2014 sponsorship e
2014 sponsorship e
The Summer Fan Drive is an unparalleled community effort to bring critical relief and outreach to thousands of individuals and families across Central Texas. Now in its 24th year, this beloved campaign is the only effort of its kind to benefit older adults and adults with disabilities. FANS OPEN DOORS Summer Fan Drive sponsors help us reach out to vulnerable seniors and adults with disabilities to ensure they not only have fans to combat the brutal Texas heat, but also meeting other critical needs through services such as in-home care, money management, service coordination, counseling, guardianship and education. IN 2013 WE DISTRIBUTED 5,632 FANS ACROSS 11 COUNTIES! FOUR MONTHS OF OUTREACH & ENGAGEMENT May 1 - August 31 The Summer Fan Drive runs all summer with events, activities and awareness throughout. Friday, June 20 The largest of these events is Fan Fare Friday at Threadgill’s World Headquarters. This morning-to-night event is host to the largest fan drop off point all summer, and filled with fun family entertainment. This year will include a Children’s Concert in the morning, bands running all afternoon and an exclusive Evening Concert with featured entertainment. Other events include Fans from Fans night at the Dell Diamond and individual events by dozens of corporate and community Fan Drive Teams (see pg 5 for more info on Fan Drive Teams). learn more at summerfandrive.org MEDIA EXPOSURE Joining the Summer Fan Drive offers exceptional exposure for our sponsors. Our long term partnerships with KXAN, KGSR and BOB FM return again this year. Their support, along with earned media and Family Eldercare promotions, round out a robust marketing effort. In 2013: Live and recorded promos were featured througout the summer. Approximately 1,500 promos ran on KGSR (~300) and KXAN (~1100). Both partners heavily featured the Summer Fan Drive and Fan Fare Friday on their websites, social media platforms and eNewsletters. KXAN and Austin’s favorite weather man Jim Spencer have championed the Summer Fan Drive for over 20 years! In addition to the above support, KXAN newscasters actively promote the campaign on-air and through individual social media and blog posts. BOB FM and KGSR Trucks at Fan Fare Friday KGSR, BOB FM and KXAN both broadcast LIVE throughout the day at Fan Fare Friday, including interviews with our LEAD SPONSOR. Additional media outlets are also invited to cover the event. KGSR broadcasts our evening concert IN ENTIRETY as part of their renowned Lonestar State of Mind concert series. On-air thanks to sponsors are included as part of the broadcast. Earned media last year included: Fox 7 News, the San Marcos Daily News, Williamson County Sun, Austin Chronicle, Community Impact News (multiple editions), KUT, Austin American Statesman, Austin 360 and more. kxan's jim spencer and donor at FAns from fans event at the dell diamond Evening Concert Sponsor (exclusive) •Presenting Sponsor of the Lone Star State of Mind evening concert event (Fan Fare Friday Evening Concert Presented by “Your Name Goes Here”). •10 tickets to Fan Fare Friday evening concert. •Included in press release. •Recognition and logo in event marketing materials including event signage. •Exclusive evening volunteer opportunity for six people. all sponsors are also listed in the Family Eldercare Annual Report Individual Fan Drive Teams Each year thousands of individuals participate in the Summer Fan Drive by forming their own individual Fan Drive Teams. This fantastic team-building activity is great for: Workplaces schools community organizations Faith communities summer camps scout troops, and more! Contact us to learn more about forming your own Summer Fan Drive Team to raise fans and funds for Family Eldercare this summer! Event & Volunteer Coordinator, Melissa Gray, 512-483-3582 or mgray@familyeldercare.org Lead SUMMER Fan Drive Sponsor $50,000 (exclusive) •Prominent Lead Sponsorship for entire Summer Fan Drive •Extensive publicity through 93.3 KGSR radio, 103.5 Bob radio, and KXAN •Lead Sponsorship logo recognition on: all printed materials (t-shirts, signage, publications, fliers, invitations); social media, Family Eldercare website, radio and TV websites (with live links to your website whenever possible). •On-air interviews with lead sponsor representative with KXAN and KGSR. •Exclusive Children’s Concert Sponsor at Fan Fare Friday, to encourage giving and philanthropy at every age. •Exclusive press release announcing partnership as Lead Sponsor of Summer Fan Drive. •20 Tickets to Fan Fare Friday evening concert. •Exclusive volunteer opportunity at Fan Fare Friday for 30 people - wear your logo t-shirts for increased visibility! •Logo on 7,000 Direct Mail appeals for Summer Fan Drive. •Logo in Family Eldercare’s monthly newsletter with feature story on partnership and community-based projects. •Special recognition, presentation and 2-3 minute speaking opportunity at Fan Fare Friday. •Logo exposure and recognition at the KXAN event, Fans from Fans, hosted in July at The Dell Diamond. •Most prominent logo placed on over-street banners advertising Fan Fare Friday. •Advertising placed at distribution centers for fan pick-up. Platinum Fan Fare Friday Sponsor $25,000 (2 sponsors only) •Publicity through 93.3 KGSR and 103.5 Bob radio, and KXAN. •Logo recognition on: all printed materials (t-shirts, signage, publications, fliers, invitations); social media, Family Eldercare website, radio and TV websites (with live links to your website whenever possible). •Inclusion in press releases prior to Fan Fare Friday. •10 Tickets to Fan Fare Friday evening concert. •Volunteer opportunities at Fan Fare Friday. •Logo in Family Eldercare’s newsletter. •Recognition at Fan Fare Friday. •Logo featured on over-street banners advertising Fan Fare Friday. Gold Fan Fare Friday Sponsor $10,000 (3 sponsors only) •Publicity through 93.3 KGSR and 103.5 Bob radio. •Logo recognition on: all printed materials (t-shirts, media releases, fliers, invitation) and event signage. •Inclusion in press releases prior to Fan Fare Friday. •5 Tickets to Fan Fare Friday evening concert. •Logo in Family Eldercare’s newsletter. •Name listing/logo on website with designated link to your website. •Verbal recognition at Fan Fare Friday. •Name listed on over-street banners advertising Fan Fare Friday. Silver Fan Fare Friday Sponsor $5,000 (5 sponsors only) •Publicity through 93.3 KGSR and 103.5 Bob radio. •Name recognition on t-shirts, fliers, signage, invitations. •2 Tickets to Fan Fare Friday evening concert. •Name listing/logo on website with designated link to your website. Bronze Fan Fare Friday Sponsor $3,000 Silicon labs takes the stage at Fan Fare Friday (7 sponsors only) •Name recognition in event marketing materials including: fliers, invitation and event signage. •Name listing/logo on website with designated link to your website. $1,500 Supporting Fan Fare Friday Sponsor (10 sponsors only) •Name recognition in event marketing materials including: invitation and event signage. •Name listing on website with designated link to your website. Enjoying the pancake breakfast at fan fare friday 2014 Family Eldercare Sponsorship Agreement Form Contact Name (and Company, if applicable) Sponsorship Levels: Donor Name (As you prefer it to appear in print) Address City State summer Fan Drive Lead Sponsor $50,000 Zip Phone Platinum $25,000 Gold $10,000 Email Payment Information Silver $5,000 Enclosed is my check made out to Family Eldercare for $ visa Card Number: mc Exp Date amex Bronze $3,000 Supporting $1,500 Please charge my credit card in the amount of $ card type: 2014 sponsor secured ! Evening Concert Presenting Sponsor discover Security Code Name as printed on card: I am unable to attend. please accept my donation of $ inclusion in printed Fan Drive materials requires commitment by April 18, 2014. Card Holder’s Signature: I (We) request that this gift remain anonymous. Additional Questions? Contact Director of Development Becca McPherson at BMcPherson@familyeldercare.org or 512-483-3569 Please complete and mail this form with payment to: Family Eldercare, Attn: Fan drive sponsorships 1700 Rutherford Lane, Austin, Texas 78754 You may also submit payment online by visiting www.summerfandrive.org and clicking the Donate link. Thank you to our 2013 Summer Fan Drive Partners AMD H-E-B StudioSix5, Fox Service Company, Prosperity Bank, WellMed, John Barclay, Texas.gov, Johnson Controls, American Business Women's Association, Housing Authority, Craven Family Foundation 1700 Rutherford Lane Austin, Texas 78754 805 W. University Avenue Georgetown, Texas 78626 WWW.FAMILYELDERCARE.ORG Tel (512) 450-0844 Fax (512) 459-6436 In-Home Care Services: (512) 467-6168