Program - Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Program - Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting Program Sept. 30–Oct. 4, 2013 Hilton San Diego Bayfront San Diego, California USA New Scholarship in Human Factors and Ergonomics from Ashgate Publishing Aeromedical Psychology Human Factors Methods Aug 2013 | 376 pages | Hardback | 978-0-7546-7590-7 A Practical Guide for Engineering and Design Edited by Carrie H. Kennedy and Gary G. Kay Designing Soldier Systems Neville A. Stanton, Paul M. Salmon, Laura A. Rafferty, Guy H. Walker, Chris Baber and Daniel P. Jenkins Current Issues in Human Factors SECOND EDITION Edited by Pamela Savage-Knepshield, John Martin, John Lockett III and Laurel Allender HUMAN FACTORS IN DEFENCE Dec 2012 | 500 pages | Hardback | 978-1-4094-0777-5 Jul 2013 | 650 pages | Paperback | 978-1-4094-5754-1 Pre-Accident Investigations An Introduction to Organizational Safety Driver Distraction and Inattention Todd Conklin Advances in Research and Countermeasures, Volume 1 Resilient Health Care Safety and Quality in Medical Transport Systems Creating an Effective Culture Edited by John W. Overton, Jr. and Eileen Frazer Dec 2012 | 390 pages | Hardback | 978-1-4094-3540-2 Trapping Safety into Rules How Desirable or Avoidable is Proceduralization? Edited by Corinne Bieder and Mathilde Bourrier Feb 2013 | 302 pages | Hardback | 978-1-4094-5226-3 Sep 2012 | 156 pages | Paperback | 978-1-4094-4782-5 Edited by Michael A. Regan, John D. Lee and Trent W. Victor HUMAN FACTORS IN ROAD AND RAIL TRANSPORT Edited by Erik Hollnagel, Jeffrey Braithwaite and Robert L. Wears ASHGATE STUDIES IN RESILIENCE ENGINEERING Sep 2013 | 296 pages | Hardback | 978-1-4094-6978-0 Have a proposal? Stop by Ashgate’s booth and speak with Publisher Guy Loft! Jan 2013 | 464 pages | Hardback | 978-1-4094-2585-4 Misunderstandings in ATC Communication Stop by our booth (#10 & 11) and receive 50% off display titles! Language, Cognition, and Experimental Methodology Immanuel Barshi and Candace Farris ASHGATE STUDIES IN HUMAN FACTORS FOR FLIGHT OPERATIONS May 2013 | 270 pages | Hardback | 978-0-7546-7973-8 New Tools, Old Tasks Safety Implications of New Technologies and Work Processes for Integrated Operations in the Petroleum Industry Torgeir K. Haavik Aug 2013 | 184 pages | Hardback | 978-1-4094-5029-0 Ashgate Publishing Suite 3-1, 110 Cherry St., Burlington, VT 05401-3818 (800) 535-9544 TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Cochair Quality Christopher B. Mayhorn Arathi Sethumadhavan General Sessions Student Forum Cleotilde Gonzalez J. Christopher Brill Guest Lectures Workshops Michael J. Kalsher Michelle L. Rogers Interactive Sessions Coordinator Ronald L. Boring TECHNICAL GROUP PROGRAM CHAIRS Aerospace Systems Forensics Professional Product Design Paul Havig Ilene Zackowitz Erik Wakefield Aging Health Care Safety Marita O’Brien Arathi Sethumadhavan Jay Pollack Augmented Cognition Human Performance Modeling Surface Transportation Grant Taylor Joel Cooper Matthew Bolton Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Jennifer J. Ockerman System Development Individual Differences in Performance Daniel L. Welch Krystyna Gielo-Perczak Test & Evaluation Communications Robert A. King Pamela A. Savage-Knepshield Industrial Ergonomics Peter W. Johnson Computer Systems Robert Pastel Margaret Wan Internet Marc L. Resnick Education Esa M. Rantanen Training Virtual Environments Laura Strater Macroergonomics Enid Montague Environmental Design Karen Jacobs Perception & Performance Rebecca A. Grier H U M A N FA C TO R S A N D E R G O N O M I C S S O C I E T Y I N T E R N AT I O N A L A N N U A L M E E T I N G i HOST COMMITTEE Chair Newsletter Student Volunteers Nancy Heacox Marina Zielinski Jo Rain Jardina Vickie Nguyen Vice Chairs Publicity Joseph Cohen Frank Lacson Élan Elvaiah Technical Tours Sponsorships Teresa Alley Frank Lacson Academic/University Liaison Joseph Cohen User Experience Day Bradley Chase Student Activities Hospitality Marc L. Resnick Ariana Kiken Mary Ann King Heather Oonk HUMAN FACTORS AND ERGONOMICS SOCIETY OFFICERS President Secretary-Treasurer Eduardo Salas Kermit G. Davis President-Elect Secretary-Treasurer-Elect Francis T. Durso Barrett S. Caldwell Immediate Past President Immediate Past SecretaryTreasurer Mica R. Endsley Executive Council At-Large Members Cheryl A. Bolstad Nancy J. Cooke Sandra K. Garrett Paul A. Green M. Susan Hallbeck John F. Kelley Valerie J. Rice HFES DIVISION CHAIRS Internal Affairs Professionalism Technical Standards David B. Kaber S. Camille Peres Bruce Bradtmiller Outreach Scientific Communications and Publications Scott A. Shappell C. Melody Carswell HFES STAFF Executive Director Communications Director Lynn Strother, CAE Lois Smith Administrative/Publications Coordinator Communications Associate Director of Member Services Carlos de Falla Susan Marschner Jessica Lin Member Services Coordinator Stefanie Alexander ii H U M A N F A C TO R S A N D E R G O N O M I C S S O C I E T Y I N T E R N AT I O N A L A N N U A L M E E T I N G 2013 SUSTAINING MEMBERS OF THE HUMAN FACTORS AND ERGONOMICS SOCIETY DIAMOND PLATINUM SILVER Battelle Aptima DSO National Labs David Wourms Daniel Serfaty Lee Kok Hoo William S. Marras GOLD VRC Corporation Waldemar Karwowski Exponent Failure Analysis Assoc., Inc. Donald Vreuls SUPPORTERS AND SPONSORS ALPHONSE CHAPANIS BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD STUDENT LOUNGE SUPPORT Waldemar Karwowski Environmental Design Technical Group HFES EARLY-CAREER PROFESSIONALS MENTORING LUNCH Council of Techincal Groups Computer Systems Technical Group (Tuesday) (Friday morning) Pacific Science and Engineering Group (Wednesday) Safety Technical Group (Thursday) INTERNET CAFE WORKSTATIONS LANYARDS SURFACE TRANSPORTATION TECHNICAL GROUP NETWORKING/ BUSINESS MEETING GfK Precision Driving Research MENTOR-MENTEE BROWN BAG LUNCHES USER EXPERIENCE DAY SUPPORT Health Care Technical Group Immersion (Tuesday & Thursday) LUMA Institute PRODUCT DESIGN/HEALTH CARE TECHNICAL GROUP NETWORKING RECEPTION Vitamin T Ergotron Google Research Arizona State University b.One Design Core Human Factors Design Interactive Design Science Honeywell Human Factors Consulting Services Shanqing (SQ) Yin Jay Pollack National Center for Human Factors Engineering in Healthcare Usability Associates UserWorks Inc. Ximedica H U M A N FA C TO R S A N D E R G O N O M I C S S O C I E T Y I N T E R N AT I O N A L A N N U A L M E E T I N G iii EXHIBITORS CONTENTS (As of September 5, 2013) Registration & Facilities 3dMD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Booth 4 AMTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Booth 17 Meeting Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Registration Desk Location and Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . On-Site Event Tickets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lunch and Refreshments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 Resources ANYBODY TECHNOLOGY TT8 Ashgate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Booths 10–11 BIOPAC Systems, Inc. . . . . . . . Booth 12 Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics (BCPE) . . . . . . Booth 14 CRC Press/Taylor & Francis . . Booths 15–16 HFES Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On-Site Career Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Job Notices at the Annual Meeting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Internet Café . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Newsletter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Student Lounge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Audiovisual Preview Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volunteers Assignment Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mobile App . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Follow Us on Twitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Exhibits ERGONEERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Booth 28 EyeTracking, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . Booth 21 Feel Good Factors . . . . . . . . . . . Booth 6 Foundation for Professional Ergonomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TT2 HFES 2014 Meetings . . . . . . . . Booth 3 HFES Technical Standards Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Booths 8–9 NASA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Booth 1 Naval Postgraduate School/Aerospace Experimental Psychology. . . Booth 29 NexGen Ergonomics, Inc. . . . . . Booth 18 Noldus Information Technology . Booth 7 Physical Science Lab/NMSU . . Booth 13 SAGE Publications . . . . . . . . . . Booths 19–20 Seeing Machines. . . . . . . . . . . . . Booth 30 SensoMotoric Instruments, Inc. . Booth 22 Smart Eye AB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Booth 5 Tobii Technology, Inc. . . . . . . . . Booth 25 University of Michigan . . . . . . . TT1 VELA by Ri, LLC . . . . . . . . . . Booth 27 Xsens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Booth 26 iv Location and Hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Exhibitor List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Prize Drawings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Events Student Career & Professional Development Day . . . . National Ergonomics Month Expo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . First-Timers & Fellows Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gala Opening Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Student Reception . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Early-Career Professionals Reception. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . User Experience Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . System Development “Day and a Half” . . . . . . . . . . . . HFES Annual Business Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mentor-Mentee Brown Bag Luncheons . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Program Reminders Annual Meeting Survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Poster Sessions and Demonstrations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fellows Poster Session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . University Lab Posters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 4 4 Policies Attendee Badges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Audiotaping, Photographing, and Videotaping Policies . . Birds of a Feather Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cell Phones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nonsmoking Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proceedings CD-ROM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Room Capacity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Meetings Chapters, Committees, and Editorial Boards . . . . . . . . . Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Technical Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Social Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Technical Tours. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 5 6 6 7 Technical Program Workshops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Technical Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Program at a Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Center spread Author Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Facility Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 H U M A N F A C TO R S A N D E R G O N O M I C S S O C I E T Y I N T E R N AT I O N A L A N N U A L M E E T I N G REGISTRATION & FACILITIES RESOURCES HFES Services All Annual Meeting functions (other than tours) will be held at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront. A map of the meeting space may be found on the last page of this program and is displayed on signs throughout the hotel. Members of the HFES team will be present at a counter across from the Exhibit Hall (Sapphire West Foyer, Sapphire Level) to provide information on membership, publications, and services. Nonmembers who are registered for the full week are entitled to HFES member prices on publication orders placed at the meeting. Registration Desk Location and Hours Career Center Registration is open during the following hours in the Sapphire West Foyer on the Sapphire Level: The Career Center is located in Aqua 306 (Aqua Level) and is open during the following hours: Meeting Facilities Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3:00–6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m.–12:00 noon On-Site Event Tickets For those events not sold out in advance, tickets for tours and events may be purchased at the Registration Counter during registration hours. No waiting lists will be established; tickets will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. Lunch and Refreshments A cash lunch station will be available between 11:30 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday and Wednesday in the Sapphire North Foyer (Sapphire Level). Lunch items can be charged to your guest room or paid with cash or debit or credit card. Two ATMs are available for your convenience: one in the hotel lobby and another on the Promenade Level near the Gift Shop. Beverage breaks will take place each morning (10:00–10:30) and afternoon (3:00–3:30) in the following locations: Monday Tuesday morning Aqua Foyer (Aqua Level) Sapphire North Foyer (Sapphire Level) Tuesday afternoon Sapphire Ballroom C – Exhibit Hall (Sapphire Level) Wednesday–Thursday Sapphire Ballroom C – Exhibit Hall (Sapphire Level) Friday morning Aqua West (Aqua Level) & Sapphire North Foyers (Sapphire Level) G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1:00–6:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Subscribers to the HFES Online Career Center may reserve booths and/or tables at the On-Site Career Center, subject to availability. If you have not already reserved space, you may sign up at the Career Center. The scheduling of formal or informal interviews at the Annual Meeting is the sole responsibility of the employer. HFES members: You may post your résumé in the Online Career Center free of charge. Visit and click “Career Center.” Job Notices at the Annual Meeting Any company that wishes to post a job in the on-site Career Center, has no plans to interview, but wants HFES to collect résumés to be mailed to them after the meeting can do so for a charge of $150 Organizations not interviewing in the Career Center or collecting résumés during the meeting may post a “for information only” job notice at the on-site Career Center for a $75 fee. Job seekers will be directed to send their résumés directly to the organization advertising the job. Internet Café Computers with Internet access will be available in the Sapphire West Foyer (Sapphire Level) during the following hours. TIME LIMIT: 10 minutes per user per session. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3:00–6:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m.–7:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m.–12:00 noon 1 General Information Cork message boards will also be available for posting hard-copy messages and announcements about meetings and events. General Information Newsletter The daily newsletter, The San Diego Messenger, containing important information about the meeting program and events, is available in the registration area, Career Center, Exhibit Hall, and various other locations. Articles or news items may be dropped off at the Registration Counter (Sapphire West Foyer, Sapphire Level) or sent via e-mail to Marina Zielinski ( The newsletter editorial office is located in Cobalt 504 (Cobalt Level). Student Lounge The Student Lounge, located in Aqua 300 (Aqua Level), has been set aside for students to meet, network and participate in special student activities, and relax. Hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Audiovisual Preview Room The Sapphire Green Room (Sapphire Level) has been reserved for presenters who wish to preview their audiovisual materials. Computers will be available for AV preview only. Preview hours are as follows: Monday–Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. 7:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. 7:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Volunteers Assignment Room Student volunteers who have been assigned duties should check in with Volunteer Coordinators Jo Rain Jardina and Vickie Nguyen in Cobalt 503 on the Cobalt Level. Mobile App Download the HFES 2013 Annual Meeting mobile app from (or the Apple App Store) to find details about technical sessions, workshops, tours, events, and more. Follow Us on Twitter @HFES2013 Check out the Annual Meeting Twitter feed @HFES and post at #HFES2013. EXHIBITS Location and Hours All attendees are encouraged to visit the exhibits, located in Sapphire Ballroom C (Sapphire Level). Refreshment breaks will be held in the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday afternoon and on Wednesday and Thursday morning and afternoon. NEW! Join your colleagues for a cash bar reception in the Exhibit Hall on Tuesday evening from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Exhibition hours are as follows: Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 3:00–6:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Exhibitor List The list of exhibitors appears on page iv. Prize Drawings in the Exhibit Hall HFES will be giving away two 2014 membership renewals and two registrations for the 2014 Annual Meeting in Chicago, October 27–31, 2014. To enter a drawing to win these prizes, fill out the entry slips found in your portfolio bag and deposit them in the appropriate box inside the Exhibit Hall (Sapphire Ballroom C, Sapphire Level). In addition, some exhibitors will be offering prizes for the drawing; entry slips for these prizes may be obtained at each participating exhibitor’s booth Drawings will be held on Wednesday and Thursday during both the morning and afternoon refreshment breaks (10:00–10:30 a.m. and 3:00-3:30 p.m.). Names of winners will be posted on a sign board in the Exhibit Hall. You must be present to claim your prize; go to HFES Services (membership or meeting prize) or the exhibitor offering the prize. Prizes are not transferable. EVENTS Student Career & Professional Development Day The HFES Student Affairs Committee is pleased to offer a special day devoted to events of interest to students on Monday in Aqua 308 (Aqua Level). See page 8 for a schedule of events. National Ergonomics Month Expo Celebrate National Ergonomics Month! All HFES meeting attendees and their guests are invited to a special 90-minute NEM Expo, to be held on Monday, September 30, from 4:45 to 6:15 p.m. in the Aqua West Foyer (Aqua Level). The Expo will feature several 2 G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N entertaining and interactive booths with live demonstrations illustrating successful human factors/ergonomics outreach activities. Stop by any time during the session to peruse the booths and learn how you can participate in NEM this year. First-Timers & Fellows Reception If this is your first time at an HFES Annual Meeting, take advantage of this opportunity to be greeted by HFES Fellows and Executive Council members and officers. Come to the Sapphire Terrace (Sapphire Level) on Monday at 5:30 p.m. to enjoy snacks and networking prior to the Gala Opening Reception. Gala Opening Reception Join friends and colleagues in Bayfront Park (Promenade Level) from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. for this festive kickoff reception. See old friends and meet new ones while you enjoy beverages, delicious food, and beautiful outside views of the San Diego Bay. A light sweater or jacket is recommended for this outdoor event. Guest tickets are available to those not attending the annual meeting or Monday-only workshops. All guest tickets must be purchased at the Registration Counter prior to 7:00 p.m. on Monday, September 30. Student Reception All students attending the Annual Meeting are invited to a reception on Tuesday, October 1, from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the Sapphire Terrace (Sapphire Level). Snacks, beverages, and a cash bar will be provided, and student awards will be presented. Early-Career Professionals Reception If you registered for this event, join your early-career colleagues in the Elevation Room (30th Floor) on Wednesday from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. The reception is intended for professionals in their first five years following graduation who are working in industry and academia. In addition to networking with one another and with prominent HFES members, a short program will target specific topics of concern to early-career professionals. User Experience Day User Experience Day is a dedicated track of programming specifically geared for user experience (UX) professionals. The event will take place on Wednesday, October 2, from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. in Aqua 308 (Aqua Level). See for a summary of the day’s activities. spans seven scheduled sessions from 1:30 p.m. on Wednesday, October 2, through the evening of Thursday, October 3. Technical sessions cover an interesting mix of topics, including the art of developing a human factors standard, “Requirements Jeopardy,” verification and validation, and student work in SD. Meeting room locations can be found in the program schedule. HFES Annual Business Meeting and Committee/Volunteer Event The Business Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 1, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in Sapphire Ballroom A (Sapphire Level). It will be followed by a reception/networking event for committee chairs and prospective volunteers. Mentor-Mentee Brown Bag Luncheons A series of mentor-mentee luncheons will be held during the meeting to assist students and early-career professionals and those in career transition to develop mentoring relationships with established professionals in the HF/E field. These small-group, dynamic, interactive sessions enable students and young professionals to meet in an informal setting and discuss their concerns and interests. The luncheons will be held from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in Aqua 313 (Aqua Level) for those who reserved a space with Haydee Cuevas prior to the meeting. A waiting list will be available at HFES Services across from the Exhibit Hall (Sapphire West Foyer, Sapphire Level). PROGRAM REMINDERS Annual Meeting Survey The Annual Meeting Survey will be sent via e-mail to all attendees after the meeting. Please watch your e-mail for the survey link. Interactive Poster and Demonstration Sessions Posters and demonstrations have been combined into interactive sessions in the Exhibit Hall (Sapphire Ballroom C, Sapphire Level). See the program schedule on the following pages for lists of the posters and demonstrations to be presented. System Development “Day and a Half” Hosted by the System Development Technical Group, “System Development Day and a Half” is a varied agenda of lecture sessions, panel discussions, alternative formats, demonstrations, the TG’s annual networking/ business meeting, and a happy hour. The program G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N 3 General Information General Information Fellows Poster Session Proceedings CD-ROM In this new 60-minute session, HFES Fellows have been invited to display poster presentations of some of their latest work. The session will be held on Wednesday, October 2, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. (during the midmorning refreshment break) in the Exhibit Hall (Sapphire Ballroom C, Sapphire Level). All registered attendees have been provided with a CD-ROM containing the proceedings. Workstations are available in the Internet Café (Sapphire West Foyer, Sapphire Level) for viewing the CD-ROM and printing out individual papers. If supplies allow, additional CD-ROMs may be purchased at HFES Services. University Lab Posters University lab posters will be on display in the Exhibit Hall (Sapphire Ballroom C, Sapphire Level) on Thursday, October 3, from 8:30 to 10:00 a.m. See page 33 for the list of exhibiting labs. Annual Meeting proceedings papers are also available free to members via SAGE Journals Online. To access the content, log in at with your membership login and password and select the appropriate link on the Welcome page. Room Capacity POLICIES Attendee Badges All persons attending workshops, technical sessions, exhibits, tours, receptions, and other events must wear their registration badges. Attendees and guests may register for Annual Meeting events in the Sapphire West Foyer (Sapphire Level). Audiotaping, Photographing, and Videotaping Policies Attendees are not permitted to take photos or make audiotape or videotape recordings of speakers or their visual aids, or exhibitors and their displays, without prior permission from HFES and the speakers or exhibitors. Permission forms are available at HFES Services (Sapphire West Foyer, Sapphire Level). Please complete a form for each presentation you wish to tape, obtain the speaker(s)’ signature(s), and return it to HFES Services. HFES reserves the right to use photographs of attendees for promotional purposes. If you do not want HFES to use your photo, please send an opt-out message to Lois Smith at Birds of a Feather Room Cobalt 520 (Cobalt Level) has been set aside Monday through Thursday from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and on Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon for individuals with mutual interests to discuss pertinent topics or conduct meetings. A sign-up sheet is provided at the room for advance reservations. Meeting times are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, although a few meetings have been pre-reserved. Cell Phones Please turn off or mute cell phones while attending sessions. Room selection for sessions is based on estimated attendance and facility restrictions. All efforts have been made to ensure that room capacity is adequate. MEETINGS HFES Groups Saturday, September 28 HFES Executive Council 7:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Location: Cobalt 500 (Cobalt Level) Sunday, September 29 HFES Executive Council 7:30 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Location: Cobalt 500 (Cobalt Level) Tuesday, October 1 Human Factors Editorial Board (lunch) 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m. Location: Cobalt 500 (Cobalt Level) Local Chapter Presidents (lunch) 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m. Location: Elevation Room (30th Floor) Education & Training Committee Workforce Issues Task Force 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Boardroom (Sapphire Level) HFES Annual Business Meeting & Volunteer Event 6:00–7:30 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom A (Sapphire Level) Wednesday, October 2 Nonsmoking Policy HFES Scientific Publications Committee (breakfast) Smoking is not permitted inside the Hilton San Diego Bayfront convention space or on technical tours. 7:15–8:15 a.m. Location: Aqua 309 (Aqua Level) 4 G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N Ergonomics in Design Editorial Board (lunch) Tuesday, October 1 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m. Location: Cobalt 502 (Cobalt Level) Product Design Business Meeting Student Chapter Presidents (lunch) 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m. Location: Cobalt 505 (Cobalt Level) Thursday, October 3 Education & Training Committee (breakfast) 7:00–8:15 a.m. Location: Aqua 309 (Aqua Level) Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making Editorial Board (lunch) 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m. Location: Cobalt 505 (Cobalt Level) 5:30–7:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom I (Sapphire Level) General Information Product Design/Health Care Networking Reception 7:00–9:00 p.m. Location: Harbor House (Off site) Test & Evaluation (breakfast; reserve at HFES Services) 7:30–8:30 a.m. Location: Sapphire 412 (Sapphire Level) Virtual Environments 3:00–4:30 p.m. Location: Aqua 311 (Aqua Level) Wednesday, October 2 Friday, October 4 Technical Program Committee (breakfast) 8:15–10:15 a.m. Location: Aqua Board Room (Aqua Level) ISO and ANSI Standards Committees Aerospace Systems 3:30–5:30 p.m. Location: Sapphire 410 (Sapphire Level) Aging (lunch; reserve at HFES Services) 12:00 noon–1:30 p.m. Location: Elevation Room (30th Floor) Augmented Cognition Tuesday, October 1 3:30–5:30 p.m. Location: Aqua 311 (Aqua Level) U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 159/SC 4 Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making 10:30–11:30 a.m. Location: Sapphire Boardroom (Sapphire Level) 3:30–5:15 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom M (Sapphire Level) Wednesday, October 2 Communications ANSI/HFES 100 Committee 3:30–4:30 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom B (Sapphire Level) 8:30–10:30 a.m. Location: Cobalt 505 (Cobalt Level) U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 159 1:30–2:15 p.m. Location: Sapphire Boardroom (Sapphire Level) U.S. TAG to ISO/TC 159/SC 1 and SC 5 2:15–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Boardroom (Sapphire Level) Technical Groups Computer Systems/Internet 4:30–5:30 p.m. Location: Aqua 308 (Aqua Level) Education (breakfast; reserve at HFES Services) 7:30–8:30 a.m. Location: Cobalt 500 (Cobalt Level) Environmental Design/Macroergonomics 3:45–5:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 314 (Aqua Level) Forensics Professional Monday, September 30 Council of Technical Groups 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire 410 (Sapphire Level) 4:30–5:30 p.m. Location: Aqua 304 (Aqua Level) Health Care 3:15–4:30 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom A (Sapphire Level) Human Performance Modeling 5:30–6:30 p.m. Location: Aqua 311 (Aqua Level) G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N 5 Individual Differences 3:30–4:30 p.m. Location: Sapphire 400 (Sapphire Level) General Information Industrial Ergonomics 3:40–4:30 p.m. Off-site location to be announced via IETG list server and daily on-site newsletter Internet/Computer Systems 4:30–5:30 p.m. Location: Aqua 308 (Aqua Level) Macroergonomics/Environmental Design Wednesday, October 2 SAE International G45 Human Systems Integration Committee Meeting 3:00–5:00 p.m. Location: Cobalt 520 (Cobalt Level) Friday, October 4 Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics Business Meeting 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Board Room (Sapphire Level) 3:45–5:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 314 (Aqua Level) Saturday, October 5 Perception & Performance Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics Business Meeting 12:00 noon–1:30 p.m. Location: Cobalt 500 (Cobalt Level) 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Board Room (Sapphire Level) Safety 5:30–6:30 p.m. Location: Aqua 304 (Aqua Level) SOCIAL EVENTS Surface Transportation 5:30–9:30 p.m. Location: Harbor House (Off site) System Development 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m. Location: Lou & Mickey’s (Off site) Training 3:30–4:30 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom I (Sapphire Level) Monday, September 30 First-Timers & Fellows Reception 5:30–6:30 p.m. Location: Sapphire Terrace (Sapphire Level) Gala Opening Reception 6:30–9:30 p.m. Location: Bayfront Park (Promenade Level) Tuesday, October 1 Thursday, October 3 Technical Group Program Chairs 5:15–6:30 p.m. Location: Cobalt 500 (Cobalt Level) Student Reception 5:00–6:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Terrace (Sapphire Level) Wednesday, October 2 Other Groups Sunday, September 29 Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics Exam 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Location: Cobalt 502 (Cobalt Level) Foundation for Professional Ergonomics Meeting Early-Career Professionals Mentoring Lunch (invitation only) 12:00 noon–1:30 p.m. Location: Aqua 310 (Aqua Level) Early-Career Professionals Reception 5:30–7:00 p.m. Location: Elevation Room (30th Floor) 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Location: Cobalt 520 (Cobalt Level) Tuesday, October 1 Board of Certification in Professional Ergonomics Reception 6:00–7:00 p.m. Location: Aqua Terrace (Aqua Level) 6 G E N E R A L I N F O R M AT I O N TECHNICAL TOURS TECHNICAL PROGRAM Buses will begin loading from the Promenade Level (except for T2, which will depart from the Indigo Level) 15 minutes prior to the departure times listed below. Tickets for events not sold out may be purchased at the Registration Counter. Tickets must be presented when buses are loading. Monday, September 30 8:30 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 1 T1, Intuit Experience Design Research Center 12:45–3:45 p.m. Workshops Check signs in the meeting registration area for a list of canceled workshops Monday Sept. 30 Morning-Only Workshops 8:30 a.m.–12:00 noon T2, San Diego Trolley 1:15–3:15 p.m. Wednesday, October 2 T3, CareFusion Center for Clinical Excellence and Safety 8:30 a.m.–12:00 noon WK1 – Reducing Human Error Within Hospitals: A Practical Approach for Achieving High Reliability Healthcare™ Tim D. Autrey, Practicing Perfection Inst., Inc. Monday, September 30, 8:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Aqua 304 (Aqua Level) T4, San Diego Gas & Electric Company Energy Innovation Center 9:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. T5, DIII-D National Fusion Facility – General Atomics 12:45–3:45 p.m. T6, Qualcomm Usability Lab and Innovation Museum 1:00–3:15 p.m. Thursday, October 3 T7, Navy Warship (possibly Littoral Combat Ship) 8:45–11:30 a.m. T8, San Diego Emergency Operations Center 9:00–11:00 a.m. T9, San Diego State University Viz Center 12:50–4:10 p.m. T10, Naval Health Research Center (NHRC) – 3rd Fleet Complex 1:00–3:00 p.m. S E P T E M B E R 3 0 – M O N DAY Key to Abbreviations Used in This Program AS A AC CE C CS DEM E ED FP GS HC HP ID IE I ME PL PP PD POS S SS SF ST SD TE T VE WK Aerospace Systems Aging Augmented Cognition Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Communications Computer Systems Demonstrations Education Environmental Design Forensics Professional General Sessions Health Care Human Performance Modeling Individual Differences in Performance Industrial Ergonomics Internet Macroergonomics Plenary Session Perception & Performance Product Design Posters Safety Special Sessions Student Forum Surface Transportation System Development Test & Evaluation Training Virtual Environments Workshops 7 WK2 – Cognitive Neuroscience for the Human Factors Practitioner Chris Forsythe, Sandia Nat. Labs Monday, September 30, 8:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Aqua 312 (Aqua Level) WK3 – Introduction to R for Describing Data Linda Ng Boyle, U. of Washington; John D. Lee, U. of Wisconsin Monday, September 30, 8:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Aqua 307 (Aqua Level) Monday Sept. 30 Afternoon-Only Workshops 1:30–5:00 p.m. WK6 – Data Exploration and Visualization With R Linda Ng Boyle, U. of Washington; John D. Lee, U. of Wisconsin Monday, September 30, 1:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 307 (Aqua Level) Full-Day Workshops 9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. WK10 – Designing to Enhance Situation Awareness Debra G. Jones and Jennifer Riley, SA Technologies Monday, September 30, 9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m. Location: Aqua 311 (Aqua Level) Monday, September 30 10:00 a.m.–3:45 p.m. SF1 – STUDENT CAREER AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAY Alternative Format Monday, September 30, 10:00 a.m.–3:45 p.m. Location: Aqua 308 (Aqua Level) Student Forum Welcome and Introduction 10:00 a.m. Chair: Kim-Phuong L. Vu, California State U., Long Beach, and Chair, Student Affairs Committee Panel 1: Transitioning Through Academia: Graduate, Postdoc, and the Tenure-Track Faculty, sponsored by the California State U., Long Beach, Student Chapter 10:00–11:15 a.m. Chair: Jim Miles, California State U., Long Beach Panelists: Mary Ngo, California State U., Long Beach; Wendy Bedwell, U. of South Florida; Kelly Neville, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U. 11:30 a.m.–12:45 p.m. Lunch Break Panel 2: Transitioning from Service to Outreach: Leveraging Skills and Lessons Learned from Student Activities to the Working World 1:00–2:15 p.m. Chair: Frank C. Lacson, Pacific Science & Engineering Group Panelists: Petra Alfred, Pacific Science & Engineering Group; Dan Nathan-Roberts (U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Shanqing (SQ) Yin, Changi General Hospital, Singapore Panel 3: Transitioning From Student to Professional 2:30–3:45 p.m. Chair: Anthony D. Andre, Interface Analysis Assoc. and San Jose State U. Panelists: Valerie Gawron, The MITRE Co.; Cheryl Bolstad, SA Technologies; Mac Smith, Google; Shruti Ganga Khedkar, Boeing Commercial Airplanes 8 S E P T E M B E R 3 0 – M O N DAY Monday, September 30 3:30–5:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 1 8:00–10:00 a.m. Council of Technical Groups Location: Sapphire 410 (Sapphire Level) 3:30–5:00 p.m. PL – OPENING PLENARY SESSION Monday, September 30 4:45–6:15 p.m. SS1 – NATIONAL ERGONOMICS MONTH EXPO Alternative Format Monday, September 30, 4:45–6:15 p.m. Location: Aqua West Foyer (Aqua Level) Chair: Joseph R. Keebler, NEM Subcommittee Chair Monday, September 30 5:30–6:30 p.m. First-Timers & Fellows Reception Sapphire Terrace (Sapphire Level) 5:30–6:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 1, 8:00–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom E (Sapphire Level) Chair: Christopher B. Mayhorn, North Carolina State U. Presidential Address: Eduardo Salas, If We All Work Together, Success and More Come Presentation of HFES Fellows Presentation of HFES Awards Keynote Address: Annie Murphy Paul, Writer/Journalist, Letting People Know About People-Friendly Design Tuesday, October 1 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon AS1 – AVIATION FATIGUE: ISSUES IN DEVELOPING FATIGUE RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Discussion Panel Tuesday, October 1, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire 410 (Sapphire Level) Aerospace Systems Monday, September 30 6:30–9:30 p.m. Gala Opening Reception Bayfront Park (Promenade Level) 6:30–9:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 1 7:30–8:30 a.m. Test & Evaluation 7:30–8:30 a.m. (breakfast; reserve at HFES Central) Location: Sapphire 412 (Sapphire Level) O C TO B E R 1 – T U E S DAY Chair: Monica Z. Weiland, MITRE Corp. Panelists: Thomas Nesthus, FAA; Carlos Compatore, U.S. Coast Guard; Stephen Popkin, Volpe Nat. Transportation Systems Ctr.; Jim Mangie, Delta Air Lines; Lisa C. Thomas, Boeing Commercial Airlines; Erin Flynn-Evans, NASA Ames Research Ctr. CE1 – COGNITIVE ENGINEERING ACROSS DOMAINS: WHAT THE WIDE-ANGLE VIEW CAN PROVIDE Discussion Panel Tuesday, October 1, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom M (Sapphire Level) Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Chair: Ann M. Bisantz, U. at Buffalo Panelists: Emilie M. Roth, Roth Cognitive Engineering; Ryan Kilgore, Charles River Analytics; Catherine M. Burns, U. of Waterloo; Robert Wears, U. of Florida; John D. Lee, U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Greg A. Jamieson, U. of Toronto 9 Tuesday Oct. 1 CE2 – INTERRUPTIONS Lecture Tuesday, October 1, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom A (Sapphire Level) Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Tuesday Oct. 1 Chair: Patricia McDermott, Alion Science and Technology 1. Gil Kedar, Ben-Gurion U. of the Negev; Joachim Meyer, Tel Aviv U.; Yoella Bereby-Meyer, BenGurion U. of the Negev, Responses to Alerts and Subjective Reports: Evidence for Partial Dissociation Between Processes 2. Sandy J. J. Gould, Duncan P. Brumby, and Anna L. Cox, U. College London, What Does It Mean for an Interruption to Be Relevant? An Investigation of Relevance as a Memory Effect 3. Cyrus K. Foroughi, Nicole E. Werner, Erik T. Nelson, and Deborah A. Boehm-Davis, George Mason U., Do Interruptions Affect the Quality of Work? 4. Kimberly E. Culley, Molly M. Liechty, and Poornima Madhavan, Old Dominion U., The Effects of Affect and Inspection Duration on Decision Time and Confidence E1 – HUMAN FACTORS IN EVERYDAY LIFE Discussion Panel Tuesday, October 1, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Aqua 310 (Aqua Level) Education Chair: Arathi Sethumadhavan, Medtronic, Inc. Panelists: Anne C. McLaughlin, North Carolina State U.; Tim Nichols, Microsoft Inc.; Richard Pak, Clemson U.; Mac Smith, Google Inc. GS1 – PAST PRESIDENT’S FORUM: THE FUTURE OF HUMAN FACTORS AND ERGONOMICS: CHARTING A COURSE FOR OUR PROFESSION Discussion Panel Tuesday, October 1, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Aqua 308 (Aqua Level) General Sessions Chair: Mica R. Endsley, SA Technologies Panelists: Peter A. Hancock, U. of Central Florida; Deborah A. Boehm-Davis, George Mason U.; Waldemar Karwowski, U. of Central Florida; Wendy A. Rogers, Georgia Tech 10 IE1 – MECHANISTIC RESEARCH ON WORKRELATED MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDERS Lecture Tuesday, October 1, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom E (Sapphire Level) Industrial Ergonomics Chair: Thomas Armstrong, U. of Michigan; Cochair: Susan E. Kotowski, U. of Cincinnati 1. Sean Gallagher, Auburn U.; Mary F. Barbe and Vicky S. Massicotte, Temple U.; Ann E. BarrGillespie, Pacific U., The Interaction of Force and Repetition on Systemic Inflammatory Cytokine Response in a Rat Model 2. Suman Kanti Chowdhury, Ashish D. Nimbarte, and Xiaopeng Ning, West Virginia U., Comparison of Fourier and Wavelet Analysis for Fatigue Assessment During Repetitive Dynamic Exertion 3. Dheeraj Singh, Greesh Kumar Singh, and Sanjay Srivastava, Dayalbagh Educational Inst., Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Among Occupational Workers in India ME1 – HUMAN FACTORS IN THE WILD: INSIGHT FROM DEVELOPING SOLUTIONS IN HEALTH CARE Discussion Panel Tuesday, October 1, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Aqua 314 (Aqua Level) Macroergonomics Chair: Yan Xiao, Baylor Health Care System Panelists: Natalie Abts, MedStar Health; Laurie Wolf, Barnes-Jewish Hospital; M. Susan Hallbeck, Mayo Clinic; Svetlena Taneva and Anjum Chagpar, University Health Network; C. Adam Probst, Baylor Health Care System PD1 – TOUCH SCREEN Lecture Tuesday, October 1, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom I (Sapphire Level) Product Design 1. 2. Anna Pereira and Tevis Miller, U. of California at Berkeley; Yi-Min Huang, Microsoft; Dan Odell, Synaptics; David Rempel, U. of California at Berkeley, Holding a Tablet Computer With One Hand Ransalu Senanayake and Ravindra S. Goonetilleke, Hong Kong U. of Science and Technology, Superiority of Freehand Pointing O C TO B E R 1 – T U E S DAY 3. 4. Thomas A. Ulrich, Zachary Spielman, Jordan Holmberg, Connor Hoover, Nicole Sanders, Krutika Gohil, and Steffen Werner, U. of Idaho, Playing Charades With Your Car—The Potential of Free-Form and Contact-Based Gestural Interfaces for Human-Vehicle Interaction Anthony Jennings, Spencer Ryser, and Frank Drews, U. of Utah, Touch Screen Devices and the Effectiveness of User Interface Methods PP1 – VIGILANCE & ATTENTION RESEARCH Lecture Tuesday, October 1, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Aqua 304 (Aqua Level) Perception & Performance Chair: Jocelyn Keillor, Nat. Research Council Canada; Cochair: Emily Skow, Exponent Failure Analysis Assoc. 1. Joanna E. Lewis and Mark B. Neider, U. of Central Florida, Do Looming Objects Capture Overt Attention? 2. Kelly S. Steelman and Steven Orchard, Flinders U.; Kingsley Fletcher and Susan Cockshell, Defence Science and Technology Organisation; Paul Williamson and Jason S. McCarley, Flinders U., Attentional Processes in Detection of Naval Radar Symbology 3. Michael B. Dillard, Nat. Research Council; Joel S. Warm, Gregory J. Funke, Michael A. Vidulich, and W. Todd Nelson, Air Force Research Lab; Thomas F. Eggemeier, U. of Dayton; Matthew E. Funke, Naval Medical Research Unit – Dayton, Vigilance: Hard Work Even if Time Flies 4. Grace W. L. Teo, Tarah N. Schmidt, James L. Szalma, Gabriella M. Hancock, and Peter A. Hancock, U. of Central Florida, The Effects of Feedback in Vigilance Training on Performance, Workload, Stress, and Coping 5. Alyssa S. Hess, Andrew J. Wismer, Corey J. Bohil, and Mark B. Neider, U. of Central Florida, On the Hunt: Visual Search for Camouflaged Targets in Realistic Environments ST1 – HEALTH, BEHAVIOR, AND EMOTION Lecture Tuesday, October 1, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire 400 (Sapphire Level) Surface Transportation Chair: Joanne Harbluk, Transport Canada; Cochair: Bryan Reimer, MIT 1. Noelle LaVoie, Parallel Consulting; Yi-Ching Lee, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia; James P. Parker, Parallel Consulting; Flaura Winston, The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, New Insights Into the Detrimental Effects of Peer Passengers on Teen Drivers 2. Myounghoon Jeon and Wei Zhang, Michigan Technological U., Sadder but Wiser? Effects of Negative Emotions on Risk Perception, Driving Performance, and Perceived Workload 3. Charles G. Burhans, J. Paul Frantz, Timothy P. Rhoades, Helen J. A. Fuller, and Robert M. Schanski, Applied Safety and Ergonomics, How Many Drinks Does It Take? Perceptions of Risk Associated With Drinking, Driving, and Engaging in Common Activities 4. Anthony D. McDonald and John D. Lee, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Nazan S. Aksan, Jeffrey D. Dawson, Jon Tippin, and Matthew Rizzo, U. of Iowa, Highway Healthcare: How Naturalistic Driving Data Index Adherence to CPAP Therapy in Obstructive Sleep Apnea 5. Erika E. Miller and Linda Ng Boyle, U. of Washington, Variations in Road Conditions on Driver Stress: Insights From an On-Road Study TE1 – EVALUATION TOOLS, TECHNIQUES, & METHODS Lecture Tuesday, October 1, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom B (Sapphire Level) Test & Evaluation; cosponsored with System Development Chair: Amanda Surprenant, State Farm Insurance Companies; Cochair: Linda G. Pierce, FAA 1. Sharon McDonald, Kenneth McGarry, and Leanne M. Willis, U. of Sunderland, Thinking Aloud About Web Navigation: The Relationship Between Think-Aloud Instructions, Task Difficulty, and Performance 2. Susan G. Campbell, Sarah C. Wayland, Alina Goldman, and Sergey Blok, U. of Maryland; Allison L. Powell, Corp. for Nat. Research Initiatives, Speaking the User’s Language: Evaluating Translation Memory Software for a Linguistically Diverse Workplace O C TO B E R 1 – T U E S DAY 11 Tuesday Oct. 1 3. 4. 5. Tuesday Oct. 1 Axel Hillebrand, EADS Innovation Works, ATTENDO: Method for the Assessment of Visual Attention Allocation in TwoDimensional Spaces Max Friedrich, Daniel Nause, Matthias Heesen, Alexandra Keich, Johann Kelsch, and Martin Baumann, German Aerospace Ctr.; Mark Vollrath, Technical U. of Braunschweig, Validation of the MoSAIC-Driving Simulator – Investigating the Impact of a Human Driver on Cooperative Driving Behavior in an Experimental Simulation Setup Eriko Aiba, Nat. Inst. of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology; Soutatsu Kanazawa, Urasenke Konnichian; Tomoko Ota, Chuo Business Group; Koji Kuroda, Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.; Yuka Takai and Akihiko Goto, Osaka Sangyo U.; Hiroyuki Hamada, Kyoto Inst. of Technology, Developing a System to Assess the Skills of Japanese Way of Tea by Analyzing the Forming Sound: A Case Study Tuesday, October 1 1:30–3:00 p.m. AC1 – ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS AND APPLIED PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY Lecture Tuesday, October 1, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 310 (Aqua Level) Augmented Cognition Chair: Chris Forsythe, Sandia Nat. Labs; Cochair: Lawrence J. Hettinger, Liberty Mutual Research Inst. for Safety 1. Christina F. Rusnock and Christopher D. Geiger, U. of Central Florida, The Impact of Adaptive Automation Invoking Thresholds on Cognitive Workload and Situational Awareness 2. Bethany Bracken, Victoria Romero, Sean Guarino, and Jonathan Pfautz, Charles River Analytics, Inc., Designing an Adaptive Approach for the Real-Time Assessment and Augmentation of Performance of Cyber Analyst Teams 3. Brian Falcone, Ryan McKendrick, and Raja Parasuraman, George Mason U., A Shocking Lack of Difference: Noninvasive Brain Stimulation in Verbal and Spatial Working Memory 12 4. Ronald K. Stevens, UCLA IMMEX Project; Trysha Galloway, The Learning Chameleon, Inc., Toward the Development of Quantitative Descriptions of the Neurodynamic Rhythms and Organizations of Teams AS2 – PERFORMANCE IN SIMULATORS AND COCKPITS Lecture Tuesday, October 1, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire 410 (Sapphire Level) Aerospace Systems Chair: K. Michael Dresel, User Experience Services; Cochair: Michael W. Sawyer, Fort Hill Group 1. Dennis B. Beringer and Gena Drechsler, FAA Civil Aerospace Medical Inst., Head-Mounted Displays for Civil Helicopter Navigation and Obstacle Avoidance: Is What You See What You Don’t Get, or Is Seeing Not Believing? 2. Nadine M. Moacdieh, Julie C. Prinet, and Nadine B. Sarter, U. of Michigan, Effects of Modern Primary Flight Display Clutter: Evidence from Performance and Eye-Tracking Data CE3 – TRENDS IN DECISION-MAKING RESEARCH: HOW CAN THEY CHANGE COGNITIVE ENGINEERING AND DECISION MAKING IN HUMAN FACTORS? Discussion Panel Tuesday, October 1, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom M (Sapphire Level) Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making; cosponsored with General Sessions Chair: Cleotilde Gonzalez, Carnegie Mellon U.; Cochair: Joachim Meyer, Tel-Aviv U. Panelists: Gary Klein, MacroCognition LLC; J. Frank Yates, U. of Michigan; Alvin E. Roth, Stanford U. ED1 – ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN WITH SPECIAL POPULATIONS Lecture Tuesday, October 1, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 314 (Aqua Level) Environmental Design Chair: ConneMara Bazley, JimConna, Inc. 1. Martha J. Sanders, Quinnipiac U., Classroom Design and Student Engagement O C TO B E R 1 – T U E S DAY 2. 3. 4. Massimiliano Pau, Bruno Leban, and Maurizio Paderi, U. of Cagliari; Maury A. Nussbaum, Virginia Tech, Characterization of Pulling Forces Exerted by Primary School Children While Carrying Trolley Bags Rachna Khare, School of Planning and Architecture; Abir Mullick, Georgia Tech, Research Tools to Learn About the Needs of Children With Autism Rachna Khare and Ajay Khare, School of Planning and Architecture, Design Competition as a Pedagogical Tool to Teach Concepts of Universal Design in India 3. 4. 5. GS2 – HUMAN-SYSTEMS INTEGRATION IN ELECTRONICALLY MEDIATED CARE COORDINATION Discussion Panel Tuesday, October 1, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 308 (Aqua Level) General Sessions Chair: Nancy J. Cooke, Arizona State U. Panelists: Toby Warden, Nat. Research Council; Teresa Zayas-Caban, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; Matthew Rizzo, U. of Iowa; Sara Czaja, U. of Miami; Pascale Carayon, U. of Wisconsin-Madison HC1 – HUMAN FACTORS IN THE WILD: INSIGHT TEACHING HF TO FRONTLINE PROFESSIONALS IN HEALTH CARE Discussion Panel Tuesday, October 1, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom B (Sapphire Level) Health Care Chair: Kermit G. Davis, U. of Cincinnati; Cochair: Monifa Vaughn-Cooke, U. of Maryland Panelists: Yan Xiao, Baylor Health Care System; Yin Shanqing, Changi General Hospital; Rollin J. Fairbanks, MedStar Health; Laurie Wolf, Barnes-Jewish Hospital; Anjum Chagpar, University Health Network; C. Adam Probst, Baylor Health Care System ME2 – HUMAN FACTORS AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Invited Symposium Tuesday, October 1, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom I (Sapphire Level) Performance Complexity and Manpower Sustainability With Systems Engineering Sylvie Nadeau and Adel Badri, École de Technologie Supérieure; Richard Wells, Waterloo U.; Patrick Neumann, Ryerson U.; Glen Kenny, Ottawa U.; Douglas Morrison, Ctr. for Excellence in Mining Innovation, Sustainable Canadian Mining: Occupational Health and Safety Challenges Klaus J. Zink, Inst. for Technology and Work, Designing Sustainable Work Systems in a Globalized World: A New Challenge for Ergonomics? Ivan Bolis, Sandra N. Morioka, Claudio M. Brunoro, and Laerte I. Sznelwar, U. de São Paulo, Sustainability Policies and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Ergonomics Contribution Regarding Work in Companies PP2 – DISPLAY RESEARCH Lecture Tuesday, October 1, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 304 (Aqua Level) Perception & Performance Chair: Brian P. Dyre, U. of Idaho; Cochair: Maria Natalia Russi-Vigoya, Texas Tech U. 1. Kelly A. Sprehn, Gul E. Okudan-Kremer, and David R. Riley, Penn State U., Information Format and Cognitive Style: The Impact of Paired Styles on Performance and Preference 2. Callum L. Tear, Mithila Fox, Matthew Tsai, David Liu, and Penelope M. Sanderson, U. of Queensland, Detecting Numerical and Waveform Changes on a Head-Mounted Display vs. Monitor 3. Daniel J. Uribe and Michael E. Miller, Air Force Inst. of Technology, Eye Movements When Viewing an HMD Under Vibration 4. Trey Roady and Thomas K. Ferris, Texas A&M U., Supporting Speeded Navigational Communication via Gesture-Controlled Vibrotactile Displays 5. Anson Ho and Catherine H. Burns, U. of Waterloo, Music as an Auditory Display: Interaction Effects of Mode and Tempo on Perceived Urgency Macroergonomics Chair: Klaus J. Zink, Inst. for Technology and Work 1. Alan Hedge, Cornell U., The Importance of Ergonomics in Green Design 2. Tareq Ahram and Waldemar Karwowski, U. of Central Florida; Ben Amaba, IBM, Managing O C TO B E R 1 – T U E S DAY 13 Tuesday Oct. 1 Tuesday Oct. 1 S1 – ACCIDENT PREVENTION VE1 – ME & MY VE, PART 2 Lecture Tuesday, October 1, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom E (Sapphire Level) Alternative Format Tuesday, October 1, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom A (Sapphire Level) Safety Virtual Environments Chair: Marita A. O’ Brien, U. of Alabama, Huntsville; Cochair: Adam W. Pickens, Texas A&M U. 1. Ashley M. Hughes, Shirley Sonesh, Stephanie Zajac, and Eduardo Salas, U. of Central Florida, Leveraging HFACS to Understand Medication Error in Emergency Medical Services (EMS): A Systematic Review 2. Maureen E. Hassall, Penelope M. Sanderson, and Ian T. Cameron, U. of Queensland, An Organizational Resilience-Based Human Factors Safety Method: The Development and Testing of SAfER 3. Bianca Bain and Richard Marklin, Marquette U., One External Step and a Horizontal Handlebar on an Aerial Bucket Reduces Postural Instability During Ingress and Egress Chair: Michael A. Rupp, U. of Central Florida Presenters: Laura Strater, Jennifer Riley, and Fleet Davis, SA Technologies, Inc.; Katelyn Procci, Clint Bowers, Deborah Beidel, and Brian Bunnell, U. of Central Florida; Alex Proaps, Old Dominion U.; Ganesh Sankaranarayanan, Baichun Li, and Suvranu De, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.; Caroline G. L. Cao, Wright State U. ST2 – DRIVER DISTRACTION: VISUALMANUAL TO AUDITORY-VOCAL Lecture Tuesday, October 1, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire 400 (Sapphire Level) Tuesday, October 1 3:00–4:30 p.m. Virtual Environments 3:00–4:30 p.m. Location: Aqua 311 (Aqua Level) Tuesday, October 1 3:30–5:00 p.m. Surface Transportation CE4 – SITUATION AWARENESS Chair: James Jenness, Westat; Cochair: Bobbie Seppelt, Touchstone Evaluations Inc. 1. Christine E. Yager, Texas A&M Transportation Inst., Driver Safety Impacts of Voice-to-Text Mobile Applications 2. David Libby, Jibo He, and Alex Chaparro, Wichita State U., Distracted While Driving: A Comparison of the Effects of Texting and Talking on a Cell Phone 3. Mahtab Ghazizadeh and Vindhya Venkatraman, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Miralis Torres, U. of Puerto Rico-Mayagüez; Madeleine C. Gibson and John D. Lee, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Linda Ng Boyle, U. of Washington, Text Readability and Drivers’ Reading Time: Insights From the Visual Occlusion Method 4. Huei-Yen Winnie Chen and Paul Milgram, U. of Toronto, A Framework for Modeling and Analyzing Variability in Visual Occlusion Experiments 5. Celena Dopart, Anders Häggman, Cameron Thornberry, Bruce Mehler, Jonathan Dobres, and Bryan Reimer, MIT, A Driving Simulation Study Examining Destination Entry with iOS 5 Google Maps and a Garmin Portable GPS System 14 Lecture Tuesday, October 1, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom M (Sapphire Level) Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Chair: Sandy J. J. Gould, U. College London 1. Patricia L. McDermott and Alia Fisher, Alion Science and Technology, Methodologies for Assessing Situation Awareness of Unmanned System Operators 2. Nicklaus A. Giacobe, Pennsylvania State U., A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Alerts 3. Julia C. Lo, Delft U. of Technology; Sebastiaan A. Meijer, KTH Royal Inst. of Technology, Measuring Group Situation Awareness in a Multi-Actor Gaming Simulation: A Pilot Study of Railway and Passenger Traffic Operators 4. Geoffrey Ho, Justin G. Hollands, Michael Tombu, Ken Ueno, and Matt Lamb, Defence Research and Development Canada, Blue Force Tracking: Effects of Spatial Error on Soldier Performance O C TO B E R 1 – T U E S DAY CE5 – THE SYSTEM USABILITY SCALE Invited Symposium Tuesday, October 1, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom A (Sapphire Level) Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Chair: Rebecca A. Grier, Inst. for Defense Analyses 1. Rebecca A. Grier, Inst. for Defense Analyses; Aaron Bangor, AT&T Labs; Philip Kortum, Rice U.; S. Camille Peres, Texas A&M U., The System Usability Scale: Beyond Standard Usability Testing 2. S. Camille Peres, Texas A&M U.; Tri Pham and Ronald Phillips, U. of Houston-Clear Lake, Validation of the System Usability Scale (SUS): SUS in the Wild 3. Philip Kortum and Megan Johnson, Rice U., The Relationship Between Levels of User Experience With a Product and Perceived System Usability 4. Aaron Bangor, Kurt Joseph, Marian SweeneyDillon, Garrett Stettler, and James Pratt, AT&T, Using the SUS to Help Demonstrate Usability’s Value to Business Goals 5. Rebecca A. Grier, Inst. for Defense Analyses, The Potential Utility of the System Usability Scale in U.S. Military Acquisition FP1 – THEORETICAL ISSUES IN FORENSIC HUMAN FACTORS Lecture Tuesday, October 1, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 314 (Aqua Level) Forensics Professional Chair: Joseph Cohen, Error Analysis, Inc. 1. Steven Albert-Green, Jason Young, and Erin Potma, Advantage Forensics Inc., Practical Method for Forensic Testing of Fall Impact Effects on the Human Spine 2. Alison G. Vredenburgh and Daniel R. Spencer, Vredenburgh & Assoc., Inc., Sophisticated User: When Does a Jury Find Users to Have Sophisticated Knowledge After Determining Liability/Failure to Warn? 3. Michael Kuzel, Exponent, Inc.; H. Harvey Cohen, Error Analysis, Inc.; Robert Rauschenberger, Exponent, Inc.; Joseph Cohen, Error Analysis, Inc., Evaluation of Mobile Eye Tracking for Forensic Analysis of Pedestrian Falls 4. Christopher L. Hicks, Roger C. Jensen, and Joselyn M. Adams, U. of Montana, Stairway Step Dimensions: Replication of a Measurement System Study O C TO B E R 1 – T U E S DAY 5. Jake Pauls, Jake Pauls Consulting Services, The Pathology of Everyday Things–Stairways– Revisited GS3 – GLOBALIZATION OF ERGONOMICS Discussion Panel Tuesday, October 1, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire 410 (Sapphire Level) General Sessions Chair: Thomas J. Smith, U. of Minnesota Panelists: Andrew Imada, IEA; Nancy Larson, 3M Corp.; Peter Budnick, ErgoWeb Inc.; Karen Jacobs, Boston U. Tuesday Oct. 1 HC2 – SURGERY Invited Symposium Tuesday, October 1, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom B (Sapphire Level) Health Care Chair: Caroline G. L. Cao, Wright State U.; Cochair: Laura H. Barg-Walkow, Georgia Tech 1. Caroline G. L. Cao, Wright State U.; Ganesh Sankaranarayanan, RPI, Minimally Invasive Surgery: Beyond the Box Trainer 2. M. Susan Hallbeck, Bethany Lowndes, and Juliane Bingener-Casey, Mayo Clinic, Laparoscopic Surgical Team Stress Measures During Randomized Controlled Trials of 4-port vs. Single Incision Cholecystecomies: A Pilot Study 3. A. Miller, T. Sun, N. Pyatka, J. Brewer, and S. Ganapathy, Wright State U.; P. Weyhrauch and J. Niehaus, Charles River Analytics; C. G. L. Cao, Wright State U., Strategies for Training Technical and Nontechnical Surgical Skills 4. Amine Chellali, Harvard Medical School; Caroline G. L. Cao, Wright State U., The Impact of New Instruments on Surgical Performance in Natural Orifice Translumenal Endoscopic Surgery 5. Ganesh Sankaranarayanan and Suvranu De, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst.; Caroline G. L. Cao, Wright State U., Characterization of the Learning Plateau and the Learning Rate of the VBLaST PT Simulator With a Kinematic Objective Performance Metric 15 I1/CS – AGILE AND USER EXPERIENCE: THE ROAD TO INTEGRATION–THE CHALLENGES OF USER RESEARCH IN AN AGILE ENVIRONMENT Discussion Panel Tuesday, October 1, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 308 (Aqua Level) Internet; cosponsored with Computer Systems, Product Design Chair: Melissa Meingast, Hewlett Packard Panelists: Timothy Ballew, 8-bit Bear Consulting; Rochelle Edwards, Electronic Arts, Inc.; Eric Nordquist, Texas State U.; Christopher Sader, PROS, Inc.; Danielle Smith, PayPal Tuesday Oct. 1 PD2 – 12TH ANNUAL STANLEY H. CAPLAN USER-CENTERED PRODUCT DESIGN AWARD Alternative Format Tuesday, October 1, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom I (Sapphire Level) Chair: Stanley Caplan, Usability Assoc.; Cochair: Dianne McMullin, Boeing Group Award recipient to be announced. POS1 – INTERACTIVE SESSION 1 Interactive Session Tuesday, October 1, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom C (Sapphire Level) Posters and Demos Poster and demo sessions are 90 minutes only; presenters are required to be present throughout the session. Aerospace 1. Sally A. Stader, U. of Central Florida, Ergonomic Evaluation of Aircraft Wing Recovering Tasks in General Aviation Maintenance 2. Per-Anders Oskarsson, Patrik Lif, Johan Hedström, Peter Andersson, Björn Lindahl, and Anna Tullberg, Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI, Visual, Tactile, and Bimodal Presentation of Lateral Drift in Simulated Helicopter Robotics 3. Aaron S. Dietz, Joseph R. Keebler, Rebecca Lyons, and Eduardo Salas, U. of Central Florida; V.C. Ramesh, Vcrsoft, LLC, Developing Unmanned Aerial System Training: An Event-Based Approach 4. Emilio J. C. Lobato, Travis J. Wiltshire, and Stephen M. Fiore, U. of Central Florida, A Dual-Process Approach to Understanding Human-Robot Interaction 16 5. Thomas Fincannon, Florian Jentsch, Brittany C. Sellers, and Andrew Talone, U. of Central Florida, Best Practices in Human Operation of Robotic/Unmanned Vehicles: A Technical Review of Recommendations Regarding the Human-to-Robot Ratio 6. Travis J. Wiltshire, Emilio J. C. Lobato, and Anna V. Wedell, U. of Central Florida; Wes Huang and Benjamin Axelrod, iRobot; Stephen M. Fiore, U. of Central Florida, Effects of Robot Gaze and Proxemic Behavior on Perceived Social Presence During a Hallway Navigation Scenario 7. Travis J. Wiltshire, Daniel Barber, and Stephen M. Fiore, U. of Central Florida, Towards Modeling Social-Cognitive Mechanisms in Robots to Facilitate Human-Robot Teaming 8. Elizabeth Phillips, Javier Rivera, and Florian Jentsch, U. of Central Florida, Developing a Tactical Language for Future Robotic Teammates 9. Julia Wright, Tracy Sanders, and Peter A. Hancock, U. of Central Florida, Identifying the Role of Attributions in Human Perceptions of Robots 10. Shane E. Halse and Heather C. Lum, Penn State Erie; Valerie K. Sims, U. of Central Florida; Christine A. Winkelbauer and Megan A. Harris, Penn State Erie, Does This Robot Make Me Look Smart? How the Addition of a Robotic Pet Influences First Impressions 11. Scott Ososky, Elizabeth Phillips, David Schuster, and Florian Jentsch, U. of Central Florida, A Picture is Worth a Thousand Mental Models: Evaluating Human Understanding of Robot Teammates Usability 12. K. Michael Dresel, Boeing, Testing Usability Goals With Small Samples: A Binomial Analysis Methodology 13. Danae Holmes and Philip Kortum, Rice U., Vote-By-Phone: Usability Evaluation of an IVR Voting System 14. Jennica Bellanca, Brianna Eiter, and Lisa Steiner, Nat. Inst. for Occupational Safety and Health, Perceptions and Usability of a Mining Vest: High and Low Seam Heights 15. Elizabeth Mintmire, Chen Ling, and Randa Shehab, U. of Oklahoma, Usability Evaluation of a Paratransit Mobile Application 16. Audrey W. Fok, Katelyn Procci, Jeremy R. Flynn, and Mustapha Mouloua, U. of Central Florida, The Effects of Mental Model Conformity on Usability in Apps O C TO B E R 1 – T U E S DAY 17. Barbara S. Chaparro, Mikki H. Phan, and Jo R. Jardina, Wichita State U., Usability and Performance of Tablet Keyboards: Microsoft Surface vs. Apple iPad Design 18. Angelene Nery, Christy A. Harper, and Michael C. Bartha, Hewlett-Packard, Arrow Key Configuration on Laptops: Performance and User Preference of the Inverted-T and Modified Cross 19. Christina N. Harrington, Jesseca R. I. Taylor, Jennifer A. Cowley, and Michael S. Wogalter, North Carolina State U., Assessing Conceptualizations of User-Friendliness for Consumer Products 20. Natalia Mazaeva, Medtronic; Ann M. Bisantz, U. of Buffalo, Ecological Interface Design of a Photo Camera Display: Method and Example 21. Wimberly S. Hoyle, U. of Houston-Clear Lake; Michael C. Bartha and Christy A. Harper, HewlettPackard Co.; S. Camille Peres, Texas A&M U., Low Profile Keyboard Design: The Effect of Physical Key Characteristics on Typing Productivity and User Preference Control 22. ConneMara Bazley, JimConna Inc.; Aaron Pascoe, Charles Weaver, and Steve Blomgren, NuScale Power, Computer Based Procedure System for a Multimodular Control Room 23. Michael Lee, C. Melody Carswell, Will Seidelman, and Michelle Sublette, U. of Kentucky, Green Expectations: The Story of a Customizable Lighting Control Panel Designed to Reduce Energy Use 24. Michael C. Bartha, Melissa Meingast, and Cynthia Roe Purvis, Hewlett Packard Corp.; Douglas Kokot and Paul Allie, Kokot and Allie Assoc., LLC, Modeling a Display Adjustment Range for Standing and Keyboarding for Touchscreen Computer Users 25. Torsten Günzler and Dietrich Manzey, Technische U. Berlin, Asymmetries in Human Tolerance of Uncertainty in Interaction With Alarm Systems: Effects of Risk Perception or Evidence for a General Commission Bias? 26. Brian P. Dyre, Eric J. Adamic, Steffen Werner, and Roger Lew, U. of Idaho; David I. Gertman and Ronald L. Boring, Idaho Nat. Lab, A Microworld Simulator for Process Control Research and Training O C TO B E R 1 – T U E S DAY Team 27. Ute Fischer, Georgia Tech; Kathleen Mosier, San Francisco State U.; Judith Orasanu, NASA Ames Research Ctr., The Impact of Transmission Delays on Mission Control—Space Crew Communication 28. Nancy Stone, Missouri U. of Science & Technology; Frank Zebulon Keehn, Wayne State U., Team Efficacy in Computer-Mediated Teams 29. Michael J. Crites and Jamie C. Gorman, Texas Tech U., Learning to Tie Well With Others: Bimanual vs. Intermanual Coordination During Shoe-Tying 30. William S. Helton, Alexander L. Green, and Neil R. de Joux, U. of Canterbury, Cognitive Resource Demands During Climbing: Considerations for Communication Technologies Extreme Environments 31. Valerie J. B. Rice and Gary L. Boykin, Army Research Lab; Angela Jeter, DCS Corp.; Jessica Villarreal, Army Research Lab; Cory Overby, DCS Corp.; Petra Alfred, Pacific Science, The Relationship Between Mindfulness and Resiliency Among Active Duty Service Members and Military Veterans 32. Ashley Marie Hughes, Mustapha Mouloua, Peter A. Hancock, and James L. Szalma, U. of Central Florida, What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger? A Study of Appraisal and Performance in Trauma 33. Kelly S. Hale and Shayna Strally, Design Interactive, Inc.; Jason Moss, Army Research Inst.; Malachi Lawson and Jonathan Martin, Design Interactive, Inc.; Jack Johnston, Northrop Grumman Technical Services; Ric Topolski, Augusta State U., Assessing Soldier Eye Scan Behavior While Detecting Threats in Dynamic and Static Stimuli 34. Gisela Munoz, Michael Fehlinger, and Jason P. Kring, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U., Designing for Mars: Mitigating Habitability Factors to Support Crew Performance Tools for Measurement 35. Avi Parush and Nadya Rustandjaja, Carleton U., The Impact of Sudden Events and Spatial Configuration on the Benefits of Prior Information to Situation Awareness and Performance 36. Jian Liu, Marshall U., Daily Activity Recognition Using Wearable Sensors 37. Timothy J. Duffield, U. of Houston-Clear Lake; S. Camille Peres, Texas A&M U.; William Amonette and Paul Ritchey, U. of Houston-Clear Lake, Standard Deviation of sEMG: Measuring the Dynamicity of Muscle Activity 17 Tuesday Oct. 1 38. Claudia Ziegler Acemyan, Philip Kortum, and David Payne, Rice U., Do Voters Really Fail to Detect Changes to Their Ballots? An Investigation of Ballot Type on Voter Error Detection 39. Will Seidelman, C. Melody Carswell, and Michael Lee, U. of Kentucky, Haptic Data Visualization and Creative Thought: Beyond Standard Measures of Performance 40. R. Figueroa and T. Armstrong, The U. of Michigan, Considering Task Force Requirements for Hand Posture Predictions Tuesday Oct. 1 Demonstrations 41. John W. Harden, Old Dominion U.; James P. Bliss, Old Dominion U.; Charles Dischinger, NASAMSFC, Gestural Control of a Remote Robotic Manipulator 42. Jacob Viraldo and Barrett Caldwell, Purdue U., Sonification as Sensemaking in Control Room Applications 43. Emily S. Patterson, Chad Weiss, Zachary Woods, Austin F. Mount-Campbell, and Michael J. Rayo, Ohio State U., Online Training for Resilient Communication During Shift Change Handovers 44. Maureen O’Connell and James L. Szalma, U. of Central Florida, ROC-Estimator Software and ROC Analysis PP3 – HUMAN-ROBOT INTERACTION Lecture Tuesday, October 1, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 304 (Aqua Level) Perception & Performance Chair: Harvey S. Smallman, Pacific Science & Engineering Group; Cochair: Sara A. Lu, U. of Michigan 1. Charles R. Descheneaux, Lauren ReinermanJones, and Daniel Barber, U. of Central Florida, Hemispheric Differences and Spatial Ability in Robot to Human Tactile Communication 2. Stephen R. Ellis, Bernard D. Adelstein, and Kiwon Yeom, NASA Ames Research Ctr., Misalignment Effect Function Measurement for Oblique Rotation Axes: Counterintuitive Predictions and Theoretical Extensions 3. G. Robert Arrabito, and Geoffrey Ho, Defence Research and Development Canada; Yeti Li, Wayne Giang, and Catherine M. Burns, U. of Waterloo; Ming Hou and Paul Pace, Defence Research and Development Canada, Multimodal Displays for Enhancing Performance in a Supervisory Monitoring Task: Reaction Time to Detect Critical Events 18 4. 5. Shih-Yi Chien and Michael Lewis, U. of Pittsburgh; Siddharth Mehrotra, Agents Dynamics Inc.; Katia Sycara, Carnegie Mellon U., Imperfect Automation in Scheduling Operator Attention on Control of Multi-Robots E. Wiese, A. Wykowska, and H. J. Müller, Ludwig Maximilian U., Munich, Making Eyes With Robots: Readiness to Engage In HumanRobot Interaction Depends on the Attribution of Intentionality S2 – WARNINGS Lecture Tuesday, October 1, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom E (Sapphire Level) Safety Chair: Fereydoun Agazadeh, Louisiana State U.; Cochair: Ranjana Mehta, Texas A&M U. 1. Thomas Ayres, Warnings, Anti-Warnings, and Pacifiers 2. Marita A. O’Brien and Michael Shreeves, U. of Alabama, Huntsville, Evaluating the Interactive Social-Cognitive Model for Explaining Noncompliance to a Disaster Warning 3. Gina May Tyree and Michael S. Wogalter, North Carolina State U., Assessing Perceived Hazard and Perceived Importance of Safety and Fluorescent Colors 4. Kenneth Nemire, HFE Consulting LLC, Multicultural, Rapid, Collaborative, Iterative Design and Evaluation of a Warning Pictorial SF2 – A STUDENT PERSPECTIVE OF CAREER OPTIONS IN HUMAN FACTORS Discussion Panel Tuesday, October 1, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 310 (Aqua Level) Student Forum Chair: Brittany Neilson, Texas Tech U. Panelists: Alexandra B. Proaps, Old Dominion U.; Dustin Smith, Wichita State U.; Anand Tharanathan, Honeywell ACS Labs; Nicole E. Werner, George Mason U. O C TO B E R 1 – T U E S DAY ST3 – DRIVER DISTRACTION: MENTAL WORKLOAD AND AROUSAL Lecture Tuesday, October 1, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire 400 (Sapphire Level) Surface Transportation Chair: Linda Ng Boyle, U. of Washington; Cochair: Zeno Zhang, DENSO International America Inc. 1. Sachi Mizobuchi, Vocalage Inc.; Mark Chignell, David Canella, and Moshe Eizenman, U. of Toronto; Sayaka Yoshizu, Chihiro Sannomiya, and Kazunari Nawa, Toyota Info Technology Ctr., Looking or Listening? Impacts of Secondary Task Timing and Difficulty on Tracking Performance and Modality Selection 2. Kellie D. Kennedy and James P. Bliss, Old Dominion U., Inattentional Blindness in a Simulated Driving Task 3. Adam Gary Emfield, Jennifer A. Leavens, Mustapha Mouloua, and Mark B. Neider, U. of Central Florida, Evaluating the Effect of Riddles on Driving 4. Guozhen Zhao, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Changxu Wu and Bo Ou, U. at Buffalo, The Electrocortical Correlates of Daydreaming During Simulated Driving Tasks 5. Shi Cao and Yili Liu, U. of Michigan, Gender Factor in Lane Keeping and Speech Comprehension Dual Tasks Tuesday, October 1 5:00–6:00 p.m. Student Reception Sapphire Terrace (Sapphire Level) 5:00–6:00 p.m. Tuesday, October 1 5:30–9:00 p.m. Product Design Business Meeting 5:30–7:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom I (Sapphire Level) HFES Annual Business Meeting & Volunteer Event 6:00–7:30 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom A (Sapphire Level) Product Design/Health Care Networking Reception 7:00–9:00 p.m. Location: Harbor House (Offsite) O C TO B E R 2 – W E D N E S DAY Wednesday, October 2 7:30–8:30 a.m. Education 7:30–8:30 a.m. (breakfast; reserve at HFES Services) Location: Cobalt 500 (Cobalt Level) Wednesday, October 2 8:30–10:00 a.m. AS3 – HUMAN FACTORS IN COMMERCIAL HUMAN SPACE OPERATIONS Discussion Panel Wednesday, October 2, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire 410 (Sapphire Level) Aerospace Systems Chair: Haydee M. Cuevas, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U.; Cochair: Rebecca A. Zgorski, EmbryRiddle Aeronautical U. Panelists: Jason P. Kring, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U.; Barrett S. Caldwell, Purdue U.; Cynthia H. Null, NASA Engineering and Safety Ctr.; Brienna L. Henwood, Nat. Aerospace Training and Research Ctr.; Stephen M. Fiore, U. of Central Florida C1 – CYBER WARFARE, ASL, AND TEXTSPEAK COMMUNICATION Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Aqua 311 (Aqua Level) Communication Chair: Veronica Hinkle, Wichita State U.; Cochair: Daryle J. Gardner-Bonneau, Bonneau and Assoc. 1. James Head, Kyle M. Wilson, William S. Helton, Ewald Neumann, and Paul N. Russell, U. of Canterbury; Connie Shears, Chapman U., Right Hemisphere Prefrontal Cortical Involvement in Text-Speak Processing 2. Abigail Donner, Matthew Marshall, and Jacqueline Mozrall, Rochester Inst. of Technology, Biomechanical Comparison of American Sign Language Interpretation and Conversation 3. Vincent Mancuso, ORISE; Gregory J. Funke, Victor F. Finomore, and Benjamin A. Knott, Air Force Research Lab, Exploring the Effects of “Low and Slow” Cyber Attacks on Team Decision Making 4. Victor Finomore, Air Force Research Lab; Adam Sitz, Old Dominion U.; Elizabeth Blair, Air Force Research Lab; Katherine Rahill and Michael Champion, Oak Ridge Inst. for Science and 19 Wednesday Oct. 2 Education; Gregory J. Funke, Air Force Research Lab; Vincent F. Mancuso, Oak Ridge Inst. for Science and Education; Benjamin A. Knott, Air Force Research Lab, Effects of Cyber Disruption in a Distributed Team Decision-Making Task FP2 – FORENSIC HUMAN FACTORS APPLICATIONS AND PRACTICE Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Aqua 304 (Aqua Level) Forensics Professional CE6 – KNOWLEDGE ELICITATION Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom M (Sapphire Level) Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Wednesday Oct. 2 Chair: Shengji Yao, McMaster U. 1. Terry Stanard and George Bearden, Air Force Research Lab; Clayton Rothwell, Infoscitex, A Cognitive Task Analysis to Elicit Preliminary Requirements for an Automated UAV Verification & Planning System 2. B. L. William Wong, Neesha Kodagoda, Chris Rooney, Simon Attfield, and Tinni Choudhury, Middlesex U., Trialing the SMART Approach: Identifying and Assessing Sense-Making 3. Nathan Lau, U. of Virginia; Greg A. Jamieson, U. of Toronto; Gyrd Skraaning, OECD Halden Reactor Project, Distinguishing Three Accounts of Situation Awareness Based on Their Domains of Origin 4. Ananda von der Heyde, Sebastian Brandhorst, and Annette Kluge, U. Duisburg-Essen, SafetyRelated Rule Violations Investigated Experimentally: One Can Only Comply With Rules One Remembers and the Higher the Fine, the More Likely the “Soft Violations” CS1/I – USER EXPERIENCE DAY: INVITED KEYNOTE Invited Address Wednesday, October 2, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Aqua 308 (Aqua Level) Computer Systems; cosponsored with Internet Chair: Kenneth Ohnemus, Red Moon Interactive Invited Speaker: Kath Straub, UX Consultant (Consumer Behavior Research | User Experience Design | Plain Language Writing), Blurring the Edges: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love SelfService 20 Chair: Alison G. Vredenburgh, Vredenburgh & Assoc., Inc. 1. Ilene B. Zackowitz and Alison G. Vredenburgh, Vredenburgh & Assoc., Inc., A Forensic Human Factors Analysis of a Playground Designated for Special Needs Children 2. Kevin Runge, Runge Building & Consulting; Alison G. Vredenburgh, Vredenburgh & Assoc., Inc., A False Sense of Security: Hazards Associated With Working on Flat Roofs With Parapet Walls 3. Benjamin R. Stephens, Allyson M. Ramsey, Gregory R. Angeloff, Kiara S. Glaze, and Justin T. Stephens, Clemson U.; George S. Pearl, Atlanta Legal Photo Services, Inc., An Efficient Method to Evaluate Skylight Hazard Conspicuity 4. Alison G. Vredenburgh and Ilene B. Zackowitz, Vredenburgh & Assoc., Inc., Falling From Airstairs While Disembarking From a Commuter Plane GS4 – GENERAL METHODS FOR COMMUNICATING THE STRUCTURE AND CONTENT OF A COGNITIVE MODEL Discussion Panel Wednesday, October 2, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Aqua 310 (Aqua Level) General Sessions Chair: Walter Warwick, Alion Science and Technology Panelists: Christian Lebiere, Carnegie Mellon U.; Randolf M. Jones, Soar Technology; David Reitter, Pennsylvania State U.; Stuart Rodgers, TiER1 Performance Solutions, LLC; Scott A. Douglas, Air Force Research Lab O C TO B E R 2 – W E D N E S DAY HC3 – TEAMWORK AND HANDOFFS IN TRAUMA CARE: MEASUREMENT, MODELING, AND IMPROVEMENT Discussion Panel Wednesday, October 2, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom B (Sapphire Level) Health Care Chair: Shanqing Yin, Changi General Hospital, Singapore; Cochair: Adam R. Shames, Core Human Factors, Inc. Panelists: Kenneth Catchpole, Cedars-Sinai Medical Ctr.; Eduardo Salas, U. of Central Florida; Douglas Wiegmann, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Sarah Parker, MedStar Health Research Inst.; Renaldo Blocker, Mayo Clinic; Robert Wears, U. of Florida HP1 – HUMAN PERFORMANCE MODELING AND INDUSTRY Invited Address Wednesday, October 2, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom A (Sapphire Level) 3. 4. 5. IE2 – ERGONOMIC PRINCIPLES APPLIED TO THE DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF TABLETS, TOUCHSCREENS, AND LAPTOPS Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom E (Sapphire Level) Industrial Ergonomics 1. Human Performance Modeling Chair: Matthew L. Bolton, U. of Illinois at Chicago; Cochair: Shi Cao, U. of Michigan 1. Omer Tsimhoni, General Motors Advanced Technical Ctr., Cognitive Modeling Needs for the Automotive Industry 2. Scott Neal Reilly, Charles River Analytics, Computational Human Performance Modeling 3. John Murray, SRI Int.; Joshua A. T. Fairfield, Washington and Lee U., The Ethics of Human Studies Research in the 21st Century: Some Current Challenges and New Opportunities ID1 – ID MODELS & METHODS FOR PREDICTION Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Aqua 314 (Aqua Level) Individual Differences 1. 2. Jörg Miehling, Bastian Geißler, and Sandro Wartzack, Friedrich-Alexander-U. ErlangenNuremberg, Toward Biomechanical Digital Human Modeling of Elderly People for Simulations in Virtual Product Development Cynthia Nguyen, Kelly Satterfield, Brooke Bellows, Patrick McKnight, and Tyler H. Shaw, George Mason U., Assessing Resource Utilization During Vigilance Using Transcranial Doppler: The Effects of Extraversion O C TO B E R 2 – W E D N E S DAY Linda G. Pierce, Dana Broach, M. Kathryn Bleckley, and Cristina L. Byrne, FAA, Using Biodata to Select Air Traffic Controllers Ivonne J. Figueroa and Robert J. Youmans, George Mason U., Failure to Maintain Set: A Measure of Distractibility or Cognitive Flexibility Jennifer Vogel-Walcutt, Cognitive Performance Group; Julian Abich, U. of Central Florida; Teresa Marino Carper, Orlando VA Medical Ctr., Using Neuro-Physiological Data to Improve Feedback Timing 2. 3. 4. Jeong Ho Kim, Lovenoor Aulck, and Ornwipa Thamsuwan, U. of Washington; Michael C. Bartha, Hewlett-Packard; Peter W. Johnson, U. of Washington, The Effects of Virtual Keyboard Key Sizes on Typing Productivity and Physical Exposures Abigail J. Werth and Kari Babski-Reeves, Mississippi State U., Electromyography & Portable Computing Devices: What Forearm Muscles Should Be Measured? Hwa-Young Kang and Gwanseob Shin, Ulsan Nat. Inst. of Science and Technology, Is the Ambidextrous Advantageous When Using Large Touchscreens? Kyle Saginus, Aon Risk Solutions; Richard Marklin, Marquette U., The Effects of Mobile Computer Location in a Vehicle Cab on Muscle Activity and Body Posture of Large and Small Drivers T1 – ADAPTIVE TRAINING Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom I (Sapphire Level) Training; cosponsored with Augmented Cognition Chair: Kelly Neville, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U.; Cochair: Joe Mercado, U. of Central Florida 1. Jennifer J. Vogel-Walcutt, Cognitive Performance Group; Teresa Marino Carper, Orlando VA Medical Ctr.; Clint Bowers, U. of Central Florida; Denise Nicholson, DSCI, Using Learners’ Internal States to Drive Feedback Decisions 21 Wednesday Oct. 2 2. 3. 4. Julian Abich, Lauren Reinerman-Jones, and Grant S. Taylor, U. of Central Florida, Investigating Workload Measures for Adaptive Training Systems Patricia L. McDermott, Mark R. Gronowski, Thomas F. Carolan, and Alia Fisher, Alion Science and Technology, Error Training and Adaptive Remediation: The Impact on Transfer Performance in a Complex Planning Task Megan Hardy, Eric N. Wiebe, Joseph F. Grafsgaard, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, and James C. Lester, North Carolina State U., Physiological Responses to Events During Training: Use of Skin Conductance to Inform Future Adaptive Learning Systems TE2 – EVALUATING SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS & THEIR IMPACT ON PERFORMANCE Wednesday Oct. 2 Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire 400 (Sapphire Level) Test & Evaluation Chair: Petra Alfred, Pacific Science & Engineering Group 1. Darendia McCauley, FAA, FAA Front Line Manager’s Quick Reference Guide: User Evaluation 2. Guozhen Zhao, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Changxu Wu, U. at Buffalo, The Effects of Image Set Size and Time Pressure on Human Performance and Mental Workload in a Cyber Image Search Task 3. Eric J. Blumberg, Alan C. Kelly, Ryan Olmstead, and Robert J. Youmans, George Mason U., Usability Analysis of a Business Process Management Software Platform 4. Melissa A. Smith, Hyun J. Woo, James P. Parker, and Robert J. Youmans, George Mason U.; Melanie D. LeGoullon, Gershon Weltman, and Ewart J. de Visser, Perceptronics Solutions, Inc., Using Iterative Design and Testing Toward the Development of SRTS®: A Mobile, GameBased Stress Resilience Training System 5. Roger J. Chapman, Collaborative Work Systems, Inc.; Lou Nemec and James Ness, United States Military Academy, The Evaluation of a Tactile Display for Dismounted Soldiers in a Virtusphere Environment 22 Wednesday, October 2 9:30–10:30 a.m. SS2 – FELLOWS POSTER SESSION Poster Session Wednesday, October 2, 9:30–10:30 a.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom C (Sapphire Level) Special Sessions Chair: Philip Kortum, Rice U.; Cochair: S. Camille Peres, Texas A&M U. Presenters: Anthony D. Andre, Interface Analysis Assoc.; Thomas J. Armstrong, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Kevin B. Bennett, Wright State U.; Deborah A. BoehmDavis, George Mason U.; Nancy J. Cooke, Arizona State U.; Francis T. Durso, Georgia Tech; Valerie J. Gawron, MITRE Corp.; Douglas J. Gillan, North Carolina State U.; Peter A. Hancock, U. of Central Florida; Brian M. Kleiner, Virginia Tech; Arnold M. Lund, GE Global Research; Rudolf G. Mortimer, Consultant; Robert W. Proctor, Purude U.; Valerie J. Rice, AMEDD Ctr. and School; Wendy A. Rogers, Georgia Tech; Eduardo Salas, U. of Central Florida; James L. Smith, Texas Tech U.; Philip J. Smith, Ohio State U.; Matthew B. Weinger, Vanderbilt U.; Christopher D. Wickens, Alion Science and Technology Wednesday, October 2 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon A1- AGING POTPOURRI Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire 410 (Sapphire Level) Aging Chair: Clive D’Souza, U. at Buffalo; Cochair: Cara Bailey Fausset, Georgia Tech Research Inst. 1. Wei-Ting Yen, Int. Business Machines Corp.; Carolyn M. Sommerich, Steven A. Lavender, Sharon Flinn, and Elizabeth Sanders, Ohio State U., Product Physical Interface Design Characteristics for Older Adults With Hand Use Limitations: Laboratory Study 2. Jian Liu, Marshall U., Aging Effect on Risk of Slipping After Walkway Perturbation Training 3. William D. Miller and Deborah A. Boehm-Davis, George Mason U., Age-Related Differences in Positional Dispersion of Fixations in a Multitask Environment O C TO B E R 2 – W E D N E S DAY 4. 5. Xuefang Wu, Han Teik Yeoh, and Thurmon Lockhart, Virginia Tech, Fall Risk Assessment and Fall Prediction Among CommunityDwelling Elderly Using Wearable Wireless Sensors Akanksha Prakash and Wendy A. Rogers, Georgia Tech, Younger and Older Adults’ Attitudes Toward Robot Faces: Effects of Task and Humanoid Appearance CE7 – MODELING Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom M (Sapphire Level) Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making; cosponsored with Human Performance Modeling Chair: William B. L. Wong, Middlesex U. 1. Robert F. Stark, Exaptive Inc.; Emilie M. Roth, Roth Cognitive Engineering; Michael P. Farry, Charles River Analytics Inc., Incrementally Formalizing Graphical Models for Collaborative Operations Research 2. Michael P. Jenkins, Ann M. Bisantz, James Llinas, and Rakesh Nagi, U. at Buffalo, Investigating and Improving Network Visualizations’ Effectiveness at Supporting Human Sensemaking Tasks 3. Cara Stitzlein, Penelope M. Sanderson, and Marta Indulska, U. of Queensland, Understanding Healthcare Processes: An Evaluation of Two Process Model Notations 4. Robert R. Hoffman, Inst. for Human and Machine Cognition; Michael J. McCloskey, 361 Interactive, The Macrocognitive Decision Ladder CS2/I – USER EXPERIENCE DAY DESIGN CHARRETTE: TRIANGULATION OF MULTIPLE HUMAN FACTORS METHODS IN USER EXPERIENCE DESIGN AND EVALUATION Alternative Format Wednesday, October 2, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Aqua 308 (Aqua Level) E2 – LIFE, THE UNIVERSE, AND ACADEMIA: SUCCESS IN EARLY-CAREER ACADEMIA Discussion Panel Wednesday, October 2, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Aqua 311 (Aqua Level) Education Chair: Nicholas Kelling, U. of South Florida Panelists: Wendy Bedwell, U. of South Florida; Gregory M. Corso, Morehead State U.; Haydee M. Cuevas, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U.; Joseph R. Keebler, Wichita State U.; S. Camille Peres, Texas A&M U.; Bruce N. Walker, Georgia Tech ED2 – ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN: PERSONENVIRONMENT INTERACTIONS Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Aqua 314 (Aqua Level) Environmental Design Chair: ConneMara Bazley, JimConna, Inc. 1. Yuka Takai and Akihiko Goto, Osaka Sangyo U.; Ken-ichi Takao, H’ in Solution Co., Ltd.; Noriaki Kuwahara and Hiroyuki Hamada, Kyoto Inst. of Technology, A Pilot Study Investigating the Impact of Indoor Wall Construction on Performance During Long Monotonous Work 2. Steven C. Mallam and Monica Lundh, Chalmers U. of Technology, Ship Engine Control Room Design: Analysis of Current Human Factors & Ergonomics Regulations & Future Directions 3. Shuo Zhou and David Feathers, Cornell U., Space Planning for Multitouch Workspaces: Preliminary Analysis Considering Screen Angle And Scenarios of Use 4. Shikha Agarwal, Indian Inst. of Technology, Bombay; Abir Mullick, Georgia Tech; G. G. Ray, Indian Inst. of Technology, Bombay, An Observational Study on Usability Issues in Mumbai Local Trains Computer Systems; cosponsored with Internet Chair: Marc L. Resnick, Bentley U.; Cochair: Joh F. (Jeff) Kelley, IBM Participants: Jay Elkerton, Emerson Process Management; Pete Mahler, LUMA Inst.; Robert Pastel, Michigan Technological U.; Ania Rodriguez, Key Lime Interactive O C TO B E R 2 – W E D N E S DAY 23 Wednesday Oct. 2 HC4 – TECHNOLOGY, DESIGN, & SAFETY 3. Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom B (Sapphire Level) Health Care Wednesday Oct. 2 Chair: Dean Hooper, Ximedica; Cochair: Edmond Israelski, AbbVie 1. Sudeep Hegde, U. at Buffalo; A. Zach Hettinger and Rollin J. Fairbanks, MedStar Inst. for Innovation; John Wreathall, John Wreathall & Co. Inc.; Vicky Lewis, MedStar Inst. for Innovation; Robert Wears, Imperial College London; Ann M. Bisantz, U. at Buffalo, A Bottom-Up Approach to Understanding the Efficacy of EventAnalysis in Healthcare: Paradigm Shift From Safety to Resilience Engineering 2. Bonnie Harris and Nicholas Ford, U. of Queensland; Tobias Grundgeiger, U. of Würzburg; Balasubramanian Venkatesh, Princess Alexandra and Wesley Hospital; Penelope M. Sanderson, U. of Queensland, Evaluating the Redesign of an ICU Bedside Emergency Equipment Drawer 3. Sarah Wiseman, Duncan P. Brumby, Anna L. Cox, and Orla Hennessy, U. College London, Tailoring Number Entry Interfaces to the Task of Programming Medical Infusion Pumps 4. Meghann Herron and Kim-Phuong L. Vu, California State U., Long Beach, The Value of Including a Picture of the Medicine on Pharmaceutical Labels 5. E. Asher Balkin, Ohio State U., How Surgical Robotics Transform the Development of Expertise in Modern Operating Rooms: An Ethnographic Study IE3 – FINDINGS FROM THE NIOSH UPPER EXTREMITY MUSCULOSKELETAL DISORDER CONSORTIUM Invited Symposium Wednesday, October 2, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom E (Sapphire Level) Industrial Ergonomics Chair: David Rempel, U. of California, San Francisco 1. Stephen Bao, Joyce Fan, and Barbara Silverstein, Washington State Dept. of Labor and Industries, An Application of a Job Exposure Profile in Work-Related Shoulder Disorders Study 2. Barbara Silverstein, Washington State Dept. of Labor & Industries, Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs) Identification and Interventions in High-Risk Sectors 24 4. 5. Elizabeth J. Malloy, American U.; Kurt T. Hegmann, Andrew S. Merryweather, and Matthew S. Thiese, U. of Utah; Jacqueline J. Wertsch, Medical College of Wisconsin, The Strain Index and Risk of Upper Limb Musculoskeletal Disorders: Results from the WISTAH Hand Study Ann Marie Dale, Tiffany Dill, Sade Agboola, and Bradley A. Evanoff, Washington U. School of Medicine, Functional Impairment and Work Disability Among Workers With Distal Upper Extremity Tenosynovitis Carisa Harris Adamson, Samuel Merritt U.; Ellen A. Eisen, U. of California at Berkeley; Ann Marie Dale and Bradley Evanoff, Washington U.; Kurt T. Hegmann and Matthew S. Thiese, U. of Utah; Jay Kapellusch and Arun Garg, U. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Susan Burt, Nat. Inst. for Occupational Safety and Health; Barbara Silverstein and Stephen Bao, Washington State Dept. of Labor and Industries; Fred Gerr and Linda Merlino, U. of Iowa; David Rempel, U. of California, San Francisco, The Impact of Gender on Personal, Health, and Workplace Psychosocial Risk Factors for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: A Pooled Study Cohort ME3 – FUTURE DIRECTIONS FOR SOCIOTECHNICAL SYSTEMS AND SAFETY: OUTCOMES FROM THE 2012 LIBERTY MUTUAL HOPKINTON CONFERENCE Discussion Panel Wednesday, October 2, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom A (Sapphire Level) Macroergonomics; cosponsored with Safety Chairs: Lawrence J. Hettinger and Michelle M. Robertson, Liberty Mutual Research Inst. For Safety; Cochair: Patrick Waterson, Loughborough U. Panelists: Pascale Carayon, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Marvin J. Dainoff, Liberty Mutual Research Inst. for Safety; Alex Kirlik, U. of Illinois; Brian M. Kleiner, Virginia Polytechnic Inst. S3 – DESIGN FOR SAFETY Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Aqua 304 (Aqua Level) Safety Chair: Justin Morgan, Virginia Tech; Cochair: Michael Kuzel, Exponent 1. Ronald L. Boring, Idaho Nat. Lab, Lessons Learned Using a Full-Scale Glasstop Simulator for Control Room Modernization in Nuclear Power Plants O C TO B E R 2 – W E D N E S DAY 2. 3. 4. Christina Koffskey, Laura H. Ikuma, and Craig M. Harvey, Louisiana State U., Performance Metrics for Evaluating Petrochemical Control Room Displays Katya L. Le Blanc and Johanna H. Oxstrand, Idaho Nat. Lab, Computer-Based Procedures for Nuclear Power Plant Field Workers: Preliminary Results From Two Evaluation Studies Thomas A. Ulrich and Ronald L. Boring, Idaho Nat. Lab, Example User-Centered Design Process for a Digital Control System in a Nuclear Power Plant SF3 – COGNITION Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Aqua 310 (Aqua Level) Student Forum Chair: Kellie D. Kennedy, Old Dominion U.; Cochair: Jo R. Jardina, Wichita State U. 1. HeeSun Choi and Sharolyn A. Lane, North Carolina State U., Impact of Visuospatial Characteristics of Video Games on Improvements in Cognitive Abilities 2. Arthur Juliani, William Leidheiser, Anne C. McLaughlin, and Jason Allaire, North Carolina State U.; Maribeth Gandy, Georgia Tech, Cognitive Ability Predicts Performance in a Novel Task But Is Moderated by Social Interaction 3. Farzan Sasangohar, U. of Toronto; Stacey D. Scott, U. of Waterloo; Birsen Donmez, U. of Toronto, Interruption Management and Recovery in Time-Critical Supervisory-Level Tasks: A Literature Review 4. Natalee Cartee, Nicole Fink, and Richard Pak, Clemson U., The Effects of Reminder Type and Anticipatory Interval on Prospective Memory 5. Xi Yang and Taezoon Park, Nanyang Technological U.; Christopher D. Wickens, Alion Science and Technology; Kewin Tien-Ho Siah and Liesel Fong, Nat. U. Hospital System; Shan Qing Yin, Changi General Hospital, The Effect of Information Access Cost and Overconfidence Bias on Junior Doctors’ Pre-Handover Performance O C TO B E R 2 – W E D N E S DAY T2 – EFFECTIVE TRAINING FOR ERROR REDUCTION AND PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom I (Sapphire Level) Training Chair: Andy R. Dattel, Marywood U.; Cochair: Linda G. Pierce, FAA 1. Nicholas A. Higgins and Corey J. Bohil, U. of Central Florida; Joseph R. Keebler, Wichita State U., Object Identification Errors Can Be Predicted From Attention Biases Acquired During Training 2. Julio C. Mateo, Kyle J. Behymer, and Michael J. McCloskey, 361 Interactive, LLC, Enhancing Operational Cross-Cultural Observation Skills: An Empirical Evaluation of CultureGear 3. Frode Voll Mjelde and Kip Smith, Naval Postgraduate School, Performance Assessment of Military Team Training for Resilience in Complex Maritime Environments 4. Paul L. Derby, Keith S. Jones, and Noah J. Wheeler, Texas Tech U., Self-Regulated Learning in Virtual Simulations 5. Elizabeth S. Fleming, and Amy R. Pritchett, Georgia Tech, Examining an Improved Pilot Training Program for TCAS Wednesday, October 2 12:00 noon–1:30 p.m. Aging 12:00 noon–1:30 p.m. (lunch; reserve at HFES Services) Location: Elevation Room (30th Floor) Individual Differences 12:00 noon–1:30 p.m. Location: Sapphire 400 (Sapphire Level) Perception & Performance 12:00 noon–1:30 p.m. (lunch; reserve at HFES Services) Location: Cobalt 500 (Cobalt Level) System Development 12:00 noon–1:15 p.m. (lunch) Location: Lou & Mickey’s (Off site) 25 Wednesday Oct. 2 Program at a Glance Monday 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. Morning-Only Workshops, 8:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon Tuesday 8:00 – 10:00 a.m. PL Opening Plenary Session, Sapphire E AS1 CE1 CE2 E1 GS1 Aviation Fatigue, Sapphire 410 Cognitive Engineering Across Domains, Sapphire M Interruptions, Sapphire A Human Factors in Everyday Life, Aqua 310 The Future of Human Factors and Ergonomics: Charting a Course for Our Profession, Aqua 308 Mechanistic Research on Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders, Sapphire E Insight From Developing Solutions in Health Care, Aqua 314 Touch Screen, Sapphire I Vigilance & Attention Research, Aqua 304 Health, Behavior, and Emotion, Sapphire 400 Evaluation Tools, Techniques, & Methods, Sapphire B WK1 Reducing Human Error Within Hospitals, Aqua 304 WK2 Cognitive Neuroscience for the Human Factors Practitioner, Aqua 312 WK3 Introduction to R for Describing Data, Aqua 307 Full-Day Workshop, 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. WK10 Designing to Enhance Situation Awareness, Aqua 311 10:00 a.m. – 3:45 p.m. SF1 10:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Student Career and Professional Development Day, Aqua 308 Morning-Only Workshops continue Full-Day Workshop continues Student Career and Professional Development Day continues IE1 ME1 PD1 PP1 ST1 TE1 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. Technical Group Networking/Business Meetings Full-Day Workshop continues Afternoon-Only Workshop, 1:30 – 5:00 p.m. WK6 Data Exploration and Visualization With R, Aqua 307 Student Career and Professional Development Day continues AC1 AS2 CE3 ED1 GS2 HC1 ME2 PP2 S1 ST2 VE1 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. Full-Day Workshop continues Afternoon-Only Workshop continues Evening 4:45 – 6:15 p.m.: National Ergonomics Month Expo, Aqua West Foyer 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.: First-Timers & Fellows Reception, Sapphire Terrace 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.: Gala Opening Reception, Bayfront Park P RO G R A M AT A G L A N C E Adaptive Systems and Applied Psychophysiology, Aqua 310 Performance in Simulators and Cockpits, Sapphire 410 Trends in Decision-Making Research, Sapphire M Environmental Design With Special Populations, Aqua 314 Human-Systems Integration in Electronically Meditated Care Coordination, Aqua 308 Insight Teaching HF to Frontline Professionals in Health Care, Sapphire B Human Factors and Sustainable Development, Sapphire I Display Research, Aqua 304 Accident Prevention, Sapphire E Driver Distraction: Visual-Manual to Auditory-Vocal, Sapphire 400 Me & My VE, Part 2, Sapphire A CE4 CE5 FP1 Situation Awareness, Sapphire M The System Usability Scale, Sapphire A Theoretical Issues in Forensic Human Factors, Aqua 314 GS3 Globalization of Ergonomics, Sapphire 410 HC2 Surgery, Sapphire B I1/CS Agile and User Experience, Aqua 308 PD2 User-Centered Product Design Award, Sapphire I POS1 Interactive Session 1, Sapphire C PP3 Human-Robot Interaction, Aqua 304 S2 Warnings, Sapphire E SF2 A Student Perspective of Career Options in Human Factors, Aqua 310 ST3 Driver Distraction: Mental Workload and Arousal, Sapphire 400 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.: Student Reception, Sapphire Terrace 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.: HFES Annual Business Meeting/ Volunteer Event, Sapphire A Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. 8:30 – 10:00 a.m. AS3 AS5 Ground Crew and General Performance Issues, Aqua 304 CE9 The Quest for Anticipatory Decision Support Systems, Aqua 308 CE10 Signal Detection Theory and Applications, Sapphire M GS8 Meet the HFES Journal Editors, Aqua 310 HC5 Patient Care, Sapphire B HP2 Human Performance and Workload, Aqua 314 I2/CS Advances in Design, Sapphire A IE5 Anthropometric and Biomechanical-Based Methods, Sapphire E POS3 University Lab Posters, Sapphire C PP4 Warnings, Cues, & Detection Aids, Sapphire I SD2 The Art of Developing a Human Factors Standard, Sapphire 400 ST5 On-the-Road Driver Behavior Experimentation, Sapphire 410 AS7 NextGen Human Factors, Aqua 308 CE14 Cognitive Systems Engineering Analysis, Design, and Practice, Sapphire M FP4 Current Issues in Warnings, Aqua 304 HC8 Workload, Sapphire B IE8 Methodological Improvements, Sapphire I PP6 Neural, Perceptual, & Psychomotor Processes, Sapphire A SF6 Driving Behavior, Sapphire E AS6 CE15 CE16 HC9 IE9 Human Factors in Commercial Human Space Operations, Sapphire 410 C1 Cyber Warfare, ASL, and Text-Speak Communication, Aqua 311 CE6 Knowledge Elicitation, Sapphire M CS1/I UX Day Keynote: Design and Criminal Intent, Aqua 308 FP2 Forensic Human Factors Applications and Practice, Aqua 304 GS4 General Methods for Communicating the Structure and Content of a Cognitive Model, Aqua 310 HC3 Teamwork and Handoffs in Trauma Care, Sapphire B HP1 Human Performance Modeling and Industry, Sapphire A ID1 ID Models & Methods for Prediction, Aqua 314 IE2 Ergonomic Principles Applied to Tablets, Touchscreens, and Laptops, Sapphire E T1 Adaptive Training, Sapphire I TE2 Evaluating System Characteristics, Sapphire 400 9:30 – 10:00 a.m. Fellows Poster Session, Sapphire C 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon A1 CE7 CS2/I E2 ED2 HC4 IE3 ME3 S3 SF3 T2 Aging Potpourri, Sapphire 410 Modeling, Sapphire M UX Day: Design Charrette, Aqua 308 Success in Early-Career Academia, Aqua 311 Person-Environment Interactions, Aqua 314 Technology, Design, & Safety, Sapphire B NIOSH Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Disorder Consortium, Sapphire E Outcomes From the 2012 Liberty Mutual Hopkinton Conference, Sapphire A Design for Safety, Aqua 304 Cognition, Aqua 310 Training for Error Reduction and Performance Enhancement, Sapphire I HF in General Aviation and Air Traffic Applications, Aqua 304 CE11 Expertise and Judgment, Sapphire M E4 Raising HF Awareness Among Undergraduate Students, Aqua 308 ED3 Environmental Design Potpourri, Sapphire B FP3 Working With Visual Media to Create Compelling Presentations, Sapphire I ID2 ID in Emotional & Multitasking Performance, Aqua 314 IE6 Occupational Risk Factors for Low Back Disorders, Sapphire E ME4 Considering Culture in the Design and Evaluation of Health IT, Aqua 310 SD3 Student Papers, Sapphire 400 SF7 ST8 Trust, Sapphire M Function Allocation, Sapphire A Patient-Centered Issues, Sapphire B Defying Gravity for Earth Health and Space Medicine, Sapphire I Student Forum Potpourri II, Sapphire E Metrics, Measures, and Models, Aqua 308 12:15 – 1:15 p.m. SS3 2013 Human Factors Prize Session, Sapphire I 1:30 – 3:00 p.m. AS4 C2 CE8 CS3/I Automation and Unmanned Systems, Sapphire 410 Human Factors in Cyber Warfare, Sapphire B Algorithm Development and System Design, Sapphire M User Experience Day: Best Paper Competition, Aqua 308 E3 Practicing Relevant Skills in the Classroom, Aqua 311 GS5 A Tribute to Bentzi Karsh, Sapphire I GS6 Arnold M. Small Lecture in Safety, Aqua 304 GS7 Discussion on Critical Issues in HF/E – The Fellows’ Position, Sapphire A IE4 Biomechanical and Physiological Effects on Balance and Posture, Sapphire E PD3 User Testing and Study Practices, Aqua 310 POS2 Interactive Session 2, Sapphire C SD1 System Development Potpourri, Sapphire 400 ST4 Developments in Assessing Driver Performance and Workload, Aqua 314 3:15 – 9:30 p.m. Technical Group Networking/Business Meetings CE12 Exploring Communication in Remote Teams, Sapphire M E5 HF/E Education in the 21st Century, Aqua 308 GS9 Standards 101, Sapphire A HC6 Health Care Systems Design at a Crossroads, Sapphire B ID3 Performance & Stress, Aqua 314 IE7 Applying Ergonomic Principles to Task and Product Design, Sapphire E ME5 Macroergonomic Applications, Aqua 310 PD4 Wearables, Sapphire I SD4 Requirements Jeopardy, Sapphire 400 SF4 Student Forum Potpourri I, Sapphire 410 ST6 In-Vehicle Driver Support Systems, Aqua 304 CE13 Teams, Sapphire M E6 Teaching and Learning HF, Aqua 308 GS10 Situation Awareness, Automation, and Memory, Sapphire E HC7 The Benefits of HF/E to Nursing, Sapphire B HP3 Task Performance, Aqua 314 I3/CS Methods and Interaction Techniques, Sapphire A ME6 Multilevel Ergonomics, Aqua 310 PP5 Research on Speech & Driving, Sapphire I SD5 Verification and Validation, Sapphire 400 SF5 Attention, Workload, and Fatigue, Sapphire 410 ST7 Technology/Infrastructure for Safety and Mobility, Aqua 304 VE2 Serious Games and Simulations, Aqua 311 Key to Abbreviations Used in This Program AS A AC CE C CS DEM E ED FP GS HC HP ID IE I ME PL PP PD POS S SS SF ST SD TE T VE WK Aerospace Systems Aging Augmented Cognition Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Communications Computer Systems Demonstrations Education Environmental Design Forensics Professional General Sessions Health Care Human Performance Modeling Individual Differences in Performance Industrial Ergonomics Internet Macroergonomics Plenary Session Perception & Performance Product Design Posters Safety Special Sessions Student Forum Surface Transportation System Development Test & Evaluation Training Virtual Environments Workshops P RO G R A M AT A G L A N C E Wednesday, October 2 12:15–1:15 p.m. SS3 – 2013 HUMAN FACTORS PRIZE SESSION Alternative Format Wednesday, October 2, 12:15–1:15 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom I (Sapphire Level) Special Sessions Chair: Nancy J. Cooke, Arizona State U.; Cochair: William S. Marras, Ohio State U. Award recipient and finalists will be presented. Purchase lunch near the Exhibit Hall and join us for the award presentation. Wednesday, October 2 1:30–3:00 p.m. Wednesday Oct. 2 AS4 – AUTOMATION AND UNMANNED SYSTEMS Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire 410 (Sapphire Level) Aerospace Systems Chair: Divya C. Chandra, U.S. Dept. of Transportation; Cochair: Tim Barry, Ball Aerospace 1. Adrian Matheson, Birsen Donmez, and Faizan Rehmatullah, U. of Toronto; Piotr Jasiobedzki, Ho-Kong Ng, and Vivek Panwar, MacDonaldDettwiler Space and Advanced Robotics Ltd.; Mufan Li, U. of Toronto, The Effects of Predictive Displays on Performance in Driving Tasks With Multi-Second Latency: Aiding Teleoperation of Lunar Rovers 2. Gloria Calhoun and Mark Draper, Air Force Research Lab; Christopher Miller, Smart Information Flow Technologies; Heath Ruff, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.; Chad Breeden, Air Force Research Lab; Joshua Hamell, Smart Information Flow Technologies, Adaptable Automation Interface for Multi-Unmanned Aerial Systems Control: Preliminary Usability Evaluation 3. Robert J. Shively, NASA; Kim-Phuong L. Vu, California State U., Long Beach; Timothy J. Buker, SAIC, Unmanned Aircraft System Response to Air Traffic Control Clearances: Measured Response 26 4. Eric Jason Stearman, Vlad Liviu Pop, and Francis T. Durso, Georgia Tech; Daniel G. Morrow, U. of Illinois, Champagne-Urbana; The Hart Group, Examining Relationships of HumanAutomation Interaction Consequences on Pilots C2 – HUMAN FACTORS IN CYBER WARFARE: ALTERNATIVE PERSPECTIVES Discussion Panel Wednesday, October 2, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom B (Sapphire Level) Communication Chair: Benjamin A. Knott, Air Force Research Lab 711th Human Performance Wing; Cochair: Vincent F. Mancuso, Oak Ridge Inst. for Science and Education Panelists: Kevin B. Bennett, Wright State U.; Victor Finomore, Air Force Research Lab; Michael McNeese, Pennsylvania State U.; Jennifer A. McKneely, Johns Hopkins U.; Maria Beecher, Air Force Research Lab CE8 – ALGORITHM DEVELOPMENT AND SYSTEM DESIGN Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom M (Sapphire Level) Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Chair: Robert F. Stark, Exaptive Inc. 1. Daniel M. Roberts and Alexander Morison, Ohio State U., The Artificial Attention Model and Algorithm: Baseline Testing Over the Parameter Space 2. Ewart J. de Visser, Perceptronics Solutions, Inc.; Brian Kidwell, George Mason U.; John J. Payne, Perceptronics Solutions, Inc.; Li Lu and James P. Parker, George Mason U.; Nathan Brooks, Carnegie Mellon U.; Timur Chabuk, Perceptronics Solutions, Inc.; Sarah Spriggs, Air Force Research Lab; Paul Scerri, Carnegie Mellon U.; Amos Freedy, Perceptronics Solutions, Inc.; Raja Parasuraman, George Mason U., Best of Both Worlds: Design and Evaluation of an Adaptive Delegation Interface 3. Ganyun Sun, U. of New Brunswick; Shengji Yao, McMaster U.; Juan Carretero, U. of New Brunswick, An Investigation of the Relation Between the Complexity of Problem Structure and Mental Effort 4. Christopher C. Jobes, Jacob L. Carr, and Miguel A. Reyes, Nat. Inst. for Occupational Safety and Health, A Visual Warning System for the Identification of Proximity Detection Events Around a Continuous Mining Machine O C TO B E R 2 – W E D N E S DAY CS3/I – USER EXPERIENCE DAY: BEST PAPER COMPETITION Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 308 (Aqua Level) Computer Systems; cosponsored with Internet Chair: Robert Pastel, Michigan Tech U.; Cochair: Kenneth Ohnemus, Red Moon Interactive 1. Raegan M. Hoeft and Shannon L. Fitzhugh, Electronic Ink, Applying a Macroergonomic Approach to the Design and Analysis of Business Software 2. Veronica Hinkle and Barbara S. Chaparro, Wichita State U., Is User Validation Necessary for a Spanish Translation of the Microsoft Product Reaction Cards Tool? 3. Marlena R. Fraune, Beloit College; Kevin A. Juang, Joel S. Greenstein, Kapil Chalil Madathil, and Reshmi Koikkara, Clemson U., Employing User-Created Pictures to Enhance the Recall of System-Generated Mnemonic Phrases and the Security of Passwords 4. Justin Young, Kettering U.; Michael Lin, Harvard School of Public Health; Alexander Bick and Ammar Sarwar, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Ctr.; Jack Dennerlein, Northeastern U., Gestural Workspaces for Computer Interaction: Configuration and Performance 5. Phillip Walker, Steven Nunnally, and Michael Lewis, U. of Pittsburgh; Nilanjan Chakraborty and Katia Sycara, Carnegie Mellon U., Levels of Automation for Human Influence of Robot Swarms GS5 – A TRIBUTE TO BENTZI KARSH: HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO MACROERGONOMICS IN HEALTH CARE RESEARCH AND EDUCATION Discussion Panel Wednesday, October 2, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom I (Sapphire Level) General Sessions Chair: Pascale Carayon, U. of Wisconsin, Madison Panelists: Brian M. Kleiner, Virginia Tech; Michelle M. Robertson, Liberty Mutual Research Inst. for Safety; Matthew B. Weinger, Vanderbilt U.; Tosha Wetterneck, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Richard J. Holden, Vanderbilt U.; Joy A. Rodriguez, Clemson U.; Enid Montague, Northwestern U. GS6 – ARNOLD M. SMALL LECTURE IN SAFETY Invited Address Wednesday, October 2, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 304 (Aqua Level) Wednesday Oct. 2 General Sessions Chair: Michael Kalsher, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Invited Speaker: Kurt Rockstroh, Steffian Bradley Architects, Designing Hospitals to Increase Safety and Satisfaction GS7 – DISCUSSION ON CRITICAL ISSUES IN HF/E – THE FELLOWS’ POSITION Discussion Panel Wednesday, October 2, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom A (Sapphire Level) General Sessions E3 – PRACTICING RELEVANT SKILLS IN THE CLASSROOM: ADVICE FROM EXPERTS IN THE INDUSTRY TO PROFESSORS Discussion Panel Wednesday, October 2, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 311 (Aqua Level) Chair: Waldemar Karwowski, U. of Central Florida; Cochair: S. Camille Peres, Texas A&M U. Panelists: Eduardo Salas, U. of Central Florida; John D. Lee, U. of Wisconsin, Madison; Nancy J. Cooke, Arizona State U.; William S. Marras, Ohio State U. Education Chair: Esa M. Rantanen, Rochester Inst. of Technology Panelists: Daniel J. Colombo, BCI, Inc.; Sarah M. Miller, Draper Lab; Amy L. Alexander, MIT Lincoln Labs; Frank C. Lacson, Pacific Science & Engineering Group; Anthony D. Andre, Interface Analysis Assoc. IE4 – THE IMPACT OF BIOMECHANICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS ON BALANCE AND POSTURE Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom E (Sapphire Level) Industrial Ergonomics; cosponsored with Safety 1. O C TO B E R 2 – W E D N E S DAY David Rodrick and Vaishali Jayaprakash, U. of Michigan-Dearborn, Neural Mechanisms of Anticipatory Balance Control 27 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Wednesday Oct. 2 Hai Qiu and Shuping Xiong, Ulsan Nat. Inst. of Science and Technology, The Influence of Foot Sizes on Human Balance Boyi Hu, Xiaopeng Ning, and Ashish D. Nimbarte, West Virginia U., Changes of Lumbar Muscle Flexion Relaxation Phenomenon When Standing on Unilaterally Elevated Ground Jie Zhou and Xiaopeng Ning, West Virginia U.; Boyi Dai, U. of Wyoming, Trunk Kinematics Under Sudden Loading Impact When Adopting Different Foot Postures Jiahong Song and Xingda Qu, Nanyang Technological U., Age-Related Changes in Trunk and Knee Kinematics During Lifting David Rodrick and Hafiz Malik, U. of MichiganDearborn, Can Electroencephalogram (EEG) Signals Predict Postural Balance Performance? PD3 – USER TESTING AND STUDY PRACTICES Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 310 (Aqua Level) Product Design 1. 2. 3. 4. 28 Kiseok Sung, Joonho Chang, and Andris Freivalds, Pennsylvania State U.; Yong-Ku Kong, Sungkyunkwan U., Development of the Two-Dimensional Biomechanical Hand Model for a Guitar Player Y. Shmueli, A. Degani, I. Zelman, R. Asherov, D. Zande, J. Weiss, and A. Bernard, General Motors, Toward a Formal Approach for Information Integration: Evaluation of an Automotive Instrument Display Yunchen Huang and Lesley Strawderman, Mississippi State U., A System Transferability Questionnaire (STQ): Measuring Usability in a Multiple-Device System Robert J. Youmans, Christian A. Gonzalez, Ivonne J. Figueroa, and Brooke Bellows, George Mason U., The Effects of Task-Set Switching on Concurrent Verbal Protocol POS2 – INTERACTIVE SESSION 2 Interactive Session Wednesday, October 2, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom C (Sapphire Level) Posters Poster and demo sessions are 90 minutes only; presenters are required to be present throughout the session. Aerospace 1. Sally Stader, Jennifer Leavens, Brittney Gonzalez, Valentina Fontaine, and Mustapha Mouloua, U. of Central Florida; Pascale Alberti , U. de Technologie de Compiegne, Effects of Display and Task Features on System Monitoring Performance in the Original Multi-Attribute Task Battery and MATB-II 2. Mark Meyer, Eric J. Adamic, and Brian P. Dyre, U. of Idaho, Further Evidence for Ground Dominance in Control of Speed During Low Altitude Flight 3. Andrew R. Dattel, Lisa Kossuth, Chelsea C. Sheehan, H. Justin H. Green, Crystal Giannini, Jennifer Decker, Hayley M. Mericle-Swingle, and Suzanne A. Crockett, Marywood U., Effects of Conceptual Training and Procedural Training for Teaching Aviation Instrument Holding Patterns Gaming 4. Tarah N. Schmidt, Grace W. L. Teo, Gabriella M. Hancock, Zack Amicarelle, James L. Szalma, and Peter A. Hancock, U. of Central Florida, Action Video Game Players and Vigilance Performance 5. Holly Blasko-Drabik, U. of Central Florida; Dawn G. Blasko, Heather C. Lum, Bilge Erdem, and Miri Ohashi, Penn State Erie, Investigating the Impact of Self-Efficacy in Learning Disaster Strategies in an On-Line Serious Game 6. Mikki H. Phan and Barbara S. Chaparro, Wichita State U., User Perceptions of Facebook Games 7. William J. Graves, Melissa R. Stauble, Stephen Rice, and Steve Hottman, New Mexico State U., Reality Check: Perception of Cognitive Ability of Video Game Players 8. Richard K Steinberg, Christopher Grounds, Dan Donohoo, and Jennifer Blume, Raytheon Co., Walk-Up Acceptability vs. Real Usability? Designing User Interfaces for the Gaming Culture 9. Elizabeth Mersch and Olivia Fox, Wright State U.; Jim Leonard, Applied Research Assoc.; John M. Flach, Kevin B. Bennett, and Jerred Holt, Wright State U., Mitigation of the Confirmation Bias Using a Game-Based Trainer O C TO B E R 2 – W E D N E S DAY Transport 10. Scott E. McIntyre, Arizona State U.; Leo Gugerty, Clemson U., Color and Luminance Coding of Vehicle Rear Lighting 11. Alexis R. Dewar, Michael A. Rupp, Marc D. Gentzler, and Mustapha Mouloua, U. of Central Florida, Improving Motorcycle Training Programs: Suggestions and Recommendations 12. James Crouch, Michael Lee, C. Melody Carswell, Tyler Patrick, Will Seidelman, and Michelle Sublette, U. of Kentucky, The Impact of Aesthetic Design on Bus Shelter Usability 13. Ian J. Reagan and David G. Kidd, Insurance Inst. for Highway Safety, Using Hierarchical Task Analysis to Compare Four Vehicle Manufacturers’ Infotainment Systems 14. Yi-Ching Lee and Dana J. Bonfiglio, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, What Is Stressful on the Road? Analysis on Aggression-Inducing Traffic Situations Through Self-Report 15. Jesse Eisert, Andre Garcia, John J. Payne, and Carryl L. Baldwin, George Mason U., Tactile Route Guidance Performance and Preference Medical 16. Marc Egeth, Jennifer Soosaar, Rebecca Margolies, and Adam Shames, Core Human Factors, Inc., A Little Knowledge: Medical Errors by Experienced Laypeople 17. J. T. Flinn, A. Miller, M. Galloway, K. Lin, K. Watson, M. Hellan, R. Woods, and C. G. L. Cao, Wright State U., Development and Usability Testing of an Online Tool for Intraoperative Assessment of Surgical Residents 18. Leon Barker, Donia R. Scott, and Jackie A. Cassell, U. of Sussex, Evaluating User Response to Patient Health Records Represented in Temporal and Non-Temporal Form 19. Jakeb D. Riggle, Emily E. Miller, Bernadette McCrory, Alex Meitl, Eric Lim, and M. Susan Hallbeck, U. of Nebraska–Lincoln; Chad A. LaGrange, U. of Nebraska Medical Ctr., Hand Instrument Performance in a Single Site Surgery Simulator With Novices 20. Douglas E. Paull and Linda C. Williams, VA Nat. Ctr. for Patient Safety, Improving Patient Safety Through Educational Initiatives 21. Katrina M. Ellis, Chad Norman, Alex Van der Merwe, and Myounghoon Jeon, Michigan Technological U., Increasing Patient Compliance and Satisfaction With Physical Therapy WebBased Applications O C TO B E R 2 – W E D N E S DAY 22. Benjamin S. Ries, Linda Ng Boyle, Monica S. Vavilala, Nithya Kannan, Harriet Saxe, Mary A. Kernic, Frederick P. Rivara, and Douglas F. Zatzick, U. of Washington; Michael J. Bell, U. of Pittsburgh; Mark Wainwright, Northwestern U.; Jonathan I. Groner, Ohio State U.; Christoper C. Giza, U. of California, Los Angeles; Richard G. Ellenbogen, Pamela Mitchell, and Jin Wang, U. of Washington; Richard Mink, Los Angeles BioMedical Research Inst., Assessing Clinical Care Using Interactive Value Stream Mapping 23. Mika Morishima, Shinshu U.; Koya Kishida, Chukyo U.; Takashi Uozumi, Muroran Inst. of Technology; Masayoshi Kamijo, Shinshu U., Usability Problems in Users of Specialized and Generic Masks for Protection Against Pollen 24. Jessica A. Mueller and Laura M. Stanley, Montana State U., Emergency Medical Services: A Naturalistic Posture Evaluation While Providing Patient Care During Patient Transport 25. Gary L. Boykin and Valerie J. B. Rice, Army Research Lab, General Self-Reported Health as it Relates to Self-Esteem, Situational SelfEfficacy, and Coping Among Soldiers Design 26. Yong Wang, Harbin Inst. of Technology; Wei Zhao, Xi’an Jiaotong U.; Bo Liu, Harbin U. of Science and Technology, Affective Product Design Research Based on Fishing Culture of Northern China 27. Wei Xu, Intel Corp., Leveraging User Experience Roadmaps to Strategically Influence Directions of Product Development 28. Tasha Y. David, U. of Houston-Clear Lake; S. Camille Peres, Texas A&M U.; Christy A. Harper, Hewlett-Packard, How Well Do People Rate Their Performance With Different Cursor Settings? Individual Differences 29. Anne M. Sinatra, Valerie K. Sims, Shannon K.T. Bailey, and Maxine B. Najle, U. of Central Florida, Differences in the Performance of Older and Younger Adults in a Natural vs. Synthetic Speech Dichotic Listening Task 30. William J. Graves, Melissa R. Stauble, Stephen Rice, and Steve Hottman, New Mexico State U., Applying a Consistency Coefficient Methodology to General and Specific Attitudes Towards Automated Devices 29 Wednesday Oct. 2 31. Brock Bass, Meghan Goodwin, Kayla Brennan, Richard Pak, Clemson U.; Anne C. McLaughlin, North Carolina State U., Effects of Age and Gender Stereotypes on Trust in an Anthropomorphic Decision Aid 32. Katherine A. Kuehn, Amrish O. Chourasia, Douglas A. Wiegmann, and Mary E. Sesto, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Effects of Orientation on Workload During Touch Screen Operation Among Individuals With and Without Disabilities Wednesday Oct. 2 Training 33. Christine M. Covas-Smith and Robert E. Patterson, Air Force Research Lab; Christina L. Kunkle, Ball Aerospace; Lisa M. Tripp, Air Force Research Lab, Effects of Level of Model Control for Implicit Learning of Decision Support Systems 34. Martha J. Sanders, Quinnipiac U., The University as a Setting for Experiential Learning: The Potential for Reciprocal Benefits 35. Stephen Rice, David Traffimow, William J. Graves, and Melissa R. Stauble, New Mexico State U., An Expected Value Analysis of When to Avoid Type 1 and Type 2 Statistical Errors in Applied Research 36. M. Sublette, C. M. Carswell, W. Seidelman, M. Lee, and W. B. Seales, U. of Kentucky, Further Explorations of the “White Space” Bias in Users’ Anticipation of Task Workload 37. Christian A. Gonzalez and Carryl L. Baldwin, George Mason U., Effects of Pulse Rate, Fundamental Frequency, and Burst Density on Auditory Similarity 38. Navaneethan Sivagnanasundaram, Alex Chaparro, and Evan Palmer, Wichita State U., Evaluation of the Presence of a Face Search Advantage in Chernoff Faces Demonstrations 39. Monica Z. Weiland, Daniel M. Roberts, Michael S. Fine, and Matthew S. Caywood, The MITRE Corp., Real Time Research Methods: Monitoring Air Traffic Controller Workload During Simulation Studies Using Electroencephalography (EEG) 40. Jonathan Svensson and Peter Andersson, Swedish Defence Research Agency; Jens Alfredson and Johan Holmberg, Saab Aeronautics, Tactile Torso Display for Fighter Pilots – Wing-Oriented and Horizon-Oriented Presentation 41. Seunghyun Tina Lee, Yilin Elaine Liu, Xiao Xiong, and Jon Sanford, Georgia Tech, Development of a More Universal Voting Interface 30 42. 1:15–2:30 p.m. Sapphire West Foyer (Sapphire Level) For Inspirtation and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) Robotics Demonstration by the San Diego-Area High School Robotics Team 43. Xianjun Sam Zheng, Roberto Silva Filho, Jean M. R. Costa, and Xiping Song, Siemens Corp., User Workflow Centered Design: Creating Effective Software User Interface for Complex Interactive Systems SD1 – SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT POTPOURRI Lecture Wednesday, October 2, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire 400 (Sapphire Level) System Development 1. 2. 3. 4. Nita Lewis Shattuck, Lawrence G. Shattuck, Kip Smith, and Panagiotis Matsangas, Naval Postgraduate School, Changes in Reaction Times and Executive Decision-Making Following Exposure to Waterborne Motion R. L. Ford and T. S. Andre, TiER1 Performance Solutions; A. Sebok, Alion Science and Technology; R. E. Meyer, TiER1 Performance Solutions; L. Laux and J. Bzostek, Alion Science and Technology; D. T. Wong, NASA, Developing and Testing a Tool for Human Factors Design and Evaluation Andres A. Calvo, Ball Aerospace; Victor S. Finomore, Gregory M. Burnett, and Thomas C. McNitt, Air Force Research Lab, Evaluation of a Mobile Application for Multimodal Land Navigation Mark F. St. John, Pacific Science & Engineering Group, Janus: Design Principles and the Acquisition Process for a Supervisory Situation Awareness Display ST4 – NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN STANDARDS FOR ASSESSING DRIVER PERFORMANCE AND WORKLOAD Discussion Panel Wednesday, October 2, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 314 (Aqua Level) Surface Transportation Chair: Joel Cooper, Precision Driving Research Panelists: Linda Angell, Touchstone Evaluations, Inc.; Daniel McGehee, U. of Iowa; Paul Green, U. of Michigan Transportation Research Inst.; Joanne Harbluk, Transport Canada O C TO B E R 2 – W E D N E S DAY Wednesday, October 2 3:15–9:30 p.m. Aerospace Systems 3:30–5:30 p.m. Location: Sapphire 410 (Sapphire Level) Augmented Cognition 3:30–5:30 p.m. Location: Aqua 311 (Aqua Level) Safety 5:30–6:30 p.m. Location: Aqua 304 (Aqua Level) Surface Transportation 5:30–9:30 p.m. Location: Harbor House (Off-site) Training 3:30–4:30 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom I (Sapphire Level) Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making 3:30–5:15 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom M (Sapphire Level) Wednesday, October 2 5:30–7:00 p.m. Communications 3:30–4:30 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom B (Sapphire Level) Early-Career Professionals Reception 5:30–7:00 p.m. Location: Elevation Room (30th Floor) Computer Systems/Internet 4:30–5:30 p.m. Location: Aqua 308 (Aqua Level) Environmental Design/ Macroergonomics 3:45–5:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 314 (Aqua Level) Forensics Professional 4:30–5:30 p.m. Location: Aqua 304 (Aqua Level) Health Care 3:15–4:30 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom A (Sapphire Level) Human Performance Modeling 5:30–6:30 p.m. Location: Aqua 311 (Aqua Level) Individual Differences in Performance 3:30–4:30 p.m. Off-site location to be announced via list server and daily on-site newsletter Industrial Ergonomics 3:30–4:30 p.m. Location to be announced Internet/Computer Systems 4:30–5:30 p.m. Location: Aqua 308 (Aqua Level) Macroergonomics/Environmental Design 3:45–5:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 314 (Aqua Level) O C TO B E R 3 – T H U R S DAY Thursday, October 3 8:30–10:00 a.m. AS5 – GROUND CREW AND GENERAL PERFORMANCE ISSUES Thursday Oct. 3 Lecture Thursday, October 3, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Aqua 304 (Aqua Level) Aerospace Systems Chair: Thomas Z. Strybel, California State U., Long Beach; Cochair: Michael Vincent, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U. 1. R. Conrad Rorie, San Jose State Foundation; Kim-Phuong L. Vu, Panadda Marayong, Jose Robles, and Thomas Z. Strybel, California State U., Long Beach; Vernol Battiste, San Jose State Foundation, Effects of Type and Strength of Force Feedback on Movement Time in a Target Selection Task 2. Damon Stambolian, Gena Henderson, Mariea Dunn Jackson, and Charles Dischinger, NASA, Postures and Motions Library Development for Verification of Ground Crew Human Factors Requirements 3. William R. Warren, Elizabeth Blickensderfer, Jessica Cruit, and Albert Boquet, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U., Shift Turnover Strategy and Time in Aviation Maintenance 4. Emily K. M. Stelzer, Ronald S. Chong, Ronald K. Stevens, and Vilas D. Nene, MITRE CAASD, Controller Use of a Block Occupancy-Based Surface Surveillance Display for Surface Management 31 CE9 – THE QUEST FOR ANTICIPATORY DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS Discussion Panel Thursday, October 3, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Aqua 308 (Aqua Level) Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Chair: Jeffrey G. Morrison, Office of Naval Research Panelists: Karen M. Feigh, Georgia Tech; Harvey S. Smallman, Pacific Science & Engineering Group; Catherine M. Burns, U. of Waterloo; Kendra E. Moore, Boston Fusion Corp. CE10 – SIGNAL DETECTION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS Lecture Thursday, October 3, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom M (Sapphire Level) Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making; cosponsored with Human Performance Modeling Thursday Oct. 3 Chair: Cheryl Bolstad, SA Technologies; Cochair: Prashanth Rajivan, Arizona State U. 1. James C. Won, MIT Lincoln Lab; Daniel J. Hannon, Tufts U., Influence of Resource Allocation on Teamwork and Team Performance Within Self-Organizing Teams 2. Corey J. Bohil, U. of Central Florida, Comparing Traditional and Fuzzy Signal Detection Analysis for Classification Data 3. Jonathan R. Rein, TG O’Brien & Assoc., Inc.; Anthony J. Masalonis, Spectrum Software Technology, Inc.; Jay Messina, Behavioral Science Assoc., Inc.; Ben Willems, FAA, Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Imperfect Alert Automation on System Performance 4. Eric T. Chancey, Alexandra B. Proaps, and James P. Bliss, Old Dominion U., The Role of Trust as a Mediator Between Signaling System Reliability and Response Behaviors GS8 – MEET THE HFES JOURNAL EDITORS Discussion Panel Thursday, October 3, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Aqua 310 (Aqua Level) General Sessions; cosponsored with the Education & Training Committee Chair: C. Melody Carswell, U. of Kentucky Panelists: William S. Marras, Human Factors Editor in Chief; Carol Stuart-Buttle, Ergonomics in Design Editor in Chief; Amy Pritchett, Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making Editor in Chief 32 HC5 – PATIENT CARE Lecture Thursday, October 3, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom B (Sapphire Level) Health Care Chair: Michelle Rogers, Drexel U.; Cochair: Jennifer Teves, Wichita State U. 1. Sadaf Kazi, Francis T. Durso, and Meera E. John, Georgia Tech, A Predictive Model of Strategy Choice in Critical Care Nursing 2. T. Robert Turner and Mark W. Scerbo, Old Dominion U.; Gayle A. Gliva-McConvey and Amelia M. Wallace, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Evaluating Physician-to-Patient Communication: The Effects of Concurrent and Retrospective Assessment on Verbal and Nonverbal Recall 3. Thomas J. Smith, U. of Minnesota, Occupancy and Patient Care Quality Benefits of Private Room Designs for Five Different Children’s Hospital Intensive Care Units–A Human Factors Evaluation 4. Sara A. Lu, Robert E. Schumacher, Michelle Nemshak, and F. Jacob Seagull, U. of Michigan, Identifying, Developing, and Quantifying Single-Day Quality Measures Within the Neonatal ICU HP2 – HUMAN PERFORMANCE AND WORKLOAD Lecture Thursday, October 3, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Aqua 314 (Aqua Level) Human Performance Modeling; cosponsored with Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Chair: Graciela M. Perez, Chevron; Cochair: Autumn Szabo, Consultant 1. Christopher D. Wickens, Amy Santamaria, and Angelia Sebok, Alion Science and Technology, A Computational Model of Task Overload Management and Task Switching 2. Shi Cao and Yili Liu, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Queueing Network-ACTR Modeling of Concurrent Tasks Involving Multiple Controlled Processes 3. Sungjin Park and Rohae Myung, Korea U., Predicting Task-Related Properties of Mental Workload With ACT-R Cognitive Architecture 4. Joshua M. Splawn and Michael E. Miller, Air Force Inst. of Technology, Prediction of Perceived Workload from Task Performance and Heart Rate Measures O C TO B E R 3 – T H U R S DAY 5. Angelia Sebok, Christopher D. Wickens, and Robert Sargent, Alion Science and Technology, Using Meta-Analyses Results and Data Gathering to Support Human Performance Model Development 3. 4. I2/CS – ADVANCES IN DESIGN Lecture Thursday, October 3, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom A (Sapphire Level) 5. Internet; cosponsored with Computer Systems and Product Design Chair: Jay Elkerton, Emerson; Cochair: Kapil Chalil Madathil, Clemson U. 1. Marc L. Resnick, Bentley U., Ubiquitous Computing: UX When There Is No UI 2. Kyung Wha Hong, Christopher M. Kelley, Rucha Tembe, Emerson Murphy-Hill, and Christopher B. Mayhorn, North Carolina State U., Keeping up With the Joneses: Assessing Phishing Susceptibility in an Email Task 3. Harriet C. King, Robert Pastel, Paul Ward, and Charles Wallace, Michigan Technological U., Extrinsic Motivation and User Performance 4. Neeraja Subrahmaniyan, Katrina R. Fulcher, Todd E. Hutchinson, Haesik Min, Jennifer M. Seale, Ann M. Bisantz, and D. Jeffery Higginbotham, U. at Buffalo, Application of Personas in the Design of Augmentative Alternative Communication Devices 5. Shadeequa Miller, Bilge Mutlu, and John D. Lee, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Artifact Usage, Context, and Privacy Management in Logging and Tracking Personal Health Information in Older Adults IE5 – ANTHROPOMETRIC AND BIOMECHANICAL-BASED METHODS Lecture Thursday, October 3, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom E (Sapphire Level) Industrial Ergonomics 1. 2. Thomas J. Albin, Technical U. of Delft, Combining Percentiles: A Simple Method With Less Error Than Adding or Subtracting Percentiles Joonho Chang, Pennsylvania State U.; Yong-Ku Kong, Sungkyunkwan U.; Andris Freivalds, Pennsylvania State U.; Hyun-Sung Kang, Sungkyunkwan U.; Jae Hyun Cho, Pennsylvania State U., Investigation of Relationships Between Hand Surface Dimensions and Hand Bone Dimensions O C TO B E R 3 – T H U R S DAY 6. Lora A. Cavuoto, U. at Buffalo; Ranjana K. Mehta, Texas A&M Health Science Ctr., The Effects of Obesity and Workload on Hand Grip Endurance Fereydoun “Fred” Aghazadeh, Saif Al-Qaisi, Laura H. Ikuma, and Craig M. Harvey, Louisiana State U., The Investigation of Valve Operators’ Torque Production Capabilities at Different Handwheel Heights and Angles Philippe Corbeil, U. Laval; Andre Plamondon, Inst. de recherche Robert Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail; Normand Teasdale and Grant Handrigan, U. Laval, Biomechanical Differences Between Obese and Healthy-Weight Workers in Manual Materials Handling Steven A. Lavender, Jay P. Mehta, and W. Gary Allread, Ohio State U., Comparisons of Tibial Shock When Walking on Four Different Flooring Surface Materials Used in Distribution Centers POS3 – UNIVERSITY LAB POSTERS Posters Thursday, October 3, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom C Posters California State U., Long Beach, Ctr. for Human Factors in Advanced Aeronautics Technologies (CHAAT) 2. Texas Tech U., Human Factors Psychology Program 3. Texas A&M U., The Ergonomics Center 4. U. of Toronto, Cognitive Engineering Lab, Ergonomics in Telerobotics and Control Lab, Human Factors and Applied Statistics Lab, Interactive Media Lab 5. Purdue U., Human Factors Lab 6. Pennsylvania State U., Benjamin W. Niebel Work Design Lab 7. Old Dominion U., SURF (Simulation Usability Research Facility) Lab, Applied Decision Making Lab, Research Environment for Complex Alarms and Task Simulations (REACTS), Applied Sensory Psychology (ASP) Lab 8. U. at Buffalo, Human Factors program 9. Drexel U., Sociotechnical Systems Research Labs 10. Wichita State U., National Institute and Aviation Research (NIAR) Human Factors Lab, Software Usability Research Lab (SURL), Training Research and Applied Cognitive Engineering (TRACE), Lavatory of Applied Visual Attention (LAVA), Visual Perception and Cognition Lab (VPC), Human-Automation and Interaction Lab (HAIL), and Aging, Perception, and Performance Lab (APPL) 1. 33 Thursday Oct. 3 Thursday Oct. 3 11. Rochester Inst. of Technology, Experimental Psychology and Engineering Psychology programs 12. George Mason U., Arch Lab 13. Georgia Tech, Sonification Lab, Cognitive Ergonomics Lab, Problem Solving and Educational Technology Lab, and the Human Factors and Aging Lab 14. U. of Michigan, Ctr for Ergonomics 15. Vanderbilt U., Ctr. for Research and Innovation in Systems Safety (CRISS) 16. Arizona State U., Human Performance Labs 17. U. of Central Florida, Performance Research Lab 18. Michigan Technological U., Applied Cognition and Expertise Lab, Decision Science and Decision Engineering Lab, Cognitive Modeling and Experimentation Lab, Mind, Music, and Machine Lab 19. Clemson U., Human-Computer Systems Lab, Visual Perception and Performance Lab, HumanCentered Computing Lab 20. U. of Wisconsin-Madison, CSL Lab, TRACE Lab 21. San José State U., Applied Motor Behavior Lab 22. U. of Manitoba, Agricultural Ergonomics Lab 23. U. of Pennsylvania, Ctr. for Injury Research and Prevention Driving Simulator Lab 24. Carnegie Mellon U., Dynamic Decision Making Lab 25. U. of Washington, Human Factors and Statistical Modeling Lab, University of Washington Ergonomics Lab PP4 – WARNINGS, CUES, & DETECTION AIDS Lecture Thursday, October 3, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom I (Sapphire Level) Perception & Performance; cosponsored with Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making 4. 5. James J. Staszewski, Carnegie Mellon U.; Charles A. Hibbitts, Johns Hopkins U.; Drew Bailey, James Bursley, and Luke Davis, Carnegie Mellon U., Optical Detection of Buried Explosive Hazards: A Longitudinal Comparison of Three Types of Imagery Jason S. McCarley and Kelly S. Steelman, Flinders U.; Joshua Rubinstein, Army Research Lab, Target Detection Aids in a Visual Search Task: A Comparison of Fixed- and AdjustableThreshold Aids SD2 – THE ART OF DEVELOPING A HUMAN FACTORS STANDARD: THE AUTHORS’ PERSPECTIVE Discussion Panel Thursday, October 3, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire 400 (Sapphire Level) System Development Chair: Liza Josias, American Inst. for Research; Cochair: Jacob A. Miller, American Inst. for Research Panelists: Richard Gardner, Boeing; Alan Poston, Dept. of Defense Human Factors Engineering TAG; Matthew B. Weinger, Vanderbilt U. ST5 – ON-THE-ROAD DRIVER BEHAVIOR EXPERIMENTATION: ISSUES AND APPROACHES Discussion Panel Thursday, October 3, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire 410 (Sapphire Level) Surface Transportation Chair: Neil Lerner, Westat Panelists: Susan Chrysler, U. of Iowa; Joel Cooper, Precision Driving Research; James Jenness, Westat; Michael Manser, U. of Minnesota; Bryan Reimer, Massachusetts Inst. of Technology Chair: Gavin Huntley-Fenner, Huntley-Fenner Advisors, Inc.; Cochair: Thomas Fincannon, U. of Central Florida 1. Yiqi Zhang, Changxu Wu, Jingyan Wan, and Chunming Qiao, U. at Buffalo, Development and Validation of Warning Message Utility Scale (WMUS) 2. Lisa C. Thomas, Boeing Co.; Anthony Mize, Siemens Health Care, Vibrotactile Seat Interface as a Cueing Device for Different Types of Information 3. John Dowell and Alexander Eftychiou, U. College London, Direct Perception Biases With Maritime Navigation Displays of Collision Risk 34 O C TO B E R 3 – T H U R S DAY Thursday, October 3 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon AS6 – HUMAN FACTORS IN GENERAL AVIATION AND AIR TRAFFIC APPLICATIONS Lecture Thursday, October 3, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Aqua 304 (Aqua Level) Aerospace Systems Chair: Angelia K. Sebok, Alion Science and Technology; Cochair: Emily M. Stelzer, MITRE CAASD 1. Selina Fothergill and Andrew Neal, U. of Queensland, Conflict-Resolution Heuristics for EnRoute Air Traffic Management 2. Robert E. Joslin, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U., Human Factors Hazards of iPads in General Aviation Cockpits 3. Amy L. Alexander and Thomas L. Teller, MIT Lincoln Lab, Air and Ground-Based Methods for Absorbing Delay in Four-Dimensional Trajectory-Based Operations 4. Anthony J. Masalonis and Jonathan R. Rein, Spectrum Software Technology, Inc.; Jay Messina, Behavioral Science Assoc., Inc.; Ben Willems, FAA, Accuracy Assessment of Air Traffic Conflict Probe Prototype for Operational Evaluations CE11 – EXPERTISE AND JUDGMENT Lecture Thursday, October 3, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom M (Sapphire Level) Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Chair: Corey J. Bohil, U. of Central Florida 1. Robert Deloatch, Amir Marmarchi, and Alex Kirlik, U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Testing the Conditions for Acquiring Intuitive Expertise in Judgment: Evidence from a Study of NCAA Basketball Tournament Predictions 2. Carmen Bruder, Hinnerk Eißfeldt, Peter Maschke, and Catrin Hasse, DLR (German Aerospace Ctr.), Differences in Monitoring Behavior Between Experts and Novices 3. Nir Keren, Shawn T. Bayouth, Warren D. Franke, and Kevin M. Godby, Iowa State U., Examining the Effect of Level of Stress on Firefighters’ Time-to-Decision in Virtual Reality 4. Joel Suss, Michigan Technological U.; Paul Ward, U. of Greenwich, Investigating Perceptual Anticipation in a Naturalistic Task Using a Temporal Occlusion Paradigm: A Method for Determining Optimal Occlusion Points O C TO B E R 3 – T H U R S DAY E4 – INVISIBLE FACTORS: STRATEGIES FOR RAISING AWARENESS OF HUMAN FACTORS AMONG UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS Discussion Panel Thursday, October 3, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Aqua 308 (Aqua Level) Education Chair: J. Christopher Brill, Old Dominion U. Panelists: Patricia R. DeLucia, Texas Technological U.; John M. Flach, Wright State U.; David B. Kaber, North Carolina State U.; Robert J. Youmans, George Mason U. ED3 – ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN POTPOURRI Lecture Thursday, October 3, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom B (Sapphire Level) Environmental Design Chair: ConneMara Bazley, JimConna, Inc.; Cochair: Martha J. Sanders, Quinnipiac U. 1. Alan Hedge, Cornell U., Benefits of a Proactive Office Ergonomics Program 2. Abir Mullick, Georgia Tech; Gourab Kar, Nat. Inst. of Design, People, Places, and Potentialities in Design Research Tools to Examine Challenges in Behind-the-Counter Work 3. Abir Mullick, Georgia Tech, Full-Scale Models for Person-Environment Interaction: Case Study of a Bathroom 4. Brittany C. Sellers and Stephen M. Fiore, U. of Central Florida, Sustainable and User-Centered: Applying Human Factors Solutions Toward Improving the Effectiveness of “Green” Buildings 5. Laura Gouvea and Claudia R. Mont’Alvao, PUCRio/LEUI Ergonomics Lab, Observing the Urban Space: A Protocol to Analyze Street Furniture in Public Squares FP3 – ANIMATED COMPUTER GRAPHICS: WORKING WITH VISUAL MEDIA PROFESSIONALS TO CREATE COMPELLING PRESENTATIONS Alternative Format Thursday, October 3, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom I (Sapphire Level) Forensics Professionals; cosponsored with Safety Chair: Gary Sloan, G. David Sloan, Inc Participants: Joshua Cohen, Fat Pencil Studio; Jay Syverson, OnPoint Productions, Inc. 35 Thursday Oct. 3 ID2 – ID IN EMOTIONAL & MULTITASKING PERFORMANCE SD3 – SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT STUDENT PAPERS Lecture Thursday, October 3, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Aqua 314 (Aqua Level) Lecture Thursday, October 3, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire 400 (Sapphire Level) Individual Differences System Development 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. Thursday Oct. 3 James Head, Kyle M. Wilson, William S. Helton, and Simon Kemp, U. of Canterbury, The Role of Calmness in a High-Go Target Detection Task Brent Morgan, U. of Memphis; Sidney D’Mello, U. of Notre Dame; Robert Abbott and Michael Haass, Sandia Nat. Labs; Andrea Tamplin and Gabriel Radvansky, U. of Notre Dame, Performance-Based Adaptability Profiles in Multitasking Brent Morgan, U. of Memphis; Sidney D’Mello, U. of Notre Dame, The Effect of Positive vs. Negative Emotion on Multitasking Andrew R. Dattel, Amanda N. Battle, Lisa Kossuth, Martin Bifano, Jennifer Decker, Kristen Majdic, Marissa C. Miller, Matthew C. Stefonetti, Daniel P. Dever, and Chelsea C. Sheehan, Marywood U., The Relationship Between Inattentional Insensitivity of Visual, Tactile, and Olfactory Stimuli 2. 3. 4. 5. IE6 – STATE-OF-THE-ART FINDINGS ON OCCUPATIONAL RISK FACTORS FOR LOW BACK DISORDERS: RESULTS OF RECENT EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDIES Discussion Panel Thursday, October 3, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom E (Sapphire Level) Industrial Ergonomics Chair: William S. Marras, Ohio State U.; Cochair: Arun Garg, U. of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Panelists: Jack Lu, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; Sue Ferguson, Ohio State U. ME4 – CONSIDERING CULTURE IN THE DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF HEALTH IT FOR PATIENTS Discussion Panel Thursday, October 3, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Aqua 310 (Aqua Level) Macroergonomics; cosponsored with Health Care Chair: Enid Montague, Northwestern U. Panelists: Woodrow Winchester, Southern Polytechnic State U.; Rupa Valdez, U. of Virginia; Monifa VaughnCooke, U. of Maryland 36 Mary Luong, Jennifer London, and Christopher B. Mayhorn, North Carolina State U., Picture Passwords: Effect of Salient Image Features on Password Predictability David Dorantes Romero and Tone-Grete Graven, ABB – Technology and Innovation, Visual Representation of Connectivity Information for Efficient System Understanding Andrew Talone, Thomas Fincannon, David Schuster, and Florian Jentsch, U. of Central Florida; Irwin Hudson, U.S. Army Research Lab, Comparing Physical and Virtual Simulation Use in UGV Research: Lessons Learned From HRI Research With Two Test Beds Baekhee Lee, POSTECH; Kihyo Jung, U. of Ulsan; Heecheon You, POSTECH, Development of a Distributed Representative Human Model Generation and Analysis System for MultipleSize Product Design Amber M. Walker, U.S. Military Academy; David P. Miller and Chen Ling, U. of Oklahoma, Spatial Orientation Aware Smartphones for Teleoperated Robot Control in Military Environments: A Usability Experiment Thursday, October 3 1:30–3:00 p.m. CE12 – EXPLORING COMMUNICATION IN REMOTE TEAMS: ISSUES AND METHODS Discussion Panel Thursday, October 3, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom M (Sapphire Level) Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Chair: Judith Orasanu, NASA Ames Research Ctr. Panelists: Ute Fischer, GA Tech; Daniel G. Morrow, U. of Illinois; Christopher Miller, Smart Information Flow Technologies; Kathleen Mosier, San Francisco State U.; Beth Veinott, Cognitive Solutions Division of ARA, Inc. O C TO B E R 3 – T H U R S DAY E5 – HF/E EDUCATION IN THE 21ST CENTURY Lecture Thursday, October 3, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 308 (Aqua Level) Education Chair: Heather C. Lum, Penn State Erie, The Behrend College; Cochair: Lisa Jo Elliott, U. of South Florida 1. Adam W. Pickens and Mark E. Benden, Texas A&M HSC-SRPH, Curriculum Development for HF/E Graduate Students: Lessons Learned in an Ongoing Effort to Educate and Meet Industry Demands 2. Esa Rantanen, Christopher Claeys, and Daniel Roder, Rochester Inst. of Technology; William Moroney, U. of Dayton, Archival Human Factors Jobs Database as a Tool for Tracking Trends in Skills and Knowledge Expectations in the Labor Market 3. Catherine Gabelica, Maastricht U.; Stephen M. Fiore, U. of Central Florida, What Can Training Researchers Gain From Examination of Methods for Active Learning (PBL, TBL, and SBL) 4. Paul Green, U. of Michigan, Eleven Tips to Find Course Materials When Time Is Limited 5. Tom Robinson and Catherine Burns, U. of Waterloo, Focused Learning: Control of Cognitive Load in Instructional Material for a Computer Algebra System GS9 – STANDARDS 101 Invited Address Thursday, October 3, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom A (Sapphire Level) General Sessions Chair: Nancy Stone, Missouri U. of Science & Technology Invited Speaker: Daryle Gardner-Bonneau, Bonneau and Assoc., Standards 101 HC6 – HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS DESIGN AT A CROSSROADS: CHALLENGES, OPPORTUNITIES, AND STRATEGIES Discussion Panel Thursday, October 3, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom B (Sapphire Level) Health Care Chair: Priyadarshini B. Pennarthur, U. of Iowa; Cochair: Xinhui Zhu, U. at Buffalo Panelists: Shawna Perry, VCU Health System; Hilary Mosher, and Thomas J. Persoon, U. of Iowa; Ellen Bass, Drexel U.; Rollin J. Fairbanks, Nat. Ctr. for Human Factors in Healthcare ID3 – ID IN PERFORMANCE & STRESS Lecture Thursday, October 3, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 314 (Aqua Level) Individual Differences 1. 2. 3. 4. William S. Helton, Simon Kemp, and Darren Walton, U. of Canterbury, Individual Differences in Movements in Response to Natural Disasters: Tsunami and Earthquake Case Studies Xiaolu Dong, Hang Yu, and Zhizhong Li, Tsinghua U., Influence of Personality Factors and Time Pressure on Human Performance When Using Digital Interfaces Hilkka L. Meys and Penelope M. Sanderson, U. of Queensland, The Effect of Individual Differences on How People Handle Interruptions Corey K. Fallon, U. of Cincinnati; Gerald Matthews, U. of Central Florida; April Rose Panganiban and Ryan Wohleber, U. of Cincinnati; Richard D. Roberts, Educational Testing Services, Emotional Intelligence and Decision Making Under Stress IE7 – APPLYING ERGONOMIC PRINCIPLES TO TASK AND PRODUCT DESIGN Lecture Thursday, October 3, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom E (Sapphire Level) Industrial Ergonomics Chair: Fadi Fathallah, U. of California Davis 1. Robert G. Radwin, Karen B. Chen, Kevin Ponto, and Ross D. Tredinnick, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, Virtual Exertions: Physical Interactions in a Virtual Reality CAVE for Simulating Forceful Tasks O C TO B E R 3 – T H U R S DAY 37 Thursday Oct. 3 2. 3. 4. C. M. Sommerich, S. A. Lavender, R. Z. Radin Umar, S. H. Park, J. Li, and M. Dutt, Ohio State U., Powered Ambulance Cots: Effects of Design Differences on Muscle Activity and Subjective Perceptions of Operators Steven A. Lavender and Jay P. Mehta, Ohio State U.; Glenn E. Hedman, U. of Illinois at Chicago; Sanghyun Park, Ohio State U.; Paul A. Reichelt and Karen M. Conrad, U. of Illinois at Chicago, An Ergonomic Evaluation of Hand-Carried, Track-Type, and Sled-Type Stair Descent Devices Used for High-Rise Building Evacuation Angela C. Wills, Kermit G. Davis, and Susan E. Kotowski, U. of Cincinnati, Quantification of the Physical Demands for Servers in Restaurants ME5 – MACROERGONOMIC APPLICATIONS Lecture Thursday, October 3, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 310 (Aqua Level) Macroergonomics 1. Thursday Oct. 3 2. 3. M. Saffarian and W. Giang, U. of Toronto, Improving Perceived Fairness of Task Assignments in Cardiovascular Intensive Nursing Care Unit With Simple Queuing Mechanism Michelle A. Chui and Jamie A. Stone, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Joshua M. Thorpe, U. of Pittsburgh; Beth A. Martin, U. of WisconsinMadison, Work System Barriers to Providing Safe Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medication Recommendations for Older Adults Samson Adaramola, Ergonomics Society of Nigeria, Ergonomics Practice in Nigeria Today PD4 – WEARABLES Lecture Thursday, October 3, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom I (Sapphire Level) Product Design 1. 2. 38 Wonsup Lee, POSTECH; Heeeun Kim, Kyungpook Nat. U.; Daehan Jung and Seikwon Park, Korea Air Force Academy; Heecheon You, POSTECH, Ergonomic Design and Evaluation of a Pilot Oxygen Mask Christina Harrington, Mike Brown, Lulu Wang, and Sharon Joines, North Carolina State U., SelfReporting of Firefighter Vital Signs in Emergency Situations 3. 4. Emma Atilola, Jacqueline Bethea, Regina PopeFord, Patricia Banks, and Zongliang Jiang, North Carolina A&T State U., Effects of Wearing SixInch Stilettos vs. Wedges on Muscular Activities in the Low Back and Lower Extremity Cara Bailey Fausset, Tracy L. Mitzner, Chandler E. Price, Brian D. Jones, W. Brad Fain, and Wendy A. Rogers, Georgia Tech Research Inst., Older Adults’ Use of and Attitudes Toward Activity-Monitoring Technologies SD4 – REQUIREMENTS JEOPARDY Alternative Format Thursday, October 3, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire 400 (Sapphire Level) System Development Chair: Helene Maliko-Abraham, T. G. O’Brien and Assoc.; Cochair: Alan Poston, Consultant SF4 – STUDENT FORUM POTPOURRI I Lecture Thursday, October 3, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire 410 (Sapphire Level) Student Forum Chair: Samantha D. Jansen, Wichita State U.; Cochair: Kim Wolfinbarger, U. of Oklahoma 1. Adam Sitz and J. Christopher Brill, Old Dominion U., Limits of Asynchrony and Spatial Incongruence for Unified Audiotactile Cues 2. Brandon J. Pitts, Sara A. Lu, and Nadine B. Sarter, U. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Cross-Modal Matching: The Development and Evaluation of a New Technique 3. Chelsea Iwig, Carolyn Newton, Eric Watkins, Gisela Munoz, Noah Feaster, Amy Seo, Carlos Giraldo, and Jason Kring, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U., Human Factors and Behavioral Research at a Mars Analog Habitat 4. Isabella Alexis Gagliano and J. Christopher Brill, Old Dominion U., Effects of Frequency and Acceleration on the Physiological and Subjective Responses to Motion 5. Michael Shreeves and Marita A. O’Brien, U. of Alabama, Huntsville, Decision-Making and Information Use Among Residents During an Extended Natural Disaster O C TO B E R 3 – T H U R S DAY ST6 – IN-VEHICLE DRIVER SUPPORT SYSTEMS Lecture Thursday, October 3, 1:30–3:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 304 (Aqua Level) Surface Transportation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Shiyan Yang, No Young You, and Thomas K. Ferris, Texas A&M U., Supporting Drivers in Concurrent Lane- and Speed-Tracking Tasks With Novel Visual, Auditory, and Tactile Speedometer Displays Jeremiah Singer, Neil Lerner, and Emanuel Robinson, Westat, Effects of Multiple-Device Integration Strategies on Driver Comprehension of Crash Warnings Huimin Xiong and Linda Ng Boyle, U. of Washington, Drivers’ Selected Settings for Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC): Implications for Long-Term Use Joonbum Lee and John D. Lee, U. of WisconsinMadison; Dario D. Salvucci, Drexel U., A Saliency-Based Search Model: Application of the Saliency Map for Driver-Vehicle Interfaces Christian Gold and Daniel Damböck, Technische U. München; Lutz Lorenz, BMW Group Research and Technology; Klaus Bengler, Technische U. München, “Take Over!” How Long Does It Take to Get the Driver Back Into the Loop? Thursday, October 3 3:30–5:00 p.m. 4. David S. Deary, Katherine E. Walker, and David D. Woods, Ohio State U., Resilience in the Face of a Superstorm: A Transportation Firm Confronts Hurricane Sandy E6 – TEACHING AND LEARNING HUMAN FACTORS Lecture Thursday, October 3, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 308 (Aqua Level) Education Chair: Haydee M. Cuevas, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U.; Cochair: Laura E. Moody, Mercer U. School of Engineering 1. Lesley Strawderman, Catherine Lewie, Katherine King, and Yunchen Huang, Mississippi State U., Engaging Engineering Students With Transportation Safety 2. Jo R. Jardina and Barbara S. Chaparro, Wichita State U., Usability, Engagement, and Satisfaction of Two e-Textbook Applications 3. Lisa Jo Elliott, U. of South Florida, Teaching Undergraduates About Human Factors Through Research in Usability 4. Jonathan Histon, U. of Waterloo, Using Online Learning Tools to Support Increased Engagement in Human Factors Courses: The Researcher Profile Assignment GS10 – SITUATION AWARENESS, AUTOMATION, AND MEMORY MIX Lecture Thursday, October 3, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom E (Sapphire Level) General Sessions CE13 – TEAMS Lecture Thursday, October 3, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom M (Sapphire Level) Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Chair: Michael Dorneich, Iowa State U. 1. Prashanth Rajivan, Marco A. Janssen, and Nancy J. Cooke, Arizona State U., Agent-Based Model of a Cyber Security Defense Analyst Team 2. Anne Papenfuss, German Aerospace Ctr., Phenotypes of Teamwork – An Exploratory Study of Tower Controller Teams 3. Sarah M. Miller, Clifton Forlines, and John Irvine, Draper Lab, Collaboration in Forecasting: How Much and What Type of Information Should We Share? O C TO B E R 3 – T H U R S DAY Chair: Rachel Phillips, Old Dominion U. 1. Richard T. Stone, Michael Dorneich, Stephen Gilbert, and Elease McLaurin, Iowa State U., Human Differences in Navigational Approaches During Telerobotic Search 2. Bernhard Weber, German Aerospace Ctr.; Hendrik Oberheid, Deutsche Flugsicherung; Anne Papenfuss, German Aerospace Ctr., Visual Aids for Merging Mixed Arrival Traffic: Effects on Controllers’ Performance, Situation Awareness, and Mental Workload 3. James P. Bliss and John W. Harden, Old Dominion U.; H. Charles Dischinger, NASAMSFC, Task Shedding and Control Performance as a Function of Perceived Automation Reliability and Time Pressure 4. Richard T. Stone, Iowa State U., Actively Guided Practice Enhances Kinesthetic Memory Development 39 Thursday Oct. 3 5. Calvin K. L. Or and Heller H. L. Wang, U. of Hong Kong, Examining Text Enhancement Methods to Improve Lookalike Drug Name Differentiation Accuracy HC7 – GIVING HUMAN FACTORS/ERGONOMICS AWAY: HOW CAN WE BRING THE BENEFITS OF HF/E TO NURSING? Discussion Panel Thursday, October 3, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom B (Sapphire Level) Health Care Chair: Martina I. Klein, Texas Tech U.; Cochair: Victor Paquet, U. at Buffalo Panelists: Patricia R. DeLucia, Texas Tech U.; Alexa Doig, U. of Utah; Frank Drews, U. of Utah; Francis T. Durso, Georgia Tech; Anne Miller, Vanderbilt U. HP3 – TASK PERFORMANCE Lecture Thursday, October 3, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 314 (Aqua Level) Human Performance Modeling; cosponsored with Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Thursday Oct. 3 Chair: Vettrivel Gnaneswaran, U. of Wisconsin, Platteville; Cochair: Maria Natalia Russi-Vigoya, Texas Tech U. 1. Panagiotis Matsangas and Michael E. McCauley, Naval Postgraduate School, The Effect of Mild Motion Sickness and Soporific Symptoms on Multitasking Cognitive Strategy 2. S. D. Hutchins, L. Laux, C. D. Wickens, and A. Sebok, Alion Science and Technology, The Effect of Continuous Wakefulness on Complex Cognitive Task Performance: A Quantitative Synthesis of Research 3. Sara A. Lu, U. of Michigan, First Steps Toward Modeling ADHD Under a Dual-Task Paradigm Using a Markovian Framework for Diagnosis 4. Walter Warwick, Alion Science and Technology; Laura Marusich and Norbou Buchler, U.S. Army Research Lab, Complex Systems and Human Performance Modeling 5. Stephen Hughes, Cody Bardell, and J. Ben Schafer, U. of Northern Iowa, Human Performance With Multiple Devices Influencing a Single Cursor 40 I3/CS – METHODS AND INTERACTION TECHNIQUES Lecture Thursday, October 3, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom A (Sapphire Level) Internet; cosponsored with Computer Systems Chair: Marc L. Resnick, Bentley U.; Cochair: Ania Rodriguez, Key Lime Interactive 1. Eugenio Santiago, Key Lime Interactive; Marc L. Resnick, Bentley U., How to Successfully Execute Remote Online User Research 2. Marc L. Resnick and William Albert, Bentley U., The Impact of Advertising Location and User Task on the Emergence of Banner Ad Blindness: An Eye-Tracking Study 3. Ania Hernandez, Key Lime Interactive; Marc L. Resnick, Bentley U., Placement of Call to Action Buttons for Higher Web Site Conversion and Acquisition: An Eye-Tracking Study 4. Steven Nunnally, Phillip Walker, and Michael Lewis, U. of Pittsburgh; Nilanjan Chakraborty and Katia Sycara, Carnegie Mellon U., Using Haptic Feedback in Human Robotic Swarm Interaction 5. Mohamed Sheik Nainar, Anna Ostberg, and Nada Matic, Synaptics Inc., Two-Level Force Input on TouchPad and the Effects of Feedback on Performance ME6 – MULTILEVEL ERGONOMICS: DETERMINING HOW TO BOUND YOUR SYSTEM Discussion Panel Thursday, October 3, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 310 (Aqua Level) Macroergonomics Chair: A. Joy Rivera-Rodriguez, Clemson U.; Cochair: Kerry McGuire, NASA Panelists: Pascale Carayon, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Brian M. Kleiner, Virgina Tech; Robert Wears, U. of Florida; Michelle M. Robertson, Liberty Mutual Research Inst. for Safety; Richard J. Holden, Vanderbilt U.; Patrick Waterson, Loughborough U. O C TO B E R 3 – T H U R S DAY PP5 – RESEARCH ON SPEECH & DRIVING: TOGETHER & SEPARATE SF5 – ATTENTION, WORKLOAD, AND FATIGUE Lecture Thursday, October 3, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom I (Sapphire Level) Lecture Thursday, October 3, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire 410 (Sapphire Level) Perception & Performance Student Forum Chair: Christopher D. Wickens, Alion Science and Technology; Cochair: Myounghoon Jeon, Michigan Tech 1. Samantha D. Jansen, Alex Chaparro, David Downs, Evan Palmer, and Joseph R. Keebler, Wichita State U., Visual and Cognitive Predictors of Visual Enhancement in Noisy Listening Conditions 2. Karen Mentel, John Ziriax, Jon Dachos, Alexander Salunga, and Hope Turner, NSWCDD; Benjamin Sheffield and Douglas Brungart, Walter Reed Nat. Military Medical Ctr., The Relationship Between Speech Intelligibility and Operational Performance in a Simulated Naval Command Information Center 3. John G. Gaspar, Whitney M. Street, Matthew B. Windsor, Ronald Carbonari, Henry Kaczmarski, Arthur F. Kramer, and Kyle E. Mathewson, U. of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Providing Conversation Partners’ Views of the Driving Scene Mitigates Cell-Phone-Related Distraction 4. Jennifer A. Cowley, North Carolina State U., Off-Task Thinking Types and Performance Decrements During Simulated Automobile Driving 5. Thomas Müller, Technische U. München; Hermann Hajek and Ljubica Radic-Weißenfeld, BMW Group; Klaus Bengler, Technische U. München, Can You Feel the Difference? The Just-Noticeable Difference of Longitudinal Acceleration Chair: S. Camille Peres, Texas A&M U.; Cochair: Elizabeth E. Mintmire, U. of Oklahoma 1. Amanda C. Allen and J. Christopher Brill, Old Dominion U., A Multimodal Assessment of Reserve Attention Capacity in Distracted Drivers 2. Michael A. Rupp, Paul Oppold, and Daniel S. McConnell, U. of Central Florida, Comparing the Performance, Workload, and Usability of a Gamepad and Joystick in a Complex Task 3. Francis A. Trowbridge and Anne Collins McLaughlin, North Carolina State U., Perceptual Dual-Task Training via Simulation for Veterinary Students 4. Ralph H. Cullen and Michael J. Agnew, Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State U., The Influence of Mental Workload on Trunk Stability and Neuromuscular Control 5. Denny Yu, Steven Kasten, Cooper Green, and Thomas Armstrong, U. of Michigan, Task Analysis and Biomechanical Modeling of Surgeons to Assess Static Workloads SD5 – VERIFICATION AND VALIDATION: HUMAN FACTORS REQUIREMENTS AND PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Discussion Panel Thursday, October 3, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Sapphire 400 (Sapphire Level) System Development Chair: Christopher J. Hamblin, Honeywell Labs Panelists: Mike Castaneda, General Atomics Aeronautical Systems; Robert B. Fuld, Westinghouse Electric Co.; Kritina Holden, Lockheed Martin; Mihriban Whitmore, NASA; Chris Wilkinson, Honeywell O C TO B E R 3 – T H U R S DAY ST7 – TECHNOLOGY AND INFRASTRUCTURE FOR SAFETY AND MOBILITY Lecture Thursday, October 3, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 304 (Aqua Level) Surface Transportation Chair: Justin Morgan, Virgina Tech Transportation Inst.; Cochair: Jonna Turrill, U. of Utah 1. Tamar Ben-Bassat, SCE–Shamoon College of Engineering, The Effect of Context and Ergonomic Design of Traffic Signs on Driver Comprehension – A Preliminary Evaluation 2. Glenn Surpris, Dahai Liu, and Dennis Vincenzi, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical U., Evaluating the Effect of Smart Parking Technology on Campus Parking System Efficiency Using Discrete Event Simulation 3. Christopher Nowakowski and Ashkan Sharafsaleh, U. of California, Berkeley; Marcel Huijser, Montana State U., Preliminary Evaluation of Drivers’ Responses to a Roadside Animal Warning System 41 Thursday Oct. 3 4. 5. James Wen, William S. Helton, and Mark Billinghurst, U. of Canterbury, A Study of User Perception, Interface Performance, and Actual Usage of Mobile Pedestrian Navigation Aides Rajaram Bhagavathula, Virginia Tech; Ronald B. Gibbons, Virginia Tech Transportation Inst., Role of Expectancy, Motion and Overhead Lighting on Nighttime Visibility VE2 – SERIOUS GAMES AND SIMULATIONS: FACTORS AND BEHAVIORS IMPACTING PERFORMANCE Lecture Thursday, October 3, 3:30–5:00 p.m. Location: Aqua 311 (Aqua Level) Virtual Environments Thursday Oct. 3 Chair: Julie Marble, Office of Naval Research; Cochair: Rebecca A. Kennedy, Old Dominion U. 1. Katelyn Procci, Nicholas James, and Clint Bowers, U. of Central Florida, The Effect of Gender, Age, and Experience on Game Engagement 2. Shixu Liu, Shengji Yao, and Allan Spence, McMaster U., Subjective Fatigue and Performance Variation Correlation During Simulated Driving Tasks 3. Alexandra B. Proaps and James P. Bliss, Old Dominion U., The Influence of Rapid Serial Visual Presentation on Performance in a Video Game 4. Daniel Rice and Peter Amstutz, Technology Solutions Experts, Inc.; Michael J. Statkus, U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, Development, and Engineering Ctr., Reasoning, Planning, and Goal Seeking: A Cognitive Modeling Approach to Agent Behavior for Constructive Simulation 5. Caroline Hayes, Iowa State U.; Daniel Drew, Ashley Clayson, and Xuan Cheng, U. of Minnesota, In What Ways Do Natural Gestures Change Perceptions of Virtual Teamwork? 42 Friday, October 4 8:30–10:00 a.m. AS7 – NEXTGEN HUMAN FACTORS Lecture Friday, October 4, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Aqua 308 (Aqua Level) Aerospace Systems Chair: Valerie J. Gawron, MITRE Corportation; Cochair: Jennie Gallimore, Wright State U. 1. Katherine A. Berry and Michael W. Sawyer, Fort Hill Group, LLC, Understanding the Human Component of Area Navigation Procedures Across the National Airspace System 2. Michael Vincent, Elizabeth Blickensderfer, Robert Thomas, Mary Jo Smith, and John Lanicci, EmbryRiddle Aeronautical U., In-Cockpit NEXRAD Products: Training General Aviation Pilots 3. Divya C. Chandra and Rebecca Grayhem, USDOT Volpe Ctr., Evaluation of a Technique to Simplify Depictions of Visually Complex Aeronautical Procedures for NextGen 4. Bettina L. Beard, NASA; Rachel Seely, FAA; Jon Holbrook and Margaret Galeon, San Jose State U., The Insertion of Human Factors Concerns Into NextGen Programmatic Decisions CE14 – BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN COGNITIVE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING ANALYSIS, DESIGN, AND PRACTICE Discussion Panel Friday, October 4, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom M (Sapphire Level) Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Chair: Priyadarshini R. Pennathur, U. of Iowa Panelists: Ann M. Bisantz, U. at Buffalo; John D. Lee, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Jonathan Pfautz, Charles River Analytics Inc.; Catherine M. Burns, U. of Waterloo; William C. Elm, Resilient Cognitive Solutions O C TO B E R 3 – T H U R S DAY FP4 – CURRENT ISSUES IN WARNINGS: SELECTED CASE STUDIES AND APPLICATIONS IE8 – METHODOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENTS USING ERGONOMIC AND HUMAN FACTORS-BASED METHODS Discussion Panel Friday, October 4, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Aqua 304 (Aqua Level) Lecture Friday, October 4, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom I (Sapphire Level) Forensics Professional Industrial Ergonomics Chair: Michael J. Kalsher, Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst. Panelists: Kenneth R. Laughery, Rice U.; David R. Lenorovitz, LENPRO Services, Inc.; S. David Leonard, U. of Georgia; Michael S. Wogalter, North Carolina State U.; Edward W. Karnes, Edward W. Karnes, LLC; Christopher B. Mayhorn, North Carolina State U. 1. 2. HC8 – WORKLOAD Lecture Friday, October 4, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom B (Sapphire Level) 3. Health Care Chair: Kelly Caine, Clemson U.; Cochair: Huiyang Li, Georgia Tech 1. Brittany L. Anderson-Montoya, Mark W. Scerbo, Rebecca A. Kennedy, and Lee A. Belfore II, Old Dominion U.; Alfred Abuhamad, Stephen S. Davis, and Suneet P. Chauhan, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Observer’s Performance and Perceptual Sensitivity for Detecting Critical Patterns in Static Maternal–Fetal Heart Rate Images 2. Karen Dunn Lopez, U. of Illinois at Chicago; Chieh-Li Chin, Daniel G. Morrow, Rachael Ramsey, and Jordan Petry, U. of Illinois UrbanaChampaign-Beckman Inst., Effects of EHR System Change on Nurse and Physician Perceived Workload and EHR Usability in Urgent/Convenient Care Clinics 3. Mark W. Scerbo, Rebecca A. Kennedy, and Michael Montano, Old Dominion U.; Rebecca C. Britt and Stephen S. Davis, Eastern Virginia Medical School; Dimitrios Stefanidis, Carolinas Medical Ctr., A Spatial Secondary Task for Measuring Laparoscopic Mental Workload: Differences in Surgical Experience 4. Shi Cao and Yili Liu, U. of Michigan, Medical Decision–Making Performance in Dual-Task Scenarios 5. Birgit Planitz, Penelope M. Sanderson, Tahli Kipps, and Charles Driver, U. of Queensland, Nurses’ Self-Reported Smartphone Use During Clinical Care O C TO B E R 4 – F R I DAY 4. Thomas J. Albin, Technical U. of Delft, Evaluating the Efficiency of Checklists Used to Assess Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders Priyadarshini Dasgupta Sengupta and Laura Punnett, U. of Massachusetts, Lowell; Susan Moir, U. of Massachusetts, Boston; Sarah Kuhn and Bryan Buchholz, U. of Massachusetts, Lowell, An Innovative Idea for Reducing the Musculoskeletal Disorders in Drywall Installation Todd Ramsey, Kermit G. Davis, and Susan E. Kotowski, U. of Cincinnati, Benefit of Adjustability When Depalletizing: A NIOSH Lifting Equation Assessment Colin G. Drury, Applied Ergonomics Group Inc.; William B. Johnson, FAA, Writing Aviation Maintenance Procedures That People Can/ Will Follow PP6 – NEURAL, PERCEPTUAL, & PSYCHOMOTOR PROCESSES Lecture Friday, October 4, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom A (Sapphire Level) Friday Oct. 4 Perception & Performance Chair: Kelly S. Hale, Design Interactive, Inc.; Cochair: Stas Krupenia, Scania CV AB 1. Audrey Hill, Corey J. Bohil, Joanna E. Lewis, and Mark B. Neider, U. of Central Florida, Prefrontal Cortex Activity During Walking While Multitasking: An fNIR Study 2. Anthony Soung Yee and Paul Milgram, U. of Toronto, The Use of Paired Comparisons for Evaluating Complex Route-Matching Performance in a Spatial Awareness Task 3. Adam J. Strang, Air Force Research Lab; Samantha Epling, Ball Aerospace and Technology Corp.; Gregory J. Funke and Sheldon M. Russell, Air Force Research Lab, Temporal Complexity in Team Coordination Associated With Increased Performance in a Fast-Paced Puzzle Task 43 4. 5. Jennifer J. Vogel-Walcutt, Cognitive Performance Group; Logan Fiorella, U. of California, Santa Barbara; Naomi Malone, Cognitive Performance Group, Instructional Strategies for Training Military Relevant Perceptual-Cognitive Skills Kyle M. Wilson, James Head, and William S. Helton, U. of Canterbury, Friendly Fire in a Simulated Firearms Task SF6 – DRIVING BEHAVIOR Lecture Friday, October 4, 8:30–10:00 a.m. Location: Sapphire Ballroom E (Sapphire Level) Student Forum Friday Oct. 4 Chair: Martha J. Sanders, Quinnipiac U.; Cochair: Neethan Siva, Wichita State U. 1. Behzad Bashiri and Danny D. Mann, U. of Manitoba, Drivers’ Mental Workload in Agricultural Semiautonomous Vehicles 2. Drea K. Fekety, Stephanie A. Whetsel, Ashley Stafford Sewall, and Richard A. Tyrrell, Clemson U., Drivers’ Beliefs, Habits, and Strategies Regarding High-Beam Usage 3. Marc D. Gentzler, Michael A. Rupp, Katherine Schmieder, and Julissa Nunez, U. of Central Florida, Examining Drivers’ Perception of Internal and External Distracter Risk and Predictors of These Perceptions 4. Nicholas P. Colon, Michael A. Rupp, and Mustapha Mouloua, U. of Central Florida, Temporary Barriers to Reduce the Effects of Rubbernecking 5. Rene L. Guerster, U. of Central Florida, Conceptual Development of a Lateral Control Device for Road Vehicles Friday, October 4 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon CE15 – TRUST Lecture Friday, October 4, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom M (Sapphire Level) Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Chair: Harvey S. Smallman, Pacific Science & Engineering Group 1. Plinio P. Morita and Catherine M. Burns, U. of Waterloo, Designing for Interpersonal Trust – The Power of Trust Tokens 2. Jie Xu, U. of Wisconsin-Madison; Enid 44 3. 4. Montague, Northwestern U., Group Polarization of Trust in Technology Maranda McBride, Lemuria Carter, and Celestine Ntuen, North Carolina A&T State U., HumanMachine Trust, Bias, and Automated Decision Aid Acceptance Rachel Phillips and Poornima Madhavan, Old Dominion U., The Role of Affective Valence and Task Uncertainty in Human-Automation Interaction CE16 – FUNCTION ALLOCATION Lecture Friday, October 4, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom A (Sapphire Level) Cognitive Engineering & Decision Making Chair: Karen M. Feigh, Georgia Tech 1. Huiyang Li, Georgia Tech; Nadine R. Sarter, U. of Michigan; Christopher Wickens and Angelia Sebok, Alion Science and Technology, Supporting Human-Automation Collaboration Through Dynamic Function Allocation: The Case of Space Teleoperation 2. Robert S. Gutzwiller, Benjamin A. Clegg, and C. A. P. Smith, Colorado State U.; Joanna E. Lewis, U. of Central Florida; John D. Patterson, Colorado State U., Predicted Failure Alerting in a Supervisory Control Task Does Not Always Enhance Performance 3. Dietrich Manzey and Karl Boehme, Berlin Inst. of Technology; Markus Schoebel, U. of Basel, Human Redundancy as a Safety Measure in Automation Monitoring 4. Geoffrey Ho, Nada Pavlovic, Vincent Myers, and Robert G. Arrabito, Defence R&D Canada, Reducing False Alarms in Automated Target Recognition by Lowering the Level of Automation HC9 – PATIENT-CENTERED ISSUES Lecture Friday, October 4, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom B (Sapphire Level) Health Care Chair: Elizabeth H. Lazzara, U. of Kansas School of Medicine; Cochair: Shadeequa Miller, U. of WisconsinMadison 1. Laura H. Barg-Walkow, Sara E. McBride, Michael J. Morgan, and Tracy L. Mitzner, Georgia Tech; Camilla C. Knott, Aptima, Inc.; Wendy A. Rogers, Georgia Tech, How Do Older Adults Manage Osteoarthritis Pain? The Need for a PersonCentered Disease Model O C TO B E R 4 – F R I DAY 2. 3. 4. 5. Kapil Chalil Madathil, Joel S. Greenstein, Kevin A. Juang, David M. Neyens, and Anand K. Gramopadhye, Clemson U., An Investigation of the Informational Needs of Ovarian Cancer Patients and Their Supporters Lisa Belter and Laura Curthis, Northwestern U.; Anna Madison and Daniel G. Morrow, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Michael Wolf, Northwestern U.; Thembi Conner-Garcia and James Graumlich, U. of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria, Medication Regimen Complexity and Knowledge Among Adults With Diabetes Robin S. Mickelson and Richard J. Holden, Vanderbilt U., Assessing the Distributed Nature of Home-Based Heart Failure Medication Management in the Elderly Richard J. Holden and Robin S. Mickelson, Vanderbilt U., Performance Barriers Among Elderly Chronic Heart Failure Patients: An Application of Patient-Engaged Human Factors and Ergonomics IE9 – DEFYING GRAVITY FOR EARTH HEALTH AND SPACE MEDICINE Invited Address Friday, October 4, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom I (Sapphire Level) Industrial Ergonomics Chair: Ram Maikala, Liberty Mutual Research Ctr.; Cochair: Peter W. Johnson, U. of Washington Invited Speaker: Alan Hargens, U. of California, San Diego SF7 – STUDENT FORUM POTPOURRI II Lecture Friday, October 4, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Sapphire Ballroom E (Sapphire Level) Student Forum Chair: Heather C. Lum, Pennsylvania State U.-Erie; Cochair: Mikki H. Phan, Wichita State U. 1. Michelle M. Girouard, Michelle M. Rae, and James Croll, U. of New Brunswick; Jack P. Callaghan and Colin D. McKinnon, U. of Waterloo; Wayne J. Albert, U. of New Brunswick, Police Officer Discomfort and Activity Characterization During a Day Shift and a Night Shift 2. Lixiao Huang, Terri Varnado, and Douglas Gillan, North Carolina State U., An Exploration of Robot Builders’ Attachment to Their LEGO Robots 3. Lixiao Huang, Terri Varnado, and Douglas J. Gillan, North Carolina State U., Practices of Teaching Problem-Solving Skills in Robotics Education O C TO B E R 4 – F R I DAY 4. 5. Michelle M. Rae and Dave A. Smith, U. of New Brunswick; Steve L. Fischer, Queens U.; James Croll and Wayne J. Albert, U. of New Brunswick, Biomechanical Technique Changes in Males and Females During a Prolonged Asymmetrical Lifting Task Susanna Heyman, Royal Inst. of Technology (KTH), A Model for Determining What User Behavior to Strive for in Persuasive Technology ST8 – METRICS, MEASURES, AND MODELS Lecture Friday, October 4, 10:30 a.m.–12:00 noon Location: Aqua 308 (Aqua Level) Surface Transportation Chair: Nathan Medeiros-Ward, U. of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign; Cochair: Christine E. Yager, Texas A&M Transportation Inst. 1. Walter J. Talamonti, Ford Motor Co.; Wenyan Huang, U. of Michigan; Louis Tijerina and Dev Kochhar, Ford Motor Co., Eye Glance and Head Turn Correspondence During Secondary Task Performance in Simulator Driving 2. Maryam Merrikhpour, Birsen Donmez, Chongbo Wang, and Benjamin Hayes, U. of Toronto; Bern Grush, Applied Telemetrics Inc., Associations Between Drivers’ Safety Records and Driving Styles: A Naturalistic Study 3. Bridget A. Lewis, Bello N. Penaranda, Daniel M. Roberts, and Carryl L. Baldwin, George Mason U., Max Brake Force as a Measure of Perceived Urgency in a Driving Context 4. Jangwoon Park, Baekhee Lee, and Younggeun Choi, Pohang U. of Science and Technology; Sungjin Sah, Hyundai-Motor Group; Kihyo Jung, U. of Ulsan; Heecheon You, Pohang U. of Science and Technology, Development of Statistical Geometric Models for a Driver’s Hip & Eye Locations 5. Jangwoon Park, Younggeun Choi, and Baekhee Lee, Pohang U. of Science and Technology; Sungjin Sah, Hyundai Motor Group; Kihyo Jung, U. of Ulsan; Heecheon You, Pohang U. of Science and Technology, Sitting Strategy Analysis Based on Driving Postures and Seating Pressure Distributions 45 Friday Oct. 4 PARTICIPANT INDEX Participant Index Abbott, Robert, 36 Abich, Julian, 21, 22 Abts, Natalie, 10 Abuhamad, Alfred, 43 Acemyan, Claudia Ziegler, 18 Adamic, Eric, J., 17, 28 Adams, Joselyn M., 15 Adaramola, Samson, 38 Adelstein, Bernard D., 18 Agarwal, Shikha, 23 Agboola, Sade, 24 Aghazadeh, Fereydoun “Fred, ” 18, 33 Agnew, Michael J., 41 Ahram, Tareq, 13 Aiba, Eriko, 12 Aksan, Nazan S., 11 Al-Qaisi, Saif, 33 Albert, Wayne J., 45 Albert, William, 40 Albert-Green Steven, 15 Alberti, Pascale, 28 Albin, Thomas, J., 33, 43 Alexander, Amy L., 27, 35 Alfred, Petra, 8, 17, 22 Alfredson, Jens, 30 Allaire, Jason, 25 Allen, Amanda C., 41 Allie, Paul, 17 Allread, W. Gary, 33 Amaba, Ben, 13 Amicarelle, Zack, 28 Amonette, William, 17 Amstutz, Peter, 42 Anderson-Montoya, Brittany L., 43 Andersson, Peter, 16, 30 Andre, Anthony D., 8, 22, 27 Andre, T. S., 30 Angell, Linda, 30 Angeloff, Gregory R., 20 Armstrong, Thomas, J., 10, 18, 22, 41 Arrabito, G. Robert, 18, 44 Asherov, R., 28 Atilola, Emma, 38 Attfield, Simon, 20 Aulck, Lovenoor, 21 Autrey, Tim D., 7 Axelrod, Benjamin, 16 Ayres, Thomas, 18 Babski-Reeves, Kari, 21 Badri, Adel, 13 Bailey, Drew, 34 Bailey, Shannon K. T., 29 Bain, Bianca, 14 Baldwin, Carryl L., 29, 30, 45 Balkin, E. Asher, 24 Ballew, Timothy, 16 Bangor, Aaron, 15 Banks, Patricia, 38 Bao, Stephen, 24 Barbe, Mary F., 10 Barber, Daniel, 16, 18 Bardell, Cody, 40 Barg-Walkow, Laura H., 15, 44 Barker, Leon, 29 Barr-Gillespie, Ann E., 10 Barry, Tim, 26 46 Bartha, Michael C., 17, 21 Bashiri, Behzad, 44 Bass, Brock, 30 Bass, Ellen, 37 Battiste, Vernol, 31 Battle, Amanda N., 36 Baumann, Martin, 12 Bayouth, Shawn T., 35 Bazley, Conne Mara, 12, 17, 23, 35 Beard, Bettina L., 42 Bearden, George, 20 Bedwell, Wendy, 8, 23 Beecher, Maria, 26 Behymer, Kyle J., 25 Beidel, Deborah, 14 Belfore II, Lee A., 43 Bell, Michael J., 29 Bellanca, Jennica, 16 Bellows, Brooke, 21, 28 Belter, Lisa, 45 Ben-Bassat, Tamar, 41 Benden, Mark E., 37 Bengler, Klaus, 39, 41 Bennett, Kevin B., 22, 26, 28 Bereby-Meyer, Yoella, 10 Beringer, Dennis B., 12 Bernard, A., 28 Berry, Katherine A., 42 Bethea, Jacqueline, 38 Bhagavathula, Rajaram, 42 Bick, Alexander, 27 Bifano, Martin, 36 Billinghurst, Mark, 42 Bingener-Casey, Juliane, 15 Bisantz, Ann M., 9, 17, 23, 24, 33, 42 Blair, Elizabeth, 19 Blasko, Dawn G., 28 Blasko-Drabik, Holly, 28 Bleckley, M. Kathryn, 21 Blickensderfer, Elizabeth, 31. 42 Bliss, James P., 18, 19, 32, 39, 42 Blocker, Renaldo, 21 Blok, Sergey, 11 Blomgren, Steve, 17 Blumberg, Eric J., 22 Blume, Jennifer, 28 Boehm-Davis, Deborah A., 10, 22 Boehme, Karl, 44 Bohil, Corey J., 11, 25, 32, 35, 43 Bolis, Ivan, 13 Bolstad, Cheryl, 8, 32 Bolton, Matthew L., 21 Bonfiglio, Dana J., 29 Boquet, Albert, 31 Boring, Ronald L., 17, 24, 25 Bowers, Clint, 14, 21, 42 Boyer, Kristy Elizabeth, 22 Boykin, Gary L., 17, 29 Boyle, Linda Ng, 8, 11, 14, 19, 29, 39 Bracken, Bethany, 12 Brandhorst, Sebastian, 20 Breeden, Chad, 26 Brennan, Kayla, 30 Brewer, J., 15 Brill, J. Christopher, 35, 38, 41 Britt, Rebecca C., 43 Broach, Dana, 21 Brooks, Nathan, 26 Brown, Mike, 38 Bruder, Carmen, 35 Brumby, Duncan P., 10, 24 Brungart, Douglas, 41 Brunoro, Claudio M., 13 Buchholz, Bryan, 43 Buchler, Norbou, 40 Budnick, Peter, 15 Buker, Timothy J., 26 Bunnell, Brian, 14 Burhans, Charles G., 11 Burnett, Gregory M., 30 Burns, Catherine M., 9, 13, 18, 32, 37, 42, 44 Bursley, James, 34 Burt, Susan, 24 Byrne, Cristina L., 21 Bzostek, J., 30 Caine, Kelly, 43 Caldwell, Barrett, S., 18, 19 Calhoun, Gloria, 26 Callaghan, Jack P., 45 Calvo, Andres A., 30 Cameron, Ian T., 14 Campbell, Susan G., 11 Canella, David, 19 Cao, Caroline G. L., 14, 15, 29 Cao, Shi, 19, 21, 32, 43 Caplan, Stanley, 16 Carayon, Pascale, 13, 24, 27, 40 Carbonari, Ronald, 41 Carolan, Thomas F., 22 Carr, Jacob L., 26 Carretero, Juan, 26 Carswell, C. Melody, 17, 18, 29, 30, 32 Cartee, Natalee, 25 Carter, Lemuria, 42 Cassell, Jackie A., 29 Castaneda, Mike, 41 Catchpole, Kenneth, 21 Cavuoto, Lora A., 33 Caywood, Matthew S., 30 Chabuk, Timur, 26 Chagpar, Anjum, 10, 13 Chakraborty, Nilanjan, 27, 40 Chalil Madathil Kapil, 44 Champion, Michael, 19 Chancey, Eric T., 32 Chandra, Divya C., 26, 42 Chang, Joonho, 28, 33 Chaparro, Alex, 14, 30, 41 Chaparro, Barbara S., 17, 27, 28, 39 Chapman, Roger J., 22 Chauhan, Suneet P., 43 Chellali, Amine, 15 Chen, Huei-Yen Winnie, 14 Chen, Karen B., 37 Cheng, Xuan, 42 Chien, Shih-Yi, 18 Chignell, Mark, 19 Chin, Chieh-Li, 43 Cho, Jae Hyun, 33 Choi, HeeSun, 25 Choi, Younggeun, 45 Chong, Ronald S., 31 Choudhury, Tinni, 20 Chourasia, Amrish O., 30 Chowdhury, Suman Kanti, 10 Chrysler, Susan, 34 Chui, Michelle A., 38 Claeys, Christopher, 37 Clayson, Ashley, 42 Clegg, Benjamin A., 44 Cockshell, Susan, 11 Cohen, H. Harvey, 8, 15 Cohen, Joseph, 8, 15 Cohen, Joshua, 35 Colombo, Daniel J., 27 Colon, Nicholas P., 44 Compatore, Carlos, 9 Conner-Garcia, Thembi, 45 Conrad, Karen M., 38 Cooke, Nancy J., 13, 22, 26, 27, 39 Cooper, Joel, 30, 34 Corbeil, Philippe, 33 Corso, Gregory M., 23 Costa, Jean M. R., 30 Covas-Smith, Christine M., 30 Cowley, Jennifer A., 17, 41 Cox, Anna L., 10, 24 Crites, Michael J., 17 Crockett, Suzanne A., 28 Croll, James, 45 Crouch, James, 29 Cruit, Jessica, 31 Cuevas, Haydee, M., 19, 23, 39 Cullen, Ralph H., 41 Culley, Kimberly E., 10 Curthis, Laura, 45 Czaja, Sara, 13 D’Mello, Sidney, 36 D’Souza, Clive, 22 Dachos, Jon, 41 Dai, Boyi, 28 Dainoff, Marvin J., 24 Dale, Ann Marie, 24 Damböck, Daniel, 39 Dasgupta Sengupta, Priyadarshini, 43 Dattel, Andrew R., 25, 28, 36 David, Tasha Y., 29 Davis, Fleet, 14 Davis, Kermit G., 13, 38, 43 Davis, Luke, 34 Davis, Stephen S., 43 Dawson, Jeffrey D., 11 De, Suvranu, 14, 15 de Joux, Neil R., 17 de Visser, Ewart J., 22, 26 Deary, David S., 39 Decker, Jennifer, 28, 36 Degani, A., 28 Deloatch, Robert, 35 DeLucia, Patricia R., 35, 40 Dennerlein, Jack, 27 Derby, Paul L., 25 Descheneaux, Charles R., 18 Dever, Daniel P., 36 Dewar, Alexis R., 29 Dietz, Aaron S., 16 Dill, Tiffany, 24 Dillard, Michael, B., 11 Dischinger, H. Charles, 18, 31, 39 Dobres, Jonathan, 14 Doig, Alexa, 40 Dong, Xiaolu, 37 Donmez, Birsen, 25, 26, 45 Donner, Abigail, 19 Donohoo, Dan, 28 Dopart, Celena, 14 PA RT I C I PA N T I N D E X Dorantes Romero, David, 36 Dorneich, Michael, 39 Douglas, Scott A., 20 Dowell, John, 34 Downs, David, 41 Draper, Mark, 26 Drechsler, Gena, 12 Dresel, K. Michael, 12, 16 Drew, Daniel, 42 Drews, Frank, 11, 40 Driver, Charles, 43 Drury, Colin G., 43 Duffield, Timothy J., 17 Dunn Jackson, Mariea, 31 Dunn Lopez Karen, 43 Durso, Francis T., 22, 26, 32, 40 Dutt, M., 38 Dyre, Brian P., 13, 17, 28 Edwards, Rochelle, 16 Eftychiou, Alexander, 34 Egeth, Marc, 29 Eggemeier, Thomas F., 11 Eisen, Ellen A., 24 Eisert, Jesse, 29 Eißfeldt, Hinnerk, 35 Eiter, Brianna, 16 Eizenman, Moshe, 19 Elkerton, Jay, 23, 33 Ellenbogen, Richard G., 29 Elliott, Lisa Jo, 37, 39 Ellis, Katrina M., 29 Ellis, Stephen R., 18 Elm, William C., 42 Emfield, Adam Gary, 19 Endsley, Mica R., 10 Epling, Samantha, 43 Erdem, Bilge, 28 Evanoff, Bradley A., 24 Fain, W. Brad, 38 Fairbanks, Rollin J., 13, 24, 37 Fairfield, Joshua A. T., 21 Falcone, Brian, 12 Fallon, Corey K., 37 Fan, Joyce, 24 Farry, Michael P., 23 Fathallah, Fadi, 37 Fausset, Cara Bailey, 22, 38 Feaster, Noah, 38 Feathers, David, 23 Fehlinger, Michael, 17 Feigh, Karen M., 32, 44 Fekety, Drea K., 44 Ferguson, Sue, 36 Ferris, Thomas K., 13, 39 Figueroa, Ivonne J., 21, 28 Figueroa, R., 18 Fincannon, Thomas, 16, 34, 36 Fine, Michael S., 30 Fink, Nicole, 25 Finomore, Victor, 19, 26, 30 Fiore, Stephen M., 16, 19, 35, 37 Fiorella, Logan, 44 Fischer, Steve L., 45 Fischer, Ute, 17, 36 Fisher, Alia, 14, 22 Fitzhugh, Shannon L., 27 Flach, John M., 28, 35 Fleming, Elizabeth S., 25 Fletcher, Kingsley, 11 Flinn, J. T., 29 Flinn, Sharon, 22 PA RT I C I PA N T I N D E X Flynn, Jeremy R., 16 Flynn-Evans, Erin, 9 Fok, Audrey W., 16 Fong, Liesel, 25 Fontaine, Valentina, 28 Ford, Nicholas, 24 Ford, R. L., 30 Forlines, Clifton, 39 Foroughi, Cyrus K., 10 Forsythe, Chris, 12 Fothergill, Selina, 35 Fox, Mithila, 13 Fox, Olivia, 28 Franke, Warren, D., 35 Frantz, J., Paul, 11 Fraune, Marlena R., 27 Freedy, Amos, 26 Freivalds, Andris, 28, 33 Friedrich, Max, 12 Fulcher, Katrina R., 33 Fuld, Robert B., 41 Fuller, Helen J. A., 11 Funke, Gregory J., 11, 19, 20, 43 Funke, Matthew E., 11 Gabelica, Catherine, 37 Gagliano, Isabella Alexis, 38 Galeon, Margaret, 42 Gallagher, Sean, 10 Gallimore, Jennie, 42 Galloway, M., 29 Galloway, Trysha, 12 Ganapathy, S., 15 Gandy, Maribeth, 25 Garcia, Andre, 29 Gardner, Richard, 34 Gardner-Bonneau, Daryle J., 19, 37 Garg, Arun, 24, 36 Gaspar, John G., 41 Gawron, Valerie J., 8, 22, 42 Geiger, Christopher D., 12 Geißler, Bastian, 21 Gentzler, Marc D., 29, 44 Gerr, Fred, 24 Gertman, David I., 17 Ghazizadeh, Mahtab, 14 Giacobe, Nicklaus A., 14 Giang, Wayne, 18, 38 Giannini, Crystal, 28 Gibbons, Ronald B., 42 Gibson, Madeleine C., 14 Gilbert, Stephen, 39 Gillian, Douglas J., 22, 45 Giraldo, Carlos, 38 Girouard, Michelle M., 45 Giza, Christoper C., 29 Glaze, Kiara S., 20 Gliva-McConvey, Gayle A., 32 Gnaneswaran, Vettrivel, 40 Godby, Kevin M., 35 Gohil, Krutika, 11 Gold, Christian, 39 Goldman, Alina, 11 Gonzalez, Brittney, 18 Gonzalez, Christian A., 28, 30 Gonzalez, Cleotilde, 12 Goodwin, Meghan, 30 Goonetilleke, Ravindra S., 10 Gorman, Jamie C., 17 Goto, Akihiko, 12, 23 Gould, Sandy J. J., 10, 14 Gouvea, Laura, 35 Grafsgaard, Joseph F., 22 Gramopadhye, Anand K., 45 Graumlich, James, 45 Graven, Tone-Grete, 36 Graves, William J., 28, 29, 30 Grayhem, Rebecca, 42 Green, Alexander L., 17 Green, Cooper, 41 Green, H. Justin, 28 Green, Paul, 30, 37 Greenstein, Joel S., 27, 45 Grier, Rebecca A., 15 Groner, Jonathan I., 29 Gronowski, Mark R., 22 Grounds, Christopher, 28 Grundgeiger, Tobias, 24 Grush, Bern, 45 Guarino, Sean, 12 Guerster, Rene L., 44 Gugerty, Leo, 28 Günzler, Torsten, 17 Gutzwiller, Robert S., 44 Haass, Michael, 36 Häggman, Anders, 14 Hajek, Hermann, 41 Hale, Kelly S., 17, 43 Hallbeck, M. Susan, 10, 15, 29 Halse, Shane E., 16 Hamada, Hiroyuki, 12, 23 Hamblin, Christopher J., 41 Hamell, Joshua, 26 Hancock, Gabriella M., 11, 28 Hancock, Peter A., 10, 11, 16, 17, 22, 28 Handrigan, Grant, 33 Hannon, Daniel J., 32 Harbluk, Joanne, 11, 30 Harden, John W., 18, 39 Hardy, Megan, 22 Hargens, Alan, 45 Harper, Christy A., 17, 29 Harrington, Christina N., 17, 38 Harris, Bonnie, 24 Harris, Megan A., 16 Harris Adamson, Carisa, 24 Harvey, Craig M., 25, 33 Hassall, Maureen E., 14 Hasse, Catrin, 35 Hayes, Benjamin, 45 Hayes, Caroline, 42 He, Jibo, 14 Head, James, 19, 36, 44 Hedge, Alan, 13, 35 Hedman, Glenn E., 38 Hedström, Johan, 16 Heesen, Matthias, 12 Hegde, Sudeep, 24 Hegmann, Kurt T., 24 Hellan, M., 29 Helton, William S., 17, 19, 36, 37, 42, 44 Henderson, Gena, 31 Hennessy, Orla, 24 Henwood, Brienna L., 19 Hernandez, Ania, 40 Herron, Meghann, 24 Hess, Alyssa S., 11 Hettinger, A. Zach, 24 Hettinger, Lawrence J., 12, 24 Heyman, Susanna, 45 Hibbitts, Charles A., 34 Hicks, Christopher L., 15 Higginbotham, D. Jeffery, 33 Higgins, Nicholas A., 25 Hill, Audrey, 43 Hillebrand, Axel, 12 Hinkle, Veronica, 19, 27 Histon, Jonathan, 39 Ho, Anson, 13 Ho, Geoffrey, 14, 18, 44 Hoeft, Raegan M., 27 Hoffman, Robert R., 23 Holbrook, Jon, 42 Holden, Kritina, 41 Holden, Richard J., 27, 40, 45 Hollands, Justin G., 14 Holmberg, Johan, 30 Holmberg, Jordan, 11 Holmes, Danae, 16 Holt, Jerred, 28 Hong, Kyung Wha, 33 Hooper, Dean, 24 Hoover, Connor, 11 Hottman, Steve, 28, 29 Hou, Ming, 18 Hoyle, Wimberly S., 17 Hu, Boyi, 28 Huang, Lixiao, 45 Huang, Wenyan, 45 Huang, Wes, 16 Huang, Yi-Min, 10 Huang, Yunchen, 28, 39 Hudson, Irwin, 36 Hughes, Ashley M., 14, 17 Hughes, Stephen, 40 Huijser, Marcel, 41 Huntley-Fenner, Gavin, 34 Hutchins, S. D., 40 Hutchinson, Todd E., 33 Ikuma, Laura H., 25, 33 Imada, Andrew, 15 Indulska, Marta, 23 Irvine, John, 39 Israelski, Edmond, 24 Iwig, Chelsea, 38 Jacobs, Karen, 15 James, Nicholas, 42 Jamieson, Greg A., 9, 20 Jansen, Samantha D., 38, 41 Janssen, Marco A., 39 Jardina, Jo R., 17, 25, 39 Jasiobedzki, Piotr, 26 Jayaprakash, Vaishali, 27 Jenkins, Michael P., 23 Jenness, James, 14, 34 Jennings, Anthony, 11 Jensen, Roger C., 15 Jentsch, Florian, 16, 36 Jeon, Myounghoon, 11, 29, 41 Jeter, Angela, 17 Jiang, Zongliang, 38 Jobes, Christopher C., 26 John, Meera E., 32 Johnson, Megan, 15 Johnson, Peter W., 21, 45 Johnson, William B., 43 Johnston, Jack, 17 Joines, Sharon, 38 Jones, Brian D., 38 Jones, Debra G., 8 Jones, Keith S., 25 Jones, Randolf M., 20 Joseph, Kurt, 15 Participant Index 47 Participant Index Josias, Liza, 34 Joslin, Robert E., 35 Juang, Kevin A., 27, 45 Juliani, Arthur, 25 Jung, Daehan, 38 Jung, Kihyo, 36, 45 Kaber, David B., 35 Kaczmarski, Henry, 41 Kalsher, Michael J., 27, 43 Kamijo, Masayoshi, 29 Kanazawa, Soutatsu, 12 Kang, Hwa-Young, 21 Kang, Hyun-Sung, 33 Kannan, Nithya, 29 Kapellusch, Jay, 24 Kar, Gourab, 35 Karnes, Edward W., 43 Karwowski, Waldemar, 10, 13, 27 Kasten, Steven, 41 Kazi, Sadaf, 32 Kedar, Gil, 10 Keebler, Joseph R., 9, 16, 23, 25, 41 Keehn, Frank Zebulon, 17 Keich, Alexandra, 12 Keillor, Jocelyn, 11 Kelley, Christopher M., 33 Kelley, Joh F. (Jeff), 23 Kelling, Nicholas, 23 Kelly, Alan C., 22 Kelsch, Johann, 12 Kemp, Simon, 36, 37 Kennedy, Kellie D., 19, 25 Kennedy, Rebecca A., 42, 43 Kenny, Glen, 13 Keren, Nir, 35 Kernic, Mary A., 29 Khare, Ajay, 13 Khare, Rachna, 13 Khedkar, Shruti Ganga, 8 Kidd, David G., 29 Kidwell, Brian, 26 Kilgore, Ryan, 9 Kim, Heeeun, 38 Kim, Jeong Ho, 21 King, Harriet C., 33 King, Katherine, 39 Kipps, Tahli, 43 Kirlik, Alex, 24, 35 Kishida, Koya, 29 Klein, Gary, 12 Klein, Martina I., 40 Kleiner, Brian M., 22, 24, 27, 40 Kluge, Annette, 20 Knott, Benjamin A., 19, 20, 26 Knott, Camilla C., 44 Kochhar, Dev, 45 Kodagoda, Neesha, 20 Koffskey, Christina, 25 Koikkara, Reshmi, 27 Kokot, Douglas, 17 Kong, Yong-Ku, 28, 33 Kortum, Philip, 15, 16, 18, 22 Kossuth, Lisa, 28, 36 Kotowski, Susan E., 10, 38, 43 Kramer, Arthur F., 41 Kring, Jason P., 17, 19, 38 Krupenia, Stas, 43 Kuehn, Katherine A., 30 Kuhn, Sarah, 43 Kunkle, Christina L., 30 Kuroda, Koji, 12 Kuwahara, Noriaki, 23 48 Kuzel, Michael, 15, 24 Lacson, Frank C., 8, 27 LaGrange, Chad A., 29 Lamb, Matt, 14 Lane, Sharolyn A., 25 Lanicci, John, 42 Larson, Nancy, 15 Lau, Nathan, 20 Laughery, Kenneth R., 43 Laux, L., 30, 40 Lavender, Steven A., 22, 33, 38 LaVoie, Noelle, 11 Lawson, Malachi, 17 Lazzara, Elizabeth H., 44 Le Blanc, Katya L., 25 Leavens, Jennifer A., 19, 28 Leban, Bruno, 13 Lebiere, Christian, 20 Lee, Baekhee, 36, 45 Lee, John, D., 8, 9, 11, 14, 27, 33, 39, 42 Lee, Joonbum, 39 Lee, Michael, 17, 18, 29, 30 Lee, Seunghyun, Tina, 30 Lee, Wonsup, 38 Lee, Yi-Ching, 11, 29 LeGoullon, Melanie D., 22 Leidheiser, William, 25 Lenorovitz, David R., 43 Leonard, Jim, 28 Leonard, S. David, 43 Lerner, Neil, 34, 39 Lester, James C., 22 Lew, Roger, 17 Lewie, Catherine, 39 Lewis, Bridget A., 45 Lewis, Joanna E., 11, 43, 44 Lewis, Michael, 18, 27, 40 Lewis, Vicky, 24 Li, Baichun, 14 Li, Huiyang, 43, 44 Li, J., 38 Li, Mufan, 26 Li, Yeti, 18 Li, Zhizhong, 37 Libby, David, 14 Liechty, Molly M., 10 Lif, Patrik, 16 Lim, Eric, 29 Lin, K., 29 Lin, Michael, 27 Lindahl, Björn, 16 Ling, Chen, 16, 36 Liu, Bo, 29 Liu, Dahai, 41 Liu, David, 13 Liu, Jian, 17, 22 Liu, Shixu, 42 Liu, Yili, 19, 32, 43 Llinas, James, 23 Lo, Julia C., 14 Lobato, Emilio J. C., 16 Lockhart, Thurmon, 23 London, Jennifer, 36 Lorenz, Lutz, 39 Lowndes, Bethany, 15 Lu, Jack, 36 Lu, Li, 26 Lu, Sara A., 18, 32, 38, 40 Lum, Heather C., 16, 28, 37, 45 Lund, Arnold M., 22 Lundh, Monica, 23 Luong, Mary, 36 Lyons, Rebecca, 16 Madathil, Kapil Chalil, 27, 33, 45 Madhavan, Poornima, 10, 44 Madison, Anna, 45 Mahler, Pete, 23 Maikala, Ram, 45 Majdic, Kristen, 36 Malik, Hafiz, 28 Maliko-Abraham, Helene A., 38 Mallam, Steven C., 23 Malloy, Elizabeth J., 24 Malone, Naomi, 44 Mancuso, Vincent F., 19, 20, 26 Mangie, Jim, 9 Mann, Danny D., 44 Manser, Michael, 34 Manzey, Dietrich, 17, 44 Marayong, Panadda, 31 Marble, Julie, 42 Margolies, Rebecca, 29 Marino Carper Teresa, 21 Marklin, Richard, 14, 21 Marmarchi, Amir, 35 Marras, William S., 26, 27, 32, 36 Marshall, Matthew, 19 Martin, Beth A., 38 Martin, Jonathan, 17 Marusich, Laura, 40 Masalonis, Anthony J., 32, 35 Maschke, Peter, 35 Massicotte, Vicky S., 10 Mateo, Julio C. , 25 Matheson, Adrian, 26 Mathewson, Kyle E., 41 Matic, Nada, 40 Matsangas, Panagiotis, 30, 40 Matthews, Gerald, 37 Mayhorn, Christopher B., 9, 33, 36, 43 Mazaeva, Natalia, 17 McBride, Maranda, 44 McBride, Sara, E. 44 McCarley, Jason S., 11, 34 McCauley, Darendia, 22 McCauley, Michael E., 40 McCloskey, Michael J., 23, 25 McConnell, Daniel S., 41 McCrory, Bernadette, 29 McDermott, Patricia L., 10, 14, 22 McDonald, Anthony D., 11 McDonald, Sharon, 11 McGarry, Kenneth, 11 McGehee, Daniel, 30 McGuire, Kerry, 40 McIntyre, Scott E., 29 McKendrick, Ryan, 12 McKinnon, Colin D., 45 McKneely, Jennifer A., 26 McKnight, Patrick, 21 McLaughlin, Anne Collins, 10, 25, 30, 41 McLaurin, Elease, 39 McMullin, Dianne, 16 McNeese, Michael, 26 McNitt, Thomas C., 30 Medeiros-Ward, Nathan, 45 Mehler, Bruce, 14 Mehrotra, Siddharth, 18 Mehta, Jay P., 33, 38 Mehta, Ranjana K., 18, 33 Meijer, Sebastiaan A., 14 Meingast, Melissa, 16, 17 Meitl, Alex, 29 Mentel, Karen, 41 Mercado, Joe, 21 Mericle-Swingle, Hayley M., 28 Merlino, Linda, 24 Merrikhpour, Maryam, 45 Merryweather, Andrew S., 24 Mersch, Elizabeth, 28 Messina, Jay, 32, 35 Meyer, Joachim, 10, 12 Meyer, Mark, 28 Meyer, R. E., 30 Meys, Hilkka L., 37 Mickelson, Robin S., 45 Miehling, Jörg, 21 Miles, Jim, 8 Milgram, Paul, 14, 43 Miller, A., 15, 29 Miller, Anne, 40 Miller, Christopher, 26, 36 Miller, David P., 36 Miller, Emily E., 29 Miller, Erika E., 11 Miller, Jacob A., 34 Miller, Marissa C., 36 Miller, Michael E., 13, 32 Miller, Sarah M., 27, 39 Miller, Shadeequa, 33, 44 Miller, Tevis, 10 Miller, William D., 22 Min, Haesik, 33 Mink, Richard, 29 Mintmire, Elizabeth E., 16, 41 Mitchell, Pamela, 29 Mitzner, Tracy L., 38, 44 Mize, Anthony, 34 Mizobuchi, Sachi, 19 Mjelde, Frode Voll, 25 Moacdieh, Nadine M., 12 Moir, Susan, 43 Mont’Alvao, Claudia R., 35 Montague, Enid, 27, 36, 44 Montano, Michael, 43 Moody, Laura E., 39 Moore, Kendra, E., 32 Morgan, Brent, 36 Morgan, Justin, 24, 41 Morgan, Michael J., 44 Morioka, Sandra N. 13 Morishima, Mika, 29 Morison, Alexander, 26 Morita, Plinio P., 44 Moroney, William, 37 Morrison, Douglas, 13 Morrison, Jeffrey Glenn, 32 Morrow, Daniel G., 26, 43, 45 Mortimer, Rudolf G., 22 Mosher, Hilary, 37 Mosier, Kathleen, 17, 36 Moss, Jason, 17 Mouloua, Mustapha, 16, 17, 19, 28, 29, 44 Mount-Campbell, Austin F., 18 Mozrall, Jacqueline, 19 Mueller, Jessica A., 29 Müller, H. J., 18 Müller, Thomas, 41 Mullick, Abir, 13, 23, 35 Munoz, Gisela, 17, 38, Murphy-Hill, Emerson, 33 Murray, John, 21 Mutlu, Bilge, 33 PA RT I C I PA N T I N D E X Myers, Vincent, 44 Myung, Rohae, 32 Nadeau, Sylvie, 13 Nagi, Rakesh, 23 Najle, Maxine B., 29 Nathan-Roberts, Dan, 8 Nause, Daniel, 12 Nawa, Kazunari, 19 Neal, Andrew, 35 Neider, Mark B. 11, 19, 43 Neilson, Brittany, 18 Nelson, Erik T. 10 Nelson, W. Todd, 11 Nemec, Lou, 22 Nemire, Kenneth, 18 Nemshak, Michelle, 32 Nene, Vilas D., 31 Nery, Angelene, 17 Ness, James, 22 Nesthus, Thomas, 9 Neumann, Ewald, 19 Neumann, Patrick, 13 Neville, Kelly, 8, 21 Newton, Carolyn, 38 Neyens, David M., 45 Ng, Ho-Kong, 26 Ngo, Mary, 8 Nguyen, Cynthia, 21 Nichols, Tim, 10 Nicholson, Denise, 21 Niehaus, J., 15 Nimbarte, Ashish D., 10, 28 Ning, Xiaopeng, 10, 28 Nordquist, Eric, 16 Norman, Chad, 29 Nowakowski, Christopher, 41 Ntuen, Celestine, 44 Null, Cynthia H., 19 Nunez, Julissa, 44 Nunnally, Steven, 27, 40 Nussbaum, Maury A., 13 O’Brien, Marita A., 14, 18, 38 O’Connell, Maureen, 18 Oberheid, Hendrik, 39 Odell, Dan, 10 Ohashi, Miri, 28 Ohnemus, Kenneth, 20, 27 Okudan-Kremer, Gul E., 13 Olmstead, Ryan, 22 Oppold, Paul, 41 Or, Calvin K. L., 40 Orasanu, Judith, 17, 36 Orchard, Steven, 11 Oskarsson, Per-Anders, 16 Ososky, Scott, 16 Ostberg, Anna, 40 Ota, Tomoko, 12 Ou, Bo, 19 Overby, Cory, 17 Oxstrand, Johanna H., 25 Pace, Paul, 18 Paderi, Maurizio, 13 Pak, Richard, 10, 25, 30 Palmer, Evan, 30, 41 Panganiban, April Rose, 37 Panwar, Vivek, 26 Papenfuss, Anne, 39 Paquet, Victor, 40 Parasuraman, Raja, 12, 26 Park, Jangwoon, 45 PA RT I C I PA N T I N D E X Qiao, Chunming, 34 Qiu, Hai, 28 Qu, Xingda, 28 Rajivan, Prashanth, 32, 39 Ramesh, V. C., 16 Ramsey, Allyson M., 20 Ramsey, Rachael, 43 Ramsey, Todd, 43 Rantanen, Esa M., 27, 37 Rauschenberger, Robert, 15 Ray, G. G., 23 Rayo, Michael J., 18 Reagan, Ian J., 29 Rehmatullah, Faizan, 26 Reichelt, Paul A., 38 Reilly, Scott Neal, 21 Reimer, Bryan, 11, 14, 34 Rein, Jonathan R., 32, 35 Reinerman-Jones, Lauren, 18, 22 Reitter, David, 20 Rempel, David, 10, 24 Resnick, Marc L., 23, 33, 40 Reyes, Miguel A., 26 Rhoades, Timothy P., 11 Rice, Daniel, 42 Rice, Stephen, 28, 29, 30 Rice, Valerie J. B., 17, 22, 29 Ries, Benjamin S., 29 Riggle, Jakeb D., 29 Riley, David R., 13 Riley, Jennifer, 8, 14 Ritchey, Paul, 17 Rivara, Frederick P., 29 Rivera, Javier, 16 Rivera-Rodriguez, A. Joy, 27, 40 Rizzo, Matthew, 11, 13 Roady, Trey, 13 Roberts, Daniel M., 26, 30, 45 Roberts, Richard D., 37 Robertson, Michelle M., 24, 27, 40 Robinson, Emanuel, 39 Robinson, Tom, 37 Robles, Jose, 31 Rockstroh, Kurt, 27 Roder, Daniel, 37 Rodgers, Stuart, 20 Rodriguez, Ania, 23, 40 Rodrick, David, 27, 28 Roe Purvis, Cynthia, 17 Rogers, Michelle, 32 Rogers, Wendy A., 10, 22, 23, 38, 44 Romero, Victoria, 12 Rooney, Chris, 20 Rorie, R. Conrad, 31 Roth, Alvin E., 12 Roth, Emilie M., 9, 23 Rothwell, Clayton, 20 Rubinstein, Joshua, 34 Ruff, Heath, 26 Runge, Kevin, 20 Rupp, Michael A., 14, 29, 41, 44 Rusnock, Christina F., 12 Russell, Paul N., 19 Russell, Sheldon M., 43 Russi-Vigoya, Maria Natalia, 13, 40 Rustandjaja, Nadya, 17 Ryser, Spencer, 11 Radic-Weißenfeld, Ljubica, 41 Radin Umar, R. Z., 38 Radvansky, Gabriel, 36 Radwin, Robert G., 37 Rae, Michelle M., 45 Rahill, Katherine, 19 Sader, Christopher, 16 Saffarian, M., 38 Saginus, Kyle, 21 Sah, Sungjin, 45 Salas, Eduardo, 9, 14, 16, 21, 22, 27 Park, S. H., 38 Park, Sanghyun, 38 Park, Seikwon, 38 Park, Sungjin, 32 Park, Taezoon, 25 Parker, James P., 11, 22, 26 Parker, Sarah, 21 Parush, Avi, 17 Pascoe, Aaron, 17 Pastel, Robert, 23, 27, 33 Patrick, Tyler, 29 Patterson, Emily S., 18 Patterson, John, D., 44 Patterson, Robert E., 30 Pau, Massimiliano, 13 Paul, Annie Murphy, 9 Paull, Douglas E., 29 Pauls, Jake, 15 Pavlovic, Nada, 44 Payne, David, 18 Payne, John J., 26, 29 Pearl, George S., 20 Penaranda, Bello N., 45 Pennathur, Priyadarshini R., 37, 42 Pereira, Anna, 10 Peres, S. Camille, 15, 17, 22, 23, 27, 29, 41 Perez, Graciela M., 32 Perry, Shawna, 37 Persoon, Thomas J., 37 Petry, Jordan, 43 Pfautz, Jonathan, 12, 42 Pham, Tri, 15 Phan, Mikki H., 17, 28, 45 Phillips, Elizabeth, 16 Phillips, Rachel, 39, 44 Phillips, Ronald, 15 Pickens, Adam W., 14, 37 Pierce, Linda G., 11, 21, 25 Pitts, Brandon J., 38 Plamondon, Andre, 33 Planitz, Birgit, 43 Ponto, Kevin, 37 Pop, Vlad Liviu, 26 Pope-Ford, Regina, 38 Popkin, Stephen, 9 Poston, Alan, 34, 38 Potma, Erin, 15 Powell, Allison L., 11 Prakash, Akanksha, 23 Pratt, James, 15 Price, Chandler E., 38 Prinet, Julie C., 12 Pritchett, Amy R., 25, 32 Proaps, Alexandra B., 14, 18, 32, 42 Probst, C. Adam, 10, 13 Procci, Katelyn, 14, 16, 42 Proctor, Robert W., 22 Punnett, Laura, 43 Pyatka, N., 15 Salunga, Alexander, 41 Salvucci, Dario D., 39 Sanders, Elizabeth, 22 Sanders, Martha J., 12, 30, 35, 44 Sanders, Nicole, 11 Sanders, Tracy, 16 Sanderson, Penelope M., 13, 14, 23, 24, 37, 43 Sanford, Jon, 30 Sankaranarayanan, Ganesh, 14, 15 Sannomiya, Chihiro, 19 Santamaria, Amy, 32 Santiago, Eugenio, 40 Sargent, Robert, 33 Sarter, Nadine B., 12, 38, 44 Sarwar, Ammar, 27 Sasangohar, Farzan, 25 Satterfield, Kelly, 21 Sawyer, Michael W., 12, 42 Saxe, Harriet, 29 Scerbo, Mark W., 32, 43 Scerri, Paul, 26 Schafer, J. Ben, 40 Schanski, Robert M., 11 Schmidt, Tarah N., 11, 28 Schmieder, Katherine, 44 Schoebel, Markus, 44 Schumacher, Robert E., 32 Schuster, David, 16, 36 Scott, Donia R., 29 Scott, Stacey D., 25 Seagull, F. Jacob, 32 Seale, Jennifer M., 33 Seales, W. B., 30 Sebok, Angelia, 30, 32, 33, 35, 40, 44 Seely, Rachel, 42 Seidelman, Will, 17, 18, 29, 30 Sellers, Brittany C., 16, 35 Senanayake, Ransalu, 10 Seppelt, Bobbie, 14 Seo, Amy, 38 Sesto, Mary E., 30 Sethumadhavan, Arathi, 10 Sewall, Ashley Stafford, 44 Shames, Adam R., 21, 29 Shanqing, Yin, 8, 13 Sharafsaleh, Ashkan, 41 Shattuck, Lawrence G., 30 Shattuck, Nita Lewis, 30 Shaw, Tyler H., 21 Shears, Connie, 19 Sheehan, Chelsea C., 28, 36 Sheffield, Benjamin, 41 Shehab, Randa, 16 Sheik Nainar, Mohamed, 40 Shin, Gwanseob, 21 Shively, Robert J., 26 Shmueli, Y., 28 Shreeves, Michael, 18, 38 Siah, Kewin, Tien-Ho, 25 Silva Filho, Roberto, 30 Silverstein, Barbara, 24 Sims, Valerie K., 16, 29 Sinatra, Anne M., 29 Singer, Jeremiah, 39 Singh, Dheeraj, 10 Singh, Greesh Kumar, 10 Sitz, Adam, 19, 38 Siva, Neethan, 44 Sivagnanasundaram, Navaneethan, 30 Skow, Emily, 11 49 Participant Index Participant Index Skraaning, Gyrd, 20 Sloan, Gary D., 35 Smallman, Harvey S., 18, 32, 44 Smith, C. A. P., 44 Smith, Danielle, 16 Smith, Dave A., 45 Smith, Dustin, 18 Smith, James L., 22 Smith, Kip, 25, 30 Smith, Mac, 8, 10 Smith, MaryJo, 42 Smith, Melissa A., 22 Smith, Philip J., 22 Smith, Thomas, J., 15, 32 Sommerich, Carolyn M., 22, 38 Sonesh, Shirley, 14 Song, Jiahong, 28 Song, Xiping, 30 Soosaar, Jennifer, 29 Soung Yee, Anthony, 43 Spence, Allan, 42 Spencer, Daniel R., 15 Spielman, Zachary, 11 Splawn, Joshua M., 32 Sprehn, Kelly A., 13 Spriggs, Sarah, 26 Srivastava, Sanjay, 10 St. John, Mark F., 30 Stader, Sally A., 16, 28 Stambolian, Damon, 31 Stanard, Terry, 20 Stanley, Laura M., 29 Stark, Robert F., 23, 26 Staszewski, James J., 34 Statkus, Michael J., 42 Stauble, Melissa R., 28, 29, 30 Stearman, Eric Jason, 26 Steelman, Kelly S., 11, 34 Stefanidis, Dimitrios, 43 Stefonetti, Matthew C., 36 Steinberg, Richard K., 28 Steiner, Lisa, 16 Stelzer, Emily K. M., 31, 35 Stephens, Benjamin R., 20 Stephens, Justin T., 20 Stettler, Garrett, 15 Stevens, Ronald K., 12, 31 Stitzlein, Cara, 23 Stone, Jamie A., 38 Stone, Nancy, 17, 37 Stone, Richard T., 39 Strally, Shayna, 17 Strang, Adam J., 43 Strater, Laura, 14 Straub, Kath, 20 Strawderman, Lesley, 28, 39 Street, Whitney M., 41 Strybel, Thomas Z., 31 Stuart-Buttle, Carol, 32 Sublette, Michelle, 17, 29, 30 Subrahmaniyan, Neeraja, 33 Sun, Ganyun, 26 Sun, T., 15 Sung, Kiseok, 28 Suprenant, Amanda, 11 Surpris, Glenn, 41 50 Suss, Joel, 35 Svensson, Jonathan, 30 Sweeney-Dillon, Marian, 15 Sycara, Katia, 18, 27, 40 Syverson, Jay, 35 Szabo, Autumn, 32 Szalma, James L., 11, 17, 18, 28 Sznelwar, Laerte I., 13 Takai, Yuka, 12, 23 Takao, Ken-Ichi, 23 Talamonti, Walter J., 45 Talone, Andrew, 16, 36 Tamplin, Andrea, 36 Taneva, Svetlena, 10 Taylor, Grant S., 22 Taylor, Jesseca R. I., 17 Tear, Callum L., 13 Teasdale, Normand, 33 Teller, Thomas L., 35 Tembe, Rucha, 33 Teo, Grace W. L., 11, 28 Teves, Jennifer, 32 Thamsuwan, Ornwipa, 21 Tharanathan, Anand, 18 Thiese, Matthew S., 24 Thomas, Lisa C., 9, 34 Thomas, Robert, 42 Thornberry, Cameron, 14 Thorpe, Joshua M., 38 Tijerina, Louis, 45 Tippin, Jon, 11 Tombu, Michael, 14 Topolski, Ric, 17 Torres, Miralis, 14 Traffimow, David, 30 Tredinnick, Ross D., 37 Tripp, Lisa M., 30 Trowbridge, Francis A., 41 Tsai, Matthew, 13 Tsimhoni, Omer, 21 Tullberg, Anna, 16 Turner, Hope, 41 Turner, T. Robert, 32 Turrill, Jonna, 41 Tyree, Gina May, 18 Tyrrell, Richard A., 44 Ueno, Ken, 14 Ulrich, Thomas A., 11, 25 Uozumi, Takashi, 29 Uribe, Daniel J., 13 Valdez, Rupa, 36 Van der Merwe, Alex, 29 Varnado, Terri, 45 Vaughn-Cooke, Monifa, 13, 36 Vavilala, Monica, S., 29 Veinott, Beth, 36 Venkatesh, Balasubramanian, 24 Venkatraman, Vindhya, 14 Vidulich, Michael A., 11 Villarreal, Jessica, 17 Vincent, Michael, 31, 42 Vincenzi, Dennis, 41 Viraldo, Jacob, 18 Vogel-Walcutt, Jennifer J., 21, 44 Vollrath, Mark, 12 von der Heyde, Ananda, 20 Vredenburgh, Alison G., 15, 20 Vu, Kim-Phuong L., 8, 24, 26, 31 Wainwright, Mark, 29 Walker, Amber M., 36 Walker, Bruce N., 23 Walker, Katherine E., 39 Walker, Phillip, 27, 40 Wallace, Amelia M., 32 Wallace, Charles, 33 Walton, Darren, 37 Wan, Jingyan, 34 Wang, Chongbo, 45 Wang, Heller H. L., 40 Wang, Jin, 29 Wang, Lulu, 38 Wang, Yong, 29 Ward, Paul, 33, 35 Warden, Toby, 13 Warm, Joel S., 11 Warren, William R., 31 Wartzack, Sandro, 21 Warwick, Walter, 20, 40 Waterson, Patrick, 24, 40 Watkins, Eric, 38 Watson, K., 29 Wayland, Sarah C., 11 Wears, Robert, 9, 21, 24, 40 Weaver, Charles, 17 Weber, Bernhard, 39 Wedell, Anna V., 16 Weiland, Monica Z., 9, 30 Weinger, Matthew B., 22, 27, 34 Weiss, Chad, 18 Weiss, J., 28 Wells, Richard, 13 Weltman, Gershon, 22 Wen, James, 42 Werner, Nicole E., 10, 18 Werner, Steffen, 11, 17 Werth, Abigail J., 21 Wertsch, Jacqueline J., 24 Wetterneck, Tosha, 27 Weyhrauch, P., 15 Wheeler, Noah J., 25 Whetsel, Stephanie A., 44 Whitmore, Mihriban, 41 Wickens, Christopher D., 22, 25, 32, 33, 40, 41, 44 Wiebe, Eric N., 22 Wiegmann, Douglas A., 21, 30 Wiese, E., 18 Wilkinson, Chris, 41 Willems, Ben, 32, 35 Williams, Linda C., 29 Williamson, Paul, 11 Willis, Leanne M., 11 Wills, Angela C., 38 Wilson, Kyle M., 19, 36, 44 Wiltshire, Travis J., 16 Winchester, Woodrow, 36 Windsor, Matthew B., 41 Winkelbauer, Christine A., 16 Winston, Flaura, 11 Wiseman, Sarah, 24 Wismer, Andrew J., 11 Wogalter, Michael S., 17, 18, 43 Wohleber, Ryan, 37 Wolf, Laurie, 10, 13 Wolf, Michael, 45 Wolfinbarger, Kim, 38 Won, James C., 32 Wong, B. L. William, 20, 23 Wong, D. T., 30 Woo, Hyun, J., 22 Woods, David D., 39 Woods, R., 29 Woods, Zachary, 18 Wreathall, John, 24 Wright, Julia, 16 Wu, Changxu, 19, 22, 34 Wu, Xuefang, 23 Wykowska, A., 18 Xiao, Yan, 10, 13 Xiong, Huimin, 39 Xiong, Shuping, 28 Xiong, Xiao, 30 Xu, Jie, 44 Xu, Wei, 29 Yager, Christine E., 14, 45 Yang, Shiyan, 39 Yang, Xi, 25 Yao, Shengji, 20, 26, 42 Yates, J. Frank, 12 Yen, Wei-Ting, 22 Yeoh, Han Teik, 23 Yeom, Kiwon, 18 Yilin, Liu Elaine, 30 Yin, Shan Qing, 21, 25 Yoshizu, Sayaka, 19 You, Heecheon, 36, 38, 45 You, No Young, 39 Youmans, Robert J., 21, 22, 28, 35 Young, Jason, 15 Young, Justin, 27 Yu, Denny, 41 Yu, Hang, 37 Zackowitz, Ilene B., 20 Zajac, Stephanie, 14 Zande, D., 28 Zatzick, Douglas F., 29 Zayas-Caban, Teresa, 13 Zelman, I., 28 Zgorski, Rebecca A., 19 Zhang, Wei, 11 Zhang, Yiqi, 34 Zhang, Zeno, 19 Zhao, Guozhen, 19, 22 Zhao, Wei, 29 Zheng, Xianjun Sam, 30 Zhou, Jie, 28 Zhou, Shuo, 23 Zhu, Xinhui, 37 Zink, Klaus J., 13 Ziriax, John, 41 PA RT I C I PA N T I N D E X SAVE THE DATE HFES 2014 International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics in Health Care: L E A D I N G T H E WAY March 16–19, 2014 Sheraton Chicago Hotel and Towers Chicago, IL, USA HOSTED BY The Call for Proposals is open! KEY DATES: Oral presentation proposals due: September 23, 2013 Poster presentation proposals due: October 21, 2013 Registration open: November 1, 2013 Questions? Contact Anthony D. Andre, Chair, at A DV E RT I S E R S 51 Observation made simple! ß %VALUATEßPERFORMANCEßBYßOBSERVINGßBEHAVIOR ß )NTEGRATEßVIDEOßANDßEYEßTRACKINGßDATA ß 2ECORDßMULTIMODALßDATAßINßSYNC ß $ISCOVERßOURßHIGHTECHßUSABILITYßLABS ß *OINßAßWORLDWIDEßCOMMUNITYßOFßUSERS Labs and Tools ¯ßFROMßHANDHELDßOBSERVATIONSßSYSTEMSß ANDßMOBILEßDEVICEßCAMERASßTOßPORTABLEßANDßCUSTOMßLABSß .OLDUS´ßTOOLSßAREßIDEALßTOßRECORDßINTEGRATEßANDßANALYZEß DATAß The Observer® XT߯ßTHEßPROFESSIONALßANDßUSERFRIENDLYß SOFTWAREßFORßTHEßCOLLECTIONßANALYSISßANDßPRESENTATIONßß OFßOBSERVATIONALßDATAß FaceReader™ß¯ßßTHEßUNIQUEßSOFTWAREßFORßAUTOMATICß ANALYSISßOFßTHEßSIXßBASICßFACIALßEXPRESSIONS Consultancy ¯ßWITHßALß MOSTßßYEARSßOFßEXPEß RIENCEßWEßTRANSLATEßYOURßß QUESTIONSßINTOßPRACTICALßß Visit us at booth # 7 ANDßPROVENßSOLUTIONS Innovative solutions for human behavior research 52 A DV E RT I S E R S PS E Pacific Science & Engineering Group Welcomes you to San Diego for the HFES 2013 International Annual Meeting Advanced Concepts Training & User Aids User Interface Prototypes ...applying scientific principles and methods to improve human performance in complex systems Testing & Evaluation Usability Assessment 9180 Brown Deer Road, San Diego, CA 92121 ph:858-535-1661 A DV E RT I S E R S 53 HILTON SAN DIEGO BAYFRONT facility maps PROMENADE (Level One) AQUA (Level Three) SAPPHIRE (Level Four) COBALT (Level Five) Usability Solutions for the Healthcare Industry From pre-market analysis and concept development to post-market studies and upgrades, MedStar Health’s National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare provides comprehensive services that can set your product apart. Our experts have direct access to healthcare domain specialists and end users in a wide array of clinical settings, specialties and use environments, including: We are the largest human factors engineering program in the United States situated within a healthcare system. Drawing on our broad experience from the healthcare, automotive and defense industries, we provide: • Ground and air EMS • Medical device usability evaluation • Home health agencies • Hospitals • Long-term care facilities • Outpatient clinics • Retail pharmacies • Surgery centers • Guidance for FDA regulatory submission • Customized approach at all stages of development To learn more, visit or call 202-244-9810. 3007 Tilden St., NW, Suite 7M Washington, DC 20008 202-244-9810 PHONE EMAIL 13-MSH-1870.072013