Annual Report 2 / 008 - Alzheimer Society of Manitoba
Annual Report 2 / 008 - Alzheimer Society of Manitoba
Annual Report 2/008 A Message from the CEO & President of the Board is a very big step demonstrating that government supports and recognizes the importance of people with dementia, and considers Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia a significant public health priority. Physician Education Committee A group of dedicated and distinguished professionals have volunteered their time to define the education needs of physicians – to find the most effective way to reach them and support them in diagnosing and caring for clients with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Working with family physicians as well as geriatric specialists is so Alzheimer Society of Manitoba CEO, Sylvia Rothney & important to the Alzheimer Society, Board President, Judy Mathieson to provide a continuum of care that respects and supports families to find Each Wednesday and Thursday morning, support their way through our health care system with dignity groups for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease or and compassion. another dementia meet in our provincial office. Their Heads Up for Healthier Brains laughter spills into our hallways, and they often end Emerging research has, for the first time, enabled the in a song. Alzheimer Society to promote prevention of long-term As they put on coats, wait for rides home or make and terminal illness, while focusing on lifestyle choices lunch plans together, our mission statement hits home. to increase wellness and longevity. We are planning Are they receiving the help they need today? Are we two showcase events in October 2008. Our keynote providing hope for the future? What are we doing to speaker, Guy Pilch, Canada’s first mental fitness ensure that all people with Alzheimer’s disease and consultant, will draw on his knowledge of current related dementia experience the best possible quality brain research and his own diverse range of experiences of life? to deliver talks to standing room audiences, talks that When you delve further into our Annual Report, you help people transform their lives. will read about the research your dollars are funding, At the end of 2007-2008, we are proud to report that and the services we provide to individuals and families the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba is well-positioned who come to us for information and support. In our to lead the movement to empower caregivers with the message, we decided to highlight three education knowledge and support structure they need, to work initiatives that, we feel, reflect how we are working with the increasing population of individuals living steadily toward our mission statement. with Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia. We are New training for personal care home staff grateful for the dedicated leadership of our Board of We were so excited when our new education initiative Directors, and for the talent and enthusiasm of our for long-term care facilities was approved and launched volunteers and staff. Finally, we are inspired by the last fall. This marks the fruition of many years behind- generosity of donors who share our concerns and our the-scenes work with public health officials, the medical vision for the community we live in. We could not community and professional and family caregivers. It continue without you. Page Annual Report 2007/2008 Table of Contents Board of Directors Ms. Judy Mathieson, President Ms. Pearl Soltys, Vice President Ms. Joanna Knowlton, Treasurer Mr. Richard Nakoneczny, Past-President Members Dr. Gordon Glazner Ms. Judy Huston Ms. Julie James Dr. Lesley Koven Ms. Kim Powell Ms. Gerry Walker Ms. Sherri Wood Dr. Howard Zacharias 2 A Message from the CEO & President of the Board 3 Board of Directors 4 Our Vision Caring Support 5 Reassuring Advice Supporting Care 6 Empowering Care Providing Security 7 Raising Awareness Building Hope 8-9 Our Research Funding 10 Distinguished Memer Award Bevis Bird 11 Distinguished Memer Award Dr. Cornelia van Ineveld 12 Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser Debra Berenhaut 13 Gifts of Hope Research Endowment Fund Established 14-15 Financial Statements 16-17 In Memorium 18-19 Donors 19 Volunteer Pin Recipients Joanna Knowlton, Howard Zacharias, Judy Huston, Richard Nakoneczny, Gerry Walker, Kim Powell, Judy Mathieson, Lesley Koven, Sherri Wood Annual Report 2007/2008 Page Our Vision The Alzheimer Society of Manitoba exists so that all Manitobans affected by Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia receive the help they need today and have hope for the future. People With Dementia All people with dementia experience the best possible quality of life. Families and Informal Care Providers All families and informal care providers are educated about dementia and have access to support structures to empower them to be effective and confident caregivers. An Informed Public Everyone has a solid understanding of Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias and considers dementia to be a significant public health priority. Caring Support a support group at the Alzheimer Society and no longer “ Ifeeljoined lost and alone. I have my optimism back and have regained some of the old me. ” Weekly Support groups held at the Alzheimer Society provide people living with Alzheimer’s disease or another dementia the opportunity to discuss their feelings and frustrations and discuss ways they help themselves cope and manage their disease. Support groups also help people with dementia to engage in activities that encourage brain activity in a non threatening environment. stands up straighter, he can “ He do up his own jacket and he seems to communicate with me better after he comes out of group. ” “ Everyone here understands when I forget what I am going to say.” Page Annual Report 2007/2008 Reassuring Advice People with dementia and their families need an understanding ear and the advice from a trusted source. The Alzheimer Society provides support to people with dementia and their families. Last year, we responded to over three thousand calls for supportive counseling through telephone calls, office visits and emails. feel so much better now that I “ Ihave spoken to you.” have a sense of direction “ Iinnow what I need to do next.” Supporting Care didn’t realize the importance of an organization like the “ IAlzheimer ” Society until I was personally affected by this disease. Caregivers find comfort and companionship in an environment that is supportive of their needs and where others can relate to the triumphs and tribulations of their caregiving journey. With the assistance of volunteer facilitators, the Alzheimer Society runs thirty support groups in Manitoba for family caregivers that meet monthly. This year the Alzheimer Society also piloted distant telephone support groups for caregivers in remote communities to interact with other caregivers. feel comfortable “ Italking about my in group problems because I know that I am not alone and will not be judged. ” Annual Report 2007/2008 Page Empowering Care learned very practical care techniques that I can apply to my “ I’ve daily care providing, which could improve the quality of care I provide and the quality of life of the person with dementia. ” In an effort to encourage optimal care for people with dementia, the Alzheimer Society offers educational opportunities to thousands of people involved in the care of people with Alzheimer’s disease or other dementias each year; including, health care practitioners, professional care providers, home care providers, and family caregivers. Participants of dementia educational sessions benefit by receiving current information on dementia and practical suggestions for best practices in care. Five hundred health care professionals attended a two day educational conference to gain new knowledge about dementia care practices. Providing Security think that my Dad would ever wander, but then one day “ Ihedidn’t did. I am sure happy that he was enrolled in the Safely Home™ program. ” The Alzheimer Society offers families of people with dementia the opportunity to enroll in the Safely Home™ wandering program, providing families with the security of knowing that their loved one will be brought home safely should they inadvertently lose their way. The Alzheimer Society works with the Winnipeg Police Service and the RCMP to ensure that if a person with dementia goes missing, search and rescue efforts are carried out immediately. Over one thousand people are enrolled in the Safely Home™ program in Manitoba. Page Annual Report 2007/2008 Raising Awareness the ten warning signs is a good way of assessing myself “ Knowing and the people I know. Now I feel relieved that I won’t be caught unaware. ” In an effort to promote a supportive and informed community that understands the nature of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, the Alzheimer Society engages in public awareness campaigns and community outreach initiatives. Alzheimer Society sponsored events, publications, media exposure, speaking opportunities, and website promotions help to increase the public’s knowledge of Alzheimer’s disease and foster understanding and empathy for people with dementia while educating about warning signs and risk reduction measures. Last year, almost fifty thousand visitors accessed the Alzheimer Society’s website to gain information and thousands of people participated in Alzheimer Society fundraising events and public presentations. Building Hope Alzheimer’s disease is an important public health priority. The Alzheimer Society advocates for the best possible standards of care and services for people with dementia and their families by rallying the government and working with agencies to improve the quality of care in Manitoba. now have a whole new attitude “ Itowards the residents we provide care for, from treating them as the patient with the disease to seeing the person in them whom I can assist. ” Annual Report 2007/2008 Page Our Research Funding “ In the late 80’s, there was no treatment at all for Alzheimer’s disease, and I watched as the disease took my grandfather from me. ” Dr Gordon Glazner Dr. Gordon Glazner, Ph.D. Alzheimer Researcher Dr. Gordon Glazner is a Manitoba researcher working hard to solve the puzzle of Alzheimer’s disease. He is the Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Therapeutics at the University of Manitoba and the Principal Investigator of Neurodegenerative Disorders at the St. Boniface Hospital Research Centre. Dr. Glazner is also a member of the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba’s Board of Directors. “The grants I have received from the Alzheimer Society have funded the majority of research we have conducted on Alzheimer’s disease,” says Dr. Glazner. “With these funds, we have made a number of discoveries regarding inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease that have been published in top journals. We are currently testing compounds that may inhibit the inflammatory process that is now being recognized as a major part of the Alzheimer’s disease process.” Dr. Gordon Glazner “Alzheimer’s disease is a disease that requires a lifetime to develop, and attacks the most complex organ of the body. In fact, the human brain is the most complex structure of any kind,” says Dr. Glazner. “The most interesting aspect of this research is the very subtle complexity of the disease, which requires, we as researchers, to be at our sharpest— to not miss any clue. Research funding not only drives current research, but it also helps to train those who will continue discovering cures in the next generation.” Page Annual Report 2007/2008 Jonathan Thiessen, Graduate Student Fellowship Award Recipient Graduate Student Fellowship ensures the continuation of “ The my graduate research and provides a stepping stone for a lifelong career in neurological research.” Jonathan Thiessen’s research involves the development of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) methods to help diagnose Alzheimer’s disease at an early stage. Using several different MRI techniques, Jonathan has visualized the progression of the disease in living mice and correlated that progression with memory deficits observed in behavioural studies. These types of studies should allow Alzheimer’s disease to be diagnosed sooner and with more certainty in the future, allowing for earlier treatment of the disease. Being able to track the progression of Alzheimer’s disease also has significant applications to drug development, where the efficacy of treatments could be monitored in living mice. Supervised by Dr. Melanie Martin at the University of Winnipeg, this research is also being applied to the imaging of other neurological diseases. Jonathan Thiessen Josette Douville, Graduate Student Fellowship Award Recipient am very honoured to have received financial support from the “ IAlzheimer Society of Manitoba to carry out my research. I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to the Alzheimer Society for having awarded me a Graduate Student Fellowship. Josette Douville`s research focuses on identifying genes that are responsible for the blood vessel dysfunction that frequently occurs in Alzheimer`s disease. In Dr. Jeffrey Wigle`s laboratory at the St. Boniface General Hospital Research Centre, Josette studies a protein called MEOX2. MEOX2 is a key protein that is responsible for turning genes on and off in blood vessels. This protein is greatly reduced in the blood vessels of Alzheimer`s patients. In lab studies, the reintroduction of the MEOX2 protein restored the function of blood vessel cells from Alzheimer`s disease patients. The use of state of the art molecular biology techniques allows the identification of genes which are controlled by MEOX2. This research will contribute to the identification of better therapeutic targets for treating people with Alzheimer`s disease. ” Josette Douville Annual Report 2007/2008 Page Distinguished Member Award Bevis Bird enjoy working with the staff and I feel good knowing that “ II really am contributing in some way. ” Bevis makes a point of helping to educate others about the programs and services that the Alzheimer Society has to offer and to helping ensure that the Society’s fundraising events are a success. “There are so many more supports in place now than there were when my mother was first diagnosed with Alzheimer’s,” says Bevis. “It’s really good to see that the Alzheimer Society is helping people with the disease and their families through such a difficult time.” Bevis began volunteering at the Alzheimer Society in 2002. She works out of the provincial office each Wednesday from September until the end of June for the entire day — regardless of the weather — and assists in the fund development department helping to prepare material for fundraising events. She enthusiastically organizes event supplies, packs kits, and carries out other duties as requested. Distinguished Member, Bevis Bird Bevis Bird embraces the spirit of volunteerism whole heartedly. “I love coming to the Alzheimer Society each week,” says Bevis. “I really enjoy working with the staff and I feel good knowing that I am contributing in some way.” Bevis first started volunteering for the Alzheimer Society after her mother died. She knows first-hand the affects that Alzheimer’s disease has on families and it is one of the reasons that she has dedicated herself to the cause. “Volunteering is a core belief of mine and it gets me through the tough times and whatever situation I may be faced with,” says Bevis. “Dealing with Alzheimer’s disease was one of those tough times.” Page 10 She takes volunteering very seriously, in fact, Bevis contributed over 197 hours of volunteer time with the Alzheimer Society in 2007. She never complains about the tasks she is asked to help with and is always willing to lend a hand. In addition to being a very reliable weekly office volunteer, Bevis also participates as a volunteer for Memory Walk, Tag Day, and the Alzheimer Society’s annual Gala. “I am happy to help the Alzheimer Society in any way I can,” says Bevis. “If someone asks me to do something else on a Wednesday, I always say I’m sorry, I can’t. Wednesday is my day to work at the Alzheimer Society.” Congratulations Bevis, for earning the title of Distinguished Member of the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba. Your dedication is greatly appreciated! Annual Report 2007/2008 Distinguished Member Award Dr. Cornelia (Kristel) van Ineveld, MD FRCP(C) fit for me because of my work as a geriatrician and it “ Itfeltwasgooda good to know that I was contributing to a cause that I believe in. ” Dr. van Ineveld has been actively involved with the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba since 1999. She is the Consultant Geriatrician at St. Boniface Hospital, Program Director of the Geriatric Medicine training program and Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Manitoba. She joined the Alzheimer Society’s Board of Directors in 2001 and remained on the Board until 2007. As a geriatrician, Dr. van Ineveld has contributed a wealth of knowledge on Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias and has been a trusted source on dementia and caregiving related issues. “I was first asked to join the Alzheimer Society’s Board of Directors by Dr. Barry Campbell, a colleague and friend, who at the time was the president of the board,” says Dr. van Ineveld. “It was a good fit for me because of my work as a geriatrician and it felt good to know that I was contributing to a cause that I believe in.” Dr. van Ineveld has been a strong advocate for the Alzheimer Society. She was instrumental in helping to implement the Alzheimer Strategy for Manitoba by joining a strategy steering committee and she currently chairs the Physician’s Working Group to support the Strategy. During her time with the Society, Dr. van Ineveld has spoken to family caregivers at Living with Alzheimer’s Disease workshops, presented to professional caregivers at the Alzheimer Society’s annual Conference, and has offered her geriatric expertise by speaking to the media on Alzheimer related issues. Dr. van Ineveld and her husband, Dr. David Strang, who is also a geriatrician, are strong advocates of the Alzheimer Society and have shown their support for the Alzheimer Society as volunteers and as donors. They participate in various fundraising events Annual Report 2007/2008 Distinguished Member, Dr. Cornelia (Kristel) van Ineveld, MD FRCP(C) throughout the year including, canvassing at Tag Day, participating in Memory Walk with their son and attending the Society’s annual Gala. “I am really honoured to be receiving the Distinguished Member Award, but I feel that it’s necessary to acknowledge the many people that contribute to the work of the Alzheimer Society. It’s really a group effort.” We are grateful for the vision and knowledge that Dr. van Ineveld has shared with the Alzheimer Society over the past nine years. It is for these reasons that Dr. Cornelia van Ineveld, an exemplary volunteer, is a deserving recipient of the 2008 Distinguished Member Award. Page 11 Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser Debra Berenhaut It gives me a sense of fulfillment… “ that I am doing what I can do. ” passionate about the cause, going out of her way to promote the Alzheimer Society’s fundraising events in any way she can. She says of her remarkable efforts, “It is easy to ask for someone else. I ask everybody. I have no problem with that.” Each year for our Memory Walk event, Debby gathers a family team together and raises funds to support the Alzheimer Society. She is one of the first people to register with her team online and begin collecting pledges. Last year, her team the “Singers Sweeties” consisting of ten family members raised eight thousand dollars for the Alzheimer Society. Family support is a large part of her success. “The whole family walks with me at Memory Walk and they are very helpful to my mother all of the time,” she says. “They do a lot more caregiving than I do.” Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser, Debra Berenhaut with her dad, Lawrence Singer Motivated by her father’s diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, Debby Berenhaut became actively involved with the Alzheimer Society in 2002. Currently her dad attends weekly support group meetings for people with dementia at the Alzheimer Society’s provincial office and her mom attends family support group meetings. “Dad is my life. Anything that affects him, affects the whole family,” says Debby. “I became interested in helping the organization after mom started attending the Thursday morning support group. It gives me a sense of fulfillment… that I am doing what I can do.” Since that time, Debby has been an avid and energetic supporter of the Alzheimer Society, participating as both a volunteer and as a fundraiser. Her personal experience with Alzheimer’s disease has made her Page 12 Debby was also instrumental in organizing a third party event held by the East India Company. As a personal friend of the owners of the East India Company, Debby encouraged them (the Mehra family) to host a Masala Mixer evening in support of the Alzheimer Society in 2006. The event was so successful and received such tremendous support from the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the Association of Indian Professionals, and the clientele of the East India Company that they decided to host the event again in 2007 and make it an annual fundraiser for the Alzheimer Society. Together with the Mehra family, Debby was fervent in selling tickets and collecting auction items for the Masala Mixer and her persistence paid off because in 2007, this event raised close to eight thousand dollars! Debby Berenhaut’s extraordinary commitment to the Alzheimer Society has earned her this year’s Outstanding Volunteer Fundraiser Award. We thank her for her hands on support, energetic fundraising and dedication to the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. Annual Report 2007/2008 Gifts of Hope Each year we receive gifts of hope from people who have named the Alzheimer Society in their will. These gifts enable us to continue providing quality programs and services and help fund research to find a cure. We gratefully acknowledge the following people who generously donated to the Alzheimer Society this year. Estate of Madeleine Suzanne Gauvin Estate of Patricia Margaret Pilous Estate of Olive Ruth Olafson Estate of Grace Restall Estate of Charles Henry Wright Estate of Albert Van Amstel Estate of Mary Campbell Estate of Inga Storgaard Estate of Charles Henry Wright Estate of Dorothy Mildred Armstrong Estate of Olivine Colette Estate of Gladys Chamberlain Estate of James Duff Estate of Winnifred May Wotherspoon Estate of Cyaroes A. Manning Research Endowment Fund Established In 2007, Mr. Joseph Vinet brought his daughters together to make an important family decision. Together the family crafted a generous gift to the Alzheimer Society in the form of an endowment fund in honour of Mrs. Roberta Vinet, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease nine years ago. The fund is dedicated to Alzheimer research. “For me, this is the worst challenge we’ve faced in our lives. We wanted to do something that would bring hope,” says Mr. Vinet. Throughout his life, Mr. Vinet has believed in giving back to the community. He and his wife have always been strong supporters of charitable organizations in Manitoba, particularly ones that have touched their lives positively. Mr. Vinet says that the Alzheimer Society was a natural choice for their family. it is his wish to do something to help make a difference in the lives of others who are affected. While the Alzheimer’s journey has been a difficult one, Mr. Vinet is grateful that his wife’s condition progressed slowly. He says that Roberta was fortunate to maintain her quality of life for many years, but her condition has recently been on a steady decline. “This is a devilish disease,” says Mr. Vinet. “There may be no pain, but it’s insidious and it tears families apart. It is my hope that our gift to the Alzheimer Society will broaden and increase efforts to help people with Alzheimer’s disease.” Roberta & Joseph Vinet He is very aware of the challenges that families face when they are confronted with Alzheimer’s disease and Annual Report 2007/2008 Page 13 Financial Statements Statement of Operations for the Year Ended March 31, 2008 Revenue These are excerpts from the audited financial statements of the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba for the year ended March 31, 2008. The complete audited financial statements are available upon request. 2008 2007 Campaigns $472,927 $453,485 Direct Marketing 174,353205,601 Donations609,970667,112 Grants 130,39768,271 Interest & Other Income29,96924,087 Program52,943 81,902 $1,470,559 $1,500,458 Expenses Client Services222,141256,042 Community Development 106,798 136,146 Education385,948375,020 Fund Development258,307249,200 Organizational Development 109,302 147,517 Program & Office Administration277,643281,420 Research 87,109 84,648 $1,447,248 $1,529,993 Revenue over Expenses $23,311 -$29,535 Amortization27,189 Excess of expenses over revenue for the year -3,878 13,803 (Expenses over Revenue) Page 14 -43,338 Annual Report 2007/2008 Financial Statements Revenue Breakdown 2008 2007 Donations41.48%44.46% Grants 6.99%2.74% Government Sustaining Grant 1.88% 1.81% Direct Marketing 11.86% 13.70% Program 3.60%5.46% Interest & Other Income 2.03% 1.61% Special Events/Campaigns 32.16%30.22% Tribute/Memorial Donations 8% Events/Campaigns 32% Bequest Donations 16% General Donations 17% Interest & Other Income 2% Program 4% Direct Marketing 12% Annual Report 2007/2008 Government Sustaining Grant 2% Grants 7% Page 15 In Memoriam The Alzheimer Society received $,3 in tribute gifts in 27-2. Gifts were received in memory of the following people: Howard Adams Harry Adamson Gurmukh Ahluwalia Ivan Airth Hilda Alford Nora Allan Sylvia Allen Hans Andersen Florence Anderson Irene Anderson Renée Anderson Annie Andrushak Alice Anthony Olga Antonakis Rose Arenson Dorothy Armstrong Lyle Armstrong June Ashton Metro Atamanchuk Mary Bahry Leslie Bake James Band Sarah Banman Sadie Barker Lloyd Batchelor Ellen Bauer Annette Beaudry Honorine Beauregard-Leclair June Beckel Michael Begleiter Joe Belinski Robert Bell Byron Benjamin Emily Bennett James Bennie Albert Berard Irene Berg Tony Bergen Albina Bernardin Annelies Besler Keith Bickford Emmanuel Biedler Doreen Biener Blastique Margaret Bodnar Olga Bogaski Max Bohrn Dorothy Boulton Albert Bourgeois Beatrice Bowie Alex Boyd Joyce Boyd Rita Boyd Emilia Braga James Branagh Dick Brasher Rudy Braun Lucille Bricker Phyllis Brisco Valerie Brooks Glen Brown Stuart Browning Page 16 James Bryan Margaret Buhler Steve Burak William Burke Marie Burman Lois Burns Robert Busch George Busilla Flora Buss Arthur Butterfield Christine Campbell Glen Campbell Rachel Campbell Rodney Campbell Mary Camyré Pauline Camyré Dorothy Carlyle Harry Carthy Charles Cartmel Lizzie Caskey Maria Castanheira Joyce Chan Patricia Channon Henry Chevillard Joseph Chicken Helen Choput John Christenson Fredric Christie John Christie Roberta Clark Phyllis Clements Margaret Coates Margaret Code Laurie Coke Kathleen Connell Ronald Cook Raymond Cormier James Coulter Kathleen Courteau Dorothy Cowan Frances Crawford Norah Crawford Ada Crump Irene Cullen Harriet Cushman Joseph Dancho Normand Dando Thomas Dartnell Kenneth Davidson Florence Dawson Florence Day Betty Deacon Irene Dearlove Arthur Denslow Margery Derbyshire Herbert Derksen John Derksen Mary Derksen Albert Desrochers Leo Desrochers Milton Devine Dale Devins Dunny Dewar Phyllis Diehl Eileen Dill Brenda Dolinski Marie Donahue John Donald Herbert Douglas John Doyle Anna Driedger Allan Dryden Barbara Duffill Paul Dumaine Marjorie Dyce Helen Edgerton David Ediger Evert Edwardsson Raymond Elcombe Barry Elgert Raymond Etcombe Martha Eukenberg Louisa Evanchuk Gloria Evans Norman Evans Elsie Everton Jean Eyres Anne Marie Fabro John Fache Harold Fearon Maria Fifi Betty Jean Filion Giuseppina Fiorentino Sonia Firman Joyce Fitzpatrick-Roman Rosalie Flatt Frank Florko Charles Forman Brenda French Helene Freund Jacob Friesen Frieda Froese Shirley Frost Edward Fuchs Phyllis Fuller Ellen Fullerton Audrey Furst Irene Gagnon Douglas Gall Doris Gallagher Edith Gallagher Lloyd Garland Marguerite Garrity Gordon Gascoigne Rose Geller Olga Gerelus George Gigian Ronald Gillies Kelly Glezerson Gladys Gnabonski Winnifred Goertzen Reverend Gooch Isabelle Goodbrandson Raymond Goodmanson Verna Goods Duncan Govan William Graham Pauline Gray Clyde Green Irwin Green Ivan Green Jean Green Sylvia Green Nellie Grodzik Cornelius Groot Renald Guay John Gulchak Jean Gunn Sidney Gutnik Norman Gutscher Joeseph Hackywicz Perle Hadfield Anne Haines Helen Hale Peter Halls Roy Hambleton Doreen Hamilton Eva Hamilton Mary Hapko Anne Harder Kristin Harkess Helen Harris Nelly Harris Eileen Harrison William Harrison Mavis Hasiuk Kenneth Haynes Ruth Hayward John Heath Yettie Helper Andrew Henderson Dorothy Henderson Eveline Henderson Paul Henkel Eva Henry Leonard Henry Peter Heppner Ralph Herlick James Herring Peter Hersack Jeannette Heyser Doris Hindle Beth Hodkin Enid Hodsman Peter Hoeppner Wanda Hope Jack Huffman Audrey Hume Dorothy Hummel Carman Hunt Margaret Hurlburt Laura Inkster Mabel Irvine Edward Irvine Charles Ives Andrew Jackson Keith Jackson Elizabeth Jacobs Wib Jacobs Jeannine Jacques Mary Jaman Glenn Jamieson Eleonora Jansson Brian Johnson Gladys Johnson Olive Johnson Evelyn Johnston Alan Jones Michael Juce Helen Kasdorf Lawrence Kasprick Myrtle Keats Mark Kellington Elizabeth Kelly Erma Kelly Helen Kent Peter Kiazyk Eileen Killeen Gladys King Nellie Kinsley Dorothy Kinsman Marion Kirk Esther Kitch Lillian Kizuik Elizabeth Kliever Agnes Klimack Angelina Knabb David Knight Ross Knowles Nicholas Kochanowski Gerald Koldon Sophie Kosowan John Kowal Patricia Kropp Michael Kryzanowski Evelyn Kulbaba Florence Kummen Pauline Kupchuk M. Vaila Kuppers Hank Kuyp Henry Kuyp Donald Labey Norman Lambkin Barbara Larter Jeanette Laughren Andrew Lavallee Louise Lavigne Laura Lazar Norma Leach Dorothy LeBlanc Joseph Lehner Alfred Lemieux Earl Leonard Barbara Lewis Bessie Lichter Stella Litkowski Dorothy Livingstone Ernest Loeppky Annual Report 2007/2008 In Memoriam A. Louttit Alice Lovberg Evelyn Lowery Toby Ludwig John Lukasiewicz Odile Lussier Richard MacDonald Freddie MacDonald Irene MacDonald Rod Mackenzie Blanche MacLaren Frederick MacRae Violet Maggoch George Magjak Raechel Maier Joseph Maier Viola Maitre Orville Maley Martha Malkin Shirley Malyska Gladys Malzensky Gordon Manson Annie Mantie Kay Marchbank Mollie Marcynuk Marguerite Marginet Irene Marion Ivan Marnock John Martin Kathleen Martin Lilja Martin Sally Martin Solange Martin William Mason Bertran Maunders Irene Maxwell Edward Mayer Raymond Mayer Margaret McAdam Catherine McBirney Phyllis McCombie Edith McFadden Laura McFarlane Jean McFarlane Stanley McGill Bertha McGugan Dorothy McIntyre Florence McKay Robert McKay Agnes McKie Eldon McKnight Betty McLellan Elsie McLeod Graham McLeod Alex McMillan Evelyn McMillan Edith McMurray Juliette McNair Florence McNeill Margaret McQueen Mendle Meltzer Olive Menzie Velma Metcalfe Eleanor Miller Eva Mitchell Gladys Mitchell Anne Mitosinka Annual Report 2007/2008 Doris Moffat Alberta Mollard Howard Molyneux Elva Morden Mary More Charles Morrison Roy Morrison G. Douglas Moulden Charlene Mowat Donald Mowat Albert Mryglod Isaac Much Audrey Mulligan Bryson Murray Martha Musgrove Antoine Nault Rachelle Nedelec Jean Neill Alfred Nicholas Robert Nicholson Vera Niessner Konstantina Nikitas Tillie Nisbett Dorthea Nitikman Martha Nolinski William Normore Joyce Norris Jean Northwood Edward Novak Robin Nurse Elizabeth O’Toole Connie Onica Frances Ostir Mabel Outhwaite Florence Owen Ted Pachal Audrey Paton Michael Pawluk Manuel Pedro Peter Penner Annie Penner Rosa Peraino Keenan Percy Elza Peterdy Giovanni Petrilli Murielle Pettypiece Irene Phillips Mary Pilchar Adam Pisiak Shirley Platt Peter Plesiuk Ervin Pluchinske Martha Podjan Albert Pohl Gottfried Pokorny Joyce Polden Albert Pownall Doris Proceviat William Prophet Mary Prysiazniuk Nick Pucenko Mykola Mac Puhach Metro Mervin Rasenberg Kathleen Raynard Anna May Reagh Yula Rector Eleanor Redfern Mary Reece Johanna Reichert Glayds Reichert Betty Reid Aldea Reid Peter Reid Edith Remmie Georgina Rennick Bernhard Reschke Lloyd Rheubottom John Rink John Ritter Anne Roberts Patsy Robertson Stella Robertson Olive Robinson Christina Robson John Robson Lynne Rogalczyk Michael Rosenberg Duncan Ross Robert Ross Hilda Rowe Yvette Roy Katie Rutar Mary Ryan Stella Rymarczuk Reima Saarinen Annette Sabourin George Safriuk Stella Sahaidak Evelyn Sala Mary Salyn Rae Samphir William Sampson Gail Saunders Jean Sawchuk Sarah Schewe Michelina Schillaci Anna Schluter Raymond Schmidt Eunice Schmitt Honor Schreyer Jona Schroeder Nancy Scott Gladys Scurfield Rose Secter Harold Segal Orville Sheane Peter Shelton Felix Shewchuk Yvette Shore Lottie Short Tena Shystokowski Helen Silarjs Olof Simpson Hazel Sinclair Mary Siwicki Albert Sjerdal George Slater Marie Smeltzer Gerry Smit Gordon Smith John Smith Doreen Smith Elsie Smith Ivina Smith Lillian Snead Sophie Solomchuk Robert Soper Laura Spackman Jean Spence Dick Stacherski Mary Stanko Minnie Starling Idella Stavechny Harry Stefanyshyn Robert Steggles Keith Stern Arthur Stevinson Charles Stewart Claudia Stewart Wilma Stewart Mabel Stinson Jane Stocks Nellie Stolash Steve Storoschuk Shirley Storry Masha Strang Audrey Sura June Sveinson Grace Syms Julia Szypoloski Julia Szypowski Vilda Tait Martin Tapley Dorothy Tarr Douglas Taylor Nancy Taylor Eileen Taylor Clara Thiessen Roland Therrien Herborg Thomasson Rose Thomasson Diane Thompson Margaret Thompson Alice Thorkelson Anne Timberg Mildred Tinkler Doris Treleaven Lucie Trottier Clairette Trudeau Marion Trudell Elizabeth Tuckett Christine Tucknott George Unrau Abe Unrau Gerald Vallee Harold van Allen Karel Van Helden Edna Van Steelant Tryntje Van Wyk John Van Wyk Leopold Verreault Cicely Vipond Andrew Volkmar Ann Wach John Wachal Faye Wafel Irene Walker Myrtle Walpole Donald Walzer Howard Wardell John Warkentin William Warren Fay Wasel Verna Washnuk Alice Watt Jean Webb Hazel Weber Clara Weiselman Edward Weitzel Barbara Westaway Roy Westwood Catherine Whalen Gertrude Whalen William Wheeler Frank White Allan White Evelyn Whiteford Mona Whiting Dennis Whittaker Eileen Wild Margaret Williams Kathleen Williams Shirley Williamson Eileen Williamson Hans Wilms Roy Wilson Wilfred Wilson Sharon Wilson Elizabeth Wilson William Wilson Freda Wilson Jack Winship Nellie Wolski John Wood Paul Wowk Virginia Wright Helen Wright Trevona Wright Helen Wysocki Victor Yallits Edith Zimmerman Bill Zuzda Nellie Zynger Helena Zysk Page 17 Donors We gratefully acknowledge the generosity of the many donors and sponsors that have supported the work of the Alzheimer Society of Manitoba over the last year. We sincerely appreciate every gift that we receive, but are unable to list every donor and sponsor name. The following list is in recognition of Gifts of $500+ received between April 1st, 27 and March 31st, 2. Community Giving Altona/Gretna & District United Way Boissevain & Morton Donor’s Choice’s Carman & Community United Way Dauphin Donor’s Choice Deloraine & Area Donor’s Choice Elgin & Area Donor’s Choice Elkhorn Donor’s Choice Foxwarren Donor’s Choice’s Fraternal Order of Eagles – Retired Eagles Activity Club Glenboro & Area Donor’s Choice’s Hamiota Donor’s Choice’s Harding – Kenton – Lenore Donor’s Choice’s Hartney District Donor’s Choice Holland & Area Donor’s Choice Killarney/Turtle Mountain Donor’s Choice Melita Donor’s Choice’s Miniota Arrow River Donor’s Choice’s Morden & District United Way Oak Lake & Area Donor’s Choice Order of the Eastern Star No 17 Ottawa United Way Pierson United Appeal Pilot Mound & District Community Canvas Pine Falls & District United Appeal RM of West St Paul Roblin & District Donor’s Choice Shoal Lake Donor’s Choice Souris Donor’s Choice Starbuck All Charities Virden Donor’s Choice’s The Westhaven Tenants Gift Fund Winkler District United Way Employee Giving BMO Employee Charitable Foundation Brandon United Way Canadian Wheat Board Health Sciences Centre Employees Charitable Fund Healthpartners IBM Employees Charitable Fund Manitoba Hydro MGEA All Charities Campaign MTS Allstream The City of Winnipeg Employees Charitable Fund Vansco Electronics Ltd. Page 18 Individual & Corporate Gifts Aboriginal Peoples Television Network Air Canada Joyce Agnew All-Fab Building Components Inc. Assante Financial Management Assiniboine Athletic Club B & M Land BPG – The Benefits Planning Group Ltd. Baked Expectations Bayshore Home Health Bethania Personal Care Home Deanna Blahnik Kenneth Blair Burger Boat Brian Boes Wendy Bouchard Brandon Sun Terry Braunstein Jerome Buydens Cambrian Credit Union Canada Revenue Agency Canada Safeway Ltd. Canada Vigilence Regional Office – Manitoba Canadian Society of Association Executives Canadian Tire – Brandon CanAmerica Drugs Inc. Canexus Ltd. Cargill Ltd. Carman Valley Leader Carte International Inc. Cassiopeia Central Health Services Ce Soir Fine Lingerie CFAM – 950 Bernice Chick City Press Ltd. CityTV CKLQ-Star FM CKMW Country – 1570 CKX Television Clif McJannet & Associates Rudolph C. Conti Continental Travel Group Margaret Cracknell Murray Crawford Andrew Crump Deer Lodge Centre Derksen Mechanical Services Inc. Design Manitoba Lynne Dollis Drake Medox Health Services Edward Dyck Dynamic Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic East India Company Edward Carriere Salon Esdale Printing Company Ltd. First Glance Aesthetic Clinic Florists Supply Ltd. Forman Honda Frazer Studio Barbara Friesen Fude FWS Construction Ltd. Carlo Gabbrielli Granny’s Poultry Cooperative (MB) Ltd. Great-West Life Assurance Company David Greenwood Guild Insurance Brokers Houston’s Country Roadhouse Louise Hunter Hunter, Miller & Co-Attorneys at Law Investors Group Jacobsen and Greiner – RONA – J&G Supply Kim James Janssen-Ortho Jazz Golf – Mark Breslauer Jenkins – The Flooring People J&G Building Supply Ed and Sandra Karnet Neil Kolton Rochelle Koscielny Carol Leach Connie Lee Leech Printing Ltd. Albert & Louise Lemoine LNJ Medical Inc. Barbara Loewen Lundbeck Canada Inc. MacKenzie Financial Corporation Manitoba Hydro Manitoba Liquor Control Commission Manitoba Moose Manitoba Pork Robert Mason Braeden Maxwell Karen Mcdonald Molly McLennan Meyers Auction & Appraisal Services Mike Michalecki Clarke Mills Paul Mitchell Morden Valley Leader Patrick Montgomery Morguard Investments Ltd. Frances Morwick MTS AllStream MTS Centre Mildred Murray Novartis Pharma Canada Inc. Lorne Parobec Bonnie Perchaluk Gord and Diane Peters Lawrie Peterson Pfizer Canada Inc. Glen Pinnell Pitblado LLP Barristers & Solicitors Derksen Plumbing Pratt McGarry Inc. Premier Printing Ltd. Qualico Developments (Winnipeg) Ltd. Quality Life Service Inc. Quintex Services Ltd. QX 104 FM RBC Foundation RBC – Dominion Securities – Leigh Cunningham Red River Co-op Ltd. Red River Valley Echo Red River Valley Mutual Insurance Company Tom Rice Shirley Richardson Royal Canadian Properties Ltd. Royal LePage Prime Real Estate Safeway Employees’ Association Stella Sahaidak Saisanet Inc. Robert Saunders Scotiabank Shelter Canadian Properties Ltd. Shindico Johanna Schretter Ronald Sprague Simon Imports Ltd. South Beach Casino Inc. South Interlake Fifty-Five Plus Inc. Stacie Spak Sphere Environmental Ltd. Olive Spitzer Sally Stefanyshyn David G. Strang & Cornelia van Ineveld Super Thrifty Drug Canada Inc. Signy Syms Jane Tataryn Tavern In The Park Telpay Bill Payment Service The Brandon Clinic Medical Corp. The Eagle – 935 The Fort Garry The Green Spot The Wheat City Journal Annual Report 2007/2008 …Donations continued Irene Tibbatts TD Canada Trust Trans Global International Commodities Solutions Ltd. Transitions Vanguard Credit Union Robert M. Vialoux Vickar Auto Group Victoria Inn Joseph & Roberta Vinet Doug Warkentin Waterite Technologies Inc. Elizabeth Watson Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company Westjet Donna Whyte Winkler Bergthaler Mennonite Church Winkler Times Winnipeg Football Club Winnipeg Free Press Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Yellow Pages Group Zellers Inc. – Brandon Foundations & Grants Brandon Area Community Foundation G N Andison Foundation Inc. Investors Group Employees In Action Community Projects Fund Henry Kasper Family Foundation Jewish Foundation of Manitoba – Betty & Lefty Akman Fund Jewish Foundation of Manitoba – Berdie & Irvin Cohen Manitoba Community Services Council Inc. Manitoba Media College Fund – Dr. Joe Burgess Endowment Fund Province of Manitoba – Dept. of Health Nathan Stall Memorial Fund Pendeshuk Family Fund The Thomas Sill Foundation Inc. The Winnipeg Foundation Youth in Philanthropy – Portage Collegiate Institute Annual Report 2007/2008 Volunteer Pin Recipients The Alzheimer Society of Manitoba recognizes volunteers by awarding volunteer pins for five, ten and fifteen years of dedicated service. We would like to thank the following volunteers for their outstanding commitment to the Alzheimer Society. Five Year Pin Recipients Pat Agar Rick Fendick Gayle Kohlenberg Bev Laporte Sarah Reid Betty Turnbull Christine White Ten Year Pin Recipients Karen Braun Joanne Robbins Karen Tait Page 19 Provincial Office 10 -120 Donald Street Winnipeg, MB R3C 4G2 Tel: (204) 943-6622 Fax: (204) 942-5408 Email: Regional Offices North Central Region Office 21 Royal Road South Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 1T8 Tel: (204) 239-4898 Fax: (204) 239-0902 Email: North Eastman Region Office Box 1786 Beausejour, MB R0E 0C0 Tel: (204) 268-4752 Fax: (204) 268-4799 Email: Parkland Region Office 12-2ⁿd Avenue North West Dauphin, MB R7N 1H2 Tel: (204) 638-6691 Fax: (204) 638-8671 Email: South Central Region Office 204 Main Street Box 119 Winkler, MB R6W 4A4 Tel: (204) 325-5634 Fax: (204) 325-6496 Email: Westman Region Office Unit #1, 613 -10th Street Brandon, MB R7A 4G6 Tel: (204) 729-8320 Fax: (204) 726-1082 Email: