December 2012 Newsletter


December 2012 Newsletter
Shed Models and Decals
It is expensive for Wojtek and I to have a
table at the Nationals at Telford, but this
was amply repaid by the pleasure of
meeting and chatting to many old friends.
Thank you for stopping and chatting.
There are 3 decal sets for the B plus the
Fennec, 3 sets for the C and 2 for the D.
Shed Decals now cover over 70 national
sets of markings with more in preparation
covering modern markings from Australia,
New Zealand, Canada and some others.
See the list in the newsletter for a full list.
Shed Models had a lot of new models at
Telford. The Gloster Javelin kit can make
any fighter version from F(AW) 2 through
to F(AW) 9R with a selection of tanks,
missiles and pylons. Decals are supplied
for 6 machines including two non standard
colour schemes.
The Percival Pembroke comes with
decals for one of the camera carrying
aircraft used in the Berlin corridor during
the Cold War. Cliff Fowler, who used to
work on Pembrokes in Berlin gave a lot of
help to get the model right.
The T28 kit can be made up into B, C or D
models and includes a hook for the model
Cs. The Fennec can also be made from
the kit.
The Westland Welkin was a very interesting
aircraft and had the same problems as the U2
needing very accurate control of speed.
Experience gained meant the Canberra was
designed with a very different wing. Decals are
supplied for 4 aircraft.
The Leduc 021 was one of the amazing
research aircraft produced in France after the
war and was used to test ramjets.
Another wartime/postwar experiment was the
Saro SR.A/1 jet fighter flying boat. This could
have seen action in the Pacific if the war had
gone on longer and might then have been used
in Korea. The decals supplied cover all the
aircraft built and also ‘what if?’ Schemes for
the Pacific and for both Royal Navy and Royal
Air Force in Korea.
The H34/S58 family of helicopters began with
the Choctaw / Seabat family. Decals for 3
machines are included in the kit.
The Piper Cub and Super Cub are now
supplied in a kit that includes both floats
and wheels and both have the same decal
sheet for 9 different machines. This means
that the decals can be modified to suit a
range of machines as well as the featured
This was developed into the S58T that saw a
great deal of civil use. Decals are supplied for
a logging company machine, a CIA Air America
machine and an Argentinean ASR machine.
Cub above and Super Cub below
Westland imported a Seabat and converted it
to the HSS-1 Wessex. Only one machine was
built and decals are for this machine.
The North American B25H carried one of
the largest guns to be fitted to an aircraft.
They served in Burma and Italy and decals
are supplied for 3 aircraft.
Two versions of the mass produced Wessex
are available categorised early nose or late
nose because of the many variants.
The early nose version can be made with or
without the camel back and dorsal radar and
has decals for 3 machines.
The FMC B450 is still in use with the USAF and
is used for Hercules sized aircraft.
The later nose version comes with decals
for 2 machines.
For further information contact Chris Sayer on
The Hafner Rotabuggy was an unlikely
sounding attempt to produce a jeep
converted into a towed autogiro. In the
end it did work but was not produced as
gliders capable of carrying unconverted
jeeps were available.
Further information is on
And finished models can be bought from Paul
Howard at Helmet on
Finally, there are two aircraft tugs.
The Coleman MB4 was used by the USAF
in the 60s and 70s for fighter sized aircraft.
Price lists follow
1/200 scale metal model aircraft kits. Kits include decals and many include etched brass parts
and rubber tyres.
Airco DH 9a
Avro Bison II
Avro 504K
BAC TSR2 £22
Beech 18 float £18
Beech 18 ski £17
Beech 18 wheel £17
Blackburn Blackburn £20
Boulton Paul Overstrand £25
Boulton Paul Sidestrand £25
Bristol Belvedere £20
Bristol Sycamore £15
Bristol Sycamore BEA £15
Bristol 138a £22
DH Sea Vixen FAW1 £25
Fleet colours
DH Sea Vixen FAW 1 £25
Special colours
DH Sea Vixen FAW2 £25
Fleet colours
DH Sea Vixen FAW2 £25
Special colours
English Electric P1A £15
Fairey Long Range £22
Fairey Rotodyne £29
Fairey Rotodyne BEA £29
Fieseler Storch £16
Flying Flea £3
Fouga Magister £12
GA Jindivik/Pika £12
Handley Page £28
O/100 O/400
Hunting 126 £15
NA Mitchell B/C £19
RE8 £18
Saro SR53 £15
Saro SR 177 £16
Scottish Aviation £16
Scottish Aviation £20
Twin Pioneer
Short SB4 Sherpa £12
Short SC1 £12
Short Seamew £16
Short Sturgeon £19
Sikorsky Hoverfly £15
Sikorsky Hoverfly £16
Sikorsky S55 early £18
Sikorsky S55 mid £18
Sikorky S55 float £19
Supermarine £15
Westland Walrus £20
Westland Whirlwind £18
Westland Whirlwind £18
Westland Whirlwind £18
Westland Whirlwind £18
NB Islander
NB Turbine Islander
NA Mitchell J £19
Avro C30 Rota
Postage for one kit is £2 UK and £3 rest of world. Larger
numbers at cost, please enquire
NB Trislander
FMC B450 tug
Coleman MB4 tug
Cub wheel and float £15
Hafner Rotabuggy
Super Cub wheel and float
North American B25H
Sikorsky S58T £20
Westland HSS-1 Wessex
Sikorsky H34/S58 Choctaw
Westland Wessex early nose
Westland Wessex late nose
Gloster Javelin £25
Saunders Roe Saro SR.A/1
Westland Welkin £18
Leduc 021 £18
North American T28
Trojan/Fennec £18
Percival Pembroke £20
Postage £2 per kit UK, £3 rest
of world. Multiple kits postage
at cost.
Models in preparation
Airco DH16
Beech Kansan
NA Buckeye
NA Pinto
Boeing B17
Nieuport Fighter
Bristol F2B
Sikorsky R5
Convair Sea Dart
Vickers Valentia
Curtiss Jenny
Vickers Victoria
DH 60 Gypsy Moth
Vickers Vildebeest
Fairey Albacore
Vickers Vincent
Fairey Gordon
Westland Dragonfly
Fairey IIIF float
Westland Wallace
Fairey IIIF wheel
Westland Wapiti float
Fairey Gannet AEW3
Westland Wapiti wheel
We are using a new way of supplying decals combining laser printed and waterslide decals. Laser printing is very accurate and avoids
the registration problems that screen printing often has with small roundels and marking. The ink is waterproof so needs no top varnish
and the decal is very thin. There are two problems. One is that white cannot be printed; the other is that the ink is not very opaque. They
work well on white and silver surfaces but need a white backing for others.
In the shed system you buy the laser printed top decal but also buy waterslide white decals to use as a base. Again, these are very thin.
On a light surface put down one layer of white then the top decal. On a dark surface or where the decal is over a colour boundary put
down two layers. Even with three layers, two base and one top, the decals are so thin they can hardly be felt on the model surface. The
total cost is less than that of a comparable full colour screen printed decal.The decal used here is so thin that on clear decal sheet it does
not have to be cut closely to the markings as long as there is a final coat of varnish on the model.
White Base Sheets
Each white base sheet is A5 sized and has hundreds of decals.
Five are available at £2.50 per sheet.
98% round discs for roundels
110% round discs for roundels with white outer ring
Stars and bars
Modern Chinese stars and bars
Laser Printed Top Sheets
Each top sheet is letter size (11” x 8”) and contains hundreds of markings.
Decal type
Base sheets needed
RFC, RAF early (A, A1 and B type)
98% and 110% round
RAF WWII (B, C, C1 type)
98% round
RAF post war (D type)
98% round
RAF 2 colour low viz
98% round
RAF 2 and 3 colour very pale low viz
98% round
SEAC (South East Asia Command)
98% round
Japanese hinomarus (fresh & faded)
98% and 110% round
French 3 colour
98% round
French 4 colour (yellow outer)
98% round
98% round
98% round
Italian post war and Co-Belligerent
98% round
Italian WWII and ANR
Includes white base decals
Luftwaffe WWII
Includes white base decals
German WWI
Includes white base decals
Soviet stars
Star base decals
Chinese stars and bars and 98% round
US stars and bars
Stars and bars
US pre stars and bars
Commonwealth Air Forces
98% round
In preparation - needs 98% round
Area decal sheets
Each top sheet is letter size (11” x 8”) and contains hundreds of markings in many sizes.
Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark
Israel, Jordan, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia
India, Pakistan, Iran, UAE
Austria, Netherlands, Czech, Switzerland
Romania, Portugal, Ireland (3 versions)
Argentina, Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru
Greece, Turkey, Albania, Bulgaria
Pacific WWII, BPF, NZ, Australia
North and South Vietnam and Korea
Base decals needed
98% round
98% round
98% round
98% round
98% round
98% round
98% round
98% round, stars and bars
98% round, stars and bars
The middle east sheet is from the 6 day war period although only the Egyptian markings changed
later. The North Vietnam markings have been changed very slightly to fit the stars and bars base
decals. It would be unaffordable to do N Vietnam base decals.
Where there are fin flashes or markings these will be included printed on white decal paper and so
will need to be cut out very accurately - scalpel and steel rule are ideal. This avoids doing
expensive base decals for fin flashes that are small flag shapes.
Individual countries are available (see next page) but the most economical way to buy the decals is
as area sheets as the individual countries are parts of the area sheets.
National decal sheets
Most are a quarter of a regional sheet
Base decals needed (extra)
98% round
98% round
Australia WWII Pacific
98% round
98% round
98% round
British Pacific Fleet WWII
Stars and Bars
98% round
98% round
98% round
98% round
98% round
98% round
98% round
98% round
98% round
Ireland (3 versions)
98% round
98% round
98% round
98% round
New Zealand WWII Pacific
Stars and Bars, 98% round
North Korea
98% round
North Vietnam
Stars and Bars
98% round
98% round
98% round
98% round
98% round
Saudi Arabia
98% round
South Korea
Stars and Bars
South Vietnam
Stars and Bars
98% round
98% round
98% round
98% round
98% round
Smaller sheets (half size)
These are A5 size and have hundreds of marking in a wide range of sizes
Dutch East Indies
Finland WWII
East Germany
Iraq 1931 - 2003
Naval Anchors
British Prototype markings
Base decals needed
None - white decal paper
None - white decal paper
98% Round
None - white decal paper
None - white decal paper
None - white decal paper
None - white decal paper
None - fits on existing decal
None - screen printed decals
Myanmar (Burma)
None - white decal paper
98% round
When a marking is a straight edged geometric shape, as some above, it will be printed on white
decal paper. These must be cut out very accurately.
Code letters and numbers
RAF WWII Set consists of well over a thousand characters on four sheets in five sizes
and three font styles consisting of white base sheet and light grey, sky and dull red top
sheets for £15
RAF Postwar Set consists of well over a thousand characters in five sizes on two sheets
consisting of white base sheet and black top sheet for £10
Note. Other colours can be printed by request for either set. Please enquire about price.
US Markings
There are also three sheets of screen printed decals available as follows at £5 per sheet
US low viz marks
US Navy, Marines and Army titles and marks in black, blue, yellow and white. The
white ones are hard to see and are identical to the row above.
USAF titles and marks in four colours. Again, the hard to see white are like the row
Postage is £2 in UK or £3 rest of world for single sheet. Postage for larger numbers is at
cost, please ask.
MetalModels News
N o vem b er 2012
Gr eet in gs t o m y f r i en ds an d f el l ow
1 / 2 0 0 t h Col l ect or s!
Pol i cy ch an ge:
am deligh ted to an n ou n ce som e n ew
r eleases, details below, bu t fir st let
m e tell you abou t an i m por t an t ch an ge
in pr odu ction policy:
Un til n ow I h ave k ept m odels in
pr odu ction for as lon g as possible,
som etim es over m an y year s an d in som e
cases m ak in g 150 or m or e of each type.
Th is policy h as h elped latecom er s bu t
does r esu lt in a bu ild-u p of ou tst an din g
or der s an d lon g deliver y tim es. Mor e
im por tan tly, it h as also delayed th e
in t r odu ction of n ew m odels – I can n ot
m ak e old m odels an d develop n ew on es
at th e sam e tim e, th er e ar en ’t en ou gh
h ou r s in th e day!
New Rel eases:
Fou r n ew m odels of 1930s classics in th e
‘Golden Age’ ser ies ar e n ow r eady to go.
Th ey ar e:
Ai r speed Cou r i er – th e Cou r ier was a
sm all air lin er an d th e fir st Br it ish
pr odu ction air cr aft to featu r e a
r etr actable u n der car r iage. Th e design
was later en lar ged in to th e twin -en gin ed
En voy, wh ich fu r th er evolved in t o th e
WW 2 Air speed Oxfor d tr ain er . Air speed
was fou n ded by A.H.Tilt m an an d
N.S.Nor way, th e latter goin g on to
In fu tu r e th e pr odu ction of n ew m odels
will be lim ited to ju st en ou gh to m eet
in itial or der s – af t er t h at m y t i m e an d
f ocu s wi l l t h en be gi v en t o pr odu ci n g
t h e n ex t n ew r el eases an d an y late
or der s for ear lier m odels m ay be su bject
t o lon g delays.
Righ t n ow I h ave over twen ty n ew
m aster s t o tu r n in t o pr odu ction m odels,
in clu din g som e types n ot seen in
1/ 200th scale so far , an d it is m y
gr eatest desir e to see th ese r eleased as
soon as possible, wh ile I am still able to
do so (tim e an d tide, an d all th at).
So, m y advice is, if you wan t an y - or all
– of th e n ew m odels below, an d I h ope
you do, pl ease or der n ow! Th at will
h elp u s both – you sh ou ld get th e m odels
fair ly qu ick ly an d I will be able to star t
on th e n ext n ew r eleases with ou t delay.
Air s p e e d Co u r ie r – Civ il v e r s io n s
ach ieve fam e as th e n ovelist Neville
Sh u te. Th e Cou r ier m odels ar e:
G-ABX N – Th e silver an d r ed pr ototype
wh ich was or der ed by th e pion eer aviator
Alan Cobh am an d u sed by h im as th e
r eceiver air cr aft in ear ly air -to-air
r efu ellin g tr ials. Cobh am ’s com pan y,
Fligh t Refu ellin g, still tr ades today an d is
on e of th e wor ld’s leadin g su pplier s of in fligh t r efu ellin g equ ipm en t.
G-ADAX – Silver an d blu e liver y is t ypical
of Por tsm ou th , Sou th sea an d Isle of
Wigh t Aviation m ach in es, oper atin g
acr oss th e Solen t an d in Sou th er n
En glan d in th e 1930s.
K 4 0 4 7 – th is Cou r ier was su pplied in
RAF silver t o th e RAE at Far n bor ou gh for
exper im ent al wor k .
No r th r o p Alp h a s
Nor t h r op Al ph a – J ack Nor th r op’s
design s always featu r ed in n ovative
aer odyn am ic an d con str u ction al featu r es.
He wor k ed for Lock h eed in th e 1920s
(design in g th e Vega) bu t left in 1929 to
for m h is own com pan y. Th e Alph a,
in ten ded as a h igh speed passen ger an d
m ail car r ier , was th e fir st pr odu ct to
appear fr om th e n ew fir m . It br istled with
state-of-th e-ar t elem en ts in clu din g allm etal str essed sk in con str u ction , r adio
an d r u bber de-icin g boots on th e win gs
an d tail to give all-weath er capabilit y.
Two m odels ar e offer ed, on e in silver TWA
liver y (as wor n by th e sole su r vivin g
Alph a, displayed in th e Sm ith son ian Air
& Space Mu seu m ) an d th e oth er fin ish ed
in USAAC m ar k in gs as a YC-19 VIP
tr an spor t.
Air s p e e d Co u r ie r – R AE Fa r n b o r o u g h
H ei n k el H e.7 0 ‘ Bl i t z’ – th e elegan t
Hein k el 70 was Lu fth an sa’s r espon se to
Swissair ’s Lock h eed Or ion s, wh ose speed
h ad sh own u p th e dated per for m an ce of
Lu fth an sa’s exist in g fleet. Th e Hein k el
was th e fir st Ger m an aer oplan e with
r etr actin g u n der car r iage an d th e fir st two
m ach in es ach ieved a dozen or so tim e
an d distan ce r ecor ds in 1934. Lu fth an sa
oper ated 15 of th ese air cr aft on th eir
‘Expr ess’ r ou t es an d over 300 exam ples
wer e u sed by th e Lu ftwaffe. Th e m odel is
of th e defin itive He.70G ver sion in th e
air lin e’s m id-1930s liver y wit h all-letter
r egistr ation m ar k in gs.
H e in k e l H e .7 0 ‘Blitz ’
Lock h eed M odel 9 Or i on – Th e
Lou gh ead (Lock h eed) br oth er s bu ilt a
n ot able ser ies of fast, clean , sin gleen gin ed air cr aft star tin g with th e 1927
Lock h eed Vega, followed by th e Explor er ,
Sir iu s an d Altair m odels, an d
cu lm in atin g in th e 1931Model 9 Or ion –
th e last of ‘Lock h eed’s Plywood Bu llets’.
Or ion s fou n d favou r with a dozen U.S.
oper ator s bu t its dom estic air lin e car eer
was cu t sh or t by th e 1934 CAA r u lin g
th at im posed m u lti-en gin e equ ipm en t on
m ajor r ou tes, after wh ich Or ion s wer e
m ain ly u sed for expr ess m ail an d car go
du ties. Ten Or ion s wer e expor ted to
Mexican oper ator s an d two m or e wer e
sold to Swissair . Th ese t wo wer e th e fir st
Am er ican air cr aft ever to be placed in
Eu r opean air lin e ser vice, th e fir st
air lin er s in Eu r ope to featu r e r etr actable
u n der car r iages an d th eir speed set n ew
r ecor ds on Eu r opean r ou tes.
A sin gle
Or ion was im pr essed by th e USAAF for
VIP tr an spor t du ty in 1942.
Lo c k h e e d O r io n s – S w is s a ir a n d U S AAF
BOX ED (post age ext r a):
G-ABX N pr ototype .......................… .£ 3 5
G-ADAX PSI OWA .........................… £ 3 5
K 4 0 4 7 RAF / RAE ......................… £ 2 9
H EI NK EL H E.7 0 :
Lu f t h an sa .....................................… £ 3 6
TWA ..............................................… £ 3 6
USAAC ..........................................… £ 3 2
TWA ..............................................…
Var n ey Speed Lan es ....................…
Swi ssai r ........................................…
USAAF ..........................................…
Lo c k h e e d O r io n s – T W A a n d V a r n e y S p e e d La n e s
£ 39
£ 39
£ 37
£ 31
Or der t wo, t h r ee, f ou r or m or e of t h e
above at t h e sam e t i m e, al l pack ed i n
on e l ar ger box, gi f t -set st y l e, an d t ak e
1 0 % di scou n t of f t h e wh ol e or der !
Th e Or ion m odels ar e:
Var n ey Speed Lan es – Th e glam or ou s
Califor n ian air lin e oper ated six
im m acu late wh it e an d r ed Or ion s an d
cou n ted m ovie star s an d stu dio m ogu ls
am on g its passen ger s.
TWA – Th is r ed / gold/ silver Or ion was
possibly th e m ost colou r fu l aer oplan e in
Tr an scon tin en tal & Wester n Air lin es’
fleet !
Swi ssai r – In all-r ed Swissair liver y with
m id-1930s all-letter r egist r ation HB-LAH.
USAAF – Over all silver wit h US in sign ia
as th e sole UC-85 tr an spor t.
I n di v i du al m odel : UK £ 3 .5 0 , Eu r ope
£ 8 .3 0 , USA, Can ada & Wor l dwi de £ 9 .5 0
2 + m odel s (i n on e box ): UK £ 4 , Eu r ope
£ 1 0 , USA, Can ada & Wor l dwi de £ 1 2 .5 0
With in th e UK: Models ar e sen t to UK
addr esses by 1st class r ecor ded m ail.
Ou tside th e UK: Models ar e sen t to
addr esses ou tside th e UK by Air m ail
“Sign ed for ” ser vices at th e air m ail sm all
pack et r ate. Post age cost s su bject to
ch an ge.
Please or der by em ail, letter or teleph on e
in th e u su al way. Please do n ot sen d an y
m on ey with or der s – wait u n til I con fir m
you r or der is r eady for postin g an d I will
advise tot al cost in clu din g post al
con t r ibu tion .
Th an k y ou f or r eadi n g – pl ease sen d
y ou r or der s n ow!
Em ai l :
m et al m odel s2 0 0 @v i r gi n m edi
Der ek Bar r at t , 5 Wr en n i n gh am Road,
Nor wi ch , Nor f ol k , NR6 7 ED, En gl an d.
S in g le m o d e l – in d iv id u a l b o x
La r g e r b o x – g ift-s e t s ty le
Cloudbreak Models November 2012
A warm welcome to all our readers!
Chris and I enjoyed the show at Telford, especially meeting old friends
and loyal supporters of our scale. Lots of visitors were surprised at the
range of models available in 1:200 as well as the decals now being
Chris, Derek and John have done sterling work in producing a wide and
comprehensive range of decals from practically every Country that
operated a flying machine.
We hope the interest shown will continue to grow and inspire modellers to
give our scale a try!
Cloudbreak are pleased to announce that three new models were
introduced to the range at the Telford Scale Model World show 2012.
The Grumman Goose was originally built as a private venture for wellheeled New Yorkers to go on fishing vacations. It was soon adopted by
the U.S.Military, U.S.C.G. and many other Air forces during and after
World War 2.It was also used by smaller local airlines as bush transport
and in areas with few airfields but much water.
The Lockheed 10 Electra was a fast and modern pre-war airliner when
introduced. Used by many U.S., Latin American and some European
Airlines including British Airways Ltd and Polish airlines “LOT”.
Our example has a choice of two versions:
G - AEPR - This aircraft took the British Prime Minister Neville
Chamberlain on his first trip to Germany to meet Adolf Hitler.
SP - AYA - Was the first of 10 aircraft ordered by LOT.
Lockheed 14 Super Electra - Developed from the Lockheed
L10, the L14 could take 12 passengers, four more than the L10.
Again, our example offers a choice of two historical aircraft:
G - AFGN - This aircraft also took Neville Chamberlain to Germany on
two more visits in September 1938.For those interested, film clips can be
seen on the “Critical Past” website showing G - AFGN landing at Heston
and Mr.Chamberlain giving his famous “White paper” speech.
SP - LMK - Was the first aircraft delivered by air from the U.S.A to
Europe. This flight took place in May 1938 starting from Burbank. The
routing took it via Central and South America, the Atlantic crossing was
from Natal to Dakar. From Dakar to Casablanca and eventually to
Warsaw, a distance of some 15441 miles.
More details in Wikipedia!
We hope to be releasing more decals for the new aircraft very soon.
All that remains is for me to wish you and yours a very Happy Christmas
and healthy New Year!
Cloudbreak Models November 2012
1/200 scale white metal model kits
Auster IV/V (Lycoming)
Auster Autocrat
Noorduyn Norseman (wheels or floats)
Miles Martinet TT1
Miles 37 (2 seat Training version of Miles Martinet)
Hawker Henley TT3
De Havilland 89 Dragon Rapide (RAF/RN/other civil decals*
DHC Otter (Can.Pacific/USN/US Army decals)
Percival Mew Gull, G-AEXF, Alex Henshaw Cape record
E.E.Canberra kit, full set of RAF decals
Antonov AN2 kit, Aeroflot ‘Arctic Polar’ decals or Polish AF
New! Grumman Goose, British Guiana Airways decals
or US Navy
New! Lockheed L10 Electra , British Airways Ltd
or LOT Polish Airlines
New! Lockheed L14 Super Electra, British Airways Ltd
or LOT Polish Airlines
*re DH89 Rapide. The following civil decals are now available:
British European Airways (1950s scheme) Air France (1949 scheme)
British Eagle (1950s scheme) Island Air Services (1950s scheme)
Hunting Aero Surveys (mid-fifties scheme) Special British Airways
scheme G-AKOE
Cloudbreak Models have now sold out of Avro 748/Hawker Siddeley
Andover cc Mk 2 kits. However, a few kits are still available from Nick
Webb at ‘The Art of Classic Airlines’
E.E.Canberra model adapted to take different noses –
Available: T.11/19, B 6 (Mod) – long and short nose and T22
Canberra websites
For more information about any model, please contact me at
For information and details of all the other main producers, visit
194 Grange Drive Swindon ,
Swindon SN3 4JZ,
United Kingdom
Telephone: 01793 822277
On-Line Store :
Monday, 26 November 2012
We live in austere times with no visible end in sight or so we are told every time we pick up
a newspaper or watch a news bulletin on the TV, and in this respect our little hobby of
collecting or modelling 1:200 model aircraft must be secondary to ensuring we have a roof
over our heads and food in the fridge in most instances.
So to alleviate this quandary at least a little we have taken the decision to reduce the prices
of all the models and kits within our Helmet range with immediate effect.
Many of our Models in Finished format are now £30 per model and the same in Kit Format
including decals £6 each. The exceptions being the more recent additions or larger models
where the costs have been higher are a little more and most are between £35 and £55 for
finished items and £8-£15 for kits.
Although I am not in position to announce any new additions to our model range within this
news-letter, we shall shortly be in receipt of a totally re-worked Lockheed Hudson of the
highest quality ,courtesy of Wojtek at Cloud Models, these will be £55 in Finished Format
per model and the same in kit format including Decals £22.
Further to this we are expecting delivery of castings, hopefully in the near future, of the
Hawker Fury and Tiger Moth, two models we have been unable to supply for at least the last
5 years. The two models will be sold in both Finished and Kit format and will be available in
a number of finishes or where the kits are concerned including decal options.
Whilst not new models we continue to introduce more interesting options to our existing
finished model range and would like to bring your attention to a few which have been added
De Havilland Hornet F1 (65 Squadron Linton on Ouse) painted in overall silver with Red
Chevrons on the fuselage and wings cost £40 or £15 in Kit Format.
Blackburn Buccaneer S2.A (XW527 16 Squadron RAF Laarbruch Germany 1976) cost £55
or £25 in kit format.
Blackburn Buccaneer S.2 (XN980/233/V 801 Squadron NAS HMS Victorious 1966) Cost
£55 or £25 in kit format
Curtiss P36 Hawk (Escadrille Legere de Defense France April 1940) cost £35 or £8 in Kit
All of which and many more can be found on web site at
Best Regards and The Seasons Best Wishes
HBM 1:200 News – November 2012
By Ron Crawford
HBM News Department. By Author’s Privilege I decided to put us first this time. I must apologize
for being so laggard in bringing out new goodies. We simply caromed off of multiple walls of
reality, including kicking our new home into shape, becoming a firefighter, also becoming a
septuagenarian, earning a living, and living with a new pup. We finally have a flock/coven/herd of
new models set for production. Looking at the calendar, we expect to have those going out to
subscribers not long after the holidays. The Martin 130, Sikorsky S-42, and Boeing 314 Clippers
announced earlier in the year, along with the XBT2D Skypirate, AD-1 Skyraider, and Northrop
BT are up for casting.
Boeing 314, Martin 120, Sikorsky S-42 Clipper master models
Skyraider, BT, Skypirate masters
Also now ready for copying are the Republic XF-12 Rainbow, Hughes XF-11, and Lockheed
XP-58, the Chinese L.15, J.16, and J.21/F60, and an R-7 Soyuz launcher with 5 different upper
stages. The options include the SA-6 Sapwood ICBM, Vostok/Sputnik, Voshkod and two modern
Soyuz. The Soyuz will allow astronautically oriented folks to add a Soviet side to their manned
space launch sets.
Republic Rainbow
Lockheed XP-58
Hughes XF-11
J.16 (Sukhoi STEALTH redesign based on J.11)
J.16 underside
Hongdu L.15 underside
Hongdu L.15
R-7A Soyuz first stage with 4 boosters attached
R-7A Soyuz upper stage set
The AMT kits cover the US side quite nicely, so a couple more Soviet birds like Proton and
Energia or N-1 will make a great “rocket garden”. While in the neighbourhood I think I will do a
SSN/SSBN set all in one shot. I am working (slowly) on the U-Boat Type VIIC and Flower Class
corvette. I now have info to finish up all but 1-2 of the NASA X-planes. The hope for next year is to
concentrate on USN and USAAF exotics. Every time I look in the Lloyd Jones plan books and the
follow-on series by Thompson, I get the urge to complete a couple of decades of US bombers,
fighters, or attack aircraft. Did someone say flying boats? You can reach Ron at 735 Quaker
Village Road, Weybridge, Vermont, USA 05753 or
Other Hot Air Department. Does anyone else have an interest in trying some 1/200 airships and
blimps? Can anyone offer some ideas on making card model airships that are durable? I am
thinking about laminating on very thin styrene sheet or even brass sheet.
Unabashed TOTS Plug Department. A couple of you have asked why I do not regularly cover
the models of our English colleagues. The answer is very simple. Chris, Wojtek, Derek and Paul
are represented in detail in TOTS, and I have assumed that anyone who follows 1/200 scale has
availed himself of a free (!!!!!) TOTS subscription. The low, low rate also includes a copy of these
rambling commentaries. Just send an email to Chris Sayer at
Blast from the Distant Past Department. Bo Knepp, former tanker, neighbour, and current study
partner in Firefighter Classes, wryly observed that the younger students were somewhat amused
at having a few dinosaurs like us in the class. I mention sauropods mainly because I just ran
across what may be a new and exciting development in 1/200. I was cruising through the recent
1/200 offerings on, and what popped up but 1 1/200 T. Rex, by a designer
named David Krentz.. It looks like he has a whole zoo of them in development.
T.Rex Goes 1:200. Finally!
Also on the Shapeways site we noted decapod is offering 1/200 PO-2 and IAR 37/38/39 biplanes;
Arctic Skunk lists an F-85 Goblin; Columbia Aerodrome/aka John Macek is offering a WWI
Caproni Ca.4 bomber triplane and is converting more designs (like a Gotha UWD) to 1/200. And
the news continues. WOW/Colin Earp has added a lovely Zeppelin-Staaken RVI and
Friedrichshafen FF.33E to his ambitious list. The Zeppelin is a real giant, with a span of over 8
inches (20.6 cm). Kampfflieger Models/Roman __?__ also has some nice new 1/200’s on
Shapeways, including the Curtiss P-55J Jet Ascender, Dornier Do 17Z, Heinkel HE 51, Gloster
Gladiator Mk.i and Mk.II, and FIAT Cr.42. Sandman Artistry has added a little Polish Tatra
armored rail drazine to his offerings.
Caproni Ca.4
Friedrichshafen FF.33E
FIAT Cr.42
Tatra armored rail trolley/Drazine (NB. Looks great in person – overmagnified in photo)
Curtiss XP-55J Jet Ascender
Zeppelin Staaken – immense WWI bomber
Zoo Department. If you are going to add a menagerie to your collection, I highly recommend
checking into the Z-scale animals offered for models railroaders by firms like Preiser and Merten.
This being the political silly season here in the States I was thinking of something like a herd of
sheep and a crook. The crook comes with the figure of a shepherd. However, crooks are easy to
make from either bits of malleable wire or scale figures. There are usually lots of unemployed used
crooks available after each election. Lions, elephants, and other wildlife reflect the fact that circus
modeling is a lively offshoot of model railroading. Another source for livening up your display is the
figures made for the sci-fi gamers. Most are nominally in 6mm or 10mm scale, but I do not know
anyone who actually measures queen aliens or krakens.
MIA Search Department.The exhibit of 1/200 scale Wiking ships at the Marine Ehrenmal in
Laboe, Germany (see pictures) has completely disappeared. We and Peter and Hilde Krtina
made a special side trip from Kiel to see the one-of-a kind display in the museum. However, the
staff we questioned were “certain” the models were neither there nor in storage. Does anyone
have clues on where they may have
Some of the missing 1:200 scale Wikings formerly at Laboe – Where are they?
Kiel Summit Session. From left, Anja Peters, Raold Porstmann, Peter Krtina (seated), Andreas Fechner, Ron, and
Still There Department. We had the great pleasure this summer of visiting the Sjohistoriska
Museet (Maritime History Museum) in Stockholm in the company of Krister Karling and Nils
Dahlberg. The museum was completely rearranged since our last visit back in the 20 Century.
We are happy to report that their magnificent collection of 1/200 ships is still intact. Spanning the
ages from Viking longships and Greek biremes to the latest container vessels, the collection is a
Krister Karling, Nils Dahlberg, and Ron at the Museum
Just a few of the beautiful 1:200 ships on display
1:200 Submarines at Sjohistoriska Museet
AIM, or Armaments in Miniature/ Dave Schmid,
continues adding to their 1/200 aircraft offerings. Check out the attached photos from Fall-In. That
is Dave presiding at the booth.
Rail Stock Department. Moving from livestock to rolling stock, be sure to check out the Railroad
Collection appearing from Atlas Verlag/Collections Atlas. From time to time most of us have
probably considered getting into the sibling hobby of Z-Scale model railroading. Z-Gauge
railroading started with the Mini-Club offerings of Märklin. The original Märklin were precise,
beautifully detailed little jewels, but as operating models they were horribly expensive even before
the collapse of the Dollar, required careful cleaning and lubrication, and were extremely sensitive
to track condition. Even with the advent of better electrics and moderately priced international
competition Z-Gauge has tended to become a scale for collectors rather than layout builders. Atlas
Verlag has figured that out and has been offering a growing collection of historic trains that look
like Märklin but lack motors and couplers. You can pick up their sampler, the Orient Express, for
something around $10 on eBay. New issues are EUR 21-. You can display these cuties by
themselves or with other Z-gauge lines. Or with our 1/200 armored trains.
Atlas Verlag “Orient Express”
Some additional comments about the Atlas Verlag approach are necessary. Their “collections” are
actually subscriptions, in which one receives a new goodie every few weeks, and either keeps or
returns it. The business operates through the postal money account systems in Europe, which
means that subscribers can be billed and make payments online through the post office. That also
requires that each country has its own version of Atlas Verlag. Your challenge is to find what
country is receiving what you collect, and find a friend to subscribe for you. The trains, for example,
seem to be offered only in Germany, France, Switzerland, and Austria.
Atlas Bad News Department. I spent so much space on Atlas Verlag because they have been
promising for a couple of years to bring out a whole series of 1/200 aircraft entitled Lufthansa
Legenden (Legends). And that has been very exciting because they kept printing multiple photos
of models like the giant Dornier Do-X. That may yet come to pass, but inquiries are now being
answered with a notice that the entire project crashed for lack of interest. A Ju 52 does exist and
some reached subscribers. The quality was excellent, but that seems to be the end of the line.
Carsten Breiting and Ron study Atlas Ju 52
Then we go rowing at Roskilde
And think of other Wiking adventures
Must-have Book Department. It is very rare that I encounter really “essential” books for our
hobby. This time we have struck the Mother Lode. I am especially indebted to Andreas
Fechner, Anja Peters, and Raold Porstmann for the guidance. Die Flugzeugerkennung 1915
bis 1975, by Norbert Schwefer, is a history of aircraft recognition, profusely illustrated with photos
from major collections. It is a Books on Demand production but the coverage, especially of
Germany training systems, is extremely good. Wiking-Welten, by Ulrich Biene, literally covers the
world of Wiking Modellbau over the years. Beautifully illustrated with sharp colour photos on quality
coated paper, the book will bring back all the yearning and nostalgia. You will even forgive the
high proportion of pictures of cars and trucks that are (gasp!) not even in The One True Scale.
Biene has a couple more Wiking books out. They are hard to find but super. I have saved the best
for last. A two-volume set by Rüdiger Wlasdorf. Both are absolute MUST’s. Wiking – die Peltzer
Ära, Menschen und Miniaturen covers the history of Wiking, the people who played roles in the
Wiking story, and superb photo essays in the various series of ships, planes, vehicles, landscapes,
and toys. Wiking – das Peltzer Erbe continues the coverage of everything one could conceive
ably want to know about the models. I have collected Wikings for 45 years, and I am still
overwhelmed every time I look at these. All four books were supplied by Christian Schmidt
Booksellers in Munich. Mr. Schmidt has long since retired but his daughter Gabi carries on the
excellent service. Use <>.
Herpatology Department. The diecast producers continue to turn out many variations on the
same basic models. I have lost track of how many different colour schemes are offered for the F14 and MD-80. One could fill an office with nothing but 737 or Airbus variants. It looks like the
merits of variety are finally dawning on the diecast makers. Recently announced by Hogan in their
M series are a pair of Zeke 21’s, including Sakai’s Rabaul Wing aircraft and another ace in
shipboard colours, an early Betty G4M1, and two sets of military ground equipment. Other
announcements, I think under the Herpa banner are a Hawkeye. AWACS some airfield
vehicles,and a B-17G Fortress in late WWII natural metal. One suspects it is just a matter of time
before the flood gates open.
Wings of War,Glory, Nexus, and Ares Department. Ares Games in Italy acquired the Nexus
rights and is now releasing a number of new types. Aimed at the wargaming crowd the Wings of
models are fully finished aircraft, offered in 2-3 colour schemes, with a clever adjustable display
stand. Just installed in the in the showcase are Doolittle Raid and camouflaged USAAF
variants of the B-25 Mitchell, and summer and winter versions of the Heinkel He 111.
Also new are packs of their stackable clear mounting pegs - the latter ideal for instant
stepped displays. The next Wings of Glory releases are listed as
the Me.110, Beaufighter ,,Gloster Gladiator, Fiat Cr.42 Falco, Focke Wulf 190 D-9 ,North
American P-51D Mustang ,Nakajima Ki-84 Hayate, Supermarinie Spitfire Mk.IX.
Ron Update Department. Many thanks for the continuing good wishes. I spent most of
last week down in Boston. If one survives both cancer and the treatment, the prize is a
lifelong serious of 6-month checkups. Those consist of enough CT-scans to reduce the
electric bill, enough probes and biopsies to qualify as a Roto-Rooter concessionaire, and
an assortment of related tests. So the short answer is that I am now qualified to
contribute to the Boston economy in another 6 months. Yes!!!!!!!!
Until next time, happy collecting!
We normally stick to 1/200 but Jurgen Offerman has some 1/400 scale airliners he wishes to
Pricelist in Euro
Passengers 1/400 Second Hand
Pan Am B 747-121 (Dragon)= 30 €
Finnair MD-11 / 1998 Christmas Edition ( Sky) = 35 €
Alitalia B 747-243B (Dragon) = 30 €
2 x AirJamaica A 320-214 (Dragon) = each 20 €
Braniff International B 747-127, orange, (Dragon) = 30 €
Qantas „Wunala Dreaming“ (Dragon) = 45 €
British Airways „Scotland“ (Gemini Jets) = 35 €
Virgin Atlantic Airways „Lady in Red“ (Sky) = 40€
American Airlines B 777-200 (Dragon) = 25€
JAL B 747-346(SR) „Okinawa“, birds and flowers, (JetAir) = 45 €
Northwest Airlines Cargo B 747-2J9F = 40 €+ shipping costs
If interested contact
Keith from SMTS wrote
As you know we had a lot of enquiries for Sky Classics kits but for just 1s and 2s of each type. It is obviously not
economic for us to manufacture in such small quantities so we have decided to undertake a trial whereby we will offer kits
of our Short S23 Empire C Class flying boat and Nimrod R1 providing that we receive a minimum of 25 orders for each
Kits are £40 each + VAT = £48. Postage is £4.50 in the UK, £9.50 in Europe and £12.50 worldwide.
Let's hope we get a good response and can offer more Sky Classics kits.
If interested contact Keith directly by email (, phone 01424 853353,
fax 01424 852241 or post to SMTS, 10 Moorhurst Road, Hastings TN38 9NA.
Carsten Breiting ( wrote
I will see to send you the informations about the latest Sazel models, which are made by DZ (Dolesale) in
Czekia. Basicaly it is a line of Junkers Ju-88, Ju-188, Ju-388 and a Ju-488(not finished before the end of the
war) plus a Go-229. I have attached some photos. I have not seen the Mistels so far. I made my own Mistel
3 “Führungsmaschine” (Ju-88 H-4 + Fw-190 F-8 with “Dobbelreiter”.
The other Sazel models XF-11 and Rainbow (under construction) are the usual Sazel standard and need
some rework to be up to todays standard..
This has proved to be a rather large version of TOTS and I hope you have found plenty to
interest you somewhere in its pages.
Seasons Greetings to you all