UMASS Sundial story (Cape Cod Times 1997)
UMASS Sundial story (Cape Cod Times 1997)
PRESS ASSOCIATED sunwheelshecreatedbehindthe AstronomvnrofessorfudithYoungstandsbesidethe Stonehenge'like inAmherst. campus a'il;ii';i6i6ffi ;t rh; iliversiti of Massachuset-ts $tin stone sunwheel uMasssportsstonehenge-like PRESS THEASSOCIATED AMHERST - UniversitY of MassachusettsastronomYProfessor Judith Young created her Stonehenge-likesunwheel behindthe school'sfootball stadium as an educationaltool. But standingin the centerof the giant stonecalendaron the autulnnal equinoxand watching the sun sei directlY into the opening of a lO-foot granite pbrtat dan also be a sPiritual experience,ghesaYs. alt really changesone's way of being,"she said."Because there is nothing to do but observe,watch, and notice.It's a very Quiet exPerience.You are connicted to-the earth and slry in a waYthat doesn'toften happen." 'ibmorrow marks the equinox, the dav the sun crossesthe celestiil equator,when daY is equalto night'Young,asshehas d6ne for more than a decade on suchdays,will hold an educational githering todaY and tomorrowat sunriseand sunset at the centerof the UMassSunwheel. a National ScienceFoundation grant and donationshave allowedYoungto add 14 larger stones,8-and l0'foot granite monoliths. Four of those create Portals through which the sun rises and setson the equinox' Thereare alsostonesto mark the moon's18.6YearcYclealong the horizon and to mark the setting directionsof the bright starsAldebaranand Sirius. It is not a rePlica of Stonethe ancientstonecircle henge, YOUNG ,UDITH but is similar to it E-ngland, in of Massachusetts University ancient stone other many and astronomY Prolessor calendars. Many peopleexpresssurPrise whentheylearnthatancientciv' suchan advanced The sunwheelis a 130-feet ilizationshad of the movementsof knowledge set stones with circle diameter system. along the circumference.TheY the solar that if You didn't them tell 'I a com' on directions mark the electronic gad' these all have passand where on the horizon you gets had is what is all and rise will the sun and moon of courseYou at, look to outside and set at various times of the there was out that figure would and vear,suchasthe equinoxes rePeats that skY in the cycle a lhe solstices- the longestand be would that and itsdlf, You shortestdaYsof thq Year. of track keeP it to use to Construdtionbegan in 1996 able time." with 12,2-foothigh stones,but "It'saveryquiet You expenence. Treconnected to theearthand sIryin a woY often thatdoesn't happen." wwur.umass.edulsunwheell events' andlistsupcoming photographs features project, thesunwheel thesiteexplains