Vilniaus miesto bendrasis planas iki 2015 metų
Vilniaus miesto bendrasis planas iki 2015 metų
REGIONAL AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT TRENDS IN LITHUANIA Mindaugas Pakalnis SWECO Lithuania Chief architect-urban planner Tel. +370 688 87128, mail: Lithuania and Baltic region in Europe The urban centers in eastern Baltic region DISTANCES BY ROADS, KM Helsinki 4h 350 Saint Petersburg Tallinn 307 Riga 280 Vilnius 170 Minsk 460 Warsaw Urban and population potential in Baltic region Lithuania (esp. Vilnius and Kaunas) – the best population potential in the Baltics region Helsinki Tallinn Riga Kaunas Vilnius Minsk Dominant branch of employment in Baltic region Financial services Vilnius and Tallinn - the II range centers of financial services, dominated by non domestic (Scandinavian) banks Employees in R&D branches Vilnius – the II range R&D center in the region Existing TEN-T road and rail networks in Baltic region Helsinki Tallinn Riga Kaunas Vilnius Minsk Missing highway links Planned VIA BALTICA link VILNIUS AND KAUNAS TWIN CITIES (DIPOLIS) DEVELOPMENT PRIORITIES 2005-2015 1. Development of transportation infrastructure 2. Development of economy Integration of potentials 3. Developmet infrastruture for buiseness and tourism Vilnius – Kaunas twin cities (dipolis) 1.6 mlj. inhabitants 61% Lithuania and 25% Baltic countries GDP = GDP of Estonia Demography in Lithuania in XX-XXI centuries. 4000000 3690000 3460000 3500000 3398000 3037100 3100000 3000000 2828000 2500000 2711000 2750000 2561000 2000000 Lietuva (EUROSTAT prognozė) Lietuva (surašymų duomenys) 1500000 Lietuva (patikslintas scenarijus) Vilnius (surašymų duomenys) Vilnius realiausia pronozė 576747 205200 540000 Source: Department of Statistics of Lithuania + prognosis of EUROSTAT 2060 2050 2040 2020 2010 2001 1989 1959 1950 1939 1979 236100 179000 1913 1897 0 154132 535000 531691 1970 500000 2030 1000000 Weakening creative part of the society Active part of the society (revised forecast) Old age dependency till 2060 will triple itself Source: EUROSTAT Development prognosis for different cities 600000 576747 531411 535000 537000 540000 540000 540000 475825 500000 419745 370153 400000 370000 305600 300000 335393 280000260000 236100 216850 176648 140320 200000 100 000 gyventojų 245000 235000 230000 202929 170699 160000 152000 150000 150000 150000 89500 100000 0 1959 1970 1979 1989 2009 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 Population changes 1989 till 2013 Vilnius ( -45336) Kaunas ( -84352) Source: Department of Statistics of Lithuania Klaipėda (-32230) Demographic trends of Vilnius, Riga and Tallinn Riga - pesimistic Sources: Vilnius city master plan, Geomedia forecast for Tallinn, University of Latvia (A.Bērziņš) forecast for Riga Lithuania – altering of population 2005 2012 4 grandparents – 2 grandchildren Alytaus m. Alytaus r. Druskininkų Lazdijų r. Varėnos r. Birštono Jonavos r. Kaišiadorių r. Kauno m. Kauno r. Kėdainių r. Prienų r. Raseinių r. Klaipėdos m. Klaipėdos r. Kretingos r. Neringos Palangos m. Skuodo r. Šilutės r. Kalvarijos Kazlų Rūdos Marijampolės Šakių r. Vilkaviškio r. Biržų r. Kupiškio r. Panevėžio m. Panevėžio r. Pasvalio r. Rokiškio r. Akmenės r. Joniškio r. Kelmės r. Pakruojo r. Radviliškio r. Šiaulių m. Šiaulių r. Jurbarko r. Pagėgių Šilalės r. Tauragės r. Mažeikių r. Plungės r. Rietavo Telšių r. Anykščių r. Ignalinos r. Molėtų r. Utenos r. Visagino Zarasų r. Elektrėnų Šalčininkų r. Širvintų r. Švenčionių r. Trakų r. Ukmergės r. Vilniaus m. Vilniaus r. sav. Decline of the towns 20000 Kauno raj. Klaipėdos raj. Vilniaus raj. 0 -20000 -40000 -60000 -80000 -100000 Degrading landscape Why our landscape is changing ?????: Cattle rearing in Lithuania in XX-XXIa. URBAN SPRAWL Klaipėda Vilnius Vilnius city urban area Vilnius Area – 402 km2 Population – 539000 Density–1 340 inh./km2 Paris Area – 105 km2 Population – 2211297 Density–21 060 inh./km2 30 km Barcelona Area – 101 km2 Population – 1. 621 537 Density–16.055 inh./sq km Viena Area – 414.65 km2 Population – 1.757 353 Density–4.002.2 inh./km2 Population (within the municipal borders) 555 000 Day population 680 000 Metropolis population 800 000 Urban structure model Central zone XII-XIX c. Middle zone XX c. Periphery zone XX-XXI c. PRESENT TENDENCIES High quality of renovated areas in the city centre Devastated territories in the city centre Chaotic development of suburbs Disperse urban structure - basic problem of our cities Minimal sustainable density of built up area – 30 in./ha VILNIUS 200,00 RYGA gyventoių/ha 150,00 100,00 68,6 30 inh./ha 47,4 50,0040,80 30,930,2 23,5 13,7 8,3 6 2,1 1 1,6 2,8 1,4 0,5 0,1 0,00 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 Atstumas nuo miesto centro (km) LOW DENCITY OF INHABITANTS Average density of builtup area: 1998 - 48 inh./1 ha 2011 - 39 inh./1 ha DENSITY OF INHABITANTS IN THE CITIES OF THE WORLD Vilnius 39 inh./ha Vilnius Ryga 64 inh./ha Praha 71 inh./ha COMING CLOSER TO AMERICAN CITY MODEL ??? Urban density and transport related energy consumption Coming closer to american model of the city ??? Vilnius 20,6 GJ/inh. per year Conformist planning 1200000 1000000 800000 579000 600000 137000 400000 553000 364000 200000 352000 143000 88000 Kauno miestas Kauno rajonas 96000 0 Vilniaus miestas Vilniaus rajonas esamas gyventojų skaičius gali tilpti papildomai Urban sprawl in Europe and Lithuania 125 125 120 120 115 115 110 110 105 105 100 100 95 95 90 90 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Built up areas Transport infrastructure Quantity of inhabitants Europe 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Buil up areas Transport infrastructure 2005 2010 Quantity of inhabitants Lithuania LOW TERRITORY USE DENSITY Siektini rodikliai : Centrinė miesto dalis – 1,6-2,5 gvenamieji rajonai, Naujamiestis –1,0-1,2-1,6 Development tendencies after 2007: TENDENCIJOS 2007 construction SprawlPO of homes Multistorey dwellings Daugiabučiai pastatai Single family houses Vienbučiai ir dvibučiai pastatai Building permits for single family houses 1373 1148 1134 1028 904 773 Kolektyviniuose soduose Gyvenamuosiuose kvartaluose iki 2007.02 2007.02-2010 nuo 2010.01 Altering of compact part of the city Average – 30 years Average age Network of schools It is enough schools by amount of inhabitants but not enough for territory coverage – 11 schools missing in periphery zone. Amount for 1000 inh. In Vilnius Sec. schools Norm 1997 2003 2004 140 155 149 140 Network of kindergardens Not enough kindergartens by amount of inhabitants and territory coverage Amount for 1000 inh. In Vilnius Kindergartens Norm 1997 2003 2004 33 36 38 65-70 URBAN SPRAWL AND REAL ESTATE PRICES VILNIUS URBAN SPRAWL AND REAL ESTATE PRICES KLAIPĖDA Possible solutions Polycentric development of the country Development of railway network and Klaipeda sea port Rail Baltica Growth from 28 till 90 mln. t. Logistic centre IX B corridor Polycentric developmet of the cities integration of cities and suburbs Vilnius City development concept up to 2025 - Development model decentralized concentration - Permanent, sustaniable growth of quality of life and decreasing diversification. - Preserved principles of sustainable development Development of public transportation 1. 2. 3. Modern tram Extension of trolley-bus network (or electric buses) Extension of omnibus network in the periphery Redeployment of brownfield areas Potential total 500 ha In the centre 120 ha Undevelopt areas in centre of Vilnius city Sucesessfull projects of brownfields redevelopment Šiaurės miestelis Naujasis centras Naujamiestis „Verslo trikampis“ Required help for acceleration- consolidation of properties, cleaning, development of public infrastructure Soviet –built housing renovation Urban structure of soviet-built blocks Unfriendly open plan structure Safe yard, controlled environment – normal wish of modern family Soviet built blocks – not everything must be renovated Typology of tipical dwelling Soviet –built blocks - replaning required Renovation - German experience Renovation - German experience Renovation - Dutch experience MODERNISATION OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS „No single project without culture“ Support for creative and local communities Development of bottom –up initiatives. 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