Senior News - The City of Negaunee


Senior News - The City of Negaunee
Senior News
Negaunee Senior Citizens Center
July 2016
Monthly Newsletter
H e l p i n g a r e a s e n i o r c i t i z e n s l i v e i n d e p e n d e n t ly, w i t h d i g n i t y, s i n c e 1 9 7 4 .
Pioneer Week festivities begin July 5
he Negaunee Senior Center staff
will host a variety of Pioneer
Days activities this year.
Our first Pioneer Week Cribbage
Tournament will be held at 12:30 p.m.
on Tuesday, July 5. Pick your partner,
sign up and pay by Friday, July 1. Cost
is $5 per person.
In addition, continental breakfast
will be served from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
every morning during Pioneer Week,
July 5 through 8 for $4. The cost
includes a beverage, fruit and a homemade muffin. Our regular breakfast
also will be offered on Thursday
morning for $5.
Reunions will be held all week at
the center (see below), as well as the
Friends of the Negaunee Public
Library book sale from 9:00 a.m. to
Tuesday, July 5
• 10 a.m.—Class of ’54
• 1 p.m.—Class of ’48
Thursday, July 7
• 10 a.m.—Class of ’60
• 10 a.m.—Class of ’61
• 1 p.m.—Class of ’62
Center reunions scheduled
Wednesday, July 6
• 9 a.m.—Class of ’51
• 10 a.m.—Class of ’50
• 10 a.m.—Class of ’52
• 1 p.m.—Class of ’47
Friday, July 8
• 10 a.m.—Class of ’59
• 11 a.m.—Class of ’46
• 11:30 a.m.—St. Paul All-Class
Lose Weight, Prevent Diabetes
o you have pre-diabetes and not
know it? Almost 50 percent of
people over the age of 65 can answer
“yes” to that question.
If you don’t treat pre-diabetes, it
can lead to getting Type 2 diabetes,
having a heart attack or stroke. Plus if
you get diabetes, your health care
costs will double.
Do you have high blood pressure,
cholesterol or triglycerides? Do you
have a brother, sister, mom or dad who
have diabetes? If you are a woman,
have you ever given birth to a child
weighing more than nine pounds? Are
you overweight? Do you get little or
no physical activity most days of the
week? If you answered YES to one or
more of those questions, you may
have pre-diabetes.
If you are over the age of 65 and
answered “yes” to one of those ques-
tions, ask your health care provider to
send you a free Medicare
Diabetes/Pre-diabetes blood test.
The good news is that you can prevent Type 2 diabetes. If your blood
glucose is too high, but you don’t yet
have diabetes, losing a little weight
and getting active about 150 minutes
per week cuts your risk of getting diabetes by 60 percent.
Sometimes it is difficult to lose
weight and make other lifestyle
changes on your own; come and learn
about a program that will offer you
support in the process.
Join Ann Constance from UPDON
for a presentation at noon on August
10 to hear more about the program,
Lose Weight—Prevent Diabetes, that
is coming to the Negaunee Senior
Center. The program has been shown
to prevent Type 2 diabetes.
4:00 p.m. on Thursday, July 9.
Carnival Bingo will be held at 1:00
p.m. on Friday, July 8. A concession
stand will be open.
Stop in anytime we’re open to participate in special drawings and giveaways, including a wheel of juustoa!
For details about non-senior center
Pioneer Week activities, visit
July Events
Center Closed
Pioneer Days Cribbage
Blood Pressure
Carnival Bingo &
Concession Stand
FootCare Clinic
Repel Bugs with Oils
Blood Pressure
Memory Clinic Presentation
Tiger Trip Meeting
Parkinsons Support Group
FootCare Clinic
Cribbage Tournament
Reverse Mortgage
Boston Blue Travel Meeting
Boston Red Travel Meeting
Negaunee Senior Center
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday-Friday
Visit us on Facebook!
Newsletter postage is paid for by sponsors.
The Negaunee Senior Center is supported by
the City of Negaunee, Marquette County Senior
Millage, UPCAP, United Way, other grants and
the generous donations of individuals and
organizations. In accordance with applicable
State and Federal Laws, we do not discriminate
in employment or the provisions of its services.
Potluckers plan
summer party
he next Potluckers will be held on
Friday, July 15, and will feature
summer salads (sweet and savory) and
sandwiches. Dishes must arrive by
11:30 a.m. and the meal is served no
later than noon. Pre-registration must
be done by Wednesday, July 13.
Those who wish to eat, but aren’t
able to bring a dish can pay a $5 fee
and also must pre-register.
A limited number of slots are available for those not bringing a dish to
ensure we have enough food. Couples
can bring one main dish, two side
dishes or one side dish and pay $5 for
the second meal.
To sign up, call 475-6266.
This month’s
he center is in need of the followT
ing items, for those who want to
help us out.
• Cake mixes (in pairs if possible)
• Chips & chip dip
• Cookie mixes
• Decaffeinated coffee
• Door prizes (new or homemade)
• Frosting
• Small and medium gift bags
• Juice (large bottles)
• Maple syrup (not sugar-free)
• Muffin mixes
• Non-religious sympathy cards
If you want to donate to a special
event such as our meals, ask at the
front desk for ideas. We always appreciate homemade baked goods for our
events, but it’s helpful to know ahead
of time so we can plan on making less.
As always, we thank you for your
generous donations; we couldn’t keep
things running without your help!
e are respectfully requesting that
folks do not donate the following items, as we do not have room in
storage or cannot accept these items
for other reasons:
• No plastic containers
• No magazines or books
• No knick-knacks or decorations
• No religious greeting cards
Negaunee Senior Center News
Funding for insurance
assistance under scrutiny
approved the FY17 Labor, HHS,
Education Appropriations bill with a
nearly unanimous vote of 29-1.
While there were some increases
in aging services, one critical program was targeted for significant cuts
that will affect our senior center.
The Committee proposed that the
Medicare State Health Insurance
Assistance Program (SHIP) will lose
all of its $52.1 million in funding,
effectively eliminating the program.
SHIP funding provides training for
Negaunee’s senior center social work
staff so we can help you with your
health insurance questions and plan
Since 1992, SHIP has been providing free, in-depth, personalized counseling to seniors and people with dis-
abilities who need unbiased help with
the growing complexities of
Medicare coverage. SHIPs also provide assistance with fraud and abuse
issues, billing problems, appeal
rights and enrollment in low-income
protection programs. Last year, over
7 million Medicare beneficiaries
received help from the program.
Committee has not yet taken action
on its version of the FY17 LaborHHS Appropriations bill, but it is
expected to do so soon. It is crucial
that the House not include similar
cuts to SHIPs for us to be able to continue to get updated training for our
social worker to counsel you on your
health insurance.
Now is a critical time to tell your
members of Congress how you feel
about these cuts.
Monthly cribbage tournament
scheduled for July 26
cribbage tournament is scheduled for 12:30 p.m. on
Tuesday, July 26 at the senior center.
Sign-up is mandatory by Friday,
June 22; the charge is $5 per person. Partners can sign up together,
or the senior center staff can help
pair up partners.
Door prizes will be given away
to participants, and a 50/50 drawing will be available. To sign up,
stop in at the center.
No over-the-phone entries will
be taken, as we need your entry fee
to reserve your spot.
Advance Care Planning
sessions available at center
very adult has the right to choose
what medical care they think is
best for themselves.
Planning your care ahead of time
allows others to know and honor
your choices. A caring facilitator will
be available help you navigate this
discussion by appointment.
Certified facilitators will help you
and your caregivers discuss, consider, and understand what is important
to you and how you want to live. Tell
those caring for you what you value
and wish for, even if you were having
a health crisis.
Advance Care Planning (ACP) lets
you choose someone to be your
advocate and tell health care
providers what to do for you when
you are unable to. Please make sure
you have your advocate chosen prior
to making an appointment.
Call the senior center at 475-6266
for details or an appointment.
July 2016
Social Worker’s Corner
Programs Abound: Call today
ur social worker can look into
multiple programs to see what
you qualify for.
Many senior citizens who get one
benefit qualify for others and are
not aware. Brittany can help individuals apply for commodities,
phone service discounts, Bridge
Card food benefits, Medicaid, prescription drug coverage help, deliverable fuel assistance and more.
If you are interested in any programs or want to see what is available to you, call Brittany at 4756266.
for those who are unable to do this
Call Brittany at 475-6266 to get
your paperwork done and get on
our list for service.
Project Fresh applications coming
enior Project Fresh applications
are now available. This program
provides financially challenged
households with $20 in coupons to
use on Michigan produce at
farmer’s markets.
Call Brittany at 475-6266 for an
application if you would like to
apply for some coupons.
Books are extremely limited this
Fraud reminder
year and are available on a firstemember never to give out your come, first-served basis for those
Medicare or Medicaid informa- who qualify.
tion over the phone. If you have
questions about insurance fraud, Parkinsons support group set
call Brittany at 475-6266.
he Negaunee Senior Center’s
Parkinsons Support Group
Need Help? Call us today
takes place at 1:00 p.m. on the
lease contact Brittany if you are fourth Monday of the month. The
in need of assistance with yard next meeting is on July 25. The
work. We can help with raking, group is open to anyone affected by
window washing and wall washing Parkinsons Disease.
Learn about memory
care, reverse mortgages
he Negaunee Senior Center has a
variety of presentations set for
Wednesdays in July.
There will be no presentation on
July 6 due to Pioneer Week festivities.
Michelle Trawick will come and
talk about how to repel insects with
essential oils. Come and learn how
to make safe, non-toxic bug repellents during this presentation on July
On July 20, Rachel Connon, occupational therapist, will talk about the
UP Health System Memory Center
and what it has to offer. Memory loss
can be challenging for the individual
and their family and friends. Learn
about how you can maintain your
highest level of functioning at this
On July 27, Janet from Wells
Fargo will come and talk about
Reverse Mortgages. Many television
commercials have glamorized the
reverse mortgage process as a way to
get “free money.” Come and learn
from a financial expert what to
expect if you want to pursue a
reverse mortgage.
All presentations begin at noon,
and are free and open to the public.
In August, presentations include a
talk by Katie Koch, US Fish and
Wildlife Service Migratory Bird
Biologist. An optional bird walk
nearby will follow (weather and
interest dependent). Also, a preview
of the Lose Weight-Prevent Diabetes
class will be held.
Negaunee Senior Center News
Monthly Service
News & Notes
• The Negaunee Senior Center
FootCare Clinic will be held on
Tuesday, July 12 and Tuesday, July
26. Call the center at 475-6266 to
make your appointment. The cost for
the clinic is $15 and includes a foot
soak, nail clipping and a foot inspection. In-home service is available by
calling U.P. Home Health at 4854545. Thank you to U.P. Home Health
for providing this service.
• The Negaunee Senior Center
Blood Pressure Clinic is held at 10
a.m. on Wednesdays, July 6 and July
20. Blood pressure and blood sugar
screenings are free. There is a $5
charge for cholesterol checks. We
thank U.P. Home Health & Hospice
for providing this service.
• Grocery Grabbers will be held
on Wednesday, July 6. Deadline to
sign up is 2 p.m. on Tuesday, July 5.
for the bus and meal. Marq-Tran picks
residents up at Richmond Township
Hall, travels to the Negaunee Senior
Center for a meal, and then goes grocery shopping. Participants are
dropped off at their homes and assisted with carrying their groceries. The
bus will stop at Range Bank in
Negaunee prior to going grocery
shopping. Thank you to Marq-Tran
for providing this service.
• The Marquette Range Retired
Steelworker’s Club will not have a
meeting in July.
• Do you have legal questions? The
Negaunee Senior Center can help you
find answers. Call 475-6266 to schedule an appointment with a local attorney for the following month. This
service is free to any senior citizen in
our service area.
• If a person is injured or becomes
ill while at the Negaunee Senior
Citizens Center and the illness or
injury appears to be life threatening,
911 will be called. A family member
or designated person will be notified.
Responsibility for the ambulance
charge is with the individual.
• In the event of a power or other
utility outage, the center must close
for safety and health regulatory reasons.
July 2016
We thank Cathy Andrews for her donation in memory of her daughter, Julie Andrews.
We thank Deneice Anaya for her donation in memory of Frances Brauns.
We thank Ben & Judy Vanni for their donation in memory of Margaret & Clayton Cody.
We thank Lonnie & Marion St. Aubin for their donation in memory of Allen & Nancy Dighera.
We thank Betty Hemmila for her donation in memory of Joan Hintsala.
We thank Ernie Holland for her donation in memory of Jack Holland.
We thank Joy Holman for her donation in memory of Betty & Kip Holman.
We thank Joy Holman and Patty Holman for their donation in memory of Robert Holman.
We thank the Negaunee Invitational for their donation in memory of Dave “Nefton” Johnson.
We thank Jim LaJoie for his donation in memory of Jerry LaJoie.
We thank Ernie LaJoie for his donation in memory of Louis & Louise LaJoie.
We thank the LeQuia family for their donation in memory of Francis “Fuzzy” LeQuia.
We thank Mary Leece for her donation in memory of Danzil & Alice Matthews.
We thank Barb Perrault for her donation in memory of Joe Perrault.
We thank Vera Stanaway for her donation in memory of Norman “Boosta” Stanaway.
We thank Ben & Judy Vanni for their donation in memory of Matt & Fern Vanni.
We thank Bruce & Norma Greenwood for their donation in memory of Alan K. Whitford.
British Landscapes tour filling up; 2017 trips set
he Negaunee Senior Citizens casino vouchers, two games at
Center’s group travel is in full Comerica Park and transportation.
Currently we are taking names for
swing for the 2016-17 travel season.
Don’t delay to reserve your seat on our waiting list; no money is collected to be on the list if a spot opens, so
one of our fun trips.
call and get your name on the list
Detroit Tiger Trip
he center is embarking on a
Detroit Tiger Trip, set for August England, Scotland & Wales
ur British Landscapes tour is
17 & 18. The trip includes one
open for sign up for everyone by
night’s stay in Motor City Casino,
Happy Pioneer Days!
appointment. Get your passport and
call Kristy to set a time to sign up.
This once-in-a-lifetime experience
includes an optional extension to
Paris. There are just a few seats left,
so don’t put it off! Call Kristy for
more information at 475-6266.
Upcoming 2017 tour dates
• St. Augustine, April 28-May 8
• Maine, September 2017
When you are out and about during
Pioneer Week and the summer, don’t
forget the Elk’s as a place to gather!
We offer an air-conditioned
space, cold beverages and good
conversation to help you relax.
Negaunee Senior Center News
July 2016
Thank you!
To the Negaunee Commission on Aging:
Joy Holman—Chairperson
Larry Dillman—Vice Chairperson
Ernie LaJoie—Treasurer
Debbie Filizetti
Thanks to our great volunteers:
Grace Jalonen
Lee Johnson
Kate Peterson
Earl Pleau
Al Rautio
Linda Perucco, Rose Stanaway and Wanda Westman for running Bingo.
Larry Dillman for help with maintenance.
John Basolo, Darnel Chevrette and Bob Hooker for helping with cribbage.
Linda Dillman and Marion Olson for helping in the kitchen on Wednesdays.
Rodney Etelamaki and Larry Dillman for delivering commodities every month.
Ed & Nancy Berta for running the Monday CAAM meals.
Linda Dillman and Marge Healey for doing our laundry.
Jill Champion and Linda Saari for helping with aerobics.
To our Kitchen & Wish List donors:
Terry & John Basolo
Jon & Bonnie Butler
Jill Champion
Linda DeGabriele
Linda & Larry Dillman
John & Marlene Ennett
Shirley Ford
Byron Haraski
Special thanks to…
Irene Harvala
Joy Holman
Merton Holman
Bob Hooker
Annette Jachimski
Ann Kananen
Jeanne Nash
Painting Class
Parkinsons Support Group
Earl Pleau
Don Price
Betty Ann Pynnonen
Mike Richards
Beverly & Bill Scarbrough
Francine Valenti
Byron Williams
…Larry & Linda Dillman for taking care of a missing piece of our eve and a bee’s nest.
…to Bill Pellow for helping with garden preparation and planning.
We also thank those who have asked not to be named.
Without our donors and volunteers, we could not provide the activities and services that we do
for our seniors. Seniors and non-seniors are welcome to help out at the center.
To get your name on our volunteer list, please call 475-6266.
Negaunee Senior Center News
July 2016
Donation Slip
Under State and Federal Regulations, we are required to give persons receiving our services
an opportunity to donate to the Negaunee Senior Center. The use of this form is optional when making a donation.
Please remember that a donation is not required to receive services.
Those donations received without including this form will be credited to the person signing the check only.
$_______General Center Operations
$_______Memorial Fund in memory of_____________________________________
$_______Homemaking Services
$_______Other ________________________________________________
Your Name______________________________________________________________
Thank You!
Last Month’s Center Donors
The following people have made monetary contributions to the Negaunee Senior Center
from May 12 through June 16. We couldn’t do it without your continued support!
A. Michael Airaudi
Julie Anderson
Tom Anderson
Kathy Arbelius
Terri Beard
Mary Brintlinger
Bonnie & Jon Butler
Geraldine Cameron
Catherine Comensoli
Wayne Connors
Linda & Larry Dillman
Pryse & Louise Duerfeldt
Don Ellis
Jim & Jeanne Flannery
Eagles REAC
Mary Gervae
Steven & Elaine Giuchin
Betty Hemmila
Ernie Holland
Joy Holman
Frank Honkala
Grace Jalonen
Donna Johnson
Negaunee Senior Center News
Mike & Colleen Juidici
Helene Kainulainen
Maddie Kauppila
Grace Korhonen
Sarah Korpi
Bob & Alice LaJoie
Ernie LaJoie
Phil & Pat Langlois
Maxine LaParche
Laverne Laramie
Al Lehto
Marion Lindberg
Rogie Luoma
Ron McGlone
Maurice Merrill
Louis & Mary Ann Mitchell
Sheila Mock
Betty Nault
Betty Niemisto
Mary & Gerald Paju
Doug & Kathleen Palomaki
Don & Vera Palomaki
Miles Parkkonen
Virginia Paulson
Doreen Pietila
Susan Piziali
Wayne & Carol Pleaugh
Robert & Joan Pynnonen
Don & Millie Robare
Ted Seppanen
Dorothy Sivula
George Stagliano
Vera Stanaway
Lonnie & Marion St. Aubin
Nancy Stoll
Paul & Martha Suomi
Betty Tamminen
Francine Valenti
Ben & Judy Vanni
Kathleen Villa
Betty J. Waara
Marilyn Warren
Bea Wertanen
Lenore Wetton
July 2016
Happy Birthday!
The following seniors, senior center staff (*) and friends of the center celebrate their birthdays in July.
IdaMae Rochon
Cathy Pierce
Thomas Ball
Bernice Crow
Shirley Dunstan
Cecile Sleeman
Jerry Williams
Bill Mattson
Sybil Luoma
Alice LaJoie
Karen Claussen
Russell Williams
Beverly Lamkin
Laurel Mager
Vivian Waatti
Laverne Laramie
Margaret Sorelle
Donald Mattonen
William Carlson
Phyllis James
Karen Pepin
Elaine Newman
Leino Pynnonen
Sarah Korpi
Elaine Anderson
Rose Marie Merrick
Elaine Moyle
Tom Anderson
John Cohan
Sharon Connors
Henry Steede
Ed Jachimski
Louise Duerfeldt
Arthur Hicks
Ruth Zanetti
Kathleen Mattonen
Harley Clickner
Rose Larson
Ron Rytkonen
Remigia Davey
Joanne Fowler
Mike Starrine
Margaret Campbell
Virginia LaForest
Rodney Guizzetti
Corina Porres*
Emma Johnson
Arlene Lancour
Rita Podeszwik
Lillian Swanson
Game Winners
If you notice the name of a person who has passed away, please let the center know.
We are looking for former and new card players to play. If you are interested, come on in by 12:30 p.m. on the days
we play, or call and offer your name on the substitute list. All are welcome; come join the fun.
Drop-In Cribbage
Congratulations to the
May cribbage
tournament champs:
5/17/16—Ginna LaForest & Fran Johnson—1211
5/24/16—Ginna LaForest & Mike Richards—1215
Mike Kallioinen &
5/26/16—Darnel Chevrette & Jean Johns—1210
Shirley Ford
6/2/16—Walt Nuorala & Maddie Kauppila—1190
6/7/16—Ginna LaForest & Mike Richards—1192
6/14/16—John Basolo & Fran Johnson—1222
6/16/16—Byron Tossava & Fran Johnson—1176
Drop-In Pinochle
5/23/16—Pete Halverson & Buzzy Violetta—5190
6/6/16—John Basolo & Buzzy Violetta—5320
6/13/16—Pete Halverson & Maddie Kauppila—6130
Negaunee Senior Center News
July 2016
Negaunee Senior Citizens Center
410 Jackson Street
Negaunee, MI 49866
U.S. Postage Paid
Permit #3
Negaunee, MI
July Wednesday Lunch Schedule
July 6: Pasty Pie
A slice of homemade pasty pie served with a side of coleslaw.
July 13: Swedish Meatballs
Meatballs in savory sauce, served over egg noodles with vegetables on the side and fresh bread.
July 20: Chicken & Pasta
Pasta with Marinara sauce, and breaded boneless chicken served with garlic bread.
July 27: Meatloaf
Homemade meatloaf with gravy, baked potato, vegetables and fresh bread.
A limited amount of take-out orders are available by calling before 11:00 a.m. on the day of the lunch.
$5.75 for seniors, dine-in or take-out; $6.75 for the general public, dine-in or take-out
Lunches are homemade by our center staff and served on Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m. to noon, or until sold out.
If the center is closed on a Wednesday due to inclement weather, the meal will be held the next day we are open.