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12th International Exhibition for Commercial Vehicles 10 - 14 September 2013 International Exhibition Center Crocus Expo Moscow / Russia www.auto-fairs.com COMTRANS – MEET YOUR POTENTIAL CLIENTS For the 12th time, manufacturers and suppliers in the Russian sector for commercial vehicles will be presenting their products, solutions and services at COMTRANS 2013 in Moscow. With 317 exhibitors, 47,200 sqm of exhibition space and 20,227 visitors in 2011, COMTRANS has developed into the industry‘s most important trade fair after IAA Hanover. In 2011, COMTRANS was included in the calendar of motor shows of the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers (OICA). This confirms the growing importance of COMTRANS not only for the Russian market, but for all of Eastern Europe and all CIS countries. RANGE OF EXHIBITS Trucks Buses & Minivans Vans & Pickups All-Terrain & Off-Road Vehicles Armored Vehicles Municipal Vehicles Special-Purpose Vehicles Trailers & Semitrailers Support & Maintenance Logistics & Transport Services Parts & Accessories Lubricants Tires Tools & Repair Equipment Leasing of Motor Vehicles Insurance Media Press Echo 2011 “The Russian truck market goes international” Commercial Motor, Great Britain, 11/2011 » Alle var på røde Comtrans « Anlegg & Transport, Norway, 11/2011 „Comtrans ist die größte Nutzfahrzeugmesse 2011“ Lastauto Omnibus, Germany, 09/2011 » Il Salone Delle Meraviglie? « Transporto, Italy, 10/2011 REVIEW NUMBER OF EXHIBITORS 232 2007 320 2008 2010 187 317 2011 No show in 2009 due to the retrogressive market in 2009 NUMBER OF VISITORS 14,690 2007 2008 2010 18,768 12,516 2011 20,227 No show in 2009 due to the retrogressive market in 2009 AMOUNT OF EXHIBITION SPACE 2007 23,255 30,899 2008 2010 22,293 2011 47,200 No show in 2009 due to the retrogressive market in 2009 VISITOR PROFILE 2011 24.84 % Managers / Engineers / Specialists 23.47 % Deputy Directors / Chief Engineers 20.64 % CEOs / Directors / Owners 15.33 % Others 10.70 % Drivers / Mechanics / Technicians 5.02 % Leading Specialists / Deputy Heads of Department RUSSIA’S MOST MODERN EXHIBITION CENTER Crocus Expo is located within the Crocus City Trade & Exhibition Center and is one of the largest and most successful exhibition venues in Russia. Today Crocus City offers various facilities such as a threestar hotel, one of the largest one-stop shopping centres in Russia, the exclusive Crocus City Mall, bars and restaurants. Crocus Expo International Exhibition Center was designed and constructed using modern building materials in accordance with the highest international architectural standards. Its core business is holding large international exhibitions of different profiles participated in by Russian and foreign companies. There are 19 exhibition halls at the centre, equipped according to the latest international standards, 49 conference rooms with all the necessary facilities for holding exhibition and congress events, presentations and seminars and meeting rooms of VIP class. Crocus Exhibition Centre also offers a perfect outdoor area which can be used as exhibition space for heavy-duty machinery, commercial and industrial vehicles and building shows. Excellent transport connections Since December 2009 Crocus Expo can be reached via the new underground station MYAKININSKAYA. COMTRANS visitors benefit from this additional alternative for their journey to the fairgrounds. PERFECT PRESENCE Complete your presence at COMTRANS 2013 and profit from the advertising alternatives at the fairgrounds. Additional information will be available as of April 2013. Eye-catching stands that are easy to organize: Optimize your presence at COMTRANS with IMAG. Additional information: www.imag-standdesign.com List of all COMTRANS exhibitors in 2011 3M RUSSIA | A. SILVA MATOS | ABIX TECHNOLOGY | ACHEMA JSC | ADS-TECHNIKA | ADVANCED SYSTEMS AND NETWORK | AGRISOVGAZ AMERICAN TRUCKS & PARTS EXPORT | ANHUI ANKAI AUTOMOBILE CO | ANTEO | ARKPRES EMNIYET KEMERI SAN. VE TIC. A.S. | ARMTEK ASSOCIATION OF RUSSIAN AUTOMAKERS, NP (ОАR) | ASTEYS | AURIDA | AUTO EQUIPMENT PLANT | AUTOCOMPONENTS AND PRICES AUTOEXPERT | AUTOMOBILE AND SERVICE | AUTOMOBILES AND PRICES | AUTOMOBILNY TRANSPORT | AUTOPANORAMA | AUTOPARK AUTOPARTUNIVEX | AUTOSPECOBORUDOVANIE | AUTOTRANSINFO | AVESTO-CENTRE | AVTOCOMTRANS | AVTODOM | AVTOOPYT | AVTOPARTNER | AY-SAN CANT KAPAKLARI VE CELIK SAN. TIC. LTD. STI. | AZIATSKY SHINNIY SOUZ | BAER CARGOLIFT | BALTIC LEASING GROUP BARCLAY HOLDING, LTD. | BEKIROGLU HIDROLIK PNOMATIK HIRDAVAT MAKINA VE BAGLANTI EKIPMANLARI SAN. TIC. LTD. STI. | BICMA BILEKSIM DIS TICARET VE PAZARLAMA A.S. | BINOTTO | BIZNESAVTOTORG | BLITZROTARY | BONUS | BORGWARNER | BORISOV PLANT AVTOHYDROUSILITEL | BOSTIK | BOT LEASE (EURASIA) | BPW-OST | BUSNEWS.RU | BUYUK EKER BIJON SAN. ve TIC. A.S. | BUYUKTEMIZ OTOMOTIV YEDEK PARCA SAN. TIC. LTD. STI. | CAMOZZI PNEVMATIKA | CENTRAL STORE | CENTRTRANSTEHMASH, LTD. | CHAIKA - SERVICE CHANGCHUN RONG DA YUAN TECHNOLOGY CO. | CHANGZHOU HAOBANG AUTOMOBILE SPARE PARTS CO | CHELYABINSK FORGE-ANDPRESS PLANT | CITROЁN RUSSIA | COFI EUROPE SRL | COMINVEST-AKMT | COMMERCIAL AUTO | COMMERCIAL TRANSPORT | COMPAGNIE DEUTSCH GMBH | CONTINENTAL | DAF TRUCKS | DELTALEASING | DHOLLANDIA | DIEZ | DIFA –AVK | DINRUS | DOSEMENLER TAR. VE SAN MAK.TIC VE SAN A.S | DTRUS | DYNASET OY | ECOTRUCK LTD | EKOFIL | EPK | ES ELEKTROSAN YILMAZ GORUSEN | ESREF KAPORTA – ESREF KURTULUS | ESREF KAROSER LTD. STI | EUROPART RUS | EUROPLAN | EUROPRICEP EURORESSORA LTD / ERS | EUROSPECTR EURO-SPEKTR | EVEN | EVERLAST LTD. | EVOBUS RUSSLAND | FAHRZEUGWERK BERNARD KRONE GMBH | FARBA OTOMOTIV AYDINLATMA VE PLASTIK FABR0KALARI A. S. | FASSI RUS | FAW -EASTERN EUROPE | FAYMONVILLE DISTRIBUTION AG | FELDBINDER | FERSA BEARINGS S.A | FIBROSAN GRP INC | FICHET SA | FJ GROUP RUSSIA | FORD MOTOR COMPANY | FORMULA OF LIGHT | FORTAS | FOSTER-CE | FOTON MOTOR | FRENELSA | FRIEDRICH GRAEPEL AG | FUSO KAMAZ TRUCKS | GALLAX | GAZ GROUP | GERMES | GIDRAVLIKOV GROUP | GIGA AVTO | GIGANT TRENKAMP & GEHLE GMBH | GLOBAL TRUCK SERVICE | GOMELSKY ARZ | GOODWILL HOLDING | GRUNWALD | GRUZ AVTOMEDIA | GRUZOVIK PRESS | GUANGDONG FUWA ENGINEERING MANUFACTURING CO. LTD | H.S. PENTA S.P.A. | HANGZHOU XINGYI METAL PRODUCTS | HAPPICH GMBH | HAYES LEMMERZ | HINO MOTORS SALES | HUBNER | HUEFFERMANN TRANSPORTSYSTEME GMBH HUROGLU AUTOMOTIVE CO. | HYUNDAI | HYVA RUSLAND | IDEA OTOMOTIV | IHR GMBH HOFMEISTER + RUMPF | IMAG GmbH | INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY Ltd | INFORMUNION MEDIA, PUBLISHING HOUSE | INTERCARGOTRUCK | INTERLEASING GROUP | INTERPUMP HYDRAULICS SPA IRC OTOMOTIV MAKINE VE SAN. TIC. A. S. | IRISBUS-IVECO/KAREX | ISIKSAN OTOMOTIV TEKS. INS. SAN. TIC. LTD. STI. | ISRINGHAUSEN GMBH & CO. KG | ISTOK | IVECO RUSSIA | JOST | KAESSBOHRER | KAMA PLANT RESERVOIR | KAMAZ | KARCHER | KARMIN | KASKAD KENDRION LINNIG GMBH | KNORR-BREMSE SYSTEMS FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLES | KOEGEL TRAILER GMBH & CO.KG | KOLUMAN MOTORLU ARACLAR TIC. VE SAN. A.S. | KOREA MOTORS | KORMAS ELEKTRIKLI MOTOR SAN. TIC. LTD. STI. | KRAZ | LINK | LIPE CLUTCHLIQUI MOLY LLK–INTERNATIONAL | LOHR VOSTOK TELEMATICS GROUP | MAN | MANAC-AUTO | MAZ | MB TRUCKS VOSTOK | MEDIA GLOBE MEGA DRIVE LTD. | MEGAVAN LTD | MEGUIN | MEILLER VOSTOK | MEKRA LANG GMBH & CO. KG | MERCEDES-BENZ RUS | MERCEDES-BENZ TRAILERAXLESYSTEMS | MEUSBURGER NOVTRUCK | MICHELIN RUSSIAN TYRE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, LTD | MINSK MOTOR PLANT MODENFLEX HYDRAULICS SRL | MOLPIR S.R.O. SLOVAKIA - FUNTORO EUROPEAN REPRESENTATIVE | MONIVA OTOMOTIV VE GIDA SAN. TIC. A. S. MRF - MECANIZADOS RODRIGUEZ FERNÁNDEZ | MUSTAFA CEYLAN HIDROLIK MAKINE SAN. VE TIC. A.S. | NC2 GLOBAL LLC NEO SYSTEMS LTD. | NIZHEGORODETS, ST, LLC | NORDIC TANK OY | NPO AVTOMASH | NPO ROSTAR, LLC | NURSAN TRAILER | OMEGA GROUP OMS MAKINA IMALAT SAN. VE TIC LTD. STI | OSMAN KOC TRAILER AXLE COMPANY | OSNOVNYE SREDSTVA, MAGAZINE | OTEM OZCIHAN MAKINA OZTEKNIK-IS KOLL. STI. | PADOAN SRL | PAI INDUSTRIES INC | PELICAN-AUTO, LTD. | PETROL PLUS REGION, LLC (division of international corporation FleetCor) | PETROMAKS, LTD | PETROMASTER, LTD | PEUGEOT RUSSIE | PILOT TASIT KOLTUKLARI SAN.VE TIC.A.S. POVERPLAST PLASTIK OTOMOTIV DIS TIC. VE SAN. A.S. | PRADA, LTD (SK LUBRICANTS) | PRAMOTRONIC, CJSC | PRIME DESIGN® EUROPE | PROMTENT, LLC | PTO MURAT MAKINA SAN. VE TIC. LTD. STI. | RADIY PC RPC | REIS, BUSINESS MAGAZINE | RENAULT TRUCKS VOSTOK, LLC | RIAT ROLFO S.P.A. | RUMELIA APS GROUP | USBUSINESSAUTO | USCOMTRANS | RUSINTEKHSERVICE | RUSSIAN BUSES - GAZ GROUP | RUSSIAN NAVIGATION TECHNOLOGIES, JSC | RYNOK AUTOZAPCHASTEY, MAGAZINE | SAF-HOLLAND RUS | SAVELL | SAYAR KARUSER EKIPMANLARI IML. VE PAZ. OTOM. SAN. TIC. LTD. STI. | SCANIA-RUS | SCHMITZ CARGOBULL | SCHRAUBEN MUN | SCOMA | SERIN MAKINA SAN. VE TIC. LTD. STI. | SFS-SYSTEMS | SHANDONG LINGLONG TYRE CO | SHANGHAI BNB AUTOPARTS MANUFACTURING CO. SINITTA | SIRIT TECHNOLOGY | SIV TRANSKHOLOD | SOLEXAUTO | SOROKIN®, TH | SPECTEKHNIKA ETC | SPETSBUKSIR | SPETSTECHNIKA GRUZOVYE AVTOMOBILI, MAGAZINE | SPITZER-RUS | STANDART | STORK CO | SUNFAB LTD | TAGANROG AUTOMOBILE PLANT (TAGAZ) | TECHNOMAGAZINE | TECHNOMAK LLC | TECHNOTRON | TEKAY YEDEK PARCA SAN. VE TIC. AS | TELMA SA | TEPLOSTAR, LTD. | TERMODINAMIK OTOMOTIV IKLIM LENDIRME SIST. SAN. VE DIS TIC. LTD. STI. | TEVOR, JSC | THE GERMAN PAVILION | THERMOKING | TOP-TRUCK, LTD | TRADE TECHNOTON, LLC | TRAILER PARTS SYSTEMS, LTD | TRAKAVTOPART | TRANS-AUTO, LLC | TRANSIZDAT, THE PUBLISHERS (PH PANORAMA) | TRANSLES TRANSPORT, ANALYTICAL MAGAZINE | TRANSTECHSERVICE | TRETIY RIM | TRITON-IMPORT | TRUCK EMPIRE SERVICE | TRUCKMOTORS TRUCKS & SPECIAL EQUIPMENT, MAGAZINE | TRUCKS.RU MAGAZINE, TRUCKS.RU LTD | TRUCKTRADER, MAGAZINE | TT CELIKYAY | TURBO ТRADE | TURBOTEKHNIKA, RPA | Ugspectehnika, journal | UNITED TRUCK SERVICES | United24 | UNIVERSAL KARDAN DETAIL, SPA UNKOM URAL TRAK MAGAZINE | URALAUTOPRICEP | V.ORLANDI S.P.A. | VALEO SERVICE RUSSIA | VB-AIRSUSPENSION B.V. | VIBRACOUSTIC | VOITH TURBO KAZAN GMBH | VOLGABUS, IPG | VOLKSWAGEN GROUP | VOLVO TRUCKS | VOMZ | VR TRAILER | WABCO | WEBASTO WIELTON | WIPRO INFRASTRUCTURE | WIRU | WITZENMANN | WUHU CIMC | XIAMEN KING LONG | IAMEN SUNRISE WHEEL GROUP | XIAMEN TINMY | XIAMEN WONDEE AUTOPARTS | YALCIN DORSE DAMPER | YIGIT METAL | ZANOTTI | ZF FRIEDRICHSHAFEN | ZHEJIANG DEZHONG AUTO PARTS | ZHEJIANG JINGU | ZT BUS ORGANIZER: INTERNATIONAL PARTNER: SUPPORTERS: Contact for exhibitors: MEDIA GLOBE IMAG OICA - The International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers OAR - Association of Russian Automakers VDA - The German Association of the Automotive Industry IMAG - Internationaler Messe- und Ausstellungsdienst GmbH Am Messesee 2, 81829 München / Germany Ms. Viola Baumgaertner E-mail: viola.baumgaertner@imag.de Tel.: (+49 89) 9 49 - 22 337, Fax: (+49 89) 9 49 - 22 350 www.auto-fairs.com
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