the entire thesis - Southern Cross Business School
the entire thesis - Southern Cross Business School
THE EFFECT OF WEB SITE STRUCTURE ON USERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF NAVIGABILITY WILLIAM J. SMART A dissertation submitted as partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of Bachelor of Applied Science (Computing) with Honours at Southern Cross University November, 1997 ABSTRACT __________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract The popularity of the personal computer and the Internet continues to grow in the global community. Estimates suggest that by the end of the year 2000, 480 million people will be connected to the Internet. With the advent of HyperText and the World Wide Web, a global pool of information has been created. This study investigates the effect of Web site structure on users’ perceptions of navigability. To accomplish this task, two Web sites were constructed on the World Wide Web. The two Web sites labeled “red” and “blue” use different structures. The red Web site is a strictly hierarchical site containing a total of 72 links. The blue Web site uses compromised and overlapping hierarchies as well as sequential structures. The blue site contains a total of 736 links. The 113 subjects who undertook this experiment were drawn from the staff and student body of Southern Cross University. Each subject was given two tasks and a questionnaire to complete for each of the two Web sites. The tasks required the subjects to navigate each site. The questions posed in the questionnaire are designed to capture from the subjects their perceptions of the structure of the two Web sites. Additional data were also taken for each subject from the server log file. Conclusions that can be drawn from this work: • • • • • • • The majority of users perceive a structure that allows multiple access (heavily crosslinked structure) to the content to be more navigable than a strict hierarchy. Both types of Web sites tested -- strict hierarchy and heavily cross-linked structure -- can cause a user to experience the “lost in hyperspace” phenomenon. Users with low levels of experience with computers and the WWW feel more lost in both structures tested. Inexperienced users of the WWW take longer to complete the task in a strict hierarchy than in a heavily cross-linked structure. Of the facilities offered by modern browsers, users most frequently use the Back facility for navigation within a Web site. Users utilize this facility even if there are dedicated Hyperlinks provided to perform this function. The Favorites (Bookmarks) facility of modern browsers is not utilized by users as a navigation aid within a Web site. Metrics developed by Botafogo et al. (1992) were applied to the WWW and found to accurately identify structures within Web sites. However, an anomaly in the design of the Converted Distance Table for a strictly hierarchical Web site was identified and a modification was developed to correct it. Page i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS __________________________________________________________________________________________ Acknowledgements I would like to thank my supervisor, Barry Wilks for all his advice and assistance throughout this year. The long, laborious process that led to the completion of this thesis would have been impossible without his valuable guidance. Thanks also to Lyndon Brooks for providing me with the statistical information and expertise to properly analyse all of the data. To Mark Orman, for all the discussions, assistance, loan of books, articles and your valuable comments, thanks pal. To the staff and students of Southern Cross University that allowed me to subject them to my experiment, a heart felt thank you. To my friends, who offered suggestions, read drafts of chapters and dragged me away from the all-consuming task of this thesis, thanks for all your support. Finally, to my wife, Christine and son, Zachariah, thank you for putting up with my odd working times and behaviour during this last year. Your love and understanding are the most valuable part my life. William J. Smart Page ii TABLE OF CONTENTS __________________________________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………… i Acknowledgments …..……………………………………………………………….….. ii Table of Contents …..……………………………………………………………….…... iii List of Tables …………………………………………………………………………… viii List of Diagrams .……………………………………………………………………….. ix Chapter 1: Introduction …………………………………………………………… 1 1.1 Background ...………………………………………………………………………… 1 1.2 Research Question and Hypothesis ……………………………………………..…… 2 1.3 Justification of the Research ...………………………………………………………. 3 1.4 Definitions …………………………………………………………………….……… 4 1.5 Methodology …………………………………………………………………………. 5 1.5.1 Statistical Processes ………………………………………………………... 5 1.6 Limitations and Key Assumptions …………………………………………………… 7 1.7 Outline of Thesis ……………………………………………………………………... 8 1.8 Summary ……………………………………………………………………………… 10 Chapter 2: Literature Review…………………………………………………….. 11 2.1 Introduction …………………………………………………………………………... 11 2.2 Rise of the World Wide Web (W3) ………………………………………………….. 12 2.2.1 Building Blocks of the WWW .……………………………………………. 15 2.2.2 Browsers and Navigation …………………………………………………... 18 2.2.3 Navigation ………………………………………………………………….. 22 2.3 HyperText ……………………………………………………………………………. 23 2.3.1 HyperText History …………………………………………………………. 23 2.3.2 HyperText and Hyperlinks ………………………………………………… 24 2.3.3 HyperText Structure ……………………………………………………….. 25 Exploration (Hierarchical) Structure …………………………….. 27 Sequential (Next) Structure ……………………………………… 29 Page iii TABLE OF CONTENTS __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.3.4 HyperText Metrics ………………………………………………………… 30 Converted Distance Matrix (CDM) ……………………………... 31 Converted Out Distance (COD) …………………………………. 32 Converted Distance (CD) ………………………………………... 32 Relative Out Centrality (ROC) …………………………………... 33 Compactness (Cp) ………………………………………………... 33 Stratum (St) ………………………………………………………. 33 Summary of Structure Metrics …………………………………… 35 2.3.5 Lost in Hyperspace – Metrics ……………………………………………… 35 2.4 Web Sites …………………………………………………………………………….. 38 2.4.1 Web Site Definition ………………………………………………………... 39 2.4.2 Web Site Structure …………………………………………………………. 39 Web Site Structure - Style Guidelines …………………………… 40 2.4.3 Web Site Metrics …………….……………………………………………... 41 2.5 Summary ……………………………………………………………………………… 42 Chapter 3: Methodology…………………………………………………………… 45 3.1 Introduction …………………………………………………………………………... 45 3.2 Experiment Construction: Web sites ………………………………………………… 47 3.2.1 Quick Response Time ……………………………………………………… 48 3.2.2 Content of Sites Interesting to Subjects ……………………………………. 49 3.2.3 Quantifiably Different Red and Blue Web Site Structures ………………… 49 Verifying Red and Blue Web Site Structures are Quantifiably Different ……………………………………………. 53 3.2.4 Minimise Variables Between Pages of Each Web Site …………………….. 55 3.2.5 Accessible HTTP Log ……………………………………………………… 56 3.3 Experiment Construction: Browser …………………………………………………... 56 3.4 Experiment Construction: Subjects …………………………………………………... 57 Page iv TABLE OF CONTENTS __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.5 Experimental Task …………………………………………………………………… 58 3.5.1 Questionnaire General Information ………………………………………... 58 3.5.2 Questionnaire Site Red …………………………………………………….. 59 3.5.3 Questionnaire Site Blue ……………………………………………………. 60 3.5.4 Questionnaire Conclusion …………………………………………………. 61 3.5.5 Questionnaire Summary …………………………………………………… 61 3.6 Data Collected ……………………………………………………………………….. 62 3.7 Experiment Summary ………………………………………………………………... 63 Chapter 4: Analysis………………………………………………………….………. 64 4.1 Introduction …………………………………………………………………………... 65 4.2 Statistical Analysis Introduction ……………………………………………………... 66 4.2.1 Data Excluded ……………………………………………………………… 66 4.2.2 Data Transformed ………………………………………………………….. 66 4.3 General Linear Model (GLM) - Repeated Measures ………………………………… 68 4.3.1 Hypotheses …………………………………………………………………. 69 Within Subject Null Hypotheses …………………………………. 70 Between Subject Null Hypotheses ……………………………….. 71 4.3.2 GLM - Repeated Measures Interpretive Strategy ………………………….. 72 4.3.3 Results of Tests of Multivariate Significance ……………………………… 73 4.3.4 Results of Tests of Univariate Significance Involving the Within-Subjects Effects ………………………………………………… 74 Red - Blue by Experience with WWW, Measure Task time …….. 75 Red - Blue by Age, Measure Task Time …………………………. 75 Red - Blue by Order, Measure Task Time ……………………….. 76 Red - Blue, Measure Task Time …………………………………. 76 Red - Blue, Measures the use of Back Button and History List …. 77 Summary of Within-Subjects Effects …………………………… 78 Page v TABLE OF CONTENTS __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3.5 Results of Tests of Univariate Significance Involving the Between-Subjects Effects ……………………………………………… 79 Experience with Computers, Measure Lostness ………………… 80 Experience with Computers, Measure Task Time ………………. 80 Experience with WWW, Measure Lostness Rating ……………... 81 Gender by Age, Measure Lostness Rating ………………………. 81 Gender by Age, Measure Comfort Rating ………………………. 82 Gender by Age, Measure Number of Nodes Visited …………… 82 Summary of Between-Subjects Effects …………………………. 83 4.3.6 Summary of General Linear Model - Repeated Measures ………………… 84 Supported Within-Subject Null Hypotheses …………………….. 84 Supported Between-Subject Null Hypotheses …………………... 84 Rejected Within-Subject Null Hypotheses ……………………… 85 Rejected Between-Subject Null Hypotheses ……………………. 87 4.4 Logistic Regression …………………………………………………………………. 88 4.5 Modification of Hypertext Structure Metrics for the Web ………………………….. 90 4.5.1 Improved Converted Distance Matrix for a Web site Constructed as a Strict Hierarchy ………………………………………….. 93 4.5.2 Application of Modification to the Experimental Red Web Site …………. 96 4.5.3 How the CDMh Effects the Methodology of this Thesis …………………. 99 4.5.4 Multiple and Compromised Hierarchies and the CDMh ………………….. 99 4.5.5 Where to Use the CDMh Modification …………………………………… 100 4.6 Examination of Lostness & Efficiency Indicators and the Web ……………………. 101 4.7 Examination of Questions raised in Chapter 2 ……………………………………… 105 4.8 Summary …………………………………………………………………………….. 110 Chapter 5: Conclusion………………………………………………………….….. 111 5.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………………….. 111 5.2 Summary of Methodology …………………………………………………………… 112 5.3 Summary of Findings ………………………………………………………………... 113 5.4 Conclusions About the Research Problem …………………………………………... 117 Page vi TABLE OF CONTENTS __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.5 Limitations …………………………………………………………………………… 118 5.6 Implications of Research for Web Site Design .……………………………………... 119 5.7 Further Research …………………………………………………………………….. 121 5.8Conclusion ……….…………………………………………………………………... 122 Bibliography …………………………………………………………………………... 121 Appendix A: “A Brief History of the Internet” ………………………………………….. 126 Appendix B: “Web Site Maps” and “Nodes and Hyperlinks of Red and Blue Web sites”. 133 Appendix C: “Converted Distance Matrix – Red and Blue” …………………………….. 139 Appendix D: “Sample Web Pages Red and Blue Sites” …………………………………. 141 Appendix E: “Questionnaire” ……………………………………………………………. 147 Appendix F: “Sample Data From access_log” …………………………………………... 152 Appendix G: “Univariate Tests” ……………………………………………………….… 153 Appendix H: “CDM and CDMh Red Web Site” …………………………………………. 155 Appendix I: “Table of Results Lostness/ Efficiency Indicator” ………………………….. 157 Appendix J: “Experimental Data Set” ……………………………………………………. 159 Page vii LIST OF TABLES __________________________________________________________________________________________ List of Tables Table 2.1: Domain .com growth 1993 - 1997 ……………………………………………. 14 Table 2.2: WebTrends (tm) Complete Summary Report Web Browsers, Report (Nov. 1996- Feb. 1997) ………………………………………………. 18 Table 2.3: The path measures from which indicators of lostness and efficiency are derived …………………………………………... 36 Table 3.1: Comparison of red and blue Web site Metrics ……………………………….. 53 Table 4.1: Multivariate Tests (Wilks' Lambda) ………………………………………….. 73 Table 4.2: Excerpt -Univariate Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts ……………………... 74 Table 4.3: Excerpt -Univariate Tests of Between Subjects Effects ……………………… 79 Table 4.4: Predictors of Preference ……………………………………………………… 89 Table 4.5: Comparison of red and blue Web site Metrics ………………………………. 90 Table 4.6: Original and Modified red Web site metrics compared to blue Web site metrics ………………………………………….. 96 Table 4.7: A perfect search - Results from Access_log ………………………………… 102 Table 4.8: Excerpt - Table of Results Lostness/ Efficiency Indicator ………………….. 103 Page viii LIST OF DIAGRAMS __________________________________________________________________________________________ List of Diagrams Diagram 2.1: Growth of Internet Browsing Services …………………………………… 13 Diagram 2.2: HTTP Process …………………………………………………………….. 16 Diagram 2.3: Netscape Navigator 3.01 ………………………………………………….. 20 Diagram 2.4: Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 …………………………………………. 21 Diagram 2.5 Exploration (Hierarchical) Structure …………………………………….… 27 Diagram 2.6 Strict Hierarchy ……………………………………………………………. 27 Diagram 2.7 Compromised Hierarchy …………………………………………………... 28 Diagram 2.8 Overlapping Hierarchies …………………………………………………... 28 Diagram 2.9 Sequential (Next) Structure ………………………………………………... 29 Diagram 2.10: Distance Matrix ………………………………………………………….. 30 Diagram 2.11: Converted Distance Matrix (CDM) ……………………………………... 31 Diagram 2.12: Converted Out Distance (COD) …………………………………………. 31 Diagram 2.13: Relative Out Centrality (ROC) ………………………………………….. 32 Diagram 2.14: Worked Example of Stratum ……………………………………………. 34 Diagram 4.1: Male and Female Frequencies by Age ……………………………………. 67 Diagram 4.2: Transformed Male and Female Frequencies by Age ……………………... 67 Diagram 4.3: Red - Blue by Experience with WWW, Measure Task Time …………….. 75 Diagram 4.4: Red - Blue by Age, Measure Task Time ………………………………….. 75 Diagram 4.5: Red - Blue by Order, Measure Task Time ………………………………… 76 Diagram 4.6: Red - Blue, Measure Task Time …………………………………………... 76 Diagram 4.7: Red - Blue, Measure the use of Back Button and History List …………… 77 Diagram 4.8: Scatter Plot - Exp. with Computers, Measure Lostness …………………... 80 Diagram 4.9: Scatter Plot - Exp. with Computers, Measure Task Time ………………… 80 Diagram 4.10: Scatter Plot - Exp. with WWW and Lostness Rating ……………………. 81 Diagram 4.11: Gender by Age, Measure Lostness Rating ………………………………. 81 Diagram 4.12: Gender by Age, Measure Comfort Rating ………………………………. 82 Diagram 4.13: Gender by Age, Measure Number of Nodes Visited ……………………. 82 Diagram 4.14: Converted Distance Matrix (CDM) ……………………………………... 94 Diagram 5.1: Combined Hierarchy ……………………………………………………… 120 Page ix LIST OF DIAGRAMS __________________________________________________________________________________________ Diagram 4.15: Strict Hierarchical Web Site Converted Distance Matrix (CDMh) ……... 95 Diagram 4.16: Estimated Marginal Means of Task Time per Site ……………………… 97 Diagram 4.17: Overlapping Hierarchy ………………………………………………….. 99 Diagram 4.18: Compromised Hierarchy …………………………………………….…... 100 Diagram 4.19: Estimated Marginal Means of Lostness and Comfort …………………... 108 Diagram 4.20: Estimated Marginal Means of Visited Nodes and Task Time …………... 108 Page x INTRODUCTION __________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background The popularity of the personal computer and the Internet continues to grow in the global community. Currently the Internet is growing in popularity by an “order of magnitude” yearly (Bowman et al., 1994). Estimates predict that by the end of the year 2000 AD, 480 million people will be connected to the Internet. With the advent of HyperText, first proposed by Vannevar Bush (1945) and the World Wide Web (Berners-Lee & Calliau, 1990), a global pool of information has been created. The World Wide Web is being used for education, marketing, on-line publishing, business and by many other special interest groups and individuals. Personal Web sites are becoming increasingly popular, where the Web site is a carefully constructed portrayal of the person themselves (Erickson, 1996). Just as individuals are increasing their presence on the Web, so are corporations. The World Wide Web has now become part of the commercial world. Web sites are now advertised on radio and television as part of overall marketing strategies. Users locate Web sites on the World Wide Web by a variety of methods. The most common are (GVU, 1996); search engines (index and meta-index), advertising (television, radio and print), opportunistic (following links from page to page, as encountered) and bookmarked/favorites (revisiting pages added to the user’s bookmark/favorite file). Regardless of what method a user utilizes to locate a Web site, once it is located the user must navigate the structure of the Web site to find the information sought. Users browsing a Web site may not be able to remember how they arrived at a particular piece of information and then become disorientated. This is known as “lost in hyperspace” (Nelson & Kearsley, 1989; Rivlin et al., 1994; Botafogo et al., 1992). The structure of the Web site should be designed to reduce this feeling of lostness (defined in Section 2.3.5). Page 1 INTRODUCTION __________________________________________________________________________________________ Much work has been done with HyperText relating to the subject of structure, including the development of metrics. These metrics were developed to specifically measure and compare the structure of HyperText documents (Botafogo, Rivlin & Scheiderman, 1992; 1994). Since the World Wide Web is a modified form of HyperText, the body of research on this subject (HyperText) can be directly related to the World Wide Web. However, with the improvements to the browsers (Section 2.2.2) utilized by users accessing the World Wide Web, the previous research on HyperText may require modification. The researcher of this thesis conducted a search of the World Wide Web, scientific journals and academic papers for up-to-date work on user perceptions of Web site structures. None was found. As the World Wide Web continues to grow, the structure of Web sites becomes increasingly important. Web site developers, whether personal or corporate, desire users to be able to quickly locate the information they seek. 1.2 Research Question and Hypothesis The structure of a Web site is the way the pages of the site are linked together by Hyperlinks. Previous research into HyperText defines two main types of structure -sequential and exploration (Thuring et al., 1991; Section 2.3.3). Exploration (hierarchical) structures are classified as strict, compromised and overlapping hierarchies (Woodhead, 1990; Section These structures and the user’s perception of these structures are the focus of this thesis. The research question is: “What is the effect of Web site structure on users’ perception of navigability?” The overall hypothesis of this thesis is: Ho: Web site structure does not affect the user perception of navigability. HA: Web site structure does affect the user perception of navigability. Page 2 INTRODUCTION __________________________________________________________________________________________ In endeavouring to answer the research question, four other related questions were raised: 1. Do users utilize the features of modern browsers to aid navigation within a Web site? 2. Which structure would users prefer -- heavily cross-linked or a strict hierarchy? 3. Which type of Web site -- heavily crossed-linked or strictly hierarchical -- increases the users’ likelihood of experiencing the “Lost in Hyperspace” phenomenon? 4. Is the previous research in HyperText metrics still valid, when applied to Web sites accessed by modern browsers? 1.3 Justification of the Research The research question is a justifiable research task for a number of reasons: • understanding a user’s perceptions of the structure of Web sites, will lead Web developers to design sites that reduce the user’s likelihood of experiencing the “lost in hyperspace” phenomenon; • understanding a user’s perceptions of the structure of Web sites, should allow Web site designers to construct sites that the user can easily understand and navigate (user friendly design). This should lead to an increase in speed of access to desired information; • as there is no (to the researcher’s knowledge) up-to-date research on users perceptions of Web site structures, an investigation into this area may uncover influences on users based on age, gender and experience; • the previous research into HyperText structures and metrics may require updating when applied to the World Wide Web. The exploration of structures and metrics in this thesis will provide empirical evidence of the validity of the previously proposed metrics, in reference to the World Wide Web. Page 3 INTRODUCTION __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.4 Definitions The researcher has attempted throughout this thesis to provide the expansion of each acronym used. Examples: National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET) National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) CERN (Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire) However, throughout this thesis there are several terms that are interchangeable, these are listed below: • Favorite (Microsoft) and Bookmark (Netscape): a collection of user saved URLs (Universal Resource Locators) which are addresses of Web sites on the World Wide Web. • Hierarchical and exploration structure: Structure that allows user access to nodes in an undefined order. Hierarchical structures are classified as strict, compromised or overlapping, defined in Section • Homepage and root node: the initial page (node) on entry to a World Wide Web site or HyperText document. Also can be the apex of a hierarchical structure. • Hyperlink and link: each Hyperlink has a source, which the user may activate, and a target (destination). The procedure of moving electronically from the source to the target is known as traversing the link. • Node and page: node refers to a document in HyperText and page refers to a document on the World Wide Web. For the purposes of this thesis node and page are interchangeable. • Sequential and next structure: Structure that defines the order of user access to nodes, defined in Section • World Wide Web, WWW, W3 and the Web. A massive, distributed hypermedia environment that is part of the Internet, consisting of documents, sites and indexes (Taylor, 1995). Page 4 INTRODUCTION __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.5 Methodology The focus of this thesis is the effect of Web site structure on user perception of navigability. To research this question the author constructed two experimental Web sites (labeled “red” and “blue”), using different structures, to examine the users’ perceptions of navigability. The underlying structure of both sites is hierarchical, but different types of hierarchical structure were utilized. The red site is a strict hierarchy (Section which contains a total of 72 Hyperlinks. The blue site uses compromised and overlapping hierarchies (Section as well as sequential structures (Section The blue site contains a total of 736 Hyperlinks. The sites were specifically designed to be at the extremes of Botafogo et al’s (1992) metrics. The 113 subjects who undertook this experiment were drawn from the staff and student body (undergraduate and postgraduate) of Southern Cross University. Each subject was given two tasks and a questionnaire to complete for each of the two Web sites. Fifty percent of subjects were directed to complete the red site first, while the remainder were directed to complete the blue site first. The questions posed in the questionnaire are designed to capture from the subjects their perceptions of the structure of the two Web sites. Also captured in the questionnaire are the user’s utilization of facilities intrinsic to the Web browser and general information about the subject including age, gender and experience both with computers and the World Wide Web. The experimental data collected consisted of completed questionnaires and the server log file for each subject in the experiment. Page 5 INTRODUCTION __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.5.1 Statistical Processes Two types of statistical analyses were performed on the data collected in the experiment. The first analysis performed is a doubly multivariate analysis of variance - repeated measures (Section 4.3). This analysis tests the significance of differences between the red and blue Web sites on lost rating, usage of Back button, usage of History list, comfort rating, number of nodes visited and time to complete the task (within subject factors). It also tests the significance of the influence of the between subjects factors: 1. Experience with Computers. 5. Order (red or blue completed first). 2. Experience with the WWW. 6. Gender by Age. 3. Gender. 7. Gender by Order. 4. Age. 8. Age by Order. Where the previously mentioned factors do not influence red – blue differences, the effect of factors will be examined for overall (both Web sites) influence. The second statistical analysis performed on the experimental data was a logistic regression (Section 4.4). This was done to analyze the results of the experiment to find which component(s) of the data predict Web site (red or blue) preference. The components analyzed are: 1 Experience with Computers 7 Usage of History list 2 Experience with WWW 8 Lost 3 Gender 9 Comfortably 4 Age 10 Time to complete (task time) st 5 Order (red or blue Web site 1 ) 6 Usage of Back button 11 Visited nodes Page 6 INTRODUCTION __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.6 Limitations and Key Assumptions Limitations: 1 The experiment was restricted to the campus of Southern Cross University as the equipment (server and workstations) required to conduct the experiment were located on campus grounds. The off campus delay in response time from the server would have distorted the measure of time to complete the task for each Web site. 2 The experiment used Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 3.02 for browsing the experimental Web sites. The most popular browser in use at time of writing this thesis was Netscape’s Navigator (Webtrends, 1997; Section 2.2.2). Policy at the School of Multimedia and Information Technology of Southern Cross University prevented usage of any version of Netscape Navigator after 2.02. As Internet Explorer 3.02 was a much more recent release it was chosen as the browser. 3 Each subject’s exact traversal path could not be tracked. This information would have allowed the metrics of lostness and efficiency developed by Smith (1996), as described in section 2.3.5, to be applied to each subject of the experiment. This would have tested these metrics in relation to the Web with empirical evidence. Internet Explorer 3.02 caches each Web page as it downloads. The next time a cached Web page is accessed, whether via the back, history list or another Hyperlink, Internet Explorer accesses the client’s cache, not the server (host). As no GET command is issued to the server by the browser for accessing a previously visited node these data could not be collected. Assumptions: 1 It is assumed that the university students (undergraduate and postgraduate) and staff represent all WWW users in their ability to navigate Web sites. 2 It is assumed that any person who knows more than 20 comic book characters represented in the content (Section 3.2.2) of the Web sites will know one or more of the answers to the tasks set (Section 3.5.3 and Section 3.5.4). Therefore this subject should be removed from the sample. Page 7 INTRODUCTION __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. It is assumed that a user’s perception of navigability is a function of perceptions lost, comfort and preference. Users that experience a low level of lost, high level of comfort and prefer a particular structure are considered to perceive that structure as more navigable. The inverse of this condition, users whom experience high level of lost, low level of comfort and do not prefer a particular structure are considered to have experienced the “lost in hyperspace” phenomenon within this structure. 1.7 Outline of Thesis This thesis has five chapters. Chapter 1 is designed to establish the reasons for, framework and design of the intended research work. Chapter 2 is a literature review that will explore the following areas: • History of the W3. • The protocols and standards associated with the W3. • The common browsers used to access the W3. • Strategies for navigating the W3. • History of HyperText. • Hyperlinks. • Previous research into HyperText structures. • The metrics associated with HyperText. The previous research into HyperText structure and HyperText metrics will then be related to Web sites. Chapter 3: Methodology, provides a complete description of the experimental design in relation to the Web sites, browser and subjects. Also examined, is the design of the questionnaire and additional data collected. Page 8 INTRODUCTION __________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 4: Analysis of Data, examines in detail the two analyses performed and reports the results of these analyses (Section 4.2 to Section 4.4). Chapter 4 also proposes a modification (Section 4.5) to metrics developed by Botafogo, Rivlin and Scheiderman (1992; 1994), for strictly hierarchical Web sites. In addition to this, Chapter 4 compares experimental evidence with the HyperText lostness and efficiency indicators (Section 4.6) developed by Smith (1996) in relation to Web sites. Finally Chapter 4 answers the four questions that were raised in Chapter 2; • Do users utilize the features of modern browsers to aid navigation within a Web site? • Which structure would users prefer - heavily cross-linked or a strict hierarchy? • Which type of Web site - heavily crossed-linked or strictly hierarchical - increases the user’s likelihood of experiencing the “Lost in Hyperspace” phenomenon? • Is the previous research in HyperText metrics still valid, when applied to Web sites accessed by modern browsers? Chapter 5: Summary and Conclusions, reports rejection of the null hypothesis (HO) and supports the alternative hypothesis (HA) of this thesis. Chapter 5 also examines the four additional questions raised in researching the thesis’ overall hypothesis. Finally, Chapter 5 recommends areas of further research arising from the findings of this thesis. Page 9 INTRODUCTION __________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.8 Summary This chapter has presented the background of the research to be undertaken in this dissertation. It has introduced the research question and hypothesis. The purpose of the research has been established, as well as the benefits to be obtained from the completion of the research. The method of obtaining the required data has been briefly outlined, as well as the statistical processes the data will be subjected to. The limitations and assumptions of the research have been stated. An overview of the thesis was also presented describing what will be accomplished in each chapter of the thesis. The next chapter of this thesis will review the relevant literature associated with the overall research question. Page 10 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction The popularity of the Internet continues to grow in the global community. Once the exclusive domain of academia and scientists the Internet has also become, with the advent of HyperText and the World Wide Web (W3), a global pool of information for education, marketing, hobbyists, on-line publishing, business and many other special interest groups. As the W3 continues to grow the structure of Web sites (defined in section 2.4.1) becomes increasingly important as Web site developers desire users to be able to quickly locate the information they seek. Users can quickly be overwhelmed with the vast array of links available on each Web site. This in turn can cause the user to experience the sense of “lost in hyperspace" (Shneiderman & Kearsley, 1989, p.49). This condition is a result of the user experiencing disorientation from traversing a complex structure. The focus of this thesis is the effect of Web site structure on the users’ perceptions of navigability. In order to facilitate this focus, the following areas will be explored: • History of the WWW. • The protocols and standards associated with the W3. • The common browsers used to access the W3. • Strategies for navigating the W3. • History of HyperText. • Previous research into HyperText structures. • The metrics associated with HyperText. The previous research into HyperText structure and HyperText metrics will then be related to Web sites. Page 11 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.2 Rise of the World Wide Web (W3) The origin of the Internet can be traced back to the early 1960s (Appendix A, A Brief History of the Internet). The WWW is perhaps, the Internet’s most widely known application. This section of the thesis will explore the history of the W3. The W3 was first proposed in the paper “Information Management: A Proposal” by Tim Berners-Lee for CERN (Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire). This document was followed in November of 1990 with the proposal “WorldWideWeb: Proposal for a HyperText Project” co-authored by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Calliau. The proposal outlined a project to use HyperText to link and access information from reports, notes, databases and on-line help systems. A user would be able to browse this information at will. The project required two main building blocks, a browser and a server (Berners-Lee & Calliau 1990). The browser would be a native application running on the client machine. The browser would display and allow navigation of the HyperText nodes (documents or pages). Also, the browser would remember what links were traversed and how to go back to previous visited nodes. The server would have a native application program that manages nodes on the machine and negotiates presentation format with the browser. In 1992 there were twenty-six (26) W3 servers in operation, browsers included Erwise, Viola and Ver. 1.2 of the original Line mode browser (Calliau, 1995). In January 1993 there were 50 known W3 servers in operation. This number increases to 200 in October. In February the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) releases “Mosaic”. In March W3 traffic measures 0.1% of National Science Foundation Network’s (NSFNET) backbone this figure increases to 1% by September. (Calliau, 1995) Page 12 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In 1994 Mosaic Communications Corporation (Now Netscape) was formed. The first International WWW Conference is held at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. The second International WWW Conference is held in Chicago. Growth of W3 traffic on the NSFNET moves to second place (11.7%) behind File Transfer Protocol (19.6%). By April of 1995 W3 traffic reaches first place (21.4%) well ahead of Telnet (7.5%) and FTP (14%). (NSFNET Statistics cited in Berghel, 1996) The growth of WWW vs. Gopher traffic is shown graphically below. Diagram 2.1: Growth of Internet Browsing Services Today the W3 has become a pool of knowledge and allows the collaboration between remote sites, its creator Berners-Lee, intended. (Berners-Lee et al. 1994, p.76) However, the World Wide Web has become much, much more. Page 13 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ “Personal pages and the web are not being used to ‘publish information’; they are being used to construct identity—useful information is just a side effect. A personal page is a carefully constructed portrayal of a person. This insight leads me to characterize the web as a social hyper-text. The nodes—at least some of them—are becoming representations of people.” (Erickson 1996, p.15) Just as individuals are increasing their presence on the Web, so are corporations. The W3 has now become a part of the commercial world. Web sites are now advertised on both television and radio as part of overall marketing strategies. Examples of this are: * * * * * * * (Harvey Norman) (Toyota) (Coca-Cola) (Microsoft) (Coles Supermarkets) (Ford) (Paramount Studios) A large part of the future of the Web is tied to business interests as on-line shopping continues to grow and the amount of business taking place on the web increases. The following table shows the growth of the .com domain on the W3. A .com site is a commercial site. Table 2.1: Domain .com growth 1993 - 1997 (Gray, 1996) Month/Year Number of Web sites % of .com sites/all sites 06/93 130 1.5 12/93 623 4.6 06/94 2,738 13.5 12/94 10,022 18.3 06/95 23,500 31.3 01/96 100,000 50.0 06/96 230,000 (est.) 62.6 Page 14 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The W3 in its short history has grown into a gigantic, multifaceted tool for humanity. However, to understand what the WWW is, it is necessary to understand the building blocks that allow the Web to work. 2.2.1 Building Blocks of the WWW The three main concepts that allow the W3 to work are: URL (Uniform Resource Locator, a.k.a. Universal Resource Locator) The address system of the W3, the URL contains the protocol to be used, address & type of server, type of organization, location (geographically), and address within server of web site. An example follows; 1 2 3 4 5 1 (http://) Indicates http protocol is to be used on the string (see over page for a description of this protocol) 2 (www.scu) Name of the server in this case the World Wide Web server at Southern Cross University 3 (.edu) Type of organization, in this case an educational institution. Other common types are: .com, (commercial) .org (organization) .gov (government) and .net (network). (see Note below) 4 (.au) Geographic location, in this case Australia. Other examples are: .ca, (Canada) .uk (United Kingdom) etc. The absence of geographic location indicates the site is located in the United States of America. 5 (/research/grc) Address within the server of the W3 site. The “/” defines a sub-directory within the server. Note: On the 4th of February 1997 the International Ad Hoc Committee (IAHC) announced the introduction of 7 new generic names. When the plan is implemented, the additions to the existing domains will be .firm, .store, .web, .arts, .rec, .info and .nom . Page 15 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) “Perhaps misnamed, rather than being a protocol for transferring hypertext, HTTP is a protocol for transferring information with the efficiency necessary for making hypertext jumps. The data transferred may be plain text, hypertext, images, or anything else.” (BernersLee et al. 1994, p.78) Both FTP (File Transfer Protocol) and NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) have been in use for years on the Internet. What makes HTTP different is that it is stateless. This means that it runs over a TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) connection and is held for the duration of a single operation. This stateless model is efficient when a link can refer to an address not only within the same server, but could be contained within any other server as well. A client’s (browser’s) HTTP request starts with a method (GET, PUT, POST etc.) and the URL of the object the client is addressing. The HTTP server (host) then returns the result of the HTTP request to the client (browser) that requested it. This process is shown in figure 2.3. Client (browser) Web page . Link1 Request for Object Server (host) Object Located Response Time Object Object Returned Object 2 displayed 1 2 Link can be graphic or text Object being returned could be graphic, text, multimedia or another Web page Diagram 2.2: HTTP Process Page 16 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ HTML (HyperText Markup Language) “Despite the ability of HTTP to negotiate formats, W3 needed a common basic language of interchange for hypertext. HTML is that language, and much of the fabric of the Web is constructed out of it. It was designed to be sufficiently simple so as to be easily produced by both people and programs, but also to adhere to the SGML standard…” (Berners-Lee et al. 1994, pp.78-79) HTML 3.2 is the current standard for HTML. HTML 3.2 is an SGML application conforming to International Standard ISO 8879 -- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). As an SGML application, the syntax of a HTML 3.2 document is defined by the combination of the SGML declaration and the document type definition (DTD). This specification defines the intended interpretation of HTML 3.2 elements, and places further constraints on the permitted syntax which are otherwise inexpressible in the DTD (Ragett, 1997). HTML is a language for formatting documents. HTML files are stored in ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) format and contain tags that can be read (parsed) by a browser. These tags refer to the formatting of the document. Some examples of the tags are; • • • • • • • • • • • <HTML> … </HTML> encloses the entire HTML document. <HEAD> … </HEAD> encloses head of HTML document. <BODY> … </BODY> encloses body (text and tags) of HTML document. <TITLE> … </TITLE> title of HTML document. <P> … </P> a plain paragraph. <B> … </B> boldface text <I> … </I> italic text <A> … </A> creates link or anchor uses HREF = “…” for URL of object linked. <FONT> … </FONT> change size of font for enclosed text uses SIZE = “1 to 7”. <HR> horizontal rulers line. <BR> a line break. Having briefly looked at the three main concepts that define the W3, the next section of this thesis will explore the browsers commonly used to access the W3. Page 17 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.2.2 Browsers and Navigation There are many different browsers available to “surf” (browse) the W3. However, only the four most common will be explored. Particular emphasis is placed on Netscape’s “Navigator” and Microsoft’s “Internet Explorer” as at the time of writing these two browsers account for over 96% of all browsing on the Web. This is demonstrated in the partial reproduction of the statistics from WebTrends in Table 4. Table 2.2: WebTrends (tm) Complete Summary Report Web Browsers Report (Nov. 1996- Feb. 1997) (Webtrends, 1997) Ranking Browser 1 Netscape Navigator 2 Microsoft Internet Explorer Hits % of Total User Sessions 1462377 65.89% 46883 693435 31.24% 24856 …………………………………………………………………………………………. 13 Lynx 1005 0.04% 420 …………………………………………………………………………………………. 32 NCSA Mosaic 239 0.01% 33 Statistics based on browser access to WebTrends World Wide Web (HTTP) server. In the examination of each of the four browsers, the features that support navigation of the Web will be given specific attention. Lynx Lynx was one of the first W3 browsers available, it was developed by Lou Montulli, Charles Rezac and Michael Grobe of Academic Computing Services at The University of Kansas. The latest version of Lynx (at time of writing this thesis) is Version 2.3. (Blythe et al., 1996) Page 18 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lynx is a text-based browser: no graphics, no sound, and not even varied fonts. The result of not supporting multimedia is that Lynx is very fast. Lynx, even though it does not support real-time multimedia, allows links to multimedia to be followed and downloaded. Typically, Lynx is an application for UNIX or VMS platforms. Remote users dial up host, using a VT100 terminal emulator to access the Lynx browser. Lynx uses only text input for control of the system. Navigation aids in Lynx: Display - Current URL shown in text displayed to screen. Back - Return to previous Web page. Accessed by the left cursor key. History List - Displays the title of each Web page, in order of access, visited in current browsing session. Accessed by the backspace key. Bookmarks - User can add or visit a bookmark. The bookmark file contains the URLs of the W3 locations. Accessed by the “A” key to add a bookmark. The “V” key is used to display both the bookmarks and the selection menu. Mosaic The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) released Mosaic in 1989, free of charge to the Internet community. The current version of Mosaic in use (at time of writing this thesis) is 2.6. Mosaic has full multimedia capability and uses a mouse as the primary navigation device (NCSA, 1997). The Mosaic browser has versions available for Windows, Macintosh and X-Windows (UNIX). Navigation aids in Mosaic: Display - Document title and URL are displayed. History List - Contains the URLs of the current session. Both Back and Forward facilities use the information contained within this list to perform their function. Back - Loads the last Web page visited in history list. Forward - Loads next Web page in history list. Home - Returns to default Web page (set by user). Hotlist – User’s list of Web pages. Page 19 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Netscape Navigator (a.k.a. Mozilla) Jim Clark and Marc Andreessen founded Mosaic Communications Corporation (later Netscape Communications Corporation) in April 1994. Marc Andreessen developed the idea for the NCSA Mosaic browser for the Internet in the fall of 1992 while he was an undergraduate student at the University of Illinois and a staff member at the university's National Center for Supercomputing Applications in Champaign, Illinois. (NCC, 1997) Diagram 2.3: Netscape Navigator 3.01 At the time of writing this thesis, the current version of Navigator is 3.01. Navigator has full multimedia capability and allows further development through the use of third party plug-ins. Navigator uses a point and click environment, with the mouse as the primary navigation device. The Netscape browsers have versions for Windows, UNIX (9 different versions), OS/2 Warp, Open VMS and Macintosh. Navigation aids in Navigator include: Display - Document title and URL are displayed. History List - Contains the URLs of the current session. Both Back and Forward facilities use the information contained within this list to perform their function. Back - Loads the last Web page visited in history list. Forward - Loads next Web page in history list. Home - Returns to default Web page (set by user). Bookmarks – User’s list of saved Web pages. Link / Visited Link - All HyperText links are shown in coloured text (typically blue), if user has previously accessed this URL a different coloured text is displayed (typically purple). Page 20 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Microsoft Internet Explorer Internet Explorer appeared in August 1995 with the introduction of Windows 95. Originally based on Mosaic technology, Internet Explorer has rapidly evolved into a full-featured browser. Originally developed only for Windows 95, Internet Explorer has been modified to operate with Windows 3.11, Macintosh and Windows NT. At the time of writing this thesis, the current version of Internet Explorer is 3.02. Microsoft’s Internet Explorer uses Diagram 2.4: Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 a point and click environment, with the mouse as the primary navigation device. Navigation aids in Internet Explorer include: Display - Document title and URL are displayed. History List - Contains the URLs of the current session. Both Back and Forward facilities use the information contained within this list to perform their function. Back - Loads the last Web page visited in history list. Forward - Loads next Web page in history list. Home - Returns to default Web page (set by user). Favorites – User’s list of saved Web pages. Link / Visited Link - - All HyperText links are shown in coloured text (typically blue), if user has previously accessed this URL a different coloured text is displayed (typically purple). Having explored the four most common browsers used to navigate the W3, with a particular emphasis on their navigational aids, the next section of this thesis will examine navigation of the World Wide Web. Page 21 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.2.3 Navigation Current navigation on the Web depends on the strategy adopted by the user. The 6th Graphic, Visualization & Usability Center (GVU) WWW user survey asked respondents: “People browse the Web in many different ways. Please put a check against all of the following that accurately describe how you like to browse the Web. Go to links from my Favorites/Bookmark Type in the URL I want to go to Go from one link to another, page to page - a happy-go-lucky browser Locate the URL through search pages - like Alta Vista, Lycos, etc. Locate the URL thought Meta-Indexes - like Yahoo, McKinley, etc.” (GVU, 1996) Strategies and percentage of usage that have been adopted by users were: • Favorite/Bookmark (users revisiting pages they have added to their favorite/bookmark file). 82.69% • Index (using search engines such as Lycos). 78.1% • Meta-index (using large indices such as Yahoo). 59.45% • Opportunistic (following links from page to page as they are encountered). 64.16% • URL (typing in known URLs). 69.44% What is of particular interest to the researcher is the fact that regardless of what strategy the user adopted, once the Web site is located, the user must interact with the structure of the site. Also of interest, is whether users utilize the navigational aids inherent to their browser to assist in searching a Web site structure. Navigation on a Web site consists of the traversal of HyperText style links between documents (pages). The structure of a Web site is similar to HyperText document structure. There is a considerable amount of literature on HyperText structures. The next section of this thesis will review the research on HyperText. Page 22 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.3 HyperText This section of the thesis will examine the history, links, structure types and metrics associated with HyperText. Since the WWW is a modified form of HyperText, the structures and metrics examined in this section will then be related to Web sites in section 2.4. 2.3.1 HyperText History Vannevar Bush provided the first detailed account of a HyperText system in 1945, while Director of the U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development, and a trusted science advisor to the President. Bush described a device he called “Memex” (Bush, 1945). In 1965 Ted Nelson was writing about hypermedia (he is credited with coining the terms HyperText and Hypermedia), with an emphasis on the literary point of view. Nelson is also famous for his description of Xanadu - a worldwide network of computers with access to a database of all of the world's knowledge. Nelson spent much of his time in the 70s & 80s attempting to bring Xanadu to market as a commercial system. Xanadu was very much a forerunner to today's WWW (Phelps, 1994; Nelson, 1992). Some other early and classical HyperText systems were: (Calliau, 1995; Brown, 1991; Shneiderman, 1992; Rada, 1991) • NLS system (demonstrated by Doug Engelbart in 1968) • HyperText Editing System (Andries van Dam at Brown University in 1968) • ZOG, or the Knowledge Management System - KMS (Allen Newell and others at Carnegie-Mellon University in 1972) • Dataland (Nicholas Negroponte and Richard A. Bolt at MIT in 1976) • OWL (On With Learning) Guide (Peter Brown at the University of Kent in 1986, and later OWL International as a commercial product) • Hypercard (Bill Atkinson at Apple Computer in 1987) Page 23 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.3.2 HyperText and Hyperlinks Information in a HyperText document is threaded together with links. These links are referred to as Hyperlinks. The term Hyperlink can also be used as a verb, as in, one part of a document is hyperlinked to another. The user of a HyperText document need not progress sequentially through a document but instead, may make electronic leaps from one part to another (Martin, 1990; Nelson, 1992). Each Hyperlink has a source, which the user may activate, and a target (destination). The procedure of moving electronically from the source to the target is known as traversing the Hyperlink (Martin, 1990; Nelson 1992). A source of a Hyperlink is usually one of the following: * * * * * A word in text. A contiguous group of words in text. A marked area of a diagram. A label on part of a diagram. A graphic. The target (destination) of a Hyperlink is usually one of the following: • • • • • • A line of text. A segment of a HyperText document. Another document. A graphic. A video, audio or animation sequence. A program. When a Hyperlink points to another document, the user can traverse the link to the destination document. These types of links are sometimes known as “semi links” (Pam, 1995). They are univisible (seen from the originating end) and unifollowable (followed in one direction). Ted Nelson’s Xanadu incorporated bivisible and bifollowable links. A bivisible link is a link that is visible from the source document and the destination document. A bifollowable link can be traversed from the source document to the destination document and vice versa (Deemer, 1994; Nelson, 1992). Page 24 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A document containing Hyperlinks highlights the Hyperlinks either with reverse video or colour. For a user to traverse these links, a pointing device (keyboard, mouse etc.) guide a cursor displayed on the screen over the highlighted Hyperlink, the user then activates (clicks) the pointing device. As a user makes choices presented to them in a HyperText system, they are traversing between the source and the destination of each link followed. This process is commonly referred to as navigating the HyperText structure. 2.3.3 HyperText Structure Hierarchical or tree hypermedia can be particularly useful at a user’s conceptual level by providing manageable structure in large documents or applications; at progressively higher levels in the hierarchy increasing abstraction occurs, thus decreasing complexity. … This is a common default structure in commercial hypermedia systems.” (Woodhead, 1990, p. 121) The comprehension and navigation of a HyperText document depends on the reader's ability to construct a coherent mental representation. It is the HyperText author’s responsibility to ensure the construction of the HyperText document as a coherent entity. The construction of a coherent HyperText document can be considered to be a design problem. Guidelines have been developed, for example, by Thuring et al., for the construction of a coherent HyperText document. Such a document should consist of the following three components - the content part, the organizational part, and the presentation part (Thuring et al., 1991). The content part contains design objects that carry information. They are content nodes and content links. Content nodes are nodes that contain the Hyperdocument’s actual information (content). Content links are links that join content nodes based on a semantic relationship between the nodes. The content link (a.k.a. cross-reference link) is part of the structure of a HyperText document and is also part of the content of the document. This type of link is easy to understand in context, but can if used excessively damage the user’s understanding of the structure of the HyperText document (Woodhead, 1990). Page 25 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Design objects of the organizational part increase coherence by structuring the Hyperdocument in a reader-oriented perspective. Structures organize content nodes and links in a specific manner. There are two main structures that can be utilized: sequential (next) and exploration (hierarchical). The presentation part is concerned with the actual display of structure and content and provides an aid to navigation. Authors can adopt one of three styles: * Textual Style: Presentation is limited to the textual display of the content of nodes. * Graphical Style: There is a graphical display, such as a map of the structure. * Combined Style: Both text and graphics are used to provide a map of the site. The organizational and context parts are the structure of the HyperText. The presentation part is a map (textual or graphical) provided to increase the user’s understanding of the structure of the HyperText document. Thuring et al. have suggested only two types of HyperText structures: exploration and sequence. While sequencing constrains the reader's navigation through the document, exploration nodes and links allow unconstrained access to content in a hierarchical manner (Thuring et al., 1991). Woodhead previously had suggested that the hierarchical model has three subversions, being strict hierarchy, compromised hierarchy and overlapping hierarchies. As the structure of Web sites is the focus of this thesis, the concepts behind exploration (hierarchical) and sequential structures will be explored further in the following sections of this thesis (Sections and Page 26 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Exploration (Hierarchical) Structure Exploration structure allows the reader to explore the content of a document. The reader can simply follow the content links to explore the content of nodes. Exploration links provide access to exploration nodes. An exploration link can be embedded into a sequencing node or an exploration node, and points to the beginning of an exploration node. Diagram 2.6 shows an exploration structure. On entry to node 1 the user has access, in any order, to the content in nodes 2 to 8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Diagram 2.5 Exploration (Hierarchical) Structure Woodhead previously elaborated on hierarchical structure by introducing strict, compromised and overlapping hierarchies (Woodhead, 1990 p. 122). Diagram 2.7 below displays a strict hierarchy, all links in the diagram are the type of link Thuring et al. calls a exploration link. Diagram 2.6 Strict Hierarchy Page 27 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A compromised hierarchy according to Woodhead, is a hierarchy that contains loops and cross-referential links. Diagram 2.8 demonstrates this concept visually. Note that in diagram 2.8 “A” is a cross-reference link and “B” is a loop link. “A” “B” Diagram 2.7 Compromised Hierarchy The final structure suggested by Woodhead (1990) is overlapping hierarchies. This type of structure, contains several hierarchical structures that are cross-referenced diagram 2.9 displays this concept. Diagram 2.8 Overlapping Hierarchies Page 28 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sequential (Next) Structure Sequential nodes and links allow the author to define the reading sequence through the content. Readers can read only those content nodes that are determined by the sequencing structure. Sequencing links associate the content of each sequencing node with a presentation sequence. Sequencing links can be used to define ordering such as linear sequence through the content. Diagram 2.10 shows a sequential structure. On entry to node 1 the user is forced to follow the author’s path to node 8, through the content in a linear manner. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Diagram 2.9 Sequential (Next) Structure The sequential structure can be used to provide an author’s guided tour of a HyperText document. Now that an understanding of the structures in HyperText has been achieved several questions were raised in the researcher’s mind: • Which structure would users prefer -- heavily cross-linked or a strict hierarchy? • Which type of structure -- heavily cross-linked or strictly hierarchical -- increases the users’ likelihood of experiencing the “Lost in Hyperspace” phenomenon? The next section of the thesis will examine the metrics available to measure the structure of a HyperText document. Page 29 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.3.4 HyperText Metrics HyperText metrics were developed by Botafogo et al. (1992) to provide authors with useful measures of the properties of nodes and the entire HyperText structure. The metrics developed by Botafogo et al. (1992) include: • • • • • • • CDM COD CD ROC Cp St LAP Converted Distance Matrix Converted Out Distance Converted Distance Relative Out Centrality Compactness Stratum Linear Absolute Prestige In this section of the thesis each of the metrics developed by Botafogo et al. (1992) and Rivlin et al. (1994) will be examined. Converted Distance Matrix (CDM) A distance matrix contains within its entries the distance of each node to every other node (shortest path). An example of a graph with its distance matrix is represented below by Figure 2.7. a b c a b c d a 0 1 1 2 b ∞ 0 1 2 c ∞ ∞ 0 1 d ∞ ∞ ∞ 0 ∞ = infinity d Diagram 2.10: Distance Matrix The shortest path from node a to node b is one. When a node can not reach another node, then an infinity value is entered within the distance matrix. For example in Figure 2.7, node b can not reach node a so an infinity entry is inserted. Page 30 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Due to the inconvenience of working with infinite values Botafogo et al. (1992) modified the distance matrix. They introduced a conversion constant (K) to replace the infinite values. Botafogo et al. (1992) assigns the value for the conversion constant to be at least the number of nodes within the HyperText structure. Diagram 2.8 displays the same graph used in diagram 2.7 however, infinite values have been replaced with the conversion constant. a b c a b c d a 0 1 1 2 b 4 0 1 2 c 4 4 0 1 d 4 4 4 0 K = 4 (4 nodes in graph) d Diagram 2.11: Converted Distance Matrix (CDM) Converted Out Distance (COD) The COD for a node is the sum of all of the entries in a row of the converted distance matrix. For example, the COD value for node a would be 0 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 4. The node with the lowest COD value is regarded as the central node, because there are fewer traversals to reach the majority of nodes within the HyperText structure. COD is used to identify hierarchical structures within a HyperText document. Figure 2.9 shows the COD table. a b c a b c d COD a 0 1 1 2 4 b 4 0 1 2 7 c 4 4 0 1 9 Note: Node a is the d 4 4 4 0 12 most central. K =4 d Diagram 2.12: Converted Out Distance (COD) Page 31 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Converted Distance (CD) The CD value of Hyperdocument is required to calculate ROC (Relative Out Centrality) and Cp (Compactness) values for a HyperText document (Sections and The CD of a HyperText structure is calculated by taking the sum of all COD values. For example, the CD for the converted distance matrix in figure 2.13 is calculated by: CD = COD (node a) + COD (node b) + COD (node c) + COD (node d) 4 + 7 + 9 + 12 = 32 Relative Out Centrality (ROC) “It is natural to define a central node as one whose distance to all the other nodes in the hypertext is small. As that distance grows, nodes become less central. Consequently, the smaller the COD the more central the node. For a single hypertext, the COD is a good indication of the node centrality as compared with another node, but this number indicates little when two different hypertexts are compared.” (Botafogo et al., 1992, p.147) For comparisons of centrality between HyperText structures Botafogo et al. (1992) developed the ROC metric. Relative Out Centrality of a node is calculated by using the formula: ROC i = CD/COD. This allows direct comparisons between different HyperText structures. The highest ROC is the most central node in the structure. For example, Diagram 2.10 shows all calculated ROC values. a b c a b c d COD ROC a 0 1 1 2 4 8 b 4 0 1 2 7 4.6 c 4 4 0 1 9 3.6 d 4 4 4 0 12 2.7 CD 32 d Diagram 2.13: Relative Out Centrality (ROC) Page 32 K=4 Note: Node a has the highest ROC value and is the most central node. LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Compactness (Cp) This metric indicates whether each node can easily be reached from another node. The compactness metric has a value between zero and one regardless of the size of the HyperText structure. As the Compactness value moves closer to one the more connected the HyperText structure is. If the Cp value is equal to one (1) the structure is completely cross-connected. If the value of Cp is equal to zero (0) the structure is completely disconnected. Compactness is calculated using the following formula: Cp = (MAX - CD) / (MAX - MIN) Where MAX = (n2 - n)K and MIN = (n2 - n) n = number of nodes K = conversion constant (Section For example, Diagram 2.11 shows CD = 32, n = 4 and K = 4 Cp = ((( 42 - 4 )4) - 32) / (((42 - 4)4) - (42 - 4)) Cp = ((12 * 4) - 32) / ((12*4) - 12) Cp = 16 / 36 Cp = .44 Stratum (St) The stratum metric was designed to reflect the linear ordering of a HyperText structure. This indicates whether it is important to begin reading the HyperText from a particular node. A completely linear structure has a stratum value of one (1), a completely cross-connected structure will have a stratum value of zero (0). The stratum of a HyperText structure is calculated using the formula: Stratum = absolute prestige / LAP Page 33 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Status for a node is the sum of the node’s row in the distance matrix. Infinite values are ignored (see diagram 2.14). Contrastatus for a node is the sum of the node’s column in the distance matrix. Infinite values are ignored (see diagram 2.14). Prestige of node is calculated by subtracting the contrastatus of the node from the status of the node. Absolute prestige is the sum (regardless of sign) of the prestige of all nodes in the HyperText structure. Linear Absolute Prestige is given by the following formula: LAP = n3 / 4 if n is even LAP = n3 - n / 4 if n is odd n = number of nodes Figure 2.12 shows a worked example of calculating the stratum of a HyperText structure. a b a b c a 0 1 1 2 4 4 b ∞ 0 1 2 3 2 c ∞ ∞ 0 1 1 -1 d ∞ ∞ ∞ 0 0 -4 Contrastatus 0 1 2 5 c d d Status Prestige 11 = Absolute prestige LAP = 43 / 4 , as, even number of nodes. Stratum (St) = absolute prestige / LAP LAP = 64 / 4 St = 11 / 16 LAP = 16 St = .69 Diagram 2.14: Worked Example of Stratum Page 34 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Summary of Structure Metrics When this set of metrics was developed the authors Botafogo, Rivlin and Shneiderman (1992 and 1994) had no exposure to modern browsers. Due to this fact, the metrics fail to take into account the increased freedom of browsing that the navigational aids, inherent to the browser, give the user. Particularly, the design of the Converted Distance Matrix (CDM) neglects the Back and History facilities of all modern browsers. When the Back facility is applied to the CDM all Hyperlinks present within a Web site become two-way links, thereby removing the need for the infinity value or the conversion constant (Section in the CDM. Similarly the History facility allows the user to return to a previous node in a Web site. This change would affect the results of all Botafogo et al. (1992) metrics when applied to a Web site. So the question raised in the researcher’s mind is; Are these metrics valid, when applied to Web sites accessed by modern browsers? A modification to the CDM will be proposed in Section 4.5. 2.3.5 Lost in Hyperspace - Metrics “Hypertext systems are used in many applications because of their flexible structure and the great browsing freedom they give to users. However, this same flexibility and freedom is the cause of a major concern: the "lost in hyperspace" problem.” (Botafogo et al., 1992, p.142) HyperText systems are designed both to facilitate the finding of relevant information when it is required and to encourage exploration of the information space. Nevertheless, a system, which is designed to support browsing, can fail if the users become lost when they use it. As the focus of this thesis is user perception of structure of Web sites, an understanding of measuring, how lost the user is within the structure is desirable. Page 35 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ It is assumed that users, who cannot locate information that exists in the system, can be regarded as lost and that users who become lost cannot use the system effectively when they have a specific information-finding task to perform (Smith 1996). Clearly, 'lostness' is something that needs to be measured. (Smith, 1996, p. 366) Smith (1996) created metrics to measure lostness and efficiency. Both metrics rely on the path taken by user to reach the information required within a HyperText document. Table 5 contains the path measurements required for Smith’s metrics. Table 2.3: The path measurements from which indicators of lostness and efficiency are derived D R S N V T Number of different nodes accessed Number of nodes, which need to be visited to complete a task Total number of nodes visited whilst searching Number of different nodes visited whilst searching Total number of nodes visited whilst verifying (checking information) Total number of nodes accessed (S + V) Lostness Indicators: 1. Different nodes accessed (D) compared with total number of nodes accessed (T). lostness = D/T A value approaching zero shows many repeated visits to the same nodes, which suggests the user may be lost. Nodes visited whist verifying (V) are removed from total (T). 2. Number of visited nodes to complete required task (R) compared with number of different nodes visited while searching (N). lostness = R/N A value approaching zero or greater than one (task incomplete), indicates the user is lost. Page 36 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Lostness rating: L Whilst each of the previous measures might be used alone as an indicator of lostness, a more accurate picture is derived if they are combined to give a rating of lostness compared to a user performing a “perfect search”. Assuming that in a perfect search a user visits exactly the number of nodes assessed as being required to complete a task (no deviation, no verifying visits) then: T = D = R and S = T therefore N/S = 1 and R/N = l If this is considered as the point (1,1) in a two-dimensional space which has its axis N/S and R/N then a lostness rating (L) can be calculated as a distance from this point such that: L= ((N/S - 1) 2 + (R/N - 1) 2) Where L increases as lostness increases. For the perfect search L = 0. Efficiency Indicators: 1. Different nodes accessed (D) compared with total number of nodes accessed (T). efficiency = D/T A value of one shows perfect efficiency. Nodes visited whist verifying (V) are included in total (T). 2. Number of visited nodes to complete required task (R) compared with number of different nodes visited while searching (N). efficiency = R/N A value of one shows perfect efficiency. A value greater than one indicates task was not completed. Page 37 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. When considering a user’s efficiency, successful completion of the task is a good indicator. A value is assigned for task accuracy (A), 0 for incorrect answer, .5 for a partially correct answer, and 1 for a correct answer. Efficiency rating: E Whilst each of the measures above might be used alone as an indicator of efficiency, when combined they give an overall rating of a user’s efficiency compared to a perfectly efficient search. Assuming that in a perfect search a user visits exactly the number of nodes assessed as being required to complete a task successfully then: T = D = R and A = 1 If this is considered as the point (1,1,1) in a three-dimensional space then the efficiency rating which has its axis D/T, R/D and A then a efficiency rating (E) can be calculated as a distance from this point such that: E = ((D/T - 1) 2 + (R/D - 1) 2 + (A-1) 2) Where E increases as efficiency decreases, and for a perfectly efficient search E = 0. Section 4.6 of this thesis will examine the indicators of lostness and efficiency proposed by Smith (1996) in relation to Web sites rather than HyperText. Now that an understanding of the research into HyperText structure and the metrics associated with HyperText has been achieved, the next section of the thesis will relate the previous research on HyperText structure and metrics to the structure of Web sites. 2.4 Web Sites How well do the theories of HyperText structure and metrics examined relate to Web sites? First a Web site will be defined, then a comparison will made between the design of a Web site and the design of a HyperText document. Particular emphasis will be placed on the structure and metrics examined in the previous sections of this chapter. Page 38 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.4.1 Web Site Definition What is a Web site? This thesis adopts the definition proposed by Abrams in his masters thesis (1997) that a Web site is a thematic organization. That is, all pages on the site are organized by a theme with a clear subject domain. Thematic organizations contain structural clues and explicit semantic relations. Structural Clues: all Web pages provide graphical design, layout, or rhetorical clues, which reflect the structure and content of the entire Web site. Explicit Semantic Relations: HyperText links between Web pages within the site represent semantic relationships from source pages to target pages. For example, a person’s home page and its supporting pages are a Web site. The Southern Cross University World Wide Web site can be classified as a single Web site, as its pages have been organized thematically, have structural cues, and represent semantic relationships through HyperText links. 2.4.2 Web Site Structure The types of structures examined in HyperText are the same as the structures used by Web site developers. Most Web sites have a hierarchical or sequential structure, or a combination of the two. Sequential structures in some cases have been overlaid on a hierarchical Web site to provide a guided tour through the structure of the site for first time users. Some Web sites also contain keyword searches, indexes, multimedia and database access. These additions to the Web sites can largely be fitted into the structures examined in the previous sections of this chapter. Each can be considered to be just another node within the site. All of the aforementioned additions could arguably be called exploration nodes (Thuring et al., 1991). Indexes and keyword searches are perhaps the ultimate extension of the exploration node, as they contain Hyperlinks to all or most of the pages in the Web site. Page 39 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Web Site Structure - Style Guidelines The author of this thesis searched the World Wide Web, scientific journals and academic papers for up-to-date work on users’ perceptions of Web site structures. None was found. However, information was found at many WWW locations in the form of “Web Site Style Guides” following are a few examples: “If you have in mind a body of information to put across to your reader, you probably have a mental organization for it. Normally this is a sort of hierarchical tree, like the chapters of a book if you were to write a book. Keep this structure. It helps readers to have a tree structure as a basis for the book: it gives them a feeling of knowing where they are. You can also use this structure for organizing your files in directories.” (Berners-Lee, T., 1995) “If yours is an essentially hierarchical document having chapters or other predictable sections, consider adding a heading on each page that links back to beginning of the document. Also, for pages within each chapter or section, add a secondary header that takes readers back to the beginning of that chapter.” (Sun Microsystems, 1996) “Information hierarchies are one of the best ways to organize complex bodies of information. Hierarchical organization schemes are particularly well-suited to Web sites, because Web sites should always be organized as off-shoots of a single home page.” … “Except in sites that rigorously enforce a sequence of pages, your users are likely to use any Web site in a free-form "web-like" manner, just as most non-fiction or reference books are used. But the nonlinear usage patterns typical of Web surfers do not absolve you of the need to organize your thinking and present it within a clear, consistent structure that complements your design goals for the site” (Lynch, P.L.& Horton, S., 1997) While these and other style guides provide detailed guidance and experiential reports on the structure of Web sites. The style guides do not address the central issue of this thesis, the effect of Web site structure on the users’ perceptions of navigability. Page 40 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.4.3 Web Site Metrics The metrics developed by Botafogo et al. (1992) for analysis of HyperText documents, when applied to the researcher’s experimental Web sites performed well (Chapter 3). The Converted Out Distance (COD) and Relative Out Centrality (ROC) can clearly identify the root nodes of hierarchies within the researcher’s experimental Web sites. The Compactness (Cp) metric when applied to the experimental Web sites correctly indicates the level of cross-referencing the Web site contains. The Stratum (St) metric indicates how important it is to access a Web site in a particular order. The experimental Web sites, to which this metric was applied, were not designed to be accessed in a linear manner. The result clearly shows this. As previously stated (Section when this set of metrics was developed the authors had no exposure to the modern browsers used to access the World Wide Web. Due to this fact, the metrics fail to take into account the increased freedom of browsing that the navigational aids, inherent to the browser, give the user. Netscape’s “Navigator” and Microsoft’s “Internet Explorer” both include several navigation aids. • The “Back” facility of both browsers provides a link from one node to the previous node in both hierarchical and sequential structures. This facility makes any Hyperlink in a Web site a two-way Hyperlink. • The “History list” in both browsers can act as a Hyperlink backwards through several levels of a hierarchy or across several sites. • The “Bookmark” (Netscape) or “Favorites” (Microsoft) facilities allow users to save a Web page’s URL, and at any time return to this Web page. Page 41 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Particularly, the design of the Converted Distance Matrix (CDM) neglects the Back and History facilities of all modern browsers. When the Back facility is applied to the CDM of a strict hierarchy (Section all Hyperlinks present within this Web site become twoway links, thereby, removing the need for the infinity value or the conversion constant (Section in the CDM. This change affects the results of all Botafogo et al. (1992) metrics calculated for this type of Web site. A modification to the CDM will be proposed in Chapter 4. Regardless of these facts, the metrics when applied to the researcher’s experimental Web sites do reflect an accurate indication of the different aspects of the structure (Section 3.2.3). 2.5 Summary In this chapter the author briefly examined the rise of the World Wide Web (W3), the protocols and standards associated with the W3 and the browsers used to access the W3. User strategies for exploring the World Wide Web were also examined in this chapter. Regardless of what strategy a user adopts in searching the W3 he/she still has to contend with the structure of a Web site when it has been accessed (located). Since the structure of a Web site is almost identical to HyperText structures, previous research into HyperText structures was reviewed (Section 2.3.3). This review showed that there are several parts to the design of a HyperText document. These include the content, organizational and presentation parts (Thuring et al., 1991). The organizational part can be considered the actual structure of the HyperText document. The organizational part was further expanded to show the different types of structures available. Page 42 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thuring et al (1991) expand the organizational part into two types of structures, sequential and exploration (hierarchical). Woodhead (1990) shows hierarchical structures can be classified into three sub-types strict, compromised and overlapping hierarchies. The previous research into HyperText structure was related to Web sites and was found to be accurate. (Section 2.4.2) These structures can be identified in HyperText by the use of metrics developed by Botafogo et al. (1992). These metrics were examined in detail. The research into HyperText structural metrics (Section 2.3.4) was conducted prior to the creation of modern browsers. The back, visited link, history and bookmark (favorites) facilities in modern browsers have changed the way users traverse HyperText on Web sites (Section 2.4.3). Also, explored were Smith’s (1996) metrics designed to identify the degree of lostness and efficiency of a user’s interaction with HyperText. The author of this thesis searched the World Wide Web, scientific journals and academic papers for up-to-date work on user perceptions of Web site structures. None was found. Several questions were raised in this chapter: • Do users utilize the features of modern browsers to aid navigation within a Web site? • Which structure would users prefer -- heavily cross-linked or a strict hierarchy? • Which type of Web site -- heavily cross-linked or strictly hierarchical -- increases the users’ likelihood of experiencing the “Lost in Hyperspace” phenomenon? • Is the previous research in HyperText metrics still valid, when applied to Web sites accessed by modern browsers? Page 43 LITERATURE REVIEW _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Two experimental Web sites (red and blue) were designed and subjected to Botafogo et al.’s (1992) metrics (Chapter 3). The red Web site will then be subjected to a modified version of Converted Distance Matrix for strict hierarchies (Section 4.5.2). The modification recognizes the Back facility of a browser, by treating all Hyperlinks in a Web site as two-way links. An experiment was conducted using these two Web sites. A questionnaire was used to measure user perceptions of the Web sites. Additional data relating to timing and Web pages visited will be collected from the Web server hosting the experimental sites for each user. The data collected in this experiment will be subjected to a doubly multivariate analysis of variance (Section 4.2) to look for influences on subjects’ preferences (heavily cross-linked hierarchy versus strict hierarchy) not attributable to Web site structure. The same data will then be subjected to a logistic regression (Section 4.3) to build a model to predict user preference. Page 44 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction Null Hypothesis: Ho: “Web site structure makes no difference to the users’ perceptions of navigability” The focus of this thesis is the effect of Web site structure on users’ perceptions of navigability. To research this question two experimental Web sites (red and blue) were constructed using different structures. In Chapter 2 several questions were raised, two of them were; “Which structure would users prefer -- heavily cross-linked or a strict hierarchy?” “Which type of Web site -- heavily crossed-linked or strictly hierarchical -- increases the users’ likelihood of experiencing the “Lost in Hyperspace” phenomenon?” The two sites were constructed to explore these questions. The underlying structure of both sites is hierarchical, but different types of hierarchical structure were designed. The red site is a strict hierarchy, as described in Section The red site contains a total of 72 links. The blue site uses compromised and overlapping hierarchies (Section, as well as sequential structures (Section The blue site contains a total of 736 links. The metrics proposed by Botafogo et al. (1992) were applied to the two Web sites. The application of these metrics to the two Web sites demonstrated the sites to be at the extremes of Botafogo et al.’s (1992) metrics. The 113 subjects who undertook this experiment were drawn from the staff and student body (undergraduate and postgraduate) of Southern Cross University. Page 45 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ Each subject was given two tasks and a questionnaire to complete for each of the two Web sites. The tasks required the subjects to navigate each site. Fifty percent of subjects were directed to complete the red site first, while the remainder, were directed to complete the blue site first. The questions posed in the questionnaire are designed to capture from the subject their perceptions of the structure of the two Web sites. Data also captured by the questionnaire will answer the question raised in Chapter 2; “Do users utilize the features of modern browsers to aid navigation within a Web site?” The sources of the experimental data collected consisted of completed questionnaires and the server log file for each subject in the experiment. This chapter examines the experiment construction. The first area of the experiment explored is the construction of the Web sites (red and blue). This will investigate the criteria used to design the Web sites. Following this is an examination of the browser, subjects and task set in the experiment. Also, examined is what data will be collected from the experiment. Page 46 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.2 Experiment Construction: Web sites The researcher for comparison purposes designed two experimental Web sites (red and blue). The two Web sites were specifically designed to explore user perceptions about their structures, by having the users compare a strict hierarchy and a heavily cross-linked multiple hierarchy. The content in both sites remained identical, with the exception of the additional Hyperlinks in the blue Web site. The sites were designed to be at the extremes of Botafogo et al.’s (1992) metrics. Microsoft FrontPage 97 was the development environment used to develop the two experimental Web sites. The following list shows the criteria used by the researcher in developing both sites. Design Criteria for Web sites. Quick response time. Content of sites interesting to subjects. Quantifiably different red and blue Web site structures. Minimise variables between pages of each site. Accessible site log. The above criteria will be examined in detail in the following sub-sections. Page 47 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.2.1 Quick Response Time The two Web sites were constructed on a UNIX server, on the Southern Cross University campus. The server is a Sun SPARC station 20. The operating system on the server is Solaris 2.4, and the web server in use was NCSA. The server ( was chosen for several reasons. Firstly, as the researcher could use information taken from the server and its HTTP access log file (Section 3.2.5) to examine subjects’ time to complete the task set and visits to pages of each Web site. Secondly as the server is a local server, response time was minimized. Response time for each node of the Web site was indistinguishable from other work station activities. Each node of both the red and blue Web sites contained several graphics. This gave the sites the “look and feel” of professional Web sites. Three types of graphics were used; gif (Graphical Interchange Format), gif89a (Graphical Interchange Format 1989 Animated) and jpg (Joint Photographic Experts Group). The size of the graphics relates directly to the response time of the Web page loading in the browser environment. Graphics stored as a gif are larger in size (measured in bytes) than the same graphic converted to jpg. Therefore, all graphics were either resized (physical size of displayed image) or changed in format (gif to jpg), so that the size (measured in bytes) of the graphics would not adversely affect download time for each Web page. The largest graphic used was 37k (kilo) bytes in size the average size of graphic was less than 18k bytes. Page 48 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.2.2 Content of Sites Interesting to Subjects. The content of both Web sites with the exception of Hyperlinks on each page was identical for each node in the hierarchy. Each page contained graphics, textual Hyperlinks or a textual description. (Appendix D for example pages). The subject matter of both Web sites was comic book heroes and villains. The graphics used were all found on the Internet, at various World Wide Web Comic book fan sites or scanned from the researcher’s collection. The comic characters on all pages of both Web sites are copyrighted to Marvel Comics Inc. and DC Comics Inc. This content was chosen, as: • It is non-threatening. • It is non-technical and easily understood by all subjects. • Entertaining to the subjects. 3.2.3 Quantifiably Different Red and Blue Web Site Structures. The two Web sites were specifically designed to explore user perceptions about their structures, by having the users compare a strict hierarchy and a heavily cross-linked overlapping hierarchy. The content in both sites remained identical, with the exception of the additional Hyperlinks in the blue Web site. The sites were designed to be at the extremes of Botafogo et al’s (1992) metrics. The metrics for HyperText structures proposed by Botafogo et al. (1992) and Rivlin et al. (1994) were applied to the two Web sites. This was done to demonstrate the differences between the two site structures. The application of these metrics is as follows: Page 49 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ The structure of the red Web site is a strict hierarchy (Section The red site consists of 73 nodes and 72 Hyperlinks between the nodes. The structure of the blue Web site is a combination of compromised and overlapping hierarchies (Section as well as sequential structures (Section The blue site consists of 73 nodes and 736 Hyperlinks between the nodes. Appendix B contains maps of both Web sites and a description of the Hyperlinks contained in each node of both sites. The metrics in section 2.3.4 were applied to both sites. Appendix C contains the distance matrix of the both the red and blue Web sites. The value of each metric for both Web sites follows: Note: for all following calculations (as described in Section the conversion constant (K) = 73. Botafogo et al. (1992) recommend the value of the conversion constant be the same as the number of nodes within the site. Converted Out Distance (COD) The COD value of a node, is the sum of the node’s row in the HyperText structure distance matrix (described in Section The node with the lowest COD value is regarded as the central node within the structure.] Red site -- Node 1, COD = 266 In the red site node 1 is the most central with a COD value of 266. Other COD values ranged from 2798 (node 2) to 5256 (node 73). Blue site – Node 9, COD = 125 In the blue site node 9 is the most central with a COD value of 125. Other COD values ranged from 126 (node 12) to 266 (node 1). When looking at the map of the structure (Appendix B) each of the 4th level nodes (8-15) show a high degree of centrality. The distance matrix for both Web sites, in Appendix C, displays all the COD values. Page 50 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ Relative Out Centrality (ROC) ROC = CD (Converted Distance) / COD The ROC value for individual nodes allows direct comparisons between different HyperText structures. The node with the highest ROC value is the most central node within the structure. Red site – Node 1, ROC = 1,371.85 Within the red site node 1 has the highest ROC value. No other node in the red site approached the ROC value of node 1 (1,371.85). Other ROC values in the red Web site ranged from 130.42 (node 2 and 3) to 69.43 (node 16 to 73). Blue site – Node 9, ROC = 99.89 In the blue site node 9 with a ROC value of 99.89 is the most central node. All the 4th level nodes (see Appendix B for site map) were very close to this value ranging from 96.05 to 99.10. The distance matrix for both Web sites, in Appendix C, displays all the ROC values. Compactness (Cp) This metric indicates whether each node can easily be reached from another node. The more connected the HyperText structure is, the closer the Compactness value is to 1. Compactness is calculated using the following formula: Cp = (MAX - CD) / (MAX - MIN) Where: MAX = (n2 - n)K and MIN = (n2 - n) n = number of nodes = 73 K = conversion constant = 73 Red site – Cp = .04962 Blue site – Cp. = .9809 Page 51 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ Stratum (St) This metric was designed to reflect the linear ordering of a HyperText structure. This indicates whether it is important to begin traversing the HyperText from a particular node and in sequential order (Section for description). The stratum of a HyperText structure is calculated using the formula: Stratum = absolute prestige / LAP (Linear Absolute Prestige) Where: Absolute prestige = Sum of (status – contrastatus) Status = the sum of a node’s row in the distance matrix Contrastatus = the sum of a node’s column in the distance matrix Note: status and contrastatus both ignore infinite values. LAP = (n3 - n)/ 4 as, n is odd n = number of nodes Red site – St = .01203 Blue site – St = .02471 The distance matrix for both Web sites, in Appendix C, displays all the values of Status, Contrastatus and Prestige. Page 52 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ Verifying Red and Blue Web Site Structures are Quantifiably Different The table below displays the results of the metrics developed by Botafogo et al. (1992) and Rivlin et al. (1994) when applied to both experimental Web sites. Table 3.1: Comparison of red and blue Web site metrics. Attribute Red Web Site Blue Web Site Most central node: Node 1 Node 9 ROC value: 1,371.85 99.88 Next highest ROC values: Node 2 = 130.42 Node 12 = 99.10 Node 3 = 130.42 Node 14 = 98.31 Least central node: Nodes 16-73 Node 1 ROC value: 69.43 46.94 Cp value: .0496 .9809 St value: .01203 .02471 Number of Nodes: 73 73 Number of Hyperlinks: 72 736 ROC (Relative Out Centrality) Cp (Compactness) St (Stratum) The red Web site is a strict hierarchy with 72 Hyperlinks, this is demonstrated by the ROC and Cp calculations for this site. The Homepage of the red Web site, node 1, has the highest ROC value (1,371.85) followed by nodes 2 and 3 (130.42) this reflects the fact that within this structure there is only one hierarchy. This is further evidenced by the fact that all the level 5 nodes (Appendix B for site map) have the lowest centrality value on the red site (69.43). Page 53 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ The Cp value of .0496 demonstrates the red Web site is poorly connected, that is, the ability to traverse from any node to any other node requires multiple steps. This low value for Compactness is further demonstrated by the fact that the only possible entrance point in the red Web site with Hyperlink access to all pages, would be node 1 (Homepage). If a user entered the site at any other node it would be impossible to view the entire contents of the site. The blue Web site is a heavily cross-linked overlapping hierarchy (736 Hyperlinks). This is reflected by the ROC and Cp calculations. The ROC values for all level 4 nodes (nodes 8-15) fall in the range of 96.05 to 99.89 with node 9 having the highest value. These values for ROC demonstrate that the blue Web site contains overlapping and compromised hierarchies (Appendix B for site map). The lowest value of ROC in the blue Web site, is that of the Homepage (node 1). This clearly demonstrates that the two Web sites have different structures. The blue Web site has a high compactness value of .9809, this reflects the fact that each node can quickly and easily be reached from another node. This is further demonstrated by the fact that any node within the blue Web site, could be used as a entrance point and still have access to all nodes on the site. The Stratum values for the two Web sites reflect their linear ordering, that is, whether the site should be traversed in a particular sequence. The red Web sites value is .01203, this value indicates that there is little linear ordering to this site. The value for the blue Web site is .02471, this indicates that the site also has little linear ordering within it. The results of the application of the metrics developed by Botafogo, Rivlin and Shneiderman (1992; 1994) demonstrate that the red and blue sites are different in structure. Page 54 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.2.4 Minimise Variables Between Pages of Each Web Site Considerable attention to detail was put into the design of each page of both Web sites. This effort was directed at reducing extraneous variables that could affect user perceptions. • Background colour (browser default) was held constant in all pages (red and blue sites). No graphic was placed on the background, as quick response time was a design criterion. • An animated GIF (Graphical Interface Format 89a) was used to divide each page of both sites into three sections. The image used was 5k bytes in size. Each page contained a maximum of three sections: 1. Graphic(s) and title (both sites). 2. Hierarchical Hyperlinks or Content. 3. Additional Hyperlinks (blue site only). As the graphics displayed were of different physical sizes and orientations (vertical / horizontal) care was taken in the design of each page that the Hyperlinks appeared at the same screen location on each of the pages in the Web sites. This was particularly important in the design of the blue site as the additional textual Hyperlinks were placed into HTML 3.2 tables. The 5th level nodes of the blue Web site contained (Appendix B for site map), within their HTML tables a sequential (next) Hyperlink. In order to reduce the movement of the mouse on screen these Hyperlinks had to appear at exactly the same location on screen. • Each page was designed to be accessed by a browser using 800 X 600 resolution. This was done so that a scroll bar would not appear. This resulted in reduced number of mouse clicks as no area of the page was hidden from view. Subjects viewed the Web sites at this resolution. Appendix D contains samples of the Web pages in both the red and blue Web sites. Page 55 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.2.5 Accessible HTTP Log A client’s (browser’s) HTTP request starts with a method (GET, PUT, POST etc.) and the URL of the object the client is addressing. The HTTP server (host) then returns the result of the HTTP request to the client (browser) that requested it. The server also logs all HTTP requests. In the server used this log is in a file named “access_log”. Access to the data contained in this server log file was arranged. Section 3.6, Data Collected, details the information extracted from this file for each user of the experimental Web sites. 3.3 Experiment Construction: Browser A computer lab at Southern Cross University was chosen as the venue for the experiment. Each subject in the experiment used a Microsoft NT 4.0 Pentium 166 with 32 megabytes of RAM and a 17-inch monitor to access the experimental sites. The IP address of each machine was recorded to correlate with the access log. The browser chosen was Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.02 (IE 3.02) Procedures in preparing venue for experiment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Resolution of each computer set to 800 X 600 at 24bit true colour. IE 3.02 opened and set to full screen resolution. IE 3.02 history list deleted. IE 3.02 favorites deleted. IE 3.02 RAM and disk caches deleted. Computer IP address noted on Questionnaire. Start time of experiment noted on Questionnaire. The favorites, history list and caches are deleted so that each subject starts each Web site without the previous user’s accesses to the Web sites reflected by the browser’s intrinsic facilities. Page 56 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.4 Experiment Construction: Subjects A focus group of 11 subjects undertook the experiment on 12/06/97 to verify the following: • The questionnaire (Section 3.5) was understandable. • The tasks set in both Web sites was achievable. • The structures appeared different from a user perspective. • The content of the Web sites was entertaining. Discussion with the focus group satisfied the researcher that the above criteria had been met. As no change was required to the design of the experiment, the focus group’s data has been included in the data set of the experiment. The 113 subjects who undertook this experiment were drawn from the students and staff of Southern Cross University. The large number (greater than 100) of subjects was required as the data generated by the experiment was to be analyzed using a doubly multivariate analyses of variance to look for interaction effects between cells (i.e. male/female, age etc.). The reasoning behind examination of these effects is to see if any factors other than the structure of each Web site influences the user’s preference. The only criterion for a subject was experience with navigating the World Wide Web. Due to this criterion the largest proportion of subjects was drawn from the School of Multimedia and Information Technology. A maximum of eighteen subjects undertook the experiment at any one time. The experiment was run during the period 12/06/1997 to 15/08/1997. Page 57 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.5 Experimental Task Each subject was given a questionnaire to complete (Appendix E). No time limit to complete the task was given to subjects. The questionnaire had four sections: • Questionnaire General Information • Questionnaire Site Blue • Questionnaire Site Red • Questionnaire Conclusion To facilitate statistical comparison, 50% of questionnaires had sections 2 and 3 reversed. Each of the above sections will be examined in detail, identifying the reasoning behind the question and the type of data the question returns (categorical or ratio). 3.5.1 Questionnaire General Information This first section contains five questions. 1. Gender. Provides categorical data. The reason for this question is to examine if there is any difference between the genders in their perception of Web site navigability. 2. Age. Provides categorical data. This question is to examine whether there is a difference in perception based on the age of the subject. 3. Experience with WWW. Provides ratio data, using a Likert scale. Is there a difference in user perception based on WWW experience? 4. Experience with Computers. Provides ratio data, using a Likert scale. Is there a difference in user perception based on experience with computers? 5. Knowledge of content. Provides categorical data. This question was included to capture a user who already knew the answers to the tasks set in the blue and red site questionnaires. If a user identified him/herself to have knowledge of more than 20 comic book characters, the questionnaire would be removed from the sample population. Page 58 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.5.2 Questionnaire Site Red This section of the questionnaire instructed the subjects to open the browser on the URL of the red site. The subject was then given two tasks to perform. 1. What is the secret identity of Guardian? 2. What is the secret identity of Chameleon? Each task required the subject to search the site to find the target node (page) to answer the question. Appendix D contains the target nodes. The characters designated as targets were chosen, as they are not well known characters. After the subject had completed the task, four questions were put to the subject. All questions used a Likert scale to supply ratio data for statistical analysis. 1. Lost in Hyperspace. Did the structure of this Web site cause the user to experience this phenomenon? 2. IE 3.02 Back facility. How often did the subject use the browser’s back facility? The structure of the Red site forces the user to access this function. 3. IE 3.02 History facility. How often did the subject use this facility? Use of this facility would reduce the number of traversals required to accomplish the tasks in the red site. 4. Comfortable with structure. Was the user at ease with the structure of the site? Page 59 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.5.3 Questionnaire Site Blue This section of the questionnaire instructed the subjects to open the browser on the URL of the blue site. The subject was then given two tasks to perform. 1. What is the secret identity of Clayface? 2. What is the secret identity of Calypso? Each task required the subject to search the site to find the target node (page) to answer the question. Appendix D contains the target nodes. The characters designated as targets were chosen, as they are not well known characters. After accomplishing the tasks the subject was asked four questions. All questions used a Likert scale to supply ratio data for statistical analysis. 1. Lost in Hyperspace. Did the structure of this Web site cause the user to experience this phenomenon? 2. IE 3.02 Back facility. How often did the subject use the browser’s back facility? The structure of the blue site is designed so that there is no need to use this facility. 3. IE 3.02 History facility. How often did the subject use this facility? Use of this facility would not help to reduce the number of traversals required to accomplish the tasks in the blue site. 4. Comfortable with structure. Was the user at ease with the structure of the site? Page 60 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.5.4 Questionnaire Conclusion The conclusion of the questionnaire contains two questions. Both questions provide categorical data. 1. Favorites. Did the user utilize this facility? 2. Preference. Which Web site did the user prefer, red or blue? 3.5.5 Questionnaire Summary The data provided by subjects in the general information section of the questionnaire (Section 3.5.1) is required to look for influences on the subjects’ preference of Web site attributable to experience with the WWW, gender, age, experience with computers and order of completion of the Web sites. Also, explored will be the influence of interactions between gender, age and order of completion of Web sites. The questions dealing with usage of the Back, History and Favorites facilities, are designed to acquire data to explore whether users utilize these facilities to explore Web sites. The questions dealing with feelings (lost and comfort with structure) in the questionnaire are designed to acquire user perceptions of each Web sites’ structure. The final question in the questionnaire is whether the user preferred the red or blue Web site. Page 61 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.6 Data Collected The questionnaires were collected from each subject undertaking the experiment. Also, details of time taken and all nodes visited to complete the task set for each Web site were extracted from the server. The above data (Appendix F contains a sample listing of data) will be statistically analyzed in Chapter 4. It had been initially hoped that the user’s traversal of the Web site could be tracked. This information would have allowed the metrics developed by Smith (1996), described in section 2.3.5, to be applied to each subject of the experiment. However, to accomplish this tracking of the user’s traversals the browser itself would have to be modified. Internet Explorer 3.02 caches each Web page (HTML node) as it downloads. The next time a cached Web page is accessed, whether via the back, history list or another Hyperlink, Internet Explorer accesses the client’s cache, not the server (host). Using a modified browser that logged all URLs or sent a GET command to the server with each access to a Web page could solve this. This modification could not be accomplished within the scope of this thesis. The details that were extracted from the server do, however, allow some of the indicators Smith (1996) developed for lostness and efficiency to be calculated. Page 62 METHODOLOGY __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.7 Experiment Summary In summary, two experimental Web sites were designed to explore the effect of Web site structure on the users’ perceptions of navigability. The two Web sites were demonstrated to have different structures by subjecting them to the HyperText metrics developed by Botafogo, Rivlin and Shneiderman (1992; 1994). Each of the 113 subjects who participated in this experiment was given two tasks and a questionnaire to complete for each of the two experimental Web sites (red and blue). The tasks required the subjects to traverse the structure of each Web site. Fifty percent of subjects were directed to complete the red site first, while the remainder, were directed to complete the blue site first. The results of each questionnaire were collated with the results from the Web server log, The log provided timing and visited node information for each subject undertaking the experiment. This data will be statistically analyzed in Chapter 4. The analysis of the data will answer the following questions raised in Chapter 2; • Do users utilize the features of modern browsers to aid navigation within a Web site? • Which structure would users prefer -- heavily cross-linked or a strict hierarchy? • Which type of Web site -- heavily crossed-linked or strictly hierarchical -- increases the user’s likelihood of experiencing the “Lost in Hyperspace” phenomenon? Also, examined in section 4.5 will be a modification to the Converted Distance Matrix (CDM) for Web sites with a strict hierarchical structure. This modification affects all of the HyperText metrics developed by Botafogo, Rivlin and Shneiderman (1992; 1994). The modification to the CDM is designed to recognize the navigation aids inherent in modern browsers, particularly the Back facility. Page 63 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 4 ANALYSIS OF DATA 4.1 Introduction This chapter of the thesis will report the results of two separate analyses of the data collected from the experiment outlined in Chapter 3. Section 4.2 introduces the two analyses and examines the exclusions and transformations of experimental data. The first statistical analysis performed (Section 4.3) is a doubly multivariate analysis of variance – repeated measures. This analysis will examine the data for influence on both experimental Web sites. The second statistical analysis performed (Section 4.4) is a logistic regression. This analysis examines the data set gleaned from the experiment to find a model to predict a subject’s preference of the experimental Web sites. Section 4.5 of this chapter proposes a modification to the Converted Distance Matrix (CDM) developed by Botafogo, Rivlin and Scheiderman (1992; 1994) for strictly hierarchical Web sites (CDMh). Section 4.6 of this chapter examines the indicators of lostness and efficiency developed by Smith (1996) using the data resulting from the experiment. Section 4.7 answers the questions raised in Chapter 2 of this thesis; • Do users utilize the features of modern browsers to aid navigation within a Web site? • Which structure would users prefer -- heavily cross-linked or a strict hierarchy? • Which type of Web site -- heavily crossed-linked or strictly hierarchical -- increases the user’s likelihood of experiencing the “Lost in Hyperspace” phenomenon? • Is the previous research in HyperText metrics still valid, when applied to Web sites accessed by modern browsers? Page 64 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.2 Statistical Analysis Introduction This section and the following two sections of this chapter will report the results the two analyses of the data collected during the experiment detailed in Chapter 3. Sections 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 examine and explain the exclusions and transformations of the data gleaned from the experiment. Section 4.3 will examine the design and results of a doubly multivariate repeated measures analysis of variance. This analysis tests the significance of differences between the red and blue Web sites on (within subject factors) lost rating, usage of Back button, usage of History list, comfort rating, number of nodes visited and time to complete the task. It also tests the significance of the influence of the between subjects factors: 1. Experience with Computers. 5. Order (red or blue completed first). 2. Experience with the WWW. 6. Gender by Age. 3. Gender. 7. Gender by Order. 4. Age. 8. Age by Order. Where the previously mentioned factors do not influence red – blue differences the effect of factors will be examined for overall (both Web sites) influence. Section 4.4 will analyze the results of the experiment to find which component(s) of the data predict Web site (red or blue) preference by using logistic regression. The components analyzed are: • Experience with Computers • Usage of History list • Experience with WWW • Lost • Gender • Comfort • Age • Time to complete (task time) • Order (red or blue Web site 1st) • Visited nodes • Usage of Back button Page 65 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.2.1 Data Excluded The results of the question dealing with the utilization of the Favorites facility, explained in section 3.5.4 (Questionnaire Conclusion), was dropped from the statistical analyses as only 3 subjects in the sample reported using the facility. Several errors occurred due to a misunderstanding of the instructions or lack of interest in completing the tasks set out in the instructions. The details of the errors made and how these errors were treated follows: • Five subjects failed to visit both sites and completed all tasks by traversing a single Web site only. Due to the fact that the statistics are based on a comparison between the two Web sites, these results were removed from the sample. • One additional result was removed from the sample. As stated in section 3.5.1 (Questionnaire General Information) the question dealing with “Knowledge of content” was included in the questionnaire to capture a user who may already know the answers to the tasks set in the blue and red sites. One subject identified himself to have knowledge of over 40 comic book characters, due to this fact this subject was removed from the sample. These exceptions resulted in the sample size being reduced from 113 to 107. 4.2.2 Data Transformed Two subjects completed the traversal of the two Web sites in a reverse order. The server log confirmed this. Both subjects brought this error to the researchers’ attention and stated it was due to sticky pages in the questionnaire. This presented no problem as, fifty percent of subjects were to complete the red site first, while the remainder, were directed to complete the blue site first. These two results were entered into the sample with the order variable changed to reflect the order in which the subjects undertook the tasks. Page 66 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ The categorical data supplied by question 2 (Age) of the General Information portion of the questionnaire (Appendix E) had to be modified. Data collected placed each subject in one of 60 60 50 50 40 40 Number of Male Subjects Number of Female Subjects five categories. Below are bar charts of the subjects age categories: 30 20 10 0 18 - 25 26 - 33 33 - 40 41 - 47 30 20 10 0 Over 47 18 -25 Age Categories 26 - 32 33 - 40 41 - 47 Over 47 Age Categories Diagram 4.1: Male and Female Frequencies by Age Due to the small size of some of the frequencies within some of the gender by age cells, the age categories were transformed into 18 – 25 and over 25. The diagram below shows the new frequencies. 60 60 50 40 Number of Male Subjects Number of Female Subjects 50 30 20 10 0 18 - 25 40 30 20 10 Over 25 18 - 25 Transformed Age Categories Over 25 Tranformed Age Categories Diagram 4.2: Transformed Male and Female Frequencies by Age Page 67 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3 General Linear Model (GLM) – Repeated Measures “The GLM repeated measures procedure provides analysis of variance when the same measurement is made several times on each subject or case. If between-subjects factors are specified, they divide the population into groups. Using this general linear model procedure you can test null hypotheses about the effects of both the between-subjects factors and the within-subjects factors. You can investigate interactions between factors as well as the effects of individual factors. In addition, the effects of constant covariates and covariate interactions with the between-subjects factors can be included. In a doubly multivariate repeated measures design, the dependent variables represent measurements of more than one variable for the different levels of the withinsubjects factors.” (SPSS Inc., 1997, p.27) This particular statistical analysis was chosen, as the data collected from questionnaires and from the server (Section 3.6, Data Collected) is a comparison between the two Web sites (red and blue). The model used was a doubly multivariate repeated measures analysis of variance. In this analysis the dependent variables are: • Lost rating. • Usage of Back button. • Usage of History list. • Comfort rating. • Number of nodes visited. • Task time (time to complete task) The between subject factors are: • Gender. • Age. • Order (red or blue Web site completed first). • Gender by Age. • Gender by Order. • Age by Order. Page 68 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Two covariates used in the model were: • Experience with computers. • Experience with the WWW. Effects tested by the model: • Within Subject (red – blue) by: 1. Experience with computers. 5. Order (red or blue 1st). 2. Experience with WWW. 6. Gender by age. 3. Gender. 7. Gender by order. 4. Age. 8. Age by order. • Within subject (red – blue). • Between subject on averaged variables (e.g. red + blue) by: 1. Experience with computers. 5. Order (red or blue 1st). 2. Experience with WWW. 6. Gender by age. 3. Gender. 7. Gender by order. 4. Age. 8. Age by order. The hierarchical (or sequential; Type I) method of decomposition of sum-of-squares was used. With this method, each term (factor or covariate) is adjusted for each term preceding it in the model. The order of terms is as listed above. 4.3.1 Hypotheses Section 3.5, Experimental task, described the questionnaire completed by all subjects. Several questions were included in the questionnaire specifically to capture information used to examine if there were differences due to experience with computers, experience with the WWW, gender, age and order (red or blue site completed first). Following are the hypotheses the multivariate analysis will examine. Page 69 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Within Subject Null Hypotheses Hypotheses involving the within-subjects (red – blue effects): 1. H0: There will be no influence on the difference between the red and blue Web site measurements (Lost rating, usage of Back button, usage of History list, Comfort rating, number of nodes visited and Task time), attributable to experience with computers. 2. H0: There will be no influence on the difference between the red and blue Web site measurements, attributable to experience with the WWW. 3. H0: There will be no influence on the difference between the red and blue Web site measurements, attributable to gender. 4. H0: There will be no influence on the difference between the red and blue Web site measurements, attributable to age. 5. H0: There will be no influence on the difference between the red and blue Web site measurements, attributable to order. 6. H0: There will be no influence on the difference between the red and blue Web site measurements, attributable to age by gender interaction. 7. H0: There will be no influence on the difference between the red and blue Web site measurements, attributable to age by order interaction. 8. H0: There will be no influence on the difference between the red and blue Web site measurements, attributable to gender by order interaction. 9. H0: There will be no difference between the red and blue Web sites on the mean measures of the dependent variables (Lost rating, usage of Back button, usage of History list, Comfort rating, number of nodes visited and Task time). Note: Each hypothesis is adjusted for the effect of the preceding hypotheses. Page 70 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Between Subject Null Hypotheses Hypotheses involving the between-subjects (red + blue effects): 1. H0: There will be no influence on the averages of measurements (Lost rating, usage of Back button, usage of History list, Comfort rating, number of nodes visited and Task time) on the red and blue Web sites, attributable to experience with computers. 2. H0: There will be no influence on the averages of measurements on the red and blue Web sites, attributable to experience with the WWW. 3. H0: There will be no influence on the averages of measurements on the red and blue Web sites, attributable to gender. 4. H0: There will be no influence on the averages of measurements on the red and blue Web sites, attributable to age. 5. H0: There will be no influence on the averages of measurements on the red and blue Web sites, attributable to order. 6. H0: There will be no influence on the averages of measurements on the red and blue Web sites, attributable to age by gender. 7. H0: There will be no influence on the averages of measurements on the red and blue Web sites, attributable to age by order. 8. H0: There will be no influence on the averages of measurements on the red and blue Web sites, attributable to gender by order. Note: Each hypothesis is adjusted for the effect of the preceding hypotheses. Page 71 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3.2 GLM – Repeated Measures Interpretive Strategy The strategy for interpretation of the results rests on two basic principles: 1. That effects found to be non-significant in the multivariate test will not be interpreted as significant even if the univariate test of the effect shows p < .05. This principle uses the multivariate test as a form of control over experiment-wide type 1 errors* arising from tests on multiple variables for each effect. 2. That interaction effects are examined first, from the higher order effects down to the lower order interaction and main effects. In particular, significance of a within by between subject interaction effect implies that the red – blue difference (difference attributable to the structures of the red & blue Web sites), differs between the levels of the between subjects factor. As a result the lower order red – blue and between subjects effects should not be separately examined as if they were independent. * Type 1 error – Erroneous rejection of a null hypothesis. Page 72 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3.3 Results of Tests of Multivariate Significance Following is the results of the SPSS GLM – repeated tests model. Wilks’ Lambda is displayed, as it is the most commonly used multivariate test (SPSS Inc., 1997, p.136). Table 4.1: Multivariate Tests (Wilks’ Lambda) Computed using alpha=.05 Within Subjects Effects RB * Exp with Computers RB * Exp with WWW RB * Gender RB * Age RB * Order RB * Gender * Age RB * Gender * Order RB * Age * Order RB (red-blue) Value 0.921 0.880 0.949 0.858 0.738 0.908 0.943 0.970 0.340 F 1.327 2.104 0.841 2.570 5.513 1.562 0.929 0.479 30.144 Hypothesis df Error df 6.000 93.000 6.000 93.000 6.000 93.000 6.000 93.000 6.000 93.000 6.000 93.000 6.000 93.000 6.000 93.000 6.000 93.000 Significance 0.253 0.060* 0.541 0.024 * 0.000 * 0.167 0.478 0.822 0.000* F Hypothesis df Error df 596.421 6.000 93.000 4.610 6.000 93.000 2.175 6.000 93.000 0.596 6.000 93.000 1.689 6.000 93.000 1.448 6.000 93.000 2.044 6.000 93.000 0.776 6.000 93.000 0.881 6.000 93.000 Significance 0.000 0.000 * 0.052 * 0.733 0.132 0.205 0.067 * 0.591 0.512 Within Subjects Design: RB (red-blue) Between Subjects Effects Intercept Exp. with Computers Exp. with WWW Gender Age Order (red or blue 1st) Gender * Age Gender * Order Age * Order Value 0.025 0.771 0.877 0.963 0.902 0.915 0.883 0.952 0.946 Design: Intercept + Exp with Computers + Exp. With WWW + Gender + Age + Order + Gender*Age + Gender*Order + Age*Order *Order Significant difference marked with * Univariate tests for these effects showing multivariate significance will now be explored. Page 73 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3.4 Results of Tests of Univariate Significance Involving the Within-Subjects Effects The Multivariate tests (Table 4.1) shows significant effects for several factors: • • • • Red - Blue by experience with the WWW. Red - Blue by Age. Red - Blue by Order (red or blue Web site completed first). Red – Blue. The table of tests of univariate effects is reported in full in Appendix G. An excerpt from this table showing the results of univariate tests of those effects above, manifesting multivariate significance is shown in table 4.2 below. Table 4.2: Excerpt –Univariate Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts Computed using alpha = .05 Source RB * Exp. With WWW. RB * Age RB * Order RB (red-blue) * Denotes significant difference Measure Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num. nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num. nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num. nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num. nodes visit Task time F** 0.025 2.228 0.817 0.234 0.271 5.477 1.710 0.220 0.016 1.629 0.009 7.403 0.004 0.234 1.400 0.816 2.273 22.920 0.703 159.72 6.371 0.423 0.194 4.666 Significance 0.876 0.139 0.368 0.630 0.604 0.021 * 0.194 0.640 0.900 0.205 0.925 0.008 * 0.948 0.630 0.240 0.369 0.135 0.000 * 0.404 0.000 * 0.013 * 0.517 0.661 0.033 * ** All tests have 1, 98 degrees of freedom Page 74 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Red - Blue by Experience with WWW, Measure Task time As displayed in figure 4.3, subjects with more experience with the WWW completed the task more quickly in the red Web site than those subjects with less experience with the WWW. Whereas, experience with the WWW is negatively related to completion time for the red Web site, there is no relationship between experience with the WWW and completion time on the blue Web site. Scatter plot Blue site 400 400 300 300 Time to complete task 500 200 100 0 0 1 2 3 4 200 100 0 0 5 1 2 3 4 Experience with the WWW Experience with the WWW Diagram 4.3: Red - Blue by Experience with WWW, Measure Task Time Red - Blue by Age, Measure Task Time As exhibited in diagram 4.4, in the red Web site, subjects in the younger age group took longer than the older age group to complete the task, this pattern was reversed for the blue Web site. 200 190 180 Estimated Marginal Means Time to complete task Scatter plot Red site 500 170 160 150 140 R ed B lu e 130 120 18 - 25 Over 25 AG E Diagram 4.4: Red - Blue by Age, Measure Task Page 75 5 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Red - Blue by Order, Measure Task Time As displayed in diagram 4.5, subjects regardless of which Web site they completed first completed the second site faster. This measure seems to reflect experience with the tasks set on the two Web sites. 200 Estimated Marginal Means 180 160 140 120 R ed B lu e 100 red s ite firs t blue s ite firs t O rd er Diagram 4.5: Red - Blue by Order, Measure Task Time Red – Blue, Measure Task Time As described previously, the relationship between red or blue Web sites, and completion of task is moderated by experience with WWW, age and order. However, as shown below, overall, subjects completed the task more quickly in the blue Web site than the red Web site. 16 6 16 4 16 2 Estimated Marginal Means 16 0 15 8 15 6 15 4 15 2 15 0 14 8 R e d site B lu e site Diagram 4.6: Red – Blue, Measure Task Time Page 76 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Red – Blue, Measures the use of Back Button and History List As shown in diagram 4.6, the difference between the red and blue Web sites on the usage of the Back button and History list, was that subjects used these facilities more frequently on the red Web site. This had been expected as the red Web site design required usage of Back button or History list to complete traversal. Unexpected was the level usage of the Back button in the blue Web site. The blue Web site contained dedicated Hyperlinks that: • • • performed the function of the Back facility; completely cross-connected the 2nd, 3rd and 4th levels of the structure; returned the user from any node in the structure to root node of the site(Appendix B for site map and Hyperlinks; Appendix D for sample pages). However, 31.8% of subjects reported high levels of usage of the Back facility (frequency value >= 2.5 out of 5), with only 12.1% of subjects reporting no usage. This appears to suggest users utilize this facility even when not required by the structure of a Web site. Also, unexpected was the very low frequency of usage of the History list on both Web sites, suggesting users do not often use this facility while traversing Web sites. Use ofBack Button Use of History List 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 Estimated Marginal Means Estimated Marginal Means 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 .5 0.0 Red site Blue site 1.00 .95 .90 .85 .80 .75 .70 .65 .60 .55 .50 .45 .40 .35 .30 .25 .20 .15 .10 .05 0.00 Red site Use of Back Button: 0 = Not at All 5 = Frequently Use of History List: 0 = Not at All 5 = Frequently Diagram 4.7: Red – Blue, Measure the use of Back Button and History List Page 77 Blue site ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Summary of Within-Subjects Effects Task time was the only dependent measure showing significant red – blue by experience with WWW, red – blue by age and red – blue by order effects: i) Subjects with low experience with WWW take longer to complete the task in the red Web site. ii) Subjects in the 18-25 age group complete the task in the blue Web site faster than those subjects over 25. This pattern is reversed in the red Web site. iii) Regardless of which Web site subjects completed first, they completed the second site faster. This measure seems to reflect experience with the tasks set on the two Web sites. Significant red – blue differences not moderated by within-subjects variables were found on the measures usage of the Back button and usage of the History list: i) Subjects used the Back button frequently in the red Web site. This had been expected. However, unexpected was the usage of the Back button in the blue Web site. ii) Subjects used the History list more frequently in the red Web site than the blue. Page 78 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3.5 Results of Tests of Univariate Significance Involving the Between-Subjects Effects Table 4.1, shows significant multivariate difference between-subjects effects for the factors experience with computers, experience with WWW and gender by age. The table of tests of univariate effects is reported in full in Appendix G. An excerpt from this table showing the results of univariate tests of the aforementioned effects, manifesting multivariate significance is shown in table 4.3 below. Table 4.3: Excerpt –Univariate Tests of Between Subjects Effects Computed using alpha = .05 Source Exp. With Comp. Exp. With WWW Gender * Age Measure F** Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num nodes visit Task time 5.644 0.008 0.129 0.362 0.000 15.937 9.836 0.058 1.526 0.924 0.019 1.085 5.471 1.408 0.257 7.183 4.300 0.796 Significance 0.019 * 0.927 0.720 0.549 0.983 0.000 * 0.002 * 0.810 0.220 0.339 0.892 0.300 0.021 * 0.238 0.613 0.009 * 0.041 * 0.374 Transformed Variable: Average * Denotes significant difference ** All tests have 1, 98 degrees of freedom Each of the above measures showing significant difference will be examined to find the cause(s) of the difference that the factor reflected in the Multivariate Test (Table 4.1). Page 79 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Experience with Computers, Measure Lost As shown in diagram 4.8, increasing experience with computers is associated with a decreasing feeling of being lost. 5 Lost Rating: 0 = Not at All 5 = Frequently 4 3 Experience with Computers: 0 = Inexperienced 5 = Very Experienced Lost Rating 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Experience with Computers Diagram 4.8: Scatter Plot - Exp. with Computers, Measure Lost Experience with Computers, Measure Task Time As displayed in diagram 4.9 below, increasing experience with computers is associated with decreasing Task time. 400 Task time: Average of time taken to complete tasks both sites. 300 Experience with Computers: 0 = Inexperienced 5 = Very Experienced Task time 200 100 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Experience with Computers Diagram 4.9: Scatter Plot - Exp. with Computers, Measure Task Time Page 80 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Experience with WWW, Measure Lost Rating The scatter plot below shows that as a subject’s experience with the World Wide Web (WWW) increases the perception of being lost across both Web sites decreases. The line of best fit demonstrates this. 5 4 Lost Rating: 0 = Not at All 5 = Frequently 3 Experience with WWW: 0 = Inexperienced 5 = Very Experienced Lost Rating 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Experinence with WWW Diagram 4.10: Scatter Plot - Exp. with WWW and Lost Rating Gender by Age, Measure Lost Rating As is displayed in diagram 4.11, men in both age categories have similar mean ratings of lost. However, women in the older age group felt more lost than their younger counterparts. Please note that this effect is independent of experience with computers or the WWW. 2.6 2.4 2.2 Lost Rating: 0 = Not at All 5 = Frequently 2.0 Mean Lostness 1.8 1.6 1.4 Gender 1.2 male 1.0 18 - 25 female Over 25 AGE Diagram 4.11: Gender by Age, Measure Lost Rating Page 81 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Gender by Age, Measure Comfort Rating As displayed in diagram 4.12 below, women over the age of 25 in the sample tend to feel less comfortable with the structures of both Web sites. Whereas men over 25 feel significantly more comfortable with the structures of both sites, than do men under 25. 3.8 3.6 Mean Comfort Rating 3.4 Comfort Rating: 0 = Not at All 5 = Very 3.2 Gender 3.0 male female 2.8 18 - 25 Over 25 AGE Diagram 4.12: Gender by Age, Measure Comfort Rating Gender by Age, Measure Number of Nodes Visited As displayed in diagram 4.13 below, women over the age of 25 in the sample tend to visit more nodes in both Web sites to complete the tasks, whereas men over 25 visit fewer nodes than their younger counterparts. 16.5 16.0 Mean Number of nodes visited 15.5 Comfort Rating: 0 = Not at All 5 = Very 15.0 14.5 Gender 14.0 male 13.5 18 - 25 female Over 25 AGE Diagram 4.13: Gender by Age, Measure Number of Nodes Visited Page 82 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Summary of Between-Subjects Effects The dependent measure lost showed significant between-subject effects on the following factors; experience with computers, experience with WWW and gender and age interaction: i) Subjects with low experience with computers feel more lost in both Web sites. ii) Subjects with low experience with WWW feel more lost in both Web sites. iii) Women over 25 tend to feel more lost in both Web sites. The dependent measure task time showed a significant between subject effect on the factor experience with computers. Subjects with low experience with computers take longer to complete the task on both Web sites. The dependent measure comfort displayed a significant between subject effect on the factor gender by age interaction. Men over 25 in the sample feel more comfortable with both Web sites than their younger counterparts. This pattern is reversed for women. Women over 25 in the sample feel less comfortable than their younger counterparts. The dependent measure nodes visited showed a significant between-subject effect on the factor gender by age interaction. Men over 25 in the sample visited fewer nodes to complete the task in both Web sites than their younger counterparts. This pattern is reversed for women. Women over 25 in the sample visited more nodes to complete the task in both Web sites than their younger counterparts. Page 83 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.3.6 Summary of General Linear Model – Repeated Measures Upon examination of the results of the sample, the following null hypotheses tested by the doubly multivariate repeated measures analysis of variance were supported. Supported Within-Subject Null Hypotheses • H0: There will be no influence on the difference between the red and blue Web site measurements (Lost rating, usage of Back button, usage of History list, Comfort rating, number of nodes visited and Task time), attributable to experience with computers. • H0: There will be no influence on the difference between the red and blue Web site measurements, attributable to gender. • H0: There will be no influence on the difference between the red and blue Web site measurements, attributable to age by gender. • H0: There will be no influence on the difference between the red and blue Web site measurements, attributable to age by order. • H0: There will be no influence on the difference between the red and blue Web site measurements, attributable to gender by order. Supported Between-Subject Null Hypotheses • H0: There will be no influence on the averages of measurements (Lost rating, usage of Back button, usage of History list, Comfort rating, number of nodes visited and Task time) on the red and blue Web sites, attributable to gender. • H0: There will be no influence on the averages of measurements on the red and blue Web sites, attributable to age. • H0: There will be no influence on the averages of measurements on the red and blue Web sites, attributable to order. • H0: There will be no influence on the averages of measurements on the red and blue Web sites, attributable to age by order. • H0: There will be no influence on the averages of measurements on the red and blue Web sites, attributable to gender by order. Page 84 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Examined next will be the hypotheses rejected by the doubly multivariate analysis of variance. Each will be briefly discussed. Rejected Within-Subject Null Hypotheses • H0: There will be no influence on the difference between the red and blue Web site measurements, attributable to experience with the WWW. This hypothesis was rejected as experience with the WWW seems to affect the measure of task time. The sample indicates that inexperienced subjects take longer to complete the task in the red Web site than in the blue Web site. • H0: There will be no influence on the difference between the red and blue Web site measurements, attributable to age. Hypothesis rejected due to the fact that when examined it was found that in this sample those subjects in the 18 - 25 age group completed the task in the blue Web site faster than the task in the red Web site. Whereas subjects in the over 25 age group completed the task in the red Web site faster than the task in the blue Web site. • H0: There will be no influence on the difference between the red and blue Web site measurements, attributable to order. This hypothesis was rejected as the analysis shows that there is an effect on the measurement of task time. Regardless of which Web site subjects completed first, they completed the second site faster. This measure seems to reflect experience with the tasks set on the two Web sites Page 85 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ • H0: There will be no difference between the red and blue Web sites on the mean measures of the dependent variables (Lost rating, usage of Back button, usage of History list, Comfort rating, Number of nodes visited and Task time). This hypothesis was rejected as there are differences in the measures between the red and blue Web sites. These differences are on the measures of Back button, History list and task time. The difference on the Back button had been expected, as the red Web site required the use of the Back button to complete the tasks. However the level of usage of the Back button in the blue Web site was unexpected. The blue Web site had been designed in such a fashion that usage of this facility was not required. Subjects in this sample used the Back button and the History list more frequently in the red Web site. However usage of the History list was very low in both sites. The difference highlighted by the task time has been reflected in the preceding higher order interactions, but was examined to show the overall averages of time to complete the task set in both Web sites. Subjects completed the task more quickly in the blue Web site than the red Web site. Page 86 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Rejected Between-Subject Null Hypotheses • H0: There will be no influence on the averages of measurements on the red and blue Web sites, attributable to experience with computers. This hypothesis was rejected due to the fact that experience with computers seemed to affect the measures lost and task time. The sample shows that inexperienced subjects feel more lost and take longer to complete the tasks in both Web sites. • H0: There will be no influence on the averages of measurements on the red and blue Web sites, attributable to experience with the WWW. The hypothesis was rejected as the sample shows that as subjects’ experience with the WWW increases the perception of being lost across both Web sites decreases. • H0: There will be no influence on the averages of measurements on the red and blue Web sites, attributable to age by gender. This hypothesis was rejected as in the sample women over 25 tend to feel more lost and less comfortable with both Web sites. Men over 25 feel less lost in and significantly more comfortable with the structures of both Web sites than men in the 18-25 age group do. Women in the 18-25 age group and men over 25 visit fewer nodes in both Web sites to complete the required tasks. The next section of the thesis, section 4.4, Logistic Regression analysis will examine all of the measures and factors examined in the multivariate analysis to identify which of the measurements is a predictor of preference (red or blue Web site). Page 87 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.4 Logistic Regression “Logistic regression is useful for situations in which you want to be able to predict the presence or absence of a characteristic or outcome based on values of a set of predictor variables. It is similar to a linear regression model but is suited to models where the dependent variable is dichotomous. Logistic regression coefficients can be used to estimate odds ratios for each of the independent variables in the model. Logistic regression is applicable to a broader range of research situations than discriminant analysis.” “Data. The dependent variable should be dichotomous. Independent variables can be interval level or categorical; if categorical, they should be dummy or indicator coded.” (Norusis, 1997, p.1) This section of the thesis will analyse the data collected from the experiment to identify which component(s) of the data predicts user preference of Web site (red or blue). The model used to analyze the data is a logistic regression. The dependent variable in this analysis is preference; this variable is dichotomous (red or blue). The data components and their characteristics analyzed are: • Experience with Computers; interval level data. • Experience with WWW; interval level data. • Gender; categorical data, dummy values; 0 = male; 1 = female. • Age; categorical data, dummy values; 0 = 18-25; 1 = over 25. • Order (red or blue Web site 1st), categorical data, dummy values; 0 = red; 1 = blue. • Usage of Back button; red Web site value minus blue Web site value; interval level data. • Usage of History list; red Web site value minus blue Web site value; interval level data. • Lost; red Web site value minus blue Web site value; interval level data. • Comfort; red Web site value minus blue Web site value; interval level data. • Time to complete (task time); red Web site value minus blue Web site value; interval level data. • Visited nodes; red Web site value minus blue Web site value; interval level data. Page 88 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ The backward conditional method was employed to estimate a model containing only significant parameters. The backward conditional method resulted in a model containing 4 predictors, Lost, Comfort, Task time and Visited nodes. Overall significance of the model is tested by a chi-square statistic: x2 = 77.8275 with 11 df, Probability = .000. Coefficients, univariate Wald statistics and significance values (df = 1) for each of the predictors are displayed in table 4.4 below. Table 4.4: Predictors of Preference Predictor Lost Comfort Task time Visited nodes Constant Coefficient (B) -.6169 .9618 -.1952 -.0105 -1.2964 Wald Statistic 6.3117 9.2313 4.4294 4.0892 11.7113 Significance .0120 .0024 .0353 .0432 .0006 Subjects preferred the blue Web site to the red Web site 74:33. The derived model predicted 4 of the 74 who preferred the blue site to prefer the red site, and 8 of the 33 who preferred the red site to prefer the blue site. In all, the model successfully predicts the red or blue Web site preference of 95 of the 107 subjects. The fact that the model could not remove the perception based data, lost and comfort is a clear indication that user perception of the structure is a factor in preference. Page 89 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.5 Modification of Hypertext Structure Metrics for the Web In Chapter 3 the two experimental Web sites (red and blue) were subjected to the metrics developed by Botafogo et al. (1992) and Rivlin et al. (1994). Whereas, these metrics have successfully highlighted the difference between the two Web sites the large amount of difference between the results bears closer examination. Table 3.1; comparison of red and blue Web site metrics is reproduced below. Table 4.5: Comparison of red and blue Web site Metrics. Attribute Red Web Site Blue Web Site Most central node: Node 1 Node 9 ROC value: 1,371.85 99.89 Next highest ROC values: Node 2 = 130.42 Node 12 = 99.10 Node 3 = 130.42 Node 14 = 98.31 Least central node: Nodes 16-73 Node 1 ROC value: 69.43 46.94 Cp value: .0496 .9809 St value: .01203 .02471 Number of Nodes: 73 73 Number of Hyperlinks: 72 736 ROC (Relative Out Centrality) Cp (Compactness) St (Stratum) As, ROC values are designed to be used for comparisons between hypertexts the results above would seem to be reflecting node 1 in the red Web site is 13.79 times (1,371.85 / 99.89) more central than node 9 in the blue Web site. This would appear to be an anomaly, as both sites have the same number of nodes. Page 90 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Botafogo et al. (1992) state: “For a single hypertext, the COD* is a good indication of node centrality as compared with another node, but this number indicates little when two different hypertexts are compared. For instance, a node with COD* 200 in a hypertext with 1000 nodes might be much more central than a node with COD* 50 in a hypertext with 100 nodes. To try to compensate for this difference, the Relative Out Centrality metric for node i is defined as: ROC i = CD**/COD* i The higher the ROC metric of a node, the more central (the inverse of the COD*). Observe, also that the ROC is normalized in relation to the size of the hypertext (CD**), making it more convenient for comparisons between hypertexts.” * COD (Converted Out Distance) ** CD (Converted Distance) The Cp results seem to be similarly skewed in that the red site has a value of .0496 in comparison to the blue sites value of .9809. Yet when the experiment was analyzed the estimated marginal means of time to complete the task (Diagram 4.7: Red – Blue, measure Task time) of subjects, shows only a difference of 8.5% between the two Web sites. Overall, it took subjects on average 8.5% longer to navigate the red Web site than the blue. To once again quote Botafogo et al. (1992); “… a compactness metric is developed that varies between 0 and 1, independent of the hypertext size, and that reflects differences between hypertexts even they have the same number of nodes and links. The metric is 0 when the hypertext is completely disconnected and 1 when completely connected.” The value of the metric for the red Web site (.0496) reflects the fact that this site is very close to being disconnected. This is not the case, this Web site is quite easy to traverse as, evidenced by the fact that all 107 subjects successfully completed the task for this site. Page 91 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ The results of both the ROC and Cp metrics, when compared with the experimental evidence, do not support Botafogo et al.’s statements. As stated in section (Summary of Structure Metrics), the metrics fail to take into account the increased freedom of browsing that the navigational aids inherent to the browser, afford the user. In particular the design of the Converted Distance Matrix (CDM) neglects the Back and History facilities (Section, Browsers) of all modern browsers. In the design of the CDM, Hyperlinks are considered to be unidirectional. Once the Hyperlink is traversed, there is no direct way to return to the previous node unless another Hyperlink is provided to do so. In the case of no return Hyperlink being provided, the value inserted into the CDM is either the infinity value or as Botafogo et al. recommends, the conversion constant (Section This also implies that some nodes may be unreachable from other nodes. As a user traverses a Web site by selecting which Hyperlinks to follow, the browser stores the traversals followed by the user in a History list. The History list can be used to return to a previous point in the path followed by the user. The browser does this dynamically; that is, the page selected from the History list is loaded from the browser’s cache rather than a “get” command being issued to the host. The Back facility is a subset of the History facility, which returns the user dynamically to the previous page within the History list. As shown in section (Red – Blue, Measures the use of Back Button and History List), subjects used the History facility very infrequently. However, most subjects in the experiment used the Back facility in both experimental Web sites, suggesting that this facility is utilized whether required or not by users when traversing Web sites. Therefore, the modification to the Converted Distance Matrix (CDM) will specifically address the use of the Back facility within a strictly hierarchical Web site. Page 92 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.5.1 Improved Converted Distance Matrix for a Web site Constructed as a Strict Hierarchy Assumption 1: User starts traversing Web site at the root node (Homepage). Assumption 2: Web site is a strict hierarchy. Definition 1: CDMh – Improved Converted Distance Matrix for a Web site with strict hierarchy. Definition 2: Bi-followable Hyperlink – Once a unidirectional Hyperlink has been traversed in a Web site, and no dedicated return Hyperlink is provided, the link can be considered to be bi-followable that is, the user has the ability to use the Back facility to return to the previous node. This description is similar to the bifollowable link proposed in Nelson’s Xanadu (Section 2.3.2). This type of Hyperlink is not however, bivisible as it cannot be seen in the destination document (Deemer, 1994; Nelson, 1992). When considering the Converted Distance Matrix in relation to a strict hierarchical Web site, where the user enters site at the root node, all Hyperlinks should be considered to be bi-followable (CDMh). This modification recognizes the Back facility provided by all modern browsers. Page 93 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Following is an example of Botafogo et al.’s converted distance matrix (CDM) using the conversion constant (Section applied to a small, strict hierarchical Web site. Example using Botafogo et al. (1992) Conversion Constant K =5 a b d c e a b c d e a 0 1 1 2 2 b 5 0 5 1 1 c 5 5 0 5 5 d 5 5 5 0 5 e 5 5 5 5 0 The value 5 is chosen as there are 5 nodes in graph (recommended in Botafogo et al. (1992).) Diagram 4.14: Converted Distance Matrix (CDM) The shortest path from node a to node b is one. When a node cannot directly reach another node via a dedicated Hyperlink, the conversion constant (K) is used within the distance matrix. For example in Figure 4.14, node b cannot directly reach node a so the conversion constant is inserted in the distance matrix. However, by utilizing the Back facility of a browser, the traversal from node b to node a requires only a single mouse click on the back button. If the user’s point of entry to the Web site was the root node (Assumption 1), to have arrived at node b the user must have traversed the Hyperlink a–b. This traversal using the Back facility of the browser is a traversal of a single Hyperlink, not as the Botafogo et al.’s conversion constant CDM suggests, 5 traversals. This modification (CDMh) to Botafogo et al.’s Converted Distance Matrix design removes the need for the infinity value or the conversion constant (Section in the CDM. The recognition of all links within a Web site as being bi-followable will change the results of Botafogo et al.’s (1992) metrics when applied to strictly hierarchical Web sites. Page 94 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Following is an example of CDMh – Converted Distance Matrix for a Web site with strict hierarchy, applied to the same small Web site. Example using CDMh a b d c e a b c d e a 0 1 1 2 2 b 1 0 2 1 1 c 1 2 0 3 3 d 2 1 3 0 2 e 2 1 3 2 0 Diagram 4.15: Strict Hierarchical Web Site Converted Distance Matrix (CDMh) In diagram 4.15 the shortest path from node a to node b is one. When Back facility of the browser is recognized and applied to the CDM all Hyperlinks present within a Web site are treated as bi-followable Hyperlinks, therefore, only a single traversal is required to move from node b to node a. A further example of this is, the traversal from node e to node c. As stated this modification (CDMh) assumes the user enters the Web site at the Homepage (root node), node a in this case. In this example, to reach node e the user traversed the path a – b, b – e. To traverse the Web site from node e to node c requires the user to use the Back button twice (e – b, b – a) and the traversal of a – c. This is a traversal of three Hyperlinks, as is reflected by the CDM h. Page 95 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.5.2 Application of Modification to the Experimental Red Web Site The CDMh was applied to the experimental red Web site. The effect the modification had on the results of Botafogo et al. (1992) metrics, when applied to the Web site is displayed in Table 4.5. The complete CDM h and Botafogo et al.’s CDM using the conversion constant are available in Appendix H. The blue Web site values are displayed as, the blue site contains dedicated hyperlinks performing the job that the CDM h bi-followable links reflect, and therefore a valid comparison can be made (blue Web site distance matrix available in Appendix C). Table 4.6: Original and Modified red Web site metrics compared to blue Web site metrics Red Web site Blue Web site Attribute Botafogo et al. CDM CDMh Botafogo et al. CDM Most central node: Node 1 Node 1 Node 9 ROC value: 1,371.85 112.42 99.88 Next highest ROC values: Node 2 = 130.42 Node 2 = 112 Node 12 = 99.10 Node 3 = 130.42 Node 3 = 112 Node 14 = 98.31 Least central node: Nodes 16-73 Nodes 40-44 Node 1 ROC value: 69.43 67.66 46.94 Cp value: .0496 .9349 .9809 St value: .01203 .00037 .02471 Number of Nodes: 73 73 73 Number of Hyperlinks: 72 72 736 ROC (Relative Out Centrality) Cp (Compactness) Page 96 St (Stratum) ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Using the CDMh modification to the red Web site, the values of the ROC calculations for the red and blue Web sites are much closer in absolute value. The results of the calculations using the unmodified CDM have node 1 (red Web site) showing a value of 1,371.85 and node 9 (blue Web site) a value of 99.66. The calculations using the CDMh modified values are 112.42 (red site) versus 99.66 (blue site). This provides a better comparison of node centrality between the two sites. With the modification to the CDM of the red Web site each of the 72 Hyperlinks on the site is treated as bi-followable. Node 1 of the red Web site (Homepage), has the highest ROC value (112.42) followed by nodes 2 and 3 (112) this reflects the fact that within this structure there is only one hierarchy. This is further evidenced by the fact, that all the level 5 nodes (Appendix A for site map) have the low centrality values ranging from 67.66 (nodes 40-44) to 70.88 (nodes 23-32). The Cp (Compactness) value for the red Web site using the unmodified CDM is .0496. The Cp value for the blue Web site is .9809. These two values are at opposite ends of the spectrum, as zero describes a totally disconnected structure and one describes a totally connected structure (Botafogo et al., 1992). With these values, it would be expected that 166 traversing the red site would be a much more 164 arduous and time-consuming undertaking 162 than traversing the blue site. The results of the 160 supposition. The mean time taken to complete the task does show a difference, however, the difference does not appear to be of the magnitude reflected by the difference in Task Time in seconds 158 experiment (Chapter 3) do not support this compactness. Diagram 4.16 displays the mean Task time per site. 156 154 152 150 148 Red site Blue site Diagram 4.16: Estimated Marginal Means of Task Time per Site Page 97 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ The calculated value for compactness of the red Web site using the CDMh modification is .9349. This value reflects the fact that each node can easily reach another node. The longest path from node to node within the red Web site traverses 8 Hyperlinks (Appendix H for CDMh). The average* traversal path within the red Web site is across 5.69 Hyperlinks. If the Botafogo et al.’s (1992) original distance matrix values are used (Appendix H for CDM), the longest path in the red Web site would be a traversal of 73 Hyperlinks and the average* path traversal 69.43 Hyperlinks. Obviously, this is not the case. For comparison purposes the value for compactness of the blue Web site is .9809, this value indicates that each node can reach any other node within the site easier than is the case in the red Web site. The longest path from node to node in the blue Web site traverses 4 Hyperlinks (Appendix C for CDM). The average* traversal path within the blue Web site is across 2.37 Hyperlinks. The comparison between the two Web sites using the CDMh modification to the red Web site clarifies and supports the result found in the Estimated Marginal Means of task time on both sites (Diagram 4.16). * Average is calculated using formula CD/(n2-n) CD = Converted Distance n = Number of nodes The CDMh modified value for Stratum (St) on the red Web site (.0037) reflects that there is little or no linear ordering in the site. In comparison however, the blue Web site displays a higher order of magnitude result than the CDMh modified red Web site. This could be the result of the linear ordering of the sequential structures contained in the level 5 nodes of the blue Web site (see site map Appendix A). The results of the application CDMh modification to the metrics developed by Botafogo, Rivlin and Shneiderman (1992; 1994) would appear to provide a more accurate description of the structural characteristics of the experimental red Web site. Page 98 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.5.3 How the CDMh Affects the Methodology of this Thesis In Chapter 3, it was stated the two Web sites were designed to be at the extremes of Botafogo et al.’s, (1992) metrics. The metrics were applied to the two Web sites to demonstrate the difference between the two Web sites. With the application of the CDMh to the red Web site the value of all metrics pertaining to the red Web site changed. Does this affect the methodology? Whereas, the value of each of the metrics developed by Botafogo, Rivlin and Shneiderman (1992; 1994) change for the red Web site, the structure they identify does not. The application of the CDMh provides only for a better description of the characteristics of the structure of a strictly hierarchical Web sites. Even though the values of the metrics ROC and Cp, of the red Web site now show much less difference in value to those of the blue Web site, the structures the experiment described remain the same. The red site is a strict hierarchy and the blue site is a heavily cross-linked (compromised), overlapping hierarchy using sequential (next) structures’ within it. The experiment therefore, still accurate in such as it measures the difference of user perceptions to these two different structures. 4.5.4 Multiple and Compromised Hierarchies and the CDMh The CDMh modification is designed Entry point for use only on a strict hierarchy, where the root node of the hierarchy is the only point of b entry to the site. The modification is a unsuitable to an overlapping hierarchical structure (Section, as parts of the c d structure would become unreachable. Diagram 4.17 demonstrates this; entry at node a allows easy access to nodes c, d and e, however, node b can not be accessed. e Diagram 4.17: Overlapping Hierarchy Page 99 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ The same problem (unreachable nodes) can occur when entry to the Web site occurs at any other location than the root node. This may occur if sub-nodes have been listed with Web search engines or users of the Web site have added sub-nodes as a Favorite (Microsoft) or Bookmark (Netscape). The CDMh modification is also unsuitable for compromised (cross-linked) Web site hierarchies (Section Diagram 4.18 demonstrates the problem; the traversal from node d to node a is dependent on the path the user took to reach node d. The user could have taken the path a – c, c – d or the path a – b, b – c, c – d. In either case, the return traversal to Entry point node a requires the same number of traversals as the path to the current node. a The result is ambiguous (2 or 3 dependent on users path), and therefore cannot be b c used within the Converted Distance Matrix as a static metric value. d Diagram4.18: 4.18:Compromised CompromisedHierarchy Diagram 4.5.5 Where to Use the CDMh Modification The strict hierarchical modification to the converted distance matrix (CDMh) can only be used on a Web site that meets the following criteria: 1.) Web site is a strict hierarchy. 2.) Web site has a single entry point, at the root node of the hierarchy. The above criteria describes a considerable number of smaller Web sites, particularly personal and small commercial Web sites, as the Homepage is the entry point to a strict hierarchical site. In these cases the application of the CDMh modification to the Converted Distance Matrix reflects a more appropriate measure of the structure, for comparison purposes, when subjected to the metrics developed by Botafogo, Rivlin and Shneiderman (1992; 1994). Page 100 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.6 Examination of Lostness & Efficiency Indicators and the Web As stated in section 3.6, Data Collected, it had been initially hoped that the user’s traversal of the Web site could be tracked. This information would have allowed the metrics developed by Smith (1996), described in section 2.3.5, to be applied to each subject of the experiment. Due to the design of Internet Explorer 3.02 the exact traversals within a Web site could not be accomplished within the scope of this thesis. The intent of this section of the thesis is to show, using the information collected from the server (Section 3.6), whether Smith’s (1996) indicators of “Lostness” and “Efficiency” do in fact identify users who are lost. The details extracted from the server provide the number of nodes visited by each user in both Web sites. A perfect search will be conducted and the results compared with each experimental subject’s result. The following of Smith’s (1996) indicators will be examined: Lostness - Efficiency Indicator: Number of visited nodes to complete required task (R) divided by number of different nodes visited while searching (N). Lostness - Efficiency = R/N A value-approaching zero or greater than one (task incomplete), indicate the user is lost and inefficient. Also, when considering a user’s efficiency, successful completion of the task is a good indicator. A value is assigned for task accuracy (A) zero for incorrect answer, .5 for a partially correct answer and one for a correct answer. All 107 subjects who undertook the experiment provided the correct answers, therefore, for all subjects A = 1. Page 101 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Before the Lostness - Efficiency indicators can be calculated, a perfect search must be conducted to calculate the number of visited nodes to complete the required task. Below is the result of a perfect search taken from the server’s “access_log” for both the red and blue Web sites. Table 4.7: A perfect search – Results from Access_log Machine ID Date and Time Node Visited - - [10/Sep/1997:12:07:57 +1000] "GET /~wsmart10/red/marvel.htm - - [10/Sep/1997:12:07:59 +1000] "GET /~wsmart10/red/mmf.htm - - [10/Sep/1997:12:08:00 +1000] "GET /~wsmart10/red/mfem.htm - - [10/Sep/1997:12:08:01 +1000] "GET /~wsmart10/red/guardian.htm - - [10/Sep/1997:12:08:31 +1000] "GET /~wsmart10/red/dc.htm - - [10/Sep/1997:12:08:32 +1000] "GET /~wsmart10/red/dmf.htm - - [10/Sep/1997:12:08:34 +1000] "GET /~wsmart10/red/dmale.htm - - [10/Sep/1997:12:08:35 +1000] "GET /~wsmart10/red/cham.htm - - [10/Sep/1997:12:08:45 +1000] "GET /~wsmart10/blue/dc.htm - - [10/Sep/1997:12:08:47 +1000] "GET /~wsmart10/blue/dvmf.htm - - [10/Sep/1997:12:08:48 +1000] "GET /~wsmart10/blue/dvfem.htm - - [10/Sep/1997:12:08:50 +1000] "GET /~wsmart10/blue/clay.htm - - [10/Sep/1997:12:09:15 +1000] "GET /~wsmart10/blue/mvfem.htm - - [10/Sep/1997:12:09:18 +1000] "GET /~wsmart10/blue/calypso.htm Notes about perfect search: • Perfect search of red Web site requires 9 nodes be visited (includes index.html). • Total time to complete task in red Web site was 38 seconds (includes 25 seconds to record answer). • Perfect search of blue Web site requires 7 nodes be visited (includes index.html). • Total time to complete task in blue Web site was 33 seconds (includes 25 seconds to record answer). Page 102 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ The indicators of Lostness and Efficiency use the same calculation. This calculation is number of nodes required to be visited/number of nodes actually visited. The second indicator of efficiency is completion of task; all 107 subjects completed the task in both Web sites. The table below displays the 15 highest and 15 lowest results of the indicators of Lostness and Efficiency (complete results available in Appendix I) for each Web site (red and blue). Also shown is the preference (red or blue Web site) of subjects. Task time is displayed for comparison to perfect search (38 sec. red Web site; 33 sec. blue Web site). Table 4.8: Excerpt - Table of Results Lostness/ Efficiency Indicator Results ordered by visited nodes red site Site Preference Blue Red Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Visited nodes red site 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 Blue Red Red Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Red Blue Blue Blue Red Blue 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 26 27 Results ordered by visited nodes blue site Lostness & Task time Efficiency red site Indicator 1.00 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.82 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.69 0.69 40 59 89 244 104 100 70 63 81 168 181 72 121 235 74 0.50 0.50 0.47 0.47 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.35 0.33 199 136 146 203 252 226 285 512 339 196 189 393 163 270 322 Site Visited Preference nodes blue site Blue 8 Blue 9 Blue 9 Blue 9 Blue 9 Blue 10 Blue 10 Blue 10 Blue 10 Blue 10 Blue 10 Blue 10 Blue 10 Blue 10 Red 11 Red Red Red Red Red Blue Blue Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Page 103 17 17 18 19 19 21 25 26 27 34 35 38 38 45 50 Lostness & Efficiency Task time Indicator blue site 0.88 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.70 0.64 59 30 49 73 109 86 68 79 76 124 142 134 99 71 202 0.41 0.41 0.39 0.37 0.37 0.33 0.28 0.27 0.26 0.21 0.20 0.18 0.18 0.16 0.14 169 198 159 199 106 107 199 390 376 348 458 209 528 215 433 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Table 4.8 demonstrates that these indicators in fact do, appear to measure lostness and efficiency. This can clearly be seen in the 15 lowest lostness – efficiency indicator results for each Web site. Subjects who were most lost in the red Web site, as indicated by the low result on the indicators of lostness and efficiency, prefer the blue Web site (11 of 15, or 73%). Similarly subjects who were most lost in the blue Web site, as indicated by the low result on the indicators of lostness and efficiency, prefer the red Web site (13 of 15, or 86%). The group of 15 subjects reflected in the lowest Lostness and Efficiency indicators in the blue Web site (Table 4.8) is interesting. Out of the 107 subjects who undertook the experiment (Chapter 3), 33 preferred the red Web site. The 15 subjects, who were most lost in the blue Web site, account for 39.4 % of subjects in the experiment who preferred the red Web site. This clearly shows that these subjects were uncomfortable / lost within the structure of the blue Web site. As demonstrated, Smith’s (1996) indicator of lostness, when applied to the data resulting from the experiment does reflect an accurate measure of a user’s lostness. Since efficiency is dependent on lostness the first indicator of efficiency uses the same formula as the indicator of lostness. The more lost a subject is the less efficient the subject is. The average time of completion for the most efficient 15 subjects on both sites is 103.4 seconds. The average time of completion of task for the least efficient 15 subjects is 264.2 seconds. The above results also demonstrate that the efficiency indicator reflects an accurate measure of the subject’s efficiency. The second measure of efficiency is “Successful completion of task”. As every subject completed the task set in both Web sites successfully, task accuracy (A) for all subjects, in both Web sites = 1. Page 104 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.7 Examination of Questions raised in Chapter 2 Several questions were raised in the course of the review of the relevant literature in Chapter 2. Each of these questions will be addressed in this section of the thesis. The conclusions reached for each question will be supported by the statistical analyses performed in this chapter of the thesis or by the examination of the metrics discussed within this chapter. • Do users utilize the features of modern browsers to aid navigation within a Web site? 1. Back facility: As shown in section (Red – Blue, Measures the use of Back Button and History List), most users reported usage of this facility in both Web sites. It appears that some subjects in this sample utilize this facility even when not required by the structure of a Web site. 2. History facility: As shown in section (as above), users appear not to avail themselves of this facility frequently. This facility was used more often in the experimental red Web site; however, the frequency of use for both Web sites was very low. 3. Favorites facility: In section 4.2.1(Data Excluded) the results of the question dealing with the utilization of the Favorites facility showed only 2.8 % of subjects (3 of the 107 subjects) in this sample used the facility. As a result the usage of the favorites facility was dropped from the statistical analysis. Some subjects in this sample appear to use the Back facility provided by modern browsers to aid navigation within a Web site whether it is required or not (section The blue Web site was designed in such a fashion that users were not required to utilize this facility. However, 31.8% of subjects reported high levels of usage of the Back facility (frequency value >= 2.5 out of 5), with only 12.1% reporting no usage. The History facility was infrequently used by the subjects in this sample, 40.1 % of subjects reported they did not use this facility in the red Web site and 50.5 % of subjects reported they did not use this facility in the blue Web site. Page 105 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ The Favorite facility (Bookmark) was only used by 2.8 % of the subjects in this sample. This would appear to suggest that users do not use this facility to navigate within a Web site. The favorite facility would seem to be used more for navigation between Web sites than within Web sites. This is supported by the following quote; “Web users employ five general criteria to determine whether to bookmark a Web page: (I) general usefulness, (ii) quality, (iii) personal interest, (iv) frequency of use, and (v) potential future use.” (Abrams, 1997) Of the three users who used the favorite facility, two stated that they had bookmarked the page for the next subject undertaking the experiment. • Which structure would users prefer -- heavily cross-linked or a strict hierarchy? In the experiment detailed in Chapter 3, 69.2 % of subjects (74 of 107) preferred the blue Web site. The blue Web site is a heavily cross-linked site using overlapping hierarchies and sequential loops as part of its structure. The logistic regression analysis (Section 4.4) identified 4 predictors of preference; 1. Lost; User Perception, Did you at any time feel lost navigating this site? 2. Comfort; User Perception, How comfortable were you with the structure of this site? 3. Task Time; Server Log, Time taken to complete the task. 4. Visited Nodes; Server Log, Number of Web pages (nodes) visited to complete task. The model identified by the logistic regression is 88.8 % accurate, as it correctly predicted 95 out of the 107 subjects’ preference, based on the model’s indicators. Page 106 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ The doubly multivariate analysis of variance – repeated measures (Section 4.3) identified several influences on the predictors of preference for this sample; • Lost; 1. Subjects with a low level of experience with both computers and the WWW were more lost in both structures (Sections and 2. Women over 25 felt more lost in both structures (Section • Comfort; 1. Women over 25 felt less comfortable with either structure, while men over 25 felt more comfortable with both structures (Section • Task Time; 1. Subjects with less experience with the WWW take longer to complete the task in a strict hierarchy than a heavily cross-linked hierarchy (Section 2. Subjects 25 and younger completed the task in the heavily cross-linked hierarchy faster than their older counterparts, whereas, subjects over 25 completed the task faster in the strict hierarchy than the younger group (Section 3. Subjects with low levels of experience with computers take longer to complete the task in both structures. • Visited Nodes; 1. Women over 25 visited more Web pages to complete the task in both structures, whereas, men over 25 visited less Web pages in both structures to complete the task (Section There is no doubt that these influences affected the outcome of some of the subject’s preferences. However, 69.2 % to 30.8 % (74 to 33) of subjects preferred the heavily crosslinked structure. Page 107 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ • Which type of Web site -- strictly hierarchical or heavily crossed-linked -- increases the user’s likelihood of experiencing the “Lost in Hyperspace” phenomenon? The answer to this question appears to be both structures. The sample found some subjects becoming lost and uncomfortable with the structure of both the Web sites. The following diagrams demonstrate this; 5.0 Estimated Marginal Means of Comfort Estimated Marginal Means of Lostness 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 preferred site blue 0.0 red Web site red blue Web site 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 red Web site preferred site blue red blue Web site Diagram 4.19: Estimated Marginal Means of Lost and Comfort 250 25 230 220 20 15 10 red Web site preferred site blue red Estimated Marginal Means of Task Time Estimated Marginal Means of Visted Nodes 240 blue Web site 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 130 pref erred site 120 blue 110 100 red web site red blue Web site Diagram 4.20: Estimated Marginal Means of Visited Nodes and Task Time The diagrams above reflect several aspects of the sample. Overall subjects that preferred the blue Web site were more lost, less comfortable, visited more nodes and took longer to complete the task in the red Web site. The same pattern is reflected for those subjects that preferred the red Web site. That is, subjects were more lost, less comfortable, visited more nodes and took longer to complete the task in the blue Web site. Page 108 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ Overall the strict hierarchy (red Web site) seems to cause a greater perception of being lost in this sample, particularly when coupled with subjects inexperienced with computers and the WWW (Sections, and However, those subjects who preferred the red Web site reported the highest levels of feeling lost, visited more nodes and took far longer to complete the task set in the blue Web site than the average for either site. Further evidence that both Web sites caused subjects to feel lost and uncomfortable is demonstrated by the results of the lostness – efficiency indicators in section 4.6. The indicators clearly showed that some subjects became lost and inefficient in both Web sites. • Is the previous research in HyperText metrics still valid, when applied to Web sites accessed by modern browsers? The metrics developed by Botafogo et al. (1992) for identifying structures in HyperText were found to perform well (Sections 2.4.3 and 3.2.3) when applied to the experimental Web sites. However, an anomaly appeared when the values of the metrics calculated for each experimental Web site were compared to the results of the experiment (Section 4.5). The metrics Relative Out Centrality and Compactness were specifically designed for comparisons between Hypertext structures (Botafogo, Rivlin & Shneiderman, 1992; 1994). When applied to Web sites accessed with modern browsers the comparisons appear to be flawed. Specifically, the design of the distance matrix of a strict hierarchy seems to be the cause of the anomaly as it ignores the browser’s navigational aids. A modification to the distance matrix (CDMh) was detailed and tested in section 4.5.1 and 4.5.2. This modification provides a more accurate measure of the structure of a strictly hierarchical Web site. The metrics developed by Smith (1996) to measure lostness and efficiency in HyperText could not be tested within the scope of this thesis, as the subjects’ paths through the Web site could not be tracked. However, the indicators of lostness and efficiency could be examined. These indicators were examined in section 4.6 and proved to be an accurate indication of the subject’s lostness and efficiency within a Web site. Page 109 ANALYSIS OF DATA __________________________________________________________________________________________ 4.8 Summary This chapter subjected the data collected from the experiment outlined in Chapter 3 to two separate analyses. The first analysis performed (Section 4.3), a doubly multivariate analysis of variance - repeated measures, identified influence effects on both experimental sites. The second analysis performed was a logistic regression (Section 4.4), this analysis identified a model, using the measures lost, comfort, visited nodes and task time, that predicts user preference of the experimental Web sites. Section 4.5 of this chapter proposed a modification to the Converted Distance Matrix of strictly hierarchical Web sites. The CDMh modification takes into account the Back facility of modern browsers. This modification (CDMh) to the metrics developed by Botafogo, Rivlin and Scheiderman (1992; 1994) provides a more accurate description of the characteristics of a strictly hierarchical Web site. Section 4.6 of this chapter tested the indicators of lostness and efficiency developed by Smith (1996) and found them to be accurate when applied to Web sites. Finally this chapter (Section 4.7) answered the questions raised in Chapter 2 of this thesis. The next chapter of this thesis will present the findings of this dissertation in relation to the research question: “What is the effect of Web site structure on the users’ perceptions of navigability?” Page 110 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS __________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 5.1 Introduction The overall Hypothesis of this dissertation is: Ho: Web site structure does not affect the user perception of navigability. HA: Web site structure does affect the user perception of navigability. The experimental data collected from the experiment detailed in Chapter 3 and analyzed in Chapter 4 does not support the null hypothesis. Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative hypothesis is supported. This chapter will present the findings of this dissertation in relation to the research question: “What is the effect of Web site structure on the users’ perceptions of navigability?” In exploring the research question, four other related questions were raised; 1. Do users utilize the features of modern browsers to aid navigation within a Web site? 2. Which structure would users prefer -- heavily cross-linked or a strict hierarchy? 3. Which type of Web site -- strictly hierarchical or heavily crossed-linked -- increases the user’s likelihood of experiencing the “Lost in Hyperspace” phenomenon? 4. Is the previous research in HyperText metrics still valid, when applied to Web sites accessed by modern browsers? Each of these questions will be briefly examined in section 5.3. The results of this examination will be used in section 5.4 to provide conclusions to the overall research question. Page 111 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.2 Summary of Methodology Two Web sites labeled “red” and “blue” were created for comparison purposes (detailed in Chapter 3). The content in both sites remained identical, with the exception of the additional Hyperlinks in the blue Web site. The “red” Web site was a strict hierarchy, while the “blue” Web site’s structure was a combination of compromised and overlapping hierarchical structures (heavily cross-linked). The “blue” Web site also contained sequential structures in the 5th level nodes. Appendix B provides a map for each Web site and a list of all Hyperlinks for each node (page) of both sites. Two tasks were set on each Web site for each of the 113 subjects who undertook this experiment. These tasks required the subject to traverse the experimental Web sites for information contained on a single page within the site. Each subject was required to answer a questionnaire that collected details regarding; • General information (gender, age and experience with both computers and the WWW) • Perception information about each Web site’s structure (lost, comfort and preference) • Usage of facilities provided by modern browsers (Back button, History list and Favorites) Additional data for each subject (time taken and pages visited) was taken from the server log file. It had been initially hoped that the user’s traversal of the Web site could be tracked. This information would have allowed the metrics developed by Smith (1996), described in section 2.3.5, to be applied to each subject. However, to accomplish this the browser itself would have to be modified (Section 3.6). Internet Explorer 3.02 caches each Web page (HTML node) as it downloads. The next time a cached Web page is accessed, whether via the back, history list or another Hyperlink, Internet Explorer accesses the client’s cache, not the server (host). Using a modified browser that logged all URLs or sent a GET command to the server with each access to a Web page could solve this. This modification could not be accomplished within the scope of this thesis. The details that were extracted from the server do, however, allow some of the indicators Smith (1996) developed for lostness and efficiency to be calculated. Six subjects were excluded from the sample (detailed in section 4.2) resulting in the sample size being reduced to 107. Page 112 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.3 Summary of Findings The objective of this research was to examine the effect of structure on users’ perceptions of navigability. To accomplish this, users compared two different structures (detailed in previous section). The perceptions measured by the experiment were lostness, comfort and preference of Web site. In the course of reviewing the current literature, designing the Web sites and analyzing the data four additional questions were raised. These questions and the conclusions reached for each follow; 1. Do users utilize the features of modern browsers to aid navigation within a Web site? Subjects in this sample appear to utilize the Back facility provided by modern browsers to aid navigation within a Web site whether it is required or not The blue Web site was designed in such a fashion that usage of the Back facility was not required, yet only 12.1 % of subjects reported no usage.. The History facility was infrequently used by the subjects in this sample, 40.1 % of subjects reported they did not use this facility in the red Web site and 50.5 % of subjects reported they did not use this facility in the blue Web site. The Favorite facility (Bookmark) was only used by 2.8 % of the subjects in this sample, this would appear to suggest that users do not use this facility to navigate within a Web site. 2. “Which structure would users prefer, heavily cross-linked or a strict hierarchy? This question was answered by the preference of subjects within the sample. Possible influences on this preference were investigated by examining the data set for influences using a multivariate analysis (section 4.3), then determining the predictors of preference, section 4.4 (logistic regression analysis). The results from the data set is that 69.2 % of subjects (74 of 107) in this sample preferred the blue Web site. The blue Web site is a heavily cross-linked site using overlapping hierarchies and sequential loops as part of its structure. The logistic regression analysis (Section 4.4) identified 4 predictors of preference Lost, Comfort, Task Time and Visited Nodes. The model identified by the logistic regression is 88.8 % accurate, as it correctly predicted 95 out of the 107 subjects’ preference, based on the model’s indicators. Page 113 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS __________________________________________________________________________________________ The doubly multivariate analysis of variance – repeated measures (Section 4.3) identified several influences on the predictors of preference for the sample, these are listed below; • Lost Subjects with a low level of experience with both computers and the WWW were more lost in both structures (Sections and Women over 25 felt more lost in both structures (Section • Comfort Women over 25 felt less comfortable with either structure, while men over 25 felt more comfortable with both structures (Section • Task Time Subjects with less experience with the WWW take more time to complete the task in a strict hierarchy than a heavily cross-linked hierarchy (Section Subjects 25 and younger completed the task in the heavily cross-linked hierarchy faster than their older counterparts, whereas, subjects over 25 completed the task faster in the strict hierarchy than the younger group (Section Subjects with low levels of experience with computers take longer to complete the task in both structures. • Visited Nodes Women over 25 visited more Web pages to complete the task in both structures, whereas, men over 25 visited fewer Web pages in both structures to complete the task (Section There is no doubt that these influences affected the outcome of some of the subjects’ preferences. However, 69.2 % to 30.8 % (74 of 107) of subjects preferred the heavily crosslinked structure (blue Web site). Page 114 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Which type of Web site -- strictly hierarchical or heavily crossed-linked -- increases the user’s likelihood of experiencing the “Lost in Hyperspace” phenomenon? The answer to this question appears to be both. The sample found some subjects becoming lost and uncomfortable with the structure of both the Web sites. Overall the strict hierarchy seems to cause a greater perception of lost in this sample, particularly when coupled with subjects inexperienced with computers and the WWW (Sections, and However, those subjects who preferred the red Web site, reported the highest levels of the perception of being lost, visited more nodes and took far longer to complete the task set in the blue Web site than the average for both sites. Further evidence that both Web sites caused some subjects to feel lost and uncomfortable is demonstrated by the results of the lostness – efficiency indicators in section 4.6. The indicators clearly showed that some subjects became lost and inefficient in both Web sites. 4. Is the previous research in HyperText metrics still valid, when applied to Web sites accessed by modern browsers? The structures of both Web sites (red and blue) were subjected to the metrics developed for HyperText by Botafogo, Rivlin and Shneiderman (1992; 1994) to identify the hierarchical structures contained within each site (Section 3.2.3). The metrics clearly identified the different hierarchical structures (Thuring et al., 1991; Woodhead, 1990; Section 2.3.3) within each Web site. However, when the values of the metrics for the red Web site were compared with the results of the experiment an anomaly was discovered (Section 4.5). Botafogo et al.’s (1992) metrics were developed before the introduction of modern WWW browsers. As a result of this the metrics do not take into account the facilities offered by modern browsers, particularly the Back facility. Page 115 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS __________________________________________________________________________________________ The metrics Relative Out Centrality and Compactness were specifically designed for comparisons between Hypertext structures (Botafogo, Rivlin & Shneiderman, 1992; 1994). When applied to strictly hierarchical Web sites accessed with modern browsers the comparisons appear to be flawed. Specifically, the design of the converted distance matrix of a strict hierarchy seems to be the cause of the anomaly. A modification to the distance matrix (CDMh) was detailed and calculated in section 4.5.1 and 4.5.2. This modification treats all links within a strict hierarchy as bi-followable (two-way) links. This modification recognizes the Back facility of modern browsers and provides for a more accurate description of the characteristics of a strictly hierarchical Web site. The metrics developed by Smith (1996) to measure lostness and efficiency in HyperText could not be tested within the scope of this thesis, as the subject’s path through the Web site could not be accurately tracked. However, Smith’s indicators of lostness and efficiency were examined. These indicators were examined in section 4.6 and proved to be an accurate indication of the subject’s lostness and efficiency within a Web site. Page 116 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.4 Conclusions About the Research Problem In this study it was found that the structure of a Web site does affect the user perception of navigability on the site. It was assumed (Section 1.6) that a user’s perception of navigability is a function of perceptions lost, comfort and preference. In section 4.4 a logistic regression was undertaken to identify what component(s) of the data set predict user preference. The result of this analyses was lost, comfort, nodes visited and task time were identified as the predictors of preference. Whereas, it can be argued that there is interaction between these four predictors, the fact that the model could not remove the perception based data, lost and comfort is a clear indication that user perception of the structure is a factor in preference. Users that experience a low level of lost, high level of comfort and prefer a particular structure are considered to perceive that structure as more navigable. The inverse of this condition, users who experience high level of lost, low level of comfort and do not prefer a particular structure are considered to have experienced the “lost in hyperspace” phenomenon within this structure. Conclusions that can be drawn from this work: • The majority of users perceive a structure that allows multiple access (heavily crosslinked structure) to the content to be more navigable than a strict hierarchy. • Both types of Web sites tested -- strict hierarchy and heavily cross-linked structure -- can cause a user to experience the “lost in hyperspace” phenomenon. • Inexperienced users of the WWW take longer to complete the task in a strict hierarchy than a heavily cross-linked structure. • Users with low levels of experience with computers and the WWW feel more lost in both structures tested. • Of the facilities offered by modern browsers, users most frequently use the Back facility for navigation within a Web site. Users utilize this facility even if there are dedicated Hyperlinks provided to perform this function. • The Favorites (Bookmarks) facility of modern browsers is not utilized by users as a navigation aid within a Web site. Page 117 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS __________________________________________________________________________________________ In exploring the structure of Web sites and HyperText, the metrics used to measure these structures were brought into focus. The metrics developed by Botafogo, Rivlin and Scheiderman (1992; 1994) were examined in detail. The evidence provided by the experiment suggested an anomaly existed in the design of the Converted Distance Matrix (CDM) of a strictly hierarchical Web site accessed by modern browsers. This anomaly is due to the fact that the design of the CDM does not recognize the Back facility of the browser. A modification (CDMh) which recognizes the Back facility by treating all Hyperlinks on a strictly hierarchical Web site as bi-followable, was proposed to provide a more accurate measure of the structure of a strictly hierarchical Web site. (Section 4.5). 5.5 Limitations The experiment detailed in this thesis was structured to test the users’ perceptions of navigability on two different Web site structures. No attempt has been made to use any of the leading edge Web technologies, such as Java, Shockwave, Active X controls, database connectivity or audio-visual media (Streaming video, real audio, etc), as the inclusion of any of the previously mentioned technologies may alter the users’ perceptions of the Web site structures. Many types of Web site navigational aids are in use on the WWW (site maps, navigation bars, etc.). However, the researcher’s intent was to test the users’ perceptions of the structure of the Web site, rather than the various navigational aids available. Therefore, no additional navigational aids were provided to the subjects. The subjects were assumed to reflect the population of WWW users. The sample contained a large number of 18 – 25 year old males (59 of the 107) and contained a low number of female respondents (33 of the 107). Due to the small sample sizes in some of the age/gender categories, the sample was transformed to have only two age categories 18-25 and over 25. Page 118 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS __________________________________________________________________________________________ The experiment was restricted to the campus of Southern Cross University as the server and workstations, required to conduct the experiment were located on campus grounds. The off campus delay in response time from the server would have distorted the measure of time to complete the task for each Web site. Smith’s (1996) metrics to determine the level of lostness in users could not be tested due to the fact that each user’s exact traversal path could not be recorded. It would have been desirable to test the effectiveness of Smith’s metrics. Two types of structure were tested, a strict hierarchy and a heavily cross-linked hierarchy (using compromised, overlapping and sequential structures). These structures were chosen to be at the extremes of Botafogo et al.’s (1992) metrics. It is possible a structure somewhere between the two would have been preferable to a larger majority of subjects. 5.6 Implications of Research for Web Site Design When a Web site is being developed the design of the site should take into account the users it is being designed for. If the Web site has a specific target market the following should be considered: • Inexperienced users of both computers and the WWW felt more lost in both structures tested -- strict hierarchy and heavily cross-linked hierarchy (Sections and In the strict hierarchy, inexperienced WWW users took longer to complete the task set (Section • In both structures tested, women over 25 were found to feel more lost and uncomfortable, and visited more pages within a site to complete the task set (Sections, and The optimal type of Web site design for these groups of users would perhaps be a carefully designed cross-linked structure, incorporating a sequential path through the site, designed to assist users in exploration and comprehension of the site structure. Page 119 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS __________________________________________________________________________________________ General Web site design considerations: • The majority of users perceive a structure, which allows multiple access to information to be more navigable than a strict hierarchy. This was demonstrated by the fact that 69.2% of subjects in the experiment preferred the heavily cross-linked structure. • In the experiment, users completed the task (located information) faster in the structure that they preferred (Diagram 4.20, section 4.7). It must be noted that overall the lowest mean time of task completion (on subject’s preferred site) was on the heavily cross-linked (blue) Web site. • Of the facilities offered by modern browsers, the Back facility is most often used. In the experiment, most users utilized this facility, even when structure of the site did not require it. Also noteworthy, is the fact that all 107 subjects completed the task on the red Web site. The design of the red Web site required a minimum of four traversals using the Back button to complete the task. The optimal design of a Web site should take into account these general design considerations. Most users prefer a heavily cross-linked site, and yet have a complete understanding of how to navigate a site with out the benefit of the cross-linking. Heavily cross-linking a site is time consuming for the developer, as each link requires careful planning and testing. A strict hierarchy is much simpler to design, and as demonstrated users can navigate within this type of site. Perhaps the optimal Web site design is a combination of the three types of hierarchical design; strict, compromised and Compromised or Overlapping Hierarchical Links overlapping (Section This would balance the cross-linking (preferred by users) Strictly Hierarchical Links and the number of Hyperlinks the developer would have to include. Diagram 5.1 Combined Hierarchy Page 120 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.7 Further Research There is much scope for further research on the subject matter covered within this thesis. Such work should be undertaken on; • Additional subjects being added to the sample (provided in Appendix J). Effects were found in the multivariate analysis (Sections,,, and that dealt with age or gender by age. The five age categories in this sample were transformed, due to small cell sizes (Section 4.2.2), into two age categories (18-25 & over 25). Additional subjects added to the sample would allow a more comprehensive examination of these age-related effects. • Users’ perceptions to different levels of cross-linking within Web site structure. As suggested in section 5.5 a structure between the extremes tested in this thesis may be preferred by a larger majority of subjects. • Smith’s (1996) metrics should be tested experimentally for accuracy in reference to the WWW. As stated in section 4.6 the indicators proposed by Smith accurately identify users that are lost and inefficient. However, the other metrics proposed by Smith could not be tested in the scope of this thesis. • Modifications to the metrics developed by Botafogo, Rivlin and Shneiderman (1992; 1994) are required, to recognize the facilities provided by modern WWW browsers. A modification for use with strict hierarchies was suggested in section 4.5, further modifications for other structures are required. In an effort to assist further researchers, the data set collected from the experiment detailed in Chapter 3 is included in Appendix J. Page 121 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS __________________________________________________________________________________________ 5.8 Conclusion This thesis has demonstrated that the structure of a Web site does affect the user perception of navigability. Other interesting facts that were revealed in this thesis were; Whereas, inexperienced WWW users took longer to complete the task in the red (strict hierarchy) Web site than experienced users the blue Web site (heavily cross-linked structure) demonstrated no significant difference in task time for either inexperienced or experienced WWW users (Section Women over 25 felt less comfortable with either structure and visited more nodes (pages) in both Web sites to complete the tasks while men over 25 felt more comfortable and visited less pages with both structures to complete the task (Section The Back facility of a browser is used most frequently of all facilities of the browser within a Web site, in fact, it appears to be utilized even when there is no requirement for this facility to be used. The History list facility is utilized infrequently by users for traversing within Web sites. The Favorites (Bookmarks) facility is not utilized by users as a navigation aid within a Web site. Understanding a user’s perception of the structure of Web sites should allow Web site developers to construct sites that are easier to understand and navigate. This would result in an increase in speed of access to desired information on the site. The results of this thesis show that a user who preferred a structure completed the task in that structure faster than in the structure they did not prefer (Diagram 4.20, section 4.7). However, it must be noted that overall the lowest mean time of task completion (on subject preferred site) was on the heavily Page 122 BIBLIOGRAPHY __________________________________________________________________________________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Abrams, D., 1997, “Human Factors of Personal Web Information Spaces”, Masters of Science Thesis, Graduate Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, URL revised 1997 2. Berghel, H., 1996, “The Client’s Side of the World-Wide Web”, Communications of the ACM, USA, Vol. 39, No. 1, pp.30-40 3. 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Smith, P., 1996, “Towards a practical measure of hypertext usability”, Interacting with Computers: the Interdisciplinary Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, British Computer Society, Vol. 8, No. 4, December 1996 34. SPSS Inc., 1997, “SPSS Advanced Statistics 7.5”, SPSS Inc., USA 35. Sun Microsystems Inc, 1995, “Guide to Web Style” URL revised 2nd August 1996 36. Taylor, D., 1995, “Creating Cool Web Pages with HTML”, 2nd Edition, IDG Books Worldwide Inc. 37. Thuring, M., Haake, J. M. & Hannemann, J., 1991 “What's Eliza Doing in the Chinese room? Incoherent Hyperdocuments and How to Avoid Them”, Proceedings of Hypertext '91, ACM Press, 1991. 38. WebTrends, 1997, “WebTrends Statistics: Web Browsers”, URL 7 /report.html, revised 8th July 1997 39. Woodhead, N., 1990, “Hypertext & Hypermedia Theory and Applications”, AddisonWesley Publishing Co., Great Britain 40. Zakon, R. (ed.), 1996, “Hobbes Internet Timeline”, URL, revised 15th August 1996 Page 125 APPENDIX A ______________________________________________________________________________________ A Brief History of the Internet “The Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before. The invention of the telegraph, telephone, radio, and computer set the stage for this unprecedented integration of capabilities. The Internet is at once a world-wide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographic location.” (Leiner et al. 1997) The first recorded description of the social interactions through computer networking was a series of memos about a “Galactic Network” by J.C.R. Licklider of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in August 1962. Licklider’s concept of a global interconnected network though which everyone could access data and programs was very much like the Internet of today. Leonard Kleinrock at MIT published the first paper on packet switching theory in July 1961. Kleinrock’s theory of computer communication using packets was a major step along the path towards computer networking. The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) in Middlesex, England set up the first test packet-switching network in 1968. Shortly afterward, the Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) decided to fund a larger, more ambitious project in the USA. In September 1969, the first node was installed in University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). By December that year, there were four nodes on the network, which was named “ARPANET”, after its Pentagon sponsor (from ARPA and Network). The four nodes could transfer data on dedicated high-speed transmission lines. Page 126 APPENDIX A ______________________________________________________________________________________ In 1971 there were twenty-three hosts in ARPANET. Throughout the 70s, ARPA's network continued to grow. ARPANET’s original standard for communication was known as NCP (Network Control Protocol, NCP was superseded by the group of standards (protocols) known as TCP/IP. TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) converts messages into streams of packets at the source, then reassembles them into messages at the destination. IP (Internet Protocol) handles the addressing, ensuring that packets are routed across multiple nodes and networks. In 1983, when TCP/IP superseded NCP the military segment of ARPA became MILNET. However, TCP/IP still linked the networks. It was fairly easy to link other computers to the growing network-of-networks. Since the TCP/IP software was public domain, and the basic technology was decentralized by its very nature, it was difficult to stop people from joining the network-of-networks. Actually, nobody wanted to stop them from joining this branching complex of networks, which came to be known as the "Internet." In 1986 the National Science Foundation (NSF) through its Office of Advanced Scientific Computing, joined the evolving Internet. Using TCP/IP the new NSFNET (from NSF and Network) set the pace for technical advancement, by linking newer, faster supercomputers, through upgraded and expanded links. Other US government agencies joined the growing Internet: NASA, the National Institute of Health and the Department of Energy. “Such was the weight of the NSFNET program's ecumenism and funding ($200 million from 1986 to 1995) - and the quality of the protocols themselves - that by 1990 when the ARPANET itself was finally decommissioned, TCP/IP had supplanted or marginalized most other wide-area computer network protocols worldwide, and IP was well on its way to becoming THE bearer service for the Global Information Infrastructure.” (Leiner et al. 1997) Page 127 APPENDIX A ______________________________________________________________________________________ From 1986 the Internet, with NSFNET as its backbone and TCP/IP as its protocol, continued to grow and develop across the globe. The following table shows the connection of countries to the NSFNET (Internet backbone). Countries connecting to NSFNET (Internet - Backbone) (Zakon 1996) 1988 Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Iceland, Norway, Sweden. 1989 Australia, Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, United Kingdom. 1990 Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Greece, India, Ireland, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland. 1991 Croatia, Czech Republic, Hong Kong, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, Tunisia. 1992 Cameroon, Cyprus, Ecuador, Estonia, Kuwait, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Thailand, Venezuela. 1993 Bulgaria, Costa Rica, Egypt, Fiji, Ghana, Guam, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Liechtenstein, Peru, Romania, Russian Federation, Turkey, Ukraine, Union of Arab Emirates, Virgin Islands. 1994 Algeria, Armenia, Bermuda, Burkina Faso, China, Colombia, French Polynesia, Jamaica, Lebanon, Lithuania, Macao, Morocco, New Caledonia, Nicaragua, Niger, Panama, Philippines, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Uruguay, Uzbekistan 1995 NSFNET reverts back to a research network. Main US backbone traffic now routed through interconnected network providers. 1996 Country domains registered: Qatar (QA), Vientiane (LA), Djibouti (DJ), Niger (NE), Central African Republic (CF), Mauritania (MF), Oman (OM), Norfolk Island (NF), Tuvalu (TV), French Polynesia (PF), Syria (SY), Aruba (AW), Cambodia (KH) Page 128 APPENDIX A ______________________________________________________________________________________ The following table shows the growth of hosts (computers) on the Internet 1969 - July 1996. Network and Domain figures are only available from July 1989. Internet growth 1969 - 07/1996 (Zakon 1996) Date Hosts Date Hosts Networks Domains 1969 4 07/89 130,000 650 3,900 04/71 23 10/89 159,000 837 N/A 06/74 62 10/90 313,000 2,063 9,300 03/77 111 01/91 376,000 2,338 N/A 08/81 213 07/91 535,000 3,086 16,000 05/82 235 10/91 617,000 3,556 18,000 08/83 562 01/92 727,000 4,526 N/A 10/84 1,024 04/92 890,000 5,291 20,000 10/85 1,961 07/92 992,000 6,569 16,300 02/86 2,308 10/92 1,136,000 7,505 18,100 11/86 5,089 01/93 1,313,000 8,258 21,000 12/87 28,174 04/93 1,486,000 9,722 22,000 07/88 33,000 07/93 1,776,000 13,767 26,000 10/88 56,000 10/93 2,056,000 16,533 28,000 01/89 80,000 01/94 2,217,000 20,539 30,000 07/94 3,212,000 25,210 46,000 10/94 3,864,000 37,022 56,000 01/95 4,852,000 39,410 71,000 07/95 6,642,000 61,538 120,000 01/96 9,472,000 93,671 240,000 134,365 488,000 07/96 12,881,000 Page 129 APPENDIX A ______________________________________________________________________________________ Uses of the Internet As demonstrated the Internet has grown phenomenally during the last 30 years. The services that the Internet has provided have matured over this time period. These services include the following: E-mail : (Electronic mail) In 1971, Ray Tomlinson invented an e-mail program to send messages across a distributed network. In 1989 the first relays between a commercial electronic mail carrier and the Internet occurred between MCI Mail through the Corporation for the National Research Initiative (CNRI), and CompuServe through Ohio State University. Today, using Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) standard, users can send messages, graphics, presentations, sounds and complete programs to most countries in the world. The following map graphically demonstrates this. Page 130 APPENDIX A ______________________________________________________________________________________ Telnet: Telnet Protocol Specification (Request For Comment (RFC) 854) is the virtual terminal protocol of the TCP/IP protocol suite. Allows the connection of a remote user to the host. The remote user is connected in such a manner that the host treats the remote user as a local terminal. This was the original reason that ARPANET was created. FTP: (File Transfer Protocol) As early as 1973, File Transfer specification (RFC 454) was in use. The current FTP standard (RFC 959) has been in use since 1985. FTP allows the transfer of both text and binary files from host to host across the Internet. Until Surpassed by the World Wide Web, in 1995, FTP was the most popular application on the Internet. (Berghel 1996) MUD’s & MOO’s: MUD is an acronym for either Multi-User Dungeon or Multi-User Dimension. First MUD appeared in 1979 called MUD1, it was created by Richard Bartle and Roy Trubshaw at the University of Essex. MUD’s are the first games ever to be played across the Internet. MOO stands for MUD, Object-Oriented and are typically social text-based virtual realities. Participants of a MUD or MOO use the Telnet virtual terminal protocol to access the host.(Free, 1995) USENET: (a.k.a. discussion groups, newsgroups) USENET was established in 1979 using UNIX-to-UNIX Copy Protocol. (UUCP) In 1986 Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) was designed to enhance USENET news performance over TCP/IP. There are over 2,500 newsgroups available on Internet. Newsgroups are open discussion forums for a wide variety of subjects. The user sends messages to the newsgroup host for posting to a newsgroup. WAIS: (Wide Area Information Servers) WAIS was invented by Brewster Kahle and released by Thinking Machines. WAIS databases are referred to as sources. The databases may be organized in different ways, using various database systems, but the user is not required to learn the query languages of the different databases. The WAIS client uses natural language queries to find relevant documents and the result of a query is a set of documents, which contain the words of the query. Page 131 APPENDIX A ______________________________________________________________________________________ IRC : (Internet Relay Chat) IRC was originally written by Jarkko Oikarinen in 1988. IRC is a multi-user chat system, where people convene on "channels" (a virtual place, usually with a topic of conversation) to talk in groups, or privately. IRC has gained attention for its real time communications capability as shown by the following quote. “IRC gained international fame during the 1991 Persian Gulf War, where updates from around the world came across the wire, and most IRC users who were online at the time gathered on a single channel to hear these reports. IRC had similar uses during the coup against Boris Yeltsin in September 1993, where IRC users from Moscow were giving live reports about the unstable situation there.” (Rose 1996) Gopher: Released by Paul Lindner and Mark P. McCahill from the University of Minnesota in 1991. Gopher gives access to FTP sites, normal documents, binary files, WAIS (Wide Area Information Server) databases, Telnet sessions and is a way to give a simple, consistent interface to a variety of services and information. In effect, it "goes for" things on the Internet. World Wide Web: (a.k.a. WWW, W3 and the Web) “Without question the hottest part of cyberspace at this time is the World-Wide Web. The Web is the Internet’s “killer protocol” mix: the client-server handshaking and communications protocol, HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), together with a protocol for document formatting, HyperText Markup Language (HTML). The versatility of the resulting tools have made the Web the focus of today’s cybernauts.” (Berghel 1996 p.33) The W3 is the most popular application in use on the Internet today. The growth of the Internet has been by any measure astounding, the growth of the W3 has been extraordinary. Page 132 APPENDIX B Web Site Maps ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Red Site - Strict Hierarchy 16 Level 1 Level 2 1 2 Level 3 4 17 18 19 20 21 22 Level 4 8 Level 5 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 30 31 52 53 32 9 5 10 11 3 6 12 Notes: 73 Nodes 72 Links 13 7 14 61 62 63 64 65 69 70 71 72 73 66 67 68 Hierarchical link 15 Page 133 APPENDIX B Web Site Maps ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Blue Site – Heavily Cross-linked Web Site Level 1 1 Level 1, 2 and 3 cross connections Level 2 2 Level 3 Level 4 4 8 9 5 10 11 Notes: All nodes are connected to the level above and to Root (Home) node. 3 6 12 7 Page 134 13 The nodes on levels 2, 3 and 4 are completely cross connected. Level 4 cross connection not shown. 14 Hierarchical link Cross link 15 APPENDIX B Web Site Maps ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Blue Site – Heavily Cross-linked Web Site Sample of level 4 and 5 cross connections Level 4 4 Level 5 Hierarchical link Cross link Sequencing link 16 8 9 23 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 10 5 11 40 6 12 45 Notes: 13 All nodes are connected to the level above and the Root (Home) node. 54 14 Level 5 nodes contain 11 links each. Level 4 nodes contain 9 links each. 61 7 15 Total nodes 73 Total links 736 69 Page 135 APPENDIX B Nodes and Hyperlinks of RED and BLUE Web sites (target nodes shown)_____________________________ Node Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Title of Node COMIC SITE Marvel Comics DC Comics Marvel Heroes and Heroines Marvel Villains and Villainesses DC Heroes and Heroines DC Villains and Villainesses Marvel Heroes Marvel Heroines Marvel Villains Marvel Villainesses DC Heroes DC Heroines DC Villains DC Villainesses Archangel Beast Spiderman Captain America Dare Devil Shaman Wolverine Black Widow She Hulk Rogue Filename of Node index.html marvel.htm dc.htm mmf.htm mvmf.htm dmf.htm dvmf.htm mmale.htm mfem.htm mvmale.htm mvfem.htm dmale.htm dfem.htm dvmale.htm dvfem.htm archange.htm beast.htm spiderma.htm captain.htm daredevi.htm shaman.htm wolverin.htm black.htm shehulk.htm rogue.htm Hierarchical links (RED and BLUE) Nodes 2 and 3 Nodes 4 and 5 Nodes 6 and 7 Nodes 8 and 9 Nodes 10 and 11 Nodes 12 and 13 Nodes 14 and 15 Nodes 16 to 22 Nodes 23 to 32 Nodes 33 to 39 Nodes 40 to 44 Nodes 45 to 53 Nodes 54 to 60 Nodes 61 to 67 Nodes 68 to 72 None None None None None None None None None None Page 136 Cross links and Sequential links (BLUE only) None Nodes 1 and 3 Nodes 1 and 2 Nodes 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 Nodes 1, 2, 4, 6 and 7 Nodes 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7 Nodes 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Nodes 1, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 Nodes 1, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 Nodes 1, 4, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 Nodes 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 and 15 Nodes 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 15 Nodes 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 and 15 Nodes 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15 Nodes 1, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 Nodes 1, 8, 17, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 8, 18, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 8, 19, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 8, 20, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 8, 21, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 8, 22, 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typhoid.htm calypso.htm flash.htm batman.htm superman.htm robin.htm cham.htm greenla.htm aqua.htm Hierarchical links (RED and BLUE) None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Page 137 Cross links and Sequential links (BLUE only) Nodes 1, 9, 27, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 9, 28, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 9, 29, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 9, 30, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 9, 31, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 9, 32, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 9, 23, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 10, 34, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 10, 35, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 10, 36, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 10, 37, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 10, 38, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 10, 39, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 10, 33, 16, 23, 33, 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Savitor Cheetah Catwoman Circe Poison Ivy Clayface (target 2, blue Web site) Filename of Node superboy.htm wildfire.htm supgirl.htm wonwom.htm wongirl.htm batgirl.htm hunt.htm umbra.htm satgirl.htm twoface.htm joker.htm luthor.htm zoom.htm croc.htm penguin.htm scare.htm savitor.htm cheetah.htm cat.htmhtm circe.htm poison.htm clay.htm Hierarchical links (RED and BLUE) None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Page 138 Cross links and Sequential links (BLUE only) Nodes 1, 12, 53, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 12, 45, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 13, 55, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 13, 56, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 13, 57, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 13, 58, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 13, 59, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 13, 60, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 1, 13, 54, 16, 23, 33, 40, 45, 54, 61 and 69 Nodes 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73.02 171 21 73.02 171 -28 73.02 171 -28 73.02 171 -28 73.02 171 -28 73.02 171 -28 73.02 171 -28 72.59 172 -27 71.76 174 80 72.17 173 23 72.17 173 -28 72.17 173 -28 72.17 173 -28 72.17 173 -28 71.76 174 -27 72.17 173 79 72.59 172 22 72.59 172 -28 72.59 172 -28 72.59 172 -28 72.59 172 -28 72.59 172 -28 72.17 173 -27 70.94 177 83 71.35 175 25 71.35 175 -28 71.35 175 -28 70.94 176 -27 2403 Absolute Prestige = 2403 APPENDIX D __________________________________________________________________________________________ Red Web Site Sample Pages Level 1 (Homepage) Sample from level 2 Note: Appendix B contains Web site maps Page 141 APPENDIX D __________________________________________________________________________________________ Red Web Site Sample Pages Sample from level 3 Sample from level 4 Note: Appendix B contains Web site maps Page 142 APPENDIX D __________________________________________________________________________________________ Red Web Site Sample Pages Level 5 (target page) Level 5 (target page) Note: Appendix B contains Web site maps Page 143 APPENDIX D __________________________________________________________________________________________ Blue Web Site Sample Pages Level 1 (Homepage) Sample from level 2 Note: Appendix B contains Web site maps Page 144 APPENDIX D __________________________________________________________________________________________ Blue Web Site Sample Pages Sample from level 3 Sample from level 4 Note: Appendix B contains Web site maps Page 145 APPENDIX D __________________________________________________________________________________________ Blue Web Site Sample Pages Level 5 (target page) Level 5 (target page) Note: Appendix B contains Web site maps Page 146 APPENDIX E ______________________________________________________________________________________ SOUTHERN CROSS UNIVERSITY Effects of Web site Structure on user’s perception of navigability. You are invited to participate in a study of Web site navigation. Any information that is obtained in connection with this study and that can be identified with you will remain confidential and will be disclosed only with your permission. If you decide to participate, you are free to withdraw your consent and to discontinue participation at any time without prejudice. If you have any questions, I expect you to ask me. If you have any additional questions later, Bill Smart (phone: 83 2762) will be happy to answer them. In this study I hope to learn details of user’s perception of navigation in different Web site structures. If you decide to participate, you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire and perform a task, that will require you to navigate two Web sites. This will take approximately 20 - 25 minutes. Questionnaires will be collected upon completion of the experiment. Data pertaining to the navigational steps you have taken in both Web sites will be logged. To undertake this experiment you must be familiar with navigating the WWW. Internet Explorer 3.02 is the browser that will be used for navigating the two Web sites. If you are unfamiliar with the use of the BACK, HISTORY, FAVOURITES or the VISITED LINK facilities in Internet Explorer. Please let the researcher know. Thank you, for your time. W.J. Smart BAppSci (Computing) Machine ID Page 147 APPENDIX E ______________________________________________________________________________________ Questionnaire General Information 1. Are you ? Male 2. What is your age ? 18 - 25 Female Please tick one box. 26 - 32 33 - 40 41 -47 Over 47 3. How experienced are you with the WWW ? Put a mark on the line. Inexperienced Very experienced 4. How experienced are you with computers ? Put a mark on the line. Inexperienced Very experienced 5. How many Marvel / DC Comic Book characters are you familiar with ? Please tick one box. 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-15 15-20 20-25 25-30 30-40 > 40 Page 148 APPENDIX E ______________________________________________________________________________________ Questionnaire Site Red Instructions Please open the URL Task Search the Web site to find the answer to the following questions: 1. What is the secret identity of Guardian ? _________________________________ 2. What is the secret identity of Chameleon ? _________________________________ After you have completed the task. Please answer the following questions: 1. Did you at any time feel lost navigating this site? Put a mark on the line. Not at all Frequently 2. How often did you use Internet Explorers BACK facility? Put a mark on the line. Not at all Frequently 3. How often did you use Internet Explorers HISTORY facility? Put a mark on the line Not at all Frequently 4. How comfortable were you with the structure of this site ? Put a mark on the line. Not at all Very Page 149 APPENDIX E ______________________________________________________________________________________ Questionnaire Site Blue Instructions Please open the URL Task Search the Web site to find the answer to the following questions: 1. What is the secret identity of Clayface? ____________________________________ 2. What is the secret identity of Calypso? ____________________________________ After you have completed the task. Please answer the following questions: 1. Did you at any time feel lost navigating this site? Put a mark on the line. Not at all Frequently 2. How often did you use Internet Explorers BACK facility? Put a mark on the line. Not at all Frequently 3. How often did you use Internet Explorers HISTORY facility? Put a mark on the line Not at all Frequently 4. How comfortable were you with the structure of this site? Put a mark on the line. Not at all Very Page 150 APPENDIX E ______________________________________________________________________________________ Questionnaire Conclusion Please tick the appropriate box. 1. Did you at any stage use Internet Explorers Favorites facility? Yes No 2. Overall which Web site structure did you prefer? Red Blue Thank you for your time and cooperation W. J. Smart Page 151 APPENDIX F ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sample Data From access_log Machine ID Date and Time Nodes Visited - - [24/Jul/1997:15:59:44 [24/Jul/1997:15:59:48 [24/Jul/1997:15:59:55 [24/Jul/1997:16:00:03 [24/Jul/1997:16:00:12 [24/Jul/1997:16:00:36 [24/Jul/1997:16:00:39 [24/Jul/1997:16:00:42 [24/Jul/1997:16:00:45 [24/Jul/1997:16:01:06 [24/Jul/1997:16:01:07 [24/Jul/1997:16:01:11 [24/Jul/1997:16:01:16 [24/Jul/1997:16:01:22 +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET /~wsmart10/blue/dc.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1165 /~wsmart10/blue/dvmf.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1566 /~wsmart10/blue/dvmale.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1970 /~wsmart10/blue/dvfem.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1746 /~wsmart10/blue/clay.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1757 /~wsmart10/blue/cheetah.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1797 /~wsmart10/blue/cat.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1750 /~wsmart10/blue/circe.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1744 /~wsmart10/blue/poison.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1764 /~wsmart10/blue/marvel.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1162 /~wsmart10/blue/mmf.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1583 /~wsmart10/blue/mvmf.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1588 /~wsmart10/blue/mvfem.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1778 /~wsmart10/blue/calypso.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1674 - - [24/Jul/1997:16:07:26 [24/Jul/1997:16:07:27 [24/Jul/1997:16:07:29 [24/Jul/1997:16:07:30 [24/Jul/1997:16:07:37 [24/Jul/1997:16:07:59 [24/Jul/1997:16:08:10 [24/Jul/1997:16:08:13 [24/Jul/1997:16:08:24 [24/Jul/1997:16:09:00 [24/Jul/1997:16:09:02 [24/Jul/1997:16:09:04 [24/Jul/1997:16:09:16 [24/Jul/1997:16:09:25 [24/Jul/1997:16:09:27 [24/Jul/1997:16:09:28 +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] +1000] "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET "GET /~wsmart10/red/marvel.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 981 /~wsmart10/red/mmf.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 999 /~wsmart10/red/mfem.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1294 /~wsmart10/red/guardian.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 975 ** /~wsmart10/red/mmale.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1242 /~wsmart10/red/shehulk.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 810 /~wsmart10/red/mvmf.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1020 /~wsmart10/red/mvfem.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1000 /~wsmart10/red/mvmale.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1183 /~wsmart10/red/dc.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 976 /~wsmart10/red/dvmf.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1002 /~wsmart10/red/dvmale.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1236 /~wsmart10/red/dvfem.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 968 /~wsmart10/red/dmf.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1044 /~wsmart10/red/dmale.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 1267 /~wsmart10/red/cham.htm HTTP/1.0" 200 962 ** * Blue target nodes ** Red target nodes Information gleaned from sample data: • Blue site 15 nodes visited (one added for index.html not reflected on server log). Time taken to complete blue task is 98 seconds. • Red site 17 nodes visited (one added for index.html not reflected on server log). Time taken to complete red task is 122 seconds. Page 152 * * APPENDIX G ______________________________________________________________________________________ Univariate Tests of Between Subjects Effects Computed using alpha = .05 Source Measure Intercept Exp. With Comp. Exp. With WWW Gender Age Order Gender * Age Gender * Order Age * Order Error Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num nodes visit Task time Transformed Variable: Average Page 153 df F Significance 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 98 98 98 98 98 98 241.772 672.639 23.909 1272.884 1574.804 713.538 5.644 0.008 0.129 0.362 0.000 15.937 9.836 0.058 1.526 0.924 0.019 1.085 0.160 0.052 0.987 1.604 0.009 0.232 0.002 0.204 0.099 7.833 0.762 0.682 5.439 0.963 0.060 5.827 0.690 0.039 5.471 1.408 0.257 7.183 4.300 0.796 0.042 0.420 0.637 3.601 0.114 0.036 0.176 0.003 0.215 3.316 0.772 1.554 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.019 0.927 0.720 0.549 0.983 0.000 0.002 0.810 0.220 0.339 0.892 0.300 0.690 0.820 0.323 0.208 0.926 0.631 0.963 0.653 0.753 0.006 0.385 0.411 0.022 0.329 0.806 0.018 0.408 0.844 0.021 0.238 0.613 0.009 0.041 0.374 0.838 0.518 0.427 0.061 0.736 0.851 0.676 0.957 0.644 0.072 0.382 0.216 APPENDIX G ______________________________________________________________________________________ Univariate Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts Computed using alpha = .05 Source RB (red-blue) RB * Exp. With Comp. RB * Exp. With WWW. RB * Gender RB * Age RB * Order RB * Gender * Age RB * Gender * Order RB * Age * Order Error (RB) Measure Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num. nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num. nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num. nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num. nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num. nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num. nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num. nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num. nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num. nodes visit Task time Lost rating Back Button History List Comfort rating Num. nodes visit Task time Page 154 df F Significance 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 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3.16 4.76 4.6 4.96 4.96 0.53 1.36 2.4 Note: Legend on last page 4.5 1.96 2.8 2.5 3.3 3.87 4.73 3.57 4.3 2.4 5 3.77 3.73 3 5 2.63 2.33 4.2 4.2 3.66 3.2 3.4 4.76 4 4.96 4.1 3.56 2.96 3.06 ________________________________________________________________________ Red Web site – Strict Hierarchy Blue Web site – Heavily Cross-linked Back History Comfort Nodes Task Back History Comfort Nodes Task Lost Red or Lost visited time visited time rating facility facility rating rating facility facility rating Blue usage usage usage usage First 0 1 0.93 4.23 1.23 1.37 17 104 0.87 3.87 0.06 3.93 13 108 0 0 0.07 2.03 0 4.33 13 235 0.06 0.1 0 5 13 108 0 0 0.83 5 0.13 0.67 27 322 0.6 0 0 4.8 13 153 0 1 0 4 0.13 3.1 21 189 0 0 0 5 14 144 0 0 0.23 4.87 0.03 4.83 14 191 0.07 0.17 0.03 4.93 14 156 0 0 1.63 3.43 0 3.3 15 274 0.2 0.07 0 3.53 13 152 0 0 0.53 4.63 0 4 14 86 1.2 4.86 0 4.43 15 123 0 0 1.37 3.23 3.47 2.7 14 129 0.73 0.87 0.43 3.17 12 144 0 1 2.17 1.37 0.1 1.6 20 252 0.03 0.4 0 1.47 12 153 0 1 3.37 4.3 0 1.27 20 226 3.03 1.4 0 1.3 16 195 1 0 0.73 0.63 0.63 0.63 10 59 0 0 1.03 5 14 137 1 1 0.03 3.6 0.7 3.97 13 74 0.73 2.83 0 2.1 14 166 0 1 1.27 2.83 0.03 4.43 15 274 0.43 0.23 0.03 4.9 13 152 0 1 0.23 3.57 0.03 3.93 21 393 0.53 1.7 0.23 3.86 13 93 0 1 1.5 5 0 3.67 17 126 2.43 5 0 2.5 15 91 0 0 1.2 4 0 2.3 17 281 0.5 0.7 0 4.27 13 100 0 0 2.03 3.8 0 4.33 12 168 0.93 0.5 0 4 12 83 1 1 1.77 3.73 1.57 3.77 17 188 4.23 4.5 0.17 0.63 19 199 1 0 0.86 3.53 0.06 3.43 26 270 2.7 1.33 0.16 3.23 45 215 1 0 1.33 3 0.1 4 17 168 1.06 0.23 0.23 1.33 38 209 0 1 1.3 2.76 0.1 3.9 17 142 3.33 4.2 0.03 4 16 229 0 1 3.46 4.86 0.3 3.86 18 171 2.46 4.96 0.08 2.56 25 199 0 0 0 4.1 0 4.46 13 139 0 0 0 5 13 94 1 0 0 4.8 0 5 19 146 2.6 4.9 0 2.8 14 93 0 0 0.13 3.36 4 3.8 17 129 0.56 1.53 0.8 3.76 13 91 0 1 0.1 0 0 5 12 181 0.36 0.86 0 5 12 151 1 0 1.96 4.26 0 2.4 17 248 0.16 0.26 0.06 0.7 17 196 0 0 3.3 4.4 0.03 3.46 18 199 3.7 0.15 0.06 2.58 12 65 0 1 1.93 3.53 0 3.63 17 176 2.13 1.53 0 3.3 17 176 Page 159 APPENDIX J Experimental Data Set General Information Gender Age Exp with Exp with Prefer WWW Computer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 2 1 3 4 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 3 1 4 5 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3.4 3.16 1.76 3.73 4.9 1.96 1.56 3.23 3.8 3.03 2.36 1.4 0.7 2.26 1.26 3.9 4.33 2.16 0.08 3.4 0.8 4 5 4.26 0.86 2.6 4 3.66 4.5 Note: Legend on last page 3.33 3.63 2.8 3.96 4.9 2.4 2.46 5 3.83 3.03 3.13 2.5 2.56 4.1 1.8 4.76 3.1 2.16 2.23 4.03 1.96 3.93 5 4.41 1.43 3.6 4.3 4.33 3.93 ________________________________________________________________________ Red Web site – Strict Hierarchy Blue Web site – Heavily Cross-linked Back History Comfort Nodes Task Back History Comfort Nodes Task Lost Red or Lost visited time visited time rating facility facility rating rating facility facility rating Blue usage usage usage usage First 1 0 0.73 0.66 0.5 3.63 10 89 3.86 0.7 0 4.13 11 202 1 0 0.06 3.66 0 4.76 13 200 0.53 3.46 0.83 3.8 16 132 1 1 4.9 3.16 0.03 4.4 13 89 3.16 0.36 0 4.16 13 261 1 1 1.96 4.1 2.83 1.73 10 244 2 0.33 0 2.63 12 205 0 0 0.13 2.56 0.06 4.93 16 106 0.06 0.63 0.1 4.93 15 65 0 1 0.66 4.06 1.06 4.03 17 58 0.21 1.16 0.46 3.86 9 30 0 1 2.93 5 0 2.43 16 106 2.6 0 0 2.53 16 106 0 0 3.41 5 0.96 1.63 13 424 0 0.33 0 5 10 86 0 1 3.36 4.96 0 1.03 13 181 1.06 0.43 0 0.8 13 92 1 1 0.6 4.46 0.3 3.8 14 76 2.9 0.73 0 3.83 13 105 1 1 0.06 4.8 0.06 4.13 16 147 2.8 1.66 0 2.4 27 376 0 0 2.93 4.8 0 2.03 13 117 3.2 1.23 0 3.86 16 135 1 1 0.1 4.73 0.03 4 11 81 4.53 0.1 0.03 0.46 12 127 0 0 0.66 4.1 0.05 4.73 10 104 3.43 0.36 0.05 4.76 10 68 0 1 2.7 5 0 0 14 72 0 0 0 5 8 59 0 1 2.6 4.8 0 1.4 18 92 0.23 0 0 4.33 9 49 0 1 2.23 4.93 0.06 1.33 17 143 0.73 4.96 0.06 3.33 13 122 0 0 0.03 2.6 0.03 5 16 116 0.03 0.93 0.03 5 10 79 0 1 4.93 4.98 0.1 1.56 16 175 4.93 0.05 0 5 13 127 0 1 1.93 4.03 0.03 2.43 17 76 2.5 2.5 0.03 2.26 10 76 0 0 0 3.1 0 4.5 10 100 0 0.06 0 4.6 11 130 0 1 0.26 3.66 0.1 3.13 17 191 0.6 3.1 0.1 3.83 13 195 0 0 0 2.66 0 2.7 16 147 0.13 1.26 0 4.06 9 73 0 0 0.2 4.96 0 1.3 16 140 0.3 2.46 0 3.41 11 148 0 0 3.86 4.83 0.06 2.5 17 221 2 0.8 0.03 3.8 10 124 1 0 0.03 5 1.3 3.66 13 99 1.86 0 0 3.13 19 106 0 1 0.13 4.03 0 1.4 14 65 1.36 1.3 0 2.13 15 90 0 0 2.13 4.53 0.1 1.66 14 222 1.43 0.56 0.13 3.06 16 190 0 1 2 2.6 0 1.08 16 135 0.63 0 0 1.16 11 194 Page 160 APPENDIX J Experimental Data Set General Information Gender Age Exp with Exp with Prefer WWW Computer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 1 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 3 4 1 2 2.4 3.73 4.06 3.56 2.43 3.8 1.7 3.86 4.43 2.43 3.03 1.66 2.73 2.5 4.86 2.56 0.3 0.2 2.9 3.86 5 1.53 1.36 0.06 0.06 1.73 2.3 2.8 2.3 Note: Legend on last page 3.56 4.9 4.23 3.63 2.43 4.1 2.76 3.76 4.83 3.33 3.1 1.7 2.5 2.53 4.83 2.5 0.6 1.16 4.1 3.23 3.53 5 1.4 0.96 0.08 2.53 4.8 2.96 2.3 ________________________________________________________________________ Red Web site – Strict Hierarchy Blue Web site – Heavily Cross-linked Back History Comfort Nodes Task Back History Comfort Nodes Task Lost Red or Lost visited time visited time rating facility facility rating rating facility facility rating Blue usage usage usage usage First 1 0 0.16 4.2 0 3.76 13 97 1.1 0.16 0.03 1.3 14 100 1 1 0.6 4.2 0 2.96 13 80 3.1 0 0 1.43 14 118 1 1 0.2 4.73 0.23 4.46 13 69 0.76 0.5 0.33 2.3 17 169 1 1 0.8 3.9 0 4.9 13 112 0.8 4.36 0 3.1 17 198 1 1 0.36 4.5 0.1 4.13 10 70 3.1 0.13 0.1 2.56 13 151 0 0 0.03 1.8 0 4.93 16 117 0.33 0.26 0.03 4.53 13 120 0 0 0.33 3.13 0 3.6 17 232 0.3 0.5 0 4.63 13 94 0 0 0.47 4.9 0.13 0.16 21 163 4.96 4.93 0.1 0.2 15 105 0 0 1.03 2.86 0.2 3.13 13 75 0.76 2.83 0.23 2.63 15 72 0 0 2.03 3.26 0.3 2.9 14 95 1.5 2.06 2.53 2.9 16 89 0 1 1.83 4.2 4.26 4.1 17 146 0.26 3.9 0.16 4.2 13 141 0 0 1.33 4.66 0.53 3.4 13 217 3.5 4.66 0.76 4.26 11 72 1 1 1.6 4.7 0 3.53 13 84 2.63 3 0 2.93 15 122 0 1 2.36 4.16 0.5 0 16 176 0 0.76 0 3.83 13 110 0 1 0 0.25 0 3.1 9 40 0 0 0 4.83 11 49 1 1 4.73 4.36 0 4.8 14 175 3.23 1.4 0 4.46 38 528 1 1 2.53 4.76 0 4.46 13 152 4.73 2.53 0.03 4.1 35 458 0 0 0.3 4.8 0 3.73 20 285 0.3 1 0 4.8 12 79 0 1 0.8 3.6 0.33 4.9 15 118 0.08 4.96 0.05 3.6 9 109 1 1 0.1 4.5 0.03 4.66 13 145 0.9 0.2 0 1.9 15 152 0 0 2.43 5 0 2.73 12 72 0 0 0 5 10 142 0 1 3.16 4.2 0.1 1.86 16 257 2.4 3.7 0.1 3.7 15 139 0 0 1.03 3.2 2.3 3.03 20 512 2.86 3.96 1.36 4.5 16 245 0 0 1.5 4.07 0 2.53 16 507 1.33 0 0 3.56 12 140 0 0 3.9 4.5 0.1 1.66 16 384 0.53 1.43 0.06 2.06 12 97 1 0 1.56 4.6 0.26 2.6 13 123 3.33 1.06 0.23 1.16 12 164 1 0 3.73 4.16 0.1 3.93 14 158 3.46 4.5 0 3.76 18 159 1 1 0.97 4.6 0.2 3.83 18 169 4.43 0.07 0.1 0.4 26 390 0 0 2.37 4.9 0.07 4.95 18 359 1.2 2.87 0.07 1.23 14 146 Page 161 APPENDIX J Experimental Data Set General Information Gender Age Exp with Exp with Prefer WWW Computer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2.97 2.53 2.76 2.8 3.76 3.5 4.3 3.53 3.5 3.43 1.26 1.8 0 4.73 3.3 4.57 3.3 5 3.57 3.2 2.93 3.36 2.66 2.93 4.5 4.9 4.26 3.53 5 3.6 1.33 1.77 1.63 4.8 3.33 4.63 3.13 5 4.83 3.3 ________________________________________________________________________ Red Web site – Strict Hierarchy Blue Web site – Heavily Cross-linked Back History Comfort Nodes Task Back History Comfort Nodes Task Lost Red or Lost visited time visited time rating facility facility rating rating facility facility rating Blue usage usage usage usage First 0 0 1.47 4.37 0.1 3.17 15 173 1.33 0.03 0.03 4.37 16 141 0 0 1.76 1.27 0.26 0.97 20 339 3.4 0.2 0.2 2.46 12 90 1 1 3.03 2.53 0.63 1.4 16 183 3.3 2.03 0.47 1.4 11 198 0 0 1.37 4.43 0.2 2.2 17 145 1.7 4.1 1 1.63 10 134 1 1 0 4.95 0 4.3 14 72 4.83 0.26 0 0.33 50 433 0 1 2.06 4.47 0.03 0.13 17 126 2.23 0.3 0.03 2.5 11 88 0 0 3.3 3.73 0.67 2.33 19 203 1.3 3.23 0.33 4.23 14 69 0 1 2.3 3.8 0.1 2.17 17 122 0.46 3.9 0.03 3.2 15 98 0 0 1.03 3.23 0 3.63 17 169 0.77 1.87 0 3.23 15 117 1 0 0.6 4.1 0 4.2 20 196 2.5 0.1 0 2.73 14 126 0 1 1.7 2 2.7 2.6 12 121 1.46 2.5 1.83 2.46 16 343 0 0 1.16 4.97 0 3.73 18 217 1.47 0.43 0.03 4.07 15 173 0 1 3.6 4.4 0 3.13 18 281 2.07 3.7 0 2.6 10 99 1 0 3.4 3.97 0.23 3.1 17 202 4.17 4.33 0.13 2.43 16 287 0 0 0.13 4.5 0.07 4.77 18 199 0.03 0.7 0.05 4.87 11 51 0 0 3.23 3.43 0 2.4 10 63 0.97 0 0 3 21 107 0 0 0.5 2.06 0.2 3.06 14 114 0.46 2.93 0.3 3.7 10 71 0 0 0 3.3 0 5 16 102 0 2.73 0 5 15 82 1 0 0.87 4.77 0 4.3 18 136 2.67 4.1 0 1.13 14 72 1 1 4.77 4.8 0.1 2.87 13 158 3 0.1 0.06 2.37 34 348 Legend Gender 0 = male; 1 = female Note: Legend on last page Age 1 = 18-25; 2 = 26-32 3 = 33-40; 4 = 41-47 5 = Over 47 Prefer 0 = Blue Web site 1 = Red Web site Page 162 Red or Blue First 0 = Red Web site first 1 = Blue Web site first