equitable development planning
equitable development planning
Community-Based EQUITABLE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING Revitalization project at Chavis Park in Raleigh, North Carolina. (photo credit: Skeo Solutions) WHAT IS COMMUNITY-BASED EQUITABLE DEVELOPMENT? Traditional urban development patterns have emphasized growth at the city edge, resulting in sprawl and creating places of disinvestment in the center city as jobs, businesses and wealth migrate outwards. For the lowincome and minority communities that remain, these “tears” in the fabric present daily challenges for quality of life including struggling schools, lack of access to healthy, affordable food, unemployment and underemployment, health impacts of cumulative pollution problems, and the presence of vacant and contaminated properties that contribute to the continued cycle of disinvestment. Traditional patterns of sprawl have left holes of disinvestment in urban neighborhoods that threaten community life. These communities are often referred to as environmental justice communities because of the disproportionate environmental and health impacts borne by residents. Nonetheless, these neighborhoods are also often places of intense creativity, resourcefulness and resiliency, and are highly valued by their residents. Equitable development planning provides tools and services that enable communities to develop a vision and action plan for revitalization that fosters neighborhood health and vitality. Guiding Principles Urban development patterns have resulted in places of disinvestment, where residents may experience disproportionate economic, environmental and health disparities. • Solutions need to include a community-wide strategy based on community-defined needs and quality of life priorities. • Fostering community-leadership and decision making is integral to growing neighborhood resilience. • Equitable development solutions will include infrastructure and economic development for the existing community. Skeo Solutions Equitable Development Planning Framework Skeo Solutions has developed a proactive, areawide planning process that allows communities to: • take the lead in defining neighborhood goals and needs, • identify and address environmental equity issues, • identify catalyst sites and key opportunities for strengthening the neighborhood fabric, • build a productive coalition of community members, organizations and government agencies, and • develop a plan for development and revitalization that benefits the existing community. The end result? Communities of opportunity where residents participate in and benefit from the development and policy decisions that shape their quality of life. Equitable development The practice of enabling communities to prioritize and pursue development that benefits current residents and contributes to neighborhood resilience and quality of life. Brownfields Vacant or underutilized property where contamination or perceived contamination may be impeding neighborhood vitality. Environmental Justice Universal protection from activities that threaten the fundamental right to clean air, land, food and water. May 2013 The Process: Equitable Development Invest in People, Invest in Place Outcomes and Innovations Economic Opportunity The Village at Market Creek. In partnership with the Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation, teams of residents in the Diamond Neighborhoods of San Diego are developing a masterplan for revitalization. People ReGenesis Partnership. A broad-based multistakeholder revitalization effort that focuses on four areas: the environment, health, local economy and social needs. ReGenesis has partnered to build a community health center, affordable homes, and a shopping center. • • Identify community leadership and quality of life goals Form steering committee Interview stakeholders • Identify community assets and challenges (cultural, historical, physical, recreational) Identify relevant community initiatives Refine goals and priorities • Partnerships with job-training programs and new businesses can provide training and employment opportunities for unemployed and underemployed residents. • Preventing displacement means that long-term benefits such as increased property values return to current residents. Healthier Built and Natural Environment • • Sidewalk mosaics at Market Creek Plaza, the first phase of development, reflect the traditional cloth patterns of local immigrant families. An amphitheater with a children’s art wall features handpainted tiles created by over 1000 local children. Investing in equitable development can yield tangible economic benefits for community members, local businesses, institutions, and municipalities. • Identify catalyst sites and near term priorities • Identify opportunities for community engagement Evaluate assets and challenges • Identify partners and community champions • Identify community programming strategies. Future scenarios Equitable development provides more enjoyable, healthier environments in which to live, raise families, do business, and recreate. • Develop tools and training to support community-driven implementation • Increased access to parks and open space as well as healthy, local food can help to address health concerns such as obesity and diabetes. • Integrating green infrastructure elements into the urban environment can reduce energy costs by reducing the urban heat island effect and provide a more aesthetically pleasing setting. Ongoing Implementation Strategy Implementation Place Empowered Individuals and • • Identify spatial scale and scope for physical analysis Gather existing data and documentation • Map existing conditions • Evaluate infrastructure, market and services • Develop inventories • Conduct gap analysis (map existing conditions in relation to quality of life goals and priorities) • Identify opportunities • Develop future scenarios and strategies • • Identify phasing opportunities and limitations Develop implementation tools and strategies Richmond Green Infrastructure Assessment. Vacant lands (left) are evaluated for suitability to support green infrastructure such as community gardens and green streets that link underserved areas with trail networks and other urban amenities. Goal Setting Shared Learning Solutions Development • Develop implementation plan • Identify evaluation criteria and tools Productive Relationships Equitable development underscores the value of investing in the people who define a place through capacity building and relationship development North Dayton. Industrial neighborhoods in Dayton, OH are looking for ways to adapt and expand existing facilities to attract emerging industrial sectors and to develop local capacity through workforce training. Future use plans emphasize integration of land uses and amenities that honor the community’s industrial heritage. Implementation • Empowering local residents and grassroots organizations to lead the community planning process results in sustainable development plans with community support. • Productive coalitions of community members, organizations and government agencies can produce synergistic partnerships and opportunities to leverage existing assets and initiatives. Vibrant Community Life Equitable development emphasizes creation of a sense of place based in the local community’s culture and heritage. • Community leadership in development and policy decisions allows existing neighborhood identity and assets to guide neighborhood growth. • Culturally-relevant design and community events increase neighborhood pride and sense of place. Community-Based EQUITABLE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING Belle Isle Manchester Park Office/Mix Industrial Park Ja me Lee Housing Bridg e Adjacent and proposed use Gateway to Riverside Dr, James River Park, Downtown indicates proposed use Ave Sem ve r Gateway to James River Park Office or neighborhood services Residential, commercial or flexible use Ri James River Park Ancarrow’s Landing First floor office or retail Current use to be confirmed s e nu es m James River Park " Alice Fitz Playground Manchester Urban Mini-Farm Washington Square Park God's Garden " Manchester Courthouse Sacred Heart Community Center Community Garden Hope VI Housing ee t " th Str th 12 ee th Str Anticipated Development (Multi-family or Mixed Use) 14 Hu ee th Str Commercial Corridor 16 rS tu ca Blackwell Elementary School Highway De t t ee tr Park/play Jefferson Davis Office or neighborhood services Hope VI Housing (Future) t e tre ll S Residential ee Library t Residential (Complete or In Development) 10 S t ge rid inb Ba Str t e tre Public Parks Blackwell Community Center Neighborhood Centers e nu ry au e Av Neighborhood Gateways M e nu ve nA " sto Bo e u en ie Industrial d wid Din Residential or live/work Av Street Design A Street Design B Street Design C Community Gardens James River Park Trail James River Heritage Trail East Coast Greenway Map developed by E2 Inc. and GIC Prescott Park SKEO SOLUTIONS Planning and Design Services Skeo Solutions is committed to empowering community members, institutions, municipalities and other stakeholders with the necessary skills, tools, and knowledge to become proactive leaders in building equitable development solutions.We are a leader in innovative collaborative decision-making processes that integrate robust spatial and policy analysis with the priorities and insights that reflect the unique history, character and context of local communities. Skeo Solutions For more information, contact: Miranda Maupin mmaupin@skeo.com www.skeo.com (434) 975-6700 May 2013