducting at the National University for Music and Performing Arts in Vienna (1994). Chien won the first prize at the International Conducting Competition La Bottega , Treviso (1992), the second prize at the International Competition for Y oung Musicians, Douai (1994), and the only Special Mention in the first Leonar d Bernstein Jerusalem International Conducting Competition, Israel (1995). During his tenur e as the Music Dir ector of the National Symphony Or chestra, Chien was the central artistic force behind its innovative annual Subscription Concerts and Opera series. Under his direction, the orchestra celebrated it's 20th anniversary in 2006 with critically acclaimed production of Wagner's complete Ring cycle, the first-ever production in the Chinese speaking regions. At the National Theater in Taipei, he conducted the Deutsche Oper am Rhein's tour production of Der Rosenkavalier (2007) and Opera Australia's Carmen (2009). At the Deutsche Oper am Rhein, Chien conducted the world premièr e of Franz Hummel's Beuys and Anno Schr eier's Mör der Kaspar Brand, the German premier e of Peter Eötvös's Drei Schwestern, Gior gio Battistelli's Richar d III and the world premièr e of Eleni Karaindr ou's ballet Phädra, as well as many revived pr oductions. In 2009, Chien conducted a new pr oduction of Schoenber g's Moses und Ar on and, in 2010, a new pr oduction of Henze's Phaedra. In the 2013/14 season, he conducts the world pr emièr e of Adriana Hölszky's Deep Field, new pr oduction of Ludger Vo llmer's Gegen d ie W and, revival of Britten's Peter Grimes, The Turn of the Scr ew, as well as Carmen, Die Zauberfl öte, Hänsel und Gr etel, Die Entführung aus dem Serail, La Traviata and W erther. As a guest conductor , Chien has worked with orchestras in Italy, Czech, Russia, France, Japan, Germany , England, Hong Kong , China and Taiwan. He also appear ed as a guest conductor at the W iener Kammer oper; The Nederlands Opera, Amster dam; Hambur gische Staatsoper; Komische Oper Berlin; Opernhaus Graz and Theater Bonn. At the Grand Théâtr e de Genève he has conducted Unsuk Chin's Alice in W onderland (2010) and Birtwistle's Punch and Judy (2011). 009 Photo: Mischa Blank ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥ ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥ౹ϲٺϔ઼34ѐĂࠎᄂ៉።Ϋଊ˳۞ϹᜩሄဥĄјϲ̝ܐĂАޢᔴᛳٺᄂ៉࠷ᛋ ౯Φ΄ొăᄂ៉࠷ᘹఙޙనົםăᄂ៉࠷߆ିعֈះ̼̈́͛ඈಏҜĄϔ઼88ѐ7͡ԼᔴҖ߆ੰ̼͛ ޙన؎ࣶົĂՀЩࠎĶ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥķć ဥӬळརٺᄂ̚ᙳपĂѣᛳࢰሄះă̂̈ଵቚވĂ ߏጾѣԆፋహർវ۞Б͞ҜࢰሄဥវĄ дᄂ៉Οࢰሄ۞൴ण࿅̚Ă઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥ˘ۡԷႊໂࠎࢦࢋ۞ᙯᔣّ֎ҒĄҋ౹ဥͽֽĂ ᔛኛ઼̰γᐹսࢰሄछણᄃႊĂฟୁ઼ˠڟካΟࢰሄ۞ࢲঈćдགྷᑻࢳ۞ѐĂሄဥ˧͙ॲ ିֈĂБ͞ҜૈֈΟࢰሄିर̄Ă၆ٺΟࢰሄ۞̈́ĂاΑ౿ઈĄᔵೀགྷՀ࢜Ăሄဥᜈͽ઼ छ৺ႊݶဥฤࠎؠҜĂͽᕖ઼̰̂Οࢰሄ࡚ጯෛĂ೩چᄂ៉ΟࢰሄႊݶᄃڟካͪࠎϫᇾĂ ֭ഇధଯજ౹າĂஎ̼֭ᖼ̼Ăซ҃˯઼ᅫᄅέĂޙϲሄဥ۞ݡൕгҜĄ ̱˩ዶѐֽĂд።ЇဥܜĈችᚶ൧ăͳᐁ؈ăᑛოࣖăΫଘܪăዒ႔ᐅăౘሏฯăᛂمăߟૄ։ă ᆒϛෝăڒϒᆇăૺ३۞ಧૄᄃ౹າĂ̈́னЇဥܜเ৵۞ଯण˭Ă઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥ᎕ᖳಱ ۞ႊݶགྷរĂצᔛᄃώဥЪүႊ۞઼ᅫဥฤ̈́ᘹఙछ̙ࢍᇴĂ೭छтĈૺ̂౼ăౘࡌăౘ ሏฯăқӀąࣰĞHenry MazerğăᘲၔপĞMichel Rochatğă܆؉ႬĞFrederick Fennellğă Ϟᖠ֧ĞTamás VásáryğăͪᖡĞLan ShuiğăͳซĞJin Wanğăᖎ͛૽ćႊݶछтĈ᐀ൣछ౮ ᓐăౘυАăౘ໓ᓷăฮοษකΙฮĞOxana Yablonskayağă࣯گՂ؈ĞIvo Pogorelichğă ዒ̋ĞDang Thai Sonğă̈അॲৌĞMakoto Ozoneğć̈೩ൣछࡧ˜̮ăഅਊ̮ăܪߌڒă য়ҹતĞPinchas ZukermanğăૺٛĞSarah Changğăआ႔ĞGil Shahamğăщąᛂහą ᇍপĞAnn-Sophie Mutterğć̚೩ൣछ̡̫̄ܫĞNobuko Imaiğć̂೩ൣछ͛ܫăֶ༃Ӏ ĞSteven IsserlisğăᜪᇇતĞNatalia Gutmanğă౪ૄĞMischa Maiskyğćᗕᖊგछ౪Ⴌ ĞAlbrecht MayerğćཱིܜछڒұॾĞChristian Lindbergğćܜछܠѧ֧щĞAndras Adorjanğă ࡧسᇇĞEmmanuel PahudğĂဥฤтĈߦڒຑሄDivertimentoࢦݶဥăჯ˵ৼ઼छႇᆐੰЪભဥ ĞKonzertvereinigung Wiener StaatsopernchorğăາΐϹᜩሄဥඈĄ ሄဥனЇᘹఙᜪયᖎ͛૽АϠĄܜഇͽֽĂ઼ϲᄂ៉ϹᜩሄဥͽШᖞ็פགྷĂᄃາॡତĂഇͽ Ķჟซԫᘹă็౹າăିֈ͙ॲă࡚ጯଯᇃķࠎ̎ЇĂഇޞĶჟቜķᄃĶிķ֭ࢦĂĶགྷķᄃ Ķ౹ຍķӮ֖Ăͽ೩چБϔࢰሄϠ߿Ă྿ົۤזᏘ࡚р۞ϫᇾĄ 010 National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra The National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra (NTSO) was founded in 1945 and is now the most reputable symphony orchestra in Taiwan. Since its foundation, it has been managed by the Taiwan Garrison Command, then the Taiwan Provincial Art Construction Association, and then the Taiwan Provincial Government Department of Culture and the Department of Education. Finally, in July of 1999, the jurisdiction of the NTSO was transferred to the Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan, and the name was changed to theņNational Taiwan Symphony Orchestra.Ň It is now located in the Wufeng District of Taichung City, and is a comprehensive music group with full functionality and facilities, including its own concert hall and rehearsal rooms of all sizes. The NTSO has always played an important role concerning the development of classical music in Taiwan. Since it was founded in 1945, we have invited many professional musicians within and outside the country to perform with us, and supported the trend of classical music appreciation in Taiwan. In the 1960s, we were dedicated to the music education and the cultivation of classical music teachers, contributing to the popularization of classical music. After all these years, we continue to expect the NTSO to perform as a national performance group in order to enlarge the vision of classical music in the country and enhance performance standards and people's ability to appreciate it. We expect the orchestra to be creative and flexible, and to take to the international stage and build up the reputation of the orchestra. Over the last 60 years, we have been led by Tsai Chih-Kun, Wang Shin-Chi, Day Tsuei-Lun, Shin Wei-Liang, Deng Han-chin, Chen Cheng-Hsiung, Su Chung, Ke Chi-Liang, Liu Hsuan-Yung, Lin Zheng-Yi, and Chang Su-Pao. They established a steady foundation for the orchestra with creation; furthermore, the present leader, Huang SuJeng helps the orchestra to develop and gain rich experiences with countless orchestras and artists that have been invited to perform with us from around the world. For example, conductors including Chang Da-Shen, Chen Chiu-Shen, Chen Cheng-Xiong, Henry Mazer, Michel Rochat, Frederick Fennell, Tamas Vasary, Lan Shui, Jin Wan and Chien Wen-Pin. Also some very famous pianists, including Fu Comg, Cheng Pih-Sien, Gwhyneth Chen, Oxana Yablonskaya, Ivo Pogorelich, Dang Thai Son, Makoto Ozone; violinists including Hu Nai-Yuan, Tseng Keng-Yuen, Veaon Lin, Pichas Zukerman, Sarah Chang, Gil Shaham, Ann-Sophie Mutter; violists including Nobuko Imai; cellists including Yang Wen-Sinn, Steven Isserlis, Natalia Gutman, Mischa Maisky; oboist Albrecht Mayer; trombonist Christian Lindberg; flautists Andras Adorjan and Emmanuel Pahud; and musical groups such as the Divertimento Ensemble of the Berliner Philharmoniker, Konzertvereinigung Wiener Staatsopernchor, and the Singapore Symphony Orchestra. Some important members in the orchestra are the Art Consultant of the orchestra, Mr. Lan Shui, the musician Mr. Lin Cho-Liang, and the conductor, Mr. Fusao Kajima. During all these years, we have always tried to learn from the past and integrate with the new generation. We expect toņsharpen skills, renew tradition, take hold in education and promote aestheticsŇ, hoping to reach the balance between exquisiteness and popular trends, and satisfy the requirements of being both classical and creative. Through these efforts, we are looking forward to enhancing the music life of the public and achieving a harmonious and wonderful society. 011 Concert ሄࢰ؞ሄົSeason 2014 09/11.12 09/28 10/04 ࡚р۞˘͟ůݵκĮኄኅ͈ˠį ņMadama ButterflyŇby Giacomo Puccini 11/21.22 ࠦ۞ຑůο༄ĮჅᘁࣙᚖį 12/07 NTSOဥᇉࢰሄົů็ᄃ็ٚ ճሤҘͰ Olé, España! Fantastic World of Maurice Ravel NTSO Family Concert-Maginationąoo nąoo ؝ᄃಈॆůವଣοٛؒăරॾৼ۞ຑଐ Solitude-Joy-Brahms-Wagner 11/01 ܪߌڒCosplay Mozart 11/02 ܪߌڒůԆБంϑপˬ 11/08 ڱᜋҘ۞ႝᄃО෪ 012 ֏ႇůͪᖡ۞Դଐሄౢ Lan Shui's Song without Words Ꮠ̄ࢰሄົůࢨճຐ 12/26 10/24.26 NTSO Anniversary ConcertTraditions & Transition ٛރႬ۞ளຐ͵ࠧ 12/12.13 10/10 ņThe Turn of the ScrewŇby Benjamin Britten Cho-Liang Lin: Cosplaying Mozart Mostly Mozart by Cho-Liang Lin III Romantic Impressions of the French Music 2014໐ϐࢰሄົůճᝌᔙШ2015 2014 End of Year ConcertCarnival Night: Hello 2015 ᓏāଐāϹᜩ ฉϐࢰሄ̝ॠ ̰ވሄ̝؆ পҾЋထ 2015 01/09.10 01/23.24 01/28 04/24.26 ܻᘲࢰሄλˠ 05/07.08 ଐບ̂ঔůͪᖡ۞ˠϠ̝ႇ 05/22.23 ႝࠁ۞͑ຐ 05/29.31 ̋߹ͪܜϖ̙ொůᜋؑऋąາ͵ࠧ 06/06.07 ᇇႬ۞ࢰሄ৵ೡ Δለࢲଐ൪ The Giants of Russian Music Nordic Imageries Lan Shui's Song of Life ෝભ߇ฏůͧڱщ۞ᄂ៉О෪ Fabian Müller's Taiwan Images ᖎჅܦLadies' Night Romanticism Fantasies Pi-Chin Chien: Ladies' Night 06/10 03/13.15 ۞ຑůރႬௐĮࢬᄅົį 03/21.22 ۞ྻཙՎ 04/10.11 ̫ѝԧ֕࿅ϣůઙ۞ˠᓏॠ 04/17.19 NTSOᏐ̄ࢰሄົůဂᜲݱ͘ The Maiden of Malan– New World Symphony Musical Sketches by Mendelssohn ٛᄿڒFascinating The Fascinating and Rachlin ņUn ballo in mascheraŇby Giuseppe Verdi Footsteps of Fate 06/26.27 ႝႇෝůՕ۞ᓏଐϹᜩ Symphony of Voice and Sentiment Gustav Mahler's Vocal Journey NTSO Family Concert-ņPied Piper in the City of RatsŇ 013 ᓏଐϹᜩ Symphony of Voice and Sentiment ࡚р۞˘͟Ǖ ݵκĮኄኅ͈ˠį 14/9/11Ğαğ19:30 ઼छࢰሄះāைᆊĖ1600Ą1200Ą1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 14/9/12Ğ̣ğ19:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 ೭Ėᖎ͛૽ Conductor: Wen-Pin Chien ࡌࡌॹĖࠠڒᇊĞ9/11ğăڒᐅтĞ9/12ğ Cio-Cio San: Ling-Hui Lin (9/11), Ching-Ju Lin (9/12) πҹĖ૫౼ዩ B. F. Pinkerton: Choi Seung Jin ࿚͢Ėਃࡶ Suzuki: Jo-Pei Weng ઼࡚ᅳְĖԒϨϜᘛ Sharpless: Wui-Ba Yu-Hsi ̣ࢡĖͳ Goro: Fernando Wang إĖၐᓐ͛ Lo zio Bonzo: Chong-Boon Liau ڌঔ̂ጯཐሄဥ Tunghai University Choir ݵκĖĮኄኅ͈ˠįĞႇᆐࢰሄົğ G. Puccini:ņMadama ButterflyŇ(Opera Concert) Ұࣵધ"!ᙱҰ̙࠹ܫ@ ԧࣇົ࠻֍˘ᒽܦĂҋᅌᅈ۞ঔ˯چ ϨҒ۞௺ዺˢപ˾ĂႽ۞ඈޞĀĀ ֤Ă࡚р۞˘͟ ᜠइை ᜠᇾ֘ೃֽа7Զ+ࢰሄົைד56ԶĞ800̮ͽ˯ğĂٺБᄂ 016 ࡦഀ൪үĈࡌ̋ߋͪĞ̃ğƟ઼ϲέ៉࡚ఙᐡᖟ ሤ̚ ņMadama ButterflyŇ by Giacomo Puccini Įኄኅ͈ˠįߏݵκஇ࡚۞ႇᆐүݡĂᆐଐגထ઼࡚ءπҹᄃ͟ώᘹӿࡌࡌॹдጼ ̚ۋϹᖐ۞ଐຏĄࡌࡌॹࠎ͕ຑ۞շˠ;֗Ăдछ۞؝ϲ˭Ă̪͕ຍિՙ۞ႝܜඈ ޞĄ؉πҹΪԯс༊үдள઼ᄙཱུᕇͪ۞ݱξ̝ĄкѐޢГົĂࢬ၆̏གྷјضछ ल۞πҹĂ୕͕҃൭۞ࡌࡌॹͽѪځԠâᒽ͕۾ӣީ҃Ą ݵκϡ͟ώࢰሄ̮৵Ꮙˢཌྷ̂Ӏҕਔ۞ϠሄౢĂள઼ଐአ۞ᓏ๊̼প۞ᘹఙϠ Ąͷ࠻2014/15ሄ؞ฟࢰ؞ሄົĂ઼̰γᓏሄछிߐำะĂᘹఙᜪયᖎ͛૽Ăᓏሄछࠠڒ ᇊăڒᐅтă૫౼ዩăਃࡶăԒϨϜᘛăͳăၐᓐ͛ᄃNTSOᛸ͘णฟĂͷ֤Ϡ̚ ۞ೌಈϹΐĂфή̚ᔳӣ۞ᕇႍৌ͕Ăາሄ؞ĂᆐனĂᚥĄ Madama Butterfly, Puccini's most tragic opera, presents the failed love story between American officer Pinkerton and Japanese geisha Cio-Cio San during the war. Even when her family deserted her, Cio-Cio San remained loyal to her lover and stubbornly waited for his return. Alas, for Pinkerton, Cio-Cio San was just another warm embrace in another exotic city. Pinkerton did eventually return, many years later, with his own happy family. Heartbroken, Cio-Cio San killed herself in despair. Puccini melded Japanese elements into his dynamic Italian masterpiece, teasing forth unique artistry with exotic harmonies. Come experience it yourself in the opening concert of this season, in which conductor Wen-Pin Chien works alongside NTSO and a starstudded lineup of top vocalists: Ling-Hui Lin, Ching-Ju Lin, Choi Seung Jin, Jo-Pei Weng, Wu-Bai Yu-Hsi, Fernando Wang, and Tsung-Wen Liao. Come and hear how joy and grief interweave with life, and how true love persists quietly behind words. New season, timeless opera, grand presentation. p.8 Wen-Pin Chien ᖎ͛૽ p.96 Ling-Hui Lin ࠠڒᇊ p.96 Ching-Ju Lin ڒᐅт p.97 Wu-Bai Yu-Hsi ԒϨϜᘛ p.96 Choi Seung Jin ૫౼ዩ p.97 Fernando Wang ͳ p.97 Jo-Pei Weng ਃࡶ p.98 p.102 Chong-Boon Liau Tunghai University Choir ၐᓐ͛ ڌঔ̂ጯཐሄဥ 017 IMF ؝ᄃಈॆę ವଣοٛؒăරॾৼ ۞ຑଐ 14/10/24Ğ̣ğ19:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 14/10/26Ğ͟ğ14:30 လཌྷᎩܑႊᘹఙ͕̚āைᆊĖ800Ą500Ą300 ೭Ė⮞甬剱ᇂ Conductor: Fusao Kajima Ѩ̃ࢰĖϮٽμ Mezzo-Soprano: I-Chiao Shih ̃̚ࢰĖౘ൝ Alto: Pei-Chi Chen ٛᓅˠЪભဥ Taipei Male Choir රॾৼĖĮ৸ࣖಢ۞Щႇ͘į݈ݶѡ R. Wagner: Prelude toņDie Meistersinger von NürnbergŇ රॾৼĖĮރڌҹ̝ႇį R. Wagner:ņWesendonck-LiederŇ οٛؒĖĮ̃Ҳࢰճຐѡį J. Brahms:ņAlto-RhapsodyŇ, Op.53 οٛؒĖF̂አௐˬཱིϹᜩѡ J. Brahms: Symphony No.3 in F Major, Op.90 ЯЈ୕҃ૣć Я้Ф࡚҃ᚊĂΪࠎ֤̙Ξ۞ضĄ 018 ࡦഀ൪үĈችቹഋĞߍğƟ઼ϲέ៉࡚ఙᐡᖟ Solitude–Joy– Brahms–Wagner ̶ፂႝॡഇͷЧѣ፬ซጾ᜕۰۞οٛؒᄃරॾৼĂ ᔵ౹үந࢛هளĂݒТᇹצଐຑ̝ࡴĈĮ̃Ҳࢰճຐ ѡį؝ͷᇙ͵۞߹۰ĂΪՐຑৠࢫᓜĂܮΞෛਣ႐ ࠎϟߵćĮރڌҹ̝ႇįҋ็ё۞ഠഠஎଐᄃ፲ሤຑ ĂԸडүѡछڱᛈ̈́˫எः͕۞غഽ୕̈́ᑅԺĄ дۋᄃኢጼ̚ĂරॾৼϡĶॡ҃൴৯ॡ҃൭ࣵķ۞͕ ჰĂԆјĮ৸ࣖಢ۞Щႇ͘įĂᛚځિ̎֍۞ՙ͕ćο ٛؒĶҋϤ҃ԣሄķĞF-A-Fğ۞ௐˬཱིϹᜩѡĂϺण ன˞̎֗೩࣍۞࡚ጯᆊࣃĄ ᔵд֤͞εརĂϺΞд͞ќᘥĂጾٱጹޢҌ۞ಈ ॆĂֱ֤οٛؒᄃරॾৼିԧࣇ۞ְĄ Romantic period composers Brahms and Wagner both had their respective fervent fanbases, both had very distinctive personal styles, and both were unfortunate victims of love. Brahms'ņAlto-RhapsodyŇdepicts a lonely and cynical wanderer who prays only for love to grace him so that his world can become a paradise. Wagner'sņWesendonck-LiederŇflows with strong passion and love, reflecting the desire suppressed deeply inside the composer's aching heart. Amidst conflict and arguments, Wagner blatantly declared his stubbornness inņDie Meistersinger von NürnbergŇ with a heart thatņat times laughed, at times criedŇ; while Brahms presented hisņFree but HappyŇ(ņFrei aber FrohŇ) aesthetic values through hisņSymphony No.3Ň. In life, you win some, you lose some. Just remember to embrace the joy you receive after loss, just as Brahms and Wagner did before. p.88 Fusao Kajima ⮞甬剱ᇂ p.98 I-Chiao Shih Ϯٽμ p.98 Pei-Chi Chen ౘ൝ p.103 Taipei Male Choir ٛᓅˠЪભဥ 019 IMF ࠦ۞ຑǕ ο༄ĮჅᘁࣙᚖį 14/11/21Ğ̣ğ19:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 14/11/22Ğ̱ğ14:30 ฯፘᇇࡊԫ̂ጯāைᆊĖ300 ೭Ėᖎ͛૽ Conductor: Wen-Pin Chien ͔֏ĖͧąᗬႬ ݵPrologue: Corby Welch ̃छलିरĖౘ࡚ࠠ Governess: Mei-Lin Chen ᔙႬĖྮҹą౪Ξරপ Miles: Luke McWatters ܀ឍٛĖғቷऌąߦҹ Flora: Eleanor Burke ཀྵᘲක͉͉Ėਃࡶ Mrs. Grose: Jo-Pei Weng ሒ৶̈ؓĖౘӽ Miss Jessel: Yen-Lin Chen ٿপĖͧąᗬႬ ݵPeter Quint: Corby Welch ᓏሄྚᛖጱƟ᐀ൣĖͳׂႱ Vocal Coach/Piano: Pei-Yao Wang ο༄ĖĮჅᘁࣙᚖįĞႇᆐࢰሄົĂᄂ៉ࢵႊğ B. Britten:ņThe Turn of the Screw Ň, Op.54 (Opera Concert, Taiwan Premiere) ྭ͵۞གྷ͛ጯĂ дមᕘᄃᚙႷ̚ᛈ֍ីّ۞ৌචĄ Ꭻሹᖒ۞ᎵሄޥĂ ̝มᑠᘭ͕ܜྖؽൺĄ ᜠइை ᄂ̚ಞֳᜠᇾ֘ೃֽа7Զ+ࢰሄົைד56ԶĞ800̮ͽ˯ğĂٺБᄂ 020 ࡦഀ൪үĈోౠസĞဩğƟ઼ϲέ៉࡚ఙᐡᖟ ሤ̚ ņThe Turn of the ScrewŇ by Benjamin Britten ο༄ࠎ˟˩͵ࡔࢦࢋ۞ࡻ઼үѡछ̝˘Ă౹үᙷк̮͍ߏႇભᙷү̳࠰ݡᄮໂࠎ ҒĂĮჅᘁࣙᚖįߏ˩˝͵ࡔᐹս۞َᚙႷ̈ᄲĂࠎ઼࡚̈ᄲछHenry James۞ൺቔ үĂο༄ٺ1954ѐᙉ˯ࢰăວ˯ᄅᄂĄ ѐᅅ႓۞ܪछलିरܷࡻזצ̀۞؎Ă႕ᘃഇ୕۞ֽזฏ˭̂шĮჅᘁįᜪ͇࣎ৌ Ξຑ۞̄ޅĂҭགྷॡม߹ీৈ൴ຏזצшੰ̙ಏ৷۞ঈिĂܑᇒ୕۞ីᅿˢܬ֢۞̰͕ ͵ࠧĀĄᎫ۞ࢰሄඕၹᄃ˩˟ࢰЕ۞јĂሹॱ҃˯۞ޠᑠღৠགྷĂღ៤ခ۞ڤಛݒ ่ื˩αҜࢰሄछႊĄᘹఙᜪયᖎ͛૽ٺώሄ̚؞Ω˘ࢦณႊĂБᄂ៉ሄਜ਼ލिඈޞĂ NTSOᔛଋ˘Тଷ࠻གྷᆐү۞ࢰሄࢬ৲Ą Edward Benjamin Britten, a central English composer of the 20th century, is best known and widely recognized for his vocal works among his wide genres of music. His operaņThe Turn of the ScrewŇis based on a novella of the same title by American novelist Henry James. Britten's musical adaptation of this outstanding ghost story novella of the 19th century was premiered in 1954. Hired by a handsome gentleman, a young, beautiful governess arrived at Bly House in the countryside to take care of two innocent and adorable children. As time went by, she began to sense the unusual vibe of the house, which seemed to suggest the intrusion of evil spirits into a pristine land. With its impeccable structure and recurrent twelvenote theme, the music is performed by only 14 musicians but creates a nerve-wracking sensation and tense atmosphere. The opera concert is yet another important and muchanticipated concert conducted by Artistic Advisor Wen-Pin Chien. You are cordially invited to the concert and unravel the mysteries in this classic musical work. p.8 Wen-Pin Chien ᖎ͛૽ p.99 Corby Welch ͧąᗬႬݵ p.99 Mei-Lin Chen ౘ࡚ࠠ p.99 Luke McWatters ྮҹą౪Ξරপ p.100 Eleanor Burke ғቷऌąߦҹ p.97 Jo-Pei Weng ਃࡶ p.100 Yen-Lin Chen ౘӽ p.92 Pei-Yao Wang ͳׂႱ 021 IMF ֏ႇę ͪᖡ۞Դଐሄౢ 14/12/12Ğ̣ğ19:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 14/12/13Ğ̱ğ19:30 ᄂݑјΑ̂ጯјΑះāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 ೭Ėͪᖡ Conductor: Lan Shui ̈೩ൣĖⷿώ̂ซ Violin: Daishin Kashimoto ٛᄿႳκᏚ͈ĖĮ֏ႇį S. Rachmaninoff:ņVocaliseŇ, Op.34, No.14 ཐॹĖb̈አௐˬཱི̈೩ൣݶםѡ C. Saint-Saëns: Violin Concerto No.3 in b minor, Op.61 οٛؒĖD̂አௐ˟ཱིϹᜩѡ J. Brahms: Symphony No.2 in D Major, Op.73 ቤቤ˯̿۞ࢰညߏ˘୧٦ۏቢĂͽ࡚۞ݻၗᐹฮထ࿅ĂԜ˘قᒽࢶޖՓˢĂ࡚р۞ຏצ ᅅᅅгᇬԧࣇ۞͕ؽĂٛᄿႳκᏚ͈۞֏ႇஎՕ̰ᑦĂͽ৷ო۞ᓏቢᖳ˞ݓϠĄοٛ ؒௐ˟ཱིϹᜩѡྭ֓к۞܆ཙՎĂдസЍ̋Ғ۞̂ҋ̚ĂᅅμॆгणฟሄౢĂ፧༵ ۞ࢰҒҖ႕໕۞ضĂπᐖᄃ࡚рްዋ࠹ҡĄ ݈ᘹఙᜪયͪᖡĂͽ֏ႇฟಞࢦາ෦ᄲ࠹ۢ࠹ົ۞͕ဩĂઌТߦڒຑሄሄဥࢵयⷿώ̂ ซĂֽཐॹ࠹༊҅ሢਕྎ۞ௐˬཱི̈೩ൣݶםѡĂൣᓏԜقᑚᆐਠۡତሤଐ۞ထှ ᐖĂࢲำയֽ˘ాҚᘈ˫ቜ۞Ғ૾Ą࠻ⷿώ̂ซтңणனጃೊˠ͕۞ൣࢰĂͪᖡ̂ रтңд೭ഔજม፬࡚ᚊ۞ͫ܅ĂࢦณᚥĂ̙ट࿅Ą ᜠइை ᜠᇾ֘ೃֽа7Զ+ࢰሄົைד56ԶĞ800̮ͽ˯ğĂٺБᄂ 022 ࡦഀ൪үĈᆒپ႔ĞϜ̋ำğƟ઼ϲέ៉࡚ఙᐡᖟ ሤ̚ Lan Shui's Song without Words ֏̝ႇĂ႕໕ཛ̚˼ᐝ༱ჰĂ पਫ਼ྮᖼ֕࿅ϠႽ໐͡Ă аᕩâԴଐπᐖĄ p.88 Lan Shui ͪᖡ p.92 Daishin Kashimoto ⷿώ̂ซ Slowly-ascending high notes are like a parabolic curve which gracefully traces itself in the air, or a delicate fragrance which soothes our mind. Sergei Rachmaninoff'sņVocaliseŇ, both profound and reserved, enriches our life with its simplistic melodies. Johannes Brahms has taken a step beyond Beethoven with hisņSymphony No.2Ň. The first movement unfolds in a serene mood, as if in natural grandeur, with its thick sound nuance rich in happiness, tranquility, and beauty. Former Artistic Advisor Lan Shui will commence this concert withņVocaliseŇas an expression of tacit understanding. Together with Daishin Kashimoto, Concertmaster of Berliner Philharmoniker, the NTSO will present the well-knownņViolin Concerto No.3 in b minorŇby Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns. The solo part dramatically and unwaveringly shatters the peace of the beginning, and the undulating music develops in a gorgeous palette of musical hues, both rough and again exquisite. In this concert, Daishin Kashimoto will showcase his captivating musical charm and present a musical feast with conductor Lan Shui. The final concert of the 2014 NTSO International Music Festival will be yet another not-to-miss concert of the season. 023 ෝભ߇ฏę ͧڱщ۞ᄂ៉О෪ 15/1/23Ğ̣ğ19:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 15/1/24Ğ̱ğ19:30 ฯ̼̂͛ڌᘹఙ͕̚āைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą 500Ą 300 ೭Ėᖎ͛૽ Conductor: Wen-Pin Chien ̂೩ൣĖᖎჅ ܦCello: Pi-Chin Chien ғႬΐĖĮຑ۞ᖃ៙į E. Elgar:ņSalut d'amourŇ,Op.12 ͧڱщą᎗ઙĖĮᄂ៉ճຐѡįĞ͵ࠧࢵႊğ Fabian Müller:ņTaiwan RhapsodyŇ(World Premiere) ғႬΐĖĮೌရį E. Elgar:ņSospiriŇ, Op.70 ͧڱщą᎗ઙĖĮ̱ࢵᄂ៉ႇᔀįĞ͵ࠧࢵႊğ Fabian Müller:ņSix Taiwanese SongsŇ(World Premiere) ൣᓏଐஎϹᏉĂͽࢰሄሤҕጾٱĂ ᏉЪᄂ៉ϔᔀෝભ߇ฏĂ גထᓏଐϹᜩĄ ᜠइை ᜠᇾ֘ೃֽа7Զ+ࢰሄົைד56ԶĞ800̮ͽ˯ğĂٺБᄂ 024 ࡦഀ൪үĈࡌ̋ߋͪĞ୶ͪğƟ઼ϲέ៉࡚ఙᐡᖟ ሤ̚ Fabian Müller's Taiwan Images ᑙ Fabian Müller 2006 Pi-Chin Chien, an internationally-r enowned Taiwanese cellist living in Switzerland, and Fabian Müller, a seminal contemporary Swiss composer and ethnomusicologist, expr ess their love for T aiwan through their passion for music. F abian Müller married Taiwanese cellist Pi-Chin Chien and received an award from the canton of Zurich in 2006. His Taiwan Rhapsody and Six Taiwanese Songs , dedicated to his beloved wife, were both composed for a cello solo and an orchestra. The two works, with strong Taiwanese flavors, are inspired by Taiwanese folk songs such as Memories , DiuDiuDeng (or Train through the Tunnel ), and Longing for the Spring Breeze . This concert will feature the world premier e of Taiwan Rhapsody and Six Taiwanese Songs , along with two other works with profound emotions- Salut d'amour and Sospiri by E. Elgar . The conductor of this concert, Wen-Pin Chien, is the recipient of Taiwan's National Award for Arts and now lives in Germany . Both world-known artists living abroad, conductor Wen-Pin Chien and cellist Pi-Chin Chien will expr ess their love for their beautiful homeland-Taiwan-through their music. p.8 Wen-Pin Chien p.93 Pi-Chin Chien 025 ۞ຑů ރႬௐĮࢬᄅົį 15/3/13Ğ̣ğ19:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 15/3/15Ğ͟ğ16:30 ฯڠᒉĞ͗γҺႊğ ೭Ėڱᜋ̷ΞąߟႬॅ Conductor: Francesco Corti ֧ΙкĖ૫౼ዩ Riccardo: Choi Seung Jin ৼкĖԒϨϜᘛ Renato: Wu-Bai Yu-Hsi ғ࡚ఆֲĖౘ࡚ࠠ Amelia: Mei-Lin Chen নᚊΙĖౘ൝ Ulrica: Pei-Chi Chen ΙĖౘӽ Oscar: Yen-Lin Chen ҘႬϞᏚĖ̚ڒЍ Silvano: Chung-Kuang Lin ᖱႬĖၐᓐ͛ Samuel: Chong-Boon Liau ഼ؒĖᔁᅛᏖ Tom: Ming-Mou Hsieh ءڱƟғ࡚ఆֲ۞ဉˠĖૺইᆅ Un Giudice / Un Servo di Amelia: Yin-Chi Chang έΔຑሄЪભဥ Taipei Philharmonic Chorus ᓏሄྚᛖጱĖͳׂႱ Vocal Coach: Pei-Yao Wang ރႬௐĖĮࢬᄅົįĞႇᆐࢰሄົĂᄂ៉ࢵႊğ G. Verdi:ņUn ballo in mascheraŇ(Opera Concert, Taiwan Premiere ) дࢬᄅົ˯ĂৼкͽӀ˺ۿ˞ࡍוΐ࣯ᓁ༛֧Ιк۞ቮâिإх۞֧Ιкଂᘃ྆ो ˞˘ૺ؎ЇېĂ၆ৼкᄲĈĶԧᔵຑҰ۞̄؍ғ࡚ఆֲĂҭߏଂϏࠝѳҰ۞ЩĂс ߏ৷ሒີ۞ĂҰࣇᗕᗕᗓฟĂ̿ዏזາ۞ಏҜΝĄķдிˠ۞๋̚ݖĂ֧ΙкవҺ˞ ۞ᏐܫৼкޢѪΝĄ տౣߏިᆃᇹ۞۞ຑଐ߇ְĉឰރႬௐᚶĮԘҊįᄃĮਮ̃܅į̝ޢĂ˫ᙉᆷ᛫ ·႕જˠޠᄃૻধᑚᆐგؽሄड़۞ڍႇᆐĄ˘тĮԘҊį̚۞̳ᒑᄃਮ۞̃̚܅Įܠτ кįĂĮࢬᄅົį۞֧Ιкߏ˘࣎·႕ܑன˧۞շࢰ֎ҒĂᔹཱྀշࢰ૫౼ዩĂᚶ Įኄኅ͈ˠįޢĂГѨᄃፉЇ̃֎ғ࡚ఆֲ۞ౘ࡚ࠠăৼк۞ԒϨϜᘛẵΚ˪रনᚊ Ι۞ౘ൝ͽ̈́ͅҚַଂΙ۞ౘӽᛸ͘൳έĂྚᛖރႬௐ᛫ፁજˠ͕۞ઈ̂ႇᆐĄ ᜠइை ᄂ̚ಞֳᜠᇾ֘ೃֽа7Զ+ࢰሄົைד56ԶĞ800̮ͽ˯ğĂٺБᄂ 026 ࡦഀ൪үĈเЍշĞᇆ̝˟ & ᇆ̝ˬğƟ઼ϲέ៉࡚ఙᐡᖟ ሤ̚ ņUn ballo in mascheraŇ by Giuseppe Verdi At a masked ball, Renato stabs Governor Riccardo in the chest with a knife. In his death moment, Riccardo takes out an order for Renato and Amelia's repatriation to England and said to Renato,ņI love your wife Amelia, but I have never offended your name. She is pure. You will leave with her and advance to a new post.ŇWith his last breath, Riccardo pardons his closest advisor Renato as the crowd bewails the death of Riccardo. AfterņRigolettoŇandņLa traviataŇ, the fateful love story once again drove Verdi to compose an opera full of moving melodies and dramatic orchestral music. Just as the Duke of Mantua inņRigolettoŇand Alfredo Germont inņLa traviataŇ, Riccardo in ņUn ballo in mascheraŇis sung by an expressive tenor. Korean tenor Choi Seung Jin, after his casting inņMadama ButterflyŇ, will sing with Mei-Lin Chen (Amelia), Wu-Bai Yu-Hsi (Renato), Pei-Chi Chen (Ulrica, the fortune-teller), and Yen-Lin Chen (Oscar, Riccardo's page, played by the opposite sex) to present this phenomenal opera by Verdi that stirs the audience's heart. p.87 p.96 Francesco Corti Choi Seung Jin ڱᜋ̷ΞąߟႬॅ ૫౼ዩ p.101 p.98 p.97 Wu-Bai Yu-Hsi ԒϨϜᘛ p.101 Chung-Kuang Lin Chong-Boon Liau Ming-Mou Hsieh ၐᓐ͛ ᔁᅛᏖ ̚ڒЍ p.92 Pei-Yao Wang ͳׂႱ p.99 Mei-Lin Chen ౘ࡚ࠠ p.102 Yin-Chi Chang ૺইᆅ p.98 Pei-Chi Chen ౘ൝ p.100 Yen-Lin Chen ౘӽ p.103 Taipei Philharmonic Chorus έΔຑሄЪભဥ Ӏ˺ࡍˢĂ Ϲᖐ۞ଐ̶ᖼԶĂ ຑެଐ̩ѷࢳໝĂ ፁજˠ͕۞۬ཀྵҌѩ!!ቡໝĄ 027 ̫ѝԧ֕࿅ϣę ઙ۞ˠᓏॠ 15/4/10Ğ̣ğ19:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 15/4/11Ğ̱ğ19:30 ૄษξ̼͛ԊႊᘹះāைᆊĖ800Ą500Ą300 ೭Ėఄ ڔڌConductor: Tung-Chieh Chuang ̃ࢰĖषͽ൞ Soprano: Yi-Lin Hsu ઙĖĮѐᅅॠˠ̝ႇį G. Mahler:ņLieder eines fahrenden GesellenŇ 1. Wenn mein Schatz Hochzeit macht 2. Ging heut Morgen übers Feld 3. Ich hab'ein glühend Messer 4. Die zwei blauen Augen von meinem Schatz ઙĖĮӕপႇѡįᏴѡ G. Mahler:ņRückert-LiederŇ 1. Blicke mir nicht in die Lieder! 2. Ich atmet' einen linden Duft 3. Liebst du um Schönheit ઙĖD̂አௐ˘ཱིϹᜩѡĮλˠį G. Mahler: Symphony No.1 in D Major,ņTitanŇ ̫ѝԧ֕࿅ϣĂ ՏॲქਨౌყᜨĂ ԣ۞౧၆ԧᄲĈĶ๙ĊѝબĄķ ᜠइை ᄂ̚ಞֳᜠᇾ֘ೃֽа7Զ+ࢰሄົைד56ԶĞ800̮ͽ˯ğĂٺБᄂ 028 ࡦഀ൪үĈౘࡷĞߋࢠğƟ઼ϲέ៉࡚ఙᐡᖟ ሤ̚ Gustav Mahler's Vocal Journey ̫ѝԧ֕࿅ϣĂՏॲქਨౌყᜨĂԣ۞౧၆ԧᄲĈĶ๙ĊѝબĄķ Ăઙ۞ௐ˘ ొᓑቔᘹఙႇѡะĮѐᅅॠˠ̝ႇįΒӣαࢵგؽሄႇѡĂᇾᗟ̶ҾߏĮຑˠඕ۞֤˘ ͇įăĮ̫ѝԧ֕࿅ϣįăĮԧѣԯۉሤ۞˥įͽ̈́Į֤ᗕᖡҒ۞ீ༗įĂѡ̚·႕ߋܦ ۞ሤଐᄃԓ୕ĂҭඕԊࡴߏݒᒁᄃεརĄ̚ௐ˟ࢵ۞ޠјࠎ˞ௐ˘ཱིϹᜩѡ۞ᗟĂ ௐˬሄౢтေ͑ਠ۞ֽޠҋௐαࢵႇѡĂд˘ಞࢰሄົ݈̚ڟޢካࢵү̙ݡҭΞͽ࠹ ̢၆ĂՀΞͽវរઙϹᜩѡ֤̚ᄃᘹఙႇѡ̙Ξ̶۞ĶᓏāଐāϹᜩķĂ˵ߏڟካઙ ϹᜩѡˢܝଥशĄᇇ઼ઙ̂ᔈᄃοΐઙপ೭̂ᔈఄڔڌᄃ઼ᄂϹপҾᔛኛЩᓏሄछ षͽ൞âТᅳҰซˢઙѐᅅᄃຊ۞̰͕Ăវរ˘ಞˠᓏᄃგ̝ី͕۞ؽॠĄ I walked across the fields this morning; dew still hung on the grasses. The merry finch spoke to me: "Hey! Isn't it? Good morning! Isn't it?Ň Mahler'sņLieder eines fahrenden GesellenŇ(Songs of a Wayfarer), the first song cycle by the composer, has four movements:ņWenn mein Schatz Hochzeit machtŇ(When My Sweetheart is Married),ņGing heut Morgen übers FeldŇ(I Went This Morning over the Field),ņIch hab'ein glühend MesserŇ(I Have a Gleaming Knife), andņDie zwei blauen Augen von meinem SchatzŇ(The Two Blue Eyes of my Beloved). The songs are full of youthful longings and passion but end in bitterness and sorrow. The melody of the second song became a theme in Mahler's First Symphony, and the fourth song was developed into the dream-like melody in the third movement of his First Symphony. In this concert, one can compare between two different but related works of Mahler and have a taste of the inseparable voice and sentiment in Mahler's symphonies and art songs. For beginners, the concert will also serve as a great introduction to Mahler's symphonies. The NTSO under conductor Tung-Chieh Chuang, winner of the Gustav Mahler Conducting Competition and the Jeunesses Musicles International Conducting Competition in Bucharest, and vocalist Yi-Lin Hsu will bring the audience to explore the young Mahler's confused state of mind and experience a spiritual journey of human voice and orchestral music. p.89 p.100 Tung-Chieh Chuang Yi-Lin Hsu ఄڔڌ षͽ൞ 029 ଐບ̂ঔę ͪᖡ۞ˠϠ̝ႇ 15/5/7Ğαğ19:30 ઼छࢰሄះāைᆊĖ1600Ą1200Ą1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 15/5/8Ğ̣ğ19:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 ೭Ėͪᖡ Conductor: Lan Shui Ѩ̃ࢰĖᛂࠞৼąҹ Mezzo-Soprano: Susanne Resmark Ҙ֓߹̀ĖĮ܆ᜋį J. Sibelius:ņFinlandiaŇ, Op.26 ғႬΐĖĮঔഀį E. Elgar:ņSea PicturesŇ, Op.37 ॻࡊ͈ૄĖb̈አௐཱི̱ϹᜩѡĮೌບį P. I. Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.6 in b minor, Op.74ņPathétiqueŇ ˘୕ᅫ۞̂ঔĂ੯੯൴۞ܪঔĂࢬ၆ᆵᔮ۞̂ঔĂԜ̙قᕝ೩ᏹҋ̎ߏтѩി̈Ą ঔѣЧࢬᄻĂॡ҃ᐖᔃăॡ҃ࠂയĂ༱ਠຓჰ˯͕ᐝĄдҘ֓߹̀Į܆ᜋį̚Ăຏזצ ၆छᄃ઼Ϗֽ۞ፉᇎćдॻࡊ͈ૄϠ݈۞ޢүݡĮೌບįϹᜩѡ̚Ăຏזצ၆Ϲᜩѡඕ ၹοԊ۞າଣ৶ᄃ၆ˠϠᄃຏଐ۞ਜ਼କᄃ۬ඕĄ Ķღ೪ԧ۞͘Ă༊ࢲᇷବ࿅ঔ߶ᄃ̂гĂΪѣຑિ̙ؠொĀķ ĄғႬΐ۞Įঔഀį̚Ăͽ ̣ࢵྐүඕЪˠᓏᄃϹᜩĂೡᘱ̣Ҝྐˠீ̂̚ঔ۞̣̙ТࢬᄻĂ̚Β߁˘ࢵғႬ ΐຑ؍Ιࠃ൞۞ྐүĂລ੨ᛂࠞৼąҹଊೳ۞ႇᓏĂͷឰͪᖡᄃ઼ᄂϹ͔ᅳҰĂ ውྼдтྐт൪۞ᖡҒგ̂ؽঔĄ ᜠइை ᜠᇾ֘ೃֽа7Զ+ࢰሄົைד56ԶĞ800̮ͽ˯ğĂٺБᄂ 030 ࡦഀ൪үĈૺཌྷฯĞঔᙝğƟ઼ϲέ៉࡚ఙᐡᖟ ሤ̚ Lan Shui's Song of Life ღ೪ԧ۞͘Ă ༊ࢲᇷବ࿅ঔ߶ᄃ̂гĂ Ϊѣຑિ̙ؠொĀ p.88 Lan Shui ͪᖡ p.101 Susanne Resmark ᛂࠞৼąҹ The sea stretches as far as the eye can see, and the waves glitter. The vast expanse of the sea keeps reminding individuals of their insignificance. The multifaceted sea environmentat times tranquil and again turbulent-seems to trigger a surge of emotions. InņFinlandiaŇ by J. Sibelius, the composer expressed his deep concern for the fate of his homeland. In ņPathétiqueŇ, P. I. Tchaikovsky's final completed symphony, the composer navigated the complexity of life and emotions while exploring new symphonic horizons. Closely let me hold thy hand, Storms are sweeping sea and land; Love alone will stand. E. Elgar'sņSea PicturesŇ, a song cycle inspired by five poems, portrays five changing faces of the sea perceived by five different poets and poetesses, one of whom is Elgar's wife, Caroline Alice Elgar. Led by the mellifluous voice of Susanne Resmark, the NTSO under conductor Lan Shui will take the audience to explore the poetic and picturesque sea of music. 031 ̋߹ͪܜϖ̙ொę ᜋؑऋąາ͵ࠧ 15/5/29Ğ̣ğ19:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 15/5/31Ğ͟ğ14:30 ᄂڌᎩ߆̼͛عᘹ͕͛̚ႊᘹះāைᆊĖ800Ą500Ą300 ೭Ėڒ๔ Conductor: Chin-Chao Lin ̃ࢰĖౘ࡚ࠠ Soprano: Mei-Lin Chen շࢰĖ᎗୳ Tenor: Vicente Fortunato Moran έΔຑሄЪભဥ Taipei Philharmonic Chorus ᇇτϑҹĖëአௐ˝ཱིϹᜩѡĮາ͵ࠧį A. Dvořák: Symphony No.9 in e minor, Op.95ņFrom the New WorldŇ ݑౢĖĮᜋؑऋį Nan-Zhang Qian: A Suite of Taiwan's Aboriginal Folk SongsņThe Maiden of MalanŇ ᄂ៉үѡछݑౢ౹үߵࢼ߂ӈߏĂଂྐགྷזາྐĂϔᔀ̈זአĂጴ၆ᄂ៉۞ଐຏࠎ̈ फ˯۞ᕇᕇႍႍגထОĂמ۞ᚥՀٺ2005ѐᒔௐ˝઼بछ͛ᘹረĄ1996ѐͽܠ ࡚ႇᔀĮᜋؑऋį߇ְࠎคĂᕜࣧ˞פҝϔϔᔀҚј˘इˣࢵ۞ЪભѡĂѩѡϺၷ ᒔܛѡረ۞ؠۺĄ චٺᒉౄᐹ࡚۞ޠᇇτϑҹĂᓛۉˠ˾۞ௐ˝ཱིϹᜩѡĮາ͵ࠧįĂ൴ຐҋ઼࡚ώ˿ ۞โˠីႇăОгщЩᔀĂؽሄᄃ͢გ̝ม۞ϹᖐĂಶညߏາ͵ࠧ۞ጌځଐഀĂಱѣຐည˧ ۞ޠღљ͕ؽĂፋ࣎ү·ݡ႕˞ྐଐ൪ຍ۞࡚Ą ֽҋᄂ៉۞ᐹս೭छڒ๔ĂNTSOϹᜩᖃ៙ĂέΔຑሄЪભဥˠᓏᛜೳĂᓏଐϹᜩෝ ભĂͷឰԧࣇ௮ᛳٺᄂ៉फ˯۞ᐹ࡚ሄౢĄ 032 ࡦഀ൪үĈڒᑐĞ፬߹ğƟ઼ϲέ៉࡚ఙᐡᖟ The Maiden of Malan – New World Symphony p.90 Chin-Chao Lin ڒ๔ p.102 Vicente Fortunato Moran ᎗୳ ߇ฏܠĊ ԧࢋࠎҰભ̈؆ѡĂ ԧࢋϡᄅᔏăႇભШҰຍĂ ԧ۞ҕਔĂ˵ϖᅈᛳٺҰĊ p.99 Mei-Lin Chen ౘ࡚ࠠ p.103 Taipei Philharmonic Chorus έΔຑሄЪભဥ Taiwanese composer Nan-zhang Qian draws his creative inspirations from a rich variety of sources-from the ancient Book of Songs to modern poetry, from folk songs to ballads. His repertoire is a vivid portrayal of this island and reveals his emotional attachment to it. In 2005, he was awarded Taiwan's National Award for Arts.ņThe Maiden of MalanŇ, based on a love story of an Amis maiden, is a choral suite of eight indigenous songs. The composer received a Golden Melody Award for Best Composer for this composition. Inspired by African-American spirituals and Indian music, A. Dvořák composed the famous ņSymphony No.9 in e minor 'From the New World' Ň. Having a gift of writing gracious melodies, Dvořák painted a beautiful picture of the sunrise at dawn in the new world with interweaving strings and winds. The creative melodies can often strike a chord in the audience, imbuing the work with poetic beauty. The NTSO under outstanding Taiwanese conductor Chin-Chao Lin will present beautiful melodies with the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus in this concert of Dvořák and authentic Taiwanese music. 033 ႝႇෝǕ Օ۞ᓏଐϹᜩ 15/6/26Ğ̣ğ19:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 15/6/27Ğ̱ğ19:30 າѻᎩ̼͛ԊႊᘹះāைᆊĖ800Ą500Ą300 ೭Ė⮞ม聡͈ Conductor: Fusao Kajima ̂೩ൣĖಟࣣ Cello: Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi ғႬΐĖëአ̂೩ൣݶםѡ E. Elgar: Cello Concerto in e minor, Op.85 ٛᄿႳκᏚ͈Ėëአௐ˟ཱིϹᜩѡ S. Rachmaninoff: Symphony No.2 in e minor, Op.27 ᓏଐϹᜩĂ ଐຍቺؼሄࢰႇෝĂ ႝଐᘃĂ дცᚊ۞ࢰҒ࡚̚ՕዕĄ ᜠइை ᜠᇾ֘ೃֽа7Զ+ࢰሄົைד56ԶĞ800̮ͽ˯ğĂٺБᄂ 034 ࡦഀ൪үĈՂᏂᐇĞࢳᕃᅈࢰğƟ઼ϲέ៉࡚ఙᐡᖟ ሤ̚ Symphony of Voice and Sentiment ғႬΐ၆۞̄؍எଐؕт˘Ăࠎ˞ᜪ̄؍Ăᇶቤ˞ᔯĮ̂೩ൣݶםѡį۞౹үซޘĄ ̙ត۞ߏЊ၆࡚̄؍рăႝаጸڦˢ̂ז೩ൣ۞࡚ሄᓏ̚Ă֭णன˞̂೩ൣ͌֍ ۞ԫμĂລ੨˯͛ฮቜҒ૾۞გؽሄဥĂሄѡ߹ᜨৌຑҬͪߘଐ۞ႝĄ ώѨᔛኛ༊̫צૣ۞͟ᚱࢰሄ̂रęಟࣣАϠĄಟࣣҋ̈ܮणனᐹս۞ࢰሄّĂٺ 1963ѐፉЇΫ྿ҹି̝ӄିĂ֭צདࠎྍ७֗ିĄТѐᒔЛͰӀο྿ׂΙᖠႬ ઼ᅫࢰሄͧᔈௐ˘ЩĂᐌӈणฟዂ۞ႊݶϠĂ֭അд͟ώ͇࠱݈ႊ֭צ̼͛ረ ౢĂΞᏜ̝͟ώΟࢰሄ઼̝ࠧᚗĄ ͽႝЩ۞ٛᄿႳκᏚ͈дˬొϹᜩѡ̚Ăצᝌߏܮ۞ܓĮëአௐ˟ཱིϹᜩѡįĄٛ ͩͽјሢ۞ϹᜩԫڱĂឰࢰሄ̚·႕ЧҒ૾ᆸѨĂኢߏ۞ຏ๋ڤಛĂٕԴଐᐹ࡚۞ ޠĂ̺ઙధк࡚ᚊજˠ۞ଐഀĂಝჍٛͩѣጃ˧۞ϹᜩѡĂࣃݡᑀĊ With his deep affection for his wife, E. Elgar delayed the composition of his Cello Concerto to take care of his wife. Despite the delay, he later channeled his love for his wife and their beautiful memories into mellifluous cello sounds. The concerto, featuring a rare display of cello virtuosity and exquisite orchestral colors, is indeed a true revelation of tenderness and a sincere show of emotions. In this concert, the NTSO is privileged to invite revered Japanese cellist, Maestro Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi, who displayed remarkable musicality at an early age. In 1963, Tsutsumi became Professor János Starker's assistant and later joined the permanent faculty of Indiana University. In 1963, he also won the first prize at the 12th International Casals Competition in Budapest, Hungary and started his splendid music career shortly after. He once had the honor to perform for the late Emperor Hirohito of Japan and was awarded the Medal of Honor by the Government of Japan. The achievements have made Maestro Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi a national treasure in Japan. Of all Rachmaninoff's three romantic symphonies,ņSymphony No.2 in e minorŇenjoys the most popularity. Rachmaninoff's consummate orchestration has imbued the work with rich musical hues. From vague melancholy to melodic sentiments, the moving scenes delineated by this work have made it the most fascinating symphony of Rachmaninoff that is definitely worth appreciating. p.88 Fusao Kajima 梶間聡夫 p.95 Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi ಟࣣ 035 Musical Journey at Weekend ճሤҘͰ 14/9/28Ğ͟ğ14:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 ೭ĖкӀщąރႬ Conductor: Dorian Wilson आο֧ࡠĖგؽሄճຐѡĮҘͰį E. Chabrier:ņEspañaŇ, Rhapsody for Orchestra ԓ֤পٛĖݶםតݶѡ A. Ginastera: Variaciones Concertantes, Op.23 ٛރႬĖҘͰճຐѡ M. Ravel: Rapsodie Espagnole ڱฮĖĮˬ֎ಽįௐ˟ѡ M. de Falla: Suite No.2 fromņThree-Cornered HatŇSuite ԧ۞͟͡ԧ۞ߐĂ ԧ۞ᖻഥԧ۞ីĂ ߹୷дҘͰҕ୵྆۞ሤ˧Ă ᛢજăճᄅă፼፵ăڳᛡĊ ᜠइை ᜠᇾ֘ೃֽа7Զ+ࢰሄົைד56ԶĞ800̮ͽ˯ğĂٺБᄂ 038 ሤ̚ Olé, España! ֤۞࿚ခၬᑝĂ࠻֤ͫࡓ۞֗ᇆࢳᖼĂૻধ۞Ҙ ͰࢰĂമߖј˘಼Ғ૾ᔿ៨۞ࢲଐ൪ĈٛރႬஎצआο ֧ࡠᇆᜩĂͽ۞ܕ઼ڱ੨ጡ̈́ᓏ͘ڱĂܑனҋ̎ந ྋ۞ள઼ଐአγĂ˫ΐˢޖᐖᎵ۞ࢲॾćҘͰүѡछ ڱฮ۞ؕࣧͽঈ๕Ăវன˞ྍ઼ϔܸࢰሄ۞߿˧Ą ұाᙯܝԙ̄ރႬĂ˝ี઼ᅫ೭̂ᔈॳ݄ᄮᙋ۞ ̂रĂഅࠎڌᇇிࢵႊԓৼপٛ̈́ڱฮඈˠүݡĂሤ ਾଯᇃҽᆈགྷ۞Ă̫؆ອ֗ճᝌĂҘͰ۞ሤ˧Ăα ड൴Ċ The sound of a tambourine bounces along the swirling splashes of red. Waves of strong Spanish music paint a colorful tableau. Deeply affected by Chabrier's style, Ravel used modern French instrument arrangements and harmonies to present his interpretation of the exotic with a quiet, delicate touch. Spanish composer Falla chose to take another road and portrayed the vitality of local folk music with primal strength. Dorian Wilson, L. Bernstein's last student, is a master who has received laureate certifications in 9 categories in the International Conducting Competition. He is dedicated to promoting lesser-known classics, and is the one who introduced the works of Ginastera and Falla to former East Germany audiences. Tonight, come join him in this passionate Spanish fiesta and feel the fire! p.87 Dorian Wilson кӀщąރႬ 039 IMF ٛރႬ۞ளຐ͵ࠧ 14/10/04Ğ̱ğ19:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 ೭Ėڱᜋ̷ΞąߟႬॅ Conductor: Francesco Corti ᐀ൣĖ̂ჯ Piano: David Fung ٛރႬĖෳ҃ຏ๋۞ᄅѡ M. Ravel: Valse noble et sentimentale ٛރႬĖȑ̂አ᐀ൣݶםѡ M. Ravel: Piano Concerto in G Major ᎗ୣૄƟٛރႬĖणᜓົ̝൪ M. Mussorgsky / M. Ravel: Pictures at an Exhibition ၆ٺሄጡมࢰҒត̼ໂࠎୂዟ۞ٛރႬĂࢰᔺᔺԜقኬ̟ৠ؈۞ᜲڱĂтঔ͇˘ҒԸˢว ЍਠĂᆸᆸگᚡඝᚊĄ ಈᝌٛރႬ۞̓ڈĂΞ˼༱Ҿ࿅˘ಞႊâϠΪ౹үࢵ᐀ൣݶםѡĂ҃۞˘ ĮĜአ᐀ൣݶםѡį˵ߏഇү۞̚۞ݡჟოĂᚵ৾გؽሄҒ૾ᏉЪΟᄃᒑ̮̀ ৵Ă่̙ѣ۞ݶϨĂᖳಱ۞Ғ૾ћߍă੯۞ܪሄຐĂລ੨ٛރႬგؽሄበѡ۞᎗ୣૄ གྷ̝үĮणᜓົ̝൪įĂᄅᆐ੨ሄĮෳ҃ຏ๋۞ᄅѡįՀߏͽ̙ТࢬШĂຏ̂צर۞ ౹үࢲܚĄ 2014NTSO઼ᅫࢰሄ༼۞ௐ˘ಞĂ፫̂Ӏֲරཱྀ᐀ൣछ̂ჯͽฮă৷ஐтྐૻধ۞ႊ ॾࢲݶჟവྚᛖٛރႬ۞ᐖᔃᄃૺճĂᔛଋ˘Т൴னٛރႬ۞ᚵ৾Ғ૾Ċ ᜠइை ᜠᇾ֘ೃֽа7Զ+ࢰሄົைד56ԶĞ800̮ͽ˯ğĂٺБᄂ 040 ሤ̚ Fantastic World of Maurice Ravel Ғ૾گᚡĂϹᖐᇠำมĂ ᆸᆸુᝑĂٛރႬ۞͵ࠧඝᜀனĄ p.87 p.91 Francesco Corti David Fung ڱᜋ̷ΞąߟႬॅ ̂ჯ Due to his great sensitivity to various tones of different instruments, Ravel is able to gift every musical note with magic, creating an incredible image with multilayered shades and lights as complex as sunlight dancing on the sea. If you are a fan of Ravel, this concert is for you. Out of the only two piano concertos Ravel ever wrote,ņPiano Concerto in G MajorŇis considered one of his best works in the later period. Classical jazz elements can be found in the lively orchestra presentation, and the lead solo is often accompanied by lush and unique harmonies. This concert also includes Ravel'sņValse noble et sentimentaleŇ, and his rearranged orchestra version of Mussorgsky'sņPictures at an ExhibitionŇ, bringing to the audience different aspects of the maestro's creations. For the first concert of the 2014 NTSO International Music Festival, we also have Australiaborn Chinese pianist David Fung here to present his interpretations of Ravel: a classic, poetic touch to show his tranquility, and a strong, distinctive style for his unruliness. Come and experience the colorful world of Ravel! 041 IMF Ⅲ 14/11/2 14:30 1000 800 500 300 Conductor / Violin: Cho-Liang Lin B W. A. Mozart: Rondo in B-flat Major , KV.269 E W. A. Mozart: Adagio in E Major, KV.261 C W. A. Mozart: Rondo in C Major , KV.373 B F. J. Haydn: Sinfonia Concertante in B-flat Major , Hob.I:105 W. A. Mozart: Serenade in D Major Haffner , KV.250 (248b) 2013/14 KV.269 7 042 + 56 800 KV.261 Mostly Mozart by Cho-Liang Lin III ֶྃᖞགྷĂրЕֶჟ૾Ă ܪߌڒຑంϑপĂᚥගࠡଓϜࢰ۞ҰĄ p.88 Cho-Liang Lin ܪߌڒ ņIf I could only enjoy one composer's works for the rest of my life, Mozart would definitely be THE choice!ŇęCho-Liang Lin It is not difficult to feel his great passion for Mozart's works, as Lin has already collaborated with NTSO to perform a complete set of five violin concertos back during the 2013/14 season. This season, he's back to round up the set withņRondo in B-flat Major, KV.269ŇandņAdagio in E Major, KV.261Ň. Mozart's predecessor, Haydn, also showcases the essence of the Classical School in hisņSinfonia Concertante in B-flat Major, Hob. I:105Ň, a rare composition for violin, cello, oboe, and bassoon. As internationally-acclaimed violinist Cho-Liang Lin states,ņit is a musician's duty to perform the entire collection of Mozart's violin worksŇ. Come experience the unique simplicity and sleekness found only in Mozart's music as we performņHaffner Serenade, KV.250Ň, a piece Mozart composed for his old friend's daughter's wedding. Feel the happiness and life as you float through the warm melodies. 043 IMF ڱᜋҘ۞ႝᄃО෪ 14/11/8Ğ̱ğ19:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 ೭Ėᖎ͛૽ Conductor: Wen-Pin Chien ᐀ൣĖዒ̋ Piano: Dang Thai Son ̄გࢲൣĖᆒܫԈ Electric Organ: Hsin-Hung Tony Liu ̖ͧĖௐ˟ཱིĮܠؑݱऋѡį G. Bizet:ņL' Arlesienne SuiteŇNo.2 ٛރႬĖD̂አν͘᐀ൣݶםѡ M. Ravel: Piano Concerto for Left Hand in D Major ཐॹĖc̈አௐˬཱིϹᜩѡĮგࢲൣį C. Saint-Saëns: Symphony No.3 in c minor, Op.78ņOrganŇ ܜݶҡከൣ۞્ࡗ̈ѡĂܠؑݱऋдᖎಏ۞̚ޠणனᚊ௲ܸĂ̖ͧࠎ઼ڱүछ ౌᇇᇤᆷ۞ᑚᆐ੨ሄĂͽࢰሄ̺ઙ۞ቢ୧ឰˠ˵ԡ̙ҝౝˢ̙Ξҋ٥۞ճĄ၆ࢰҒೠ೪ ໂѣ̶͇۞ٛރႬĂĮν͘᐀ൣݶםѡįͽΩ˘ଐຏᓏቢᒉౄĂдࢰሄҒ૾ጯ۞ዂ ߍ˭Ă˧ࢰޘҒᄃޠϹᖐপঅ۞Ϡ˧Ą҃ώ֗˵ߏგࢲൣ̂र۞үѡछཐॹĂ้ ٙѣ۞۩݈̝үௐˬཱིϹᜩѡĮგࢲൣįĂ႕۞ᓏࢰᄃგؽሄဥ̝ม۞Ϲ̢ԩᏊᄃЪүĂ በᖐ˘ᐹฮ߶໕۞ঈڤĄ ᐌЩछሄᓏႌणன࠹ᚶጾᒭĂᘹఙᜪયᖎ͛૽ᄃௐ˩بරՒᏂ઼֣ᅫ᐀ൣ̂ᔈࢵረ ۞ݑ᐀ൣछዒ̋ĂგࢲൣλᑞᆒܫԈĂͽڱᜋҘ۞ႝᘱႴᚊ۞Ғ૾Ą ᜠइை ᜠᇾ֘ೃֽа7Զ+ࢰሄົைד56ԶĞ800̮ͽ˯ğĂٺБᄂ 044 ሤ̚ Romantic Impressions of the French Music ڱёႝଐᘃĂ႕໕ᚵ৾Ғ૾Ă ҃ԧĂд࡚۞ࢰҒ̚ՕዕĄ p.8 Wen-Pin Chien ᖎ͛૽ p.91 Dang Thai Son ዒ̋ p.91 Hsin-Hung Tony Liu ᆒܫԈ A simple melody performed with a flute solo accompanied by the harp,ņL' Arlesienne SuiteŇ is a delicate piece which carries an ethereal, pure taste. Bizet composed this piece for French playwright Daudet's work, sketching out the emotional tragedy with music and luring in the audience like moths to a flame. Fellow French composer Ravel, with his great mastery of tone, wove a different kind of melody and emotion into hisņPiano Concerto for Left Hand in DŇ. Strength and music blend with each other in tune to music and color science, producing a unique force of life. Saint-Saëns, who was also a master pipe organ player, completely poured his talent and soul into his Symphony No.3ņOrganŇ. It is a spar between rich, colorful sounds and the entire orchestra, and presents an elegant and graceful atmosphere. Artistic Advisor Wen-Pin Chien, Vietnamese pianist Dang Thai Son, winner of the 10th International Chopin Piano Competition, and pipe organ virtuoso Hsin-Hung Liu team up tonight to bring you a concert where masters and masterpieces jointly illustrate a fantastic picture with French romance. 045 Δለࢲଐ൪ 15/1/09Ğ̣ğ19:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 15/1/10Ğ̱ğ19:30 ࡺΔᘹ͕͛̚āைᆊĖ800Ą500Ą300 ೭Ė⮞甬剱ᇂ Conductor: Fusao Kajima χᑝĖౘ࠳⛥ Percussion: Ying-Hsueh Chen κႬĖ˛ࢵ̈ݡᏴҋĮܠٛ˚į C. Nielsen: 7 Pieces ofņAladdinŇ, Op.34 ߟׂႬĖௐ˘ཱི͐͢ڒൣݶםѡ A. Koppel: Marimba Concerto No.1 ᄣপĖࡶԧѣԯຼᐝ R. Peterson: If I Had a Hammer Ҙ֓߹̀ĖĈአௐˬཱིϹᜩѡ J. Sibelius: Symphony No.3 in C Major, Op.52 αࢵֽҋಝг֤ჯֲүѡछ۞үݡĂݒӔனα̙Т۞ঈኳᄃקڶĄ̜౪үѡछκႬ ආྖေ͑ঈኳ۞Įܠٛ˚įΒӣĈĮϿڱց۞ξะįăĮ઼̝̚ႇįăĮО̝ޘ ႇįඈඈĂႽߏ၆ޘ઼͞ڌৠცຐ۞ሄౢĄТᇹֽҋ̜౪۞ߟׂႬࠎ͐ڒᙉᆷ˞Щ۞ ௐ˘ཱིݶםѡĂࢵϤᎊಢ઼ᅫ̂ᔈ؎౹ү۞ሄѡĂߊѣଣ͖۞፬ଐĂ˵ѣજၗ۞ ᑝሄࠍԫĄIf I Had a Hammerߏ˘ࢵ40ѐ·႕ࢭሤҕ۞ႇѡĂϤ̜౪үѡछᄣপ Լᆷ̪ޢឰˠ˞ᘃ፬ᒜĄ܆ᜋүѡछҘ֓߹̀۞ௐˬཱིϹᜩѡĂߏ˛ࢵϹᜩѡ̚ ˘ˬሄౢ۞үݡĂѡ̚ϹᖐΔ઼ϔ۞எᖿ؝ᄃۉሤૻধ۞Ϡ˧Ąֽҋᄂ̚Ϯتϫ݈ ॠ̜ا౪۞χᑝሄЩछ陳盈斈ᄃ઼ᄂϹĂдϐߋܐॡ΄ᚥ˯ДͫϹᏉ۞ΔለࢲଐĂणฟ˘ ߱ள઼۞ฉϐࢰሄ̝ॠĄ 046 Nordic Imageries тေҬ͑ϨҒ઼ޘĂ ආ͑Ғ૾ᚢႝĂ Δለϔ۞எᖿᄃۉሤĂ ᄅજᑝሄĂࢳೳДͫϹᏉ۞ሄౢĄ p.88 Fusao Kajima 梶間聡夫 p.93 Ying-Hsueh Chen 陳盈斈 Four pieces from four Scandinavian composers, four distinctive styles and presentations. Danish composer Nielsen's works are filled with exotic fantasies of the Orient. His fairy tale-likeņAladdin, Op.34ŇSuite includes pieces such asņThe Marketplace in IspahanŇ, ņChinese DanceŇ, andņHindu DanceŇ. His compatriot and peer Koppel composed the famousņMarimba Concerto No.1Ňfor the marimba. The composition, commissioned by the International Percussion Competition Luxembourg, delivers the passion of the tango and the extraordinary, dynamic skills of percussion. ņIf I Had a HammerŇwas originally a song of revolution back in the 40s, and its passion and determination is still apparent in Danish composer Peterson's rearranged version. Finnish composer Sibelius'ņSymphony No.3 in C Major, Op.52Ňis the only one out of his seven symphonies which has three movements, and the profound loneliness and fierce vitality of the Nordic people pulse deep throughout the entire composition. Tonight, percussionist Ying-Hsueh Chen, who is originally from Shigang, Taichung and currently resides in Denmark, collaborates with NTSO to lure you to the Lands of Ice and Fire as winter turns into spring. Welcome to the first concert of our series of Weekend Concert Breaks, where we kick off with an exotic splash of the North! 047 ۞ྻཙՎ 15/3/21Ğ̱ğ14:30 လཌྷξ̼͕͛̚ࢰሄះāைᆊĖ800Ą500Ą 300 15/3/22Ğ͟ğ14:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 ೭Ė഼ႳąᄏႬ Conductor: Tamás Gál ̈೩ൣĖⱡణ̰̄ Violin: Akiko Suwanai ంϑপĖĮ࣫ąಕ୕κįԔѡ W. A. Mozart:ņDon GiovanniŇOverture, KV.527 κႬĖ̈೩ൣݶםѡ C. Nielsen: Violin Concerto, Op.33 ֓к܆Ėc̈አௐཱི̣ϹᜩѡĮྻį L. v. Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in c minor, Op.67ņFateŇ ̝ྻᓏΣᜩĂ֓к܆གྷүᇠˢ͕ؽĂ ࢷൣࢰࢲ҃ҌĂ ࢳᄃᎱඡ۞͕БणฟĄ ᜠइை ᜠᇾ֘ೃֽа7Զ+ࢰሄົைד56ԶĞ800̮ͽ˯ğĂٺБᄂ 048 ሤ̚ Footsteps of Fate ፍᙯ۞ྻགྷ̝؆âዅ̄˘ࢋؠ˘ѨĊ ంϑপтֹ͇·ͷາ۞ࢰሄ౹үីᅿĂឰĮ࣫ąಕ୕ κįԔѡՏಞႊυГѨឰ៍ிீ༗ࠎ̝˘ܪĄజᚑࢦ҅ ়ͽ̈́ጼۋᇆᜩ۞֓к܆Ăֱ൭ࡴ۞ዎ࿃Ăනд ࢰሄ̝̚۞ᘈ͵үௐཱི̣ϹᜩѡĮྻįĂᇴѺѐֽĂ α࣎ާܳ˫̷࢝۞ࢰࢦኑღљˠ͕Ă˞ڇفޠБ͵ࠧ ٙѣ۞ிĂߏ˘ࢵڱజͷυื˘д۞གྷĄ ࢷሄᓏውྼ˘̝ྻॠĂ၇Ѩᒔᔛצሄਜ਼፬ካ۞̂र ഼ႳąᄏႬĂॻࡊ͈ૄܛൕⱡణ̰̄ĂӈͽκႬ ۞̈೩ൣݶםѡග̂छ˘࣎ჟ૾۞؆Ăᙱͽຐည۞ ۩݈ЪĂ̙Ξ̙ۢ۞གྷѡϫĂЩछЩѡࢦณᚥĄ A night of the classics, a night of fate and destiny! A concert you definitely should not miss in this lifetime. With a musical soul as clear and lively as an angel, Mozart made sure that hisņDon Giovanni OvertureŇwill never cease to amaze regardless of how many times it has been performed. Plagued by severe ear problems and war, Beethoven transformed the pain and suffering in his life into the extraordinary masterpieceņSymphony No. 5 in c minor, "Fate" Op.67Ň. For centuries, the strong opening four notes and impressive melody continue to captivate the hearts of audiences around the globe. Without a doubt, this insurmountable classic is indeed timeless. Embark on a journey of fate and destiny through music tonight with conductor Tamás Gal, who is back due to popular demand, and International Tchaikovsky Competition winner Akiko Suwanai as they present Nielsen'sņViolin Concerto, Op.33Ň. Incredible ensemble, unmissable classics, astonishing presentation. p.89 Tamás Gál ഼ႳąᄏႬ p.94 Akiko Suwanai ⱡణ̰̄ 049 ܻᘲࢰሄλˠ 15/4/24Ğ̣ğ19:30 າѻξ̼͛ԊႊᘹះāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 15/4/26Ğ͟ğ14:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 ೭Ė梶間聡夫 Conductor: Fusao Kajima ᐀ൣĖౘ͵ઈ Piano: Shih-Wei Chen ᘲߟහ͈ĖĮૄ̚įѡ S. Prokofiev:ņLieutenant KijeŇSuite, Op.60 ᘲߟහ͈ĖĈአௐˬཱི᐀ൣݶםѡ S. Prokofiev: Piano Concerto No.3 in C Major, Op.26 ᏂࡊჯݵĖd̈አௐ˩˟ཱིϹᜩѡĮ1917į D. Shostakovich: Symphony No.12 in d minor Op.112,ņThe Year 1917Ň જᒜ۞ॡĂ 2:28ܻᘲࢰሄλˠͽ̰ᑦܑனҕ୵྆۞ૺճĂ ីᅿ౹үăሄѡӔனĂ ̂͵̚۞̈ˠۏĂϡ࡚۞ᓏࢰӞ಄Ą ᜠइை ᜠᇾ֘ೃֽа7Զ+ࢰሄົைד56ԶĞ800̮ͽ˯ğĂٺБᄂ 050 ሤ̚ The Giants of Russian Music ͇Ϡ۞̖ᘲߟහ͈Ăӈ֗ܮдኜкࢨ۞טໂᝋॡĂ̪ϡ˘ѡ˘ѡ۞ሄౢϹᖐӵᖟ႕ට ሤҕĄᇆ੨ሄ۞Įૄ̚įಶߏдѩॡ̚Ăͽॆ҅۞ࢰຳຳᏝו༊ॡ۞ෳۤົĄ ҃ᓛۉˠ˾۞ௐˬཱི᐀ൣݶםѡĂߏᘲߟහ͈Ω˘གྷλүĂࠎ˞Ӕன᐀ൣ۞ݶරᚊᄃ ჯგؽሄ۞ᏘĂёপѣ۞ؽᄃሄѡ۞ૺ˧д྆ჟ૾णனĄᏂࡊჯ۞ݵௐ˩˟ ཱིϹᜩѡߏᗟᚥගЕှĂಏ˘જ፟రࡍፋѡ֭ͽ˘ঈרј۞͞ёႊݶĂૻধϒࢬ۞ࢰሄܑ னۡତ็ᅍ͕ٙ̚۞זצຏΡĄજᒜ۞ॡâ͵ࡔ۞ܻᘲд̶Ъ̚Ăүѡछࣇ˵ͽሄ ᓏаᑕ።ΫĄ ̂ॡ̚۞̈ˠۏĂᄂ៉᐀ൣछౘ͵ઈă͟ᚱ೭梶間聡夫ࢦາ൴ன1917ܻᘲ۞ҽᄃ ሤĂᖙᛡ۞ޥჰĂកજ۞͕ဩĂᔛଋᏐ֗ຏ̚ؽצᔳӣ۞λ̂ሄޥĄ Talented Prokofiev, despite living under a totalitarian regime which imposed restrictions on many aspects of life, managed to compose one work after another with enthusiasm and passion. HisņLieutenant Kije SuiteŇ, composed for the movieņLieutenant KijeŇ, subtly held up the aristocratic society at that time to ridicule with the suite's pleasant-sounding music. The popularņPiano Concerto No.3Ňis another well-known classic by Prokofiev. The concerto, which strives to maintain a balance between the soloist and the orchestra, displays the dissonances and musical tension characteristic of Prokofiev.ņSymphony No.12 in d minorŇby D. Shostakovich, dedicated to the memory of Vladimir Lenin, has one single motive throughout the entire piece and is played without a break. The powerful music serves as the composer's true revelation of his inspirations and feelings. Indeed, in the turbulent 20th-century Russia, music became a way for composers to engage in a dialogue with history and their time. Taiwanese pianist Shih-Wei Chen and Japanese conductor Fusao Kajima will rediscover the coldness and passion in Russia in 1917. Stories of everyday people in an unusual age, troubled thoughts, and agitated minds will cross paths in this concert, which will surely generate compelling momentum and evoke listeners' emotions. p.88 Fusao Kajima 梶間聡夫 p.94 Shih-Wei Chen ౘ͵ઈ 051 15/5/22 19:30 800 15/5/23 500 300 19:30 1000 800 500 300 Conductor: John Nelson Piano: Steven Lin H. Berlioz: Symphony Fantastique, Op.14 E L. v. Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.5 in E-flat Major , Op.73 Emperor 7 052 + 56 800 Romanticism Fantasies ᅅճ͌ѐăࢰሄ̖̄Ă̂ᓙгͽგؽሄ۞ࢰᜩᗞफ़Ăहຍ ۞ຶߖдϹᜩ۞ᄅᄂ˯Ą઼ڱүѡछϨ̀۞Į͑ຐϹᜩ ѡįĂߏ19͵ࡔܐለ߷ሄጪ˘ొឰˠមရ۞үĄϨ̀ ၆ٺေဩă̂ҋᄃҋ͵ࠧ۞ג൪Ă·႕౹ຍ۞ᓏ ᄃგؽሄ੨ጡĂҌ̫̪ᇃצଯૣĂՀࠎᇆᜩஎᅈ۞ߏԯ ĶؠሄهķĞidée fixeğ۞ໄྻهϡٺ౹ү̚Ăឰࢰሄ ᖣજཱི̝፟ᄲજˠ۞߇ְĄ༊઼̫ᅫ̳ᄮϨ̀ᝋ ۞ރ೭̂रࡗᎰąκႬĂྚᛖो͘۞Ϩ̀ѡ ϫĂ֭தᅳ઼ᄂϹᄃ2014ѐጆᄼ᐀ൣ̂ᔈௐ˟ЩĂజ ࠎᄂ៉̝Ѝ۞᐀ൣछٽڒĂႊዂჟ૾۞֓к܆Į࠱ ޓį᐀ൣݶםѡĂᅳଋซˢႝࠁ۞͑ຐ̝ॠĄ A young, daring music prodigy explored various musical hues and boldly experimented with new orchestral sounds on the music scene.ņSymphony FantastiqueŇby French composer H. Berlioz stunned the 19th-century European musical landscape. Berlioz's portrayal of dream, nature, and the supernatural world, and his creative harmony and orchestration still enjoy widespread acclaim even today. His use of idée fixe, a recurring theme that serves as a foundation for narration, also leaves a long-lasting influence. Maestro John Nelson, internationally recognized as a seminal interpreter of Berlioz's music, is going to conduct Berlioz, for which he is best known. The NTSO will also presentņConcerto No.5 in E-flat Major, 'Emperor' Ňby L. v. Beethoven with pianist Steven Lin, the pride of Taiwan and winner of the Silver Medal at the 2014 Arthur Rubinstein Piano Competition. Let the artists take you on a journey of Romanticist fantasies in this concert. p.90 John Nelson ࡗᎰąκႬ p.95 Steven Lin ٽڒ 053 ᇇႬ۞ࢰሄ৵ೡ 15/6/6Ğ̱ğ14:30 ᄂݑξϲᄂ͕̼͛̚ݑāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 15/6/7Ğ͟ğ14:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 ೭ĖܲᘲąΟᇇ Conductor: Paul Goodwin ̈೩ൣĖѦӀщąٛᄿ ڒViolin: Julian Rachlin ᇇႬĖĮ܆ΐႬ߽جįԔѡ F. Mendelssohn:ņHebridesŇOverture, Op.26 ᇇႬĖëአ̈೩ൣݶםѡ F. Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in e minor, Op.64 ᇇႬĖäአௐˬཱིϹᜩѡĮᛂॾᜋį F. Mendelssohn: Symphony No.3 in a minor, Op.56ņScottishŇ ĶקᇇႬ̝ሄĂሄ̚ѣ൪ć ៍ᇇႬ̝൪Ă൪̚ѣሄĄķ ᜠइை ᜠᇾ֘ೃֽа7Զ+ࢰሄົைד56ԶĞ800̮ͽ˯ğĂٺБᄂ 054 ሤ̚ Musical Sketches by Mendelssohn 16 e When W orld-class Scenic Composer Mendelssohn toured Scotland, he was deeply moved by the grand ocean view. The Hebrides Overtur e was the resul t of this emotional impression, depicting waves crashing onto the rocky shor es and seabir ds flying high over the ocean. Mendelssohn composed the 16-measur e melody of his Symphony No.3 Scottish in front of the crumbling Palace of Holyr oodhouse after visiting the historical site. A decade later, the completed piece, which retells a medieval legend, was presented as a gift to Queen Victoria, the ninth generation granddaughter of the original castle owner . Tonight, master violinist Rachlin also performs the elegant and pleasant Violin Concerto in e minor, Op. 64 with his lush trademark style, an exquisite presentation aimed to touch your soul. When talented musicians meet a classical master's meticulous skill and refinement, be prepar ed to be transported back to the romantic 19th century . p.90 Paul Goodwin p.95 Julian Rachlin 055 ̰ވሄ̝؆ Chamber Music Night NTSO Chamber Music Night NTSO̰ވሄ̝؆ę ܪߌڒCosplay Mozart Cho-Liang Lin: Cosplaying Mozart 14/11/1Ğ̱ğ14:30 ॿᇃᘹࢰሄះāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 ̈೩ൣĖ ܪߌڒViolin: Cho-Liang Lin ᐀ൣĖͳׂႱ Piano: Pei-Yao Wang ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥဥࣶ NTSO Members ంϑপĖD̂አௐ˘ཱིܜαࢦݶ W. A. Mozart: Flute Quartet No. 1 in D Major, KV.285 ంϑপĖĈአؽሄ̣ࢦݶ W. A. Mozart: Strings Quintet in C Major, KV.515 ంϑপĖg̈አ᐀ൣαࢦݶ W. A. Mozart: Piano Quartet in g minor, KV.478 ంϑপٺۍ1789ѐ۞Ĉአؽሄ̣ࢦݶĂՀజࢰሄጯ۰ຑЯĞAlfred Einsteinğ ࠎĈĶૣѣͳ۰ࢲቑĂ֭ᛃӣ۞ଐඕĄķ҃۞g̈አ᐀ൣαࢦݶՀߏགྷ۞̚ གྷĄ̈೩ൣ̂रܪߌڒᄃ઼ᄂϹ۞ࢰሄछĂͽჟവᄃᎵ۞ЪĂࢦன͇̖үѡछ۞ Ο̰ވሄགྷĄ Tonight's program will feature three of Mozart's classic works. HisņStrings Quintet in C Major, KV. 515Ň, published in 1789, is applauded by music scholar Alfred Einstein as a piece withņthe nobility of a monarch, and the resignation to fateŇ. HisņPiano Quartet in g minor, KV. 478Ň is also a classic masterpiece. In today's concert, master violinist Cho-Liang Lin will team up with the musicians of the NTSO to present the classic chamber music of this genius composer with the utmost care and precision. p.88 Cho-Liang Lin ܪߌڒ p.92 Pei-Yao Wang ͳׂႱ 057 NTSO Chamber Music Night NTSO Ladies' Night P i-Chin Chien: 15/1/28 19:30Ladies' Night 1000 800 500 300 Cello: Pi-Chin Chien Piano: Hsing-Chwen Hsin NTSO Members C. Saint-Saëns: Septet for Trumpet, String Quintet and Piano, Op.65 D Mel Bonis: Quatuor pour piano et cor des en ré opus 124 Fabian Müller: - Erde in Flammen (2005) (for 4 Flutes, 4 Double Bass, Timpani, Xylophon) A N. Rimsky-Korsakov: Sextet in A Major for 2 Violins, 2 Viola and 2 Cellos Mel Bonis p.93 Pi-Chin Chien p.93 Hsing-Chwen Hsin This concert is dedicated to women who have played a pivotal role in the area of music wives who are advocates of music, repr esented by cellist Pi-Chin Chien; mothers, repr esented by the mother of the master composer Saint-Saëns; female composers, repr esented by Melanie Helene Bonis, classmates with Debussy at the Conservatoir e National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris; and supporting wives, represented by Nadeshda, wife to Rimsky-Korsakov . Tonight, we invite you to come and honor these four female roles represented through four different pieces of music. 058 NTSO Chamber Music Night NTSO̰ވሄ̝؆ę ٛᄿڒFascinating The Fascinating and Rachlin 15/6/10Ğˬğ19:30 ઼ϲᄂ៉ϹᜩሄဥᙳपႊݶះāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 ̈೩ൣĖѦӀщąٛᄿ ڒViolin: Julian Rachlin ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥဥࣶ NTSO Members ధκপҹĖௐ˘ཱི̈೩ൣᄃؽሄ̝ݶᆀѡ A. Schnittke: Sonata No. 1 for Violin and Strings ՂপĖĮҭ˚įݶᆀѡĞؽሄۍğ F. Liszt: Après une Lecture de Dante: Fantasia quasi Sonata ϿॾҘֲĖĮᐖ̝į A. Iglesias:ņFactory of SilenceŇ ϩֲҥٛĖοϿᏚғӀ۞α؞Ǖαࢵග̈೩ൣᄃؽሄ۞ଣ͖ᄅѡ A. Piazzolla: The Four Seasons of Buenos Aires, Four Tangos for Violin and String Orchestra ϿॾҘֲĮᐖ̝įĂѣтᇆ੨ሄਠ·႕எՕࣚ ຐ۞ঈڤĄລ੨ଣ͖̂रϩֲҥٛ۞ĮοϿᏚғӀ ۞α؞įᄃధκপҹ۞ௐ˘ཱིݶᆀѡĂΐ˯ីຏֽҋҭ˚ ৠѡ۞ՂপĮҭ˚įݶᆀѡؽሄۍĄޔঈ̂रٛᄿڒĂ p.95 ГѨͽ̈೩ൣă̚೩ൣᄃ೭кࢦ֗ЊĂдᙳप઼ᄂϹ ࢰሄះĂଡ˘ੱճሤ۞ࢰሄࢲĄ Julian Rachlin ѦӀщąٛᄿڒ This concert will featureņFactory of SilenceŇby A. Iglesias, which has the profound and meditative atmosphere of a film. Also featured in the program are A. Piazzolla's ņThe Four Seasons of Buenos Aires, Four Tangos for Violin and String OrchestraŇ, A. Schnittke'sņSonata No. 1 for Violin and StringsŇ, and F. Liszt'sņAprès une Lecture de Dante: Fantasia quasi SonataŇ(adapted for strings), a composition inspired by the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. Once again, the charismatic Julian Rachlin will take on multiple roles of violinist, violist, and conductor and whip up a musical wave at the NTSO Concert Hall in Wufeng. 059 পҾЋထ Special Project NTSO Family Concert NTSOᏐ̄ࢰሄົę ࢨճຐ maginationąoo 14/10/10Ğ̣ğ14:30ă19:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 ೭Ėӓᕞц Conductor: Yao-Yu Wu ߇ְ̍ᇄĖStory Works ̙ჂĀ̙ჂĀ ̈̄ٛٛᖷֽ̈̃ޅᆘᆘ֕ซ؈͑͵ࠧĂ ଂĶܑࢲލႊķθֈ۞Ķ߇ְ̍ᇄķĂ ຑששᄦౄ͇Җ۩۞үݡĂ ˘а˫ࢋซҖ̦ᆃ݂ᐍॠ? ԣֽĊԣֽĊГಶֽ̙̈́ٛ~~ p.103 p.87 Yao-Yu Wu ӓᕞц Story Works ߇ְ̍ᇄ ᜠइை ᜠᇾ֘ೃֽа7Զ+ࢰሄົைד56ԶĞ800̮ͽ˯ğĂٺБᄂ ሤ̚ 061 NTSO Anniversary Concert NTSOဥᇉࢰሄົę ็ᄃ็ٚ Traditions & Transition 14/12/07Ğ͟ğ14:30 ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 ೭Ė梶間聡夫 Conductor: Fusao Kajima ѡϫГҖ̳Ҷ Program to be announced ᖼજॡЍ۞λĂ ̱˩˝ྶᇆည؋߹።።дϫĂ അགྷ֕࿅۞Տ˘גĂৌྕăຏજăഇధϹᗔĂ ण୕ϏֽॡЍĂϖ̙ͤĄ Ꮠຑ۞઼ᄂϹĂϠ͟ԣሄĊ The great wheel of time rolls on, showcasing 69 years of memories and experience, and every single moment of faith, emotion, and hope that we have shared. Ceaselessly, it rolls onward, leading NTSO into the future. Dearest NTSO, happy anniversary! And many happy returns! p.88 Fusao Kajima 梶間聡夫 062 2014 End of Year Concert 2014໐ϐࢰሄົę ճᝌᔙШ2015 Carnival Night: 14/12/26Ğ̣ğ19:30 Hello 2015! ᄂ̚̚ᎸૅāைᆊĖ1000Ą800Ą500Ą300 ೭Ė⮞甬剱͈ Conductor: Fusao Kajima Ꮨᗕ᐀ൣĖDuo d'Accord ՂؒૄǕߟᖠࡊ͈ĖĮԔݶᄃᖃซҖѡįᏴҋႇᆐĮܛᗗį N. Rimsky-Korsakov:ņThe Golden CockerelŇIntroduction and Wedding March ͈̰ݣĖĮ˯ޓ౹ౄ˞λ̂۞ ౦į A. Hovhaness:ņAnd God Created the Great WhalesŇOp.229, No.1 ҹĖd̈አᗕ᐀ൣݶםѡ F. Poulenc: Concerto for 2 Pianos in d minor, FP.61 ཐॹĖĮજۏճᝌ༼į C. Saint-Saëns:ņCarnival of AnimalsŇ ٛރႬĖĮگᚊྮį M. Ravel:ņBoleroŇ 2014ॡЍࣆᇴႍඍႍĂ ࢰၬၬΣᜩາѐྕຐ୕Ą ᗕˠα͘؋ᛡৡෲĂ ܛҒ̂ះ߹ᕫᝌᖼજѐර໐͡Ą Tick-tock goes the clock, as we near the end of 2014. Tonight prancing notes dance to our New Year wishes, And two people, four hands, bring forth multitudes of greetings cascading through the Golden Hall and into the coming year. p.88 Fusao Kajima 梶間聡夫 p.92 Duo d'Accord Ꮨᗕ᐀ൣ 063 NTSOᏐ̄ࢰሄົę ဂᜲݱ͘ 15/4/17Ğ̣ğ19:30 າѻᎩ߆̼͛عԊႊᘹះāைᆊĖ800Ą500Ą 300 15/4/19Ğ͟ğ14:30 ำڒᎩ߆̼͛عࢰሄះāைᆊĖ800Ą500Ą300 IJәˠij,IJҁဂોᏐijតјĉĊĊĊ Įဂᜲݱ͘į ֽҋආ͵ࠧ۞Ꮠ̄ࢰሄົ જ൪ăᑚᆐăϹᜩሄဥMjwfႊ ᆛĊ̫͇ࢋΝࣹ݂྆ᐍĉ ֗።ဩ۞̂̈̓ڈĂ ᑒѓຐ˘ຐтң̼ᐍࠎлબĊ p.89 Paul Tien-Chi Lin Wei-Hsun Na ͇ڒР ֤ჯጙ 064 p.94 NTSO Family Concert Pied Piper in the City of Rats Ꮠຑ۞̂̈̓ڈĂΝѐႊ̂צрෞ۞જ൪߇ְĮဂᜲݱ ͘įĂࠎа㒝ᇃ̂Ꮠ̄ሄਜ਼̫ѐሤଐΐႊĄ ࣎ႊߏଂIJәˠijIJҁဂોᏐij۞߇ְ౹үĂѣ ᘀ̂۞Ϲᜩሄဥனಞႊݶăѣ۞જ൪Ăγΐᄲ३ˠ߿ី ߿ன۞ᓏࢰႊĂԓ୕࿅Οࢰሄᄃкಫវᑚᆐăજ൪ ̝ϹĂӔனк̮ᘹఙ۞࡚ຏĂᅳ̂छ֕ˢຐည˧ᙝ ۞؈͑͵ࠧĂ҃߇ְ྆۞֎Ă༊ࣇࢬ၆П፟ᄃ߄ጼ ॡĂՀৌ၁็ᅍྕ၁ăయЇă̳πඈ८͕ᆊࣃĂ֗።ဩ ۞̂̈̓ڈĂ˵Ξͽᑒѓຐ˘ຐтң̼ᐍࠎлĊĊ˘ֽ ࠻ѣ۞߇ְӐĄ 065 ࢰሄ౹үࢍ൪ Music Composition Project Voice of the New and Brilliant ֍ᄂ៉۞ᓏࢰ Īາሄąߐī2014ܦѐ ࢰሄ౹үᚮᔈՙᔈࢰሄົ Final Concert of the Composition Competition 2014 14/08/23Ğ̱ğ19:30 ઼ϲᄂ៉ϹᜩሄဥᙳपႊݶះĞ༊͇ᓝᏱ៍ிைᏴረԸைĂᝌܓॡזಞણᄃğ ೭Ėၐፍࠠ Conductor: Lin Liao ઼ϲᄂ៉ϹᜩሄဥNational Taiwan Symphony Orchestra ࢰሄົ̬Ėᇃᇈ઼̰16짒45໐̝ܦѐүѡछણᄃᚮԫĂགྷܐᆶ̈́ኑᆶล߱ޢĂͽࢰሄົ ႊԛёĂซҖՙᔈĂࢰሄົனಞϤෞᆶ؎ࣶෞؠЩѨĂ֭Ϥனಞ៍ிைᏴ ָүݡĂВТ֍ᙋᄂ៉າᓏĄώᚮᔈనௐ˘Щăௐ˟ЩăௐˬЩăָүă៍ி ைᏴረ̈́ဥࣶைᏴረඈረีĂረᐽ൴̟үᝋᝋܛາᄂ။˟˩༱̮ፋĄ ՙᔈүݡĞֶಡЩԔཱིଵЕĂႊึԔኛྎ֍ώဥშ৭ğ ָڒሪĈሀ༳̝ࠧ Chia-Ying Li: Occultra Ղ̮Ĉ̝ٺல̣ Yuan-Chen Li: On Aldebaran ՂᖳѠĈĮ߹ߐᇠᑝįࠎგሄဥ Feng-Hsu Lee: Meteor Impacts for Orchestra ችࣰٚĈ͇ Cheng-Che Tsai: Brahma ችֶ᩹Ĉֶֶ Yi-Jin Tsai: Yi-Yi Īˢಞ͞ёīҺ৶ைˢಞĂٺႊฉ݈ٺώဥฟٸ৶ைĂٕٺႊ༊͟˘̈ॡ݈ฟٸ னಞ৶ைĄ ྎࢰሄྤੈĂኛણዦώဥშ৭http://www.ntso.gov.tw/ ߿જშࢱĖ 067 ઼ ϲ ᄂ ៉ Ϲ ᜩ ሄ ဥ ࢰ ሄ ౹ ү ࢍ ൪ ઼ᄂϹࢰሄ౹үࢍထ࠹ᙯݡۍ ̼͛ޙనϲૄдĶ͙ॲπᏊĂ౹າฟ٤ķ۞͞Ш˯Ă઼ϲᄂ៉ϹᜩሄဥĞ˭Ⴭώဥğ።ѐֽခ ᐽ઼̰̚Ϡ̈́າϠүѡछ౹үĂ೩̿ᄂ៉ࢰሄࣧ౹ү۞ݡኳᄃณĂјמڍĂ͍ܕೀѐ Տѐ࠰Ᏹந̳ฟᇈѡ߿જĂҋ2008ѐҌ̫јڍᖳჇę؎౹ү30ొăခᐽࣧ౹үݡ27ొă̳ ฟᇈѡ20ొăሄᙉۍ25इĞӣ30ొүݡğăᇆࢰЍჄݡۍ15इăࢰሄົ27ಞѨĂ̏јࠎᄂ ៉үѡछܕѐֽ൴ܑາү۞ࢦࢋπέĄώࢍ൪Ξෳ̝дٺᇈ̝ү;ݡኜႊ၁ኹĂᏱ நࢰሄົ֭ۍ൴ҖĂഇͽૈֈԧ઼ᐹսүѡˠ̖Ă೩̿ԧ઼ࢰሄ౹үͪĂฟ٤ࣧ౹ࢰሄ۞ ᘹఙّᄃкّ̮Ăݓങ၁˧ĂࣕШ઼ᅫᄅᄂ൴ᓏĄ 068 ઼ᄂϹࢰሄ౹үࢍ൪߿જ̈́࠹ᙯۍ ઼ϲᄂ៉ϹᜩሄဥĪ2015ܦѐࢰሄ౹үᚮᔈī ࢍ൪؟ўĖ઼ϲᄂ៉ϹᜩሄဥĞ˭Ⴭώဥğ።ѐֽ၆๊ٺϠώ઼ࣧ౹ࢰሄ౹үĂ֭ޙཉଂ౹ үă၁ኹăזۍҖዚ۞ԆፋயዚπέĂ೩̿ᄂ៉үѡछࢰሄү۞ݡኳᄃณĂ̏ѣ מјڍĄࠎᚶᜈଯજᄂ៉ࢰሄ̝౹үĂ೩ֻܦѐүѡछᚮԫ̝πέĂ൴ଧᐹս̝ າ౹გؽሄүݡĂপఢထેҖώࢍ൪Ą ಡЩྤॾĖ̚රϔ઼઼ᚱĂѐ႕16໐Ҍ45໐۰Ğણΐͧᔈ۰Ϡ͟ᑕࠎ̚රϔ઼59ѐ1͡1͟ Ҍ̚රϔ઼88ѐ12͡31̝͟มğ ќІצந͟ഇĖ104ѐ6͡17͟ĞˬğҌ7͡1͟Ğˬğͤ үݡᗟĖ̙నЇңᗟ үޘܜݡĖࡗ10-15̶ᛗ ણᔈІᇴĖՏˠҌкᘳϹІĂˢಛү˘ͽݡІࠎࢨĄ ᇈᏴԔĖ̶ĶܐᆶęྤॾᆶߤķăĶኑᆶęෞᆶᏳᏴķᄃĶՙᔈęனಞႊķˬล߱Ăௐ ˬล߱ϤώဥᏱநՙᔈࢰሄົĂ֭Ϥෞᆶ؎ࣶෞؠЩѨĞႊ͟ഇ̈́гᕇϤώဥΩ Җ̳Әğ ረีĖ Įௐ˘Щį˙ЩĈረ৽˙ېăүᝋᝋܛາᄂ။˟˩༱̮ፋĞӣඁğ Įௐ˟Щį˙ЩĈረ৽˙ېăүᝋᝋܛາᄂ။˩༱̮ፋĞӣඁğ ĮௐˬЩį˙ЩĈረ৽˙ېăүᝋᝋܛາᄂ။̣༱̮ፋĞӣඁğ Įָ үį˙ЩĈረ৽˙ېăүᝋᝋܛາᄂ။ˬ༱̮ፋĞӣඁğ ĮဥࣶைᏴረį˙ЩĈረ৽˙ېăүᝋᝋܛາᄂ။ˬ༱̮ፋĞӣඁğ Į៍ிைᏴረį˙ЩĈረ৽˙ې ણᔈүݭᙷݡĖგؽሄүݡĂ̙ӣݶםѡĂሄဥበࣧࠎܑ˭ͽטĂ ̙̂Ξ࿅ͽ˭በטĈ 3 x Flute-incl. Piccolo(max. 1 Piccolo) 3 x Oboe-incl. English Horn(max. 1 English Horn) 3 x Clarinet-incl. Bass Clarinet (max. 1 Bass Clarinet) 3 x Bassoon-incl. Contrabassoon(max. 1 Contrabassoon) 4 x Horn 3 x Trumpet 2 x Trombone 1 x Bass Trombone 1 x Tuba 1 x Timpani 4 x Percussion Player 1 x Harp 1 x Piano/Celesta Strings ྎᏱ̈́ڱಡЩԸІྤੈĂኛણዦώဥშ৭http://www.ntso.gov.tw/ 2013ࢰሄ౹үᚮᔈՙᔈࢰሄົ ߿જშࢱĖ 069 15:30-18:15 15:30-16:00 16:00-16:30 16:30-17:00 17:00-18:15 Open House͗γ߿જ 16:00 ࢰሄົˢಞ ࢰሄົ૾ଵ ࢰሄፅέᔈ&ค߿જ ᄅέ֘णϯ ౹ᘹξะ ᅅࢴЃጵ 16:15-16:30 ጱ௮ 070 Open Houseᅅᗫ߿ሐ۞߿જĂ౹ౄᄃϔிপ۞̢જវរĂ፬൴၆઼ᄂϹݡൕ۞ሤ ଐĂྼົᝊҜΒ߁ᄅᄂ֘णϯă౹ᘹξะăDIYăࢰሄፅέᔈăᇃಞࢰሄົăᅅࢴЃ ጵĂͽ̈́ค߿જęᇹભႇ̖рĞឰᗁϠିҰભႇ젡ğăᛇॠҖဥ젡ࢰ൪࡚ഀ ࢰሄᓾळă ᓏࢰ౹ౄͳă૾ᘱࢬă͛фдભႇ~ࢰሄ߇ְᘱώፘඈĄລ੨ࢰሄጯ௫ ᜕Ξдࢰሄᗐᙯྼᑚ̚ᒔࢰሄۢᙊĂ˵Ξણΐ૾ᘱࢬ౹ຍᚮᔈĂٕٺણΐOpen Houseޢଋ۞ຏຐͽဦ൪ٕ͛ф͞ёӔனᄃԧࣇ̶ֳĄ ૾ᘱࢬ౹ຍᚮᔈ 2015ѐ3͡7͟ጴࢰሄ᜕ણΐ૾ᘱࢬͧᔈĂώဥᏴˬЩᐹս൪үָ̈́ үᇴЩĂᙑਖ਼ჟ࡚ᖃݡĄ Open Houseဦ͛ᇈቇ ᝌٺܓણΐOpen Houseޢଋ۞ຏຐͽဦ൪ăͯລ੨͛фĞ100фͽ˯ğ ᄃԧࣇ̶ֳĂቇІਖ਼ώဥࡁտଯᇃĂΞᒔᙑჟ࡚ᖃݡĄ ŏЧಞӮΞ൳ᐂ̳ચˠࣶ֗ጯ௫ॡᇴĂՏಞ८൴̈ॡĄ ᏱಏҜܲ߿જளજᝋӀNTSO reserves the right to futher change тЯ̙Ξԩ١̝Я৵(тᅵࢲă͇խඈࢦ̂ຍγ)߿જؼഇٕڱᏱநॡĂ ٺώဥءშ˯̳Ә ༼ϫࠀྙĈ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥࡁտଯᇃ www.ntso.gov.tw 04-23330161 ᄂ̚ξᙳपડ̚ϒྮ738̝2ཱི 071 ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥ ܢనგሄဥ ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥܢనგሄဥߏຽᄃሤଐܑࣘ۞ႊဥฤĂϔ઼82ѐ6͡дᄂΔјϲĂ ϔ઼93ѐዏа઼ᄂϹᄂ̚ᙳपώొĄะඕ˞ᄂ៉Чг۞გሄࢰሄछĂܢనგሄဥဥࣶࣇ ͽଯᇃგሄࢰሄࠎϫᇾĂϡ߿˧αड۞ܑႊĂፃᒔຑሄϔி۞͕Ąٙѣဥࣶπ͟ᔵЧ ҋѣ̙Т۞̍үĂҭՏ࣎ˠౌܧ૱ࠡଓ˭ޢᙱჸд˘۞ဥቚॡЍĂဥࣶࣇ၆ࢰሄ ۞ሤଐᄃԸˢĂᄃБᖚ۞ᖚຽሄဥ࠹ͧ୮̙ᅊҒĂ˵࠹༊ሄ߄ٺጼᙱٕޘາ౹ү۞ү ݡĄՏѐੵ˞ؠഇᓝᏱ۞ࢰሄົĂܢనგሄဥ˵ॡ૱֕ˢ७ĂٕצᔛҌလཌྷξ઼ᅫგ ሄ༼ăމछ̼͛ડඈгܑႊĂߏ઼ᄂϹᄃϔТĶሄķ۞˧ဥฤĄ ҋјϲྍѐĂӈѣࢍ൪гᔛኛ઼ᅫЩ̝გሄ̂रႊᄃጱĂΒ߁Ĉ઼࡚Щᖠ ҹࢲႊݶछᘲ־ှĞKenneth Radnofskyğă઼࡚გሄ೭͜܆؉ႬĞFredrick Fennellğă઼࡚ҘΔ̂ጯგሄ೭Ϋའ܆ąكĞStephen G. Petersonğă઼࡚ ϿӀᏚ̂ጯგሄ೭࣫ৼΫĞDonald Schleicherğă઼࡚֤֙֙೩̂ጯგሄ೭ ༃ႬĞRodney Wintherğă઼࡚ځκᛂ྿эϲ̂ጯგሄିݷҹąߟΞ͈ĞCraig kirchhoffğă઼ڱЩᖠҹࢲႊݶछ͛ą̂ĞVincent Davidğ̈́ҹ౻ᇇąᇇษ ĞClaude Delangleğăᇇ઼ᅚგሄဥĞGerman Brassğăࡻ઼೭छॾٛąߦΫপ ĞDouglas Bostockğă͟ώ೭छѱ፨щ͈ࡔ̋ࡌ̈́ޜඈĄ 88ѐ7͡10͟ώဥᑕԧዸܑܧݑ̈́ဋ̝ࠧᔛኛĂ̶Ҿٺ7͡14͟ฟ̂ጯ͐প ᆐੰĂ7͡16͟ࢵౌӀћӀ઼ֲछᆐੰ࣎Чႊ˘ಞĂஎᒔ̚γလᄼ˘рෞĂјΑ ۞ͽჟቜ۞გሄᜬजĂд઼̝̚Ϲ߹˯ౄָྖĄ98ѐՀצᔛ݈ـΔִણΐ2009Δ ઼ִᅫგሄ༼ซҖ̼͛Ϲ߹ణયĂ7͡15͟൳˯ΔִЩ۞ܑႊᘹఙ໒ૅę઼छ̂ᆐ ੰࢵႊĂ7͡16̚͟δࢰሄጯੰࢰ̚ܢሄះซҖጯఙϹ߹ႊĂܳซثგሄଐኖĄ 99ѐ짒103ѐܢనგሄဥ݈ซ७֭எˢઐฏ̈́խડ֟ႊęࢍѣˣˣࢲխϥ΅гડăᄂ ̚୨̋ăݑԸะะăं֧ă֘ṽă֧ͪăڌލհ̜ฏඈࣧҝϔొརĂͽ̈́ᗓफ̼͛ܝܛ ͕̚Ă֭ฯăᄂݑăၓ̼ăᄂ̚ăາѻăॿăᄂΔăመസăქफăܝܛඈႾႯႊ ͽࢰሄஐ̼צЖˠ͕֗ីĂѩγࠎםӄ˘ॡᄱᔏڱშ̝Ϛཋ͌ܦѐೇᕩۤົࢫҲϚཋ தĄࠁგሄିरૈၓ̼͌ѐᅃֈੰăॿ͌ѐᅃֈੰăྕϒ̚ጯ̈́ځว̚ጯგሄဥĂ ֭ٺώဥႊݶះᓝᏱᓑЪࢰሄົĂૻ̼צЖˠҋ͕ܫĄ ࠎֹጯϠϺਕѣ፟ົ௮ካனಞႊĂֶፂጯ७ಞгఢထ̰ވሄဥ ٺέ̚ξͪડ઼ͪ ̈ăڌ๕ડາ઼̈ăЬ֧ડЬ઼֧̈ă͉πડޙπ઼̈ă֧̂ડ઼̮̂̈ăন͟ડಁ ઼ࣴ̈ă̂ևડ઼̂̈مႊĂར၁ࢰሄିֈ̝ૄϮĄϏֽܢనგሄဥᔛኛՀк઼ᅫ ۢЩࢰሄछᓑੀႊĂ֭გሄ̝࡚ͽՀк̮͞ёӔனٺᄂ៉Ч࣎֎རĄ 072 ઼ᄂϹࢰሄ౹үࢍ൪߿જ̈́࠹ᙯۍ ᘹఙᕩฏNTSO Caravan 2014ѐ 10/18Ğ̱ğ14:30 ઼ϲາപᘹఙ̚ႊᘹះ 10/19Ğ͟ğ14:30 ၓ̼Ꭹ˟ڒᗉϲဦ३ᐡႊᘹះ ೭Ėૺָᙶ 2015ѐ 3/28Ğ̱ğ19:30 ፘՈ̼͛ڒᐡႊᘹះ 3/29Ğ͟ğ14:30 ᄂ̚ξϲപડᘹఙ͕̚ႊᘹះ 073 NTSO ઼ᅫ͌ܦѐგؽሄᒉ ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥ۞ഁഇ͌ܦѐგؽሄᒉĂҋ1992ѐᏱநҌ̫̏ѣ˟˩кѐ ۞።ΫĂಝჍ઼̰ѣຽّ̈́ᇾّ۞ഁഇࢰሄᒉฤĂϺߏ೩઼ֻ̰ጯ ௫ጡሄႊܦ۞ݶѐጯ̄ჟซႊݶԫਕ۞ࢦࢋ߿જ̝˘ĂഇᖣϤࢰሄᒉк̮ ኝĂឰણᄃ۞ጯࣶវរဥฤЪү۞ࢦࢋّćγᚱጯࣶ۞ણᄃឰጯࣶᄮᙊ ᄃវᄮк̮۞઼ᅫ̼͛Ϲ߹Ą ܕѐֽĂࠎ˞ᕖ̂Ϲ߹ᆸࢬᄃቚјड़Ăरྤ۞ૻ̼ᄃ٢Ϡᛈ֎۞٤णߏώ ဥࢰሄᒉ൴ण۞ࢦࢋᖼតĄ2009ѐĂ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥ͌ܦѐგؽሄ ᒉ۞ఢሀᕖणјፖྭˬثг۞઼̂ݭᅫࢰሄᒉĂАޢᔛኛ˞ॠ࡚̈೩ൣछ ࡧ˜̮АϠăາΐᚱܦѐ೭छ߸ላБАϠă፫߷ᚱරཱྀ೭छౘϒࣰА ϠඈĂ2012ѐϤ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥ۞ዸဥᘹఙछିܪߌڒତഔᅳĂ АޢඕЪ˞ֽҋ˯ঔࢰሄጯੰ᐀ൣր۞րЇՂિିĂͽ̈́Їᖚ઼࡚ٺ৸ ࡗ̂ౌົႇᆐੰგؽሄဥ۞ሄဥࢵयྜፍିڂĂֽᄂፉЇࢰሄᒉ۞ࢰݶ ሄछĂՀᔛะ˞઼ᅫЧ̂ϹᜩሄဥፉЇࢦࢋႊᖚચ۞රˠࢰሄछඈĂВТ Ըˢώဥࢰሄᒉ۞ะᄃିጯ̍үĂഇֹણΐώဥࢰሄᒉ۞ጯࣶࣇஎגវរ ઼ᅫᖚຽ৺ࢰሄछٙᑕ౯۞ၗޘăۢᙊᄃԫਕćࢰሄᒉ઼ٺϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥ ᙳपဥӬԆјะޢĂՀ֟ਫ਼ЧгซҖј۞ڍणႊĂႊ࿆̈́ྫ֖ݶঔ̰γĂ 2010ѐൺൺ۞ˬѐมĂӈ݈ـΒӣᄂΔ઼छࢰሄះăᄂ̚̚Ꮈૅă઼ϲᄂ ៉Ϲᜩሄဥႊݶះăᄂݑξϲᄂ͕̼͛̚ݑႊᘹះăݑԸ͟͡ሔͪۤቅᐝă ઼̂̚ౙ۞ΔִࢰሄះăΔִ̚δ̳ࢰሄૅăΔִ̚δࢰሄੰࢰ̚ܢሄ ះă͇ߺࢰሄះăᇃ̋̚ڌξ̼͛ᘹఙ͕̂̚ᆐੰăݣႬᑺࢰሄះඈгᏱந ֟ਫ਼ࢰሄົĂјड़எᒔثሄጪ̝ؠۺޘĄ 2013ѐĂώᒉฤᖼ઼ࠎݭᅫࢰሄᒉĂੵ˞ᕖ઼̂ᅫጯϠણΐˠᇴγĂՀ ؼឦ઼ٺᅫۢЩሄဥЇᖚࢦࢋႊᖚҜ۞ᐹսࢰሄछĂͽ઼̈́ᅫሄጪ̚ࢦ ࢋгҜ۞ࢰሄछΐˢώࢰሄᒉ۞रྤཏĂΒӣ઼࡚̂ౌົႇᆐੰგؽሄဥ۞ ሄဥࢵयྜፍڂĞDavid CHANğă˯ঔࢰሄጯੰିܿᚊोă઼ϲᄂΔᘹ ఙ̂ጯି؟ჰᆯă઼࡚̂ౌົႇᆐੰგؽሄဥௐ˘̈೩ൣ۞֙ځपă઼࡚ ཐгͰ࣯Ϲᜩሄဥ݈̚೩ൣࢵयౘ֏ăࢶപຑሄგؽሄဥ̚೩ൣࢵयࣝព ড়ă઼࡚ࠃՉᒧຑሄგؽሄဥ݈̂೩ൣӄநࢵय߸ώࣖă઼छϹᜩሄဥܜ ࢵयщᇇϮă݈ࢶപຑሄგؽሄဥᗕᖊგࢵयเᐃăᄂΔξϲϹᜩሄဥ݈ ဥܜၱҲࢰგࢵयषछዽă઼࡚ҹ֧͈ᜋგؽሄဥཱི̈ࢵय౪ҹąᖠ؈ ĞMichael Sachsğăࢶപຑሄგؽሄဥࢵ઼ཱིڱयѯᚿඈĂഇֹጯࣶਕд઼ ᅫڤಛ̚࠹̢Ϲ߹ĂϏֽᒉฤͽૈֈ઼ᅫّࢰሄˠ̖ᔙซĄ 074 ઼ᄂϹࢰሄ౹үࢍ൪߿જ̈́࠹ᙯۍ ႶᏴಡЩॡม 2015Ɵ1젡3͡ ႶᏴ͟ഇ 2015Ɵ4젡5͡ ะ͟ഇăгᕇ 2015ഁā઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥ ŏ߿જྎଐΩ̳οٺώဥშ৭ 075 NTSO 1992 Leon J. Bly Æolus Clément Saunier Lindsey Smith 23 2015 1 3 2015 4 5 2015 076 ઐᅈጯ७७γ ᘹ͛ିጯ ළѰщড় ęαѐ৺ ฏ̚ϔ઼ ݑԸᎩ̥ຑ ն ͵ ă Ϝ ᇊ ጱҁरም *ώࢱͯ೩ֻ / ݑԸᎩܫཌྷฏາฏ઼̈ ݑԸᎩ̥ຑ ฏ̚ϔ઼ ęαѐ৺ ጱҁरም ा ᇊϜă͵ ն ৺ԇځ ѐ ̈ęα ̚ϒ઼ ն ̥ຑฏ ͵ Ꭹ Ը ݑ Ϝă रምᇊ ጱҁ ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥᄃ઼ϲ̍ᘹࡁ տ൴ण͕̚ҋ2011ѐඉரᓑ ༖ĂޙϲЪүିጯ፟טĂనࢍк ᇹ̼ă߿ሐ̼ᄃдг̼۞͗γᘹ ͛ିጯĂ೩ֻઐᅈѺዶٙጯ७ޅ ආՀк̮ᘹ͛ו፬ᄃ၁ᅫវរጯ ௫Ăឰᘹ࡚͛ጯШ˭ॲĂར၁ ᘹఙିֈϖᜈ൴ण۞ϫᇾĂ֞ ̫Ğ2014ѐğВѣ230ٙጯ७ă 14066ҜरϠણᄃĄ 077 103ѐޘNTSO रϠሄТҖ 078 ઼ᄂϹࢰሄ౹үࢍ൪߿જ̈́࠹ᙯۍ ˘ăϫāā۞ĖࠎૈዳጯϠΟࢰሄڟካਕ˧Ăώဥٺ103ѐ ޘᏱநरϠሄТҖ߿જĂᔛኛᄂ̚ξ઼ϔ̈ ጯጯϠણణࢰሄ̼͛ડ̈́௮ካϹᜩሄဥႊ Ă྿јᘹఙିֈϖᜈ൴ण۞ϫᇾĄ ˟ăጱಏҜĖ̼͛ొ ˬăᏱಏҜĖ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥ αăםᏱಏҜĖᄂ̚ξ߆ିعֈԊ ̣ăણΐ၆෪Ėᄂ̚ξ઼ϔ̈ጯ̚ăѐ৺ጯϠ̈́ିरĄ ̱ă߿જгᕇĖ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥ Ğᄂ̚ξᙳपડ̚ϒྮ738-2ཱིğ ˛ă߿જॡม̰̈́टĞВ6ಞѨğĈ ಡЩ ͟ഇƟॡม ಞѨ ߿જ̰ट 09͡18Ğαğ ௐ˘ಞ ࢰሄົ௮ካ Ɩ ࢰሄ̼͛ડጱᜓ 350ˠ 08:40-11:30 ௐ˟ಞ ࢰሄ̼͛ડጱᜓ Ɩ ࢰሄົ௮ካ 350ˠ 10͡16Ğαğ ௐˬಞ ࢰሄົ௮ካ Ɩ ࢰሄ̼͛ડጱᜓ 350ˠ 08:40-11:30 ௐαಞ ࢰሄ̼͛ડጱᜓ Ɩ ࢰሄົ௮ካ 350ˠ 12͡18Ğαğ ௐ̣ಞ ࢰሄົ௮ካ Ɩ ࢰሄ̼͛ડጱᜓ 350ˠ 08:40-11:30 ௐ̱ಞ ࢰሄ̼͛ડጱᜓ Ɩ ࢰሄົ௮ካ 350ˠ ˠᇴ ˣăႊѡϫ ཀྵӀॾĈĮϩႬܛįѡௐ˘ཱིĂүݡ46 E. Grieg:ņPeer GyntŇSuite No. 1, Op.46 ұा / በѡĈĮҘְ߇ݱįᏴო L. Bernstein / arr. by L. Mason:ņWest Side StoryŇSelections ॻࡊ͈ૄĈIJᄅѡijĂᏴҋĮჂ࡚ˠįѡ P. I. Tchaikovsky:ńThe Waltz' fromņThe Sleeping Beauty SuiteŇ 079 C oncert Hall 91 12 1 25db 28db WESTLAKE SONY 413 080 738-2 Musicians Introduction ࢰ ሄ छ ̬ ĶݵκĮՆᜋѧ̳į۞ཏிಞഀ࠹༊Ӵ៍ĂࢰሄநຽĂࢰᜩᘕഝĂ ֱౌࢋᕩΑ·ٺ႕߿˧۞઼࡚೭ރႬĂܐѨࣖ࠹ܪಶᒔјΑĂனಞ ៍ிӮಡͽሤଐ۞ೠᓏĄķęࣖĮ៍၅छಡį кӀщąރႬࠎұाᙯܝԙ̝̄˘Ă˟˩α໐ॡ̜ٺ౪Ⴌࡊ઼ᅫ ೭̂ᔈ၈ᜨᐝ֎Ğ1989ğ̝ޢĂд઼ᅫ೭̂ᔈٙ̚Ш٣ᙴĂВो˭˝ีረ ळĂΒ߁Ѽপᘲگ೭̂ᔈĞฮĂ1996ğă͋ᇇٛ֙೭̂ᔈĞؒܠ প̜Ă1994ğăћΙκκ೭̂ᔈĞཌྷ̂ӀĂ1990Ă1992ğͽ̈́Ҙ֓߹̀ ೭̂ᔈĞᄿႬ֙ૄĂ1995ğඈඈĄ ރႬഅಶ઼࡚ለߦࢰڒሄੰĞ࣒᐀ൣᘹఙΫğăОௐщৼ̂ጯăҘ ॲ̂ጯăჯ˵ৼࢰሄੰĞ࣒೭ğĂҌ̫̏གྷ೭࿅͵ࠧЧг˘Ѻк࣎Ϲᜩ ሄဥĄ Conductor: Dorian Wilson ೭ĖкӀщąރႬ 1963ѐϠٺѼᜋĂߟႬॅдѼᜋጯ௫᐀ൣă̈೩ൣүѡĂдჯ˵ৼጯ௫ ೭Ąѝѐͽ̈೩ൣछ̝ݻдгӀᇴ̰࣎ވሄဥ̍үĂͽᓏሄጱ۞̶֗߿ ٺΔཌྷ̂ӀЧ࣎ႇᆐੰĄ 1986ѐĂߟႬॅٺཌྷ̂ӀϿࡠҘܐѨેഔႇᆐĮਮ̃܅įᇃצрෞĄ 1996ѐॡјࠎՆ͈ႇᆐੰዸੰ೭Ă2000ѐҌ2006ѐĂߟႬॅፉЇ ᇇ઼ڱႬਲᆐੰࢰሄᓁႾĂ̝ޢତЇᇇಢຑሄࢰሄᓁႾćдᇇಢຑሄ Їᖚ۞αѐഇมĂߟႬॅ่̙೭ႇᆐ˵೭ధкࢰሄົĂႊѡϫஉᄏ˞ҋ ˩˛͵ࡔ۞ࡔ͵˝˩זགྷϹᜩሄѡĄ 2007ѐҌ2013ѐĂߟႬॅፉЇᛂॾᜋႇᆐੰࢰሄᓁႾĂٺຑ˚ಢֲ༃ࢰሄះ ̈́ॾ࣯ٛξ߆ះ೭кಞᓛۉˠ˾۞ႇᆐ̈́ࢰሄົĂ಼̂೩̿˞ᛂॾᜋႇᆐ ੰдࡻ઼۞ᓏ୕Ą Conductor: Francesco Corti ೭Ėڱᜋ̷ΞąߟႬॅ ĶӓАϠд˘ޢ۞ܑனܧ૱ҒĂ༊೭Ϋপٛ͛ૄ۞܁ᓡࢰሄĮͫ ౧įॡĂ֤ᐹฮăᓾտ۞͘๕ခᄅ˞ሄဥ۞ሤଐĄ ķęĮΐࠃॡಡį Ϥ̏߇Щरष̥ିୁᄋĂ࿅ΝᇴѐมдЧ࣎̂र྆ᒔ˘гؠۺĂ тRodney Winther, Andreas Delfs, ӕလ, Nicolas Pasquet, Dominique RoitsĄ д2012ѐĂצᔛણᄃ̣˩ˬރبႳՂপࢰሄጯੰ̂रĂᾯރႳ ٺିצNicolas PasquetĂ֭̂ٺरഇมଵቚࡠोຑሄĞJena Philharmonic OrchestrağĄ 2013ѐĂӓᕞцᒔ̣˩ˬॹ֓ب઼ᅫܦѐ೭̂ᔈࢵረă៍ிረă̈́ ሄဥረޢĂ֭ᒔ͵ࠧЧгۢЩሄဥ̈́ᘹఙགྷࡔ۞ᔛࡗĂ2014ѐ5͡Ăצ ᔛٺMusical Olympus International Festival೭St. Petersburg Symphony OrchestraĂੵѩ̝γՀצᔛ೭Orchestre National de Lorraine, Orchestre National de Bordeaux, Opera National de Bordeaux, L' Orchestre de Douai, Conductor: Yao-Yu Wu ೭Ėӓᕞц Vienna Chamber Orchestra, Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, ઼ छϹᜩሄဥăᄂΔξϲϹᜩሄဥͽ઼̈́ϲᄂ៉ϹᜩሄဥĄ 087 Musicians ೭छ⮞มഅдۢЩࢰሄᒉᑪॾĞTanglewood ğ̚ᐌұाă̈፨فႬ ̈́ΫٛপܛĞLeonard Slatkinğඈ̂रጯ௫Ăдࢰሄᘹఙ˯۞̖ਕᅳጱਕ˧ ౯צ៘ϫĂಈᝌۡତᄃ៍ிϹ߹ĂӀϡιૻধ۞ຏߖ˧็྿၆ࢰሄ۞ຏજĄ ۿΐ࣯ኢጪಡሄෞഅᄲĈĶ⮞ม۞ࢰሄዩፁ៍ி۞̰͕ីᅿķĄ⮞甬剱 ͈ٺ2010ѐ8͡짒2014ѐ7͡ѐፉЇ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥདϡ೭ĂഅЇҘฮဦ BellevueຑሄგؽሄဥăࡊᘲٛкFort CollinsϹᜩሄဥĂϿӀᏚFox ValleyϹ ᜩሄဥࢰሄᓁႾĂމय೭࿅ཐكϹᜩሄဥă࣯රϹᜩሄဥăᇇ֧ຑሄ Ϲᜩሄဥă෴̰ވϹᜩሄဥඈĂ֖ྫ࿆ο͵ࠧЧгĄ Conductor: Fusao Kajima ೭Ė⮞甬剱ᇂ ֽҋᄂ៉۞࡚ᚱ̈೩ൣछܪߌڒĂ߹Ӏ۞ႊݶԫμ̈́රᚊ۞ࢰሄ̖ਕд઼ ᅫֳѣૣ۞࡚Ăੵ˞ᄃன̫ࢋ۞გؽሄဥЪүႊĂ۞ൣᓏ˵ॡ૱ னٺ̰ވົݶሄࢰሄົ̚Ą2000ѐࢰሄ઼࡚ᗔᄫĞMusical Americağ ЩࠎܪߌڒѐޘጡሄႊݶछቑĂ֗ࠎLa Jollaࢰሄ༼۞ࢰሄᓁႾĂࠃՉᒧॡ ಡಡጱܪߌڒĶԯΩ˘ॎጬˠ͕߄ᇥו፬۞າຏءրЕ˞ซֽķĄܪߌڒ അࠎາ˧ΟăDeccaăOndineăNaxosBISᄦүᐂࢰĂࢰሄᏭ˵അᒔ بཀྵ࡚ረ೩ЩĄҋ1991ѐјࠎఆֲࢰሄጯੰ۞ЇିĂ˵ΐˢ Rice University۞Shepherd School of MusicፉЇିᖚĄ Conductor /Violin: Cho-Liang Lin ೭Ɵ̈೩ൣĖܪߌڒ 2011젡2014ѐ7͡Ї઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥᘹఙᜪય۞ͪᖡĂ2007ତЇ࣯ώॲݣຑ ሄࢵय೭Ă֭ଂ1997ѐฟؕಶߏາΐϹᜩሄဥࢰሄᓁႾĂᅳጱྍဥེត ࠎ͵ࠧ৺ሄဥĂႊྫ֖ݶኼ࿆ለֲ࡚̈́߷Ă֭ᄃBISᘪ˭छᐂࢰЪࡗĄͪᖡ ࠎBISᐂᄦ࿅20ૺCDĂᐂࢰူҡΒ߁̈́ܪߌڒआ႔ĞGil ShahamğඈۢЩ ݶछĂᏭĮજၗįᒔ2008ѐཀྵ࡚ረ೩ЩĂ೭࣯ώॲݣຑሄ۞ݶםѡ Ꮽ˫ᒔ2012ѐཀྵ࡚ረ೩ЩĄ2011/12ሄ؞ᅳາΐϹᜩሄဥԆјٛᄿႳκ Ꮪ͈ϹᜩѡБะᐂᄦĂ˵ᅳ࣯ώॲݣຑሄԆј֓к܆БะᐂᄦĂĮ઼࡚ભͯ ݑįჍߏĶᅳሄဥॢ̿ࠎ͵ࠧ৺۞೭̂रķĄͪᖡ˵ᒔ̀گ̂ጯ ۞७̓ረ̈́າΐ۞ᓁ̼͛ረĂࢰሄјಶᇃؠۺࠧ͵צĄ Conductor: Lan Shui ೭Ėͪᖡ 088 M u s i c i a n s I n t r o d u c t i o n Introduction ഼ႳąᄏႬனЇο྿ׂგؽሄဥĞBudapest Concert Orchestra MAVğࢰ ሄᓁႾ̈́ՂপࢰሄੰĞFerenc Liszt Academy of Musicğ೭րЇିĄ ି࿅۞ጯϠ༊̚Ăѣధкֽޢјࠎ઼ᅫ೭̂ᔈ۞ረ۰Ą ᄏႬགྷ૱צᔛމय೭Ăႊ֖ྫ࿆̈́ለ߷ࢋݱξ઼࡚̈́Ą1990ѐд࡚ ઼̜Ң۞ࡊᘲٛкࢰሄ༼ፉЇމय೭ĂజෞኢࠎྍѐјΑ۞ႊ̝˘Ą 1991ѐצᔛፉЇο྿઼ׂᅫࢰሄ༼ࢵय೭Ą ੵ˞Տѐᅳο྿ׂგؽሄဥ֟ਫ਼ለ߷ႊ25Ҍ30ಞࢰሄົĂᄏႬ˵གྷ૱ ّ۞ፉЇߦڒϹᜩሄဥ̈́ЛͰӀຑሄგؽሄဥ۞މय೭Ą˵അᅳૄᅃϹ ᜩሄဥٺఈᜋႊĞ1999ğĄ1999ѐҌ2000ѐ̝มᅳο྿ׂგؽሄဥ д઼࡚̈́ఈᜋࢦࢋݱξ֟ਫ਼ႊ࿅20ಞ۞ࢰሄົĂӮזצሤধਫ਼ᜩĄ 1998ѐ3͡ЛͰӀ̼͛ొᙑගᄏႬՂপረౢĂՀΐ۞ؠۺᘹఙјಶĄ Conductor: Tamás Gál ೭Ė഼ႳąᄏႬ ĺ࠻זఄ۞ڔڌႊĂԧࣇϲӈ˞ྋࠎ̦ᆃы۞ሄဥᅮࢋ˘Ҝ೭ĄĻę ڱᜋҹ๗ಡ ĺఄڔڌ၆ࢰҒᄃߛၹមˠ۞ೠଠ˧Ă̈́ќٸҋт۞ଐຏܑனĂගԧࣇᖳಱ ۞ីຏĄĻę֣֓ॾڱᜋҹ͟ಡ ᇇ઼ઙ̂ᔈᄃοΐઙপ೭̂ᔈఄڔڌĂࠎ઼ࣘᅫෛ̈́ᄅᄂ۞າ Ϡᄂ៉೭छĂᒔረ઼̰ޢγᔛࡗ̙ᕝĂ֖ྫ࿆Ҷለֲ࡚ˬ߷Ąഅᄃᇇ઼֣ ֓ॾϹᜩሄဥăᇇ઼ο̰ވຑሄăᇇ઼ރႳႇᆐੰăᇇ઼ࡠोຑሄă࡚̈́ ઼͐Ⴌ۞ᇝϹᜩሄဥඈဥЪүĂٺᄂ៉അᄃ઼छϹᜩሄဥăᄂΔξϲϹᜩሄဥ ඈЪүĂ֭അፉЇ2011ѐ͉ጆᅦࢰሄ༼ᓁ೭Ą 2013ѐؕॠاᇇ઼Ă6͡ϤБ60઼400ዶҜ೭̚௲᎖҃Ăဳઙ઼ᅫ ೭̂ᔈ˟ረĂӈᒔEdinburgh International Festivalຑ˚ಢ઼ᅫᘹఙ༼ᓁႾ Jonathan MillsᏐҋᔛኛٺ8͡ซዸᘹఙ༼Ą Conductor: Tung-Chieh Chuang ೭Ėఄڔڌ ᄂΔຑሄனЇዸဥ೭͇ڒРĂآᜋᎩˠĂலຽ઼ٺϲᄂΔᘹఙ̂ጯࡁտٙĂ ̣໐ॡฟؕጯ௫̈೩ൣĂ͇ڒР၇Ѩд઼̰ࢰሄͧᔈ̚ᒔረĂ֭ѣᖳಱ۞઼ ᅫͧᔈགྷរĂੵݶăݶםγĂ˵ሤਾ̰ވٺሄႊĂߏ઼̰ໂࠎ߿۞̈೩ ൣႊݶछ̈́೭छĄ ͇ڒРѝഇдᄂΔ͵ࡔϹᜩሄဥፉЇሄဥࢵयॡĂܮ၆೭யϠᎸĂΐˢᄂ ΔຑሄޢĂ۞ࢰሄ̖රϲגஎצқӀąࣰٙ፬ካĄࣰᄮࠎ͇ڒР̙Ϊߏ дጡሄႊܑ˯ݶனҒĂ၆ሄဥ۞ೠ೪ᄃᖐϺ࠹༊ୂዟĂѣјࠎ˘Щᐹս ೭۞ሕ˧Ą֗ࠎࣰˢވԙ̄Ă͇ڒРஎ̂र఼ᖎࢋ۞೭͘ڱᄃஎՔ ଊᅈ۞ࢰሄৠលĄ่่̙ଂࣰ֗˯ጯ௫ז೭۞ԫμĂдࢰሄ̰உăᘹఙ ඈඈЧ͞ࢬ۞৵ዳ˵ѣБࢬّ۞ᒃߖĄ Conductor: Paul Tien-Chi Lin ೭Ė͇ڒР 089 ࢰ ሄ छ ̬ Musicians ጽྚܜᛖႝሄࠁ̂ݭү۞ݡκႬĂጾѣᖳಱкត۞ѡϫĂ͍ߏ၆Ϩ̀ ࡁտஎˢĂĮᓏ፟ᗔᄫįഅෞኢĶͽჟቁБࢬ۞ᄲ˧ڇዼ฿ࢰሄॆ۞ ݈Җć۞ࢰሄቁ၁ᛈ̈́˞Ϩ̀ٙЋ࠽۞ৠᙶă߿˧ࣘ۞ဩࠧĊķ೭ ࿅ࣖă͐ጌăͧᐁοથ̂ງăۿΐ࣯ăݱăҹ֧͈ᜋă৸ࡗຑሄඈ͵ࠧ ˘߹ሄဥĄ ჟٺЪભཐሄᅳાĂ֭അдт৸ࡗ̂ౌົႇᆐੰăۿΐ࣯Դଐႇᆐੰă͐ጌ ႇᆐੰඈк͵ࠧࢋႇᆐ໒ૅႊĂ೭֓к܆ĮఄᚑᑓᇩįăঔĮ౹͵ ࡔįă͐ᄿĮ͉צᙱѡįඈͽ၁ڶᐂᇆ൴ҖրЕDVDĂдDGભͯ൴Җ۞ᔹ ᇇႬႇᆐĮ༃ᓡįᒔཀྵ࡚ረĂࠎEratoᐂᄦ۞Ϩ̀ႇᆐĮ֓ჴකᄃώκ ࢚ҹįᒔ˽ࢰܛ઼ڱረĄ Conductor: John Nelson ೭ĖࡗᎰąκႬ ڒ๔Ă1987ѐϠٺᄂ៉έڌξĂϫ݈Їᖚٺᇇ઼ࡊοࣖਲ۞ຑሄ̝ ӄந೭˘ᖚĄ˩̱໐ॡᅈгӀཀྵٛਬጯ௫̈೩ൣĂᐌޢ҂פཀྵٛਬ઼ϲ ࢰሄၱܑႊᘹఙ̂ጯ೭րĂरଂMartin SieghartĂּ֭јࠎྍր༊ѐѐ ᅅ۞ጯϠĄ2010ѐ˵അགྷፉЇ̂रGünther HerbigᄃNSO઼छϹᜩሄဥ̝ நӄந˘ᖚĄ അགྷЪү࿅۞ሄဥѣĈᇇ઼MDRͧᐁᇃᇫϹᜩሄဥăᇇ઼઼छຑሄă ଥҹฮৼҹຑሄăΔଥҹຑሄඈ࿅˟˩࣎ለ߷ֲ̈́߷ሄဥĄ ڒ๔അᒔ۞ረีѣĈ2014ᇇ઼ͧᐁᅅႇᆐ̂ᔈĶ៍ிረķć2011گᜋ ௐ̣بጆћ͈ٛૄ઼ᅫܦѐ೭̂ᔈ̚ଂα˩ˬ઼࣎छ̚௲᎖҃Ăᒔ ௐ3ЩĂТॡזĶෞᆶረķᗝγረć2010д઼ϲᄂ៉ϹᜩሄဥٙᓝᏱ̝ ೭̂ᔈ̚ो˭ௐ2Щͽ̈́ᗝγ۞ĶሄဥረķĶ઼ָˠүྚݡᛖረķ̂ረ ีĄ Conductor: Chin-Chao Lin ೭Ėڒ๔ ܲᘲąΟᇇࠎˠჍ۞ߏĂ၆ٙѣॡ۞ࢰሄጾѣָ۞நྋᄃྚᛖਕ ˧Ă۞ႊѡϫ࠹༊ᇃھĂ҃ͷ၆༊ࢰሄᛝಱᎸĄሤຑॡࢲॾᏉ ˢ็۞გؽሄĂ౹ౄপҒ˫ᖳಱкត۞ܑႊ̰टĄϫ݈ፉЇΐэΙ Ⴌ͐۞༼ݣᘹఙᓁႾᄃ೭Ą ܲᘲႊ۞ϹᜩሄѡϫᇃھĂഅགྷ೭࿅ధкЩ۞ሄဥтĈBBCຑሄăұ ځցξϲϹᜩሄဥăݱϹᜩሄဥͽ̈́͐ЂӀֲᇃᇫϹᜩሄဥඈඈĄ ܲᘲᐂᄦ۞Ꮽ̚ѣˬૺᒔ઼࡚ཀྵ࡚ረᄃࡻ઼ᓏ፟̂ረ۞೩ЩĂࠎ Harmonia Mundiભ̳ͯΦᐂᄦғႬΐ۞ĮႇѡįՀߏ̂צрෞĄ кѐֽ˵ፉЇοጆႬ۞ϿᚊϨ̃࠱̂ᔈ۞ؠഇމळ೭ĄܲᘲąΟᇇ д2007ᒔᇇ઼ݣઙݱ൴۞ᔹᇇႬၷረĂͽܑೳ၆ᔹᇇႬүמ۞ݡ ႊĄ Conductor: Paul Goodwin ೭ĖܲᘲąΟᇇ 090 M u s i c i a n s I n t r o d u c t i o n Introduction ፫̂Ӏֲරཱྀ᐀ൣछ̂ჯĂ৵ͽᐹฮჟቜ۞ԫμ̈́எྐޘຍ۞ྚᛖჷЩሄ ጪĄഅགྷдధк઼ᅫࢰሄ̂ᔈ̚ဳረĂΒ߁ϿᚊϨ̃࠱઼ᅫࢰሄ̂ᔈ Ğ2013ğĂጆᄼ઼ᅫ᐀ൣ̂ᔈĞ2008Ăၷᒔָంϑপݶםѡႊݶă ָ̰ވሄႊݶᗕफ़ረีğĂ͔ሄጪᙯڦĄ ৸ࡗॡಡሄෞჍ̂ჯ۞ႊݶĶҾॾࢲăܑ྿ķĂࠃՉᒧॡಡ៙ ጾѣĶཉႷ۞͇ЊķĄܕѐֽĂЪү۞၆෪Ăੵ˞፫߷ώг۞ࢋሄ ဥĂтግႬώằٿᜋăౠ୨Ϲᜩሄဥ̝γĂϺצᔛፉЇͽҒЕ̰ވሄဥăͽ ҒЕຑሄăࠃՉᒧ̰ވሄဥăͧӀॡ઼छგؽሄဥăϞษκֲ࠱छ̰ވሄဥă ཐгͰ࣯Ϲᜩăᖞ̋ܛϹᜩඈሄဥ۞މयࢰሄछĄ ̂ჯߏࠃՉᒧߟႬώࢰሄጯੰ۞ࢵҜ᐀ൣலຽϠĂனࠎΫ઼ރᅫᘹఙछĄ Piano: David Fung ᐀ൣĖ̂ჯ Ķ˘Ҝৌϒ۞ࢰሄछķę ғᖠҹąΫ ώ͵ࡔᙷ٥ප۞ݑ᐀ൣछዒ̋Ăߏ1980ѐௐ˩بරՒᏂ઼֣ᅫ᐀ൣ̂ ᔈࢵረĂ˵ߏௐ˘Ҝᒔѩॳ݄অၷ۞ֲ߷᐀ൣछĄ ҋᒔᏂ֣᐀ൣ̂ᔈࢵረޢĂዒ̋̏АצޢᔛҌ࿅α˩઼࣎छႊĂдۢЩ ۞৸ࡗ͕̚ۺڒă͐ጌࡠࢰሄះăჯ˵ৼຑሄܛົםҒ̂ះăؒܠপ̜ ̂ົૅăౠ୨ႇᆐੰăˬִڌӀះඈгႊĄዒ̋Ϻͽݶछ̶֗צᔛᄃ ధк͵ࠧ৺ሄဥЪүĂтЕှॾઙຑሄăBBCຑሄăұځցξϲϹᜩሄဥăᇇ ઙ൳ຑሄăߦ઼ڒछႇᆐੰგؽሄဥăNHKϹᜩሄဥăඈЪүႊĄ ዒ̋۞ႊݶᏭĂϤᇇ઼ᇇຍԠᓏ̳፟ΦDeutsche Grammophone ĞDGğă݈ᛂᓑ઼ѣભ̳ͯΦMelodiyaăگᜋ઼ᒉભ̳ͯΦPolskie Nagraniaă͟ώCBS Sonyભ̳ͯΦăΐो̂ભ̳ͯΦAnalekta ̈́͟ώJVCભ ̳ͯΦඈᐂᄦ൴ҖĄ Piano: Dang Thai Son ᐀ൣĖዒ̋ ᆒܫԈĂᒔ઼࡚ර̂ጯࢰሄ౾̀Ăϫ݈ڇચٺέݑৠጯੰ--ିົࢰሄրٙ ۞ЇઘିၱրٙЇă֭ࣘЇି઼ٺϲᄂΔᘹఙ̂ጯă˵ፉЇᄂ៉ૄ༛ ܜҁିົᓁົ--ᖃᆇᄃିົࢰሄ؎ࣶົ؎ࣶăέ͐ܝڌݑҹᖃࡔࢰົିهሄ ЇĄТॡĂ˵ߏ઼࡚გࢲൣႊݶछᓑ༖ĞAmerican Guild of Organistğ۞ ົࣶᄃᄂ៉გࢲൣົםநְĄ2002 ѐഅజΐो̂TriumphEnt Foundationෞኢ ࠎ༊̫ᐹս۞ܦѐგࢲൣछ̝˘Ąҋ2009ѐፉЇះੰგࢲൣᏐ̄ࢰ ሄົᜪયĂ݈͟˵ТॡፉЇฯڠᒉგࢲൣ؎ࣶົΡะˠĂڌލᎩ߆͛ع ̼ႊᘹះᎸ̍ޙგࢲൣ؎ࣶĄ Electric Organ: Hsin-Hung Tony Liu ̄გࢲൣĖᆒܫԈ 091 ࢰ ሄ छ ̬ Musicians ϠٺᄂΔĂ̈ጯலຽޢӈͽྤኬᐹளආ֗Њ઼ጯĂͽБᗝረጯܛᐹ ள۞ܑனலຽ઼࡚ٺ೩ࢰሄੰࡠጆ̂ጯࡁտٙĂдࡠጆ̂ጯॡՀᗕ࣒ࢰ ሄޙࡊրĄ ႊྐͽࢬ͞ݶˠਠ۞পࢲॾᎵ۞ྚᛖჍĂഅצᔛࠧ͵ٺЧ̂ࢰሄះ ႊĂ ֭Hilary Hahn,Nicola Benedetti, garner Quartet,Emerson Quartet, Kiri Te KanawaඈࢰሄछЪүĄ2004짒07ѐצདࠎܜ͕̚ۺڒዸ̰ވሄ᐀ൣ छĂߏᄂ៉˘ᒔѩঅၷ۞᐀ൣछĂЇ઼̰࡚ٺЧгႊ˯Ѻಞ֭ିᇴጯ ϠĄ2006ѐצདࠎ৸ࡗ̂ౌົႇᆐੰᓏሄጱӄந೭ĂЪү࿅۞ۢЩ ᓏሄछ೭छ̙ࢍᇴĂ˵ߏྍႇᆐੰΫ˯ௐ˘Ҝצད۞රˠĄ Piano: Pei-Yao Wang ᐀ൣĖͳׂႱ ͟ᚱ̈೩ൣछⷿώ̂ซĂ1979ѐϠࣖٺĄˬ໐ॡጯൣĂ̱໐ॡொا৸ ࡗĂѐᒔຑᇇරąࡗᎰąᏚ֓ႬૄົܛረጯܛĂјࠎ઼࡚ఆֲࢰሄੰА ࣒༴᛬ጯϠĄ˟˩໐Ăಶٺᇇ઼τಢࢰሄੰĂܑனᐹளĂᛏΟ ͈ąᔁҹረĄ ⷿώ̂ซдధк઼ᅫ̈೩ൣ̂ᔈ̚ӘଥĂࠎௐ̱بત৸Я઼ᅫ͌ܦѐ̈೩ൣ̂ ᔈĞࡻ઼Ă1993ğăࡊษ઼ᅫ̈೩ൣ̂ᔈĞᇇ઼Ă1994ğăҹઙ઼ᅫ̈ ೩ൣ̂ᔈĞჯ˵ৼĂ1996ğͽ̈́ษą೩౾̈೩ൣၱ᐀ൣ̂ᔈĞ͐ጌĂ1996ğ ඈЧ̂ࢰሄᔈְࢵረĄ ҋ2007ѐĂፉЇ͟ώĶLe Pontķ઼ᅫ̰ވሄࢰሄ༼ࢰሄᓁႾć2010ѐĂၷ ᓕߦڒຑሄௐ˘ሄဥࢵयĄ2012ѐĂⷿώ̂ซ˵ߏߦڒຑሄˣࢦࣶ˘۞ݶĄ ⷿώ̂ซֹϡ۞ሄጡࠎ1674ѐщᇇধ쟑ϝ؉֧ᄦү۞̈೩ൣĄ Violin: Daishin Kashimoto ̈೩ൣĖⷿώ̂ซ Ķଂᗕ͞ჟݵЪĂ˫ᐌ͕ٙ୬ăԆБҋϤ۞ႊ̚ݶणᜨĺᏘᗕ᐀ൣĻ۞ ᘹఙ࣒ዳķęᇇ઼ΟࢰሄᗔᄫĮFono Forumį ĶҜઈ̂۞᐀ൣछĂ่̙ጾѣᅖࠍԫμĂᔘਕჟቁܑ྿எ̰גஉķę Įݑᇇ͟ಡįĄ ĶĺᏘᗕ᐀ൣĻᒉౄ˘ৠཐ࡚ᚊ۞ڤಛĂೀͼឰˠԞ˞ॡม۞х дķĄęᇇຍԠᇃᇫέ เፍሪᄃለϿઙߏᇍκโࢰሄੰ݈ޢഇ۞ТጯĂࠎԈ͖ჯă⟫ఆฮপĞ˟ ˠࠎለ߷Щᗕ᐀ൣЪğҜ̂र۞ܝवĄ1999ѐغĂĶᏘᗕ᐀ൣķ̖ ࣣјĂѨѐಶזᇍκโARDࢰሄ̂ᔈᗕ᐀ൣௐ˟ЩָᒻĂତ˫д͵ ࠧࢦࢋ۞ᗕ᐀ൣ̂ᔈĂ઼࡚ྜᏚ͈ĞMurray Dranoffğ̂ᔈ̚ࢵဳረĄϫ ݈Ăˠ࠰ࠎгӀЯοጆҹ઼ϲࢰሄੰ۞᐀ൣିĄ Duo d' Accord Ꮨᗕ᐀ൣ 092 M u s i c i a n s I n t r o d u c t i o n Introduction ౘ࠳⛥Ă1983ѐϠٺᄂ̚ϮتડĂߏᄂ៉ௐ˘Ҝ̜ٺ౪Րጯͽ̈́۞اؠχ ᑝᘹఙछĂϫ݈߿̜ٺ౪۞༊ᘹఙࠧĄ࠳⛥۞ࢰሄ̝ྮ·႕ម؈ͽ̈́ ाĂ˩˘໐ॡϤాฮ͛ҁरୁᄋĂ˩̣໐ॡЯࠎ˘࣎ຍγ۞፟ቡĂ҂ˢ࡚ ઼ΐэғᇇරᘹఙ̚ĞIdyllwild Arts AcademyğĄ2002ѐсдࠃՉᒧࢰሄ ͕̚ᓝᏱ۞Spotlight Award ௲᎖҃ᒔௐ˟ЩĂ֭дТѐֲٺώࢰሄ ༼ĞAspen Music Festivalğᛏྍࢰሄ༼ᓝᏱ۞̂͐ڒᔈ݄Ąсд2008 ѐͽ̶఼࿅̜౪࠱छࢰሄੰĞThe Royal Danish Academyğ۞Ⴧ̀லຽ ҂Ă֭ٺ2011ѐͽ˘ಞਫ਼ᜩࠤ̂۞ົݶலຽྍٺጯੰ۞ݶछ͛ጴĞSoloist ClassğĄ д2011ѐᛏ˞Δለүѡछݶםѡͧᔈ۞݄Ăᄃ̜౪࠱छࢰሄੰሄဥႊݶ Anders Koppel ۞ݶם͐ڒѡĂϤЩ೭छMichael Schønwandt ೭Ą Percussion: Ying-Hsueh Chen χᑝĖౘ࠳⛥ ᖎჅߏܦ༊̫߿ᚹ઼ٺᅫሄጪĂ౯צЧࠧ៘ϫᄃಈຑ۞̂೩ൣݶछĄсഅд ͵ࠧۢЩ۞ࢰሄះĂт઼࡚৸ࡗ۞Ι̰ૄࢰሄះͽ̈́ᇇ઼۞ߦࢰڒሄះඈĂᓝ Ᏹ࿅кಞ̂೩ൣົݶᄃ̰ވሄࢰሄົĄ ᖎჅߏܦĮለ߷࡚ᘹ᐀ൣˬࢦݶį۞јࣶ̝˘Ąˬࢦݶဥࢵૺ൴Җ۞ĪᏂ֣ ᄃᇇοҘ᐀ൣˬࢦݶīᏭĂӈၷᒔ۞ĶFryderykķ̂ረĄс˵ߏĮΫপٛغ Ϟ֧ؽሄဥį۞ࢵय̂೩ൣ͘Ą ᖎჅܦϠٺᄂ៉Ăޅٺ೩ॡഇಶणᜨ࿅ˠ۞ࢰሄ͇Њ҃౯צ៘ϫĄགྷ̂೩ ൣ͜ Pierre Fournier ۞ଯᖧለ߷ጯĂ֭ͽᐹள۞јᒻפᛂጌ͵ࢰ ሄੰႊݶछ͛ጴলࢰሄੰݶछ͛ጴĄс۞ࢰሄϠഅкѨᒔረĈ̚Β ߁઼࡚ර Leonard Rose ઼ᅫ̂೩ൣͧᔈ۞পҾረă༄̀Kiwanis Prize ૄ ϞκረăKoecker ረᄃ Edwin Fischer ғᇇౠඈረีĄ Cello: Pi-Chin Chien ̂೩ൣĖᖎჅܦ ᐀ൣछ֙ض৷ࠎ઼࡚৸ࡗэϲ̂ጯϮ̶७᐀ൣႊݶ౾̀ăࡻ઼࠱छࢰሄੰ ၷChappell Gold MedalĂഅкѨᒔ઼ᅫ᐀ൣ̂ᔈ̝ረีĂனࠎϹ̂ ࢰሄࡁտٙЇିĂٺ2004-2008ѐมፉЇٙ˘ܜᖚćܕѐ֭צᔛࡻ࡚ă ፫߷ăາΐႊᄃމळିጯĂΒ߁Royal Northern College of Musicăາΐ ̂ጯսॿࢰሄੰඈЩ७Ą ϠٺᄂݑĂϤૺҁरୁᄋĂ̝ٺޢᄂΔᄃ᐀ൣछׂ̈ᚶᜈጯ௫Ă֭ ˬ˩ٺ໐ॡᐌΈ̈ܜ೩ൣछ֙ځपࡻĂซˢ৸Яࢰሄጯ७ĂତצLouis KentnerඈЩर۞ᖤćੵ˞ᄃ֙ځपລᑫͽγĂՀ˛˩ٺ໐ॡᄃ̂र৸Я ώˠЪүĄ።གྷдለ࡚ᖳಱ۞ႊགྷរĂޢ઼ܔᄃ઼̰Ч̂ሄဥႊݶםѡĂ ၇Ѩᑕᔛ઼࡚ă፫߷ăࢶപ઼̈́̂̚ౙႊݶĂົݶγ֭ᄃᇃэϹᜩሄဥͽ ઼࡚̈́Santa Barbara SymphonyඈሄဥႊĄ Piano: Hsing-Chwen Hsin ᐀ൣĖ֙ض৷ 093 ࢰ ሄ छ ̬ Musicians Ķ֗Մ߄۞̈೩ൣछⱡణ̰̄Ăٺᄅᄂ˯˘ण̝̂ࢲĂঈ๕មˠĂ̕ ӈརؽĂஎՕღരĈغᛃൃݓă΄ˠ҅ϫ˘າĂ༼ݶԣՎ̙҃εᚑᖰĄķę Įॡᗔᄫį ⱡణ̰̄ࠎĶॻࡊ͈ૄ઼ᅫࢰሄͧᔈķᓝᏱ።ѐֽĂѐᅅ۞݄ࢰሄ छĂͽຽࢰሄछ̝ݻĂ઼ֳᅫЩĂ૱ٺለ߷ăΔ࡚ăֲ߷Чࢋݱξ۞ ႊົݶᄃ˯ົݶႊĄ ⱡణ̰̄Аࢰڈॼٺሄጯ७ಶĂତАޢซˢֲ࣯ࣖͧ̂ጯᄃ৸ࡗఆֲ ࢰሄጯੰĂତ࢚צᓡĞDorothy DeLayğᄃࢰ۞ܪߌڒሄቚĂ֭ڒߦٺᘹఙ ጯੰरঔұॾĞUwe-Martin Haibergğ˭ܝĄ ⱡణֹ̰̄ϡ۞̈೩ൣࠎΫপٛௐϞ֧ĞAntonio Stradivariusğ۞1714ѐЩ ൣĶঔభķĞDolphinğĂ̝݈ᛳۢٺЩ̈೩ൣछঔࢳਬĞJascha Heifetzğٙ ѣĂֽޢᖼ͘ᕩ͟ٺώࢰሄૄົܛĂྍૄົܛপҾࣄගⱡణֹ̰̄ϡĄ Violin: Akiko Suwanai ̈೩ൣĖⱡణ̰̄ к̖кᘹݭႊࣶĄ઼ϲᘹఙጯੰࢰሄրĂ࣒̈೩ൣĄܑႊϠҋ1994ႊ ᇆĮࢳܠܯ྿įؕĄ ણᄃкొᄅᄂᆐႊϺႊкొෛᆐĂ֭ѣࢰሄүݡĈ1997ѐࢳҖجĮͅ ౄįᏭભͯĄனࠎܑႊҁर̈́ᑚᆐጱĄ ણᄃкొᄅᄂᆐႊĈĮᚗफ˘ՅįăĮՂႬͳįăĮݠಊįăĮำ ڒįăĮдѯസįăĮѣ՟܅įăĮາୖৡįăĮ͇ૅͳ઼įăĮᜲ ճຐįăĀඈĄϺႊкొෛᆐĈĮԧࣇ˘छౌߏˠįăĮঔįăĮઍଣ ۏᄬįăĮࣇ̀įăĮͳ̄តܦාįăĮ੯̄͟۞ܪįăĮֹ͇ଐˠįă Įৌ͕ኛѨ࿚įăĮᚰͫįăĮؠڦ̚ԧຑҰįăĮ൱̄ࡻฯăĮᓲ ක̈ؓࢋįăĮໂ˘įăĮໂ˘छįăĮໂˬ઼įăĮໂ˘ 2įăĮໂ˘3įăĮࢳᐷމܝഒįĀඈĄ ࢰሄүݡĈ1997ѐࢳҖجĮͅౄįᏭભͯĄனࠎܑႊҁर̈́ᑚᆐጱĄ Storyteller: Wei-Hsun Na ᄲ३ˠĖ֤ჯጙ ĶĀֽҋᅈ۞ڌ᐀ൣฯ..ķęᇇ઼ĮSchwaebische Zeitung͟ಡįሄෞ ĶĀౘ͵ઈͽঈ๕ቀᓠ۞ࢲॾႊ˞ݶՂপௐ˘ཱི᐀ൣݶםѡඕՁ˞̫۞ࢰ ሄົĂߏ˘Ҝѣਕ˧౹ౄкᇹࢰሄّॾᄃࢰҒ۞ႊݶछĂ֭ͷਕᇅͪ߹ݶ ਠᅅߘ۞ࢰҒĂԧࣇົഇ۞ޞֽĀķę઼࡚Įഊᘌ៉Palm Beach Arts Paperįሄෞ ౘ͵ઈࠎᄂ៉ன̫צ៘ϫ۞າϠܦѐ᐀ൣछ̝˘Ăˣ໐ฟؕጯ௫᐀ൣĂ 2003ѐĂᅈᇇ઼҂פ႔Ꮪࢰރሄ̂ጯĞHochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien HannoverğА࣒Ą˩˝໐ॡᄃֲ߷EMIભ̳ͯΦᘪࡗ൴Җ࣎ˠࢵૺ ݶᏭĄٺ2013ѐᒔ႔Ꮪࢰރሄጯੰݶछ͛ጴጯҜĄ ౘ͵ઈкѨᒔ઼ᅫ᐀ൣ̂ᔈረีĈ2012ѐҘͰᇇ֧Delia Steinberg International Piano Competition઼ᅫ᐀ൣ̂ᔈࢵረĂ2006ѐᄂΔޙරຑ ሄΟჟࡻረࢵረĂ2005ѐཌྷ̂ӀՂপ઼ᅫ᐀ൣ̂ᔈPremio Franz Liszt Piano: Shih-Wei Chen ᐀ൣĖౘ͵ઈ International Piano CompetitionௐˬЩĞௐ˘ЩଂğĄ 094 M u s i c i a n s I n t r o d u c t i o n Introduction 2012ѐ઼࡚ႊݶछົםΟࢰሄᚮᔈࢵረęٽڒĂࠎ༊̫ᚹீ۞ॠ࡚ ᄂ៉ܦѐ᐀ൣछĄ͐Ⴌ࢚ᇝ͉วಡ၆дᚮᔈ̚ᄃ͐Ⴌ࢚ᇝϹᜩሄဥЪүႊݶ ĮٛᄿતκᏚ͈Ĉॾسκκᗟճຐѡįႊ៙ካĶჟቜฮķĂТॡĂٽڒ д2013ࡰ쟑ҹώ઼ᅫ᐀ൣ̂ᔈ˯·႕߿˧۞ႊݶĂᒔĶၰԣ۞ࢰሄᄃܑ ႊķָෞĂ֭ၷᒔෞᆶဥयপҾረ۞ؠۺĄ ۞ٽڒᘹఙ͇ኬдѝѐซˢఆֲࢰሄጯੰ౯ጯ७ॡܮणᜨႷĂд७ഇ มޘᛏఆֲࢰሄጯੰ᐀ൣͧᔈĂՀд˩ˬ໐ॡᄃ৸ࡗຑሄЪүႊĂ ࢵޘ৭˯ۢЩ۞ౠះᄅᄂĄдఆֲࢰሄጯੰפጯ̀ᄃჇ̀ጯҜ̝ޢĂ 2013ѐࡌ؞ซˢ઼࡚ޓࢰሄጯੰԽႊ͛ݶጴĂरְ౻ݎą౪༊౻Ąย ີ̝ዶ઼࡚ߏ˵ٽڒᖚᚰ۞ሤਾ۰Ą Piano: Steven Lin ᐀ൣĖٽڒ Ķٛᄿ۞ڒႊݶৠˢ̼˫າຍĂឰி̙ሤধခೠĄķęĮ৸ࡗॡಡį ̈೩ൣछѦӀщąٛᄿڒপᖳಱ۞ࢰҒăы۞ࢰሄ̖ਕĂͽ̈́ி۞ሄѡ ྚᛖਕ˧Ăឰ͵ࠧЧг۞ிтᘡтዕćੵѩ̝γĂ۞̚೩ൣႊ˵ݶᅲ ЩĄனдፉЇ೭छ۞֎ҒĂϺ౯צሄෞჍ៙Ăֹьϲ̙ອ۞ְຽՀΐᄐ ᄐ͟˯Ą 2012/13ሄ؞ĂЪү࿅۞ሄဥΒ߁ĈՆݑϿĞChristoph von Dohnányiğ ᄃͽҒЕຑሄăཀྵᑻ͈ĞValery GergievğᄃڒૄϹᜩሄဥă ĞMariss Jansonsğ̈́͐ЂӀֲᇃᇫϹᜩሄဥඈЪүĂ֭дܛҒ̂ះࠎምᇇ༄ ਲૄĞKrzysztof PendereckiğШະٙ౹ү۞ᗕݶםѡซҖ͵ࠧࢵႊĄѩ γĂϤ৶κΟભͯăරৼΟભͯĂᄃᇇຍԠᓏ̳፟Φ൴Җ۞ѦӀщąٛ ᄿ۞ڒႊݶᏭĂ˵౯צሄጪؠۺĄ Violin: Julian Rachlin ̈೩ൣĖѦӀщąٛᄿڒ ༊̫צૣ۞͟ᚱࢰሄ̂र–ಟࣣАϠдႊݶᄃିֈ͞ࢬĂјಶמĄ˘Ҝ ϖᅈ৯टΞ۞̀Ă֗ࣘ͟ώЩ७ॼࢰڈሄੰੰܜᄃ͵ࠧ˩̂ࢰሄះִڌ Suntory HallĞˬӀࢰሄះğᐡܜĂᓝͤ̚ݒႽߏᓽ՞ĄႊݶॡԆБᄃࢰሄ Ъ҃ࠎ˘۞ٙ൴ֽ۞ჟৠՏՏ΄ˠຏજརஊĄ ಟࣣϤͭᏐୁᄋĂ1950ѐˣ໐ᓝҖௐ˘ѨົݶĂ1957ѐᒔ͟ώࢰሄͧᔈௐ ˘ረ̈́পҾረĄ1963ѐฟؕፉЇΫ྿ҹି̝ӄିĂצ֭ޢདࠎྍ७֗ ିĄТѐᒔЛͰӀο྿ׂΙᖠႬ઼ᅫࢰሄͧᔈௐ˘ЩĂᐌӈणฟዂ ۞ႊݶϠĂ֭അд͟ώ͇࠱݈ႊ֭צ̼͛ረౢĂΞᏜ̝͟ώΟࢰሄ ઼̝ࠧᚗĄ ᐂࢰѣ͐ݣҡ̂ݶ೩ൣѡĂБ̱ࢵᒔ1970ѐޘᘹఙᐹսረĄ֓к̂܆ൣ ݶᆀѡБѡᒔભͯAkademiረ̈́ᘹఙᐹսረĄ Cello: Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi ̂೩ൣĖಟࣣ 095 ࢰ ሄ छ ̬ Musicians Ķࠠڒᇊ۞ኄኅ͈ˠĂѣॡአϩĂѣॡΞ֍ѝሢĂឰኄኅ͈ˠՀΐ߿௲Ăࠠڒ ᇊ֕۞̙ߏ৷ৌྮቢĂՀкߏ၆ԩ۞ྻೠଠĄс۞ႇᓏ̙ͽ࡚ࠎᐎĂͽՀ кৌ၁ଐຏĂኬ̟֎Ғҕ҇Ąс۞ႇᓏͽᜈ˧ᘦޘؠĂֹՏࢵႇѡז྿ ᑕѣ۞ड़ڍĄķęܑႊᘹఙෞኢᄂ 2000ѐጯཌྷ̂Ӏ҂ˢοआ઼ϲࢰሄੰĞConservatorio Nazionale di BresciağᓏሄĂซˢԧ઼ॠཌྷЩ̃ࢰѦࡾᚊି۞৺Ą 2004ѐͽјᒻĶလረ႕̶ķலຽĄᐌޢᚶᜈдྍ७Խᓏሄă̰ވሄᗕ ࣒ጯҜĞBiennio di Secondo LivelloğĂ2007ă2011ѐआ͇ГѨͽјᒻ Ķလረ႕̶ķפᓏሄᄃ̰ވሄ౾̀͛ጴĄ னЇ઼ϲᄂΔିֈ̂ጯࢰሄրЇӄநିĄ Soprano: Ling-Hui Lin ̃ࢰĖࠠڒᇊ ݑԸᎩˠĂᓏሄୁᄋٺӓၷॳҁरĂޢरְࡰц͛ҁरĄ 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ĮฏՅᗨ̀įćݵκႇᆐĮ࣒̃щሒఆΙįăĮૻκΫૄૄįăĮኄኅ͈ ˠįăĮႳᆋąߟįć႔˚ႇᆐĮᔹᔈᄃཀྵᚊপįćරॾৼႇᆐĮκ֓ ᐷॲᒖįćంϑপႇᆐĮᜲįăĮΐࠃᖃįć̈ࡗᎰΫপ౻ႇᆐ ĮኊኆįćᔹᇇႬৠᆐĮ൘̂ΐͧįăĮᑓᔈֲįăĮٙᘲܝįඈĂ֭ٺ ܛԓ͛ႇᆐĮโᝰઌį̈́ݑౢႇᆐĮ൪ᅿį͵ࠧࢵႊ̚ፉჩႊĄ2012 ѐᒔ઼ϲᄂΔᘹఙ̂ጯ൴७̓ረĄ Mezzo-Soprano: Jo-Pei Weng Ѩ̃ࢰĖਃࡶ Ķ۞ᓏࢰ˘ۡౌΞ߄Ă҃ѩѨ۞ႊԫ˫Г౹पķćFeature, Sep. 2008ĂTaipei TimesĞᄂΔॡಡğĄ շ̚ࢰԒϨϜᘛϠٺᄂ៉آᜋĂͭᏐֽҋ઼̚ݣႬᑺĂϓᏐߏᄂ៉ฮࣧ ҝϔĂдᇹ۞ҕ྆Ă൴ण۞ᓏࢰপኳࣘ˞׀Δ઼۞ᄹᔙᄃ̋۞፧ଐĄ ˬ˩ѐᖳಱ۞ႊભགྷ።ᄃдᄅᄂ˯ጹજˠ͕۞ᑚᆐ͇ЊĂֹјࠎᄂ៉Њ ณᄃጃ˧۞շᓏሄछĂ઼छᑚᆐੰኬ̟Ķᄂ៉ࢵयշ̚ࢰķཱི̝ދĄ 1984ѐலຽ઼̂֨ٺጯࢰሄրĂ1993ѐЯ࣎ˠຽᅳાপঅјಶĂᒔ઼छপ ࣞͽдᖚ֗Њཌྷ̂ӀѼᜋஎౄጯĂ1996ѐึӀפཌྷ̂Ӏ઼ϲѼᜋރႬ ௐࢰሄੰႊભछ͛ጴĂͽᓏሄ˝̶Ăᄅᄂ႕̶̝ᐹளјᒻலຽྍٺ७ĄԒϨϜ ᘛҁरϫ݈Їିٺ၁ኹ̂ጯă઼֨̂ጯĄ Baritone: Wu-Bai Yu-Hsi շ̚ࢰĖԒϨϜᘛ லຽ઼̼̂͛̚ٺጯ઼̈́ϲᎊಢࢰሄੰĂ1999ѐͽௐ˘ЩјᒻפChanẗ́ Art Lyricᎊಢࢰሄੰีႊભ͛ጴĄ 1998ѐ7͡ĂͳᑕᑕЩշࢰк࣯ځĞPlacido Domingoğ̝ᔛĂٺ ۞༱ˠᜨ͇ႊભົ̚ТέႊભVerdiĶMacbethķ̝˟ࢦભĂભMalcolm˘ ֎ĂDomingoMacduffĄ ͳࢰҒ̈́ࢰા̝ර࡚ᆵᇃϺࠎ͌ѣĄഅᒔ1996ѐཌྷ̂ӀSanta Margarita International Vocal Competitionௐ˘ረĄͳ͍ጽܜཌྷ̂Ӏ࡚ᓏႇᆐĂͳ ᔮࢰ۞ܪځҒă·႕Ϡ۞˧ႊભĂֹ၆ࢦԴଐ֎ҒТᇹ౼ЇԣĄдৠ ᆐႊભ͞ࢬϺѣᚹீјᒻĂĮᑓᔈֲįĶMessiahķăĮͽӀֲįĶElijahķඈ ү࠰ݡӔனᐹ࡚҃৷ϒ۞ࢲॾĂͷ΄ˠࠎ̝જटĄ ͳॠاᇇ઼˩ዶѐĂЇڱᜋҹႇᆐੰᖚဥࣶćܕѐاؠ઼ܔĂϫ݈Їି ઼̼̂͛̚ٺጯă઼ϲঔ߶̂ጯĄ Tenor: Fernando Wang շࢰĖͳ 097 ࢰ ሄ छ ̬ 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லຽڌٺঔ̂ጯࢰሄࡁտٙĂഅᒔᄂ៉ડࢰሄͧᔈௐ˘ЩćĶ̋̚࠵ᓏሄͧ ᔈķௐ˘Щć઼ϲ̚ϒ̼͕͛̚Ķሄጪາսķć ᓏሄछົםĶᓏሄາսķć ᄂΔຑሄ͛ିૄ̝ົܛĶᄂ៉ሄጪາսķĄ གྷ૱צᔛ઼̰ٺγࢰሄဥវĂፉЇৠᆐ̈́Чё̂ݭү̝ݡભछĄഅצᔛາΐ ઼छϹᜩሄဥĂፉЇৼҹĶ͈ٛᑓᇩķ̝̃ҲࢰભĂצᔛࢶപཐሄ ဥፉЇᘲҘκĶཐϓଔႇķ̝̃Ҳࢰભăᄃ઼ϲᄂ៉ϹᜩሄဥЪүৠᆐĶᑓ ᔈֲķͽ̈́֓к܆ĶЪભϹᜩѡķĄ Mezzo-Soprano: Pei-Chi Chen Ѩ̃ࢰĖౘ൝ 098 M u s i c i a n s I n t r o d u c t i o n Introduction 1998 2000 Hänssler Classics ( ) We rgo Tenor: Corby Welch Neue Stimmen 2002 2011 Soprano: Mei-Lin Chen 2013 10 2014 BBC BBC 3 3 BBC Treble: Luke McWatters 099 Musicians ˩̱໐Ăனಶࣖٺঔॾ̚ĂጯຽᄃࢰሄܑனࡎĄғቷऌ˩໐ॡĂӈࠎ ࡻ઼઼छႇᆐੰආЪભဥ۞˘ࣶĂٺĮฏՅᗨ̀Ɵ̗֎įᗕᓑᆐ̚ܐѨ൳ έĄޢĂણᄃࡻ઼઼छႇᆐੰᄦү۞ĮگҘѼֲˠįăĮᖡᙿ̳̄ᒑ۞ݱ ಢįăĮՆᜋѧ̳įăĮঙ̀ᇇ۞᜔͇įඈк᛫ႇᆐ۞ЪભႊĂ֭дᔹᇇ ႬĮᑓᔈֲį̚ፉЇ̃ࢰભĄ֗ࠎࡻ઼઼छܦѐЪભဥဥࣶĂғቷऌણΐ ࿅ధкبBBCᅌࢰሄ༼Ă࠱ٺछ༼ᇉះ̈́࠱छғұপះ൳ᄂĄ ғቷऌдĮჅᛀࣙᚖį̚ႊ̈̃܀ޅឍٛĂсഅགྷдރκᆂખᆐੰĞপ ᒑ̀೭ğăჯ˵ৼᆐੰĞΙႬ೭ğă઼ࣖͳᐝᆐੰăՆ͈ႇ ᆐੰĞᖎ͛૽೭ğඈгႊભ࿅࣎֎ҒĂсޝᎸ̫ѐਕᄃᖎ͛૽೭Гޘ ЪүĄ Soprano: Eleanor Burke ̃ࢰĖғቷऌąߦҹ ౘӽĂآᜋᎩˠĂ̼͛̂ጯăཌྷ̂Ӏ઼ϲѼᜋࢰሄੰலຽĄॠཌྷഇมഅरְ Prof. B. AdeleăG. CignaĂޢᐌԧ઼ॠཌྷ̃ࢰѦࡾᚊ௫ભĂҌ̫ϏዄĄॠཌྷ ഇมĂഅણΐཌྷ̂ӀStresa઼ᅫᓏሄ̂ᔈĞConcorso di StresağăTorrona઼ᅫ ᓏሄ̂ᔈĞConcorso di TorronağĂӮซˢᓁՙᔈĂ֭ᒔᔛણΐ̳ฟႊભົ̝ অၷĄ1996ѐણΐCamerinoለ߷ࢰሄ༼ĞFestival Musicale di Camerino ğĂ ᒔᓏሄၷረౢĞPremio d' OnoreğĄ 2000ѐᒔᏴࠎ઼ϲ̚ϒ̼͕͛̚ĶሄጪາսķĂٺᄂΔ઼छႊݶះᓝҖ࣎ˠ ႊભົĄ֭ણᄃ઼̰к᛫ႇᆐ̈́ࢰሄົ̝ႊĈ઼ϲᄂ៉ϹᜩሄဥႇᆐĮگҘ ѼֲˠįęMimiĂᇇοҘęĮצाᗿ۞͌̃įĂ֭кѨᑕᔛፉЇྍဥк ಞࢰሄົ̝̃ࢰભĄ ౘӽϫ݈ੵႊભγĂ֭Їି઼ٺϲᄂ៉ᘹఙ̂ጯă၁ኹ̂ጯć֭ࠎ̚රϔ઼ ᓏሄछࣶົົםĄ Soprano: Yen-Lin Chen ̃ࢰĖౘӽ ĶĀсጾѣ΄ˠຑᇍ۞ᓏࢰĈம࡚ă৷ஐ҃ৌ၁ĄсͽԆ࡚۞ԫμ̈́΄ˠមள ۞߽၅˧ֽભΫপ౻۞үݡĄՀ΄ˠមత۞ߏͽстѩѐᅅĂౣਕഫ˺ѣዶ ൴೭ొஎגү۞ݡкᇹᆸѨĄķę઼࡚Įཐ͐͐ٛϲ͟ಡįࢰሄෞኢ छΙώপĄ षͽ൞౾̀ĂϠ̚ٺරϔ઼ᄂΔξĄҋρጯ௫᐀ൣăᓏሄ̈́ᄅᄂᘹఙĄܦѐ ॡഇĂӈ઼࡚Ҙॲ̂ጯᒔჇ̀ጯҜĂ̝ޢՀ઼࡚פΐэ̂ጯᓏሄ౾̀ ጯҜĄ ਕႊભᇇăཌྷăڱăࡻăҘăܻăཬăٛ˚ă͟ă̚ඈ˩઼͛ф۞षͽ൞Ăႊ ભ֖ྫז྿࡚ăΐăཌྷăఈăͧăڱඈ˟˩ዶ઼Ąੵ˞ѓٺႊભĂषͽ൞Ϻߏ ˘Ҝିጯᚑᖰ۞ЩरĂഅЇڌঔ̂ጯࢰሄրЇ̈́ࡁտٙٙܜĂϫ݈ፉЇڌঔ ̂ጯࢰሄրЇିĂ̚රϔ઼ᓏሄछົם૱ચநְĄ Soprano: Yi-Lin Hsu ̃ࢰĖषͽ൞ 100 M u s i c i a n s I n t r o d u c t i o n Introduction ( ) Mezzo-Soprano: Susanne Resmark UCSB Vocal Institute Lanza E. Mannion Excellence W. Scheid t E. R. Döling Baritone: Chung-Kuang Lin Lorraine Nawa Jones Angelo Mar enzi 2010 g 5 9 Sparafucile NSO Bartolo Frank 2012 Il Commisario 2014 2013 Pistola Bass: Ming-Mou Hsieh 101 Musicians ڌލˠĂڌӓ̂ጯࢰሄࡁտٙႊݶĂरଂ̚ڒЍăՂս܆गРĄ2011 ѐᒔᏴࠎ̚රϔ઼ᓏሄछົם2012ᓏםາսĄ2011ᄂΔξ̂ࢰሄͧᔈշ ࢰௐ˘ЩĄ2013ѐၷᒔ̂ثጯ७ႇ̂͘ᔈܛረᅚൕĄ2013ѐ10͡ၷᒔᇇ ͛ᘹఙႇѡረጯͧܛᔈௐˬЩĄ 2012ᄂΔຑሄႇᆐӪĮΐࠃ۞ᖃįႊءڱĂ2013ᄂΔຑሄႇᆐӪĮኊ ኆįႊޠरĂ2013ѐᄂΔႇᆐЪભဥႊĮΞຑ۞ێѿ̃įႊշ֎ BastienĂ2013ѐڌӓ̂ጯѐ̳ޘႊĮᘹఙछ۞Ϡįႊጆ͈Ą Tenor: Yin-Chi Chang շࢰĖૺইᆅ හޠᄼ̚δ̂ጯͰᗁրலຽĄд७ഇมӈႊᔛࡗ̙ᕝĂலຽ݈ႊThe Blind Priestࢰሄᆐշ֎ćޢ҂ˢහޠᄼ̰ވЪભဥĂᐌဥд2000ѐ઼ᅫЪ ભࢰሄ༼ॡֽᄂٺᄂΔ઼छࢰሄះႊĄ 2002ѐ҂ˢහޠᄼཐѼॾЪભဥĞБහ˘ᖚຽЪભဥğć2͡ٺBamboo Organ FestivalĂࢵႊRyan Cayabyab̝າүĶThe Misa IIķć5͡צᔛࢶപ ႊࢰሄᆐIsaangć10͡צᔛ࢚̀ٺκࢰሄົ̚ႊભCircle of LifeĄ 2003ѐ2͡ٺහޠᄼ͇ЬLani MisaluchaЪભThe Prayerᇃצрෞć6͡ϒё اؠᄂ៉Ă֭ΐˢέΔຑሄЪભဥ̈́έΔຑሄވЪભဥĄഅᐌဥ̂ౙăപ ፫ă˿҅ăͽҒЕă઼࡚ඈгႊć2006ѐ7͡Ăٺௐ̱بᄂΔ઼ᅫЪભࢰ ሄ༼̚ፉЇշࢰભĂႊЛͰӀᒑ̀үݡMagnificatĞᄂ៉ࢵႊğĂ҃ޢ ϺᇃᒔЧࠧᔛኛĂ઼̰ٺЧ̂ࢰሄົፉЇշࢰભĄ അЇ઼֨გநጯੰЪભဥᓏሄጱҁरĂ୶ѯ̂ጯЪભဥರᓏሄጱҁरĄ Tenor: Vicente Fortunato Moran շࢰĖ᎗୳ னࠎέΔຑሄЪભဥၱ̰ވЪભဥշࢰĄ ڌঔ̂ጯཐሄဥϤዑщି౹ϲٺ1960ѐĂܐഇࠎጯ७ۤဥĂుѐ႙ซј ࠎຽЪભဥĂགྷ૱ّг၆γႊĄ่̙ࢰሄրώ֗۞ТጯĂБ७۞रϠౌ ཐሄဥෛࠎᛳڌٺঔˠВТጾѣ۞ࢰሄгĄཐሄဥ̙Ϊд७̰གྷ૱ّгႊ Ăдཐኚࢰሄົ̚Ϻࠎ̙Ξٕ۞ႊဥវĄܕѐֽՀ̙ᕝᕖण֖ྫĂҖ࿆ Б࠷Чጯ७̈́ႊಞЪĄഅᄃᄂΔξϲϹᜩሄဥЪүႊంϑপĮщᅿѡįĂ ᄃ઼ϲᄂ៉ϹᜩሄဥВТႊ઼छࢰሄះᔛࡗ۞Ң༄ĮщᅿѡįĂ˵അ̳צВ ෛ̝ᔛႊో̄տăోࡿۿҜүѡछ۞үݡĂͽ̈́ᔹᇇႬĶᑓᔈֲķ۞ ෛᖼᇫĄ ็ٚڌঔ͙၁۞ᓏሄ็ăᚑᖰቚĂᖤͽк̮ͷᖳಱ۞ႊགྷរĂڌঔཐ ሄဥ̏јࠎૈֈ઼̰ຽࢰሄˠՄ۞ࢦࢋଯ͘ĄϏֽՀჟৈՐჟĂ็ᅍᘹ͛ ̝࡚Ą Tunghai University Choir ڌঔ̂ጯཐሄဥ 102 M u s i c i a n s I n t r o d u c t i o n Introduction ॲፂ2006ѐ۞ለ߷INTERKULTUR Foundation̳ٙҶ۞͵ࠧЪભဥଵЩ̚Ăٛ ᓅˠշᓏЪભဥၷᒔ͵ࠧTOP 500Ъભဥ̝ௐ̱ЩĂՀд͵ࠧշᓏЪભဥଵЩ ̚ЩЕௐ˘Ą ٛᓅˠշᓏЪભဥ۞݈֗ߏĶјΑ̚७̓ЪભဥķĂҋ1998ѐࢵಞࢰሄົ ̝ޢĂӈஎᒔЧ͞рෞ៙ధĂ2003ѐాᜈ˩ѐᒔᏴࠎҖ߆ੰ͛ົޙĞன ̿ॾࠎ̼͛ొğԬങႊᘹဥฤĄ ٛᓅˠշᓏЪભဥણᔈረᇴĂΒ߁Ĉ2009ѐ7͡ણΐ͟ώĶௐ25بᚗ ઼ᅫЪભͧᔈķᒔᓁ݄ć2010ѐצᔛ˯ٺঔ͞ڌᘹఙ͕̚ႊă˯ঔ͵ ࠧ౾ᜓົĶᄂΔᐡķႊĄ2011ѐ6͡ણΐᇇ઼ĶဦΐপΫ೩͈ਬିૅࢰሄ ༼ķႊĂ֭ٺĶௐ̱ݣبంκࢰሄ༼ķၷᒔĶ̰ވշᓏЪભķ݄ăĶ ָႝॡഇүݡႊᘯረķăĶָᘹఙ೭јಶረķˬี̂ረඈඈĄ Taipei Male Choir ٛᓅˠЪભဥ έΔຑሄЪભဥ౹ϲٺ1972ѐĂഅᄋՂٱԢăᑛߵܛăΒҹкĞRobert W. Proctorğඈିଉ͕ጱĂ1983ѐདኛՆโିፉЇ೭̈́ᘹఙᓁႾҌ̫Ă кѐֽᒔᔛણᄃ઼ᅫࢦࢋࢰሄ༼ᄃᘹఙ༼Ă֖ྫኼ࿆30ዶ઼छݱξĂ઼ٺᅫ ֳѣໂۢЩޘĄ2006ѐέΔຑሄЪભဥၷᒔᄂΔξ߆عೳĂࢎؠଥྻڌ ડг˭ූௐ˛ཱིᇃಞࠎĶᄂΔຑሄЪભᇃಞķĂᓝᏱ೬ൕᖃ֭үࠎϖ˳ܑ ၓĂͽؠۺέΔຑሄЪભဥ၆ٺᄂ៉ࢰሄࠧ۞מᚥĄ έΔຑሄЪભဥ൴ܑ̝Įߍ෪઼̚įᏭഅᒔௐˣܛبѡረĶָભͯᄦү ˠķăĶָႊભˠķăĶָΟࢰሄભͯķˬี̂ረćᏭĮ͵ࡔᕩį ᒔௐ˩αܛبѡረĶָΟࢰሄᏭķăĶָႊભˠķăĶָүѡˠķ ˬี̂ረĄ Taipei Philharmonic Chorus έΔຑሄЪભဥ д྆ĂԧࣇᄦౄຏજăᄦౄមಈăᄦౄѣϠְ߇۞Ă౹ϲٺ2013ѐ12͡ 31͟Ą ဥฤ८͕ҋܑࢲލႊᇶઃᒉྻޢâཏિᚶᜈᄲ߇ְ۞ˠĄ߇ְ̍ᇄͽ னᑚᆐ౹үࠎវĂ࿅Ķᄲ߇ְķ۞ԛёଯજ̼͛౹ຍயຽĂშᘲ઼̰ᐹ սᆐಞనࢍˠ̖Ăགྷᒉࣧ౹నࢍགྷࡔĂјϲܐഇሕ͕Ըˢ̈̚ݭᆐಞĂഇధࠎ ᄂ៉ૈങՀкຽᆐಞ̍ү۰Ă֭ᖣϤ࿅ـགྷរ᎕Ăᜈ൴णᑚᆐିֈଯ ᇃᘹ͛߿જĂԓጔᘹఙซᄂ៉Ч࣎֎རĂχౄ̢જё۞ᆐಞˠ͛ᒖဩĂ͔ જᄂ៉˿г۞ᘹఙ߿ͪĄ ።Ϋјᒻߏဥฤ۞ዳ̶ĂԧࣇͽѩࠎૄᖂĂۧ၆ᑚᆐ۞ሤଐᄃֹĂ࿅ ౹ຍᕇ̄۞൴ຐĂӔனϠ۞̚Տ࣎જˠॡגĂ೩چϠ߿̚၆Ķ࡚ķᄃĶຑķ ۞ຏצĄ Story Works ߇ְ̍ᇄ 103 ࢰ ሄ छ ̬ Lectures ઼ᄂϹȼڱฮމȼ๔࡚ྕݡā ࢰ ሄ ᓾ ૅ ࢰሄᓾૅ ŏڱฮމᓾૅāߐഇ̱˭̾3:00ڱฮމāᄂ̚̚പظĞາЍˬ9Fğ 2014 2015 ࡚р۞˘͟Ǖ ݵκĮኄኅ͈ˠį 1/17Ğ̱ğ ӓߌ։ ރႬௐǕĮࢬᄅົį ߇ְ̍ᇄጱႊ ࢨճຐᏐ̄ࢰሄົ ǕषԈພ 2/28Ğ̱ğ ᆒ۾Ҧ ۞ྻཙՎ 3/21Ğ̱ğ षͽ൞ ̫ѝԧ֕࿅ϣ 8/16Ğ̱ğ 9/20Ğ̱ğ ౘޥ ૺჁ߷ ܪߌڒǕ ԆБంϑপˬ 4/18Ğ̱ğ ᗞරट ܻᘲࢰሄλˠ 11/15Ğ̱ğ ᔁׂই ֏ႇǕͪ ᖡ۞Դଐሄౢ 5/16Ğ̱ğ ֘ۆѯ ᜋؑऋ 12/20Ğ̱ğ Ղ๔˘ Δለࢲଐ൪ 6/20Ğ̱ğ ՂѺָ ғႬΐ̂೩ൣݶםѡ 10/18Ğ̱ğ ŏྕݡᓾૅā̙ؠഇᓝҖāᄂ̚๔࡚ྕݡქ3Fྕݡ३Ԋ Ticket package 2014/15ؠഇࢰሄົրЕइை ώሄ؞পҾЋထĂ 7/21БࢬୁҌ9/12Ğ̣ğ17:00ͤĂᝌܓᏨࢎᔉĊ 2014 ᓏଐϹᜩ˘ 09/12Ğ̣ğ ࡚р۞˘͟Ǖ ݵκĮኄኅ͈ˠįĞႇᆐࢰሄົğ ᓏଐϹᜩ˟ 10/24Ğ̣ğ ؝ᄃಈॆǕ ವଣοٛؒăරॾৼ۞ຑଐ ᓏଐϹᜩˬ 11/21Ğ̣ğ ࠦ۞ຑǕο༄ĮჅᘁࣙᚖįĞႇᆐࢰሄົğ ᓏଐϹᜩα 12/12Ğ̣ğ ֏ႇǕͪᖡ۞Դଐሄౢ ᓏଐϹᜩ̣ 1/23Ğ̣ğ ෝભ߇ฏǕͧڱщ۞ᄂ៉О෪ ᓏଐϹᜩ̱ 3/13Ğ̣ğ ۞ຑǕރႬௐĮࢬᄅົįĞႇᆐࢰሄົğ ᓏଐϹᜩ˛ 4/10Ğ̣ğ ̫ѝԧ֕࿅ϣǕઙ۞ˠᓏॠ ᓏଐϹᜩˣ 5/8Ğ̣ğ ଐບ̂ঔǕͪᖡ۞ˠϠ̝ႇ ᓏଐϹᜩ˝ 5/29Ğ̣ğ ̋߹ͪܜϖ̙ொǕᜋؑऋąາ͵ࠧ ᓏଐϹᜩ˩ 6/26Ğ̣ğ ႝႇෝǕՕ۞ᓏଐϹᜩ 2015 104 Ticket package ᛳα̂ᐹ ᐹ˘Ĉ˘इ10ಞ6Զᛳைᆊ Տ˘इ10ಞĂՏ1ಞ1ૺைדĂΞᏴፄ300̮ă500̮ă800̮ă1000̮ඈ4ைડ ை৺ ைડ ࣧᆊ इைᆊ A 300̮ 3,000̮ 1,800̮ B 500̮ 5,000̮ 3,000̮ C 800̮ 8,000̮ 4,800̮ D 1,000̮ 10,000̮ 6,000̮ ᐹ˟Ĉࢰሄछࢬ၆ࢬᛳրЕᓾळ 19:00~20:30Ğ̣ğ@ ઼ϲᄂ៉࡚ఙᐡᘹఙᅙҖĞᄂ̚ξҘડҋϤྮ˘߱150ཱིğ ฟٸ50Щᔉ෴इை۰ˢಞĂื˯ءშְАಡЩĂᗝ႕ࠎͤĄ ᄃົလᄼྤੈኛٺᓾळ݈ࠀءშߤྙĄ ͟ഇ 2014 2015 ᓾळᗟ 09/05 ࡚р۞˘͟ǕݵκĮኄኅ͈ˠį 10/17 ؝ᄃಈॆǕοٛؒௐˬཱིϹᜩѡ 11/14 ࠦ۞ຑǕο༄ĮჅᘁࣙᚖį 12/05 ͪᖡ۞ԴଐሄౢǕॻࡊ͈ૄௐཱི̱Ϲᜩѡ 01/16 ෝભ߇ฏǕͧڱщą᎗ઙ۞ᄂ៉ଐቡ 03/06 ۞ຑǕރႬௐĮࢬᄅົį 04/03 ̫ѝԧ֕࿅ϣǕઙௐ˘ཱིϹᜩѡ 05/01 ͪᖡ۞ˠϠ̝ႇǕοٛؒௐ˟ཱིϹᜩѡ 05/22 ̋ͪܜϖ̙ொǕᜋؑऋᄃາ͵ࠧϹᜩѡ 06/19 ႝႇෝǕғႬΐ̂೩ൣݶםѡ ᄃኘˠ ᖎ͛૽ ະኛഇޞ Чᄃົလᄼ ᐹˬĈᒔᙑNTSOඊ३˙Њ ᐹαĈ઼ֳϲᄂ៉࡚ఙᐡჟظݡᔉۏ95ԶᐹĞ઼࡚ᐡܲᐹ̰ट̝ளજᝋӀğ ڦຍְีĈ Řइைᔉ෴Тॡᒔ˘ૺĶNTSO 2014/15ؠഇࢰሄົրЕ ᔉ෴ᙋځķĂጴѩᙋځҸೱNTSOඊ३ă2014/15ؠഇࢰሄົրЕ Ķ߿જᐹΙķĞᐹ˟αӮืጴĶ߿જᐹΙķણᄃֹϡğĄ Řώइைт୬ੜைᅮፋइᏱநĂ़̙ତצಏಞੜೱைĂ֭ኛٺ103ѐ9͡11݈͟ᏱநੜைְآĂᅮ੩ќைᆊ10%͘ᜈĄ Řώइை̙ᄃᐹ͞९Ъֹ׀ϡĄ Ř࠹ᙯڦຍְีኛણዦሄ͘؞ΊĂᏱಏҜܲႊளજᝋӀĂࡶѣՀજĂͽ઼ϲᄂ៉Ϲᜩሄဥ̳ӘࠎĄ 105 2014/15ሄ؞ VIPᔉைᐹ͞९ 103ѐ8͡1͟Бࢬୁ ˲ᔉ෴ώဥĪ2014/15ሄ؞īࢰሄົைדĖ 10ૺ500̮ͽ˯ĞӣğைᆊӈΞ༊ಞֳѣᔉை7ԶᐹĂ֭ᒔᙑĶVIP២ϮΙķĄ 2. 8ૺͽ˯ӈΞ༊ಞֳѣᔉை8ԶᐹĂ֭ᒔᙑĶVIPܛΙķĄ 1. 3. VIPΙᅳ͞פёĖ A. ᏐҋҌώဥᔉ෴ΞனಞᅳפVIPΙ B. ଂះੰைրהΙٕଂះੰ၁វბᕇᔉ෴۰Ăኛฎ˭ЕྤੈҌώဥĂVIPΙͯͽ ଭཱི൴Ą a.ᔉைᙋځ b.ؖЩ c.гӬ d.ྖ e.࣎ˠ̄ܫቐ ڦຍְีĖͽώ͞९ᔉ෴̝ᐹை़̙דତצಏಞĞૺğੜೱைĂт୬ੜைኛᏵٺௐ˘ಞႊ ݈˘࣎̍ү͇ᏱநБᇴੜைĂ֭ᅮ੩ќைᆊ10%͘ᜈĄ ŏ NTSO VIPֳӀ 7 1. ĶVIP២ϮΙķᔉைֳ ԶᐹĞপؠಞѨੵγğĄ 8 2. 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