California Regional Water Quality Control Board
California Regional Water Quality Control Board
u California Regional Water Quality Control Board Matthew Rodriquez Secretary for Envzronmental Protectzon Los Angeles Region Over 54 Years Serving Coastal Los Angeles and Ventura Counties Recipient of the 2001 E~tvironmerztalLeadership Award from Keep California Beautiful 320 West Fourth Street, Suite 200, Los Angeles, California 90013 Phone (213) 576-6600 Fax (213) 576-6640 - http~// Edmund G. Brown Jr. Governor September 30, 201 1 Mr. Michael J. Hall-Mounsey PresidentICEO Ojai Valley School 723 El Paseo Road Ojai, CA 93023 REVISION OF GENERAL WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREMENTS FOR SMALL COMMERCIAL AND MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTAL SUBSURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL FOR OJAl VALLEY SCHOOL, OJAl VALLEY SCHOOL-UPPER CAMPUS WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT, 10820 REEVES ROAD, OJAI, CA (FILE NO. 04-055, ORDER NO. 01031, SERIES NO. 050, CI NO. 8728) Dear Mr. Hall-Mounsey: We have completed our review of your application for revision of Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) for wastewater to be generated from Ojai Valley School (Discharger), located at 10820 Reeves Road, Ojai, CA. The Ojai Valley School - Upper Campus consists of multiple buildings, which support both residential and commuter teachers, support staff, families and students. The facility is currently regulated under General WDR Order No. 01-031, Series No. 050 and Monitoring and Reporting Program CI No. 8728 issued by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Board) on June 16, 2004. In order to meet the requirements of its Conditional Use Permit (CUP 1813-8) and be in compliance with Regional Board Order No. 01-031, Ojai Valley School - Upper Campus constructed a new wastewater treatment plant, which replaced five now abandoned septic systems. The Ojai Valley School - Upper Campus wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) services the field house, mobile home, Tower House Dormitory, Boney Bean Dormitory, Bristol House Dormitory, girl's dormitory, classrooms, kitchen, offices, and Headmaster's residence. Therefore, Ojai Valley School - Upper Campus applied for a revision of its enrollment under General Permit Order No. 01-031. The Ojai Valley School - Upper Campus WWTP has a maximum design capacity of 19,500 gallons per day (gpd). Based on the resident student and staff population, the Ojai Valley School - Upper Campus WWTP discharges up to 11,000 gallons per day (gpd). The Ojai Valley School - Upper Campus changed the wastewater treatment system from the conventional septic system to an extended aeration wastewater treatment plant. To evaluate the effectiveness of the WWTP and determine the impact of the discharge from Ojai Valley School Upper Campus WWTP to groundwater, effluent testing at the end of the pipe is proposed. The effluent must meet the limits prescribed in Order 01-031 before being discharged to the disposal area. Groundwater shall be collected and comply with the limits prescribed in the Order No. 01031. California Environmental Protection Agency e3Recycled Paper ---- Michael Hall-Mounsey -2Ojai Valley School - Upper Campus WWTP September 30, 201 1 Enclosed are your General Waste Discharge Requirements, consisting of Order No. 01-031, Monitoring and Reporting Program CI No. 8728, Standard Provisions-Applicable to Waste Discharge Requirements. Please note that the discharge limits in Attachment A (Lower Ojai Valley Groundwater Basin - East of San Antonio--Senior Canyon Creek) and Attachment B of Order No. 01-031 are applicable to your discharge if groundwater monitoring is required in the future. Should changes to the septic disposal system be needed, revised engineering drawings showing the change must be filed with the Regional Board a minimum of thirty days prior to the change. The discharger must receive approval of such change. The Monitoring and Reporting Program requires you to implement the monitoring program on the effective date of coverage under this permit. All monitoring reports shall be sent to the Regional Board, ATTN: lnformation Technolonv Unit. Please note that the Regional Board Executive Officer may require you to develop and implement a groundwater-monitoring program based on the results of the technical information pertaining to your septic disposal system. When submitting monitoring or technical reports to the Regional Board per these requirements, please include a reference to "Compliance File CI No. 8728", which will assure that the reports are directed to the appropriate file and staff. Also, please do not combine other reports with your monitoring reports. Submit each type of report as a separate document. The Discharger shall comply with the Electronic Submittal of lnformation (ESI) requirements by submitting all reports required under the MRP, including groundwater monitoring data, discharge location data under Global ID WDRl00000396, and pdf monitoring reports to the State Water Resources Control Board GeoTracker database, in addition to submitting hard copies to the Regional Board office. Once the Discharger demonstrates mastery of electronic submittal of reports to GeoTracker for the Site, it may request that the Regional Board waive the requirement of submitting hard copies of reports (see June 20, 201 1 ESI letter). To avoid paying future annual fees, please submit a written request for termination of your enrollment under the general permit in a separate letter if your facility is connected to a sewer and the permit is no longer needed. Be aware that the annual fee covers the fiscal year billing period beginning July I and ending June 30, the following year. You will pay the full annual fee if your request for termination is made after the beginning of the new fiscal year beginning July 1. If you have any additional questions, please contact the Project Manager, Ms. Mercedes Merino at (213) 620-6156, or the Unit Chief, Dr. Eric Wu at (213) 576-6683. Sincerely, Samuel Unger, P.E. Executive Officer Enclosures: 1. General WDR Order No. 01-031 2. Standard Provisions, Applicable to Waste Discharge Requirements 3. Revised Monitoring and Reporting Program CI No. 8728 California Environmental Protection Agency e3Recycled Paper Michael Hall-Mounsey oJaiValley School -'Upper Campus WWTP I cc: -3- Mr. Peter Bozek, Environmental Health Division, County of Ventura Mr. Barney 0. Caudill, Water Resources Engineering Associates California Environmental Protection Agency % ? Recycled Paper September 30, 201 1 . i, , !. . STATE OF CALIFORNIA . . , . t ' . . . . . 8 ' ' ' CALXFORNlA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL,BOAIID . ' LO$ANGELESRE~ION , . ORDERNO.01-631 , , . , . : G E ~ R A'WASTE L DISCI.IARGE~ Q U I E ~ N T S 1POR SMALL COMMERCIAL AND MULTIFAMILY 'mSIDENTIAL SUI3SURFACE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS . s . . . :. . . . . The California degionnl Water Quality Control Board, Los Angcles Region . . (Regional Board), finds: . I : . . . - . . 1.; ' . . Jhc ~ a l i f o m i aWater Code (CWC) section 13260(a)(l) ,re.quiresthat any p~rson, discharging wastes, or proposing to discharge wastes other than inro a community wastewater collectjon system, which couldaffect the quality af the waters of the .. State, shall file a Report of Waste ~ i s c h a r ~with e fhc Regional Water Quality ~ o n t r dBoard. The ~ ~ ~ i ~Board r i ashall l then prescribe requirements for the discharge or proposed.discha+ of wastes. . . , : ' ' . . . . . . . 2: . : . . . ' I . . . , . . . . . . The California Water ~ o d ksection , 13263(i), provides that a Regional ~ o i i d m a y general waste jschsrge requirements for discharges .produced by,.: similar op&ati&s, invdvirig sirnil$,' types of waste, a n d requiring' sjrni!ar treatmegt standards. .. . . . . . . . . , . The Regional Board adopted a Rev@d Water Quality Control Plan (Basio Plan) for t h e ~ o kAngeles,Region &I June 13, 1994. The Water Quality Control Plan designates beneficial uses: and establishes water quality objectives for . groundwater and surface, water within the Los Angeles Region. Existihg . . beneficial .uses designated for grouridwater, ,and. surfa.ce waser include, among others: muqicipal supply, industrial service supply, industrial. process s~pply, :fresh water replenishment, 'aqaquulture, wildlife.habitat, and sgricuhral supply. To the extent that the Basin Plan designates addifional or different beneficial uses, . . . the Basin Plan shall control, . . 3. , ' ' . . . . . . . .. . , .. . . .. . . ' . . . . ' . '. . . ' , . . ' ,. , ' . . . . , , '. , ~ i s c h a r ~ efromsmall k (less than 20,000 gallbns per day) commiiial and mu~tifamamilysewage disposal syiterns.jnfiltrate groundwater. ,The effluent from .small &amercjal and multifamily sewage disposal systems is considered a discharge df waste that could affect the quality of waters of the Sthe. Any surfacing of treated or untreated waste poses a seeous threat to public health and beneficid uses .of groundwater, near-shore waters, and contiguous beaches. Discharges of greaxer t h ~ n20,oOb' gallons will normally be required to obtain individual waste disch'zcrge.requ'iremenfs from the Regional Board. . , ,, , . ' . ' , . . ). . . . . I February 22,2001 . . General ~ a s t e ~ i s c h &~equirements .Small Commercial and Multifamily ~esidential Subsufiace Sewage Disposal Systems '. ' . . ., : Order No. 01-031 .' ' . Djscharges to land from srnsll domestic small comrnercia~and multifamily sewage disposal systems have certain common characteristks, such as similar constituents, . concentrations of constityents, disposal techniques, flow ranges and they.requjre the same or similar. treatment standards. These types ~f dischirges are jriore appro$ately regulated under general Waste Discharge Requirements (general .. WDRs). 5. , . . + . . . , ' . ' . . . . , , . . These general WDRs 'apply to discharges throughout the eniire Los ~ n @ l e s Region (Los Angeles. and Ventura. County), however, the. Regional Booid has . , : determined that groundwater underlying small comm&cial .imd multifamily sewage disppssll systems in areas of shdjow groundwater anci coaslai regions has . .. ;. . ' . been shown to be in hydrauljc cohnection with nearby surface waters and thnt . . .. groundwater and surface water con ternination in areas of ihallow grobndwatei and , coastal regions has. been atfn'buted to .discfiarges from septic systems. Therefore, . . ,: these WDRs j,ncIude 'considerations spccjficaIly addressing areas .of shallow . . . groundwater and coast a1 areas. . , ' ' , s . . , . 8, , Sirice this effluent i s consjdkred a discharge of waste;~i affect the quality df waters of the State, zi discharger would brdinakly be.required to file a Report of ' .. . . . ' : Waste Discharge and ihc Regional Board woi~ldtheneprescrib&requjrernents.for the discharge of wastes. However, under the California :water Code, beciiorj 13269, the Regional Board may waive rcqujrements lo file a ~ e ~ o r t . ' waste of Discharge, provided that such a waiver is not against the public interest. In the 1950s, the Regional bard's predecessor agency granted such' waivers -for . residential septic systems in 45 local agencies in the Region,.including the County of Los AogeIes. Huw~v~x,' these waivers do not fonnajly cover several local. agencies',that . are actively'permi.ttingseptic~~ystems.~ If Waste Discharge ~ e ~ u i r e r n hwen t s issukd'to each small commercjal .and. ,multifamily residential septic system on an individual basis, it would'be a very . . lengthy process. Due to limited Regional . Board resources; a streamIined : expansion of a permitting program is necessary. Thk adoption of these general Waste ' ~ i s c h a r ~Requirements e for discharges frdm :small comercia1 and . . multifamily ,sewagedisposal systems .~vould: : . .. . . .. , ' (a)' . .. .. . . . Si,mpJifyand expedite the application process for the Discharger; .. Increase efficiency of ~ e ~ i o n tBoard il staff; and ' . . . . , -. . . . ' \ , . . . ' , ' ' . . . , . . , ' . ! (b) (c) , . ', Reduce Regional Board time expended on,preparingand considering individual Waste Discharge Requirements. I . .. Order NO,01-031 General Waste Discharge Requirements .Smallà comer cia^ and Multifamily Residential Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems . ' (a ' . . ' . . . . . . . I 10; he' ' . . . only small commercial and multifamily sewage dispasaT systems with a maximum dajl y flow of 20,000 gallons or less that discharge to land are eligjble . . for . coverage under these general WDRs. . Single family residencks with small specificalIy exclided. domestic systems, for purposes of these general WDR's; It remains the dis6retian of the ~ e ~ i o nBoard al to require WDRs for discharges . .. from single family residences whennecessary to protect. water quality. . . 9, . .. . : This order e&abljshcs mihimum standards oily f i r 'small domestic systems:. . discharger must comply with any more stringent standards jn the'appiicoble Basin Plan. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this #e Basin Plan, the more sningeniprbvision prevails. . , _ . . By enrollir~gsmall commercial and multifamjly sewage disposal systems under White ~iichaharge~ ~ ~ ~ i r e r n cthe t h~s e, ~ i o n Board nt can also issue Monitoring and Reporting Prdgrarns that require 'djscha.rgers t o mbniior their effluent, groundwater that may be affected by the discharge, .and, in &me cases, nearby surface waters that may be. affected by..the discharge, The ..sesulrs.of the monitoring will be reported to. the R~gib~alBonid. The'Rcgional ~ o a r dexpeers that this monitoring ivillassist inthe*delineationof impacts of effluent from'small commeicial and multifamily sewage disposal systems on groundwater and sorficco water,. : ' II , ' . . . ' . . . . ' .. .. 12. . ' . . . . . The majority of thk small cpmmerc'ial and inultifamily,s{w'age disposal systems in., the ILos Angeles Region do .not currently. have Waste Discharge Requirements, nor do they have corresponding Monitoring and Reporting. Programs. Small, c o ~ e r c i a land multifamily &wage disposal 'systems' (septic system$ . fm . example) typically provide &Iy' primary treatment' t o wastewater, before i t is discharged to groundwater through a seepage .pit .or leachfield dispbsal system. The iffluent from these systems is not monitored, 'and,3s a result, the efiuent quality is generally not known. . .. , . . ' . s, .. . 13. . . * . . ' . . ~ h & gkncral e Waste Discharge Requirements (forthe discharge of com~ercial and residential wastes to. small commercjal and mul.tifamily sewage disposal systems),, would. benefit the' public, t h e staff and the Regional Board by accelkating the review pro&e'sswithout loss of regulatory jurisdiction . . . . and 6Vexsight. . ' . . . . .. . . , 14. A11 requirements contained in this Order, as they are met, will be in confomapc6 with the gdals of the Basin Plan. . . 15. These genertil. Waste ~ i ' s i h a r ~~equirements e are not intended to 'alter or sugersede existing restdctions or conditions imposed, by other government agencies on the project. . . ' , , ' ' . . . . . , . a ~ i s c h a r ~ iseeking rs coverage under these general WDRs shall file: (1) stindmd application for WDRs {Report ofWaste Discharge), a Form 200, or ad equivalent document; and, (2) a first .annual .fee .of $200 (corresponding tb .the appropn'ate Threat to Water Quality and Complexity of 3(C) 1!, the fee schedule listed in section 2200 of tit~e23, California Code of Regu)atjon,s (CCR)). In addition 'to. infonmition,required by Fonn 200 and the RoWD, ihk application must include:.: 16. .' . A list of all property owners, including c.urrent. mailing addresses, within '1,500 feet of the'adjacent parcels owned by the same applicant, or contiguous to-the pmperty line (rural) and 500 feet of the property line (urban);' . . .(a . . ' . . .. Order No. 01-03 1 General Waste Discharge ~ e ~ d i r e r ntse n .. Small Commerciai and Multifamily Residential . Subsurface Sewage Djsposnl Systems . . . . . I . .. . . . . . . . .. . Regional Board'Exccutive.Officer. . . .. I I ' . , , . . . . . . , Documentstion that Discharger his notified all pmperty owners jdentified in. (a) above, of'their intent to seek enrpllment under tbc general WDRs and that a11 property.owhers identified in (a) hbove shall llave 30 .clays to .provide comments, i n w&jng, . to. the @) . . . ". ' ' , , ' Docamentalion t h k h e local l&id,ngehcyhas . . . . . satisfied the.requi&ments of the California. . . . " . . ~nvikmmentalQuaiity Act (Chaptcr.3,,Division i3, .. . . '. Public Resburces code); and ..\ .., . . . . (d) .. An acceptable hydrogeblogic repoi-t or a statiment . . - to.waik a hydrogeologic report. . . (c) , . ' . . , I .. .. . . ' . .. , ! , . . . 17: ' ' > ,', .. . . . . Upon review by 'the Executive Officer, a,deiemihation will be .made as to, whether or not coverage under these .geneial WDRs .is appropriate. A letter from the Regional Board's Executive Officer shall notify'the discharger. when coverage .. under these.general WDRs has'begun.' . .. ' ' , . . , ' a 18; . . : . . ,-- . . Although discharge may be eligible for CbVCrage under this general WDR,the Executive Officer may deterrnine that the discharge would be .better.regdated . individual WDR, under another general WDR, or undq a Nationd Poilutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for. dischages .to surface waters, .If.a discharge is'localed in :an environmentally sensitive .area or . within 100 feet of any s'tream,dhannel, or other watercourse or waterbody, or an. area where groundwater is less than 20 feet below grade, t h e Executive"0f5cer must, within 120. days after submission of a complete Row?, c.onsider if'an individual hemit is necessary in lieu .of the general WDRs and is more appropriate in the interest of water qnality. If a discharge is regulated under on individual or general WDR, or a: waiver, o r under an NPDES dermit, the ' Q . ' . Order No. 01-031 . General Waste Discharge Requirements Small Commercial and Multifamily Resideritid Sitbsurfnce Sewage ~ j s ~ o ssyste&s. al I ' . ' .. -.. . ap~licabiiityof this general WDR to the discharge is imn~ediately'terminated on . . the iffective date of the WDR. . , . .. , ' . . This geriekij WDR is intended to cover both new and existing small. c-stic systems. The adoption of WDRs for existing small domestic systems is exempt .. from the California Environmental Quality Act. .(CEQA) under CCR, Title 14, Section .15261 or Section 15301 as ongoing or existjig projects. . 9 ' ' . , . The State Water ~esources~ o n l ~ ohla, r d (SWRCB) has adopted a Mitjgaled Negative Declayttion in compJIance with CEQA for new small domestic systems i n conn'ection with ..the adoption of Order NO. 97-10, DWQ. The poten~iul : significant eriviroqmental impacts from discharges from 'new small.wastewater treatment systemscan be mitigated to a level of insignificance by complihk' . 'with this Order. . . . . . . . . .. .. . ~ursuan;t o Section 13'263 ofthe CWC, the ~ e ~ j o n a l ~ oIn~ establi,shing rd, the : . . 21. .rcqlii~ementscontained hercin, considered factors including, but not :lirni,te&to', the6llt)wing: .. . 20. . . , , . , ' , . , . . .. . . . . . . a) : (b) . .. ' . .' . ' . . ' , . . . . . . .. ., ' (d) ff) . ! . . , .. .: Economic considerations; .. . . . .. , . . .. . . . . . .' .. . . The need fordevbIoping . . housing within the Regjon; and . . . .,. . . % . , . . . . ' . . The need to develop.and.userecycled wnte;: . . 'These WDRS e%enptfrom chapter15 . . requireae*tsbursnait to CCR,title 23, chapter IS, section 251.!(a): . . .. . 22, . . ,(e). : . and probable f u t.p r bben,kf&ialusesof water; . . coidiriins . that dould reasonably be, ichieveh through the coordinated control of all factors which affect.water quality in the ,area; : . .' . '. ; .' . . . . .. Water , . . , . >:c .. . . . ~ n ~ j r h ~ e nchamgerisrics tal . . of ,:.the hydrographi,c unit . under . . consideration including . . 'the quality of walk avaijable thereto; . . . . . Past, a . . . , ,, . .' . .. . . . . . . . , , . . ' ' ' . , ' ' 23; ' . his brder does hot preempt or Supersede the iurhority of m~hici~alities, flood" control agencies,' or other local agencies to prohibit,, restdci, or control discharges uf waste subject to.their jdsdiction. . . ' . , .. . , . . C The Regional B.cjard'hasnotified interested agencies and persons of its intbnt to prosci-ibe.' Waste Discharge Requirements as described in this Order, and has provided them with an .opporturiity' to submit their wrjtten views and recommendations for the twtatiye requirements. . . . .. . , . . General Waste Discharge Requirements Small Commercial and ~ultifamilyResidential Subsurface Sewage ~ i s ~ o s Systems al . OrderNo:01-031. . . . I . . . . .. . . . . The Regional Board,,,.iria public meeting, heard and considered a11 comments pertaining . to the dischnrgers.robe regulated under this Order and to the. tentative requir&ents, . : a .. . . . IT IS HEREBY ORDERFD THAT: in order to meet the prq<ision's conrained in Division 7 of the CWC and regulations adopted thereunder, dischargers of small 'commercial and rn$tifami]y : sewage dispose1 systems, with a maximum average daily flow exceed 20,000 gallonsi that discharge to land and meet ill conditions of applicabifity, shall comply with t h e following: . A. . . . . , ,; .. 3 ELIGIBILITY: . . ... . . . . ~ i j s t i nand ~ future discharges of treated wastewater to subsulface sewage dlsposal systems, 1. . .- . , . ' i . . .. . To bdcovered under this Order,,discharges rnusl meit the following . . . . criteria: 2. , . . . . 1 . . , . : a. .. .. . . .. . . . . b', .. . Pollutant concentrations in the discharge shall n o t cause hor contribute to. violation of .any applicable water quality .objective. for the receiving .wa'rers, including discharge prohibitions: . . . . . and .. . . 3. . . . . he . . . . . . . . . . 2' , . . . , .. . . . n . AUTHORIZATION:. B, 1. . . 'when an \individukl.pennit ~ 4 t hmore .. specific . is issued to . discharge?, the appli'cability of 'this Order t o that discharger is .automatically . . . termiaated on the effective date of the indiuidua1,pepdt. . . , . ' . . . , . ' .. . . .T o be authorized onder:this ~ r d e i the , discharger mist submit, tb the Regional . Board, h R'eport of Waste Discharge and a corn$eted Form 200: Upon receipt of .' .. " . , . '' ' . .' , . 4. . ~ o r ' t h purpose e of renewal of existing individhal with. this'gen&fd.peI:rpit, provided that all'the conditions of this general permit are met, renewal is effective . . upon issuance.of a notification by the Executive .,Offic'er'.and.issuance of a ne'w monitoring program. . ' ' . . .. . . . . discharge shall pass through a n appropiate trettrment system to' meet he requirements of the Order-'.. ' 'J . . . . - The discharge shall not cause nor contribute to acute o r chronic toxicity in. . . c. .. .. . . feceiving waters: .. . , - the application, the Executive Officer shall detem'nc the applicabiliiy of order to such .a discharge, If the discharge is eligible, the Executive Officer shall nptify the discharger that the discharge is authorized under the iems and conditions o f this Order and prescribe an appropriate monjtoring and reporting' program, For . . . - . . . . ' J General Waste Discharge ~ e ~ i i r e m e n t s Small Cornrnercja1 and Mu1tifamily Residen ti81 . Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems .' . . . Order No. 01-03i . ' new discharges, the discharge shall not commence until receipt of t h e ~ x e c u d v ~ 0fficer's.written determinaiion. , ' .. . . C. . , ' RESPONSIBILXTY: ' . . 1 , For existing small commercial arid multifamily sewige disposd systems, an entity . or agency (hereii.after called t h e Discharger) must accept permanent . .responsibility for the Waste Discharge Requirements and. ,the Monitoring and . Reporting Program for the small commercial and multifamily sewage dispdsnl : systems. In the case of a commercial develbpment, this entity or agency must be . the property owner. In the case o f a multifamily residential development, this ... entity or agency m u s ~be the homeowners' association, ihe conciomjnium.awnc~s' :., 'ilssociation, or the prop* oivner. The Discharger must conlply wjth all . . . conditiuns of these Waste Discharge Requirements. , . , . , ,. 2. . . For, future commercial or multifamily residential developments, the applicant (Develdpor) is responsib1e for compliiince with this Orderup to the time that a . wrjtten. agreement between the applicant and the Discharger.becomes effective. . . . The applicant shall pru$ide: a copy of the transfer agreement id the ~ e ~ i o n i l ' . . . Bqartl ,30.days before its effective date. Vi;~Istioris.may result in enforcement. actions, including Regional Board .Order .or court. orders, requjring corrective . .. action'or imposing cjvil monetary liability, or in modifijcation or revocation of : Waste Discharge ~ e ~ u i r e m e nby t s the Regional Board. .. ' . . .. . , ., ' I: . .. ' .. The Discharger w s r notify the Executive Officer, in briting, .at leasi 3 0 days in . advance of any propbsed transfer of this Order's responsibility a d coverag&to a new Disihaiger. The notice must include a wri,tten agre=&ent between the, . . existing and .new' Dischtirger mmtainitig a. spedfjc date for the ~ a n s f e rof ' . - . responsibility under this Order and compliance between thk current ~ischaiger and ihe new ~ i s c arger.1 h Such agkehent skiall include an ackoowledgrnent that. the existing-Dischargeris liable fbr violations up to the transfer date and that the new Discharger is liabIe dn and after the transferdate '(CWC section 13267 ind . . 13263). . . . . . , , , ., , . wastes:discharged into the v;astew&ar tnatment and disposal sy~temshall be limited to commercial and multifamily residential wastewater only; no industtisll wastes' shall be discharged into the septic system. 2.- The maximum daily flowof influent from the collection system shall not exceed 20,000 gallons per day. This flow limitation also zipp'Iics to effluent discharged to the disposal system (seepage pitsfleachfields). ' For the purposk of this General WDR, industrial wartesare de~tnidas any unwinted materials from an . indust'rial operation. - . . . . : . . .. , . . . 1. ). . ' ' . . . 1 General Waste Discharge Requirements . . . . ~ r n a lCommercial l md,M.u3tifnmilyResidentjal Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems . 1. . , , . . . . 7 ' 3. . Constf tuent TDS. . . ..' , Sulfate ..'Chloridi ... Boron . Total Nitrogen {b) . Nitrate-ni trogeri (b) Ni tritk-nitr~gen(b j. Tottil~olif&n, . Fecal Culifow." ~ntegcoccus . . .. , .. . . . ! . . ' . . .. . \ 4,) . . m g / L ' . ;. mg/L . '. . . . . " . .' ... I . . . . : : ' .. , ' . ' . . (a) . . . . .' 10. lo., .. .I cl.l(c)' . cl.l(C) . il.I(c) . /- i , ' , . , , . , . . . . . . . . . .' .: . .. . . .- . . , . . , : a L ' Plan limitations in Attachments A and B that are applicable to [he particula discharge. (b) Total nib-ogenincIudes amoxtia-$, organic nitrogen, nitrite-n,and nitrateq. . .(c) Pri6r to disposal in areas of shdlow.groundwater anda;coasta1regions where a minimum of tei (10) feec of verticai separation cannot be rnaintaiaed between the bottom of the disposal .. syslem and the hist~riohigh or anticipated high groundwater level and only in ireas where the . , Executivi Officer has determined that wastes will not deleteriousIy affect an aquifer that is . . sujtable for domestic pnrposes, effluent disinfected to Ievefs consjstent ~ i t hthe' beneficial uses of groundwater and the nsarest.swface water body. . ', . . . . . ' . . Wastewater discharged the seepage pits~eachfidds shall not . con&tiations o f salts, heavy metals, or organic poIIu tants from being result i n present in the receiving water at levels thit.would impact thk designated beneficial uses of @IundwCik~'06, in the event that groundwater is in hydraulic .connection witkt surface waters,. the designated beneficial uses of surfacc water. . . ' . . (a) Limits $hajj be based on the groundwater bbasin.objectives andfor beneficial uses listed in' Attachment A, Xn the letter of determination the Executive Officer shall indicate the Basin td . : ia) ..' . .. . m a MPN/100mT, NPN/100mX, . . . mgL',. . m a . .. : fa), . . . ~~.,M]PNflOOIlil,. .... . . 4. ' ' ~axi& . mgilL , ' ' .gnits . . . . . , . ' , . . ' The receiving vriter .shall nut co1.1tnln consjituents ih. excess of .the following limits: . . . . rnoqitoring,program, . .,. I The pH in the recLiving water shjd1 at all tin& bebetween 6.5t o 8.5 pH units. 2. . . . Orcler No. 01 -03 1 . . . . Receiving water, for the purpose of .the general WDRs, shall .be defined as groundwater at.a point no greater than fifty (50) feet.hydraulically downgradient '.of the furthemost extent of the disposal area, qr the property line of the: ~ i s c h n r ~ ewhichever r, is less. Compliance with receiving water limitations shall be determined using a minimum of three (3) appropriately lbcated goundwater rnonjtoring wells. The number, location and constrixtion details of all monitoring wells are subject to approval of the Executive Officer. Disposal systems in close proximity to eachi~thermay,'in order to reduce monitoring c0st.s and complexity, and at the 'Exexecutive Officers discrotipn, ptopose a joint' receiving water . . . . . . . . . . , . . General Waste Discharge Requjrejnents Small Cornhercia1 and Multifamily Residential Subsurface &wage Disposal Systems, . , .- . . . . Order No. 0 1-031. . ' \ . .. The di~posalof wastes shall not imp& tastes, odors, c010f; foaming, or other objectionable chaxacferistics to the recejving water, 5. . . 6!-. 1: . I . . . Any. wastes thit do not meet the fbregoing requirements shall be held in impervious containers and dischaigid at a legal point of disposal. Any additional hookups lo ihe small:commerciaf and multifamily sewage disposal systems sysrcm without prjm wri !ten approval from the Regional Board Executive Officer are piohibited. ' ' .. . I The surficing or bveflow of sewage from the wastewater treatment and disposalsystem at any time ,and 'at any location and the direct or indirect discharge .of wastes, to waters of the State (jncloding .stor& drains, groundwater or surface water brainago'courses) is prohibited, . .. . . . . .. . . . Installation OF ~onstructionof 'any part of .the small commercial and rizultifami'ly . . sewage disposal sysiems within 150 feet of afiy water well is prohibited. ' ' ., . , . ' ' ' , New instilllotion or cbnsk-uction, from and after the effective date of this Order, of : .. . a'ny part of the small c o m e r c i d and multifamily sewage disposal system kithip . 100 feet of any stseam, channel, or other watcrcuursc, o r : water 'body, is : , prohibited,' . . . .. . . . ', . . . . : . No part of the wastewater treatment and disposa2 system shall. extend t o a depth where wastes may deleteriousIy affect an aquifer 'tfiat.''is usabli for domestic . purposes, In no case may the seepage pit or leach field'extencl to within 10 feet of. the zone of histofie or anticipated high ground water level. The Discharge? must :submit certification that the seepage pits or leach fiblds meet .this requirement: In areasof shdlow groundwater and coastal areas whke a mipimum of 10 feet of . vertical separati,on between the bottom of the disposal system and the historic or anticipated high ground water levd cannot be maintained and the Ex.ecutivc . 0ffikr has 'detenniined lhht wastes will not 'deleteriou'sly affect an aquifer that j s . . usable for domestic purposes, the Executive Officer may, at his discretion, allow , . the installati,on and operation of a wastewater treatment and disposal system;. ., provided that the effluent receives additional treatment to include, a t a minimum, disinfection to limits'specified i n Section E. ' ' , . ' 6. Under no circumstances shdl there be a groundwater separation of less than five feet. .. 7. . The disposal of -wastes in g~ologica~I) unstable areas or so 'a$ lo cause egrth movement is prohibited. . ', - General Waste isc charge Requirements Small Commercial and Multifamily Residential ~ubsurfaceSewage Disposal Systeiiis ., 8. ' . . . . , human, animal, plant, or aquatic life is prohibited. . . ' . The discharge of wastes containing ilny substance i n 10: .. . . . . ~ n ~ ' o f f s i djsposal re of sewage or sludge bther than t o a legal point of disposal is prohibited. For purposes of this order, a, legal disposal, site is one for whjch . requirements have been established by a Regiond Water Quality Control Board,. . and which is in full compliance therewith. Any sewage or slpdge handling shall be in such a manner as to prevent itsreaching suriacc water or watercourses. . 9. ' , ' .. ' , ' ' conceitratioii toxic to . . % ~ ~ ~ orabveko+ k s of treated or untreated waste is pfohibited. 11. . . I.. . he onsite disposal of sludge is proftNted, , . , . , Order No, 01.-031 ' a. . , . . The discharge of waste, t o land no; owned or .controlled by the ~ i s c h a r ~ is er 'probibjled, . . . . . I: . . w QUIREMEN~S: :G* . . . . . .. I.' . . . . . .' . . The wastewater,tr&tment and disposal systems shall 'be protected fmm dimage b y storm flows or 'mnoff generated by a 1M)-year stom. Adequate facilities shall be provided to divert,su;face and ~tormwateraway from the wastemater trutment. plant, seepage piti, and areas where any poteitial pollutants are . .stored. .. The' discharger shall not dis&arge waste:inexcess of the maiimum +sign a n d , . . disposal capacity of the small domestic system: . . . . . - . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . The. siti,&, design; conkrmction, operation, m,airttenance and monitoring 'of all wasiewatertreatmenthnd disposal systems covered by these WDRs'must comply with all.of the applicable provisions of the' Basin Plan. . . ' . . The discharge bf wastes from small domestie systems which i s:not authorized 'by . this general WRR OT pther Order or waiver by the Regional Board is prohibited.. . . ., . . . . , ' . . . .. . , . , .' .' . : : .. . . . . . .. .. ' . . . Odors ,of sewage osgin shall not be .detectdbIe. ' . . . . Skitic rank c1eanings shall be performed only by a duly authorized service. , .. . , . . . . . ' 'I .. The discharger shall maintain logs of all septic tank cleanings for a period of no. less than five years. At a,mifiimum the logs shall incIude.tfie date of the.claaning, an< the name, address, phone number, and license numb& (if applicable) of the '. cleaner. , ' % ~ i s c h a r ~ ewho r s accept wa~tesfrom RVs or other mobile waste sysrems must ensure that such wastes (with constituents including, but not iimited to, .. . Order No. 1)1-031 General Waste Discharge Requirements . S,mallCommercial and Multifamily Residential' Subsurface Sewage.Djsposa1systems formaldehyde, zinc, and phenol) do nqt deleteriously affect the septic system or . impact the grbund,water. . . ':, , . I 8.. . . . No part of the disposal systern(s) shall extend to a depth where wask may pollute groundwater. . . 10: \ I' H. . . . PROVISIONS: ' .. . . . .. . 1. ' ,, . . . . . 3. . ' . , , . . . , I 4. 5. , ' . ... , : . ' . ' . , . responsibility to obtain other This Order does not relieve the discharger necessary idcal, State, and Federal permits to construct. facilities necessary f a compliance with this Order, nor does this Order prevent impositioh of additional standards, requirements, or conditi6ns by i p y othei regulatory agency. . . . . -. The discharger shall, immediately remove any *astesthat arb discharged at the . site r6gufatedby this ~rde'rin violation of these-requirements, .. 1 ' - ' . ' Within six months after a community wisteyater col1,ection -(sewq)~ system becomes available, each commercial and multifamily residential de?eIopment shall connect to the community sewer system and properly cI6se the septic system(s). . . . . , '6. A copy of fhese waste discharge requirements shall be maintained arthe discharge facility and be available at all timesto operating personnel.(CWC section 13263). . , . ; . . . Neither the treatment nor the discharge of waste shall create a aonddifion of pollution, c~ntamination.or nuisance, as defined by section 13050 'of the CFVC > (H&SC section 5411, CWC section 13263); 2.' , . . . . .. , . . . . .. ' . I . The .discharger .must -.comply with all cundj~ions of. ihese waste 'discharge . (. rcquiremeilts. A responsible party has been designated in t h e 0rde;i'for this . project, and is legally bound to-maintairi the monitoring program and permit. . .. Violations may result. in enforcement ,actions inchding Regional. Road, orders. or." . . court orders'requiring'correctiveiction or imposing civil monetary liability, or in . . -modification or revocation of these waste discharge requirements by the Cegional Board (CWC'siction 13261,13263, 13265, 13268,13300, .13301,13304,13340, 13350). . . . . . . . . . . . . , : discharges from the I ' A. monitoring program for groundwarer shall b e establisl~ed to detehine if . disposal, system 'have impacted or are impacting water . 11: . . . The subsurfhe wastewater disposal system(s) shall b e maintained so no time will sewage surface at any l,ocation., . . . . . .. 9 , .. The discharger shall ensure that the contents ofthe freatrnent.systemsare disposed of in accordance with all applicable laws and ordinances. . .. . . ,. General Waste Discharge Requireaents ' Small ~ommercialand Multifamily Residential , ., .. Subsurface sewago Disposal Systems ,' . 7. '% - 8.. ' . , . . ' The Discharger shall maintain, forinspectjon by Regional Board staff, ihe as-built . construction and. operation details of the wastewater treatment and disposal 'system. . In an enforcement action, it shall not be a defense for the ~ischbrgerthat i t would have been necessary to halt or to reduce the pqtnjtted~activityin order t o maintain . . compliance with this Order. Upon reduction, loss, of failure of the septic system,' the ~ i s c h a x i e shall, r to [he extent necessary to maintain cwmpliance with this 'Order, control all discharges until the system is restored or an alternative method. of treatment is pro;ided. . . . . . . . ' .,OrderNo.01-031 ; . , ,The Di~ihargeri3 responsible for the a c d ~ n sof a11 fenants and er&loyees of the regulated facility with regards to compliance with this Order and should develop and provide them with a $ollution prevention plan i n order to minimize potlvtiint discharges to the wastewater trea&t and ,dispoial system, he polJu[ion. prevention plan'should include the following topics: .. 9: ' . . ' , .. . ' Pmper?ispo~alof hatofisls handled d the regolared facility; .. . . a) I . .. , , . .. . .. . . '. , . . .. . . r-, (c) . . . ' A . . . '.Methods tb wash tools and other objects so',that no contaminahts are introduced into the septic system; and . . . . (bj ' . ' . . . . Method$ to wash hands so that no,conternjnantsare introduced jnto : . , .. the septic system. ' . : . . . A spill response pl'arishaU bedevelopid s n d k k ~ ton . site by ihe ~ i i c h i r ~ eThe. r. spill respokse plan shall detail all appropriate, actions to b. e . .taken in order to proten human health and the environment,in cask of any spill related tb the . . operati& of the treatment and disposal system. . .' . .. , . . . The ~iichargkrshall provide safegoards to the w k w a t e r tErestmebt and disposal system .in'a maan'er such that, in the event. of 'an eiectn'c powe~.failum,the . . Discharger shall comply,with the terns and conditions of its Order. . i . . . New small commercial and multifa&ly sewage disposal ,sy,stem3 shall reserve sufficieni land area.for possible - future j00 pmmt replacement of the subsurface 'disposal are& until such time as rile dis~h&~er's facility i s 'connected to a . . 5,municipal sewerage system, . 13. . ' , . Where the discharger becomes aware that it failed to submjt any ielevant facts in Report of Waste.Discharge or submitted in'dorrect infomiation in a Report o f Waste Discharge or in anyreportto the Regional ~ o a r di,t shall pro.niptly submit such'facts or information (CWC sections 13260. and. 13267). , . . . .. a Order No. 01-031 General Waste Discharge Requirements Small Commercial and Multifamily Resirlentla1 subsurface Sewage Disposal Sysrems . . . . The filing of a request by the diicharger for an order mo~iBcntion,revocation and issuance, or termination, or .a qotification ,of. planned changes or anticjpated . nohcnmpliance dues not stay any condition of this Order.. 14. '. . . . 1 , . . a reasonable time, any information. the Regional Board or thk SWRCB may request to-deiewine whether cause exists for modifying; revoking and reissuing, or tenqinating the discharger's coverage unaer .this Order. The Discharger shall @so furnish to the ~ e ~ i b n Board al 6i the SWRCB, upon request, copies of records required to be kept by this'order, Tne discharger shall. furnish, $thin ' . , . . . . ' ' , . ' . .' 1.7. . , . . . Prior to any modifications in the djschirrgerysfacility. d ~ i c hwould result in a material change in the qualjty or quantity of wtistqwater treated or discharged, or any mqteriaterinl change in ;he location oS discharge, the discharge+ shall repon all pertinent information in writing to thb RWQCB and obtain confirmation that such ;, modifications do not djsqualjfy the djschargcr'from coverage under these general W D R s . ',Either c,onfjtmation or new. WDRs must be obta'ined . befoye any . modifjcations are implemented. 16. . . . ': . . . , . . After notice and opportunity for or heaxjng, coverage'of an individual discharge under thik Order.may b e terminated or 'modified for 'cause,. including but' not . limjtcd to'the following: , . . . . . ' . . . , . . ' . . . . . . . . .. , ' , . , .. . . 18. . , ' , .. . . . Obtaining this.@dcr by misrepresentation or failure to djsclosc till relevant. . facts; or . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ' . ' ' . . : (c) A change in any c~nditiw,that requires either a Im$bfary or reduction or .elimination ofthe authorized discharge. . . . . . . % . : . .. ~ h e s ewaste discharge requirements are 6Gbject to review and revision by the Regidnal Bpari.1 , . (CCR section 13263). . . . . . , . . * , . ., after receipt of the ~egibnalBoard Executive for a period of ten (ID) : ~fficer'swritten determination of applicability, .Should tho.Dischgger wish to . under the terms and conditions contained in continue discharging to' this 0rde; for a period of time in excess of ten (10) years, the Discharger must file. on updated ~ e ~ o r t 'Waste o f D i s c h ~ g ewith this Regional Board, nb later than 120 days in advance of the expiration date of the 0rder;forconsideration bf issuance .-. . o f new or.r~visedwastedischarge requirenients. Any discharge of waste ten (10) . years 'after the date of enrollment, without obtaining new .Waste' Discharge Requirements from the Regional Board is a violation of provisions of CWC - .. . 1 % . These waste discharge requirements contained in this Order will remain in .effect . . . . I . . i (b), ' . Violatjon'of any term or condition contained jn this Order; , (a) . , . section 13264. The Regional Board is aufhorized to take appropriate enforcement . . ... .. , : .' . . . . . General Waste Discharge Requirements Small ~omm6rcia1and Multjfamily Residential Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systerns Order No. 01-031. . action for any noncompljance with this provisjon including assessment of penalties. , 20. .. . . This.Orderdoes not convey any property ijghts of any. sort or any exclusive . privileges. The requirements prescribed herein do not authorize the commission of any act Lausing injury to, persons or property, do not protect the discharger' from his jiability under Federal, State or local laws, nor do they create a vested right fornthe discharger ro continue the waste discharge (CWC ~eGjon'13263(~)). . . . , . '\ , ' Provjsjons of these waste di.kcharg' requirements are severab1e:If any provision of lhcse requirements are found invalid, the remainder ofthese ,req&ements shall not be affected (CIVC sectjon 921). 21. , The discharger shall, at alltimes, propcrly operate and maintain all faciljtjes and systems of treatment and:conirol,(and related appultenances) which are installed or used by the discharger'to achieve complisnce withconditions of this Order. . Proper operation and maintenance includes effluent pnfomance, adeqkife hnding, ndequite c.$erator staffing. and train/ng, and adequate : inboiatdry and .: . . process convols' inchding appropriate quality : assurance proc&dures. his provjsiori requirk the operation .of .backup or . auxiliary facilities o r similar . systems only when necessary to ;chieve compliance with t h e conditions of tfiis . ~ r d e r .section ( ~ ~i3263(f)). ~ . .. . .. .. . . . . . . All regulated dispdal systems shall be 'readily accessible for sampling and 23. 22. . . ' . , ' ,' . ., - . ! I inspecticin.. . . . .. ..(a) . . . . ' , . . . .. . . . . " Have access to and copy, at reasonable times, any records &st must be kept under the conditions .of rhis Order; (c). .. ! . . . . . . . . ' (b) " . . . Enter upon the discharger's premises.where a tegulat cd facf lit' or . activity is located or conducted; or where records m . ust. be'kept under the conditibns of this Order; .. . . . . . . . . c , . .. . . . . ' '. 2 . 9 . . a , , . , I The discharger shah ill& thk ~ e ~ i c i n a~ lo. a r d 0; , in authorized 'r@presentativi. . @on the presentation of credentials and other do&~@ents, as:may be required by .. . . '. law,to:. , . . 24. . . (dlf ' . Inspect at reasonable times any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices, .or operations regulated or required under,this Order; and . : Sample o r . monitor a t . reasonable times, . for the purposes of . assuring compliance with this Order, or as otherwise authorized by the California Water Code, any substances or parameters. at any locat~ion(CWC section 13262'): . . . . . . '. . . + ' .. .. . . . . , . . . .. . The discharger shall furnisg, under penalty of pedury,,technical monitoring program reports; such reports shallthe.submitted in accordance with specific.ations~ prepared by 'the Executive Officer, which specifications are subject to periodic rqvisions as may be warranted (CWC section 13267). . . . 25. .. OrdcrNo. 01-031 . . General Waste Discharge Requirwnenrs small Commercial and Multifamily ~esidential Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems . 26. .. 'AII monitoring instruments and. devices used by the discharger to f~~lfill the ' prescribed monitoring progFam shall be properly rhaintained and calibrated as necessary to ensure their kontinued~accuracy.All flow measnrement devlces shall be calibrated at least once per year, or more frequently, to ensure continued ' . accuracy of the devices. Annually, the discharger shall submit to the Executive . Officer a written statement, signed by a registered. professional engineer, . 'certifying that. a11 flow meaiurement.deviceshave been calibrated and will reliably achieve.the accuracy required. . . . , .' . , . . , . . .. : 27. ; In anenfurcement actidn, it shall not be a dcfcnsc for tha discharger that jt would. have been .necessary to hal't or to reduce the permitted activity i n order to maintain compliance 'with this Ordbr. 'Upon reduction, loss, or failure of the treniment . . facility, the discharger shall, to theextea necessary to maintain compliai~cewith . , ' . . . . , <. i . . . . .. . . . ., ' 'this Order, control production or ,all discharges, or both, until the facility i s restored or m .alternative method of treatment is provided. ~ h i s . p r o ~ j s j oapplies, n for.exkp1e, when the primary source of power of the treatment facility'fails, is .. reduced, or is lbst {CWC section 132630). .. '.. . . . .28, ' ' . >. . . The discharger shall report any noncornplistnce whjch,may endanger health or.the environment, Any.such 'itdormation. shall be provided verbally to the Executive Officer within'.24 hours f m the time the dischar'g& bccpmes aware of .the circumstances. A written submission shaH also be provided within five days of the time that the d.ischarg&r becdrnes aware of the. circumstances. The: written submisSion shall contaii a description of .the noncompliance and its cause; t h e . .period of nonc~mpliance,'including exact dates and times; 'and if the nonc'ompliance has not 'been corrected; .'be anticipated, time i t is expectid to , taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of . c o d n ~ , esteps the noncompliance, whether, the spill r'esp~nseplan' was irnplerrimted and an iriitial assassrneht of the noncompliance on human 'health and the environment. The Executive officer,: or 'an authorized representative, may waive the written rep+ on a case-by-case basis if the om1 report has been received within 24 hours. . . The following occarrehce(s) must be repdrted ta the.Executive Officer within 24 . hours: . . . . ' 1 . . . . ' . . . . (a) Any bypass From any podon of the wastewater treatment system: @) Any discharge of treated or untreated wastewater resuiting from sewer line .breaks, obstruction, .surcharge or any 'other .circumstances; and : (c) Any wastewater treatment system, upset which causes aiiy 1i~itation.inthis Order to be .exceeded (CWC sections 13263 ,and 132673). .. .. . . .. .. ' General Waste Discharge kequiremen ts SmaIl Commercjal and ~ u l t j ' f a i n i~esidetrtial l~ Subsurface Sewage Dispbsal Systems ' . . , " ". Order No. 01-03 1 . .'The discharger shall retain records. of all monitoring information including all'. calibfiation md maintenance records, all original strip chart recordings for '. contin,uoq monitoring instrumentation, copies of all reports required by this .. Order, and records of all data used to comple'te the application for this Order, Records shall be maintained for a minimum of three years fsom the date of the sample, measurement, report, or applicatiop. This period may be extended, during . the course of,any unresolved litigation regarding this discharge or when requested by the Regional Board Executi~eOfficer. . , . . . 2. ' . 0 . . Records of monitoring information shall .include: , (a) The date, exact place, and time of sampling br measurements; . . (b) The individoa~(s)who performed the sampling ,ormeasuremeits;. (c) (d) The date(s) analyses were performed; '. ' . The indi\~idu~l(s) who performedthe analyses; (e) The analytica) t&iniqliqs or method used: and, . . , ; . . . . (0 ,.- . ., ' ' ' Theresults of such analyses. 1. . , . ' . ' . ., . . . . . . . . . . " , . .. .. . . .. . . .. . ' ' . . I .. . A I ippliia:ion ~ seports"or.information to. be submitted to the , ~ ecutive f officer . . shall be signed ~ n certi8td4as d follows:,, . . . . . . .. . . : . . . . . For a corporation by a ,principalexe&'tive officer or i t least the .. .. . ..W .. . . , . .level'of.vicepresident; ' . 30. . . . . , . , .. .. . . .. , , -- ' . . : . .. . @) ,. For a partnership or sole proprieto&hip the proprietor; respectively; and . .. . . . . . , , . 31. . For a municipality, State, ~ederaj,or other public agency - by either a principal executive officefor 'ranking electep official:. . . . . (c) . . , \ . . ! A duly authorized re6eseitative o f the . docurnentsif: . . designated above may sign .. 1 . The person 'described .aboGe makes. the authorizatjon in writing described above; ' . . . .. (a) - . . -- by a general partner or . .. .. , ' The authorization specifies an individual or person having : ,: responsibility for the overalloperation of the regulated &sposal @) . . . system; and . . . . .. * 16 , . . . . ' . . . . . B' Order No. 01-031 General Waste ~ i s c h a & eRequirements Small Commercial and Multifamily &siclentid Subsurface Sewage,Disposal Systems (c) . . The written subrni~tedto the Executive Officer. These records and reports are public documents and shall b e made available for inspectioh during normal business hours at the office of the California .Regional Water. . . , Quofjty ControI Board, Lo$ Angeles Region, . . I . : ~'~ONITORING AND REPORTING .REQUIREMISNTS: , I. .. . . . . . . . The Executive Officer is hereby authorized to use his or her discretion to prescrjbe 'a Monitoting and Reporting Program for each authorized discharger. The ,program may jnclude participation .. .of the Discharger . . jn a regional moniton,ng program. .. ,Monitbrjngr . 1. '' , . . , . . . :. . . , The Discharger shall establish.,a groundwater monitoring program so .thal the groundwater downgradient from discharge areas can be meas'ilred, sampled, and analyzed t o determine 'if discharges from the disposal system impact w a t i r . quality. In addition, the,Discharger must compIete a study tq determine the. de&q of the hydrhdic connection between h e disposal system andsurface water' . should the .treatment and ,disposal system be located within 500 feet of a, surface .water bidy, or at ihe'djscretion of the Executive Offices. . . . ', ' . .. . ' , , 2.1 . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . , ;, , ' . . . . . Reporting: . . ' . I. . . . . The Monitoring and ~eportingprogram may require submittal of monthly, quarterly, or annual rnonitorjng reports, among others, to the Kegional Board. Monthly monitoring reports shall be submitted fb the Regional Board by the 15th day of thefolloGing month. Quarterly reports Shall be submitted by January 15, ~ p r i 15, l July 15; and October 15o f e a ~ hyear. Annual reports shall be submitted by January 30 bf the following year . . It . . 2. . . ~ h o u l hmonitoring data indicate impacts to groundwater or surface kater,..the Discharge'r shall submit, 'within 90 days after detem'ination of the problem, plans for measures that will be 'taken, 'or have been taken, .to mitigate 'any Iong-tern effects [hat result from the subsurface disposnl. of wastes. Any water quality impact to surface and groundwater such as, but not Bmited to, risks to hum&: health from pathogeqs, and accelerated eutrophication of surfaceI" waters .from . nutrj ents in wastewater shall be ieported. . I . . . . . The annual monitoring report shall contain,both tabular andgraphic& summaries of the monitoring data obtained during the previous. year. '111 additidn, the Djscharger shall discuss the compliance record and the corrective actions taken or planned that may be needed to'bring the discharge into full compIia*.nce with the. general WDRs. ' ' . , ' , ' . . , , . . ., . . ~ e i e r aWaste l Discharge Reqtjirements '. Small Commerciall and Multifamily Residential Subsurface Sewage Disposal Systems . . .. . I , reporting the muniioring data, the discharger shall mange the data in tabuiar form so .[hat the date, the constituen~s, and the concentrations are readily . discemjble. The data shall be summarized in such a manner to illustrate clkarly whether the discharge complies with WDRs. The average 'daily flW shalI be. . . ., calculated using the arithmetic mean of the monthly values obtained throughout the reporting period, . . .. 3. , 2 , . . . Order No. 01,031 .. !, ' ' . . . . . The res~ltsof any monitoring done more frequently than requjred at fhe..location, andior times specified in the Monitoring and Reporting Program shall be rePdrted . to the I?.egional Board. The results. of such monitoring shall be included in the calculation and repor?ing of the values required is the discharge monitoring report form, Such increjsed frequency shall be indicated on the discharge monitoring .4. . . . , . . , , . . report farm. .. .. , ' , ( . . Summaries :of all. performed maintenance a n d inspection wctivitjes and all. instances _ of noncomplia~cewjtb the WDRs shall be reported with the rnonitorjng - . reports .as required. . . .. ,.5. . . . . . ' . 6. . . . . s .. . . .. . > implement the above konitoringprogram on the fi,rsi day bf. . themo~hfollowingthe.eff~cti'vediicofcoverageunderthes~ge~eralWDRs. . . . The dischirg& .&all . . .. ;, , ., GERTI3ICATION ' .. ! , . . . . , .. .. I,true.Dennis ~ . ' ~ i c k k & o~nx, e c u & v0ffichr;do e hereby certify the f6regoing is f ~ l l , : and correct copy of an :Order adktid b y the California' Regionil water Quality $st. . , .- .. , a , . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 . . , . . , . .. . . . . ' Control Board, L o s Angeies ~ e g &on ~ e b r u a 22,.2001. r~ . - . . . : . .Dennis A: Dickerson Executive ,officer. , . - . . .. . , . . . . . . . . . I . . .. ' . . STANDARD PROVISIONS APPLI.C;AB.LE . . TO WAS.~E.P.~~C~A.RG.E.:REQ,U~~REM.ENT..$ .. . . . . . .. . '. 1. . . DUTY .. TO'. . COMPLY . .. . . .. : ~ h e d i s c h a r ~ must e r comply with all conditions af these waste discharge requirements: in the Order for' this project, and is iegally bound to maintain the monitoring' progrkm and 'permit. ' Violations may result ,in enfor.cem.ent actio.ns, including Regional Dsard srders or court orders requiring corrective action or imposing civil m.inktary ligbility,.or in modification or revocation of thebe waste dischaige requirements by the .R:egional Board. [CWC Se~tion13261, 1 3 2 6 3 , ~ . ~ ~ 6 5 , 1 3 213306, 6 8 , 1330(, 13384,I334O, 133501 A 'responsible party h a s been designated . . , ' .. / 2 . . GEN~ERALPROH.IBIT~ON '. . . . . . . . . . ' . , , . '. . . , Neither the treatm&t nor the discharge ofwade shall' create a piliution, contamination or nuiswnce, 3s defined by Section 180'50 ef' the California.Water. Code (CWC), [U.&SC Section 541 I , CWC Section ,I 32631 . . ' s , ' ' ' . - . a . . . , . A c.opy of these waste discharge requir~,~ents'shall be maintained at the discharge faci$t'y'"aud . .. be .availgble'atall times to dperatimg personnel. ... [CWC Section, . . 132'631 . .. '1 . ] _ . 4; . ' . CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP" . . .. , . . . . , . . . . . . . . +he dischaigei , &tity the ~xe.iuti~e 0fficer;in wfiting at 'least 30 days,i,n advance . of a n y ~roposed'transfer,offhis O,rderlsresponsibility and coverage to d new discharger .) cdntaining, a for the transferadf' this Ordef's, res,p:ansibility and werage . hemeed 'the current discharger andl..the,.new.d.ischarger. his ag.reern&ntsAall':ih6lu36 . an ackn.owled,gementthat the existing 'liable for violations up to the trmsfer -date a i d ,that the new discharger is liable fr6mthe transfer date .,on. [CWC . Sections . . 13267 .and,1'3263] . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ' , .. . : . . .,, In.fhe event'of a material change in the chall-acter,'location,or'volume of a discharge, the discharger shall file with this Regional, Board a new, Report of.Wa$te Discharge.'.[CWC Section -1326D(c)]. A material change includes, but is not limited to; the following: . . . . .. (ax , '. . . - . . . . . . ' , / . . ~ddifionof a major industrial waste discharge io a discharge of.essentially 'domestic sewage; or 'the addition of ,a' new process or product by an' industrial facilitjt resulting in a,change in the character of the Waste. . ' I ' ' .> . . . . . :.. .. . . . . . . . November 7,1990 WDR . . . . Standard ~rovisionsApplicatjle to Waste , .. . . ' .. ' . .. . . . , (b) . Significa.nt change in disposal rrkthod, e;g., change from a land disposal to a direct discharge .to wtiter, or change .in the 'method of treatment wo~$d significantly alter the characteristics of the waste. .. . . '. .' . . . . .' . . t> Significant change in thb disposal area, e.g., moving the disoharge,to another drainage area, to a different water body, or to a di%posal area sign'ificanty reh0ve.d frarn ...the original area 'potentially causing different w.ater quality or nuisance problems. . . (c) ' , . (d) ,, (e) 1 i. ' . ' ' ; waste disposal beyond that . Increase i n the area or depth to b e used for sodil s.pecified in the waste disctiarge requirements. [CCRTitle 23 S e d i ~ n22101.. . . - 7; TERMINATION ,. . ; '. 1, ) : .. .. .. . i- - Where the discharger becomes awgre: that it failed to' submit a n y relevant facis in a Report of waste' Discharge or ,submitted incorrect information. in a, Report 'of ,Waste 'Discharge' or in..any report to.the Regional Board, it sh'all~promp'tly'submit suoh .facts or . . [CWC Sections '? 32.60 and 132671 .infbrmation. . . . ' . . . .. ~ h i 6 ' 0 r d e rdoes ndt convey hi$ propeliy.rights of any so13 or a n y exclusive privileg,es.. The requirements prescribed herein do not.authorize the commission of any acttcausfng injury to persons' or property, do .not. protect the disch.arger .from h'fs liability under Federal, .State or local laws, nor do they "create a vested right.for the'.discharger to @ntin.ue the waste discharge. [CWC Section 13263(g)] . .' .. . . SEVERABILITY . . , . '' . , ,: . , 9. . , < I- . . . . Provisions of these. waste. discharge :requir$ments Bre iev&-abie. If any provision of these requirements are found invalid, the remainder. orthe requirements shall ,not be ' . affected. [CWC ,Section 921.1 ' .. .' . .. . ' Increase in flow beyond that specified in.the waste discharge'requiremknts; . . . . . ' . These waste discharge req'yicements are subjecl' to review and revision ,by the.:Reg.ianal . . Board. [CCR Section 1.32631' . - . , , . . " . . .. OP,ERATION . . . AND . MAINTENANCE . 10, . . . L. Standard 'Provisions Applicable to W.iste ~ i s c h g rkg Reguirements . . ' The dis.charger shall, at all times, properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems . of treatment and con.trol (and related ap.purbenances) Which are installed or used by the disohar.ger to achieve ~omplianoewith conditions of this.Order. Proper operation and m3Intenance i.ncl.udes eyfective performance, adequate funding, adequate operator staffing and training, and adequate, laboratory and, pro.cess controls includi'ng appropriate . . quality assurance procedures. This provision requires the operation of backup or. auxiliary facilities or similar systems only when necessary to achieve abrnpliance with the conditions of this.O~der. [CWC section. 4326.3(~)] . . . 11. HAZARDOUS . . .... RELEASES . . E.xcept far a dis~hargewhich compliance with the& waste discharge requirementsi any. causes or permits any " . ' : ! , ' person who,, $Jhout regard to ' i n t y t gr negligence, . . . ,... ,'hasqrdo,ijs ,.... -suhstance':qr. sewage 40 :be djscha~g8d,in-or :on .any..wafers,s. ~ f . t h eStdie, .OP ... ...., . ..,..:. . $isc.haiy&I ,OF .$.e@6sifeclv~here"'it '1% of,p'&ably~wili b.e,':diqc$harg.ed 'in bran any .waters @.the @3ie,s@ali;& as (a) that G;ersbn has knowle.@e of the discharge, (b) ~ o i i f i . ~ a t i oisn pbs,$i@le, and (c) rj.otificati.on can be pro~id'@dwithout swbstanfially clea.fikp Br .em'ergepoy mea$ures, immediately notify the O'Tfik of .. ,.. ,.. . irt?@f$i .._.. in.g I , - ' Eirner'gehcy ~ek.!ces,,of.the disdha$e in tit?cord.gncewithjthe s.pil.1-reporting provision of the:~tatetoxic ,d&g&elsconii",s:eney. plqn Ei8qpte.d pursuant to .Article. 3.7 (commencing with Secfion 8534.79. <f.;~hqp~br7;ofPlivisiqn 1 of Title 2 of 'the ~ , o ~ e r n m & t : ~ o & .and , irhmediat6lg.i rioiify the state B0ar.d .or the a,ppropri$e ,Regian.$l .Board of the. disdhatrge: Ttiis .provision Y$es n'ot recju'ire rep,~i-ting:df any discharge of less ,than a repi$t$ble quantity as brovided:. for under subdi<isian.s (f) and jg:).-of Seqtion 132.71 i f the water Cod6 un.less the, discharger is 'in,vi38ion of:g prohibiti6n"in t h e . . ~ ~ . p l i c a b l e . ~ a~tuear l i t y Control plan. [ ~ ~ c . ~ e $ i t 1327(a)] ion . . . .. . %c,..~. ' , . . . . .. . P;ETROL'EUMR E L ~.A S.E S . . . . . Except for a discharge which is in compliahce with these waste discharge requirements, any person who without, regird to intent or negligenpe, causes or'permits any oil or petroleum product to be discharged' in or on any .waters of the State, or discharged or deposited .where it is, or probably Will be, discharged in .or on a n y waters of the State, shtill, as soon'as ('a) such person has knowledge . . , . .. of the discharge, (b) notification is possible, and (c) notification &n be provided without sub-st~ntial~y'impedin~ cleanup or other emergency,measures, ,immediately notify the Office of Emerg.ency services of the discharge .in a&.cordance with the sp'ill repoiting. provisidn of 'the State oil spill c ~ n t i n ~ e n c ~ 'adopted ~ l a n pursuant to Article 3.5 .(commencing with Section 8574.1) of Chapter 7 of Division 1' of Title 2 of the Government. Code, This ,provision does not require reporting .of any discharge of less than 42 gallons unless the discharge is also required'to be r e k r t e d pursuant to Section 31 1 of the Clean Water Act or the discharge ~' [CWC is in violation of a prohibition in the applicable Water ~ u a l i t Control.Plan. :Section ? 32721 . . 'W-3 l' . , . . , Standard Plovisions ~pplicableto Wgste Djschalge Requirements . : ' . . . .. . , . The discharger shall allow the Regjonal Board, or an authoriz'ed representative upon the presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law, to: .. , (a) . . ,, Have access to and copy, at reasonabie .times, any records that mu& be kept . under the con.ditionsof this Order; (b) , ' Enter upan the di.schargerJspre'mises where a regulated facility or activity 'is locatedw conducted, or where rekords must be kept under the conditions of this . Order; . . ~. . . . . .. . (c) Inspect at reasonable times any facilities; equip.rrient(including monitoring and control 'equipment), practi~e.~, or operations regulated o r . required under this Order; and . . (4) Sample o r monitor atre~5soh:2Uletimes, for the purposes d assuring compliance with'this Order, or as othem'isg authorized 'by the .California Water Code, any .substances or par&neters .. $t.a~,y location.,ECWC Section 132673 . .. . . .. . . . . 4 .. MONITORING.PROGRAM AND DEVICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . monitoring .pro.gramshall be. propekly rnairii$i.ned and calibrat6d as necesswry to ensure tkeir contin.ue,daccuracy.. All flow measurement devices shall b.e calibrated at least once.. per year, or, to ensure cpntinued accuracy of the devices. Annually,the discharger shall ,submit to the Execuiive Office a written statemerit, signed by "a regi~tered~professionalengineer, certifying that all flow measurement devices have been calibrated' and will reliably achieve the accuracy required. . ' ' ; . Unless otherwise .permitted.b.ythe .Regional Board. Executive officer, all analyses shall be conducted at a laboratory.certified for Such anaiyses. by the' Sta'te Department of Health services. :The Regional Board Executive.Officermay allow use o?.an uncertified laboratory under exceptional circumstances, such as when the closest laboratory to.the location is outside the. State boundaries and, therefore not subject to certification. All analyses shall be, be conducted in accordance with the latest [4OCFR . edition of "~uidelinesEstablishing Test Procedures for Analysis of PollutantsJJ~ Part 13'61 promulgated by the U.S. Environme'ntal Protection Agency.. . [CCR Title 23, . .. Section 22301 . . . ' . , - ' . .. . . . . ' . , All rn~nitirin~ instruments and devices used by the discharger to. fulfill the prescribed' . . . . . . The discharger shall furnish, under penalty' d perjury, technical monitoring program. . reports;.such t.ep?rts shall ,be sql5mi$ accordance.with'speciWcati.ons. prepacedqby. the Executive Offi.oer, which qpecifications are subject to periodic revisions as; may b.e . . warnanted. [cWC. Section, T3267] .. . . . . . . '(. . . . , ' : ' , .- . . Standard ~rovisions~pplicableto .Waste,:l?ischqrgg . . Requir.emegts . . , ' , .Is, , TREATMENT . . FAILURE In an enforcement action, it shall n.ot be a defense for the discharger that it would have been necess.ary to halt or t o , reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain . ,' . . . ., , . compliance with this Order. Upon reduction, loss,'or failure d t h e treatment facility, the discharger shdll, ta the extant rieaessary fo ma'intain complia.n.& with thi's Order, c~ntrol or all ,discharges, or both, until the facility is restored or an alternative method ' . of treatment is provid6d.' This provision applies, fbr example, when the primary source of.power ofYhe treathent faciliti fails, is reduced, or is lost. [CWC S ~ c t i o n13263(f)] . ' , . . ' . D.IS.CHARGETO NAVIGABLE WATERS .I 6. Any pers0.n discharging or p.roposing to discharge to nilvigable waters from a point source (except for d'isiharge d;f dr'gdged 'or fill 'm$terji.$l subject .to Section 404 fo the ...c.l&n. wateg+, d i $ ~ f f ~ ~ b & ; i i .a b j.genera!. ~ ~ t . ; tNP'D,E.S ~,.an..NP'DES p:ern;it a$,pli=atiCinwithth.6R'egib.ri41"~dard: . . [CCR.Tifle.2~e-ction823.57 ..' . , $ . . . . ,. ' The discharger shall report any rbncomplianc~whi'ch n a y endanger health ar'the. Any such .informatipn $hall be brovided ' to the Executive Qffi~er within 24 hours from'thetime tbe.discharger beoohes .aware of the cirr;umstancas,. A written submission shall,:alsa be providied within five 'd.ays of the time: the disqhgiyger.,, ., . . .. . bebomes aware' of ihit circurrista!ces. The written submission shall .con,tairi-a description of the non,~ornpli.aaCe$iid its cause; the period;,6f noncorripIia~.ce,incfu.di,n,gs '. has fmt .been cmr.e:ected;-th,e:aniidjpated . . exact dates a n d, and iQt'he:n.o~compiianci ,. . ; time it is expect,ed to continue ad.steps .taken or planned to reduce,'.eliminate,' a n d . . .prevent. recurrence 'of..the .nancorn~liance. The Eke~.utive.Qffi.cer, .or an authorized. representative, may waive the writtet? report on a case-by-case basis if the :oral report .. .. has been received within 24 hours. Thefollowing occurrence(s) ,must be reported to the Executive Office within,24. hours: . .. . . . ( . . . environment. ' ' . . . ' ' ' .! < , ' . . . (a) . (b) ' , Any bypass from any portion ofthe treatment facility. . ' , . . . (c), ' . 18 . , . ' Any discharge of treated or untreated wastewater resulting from ~ 6 w e rline, ; . . breaks, obstruction,'surcharge.or. any-other circumstances. . . . , . . . . Any tr.eatment plan upset which cailses the effluent limitation o? this Order to be . exceeded, [CWC Sections 13263 and 132671 . . MAINTENANCE . OF RECORDS . . . . The discharger shall retai'n records of all monitoring information including all calibration and.maintenance records, all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, copies off.all reports required by this Order, and record of all data used W-5 . . . . . . .. standard Provisions ~pplicableto Waste . .. ,,Requirements,~ . , , . . . .. .: . . .. .. . . . .. . . ' . 1 ..,.. . , to complete the applic3tion for this.Order. Wecocds shall be maintained Spr a minimum of three years from the date of the sample, measurement,' report, or application. This' period' may be .extended during .the course of any unresolved litigation regarding this discharge or when requested by the Regi~nalBoard Executive Officer. . , ' . . . . Record5 of monitoring information shall include: . The (a) (b) . (d) The individual(s):whoperformed.ttie analyses; . . , The results of s.uch analyses. . . '(a) - .' . . . . . . . . . . ..vicepresident. . <. .. . .. . . . i ; , . . . p partner ?pihe . . . ., . . , . .. ' .. i The authorization specifies either an: individual or position. having ..' ' , (3) ~ h written & aithorizitioi is submiited to the Executive officer. ' , Any p.e'rson signing a document under this Section shall make the following cei-tification: , . . , ' ' .' . . . . ,. responsibility for.the.overall operation of the regulated facility .or activity; . and . .' .. .. . , . . . (I) . The writing by a person described'in paragraph. (a) of this. . provision. (2)' .. .. s i i , , . ._ . . A duly authorized representative of a person designated in .paragraph (.a) of this provision . . may sign documents if: . . . . . .. ' .. . .. , . . . federal, o r othei public 'agenV - by either a 'principal executive.officeror ranking elected official.. .. . . . . . . . . . . . F O a~ municipality, (3) . . .. . . . F Y .corporation.-,bib ~ prin.ipal 6xecutive officer or at least ihe'lewel of', .propcieto.r;res.pectiyely. . . . . . (2) ... For a padtiership o r sole proprietorship .- by a general . (b)' . . . ' .: - . . ' ' . i , . Alj qppli.cation-reportso r inrormatibn to be submitted to the Executive ~fficeshall. be sign6d and a s f01lo.w~: - ' . . . (1). . . . . .. s . . . ., . . 19. 1 . . . The date@)analyseswere performed;. , ' ' . (c) . \ . . The indiwidual(s)who performed the sampling or me8surerneht; . (f) ' . date, exact place', and time of sampling or measurernen;; . . . . '. ' 1 . ' , ' .. . ' . stanbard ~ ~ - o v i s i o n s ~ ~ ~ l i .c a b l e t ~ Waste pi?.charge,Requirements . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . "I ceflify .under .p.ena!t'yof law that I have. personally eXarnindd .atid am fam.iG,ar .with :the .infarmation subrniqed in this document and. all. ,attachments and' that, .based. .on .my ing.uity of individuals i,rnmijdiately resp.onsible for obtaining the infarmation, I believe that the information. is true, accurate, and complete.. . I am aware that l;hsr.e are sigriificarit p.ena.1tie.s for submitting false information, including the pasdbility of' fine and imprisonment. [OWC Sections 13263, 1,32537, and .. ' - . ' 20,' . . . a ' . , . , .. ' . . . . Supervisors $nd qperators of mynicipal wastewater 'treatment plants and privately owned,.fa~ilitie$~e$u'iatedby 'the'PUC, used in the treatment or.reclamati.ot.1.of sewage . . and indust~idlw~$f&:&k?illpa$sess.g.cer;tificai:eof ap.propciate grade .in accordance Nth .gf . R6g.Ui.ations ,..... - ,,..., Section 3680. State Boards ntle 23, Califorrfil' . . . . . . C.6de -...: . - ., ......... 'may ;@scept . . . .,&jjpeFiense.:.i.n ..,lieu,i.~,f . t j ~ ~ l i f i ~ ~. t .:l,. o n . . ~ t ~.Inl n.lieu i ~ gof.'&. : ; . pr$&t!y..:cbfiifie&.wa$i&water. t,E&a''tmentip]anr;~g&ta'f~i;' i;'tt-j@,'':stal$~~@aid May :USe ,bf:&'.wat@f:jF&fme.Gt :plan . . .:..* +. .. ! opetator of .apprdgiiak - .... ..,.,+ .:: grad$ 6et$$ifl by the State Departhent bf '.~&lih~ e ~ i c e i where reclam8ti6tj is 1nuol$e4, . ' . ie 9.. .. . ' ..< . . I OPERATOR~CERTIF.I:CATION . . . . . . , . . .. 'l326'8]" # : ,?.... . . . . . . .. .. . . . .' . . . shall be opkiated 2nd acc&danoe With the operation and maintenance manual pr&$ared b.y.3h.e .municipality through the Clean Water Grant . ~ r o ~ r ' a[CWC r n ~ i. t l.23, g . .~$c$ian . . . 2?.33(d)]' ~ach ' ' . .. , .. . ' . . .. . . Whenever a p u b ~ i ~pvged ~ y wa.ste.yat&rtiegt&6ni plant will' reach capqcity within 'four . . p a r s the dischgrge!:.sha[lj:npBi@the...RegionalBbard: A c.0p.y of s,ueh notifi~ziti~n.shall be : sent to, appropriqte~lo@l,elected officials,local permitting qgencies .and.the press. The. . discharger must .demonsfate'.thit adequate steps ',are being taken to address the cap.a~ityprobiern.:,The disdharger shall submit a technical report to the Regiohal Board . . showing flow volurq.~swill be prevented from ex~eedingospacity,, or how capacity will be increased, within 120 dqys' aTter providing notification to the ,Region'al Board, or within 120 days after re&&iplof,nqtification from.the Regional ~oakd',. of a finding that ,the .treatment plant 'will reach capacity within four yea'rs. The' time for filing.the required technicalreport may be extended by the Regional Board. An extension of 30 days m.ay be granted by t h e Executive Officer, and 'longer extensions may be granted by the,. Regional ~ o $ d itself, [CCR Title,23,Section 22323 . . .; , , ' . ' ' ' , ,, . ~able.3-10.Water Quality Objectives for Selected Constituents in Regional Ground Watersa. OBJECTIVES (mg/L) DWR Basin BASIN Chloride Sulfate TDS NO.^ Boron Nonespecified Pitas Point Area Ojai Valley Upper Ojai Valley West of Sutfur Mountain Road Central area Sisar area 1,000 700 70 0 300 50 250 200 4 00 100 4-2 Lower Ojai Valley West of San Antonio-Senior Canyon Cfaeks East of San Antonio-Senior Canyon Creeks 1,000 700 300 200 . 200 50 4-3 Ventura River Valley 800 1,000 1,500 300 300 500 100 100 300 0.5 I.O 1.5 1,100 2,500 1,200 400 1,200 600 200 200 100 2.0 1.5 1.5 900 350 30 2.0 2,000 1,500 1,000 BOO 800 400 100 100 50 1.0 1.I 0.7 600 800 100 110 1.O 1.O 1,200 1,200 3,000 600 600 1,000 150 150 500 1.O 1.O Pleasant Valley Confined aquifers Unconfined and perched aquifers 700 - 300 150 - I.O 4-7 Arroyo Santa Rosa 900 300 150 I.O 4-8 Las Posas Valley South Las Posas area NW of Grimes Cyn Rd & LA Ave & Somis Rd E of Grimes Cyn Rd and Hitch Blvd S of LA Ave between Somis Rd & Hitch Blvd Grimes Canyon Rd & Broadway area North Las Posas area 700 2,500 1,500 250 500 300 1,200 700 30 250 100 400 250 30 150 0.5 3.0 1.O 0.2 1.O 550 600 700 400 400 500 150 100 150 50 50 100 100 100 100 30 25 50 1.O 0.5 0.5 0.5 4-1 Upper Ventura San Antonio Creek area Lower Ventura 1.O I.O 0.5 0.5 0.5 Ventura Central 4-4 44 Santa Clara-Piru Creek area Upper area (above Lake Piru) Lower area east of Piru Creek Lower area west of Piru Creek Santa Clara-Sespe Creek area Topa Topa (upper Sespe) area Fillmore area Pole Creek Fan area South side of Santa Clara River Remaining Fillmore area Santa ClaraSanta Paula area East of Peck Road West of Peck Road Oxnard Plain Oxnard Forebay Confined aquifers Unconfined and perched aquifers 1,200 2,000 ' - - -- 1 Upper Santa Clara Adon Valley Sierra Pelona Valley (Agua Dulce) Upper Mint Canyon Upper Bouquet Canyon Green Valley Lake Elizabeth-Lake Hughes area - BASIN PLAN JUNE 13, 1994 I .. .. . - . - 3-19 -- . _ ATTACHMENT A ._ - - 0.5 WATER QUALIN OBJECTIVES Table 3-10. Water Quality Objectives for Selected Constituents in Regional Ground Watersa (cont.) DWR Basin No." 4-4.07 OBJECTIVES (rngk) BASIN TDS Sulfate Chloride Boron Eastern Santa Clara 800 700 700 700 1,000 150 200 150 250 350 150 100 100 100 150 1.O 0.5 0.5 1.O 1.O 1,200 - 600 - 150 - 1.O 900 350 50 1.O 800 250 150 1.0 700 800 750 1,000 250 250 100 250 150 250 100 200 2 -0 1.5 1.O 0.5 600 600 150 150 100 100 0.5 0.5 800 700 400 400 600 300 300 50 100 250 100 100 50 50 100 1.5 1.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 900 300 150 1.5 800 150 100 0.5 450 450 450 100 100 100 100 100 100 0.5 0.5 0.5 450 600 1,000 100 100 300 100 100 150 0.5 0.5 1.O 450 450 300 450 550 150 100 100 20 200 100 50 50 15 120 0.5 4-15 Tierra Rejada - 700 250 100 4-16 Hidden Valley 1,000 250 250 1.o 4-17 Lockwood Valley Hungry Valley and Peace Valley 1,000 300 20 2.0 500 150 50 1.o Santa Clara-Mint Canyon South Fork Placerita Canyon Santa Clara-Bouquet & San Francisquito Canyons Castaic .Valley Saugus Aquifer 4-9 - - - - Simi Valley Sirni Valley Basin Confined aquifers Unconfined aquifers Gillibrand Basin 4-10 Conejo Valley 4 -1 - Los Angeles Coastal Plain Central Basin West Coast Basin Hollywood Basin Santa Monica Basin 4-12 San Fernando Valley Sylmar Basin Verdugo Basin San Fernando Basin West of Highway 405 East of Highway 405 (overall) Sunland-Tugunga area ' I Foothill area ' Area encompassing RT-Tujunga-ErwinN. Hollywood-WhithalCLANerdugo-Crystal SpringsHeadworks-GlendalelBurbankWell Fields Narrows area (below confluence of Verdugo Wash with the LA River) Eagle Rock Basin 4-13 San Gabriel Valley Raymond Basin Monk Hill sub-basin Santa Anita area Pasadena area Main San Gabriel Basin Western area Eastern area Puente Basin ' ' 4-14 8-2 Upper Santa Ana Valley L i e Oak area Claremont Heights area Pomona area Chino area Spadra area 4-18 - BASIN PLAN JUNE 13, 1994 , 3-20 - 0.5 - 1.O 0.5 WATER QUALITY OBJECTIVES . Table 3-10. Water Quality Objectives for Selected Constituents in Regional Ground Waters' (cont.) OBJECTWES (mgL) DWR BASIN Basin TDS NO.^ 4-19 4-20 Thousand Oaks area Russell Valley Russell Valley Triunfo Canyon area Lindero Canyon area Las Virgenes Canyon area - 4-21 4-22 1,400 700 150 I.o 1,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 500 500 500 500 250 500 500 500 1.O 2.0 2.0 2.0 - - - 250 250 500 500 250 250 500 500 1.O 1.O 2.0 2.0 - 1.O - - Conejo-Tierra Rejada Volcanic area Santa Monica Mountains-southem slopes ' 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 Camarilla area Point Dume area Malibu Valley Topanga Canyon area San Pedro Channel Islands * - Anacapa Island San Niwlas Island Santa Catalina Island San Clemente Island Santa Barbara lsland Boron Chloride Sulfate 1,100 1.,000 - - 150 100 - . 350 250 - - - a. Objectives for ground waters outside of the major basins listed on this table and outlined in Figure 1-9 have not been specifically risted. However, ground waters outside of the major basins are, in many cases, significant sources of water. Furthermore, ground waters outside of the major basins are either potential or existing sources of water for downgradient basins and, a s such, objectives in the downgradiint basins shall apply to these areas. b. Basins are numbered according to Bulletin 118-80 (Department o'f water Resources, 1980). c. Ground waters in the Pitas Point area (between the lower Ventura River and Rincon Point) are not considered to comprise a major basin, and accordingly have not been designated a basin number by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) or outlined on Figure 1-9. d. The Santa Clara River Valley (4-4, Pleasant Valley (4-6), Arroyo Santa Rosa Valley (4-7) and Las 'Posas Valley (4-8) Ground Water Basins have been combined and designated a s the Ventura Central Basin .(DWR, 1980). e. The category for the Foothill Wells area in previous Basin Plan incorrectly groups ground water in the Foothill area with ground water in the Sunland-Tujunga area. Accordingly, the new categories, Foothill area and Sunland-Tujunga area, replace the old Foothill Wells area. - f. All of the ground water in the Main San Gabriel Basin is covered by the objectives listed under Main San Gabriil Basin Eastern area and Western area. Walnut Creek, Big Dalton Wash, and Little Dalton Wash separate the Eastern area from the Western area (see dashed line on Figure 2-17). Any ground water upgradient of these areas is subject to downgradient beneficial uses and objectives, a s explained in Footnote a. g. The border between Regions 4 and 8 crosses the Upper Santa Ana Valley Ground Water Basin. / h. Ground water in the Conejo-T~rra~ e j a d Volcanic a Area occuk primarily in fractured voidnic. rocks in the westem Santa Monica Mountains and Conejo Mountain areas. These areas have not been delineated on Figure 1-9. i. With the exception of ground water in Malibu Valley (DWR Basin No; 4-22), ground waters aldng the southern slopes of the Santa Monica Mountains are not considered to comprise a major basin and accordingly have not been designated a basin number by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR)or ouffined on Figure 1-9. , j. ' DWR has not designated basins for ground waters on the San Pedro Channel Islands. - BASIN PLAN JUNE 13,1994 3-21 WATER QUALITY OBJECTIVES '(OQEL' u ~ au!see ) 1arluw3WnluwA sw P W I E ~ ~ W pun P P O U I ~ U D ~uowq QASU SU!SW~ JWIBM punws (WP) IWHBA 68SOd swi PUS '(L-P) I ~ ~ wuwsI OIW'(Q-P) WIBII~AIUBSBWI~ A B.(P.P) S AB(IBO A JWAM~ 81813 wiuss WUJ. i w '6-1 'bd UO peUlRn0 Jo y M a WQ Lq JWlUnU UlSBq W pWl~U6lSWpUWEq IOU EABU ' ~ ~ U ! P J ~'PUB ~ J U! OSEq ~0IeUl8 WSU~UID? 01 pWWp]SUD3 IOU FLIB ( ~ 0 UWUW d PUB JBA!u BJlUWA JWMOI WU UWBMJWq)BBlE JU!Od 6811d Wl(l U! SJWlBM PUnOJO WE '(0861 'HMO) 08-QI I. 'ON unwllna (ma)swnoswu JW~SMi o l u w w s d e a elwople3 01 Bupplot3e pwwqlunu WJE surjsg pe 'swsn lolyoueq~o .sews wswlp 01Alddw 116q-ssu!seq ~uw~pu~fiumop ww u! swsn lepgaueq 'lpns sw puw 'nulswq ~ U O ~ ~ P SJOJC-Z Q P 01 1-2 seead OOS ruwipwdumop JOJJWIEMJO sevnos ~ q ! s p wJO !wguwlod ~ q l me w sulswq ~o!sw wq1jo episjno a q s m puncu6 'wmuuwWnj -JBW I MO I S B Y ~ O SIUE~!US!E .sasrm AUWUI u! 'ww SUISB~JO~BU wsn lupuauwq lenuelod :d am lo wplslno SJEIWM punolB 'JwnemoH 'pwlsl K l ~ q p a d uweq s lou wneq 6-1 '613 ul peulnm pun w l q s!y( ~ ~ uo pals11su!snq JO[WLU ww JO wplqno aw~nm puno~8~qsesn lwpyeuea os wsn ~apuwuwBuj~s!xa:a 'swlqq wsn lepywuaq [la ~ o ~ ~ u e ~we s ~sw~oqood utn 1 . 1 pJeog I lo~luo3h!leng JaleM leuo!Ea~sa)aBuv sol I I I A 3 l l W A tl3Ntl t ~ l l l ~ 3 ~ E-P1 . , u I Attachment "B ',' State Department of Health Services Primary Drinking Water Standards Secondary Drinking Water Standards Priority Pollutants ,,. .I.. b . . ' . .. . w:. J !.! .::, . b! ;; , ' 9. !!I y!: ri, :is >;! a. # -. .... . <;.'* . . :i ?. 3. .a , . , ?I . . .... . $3 ?' . I.., I. . I .a<h 3 ,!,::3:;.k';., > $,? a.@$,a::, .,... . 't&,fi.??:: . . '. . , h. :.. . -. . . ..... . .a . . . . ,; $1 2.i .k ,. .: +; .'I . ! . . . ' .I ' . . .. . 4'. ' .. . . . . STATE OF CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROL BOARD LOS ANGELES REGION REVISED MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CI NO. 8728 FOR OJAI VALLEY SCHOOL - UPPER CAMPUS WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT ENROLLMENT UNDER GENERAL PERMIT ORDER NO. 01-031 (SERIES NO. 050) FILE NO. 04-055 I. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Ojai Valley School, Upper Campus (hereafter the Discharger) shall implement this monitoring program on the effective date this enrollment (September 30, 2011) under Regional Board Order No. 01-031. The first monitoring report under this program, for October to December 201 1, shall be received at the Regional Board by January 15, 2012. A. Monitoring reports shall be received by the dates in the following schedule: Reporting Period Report Due January - March April - June July - September October - December B. . . ' April 15 July 15 October 15 January 15 If there is no discharge during any reporting period, the report shall so state. Monitoring reports must be addressed to the Regional Board, Attention: Information Technolonv Unit. C. By January 30 of each year, the Discharger shall submit an annual summary report to the Regional Board. The report shall contain both tabular and graphical summaries of the monitoring data obtained during the previous calendar year. In addition, the Discharger shall explain the compliance record and the corrective actions taken or planned, which may be needed to bring the discharge into full compliance with the waste discharge requirements (WDRs). D. Laboratory analyses - all chemical, bacteriological, and toxicity analyses shall be conducted at a laboratory certified for such analyses by the California Department of Public Health Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP). The laboratory must meet the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QNQC) criteria. Pollutants shall be analyzed using the methods described in 40 CFR Part 136; or where no methods are specified for a given pollutant, methods approved by the Regional Board shall T-I Revised September 30, 201 1 Ojai Valley School - Upper Campus WWTP Monitoring and Reporting Program CI No. 8728 File No. 04-055 be utilized. E. The method limits (MLs) employed for effluent analyses shall be lower than the permit limits established for a given parameter, unless the Discharger can demonstrate that a particular ML is not attainable and obtains approval for a higher ML from the Regional Board Executive Officer (Executive Officer). At least once a year, the Discharger shall submit a list of the analytical methods employed for each test and the associated laboratory QAIQC procedures. F. Each monitoring report must affirm in writing that "All analyses were conducted at a laboratory certified for such analyses by the California Department of Health Services, and in accordance with current USEPA guideline procedures or as specified in this Monitoring Program." Proper chain of custody procedures must be followed and a copy of the chain of custody shall be submitted with the report. G. Each monitoring report shall contain a separate section titled "Summary of Noncompliance" which discusses the compliance record and the corrective actions taken or planned that may be needed to bring the discharge into full compliance with WDRs. This section shall be located at the front of the report and shall clearly list all non-compliance with WDRs, as well as all excursions of effluent limitations. H. The Discharger shall maintain all sampling and analytical results, including strip charts; date; exact place, and time of sampling; dates analyses were performed; analyst's name; analytical techniques used; and results of all analyses. Such records shall be retained foi- a minimum of three years. This period of retention shall be extended during the course of any unresolved litigation regarding this discharge, or when requested by the Regional Board. I. In reporting the monitoring data, the Discharger shall arrange the data in tabular form so that the date, the constituents, and the concentrations are. readily discernible. The data shall be summarized to demonstrate compliance with the requirements and, where applicable, shall include results of receiving water observations. J. Any mitigationlremedial activity including any pre-discharge treatment conducted at the site must be reported in the quarterly monitoring report. I II. SEPTIC TANK AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM MONITORING REQUIREMENTS The quarterly reports shall contain the following information: 1. Average and maximum daily waste flow for each month of the quarter, in gallons per day. % Ojai Valley School - Upper Campus WWTP Monitoring and Reporting Program CI No. 8728 File No. 04-055 2. Estimated population served during each month of the reporting period. 3. Results of at least quarterly observations in the disposal areas for any overflow or surfacing of wastes. In addition, the Discharger shall annually submit an operation and maintenance report on the septic system. The information to be contained in the report shall include, at a minimum, the following: 1. The maintenance records for the septic disposal systems. 2. Type of maintenance (preventive or corrective action performed); 3. Frequency of maintenance, if preventive; 4. The periodic pumping schedule of each septic tank; and 5. The name of the person responsible for the operation and maintenance of the facility. Ill. WATER.QUALITY MONITORING REQUIREMENTS A. Wastewater Treatment System Effluent Monitoring An effluent monitoring program shall be designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment system module including waste water treatment system and disinfection. An effluent sampling station(s) shall be established at the wastewater treatment end of pipe where representative samples of treated effluent can be obtained prior to disposal to the disposal area. After a year of end of pipe testing, the results shall be evaluated to determine whether the frequency of.the groundwater monitoring can be mo.dified. B. Groundwater Monitoring Program A groundwater monitoring program was approved by the Regional Board in August 2004. The Discharger will continue to implement the groundwater monitoring program. To better evaluate the impact of the discharge to groundwater, upgradient groundwater samples must be collected at the same time as downgradient groundwater samples are collected. The frequency of the groundwater monitoring may be modified after a year where the Discharger can prove that the wastewater is effectively treated using the new wastewater treatment plant. Ojai Valley School - Upper Campus WWTP Monitoring and Reporting Program CI No. 8728 File No. 04-055 C. The following shall constitute the effluent and groundwater monitoring program: units12] Constituent 1 1 Flow DH Total coliform Fecal coliform Enterococcus Ammonia-N Nitrate-N Nitrite-N Organic nitrogen Total nitrogen Total dissolved solids Boron Chloride Sulfate I Type of Sample gallonslday . meter arab DH Units MPN1100mL I arab grab MPNII OOmL MPN1100mL . arab mg/L grab grab mg/L arab ma/L grab mg/L grab mg/L ma/L grab mg/L grab grab mg/L grab mg/L I Minimum Frequency of ~nalvsis['] Daily Quarterlv Quarterlv Quarterly Quarterlv Quarterly Quarterly Quarterlv Quarterly Quarterly ~uaherlv Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly I Ilf any constituent exceeds the water quality objectives, thenlhe frequency of analysis shall increase to monthly until at least three consecutive test results have been obtained. After which if no constituents exceed the baseline, the frequency of analysis shall revert back to quarterly. [ 2 1 ~ ~ ~ / 1 0Most 0 m Probable ~: Number per 100 milliliter; mg/L: milligrams per liter All groundwater monitoring reports must include, at minimum, the following: a. Well identification, date and time of sampling; b. Sampler identification, and laboratory identification; c. Quarterly measurement of groundwater levels, recorded to 0.01 feet mean sea level; d. Groundwater contour map depicting the direction of groundwater flow across the subject tract; and e. Quarterly calculation of vertical separation of groundwater levels to the bottom of each septic disposal system. IV. WASTE HAULING REPORTING In the event that waste sludge, septage, or other wastes are hauled offsite, the name and address of the hauler shall be reported, along with types and quantities hauled during the reporting period and the location of final point of disposal. In the event that Ojai Valley School - Upper Campus WWTP Monitoring and Reporting Program CI No. 8728 File No. 04-055 no wastes are hauled during the reporting period, a statement to that effect shall be submitted. V. MONITORING FREQUENCIES Specifications in this monitoring program are subject to periodic revisions. Monitoring requirements may be modified or revised by the Executive Officer based on review of monitoring data submitted pursuant to this Order. Monitoring frequencies may be adjusted to a less frequent basis or parameters and locations dropped by the Executive Officer if the Discharger makes a request and the request is backed by statistical trends of monitoring data submitted. VI. .ELECTRONIC SUBMITTAL OF INFORMATION The Discharger shall submit all reports required under the MRP, including groundwater monitoring data, and discharge location data to the State Water Resources Control Board GeoTracker database under Global ID WDR100000396, in addition to submitting hard copies to the Regional Board office. Once the Discharger demonstrates mastery of electronic submittal of reports to GeoTracker for the Site, it may request that the Regional Board waive the requirement of submitting hard copies of reports. VII. CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Each report shall contain the following completed declaration: "I certify under penalty of law that this document, including all attachments and supplemental information, was prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of a fine and imprisonment. Executed on the day of at (Signature) (Title)" . Ojai Valley School - Upper Campus WWTP Monitoring and Reporting Program .CI No. 8728 File No. 04-055 These records and reports are public documents and shall be made available for inspection during normal business hours at the office of the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region. Ordered by: 6 OMP/\ Samuel Unger, P . E ~ Executive Officer Date: September 30, 201 1 California Regional water Quality ~ o n t ~Board oi Los ~ n ~ e 1Region es ~ i n d S. h Adams Acting Secretaq)for Elzviro~z~~le~ztal Protactior~ 320 West Fourtll Street, Suite 200, Los higeles, Culifonlia 90013 (213) 576-6600 Fax (213) 576-6640 ht$ , ~clmundG. 13row.nJr. Goverizoi- ' ' June 20,201 1 To Discllargel-s and Interested Parties . . , I ELECTRONICSUBMITTAL OF ~ O R I M A T I O NTO.GEOTRACICER FOR WASTE DISCHARGE REQUIREWNTS (WDR) UNDERGROUNDWATER YERN~~TTING ~ROGRAM . QYON4HAPTER 15WDR] ' . . parties responsible for cleanup of lealcs from miderground storage tanks and other For several groundwater ?leanup andland disposal sites have been required to electronically s,ubn-it over the internet their gro~mdwateranalytical data, the'surveyed.1ocationsof monitoring wells, the PDFcopies of reports and certain'other data to the state Water Resources Control Board's (SWRCB) Geotraclcer database. The Geotracker system currently has inforination -submittedby responsible parties for over 10,000 . ..groundwater cleanup sites statcwide. ' ' .. In addition to submittin'g hard copies of reports td the L.os Angeles Regional water Quality Control Board (Regional Board) pffick, dischargers are directed,to submit all reports required under the waste. discharger requirements (WDR) adopted by the Regional Board, i'ncluding groundwater ~nonitoringdata . in Electronic Data ~onfiat,'welland discharge location data,,and searchable pdf reports and correspondence,.to the sWRCB'~Geotracker database. The.electronic copy is intended to eventually . replace the need for a paper copy and is 'expected to be[relied upon for all public info&ation requests, regulatory review, and comnpliance/enforcement activities. Once dischargers demonstrate mastely of electronic submittal of repol3s to Geotracker, dischargers may request that the Regional Board waive the requiren~entof submitting h a ~ dcopies of reports for the Site. , For subnlitti~lgdata and reports, dischargers'or their representatives will need to set up a Geotracler user account.. hlstruction to set up a ~eotraclceraccouit is found at o,ur Electronic' ~ u b h i t t aof l hfo~mation (ESI) website: . . . l~~:l/n? suhmir$l/ind~x.shtml , , -, . .. Our ESI 5vebsite also contains infonnati&l that will aid your transition td electronic data and reporting subnittal, such as guidelines on clahiing and getting access to a facility, uploadhg of analytica'l data in specified Electronic Data Fol-mat (EDF), PDF of reports, and well survey templates. or general assistance ill searching or utilizing Geo'a-acler,please contact Geotraclcer Help Desk at (8GG) 480-1 028 or ~eotraclces@waterbo~ds.c~.~ov. FO; questions about using Geotraclcer, please contact Mr. Hamid Foolad at (916) 341-5791 or regulatory requirement questions, please contact the WDR project manager assigned .to each WDR. A site-specific anlendnient to each WDR Monitorkg and Reporting Program will be sent to each discharger for ESI requirements and will include project manager contact idonnation. . . California Elzvisorz~neiztnlProtectiorz Agency &'?&ccbd Paper . .. . I ,, , . .:. , . ESI repol-tj~lfi VrDR , June 20,20 1 1 -2- ES'J ~mplcn~cntation Scliednle Tlls Regional ~ o & lwill implsmeilt electronic sublniital of ii~forillation(ESI) in pl~nscs: phase 1: Effective Iuly 1, 201 1, all grom~td\v&s c l e m p WDR disc11tlrgs1:sive ~aquisedto ooi~~ply with DS1. rrl~efacilities tlmt wire issued WDRs f ~U~zdergound s Stosa.go l:a11ks Progra3111121.11ebeell sequiseb to subrnitelectronic fornlatted data silice 2002. I%.cilitiesmlitllh Ihe Site C'I.C~L~IL~~ Proga11 a.11r.I Land Disposal Proga~llwere added. in 2005. PIlas$2; Effecti$ii 0ct;ber 1, 201 Q i1id6slrii1, cor&lei-~idalid i ~ ~ u ~ ~ i cWDR i p k l d i s ~ l & ~ ~ excludiig rs, 26 National. Pollula~~t Disclliwge Elimination SystemIWater Recycling Requisifife~itb(NPDEBQm) major dischiu.gers (See attaclled Table I,) are required to con~ylywith ESI. , Major N P D E S m Dischargers . . . . ~ w ~ n t ~ - s i i m aNPDES/\VRR jor discl~argers~grevioously began effort to subn~itelectronic data ill to the State Water B?J&-~"~ a l i f o r i ~kltegsated li Wafer ~~ia1;fy Systeki (GI%TQS> database. h evaluation of the facility data in CWQS will. be conducted, and at a future date NPDESIWRR dischargps may also be seq~,i~ed to subnlit llieir .goundwates data .h t o. CNVQS or Geoir~c1ces. . . s. ' , . .. T~~ i d ~ j l ~ ~ ~ l ' t i ~ a : ~ ~ : ~ h a a ~sessibn$+aq'be ; b Z i f r 6 5 L C .lx,$,Tdfor , di+&$fgers, Mlisult&nh m d hej3ublic;to . . iiltl:od,i,,ee t&,&$$S:$E< E.QIikqiii$e.ji61i'fi kd:itS'&$ijli>i'6:ri: . . ..:. : .i . . . ;... -,. .,. .. . " ..... ., . . . . . . . ... ..I.....:;";. .....,". ! . . . . : ..I .;. . . ." .. , ... ,,% ednesc~a$ ........ ~;~13:4.3 ;2~l:r .kl@moiidg$; -&p&5ljer io~,l . . D ~ c :. , . . . . >- . . . * . . .;:., . . . ... ..i . .;T f ,,., Tiine: lpm'- 3~111 Location.: Regionals WaTer Quality Control ~ o & d Los ' ~ l g e.l k Region s .. . . . . :. .32~:w .41 i 1:$,.~edf;,' l$'t .F~b6s,~Gzii~gHiK~d'1~:'i , .: . ':,. ..... . . &,j.&!& ';cA ....1'3 " . . ...i ..?$:: i r : J i ~ , , f ,, , : ' '1 < ' ' e ' , . . Please RSVP for the training if you plan to attend by e-lllailing Ms. Rosie Villa at , . . . .. . .,. .. . . . . ,. . ..:, ' . .. . ..:,< . .. r~i.llas~,, sov. . ' , I .... . . . . hl .ad ,jTfi:b$,: . & ~ g ~ a + ~ ~,+,j$%..i~l ~ $ j l &j,o.$fia:,,f&cbr;di!fig ' 0 $ . f i e ' : ., t s.b$ ~ & 0 f i > ~ 6 ' ~ ' ~;site ~ t 6:at r~6t . , j ://~l,~V\~;Ii?r,i:t;e.~l,o&i~~ .&~kijv~,]o s&j&l;lds/G;&t~i ;~g$~;2~7fi+sir~&ii<~/i;l~6~i~a .wc?tcs :;ij&-lfij,fiilz:h'h'slIwI . . :. , . ' ,.; ......... ... ,,.;,;,.. . .. <:;.' . . L . ::;, :,;< ._:,..,' : .. . . . . . , h ;:,-.. ...... -.; ... -..>;., ', : B:': :i:... . .., ........ . . . .. :.. - - I - . .. . .. . ..",. . ':. . . .. . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . :A;. Y'.' CnZifo~rzia~E7zyironfize~ztnZ P~otecfio7z . . Agerzcy ,", . . . . . . . . . . . Regic'led Paper. . I ' . .. . . - . . .. . . ' . ESI ~eportingfor WDR -3- . If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Groundwater Permitting Unit .. . Eric WU, at [213)576-6683 or ewu@wate~oar.d~.~a.,~~v or Grouildwater ~o&&ng i n d ~ k d .~h&,.Jjr. Disposal.Section Chief, Dr. Rebecca ~ h o uat , 213-576-6618 or s c 1 ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ w a t e ~ b o a ~ d s . c ~ o v . ' .. . Enclosure: Table 1 - 26 Major NPDESlWRR ~ i s c h a r ~ eList rs . . . . J