paradeofhomes/ - Home Builders Association of
paradeofhomes/ - Home Builders Association of
2015 Spring Parade of Homes May 22 - June 6 February 13 | Spring Parade early entry rates deadline February 27 | Spring Parade regular entry rates deadline March 13 | Spring late entry rate and final entry deadline Fall Parade of Homes October 2 - 17 70 LDING SO UI years THING GR ME T EA B June 26 | Fall Parade early entry rates deadline July 17 | Fall Parade regular entry rates deadline July 24 | late entry rate and final entry deadline Staff Contact Priscilla Lyon (616) 281-2021 ext. 252 paradeofhomes/ | HOW CAN YOU BE A PART OF THE PARADE? Our builders have found that the Parade of Homes is one of the most valuable marketing tools. Whether you want to sell a spec home or generate new business the Parade of Homes is one of the best tools. With three types of entries we’ve got you covered. You too can reap the benefits of the Parade. New Home Entry Remodel Entry Any size and style of home is welcome in the Parade of HomesSM provided it is submitted by a licensed builder member in good standing of the HBA of Greater Grand Rapids. Homes entered must be a newly constructed home, completed by opening day, not previously occupied and will be open for viewing the entire duration of the Parade of Homes. Each entry is featured in all publications and the HBA website A remodel entry may be single room or Designed for the builder that may have whole home renovation project provided sold their home or the timing is not quite that it was started after September 1, 2013 right to have a physical presence in the and completed by 1 p.m. October 17, 2014. Parade. Customers will view your entry The project must constitute a change of online with a 360 photo tour or video tour shape, form or function of a residence and of the home provided by the HBA. Entries 2011 2011 2011 2013 2013 2013 2013 has not been in a prior Parade of Homes. may a new home or remodel. Each 12.5% 12.5% 12.5%be 12.5% 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 The homes are open to the public October entry has a listing in all publications plus 12.5% 12.5% 12.5%12.5% 17-18. “Before” and “after” photos 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 2013 2013 2013 of 2013 presence on the HBA website project are featured12.5% in the Parade Guide 12.5% 12.5%12.5% 50% 50% 50% 50% 2011 2012 12.5% 12.5% 12.5%12.5% 2012 2012 2013 2013 and on the website. 2014 Parade of Total Tickets Sold Spring 9,708 Fall 4,037 2011 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 50% 50% 50% 50% 12.5% 25% 25% 25% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 44% 78% 44% 78% 44% 44% 78% 78% 50% 50% 50% 50% 12.5% 12.5% 25% 25%12.5% 25% 25% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 44% 78% 44% 78% 44% 44% 78% 78% Homes Statistics WEB50% STATISTICS 2013-2014 50% 25% 25% 25% 25% 12.5% 12.5% Total Tours 44% 78% 44% 78% 44% 44% 78% 78% 12.5%12.5% 12.5%12.5% 12.5%12.5% visitors 50% 50% 25% 50% 25%50% 50% 44% 78% 44% 78% 2011 2012 2011 2012 12.5% 12.5% 2013 25% 2011 2012 2011 2013 2013 2011 2013 2013 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2013 2011 2012 2013 2013 2011 2012 2012 20132011 2011 2012 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 Brought to you by: Brought to you by: number number 10 COUPON OFF WITH COUPON 12.5%12.5% 12.5%12.5% 12.5%12.5% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5%50% 25% 50% 75% 25% 100% Signature Event Sponsor Ticket Sponsor % Virtual Entry Signature Event Sponsor Sponsor TicketCenter Total Garden and Home Department Purchase only. clearance. Instore |xeGHBA y01%368kzU X10 OFF transaction. coupons. Limit 1 coupon per with other discount WITH COUPON Not to be combined 25% COUPON Excludes GOOD 5/23 THRU 6/14/14 Total Garden Center and Home Department Purchase only. clearance. Instore X|xeGHBA y01368kzU transaction. coupons. Limit 1 coupon per with other discount Not to be combined Total Entries FALL 36 25% 75% 75% 25% 100% 75%100% 50% 75% 25% 100% 25%50% 50%75% 25% 50% 75% 25% 100%44% 25%50% 78% 44% 50%75% 78% 100% 44% 75%100% 75% 50% 25% 25% 50% 50% 75% 25% 75% 25% 50% 25% 75% 50% 100% 25% 75% 50% 100% 75% Fall 35,497 25% 50% 25% 75% 50%100% 25% 75% 50% 100% 75% Household Income $50 - $75,000 17% $75 - $100,000 25% $100 - $125,000 28% $125,000+ 30% Length of Time in Home Own Home 5 years or less 35% 85% 6-10 25% 11-14 12% 15+ 28% Data updated 2013 75% 78% 78% 44% 25% 100% 25%50% 25% SPRING 79 50% 25% 100% 50% 50% 523,758 page views 50% 50% 25% 44% 78% 44% 63% 75% of 25% 100% 50% visitors are 25% 100% 50% 75% new 50% 100% 25% 75% 50%users 100% 75% PARADE ATTENDANCE DEMOGRAPHICS Attendees Age 18-24 2% 25-34 20% 35-44 21% 45-5429% 55+28% 50% Spring 25%118,469 25% Excludes GOOD 5/23 THRU 6/14/14 25% 50% 50% 25% 44% 44% 50%75% continue to visit home pages up to 12 78% months after 78%the parade 78% 78% 44% 78% 44% 100% 78% 44% 75%100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 82,185 different users 100% 100% average 4.1 pages per visit INCLUDED IN ENTRY • Full color 1/2 page sketch page in the Official Parade of Homes GUIDE. Includes home‘s rendering, features and directions. • Online directory of Parade Homes on with separate page for each home including photos, description, map and builder contact information. Page is active until Spring of 2016. • Option to participate in the new Shop the Parade; allow your customers to find the products you used in your home. • Wooden Parade sign with house number. • An extensive mix of radio, television, billboard and print promotion of Parade! • FREE tickets to the Parade of Homes (10 per home.) • Additional promotion throughout the year. • And MUCH MORE! 10/14 2015 Spring Parade of Homes Entry Packet | 1 Of 10 2015 PARADE OF HOMES ENTRY Builder Member Contract BUILDER INFORMATION Please note that entry is not considered valid without payment in full, all entry items in checklist, and a signed Parade check-in sheet. Company Name Builder License # Business Address City ZIP Website Phone Fax Builder Contact Email Builder Phone # Parade Contact Email Parade Phone # Entry Type Regular Entry Pricing See Entry Description on page 2 ENTRY FEES State For all Entries Received Before February 13 New Home Entry New Home Entry (2nd Entry) New Home Entry (3rd Entry & Up) Remodel Entry Remodel Entry (2nd Entry & Up) Virtual Home Entry Virtual Home Entry (2nd Entry & Up) $2,500* $2,000* $1,500* $995* $895* $1,250* $1,000* Late Entry Pricing For all Entries Received between February 14-27 $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 $1,195 $1,095 $1,450 $1,200 Below please summarize the entry totals to authorize charges. Please note, this is a summary of charges for the participating builder, each charge requires the corresponding form. (i.e. Home Info Sheet, Advertising Contract, Additional Items Order Form, etc.) SUMMARY OF FEES Qty Entry Description Price Total *Incentive Discount (Builders who attended the Brew & Bubbly November 6, 2014 event may receive $100 -$100.00* off entries. Entry must be received no later than January 30 and all entry items must be received by March 13 in order to receive discount.) TOTAL ENTRY FEES $ $95 $120 Virtual 360 Photo Tours Virtual Video Tours m Advertising Items Total (Bring total from page 8) Promotional Items Total (Bring total from page 7) Advertising Deposit (see Rules & Regulations section V:A page 5) $500.00 PAYMENT INFORMATION TOTAL OTHER CHARGES $ 10/14 Visa MasterCard Discover American Express Check enclosed GRAND TOTAL $ Card # V-Code Exp. Date Cardholder Name Billing AddressCity State ZIP I authorize payment for the total amount listed above and agree to abide by all rules and regulations governing the Parade of HomesSM as printed on the Rules & Regulations and what are a part of this application. Acceptance of this application by the HBA of Greater Grand Rapids constitutes a contract. Authorized Signature Date | WHAT DO I NEED TO DO TO SUBMIT MY ENTRY? ENTRY CHECKLIST: Builder Contract Information Sheet (1 per Home/Entry) Payment Rendering Home Description Company Logo Proof of Liability Insurance Map to Home GUIDE Advertising Agreement Member Rules & Regulations Vendor/suppliers Shop the Parade List SUBMITTING YOUR ENTRY Completed entries may be submitted in one of three ways: in person at the HBAGGR offices (3959 Clay Ave. SW, Wyoming, 49548), via fax to (616) 281-6002, or email to Priscilla Lyon at We also can accept files via Dropbox. Please share files with To ensure that your GUIDE page describes your work correctly, please submit a word document with your entry description and a high resolution pdf, jpg or eps file of your logo and rendering. PARADE ENTRY DEADLINES January 30 - Spring Parade incentive entry deadline February 13 - Spring Parade early entry deadline Parade Refresher Breakfast February 27 - Spring Parade standard entry deadline Parade Refresher Breakfast Return all items above no later than March 13, 2014 March 13 - Final Spring Parade entry deadline All home entry information due to HBA Parade Orientation Breakfast* Did you remember to... April 3 - GUIDE advertiser deadline Sketch page approval deadline Initial entry page? Read Rules and Regulations? Initial Rules and Regulations pages? Select your GUIDE page option? (Note: changes may be made up to April 3.) Submit your Shop the Parade vendor list? Contact Priscilla Lyon at (616) 281-2021 ext 252 or by email at with any questions or concerns. June 26 - Fall Parade early entry deadline July 17 - Fall Parade standard entry deadline July 24 - Fall Parade final entry deadline All home entry information due to HBA All home entry information must be submitted to the HBA offices by the above deadlines to receive appropriate discounts and entry fees. *Mandatory for those that have not had a Parade home in the last 2 years. 10/14 2015 Spring Parade of Homes Entry Packet | 2 Of 10 For office use only SPRING PARADE HOME ENTRY DATE RECV'D HOME # Information Sheet All home information due no later than March 13, 2015 Builder/Company Name Entry Type New Home Property Type Single Family Virtual Entry Remodel Condo REMODEL ENTRY ENTRY DETAILS TO BE USED IN PARADE GUIDE The following information will be used in all publications. 10/14 COMMUNITY NAME HOME ADDRESS CITY ST ZIP A MAP INDICATING HOME LOCATION MUST ACCOMPANY EACH ENTRY. Please indicate home's contract price range not including the lot value. Is the home for sale? YesNo FOR SALE SPECIFICATIONS Square Feet: $200,000 - $250,000 $250,000 - $300,000 $300,000 - $400,000 $400,000 - $500,000 $500,000 - $750,000 $750,000 - $1,000,000 $1,000,000 & up PUBLISH PRICE RANGE IN GUIDE Bedrooms: Bathrooms: $150,000 - $200,000 Full Yes No Note: to take advantage of online sales tools a price range must be published. Half DRIVING DIRECTIONS (Please use downtown/center of Grand Rapids as your reference point when writing directions.) TIP: WE USE GOOGLE MAPS TO GUIDE CUSTOMERS TO THE HOMES DURING THE PARADE. PLEASE BE SURE YOUR HOME IS PLACED CORRECTLY WHEN PLUGGED INTO A GOOGLE SEARCH. HOME DESCRIPTION Please submit your written home description in a word format document to to be used in the official Parade of Homes GUIDE. The 1/2 page sketch page is standard with each entry and is limited to 3 short bullet points highlighting unique features of their entry. Builders who upgrade to a full page sketch page are limited to 6 short feature bullet points. The main Parade contact will receive the sketch page proof for approval at no additional charge. You will be allowed one round of changes. If you need additional changes, you will be assessed a $50 fee for the second change, $100 for the third. Remodel Entry Type Single Space Remodel Approximate Value for Remodel $ Full Home Renovation (Please note value information will not be published in the Guide) Room(s) Affected All remodeled entries must submit at least one (1) high resolution before photo renovation with entry. After photos will be completed by HBA Photographer as part of the entry fee. Remodel Entry Homeowner Agreement must accompany all remodel entries. Initials 3 Of 10 | 2015 Spring Parade of Homes Entry Packet AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE VIRTUAL ENTRY Company Name I already have a Video Tour or 360m Photo tour to be used for my Virtual Entry OR CHOOSE ONE OF THE TWO OPTIONS BELOW I will need a Video Tour produced for my Virtual Entry (Please note, video production is included in entry fee for Virtual Entries only.) Erin Zacek will arrange to take video of your home and create short online tour. The video tour may be easily shared on all social media outlets and used by all electronic media outlets. I will need a 360m Photo Tour produced for my Virtual Entry (Please note, photo tour production is included in entry fee for Virtual Entries only.) Terrien Photography will take still photos of your home and put them together for a short online tour. The 360m Photo Tour allows viewers to take the tour room by room. This voluntary program is part of your entry fee. It is up to you and your home owner if you would like to be considered for one of the following awards. Awards of Excellence are awarded in various price categories. Awards will be presented at the HBAGGR's 70th Anniversary Gala November 5, 2015. Best Kitchen Best Floor Plan Best Curb Appeal Best Interior Elements Best Whole Home Remodel Best Single Space Remodel List the exact Home Contract Price without the lot to be entered. Yes*, I would like to include this home in the Awards of Excellence No, I would like to opt out *If yes, please provide a lockbox code to access your home for judging outside of Parade hours. Judging time to be determined. Lockbox Code: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Is your home Green Built Michigan certified? YES YES (Floor plans must be submitted with entry.) NO NO UNIVERSAL HOUSING Floor Protection Option (choose one option) Tour home with shoes on Booties (builder provides) Remove Shoes Staffing Group Preference Yes, please have the following organization staff my home: No preference If you are associated with a non profit that would like to raise money for their organization, please contact Priscilla at Order a Video or Photo Tour Please add the following to my entry (a choice of one (1) is already included with Virtual Entries): 360 Photo Tour EARLY ENTRY Does your home qualify as Universal Housing? Video Tour Early Entry Information To qualify for the early entry rates, we require that you submit the builder contract and entry payment. All other information including, home information, insurance, rendering, home description shall be submitted no later than March 13. Early entry fees and any discounts are only applicable if all home entry information indicated on the check list is completed by the March 13 deadline. Please return this form with the Parade of Homes Contract and payment to Home Builders Association of Greater Grand Rapids 3959 Clay Ave. SW, Wyoming, MI, 49548. Initials 10/14 2015 Spring Parade of Homes Entry Packet | NEW IN 2015 Changes in Policies for the Parade of Homes As always we continue to strive to improve the Parade of Homes for both the Builder and the customers who tour the homes. This year the HBAGGR Parade Committee has implemented a few changes we want to highlight. 1 10/14 ADVERTISING POLICY The recommendation was to create a deposit to be paid up front by the builders. Following the Parade, the deposit would be returned based on the percentage of advertisers who are members (i.e. A home has 10 advertisers, 6 of which are HBAGGR members at the time of the Parade, the builder would receive 60% of their deposit back.) The builders or builders representative will complete an advertisers list with the volunteer staffing group before the end of the Parade. See Rules & Regulations section V:A 2 BUILDER OCCUPANCY The home must be a newly constructed home that has not been previously occupied. The builder may have used the home as their primary residence for not more than three (3) months prior to the Parade of Homes. See Rules & Regulations section I 3 SPRING PARADE OF HOME HOURS The hours of the Spring Parade of Homes have been changed to the following Fridays- Saturdays 1-9pm Memorial Day1-9pm Wednesdays5-9pm 4 FALL PARADE OF HOME HOURS The hours of the Fall Parade of Homes have been changed to the following Fridays- Saturdays 1-8pm Wednesdays5-9pm 5 PARADE ORIENTATION All builders must attend at lease one (1) refresher or orientation breakfast. Entries will not be accepted without attending. 6 SUBCONTRACTOR/VENDOR LIST All builders must complete the Shop the Parade Subcontractor/Vendor List. Entries will not be accepted without submitting the list. | 2015 Spring Parade of Homes Entry Packet SPRING PARADE OF HOMES Universal Housing Guidelines Submitting an entry for the Parade of Homes that is accessible and adaptable will show your potential clients that you are sensitive to the individual needs of the homeowner. The Universal Design Committee encourages the design and construction of homes that are accessible to people with disabilities and are flexible for the future. If you are interested in additional promotion for your home and it meets Universal Housing designation guidelines, please be sure to check the appropriate box on the Home Entry Information Sheet (pg 1). To enter your home in the Parade with the “Universal Housing” designation the following criteria must be met. • Accessible entrances and main floor doorways must be at least 36 inches wide with at least one zero step entrance. • Main floor hallways must be at least 42 inches wide. • There must be at least one bedroom and one bathroom on the first floor with a doorway at least 36 inches wide. The first floor bathroom must have a minimum 48-inch turning radius (standard wheelchairs need a 60-inch turning radius, motorized wheelchairs need a 72-inch turning radius). • The kitchen must be accessible with a minimum 48-inch turning radius. • There must be accessible electric switches on the first floor at a maximum height of 44 inches. Outlet height should be between 20 and 24 inches (dimension to the top of the box) per customer discretion. • Submit plans for consideration by the March deadline for the Spring Parade of HomesSM and/or by the July deadline for the Fall Parade of HomesSM. DO YOUR VENDORS KNOW THE VALUE OF AN MEMBERSHIP? NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN! ARE YOU GROWING WITH THE HBA? SAVE $$$ WITH AN HBA MEMBERSHIP built in Kent County 80% Homes are built by HBA members Top 15 Builders in Kent County are HBA members HBA MEMBERSHIP + 12% LAST YEAR Members save an average of Average builder rebate of $600 $917 per year on gas on new builds $500 Savings on your new GM vehicle Members save an average of $1,000 per year on insurance premiums Save up to 22% on your Verizon business calling plan TOP 5 MEMBER ONLY DISCOUNTS 10/14 2015 Spring Parade of Homes Entry Packet | 4 Of 10 2015 PARADE OF HOMES Member Rules & Regulations I: BUILDER REQUIREMENTS Builder agrees that every home entered in the 2015 Parade of Homes is a newly constructed home, not previously occupied*, or the builder occupied the home as their primary residence for no more than three months, and will be open for viewing the entire duration of the Parade of Homes. Repeat entries are permitted only if the home was originally entered no earlier than three Parades (Spring or Fall) ago. An entry can be entered as a repeat only once. All participating homes must have been built by a licensed builder member of the HBA of Greater Grand Rapids. SECTION A: ITEMS TO PROVIDE Penalties and fines may be assessed based on failure to provide these items 1.On-site working toilet with toilet paper (not for public use.) 2.Table and two chairs for the volunteer staffing group. 3.Cell phone or land line available on-site all hours of the Parade in case of emergency. 4.At least one representative from Builder’s company on-site in the Parade Home at all times during all Parade hours. SECTION B: GENERAL PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS 1.Obtain a certificate of occupancy for each home(s) entered by the Parade opening day. 2.Be responsible for any additional expenses incurred by HBA of Greater Grand Rapids for any public relations issues in relation to Builder’s Parade home(s), within 30 days of receipt of the invoice (example: a sign is needed should home not open on time, or any special notices or signage needed for explanation to the public). 3.Maintain business entity and Michigan residential builder’s license in good standing throughout the Parade. 4.Prevent the use and consumption of alcohol on the premises of Parade home(s) during operating hours of the Parade. 5.Have no public “Open House” events during the Parade of Homes (May 22-June 6 and October 2-17, 2014). 6.Be responsible for the accuracy of all materials used to publicize its home entry, without limitation to the map to Parade home(s), and GUIDE listing. 7.Maintain an active, in good standing, builder membership at the HBA of Greater Grand Rapids throughout the duration of the Parade of Homes. 8.Pay in full any outstanding balance (either for membership dues, advertising, etc.) with the HBA of Greater Grand Rapids. Membership dues must be paid through June 2015 by May 1, 2015 for the Spring Parade, or through October 2015 by September 1, 2015 for the Fall Parade. 9.Listing in Parade Guide and in all publicity materials shall appear as company’s membership name, which must match name of builder's license. 10.Display the official Parade of Homes number sign outside of the Parade Home. (Note: must be placed in accordance with local sign ordinances - see your local government for rules). This sign will be furnished by HBA of Greater Grand Rapids and shall be returned after the Parade. 11. Abide by all advertising requirements (see SECTION V) 12.Refrain from distributing free tickets or allowing unpaid entry to home(s) during the hours of the Parade promotion. 13.Provide access to home(s) for judging of the Awards of Excellence during a period of non-Parade hours if elected to participate. 14.Sign-off on home checklist administered by the volunteer staffing group prior to Parade opening day. 15.Attend either an orientation or refresher breakfast each year. The orientation breakfast is mandatory for any builder member company that has not entered a Parade of Homes since spring of 2012. For builder member companies who have entered homes in Parade of Homes after spring of 2012, the builder must send one representative to one of the scheduled refresher breakfast events (see deadlines) or schedule an individual refresher meeting with the HBAGGR staff. 16.Submit a list of subcontractors and vendors associated with the Parade entry. For builders with multiple entries, only one list need be provided. II: FEE STRUCTURE & DEADLINES The fees to participate in any of the Parades of HomesSM are listed on the Builder Member Contract form and include a maximum refundable $50 deposit for the wooden numbered Parade of HomesSM sign per home. If any home is withdrawn from the Parade after the deadlines listed, not ready to be open to the public by opening day and time, or any other rule stated herein is not adhered to, the privilege of participating in future Parades may be lost for as long as two (2) years, and additional fines and/or penalties may be imposed against the builder per the Parade of Homes Committee. For any home to be withdrawn from the Parade, a written request from the builder must be submitted to the HBA of Greater Grand Rapids and signed off on by the HBA of Greater Grand Rapids staff. Absolutely no refunds are given after the late entry deadline. 10/14 I have read and understand the terms and conditions of the Rules & Regulations Initials__________________ 5 Of 10 | 2015 Spring Parade of Homes Entry Packet Spring Parade of HomesSM Deadlines Early Entry Deadline 5 p.m. on February 13, 2015 Parade Entry Deadline 5 p.m. on February 27, 2015 Final Entry Deadline and Deadline for Changes & Substitutions 5 p.m. on March 13, 2015 III: REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH ENTRY The following items must be submitted to the HBA of Greater Grand Rapids in order to be considered a complete entry met by the deadlines above: 1.Completed and signed Builder Member Contract. (pg 1) 2.Completed Information Sheet for each Parade home. (pg 2) 3.Full entry fees. 4.Proof of Liability Insurance naming the Home Builders Association of Greater Grand Rapids as additional insured for at least $1,000,000 coverage, paid through last month of the Parade you are participating in. 5.Map for each Parade home with location clearly marked (plat maps are welcome) and written directions on the Information Sheet (pg 2). 6.Front elevation image in high resolution (300 DPI) EPS, TIF or JPG file format or a repeat rendering with notice of which Parade last utilized in digital format; rendering will be pictured in GUIDE as it is submitted. No renderings will be redrawn or altered. 7.¼” finished scale floor plan(s) as required by Green Built or Universal Design designations if applicable. 8."The List" subcontractor/vendor associated with the homes. IV: HOME REQUIREMENTS Any size and style of home is welcome in the Parade of HomesSM if submitted by a licensed builder member in good standing of the HBA of Greater Grand Rapids. There is no stipulation on location or price range of the home. All homes entered must be completed by opening day and time of the Parade in which home is entered. SECTION A: FINISHING REQUIREMENTS 1. Have Parade home(s) completed by the event opening, and open to the public the entire duration of either the Spring or Fall Parade of Homes. 2. The “primary living areas” must be open for viewing by the public. 3. The front and side yards must be landscaped with the rear yard in the final grade stage. 4. Driveways, sidewalks and garages must be free from hazardous debris. 5. Landscaping must be done with a “finished look” including shrubs or flowers by the home, giving it an aesthetically pleasing appearance. Plain dirt from the street to the house is not acceptable. 6. The Parade home may not be situated on a piece of property open commercially to the public (i.e. built in a mall, courtyard, parking lot or sales lot). SECTION B: FLOOR PROTECTION REQUIREMENTS Builders must choose one of three Floor Protection options: 1. Visitors may tour home with shoes on. 2. Visitors will be provided with footies to go over shoes at Builder’s home. (For good hygiene, safety and aesthetic appeal, Builders are strongly encouraged to purchase new footies each Parade.) 3. Visitors will need to remove their shoes to enter Builder’s home. (Considered a “no shoes” home and so noted with an asterisk (*) in the Parade Guide and on the Parade tickets.) SECTION C: PARADE SIGNAGE REQUIREMENTS The official wooded Parade of Homes number sign must be used outside of the Parade Home (Note: must be placed in accordance with local sign ordinances - see your local government for rules). This sign will be furnished by HBA of Greater Grand Rapids and is expected to be returned. In addition: 1. Builders may use a sign, not to exceed 16 square feet, with their corporate name and information and one exterior realtor sign if the home is for sale. 2. Signs may be used prior to the Parade of Homes indicating that it is a “Future Parade Home” and/or realtor signs indicating the home is for sale. 3. Beginning the morning of the Parade of Homes only official Parade signs, one exterior realtor sign indicating the home is for sale, member advertising signs, and Builder signs may be used. Nonconforming signs will be removed by the Parade Committee and/or HBA of Greater Grand Rapids staff. 4. The Builder shall have the option to purchase directional signs that are to be used to indicate the best way to get to the home from the nearest main road. The Builder is also responsible for placement and collection of these signs. All signs must be removed by the Friday following the end of the Parade. Note: Builder is responsible for compliance with local sign ordinances and regulations. I have read and understand the terms and conditions of the Rules & Regulations Initials__________________ 10/14 2015 Spring Parade of Homes Entry Packet | 6 Of 10 V: HOME ADVERTISING REQUIREMENTS SECTION A: MEMBER ADVERTISING All interior & exterior advertising/signage are allowed at the Builder's discretion. A $500 deposit per Parade entry is required at time of entry, and must be paid by the builder entering the home or remodel. The deposit will be returned to the builder after the event concludes, based on the percentage of home-advertisers that are active members of the Home Builders Association of Greater Grand Rapids as of (May 22, 2015). Advertising includes, but is not limited to: interior signs, exterior signs, brochures, business cards, banners, etc. For example, if the home has 10 advertisers, and 7 of which are HBAGGR members, then the builder would receive 70% ($350) of their deposit back after the event. If the Parade home is an active for sale listing and represented by a Realtor, the one exterior realtor sign indicating the home is for sale and the one page realtor home information sheet are permitted without being included in the member/nonmember advertiser list, and will not be factored in as an advertiser that would impact the deposit returned to the builder. The builder or builder’s representative must sign off on an advertiser list with the volunteer staffing group before the final day of the event. Any advertising posted in home will be noted on the advertiser list and provided to the staff at the HBAGGR. The list provided to the HBA will be used to determine the ratio of member to nonmember advertisers, and to calculate the deposit amount returned to the builder. If the advertiser list is not signed by the builder or builder’s representative, then the builder will not receive any amount of the deposit back after the event. If the builder does not have any advertising in the home, other than the builder company information, the full deposit will be returned after the event. SECTION B: PARADE HOME PUBLICITY Builder agrees to abide by all publicity rules. No Parade entry may be used for public fundraising or builder promotional activities or events prior to it first being shown to ticketed Parade participants. After the first day of the Parade the builder is permitted to hold private showings or private events providing the event does not fall on a scheduled Parade day. VI: GENERAL TERMS SECTION A: INDEMNIFICATION Builder agrees to indemnify, save and hold HBA of Greater Grand Rapids forever harmless from any and all liability, fees, penalties, causes of action, suits, costs, legal fees, claims, judgements or damage arising out of any injury to persons or property or any violation of any law or ordinance occasioned by the negligence or omission of Builder its agents, officers, directors, members, employers and/or contractors in relation to Builder’s participation in the Parade of Homes. To strictly comply with the applicable terms and conditions contained in this agreement between HBA of Greater Grand Rapids and Builder. By participating in the Parade of Homes, Builder for and on behalf of itself, its employees, agents, officers, directors, members and invitees, releases and waives any and all claims, demands or actions against HBA of Greater Grand Rapids and its respective officers, directors, employees and agents resulting from any act or omission of Builder, its employees, agents or invitees. SECTION B: OTHER REGULATIONS Any and all matters not specifically covered by the preceding rules and regulations shall be subject solely to the discretion of HBA of Greater Grand Rapids. HBA of Greater Grand Rapids shall have sole authority to interpret, amend, and enforce these rules and regulations; provided Builders receive notice of any amendments when made. Each Builder, its employees, officers, directors, members and agents agrees to abide by the foregoing rules and regulations and by any amendments or additions thereto. Builders or their representatives who fail to observe these conditions of contract or who, in the sole discretion of HBA of Greater Grand Rapids, conduct themselves unethically may be immediately dismissed from the Parade without refund or other appeal. SECTION C: NON-COMPLIANCE Failure to comply with any of the rules, agreements, terms or conditions of this contract could result in a ban on participation in the Parades of Homes for up to two (2) years, as well as additional financial penalties. Imposition of the penalties is solely at the discretion of the HBA Parade of Homes Committee and the HBA Board of Directors. All penalties and fines will be assessed after consideration given by the Parade of Homes Committee. Penalties not paid by the issued timeline will result in suspension of HBA of Greater Grand Rapids membership status and benefits until all fines are paid in full. VII: REMODEL REQUIREMENTS SECTION A: ADDITIONAL REMODEL ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Entries for the Spring 2015 Parade of Homes must be a project(s) that was started after September 1, 2014 and completed by 1 p.m. June 5, 2015. This project (s) constitutes a change in shape, form or function of a residence, and has not been a prior Parade of Homes. Submit a “before” photo with entry and understand that an “after” photo of project will be taken by a HBAGGR photographer no later than eight (8) weeks prior to the beginning of the Parade. After photos must be submitted no later than August 3, 2014 in order for them to be included in the Guide. If project is unavailable to be photographed during the time specified, an alternative option must be provided by the builder. These photos will appear in the Guide and on the website. I have read and understand the terms and conditions of the Rules & Regulations 10/14 Initials__________________ 7 Of 10 | 2015 Spring Parade of Homes Entry Packet SPRING PARADE OF HOMES REMODEL ENTRY Homeowner Agreement Participation Rules for Homeowners 1. I understand that a photo of my project will be taken by an HBAGGR photographer. This will be published on the HBAGGR website as well as in the official Parade of Homes Guide. 2. I agree that my project(s) started after September 2014 and will be completed by 1 p.m. of opening day of Parade. The project(s) entered constitute a change in shape, form or function of a residence, and has not been in a prior Parade of HomesSM. 3. I understand that my builder/remodeler will be at the home during all hours of the Parade as well as a non-profit staffing group. 4. I understand that if my builder/remodeler withdraws from the Parade after the assigned deadlines, or does not open my entry by the opening day and time of the Parade, their entry fee and the privilege of participating in future Parade of Homes may be lost to them for as long as two years with possible additional financial penalties. 5. I understand that consumption or serving of any alcoholic beverage will not be served at my Parade Home without written consent of the remodeler, homeowner as well as the HBAGGR. 6. I agree not to publicize the project(s) entered to the public, or media, to hold a public open house prior to the Parade of Homes, prior to the opening of the event. Official signs signifying that the home will be in the upcoming Parade of Homes are acceptable. The purpose of this rule is to not “scoop” the promotion. 7. I agree not to advertise or promote any vendors, subcontractors, and/or suppliers within the premises of my home that are not members in good standing of the HBAGGR. Homeowner Agreement/Remodel Entry I, , hereby agree to (Homeowner’s Name) allow my home to be entered in the 2015 Parade of Homes and agree to abide by all participating rules for the Parade of Homes. I understand my home will be open to the public during the following Parade(s): Spring Parade of Homes Fall Parade of Homes Friday, June 5 from 1-9 pm Friday, October 16 from 1-8 pm Saturday, June 6 from 1-9 pm Saturday, October 17 from 1-8 pm I will permit the builder, , to be in charge of my home during these hours and to provide at least one person in every major area of my home open to the public for promotion and safety purposes. I verify that my remodeling project was completed after September 2014 and is the work of the Contractor noted above. Signed: Date: Home Address: City: Phone: HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIATION OF GREATER GRAND RAPIDS Home Builders Association of Greater Grand Rapids 3959 Clay Ave SW,Wyoming, MI 49548 Phone: (616) 281-2021 | Fax: (616) 281-6002 Email: 10/14 | VIRTuAL ENTRY VIEW ONLINE VIRTUAL TOUR AVAILABLE ONLINE ONLY V7 VIRTUAL ENTRY VIEW ONLINE ONLY SPECIFICATIONS Square Feet: 2,016 Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 2 Full, 1 Half Price Range: $250,000 - $300,000 HOME OVERVIEW Dave Visser Builder Dave Visser (616) 791-8899 SCAN HERE TO VIEW VIRTUAL TOUR Dave Visser welcomes you to the 2014 spring parade of homes. Enjoy this four bedroom designed for the family. The main floor offers a granite kitchen, barn style sliding door,cozy fireplace with ledgestone surround. The home offers a second floor laundry with wainscoating, custom built in lockers, and cathederal ceilings. You don’t want to miss this home! “The consumers are doing their homework and researching online. We need to make sure that they can find us and the Virtual Home Entry is the perfect option. It allows consumers to do their research in the comfort of their own home. I have received numerous qualified leads since I started using the virtual entries. Maybe you want to showcase a new home or a remodeled home you completed a couple of years ago? ENTER THE HOuSE AS A VIRTuAL ENTRY! Why a Virtual Entry? • Designed for the builder that may have sold their home or the timing is not quite right to have a physical presence in the Parade. • It is important to commit to the entry and not just do it once, repetition is key. I’ve had the best results when I enter a Virtual Entry similiar to one I’m currently working on so that customers can still touch, see and experience my work.” Patrons view your entry online with a complete 360o photo tour or a video tour of the home provided by the HBA (fee for tour is included in Parade entry fee.) • Receive a listing in the official Parade GUIDE, just like any new home entry. • Receive a listing in the Parade Preview. Dan Boverhof Boverhof Builders • Use your 360o photo tour or video tour for future marketing opportunities, it is yours to keep! • Free up your time by using the internet to showcase your entry. No need to staff a physical home. • Drive more qualified traffic to your website. • Your Virtual Tour remains on the HBA website for one year! Two Ways to Participate 360 Photo Tour Terrien Photography will take still photos of your home and put them together for a short online tour. Video Tour A 2-3 minute video tour of the home which may be used for promotional purposes. Entry Fee includes one of the above. 10/14 Want the exposure of the 2015 Parade of Homes but the project won’t be ready for the Parade? Entry Fee $1,250 For more information visit our website at, give us a call at (616) 281-2021 or contact Priscilla at 8 Of 10 | 2015 Spring Parade of Homes Entry Packet SPRING PARADE HOME ADDITIONAL ITEMS Order Form Builder/Company Name Contact Phone Email AVAILABLE SIGNAGE QTY ARROW SIGNS Material/Cost Total Cost Check One: Wood ($52) Coraplast ($22) Copy: Parade of Homes with an arrow. Comes with H-stake. Specs: 24” x 24” With with red lettering available in two materials. STAKES Metal ($12) Additional metal T-stakes area available at $12 each.. fuTuRE PARADE HOME Copy: “Future Parade Home by” with space for company name and phone number. Specs: 24” x 24” comes with metal “T” stake FUTURE PARADE HOME BY Wood $65 BUILDER NAME BUILDER PHONE THIS HOME BuILT BY HBA MEMBER Copy: “This home built by HBA Member” with space for company name and phone number Specs: 24” x 24” comes with metal “T” stake THIS HOME BUILT BY HBA MEMBER Wood $65 SPOELMA BUILDERS 616-953-2382 BOOTIES Shoe covers come in two sizes, XL fits men’s size 11-13, Universal fits men’s size up to 10. 300 covers per case. Check One: XL ($40) Universal ($40) NAME TAGS Copy: Your Name, Company name and logo Specs: 2 15/16” x 1 3/16” Option of pin, clip or magnetic fittings. Scratch and fade-proof polyurethane coating. Your Name Logo Company MEMBER Check one Magnetic ($14) Pin ($12) Clip ($12) Please place this total on your Builder Member contract under “Summary of Fees.” 10/14 82015 Of 9Spring Parade of Homes Entry Packet | SPRING PARADE OF HOMES OFFICIAL GUIDE Builder Advertising Agreement 9 Of 10 AD DEADLINES GUIDE APRIL 3 Company Name: Contact Name: Phone: Email: UPGRADE OPTIONS (See reverse side for examples of upgrade options) Option 1: Upgrade from 1/2 to Full Page Sketch Option 1a: Upgrade from 1/2 to Full Page Sketch using Early Entry incentive Option 2: Full Facing Ad Page Option 3: Full Page Sketch and Full Facing Ad Page $195 $0 $395 $590 HOME ADDRESS TOTAL UPGRADE OPTION SUBTOTAL ADVERTISING DESIGN FEES RATE Quarter page ad & smaller Half page ad & larger Photography $35 $65 $75/hr QUANTITY SUBTOTAL Please place this total on your Parade Entry Contract under "Summary of Fees" on page 1 TOTAL DUE $ CONTACT INFORMATION Brad Uhl: advertising and deadlines Tanya Gonzalez: ad edits, approvals, design AD SPECS Image Area Trim Size Bleed (616) 329-9320 (616) 281-2021 ext 251 DEADLINES 7.875”h x 10.25”w 8.375”h x 10.86”w 8.875”h x 11.25”w Spring Parade GUIDE Friday, April 3, 2015 Camera ready materials must be provided in a digital format. The preferred format for four-color digital advertisement is hi-res Adobe Acrobat PDF file format. • All fonts and images must be embedded. • All images embedded in files must be a minimum of 300 ppi (pixels per inch) or 300 dpi (dots per inch). • Color images must be CMYK. • One time proofing will be provided to make minor corrections. $50 for the second proof, $100 for each additional proof. 10/14 | SPRING PARADE OF HOMES OFFICIAL GUIDE Builder Advertising Options Select your option on the Advertising Agreement* Upgrade Option Entry Fee Includes 1/2 Page Sketch Page 1 55 55 FOR SALE FOR SALE Upgrade to Full Page Sketch for only $195! 55 FOR SALE HOME SPECIFICATIONS HOME SPECIFICATIONS Square Feet: 5,200 Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 3.5 Price Range: $500,000-$750,000 Square Feet: 5,200 Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 3.5 Price Range: $500,000-$750,000 PINE BELLE DEVELOPMENT 7000 Forest Ct. NE Rockford, 48777 PINE BELLE DEVELOPMENT 7000 Forest Ct. NE Rockford, 48777 MAP 3 MAP 3 HOME FEATURES A mix of modern and rustic this home has been designed to accommodate life changing circumstances. US 131 to West River Dr. NE east, Cannonsburg Rd. NE, South into Pine Belle Development, first left onto Forest home. Raymar Homes strives to be recognized as an ethical, high quality and innovative builder of custom homes and renovations. Our systems approach to building will provide a remarkable experience and create a beautiful, comfortable, and energy efficient home that will be thoroughly enjoyed for years to come. • Easily accessible: no step entry from the garage, wide doorways, wide hallways • Energy efficient building techniques for superior energy performance (ICF foundation, foam insulation) • Custom cabinets with cutting edge materials • Barn wood fireplace surround • 7” wide plank flooring • Galvanized steel deck joists for long term durability Raymar Homes Jack Sprat (616) 700-3000 *Please note which option you are selecting for each entry submitted. Raymar Homes loves building homes as unique as our clients! We look forward to seeing you. SNAP HERE FOR HOME INFO & MAP a beautiful, comfortable, and energy efficient home that will be thoroughly enjoyed for years to come. Raymar Homes Jack Sprat (616) 700-3000 MAP 3 HOME FEATURES A mix of modern and rustic this home has been designed to accommodate life changing circumstances. US 131 to West River Dr. NE east, Cannonsburg Rd. NE, South into Pine Belle Development, first left onto Forest home. • Easily accessible: no step entry from the garage, wide doorways, wide hallways • Energy efficient building techniques for superior energy performance (ICF foundation, foam insulation) • Custom cabinets with cutting edge materials • Barn wood fireplace surround • 7” wide plank flooring • Galvanized steel deck joists for long term durability Raymar Homes loves building homes as unique as our clients! We look forward to seeing you. SNAP HERE FOR HOME INFO & MAP Upgrade to Full Facing Page with Standard Sketch Page for only $395 2 Looking to Buy? Why First Time Home Buyers Should Buy Now UPGRADE OPTIONS Upgrade from 1/2 to Full Page Sketch: Full Facing Page Ad: Full Page Sketch and Full Facing Page: HBA Builder Member Full Page Ad (not in Parade): Square Feet: 5,200 Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 3.5 Price Range: $500,000-$750,000 PINE BELLE DEVELOPMENT 7000 Forest Ct. NE, Rockford, 49306 • Easily accessible: no step entry from the garage, wide doorways, wide hallways • Energy efficient building techniques for superior energy performance (ICF foundation,Raymar foam Homes strives to be recognized as an insulation) ethical, high quality and innovative builder • Custom cabinets with cutting edge materials of custom homes and renovations. Our • Barn wood fireplace surround systems approach to building will provide a • 7” wide plank flooring • Galvanized steel deck joists for long term duremarkable experience and create rability Raymar Homes Jack Sprat (616) 700-3000 SNAP HERE FOR HOME INFO & MAP Upgrade Option A mix of modern and rustic this home has been designed to accommodate life changing circumstances. Raymar Homes strives to be recognized as an ethical, high quality and innovative builder of custom homes and renovations. Our systems approach to building will provide a remarkable experience and create a beautiful, comfortable, and energy efficient home that will be thoroughly enjoyed for years to come. Raymar Homes loves building homes as unique as our clients! We look forward to seeing you. HOME SPECIFICATIONS HOME FEATURES US 131 to West River Dr. NE east, Cannonsburg Rd. NE, South into Pine Belle Development, first left onto Forest home. $195 $395 $590 Call for a free estimate today! 616.361.5145 $750 With the economy and housing market still recovering, some potential first-time home buyers may be hesitant to invest in a new home. Yet there are several reasons why now is a great time for Millennials and other first-time home buyers to start building their American Dream. Interest rates are low - Today’s historically low interest rates are helping firsttime home buyers find affordable housing options. Average weekly interest rates for a 30-year fixed mortgage remain under 4.5%. It’s important to keep in mind that interest rates are sensitive to market forces and can change quickly. Huge down payments are not necessary - While lenders are looking more closely at borrowers today than in recent years, there are options for purchasing your first home without a 20% down payment. For example, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) offers loans to first-time home buyers with down payments as low as 3.5%. To ensure that the financing process goes smoothly, buyers should consider pre-qualifying for a mortgage and have a financing commitment in place before shopping for a new home. New homes are built to fit your lifestyle - Designed to accommodate today’s busy lifestyles, new homes – feature open floor plans, flexible spaces, lowmaintenance materials and other amenities that appeal to younger buyers. With energy costs near the top of consumer concerns, it’s good to know that new homes may contain innovative materials and construction techniques that make today’s new homes more energy efficient than homes constructed a generation ago. Not only can they be more affordable to operate, new homes also are significantly more resource efficient and environmentally friendly. Technology makes house shopping fun and easy - Today’s tech-savvy home buyers use mobile apps to quickly gather all of the key information on a property and to see extensive photos from their cell phones or tablets. For example, Homesnap allows you to snap a picture of any home and get all the relevant property details, including any interior photos for homes on the market. is a popular app because it generally contains the most accurate information gathered from more than 800 local MLSs (multiple listing services). Owning a home can help families build wealth and combat rising rents - For most Americans, homeownership is a primary source of net worth and is an important step in accumulating personal financial assets over the long term. Americans have more than $10.8 trillion of equity in their homes. At the same time, rent prices continue to climb – 2.8 percent in 2013. That makes now a great time to start investing in your future – instead of your landlord’s. 55 FOR SALE HOME SPECIFICATIONS Square Feet: 5,200 Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 3.5 Price Range: $500,000-$750,000 PINE BELLE DEVELOPMENT 7000 Forest Ct. NE Rockford, 48777 MAP 3 HOME FEATURES A mix of modern and rustic this home has been designed to accommodate life changing circumstances. US 131 to West River Dr. NE east, Cannonsburg Rd. NE, South into Pine Belle Development, first left onto Forest home. Raymar Homes strives to be recognized as an ethical, high quality and innovative builder of custom homes and renovations. Our systems approach to building will provide a remarkable experience and create a beautiful, comfortable, and energy efficient home that will be thoroughly enjoyed for years to come. Raymar Homes Jack Sprat (616) 700-3000 • Easily accessible: no step entry from the garage, wide doorways, wide hallways • Energy efficient building techniques for superior energy performance (ICF foundation, foam insulation) • Custom cabinets with cutting edge materials • Barn wood fireplace surround • 7” wide plank flooring • Galvanized steel deck joists for long term durability Raymar Homes loves building homes as unique as our clients! We look forward to seeing you. SNAP HERE FOR HOME INFO & MAP DEADLINE: FRIDAY, APRIL 3 OR do it ALL with a Full Page Sketch & Full Facing Page for $590 Upgrade Option 55 FOR SALE 3 HOME SPECIFICATIONS PINE BELLE DEVELOPMENT 7000 Forest Ct. NE, Rockford, 49306 Call for a free estimate today! 616.361.5145 Raymar Homes strives to be recognized as an ethical, high quality and innovative builder of custom homes and renovations. Our systems approach to building will provide a remarkable experience and create a beautiful, comfortable, and energy efficient home that will be thoroughly enjoyed for years to come. Raymar Homes Jack Sprat (616) 700-3000 Square Feet: 5,200 Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 3.5 Price Range: $500,000-$750,000 MAP 3 HOME FEATURES A mix of modern and rustic this home has been designed to accommodate life changing circumstances. • Easily accessible: no step entry from the garage, wide doorways, wide hallways • Energy efficient building techniques for superior energy performance (ICF foundation, foam insulation) • Custom cabinets with cutting edge materials • Barn wood fireplace surround • 7” wide plank flooring • Galvanized steel deck joists for long term durability US 131 to West River Dr. NE east, Cannonsburg Rd. NE, South into Pine Belle Development, first left onto Forest home. Raymar Homes loves building homes as unique as our clients! We look forward to seeing you. SNAP HERE FOR HOME INFO & MAP 10/14 | the Maximize your Parade marketing opportunities and reach out to your target audience long after the Parade Homes have been turned over to their owners! The Shop the Parade feature is designed to bring more traffic to your Parade website page by showcasing your vendors. Many of those that tour your home are curious where the products used in your home came from...we will use photos supplied by our members to help parade patrons find the vendors for the products that peaked their interest during the parade! This feature is online at paradeofhomes. Visitors will be able to search both by Parade home and by vendor for products they saw in the homes. Here is where we need your help. To make this work, we need the photos! These photos and your list of product suppliers can then be tagged on the website! For example, if you are supplying the furniture for the home, send us a photo of the living room, and we will “tag” you on the photo. That way, more potential customers will be able to connect with you for the products you supplied in the Parade of Homes! This is a feature for HBA members only... so Associates - take advantage of this great benefit! Shop the Parade is your chance to help parade goers find your products. 10/14 “tag The dire s” lin ks ctly web to you r site ! 10 Of 10 | 2015 Spring Parade of Homes Entry Packet SHOP THE PARADE Subcontractor/Vendor List Please provide the subcontractors/vendors for each Parade home entered. Entries will not be accepted without contractors. Builder/Company Name Parade Contact Home Address Subcontractor/Trade Professionals Company Name Contact Info Architects/Designers Brick, Stone & Masonry Carpentry Concrete & Cement Drywall & Plaster Electrical Contractors & Suppliers Insulation Interior Design/Designer Kitchen & Bath Landscaping & Lawn Sprinkling Painting Plumbing & Septic Siding & roofing Other Professional Services Real Estate Agent Title Company Other Retailers Appliances Audio-Video Retailer Building Materials Carpet & Floor Covering Decorative Hardware Garage Doors Home Furnishings Lighting Fixtures Window Coverings Other 10/14