

Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Welcome to the second edition of the Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide for Microsoft Business
Solutions partners in North America. This desktop resource is designed to serve as a quick reference
to the wealth of marketing tools and resources available to you, our business partner. This edition has
been updated with newly available marketing information and to reflect updates to existing marketing
tools and resources.
Just Added! For your convenience we’ve also added a CD which contains a soft copy of the guide for
additional portability and easy access to URLs. As an added bonus, the CD also contains a copy of
the newly published ‘Marketing Guide for Partners’—a complete collection of checklists and ‘how
to’ guidance even the most experienced marketer can gain from. Be sure to check it out! You can
also access electronic versions of the CD content on PartnerSource > Communities > Marketing >
Resources > Marketing & Creative Resources and in the > How To Guides section.
The Guide is Organized into Two Sections
Opportunities Marketing tools and services available to you as a Microsoft Business
Solutions partner.
Resources Articles, tips and a guide to vendors that can assist you in creating and
executing your marketing plans.
This document is also available at https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource/communities/marketing under
Resources. You can use this PDF version to quickly and easily access the URL’s throughout the guide.
How to Use this Guide
1. Familiarize yourself with the Marketing Community Site and sign-up for the Marketing Insights
Newsletter. The Microsoft services and opportunities in this guide are generally accessed on
PartnerSource – your central location for Microsoft Business Solutions services. As a Microsoft
Business Solutions Partner, you have a login to the site and can visit PartnerSource Home Page >
Communities > Marketing to see all the resources and latest news on the Marketing Community
home page detailed on page 3. While you’re there, don’t forget to opt-into Marketing Insights.
This valuable monthly newsletter is your first and best place to learn about new programs, new
marketing resources, funding options and limited time offers.
2. Ensure your company takes advantage of the power of the Microsoft brand. Go to page 92 to
learn how to build your Certified Partner Logo with the appropriate competencies. Learn more
about the competencies and how your firm becomes known for your expertise in Microsoft
Business Solutions—Axapta; Microsoft Business Solutions—Great Plains; Microsoft Business
Solutions—Navision; Microsoft Business Solutions—Solomon; Microsoft Business Solutions—
Retail Management Solutions; and Microsoft Business Solutions—CRM.
3. Make sure you take advantage of the marketing, sales and product training available to
Microsoft Business Solutions partners at no charge. The training is designed to acquaint you with
the many Microsoft resources available, to increase your marketing expertise and to assist you in
efficiently generating new leads for your business. To learn more about the training, including MBS
101 courses, open your guide to page 3.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
4. Familiarize yourself with Microsoft’s “Marketing Services for Partners” on page 11. This turnkey
direct marketing service takes the work out of direct mail lead generation campaigns, allowing you
to focus on the other important aspects of your job. You can easily customize direct mail campaigns
with your company logo and contact information, sign-up for industry-specific campaigns, and take
advantage of periodic pricing incentives, all of which makes your marketing resources go further.
5. Take the time to read the “How To” articles at the beginning of each segment in Section 2:
Resources. They provide a good overview of the marketing basics and provide links to more
information that you can use to build and execute your plan.
Let Us Know What You Think
We will publish regular updates only if you find it valuable. Please send any feedback or suggestions for
additional content. Send your comments to the marketing information mailbox at mbsmkt@microsoft.com.
Finally, we’d like to thank Barbara Pfeiffer at Mile Square Marketing for her assistance in creating this
We hope you find this guide useful and we look forward to seeing your comments and your marketing
The resources and tools in this guide are designed for Microsoft Business Solutions partners in the U.S., and in some cases may
be restricted by location and quantity. If you are located outside of the United States, feel free to use the online resources as
appropriate for your area.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Microsoft Business Solutions
Partner Marketing at a Glance
Stay Informed With These Key Resources
Bring your marketing efforts to the next level by staying
updated on the latest Microsoft Business Solutions marketing
programs, special offers and partner engagement programs.
1. The Marketing Community Website on PartnerSource
offers a wealth of marketing resources and tools designed to complement your own local
marketing efforts. It includes turnkey direct mail campaigns, “a la carte” marketing tools,
event services for partners, planning resources and templates, funding options and more at
2. Use the Marketing Information Mailbox to get fast answers to your Microsoft Business Solutions
marketing questions. Contact mbsmkt@microsoft.com for marketing assistance.
3. Opt into the Marketing Insights Newsletter delivered directly to your in-box with the latest
programs, special offers, and limited time opportunities. To sign-up for the monthly publication, go
to http://www.microsoft.com/businesssolutions and log into PartnerSource > VOICE > Insights >
Plan, Prospect and Prove With These Key Tools
The programs offered to Microsoft Business Solutions partners fall into three groups: informational
resources and tools that allow you to create effective marketing PLANS; tools, programs and
information to help you PROSPECT for new customers; and tools, ideas and resources to educate you
and help you PROVE your expertise and effectiveness to clients. Each of the tools and programs listed
below is detailed later in this guide.
Marketing Lead Calculator
Marketing Development Plan Template
Marketing Investment ROI Tool
Marketing Plan that Drives Sales
Marketing Plan that Drives Sales Worksheet
Microsoft “Marketing Services for Partners”
“A La Carte” Marketing Tools
Event Services for Partners
Tradeshow Booth Rental
Partner Industry Guides
Partner Campaign Center
Logo Builder
ROI Tools
Licensing Configurator
Microsoft Intelligent Knowledge Engine (MIKE) http://www.ms-gearup.com/salestools/ViewTools.aspx?utype=guest
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Newsletters at a Glance
Stay informed on the latest products, sales and marketing news, events, announcements, research
and more by subscribing to the opt-in newsletters that deliver content customized to your role in your
organization. Insights delivers timely information, direct to your in-box, just when you need it.
Sign up for newsletters on Partner Source:
VOICE > Insights > Subscribe
Marketing Insights Newsletter (Monthly)
Market Intelligence Newsletter (Monthly)
Customer Service News (Occasionally)
Partner Service News (Occasionally)
Public Relations & Analyst Relations (Occasionally)
U.S. Partner Readiness News & Events (Monthly)
Partner Programs News (Monthly)
Microsoft Events (Occasionally)
Microsoft Business Solutions in the News (Weekly)
Sales News (Occasionally)
Solutions Newsletters: Navision Solutions News, Axapta Solutions News, Great
Plains Solutions News, Solomon Solutions News, CRM News
Existing Customer Sales & Marketing News (Twice A Month)
Technical Support Newsletters: Retail Management System, CRM, Great Plains,
Small Business Manager, Solomon. Also – Training Update.
Industry Newsletters: Professional Services, Retail, Distribution, Manufacturing
For Additional Assistance
Microsoft Business Solutions is pleased to announce the implementation of the US MBS Partner
Resource Desk (PRD). The MBS PRD provides you with one number to call when you need help
navigating and engaging with various support and information resources across Microsoft. If the
MBS PRD staff cannot answer your question, they will redirect it and will track it until you’ve received
an answer. The MBS PRD is chartered to answer marketing, sales, training and programmatic
questions. It will redirect you to our technical resources for technical questions and to the appropriate
organization for licensing questions. Of course, if you already know where to go for your issue
resolution, you should continue to go there. By focusing on programmatic and support questions, the
MBS PRD will help you get answers much more rapidly and will ensure that you get an appropriate
Contact the Resource Desk at mbsprtnr@microsoft.com or via phone. Call 1-800-426-9400, press 1,
and then dial extension 81792. The MBS Partner Resource Desk is open for business from 6 am to 6
pm PST.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Table of Contents
Section 1: Microsoft Opportunities
Planning Tools & Training
MBS 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Marketing Readiness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Planning Templates, Worksheets & Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Library of Marketing “How To” Guides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Sales, Marketing & Licensing Seminars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Marketing Services
Microsoft Marketing Services for Partners (Prospect Direct Mail) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Go To Market Campaigns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12
A La Carte Marketing Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Existing Customer Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
Product Marketing Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
Industry Marketing Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
ISV Partner Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
Event Services for Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23
Tradeshow Booth Rental Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
Funding Your Marketing Activities with Business Development Funds (BDF) . . . . . . . . . . . . .27
Other Marketing Tools and Services
Case Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
Customer References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
ROI Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Microsoft Intelligent Knowledge Engine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Product and Licensing Configurator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Section 2: External Resources & Vendors
Marketing Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Marketing Services
Direct Marketing: Creative and Messaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Direct Marketing: Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Direct Marketing: Offers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Direct Marketing: E-Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Customer Nurture Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Influencer Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Event Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Tradeshows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Telemarketing & Telesales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Other Resources
Branding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Case Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Public Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Press Relations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Collateral: Printers/Designers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Other Marketing Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Section 1:
Microsoft Opportunities
Planning Tools & Training
MBS 101 and Marketing Readiness
Microsoft Business Solutions is committed to providing the training and resources you need to achieve
mutual business success. MBS 101 provides the necessary insight to allow you to work effectively
and efficiently, utilizing the MBS resources designed to get you up to speed as quickly as possible.
MBS 101 consists of five online courses/webcasts. Each class targets a specific area of knowledge
partners need to understand to navigate Microsoft’s infrastructure most effectively. You can see
schedules for upcoming MBS 101 classes at http://www.msreadiness.com/mbs/ or view prerecorded webcasts at https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource/documents/partneressentials/
Whether you’re a new partner, new to MBS, or new to the marketing role, you will have many tools and
resources available to you, and it’s important that you know how to take advantage of them.
By attending an MBS 101 on-line session, you will learn:
How to leverage electronic partner tools and services including PartnerSource, VOICE, and
How to represent Microsoft Business Solutions and our products in the marketplace.
How to achieve the certifications required to earn discounts provided by Microsoft Business
How to leverage your resources at Microsoft - who to contact and where to go to get help.
How to tap into the Microsoft marketing engine for lead generation and much more.
Marketing Professional Community
The Marketing Professional Community was created to serve the marketing professionals in MBS
partner organizations with training (the basics in addition to advanced classes), recognition for your
efforts, and sharing of best practices from firms like yours. Join the community (it’s free!) to hone your
marketing skills, learn from your peers and accelerate your business success.
How to Join
It’s simple! Go to PartnerSource > Communities > Marketing. Scroll down to the lower part of the
page and click on the Quick Link titled “Marketing Professional Community”. You can also access the
page directly with the following link: https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource/communities/
marketing/calendar/Register.htm. There’s no cost to join except your investment in advancing your
marketing skills and knowledge.
What’s Included
n Community web site with one-stop shopping for marketing information: If you haven’t been to the
Marketing Community site lately on PartnerSource at https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource/
communities/marketing, it’s time you checked out the refreshed site. It features a new interface,
enhanced navigation, links to the marketing resources on the Microsoft for Partners site, and
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Monthly webcast training: Each month, we will host a Marketing Professional Community call
and webcast designed to help arm you with fresh ideas and information about marketing your
company, services and MBS solutions. These calls will occur on the second Tuesday of every
month at 11:00 am PST and will routinely feature both Microsoft and industry experts. To register,
go to www.msreadiness.com > New Web Seminars > Microsoft Business Solutions and look for
the Marketing Community webcast in the General category. Subscribe to Marketing Insights for
announcements on the monthly topics.
Direct line to marketing announcements from MBS: By joining the Community, you can be
assured that you hear about new marketing tools and resources as they come available via
periodic communications and mailings targeted specifically at the Marketing Professional
Community. You will receive hard copies of hot new marketing tools and resources like the recently
issued Resource Directory and Marketing Opportunity and Resource Guide.
Eligibility for recognition: We’ll recognize the great marketing that our Marketing Professional
Community members are doing everyday in a number of ways including opportunities to be
featured in best practice case studies published quarterly and with annual Marketing Excellence
Awards that will be distributed at Worldwide Partner Conference.
Sharing of ideas & best practices: You will have the opportunity to learn from other MBS partners
in a number of different ways -- periodically in our monthly calls, at Marketing Professional
sessions at events such as Worldwide Partner Conference, and in case studies.
A welcome kit: Your kit will contain marketing materials, marketing resources and a gift for joining.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Planning Templates, Worksheets & Tools
Marketing Plan Template
This Marketing Development Plan template will help you organize and create a powerful marketing plan
for your business. It takes you step-by-step through a process of defining your company’s mission and
vision, writing strategic goals and objectives, planning tactical actions to address your objectives, and
planning the calendar and budget.
How to Implement a Marketing Program that Drives Sales
This step-by-step guide to creating a marketing plan that drives leads and sales was created
specifically for Microsoft’s partners by the Sales Lead Expert™, Mac McIntosh.
Marketing Plan Worksheet
This worksheet is a companion to the “How to Implement a Marketing Program That Drives Sales”
guide. Simply fill in the blanks to capture the information you need to build a marketing plan that
drives leads and sales.
Measuring Your Marketing ROI
As you create your marketing plan, it’s important to relate the scale of your demand creation
campaigns to your sales goals. This Marketing Investment Tool can help you determine how much you
should invest to meet your “customer add” goals.
Marketing Leads Calculator
Do you need to know the number of leads you need to meet your sales objectives? This is a
spreadsheet that automatically performs a series of simple calculations based on information you
provide about your sales revenue goals, close rate, average sales price, and so forth to give you a
realistic number of marketing leads you should strive for in order to meet your sales objectives. It was
created specifically for Microsoft by the Sales Lead Expert™, Mac McIntosh.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Library of Marketing “How To” Guides
This section of PartnerSource contains a growing library of how-to guides to help you put together
successful marketing campaigns. How To guides will cover topics like: direct mail, advertising, public
relations, telemarketing, trade shows and seminars, plus a guide on how to integrate your marketing
activities. To download these easy-to-use guides, simply use the links below.
Marketing Guide for Partners
This newly published (March 2005) marketing guide outlines tools and resources available to
Microsoft Certified and Gold Certified Partners. Some will be familiar as you may already be using
them today as a Microsoft Business Solutions partner, but others might be an entirely new resource
for you to investigate. This guide also contains an entire section dedicated to ‘how to’ guidance even
the most experienced marketer can gain from.
How to Drive Marketing Response Rates
This guide explores the many facets that drive response rates, including target selection, frequency,
offers, media choices, telesales, and more. In just 12 pages, you’ll gain insight into some of the most
powerful response-building techniques possible.
How to Do E-Marketing
How can your business effectively add e-marketing to your brand and lead campaigns? Here you’ll find
a rich introduction to the do’s and don’ts of this marketing strategy.
Lead-Generation Tactics: A Recipe for Success
This how-to guide was specifically created for Microsoft by Mac McIntosh, the Sales Lead Expert™. It is
filled with sales lead generation tips and techniques that are proven to work for Microsoft’s Partners.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Additional marketing guides
A number of excellent marketing guides on the following topics have been created for your use. Please
take the time to download the guides most relevant to your business and use them to increase your
marketing effectiveness. You can find the guides on PartnerSource > Communities > Marketing >
Resources > How To Guides (https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource/communities/marketing/
resources/howto/) or on the Microsoft for Partners site in the Sales and Marketing section at
Marketing campaigns
E-Mail campaigns
Direct mail
Hosting business technology events with customers
Presentation skills
Press relations
Running an event
Creating an effective offer
Running an integrated marketing campaign
How to write a marketing plan
Sales, Marketing & Licensing Seminars
Get the tools and information you need to sell the business value of new Microsoft products and solutions
to your customers. Learn from Microsoft subject matter experts on a variety of topics at your convenience,
with our latest sales, marketing and licensing Web seminars designed specifically for Microsoft partners!
Examples of topics would be:
Great Plains
Retail Management Systems and Solomon product training
How to Sell Axapta – Today and Tomorrow
Using Relationship Marketing to Build Your Business
and many more
For a complete list of all events, go to http://www.msreadiness.com/salestraining/ or
http://www.msreadiness.com/salestraining/recordedwebcasts.asp for a list of all recorded events.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Marketing Services
Microsoft Marketing Services For Partners
Introducing Microsoft Marketing Services for Partners. Better power tools for better lead-building.
Now you can quickly and easily execute and launch customized direct marketing campaigns, from
list rental — to printing — to offer fulfillment and response telequalification. Microsoft Marketing
Services for Partners builds on the Turnkey Marketing program and Custom Collateral Tool with
enhanced technology for even stronger lead generation. When you are a Microsoft Business
Solutions Partner, you get the direct marketing tools you need to compete. Smarter. Easier. And yours
to customize. You can review a list of all the available options on the Marketing Community Site
https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource/communities/marketing/ or at http://www.mspartnerdirect.com.
The Microsoft Marketing Services for Partners is a complete turnkey direct mail service, designed
with your needs in mind. The service allows you to offload the tactical details of writing and creating
effective direct mail and lets you focus on the important details of running your business. For the cost
of $1.50 per mailer (U.S. funds), which can be offset with your Business Development Funds, you
List rental
Creating the direct mailers and messaging
Printing the mailers
Mailing services
Response management for collecting the responses via
business reply card, website, phone and fax
Fulfillment of the offer or call-to-action to the prospect
Tele-qualification of the responses
Email the responses to you
What’s New This Year?
Now you can brand the direct mailers with your
company’s logo, your new Certified Partner
Logo and your contact information.
Build your mailers right online — select the
mailer you want, customize it, and see the
results on-screen.
Get instant access to the zip codes you need
to target your mailing to the appropriate
geography. Just enter the state and we’ll
supply all of the zip codes in an easy to select
drop-down box.
Gain brand recognition at the response Web
site — when prospects enter your mailer code,
they’ll get an offer registration page branded
with your company logo.
Upload lists to a safe, secure site — “My
Library” can house as many mailing lists as
you like – and you have exclusive access.
Track your success — “My Campaigns” gives
you fast, easy online access to your mailing
Multi-month campaign sign-up. Lock down your
marketing campaigns up to four months in
advance by using the new feature which allows
you to pick your mail date from a drop-down box.
You can now lock in your Business
Development Funds at the time of your order
so no more last minute scrambling to utilize
expiring Business Development Funds.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Go-To-Market Campaigns:
What Are They and Why Are They Important?
A Go-To-Market (GTM) is an integrated marketing campaign that addresses common customer
pains. The vision of a GTM is to provide you with integrated planning, training, marketing, sales and
technical resources that help you identify and respond to the most significant market opportunities.
The campaign focuses on business issues and solutions, not just products, and includes a Microsoft
investment in direct mail, print advertising, online advertising, webinars, etc., directly to customers. It
is designed to generate new customer leads, and includes partner marketing opportunities such as
direct mail campaigns.
To take advantage of the momentum in the marketplace created by the Go-To-Market “customer-facing”
activities, you can execute GTM lead generation campaigns in your own geography by:
1. Go to http://www.mspartnerdirect.com for turnkey direct mail services. The direct mail campaigns
mirror the corporate GTM content and they not only have “horizontal” messaging for a broad target
market but also industry-specific messaging for retail, distribution, manufacturing and professional
services markets.
2. Use the GTM marketing materials designed with partners in mind (self-mailer, print ads,
banner ads, email templates, etc.) posted on the “a la carte” site on PartnerSource at
Business Reply
E-Mail Tools
Web Banners &
Fax Template
Newsletter Copy
Offer /
Fulfillment Piece
Direct Mail Piece
Events Letter
Offer & Intro
Using the ready made tools, you can create a complete marketing campaign – customized with your
own call to action – with little effort and minimal expense.
FY05 Go To Market
Small Business
*Includes vertical and horizontal content.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Á La Carte Marketing Tools
Generate new leads and build stronger local awareness with free, downloadable marketing tools you
can customize with your company logo and information. These are professionally written and designed
communications that let you co-brand with your Microsoft Business Solutions Certified Partner logo
and add impact to your marketing campaigns and seminars. Access a wide variety of self-service
marketing tools and resources designed to compliment your marketing efforts in your local geography.
You’ll find customizable letter templates, print ads, self mailers, PowerPoint presentations and more
that can supplement your own marketing campaigns.
The A La Carte tools are organized by industry to enable you to quickly find what you need, depending
upon the audience you’re marketing to. In the Related Marketing Tools category, you’ll find an
assortment of resources that are not product or industry specific, such as the Tradeshow Booth Rental
program and press releases.
Life Sciences
Manufacturing & Supply Chain Marketing Tools
Business Insight
Manufacturing Hub & Spoke
Business Intelligence
Not For Profit
Customer Relationship Management Marketing Tools
Other Industry Tools
n Distribution Industry Marketing Tools
Professional Services Industry Marketing Tools
n Essential Guide
Related Marketing Tools
Existing Customer Marketing Tools
Retail Marketing Tools
Financial Management & Consulting
Small Business Financials
Go-To-Market (GTM) Toolkits
ERP Marketing Tools
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Existing Customer Marketing
A calendar of all existing customer marketing campaigns – as well as detailed information on the
campaigns -- can be found on PartnerSource >> Pricing & Ordering >> Campaigns or
Communities >> Marketing >> Marketing Programs >> Existing Customer Marketing.
Add-On-Action Program – Existing Customer Templates
The Add-On-Action (AOA) Program can help you generate more sales—and strengthen your
relationships with your existing customers. You’ll have nine opportunities through June 2005 (one each
month) to sell Microsoft Business Solutions additional modules that have been strategically chosen
based on revenue impact and customers’ past purchasing behavior. You can view and download these
marketing materials by accessing the a la carte site, which includes customizable letters and a variety
of successful offers. Just customize them with your specific information, print them out, and drop them
in the mail to your existing Microsoft Business Solutions customers.
Leveraging Loyalty Note: Not available for Axapta, Navision, CRM and RMS.
Leveraging Loyalty is an MBS existing customer demand generation opportunity for partners. Each
quarter partners who make a request will receive (at no cost):
A list of their Great Plains & Solomon customers most likely to add to their MBS solution
Modules that best fit a customer’s solution set
Module purchase “score” to assist in prioritization
This proven third-party analysis is refreshed quarterly and consists of a past purchase behavior
analysis that determines the customers most likely to purchase in the upcoming quarter. From this
targeted list, we then identify the Microsoft Business Solutions products they are most likely to
purchase by finding similarities to customers who have already purchased these selected products.
And finally, we match the customers to their partners.
To request your Leveraging Loyalty list, e-mail mbslylty@microsoft.com. Upon request you’ll receive
a list of customers and modules as well as directions and campaign resources you can leverage to
create a demand generation plan.
Campaign Calendar
Add-On-Action thru A La Carte
And more!
Questions? Contact mbslylty@microsoft.com or mbsprtnr@microsoft.com
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Lifecycle Marketing
The objective at all levels within Microsoft is to develop and nurture a new class of loyal, highvalue customers through predictive modeling and strategic segmentation which deliver relevant
communications and increased customer value for incremental commitment to Microsoft solutions
through a customer lifecycle relationship approach resulting in a 1:1 customer experience.
The Lifecycle Marketing strategy is an extension of the Customer Development Marketing objective.
Lifecycle Marketing primarily consists of the Welcome Communication, First Year Enrollment Initiative,
the Renewal Communications and Renewal Confirmation message. For more information, go to
1) Welcome Communication - is delivered to all customers within 14 days of the invoice date and
consists of a Welcome Letter whose objective is to thank the customer for their purchase and
introduce them to the Microsoft community through CustomerSource. All customers also receive a
personal phone call.
2) First Year Enrollment - is a tiered approach to customer contact aimed at 120 days, 90 days and
60 days prior to the customer’s anniversary date in the first year of ownership. The objective is to
create awareness of the service plan benefits and increase usage rates in the first year which will
positively influence the customer’s behavior to renew on the most appropriate service plan for the
3) Renewal Communications - are delivered directly to the customer in the form of a letter and
renewal quote, when the customer’s partner does not have a Renewal Marketing Agreement on file
(see Features and Benefits area). When the customer’s partner does have a Renewal Marketing
Agreement on file, the renewal quote is suppressed to the customer and only made available to
the partner through the My Messages area.
4) Renewal Confirmation - is delivered to the customer within 7 days and its objective is to thank the
customer for their renewal and continued support of Microsoft products and services and confirm
for them their service plan information.
Samples of Lifecycle Communications are in the download area and include the following:
Welcome Letter
120-day Letter, 90-day Postcard, 60-day letter
Renewal Letter and Renewal Quote Format
Renewal Confirmation Letter
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Product Marketing Resources
Find the latest sales and marketing tools to arm your sales team with the expertise they need to
effectively sell and market Microsoft Business Solutions products – from multimedia presentations to
solution selling materials on PartnerSource under Sales & Marketing Tools.
Many of these tools can be easily sorted by solution. To do so navigate first to the solution of focus—
for example PartnerSource Home > Products > Great Plains—and then select Sales & Marketing
Tools and any of the following tools listed below. Doing so will ensure that only the relevant materials
for the respective solution will be listed.
Case Studies
Demo Scripts
Literature/Fact Sheets
Positioning Guides
The Sales & Marketing Tools section of PartnerSource also includes Solution Selling Job Aids such as:
Anxiety Creation Questions
n Initial Value Proposition
Interest Creating Statements
n Key Player List
Pain Chain
n Pain Sheets
Proposed Evaluation Plan
n Reference Stories
Situation Questions
n Sponsor Letters
Success Criteria
Additional news, sales and marketing information is frequently posted to the main product pages on
PartnerSource. Check these often for current announcements specific to each.
Microsoft® Business Solutions–Axapta®
Microsoft® Business Solutions–Great Plains®
Microsoft® Business Solutions–Navision®
Microsoft® Business Solutions–Solomon
Microsoft® Business Solutions Small Business Financials
Microsoft® Business Solutions CRM
Microsoft® Retail Management System
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Industry Marketing Resources
Need a fully integrated industry marketing toolkit that builds your industry expertise through a series
of free webcasts and resources to enhance your sales and marketing efforts?
We know that success in sales and marketing is highly correlated to how well we know the customer.
The better we know the customer, the more they trust us and will buy from us. In market research,
customers tell us that after price, the supplier’s understanding of their business is the most important
criteria when selecting a business solution. We want to help you develop in this essential area of
marketing and sales.
The Partner Industry Guides and CDs are designed to improve your sales and marketing impact in
industry verticals by helping build customer trust through deeper understanding and insight of the
customers’ business. These resources are organized in three categories to help you Learn, Market
and Sell. First, the resources help you deeply learn about and understand the industry business
issues, trends, customer pains and messages through a series of archived training webinars. Building
on that knowledge, the CD also helps you market to customers with resources such as whitepapers,
presentations, and case studies to enable you to demonstrate that industry insight to customers.
Finally, there are resources to help you sell, including solution selling sales aids and ROI case studies.
Training to help your understanding of
the market opportunity, the industry
and customer business issues
Marketing tools and resources that
reflect industry insight and understanding
to improve marketing effectiveness
Sales tools and resources that reflect
industry insight and understanding
to aid the sales process
Examples: 100, 200, 300 level industry
business fluency training sessions
Examples: Thought Leadership Whitepapers, Examples: solution selling sales
Case studies, Scripted presentations
aids, ROI case studies
Partner Industry Guides and CD’s are currently available in the following verticals:
Professional Services
Order your copy at http://catalyst.kpcorp.com/partner/. Industry Marketing resources are also
available at https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource/sales/marketing/industrysolutions/. You
can also find Industry marketing Tools on the A La Carte site at https://mbs.microsoft.com/
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Vertical Custom Collateral Program
Do you target a vertical segment? Do you have expertise that could establish your company as a
leading provider of solutions for a niche market? Be among the first to build your own cost-effective,
company-branded vertical brochures that leverage existing Microsoft Business Solutions templates
and industry knowledge.
Ten brochure templates have been pre-populated with vertical information and are being offered
for customization, for example, consulting, industrial distribution, automotive. All you need to do is
supplement it with your unique vertical knowledge and customer evidence story. These brochures are
designed to be used either as standalone collateral, or distributed together with existing Microsoft
Business Solutions vertical folders.
For more information go to: http://www.mspartnerdirect.com
Industry Readiness Site
The www.msreadiness.com site contains a host of recorded events, webcasts and upcoming live
events designed to assist you in solving distinct business problems for prospects and customers.
These resources will enable you to leverage Microsoft’s existing industry content, develop deeper
industry-specific marketing and sales expertise, and more effectively sell to Business Decision
All recorded and upcoming readiness events for Microsoft Business Solutions are accessible on
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Industry Benchmarking & Research Tools
On behalf of the MBS partner channel, the U.S. Industry Enablement Team has negotiated steep
discounts for access to industry benchmarking and research tools from FinListics and First Research.
These powerful tools help benchmark the key financial metrics for hundreds of industries, allowing
partners to quantify their solutions in terms of annual cash flow benefits to their prospects.
The FinListics tool set will enable MBS partners to:
n Quantify solution benefits in terms of annual cash flow to the prospect
Map solutions to the business processes that impact key financial metrics
Allow prospects to benchmark their financial metrics against their top competitors
Perform “what-if?” scenarios to determine the cash flow value of improving financial performance
Generate a prospect list by searching for companies with underperforming metrics
Please go to http://microsoft.finlistics.com for information about products, training,
demonstrations, and pricing.
First Research:
Microsoft and First Research have teamed up to present a powerful industry-focused selling and
marketing resource to members of the Microsoft Partner Program.
This Industry tool includes access to:
n 160+ Industry Profiles
Critical Issues, Trends, and Statistics
Sales Call Prep Sheets
Industry Email Alerts
State-specific Profiles
Glossary of Acronyms
Please go to http://microsoft.firstresearch.com for information about products, training,
demonstrations, and pricing.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
ISV Marketing Resources
Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) face challenges unique among Microsoft solution partners.
Increasing business needs and ever-changing customer and technology demands add to the pressures
of running a successful software business. It has become vital to distinguish your organization and be
prominent in the marketplace if you intend to expand your business. ISV benefits include technical and
marketing support along with recognition and access to the broader Microsoft partner community to
help grow sales.
Below are just a few of the marketing and communication benefits available to ISV partners with
the ISV/Software Solutions Competency. Please note that some benefits are only available to
our Gold Certified partners. Visit http://microsoft.com/partner/usa/isv for a complete listing of
communication, marketing and technical benefits and resources and the level of the benefit you
receive based on your level within the Microsoft Partner Program. Contact us at usisv@microsoft.com
with your questions
Case Study Development Assistance (U.S. only)
Public, printed documents that showcase a successful customer implementation of ISV software
solutions built on the Microsoft platform are excellent tools for establishing credibility, demonstrating
evidence, and creating awareness with customers, partners, and Microsoft employees. Microsoft
offers you help in creating case studies in the form of vendor access and in many cases, full or partial
Industry Insights (Market Research)
You can stay on top of ISV industry news and trends by reading what experts, technology partners, and
research firms (IDC, Gartner) have to say.
Joint Marketing Opportunities with Microsoft (U.S. only)
Participate in jointly executed marketing programs, including campaign development and assistance
from Microsoft. Reduce your marketing costs through access to funding and increase your marketing
effectiveness by leveraging Microsoft’s brand and expertise. Limited availability. Contact your Microsoft
representative for participation requirements and nomination.
Listing in Internal U.S. ISV Directory (U.S. only)
Create awareness for your solution within the Microsoft field through the U.S. ISV Directory. A
Microsoft internal directory of ISV partners, the U.S. ISV Directory highlights industry-specific solutions
for Microsoft employees to identify go-to-market partners. All Microsoft Gold and Certified Partners
profiled in the Microsoft Partner Program with the ISV Competency are automatically included in the
U.S. ISV Directory.
Listing in the Online Microsoft Resource Directory
ISVs who obtain the ISV Competency can create worldwide partner and customer awareness of their
Microsoft-based solution through the Microsoft Resource Directory. Visit
www.microsoft.com/partner/usa/isv for more information on how to access and view the Microsoft
Resource Directory.
Live Meeting Services
Microsoft Office Live Meeting lets you host your own interactive, live Web conferences with just a
phone and a Web-ready PC. It’s the perfect way to bring your meetings, training sessions, and demos
to life.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Marketing Collateral
U.S. Partners can build custom collateral aligned to Microsoft’s current go-to-markets via available
tools and resources.
Microsoft Event Services for Partners
Plan and execute your own live events or Web seminars for solutions built on the Microsoft
platform. You can leverage Microsoft Event Services to reduce your costs through streamlined
services and increase event effectiveness with guidance from event professionals. Visit
http://www.microsoft.com/partner/usa/isv or send an e-mail to ms_esp@microsoft.com for more
Microsoft U.S. ISV Quarterly Briefing Web Seminars (U.S. only)
ISV Quarterly Briefing seminars provide information to help you stay current and fully leverage the best the
Microsoft Partner Program has to offer. The briefings cover new program announcements and offerings,
upcoming sales and marketing opportunities, and readiness events designed specifically for you.
Monthly U.S. ISV E-Newsletter (U.S. only)
Our monthly ISV E-newsletter is a great way to stay informed!
Partner Campaign Center
You can stay current on the latest Microsoft campaign initiatives in order to drive ongoing customer
demand for your solutions. Find out how to coordinate a campaign within your organization across your
marketing, sales, and technical staff and learn about the resources available, including role-specific
project guides, white papers, and customer-ready sales and marketing materials.
Partner-to-Partner Connection Assistance (U.S. only)
Microsoft has an extensive network of partners who can help you create a complete customer solution,
develop a channel, or penetrate new markets. Visit http://www.microsoft.com/partner/usa/isv for
more information on the resources that are available to connect you with other partners.
Public Relations Support
Jumpstart your public relations efforts by leveraging press release resources to announce your new
Microsoft Partner Program status. Find out how to accelerate your public relations activities.
U.S. ISV Help by E-Mail (U.S. only)
Not sure where to find answers? usisv@microsoft.com provides all U.S. ISVs with a resource for
asking Microsoft questions. This rapid response mechanism (average 24-hour response time) provides
U.S. ISVs with a one-on-one environment for asking unique and confidential questions. Contact
usisv@microsoft.com today!
Usage Rights: Microsoft Partner Program Logo and ISV Competency Designation
Create additional credibility for your solution in your customer collateral/marketing efforts by
leveraging the Microsoft Partner Program logo and ISV Competency designation on all your approved
product materials. Downloadable once enrolled in the Microsoft Partner Program.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Staying Connected and Informed
Account Management
Getting Started with the ISV Competency Web Seminars+
Microsoft U.S. ISV Quarterly Briefing Web Seminars+
Microsoft U.S. ISV Web Site+
Monthly U.S. ISV E-Newsletter+
Semi-Annual Gold ISV Competency Workshops+
U.S. ISV Help by E-Mail+
Sales and Marketing
Case Study Development Assistance+*
Gold Certified
Certified for Windows Tests
Customer Satisfaction Index
Industry Insights (Market Research)
ISV Royalty Licensing Program
Joint Marketing Opportunities with Microsoft+*
Listing in Internal U.S. ISV Directory+
Listing in the Online Microsoft Resource Directory
Listing in U.S. Solutions Catalog+
Live Meeting Services+
Marketing Collateral+
Microsoft Event Services for Partners+
Microsoft Solution Selling Training
Microsoft Technology Centers*
Partner Campaign Center+
Partner-to-Partner Connection Assistance+
Pre-Sales Technical Support
Public Relations Support
Service Provider License Agreement
Total Solution Financing from Microsoft Capital Corporation
Usage Rights: Microsoft Partner Logo/ISV Competency Designation
Usage Rights: .NET Connected Logo
Windows Marketplace
Additional Software Licenses
Beta Participation
Business Critical Support
Five-Pack of Professional Support Incidents
ISV Advisory Services
ISV Community Days+*
Microsoft Empower for ISVs
Microsoft Services Partner Advantage
MSDN Local Events*
MSDN Managed Newsgroups
Partner Training
Product and Technical Web Seminars+
Technical Service Coordinator
Windows Error Reporting Tool
As circles in the chart move from partial to full, the value
offered to Partners for each benefit increases.
Denotes highest level offering for this benefit or resource
(At this level, deepest investment from Microsoft occurs)
Denotes mid-level offering for this benefit or resource
Denotes entry-level offering for this benefit or resource
Only available in the U.S.
Limited quantities available
Visit www.microsoft.com/partner/usa/isv to learn more about partner benefits.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Event Services for Partners
Let Microsoft help you reach your customers and prospects
with seminars and webcasts!
Seminars and webcasts are one of the best ways to generate new leads for your organization. But
planning events can be complex and time consuming – until now! Microsoft Partner Events provides a
brand new set of services, powered by Microsoft’s own Seminar Sales Team, providing you with access
to a host of free and discounted services designed to help you produce your own seminars and
Microsoft Partner Events is a self-service portal where you can setup web-based registration for your
event and download PowerPoint presentations and demos. Microsoft Partner Events provides event
support in the following categories:
Web Based Registration
Packaged Seminar and Webcast Content
Resource Center and Planning Guide
Custom Seminar and Webcast Content
Recorded Presentation Training
Demonstrations, Video Clips, and Supporting Materials
*Self-Service options provided by the Microsoft Event Services for Partners program are provided free of charge.
Assisted Services
Microsoft Partner Events provides Assisted Service options for partners who want to hold one or more
seminars, events, or webcasts and require a basic level of support and/or guidance. The Assisted
Service options provide event support in the following categories:
Microsoft Multi-Purpose Room Booking
Limited Presentation Review and
Consultation Services
Limited Marketing Collateral Review and
Consultation Services
General Event Information and Consultation
Assisted Service options provided by the Microsoft
Partner Events program are provided free of charge.
† Usage and cancellation fees may apply.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Managed Services
Microsoft Partner Events provides a Managed Service option for partners who want to hold one or
more seminars, events, or webcasts and require a higher level of support. The Managed Service
option provides event support in the following categories:
Presentation Consultation
Graphics and PowerPoint Template Design
Venue Booking and Logistics
Audio / Visual
Concierge and Event Support
Collateral, Giveaways, and Raffle Item Support
Lead Follow-Up
Project Management *
*Required for all Managed Services. Depending on the services required, partners can anticipate a cost of anywhere
from $500 to $15,000 or more per event. All costs and fees are the responsibility of the partner.
http://www.microsoftpartnerevents.com or at mpeask@microsoft.com
Tradeshow Booth Rental Program
Project a professional image at trade shows and special events — without extra investment. Just use
one of our lightweight booths. The pop-up design makes for a fast and easy setup. Customize your
show from a wide range of standard panels highlighting CRM, distribution, manufacturing, automotive,
management consulting, professional services, and retail vertical solutions. A general messaging
option is available if none of the current options fits the occasion.
The cost for the booth is $350 plus shipping. You may use your available Business Development
Funds to offset the cost.
For more information and to sign up, go to:
Exhibit Opportunities at Microsoft Corporate Events
Whenever possible, Microsoft will include partners in their tradeshow activities through partner
pavilions. A complete list of upcoming shows with partner opportunities are available at:
http://www.microsoft.com/corpevents/pavilion. The site also contains information about exhibiting at
partner and customer specific events such as Convergence, TechEd and Worldwide Partner Conference
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Funding Your Marketing Activities with
Business Development Funds
Earn funds to pay a percentage of the costs of your new and existing customer marketing activities
(North American MBS partners only). The Business Development Funds (BDF) program offsets your
costs of participating in the Microsoft Marketing Services for Partners direct mail program, Event
Services for Partners or your own lead-generation campaigns. Business Development Funds are
allocated to Microsoft Business Solutions partners based on revenue to Microsoft and are used to
drive marketing to prospects and to your existing MBS customers.
Approved marketing activities include:
List Buys
Direct Mail
Cross Sell/Up Sell Campaigns
Seminars & Events
How You Earn Business Development Funds:
We are committed to continued support of your marketing efforts. With this in mind, we have recently
evaluated the BDF program and solicited feedback from a cross section of partners regarding the
program. This research has led us to make some exciting and significant changes to the Business
Development Fund program for 2005.
This program is designed to:
Allow you to earn more funds to generate additional demand
Allow you more flexibility with how you use the funds
Provide increased predictability for partners
Include all product lines (except in Canada)
Reward you for your commitment to the Microsoft Partner Program (MSPP), Microsoft Business
Solutions and other Microsoft Solutions.
Funds are calculated on the license revenue from the sales of the following Microsoft Business
Solutions products: Axapta, Great Plains, Navision, Solomon, Small Business Financials, Customer
Relationship Management (CRM)* and Retail Management Systems (RMS)*
*in Canada BDF will not be earned on CRM and RMS license revenue
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Catalog
Program is based on three levels:
Earning % Reimbursement Requirements
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
n Member of Microsoft Partner Program at the Certified
Partner level
n Must have the MBS competency (beginning July 1, 2005)
n Member of the Microsoft Partner Program at the Gold
Partner level
n Must have the MBS competency (beginning July 1, 2005)
n Member of the Microsoft Partner Program at the Gold
Partner level
n Must have the MBS competency (beginning January 1, 2005)
n Must have 1 additional Microsoft Competency (beginning
July 1, 2005)
SPECIAL NOTE: Partners at this level will receive additional benefits.
How To Use Business Development Funds:
The program has two earning, spending and expiration periods per year.
n Period 1: January 1 to June 30
n Period 2 : July 1 – December 31
Funds are earned and placed into partners’ accounts based on the prior six months license
revenue. For example, on January 1, the program will calculate the appropriate percentage
of license revenue generated between July 1 and December 31. The earned amount will be
deposited into your account within 10 days of the start of the period - January 10 or July 10.
Funds will expire at the end of the six month period. For example, funds earned between July 1
and December 31 are deposited in January and expire on June 30th.
In US, reimbursement of funds will be made in the form of a check.
In Canada, reimbursement of funds will be made in the form of a credit memo on your account,
drawing down on your software purchase balance.
Transition of the BDF2004 Program to the New BDF program
On January 1, 2005 we will retire the existing BDF program (BDF2004). You will continue to have
access to your funds until they expire under the BDF2004 program guidelines. Importantly, you will
be required to fully utilize BDF2004 funds before you are eligible to begin using funds under the
new Business Development Fund program. The result of this is that eligible partners will potentially
have more business development funds to use in the first six months of the year than normal. We
encourage you to plan your marketing around this and drive spectacular demand with this benefit!
Business Development Fund Resources
http://www.mbsbdf.com – to access your balance, view expiration dates of accumulated dollars
and to submit claims.
mbsmkt@microsoft.com – for questions on Business Development Funds and other MBS
marketing related inquiries
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Other Marketing
Tools & Services
Need a Case Study on Your Customer?
As in any business, satisfied customers are our best marketing partners. Finding their stories and
making the best use of those references in your sales and marketing activities are key objectives of
the Microsoft Customer Evidence Program. How can you get involved? By identifying key customers
that fit the customer evidence selection criteria and filling out a customer evidence lead submission
form. If your submission is accepted, Microsoft will cover the cost for the development and publication
of the case study. Highlight your customer success stories today! Nominate your customers to
participate in Microsoft Business Solution case studies.
Our case study managers will review your submission and work with you to engage you and your
customer in a case study interview. The time commitment to you and your customers is minimal (1
hour interview and a few follow up review/approval emails) and the exposure is phenomenal. Case
studies are viewed by our executives; by prospective and existing clients; by the press and analyst
community; and by our business development and sales executives. Opportunities include positive
public exposure for you and your customers; increased awareness with Microsoft sales executives;
and positive customer reference materials for your business development efforts.
For more details and to download the submission form, check out the Microsoft Business Solutions
Customer Evidence Submission Program at https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource/sales/salestools/
mbscasestudyprocess.htm or contact mbscases@microsoft.com.
Microsoft Business Solutions Customer References
We know how important it is that you are able to provide customer references to help close a sale. Our
goal is to build and maintain a robust reference database for Great Plains Basic, Retail Management
Systems, Great Plains, Solomon, Navision, Axapta and Microsoft CRM.
We do recruit customer references directly, but also need the assistance of our partners to keep
a strong base of available references. Please encourage your customers to become part of the
Reference Program by signing up on CustomerSource or sending a message to custref@microsoft.com.
Our customer references have agreed to take phone calls from prospective customers that have
seen a demonstration of our product and are near the end of the sales cycle. Since our customer
references donate their time on our behalf, we need to respect their resources by only involving them
in the sales process when the prospect has been fully qualified. For this reason, we are unable to
provide references for RFPs.
To locate a customer reference, please complete the appropriate criteria for your sale on the “Find a
Reference” screen at https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersourceapp/salesmarketing/references.aspx.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
ROI Services
We know Microsoft Business Solutions deliver value – but one of the biggest obstacles facing you is
the need to quantify the value and ROI to combat prospect indecision to invest in a solution. Often,
the perception that “what we have is good enough” wins out over the plethora of qualitative benefits
you’ve communicated to the customer. In the end, they need to see numbers to be motivated. You
may agree, but are asking yourself:
How can you provide these numbers?
How do we make it credible in the minds of the prospect?
How does a Microsoft Business Solutions partner learn how to sell effectively using financial
When I am in the middle of a sales opportunity, who can I call for help?
The MBS Reseller ROI Sales Support Program is the Answer.
As a Microsoft Business Solutions partner you can use the Nucleus ROI tools for Microsoft
Business Solutions ERP and Microsoft CRM products, as well as have unlimited use of published
Nucleus ROI case studies of Microsoft Business Solutions customers. All of these can be found at
http://www.msftroi.com. Your benefits include:
Initial training. Selling with ROI isn’t just about filling out a tool. With Nucleus’s initial interactive
ROI training, you can learn how to use the tool, how to position ROI and other metrics, how to
assess benefits, and how to deal with objections before you bring the tool to a prospect.
Tactical support. Whether you’re challenged by a prospect on an ROI question, need help
quantifying a “soft” benefit in a quantifiable way, or just want a reality check on some work you’ve
done with the ROI tool, Nucleus analysts are on call to deliver a rapid response to any question
you may have.
Full assessment options. If you have a particularly tough prospect or a particularly complicated
business case, you can call on Nucleus analysts (for an additional fee) to engage directly with
your prospect to rapidly and credibly build the ROI case for them, drawing on Nucleus’s extensive
experience and credibility in ROI analysis.
Why Nucleus?
Nucleus is known worldwide as an independent analyst firm that focuses on providing end-users
with clear, credible advice on maximizing return on investment from IT implementations. Its ROI
methodology has been validated by thousands of end-users and, unlike some other analyst firms,
Nucleus is known for providing clear, credible, independent ROI analysis that reflects real end-user
experience – not just vendor marketing. To get a feel for Nucleus Research work and objectivity,
please visit http://www.nucleusresearch.com.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
The Microsoft Intelligent Knowledge Engine
The Intelligent Knowledge Engine is a new tool for partners. It is a “smart”, searchable sales tools
database which consolidates all types of sales tools for all Microsoft products in a single engine.
Functionality includes the ability to display the sales tools for the searched on product, the software
requirement products as well as any recommended cross sell/up sell products. Additional filters
include sales cycle stage, tool type and associated vertical industry. These sales tools types include:
Product Highlights
Telemarketing Scripts
Case Studies
White Papers
Solution Selling Materials
Top Ten Reasons to Buy
Licensing Docs
You can easily search by product and find all of the Solution Selling sales tools associated with that
product. For example, search on the Solomon product in the distribution industry and you will see six
case studies, ten white papers and a host of other tools designed to assist you in the selling process.
Product and License Configurator
This tool was developed for both customers and partners to be able to easily and accurately discover
which edition of Microsoft products and which licensing options will best suit their needs. The new
complete tool still allows you to determine the right price and correct licenses necessary for any
Corporate, Education, Government, or Charity client, but now supports the Open Value Program.
(NOTE: only products sold through Open License – such as Microsoft CRM – are listed in the
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Section 2:
External Resources
The information and resources provided in the following pages was prepared by an independent marketing
consultant. The vendors listed are not employees of Microsoft, and are not specifically recommended by
Microsoft. Neither Microsoft nor its suppliers make any express or implied warranties of their services or results.
Microsoft does guarantee the accuracy of the information supplied by the vendors.
If you have feedback on any of these vendors or would like to recommend vendors for future releases, please
send mail to mbsmkt@microsoft.com
Microsoft, plus Axapta, bCentral, Great Plains, Navision and Solomon are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The names of actual
companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
Marketing Planning
A well-crafted plan is essential for creating clear, measurable marketing campaigns that will help you
achieve your business goals. Your marketing plan should be a straightforward description of your
marketing and sales goals and implementation strategies.
Understand Your Marketplace
Before you begin writing your marketing plan, make sure you have given careful thought to your place
in the industry, your ideal audience, and how you stand out from the competition. Take time to answer
the following questions in order to ensure your plan is on target and aligned with your business goals:
Do I have a good understanding of my industry?
Make sure you know the ins and outs of your industry, such as market size, growth rate, and current
trends. This exercise will help you focus your marketing strategy on areas that offer the greatest sales
Have I properly identified my customer segments?
Understanding your customers and how they think will allow you to tailor your messaging and
communication strategy to meet their specific needs.
Am I up to speed on what the competition is doing?
Make a realistic assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors and how you stack
up against them. This will you give you a better idea of how to best market your products or services
to customers.
Define Your Marketing Objective
Every marketing plan contains the same core elements. No matter how you decide to organize your
plan, the following issues should be addressed in order to provide your company with a practical,
strategic direction.
Define your ultimate purpose.
Begin by explaining the goal of your marketing initiatives, such as promote new services to current
customer base, grow new customer base with special offers, etc.
Delineate differentiation points.
Describe your key selling points, focusing on the way your product or service is unique in the
Define your audience.
Describe the type of customer you are trying to reach, and how your unique product or service delivers
solutions they can’t live without.
Identify prime communication vehicles.
Define the optimal means for reaching customers, based on your capabilities and audience type
(newsletters, trade shows, e-mails, publications, etc.).
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Compare current strategy with future marketing approach.
When crafting a new marketing plan, it is often helpful to define the way things have traditionally been
done in order to identify areas for improvement:
How are you currently marketing yourself and why?
What is the success rate of your current marketing model?
How do you plan to improve the current model?
How will a new marketing plan affect your ultimate goals?
Create an implementation plan.
This can be a separate document in Excel that outlines the date, timeline, and resources needed to
execute the marketing campaign.
Define Your Marketing Vehicles
There are many ways to get the word out to customers. By choosing your media carefully, based on
your target audience and internal resources, you can maximize marketing impact. Therefore, your
marketing plan should define the most effective vehicles for sharing your messages with prospects
and customers.
Marketing Media
These include all vehicles, such as direct marketing, Web/online marketing, public relations, events,
and telesales.
Define which media type would be most effective at reaching your intended audience.
Identify key messages, value propositions, special offers, and a compelling call-to-action.
Define the best way to reach your customer and engage them in the sales cycle.
Plan the timing of each marketing piece, identifying the steps necessary for successful
implementation (the timing should be included in your implementation plan).
Describe the desired customer response, and how you will react to it. Make sure you have a
response plan, such as a call from sales, a customized letter, etc.
Detail the budget associated with the marketing initiative, and include those costs in your
larger marketing plan.
Public Relations (PR)
This includes local news and journal articles, conferences, trade shows, and speaking engagements.
Detail which PR activities you intend to employ, including how those activities fit into your
overall marketing plan.
Plan the timing of each tactic, identifying the steps necessary for successful implementation.
Detail the budget associated with the PR effort, and include those costs in your
implementation plan.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Keys to Success
n Monitor the industry pulse. Get up to speed
on your market by reading trade journals and
attending conferences, where you’ll meet
prospective peers and potential customers.
n Plan in increments. Your marketing plan should
cover at least one year, breaking down initiatives
by month or quarter. Devote an additional section
to the future-two to four years down the road.
n Set measurable goals. Ensuring your marketing plan
meets stated objectives requires a built-in timeline
and a system of regularly monitoring progress.
n Stay flexible. Be prepared to revise your plan when
you review which strategies work and which do not.
Problems to Avoid
n Competition comes from everywhere. Never
assume you have no competitors, even when no
company has a product or service exactly like yours.
Environmental and market factors can be just as
challenging to overcome as direct competition.
n One size does not fit all. Avoid using the same
promotional strategies for different target markets.
Find out through customer interaction and industry
research what motivates a particular customer segment.
n Don’t generalize or complicate. A marketing plan that
is too general or too verbose will result in scattershot
results. Each of your marketing objectives should
have clearly defined, concise tactical steps that must
be executed in order to achieve your larger goals.
n Focus on profitable segments. Concentrate your
efforts on identifying and reaching out to customers
who provide you with ongoing business.
n Include your sales force. Ask your salespeople to
list the most crucial points they feel should be
addressed in the marketing plan. After all, they
have regular contact with your customers.
n Network. Your marketing plan can include other
partners that provide complementary services, giving
customers a more comprehensive end-to-end solution.
n Don’t be afraid to test. Before spending significant
resources on a campaign, start small and
measure results. This allows for modifications
before your larger campaign is launched.
n Talk to customers. Involve customer feedback when
you write your plan. Client comments are invaluable in
creating and enhancing influential marketing strategies.
Measure Your Success
By regularly monitoring results and measuring the success of each marketing initiative you implement,
you can determine which strategies are working and which are not. There are a number of
measurements industry experts use to determine the success of marketing strategies:
Measure ROI. ROI can include both direct marketing costs, such as printing and postage, and
indirect costs, like salary, time, and personnel resources. For a detailed discussion of ROI
calculation, go to http://www.msftroi.com.
Sales. Monitor whether you’re meeting or exceeding sales goals identified in your marketing plan.
Include the cost per lead of converting marketing expense to sales leads or customer acquisition.
Customer Awareness. Record customer responses to your direct-marketing campaigns to gauge
effectiveness. Also examine the overall gain or loss in customers after each initiative.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Recommended On-Line Resources
Customer Management Zone
Articles on Building a Marketing Plan
(Check out “23 Hours to a Great Marketing Plan”.)
Marketing Planning Software & Templates
Microsoft Partner Program Resources
Microsoft’s sales and marketing resources help you market and sell Microsoft solutions to your
clients. This extensive collection of tools and information contains everything you need to engage
clients and capitalize on revenue-generating business opportunities.
Expert Columns
Sales and Marketing Tools
Partner Campaign Center
Partner Market
Competitive Selling
Microsoft Action Pack Subscription
Partner Logos and Logo Builder. Get access to the Microsoft partner logo guidelines, as well
as Partner Logo Builder, a new program for Microsoft Certified and Gold Certified Partners to
dynamically build custom logos.
Product Box Shots. View and download box shots of Microsoft products for your sales and
marketing and promotion efforts.
Creating Marketing Tools. The how-to guides in this section will help you create engaging marketing
campaigns and promotional materials for your business.
Business Value Advisor (BVA). Use the BVA, an HTML-based desktop sales tool, to quantify the
benefits, costs, and risks of a solution and its capabilities as applicable to your customer’s
Gold Partner Marketing Collateral. As a Gold Certified Partner, you can use these materials to
further enhance your sales and marketing strategies.
Find all this and more at http://members.microsoft.com/partner/salesmarketing/default.aspx?nav=ln
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Business Development / Strategic Planning Firms
Many of the firms below are full service and go beyond planning to provide direct marketing and other
resources. Similarly, you will find that direct marketing firms referenced elsewhere in this guide also
provide planning services. In some cases, firms will be listed in multiple locations.
Mac Mcintosh
Mac McIntosh is a leader in the development of marketing programs that can help you create high
quality leads. Mac has consulted with Microsoft for many years and is currently working with Microsoft
partners on Marketing Bootcamps and consulting work. In addition, he is also the creator of the
marketing calculators on PartnerSource and delivers many of the Microsoft Business Solutions
Webcasts on marketing techniques.
Mac McIntosh’s mission is to help you:
Generate more high-quality sales leads
Convert more sales leads into sales
Track, measure and increase your return-on-investment
His services and expertise include:
Business-to-business sales and marketing consulting
Inquiry handling and response management
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Sales and marketing database development
Sales lead generation
Sales lead management
Direct marketing
Outsourcing of marketing services
Mac McIntosh
800-944-5553 or 401-294-7730
Epoch Marketing
Epoch offers a comprehensive suite of consulting services and sales development programs
specifically targeted at business development through face-to-face marketing. Core competencies
include event marketing strategy, consultative sales development and coaching, demand generation
programs, program implementation (tradeshows, conferences, and meetings), multi-media production,
and metrics development & measurement to determine event effectiveness (ROI).
Jane Gentry, Principal
3215 Eagle Watch Drive
Woodstock, GA 30189
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
B2B Contact
B2B Contact works with Solution Providers in all phases of tactical marketing including prospect
database development, email campaigns and calling initiatives. B2B Contact has worked extensively
with channel partners on Great Plains-Solomon, Windows 2003-Infrastructure and Microsoft CRM
demand generation campaigns throughout the US. It is estimated that technology decision maker
contact data changes at a rate of 10% per quarter. B2B Contact focuses on identifying, building and
continuously refreshing Solution Provider Decision Maker Data to ensure your message is heard by the
largest number of decision makers in terms of reach and frequency.
B2B Contact will help you find “Net New Clients” and stimulate dormant accounts with the following
Target Market Analysis and Complete Prospect Database Development
Develop Opt-In Database without “Spamming” Prospects
Deliver Monthly Messages to potential prospects
Seminar and Web Seminar Recruitment
Maintenance of CRM Data with merge, purge de-dupe and re-indexing services
End User Offer Development and Solution Packaging
Eric Frantzen
Extra Mile Marketing
Extra Mile Marketing provides a wide array of marketing services to help Microsoft Partners grow
their business. We have helped dozens of Partners create and implement effective marketing plans
that provide a positive return on their investment. In addition, Extra Mile Marketing has been hired by
Microsoft to conduct daylong Partner marketing seminars, including Building Winning Marketing Plans
and Creating a Winning Marketing Campaign.
Services Include:
Marketing plan development
n Marketing budgeting
Media planning and buying
n Copywriting
Graphic Design
n Direct Mail
n Events and Seminars
Trade Shows
n Print and Broadcast Advertising
Website Development
n Segmenting and Targeting Specific Verticals
Development of Nurturing and Networking Programs
We also have extensive knowledge of Microsoft resources available to you. We’d love to work with you in
any way – by the project, full service, or for just a few hours to get you on the right track. Give us a call.
Mike Hartmann / Lori Stutsman
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
The Partner Channel
The Partner Channel® is a go-to, Web-based, advertising and marketing resource dedicated to providing
marketing and advertising analysis, guidance, and solutions for organizations selling business solution
products. TPC is your marketing manager from concept to completion in all media. The Partner
Channel can provide the following services:
Print Advertising
Brochure and Catalog Design
Corporate / Company Video Production
Direct Mail
Corporate Identity and Development
Web Design & Use
Letter Templates
Tradeshow Design and Management
Public Relations
One on One Consulting
Strategic Planning
Graphic Design Services
Lead Generation
Original Photography
Event Planning, Design and Management
Sales Team Analysis and Training
Other Services
As a member, you will have full access to their Web site, which includes tools for your business, for a
monthly membership fee of $25—no contracts or long-term commitments.
In addition to access to many great marketing ideas and value-priced campaigns, you’ll have access to
the TPC staff of consultants.
Norm Robinson
“Strategy-driven direct marketing services that reach your target audience.”
In this information age, today’s sophisticated marketplace demands integrated marketing that
precisely targets your message and your audience. Marketry has been helping successful companies
do just that since 1981—with direct marketing consultation services that are carefully crafted to the
marketing strategy, are efficient and cost effective, and, most importantly, deliver the right audience.
Marketry has over 10 years of significant experience assisting Microsoft Busines Solutions and
their channel partners to target market to the best prospects, utilizing both postal and email
marketing strategies. They are very familiar with the Microsoft Business Solutions product lines.
Marketry can act as a list broker, direct marketing consultant, e-marketing consultant or handle your
list compilation and management needs.
Greg Swent
320 - 120th Avenue SE, Suite 202
Bellevue, WA 98005-3016
Phone: 800-346-2013 or 425-451-1262
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Success Driven By Technology
The Application Software Industry faces unique challenges unparalleled in any other industry. Success
Driven By Technology (SDbT) is dedicated to the success of application software resellers, value added
resellers (VARs), and software publishers. Success is built on four major building blocks: marketing,
sales, project delivery, and customer satisfaction. Marketing drives leads. Sales develop and close
deals. Delivery drives projects providing clients with analysis, software, add-ons, custom modifications,
implementation, training, support, and project management. When it all comes together, a happy and
satisfied client is created. It sounds easy but only a small fraction of companies can do it successfully
and with reasonable profits.
Success Driven By Technology helps resellers develop and grow their businesses. We are so confident
that we can make a dramatic contribution to our clients that we back it up with a ‘no questions asked’
money-back guarantee.
Regardless of your particular services and market strategy, our diverse experience can help you
improve your revenues, profitability, and quality of life.
Sheldon Kralstein
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Marketing Services
Direct Marketing:
Creative & Messaging
There are many components to a successful direct marketing program including the list, the offer and
the timing. Many books and guides are available that give a good overview of each of these items.
However, even marketers familiar with and experienced in these concepts may overlook the following
three elements of all good direct marketing programs:
Look at your own mail to get an idea of the volume your customer is receiving. How many pieces in
your stack are letters? How many are self-mailers? What pieces catch your attention? Why? When
planning your piece, be as creative as possible. Try “bulky mailers” with a free gift / gimmick
inside, large size pieces or heavy weight papers and envelopes. If using a letter and the mailing is
small, use stamps – not postage meters (or ask your mail house for this service.) Creativity may
cost more if you measure it on a per piece basis, but if measured per response, you’ll find that
creative pieces can be a lot more cost effective than you imagined.
How many client references and quotes are in your piece? Whenever possible, showcase your
existing expertise with quotes from clients. And don’t forget your affiliations - Microsoft Certified
Partner logos, special partnerships, and other industry affiliations, all add credibility to your piece.
Consistency / Frequency
Although it may seem too basic to mention – if you are not mailing to a prospect multiple times
you are wasting marketing dollars. Renting a new list for each mailing and not including your inhouse contacts are typical examples of wasted resources. Keep a database in-house and mail to
your prospects consistently. When renting lists, work with your list broker up-front to license the
list for multiple mailings.
Recommended Books
Business to Business Direct Marketing: Proven Direct Response Methods to Generate More Leads
and Sales, Robert W. Bly
Direct Marketing Rules of Thumb, Nat G. Bodian
The Lead Generation Handbook: How to Generate All the Sales Leads You'll Ever Need-Quickly, Easily,
and Inexpensively, by Robert W. Bly
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Microsoft Resources
Microsoft Marketing Services for Partners
http://www.mspartnerdirect.com or
A La Carte Tools
Microsoft Community Site
Partner Campaign Center
Direct Marketing Companies
White Designs
White Designs, Inc. brings to you over ten years experience in the marketing and graphic design industries,
with particular experience in developing and implementing strategic sales and marketing programs to
help drive revenue and increase customer satisfaction. Our inventive design skills and keen project
management have produced numerous successful marketing campaigns for a wide range of organizations.
With our excellent knowledge of the creative industry and the power to effectively communicate an
organization’s message, White Designs is the ideal partner to help you reach your business goals.
White Designs specializes in creating effective and results-oriented marketing campaigns that include:
Project management and art direction
Copy writing and editing
Graphic design/layout for print and new media communications
Corporate identity packages, brochures, direct mail, newsletters, catalogs
Print management and purchasing for one, two and four color printing
Sales programs and support
Direct marketing
List and response management
Event coordination and management
Since 2001, and the creation of White Designs, we have had the privilege to repeatedly partner with a wide
breadth of organizations on a number of marketing campaigns. White Designs’ extensive portfolio includes
work with small businesses and non-profits as well as major corporations and the federal government, including
Microsoft, Primark Corporation, National Wildlife Federation, the US Air Force, and Martindale-Hubbell.
Lisa White
85 Oreland Place
Oreland, PA 19075
Phone: 215-887-1524
Fax: 215.689.4950
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
The Partner Channel
The Partner Channel® is a go-to, web-based, advertising and marketing resource dedicated to providing
marketing and advertising analysis, guidance, and solutions for organizations selling business solution
products. TPC is your marketing manager from concept to completion in all media.
The Partner Channel can provide the following services:
Print Advertising
Brochure and Catalog Design
Corporate / Company Video Production
Direct Mail
Corporate Identity and Development
Web Design & Use
Letter Templates
Tradeshow Design and Management
Public Relations
One on One Consulting
Strategic Planning
Graphic Design Services
Lead Generation
Original Photography
Event Planning, Design and Management
Sales Team Analysis and Training
Other Services
As a member, you will have full access to their Web site, which includes tools for your business, for a
monthly membership fee of $25—no contracts or long-term commitments.
In addition to access to many great marketing ideas and value-priced campaigns, you’ll have access to
the TPC staff of consultants.
Norm Robinson
Abrials & Partners, Inc.
Abrials & Partners is a national-level “boutique” advertising, branding, marketing and public relations
agency. This means we provide the same high caliber of work as other reputable national agencies, but with
the intimacy, consideration and value that only a smaller firm can offer. We are, in fact, a multidisciplinary
staff of senior-level creative and marketing professionals, each with a minimum of 14 years of professional
experience. We have a particular expertise in direct response, brand strategy, and technology marketing.
Our client experience includes Microsoft (since 1996 for Office, Windows, Windows Server System,
and Microsoft Business Solutions horizontal and vertical markets), AOL, AT&T, DynCorp International,
XM Satellite Radio, Aether Systems, Compaq, Honeywell, Lockheed Martin, The Motley Fool, The
Smithsonian Institution, National Geographic, Time-Life, McCormick & Company, Ringling Bros. and
Barnum & Bailey Circus, Disney, Kellogg’s, Ai, McCormick & Company, and many more.
Mark Abrials, Senior Partner/Creative Director
805 King Street, Second Floor
Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: 703-548-2570 ext. 100
Fax: 703-548-3788
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
“Strategy-driven direct marketing services that reach your target audience.”
In this information age, today’s sophisticated marketplace demands integrated marketing that
precisely targets your message and your audience. Marketry has been helping successful companies
do just that since 1981—with direct marketing consultation services that are carefully crafted to the
marketing strategy, are efficient and cost effective, and, most importantly, deliver the right audience.
Marketry has over 10 years of significant experience assisting Microsoft Business Solutions and their channel
partners to target market to the best prospects, utilizing both postal and email marketing strategies. Marketry
can act as a list broker, direct marketing consultant, e-marketing consultant or handle your list compilation and
management needs.
Greg Swent
320 - 120th Avenue SE, Suite 202
Bellevue, WA 98005-3016
Phone: 800-346-2013 or 425-451-1262
JAM Communications
JAM Communications is a full-service, integrated direct marketing agency providing strategic planning,
creative development, production management and results analysis for companies large and small and
in a range of industries – including technology, publishing, non-profit and trade associations, hospitality
and others.
Kim Bui
JAM Communications
1638 R Street NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20009
Phone: 202.986.4750
Fax: 202.232.9146
Design Source East
A full-service marketing communications and branding company with print, web and interactive
capabilities. Design Source East professionals have over 20 years of experience working with
information technology and related industries.
Ruth Band, Senior Account Executive
Design Source East
235 Birchwood Avenue
Cranford, NJ 07016
Phone: 908-653-9797
Fax: 908-653-9796
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Solaris Design
Solaris Design provides comprehensive graphic design services for corporate, small business and notfor-profit clients. Solaris specializes in print-based marketing collateral and business communications
— including brochures, direct mail, advertising, newsletters and informational guidebooks. They can
also assist with logo and identity development and business stationery, as well as materials for events
and trade shows, such as invitation packages and signage.
Solaris was founded in 1997 by creative director Jeff Bailey, who has over 20 years experience in
graphic design, project management and print and pre-press production. Jeff has worked extensively
with Microsoft NY.
Jeff Bailey
Solaris Design Group
2701 N.W. 23rd Blvd., Suite G-59
Gainesville, FL 32605
Extra Mile Marketing
Extra Mile Marketing provides a wide array of marketing services to help Microsoft Partners grow
their business. We have helped dozens of Partners create and implement effective marketing plans
that provide a positive return on their investment. In addition, Extra Mile Marketing has been hired by
Microsoft to conduct daylong Partner marketing seminars, including Building Winning Marketing Plans
and Creating a Winning Marketing Campaign.
Strategic Services Include:
Marketing plan development
Marketing budgeting
Media planning and buying
Marketing Expertise Includes:
Direct mail
Events and Seminars
Print and broadcast advertisin
Segmenting and targeting specific verticals
Graphic design
Trade Shows
Website development
Development of innovative nurturing and networking
programs to keep you in front of prospects
We also have extensive knowledge of Microsoft resources available to you. We’d love to work with you in
any way- by the project, full service, or for just a few hours to get you on the right track. Give us a call.
Mike Hartmann / Lori Stutsman
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
1-800 POSTCARDS is a full-service printer that can provide your business with inexpensive custom
postcards, stickers, brochures, magazines and posters. 1-800-Postcards can print your ready-made
postcard design or have their graphic designers make one for you.
121 Vatic Street, 3rd floor, New York, NY 10013
Amazing Mail
Amazing Mail is an on-line postcard design and mailing company. With Amazing Mail you can mail your client
database each month with a new message for less than $1.00 per piece. It is a great tool for staying in touch,
announcing new employees and changes to your companies as well as for seminar reminders. Amazing Mail
can provide images or help you position any images / messages you have. Their system provides for easy
uploading of databases in various formats and all work is done via the web.
Brenda Williams
K/P Corporation
Printing. A complete range of printing services is available to you including full-color lithography, digital
imaging (one to four color), variable imaging, flexography (label printing), digital pre-press, duplication
services, and web-press printing. K/P also offers bindery and finishing services, including die cutting,
scoring, numbering, perforating, micro folding, embossing and foil stamping.
Mailing Services. For your mailing projects, K/P provides personalized laser printing, inkjet printing,
digital color printing, inserting, folding, labeling, tabbing, and mail processing. They can also provide
list preparation and database management to help you identify your target market and monitor the
Fulfillment Services. You can choose from mass-assembly fulfillment kits or custom-made packages
for more complex shipments. Most importantly, K/P will manage the inventory of your fulfillment
components, so you always have the products you need – when you need them. K/P manages order
processing and distribution so you can focus on your own business operations.
Whit Magor
13951 Washington Ave
San Leandro, CA 94578-3220
Phone: 510-351-5400 ext. 236
Fax: 510-351-2555
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Direct Marketing:
Of all the elements involved in direct marketing programs, the single most important one is the list.
Experts agree that lists account for at least 40% of the success of any direct marketing program.
Yet most marketers spend less time on their list than on any other of the direct marketing elements.
Given the proliferation of on-line list services, the tendency is to skip the broker and purchase lists
from one of these sources.
The best of these are sites that provide both on-line and assisted services and are in the information
business (such as Zapdata and Hoovers). The worst are the many websites that have sprung up
offering super low cost business leads and mailing lists. Investigate these claims carefully. Good
information costs money, a bad list costs even more.
One way to help get the best possible lists is to work with an established list broker. List brokers know
what’s out there and what’s been successful. They can build lists from multiple data sources and can
locate new sources for you.
Finding the Right Broker for You.
As with any marketing vendor, ask for references and then contact them. For list brokers, ask
about successful programs they have run.
Ask what additional services they provide and when comparing brokers, make sure you are
comparing similar service levels.
Look for brokers that specialize in your target industries.
Finding the Right List
When you’re ready to begin a list select, ask for multiple options. Ask the broker to compile
multiple data cards so you have the opportunity to review all the available lists.
Don't forget to ask about enhancements the list broker has made. All lists are not created equal.
The best list brokers enhance their lists by cross-matching and by in-house research which can
increase the list’s depth and value. This becomes even more significant (and obvious) when you are
trying to mail to multiple contacts within a company by title. The best brokers will have this data.
Ultimately, the most successful list will be of those companies that have expressed an interest in your
firm in the past – through a response to a previous campaign, an attendee at an event, tradeshow, etc.
Make sure these valuable contacts are captured and marketed to consistently.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Recommended On-Line Resources
Database Marketing Institute: http://www.dbmarketing.com
World Advertising Research Center: http://www.warc.com/
(Search under other marketing communications and then databases)
SRS Database of Media Rates and Information: www.srds.com
Recommended Books & Articles
Customer Equity: Building and Managing Relationships as Valuable Assets, by Robert C. Blattberg ,
Gary Getz , Jacquelyn S. Thomas
Article: What’s Your Strategy for Managing Knowledge?
Article: Diamonds in the Data Mine.
Microsoft Resources
Microsoft Marketing Services for Partners: http://www.mspartnerdirect.com
List Brokers / Database Development Firms
Wendover Corporation
Larry Dillon, President/CEO, founded the Wendover Corporation in 1987 with the idea of providing
the best in business-to-business marketing intelligence. Fourteen years later, Wendover has a market
presence stretching from Los Angeles to London. The explosive growth of the IT industry over the past
decade means that the need for qualified sales leads is greater than ever before.
Wendover takes pride in the strong relationships that have been built over the years and the
partnerships that have been forged. The company’s integrity and data is what keeps customers loyal
and dedicated. Rigorously-tested and proven research methodologies consistently yield outstanding
results for customers. Building upon extensive expertise and targeted technology trend analysis,
allows the customer to gain a better understanding of its current markets as well as potential
Wendover’s TMR provides the highest quality IT sales leads. Wendover is the first company to provide
real time IT sales leads over the Internet and is so confident in the precision of our product, that we
guarantee 90% accuracy.
Bob Paxson
610-642-5280 x 7319
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
B2B Contact
B2B Contact works with Solution Providers in all phases of tactical marketing including prospect
database development, email campaigns and calling initiatives. B2B Contact has worked extensively
with channel partners on Great Plains-Solomon, Windows 2003-Infrastructure and Microsoft CRM
demand generation campaigns throughout the US. It is estimated that technology decision maker
contact data changes at a rate of 10% per quarter. B2B Contact focuses on identifying, building and
continuously refreshing Solution Provider Decision Maker Data to ensure your message is heard by the
largest number of decision makers in terms of reach and frequency.
B2B Contact will help you find “Net New Clients” and stimulate dormant accounts with the following services:
Target Market Analysis and Complete Prospect Database Development
Develop Opt-In Database without “Spamming” Prospects
Deliver Monthly Messages to potential prospects
Seminar and Web Seminar Recruitment
Maintenance of CRM Data with merge, purge de-dupe and re-indexing services
End User Offer Development and Solution Packaging
Eric Frantzen
Harte-Hanks, Inc.
Harte-Hanks, Inc., San Antonio, TX, is a worldwide, direct and targeted marketing company that
provides direct marketing services opportunities to a wide range of local, regional, national and
international consumer and business-to-business marketers. We specialize in targeting, analyzing and
executing partner channel marketing programs.
Our Market Intelligence Division has spent more than 30 years building and refining our CI Technology
Database. More than 300 trained researchers conduct more than 65,000 telephone interviews each
month with information technology buyers in 17 countries, asking over 10 million questions a year.
Harte-Hanks will help you market smarter and find buyers faster by leveraging:
Over 400,000 profiled sites with detailed competitive install intelligence
Over 1,000,000 Business and Technology Decision Maker Contacts
Over 600,000 current and CAN SPAM compliant email addresses
Extensive B2B Channel Partner Marketing Experts
Over 70 CRM/Marketing Database Developers
Jerry Troyer
1-800-854-8409 x6742
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Hoover’s, Inc., delivers comprehensive company, industry, and market intelligence that drives business
growth. Our database of 12 million companies, with in-depth coverage of 40,000 of the world’s top
business enterprises, is at the core of our business tools and services that customers find vital to
their business operations. Hoover’s editorial staff of some 80 editors and researchers brings vital
business information and knowledge to its coverage, updating the site daily to bring our visitors and
subscribers the most up-to-date business information in the industry.
Kevin Rutan
Hoover’s Online Business Consultant
888-310-6087 x44649
Strategy Driven Direct Marketing Services that Reach Your Target Audience
In this information age, today’s sophisticated marketplace demands integrated marketing that
precisely targets your message and your audience. Marketry has been helping successful companies
do just that since 1981—with direct marketing consultation services that are carefully crafted to the
marketing strategy, are efficient and cost effective, and, most importantly, deliver the right audience.
Marketry can act as a list broker, direct marketing consultant, e-marketing consultant or handle your
list compilation and management needs.
Greg Swent
20 - 120th Avenue SE, Suite 202
Bellevue, WA 98005-3016
800-346-2013 or 425-451-1262
Mailnet Services, Inc.’s internet list cleaning service was launched to offer an alternative to the
traditional high costs and long turn times endured by mailers wishing to clean their databases with
CASS, NCOA or other services.
701 Murfreesboro Road
Nashville, TN 37210
Fax: 615-843-7252
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Zapdata is an Internet service of D&B Sales & Marketing Solutions (formerly iMarket Inc.). D&B is the
world’s leading provider of business information, enabling business-to-business commerce for 160
years. Zapdata is one of the leading online sources for business sales leads, mailing lists, and market
analysis. Our extensive business data, market analysis, personal service, e-commerce functionality, and
intuitive interface give you anytime, anywhere access to the information you need when you need it!
A single point of access to information from many of the world’s leading data sources making available
critical data like contact names, fax numbers and detailed firmographic information on more than 14
million U.S. businesses.
Much more than sales leads – Zapdata provides Internet access to the widest range of business data
and analysis available. Our products include prospect lists, industry reports, and company lookup.
Hancock Information Group
In over 20 years of providing sales and marketing support for Global 2000 companies, Hancock
Information Group has discovered that few business-to-business enterprises possess all the skills
and best practices needed to optimize their marketing results over a significant period of time. These
practices include:
Building a database of every prospective company from which their sales organization would value and
adopt a lead.
Prioritizing the market into high-value segments according to the attributes that lead to a high probability
of profitable sales.
Engaging key decision makers in relevant dialogues that are based on their interests, priorities and
Nurturing and maturing high-value prospects deep into the sales process, to where the immediate
intervention of a sales representative is warranted.
Optimizing a flow of qualified business opportunities into sales pipelines based on performance and
business objectives.
Tony Meggs
Vice President
2180 W. State Road 434
Suite 3170
Longwood, FL 32779
Phone 407-682-1556
Fax 407-682-0025
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Established in 1998, LeadMaster is a privately held company with a mission to deliver powerful webbased marketing tools for effective distribution, tracking and data mining of sales leads. Its founders
offer a wealth of experience and expertise in a variety of fields, including marketing, sales and
information technology.
Like many high-tech start-up companies, LeadMaster has grown by leveraging technology and the
Internet to meet the changing needs of today’s businesses. LeadMaster devotes its resources to
developing innovative and intuitive web-based products that help its customers excel in today’s fastpaced, competitive marketplace. As a result, LeadMaster is able to pass on significant savings to its
clients. Every day, we continue to focus our energies on what’s important: delivering and constantly
refining a powerful tool for marketing and sales professionals.
The SRDS database of media rates and information is the largest and most comprehensive in the
world—cataloging more than 100,000 U.S. and international media properties.
SRDS delivers the accurate, up-to-date media information you need to get the job done quickly—
including detailed ad rates, dates and contact data. With the majority of SRDS Media Solutions
available online, you can search conveniently, create contact reports and obtain additional information
with direct links to media kits and audit statements.
SRDS Media Solutions can be tailored to fit your business needs and complement your media
objectives via flexible delivery and pricing options.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Direct Marketing:
To capture customers’ attention, you must communicate a compelling offer - the promise of a product
or service that addresses a pressing need. Once you succeed in engaging their attention, you must
transform that interest with a clear call-to-action, which gives the reader a clear path for acting on the
promise of the offer. Whether it’s a discount, trial, or giveaway, you can entice a customer to consider
your product or service with the right offer.
Keep in Mind the Following Concepts When Building Your Campaign Offers:
Simplify. Keep the offer focused on one product or service. Don’t confuse the customer with diffuse
options or unrelated information.
Specify. Be up-front about the offer. Make it clearly visible and easily understandable from the start.
Showcase. Make your offer enticing to the customer. Know your target audience’s most current, driving
Compel. Give your customers a simple, actionable call-to-action to actively entice them to respond to
your offer.
Reward. Be sure you are prepared to deliver on the offer your customers respond to.
Exceed. Find ways to blow away customer expectations, and you will ensure the longevity of the
Questions to Answer:
Before developing your offers, take some time to answer the following questions. Make sure your
offers are as effective as possible, and aligned with your marketing and business goals.
What is my goal for presenting the offer? Before settling on an offer, identify how it fits in with your
overall marketing and sales strategy. Will it bring the customer further along in the sales cycle,
close the sale, or simply initiate interest in your company?
Have I appropriately segmented my customers? Dividing your customer list into segments with
similar needs will allow you to more successfully and cost effectively identify opportunities and
target your offers. It will also allow you to more appropriately customize marketing materials.
What is my budget in regards to the offer? You need to know how much money you can devote
to any given offer both in terms of marketing and fulfillment (if there are costs associated with
delivery). A well-defined budget will help you determine which kinds of offers to present to your
customers, and how often to reiterate.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Consider Your Options
Microsoft® has provided you with a list of sample offers that have been used with its marketing
efforts. While not complete, this list should give you a good idea of where to start building your
own offers. You can access the Microsoft resources on the Partner Sales & Marketing site at
Self-Running Demos. These give customers the chance to interact with your product or service.
They involve minimal cost, but require you to spend time with customers to demonstrate, or can
be downloaded from your Web site.
Case Studies. These show customers your experience and capabilities and involve minimal cost
and time, and can be easily distributed to a broad range of customers online or through the mail.
Customer Needs Assessments. These personalized offers assess the compatibility of your
products or services and customer’s needs. They can involve a significant time investment, but
help the customer more fully understand the benefit of your solution.
Customer Software Evaluations. These provide hands-on interaction with potential solution and
involve minimal cost if the evaluation is sourced from Microsoft, and can be sent to a broad base
of customers.
Seminars. Customized engagements get you face-to-face with customers and prospects. Seminars
can involve cost and time investment, but can be a great way to demonstrate your expertise in a
personal way.
Webcasts/Webinars. Customized Web engagements provide an inside look at your capabilities.
They involve an investment of time, but are comparatively cost effective and have a potentially
broad customer reach.
White Papers. Showcase your industry knowledge to interested parties with minimal cost and
time. Additionally, these can be easily shared with a broad base of customers.
When marketing to a specific industry, industry groups and
associations are a great source of special offers. Many have reports,
books and magazines that are available for bulk purchase.
Microsoft Resources
Microsoft has a large array of offers for many industries. For a complete listing of solution selling tools
and sale stages, use the Intelligent Knowledge Engine on http://www.ms-gearup.com.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Direct Marketing:
Electronic marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing mediums and also the one most
likely to be misused. Precisely because of the many low cost options available, many marketers spend
less time researching options and getting expert help. The best way to avoid these pitfalls and create
electronic marketing programs that drive leads is to plan. Some points to think about in creating your
Be Realistic About the Resource Investment Electronic Marketing Takes
Although an electronic newsletter might be free to send – it’s not free to create. Your in-house
marketing resources are too valuable to spend time writing for newsletters that are not being read.
You should be prepared to invest hard dollars in content and special offers to make your newsletter
more successful.
Get the Right Lists
Invest the bulk of your resources on the lists. There are hundreds of on-line companies selling email lists. Too many of these lists have a high failure rate or do not come from opt-in sources. A
better approach is to determine your market and then work with traditional list vendors to get e-mail
addresses. Also, make sure you are approaching all the appropriate associations, publications and
groups that map to the verticals you are focusing on to determine what lists are available to you. If
you cannot receive e-mail addresses of members, see if you can put special offers in their newsletter.
Once they are on your site you can capture their information for your subscriber list.
Write A Formal Privacy Policy (And Post It!)
You can find specific help in developing a privacy policy from the Direct Marketing Association
(www.the-dma.org/privacy). And once your policy is in place, make sure someone in your firm is
responsible for seeing it’s adhered too. More than just a legal issue, a lack of a privacy policy can lead
to customer satisfaction issues.
Timing / Frequency
Take the time to build a calendar of what messages you will be sending out and when. If you are going
to do a newsletter, than consider including all pertinent information in that newsletter and use special
mailings only very selectively.
Use a professional designer for all your electronic pieces, including your website and newsletters.
Make sure the designer is experienced in electronic design and that the design integrates with your
company’s printed collateral.
Hire an Expert.
Unless you have in-house expert on electronic marketing – hire a consultant to help you create a
program, or audit your existing one. Even a small investment can provide some great ideas that will
increase the success of your on-line marketing.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
E-Mail Marketing
Maintaining communication with customers and prospects is the cornerstone of any successful
business. E-mail marketing and newsletters are quickly becoming a popular method of keeping in
touch and moving the sales process forward.
Get Started!
Know Your Audience
When you communicate via e-mail you must capture the reader’s attention immediately. Know your
audience and ensure that your message is reaching the appropriate people.
Define Appropriate Content
It’s important to keep the messages fresh, interesting, and relevant for your customers.
Consider These Questions:
n Is there anything happening in your industry or in the economy that you can highlight or leverage to
deliver your message?
Is your information positioned as informative or a hard sell? At the first sign of a hard sell, many
consumers delete the e-mail.
Does your newsletter point your readers back to your Web site?
Is your contact information clearly placed?
Is there an easy way for customers to be removed from your e-mail list?
It’s important to obtain permission to e-mail your target audience if you want to begin a successful
e-mail marketing relationship. Be aware of the current laws regulating spam e-mail in your region
and country. Collecting names at events or from your Web site is the preferred method of e-mail
communications because these customers have chosen to learn more about your company or your IT
As with any other form of marketing, track your results and measure the impact of your efforts.
Recommended On-Line Resources
Clikz. A very valuable site with hundreds of free articles on e-marketing – from basic to in-depth
information: http://www.clickz.com/em_mkt/em_mkt/
SherpaStore. An EXCELLENT site with multiple reports and how to guides on all aspects of
electronic marketing from the tactical to the strategic. www.sherpastore.com
EMarketer. www.emarketer.com
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Recommended Books & Articles
E-Mail Marketing by Jim Sterne and Anthony Priore
Permission-Based E-Mail Marketing That Works! By Kim Macpherson
Internet Direct Mail : The Complete Guide to Successful E-Mail Marketing Campaigns, by Steve
Roberts, Michelle Feit, Robert W. Bly
101 Ways to Boost Your Web Traffic: Internet Promotion Made Easier, 2nd Edition, by Thomas Wong
The Web Marketing Checklist – 29 Ways to Market Yourself on the Web, by Ralph Wilson.
Microsoft Tools & Training
How to Guide: How To Do E-Marketing:
Electronic Marketing Companies
Spire Associates
Spire Associates is a marketing consulting firm specializing in developing, implementing and refining
customer marketing and CRM programs for leading companies. SPIRE acts as an extension of their
client’s team to:
Define - Define their marketing strategies and Plan the implementation
Implement - Oversee/help with the implementation as needed and measure the success of the campaigns
Refine - Refine the strategy based on these results and Inform branding efforts with our insights form the
customer retention work
Wiebke [“Veep-kah”] Liu
486 Arlington St
San Francisco, CA 94131
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Sundog provides the custom solutions you need to take advantage of today’s business Internet and
use its technology to improve your bottom line. Founded in January 1996, we’ve built our business
around a simple mission: to positively change the lives of our team members and customers by
creating, identifying and capturing the opportunities of the Internet.
Sundog provides a wide range of software-based solutions that rely on the technologies of the
E-Business and Post-Market Consulting and Planning
Information Architecture
User-Interface Design
Flash Animation
Content Creation and Management
Website, CD-ROM, Kiosk and Browser-Based Software Development
Secure, Fully Integrated Intranets, Extranets, Employee Self-Service Portals and E-Commerce Solutions
Highly Customized Application and Database Development and Integration
Sundog is part of a holding company that comprises four powerful communications firms: GL Ness
(advertising/marketing/branding), Sundog (e-business solutions), Bankshot Productions (video/audio
studio), and Shafer/Ness Public Relations. Working together, we fuel success for our clients by delivering
the compelling and consistent brand messages that maximize their brand and knowledge equity.
Sundog has worked with Microsoft Business Solutions to design and develop more than a dozen events
web sites, complete extensive back-end development work on PartnerSource and CustomerSource,
create icons for SBM, and execute many other web-based or multimedia projects. We have a strong .NET
development team with experience integrating with Microsoft Solutions
DC Lucas, Business Development Manager
201 North 5th Street, Floor 15
Fargo, ND 58102
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
E-Newsletter & Search Engine Services
Microsoft Small Business Center (Previously bcentral)
Microsoft Small Business Center has a number of products for e-mail list management that are cost effective
for smaller businesses. Most are available on a monthly basis which not only allows you to test the tools,
but also gives you the ability to access them for campaigns. The tools available include HTML templates for
professional newsletter design and the ability to target subscribers based on demographic data.
Point Click Send
Similar to BCentral, this service also provides HTML templates and list management services.
BeTuitive Marketing offers end-to-end e-newsletter and blog creation, delivery and tracking and
measurement tools.
Moreover Technologies is a provider of real-time information management solutions, delivering
essential online information in time to impact business decisions. Provides a newsletter content
service that can be customized for various audience.
I Make News
E-Newsletter management, design and tracking tools.
SmartSearch Marketing
SmartSearch Marketing is a Boulder, Colorado-based full-service search engine marketing company.
They specialize in developing paid search engine marketing programs, managing pay-per-click
advertising campaigns, and training others on effective search promotion techniques.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Customer Nurture Marketing
A formal customer relationship and nurture program is often overlooked in the marketing planning
process. Many companies feel the regular phone calls they make to their customers is enough.
However, marketing creatively – and consistently to your existing customers is as important (if not
more important) than your new customer marketing programs. When creating a customer marketing
plan, consider the following:
Depth of Customer Contacts.
You should go at least 3 deep in every company you do business with. Then, make sure you target
your messages to each customer’s specific needs.
Keep Your Data Fresh.
Take the time to keep the customer data refreshed. Make sure all the business cards around the
office are entered and that any returned mails and e-mails are reflected. Don’t forget past direct
marketing responders (seminars, direct mail, etc.) Consider bringing in a temp once a month for data
input and announce the day in advance so everyone provides their information.
Put an Activity Calendar in Place.
Take the time to plan for a full calendar year’s worth of activity. In addition to the typical client
relationship events (golfing, parties, etc.) direct mail can be a cost effective way to stay in front of your
client with minimal costs and resources. Some ideas to consider:
Letters. A simple business letter is often over-looked in the marketing mix. However, a letter is an
inexpensive and timely way to get out information on your company – new certifications, changes
in your business that will benefit the customer, as well as information on new technologies that
are relevant to the customer.
Newsletters. Whether they are print or electronic, newsletters can be time-consuming to create,
but you can streamline the process by using some canned content (including press releases
issued by consulting and other non-competitive firms), hiring freelance writers, and using predesigned templates. Be realistic about the resources you do have though and schedule your
newsletter accordingly. As you start off, a bi-annual publication can be a good way to ease into the
“publishing” business and get a sense for the investment you will need to make.
Postcards. Postcards are an inexpensive way to get a series of messages and reminders out to
your clients. They are good to announce new products, services, case studies and as a seminar
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Holiday Campaigns. Although almost all partners we spoke with have some type of holiday thank
you for their customers, few considered it as part of their marketing or customer relationship plan.
As you already invest dollars in this, make sure you are getting the maximum benefit from those
dollars. Look for innovative ways to have your greeting or gift stand out:
Consider moving your holiday greetings to November (Thanksgiving) or January (after 1/10) to
help you stand out from the deluge of holiday greetings. Or consider saying thanks mid-year
when no one else is focused on it.
When creating holiday greetings or gifts, consider the value of incorporating a non-profit into
your plans. Many have cards or donation programs available - particularly around the holidays
and many have on-line gift shops with gifts appropriate for businesses.
Consider breaking the budget up and sending small gifts and notes at various times of the
year. Send gifts or notes to recognize your client’s important times (anniversaries, new product
launches, openings, expansion plans, etc.)
Keep a list of the top three websites for the industries you are targeting and
subscribe to any relevant newsletters or publications. Forward (electronically
or via mail / fedex, etc.) items that may be of interest to your clients. You
can also use this information as a basis for your letters and newsletter.
Recommended On-Line Resources
Insightexec.com: A comprehensive knowledge center on the topic of Customer Relationship
Management. http://crm.insightexec.com/
Know This: An overall marketing information site with good links to CRM information available on
the web. http://www.knowthis.com/cfm/crmbasics.htm
Better Management: http://www.bettermanagement.com
http://www.1to1.com: The website for Peppers & Rogers Group, a management consulting firm
recognized as the leading authority in customer-based business strategy. Peppers & Rogers coined
the phrase 1 to 1 marketing and have a number of books and other tools available through their
website. Peppers & Rogers is also available to hire as a consultant for your customer relationship
marketing activities.
Microsoft Resources
Add-On-Action Program: https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource/resources/pricing/campaigns/
Leveraging Loyalty: mbslylty@microsoft.com
Existing Customer Campaigns:
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Customer Relationship Companies
Mac Mcintosh
Mac McIntosh is a leader in the development of marketing programs that can help you create high quality
leads. Mac has consulted with Microsoft for many years and is currently working with Microsoft partners
on Marketing Bootcamps and consulting work. In addition, he is also the creator of the marketing
calculators on PartnerSource and delivers many of the Microsoft Business Solutions Webcasts on
marketing techniques.
Mac McIntosh’s mission is to help you:
Generate more high-quality sales leads
Convert more sales leads into sales
Track, measure and increase your return-on-investment
His services and expertise include:
Business-to-business sales and marketing consulting
Inquiry handling and response management
Sales and marketing database development
Outsourcing of marketing services
Sales lead generation
Sales lead management
Direct marketing
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
800-944-5553 or 401-294-7730
Epsilon is a leading relationship marketing company that helps clients create measurable business
results through integrated marketing services. Epsilon is committed to maximizing the value, growth
and loyalty of their clients’ customer and prospect portfolio through core services in data analysis,
multi-channel direct communications and database marketing. Epsilon services enable clients to
build enduring customer relationships by identifying marketing opportunities and creating actionable
customer insight. Epsilon maintains offices in Boston, Washington, D.C., St. Louis, and Dallas. Relizon
acquired Epsilon in 2002.
Dennis Driscoll, VP and General Manager
601 Edgewater Drive
Wakefield, MA 01880
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
B2B Contact
B2B Contact works with Solution Providers in all phases of tactical marketing including prospect database
development, email campaigns and calling initiatives. B2B Contact has worked extensively with SPs on Great
Plains-Solomon, Windows 2003-Infrastructure and MS CRM Demand Generation Campaigns throughout the
US. It is estimated that technology decision maker contact data changes at a rate of ten-percent per quarter.
B2B Contact focuses on identifying, building and continuously refreshing SP Decision Maker Data to ensure
your message is heard by the largest number of decision makers in terms of reach and frequency.
B2B Contact will help you find “Net New Clients” and stimulate dormant accounts with the following services:
Target Market Analysis and Complete Prospect Database Development
Develop Opt-In Database without “Spamming” Prospects
Deliver Monthly Messages to potential prospects
Seminar and Web Seminar Recruitment
Maintenance of CRM Data with merge, purge de-dupe and re-indexing services
End User Offer Development and Solution Packaging
Eric Frantzen
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Influencer Marketing
Working with influencers including CPA’s and local associations and chambers can be a great way to
increase your presence in your marketplace and position your firm as an expert in a specific industry.
Although many firms are involved in some form of influencer marketing, few actually have influencers
identified and addressed in their formal marketing plans. Although influencer marketing can be low
cost, it can also be high-resource, and unless you plan for it as you do with other activities you will end
up wasting both money and time.
When writing your plan, list out all potential influencers for your firm. In addition to the traditional
influencers such as CPA’s, associations, and user groups, consider other professionals you work with
including marketing professionals, lawyers and other business consultants.
When speaking with or crafting messages for influencers, consider that you are educating your
influencers – not selling to them. And don’t expect your influencers to do a good job of articulating your
firm’s value – provide them with the tools – an elevator pitch, brochures, etc. that do that for them.
When deciding how to incorporate associations into your plan consider:
Take the time to do the research and find all the associations and groups available in a particular
industry or marketplace. Compare the memberships and the benefits each offers.
Be realistic. The value you receive from associations is based on the amount of time you invest in
Look for associations that can provide speaking and "publishing" opportunities. Publishing
opportunities include the ability to be included in on-line or print newsletters, websites, journals,
etc. You can use those opportunities to publish how to articles that appeal to the membership
including the case studies you have completed.
Most importantly, remember that influencer marketing is based on trusted and reciprocal relationships.
Although you may use traditional marketing tactics to find and begin development of relationships
– ultimately – it is the one to one relationships that will bring you leads. Keep your circle of influencers
small enough to allow you to devote the personal attention needed. Make sure you are providing as
much value to your influencers as you want them to provide to you.
Send your influencers clippings, research papers and even occasionally
books that reflect their interests. This is a great and very personalized
touch that will keep your firm top of mind. You can use an on-line
content or clipping service to feed you appropriate articles.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Associations and Chambers
The American Society for Association Executives
A non-profit organization with resources for associations and companies looking to market to
associations. The association provides a number of resources including directories of associations
and technology directories that companies can advertise in as well as electronic and print advertising
The Society for Non-Profit Organizations
A non-profit organization that publishes Non-Profit World and provides information to and on non-profits
nationally. Includes directory listing and other resources including archives of Non-Profit World.
Directory of Associations
35,000 organizations nationwide (many with regional and local chapters) of Associations
Features and Benefits:
All data comes in comma-delimited, Access, and Excel formats, and imports into virtually any application.
Database updated continuously, for the most accurate data available anywhere, with monthly updates
The United States Chamber of Commerce
A comprehensive website offering assistance to existing chambers and acting as an association for
local chambers. Resources include a full directory listing as well as highlights of accredited chambers.
Chamber of Commerce Directory
On-Line directory of chambers nationwide. Searchable by state and city. Some data is spotty but usage
is free and fairly complete.
The On-Line Chambers
A website directory of Chambers with an on-line presence. Searchable by city and state. No fee and no
registration necessary.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Event Marketing
A successful event can help you increase your company exposure, drive interest and demand for your
products or services, and generate leads to grow your customer base. With careful planning, you’ll be
able to communicate your unique message to an audience that is eager to network and learn about
new technologies and services. And most importantly, you’ll lay the groundwork for new prospects and
existing customers with your sales efforts.
Understand the Basics
Keep it simple. Creating or running an event does not have to be a large affair. An event is
another way to engage with new and existing customers and extend the customer relationship by
showcasing your knowledge, experience, or customer-centric qualities that differentiate you from
the competition. An event can be a simple brown-bag lunch, breakfast series, or evening briefing.
Whatever the type of event, keep it simple and focus on the most important aspects of your
Create a compelling message. Driving demand for or interest in your event and keeping your
audience’s attention during the time you have allocated are important for sending the right
message to the right audience. Make sure that what you talk about is something the audience
can learn from a unique service you provide or an interesting industry challenge that needs to be
Define a strong call-to-action. What do you want your audience to walk away with? Do you want
them to try something, i.e., eval software, learn more, or re-evaluate? Make sure the audience is
clear on what their role and action should be.
Define Your Objectives
The following objectives must be clearly defined to ensure your event is as effective as possible:
Goal. Define the ultimate purpose of your event. Do you wish to appeal to your current customer
base in order to enrich and extend the relationship? Or are you looking to expand your base by
attracting new customers? Well-defined goals will help you refine your focus in every stage of the
planning process.
Audience. Choose a target audience, typically either the business decision makers or the
technical decision makers. This will determine the direction and theme of your event.
Theme. Your event should highlight a single topic that your target audience will find irresistible.
An event that presents disparate themes might seem too confusing and possibly irrelevant to
attendees. Choose a theme that captures the audience’s imagination, such as new technology or
improved services that will help solve a specific customer problem.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Running a Successful Event
Choose The Type Of Event
Once you’ve defined your goal, audience, and theme, the next step is to choose the type of event that
is most appropriate for connecting with attendees. First, you must decide whether to have a live or
Web event. Here is a brief look at the pros and cons of each:
Live. Whether it’s an elegant luncheon with top customers or a half-day round-table seminar, live
events offer the chance for attendees to network and share information in a highly personal way.
While they can be more expensive and involve more planning and setup time, live events enable
you to cover a wider range of topics and interact with customers face-to-face.
Webcast. Many attendees prefer webcasts because they don’t have to commit as much time to
attend. Webcasts are easier to plan and set up and involve less of a financial commitment. While
you lose the interpersonal connection when you host a Web event, you save both time and money
and can potentially reach a much broader audience.
It’s vital to create the ideal environment to engage your intended audience, so make sure you explore
all possible options before you plan your event.
Measure Your Success
After all of the effort you put into preparing and staging your event, you’ll want to know what your
audience thought of it and how useful it was in acquiring sales leads. There are a number of
measurements industry experts use to determine the success of an event:
Evaluation forms. Find out what the audience thought of your event by handing out evaluations or
asking attendees to fill out an evaluation form on your Web site.
Sales leads. Follow up with attendees to track down any strong sales leads and to get one-on-one
feedback directly from them.
Campaign success. In addition to calculating the financial ROI from an event, track the success
of your invitations and e-mails to guests. Not only will this optimize future campaigns, but it will
give you the opportunity to learn more about the background and demographics of your intended
More on Events
Your Invite
The most common mistake in seminar invites is a lack of information that compels the reader to
register. Don’t sacrifice the content for the sake of a less expensive piece. A postcard is good for
seminar reminders, but rarely gives enough space to allow you to outline all the benefits the seminar
attendee will receive. In other words – don’t write to the creative – chose the creative based on the
information you have to impart.
Consider Expert Speakers
Consider hiring outside speakers whose expertise complements your topic. You can find experts
through professional speaker bureaus, by contacting industry associations and by looking through
industry magazines.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Consider Fee Based Events
If you are offering something of “extra” value – a handbook, a follow-up on-site evaluation or a
professional speaker – consider running a fee-based event. These are perceived to have more value
and so generally have a higher response rate. Charging a fee can also help off-set the costs of the
special “item”.
Expand your partnering outside of other technology partners to include associations, non-technology
firms and publications. For example – running a seminar for human resources executives? Consider
partnering with a recruiting firm or staffing company. They can invite their customers and potentially
offer speakers and other resources to make the event more valuable for your clients.
As with all direct marketing materials – customer testimonials make a huge impact. A few well placed
quotes can make a big difference in a piece’s impact.
Strong presentation skills are the key to any successful presentation. Here are some steps to take to
plan and deliver an effective presentation.
Get Started!
When you prepare a presentation, be clear about its objectives. Are you selling, informing, or
Other questions to ask about your audience and the logistics:
n What need prompted the presentation?
Who will be attending the presentation?
What do audience members already know about the subject?
What is important to the audience?
Where and when will the presentation take place?
How will the audience be seated?
How much time do you have?
What equipment will you need?
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Planning and Delivering a Presentation
Understand your audience
Manage your anxiety
Prepare the draft
Deliver the message
Produce visual aids
Respond to difficult questions
Delivering a Presentation
Here are some tips to consider when you are giving a presentation.
n Think about your message and goals. Don’t concentrate on yourself. Have good information to
Immediate impressions: Maintain credibility by dressing appropriately.
Voice: Vary your pitch, pace, quality, and volume. Use a conversational approach and don’t talk
from a script. Avoid mumbling, monotones, and talking to your visuals.
Posture: Develop a relaxed stance; a physically rigid posture usually conveys nervousness. Avoid
slouching, pacing, and rocking from side-to-side.
Gestures: Use smooth, natural gestures to reinforce your message. Avoid over-gesturing, which is
Facial expressions: Vary your facial expressions to match your material. Convey your interest in
the audience by making eye contact with as many people as possible.
Common distractions to avoid: Jingling keys or change, biting lip, or playing with jewelry or hair.
Presentations: Understanding Your Audience
Learn as much as you can about your audience before any presentation, to tailor your messages and
help handle difficult questions.
Get Started!
Consider these questions to help understand your audience:
n Who is the audience?
Why are they present?
What do they expect?
What do they already know about the subject?
What is their level of experience or interest in the subject?
Are they likely to be interested, apathetic, or hostile?
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
What is their attitude towards you as the presenter?
What do they perceive as your role in the presentation?
What do you need from them?
Do they know what you need from them?
What do they perceive as their role in the presentation?
What is it that they really want to know about, given the material that you have?
Here are some tips on handling audience questions—even the difficult ones!
n Be prepared to answer questions with facts and information.
Run through your presentation in advance with peers and ask for their questions.
Announce at the start of your presentation that you scheduled time for questions.
Listen carefully to the questions.
If the audience is large or if the presentation is being videotaped, repeat the question to ensure
that everyone heard it, and it gets recorded.
Be concise in your answer.
Keep eye contact with the questioner, but answer to the whole audience.
If you don’t know the answer, say so. Offer to find information and contact the questioner later.
Anticipate disagreement and try to address it, before it addresses you.
Avoid being defensive. Don’t lecture or ridicule people who ask tough questions.
Make and maintain eye contact with participants who interrupt you.
Tips to build confidence and manage anxiety:
n Be well-prepared. That’s the best way to build confidence.
Practice. Rehearse until your presentation becomes second nature.
Be committed to your ideas. Real interest in your topic will be apparent to your audience.
Be prepared for questions and difficult people.
Arrive an hour early to give yourself time to deal with items that may not be ready.
Create cheat sheets.
Memorize the first few minutes of your presentation.
Take some deep breaths before beginning, and again in the middle.
Understand that you will make mistakes but it is most important to keep going and maintain your
focus on the topic.
Be flexible and don’t take yourself too seriously.
Have fun.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Seminars: Hosting Business Technology
Events With Customers
Seminars provide a cost-effective way to reach a highly-qualified audience and directly influence
attendees with your marketing message. Seminars tend to be viewed as a non-threatening
environment where people can get information and evaluate products.
Get Started!
A seminar is an informative presentation held in a controlled setting that provides solutions to the
needs of a target audience and gives that audience key take-away messages. After the event, send
thank you notes to remind attendees of your offerings and your contact information.
Here are ten recommended steps to an effective seminar:
1. Pre-planning: Define and document your business goals associated with hosting a seminar and
keep them in sight at all times.
What is my company trying to accomplish with this seminar?
What is my clear value statement or competitive advantage I want to articulate to customers?
How will I measure the effectiveness of the time and money invested in making this seminar
What goals will we have regarding follow up with interested customers?
2. Target Your Audience: Presenters often make the mistake of trying to address a too-mixed
audience with a too-generic message. Determine if your audience is business decision makers,
technical decision makers, technical engineers, sales staff, or marketing leads.
3. Content Creation: The content you compile will be the most important piece of hosting an
effective event. Include a clear agenda at the beginning of the presentation. Begin with general
information and gradually get more specific. Ensure a clear customer call to action.
4. Speakers: An effective presentation is delivered by someone who is highly regarded about the
topic at hand. Be sure to include the speaker’s credentials in your invitation and during the
opening of the presentation. Give all of your speakers a good idea of the demographics of the
room before they finalize their presentation.
5. Venue: The venue you choose is important because it leaves a customer with an impression
of your company. Microsoft has made special arrangements with Marriott Hotels worldwide to
provide you with a single point of contact to assist you in securing the appropriate venue for your
meeting. When you work with a Marriott representative, you will experience ease in event planning,
a centralized source of support in locating the best location for your event, and the benefits of
working with a staff of professional planners to ensure the most successful meeting possible.
If you would like to know more about this special offer, please contact a Marriott Sales
Representative at 1-866-385-6233. You may also e-mail or fax your meeting agenda information to
6. Audio-Visual Equipment: Find out the audio-visual needs of the speakers. All rooms are not
equipped with sound systems. Chairs should be no closer to the screen than 1.5 times the
screen’s height.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
7. Registration: An effective registration should request an attendee’s name, title, company name,
address, e-mail address, phone number, business size, and vertical industry. Include a tracking
system so you can check registration on a daily basis.
8. Invitations: First, send a direct mail invitation, and then follow up with an e-mail within one week.
Follow up again with a telesales call.
9. Mailing List: If you choose to mail invitations to people who are not on your current customer
database, a list broker can help obtain the best lists for your mailing. Many advertising agencies
will act as liaison to your list broker.
10. Evaluations: Include seminar evaluations so you can check attendance numbers, measure the
effectiveness of presentations and speakers, and measure a customer’s likeliness to do business
with you.
On Line Resources
How to Market Seminars: http://www.howtomarketseminars.com
Also – download their free white paper: The 10 Biggest Mistakes to Avoid When Marketing Seminars
and Workshops.
Microsoft Resources
Microsoft Event Services: http://www.mspartnerevents.com
Event Planning Companies
Since Microsoft Event Service is not a profit-center, they are likely to be your most cost effective
resource for seminar and event planning services, so we do recommend contacting them first.
Impressive Events
Impressive Events is a full-service nationwide event, meeting and conference production and
management firm.
Impressive Events can manage everything at your event from venue selection and contract negotiation,
food and beverage management, registration and direct/electronic invite development, and on-site logistic
management, Impressive Events keeps every single detail focused on your marketing strategy and
business plan, and delivers every effort with unique style and a professional and entertaining panache.
Impressive Events, LLC
209 Cooper Avenue, Suite 8A
Upper Montclair, NJ 07043
Phone: 973-783-0016
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Event Marketing:
The Partner Tradeshow Booth program allows you to rent booths for tradeshows and events.
With professionally created graphics, you can leverage the power of the Microsoft brand as a
Microsoft Certified Partner.
Recommended On-Line Resources
The Trade Show Institute:
Home page for the Tradeshow Institute, a non-profit group with an extensive library of free articles
on tradeshow marketing including how to assess a show and improve your impact at shows.
TSNN – The Ultimate Trade Show Resource:
A compiled database of tradeshows in the US searchable by location and industry.
Tradeshow Tips
A white paper with useful tips for improving the effectiveness of your tradeshow dollars.
Tradeshow.com has a page with some useful tips articles that includes tradeshows on a budget
and how to select the right booth property.
Microsoft Resources
Whenever possible, Microsoft will include partners in their tradeshow activities through
partner pavilions. A complete list of upcoming shows with partner opportunities is available at
http://www.microsoft.com/corpevents/pavilion. The site also contains information for exhibiting
at partner and customer events such as Convergence, TechEd and Worldwide Partner Conference
Microsoft Trade Show Booth
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Tradeshow Companies
Exhibit Central
Full service tradeshow marketing company – from show management through booth sales. Has good
info on their website on expected booth traffic at shows (through their event calculator) as well as
general information on tradeshows.
Booth Companies
The following are sources for the purchase of a tradeshow booth. We recommend purchasing a booth
that is adaptable (can be table top and free standing). If you are going to ship your booth (as opposed
to hand carrying to local shows) we absolutely recommend purchasing a case to protect it.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Telemarketing & Telesales
Finding the right telemarketing company can be a difficult task. Telemarketing companies come in all
shapes and sizes. When interviewing a possible vendor, keep the following in mind:
Reputation is very important. You must be confident that you will be represented in a professional
manner. Ask about experience. This includes how long the company has been in business and their
familiarity with your product and service. Do they have long standing relationships with clients? Are
they willing to provide references?
Facilities and Staffing
New telemarketing companies are continually popping up. It is critical that you determine how the
telemarketers are monitored. Is there a facility where the telemarketers are managed or do they work
from home? Are they coached and trained on your project? Have they worked on similar campaigns?
How many telemarketers will be working on the campaign? Will a Project Manager be assigned to
supervise and assess results?
Clear Understanding of Lead Qualifications
Everyone has a different opinion of what is considered a qualified lead. Make sure that the
organization understands what you consider qualified. For example, some organizations consider
a qualified lead any organization that is willing to look at what you have or may consider changing
software down the road. This might be fine for some dealers; however, others may want a more solid
prospect--someone who has definitely made the decision to change software, has a budget, and a
specific timeframe for purchase. Both types of leads can be provided, however, some type of code
such as “A” and “B” leads should classify them.
Quality Control
Upon request, you should be able to listen to the call on any lead you have received. This prevents any
discrepancy between you and the telemarketing organization. Some companies periodically monitor
calls. This does not prevent you from receiving questionable leads. The telemarketing company’s
management staff should review all leads before they are sent to you and give you the ability to also
hear the call.
A good telemarketing script is essential to a successful campaign. The telemarketing company should
provide scripting services. This should include analysis of scripts that you provide or the ability to
develop one from scratch. It is important that lead qualifiers are included in the script, such as time
frame to purchase and budget.
The list quality can make or break a campaign. The best lists are those that you may have already
compiled. However, if you do not have a list, make sure the telemarketing company can provide one.
Discuss your geography and vertical markets. Make sure there are enough names available for your
project. If the telemarketing company is providing the list, find out how often it is updated.
Data Gathering
In addition to providing qualified leads, determine if the telemarketing company will provide you any
additional information. Do they update the contact names and titles on the list? Will you be able to
see call results at the end of the project? How is this data going to be sent? Excel spreadsheets are
common and can be sent electronically.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Reporting is important in determining how your campaign is progressing. Find out the name of your
Project Manager and an additional contact. Request periodic updates. Establish up front the average
number of dials and contacts with decision makers you should expect.
In the end, telemarketing can be an effective tactic for generating qualified leads that provide a
significant return on investment. Establishing realistic expectations and outlining the program focus
will insure the highest levels of success.
Whether you are using telemarketing as a stand-alone campaign or as a follow-up for an existing
seminar or direct mail campaign, for most partners, it makes sense to outsource. Telemarketing firms
have years of experience that is just too difficult to replicate in-house.
(Contributed by Debbie Turner, President, Turner Marketing)
Telemarketing costs vary from as low as $40 per hour to $100 per hour, depending on
the company and the services they provide.
Telemarketing Firms
CSG Openline
CSG has many years of managing channel partner communications, and has earned considerable
praise for the thoroughness of this approach, experience of the staff, and measurable return on
clients’ investments. In 2003, CSG was one of five vendors nominated for Microsoft’s Vendor
Excellence Award in the Value category. CSG Openline provides:
Significant, measurable return on the cost of service
Creative solutions aligned with project budgets and scope
In-depth understanding of channel partner relationships
Immediate launch, fast delivery
Joby Pearson, Regional Sales Manager
2811 South 102nd, Suite 220
Seattle, WA 98168
206-763-7000 x 1013
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
The Lead Dogs
We Help our Customers Find Customers by:
Generating Qualified Leads through Phone Marketing
Managing Marketing Inquiries
n Developing Key Accounts
n Nurturing Inquiries through Phone,
Mail and E-Mail
2433 Rutland Drive
Suite 210
Austin, TX 78758
Ph: 512-990-2000 ext. 116
Fx: 512-990-8999
Turner Marketing
Turner Marketing is an Orlando based call center that has been providing quality lead generation,
seminar fulfillment, and database scrubbing to the Microsoft channel for over 10 years. The Turner
Marketing staff and Project Managers are familiar with all Microsoft Business Solutions and work with
clients to develop scripts, determine lead qualifiers (budget, time frame, or other criteria) needed to
generate a qualified lead. Microsoft partners can be assured they will consistently be represented
in a professional manner. Microsoft partners that have worked with Turner Marketing have found
outsourcing a cost effective method of lead generation providing a significant return on investment.
Turner Marketing
755 Rinehart Rd. Suite 100
Lake Mary, Florida 32746
Toll Free 877-887-6371
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Hancock Information Group
In over 20 years of providing sales and marketing support for Global 2000 companies, Hancock
Information Group has discovered that few business-to-business enterprises possess all the skills
and best practices needed to optimize their marketing results over a significant period of time. These
practices include:
Building a database of every prospective company from which their sales organization would value and
adopt a lead;
Prioritizing the market into high-value segments according to the attributes that lead to a high probability
of profitable sales;
Engaging key decision makers in relevant dialogues that are based on their interests, priorities and
Nurturing and maturing high-value prospects deep into the sales process, to where the immediate
intervention of a sales representative is warranted; and
Optimizing a flow of qualified business opportunities into sales pipelines based on performance and
business objectives.
While many marketers appreciate the logic and value behind these practices, few boast of a solid track
record in executing an integrated market penetration and sales acceleration solution that optimizes
the ROI on their enterprise investments.
Tony Meggs
2180 W. State Road 434
Suite 3170
Longwood, FL 32779
Integrated Sales Solutions (ISSI)
As specialists in new business development telemarketing, we know that your sales reps are the most
expensive element of the sales process. They should invest their time with qualified leads only. Any
time spent with unqualified prospects directly impacts your bottom line.
We’ve been successfully generating new business opportunities for software companies since 1992.
We’ve been specifically working with Microsoft accounting software resellers for four years. Call us
today to learn more about our ReSellerLeads Program, and how you too can dramatically increase your
sales success this year.
Ronen Ben-Dror, Vice President - Sales
28045 Ashley Circle, Suite 103
Libertyville, IL 60048
(847) 247-2800 ext 222 or (800) ISSI-YES
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Other Resources
A brand represents your reputation to your clients and distinguishes you from the competition. In
essence – a brand symbolizes how others think about your business.
Creating a Brand Identity
The first step in creating your business identity is to spend some time thinking about these key
messages that your brand will represent. You can do this by writing up a creative brief that answers
these questions:
What is your mission?
What do you want to communicate to new and existing clients?
What image do you want to convey? Be specific here – are you known for staying in budget,
beating deadlines, etc.
What are the demographics of your customer base – size, location and industries of your
customer can influence your brand.
Which words best describe your business?
Creating Your Brand Elements
The best way to create a logo and other brand elements is with a professional designer, preferably
one with experience in creating logos. You do not need to invest in a large branding company – many
smaller designers have experience with logos and are reasonably priced. You may be tempted to use
clip art or other on-line tools to create your own logo. These logos generally look low budget however
and send the wrong message about your firm.
When working with your designer, make sure you consider all the places your logo will be used:
business cards, marketing premiums, direct marketing, your website, etc. In general – the simpler the
design, the easier it is to adapt it to various formats. Also make sure that you receive a black and
white logo in addition to full color. There will be places where B&W is the only option so you want to
make sure it will work in B&W with no loss of impact.
Implementing Your Brand
Make sure your brand elements are being used consistently throughout all your marketing vehicles.
Everything from your signs to your business cards and website needs to be consistent. Your designer
can help here by creating a style guide. This guide will ensure that everyone that might use your logo
– from employees to outside marketing firms – are using it correctly.
Finally, make sure you respect your logo and the logos of your partners. Don’t rotate it, change colors,
crop it or stretch it out of proportion. Logos misused like this are unprofessional and in the case of
other companies may violate usage restrictions.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Recommended On-Line Resources
Microsoft Tools & Training
The most important Microsoft branding tool is the Microsoft Business Solutions Logo. This certification
when combined with your logo creates a powerful brand identity. Microsoft Business Solutions
competencies are focused on financial management, customer relationship management, supply chain
management, and analytics applications. Competencies include: Microsoft Business Solutions—Axapta;
Microsoft Business Solutions—Great Plains; Microsoft Business Solutions—Navision; Microsoft Business
Solutions—Solomon; and Microsoft Business Solutions CRM.
Logo Builder. Members of the Microsoft Partner Program can download program logos and
guidelines to aid in the creation of sales and marketing materials. Now Microsoft introduces
Partner Logo Builder, a new program for Microsoft Certified and Gold Certified Partners to
dynamically build custom logos.
Use the Partner Logo Builder to quickly create unique logos that display your Microsoft Gold
or Certified Partner logo paired with your achieved Microsoft Competencies, then download in
predefined file formats for use in your marketing materials. These customized logos can help you
promote your valuable skill set to customers who are looking for a particular type of solution.
Microsoft Gold Certified or Microsoft Certified Partner logos with competencies are ONLY available
to partners via the Partner Logo Builder which will create logo lockups unique to each partner.
Corporate Identity / Branding Companies
ID8 Creative Consulting
ID8 can help you brand your business and give it the unique positioning needed to win in today’s
competitive marketplace. From there, ID8 can create advertising and promotional tools that are not only
economical, but incredibly effective at reaching your consumer.
Nancy Horowitz is the creator and founder of ID8 Creative Consulting. With 12 years of international advertising
experience on mega brands such as Procter & Gamble, Philips, Bristol Meyers and Mars, she brings a global
perspective to local brands. From online ventures to fragrances to youth brands, Nancy has a passion for
getting to the unique core of each product and translating it into a meaningful message for your target. A writer
by training, Nancy will hand craft your message making it the most powerful and impactful it can be.
Nancy Ellis Horowitz
10 East End Ave. #5D
New York, NY 10021
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Case Studies
Case studies are an extremely important tool in your marketing toolbox. The ability to show ROI
on your projects and demonstrate your expertise in an industry is one of the key factors driving IT
decisions and can greatly enhance the impact of any marketing campaign.
The key resources and tools you need to create a successful case study are your customer’s buy-in
and a good technical writing resource.
Getting Customer Buy-In
Define the amount of time it will take and communicate that information to the client when
requesting their participation.
Consider what, if anything, you can offer your client – particularly those that agree to the more
time consuming case studies. Can you offer free consulting hours in another area of their
business, some discounts on support hours, or some type of training?
If the client cannot do a full case study, make sure you still request a reference or quote.
For more information on convincing your client to do a case study, join www.marketingprofs.com.
(Search on case study after getting premium access. This is a worthwhile service which will give
you lots of information on all marketing disciplines.)
If you have the resources to write your own case study, or even as a guide if you are working with a
writer, the following template is useful for gathering information you need when creating a case study
independent of Microsoft.
Maximize your case studies value as a resource – try getting them placed
on appropriate industry / association sites; use portions as content for your
newsletter; include them on your website and use them as the basis for article
pitches to local business publications (where your customer is located.)
Microsoft Resources
Have a Case Study Developed on Your Customers
As in any business, satisfied customers are our best marketing partners. Finding their stories and
making the best use of those references in your sales and marketing activities are key objectives of
the Microsoft Customer Evidence Program. How can you get involved? By identifying key customers
that fit the customer evidence selection criteria and filling out a customer evidence lead submission
form. If your submission is accepted, Microsoft will cover the cost for the development and publication
of the case study. Highlight your customer success stories today! Nominate your customers to
participate in Microsoft Business Solution case studies.
Our case study managers will review your submission and work with you to engage you and your
customer in a case study interview. The time commitment to you and your customers is minimal
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
(1 hour interview and a few follow up review/approval emails) and the exposure is phenomenal.
Case studies are viewed by our executives; by prospective and existing clients; by the press and
analyst community; and by our business development and sales executives. Opportunities include
positive public exposure for you and your customers; increased awareness with Microsoft sales and
executives; and positive customer reference materials for your business development efforts.
For more details and to download the submission form, check out the Microsoft Business Solutions
Customer Evidence Submission Program at
Case Study Writers and ROI Services
Nucleus Research
Nucleus can provide pre and post sales ROI case studies for your customer. (See the complete
overview on Nucleus on page 32).
Nucleus Research Inc.
36 Washington Street
Wellesley MA 02481
Phone: 781-416-2900
Fax: 781-416-5252
Studio B Productions, Inc.
Studio B is a premier resource for technical and go-to-market content. With unique access to more
than 300 top technology authors and subject-matter experts writing today, Studio B specializes in the
design, creation, and production of materials that include:
Case Studies and White Papers
Datasheets and Battle Cards
Web site content and Articles
Seminars and Presentations
Custom Product Documentation
Business-Value Papers
Migration Guides
Knowledge Base Content
Training and Courseware
Content Planning
Studio B is a Microsoft vendor in good standing and has been for more than 9 years. Our areas of
expertise include client technologies, office system, business desktop deployment, server system
technologies, migration, platform interoperability, security, collaboration, mobile computing, and more.
David Talbott, General Manager
Studio B Corporate Services
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Write Image
Write Image is a global marketing consulting and technology services company with offices in London,
New York, and Seattle. We help technology companies market their products and services to specific
industry sectors and audiences, delivering value through structured, measurable and repeatable
marketing programs. The programs are shaped by our expert industry and audience knowledge, proven
processes, innovative technology and creative excellence.
Established in 1988, we have a proven track record, working with global leaders such as HP, Microsoft
and Reuters and industry experts such as FileNet, Level Four and Misys. Our marketing expertise
covers financial services, retail, public sector and education. For broader markets we also offer
experience in audience and technology specific marketing.
We are a premier agency for Microsoft in customer evidence creation, full service marketing and event
management. As part of our programs we produce a number of deliverables including:
Sales tool (case studies, videos, battle cards, presentations)
White papers
Technical Books
Email newsletters
Online and CD demos
Website content, design and infrastructure
Byron Fehler
VP Client Services
Freelance Writers
Elance.com has a service that allows you to search for freelance writers by specialty.
www.elance.com. Although not qualified (as ASJA is), the service is free and can be a good source for
writers and other marketing professionals.
ASJA Writer Referral Service
The Writer Referral Service of the American Society of Journalists and Authors is a great resource for
finding professional writing talent throughout the United States. Within hours, your posting can reach
the 1,000+ ASJA members. ASJA provides a listing service for $150 and an assisted search service
for $300.
Jennie L. Phipps
Director of the Writer Referral Service
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Public Relations
Public Relations can be an extremely effective means of marketing your firm and positioning yourself
as an expert in your target markets. More than just press releases, PR encompasses everything from
article placements to speaking opportunities. It is a very low cost and extremely effective means of
marketing but is also very resource intensive. It requires an on-going investment in relationships and
is not a short term strategy.
Some Things to Think About When Deciding If and How To Launch a PR Program:
What regular news do you have to share that is PR worthy? Do you have someone within your
company that is an expert in a market, a good speaker on various business and technology issues
and has the time to speak with the press? If you do not have someone who can be your expert
– do you have interesting customers or solutions that you can take the time to write up?
Where do you want to be considered as an expert? Like anything else – for a smaller firm, PR
will be much more effective if targeted. Putting a press release on a wire service rarely results in
coverage. Conversely, having two or three writers in a specific industry that you contact with stories
relevant to them will.
Do you want to run your program entirely in-house (cost effective but labor intensive and somewhat
“spotty” relative to results) or outsource the bulk of it (will have an added cost but will have better
results and require less of your time.) Many PR firms will also work with you to create a strategy
and provide on-going services while you do some of the work in-house – cutting costs.
Recommended On-Line Resources
Recommended Books
Get Slightly Famous: Become a Celebrity In Your Field and Attract More Business with Less Effort,
Steven Van Yoder
Become A Recognized Authority In Your Field - In 60 Days Or Less, Robert W. Bly
The Complete Guide to Publicity, Joe Marconi
Guerrilla Publicity: Hundreds of Sure-Fire Tactics to Get Maximum Sales for Minimum Dollars, Jay
Conrad Levinson, Rick Frishman, Jill Lublin
Microsoft Resources
There are specific guidelines you need to follow when referencing Microsoft and Microsoft products
in your press releases. Microsoft has also created a series of templates that are available for
partner “accomplishments” such as Inner Circle winners, President’s Club, new partner status,
etc. For templates or guidelines, please send mail to mbsmkt@microsoft.com
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Public Relations and Corporate Communications Firms
Lotus Public Relations Inc.
Lotus Public Relations Inc. is a full-service PR & marketing agency that implements communications
strategies for a diverse group of clients that include venture-backed start-ups and publicly traded market
leaders in the financial services, technology and consumer industries both in the U.S. and abroad.
We are a public relations firm that doesn’t believe in hype. Instead we believe in helping our clients
grow their business, enhance their position among their competitors and achieve measurable results
on their business objectives. We work hand in hand with our clients to mold the right messages,
motivate the media and move the marketplace.
Our services range from public relations and communications strategies, branding and positioning,
media relations and analyst relations to seminars, events and sales and marketing support. Lotus
Public Relations operates out of our headquarters on Madison Avenue in Midtown NYC.
Christopher Capra, Director
Lotus Public Relations Inc.
VoicePresence Training Consultancy
VoicePresence Training Consultancy provides customized training programs for clients in the US and
Europe to help them address the specific needs of their junior- and senior-level executives in image
management, personal impact, communication and leadership skills.
Practical and results-oriented, their trainings are all hands-on and experiential. Extensive videotaped
feedback is used to ensure maximum achievement of skills. All training includes follow-up testing and
feedback to measure your return on investment.
Presentation Skills • Interpersonal Communications • Speech Writing • Business Etiquette,
International Business, Etiquette & Protocol • Communicating a Leadership Presence, Stress
Management • Voice Skills • Accent Modification • Image Management • Personal Branding •
Telephone and Customer Service Skills
Jacqueline Farrington
30 Irving Place
2nd Floor
New York, NY 10003
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Press Relations
To begin your press relations efforts, develop a newsworthy topic, determine your target audience, and
the best way to convey your message.
Get Started!
The press receives far more publicity notices than there is room to publish them. Consequently, the
majority of press releases never make it into print. If you provide a newsworthy subject that is fresh,
benefit-oriented, innovative, and reflective of industry trends, you will increase the likelihood of being
noticed by the media.
Try to announce something fresh with a newspaper-style heading that summarizes your news.
Emphasize the innovative qualities of your product or solution, and spell out how it will benefit your
customers. Show how your product or solution fits into broader industry trends to increase the
newsworthiness of your story.
Match Your Audience
Publications are divided into four broad types:
General trade press: General news about the PC industry.
Vertical trade press: Specific news about an industry, such as banking, law, or accounting.
Local general press: General news for a particular city or region.
Local business press: Business news for a particular city or region.
Your local press might be more interested than the trade press in what is happening in your
community. Consequently, they’re more likely to give you coverage. If a local paper writes a feature
story, you can send it over a wire service to possibly gain broader coverage.
Subject Matter
Appropriate subjects include case studies of your successful solutions, success stories on key people
in your organization, and descriptions of new solutions you’ve developed through your relationship with
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Differentiate Your Deliverables
Press Release: A written announcement of a newsworthy event, distributed to appropriate
members of the press via postal mail, e-mail, a news wire service, or fax. The press release is a
publicity cornerstone. Try to create the best press releases you can to catch editors’ attention and
help get your business noticed.
Fact Sheet: A brief document that outlines key points and facts about an announcement. A fact
sheet can accompany a press release to fully represent the data.
Article: A more in-depth treatment of a newsworthy event. An article is usually submitted to
selected publications rather than widely distributed. Case studies, industry trend stories, and key
company personalities are all good subjects.
Press Event: A press gathering, usually held in conjunction with a trade show, to announce
significant information.
Press Tour: A series of editorial visits, which are most effective for making a strategic
announcement such as a product launch.
Media Advisory: A brief written announcement encouraging the press to attend or watch an event
focusing on a new service or solution. A media advisory gives limited information—just enough to
draw interest and provide the press with logistical details about the event or announcement.
Call Key Editors and Reporters: Make a list of key editors and reporters whom you most want to
hear your message. Then call them to make sure your press release was received and to pitch
your story. Regular telephone contact is an important part of establishing a relationship with key
members of the media.
Call at the beginning of the day. In general, avoid calling after 3 p.m.
For weekly publications, avoid calling on Thursday or Friday.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Collateral: Printers/Designers
Your collateral (including your letterhead and business cards) is your “silent salesperson”. People may
well see your printed materials before they meet you and poorly designed collateral can be a barrier to
your success. If you do not have one on staff, we absolutely recommend hiring professional designers
for your pieces.
Also - don’t be tempted by canned desktop publishing templates. They are fine for small businesses
but send the wrong message for partners looking to service mid-size firms. The exception is templates
you can purchase on-line that have been designed by professional designers. The fee-based nature of
these templates generally insures lower usage and higher quality graphics and fonts. Try searching on
“design templates” for a list of vendors.
Tips on Choosing and Using a Designer
Interview / Investigate
What resources does the designer have? Unlike full service marketing firms, services offered by
designers vary widely and may or may not include copywriting services, photographers, printers, etc.
Make sure the designer you are working with has the appropriate resources or is willing to broker them
for you. Be clear on the total costs of the project to avoid any extras at the end of the job. Ask your
designer for references and call them – and don’t forget to ask for completed pieces.
Create a Design Brief
Before beginning the project – create a design brief. A design brief will help you and the designer think
through all the elements that are needed in your piece and can help shorten the design cycle and save
you money.
Don’t Re-Invent the Wheel
Don’t forget the a la carte materials. Microsoft has invested heavily in design of the a la carte
materials. You may find you don’t need a complete new piece but can use the services of a designer
to build on the Microsoft pieces available.
Recommended Books
Getting It Printed: How to Work With Printers and Graphic Imaging Services to Assure Quality, Stay on
Schedule and Control Costs, by Mark Beach, Eric Kenly
Recommended On-Line Resources
Creative Briefs
www.idm.com. Free registration required.
Then select > Knowledge > Campaign Guides > Direct Marketing Guide
Stock Templates
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Designers/Printers/Mailing Services
K/P Corporation
Printing. A complete range of printing services is available to you including full-color lithography, digital
imaging (one to four color), variable imaging, flexography (label printing), digital pre-press, duplication
services, and web-press printing. K/P also offers bindery and finishing services, including die cutting,
scoring, numbering, perforating, micro folding, embossing and foil stamping.
Mailing Services. For your mailing projects, K/P provides personalized laser printing, inkjet printing,
digital color printing, inserting, folding, labeling, tabbing, and mail processing. They can also provide
list preparation and database management to help you identify your target market and monitor the
Fulfillment Services. You can choose from mass-assembly fulfillment kits or custom-made packages
for more complex shipments. Most importantly, K/P will manage the inventory of your fulfillment
components, so you always have the products you need – when you need them. K/P manages order
processing and distribution so you can focus on your own business operations.
Whit Magor
13951 Washington Ave
San Leandro, CA 94578-3220
Phone: 510-351-5400 ext. 236
Fax: 510-351-2555
White Designs
With over ten years experience in the graphic design and marketing industries, White Designs’ inventive
design skills and keen project management have produced numerous successful marketing campaigns.
White Designs specializes in creating effective and results-oriented marketing campaigns that include:
Corporate Identity Packages
Print Management and Purchasing
List Management
Brochures, Direct Mail, Newsletters and Catalogs
Event Coordination and Management
Since 2001, White Designs has partnered with various marketing groups at Microsoft on a number
of marketing campaigns. These campaigns include strategy and implementation surrounding desktop
tools, server applications, developer tools, customer and partner satisfaction, executive events,
revenue generators and licensing.
Lisa White
365 Colwin Court
Blue Bell, PA 19422
Fax: 215-689-4950
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Printing for Less
Printing For Less.com was founded to provide high quality color printing in the short to medium run
color printing market. Our team has over 500 years of combined experience in the graphics industry,
enabling us to produce very high quality work. PrintingForLess.com is proud to sell more full-color
printing online than any other company in the USA!
Our mission is to consistently provide a superior printing experience to every customer. Our goal
is to provide the best possible service, support, and quality printing of every job. We excel at fast
turnaround without sacrificing quality. Our high quality work and great service have earned us many
satisfied repeat customers.
Valeria Clark
Specializing in creating print collateral for software manufacturers, Valeria Clark has worked
extensively with Microsoft offices in the East Region.
Valeria Clark
91 Horton Road
Cold Spring NY 10516
Phone: 212-397-0088
Alt. phone: 845-265-9303
Fax: 845-265-9306
Solaris Design
Solaris Design provides comprehensive graphic design services for corporate, small business and notfor-profit clients. Solaris specializes in print-based marketing collateral and business communications
— including brochures, direct mail, advertising, newsletters and informational guidebooks. They can
also assist with logo and identity development and business stationery, as well as materials for events
and trade shows, such as invitation packages and signage.
Solaris was founded in 1997 by creative director Jeff Bailey, who has over 20 years experience in
graphic design, project management and print and pre-press production. Jeff has worked extensively
with Microsoft NY.
Jeff Bailey
Solaris Design
848 Leland Avenue
Plainfield, NJ 07062
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Design Source East
A full-service marketing communications and branding company with print, web and interactive
capabilities. Design Source East professionals have over 20 years of experience working with
information technology and related industries.
Ruth Band
Senior Account Executive
Design Source East
235 Birchwood Avenue
Cranford, NJ 07016
Phone: 908-653-9797
Fax: 908-653-9796
The Partner Channel
The Partner Channel® is a go-to, web-based, advertising and marketing resource dedicated to providing
marketing and advertising analysis, guidance, and solutions for organizations selling business solution
products. TPC is your marketing manager from concept to completion in all media.
The Partner Channel can provide the following services:
Print Advertising
Brochure and Catalog Design
Corporate / Company Video Production
Direct Mail
Corporate Identity and Development
Web Design & Use
Letter Templates
Tradeshow Design and Management
Public Relations
One on One Consulting
Strategic Planning
Graphic Design Services
Lead Generation
Original Photography
Event Planning, Design and Management
Sales Team Analysis and Training
Other Services
As a member, you will have full access to their Web site, which includes tools for your business, for a
monthly membership fee of $25—no contracts or long-term commitments. In addition to access to many
great marketing ideas and value-priced campaigns, you’ll have access to the TPC staff of consultants.
Norm Robinson
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Other Marketing Resources
Market Research Firms
Ducker Worldwide
Ducker can help you use information to find new opportunities and new markets, continue to compete
and excel in existing markets, and understand the dynamics of an ever-changing global economy.
Ducker uses creative and innovative methods applied to the business of research. Products
are designed to meet your objectives, identifying key deliverables and selecting the appropriate
interviewing technique such as personal interviews, focus groups, telephone interviews, or electronic
interviewing via disk or the Internet. Sophisticated computer systems and software are used, as well
as the information center, to analyze research data and provide you with actionable reports that impact
your decision-making.
Joanne Ulnick
6905 Telegraph Road
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan 48301
Phone: 800-929-0086
Fax: 248-644-3128
Cause Marketing
By streamlining the process for honoring special people and occasions with a donation to charity,
Charitygift customers and their gift recipients enjoy a creative and convenient way to act on their best
intentions. Charitygift provides a unique and different holiday or thank you gift for your client and can
assist you in creating designs and programs to fit your needs.
NPower is a growing network of independent, locally based nonprofits dedicated to one thing: Putting
technology know-how in the hands of nonprofits. NPower’s mission is to ensure all nonprofits can
use technology to expand the reach and impact of their work. Individually, NPowers empower local
nonprofits through a range of free to low-cost technology help, on-land and online. Collectively, the
NPower Network is helping accelerate the mission enhancing use of technology across the nonprofit
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Sports & Relationship Marketing
Hillary Bruggen is the former head of global marketing for KPMG and an Expert Opinion relationship
marketing consultant for the Washington Business Journal. She is the founder of DC based Strelmark,
a business development consulting and training firm that helps professional organizations gain and
retain clients through strategic relationship marketing. Strelmark has some unique specializations
including incorporating golf into the business development process. Strelmark offers workshops,
presentations and counsel focusing on how to use golf most effectively for customer relationships.
Hilary Bruggen
Promotional & Fulfillment Companies
As a leader in the promotional marketing industry for over 45 years, Marden-Kane has led the way in
all forms of promotional marketing and was one of the first to embrace new technologies such as the
Internet and Online Services as viable vehicles for promotional activity.
Richard Fascianella
36 Maple Place
Manhasset, NY 11030
Fax: 516-365-5250
Sunrise Identity
Sunrise Identity offers corporate branded merchandise, screen printing, private label clothing and
e-commerce stores for a variety of companies including Microsoft, Xbox, Redhook Ale Brewery,
Bungie (makers of the video game Halo) and other noted Pacific Northwest companies. Sunrise
is a privately held, family owned business with nearly 200 employees and over 100,000 square
feet of production, distribution, fulfillment and customer service space. Our dedicated sales
and marketing staff takes great pride in working on behalf of our customers to understand their
promotional branding needs, collaborate on ideas, create a strategic plan and execute it.
David Helber
425-897-6202 or 425-443-2470
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
Tri-State Distributing
Promotional products consisting of corporate wearable items, gifts and tradeshow takeaways as well
as awards of all kinds.
Dan Martinson
General Manager/Sales
73 Broadway
Box 1834
Fargo, ND 58107
Fax: 701-364-2810
General Marketing Information
American Marketing Association
Membership in the American Marketing Association opens up your professional possibilities. As a
member, you have immediate opportunities for professional development and networking; and access
to the latest in marketing news, insights, and information. You also can take advantage of exclusive
member discounts.
MarketingProfs.com is an online publishing company based in Los Angeles, California. We specialize
in providing both strategic and tactical post-MBA marketing know-how to Internet and offline marketing
professionals in medium and large corporations, through a combination of provocative articles and
commentary. Drawing on both the cutting edge marketing know-how of a broad array of analysts,
marketing professionals, and professors who create marketing know-how and can bridge the gap
between cutting-edge theory and business practice, we cut through the marketing hype and puffery
that has become so prevalent in the Internet age.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
March, 2005
©2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Microsoft, plus Axapta, bCentral, Great Plains, Navision and Solomon are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The names of actual
companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
Marketing Opportunity & Resource Guide
March, 2005
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