UN in Indonesia - United Nations in Indonesia


UN in Indonesia - United Nations in Indonesia
November 2014
A labourer is busy
removing roots from a
padi field before the new
planting season begins.
The sediment that
remained after the
tsunami was devastating
for crops. UNDP
supported the excavation
and rejuvenation of the
soil in many areas of
Aceh so farmers could
work again in their
original trade.
Dru Maasepp/UNCG Indonesia
Aceh Tsunami 10 Years On
In the early hours of the morning of Sunday, 26 December
2004, a massive earthquake measuring 9.0 on the Richter
scale struck the west coast of northern Sumatra. The
epicentre was some 30 kilometres under the seabed and 250
kilometres south-southwest of Banda Aceh.
The disaster predominantly affected poor communities where
people lived on marginal land. Their livelihoods were
destroyed and they were been stripped of the few assets
they possessed. External assistance was essential to provide
the basis for recovery.
The quake triggered powerful tsunamis reaching ten metres
in height, flooding coastal areas and wiping away homes and
buildings, roads and bridges, water and electricity supplies,
crops, irrigation and fishery infrastructure, food and fuel
Worldwide solidarity with the affected populations was swift
and generous, and an unprecedented international relief
effort involved a number of UN agencies took place.
In the affected areas, economic life ground to
businesses collapsed. Millions of people saw their
and communities torn apart. The trauma caused
devastating catastrophe cannot be underestimated.
On this anniversary, we reflect on what has been achieved
over the past decade since the disaster, and celebrate the
a halt; resilience of the Indonesian people who have endured one of
families the worst tragedies the country has ever known. Read more
by this about the UN’s involvement in the Aceh tsunami recovery
online: unic-jakarta.org/aceh-10
Dru Maasepp/UNCG Indonesia
Dru Maasepp/UNCG Indonesia
Tsunami survivor Faisal Amin stands next to his wife inside a
warehouse that stores his recently harvested shallots. Ten years
after the tsunami, Faisal is now back to producing rice after
UNDP helped him clear his field from tsunami debris.
Aceh Tsunami - 10 Years On
UN Voices from the Tsunami
Indonesia Celebrates UN Day
World-First REDD+ Academy Launches
A dock worker stands in front of the tent he helped build after the tsunami
in 2004 to store food for the thousands left without. The warehouse is
now used for the forklifts and appliances WFP supplied to Aceh’s docks.
Empowering Indonesian Domestic Workers
Progress & Challenges for HIV/AIDS and Sex Work
New resources from the UN
Looking Ahead Calendar
UN IN INDONESIA November 2014
UN Voices from the Tsunami
Q&A with UNICEF’s Budhi
When Aceh was hit by the tsunami in 2004, humanitarian
worker Budhi Setiawan was working in Thailand. After
watching the disaster on TV, he called his boss to say that
he wanted to help out in the disaster relief in his home
country - his boss understood. Soon after, Budhi was
working with UNICEF helping them set up healthcare
facilities for displaced people.
What were the biggest challenges you encountered?
There were so many challenges. Perhaps the greatest
challenge was actually coordinating response, due to the
huge amount of actors, funds, supplies, and equipment. We
were really required to be able to work and coordinate
together, and that was actually the hardest thing in such a
huge response, because there were a lot of people, and also
a lot of interests, even though we have the same target,
which is to help the citizens.
What was most remarkable about your experience
working in Aceh?
The thing that I remember the most was actually when we
succeed moving health agencies, and reopened it in places
that need it. And it was a tough and challenging process,
especially at that time, because there was Free Aceh
Movement (GAM) there.
Budhi Setiawan worked on the tsunami disaster relief with UNICEF,
helping to set up healthcare facilities for displaced people.
“The whole world learned from
the tsunami in Aceh, and the
support that the UN provides.”
Budhi Setiawan, UNICEF
Dru Maasepp/UNCG Indonesia
So the most remarkable thing about tsunami, which I can still
feel right now, is how a disaster actually can make or create
peace, when combatants went down from the mountain and
also join in helping the citizens. So if I can actually take a
lesson from the disaster, the blessing in disguise, the silver
lining, was that the disaster actually initiated the peace.
What was the value to Indonesia of UN support in the
relief and reconstruction efforts?
The lessons that we obtained from what happened in Aceh
are actually not only for Aceh, but also a lesson for disaster
risk reduction in Indonesia and the world. The whole world
learned from the tsunami in Aceh, and the support that the
UN provides. Even the other UN agencies from other
countries learned from UNICEF Indonesia about the
response, rehabilitation and reconstruction in Aceh.
A health worker vaccinates a baby against measles at a community
health clinic in Banda Aceh. WHO works the local community on a
village level to educate new mothers, and provides manuals and
training for the nurses who administer the vaccines and blood tests.
Dru Maasepp/UNCG Indonesia
Children in Bankit Aceh wait patiently in line to wash their hands at a centre for children aged 0-6.
Before the Tsunami there were no preschools or day cares - these locally run Early Childhood
Development centres are a blend of the two. After the Tsunami UNICEF set up these centres, and
there are now 214 villages which have similar programs in Aceh Besar.
UN IN INDONESIA November 2014
UN4U reaches out to
Indonesian youth
UNIC Jakarta
The UN Day celebration at Universitas Budi Luhur (UBL)
was part of the UN4U Indonesia campaign, which since
2010 has been engaging young people, particularly
students and junior faculty at university campuses, with the
work and values of the United Nations, through a series of
lectures and presentations with representatives of the UN
and its specialized agencies, funds and programs.
In 2014, the UN in Indonesia held 16 events that engaged
4,156 participants from 27 provinces across the country.
These events included information fairs that involved 16 UN
agencies, a speakers’ corner with 6 UN agencies, and a
talk-show via Skype with the UN's Office for the
Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
One of the thousands of students across Indonesia
that participated in the UN4U campaign in 2014.
Celebrating UN Day
Indonesia’s role in peacekeeping,” he said in his keynote
speech. The UN Resident Coordinator in Indonesia, Douglas
Broderick, further reflected on Indonesia's role in the
The UN in Indonesia marked United Nations Day with a international community, urging all Indonesians to continue
special event hosted by Universitas Budi Luhur (UBL) in supporting the principles and values of the United Nations.
South Jakarta that celebrated both the achievements of the
organization and the important contributions that Indonesia Mr Broderick also commemorated Haitian international
has made to the United Nations.
peacekeeper Dr Mario A. Agustin with the Dag Hammarskjold
Medal in the Service of Peace. Dr Agustin died whilst in
Indonesia's role at the UN during the week was reaffirmed service to the United Nations Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT)
through its re-election for a second term to the UN Human in 2012. For his service to the United Nations, the medal was
Rights Council, and the country remains one of the top 20 presented to his Indonesian family, represented by his widow,
contributors to the UN's peacekeeping operations, with close Maretta Suderia.
to 2000 police, military experts and troops currently in the
UNIC Jakarta
Indonesia has also made significant progress towards
achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs),
reaching the MDG target for rates of tuberculosis in 2011, and
halving the rate of child mortality, among others.
Delivering the keynote address, Indonesia's Director General
for Multilateral Affairs and former ambassador to the United
Nations, H.E. Hasan Kleib, spoke about Indonesia’s role in
international peacekeeping operations.
“Indonesia, as a peace-loving country, will continue to
contribute to international peacekeeping operations. To send
a peacekeeper is an added value to the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs as it raises our credentials, and to bring attention to
UN Resident Coordinator in Indonesia, Douglas Broderick, browses
some of the resources available for students at the UN Day celebrations.
Students at UBL take
advantage of the resources
made available to them at the
UN Day celebrations. The day
was an opportunity for young
people to learn more about
the work of the UN, and speak
to staff members.
UNIC Jakarta
UN IN INDONESIA November 2014
World-First REDD+ Academy Launches
Coming Together to Combat Deforestation
UNIC Jakarta
Two men from Semoyo Village
demonstrate to the REDD+ Academy
participants how to calculate carbon
stored in trees. As part of the REDD+
Academy, media participants visited the
designated Conservation Area Village
where local initiatives are underway there
to get a head start on carbon storage
through sustainable forest management.
The world's first REDD+ Academy launched in Yogyakarta in
October, designed to energise efforts to combat deforestation
by creating financial value for carbon stored in forests. The
event brought together 83 representatives from Asia-Pacific
governments, Indonesian parliamentarians and the media.
The REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and
Forest Degradation) Academy is a new initiative that aims to
bolster the progress that many governments are making
towards integrating environmental sustainability and
economic development. The training program in Yogyakarta
is the first in a series of global events to maintain momentum
for the transition to a “green economy”.
Speaking at the opening ceremony, the Head of Indonesia's
National REDD+ Agency, H.E. Mr. Heru Prasetyo,
emphasised the need to continue coming together to work
on these issues into the future. “This is a catalyst to action
within and throughout national societies. It aims to equip all
of you with the tools to understand what sustainability means
in relation to forests, and the costs of not pursuing it,” he
Empowering Indonesian Home Workers
together with local civil society organization, Bitra, and is
funded by the Australian government. The project promotes
the welfare and empowerment of poor women in Indonesia,
with focus on women home workers.
Home workers are particularly vulnerable because they lack
adequate legal protection and work in isolation with weak
bargaining power. They are engaged through informal
arrangements without written contracts, and often receive
less than the minimum wage, work very long hours, and have
no security of employment.
With more knowledge about their rights as workers, Juliani
and her fellow workers felt confident to approach their
employers, demanding a raise. “The collectors as the
representatives of the company were upset with our demand.
They did not want to discuss it,” said Juliani.
Juliani is one of the many women to benefit from ILO’s Access to
Employment and Decent Work for Women project.
September was an unforgettable month for Juliani, a 31-yearold home worker from Deli Serdang, North Sumatra. For the
first time, she and several other home workers had courage
to demand a pay rise. “I never had the courage to talk to my
employer about my problems before. But I feel I have more
knowledge and courage now,” says Juliani.
Yet, she refused to give up. She then personally talked to the
collectors again in a sensible manner, explaining that the
demanded raise was to cover the increased costs for
transportation and materials. “Applying what I have learned
from the trainings, I asked them to consider our demand
since we have never asked for a raise,” she added.
In the end, her courage yielded a result, not only for her but
also for all members of her group. “We are all so excited with
this good news.” Juliani has set up personal goals to
continuously strengthen her skills, get better income and
improve her working conditions. She even talked to her
husband about equality and how she appreciated her
Juliani is just one of the many women to benefit from ILO's husband contribution to the house works and her contribution
(International Labour Organization) Access to Employment to their household’s economy. “Moving forward is my current
and Decent Work for Women (MAMPU) project, which works life principle."
UN IN INDONESIA November 2014
HIV/AIDS and Sex Work
Progress and Challenges
Indonesia has registered some significant successes in the national development plans as key achievements -- along
combating HIV and AIDS, even as some local administrations with the exponential expansion of test and treat services.
have begun to criminalize or shut down commercial sex
venues such as the notorious Dolly district in Surabaya.
These efforts appear to have lead Indonesia to a point where
HIV infections are dropping among intravenous drug users,
This was the message from Dr. Nafsiah Mboi, former Minister and stabilizing among female sex workers – although experts
of Health (2012-2014) and former head of the National AIDS agree that they are still increasing among men who have sex
Commission (2006-2012), speaking at a recent panel with men.
discussion on human trafficking, prostitution, and HIV/AIDS
i n I n d o n e s i a o rg a n i z e d b y t h e J a k a r t a F o r e i g n UNAIDS Senior Policy Advisor David Bridger called for a
Correspondents Club (JFCC).
pragmatic approach to prevention as increased access to
condoms and comprehensive clinical services has been
“It’s a very complex problem, but we also have progress,” proven to reduce risk of HIV. He warned that evidence-based
Nafsiah Mboi said, arguing that the 2005-2013 period policy should not be replaced by “policy-based evidence” of
showed a big impact in combating AIDS as “a concentrated groups with special political agendas.
epidemic among key affected populations.”
Inang Winarso, the Executive Director of the Indonesian
Planned Parenthood Association (PKBI) explained that some
local governments are making the situation more difficult by
criminalising sex workers instead of protecting them, pointing
out that tens of thousands of sexually exploited women are
girls between 12 and 17 years of age. “This situation makes
women more vulnerable to exploitation and disease,
including HIV/AIDS,” he said.
Describing her efforts in a political context where it is “easier
to talk about treatment than about condoms,” Dr. Mboi
detailed the legal protections extended to intravenous drug
users, the policy mainstreaming HIV/AIDS treatment efforts in
World AIDS Day
1 December
UNAIDS has launched a report for World AIDS Day
entitled Fast-Track: Ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030.
The report lays out a set of bold, new fast-track targets
to be reached over the next five years to ensure that the
world will end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.
Read the report online: www.unaids.org UN IN INDONESIA November 2014
New Resources from the UN
Humanitarian Affairs
Humanitarianism in the Age of Cyber-warfare: Towards
the Principled and Secure Use of Information in
Humanitarian Emergencies
Humanitarian assistance is driven by information. From early
warnings to needs assessments to final evaluations,
information determines priorities and resource allocation. To
deal with the challenges that come along with the "Network
Age", recommendations were made for the humanitarian
Global Ebola Response
The UN system and the international community are coming sector to develop robust ethical guidelines for the use of
together as never before to deliver a rapid, robust and information. This report looks in more depth at these issues
effective response to help the Governments and the people and makes recommendations to ensure that emerging
technology is used responsibly.
of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
PDF: un4.me/1rn2tyB
UNHCR Policy on Alternatives
to Camps
Refugee camps remain an
important feature of the
humanitarian landscape. Some
forty percent of all refugees live in
camps, most often because they
have no alternatives. Government
in many countries hosting
refugees have concluded that the
disadvantages of camps outweigh
the justifications. They have
Human Rights
decided not to establish camps.
Alternatives to camps exist today
The Economic, Social and and the purpose of the policy is to build upon and expand
Cultural Rights of Migrants in such good practices.
an Irregular Situation
This new publication by the Office
of the UN High Commissioner for So close, yet so far from safety (UNHCR)
Human Rights offers a rich The UN Refugee Agency has reported that new data on
resource for policymakers in irregular crossings of the Mediterranean in the third quarter of
governments, national human the year show an alarming increase in the numbers of people
rights institutions, civil society, perishing while attempting to make the journey to Europe.
lawyers, judges and migrants While the full reasons for this year's increases are not known,
themselves to understand the a number of factors appear to be involved. One is the
scope and content of the human situation in Libya. There, insecurity has hit vulnerable groups
rights of migrants in an irregular such as asylum seekers and migrants from sub-Saharan
situation, such as the right to Africa or the Middle East hard – prompting many to flee.
health, to education, to an adequate standard of living, to Report: www.unhcr.org/542c07e39.html
social security, and to just and favourable conditions of work. Press Release: www.unhcr.org/542cfe899.html
UNRIC Library Backgrounder: EBOLA
Ebola virus disease (formerly known as Ebola haemorrhagic
fever) is a severe, often fatal illness, with a death rate of up
to 90%. Ebola first appeared in 1976 in two simultaneous
outbreaks, one in a village near the Ebola River in the
Democratic Republic of Congo, and the other in Sudan. In
March 2014, a rapidly evolving outbreak of Ebola
haemorrhagic fever started in Guinea, and subsequently
spread to Liberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Senegal.
Moving Away from the Death Penalty - Arguments, Trends
and Perspectives (OHCHR)
Today, more than four out of five countries have either
abolished the death penalty or do not practice it. This book
provides arguments and analysis, reviews trends and shares
perspectives on moving away from the death penalty. In
2013, there were at least 778 documented executions in 22
Peace and Security
Fact Sheet: United Nations Peacekeeping Operations
Fact Sheet: United Nations Political and Peacebuilding
UN IN INDONESIA November 2014
New Resources from the UN
Economic and Social Affairs
Climate Change 2014:
Impacts, Adaptation, and
Wo r k i n g G r o u p I I o f t h e
Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change launched the
full version of its contribution to
the IPCC Fifth Assessment
Report. This report gives the
most comprehensive look to
date at the widespread impacts
and risks of climate change and
the opportunities for response. The
full version of the Working Group II report includes a
Summary for Policymakers, a Technical Summary, 30
assessment chapters, cross-chapter boxes, frequently asked
Global Biodiversity Outlook 4
questions, and high-resolution graphics.
Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO) is the flagship publication
of the Convention on Biological Diversity. It is a periodic
report that summarizes the latest data on the status and
The Importance of Mangroves
trends of biodiversity and draws conclusions relevant to the
to People: A Call to Action
further implementation of the Convention. GBO4 shows that
Mangroves are a type of tropical
there has been significant progress towards meeting some
forest, uniquely positioned at the
dynamic interface of land and components of the majority of the Aichi Biodiversity Targets.
However, in most cases, additional action is required to keep
sea, prospering in conditions to
the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 on course.
which only a few species have
adapted. Mangroves form the
foundation of a highly productive
and biologically rich ecosystem
Climate Change
which provides a home and
feeding ground for a wide range
How the United Nations System
of species, many of which are
Supports Ambitious Action on
endangered, and provide an array of essential goods and
Climate Change
services which contribute significantly to the livelihoods,
This brochure has been produced
well-being and security of coastal communities.
by the nearly 40 UN specialized
agencies, funds, programmes and
other bodies. It aims to show how
World Survey on the Role of
the diverse entities of the UN
Women in Development 2014:
system work together and with
Gender Equality and
partners to support ambitious
Sustainable Development
action on climate change at the
The World Survey 2014, issued
regional and national level.
every five years, focuses this
and multidisciplinary
year on the theme of gender
by the UN system,
equality and sustainable
UN and other
development by examining a
select range of issues that are
fundamental to women’s lives and
are strategic for achieving gender
equality and sustainability. These illustrate how the UN system is working globally, regionally
include: patterns of growth, employment generation and the and nationally around the world.
role of public goods; food production, distribution and un4.me/10ds9bC
consumption; population dynamics and women’s bodily
integrity; and water, sanitation and energy.
The State of Food and
Agriculture 2014: Innovation in
family farming
Nine out of ten of the world's 570
million farms are managed by
families, making the family farm
the predominant of agriculture,
and consequently a potentially
crucial agent of change in
achieving sustainable food
security and in eradicating hunger
in the future. Family farms
produce about 80 percent of the
world's food. Their prevalence and output mean they "are
vital to the solution of the hunger problem" afflicting more
than 800 million people.
Subscribe: UNRIC Library Newsletter
UN IN INDONESIA November 2014
Looking Ahead Calendar
19 19 19-20
24-25 24-25 24-26 25 25 25-10
27-28 28 28 28-5 29 UN Staff Association Day
World Toilet Day: Launch of Tinju Tinja campaign [UNICEF]
Activate Talks: The Role of Young People in Addressing Child Rights in Indonesia, Goethe Institut, Jakarta
Universal Children's Day / 25th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child [UNICEF]
World Philosophy Day
Media Awards [UNICEF]
World Television Day
Ceremony of Commemoration for the 10th Anniversary of the Aceh Tsunami [MMAF and BNPB]
Asia regional preparatory workshop for global meeting of the Indigenous Peoples' Forum, Jakarta [Tebtebba
Foundation and AMAN, with IFAD]
International Seminar on 10th year commemoration of the Indian Ocean Tsunami, Borobudor Hotel, Jakarta
International Conference on The Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning and Mitigation System 10 years after the
Indian Ocean Tsunami, Auditorium BMKG Jakarta [UNESCO, IOC, BMKG]
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
Youth Pledge: Guiding Principles on Youth Participation in Peacebuilding Programs, @america Pacific Place,
Jakarta [UNFPA]
16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence
International Conference on Data Innovation for Policy Makers and Beyond, Bali [Pulse Lab Jakarta, KSI,
UNDP Innovation Facility, Bappenas]
World Rabies Day [FAO]
Launching of the State of World Population Report 2014: The Power of 1.8 Billion: Adolescent, Youth and
the Transformation of the Future, Jakarta [MHDC, MYS, BKKBN, UNFPA]
Youth Blast: Young Leaders Driving Social Change [UNFPA]
International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People: Seminar and Photo Exhibitions, Jakarta [MoFA,
Embassy of Palestine, UNRWA, UNIC Jakarta, UNRC]
International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People
16 16-17
18 20
25-28 World AIDS Day
UNFCCC COP 20 in Lima, Peru
Launch of “Safety Pin” Application [UNWOMEN]
International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development
World Soil Day
International Civil Aviation Day
International Anti-Corruption Day
Fesitval Antikorupsi 2014, Yogyakarta [UNODC, KPK]
Human Rights Day [MLHR, KOMNAS HAM]
ILO Director-General Guy Ryder visit to Indonesia
International Mountain Day
Survey on Masculinity and Gender-Based Violence [UN Women]
Panasonic LED Lamp Partnership: Contribution to World Heritage in Indonesia, Prambanan Temple,
Yogyakarta [UNESCO and Panasonic]
ITU-ASEAN Forum on Social Media: Trends, Opportunities, and Regulatory Challenges
International Migrants Day
International Human Solidarity Day
Aceh Province Tsunami Commemoration
The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the official views or policies of the United Nations. The
information herein may be freely reproduced. UN IN INDONESIA is published electronically by the United Nations
Information Centre, Jakarta.
Email: unic.jakarta@unic.org