AAD Newsletter (May 2014)
AAD Newsletter (May 2014)
A Volume 78 A D AAD News 2014 AAD Shrine Circus Thank You Circus Volunteers....from your Divan May 2014 Contacts for Clubs/Units AAD Shrine 5152 Miller Trunk Hwy Hermantown, MN 55811 (218) 722-7488 Fax (218) 723-8162 www.aadshrine.org dianne@aadshrine.org Potentate Ted Pavlovich tedpavlovich@hotmail.com Chief Rabban Richard Sellman dick@sellmanlawoffice.com Asistant Rabban Ron Pete creekcovera@aol.com High Priest & Prophet Donald Ewald ewaldent@yahoo.com Oriental Guide Paul Vizanko pvizan@aol.com Treasurer Charles Bergquist cbbergquist@gmail.com Recorder Gordon Granmoe shrinemanager@gmail.com Chief of Staff Kevin Baker kbakerabe@msn.com Membership Chairman Ron Pete creekcovera@aol.com Circus Coordinator Ryan Kern rkern@kernz.com Shrine Websites www.aadshrine.org Info about AAD Shriners Aadzuhman Shrine Club (Brainerd, MN) Meeting 1st Mon., 7pm Pete Siekas, 218-851-7719 Band Contact John Hussey, 218-729-7854 Duane Ege, Pres., 218-387-2177 Border Shrine Club (MN/ONT) Meeting 2nd Mon. (except Jul/Aug) 6pm Tom Haugland, 218-283-3897 North Star Cycle Patrol Brian Schmidt, 218-326-6556 North Star Shrine Club Bryan Maas, 218-32-9799 Oddmen Meeting 2nd Weds. (Sept - May) Paul Reinier, 218-391-6955 Oriental Band (Brainerd) Meeting 4th Weds., 7:30pm Don Crust, 218-831-6637 Chequamegon Shrine Club (Northern WI) 1st Thurs. 6pm Laurie Nourse, Jr, 715-209-1052 Pipes & Drums Meeting Weds., 6:30pm Thomas Anderson, 218-393-4180 Director’s Staff (Ceremonials) Ladies Night Out, 2nd Tues. 6pm Meeting 4th Tues., 7pm (Shrine) Gene Rands, 218-349-9000 Provost Unit (Golf Carts) Meeting 2nd Weds. (except Jul & Aug) Nick Katich, 2180310-7401 nikatich@yahoo.com Drum & Bugle Corps Meeting every Thurs. start in March, 7pm David Hartwick, 218-341-5302 Aad Shrine Building Dune Buggy Patrol Meeting 2nd and 4th Tues., 5:30pm Chuck Swanson, 218-391-9551 Headwaters Shrine Club Dennis Depew, 218-368-0458 uffda@paulbunyan.net Hospital Dads Roger Kurrle, 218-525-4414 Lake Superior Clowns of Aad Shrine Meeting 2nd Weds., Aad Shrine Bldg. Dennis Adkins, 218-600-0840 Mariners Meeting 3rd Mon., 6:15pm Chuck Haslerud, 218-525-3418 Mesaba Rangers 3rd Thurs. (except Jul, Aug, Nov, Dec) 5:30pm social, 6:30pm dinner John Sordi, 218-263-4428 Range Shrine Club (Hibbing Area) Jesse Baker, 218-929-2199 Range Shrine Patrol Karl Hnatko, 218-262-3374 Range Shrine Motor Patrol Robert Mayry, 218-231-2262 Ritual Divan Dick Sellman, 218-929-1624 Superior Shrine Club (WI) Meeting 4th Mon., 6pm (Jan-May, Sept-Nov) Kevin Baker, 715-392-6575, or 218-590-6669 Ver Saba Shrine Club (Rangers) Peter M Johnson, 218-749-2065 Vikings Shrine (Cloquet Area-Fire Truck) Meeting 3rd Tues., 6pm Dick Kern, P.P., 218-624-0971 www.shrinersvillage.com Membership number required www.beashriner.com For potential new members Articles for the next AAD News are due in the office no later than the 15th of each month. They can also be emailed to dianne@aadshrine.org or pvizan@aol.com Nobles, Please contact the office if you know of any brothers that are either homebound or residing in an assisted care facility. Brotherhood is what binds us together, so help us stay informed. 2 POTENTATE’S MESSAGE On behalf of your Divan I would like to thank everyone involved in making the first ever Bemidji and 69th Annual Duluth AAD Shrine Circus and Enchanted Tea Parties a success! Two new members to our Temple were installed this year at the Duluth Shrine Circus. We are looking forward to the Hibbing Shrine and Border Shrine Circus in May. It is not too late to sign up to volunteer. We are also in need of volunteers for the Friends of the AAD Shriners hot dog and brat sale May 7th-10th. Contact Roger Kurrle PP at 218-525-4414 or 590-6636 if you can help out at the Super One locations. The Divan and I attended AAD Shriners Noble night at Acacia-Itasca Masonic Lodge No 329 in Superior, Wisconsin this month. A wonderful meal was prepared for us and Ill. Sir Roger Kurrle PP and Noble Jack Byrd gave a Shriners Hospital presentation. I was asked to speak about our AAD Shrine to our fellow brothers and the many rewards about becoming an AAD Shriner. We hope to have many more of these events in the future with our Masonic brothers. I had the privilege of attending and presenting an AAD Shrine Grand Master Fez to Noble James A. Christensen on Saturday, April 5th in Brooklyn Park, MN. Noble Christensen was installed as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Minnesota. AAD Shrine is truly honored to have one of its Nobles as Grand Master of Minnesota. Lastly, I would like to invite you, your family and friends to attend the AAD Shriners Hospital Dad’s dinner on May 8th at the AAD Shrine Temple. Our Keynote speaker is Matt Wise. He will share his inspiring story of how the Shriners Hospital for Children played a large part in his life. We are also having Shriners Children Hospital visitation day Friday, May 16th in the Twin Cities. We are taking reservations for a bus for transportation to the event. Please call 722-7488 to RSVP for either event. Fellow Nobles, remember our motto, to have fun with a purpose - supporting the important mission of the Shriners Hospital for Children. I hope to see you at this year’s Hospital Dad’s dinner! Yours in Faith, Ted Pavlovich/Potentate 3 2014 AAD NEWS SUPPORTERS MEMORIALS AAD Provost Unit In Memory Of Brent Loberg & Jim Holmes Dave & Terry Andrews In Memory of Janet Jacobson ______________________________________________ DONATIONS Shriners Hospital Todd Johnson Gerald & Carol Carlson Hospital Day 2014 ATTENTION NOBLES, OLD & NEW: On May 16th, your Twin Cities Shrine Hospital will be hosting Shriners, their families and friends for another day of information and tours of the hospital. If you have never had the privilege to tour the hospital, this is a great opportunity to learn about the wonderful things that happen there. A bus will be departing from the AAD Shrine Center in the morning and will return by 6:00pm. All Shriners should experience this trip at least once to see for themselves the great work your fraternity provides to children from birth to age 18. A donation of $7 is recommended to help cover the cost of meals. Please call the Shrine Office @ 218-722-7488 to make your reservation. SUPPORTERS Clifford & Shirley Boe Roberta Nelson John Haveman Dick & Shirley Kern PP Dune Buggy Patrol Ronald Pete Darlene Carlson L Marshall Johnson Thomas K Woods Floyd H Mattin Clarence & Sandy Lundquist Jane M Kempton Frederick K Tanner Pat Chupurdia (2yr) Lawrence & Yvonne Quam Warren Kirsch Erving & Lila McKenzie T.K. Woods Herluf & Joanna Christenson Walter Carlson Alfred & Marilyn Persch Richard & Janice Parish Scott & Tracy Twining Babe & Lorrayne Glazman PP Michael S Katich Nick & Jenni Katich Roger W Hartzberg Bob & Diane Johnson Ann & Bob Mars Fred & Betty Nylander Kenneth J Spangler James & Nancy Fisher PP Adren & Evelyn Mann Victor Anderson Don & Janet Ewal Bill & Doris Luhm PP E T Johnson Harold Eck & Margaret Smith Richard & Susan Stebbins PP Elton Klienendorst Robert & Mariann Wihela Roger & LaVonne Kurle PP John & Bonnie Gibson Gerald Geisert PP Kenneth & Patricia Boyd Arnold & Virginia Connor Carl Lindgren Merton & Delores Rima Ted & Rae Ann Pavlovich Richard Moncel PP Joy Moncel Clifford & Mickey Wiklund Kenneth & Ernestine Larso Kent & Heidi Lagro GW & Donna Phillips Gerald Veillet John & Debbi Thorstad Audrey & Cliff Kolquist Roderic Campbell Gene & Louann Rands Border Shrine Club David & Jeanne Hartwick Ronald & Linda Stone David & Susan Olson Harry Pearson Barb & Jon Nylander Thomas K Woods John Haveman PP Donald Grubich Steve & Kym Kovacic PP Kenneth & Nancy Lahti Donald & Nancy Moline Dennis & Mary Lou Telega Marv & Marlene Iverson Les & Ruth Swanson Harry Pearson Want to see your name on this list? Just mail $25 to the AAD News at the Shrine Office. 4 “The Shrine Circus Is Coming To Bemidji!” That was what we heard every time we dropped a poster off to an area business to display. Judging by the local response of attendees, it appeared we had a success! Over 4000 grandpas, grandmas, moms and dads and of course, THE KIDS, came to watch the show before it hit Duluth on Wednesday and Thursday. Yours truly was in charge of the elephant poo trailer. I brought a 16 foot by 8 foot sided trailer and in three nights it was full. I still need help unloading. Any takers? The Circus Committee was very pleased with the all the support from the local Headwaters Shriners, Duluth Shriners and everyone else who pitched in to put on our first circus in the First City on the Mississippi. This first year, we wanted to see what the local support was, as it consisted only of Aad Shriners from the Bemidji area and we were very pleased. Unfortunately, we have unintentionally stepped on some toes with some other Headwaters Shriners wearing other fez’s. However, we are attempting to smooth things over with them and next year, the circus will be open to any and all Shriners and their Ladies. We limited the Shriner involvement to clowning and selling cotton candy. Roger Kurrle P.P. was in charge of the fluffy stuff. We were a little short at first; however, Nobles Jon Labraaten and Scott Winger came in early and pitched in. Jon, coming from work, stripped off his suit coat and made cotton candy in his dress shirt and tie. Photos of Iron Man were taken by Lady Kathy, Dianne and Casey; the five clowns, Puddles , Toddles, Rails, Pepper and myself tied balloons until our fingers cramped up. PETA showed up in a weak force and while walking by into the Sanford Center, Toddles overheard one little boy, “picketing” with mom, say to a buddy going into the show, “Where are you going?” The friend replied, “The Circus!” The “picketing” little boy said to his mom, “Mom, can I go to the Circus?” The Department of State declared PETA as a terrorism organization, which they lived up to with the over 60,000 emails they sent to the Sanford Center and our Ill. Sir Ted. So I guess they care about animals but not their own kids standing out in the cold holding signs not knowing what they say. A true shame! Divans come and Divans go, and I wish to say a big thank you our current Divan and their attendance. Our Ill. Sir Ted cut his vacation short to be there and we all need to thank him for doing that! Yours In Faith “AND FUN” Skippy 5 MEMBERSHIP NEWS Nobles, this may be the biggest news yet for increasing membership in our Shrine! Effective March 4, 2014, your Divan has adopted TWO NEW POLICIES. The first one is to get more new members. It is called TWO FOR DUES. It’s a very simple plan and it has proved to be very effective in other Shrines. Here’s how it works: You be the first line signer on two petitions for membership, and YOUR dues for 2015 will be covered by Aad Shriners. Get two new members and you don’t pay dues next year. How easy is that? The second one is to RECOVER some of our nobles who have slipped from our rolls. This is a one-time offer only. Find a member who was dropped for non-payment of dues and tell him that for this one-time, and one-time only, he can become a paid up member just by paying his 2014 dues. No matter how long he has been out of good standing, he can once again become an active member of Aad Shriners by paying only $79.00! A list will be kept in the office and this can only be done ONE TIME. It is a great way to get some of our former members back into active status. These two new programs should definitely be an incentive to all of us to find new members and to recover some of our former members who, for whatever reason, failed or neglected to pay their dues in past years. We have a number of events coming up including the HOT SANDS on June 21. Let’s have the biggest class of candidates that we have seen in recent years. Remember, the future of Aad Shriners lies in the hands of every member. Will you do your part? Let’s make every event a MEMBERSHIP EVENT! OFFICIAL CALL OF THE POTENTATE Notice is hereby given that the scheduled Stated Session of Aad Shriners will be held at the time and place shown below. May 6th, 2014 Aad Shrine Building 5:30 pm Social 6:00 pm Dinner/$5.00 7:00 pm Meeting 6 AAD SHRINE RITUAL INITIATION CEREMONY AAD SHRINE CENTER SATURDAY JUNE 21, 2014 CANDIDATES, NOBLES, LADIES, SPOUSES, FAMILY & FRIENDS DETAILS TO FOLLOW IN JUNE ISSUE OF AAD NEWS Nobles Of AAD For the last fifteen years we have sold hot dogs and brats with all of the proceeds donated to the Twin Cities Hospital. We have worked in tandem with the Knights Of Columbus since the beginning of this fundraiser.. This year AAD Shriners will be leading the effort and will need Nobles to help with the different locations. The fundraiser will run from Wednesday, May 7th - Saturday, May 10th at Super One locations. Please call Roger Kurrle @ 218-590-6636 or 218-525-4412 to sign up or to inquire about this great cause. Circus Appreciation Dinner The AAD Shrine Circus Volunteer Appreciation Dinner will be held on Wednesday, April 30th at Grandma’s Sports Garden. The Event will take place beginning at 5:30 and all volunteers are encouraged to attend. Honored Ladies Duluth AAD Shrine Dune Buggy Patrol Greetings from the Dune Buggy Patrol Unit The Honored Ladies will meet at Valentini's, 14th Avenue East & London Road, Monday, April 28, 2014, at Noon If you need a ride, please call Bonnie at 727-4505. Also, if you have a toy, that you forgot to bring for Christmas, now would be a good time to bring it for the children at the hospital. I hope to see all of you in April. Let's make a good showing. Bonnie Roth, President Duluth Honored Ladies See Our Updated Website! www.aadshrine.org Many thanks to Jeremy Carlson and Ryan Kern for all the work they’ve put into its great new look! Welcome New Nobles! Chad Hughes & Chad Ricketson We have started off 2014 with some busy planning and activities. The Dune Buggy Patrol plans to participate in the Imperial Motor Corp Competition slated for Monday, July 7, at the Blaine Municipal Airport. Now that we’ve been re-initiated to competition (MSA 2013), we fell we want to get better with our routines and make the Aad Shrine proud of the Dune Buggy Patrol at Imperial. We also plan to participate in the Imperial Parade in the Imperial Parade in Downtown Minneapolis on Tuesday, July 8. Imperial will be a lot of fun for all of us! We also plan to participate in about 14 parades this summer. Parades are a good revenue producer for our unit and they keep the Aad Shrine out in the public’s eye. Our Annual Vidalia Onion Sale will be conducted in early May this year. This past December, Illustrious Sir Paul Reinier was ceremoniously designated “Onion Man of the Year” with a presentation of a Red “Onion Man” jacket for his efforts in selling Vidalia onions last year. Keep up the good work, Paul! We understand that about 40% of the growers in Georgia suffered crop loss with the winter storms/freezing that recently occurred. Our grower was not affected and has promised to hold the price on our Vidalia onions! They will be selling for $12/10# bag (same as last year). We’ll be announcing the sale date through several media outlets in advance of the sale, so you’ll have plenty of notice to stop by one of our sale locations to pick up your onions. At the urging of Nobles Mike Daigle and Scott Twining, we have begun the process of thoroughly going over the Buggies to make certain they are in top mechanical condition. Last fall, with the help of Gary Berg (VW expert and friend of several members) assisted us in rebuilding the engine in Buggy #4. It was a great learning experience for us in the unit, to learn more about mechanical maintenance and how the VW engines are “designed” to run. Mike & Scott spearheaded the take down of Buggy #1 beginning in January (still work in progress) in Scott’s “heated garage”. Several members assisted in taking the body off the car, welding cracks in the uni-body, repairing seat slides, replacing kingpins, adding two chambered master brake cylinders, new clutch cable/guide, replacement of steering box seals, transaxle boots, brake lines, welding/reinforcing front end supports, new exhaust pipes, and many other items. We will need to go through every car to be certain they are in optimal condition for their age (early 60’s). We would like to welcome the following new members to our unit: Taras Lendzyk, Dave Nelson, and Greg Guenard (previous member). We also welcome any new applicants to our unit. Feel free to call me on my cell at 612-910-2614 to request an application. Chuck Haslerud - President 7 AAD NEWS NON PROFIT ORG 5152 Miller Trunk Hwy Hermantown, MN 55811 US POSTAGE PAID DULUTH, MN PERMIT NO. 51 May Schedule of Events May 2nd - 4th - Hibbing Circus May 6th - Stated Meeting May 7th - 10th - Hot Dog & Brat Hospital Fundraiser May 8th - Hospital Dad’s Dinner & Program May 16th - Hospital Visitation in Twin Cities That’s All Folks!!!
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